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Sharings When we truly understand Unconditional Love, we will truly understand who we really are. And we can use this knowledge – this self-realisation – to unhook from feeding into the current negative fear-based reality that is all around us. When we do this, we find that we can create marvelous things. Amazing things. Wondrous things. For ourselves and others in our lives. We will then be able to truly express the Love that we really are in material form, effortlessly, seamlessly and with grace. Immediately. – Anna in a recent newsletter to friends and clients. Inside: Messages from Inspired Women to other Inspired Women
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SharingsWhen we truly understand Unconditional Love, we will truly understand who we really are. And we can use this knowledge – this self-realisation – to unhook from feeding into the current negative fear-based reality that is all around us. When we do this, we find that we can create marvelous things. Amazing things. Wondrous things. For ourselves and others in our lives. We will then be able to truly express the Love that we really are in material form, effortlessly, seamlessly and with grace. Immediately. – Anna in a recent newsletter to friends and clients.

Inside: Messages from Inspired Women to other Inspired Women

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1. Love from Veronica

2. Women & The Feminine Principle

- Love from Kate- Love from Therese - Love from Therese- Love from Anne Valerie- Love from Michele

3. Mystical Life Series

- Love from Christina- Love from Evita

4. Dynamic Life Series

- Love from Blanca

5. Incredible Woman Group, Cyprus

- Love from Gratsia

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The cure for all

The Ills and wrongs,

The cares, the sorrows

And crimes of Humanity,

All lie in

That one word “Love”.

It is the divine vitality

That produces

And restores Life.

To each and every one

Of Us it gives the power

Of working Miracles,

If we will.

- Lydia M. Child (1802-1880)Novelist, Journalist, Abolitionist andWomen’s rights activist

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Veronica Semenova is a lawyer from Moscow. She lives in Limassol, Cyprus, with her daughter and partner, and is currently undertaking a PHD in psychology.

From Anna: I don't remember when and how Veronica and I first met, and we're both so busy we don't get to meet much. It doesn't matter anyway, because whenever we do, time shared is always so beautiful, the love between us is as deep as it is sincere.

It's always nice to receive feedback, and Veronica so inspired me with her words that I thought to share them with you all, so that they may inspire you, too, in terms of your own journey and perhaps also our journeys together.


Anna came into my life at a difficult moment, at the time when my frustration with my work, my relationships and life overall seemed to be overwhelming. I was choking from aggression pulsating both around me and within, there was too much injustice to ever handle. Her lifesaving principles, so simple but yet so wise, have made me look at myself and my life from a completely different angle. I realized my frustration was a call for change. The Light was so close, and yet my eyes have not seen it for so many years. With the Light, there came Love and Forgiveness to myself and all around, and then came Acceptance hand in hand with the Gratitude. All these amazing, deep Feelings lifted me far higher than I ever imagined. I discovered a great need for deeper knowledge and a call to help others around me to see the Light as well. Today, I am happy to be who I am, to just be. I feel very grateful for being a part of life of those around me, for being blessed with all the knowledge I receive and can pass on. The change in me has led me to discover a great thirst for more academic knowledge. I have embarked on a difficult journey to pursue a PhD in Psychology, an effort hard and challenging but also very exciting for me at this stage of my life. Knowledge has started pouring in both from my studies and daily life. I clearly see and feel what kind of change I can make and who I could help.

There is so much unhappiness around us, but I know I can really make a difference in the lives of those around me and then see that they carry this change further affecting the lives of many more people. This simple but yet effective principle of social change through those who's lives we touch could create an amazing result. Today, I call for those around me to find the courage within to love themselves and one another, to put the ball down and stop fighting for nothing, to let go instead of possess. Aggression is caused by insecurity, weakness and fear. I believe these feelings are sent to us in an effort to make us compare how dark the Dark is and how beautiful and bright is the Light. You can't start appreciating the Light until you have spent some time in the Darkness. And then to switch the Light on, all you need to do is replace insecurity and fear inside you with Love, Forgiveness, Acceptance and Gratitude. I wish all of you, those who have been around Anna for a long time and those who are just starting their incredible journey, a lot of joy as you discover change around and within yourselves. I wish you would never fear being rejected, I wish you would always be in the warm Light shining bright throughout your journey. Anna, thank you for being there for me. Thank you for serving your great purpose, for being so brave to stand up and call for change. Lots of Love,Veronica

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LOVE FROM KATEWomen and the Feminine Principle in Shanghai, June 2010

- Kate Lilienthal is from California, where at this moment she sits outside in the cool evening air wishing she was meditating instead of poaching off a neighbor's wireless. This fall, Kate and her husband, Mark, will move with their three young children from Shanghai, China to Singapore. In Shanghai, Kate published an English-language parenting magazine called Shanghai Family.

My brother-in-law asked me to describe Anna's recent meditation retreat in China with one word. My first response was "deep," but that seemed, well, shallow. I moved on to "scary". This word indeed rang true, but it didn't capture the whole. I eventually settled on "full."me from the inside out with a playful joy not experienced since childhood, like a kid splashing cool water on a hot summer day.

The retreat, called Women and the Feminine Principal, was held recently in Shanghai. Going into the weekend, I had no idea what that title meant. It was my first experience working with energy, and I had no idea what that meant, either. All I knew was that I was exhausted and frustrated by the constant uncertainty in the life I share with my husband, and I sought the promise of tools to manage relentless change. Here's what else I knew: The Egyptian pyramids are commonly estimated to have been built about 4,000 B.C. So when Anna began the class with a discussion of the Ancients, and referenced the pyramids as 35,000 years old, warning bells clanged. I'm from California, the proud home of burned out hippies, crystals, and hot tubs-often all three together - and I'd heard enough vacant new age philosophies to have developed a fair skepticism.

I questioned Anna repeatedly on what she presented, and as the lesson continued, I felt increasingly duped. Oh no, I thought, you can take the hippies out of California, but you can't take California out of the hippies, never mind better clothes and a contemporary hair style. Here I am again, same place, 6,000 miles away. But then we moved into our first meditation. I'd mediated before, but never with a guide. As Anna led that initial meditation, followed by others, the soft images and sensations that floated from my mind's eye didn't follow rational thought, or, for that matter, really any thought at all. They came of their own and I followed them-to some new places and others that were as familiar as if I'd been there yesterday, except that yesterday I was six years old.

And that was it. That six-year old moment, talking with my mother in a quiet garden next to a well. My chest vibrated, salty tears squeezed from clenched eyes. In a thunderous wave of consciousness, I heard the answer to a question that for 40 years has defined my fears, actions, decisions and love relationships.

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The question was why am I afraid to give and receive love? Anna had written it on the board half-way through the first morning. She explained that this is the theme that brought the individuals in this particular group together on this particular weekend. Even tonight as I write, I pause and fix on the big black letters against the white background. How did she know?

It doesn't matter. Just as it doesn't matter when the pyramids were built. All that matters is the question in the garden, asked-and answered-in glorious Technicolor and stereo sound.

I haven't stopped talking since the workshop weekend. It's as if the dyke broke and the conversation began.

Yes, I feel better prepared to manage uncertainty, but that was merely the subtext of the story, the hook that got me in the door on a weary Saturday morning. The story, really a long love song, was about discovering the spirit within, in a garden, in the water, on the edge of a forest or behind closed doors, and recognizing that spirit, invincible, trustworthy, for who she is. Me. You.




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Women and the Feminine Principle in Shanghai, June 2010

Therese Solderval works in the field of textiles as a designer. Two years ago she moved from Sweden to Shanghai to explore a new world. She says that Shanghai is ever- changing and has so much to offer, almost every weekend she goes to the market to look for nice silk fabrics, planning new garments to make.

The first exercise we made was in pairs, we looked into each other’s eyes and connected our hearts, after a short while I felt my heart jumping a few times my heart beating faster, with tears I felt we were connected as One, that she was me and I was her. There is only One. Quote from Anna I bring with me since the workshop, “Feel what you thinkThink what you feel” Listen to your Self, and learn to differentiate between these. Very important. Anna pushed us gently to go outside our comfort zone to feel and feel in different ways 4

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through her meditations and teachings. After one of the meditations, when it was my turn to share Anna said 123 Nasa take off, it was very funny. Yes, I felt like a rocket taking off into the far distance, at the same time the energy filled my body. This energy made me shake, I could feel I was moving, I didn't know I was shaking. I was so excited. I also felt the energy as warmth, a heat moving within, my hands were so warm. It was a pleasant experience it felt good to let go and open to fill and to feel this energy rejuvenate my cells. During the meditations Anna told us that it is safe and to hold the energy, it made it much easier for me to let go of the resistance I had in the past of welcoming the energy to go deeper. I felt that the resistance was only of my "body", my thinking mind. I wanted to anchor the energy deep within my Self. I am safe. While Anna guided us in the meditations it was easy to follow her voice, to energetically expand and move the energy. It went so quick and so easy, like the movement of the energy was creating a new more expanded body for me. It was like the Nike slogan,

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Just do it! It is easy - you decide, she said! Very creative. The body is my vehicle; my understanding of these words has changed. I AM so thankful for the body I have and want to be gentle and give it better care and love. I see my body as more beautiful than before, I can feel the energy that wants to come through and to be shared with others.

About the second week after the workshop I had deep cleansing reactions both physical and emotional, I also helped my body to cleanse with herbs during this time. Cleansing my body makes it easier to connect my MIND and cleansing my mind helps my BODY to release emotional baggage. Both are Re connected.

I feel the knowing about, ALL THAT IS, it helps me whenever I experience an emotion like fear or resistance to see the situation with the eyes of the bigger expanded picture, and I accept myself for having these emotions and I know they will pass. Sometimes I change the emotion in forehand other times I just let it be and observe what happens. Yes, sometimes I judge myself and it is fine also that will pass. I bring more awareness into my daily life and see myself in a new light, for that I am grateful. Thank You Anna, and all the brave ladies, for two wonderful days. Love from Shanghai, Therese

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Women and the Feminine Principle in Hong Kong, March, 2011

How does one put into words ‘the essence’ of this past weekend seminar with Anna Hughes and the group of beautiful woman who attended, and give it the justice it deserves? It is not completely possible to express the joy and peace felt (then and still) but in honour and gratefulness to Anna and all the spiritual wisdom shared, I will try.

If you could imagine for a few moments, what it would be like to be in a place which is completely filled with the energy of love, totally cleared of any negativity, a place which is free of any judgment what so ever. In this place you have the freedom to express yourself, so you can be your true self with total acceptance, knowing who you are and how to understand your relationship with others in your life.

This is the place where we all arrived. It was a journey to self-realization and a celebration of knowingness through the connection of womanhood.

What an experience…

What a privilege…

What a joy…

What a true Master Anna is to open our eyes to the Master that resides within us all.

If you are reading this because you are considering to attend, one of Anna’s seminars, then I say to you, don’t be afraid to know who you truly are because you will rejoice in that knowing - no matter who you think you are!

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So Much Love,


From Hong Kong


"The power of Life is contained in the power of ourselves and our own love. It is reached through a knowing and an acceptance of Who We

Really Are."

-- Anna Hughes

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Women and the Feminine Principle in Paris, November, 2011

"Coming Home" That Thursday evening, before I met Anna to finalise the details of the seminar "Women and the Feminine Principle", I had not felt so empty, so drained, so unworthy, so lonely in a long time.....

Here was I, organising a seminar about the Feminine Power, hardly able to cope for myself ! Wasn't I some kind of a fraud, I asked myself? I attended my first Seminar with Anna, in Shanghai in June 2010. I was then just a few days away from leaving Shanghai to return "home" after 8 incredible years in China. For many, returning 'home' after a few years of expatriation is a relief. For me, though, a year of transition back to my home country had left me completely depleted, overwhelmed by negative thoughts, doubting each and every aspect of my life. Coming "home" meant readjusting to (yet not accepting) the social and cultural grids I knew already, but that I didn't want to conform to any longer. Coming "home" meant facing again the very same mental limitation that I had fled 8 years ago, Coming 'home' meant dissolving myself into solving or even pre-solving the family's issues, exaggerated by our new organisation of life. Coming 'home' meant finding my own way onto a less travelled path in a rather conservative environment... So when Anna asked me to answer the simplest question of all : "Who am I" - I just couldn't answer. Even my first name was problematic... Am I Anna - as I likedto be called abroad where I feel free - or am I Anne-Valérie, the name my parents gave me, the name I was raised with ? Yet, deep, deep inside, there was a light, that had never disappeared. The light that was lit in Shanghai, during the first seminar. The light that had kept me "on track" all that time. The light that had shown me the way out of the dimness... It took me less than an hour with Anna to feel the energy flowing again into my body, to feel the peace surging from within.

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How could I have forgotten what I had discovered in Shanghai ? It was there, all the time. I had just forgotten that I knew how to get there. 3 days of seminar later, I have never felt so strong, so confident in the future and in my own abilities, so blessed that I have amazing family and friends, so grateful for all that I have, and so in Love. Amazing ! What had happened during these 3 days ?

While writing these words, I am still struggling to understand what happened and to find the right words for it. Yet I feel the energy is still at work. "FEEL" may be the key word here. I have attended many classes before. I am usually a "think first - feel later" kind of person (or, at least, I liked to "think" of me that way). I like to learn, to understand, to question, to challenge, to use and overuse my mind... and I did during the seminar. The teachings of Anna are challenging, yet obvious. They are advanced, yet simple. They are provoking, yet very respectful. Definitely food for thought ! But more importantly, I FELT... I felt It was right I felt Love, the Love I receive, the Love I give, the Love around me I felt Confidence, in me, in the world around me, I felt the Tiger being there for me. That same tiger I was riding when I first discovered I had power, back in Shanghai. I felt Forgiveness, for the past, the present and the future I felt compassion for those women around us who suffer of not being what they are. I felt Silence, where everything is possible. I felt Home, inside me. Love from Anne-Valérie Paris, November 2011

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“My wish for you is that you will always choose to stand in the light of who you be, in balance, in strength and without harming anyone. I wish for you too the ability to nurture

who you be, to stand in the light of who you be within that nurturing, sharing it with others, at the same time remaining true to Self.”

Anna in December 2010’s newsletter to friends and clients.  

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Women and the Feminine Principle in London, January, 2012

For years I have been knocking myself out with valium and alcohol, hiding from people and life in general. I held a fear which I could not touch or describe. I have always felt I was not good enough for this world and there was no joy in my life.

I decided to eo Anna's workshop because I wanted to change, you can only hide in the darkness for so long. It took the untimely death of my elder brother at the beginning of this year to wake me up to the life I was wasting while his had been cut short at 48.

I learned in the workshop that we are eternal beings and that death only exists in the physical form. I also learned that we are all part of God and can create the lives we want, and that we are all capable of this.

I still have a long way to go but have already stopped taking valium and don't drink myself in oblivion anymore. My next steps are to take the time to mediate and develop my intution. As for the fear I learned that life is an adventure and a gift from God which is precious.

Love from Michele London, January 2012 Michele Field lives in London and is a trainee podiatrist. Although each One who comes through to work with me is important and inspiring, each in their own way, Michele is particularly so because I watched her grow up, in Hong Kong.

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Mystical Cyprus - Trip to the Temple of Apollo Hylates

By Christina Demetriades. Christina studied Philosophy and then International Relations. She loves to be in nature and to explore, whether in thinking or in meeting new people and cultures. She now works as an Administrative Officer in the public sector.

Saturday, 20 March 2011 was the "Vernal Equinox", a day where the hours of the night and day, of darkness and light, were equal and this day has been symbolic, since ancient times, for rebirth and new beginnings. We had a very special afternoon gathering at the Temple of Apollo in what can only be described as perfect spring weather - cool in the shade and warm in the sun! Christina Demetriades shares her experience with us.

We met at the Temple of Apollo Hylates in the Kourion area. According to Effie, who led this part of the journey, Apollo, known as the God of Light, of Healing, of the Woods (=Hylates), was worshipped at this site from the middle of 8th century B.C. until the end of the Roman times. In fact, there has been found evidence at the location of items of worship up to 7,000 years old. The use of the exact same site for worship by people thousands of years before the worship of Apollo shows the importance of the location.

Whilst we were there, we realised that the site, overlooking the sea, is directly aligned to Mount Olympus in the Troodos mountain range. Mt Olympus is the highest peak of Cyprus that overlooks the whole island, a fact that is not a coincidence.

Effie told us that the lava from a volcano which erupted under the sea floor many thousands of years ago resulted in the formation of the volcanic rocks forming the Troodos mountain range. This shows that Troodos is directly linked to the centre of Mother Earth, which in turn explains why the pre-Hellenic ancients, the Hellenics and the Romans considered it a sacred place suitable for deity worship. In the first meditation Anna led, we connected with Nature and felt the energy of the Elements fill and heal our bodies. We felt the loving unity between humans and nature that used to be celebrated at the site. During this profound experience, we sent Love, in a form that each of us wished to share, to the people in our lives and to every living creature on our planet, Mother Earth too. During the second meditation, we embraced Love in its many forms: joy, peace, freedom, beauty, light, balance, relaxation, tranquility, serenity, compassion, support, healing, forgiveness, understanding, unity, rejuvenation, rebirth, wisdom... and so on. We brought before us and faced our most challenging situations, while focusing on Love manifested as forgiveness. We then let go of anything that restricted our true self-expression - beliefs and fears, sick thoughts and toxic emotions- and felt the healing power of "I Am" transform us.


Temple of Apollo Hylates, which is partly reconstructed and dates back to the 1st century AD

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By the third meditation we were ready and reborn. Each one of us made a commitment to ourselves and to the rest of the world. On this special symbolic day, we all rejoiced in new beginnings. My personal commitment was for Freedom: freedom from restrictive beliefs that hold us back from moving forward and becoming wiser, freedom from judgment, freedom from fear - freedom for self-expression. Whilst Anna was teaching, I received great inspiration. I realized that comparison entails judgment: there is no such thing as "better", for there is no judgment in the first place. I am as I am and it's as simple as that. I am special in my own way, as each and every one of us is special in his or her own way. Comparison need not be - simply, we need "be"!

Another great realization I made was about hope: hope entails doubt, and doubt entails fear. "Hope dies last" they say --yes, but they say it dies!! Hope excludes the certainty which is what makes faith bring miracles to us. Behind hope hides fear, and behind faith stands love. Love is what makes our faith work miracles.

With love in our hearts, we can only be winners. On the other hand, fear is what makes hope prevent us from claiming the power that is already within us. In other words: hope leaves open the prospect of failure - whereas faith only gives us the option of success! So let us not doubt, let us be certain that we are Love, that we are light, and that through us is the way to God, and this is the God within ourselves.

Let us have faith - indeed let us "know" in that we can heal both ourselves and our Universe. Let us be taught and inspired by the loving harmony between humans and nature that blessed the ancient world, and joyfully embrace our True Self, our Spirit.

This is the circular space( or hall according to archaeologists) where the god of woodland -Apollo Hylates was worshiped. It was covered with trees in ancient times and wells or cisterns of water existed in that space. As well, it was the space of worshiping the god of light and nature. The ancients believed that light brought fertility - and therefore life!

It is experienced as an energy vortex (above), a space of constant connection with the energy of the Sun, the energy of the light. An energy of warmth, harmony and

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Mystical Cyprus

Visit to the Church of Panagia tis Asinou. Troodos, Cyprus 8 May 2010

It's midnight and everything is in silence. I felt that this was the appropriate time to share today's experience of our visit to the ancient church of Panagia tis Asinou.

While we were driving there at midday with Andri and my sister Marlene we were talking about our thoughts, ideas and life in general and we were as always wondering and eager to anticipate what this visit would be like.

The moment we reached the beautiful scenery of Asinou surrounded by pine trees and lush vegetation I instantly felt that our session here would be very special. Away from the sounds of the city and into the different sounds and smells of nature I felt at ease.

It was great to see a group of women of different ages. With some we had met before at other group sessions and conferences and we forged bonds of friendship. However, it is fantastic to see the group growing with new people joining and bringing their own energies.

At first we introduced ourselves and shared what we were really looking for during this "trip". Some wanted to experience the unseen, others to feel the power of nature and go beyond limitation and find out more about themselves.

We then went into the church where our wonderful guide Effie gave us an insightful guidance on the history and iconography of the Byzantine frescoes by pointing out the meaning of the imagery represented. I was truly amazed by the great spirituality infused in the elongated figures and the melancholic eyes of saints.

After this, we gathered in the yard of the church where Anna led us into a past life regression. We were guided into a previous life time during which we experienced a violent death because of our beliefs and the aim was to erase that painful memory which was carried into our current life. This was a profound experience for me personally as not only did it open up a new pathway but it made it clear and confirmed what I really need to do. I truly felt that I need to move on. It was also great to share this experience with all the other ladies and receive such warmth and acceptance.

I believe that in our second guided tour in the narthex of the church after our first meditation, we all felt to a greater extent the spirituality of the place.

It was even more on our final meditation that took place at the eastern side of the church that we felt a spiritual reconnection with nature and earth. As Anna guided us


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through a wonderful journey of experiencing the earth again through water, fields, mountains, hills, oceans, I felt the sensation of being part of mother earth. That was something I had forgotten and I remembered again, this feeling of rejuvenation and renewal when one is united to nature. And I wasn't the only one. Everybody else's face was also glowing.

Thank you Anna and beautiful ladies for this magnificent experience.

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Blanca Garcia is a communication specialist who was born and raised in Mexico. She was educated in Switzerland and has lived most of her adult life in Europe. Her passion is to use her skills to create and facilitate the tools that help empower Latin American women over 40. She has a 13-year old daughter who is the love of her life. She has been someone who embraced her healing wholeheartedly, understood totally the concepts I teach and moved quickly into her own empowerment. She didn't look back at all.


"Why me? Why now? Why this, why that?" If you knew me two years ago that's what you would hear me say day in and day out. I was a martyr and my life was a drama. You see, it was easier to be the victim than to take responsibility for my life. It was simpler to believe that I could not change what made me miserable because it was all happening "to me". And then I saw the light. Quite literally! I don't believe in coincidences. I believe that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. That's how I know that meeting Anna was something that I called into my life when I was ready to make a real change. I just didn't know it consciously at the time and especially I didn't know that the change would happen so amazingly fast! Anna was the guide who took me lovingly and firmly to find my internal balance and to remember my potential as an incredible woman. After my first session with her I decided that I was committed to this journey. I would not be a spiritual tourist, I was there to listen and learn from her, feel her energy and unconditional love, and finally remember how to go within to connect with myself, love Who I AM and simply BE.

It was hard work to let go the fear and feel with my heart that I AM the creator of my own life and that there is such a thing as a Divine Plan. That in this lifetime only two things are for sure: our birth and that a time of transition will come eventually. That these two events are like two points on a map and that, no matter which road I take to get from one to the other, the destination will ALWAYS be the same.

Therefore, it is up to ME and only me to decide which road to take. It is MY decision how I want to experience every moment along the journey, and that if I want a happy life the only way to achieve it is to choose to be happy in each PRESENT moment, always knowing that Spirit is with me.

Anna was there along the way while I came to each one of these realisations. She helped me get from where I was to where I want to BE. She helped m that I am and will always be grateful to her. e realise that everything might seem

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impossible until WE make it possible. For

At this point my journey is taking me back to my homeland in Mexico. There is where my heart has always yearned to be and where I know that I will continue growing in love.

I am closing this cycle in Cyprus in peace and feeling grateful for what it was. I am sad to say good-bye to Anna but I know that my heart will always be connected to hers, because we ARE ALL ONE. Love fromBlanca x

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Incredible Woman Group. Monthly Meetings in Nicosia

The Incredible Woman group exceeded my expectations. Now that’s simple and cliché to say - but true! I envisioned a self-help group mixed with meditation, in some attempt to empower us all in a stereotypical way, but instead I was pleasantly suprised to be given real tangible ways in which to better one’s self-understanding, mental and spiritual growth.

I believe that this group is something that has come into my life at the right time for me to accept what was a being said. I was pleased to see myself surrounded by some of the most strong, dynamic, yet sensitive women, I have met in a long time.

The meditation fed off the group dynamics, and it was such that the environment was accepting and non-threating as we all mirrored each other’s strength and weaknesses, there was a general feeling of love and acceptance, that I felt throughout the night. To me personally this group gave off such a positive energy, such simple basic intrinsic female qualities, that we have forgotten are the fundamentals of what makes us, us. Anna in her way guided us, I saw a maternal figure, who taught us in a firm but loving manner as it should be.

I truly believe that the work done here is beneficial to women, in all scopes of life, it reminds us of the power we have already, the acceptance of self and the understanding of and removal of the prejudices against our selves. Basically to live and breathe our true potential, and come to be our higher selves.

The realisation that we truly actually have literal power of our lives and how we can live in the most peaceful of existences being truly happy and healthy. I am pleased and grateful to be part of this group, and also I am grateful to Anna for how she guides us and so many others on a daily basis.


Gratsia lives in Nicosia and works in the financial services industry

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