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ft -" r % "*~ * J# "V <M % |gajH •:f-'' f: it -' : < As*4*ia*& > *"'"- l ~' t,i l|c ^> I** -i * * »* ^uv- i K w* ^asiWSjW;iSj^«iiiBsjssi <P* „. ^imupptf OTrftTaw late »» baine again, ^.-'.- *V* paittaV 'J -^4 <f\ ,Tfcs»3*,^*»***a»Wt^ * „ % j, s a ^ W ^ i * , * * Wl». thaafierce, MiiiiiiiltiiTMiiiiyiiteitill •milTi ,-, , divWufl«lo t ^ t iho« who ro»)iepjtgrimagtf are afterward* diatmguishod 1>y tlie name - r in gwrreral have great i*s*#&ejfrwe£ ifa#4%&\ ttfef'tfrtdtfeeerve, oh c ^ k ^ |p'af Therite*otthe Grreefc cnwch are in theirV* i e } m very ^iwttt^ w i ^ j w r ^ p f t jfitb iwry liftle, solemnity, There are pj&|reif #o4 por- tions ofscripture, hUtorkaafthewmts, hymns, »n4 forms for different feativatsi hut the ser- vice 'consist* principally in singing, without musical irurtnuwente. in thft. celebfatidri of tire maw, the chief part of th* worship consiiti Wtittsj*rog, add te^tinr fe^teffftsi^tfc %a*gr t churches; and great attention paid to the form and color of the clerical vestmenta. Thejt *v d if festivals are stw nuraexous, which the people 4 atfe atrictly enjomed tp^fes^f Majtf «4%«^ of; thiy are tb* g t e i t d e % ^ of ihfe irivdlous na- tivw, tmefef ? ' * ' *-^- Mcrkn^jntof lew |pEyentp !tWe «Jot»ideiraWe Teaeaiblaiice in 6ft' aiid ._.. . .#«e; 4 " ! ; A f^# ^|M«gi ago/ ai I waji taking my cemW x HA ia*aMj^lir,th«8piFi^aljarM r " | p l % difference between Ives*. Wedne*dayis'and Fridays are days of {fasting tli'roughout the mbhfa yearjTaiidsorae ? ^theprinci>alfa 5 t«/ g u , 6| 1 a5E a X C randthn t^ninsy. continue 4 # dfaya* so4nat ^et# arcjoift *• ? '"I" ; * *! i Aefriaf HiiMiay fttt Mount Athos, in Chiosj ri^orant and illiterate, whi ^" p*^-^ ^ 4^"* ^ij^e«tt;^^j h where [ who » m at a mitre mn^ ob-^ , and assume the nioiiastic hab- .mtiii lljeehapels, Which are v-ery uu- than a rtlobtaih^ rrionksasti ecttm the valleys, forests and hilf-sidei <r*. capy their mind* infinitely raorcf : tnan the J great points of their faith. The pfiesfe ate frequently emp4oy0d to exorcise persons sop- Wf&bto6epo?sess^d, $£$$.spirits They all believe in the power of magic, and.often fancy themselves to he suffering from the in- cantations of gome malevolent being; Ghosts 4wr fairies, called Arabins,r-^prf imagined to jfiaunt houses and other places Th?v DfeiteVe^J in the occasional appearances of angels to xttake particular revelatlions*. Thfey, are^ all j^esfdted to the wonhip of the hojy v»rg;ipV,8nd fn almost every cottage, her picture or image is to be aeen, with a lamp burning* before it, Almost all dkeasesare cQnisWere^tethe effects tame and withered hag,' is of ~mud, the altar "of utone, the sanctuary separated from the naye by dcal^bo«rd*^»nd an enclosure ofpale^t at the other end made-ftm the women. They are aeMont furnished with J »ea^| here tliere are eeveral crutches in tine corner, upon which the aged worshippers sup- port themselves. In the greater towns, and fa gome of the mm mAjipl &#!&&&&* lands, ^*che^- i , i^ea#«lieiPjsgpt^ ^ kfe^if%j^mhmh #wsy ^oti the foreheads of each per- ng a parm o* (wo irotn every indi- ^ttaifexhi* «rvice. They abstain wholly *«»-^**^*:iK»7%fc*ve 4tee^n«f^ffiw. ^ , ® 1 " %o#nal*irerei^e%irfe^ttv t^^or oowing-and ktsaing ofthe»eiH3wmg»miirtbe r nion*5terie*haVe teraducationvinthe; ^ , all 1^fiS^a;_ e^^toflwaM the church th* ^whomtheyftyleth* #JWi^£:hi#tgtaMi!nirtieV altitch no *ti(ISBt* t .«t M&skn io&Mbilitv» Ti H lalfnirfiffr; trjfthlr ytfrftt tkf aJiterfiite auithof&iF apdift <*- 4 n^ moat mechai oft M in a better style, but in a bad taste, ornament- ed with gildings and picture* of sainta. The' modern QMm are full of wfterstUiatis practices and unmeaning usages, many of which they have communicatedtotheir Tark- ish conquerors. During the birth of a child, trW lamp burns before the picture of the vir- gin, and the cradle is adorned with handker- chiefs and trinkets, m presents to the fairies. A3 soon as the infant is laid in the cradle, it k loaded with amulets: and a bit of soft mud, particularly s p a r e d by various charms, is stuck upon the forehead, to prevent the effects 0)f the evil eje. When a stranger looks in- tensely upon a child, the mother spits in its face, or in her own bosom if he look at herself; i but the sovereign remedy against the evil eye is the use of garlic, or even the pronouncing of the name of it, and btmches of it ate attach- ed to new built houses and vessels. When a person sneezes in comjiamy,. thfc converaation is stopped, and alt present pronounce benedic- tions on hun, at the same time crossing them- selves. They wear rings as spells; observe all manner of lucky and unlucky days; spit into their own bosoms on any sudden emer- ^geftey ^ show a peculiar veneraisoa ibr *ait, and practise a multitude i)f divinrftg ceremo- nies on all occasions. ^hfefunerafe:ojf the Greeks, like those of their ancestors, are celebrated as occasions for varibus entertainchents, and in some respects hejtr a considerable resemblance to those of the lower Irish. Oitthedeathcf any person of dignity, die body is dressed in a rum gar- ment, and the litter covered with flowers.—* Thefrien(l8anddoi»istic», with the priests, vraJfc in procession before tfie body, and a few women, on eaclr Side iol 6 the trier, continue llimj luild lfilfieoti»g» iniimeratitig the vir- f^^^tm^^t^a^SifmjxL dwelling on the oaa- ^mm^^^^mm -hibei ittid.e.htm re* imtloijigef .kJjife*' Behhwl the: body come L awn ttM&A. ^^ZZ^^&i^W*™**'-** llli~ littiainMd''toVftaab^^HiMHiiMa'G^^ jjpns^t^nt nV InV jpaOrf^^ or 4-th. •nd coatt about sixty i*m**i m 111»,' The AtMreiiaVtii h w l i i i ill 1 , itit —ahhia" aid evenrl>BiB#w nlace wkbiai aaa k #•« fUNa#ailnMlHNBm'- tiMfr W ;,t|ea|ei^-teftllm^ . .. A . . „-.„,_..„ , ..... im#|sr|«^'4^#*«e** t«Mthefuettiwith-rtusic,dimcrng,arideve •orround ^#. tmMT$ • ^ d i h e ^ C ^ f » ; i n ^ , t e qoetitwl -«^icerta1h"#ii|* hjriiteittgtiveiiif 'jm. ra«««>td«^^wl>o, after sheddirw a few teari, mud' d|epoiitttTjjr a garland, of locli of Jhair^ |nj I tt# fipoMi^f a4«iitahl| allegory, w e * - book, 1 fell a musing on this affecting parison* Whether the following happened to me inftdream or waking reverie, I cannot tell;-~but I fancied myself o^ the bank of a river or sea, the opposite sige of wjilch was hid from view, being involved in clouds and mist. On the shore stood & multitude, which no man could number, watting for a passage. I saw a great many ships taking in passengers, and several persons going about In the garb of pilots, oferjrjg their services. Being .igno- rant, and curious to know what all these things meant, I applied to a gTave.oW iwan ?r wh.o Stood by, giving instructions to tlie departing paisengers. flit name, I remember, wai the: lUejsttt* of"HumanIdfji* " My son,*' saw ^% **you stftnd oa the stream of Time; all tjiose people are bound Ibr Eternity, that undiscov- ered country from whence no traveller returns, ^rhreotmtt^l*-"^ry'large, autl dtvideo! fftto two parts: the dne called the fctnid of <$ttfry 9 the other the jKhtgddm of Darkness/ The have a safe, though frequently a rough pas- sage; they are, at lest, landed iti the happyj elimes, where sigh&H? and sorrow forever fly away: they likewise have a secondary direc- tion, Virtue; hut their is a spurtoa* Virtue, who pretends to govern by himself, hut the wretches who trust to him, as well as those who have Pleasurejbr their pilot, are either shipwrecked or cast away on the Kingdom of Darkness. But the vessel in which yoa must embark, approaches; you must begone; re- member what depends on your conduct." -No sooner had he left me, than I found myself surrounded by those pilots I mentioned before. Immediately j forgotall that the old man had said to me, and seduced by the fair promises of Pleasure, chose him for my director. We weighed anchor with a lair gale, the sky se- rene, the sea calm; innumerable little isles lifted their green beads around us, covered with trees infliUblossom. Dissolved in stupid mirth we were carried on, regardless of the past—of the future unmindful. On a sudden the sky was darkened,' the winds roared, the sea raged, red rose the sand from the bottom of the troubled deep—the angel of the waters? lifted up his voice, ill that instant a strong Ship passed by. I saw Religion at the helm. " Come but from among them," be cried, I and a few others threw ourselves into the ship. The wretches we now left Were tossed on the swelling deep j the waters, on every side pour- ed through the riven vessel; they cursed the Lord; when, lo, a fiend rose from the deep* and, in a voice like distant thunder,thu**rK)ke: are my prey—open, thou abyss, to Kfea^t 4 . at ^~^!!$^^^^19 tbera." A* he spoke, tbfey qunk, and the waves closed over their heads. The storm turned into a Calm, and we heard a voice say- ing, " Fear not. for I am with you.;. when you pass through the waters they shaft no* over- I flow you." Our hearts were filled with joy. I was engaged in discourse with prie'of my new companions, when one from the top ot the mast cried out, lc Courage, my friends,. I see the fair haven, the land that is yet afar off." I started and awaked. \ Change of Religion.—In April last, a Ro- man Catholic rector, In the duchy of Baden, with a nobleman, his family, and forty other catholic families, publicly embraced the pro- testant religion j the adults received the sa- crament, according to the rites of the pro- j-testant church, in the midst of o vast assem- blage of people. 1 > FOR SALE, Mi^W FARM* latelj owned by Jmtt HUaajp 1 i^ood. *itOated near toe four corner* in ihe toi»o ofGorhxeo. coniainipg 75 ttcre« of valuabte Land, under good improremeoi. aod well watered; witly aflueOrchard, House* BarW&e. For fur- ther psrticuisn, enquire of the person sow on the breiiiitei. or oT (be tubscribera. . CanantiifW, Die. 24,1023. 38tf •fiwuaw il Hi*&Amdat4i^Mtm*l**fHt*m HAKTFOBD fife IttBUrance Company. I f S B lubtcr iber. A«ent far tbe *bnre Compa- ny, continues to lonire BHitdings aod other Property, at the uwil rates eitsbhibed by other ffixttratica Offices. In cane of tost, an average wilt be claimed by tlieCnidpiny. bat the ioiured will be fully iu- deinnffied to tha Boimmt ihiured. Applicattofli for Folici**, or renawalf, will be protoptty attended to hj the suhfieriher. at l i s Offlpn in the Vitfa|e of C*nandai|;ui, a few rods .. -- . ^• t ^' s ji^i i iily"f-,| i -'rfriir - i n- mw-mm OF jfcojn';-^ EAVERowe , sI»n,Crt7w«Ai^'i»,oeSatur'- da|r# ; ^9soay, ajff| 1 |l9hi^a/aj<a9ia^|^'M [o^fock^cKlgeatGe^ws, and run to-l/tica the ijfa&t^xigmp- •'2:' > •.':•••••'- \'"- : \'^ y '- mt --'; {- Goirt^ *e*t, Jcavc Co«»w*» Ino, Wtw, onTues- day, Thtsrsday, aod Saturday morningi—lodge at llstMfVsL and irrrn -at CaiuuioaiCHa the second FaiHaaa\W tl tf tt au^g|- f >, , M $L ioti W-WFw^aW •ffwi^Wi Ws a^pPaMPa* *«>V-A%'4ft% ^8 m 1 •s^7*»» ^liie^ownfer/h'av-' . Wo$^wi-i^WM$> {omdMrn a kti* ter,) wl#» plated Harn^s. One taaamt do. 4 two horse. CARWAGE, and ffflJIM£% Also, a hows CART, with Harness, _new. Also, an excellent Machine for cutting Straw; one or two Saddles, a <pa»tity of HAY. Inquire ^of.tfolfrfataj*.- > , . , > AaOflr. ot Vatei, near the vMitntA lainint on% bondred aad »ixiy-*' For psrtlcularsenquira of »^ j Or>^le j&jotri* Improved Opodeldoc. . JW.*M«ai ooajoorarBoaibpr to tue *htv)y exiengive < ^ t ^!l^L* dv * !uUe lM«{lwM»«i i t « i » Jact « • A»> l^wmmrmmWMjf iha^jBll Jtaown cott»po»»ti«n. }w tmti^tmt &muAnt tftmbf iht »oit *sflq*bhf Hrticteito WAetaitti io Oie whole circle of mediphw, WBVW before employed in toy otUer Opodeldoc, inaddl- tioa totUeoiocr in%ri>dieoti <iia»lly wide uteof in die twrdki^MwiUtistomHl on wperjuwBt at te»it Ot %r«sda^siti»treojtb and tim. tym mtey mlilie *bee^ou> refaoded to ihont wlia, aftteh*woi ««• d due bottle may think differently.« """•«•' Tft^BQtt.8«sr«rsb h. Msteaitt, M. D. h> I* U. oae of the Brat Medical Profetfer* iu the State ol MewYwk, bat given a certificate la iti faypr—jucb auioority you will uotditpote. derulcafcM^feo^ froft>r ? ral r*»pe«^ifeeHis(BOi, are aoaexed to tbe directioua,' #k0 baw? received tjUe greate»t beoeSt frojp toe * labored UqvM O^odeWdc,' J»fce» the/ bad frfeviooily oted tbe bard Wad to ac#urjH)«; •batever. Tjiif prtide w awerted tofaWfcttfo;* rem- edy m Brvty 6>wrfaj, Gout, Rhtwnalum. prm» r Nu*tinut Stmiap pr nmkfieu wf tfyJ^fr,Mto&. «^*rS«rni3eaf*,/V«i* I V b l A t l l n t A m Pdr tb> iiw of Hor»e» tad €aitie in tbeie ea,e*, it may tie coo»ider»Jai inertioiable^. . -K.r. ;i ^?- - Ai tbe wbole fajoiljr ofroaokiod araJi«bteJ» lke»« e «- ualtiet, ocr prudeut f*r»oo ibouldbe witboflt a bottle of itlatbeirboWle. - '«' ' It if prepared by J.& tVatrwatx, wfcotte'aaBJeiiiBJ- pre^fed on eacb bottle, without wbicb it h notfeouioe. N.B iu eases of acute Gout aod-RheiaaatiKn. A tea Of State of Connecticut, hit <iifceKsof assies f bjt flfiui ofiT|«>wer : cop| and of tbe aUftsfr in?sni?h.«s«e'- iold «t public »erfdue, at the Cm town b{Ca»anilaigu», on the teut ae»f, %*&frmArWX. 1ttt|r " premises, vfz.-^®ae aererof land, part* or Irtt* eighteen to No. ei^bt in tfee4tb rat and Gorbaro's pur|^iase,,..«»riE#| jeliiejrl tliereih, aftd bouRded as ibllnw*. vis. latj'dt owned by Tbeoplutus AJIeii, ea*t-j suppoied to be owned by Jonatbat. For: Etial Parmele, soutb by land* of Axa' we»t by lands of Darid GiJberl and ionic perse unknown. Also, in Mid township, (and *oyr centre tine) fifty acres to be taken off tha j 1 part of hH-JHsd twenty fife, bounded of said lolf north, «ast"aud f^est^a ' bneparaliel to tbe north line, J from it to contaio Jtbe said p%,^t of tha hieh ways. Dated this 8th day r>Soldi» IF?. Alio, joBay b« liad that valua- ble and poptjlar article, "AUOMATIC SNITFP," reeoJBtotoded %f V*. "Water- boattr, in c&ae* of CatSrffi aod Head Ache. GEORGE CLARKE, Canandaigua. y - M . l n « J itifrif ft VALUABLE MEDICINE *ar »ot ' COUGHS s< mfisoMpftom. ^ nTlfiB hUb reputation that Awtties'i COUGB DROPS aod PETJTpaAL POWDBSS bawteiued ID Tor Cousbs aad oiber affeetiom of tbe breast and luDgs leadioe to coowmjuions, readers it uaoecemry to«y aiucbio recomalendiBg tbemtotbe public, a» boatrboger proof of tbeir po««e«io« aocommsD virtuea eoold be ; pno tban will be fouad by reading tbe CerU'Scatei at- •roapaQytog eacb bottle, fiveo by those of the- first res- pectability, wbo'have awd Ufeta ib cates «if long*taqding; •and some of tfcem Whert th^ir pbyiician»%icrf IW» Ifiefe op ua past reeorery, bare been entirely rettored by tbe u»e of tbiataedfeioe. Tbe fact that tbeyaave now been aniiiii iiiiDiiriVr--Tri flmunStbmilii I ^— baa e«e* a «Kidbtheatertbaoat aajrfenaer is also -bave«telrl*• eoedtiwDrdays br«*teeUDgCoagb»;if1ien6r«l attacked,; which oa?e tooi tcrmiuatcd iu a seated ^ontaropttoa, acq proved fatal. Scarcely a case of Colds, Cougbfi, pain; in tbe side, difficulty ot breathing, want« aleepahsiof: from debility, or even cowtunptioBt, but relieved by a timely uit of thii Hcaliny, Babatn. Eacb Dollar Bottle of tblstttediCibe cobtaihs alw>ot 90 dotes, which pmwes tbetti to be a cheap -medicioe, coouderiss tbeir. virtues. ° HEW CERTIFICATES. I hereby certify, that for more tban a year previous to 1821,1 was «aucted with a iroubleaooie aodahmning rough, which reodered me uoable to labor, or even to walk many rod» without cauiing prriftrte *weatiog, aod after trying m*ny tbincs wftboot relief, I obtained a Vial of An&ertonU Cmgh Stofi. from tbe use of which I soon fouisd gieat relief, io a? to be able to resume and continue toy usual labor,, aod I have reaion to believe that the o;e of them wav tbe means or saving a»y life, at I had bat little hopes of recoveries, again when 1 eoouneoeed taking them, and I think them undoubtedly tbfi beit medicioe in use for complaints of tbe tunes. EL1SHA DAVIS, Hudson, Me$ 20,1823, 1 hereby certify, »hat for a number of years previous to 1818, I was troubled with a cough and pais 1ft my breast, and io tbe tpring of that year I grew worse and WM cuotidered to be in*a consumption, aod applied to several pbyficiatn and tried various kinds of medicine without any material relief; having noticed ibe recooi* mtadatkm»oT^«Ar«Vf Couja l^JiBiuchcomplainti, ludfoa, frojB which I eoon iag a few via!* ot ibem I was good state of health, wbicb bat continued for three years ami, aad I can cheerfully reeom* mead them to those laboring jinderatmilar complaints. ffwko%Jut$tht%2$. Thii ip to certify tatt i the iubi«riber had been afllieted with the jttthma for tw/nuiy years, mod the porpzystms were often so violent as nearly to deprive Die of breath. Dudofe one of the asosl violent returns of Ifis Asthma I wai auvhed to try Andtrmn Cough Drtpi, aod I did so, and to my sorprive, I was very soon entirely relieved, aod felt oo more oT it for six months,—Upota a return of a pirorytm of tbe srtbus, I hive mide nste & the same B»dletne and it has iavarfBbly giveo-am relief. As it respects the asthma, and its attendant symptoms, difficulty of breathing, *c, I consider Anderfoa*s Cough Props STWWSI^,^ pr*h« tfnkiih m wtsteA estM#&wii< I further certify, that aiy, foa-ibdtw bad for some time been supposed to be vast recovery of a Couvmnptive cofcpl»Hit, wbea 1 idflted bim to «»%• a trial Of AodertoaV Cough Dropi.and froat thesta of them, he asfto.^rrecoveradbM health a* to be again able to attead to ha buiioew. _ 2_ * JOHIt LYSCOM, Safgeos. JhtrAX £T.) Oct. 1,1821. Csimiafo*. iht. |, 1823. 6*35 V'i^f^MSMi P pi^mef£ mm mmmtmm * uiiMajiisjr^sajiij ooflejr. ,. MO, m. roh to village subscribers, mb tbelv boosea, ^2,50 a yea To those who csll |or if st Til Companies of tup Vm i iff sent bj oiaH, pL Pfiififa ratefora less period. JBwWb O l f E R for sa%, a te rjjerjtof \, Which they pledge then ^ 'tiift' MeW-^oi* .^riees, fredH* |tt^gwo^*afi 100 che^s Hysoa SJan 'W% do m do . l& bhds. Samm&t : '"'-"-'"-' I ber, A. D. 1823. ^ft #, JflparJlBglaad J BRA 10fk>l g/do 10 ^Jbbls, r#e<iiitfl^ ISAAC SPENGEH, OLIVE* PHILPS, Att'f \. • 'nt"! \mamf0mmmln m •'• »III»;J!H*[III n icnunjiii mfflti I'UJ!UJQ''P of Gorbaru. in th6 cnunty «f putario, State ol New-York, ahd habftlla his «i V8S&5I Gin. St. Croix and S mm'*lim^ iittyn ti i_'«i > •'•• iMp—iMSaiSn IUI 'MIIIJIH, uu i ,ain il^.,;,.!! iiiiliiumi ||M|I> n Valuable Medicine. ANT1-DY8PEPTIG PILLS, H <Htl tyaWpjOstlta vi wwicaa-f i, —uan arcassatrai w ,^„ .___ 'ttMs.^^aooly ailedL^rvm* or?#;***^ MatsfiiL K4S1BW1B1'### maia* Isaaaar' , far^afirwja va^nsw JvW V w * VP^W'VVJsW *• -•!- »»lpl[i!i|ii>{rti.[|r.i>iiu;il in[i. n ) r HW>»l«.lll»l|lHIL<llllnii O F all kltnU, Ibr tale at tfe Caaaatwai^aa Bookstort. f ^^ ' by au Indenture Of Mortgage, bearing dal fourteenth day of Apnl, ijrf the yfeat-df«B|RI one thousand eight and seveiiteem too to Robert \\ Stoadard, of the village t neva. couhty and state aforesaid. - all that taiO piefeoor ^^mm^Mi^m^' s ^' in townsbip tiurober nine wi ibe secoii the county of OOtario aforesaid, being part oHHjber twentyHhree, abd descrihad k* fo tot* tfc ence Westwl^ «rt» tfi& %am09ibi^^ chains tod serenty fire linkl to tlie corner of a lot lately oct?»pitd by t Fanning; tbeueeaou^ifW|»d^itPe| ioloaies m$*i on ^9titiimj$$ tweotj-tWo- chaiHB and sixtylinltt to a nt thence easterly parallel tbjttt«iMd towA *»iW forty*seteneh*ioj andsiX*y4s^ii»isHo ift **" line of *aid lot No. tweniy-thfeeMhenee two degree? a«d. J % IBiottl©«s^ip*ti^^ side of said lot twenty-two ebaJtn and r to the plaee of teginaing, coalmining otie aad six acres, ^e. tfie same njor*^nrt|e« rayed hy Da»id ^flojt.i** «ffj 4aa|fintf|. been made in tbe paywont of t%&m«^M ed io be paid l>y said indenture of ^jjaf" ,ff»dwhysjqiiiTjilii, fiifliffltBrfl J* {.been, doty assigned |o^m*jbpe$£$ha therefore hereby givfcn, that h i *?^ta€ er io the eaid.indenture of roprtgage Slid io piirsuibee of the ttalute to made and provided* ? the ahpfe, ji|scj^v gaged premisejf#ifr be sold at public to the hrimXHpH^: on the4Q4iAS< ^v. Court *to«*# a i m t o m i o f C a a p f | * - ^ ^ - i » x . county iqfi #f^tafrffi, and ;»conveyant 1 Dated Molefcysr %t'imt *^ - ' " ' y- r 'SA«U.Bfipn|i^.4^ WiLTEE IIOSBELL, J S ^ , . J | | E F A U L T having been made ihtt of a certain satn of i*o ..^ denture of Mortgage executed J# Pe*er> ^^ _, to Valentine Putnam, ou the serond ^ay of Jaae. ' i eighteen hundred and twenty.three, W ^ j ^ s O hereby given tftat by-virt««:^r.*^»^r.«s8jii^M^ > in said mortgage, and porsuabt to t r ^ i t a t a i e ^ such ease uii*de and provided; the fQllowing pie* ^ eea.oi land conveyed t>y «aid^iiTiHf|g;afe*.«»* f ;lp"*" • sold at. poblte v«nduemtthebou*eW AtnoiiMf * Innkeeper, in the village of Gaoandaigua, tudaj, tbe6fleeuihday of May neili at 10 "in tne forenoon of that day, .•&$%?;&%$&-" following described pieces of land, «v A bich in bounded as iollows, to wit; e a farm foroierjj^ owned |ry Nathaniel beginning eighteen liolc* west oflan odore Morgan by said kggtestbti, ;i._ lioe of the State road* tbencq Wealei road eight rod'» thsnoe SOB easterly parallel with said, road Jfive sixteen liafcs, IbeOee northu iwej&#"" pta^e of beilooiog, the iccoii^ii spartof theafore^jrarman' lb«rs: beginning ©b the no>.tn,L^^ said road thirteen rods from the wet owned by Nathaniel Rnclieiter/the aJlel with «aitl Rochester's tine twe! eight tiufcs, thence westerly parailef w Itoe of said Siateroad far enough t 0ieoi r , » quarters of ar», acre of (and*. *h«a?#''*WP^ , '|fia tvrelve rods and ei|h^ fink* t^tfce%M|^^r road, thence easterly to the place of containing three quarters of an acre;. pieces of land being siUiated ihlbf Blooirlfield, OolirlififeOfWi*!? M , 1823. . ' vmm*fmw$ Baa*D*Lf:t tSrWiixi AMs, ^o^av^S *> U EFAULT having beta of a certain sum of m denture of Mortgage, execut Wilberand Aw.thWtlt day of December. 1810, •Jl,tha iaterait dIUWjwflUfialt. K .., -,. in having been v*M«d in tlie^fabferibtiv sifna»ent^~||o'||jBjB- 'la,"' that by vi» tne of a poWar eoat do, ilO £&&ok* Malaga, 20 do* da HMmmsa ifM do | i P Teneril ~\&o jfo Bk^,Madei %japes old IPort , 80 kegs sweet scented Vi 'sUliasf'ajper . i,§ Mmmm " •• iiO kegs Malaga 3 50 boxes Mascatel i RAJ #Udo Blooia ) 50 s kegs pure Singer §0 bales Cassia ^ cero^HS Spanish flot "•"Jl '«aelE.'l! | lai3»ie^ 50 bbls. Mackerel ^SOi do^ v ^iad 100 quintals Codfish 1^9 sides Sdle Leather -StfeTGesBiGe ' S 4 %a^ks*S'aK;1Petre " .$fi^f^"Mayladd's PM 10.fibht.Jones' ~" "WiswiJgbar •;\"^-'° W -' a '*' ALS Alitina, Copperas, pape Idaccaba Sntiff, &c. cic. : eeifiag additions to their j J Wheal, Moui Beef, Aod inost other ol ^heyare aiso &st rafe ITessel ^New I w ^ a a ^ »ees, iN^efbired. o them r andforward^thesasa wiS:^e dlsposedof aceord« be^|di f aMai% 'bf oae of « d k b f & e tiaae. Also, "Goods iviil be-*eci warded to aoy part of the t Mmfy ^^#©r-so, ism itefor I^IAl^.delivered at Sh Stoiete jefe?tiafe. /'•'••' ^ . • * • 3L.U. ] Canaijdaigiia, i s mo. a, HV Bv SrM arid^horte, «sual, or mayfeeengaged \ I ..jqpsi: s Vim- chast icinesbeloi Of » y i s § Ihessaate, Mo3^^& <S< aJS^of whij-h lie «€1 se^-e tfenaaa, fi» frorA|ft pay. and of e CJoort ftoasa ^»%"0t^ltitlo*:''""'' ghmttoiatthesbot»aa«t«>r»«rofa oflaMc<mveyedr^flarrv7A«drv.«s his wife to c?aj|»«el Sanaa o« tba Ar^il, Itlt.aiKl a»let«IWbla^th 13 aad wast 11 aad aal r 't«|aa*iaraiji : jyg(s fihsrtaa, r w S M i t i m 54. Pm aago«waafliirflaalB\'' Bwt ~" MtsiaY Wa aa^fsV(i(u ~Mifct&$< ,Wat« wtA«ad# ^.tsiwvl^lrtaip^^ fealall^f ^att| : ^% ; ^iel,^lsefiO' N6 :? |»' -three - W j^^.^ns]> ^i a;

For psrtlcularsenquira of r m. roh P - NYS Historic emp4oy0d to exorcise persons sop-Wf&bto6epo?sess^d,

Apr 10, 2019



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Page 1: For psrtlcularsenquira of r m. roh P - NYS Historic emp4oy0d to exorcise persons sop-Wf&bto6epo?sess^d,

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^ i m u p p t f OTrftTaw late »» baine again, ^ . - ' . -* V *

paittaV ' J

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, T f c s » 3 * , ^ * » * * * a » W t ^ * „ % j ,

s a ^ W ^ i * , * * Wl». thaa fierce ,

MiiiiiiiltiiTMiiiiyiiteitill •milTi ,-,

, divWufl«lo t ^ t iho« who ro»)iepjtgrimagtf

are afterward* diatmguishod 1>y tlie name - r

in gwrreral have great i*s*#&ejfrwe£ ifa#4%&\ ttfef'tfrtdtfeeerve, oh c ^ k | p ' a f

The rite* otthe Grreefc cnwch are in theirV* ie}m very iwttt^ w i ^ j w r ^ p f t jfitb iwry liftle, solemnity, There are pj&|reif #o4 por­tions of scripture, hUtorkaafthewmts, hymns, »n4 forms for different feativatsi hut the ser­vice 'consist* principally in singing, without musical irurtnuwente. in thft. celebfatidri of tire maw, the chief part of th* worship consiiti

Wtittsj*rog, add te^tinr fe^teffftsi^tfc



churches; and great attention paid to the form and color of the clerical vestmenta. Thejt

*v d

if festivals are stw nuraexous, which the people 4 atfe atrictly enjomed tp^fes^f Majtf «4%«^ of;

thiy are tb* g t e i t d e % ^ of ihfe irivdlous na-tivw, tmefef?' * ' *-^-Mcrkn^jntof

lew |pEyentp

! t W e i» • «Jot»ideiraWe Teaeaiblaiice in

6ft' aiid

._.. . .#«e;4" ! ; A f^# ^ | M « g i ago/ ai I waji taking my


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| p l % difference between

Ives*. Wedne*dayis'and Fridays are days of {fasting tli'roughout the mbhfa yearjTaiidsorae ?^theprinci>alfa5t«/gu,6|1a5EaXCrandthn t ninsy. continue 4# dfaya* so4nat ^et# arcjoift

*• ?

'"I" ; * *! i Aefriaf

HiiMiay fttt Mount Athos, in Chiosj

ri^orant and illiterate, whi

^ "

p * ^ - ^

^ 4^"*

^ij^e«tt;^^j h where

[ who » m at a mitre mn^ ob-^ , and assume the nioiiastic hab-


lljeehapels, Which are v-ery uu-than a

rtlobtaih^ rrionksasti

ecttm the valleys, forests and hilf-sidei

< r * .

capy their mind* infinitely raorcf :tnan the J great points of their faith. The pfiesfe ate

frequently emp4oy0d to exorcise persons sop-Wf&bto6epo?sess^d, $£$$.spirits They all believe in the power of magic, and.often fancy themselves to he suffering from the in­cantations of gome malevolent being; Ghosts 4wr fairies, called Arabins,r- prf imagined to jfiaunt houses and other places Th?v DfeiteVe J in the occasional appearances of angels to xttake particular revelatlions*. Thfey, are all

j^esfdted to the wonhip of the hojy v»rg;ipV,8nd fn almost every cottage, her picture or image is to be aeen, with a lamp burning* before it, Almost all dkeasesare cQnisWere^tethe effects

tame and withered hag,'

is of ~mud, the altar "of utone, the sanctuary separated from the naye by dcal^bo«rd*^»nd an enclosure ofpale^t at the other end made-ftm the women. They are aeMont furnished with J »ea^| here tliere are eeveral crutches in tine corner, upon which the aged worshippers sup­port themselves. In the greater towns, and

fa gome of the mm mAjipl

&#!&&&&* lands, ^*che^- i ,


^ k fe^if% j^mhmh #wsy oti the foreheads of each per-

ng a parm o* (wo irotn every indi-^ t t a i f e x h i * «rvice. They abstain wholly

*«»-^**^*:iK»7%fc*ve 4 t e e ^ n « f ^ ffi w .

^ , ® 1 " %o#nal*irerei^e%irfe^ttv

t^^or oowing-and ktsaing


r nion*5terie*haVe


^ , all 1 fiS^a;_

e ^ ^ t o f l w a M the church i« th*

^whomtheyftyleth* #JWi^£:hi#tgtaMi!nirtieV altitch no *ti(ISBt*t.«t M&skn io&Mbilitv» T i

H lalfnirfiffr; trjf thlr ytfrftt tkf aJiterfiite auithof&iF


<*- 4 n^ moat




in a better style, but in a bad taste, ornament­ed with gildings and picture* of sainta.

The' modern QMm are full of wfterstUiatis practices and unmeaning usages, many of which they have communicated to their Tark-ish conquerors. During the birth of a child, trW lamp burns before the picture of the vir­gin, and the cradle is adorned with handker­chiefs and trinkets, m presents to the fairies. A3 soon as the infant is laid in the cradle, it k loaded with amulets: and a bit of soft mud, particularly s p a r e d by various charms, is stuck upon the forehead, to prevent the effects 0)f the evil eje . When a stranger looks in­tensely upon a child, the mother spits in its face, or in her own bosom if he look at herself;

i but the sovereign remedy against the evil eye is the use of garlic, or even the pronouncing of the name of it, and btmches of it ate attach­ed to new built houses and vessels. When a person sneezes in comjiamy,. thfc converaation is stopped, and alt present pronounce benedic­tions on hun, at the same time crossing them­selves. They wear rings as spells; observe all manner of lucky and unlucky days; spit into their own bosoms on any sudden emer-^geftey show a peculiar veneraisoa ibr *ait, and practise a multitude i)f divinrftg ceremo­nies on all occasions.

^hfefunerafe:ojf the Greeks, like those of their ancestors, are celebrated as occasions for varibus entertainchents, and in some respects hejtr a considerable resemblance to those of the lower Irish. Oitthedeathcf any person of dignity, die body is dressed in a rum gar­ment, and the litter covered with flowers.—* Thefrien(l8anddoi»istic», with the priests, vraJfc in procession before tfie body, and a few

women, on eaclr Side iol6the trier, continue llimj luild lfilfieoti»g» iniimeratitig the vir-

f^^^tm^^t^a^SifmjxL dwelling on the oaa-^mm^^^^mm -hibei ittid.e.htm re* imtloijigef .kJjife*' Behhwl the: body come

L awn ttM&A. ^^ZZ^^&i^W*™**'-** llli~ littiainMd''toV ftaab^^HiMHiiMa' G^^ j j p n s ^ t ^ n t nV InV j p a O r f ^ ^ or 4-th.

•nd coatt about sixty i*m**i m 111»,' The

AtMreiiaVtii hwl i i i ill1, itit —ahhia" aid evenrl>BiB#w nlace wkbiai aaa

k # • « fUNa#ailnMlHNBm'- tiMfr

W ;,t|ea|ei^-teftllm^ . ..A. . „-.„,_..„ ,|sr|«^'4^#*«e** t«Mthefuettiwith-rtusic,dimcrng,arideve

•orround # . tmMT$ • d i h e ^ C ^ f » ; i n ^ , t e qoetitwl -«^icerta1h"#ii|* hjriiteittgtiveiiif'jm. ra«««>td«^^wl>o, after sheddirw a few teari, mud' d|epoiitttTjjr a garland, of locli of Jhair |nj

I tt# fipoMi^f a4«iitahl| allegory, w e * -

book, 1 fell a musing on this affecting parison* Whether the following happened to me in ft dream or waking reverie, I cannot tell;-~but I fancied myself o^ the bank of a river or sea, the opposite sige of wjilch was hid from view, being involved in clouds and mist. On the shore stood & multitude, which no man could number, watting for a passage. I saw a great many ships taking in passengers, and several persons going about In the garb of pilots, oferjrjg their services. Being .igno­rant, and curious to know what all these things meant, I applied to a gTave.oW iwan?rwh.o Stood by, giving instructions to tlie departing paisengers. flit name, I remember, wai the: lUejsttt* of "Human Idfji* " My son,*' saw ^% **you stftnd oa the stream of Time; all tjiose people are bound Ibr Eternity, that undiscov­ered country from whence no traveller returns, ^rhreotmtt^l*-"^ry'large, autl dtvideo! fftto two parts: the dne called the fctnid of <$ttfry9 the other the jKhtgddm of Darkness/ The

have a safe, though frequently a rough pas­sage; they are, at lest, landed iti the happyj elimes, where sigh&H? and sorrow forever fly away: they likewise have a secondary direc­tion, Virtue; hut their is a spurtoa* Virtue, who pretends to govern by himself, hut the wretches who trust to him, as well as those who have Pleasurejbr their pilot, are either shipwrecked or cast away on the Kingdom of Darkness. But the vessel in which yoa must embark, approaches; you must begone; re­member what depends on your conduct." -No sooner had he left me, than I found myself surrounded by those pilots I mentioned before. Immediately j forgotall that the old man had said to me, and seduced by the fair promises of Pleasure, chose him for my director. We weighed anchor with a lair gale, the sky se­rene, the sea calm; innumerable little isles lifted their green beads around us, covered with trees in fliU blossom. Dissolved in stupid mirth we were carried on, regardless of the past—of the future unmindful. On a sudden the sky was darkened,' the winds roared, the sea raged, red rose the sand from the bottom of the troubled deep—the angel of the waters? lifted up his voice, i l l that instant a strong Ship passed by. I saw Religion at the helm. " Come but from among them," be cried, I and a few others threw ourselves into the ship. The wretches we now left Were tossed on the swelling deep j the waters, on every side pour­ed through the riven vessel; they cursed the Lord; when, lo, a fiend rose from the deep* and, in a voice like distant thunder,thu**rK)ke:

are my prey—open, thou abyss, to K f e a ^ t 4 . a t ^ ~ ^ ! ! $ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 9 tbera." A* he spoke, tbfey qunk, and the waves closed over their heads. The storm turned into a Calm, and we heard a voice say­ing, " Fear not. for I am with you.;. when you pass through the waters they shaft no* over-

I flow you." Our hearts were filled with joy. I was engaged in discourse with prie'of my new companions, when one from the top ot the mast cried out, lc Courage, my friends,. I see the fair haven, the land that is yet afar off." I started and awaked. • \

Change of Religion.—In April last, a Ro­man Catholic rector, In the duchy of Baden, with a nobleman, his family, and forty other catholic families, publicly embraced the pro-testant religion j the adults received the sa­crament, according to the rites of the pro-

j-testant church, in the midst of o vast assem­blage of people.

1 > FOR SALE, Mi^W FARM* latelj owned by Jmtt HUaajp 1 i ood. *itOated near toe four corner* in ihe toi»o ofGorhxeo. coniainipg

75 ttcre« of valuabte Land, under good improremeoi. aod well watered; witly a flue Orchard, House* BarW&e. For fur­ther psrticuisn, enquire of the person sow on the breiiiitei. or oT (be tubscribera. .

CanantiifW, Die. 24,1023. 38tf •fiwuaw il Hi*&Amdat4i^Mtm*l**fHt*m


fife IttBUrance Company. If SB lubtcr iber. A«ent far tbe *bnre Compa­

ny, continues to lonire BHitdings aod other Property, at the uwil rates eitsbhibed by other ffixttratica Offices. •

In cane of tost, an average wilt be claimed by tlieCnidpiny. bat the ioiured will be fully iu-deinnffied to tha Boimmt ihiured.

Applicattofli for Folici**, or renawalf, will be protoptty attended to hj the suhfieriher. at l i s Offlpn in the Vitfa|e of C*nandai|;ui, a few rods

.. -- . ^•t 'sji iiiily"f-,|i— -'rfriir - in-

mw-mm OF


EAVERowe,sI»n,Crt7w«Ai^'i»,oeSatur'-da|r#;^9soay, ajff|1|l9hi^a/aj<a9ia^|^'M

[o^fock^cKlgeatGe^ws, and run to-l/tica the ijfa&t^xigmp- •'2:' > •.':•••••'- \'"-:\'^y'-mt--'; {-

• • Goirt *e*t, Jcavc Co«»w*» Ino, Wtw, on Tues­day, Thtsrsday, aod Saturday morningi—lodge at llstMfVsL and irrrn -at CaiuuioaiCHa the second

FaiHaaa\W tl tf tt au^g|- f >, , M $L

ioti W-WFw^aW •f fwi^Wi Ws a^pPaMPa*


^8 m

1 •s^7*»»

^l i ie^ownfer /h'av- '

. • Wo$^wi-i^WM$> {omdMrn a kti* ter,) wl#» plated Harn^s. One taaamt do.

4 two horse. CARWAGE, and ffflJIM£% Also, a hows CART, with Harness, _new.

• Also, an excellent Machine for cutting Straw; one or two Saddles, a <pa»tity of HAY. Inquire ^of.tfolfrfataj*.- > , . , > AaOflr.

ot Vatei, near the vMitntA lainint on% bondred aad »ixiy-*' For psrtlcularsenquira of

» ^ j

Or>^le j&jotri* Improved Opodeldoc.

. JW.*M«ai ooajoorarBoaibpr to tue *htv)y exiengive < ^ t ^ ! l ^ L * d v * ! u U e l M « { l w M » « i i t « i» Jact « • A»> l^wmmrmmWMjf iha^jBll Jtaown cott»po»»ti«n.

}w tmti^tmt &muAnt tftmbf iht »oit *sflq*bhf Hrticteito WAetaitti io Oie whole circle of mediphw, WBVW before employed in toy otUer Opodeldoc, inaddl-tioa totUeoiocr in%ri>dieoti <iia»lly wide uteof in die twrdki^MwiUtistomHl on wperjuwBt at te»it Ot %r«sda^siti»treojtb and tim. tym mtey mlilie *bee ou> refaoded to ihont wlia, aftteh*woi ««• d due bottle may think differently.« """•«•'

Tft BQtt.8«sr«rsb h. Msteaitt, M. D. h> I* U. oae of the Brat Medical Profetfer* iu the State ol MewYwk, bat given a certificate la iti faypr—jucb auioority you will uotditpote.

derulcafcM feo froft>r?ral r*»pe« ifeeHis(BOi, are aoaexed to tbe directioua,' #k0 baw? received tjUe greate»t beoeSt frojp toe * labored UqvM O odeWdc,' J»fce» the/ bad frfeviooily oted tbe bard Wad to ac#urjH)«; •batever. Tjiif prtide w awerted to fa Wfcttfo;* rem­edy m Brvty 6>wrfaj, Gout, Rhtwnalum. prm»r Nu*tinut Stmiap pr nmkfieu wf tfyJ^fr,Mto&. «^*rS«rni3eaf*,/V«i* I V b l A t l l n t A m Pdr tb> iiw of Hor»e» tad €aitie in tbeie ea,e*, it may tie coo»ider»Jai inertioiable . . -K.r.;i^?- -

Ai tbe wbole fajoiljr ofroaokiod araJi«bteJ» lke»« e«-ualtiet, ocr prudeut f*r»oo ibouldbe witboflt a bottle of itlatbeirboWle. - '«' '

It if prepared by J.& tVatrwatx, wfcotte'aaBJeiiiBJ-pre fed on eacb bottle, without wbicb it h notfeouioe.

N.B iu eases of acute Gout aod-RheiaaatiKn. A tea


State of Connecticut, hit <iifceKsof assies f bjt flfiui ofiT|«>wer :cop| and of tbe aUftsfr in?sni?h.«s«e'-iold «t public »erfdue, at the Cm town b{Ca»anilaigu», on the teut ae»f, %*&frmArWX. 1ttt|r " premises, vfz.-^®ae aererof land, part* or Irtt* eighteen to No. ei^bt in tfee4tb rat and Gorbaro's pur|^iase,,..«»riE#| jeliiejrl tliereih, aftd bouRded as ibllnw*. vis. latj'dt owned by Tbeoplutus AJIeii, ea*t-j suppoied to be owned by Jonatbat. For: Etial Parmele, soutb by land* of Axa' we»t by lands of Darid GiJberl and ionic perse unknown. Also, in Mid township, (and *oyr centre tine) fifty acres to be taken off tha j

1 part of hH-JHsd twenty fife, bounded of said lolf north, «ast"aud f est a ' bneparaliel to tbe north line, J from it to contaio Jtbe said p%,^t „ of tha hieh ways. Dated this 8th day

r>Soldi» I F ? .

Alio, joBay b« liad that valua­ble and poptjlar article, "AUOMATIC SNITFP," reeoJBtotoded %f V*. "Water-boattr, in c&ae* of CatSrffi aod Head Ache.

GEORGE CLARKE, Canandaigua.

y - M . l n « J itifrif ft

V A L U A B L E M E D I C I N E *ar »ot ' COUGHS s< mfisoMpftom. ^

n T l f i B hUb reputation that A w t t i e s ' i COUGB DROPS aod PETJTpaAL P O W D B S S bawte iued ID

Tor Cousbs aad oiber affeetiom of tbe breast and luDgs leadioe to coowmjuions, readers it uaoecemry t o « y aiucbio recomalendiBg tbemtotbe public, a» boatrboger proof of tbeir po««e«io« aocommsD virtuea eoold be ; pno tban will be fouad by reading tbe CerU'Scatei at-•roapaQytog eacb bottle, fiveo by those of the- first res­pectability, wbo'have awd Ufeta ib cates «if long* taqding; •and some of tfcem Whert th^ir pbyiician»%icrf IW» Ifiefe op ua past reeorery, bare been entirely rettored by tbe u»e of tbiataedfeioe. T b e fact that tbeyaave now been

aniiiii iiiiDiiriVr--Tri flmunStbmilii I ^— baa e«e*a«Kidbtheatertbaoat aajrfenaer is also

-bave«telrl*• eoed tiwDr days br«*teeUDgCoagb»;if1ien6r«l attacked,; which oa?e t o o i tcrmiuatcd iu a seated ^ontaropttoa, acq proved fatal. Scarcely a case of Colds, Cougbfi, pain; in tbe side, difficulty ot breathing, w a n t « aleepahsiof: from debility, or even cowtunptioBt, but relieved by a timely uit of thii Hcaliny, Babatn. Eacb Dollar Bottle of tblstttediCibe cobtaihs alw>ot 90 dotes, which pmwes tbetti to be a cheap -medicioe, coouderiss tbeir. virtues. °

HEW CERTIFICATES. I hereby certify, that for more tban a year previous

to 1821,1 was «aucted with a iroubleaooie aodahmning rough, which reodered me uoable to labor, or even to walk many rod» without cauiing prriftrte *weatiog, aod after trying m*ny tbincs wftboot relief, I obtained a Vial of An&ertonU Cmgh Stofi. from tbe use of which I soon fouisd gieat relief, io a? to be able to resume and continue toy usual labor,, aod I have reaion to believe that the o;e of them wav tbe means o r saving a»y life, at I had bat little hopes of recoveries, again when 1 eoouneoeed taking them, and I think them undoubtedly tbfi beit medicioe in use for complaints of tbe tunes.

EL1SHA DAVIS, Hudson, Me$ 20,1823, 1 hereby certify, »hat for a number of years previous

to 1818, I was troubled with a cough and pais 1ft my breast, and io tbe tpring of that year I grew worse and WM cuotidered to be in*a consumption, aod applied to several pbyficiatn and tried various kinds of medicine without any material relief; having noticed ibe recooi* mtadatkm»oT^«Ar«Vf Couja l ^ J i B i u c h c o m p l a i n t i ,

ludfoa, frojB which I eoon iag a few via!* ot ibem I was

good state of health, wbicb bat continued for three years ami, aad I can cheerfully reeom* mead them to those laboring jinderatmilar complaints.

ffwko%Jut$tht%2$. Thii ip to certify tatt i the iubi«riber had been afllieted

with the jttthma for tw/nuiy years, mod the porpzystms were often so violent as nearly to deprive Die of breath. Dudofe one of the asosl violent returns of Ifis Asthma I wai auvhed to try Andtrmn Cough Drtpi, aod I did so, and to my sorprive, I was very soon entirely relieved, aod felt oo more oT it for six months,—Upota a return of a pirorytm of tbe srtbus, I hive mide nste & the same B»dletne and it has iavarfBbly giveo-am relief. As it respects the asthma, and its attendant symptoms, difficulty of breathing, *c, I consider Anderfoa*s Cough Props STWWSI^,^ pr*h« tfnkiih m wtsteA estM#&wii< I further certify, that aiy, foa-ibdtw bad for some time been supposed to be vast recovery of a Couvmnptive cofcpl»Hit, wbea 1 idflted bim to «»%• a trial Of AodertoaV Cough Dropi.and froat thesta of them, he asfto. rrecoveradbM health a* to be again able to attead to ha buiioew. _ 2_

* JOHIt LYSCOM, Safgeos. JhtrAX £T.) Oct. 1,1821. Csimiafo*. iht. | , 1823. 6*35


P pi^mef£

mm mmmtmm * uiiMajiisjr^sajiij

ooflejr. ,.

MO, m. roh

to village subscribers, mb tbelv boosea, 2,50 a yea

To those who csll |or if st Til Companies of tup Vm i iff sent bj oiaH, pL Pfiififa

rate for a less period.


Ol f E R for sa%, a te rjjerjtof \ ,

Which they pledge then ^ 'tiift' MeW-^oi* . riees, fredH* | tt^gwo^*afi 100 che^s Hysoa SJan

• 'W% do m do

. l & b h d s . Samm&t : ' " ' - " - ' " - ' I

ber, A. D. 1823.

ft # , JflparJlBglaad J BRA 10fk>l

g/do 10 d© ^Jbbls,

r#e<iiitfl^ ISAAC SPENGEH, OLIVE* PHILPS, Att'f \. • 'nt"! \mamf0mmmln m •'• »III»;J!H*[III n icnunjiii mfflti I'UJ!UJQ''P

of Gorbaru. in th6 cnunty «f putario, State ol New-York, ahd habftlla his «i



St. Croix and S

mm'*lim^ i i t tyn t i i_'«i > •'•• iMp—iMSaiSn I U I 'MIIIJIH, uu • i ,ain il^.,;,.!! . i i . t w . l i i iiiiliiumi ||M|I> n

Valuable Medicine. ANT1-DY8PEPTIG PILLS,


• <Htl tyaWpjOstlta v i w w i c a a - f i, —uan arcassatraiw,^„ .___

'ttMs.^^aooly ailedL^rvm* or?# ;***^

M a t s f i i L K 4 S 1 B W 1 B 1 ' # # # m a i a * Isaaaar' • , far^afirwja v a ^ n s w JvW V w * VP^W'VVJsW *• -•!-

»»lpl[i!i|ii>{rti.[|r.i>iiu;il in[i. n ) r HW>»l«.lll»l|lHIL<llllnii

OF all kltnU, Ibr tale at tfe Caaaatwai aa Bookstort. f ^^ '

by au Indenture Of Mortgage, bearing dal fourteenth day of Apnl, ijrf the yfeat-df «B|RI one thousand eight and seveiiteem too to Robert \\ Stoadard, of the village t neva. couhty and state aforesaid. - all that taiO piefeoor ^^mm^Mi^m^'s^' in townsbip tiurober nine wi ibe secoii the county of OOtario aforesaid, being part oHHjber twentyHhree, abd descrihad k* fo

tot* tfc ence Westwl^ «rt» tfi& %am09ibi^^ chains tod serenty fire linkl to tlie corner of a lot lately oct?»pitd by t Fanning; tbeueeaou^ifW|»d^itPe| ioloaies m$*i • on ^9titiimj$$ tweotj-tWo- chaiHB and sixtylinltt to a nt thence easterly parallel tbjttt«iMd towA *»iW forty*seteneh*ioj andsiX*y4s^ii»isHo ift **" line of *aid lot No. tweniy-thfeeMhenee two degree? a«d. J % IBiottl©«s^ip*ti^^ side of said lot twenty-two ebaJtn and r to the plaee of teginaing, coalmining otie aad six acres, ^e. tfie same njor*^nrt|e« rayed hy Da»id flojt.i** «ffj 4aa|fintf|. been made in tbe paywont of t%&m«^M ed io be paid l>y said indenture of jjaf"

, ff»d whysjqiiiTjilii, fiifliffltBrfl J* {.been, doty assigned |o^m*jbpe$£$ha therefore hereby givfcn, that hi *?^ta€ er io the eaid.indenture of roprtgage Slid io piirsuibee of the ttalute to made and provided*? the ahpf e, ji|scj^v gaged premisejf#ifr be sold at public to the hrimXHpH^: on the4Q4iAS< ^ v . Court *to«*# a i m t o m i of Caapf|*-^^-i»x. county iqfi #f tafrffi, and ;»conveyant

1 Dated Molefcysr %t'imt *^ - ' "' y- r ' S A « U . B f i p n | i ^ . 4 ^ WiLTEE IIOSBELL, J S ^ , . J

| |EFAULT having been made ihtt of a certain satn of i*o ..^

denture of Mortgage executed J# Pe*er> ^^ _, to Valentine Putnam, ou the serond ^ay of Jaae. ' i eighteen hundred and twenty.three, W ^ j ^ s O hereby given tftat by-virt««:^r.*^»^r.«s8jii^M^

> in said mortgage, and porsuabt to t r ^ i t a t a i e ^ such ease uii*de and provided; the fQllowing pie* ^ eea.oi land conveyed t>y «aid iiTiHf|g;afe*.«»*f;lp"*"

• sold at. poblte v«nduemtthebou*eW AtnoiiMf * Innkeeper, in the village of Gaoandaigua, tudaj, tbe6fleeuihday of May neili at 10

"in tne forenoon of that day, .•&$%?;&%$&-" following described pieces of land, «vAbich in bounded as iollows, to wit;e a farm foroierjj owned |ry Nathaniel beginning eighteen liolc* west oflan odore Morgan by said kggtestbti, ;i._ lioe of the State road* tbencq Wealei road eight rod'» thsnoe SOB easterly parallel with said, road Jfive sixteen liafcs, IbeOee northu iwej&#"" pta^e of beilooiog, the iccoii^ii spartof theafore^jrarman' lb«rs: beginning ©b the no>.tn,L^^ said road thirteen rods from the wet owned by Nathaniel Rnclieiter/the aJlel with «aitl Rochester's tine twe! eight tiufcs, thence westerly parailef w Itoe of said Siateroad far enough t 0 i e o i r , „ » quarters of ar», acre of (and*. *h«a?#''*WP^,'|fia tvrelve rods and ei|h^ fink* t^tfce%M|^^r road, thence easterly to the place of containing three quarters of an acre;. pieces of land being siUiated ihlbf Blooirlfield, OolirlififeOfWi*!? M ,

1823. . ' vmm*fmw$ Baa*D*Lf:t tSrWiixi AMs, ^o^av^S *>

UEFAULT having beta of a certain sum of m

denture of Mortgage, execut Wilberand Aw.thWtlt day of December. 1810, •Jl,tha iaterait dIUWjwflUfialt. K.., -,. in having been v*M«d in tlie^fabferibtiv sifna»ent ~||o'||jBjB- 'la,"' that by vi» tne of a poWar eoat

d o , ilO £&&ok* Malaga, 20 do* da HMmmsa ifM do | i P Teneril ~\&o jfo Bk^,Madei

% japes old IPort , 80 kegs sweet scented Vi 'sUliasf'ajper . i,§ Mmmm " ••

iiO kegs Malaga 3 50 boxes Mascatel i RAJ # U d o Blooia ) 50s kegs pure Singer §0 bales Cassia ^ cero HS Spanish flot

"•"Jl '«aelE.'l!|lai3»ie 50 bbls. Mackerel SOi do^v^iad

100 quintals Codfish

1 9 sides Sdle Leather -StfeTGesBiGe

' S4%a ks*S'aK;1Petre " .$ fi^f^ "Mayladd's PM

10. fibht. Jones' ~" "WiswiJgbar

• ; \ " ^ - ' ° W - ' a ' * ' ALS Alitina, Copperas, pape

Idaccaba Sntiff, &c. cic. : eeifiag additions to their j


Wheal, Moui Beef,

Aod inost other ol

^heyare aiso &st rafe ITessel

^New I w ^ a a ^ »ees, iN^efbired. o

themr and forward^the sasa wiS:^e dlsposedof aceord« be^|difaMai% 'bf oae of «dkbf&e tiaae.

Also, "Goods iviil be-*eci warded to aoy part of the t

Mmfy ^^#©r-so, ism


I^IAl^.delivered at Sh Stoiete jefe?tiafe. /'•'••' ^ . • * • 3 L . U . ]

Canaijdaigiia, i s mo. a, HV Bv SrM arid^horte,

«sual, or may fee engaged \

I ..jqpsi: s Vim- chast icinesbeloi Of » y i s § Ihessaate,

Mo3^^& <S<

aJS^of whij-h l ie « € 1 se^-e tfenaaa, fi» frorA|ft pay .

and of e

CJoort ftoasa

^»%"0t^ltitlo*:''""'' ghmttoiatthesbot»aa«t«>r»«rofa oflaMc<mveyedr^flarrv7A«drv.«s his wife to c?aj|»«el Sanaa o« tba Ar^il, Itlt.aiKl a»let«IWbla^th 13 aad wast 11 aad a a l r

't«|aa*iaraiji :jyg(s fihsrtaa, rwSMit im 54. Pm aago«waafliirflaalB\'' Bwt ~"

MtsiaY Wa aa fsV(i(u ~Mifct&$<

,Wat« wtA«ad# ^. ts iwvl^ l r ta ip^^



N6:?|»' -three - W j^^.^ns]> i
