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First Progress Report August 2017

First Progress Report August 2017 -

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First Progress Report

August 2017

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Minister's Foreword

I am delighted to present the first six-monthly progress report on Realising our Rural Potential, the

Government's Action Plan for Rural Development.

So much has happened since the Government published the Action Plan in January this year, not

least through the creation of a new Department of Rural and Community Development. I am

honoured to serve as Minister in what will be a dynamic and forward looking Department. In my

role as Minister for Rural and Community Development, I intend to take a pro-active approach to the

challenges facing rural Ireland and I will place a strong emphasis on developing policies to support

rural employment and rural communities.

The Action Plan for Rural Development has been in place now for just over six months and this

report provides a detailed account of the progress being made, as well as highlighting some areas

where further work needs to be done. As Minister for Rural and Community Development, I am

responsible for overseeing the delivery of the Action Plan and I will work with my fellow Ministers to

ensure that their Departments deliver on the Government’s commitments to rural Ireland.

Overall, I am delighted to see so much progress being made right across the five pillars of the Action

Plan. It is the combined impact of these actions which will make a difference for rural Ireland.

By continuing to deliver on this Action Plan, we can truly realise the potential of rural Ireland for the

benefit of people who live and work in our rural communities.

Michael Ring T.D.

Minister for Rural and Community Development

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Glossary of Abbreviations

BIM Bord Iascaigh Mhara

CIF Construction Industry Federation

CSO Central Statistics Office

daa Company formerly known as the Dublin Airport Authority

DAFM Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

DBEI Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation

DCHG Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

DRCD Department of Rural and Community Development

DCCAE Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment

DCYA Department of Children and Youth Affairs

DES Department of Education and Skills

DESP Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection

DHPLG Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government

DJE Department of Justice and Equality

DoF Department of Finance

DoH Department of Health

DPER Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

DTTAS Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport

EI Enterprise Ireland

ESB Electricity Supply Board

ETBs Education and Training Boards

FLAGs Fisheries Local Area Action Groups

GSI Geological Survey of Ireland

HEIs Higher Education Institutes

HSE Health Service Executive

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IDA Industrial Development Authority

ILCU Irish League of Credit Unions

ISIF Ireland Strategic Investment Fund

LAs Local Authorities

LAGs LEADER Local Action Groups

LDCs Local Development Companies

LCDCs Local Community Development Committees

LEOs Local Enterprise Offices

NTA National Transport Authority

NUIG National University of Ireland Galway

OPW Office of Public Works

OSI Ordnance Survey Ireland

PPNs Public Participation Networks

RAPID Revitalising Areas by Planning, Investment and Development

RGDATA Retail Grocery Dairy & Allied Trades Association

SBCI Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland

SEAI Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

SFI Science Foundation Ireland

SICAP Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme

TII Transport Infrastructure Ireland

WDC Western Development Commission

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Pillar 1 – Supporting Sustainable Communities

If we want rural living to be viable and sustainable, we must support our rural communities. We

must make rural Ireland a better place to live, enhance local services, build better communities and

empower the people that live in them to ensure that their voices are heard.

Key achievements to date under this Pillar:

1. The 2017 Town and Village Renewal Scheme was launched on 13th April and will provide funding of €20 million over 15 months to support up to 300 towns and villages. The scheme is specifically targeted at rural towns and villages with populations of less than 10,000. Applications can range from €20,000 to a maximum of €100,000 and funding of up to €200,000 will also be considered for a limited number of projects which can deliver exceptionally strong economic benefits to a town and its outlying areas. (Action 1 – DRCD).

2. The Framework for Town Centre Revival was launched on 25th April to assist with the regeneration of rural towns. The Framework sets out the key characteristics of a successful town centre and identifies existing supports and best practice examples from around the country. It also includes an Action Plan for Town Centre renewal to guide towns and villages through the renewal process – this process includes stakeholder engagement, town centre health check and preparation of a Town Centre plan (Action 4 – DBEI).

3. The 2017 CLÁR programme was launched on 31st March to support disadvantaged rural communities through small capital projects. €7m was approved for 231 projects under four measures: Measure 1: Support for Schools/Community Safety Measures; Measure 2: Play Areas; Measure 3: Targeted Community Infrastructure Needs; Measure 4: First Response Support Measure (Action 10 – DRCD).

4. Over 80 offers were made to GLAS farmers nationwide to support the conservation of traditional farm buildings under the GLAS Traditional Farm buildings grant scheme which also supports employment in rural communities through the engagement of traditional skills people, architectural professionals and wildlife surveyors (Action 14 – Heritage Council)

5. A number of key initiatives were rolled out by the Health and Safety Authority to improve farm safety, including targeted inspection campaigns in March and May 2017 with a focus on livestock safety and tractor and machinery safety. Farm safety training was provided to over 300 Knowledge Transfer facilitators; the Code of Practice for Preventing Injury and Occupational Health in Agriculture was fully revised; farm accident awareness campaigns were broadcast on national TV and radio and social media. Over 1,000 farm safety visits have been carried out to date in 2017 (Action 16 – HSA).

6. 29 Local Action Groups are delivering the LEADER programme in the 28 sub-regional designated areas and over 5,000 expressions of interest have been received for LEADER funding in these areas. The Local Action Groups are working with project promoters to

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finalise applications for funding and more than 200project approvals have taken place. D/R&CD has committed to implementing 31 actions, identified by the Local Action Groups, to improve the administration of the programme and facilitate a higher level of project approvals (Action 47 – DRCD).

7. A total of €3.6 million was announced under the Fisheries Local Area Action Group (FLAGS) Strategy for Ireland's seven coastal regions. This will provide funding for a range of initiatives targeting job creation, social inclusion, tourism, community regeneration and market development (Action 48 – DAFM).

8. 500 additional Rural Social Scheme places were announced in January 2017. At the end of June 2017, there were 2,683 participants benefitting from the Scheme. Places will continue to be rolled out and DESP is working with the Implementing Bodies (35 Local Development Companies and Údarás na Gaeltachta) to ensure that all places are filled as quickly as possible over the coming months (Action 50 – DESP).

9. Application details for Social Farming Initiatives under the Rural Innovation and Development Fund were announced in June 2017. Total funding available is €370,000 for at least three social farming model projects which can demonstrate a national benefit (Action 51 – DAFM).

10. A new grant-aid scheme was announced in April 2017 for community groups to assist with the establishment of community-based CCTV systems which will help deter crime and assist in the detection of offenders (Action 60 - DJE).

11. A new €2m Communities Facilities Fund was announced in March 2017 to enhance communities, address disadvantage and improve social cohesion at local level. LCDCs are currently reviewing applications to ensure complementarity with the Local Economic and Community Plans (Action 64 – DRCD).

12. In June 2017, the Irish Men's Sheds Association registered its 400th shed and are well on target to meet the target in the Action Plan of 450 by 2019. In addition, the 'Sheds for Life' programme was launched on 29th May in Offaly and several free health events have already taken place (Actions 66 & 67– Irish Men's Shed Association).

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Pillar 2 - Supporting Enterprise and Employment

Increasing employment opportunities for people across all regions of the country is a key objective

for the Government. Supporting the growth of enterprises at regional level – whether start-ups,

scaling companies or FDI companies – will bring increased job opportunities for people who live in in

rural areas, and will increase economic activity in rural areas.

Key achievements to date under this Pillar:

1. All eight Regional Action Plans for Jobs have been published and implementation is well under way. Employment increased in seven of the eight regions in the year to Q1 2017 and over 77% of the new jobs added in year to Q1 2017 were outside Dublin (Action 68 - DBEI).

2. A competitive Regional Enterprise Development Fund of up to €60m up to 2020 was launched in May 2017 by Enterprise Ireland. The Fund aims to accelerate economic recovery in every part of the country by delivering on the potential of local and regional enterprise strengths. The Fund will support collaborative regional initiatives and the development of industry clusters. The closing date for the first call under the Fund was 18th August 2017 (Action 69 – Enterprise Ireland)

3. Significant progress has been made across the actions in Harnessing our Ocean Wealth. A

report published in 2017 by the Socio-Economic Research unit at NUI Galway showed that the marine sector has grown significantly since the publication of Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth in 2012. In the period 2014-2016, there has been a 23% increase in turnover, a 20% increase in gross value added and a 10% increase in employment in the marine sector (Action 70 – DAFM).

4. Advance buildings in Sligo, Tralee and Castlebar have been completed by the IDA, designed to provide high quality production and office accommodation suitable for future technology or Life Sciences projects (Action 71 - IDA).

5. Innovation hubs are now operational in the Donegal and Kerry Gaeltacht areas to support entrepreneurship and start-up companies, with others to follow before year-end in Mayo and Galway (Action 85 – Údarás na Gaeltachta).

6. The Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI) has deployed the Agriculture Cash Flow Support Scheme in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine to provide flexible, low-interest loans to farmers in response to challenges they face due to price and income volatility and unfavourable market conditions (Action 89 – SBCI).

7. 'Brexit Readiness Vouchers' were supplied to companies to obtain specialist advice on a range of issues regarding Brexit (Action 101 - InterTradeIreland).

8. Through the National Waste Prevention Programme, the 'Stop Food Waste Challenge' has been rolled out in 50 mainly rural communities to reduce food waste. In addition 'Smart Farming' has worked with more than 1,000 farmers across all regions, saving an average €5,000 p.a. per farmer and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from their farms by 7-10% (Action 103 – EPA, DCCAE).

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9. Progress across FoodWise 2025 has led to an increase in employment in the agri-food sector, now accounting for over 8.6% of total employment; agri-food exports at end 2016 were €12.2 billion (Actions 105&106 - DAFM).

10. To date, 585 companies, accounting for almost 95% of food and drink exports, have registered to take part in the Origin Green programme which contributes to improving the environmental, as well as the economic and social, sustainability of the sector (Action 107 – Bord Bia).

11. €28m in funding was announced in February 2017, for ongoing capital investment in Ireland's six fishery harbour centres and smaller harbours to support safety, maintenance and fisheries processing and development (Action 111 – DAFM).

12. A workshop with key stakeholders in the bioeconomy sector was held in February with a view to informing the establishment of a baseline assessment of the current levels of Bioeconomy activity and opportunities across the various sectors in Ireland (Action 116 – D/Taoiseach).

13. Letterkenny IT has established a base in Pairc Ghnó Ghaoth Dobhair to support local businesses as part of Údarás na Gaeltachta's efforts to strengthen their links with ITs and Universities. This will help to build capacity in the region and support and promote research and innovation (Action 127 – Údarás na Galtachta).

14. 'Expand your Horizons' meetings were held across the country in February 2017 by Teagasc to promote diversification options for farmers and to outline funding available to support farming and rural communities (Action 132 – Teagasc).

15. A new round of funding of €1.75 million from the Dormant Accounts Fund was announced by

Minister Michael Ring in March 2017, to support social enterprises that assist disadvantaged people, with an emphasis on rural areas (Action 138 – DRCD).

16. The Earned Income Credit (EIC) was increased by €400 to €950 per annum in Budget 2017 and is available to self-employed individuals, including farmers, who do not have access to the PAYE employee tax credit (Action 146 - DOF).

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Pillar 3 - Maximising our Rural Tourism and Recreation Potential

Tourism is a key driver of economic development in rural Ireland. In 2015, 85% of visitors to Ireland

visited at least one region outside Dublin. With the revenue this generates in the regions, tourism

has a significant role to play in supporting sustainable jobs and growth in rural areas and will be

supported through targeted marketing initiatives and co-ordinated approaches at national and local

level. There is also potential to develop and promote Activity Tourism and capitalise on our rich built

and natural heritage.

Key achievements to date under this Pillar:

1. A feasibility study in relation to the development of the 'Ireland's Lakelands' brand has been completed. Fáilte Ireland are examining proposals with a view to testing available options (Action 153 – Fáilte Ireland).

2. A tourism strategy for the Gaeltacht was approved in the first half of 2017 and implementation of the actions in the strategy has already begun (Action 154 – Údarás na Gaeltachta).

3. €450,000 has been announced for at least 9 projects supporting agri-food tourism initiatives under the Rural Innovation and Development Fund. This will focus on longer-term, wider impacting proposals such as business and skills training, network development, initiation and development of inter-county agri-food tourism schemes/trails (Action 163 – DAFM)

4. The tourism potential of the Border region is being developed through a number of initiatives, e.g. the development of the Ulster Canal Greenway and the Carlingford Lough Greenway, and the commencement of the Carlingford Ferry Service between Greenore, Co. Louth and Greencastle, Co. Down (Action 164 – Local Authorities)

5. A public consultation paper on a "Strategy for the Future Development of Greenways" was published in May 2017, inviting public submissions. (Action 167 – DTTAS)

6. Work has commenced on a number of initiatives to develop and promote our Blueways e.g.

the development of the Royal Canal Blueway, which will provide 22km of paddling, centred around Mullingar, 140km of walking from McNead's Bridge in Westmeath to Richmond Harbour in Longford, along with 60km of cycling trails; the development of a recreational activity hub in Carlow town; completion of the Lough Allen Board Walk. In addition, the Acres Lake section of the Shannon Blueway and works to the canoe trail on Lough Derg at 14 sites are nearing completion (Action 168 – D/CHG and Action 169 – Waterways Ireland).

7. €11.4 million for outdoor recreational infrastructure was approved for over 200 projects

across rural Ireland (Action 170 – DR&CD).

8. Funding was awarded to 70 applicants in 19 counties across the country in April 2017 under the Inland Fisheries Ireland Sponsorship Scheme to assist rural communities to engage with angling, angling tourism and environmental issues, with a further funding round anticipated later in the year (Action 179 - IFI).

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9. €500k in capital investment was announced in January 2017 to boost the tourism potential of Ireland's National Parks, as part of a strategic partnership between the Department of Culture, Heritage, and the Gaeltacht and Fáilte Ireland (Action 186 – DCHG).

10. €11.5m in funding was announced by Fáilte Ireland in April 2017 for 10 key Heritage Sites,

including funding of €8.2m for 8 sites outside of the Dublin Region (Action 191 - OPW)

11. Funding of over €1.3m has been approved for 67 projects to conserve historic, heritage structures under the Structures at Risk Fund (Action 193 – DCHG).

12. The Heritage Council has allocated €700,000 in funding to over 170 groups in rural Ireland

under the Community Heritage Grants Scheme in 2017 to support the development of conservation and heritage tourism in rural areas (Action 194 – Heritage Council).

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Pillar 4 - Fostering Culture and Creativity in Rural Communities

Many rural communities all over Ireland have a thriving arts scene and it is important that facilities

and assets in rural areas are enhanced to strengthen the social fabric of rural life. This Pillar aims to

increase access to the arts and to develop culture and creativity in rural communities. The Irish

language is also a vital part of our culture and heritage and is a key resource in Gaeltacht


Key achievements to date under this Pillar:

1. €9 million was approved for investment in 56 arts and culture centres across the country by the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Heather Humphreys T.D., in February 2017. Over 80% of the investment will be in rural areas (Action 203 – DCHG).

2. €135,000 was allocated to 23 regional museums across the country ensuring access to our cultural heritage for rural communities (Action 204 – DCHG).

3. The Arts Council has agreed touring decisions for the first 6 months of 2018 in June 2017 under the Touring and Dissemination of Work Scheme to support quality professional productions to tour venues across Ireland, increasing access to the arts for rural communities (Action 206 – Arts Council).

4. Investment in small festivals around the country has increased by 22% to support greater participation in the arts around the country (Action 208 – Arts Council).

5. Creative Ireland co-ordinators and Culture Teams have been established in every local authority to better co-ordinate and maximise local arts provision. Each local authority has published a Culture and Creativity Plan for 2017 (Action 210 – DCHG).

6. All 31 local authorities hosted free, family-friendly Cruinniú na Cásca events on Easter Monday in their individual counties as part of the national Creative Ireland programme (Action 214 – DCHG).

7. As part of the Arts in Education Charter, Teacher/Artist partnerships as summer courses will be delivered in each of the 21 Association of Teachers/Education Centres in Ireland areas, as a model for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) this Summer (Action 219 – Arts Council, DCHG, DES).

8. A Connacht regional event was held in May in Colaiste na Coiribe, Knocknacarra, Galway to showcase projects developed by young people involved in "Techspace as Gaeilge" in various rural-based schools in the Connacht region. Work is now focussing on progressing the initiative in the Munster region (Action 225 – DCHG).

9. Additional funding of €22,000 was provided for Ealaín na Gaeltachta Teo to support their work in fostering creativity and the arts in the Gaeltacht (Action 227 – Údarás na Gaeltachta).

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10. Pillar 5 - Improving Rural Infrastructure and Connectivity

The objective of this Pillar is to improve the connectivity of rural communities through improved

broadband connection, improved transport links and by reducing the risk of flooding in vulnerable


Key achievements to date under this Pillar:

1. The National Broadband Plan has been a catalyst in encouraging investment by the telecoms sector so that, to date, approximately 1.4m or 61% of the 2.3m premises in Ireland can get high-speed broadband of a minimum of 30 Megabits per second. In April 2017, a commitment agreement with Eir was signed to provide broadband to an additional 300,000 mostly rural premises on a commercial basis and this is already progressing (Action 232 – DCCAE).

2. An Implementation Group was established in March 2017 to drive the recommendations of the Mobile Phone and Broadband Taskforce and to accelerate the rollout of broadband infrastructure and mobile phone access in rural Ireland. D/R&CD is working with stakeholders through two Regional Action Groups to remove barriers to the roll-out of telecoms infrastructure (Action 233 – DCCAE & DRCD).

3. Funding has been provided to each local authority to appoint a Broadband Officer to facilitate the roll out of broadband across the country (Action 235 – DRCD).

4. New routes in development by the Rural Transport Programme during Q1 and Q 2 2017 included a total of 12 scheduled and demand-responsive transport services in Meath, Fingal, Sligo, Leitrim, Tipperary, Kerry, Waterford and Wexford (Action 252 – NTA).

5. In June 2017, approximately €2m was allocated under the Regional Airports Programme for the regional airports in Donegal, Knock, Kerry and Waterford (Action 260 – DTTAS).

6. Three new airlines, along with four new routes, are now operating from Cork airport which increases connectivity for the southern region and increase opportunities for tourism in the region (Action 261- DAA).

7. Significant progress has been made on maintenance activity by the Shannon Flood Risk State Agency Co-ordination Working Group (Action 265 - OPW).

8. In April, the Government agreed the administrative arrangements for a once-off targeted Voluntary Homeowner Relocation Scheme for certain houses affected by flooding in 2015 and 2016 (Action 266 - OPW).

9. The Review of the Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Coastal Protection Schemes has been completed. As a result, the upper financial threshold has now been increased significantly from €500k to €750k per project and for the first time, farm yards and buildings will be included as commercial premises in all categories (Action 271 – OPW).

10. 40 Flood Monitoring Stations have been installed across Roscommon, Galway, Longford and Mayo to identify potential solutions to address the risk of flooding from turloughs (Action 275 – GSI, OPW)

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1. Background

Realising our Rural Potential, the Government's Action Plan for Rural Development was launched on

23rd January 2017. The Action Plan contains 276 actions for the delivery across Government, State

agencies and other bodies over the next three years to support the economic and social progress of

rural Ireland.

The 276 actions in the Action Plan are broken down across 5 thematic Pillars as follows:

Pillar 1: Supporting Sustainable Communities

Pillar 2: Supporting Enterprise and Employment

Pillar 3: Maximising our Rural Tourism and Recreation Potential

Pillar 4: Fostering Culture and Creativity in rural communities

Pillar 5: Improving Rural Infrastructure and Connectivity

Each action has been assigned to a lead body which will be responsible for implementation of the

action within a definite timescale. Progress on the implementation of the actions is overseen by a

Monitoring Committee which includes senior representatives of relevant Government Departments

and key rural stakeholder interests. Progress Reports on the implementation of the Action Plan will

be published twice-yearly.

This Progress Report outlines the progress which has taken place in relation to all the actions due for

implementation in the first six-months of the Action Plan. A total of 201 actions were either due for

delivery in the first half of 2017, or classed as 'ongoing' with activity taking place in the first half of


194 of these actions were either completed on schedule or are in progress (particularly where the

actions are multi-annual or on-going, representing a 97% delivery rate. 7 actions due for delivery in

the first half of 2017 were delayed.

A summary of the key developments under each pillar is provided over the following pages. Detailed

progress reports on each of the 201 actions are included in the subsequent section of the document.

The seven actions which were not completed on schedule in the first half of 2017 were:

Action 100 – research on the impact of Brexit;

Action 113 – Finalise the Draft Bioenergy Plan;

Action 118 – Publish a high-level Policy Statement on the Bioeconomy in Ireland;

Action 238 – Remove development contribution charges for telecommunications


Action 239 – Complete the duct installation on 95km of roadway on the M7/M8 corridor;

Action 240 – Explore whether the take up of the Metropolitan Area Networks can be


Action 243 – Development of revised 'Exempted Development Regulations' to exempt 4G

antennae from requiring planning permission.

The actions in question will be kept under review and updates will be included in the next Progress


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Detailed Progress Report

January – June 2017

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First Progress Report – Q1/Q2 2017 Progress up to end June 2017

Pillar 1: Supporting Sustainable Communities No: 1

Action: Support over 600 towns and villages through an enhanced Town and Village

Renewal Scheme, with funding of up to €12 million per annum, to support their revitalisation, boost their potential to support increased economic activity and improve the living and working environment of rural dwellers.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: 2017-2019

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2017 was launched in April 2017 with a closing date of 30th June 2017. The scheme is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and will be delivered through the Local Authorities which were invited to submit up to 15 applications each to the Department for consideration. In excess of 300 applications have been received and the assessment of those applications is currently underway.

No: 3

Action: Complementing the Town & Village Renewal Scheme, roll out the National

Town Centre Health Check Programme in selected rural towns across Ireland to maximise the contribution of important facilities and assets within rural towns, in particular heritage resources.

Lead: DCHG/Heritage Council

Timeline: Q2 2017

Status: Progress Update:


The National Pilot Town Centre Health Check (TCHC) Training Programme, the first step in the overall Programme, was launched in September 2016. Pilot TCHCs are now underway in seven towns as part of the ‘pilot’ TCHC training programme 2016/2017 and associated Training Workshops were delivered in Dublin Castle in March 2017 to 130 attendees.

No: 4

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Action: Finalise and implement the recommendations of the Framework for Town Centre Revival to assist with the regeneration of rural towns.

Lead: DBEI

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Framework for Town Centre Renewal was launched in Sligo in April 2017 and will play an important part in the work to rejuvenate and revitalise towns and villages around the country and will be a key support document for towns and villages applying for funding under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme launched in April. The Framework sets out the key characteristics of a successful town centre and identifies existing supports and best practice examples from around the country. Most importantly, the Framework includes an Action Plan for Town Centre Renewal which is intended to be a blueprint for towns and villages, guiding them through the three stages of town centre renewal: stakeholder engagement, carrying out a town centre health check and preparing a Town Centre Plan.

No: 5

Action: As part of Rebuilding Ireland, the Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness, support all local authorities to respond to the needs of their communities and deliver 47,000 new social homes which should also stimulate construction and other economic activities on a local and regional basis.


Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

In February 2017, the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government published a comprehensive status list of social housing schemes that are advancing nationwide. The report allows progress to be seen by county. Future reports will be published on a quarterly basis. The Q4 2016 report shows a pipeline of over 8,430 new social houses being built over the coming years across over 500 separate projects. The list includes those projects already completed in 2016 and those being advanced, ranging from those undergoing planning and design work, to those on site.

No: 6

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Action: Review planning legislation to allow the change of use of vacant commercial properties in cities, towns and villages, including vacant or under-utilised areas over ground floor premises, into residential units without having to go through the planning process.


Timeline: 2017 (Ongoing)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

This action is reflected also in the Government's Rebuilding Ireland Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness published in July 2016. The Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government is considering the necessary revisions to planning law to give effect to this action. New regulations will be drafted for the approval of both Houses of the Oireachtas, and it is hoped this will be completed during the Autumn 2017 Session.

No: 7

Action: Increase delivery of small housing schemes in towns and villages as an alternative to one-off housing


Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

National Planning Policy as set out in the National Planning Policy Statement 2015 and relevant guidelines such as the Planning Guidelines for Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas (2009) promote and support greater levels of appropriately scaled and designed residential delivery in small towns and villages. Ireland 2040 – The National Planning Framework is currently in preparation and will also address the issue of mechanisms to support the revitalisation of smaller towns and villages through housing land and planning and local infrastructure enhancements to enable enhanced residential delivery. The NPF will be finalised later this year.

No: 10

Action: Launch a new phase of the CLÁR Programme in 2017, with funding of €5m, to support small infrastructural projects in rural areas experiencing depopulation.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: 2017

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Status: Progress Update:


The 2017 CLÁR programme was launched on 31st March 2017, with a closing date of 5th May. The programme provides funding for small scale infrastructural projects in disadvantaged rural areas that have experienced significant levels of de-population. Funding for the 2017 CLÁR programme was available this year under four separate Measures: Measure 1: Support for School and Community Safety Measures Measure 2: Play Areas Measure 3: Targeted Community Infrastructure Measure 4: First Responder Supports Over 500 applications were received across the four Measures to the value of €15 million. 231 successful projects were approved, with a total of just under €7 million allocated across the four Measures.

No: 11

Action: Expand the Tidy Towns Competition with a view to increasing the level of support available to applicants and the addition of a number of new categories and/or elements to the competition.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

This Action is primarily focused on the 60th Anniversary of the competition in 2018. A steering group will be established and initial consultations will be arranged with Tidy Towns Committees and other relevant stakeholders during Q3 2017 to assist in the review the competition. It is anticipated that any changes and the introduction of any new categories and/or elements to the competition will be in place in time for the 2018 competition.

No: 12

Action: Provide support for An Taisce National Spring Clean to heighten awareness of litter and waste issues and recycle and reuse where possible


Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Completed for 2017

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Progress Update: The National Spring Clean was undertaken nationwide in April 2017. It was advertised on national radio. The initiative was organised by An Taisce and supported by DCCAE. The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten, T.D., increased funding for the initiative from €168,000 in 2016 to €225,000 for 2017. It is anticipated that An Taisce will release data on the number of participants/groups and the amount of litter collected in Q3 2017.

No: 13

Action: Support a built heritage investment scheme of an estimated €6m between 2017 and 2019, which supports employment of skilled and experienced craft workers, tradespeople and conservation professionals to invest in and assist in the conservation and re-use of heritage.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) 2017 was launched in January 2017 and will provide €3.5 million in funding. The scheme is currently being administered through the 31 Local Authorities and will provide assistance to over 502 projects nationwide.

No: 14

Action: Implement the GLAS Traditional Farm buildings grant scheme to help in the conservation of traditional farm outbuildings as a support to rural communities.

Lead: Heritage Council

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

Completed for 2017

This year the Heritage Council, in partnership with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, have made over 80 offers to GLAS farmers nationwide to support the conservation of traditional farm buildings and by doing so are supporting employment in rural communities through the engagement of traditional skills people, architectural professionals and wildlife surveyors.

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No: 16

Action: Implement the Health & Safety Authority’s Farm Safety Action Plan 2016–2018, with a focus on high risk activities such as tractor and machinery use, livestock handling, and forestry and timber work on farms, as well as the development of new ways of improving farmer skill levels, particularly around risk identification and management. Measures will include the promotion of farm safety through targeted awareness campaigns, farm inspections and training courses.

Lead: HSA

Timeline: 2017-2018

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The actions below represent part of the overall engagement by the members of the Farm Safety Partnership Advisory Committee of the Board of the Health and Safety Authority taken to meet the goals set out in its 2016 – 2018 Farm Safety Action Plan. Focus on high risk activities: 1. Tractor and machinery use

Ongoing engagement with tractor and machinery manufacturers and research institutions in relation to sensor and digital technology.

Specific farm relief services course organised for teenagers through schools supported by FBD as well as specific courses for contractors funded by Macra Skillnet ( .

Use of text messaging to increase safety awareness re tractor and machinery safety.

Tractor and machinery safety was promoted at the Farm Tractor and Machinery Trade Association machinery show.

A targeted inspection campaign was carried out in May with a focus on tractor and machinery safety.

2. Livestock handling

Awareness raising videos continue to be shown at marts.

A targeted inspection campaign was carried out in March with a focus on livestock safety. 3. Forestry and timber work on farms

A new series of safety guidance leaflets on chainsaw use and timber harvesting are being finalised.

Information sheet on load securing of round timber was published and is available on the HSA website.

Development of new ways of: 1. Improving farmer skill levels Farm safety training was provided to over 300 Knowledge Transfer facilitators by HSA/Teagasc.

2. Risk identification and management The Code of Practice for Preventing Injury and Occupational Ill Health in Agriculture was fully revised to takeaccount of changing farm practice and includes a number of additional specific risk assessments such as for slurry handling and harvesting as well as providing details of new chemical symbols and setting out new approaches to farm building maintenance.

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The promotion of farm safety through: 1. Targeted awareness campaigns Two targeted farm safety awareness campaigns held (in March on livestock safety and in May on

tractor and machinery safety). Farm safety meetings with over 60 Knowledge Transfer Groups

involving direct engagement on host farms with over 700 farmers were facilitated by HSA


Farm accident awareness campaigns were broadcast on national TV and radio and on social

media (including YouTube). An ESRI study on risk taking and accidents on Irish farms was finalised

and published.

2. Farm inspections Over 1000 farm safety visits have been carried out to date in 2017. Enforcement action was taken

on approximately 11% of farms, with written advice being given in a further 40%.

3. Training courses Farm safety training was provided to over 300 Knowledge Transfer facilitators by HSA/Teagasc. A

seminar on rural stress was held in March in Kilkenny.

No: 17

Action: Prioritise farm safety through knowledge transfer and inclusion of farm

safety measures through knowledge transfer schemes.

Lead: DAFM

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Training of Knowledge Transfer Group facilitators on farm safety was completed in May 2017. All farmers can now complete the Farm Safety element of the Farm Improvement Plan by the end of July 2017. The Farm Safety element in the green cert (level 6) has been updated as part of the overall revision and the revised curriculum is due to commence in September 2017.

No: 18

Action: Provide support for an estimated 1,700 small-scale environmental projects

under the Local Agenda 21 Environmental Partnership Fund to promote sustainable development at local level.

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Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

. The funding made available for Local Agenda 21 for 2017has been increased to €460,000, which represents a 15% increase for this initiative compared to 2016. The closing date for applications under the Scheme was 7 July 2017.

No: 19

Action: Provide funding for Volunteer Centres and Volunteer Information Services,

as well as national organisations such as Volunteer Ireland, which aims to strengthen those organisations and foster a culture of volunteering in Ireland, including to the benefit of rural communities and community-based organisations.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The voluntary sector is of vital importance to rural Ireland, providing a response to social needs through direct service provision and through wider local and community development. The sector in turn provides opportunities for volunteers to participate and develop skills and helps identify interventions which address the needs of local communities and specific sectors.

In 2017, a funding increase of 10% was distributed to the national Volunteer Centre network with an emphasis on strengthening the capacity of lower funded Centres.

No: 20

Action: Oversee and monitor the implementation of actions to support the Post

Office Network, arising out of the report of the Post Office Renewal Board and the Post Office Hub Working Group.


Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

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The Post Office Network Renewal report was compiled by Mr. Bobby Kerr for An Post and the Report was submitted to An Post in January 2016. In December 2016, An Post commissioned a root and branch review of the company and, by and large, the recommendations of the Renewal Board and the Post Office Hub Working Group are contingent on the outcome of the Review. The final report of the Post Office Hub Working Group, which was chaired by DR&CD, was submitted to Government in March 2017. This report examined the potential for Post Offices to act as hubs of economic and social activity, particularly in rural communities, and recommended that a project to test the concept of Shared Value Co-located Post Offices should be piloted, initially at four locations. Overall responsibility for the postal sector, including the governance of An Post, falls under the remit of the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment and, in light of developments in the sector, it has been agreed that all aspects of the postal services, including the Post Office network, should transfer to the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment.

No: 21

Action: Continue to support the use of rural post offices for the delivery of payment

services such as social welfare payments.

Lead: DESP

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Department continues to support the use of rural post offices for the delivery of social welfare payments. This action is ongoing and there are no plans to change this approach.

No: 22

Action: Develop a strategy for the growth and development of the credit union

sector, which is an important resource in rural Ireland, and ensure that credit unions benefit from regulatory support, in order to respond to the needs of a changing economy.

Lead: DoF

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: In Progress

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Progress Update: Credit Unions have a key role to play in providing access to credit and other important services in local communities throughout the country. The sector has undergone fundamental change since 2011, managing many complex and challenging issues. For example, following the establishment of the Credit Union Restructuring Board (ReBo), there have been 82 mergers involving 156 credit unions resulting in an overall reduction of credit unions from 406 at September 2011 to 277 now. Over the same period loan arrears have fallen from 18% to 9% and the number of Credit Unions with reserves less than 10% has fallen from 51 in September 2011 to 5 at September 2016. Average reserves now stand at 17%. Lending growth has recently returned with a 6% increase to €4.2 billion in the year to March 2017 which followed a large decrease from peak in 2008.

In December 2015 the Credit Union Advisory Committee (CUAC) was invited to carry out a review of the Implementation of the Recommendations set out in the Report of the Commission on Credit Unions. The final report was published on 6 July 2016.

The recommendations are provided under seven specific headings: tiered regulation, section 35, consultation and engagement with the Central Bank, governance, restructuring, business model development and additional matters.

An Implementation Group was established to oversee and monitor implementation of these recommendations, which will support Credit Unions in developing their business model. It has met on five occasions since February 2017 and is focused on implementing all recommendations.

No: 23

Action: Investigate the potential of the German Sparkassen model and the Kiwibank

model for the development of local public banks that operate in defined regions.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The then Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and the Department of Finance convened a project team in January 2017 to evaluate this proposal. Senior officials from both Departments have met with a number of stakeholders including: the German Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation, Irish Rural Link and the Public Banking Forum of Ireland, to discuss the viability of the Sparkassen model of local community banking in an Irish context.

A public consultation process, seeking views on the community banking model, was launched in early March and ran for four weeks, to 29 March. The Department received a total of 16 submissions from a range of stakeholders. All views received in relation to this matter are being considered and it is anticipated that work on the examination of community banking models will be completed shortly and a report will be submitted to Government.

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No: 24

Action: Increase the number of GPs in rural areas by 2019 through the

implementation of the agreement reached with the IMO on rural GP practices, which covers changes in the qualifying criteria for rural support, an increase in the rural practice allowance and an amendment of the special items of service covered.

Lead: HSE

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

249 GP practice units are in receipt of supports under the Rural Practice Support Framework, which relates to 308 individual GPs benefiting under the new scheme. This is a significant increase in the number of GPs benefitting from rural supports, which stood at 167 prior to the introduction of the new scheme in May 2016.

No: 25

Action: In line with the Connecting for Life Programme, provide support for local strategies across rural Ireland to address suicide and improve mental wellbeing.

Lead: HSE

Timeline: 2017-2019

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Connecting for Life, Ireland’s National Strategy to Reduce Suicide (2015-2020) was launched in 2015. The strategy is being led by the Department of Health and involves actions assigned to the HSE and various Government departments. Responsibility for monitoring and reporting systems to support the delivery of the Strategy has been assigned to the National Office for Suicide Prevention. The Cross-Sectoral Steering Group, established to implement the Strategy, has held five meetings so far and is scheduled to meet quarterly in 2017. There are 22 Connecting for Life Local Plans. Six have been launched so far:

Dublin South East

South Tipperary





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No: 26

Action: Consider the treatment of family farms and small businesses in relation to the ‘Fair Deal’ Nursing Homes Support Scheme.

Lead: DoH

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

A Review of the Nursing Homes Support Scheme (NHSS) was published in July 2015 and a number of key issues have been identified for more detailed consideration across Departments and Agencies, including the treatment of business and farm assets for the purposes of the financial assessment element of the Scheme. In addition, the Programme for a Partnership Government has committed to reviewing the NHSS to remove any discrimination against small business and family farms. An Interdepartmental/Agency Working Group has been established to oversee the implementation of certain recommendations contained in the NHSS Review. The NHSS is largely underpinned by primary legislation and as such any changes to the Scheme will require legislative implementation. A commitment has been made to prioritise the examination of family farms and businesses and to bring forward changes to the legislation to address the uncertainty that is being felt by many farming and business families. The Department of Health is undertaking a detailed examination of the options that might be available. This work is ongoing and involves careful consideration of the complex policy and legal issues that arise. Proposed changes in relation to this issue will be brought forward in the context of Budget 2018.

No: 27

Action: Continue the rollout of a multi-year programme of investment worth €435m for circa 90 projects in public nursing home facilities and district and community hospitals in rural areas which could provide up to 5,000 construction-related jobs during their delivery.

Lead: HSE

Timeline: Ongoing up to 2021

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Significant work has been undertaken by the HSE in determining the most appropriate scheduling of projects over the multi-annual period from 2016 to 2021, within the phased provision of funding, to achieve compliance and registration. All healthcare infrastructure developments, including this development, must comply with DPER guidelines and EU directives and will require

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a lead-in time to complete the various stages. These stages include appraisal, project brief, design feasibility, detailed design, some of which may overlap, the review of costing estimates and finalisation of financing. By the end of 2016, 14 projects were operational.

No: 28

Action: Deliver 18 new primary care centres in rural Ireland and support the establishment of primary care teams to allow people to avail of a comprehensive range of health and social care services in their local areas, including access to ultrasound services.

Lead: HSE

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Three Primary Care Centres have opened to date in 2017 (end Q2) – in Blessington, Co Wicklow, Mullingar, Co Westmeath and Ballyheigue, North Kerry - with a further eight due to open by the end of 2017. Seven more are expected to open by the end of Quarter 2 in 2018. Currently there are 484 Primary Care Teams covering the entire population. The Primary Care Team is the central point for service delivery which actively engages to address the medical and social care needs of the population in the community in conjunction with a wider range of Network services. The Teams continue to provide services in local communities so that people can be maintained in their own homes and communities for as long as possible. A key priority for the HSE, as set out in the National Service Plan, 2017 is to consolidate the provision of ultrasound in primary care sites and expand the provision of direct access to x-ray services within existing resources. The HSE is currently working on proposals from the Community Health Organisation areas and Hospital Groups to support the development and enhancement of diagnostic services in the primary care sector.

No: 29

Action: Plan and resource the Primary Care workforce, including GPs, community nursing and allied health professionals, to address the health and social care needs of the population in rural communities, in conjunction with a wider range of network services.

Lead: HSE

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Between January 2015 and May 2017 the number of primary care therapy grades (HSE & Section 38) has increased by 78.16 whole time equivalents:

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Physiotherapists – increase of 18.01 WTEs (Jan 2015 530.43 to May 2017 548.44) Occupational Therapists – increase of 4.5 WTEs (Jan 2015 493.11 to May 2017 497.61) Speech & Language Therapists – increase of 55.65 WTEs (Jan 2015 468.16 to May 2017

523.81) Recruitment is on-going for 83 additional posts in Speech and Language therapy provision from dedicated funding in 2016 to address waiting lists, particularly for children. Funding of €5m was provided in the HSE National Service Plan 2016 for the development of psychology services in Primary Care with a focus on enhanced counselling interventions for children and adolescents. The HSE is in the process of recruiting 144 assistant psychologist posts on a pilot basis to deliver rapid access, low intensity, psychological interventions for young people. 20 staff grade psychology posts are also being recruited to provide services for children in geographical areas where inadequate numbers of posts are in place. To ensure that resources are effectively managed so that service provision is being maximised, the HSE has established Service Improvement Groups to develop new models of provision for several therapies that will be standardised across all Community Health Organisations. Work on all the groups is expected to be completed later in the year.

No: 30

Action: Building on the current number of 14 Community Intervention Teams (CITs), support the full nationwide access to CIT services to facilitate the treatment of patients in their own local community, whether in the patient’s home, primary care centres or public or private nursing homes.

Lead: HSE

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Full nationwide access to CIT services is recognised as a significant contributor to facilitating the

shift of health services to primary care. New teams and expansion of existing teams will be a key

consideration in the Estimates 2018 process

To date in 2017, CIT referrals are ahead of target and are over a third higher than the same

period last year.

No: 31

Action: Enhance supports for older people in rural areas through the network of Day Care Centres, continued provision of grant aid to the voluntary sector and through the implementation of the National Positive Ageing Strategy to support older people in staying healthy and involved in their local communities.

Lead: HSE

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Timeline: 2017-2019

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Health Service Executive continues to support a wide range of local community initiatives and voluntary services. New arrangements for the implementation of the National Positive Ageing Strategy were approved by the Cabinet Committee on Social Policy and Public Service Reform in October 2016. The inaugural National Positive Ageing Stakeholder forum took place in March 2017. At this forum, stakeholder groups (civil society organisations who are representative of the needs and views of older people) identified what they considered to be their key priorities for Government for the short to medium term. The Department of Health has opened a dialogue with each of the Government Departments who have responsibility for the priorities agreed by stakeholders, in order that they are aware of the issues for discussion prior to being contacted directly by the stakeholder representative group. The Department of Health will continue to engage with stakeholders as appropriate to assist with any issues and establish progress.

No: 32

Action: Maintain the network of senior helplines in operation throughout the country, which offer a listening service for older people provided by trained older volunteers, and help address issues such as loneliness and isolation in rural areas.

Lead: HSE

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The network of senior helplines provides opportunities for older people to talk to someone of their own age group for the price of a local call from anywhere in Ireland. In particular, Third Age operate a senior helpline ‘SeniorLine’ that offers a confidential listening service for older people provided by trained older volunteers. The helpline number is 1800 80 45 91 and lines are open every day from 10am to 10pm. This helpline is supported by the Atlantic Philanthropies and the HSE. The senior helplines provide an outlet for elderly people experiencing issues such as social isolation, financial concerns, bereavement and elder abuse. The lines are particularly valuable in rural Ireland, where issues such as those mentioned above can be exacerbated by the lack of social supports in a given area.

No: 33

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Action: Support the role of schools in communities across the country by revising protocols to ensure that no small school closes against the wishes of parents and facilitate amalgamations where desirable.

Lead: DES

Timeline: 2017 onwards

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

A Protocol is being made available to patrons through the website of the Department of Education and Skills, and will be available there shortly.

No: 34

Action: Engage with relevant education stakeholders and school property owners to

develop guidelines for schools to facilitate, where feasible, the use of school buildings out-of-hours.

Lead: DES

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The guidelines for the use of school buildings out of hours are to be published shortly.

No: 37

Action: Develop the Public Participation Networks (PPNs) to ensure all local groups

can input to local decision making processes by: Providing funding for a Resource Worker for each PPN; Providing a database for each PPN’s registered local community organisations; Rolling out local training and capacity building; Developing and improving a practical PPN User Guide; and Establishing a National PPN Advisory Group, fully representative of all PPN stakeholders.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

PPN resource workers have been appointed in all 31 local authorities and the database for registered local community organisations is now available and has been rolled out to all PPNs. The PPN User Guide has now also been updated and published and the training and capacity building programme for PPNs has been supported.

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In relation to the National PPN Advisory group, a nomination process has been developed and a new National PPN Advisory group will be in place by year end.

No: 39

Action: Implement the Framework Policy on Local & Community Development to

ensure greater participation of rural communities in the planning, development, delivery and evaluation of policies, strategies and interventions.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: Q2 2017 to end 2019

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

A Cross-Sectoral Working Group was established in Q1 2017 to assist in the development of an Implementation Plan for the framework policy. The Cross Sectoral Working Group has met twice and will shortly agree terms of reference and the assignment of tasks to sub-groups.

No: 40

Action: Engage with local communities on water quality projects through the Local Authority Waters and Communities Office.


Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The current focus of this action is driving the public consultation process for the draft 2nd cycle River Basin Management Plan.

No: 41

Action: Through the National Dialogue for Climate Change, ensure that rural communities have a key role in contributing to our transition to a environmentally sustainable, climate resilient, low carbon economy.

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Timeline: 2017-2019

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The National Dialogue for Climate Change was announced by the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and the Environment, Denis Naughten, T.D., in March 2017.

The Minister also announced the membership of the Advisory Group on the National Dialogue on Climate Action in July 2017. The Advisory Group will provide him with advice in relation to the overall strategy, structure and operation of the National Dialogue. A key element of the National Dialogue already underway is the Green Schools National Climate Change Action and Awareness Programme which, for 2017, includes the development phase for a Climate Change Ambassadors Programme.

No: 42

Action: As part of the Energy White Paper, roll out a range of actions to increase the engagement with and participation of citizens and communities in rural areas, to allow for greater involvement in the planning of energy infrastructure in their local areas.


Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The proposed new Renewable Electricity Support Scheme will aim to strike an appropriate balance between the need to meet Ireland’s long-term strategic objective to decarbonise the energy sector via renewable energy deployment and the need to ensure communities benefit more directly from this transition. A public consultation will be announced shortly outlining various design options for the new scheme. In addition, the new Wind Energy Guidelines are under development and will be subject to Strategic Environmental Assessment before they are finalised by Government and implemented later in the year.

No: 43

Action: As part of the National Strategy on Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-making 2015-2020, support Government Departments and State agencies to involve children and young people appropriately in policies relating to the planning and development of rural communities.

Lead: DCYA

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Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Comhairle na nÓg are local councils for children and young people (aged 12-17) that give them a voice on the development of local policies and services. They are the recognised national structure for participation by children and young people in decision-making in all 31 local authorities. They are supported by the DCYA Comhairle na nÓg Development Fund and DCYA Participation Officers. In addition, the Children and Young People's Participation Hub is the national centre for excellence on children and young people's participation in decision-making. The Hub will provide information, training and advice for Government departments and agencies and the non-statutory sector. The database of publications on children and young people's participation is the first stage of development of the Hub. The database includes a wide range of national and international practice and research publications and articles, including good-practice guides on how to engage children and young people in decision-making.

No: 45

Action: Ensure that, in developing the new National Planning Framework, the long-term needs of rural Ireland are taken into account.


Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

An initial draft of the National Planning Framework, entitled Ireland 2040: Our Plan, is nearing completion for consideration and approval by Government with a view to publication as a draft for public consultation. The NPF remains on schedule for completion by the end of this year.

Some 3,300 submissions were received on the NPF Issues and Choices consultation paper published in February within the consultation timeframe to the end of March. Excluding duplicate submissions which related to a single local boundary issue, around 660 of the submissions were specific to the NPF.

No: 47

Action: Deliver the LEADER measure of the Rural Development Programme 2014-

2020, with funding of €250m to support economic development and job creation, social inclusion and the environment in rural areas.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2020)

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Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

29 Local Action Groups are delivering the LEADER programme in the 28 sub-regional areas designated for LEADER Funding. This includes all parts of Ireland outside of the city boundaries of Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick and Waterford. Over 5,000 expressions of Interest have been received for LEADER Funding in these areas. The Local Action Groups are now working with project promoters to finalise applications for funding and the first project approvals have taken place. The Department of Rural and Community Development has committed to implementing 31 actions, identified by the Local Action Groups themselves, to improve the administration of the programme and to facilitate a higher level of project approvals. These actions are currently being implemented.

No: 48

Action: Invest €12m in 7 Fisheries Local Action Groups in coastal communities to

support a wide range of initiatives targeting job creation, social inclusion, tourism, community regeneration and market development around our coastline.

Lead: DAFM

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2020)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

In June 2017, the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine announced a range of successful projects that will deliver a total investment of €3.6 million under the innovative and inspiring Fisheries Local Area Action Group (FLAG) Strategy for Ireland’s 7 coastal regions. The FLAG Scheme is co-funded by the Exchequer and the EU under Ireland’s European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) Operational Programme 2014-20. Over the duration of the EMFF programme, the FLAG Scheme will deliver €12 million in funding to Ireland’s coastal communities.

No: 49

Action: Invest €37.5m to implement the Social Inclusion and Community Activation

Programme, SICAP, as the main social inclusion programme of Government to support 2,800 local community groups, including low income workers and young people not in education, employment or training, and support lifelong and community education opportunities for disadvantaged communities and individuals.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: Ongoing to end 2017

Status: In Progress

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Progress Update: SICAP is a national programme being implemented in each part of the country in 2017 in accordance with the Annual Action Plan agreed between the Programme Implementer (Programme Implementers are primarily Local Development Companies - not-for-profit companies limited by guarantee which provide a bottom-up approach. They design and implement an Annual Plan) and the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) for the area. Each LCDC has influenced the actions undertaken in the Plan in accordance with the specific needs of the area as identified in the Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP). Actions in some rural areas range from supporting social enterprises to assisting the development of community groups in rural areas. Currently, the 2017 Programme Implementer's Plans are being implemented on an on-going basis. A mid-year review took place in July, with an end of year review due to take place in February 2018.

No: 50

Action: Provide 500 additional places on the Rural Social Scheme which employs the

skills of farmers and fishermen to provide services which benefit rural communities.

Lead: DESP

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

500 additional RSS places were announced in January 2017. At the end of June 2017, there were 2,683 participants on the Scheme. Places will continue to be rolled out and the Department is working closely with the Implementing Bodies (35 Local Development Companies and Údarás na Gaeltacht in Gaeltacht areas) to ensure that all places are filled as quickly as possible over the coming months.

No: 51

Action: Continue the implementation of supports for Social Farming which offers, on

a voluntary basis, farming and horticultural participation to people who avail of a range of therapeutic day support services.

Lead: DAFM

Timeline: Ongoing


In Progress

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Progress Update:

The Department of Agriculture and Food recently announced Application Details for Social Farming Initiatives under the Rural Innovation and Development Fund. This was a public procurement procedure run by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with a closing date of 26 July 2017. The total funding available is €370,000 for at least three social farming model projects which can demonstrate a national benefit. It is expected that contracts will be awarded in August 2017.

No: 52

Action: Through the SEAI's energy efficiency and renewable energy programmes,

based on funding levels continuing at budget 2017 levels, over €300 million will be spent on energy efficiency and renewable energy measures, while supporting over 2,000 jobs and helping make approximately 46,500 rural homes more environmentally sustainable.


Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The SEAI’s energy efficiency and renewable energy programmes provided funding totalling €8.35m in the first six months of 2017. The Better Energy Home Grants Scheme helped fund works in 5,160 homes outside Dublin so far this year.

No: 53

Action: Through the Better Energy Warmer Homes scheme, deliver approximately 15,500 energy efficiency upgrades to people living in energy poverty in rural areas, while also boosting regional employment and helping make rural homes more environmentally sustainable.


Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

So far in 2017, 3,692 homes have been upgraded through the Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme, with funding to date of €8.6m. 3,005 of these homes were outside Dublin.

No: 54

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Action: Through the Sustainable Energy Communities Network, deliver approximately 700 rural community and premises upgrades.


Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Sustainable Energy Communities Network is about helping communities to develop and build their own capacity on energy projects. It funds networking, advice and mentoring on energy issues to communities. 97 communities around the country are signed up to the network.

No: 55

Action: Continue to implement the Better Energy Communities scheme which provides competitive funding to community energy projects all over Ireland.


Timeline: Ongoing (Complete for 2017)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

In April 2017, the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten T.D., announced grant funding of €26 million for 44 community energy projects (the vast majority of which are outside Dublin) across Ireland under the Better Energy Communities Scheme. This year's funding will provide for energy efficiency upgrades to more than 2,013 homes, of which 1,510 are energy poor, and a further 479 community, public and commercial facilities. The projects include a wide range of upgrades to fabric (insulation), heating systems, lighting and solar heating. The total investment in energy efficiency is almost €67 million, supporting more than 1,000 jobs in the construction sector right across the country.

No: 56

Action: Recruit 800 Gardai per year, achieving an overall Garda workforce of 21,000

personnel by 2021 comprising 15,000 Garda members, 2,000 Reserve members and 4,000 civilians.

Lead: DJE

Timeline: 2017-2021

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Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

There were intakes of 200 Trainee Garda in both February and May 2017 with a further 2 intakes of 200 scheduled in August and November.

No: 57

Action: The Garda Inspectorate, on behalf of the Policing Authority, will examine the dispersement and use of resources available to the Garda Siochána in the delivery of policing services to local communities and make recommendations to provide a more effective, visible and responsive policing service.

Lead: Policing Authority

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2018)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Review is ongoing and is expected to be completed in Q2 2018. The Authority has informed the Inspectorate that the review should take account of:

the changing environments in rural, developing urban, and suburban areas;

the views of local communities;

the allocation to and deployment of Garda resources at the local policing level, including the use of the Garda Reserve, Garda facilities and Garda equipment; and

relevant recommendations made in previous Inspectorate reports.

No: 58

Action: Launch a pilot scheme to reopen six Garda stations both urban and rural, to determine possible positive impacts that such openings will have on criminal activity, with special emphasis on burglaries, theft and public order. The results of this pilot will feed into the wider review of resources being overseen by the Policing Authority.

Lead: An Garda Síochána

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

At its meeting on 13 June 2017 the Government noted the key recommendations in the Garda Commissioner’s most recent Interim Report and agreed in principle to the reopening of Stepaside Garda station on a pilot basis as soon as any necessary preparatory works have been completed following consultation with the Office of Public Works.

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Subject to further analysis, the Commissioner has indicated that the former stations at Rush, Leighlinbridge and Donard are likely to recommended for reopening in her final report, which is expected shortly.

No: 59

Action: Continue to support and prioritise community crime prevention schemes including Neighbourhood Watch and the Text Alert Scheme.

Lead: DJE

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Funding for the Community Alert Programme has been increased to €427,000 in 2017 and incorporates the recently announced €100,000 rebate scheme for local groups registered under the Garda Text Alert Scheme. The funding will also provide for the re-launch of the Crime Prevention Ambassador Scheme. Crime Prevention Ambassadors is a peer to peer volunteer programme which aims to support and empower older people to make greater use of available Garda resources, and so feel and be safer at home and in their communities. The initiative has so far been piloted in Monaghan, Cavan and Meath. Since it was launched in September 2013, Community Text Alert has grown quickly with a total of 164,000 subscribers and in the order of 3 million text message sent annually. Every Garda Division, rural and urban, now offers the text alert service and An Garda Síochána has published guidelines to assist in the establishment and operation of local groups.

No: 60

Action: Introduce a new Community CCTV Grant Aid Scheme which will benefit both urban and rural communities.

Lead: DJE

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:


The new Community CCTV Grant Aid Scheme was launched in April 2017. Since the launch of the Scheme there have been a number of enquiries but no applications for funding have yet been received. Communities are being actively encouraged to apply for this scheme.

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No: 61

Action: Significantly invest in the Seniors Alert Scheme, which facilitates valuable

community based support for vulnerable older people living alone, particularly those in isolated rural communities, by providing grant assistance towards the purchase and installation of personal monitored alarms to enable them to live securely in their own homes.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

In January 2017, the Review of the Delivery Model of the Seniors Alert Scheme, commissioned by

Pobal, was published. The review provided assurance that the current operation of the Seniors

Alert Scheme effectively meets the overall objectives of the scheme which is to encourage

community support for vulnerable older people in our communities through the provision of

personal monitored alarms to enable older persons to continue to live securely in their homes.

The review included a number of technical and administrative recommendations in relation to

the operation of the scheme, and these will be considered in the development of the new

iteration of the scheme, due to be rolled out in September 2017.

No: 62

Action: As part of the Government’s Capital Investment Plan 2016-2021, invest €46m in a modern, effective and fit-for-purpose Garda fleet over the lifetime of the Plan, to provide the Gardaí with additional high-powered vehicles to ensure that Gardaí are mobile, visible and responsive on the roads and in the community to prevent and tackle crime.

Lead: An Garda Síochána

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2021)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Investment is continuing in a planned manner over the lifetime of the Plan. In the period 2013 to end 2017, some €44 million will have been invested in the Garda fleet. The Capital Plan provides for a further €32 million investment (€8 million per annum) over the period 2018 to 2021.

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No: 63

Action: As part of An Garda Síochána Modernisation and Renewal Programme, a new computer-aided dispatch will be developed to ensure responsive and co-ordinated deployment of Gardaí in the community.

Lead: An Garda Síochána

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2021)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The project is under development and will be delivered as part of the Garda Síochána's Modernisation and Renewal programme.

No: 64

Action: Rollout the new Community Facilities Fund, announced in Budget 2017, which will invest over €2m in rural and urban areas, to enhance communities, address disadvantage and improve social cohesion at local level.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Communities Facilities Scheme, which launched in March 2017, has a total allocation of €2 million for 2017. The Scheme is being administered on behalf of the Department by Local Community Development Committees under the remit of the Local Authorities. Each of the 31 Local Authorities will be provided with an equal allocation of €64,500 and arrangements are currently being made for the transfer of these funds to the local authorities. The closing date for applications for funding was 30 June. The next step in the process is for the LCDCs to review each application with regard to eligibility and complementarity with the relevant Local Economic and Community Plan. Funding will be finalised following the completion of these reviews.

No: 66

Action: Support the sustainability of 450 Men’s Sheds across rural Ireland which

provide a safe space where men can gather and participate in their communities, develop social networks and potentially gain new skills and access information.

Lead: Irish Men's Sheds Association

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

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Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

In June 2017, the Irish Men’s Sheds Association registered its 400th shed (Fen Men’s Shed in Co. Kilkenny). The Association is fielding applications from new sheds at a rate of 1.5 per week and are well on-course to meet and exceed the target of this action. The IMSA has also launched a Shed Support Volunteer programme. 20 Volunteers from throughout Ireland met for two days of training in Portlaoise in mid-June and are already undertaking their duties to represent sheds in their counties.

No: 67

Action: Promote the health, wellbeing and skills of up to 15,000 men through the ‘Sheds for Life’ programme.

Lead: Irish Men's Shed Association

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

‘Sheds for Life’ was launched in May 2017. The work with Sheds for Life partners continues apace, with a “Men’s Health NCT” event having been held at several locations in Galway and Mayo earlier in the summer, at which men were offered free health checks from a range of partner organisations.

As part of Sheds for Life, the IMSA has also formally launched a partnership with the Irish Heart Foundation which will see the Foundation’s nurse-led Mobile Health Unit provide free blood pressure checks to all members of the Association who wish to avail of the service. In addition, also as part of Sheds for Life, the men’s health website was launched on July 20th.

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Pillar 2: Supporting Enterprise and Employment No: 68

Action: Implement eight regional Action Plans for Jobs to facilitate each region to

achieve its economic potential and raise its employment levels and monitor the impact of these Plans on rural Ireland.

Lead: DBEI

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2018)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

All eight regional APJs have been published and implementation is taking place. Progress reports are available on under “Documents”. Progress to date is good and employment continues to grow strongly. Encouragingly, the unemployment rate has fallen in all regions in the past year while, during the same period, more than three out of every four new jobs created were outside Dublin. The Plans have been embraced within the regions and completion rates for actions described in the published Progress Reports are in excess of 90% for each region. Based on current data, all regions are on target to meet or exceed the job targets to be delivered by 2020. Regional performance --to Q1 2017

Employment increased in seven of the eight regions in the year to Q1 2017, with a small drop in the Border (down 300 jobs).

Over 77 per cent of the new jobs added in the year to Q1 2017 were outside Dublin.

The fastest growing regions in terms of employment in the past year were the West (up 10.4 per cent), the Mid-East (up 5.3 per cent) and the South-East (up 4.8 per cent).

The unemployment rate fell in all regions in the year to Q1 2017.

The Mid-East had the lowest unemployment rate (5.0 per cent in Q1 2017), followed by the South-West (5.9 per cent) and Dublin (6.3 per cent).

Further details can be found in Appendix I.

No: 69

Action: Provide investment of up to €50m over the period to 2020 to support collaborative approaches to boost enterprise and job creation across the regions. This competitive funding is aimed at accelerating economic recovery in every part of the country by delivering on the potential of local and regional strengths.

Lead: Enterprise Ireland

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2020)

Status: In Progress

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Progress Update: A competitive Regional Enterprise Development Fund of up to €60m (in excess of the original target) was launched in Birr Castle on 29th May. This funding has been provided by the Department of Enterprise and Innovation, through Enterprise Ireland, to 2020. The Fund is aimed at accelerating economic recovery in every part of the country by delivering on the potential of local and regional enterprise strengths. The Fund will support significant collaborative regional initiatives to build on specific industry sectoral strengths and improve enterprise capability, thereby driving job creation. The fund will also support the development of industry clusters which will facilitate knowledge transfer, innovation and collaboration among organisations. The closing date for the first call under the fund was Friday 18th August 2017.

No: 70

Action: Increase FDI in each of the 8 NUTS III regional areas by 30-40% in the period to 2019.

Lead: IDA

Timeline: Ongoing to Q4 2019

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Significant progress is being made towards that goal – in 2016 over half of all IDA Ireland supported jobs created were based outside of Dublin. IDA’s 2017 mid-year results showed continued growth with approvals up to 54% from 37% for the same period in 2016. Announcements in 2017 included 400 jobs in Northern Trust in Limerick, 330 jobs in MSD in Carlow and Cork and 100 jobs in Element Six in Clare.

No: 71

Action: As part of the IDA’s €150m property investment programme, complete the construction of three new advance buildings in Tralee, Castlebar and Sligo and accelerate the development of six new advance buildings in Limerick, Dundalk, Galway, Athlone, Carlow and Waterford.

Lead: IDA

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Following the securing of tenants for new property locations in Waterford and Athlone, the buildings in Sligo, Castlebar and Tralee have also reached completion stage with client interest agreed for the Sligo facility. Tralee and Castlebar are now included in IDA’s Marketing

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programme. The next construction phase includes Galway, Dundalk and Limerick locations where IDA plans to be on site before the end of 2017. The remaining buildings included in the programme are for Carlow, Athlone and Waterford. These are scheduled to commence in 2018.

No: 72

Action: Support the creation of 500 new jobs per annum and continue to maintain existing jobs in Údarás na Gaeltachta client companies in the Gaeltacht, including through supports for post-research and pre-commercialisation units in the life sciences, food and business support services and creative enterprise sectors, as well as for community development initiatives.

Lead: Údarás na Gaeltachta

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

An tÚdarás are confident that the target for the year will be achieved. An update on job creation in the Gaeltacht will be available following the completion of the annual survey to be undertaken in October/November.

No: 73

Action: Through the LEOs, strengthen local enterprise development and job creation with the following supports, which include indicative projections, on an annual basis, for outside Dublin: 1,400 jobs through Measure 1 approvals, 2,800 Start Your Own Business (SYOB) participants, 23,000 participants on LEO training courses, 2,100 mentoring participants, 18,500 Student Enterprise Awards participants, – 350 MicroFinance Ireland (MFI) loan applications.

Lead: LEOs

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Targets have been set for two years and the quarter 1 results for 2017 excluding Dublin are as follows:

Measure 1 job projections - 319. These are Measure 1 jobs that are projected as a result of the Priming and Business Expansion Grant supports given to LEO clients.

Start Your Own Business Programme participants - 716

Training courses/programme participants - 6091

Total number of mentoring participants - 889

Student Enterprises Awards participants (not currently available)

Micro Finance Ireland Applications - 99.

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No: 74

Action: Continue to build on the LEO Communications Strategy to communicate the range of supports and services available at local level

Lead: LEOs

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The LEOs continue to drive a communications strategy that communicates their supports and services through: 1. Actively using social media 2. Local evening information sessions and seminars 3. In Q1, LEOs engaged in Local Enterprise Week in which over 334 events took place across the country with a focus on Brexit, Competitiveness, Micro Finance Ireland and Trading Online Vouchers. Enterprise Ireland will continue to work with the Local Government Management Agency and LEOs on communications. A dedicated LEO Communications Manager will be hired in Quarter 2 by Enterprise Ireland to continue to build the LEO brand.

No: 76

Action: Conduct a revaluation of commercial properties in nine rural counties to

ensure fairness and equity in the levying of commercial rates on business with a view to rolling out to further counties in 2017.

Lead: DJE

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Proposed Valuation Certificates issued in January 2017 to all commercial ratepayers in the counties of Leitrim, Longford, Roscommon and Westmeath and in March 2017 for counties Kildare, Offaly and Sligo. Proposed Valuation Certificates for Carlow and Kilkenny issued in May 2017. A certificate of final valuation will issue to each rate to each ratepayer in each of the 9 counties during September 2017 and the valuation shown on the certificate will be used as the basis for the assessment of rates by the local authority with effect from 1 January 2018. It is proposed to commence the next phase of revaluation (REVAL 2019) during the second half of 2017. This will encompass the 7 counties of Cavan, Louth, Meath, Monaghan, Tipperary, Wexford and Wicklow. Running in parallel to the revaluation in these 7 counties will be the 2nd

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revaluation in the local authority area of Fingal County Council.

No: 79

Action: Implement Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth which aims to double the

value of the blue economy and deliver 29,000 additional jobs across the various maritime sectors.

Lead: DAFM

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The annual ‘Our Ocean Wealth’ summit took place on the 30th of June in Galway. At this event, a report published by the Socio-Economic Research Unit at NUI Galway showed that the marine sector has grown significantly since the publication of Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth in 2012 and in the period 20104-2016, there has been a 23% increase in turnover, a 20% in gross value added and a 10% increase in employment. The annual progress report on Ireland’s Integrated Marine Plan - Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth was also published the 30 June. The report sets out the progress achieved in implementing the ambitious targets and actions outlined in the plan. The report can be accessed at

No: 80

Action: Introduce a Marine Development and Investment Strategy for the Gaeltacht in line with Harnessing our Ocean Wealth.

Lead: Údarás na Gaeltachta

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Plans are currently being prepared in consultation with Marine Ireland. A consultative committee is in situ, with representation from BIM, Foras na Mara, Galway County Council, NUIG, GMIT and Údarás na Gaeltachta with a view to advancing the development of a marine park at Páirc na Mara, in Cill Chiaráin In the Galway Gaeltacht, which will become a flagship project for the marine sector.

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No: 81

Action: Invest €21m over five years to provide new and upgraded property solutions to attract FDI and indigenous Irish industries to locate in the Mid-West region.

Lead: Shannon Group

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Shannon Commercial Properties have already completed over €8 million worth of projects, with another €17 million set for completion in 2017. Construction has started on a €10 million, 55,000 ft2 Grade A office block office, due for completion in May 2018 and a 33,000 ft2 Grade A advance technology manufacturing unit with construction to be completed by April 2018. In addition, work has also started on upgrade works on a further 100,000 ft2 of units in the Shannon Free Zone.

No: 83

Action: Develop advanced property solutions for innovative companies seeking to move from the incubator phase to market-led and competitive commercialisation in the Gaeltacht area.

Lead: Údarás na Gaeltachta

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Renovation and building of suitable accommodation for expanding businesses is being undertaken in consultation with the businesses concerned. Planning work has commenced on the adaption of buildings for the Digital Hub Gaeltacht network.

No: 84

Action: Create appropriate incentives and attract further businesses to join the existing aviation industry cluster in the International Aviation Services Centre (IASC) in Shannon.

Lead: Shannon Group

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

IASC and Shannon Commercial Properties will deliver an incubation/enterprise centre in Shannon

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Free Zone in 2017 to support both aerospace, aviation and other start-up companies in the region. The construction work is almost complete and the “Gateway Hub” will be launched in September 2017.

No: 85

Action: Develop four Innovation Hubs in Donegal, Mayo, Galway and Kerry to

support entrepreneurship and start-up companies in the Gaeltacht Regions.

Lead: Údarás na Gaeltachta

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

County Donegal: Áislann Ghaoth Dobhair The work on the Digital Hub in Áislann Ghaoth Dobhair has now been completed and the hub was opened to the public in June 2017. The hub can accommodate 40 people and currently employs 20 people. County Kerry: Mol Tech – Daingean Uí Chúis This digital hub opened to the public on 28 April 2017. It is being managed by local community groups under the umbrella of the Dingle Chamber and supported by Údarás na Gaeltachta and Kerry County Council. Co. Mayo: Digital Unit, Béal an Mhuirthead This digital hub is scheduled to open before the end of 2017 and will be managed by Údarás na Gaeltachta. Co. Galway: Digital Unit, An Spidéal Capital provision is being set aside by Údarás na Gaeltachta to adapt a former factory in An Spidéal as the digital hub and Enterprise Development Centre to serve the Connemara Coast. It is intended that this will be open to the public before the end of the year and will be managed by Údarás na Gaeltachta. (It should be noted that Údarás na Gaeltachta intends to progress the development of a number of digital hubs in other Gaeltacht areas during 2017.)

No: 87

Action: Enhance awareness amongst SMEs and entrepreneurs of State business

supports to raise their financial capacity in either starting a business, or in growing and expanding an established business.

Lead: SME State Bodies Group

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Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The SME State Bodies Group Communications Sub-Group met for the second time this year on 24th April 2017 to continue its scoping of a revised integrated communications strategy. A draft of the updated Communications Strategy will be circulated before the next meeting of the Group.

Members of the Communications Group attended 6 events in April and May at which they helped publicise the Supporting SMEs Online Tool.

No: 88

Action: Conduct a review of the credit application process with a focus on the administrative burden for SMEs and the time costs to them.

Lead: DoF, SME State Bodies Group

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

On behalf of the SME State Bodies Group, the Credit Review Office (CRO) undertook to lead on this action. The CRO has met with key stakeholders including the SME Representative Bodies and Bank representatives. The SME Representative Bodies welcomed the initiative and agreed to circulate a survey to their members to identify potential issues - this survey is proposed for September. The CRO also engaged with the Banking and Payments Federation Ireland (BPFI). BPFI also see merit in this measure and are considering developing an app to help SMEs with their applications. The CRO in conjunction with the Representative Bodies and the BPFI will review the survey results on the application process and work on a possible way to address difficulties.

No: 89

Action: Deliver, through the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland, effective financial supports to SMEs that address failures in the Irish credit market by sourcing additional funding from international organisations and securing new on-lenders.

Lead: SBCI

Timeline: Ongoing

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Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The primary strategic goal of the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI) is to deliver financial instruments to the SME market in Ireland, either directly or as a service provider, in order to address market failures in the provision of credit to SMEs. The SBCI delivers on this strategic goal through the provision of low cost liquidity and risk sharing to support long-term low-cost lending to SMEs through on-lending partners. To the end of March 2017, €657 million of SBCI funds have been drawn down by over 15,000 SMEs. The SMEs who received SBCI finance are from all sectors of the Irish economy and have a wide geographical spread. The majority of SBCI loans are used for investment purposes. The SBCI has continued to make good progress, broadening its funding base, adding new on-lending partners and significantly expanding the range of its activities. Low cost funding arrangements for three new on-lenders were put in place in 2016 with a focus on specific niche finance; this brought the total number of SBCI on-lenders to eight, comprising three bank and five non-bank finance providers. Through its involvement, some of the SBCI’s on-lending partners have been able to enter new market segments (for example Agricultural lending), providing finance or leasing products that they have not provided in the past, bringing additional lending capacity, broader choice and lower interest rates to SMEs across the country. The SBCI is in advanced discussions with a number of other non-bank finance providers, and it is anticipated that further announcements of new on-lending agreements will be made in the coming weeks and months. In addition, the SBCI recently commenced a new risk-sharing line of business. Risk-sharing offers the SBCI the opportunity to target new specific SME market segments that may have difficulty in accessing finance. In a first step, the SBCI was appointed in October 2016 as the operator and manager of the Credit Guarantee Scheme (CGS) provided by the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. A new version of this scheme (CGS 2017) will be launched in the next few months. More recently, the SBCI deployed the Agriculture Cash Flow Support Scheme in conjunction with the Department for Agriculture, Food and the Marine. The purpose of the Scheme was to provide flexible, low interest loans to farmers in response to challenges they faced due to price and income volatility and unfavourable market conditions. The Scheme was supported by EU funding and a €100 million counter guarantee facility under the COSME programme.

No: 90

Action: Examine procurement policies with a view to enhancing measures to support

SMEs to access public procurement markets, including through training and information events and the development of guidance and information notes.


Timeline: 2017


In Progress

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Progress Update:

Meetings of the SME Advisory Group take place on a quarterly basis to address industry concerns. This group includes representatives of the Office of Government Procurement, Dept. of Enterprise and Innovation, InterTradeIreland, Enterprise Ireland, IBEC, ISME, SFA, CIF and Chambers Ireland and is chaired at Minister of State level. There has been regular proactive engagement with SME Representative Bodies through this Group. A Communications Strategy subgroup has also been established to help increase awareness of potential opportunities and supports available for SMEs.

Members of the Oireachtas were briefed on Public Procurement in Leinster House last December by the then Minister for State Murphy and members of the Office of Government Procurement. In addition, regional public procurement briefings on SME access were held in Cork, Galway, Louth, Cavan and Limerick.

The OGP works with the SME industry representative bodies as well as the Department of s, Enterprise and Innovation, InterTrade Ireland and Enterprise Ireland to promote the engagement of SMEs in public procurement. Evidence of the work and co-operation in the area can be seen in events such as "Go-2-Tender" workshops and "Meet the Buyer" events.

Guidance in relation to facilitating SMEs participation in Public Procurement is contained in the National Policy Framework of the Office of Government Procurement (OGP) which consists of five strands:

Legislation (Directives, Regulations) Policy (Circulars etc.) The Capital Works Management Framework General Procurement Guidelines More detailed technical guidelines, template documents and notes issued periodically by

the Policy Unit of the Office of Government Procurement (OGP)

The Public Procurement Guidelines for Goods and Services were published on 5th July 2017, these guidelines will help deliver a more consistent approach to procurement throughout the State making it easier for SMEs to deal with procurers. The OGP pipeline of procurement activities (Schedule of Frameworks and Contracts) is published on on a quarterly basis so that a rolling nine month forward view is always visible. The OGP also releases a mid-quarter update of the Schedule, with a view of project progress. This advanced notice of forthcoming tendering processes can assist SMEs in planning and preparing to compete in public procurement contracts. The OGP will be considering appropriate refinements to enhance the significant measures already in place to support SME access. These will take account of the lessons learned to date in the procurement reform programme as well as feedback received through the SME Advisory Group and regional briefings.

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No: 91

Action: Agree and finalise a protocol between DBEI and DRCD in relation to the Local Enterprise Offices and LEADER to ensure a collaborative approach to supporting enterprise at a local level.

Lead: DBEI

Timeline: Q1 2017

Status: Progress Update:


Under the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs 2017 and Action Plan for Rural Development, both Departments were tasked with putting in place a formal Protocol regarding the facilitation of agreements at local level between Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) and Local Action Groups (LAGs) and associated Implementing Partners. A Protocol between the two Departments has now been agreed and signed by both Departments and has been distributed to all LEOs and LAGs for implementation. The Protocol recognises the respective mandates vested in both LEO and LAGs to support local enterprise development, and the purpose of the Protocol is to ensure the key players reach agreement in relation to local level co-operation and collaboration. The implementation of the Protocol will be closely monitored by both Departments.

No: 92

Action: As part of the Trading Online Voucher Scheme under the National Digital

Strategy, approve a minimum of 1,000 vouchers per annum to micro businesses across the country of which approximately 60% will be from rural Ireland.


Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

At end May 2017, over 500 vouchers had been approved to businesses across Ireland since the beginning of 2017, the distribution of which is in line with the target of approximately 60% to businesses in rural Ireland.

No: 94

Action: Continue the implementation of supports for the Rural Female

Entrepreneurs Initiative (Acorns programme).

Lead: DAFM

Timeline: Ongoing

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Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The ACORNS programme, sponsored by DAFM, addresses the skills, enterprise and capability gaps of rural start up female entrepreneurs. It provides participants with the knowledge, support and networking opportunities to meet and even exceed their business goals. The demand for the programme was very strong with 185 applications for 48 new places in 2015 and 174 applications for 57 new places in 2016. The 2016 programme also included a further development phase for those who successfully completed the 2015 programme. It is expected that a call for new 2017 participants will open in the second half of 2017.

As a result of the culture engendered by the ACORNS programme, “STRIVE” a network and mentoring event was hosted by three of the 2015 ACORNS participants in October 2016 to support rural business people.

Dozens of case studies from the ACORNS participants have been circulated publicly to promote the ACORNS programme and also to encourage female involvement in the agri food sector.

No: 100

Action: Commission a specific piece of research in relation to the impact of Brexit on

rural areas, particularly rural areas in the Border region.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: Q1 2017

Status: Progress Update:


A number of significant pieces of research have been conducted on the impact of Brexit, including work carried out by the Department of Finance, the ESRI and IBEC. In addition, Sectoral Dialogues have been held by several Government Departments in 2017, including by DRCD. The need for further specific research is under consideration at present,

No: 101

Action: Fund the development of a programme of initiatives to increase the

awareness and capacity of SMEs to deal with the practical consequences of Brexit for cross border trade.

Lead: Inter Trade Ireland

Timeline: 2017


In Progress

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Progress Update:

The Department of Enterprise and Innovation provided additional funding to InterTrade Ireland (ITI) specifically for this initiative. ITI have now rolled out a suite of actions to help SMEs deal with Brexit issues. These include: organising a series of awareness meetings in towns on both sides of the border; providing 'Brexit Readiness Vouchers' to companies (value €1200) to enable companies to obtain professional advice from approved specialist providers on a range of issues; and providing other mentoring and general information as the Brexit process develops.

No: 103

Action: Continue to deliver the National Waste Prevention Programme on behalf of

the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, including country-wide programmes such as Green Enterprise, Green Business, Green Hospitality, Green Healthcare, Smarter Farming and ‘Stop Food Waste’.


Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The National Waste Prevention Programme (NWPP) continues to deliver programmes across all regions in Ireland; this includes Green Healthcare, Green Enterprise, Green Business, Stop Food Waste and Smart Farming amongst others. Annual reports can be viewed at Highlights include: Stop Food Waste works with communities throughout Ireland to build capacity for reducing food waste at grass roots level, in partnership with local authorities and other networks. The Stop Food Waste Challenge, which has been run in nearly 50 mainly rural communities, is very successful achieving typical reductions in household food waste of up to 45%. Through the NWPP-led Local Authority Prevention Network, local authorities around the country have been supporting local businesses, schools and citizens live more sustainably through a variety of community-based activities. Farm Hazardous Waste collection schemes have been held in each county from 2013-2016, with nearly 7,000 farmers safely disposing of a total 800 tonnes of hazardous materials from farms. Smart Farming has worked with more than 1,000 farmers across all regions, saving an average of €5,000p.a. per farmer and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from their farms by 7 to 10%.

No: 104

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Action: Continue to provide SEAI supports for small businesses across the country, including provision of advice through, to help them to be more energy efficient and therefore more competitive and environmentally sustainable


Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

SEAI continues to provide advice and support to small businesses across the country to help them improve their energy efficiency and thereby reduce costs and improve competiveness. Assistance includes guidance, best practice supports and training. More information on these supports is provided in (Section 5.1.3) of Ireland’s recent National Energy Efficiency Action Plan and on the SEAI website. SEAI have also launched a new pilot scheme in 2017 aimed at the SME sector focused on lighting upgrades for specific SME sectors and will shortly launch one supporting dairy farmers to reduce energy use in milking parlours. SEAI are collaborating with Teagasc on this initiative.

No: 105

Action: Through Food Wise 2025, support the creation of additional jobs along the

supply chain from producer level to high-end value-added product development (target to 2025 is 23,000 jobs).

Lead: DAFM

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The CSO’s Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS) shows that in 2016, employment in the agri-food sector increased by almost 5% to 173,400. The agri-food sector continues to make a significant contribution to employment at national and regional levels accounting for 8.6% of total employment.

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed T.D. launched Steps to Success 2017, the second annual progress report of Food Wise 2025 on 5 July. It highlights the importance of the agri-food sector and the continued support for this sector to continue to make a vital contribution to the Irish economy, in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner.

No: 106

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Action: As part of Food Wise 2025, increase the value of food exports, which will support rural and coastal economies (target to 2025 is 85% increase in exports to €19bn).

Lead: DAFM

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine launched Steps to Success 2017, the second annual progress report of Food Wise 2025 on 5 July 2017. It highlights the importance of the agri-food sector and the continued support for this sector to continue to make a vital contribution to the Irish economy, in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner. Agri-food exports in 2016 were €12.2 billion, up from €11.99 billion in 2015.

No: 107

Action: Develop, enhance and promote the effectiveness of the Origin Green Programme as a key marketing tool for the Irish agri- food sector.

Lead: Bord Bia

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2020)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Origin Green programme contributes to improving the environmental, as well as the economic and social, sustainability of the sector. The Origin Green Ambassador Programme has been instrumental in enhancing the reputation of the Irish food and drink industry as a source of highly quality, sustainably produced food and drink. To date, 585 companies, accounting for almost 95% of food and drink exports, have registered to take part in the Origin Green programme. In June this year, the USDA announced that Irish beef sold in the US from Bord Bia approved plants can carry the USDA quality mark.

No: 111

Action: Implement the Seafood Development Programme (2014-2020) through a

range of supports for fishermen to adapt to the new Common Fisheries Policy, seafood processing, aquaculture, inshore fisheries and the Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGS).

Lead: DAFM

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: In Progress

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Progress Update: €28m was announced in February 2017 for on-going capital investment in Ireland's 6 fishery harbour centres and smaller harbours to support safety, maintenance and fisheries processing and development. €12m in funding is being provided for seven Fisheries Local Action Groups for the period of 2017 – 2021 and is focused on local development in coastal areas and communities.

No: 113

Action: Finalise the Draft Bioenergy Plan, which will capture the potential of the bioenergy sector and help generate employment opportunities.


Timeline: Q1 2017

Status: Progress Update:


A public consultation on the Draft Bioenergy Plan will be carried out in the coming months with the intention of finalising it by the end of the year.

No: 116

Action: Establish a baseline assessment of the current level of Bioeconomy activity and opportunities across the various sectors in Ireland.

Lead: D/Taoiseach

Timeline: Q1 2017

Status: Progress Update:


An Interdepartmental Group on the bioeconomy was established in November 2016. A scoping exercise was conducted with Departments to identify the current/potential activities in the area, and a workshop with key stakeholders was held in February 2017.

No: 117

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Action: Hold a consultative seminar on the Bioeconomy with key stakeholders, including the development agencies and the private sector.

Lead: D/Taoiseach

Timeline: Q1 2017

Status: Progress Update:


In conjunction with Teagasc, a workshop with key stakeholders was held in February 2017.

No: 118

Action: Publish a high-level Policy Statement on the Bioeconomy in Ireland.

Lead: D/Taoiseach

Timeline: Q2 2017

Status: Progress Update:


Following input from Departments, a policy document for public consultation has been prepared and will be published shortly.

No: 119

Action: As part of the International Financial Services (IFS) Strategy 2020, showcase the competitive and operational advantages of regional locations for new and existing international financial services activities.

Lead: IDA

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

IDA Ireland always does its utmost to encourage clients to locate in areas that are most in need of investment. The Agency continues to actively engage with its existing client base to support them in growing their business to retain jobs and expand their existing footprint in the different regions. The Funds Working Group is an important component of IFS2020. The Group includes participation from Industry, IDA Ireland, Trade Associations and Government Departments.

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No: 120

Action: Through the Regional Action Plans for Jobs process, identify, in consultation with EI, IDA and other stakeholders, areas for further IFS-related actions at regional level.

Lead: DBEI

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

In collaboration with the Regional Action Plan Implementation Committees, the Department of Enterprise and Innovation monitors and reports on progress on a bi-annual basis on the implementation of actions in all 8 Regional Action Plans, including in relation to those IFS-related measures provided for in the Plans. The IFS Plan for 2017 recognises that focus on the regions is critical to realising the potential within regions as key contributors to the growth and creation of employment in the IFS sector. The Plan’s progress is measured on a quarterly basis. DBEI will provide an end-of-year report to the IFS2020 Joint Committee highlighting progress during 2017 in the development of the IFS sector on a regional basis.

No: 121

Action: Through the Regional Skills Fora, facilitate close co-operation between education and training providers and enterprise in addressing identified skills needs in the regions and a local link with the implementation of other strategies including the Regional Action Plans for Jobs and Pathways to Work.

Lead: DES

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Early indications from the work of the 9 Regional Skills Fora is that each Fora has already fostered stronger local links between employers and the education and training sector which has resulted in more robust data being made available in terms of identifying the skills needs of enterprise and how to address these skills needs in each region.

No: 122

Action: Increase the number of young people accessing employment in their communities through: strengthening the apprenticeship and traineeship systems, enhancing the range of courses and increasing student, places,

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achieving Government targets of over 100 apprenticeship schemes, and a cumulative target of 50,000 apprenticeship and traineeship registrations to 2020.

Lead: DES

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2020)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Progress continues on strengthening the apprenticeship and traineeship systems. To date in 2017, a new branding and marketing campaign for apprenticeship has commenced, the development of apprenticeships where project plans have been agreed has been approved, and a second call has issued for apprenticeship proposals from consortia of employers and education and training providers.

No: 123

Action: Increase options for post-secondary school leavers in rural Ireland through agreeing Annual Service Plans between SOLAS and Education Training Boards (ETBs), and monitoring progress against agreed quality and performance targets.


Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The annual planning of the Further Education and Training Services Plan, published each year by SOLAS, involves stakeholder engagement at national and regional level and includes the engagement of ETBs in the planning of provision to meet regional needs following detailed local consultation with employers and other stakeholders as well as partners on the Regional Skills Fora. Engaging in this process, ETBs outline planned needs following detailed local consultation with employers and other stakeholders and ETB engagement with partners on the Regional Skills Fora.

No: 126

Action: Fund research proposals in Smart Agriculture/ Precision Agriculture to improve farm management and increase quality of life for farmers in rural Ireland.

Lead: SFI

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: In Progress

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Progress Update: SFI made 10 awards whose primary focus was on agricultural research in 2016, with a total value of €9.7m. This includes a significant investment in research infrastructure to enable arable, horticultural, forage and forestry sector researchers to study crop stress (€1.2m), support for the development of next-generation control tools for bovine tuberculosis (€1.8m) and a €17.6m dedicated digital, precision agriculture and crop science collaborative research partnership with industry (SFI total contribution €5.3m). SFI has received 15 proposals in this domain to the 2016 Investigators Programme. Several of these proposals are potential co-funds with Teagasc or the EPA. These proposals are currently under review, with an expected decision date in Q3 2017. Additionally, the 2017 TIDA programme has received 7 full proposals in this domain, with these proposals also currently under review. An SFI Research Centre proposal in the Bio-economy area (Innovative technologies to support the production of dairy products: From Pasture, To Cow, To Food, led by Dr Donagh Berry, Teagasc – Project name FutureMilk) was approved in principle by the SFI Board following stringent assessment by international peer review. SFI is seeking additional funding to support this centre over the next six years.

No: 127

Action: Strengthen links between Údarás and Institutes of Technology and Universities to build capacity in the Gaeltacht region and promote research and innovation.

Lead: Údarás na Gaeltachta

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

A partnership has been established between Letterkenny I.T. and Gaoth Dobhair. Letterkenny I.T. has established a base in Páirc Ghnó Ghaoth Dobhair to support local businesses to establish themselves. Údarás has also entered into a partnership with I.T. Tralee on a tourism research project.

No: 128

Action: Develop stronger links with the diaspora to access investment, establish networks and source skills and experience for the Gaeltacht area.

Lead: Údarás na Gaeltachta

Timeline: Ongoing


In Progress

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Progress Update:

Údarás has undertaken a number of meetings in pursuit of this objective, including a meeting with the Irish Chamber of Commerce in Philadelphia.

No: 129

Action: Work with public and private sector stakeholders to identify and address skills training needs in traditional building skills and architectural conservation through the development and implementation of a Traditional Building Skills and Conservation Education Action Plan to assist the regeneration of our historic cities, towns and villages.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2018)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Targeted stakeholder consultation (with public and private sector) is in progress. A summary of feedback, to include recommended models for training provision and a suggested framework for implementation, will be circulated to stakeholders for discussion and the agreement of DES prior to completion; estimate for circulation, pending feedback above, is end Q4.

No: 130

Action: Improve knowledge transfer and exchange to farmers by developing a network across all State agencies and relevant advisory bodies to deliver clear advice on how farmers can adopt sustainable practices that deliver both environmental and economic benefits.

Lead: Teagasc

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2020)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Teagasc ConnectEd programme has been set up and has established a credible client base of almost 500 users in the first full year. Teagasc maintains regular contact with all stakeholders. A seminar and workshop were held on 30 May to engage with all stakeholder groups to address Brexit and environmental challenges.

No: 131

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Action: Develop and deliver training and education programmes for farmers to: –ensure that the appropriate skillsets and knowledge are applied at each stage of development of the primary producer’s business; and – Up-skill farmers as employers, in areas such as improving farm practices, employing staff and responsibilities as an employer.

Lead: Teagasc

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Profiling of farm occupation competency requirements, career steps and associated education pathways were/are a significant aspect of stakeholder consultation for the Teagasc Education Strategic Vision project. This will be finalised in the second half of this year. DAFM held a workshop on skills needs at farm level in April with representatives from farm operatives, farmers and farm managers and next generation farmers. DAFM is working to progress the recommendations arising from this workshop in second half of this year.

No: 132

Action: Continue to develop and implement the ‘Options Plus’ programme for improving off-farm income generation of farmers and to link farm families with a variety of learning opportunities provided by other agencies including the ETBs, LEOs, LDCs , third level institutions and the Department of Social Protection.

Lead: Teagasc

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Expand Your Horizons meetings were completed in 28 locations around the country earlier this year in conjunction with the National Rural Network. The central focus of the meetings was the provision of information for rural dwellers who wish to explore new possibilities for improved economic and social development for their own lives and for the betterment of their community.

No: 133

Action: Continue the rollout and promotion of (a website aimed at helping rural dwellers find the means and skills necessary to increase their income generating options), currently piloted in Limerick and Tipperary.

Lead: DAFM

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: In Progress

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Progress Update: Opt-In pilot progressing with a proposed plan to roll out nationally in second half of 2017.

No: 134

Action: Provide in the region of €1m per annum for the Advanced Irish Language

Skills Initiative, aimed at training Irish speakers for employment in the EU institutions and at developing the freelance Irish language translation sector at home.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing( 2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Initially 15 specialised courses were sanctioned for 9 institutions at diploma, degree, higher diploma and masters levels over a period of 8 years 2015/16 -2023/24. UCC are in contact with the EU Monitoring Group to seek clarification regarding recognition of their Lawyer Linguist course. This course has not been offered to date. For operational reasons, DIT is not in a position to offer its course. Therefore the number of specialised course offered to date is 13.

No: 135

Action: Continue to support jobseekers through the network of local Intreo offices

and DESP case workers.

Lead: DESP

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Department’s case officers continue to support and meet the needs of jobseekers through the network of Intreo Offices spread throughout the country. Therefore, this action is ongoing and reflects the important activation role of the Department and the work being done to help and support unemployed people to access employment in the open labour market.

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No: 142

Action: Maintain the provision of schemes such as the Rural Social Scheme, Community Employment, Back To Education Allowance and Tús in rural communities and the Gaeltacht, having regard to the declining numbers on the Live Register and the need to ensure that these schemes are targeted to the needs of jobseekers and others.

Lead: DESP

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

In February 2017, the Government approved a number of changes to the terms and conditions governing the operation of employment programmes such as Community Employment, Tús and the Rural Social Scheme. These changes will take effect from early July 2017. The operation of these schemes, as well as others such as the Back to Education Allowance, are kept under ongoing review by the Department. This is to ensure that they continue to meet the needs of jobseekers and the changing employment opportunities available in urban and rural areas as the overall level of unemployment continues to fall. As stated in relation to Action 50, 500 additional places on the Rural Social Scheme were announced in January 2017. At the end of June 2017, there were 2,683 participants on the Scheme.

No: 144

Action: Continue to support farm incomes through the roll-out of CAP payments of

over €1.2 billion annually.

Lead: DAFM

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Payments continue to be made to farmers. In May, a payment of €13.6 million to almost 96,000 farmers commenced. This payment brought the total paid to Irish farmers under the 2016 Basic Payment Scheme to €1.2 billion. The closing date for the 2017 Basic Payment Scheme was the 15 May. Payments under this scheme will commence in Q3.

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No: 145

Action: Support on-farm investment through the Rural Development Programme (RDP) (2014-2020) and national funding to improve competitiveness and sustainability.

Lead: DAFM

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Rural Development Programme funding increased by 21% to €601m in 2017 to support the agri-food sector. Schemes which support competitiveness and sustainability include: the Beef and Genomics Programme, which has 23,700 farmers participating, the Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (under which payments for approved investments continue to issue on an ongoing basis) and Green Low-Carbon, Agri-Environment, which has 51,000 farmers participating.

No: 146

Action: As agreed in Budget 2017, increase the earned income tax credit to self-employed farmers.

Lead: DoF

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:


The Earned Income Credit (EIC) was increased by €400 to €950 per annum in Budget 2017, and the increase has taken effect from January 2017. The EIC tax credit is available to self-employed individuals, including farmers, who do not have access to the PAYE employee tax credit.

No: 147

Action: Support the Government Initiative to (a) use the taxation system strategically to encourage greater land mobility, increased productivity and greater profitability at farm level (b) Investigate taxation measures aimed at supporting farmers through periods of volatility (c) Land leasing, partnership and mobility measures will be developed further to ensure the next generation of farmers are supported and the sector is developed strategically for future growth.

Lead: DAFM

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: In Progress

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Progress Update: DAFM works closely with the Department of Finance on all these measures.

The Agriculture Cashflow Support Loan Scheme, developed by DAFM in co-operation with the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI), makes €150 million available to farmers at interest rates of 2.95%. The Scheme was launched on 31 January and provides farmers with a low cost, flexible source of working capital, allowing them to pay down more expensive forms of short-term debt, ensuring the ongoing financial sustainability of viable farming enterprises. The SBCI has reported that €60.2m has been drawn down by farmers to the end of April. The banks advise that all of the remaining €150m is committed and is in the process of being drawn down. The Finance Act 2016 delivered the agri-taxation measures announced in Budget 2017, which are now operational. The Succession Farm Partnership Scheme was launched on 1 June 2017 and is now open for registration.

No: 150

Action: As agreed in Budget 2017, extend Farm restructuring Capital Gains Tax (CGT) relief to end 2019.

Lead: DoF

Timeline: Ongoing to end 2019

Status: Progress Update:


The extension was legislated for under an amendment to the Finance Act and is operative.

No: 151

Action: As agreed in Budget 2017, provide an exemption from Capital Gains Tax (CGT) for payments made by the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs (on or after 1 October 2016) under the Protected Raised Bog Restoration Incentive Scheme.

Lead: DoF

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:


The extension was legislated for under an amendment to the Finance Act and is operative.

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Pillar 3: Realising our Rural Tourism Potential No: 152

Action: Through the Tourism Action Plan 2016-2018, increase tourism volume in

rural areas to 8.3 million visits by 2019 (an increase of 12%).


Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

There was a +3.7% increase in visit numbers to rural areas between 2015 and 2016. The number of visits to rural areas in 2016 was 7.6 million.

No: 153

Action: Carry out a feasibility study in relation to the development of the ‘Ireland’s Lakelands’ brand as a separate proposition to sit alongside the Wild Atlantic Way and Ireland’s Ancient East.

Lead: Fáilte Ireland

Timeline: Q1 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Fáilte Ireland received a final draft of the feasibility study from Colliers International in May 2017. The study has suggested a number of options to create a distinctive tourism brand for the Midlands. Fáilte Ireland has examined the proposals and the next step will be to develop and test the available options.

No: 154

Action: Develop a Tourism Investment and Development Strategy for the Gaeltacht.

Lead: Údarás na Gaeltachta

Timeline: Q1 2017

Status: Progress Update:


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A tourism strategy for the Gaeltacht was approved by the Board of Údarás na Gaeltachta in June 2017. Implementation of the strategy has commenced on a number of actions identified therein.

No: 155

Action: Provide practical support to the local authorities in the development of comprehensive tourism strategies and support collaborative approaches at Local Authority and community levels.


Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

A Local Authorities Tourism Conference "Collaborate Locally to Compete Globally" took place in Enniscorthy on 29th & 30th March 2017. All 31 Local Authorities presented Statements of Strategy and Work plans. The Conference saw the coming together of all local authorities in the country, to share learnings and best practices and to listen to experts in the tourism field to ensure that, together, they will continue to grow and develop their tourism offering in an increasingly competitive global marketplace.

No: 157

Action: Support direct access to the regions outside of Dublin by extending the Regional Co-operative Market Access Scheme, which promotes air and sea access to regions outside of Dublin, until 2018.

Lead: Tourism Ireland

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

€1 million secured for 2017. Over the past 2 years, Tourism Ireland has implemented a comprehensive regional access strategy across markets including Great Britain, Europe and North America. Key partners included Aer Lingus, Ryanair and Irish Ferries, and the campaigns focused on driving incremental inbound tourism traffic to Ireland’s Ancient East and to the Wild Atlantic Way, via direct access to regional ports and airports. Tourism Ireland is building on the successes of this programme in 2017 and will continue to exploit the marketing potential arising from new and existing access services into the regions.

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No: 158

Action: Include Eircodes in Satnav and digital spatial mapping platforms to help simplify navigation in rural areas and enhance the tourist experience.


Timeline: Q2 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Eircode is now fully integrated in Google Maps and members of the ublic and businesses can now use Google Maps to accurately locate addresses and get directions. This should help simplify navigation in rural areas and enhance the tourist experience. TomTom and other Sat Nav services are currently integrating Eircode into their products, having concluded their commercial discussions with Eircode.

No: 159

Action: Develop cultural digitisation initiatives to enhance “Ireland’s Roots” tourism


Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Department is working to develop cultural digitisation initiatives to enhance Ireland’s roots tourism offering. A Genealogy Policy Working Group has been established with the Depart of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, National Library of Ireland and the National Archives to develop an updated National Genealogy Policy. D/CHG continues to work with the General Register Office (GRO) and has made historical GRO records available on the website since 2016. The Minister launched a €1m Digitisation scheme for the National Collections in June 2017 – applications are currently being assessed.

No: 160

Action: Work with representatives from Government agencies and voluntary action groups for the development of targeted tourist mapping to assist in the promotion of rural tourism locations.

Lead: OSI

Timeline: Ongoing

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Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

OSI continues to work with a number of Government agencies and voluntary bodies to provide mapping to support rural tourism locations, and has recently produced a map of Kilkenny city which will be available in the near future. OSI also continues to work with Fáilte Ireland to produce tourist maps.

No: 161

Action: Accelerate diversification of overseas tourism to Ireland to reduce the

impact of possible decline in visits from Great Britain.

Lead: Tourism Ireland

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

In 2017, Tourism Ireland is focusing its investment according to market potential and continues to implement its market diversification strategy. TI will maximise holiday revenue by investing in Mainland Europe and North America, optimising investment in Australia and Developing Markets and refocusing investment in Great Britain to defend Ireland’s share of the outbound market in readiness for its return to growth. The most recent CSO statistics show that:

The number of trips to Ireland for the five month period from January ’17 to May ‘17 from Mainland Europe was up by 4.0% compared to the same period in 2016 (48,300 additional visits).

The number of visits from North America was up by 23.6% for the five months with a total of 126,700 additional visits.

For Other (i.e. long-haul) markets, there was a 21.7% increase in visit numbers in the five months of January ‘17 to May ‘17 (37,900 additional visits) compared to the same 5-month period of 2016.

These statistics, which show an overall increase of 212,900 visits, show that Tourism Ireland’s strategy to implement market diversification is working well.

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No: 162

Action: Continue to develop Irish language based tourism in the Gaeltacht through the provision of Gaeltacht scholarships for Irish language learners in international 3rd level institutions.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: 2017-2019

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Department has funded 12 international universities to support the Gaeltacht Scholarship Programme for the 2016/17 academic year. It is anticipated that c. 50 European students from these various universities will be attending Irish language courses in the Gaeltacht regions in summer 2017. In addition to this, the Fulbright Commission and the Ireland Canada University Foundation had 53 and 19 students respectively, attending Irish courses in the Gaeltacht regions in the likes of Oideas Gael, Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne, NUIG, Oileán Cléire, Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge and Coláiste na Rinne this summer.

No: 163

Action: Support Agri-Food tourism initiatives by local authorities, including local markets and food and beverage trails.

Lead: DAFM

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Department of Agriculture and Food recently announced Application Details for Agri-Food Tourism Initiatives under the Rural Innovation and Development Fund (RIDF). This is a public procurement procedure run by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with a closing date of 26 July 2017. The total funding available is €450,000 for at least 9 projects supporting agri-food tourism initiatives (which may also include rural markets).

The agri-food element of the RIDF is intended to focus on longer-term, wider impacting proposals, such as business and skills training, network development, initiation and development of inter-county agri-food tourism schemes/trails and especially those schemes that are linked to existing or developing local authority tourism/agri strategies. The fund will be managed through Local Authorities (LA) and Local Enterprise Offices (LEO).

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No: 164

Action: Develop cross-Border tourism initiatives to support the tourism potential of the Border region, building on projects such as the Ulster Canal Greenway from Smithboro (Co. Monaghan) to Middletown (Co. Armagh), the Carlingford Lough Greenway, and historic literary trails.

Lead: LAs

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

A development strategy and Strategic Environmental Assessment is currently being undertaken for the overall route of the Ulster Canal Greenway through mid-Ulster. Sections of this route will be developed as funding becomes available. INTERREG funding has been secured for the development of the Ulster Canal Greenway, Phase 2; Smithborough to Middletown. This project will see the provision of 22km of new greenway to tie-in to the existing 4.2km of existing Greenway along the Ulster Canal in Monaghan Town. Phase 2 is entering the design Phase, with this section of the route scheduled to open in 2020. INTERREG funding of €3,490,000 has been secured for the second phase of the Carlingford Lough Greenway which will link Omeath to Newry. The funding will also cover improvements to the existing Carlingford to Omeath Greenway. The new Greenway will join the two existing sections of Greenway, one from Carlingford Marina to Omeath village, which was completed in 2013, and the other from Albert Basin in Newry to the Weir on Omeath Road. This will give a total length to the Carlingford Lough Greenway of 19.7km, joining Carlingford to Newry City via Omeath. The anticipated completion date is the end of 2019. The Carlingford ferry service between Greenore, Co Louth, and Greencastle, Co Down commenced operation in June 2017. The Carlingford Ferry will link Ireland's Ancient East through to Mourne. The crossing over the mouth of the lough will reduce a return journey of 2.5 hours to just 30 minutes and a 66 mile return will be reduced to 2 miles.

No: 165

Action: Examine the potential to promote rural Ireland as the destination of choice for US colleges wishing to avail of a rural based learning or study abroad experience.

Lead: Connemara West

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Developing Infrastructure

Public launch on February 6th 2017, in Meyrick Hotel, Galway City, of Connemara West’s Transatlantic Centre for Education, Research and Community Engagement in Tullycross, Renvyle, Co. Galway. The centre will provide the required physical infrastructure to

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enable the full pilot of the rural based learning/study abroad model for US colleges being developed in Tullycross to be proofed. Finance to support the centre is being sought from public sources in Ireland and private sources in the United States.

Expanding the pilot

New England College from New Hampshire, Greater Boston Area brought 12 students and 3 Professors to Tullycross, Renvyle, Co. Galway from 7th to 19th March as part of a global learning programme. This brought the total number of colleges coming to Tullycross in 2017 to six. The college is exploring the possibility of an autumn semester programme for 2018.

The launch of the new semester-long Aquinas College Study Abroad Programme in

Tullycross, Co. Galway was marked by a flag raising ceremony on April 5th 2017. The new programme has been restructured to include modules such as Contemporary Social Issues and Culture and Identity taught by Irish faculty from NUI, Galway and local experts from the regionThe new Aquinas programme has contributed to creating 3 part time jobs for Irish people teaching into the programme.

Discussions began in May 2017 with 2 new US colleges, one from the east coast the other

from the mid-west, to begin study abroad programmes in Tullycross, Co. Galway in 2018. This would bring the total number of colleges coming to Tullycross to eight.

Deepening the pilot

Connemara West plc co-hosted Interchanges 2017 (June 14-16, 2017) a micro conference whose primary aim is to provide a forum where intending or existing US Ireland study abroad programme directors and other faculty and students can network with each other and Irish collaborative partners, on location in rural Ireland. Personnel from 5 US colleges attended.

Unveiling of the Corner Stone for the Transatlantic Centre for Education, Research and Community Engagement in Tullycross, Co. Galway by Minister Séan Kyne, TD on June 16th 2017.

At the corner-stone unveiling ceremony, , Lourdes University announced financial support for training, and a collaborative research project based at, the Connemara Therapeutic Riding Centre in Errislannan, Clifden, Co. Galway. Also, Aquinas College, Michigan, announced a newly established scholarship to be applied to our Ireland Study Abroad program, the Gertrude Horgan Ireland Alumni Scholarship. The Scholarship, which is open to residents of Connemara and elsewhere in Ireland, as well as Aquinas College students, means that qualified recipients receive tuition waiver from Aquinas College and an annual award set by the Ireland Alumni Scholarship Committee.

No: 166

Action: Provide assistance for the promotion of island development and island tourism, to maximise the benefit of the Wild Atlantic Way to our offshore islands.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: In Progress

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Progress Update: The Department continues to subsidise transport services to the islands and to support the improvement of infrastructure on the islands. DCHG will actively engage with Fáilte Ireland on their WAW Island’s campaign.

No: 167

Action: Develop a strategy to underpin the development, funding and promotion of Greenways to support activity tourism in rural areas.


Timeline: Q4 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

In May 2017 the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport published a public consultation paper on a “Strategy for the Future Development of Greenways” which ended on 14th July 2017. The Department is pleased with the level of engagement during the consultation period and is currently in the process of examining the huge number of submissions.

No: 168

Action: Develop and promote Blueways (multi-purpose activity trails on or beside water) on the Royal, Grand and Barrow Canals and on the Shannon Navigation to expand the recreational and tourism offering, with a capital investment of €6m over the period 2017-2019.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Work is commencing on Royal Canal Blueway which will provide 22km of paddling centred around Mullingar, 140 Km of walking from McNead's Bridge in Westmeath to Richmond Harbour in Longford, along with 60km of cycling. Infrastructural requirements are currently being assessed and capacity building workshops will be organised in 2017 prior to formally launching the Blueway. Recreational Hubs in Mullingar and Richmond Harbour will also be established as part of the Blueway.

All infrastructure has been put in place along Lough Derg for the establishment of a canoe trail. Work is also on-going in association with the Local Authorities, with the assistance of REDZ

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funding, for the development of a Lough Derg Blueway.

Waterways Ireland is working closely with Carlow Council, Carlow LEADER and Carlow Tourism in the establishment of a recreational activity hub in Carlow Town. Expressions of Interests for recreational activity providers have been received and the initial capacity building workshop for the area took place on 21st June. It is anticipated that the hub will be operational later this summer.

The Lough Allen Board Walk will be completed in the summer of 2017. The boardwalk will provide an extra attraction to the already successful North Shannon Blueway.

No: 169

Action: Enhance infrastructure on and along the inland navigation system to support increased recreational and economic activity in rural Ireland.

Lead: Waterways Ireland

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Development of the Blueway trails continue to be a priority for Waterways Ireland in order to take advantage of the tourism and recreational trends for cycling, walking and slow tourism. A number of infrastructural Blueway trails are currently being developed:

Work is ongoing with the National Cycle Network (NCN) and Local Authorities on the development of the Dublin to Galway route along the Royal Canal. The Longford cyclepath has been completed and discussions are ongoing with all stakeholders to forward the completion of the entire towpath in 2018.

Initial discussions are taking place with Offaly County Council and Bord na Mona on completing a business case for funding for a joint scheme linking Tullamore with the Midlands Cycling Destination along the Grand Canal. The planning application for upgrade of the Barrow towpath has been submitted and Waterways Ireland are currently responding to queries in relation to the submission.

The Acres Lake section of the Shannon Blueway is nearing completion. The c floating boardwalk, which is funded from the Outdoor Recreation Scheme, will be an iconic attraction in the Drumshanbo area linking the town to recreational Blueway activities.

Works to the canoe trail on Lough Derg at 14 sites are also nearing completion. This work is ongoing in tandem with community engagement workshops in the area supported by REDZ funding.

Waterways Ireland is also progressing plans to develop a trail from Castle Harbour to Connaught Harbour in Portumna which will link into the Hymanny Way in Banagher and the network of trails in Portumna Forest Park.

Waterways Ireland are lead partner in a successful €4.9m bid to INTERREG to create a 22km Greenway along the route of the Ulster Canal from Smithborough in Co Monaghan to Middletown in Co. Armagh. The pre-development phase has commenced with the appointment of a Project Manager. An SEA is currently being undertaken for the entire

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Ulster Canal region to extend the Greenway along the entire length of the Ulster Canal when funding became available.

Waterways Ireland is assessing all its vacant lockhouses for alternative use in order to make them available for economic and /or recreational activity on and along the waterways. Plans are in place to enhance Lough Owel Sluice House, Albert Lockhouse and the 20th Lockhouse at Ballyteague to develop them as recreational hubs or accommodation. Waterways Ireland are working with Carlow Council in the development of a recreational Hub in Carlow Town. The Hub will provide a base location for private activity providers to operate from, along the Barrow River, and will include such activities as paddling, cycling, and guided walking and canoe tours. Work is progressing on lock gate replacement with Roosky and Victoria lock gates being planned for replacement in 2017 – the work ensures that the navigations remain open providing a high class experience for navigational users.

No: 170

Action: Through the Rural Recreation Scheme, provide funding for new recreation infrastructure and the maintenance of existing structures resulting in the creation and retention of jobs in rural areas.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The 2017 Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme was launched on 28th April and will provide funding for the development of new outdoor recreational infrastructure or the necessary maintenance, enhancement or promotion of existing outdoor recreational infrastructure in Ireland.

Under the 2017 scheme the following funding measures were available

Measure 1: Small Scale Maintenance/Promotion and Marketing Measure 2: Medium Scale Repair/Upgrade and New Trail Development Measure 3: Large Scale Repair/Upgrade and New Strategy Trail Development Over 200 projects have been approved for funding to the value of €11.4m under Mesaures 1 &3. Further approvals under Mesaure 2 will follow later in the year.

No: 171

Action: Expand the National Walks Scheme with a view to doubling the number of walks in the scheme by 2019.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

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Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Programme for a Partnership Government includes a commitment to double the number of walks and to increase the number of walks covered by the Walks Scheme. Significant consultation will be required with both landholders and other stakeholders. It is therefore anticipated that any increase in the number of walks covered by the scheme will only begin to be realised from 2018.

No: 172

Action: Ensure co-ordination of major outdoor recreation projects with all main State land owners to maximise potential for sustainable tourism in rural areas through the Inter-Agency Group on Outdoor Recreation.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

An Outdoor Recreation Group representing Government Departments and Agencies involved in the development, funding and promotion of outdoor recreation, have agreed to develop a model with the capability of delivering a coordinated approach to outdoor recreation across combined State-owned lands and waters. One of the key objectives is to highlight the considerable socio economic activity that Ireland generates from its public recreational infrastructure including contribution to health and well-being of its population, job creation and to make a compelling case to be resourced to provide a world class offering from leveraging the collective of these assets.

No: 173

Action: Through the Inter-Agency Group on Outdoor Recreation, develop a Public Outdoor Recreation Amenities Plan (PORA) to transform the provision of outdoor recreation facilities and services on public-owned land and waterways over the next five years which will add a potential €142 million of economic activity per year across rural Ireland.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Building on the National Countryside Recreation Strategy published by Comhairle na Tuaithe in 2006, the Outdoor Recreation Group has now developed the Outdoor Recreation Plan (ORP) for State Lands and Waters The Plan sets out a strategy to revolutionise the provision of outdoor

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recreation facilities and services on public-owned land and waterways and identifies that a total investment by Government of €165 million over the next 5 years is needed in order to manage, maintain, upgrade and expand the recreation assets. As a result of this investment it is calculated that a further €142 million of economic activity could be added to the State on the foot of the development.

No: 174

Action: As part of the PORA, progress four flagship, co-operative projects to enhance outdoor recreational activities to drive tourism in rural Ireland, viz: –Midlands Cycling Destination; – Barrow Blueway Flagship Project; –Connemara Cluster; and – Spatial Geodatabase.

Lead: Coillte

Timeline: 2017 onwards

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Outdoor Recreation Plan for State Lands and Waters is awaiting Ministerial approval for

introduction and public launch, before it can be progressed.

No: 175

Action: Progress the development of niche outdoor activities in our National Parks and Nature Reserves drawing on their unique attributes which will contribute to sustainable tourism in rural areas.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: 2017-2019

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

As part of the Department’s (NPWS) Strategic Partnership with Fáilte Ireland, which has the aim of enhancing the tourism offering at Ireland’s National Parks, the Department has commissioned the production of a Tourism Interpretation Master for all six National Parks and Coole Park and a Visitor Management Plan for Glenveagh National Park. Ballycroy National Park in Co. Mayo has been designated as a gold tier international Dark Sky park by International Dark Sky Association, a USA based authority with world-wide recognition through UNESCO. Dark Sky parks are defined as “A recognised park or other public land possessing exceptional starry skies and a natural noctural habitat where light pollution is mitigated and natural darkness valued as an important, educational, cultural, scenic and natural resource.” The award is the first International Dark Sky Park in Ireland.

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No: 176

Action: Agree and implement a scheme to indemnify private land owners with regard to recreational users of their lands.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The action proposed involves the development of a scheme linked to the Occupiers Liability Act 1995 and also involves a number of changes to the Act. The State Claims Agency has provided a report supporting the introduction of the scheme and the Department is currently preparing a submission for the Attorney General's office to agree a course of action.

No: 177

Action: Reorganise the operation of structures such as Comhairle na Tuaithe to ensure the most appropriate/effective mechanisms are in place to progress rural recreation policy/implementation issues.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

An initial review of the role of Comhairle na Tuaithe was completed in February 2017 and the Department is currently examining the content of the review.

No: 178

Action: Implement the new tourism capacity maintenance programme under the National Strategy for Angling Development to ensure that the capacity of the inland fisheries resource is maintained and continues to deliver social and economic benefits to rural communities.

Lead: IFI

Timeline: Ongoing to 2020

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Maintenance programme on angling infrastructure ongoing. A total of €348,969 has been spent to date on plastic wood for structure, stands, stiles, posts etc. These are all for use in rural areas and are being installed throughout the summer period.

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No: 179

Action: Continue to deliver the annual Inland Fisheries Ireland Sponsorship Scheme to assist rural communities to engage with angling, angling tourism and environmental issues.

Lead: IFI

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Funding was awarded to 70 applicants in April 2017 with further funding anticipated in the fourth quarter of 2017. A full listing of the location and events can be viewed at The recipients, mainly angling groups, are located in 19 counties across the country. These will be supported through financial aid and, where possible, through resource support from Inland Fisheries Ireland staff members. All recipients provide a report of their events which are collated and analysed. This will be available in 2018.

No: 180

Action: Implement the Minor Capital Angling Access Scheme under the National Strategy for Angling Development to help in sustaining the capacity of the inland fisheries resource.

Lead: IFI

Timeline: Ongoing to end 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

50 projects have been approved for funding under this scheme in 2017. Of these, 47 projects are in rural areas. Many of those approved involve first time applicants for fisheries funding, so the IFI is working with project promoters to address governance requirements and other terms of conditions within these projects prior to their commencement.

No: 181

Action: Develop and promote Ireland’s angling tourism offering abroad to assist in generating tourism in rural Ireland.

Lead: IFI

Timeline: Ongoing

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Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) has a remit to promote Irish angling tourism in both the domestic and foreign tourism markets. As angling is a sport that predominantly takes place in a rural environment, most angling tourists to Ireland will spend the majority of their time in rural areas. Angling tourism is thus a very important economic driver for many rural areas of Ireland. IFI uses a number of different mechanisms to help promote Ireland as a quality angling destination and has a number of staff with specialised angling knowledge dedicated to promoting Ireland as an angling destination. Trade shows dealing with the angling market are one such mechanism and IFI attended 13 foreign trade shows in the first 4 months of 2017. These shows allow IFI to influence anglers in key market sectors and promote Ireland as a angling tourism destination. A number of angling service providers located in rural Ireland have accompanied IFI to the shows, providing an important route to market. The IFI also works with digital and print media in the sector to ensure Ireland is well represented as an angling tourism destination and a number of media visits to angling locations in rural Ireland have been facilitated this year. IFI also reaches overseas markets through the use of online and social media forums and maintains websites which cover a number of European markets. Finally, the IFI engages in customer surveys to ascertain market needs and how best to place Ireland to take advantage of trends in this area. In 2017 in particular, the UK and French markets have been targeted in this way to ensure that angling services match customer needs in those areas.

No: 183

Action: Continue to deliver the annual Inland Fisheries Ireland Something Fishy National Schools Programme to inform and educate students on fish, water, angling and the environment in their local areas.

Lead: IFI

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Inland Fisheries Ireland’s Something Fishy Programme is an educational initiative which allows students to learn about fish and the environment in a local context. As part of the programme, Inland Fisheries Ireland’s Fisheries Officers visit schools and provide classroom based assistance with a full range of resource for teachers and children also available on the ‘Something Fishy’ website ( In the last school year, 106 schools took part in the programme, of which 89 were rural schools. The students explore the themes of fish, habitats, angling, water, environment and the protection and conservation of Ireland’s rivers and lakes. Aside from school based learning, Fisheries Officers take students into the field to give them some practical experience of their work. Participants in ‘Something Fishy’ are also invited to submit projects to enter the annual Something Fishy competition. The entries are assessed at a regional level with regional winners

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decided during the Summer. The selected finalists from around the country progress to the national awards competition which takes place in the Autumn.

No: 184

Action: Issue a blog content on walking routes in Ireland to promote the use of the outdoors for recreation purposes.

Lead: OSI

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

OSI continues to issue blogs on walking routes through social media. In June and July alone, suggested walks along the themes of Bucket List Walks, Croagh Patrick, 360 Degree Summits and Wild Atlantic Walks have been published.

No: 185

Action: Support the inclusion of the voices of children and young people in the development of tourism and recreation opportunities, through the Children and Young People’s Participation Hub.

Lead: DCYA

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Children and Young People’s Participation Hub will become the national centre for excellence on children and young people's participation in decision-making and will be fully functioning by the 3rd quarter of 2017.

The Hub will support implementation of the strategy through the provision of information, training and advice for Government Departments and agencies and the non-statutory sector.

No: 186

Action: Develop Ireland’s six National Parks and Nature Reserves through a capital programme of up to €10 million over 4 years, in partnership with other State agencies, to support marketing initiatives such as the Wild Atlantic Way and Ireland’s Ancient East, by developing the trails network and improving visitor

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experience to drive sustainable tourism in rural areas.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing from Q2 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Department's National Parks and Wildlife Service has launched a formal Strategic Partnership with Fáilte Ireland with the aim of enhancing the tourism offering at Ireland’s National Parks. As part of this this partnership the Department has commissioned the production of a Tourism Interpretation Master for all six National Parks and Coole Park and a Visitor Management Plan for Glenveagh National Park. Work on the Tourism Masterplan is advanced with workshops having already been held at 6 of the 7 locations covered. The resulting strategy will set in place the broad parameters for the phased development of improved visitor centres and facilities in the parks ensuring there is a consistency of approach, style and theme throughout. This process will feed into the development of signature experiences for Fáilte Ireland’s two brand propositions, The Wild Atlantic Way and Ireland’s Ancient East. The completed final report is due during the final quarter of 2017. The Glenveagh Visitor Management Plan has been advertised and will be awarded shortly.

No: 187

Action: Explore the potential for the development of new tourism and recreation activities within the context of the National Peatlands Strategy, including the consideration of a National Peatlands Park and centre of excellence.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

There are opportunities for the enhancement of the raised bogs network as tourism and recreational amenities and to provide a community dividend. Through consultation with the local community and other stakeholders it will be possible to develop ideas for maximising socio-economic benefits for the local community through the conservation and restoration of designated peatlands. These might include building or improving existing facilities (i.e. tracks, boardwalks, bog bridges), encouraging the creation of small tourism enterprises, promoting the benefits to human health and well-being and enhancing the value of a site as an educational resource (both for ecological features and potential industrial archaeological and architectural heritage features that may be present within and surrounding the site). The Peatlands Strategy Implementation Group, tasked with monitoring the delivery of actions within the National Peatlands Strategy -

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cutting/peatlands-council/national-peatlands-strategy - is considering the development of a National Peatlands Park. This park could provide an opportunity to develop a centre of excellence for applied integrated peatland research, a national database for peatland related data, a recreational amenity and information, as well as communicating information regarding peatlands. As a starting point, an examination of existing and potential visitor facilities has been undertaken. This examination has shown that there are fifteen Peatlands sites, mainly in public ownership with visitor facilities.. Bord na Móna has participated and contributed to the discussion and consideration of the development of a Wetlands Heritage Park in Co Longford and has provided information for a feasibility study being undertaken on behalf of interested parties, including Longford County Council. Bord Na Móna’s views on this development will be guided by its ‘Strategic Framework for the Future use of Peatlands’ and its rehabilitation and restoration Plans for peatlands in that region. In addition, Lough Boora Discovery Park already provides many of the features to be expected in a peatlands park. It is also intended that support will be given by the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltachtto encourage local peatland communities, local groups, local schools and individuals to engage with the Department in relation to the conservation of raised bog Special Areas of Conservation and Natural Heritage Areas to promote public engagement and awareness of our natural heritage.

No: 188

Action: Develop and publish an updated National Heritage Plan to protect, manage and promote our built and natural heritage.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Work has commenced by the Department in relation to the scope and terms of reference for the process. It is intended that a formal engagement with key stakeholders and implementation partners will play a central role to the development of such a policy given the many strands of our national heritage. A consultation issues paper is expected to be concluded at year end.

No: 190

Action: Progress the designation of additional sites to UNESCO for inclusion in Ireland’s World Heritage list which will assist in the development of sustainable tourism and also preservation of our natural and built heritage.

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Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Further progress has been made with two sites included in Ireland’s World Heritage Tentative List - the Royal Sites and The Burren. A Technical Evaluation of the Royal Sites and peer review report was recently completed and the relevant local authorities are about to initiate consultation with local communities. A Technical Evaluation has been completed for The Burren and the National Monument Service continues to engage with stakeholders.

No: 191

Action: Continue the rollout of the programme of investment in State heritage sites with a view to developing the tourism potential of our heritage sites and assisting in the creation of local employment opportunities in tourism-related industries.

Lead: OPW

Timeline: Ongoing (2016 – 2021)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

An initial tranche of €11.5m in funding has been approved for 10 Ireland’s Ancient East (IAE) projects including €8.2m for 8 sites outside the Dublin region. Works have either started onsite on certain elements or procurement actions are underway. Further proposals for relevant projects on Wild Atlantic Way (WAW) sites totalling approx. €3.8m have been scheduled for submission to Fáilte Ireland in Q4 2017.

No: 192

Action: As part of the implementation of Fáilte Ireland’s Tourism Investment Plan 2016-2021, work to enhance the presentation of key State Heritage Sites to help encourage greater employment in the tourism sector, including the rural areas covered by the Wild Atlantic Way and Ireland’s Ancient East.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2021)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

A formal strategic partnership agreement between DCHG, Fáilite Ireland and OPW was signed off in April. Funding of €8.2m in support of 9 projects outside Dublin involving national monument sites in the Minister’s ownership has been allocated for 2017.

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No: 193

Action: Through the Built Heritage Structures at Risk Fund, with an estimated €2.4m of matched funding available between 2017-2019, encourage investment of private capital in labour-intensive projects to conserve historic structures in public/ private ownership.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress Completed for 2017

The Structures at Risk Fund is administered through the local authorities. Applications were accepted in local authorities throughout the month of February. 73 applications were received from 29 local authorities. Following assessments of all applications, funding in respect of 67 projects was approved to a total value of €1.324m, covering all of the 29 local authorities from which applications were received.

No: 194

Action: Support the development of conservation and heritage tourism in rural areas through the Community Heritage Grants Scheme, with an estimated investment of €2.5m between 2017 and 2019.

Lead: Heritage Council

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Heritage Council has offered funding to over 170 groups in rural areas under the Community Heritage Grants scheme in 2017. The total funding will be in the region of €700,000.

No: 195

Action: Raise the profile of, and access to, our built, natural and cultural heritage nationwide, through the roll out of Heritage Week, thus helping to preserve our unique heritage assets.

Lead: Heritage Council

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)


In Progress

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Progress Update:

2017 has seen a record response from Heritage Week event organisers, with over 2,000 events planned across Ireland from 19-27 August. In 2017, the Heritage Council invites the public to learn about, enjoy and appreciate Ireland’s natural heritage.

No: 196

Action: Through the Historic Towns Initiative, invest in our historic towns to encourage tourism, foster traditional building skills and regenerate historic towns.

Lead: Heritage Council

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Heritage Council continues to support the Irish Wall Towns Network and is working with the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht to develop a Historic Towns Initiative.

No: 197

Action: Encourage the conservation and reuse of historic properties and lettings to tourists in rural communities.

Lead: Irish Landmark Trust

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

In the first six months some 3,000 guests stayed at Irish Landmark properties in Ireland. Gross income derived from these lettings is used to ensure the continuing conservation and maintenance of these properties.

Irish Landmark Trust is continuing to seek funding to complete the conservation stage of three properties: Goggin Cottage in Kildimo, Co. Limerick, The Mall, in Mitchelstown, Co. Cork and the two Saunderscourt Lodges in Crossabeg, Co. Wexford. When funding has been obtained, these properties will be re-used as holiday lettings for tourists.

No: 198

Action: Implement the Action Plan for Irish Historic Houses to assist in the promotion and development of Historic Irish Houses as centres for employment, tourism and innovation.

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Lead: DCHG

Timeline: 2017-2019

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Department has a dedicated allocation for grants for Historic Houses in 2017. A review of the operation of Section 482 of the Taxes (Consolidation) Act was initiated in early 2017 and is ongoing. Section 482 aims to help with the preservation of our built heritage by giving tax relief to the owners or occupiers of significant buildings or gardens to repair, maintain and restore such properties. A condition of the scheme is that the property is required to be open to the public for a minimum numbers of days each year, or in use as a registered guest house. The review is being undertaken by the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and the Department of Finance, with support from the Revenue Commissioners.

No: 199

Action: Support the Irish Walled Towns Network to ensure that these heritage assets are appropriately managed and conserved as a tourism asset to their areas.

Lead: Heritage Council

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Irish Walled Towns Network supports and celebrates Irish walled towns through strategic input and funding of conservation, training and promotional programmes. The Heritage Council provides support for the Network in co-ordinating the strategic efforts of local authorities involved in the management, conservation and enhancement of historic walled towns in Ireland, both North and South. The Council is also working with the DCHG to develop ongoing awareness in this area.

No: 201

Action: Seek to forge links internationally to key monastic and historic sites to draw more international visitors as part of pan European heritage, cultural and ecclesiastical networks.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: (Ongoing) 2017-2020


In Progress

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Progress Update:

The Department is in consultation with Fáilte Ireland in relation to progressing this action. On foot of this, contact with relevant research stakeholders, including the Heritage Council, is being initiated.

No: 202

Action: In the context of the National Landscape Strategy, develop dedicated actions that assist in the promotion and development of Ireland’s national landscape characteristics with regard to management, employment, tourism and innovation pilots.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Department’s primary focus in 2017 is to prepare the documentation for a National Landscape Character Assessment. In addition, the Department is supporting community projects such as the landscape forum community event held in Abbeyleix in June 2017.

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Pillar 4: Fostering Culture and Creativity in Rural Communities

No: 203

Action: Roll out a new small grants scheme which will provide essential upgrades to existing regional arts and culture centres to support the revival of the cultural sector in rural Ireland.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Applications were invited for funding under Stream 3 of this Scheme which will offer up to €20,000 to Not for Profit organisations with an Arts & Culture remit. The funding for this scheme is being made available as part of the Capital Investment Framework 2016-2021.

The closing date for receipt of completed applications was 16 June 2017 and the applications received requested funding totalling €1,363,570. Applications are now being assessed.

No: 204

Action: Increase funding supports to regional museums across the country ensuring access to our cultural heritage for rural dwellers.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

Completedfor 2017

The Local & Regional Museum Scheme has been finalised for 2017. €135,000 was allocated to 23 regional museums across the country ensuring access to our cultural heritage for rural communities.

No: 205

Action: Facilitate access by rural communities to our National Collections through increased loans of art works between our National Cultural Institutions and regional museums.

Lead: DCHG Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019) Status: Completed for 2017

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Progress Update: Applications for the Mobility of Collections Scheme closed on 31 July 2017 and an assessment of these applications will now follow.

No: 206

Action: Through the Arts Council’s Touring and Dissemination of Work Scheme, increase investment in 2017 to €1.4m and annually thereafter to support quality professional productions to tour venues across Ireland, increasing access to the arts for rural communities.

Lead: Arts Council Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019) Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Council agreed touring decisions for the first 6 months of 2018 in June 2017. The decisions on the last 6 months of 2018 will be made in early 2018. The budget of €1.4m was an increase of 4% on 2016.

No: 208

Action: Increase our investment in small festivals from 2017 to support greater participation in the arts throughout the country.

Lead: Arts Council

Timeline: 2017 onwards

Status: Progress Update:

Completed for 2017

The Arts Council has increased its investment in this scheme in 2017 by 22% with a budget of over €1m. All decisions for 2017 have been made. Details of festivals supported can be found at

No: 209

Action: Provide grant assistance of €0.48m to refurbish and develop a theatre in Gaoth Dobhair, Co. Donegal, in order to provide a suitable space to develop Irish language theatre in the North West.

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Lead: DCHG

Timeline: 2017-2018

Status: Progress Update:


The theatre has been completed and opened in March 2017. The theatre provides a focus for the West Donegal Gaeltacht and also for the service towns of Letterkenny and Donegal.

No: 210


As part of the Creative Ireland Programme, develop a nationwide network of culture teams and creativity hubs which will co-ordinate cultural activities in each local authority area. This will have a particular benefit for rural communities who will be encouraged to participate and engage with culture in their communities.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: 2017 onwards

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

All the local authorities have now appointed Creative Ireland co-ordinators and have established Culture Teams. Public workshops outlining the ambitious scale of the Creative Ireland Programme took place in every local authority area earlier this year.

No: 211

Action: Develop a Culture and Creativity Plan in every county as part of the Creative Ireland programme.

Lead: LAs

Timeline: End 2017

Status: Progress Update:


In May 2017, 31 Local Authority Culture & Creativity Plans were launched. They are available at: Each Culture and Creativity Plan reflects the overall structure and aims of the national Creative Ireland Programme but also to engage citizens through a local programme of cultural events and projects. Each plan includes information on the importance of the arts, heritage, culture and the Irish language locally and celebrates that legacy through a comprehensive listing of events, festivals, concerts, exhibitions, etc. Work has commenced on drawing up five year Culture and

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Creativity Strategies for each local authority.

No: 212

Action: Allocate a dedicated budget to each local authority with the primary objective of citizen engagement with their Culture and Creativity Plans.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:


Funding of €1m was allocated by the Department to implement the Culture and Creativity plans this year. This is being matched by a sum of €1m from the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government. Each local authority will therefore receive funding of approx. €64,000.

No: 214

Action: As part of the Creative Ireland Programme develop and implement Cruinniú na Cásca, an annual programme of arts activities and cultural reflection over Easter weekend which will take place all over Ireland and will have a positive effect on culture and arts activities in rural Ireland.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: 2017 onwards

Status: Progress Update:

Completed for 2017

The first Cruinniú na Cásca was held on Easter Monday 2017. Large crowds attended events in each of the 31 local authority areas and in the major cities including Dublin, which was the focal point of celebrations this year.

No: 218

Action: Increase funding to Local Authorities across the country to roll out an enhanced culture night experience which will be of particular benefit to rural communities.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: 2017 Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Additional funding of €50,000 to the overall Culture Night budget was announced by the Minister

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in January 2017. In July, the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Heather Humphreys TD, announced almost €200,000 in funding for Local Authorities across the country to help them stage events for Culture Night 2017.

No: 219

Action: Implement the Arts in Education Charter, a joint initiative between D/CHG and D/ES to ensure that arts and cultural engagement in schools at all levels will be attained across the country.

Lead: Arts Council, DCHG, DES

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Enabling the Creative Potential of Every Child is the aim of Pillar 1 of the Creative Ireland Programme 2017 -2022. Over the course of the programme the Charter for Arts in Education will be embraced, fast-tracked, and resourced as a core element of the Creative Ireland agenda. Work is ongoing in three relevant Departments to develop a national plan to enable every child in Ireland to access tuition in music, drama, art and coding.

The second Arts in Education Portal National Day took place in May, and had a very large attendance of practitioners from both the arts and education.

The Exploring Teacher/Artist Partnership as a Model of CPD for Supporting & Enhancing Arts in Education CPD Summer Course was delivered in 20 Teacher Education Centres, to provide up to 421 trained teachers and up to 107 trained artists. In 2017, each Education Centre will now have the capacity to implement this model locally and regionally through strategic planning involving collaboration and co-operation with the various Art organisations, Educational Institutions and School communities.

The development and establishment of an Arts in Education Provision Map of Ireland would provide schools and teachers with information on arts organisations, events, trained artists for working in a school setting and CPD opportunities. This facility is currently being tendered for.

No: 220

Action: Introduce formal agreements with individual Local Authorities from 2017 to assist in clarifying shared and individual responsibilities in the context of regional and local planning and the national perspective of the Arts Council.

Lead: Arts Council

Timeline: 2017 onwards

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

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The Arts Council has received expressions of interest from the first Local Authorities and will now develop formal agreements with them in association with the City and County Management Association.

No: 221

Action: Develop an integrated Arts Strategy for the Gaeltacht and Irish Language Arts in conjunction with Foras na Gaeilge, Údarás na Gaeltachta and the Arts Council.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Work is currently ongoing on the development of the strategy in consultation with relevant stakeholders.

No: 222

Action: As part of the Town & Village Renewal scheme, provide competitive funding for public art works which contribute to public spaces and reflect the culture and characteristics of the town or region.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2020)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2017 was launched in April 2017 with a closing date of 30th June 2017. The scheme is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and will be delivered through the Local Authorities who were invited to submit up to 15 applications each to the Department for consideration. As part of the 2017 Scheme Local Authorities were invited to apply for funding of up to €20,000 (total per county) for art works to enhance public spaces. Applications under this Scheme – including for public art works – are currently being assessed.

No: 223

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Action: Advance the implementation of the Language Planning Process through the provision of funding, advice and technical support in order to foster the Irish language as a key resource in Gaeltacht areas.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Specific funding has been allocated to Údarás na Gaeltachta and Foras na Gaeilge in 2017 in order to advance the language planning process. It is anticipated that up to 8 language plans will be submitted for Ministerial approval in the current year, while the preparation of plans will be advanced in 2017 in the case of the remaining 18 Gaeltacht Language Planning Areas, approx. 8 Gaeltacht Service Towns and 3 Irish Language Networks.

No: 224

Action: Continue to support and invest in the language and community infrastructure of the Gaeltacht by way of a wide range of schemes, measures and initiatives (capital and current) currently administered by the Department.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Grant assistance has been provided to 21 capital projects during the first six months of 2017. Current funding is providing continuing support to 22 organisations engaged in a range of activities in support of the language and, in turn, the implementation of the 20-Year Strategy for the Irish Language 2010-2030.

No: 225

Action: Roll out the Techspace as Gaeilge Initiative, currently operating in the Connacht region, to the Munster region.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

DCHG has approved funding for 2017 for the continuation of the TechSpace as Gaeilge project in the Connacht region and to roll it out to the Munster region.

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In May 2017, the Department held a Connacht regional showcase event in Coláiste na Coiribe, Knocknacarra, Galway. This was a showcase event of projects developed by young people involved in TechSpace as Gaeilge in various rural-based schools in the Connacht region. A workshop in Adobe Spark and iMovie took place on the day also. Two stakeholders meetings, one in Cork and one in Kerry, were also held in order to facilitate the roll out of the project in the Munster region. In total, 13 schools and 8 youth organisations, mainly rural-based, attended these meetings.

No: 226

Action: Roll out An Dioplóma sa Chultúr Dúchais to assist community capacity building through tourism development and professional development for Heritage Officers in the Gaeltacht.

Lead: Údarás na Gaeltachta

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The first year of this two-year part-time course has now been completed. It is expected that the second year of the course will commence in the autumn as scheduled.

No: 227

Action: Continue to provide funding for Ealaín na Gaeltachta Teo to foster creativity and the arts in the Gaeltacht.

Lead: Údarás na Gaeltachta

Timeline: 2017-2019

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Funding of €342,432 was approved by Údarás na Gaeltachta for the current year. This is an increase of €22,432 on the funding for 2016.

No: 228

Action: Continue to support the development of cultural tourism in the Gaeltacht by administering the Irish Language Learners scheme.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing

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Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Over 26,000 students attended various colleges under this scheme in 2016. It is envisaged that this number will be surpassed in 2017.

No: 229

Action: Implement Foras na Gaeilge schemes such as the Festival scheme and Drama scheme to foster culture and creativity.

Lead: Foras na Gaeilge

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

78 applications were received for the Festival Scheme, 44 of which were successful. Total Budget for the scheme is €105,596. The scheme is now at first tranche of payment stage and festivals which have been completed are sending in their final reports for funding.

18 applicants applied for the Drama Company Scheme, 17 of which were successful. Total Budget for the scheme is €209,715. Applicants are in receipt of tranche funding correlating to stages agreed in the annual plan.

No: 230

Action: Implement Foras na Gaeilge Schemes which create capacity building for young people in the Irish language community such as summer camps and special youth events.

Lead: Foras na Gaeilge

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

82 applications were received and assessed under the Summer Camp Scheme, all of which were successful. Total budget for the scheme is €168,346. Letters of offer were issued and camps will run on various dates between the end of June and August.

86 applications were received and assessed under the Youth Events Scheme, all of which were successful. Total budget for the scheme is €345,401. Letters of offer have issued and events will run during the academic year September 2017 - June 2018.

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No: 231

Action: Continue to support three outreach centres which operate under NUIG (Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge) in Gaoth Dobhair, Carna and An Cheathrú Rua in order primarily to maintain and develop learning opportunities at third level within these areas.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Department is supporting Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta with annual funding of €900,000 under a 3 year funding programme.

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Pillar 5: Improving Rural Infrastructure and Connectivity

No: 232

Action: Implement the National Broadband Plan to provide high speed broadband to every premises in Ireland.


Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Government's National Broadband Plan (NBP) will provide high speed broadband access (minimum 30 megabits per second) to all premises in Ireland, regardless of location. The NBP has been a catalyst in encouraging investment by the telecoms sector so that to date approximately 1.4m or 61% of the 2.3m premises in Ireland can get high speed broadband of a minimum of 30 Megabits per second and this footprint is expanding. On 4 April 2017, Minister Naughten:

signed a commitment agreement with eir in relation to its plans to provide broadband to an additional 300,000 rural premises on a commercial basis.

published an updated High Speed Broadband Map which is available at

The updated Map shows that there are approximately 1.8m premises in the BLUE areas, representing 77% of the total premises in Ireland including eir’s 300,000 premises planned rural deployment. These premises will be provided with high speed broadband by commercial operators. The remaining 23%, which comprises some 542,000 premises are in the AMBER areas and are expected to be served by the State led Intervention under the NBP.

There has already been progress in the eir rollout to 300,000 rural premises. The Department has confirmed that 30,064 premises have been reached by the network build in the period from 1 January to end March 2017. Out of these 300k premises, a total of 40,114 have been passed by eir since they commenced work in late 2016.

The updated Map finalises the State Intervention Area for the procurement process.

Following extensive formal dialogue with bidders, the Department wrote to the three bidders in the NBP procurement process on 20 June 2017 inviting them to submit their “Detailed Solutions” by 26 September 2017. This is a significant milestone as the NBP procurement process moves to the next stage.

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No: 233

Action: Establish an Implementation Group to drive and monitor the recommendations in the report of the Taskforce on Mobile Phone and Broadband Access to accelerate the rollout of broadband infrastructure and mobile phone access in rural Ireland.


Timeline: Q1 2017

Status: Progress Update:


The Taskforce Implementation Group, which is co-chaired by the Minster for Communications, Climate Action and Environment and the Minister for Rural and Community Development, was established to oversee the timely implementation all of the actions in the Taskforce report and to date has met twice. All State action holders identified in the Taskforce Report are represented on the Implementation Group. This ensures that strong momentum and timely delivery is maintained, with proactive management of any emerging challenges faced by action holders. The Implementation Group is also tasked with comprehensively reviewing progress made after twelve months, and producing an annual report summarising progress across all actions. The Group is also mandated to recommend further actions that would result in an improved service for consumers. At a working level, the Department of Rural and Community Development is responsible for identifying and implementing measures to facilitate the acceleration of infrastructure rollout once the National Broadband Plan contract(s) are in place. In this regard, the Department, in collaboration with the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, is engaging with relevant stakeholders, including all local authorities, to identify and remove barriers to network rollout including issues such as access, planning, environmental, legislation and road openings. This process is being assisted through the two Regional Action Groups established by the Department to assist removal of barriers to the broadband network rollout and through the funding of a dedicated Broadband Officer within each local authority.

No: 234

Action: Work with local authorities to plan for and facilitate early access to high-speed broadband to rural communities in Ireland by identifying and addressing barriers and through the rollout of Strategic Community Access Hubs across Ireland.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Department has established structures in order to identify and remove barriers to telecommunications infrastructure rollout and has provided funding to all local authorities to appoint a Broadband Officer.

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The Broadband Officer is the dedicated local point of contact in each local authority with responsibility for promoting telecommunications infrastructure development and will act as the liaison with operators on coverage and rollout issues. The Broadband Officer will also project- manage internal and external interactions with the winning NBP bidder(s), as well as with any telecommunications company that is seeking to roll out infrastructure in the county.

Each local authority was asked to propose up to 12 locations per county for use as Strategic Community Access Hubs. 320 Strategic Community Access Hubs were approved for inclusion as a priority in the rollout of the National Broadband Plan and have now been included in the detailed solutions stage of the procurement process for the State-led Intervention. A Strategic Community Access Hub working group is currently developing a number of different models for the Hubs.

No: 235

Action: Assign an officer with responsibility for broadband in each Local Authority area who will act as a single point of contact for telecommunications operators who are building out broadband infrastructure.

Lead: LAs

Timeline: Q1 2017

Status: Progress Update:


All local authorities have a Broadband Officer in place. The Broadband Officer is the dedicated local point of contact in each local authority with responsibility for promoting telecommunications infrastructure development and will act as the liaison with operators on coverage and rollout issues.

No: 236

Action: Develop Local Digital Strategies in each Local Authority area to ensure that businesses and communities are in a position to realise the full benefit of the National Broadband Plan once it is rolled out.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

A digital strategy working group has been established to progress development of local digital strategies that will maximise digitally-enabled economic and social progress. Extensive research has been carried out on a number of international digital strategies. A Request for Tenders is being prepared in order to develop and deliver a digital readiness assessment for each local authority and to provide assistance to the local authorities when preparing their strategy.

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No: 238

Action: Remove development contribution charges for the placement of telecommunications infrastructure across all Local Authorities as a matter of priority.

Lead: LAs

Timeline: Q1 2017

Status: Progress Update:


27 of the 31 local authorities have adopted revised development contribution schemes in compliance with the 2013 guidelines, which exempt telecommunications infrastructure from development contributions. Of the remaining four, two schemes are going through due process at council level with a view to being adopted this year and the other two will revise in their next review.

No: 239

Action: Complete the duct installation on 95km of roadway on the M7/M8 corridor to enable operators to deploy end-to-end telecommunications infrastructure between Dublin and Cork.

Lead: TII

Timeline: Q2 2017

Status: Progress Update:


Works have been completed on the installation of ducting on two sections of the route. In April, based on discussions with Telecoms industry interests, a decision was made to re-direct efforts for a period of time to provide ducting on the N25 in Cork between Little Island and Middleton. Currently ducting works are ongoing on approximately 14km of this route. Works will re-commence on the M7/M8 once the N25 works are completed. It is now planned to complete the M7/M8 works in Q3.

No: 240

Action: Explore whether take up of the Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) can be improved, including through a review of the pricing and other arrangements relating to connections.


Timeline: Q2 2017

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Status: Progress Update:


Following a procurement process in Q1 2017, independent consultants were selected to carry out the Pricing and Access Review of the Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs). The review is progressing and it should be completed in Q.3 2017. The MANs provide a wholesale and open access network to all licenced telecommunications operators, and can be used by retail service providers to provide a variety of services including telecoms, internet access, television and closed circuit television (CCTV) to businesses and citizens in the areas in which they are located.

No: 241

Action: Review the Guidelines for Managing Openings in Public Roads (Purple Book) on an ongoing basis and, building on existing arrangements, establish an appropriate Stakeholder Forum to provide for a clear and transparent engagement process for formal dialogue between the relevant stakeholders in relation to road openings.


Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Following extensive consultation over some three years, the latest version of the Guidelines for Managing Openings in Public Roads (Purple Book) was published in April 2017. The revised guidelines and supporting technologies (including on-site apps and web based application system) along with the support provided by the Road Management Office will improve the management of road works by utilities and local authorities.

Preparations for establishment of a stakeholder forum are progressing well. Draft Terms of Reference have been prepared and the first meeting will be held in Q3 2017.

No: 242

Action: Optimise State assets to facilitate the roll out of strategically-placed telecommunications infrastructure, leading to improved broadband and mobile phone coverage.

Lead: Relevant Non-Commercial State Bodies

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Mobile Phone Broadband Taskforce Implementation Group is proposing a new action to explore the feasibility of developing a policy for standardising arrangements for accessing State-

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owned property sites for the installation of telecoms equipment. Updates on the progress of this action will be provided in future quarterly progress reports issued by the Taskforce Implementation Group.

No: 243

Action: Develop revised ‘Exempted Development Regulations’ to allow industry to accelerate the rollout of 4G services by exempting 4G antennae from requiring planning permission.


Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:


DHPLG is currently finalising revisions to the planning regulations relating to telecommunications infrastructure. It is intended to present revised regulations to the Oireachtas for consideration and approval by both Houses in Q3 2017.

No: 244

Action: Develop a licensing scheme allowing for the use of mobile phone repeaters to improve the quality of indoor mobile coverage, particularly in rural areas.


Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

ComReg is undertaking research on the feasibility of using and licensing mobile phone repeaters to overcome the problem of poor indoor signal quality, particularly in rural areas.

No: 246

Action: Assess the extent of mobile phone reception blackspots being experienced across the country, which affects rural areas in particular, and identify actions to rectify this. This could include consideration of how spectrum in the 700MHz band is allocated.


Timeline: Q2 2017

Status: In Progress

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Progress Update: The Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment and the Department of Rural and Community Development are working with mobile operators and a number of local authorities on a pilot project to identify specific mobile phone blackspots areas, ascertain why these issues are arising, and identify solutions to improve the coverage in the area. Clearance of broadcasting services from the 700MHz band will completed in Ireland by 4 March 2020.

No: 247

Action: Convene a forum of all stakeholders annually to discuss issues impacting on the rollout of telecoms infrastructure across the country.

Lead: DRCD

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Mobile Phone and Broadband Taskforce Report commits to holding a forum which allows stakeholders to raise impediments to the rollout of telecommunications service. As Co-Chairs of the Taskforce, the Minister for Rural and Community Development Michael Ring T.D., and Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten T.D., are actively engaged in preparing for the forum which will take place on 6th October 2017.

Registration for the forum will open shortly and invites are expected to be issued. Invitees will be from telecommunication companies, the regulator, local authorities and relevant Government Departments, amongst others.

No: 248

Action: Progress the major roads projects detailed in the 7 year transport element of the Capital Investment Plan which will help deliver economic and business benefits across rural areas and regions.


Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

In 2016, TII expended €51.1m progressing national CIP projects and DTTAS expended €2.1m on regional CIP projects. Progress on these schemes is ongoing in 2017. The National Road Projects to be progressed over Capital Plan period to 2022 are the:

N4 Collooney to Castlebaldwin

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N5 Westport to Turlough

N7 Naas Newbridge Upgrade

M8/N40/N25 Dunkettle

N22 Ballyvourney to Macroom

N56 Dungloe to Glenties

N56 Mountcharles to Inver

N59 Moycullen Bypass

N2 Slane Bypass

N6 Galway City Transport Project

N21/N69 Adare Bypass & Foynes Link

N28 Cork to Ringaskiddy

N72 Mallow Relief Road

M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy PPP

M17/M18 Gort to Tuam PPP

N25 New Ross Bypass (PPP) The Regional Road Projects to be progressed under Capital Plan are the:

R407 Sallins Bypass

Bridge and approach roads Garavogue river

Road Upgrades in the vicinity of Grangecastle Business Park

Shannon Crossing Bridge at Killaloe

Athy Southern Distributor Road

Portlaoise Southern Distributor Road

Phase 4 Dingle Inner Relief Road

Laytown to Bettystown Link Road

No: 249

Action: Improve transport services for the offshore islands to support the sustainable and inclusive development of island communities and to encourage tourism and other economic benefits, including improved co-ordination with relevant Local Authorities and DTTAS as appropriate.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Department continues to subsidise transport services to the islands. Contracts are being renewed as required. A passenger ferry service contract for Heir, County Cork, was advertised in the month of June.

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No: 250

Action: Continue capital investment in island piers and harbours.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Programmes of works have been agreed with 4 local authorities (Cork, Galway, Mayo and Sligo) with islands under their remit. It is hoped to agree a programme with Donegal County Council in the next quarter.

No: 252

Action: Work with rural communities to assess and implement improvements to existing rural transport routes and develop new rural transport routes as necessary.

Lead: NTA

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The retendering of the existing 1,035 rural transport routes commenced in Q1 & 2 2017 following the rollout of agreed procurement templates and the hosting of a number of information sessions for Local Link staff and board members. Retendering processes are currently underway nationally. It is intended that the majority of the routes will be retendered by the end of Q4 2017.

Regarding new route development, the various Local Link groups continue to develop and enhance Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) and scheduled services locally. New routes in development by the Rural Transport Programme during Q1 & 2, 2017 included a total of 12 scheduled and DRT services in Meath, Fingal, Cork, Sligo, Leitrim, Tipperary, Kerry, Waterford & Wexford.

No: 253

Action: Rollout a programme of awareness of the Rural Transport Programme amongst rural communities.

Lead: NTA

Timeline: Ongoing

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Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Work continued throughout Q1 &2 s to enhance the Rural Transport Programme content across a number of web based platforms including:

Significant updating work has been undertaken recently to ensure that the all RTP content is current and relevant.

Additionally, as new rural transport routes were launched in Q1 &2, the NTA initiated extensive promotional campaigns at a local level using local radio and local press advertising

In Q2 2017, the NTA commissioned the production of five short video clips illustrating and celebrating the role rural transport plays in the lives of so many people. Each piece is 25 seconds in duration and these clips have been posted online on and will be used at promotional events throughout 2017.

Finally, in an effort to enhance the Local Link brand, it was agreed in Q2 that the Rural Transport Programme will take a stand at this year’s National Ploughing Championship which runs from 19th to 21st September in Screggan, Tullamore, Co. Offaly.

No: 254

Action: Ensure that Rural Transport Programme vehicles are accessible, having regard to all passenger needs.

Lead: NTA

Timeline: Ongoing from 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

As part of the current retendering process of approximately 1035 existing rural transport routes, one of the tender requirements in terms of the bus fleet to be used is as follows:

”The buses used for the provision of the Services are to be Wheelchair Accessible within two (2) years of the date of this Contract (save where...(it is provided)...that buses must be accessible from the outset of the Contract).”

The aim remains to achieve a fully accessible fleet by 2020.

No: 255

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Action: Examine the potential for, and where possible, integrate Health Service Executive non-emergency transport services with rural transport services.

Lead: NTA

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Work continues at a local level to integrate HSE non-emergency transport services with the Rural Transport Programme. A comprehensive range of HSE non–emergency transport services continue to be provided by the Local Link companies in counties Donegal, Mayo and Sligo/Leitrim/Roscommon. Discussions commenced in Q1 & Q2 in relation to the potential for similar initiatives to be undertaken in this regard in Cavan/Monaghan and Kerry.

No: 256

Action: Support rural communities by bringing eligible children to their local school through the provision of safe, efficient and cost effective school transport services.

Lead: DES

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

During the 2016/17 school year in the region of 116,000 children, including some 12,000 children with special educational needs, were transported in approximately 4,000 vehicles on a daily basis to primary and post-primary schools throughout the country, covering over 100 million kilometres annually.

No: 258

Action: Examine the scope for increased investment in regional roads in the context of the review of the Capital Investment Plan 2016- 2021.


Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Increased funding for regional and local roads has been included in the Department's submission to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform on the review of the Capital Plan.

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No: 259

Action: Promote increased funding for Local Improvement Schemes (for non-public roads and laneways) and Community Involvement schemes (for regional and local roads), on an annual basis, as resources permit.


Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Increased funding for regional and local roads has been included in the Department's submission to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform on the review of the Capital Plan.

No: 260

Action: Implement the capital and operational support schemes, as appropriate, under the Regional Airports Programme 2015-2019 at the regional airports in Donegal, Kerry, Waterford and Ireland West Airport Knock, utilising the additional €10m of support provided for under the Programme for a Partnership Government.


Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

On 23 June, the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport announced grant allocations totalling €1.94 million under the Regional Airports Programme for the regional airports in Donegal, Knock, Kerry and Waterford. This represented the first allocation of support this year for the regional airports and the grants will go towards capital investments in safety and security related projects. Further assistance in 2017 under the Programme for these airports, both capital and operational supports, will be announced at a later date.

No: 261

Action: Arrest and reverse the decline in passenger numbers at Cork Airport and increase connectivity by air into and out of Cork.

Lead: daa

Timeline: 2017-2019

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Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Following on from a very successful 2016, with 8% year on year growth and more than 2.23 million passengers, to date in 2017 at Cork airport, there are three new airlines along with four new routes operating to further increase connectivity for the South of Ireland.

Norwegian Air International commenced the first scheduled transatlantic flight out of Cork Airport on 1st July to Boston/Providence. WOW air, the Icelandic low cost carrier, commenced operations in May 2017 with four weekly services into Reykjavik with onward access to ten US and Canadian destinations. Swiss also commenced a summer service from Cork to Zurich with a twice weekly schedule.

These new flights, in addition to the new Aer Lingus regional service to Newquay and the return of the Summer services to Madrid, Dusseldorf and Munich, greatly increase opportunities for inbound tourism growth from North America, Great Britain, France, Switzerland and Germany through Cork airport.

No: 262

Action: Grow existing routes and services at Shannon Airport which will benefit the region.

Lead: Shannon Group

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The launch on 2nd July 2017 of new transatlantic services by Norwegian Air International to the US east coast airports of Stewart International in Orange County and Providence, Rhode Island, gave Shannon Airport its largest number of transatlantic destinations for 17 years.

Lufthansa also launched its weekly Frankfurt service from Shannon, while SAS will operate a twice weekly Stockholm service from August.

There are also frequency increases this year on Birmingham (Aer Lingus Regional) which will go daily from six per week; Lanzarote (Ryanair), which increases to two weekly services; and Malaga (Aer Lingus and Ryanair) which increases to seven weekly services.

In all, Shannon will have 35 direct services operating from the airport this summer.

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No: 263

Action: Agree and implement a Code of Practice with relevant infrastructural providers to ensure timely and efficient transport links and other key infrastructure are maintained across rural Ireland whilst safeguarding Ireland’s archaeological heritage.

Lead: DCHG

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2020)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

A new Code of Practice between DCHG and Transport Infrastructure Ireland has now been agreed and was formally launched on 27 June 2017. The Code will be implemented with immediate effect.

No: 264

Action: Increase Capital funding for flood risk management schemes up to €80m per annum by 2019 and increasing to €100m per annum by 2021, as provided for under the Capital Plan 2016- 2021, to accelerate delivery of flood defence schemes around the country that will provide protection for properties at risk of flooding.

Lead: OPW

Timeline: 2017-2021

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

October announcement of Budget 2018- increase to capital allocation for 2018.

No: 265

Action: Approve and implement Flood Risk Management Plans setting out flood risk management measures identified for areas of significant risk around the country, including over 100 further proposed measures for rural communities in addition to 28 flood relief schemes for rural communities already in progress.

Lead: OPW

Timeline: 2017-2027

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The reviewing of the extensive response to the public consultation on the Flood Risk

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Management Plans is well advanced. The OPW expects to submit to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform for independent review of the environmental assessments of the Plans prior to their formal submission to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform for approval, scheduled for the Autumn.

No: 266

Action: Introduce a prioritised and targeted voluntary homeowners relocation scheme for those again affected by the flooding of December 2015-January 2016.

Lead: OPW

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The scheme was approved by Government in April 2017 and established immediately thereafter. The OPW has commenced the identification of properties in consultation with local authorities, including the consideration of any Expressions of Interest received directly from homeowners.

No: 268

Action: Implement Stage 1 of a National Flood Forecasting and Warning Service/Flood Forecasting Service (NFFWS) to be established within Met Éireann within 5 years.

Lead: Met Éireann

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2021)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

To date in 2017, a number of meetings have been held of the Steering Group of the National Flood Forecast and Warnings Service. An Independent Expert Team has also been established and convened, while fact-finding meetings with a number of relevant national and international experts and visits to a number of flood forecasting centres internationally have also been undertaken. Preparations are also underway in relation to the position of Chief HydroMeteorologist to lead the development of Stage 1 of the NFFWS and job specifications will be prepared for technical and professional staff required for the NFFWS. Plans are also being developed for the necessary accommodation and infrastructure for the NFFWS.

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No: 270

Action: Strengthen the engagement with the insurance industry to improve the availability of flood insurance cover, given the State’s ongoing investment in flood defence schemes.

Lead: OPW

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The OPW is undertaking quarterly meetings with the insurance industry and additional meetings of technical working group. The OPW has also provided comprehensive detail on its demountable defences which is being reviewed by the industry.

No: 271

Action: Review Minor Flood Mitigation Works & Coastal Protection Schemes to support Local Authorities in their work to address localised flooding problems in their areas.

Lead: OPW

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:


The review of the Scheme has been completed. It examined all the existing criteria with a view to strengthening and improving the operability of the Scheme. As a result, the upper financial threshold has now been increased significantly from €500,000 to €750,000 per project and for the first time, farm yards/buildings will be included as commercial premises in all categories. Other improvements include lowering the benefit to costs ratio for smaller projects, improved benefit allowances for different property types and updated methodology for diverted journeys due to flooding.

No: 272

Action: Introduce a trial to lower the water level on Lough Allen in specific conditions in order to help to mitigate potential flood risk.

Lead: OPW

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Year 1 trial concluded in March 2017 at start of navigation season. A decision was then taken to continue with the trial for Year 2 to incorporate any lessons from Year 1 implementation. The implementation of the trial for Year 2 will commence in October 2017.

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No: 273

Action: Evaluate the benefits from any short and medium term programme of localised dredging and any future piloting to remove some pinch points along the Shannon.

Lead: OPW

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The Shannon Working Group has established a sub-committee through which progress is being made in developing proposals for both short and long term maintenance activities. A Callows flood risk reduction project has also commenced, led by the OPW.

No: 274

Action: Assess the use of cutaway peatlands and pumping and peat stock management regimes to assist in flood risk management.

Lead: Bord na Móna, OPW

Timeline: 2017

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

Bord na Móna will continue to implement pumping and peat stock management throughout 2017, particularly in the second half of 2017, in flood prone areas to ensure that the amount of water stored during flood events is maximised. In the longer term, Bord na Móna are prepared to make cutaway bogs available for uses deemed appropriate for flood alleviation purposes.

No: 275

Action: Identify potential solutions to address the risk of flooding from turloughs.

Lead: GSI, OPW

Timeline: Ongoing (2017-2019)

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

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The GSI commenced work with the OPW in 2016 to setup a Groundwater/Turlough Flood Monitoring Programme and by the end of Q1 40 monitoring stations were installed across Roscommon, Galway, Longford and Mayo. It is planned to roll out another 20 temporary monitoring stations during the course of 2017.

No: 276

Action: Continue implementation of the Forestry Programme (2014- 2020) by increasing annual planting, carbon sequestration and more effective land management.

Lead: DAFM

Timeline: Ongoing

Status: Progress Update:

In Progress

The mid-term review of the 2014-2020 Forestry Programme is currently underway. DAFM has contributed forest sector mitigation measures for the National Mitigation Plan.

6,500 hectares of new forests planted in 2016 with the programme continuing apace in 2017.

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Appendix I – Regional Job Performance


Employment by region Q1 2016


Q1 2017


Annual % change

West 176.6 194.9 10.4%

Mid-East 231.4 243.6 5.3%

South-East 204.4 214.3 4.8%

Midlands 117.4 121.3 3.3%

Mid-West 153.9 157.9 2.6%

Dublin 611.7 627.2 2.5%

South-West 285.4 290.5 1.8%

Border 195.7 195.4 -0.2%

State 1976.5 2045.1 3.5%

Outside Dublin 1364.8 1417.9 3.9%


The unemployment rate fell in all regions in the year to Q1 2017.

The Mid-East had the lowest unemployment rate (5.0 per cent in Q1 2017), followed by the South-West (5.9 per cent) and Dublin (6.3 per cent).

Unemployment rate by region Q1 2016 Q1 2017

Mid-East 5.9 5.0

South-West 7.7 5.9

Dublin 6.9 6.3

State 8.4 6.7

Mid-West 7.9 6.8

West 10.2 6.9

Border 8.6 7.5

Midlands 11.6 7.8

South-East 12.5 9.3