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POUB * , THE ESSEX COUNTY REPUBLICAN, JANUAHY 15, 1D15 For* BIG V A L U E IS WHAT WE GIW NOW BIQ VALUES FOR LITTLE PRICES IT WILL TAKE ONLY A LITTLE MONEY TO BUY BIG BUNDLES OF THINGS YOU NEEO FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY FROM US NOW. WHEN WE LOWER OUR PRICES WE DO NOT LOWER OUR QUALITY. WE SELL THE SAME RIGHT KIND OF MERCHANDISE YOU CAN COUNT ON ALL THE TIME. COME IN AND RIG OUT EUERY MEMBER OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD RIGHT NOW. STERNS & WINTER The Keesevilie National Bank J Capital $100,000. Surplus $50,000 K. Eomcyn J. A. Babtr DIRECTORS F. B. McKcnzif M. J. Callanan C. H. Prcscott F . H . Hopkins C. M. Hopkins i TMME TABLED NO SUNDAY TRAINS ON THE K. A. C. A L. C. RAILROAD Winter Schsduts Effeetiv* Sept. 21 Cuts out the Evening Trains as Well en Local Road. The winter schedule on the I t A. C. * U C. R. R. effective 8epL 21 provides tor the following KeesevUle schedule: Trains leave Keesevtlle S i d a. at.; 11:20 a. m.; end 4:3* p. mm. Retarmlni arrive > a. BDL; 1 p. ax and a;4a p. mm . The Sunday trains ere annulled. O. a\ H. R. R. INAUGURATES WINTVft UCHEDULE OEC. 20. Trains Northbound and South bound Now Leave Port Kent Ae Per Following Time Table. The D. U H. Winter train schedule became effective Sunday. Decern- >*r », Trains leave Port Kent na toi owsr $40 S m ; 11:S1 u. m- dally; S:S* p. m. and ir.49 p. am. dally. This train will stop on signal for Troy. Al- bany and New Yo0t North A *Z a. c u dally to let oat ers from Troy. Albany and New York; 12:40 p m- 4:4m p. mm. daily; t:40 p. fls. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rental We cordially invite y o u t o call, and offer over SO years experience to serve your interests. KEESEVILLE NATIONAL BANK OEPoaT rf tkecoadtaoa off ti*« fc**sr%in» S-««;,OK*»OI 4 S+m Torn* a* tW Dse-Si, laisT nGPOrjpjco Lo*s« snS Dteru«aia < >Ttrd raff •mmrH C. X b<»i»e« Srpastted to ' / , c i rr « l f«*«>» «P^ •*!«*) tOO.OOO.OO , Other No*** W NCII« postal •avlaa* 2,OSOOS Ootid., •erwmies. *t*., <m aaad ' «other tliaa «t<irk»; tart***** prattluwoa «i»f S4.OSe.aS Suiwerlftttoa to stock of Federal e s.ooooo oe i^&aaao Ba«kl«jr >>•*•» Si.nocvoo Farnftuure sad Sstarsn 1.O0O.OO .- s.noo no Do* from Federal ITim « ime frost *|»proT#* r#- •ertf >mm 1a «a*t»- **,*••>.S* 401.00 tral n<wrff clti** f: 1,3*4.13 Dmefroan appro*** r*- *«*•*• itio*a*r cities 18.176.aO D«e from bask* and (otbertaaa aaxvro* Out«t4+ eberfc* scS <«ther rash tiem«. S.%4 *>«>; FraciSoeal rarraarr jrne.fc* , Not** of otter osiloaal Foderal rrerrr* sot** . f>awfai eta bask: ..^§13.0*1.30 s.irvoa B*Awna«tJ^a faaS wits U . 8 Traaaurw <aot awr* tfeaa S psrceiuoa omiUtlaai M4.S6 »lO.OO is oe 17.1?S~SO Tata! ^ uaniiiricsn. capita] mtnrk pai* ta ~ J » : * * . * * * . * o Kurplo. fswL _ £0,000.00 Vadrrldea proSt* $ |2.S^l^e Sf^tT*d for f liter- r*t on cC«. *f desalt .... ft.OOo.OS KECSEVILte JOI TINGS. —Principal of Bcaooia J. W. BUck noo witlt eie assistants will condnct the Kecents Krami nations at the KeeserUl* Ht«n si hoot ne&t week commencing Monday/ —There will no installation of onV core at Asseate Valley Gmnao No. ^11 toniant iPTiday) County l>epnty Rob- ert a PniUips of Crown Point, will preside. —KeesoYtlle mercnanU nave b^n told taat failnro to pay tne war tax will caean tae eeiainn of sjoods and aa-' aropriaUoa of procoeda of sales by tne internal rerenae oAdals nntll tae aaaownts levied are paid. —KeeeeTiUe cbarch talafcinn of orsmaUine caaia to provide new clothiac for tae wonea and caildren of Belaiaav Each worker asks three other workers to provide tae deairod articles and they in tarn ask three -4*any Keeaevilie serin* why K is the teea-year«oid hoy is lot-ad aniky of heiaa v intoxicated, the salooa who illeaaliy sold him the drink te permitted to *o scot free. —At least one of the Keeeevilie clergy thlakiac of imitatiag the ex ample of the Rt. Rev Mar. Jamew p. O'Connor, pastor of St. ioaeph's caareh. Alaaay who last 8aaday a gemmating places which attract to WALK-OVER The Shoe for You You Can Get More Comfort, More Style and More Wear Out of a Pair of Walk-Over Shoes When fitted the WALK-OVER way, than you have ever before experienced. The English Shoe is the proper style this season for the PARTICULAR MAN. Dull Leather Lace Corded Tip 'Carlton Model $5 00 »i Watch Our Windows for the World's Greate*t Walker J. B. MACE Opera House Block, " Keeseville, K Y. MOTHER TEACHERS MAY KEEP POSITIONS. RULES FINLEY. . IT GliamSHa property of Bella the Eellm a tract of M icrft af I2JSS. Mr. B*k +r wfU April. take by L*— rmrrmmt n- and taxes pott... rttvaiminir at Trfmmxny farir» 0«wptaM « r t& Are Your Boys and Girls Hard on Rubbers? Try HUB-MARK Rubbers If you arc in the habit of buying irubbers for Boys aad Cirb yoo know iboar qakkJy they go ta pieces. Nine out of tea this k~»imr yoa a awood grade ti rubber witb- aot kramng it. aben for tea or fifteen cents more yoa could Jarre apt a fort \ C ^u^TZ^^SS^ t qnaaty that wouid have worn mud) L ^ <•/• —. ia«.iM.4t iTIT_ lOr'Wcfcirtai I014M CsMthler** rhmekm *ot«t«a6tajr ... S.«arl.€»7 Fo«naJ Marian* *i*ns 45AS1JW 1,TS!S.7P* sioo^oooaa l.aa^.on £H»# t A bsr»k« i tba« IAWTH 4S.ftaS.4^ OS 62 Ml'rWitHiMiyasTrto Wc a m afaw far any fv wtiw aay§ HUM«ARK» *ju.a4a.£7 T«tal rraTE or acw W.11&47 kitrofr«4»tav lN*t «t AM a: reaalariy celearatlaa iaklaa: aaavtty may amy laara to taair aorroar taat the Peaal Coa> af tae atate af New York "tatoiicatioa ia a paalte plaoa' te aa offaaaa paaianrtli ay aitaar ftae or inariaaaaaaat or aota mt taa diacre- taaa of taa jaatica. —A horse owaed ay Black amfta J. A. Merrll] while aatag drfraa aloac the CliatoaTflle-KaaaeTilla roa4 taa other day collided throaah and started aa down the highway. In his wild tight the aaiaaal failed to see a telaafioae pale lata which ha ran with each farea aa to araak his aerk. ~7-Saow fall atawly hat at radiij all day Taaaday ia Keeaerilfe. By aa*ht- tmQ the villaaa streets aad aavaaaaats wore oorared with fteecy naaaa to a depth of three hai —E. K. Komeya apeat a few days la Montreal this week. —R. A. McCanaick eatared a Platts- for traataaeat. j Caawaiata>oer of Edacatiaa Saya Ab- Thoaaaa Q. Ryaa of atnec Ova to ChiMawth No the Towo of AaaaWa waa taa gaeat! Ground far CharniaaaJ. of F. H. Glada oaa day last waak. A teacher may aot he dismissed be- —Tha Aaaahat Caaap Flra Girls will j caase she ahaaau herself from the a cake sale at two odoct ua ! pahlic spools to hear a child. Coin umary 1> at Palmer store j mftsaioBer Joha H. Pialey af the State KaaserUla falka ara plaa-j depart meat of edacatloa decided the Bias; to co ta Ptattaaarg acst week , other day lae decisiaa detaitely de> to see the Thirtieth lafaalry arrlrs «tarmtaes the atatas of mother teachaca at tha Barracks. m the state, as. aader existing laws. —Keeaerilie faaa ara goiag to \ ibare Is no ai*peal Ptmtuharg Satarday sight ta asa the! By the declaioa Mrs Bridfat Henry High school haakat ball I ^ lo Mrs Bridget Pels teadu-r of tha Bronx, who he- play tha PlatUharg High schoo2! ***»* w 010 ^ W0|W sb ^ mt "**«** % leave aad who was dismissed ay aha -Y- Flwe High 8chaol PlTe plays the qalatet next Wadaaaday erealag at Aasaciatioa HalL The KeeserUie first team will also play that night. Name of oppoaing team wtU ha saaoanred later. Alaart Q. \ New York city hoard *l edacatioa far aegtect of daty. was ordered reiaatat- !ad. Ueciaions ia Ove other teacher appeals are expected Mrs. feixotto was dismissed ia Apni. 1*12. She carried her case to -^fastire af tha of the the Pred 17 gailty ta a to The am ^oha A. Satarday night at tha ! aad Mate streets. , tha | mother-taacher rested with tM wbo | aOasioaar of edacatiaa of pohlic Mr w%mheJ . oeei.ta, m ***! Mrs. Peixouo's dismisssl made It an- f 19 ta*. hat; p^^^ ihAl u^ awrpoae of the hoard on the Jail term. Clf ^u^tio, mn i aa osaoers waa # *to Depaty Sheriff ; m4m ^ 9t4icT »from the service all who aaseated themaelres j paaiUaas secanas af childbirth of Front the ladies af St. Catherines pariah will gfve a shadow party" ia Pltspatrirk s ] I halL Clintanvllle. Each lady will bring j a lunch for two. Instead af bidding on the 'nock box as is nasally the j vase, it will ha the shadows of the' fair aex that will be aactianad off The ' snanieman saaktag the hlsTbest hid an the shadow aa it is thrown enrtain will hare the l^jcaBasify sat a lie then paintaa oat that a mw, proriding that a woman teacher s pos- tiioa aatomatfccally became vacant when she married, had been declared j oncoasUtaUonaL Kia conclnsa "That the board shonld have ed the nataral corollary of its policy. I velantary or enforced, of employing t**) or retaining married woman teachers +* ****, aad shonld have sivea at least as fav- the daily f a. mm. lag lanch with the ow. aaadnt will he free S «clock. The U e clack. —All the Newlywads their award any evaniag now, Mr. Hind is rasaing aaar the at the slow rata of forty kno hoar aad the man in tha mmoan oat his fat raaad chaaha aad a in a orable consideratioa to absence far child birth as is normally givan to ah- of or grave mac oa j or far pmpiata of atady aad travel of imprwviaa health." hills RUTLAND MEN MEET SUDDEN DEATH IN VERMONT STATE. Henry W. Wilcox. 71 years o*«V Rutland fsrmer and lirarymaa. was Instantly killed the other afternoon at two o'clock when tha Rutland r*v f road aasthonad Boaton flyer struck his harm as ha was driving slot* over the Park street crossing in tost city. Mr. Wiloox did aot appear to notice the apisroachln* Irata- TO* loud satekint of tha locomotive whis- tle so terrified his horse that It stop- ped on the crossing aad the engiae struck tha anuuaL The furce of the blow threw Mr. Wilcox from aW seat aad his head struck on the froxan ground. Mr. Wilcox was horn in Stockhridga. tha son of William K. and Anaa Wil- cox. Rutland county had heaa his hams all of his Ufa. Ua Is anrvlfad by his wife and three danghters Jira. Fred C. Hayward aad Miss Faaate C. Wilcox of Rutland aad Mrs. William Smith of CattlngsvUla. Frederick K Raymond of SIS State street. Rutland, waa Inatantly killed tha other night when ha waa struck by aa electric light wire, which was hanging from a pole. Tha wire waa blown against shim, striking him on the bach of the head, and in attempt- ing ta ward off the blow he put out both handa. The man fatt iifelaas to earth, and the efforts of five physi- cian* to resuscitate him were unavail- ing aa not. a aiuemlar contraction or pulse beat rewarded efforts uf the doc- tors. * SURUNGTONIAN8 OPPOSE Mft BURKE FOR POSTMASTER Burlington business men claim, that in the selection for post Boaster of that city uf Mayor Jamas E. Burke, they ware completely ignored bj the item- ocratic State Committee. The* lead- ing merchants of the Lake City in- dorsed Thomas LMW*T 'for the ap- pointment bat aa attention seemingly was paid to their wishes la the matter. Not oaly ia It claimed that Mayor Burke is €7 years of age. hat that ha has had no experience whatever hi office work of an* sort. Not only are the Democrats wrought up over the deaignation of Mr. Burke but even the Rer«nalieana are disgusted at the ac- tum of the Democratic State Commit lee. The Iiemocrata lay the Indorsement of Mr Burke to the influence of the Tammany element in Vermont. They believe that If President Woodrow Wllaoa was acquainted with the cir- cumstances leading to Mr. Burke's *e- lecuoa he would refuse to confirm the appointment last aa he did ia the case of the Brattleboro postmasterahip. la their protests against tha ap- pointment of Mr. Burke. Bariiagton are aot art uated by per- They point ant that in tha peat tha Poataseaters af that eity havo bean ssseeted from among the business man of taa town rather than from snwmg the ranks af the politicians To thai wise of selection they attributed the did postal serrice the city has enjoyed under previous administrations, hath Repaalicm CANCER IS CURABLE, SAYS FAMOUS SURGEON W. J. MAYO. Advisee Sufferers to Go to Doctor st Ones as Delays Usually Result Fatally. There are many thin** wa do sot know about cancer. We do not know what causes it. We do aot know how to prevent it from beginning- We do know, however, that it caa usually he stopped aad often cured by prompt surgical care. Cancer Is one of tha mass serious of diseases! It kUle^ «£*of petsoas la the l ? ttltad Status Ifcst year aad at- tacks ahout one woman in eight and one mffn la fourteen at agas of forty years and *•# Tha disease asuaHf begins In gam** unhealthy spot or some point of local iiirrilation. In ex ternal cancer there is usually some- thing to ha asan m Felt, such as a wart, a mole, a lump or scab or aa •nhsaltd wound or sore. Pain is rare- ly preaeat. Ewn lump in a woman s tad any irregular bleeding be tha accaaftsu af sashteg medical fidvlce. Aa lime goes oa taa disease slowly develops. and after it has gone far it cannot be cured. If a skillful payatctaa seas a case in the very early stages, how- ever a simple surgical oaeratiaa will usually remor? the growth and fxe- auently car* the disease. It is s strange thing that people often l«mr cancer so much thai .1 hey stay am ay lYum the phywictaa Im fear they tn^y learn the worst. Yet thia is a foolish thing to do. fur it is delay which is aangcrous, and the one way to escape is to secure prompt treatment. Medicines may relieve pant, bat do aot cure the diaease Radiam is of use in treating certain kinda,ot surface cancer in tha hands of good physi- cians. People should, however, he on their sward against - institutes"* and persons not qualified ita treat disease, fur sacs persons only do harm. Dr. William J. Mayo, the famoas suneeon. saya: **Go to your physkian at once oa the discovery of any sign or symptom of irritation about warts, motes and benign tamorm or ulcerations, chronic infistsmat ions or injuries, however, sliaht; which fail to heal promptly W aea the laity amderatand that all soarcea of irritation mrry with them a deadly signinennee tha prevention of cancer will have been greatly ad- vanced and the percentage af curable cases which come to tha only known care, operation, will be enormously m SUFFRAGISTS LOSE OUT IN MOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE! By Vote of 204 to 174 Conor*** [>•> feats ModsII Resolution Provid- ing for Equal Franchise, Tha House of Representative Tuaa- dsy night by n vote of SOI to 174, r*. fused to submit to the S<*i<V an amendment ta tha federal-co:.. Uut t0 m to enfranchise women. .. * T u # * u t a .the second in a * b 3lorf of Congress SH the uoui^u t. , r *& issue, came at iho dose of 4 _y 0 f iong pratai^i lor orptory dur ^ a kith the many s>eak>rs were ii»u-ut<i u, with fraauant evidence of a^p; „! ^ tlisarprvval by packed gaUfn<s. 'i u * questioa waa before the Hauht u> ki ^ Moudall reanlutian to sub m i a c^*t> tutional an«andment provma.^ t^t tha right of auffrags shoua x.ot i* abridged ^because of sex. - A two-thirds aJxrmative \--i c »4| to pass the resoiLi.oD; it by a majority of itny. Putty ilnca wars aot strictly urmwa in tha fight, thoagh Democratir u**. ar Uaaat^ooaSvoictag the attuuit of his party that auffrags is a statr >*•*. of Htrongiy i«pnased the resolutiu! ~ ftepaalicaa Leader Mana ua> the chief speakers of the tunr^ Enthusamam mtngied with ;•.< when Senator Clark aunoui. . . reauit and into the corridors pusite gaileru^ tiled the hu^. saffragiSU. with their purpl*- u «ow iabhes and the red-ruse b< anir-»uara^i«ts. This was the second <let*z* . suffrage cause im the national ' lature withia s year. Marvli an equal auffrage const r u amendment proposed by >• Cliamberiain. of Oregon rei>... vote of 3€ to U in the Senau-. lag a bars' majority, but failing uecessary two-thirds. ik>ae\tr ragiat leaders were not dUnia>> ther left tfcc galleries led by irr , Howard Shaw. Mrs. Carrie Clu; tatt and other champions or caase. they declared that the t^L\ by no ameans over, and that tu< Craga pvwpaganda would be pr. forward and onward until ev«-r : . man In America should have Uu . to cast a ballot, "The result was what we exp*-.; laald Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge, pre* of the National Association u^>; to Woman Saffrage. * It means the saffraaw mwvament faatertd hyatericai women is an tha wane a tf All this is s mi samci of hope, not of deapair. If all those who notice any such as thane imeationed above go to a It to the the maianrv of ELMER SMITH MOOERS. FACES CHINESE SMU06LIMC CHARGE Charged with having Chineae across the Smith of Mooem was taken the night to rtkn by Deputy Called Stat- es Marshal Herbert Fb^er to stand trial before the Tailed States District Court there. Smith some time ago van fiaad $:»e for a violation of the Mann white aim re law. Of Smith R ia said he has been of -t a! JT a "vg 4 - > IMDIAMS MUST KEEP CAME LAWS JUST AS UYHITE MEN an. Bach t by a'goad phyaidan. ant of tenu by tha is wrong aad m tha tenth real cancer exists by tha afa the leading snjrita ia tha wide- nrad ftmuggiittg af Chineae that has enable, after trial, ta Bat It tha <*ji a.M. hTVUARI I* Y< Vi SOLD BY J. J. (yNEILL, Keeseville, N. Y. Merrhmnt J H A. ST.T5 Taa re- Trot.^ af duty: and R fat tha ta occapied the attention af officials all over the canntry. The recent air ma- Lid by many ta tha smasiliin af ^lueae in aerca>lanea. aad ealy a few day* ago there waa a report of a box mr full of celestial* entering the coun- try by freight. ENGINE RUNS DOWN HORSE AT WILLSSORO CROSSING. la attempting to drive acrans the Delaware and Hndaon railroad tracks at wmahars tha ather night. Harrr Beardsley. Ss years aad, msrrhd a MtNEVILLE AND WITHERBEE —Mra. George Drew, muathar af Mrs. Ersrhi Kent, died Sunday mormv iaaatfododt The funeral was bald at Iranvllle Taaaday urtth laahanda grave in tha «ry. _ day gnast af his aimer. Mra. Dennis —tir. Jtormau F Pmest of reamtivai Gillette, of Crown Point, Sunday fa Ceurt af Appeals Holaa Old Treat tt Do Not Exempt Red Men frofn Hanting Ruiea. The AppnUsle Drrmion af the >-. Court, ronrth Department vathm rommnmion that the laalmna of tha state must gamma laws the Tha decision waa rendered In i s cane af tha people an the relation of Warren Kennedy. Payette K«L• :y anl Willi* White Jr Senecn tndiaas. reapoadrentsu agt. Sheriff Becker of ***« casmty. They ware nrrerted for of tha fish ami game *»«* > from custody oa ion that under ancient tr-a. ties they had a right to fish in in* of Has at Is Caty HffTnTlg stJSCd flnt r Blacksmith S*i ft FrasiiSt, Kccsomte, N. Y,*ora term #f years. I wrmh to swmouikjc f Urn A*tl ura be realty to do Farst af ana CsmsHorsaamodof and al khMls Ssr P Of General BhrfrTsWhaTtff and Rc-|Traat A l wort dooe in a first mvr c COZIER CO--S PCATTSBUftG Sn^NT AT AUCTION SALE Tan I mi hy the Vtu UTS A. Jr. roa a C3irhteamvMae creek wltheot reiparJ *o the lawn of the statu. Aflar tha eVscasion of Jastice Pooey granting a habeas carpus In fa» T of the Indiana, the coaaarvatloa comics. skai toak an appaat with the r< iit tha Appellate Division de< > d the Indians, having parted *^ih their rigirt af accammtion and : of thefr hrtereata In tha lands, the t r i. isuw af hawting and IshJng tb^rt 1 sabjact ta tha control by the st*:...* SUPSEME COURT W. SmKh. Margaraite Ja < Bra Jarwaon, Frsnk Jackson, c- Currier. Wade Robinson, Ballia f- •SUL Blvn Lackhnn. Gladys Lex; and Floyd Lo: sexn of A2D€ : Mrs. r. r. M.- ICEENE. piaizztiff M a cx^y sf aaacniay I g l i s R gswat at ssmr R T t Dec 2ZW4. «3.A. MERRILL Rm r. M. m x. 4 aw»r ss» «s»a «r ? w *. mm " ** av e-w * r s. ++~my * cs^. W*m m ST^WS» CSry ^ T<*i|*v t^m^f mm «# awe m \i a*> sw as»«s Sbrn 9* »>• h « r-« *- t z* V 1 j a ax »~ * » ^ CORONER SAYS NORRiU ffnLANNCD AIJPEsrrs Ami saha haul m thw 1R4 X. T. M. •-

For* POUB •*, BIG VALUE IS WHAT WE GIW WALK-OVER NOW · 2007-02-23 · poub •*, the essex county republican, januahy 15, 1d15 for* big value is what we giw now biq values for

Apr 18, 2020



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Page 1: For* POUB •*, BIG VALUE IS WHAT WE GIW WALK-OVER NOW · 2007-02-23 · poub •*, the essex county republican, januahy 15, 1d15 for* big value is what we giw now biq values for








T h e Keesevil ie National Bank J C a p i t a l $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . S u r p l u s $ 5 0 , 0 0 0

K. E o m c y n J . A . B a b t r

D I R E C T O R S F. B. M c K c n z i f M . J. C a l l a n a n

C. H . P r c s c o t t F . H . H o p k i n s C. M . H o p k i n s




Winter Schsduts Effeetiv* Sept. 21 Cuts out the Evening Trains as

Well en Local Road. The winter schedule on the I t A. C.

* U C. R. R. effective 8epL 21 provides tor the following KeesevUle schedule:

Trains leave Keesevtlle S i d a. at.; 11:20 a. m.; end 4 : 3 * p. mm. Retarmlni arrive > a. BDL; 1 p. ax and a;4a p. mm. The Sunday trains ere annulled.


Trains Northbound and South bound Now Leave Port Kent Ae Per

Following Time Table. The D. U H. Winter train schedule

became effective Sunday. Decern->*r » , Trains leave Port Kent na toi owsr

$ 4 0 S m ; 11:S1 u. m - dally; S:S* p. m. and i r .49 p. am. dally. This train will stop on signal for Troy. Al­bany and New Yo0t

North A *Z a. c u dally to let oat

ers from Troy. Albany and New York; 12:40 p m- 4:4m p. mm. daily; t :40 p. fls.

Safe Deposit Boxes for Rental W e c o r d i a l l y i n v i t e y o u t o c a l l , a n d o f f e r o v e r SO y e a r s

e x p e r i e n c e to serve y o u r in te res ts .

KEESEVILLE NATIONAL BANK OEPoaT rf tkecoadtaoa off ti*« fc**sr%in»

S-««; ,OK*»OI

4 S+m Torn* a* tW Dse-Si, laisT

n G P O r j p j c o Lo*s« snS Dteru«aia < >Ttrd r a f f • m m r H C. X b<»i»e« Srpastted t o

' / ,c i r r « l f« *«>» « P ^ • * ! « * ) tOO.OOO.OO

, Other N o * * * W N C I I « postal • a v l a a * 2,OSOOS

Ootid., •erwmies. * t * . , <m a a a d ' «other t l iaa «t<irk»; t a r t * * * * * p r a t t l u w o a « i » f S4.OSe.aS

Suiwerlftttoa t o stock of Federal e s.ooooo

oe i^&aaao Ba«kl«jr >>•*•» Si.nocvoo Farnftuure sad Sstarsn 1.O0O.OO

.- s.noo no Do* from Federal I T i m « ime frost *|»proT#* r#-

• e r t f > m m 1a «a*t»-

* * , * • • > . S *

401 .00

t r a l n < w r f f c l t i * * f : 1 ,3 *4 .13 Dmefroan a p p r o * * * r*-

* « * • * • i t io *a* r cities 18.176.aO

D«e from bask* and ( o t b e r t a a a aaxvro*

Out«t4+ eberfc* scS <«ther rash tiem«. S.%4 *>«>; FraciSoeal r a r r a a r r jrne.fc* „

, N o t * * of o t t e r os i loaa l Foderal r r e r r r * s o t * * . f>awfai e t a bask:

. . ^§13 .0 *1 .30 s . irvoa

B*Awna«tJ^a faaS w i t s U . 8 Traaaurw <aot a w r * tfeaa S p s r c e i u o a o m i U t l a a i

M 4 . S 6 »lO.OO i s oe


Tata! ^ uaniiiricsn.

capi ta ] mtnrk p a i * ta ~J» : * * . * * * . * o Kurplo. fswL _ £0 ,000 .00 Vadrr ldea proSt* $ | 2 . S ^ l ^ e S f ^ t T * d fo r f liter-

r*t on c C « . * f d e s a l t .... ft.OOo.OS

K E C S E V I L t e JOI TINGS. —Principal of Bcaooia J. W. BUck

noo witlt eie assistants will condnct the Kecents Krami nations at the KeeserUl* Ht«n si hoot ne&t week commencing Monday/

—There will no installation of onV core at Asseate Valley Gmnao No. ̂ 11 toniant iPTiday) County l>epnty Rob­ert a PniUips of Crown Point, will preside.

—KeesoYtlle mercnanU nave b ^ n told taat failnro to pay tne war tax will caean tae eeiainn of sjoods and aa-' aropriaUoa of procoeda of sales by tne internal rerenae oAdals nntll tae aaaownts levied are paid.

—KeeeeTiUe cbarch talafcinn of orsmaUine caaia to provide new clothiac for tae wonea and caildren of Belaiaav Each worker asks three other workers to provide tae deairod articles and they in tarn ask three

- 4 * a n y Keeaevilie serin* why K is the teea-year«oid hoy is lot-ad aniky of heiaav intoxicated, the salooa who illeaaliy sold him the drink te permitted to *o scot free.

—At least one of the Keeeevilie clergy *» thlakiac of imitatiag the ex ample of the Rt. Rev Mar. Jamew p. O'Connor, pastor of St. ioaeph's caareh. Alaaay who last 8aaday a gemmating places which attract


WALK-OVER The Shoe for You

You Can Get More Comfort, More Style and More Wear Out of a Pair of

Walk-Over Shoes When fitted the WALK-OVER way, than you have

ever before experienced.

The English Shoe is the proper style this season for the PARTICULAR MAN.

Dull Leather

Lace Corded


'Carlton Model $5 00

» i

W a t c h O u r Windows for the World's Greate* t W a l k e r

J. B. MACE Opera House Block, " Keeseville, K Y.


. I T GliamSHa

property of

Bella the Eellm

a tract of M i c r f t af I2JSS. Mr. B*k

+r wfU April.



L*— rmrrmmt n -

and taxes pott...

r t tva imin i r at

Trfmmxny farir» 0 « w p t a M « r t&

A r e Your B o y s and Girls Hard on Rubbers? Try HUB-MARK Rubbers

I f you arc in the habit of buying irubbers for Boys aad C i r b yoo know iboar qakkJy they go ta pieces. Nine

out of tea this i» k~»imr yoa a awood grade t i rubber witb-

aot kramng it. aben for tea or fifteen cents more yoa could Jarre apt a fort \C^u^TZ^^SS^t

qnaaty that wouid have worn mud) L ^ < • / • — . ia«. iM.4t i T I T _ l O r ' W c f c i r t a i I 014M

CsMthler** rhmekm *ot« t«a6ta j r . . . S.«arl.€»7

Fo«naJ Mar ian* * i * n s

• 45AS1JW



l.aa^.on £H»# t A bsr»k« i

tba« I A W T H


OS 62 Ml'rWitHiMiyasTrto

Wc a m afaw far any f v wtiw aay§

H U M « A R K »


T«tal rraTE or acw

• W.11&47

kitrofr«4»tav lN*t «t A M a:

reaalariy celearatlaa iaklaa: aaavtty may

amy laara to taair aorroar taat the Peaal Coa> af tae atate af New York "tatoiicatioa ia a paalte plaoa' te aa offaaaa paaianrt l i ay aitaar ftae or inariaaaaaaat or aota mt taa diacre-taaa of taa jaatica.

—A horse owaed ay Black am ft a J. A. Merrll] while aatag drfraa aloac the CliatoaTflle-KaaaeTilla roa4 taa other day collided throaah and started aa down the highway. In his wild tight the aaiaaal failed to see a telaafioae pale lata which ha ran with each f area aa to araak his aerk.

~7-Saow fall atawly hat at radiij all day Taaaday ia Keeaerilfe. By aa*ht-tmQ the villaaa streets aad aavaaaaats wore oorared with fteecy naaaa to a depth of three hai

— E . K. Komeya apeat a few days la Montreal this week.

—R. A. McCanaick eatared a Platts-for traataaeat. j Caawaiata>oer of Edacatiaa Saya Ab-

Thoaaaa Q. Ryaa of atnec Ova to ChiMawth No the Towo of AaaaWa waa taa gaeat! Ground far CharniaaaJ. of F. H. Glada oaa day last waak. A teacher may aot he dismissed be-

—Tha Aaaahat Caaap Flra Girls will j caase she ahaaau herself from the a cake sale at two o d o c t ua ! pahlic spools to hear a child. Coin

umary 1> at Palmer • store j mftsaioBer Joha H. Pialey af the State KaaserUla falka ara plaa-j depart meat of edacatloa decided the

Bias; to co ta Ptattaaarg acst week , other day l a e decisiaa detaitely de> to see the Thirtieth lafaalry arrlrs «tarmtaes the atatas of mother teachaca at tha Barracks. • m the state, as. aader existing laws.

—Keeaerilie faaa ara goiag to \ ibare Is no ai*peal Ptmtuharg Satarday sight ta asa the! By the declaioa Mrs Bridfat

Henry High school haakat ball I ^ l o

Mrs Bridget Pels teadu-r of tha Bronx, who he-

play tha PlatUharg High schoo2! ***»* • w 0 1 0 ^ W 0 | W s b ^ m t "**«** % leave aad who was dismissed ay aha -Y- Flwe

High 8chaol PlTe plays the qalatet next Wadaaaday

erealag at Aasaciatioa HalL The KeeserUie first team will also play that night. Name of oppoaing team wtU ha saaoanred later.

Alaart Q.

\ New York city hoard *l edacatioa far aegtect of daty. was ordered reiaatat-

!ad. Ueciaions ia Ove other teacher appeals are expected

Mrs. feixotto was dismissed ia Apni. 1*12. She carried her case to

-^fastire af tha of the


Pred 17 gailty ta a


The am ^oha A. Satarday night at tha

! aad Mate streets.

, tha | mother-taacher rested with

tM w b o | aOasioaar of edacatiaa of pohlic M r w%mheJ. oeei.ta,

m * * * ! Mrs. Peixouo's dismisssl made It an-f 19 ta*. hat ; p ^ ^ ^ ihAl u ^ awrpoae of the hoard

on the Jail term. Clf ^ u ^ t i o , mni aa osaoers waa #*to Depaty Sheriff ; m4m ^ 9t4icT

»from the service all who aaseated themaelres

j paaiUaas secanas af childbirth

of Front

the ladies af St. Catherines pariah will gfve a shadow party" ia Pltspatrirk s ]

I halL Clintanvllle. Each lady will bring j a lunch for two. Instead af bidding on the 'nock box as is nasally the j vase, it will ha the shadows of the ' fair aex that will be aactianad off The ' snanieman saaktag the hlsTbest hid an the shadow aa it is thrown enrtain will hare the

l^jcaBasify sat a l ie then paintaa oat that a mw,

proriding that a woman teacher s pos-tiioa aatomatfccally became vacant when she married, had been declared

j oncoasUtaUonaL Kia conclnsa "That the board shonld have

ed the nataral corollary of its policy. I velantary or enforced, of employing

t**) or retaining married woman teachers +* **** , aad shonld have sivea at least as fav-


daily f a. mm.

lag lanch with the ow. a a a d n t will he free S «clock. The U e clack.

—All the Newlywads their award any evaniag now, Mr. H ind is rasaing aaar the at the slow rata of forty kno hoar aad the man in tha mmoan oat his fat raaad chaaha aad a

in a

orable consideratioa to absence far child birth as is normally givan to ah-

of or grave mac

oa j or far pmpiata of atady aad travel of imprwviaa health."



Henry W. Wilcox. 71 years o*«V Rutland fsrmer and lirarymaa. was Instantly killed the other afternoon at two o'clock when tha Rutland r*vf

road aasthonad Boaton flyer struck his harm as ha was driving slot* over the Park street crossing in tost city. Mr. Wiloox did aot appear to notice the apisroachln* Irata- TO* loud satekint of tha locomotive whis­tle so terrified his horse that It stop­ped on the crossing aad the engiae struck tha anuuaL The furce of the blow threw Mr. Wilcox from aW seat aad his head struck on the froxan

ground. Mr. Wilcox was horn in Stockhridga.

tha son of William K. and Anaa Wil­cox. Rutland county had heaa his hams all of his Ufa. Ua Is anrvlfad by his wife and three danghters Jira. Fred C. Hayward aad Miss Faaate C. Wilcox of Rutland aad Mrs. William Smith of CattlngsvUla.

Frederick K Raymond of SIS State street. Rutland, waa Inatantly killed tha other night when ha waa struck by aa electric light wire, which was hanging from a pole. Tha wire waa blown against shim, striking him on the bach of the head, and in attempt­ing ta ward off the blow he put out both handa. The man fatt iifelaas to earth, and the efforts of five physi­cian* to resuscitate him were unavail­ing aa not. a aiuemlar contraction or pulse beat rewarded efforts uf the doc­tors. *


Burlington business men claim, that in the selection for post Boaster of that city uf Mayor Jamas E. Burke, they ware completely ignored b j the item-ocratic State Committee. The* lead­ing merchants of the Lake City in­dorsed Thomas LMW*T ' f o r the ap­pointment bat aa attention seemingly was paid to their wishes la the matter.

Not oaly ia It claimed that Mayor Burke is €7 years of age. hat that ha has had no experience whatever hi office work of an* sort. Not only are the Democrats wrought up over the deaignation of Mr. Burke but even the Rer«nalieana are disgusted at the ac­tum of the Democratic State Commit lee.

The Iiemocrata lay the Indorsement of Mr Burke to the influence of the Tammany element in Vermont. They believe that If President Woodrow Wllaoa was acquainted with the cir­cumstances leading to Mr. Burke's *e-lecuoa he would refuse to confirm the appointment last aa he did ia the case of the Brattleboro postmasterahip.

la their protests against tha ap­pointment of Mr. Burke. Bariiagton

are aot art ua ted by per-They point ant

that in tha peat tha Poataseaters af that eity havo bean ssseeted from among the business man of taa town rather than from snwmg the ranks af the politicians To thai wise of selection they attributed the did postal serrice the city has enjoyed under previous administrations, hath Repaalicm


Advisee Sufferers to Go to Doctor st Ones as Delays Usually Result

Fatally. There are many th in** wa do sot know about cancer. We do not know what causes it. We do aot know how to prevent i t from beginning- We do know, however, that it caa usually he stopped aad often cured by prompt surgical care.

Cancer Is one of tha mass serious of diseases! I t kUle^ «£*of petsoas la the l? ttltad Status Ifcst year aad at­tacks ahout one woman in eight and one mffn la fourteen at agas of forty years and * • # Tha disease asuaHf begins In gam** unhealthy spot or some point of local iiirrilation. In ex ternal cancer there is usually some­thing to ha asan m Felt, such as a wart, a mole, a lump or scab or aa •nhsaltd wound or sore. Pain is rare­ly preaeat. Ewn lump in a woman s

tad any irregular bleeding be tha accaaftsu af sashteg

medical fidvlce. Aa lime goes oa taa disease slowly develops. and after it has gone far it cannot be cured. If a skillful payatctaa seas a case in the very early stages, how­ever a simple surgical oaeratiaa will usually remor? the growth and fxe-auently car* the disease. It is s strange thing that people often l«mr cancer so much thai .1 hey stay am ay lYum the phywictaa Im fear they tn^y learn the worst. Yet thia is a foolish thing to do. fur it is delay which is aangcrous, and the one way to escape is to secure prompt treatment.

Medicines may relieve pant, bat do aot cure the diaease Radiam is of use in treating certain kinda,ot surface cancer in tha hands of good physi­cians. People should, however, he on their sward against - institutes"* and persons not qualified ita treat disease, fur sacs persons only do harm.

Dr. William J. Mayo, the famoas suneeon. saya:

**Go to your physkian at once oa the discovery of any sign or symptom of irritation about warts, motes and benign tamorm or ulcerations, chronic in fists mat ions or injuries, however, sliaht; which fail to heal promptly W aea the laity amderatand that all soarcea of irritation mrry with them a deadly signinennee tha prevention of cancer will have been greatly ad­vanced and the percentage af curable cases which come to tha only known care, operation, will be enormously m



By Vote of 204 to 174 Conor*** [>•> feats ModsII Resolution Provid­

ing for Equal Franchise, Tha House of Representative Tuaa-

dsy night by n vote of SOI to 174, r*. fused to submit to the S<*i<V an amendment ta tha federal -co:.. Uutt0m to enfranchise women. .. * T u # * u t a .the second in a * b 3 l o r f

of Congress SH the uoui^u t. ,r*& issue, came at iho dose of 4 _y 0f iong p r a t a i ^ i lor orptory dur ^ a kith the many s>eak>rs were ii»u-ut<i u, with fraauant evidence of a^p; „ ! ^ tlisarprvval by packed gaUfn<s. ' i u * questioa waa before the Hauht u>ki ^ Moudall reanlutian to sub m i a c^*t> tutional an«andment provma.^ t^ t tha right of auffrags shoua x.ot i* abridged ^because of sex. -

A two-thirds aJxrmative \ - - i c »4 | to pass the resoiLi.oD; it

by a majority of itny. Putty ilnca wars aot strictly urmwa

in tha fight, thoagh Democratir u * * . ar Uaaat^ooaSvoictag the attuuit of his party that auffrags is a statr >*•*.


Htrongiy i«pnased the resolutiu! ~ ftepaalicaa Leader Mana ua> the chief speakers of the tunr^

Enthusamam mtngied with ;•.< when Senator Clark aunoui. . . reauit and into the corridors • pusite gaileru^ tiled the hu^. saffragiSU. with their purpl*- u «ow iabhes and the red-ruse b< anir-»uara^i«ts.

This was the second <let*z* . suffrage cause im the national ' lature withia s year. Marvli an equal auffrage const r u amendment proposed by >• Cliamberiain. of Oregon rei>.. . vote of 3€ to U in the Senau-. lag a bars' majority, but failing uecessary two-thirds. ik>ae\tr ragiat leaders were not dUnia>> ther left tfcc galleries led by irr , Howard Shaw. Mrs. Carrie Clu; t a t t and other champions or caase. they declared that the t^L\ by no ameans over, and that tu< Craga pvwpaganda would be pr. forward and onward until ev«-r:. man In America should have Uu . to cast a ballot,

"The result was what we exp*-.; laald Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge, pre*

of the National Association u^>; to Woman Saffrage. * I t means the saffraaw mwvament faatertd hyatericai women is an tha wane



All this is s mi samci of hope, not of deapair. If all those who notice any

such as thane imeationed above go to a

It to the the maianrv of


Charged with having Chineae across the Smith of Mooem was taken the night to r t k n by Deputy Called Stat­es Marshal Herbert Fb^er to stand trial before the Tailed States District Court there. Smith some time ago van fiaad $:»e for a violation of the Mann white aim re law.

Of Smith R ia said he has been of

-t a!





- >


an. Bach t by a'goad phyaidan.

ant of tenu by tha is wrong aad m tha tenth

real cancer exists by tha a f a

the leading snjrita ia tha wide-nrad ftmuggiittg af Chineae that has

enable, after trial, ta

Bat I t tha

<*ji a.M.

h T V U A R I I* Y< V i


J. J. (yNEILL, Keeseville, N. Y.

Merrhmnt J H A.


Taa re-


af duty: and R fat tha


occapied the attention af officials all over the canntry. The recent air ma-

Lid by many ta tha smasil i in af ^ l u e a e in aerca>lanea. aad ealy a few day* ago there waa a report of a box m r full of celestial* entering the coun­try by freight.


la attempting to drive acrans the Delaware and Hndaon railroad tracks at wmahars tha ather night. Harrr Beardsley. Ss years aad, msrrhd a

MtNEVILLE AND WITHERBEE —Mra. George Drew, muathar af

Mrs. Ersrhi Kent, died Sunday mormv i a a a t f o d o d t The funeral was bald at Iranvllle Taaaday urtth

laahanda grave in tha «ry. _

day gnast af his aimer. Mra. Dennis

—tir. Jtormau F Pmest of reamtivai

Gillette, of Crown Point, Sunday fa

Ceurt af Appeals Holaa Old Treat t t Do Not Exempt Red Men frofn

Hanting Ruiea. The AppnUsle Drrmion af the >-.

Court, ronrth Department

vathm rommnmion that the laalmna of tha state must gamma laws the

Tha decision waa rendered In i s cane af tha people an the relation of Warren Kennedy. Payette K « L • :y anl Wi l l i * White Jr Senecn tndiaas. reapoadrentsu agt. Sheriff Becker of * * *« casmty. They ware nrrerted for

of tha fish ami game *»«* > from custody oa

ion that under ancient tr-a. ties they had a right to fish in in*

of Has

at Is


HffTnTlg stJSCd flnt

r Blacksmith

S*i f t

FrasiiSt, Kccsomte, N . Y , * o r a term #f years. I wrmh to swmouikjc f Urn A * t l ura be realty to do Farst af ana CsmsHorsaamodof and a l khMls Ssr P Of General BhrfrTsWhaTtff and Rc-|Traat

A l wort dooe in a first mvr c



I mi

hy the


U T S A.


roa a

C3irhteamvMae creek wltheot reiparJ *o the lawn of the statu.

Aflar tha eVscasion of Jastice Pooey granting a habeas carpus In fa» T of the Indiana, the coaaarvatloa comics. skai toak an appaat with the r< iit

tha Appellate Division de< >d the Indians, having parted *^ih

their rigirt af accammtion and : of thefr hrtereata In tha lands, the t r i. isuw af hawting and IshJng tb^rt 1 sabjact ta tha control by the st*:...*


Margaraite Ja < Bra Jarwaon, Frsnk Jackson, c-Currier. Wade Robinson, Ballia f-•SUL Blvn Lackhnn. Gladys Lex;

and Floyd Lo: sexn of A2D€ :


r. r. M.-


piaizztiff M a cx^y sf aaacniay

I g l i sR gswat at ssmr

R T t Dec 2 Z W 4 . «3.A. M E R R I L L

Rm r. M.

m x. 4 aw»r s s » «s»a «r ? w *. mm " ** av e-w * r s. ++~my * cs .̂ W*m m ST^WS» CSry ^ T<*i|*v t^m^f

mm «# awe m \i a*> sw as»«s Sbrn

9* »>•

h« r-«

*- t

z* V 1 j a ax »~ * » ^


Ami saha haul m thw


X. T.

M. • -