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Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1

Jul 10, 2015



Aydin Sahin
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  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1



  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    Table of Contens 13

    T ab le o f C on ten tsTable of Contents .Introduct ion.

    . ... 3 Draw ings of cockpit Fw 1 90A-8/F-8 78T he in strume nt p an el o f F w 1 9 0A -S .M an ua l o f c oc kp it ...

    .................................. 4.. 5.. 7.. 9

    Draw ings - part I 10.41

    .................. 49

    ........... 79. . .. 80w 190 , h is to ry o f g erman fig hte r WW .II

    The undercarriage .T he p i lo t s eat . .

    E ng in e B MW 8 01 in d eta il .T he e ng in e c ow lin g ..T he engi ne mount ing .

    .............. 81. 82. 83

    Profiles . The engine cow ling - front w iev . ..84.... 85raw ings - part II . The fuselage armament covers and logs

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    4 1 Special Drawings

    Introduct ionTo majority of aviat ion enthusiasts, fans and experts in matters his- torical consequences. Conversely, this book is devoted to colour side-torical alike, the story of this German fighter from the period of the views, detailed scale drawings, some very rare photographs andWW 2 would be more or less known. Therefore our publication drawings from the original assembly manual.aspires neither to t rod the well -t rodden ground, norto delve into his-

    Fw 190F with ETC71 (SGn) after the War's end near Pardubice.

    Acknow l e dgemen t s : Author: Radek Vavfina; Translation: Martin Velek; Photo: collection Pavel Simek; Drawings: Radek Vavffna;Camouflage schemes: Stanislav Mach; Graphic design and Litho: Hajek Studio; Printed by: Retip; All Rights Reserved; Copyright 2007by : CMK s.r.o, Mezilesf 718, 193 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic; e-mail: [email protected]; Visit an official website and e-shop

    mailto:[email protected];[email protected];
  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    F w 190. history of ~erman fi~hter WW.II I s

    Fw 190, h is to ry o f ge rm an figh te r WW .IIFocke-wulf Fw 190, undoubtedly one of the best fighter aircraf t ofthe Second World War, began i ts career quite late.In spring of 1938 it was decided to develop a successor to theMesserschmitt Bf 109, the most widespread fighter monoplane ofthe German Luf twaf fe. Despi te the fact that the Bf 109 was a modernand powerful machine, it was high t ime to consider its successor, asIt is a good, universally accepted practice.The Technical Off ice of the Reich's Ministry of aviation (RLM) receivedin late spring 1938 several proposals, most ly utilising as a power-plant the new inverted V-twelve Daimler-Benz DB 601 A, the same asused in the Bf 109E. Among the proposals there were several fromDipl. Ing. Kurt Tank of the Focke~Wulf company. The RLM eventuallywisely decided not to rely on the sole type of engine and declared theFocke-Wulf company a winner with it s design that utilised the new,more powerful BMW 139 eighteen-cylinder double-row air-cooledradial, offering 1156 kW (1550 hpj of the take-of f power, comparedto 876 kW (1175 hpj ofthe DB 601A in the same regime. The com-pany was immediately awarded a contract for building three proto-types, designated Fw 190.The detailed design work was begun in the Focke-vvulf FlugzeugbauGmbH's base plant in Bremen in July 1938 and its coordinat ion was

    entrusted by Dipl.lng. Tank to his assistant Wilhelm kather. Thedrawings/documentat ion was processed by chief engineer RudolfBlaser and the responsible head of the design office was the ChiefEngineer Ludwig Mittelhuber. Ini tia lly, the development started in aleisurely tempo, but wi th the growing tension in Europe everythingchanged and the work was soon progressing at full speed. As earlyas in mid-May 1939 the first prototype was finished and the engineand taxying tests could begin on the small company airfield TheChief pilot Ing. Hans Sander declared during these tests that on theground the machine behaves better than the Bf 109 and expressedan opinion that it would fly very well, too ..The Focke-Wulf Fw 190V~1 took to the air for the first time on 1stJune 1939 from the Neuenlander Feld airfield and despite someproblems with engine cooling and exhaust gases entering cockpit inflight Sander was very much impressed by the f lying qualities of thenew machine.So the development of the new type could successfully progress,despite some initial troubles, indeed. A few flights later, the Fw190V~1 had the BMW 139 replaced with a new one, the BMW 801The second prototype was already armed, gett ing the wing guns, butwith only some fifty hours of flying in the log-book it suffered an

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    6 1 Special Drawings

    e ng in e fa ilu re a nd w a s d es tr oy ed . F ur th er tw o p ro to ty pe s w e re b uiltfo r th e e ng in e d ev elo pment a nd te stin g a nd fo r th e s tr uc tu ra l te stin g(ma in ly s tr en gth a nd a ls o s ome fa tig ue te sts ).A n oth er s te p fo rw a rd in th e ty pe 's d ev elo pment w a s th e Fw 190V -S ,r ec eiv in g th e n ew e r v er sio n o fth e BMW 801 - th e C , r eq uir in g a fu se -la ge le ng th en in g a nd s hiftin g th e c oc kp it to th e re ar a b it. T ha nk s toth is ste p th e p la ce fo r tw o s yn ch ro nis ed m ac hin e g un s w as fo un d o nth e fu se la ge fro nt b eh in d th e e ng in e fir ew a ll. A ls o th e c on to ur o fth ew in g le ad in g e dg e w as c ha ng ed to a llo w fo r a b ette r s to wa ge o f th ere tra cte d m ain u nd erc arria ge w he els ; th e m od ifie d w he el co ve rsw ere a tta ch ed d ire ctly to th e fu se la ge . A la rg er ta ilw he el w as u se da nd th e s ha pe o f emp en na ge w as c ha ng ed , to o. A ll th es e m od ifica -tio ns b ro ug ht a n in ev ita ble g ro wth in w eig ht, c au sin g in tu rn a d ete -r io ra tio n o ffly in g q ua litie s; th e d es ig n te am th er efo re h ad to c re ate anew , l ar ge r w ing .W ith b uild in g o f the p ro totyp e th e p ro du ctio n o f th e p re -se rie s Fw190A-0 's was in it ia ted .Fw 19 0A -0 w a s s ub je ct to in te ns e te sts , t h e d ev elo pe d e ng in es w e rete ste d, to o, a s w a s th e a rmamen t, b omb r ac ks , r a dio e qu ipmen t a ndt he l ik e.B e sid es th e fa cto ry p ilo ts a ls o th e e xp erie nc ed p ilo ts from th e 6 ./J G2 6 c om ba t u nit w ere g iv en a ch an ce to ta ke p art in th e d ev elo pm en -ta l fly in g a nd s o t h ey h ad c on tr ib ute d a g re at d ea l to th e fa ct th at a fte r

    m any te sts a nd a bo ut fifty fu rth er m odific atio ns th e R L I'1 a c ce pte dth e n ew fig hte r in to th e r eg ula r s er vic e ...

    T he FW 1 90A b eg an to rea ch th e first-lin e u nits in Ju ly 19 41 a nd itsproduction continued in many versions until the end of war.A lto ge th er a bo ut 2 00 00 m ac hin es w ere m an ufa ctu re d, p art a s p urefig hte rs , p ar t a s t h e fig hte r- bombe rs , a nd fo ug ht b oth o n th e Weste rna nd Ea ste rn fr on t a s w e ll a s in th e Medite rr an ea n.

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    The undercarrtaqe [ 7Detail of the undercarriage leg with cover.

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    8 1 The undercarriage

    De ta il o f t he unde rc a rr ia ge l eg .

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    The pilot seat 19

    Several detail views and drawing fromFw 1 90 p ro du ctio n m an ua l fo r p ilo t s ea t.

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    10 I F w 190V-l scale 1/72T he firs t p ro to ty pe , th e F w 1 90 V-l (V = Ver su ch smu ste r - e xp er im e nta l a rtic le , i.e . p ro to ty pe ) to ok to th e ir fo r th e fir st tim e o n 1 s t J u n e 1 93 9fr om th e Neue nla nd er F eld a ir fie ld , p ilo te d b y th e C h ie f T es t P i lo t In g. H a ns Sa nd er . D es pite e xh au st g as es p en etr atin g in to th e c oc kp it a nds ome eng in e c oo lin g p ro blem s h e e xto lle d th e fly in g q ua litie s a nd a ls o h ig hly a pp re cia te d th e e xc elle nt v is ib ility c on fe rr ed b y th e te ar dr op -s ha pe d ca no py h oo d w ith a m in im um o fframin g.F w 1 9 0V -l p ro vid ed q uite s prig htly p erfo rm an ce - its s pe ed w as o ve r 6 00 km /h . F ollo win g th e te st flig ht it re tu rn ed to B reme n fo r n ec es sa rymodific atio ns . E sp ec ia lly th e e ng in e w as a c en tre o f a tte ntio n - it w as fitte d w ith a fa n a nd th e in itia lly u se dhuge ducted spinner w as replaced w ith a m uch sm aller one. The m achine entered test only on l.ra=-r1~=~~""12 5th J an ua ry 1 94 0. F rom th e te stin g p er io d c ome s th e n ic kn ame "WU rg er " ( bu tc he r b ir d) , b es towe du po n th e ma ch in e b y K u rt T an k h im se lf.T he m ach ine h ad th e m anu fa ctu rer's pro ductio n nu mbe r (W erkn umme r - W .N r.) 0 00 1 an d a civilr eg is tr at io n D -OPZE . Fo ll ow ing t he f iv e t es t f li gh ts a t t he E rp robungst el le (E-S te li e, i .e . t es t s ta ti on )


    Rech lin o n th e Ba ltic c oa st th e ma ch in e r ec eiv ed a m ilita ry c all s ig n FO+lY .D im en sio ns : w in gs pa n: 9 .5 15 rn rn , le ng th : 8 .8 50 rn rn , E ng in e: BMW 1 39


    . . . .0_


  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    scale 1/72 F w 190V-5k illT he fifth p ro to ty pe (W.N r. 0 00 5) v is ib ly d iffe re d from its p re de ce ss or s. T he ma in c ha ng es c on ce rn ed th e fu se la ge a s t he n ew ly in sta lle d BMW80 1 (-0 e ng in e w as lon ger an d h eavie r. Th e c ockpit h as b ee n m ove d to th e re ar a nd tw o synch ro nise d M G 1 7 m achin e gu ns w ere a dde d toth e fu sela ge top , to the re ar o f the e ng in e. A lso th e sh ap e of the w in g lea din g e dge s a t the ro ots w ere m odified to be tter acco mm od ate theu nd er ca rr ia ge w he els w ith modifie d le g covers; th e w hee l covers w ere a tta ch ed to th e fu se la ge b elly. T he emp en na ge d im en sio ns a nd ta il-w h ee l d iamete r g rew s lig htly , to o. A ll th es e modific atio ns in cr ea se d th e w eig ht o f th e ma ch in e a nd a ffe cte d its fly in g p er fo rm anc e. T he d es ig n-e rs w er e th us ly fo rc ed to c re ate a n ew w in g o f in cr ea se d a re a. T h e p ro to ty pe th ere fo re flew in tw ov er sio ns . T he Fw 190V-Sk (kle in), w ith the orig ina l sm alle r w in g, an d the la ter F w 190V-5g(q ro ss) w ith the n ew w in g's sp an increa sed to 1 0,5 00 m from 9 ,5 15 m . T he F w 1 90V -5k w asflo wn fo r th e firs t tim e in e arly a utumn 1 94 0.D im en sion s: w ing spa n: 9.5 15 mm, len gth: 8 .9 50 mm, E ng ine : B MW 8 01 (-0

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    1 2 \ F w 190A-O scale 1/72This pre-series version was manufactured in 28 units. First nine aircraf t st ill had the smaller wing of9,515 m span, the subsequent ones thelarger one of 10,500 m span.The Focke-Wulfs underwent f irst tests under the f ield condit ions; in the shakedown period, besides the factory airmenenced combat pilots ofthe 6./JG 26 unit have taken part in the testing. The tests proved not only the excellent turn ofbleness, but also engine overheating due to the bad airflow inside the cowling and the problem with opening theover 300 km/h (that issue was later solved by adding a small pyrotechnic ejector, which, once triggered, jett isoned theaircraf t were powered by BMW 801 (-0, in the subsequent ones it was supplanted by the BMW 801,(-1 version On thevarious combinat ions of armament were tested. Two fuselage-mounted MG17 machine guns of the 7,9mm calibre toengine augmented the exist ing two machine guns or cannon in the wing roots of the machines with the small (shortthe airplanes with bigger-span wing outer cannon were added. Asthe sight the Reflexvisier (Revi) Cl12C was used. Thethe test flying took place in November () 1940. The production began at the Focke-Wulf factory inBremen and in Marienburg (WNr. 0008- 8 0035).

    ' _ _ _ _ _ ' _ " _ ' ' _ _ ' _ _ - 1 \ C J8o

    also the experi-speed and nim-canopy at speedscanopy). ThefirstFW 1901\-0 alsothe rear of thespan) wing. In


    Dimensions: wingspan: 10.500 mm,length: 8.950 mmArmament 4 x MG 17, 2 x MG FFEngine: BMW 801 (-0 and BMW 801 (-1

    0' " '"0_

    '" N00 0

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    scale 1/72 F w 190A-l 113The f ir st c ombat -r eady ver si on was based on t he p re -ser ie sAO ty pe . T h e 1 02 mac hin es o rd er ed we re p ro du ce d fr om J uly t ill O cto be r 1 94 1. T hea irp la ne s w e re u su ally p ow ere d b y th e BMW 8 01 (-1 e ng in e o f th e 1 21 0 kW (1 62 2 h pj ta ke -o ff p ow er (o th er s ou rc es lis t 1 ,1 47 kW /1 ,560h p u nd er th e s am e re gim e) a nd p ro ble ms w ith c oo lin g p ers is te d a ls o h ere . T he b aS ICa rm am en t c on sis te d o f fo ur MG 1 7 m ac hin e g un sof the 7,92m m calibre (w ith 860 rpg for each fuselage-m ounted gun and w ith 1000 rpg for the M G i n t he w ing roots) and of tw o 20m mMG /FF c an no n o f s ix ty t o n in ety r pg mou nte d m id -s pa n. T he man ufa ctu re to ok p la ce f rom Ma y i n Ma rie nb ur g, fr om Aug us t \ u nd er lic en ce int he A rado p la nt i n Wa rnemOnde and f rom Oc tobe r a t t he AGOcompany i n Oscher sl eben (W .N r . all 0001-011 01 02). The first machineswer e s up plie d b y t he e nd o f J uly to th e 6 .1 JG2 6 u nit, b as ed in Mo or se ele , B elg ium .

    D im e ns io ns : w in gs pa n: 1 0,5 00 mm , le ng th : 8 ,9 50 mmArmament 4 x MG 1 7, 2 x MG FFEng in e: BMW 801 ( -1(F w1 90 A-l/U -l = BMWB0 1D -2 )

    aN'"-e -

    C !.


  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    1 4 1 F w 190A-2 scale 1/72"A-two" became the first mass produced version, made in 425 copies. Despite the changes to the engine cooling and exhaust piping, theproblems with overheating persisted. The propulsion was provided by the Improved version of the engine - the BMW801C-2 of the 1192 kW (1622 hpj take-off power (other sources list 1,176 kWI1 ,600 hp output at the t. 0.), turninga three-bladed electr ic variable-pitch VDM propeller of 3.3 m diameter. The armament was augmented by replacingthe wing-root machine guns by two belt- fed 20mm MG151/20 cannon with 250 rpg. I ts production started in August1941 and ended in July 1942. The Revi Cl12D reflex sight provided for aiming. Various types and combinations ofthe external armament were also tested. The resul ts were cal led Umnlst-Bausatze i.e. the sets enaplinq to modify theaircraf t st ill under construct ion in the factory according to the requirements of the Luftwaffe requirements. Each givenmodification had allocated its unique U (Umrust) number. These modifications increased the weight from 3680 to3980 kg, the performance, however, c : : ; suffered only negligibly. The production took place in the Focke-Wulffactory in Bremen and Marienburg R (W.Nr.0120201-0120S09), atthe AGO factory in Oschersleben(W.Nr. 0122051-0122290), and with 0Arado in Warnemunde (WNr. 0125191- 0125530).8or--~~\8oDimensions: wingspan: 10.500 rnrn,length: 8.950 mmArmament 2 x MG17,2 x MG151/20,2 x MGFFEngine: BMW 801 (-2

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    scale 1/72 F w 190A-3 I t 5A variant almost identical to the A-2. Only the BMW 801 C-2 engine was replaced with the new BMW 801 0-2 of 1285 kW (1724 hp) andthree slots appeared in the side panels behind the engine cowl ing, f inally reducing the engine overheat ing to a minimum. (This modi ficat ionwas reint roduced also to the Fw 190A-2 version). The FuG25 ident if ication friend-or-foe was also instal led. Armament: consisted of two MG17 machine guns, two MG FFand two MG 151/20 cannon. Versions: Fw 190A-3/U-l - had the ETC501 bomb rack for a 250 or 500kg bombor for an ER4 extender, carrying four 50kg bombs installed. The MG-FFcannon were most ly removed from the wings. Fw 190A-3/U-3 - hadthe ETC250/501 bomb rack and four addit ional racks for 50kg bombs installed. Fw 190A-3/U-4 - a reconnaissance variant equipped withRb 12.5/7x9 photographic cameras. The wing mounted MG FFwere removed.The product ion lasted from February t ill August 1942 at the Focke-Wulfin Bremen and Marienburg CWNr 0130201 to 0130509), at the AGOin Oschersleben (WNr 0132051 to 0132290), with Arado in warnernunde (WNr. 0135191 to 0135530) and at Fieseler in Kassel (WNr.0137001 to 0137020).

    Dimensions: wingspan: 10500 mm, length: 8 950 mmArmament 2 x MG 17,2 x MG 151/20,2 x MG FF,ETC501 rack with the ER-4 extender for 4 x SOkg bombs.




    Fw 190A-3/U4 Reconnaissance fighterW.Nr.201

    ! C I I : l 2 x Rb 12.5x7x9 camera~ . L f . : _ . C { C Y = = : . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . , : . : - = = 0 2 ) = . . . . . . . .


    Fw 190A-3

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    l s i F w 190A-3 scale 1/72Tropical filter

    Fw 190A-3/U7

    a 0,5 1,0 2,0 3,Om..- -II _012345 10ft

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    scale 1/72 F w 190A-4 1 1 7Beginning with this version there was a small antenna mast on the on the tail fin top for the FuG16Z radio set (it replaced the older FuGVila) .The FuG25 identifying (IFF) equipment has been supplanted by the FuG 25a version. The engine had the MW 50 system fined; at low alti-tudes, injecting a mixture of water and methyl alcohol into the pistons, the MW 50 boosted the power output considerably for a short t ime.Beginning with this version the so-cal led Rustsatze came into off icial use - sets of armament and equipment, enabling to modify the airplaneon the airf ield according to the immediate needs. The abbreviation for the sets was R and each one had a unique number. The Fw 190A-4/R-6 was the most f requent f ield modif ication - the Fw190A-4 carried two launchers underwing for the Wurfgranate CW.Gr.) 21 unguided rock-ets of 21 Omm calibre. The Fw 190A-4/U-1 - a version fined with the underbelly ETC501 rack. The armament was reduced to two MG 151cannon of20mm calibre in the wings. The Fw 190A-4/U-3 - see the Fw 190F-1, Fw 190A-4/U-4 - same asthe Fw 190A-3/U-4, i.e. the recon-naissance variant , and the Fw 190A-4/U-8. From 1943 this last variant carried the Fw 190G-l designation. The Fw 190A-4 variant was leav-ing the manufacturing lines from June 1942 t ill early 1943. Production was underway at Focke-Wulf in Bremen and in Marienburg CW.Nr.0140~;61-014081 0), at AGO in Oschersleben (W.Nr. 0142291-0142520), at Arado in WarnemOnde (W.Nr. 0145531-0145844) and atFleseler in Kassel (W.Nr. 0147021-0147200)

    Dimensions: wingspan 10.500 mm, length: 8.950 mmArmament: 2 x MG 17,2 x MG 151/20,2 x MG FF,ETC501 rack with the ER-4 extender for 4 x 50kg bombs, 2 x 300litre fuel tank (under-wing)

    0,5 1,0"P ili _ 2,0 3.0m--2012345 10ft

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    lsi F w 190A-4 scale 1/72

    o 0,5 1,0 2,0 3,Omr l I r . r ~.a_r__ ~012345 10ft

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    Focke Wulf Fw 190A-4

    Focke Wulf Fw 190A-4

    Focke Wulf Fw 190A-4/U4R e c o n na i s s an c e f i gh t e r

    m 2)( Rb 12,5/7x9 camera

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    20 I F w 190A-S scale 1/72Due to the problems with the vibrations on the previous version the engine bearers were strengthened and lengthened by 150 mm. Theengine vibrations were thusly removed. The engine cooling was brought to the final stage of development - the original fuselage side gillswere supplanted by adjustable f laps. The inspection hatch on the port fuselage side was enlarged. The arrangement and equipment of theinstrument panel was al tered, e.g. the turn and bank indicator was replaced with an arti ficial horizon. Plenty of other modif ications were pre-pared, and wereProduction

    not int roduced immediately, however, but they served as a basis for new series.t3 was underway from late 1942 till 1943 at Focke-Wulf in Bremen and Marienburg CWNr. 01501040-~' 01501751) and in Sorau CWNr. 0150811-0150959), at AGO in Oschersleben CWNr 01502521-

    f---.---'_""';...JIl 01520746 and WNr. 410001-410275), at Arado in warnernunde CW.Nr. 0155845-0156024) and ata~ Fieseler in Kassel (WNr 0157201-0157375).2'3)~.--+--+;-+'\I~ Dimensions: wingspan: 10.500 mm, length: 9.100 mm

    Engine: BMW 801 D-2Armament 2 x MG 17, 2 x MG 151/20, ETC501bomb rack with the ER-4 extender 4 x SOkg

    FockeWulf Fw 190A-51/72




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    scale 1172 F w 190A-SV-42. AS/U-2. AS/U-ll 1 2 1Same as the Fw 190G-2/N. A version with exhaust shrouds and racks for two auxil-iary tanks of 300 I each and an ETC501 rack for a 500kg bomb. Fw 190A-5V-42,W_Nr.151083, call sign GC+LA, a long-range fighter bomber fitted with either a300lit re drop tank, or 250kg bombs, each on the V.Fw Trg. (Verkleideter Focke-WulfTrager - faired FW rack) underwing. Fw 190A-5 + Borsig MK 103 cannon, W.Nr.151303, call sign RG+ZA, the Fw 190A-5/R-6 means 2 x W_Gr.21 .Dode!" beneaththe wing. Fw 190A-5/U-11 - its armament consists of two MG 17 machine guns andtwo MG 151/20 cannon, plus two 30mm calibre MK 103 in the underwing nacelles.An one-off machine.


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    221 Fw 190A-5/U-14 and Fw 190A-5/U-12 scale 1/72T he W .N r.1 50 87 2, c od ed TD+S I, a nd th e W .N r.1 50 87 2 w ith th e c all s ig n TD+S J,s er ve d to te st th en ew E TC5 02 a nd E TC 50 4 ra cks , e n ab lin g to c arry th e L T FS b t orp ed o. T he ta ilw he el le g h ad tob e le ng th en ed to e ns ure th e g ro un d c le ara nc e fo r th e fin s o f th e "fis h". F w 1 90 A-S /U -1 2 w as th eW .N r.1 50 81 3, m ark ed BH+CC , as w e ll a s th e W .N r.1 50 81 4, co de d BH +CD, w ith th e MG /F F c ann on re move d a nd re place d w ith a M G 1 51 /2 0 ca nn on in e ach u nde rw in g n ace lle .

    .--....-. ! : : !I.l!l(/):::J0: :-N \:J- -t)I0 0~ 0>;;;e 3 :Q : ) i LL'+-"5CI. ~~ Q)~o0LL

    ~..-::J- -t). d : :00>3 :LL ~~~ 0)'"00::J ",,,,~ ~~Q) ~~~ _-,() (/)(/)0 + +00LL 1-1-

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    scale 1/72 F w 190A-SIU-lS 1 2 3The W.Nr.151282 (marked VL+FG) was the same asthe previous U-14, but allowed also for the carriage and launching of the Blohm & - Voss226/246 Hagelkorn (hailstone) rernotely controlled gl ide bomb. One machine only. The following versions,(not shown on drawinqs, how-ever) were built : The Fw 190A-5/U-3 its armament consisted oftwo MG 17 machine guns above the engine and two MG151/20 cannon inthe wing roots. Able to carry the SC500 bomb under the belly and two SC250 on the wing racks; existed also in the Trap. version with thedust filters. The Fw 190A-5/U-4 - Rb 121517 cameras Instal led In the rear fuselage; was also in the Trap. rnodi ficat ion with the dust f ilters.The Fw 190A5/U-8 - had two MG 151/20 cannon, but the ETC501 under the fuselage was augmented bytwo t-tesserschrnit t-Traqer under-wing, enabling to carry two 300litre jettisonable fuel tanks. The Fw 190A-5/U-9 - heavy fighter armed with two MG 131 machine guns of13mm calibre and four MG 151/20 cannon in the wing. Two examples built. The Fw 190A-5/U-1 0 - the prototype of the A-6 version. Thewing was redesigned to support a heavier maximum weight. Armed with four MG 151/20 cannon. One off. The Fw 190A-5/U-13 - a longrange f ighter-bomber, f it ted wi th 300l it re drop tanks or two 250kg bombs on the V.FwTrg. (Verkleideter Focke-WulfTrager) under wings. TheFw 190A-5/U-16 -a heavy fighter armed with two MK 108 cannon of 30mm calibre (the mod. was standardized as the Rustsatz 2/R-2/ ), twoMG 17 machine guns and two MG 151/20 cannon. One off. The Fw 190A-5/U-17 -an attack version, fitted with five racks: the ETC501 underthe belly and four ETC50 underwing. A pattern for the Fw 190F-3/R-l version. One machine made.

    E0., - 'E0"""1IIIl'-m.nE0.nC>o_ c:.>.u :


  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    2 4 1 F w 190A-6L . cale 1/72The series-built version of the Fw 190A-5/U-l 0 with afew minor modifications. The armament consisted of two MG 17 with 900 rpg and fourMG 151/20 cannon - two with 250 rpg and two with 140 rpq. The armour protection for pilot was increased, raising the take-off weight to4180 kg. I tcould carry a qui te interest ing special armament: the SG116 Zellendusche (cell -control led shower'). installed to some forty oftheFw 190A-6; i t consisted of three vertically installed MK 103 cannon in the fuselage, f ired by a photo cel l, t riggered by the shadow of a bomberflying above the passing f ighter. The following variants were subsequently produced: the Fw 190A-6/R-l - modification to a heavy fighterarmed with two MG 17 machine guns, two MG 151/20 cannon in the wing roots and four MG 151120 cannon paired in two underwingnacelles. The Fw 190A-6/R-2 - the outer wing MG 151/20 cannon replaced with the MK 108/30,cannon. Sale prototype built. The Fw 190A-6/R -3 - the outer wing MG 151120 cannon replaced with the MK 103 cannon of the 30mm cal ibre. Sale prototype buil t. The Fw 190A-6/R-4- two prototypes with the GM-1 nitrous oxide inject ion equipment installed to raise the power. The Fw 190A-6/R-6 - a Fw 190A-6, whosearmament was augmented by two launcher tubes for the W.Gr. 21 unguided missiles of 210 mm calibre.Produced from June t il l the end of1943 at the following plants Arado in warnernunde (WNr. 470001-470085, 470201-470270,470401-470485, 470581-470650, 470745-470800), Fieseler in Kassel (WNr. 530101-530150, 530301-530431, 530711- 530771, 530901-530960, 531051-531110), AGO in Oschersleben (WNr. 550130-550220, 550420-550575, 550710- 550800, 550870- 550930,551095-551145) and probably also at Arado in WarnemUnde (WNr. 650315-650510).

    Dimensions: wingspan: 10.500 mm, length: 9.100 mmEngine: BMW 801 D-2, 1 or 2 of the Fw 190A-6 were test-flown with the BMW 80nS engine.Armament Fw 190A-6/R-l (2 x MG 17; 2 x MG 151/20E + 2 x WB 151/20), Fw 190A-6/R-2 or A-6/R- 3 (2 x MG 17; 2 x MG 151/20E; 2 xMK 108), Fw 190A-6/R-6 (2 x WGr21 "Dodel"), Fw 190A-6/R- 2/R-6 (2 x MG 17; 2 x MG 151 /20E; 2 x MK 108 and 2 xWGr.21 ) and theFw 190A-6/R-7 (with a standard armament and armour and with the ETC501 wet rack for the 300litre drop tank).

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    1 I [ I ~ 0 , , 5 c ~ 'o " ~ 1 I I i 2 " o i i i i i i i i i i i i ~ 3 , o mi P l I I _o 1 2 3 4 5 10ft

    Focke Wulf Fw 190A-6/R2/R6

    Focke Wulf Fw 190A-6/R7

    Fw 190A-6/R1!II

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    f0,5 2,0r . . . .o 1 2 3 4 5

    E x ha us t f la m e s h ie ld

    FuG 217 Neptun J2 //


  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    scale 1/72 F w 190A-7 /27The fuselage-mounted MG 17 were replaced with the more powerful MG 131 of 13 mm cal. The original Revi 12 sight was replaced with thenewer Revi 16B. The FuG 16Z radio was supplanted by the FuG 16ZY. Some machines also got the FuG25a IFFgear. A standard fit was theETC501 belly rack for a 300litre drop tank. The following versions were known to exist: The Fw 190A-7/R-l - two MG 151/20 cannon inunderwinq pods. The Fw 190A-7/R-2 had two MG 151/20 in outer wings replaced with MK 108/305. The Fw 190A-7/R-6 - the armamentwas augmented by launchers fo r the unguided w.Gr. 21 rockets of the 210 mm calibre.Production took place from November 1943 till Spring 1944: at Focke Wulf in Cottbus (W.Nr.340001-340085, 340210-340360), AGO in Oschersleben (W.Nr 430160-430200, 430310-430370, 430460-430510, 430640-430710, 430990-430999, 431001-431020, 431110-431190) , Fieseler in Kassel (W.Nr. 642001-642016, 642520-642560, 642960-642999, 643401-U 643420,643701-643730,643901-643950).c ,a

    '__'~-~~M\~ Dimensions: wingspan: 10.500 mm, length: 9.100 mm~ Engine: BMW 801 0-2LArmament 2 x MG 131 and 4 x MG 151/20E, 2 x MG 1 31 and 2 x MG

    ~~~4~ 151/20E~



    co 3 :-e - LLo. ~::J

    io Sc5 OJ.:;,(,o0 0LL

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    2 8 1 F w 190A-s~ L_ cale 1/72The most numerous version of the FW 190, made in 1334 copies. Compared to the A-7 the A-8 had the MW 50 device (injecting themethanol/water mixture into the engine to increase output) with a tank of 115 litre capacit y (due to the CGshift it was necessary to move theETC501 rack forward by some 200 mm) and a modified electric installation. The Fw 190A-8 had often the higher-boosted engine (from 143kPa/l ,42 ata to 160 kPa/l ,58 ata at the sea level, in the second stage the compressor gave as much as 167 kPa/ l ,65 ata) - the thusly modi-f ied BMW 801 D-2 had more power, up to 1529 kW (2050 k) t.o. power at the sea level. The machines with the standard and modif ied engineserved alongside and were not re-designated in any off icial way. Asa standard the A-8 version carried the armour over its vital parts l ike the attackversions had. Several machines served the purpose of development of some off-beat weapons: the SG113A F6rstersonde, SG117 Rohrblock,5G116 Zel lendusche and the Ruhrstahl X4 guided ant iaircraf t missile. The Fw 190A-8/R-l - with underwing nacel les carrying four paired MG151/20s in place of the outer built-in MG 151/205. The Fw 190A-8/R-2 - Two MK 108/30 cannon in place of the outer MG 151/20 cannon.The Fw 190A-8/R-3 - Two MK 103/30 cannon in place of the outer MG 151/20 cannon. The Fw 190A-8/R-4 - The GM-1 added, inject ing theni trous oxide into the intake ducting downstream of the compressor (blower) for the short increase of the engine power. The Fw 190A-8/R-7 -Had standard armament, but a considerably augmented armour protection including the bullet-proof glass panels. The Fw190A-8/R-8 - Furtherenhanced armour protect ion and two MK 108/30 cannon in place ofthe outer MG 151120 ones. The Fw 190A-8/R-12, had two MK 108 can-non in place of the MG 151/20 outer wing ones. The FW 190A-8/U-l - More of ten known asthe Fw 1905-8 was at raining (5 - 5chulflugzeug)two-seater. The second seat was located in place of the MW 50 mixture tank and the FuG 16ZY radio on the FW 190A-8.The product ion of the Fw 190A-8 began in February 1944 and continued until the end of war in Europe. It gave some 1334 machines from thefollowing factories: FockeWulf in Cottbus (WNr. 170001-170140, 170301-170450, 170601-170750, 170901-171100, 171151-171200,171450-171750, 172340-172360, 172601-172750, 172910-172999, 173001- 173100, 173801- 173950, 174001-174050, 174100-174135,175001-175300,175901 -175990,176001-176200,177001-177610), Focke-WulfinAslau (WNr 350151-350300,350851-350875), Weserflug at the Tempelhof (WNr. 352501-352520, 620001-620205), Arado in Tutow (WNr. 380151-380180, 380320-380410), Fieseler in Kassel (W.Nr. 680101-680200, 680410- 680600, 680710-680860, 680930-680970, 681020- 681050, 681250681540, 681801-681900, 681960-681999, 682001-682070, 682170-682320, 682640-682840, 682901-682999, 683310-683340),AGO in Oschersleben (WNr. 730280-730520, 730880-730999, 731001-731120, 731390-731480, 731710-731810, 731980-731999,732001- 32310, 733670- 733790, 733960-733999, 734001-734040, 734350-734400, 737340-37440, 737920-737999, 738100-738400, 739130-739580, 739620-739640), Norddeutsche Domier in Wismar (WNr. 960001-960110, 960201-960330, 960450-960560,960640-960730,961050-961250, 961601-961700, 961930-961970), probably also at Fieseler (WNr 690101- 690160)

    Dimensions: wingspan: 10.500 mm, length: 9.100 mmEngine: BMW 801 D-2 (test BMW 80nU)Armament : configurations R-l ,R-2,R-3,R-4,R-6,R-7,R-8,R-l1 ,R-12

    0,5 1,0 2,0 3,Omr r r l . . . . . . . ~=J_... _ . 2 _o 1 2 3 4 5 10ft

    "Doppelrener" - s lipper tank 270 IWNr.380394c od ed : 7 +

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    0,5~ ~ - . = : = J I " 1 I I I ! . 1 2 . ' O ~3"om I . -----Id ' i t . ' : - : J . , . . - - - - . ._~

    Fw 190A-8with SG 116"Zellendusche" (30mC



    Canopy type 8-190.122

    Different styles of300 litre tanks

    700x 175mm(tce our t.s")

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    0,5 1,0 2,0 3,Omr J r j , 1 l - s:A en N~ en0 1 2 N :r:9 ? 0 CDn~.'">=> =>0 ro=> "'~ =>CLUU 0ill c:> n;n;

    L ,;.'" =>s :

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    3 2 1 P w 190A-9 scale 1/72;.-Due to the lack of the originally mooted BMW 801 Fengines of 1790 kW (2400 hpj t.o. output, the BMW 801 TSengine of 1491 kW (2000hpj was utilised. This machine is the last version of the A SUb-type. The product ion started in late Autumn or early in Winter 1944: at FockeWulf in Cottbus (WNr. 202125-202319, 202360-202450, 202565-202590, 205001-205100, 205180-205300, 205901-205999.206031-206200, 207160-207240, 208378-209915), at Focke-Wulf In Aslau (WNr. 490020- 490050), at Mimetall in Erfurt (WNr750070-750160) and with Norddeutsche Dornier in Wismar (WNr. 980150-980230, 980360-980380, 980540-980590).

    Dimensions: wingspan: 10.500 mrn, length: 9.100 rnrnEngine: BMW 801 F, BMW 801 5, BMW 801 TS/TH

    0,5 1,0 2,0 3,OmrlIPlr~ "6_r__ -.012345 10ft

    Fw 190A-9 with Ta 152'5 verticalt al l U nit - f ro nt v ie w

    FockeWulf Fw 190A-9/R6

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    scale 1/72 F w 190A-9 133o 0,5 1,0 2,0 3,Om" ril l _ 2o 1 2 3 4 5 10ft

    FockeWulf Fw 190A-9

    Fw 190A-9/R6front view

    standard fan closing monthsof the war

    12and 14 blade cooling fan

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    . . . .0,5 1,0 20-.::::LlI'Ik::;.~.i'__ ~3.0m~ -1 2 3 4 5 10ft

    Fw 1908-8front view

    II I V Fw 19058\ : 0 - /

    a '3.,~~


  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    scale 1/72 Fw 190 with soviet engine M-S2 135Durin g th e w ar th e Sov ie t p ilo ts h ad th e o cc as io n to e xamin e a ls o th e Fw 19 0F -S v ers io n. A n a ir wo rth y mac hin e ( la te r, a fte r r e- en gin in g, d es iq -n ate d a s t he Fw 190F- 8/M -8 2) s er ve d t o a w ho le s er ie s o f te sts , w h ic h ra n fr om No vembe r 1 94 4 u ntil M a rc h 1 94 5. D urin g o ne o f th e te st flig htsw ith te st p ilo t Y ev ge niy P . K o sty le v a e ng in e fa ilu re o cc urr ed a nd h e w as to ma ke a fo rc ed la nd in g. T he d amage to th e a ero pla ne w as fo rtu na te lyno t t oo s er ious. It was necess ar y, howeve r, to r ep la ce t he engi ne . A t a t es t e st ab li shmen t t hey g ra ft ed a Sovi et Shve ts ov M (ASh )-S2 r ad ia l i n p la ceo f th e o rig in al G erm an BMW 8 01 D . T he n ew e ng in e d ro ve a th re e-b la de d va ria ble -p itch m eta l V15h-105V p ro pe lle r o f 3 ,0 m d iame te r (o th ers ou rc es g iv e 3 ,1 0 m d iamete r) Th e n ew eng in e r eq uir ed a n ew c ow lin g, to o, a nd th ey to ok o ne fr om th e L a- SFN fig hte r. T he o rig in al G erman MG1 31 m ac hin e g un s o f 1 3 mm c alib re , lo ca te d a bo ve th e e ng in e, h ave b ee n re pla ce d w ith th e re ad ily a va ila ble S ov ie t S hV AK SP-2 0 ca nn on o f2 0mm c alib re . H isto rica l d ocume nts d o n ot p ro ve w he th er th e w in g HG 151/20 2 0mm c an no n w er e r eta in ed o r a ls o re pla ce d w ith in dig en ou so ne s. A ll th is re co ns tr uc tio n to ok p la ce b y 1 94 6 in th e L li WS ( Air F or ce T e st F ly in g In stitu te ), w he re th e g en er al te ch nic al c he ck w as a ls o c arr ie do ut. T es t p ilo t B or is F .Z uy ko v to ok th e r e- en gin ed ma ch in e to th e a ir a nd p ra is ed its flig ht c ha ra ae ris tic s. D ur in g th at tim e th e flig ht te sts w ith th ef ir st tu rboj et a ir cr af t gener at io n - t he M iG -9 and Yak- 1S , we re a lr eady unde rway, and i n c ompar is on a p is ton -engi ned a ir pl ane, i nc lud ing the mod-ifie d F w 1 9 0F -8 /M -8 2, w ou ld h ard ly b e a m atch fo r th em . T he F oc keW u lf F w 1 90 F-8 /M -8 2 w as ke pt in flig htw orth y c on ditio n u ntil 1 95 1 a nd a tp re se nt it s ho uld b e p re se rv ed in th e Mu se um o f th e J. A .Gag arin A ir A ca demy n ea r Ho sc ow . T his in fo rm a tio n is n ot v er ifie d s o fa r.


    D im en sio ns: w in gsp an : 1 0.5 00 mmD I U Engine : M -8 2 (la te r re name d ASh -8 2), m eta l p ro pe lle r:~1 Armament 2 x M G 151120,2 x S hVA K SP-20 m m ,.-r'Ti'i"i~x?

    Shvetsov M-82F engine

    V IS h-1 0 5 (3 .1 00 mm d iame te r)

    ec;5c'"LN~j(J) I~




  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    3 6 [ F w 190F-l scale 1172These are the Fw 190A-4/U-3 machines (W.Nr. 610001-610030) redesignated as attack/close support aircraft. They got a single ETC501underbelly rack, enabling to carry a 300litre drop tank. The engine cowling's bottom and cockpit bottom got addit ional armour plate. The wingMG FFcannon were usually removed.

    Dimensions: wingspan: 10.500 mm, length: 8.950 mmArmament : 2 x MG 17 and 2 x MG 151 /20E, an ETC501 rack with a 300 litre drop tank (or 1 x 500kg bomb, or 1 x 250kg bomb), the ETC501 with ER-4 extender for 4 x 50kg bomb.Engine : BMW 801 D-2 with the VDM 9-12067A (of 3.3 m diameter).

    .0 .0EE 00 .0.0 ~l~ 00 "'il N. +;; ;;en'" oo f-f- LUUJ


    0' ". . , . :


    '"00 0

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    FtiG 16Z-ABMW801D-2engine

    ETC 501 bomb rackwi thER 4 adapter

    ER 4+4xSC 50

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    38 I F w 190F-2~:---___[---------------------------------------------- scale 1/72The Fw 190F-2The pure fighter variant - Fw 190A-5 - was modified as a fighter-bomber with four underwing ETC50 bomb racks. Altogether 271 machinewas modified with the "Werknummern" W.Nr. in block 180001 and block 410001).

    Dimens ions : wingspan: 10.500 rnm, length: 9.100 mmArmament 2 x MG 17 a 2 x MG 151 f20EEngine: BMW 801 D-2 with the VDM 9-12067A

    propeller of 3.3 m diameter.

    o 0.5 1,0 2,0 3,Omr l M I I i L r l l i l: 3. . . . . . V .o 1 2 3 4 5 10ft

    V ie w o n u n de rc ar ri ag ewi t hou t undercar . cover

    BMW 801D-2engine

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    scale 1172 F w 190F-2 1 3

    Fw 190F-2fTrop

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    40 I F w 190F-3/F3R-lt i " '" " " - - - ' - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -

    scale 1172T he Fw 1 90 A-5 w as m od ifie d in to a fig hte r-b om be r in M ay 1 94 3. It d iffe re d fro m th e b as e 1 90 A-6 , th at w as m an ufa ctu re d in p ara lle l e sp e-C la lly b y th e b ulg ed c oc kp it c an op y. T his v er sio n h ad th e a dd itio na l b elly a rm ou r. T he p ro du ctio n g av e a pp ro xim ate ly 2 50 mac hin es fr om th eA ra do p la nt in W arn emUn de (WN r. 6 70 00 16 71 15 0). T he fo llo win g m in or v aria nts w ere c re ate d: T he Fw 1 90 F3 /R 1 - its a rm am en t c on -s is te d o f a n E TC5 01 b elly ra ck , fo ur u nd erw in g E TC5 0 ra ck s a nd o f t wo fu se la ge m ou nte d MG 1 7 m ac hin e g un s a nd tw o MG 15/20 cannon.

    D im ensions: w ingspan: 10.5 00 mm, length: 9.100 mmArmament 2 x M G 17 and 2 x M G 151/20E (o n th e Fw 1 90 F-3 /R l: 2 x 2 E TC5 0 ra ck sw ith 2 x 2 5 0k g b om bs ).Engine: BM W 801 D-2

    1 03 c an no n w ith n ew n ac elle s a nd mou ntin g.




    C l~0'"oo

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    Profiles 1 4 1

    Fw 190 V1 early version, D-OPZE, 1.June 1939, Hans SanderColouring RLM 70/ RLM 71/ RLM 65

    Fw 190 V1 late version, FO+LYColouring RLM 70/ RLM 71/ RLM 65

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    4 2 1 ProfilesFw 190VSkColouring: RLM 02(without camouf lagepaint)

    Fw 190A-O, KB+PV, Rechlin, spring 1941Colouring: RLM 741 RLM 7S1 RLM 76

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    Profiles 1 4 3

    Fw 190A-1, W Nr. 067, TI+DQColouring: RLM 741 RLM 751 RLM 76

    Fw 190A-2, DN+CBColouring: RLM 741 RLM 751 RLM 76

    Fw 190A-2, W Nr. 269, I I.I JG 26, France 1942Colouring RLM 741 RLM 751 RLM 76

    Fw 190A-2, 7.1JG2, France 1942Colouring RLM 741 RLM 75/ RLM 76

    Fw 190A-3, WNr.135313, 111.lJG2, Gruppenadjutant Obit Armin Faber, France, June 1942Colouring RLM 74/ RLM 75/ RLM 76

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    4 4 1 Profiles

    Fw 190A-3, JG26, Geschwaderkommodore Gerhard Schopfel, France 1942Colouring RLM 74/ RLM 75/ RLM 76

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    Fw 190A-4, 9.1JG2, Oberleutnant JosefWurmheller, France, summer 1943Colouring RLM 741 RLM 751 RLM 76

    Profiles 1 4 5

    Fw 190A-4, 6.1JG2, Oberleutnant Erich Rudorffer, Tunis, 1943Colouring: RLM 791 RLM 801 RLM 78

    Fw 190A-4/U8, WNr. 7155, Schnellkampfgeschwader I/SKG10, Unteroffizer Otto Bechtold,April 1943Colouring: RLM 741 RLM 751 RLM 22

    Fw 190A-5/U12, WNr. 410266, 2.1JG11, Staf felkapi tan Erich Hondt, 1943Colouring: RLM 741 RLM 751 RLM 76

    Fw 190A-5/U14, WNr. 150871Colouring: RLM 7 L ,I RLM 751 RLM 76

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    4 6 1 Profiles

    Fw 190 A-S, I ./JGS4 Grunherz, autumn 1943, Hptm. Walter NowotnyColouring: RLM 701 RLM 711 RLM 76, RLM 74 (spots)

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    Profiles 1 4 7Fw 190A-6/R11, 21NjGr 10, Germany, 1944

    Fw 190A-71R2, WNr. 07169, 21JG 11Colouring: RLM 741 RLM 751 RLM 76

    Fw 190A-7 IR6 , 5./JG 1 "Oesau", autumn 1943Colouring: RLM 741 RLM 751 RLM 76

    Fw 190A-81R8, W.Nr. 682204, 5./JG 300, Staf felkapi tan Klaus Bretschneider, late 1944Colouring RLM 74/ RLM 75/ RLM 76

    Fw 190A-8, Czechoslovakia after WW. II, Czechoslovak designation S-90Colouring: RLM 831 RLM 76

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    48 I Profiles

    Fw 190F-9/R1, WNr. 347763, II.lSG 1 (or I I.lSG 3), 1945

    Fw 190G-2, I I. lSG 10 (probably), East Front, 1943Colouring: RLM 741 RLM 751 RLM 76

    Fw 190G-3, WNr. 160016, SG4 (probably), Salerno, 1944Colouring: RLM 741 RLM 751 RLM 76

    Fw 1905 Upper Surfaces:Scheme 1Scheme 2Colouring: RLM 741 RLM 75 or RLM 831 RLM 76

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    I'II'IA I _o 1 2 3 4 5 10ft

    _ _ _ \ . L ~ ~ - = t -~I!~II.' I /~

    RUstsatz R3l a t e .

    R h ei n me 1 al l- B or si g M K 1 03(30mmcal.)


    I ' ROstsatz R2ea r l yI R h ai n me t al l- B or s ig M K 1 0 3-, (30mmcal.)

    BMW 8010-2 eng ine

    m >::> :3CS '"3co ' ": ~:E00S 3:0 C

    S 3:'" C< ~3:'P IV~IV w0 coa- D.: ; : ; xu 3:a '"o"' - 0~ ws : c;::>CLw '",;.3 coQ.

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    1 l ~ 0 . ~ 5 = ~ ' i r ~ . 1 i 2 ~ . 0 ~ 3 , o mi . . . _o 1 2 3 4 5

    BMW 801D~2engne


    ~ .. ---.-~>I C ::- = :~ '~ ~ :: :k 2 7 0I W .N r. 6 70 0 07I JGr.l0. 28. July 1 944

    Robot II camera

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    o 1 2 3 4 5 10ftr~ ~ -e 0


    ~Rheinmetall-Borsig Vi' n G 2C; ~MG 131 (13mm cat) c, ~~ "-'S, l>(ii I, / % r o '" 8G151!20E rv < = '"0 c, ~' = ' : s- sW '" co0 '"o - - r - r r0Q 0 ' < = t::l CI -::l 30 S ,,:l '0 0c: r0 - O ) a::l 0 c, Sex: ~ c - a~ '" ro-i "s- ::J s 0'" '" 0~ ? '" :: 9 co en .r- ' " s::l w '" 00 '-' ::l , .,co 3 IN , , _ , , _ < - co '" '", , ' 0> '" a ,, _ aa 0 ;; [if m'1 3 ~ S ' " S S -i '" r:J'" ' " 15 ' ru 0 0 3 In3: ::J ::J Z 2 : 0r ~ 0 en . . . . '0 '" t: ; ; : N l> a . 00 N a In 3

    00 ::l ex: en In ex . , '" w3: a < = '" 0 0 c: ~ rvS en 3 c S S " ' '" 7CI 0 R ' ~ n -? 0 ~ 3 0 zrIV zr - ~ '"~ 3 S, ro en < - 0 "- Vi' ?_3 0 00 ro ~ ' "N coC D 0 0- 0> '" '" c:x iii' G l ~. 0 0 ::l ex . S, '3: ::l S S < 0CI co ~ ~ , , ' ~ :T? - Ql 0:T ::; ~ ~ '" 2':'] In .e- 3:-o ~ : : ; ; : co N r\ S, CI ~~.

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    0,5 I,D 2,0 3,OmrlI.. 1 2 3 4 5 10ftMG 1 51 12 0E

    Robot IIcamera-,

    "Ooppei reuer - s lipper tank 270 IW.Nr. 670 007JGr.102B.July 1944

    Robot IIcamera


  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    0,5r J l i i I .o 1 2

    i < . ; .',_

    ~----- )l arge ETC 501

    ~~t~'~]~~-~ canopvfvp e e -190122Canopy type 8-190.102~

    3: ru=>C '1 co~ ? - 0a=> CLc Ol'3 csr :< i~ crg _ Ol0~ 0V; '3'" ~.g: , , '

    D-~s -Ol

    V> J:- ~OO IV =>.t- .t- '"0S S _ ,ien .t-OO Nen en0 0S SV> .t-OO IVa- a-0 0S S..en r>OO N-.J0 00S 0Sen V>00 0000 00 0S S

    en-c V>W CO0 IVS 0S~ill::J enD- co::J w03: S~

    ~ i5 fillZ :3'":- 3~ ro0 ; ; : :S rv0=

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    Mill _o 1 2 3 4 5 10ft

    2 x underwing bomb racksETC 503 + SC250bomb

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    0,5 1,0 2,01'1'" ~ 3,Om0 1 2 3 4 5 10ft

    2 _x SC 50 bombswith a .Iongfuze known as-,the ~DlnOrl:parger (Dinort"s asparagus) !

    2 x SC 50 bombswith 8.long fuze known asthe"Dlnortspargel' (Dinort's asparagus)

    BMW B01D-2engine

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    o 1 2 3 4 5 10ft0,5 1,0 2,0 3,Om. , . 1 - = - _

    2 x underwing racks ETC 501w iih 2 x 30 0 i i.I I1KS

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    0,5 1,0r.r.. _ 2,0 3,Om==a Rheinmetall-BorsigMG 131 (13mmCaL)1 2 3 4 5 10ft

    BMW 8010-2 engine

    :r ;-Niii+xc::JCL'"~::Jo: ; : :'"< 5w

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    D,S 1,0 2,0~MIIiI~~~_illIIIIl.~_ ~3,omo 1 2 3 4 5 10.

    (' _


    Sondergerii t SG 113A ' IB a rr el 7 7m m c al . w it h

    \ 4 5mm cal. b ulle t j


  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    0,5 1,0 2,0 3,Om~ M , r '. l" ' = = ] 1 _ " " " "_ _012345

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    Wfr.Gr.28132w i th l a unch e r

    ~ _ _ ,rro roa ; :iiC ;f v8, " 2~ wtv:;::;: e :ro ~O il cc ~'"~ ro::>00;. roO J' _o .6 ::>' " '-"n ;-"0ct:l:

    _",c::>0~ror;r: ; ; .::>-"S,'"?~l'co~:; :e :Q; "n;0~Q~0;-0coQcO'"-0:30-~0'~~

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    0,5 1,0 2,0 3,Omr a , . . , . . . ~ j _ r - I " l I i i i i i i i i _o 1 2 3 4 5Penzerbfitz Pb 1


    litIate~_Focke Wulf Fw 190F-8"Panzerschreck 1/2"0=Panzerblitz Pb 2 W .N r. 5 60 3 !. l3code: CM+WIEprobungskommando 26August 1944, Udelfeld.


  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    o 0,5 1,0. . . . . - 2,0 3.0m012345 10ft

    radio alurreter antenna

    FuG 101radio altimeter antenna

    ( BT 400Lenght: 2.94t3mmWeight: 435 Kg/200kg explosiveDiameter: 366mm_.J_I'!~--~c : : = = = I I~% ~ = r - - - - - : ' d !

    5-"~3:;'"' ">.~15:::l1 aO"

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    FuG 101r a d io a l tim e te r a n t e nn a

    BT 700B - - - - ' 1enght: 3.360mmWeight: 755 kg/320 kgexplos ive ,


  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    D,S 1,0P i . . . _o 1 2 3 4 S

    2,0 3,Om


    ["- FuG 101I radiol~r a;ten"

    BT 1400Lenght: 4.S60mmWeight: 1.S10kg/920 kg explosiveDiameter: BOOmm

    FuG 101radio altimeter antenna

    Focke Wul f Fw 190F-81U3code: SS+GFJune to October 1944, HexengrundMaj. vroeoentt and Obit. Heuer

    FuG 101radiOaltimeterantanc- "-

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    0,5 10 21 I ~ 1 r I 1 1 = ~ ' i t ~ . i , O ~3,Om~'2 - I4 5

    Focke Wulf Fw 190F-9/R16W.Nr. 960227VDM 9-12157 H3(3,5m dia.) wooden propeller

    14 blade cooling fan enlarged bulge-

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    0,5 1,0 2,0 3,Omr n r . . P i i I.6.......l l l l l l l I I I I I I .o 1 2 3 4 5 ~ J>xo T~ 0 enQ :; : ~" " Tr o C o '"S2' '"C!! . '" "5 1 e 0:~ '" co' "" O::'" .c. '"r ''" co=> o

    ~ ~0en :3ou'"E TC 5 01 r ac k w it h SC 500 bomb ::l '"

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    0,5~ 3 ,Om!10ft1 2

    r ETC 501 rack with SC 500 bombl,~

    I~,I T he ra ck f or 3 00 I d ro p t an k Iwith the Mt t lock ( Fw - Schloss) II ,

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1



    0 0,5 1,0 2,0 3,Omr . r i l i -1 2 3 4 5 10ft Z ~ = > ~ co ~ ~ CD n :J' w w w0 s CD ~ 'D .0 w UO = > 3 Va 0 0 c : cr c.C)- ='> :I e " " iO Siir ~ : ; ; co u c. 3S c. 0 _00 3 rv CD ~ 0c n'" CD :;f " o- CD c a CD coi' f co S 2, ;a ~co 0: ? Q a a ;a = > ; : : . r o::J 0 ro u ro ~ co -c ;a 8ro :;; CL ~ ; : : . co0 2' ~ ~ Q_ cr ~ coro -~ ;;: = > c. ro S a rna o J 0 ~ a zr < 33 P 0 co r;' s ::C ! ! ' ~ 0 C) ~ ii\ 0 J: ro rr cO2 :> s W 0= > S :::l " :J' '.0 w ::O J' " C 2 ~ ro w 0 S 00 rv S, cS " ~ co " r o co ~. CD ~ 0 0 ar o ng: ~ 0 @ ~ 'i f co 3C2 _3 ~ ~ co :J' -o co co -: : : ; cr:J' S ::J (3 ro ~ roS 0 ro ru g '" ~ 00 m -~:;f co ro S 0 ::J 0 co "" 3: a '~. c: ? CD s, CD S cr S -; en s 3: fJO J ' ~ ro zr- :T ~3: ~ ro c2 ~ :;f co 0;' V> w ? ~ 00w V i" S ' : ' 1 "~ r o 0 0 ;'l 3 a r o co "o. en 0 cr ~ a ' " ::" 0 c8 a _ro S, 3 tv" " ;;: 2 :' ~ 3 s 0 a 0 CD tv 0 ~ 0 D- " '- W 0co ~ ~ < e ,'" '.D ~ ' " c; " 2: co '"(3 3 ~ - ' " ' co co :_. ;'l =co CD '> s : ~ Q- CD 0 0 O J '" 9'" 3 " ~ 0 0 ~ S =0- co ::J ~ ~ c, S 0c: 0 r;' 3 a ro co CD co> ::J ru ' 3 0- ~. C c'" ' ;; : w ~ c, ::; ~ Sn ru "" ro c, -o cco S ro !< -< ' :::l :' : O J ~ ' "8 ro S' u ? c,

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    0,5 1,0 2,0 3,Om m 0 ;Da . .. :I " :3 :J :" "::;' rt) : : ; >1 2 3 4 5 io n !'! " ::l>co s '53: 0 C0 : '

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    3,Om0,5 1,0 2,0

    ",... -1 2 3 4 51:72

    100Basic types of Fw190

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    0,5 1,0 2,0 3,Omr r l M . I L . . . .: : : = ] 1. . . . . . _ _o 1 2 3 4 5 10ft1:72

    Focke Wulf Fw 1905-5

    Basic types of Fw 190

    Focke Wulf Fw 1905-8

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    A B C ~ ~ H , i< ilII I- I- nc(\ sI , 'I ~u ~(\ I" ~1 \

    :: r. . .I~\ (I)/ \ . ./ \ 1 G I Focke Wulf Fw 190A-2 "T l/ \ I I. Focke Wulf Fw 190A-3 ~-, '-- -- J

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    Junkers rack (late) wWeserfluglrager"w ith 300 Ilank

    Junkers rack (early)w ith 300 Ilank


    Different styles of300 litre tanks

    ETC 501 and 300 Ifue l

    2 x underwing racks ETC 501with 2 )(300 Itanks




  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    1/32Late version ER-4 adapter

    ETC501 rackwith ER-4 adapter

    Early version ER-4 adapter


    C>00 ~~aJ( SC50 bombswith a long fuze known asthe "Dinortspargel" tOinorfs asparagus)

    ETC 50rack~" t~ ', f l~ t y r",'/ n) f I T \ )withb~Ckcover ~.;I.l1:,


  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1



    I.' Riistsatz R3

    Rhelnmetall-Borslq M K 1 03(30mm cal.]

    [' Riistsatz R3

    late,_ Rhejnm(j~~~O~~)MK 10 3

    ,,--- --

    Riistsatz R2early

    R he in m et al l- Bo rs ig M K 1 0 3(30mmcal.)

    Riistsatz R1WBpod + 2xMG 151/20




  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    1/32~ ~ Wfr.Gr.28/32~ ~ witl1launchecr:tl I J U [ ] t l - - = : I D


  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    246 "Hagelkorn"lying bomb BV1/32

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    78 Drawin~s of cockpit fw 190A-S/f-S

    H ea d o n v ie w o f t he Fw1 90 A-8 /F -8 c oc k-p it's e qu ip me nt. T ak en fro m Fw 1 90 p ro -duc tion manual .

    G un sigh t R EV I 768

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    I f Fw 19QA-S 1 7 9pane or _fheinst~T~u~rn~e~n~~_~-----------articular instruments ofDrawings of the p nt panel Taken190A-5 instrumethe Fw d tion manual.from Fw190 pro uc

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    80 I Manual of cockpit

    Seen from below is the cockpit's leftconsole with the control l ines visible.

    Upper rim of the cockpit 's lef t console.

    ,.,.Photo ofthe panel in original conditions.

    Detail of theretractableboardingfootstep.

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    En~ine BMW SOl in detail lSI

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    8 2 1 The engine cowling

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    The engine mounting I 83

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    84 The engine cowling - front wiev

    Oil tank front part of the cowl ing.

    Cowling assembly.

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    The fuselage armament covers and logs I 85

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    86 Special Drawings

    F w 1 90 A-5 (o be rs H . G r af) a fte r th e W ar's e ndin B rn o.

  • 5/11/2018 Focke-Wulf FW 190 Photo Hobby Manual - Special Drawings Part 1


    Fw 1905-8, Unit UnknownColouring RLM 741 RLM 751 RLM 76

    Fw 190A-9, 3. / JG5, spr ing 1945Colouring: RLM 741 RLM 751 RLM 76

    Fw 190F-2, 10. (Jabo)1 J G 26, France, autumn 1942

    Fw 190F-2, 5.1 5G 1, 1943Colouring: RLM 741 RLM 751 RLM 76

    Fw 190F-S, Germany, May 1945