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National Trust For places, for ever, for everyone Brand standards National Trust

For places, for ever, for everyone - National Trust · For places, for ever, for everyone Brand standards . 2 Contents Print National Trust Brand standards Contents Contents 3 What

May 31, 2020



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Page 1: For places, for ever, for everyone - National Trust · For places, for ever, for everyone Brand standards . 2 Contents Print National Trust Brand standards Contents Contents 3 What

National Trust

For places, for ever, for everyone

Brand standards

National Trust

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3 What we stand for

5 Design idea

7 Logo

17 Elements18 Frame28 Colour30 Typeface35 Shapes

37 Images55 Supporterimagery58 Illustration60 Maps(notional)

61 Words72 Style73 Bilingualtext

74 Your place

76 Accessibility

78 Partners

82 Essential information83 Wordings84 Thingstocheck

Thesestandardswill helpyouproduce communicationthatlives andbreathesthe National Trust brand. Pleasetaketimetoreadthroughthem,andto seehowallthecomponentsworktogether.

Go to brandcentre. forready-to-useartworks andtemplates.

Formorehelpandadvicecontactyourconsultancy orthedesignandcorporateidentityteamatHeelis.

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Theideasattheheartofthe National Trust

What we stand for

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For placesWestandforbeautifulandhistoricplaces.Welookafterabreathtakingnumberandvarietyofthem—eachdistinctive,memorableandspecialtopeoplefordifferentreasons.Ourjobistokeepthespiritofeachoftheseplacesalive.

For everOurresponsibilityistogivetheseplacesalifefarintothefuture,whichmeanscaringforthembeautifully,helpingthemevolveovertime,andactinginawaythathelpsprotecttheplanetwe’repartof.

For everyoneOurplacesareopentoall,andwethrivebyinvolvingasmanypeopleaspossibleinwhatwedo—localcommunities,members,visitors,volunteersanddonors.Wehelppeoplebelongtoplaces,andplacesbelongtopeople.


Access to the extraordinaryExperiencesthatliftusphysicallyandemotionally,andhelpusconnectwithhistory,cultureand nature.

Awareness of our place in timeExperiencesthathelpusconnectthefuturewiththepast.

A shared sense of making a differenceBeingpartofsomethingthatmattersto,andcanbeenjoyedby,everyone—awholemovementofpeople.

Love placesWelovespecialplaces.Weallvaluespecialplacesandtheroletheyhaveinpeople’slives.Weunderstandandkeeptheirspiritalive,conservingournaturalandculturalheritageforgenerationstoenjoy.Wecelebratethedistinctivenessofourplaces,keepingthemhonestandauthentic,notuniform,fakeorunloved.WeareallambassadorsfortheTrust,promotingtheimportanceofspecialplacesandtheexperiencestheyoffer.

Share our common purposeWeworktogethertolookafterspecialplacesforever,foreveryone.Wetrustand empowereachothertomaketherightdecisions,workingcollaborativelyandatpace. Webuildeffectiverelationships,learningfromeachotherandpromotingsimplicity,fairness,innovationandlearning.Asweworktowardsachievingourcommonpurposewe’reclearonwhatwe’reaccountablefor,makingdecisionswithinagreedframeworks.

Inspire peopleWeinspirepeopletolovespecialplaces.We’rewarm,welcomingandactivelypartof thecommunitiesaroundus.Weencourageandlistentootherpeople’sviews,needs andsuggestionsandweexceedpeople’sexpectationswithourpositive‘can-do’attitude. Wethrivebyinvolvingpeopleinwhatwedo,inspiringthemtoshareourpassionfor specialplaces.

Think long termWelookafterspecialplacesforpeopleforever.We’redynamic,far-sightedandready toleadforthelongterm.Webehaveinasustainableway,reducingourimpactontheenvironmentandspendingwiselytomakesurewehavethefinancialsecuritytolookafterspecialplacesforever.Wekeepthingssimpleandareimaginativeaboutfindingbetter waystodothings.

For places,for ever,for everyone



What we stand for

What we give people

What we’re like

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Design idea

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Putting the supporter centre stageUsingphotographsandillustrationsthatevoke supporters’experiencesofNationalTrustplaces.

Helping us to be welcoming and inviting Celebratingtheoakleafsymbol,bymakingitbig.

Usingawholerangeofcolours,allbright andfresh.

Talking in a warm and authentic wayUsingtheNationalTrust’swarmtypeface, inspiredbya1748inscriptionoriginallyinthe grottoatStourhead.

Writinginaconversationalstylethatstartswith theaudience’sinterests.

Celebrating placeExpressingthespiritofeachplaceinevocative wordsandimages.


How to inspire

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Formillionsofpeople,thisisthe symbolthatsumsusup


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Ourlogo Our oak leaf and logotype

Theoakleafsymbol,whichwe’veusedsincethe1930s, isuniqueanddistinctive.

Thelogotypesimplystatesourname. We’vedroppedthe‘The’,tomakeuslessformal. InWales,weusethebilinguallogo(Welsh/English).


Asmallnumberofhigh-profilecampaignsandpartnerships havetheirownlogos,incorporatingtheNationalTrustlogo, coloursandtypeface.




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Versions of the logo


StandardAlternativehorizontalReducedsize,foruseatsmallersizesmaintaining thelegibilityofthelogotype‘insupportof’,forusebysupportergroups







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Colour versions of the logo

Thelogoisavailablein21differentcoloursplusblackandwhite. Seepage28forcolourbreakdownsandspecifications.


Go to,wherebyfollowingtheeasyquestionandanswerprocess youcanselectanddownloadthecorrectartworkforyourproject.





Greens Pantone®356 Pantone®7481 Pantone®7488 Pantone®389 Pantone®384

Darks Pantone®213 Pantone®021 Pantone® 1788 Pantone®227 Pantone®525 Pantone®3125 Pantone®286 Pantone® 2768 Pantone®425

Lights Pantone®706 Pantone®317 Pantone®7541 Pantone®587 Pantone®7485

Metallics Pantone®871 Pantone®877

Mono Black White

Greens Pantone®356 Pantone®7488

Darks Pantone®213 Pantone® 1788 Pantone®3125 Pantone®525

Metallics Pantone®871 Pantone®877

Mono Black White

Greens Pantone®356

Mono Pantone®ProcessBlack White

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Versions of the logo: Wales


StandardAlternativehorizontalReducedsize,foruseatsmallersizesmaintaining thelegibilityofthelogotype‘insupportof’,forusebysupportergroups

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Ourlogo Colour versions of the logo: Wales





Greens Pantone®356 Pantone®7481 Pantone®7488 Pantone®389 Pantone®384

Darks Pantone®213 Pantone®021 Pantone® 1788 Pantone®227 Pantone®525 Pantone®3125 Pantone®286 Pantone® 2768 Pantone®425

Lights Pantone®706 Pantone®317 Pantone®7541 Pantone®587 Pantone®7485

Metallics Pantone®871 Pantone®877

Mono Black White

Greens Pantone®356 Pantone®7488

Darks Pantone®213 Pantone® 1788 Pantone®3125 Pantone®525

Metallics Pantone®871 Pantone®877

Mono Black White

Greens Pantone®356

Mono Pantone®ProcessBlack White

Colour versions of the logo: Wales

Thebilinguallogo(Welsh/English)isavailablein21different coloursplusblackandwhite.Seepage28forcolourbreakdowns andspecifications.


Go to,wherebyfollowingtheeasyquestionandanswerprocess youcanselectanddownloadthecorrectartworkforyourproject.

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Clear space

Tomaketheoakleafandlogotypestandout, don’tputanytextorimagesintheclearspaceshown inthediagramsabove.

Clearspaceprinciples: Abovethelogo,leavespaceequivalenttohalfanoakleaf Totheleft,againleavehalfanoakleaf Totheright,leaveawholeoakleaf Below,leaveawholelogotype


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Ourlogo Minimum size

Thesmallestlegiblesizeforthelogoforbothprintand screenareindicatedabove.Minimumsizesforotherprocesses, likeembroideryorengraving,varyforeachprocess: werecommendcarefultesting.

25mm 71pixels

15mm 43pixels

15mm 43pixels



Print logo Reducedsize

Screen logo Reducedsize

Print logo Insupportof

Screen logo Insupportoff

Print logo Alternativehorizontal

Screen logo Alternativehorizontal

Print logo Standard

Screen logo Standard

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Clear space: Wales

Tomaketheoakleafandlogotypestandout, don’tputanytextorimagesintheclearspace showninthediagramsabove.

Clearspaceprinciples: Abovethelogo,leavespaceequivalenttohalfanoakleaf Totheleft,againleavehalfanoakleaf Totheright,leaveawholeoakleaf Below,leaveawholelogotype



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Print logo Reducedsize

Screen logo Reducedsize

Print logo Insupportof

Screen logo Insupportoff

Print logo Alternativehorizontal

Screen logo Alternativehorizontal

Print logo Standard

Screen logo Standard

Minimum size: Wales

Thesmallestlegiblesizeforthebilinguallogoforbothprintand screenareindicatedabove.Minimumsizesforotherprocesses, likeembroideryorengraving,varyforeachprocess: werecommendcarefultesting.



17mm 48pixels

46.5mm 136pixels

14mm 40pixels



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Thedesignelementsthatmakeour communicationinstantlyrecognisable


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Frame Our frame

Whereappropriate,thelayoutofcoversandpostersisbased ontheideaofapictureinaframe.

Thepictureshowsthesupporter’sexperience,inawaythat makespeoplewanttobethereandtakepart.Theimagemay beanevocativephotograph,anillustrationorevenapoem. Theseimagesaresometimescreatedbysupportersthemselves: visitors,members,volunteers,employees.TheNationalTrust’s distinctiveoakleafisinthesupporter’sspace.Wewant supporterstofeelitbelongstothemall,notjusttothecharity.

Place name

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Frame Our frame

TheframeiswheretheNationalTrustinvitespeople in.TheTrustshouldcomeacrossaslessofalandownerand moreofanenabler.Thelogotypeisinformalandwelcoming. Theplacenameisprominent,helpingtocommunicate thedistinctivenessofeachplace.

Little Moreton HallAt sea in Cheshire, in this creeking, reeling wooden house that feels more like a ship

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

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BlicklingPiece together your memories of this Jacobean palace, planted among the greens and blues of Norfolk

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846


Our frame



Go to,selectcoreartworkfinder,anddownload‘Logoframeworktemplates’.


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When to use the frame


Thisincludesmembershipposters,thehandbookcover, welcomeleaflets,guidebooks,temporarynotices,point-of-sale materialsandproductpackaging.



Hughenden ManorThe complete guidebook

Fountains Abbey

The limestone is crumbling. I’m rediscovering medieval techniques to bring the carving back to life — for the next 500 years.

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

Matthew ConwayStonemason

Welcome to Chedworth Roman Villa

Feel the peace the Romans loved, along the secluded valley Find beautiful mosaics of the four seasons

Explore the astonishing Roman bath houses

See how the Victorians rediscovered Chedworth

Walking in Roman footsteps

01 Welcomeleaflet02 Temporarynotice03 Packaging04 Guidebook





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Placing images in the frame layout

Imagescanbelargeorsmall,multipleorsingle,andcan bleedoffthetopandsidesofthepage.



The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

Place nameDescriptive invitation dion dit si etueril enibh in euguer magna feu consenim irit alis estrud dolesed exeriuscin modit dolestrud vendre als hendre.

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

Place nameDescriptive invitation dion dit si etueril enibh in euguer magna feu consenim irit alis estrud dolesed exeriuscin modit dolestrud vendre als hendre.

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

Place nameDescriptive invitation dion dit si etueril enibh in euguer magna feu consenim irit alis estrud dolesed exeriuscin modit dolestrud vendre als hendre.

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

Place nameDescriptive invitation dion dit si etueril enibh in euguer magna feu consenim irit alis estrud dolesed exeriuscin modit dolestrud vendre als hendre.

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

Place nameDescriptive invitation dion dit si etueril enibh in euguer magna feu consenim irit alis estrud dolesed exeriuscin modit dolestrud vendre als hendre.

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

Place nameDescriptive invitation dion dit si etueril enibh in euguer magna feu consenim irit alis estrud dolesed exeriuscin modit dolestrud vendre als hendre.

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Placing images in the frame layout

Choosefreeandinformallayoutswhenplacingimages, ratherthanrigidlystructuredones.



Mr Hardman’s Photographic StudioDiscover the only known photographic studio of the mid 20th century, and delve into the darkroom that captured the lives of post-war Britain

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

Mr Hardman’s Photographic StudioDiscover the only known photographic studio of the mid 20th century, and delve into the darkroom that captured the lives of post-war Britain

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

Mr Hardman’s Photographic StudioDiscover the only known photographic studio of the mid 20th century, and delve into the darkroom that captured the lives of post-war Britain

Mr Hardman’s Photographic StudioDiscover the only known photographic studio of the mid 20th century, and delve into the darkroom that captured the lives of post-war Britain

The National Trust is an independent registered charity, number 205846

Mr Hardman’s Photographic StudioDiscover the only known photographic studio of the mid 20th century, and delve into the darkroom that captured the lives of post-war Britain

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

Mr Hardman’s Photographic StudioDiscover the only known photographic studio of the mid 20th century, and delve into the darkroom that captured the lives of post-war Britain

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

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Layouts with the frame

Twodifferentframelayoutsshowinghowourcolour palettecanbeusedtocontrastorcomplementpowerful andintriguingimagery.



Croome ParkThe complete guidebook

PetworthThe complete guidebook

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Layouts with the frame

Thepositionoftheframe-linemovesdependingonhowmuch textyouneedtocommunicatebelowtheframe-line.Ifyou havealotoftext,orifyou’redesigningabilingualiteminEnglish andWelsh,theframe-linemovesupasshownabove.

Theseproportionsshouldnotbealteredandareavailablein templateformtodownloadfromthebrandcentre.



Optimum position Positionallowingmoretext Positionallowingmaximumtext

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Layouts with the frame

Titlesareoptional,butifyouuseone,placeitatthetopor thebottomofthepicturespace.Usethetitletoexpress thevoiceofthesupporter.Thinkofitaswordsasupporter mightuse,nottheofficialvoiceoftheNationalTrust.

Theseproportionsshouldnotbealteredandareavailable intemplateformtodownloadfromthebrandcentre.




Place / subtitleDescriptive invitation dion dit etueril enibh euguer magna feu consenim alis estrud exeriuscin modit.

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846 The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

My sunrise

PetworthGazing across the deer park, do you see what Turner saw?


Place / subtitleDescriptive invitation dion dit etueril enibh euguer magna feu consenim alis estrud exeriuscin modit.

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846 The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

My sunrise

PetworthGazing across the deer park, do you see what Turner saw?

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When not to use the frame

Iftheframedoesn’tworkforyourparticularitem,usealayoutwith thefulllogotopleft.Thisincludesmostkindsofnewsletter,bulletinandinformationsheet.

Theseproportionsareavailableintemplateformtodownloadfrom thebrandcentre.Gotocoreartworkfinderanddownload‘Logoframeworktemplates’–thiswillgiveyoutheframeworktemplates plusthealternativedesignshownabove.



Title goes in this area

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Our colour palette

TheNationalTrusthasapaletteof21colours,allchosentobe freshandinviting,plusblackandwhite.

Oncovers,youcanuseanycolourforthelogo,frame-line andtext,aslongasit’sthesamecolourforallthree.

Formostprojects,youcanchoosefromthewholepalette,but forsomeitems—suchasbusinesscards—ourdarkestgreen, Pantone®356,isbest.Pleasealwaysusetheexactspecifications shownhere.Alwaysusecoloursassolids,neverastints.



Pantone® 871 Foruseinexceptional circumstancesonly, forexampleinvitations

Pantone® 877 Foruseinexceptional circumstancesonly, forexampleinvitations

Pantone® 356 C:90M:0Y:100K:20 R:0G:119B:45 Hex:00772D

Pantone® 7488 C:50M:0Y:95K:0 R:140G:220B:80 Hex:8CDC50

Pantone® 7481 C:88M:0Y:89K:0 R:0G:180B:60 Hex:00B43C

Pantone® 384 C:20M:0Y:100K:30 R:138G:134B:0 Hex:8A8600

Pantone® 389 C:20M:0Y:100K:0 R:212G:255B:24 Hex:D4FF18

Pantone® 3125 C:88M:0Y:21K:0 R:0G:170B:180 Hex:00AAB4

Pantone® 286 C:100M:75Y:0K:0 R:25G:5B:125 Hex:19057D

Pantone® 2768 C:100M:81Y:4K:60 R:15G:0B:50 Hex:0F0032

Pantone® 425 C:18M:0Y:0K:78 R:68G:70B:62 Hex:44463E

Pantone® 706 C:0M:20Y:4K:0 R:250G:225B:225 Hex:FAE1E1

Pantone® 317 C:20M:0Y:10K:0 R:203G:241B:232 Hex:CBF1E8

Pantone® 7485 C:10M:0Y:18K:0 R:220G:240B:180 Hex:DCF0B4

Pantone® 587 C:5M:0Y:50K:0 R:245G:245B:170 Hex:F5F5AA

Pantone® 7541 C:4M:3Y:3K:4 R:225G:224B:219 Hex:E1E0DB

Black C:0M:0Y:0K:100 R:0G:0B:0 Hex:000000

White C:0M:0Y:0K:0 R:255G:255B:255 Hex:FFFFFF




Metallics Mono

Pantone® 213 C:0M:96Y:12K:0 R:230G:20B:100 Hex:E61464

Pantone® 021 C:0M:50Y:100K:0 R:255G:106B:11 Hex:FF6A0B

Pantone® 1788 C:0M:85Y:85K:0 R:255G:43B:62 Hex:FF2B3E

Pantone® 227 C:7M:100Y:7K:21 R:135G:0B:60 Hex:87003C

Pantone® 525 C:50M:85Y:0K:20 R:65G:5B:70 Hex:410546

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Using colour

Usethepalettecarefully,andavoidarainboweffect.Primarilyongreensanddarkcolours(excludingPantone®389),it’sbesttouse thelogoinwhite.Similarlyonourlights,showthelogoinoneof thedarkcolours,agreen(excludingPantone®389)orinblack.

Usecomplementaryratherthanclashingcoloursandpaycarefulattentiontoaccessibility.Makesurethereisgoodcontrastsothat textislegible.

Weencouragepeopletousedifferentcolourstomarkdifferent sectionsinapublication,butdiscouragecolour-coding.Always usecoloursassolids,neverastints.Usethelightcoloursasbackgroundsforpages.




Colour combinations 1: White on darks 2: Darks on lights3 and 4: Complementary darks and lights 5. Avoid clashing colours and combinations which give poor legibility for text and are therefore not accessible. 1 2 3 4 5





Pantone®356 Pantone®7488 Pantone® 7481 Pantone®384 Pantone®389

Pantone®213 Pantone®021 Pantone® 1788 Pantone®227 Pantone®525

Pantone®706 Pantone®317 Pantone® 7485 Pantone®587 Pantone®7541

Pantone®877 Pantone®871

Pantone®3125 Pantone®286 Pantone® 2768 Pantone®425

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Our typeface


Thetypefaceisinspiredbya1748inscriptionoriginallyinthegrotto atStourhead.Thesans-serifstylewasusedintheancientworld, butthisinscriptionisoneoftheearliestexamplesanywhereofitsmodernrevival.

OurtypefaceisanimportantassetoftheNationalTrust:noother organisationisallowedtouseit,andithelpsustoberecognisableeverytimewewritesomething.



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Typeface family


NationalTrustDisplayforheadlinesabove16ptNational Trust BoldNationalTrustRegularforthemajorityofbodycopyNationalTrustItalicforemphasis,foreignwordsandmentioningthetitlesofbooks,picturesandsoon.

FordocumentsproducedinWord,Publisheror PowerPoint,andforemails,useArial.




The QUICK brown fox jumps overthe lazy red dogs.





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Using the typeface


SetNationalTrustDisplaywith110%leading.SetNationalTrustBold,RegularandItalicwith120%leading. havethecorrecttypographicspecificationsandstyle-sheetsbuiltintothem,sopleasedownloadandusethem.

AlltypefacescanbedownloadedfromtheNationalTrustbrandcentre.Go to,whereyoucanselectanddownloadthetypeface.



ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyzNationalTrustDisplay

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyzNational Trust Bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyzNationalTrustRegular

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyzNationalTrustItalic

Pleasenote:NationalTrustItalic shouldbeusedsparingly foremphasis,foreignwordsand mentioningthetitlesofbooks, picturesandsoon.

2 Willow RoadHampstead, London NW3 1TH

Map 2 G5 H 1994

An austere but rather wonderful modernist house, which has influenced hundreds of modern buildings, and an intimate glimpse of the family life of its architect and owner, Erno Goldfinger. The attention to detail in this house is surprising and enlightening, and it still looks modern today. Note: the house is small, so we usually operate timed entry from 3 to 5.

Exploring — See art by Henry Moore, Max Ernst and Bridget Riley. — Look for Goldfinger’s ingenious furniture designs. — Get a personal story behind the house from our film. — For the complete picture, try a guided tour. — New: watch our archivists

at work (some days only).

You may also enjoy: A more rural modernist house at the Homewood in Surrey.

Making the most of your day: We run guided walks and evening events: please contact us for details. No toilets, though the local pub allows visitors to use their facilities.

Access for all: 75DIL4

Building 01

Getting here: 176:TQ270858. On corner of Willow Road and Downshire Hill. Foot: from Hampstead Underground, left down High Street and first left down Flask Walk. Turn right at the end into Willow Road. Bus: frequent local services (020 7222 1234). Station: Hampstead Heath, quarter mile. Underground: Hampstead (Northern Line), quarter mile. Limited on-street parking. East Heath Road car park 100 yards, open intermittently.

Finding out more: 01494 755570(information line), 020 7435 6166 or [email protected]


Above: how 1-3 Willow Road looked in the 1950s Right: practical furniture for modern living

Opening times M T W T F S S7 Mar–28 Nov 11–5 · · · · · S ·28 0ct–1 Nov 10–5 · · · T F · ·

Entry by timed tour only at 12, 1 and 2 (plus 11 on Sats). Tours are first-come-first-served. Non-guided viewing 3–5.

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Roses andmurals

The National Trust is a charity that looks after hundreds of extraordinary places, for ever, for everyone.

If you enjoy Mottisfont, you’ll like Hinton Ampner, another house rescued in the 20th century. It’s 20 miles east of here, near Alresford.

As a member, you get free admission to almost all our places, plus a fascinating magazine.

Take the National Trust home with you, at our 200 shops or at

Experience our places for longer, by staying at one of our holiday cottages.

Volunteer, give us a legacy, or join our campaigns.

Call 0844 800 1895 or visit

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Get involved

Get our guidebook from the shop or from visitor reception. There are also shorter guides at visitor reception, and in the house.

Try the activity sheets from visitor reception. And check out the children’s menu in the Kitchen Café.

In the car park on a lead, and along the estate path, but not in the grounds, garden or house, please.

wheelchairs. There’s a Braille guide for the grounds. Our lavatories have facilities for disabled visitors.

The house, shop and café normally close at 5, and the grounds at 6. In June, the shop stays open till 8, and the grounds till 8.30. In February, November and December, everything closes at 4.

Please ask one of us for help.

Do take photos and videos outside the house, but please not inside.

Wear suitable shoes inside — not sharp heels or muddy boots.

Leave large bags, prams and pushchairs outside the house.

Do have a picnic — but please not in the rose garden.

Find out more about Mottisfont

Fun for children

Dogs welcome

For disabled visitors

When we close

First aid and emergencies

Please help us

Photography: NTPL/Mel Duarte/Derek Croucher/Robert Morris Printed on 100% recycled paper. Please recycle this leaflet after use.© National Trust 2010. The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

For alternative formats, please call us on 01794 340757 or email mottisfont

Welcome to Mottisfont

Sniff the old-fashioned roses in the famous walled garden

Enjoy Rex Whistler’s enchanting pre-war murals

Descend into medieval times in the cellarium

Look out for brown trout in the idyllic river Test

We have a buggy and

Setting textAlwayssettextleft-aligned:thiscreatesaninformalandfriendlylook.Neverset textcentredorright-justified.

Line endingsTakecarewithlineendings.Makesuretheshapeof thetextispleasing,andthecontenteasytoread.

2 Willow RoadHampstead, London NW3 1TH

Map 2 G5 H 1994

An austere but rather wonderful modernist house, which has influenced hundreds of modern buildings, and an intimate glimpse of the family life of its architect and owner, Erno Goldfinger. The attention to detail in this house is surprising and enlightening, and it still looks modern today. Note: the house is small, so we usually operate timed entry from 3 to 5.

Exploring — See art by Henry Moore, Max Ernst and Bridget Riley. — Look for Goldfinger’s ingenious furniture designs. — Get a personal story behind the house from our film. — For the complete picture, try a guided tour. — New: watch our archivists

at work (some days only).

You may also enjoy: A more rural modernist house at the Homewood in Surrey.

Making the most of your day: We run guided walks and evening events: please contact us for details. No toilets, though the local pub allows visitors to use their facilities.

Access for all: 75DIL4

Building 01

Getting here: 176:TQ270858. On corner of Willow Road and Downshire Hill. Foot: from Hampstead Underground, left down High Street and first left down Flask Walk. Turn right at the end into Willow Road. Bus: frequent local services (020 7222 1234). Station: Hampstead Heath, quarter mile. Underground: Hampstead (Northern Line), quarter mile. Limited on-street parking. East Heath Road car park 100 yards, open intermittently.

Finding out more: 01494 755570(information line), 020 7435 6166 or [email protected]


Above: how 1-3 Willow Road looked in the 1950s Right: practical furniture for modern living

Opening times M T W T F S S7 Mar–28 Nov 11–5 · · · · · S ·28 0ct–1 Nov 10–5 · · · T F · ·

Entry by timed tour only at 12, 1 and 2 (plus 11 on Sats). Tours are first-come-first-served. Non-guided viewing 3–5.

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White space Givethetextandimagesroomtobreathe.Usewhitespace tomakethelayoutrelaxed,informalandinvitingto read.Pagesshouldneverfeelcrowdedorcluttered.

Too crowded Visit South West 2726

Outdoors in the South West

The glorious South West so varied and distinctive, so unspoilt and beautiful exudes a powerful magnetism. Devon and Cornwall, plus neighbouring Wessex, have mile upon mile of coastline, along with extensive areas of farmland, woodland and moorland for all to enjoy.

Above: Stormy skies over Blackmore Vale from the Iron-Age hill fort at Hod HillOpposite page: Children fishing in a shallow pool at Woolacombe beach in Devon

Map 2

Two regions, six counties Wherever you are in Devon and Cornwall, you are never more than 25 miles from the sea: from the great sandy beaches of the north coast, where the surf comes rolling in; from the high rocky headlands like a string of fortifications; from the weedy pools, coves and tidal inlets of the south coast. And around it all runs the incomparable South West Coast Path, at 630 miles the longest national trail in the country, linking everywhere and providing unparalleled access on foot to all the lonely shores and soaring cliffs.

To the east, the region of Wessex is incredibly diverse. Spreading from Gloucestershire in the north, south through Somerset and Wiltshire, and down to Dorset, it contains spectacular stretches of coastline, chalk downland, high moorland, historic landscapes and beautiful rolling countryside. The Cotswolds, in the north, boasts many lovely villages, some of which are partly owned by the Trust — which also owns uplands, farmland and ancient woodland. Altogether the Trust cares for more than 25,000 hectares (61,700 acres) of countryside in Wessex and welcomes an estimated twelve million visitors every year.

Rock pools, fossils and funAmong the popular spots in Devon and Cornwall are the surfing beaches of Godrevy and Chapel Porth; Kynance Cove on the Lizard, famous since Victorian times for its fantastic rocks and botanical rarities; Wembury, close to Plymouth Sound, with its rock pools and children’s events; and Carnewas, overlooking the famous beauty spot of Bedruthan Steps.

Families flock to such glorious beaches as Woolacombe Sands, Holywell Bay and Crantock, Sandy Mouth and Duckpool on the north coast, and SouthMilton Sands, Porthcurno and Gunwalloe on the south coast.

In Dorset, the Purbeck Estate boasts one of Britain’s best beaches, two National Nature Reserves, as well as being home to the richest ten square miles of wild flowers in the country. The Jurassic Coast, a World Heritage Site, stretches all the way along the Dorset and East Devon coast, covering Purbeck, Burton Bradstock and Golden Cap, and Branscombe. Here lies a wonderfully varied landscape, ranging from heathland, dunes and a mile-long stretch of sand, to shingle and sandstone cliffs — perfect for picnics, walking and fossil hunting.

Mines, forts and lookoutsIn the old mining areas of Cornwall and West Devon, newly designated a World Heritage Site, you will find ruined engine houses now protected and preserved by the Trust; some of them, such as those at Botallack near St. Just, clinging to the cliff edge just above the sea.

There are many curious structures to be discovered and explored around the coasts of Devon and Cornwall. All tell stories of this peninsula’s colourful past — such as the military fortifications at Froward Point near Brixham, and St Anthony Head near St Mawes, Parson Hawker’s driftwood hut high

on the cliffs at Morwenstow, the castellated coastguard lookout at Mayon Cliff above Sennen Cove, and the candy-striped Gribbin daymark near Fowey.

West Dorset’s historic landscape includes magnificent Iron Age hill forts, such as Hod Hill, Eggardon and Lambert’s Castle. Make sure you don’t miss North Somerset’s Cheddar cliffs. Cheddar, Britain’s largest gorge, was carved by melt-water from the last Ice Age and has been forming and changing over the past two million years. Not far away you can experience the drama of Brean Down, which extends a mile and a half into the Bristol Channeland has truly breathtaking views, as well as abundant wildlife and fascinating history — including a Roman Temple, Napoleonic era fort and Second World War gun battery.


Outdoors in the South WestTwo regions, six counties Wherever you are in Devon and Cornwall, you are never more than 25 miles from the sea: from the great sandy beaches of the north coast, where the surf comes rolling in; from the high rocky headlands like a string of fortifications; from the weedy

pools, coves and tidal inlets of the south coast. And around it all runs the incomparable South West Coast Path, at 630 miles the longest national trail in the country, linking everywhere and providing unparalleled access on foot to all the lonely shores and soaring cliffs.

To the east, the region of Wessex is incredibly diverse. Spreading from Gloucestershire in the north, south through Somerset and Wiltshire, and down to Dorset, it contains spectacular stretches of coastline, chalk downland, high moorland, historic landscapes and beautiful rolling countryside. The Cotswolds, in the north, boasts many lovely villages, some of which are partly owned by the Trust — which also owns uplands, farmland and ancient woodland. Altogether the Trust cares for more than 25,000 hectares (61,700 acres) of countryside in Wessex and welcomes an estimated twelve million visitors every year.

Rock pools, fossils and funAmong the popular spots in Devon and Cornwall are the surfing beaches of Godrevy and Chapel Porth; Kynance Cove on the Lizard, famous since Victorian times for its fantastic rocks and

The glorious South West so varied and distinctive, so unspoilt and beautiful exudes a powerful magnetism. Devon and Cornwall, plus neighbouring Wessex, have mile upon mile of coastline, along with extensive areas of farmland, woodland and moorland for all to enjoy.

botanical rarities; Wembury, close to Plymouth Sound, with its rock pools and children’s events; and Carnewas, overlooking the famous beauty spot of Bedruthan Steps.

Families flock to such glorious beaches as Woolacombe Sands, Holywell Bay and Crantock, Sandy Mouth and Duckpool on the north coast, and SouthMilton Sands, Porthcurno and Gunwalloe on the south coast.

In Dorset, the Purbeck Estate boasts one of Britain’s best beaches, two National Nature Reserves, as well as being home to the richest ten square miles of wild flowers in the country. The Jurassic Coast, a World Heritage Site, stretches all the way along the Dorset and East Devon coast, covering Purbeck, Burton Bradstock and Golden Cap, and Branscombe. Here lies a wonderfully varied landscape, ranging from heathland, dunes and a mile-long stretch of sand, to shingle and sandstone cliffs — perfect for picnics, walking and fossil hunting.

Mines, forts and lookoutsIn the old mining areas of Cornwall and West Devon, newly designated a World Heritage Site, you will find ruined engine houses now protected and preserved by the Trust; some of them, such as those at Botallack near St. Just, clinging to the cliff edge just above the sea.

There are many curious structures to be discovered and explored around the coasts of Devon and Cornwall.

All tell stories of this peninsula’s colourful past — such as the military fortifications at Froward Point near Brixham, and St Anthony Head near St Mawes, Parson Hawker’s driftwood hut high on the cliffs at Morwenstow, the castellated coastguard lookout at Mayon Cliff above Sennen Cove, and the candy-striped Gribbin daymark near Fowey.

West Dorset’s historic landscape includes magnificent Iron Age hill forts, such as Hod Hill, Eggardon and Lambert’s Castle. Make sure you don’t miss North Somerset’s Cheddar cliffs. Cheddar, Britain’s largest gorge, was carved by melt-water from the last Ice Age and has been forming and changing over the past two million years. Not far away you can experience the drama of Brean Down, which extends a mile and a half into the Bristol Channel and has truly breathtaking views, as well as abundant wildlife and fascinating history — including a Roman

Temple, Napoleonic era fort and Second World War gun battery.For those who like to delve a bit more deeply into the history of wherever they are, there are detailed leaflets available covering the Trust’s coast and countryside (see page 30).

A wealth of wildlifeThe abundance of wildlife you will find on the Trust’s coast and countryside sites in Devon and Cornwall bears witness to many years of pioneering nature conservation work. Try walking the Rosemergy and Bosigran cliffs near Zennor in West Penwith; between Bolt Head and Bolt Tail in South Devon; or from Kynance to Mullion on the Uzard, and appreciate the swathes of wild flowers which carpet the grazed cifftops in spring and summer.

That emblematic bird, the Cornish chough, has returned to breed in Cornwall at last, on the grazed cliffs of the Lizard. If you visit Lizard Point, be sure to stop by the Chough Watchpoint next door to the café, particularly at fledging time in the summer. On an old viaduct in Plym Bridge Woods, near Plymouth, you will find the observation post for the successful Peregrine Falcon Watch, set up to protect nearby breeding

Above: Stormy skies over Blackmore Vale from the Iron-Age hill fort at Hod HillOpposite page: Children fishing in a shallow pool at Woolacombe beach in Devon

Map 2 Visit South West

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Our shapes

Tohelpexpresstheideaofthesupporter’sexperience,wehave ourownsetofcut-outshapes,whichhaveapersonalquality, asifthey’vebeencutoutbyhandforacollageinascrapbook. Theyhelpgiveusauniqueandrecognisablestyle.



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Using shapes


Theshapesaboveareavailableasartworkstodownload fromthecoreartworkfinderareaofthebrandcentre,you canadapttheseshapesandmakethemmore—orless— irregulartomatchthefeelofyouritem.

Ifyouwanttocreateyourownshape,takeapieceofblack paperandcutouttheshape,aimingforstraightlinesbut notforperfection.Scanyourshapeinandtraceitusingthe pentoolinyourdesignsoftware.



The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

ClivedenStroll through the glorious gardens around a house that was once the glittering hub of high society

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The images we choose shape what people think and feel about us. Choosing images that are welcoming, authentic and connect people to a place shows that we look after places for everyone to enjoy.


Why is choosing the right imageimportant?

What these images say about us

1 We’re uninviting.(Shuttersdown,doorclosed,desertedandnoatmosphere.)

2 We’re fake.(It’sclearlysetupandposed. Itlookslikea‘catalogue’shot.)

3 We’re uninspiring.(It’spassiveandreinforces astereotypicalviewoftheTrust.)

What these images say about us

1 We’re warm and welcoming. (Doorsopen,theplaceisalive,comeonin.)

2 We’re authentic. (Youngandoldrelaxedandexploringtheplace.)

3 We’re inspiring.(Peoplenaturallyenjoyingtheplaceontheirownterms.)

1 1

2 2

3 3

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National Trust Images – here to help



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How to choose the right image First, think about your audience

IstheitemaimedatourExplorer Families,Curious Minds,orOut and Aboutssegments,orabroadergroupofpeople?



Ifyouareproducingsomethingtoappealtoall,chooseamixof theimageseachofoursegmentsprefer.

Iftheimagesyouchooseincludepeople,makesuretheyreflect thediversityofyouraudience(bethatnational,regional,orlocal).Ourphotolibrarypictureresearcherscanhelpyouwiththis,call01793817700.

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Images our segments prefer – Explorer Families


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Images our segments prefer – Curious Minds


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Images our segments prefer – Out and Abouts


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How to choose the right image


warm and welcomingTheplaceisaliveandwelcomesyouin(hereLanhydrockisbustlingwithactivityanddrawingthefamilyin).

authenticNaturalandrelaxed–notposedorartificial(herethefamily isstrollingthroughthegrounds,unawareofthecamera).


connect people to a place

Thefollowingpagesshowlotsofexamples ofwelcomingandauthenticimagesandgivesreasonswhytheyconnectpeopletoaplace.

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Why these images work at connecting people to a place (clockwisefromtopleft)

1 Aninformalactivityinaformalspaceshowsfreedomtoexplore.2 Peoplewarmlybringingstoriesoftheplacetolife.3 Peopleenjoyingtheplace(whichisrecognisablyOsterley).4 Scaleandbeautyofthelandscapewithasenseofjourney.5 Completelyengagedandintrigued.6 Asenseofgrandeurwithscaleprovidedbypeople.







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Why these images work at connecting people to a place (clockwisefromtopleft)

1 Behindthescenesofbringingplacestolife.2 Anaturalresponsetothebeautyoftheplace.3 Utterlyabsorbedinthemoment;amomentsharedwithyou.4 Anauthenticreactiontotheplace.5 ‘Wow’–imaginebeingthereandclimbingthosestairs.6 Beautifulandatmospheric–invitesyouin.







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Why these images work at connecting people to a place (clockwisefromtopleft)

1 Aneverdaywalkinbeautfulsurroundings.2 Peopleandplace(whichisrecognisablyLymePark).3 Enjoyingtheplace,onanadventure.4 Aliveanddynamic,enjoymentandadventure–drawsyouin.5 Anaturalresponsetoanextraordinarysight.6 Apersonalexperienceofgettingclosertonature.







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Why these images work at connecting people to a place (clockwisefromtopleft)

1 ‘Wow’–imaginebeingthereinthatmoment.2 Asenseoftheadventureabouttobehad.3 Aneverydayactivityatarecognisableplace(Osterley).4 Connectionbetweentheviewer,theplaceandthelandscape.5 Explorationwithasenseoftheplace.6 Peoplebringingplacestolife.







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Connecting people to a place using our advertising campaign style (also known as ‘I oak leaf’)Ourcurrentadvertisingcampaignstyleusesimagesthatshowtheemotionbehindanexperienceorvisit:showingchildrengettingreallymuddyinapuddle,familiesrollingdownahill,orpeopleenjoyingacampfireinthewoods,forexample.Theseimagesoftendon’tshow arecognisableplacebuttheplaceisalwaysnamedintheadvert.

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Connecting people to a place using personal perspectiveAnotherwaytoshowpeople’sconnectiontoaplaceisbychoosingimagesthatputyourightwiththepersontakingthephotograph.

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When a single image can’t say everything you need to say, consider a collageTherearetimeswhenoneimagesimplycan’tsayeverythingyou needtosay.Thisiswhenacollagewhichmixesavarietyofimages ofpeopleandplacescanhelp.Itremovestheneedtorelyonasingleimageandisparticularlyusefulifyouwanttoappealtomorethan oneofoursegments.

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When a single image can’t say everything you need to say, consider a collageTherearetimeswhenoneimagesimplycan’tsayeverythingyou needtosay.Thisiswhenacollagewhichmixesavarietyofimages ofpeopleandplacescanhelp.Itremovestheneedtorelyonasingleimageandisparticularlyusefulifyouwanttoappealtomorethan oneofoursegments.

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Why these images don’t work at connecting people to a place (clockwisefromtopleft)

1 Sky retouched to an unreal blue (Itlooksfakeandartificial.)2 Distortion from odd angles or wide-angle lenses (Thisgivesapeculiarviewoftheplace.)3 Special effects (Thenaturalbeautyofplacesdoesn’tneedspecialeffectsgetting

intheway.)4 Contrived or artificial set ups (Strikeafalsenote.There’smuchmoreinterestinwhatisreal.)5 Posed people (Peopleareverygoodatspottingwhatisfakeandwhatisreal.

Imagesoffakemomentsmakeanythingelsewesaylessbelievable.)6 Staged action (Again,peopleareverygoodatspottingwhatisfakeandwhat









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A final checklist

Do your chosen images appeal to your audience? ¨

Do they reflect the diversity of your audience (bethatnational,regional,orlocal)?¨

Are your images: Warm and welcoming? ¨ Authentic? ¨

Do they connect people to a place? ¨


Avoid images that…

Choose images that…— lookrealisticandnatural.— ifincludepeople,showthemrelaxed


— lookfakeandartifical,suchastheskyretouchedtoanunrealblue.

— showposedpeople.— aredistortedandlookodd.— usespecialeffects.— showobviously‘staged’action.

Some helpful do’s and don’ts

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Images by supporters

Toevokeasupporter’sexperienceofaNationalTrust place,wesometimesusephotographsmadeby supportersthemselves.



Morden Hall ParkAnother world in the midst of the suburbs

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

The trees have eyes The Giffords

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Supporterimagery Images by supporters

Aswellasphotographs,weoccasionallyusepaintings, drawingsorcollagescreatedbysupporters.

My sunrise

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

PetworthGazing across the deer park, do you see what Turner saw?

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Images by supporters

Theyoftencaptureahighlypersonalexperienceinafresh, non-officialway.Alwaysmakesurethatimagesareof ahighstandard(evenifmadebyachild),andthatyouhave thepermissionofthesupporterwhomadethem.



WimpoleGet up close and personal with the rare breed animals on a real working farm

Milking time

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

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Expressive illustration

Illustrationshouldbepowerfullyexpressive, capturingtheillustrator’sorartist’sexperience ofaNationalTrustplace.



TrengwaintonFind luxuriant peonies and soaring fulmars in one extraordinary place

The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

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Commissioning illustrators

Forparticularpurposes—forexample,tocreateasense ofidentityforaparticularplace—it’sworthcommissioning aprofessionalillustrator.

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Creating maps

Thereisawidevarietyofmapstyles:ingeneralmakelocation mapsassimpleandunclutteredaspossible:useNationalTrust RegularandBoldforwording.Thisexamplegivesapersonalquality.


Useaccesssymbolsifhelpful.Checkthesourceofthemap you’reusingandaskforpermissiontoreproduceit.Youmust addacopyrightlineiftheownerasksyouto.



Exploring1 Carpark2 Visitorreception3 Starthereforacircular walkroundtheestate4 Don’tmisstheenchanting WhistlerRoom5 Explorethemedieval cellarium6 Seethestriking Angel of Mottisfont mosaic7 Starthereforthe riversidewalk8 SeeMottisfontfont— anancientwaterspring9 Theicehouse—an 18th-centuryrefrigerator10 Picnicinsidethebeechcircle11 Enjoythewonderful old-fashionedroses

Eating and shopping 12 Shop:buycrafts,foodand

othergoodthingshere13 Getapit-stopsnackatthe kiosk,openinfineweather 14 Lavatories15 Informationcentre

stableblock16 KitchenCafé:enjoylunch,


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Thisisaguidetousingourtoneofvoice–how wetalkandhowwewrite,bothinsideandoutsidetheTrust.Itcontainssomeguidancetohelpchoosethewordsyouuseandexamplesofhowyoucan makethemworkinpractice


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— Ouractions— Thewaywelook(ourvisualidentity)— Whatwesayandhowwesayit(ourtoneofvoice)


Why is our tone of voice important?



ExclusiveAloofGrandioseBoringStuffy and old fashioned

WelcomingWarmGroundedInspiringOpen and dynamic


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Our tone of voice


Why do we write the way we do?

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We’reopentopeople’sviewsandsuggestions,notbossyorexcluding.Wewanttoinspire peopleandgivethemideastotakebackintotheirownlives.


Writing tip 1

WhenwritingfortheTrustitshouldsoundlikeonepersontalking toanother.Writethewayyouwouldspeakanditwillsoundfriendlierandmorenatural.Agoodwaytocheckhowyourwritingsoundsisbyreadingitaloud.

Writing tip 2


Warm and welcoming


Insteadofthis:Important: Keep your dog on a lead at all times and use the waste bins provided.


Trythis:Insteadofthis:Please let us know if you have any feedback from your visit.

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We love placesandwe’reallambassadorsfortheworkwedo soweneedtobebelievableandspecificwhendescribingaplace orexperience.Likewise,weshouldn’tshyawayfromdifficultissues.

Beinghonestandauthenticisveryimportantforbuildingtrust andcredibility.

Writing tip 1

Ifyou’regatheringquotestouseinyourwriting,askpeopleto speaktheirthoughts(ratherthanwritethemdown).Itwillsound muchmorenatural.

Writing tip 2


Honest and authentic


Stoneacre is an ornate, timber-framed medieval farmer’s house surrounded by woodland, rolling hay meadows, apple orchards and gardens, all great for exploring.

Insteadofthis:A stunning yet imposing ornate homestead, this old house will delight you with its wonderful history and variety of intriguing gardens.

Insteadofthis:We’ve got everything you need for a great day out, including a lovely picnic area*.

*This site has no catering facilities



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WehaveavastamountofknowledgeandexpertiseattheTrust butweneedtosayitinawaythatinspiresothersifwe’regoingto share our common purpose.AvoidNationalTrustjargon,andbringtheknowledgewehavetolifesopeoplecanengagewiththeirsurroundings.

Writing tip 1


Writing tip 2

Celebratewhat’slocal(forexample,‘Trymeatrearedontheestateat ournewrestaurant’or‘Visittraditionalcraftsmenworkinginthewoods’).Wewanttoofferpeopleasmuchaswecanfromtheestates welookafter.Findingopportunitiestohighlightthiswillinspirepeopleaboutthewiderangeofthingswedo.

Involving and inspiring



King James II’s bed will return in the summer after restoration by our conservation team


We’re remaking the King’s bed

Insteadofthis:James II bed is currently undergoing restoration.

Insteadofthis:How to get young children outdoors and closer to nature.



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Ourplacesarenotmuseums:theyarelivingbuildings,dynamiccoastlines,workingfarmsandopenparklandswithrichpastsandexcitingfutures.Wethink long termandbehaveinasustainable way,soit’simportanttotellpeoplewhatwe’redoingwithimaginationandenergy.

Writing tip 1


Writing tip 2

Useactivenotpassiveverbs(forexample‘we’rerebuilding thesewalls’not‘thewallsarebeingrebuilt’).Thiswillmakeyour writingmoredynamic.

Alive and dynamic


Help keep the chalk downlands alive

Dunstable Downs,Countryside Manager£21,929

Join our expert team as acountryside manager, and enjoythe job of a lifetime. You’llcreate plans for conserving thisexhilarating landscape, and keepit beautifully maintained foreveryone to enjoy. You’ll needa good countryside management qualification. Please apply by18 May 2013.

Committed to equal opportunities

Registered charity no. 205846

Insteadofthis:Countryside Manager wanted.

Insteadofthis:If you like the outdoors click here to find out about our new Surrey Hills activity holiday.



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Halftermevents:The Forest of Enchantment


Why this works

1 Warm and welcoming:parentsareourprimaryaudienceandit’sclearwe’llhaveeverythingtheyneedsoitwillbestress-free.Thewarminvitationtocomeinfancydressmakesitclearwewantpeopletoenjoythemselves.

2 Involving and inspiring:creatinganamefortheeventhasmadeitinstantlymoreinspiring.Assoonasyouread‘TheForestofEnchantment’youwanttoknowmore.Butpleaseconsiderthespiritoftheplacewhencreatingandnamingevents.

3 Honest and authentic:weknowparentswillbereadingthisbecausethey’relookingforwaystoentertaintheirkids,soit’sniceandclearthatthisisindoorsandnotweatherdependent.We’realsohonestabouthowbusytheeventcanbe,withoutbeingdiscouraging.

4 Alive and dynamic:phraseslike‘Sparklywands’,‘pixies’and‘forestofenchantment’bringthedescriptionofthiseventtolifeandreassureparentsthatitwillbeamemorabledayfortheirchildren.

Example 1: Promoting an event


Half term events



— Whoistheaudience?— Whatinterestsandmotivatesthem?— Whatdoyouloveabouttheplacesor

activitiesyouarewritingabout?— Whatstoriescanwetellormemories


Bringing it all together

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Brancaster Millennium Activity Centre

‘KayakingaroundthecreeksinBrancasterharbourjustbeforesunsetismagicalandsomethingIlovesharingwithnewvisitors.’Jim Bevlin, National Trust Kayak Instructor



Example 2: Introducing a place


Brancaster Millennium Activity Centre



Bringing it all together

Why this works

Start with love of place:Theintroductionnowfocusesontherelationshipbetweenpeopleand theplace,givinganideaofthecharmand characterofthebuildingsandsettingaswell astheactivitiesavailable.

1 Alive and dynamic:thisisabrochureforanactivitycentresotalkingabouttheactivitiesthemselveshasmadethewholepiecemorealive.Theprimaryaudiencewillbepeopleseekinganactivityholidaysowe’vestartedwithareferencetokayakingandmentionedotheroutdooradventuresratherthantoomanyfacts.Thisisaboutwhatvisitorscando,notwhatwe’vedone.

2 Involving and inspiring:thesectionaboutfundinghasbeenremoved.Althoughit’simportanttorecognisedonors,itdoesn’thelpconnectpeopletotheplaceandthiscouldbeplacedelsewhereintheleaflet.Thishasallowedmoretimetobespentinspiringpeopleabouttheatmosphereoftheplacewithoutincreasingthewordcount.

3 Warm and welcoming:thewritinghasbeenrestructuredsoitfocusesonwhatpotentialvisitorswillwanttoknowandwhatwilldrawthemin.Eventhequotementionstheenjoymentofsharingthisplacewithvisitors.

4 Honest and authentic:thepiecenowstartswithaquotefromamemberofstafftogiveauthenticityandtoshowwhatotherpeoplehavesaidaboutthecentre.AquotefromtheKayakInstructorgivesinsightintotheplacefromsomeonewhoknowsitwell.


— Whoistheaudience?— Whatinterestsandmotivatesthem?— Whatdoyouloveabouttheplacesor

activitiesyouarewritingabout?— Whatstoriescanwetellormemories


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Please don’t damage the ramparts by skiing, snowboarding or sledging here ThisMedievalfortressis800years-oldandcounting.Tomakesureitstaysstandingforeveryonetoenjoy,pleasehelpbychoosinganotherskislope(nearbyWorthhillisgood).

Why this works

1 Honest and authentic:theheadlinecommunicatesthemessageinapolitebutclearway.Wegivepeopleareasonfornotskiingorsledgingwhichismorelikelytomakethemtakenote.

2 Involving and inspiring:eveninstructional


3 Alive and dynamic:usingourlocal


4 Warm and welcoming:thesubjectisn’t


Example 3: Instructional messages




Bringing it all together


— Whoistheaudience?— Whatinterestsandmotivatesthem?— Whatdoyouloveabouttheplacesor

activitiesyouarewritingabout?— Whatstoriescanwetellormemories


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Another year of family fun and discoveries

Wehopeyouandyourfamilyhave enjoyedyourthirdyearofmembership. Thankyouforhelpingtorestore,repair andmaintainsomanynationaltreasures forfamiliestoexplore.

Yournewmembershipcardisenclosed andwehopeitwillbringyouevenmorememorabletripsthisyear.

Why this works

1 Involving and inspiring:wewanttoinspirepeopleabouttheirroleinourwork.Wecandothisbymakingmembershiprenewalsseemlesstransactional.Thefocushereisontherelationshipthefamilyhavewiththeplaceswelookafter.Thisisfarmoremotivatingforouraudience.

2 Warm and welcoming:theheadlineisnowmuchwarmer.Itisaninvitationtoenjoyanotheryearwithus.

3 Honest and authentic:wecanusetheinformationwehaveaboutpeopletomakeourlettermorepersonal.Thisisarenewalletterforafamilymembershipsoitfeelsmoreauthenticifwerefertothis.

4 Alive and dynamic:theheadlinebrings thebenefitsoffamilymembershiptolifeandhintsatthememoriesamembershipcancreate.


Another year of membership. More amazing discoveries to make

WehopeyourNationalTrustmembershiphas,onceagain,broughtyoueverythingyouhopedfor.Nowit’supforrenewalwe’veenclosedyournewcardandwanttosaythankyou.Yourcontributionmeansalottous,andBritain’splacesandspaces. Withoutyoursupportwewouldn’tbeabletorestore,repairandmaintainsomanynationaltreasures.Oropenthemupforever,foreveryonetoenjoy.

Example 4: Membership renewal

Bringing it all together


— Whoistheaudience?— Whatinterestsandmotivatesthem?— Whatdoyouloveabouttheplacesor

activitiesyouarewritingabout?— Whatstoriescanwetellormemories


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A quick style guide

Abbreviations Ifindoubt,spelloutinfull. That is; for example; and,notie; eg; &.

Botanical names Givebotanicalnamesinfull,forexample Pieris formosavar.forrestii‘Wakehurst’. ThesemaybeshortenedtoPieris‘Wakehurst’ iftheyrecurinthetext.

Capitals Preferlower-casetocapitals. Don’tusecapitalsforpointsofthecompass orseasons.Uselowercaseforrooms, unlesstoindicateaparticularname forthatroom:It was once the dining-room, but in 1780 it became the Saloon.

Dates Writethemintheform21December2011. Spelloutcenturies:the eighteenth century.

Decades Usenumerals:the 1960sorthe60s.

Initials No dots. Mrs,Rev,USA,kg, not Mrs.,Rev.,U.S.A.,kg.

Numbers Usenumeralsratherthanwords,except fornumbersbelow11(one to ten), vaguenumbers(about thirty years)andfor centuries(the twentieth century).

Quotations Showquotationsinsinglequotemarks.

Spelling Use-isenot-ize.Inplacenamesmake surethatthestandardspellingsareused: Newcastle upon Tyne,Stoke-on-Trent and so on.

Titles Useitalicsfortitlesofbooks,periodicals, plays,operas,televisionprogrammes, filmsandnewspapers;andfornamesof shipsandaeroplanes.Otherwise,usesingle quotationmarksfortitles.

Foramoredetailedstyleguidegoto: selectguidesandtemplatesanddownload


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Writing in Wales

CommunicationsdistributedinWalesshouldbewritten inbothWelshandEnglish,withtheWelshandEnglish separatedonthesamepage,whereverpossible.

Formoreinformationonpreparingbilingualcommunication, contacttheWalesoffice.



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Howapropertystyleguidemay helpcommunicatespiritofplace

Your place

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Spirit of place and property style guides

Notmanyplaceswillrequireapropertystyleguidebutifspirit ofplacedemandsit,awelldesignedandcarefullythoughtthroughpropertystyleguidecanhelpcommunicatespiritofplace.


Foradviceonhowbesttocommunicatespiritofplace,talkto yourdesignandvisitorexperiencecolleaguesatconsultancyor thedesignandcorporateidentityteamatHeelis.

Thereisalsoguidanceonthebrandcentre. Go to andselectguidesandtemplates,property/placestyleguides.

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Howtomake communicationaccessible


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Ifwe’retoinspireeveryone,andexcludeno-one,wemustmake everythingweproduceasclearandlegibleaspossible.Hereare thetoptenpointstofollow.

1 UsetheNationalTrusttypeface—whichisspeciallydesigned tobeeasytoread—forprofessionallyproduceditems.

2 Settextinsentencecase,left-aligned.Avoidcapitals andunderlining.Useitalicsonlyforemphasis,foreignwords andmentioningthetitlesofbooks,picturesandsoon.

3 Makelayoutsuncluttered,withaclearhierarchyofheadings, captionsandtext.

4 Choosegoodqualityphotographsandincludeadiverse rangeofpeople

5 Avoidsettingtextaroundimages(run-arounds).

6 Becarefulplacingtextontopofaphotograph.Choosean areawheretheimagehasaconstantcolour,andcreatesenough contrastforthetexttobeeasilyreadable.

7 Whenyou’reusingcolouredtext,orputtingtextona colouredbackground,makesurethere’splentyofcontrast betweentextandbackground.

8 Writeclearlyandconversationally,withshortsentences andparagraphs.

9 Attheendofallprintedmaterialsapartfrompostersandadverts, includein16pttypethephrase‘Ifyou’dlikethisinformationinan alternativeformat…’withaphonenumberandemailaddress.

10 Choosewhitepaperwithamatt,silkoruncoatedfinish.

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HowtousetheNationalTrust’sbrand alongsidepartnerorganisations


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Let one brand lead

Moreandmore,theNationalTrustworksalongsideother organisations—forexample,landowners,conservationbodies, localauthoritiesandlocalsponsors.

Inthesepartnerships,oneorotherorganisationshouldtakethelead.It’samistaketomixthetwobrandidentitiestogether:thisproduces amish-mash,underminingtheequityofbothbrands.





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Where the National Trust leads

Wenormallytaketheleadwhen:— wehavethemoreauthorityorcredibility— we’veinitiatedtheproject,or— theplacewe’retalkingaboutismainly ownedbyus.

Inthiscase,followourBrandstandards,butaddthepartner’slogo inthespacebelowourlogotype,possiblyprecededbyalinelike ‘supportedby’or‘inpartnershipwith’.ChooseaNationalTrustcolourforthetext,logoandframethat’ssympatheticwiththepartner’slogo.

Sponsored by

Partner logo

Sheffield Park Watch the 18th Century Capability Brown landscaped gardens transform with an amazing lightshow


The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

Sponsored by

Partner logo

Sheffield Park Watch the 18th Century Capability Brown landscaped gardens transform with an amazing lightshow

Partner logo


The National Trust is a registered charity no. 205846

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Partner-led Where the partner leads

Thepartnertakestheleadwhen:— theyhavemoreauthorityorcredibility— they’veinitiatedtheproject,or— theplacewe’retalkingaboutismainly ownedbythem.

Inthesecases,thepartnershouldcreatethematerial,followingtheirownBrandstandards.WeshouldmakesuretheNationalTrust logoappearsonthefrontcover.Usually,thereducedsizeversionisthebestonetouse,possiblyprecededbytextlike‘inassociationwith’.Supplythelogoinacoloursympathetictothepartner’sbrandidentity.

Lead Partner

Car Parkin association with

High PeakBirdwatching CentreOur education programme

Other partner Other partner

Lead Partner

in association with

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Essential information

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Compulsory text


Image creditsYoumustalwaysgiveacreditforeachimageyouuse.ForphotographsfromNationalTrustImages,youshould creditbothNationalTrustImagesandthephotographer. Multiplecreditscanbegroupedlikethis: NationalTrustImages/JoeCornish/StephenRobson/DavidNoton



Registered charity numberThismustappearonallitemsofprintasfollows:Registeredcharityno.205846

If space allows:TheNationalTrustisaregisteredcharityno.205846

Standard information and symbolsWhenyouneedtogivestandardinformationontheNationalTrust, itsopeningarrangementsandotherbenefitsformembersorvisitors,baseitonthewordingandsymbolsusedintheHandbook.

Accessibility statementAttheendofallprintedmaterialsapartfrompostersandadverts,includein16pttypethephrase‘Ifyou’dlikethisinformationin analternativeformat…’withaphonenumberandemailaddress.

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AllNationalTrustpublicationsshouldbeprintedonwhitepaper withamatt,silkoruncoatedfinish.Avoidglossypaperswhichcanbedifficulttoreadduetothereflectionoflight.



PleaseorderyourselectedpaperthroughoneoftheTrust’snominatedpapermerchants.Atthetimeoforderingyou,oryoursupplier, willneedtomakeclearthatthepaperisbeingboughtonbehalfof theNationalTrust,sothatyoubenefitfromthepriceswehave negotiatedonyourbehalf.Thepricesarecompetitiveforthetypes ofpaperonoffer,buttheywillnotalwaysbethelowestprice.

Getting it right


Protecting our intellectual propertyTheNationalTrust’slogo,togetherwithitslibraryofphotographicimagesandmanyofitsproductsandservices,arepartoftheTrust’sintellectualproperty.Youshouldneveragreetoanyexternalcompanyororganisationusingourname,logoorintellectualpropertywithoutcheckingwithyourconsultancyfirst.GivingawayourintellectualpropertycoststheTrustmoneyandcanjeopardiseourreputation.

Following the law on data protectionAstandarddataprotectionstatementhasbeenpreparedforuse onallprinteditemswhichcollectpersonalinformation,suchasnamesandaddresses.ThestatementandacorrespondingpadlocksymbolareavailableontheIntranetunder‘DataProtection’.Thisisalegalrequirementandmustbefollowed.

Following the law on disabilities discriminationGuidelineshavebeenpreparedtohelptheTrusttocomplywith thelatestDisabilityDiscriminationAct.TheycanbefoundonthebrandcentreunderAccessibility.

More guidance on signsGuidanceonestatesigns(buildings,gardensandparks)isavailableonthebrandcentre.

