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Fletcher News - Spring 2007

Mar 09, 2016



Fletcher News publication from Spring 2007 without class notes. Cover Story: New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, A70 and F71, Enters Presidential Race.
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Fletcher NewsT h e O f f i c i a l N e w s l e T T e r f O r a l u m N i a N d f r i e N d s O f T h e f l e T c h e r s c h O O l O f l a w a N d d i p l O m a c y a T T u f T s u N i v e r s i T y .








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Fletcher NewsT h e O f f i c i a l N e w s l e T T e r f O r a l u m N i a N d f r i e N d s O f T h e f l e T c h e r s c h O O l O f l a w a N d d i p l O m a c y a T T u f T s u N i v e r s i T y .



PHOTOGRAPHYliz hincks, Patrick O’connor, len rubenstein, Joanie tobin

FRONT COVER PHOTOlen rubenstein

EDITORleah s. Brady


Kathleen BobickStaff Assistant

leah s. BradyAssistant Director of Alumni Relations

Ann careyReunion Coordinatortara lewisAssociate Director

Julia Motl loweDirector of The Fletcher Fund

roger A. Milici Jr.Senior Director

Michael PreinerAssistant Director of The Fletcher Fund

cynthia weymouthAdministrative Assistant

SPECIAL THANKSliz hincks, Julia Keller, caroline Pronovost

Correction: We regret the omission of Bernadette Kelley-Leccese from among donors to the Fletcher Fund in the fall 2006 edition of Fletcher News.


Richardson Enters 2008 Presidential Race - 4

Faculty Profile: Lisa Lynch - 5

The Fletcher Connection in the Aceh Peace Process - 8


From the Fletcher Files - 10

Quotes of Note - 10

VIP Visitors - 11

Club News - 12

Club Contacts - 14

Recent Publications - 15

Class Notes - 17

In Memoriam - 36

Beyond Boundaries Campaign - 38

Perhaps the most important factor

has been that the people in Aceh wanted peace.

This put enormous pressure on both

parties to find a dignified solution...

Page 8

The Fletcher Club of Armenia, led by President Arusyak

Mirzakhanyan (F’04) has had

several gatherings in the past year...

Page 10

An invitation to educate the

next generation of world leaders

- Fletcher launches transformative

fundraising campaign.

Page 38

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I’m also pleased to report that our distinguished faculty has been particularly productive this past year with 16 new books published or about to be published. A sampling of these works can be seen on page 15 in the recent Publications section.

while our graduating students prepare for final examinations and complete theses, the school awaits final enrollment decisions for the incoming class. this admissions cycle, however, is unlike any other in my tenure as Dean, and perhaps in the history of the school. this year, thanks to very generous gifts from our Board of Overseers, Fletcher was able to increase its financial aid awards by 60%. Fletcher received 1,616 applications from which a class of approximately 200 will emerge. these Board of Overseer gifts had an immediate, positive impact in that the school’s selectivity rate (# of applicants who were admitted) went from 39% last year to 28% this year to date. It is too early in the process to determine what we believe will be the most transformative impact of these gifts – the yield rate (# of admitted students who enroll).

In November, Fletcher launched a comprehensive fundraising campaign “Beyond Boundaries” in conjunction with tufts University. Our goal is to raise $100 million in support of Fletcher’s important mission. thanks to the generosity of our Board of Overseers and gifts from other alumni and friends, I am proud to report that Fletcher has commitments for approximately 50% of its $100 million goal. to learn more about Fletcher’s campaign priorities and impact, please see the “Beyond Boundaries” section on page 38 of this issue.

recruitment for Fletcher’s new Master of International Business (MIB) program has begun in earnest. Our first class will join us in the fall of 2008. Many of you probably saw the article in the Financial Times that featured the MIB, but, if not, you can view it as well as more information about the new program at I am very pleased with the appointment of charles Bralver (F’75) as executive Director

of the International Business center, effective May 1, 2007. In this role, he will direct the new MIB degree program and the center for emerging Market enterprises (ceMe). chuck joins the school following his departure from Mercer Oliver wyman, where he led the firm’s strategic Finance practice.

reunion, class Day, and commencement weekend are fast approaching, and the Fletcher community is looking forward to celebrating with our returning alumni, graduating students, and their families and friends. this year we are very honored to welcome Dr. shirin ebadi as Fletcher’s class Day speaker. Dr. ebadi is a Nobel Peace Prize winner, lawyer, and human rights activist from Iran. Additionally, renowned author Michael Dobbs (F’72) will be giving the Alumni salutation.

In reflection on this past school year, I am again humbled by the generosity of all those who share a connection to the Fletcher school of law and Diplomacy. Please know how much I appreciate the continued support, demonstrated in so many ways and literally around the world, that you give the school. You are living proof of Fletcher’s mission of preparing the world’s leaders with a global perspective. thank you.

DeAN’s cOrNer

As spring finally arrives in Medford, we see many signs of new life and new developments at the School. With renovations of our facility complete, the scaffolding has been removed, and we breathe a sigh of relief and appreciate the results of this major undertaking.

stephen w. bosworth

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richardson enters 2008 Presidential racerepriNTed frOm TufTs e-News, 22 JaNuary 2007

The New Mexico governor and Tufts and Fletcher

graduate hopes his domestic and diplomatic

credentials can propel him into the White House.

New Mexico Governor Bill richardson (A’70, F’71), who has racked up a long resume of government experience both domestic and diplomatic, is forming an exploratory committee to campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

“Our next President must be able to bring a country together that is divided and partisan,” richardson said in a statement. “It is clear that washington is broken and it’s going to take a return to bipartisanship and simple respect for each other’s views to get it fixed.”

this past November, he won a second term as governor with 69 percent of the vote, enjoying wide support in his home state.

“with a national electorate that obviously embraced changes last November, richardson may prove to be exactly what this country is looking for in its next president and commander-in-chief,” said an editorial in the Albuquerque tribune.

the former United Nations ambassador has participated in several diplomatic missions, brokering a cease-fire in sudan on behalf of the save Darfur coalition and holding talks with North Korea to curb its nuclear ambitions.

richardson also favors withdrawal of troops from Iraq; an effort he said on ABc’s this week with George stephanopoulos should include the opening of dialogue with Iran and syria, reconciliation talks for the country’s major ethnic factions and bolstered efforts on security and reconstruction.

richardson served in congress for 15 years before he was named President Bill clinton’s secretary of energy in 1998, and he has continued to trumpet energy issues.

“If we’re going to be energy-independent it’s going to take a man-on-the-moon effort,” he said on this week. “the president has to inspire the American people to conserve, to find ways to sacrifice together to invest in renewable technologies.”

richardson, a standout baseball player as an undergraduate at tufts, is recalled as a student who showed strong leadership promise.

“he was somebody you just paid attention to,” Professor sol Gittleman, who once had richardson as a student, told the Albuquerque Journal. “he was an attractive young guy.”

“More than one time we said, ‘he’s going to be president of the United states one day,’ ‘‘ richardson’s fraternity brother and

fellow tufts graduate David swett (A’70) recalled to the Journal. “he’s very charismatic when you get to know him, and he’s a very successful kind of guy. whatever he puts his heart and mind to, he’s good at.”

richardson, who is hispanic, enters a diverse candidate field that already boasts a female candidate, senator hillary rodham clinton (D-NY), and an African-American, senator Barack Obama (D-Il). If elected, richardson would be the first hispanic president.

“I believe this country is a very tolerant, positive country,” he said on this week. “I believe the country would be ready for a woman president, an African American president, hispanic president, but I wouldn’t run as a hispanic candidate. I would run as an American, proud to be hispanic, proud of my heritage.”

the New Mexico governor also emphasized his western roots, noting that “you need a candidate that can win in all regions of the country.”

“the west is a region that is changing. It’s a dynamic region,” he told this week. “this is a new area that is fertile for the Democratic Party.”

In citing successes at both his governor’s desk and the negotiation table, richardson believes he makes an attractive option for voters looking for change.

“A lot of these folks can make speeches about all these things,” he said on this week. “I’ve actually done it.”

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Faculty Profile: lisa lynch teaching students,Advising Presidents, and Playing carnegie hall

From the Page to the schoolroom by JasON TaylOr, mald 2007

It’s easy to be awestruck walking into the office of Professor Lisa Lynch. On one wall hangs

the roll call vote that raised the national minimum wage to $5.15 per hour in August of

1996. It’s no copy, but the actual vote sheet. The paper is original, the ink is real. Alongside

the tally hangs a letter from Senator Edward Kennedy to Professor Lynch, then the Chief

Economist at the US Department of Labor, thanking her for her crucial consult during the

Congressional debate resulting in the bill. On a shelf across the room sits a framed photo-

graph of the Newton Symphony Orchestra playing at Carnegie Hall a few years ago. Pro-

fessor Lynch is there playing cello. They played that night to a sell out crowd and a standing

ovation. She started playing at age six and dreamed of becoming a concert musician.

“then I saw Yo-Yo Ma play during my freshman year of college and thought ‘I need Plan B,’” she says, with a laugh and a shrug during a recent interview.

And Plan B has not disappointed. she was appointed the william J. clayton Professor of International economic Affairs at the Fletcher school in 1993. In addition to her research and teaching, she has served the nation both as chief economist and as a member of several Presidential advisory committees. On January 1, 2007, she was appointed the chair of the Board of Directors for the Federal reserve Bank of Boston, after serving for three years as a class c Director. In this new capacity, she will continue to represent the public interest while helping to guide the Bank as it adapts to new challenges. As more of the Bank’s work becomes computerized, it will have to strategically change the way it organizes itself and develops workers. some jobs will become outmoded and new roles will emerge. this challenge of progress, of remaining effective and efficient amid the shifting sands of innovation, is nothing new for Professor lynch. It is something she first confronted when she was a little girl.

lynch was born in waterbury, ct and later moved with her family to Buffalo, NY. her father, a metallurgist turned brass mill manager, would sometimes bring her to work with him.

“I remember standing next to him and watching the red hot metal being rolled after it came out of the furnace,” she says. she also watched how her father worked to keep up with an industry struggling to cope with the pace of technological change, evolving labor relations, and the growing impact of international trade. time passed and she watched as these industrial cities slipped into slow decline.

“I saw large factories and brass mills replaced by shopping malls – literally torn to the ground.”

Growing up in the 1960s and 70s, during a time of such social and economic upheaval in America was a great influence on her and she continued to study these changes, which she first witnessed at her father’s side, at wellesley college where she majored in economics and political science. her initial foray into the field of economics was a furtive one.

“At first I was sort of a stealth economics major. But then I spent a year abroad at the london school of economics and I was bitten by the bug.” her cautious beginning quickly picked up steam and she returned to the london school of economics to complete her Masters and PhD in economics. she was there during the 1978-1979 “winter of Discontent.” It was a time marked by widespread labor strikes sparked by wage limits set by the British government, hoping to control runaway

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inflation. the chaotic time is perhaps best captured by the iconic photographs of piles of uncollected rubbish, heaped in london’s leicester square and Finsbury Park during a strike of refuse workers. During this time, British society was struggling with de-industrialization and rampant youth unemployment. lynch was again watching a period of enormous socio-economic flux, but this time with an outsider’s perspective.

“Kids were finishing school at age fifteen or sixteen, totally unprepared for what was out there in the world of work. And there’s nothing worse than having a lot of sixteen year-olds standing around on corners with nothing to do, in terms of civil unrest.”

lynch remembers that many people in Britain were surprised by the intensity of the riots and it seemed to her that there was a lack of acknowledgement that young people were having a different experience in terms of race and employment opportunities than earlier generations. In her doctoral research she set out to better track this shift. she sought to understand why some people were more successful in making the school-to-work transition than others, and what the consequences were for those who got a slow start. As she began working with large databases following individuals over time her focus shifted from individual workers seeking to enter the marketplace to the firms themselves. she became interested in how businesses operate, and how they grow, contract, and invest in organizational innovation. A self-described “data maven,” she designed surveys of companies and began to track them over time, hoping to understand the impact of innovation on productivity and wages.

“It’s one thing to have a collection of stories, but if you don’t have some way of taking those anecdotes and putting them into a representative sample, it’s hard to know how representative that experience is, what that story is.”

After completing her PhD at lse she went on to teach at the University of Bristol, Ohio state University, and the sloan school of Management at MIt. It was at the sloan school that she got her first taste of Fletcher, through Fletcher students who cross-registered to take her courses. she had long respected Fletcher and had even considered applying while an undergraduate at wellesley, thinking that she may eventually become a lawyer and pursue a diplomatic career.

“But I didn’t think I was smart enough to get in,” she says. she found another way to get in more than a decade later, however, when she was offered a faculty position. she felt immediately at ease at Fletcher, though she didn’t realize how good the fit was until she began teaching her first course on human resource management, which had been a core course at sloan that many students there had gone to great lengths to avoid.

“At sloan I had to develop innovative ways to keep everyone’s attention,” lynch remembers. “And when I got to Fletcher, my approach was the same – that I had to convince people that thinking about labor issues and people are important.

I’ll never forget that moment two weeks into teaching at Fletcher when one of my students came up to me and said, ‘You know, Professor lynch, we get it. we understand.’ that was when I realized that I had really found a home.”

For lynch, the challenge of teaching at Fletcher is not keeping the attention of her classes, but rather taking the diverse experiences of Fletcher students and finding ways to add value to them. she has done this by pursuing some diverse experiences of her own. two years after coming to Fletcher, she took a leave of absence to serve in the clinton administration. robert reich, President clinton’s secretary of labor, wanted to expand job training programs for displaced workers and disadvantaged youth. he knew of Professor lynch’s research work and invited her to washington for an interview. the two hit it off and she was offered the position. three weeks before starting her new job, she had a daughter, as if the frantic political life of washington was not challenge enough. lynch waves off any amazement at this, saying that it sometimes made her work easier.

“the clinton house was notorious for having staff working well after midnight. I had no problem with the late night hours

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since I’d be up with the baby anyway.”

President truman famously quipped that he wanted a one-handed economist, since so many of his economic advisors would counsel him by saying things like, “On the one hand…And on the other…” Professor lynch quickly learned the difference between economics for academics and that for policy makers during her tenure in Dc.

“As an academic, you are trained to qualify your findings. In a senior policy-making position you have to say clearly what we should do and why we should do it. You are not only presenting different scenarios – you have to make a decision. that was hard to do initially.”

But lynch learned this skill and learned it well. she was able to get rid of the economic jargon and speak authoritatively, while at the same time find a way to inject economic thought into policy debates that could often be overly focused on political strategy. Not only that, she had in many ways come full circle. the little girl who had spent a childhood watching factories crumble had become a chief economist working to improve them. the graduate student who had watched a generation of youth struggle to find a place in a failing economy was now helping to shape labor policies to assist the young and economically disadvantaged.

though her experience in the Department of labor was exhilarating, she always knew she’d return to Fletcher. her work in shaping labor related policies in washington may seem like a pinnacle, but for Professor lynch, it represents merely one aspect of her approach to the field of economics, which she views as a constant interaction between theory, practice and teaching.

“It’s not like I’m moving from one world to the other. I am a better researcher for having been engaged in the practice of public policy, and I am a better policy-maker for the research that I do.”

At Fletcher, lynch uses these experiences, which strike a balance between economic thought and policy actions, to engage her students. sitting in her office with historic voting documents

on one wall and photos of symphony performances on another, this theme of balance is much stronger and transcends economics.

“One of the things I like best about Professor lynch,” one of her students says, “is that she’s someone who is happy to share that there’s more to her life than being a professor at Fletcher. she was an economist for a President, she’s a musician, she’s a mom.”

Another thing that her students appreciate is her understanding of their struggles, which may stem from lynch’s own modest beginning in the field. An advisee of hers remembers going to her office, distraught after another professor’s economics midterm.

“she listened to me and then told me about when she was a graduate student in london, her experience of not being a total economics rock star…even though she is a total rock star.”

Professor lynch hears this story and nods empathetically.

“some people cope with struggles by putting it all behind them and pretending it didn’t happen. My approach is that life is made up of good days and bad days. that process of picking yourself back up is so important. It’s something that I have to keep in touch with myself, so I can help others to pick themselves back up and go forward.”

these lessons are the sort learned by those like lynch, who continually push themselves and dip their feet into different waters. But even with her enormous achievements in so many different areas, both personal and professional, she remains humble.

“You never strike the balance completely right. I don’t do everything right, I just try to do what I’m focused on at the moment right.”

while it may be true that a perfect balance can’t be struck, Professor lynch, whether at the front of a Fletcher classroom, the helm of a board meeting at the Federal reserve Bank of Boston, or playing the cello in carnegie hall, proves that you can come pretty close.

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On 15 August 2005 in helsinki, the Government of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement, better known as GAM, took the brave and constructive initiative to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), bringing an end to nearly 30 years of continuous armed conflict in the Indonesian province of Aceh. One of the Indonesian Government’s key negotiators was sofyan Djalil (F’93), himself of Acehnese descent.

the MoU covered a range of peace requirements for both parties, including disarmament, demobilisation, amnesty, reintegration, human rights and a new legal framework for Aceh. It also served as the basis for a monitoring mission established by the eU and five AseAN countries to oversee implementation of the MoU.

On the same day of the signing, the monitoring mission began its work. Pieter Feith (F’70) was appointed by the eU to be head of the Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM). Feith brought with him extensive knowledge acquired during crisis management operations such as NAtO’s involvement in the Balkans.

the AMM could not have been established without the necessary diplomatic and legal basis in place. these legal and diplomatic prerequisites were the responsibility of hassan wirajuda (F’84), Indonesia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. In 1992, during his time as Indonesian Ambassador to the UN in Geneva, wirajuda initiated a dialogue with GAM leaders in switzerland. A series of discrete meetings were held, which led to the establishment of the first jointly-supported activities between GAM and the Government of Indonesia. he later headed the Indonesian Delegation during rounds of negotiation in 2000-2001.

In the case of Aceh, there were of course unprecedented factors that influenced this process. the December 2004 tsunami was an unparalleled disaster which left more than 160,000 dead and missing in Aceh, and many more in grief and despair. even though the first contact between the parties to the peace process had taken place prior to the tsunami, the disaster brought new

urgency with it: a political will to leave old grievances behind and join forces in the necessary reconstruction process, and the creation of a common and sustainable future for the people of Aceh. considering the scope of this tragedy, it is especially rewarding to have been part of such a successful peace process.

there can be no peace if there is no political will to take it forward. the commitment of President susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Vice President Jusuf Kalla to resolve the conflict in Aceh has been highly commendable. since their election in september 2004, both have been determined to restructure the economy, modernise the military and devolve powers to the regions. During their election campaign, they declared their readiness to settle the Aceh conflict once and for all. After taking office, they courageously decided to do so through a negotiated solution, and with international support.

GAM, too, has been a committed partner to peace. throughout the process GAM has shown its sincerity to fully end the armed struggle. It is now transforming into a democratic political movement. Its leadership has returned from exile as a further sign of confidence between the parties.

when parties are committed and honest in their intentions, it is of course easier to make a difference. the international community has solidly backed this process. the eU and the five participating AseAN countries put their full political weight behind the implementation of the peace agreement. At the invitation of the Government of Indonesia and with the full support of the GAM leadership, the two regional actors deployed monitors as part of a mutually reinforcing cooperation even before the ink had dried on the peace accord in helsinki. the mission has since gained the confidence of both the parties and civil society through its even-handedness, neutrality and transparency.

Perhaps the most important factor has been that the people in Aceh wanted peace. this put enormous pressure on both parties to find a dignified solution, to help the people of Aceh rebuild their lives and their livelihoods. It is now a year and a

the Fletcher connection in the Aceh Peace Process

hassaN wiraJuda (f’��), sOfyaN dJalil (f’9�), pieTer feiTh (f’70)

Whether a happy coincidence or divine providence, we – a trio of Fletcher graduates from three

different decades – were brought together to help bring to an end the longest-running conflict

in Southeast Asia. Our work is a concrete example of how Fletcher alumni are particularly

suited to use their networks and skills to advance democracy through diplomacy.

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half since the MoU was signed, and there is a distinct optimism that the outcome will be permanent. when we celebrated the one-year anniversary of the MoU, we heard first hand moving testimonials from Acehnese people on how their lives have changed in that short time. they can now farm their fields, bring their produce to market, send their children to school, move freely around the province and generally enjoy life in their communities without fear. the coffee shops of Aceh are again filled in the evenings with people discussing the latest developments in their lives. In that year much has been achieved: GAM has been completely disarmed, thousands of Indonesian troops have been relocated, amnesty has been granted to 2,000 former political prisoners and their political and civil rights fully restored, programmes for reintegration have begun, a new law extending powers to the province has been enacted by the National Parliament, including the right to create local political parties, and elections for a new Governor of Aceh and mayors of 19 regencies/municipalities were held on 11 December 2006. For the first time in Indonesia, independent candidates have been able to seek elected office.

Peace has now returned to Aceh. As Fletcher alumni, we are pleased and honoured to have played our parts. By resolving

the conflict peacefully, everybody has gained. humanity has won and economic and living conditions in Aceh will continue to improve significantly. there are many winners and very few losers in this process. On the global stage, Fletcher alumni and students will continue to work for peace and security as well as tolerance and co-operation between nations and citizens. Just as we have aimed to do in Aceh.

Hassan Wirajuda (F’84) is Indonesian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sofyan Djalil (F’93) is Indonesian Minister for Communications and Information, and Pieter Feith (F’70) is the former Head of the Aceh Monitoring Mission.

Left to right: Sofyan Djalil (F’93), Mustafa Abubakar (acting governor of Aceh at the time), Malik Mahmud (GAM leader), Javier Solana (EU Foreign Policy Chief), Zaini Abdullah (GAM leadership) and Pieter Feith (F’70). Not pictured, Hassan Wirajuda (F’84) is Indonesian Minister for Foreign Affairs.

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FrOM the Fletcher FIles

On 16 April 2007, 195 runners – 92 students, 41 alumni, 27 faculty/staff, 23 friends and 12 parents – represented tufts University in the 111th Boston Marathon. Among them, the Fletcher school was proudly represented by current Fletcher students Nora Millan, Michael wagner, elizabeth Bennett, and steven evans; alums Mark Proden (GMAP’06), stephen B. Penrose III (F’67), and Fletcher staff member Alyssa Adreani of the Office of Development and Alumni relations. together the “Fletcher seven” raised nearly $12,000 in support of research and education on nutrition, medicine, and fitness at the

pictured here from left to right: michael wagner, elizabeth bennett, alyssa adreani, and Jason Taylor.

tufts University Friedman school of Nutrition.

For more information:

Quotes of Note“For many people looking at Iran,

the questions are not ones of Islam vs.

secularism, or simply authoritarianism

vs. democracy. …the really interesting

question is: how is the Islamic republic

actually adapting itself? How is it

changing, how is its governing, how is

it responding to social pressure from

below?” Dr. Vali Nasr (F’83) speaking at

The Fletcher School on 8 March. Part

of the Charles Francis Adams Lecture

Series, his talk was entitled, Theocracy,

Democracy and the Conservative Consolidation in Iran. The event was co-

sponsored by the Fares Center for Eastern

Mediterranean Studies.

“America has become like the person

who inherits their grandparent’s mansion,

but doesn’t feel like paying for any of the

necessary upkeep.” Dr. Stephen E. Flynn

(F’88) speaking at The Fletcher School on

28 February, illustrating the current lack

of US commitment to maintaining public


“…Culture is not destiny. The failures

in Iraq and instability in Afghanistan do

not prove that these or other countries

are condemned to stagnation and

political oppression.” Fletcher Professor

Lawrence Harrison, from an op-ed in the

Washington Post, 17 December 2006.

“Aceh will be a test case for other

provinces seeking greater autonomy and

perhaps even a federated Indonesia. If

self-government is successful in Aceh,

it will make the case for continued

decentralization throughout the

Indonesian archipelago.” Rachel

Schiller (MALD ’07) speaking on The Aceh Peace Process: From Negotiation to Implementation, at Fletcher’s

International Negotiation and Conflict

Resolution Club’s FletcherSide Student

Chat, 16 November 2006.


CHARLES BRALVER (F’75) IS APPOINTED EXECUTIVE DIRECTORthe Fletcher school is pleased to announce the

appointment of charles Bralver as executive Director of the International Business center. In this role, he will direct Fletcher’s new Master of International Business degree and the center for emerging Market enterprises. A 1975 Fletcher graduate with a Master of law and Diplomacy and a current member of our Board of Overseers, chuck joins the school following his departure from Mercer Oliver wyman, where he led the firm’s strategic Finance practice.

Mr. Bralver was a founding partner of Oliver, wyman & co. and, from 1988 to 1992, served as Managing Director for europe where he opened the U.K. and French offices. In 1991, he launched the Global capital Markets practice serving investment banks, exchanges, securities processors, and financial technology firms. he became Vice-chairman and head of the firm’s corporate strategy and Global client Management business in 2000.

Upon the company’s sale to Marsh & Mclennan companies in 2003, Bralver became head of North America, where he was responsible for the firm’s business in the U.s. and canada and global financial services synergy development with Mercer Inc and Kroll. In his most recent role as executive Director, he was responsible for leading Mercer’s cFO services for U.s. and U.K. corporations in strategic and enterprise risk, finance organization and decision support from Mercer companies. Prior to joining Mercer Oliver wyman, Bralver spent five years at chemical Bank based in New York and london and two years with Booz, Allen and hamilton.

During his twenty-five years servicing investment, universal, and commercial banks, Bralver has directed complex projects on a broad range of issues across all the major corporate banking, finance and risk, and securities sectors in North America, europe, and Asia. he also initiated Mercer Oliver wyman’s thought-leadership development on the Future of Financial services and its implications for the corporate development of global and regional financial institutions.

In addition to his degree from the Fletcher school, Mr. Bralver holds an A.B. in history and International relations from Dartmouth college, where he was a rufus choate scholar. he currently sits on Dartmouth’s Board of Visitors of the Dickey center for International Affairs.

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VALI NASRDr. Vali Nasr (F’83),

Professor and Associate chair of research at the Department of National security Affairs at the Naval Postgraduate school, came to the Fletcher school on 8 March. Part of the charles Francis Adams lecture series, his talk was entitled, Theocracy, Democracy and the Conservative Consolidation in Iran. the event was co-sponsored by the Fares center for eastern Mediterranean studies.

MADELEINE ALBRIGHTMadeleine Albright, former

secretary of state and United states ambassador to the United Nations, delivered the 2007 Issam M. Fares lecture at tufts on 7 March. the Director of the Fares center is Fletcher faculty member Professor leila Fawaz, Issam M. Fares Professor of lebanese and eastern Mediterranean studies.

“the Middle east is not some simplistic morality play. It’s a place where fear, anger, hope, courage, cowardice and confusion all swirl about without ever settling into a completely coherent pattern.”

— Madeleine Albright

DAN RATHEROn 9 April, former cBs evening News anchor Dan rather

spoke in Fletcher’s AseAN Auditorium as keynote in the second annual edward r. Murrow Forum on Issues in Journalism, and moderated a panel of distinguished media professionals on how the press covers war and conflicts. rather is currently the global correspondent for “Dan rather reports” on hDNet.

Panelists included Kimberly Abbott, media advisor for North America to the International crisis Group, Dave Marash, anchor for Al Jazeera english, charles sennott, staff writer, special Projects team at The Boston Globe, and commander Joseph “cappy” surette, Public Affairs Officer, european command, supreme headquarters Allied Powers europe.

the event was sponsored by tufts University’s communications and Media studies, the Murrow center at the Fletcher school of law and Diplomacy, and the Jonathan M. tisch college of citizenship and Public service


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The Fletcher Club of Armenia, led by

President Arusyak Mirzakhanyan (F’04) has

had several gatherings in the past year since

Dean Bosworth inaugurated the Club during

his visit there in May, 2006. In addition to

Fletcher alumni and graduates of the several

Fletcher certificate programs for Armenian

government officials, the group included

Dean and Mrs. Stephen Bosworth, Professor

Alan Henrikson, Tufts Trustee Dr. Joyce

Barsam, and Mr. Aso O. Tavitian, president

of the Tavitian Foundation. During the trip

Dean Bosworth and Professor Henrikson

spoke at the American University of Armenia;

the Dean on the Near East, and Professor

Henrkison on “The Large Diplomacy of Small

States.” This coming fall, The Fletcher School

plans to welcome to campus Armenian

Foreign Minister and alumnus His Excellency

Vartan W. Oskanian (F’93).

Dean and Mrs. Bosworth, Prof. Alan henrikson, Dr. Joyce Barsam, and Fletcher alumni at the inaugural dinner of the Fletcher club of Armenia


The newly-formed Fletcher Club

of Australia has had meetings in

Sydney and Canberra with another

planned for Melbourne in March.

Co-convenors Garth Nettheim (F’57)

and Melissa Conley Tyler (F’96) were

pleased to be able to coordinate

with Helena Cerna (F’96)’s stay in

Sydney. Australia-based alumni

include John Ballard (F’59), Stefania

Varnero Rawson (F’03) and Brigitte

Smith (F’95). We were sorry to miss

Emma Belcher (F’04) who is just

returning to Fletcher to finish her



On 18 December, the Fletcher Club of Dhaka held a very successful end-of-year

dinner, attended by twenty people including alumni and their spouses. Many

eminent senior alumni joined us, including former secretaries and ambassadors. Kim

McQuay, Country Representative of The Asia Foundation in Dhaka, was invited as our

special guest, and he spoke about the long relationship the Foundation has had with

Fletcher and his hopes to create new ties in the future. The food was delicious, and

we were able to hear stories and memories of Fletcher as well as network and chat

informally. Mosud Mannan (F’89), the chair of the Dhaka Club, facilitated the evening,

and Anuradha Harinarayan (F’99) and Club Secretary Julia Sable (F’05), helped

organize the logistics of the evening.


On 16 March, the Fletcher Club of Hong

Kong hosted dinner at The China Club for

Professor John Perry, who was visiting with

two students from his Maritimes Studies

Program, Scott Borgerson, and Rockford

Weitz. They, along with Mrs. Perry and Mrs.

Borgerson, were joined by eight Fletcher

Club Hong Kong members representing

various classes – Dorothy Chan (F03), Alicia

Eastman (GMAP’04), Jake Hamstra (F’07),

Charles Lee (F’90), Huanting Timothy Li (F’85),

Bonny Ling (F’02), Deidre Lo (F’90), and James

Wong (F’54). It was a great opportunity to

catch up on the latest news from Medford,

and we’d love to hear from others who plan

to pass through Hong Kong in the future.

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The Fletcher Club of Buenos Aires was recently put to the test

and helped arrange two Fletcher events. The GMAP mid-residency

was held in Buenos Aires, where club members helped gather

an impressive array of speakers from the US Embassy, Argentine

government officials, and the president of the Grandmothers of

Plaza de Mayo, among others. Buenos Aires was also the setting

of the first meeting of the newly-formed Fletcher Advisory Group

for Latin America, with members coming from all over the region

to attend the work sessions. Membership in the club continues

to expand and now stands at a very impressive 55 members

– alumni not just in Buenos Aires or Argentines abroad, but those

throughout the region interested in keeping in touch with the

school and taking on Latin American projects.


The Fletcher Club of Greece has been experiencing a new surge

in activity. This fall, twenty Fletcher Alumni gathered together

around Dean Bosworth’s visit to Athens, met for a Grande Bretagne

breakfast, and a splendid Karamanlis Foundation event. Under the

leadership of Club President Thomas Varvitsiotis (F’99) and Club

Secretary Gregory Dimitriadis (F’06), the group plans to continue its

programming throughout the coming year.

Fletcher alumni in Greece gather for a club dinner

left to right: shotaro sasaki (F’05), Dean stephen Bosworth, silas everett (F’00), Jeanne Izard-everett (F’01), Pamela Bracey (F’93), Nileema Noble (GMAP’05), Maria Mussler (F’02), siriana Nair (F’02) (hidden), christopher Gotanco (F’84), Don Agrasada (GMAP’03), Armando Madamba (F’72).


Dean Bosworth joined alumni of the Fletcher Club of the

Philippines for cocktails on 26 February. The gathering was

organized by Fletcher Club “caretaker,” Catherine Hartigan-Go


FLETCHER CLUB OF PAKISTAN Fletcher alumni living in Pakistan celebrated an informal

reunion in Islamabad on 29 November in a dinner hosted by

USAID/Pakistan Mission Director Jonathan Addleton (F’82), prior

to the departure of USAID/Pakistan Deputy Mission Director

Patricia Rader (F’72) for her new post as USAID Mission Director in

Macedonia. In terms of time at Fletcher, the guests spanned from

the 1950s to the class of 2006. Those attending included former

Pakistan Foreign Minister Abdul Sattar (F’54) and former Pakistan

Ambassadors Mahdi Masud (F’53) and Mohiuddin Ahmed (F’54).

Others attending including Mansoor Arifeen (F ‘82), Shamineh

Bryamji (F’06), Zahid Ebrahim (F’93), Tahseen Sayed (F’78) and John

McFadden (F’86), among others.


Club Leaders Rainer Staub (F’96) and Jonathan Tirone

(F’00) report that Adam Ereli, U.S. State Department Deputy

spokesman and Fletcher alumnus of the class of 1989, visited

Vienna recently as part of the US government’s effort to

improve its relations with foreign media. He talked about his

experiences at The Fletcher School and the outlook for public

diplomacy. This Fletcher Club of Vienna event took place at Café

Landtmann in the Austrian Capitol on 13 February.

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ARMENIAArusyak Mirzakhanyan (F’04)[email protected]

ATLANTATim Holly (F’79)[email protected]

AUSTRALIAMelissa Conley Tyler (F’96)[email protected]

BANGKOKEkachai Chainuvati (F’03)[email protected]

BEIJINGStephane Grand (F’98)[email protected]

BERLINJan-Philipp Görtz (F’98)[email protected]

BOMBAYForming soon…Richard Cooper (GMAP’02)[email protected]

BOSTONMike O’Dougherty (F’87)[email protected]

BRUSSELSKatrina Destree (F’95)[email protected]

BUDAPESTAnita Orban (F’01)[email protected]

BUENOS AIRESCarlos St. James (GMAP’04)[email protected]

CHICAGODaniela Abuzatoaie (F’00)[email protected]

CHILEAndres Montero (F’85)[email protected] Olave (F’97)[email protected]

COPENHAGENNeeds new leadership…

DHAKAMosud Mannan (F’89)[email protected] Sable (F’05)[email protected]

DUBAIPaul Bagatelas (F’87)Christine Lauper Bagatelas (F’87)[email protected]

FLETCHER ALUMNI OF COLOR ASSOCIATIONBelinda Chiu (F’04)[email protected]

GREECEThomas Varvitsiotis (F’99)[email protected] Dimitriadis (F’06)[email protected]

HONG KONGDorothy Chan (F’03)[email protected] Eastman (GMAP’04)[email protected]

HOUSTONDavid Hwa (F’76)[email protected]

KENYAAnne Angwenyi (F’02)[email protected] Chao (F’02)[email protected]

KOSOVOIliriana Kacaniku (F ‘04)[email protected]

LONDONAdina Postelnicu (GMAP’07)[email protected]

LOS ANGELESAdrineh Gregorian (F’04)[email protected] Abbot (F’97)[email protected]

MALAYSIAShah Azmi (F’86)[email protected]

MIAMIDaniel Ades (F’03)[email protected]

MIDDLE EAST ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONWalid Chamoun (F’00)[email protected]

NEW YORKRaymond Linsenmayer (F’01)[email protected] Eisenberg (F’03)[email protected]

NORTH CAROLINAForming soon…Marcin Szajda (F’06)[email protected]

OREGONEdie Johnson Millar (F’85)[email protected]

PARISMolly Lesher (F’03)[email protected]

PHILADELPHIAThomas Heanue (F’90)[email protected]

PHILIPPINESCathy Hartigan-Go (F’92)[email protected]

SAN DIEGOGeoffrey Pack (F’89)[email protected]

SAN FRANCISCOVladimir Todorovic (F’01)[email protected]

SãO PAULOPaulo Bilyk (F’92)[email protected]

SARAJEVOHaris Mesinovic (F’00) [email protected]

SAUDI ARABIAJamil Al Dandany (F’87)[email protected]

SEATTLEJulie Bennion (F’01)[email protected]

SEOULJunsik Ahn (F’00)[email protected]

SHANGHAIMeredith Ludlow (F’03)[email protected]

SINGAPOREKim Odhner (F’03)[email protected]

SWITZERLANDMauricio Cysne (F’93)[email protected]

TOKYOMariko Noda (F’90)[email protected]

VIENNARainer Staub (F’96)[email protected] Tirone (F’00)[email protected]

WASHINGTON, D.C.Amy Coletta (F’00)Victoria Esser (F’99)[email protected]

club cONTacTs

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Eileen F. Babbitt. Principled Peace: Conflict Resolution and Human Rights in Intra-State Conflicts. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press (forthcoming 2007).__. “Mediating Rights-Based Conflicts: Making Self-Determination Negotiable.” International Negotiation, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2006): 185-208.__ and Hurst Hannum. (eds.) Negotiating Self-Determination. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2006.

Diana chigas. “Capacities and Limits of NGOs as Conflict Managers. Leashing the Dogs of War: Conflict Management in a Divided World, edited by Chester Crocker, Fen Osler Hamson and Pamela Aall. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 2007.

Daniel Drezner. “The Grandest Strategy of Them All.” The Washington Post, December 17, 2006. Vol. 36, No. 50: B1.__. Los Angeles Times, January 21, 2007. __. “Mind the Gap.” The National Interest, Vol. 87. (January/February 2007): 47-53.__. All Politics Is Global: Explaining International Regulatory Regimes. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007.

carolyn Gideon. “Technology Policy by Default: Shaping Communications Technology Through Regulatory Policy.” In Shaping Science and Technology Policy: The Next Generation of Research, edited by David H. Guston and Daniel Sarewitz. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2006.

Michael J. Glennon. “De l’absurdité du droit impératif.” Revue Générale de Droit International Public. Vol. 110, No. 3. (October 2006).__.”The Emerging Use-of-Force Paradigm.” The Journal of

Conflict and Security Law. Vol. 11, No. 3. (November 2006): 309-317.__.Fletcher Forum of World Affairs. Vol. 30, No. 3. (Fall 2006): 43-52.__.The Washington Post. December 7, 2006.__. “Peremptory Nonsense.” In Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law: Liber Amicorum Luzius Wildhaber, by Stephan Breitenmoser, Bernhard Ehrenzeller, Marco Sassoli, Walter Stoffel, and Beatrice Wagner Pfeifer, eds. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2007.

Hurst Hannum and Eileen Babbitt. (eds.) Negotiating Self-Determination. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2006.

lawrence E. Harrison. The Central Liberal Truth: How Politics Can Change a Culture. New York: Oxford University Press, USA, 2007.__. American Exporters of Democracy Should Never Ignore Them.” The American Spectator. December 2006. Vol.12.__. ”Hearts, Minds and Schools.” The Washington Post, December 17, 2006, B03.

alan K. Henrikson. Review of Hemispheric Imaginings: The Monroe Doctrine and Narratives of US Empire, by Gretchen Murphy. (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005), in National Identities, Vol. 8, No.1 (March 2006): 100-103.

Karen Jacobsen. “Migration within Africa: The View from South Africa.” The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, Vol. 31, No. 1. (Winter 2007): 203-214.

Ian Johnstone. “The Secretary-General as Norm Entrepreneur.” In Secretary or General? The UN Secretary-General in World Politics, edited by Simon Chesterman. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Dimitris Keridis. “Earthquakes, Diplomacy, and New Thinking in Foreign Policy,” Fletcher Forum vol. 30, no. 1 (Winter 2006): 207-214.

Michael Klein and Jay Shambaugh (F’97). Fixed Exchange Rates and Trade.” Journal of International Economics. Vol. 70, No. 2. (December 2006): 359-383.

William c. Martel. Victory in War: Foundations of Modern Military Policy. New York: Cambridge University Press, December 2006.

William Moomaw and Judy layzer. Changing Course Will Require Major Policy Change, and the United States Must Lead the Way.” Boston Review, Vol. 32, No. 1. (January/February 2007).

Junji Nakagawa, ed. Antidumping Laws and Practices of the New Users. London: Cameron May, 2007.

adil Najam. Portrait of a Giving Community: Philanthropy by the Pakistani-American Diaspora (Studies in Global Equity), Global Equity Initiative. Cambridge: Harvard University 2007.

John curtis Perry, Scott Borgerson (F ’03) and Rockford Weitz (F’02). The Deep Blue Highway.” The New York Times. January 2, 2007.

Bernard Simonin, Nathalie laidler-Kylander (Ph.D ’07) and John Quelch. “Building and Valuing Global Brands in the Nonprofit Sector,” Nonprofit Management and Leadership, Vol. 17, No. 3. (March 19, 2007).

Marc Sommers. “Embracing the Margins: Working with Youth Amidst War and Insecurity.” In Too Poor for Peace? Poverty, Conflict and Security in the 21st Century, by Lael Brainard and Derek Chollet, eds. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2007.

James E. tillotson. Nutrition Today, September/October 2006. Vol. 41, No. 5: 233-238.__.Nutrition Today, November/December 2006. Vol. 41, No. 6: 260-266.__. “Nutrition’s New Frontier with Our Young?” Nutrition Today, March/April 2007. Vol. 42, No. 2.__. “Perspective – Will They Eat It?” The Boston Globe Magazine, October 1, 2006.

Peter S. uvin. What Really Works in Preventing and Rebuilding Failed States, Vol. 1 (November 2006): 6-10.

alan M. Wachman. Why Taiwan? Geostrategic Rationales for China’s Territorial Integrity. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 2007.

Ibrahim a. Warde. Middle East Online, March 14, 2007.

David a. Wirth. “Hazardous Substances and Activities.” In Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law, by Daniel Bodansky, Jutta Brunee and Ellen Hay, eds. New York: Oxford University Press, USA, 2007.


Ruth Margolies Beitler (F ’90), Cindy Jebb, P.H. Liotta, and Thomas Sherlock. The Fight for Legitimacy: Democracy vs. Terrorism. Westport, CT: Praeger Security International, 2006.__. The Path to Mass Rebellion: An Analysis of Two Intifadas. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2004.

Stacy Bernard Davis (F ’90) and Donald F. Patierno. “Tackling the Global Landmine Problem: The United States Perspective.” In Landmines and Human Security: International Politics and War’s Hidden Legacy, edited by Richard A. Matthew, Bryan McDonald, and Kenneth R. Rutherford. State University of New York Press, 2006.

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Hans Binnendijk and Richard l. Kugler. Seeing the Elephant: the U.S. Role in Global Security. Dulles, VA: Potomac Books, 2007.

charles Bralver (F’75). Forthcoming spring 2007: “Managing Increased Capital Markets Intensity: The CFO’s Role in Navigating the Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable,” The Known, The Unknown, and the Unknowable in Financial Risk Management, by Bralver, C. and Borge, D., in F.X. Diebold, N.A. Doherty and R.H. Herring, eds.

carl Q. christol (F’36). International Law and U.S. Foreign Policy (Second Edition, Revised). Lanham, MD: University Press of America, Inc., December 2006.

Mehlika Hoodbhoy (F’94), Martin Flaherty and Tracy Higgins, “Exporting Despair: The Human Rights Implications of U.S. Restrictions on Health Care Funding in Kenya,” Fordham International Law Journal, 29, 2, 301(Winter 2005).

Kent Jones (F’79). “Globalization and Entrepreneurship.” In Entrepreneurship, vol. I, edited by Maria Minniti (Praeger Perspectives Series). Westport, CT: Praeger, 2006. __. Review of The Yes Men, directed by Chris Smith, Dan Ollman and Sarah Price (MGM 2003, DVD/Video 2005), in World Trade Review, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2006).

taryn lesser (F’04). Intra-Caribbean Migration and the Conflict Nexus, Human Rights Internet (HRI), 2006.

Maliha Masood (F’04). Zaatar Days, Henna Nights: Adventures, Dreams, and Destinations Across the Middle East. Emeryville, CA: Seal Press, 2006.

William Miles (F’82). “Vanuatu Survivor.” Contemporary Revies

288: 1683 (Winter 2006): 462-469.__. “Touring That Quiet World Behind Your Eyelids.” Boston Sunday Globe, June 4, 2006, M7.__. “Labeling ‘Genocide’ in Sudan: A Constructionist Analysis of Darfur.” Genocide Studies and Prevention. 1:3 (2006): 251-263.

Kingsley chiedu Moghalu (F’93). Global Justice: The Politics of War Crimes Trials. Westport, CT: Praeger Security International, 2006.

Richard chisholm and Garth Nettheim (F’57). Understanding Law (6th ed.). Butterworth Publishers, 2002. (The 7th edition is being prepared for publication in 2007).

Garth Nettheim (F’57), Gary D. Meyers and Donna Craig. “Indigenous Peoples and Governance Structures,” Osgoode hall Law Journal, 2003: Vol. 41: 728-733.

Heather McRae, Garth Nettheim (F’57), Laura Beacroft and Luke McNamara, Indigenous Legal Issues: Commentary and Materials, 3rd ed. LawBook Company, 2003.

Nicholas P. Sullivan (F’03). You Can Hear Me Now: How Microloans and Cell Phones Are Connecting the World’s Poor to the Global Economy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, a Wiley imprint, 2007.

Matt levitt (F’95). HAMAS: Politics, Charity and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007.__.Negotiating Under Fire: Preserving Peace Talks in the Face of Terror Attacks, Rowman and Littlefield, forthcoming in 2007.

M. conley tyler (F’96). “Online Dispute Resolution.” In Encyclopaedia of Digital Government, edited by

Matti Malkia and Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko. Hershey: Idea Group Reference, 2007: 1268-1274.__ and M. McPherson, “Online Dispute Resolution and Family Disputes.” Journal of Family Studies, Vol. 12, No. 2 (November 2006): 165-183.


Moses choi (MALD’08) and Andrew Savitz. “A Call to Mr. Ban Ki Moon: Realize the Potential for Business and the UN.” Sustainable Development International, December 13, 2006. __.The Future of the Global Compact. The Corporate Responsibility Officer, February, 2007.

Ethan corbin (MALD’07). “Lessons from the Interior: Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency in Syria.” Al Nakhlah, Spring 2007.__.” Black, Blanc, and a Whole Lot of Beurs: From Islam in France to French Islam,” review of Integrating Islam: Political and Religious Challenges in Contemporary France, by Jonathan Laurence and Justin Vaisse. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2006.

liora Kasten (MALD’08) and Jesse Sage, eds. Enslaved: True Stories of Modern Day Slavery. Palgrave-Macmillan, 2006.

christof P. Kurz (PhD Candidate). “Greed, Grievance and Atrocities: Recent Literature on the Causes and Dynamics of the War in Sierra Leone 1991–2002.” Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, Vol. 1, No. 1: (March 2007): 132-140.

assaf Moghadam (F’02, PhD candidate). The Roots of Terrorism. New York: Chelsea House, 2006. __.”Suicide Terrorism, Occupation, and the Globalization of Martyrdom: A Critique of ‘Dying to Win’.”

Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 29.8 (December 2006) __.”Mayhem, Myths, and Martyrdom: The Shia Conception of Jihad.” Terrorism and Political Violence, 19.1 (Spring 2007)

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class NOTes IN MeMOrIAM

JAMES V. MARTIN JR. (F’39)passed away November 12, 2006 at the Methodist home of washington, at the age of 89. Dr. Martin was born in Japan to American parents. he was a 1938 graduate of DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, and received a master’s degree and a doctorate from the Fletcher school of law and Diplomacy. he served in Navy intelligence during world war II. he joined the state Department in 1946 and held many assignments as a political officer at Us consulates around Asia. In 1973, Dr. Martin retired as country director for Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands and spent eight years as a data processor at the Drug enforcement Administration. his wife, elizabeth smith Martin, whom he married in 1941, died in 2002. his survivors include his three children, susan Martin of Mill Valley, cA, sarah Brown of Bethesda, MD and David Martin of silver spring, MD; a brother; a sister; and a grandson.

SARA B. MINER (F’41) has passed away. No further information was available at time of printing.

DONALD ARTHUR MOORE (F’42) passed away on December 6, 2006. No further information was available at time of printing.

HERMANN FREDERICK EILTS (F’47) passed away October 12, 2006 at his home in wellesley, MA at the age of 84. he was born in weissenfels saale, Germany, on March 23, 1922. his family brought him to the Us when he was 4, and he grew up in scranton, PA. he became an American citizen in 1930 and graduated from Ursinus college in 1942. Before being drafted into the Army in world war II, he briefly attended the Fletcher school of law and Diplomacy. he served in Army intelligence in world war II in North Africa and europe, earning medals including a Purple heart and a Bronze star. After his discharge, Mr. eilts earned a master’s degree in Middle eastern studies from the school of Advanced International studies in washington. Mr.

eilts was in the Foreign service for 32 years, almost all of them in the Middle east, where he worked in egypt, libya, Iran, Iraq, saudi Arabia and Yemen. he also served in england, as a monitor of the Middle east. he was ambassador to saudi Arabia from 1965 to 1970. he was also a figure in major events, advising Mr. Kissinger who, as secretary of state, shuttled between egypt and Israel in 1974 and 1975, when Mr. eilts was the ambassador to egypt. Mr. eilts retired from the Foreign service in 1999 and started an international relations department at Boston University, where he taught. In his diplomatic career, he taught at the Army war college in carlisle Barracks, PA, where he was also deputy commandant. he is survived by his wife, helen Josephine Brew, his sons Frederick lowell eilts, and conrad Marshall eilts, and four grandchildren.

EDWARD WILLIAM MULCAHY (F’47) passed away on March 12, 2006 in winchester, VA at the age of 84. he was born in Malden, MA on June 15, 1921 to John and Mary Mulcahy. he attended Malden catholic high school, graduating in 1939. he graduated in 1943 from tufts University with a degree in history, cum laude. he joined the Marine corps in January 1943 and in June 1944 he saw his first action in Guam where he was awarded the silver star and Purple heart. he received a second Purple heart for wounds sustained on Iwo Jima. After the war, he was promoted to captain and placed in charge of the Marine detachment at the Us Navy brig on Governor’s Island in New York city. In 1946, he left the Marines to attend the Fletcher school of law and Diplomacy, and received a master’s degree in 1947. Upon graduation, he joined the Us Foreign service in which he served for 33 years. his assignments included Mombasa, Kenya, Asmara, eritrea, Athens, Greece, and salisbury, rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). In 1951, he met Kathleen lyon of Arizona, his wife of 52 years before her death in 2005. In 1963 he returned to washington in the

Bureau of Near east and African Affairs with responsibility for southern Africa. Mulcahy was named Us Ambassador to the republic of chad in 1972. In 1974, he returned to washington, Dc as Deputy Assistant secretary of state for African Affairs. he was named Us Ambassador to tunis, tunisia in 1976. In 1979, he returned to the Us and spent a year as Diplomat-in-residence at the University of Atlanta. Ambassador Mulcahy retired from the Foreign service in 1980, taking up the position of Vice-President at the Project hope until retiring in 1982. he continued his interest in local and international affairs on the board of the tunisian American Association in washington, Dc and lecturing on Us foreign policy at lord Fairfax community college. he is survived by three brothers and two sisters, five children, Anne Dower, John Mulcahy, eileen Mulcahy, Kevin Mulcahy, and Father Brian Mulcahy, and nine grandchildren.

ANN GRISBY FARRAR (F’84) died at her home in wilton, ct, on July 17 of ovarian cancer. she was 49. Ann (or Nan, as she was known to many) was born in 1956, in New haven to william Gregg Farrar and lucy Brady Farrar. she grew up in Guilford, ct, where she attended Guilford schools, and to which she maintained close ties throughout her life. she graduated from wesleyan University, cum laude, in 1978, and went to live in Madrid, spain where she worked several years for the Fulbright commission. with this experience, she began her lifelong interest in international education, an interest encouraged by her aunt, Barbara Burn, a pioneer in the field. Ann attended harvard University school of education, earning an M.ed. in education Administration in 1982, and then the Fletcher school of law and Diplomacy, earning an M.A. in International Development. Ann worked in international programs in costa rica, Mexico, washington, Dc and el salvador before joining save the children Federation in westport, ct, as Program Manager/Operations Director for the

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latin American and caribbean region. Ann leaves her mother, lucy Farrar of Guilford, ct, sisters Barbara Preneta of Farmington, ct, and Virginia Balser of Danbury, ct, brother william Farrar of south Pasadena, cA, three nieces and three nephews, many cousins, aunts and uncles, her devoted former husband Jorge Obando, stepson Jordi Obando, two step-granddaughters, and her most treasured daughters Marian and Alexandra.

EVA BRAID (F’93) died at home in sausalito, cA, at age 43 on January 31, 2007 after a year-long battle with cancer. eva graduated summa cum laude from University of Massachusetts, Boston in 1985. she went on to earn a master’s degree from the Fletcher school of law and Diplomacy in 1993. In her early career, she worked as a consultant at Gray, Judson and howard in Boston, and later established survey research Design, Inc., providing market and industry research for a broad spectrum of organizations. she later worked with the law firm of ropes and Gray where she was their Business Development Manager in Boston and san Francisco. At the time of her passing she had been employed with the law firm, Duane Morris in san

Francisco where she was also the Business Development Manager. eva is survived by her beloved husband robert, her stepchildren Jenny and John, her mother Diana Maloney, her father Michael Ginsburg, and her brother Alec Ginsburg.

KENT SIMPSON FOSTER (GMAP’06) passed away on Monday, October 30, 2006, in houston, texas at the age of 62. Kent was born on August 21, 1944, in Port Arthur, texas to Vera claudine Foster and halsey Burton Foster. he

graduated from thomas Jefferson high school in 1962 and attended the University southern Mississippi. After graduating with an accounting degree, Kent went to Baylor University where he graduated with a J.D. in 1968 and went on to practice law. Kent’s thirst for knowledge never ended as he attended many schools such as Pepperdine University, Georgetown University and most recently, the Fletcher school. he was also known as an entrepreneur, owning several radio stations and telecommunications companies throughout the Us. Kent was appointed to many dignitary positions over the years; during the reagan Administration he served as President of the Overseas Private Investment corporation and he was named the first trade Ombudsman in the Us customs service in 1991 during the Bush administration. Kent is survived by his daughter, Kenlyn Foster- spence; son, clay Foster and fiancée Merritt wright; sister, sue Foster; her children Andrew Foster, who took care of his uncle during his final days, chris Foster and leighanne crouch; grandchildren, Kelson spence and campbell spence and one grandchild, who will be named riley, on the way.

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Beyond Boundaries campaign aN iNviTaTiON TO educaTe The NexT geNeraTiON Of wOrld leaders.

JOiNT message frOm deaN sTepheN w. bOswOrTh aNd bOard Of Overseer

chairmaN aNd hONOrary campaigN chairmaN, dr. peTer ackermaN (f’�9).

Since its founding in 1933 The Fletcher School has educated world leaders in government,

business, and international organizations.

Over many decades Fletcher-trained professionals have proved adept at addressing the key issues of their times. Fletcher graduates possess a unique capability – by integrating their knowledge of international history, business, economics, and law and utilizing their connections with one another – to work easily and effectively across sectors and geographic boundaries. the achievement of security, stability, and prosperity in this new century with its profound and complex issues, requires many more leaders with the global perspective Fletcher offers.

Few would dispute that since the end of the cold war the international system is evolving at an accelerating rate. In response, over the last decade Fletcher has launched a series of innovative programs that relate to this change but still embody the school’s special character: the Global Master of Arts Program (GMAP), the Institute for human security (Ihs), and soon the Master of International Business (MIB) degree and center for emerging Market enterprises (ceMe).

Now we have embraced the challenge of a comprehensive financial campaign “Beyond Boundaries” undertaken in conjunction with our partners at tufts to ensure Fletcher’s

excellence and relevance well into the second half of this century. we have an ambitious goal to raise $100 million. Once raised, these funds will allow us to double the amount of financial aid currently offered to attract the very best students; increase the size of the faculty and its research capabilities to strengthen and expand our educational programs, and upgrade and maintain a world-class facility.

As dean and board chair we are honored and privileged to lead this campaign along with Andy safran (F’77) and Dorothy Meadow sobol (F’66) our campaign co-chairs. so far we have had impressive success in attracting substantial initial support. Our Board of Overseers and Advisory Groups, which have traditionally provided Fletcher with strong volunteer leadership and unprecedented global reach, will also play a major role in this effort. Now we call on the entire Fletcher community and new friends to help finish the task. let’s remember that every member of the Fletcher global network will benefit from the success of this campaign: we invite your active participation. For more information, please visit or call +1.617.627.4573.

New Schmidheiny Lecture Room

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�� Fletcher News Spring 2007

fleTcher News

Spring 2007 Fletcher News �9

• $300,000 from the sarah scaife Foundation for Fletcher’s International security studies Program (IssP)

• $100,000 from hugh roome III (F’77) and Katherine roome (J’74) to establish an endowed financial aid fund, the roome International Fund at Fletcher

• $5,000,000 from thomas schmidheiny, Fletcher friend and member of Fletcher’s Board of Overseers, to help launch Fletcher’s new international business degree program (MIB) and center for emerging Market enterprises (ceMe) as well as the creation of the thomas schmidheiny lecture room

• $100,000 (bequeathed) by hilda X. Kirby (F’36) to establish the Fay Kirby scholarship Fund for female students from turkey at Fletcher

• $1,000,000 by B. craig Owens (GMAP ’01) and libby Owens to establish a long-term named endowed scholarship fund to support Fletcher students pursuing careers in the public sector

• $60,000 from the Bradley Foundation for Fletcher’s Jebsen center for counter-terrorism studies, specifically for research on female suicide bombers

• $1,000,000 from Gerald w. Blakeley, Jr., Fletcher friend and longtime member of Fletcher’s Board of Overseers, for facility renovation project

• $2,500,000 (bequeathed) by the shelby cullom Davis Foundation for an eventual endowed professorship in international business

• several term named scholarships through the Fletcher Fund, including the steven schulman (F’75) scholarship ($58,000 over two years) and the B. craig Owens (GMAP’01) and libby Owens scholarship ($100,000 over two years).

GOAL $100 M


$50 M$50 M

(AS OF MAY 2007)


Bill Moomaw, Fletcher Professor of International Environmental Policy, and Director of the Center for

International and Environmental Resource Policy

Page 21: Fletcher News - Spring 2007

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�0 Fletcher News Spring 2007


5-7 SEPTEMBER 2007

Inviting alumni from Class of 1934 through Class of 1957

The class of 19�7 will celebrate their �0th reunion in conjunction with The fletcher school’s official convocation ceremony opening the academic year.

alumni from classes 19��-�� are also invited to join in a celebration of �0+ years.

Watch your mail for registration materials or contact us at +1.617.627.4833 or email us at [email protected].

FLETCHER’S FIFTH ANNUAL LONDON SYMPOSIUM 1 december 2007 details to come

THE FLETCHER SCHOOL’S 75TH ANNIVERSARY GALA 11 October 200� washington, dc

1-3 JUNE 2007

Fletcher’s sIXth ANNUAl tAllOIres sYMPOsIUM “The Future of the Non-proliferation Regime”

Tufts european centerTalloires, france

Featuring keynote speaker:

his excellency Dr. Mohamed elBaradei Director General, International Atomic energy Agency (IAeA), recipient of the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize

and Michael J. Glennon Fletcher Professor of International law

For details, please visit: or call +1.617.627.5440

the FletcherschOOl


160 Packard Avenue Medford, Massachusetts 02155

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the opinions expressed in this publication are the authors’ own and do not necessarily represent those of the Fletcher school. Fletcher News welcomes letters on topics covered in this newsletter.the editor reserves the right to edit for space and style. Please send letters to Fletcher News, Office of Development and Alumni relations, 160 Packard Avenue, Medford, MA 02155;fax 617.627.3659; or email [email protected]

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