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Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report

Apr 10, 2018



Tun Aung Shwe
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  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


    F F HF iv 2010C ing H w F F

  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


    Football for HopeFootball for Hope is a movement that uses the power ofthe game for positive social change. The movement is ledby FIFA and streetfootballworld, a centre of expertise and

    coordinator of a global network of organisations in theeld of Development through Football.


  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


    Football for Hope Fest al 2010

    During the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, 32teams of young people from disadvantaged communitiesacross the globe came to Johannesburg for a festivalof education, culture and football organised by FIFA,streetfootballworld, the 2010 FIFA World Cup OrganisingCommittee South Africa and the City of Johannesburg.

    The participating boys and girls were all members oforganisations which tackle social issues using football from homelessness in the UK and landmines inCambodia, to HIV/AIDS education in South Africa andintegration of refugees in Australia. These are just someof the organisations that are part of the Football forHope movement.

    These young people were chosen because of theircommitment to building a better future in their owncommunities. During the festival they took part ina two-week programme of workshops, exchangesand cultural experiences culminating in a footballtournament played in front of thousands of spectatorsin a specially-constructed stadium in Alexandratownship, one of South Africas most economicallydisadvantaged communities.

    The Football for Hope Festival 2010 was an of cialevent of the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa andfully integrated into the operations of the competition.The participants, coordinators, staff, volunteers, performersand spectators were all part of something unique an event that brought the idea of development throughfootball onto the biggest sporting stage in the world.

    Football is more than just a game it has thepower to bring people together. The festivalproved that in emphatic fashion. The 2010FIFA World Cup was a platform to promote andspread the word about causes such as healthpromotion and education, which are both keyelements of the Football for Hope movement.Joseph S. Blatter, FIFA President

    Celebrating the power of football to createsocial change around the world.

    Football for Hope Fest al 2010

    For more in ormation checkwww.f ootball orhopewww.street

    The Football for Hope Festival is animportant development. It shows thatfootball is more than just football itgoes beyond the game. It is an honourto host the festival in a community likeAlexandra a place of happiness.Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa

    Celebrat the o er of Football


  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


    Qual ed dele at o s









    All delegations and participants were chosen for theircommitment to building a better future in their communities.

    mericasA Ganar Ser Paz EcuadorColombianitos ColombiaTeam Brazil BrazilTeam Uruguay UruguaySeleccin Chilena Chilede Ftbol CallejeroRed Paraguaya de Partid ParaguaySeleccin Nacional Argentinade ArgentinaTeam USA USA

    fricaCoaching for Hope Mali Diambars SenegalEsprance RwandaGrassroot Soccer South Africa, Zambia,

    ZimbabweKick4Life LesothoMathare Youth Sports Kenya AssociationMoving the Goalposts Kenya Search and Groom NigeriaSpecial Olympics Botswana, Mauritius,

    Namibia, South Africa Team Alexandra South AfricaTeam South Africa South AfricaTeam Zambia ZambiaThe Kids League Uganda






















    Each delegation included four boys and four girlsaged 15 to 18, representing organisations that bythe merit of the quality of their work are part ofthe Football for Hope movement. The quali cationprocess was launched in December 2008, with theaim of selecting the organisations that could bene tmost from the festival.

    57 applications were received, and during an in-depth evaluation process some joint delegationswere created where one country was representedby several delegations, or one delegation invitedparticipants from programmes in several differentcountries.


  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


    uropeDads Against Drugs United KingdomFootball Friends Bosnia & Herzegovina,

    Montenegro, SerbiaGerman Street GermanyFootball NetworkSport Against Republic of Ireland,Racism Ireland Northern IrelandSport dans la Ville FranceStreet League United Kingdom

    s a a d M ddle astMagic Bus IndiaSpirit of Soccer CambodiaThe Peace Team Israel, Palestine

    cea aFootball United AustraliaTahiti Football Tahiti




















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    Qual ed Dele at o s


    lexa dra to sh pJoha esbur

    outh fr ca

    Celebrat the o er of Football


    Celebrat the o er of Football

  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


    r the orld to etherFor most of the participants, the festival was the rsttime they had left their home countries. Meeting somany other young people from around the world wasa once-in-a-lifetime chance to interact with and learnfrom other cultures, and each delegation put on acultural performance at the team village includingtraditional Indian dancing, a short lm from Israel andPalestine, hip-hop from Germany and re-dancingfrom Tahiti!

    Med a traDuring the festival a workshop was delivered on digitalphotography as part of Siyakhona, a project that

    trains young people from disadvantaged communitiesto be photographers and video journalists and whichis part of Sonys collaboration with FIFA on corporatesocial responsibility.

    brush th r ttoThe festival participants did not just express themselveson the football pitch a painting workshop led byworld-famous Brazilian artist Romero Britto gave themthe chance to explore their artistic talents.

    ear e sk llsAs part of their support of Football for Hope, FIFAPartner adidas delivered a Coerver Coaching courseto the coaches and participants. Coerver Coaching isa football skills education method for young playerswhich focuses on individual skill development andsmall group play.

    Im going to share the things we learned withmy community back home. Ill be teaching themabout fair play, how to play without a referee,and HIV education through football.Dailes, 16, Team Zambia

    H hl hts of eek o eCelebrat the o er of Football


  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


    F ht Hiv/ iDOne of the most important elements of the festivalis the opportunity to learn from one another. Thefestival brought together some of the most advancedorganisations in the world that are using football inthe ght against HIV/AIDS, and through a series ofworkshops and training sessions this knowledge waspassed on to others to take home with them.

    Meet the localsNo South African experience would be completewithout a safari and the festival participants hadthe chance to come face to face with lions, rhinos,cheetahs and crocodiles at a local safari park.

    ell the r storyMany of the festival participants have used footballto overcome challenges and hardships and haveincredible stories to tell. A Youth Discussion Forum,led by the young participants themselves, gave themthe chance to share their experiences

    dream come trueThe participants got the opportunity to experienceFIFA World Cup fever when they visited Soccer Cityfor the quarter- nal between Uruguay and Ghanaand Ellis Park for the quarter- nal between Spainand Paraguay. Ayoba!


  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


    H hl hts of eek o e

    My favourite part was the cultural performances it was great to see how everyone lives andcelebrates so differently. We enjoyed it.Jade, 16, Sport Against Racism Ireland

    Celebrat the o er of Football


  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


    The best part is that thereare no referees. The kids settheir own rules and evenif we dont speak we cancommunicate and use ourown language on the eld.Nagma, 15, Magic Bus

    ak t to the to sh pThe Football for Hope Festival culminated in a football

    tournament played in front of thousands of spectators ina specially-constructed stadium in Alexandra, a township inthe heart of Johannesburg. In the tournament, the mixedteams of boys and girls competed without referees any

    disagreements on the pitch were resolved through dialogue.


  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


    pe th a baThe Opening Ceremony of the Football for HopeFestival will live long in the memories of everyonein Alexandra. After a parade through the streets ofthe township by the delegations to the stadium andperformances by some of the top musical acts inSouth Africa, President of South Africa Jacob Zumaand FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter came onto thepitch to welcome the participants and communityand declare the festival of cially open.

    no refereesThe Football for Hope Festival tournament usedspecial rules designed to promote social integration,communication and respect. There were no refereesat the festival instead any disagreement on thepitch was resolved through dialogue between theyoung people a method proven to encouragepersonal development and mutual understanding.

    ame of three hal esThe secret to playing football with no referees isdialogue between the teams. Before and after eachgame, the two teams came together in privatediscussion areas to discuss fair play and award eachother points based on their respect for the rules.The team with the most fair play points wasawarded the Fair Play Award.

    terta the cro dThousands of spectators came every day towatch the entertainment in Alexandra and it wasnot just about the football local radio DJs andcommentators were recruited to keep the crowdsentertained, and in between games some of thebiggest names in South African music kept thestadium rocking.

    The fair play idea is cool. We can solveour issues when there are no referees.Its fun exchanging knowledge is themost important part.Victoria, 17, Team Alexandra

    H hl hts of eek t oCelebrat the o er of Football


  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


    tars come out for Football for HopeA special celebrity All Star match took place onthe stadium pitch to raise awareness about footballsrole in the ght against HIV/AIDS. Dazzling thecrowd were FIFA World Cup winners, former andcurrent stars of African and South African footballand local legends from Alexandra.

    xcha deas th the UnThe Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General onSport for Development and Peace, Wilfried Lemke,met with delegations leaders from outstandingorganisations during a special workshop to discusspotential synergies and opportunities in the eld.

    i the spotl htAs part of the 2010 FIFA World Cup the Football forHope Festival attracted hundreds of journalists fromall over the world to Alexandra to nd out more aboutthe participating delegations and the host community.

    tale of three troph esThere were three trophies on offer at the festival,each with its own story. The tournament winnerstrophy was designed and produced by the samecompany as the actual FIFA World Cup Trophy.The Alexandra Cup was designed and produced bya local South African artist, and the Fair Play Awardwas a replica of the one given by FIFA to the teamwith the best record of fair play during the FIFAWorld Cup.

    d o a h h oteIt was a hugely emotional day in Alexandra as theFootball for Hope Festival came to a close. After

    Esprance of Rwanda and Mathare Youth SportsAssociation of Kenya had been crowned the AlexandraCup and Festival Trophy winners, the stadium roseto its feet to celebrate Cambodias Spirit of Soccerbeing awarded the Fair Play Award. The participantsthen surprised the crowd by performing their ownspecial thank you on hundreds of drums.

    I hope all of you will remember this moment.Carry this experience back home with youbecause you have the responsibility to helpchange lives in your communities.Jrgen Griesbeck,streetfootballworld Managing Director

    I never imagined Id get this chance. This islike a dream come true.Isaac, 18, Team USA

    Esprance o RwandaWinner of the Alexandra Cup

    Cambodias Spirit of SoccerWinner of the Fair Play Trophy

    Mathare Youth Sports Assocation o KenyaWinner of the Festival Trophy


  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


    H hl hts of eek t o

    I learned how to cooperatewith people fromdifferent backgroundsand different cultures.Every day we aremeeting new peopleand making friends.Hemanta, 17, Football United


    Celebrat the o er of Football

  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


    Its good that the festivalis in a community likeAlexandra and thesekids get the chance toexperience it. Seeinghow people live herehas made us appreciatewhat we have.Victoria, 19, Street League

    The festival showed me that the game Igrew up playing in the streets of Alexandrahas the power to unite people, create joyand change lives. It helped me to onceagain see the goodness and humanity ofour township. Hosting the festival provedto us, and to the world, that we possessthe potential to succeed.Sikhumbuzo Mnculwane, Football for HopeFestival Community Coordinator

    lexa dra a d the commu tyCelebrat the o er of Football


  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


    r a s a orld-class e e tThe Football for Hope Festival 2010 was an of cial event

    and, therefore, fully integrated into the operations of the 2010FIFA World Cup South Africa . Dedicated teams from FIFA,streetfootballworld, the 2010 FIFA World Cup Organising

    Committee South Africa and the City of Johannesburgworked closely together to deliver a rst-class event and

    to service the 32 participating delegations.


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    Fest al r a sat o

    Fest al e ueThe Football for Hope Festival stadium with acapacity of over 2,600 was constructed at a local

    sports facility which was being upgraded by the Cityof Johannesburg. The venue also included a secondarti cial pitch with warm-up and discussion area,a mixed zone for interviews, a hospitality area forguests, an exhibition area, a medical centre and spacefor local vendors to sell food and refreshments, aswell as various other service areas for spectators.

    eam lla eAll players and participants were accommodatedin a team village at a local high school, which wasthe location for many of the educational and culturalactivities. The team village included three full-sizedfootball pitches, dormitories for girls and boys,entertainment areas, a cafeteria, an Internet caf,an auditorium, and classrooms for the educationalprogrammes.

    Med a ce treA local community youth centre next to the festivalsite became the festival media centre, providingworking space and facilities to all members of themedia from community newspapers to internationalbroadcasters. The media centre also included amedia brie ng room and catering area exclusivelyfor accredited journalists.

    before construction of stadium

    construction of stadium

    Celebrat the o er of Football


  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


    ccred tat o ce treThe nearby Central Johannesburg College wasturned into the festival accreditation centre andprovided accreditation for the players, staff, guests,media and service providers. Over 2,200 applicantswere processed during the two weeks of the festival.The centre was also used as headquarters for thevolunteers programme and as a cafeteria for alldelegations, staff and volunteers.

    Fest al teamThe Festival Organising Team was created in 2008 tostart working in Alexandra, recruiting staff, ndingvolunteers and performers and ensuring the festival

    was a local event. More than 80 staff memberscontributed to the organisation of the event.

    he fest al umbers 32 delegations 37 countries represented 100 artists and musicians 128 staff 174 football games played (at least 10 per team) 302 festival volunteers

    323 out of a possible 348 fair play points awarded 365 delegation members 400 media representatives 547 goals scored (3.14 goals per match) 1,263 accreditation badges printed 2,600 seats in the stadium 5,082 12-liter cases of water and soft drinks 9,420 items of football equipment 20,000 spectators


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    ha k you

    On behalf of FIFA, streetfootballworld, the 2010 FIFAWorld Cup Organising Committee South Africa andthe City of Johannesburg, we would like to say thankyou to the participating delegations, the communityof Alexandra and everyone who worked for over threeyears to make this festival such a success.

    ubl sherFdration Internationale de Football AssociationFIFA-Strasse P.O. Box 8044 Zurich Switzerland

    hotosFIFA, streetfootballworld, Getty Images,Simon Bruty, Action Images

    graph c des /layoutWorks Ltd, Leeds UK

    Celebrat the o er of Football


    Celebrat the o er of Football

  • 8/8/2019 Football for Hope Festival 2010 Report


    Fdration Internationale de Football AssociationFIFA-Strasse 20 P.O.Box 8044 Zurich Switzerland