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trawberry) C i t r u s healthcare laboratory testing services Food Intolerance Tests B e r r y Mi x (Blackberry, Raspberry Grains Barley Buckwheat Corn (Maize) Dinkel flour (Spelt) Gliadin (Gluten) Hops Millet Oat Quinoa Rice Rye Wheat Dairy Goat's Milk Sheep's Milk Cow's Milk Meat/Poultry Beef Chicken Deer Duck Goat Lamb Pheasant Pork Turkey Fish / Shellfish Abalone Anchovy Crustacean Mix Cuttlefish Eel Mollusc Mix Oily Fish Mix Plaice Salmon Sardines Shark Sole Trout Tuna Vendance White Fish Mix Vegetables/Pulses Asparagus Aubergine (Eggplant) Avocado Bean Sprouts Beetroot Bok Choi (Pak Choi) Carrot Celery Cucumber Kale Kidney Bean Legume Mix Lentils Lettuce Lotus Root Mushroom Mustard Mix Okra Onion Parsnip Peppers (Capsicum) Potato Pumpkin Rocket (Arugula) Spinach String Bean Swede Sweet Potato Tapioca Tumeric Turnip Water Chestnut Fruit Apple Apricot Banana Berry Mix Bilberry Blackcurrant Blueberry Boysenberry Cherry Citrus Mix Cloudberry Cranberry Goji Berry Grape All grape varieties Kiwi Lingonberry Lychee Mango Melon Mix Mulberry Olive Papaya Peach Pear Pineapple Plantain Plum Pomegranate Pumpkin Rhubarb Tomato Nuts/Seeds Chia Seed Coconut Flax/Linseed Nut Mix Rapeseed Sesame Seed Sunflower Seed Walnut Herbs/Spices Anise Seed Bayleaf Cardamom Cassia Cinnamon Clove Curry Leaves Curry Powder Herb Mix Juniper Mint Mix Mustard Seed Nutmeg Paprika Parsley Peppercorn Saffron Spice Mix Vanilla Drinks Acai Berry Burdock Camomile Coffee Dandelion Root Elderberry Elderflower Mix Ginseng (Korean) Ginseng (Siberian) Green Tea Guarana Nettle Leaves Rooibos (Red Bush Tea) Rosehip Tea Other Agar Agave Aloe Vera Bamboo Carob Chickpea Cocoa Bean Cola Nut Egg White Egg Yolk Hemp Jasmine Lemongrass Seaweed Spirulina Sugar Cane Tamarind Wheatgrass Yeast (Brewer’s and Baker’s) Berry Mix (Blackberry, Raspberry & Strawberry) Citrus Mix (Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon & Lime) Crustacean Mix (Crab, Lobster, Prawn/Shrimp) Elderflower Mix (Elderflower & Elderberry) Herb Mix (Coriander, Cumin & Dill) Legume Mix (Haricot Bean, Pea, Peanut & Soya Bean) Melon Mix (Watermelon, Honeydew & Cantaloupe) Mint Mix (Mint, Sage, Basil & Thyme) Mollusc Mix (Mussel, Oyster & Scallop) Mustard Mix (Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage & Cauliflower) Nut Mix (Almond, Brazil, Cashew & Hazelnut) Oily Fish Mix (Herring & Mackerel) Spice Mix (Chilli Pepper, Garlic & Ginger) White Fish Mix (Cod & Haddock) (Pinot Grigio) (Pinot Noir) (Brewer’s and Baker’s) Rooibos LOR4456 v1 Foods Tested Foods Tested Foods Tested Foods Tested 100 100 150 150 plus plus Modern Living Modern Living Nordic Nordic Asian Asian 200plus 200plus

Food Intolerance Tests - · FoodIntoleranceFood Intolerance Tests Tests Lorisian Ltd. Genesis 3, York Science Park, York, YO10 5DQ LOR1993 v4 Manysymp omscanbe link

Jul 23, 2020



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Page 1: Food Intolerance Tests - · FoodIntoleranceFood Intolerance Tests Tests Lorisian Ltd. Genesis 3, York Science Park, York, YO10 5DQ LOR1993 v4 Manysymp omscanbe link

Food Intolerance Tests

Lorisian Ltd. Genesis 3, York Science Park, York, YO10 5DQ LOR1993 v4

Many symptoms can be linked to food intoleranceand they include...

| Abdominal Pain

| Aches and Pains

| Acne

| Bloating

| Constipation

| Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

| Diarrhoea

| Eczema

| Fatigue

| Irritable Bowel Syndrome

| Itching

| Fluid Retention

| Headaches

| Hyperactivity

| Migraine

| Nausea

| Rashes

| Rhinitis

| Sinusitis

| Stomach Cramps

| Tension

| Tiredness

| Uritcaria

| Weight Loss/Weight Gain

healthcare laboratory testing services

• Berry Mix (Blackberry, Raspberry & Strawberry) • Citrus Mix (Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon & Lime) • Crustacean Mix (Crab, Lobster, Prawn/Shrimp) • Herb Mix (Coriander, Cumin & Dill) • Legume Mix(Haricot Bean, Pea, Peanut & Soya Bean) • Melon Mix (Watermelon, Honeydew & Cantaloupe) • Mint Mix(Mint, Sage, Basil & Thyme) • Mollusc Mix (Mussel, Oyster & Scallop) • Mustard Mix (Broccoli, BrusselSprouts, Cabbage & Cauliflower • Nut Mix (Almond, Brazil, Cashew & Hazelnut) • Oily Fish Mix (Herring &Mackerel) • Spice Mix (Chilli Pepper, Garlic & Ginger) • White Fish Mix (Cod & Haddock)

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Food Intolerance Tests

Lorisian Ltd. Genesis 3, York Science Park, York, YO10 5DQ LOR1993 v4

Many symptoms can be linked to food intoleranceand they include...

| Abdominal Pain

| Aches and Pains

| Acne

| Bloating

| Constipation

| Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

| Diarrhoea

| Eczema

| Fatigue

| Irritable Bowel Syndrome

| Itching

| Fluid Retention

| Headaches

| Hyperactivity

| Migraine

| Nausea

| Rashes

| Rhinitis

| Sinusitis

| Stomach Cramps

| Tension

| Tiredness

| Uritcaria

| Weight Loss/Weight Gain

healthcare laboratory testing services

• Berry Mix (Blackberry, Raspberry & Strawberry) • Citrus Mix (Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon & Lime) • Crustacean Mix (Crab, Lobster, Prawn/Shrimp) • Herb Mix (Coriander, Cumin & Dill) • Legume Mix(Haricot Bean, Pea, Peanut & Soya Bean) • Melon Mix (Watermelon, Honeydew & Cantaloupe) • Mint Mix(Mint, Sage, Basil & Thyme) • Mollusc Mix (Mussel, Oyster & Scallop) • Mustard Mix (Broccoli, BrusselSprouts, Cabbage & Cauliflower • Nut Mix (Almond, Brazil, Cashew & Hazelnut) • Oily Fish Mix (Herring &Mackerel) • Spice Mix (Chilli Pepper, Garlic & Ginger) • White Fish Mix (Cod & Haddock)

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healthcare laboratory testing services

Food Intolerance TestsFood Intolerance Tests

Lorisian Ltd. Genesis 3, York Science Park, York, YO10 5DQ LOR1993 v4

Many symptoms can be linked to food intoleranceand they include...

| Abdominal Pain

| Aches and Pains

| Acne

| Bloating

| Constipation

| Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

| Diarrhoea

| Eczema

| Fatigue

| Irritable Bowel Syndrome

| Itching

| Fluid Retention

| Headaches

| Hyperactivity

| Migraine

| Nausea

| Rashes

| Rhinitis

| Sinusitis

| Stomach Cramps

| Tension

| Tiredness

| Uritcaria

| Weight Loss/Weight Gain

healthcare laboratory testing services

• Berry Mix (Blackberry, Raspberry & Strawberry) • Citrus Mix (Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon & Lime) • Crustacean Mix (Crab, Lobster, Prawn/Shrimp) • Herb Mix (Coriander, Cumin & Dill) • Legume Mix(Haricot Bean, Pea, Peanut & Soya Bean) • Melon Mix (Watermelon, Honeydew & Cantaloupe) • Mint Mix(Mint, Sage, Basil & Thyme) • Mollusc Mix (Mussel, Oyster & Scallop) • Mustard Mix (Broccoli, BrusselSprouts, Cabbage & Cauliflower • Nut Mix (Almond, Brazil, Cashew & Hazelnut) • Oily Fish Mix (Herring &Mackerel) • Spice Mix (Chilli Pepper, Garlic & Ginger) • White Fish Mix (Cod & Haddock)

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GrainsBarley BuckwheatCorn (Maize)Dinkel flour (Spelt)Gliadin (Gluten)HopsMilletOatQuinoaRiceRyeWheatDairyGoat's MilkSheep's MilkCow's MilkMeat/PoultryBeefChickenDeer DuckGoatLambPheasantPorkTurkeyFish / ShellfishAbaloneAnchovyCrustacean MixCuttlefishEelMollusc MixOily Fish MixPlaiceSalmonSardinesSharkSoleTroutTunaVendanceWhite Fish MixVegetables/PulsesAsparagusAubergine (Eggplant)AvocadoBean SproutsBeetrootBok Choi (Pak Choi)CarrotCeleryCucumberKaleKidney BeanLegume MixLentilsLettuceLotus RootMushroomMustard MixOkraOnionParsnipPeppers (Capsicum)PotatoPumpkinRocket (Arugula)SpinachString BeanSwedeSweet PotatoTapiocaTumericTurnipWater ChestnutFruit AppleApricotBananaBerry MixBilberryBlackcurrantBlueberryBoysenberryCherry

Citrus MixCloudberryCranberryGoji BerryGrape All grape varietiesKiwiLingonberryLycheeMangoMelon MixMulberryOlivePapayaPeachPearPineapplePlantainPlumPomegranatePumpkinRhubarbTomatoNuts/SeedsChia SeedCoconutFlax/LinseedNut MixRapeseedSesame SeedSunflower SeedWalnutHerbs/SpicesAnise SeedBayleafCardamomCassiaCinnamonCloveCurry LeavesCurry PowderHerb MixJuniperMint MixMustard SeedNutmegPaprikaParsleyPeppercornSaffronSpice MixVanillaDrinksAcai Berry BurdockCamomileCoffeeDandelion RootElderberryElderflower MixGinseng (Korean)Ginseng (Siberian)Green Tea GuaranaNettle LeavesRooibos (Red Bush Tea)

RosehipTeaOtherAgarAgaveAloe VeraBambooCarobChickpeaCocoa BeanCola NutEgg WhiteEgg YolkHempJasmineLemongrassSeaweedSpirulinaSugar CaneTamarindWheatgrassYeast (Brewer’s and Baker’s)

Food Intolerance Tests

Lorisian Ltd. Genesis 3, York Science Park, York, YO10 5DQ LOR1993 v4

Many symptoms can be linked to food intoleranceand they include...

| Abdominal Pain

| Aches and Pains

| Acne

| Bloating

| Constipation

| Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

| Diarrhoea

| Eczema

| Fatigue

| Irritable Bowel Syndrome

| Itching

| Fluid Retention

| Headaches

| Hyperactivity

| Migraine

| Nausea

| Rashes

| Rhinitis

| Sinusitis

| Stomach Cramps

| Tension

| Tiredness

| Uritcaria

| Weight Loss/Weight Gain

healthcare laboratory testing services

• Berry Mix (Blackberry, Raspberry & Strawberry) • Citrus Mix (Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon & Lime) • Crustacean Mix (Crab, Lobster, Prawn/Shrimp) • Herb Mix (Coriander, Cumin & Dill) • Legume Mix(Haricot Bean, Pea, Peanut & Soya Bean) • Melon Mix (Watermelon, Honeydew & Cantaloupe) • Mint Mix(Mint, Sage, Basil & Thyme) • Mollusc Mix (Mussel, Oyster & Scallop) • Mustard Mix (Broccoli, BrusselSprouts, Cabbage & Cauliflower • Nut Mix (Almond, Brazil, Cashew & Hazelnut) • Oily Fish Mix (Herring &Mackerel) • Spice Mix (Chilli Pepper, Garlic & Ginger) • White Fish Mix (Cod & Haddock)

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• Berry Mix (Blackberry, Raspberry & Strawberry) • Citrus Mix (Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon & Lime) • Crustacean Mix (Crab, Lobster, Prawn/Shrimp) • Elderflower Mix (Elderflower & Elderberry) • Herb Mix (Coriander, Cumin & Dill) • Legume Mix (Haricot Bean, Pea, Peanut & Soya Bean) • Melon Mix (Watermelon, Honeydew & Cantaloupe) • Mint Mix (Mint, Sage, Basil & Thyme) • Mollusc Mix (Mussel, Oyster & Scallop) • Mustard Mix (Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage & Cauliflower) • Nut Mix (Almond, Brazil, Cashew & Hazelnut) • Oily Fish Mix (Herring & Mackerel) • Spice Mix (Chilli Pepper, Garlic & Ginger) • White Fish Mix (Cod & Haddock)
















ngFoods Tested Foods TestedFoods Tested

(Pinot Grigio)

(Pinot Noir) (Brewer’s and Baker’s)


LOR4456 v1

Foods Tested Foods Tested Foods TestedFoods Tested100100 150150

plusplus Mo




















Page 2: Food Intolerance Tests - · FoodIntoleranceFood Intolerance Tests Tests Lorisian Ltd. Genesis 3, York Science Park, York, YO10 5DQ LOR1993 v4 Manysymp omscanbe link

Do you think the foods you might be eating are making you Ill?

Although reactions to foods

may not be life threatening,

they can make the sufferer

feel extremely unwell and

may have an impact on

your work and social life.

Intolerance to a particular

food will not always cause

symptoms immediately, often

taking from a few hours to a

few days to show up.

Would you like to find out what foods might be

contributing to your symptoms?

Lorisian Food Intolerance Tests analyse your blood

sample for food specific IgG antibody reactions. You

will discover the foods you are reacting to which

should then be eliminated from your diet.

| Abdominal Pain

| Aches and Pains

| Acne

| Bloating

| Constipation

| Chronic Fatigue


| Diarrhea

| Eczema

Many symptoms have been linked to food intolerance and they include...

| Fatigue

| Irritable Bowel Syndrome

| Itching

| Fluid Retention

| Headaches

| Hyperactivity

| Migraine

| Nausea

| Rashes

| Rhinitis

| Sinusitis

| Stomach Cramps

| Tension

| Tiredness

| Uritcaria

| Weight Loss/Weight Gain

Lorisian’s parent company YorkTest have over 35 years of

experience in the field of diagnostic testing.

Lorisian’s parent company YorkTest specialises in

providing Gold standard laboratory tests that can help

you to optimise your diet.

For more information on Food Intolerance testing, please

contact your local approved Lorisian Practitioner.

Lorisian | 100 - Analyses your IgG antibody reaction to 100 common food ingredients.

Lorisian | 150plus - Analyses your IgG antibody reaction to over 150 common food ingredients.

Lorisian | 150plus with IBS Support - Analyses your IgG antibody reaction to over 150

common food ingredients and provides a personalised list of low FODMAP foods.

Lorisian | 150plus Ideal Weight Support - Analyses your IgG antibody reaction to over

150 common food ingredients and provides a low GI plan.

Lorisian | Modern Living - Analyses your reaction to 160 of the most prominent ingredients enjoyed by health conscious individuals who wish to optimise their diet.

Lorisian | Asian Diet - Analyses your reaction to 162 of the most common ingredients found in the Asian diet.

Lorisian | Nordic Diet - Analyses your reactions to 160 of the most common ingredients found in the Nordic diet.

Lorisian | 200plus - Analyses your reactions to over 200 ingredients, including all ingredients tested

for in the 150plus, Modern Living, Asian Diet and Nordic Diet.

Tests Available

Who are Lorisian?

† Lorisian define Food Intolerance as a food-specific IgG reaction. Our information is intended to provide nutritional advice for dietary optimisation. Lorisian do not claim to treat or cure symptoms and recommend that you discuss any medical concerns you have with a GP before undertaking a Lorisian programme.

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