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FLIGHT International, 16 May 1981 1421 World airline directory

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Page 1: FLIGHT International, 16 May 1981 1421 World airline directory

FLIGHT International, 16 May 1981 1421

World airline directory

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Lufthansa subsidiary Condor Flugdienst operates DC-IOs alongside 727 and 737 aircraft on charter and inclusive tour work

Gehrke; operations, Jon Svendsen; maintenance/engineering, Mike Mulvi-hil; directors: operations, James White-house; maintenance, E. Vonley Carter. Employees: 205.

Fleet: one Electra, eight Convair CV-440 freighter, 14 Aero Commander 680, ten Aero Commander 500.

Compagnie Aeromaritime d'Affretement —see Aeromaritime.

Compania de Aviacion Faucett was founded in 1928 by a US citizen, Elmer J. Faucett. Today ownership is in the hands of Peruvian interests (44 per cent), the Faucett Foundation (37 per cent) and Braniff (19 per cent). An ex­tensive network of scheduled services links Lima with 16 domestic points, plus an all-cargo route to Miami via Panama City.

Head Office: Jiron Union 926, Plaza San Martin, Apartado 1429, Lima, Peru.

f 20085. Executives: president, Dr Juan Otero

Villaran; vice-president, Dr Vittorio de Ferrar i Maccio; directors: Arthur Anderson S; Carlos Bentin Remy; Ing Carlos Ohiappori; Ivan Dibos Mier; Ing Lazaro Debernardis Adriano; Cesar Garces Carrera; Victor Montori Alfaro.

Employees: 950. Fleet: two Boeing 707-320C. one 727-

100, one 727-100C, one One-Eleven 500, two One-Eleven 475, six DC-6A/B, two DC-4, one DC-3.

Compania Panamena de Aviacion (Copa) was founded in June 1944 by Pan Ameri­can, but is now totally Panamanian-owned. Scheduled passenger and cargo services began in 1948 and now link Panama City with San Jose (Costa Rica), Managua (Nicaragua), San Salva­dor (El Salvador), Guatemala City (Guatemala), Medellin, Barranquilla and Cartagena (Colombia), plus domes­tic routes to David, Rocas and Chan-guinola.

Head Office: PO Box 1572, Avenida Justo Arosemena and Street 39, Panama City 1, Panama.

Executives: chairman, Dr Carlos Icaza; president, Dr Mariano J. Oteiza; vice-president, Ricardo M. Arias; treasurer, Roberto Heurtematte; general manager, Enrique Escala; managers: maintenance, John Lyma Young; com­mercial/marketing, Moises Veliz; pur­chasing, James Cosaraquis; finance, Sebastian Chavez; airport services, Roberto Ilorente; chief pilot, Capt Osvaldo Gonzalez.

Employees: 536. Fleet: one Boeing 737-100, two Electra,

three DC-3.

Conair A/S (Consolidated Aircraft Cor­poration) was formed in October 1964 and in 1965 began charter and inclusive-tour flights to points in the Mediter­ranean and Africa exclusively for the Spies travel organisation, owner of the airline.

Head Office: Hangar 276, Copehagen Airport, DK 2791, Dragoer, Denmark.

>-31423. Executives: chairman/president, Simon

Spies; directors: managing/technical, Verner Moller; assistant, Erling Broder-son; financial, Holger Damm; produc­tion, E. H. Jensen; managers: opera­tions, Odd Mollerud; purchasing, John Dalsgaard; engineering, Oscar Thom­son; planning, Jorgen V. Pedersen.

Employees: 250. Fleet: four Boeing 720, four 720B.

Condor Flugdienst is a wholly owned subsidiary of Lufthansa formed in 1961 by the merger of Deutsche Flugdienst (founded in 1955 as a Lufthansa subsidiary) and Condor Luftreederei (founded in 1957 and acquired by Luft­hansa in 1959). Condor concentrates on charter and inclusive-tour operations to destinations in Spain, the Mediter­ranean, the Canary Islands, West Africa, the USA, East Africa, the Black Sea area, the Far East and North America.

Head Office: Hans-Bocklerstr 7, 6078 Neu-Isenberg 1, West Germany.

x*'0417679. Executives: executive managing direc­

tors: Dr Malte Bischoff; Dr Claus Gill-mann; Capt Stefan Hess; chief pilot, Capt Josef Stockhoff; chief engineer, Reinhard Kepke.

Employees: 1,100. Fleet: three DC-10-30, eight Boeing

727-200, four 727-100, one 737-200. On order: three 737-200.

Constitution Airlines was formed in 1980, based in New York City, and is an affiliate company of tour operator Travel Go Round. Passenger charter ser­vices to the Caribbean were scheduled to begin in February 1981 and similar services to Europe and the Middle East in April, using two Boeing 707-320Cs.

Compagnie de Transport Aerien (CTA) was formed in September 1978 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Swissair to succeed the privately owned charter airline SATA, which ceased operations during the latter half of 1978. CTA operate passenger and cargo charter flights to points in Europe and the Mediterranean area using three Cara-velles previously owned by SATA. Operations began on November 2, 1978, from Geneva.

Head Office: Case Postale 110, CH-1215, Aeroport Geneva 15, Switzer­land.

^28406. Executives: president, Adolf Geh-

riger; vice-president, Willy Wyler; managing director, Rolf Kressig.

Employees: 140. Fleet: three Caravelle 10B.

Continental Airlines' foundation dates from July 15, 1934, when Varney Speed Lines began a service from El Paso to Albuquerque (New Mexico) and Pueblo (Colorado). In May 1937 Varney pur­chased the Denver-Pueblo route of Wyoming Air Service and moved its headquarters to Denver. Later the same year the name Continental Airlines was adopted. Development continued for a number of years until the 1955 award of the Chicago-Los Angeles route (via Kansas City and Denver) marked the company's full transition to a mainline trunk carrier. Today Continental's routes extend from the Pacific Coast in the west (including a service to Hawaii), to the Atlantic coast in the east, Anchorage in the north and from May 1979, Sydney and Auckland, via Pago Pago and Suva, to the south, to­gether with five points in Mexico includ­ing Acapulco. Subsidiary companies in­clude Continental Aircraft Services Inc (CASI), Continental Hotels Inc, Mutual Computer Services and Air Micronesia, in which the airline has a 30 per cent interest.

Head Office: Los Angeles Inter­national Airport, Calif 90009, USA.

^•06-74402. Executives: chairman, Robert F. Six;

president/chief executive, A. L. Feld-man; executive vice-presidents: operat­ing / technical services, Richard M. Adams: marketing, Charles A. Bucks; legal/diversification/company secretary, G. Edward Cotter; senior v-ps: finance/ administration, Roy M. Rawls; inter­national/ governmental affairs, Harvey J. Wexler; futures planning, Dan A. Love; treasurer, John J. Woodlock.

Employees: 10,200. Fleet: seven DC-10-10, four DC-10-

10CF, two DC-10-30, 40 727-200, 15 727-100. On order: five 727-200.

Simulators: one Singer 727, one Link-Miles DC-10.


see Compania Panamena de Avia-

Court Helicopters, originally formed in 1964 as Autair Helicopters (South Africa), was taken over by Court Line in 1971, and changed hands and title again in November 1974 when Murray and Stewart, the civil engineering specialists, together with a consortium of investors known as the Van Zyl Group, acquired the company from the UK liquidators of Court Line Aviation. Court Helicopters primary activity is in international off-shore support services. General rotary-wing activities are also undertaken including long-range and XFR operations.

Head Office: PO Box 2546, Cape Town 8000, South Africa.

x^ 57-0696. Executives: executive chairman, D. C.

Campbell; managing director, D. E. Todd; managers international market­ing, R. F. O'Molony; market ing Southern Africa, T. J. Huddlestone; operations, C. J. Labuschagne; techni­cal, D. M. Gericke; administration, G. A. S. Conder; financial, M. R. Best.

Employees: 120. Fleet: four Sikorsky S-61N, five

S-58T, three S-62A, one JetRanger, five Alouette II. three Bell 47G.