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First English Evangelical Lutheran Church – October 2014 October 26, 2014 First English Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1603 Monument Avenue, Richmond, VA 23220-2906 Office (804)355-9185 Fax (804)358-6113 Email: [email protected] Web pages: Rev. Dr. John T. Schweitzer, Pastor: [email protected] Mr. Linwood D. Lunde, Director of Music: [email protected] Mr. Brian Wingfield, Parish Administrator: [email protected]

FirstEnglishEvangelical&Lutheran&Church–&October&2014&–&October&2014& & Members of the

Apr 25, 2020



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Page 1: FirstEnglishEvangelical&Lutheran&Church–&October&2014&–&October&2014& & Members of the

First  English  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  –  October  2014    



October 26, 2014    


First English Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1603 Monument Avenue, Richmond, VA 23220-2906 Office (804)355-9185 Fax (804)358-6113

Email: [email protected] Web pages: Rev. Dr. John T. Schweitzer, Pastor: [email protected]

Mr. Linwood D. Lunde, Director of Music: [email protected] Mr. Brian Wingfield, Parish Administrator: [email protected]


Page 2: FirstEnglishEvangelical&Lutheran&Church–&October&2014&–&October&2014& & Members of the

First  English  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  –  October  2014    


Planning for Tomorrow and the Future   Thus far we have had two of four of the meetings to discuss and define the road ahead for FELC. They were on Sunday, September 7 (Rally Day; see other report below), and Sunday, September 28. Both times we met in the Fellowship Hall immediately after the 10:30 service, and began with a light lunch.

The topics were as follows: September 7: Who we are Now, the Urban Church, Demographics September 28: Youth, Young Adults, and Families The meeting on September 7 included discussion of our mission statement, FELC demographics, FAN demographics, projected growth in Richmond, and definition/characteristics of an urban church. Table discussion identified top strengths and weaknesses. Challenges to be faced in the next 5 years were also identified. There was opportunity to ask questions and to express comments. The nursery attendants provided activities for the younger children so their parents could fully participate in the discussions. Especially gratifying was the participation of recently confirmed young people, who did not hesitate to take part in the discussion. 55 members attended, not counting the children.

The second meeting on September 28, facilitated by First English Member Carol L. Schweitzer, Professor of Practical Theology at Union Presbyterian Seminary here in Richmond (and known to everyone as Pastor John Schweitzer’s spouse), focused on what was the original concern expressed at the Annual Meeting this past January (the four meetings are an outgrowth of discussions at that gathering, work by an ad hoc committee to study the issue of youth and family ministries, plus a proposal at a special congregational meeting on June 22 that the ad hoc committee’s recommendations presented at that time be widened and further discussed). The discussion at this meeting of all aspects of our ministry to children, youth, young adults, and families, as well as singles and older adults, was especially helpful, resulting in a long list of proposals to be discussed at our last meeting on November 9. Special thanks to Carol for her insights gained from 13 years of preparing theological students to do ministry! The third meeting will be on October 19: Ministry — Internal and External, Worship and Music, Social Ministry, Congregational Life. The final meeting will be on November 9: Planning — Where Do We Go from Here? It is gratifying to see the number of people at the meetings thus far, who represent a cross section of First English’s membership. And as was mentioned above, it’s wonderful that our youth are so candid and outspoken about their views of our church (mostly positive!) and its future. And special thanks are due to Betty Cochran, the President of our Congregation Council, for her hard work in organizing and leading the planning for the meetings, as well as keeping us on topic at all times! We hope to see you at our remaining two meetings. I feel the Holy Spirit moving among us as we seek to continue to be in the city for good, to serve for Jesus’ sake, and to look forward to the next hundred years of being God’s people in this special place we call First English Evangelical Lutheran Church. ~ Pastor John Schweitzer

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First  English  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  –  October  2014    

Oktoberfest Celebration: Wednesday’s Together October 1st

We will be serving Knockwurst, Bratwurst and Hotdogs along with chips and German chocolate cake. But, if you have a favorite German side dish and would like to bring it, please do.

The next meeting of the Women of the ELCA is Friday October 10th. Our speaker will be Officer Juan Tejeda from the Richmond Police Department. He will present a program on Elder Abuse with a special focus on Fraud. Please plan to join us for dinner at 6:00 pm; the cost is $5.00. After dinner, Officer Tejeda will present his program and then we’ll have our meeting.

Soul Knitters and Crocheters will meet on Sunday, October 12, 2014 from noon to 2 pm in the Wagner Room. Our project this month will be to work on table decorations/party favors for the Halloween party. If you crochet and would like to help, please plan on joining us or take a pattern from the basket in the Wagner Room. Our ongoing projects include making lap blankets and prayer shawls for our homebound members.

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First  English  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  –  October  2014    

Members of the Leisure Group spent a delightful day in Appomattox on September 18th. Our guides at the Confederate Museum and at the Appomattox Court House Historic District were knowledgeable and informative. At the Babcock House we enjoyed visiting together while eating a delicious lunch. After lunch we enjoyed shopping before continuing our tour. The weather was almost perfect, and the area around Appomattox Court House was beautiful, restful, and peaceful. You are invited to join us on our trip to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and Arlington Cemetery on Monday, October 20th. You will have free time to explore both the museum and the cemetery as well as to visit the Arlington House, the home of Robert E. Lee for 30 years. The cost of this trip is $80.00 per person. If you would like to join us or want more information, please contact Libby Riggle or me. More exciting tours are being planned for 2015. We look forward to seeing you on one of our tours soon. ~ Grace Gulick

Halloween Party: Wednesday’s Together October 29th. Spooky dinner at 6:00 followed by games and the costume parade. Fun for all ages!

Rally Sunday: God’s Work, our Hands     Rally  Sunday  this  year  was  very  early:  September  7,  due  to  Labor  Day  falling  on  September  1.  In  addition  to  holding  the  first  in  the  series  of  meetings  to  plan  for  our  future  (see  Pastor’s  article  elsewhere  in  this  Newsletter),  our  Sunday  School  children  and  many  of  our  adults  participated  in  the  ELCA’s  “God’s  Work.  Our  Hands.”  program.  Wearing  yellow  T-­‐shirts  with  both  our  congregation’s  name  and  the  ELCA  logo  on  them,  First  English  members  of  all  ages  performed  various  random  acts  of  kindness  outside  in  the  neighborhood  during  the  Sunday  School  hour.  One  group  cleaned  up  litter  and  trash  in  the  grassy  median  of  Monument  Avenue,  a  group  of  Sunday  School  children  did  the  same  at  the  small  playground  at  Lombardy  and  Park  Avenues,  the  high  school  Sunday  School  class  visited  residents  (including  First  English  member  Audrey  Schumann)  in  the  lobby  of  Heart  Fields,  a  senior  care  community  located  at  Monument  and  Allen  Avenues,  and  still  others  engaged  joggers  and  pedestrians  in  conversation  as  they  walked  by  our  church.  It  was  a  great  time  of  outreach  to  our  community  and  making  the  immediate  neighborhood  of  First  English  aware  of  the  fact  that  we’re  here  and  care  about  them!  Special  thanks  to  all  who  participated  and  to  Jessica  Smith  for  her  efforts  in  organizing  the  event.  To  see  pictures  of  what  the  churches  in  our  Virginia  Synod,  including  First  English,  did  on  this  Sunday,  visit  the  synod’s  website:  and  follow  the  links  under  “events”  and  then  “event  photo  gallery.”    

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First  English  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  –  October  2014    

The Fall service project this year is for The Giving Heart ( This is an all volunteer organization started in 2003 that serves the greater Richmond community and focuses on providing food, fellowship and essential items to those in need. First English will be providing gift-wrapped shoe boxes for children in need containing toothbrushes, toothpaste, socks, combs, writing pads, pencils, soap, sealed snacks and other items. A donation box with a requested items list is in the narthex. Shoeboxes are also needed. The First English Youth Group is supporting this project. People preferring to make cash or check donations for the purchase of additional items can include those as part of their offering with a note indicating “Fall Service Project: The Giving Heart”. Thrivent funds will be requested for matching church funds. The Wrap-Day (the November date will be published shortly) is when the shoeboxes are wrapped (top and bottom separately) and filled with the socks and other items. Contact Jeff Nelson if you have any questions ([email protected]). The boxes will be distributed to children at another The Giving Heart event, which is the Community Thanksgiving Feast, held on Thanksgiving Day at the Greater Richmond Convention Center.

Benevolence Mission Fund Committee

is Seeking Grant Requests The FELC Benevolence Mission Fund is dedicated to non-congregational projects which are compatible with the mission and ministry of FELC. A major source of the monies is ten percent of undesignated gifts and bequests to FELC. The Benevolence Mission Fund Committee is currently seeking grant requests of up to $1200 from congregation members. The grants are to (1.) complement the benevolence programs of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Virginia Synod and FELC or (2.) directly relate to the current mission goals of FELC such as social ministry, with the agency or organization operating in the Richmond area. Requests for projects to receive funds should be written with sufficient detail including the FELC contact and placed in the Social Ministry mailbox in the church office area by Sunday November 2, 2014. The Committee makes recommendations to Church Council where the final decision is made on requests. A limited number of grant requests will be approved. The funds for the approved requests will not be available until they are approved at the January 2015 annual meeting. The Benevolence Mission Fund Revised Policy is available from Jeff Nelson ([email protected]).

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First  English  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  –  October  2014    

October 5 –

17th Sunday after Pentecost

October 12 – 18th Sunday after Pentecost

October 19 – 19th Sunday after Pentecost

October 26 – Reformation Sunday

8:15 Lector Laura Rice Grace Gulick Pat McAfee Nancy Mondrey 10:30 Lector Polly Brickman 1. Jim Byerly

2. Molly McCue 1. Rob Comet 2. Caroline Matawarin

1. Mary Elizabeth Ellis 2. Cooper Hoke

Crucifer Molly McCue Stuart Myer Kirk Fenerty Jim Byerly Acolytes Michael Stricker

Sydney Stricker Cassidy Hoke Amanda Jarvis

Nate Fenerty Parker Vida

Cooper Hoke

Altar Guild Libby Riggle Peggy Davis

Lynn Heltzel Billy Duke Linda Wallace

Stuart Myer Brenda Myer

Greeter Roger Riggle Lydia English Bill Fenerty Caroline Heltzel Head Counter

Sheryl Finucane Sheryl Finucane Sheryl Finucane Sheryl Finucane

Counters Betty Cochran Suzanne Stricker

Sandi Cowett Betty Davidson

Bill Fenerty Jennifer Gentry

Mary Elizabeth Ellis Grace Gulick

Ushers Roger Riggle Bill Davidson Debbie Lane Wayne Griffin

Lynn Heltzel Jim Byerly Mark Crumpton Nate Fenerty

Bill Davidson Roger Riggle Sheryl Finucane Wayne Griffith

Jeff Nelson Reni Gower Carolyn Drudge Roger Riggle

Hospitality Congregational Life Committee

Linda Wallace Billy Duke

Planning Meeting Reformation Sunday Potluck Lunch

Readings Isa 5:1-7 Phil 3:4b-14 Matt 21:33-46

Isa 25:1-9 Phil 4:1-9 Matt 22:1-14

Isa 45:1-7 1 Thess 1:1-10 Matt 22:15-22

Jer 31:31-34 Rom 3:19-28 John 8:31-36

** Please find a replacement when you cannot serve and notify the church office at 355-9185 as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and service.

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First  English  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  –  October  2014    

FELC People News  


From the Women of the ELCA We want to thank Julianne Riley for another beautiful blue and white afghan that she has crocheted. Betty Davidson has taken it over to the Lutheran Family Services office to be given to a needy family. ~ Betty Davidson, Chair Mission & Community ~ Carrie Jacobson, Secretary Women of the ELCA

Let’s Celebrate October with the Following Members of our Congregation


Happy  Birthday  to  everyone  

celebrating  a  birthday  in  the  

month  of  October!  


Congratulations to all celebrating a Wedding

Anniversary in October!

Newsletter Deadline All submissions for the November issue need to be turned in to the church office no later than Wednesday October 15th. Thank you for your cooperation. Church Office Staff  

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First  English  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  –  October  2014    

Wednesday October 1 6:00 pm: Oktoberfest Celebration 6:45 pm: Choir Rehearsal

Sun. October 5 – 17th Sunday after Pentecost 8:15 am: Service of Holy Communion 9:15 am: Sunday School 9:30 am: Choir Rehearsal

10:30 am: Service of Holy Communion 11:30 am: Hospitality – Congregational Life Committee

Wednesday October 8 6:00 pm: Wednesdays Together Dinner 6:45 pm: Choir Rehearsal

Friday October 10 6:00 pm: Women of the ELCA Group

Sun. October 12 – 18th Sunday after Pentecost 8:15 am: Service of Holy Communion 9:15 am: Sunday School 9:30 am: Choir Rehearsal

10:30 am: Service of Holy Communion 11:30 am: Hospitality – Linda Wallace, Billy Duke 12:00 pm: Soul Knitters and Crocheters 12:00 pm: Congregational Life Committee Meeting

Wednesday October 15 6:00 pm: Wednesdays Together Dinner 6:45 pm: Choir Rehearsal

Sunday October 19 – 19th Sunday after Pentecost 8:15 am: Service of Holy Communion 9:15 am: Sunday School 9:30 am: Choir Rehearsal

10:30 am: Service of Holy Communion 12:00 pm: Planning for the Future: Ministry

Monday October 20 Leisure Group trip

Tuesday October 21 7:00 pm: Congregational Council Meeting

Wednesday October 22 6:00 pm: Wednesdays Together Dinner 6:45 pm: Choir Rehearsal

Sunday October 26 – Reformation Sunday 8:15 am: Service of Holy Communion 9:15 am: Sunday School 9:30 am: Choir Rehearsal

10:30 am: Service of Holy Communion 11:30 am: Hospitality – Reformation Sunday Potluck 12:00 pm: Worship & Music Committee Meeting

Wednesday October 29 6:00 pm: Annual Halloween Party & Dinner 6:45 pm: Choir Rehearsal

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First  English  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  –  October  2014