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Hi, kids! My name is Vickie Voxel. I’m going to tell you about fMRI, HRF & BOLD. Intro to fMRI Part I: HRF & BOLD Dr. Russell James, Texas Tech University
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Page 1: fMRI terms: HRF and BOLD

Hi, kids! My name is Vickie Voxel. I’m

going to tell you about fMRI, HRF &


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Intro to fMRIPart I: HRF & BOLD

Dr. Russell James, Texas Tech University

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An fMRI picture of the brain is made up of

thousands of boxes, called voxels, just like me!

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We voxels are small –

usually about the size of one peppercorn

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Inside each of us

voxels are thousands of neurons

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When a lot of these neurons

start to fire, the body

rushes in oxygen to help

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This rush of oxygen comes through the blood and makes me start to

change color

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As my blood oxygen

increases, I get redder

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And redder

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If this keeps going, I will be

totally red from all of the oxygen in my


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But then, if the neurons don’t keep firing, the

body will stop rushing oxygen

to me

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And my color will start to

return to normal

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I can get a bit blue at the end if my oxygen

drops too low, right before it returns to


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In 20 seconds after the neurons

fired, I will be back to my

normal color again

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This whole color change process is called my

hemodynamic response

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“Hemo” means blood. “Dynamic” means change. So, hemodynamic response is my “blood-change” response.

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SECONDS after neurons fire







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When we model this change with math, we call it a

hemodynamic response function

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SECONDS after neurons fire







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But, saying “hemodynamic

response function” takes too long, so we will just call it

the HRF

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SECONDS after neurons fire







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SECONDS after neurons fire







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The fMRI machine can see my color change because blood with a lot of oxygen (red) is less attracted to magnets than blood without much oxygen (pink or blue).

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But, instead of showing pictures in red, pinks, and blues, the fMRI creates black and white pictures.

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Differences in magnetism are shown as shades of light and dark.

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The fMRI machine is measuring a BOLD signal because the color is


High blood oxygen

Low blood oxygen

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So, instead of an HRF looking like


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SECONDS after neurons fire







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The fMRI shows an HRF that looks

like this…

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SECONDS after neurons fire







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Because the color tells us the blood oxygen level, we really don’t need a vertical axis…

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SECONDS after neurons fire







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We can just use one line

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16SECONDS after neurons fire

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And, if we always take a picture

every 2 seconds, then we don’t even need

the seconds on the bottom

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So, all of our HRF information is shown on the timeline below

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Neuron firing starts

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But, instead of a series of

colors, the fMRI machine gives us


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Neuron firing starts

180 200 250 305 249 201 182 172 180

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Neuron firing starts

180 200 250 305 249 201 182 172 180

The fMRI records a number for the

magnetism of each voxel at each time

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If we take a picture every 3 seconds for 7 minutes, we get 140

numbers for each voxel

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And we might have 100,000 or so voxels in the whole brain

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20 images per minute X 7 minutes X 100,000 voxels X 20 people = 280 million data points

We can’t track it by hand!

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So we have to ask the computer to analyze the data

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But the computer needs to know

WHAT to look for and WHEN to look

for it

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So WHAT are we looking for?

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We are looking for changes in the signal that look like this

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We are looking for changes in the signal that look like this

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180 200 250 305 249 201 182 172 180

We are looking for changes in the signal that look like this…

because this looks like an HRF, meaning it was caused by a large

group of neurons firing

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180 200 250 305 249 201 182 172 180

We are looking for changes in the signal that look like this…

because this looks like an HRF, meaning it was caused by a

large group of neurons firing

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WHEN are we looking for this HRF-like signal?

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We are interested in the HRF-like signals that happen right after the

subject experiences something

+ + + + +

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Then we can estimate the likelihood that a voxel, or group of

voxels, is responding to the stimulus

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This simple concept can be difficult in practice because:

1. The signal change is small2. The brain is noisy

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This simple concept can be difficult in practice because:

1. The signal change is small2. The brain is noisy

Overcoming these barriers requires:

Good study design +

Good data analysis

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Bye for now!

Next time we will look at how to

create a good study design.

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Intro to fMRIPart I: HRF & BOLD

Dr. Russell James, Texas Tech University