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7/28/2019 Flamboyant Cuttlefish 1/2 I t was not the best time of the year to dive Dumaguete, Philippines, risking poor visibility and lack of natural light on the reef but the changing winds gave rise to some excellent diving and our expectations rose in anticipation of seeing a w ide range of reef life.   The black sand of the Atlantis Dive Resort's house reef w as the type of site that brings back memories of nondescript reefs that can be uninspiring but this was not to be. Within its muck environment the sloping reef of sand and grass leads to an open area with a 6 meter-tall coral block, here a group of common lionfish claimed it as their home and hunting grounds. What was not immediately apparent were the two tiny figures scuttling around underneath them making their way as if on rails around the outcrop on the open sand. Courting In Progress Surprised, we moved in closer to see that we had found our  jewel, the Pfeffer’s flamboyant cuttlefish — not just an individual but a pair and quite undaunted by our presence. The male being somewhat smaller followed diligently behind the female as if connected by an invisible rope. Their rather drab exteriors were a total surprise from what we expected to see — where ware the strikingly bold, colorful creature of so much repute. As we settled down to observe their movements it was obvi- ous that they were getting agitated, we thought for a moment that it could be due to our presence but we were not alone, another male was closing in for some unwanted attention. We were to experience a dramatic change in the outward appearance of the pair. Clearly resenting arrival of the intruder, the couple's camouflaged skin began to burst into an array of pulsating colors in quick succession of white, dark chocolate, intense yellow and a  vibrant vermilion red.  The dutiful male was suddenly trans formed into protector and escort, coming between the female and suitor to ward off the intruder by performing a series of deliberate moves and displaying his forceful strength of colors for dramatic effect. For now the pair resumed their exploration of the surroundings and we returned elated to our safety stop.  Text & Photo | David & Debi Henshaw 侏羅紀巨鯊 Most recreational divers have a wish list of creatures they long to see and the elusive flamboyant cuttlefish is one of them. 儘管過去數十個世紀以來,所有的研究調查從未間斷過,但關於這世界上最大鯊魚的種種,仍舊充滿許多的謎團。 Flamboyant C uttlefish    EZ  Wild World 82 Dream it. Plan it, Dive it EZDIV

Flamboyant Cuttlefish

Apr 03, 2018



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Page 1: Flamboyant Cuttlefish

7/28/2019 Flamboyant Cuttlefish 1/2

It was not the best time of the year to dive Dumaguete,Philippines, risking poor visibility and lack of natural light onthe reef but the changing winds gave rise to some excellent

diving and our expectations rose in anticipation of seeing a w iderange of reef life.

  The black sand of the Atlantis Dive Resort's house reef w as

the type of site that brings back memories of nondescript reefsthat can be uninspiring but this was not to be. Within its muck

environment the sloping reef of sand and grass leads to an openarea with a 6 meter-tall coral block, here a group of commonlionfish claimed it as their home and hunting grounds. What wasnot immediately apparent were the two tiny figures scuttlingaround underneath them making their way as if on rails aroundthe outcrop on the open sand.

Courting In ProgressSurprised, we moved in closer to see that we had found our

 jewel, the Pfeffer’s flamboyant cuttlefish — not just an individualbut a pair and quite undaunted by our presence. The male beingsomewhat smaller followed diligently behind the female as if 

connected by an invisible rope. Their rather drab exteriors were atotal surprise from what we expected to see — where ware thestrikingly bold, colorful creature of so much repute.

As we settled down to observe their movements it was obvi-ous that they were getting agitated, we thought for a momentthat it could be due to our presence but we were not alone,another male was closing in for some unwanted attention. Wewere to experience a dramatic change in the outward appearance

of the pair. Clearly resenting arrival of the intruder, the couple'scamouflaged skin began to burst into an array of pulsating colorsin quick succession of white, dark chocolate, intense yellow and a vibrant vermilion red.

 The dutiful male was suddenly trans formed into protectorand escort, coming between the female and suitor to ward off theintruder by performing a series of deliberate moves and displayinghis forceful strength of colors for dramatic effect. For now the pairresumed their exploration of the surroundings and we returnedelated to our safety stop.

 Text & Photo | David & Debi Henshaw


Most recreational divers have a wish list of creatures they long to see and the elusive flamboyantcuttlefish is one of them.儘管過去數十個世紀以來,所有的研究調查從未間斷過,但關於這世界上最大鯊魚的種種,仍舊充滿許多的謎團。



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EZ  Wild World

82 Dream it. Plan it, Dive it EZDIV

Page 2: Flamboyant Cuttlefish

7/28/2019 Flamboyant Cuttlefish 2/2

Closer inspection was needed and with no guarantees we re-turned in hope of another encounter. We soon found the pair againwith no “third-party” in sight. This particular area was obviouslythe chosen territory and they did not move away from this area of perhaps some 200 square meters. They busied themselves forag-ing, occasionally displaying to each other or when they venturedwithin close proximity to us. It was unusual to be able to spend somuch time with the pair, so close that we could see all the detailsthey had to offer.

From the special outline of the “W” shaped eye to the exquisiteshimmering pale blue that forms the fin around the body. The detailis incredible, the hues and tones v isibly changing before our eyes areunique to the group of cephalopods and although they differ in ap-pearance by species, they are a unique spectacle of the reefs.

Fact of Life Witnessing natural behaviour was not unexpec ted over all this

time but we were delighted to play spectator to their extraordinaryfeeding techniques with their darting pair of feeding tentacles. Thisspecialized tongue, known as a radula reminds you of the feedingtechnique of a chameleon as it strikes its prey. With fantasticspeed and accuracy, the unlucky prey is then broken and chewedby a pair of beaks forming parts of the mouth and finally swal-lowed and digested.

A few days later, further inspection of the area revealed twoplaces where the female had laid eggs — 26 in all. They had beencarefully positioned to the underside of half coconut shells but sur-prisingly at different ends of the pair’s territory. We suspected thatthere would be more locations around their domain but they wereto remain undiscovered. The eggs are affixed to the chosen nurseryby the females’ production of an adhesive secretion that securesthe eggs firmly in place until they hatch.

After making several more dives over the next week we discov-ered that the pair were no longer there; bringing the reality homethat death after breeding is inevitable.

A disappointing conclusion? No, we had been privileged to beable to see so much of these wonderful creatures and at such aperiod of their life that we presume few people have experienced.

Adjoining dive sites were host to many other Flamboyant Cut-tlefish but as individuals, not pairs, they were not as cooperative asthe pair we saw as they took on a whole new persona in being war yand defensive. Perhaps we were just lucky on our first encounter.

top: Eggs were found "cemented" to the underside of a coconut shell.

上圖:XXX 。




擁有70年壽命的鯨鯊(Rhincodon typus),是地球上體型最大的魚類,成魚可以長到18公尺長,重量則可達20公噸左右。在赤道帶附近,介於北緯30度與南緯30度間的溫帶地區,都可以看得到牠們的蹤跡。
































top: Pfeffer’s Flamboyant Cuttlefish (Metasepia pfefferi) strikes it’s prey

with deadly accuracy.

上圖:XXX 。

狂  野  世  界

EZ  Wild World

84 Dream it. Plan it, Dive it EZDIV