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Khaled Selim Innovation and leadership Portfolio NHL MINNOR INNOVAION AND LEADERSHIP 1
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Khaled Selim Innovation and leadership Portfolio

Content of the portfolio

-Business Model You.- Reflection report -Personal Statement


Business Model Generation-Five canvasses with report (descriptions)..-Unbundled Patterns-long tail.-free business models.-multisided platforms..-open business models

Business Model InnovationStory Telling -Fresh watching ..-Social Innovation..

Business Model YOU (Khaled Selim)

Key Activities: The Athlete

Throughout my life I have played a lot of sports, ranging from handball, basketball, volleyball, swimming, football and other sports. When I graduated from high school, I have already made it to the first team back in the days in all of the above mentioned sports, for me sports was a must, practicing all of these sports had a strong impact on me later on when I grow up. Applying for universities was very hard especially that I was very much into sports that I wanted to study it, however some situations pop up that does not make every humans dream come true, therefore I had to accept studying what I am doing now and learn something new from it.I didnt leave this to affect my sports life, I have made a clear and well structured schedule for my self, but at the start due to the fact of the huge change between the life style of high school and university I was not able to follow it which lead to some gain in the weight, but later on when I got use to the university life style and I started applying the schedule that I did to my self, everything worked out well and I was able to get back in shape and be the person I use to be.If we link this to innovation and leadership, we would barely find anything that relates to innovation, however its more of a leading personality that never gives up, I have leaded my self once again to be the person, sportive person that I use to be.Making the transition from a skill to a value was a very huge step for me, when I was asked to write that block down, It was going to be filled with sports, however sports still can be a innovative and a leading factor in daily life routines for humans, therefore this block showed me that I should write about something that I am passionate about and it would satisfy me personally.

Key Partners: My name is Khaled Abdallah El Sayed Selim, it was always a clear for me that life was a long path that consists of a lot of adventures in it, keeping that in my mind I decided to think carefully of my future and look around, grasp and see who I can look up too, I found a couple of strong people that pretty much are the main reason of reaching to where I am now, third year student in NHL studying Innovation and leadership with a large group and great, strong and well experienced teachers. I have clearly learned that life depends on what a person is able to do, however others can have a strong impact on individuals, therefore my parents which consist of my father, mother and sister as well as my grandfather and my two strong friends have also helped me as key partners to be the person I am today.As days passed I have discovered more and more strong characteristics in me, such as the ability to have a good relationships with most of the people and understanding different cultures and being confident. My passion also towards sports has never ended perhaps it became more stronger as years passed, and I think it had a very strong impact on my life, in terms of becoming more confident that before. My father has always supported me through out my studies, even though I have faced a lot of ups and downs during the period of studying but he never gave up on me and always gave me the chance to prove to my self that I am able to continue through and get my bachelors. He always informed me with a great quote that says Do not work hard to impress people, work hard to impress your self and gain the respect of others later. That is what I am doing currently.On the other side, my mother is doing her best to provide her eldest son with the best choices in his life, even though at a age of 23 I should be bale to tell my self what is the best, priorities in other words, however she still finds time to help me allocate the best option at the best time in the correct location.Both of my friends are really important in a lot of things, they have provided me what others friends did not, sharing is caring as most people say, what I found in these two individuals is that they share everything with me and vise versa, I think to have a good and strong, solid friendship sharing information to each other and being there at the right time is the best way to keep it solid, this is what we have been doing exactly for almost 20 years.

Key Resources:

Interests: as mentioned previously since I was young the main interest was sports and that was really the main key resource that I have inside me, it provides me the ability to stay strong and awake all the time, in other words adapt to the change of life style, as years passes everything around us changes, even people change, sports provided me the flexibility to change and adapt to others as well.Abilities and Skills: would not run away from the interests, however i have the ability to understand and lead people to the right way if they are lost, my friends tend to like the fact that I give the right option at the right time, I also believe that in order to be a strong leader, you need to step down and make everyone a leader with you, push the boat together rather than asking specific people to push the boat for you.Personality and what I have:PersonalityIt is a very complex rather weird personality, it might sound very negative, however I dont find it that way at all, weird can be sometimes in a good way, I mind my business a lot and I dont like to interact in other peoples life unless they ask me too, that helped me gain peoples trust and from that I started making good relationships with everyone. Living in a diverse country that contains a lot of cultures in it, helped to understand not only the way people talk, however the gestures they make when they speak, whether they are sad or happy, that helped me laot to adapt fast when I travelled to the Netherlands to finish my third year there.What do I have?I have my self. An answer which is more or less self confidence but it is definably needed they days, in this very competitive work atmosphere, I have the knowledge that I have learned from school as well as from my parents and my daily routine activities. I have good friends that make me stay strong, I have a good health which is the most important, it makes me wake up every day fresh and able to got o school to learn more and more.

Revenues and benefits

During the time of studying I have gained a lot of experience from education, during the high school I was able to make a lot of friends that I have good connection with them until today, but is friends the only thing that education provides? No, not really the way it opens the mind to the world and everything new that happens, starting school with a small Sega or even just small toys of power rangers and then life innovating and reaching to play station, LCD TVs, DVDs, Blue Ray and other strong tools until we reach the 21st century where we are now, high technology such social media and strong computers Apply and iPhone over taking the mind set of the human, therefore as a student these changes have affected me in a good way and evolving to a better innovator and thinker and this is the main reason why I chose innovation and leadership to get out this huge load in my mind in this minor and keep innovating and come up with new ideas that reflect my personality and what I have learned so far in my 23 years on mother Earth.

Studying since i was small in Qatar helped me gain the strength of meeting new cultures and understanding them carefully, how rthey talk, gestures and other aspects that differentiate between various different culture and when I have gained more experience from that I took it with me when I travelled to the Netherlands, even though I had a feeling that It would feel harder to adapt to the environment there, but it was completely opposite to that, it took me just 2 weeks to adapt and the only problem I faced was the weather condition other than this everything else was fine, making friends in Leeuwarden was never easier than this, and that goes back to the idea of cultures and being exposed to large amount of cultures helped me open up and be easy to talk too and socialize with whoever I want and not be shy, hence this would help me to become the right leader in the future an perhaps innovate more and more due to the fact of meeting new people with new mind sits that can add to me persona

CustomersWho do I help? Why do I help them? Do I receive anything in return? Customers is a block that required a lot of focus when it was necessary to explain it, starting of answering the questions, helping is something required in order to gain respect from others, usually it is the best to help and not expect anything back in return to reduce the level of disappointment, but I help also to gain love from people, in a working environment it is crucial to feel loved so that you are motivated to work and find people to help when it is needed. If I have to be honest I have received a lot of help from friends and other people, I am not sure if the amount of help I gave them back was as much as they did for me, but I have learned that staying in contact with your customers either parents, friends or any other type of customer is important for future reasons. Example, that I had a very close friend of mine that I have stayed in touch with for several years and when I heard that he volunteered for a specific job for a certain period of a time, he decided to include me in it as well, which made me gain some work experience as well as make new customers in my life (making new friends in life)How can we relate customers block to my innovation and leadership style?The more customers available in someone life the easier the life is, does not sound that easy when your living specific hard situations, but the smallest example that can be used is when someone is in a problem and he needs someone to talk too, he will definably check for a customer who he is close too and can trust. I use my innovation style thinking outside the box to make new friends, I adapt my self to what people think and say, however making sure that this does not affect my own personality, making groups can be a good example, I would look for innovative people as me but not the same way I think, maybe a different way so that I can learn from them, as well as maybe in a group there would be a person that would like to be the leader like me, therefore I can back off and allow a person to be a leader on me, in that case I would learn also from him how to be a leader and add it to my style and why not improve that factor in me to become a better leader.

CostsEverything has costs, nothing is for free these days, even to get educated you need to pay amount of money to become an educated person, there are several factors that can be mentioned in this block however starting of first with the financial cost, we would find under that subject factors such as time, amount of money and stress. Time needed from a student that works and earn money to pay for his tuition fees can be very hard to stay at the same track to pass his modules at the university, in my case my parents provide me full support in education in terms of finance if I relate this carefully to innovation and leadership, it will give me time to relax and think of innovation ideas, might look like a situation that has less stress than other students that work, however the factor of being supported can cause load pressure in terms of getting better grades and succeed in the university life.Energy? What can energy provide for me? When energy was placed in the block I deeply thought of how can energy effect my daily life in such a minor, in order to innovate and be the right leader and lead people in the right way and show your teachers what y our capable off, the share of energy through out the days should be very carefully monitored and that what I do, I divide my activates among the day so that I dont get tired easily, right now when I am typing this information I can say that I had not to go out the day before I because I know my priorities very well an di know that I need to type and write my portfolio before the deadline is that I can finish on time and revise it before I do the final submission, therefore the division of energy was good so that I can have some reserves after the studio class to work at least from 12-3 pm on my portfolio and then later go to the gym. Hence when this routine is done carefully everyday that it self can be a innovative strategy that I have placed for my self in order to pass and be the successful person my parents are looking for. Extra research to get accurate work done and information out to be used in the minor can also be a high cost in terms of the time spend on such a activity, therefore as Khalid selim I have clearly understood how important is the research part and I have decided to base my research material on the books provided for us in the minor, sometimes internet takes so much time that is not a good idea to spend that much time on it, because anyone can write anything on the internet and blogs therefore it is better to follow the books and for further information you can use the internet.

Customer Relationship:When I was younger I have always faced problems raising my hands up in the class to answer questions or to state my personal opinion, however as time passed I have gained more confident in the relationships with others, teachers clearly noticed this problem and they asked me to join the discussion sessions more often and when I did, I became more proactive and I started answering questions in class.

Looking clearly at the customer relationship block, I have linked it more or less to the present, in other words the Khalid which is talkative and barely stays quiet in school or outside school, I also have strong verbal communication, I like to listen to peoples problems and tell them what to do, I like reaching people in several ways either face to face or through social media, what ever makes me comfortable.

If I clearly investigate that block carefully I would like to pull out the face to face communication with the people, I have always loved it the most even though it is not the trend in the 21st century, as we all know the real trend is social media, however I still believe in the face to face communication because it releases stress, in such a way that in social media you are required to wait for an answer, whether your lucky or not you might get the answer on the spot as soon as the email is sent, however face to face takes a different route, easy to talk, reach and easy to pass and understand the message, therefore it saves time.

Channels:21st Century has been one technological century, that since it started new items that changed the life of the human race has been introduced yearly in our life. Channels in general is a form of tool used to describe what companies use in order to reach to the customers in the best way, as well as stay in contact with them most of the time in order to gain market share. In innovation we must say that there is a huge link with innovating and the channels, why? Because most of the channels used now a days are linked too technology, in order to stay strong in the market new innovation items and technology need to be introduced every now and then, for example Apple can not continue an average of a year and a half without introducing a new product or software, thats unstoppable innovation from there side.However, what is the link between the information provided and the way I use the channels as a innovator and a leader? Clearly understood that now a days technology is a very important role, so me personally I have to be like Apple, stay awake to the environment and adapt fast to the change so that I am able to use any new channel that comes out as well as the old channels used which are mentioned in the block. So the link is stay innovative under the house of channels, so that you can use the channels mentioned in the right way.Delivering the messages could be done in various different ways, it depends on the person , I have worked with teachers that prefer talking on Facebook and send inbox messages to the students in order to inform them an out things, as well as private groups on Facebook to post meetings on it and the time, some prefer the email strategy which is the most one used in terms of professionalism more or less. But I prefer doing both, because the world we live in has different type of people therefore relating to what I have mentioned previously about the adaptation thats the best way to adapt is too be able to handle and reach different people using different channel

Personal StatementCurrent Situation: Looking carefully at my current situation I found out that I am a student, studying in Stenden University in the Netherlands specifically based in Leeuwarden, but the real question is what is my real dream? Am I satisfied with this dream? How can I reach this dream? Answering these questions is hard, but let me first explain what is my dream, its a very normal one, a job with a good salary and able to have the same life that my parents provided to me. In order to reach to that I need to finish the third year and start my fourth with the internship and after that finishing it up with a thesis statement and therefore that takes me to the finish line, graduating. This current situation from far away looks easy, in other words its like looking at Cairo from the airplane, it seems small, however the city is huge and needs a lot of work to become better, its the same thing with my vision and goal, I have a current situation which is in progress but the vision and goal I have to work towards them, therefore the main gap is already known, and therefore I am required to work hard and achieve what I can achieve to reach to that goal, but reaching to it, I need to fill the gap and overtake it to hit the target of my life.

Gap: is finding the right job or internship in order to gain experience and learn how to work in a professional atmosphere. It is a clear process that has input and output, however during that process there is something in between these two, which is the main process, further elaboration,Input: studying and working hard to get knowledge to apply it in our daily study life and therefore pass all our exams and move to the next university years.Output: using this knowledge in order to adapt to the next chapter in life, which can be various different thing, however because this topic is educational, It would be work life, applying all the information known during the four years of studying.Future vision: If I link the current situation with the process needed in order to reach to my goal, I would come up with a clear equation that defines what I really want, thats a part of innovation and leading, but first let me explain what is my future vision and it is very simple is to graduate and become successful in my life, in terms of jobs and other opportunities that I get in my life. Relating this vision to innovation, it would be that the way I explained and zipped all the information together and I guess have a clear plan in the 21st century is every hard thing to do, therefore this is where the leading part kicks in as well as my personality has a leading area in it, which I am developing more and more by experiencing various different things, for example one of the tools that I find very interesting is the way of teaching and being confident, in the outside work life it is very essential to be pro active and strong and have a voice so that people can recognize you and I have gained more from that since I started my minor because of Erik Prins, who has a very strong personality and confidence while talking to the students and thats the type of attitude that I am looking for when I work in the company. Strong and confidence is built from such experiences, therefore that would also have a impact on the innovation part in me.

BELBIN TESTBedrijfsman 22.9% Stabiel en beheerst. Een praktische organisator, die beslissingen in concrete werkzaamheden omzet. Heeft een goed ontwikkeld zelfbeeld en beheerst zijn gevoelens. Noest en gedisciplineerd maar met flair in het organiseren, zeker onder druk of in verwarrende situaties. De Bedrijfsman is de praktische figuur, de organisator, die ervoor zorgt dat besluiten worden omgezet in concrete werkzaamheden. Hij is nuchter en ordelijk, houdt van hard werken en pakt de zaken op een systematische manier en conscientieuze manier aan. Niet praten, maar poetsen, tot het karwei is geklaard. De Bedrijfsman is een efficiente doener met een praktische geest en eenvaste wil. Hij is loyaal, taai, saai en vasthoudend. Hij kan zich somsbehoudend en weinig flexibel opstellen, als het praktisch nut van een nieuw plan niet meteen duidelijk is. Hij heeft behoefte aan ritme en regelmaat, aan vaste afspraken en stevige structuren en werkt daar ook voortdurend aan. Rol De Bedrijfsman is sterk in het ombouwen van plannen en strategieen tot concrete taken en bezigheden. Hij ziet wat haalbaar is en wat niet. De Bedrijfsman kan organiseren en implementeren en zorgt ervoor dat de zaken voor elkaar komen, ook als het om vervelende taken gaat. Managementtaken waarin de nadruk ligt op verantwoordelijk en doelmatig beheer, zijn bij de Bedrijfsman in vertrouwde handen. Voorzitter 11.4% Stabiel, dominant, extrovert. De Voorzitter houdt de werkwijze van het team onder controle en laat de kracht van ieder teamlid zo goed mogelijk tot zijn recht komen. Geen buitengewone intelligentie, evenmin bijzondere creatieve gaven. Wel kalmte, realisme en nuchterheid. Tolerantie om te luisteren naar anderen, sterk genoeg om adviezen naast zich neer te leggen. Vormer 14.3% Onrustig, dominant, extrovert. Hij geeft vorm aan de inspanningen van het team en zoekt patronen in de discussies. Uitdagend, ruziend, snel gefrustreerd en onrustig. Eerder hard dan zachtmoedig, niet bang voor risicos. Productief onder druk en bij hoge snelheid: verkoopleiders, uitgevers, voetbaltrainers. Plant 4.3% Dominant, zeer hoge intelligentie, introvert. De man met de plotselinge ideeen. Ingeplant in rustige teams om creativiteit te genereren: hij maakt de nieuwe openingen. Een Plant roept weerstanden op door gebrek aan praktische zin en door kritische houding ten opzichte van domheid.

Waarschuwer 7.1% Hoge intelligentie, stabiel, introvert. Analyseert de problemen en houdt de ideeen kritische tegen het licht. Serieus, voorzichtig en immuun voor enthousiasme. Hij wantrouwt de euforie en zijn prestatiemotivatie is gering. Onderzoeker 12.9% Stabiel, dominant, extrovert. Gaat op zoek naar ideeen, ontwikkelingen en informatie buiten de deur en beschikt daarvoor over talloze contacten: ontspannen, sociaal, gezellig. Is niet zozeer zelf de bron van ideeen, maar pikt ze gemakkelijk op bij anderen. Groepswerker 20% Stabiel, extrovert, weinig overheersen. Stimuleert en ondersteunt de teamleden, bevordert de communicatie en de teamgeest. Hij integreert mensen en hun activiteiten, is sociaal opmerkzaam en kan goed luisteren. Geschikt voor een leidinggevende rol: groepswerkers hebben een sterk verlichtend effect op teams. Zorgdrager 7.1% Rustig introvert. Houdt in de gaten dat er niets wordt overgeslagen: hij volgt alleen iedereen rusteloos, conscintieus, zorgelijk en wat beschroomd ten opzichte van anderen. Ze absorberen als het ware de stress (maagzweertype); de man achter de schermen die het planmatige verloop voor zijn rekening neemt.

TRANSLATION IN ENGLISHCompany Man 22.9%Stable and controlled. A practical organizer which converts decisions into concrete actions. Has a well-developed self-image and controlled his feelings. Diligent and disciplined but with flair for organization, especially under pressure or in confusing situations.The Company Man is the practical character, the organizer, which ensures that decisions are translated into concrete actions. He is sober and orderly, loves hard work and takes matters in a systematic way and conscientious manner. Do not talk, but brushing until the job is done.The Company Man is an efficient worker with a practical mind and adetermination. He is loyal, tough, boring and tenacious. He can sometimes occurconservative and inflexible drafting, as the practical usefulness of a new plan is not immediately clear. He needs rhythm and regularity, fixed appointments and solid structures and works constantly to it.RoleThe Company Man is strong in converting plans and strategies to concrete tasks and activities. He sees what is feasible and what is not.The Company Man can organize and implement and ensures that the business come to each other, even when it comes to tedious tasks. Management tasks which focus on responsible and efficient management, the Company Man are in safe hands.Chairman 11.4%Stable, dominant, extrovert. The President keeps the process under control of the team and let the strength of each team member as well as possible to come into its own. No extraordinary intelligence, nor special creative gifts. Well serenity, realism and sobriety. Tolerance to listen to others, strong enough to impose opinions aside.Molder 14.3%Restless, dominant, extrovert. He gives form to the efforts of the team and are looking for patterns in the discussions. Challenging, quarreling, easily frustrated and restless. Rather than hard meek, not afraid of risks. Productive under pressure and at high speed: sales managers, publishers, soccer coaches.Plant 4.3%Dominant, high intelligence, introverted. The man with the sudden ideas. "Implanted 'quiet in teams to generate creativity: it makes the new openings. A Plant calls resistors on by lack of practical sense and critical attitude 'stupidity'.Warner 7.1%High intelligence, steady, introverted. Analyzes the problems and keep the ideas critical to the light. Seriously, careful and immune to enthusiasm. He distrusts the euphoria and achievement motivation is low.Researcher 12.9%Stable, dominant, extrovert. Is looking for ideas, developments and information outside the door and is in possession of numerous contacts: relaxed, social, cozy. Is not so much be the source of ideas, but they are easily picked up by others.Teamworker 20%Stable, extroverted, dominate much. Encourages and supports the team members, promotes communication and team spirit. It integrates people and their activities, socially perceptive and a good listener. Suitable for a leadership role group workers have a strong soothing effect on teams.Zorgdrager 7.1%Quiet introverted. Keep in mind that nothing is over beaten: he only follows everyone restless, conscientious, worrying and what timid compared to others. They "absorb" as it were, the stress (ulcer type); the man behind the scenes who take the course planned for his account

Unbundled Business ModeWhat is unbundled Business Model?A procedure by which a substantial organization with a few separate lines of business holds one or more center organizations and auctions the remaining resources, item/administration lines, divisions or auxiliaries. Unbundling is defeated a mixture of reasons, yet the objective is dependably to make a superior performing organization or organizations.What is the purpose of unbundling? Unbundling may happen when one organization buys an alternate for its most profitable divisions however has little longing for alternate parts of the business. At the point when this happens, it is known as an offer off, and is normally done to empty inadequately performing divisions. Unbundling may likewise happen when an organization needs to hone its center or recoup from a terrible procurement, or when financial conditions constrain an organization to reconsider its structure. Unbundling is a typical strategy for making another organization.STARR for unbundlingSituation: in the example performed in the studio with the group, we have focused on CNN the media coverage worldwide network, and we tried to understand the main aspect of unbundling and apply it on CNN. The situation was to try to find a department or a factor within CNN in order to unbundle it and make it work alone in parallel with the main organization, for example Editing, server connection, live studio and other departments in CNN.Task: We applied the Business Canvas Model first on CNN as overall and we thought deeply which part we should unbundle, by filling in the blocks we have finally reached to the part where sales in CNN should be unbundled.Act: Canvas was made for almost 15 minutes with various discussions between the group to clarify any information needed before placed in the blocks, as well as some professional help from the teacher, to help us identify the best unbundling factor in CNN.Result: After unbundling sales we have created another business canvas model which shows the unbundled product, filling in the blocks for the unbundled tool, helped us reach to a result that when unbundling a specific part in an organization can help to focus on it more and reach to an output better than previously, more efficient and effective output for sales in CNN.Reflection: the idea of the unbundled organization holds that there are three in a far-reaching way distinctive sorts of business: clients relationship business, item advancement organizations and base organizations. Every sort has diverse financial, aggressive and social objectives. The three sorts might coincide inside a solitary company, however in a perfect world they are unbundled into divided elements with a specific end goal to maintain a strategic distance from clashes or undesirable exchange offs.Long tail Business ModelWhat is long tail business model?The tail of a dissemination speaks to a period in time when deals for less normal items give back a benefit because of diminished showcasing and dispersion costs. Long tail is when deals are made for products not ordinarily sold. These merchandise can give back a benefit through lessened advertising and dissemination costs.What does it serve?The long tail also serves as a statistical property that states a larger share of population rests within the tail of a probability distribution, especially when it comes to buying patterns.STARR for Long tailSituation: for example music business such as warner brothers, they focus on a small number of products but with large volumes.Task: The main task is to do a Business canvas model which reflects a company that is following long tail strategy, therefore looking at the music industry we found warner brothers are applying long tail strategy. So the business canvas model will be applied on them and filling in the blocks to elaborate more that long tail they follow.Act: we acted upon that and we started as a group to apply the business canvas model on warner brothers which represents the music industry, to be able to find the value proposition of warner brothers when they undergo long tail strategy. Result: filling in the blocks we have figured out that they are a mass market, and they focus on artists, they get there huge revenues from few artists, and radio outlets as well as TV are the channels used, there key activities was finding talents and marketing, partners where the distribution channels and the costs was marketing as well.Reflection: long tail plans of action are about offering less of additional: they concentrate on offering an extensive number of corner items, each of which offers generally rarely. Total offers of specialty things can be as lucrative as the conventional model whereby a little number of smash hits represent generally incomes. Long tail plans of action oblige low stock expenses and solid stages to make specialty content promptly accessible to intrigued purchasers.

Fermium Business Model What does Freemium Business model do?The freemium plan of action is mainstream for organizations simply beginning as they attempt to bait clients to their product or administration. A case of a freemium plan of action is Skype, an organization that permits you to make brings over the Internet. Their fundamental administration is free, yet for more propelled administrations you need to pay a premium.STARR for freemium modelSituation: in this situation we have received as a group spotify and we decided to analyze it using the business canvas model while it is a free model. In other words doing the canvas of spotify while the application is free and not premium. Task: using the business canvas model to fill in the blocks while spotify is a free application, deciding what to fill in the blocks was not an easy task however a lot of value was available when the application is free at the start, for example downloading it and the access files on it was not less than the premium application.Act: we acted up on that mission which is applying the canvas model on spotify and filling in the blocks to reach to the best freemium model of spotify.Result: a lot of results was founded, clearly as a group we understood the difference between a freemium model and a premium model, for example the freemium model has a lot of advertisement on it however on the other hand the premium barely has any advertisements on it and has a bit more of access to the service the application gives to its customers.Reflection: in the free plan of action no less than one significant client portion has the capacity constantly profit from for nothing out of pocket offer. Diverse examples make the free offer conceivable. Non-paying clients are financed by an alternate piece of the plan of action or by an alternate client fragment.Multisided PlatformWhat is multisided platform?"Multi-sided Platform" is one of the plan of action examples. Multi-sided Platform unites two or more unique yet associated gatherings of clients. Such stages are of quality to one gathering of clients just if alternate gatherings if clients are likewise exhibit. The stage makes esteem by encouraging connections between the distinctive gatherings. A multi-sided stage develops in worth to the degree that it pulls in more clients, a sensation known as the "System Effect".Multisided STARRSituation: we got Apple as the main company and we started thinking of another customer and how can Apple include this customer in the future, in terms of innovating a new idea that would help this customer getting along with Apple. Various different ideas pop out of the head and we finalized on idoctor which is a new App that would be introduced that connects customers to doctors and releases medicines and how to act with a certain type of sickness.Task: applying the business canvas model on this idea and trying to analyze it more deeper by sharing ideas together as a class mates to find the best way to innovate this idea.Act: we started filling in the business canvas model and the blocks and while we where acting this we thought in the perspective of our minor which is innovation and leadership, how can we keep this an innovative idea and at the same time lead the next generation in Apple. So marketing strategies was spoken about as well as the revenue, cost and how to market it. Result: simply explaining the result we found out that it will be a mass market, and research and development was going ot be very expensive on Apple in order to find the best results so that before they introduce it in the market they should at least guarantee some success and finally the channels would be through Facebook ad other social media.Reflection: multisided stage unite two or more unique however associated gatherings of clients. Such stages are of worth to one gathering of clients just if alternate gatherings of clients are likewise introduce. The stage makes esteem by encouraging connections between the distinctive gatherings. A multi-sided stage develops in quality to the degree that it draws in more clients, a sensation known as the system impact.

Open Business ModelsWhat is open Business Model?open business model can be utilized by organizations to make and catch esteem by deliberately teaming up with outside accomplices. This may happen all things considered in by abusing outer thoughts inside the firm, or from the back to front by giving outside gatherings thoughts or resources lying sit inside the firm.INNOVATION HUB

Outside-in Inside out

Open Business Model STARR Situation: In open business model, during the class time we first discussed out does this model work. Then teacher gave us a task related to water treatment/making water using vapor and vice versa. Wetsus is a company related to water treatment, was given to the students and the situation was that this company is building a new base for them selves in Leeuwarden and as a innovation group we have to do a business canvas model that focuses on the main aspects of this company using the blocks we have. Task: Making the business canvas model was the best choice, but not only that task was asked from us, however later we had to also deeply analyze the customers empathy map, plus innovating new ideas, as well as during that process, the task took us to make new value propositions, that led us to create a new business canvas model for Wetsus company. Therefore the task did not stop at the business canvas model (1st) we had to innovate more and move towards customer empathy map that took us to a second business canvas model which is the new Wetsus company idea and strategies.Act: Applying the 1st business canvas model for Wetsus and then after that we applied as well the customer empathy map on Jelmer who is a worker that focuses on the same idea and strategy as Wetsus, linking to the water treatment and how to innovate in that topic. Then that led to more ideas which took us to do the value proposition model for Jelmer, that made us come up with new ideas which also led to another business canvas model which has new ideas for Wetsus. Result: After starting working on the canvas, we have found out several things in different blocks, clearly mentioning the most important aspects in every block we would find out that the current value proposition of Wetsus is science and applied research concerning the water treatment, innovation and leadership, status and labs. The customer relationship was based on the communities and co-creation. Customer segment was more or less the B2B and niche market. Key activities found was a lot but the main one was innovating and connecting, key resources was the online platform and key partners was government and schools such as NHL and Van Hall. Finally the costs was marketing focused and the revenue was subsidies. After finishing the first canvas we moved on to customer empathy map which was concerned towards Jelmer who worked on improving colored water to make it a better quality water to be re used again, something very close to the strategy of Wetsus and out of that we found out that he would be scared of failing to reach to clean water and the customer job which was the most effective was cleaning the water and never stop doing that and gains was better image for him self and for the company as well as achieving more revenue and money. That finally took the group to work on the value proposition model and innovate again and come up with new ideas that lead to a new canvas for Wetsus.Reflection: open plan of action can be utilized by organizations to make and catch esteem by methodically working together with outside accomplices. This may happen all things considered in by abusing outside thoughts inside the firm, or from the back to front by giving outer gatherings thoughts or resources lying sit out of gear inside the firm.

ArticleStory telling can be characterized as the transport of occasions in words, pictures and sounds. The teller points with his story to pass on a message, truth, data and/or learning. Other than an amusement capacity that everybody knows narrating can give motivation to thought era and is a mean for thought screening and configuration streamlining in the development process.A decent story can represent the moment of truth through a presentation, article, or discussion. Anyway why might that be the case? At the point when story tellers and the supporters behind such an idea began to market the item through stories rather than profits and visual cues, sign-ups experienced the rooftop. Here he imparts the study of why narrating is so interestingly intense.the idea of stories: How our brains get to be more dynamic when we tell stories We all appreciate a decent story, whether its a novel, a motion picture, or basically something one of our companions is disclosing to us. Anyhow why do we feel such a great deal more connected with when we hear a story about occasions? It's indeed very basic. On the off chance that we listen to a PowerPoint presentation with exhausting visual cues, a certain part in the mind gets actuated. Researchers call this current Broca's zone and Wernicke's territory. By and large, it hits our dialect preparing parts in the mind, where we decipher words into importance. What's more, that is it, nothing else happens. When we are being recounted a story, things change drastically. Not just are the dialect handling parts in our cerebrum enacted, yet whatever other territory in our mind that we would utilize when encountering the occasions of the story are as well.According too Brown University story telling received a global award due to the fact of how effective the idea is on the innovation industry. It is clear that innovation is a very important tool used in order to come up with new ideas and this is what Brown University students have done, mixed media stories are made through the Storytellers for Good program - a particular gathering of understudies that meet routinely to learn aptitudes in advanced media, investigate the art of narrating, and produce drawing in stories with social effect. Their stories not just give significant purposes of association among understudies and graduated class in the Brown group, additionally display media as an effective device for social change on the planet. Together, the project and stage work as a dynamic, differing narrating and relationship-building machine fueled by the Brown group.What is the power behind story telling ?That is where the power of storytelling can help. Successful narrating catches the hearts and brains of your intended interest group. It makes your advancements emerge about the rest. That is the reason numerous hold onto it as a basic administration apparatus. Narrating is presently standard in the business world. At Nike, senior officials are called "corporate storytellers." 3M banned visual cues and supplanted them with composing "key accounts." Procter & Gamble procured Hollywood chiefs to show its administrators narrating procedures. Business colleges have narrating courses to their educational program.According to a very well known story teller and a innovator he claimed a couple of important points about that subject, his name is Paul Smith. Paul is Director of Consumer & Communications Research at P&G. 1.Keep it real: Concrete thoughts are more essential than theoretical ones. Advise stories that identify with the gathering of people in a manner they can "wrap their head around it." With development, this implies passing on not the highlights of another idea, yet the profits and worth it conveys in wording the regular individual can get it. 2.Appeal to feeling: Humans settle on enthusiastic choices, so your stories need to touch the heart. With development, this implies informing a story regarding how individuals' lives will be changed due to the new idea. 3.Use the component of astonishment: Stories that have a sudden bend or shock are huge. With development, that implies beginning with a story that appears to affirm what your group of onlookers accepts. At that point you shock them with confirmation actually. Individuals recollect what they "un-realize" and "re-learn." 4.Recast your crowd into the story: Paul says you ought to put your intended interest group into the plot of the story. Make them "walk it" with you. Including them makes it more huge than simply letting them know about it. With development, this implies helping your group of onlookers envision utilizing the new idea, making it, or maybe offering it to a client. Get them to "taste it."How can social life stories open up minds in companies?HI a Dutch versatile administration supplier focusing on adolescents did an amazing revelation of unmet needs of its clients. youngsters stare at the TV, shop on the web, eat pizzas and so forth. Staff watched the conduct of these adolescents and examined the part of their cell telephones in their conduct. They saw that young ladies deciphered their instant messages. Those young ladies were hesitant to lose the messages from their closest companions or sweetheart incorporating enthusiastic worth and consequently they composed the messages on paper. This story propelled the configuration group to build up a SMS reinforcement administration in addition to an administration to package chose instant messages in a proper way. How effective is the creativity of story telling on customers and the decision making process in a company?The new story can be utilized to test the energy about the potential clients and improve the outline procedure: do clients esteem the new item or are changes needed. Also, the stories can make an enthusiastic bond with the potential clients. Hey worked thusly and re-welcome youths to talk about the new benefits and to upgrade their outlines.One of the strongest organization around world in story telling an using story tellers in order to identify the future strategy of the company, is Coca Cola, during our story telling competition in the minor, a couple of interesting story telling examples was played on various different companies, however Coca Cola, had the sensation of joy, excitement and the feeling of come and buy me. Assembled more than two-years back, Coca-Cola Journey, the organization's essential site is basically a narrating industrial facility driven by a group of storytellers that breathes new life into fabulous stories. "The site's central goal is to drive stories to shoppers, pundits, partners and shareholders, both inside and outside the organization," Busk said, "on the grounds that there's such a great amount of going ahead at Coca-Cola that doesn't fall into conventional storehouses of brand showcasing."In order to allow the story to be share worthy it needs to enter the customers heart, thats Coca Colas main strategy through using the marketing story telling style in there commercials. Make sure these subjects are addressed to the customer: Does it answer the "Why would it be advisable for me to give a second thought" test? Do you think enough about that story that you would call your mother or closest companion to enlighten her everything concerning it? In the event that you think you may impart it, you most likely are on the whole correct. Does it amaze you? Let's be realistic, a great deal of the substance out there is fairly unsurprising, if not absolute exhausting in light of the fact that numerous organizations surmise that distributed particular, strange substance is a dangerous procedure.

At the point when taking a gander at that bit of substance, if there's anything that found you napping, chances are its one to keep. Does it have widespread advance? Substance needs to resound with your clients. As Wayne Freedman, a San Francisco news columnist, put it: "There are real issues in the little ones, and little stories in the huge ones. They uncover the important truths about existence". Does it create interest? It goes without saying that all the stories you art need to be connected to business targets, yet bear in mind to utilize information to figure out whether what you believe is vital really matters or is of enthusiasm to the customer. Is substance being measured efficiently? Coca-Cola utilizes an 'Interpretation of Interest' (EI) score, which takes a gander at distinctive KPIs to assess and rank stories in view of their notoriety. Following various measurements may uncover some amazing things: for instance, after the dispatch of Journey, Coca-Cola found that the most obvious inquiry term on the site was 'Coca-Cola cake', so it included a nourishment channel that has turned into the most well known channel used.

How effective is story telling on leading?Storytelling and writing is an opportunity to make a domain for leadership furthermore set the connection inside which the group of onlookers then adds to their vision and their story. Thusly, they create spryness (thoroughly considering the story), accomplish things (what the story and vision mean) and show others (this is what is imperative to me and why).Story telling is a key initiative method on the grounds that its brisk, effective, free, regular, reviving, empowering, community, convincing, comprehensive, captivating, moving, significant and valid. Stories help us comprehend associations.Converts dry and theoretical numbers into convincing pictures of a pioneer's objectives. Albeit great business cases are created through the utilization of numbers, they are regularly sanction on the premise of a storythat is, an account that connections an arrangement of occasions in a causal succession.When we have had one story, we are now eager for an alternate. We need all the more, in the event that it also can transmit the enchantment of connectedness between the self and the universe.

Through account, we can give up the desire to control, and the trepidation that runs with it, discovering that the world has the ability to arrange itself, perceiving that overseeing incorporates catalyzing this limit, and also starting, making, stimulating, binding together, creating rising truths, commending the intricacy, the fluffiness and the chaos of living.