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Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that demonstrate how the First Amendment protects us. Your PSA can focus on event and issues at school, in the community or in the world.

Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

Jan 05, 2016



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Page 1: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

Five Freedoms PSA ContestSponsored by RTNDF

The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public

Service Announcements (30 seconds) that demonstrate how the First

Amendment protects us.

Your PSA can focus on event and issues at school, in the community or in the


Page 2: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

How many freedoms does the

first amendment grant?

Page 3: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of

religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging

the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a

redress of grievance.

Page 4: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

The First Amendment is only 45 words long –

but those are 45 very meaningful words!

How does it affect you? Consider . . .

Page 5: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

Can the government restrict people from making jokes that trivialize tragedies like the World Trade Center tragedy?

Can school officials search your locker? Make you wear a uniform? Tell you what to say in a student news broadcast?

In a time when school safety is an issue of great concern, how are students’ rights of free expression balanced with the need to protect students and teachers?

Page 6: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

The more you know about the Five Freedoms, the better you can exercise your rights and responsibilities as a citizen.

Did you know that nearly 75% of students say they don’t know how they feel about the First Amendment?

That students are less likely than adults to think that people should be allowed to express popular opinion???

That students are less likely than adults to believe that newspapers should be allowed to publish stories without government approval???

Page 7: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

In groups of four: define

each of the five freedoms

One person – scribeOne person -- reporter

Page 8: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.


The right to freely express yourself includes all types of expression –

movies, photographs, fine art, songs, even how you dress.

Do you think there is speech that should be restricted? Why?

Page 9: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

Being able to say what we want is something Americans take for granted. Our founding fathers wanted to make sure that we had the free exchange of ideas.

BUT there are some restrictions:•Obscenity




•And free speech in school doesn’t give any student the right to disrupt class, use foul language, or encourage illegal behavior.

Page 10: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

2. Freedom of the Press

The right to publish news, information, and opinion without

government interference.This also means people have the right to publish their

own newspapers, newsletters, magazines, etc.

Do you think there is expression that should be restricted? Why?

Page 11: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

Today, freedom of the press applies to television, radio, newspapers, newsletters, magazines, books, lectures, movies, art, dance, telephone, DVDs and computer chat rooms!

Knowledge is POWER.

Freedom of the Press protects your right to know.

Page 12: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

3. Freedom of Religion

The right to practice – or not practice – any faith without government

interference. The government may not force anyone to take part in

religious services.

Do you think there is expression that should be restricted? Why?

Page 13: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

How does the separation of church and state work in pubic schools?

Can a teacher take a Bible away from a student?

Not if the student brought it to school as personal reading material. A student might begin preaching to other students, but he or she must respect the wishes of other students who may not want to listen.

Page 14: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

Can a coach lead the team in prayer before a game?

Probably not. That would be promoting a religion and would put pressure on players who do not share that faith.

Page 15: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

Can a teacher who is talking about ancient civilizations in the Middle East tell students to read an article about Islam?

Yes. Public schools may teach about religion, but may not teach in a manner that advocates believing in a particular faith.

Page 16: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

4. Freedom of Assembly

The right to meet, discuss ideas, and peaceably promote points of view, even

if that message is distasteful to others.

We can gather in public to march, protest, demonstrate, and otherwise express our

views in a nonviolent way.It also means people can join and associate with groups and

organizations without interference.

Do you think there is expression that should be restricted? Why?

Page 17: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

Freedom of Assembly also means that people can join or associate with groups without interference.

Groups must follow general laws, such as prohibitions on litter, excess noise, crowd congestion and permit requirements.

Page 18: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

Does Freedom of Assembly apply to you and your friend hanging out at the mall?

A shopping mall is private space, not a public space, so it’s not a place for protest. You can’t be barred from the mall just for being young, but you also can’t get in the way of shoppers, restrict people moving through the mall, or create any type of disturbance.

Page 19: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

5. Freedom to Petition

The right to appeal to the government on issues we feel strongly about.

This includes activities aimed at influencing public officials, like gathering signatures

on petitions and lobbying elected officials to vote for or against the laws that

affect us.Do you think there is speech that should be

restricted? Why?

Page 20: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

Can public school students circulate petitions that protest school policies?

Yes, but there are considerations in choosing when and where to do so (time and place). You can’t interfere with students getting to class on time, or try to get signatures during a class lecture.

Page 21: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

The First Amendment in Action

• Read two news articles and answer questions in groups.

• The law

Page 22: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

The First Amendment has

not changed since its ratification in 1791.

We need to be alert to any efforts to undermine

our rights!

(see exceptions PPt)

Page 23: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

Producing a PSA!

You will create a storyboard for what could be a Public Service Announcement.

The PSA should inform students in our school about the Five Freedoms and their importance to our lives

as Americans.

Page 24: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

How to do it

• The PSA should be at least ten story board frames.

• When complete, you will pitch your storyboard to the class.

• You must submit

1. the storyboard completed storyboard frames

2. an index card that includes• Title of PSA

• Group member names

• A thorough explanation, using complete sentences, of the following core concepts

• Target audience (explain why)

• Content choices:what ideas and values are embedded in your message?

• Purpose: What is the motive of your message? What is being “sold” in this message? Who is served by or benefits from the message. How are you entertaining, persuading and/or informing? Why is this message What economic decisions may have influenced the construction or transmission of this message? What’s the emotional appeal? Persuasive devices used?

Page 25: Five Freedoms PSA Contest Sponsored by RTNDF The contest rewards students who create dynamic, inspiring Public Service Announcements (30 seconds) that.

Resources – MAKE NOTES ON THE FOLLOWING • Why make a storyboard?

• Toy Story Storyboard and tips from the experts (note the format of the storyboard – what do you notice?)

• To begin, you will research the 5 Freedoms a bit more: