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Fisiologia do Sistema do Respiratório Prof Danillo Barbosa

Fisiologia do Sistema do Respiratório Prof Danillo Barbosa.

Apr 01, 2015



Mariam Oakes
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  • Slide 1

Fisiologia do Sistema do Respiratrio Prof Danillo Barbosa Slide 2 Fisiologia HumanaProf.Ms.Danillo Barbosa VEJA TEXTOS COM ANIMAES ONLINE Section 4 - Respiratory Physiology Section 4 Ch 1 pg 16 Alveolarization and Alveolar Surface Area Section 4 Ch 1 pg 18 Measurement of Lung and Ventilation Volumes Section 4 Ch 1 pg 22 Circulatory Transport of O2 and CO2Alveolarization and Alveolar Surface AreaMeasurement of Lung and Ventilation VolumesCirculatory Transport of O2 and CO2 Section 4 Ch 2 pg 4 Respiratory Mechanics: Identification of Forces Section 4 Ch 2 pg 11 The Diaphragm Section 4 Ch 2 pg 12 External Intercostal Muscles Section 4 Ch 2 pg 15 Expiratory Muscle Groups Section 4 Ch 2 pg 21 The Opposing Force of Pulmonary Elastance or Compliance Section 4 Ch 2 pg 23 Lung Compliance Curve Section 4 Ch 2 pg 24 Chest Cage Compliance Curve Section 4 Ch 2 pg 25 Combined Lung-Chest Wall Compliance: The Relaxation Curve Section 4 Ch 2 pg 31 Elastic and Collagen Fibers of the Lung Section 4 Ch 2 pg 35 Alveolar Instability with Constant Surface Tension Section 4 Ch 2 pg 37 Surface Tension in Lung Lavage Fluids Section 4 Ch 2 pg 40 asid Interdependence Section 4 Ch 2 pg 54 Physical Factors that Affect Airway Resistance Section 4 Ch 2 pg 54 Physical Factors that Affect Airway Resistance: enlargement of the airway lumenRespiratory Mechanics: Identification of ForcesThe DiaphragmExternal Intercostal MusclesExpiratory Muscle GroupsThe Opposing Force of Pulmonary Elastance or ComplianceLung Compliance CurveChest Cage Compliance CurveCombined Lung-Chest Wall Compliance: The Relaxation CurveElastic and Collagen Fibers of the LungAlveolar Instability with Constant Surface TensionSurface Tension in Lung Lavage FluidsInterdependencePhysical Factors that Affect Airway ResistancePhysical Factors that Affect Airway Resistance: enlargement of the airway lumen Section 4 Ch 3 pg 21 Alveolar VentilationAlveolar Ventilation Section 4 Ch 4 pg 7 Pulmonary Circulation as a Blood Filter Section 4 Ch 4 pg 8 Reservoir of Blood for Left Ventricle Section 4 Ch 4 pg 15 Factors Affecting Lung Pressures: Alveolar Pressure Section 4 Ch 4 pg 17 Measurement of Pulmonary Vascular Pressures with Swan-Ganz CatheterPulmonary Circulation as a Blood FilterReservoir of Blood for Left VentricleFactors Affecting Lung Pressures: Alveolar PressureMeasurement of Pulmonary Vascular Pressures with Swan-Ganz Catheter Section 4 Ch 5 pg 5 Solubilities of Respiratory Gases Section 4 Ch 5 pg 21 Significance of Shifts in the Oxy-Hb DissociationSolubilities of Respiratory GasesSignificance of Shifts in the Oxy-Hb Dissociation Section 4 Ch 7 pg 29 Hypoxic Hypoxemia with EmphysemaHypoxic Hypoxemia with Emphysema Section 4 Ch 8 pg 19 Flow Volume Loops in Detection of Pulmonary DisordersFlow Volume Loops in Detection of Pulmonary Disorders Slide 3 Fisiologia HumanaProf..Danillo Barbosa Captulos de livros gratuitos, disponveis na Internet Respiratory System Fundamentals of Physiology: A Human Perspective Fundamentals of Physiology: A Human Perspective L. Sherwood 3th ed., ch. 12, 2006, Thomson Co. (0,9Mb) Elastic properties of the respiratory system Davies & MooresDavies & Moores, 2003, ch. 3, Churchill Livingstone (0,5Mb) Pulmonary structure and function. Pulmonary structure and function Exercise Physiology Exercise Physiology, McArdle et al., 2001, ch. 12, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (1,0Mb) Slide 4 Prof. Danillo Barbosa Slide 5 Slide 6 Controle Neural da Ventilao: Estmulos Qumicos Os quimiorreceptores carotdeos e articos so terminaes nervosas que respondem a variaes na PO 2, PCO 2, ou no [H + ] do sangue arterial por meio de respostas reflexas medulares que promovem o aumento da ventilao Slide 7 Respirao Celular Ocorre no interior das Cls Mitocndrias Pulmonar Pulmo Troca gasosa Prof. Danillo Barbosa Slide 8 Fisiologia HumanaProf. Danillo Barbosa Tecido Sangneo Sangue Arterial Rico 0 2 Sangue Venoso Rico C02 Slide 9 Fisiologia HumanaProf. Danillo Barbosa Hematose Troca Gasosa Slide 10 Fisiologia HumanaProf. Danillo Barbosa FUNES DO SISTEMA RESPIRATRIO Fornecimento de oxignio aos tecidos e remoo do dixido de carbono. INTERAO ENTRE FUNES RESPIRATRIAS E NO-RESPIRATRIAS: Vocalizao, vmito, mico, defecao, parto, sono Slide 11 Fisiologia HumanaProf.Danillo Barbosa Percurso do Ar Slide 12 Slide 13 Slide 14 Slide 15 Fisiologia HumanaProf. Danillo Barbosa Slide 16 Fisiologia HumanaProf. Danillo Barbosa Slide 17 Fisiologia HumanaProf. Danillo Barbosa Slide 18 Slide 19 Fisiologia HumanaProf. Danillo Barbosa Slide 20 Fisiologia HumanaProf. Danillo Barbosa Slide 21 Fisiologia HumanaProf. Danillo Barbosa Anatomia Sistema Respiratrio Slide 22 Fisiologia HumanaProf. Danillo Barbosa Slide 23 Avaliao Pulmonar Prof. Danillo Barbosa Slide 24 Espirometria Slide 25 Ergoespirometria O teste permite distino entre causas cardacas e pulmonares de limitao do exerccio, bem como pode sugerir descondicionamento fsico como causa primria ou associada da dispnia. Slide 26 Fisiologia da Difuso e Transporte de Gases Slide 27 Fisiologia HumanaProf. Danillo Barbosa Difuso Alvolo-Capilar Slide 28 Slide 29 Presso atmosfrica: 760 mm Hg Slide 30 Slide 31 Slide 32 Slide 33 Slide 34 Slide 35 Slide 36 Fatores que Afetam a Velocidade da Difuso Gasosa Atravs da Membrana Respiratrio (1)-Espessura da Membrana; (2)-rea Superficial a Membrana; (3)-Velocidade de Difuso do Gs Especfico no Tecido da Membrana; (4)-Diferena de Presso entre os Dois Lados da Membrana; Slide 37 Slide 38 fluxo de ar correspondente Slide 39 Slide 40 FORMAS QUMICAS EM QUE O CO 2 TRANSPORTADO CO 2 LIVRE = 7% Hgb CO 2 = 23% CO 2 LIVRE = 7% Hgb CO 2 = 23% CO 2 + H 2 O = 70% CO 2 + H 2 O = 70% Slide 41 Slide 42 Slide 43 FIM!!!