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1 First Presbyterian Church of Houston Session Agenda—November 19, 2013 5:30 PM – LC 181 Devotional & Opening Prayer Dan Morris Omnibus Approve October Session Meeting Minutes Approve Membership Reports Approve Consent Motions Committee/Staff Reports Finance Fred Robertson Introduction to the Lead Them Home Ministry Bill Henson Next Steps to Vision 2020 Lesley Lilly New Church Development Meetings Jeremiah Morris Clerk’s Report Jane Costello Pastor’s Report Jim Birchfield Old Business Jon Crantz, Dorian Benn Dinners/Coffees with Congregation New Business Prayer and Praise Communion Prayer and Motion to Adjourn Important Dates (October and November): Café Dialogue Wednesday, November 20 Meeting of PDT Monday, November 25 Discernment Team Report Tuesday, December 3 Church Wide Prayer Gathering Wednesday, December 4 Session Day of Prayer Saturday, December 7 Christmas Party Thursday, December 12 Next Session Meeting Tuesday, January 21

First&Presbyterian&Church&of&Houston& Session&Agenda ...2 Session Attendance 2013-2014 A= Absence E= Excused June August Sept Oct Nov Jan Feb March April May Barnes, Martha Benn, Dorian

Jun 27, 2020



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Page 1: First&Presbyterian&Church&of&Houston& Session&Agenda ...2 Session Attendance 2013-2014 A= Absence E= Excused June August Sept Oct Nov Jan Feb March April May Barnes, Martha Benn, Dorian


First  Presbyterian  Church  of  Houston  Session  Agenda—November  19,  2013  

                 5:30  PM  –  LC  181              Devotional  &  Opening  Prayer               Dan  Morris                  Omnibus  Approve  October  Session  Meeting  Minutes  Approve  Membership  Reports  Approve  Consent  Motions    Committee/Staff  Reports    Finance                     Fred  Robertson    Introduction  to  the  Lead  Them  Home  Ministry           Bill  Henson    Next  Steps  to  Vision  2020                 Lesley  Lilly    New  Church  Development  Meetings             Jeremiah  Morris                            Clerk’s  Report                   Jane  Costello    Pastor’s  Report                   Jim  Birchfield    Old  Business                   Jon  Crantz,  Dorian  Benn  Dinners/Coffees  with  Congregation    New  Business    Prayer  and  Praise  Communion                        Prayer  and  Motion  to  Adjourn    Important  Dates  (October  and  November):  Café  Dialogue           Wednesday,  November  20  Meeting  of  PDT           Monday,  November  25  Discernment  Team  Report         Tuesday,  December  3  Church  Wide  Prayer  Gathering       Wednesday,  December  4  Session  Day  of  Prayer         Saturday,  December  7  Christmas  Party           Thursday,  December  12  Next  Session  Meeting         Tuesday,  January  21          

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Session Attendance 2013-2014 A= Absence E= Excused

June August Sept Oct Nov Jan Feb March April May Barnes, Martha Benn, Dorian Cornelson, Tim Costello, Jane Gerland, JoNell EX Johnson, Lori Lawler, Charles Lilly, Lesley Luther, Scot Lyra, Ophir A McCarty, David McDonald, Marilyn Moore, Robert EX Morris, Dan A Reiser, Tom EX Taylor, Danny EX Thomas, Eric EX EX Wolfe, Chris


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October  15,  2013        

The  October  Stated  Meeting  of  the  Session  began  at  5:30  p.m.  in    LC181  with  a  quorum  present.    Moderator  Rev.  Jim  Birchfield  called  the  meeting  to  order  and  opened  the  meeting  with  prayer.      Attendance:    See  the  attached  Session  Attendance  Record  for  attendance  to  date  for  this  year.    Chris  Athon  and  Chris  Herbold  distributed  an  updated  report  from  the  Vision  2020  team  and  continued  the  presentation  from  the  team  that  was  begun  at  the  September  Session  meeting.      A  motion  was  made,  seconded  and  approved  to  accept  the  report.      Implementation  of  the  Vision  2020  report  will  be  the  topic  of  discussion  at  the  Saturday  portion  of  the  Session  retreat.    David  McCarty  distributed  a  report  from  the  Denominational  Task  Force.    A  motion  was  made,  seconded  and  approved  that  (1)  if  the  Session  of  First  Presbyterian  church  votes  after  discernment  to  call  a  congregational  meeting  seeking  dismissal  in  accordance  with  the  Presbytery  of  the  New  Covenant’s  Gracious  Reconciliation  and  Dismissal  Procedure,  then  ECO:  A  Covenant  Order  of  Evangelical  Presbyterians  (ECO)  shall  be  the  particular  Reformed  body  to  which  the  congregation  would  request  to  be  dismissed,  and  (2)  the  report  of  the  committee  be  accepted    for  publishing  on  the  church  web  site.    The  Learning  Journey,  Wednesday,  November  13  will  present  ECO  and  PC  (USA)  to  the  congregation.    Jane  Costello  gave  an  opening  devotional  and  prayer.      Omnibus  Motions:  The  following  omnibus  motions  were  passed  without  discussion.  

• MOVED  that  the  September  17,  2013  Session  Meeting  Minutes  be  approved.  • MOVED  that  the  September  22,  2013  Annual  Congregational  Meeting  Minutes  be  approved.  • MOVED  that  the  September  Membership  Report  be  approved.    • The  Board  of  Directors  of  The  Nehemiah  Center  requested  approval  of  the  nomination  of  James  Williams  for  

appointment  to  the  Board.  • Worship  Ministry  requested  Session  approval  for  the  2014  and  2015  Important  Dates  (dates  attached  at  the  

end  of  their  report).  Advisory  Council  received  approval  from  Session  for  the  following:  

• Approval  for  the  serving  of  Holy  Communion  at  the  Session  Retreat  on  October  18.  • Approval  for  the  payment  of  income  to  Dr.  John  William  Lancaster  from  his  deferred  compensation  fund  with  

the  Texas  Presbyterian  Foundation  Fund  effective  December  15,  2013  for  the  next  ten  years.                      Dr.  Lancaster  is  eligible  to  receive  this  income  upon  the  date  of  his  90th  birthday  which  is  December  15,  2013.  

 Committee  and  Staff  Reports:  Finance  Committee:  Burdette  Huffman,  chair,  reported  that  the  YTD,  giving  is  7.7%  ahead  of  the  prior  year  period  while  expenses  are  below  the  prior  year  period  by  4.2%.    Giving  is  8.1%  ahead  of  budget  YTD.    Clerk’s  Report:    

• Jane  Costello  distributed  maps  and  agenda  for  the  Session  Retreat.  • The  next  Presbytery  Meeting  will  be  Saturday,  November  2,  at  Atascocita  Presbyterian  Church.  

 Pastor’s  Report:    

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• Jim  Birchfield  reported  that  the  staff  will  go  one  day  early  for  the  weekend  retreat.  • The  December  Advent  series  will  be  linked  to  Handel’s  Messiah  with  the  themes  of  Hope,  Peace,  Joy  and  Jesus.  • The  Advisory  Council  is  being  intentional  about  planning  for  reconciliation  during  the  time  between  the  session  

vote  and  the  congregational  vote.    A  motion  was  made,  seconded  and  approved  to  appoint  an  Ad  Hoc  Reconciliation  Committee  with  Jim  Birchfield,  Jane  Costello,  Lesley  Lilly,  Dorian  Benn  and  Scott  Luther  with  additional  members  of  the  congregation  to  fill  out  the  committee.  

 Old  Business:    Jon  Crantz  and  Dorian  Benn  are  organizing  informal  gatherings  to  discuss  the  concerns  of  the  discernment  issues.    The  session  is  asked  to  submit  names  of  those  that  might  benefit  by  attending  these  gatherings.  

 New  Business:  -­‐  none  

 Prayer  and  Praise:  Community  prayers  of  concerns  and  praise  were  offered.      Communion  was  served  by  intinction  with  Rev.  Jim  Birchfield  officiating.      The  meeting  was  adjourned  with  prayer  at:  8:30  p.m.              ___________________________________                                                                          _____________________________  Rev.  Jim  Birchfield,  Moderator                                                                                                                      Jane  Costello,  Clerk  of  Session          

MEMBERSHIP  REPORT  OCTOBER,  2013    NEW  CHURCH  MEMBERS  Flaniken,  Mr.  Nelson  Andrew   t/l,  University  Presbyterian  Church,  Orlando  FL  DECEASED  Kelly,  Mrs.  Louise   5/25/2013  (notified  10/15/13)  Morrow,  Mr.  John  William,  Jr.   10/6/2013    DISMISSED  Davis,  Mr.  Carey  Scott   dismissed  to  St.  Paul’s  United  Methodist  Church,  Houston  Davis,  Mrs.  Patti  Mosteller   dismissed  to  St.  Paul’s  United  Methodist  Church,  Houston  Kostohryz,  Mrs.  Jennifer  Staley   dismissed  to  First  United  Methodist  Church,  Fort  Worth  TX  Steadman,  Miss  Katherine  Diane  (Kathy)   St.  Andrew’s  Presbyterian  Church,  Houston  TX    REMOVED  FROM  ACTIVE  ROLL  Altergott,  Mrs.  Carol  Ann  Huard   at  their  request  Altergott,  Mr.  Gary  Lee   at  their  request  Brown,  Mr.  Jay  Temple   at  his  request  Clark,  Dr.  Gary  Lee   at  his  request  Craft,  Mrs.  Mary  Helen  Neal   joined  Northwoods  Presbyterian  Church,  Houston  TX  English,  Mr.  Michael  (Mike)   at  their  request  English,  Mrs.  Sue  Dawson   at  their  request  Gerlach,  Mrs.  Betty  White   at  their  request  Gerlach,  Mr.  Otto  B  III  (Bud)   at  their  request  

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Harris,  Rev.  Victor  Elliot  Jr.   joined  Presbytery  of  Chicago  Hartline,  Miss  Cassie  Allison   at  her  request  Weeks,  Miss  Mary  Katharine   at  her  request    MOVED  TO  INACTIVE  MEMBERSHIP  ROLL  Banker,  Mr.  Charles  Jay  (Chuck)   address  unknown  Banker,  Mrs.  Mary  Milligan  Baldwin   address  unknown  Park,  Mr.  David  Hynchol   at  his  request    DISMISSED  FROM  INACTIVE  ROLL  Augustus,  Mrs.  Melanie  Joyce  Monroe   dismissed  to  St.  Andrews  Covenant  Presbyterian  Church,  

Wilmington  NC    

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   REMOVED  FROM  INACTIVE  ROLL  Augustus,  Rev.  David  Lee   joined  Presbytery  of  Coastal  Carolina  Land,  Mrs.  Leona  Glueck  (Susie)   deceased  (Notified  10/30/2013)    MEMBERSHIP  AS  OF  September  30,  2013   3457  Gains   1  Losses   -­‐21  MEMBERSHIP  AS  OF  October  31,  2013   3437    

Worship Services Comparison

Week 40 10/6/2013

Week 41 10/13/2013

Week 42 10/20/2013

Week 43 10/27/2013

8:15 Worship 137   156   173   150  9:30 Worship 239   197   215   170  10:45 Worship 321   341   474   306  

11:05 Worship 359   278   377   407  Total Worship Att 1056   972   1239   1033  


Worship Services Comparison

Week 41 10/7/2012

Week 42 10/14/2012

Week 43 10/21/2012

Week 44 10/28/2012

 8:15 Worship 176   189   184   158    9:30 Worship 278   245   228   205    10:45 Worship 324   367   344   443    11:05 Worship 296   401   283   356    Total Worship Att 1074   1202   1039   1162                          

Worship Services Comparison

Week 40 10/2/11

Week 41 10/9/11

Week 42 10/16/11

Week 43 10/23/11

Week 44 10/30/11

8:15 Worship 230   190   335   193   189  9:30 Worship 290   241   281   262   193  10:45 Worship 391   327   510   390   373  

11:05 Worship 332   281       348   342  

Total Worship Att 1243   1039   1126   1193   1097              


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Oct 2013          Baptisms:          Infant 4  

       Adult 0          Weddings: 3        Member

Funerals: 1        NonMbr

Funerals: 2        

                   Consent  Motions    Permanent  Funds  request  Session  approval  for  the  following:    

• Request  from  the  Arrow  Child  &  Family  (Freedom  Place)  for  $15,000  for  city  water  connection.    • Request  from  Interface  Samaritan  Counseling  Center  for  $10,000  for  start-­‐up  funds  to  develop  a  practice  

addressing  mental  health  issues  for  Houston  area  veterans  and  their  families.    • Request  from  Pfunanane  Ministries  for  $20,000  for  fence  around  property.    • Request  from  Presbyterian  School  for  $12,849  release  of  scholarship  funds.  • Request  for  $80,000  from  Urban  Faith  Initiative  Task  Force  for  Main  Street  Ministries.  

 • Session  hereby  approves  the  serving  of  Holy  Communion  at  the  Prayer  and  Worship  Service  on  December  4.  


Finance  November  13,  2013  

 Members  Present:    Michael  Casey,  Burdette  Huffman,    Staff  Present:  Susan  Aldana,  Jim  Birchfield,  Jennifer  Boubel  Members  and  Staff  Absent:  Janet  Lionberger,  Fred  Robertson,  Chris  Champion,  Canon  Coleman,  Rebecca  Davis,  Steve  Oldham,  Paul  Palmer,  Tom  Reiser,  Bret  Stanley  Next  Meeting:   January  8,  2014  at  7  a.m.  The  meeting  opened  with  prayer.    Review  of  Financial  Results  The   committee   reviewed   the   financial   information   for   October   2013.   The   financial   dashboard   that   the   committee  reviewed  is  attached.    The  chairman  reviewed  the  following  results  with  the  committee:    Operating  and  Giving  –  YTD  October  31,  2013  YTD,  giving  is  3%  ahead  of  the  prior  year  period  while  expenses  are  below  the  prior  year  period  by  .07%.    Giving  is  3%  ahead  of  budget  YTD.    General  Fund  Cash  Position  as  of  October  31,  2013  

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The  Church’s  general  fund  cash  position  was  approximately  $536K  as  of  October  31,  2013.  After  adjusting  the  general  fund  cash  balance  for  funds  that  are  designated  for  others,  the  Church’s  unrestricted  cash  position  was  $108K.      Church’s  Mineral  Interests  Chris  Champion  and  Steve  Oldham  are  working  with  Susan  Aldana  and  Jennifer  Boubel   to  determine  the   location  and  marketability  of  the  Church’s  mineral  interests..    Transition  to  Accrual  Accounting  The   committee   and   staff   expressed   interest   in   migrating   from   our   current   cash   accounting   method   to   an   accrual  accounting  method.  Chris  Champion,  Susan  Aldana,  and  Jennifer  Boubel  will  investigate:  i)  the  critical  components  of  the  process,  ii)  potential  cost  of  the  transition,  and  iii)  the  most  appropriate  timing.    Stewardship  (Generous  Living)    Canon  Coleman  is  serving  as  the  liaison  to  the  Generous  Giving  committee.  The  committee  discussed  the  concluding  the  campaign  on  the  last  Sunday  in  March  (03/30/14).    Presbyterian  School  Cost  Formula  and  Contracts  Bret  Stanley  and  Rebecca  Davis  are  actively  meeting  with  Presbyterian  School  staff  and  volunteers  to:  i)  update  the  cost  sharing  formula  between  the  Church  and  the  School  and  ii)  determine  roles  and  responsibilities  in  the  vendor  contract  attainment  and  management  processes.    Other  Matters  Contribution  Policy  statement  to  be  publicized  on  offering  envelopes,  pledge  cards  and  website    “All  donations/gifts  to  First  Presbyterian  Church  of  Houston  are  subject  to  our  contribution  policy  which  can  be  found  on  our  website.”    The  meeting  adjourned  at  7:40  a.m.  with  prayer.    Burdette  Huffman  Chair,  Finance  Committee    

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     Facilities    September  9,  2013    Present:    Jennifer  Boubel,  Sharon  Corzine,  Chris  Athon,  Debbie  Hanna,  David  Calkins,  Eugene  Lee,  Deborah  Harper,  Jose  Perez,  Mike  Managan,  David  Cunningham,  Bill  Merriman  (guests)  Absent:    Edith  Price,  Mark  Carleton,  Amy  Winstead,  Janet  Lionberger,    Ken  Humphries,  Scot  Luther    FUTURE  FACILITIES  COMMITTEE  MEETINGS:  (The  committee  generally  meets  on  the  second  Monday  of  the  month.)                 Monday,  December                         Monday,  January  13  (2014)                 Monday,  February  10  (2014)  Monday,  October  21           Monday,  March  10  (2014)  Monday,  November  11           Monday,  April  14  (2014)                 Monday  May  12  (2014)      

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AGENDA  ITEMS    Projects  in  progress:  

1. Chapel  renovation:    Chairs  have  arrived.    Carpet  has  been  installed.    A  cushion  fabric  has  been  selected,  but  cushions  will  not  be  ordered  until  the  new  chairs  have  been  installed.    

2. Corridor  lighting/restroom  upgrades:    The  project  is  complete.    Presbyterian  School  contribution  has  been  set  at  $75,000.  

3. Demolition  of  5220  Travis:    Estimates  for  removal  of  paving  and  installation  of  grass  were  reviewed.    Two  landscape  companies  provided  proposals  of  $31,675,  and  $27,418.    Facilities  Committee  approved  proceeding  with  the  company  (LAL)  providing  the  lower  number.    

4. Campus  Security:    The  change  in  operational  policy  of  Presbyterian  School  requiring  all  visitors  to  sign  in  was  discussed.    Facilities  Committee  discussed  FPC  operations  as  it  relates  to  security.    Should  FPC  have  a  Risk  Management  Committee?      

5. Replace  Pavers  in  Palm  Court  Courtyard:    Pavers  renovation  is  complete.  Landscape  revisions  still  in  progress..  6. Physical  Facilities  Assessment:    Parsons  briefed  the  Committee  at  the  September  meeting,  and  provided  digital  

copies  of  their  presentation  and  the  assessment  work  product  for  detailed  review.    The  Committee  is  asked  to  keep  this  information  confidential  until  the  study  is  finalized.  

7. Roof/Ceiling  Repairs:  by  Forney  Construction  was  reviewed  and  approved  by  email  following  the  September  meeting.    Session  approved  the  Forney  proposal  at  its  September  meeting.    This  project  is  now  in  the  mobilization  stage.  

8.       Connections  Center  Plans:    Final  plans  and  construction  cost  to  be  presented  Facilities  Committee  for  approval.  Projects  being  Initiated  

1. Landscape  Subcommittee:    • The  subcommittee  will  develop  a  plan  for  deferred  maintenance  and  enhancement  so  that  landscape  

maintenance  can  be  included  in  each  annual  budget.    • Pruning  of  live  oaks  and  other  mature  trees  has  begun.    • Committee  plans  to  replant  the  crepe  myrtles  in  the  beds  on  the  building’s  south  side  in  the  ground  on  

the  west  side  of  the  building.  Committee  was  concerned  that  moving  the  trees  could  cost  more  than  either  leaving  them  in  place  and  pruning  or  buying  new  plant  material  to  replace  them.  The  subcommittee  to  discuss  and  make  recommendation.  

2. Upgrade  Sound  System  in  Sanctuary:      Jennifer  Boubel  is  pursuing  the  information  about  the  induction  loop  requested  by  two  church  members.  She  reported  that  Edith  was  working  with  David  McCrory  to  test  it.  Chris  asked  Jennifer  to  communicate  the  progress  on  this  with  members  Truett  Lattimer  and  Henry  Wilde.  Jennifer  also  reported  that  staff  is  looking  at  general  media  needs.      

3. Hallway  Graphics  Repair:    Ken  and  Jennifer  will  review  damaged  hallway  graphics  and  have  them  repaired.  They  will  also  fix  inaccurate  signage.  Ken  to  call  Bill  Merriman  for  background  information  on  who  would  be  the  source  for  the  repair  work.    No  update  in  March.  

4. Kitchen  and  Dining  Facilities  for  Presbyterian  School:  Mark  reported  that  Presbyterian  School  would  like  to  renovate  and  refresh  the  side  rooms  and  serving  line  area  off  Fellowship  Hall  used  for  school  lunch.  These  are  cosmetic  changes.  He  will  present  final  proposal  to  Facilities  Committee  for  approval  even  though  cost  will  be  assumed  by  Presbyterian  School.  

Future  Projects  (not  as  active  or  discussion  deferred  to  later  date)  1. Interior  Decorating  Subcommittee:    Chris  suggested  that  a  subcommittee  be  formed  to  fill  in  the  gap  between  

facilities  management  and  architectural       issues  at  the  church.  It  would  deal  with  decorating  issues  and  managing     donated  decorative  items.  Such  a  committee  has  been  in  place  for  years  but     the  group  has  gotten  older  and  less  involved.  The  committee  suggested     involving  Cindy  Cook,  Janet  and  Jackie  Dunlop.  No  update  since  February  

2. Security  Contract:    FPC  will  use  another  security  monitoring  contractor.    Jose  is  investigating  options.    



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 Facilities    October  21,  2013  

 Present:    Sharon  Corzine,  Chris  Athon,  Mark  Carleton,  Amy  Winstead,  David  Calkins,  Deborah  Harper,  Jose  Perez,  Ken  Humphries,  Scot  Luther  Absent:    Jennifer  Boubel,  Debbie  Hanna,  Janet  Lionberger,  Eugene  Lee    FUTURE  FACILITIES  COMMITTEE  MEETINGS:  (The  committee  generally  meets  on  the  second  Monday  of  the  month.)                 Monday,  December  9,  2013                     Monday,  January  13  (2014)                 Monday,  February  10  (2014)                 Monday,  March  10  (2014)  Monday,  November  11,  2013         Monday,  April  14  (2014)                 Monday  May  12  (2014)          AGENDA  ITEMS    Projects  in  progress:  

8. Chapel  renovation:    Chairs  have  been  installed.    A  cushion  fabric  has  been  selected.    It  appears  that  individual  chair  cushions  will  be  needed  to  accommodate  the  chair  design.    This  needs  to  be  discussed  with  Cindy  Cook.    

9. Demolition  of  5220  Travis:    The  removal  of  existing  paving  is  complete.    Turf  and  irrigation  will  be  installed  starting  this  week.  

10. Campus  Security:    The  change  in  operational  policy  of  Presbyterian  School  requiring  all  visitors  to  sign  in  was  discussed.    Facilities  Committee  discussed  FPC  operations  as  it  relates  to  security.    Should  FPC  have  a  Risk  Management  Committee?    This  will  be  discussed  with  Jennifer.      

11. Replace  Pavers  in  Palm  Court  Courtyard:    Project  is  complete.    12. Physical  Facilities  Assessment:    Committee  reviewed  the  Parsons  presentation  and  the  assessment  work  

product.    Detailed  review  is  still  needed  and  input  is  needed  by  Parsons.    The  review  is  ongoing.    The  Committee  is  asked  to  keep  this  information  confidential  until  the  study  is  finalized.  

13. Roof/Ceiling  Repairs:  This  project  is  now  in  the  mobilization  stage.    Post  meeting  -­‐  Jose  informed  David  that  the  CE  Building  is  also  experiencing  roof  leaks.    David  Asked  Bill  Merriman  to  review  the  situation.  

14. Connections  Center  Plans:    Final  plans  and  construction  cost  was  presented  by  Shelley  Homeyer  presented  Facilities  Committee  for  approval.    Committee  approved  the  expenditure  of  $17,842  for  this  project.    

15. Upgrade  Sound  System  in  Sanctuary:    Update  from  Jennifer:  We  have  the  lanyards  in  and  they  are  available  for  folks  to  use  in  the  sanctuary.    They  pick  them  up  at  the  sound  booth  and  we  have  included  their  availability  in  church  alive.    The  lanyards  provide  a  cost  effective  way  to  test  the  wiring  we  would  do  in  the  sanctuary  where  an  individual  with  advanced  technology  hearing  devices  can  flip  a  switch  and  hear  our  sound  better.    If  the  lanyards  prove  successful  we  can  determine  if  we  want  to  move  forward  with  installing  the  wire  around  the  sanctuary  or  keep  using  the  lanyard.    We  have  not  had  too  many  requests  from  folks  to  use  the  lanyards  but  they  are  working  well.  Jennifer  called  Mr.  Lattimer  and  left  him  a  message  when  the  lanyards  arrived  and  Bill  Heston  was  going  to  talk  with  him  about  it  as  well  as    they  were  on  a  trip  together  recently.      

 Projects  being  Initiated  

5. Landscape  Subcommittee:    • The  subcommittee  will  develop  a  plan  for  deferred  maintenance  and  enhancement  so  that  landscape  

maintenance  can  be  included  in  each  annual  budget.    • Pruning  of  live  oaks  and  other  mature  trees  has  begun.    

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• Committee  plans  to  replant  the  crepe  myrtles  in  the  beds  on  the  building’s  south  side  in  the  ground  on  the  west  side  of  the  building.  Committee  was  concerned  that  moving  the  trees  could  cost  more  than  either  leaving  them  in  place  and  pruning  or  buying  new  plant  material  to  replace  them.  The  subcommittee  to  discuss  and  make  recommendation.  

6. Hallway  Graphics  Repair:    Ken  and  Jennifer  will  review  damaged  hallway  graphics  and  have  them  repaired.  They  will  also  fix  inaccurate  signage.  Ken  to  call  Bill  Merriman  for  background  information  on  who  would  be  the  source  for  the  repair  work.    No  update  in  March.  

7. Kitchen  and  Dining  Facilities  for  Presbyterian  School:  Mark  reported  that  Presbyterian  School  would  like  to  renovate  and  refresh  the  side  rooms  and  serving  line  area  off  Fellowship  Hall  used  for  school  lunch.  These  are  cosmetic  changes.  He  will  present  final  proposal  to  Facilities  Committee  for  approval  even  though  cost  will  be  assumed  by  Presbyterian  School.  

Future  Projects  (not  as  active  or  discussion  deferred  to  later  date)  3. Interior  Decorating  Subcommittee:    Chris  suggested  that  a  subcommittee  be  formed  to  fill  in  the  gap  between  

facilities  management  and  architectural  issues  at  the  church.  It  would  deal  with  decorating  issues  and  managing  donated  decorative  items.  Such  a  committee  has  been  in  place  for  years  but  the  group  has  gotten  older  and  less  involved.  The  committee  suggested  involving  Cindy  Cook,  Janet  and  Jackie  Dunlop.  No  update  since  February  

4. Security  Contract:    FPC  will  use  another  security  monitoring  contractor.    Jose  is  investigating  options.    


Generous  Living    October  30,  2013,      Present:  Cody  Nath,  Bill  Heston,  Leo  Espinoza,  Sarah  Beth  Seifert,  Margot  Athon,  Mary  Ella  Price.      Absent:  Janet  Lionberger,  Martha  Barnes    Opening  prayer:  Bill  Heston  The  April  7,  2013  minutes  were  approved.    

Discussion  Highlights    The  committee  reviewed  the  GenerousChurch  workshop  conducted  by  Patrick  Johnson  and  Sharon  Epps  on  September  25,  2013.  Committee  members  present  at  the  workshop:  Cody  Nath,  Sarah  Beth  Seifert,  Margot  Athon,  Leo  Espinoza,  Martha  Barnes,  Janet  Lionberger,  Mary  Ella  Price  and  Bill  Heston.  Guest  attendees:  Jim  Birchfield,  Chris  Champion,  Edet  Okon,  Don  Short,  Chris  Wolfe  and  Sharon  Henry.    The  “Giving  Ladder”  diagram  was  one  of  the  most  meaningful  tools  for  most  of  the  committee  members.  The  workshop  focused  on  the  evaluation  of  our  church  and  individuals  in  their  understanding  of  generosity  as  a  lifestyle  of  a  maturing  Christian,  the  impact  that  this  lifestyle  could  have  on  the  church  and  beyond  including  homes  and  communities,  and  also  the  need  for  an  educational  process  to  inspire    members  to  “move  up  the  ladder  of  giving  commitment.”    The  committee  discussed  next  steps  and  Cody  Nath  agreed  to  review  the  next  steps  with  our  GenerousChurch  consultants  by  conference  call  following  the  meeting.    Closing  Prayer:    Cody  Nath    Next  meeting:    Wednesday,  December  11  at  5:30  p.m.  in  FH  259  (the  attic)    Cody  Nath  contacted  the  committee  on  11/3/13  to  advise  the  outcome  of  contact  with  GenerousChurch  and  to  set  a  time  for  a  conference  call  for  the  committee.    

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  Below  are  the  refining  suggestions  for  the  committee  from  the  consultants.    

• Our  simplified  mission  statement  is  clear  but  with  room  to  be  flexible  with  our  strategy.    For  those  who  were  unable  to  attend  Wednesday,  October  30,  our  proposed  revised  Mission  Statement  is  simply,  "Generous  Living  of  FPC,  Houston  is  responsible  for  the  education  and  promotion  of  a  biblical,  generous  lifestyle  for  the  members  of  the  church.”  

   • Our  next  steps  need  to  ensure  two  things:  (a)  a  clear  “win”  for  the  ministry  or  constituent  

group  we  want  to  work  with  and  (b)  a  time  for  each  group  to  be  heard—to  explain  their  group's  needs.  

 Cody  Nath  proposes  a  good  strategy  to  target  two  or  three  Sunday  School  communities.    We  might    address  both  (a)  and  (b)  if  we  meet  directly  with  the  leadership  of  two  or  three  Sunday  School  classes—share  the  ladder  with  them,  and  then  listen  to  them  on  how  they  see  a  generosity  message  benefiting  their  group  the  most.    It  is  proposed  that  we  initially  target  the  Boomers,  Trinity  and  Table  leadership  teams  to  gauge  their  interest.  We  could  meet  with  the  leadership  individually  and  invite  them  to  our  next  meeting  on  December  11,  which  would  be  a  working  session  for  them,  our  committee  and  GenerousChurch  consultants.              

Worship    November  5,  2013    Scott  Jenkins  opened  the  meeting  with  prayer  at  6  pm.    Eight  of  the  15  members  attended:      Scott  Jenkins,  Mickey  Edwards,  Diana  Greene,  Carrie  Lelsz    Russell  Willingham,  Sarah  Robertson,  Tim  Corneilson  and  Jan  Smith    Scott  Jenkins  reviewed  the  summary  of  how  communion  is  practiced  at  FPC  (including  pertinent  sections  from  the  Directory  of  Worship)  prepared  by  Bill  Heston  for  the  benefit  of  new  committee  members.    Diana  Greene  noted  attendance  is  holding  steady  at  the  special  Wednesday  evening  prayer  services.    She  lead  a  discussion  on  preparations  for  Advent  including:  candle  lighters  for  Advent  Night,  Messiah  Sing-­‐Along,  plus  the  choirs  working  together  on  Rutter’s  Gloria  for  the  December  15th  sanctuary  services.    The  Advent  theme  is  God  With  Us.    Music  from  Messiah  will  be  used  in  every  service.  Five  Christmas  Eve  services  are  planned,  with  First  Praise  participating  at  the  7  PM  service.        Diana  Greene  spoke  on  volunteerism  in  the  worship  ministry  citing  the  following  values:                                    a.  value  raising  up  gifted  folks  within  our  community                  b.  value  discipleship  training  of  volunteers  as  part  of  the  process                c.  value  using  our  paid  and  leaders  to  musically  train  and  encourage  volunteers  as  we  help  volunteers  grow  their  gifts  She  cited  there  are  numerous  volunteers  that  we  have  serving  in  worship  each  week  through  our  choirs,  children  music  ,  youth  music  programs,  flower  guild,  ushers,  etc.  In  addition,  Diana  and  Carrie  Lelsz  are  developing  a  curriculum  for  a  “creative  night”  to  encourage  more  volunteerism  in  the  worship  and  music  ministry    Sara  Robertson  reviewed  the  budget,  concluding  Worship  expenses  year-­‐to-­‐date  are  on  target  and  the  worship  ministry  have  done  a  very  good  job  of  keeping  track  of  expenses.      Scott  Jenkins  and  Diana  Greene  lead  discussion  on  forming  a  subcommittee  to  research  issues  and  make  recommendations  to  the  full  committee  regarding  polling  the  congregation  about  favorite  hymns/sacred  songs,  and  

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possibly  recording  a  CD  for  distribution.    Members  suggested  polling  Sunday  School  classes,  and  the  youth,  in  addition  to  worshippers  at  each  service,  using  cards  and  online  methods  such  as  E-­‐Weekly.    Help  will  be  sought  from  members  and  staff  with  expertise  specific  to  issues  such  as  copyrights,  costs,  etc.    The  committee  decided  not  to  meet  December  3  due  to  conflicts  with  other  church  programs.    The  meeting  adjourned  at  7:00  pm  after  Carrie  Lelsz  and  Russell  Willingham  lead  singing  Christ  Is  Enough  with  an  interlude  for  intercessory  prayer  led  by  Diana  Greene.        Respectfully  submitted.    Scott  Jenkins,  Chairman            

Permanent  Funds  November  11,  2013        Members  present:  Gene  Alford,  Bill  Gutermuth,  Becca  Herbold,  Betty  Hundley,  John  Goodgame,  Daniel  Knight,  Jenn  Rustay  and  Dr.  Lou  Shields.  Bud  Simpson  attended  for  a  few  minutes  to  present  information  on  Interface  Samaritan  Counseling  Center.    Members  absent:  Sue  Oldham,  Session  Liaison  Dan  Taylor    Staff  present:  Bill  Heston,  Nancy  Purcell    Gene  Alford  opened  the  meeting  with  prayer.      Summary  of  matters  discussed  and  actions  taken:    ·∙  The  Committee  approved  the  PFM  minutes  of  the  September  9,  2013  meeting    o  Gene  Alford  motioned;  Betty  Hundley  second.      ·∙  The  Committee  reviewed  the  worksheets:  Commitments,  Disbursements  and  Grant  Request  and  Awards  for  2013-­‐2014.      Grant  Proposals:    ·∙  The  Committee  reviewed  a  grant  request  from  the  Arrow  Child  &  Family  (Freedom  Place)  for  $15,000  for  city  water  connection.    o  Approved  $15,000  from  Benevolence  (Other)  Fund.  Dr.  Lou  Shields  motioned:  Betty  Hundley  second.      ·∙  The  Committee  reviewed  a  grant  request  from  Interface  Samaritan  Counseling  Center  for  $20,000  for  start-­‐up  funds  to  develop  a  practice  addressing  mental  health  issues  for  Houston  area  veterans  and  their  families.    o  Approved  $10,000  from  Benevolence  (Other)  Fund.  Gene  Alford  motioned:  John  Goodgame  second.      ·∙  The  Committee  reviewed  a  grant  request  from  Pfunanane  Ministries  for  $20,000  to  build  a  fence  around  the  Pfunanane  property.    o  Approved  $20,000  from  Benevolence  (Other)  Fund.  Daniel  Knight  motioned:  Dr.  Lou  Shields  second.      ·∙  The  Committee  reviewed  request  from  Presbyterian  School  to  release  scholarship  funds.    o  Approved  release  $12,849  from  the  General  Endowment  (PS  School)  Fund.  Jenn  Rustay  motioned:  Dr.  Lou  Shields  second.      ·∙  The  Committee  reviewed  Urban  Faith  Initiative  Task  Force  request  to  pay  Main  Street  Ministries  $80,000  from  the  Bonner  Fund.  The  Urban  Faith  Initiative  Task  Force,  with  authority  of  Session,  had  unanimously  voted  in  September  2013  to  pay  $80,000  to  Main  Street  Ministries.    o  Approved  release  $80,000  from  the  Bonner  Fund.  Becca  Herbold  motioned:  Gene  Alford  second.    

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 Consent  Motions  requiring  Session  approval:    ·∙  Request  from  the  Arrow  Child  &  Family  (Freedom  Place)  for  $15,000  for  city  water  connection.    ·∙  Request  from  Interface  Samaritan  Counseling  Center  for  $10,000  for  start-­‐up  funds  to  develop  a  practice  addressing  mental  health  issues  for  Houston  area  veterans  and  their  families.    ·∙  Request  from  Pfunanane  Ministries  for  $20,000  for  fence  around  property.    ·∙  Request  from  Presbyterian  School  for  $12,849  release  of  scholarship  funds.    ·∙  Request  for  $80,000  from  Urban  Faith  Initiative  Task  Force  for  Main  Street  Ministries.    2      

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Scholarship  Proposals:    Seminary    ·∙  The  Committee  reviewed  request  from  Peter  Kasirivu  for  $7,500  for  courses  through  Fuller  Theological  Seminary.    o  Approved  $1,007  from  the  Bentsen  Fund,  $2,928  from  the  Jordan  Fund  and  $3,565  from  the  King  Fund.  Gene  Alford  motioned:  Dr.  Lou  Shields  second.    ·∙  The  Committee  reviewed  request  from  John  R.  Davis  for  $2,000  to  attend  Dallas  Theological  Seminary.    o  Denied.  Dr.  Lou  Shields  motioned;  Daniel  Knight  second.    ·∙  The  Committee  reviewed  request  from  Kepha  Mwangi  for  $3,700  to  attend  Kenya  Methodist  University.    o  Denied.  Dr.  Lou  Shields  motioned;  Daniel  Knight  second.    ·∙  The  Committee  reviewed  request  from  Anthony  Ceder  for  $7,500  to  attend  Dallas  or  Fuller  Theological  Seminary.    o  Denied.  John  Goodgame  motioned;  Gene  Alford  second.      Undergraduate    ·∙  The  Committee  reviewed  request  from  Enrique  Pavon  for  $5,000  to  attend  Zamarano  University.    o  Approved  $5,000  from  the  Benevolence  (Other)  Fund.  Betty  Hundley  motioned;  Bill    The  meeting  adjourned  at  7:15  p.m.    Next  meeting:  February  2014  Chair:  Becca  Herbold      

 Connection    9.20.2013      Connecting  Value:  Connecting  people  to:  God,  One  Another  and  Kingdom  Ministry    Members  Present:  Debbie  Balsaver,  Lori  Johnson,  Tiana  Won,  Shelley  Homeyer    Members  not  able  to  attend:  Kelly  Laning,  JJ  Laning,  Callie  Patterson,    Discussion:  Developing  a  Connectors  Ministry    What  is  the  role  of  a  Connector?  A  Connector  is  someone  who  will  help  connect  visitors  and  members  of  FPC  to  God,  one  another  (community)  and  kingdom  ministry.    Ø  What  are  the  Leadership  Qualities  for  a  Connector?    o  Highly  relational    

o  Caring  and  compassionate    

o  Well  connected  at  FPC    

o  Extensive  knowledge  of  FPC  Community  and  Ministries    

o  Trained  in:  discerning  gifts/calling;  process  for  connecting;  overview  of  FPC  Ministries    Ø  Training:  What  would  the  training  process  look  like?      Six  hour  training  sessions  –  equip  Connector  in  discerning  folk’s  Spiritual  Gifts  and  how  to  Connect    o  Start  initial  training  with  the  eight  Connections  team  members    

o  Connections  team  member  will  each  ask  one  person  to  be  a  Connector  –  8  more  Connectors    

o  For  each  training  -­‐  groups  of  8  or  10  people  who  will  each  ask  one  person  to  be  a  Connector    Ø  What  are  the  various  Contexts  for  Connectors?    

o  Floaters:  -­‐  Sunday  mornings  /Special  Events–-­‐-­‐  connect  with  visitors  and  members    

o  Connections  Desks  –  Palm  Court,  Crossroads,  Welcome  Center  –  greet  and  connect    

o  New  Members  Small  Group  Leaders  –  responsible  for  connecting  the  folks  in  their  small  group    

o  Sunday  School  Class  Connectors  –  (2)  Members  of  each  SS  as  Connections  representatives    

o  Worship  Services  –  Connectors  available  at  the  end  of  the  services    

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o  Friendship  Pads  –  Connectors  who  can  respond  to  various  requests  from  Friendship  pads    

Ø  What  is  the  structure  and  process  to  build  and  maintain  the  Connectors  Ministry?    o  An  individual  or  couple  with  connecting  gifts  will  be  trained  as  the  leader(s)  for  this  ministry    

o  Discern  and  gather  folks  with  connecting  gifts  to  be  trained  as  Connectors    

o  Implement  Training  sessions  for  each  class  of  eight  Connectors    

o  Design  a  process  for  the  flow  of  information  to  and  from  Connectors  serving  within  FPC    

o  Gather  and  organize  Connectors  to  serve  at  the  three  new  Connections  Center    

o  Train  Connectors  to  welcome  and  connect  with  visitors  and  members  on  Sunday  mornings    

o  Facilitate  continued  expressions  of  inspiration  and  appreciation  gatherings  for  Connectors        

Adult  Discipleship    November  3,  2013   Present:  Brian  Robertson,  Jill  Barlow,  Jon  Crantz,  Michael  Homan,  Jane  Champion,  Jim  Kennett,  Kim  Clark,  Scott  Reamer,  Melissa  Cargajal,  Rachel  Quan,  Carter  Higley,  John  Van  Wagoner.  Absent:  Leo  Espinoza,  Katie  Hill,  JoNell  Gerland    The  meeting  opened  with  prayer  by  Jon  Crantz  and  a  devotional  by  Jill  Barlow.      Carter  Higley  led  a  discussion  of  chapters  3  and  4  in  the  book  ‘Humility’  by  Andrew  Murray    Rachel  Quan  gave  the  committee  an  overview  of  the  Renovare  Conference  that  will  be  held  at  FPC  in  April  2014.  It  will  be  an  exciting  weekend  with  speakers  coming  from  around  the  country.    The  rest  of  the  meeting  addressed  the  four  topics  proposed  to  be  offered  to  FPC  as  classes  during  Lent.  Michael  Homan  and  his  subcommittee  of  Jane  Champion  and    -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  offered  four  topics  to  be  taught  for  6  or  7  weeks  during  Lent,  beginning  on  March  5  and  ending  on  April  16.  The  proposed  classes  are:    

1) Get  a  Grip  on  the  Bible  led  by  Andrew  Stepp  2) Wednesday  evening  small  group(s)  at  FPC  led  by  Jon  Crantz  and  Michael  Homan  3) ‘Lord,  Teach  Us  to  Pray’,  an  introductory  class  on  prayer  led  by  John  Van  Wagoner,  Lesley  Lilly  and  members  of  

the  prayer  team  4) Faith  in  Your  Workplace  led  by  Melissa  Carbajal  

 Each  of  these  proposed  classes  were  discussed.  The  committee  suggested  that  the  teaching  on  prayer  during  Lent  could  be  used  later  for  a  series  taught  in  Sunday  Schools.      At  the  end  of  the  discussion  there  was  consensus  that  FPC  should  move  forward  with  these  classes.  If  they  need  to  be  reviewed/approved  by  Session,  Michael  Homan  will  make  that  presentation.  However,  the  sense  was  that  the  committee  has  the  authority  to  begin  organization  to  move  forward.      Vision  2020  was  passed  out  to  the  committee  members.  They  were  asked  to  study  the  document  and  be  prepared  to  discuss  it  at  the  next  meeting.    The  next  meeting  will  be  on  December  3,  2013  at  1130.  Melissa  Carbajal  volunteered  to  lead  the  ‘Humility’  discussion  on  chapters  5  and  6.    John  Van  Wagoner  adjourned  the  meeting  with  prayer.      Minutes  submitted  by  John  Van  Wagoner  

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Jonathan  Ramsay                   11/11/2013    Questions  for  the  Application  for  Candidacy  in  ECO  Ordained  Pastoral  Ministry  

1. What  gifts  for  ministry  do  I  see  in  myself,  and  how  am  I  faithfully  exercising  and  developing  those  gifts?  

  In  my  position  as  the  college  director  at  First  Presbyterian-­‐Houston,  God  has  given  me  the  privilege  of  developing  several  particular  gifts  through  various  responsibilities.    The  first  of  which  is  to  shepherd  university  students.  This  is  an  opportunity  to  speak  wisdom  and  encourage  these  students  in  individual  and  small  group  settings  as  I  listen  about  their  lives  and  witness  to  the  gospel         Also,  I  have  the  opportunity  to  teach  God’s  Word  at  weekly  meetings  throughout  the  year.    This  has  challenged  me  to  grow  as  a  believer  in  and  a  proclaimer  of  God’s  Word.    This  experience  has  taught  me  that  gaining  a  hearing  among  the  multitude  of  different  messages  bombarding  young  people  today  requires  more  than  strategy  and  rhetoric  .    It  demands  growing  more  into  the  image  of  Christ  myself  and  then  testifying  to  it  through  the  power  of  the  Holy  Spirit.           Finally,  God  has  gifted  me  with  an  ability  to  develop  and  cast  vision.  Two  years  ago,  I  began  as  the  college  director  of  FPC  and  have  in  that  time  developed  a  plan  for  how  the  church  will  bless  the  university  in  Houston  and  across  the  country.      This  vision  is  being  implemented  slowly  but  surely  and  can  be  witnessed  to  by  members  of  the  church  and  university  communities.      

2. What  ministries  have  I  been  involved  with,  and  what  fruitful  ministry    is  evident?       In  the  last  two  years  in  my  role  at  First  Presbyterian-­‐  Houston,  I  have  worked  closely  with  staff  members  of  that  church  who  can  attest  to  the  gifts  of  the  Spirit  for  ministry  in  my  life.    In  addition  to  the  college  outreach,    I  have  worked  with  the  church’s  local  missions  leadership  to  coordinate  service/mercy  opportunities  for  our  students  and  larger  church  community.    Also,  I  have  helped  plan  two  short  term  mission  trips  for  college  students  to  enable  students  to  experience  and  practice  the  missional  call  in  an  unfamiliar  setting.        

3. Where  have  I  been  drawn  to  serve  in  my  local  church,  and  how  have  I  responded  to  that  call?         One  particular  area  I  have  helped  my  church  is  as  a  bridge  between  church  members  and  the  university  community.    Several  volunteers  from  the  church  have  been  connected  at  Rice  University,  and  they  regularly  meet  with  students  in  discipleship  relationships.    Also  the  greater  membership  has  become  more  aware  of  the  university  through  the  presence  of  college  students  in  worship  on  Sunday.    This  has  resulted  in  more  interest  in  college  activities  from  those  within  the  church  (volunteers,  prayer,  conversation,  etc.)  and  students  who  have  felt  welcomed  into  the  greater  community.    

4. Am  I  currently  part  of  a  small  group  or  small  community  of  people  who  I  give  permission  to  speak  into  my  life?  If  not,  why  not?  And  what  next  steps  can  I  take  to  get  involved  with  others  with  whom  I  am  sharing  my  life?  

      Several  of  my  peers  and  other  wise  men  have  formed  a  network  which  I  meet  with  that  has  the  permission  to  ask  questions  about  my  life  and  share  in  the  ups  and  downs  o  f  my  life  and  ministry.  Some  are  more  invested  in  the  ministry  side  and  some  were  more  inclined  in  the  personal  side,  but  they  all  form  a  balance  which  helps  me  process  my  life’s  joys  and  struggles  as  well  as  my  call  to  ministry.    Examples:  Jeremiah  Morris,  Jon  Crantz,  Michael  Homan,  Bill  Heston,  Cameron  Kipp,  Charles  Sommer                    

Page 19: First&Presbyterian&Church&of&Houston& Session&Agenda ...2 Session Attendance 2013-2014 A= Absence E= Excused June August Sept Oct Nov Jan Feb March April May Barnes, Martha Benn, Dorian


Advisory  Council  Meeting  Minutes  November  13,  2013  


The  monthly  meeting  of  the  Advisory  Council  of  First  Presbyterian  Church  of  Houston  was  held  on  November  13,  2013  in  the  Pastor’s  Conference  Room.    The  meeting  opened  at  8:30  A.M.    In  attendance  were  Jim  Birchfield,  Jane  Costello,  Lesley  Lilly,  David  McCarty,  and  Victor  Harris.    The  meeting  was  opened  with  a  devotional  and  prayer  by  Lesley  Lilly.    Jim  Birchfield  gave  a  financial  report  for  October.    Giving  is  approximately  3%  ahead  of  projected  levels  and  expenses  are  slightly  below  projected  amounts  as  of  the  end  of  October.    Members  of  the  Finance  Committee  are  planning  a  message  to  the  congregation  as  people  consider  year-­‐end  giving.    Jane  Costello  reported  that  a  third  attempt  is  being  made  by  a  group  of  shepherding  elders  to  follow  up  with  non-­‐active  members  who  have  not  responded  to  the  letters  sent  out  over  the  past  several  months.    This  final  attempt  to  contact  non-­‐active  members  is  being  done  with  phone  calls  and  it  is  expected  that  this  will  be  completed  within  the  next  two  weeks.    Jim  Birchfield  presented  an  overview  of  Lead  Them  Home,  a  ministry  that  helps  church  leaders  and  churches  better  understand  how  to  reach  out  and  serve  the  gay  and  lesbian  community.    Bill  Henson,  founder  of  Lead  Them  Home  has  led  a  conference  at  FPC  within  the  past  year  and  will  be  in  Houston  during  the  week  of  the  November  Session  meeting.    The  Advisory  Council  members  were  all  supportive  of  inviting  Mr.  Henson  to  the  November  Session  meeting.    The  group  then  entered  into  a  discussion  of  key  calendar  dates  over  the  next  two  to  three  months  related  to  the  Discernment  Process.    This  Presbytery  Discernment  Team  (“PDT”)  will  meet  on  November  25  in  preparation  for  the  report  that  they  will  bring  to  the  congregation  on  December  3.    A  letter  has  been  sent  to  the  congregation  from  the  Session  encouraging  members  to  let  the  Advent  Season  be  one  of  rest  from  the  Discernment  Process.    The  Session  will  need  some  special  times  to  meet  for  prayer  and  discussion  between  the  time  of  the  PDT’s  report  and  the  regular  January  Session  meeting.    Those  dates  will  be  determined  at  the  November  Session  meeting.    There  followed  a  discussion  of  opportunities  for  reconciliation  within  the  congregation.    Session  members  have  been  reaching  out  over  the  past  several  months  to  various  members  of  the  congregation  for  conversation.    Several  dinners  or  coffees  are  being  attended  by  Session  members  to  listen  to  concerns  from  members.    Several  opportunities  are  being  considered  for  the  Lenten  season  to  encourage  reconciliation  as  well.    The  group  then  discussed  the  next  steps  in  communicating  and  implementing  the  report  from  the  Vision  2020  team.    David  McCarty  will  work  with  Jane  Costello  on  the  material  to  be  included  in  the  training  for  the  Session  class  of  2017.    There  being  no  further  business,  following  a  closing  prayer  by  David  McCarty  the  meeting  was  adjourned  at  12:00  P.M.    Respectfully  submitted,  Jane  Costello  Clerk  of  the  Class  of  2014