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© 2014 Graco Inc. Rev 2 SL Training 11/2014 Fluid Basics Concept and Theory

Fluid Basics Concept and Theory - Graco › training › concept_and_theory › Fluid Basics v3.pdfFluid Basics Concept and Theory . Basic Fluid Terminology Fluid, Liquid, and Material

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© 2014 Graco Inc. Rev 2 SL Training 11/2014

Fluid Basics Concept and Theory

Page 2: Fluid Basics Concept and Theory - Graco › training › concept_and_theory › Fluid Basics v3.pdfFluid Basics Concept and Theory . Basic Fluid Terminology Fluid, Liquid, and Material

Basic Fluid Terminology Fluid, Liquid, and Material In the most precise dictionary definition, a liquid is a substance wherein molecules move freely among themselves, but do not tend to separate like those of a gas. Similarly, in the most precise terms, a fluid is any gas or liquid that may be caused to flow. Graco products are:

Paints and other coatings

Solvents and thinners






Evaporation and Sublimation Evaporation is the process of conversion of a fluid to a gas. Sublimation is the process of conversion of a solid directly to a gas with no liquid phase in between. Both of these conversions result from heating a substance or from reducing the pressure on a substance.

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Suspensions and Solutions A suspension is a mixture of a fluid and small solid particles. Paint is a suspension commonly moved through Graco products. The suspended particles in paints are usually pigments (coloring agents) and fillers that change the consistency and adhesion characteristics of the paint. If allowed to remain at rest, gravity will cause the particles in a suspension to settle to the bottom of the container. A suspension is fundamentally different from a solution. In a solution, the mixing of two substances takes place at the molecular level and is completely homogeneous throughout. A common example of a solution is salt water. The solid in a solution is said to be dissolved. Dissolved material will not settle to the bottom of the container, no matter how long it is left at rest. Only chemical processes, such as evaporation of the fluid, will cause the solid to ―come out of solution.‖

Settling Out: A Common Problem The phenomenon referred to above—the settling out of solids in a suspension—is a problem with the most common type of fluid moved in Graco systems: paint. If we do not prevent settling, two kinds of problems will result. First, solid paint particles may clog filters and other system components; this is commonly referred to as packing out. Second, settling may lead to application problems. For example, in the automotive industry, settling out of paints has led to problems of color-matching from one part of a car to another. Graco fluid handling systems often include components whose role is to create and maintain mixing of suspensions so that solids do not settle out. In the home paint market, initial mixing may be achieved with a shaker, as shown at left in Figure 1. In the industrial market, initial mixing is achieved by tumblers and agitators, as shown at center and right in Figure 1:


Figure 1 Types of equipment used to maintain mixture in a suspension: at left: shakers, typical in the home paint market; at center and right: tumblers and agitators, typical in the industrial market. Note: Graco does not manufacture shakers or tumblers.

Shaker Tumbler Agitator

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In industrial systems, once a homogeneous mixture is achieved, that homogeneity may be maintained with agitators, such as the types shown in Figure 1. Or the fluid may be constantly pumped through the system to maintain the suspension. Such a system is called a recirculating system. Figure 2 shows a recirculating system:

05030 Figure 2 A Graco recirculating system; fluid is kept in constant motion to prevent settling of solids.

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Progress Check Directions: After answering the following questions, compare your answers with those provided in the answer key following this progress check. If you respond to any items incorrectly, return to the text and review the appropriate topics.

1. Name five of the seven major types of fluids that are moved in Graco systems:





2. Explain the term ―packed out‖.



3. Select all devices that might be used to maintain a suspension once it has been


a. Tumblers

b. Shakers

c. Pumps

d. Agitators

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Answers to Progress Check

1. Paints and coatings, adhesives, sealants, inks, solvents and thinners, fuels, lubricants.

2. ―Packed out‖ is a term used to describe a clog in a system caused by solid particles that

have settled out of a fluid.

3. After a suspension has been achieved, pumps and agitators can be used to maintain it.

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Fluid Properties Viscosity Viscosity is the resistance of a fluid to flowing. Thus, the more a fluid resists flowing, the higher its viscosity is said to be. For example, axle grease is much more viscous than motor oil and motor oil is much more viscous than gasoline. To move a fluid, you must overcome its viscosity. And since the purpose of Graco products is to move fluids, it is safe to say that viscosity is the single most important property of a fluid to consider when you are recommending Graco products. The viscosity of a given fluid will vary predictably with changes in many factors. The most important of these factors is temperature. In fact, to be meaningful, a viscosity rating must always be stated in conjunction with the temperature of the fluid. The viscosities of virtually all fluids decrease as their temperatures increase. When fluids are in motion—as they are sooner or later in all Graco systems—viscosity is also directly related to another factor: shear. Shear is the slipping of one layer of a fluid relative to an adjacent layer. To visualize this concept, think of fluid layers that are just one molecule thick; imagine the drag that results as the layers of molecules move past each other. Shear is expressed as the relationship among several factors, including the force imparted to one surface of a fluid, the resulting velocity of that layer, and the thickness across the layers. Shear and its relationship to viscosity are discussed in more detail later in this module.

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Centipoise: Standard Unit of Viscosity The standard unit of viscosity is the poise (named in honor of Dr. J. Poiseuille). But since the poise is a rather large and inconvenient unit, the centipoise—1/100 of a poise—is customarily used. The abbreviation for centipoise is either cP or cp. Water establishes the base point of the centipoise scale. Pure water at a temperature of 68.4˚ F (20.2˚ C) has an absolute viscosity of one cp. (Absolute viscosity is defined on the next page.) Figure 3 is a list of some fluids commonly moved through Graco equipment and their viscosities at 70˚ F (21˚ C). Other units of viscosity include SUS and ISO numbers for lubricating oils and NLGI numbers for greases.

Hot melt glue 30,000,000

Shortening (Crisco brand) 1,200,000

Ketchup (Heinz brand) 50,000

Ink 45,000

Oil - SAE 70 1,600

Spar varnish 420

Oil - SAE 40 319

Oil - SAE 30 200

Linseed Oil (raw) 28

Milk 3

Water 1

Benzene 0.3

Viscosities of Common Fluids

in cp at 70°F (21°C)

Figure 3 Viscosities of common fluids

Measuring Viscosity Since viscosity is so important in characterizing fluids, you need to know how viscosity is measured. Following is information on several devices used to measure viscosity: the Brookfield Viscometer, standardized cups, and the Saybolt apparatus.

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Absolute Viscosity

When viscosity is measured by any system that does not depend on gravity to pull a fluid through measuring apparatus, the measured viscosity is called an absolute viscosity. The most common device used to measure absolute viscosity in paint and coating manufacturers’ laboratories is the Brookfield Viscometer (Figure 4). This device registers a fluid’s resistance to the rotation of a disk suspended in the fluid. The result is expressed in cp and reported along with the type of disk used—stated as the ―spindle number‖—and the fluid temperature.

05031 Figure 4 Brookfield Viscometer

Kinematic Viscosity Any time viscosity is measured with a device that depends on gravity to pull a fluid through some apparatus, we say the result is the fluid’s kinematic viscosity (also sometimes called dynamic viscosity). You are likely to find kinematic viscosities stated for many fluids, including



to RPM



Resistance to RPM


Spinning disk

Pail or


Fluid being


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paints, solvents, inks, and oils. The most common approach is to measure the time it takes for a given volume of fluid to run through a hole in the bottom of a standardized metal cup. The most common types of cups are called Zahn, Ford, and Shell cups. Each type is manufactured in a range of sizes for various viscosity ranges. The most precise way to state kinematic viscosity is in stokes or in centistokes (1/100 of a stoke). But in everyday use, you also may hear someone state viscosity in terms of the number of seconds a fluid took to flow through a given type of cup. Figure 5 shows common types of cups used to make these measurements.

05032 Figure 5 Cups used for measuring viscosity: The two at left are Zahn cups; the one at right is a Ford cup. Cups may or not have wire handles as shown.

Zahn Cups Ford Cup

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Specific Gravity The specific gravity of a liquid or solid–abbreviated s.g.–is defined as the ratio of the weight of a given volume of the materials to the weight of an equal volume of water:

Weight of a given volume of material s.g. = -------------------------------------------------------------

weight of an equal volume of water

Example: English measurements are figured using lbs/ft³, metric measurements are figured using grams/cc. Since s.g. is a ratio no configuration is needed. The weight of a cubic foot of water is 62.4 pounds. If one cubic foot of a certain paint weighs 80 pounds, its specific gravity is:

80 / 62.4 = 1.3

The specific gravities of most paints and other surface coatings are between 1 and 1.5. You must specify specialized heavy-duty equipment for moving fluids with specific gravities above 2. You will need to determine the pressure loss due to specific gravity of a fluid whenever your customer must pump a fluid upward through a Graco system. Due to gravity, more and more pressure will be lost as the fluid is pumped higher and higher. This pressure loss will be proportional to the fluid’s specific gravity:

English – pressure loss/vertical foot = s.g. x 0.44 psi

Metric – pressure loss/vertical meter = s.g. x 0.1 bar Take the paint mentioned as an example. Its specific gravity is 1.3. Therefore, its pressure loss per vertical foot will be:

1.3 x 0.44 = 0.57 psi (.04 bar) Imagine that we are evaluating the possibility of using a siphon-feed system that works at atmospheric pressure, or app. 14.7 psi (1.0 bar) (typical value for a siphon-feed system) to pump this paint up 20 feet, (6.1 meters) where the paint must be sprayed. Applying the pressure loss formula, we find:

20 feet (6.1 meters) x 0.57 psi (.04 bar) / vertical foot = 11.4 psi (.79 bar) If we used this system with this paint we would be able to siphon feed, because atmospheric pressure is greater than the pressure drop in the siphon tube 14.7 – 11.4 = 3.3 psi (1.0 - .79 = .21 bar).

Density The density of a fluid (or any other material) is defined as its weight per unit of volume, expressed in grams per cubic centimeter or pounds per cubic foot. For example, as stated earlier, the density of water is 62.4 lbs/ft³ (1 gram/cc).

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Surface Tension Surface tension, a normal result of the molecular structure of a fluid, is a force that tends to minimize and constrict the surface of a fluid. Most surface tension-related problems will arise in connection with paints and other coatings. The most common of these problems is the formation of an uneven coating when surface tension of the paint is greater than that of the substrate. In most cases, this is not a problem you can solve; it must be referred to the paint supplier who may recommend a lower- surface tension paint or may actually change the formulation of the paint to lower its surface tension.

Shear Shear is the slipping of sliding of one part of a fluid relative to an adjacent part, as illustrated in Figure 6:

05034 Figure 6 Model of a fluid. Left: force is applied to the fluid’s upper surface, while no force is applied to the fluid’s lower surface. Right: resulting shear.

F = force (dynes)

V = velicity (cm/sec)


Stationary plate

X = thickness (cm)

Stationary plate

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Shear Rate (or Rate of Shear) Shear rate is the rate of slip within a flowing fluid. The average or mean shear rate of a fluid in a pipe or tube is the average velocity divided by the radius of the tube: Average velocity Shear rate = -------------------------- Radius

Shear Stress Shear stress is the term used to refer to any force that tends to impart motion to a fluid. Stirring and pumping are typical forces that impart shear stress to fluids. Shear stress is expressed as a specified force exerted on a specified area: Force Shear stress = ------------ Area

Relationship between Viscosity and Shear The relationship between viscosity, shear stress, and shear rate is expressed by the following formula: Shear stress Viscosity = ------------------ Shear rate

Newtonian Fluids In a Newtonian fluid, at a given temperature and pressure, there is a linear relationship between shear rate and shear stress, and viscosity is constant irrespective of shear rate:

05035 Figure 7 Newtonian fluid

Flow Curve Viscosity Profile



r s



Shear rate Shear rate

Slope of this

line = viscosity





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Remember that, as started on page 14 and as expressed in Figure 7, the viscosity of a fluid may be derived by dividing shear stress by shear rate. Newtonian fluids are named after Sir Isaac Newton, who first deduced these relationships. Examples of Newtonian fluids include water and most mineral oils.

Non-Newtonian Fluids The viscosities of non-Newtonian fluids vary with shear rate. Therefore, it is misleading to state a single viscosity for these fluids. Instead, the term apparent viscosity is used to describe a non-Newtonian’s viscous properties at a given shear rate. You will encounter three types of non-Newtonian fluids:




Following are discussions and examples of each type of non-Newtonian fluid.

Plastic As shown in Figure 8, a plastic fluid has a definite yield point. That means a certain minimum shear stress is necessary before any flow will take place. A typical plastic fluid is tomato ketchup: Turning the bottle upside down may produce zero movement, but striking or shaking the bottle hard enough suddenly produces a gushing flow. As shown in Figure 8, in a fluid that exhibits plastic characteristics, viscosity decreases as shear rate increases.

05036 Figure 8 Plastic fluid



r s






t vis




Flow Curve Viscosity Profile

Shear rate

Shear rate

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Pseudoplastic As with a plastic fluid, the apparent viscosity of a pseudoplastic fluid decreases with increased shear rate (Figure 9). But unlike plastic fluids, pseudoplastic fluids have no yield point – that is, even a small amount of shear stress produces some flow. Many water-borne paints and other water-borne emulsions exhibit pseudoplastic characteristics.

05037 Figure 9 Pseudoplastic fluid

Thixotropic: A Sub-type of Pseudoplastic Fluids Thixotropic fluids are a special sub-type of pseudoplastic fluids. Like other pseudoplastic fluids, as constant shear is applied, a thixotropic fluid’s apparent viscosity is reduced to some minimum value. But as shear decreases or stops, a thixotropic fluid’s apparent viscosity builds back up at a rate different from the rate at which it decreased. This property is designed into paints to inhibit the settling out of solid particles suspended in the paint.

Shear rate Shear rate

Flow Curve Viscosity Profile



r s






t vis




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Dilatant As shown in Figure 10, a dilatant fluid has the opposite characteristic of a pseudoplastic material – that is, a dilatant fluid’s apparent viscosity increases with an increase in shear rate. Some dilatants even solidify at high shear rates. Common examples include some printing inks, starches, and come confections including taffy.

05038 Figure 10 Dilatant fluid



r s






t vis




Flow Curve Viscosity Profile

Profile Flow Curve

Shear rate Shear rate

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Flow and Frictional Pressure Loss Pressure causes fluid in a system to flow, and we say a flowing fluid has energy of motion or kinetic energy. But as a fluid moves through tubing and other system components, friction causes a loss of kinetic energy as heat. An important result is that pressure is reduced. This phenomenon, illustrated in Figure 11, is called frictional pressure loss or simply pressure drop.

05039 Figure 11 Frictional pressure loss To calculate frictional pressure loss in pounds per square inch in a pipe or tube length, we use Darcy’s law: 0.000273 Q x V x L P = ------------------------------- D4

Where: P = Pressure loss in pounds per square inch Q = Flow rate in gallons per minute V = Viscosity of fluid in centipoise L = Length of pipe in feet D = Inside diameter of tube or pipe in inches For example, if your customer wants to pump milk, which has a viscosity of 3 centipoise, at a rate of 50 gallons per minute through 100 feet of tubing that has an inside diameter of 1.25 inches, you would calculate the pressure loss as: 0.000273 x 50 x 3 x 100 -------------------------------- = 1.68 psi lost 1.254

500 psi 300 psi

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We can also calculate frictional pressure loss in kilograms per square centimeter, in which case Darcy’s law takes this form: 69,300 Q x V x L P = ---------------------------- D4

Where: P = Pressure loss in kilograms per square centimeter Q = Flow rate in liters per minute V = Viscosity of fluid in poise L = Length of pipe in meters D = Inside diameter of tube or pipe in millimeters Note: Values for D4 for common sizes of tubing and piping are listed in the Graco Industrial Fluid Handling Products catalog.

Laminar Flow and Turbulent Flow As shown in Figure 12, two types or patters of flow may develop in a piping system: laminar flow and turbulent flow:

05040 Figure 12 Laminar and turbulent flow

Laminar Flow Turbulent Flow


Shear rate









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Pressure Graco pumps exert pressure on fluids to make them flow. The 18th century scientist, Blaise Pascal, showed that fluid pressure in a closed system is the same throughout the system. This theorem is called Pascal’s law. As illustrated in Figure 13, we state pressure in terms of force per unit area—pounds per square inch in English units; grams per square centimeter in metric units.

05041 Figure 13 We express pressure as a force exerted evenly on a given surface area.


(1 cm)


(1 cm)



Pressure =


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Figure 14 shows pressures you can expect to encounter in some common Graco pumping systems:

Paint circulation <500 psi (3.45 Mpa, 34.5 bar)

Air spray supply pressure 50-100 psi (.34-.69 MPa,3.4-6.9 bar)

Grease ≥4000 psi (27.6 MPa, 276 bar)

Airless spray of architectural


2000-3000 psi (13.8-20.7 MPa, 138-207


Polyvinylacetate (white glue)

100-500 psi (.69-3.45 MPa, 6.9-34.5


Paint-shop auto body sealant


2000-5000 psi (13.8-34.5 MPa, 138-345


Solvent transfer and supply <100 psi (.69 MPa, 6.9 bar)

High-pressure water cleaning

1000-3000 psi (6.89-20.7 MPa, 68.9-

207 bar)

Typical Pressure Ranges in Graco Systems

Figure 14 Typical pressure ranges in Graco systems

Measuring Pressure We commonly measure pressure in a closed fluid handling system with a bourdon tube gauge – often simply called a bourdon gauge. A typical bourdon gauge is shown in Figure 15.

05042 Figure 15 Left: exterior view of a bourdon tube gauge. Right: schematic diagram of internal mechanism of a bourdon tube gauge.




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A bourdon gauge is inserted directly into a fluid handling system with a fitting so it registers whatever pressure is in the system. (Remember Pascal’s law: fluid pressure in a closed system is the same throughout the system.) As pressure in the system increases, the thin, curved bourdon tube inside the gauge straightens somewhat. Through gears, the straightening of the tube is converted to the motion of an indicator needle, which shows the system pressure.

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Progress Check Directions: After answering the following questions, compare your answers with those provided in the answer key following this progress check. If you respond to any items incorrectly, return to the text and review the appropriate topics.

1. Select the most important property of a fluid to consider when you are recommending

Graco products:

a. Specific gravity

b. Density

c. Viscosity

d. Surface tension

For items 2 through 6, match the fluid type with its viscosity characteristics: Fluid Type

a. Newtonian

b. Plastic

c. Pseudoplastic

d. Dilatant

e. Thixotropic

Viscosity Characteristics

2. Viscosity is constant irrespective of shear rate.

3. Apparent viscosity increases and decreases at different rates.

4. Apparent viscosity increases with an increase in shear rate.

5. Apparent viscosity decreases with an increase in shear rate.

6. Has a yield point from which viscosity decreases with an increase in shear rate.

7. Which statement explains how a Bourdon Gauge works?

a. Pressure in the system presses on one side of an electrical capacitor, which is

inserted in an electrical circuit so that current flow is inversely proportional to

system pressure.

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b. Pressure in the system straightens a metal strip, which is converted to the

movement of a needle indicator.

c. Pressure in the system forces a metal tube to straighten; the straightening is

converted to the movement of a needle indicator.

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Answers to Progress Check

1. C. Viscosity

2. A. Newtonian: Viscosity is constant irrespective of shear state.

3. E. Thixotropic: Apparent viscosity increases and decreases at different rates.

4. D. Dilatant: Apparent viscosity increases with an increase in shear rate.

5. C. Pseudoplastic: Apparent viscosity decreases with an increase in shear rate.

6. B. Plastic: Has a yield point from which viscosity decreases with an increase in shear


7. C. Pressure in the system forces a metal tube to straighten; the straightening is

converted to the movement of a needle indicator.

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Factors to Consider When Selecting Internal System Materials Corrosiveness of Fluids Corrosion is the chemical combination of metals with oxygen to form oxides. For example, Figure 17 shows how, in the presence of an electrolyte, such as water, ions of Iron (Fe3+) combine with hydroxyl ions (OH-) to form iron oxide (Fe2O3), commonly called rust.

05044 Figure 17 How corrosion takes place

H2O H2O O2 O2




e- Rust

Iron Oxide Layer

Iron Anode Cathode

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Like iron, all metals have positive valences. In other words, metals are electron attractors. For corrosion to take place, there must be electrons available to combine with the metal ions. Many of the fluids that move through Graco systems have available electrons, and therefore may cause corrosion. Fluids with available electrons are called acids and are said to be acidic. Other fluids are like metals in that they are electron-attractors. These fluids are called bases and are said to be alkaline. Only the strongest bases will corrode metals. The amount of acidity or alkalinity of a fluid is expressed by its pH valuve. Water is said to be a neutral fluid and is therefore in the center of the pH scale with a pH value of 7.0. Decreasing pH values from 7.0 to 0.0 indicate increasing acidity. Increasing pH values from 7.0 to 14.0 indicate increasing alkalinity. Figure 18 shows pH values of some common fluids:

Hydrochloric, N 0.1

Sulfuric, N 0.3

Citric, 0.1 N 2.2

Formic, 0.1 N 2.3

Boric, 0.1 N 5.2

Sodium hydroxide, N 14

Trisodium phosphate, 0.1 N 12

Ammonia, N 11.6

Borax 9.2

Wine 2.8-3.8

Apple juice 2.9-3.3

Beer 4.0-5.0

Maple syrup 6.5-7.0

Cow milk 6.3-6.6




Figure 18 Approximate pH values of selected fluids

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Acidic fluids will corrode the internal metallic components of a fluid handling system. If a system’s metal parts corrode, several problems are likely to occur:

The resulting corrosion products (oxides) may become involved in secondary chemical

reactions with the fluid being moved, thus contaminating it

The corrosion products may flake off and clog the system or contaminate the fluid being

moved – or both

The corrosion action may deform a pump to the extent that it will not perform properly

You must always determine the types of fluids that will be moved through a Graco system and must specify internal system materials accordingly. Figure 19 shows the materials you should specify when a Graco system will move fluids of various pH ranges:

pH Range Fluid Handling System Materials to Specify

0 - 4 Stainless steels

4 - 6 All steel

6 - 8 All steel

8 - 10 All steel

10 - 14 Stainless steels Figure 19 Guidelines for specifying fluid handling system materials

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Chemical Compatibility of Fluids and Pump Materials As stated earlier in this training module, you must specify Graco systems with internal parts that will not be corroded by the fluids to be moved in those systems. But corrosion is just one kind of damaging chemical reaction you must avoid in specifying the internal parts of Graco systems. In fact, there are many potential problems which may occur if a given material inside a Graco system comes in contact with an incompatible fluid. So how do you know which materials to specify for every possible fluid you might encounter? While this sounds like a daunting problem, reliable help is available. As you might imagine, most of the chemical compatibility problems you are likely to encounter have been encountered and solved before by others.

Abrasiveness of Fluids The abrasiveness of a fluid – that is, its ability to scratch – is another factor you must consider when specifying the internal materials in a Graco system. As environmental concerns have increased, solvents previously used in paints and other fluids have been replaced by finely ground materials called fillers. Most common fillers are abrasive enough that they will eventually compromise the sealing capabilities of the packings and seals in Graco systems. In fact, some fillers are abrasive enough to eventually destroy the metals commonly used in Graco systems. To decide whether abrasiveness is important in choosing system materials, you must first identify the fillers that will be present in the fluids to be moved. Then consider two factors, hardness and percent of filler by volume.

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Hardness The Knoop Hardness Scale is commonly used to state the hardness of solid materials. For example, the Knoop Hardness value for many types of carbon steel is about 430. By comparison, the Knoop value for diamond – the hardest natural substance – is about 7000. Materials with higher numbers will abrade materials with lower numbers. Figure 20 shows hardness values for a few materials commonly used as fillers:

Material Knoop Hardness (Kg/mm2)

Silica 820

Titanium Dioxide 660

Mica 520

Aluminum Oxide 2000

Cordierite 836

Figure 20 Knoop hardnesses of common filler materials

Percent of Filler by Volume In addition to knowing the hardness of a filler, you must also take into account the amount of the filler in the fluid being moved. Of course, the higher the percentage of fillers, the sooner the internal system components will be affected. Paints and other coatings are rated as to their ―solids‖ content – that is, the percentage of fillers and other particulates they contain. While virtually everyone in the paint and coating industry refers to ―low‖, ―medium‖, and ―high‖ solids content coatings, the definitions of these categories vary within the coating industry. Following is one typical set of values:

Low Solids = 20 – 30% solids Medium Solids = 30 – 50% solids High Solids = 50% or more solids

Page 30: Fluid Basics Concept and Theory - Graco › training › concept_and_theory › Fluid Basics v3.pdfFluid Basics Concept and Theory . Basic Fluid Terminology Fluid, Liquid, and Material

Progress Check Directions: After answering the following questions, compare your answers with those provided in the answer key following this progress check. If you respond to any items incorrectly, return to the text and review the appropriate topics.

1. Select all characteristics of acidic fluids.

a. pH values above 7.0

b. Alkaline

c. Electron donors

d. Electron attractors

2. Select the statements that are correct:

a. The pH of water is 14.0, at the top of the pH scale.

b. The pH of water is 7.0, in the middle of the pH scale.

c. The pH of water is 0, at the bottom of the pH scale.

d. Fluids with pH’s above 7.0 are acidic.

e. Fluids with pH’s below 7.0 are acidic.

3. Select the problems that may occur as a result of corrosion of metal parts in a Graco


a. Corrosion products (oxides) may become involved in secondary chemical

reactions with the fluid being moved, thus contaminating it.

b. Corrosion products may flake off and clog the system or contaminate the fluid

being moved – or both.

c. Corrosive action may passivate the metals in the system, causing them to

become highly acidic.

d. Corrosion action may deform a pump to the extent that it does not perform


e. Corrosion may change the pH of the fluid being moved.

Page 31: Fluid Basics Concept and Theory - Graco › training › concept_and_theory › Fluid Basics v3.pdfFluid Basics Concept and Theory . Basic Fluid Terminology Fluid, Liquid, and Material

Answers to Progress Check

1. C. Electron donors

2. B. The pH of water is 7.0, in the middle of the pH scale.


E. Fluids with pH’s below 7.0 are acidic.

3. A. Corrosion products (oxides) may become involved in secondary chemical reactions

with the fluid being moved, thus contaminating it.

B. Corrosion products may flake off and clog the system or contaminate the fluid being

moved – or both.

D. Corrosion action may deform a pump to the extent that it does not perform properly.