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Flip n Beauty 2014 Part 1 - Briefs and Tasks

Jun 04, 2018



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  • 8/13/2019 Flip n Beauty 2014 Part 1 - Briefs and Tasks


    Project Reference: BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Art and Design (Graphic Design)

    Title: FLIP N BEAUTYTiming witin !o"r#e: Yr 1, Term , !1"

    $t%rt &%te: 13tho# $an%ar& !1"

    $"'mi##ion &e%(line: Development Deadline' 13ther%ar& !1"inal Deadline' *th+arch !1"

    Assessment Dates' 31th+arch !1"

    Arti#t# in c%rge of Project: +oni Asdal

  • 8/13/2019 Flip n Beauty 2014 Part 1 - Briefs and Tasks


    Miskin Arts


    Unit#: -nit ' +aterials Techni.%es and /rocesses in Art and Design-nit 30' +ied +edia 2mage +aing-nit 3"' 2mage +anip%lation -sing Comp%ter Applications-nit 3' 2deas and Concepts in Art and Design In P%rt-nit "4' Graphic 2mage +aing In P%rt-nit *5' /rod%ct Design

    Rele)%nt &e*%rtment%l Note#: Assessment thro%gho%t this co%rse is essentiall& #ormative6 artistscan re7visit criteria to arrive at their #inal assessment grades8Yo%rpersonal log is regarded as part o# &o%r 9or and 9ill e maredaccordingl&, alongside &o%r setchoo

    E)i(ence' This 9ill e in the #orm o# setchoo 9or, #inal o%tcomes,research, photographs, log oos and 9ritten proposals8

    +r%(ing criteri%: /ass : +erit : Distinction are attainale8

    Engli# %n( ,%t#: This pro;ect 9ill incl%de #%nctional sills in English and +aths8 /lease ear in mind &o%rind%str& re.%ires elo.%ent%se o# English and acc%rate %se o# #ig%res, to 9hich end, the contin%ing

    development o# these sills are #irml& emedded inside all &o%r 9or8

    Note on co*-rigt %n( *l%gi%ri#m' This process 9ill re.%ire independent research8 Cop&ing #rom the internetand additional so%rces is not appropriate and violates cop&right and 9ill e classed as plagiarism %nless #%ll&annotated and credited8 Yo% m%st mae &o%r 9or &o%r o9n8 ?d & +arie +cGovan +oni Asdal

  • 8/13/2019 Flip n Beauty 2014 Part 1 - Briefs and Tasks


    Miskin Arts

    !oo#e one of te following o*tion#6



    Compa!" T#$ Bo%! S#op L&%.'$ #a($ )$*$&+! %$($+op$% a )a% $-, %$+#&01+ )a$ o0 a) 2oap/ 2*)1 p)o%1*&2 0o) #m a%#$). T#$ )a$ 2 3445 a&1)a+. T#$ Bo%! S#op a+-a!2 p)omo&$2 *1+&1)a+ *+12o -o)+%6-%$ a%

    *a)$ 0o) $ $()om$&

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    )ap#* ma$ ma: a% %$($+op +oo2, pa*:a %$a2, $&2 a% p)o&o &!p$2

    T$*#*a+ I0o)ma&o;T#$ pa*:a 2$&D a2 )$*!*+a+$ p)o%1*&2 1& *a a+2o $ ma%$ a2 %1)a+$ )$6

    12$a+$ p)o%1*&2T#$ +oo o0 $ )a$ m12& $ ma%$ 0)om 2*)a&*# a% 0& o $ pa*:a - o1) o- +oo

    Brie# 2>?d & +arie +cGovan +oni Asdal

  • 8/13/2019 Flip n Beauty 2014 Part 1 - Briefs and Tasks


    Miskin Arts



    Compa!" S-a&*#'$ -++ $ +a1*# a )a% $- %$22 )a$ o0 -a&*#$2 *a++$% FLIP 21mm$).

    ?o1 a2 a %$2$) a)$ #$)$! a2:$% &o p)o%1*$ $ )ap#*2 0o) $ -a&*# )a$ ! 12 o1)&$mp+a&$ a% *)$a&$ pa*:a 0o) $a*# -a&*# $ )a$ a2 -$++

    '$ #a($ a +o &)a%&o a2 o$ o0 $ 1p60)o& %$($+op$)2 o0 a)&62p)$% -a&*#$2, 2o -$ $7p$*& o+!$ $2& 0)om o1) %$2$)2. I& 2 mpo)&a& &o 12 &o :$$p o1) p)o%1*& &)$% a% &o1*# - o1)%$mo)ap#*2, !o1 a%1+&2. ' S'ATCH FLIP, $ am 2 &o p)o@$*& a ma$ -#*# 0o*12$2 o

    %($)2&! o0 &$)a&oa+ *1+&1)$2

    U2$ 2p)a&o 0)om m7$% m$%a a)&2&2 a% %&a+ a)&2&2 a% $7p+o)$ m7$% m$%a, ma&$)a+2 a%&$*#81$2 $ p)o*$22 o0 *)$a& %$a2, %&9 2o1)*$ ma&$)a+, map1+a& 2o1)*$ ma&$)a+

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    Brie# 2>?d & +arie +cGovan +oni Asdal

  • 8/13/2019 Flip n Beauty 2014 Part 1 - Briefs and Tasks


    Miskin Arts

    BRIEF PTIN 3 .PEN !;I!E5


    Compa!"..'$ #a($ )$*$&+! %$($+op$% a .. am$% 0o).. T#$ )a$

    *o&a2.. T#2 -++ p)o(%$... '$ am &o p)o@$*& a ma$ a% 0o*12 o $*1))$& &)$% o0.. O1) Compa! -o1+% +:$ )a$ &o p)omo&$ *1+&1)a+ *+12o

    a% %($)2&! -o)+%6-%$

    U2$ 2p)a&o 0)om m7$% m$%a a)&2&2 a% %&a+ a)&2&2 a% $7p+o)$ m7$% m$%a, ma&$)a+2 a%&$*#81$2 $ p)o*$22 o0 *)$a& %$a2, %&9 2o1)*$ ma&$)a+, map1+a& 2o1)*$ ma&$)a+

    a% %$($+op )ap#* ma$2, pa*:a %$a2, $&2 a% p)o&o &!p$2

    T$*#*a+ I0o)ma&o;T#$ )ap#* ma$2 a% pa*:a 2#o1+% $ o)a+ )$a)% 2#ap$, op$ a% *+o2

    m$*#a2m2. O1&*om$2 2#o1+% $ $&2 a& a)$ 1+& &o >D a2 )$*!*+a+$ p)o%1*&2 1& *a a+2o $ma%$ a2 %1)a+$ )$612$a+$ p)o%1*&2

    Brie# 2>?d & +arie +cGovan +oni Asdal

  • 8/13/2019 Flip n Beauty 2014 Part 1 - Briefs and Tasks


    Miskin Arts


    T%#4 2 < ,i8e( ,e(i%/ ,%teri%l#/ Tecni9"e# %n( Proce##e#

    Eplore +ied +edia Art and Artists s%ch as @oert @a%schenerg etc8 Loo at the techni.%es and

    materials and processes the& have %sed8 Eplore & testing o%t a variet& o# these and then %se &o%r

    eperience and testing as a #o%ndation to develop sills8 This can e in the #orm o# collage, c%t7o%ts

    9a resist, masing, setching6 lens7ased media e8g8 photograph&, digital media, dra9ing, painting

    and stencil maing and comined media e8g8 paper, card, paper7 mache, tetiles, thread, modelling

    plaster, cla&, 9ire, tet%res, patterns etc8 /resent in setch oos and T%mlr

    .Unit 06 P2/ P0/ ,2/ ,05 .Unit 3=6 P2/ P0/ ,25

    2nvestigate and tr& o%t mied media in relations to pacaging nets and 3D o;ects

    .Unit 06 P2/ P0/ ,2/ ,05 .Unit 3=6 P2/ P0/ ,25

    Create &o%r o9n +ied +edia prod%cts or art pieces & %sing +ied +edia, +aterials and Techni.%es

    This means comining several di##erent so%rces o# prod%ction together in one piece o# art8 ave #%n

    9ith it and tr& several cominations8

    /otato /rint 9ill tae place in $an%ar& as 9ell

    .Unit 06 P0/ ,05 .Unit 3=6 P0/ ,25

    Annotate 9or along the 9a& and %se re#erences

    .Unit 06 P0/ ,05 .Unit 3=6 P0/ ,2/ ,35

    T%#4 0 < Im%ge ,%ni*"l%tion

    2nvestigate 2mage +anip%lation %sed in others 9or8 t%d& their %se o# e##ects, techni.%es, #ilters and

    tools and descrie ho9 these changes have a##ected the epressions in the art pieces8 ave the& made

    them more interesting 6 P2/ ,2/ &25

    /repare all the mied media so%rce material &o% have prod%ced e#orehand to e digitised, s%ch as the

    potato print, stencil prints, painting and mied media, tet%res and photographs8 elect and mae

    read&8 .Unit 3>6 P0/ ,0/ &05

    Digitise &o%r so%rce material & scanning, photographing, siing and #ormatting to correct digita

    #ormats and select the parts &o% 9o%ld lie to %se #or manip%lation8 .Unit 3>6 P3/ ,3/ &35

    Create &o%r o9n A3 poster art piece 9here &o% sho9 a range o# image manip%lation techni.%es &o%

    have %sed to change &o%r so%rces .Unit 3>6 P>/ ,>5

    /resent o%tcomes and sho9 screen shots or #ind other 9a&s to eplain and annotate along the 9a& and

    lin to research8 Coherent concl%sions m%st e made .Unit 3>: ,>5

    T%#4 3 < I(e%# %n( !once*t# in Art %n( &e#ign %n( +r%*ic Im%ge ,%4ing

    Brie# 2>?d & +arie +cGovan +oni Asdal

  • 8/13/2019 Flip n Beauty 2014 Part 1 - Briefs and Tasks


    Miskin Arts

    -se re#erences #rom %rrealism, Dadaism, C%ism, and the philosoph& ehind Ba%ha%s and

    +odernism to %nderstand the ideas and concepts these di##erent epressions came #rom .Unit 3: P2

    ,2/ &25 .Unit >?6 P2/ ,05

    Compare ideas and concepts #rom these re#erences and loo at the %se o# s&mols, metaphors, icons

    e.%ivalents, philosoph& and religion etc8 .Unit 36 P0/ ,0/ &05 .Unit >?6 P0/ ,06 &05

    2nvestigate Creative Thining processes and idea generating techni.%es .Unit >?6 P0/ ,05

    -nderstand6 >is%al thining, tr%ct%red thining, Lateral thining, erial Thining, ree thining &

    sho9ing eamples o# ho9 these thining processes are carried o%t .Unit 36 P06 ,06 &05

    Loo at prod%ct laels and #onts, adverts, magaine and poster ill%strations, advertising and pacaging

    #rom modern and contemporar& Graphic 2mage +aing designs8 Anal&se the messages the& send and

    9hat the& represent8 .Unit >?6 P0/ P3/ ,05

    -se creative thining processes as learned aove to generate Graphic 2mage maing ideas

    /ractical tass and hand o%ts 9ill e provided .Unit 36 P35 .Unit >?6 P35Incl"(e( in te %'o)e t%#4 .Unit 3: P2/ P0/ P3/ ,2/ ,0/ &2/ &05 .Unit >? P2/ P0/ P3/ ,2/ ,05

    T%#4 > < Pro("ct &e#ign < +r%*ic Im%ge ,%4ing %n( P%c4%ging "tcome#

    Anal&sis o# the Brie# -se help sheet provided (T%mlr) to g%ide &o% to a good anal&sis

    +ae s%re &o% estalish 9ho the client is and 9hat ideolog& the& stand #or8 Also estalish 9ho the

    target gro%p the prod%ct &o% create sho%ld e aimed #or8 Yo% then also need to consider 9hich st&ling

    aesthetics &o% can imagine 9o%ld 9or 9ell to achieve the highest response #rom the target gro%p

    .Unit @6 P2/ ,>5

    tart o%tlining ideas #or D and 3D shapes and nets &o% might 9ant to %se as design sol%tions8 Yo%

    can also create &o%r o9n nets #rom scratch8 .Unit @6 P0/ ,05

    -se the 2dea Generating and Creative thining processes &o% have learned to develop ideas

    Eperiment 9ith nets and sol%tions8 .Unit @6 P3/ ,35

    P3/ P>/ ,3/ ,>/ &35 .Unit 3 P>5 .Unit >? P>/ ,3/

    &25 .Unit @6 P2/ P0/ P3/ P>/ ,2/ ,0 ,35

    /rod%ct Design can also e made as a s%stainale mied media /roto T&pe prod%ct .Unit @: &25

    Brie# 2>?d & +arie +cGovan +oni Asdal

  • 8/13/2019 Flip n Beauty 2014 Part 1 - Briefs and Tasks


    Miskin Arts

    Eval%ation -se provided help sheet (T%mlr) to g%ide &o% i# needed .Unit >?6 P>/ ,35

    +lo##%r- of term#:

    AETET2C' Descries 9hat an art piece loos lie8 or this &o% can %se vis%al lang%age, #ormal elements8 2t

    can also descrie 9hether the art piece is ea%ti#%l or notB@2E' The act%al directions &o% receive #rom a real client in the ind%str&, here it is more etensive and

    contains the 9hole la& o%t o# the pro;ect &o% are to carr& o%t

    CF=CE/T' An idea

    C@EAT2>E T2=2=G' ree, tr%ct%red, >is%al, erial and Lateral thining st&les

    CF=TEHT: CF=TEHT-AL' The lin et9een historical and contemporar& movements and &o%r o9n ideas

    CF=TE+/F@A@Y' Time period incl%ding the present time and goes ac to middle o# the !thCent%r&

    A=ALY2 F A B@2E' Breaing do9n in#ormation and consider the vario%s possiilities and constraints

    C-LT-@E' C%stoms, elie#s or social ehavio%rs o# a partic%lar gro%p, in a given place or time

    EH/E@2+E=TAT2F=' To tr& o%t ne9 ideas & %sing a range o# materials, techni.%es, tools and processes

    EH/LF@E' To in.%ire, research, tr& and disc%ss a s%;ect in detail

    2=DE/E=DE=CE' To sho9 a level o# creative practice and thining 9itho%t the constant instr%ction o# others

    2=F@+ED' To have #acts and in#ormation (research) that s%pports &o%r ideas and concepts8

    2=/2@AT2F=' omeone or something that #eeds &o%r creativit& the drive to realise &o%r o9n ideas

    /@F/FAL' A 9ritten and detailed plan or peci#ication

    =ET' /acaging or other D representations e#ore it is p%t together and assemled to a 3D o;ect

    @E2=E+E=T' small and contin%o%s changes that oth develop I improve the overall res%lt o# &o%r art9or

    Brie# 2>?d & +arie +cGovan +oni Asdal

  • 8/13/2019 Flip n Beauty 2014 Part 1 - Briefs and Tasks


    Miskin Arts

    en -o" #"cce##f"ll- com*lete ti# *roject -o" will:

    UNIT 0: ,ATERIAL$/ TE!;NICUE$ AN& PR!E$$E$ IN ART AN& &E$I+NTe %im of ti# "nit i# to (e)elo* le%rner# #4ill# %n( "n(er#t%n(ing in wor4ing #%fel- %n( cre%ti)el-wit te m%teri%l#/ tecni9"e# %n( *roce##e# %##oci%te( wit teir #*eci%li#t *%tw%-718Be %'le to e8*lore m%teri%l#/ tecni9"e# %n( *roce##e# #%fel-07 Be %'le to "#e m%teri%l#/ tecni9"e# %n( *roce##e#37 Un(er#t%n( te #"it%'ilit- of m%teri%l#/ tecni9"e# %n( *roce##e#

    UNIT 3=6 ,IDE& ,E&IA I,A+E ,AIN+Ti# "nit i# (e#igne( to (e)elo* le%rner# #4ill# in cre%ti)e %n( e8*eriment%l "#e of nontr%(ition%lgr%*ic me(i% %n( meto(# in teir (e#ign wor47 Le%rner# will g%in %n "n(er#t%n(ing of te *otenti%l"#e of gr%*ic me(i% %n( te r%nge of #4ill# nee(e( in or(er to e8*loit te#e form# effecti)el-718Be %'le to "#e e8*eriment%l %n( nontr%(ition%l gr%*ic me(i% tecni9"e# %n( *roce##e#07 Be %'le to "#e mi8e( me(i% in *ro("cing gr%*ic im%ge o"tcome#37 Be %'le to #elect re*ro("ction tecni9"e# tow%r(# gr%*ic im%ge o"tcome#7

    UNIT 3>: I,A+E ,ANIPULATIN U$IN+ !,PUTER APPLI!ATIN$Ti# Unit %im# to (e)elo* le%rner# #4ill# %n( "n(er#t%n(ing in tecnic%l %n( cre%ti)e im%gem%ni*"l%tion/ "#ing % )%riet- of *roce##e# %n( for (ifferent *"r*o#e#7

    27 Un(er#t%n( ow im%ge m%ni*"l%tion tecni9"e# %re "#e( in te wor4 of oter#07 Be %'le to (igitiGe #o"rce m%teri%l#37 Be %'le to origin%te wor4 "#ing im%ge m%ni*"l%tion %r(w%re %n( #oftw%re>7 Be %'le to *re#ent own (e#ign o"tcome#7

    UNIT 3: I&EA$ AN& !N!EPT$ IN ART AN& &E$I+NTi# Unit %im# to 'ro%(en %n( (ee*en le%rner# #4ill#/ 4nowle(ge %n( "n(er#t%n(ing of cre%ti)etin4ing %cro## contem*or%r- %n( i#toric%l %rt %n( (e#ign/ in or(er to inform teir own *r%ctice18Un(er#t%n( ow i(e%# %n( conce*t# inform %rt %n( (e#ign wor407 now ow to gener%te i(e%#37 Be %'le to gener%te %n( refine i(e%# in re#*on#e to % gi)en 'rief>7 Be %'le to comm"nic%te %n( *re#ent i(e%# %n( o"tcome# to (ifferent %"(ience#

    UNIT >?: +RAP;I! I,A+E ,AIN+Te %im of ti# "nit i# to (e)elo* le%rner# 4nowle(ge %n( #4ill# "#ing gr%*ic im%ger- in % )%riet- of#it"%tion#7 Te- will le%rn #4ill# 'ot in tr%(ition%l %n( (igit%l me(i% to (e)elo* teir cre%ti)e gr%*icim%ge m%4ing #4ill# %n( tecni9"e#18now %'o"t gr%*ic im%ge m%4ing07 Be %'le to (e)elo* i(e%# for gr%*ic im%ge m%4ing37 Be %'le to "#e me(i% #%fel- to *ro("ce gr%*ic im%ge o"tcome#>7 Be %'le to *re#ent own (e#ign o"tcome# %g%in#t % gi)en teme or %##ignment 'rief

    UNIT @: PR&U!T &E$I+NTe %im of te "nit i# to gi)e le%rner# 4nowle(ge/ #4ill# %n( "n(er#t%n(ing of te *ro("ct (e#ign

    *roce##/ from (e)elo*ment of initi%l i(e%#/ tro"g to re%liG%tion of % *ro("ct727 Un(er#t%n( % *ro("ct (e#ign 'rief07 now ow to comm"nic%te *ro("ct (e#ign i(e%# %n( conce*t#37 Be %'le to (e)elo* *ro("ct (e#ign *ro*o#%l#>7 Be %'le to re%liGe o"tcome# to % (e#ign 'rief

    Brie# 2>?d & +arie +cGovan +oni Asdal