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First Presbyterian Church of Kingston Letter

Apr 05, 2018



Daily Freeman
Welcome message from author
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  • 8/2/2019 First Presbyterian Church of Kingston Letter


    . 4 c n l 4 &o + t u q 'ot i:!= etdt[ | [s: / t l s ts \

    first WesfuyterinnCfrntrcfi, f X{46stonComerof ElmendorfStreet ndTremperAvenueP.O.Box 1356Kingston,NY 12402

    I read of a man who stood o speakat the imeral of a riend.He referred o the dateson her tombstone,rom thebeginning o the end.He noted hatJirst came hedate of her birth (185j).He spoke he ollowing date with tears(2012).But he said whm maftered nostof all was he dashbetween hose ears.from "The Dash",apoemby Linda EllisDear Membersand Friendsof First Presbvterian.

    We cordially nvite youto the Closing Service of the church on Sunday, May 6,2012 at 4z00pm.Your presencewould be a comfortand an mportantpartof the church's egacy o the community.' For the ast several ears he churchhasbeenstruggling lrough financialdifficulties and membershiploss. Tlie decision o tum the controL f the churchover o tlie Presbyteryof }ludson River was made }is pastOctoberwith the ntentionof selling he churchbuildings, which under he Presbyterianorm of govemment,belong o the Presbltery.At theFresbyterymeetingheld on March 27th, hepeople emainingon themembershipolls of the formerFirst PresbyterianChurchof Kingstonbecamemembersof the HudsonRiverPresbytery ntil such ime as hey choose o join anothercongregation.ncluded n this mailing is a letterofinvitation from one of the many areachurcheswhich haveexpressedhehope hat someof First Presbyterian'smemberswould consideroining with them.Now it is time to celebratehe ife of our belovedchurchand ocelebratehe ntention of PastorFemandoSalazar'sAssembliesofGod congregation,SecundaglesiaLaMission,now renting spacen Saugerties,o fust leaseand henbuy our historicbuilding.Since he decisionwas made n October,we have donated tems o otherchurcheswithin thePresbyteryand o other ocal churchesn Kingston (seeenclosedist). CommunionWare,CommunionTable, BaptismalFontand other iturgical fumishingswill stay n thebuilding to be usedby the newcongregation. hesespecialgifts will bededicatedo the useof the new congregation t the Closing Serviceon Sunday, May 6th.Wethankyou for all your supportand ove tlrough fhesemanyyears 1853-2012. ife is not so muchaboutbeginningsor endingsbut aboutali of the ministrythat hasoccurredn,the dash.,'Blessingsonyourway,asyouandyoursseeka home or yourheartsandyour faith. Please ave he dateand comeshmeyour gracefirlmemorieson Sunday, May 6th, 4p.m. at the historicbrick churchon the comerof Elmendorfand Tremper.Confident n the Love of Christ,The formerSession fFirst PresblterilanThefomrer AdministrativeCommissionof the HudsonRiverPresbltervTheTrustees f HudsonRiver Presbvterv

    Phone:845)331-0633 Email i [email protected]

  • 8/2/2019 First Presbyterian Church of Kingston Letter


    Someof the tems which havebeendonatedo otherchurchesn the Presblteryand o other ocal churchesqKineston:* 31 rank SchantzPipeOrgan First Presbyteria:r hurch,Katonah* Choir Robes Soutl PresbyterianChurcb,Yonkers*Handbelisand Chimes PleasantPlainsPresbyterian hurch,Staatsburg*Paraments ClintonAve United Methodist Churcb,Kingston*Palm SundayBanner WoodstockRefonnedChurch*H1mna1sandBibles- being offered o PrattsvilleChurches@loodVictims)*Trophiesand otherhistorical tems- Fair StreetReformedChurch,Kingston*Minutes of Session,Dorfelrnianand other churchsocieties PresbyerianHistoricalSociety,Philadelphia*Bulletins 1938-2011 Ulster County Genealogical ociety,Hurley*Music from extensiveibrary sharedwith Oid Dutch Church,Kingston; PleasantPlainsPresbl'terianChurch,Staatsburg;ReformedChurchof Port Ewen*Christnas Pageant ostumes Town of EsopusUnitedMethodist ChurchSomeof tle areachurcheswhich pastmembers f FirstPresbyterian avebeenattending:Congregational hurch,Kingston- SrmdayWorship at 11:00a-m.of EsopusUnited MethodistChurch Port Ewen- SundayWorship at 10:30a.m.DutchReformedChurch,Kbgston - SundayWorshipat 10:30a-m.StreetReforrnedChurch, Kingston- SundayWorshipat i0:00 a.m.Churchof Saugerties SundayWorshipat 10:30a-m.EpiscopalChurch,Kingston- SundayWorshipat 8:00 and 10:30a.m.

    vangelicalLutheranChurch,Kingston- SundayWorship at 8:00 and 10:30a.m.Churchof Port Ewen- SundavWorshin at 10:00a.m.

  • 8/2/2019 First Presbyterian Church of Kingston Letter



    REV. AMESBEUKETJVIAN.ASTOR (845)[email protected]

    4pn1D,2012Friends n Cbrisl

    Having recentlycelebrated sisterReformedcongregation'sfis16risministryand tss|6singafter a long andvaliant tenure,we oin you in your sadness t bidding farewell o anotable,evenbrillian! phaseof ministry in Kingston. WepraiseGod thatyow building willcontinue o serveasabase or Cbristianpraiseandservice o God n Kingston-Wepraythatyour grief today will lead o 'Joy in the moming" and hat the manygoodmemories hat bringyou to thismomenteTill nslrireyouto continue o responsibly earand

    answerCbrist'scall o follow.It haqbeena singularjoy for us thatsomeof youchose o lendyour presence ndgifts toour worship efforts n the ast montbs. We hopeour Srmdaymoming movements iveclearevidence f our stong desire o glori$zGod and ive asweprofess.We offer ourselves'to ou as an altemative or a family of faitb- Worship with usandjoin the fellowship ime afterward. Get o know us and our faith andwork. Until youtell us ostop,$/e will treatyouas aguestunencumberedy a healry oad of organizational ssignments.Youwill find us too small agroup o hidei4 but also oo intimate o get ost.We hope lat youwill visit our 10:00a-m.worship so we canbecomeacquainted.Yet ifwe worship ogetherbut a single ime, God'sgraceandpowerwill bepraise4 the angels nheavenwill rejoice,andwe wiil be able o greetone anotherhereafteron the sidewalk, n thestores,or at eisureventures.Pleaseeel free o call us with your inquiries o that end.

    Very sincereiy,

    JamesBeukelnaq Pastor