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FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

Aug 03, 2020



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Page 1: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie
Page 2: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

BOX SUPPLIES (provided):• Play-Doh• Ink-pads• “Thumbtionary” Cards• Styrofoam balls• Pipe cleaners• Wiggles eyes• Small pom poms

FROM YOUR HOME:• Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk)• Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option)• Animal cookie cutters (snack option)• Cookie dough (snack option)• Nature items (leaves, twigs, feathers, etc.)• Small plastic animals (optional)• Markers• Glue• Scissors• Paper• Magnifying glass (optional)• Index card (or paper)

Day One Parent Devotional FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE


You woke up this morning. And more than likely, each person reading this devotion started their day in the same way: you opened your eyes. Ah, but what did you see? Here’s where things begin to differ.

For some of you, it may have been bright beams of sunshine bursting through your bedroom window. If you’re an early bird, you climbed out of bed to a world that looked similar to the way it did when you laid your head down last night. Maybe your eyes peeked open to the slobbery face of that sweet dog who loyally keeps you cozy each night. Or perhaps it was a peaceful toddler who finally gave way to slumber once you allowed them to crawl into bed with you in the middle of the night . . . again.

Regardless of how you began your day—sunny or dark, quietly or loudly, alone or surrounded by others—God faithfully gave you another day. This truth remains the same for everyone, and no one else gets the credit for giving you this. Only God has the power to set the world in motion the way He does. After all: From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised (Psalm 113:3 NIV).

I am certain God does this on purpose. Because no matter how difficult of a day you had yesterday, He lovingly gives you a new one today. And with that, He provides you with the daily evidence that He is here, and He is in control.

As you prepare to lead kids this week, ask God to use you as another piece of evidence that He is who He is. Much like us, each child began their day differently. Perhaps there will be some who woke up with a huge need for a desperate reminder that there is a God who made them and cares for them deeply. Ask Him to help you share this love and truth with every child you encounter. And pray that you will remain focused on His presence through what you can see today.

Today’s “Key Question” is: What’s your favorite thing that God created? Take a moment to answer this. Consider why it makes you think of God and thank Him for giving you a constant reminder of His presence!

Page 3: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

Day One Opening Activity, 1st–3rd grade



WHAT YOU NEED: “Thumbtionary Cards” (Activity Page included), water-based inkpads, fine-tipped markers, paper, magnifying glasses (optional)

WHAT YOU DO:• Lead kids in a variation of Pictionary®. • Show kids how they can use their thumbprints or fingerprints—plus a marker—to draw pictures. You might illus trate a flower, a snail, or a spider. • Guide kids to take turns drawing a card from the “deck” of cards and using their thumb and/or fingertips and markers to create the item shown while everyone else guesses. • When everyone finishes, invite them to use the magnifying glasses to examine and compare their fingerprints. You can even ask kids to describe their prints, such as: “One of mine kind of makes a U,” “One of mine is swirly,” or, “Mine curve round and round.” • Emphasize that no two people have exactly the same fingerprints. Each person’s fingerprints are unique!

WHAT YOU SAY:What were some of the things you drew? (a cat, a cloud, a sun, etc.) They ‘re all things made by God!

The Bible tells us that EVERYTHING God made points to Him. So, when you FOCUS on what you can see, you can see how amazing and wonderful God is! God called everything that He made good, but when He made His final creation—His masterpiece—He said it was VERY good. Do you know what God called very good? PEOPLE! And He said His last creation was VERY GOOD. If God called people very good, what do you think God thinks about YOU? The Bible tells us that you are amazingly and wonderfully made (Ps. 139:14)! God loves you more than you could ever imagine! So, FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE. When you do, you’ll see an amazing God!”

CREATIONS FROM CREATION WHAT YOU NEED: Play-Doh, nature items (leaves, twigs, small pebbles, feathers, acorns, etc.), and small plastic animals (optional)

WHAT YOU DO: Before the Activity: Go outside and collect nature items with your child. After, place the items on your table along with plastic ani-mals if you choose to use them. Then hand your child the Play-Doh. During the Activity: Encourage your child to create the items that God has made using the Play-Doh and any of the nature items. They may even choose to use one of the plastic animals as inspiration as they shape their own animal. OR your child may use the Play-Doh and items provided to create whatever they’d like. Allow your child to be as creative as they choose.

After the Activity: Gather all Play-Doh and return to airtight containers. Set all other items aside for clean-up. WHAT YOU SAY: Before the Activity: “One of the amazing things that God created is YOU! And He made you to be creative, too. Let’s use our Play-Doh to create something fun. You can either shape your Play-Doh to create something you love that God has made, OR you can create something totally new. Do you see the items from nature here on the table? What do you see (Pause.) Great job! You may use any of these items in your creation, too.“

Page 4: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

Day One GodTime Card (family conversation time, 1st – 3rd grade)

Read Romans 1:20. Do you ever wonder what God looks like or why you can’t see Him face to face? Wouldn’t it be cool if you could sit down next to Him at lunch or kick a soccer ball with God? We cannot see God because He doesn’t exist in a physical body that can break down or pass away like our human bodies do. But we can know God and under-stand what He is like through the things that He has made.

Grab a friend, some paper, and pens, and head outside. Set a timer for one minute and make a list of all the things you see that God has made. When the timer goes off, compare your lists.

Everything you’ve listed—everything in ALL creation— points to an amazing, powerful, and mighty God. He made all of this, and He made YOU! So if you ever find yourself wondering if He’s really there, remember to FO-CUS on what you can see.

Thank God for His amazing creation by naming some of the things on your list. Ask Him to help you FOCUS on what you can see as you trust in Him.

Day One Snack Recommendations

Since today we are FOCUSing on seeing God in creation, why not have some fun and serve kids animal crackers or Mother’s Circus Animal Cookies. For our “Pintresty” friends, this would be a good time to break out the animal cookie cutters. As a family, bake animal-shaped cookies and then make a party of decorating them for at-home snack time.

Day One Craft Time, 1st–3rd grade Focus Eye Puppet

What You Need: Styrofoam balls, markers, pipe cleaners, wiggles eyes, glue, scissors, and small pom poms

What You Do:• Encourage your child to color the Styrofoam balls before putting their puppet together. • Cut a three-inch piece out of one of the pipe cleaners. * (Or have your child cut it themselves)• Give your child the three-inch pipe cleaner, and guide them to shape the piece into a U. • Tell them to dip both ends of the stem into glue and insert each end into a Styrofoam ball. The U shape will slip under your child’s middle finger while the two balls sit on top of the hand to form the puppet’s eyes.• Hand your child two wiggle eyes and have them stick one on each Styrofoam ball. • Encourage your child to get creative with the extra pipe cleaners and the small pom poms to create eyelash es, eyelids, ears, hair, antennae, etc.

What You Say:[Make It Personal] (Tell a story about a puppet show you saw as a child or if you had a favorite kid’s TV show with puppets.) “Look at your puppet’s eyes. Our eyes help us see the world around us. Did you know that every-thing we see in creation points us to God? What are some things you see in the world that point to God? (Pause for responses.) We are reminded of God when we see the trees, animals, mountains, oceans, and people He made! You can use your puppets to tell others about God and how you can SEE the things He made all around us. [Bottom Line] FOCUS on what you can see.”

Page 5: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

Day One Closing Prayer PRAYER

WHAT YOU NEED: index cards; markers

WHAT YOU DO:• Give each child an index card or blank paper• Set out the markers and invite younger kids to draw their favorite thing that God made. • Ask older kids to write “God, I SEE You when I focus on . . .” on the top of their index cards. • Encourage kids to list and/or draw things they can see in creation that point them to God. • Invite kids to share their drawings.

WHAT YOU SAY: Today you learned that it’s important to FOCUS on what you can see. So, what are some things God made that you can see? (flowers, trees, animals, people, the sun, stars, etc.) Yes! And you know what? The God who made the ENTIRE universe—the God who made (name things the kids named)—loves YOU! He loves [kid’s name] and [kid’s name] and (repeat with each child’s name). In fact, He loves you so much that you can’t even imagine how much He loves you! He loves you so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, just for you! Now THAT’s a lot of love!

So, remember: FOCUS on what you can see. Because when you FOCUS on what you can see, you can see how amazing and wonderful and powerful and kind and good and loving God is!

Pray: “God, You are amazing! You are so creative! We just have to look at the number of colors in the world to see Your creativity. You love us so much! We just have to look at all the ways You feed us and all the wonderful things You created for us to enjoy. Thank You for showing us who You are in Your creation. Amen!”

Page 6: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

BOX SUPPLIES (provided):• Craft sticks• Popsicle sticks• Long cardboard tube• Short cardboard tube• Frosted plastic circle• Cardboard circle with hole• Clear plastic circle• Silver acetate sheet• Assorted beads• Day 2 memory verse label

FROM YOUR HOME:• Metal spoons• String or yarn• Potato chips (snack option)• Crackers (snack option)• Popcorn (snack option)• Paper plate• Tape • Scissors• Pencil • Ruler• Markers• Stickers (optional)• Index card or paper

Day Two Parent DevotionalYOU CAN HEAR FROM GOD


We can probably all agree that life is hard. Whether you are plowing through the inevitable challenges that “adulting” brings (parenting, paying bills, navigating tricky relationships, etc.) or you are a teenager or college student trying to manage school and friendships and discovering what you want to do with your life, IT’S HARD.

And I haven’t even mentioned the storms. Because those happen, too, unfortunately. And they always seem to pop up at the most inconvenient times, don’t they? You are learning to manage life in the middle of a pandem-ic. Your car breaks down when you have a million places you need to go. The air conditioning in your house goes out when your bank account is already in the red. Or your boyfriend breaks up with you when you especially needed the companionship.

Life is hard for your kids, too. Many of them are dealing with situations that are far too complicated for them to sort out. Perhaps all they see is chaos swirling around them, and they’re searching for something steady and solid. It’s vital we show kids they can trust God no matter what, even in the storms.

Let’s do all we can to help kids understand that God gave us His Word because He wants to be with us through the chaos. God wants us to hear from Him and know that He’s here. He didn’t just create us and leave us to flounder in a world full of trouble. He knew things would be hard, so He lovingly provided us with His own words to guide us through it all.

Today’s “Key Question” is: How do you know what God wants you to do? Take a moment to think about this as it pertains to your own life. Ask Him to give you guidance through His Word.

Page 7: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

Day Two Opening Activity



WHAT YOU NEED:Metal spoons, string or yarn, craft sticks or pencils WHAT YOU DO:• Tell one kid to hold the spoon in his hand and instruct everyone in the group to try tapping the spoon with a craft stick• Encourage kids to listen closely to the sound they hear • Have one person double a length of string and tie the spoon in the middle. Wrap each end of the string around each index finger (just a couple times), let the spoon hang from the strings, and plug their ears • with the fingers holding the string ends• Direct others who aren’t holding the strings to gently strike the hanging spoon with a craft stick• Ask them: o How is the sound different from when you tapped the spoon when it wasn’t on the string? o What happens to the sound when you change the spoon size? o What if you shorten the string by grabbing it closer to the spoon? o What if you strike the spoon with a different object?

WHAT YOU SAY:Just like you hear the sound as it travels up the string to our ears, YOU CAN HEAR FROM GOD, too. Reading the Bible is one way we can hear from God. What if you had a question about something you read in the Bible? You could talk to someone you know is a follower of Jesus and ask them to help you understand what God is saying. Sometimes YOU CAN HEAR FROM GOD when you talk to other people who know Him.

Yesterday we talked about how creation points us to God. YOU CAN HEAR FROM GOD when you take a closer look at what God has created; you can hear how much God loves you by the things He created to take care of you and by the things He created for you to enjoy. What are some examples of those things? (Give kids a few moments to respond and share.) God wants you to know Him, and He gives you many ways to hear what He has to say.

[Make It Personal] (Share a way you hear from God. Maybe you hear God as you do a daily devotion each morn-ing or memorize verses. Or maybe you have a friend who is a follower of Jesus and you hear God when you pray for each other and help each other know God’s Word better.)

Day Two GodTime Card (family conversation time)

Read Matthew 7:24-25.

Have you ever tried to build a LEGO® or K’NEX® set without the instructions? Did it turn out looking exactly like the picture on the front of the box? Nope. You probably ended up with a box of extra pieces and a lot of frus-tration. When it comes to building with LEGOs or K’NEX, the instructions are pretty important.

Did you know that you have access to the ultimate instruction guide to life? God has given us His Word, the Bi-ble, to show us how to live. But if we want to be wise, we have to read His Word and then DO what it says. When you open your Bible, you have the opportunity to HEAR from God! Just like those LEGO instructions help you know what to do so that you can build a super cool creation, reading God’s Word will help you know how to live so that you can be all that God created you to be.

Grab some LEGOs or another building toy and the instructions. As you build, thank God for giving you His Word. Ask Him to help you not only read it but also to do what it says so you can be wise.

Page 8: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

Day Two Snack RecommendationsToday is a great day to have a little fun with food! Provide kids a variety of crunchy foods – potato chips, crack-ers, popcorn, etc. Allow kids to crunch away! Then, challenge them to decide which food makes the loudest crunch. There are many things that are vying for our attention. Remind kids it is most important they fi nd ways to hear from God.

Day Two Craft Time

Focus Kaleidoscope

What You Need:Long cardboard tube, short cardboard tube, frosted plastic circle, cardboard circle with hole, clear plastic circle, silver acetate sheet, assorted beads, tape, scissors, pencil, ruler, markers, and stickers (optional)

What You Do:• Instruct your child on how to put together the kaleidoscope:o Remove the protective coating on both sides of the silver acetate. o Using a ruler and a pencil, measure and mark two lines on the silver acetate. (See Fig. 1.)o Fold the silver acetate along the two lines. Tape together the edges to meet to form a triangle Insert the tri angle into the long tube. o Tape the cardboard circle with the hole to one end of the long tube. o Using only a very short piece of tape, tape the edges of the frosted plastic circle to one end of the short tube. Place a small assortment of beads into the short tube. o Place the clear plastic circle between the open ends of both tubes. Tape the tubes together. (See Fig. 2)

• Give your child a Day 2 Memory Verse Label to put on the outside of their kaleidoscope.• Encourage them to decorate the outside of their kaleidoscope by coloring or adding stickers. • Tell them to look through their kaleidoscopes and watch the colors move as they twist the end.

What You Say:[Make It Personal] (Tell a story about of when you were a kid and looked through a kaleidoscope.) “Have you ever played with a kaleidoscope? What did you see? (Pause.) Did you know that the Bible is like a kaleidoscope? It is full of beautiful things that help us HEAR from God. When we hear from God, He helps us become wise. What are some wise choices we can make at home? (Pause for responses.) [Bottom Line] You can HEAR from God.”

Page 9: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

Day Two Closing Prayer


WHAT YOU NEED: index cards; markers

WHAT YOU DO:• Give each child an index card or blank paper• Ask older kids to write “God, I HEAR You when . . .” on the top of their index cards. • Encourage kids to list and/or draw things they can see in creation that point them to God. For younger kids you can pre-write it for them ahead of time or quickly write it for them in the moment• Encourage kids to finish the sentence with a way they can hear from God• Give kids the freedom to use words or drawings to finish the sentence

WHAT YOU SAY: What are some of the ways you can HEAR from God? (Allow kids to answer. Be prepared to offer an example or two, such as: through the Bible, from the stories of Jesus, by focusing on what God has created). Let’s pray and thank God for all the ways He communicates with us.

Pray:“God, You are everywhere! You are with us no matter what! You want us to know You! You are communicating to us through the Bible and the stories of Jesus. Even the sounds around us point to Your creativity—the singing of the birds, the crashing of waves, the barking of a dog. Thank You for listening to us and thank You for (fill in here with some examples of ways kids said they hear from God). We love You! Amen!”

Page 10: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

BOX SUPPLIES (provided):• “Focus Cards”• Popsicle sticks• Day 3 Memory Verse Label• CD• Fishing line• Peel-and-stick gemstones

FROM YOUR HOME:• Favorite snacks (snack option)• Index card or paper



Our age tends to play a huge role in our willingness to talk to others about what we believe, don’t you think? According to my parents, my unfiltered preschool-age mouth unashamedly proclaimed anything I believed to anyone I met. There was no fear of what others might think. The need to fit in didn’t really exist. But somewhere along the line, that changed.

I vividly remember awkward conversations with friends as an elementary-age kid. Those conversations went something like this:Friend: Do you go to church?Me: Uh . . . yes.Friend: What religion are you?Me: (uncomfortably avoiding eye contact) Uh . . . um . . . Christian?Friend: . . .Me: (roughly changing the subject) So, what’d your mom pack you for lunch?

Why does it become more difficult with age to talk to others about the Good News of Jesus? Because our awareness becomes greater, the need for acceptance grows stronger, and we become more selective in the places we consider to be safe.

This week, you have an opportunity to create a safe place for your kids. Remember what it was like when you were in their shoes. Make yourself available for hard questions and conversations. Pray that God would use you in order to put your children at ease. And ask Him to give you the words to encourage them and empower them to tell others about Him.

Today’s “Key Question” is: What is God doing in your life right now? Take a moment to reflect on this. Is it something He’s teaching you? Is there a change you need to make? Lean in and listen to His voice.

Page 11: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

Day Three Opening Activity


WHAT YOU NEED:“Focus Cards” (Activity Pages) WHAT YOU DO:

o Shuffle two sets of “Focus Cards” together. o Lay cards face down on the floor in a grid pattern. • Tell kids they are going to play a matching game and it is important to be focused to win • Explain that each card is a picture from the Bible story. The pictures could answer Jesus’ question, “Who do people say I am?” • Guide kids to play a game: o Kids take turns flipping over two cards and trying to find a match o To keep things moving quickly, kids get only one turn, even if they find a match.

WHAT YOU SAY: Great job focusing on the cards to find all the matches. In our story, people thought Jesus was John the Baptist, Elijah, or a prophet. Often, when people talk about Jesus today, they say He is a healer, He feeds the poor, He is our Shepherd, or He’s a teacher. But we are missing a card for Peter’s response to Jesus.

When Jesus asked Peter, “Who do you say I am?” Peter said, “You are the Messiah. You are the Son of the living God (Matthew 16:15-16 NIrV)”. Peter recognized Jesus as God’s Son. Peter recognized Jesus as the One sent by God to rescue all of us. And when Jesus asked Peter what he believed, Peter answered Him. You can be like Peter, too, and you can TALK with others about what you believe. The more you TALK about what you believe, the more you can learn from others and the more others can learn from you.

Day Three GodTime Card (family conversation time)

Read Hebrews 10:25

Think about the last time you had or attended a birthday party. Remember the food and cake? Were there presents? How about games? You and your friends had so much fun! Now, imagine there is a birthday party, but you are the only one there? Is this party as fun as others you have enjoyed? Of course not!

Everyone knows that friends make things more FUN! But did you know that friends can also help you grow in your faith? It’s true. When it comes to following God, He knew that we would need each other.

You learn from the experience of others; you can pray for each other and worship together. You can TALK to others about what you believe. Can you name some friends who follow God? Do they encourage you and pray for you? As you pray today, thank God for those friends.

Page 12: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

Day Three Snack RecommendationsLet your children pick their (individual) favorite snack from the cupboard. (Or make some favorite snacks to-gether if time allows!) As you enjoy snack time together, ask each of them why this food is their favorite. Then, tell them about your favorite food. After you have all shared, point out that just as it was simple to talk about why a food is a favorite snack, talking with others about Jesus can be just as easy. Then, as you finish up those yummy treats, talk together about what you know about Jesus.

Day Three Craft Time

CD Sun Catcher

What You Need:Day 3 Memory Verse Label, CD, fishing line, and peel-and-stick gemstones

What You Do:• Instruct your child to peel and stick their stones in whatever pattern or design they like on the back side of the CD. Tell them to not cover up the hole in the center.• Give them a Day 3 Memory Verse Label to stick on the other side of their disc.• Say the memory verse together.• Help your child thread a piece of fishing line through the middle of the disc and tie the ends together to make a loop for hanging.

What You Say:“I want you to take your sun catcher home with you. Find a window with lots of sunlight where you can hang your sun catcher. When you look at the sun coming through your work of art, remember to keep looking toward Jesus and know you can tell others about Him. [Bottom Line] You can TALK with others about what you be-lieve.”

Page 13: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

Day Three Closing Prayer


WHAT YOU NEED: index cards; markers

WHAT YOU DO:• Give each child an index card or blank paper• Ask older kids to write “I believe . . .” on the top of their index cards. • For younger kids you can pre-write it for them ahead of time or quickly write it for them in the moment• Encourage kids to finish the sentence with what they believe about Jesus• Prompt them by asking what adjectives they would use to describe Jesus or ask what stories they know about Jesus• Challenge older kids to write down any questions they may have about Jesus

WHAT YOU SAY: Maybe you have questions about what you believe or maybe, like Peter, you believe Jesus is your Messiah and you have asked Him to be your friend and rescuer, and you know you are connected with God now and forever. It is important to remember as you learn more that you can TALK with others about what you believe. Let’s pray.

Pray: God, thank You so much for this story about Jesus. Jesus encouraged Peter to talk about what he believed, and You want us to talk about You, too. We know when we talk with others, we can get a closer look and discover who You are, and all that Jesus did for us. We know, like Peter, we are not perfect. There are times we don’t do what You want, and we don’t listen to You. We are so thankful You sent us Jesus to be our rescuer. And when we believe in Jesus, we can be with You now and forever! Thank You for loving us so much You want to be with us. Amen!

Page 14: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

BOX SUPPLIES (provided):• Activity Page 1 (Prayer Circle)• Activity Page 2 (Prayer Circle with opening)• Small brad

FROM YOUR HOME:• Beads or other small objects of several colors• Paper• Small journal• Scissors• Crayons or markers • Index card or paper



It can be difficult to strike the right balance between reverence and relationship in our own prayer lives. Yes, when we pray, we are speaking to the God of the universe—the One who made the world and everything in it. He deserves our utmost honor, respect, and admiration.

But another matchless quality about our Father is that He is accessible all the time. And He tenderly desires for His people to have a constant line of communication with Him. He does not require eloquent words from you, but rather your authentic and unique voice. He made you, after all. He knit you together, so He understands what upsets you, what pleases you, and what makes you lie awake at night. He simply wants you to trust Him enough to talk with Him about all of it.

He wants this for your kids, too. So, keep in mind that most kids learn how to pray by observing the habits of the adults in their lives. You have a significant opportunity today to show kids that prayer can happen anytime or anywhere, and they can talk to God about ANYTHING!

Begin your day by using this passage in Matthew as a structure for your conversation with God. But personalize it, rather than simply repeating words. Then ask God to help you remember to talk to Him throughout the day. Ask Him to use you as an example for the kids you are around.

Today’s “Key Question” is: When do you pray to God? If you don’t currently pray very much, this is a great time to make a change! Ask Him to help you. Thank Him for being available always.

Page 15: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

Day Four Opening Activity



WHAT YOU NEED:Beads or other small objects of different colors, paper, timer or mobile device

WHAT YOU DO: • Gather kids in front of you • Place the pile of colored beads in front of the group so kids can see them • Place four of the beads in a line on the floor or table • Encourage kids to focus on the objects for 15 seconds • Then cover them with a piece of paper • Challenge kids to recreate the pattern of beads • Uncover the beads and see who got the order correct • Play several rounds, increasing the level of difficulty

WHAT YOU SAY: You did a great job staying focused, especially when it was difficult! Sometimes praying isn’t easy. There are times it feels awkward and you don’t know what to say to God. Did you notice when you had a really difficult pattern you were recreating, it was hard to remember the order of the beads at first? However, the more you focused on the pattern and the more you practiced, the easier it got until eventually you could remember the pattern. It is like that with prayer, too. The more you do it, the easier it will be. God really wants to hear from you, and He doesn’t care how you sound. What God cares about is YOU! And God wants you to know you can PRAY anytime, anywhere about anything.

**Optional Discussion Questions for Older Kids • What do you know about God that makes you want to talk to Him? • Why is prayer important? • When do you find it easy to pray? Or when do you usually pray, if you do it regularly? • When do you find it difficult to pray? What can you do when that happens? • What do you think is the point of prayer?

Day Three GodTime Card (family conversation time)

Read Hebrews 4:16

Who is your best friend? __________________________

What do you and your best friend like to do together? ______________________________________

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could hang out with your best friend anytime you wanted? Did you know there is someone who loves you even more than your best friend who IS available all the time? Have you guessed who it is?

God is always ready, always available, and always willing to listen. You can talk to God anytime. And you don’t have to travel to a specific location to find Him. You can talk to Him from anywhere and know that He hears you. You don’t have to use big words or only talk to Him about the happy parts of your day. You can tell Him anything from how you’re feeling to how you messed up to what you had for dinner that wasn’t your favorite.

We talk to God with the confidence that He hears us and will help us when we need it. You can pray to God anytime, anywhere, about anything. Spend a few minutes with God right now in prayer. Thank Him for always listening. Thank Him for being available no matter where you are. And thank Him for the truth that no subject is off limits.

Page 16: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

Day Four Snack RecommendationsAs a family, do something unexpected with a meal or snack today. Eat pancakes for dinner or tacos for break-fast. Or grab a snack and eat it on the front porch or the back patio. You pick, but mix it up. Talk together about how it feels to share a meal or snack in an unusual way. Then explain that just like there is no one place that is the right place to eat or right time to eat, we CAN PRAY ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ABOUT ANYTHING.

Day Four Craft Time

Prayer Wheel

What You Need:Activity Page 1, Activity Page 2, small brad, scissors and crayons or makers

What You Do:• Encourage your child to color each activity page with crayons or makers.• Once colored, have them cut the pages out along the dotted lines. * (Or you can cut the pages out for them). • Help them to carefully poke the brad through the small circle in the middle of Activity Page 1. Then help them to poke the brad through the small circle in the middle of Activity Page 2. • Have them open and bend flat the brad legs. • Show your child how when they spin the top page around, it reveals what they colored underneath.

What You Say:[Make It Personal] (Talk to your child about when and where you like to pray.) “Have you talked to God? Where do you like to pray? (Pause for responses.) God loves you so much, and He wants to hear from you anytime and anywhere. Let’s say our Bottom Line together. [Bottom Line] You can PRAY anytime, anywhere, about any-thing. We can use this spinner to always remind us that we can [Bottom Line] PRAY anytime, anywhere, about anything.”

Day Four Closing Prayer


WHAT YOU NEED: index cards; markers

WHAT YOU DO:• Give each child an index card or blank paper• Give an example of a prayer using each of the prayer prompts. For example: o God, You are . . . (a truth about God to praise Him, such as: amazing, truthful, kind). o God, help me . . . (something you may need help with, such as: studying for a test, etc.). o God, forgive me . . . (a time you disobeyed God, such as: for being mean to my friend, for lying about a grade, for ignoring the new kid at school). o God, today I need . . . (something you may need, such as: patience, kindness, etc.). o God, thank You . . . (something you are thankful for, such as: parents, friends, pizza). o God, please help . . . (someone who may need help, e.g. a sick relative, a friend, etc.). • Encourage kids to write a one or two sentence prayer on page 15 using one of the “Prayer Prompts.” • If you have younger kids, instead of writing a prayer, give them markers and invite them to draw a picture of themselves praying.

WHAT YOU SAY: You can PRAY anytime, anywhere about anything. There may be times when it is hard to pray. There will be times you just don’t know what words to say. Fortunately, Jesus gave us words for the times when we struggle to talk to God and we just don’t know what to say. Spend some time memorizing the Lord’s Prayer, and you will always have something to say to God. Let’s pray.

Page 17: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

BOX SUPPLIES (provided):• “Reflect” cards• Day 5 Bottom Line Labels• One rock• Copper wire

FROM YOUR HOME:• Mirror• Paint, paint pens or permanent markers• Photo of your child• Index card or paper



You’ve made it! It’s the very last day! And I have a sneaking suspicion that perhaps you may have gotten more out of this week than you originally thought you would. Were you one of the people who thought there was no way you could lead FOCUS in your home or neighborhood without some NP Kids leaders on hand to help you? Now that the week is nearly over, aren’t you glad you did? It’s funny how that works.

You see, God doesn’t do anything accidentally. So when He orchestrated whatever details were involved in placing you where you’ve been this entire week, He knew exactly what He was doing.

So in light of what we will be discussing today, you’ve got it down! Because you have been given a priceless op-portunity to live for God all week long by how you have loved others. In this case, you have loved your kids.

Jesus said the most important commandment has two key elements…. Love God and love others. Often, the best way we can demonstrate our love for God is by loving others.

Today’s “Key Question” is: How do you focus on others? Spend some time evaluating your current situation. Are you focusing on others by serving regularly throughout the year? Do you need to take the leap of faith and commit to serving in your church? Talk to God about where you are, and listen to Him as He lovingly guides you.

Page 18: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

Day Five Opening Activity



WHAT YOU NEED: Mirrors, “Reflect Cards” (Activity Page)

WHAT YOU DO:• Select one person to be the actor• Give everyone a mirror, except for the actor• Explain the game of charades. To play: o Have your back facing the actor o Use the mirror to see the actor o Actors will act out words from the “Reflect Cards” without making a sound o Guess the “word” o Switch actors each round, making sure everyone gets a chance to be an actor

WHAT YOU SAY: When you look in a mirror, what do you see? You see yourself, right? But in our game of charades, if you focused on yourself, you couldn’t see the actor. It is like that when we want to LIVE for God. We have to look past ourselves and focus on ways to love others. When you look beyond yourselves, you can LIVE for God by loving others. But what does it look like to love others? Can anyone remember some of the ways Paul described love in our story today? (option - open a Bible to 1 Corinthians 13 and read verses 4-8a. Love is patient, kind, not selfish, not boast ful, looks out for others, treats others with respect.) When we love others and put others before ourselves, we are actually reflecting God’s love to them.

Day Five GodTime Card (family conversation time)

READ 1 CORINTHIANS 13:4 We use the word LOVE describe a lot of different things. We love pizza, video games, our favorite stuffed animal, and cookie dough ice cream. But there’s a big difference between loving stuff and loving people.

1. LOVE IS PATIENT AND KIND. Even when you want your way and you want it right now, to love others well means you stop yourself before you say something unkind or push your way to the front.

2. LOVE DOES NOT WANT WHAT OTHERS HAVE. It’s hard to love someone when you’re jealous of something they have or something they’ve accomplished.

3. LOVE DOES NOT BRAG; IT IS NOT PROUD. Instead of saying “Look at me, I’m SUPER awesome!” love focuses on others and their awesomeness.

READ 1 CORINTHIANS 13:5 Loving others isn’t always easy. But God will help us do what He asks us to do.

4. LOVE DOES NOT DISHONOR OTHERS. If a famous actor or athlete were to come over for dinner, how would you treat him or her? Love says we are to treat EVERYONE like that.

5. LOVE DOES NOT LOOK OUT FOR ITSELF. When was the last time you asked someone else about his or her day before you started telling a story about yours?

6. LOVE DOES NOT EASILY BECOME ANGRY. Have you yelled at your little brother lately? Have you pitched a fit about something you didn’t like? Anger gets in the way of loving others, big time.

7. LOVE DOESN’T KEEP TRACK OF WRONGS. When you’re frustrated with your sister or friend, do you say things like, “He always________,” or, “She never ______”? It’s not fair to bring up past mistakes when dealing with a cur rent disagreement.

Page 19: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

READ 1 CORINTHIANS 13:5 Loving others isn’t always easy. But God will help us do what He asks us to do.

8. LOVE IS NOT HAPPY WITH EVIL OR INJUSTICE. When you see someone getting picked on, or you see a wrong that needs to be made right, you should stand up and say so. And also let an adult know if you need help.

9. LOVE IS FULL OF JOY WHEN THE TRUTH IS SPOKEN. Another version says love “rejoices whenever the truth wins out” (NLT). When you see something you know is wrong or unfair, you should let someone know in a way that doesn’t make the situation worse.

Ask God to help you love others as you look for ways to make unfair situations better for those around you.

READ 1 CORINTHIANS 13:7 When it comes to showing love, we’ve talked a lot about what you shouldn’t do. Today let’s talk about what you SHOULD do.

10. LOVE ALWAYS PROTECTS. What does it mean to protect something? It means you’re careful. You do everything you can to make sure nothing hurts the thing you’re protecting—including you.

11. LOVE ALWAYS TRUSTS. God will help you be someone others can rely on. Good friendships start with you. Be the kind of friend that others can put their confidence in.

12. LOVE ALWAYS HOPES AND IT NEVER GIVES UP. Sometimes we need to keep on loving even when our little broth ers drive us crazy. Instead of pointing out all the stuff that makes you mad, choose to believe the best about the other person.

Day Five Snack RecommendationsSnack time is a great way for kids to learn about loving others by serving them. Put a family favorite snack out for all to enjoy. But, kids should not serve themselves. They should prepare a snack and love someone else by serving the snack to them.

Day FiveCraft Time

Rock Photo Stand

What You Need:Day 5 Bottom Line Labels, one rock, copper wire; paint, paint pens or permanent markers; and a photo of your child

What You Do:• Instruct your child to decorate their rock with paint, paint pens or permanent markers.• Allow time for the paint or maker to dry. • Show them how to use the copper wire to create a photo holder. o Tightly wrap the end of the wire around a pen or marker three times to create a loop. Remove the pen. o Leave about three inches of straight wire sticking out from the loop. o At the end of that straight section, wrap the wire around the rock several times to secure it to the rock. o Set the rock down with the straight end and loop sticking straight up. • Give your child a photo of themself and a Day 5 Bottom Line Label to stick on the back of the photo. • Show them how to stick the photo between the sections of the wire loop to hold it in place.

What You Say:“What did you learn about God this week? (Pause for responses.) How can you love others this week? (Pause.) Can it be hard to love others? (Pause.) Loving others is important; we all need to be loved. Let’s say today’s Bot-tom Line: [Bottom Line] You can LIVE for God by loving others. You should place your photo frame someplace you can see it as a reminder of your week experiencing FOCUS and how [Bottom Line] you can LIVE for God by loving others.”

Page 20: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

Day Five Closing Prayer


WHAT YOU NEED: index cards; markers

WHAT YOU DO:• Give each child an index card or blank paper• Ask kids to write on the top of their index card, “One way I can show love to someone this week is . . .” • If you have younger kids, you can pre-write it for them, or quickly write it for them in the moment• Encourage kids to think of something they can do this week to love others• Give kids the freedom to use words or drawings to finish the sentence

WHAT YOU SAY: When you take a closer look at the people around you, you see ways you can LIVE for God by loving others. Maybe you love others by encouraging them with a kind note, or you love others by baking them cookies to let them know you were thinking of them. Maybe you show love to a friend by helping them with homework or show love to your sibling by spending time with them. Spend time this week looking for ways you can LIVE for God by loving others. Let’s pray.

Pray: God, You love us so much! Every one of us is important to You! Help us to see ways we can love others. Open our eyes to ways we can show people they matter to us and—more importantly—that they matter to You. Amen!

Page 21: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

Activity Page 1

Page 22: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

Toss Cards • B&W • Prayer Toss • Games • Focus Day 4

Copy on cardstock and cut on dotted lines. Multiple sets for activity.

CURRICULUM FOR 2- YEAR OLDS • ©2019 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. •

Around the House (3 of 4) • B&W • What Time of Day Can I Pray? • Games • Focus Day 4

Copy on cardstock. One set per activity.

CURRICULUM FOR 2- YEAR OLDS • ©2019 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. •




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Activity Page 2

Page 23: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

What to Do:Print and cut apart. Provide two sets for every six kids.

©2019 The reThink Group, Inc. All rights reserved.VBS, DAY 3, Small Group 2-3

Focus Cards

Page 24: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie


doing push-ups



watering flowers




What to Do:Print and cut apart. Provide one set for each small group.

©2019 The reThink Group, Inc. All rights reserved.VBS, DAY 5, Small Group 2-3

Reflect Cards


doing push-ups



watering flowers




Page 25: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

What to Do:Print on cardstock and cut apart. Provide one set for every two kids.

©2019 The reThink Group, Inc. All rights reserved.VBS, DAY 1, Small Group K-1


Page 26: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN SEE...2020/07/01  · • Animal costume props (i.e. pool noodle for an elephant trunk) • Animal Crackers or Animal cookies (snack option) • Animal cookie

What to Do:Print on cardstock and cut apart. Provide one set for every two kids.

©2019 The reThink Group, Inc. All rights reserved.VBS, DAY 1, Small Group K-1
