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500190 • Volume 11 • Number 15 August 5, 2014 1 A heart for the city. NEWS Coming up in Worship SUNDAY, AUGUST 17 Wendy Fenn preaching SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 Joe Clifford preaching Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28 Community Ministries Scholars Sunday Pastor’s Desk Friends, Last week I had the privilege of preaching at the PCUSA’s Naonal Mul-Cultural Conference held in Ft. Worth. I was invited to be part of the event because our congregaon works with mulple cultures. Indeed we do work with mulple cultures at FPC. The majority of our clients at The Stewpot are African American. Virtually all of the children and youth involved with Saturday School, Junior Crew and the Venturing Crew are Hispanic. And over 90% of our congregaon is Anglo. Yet while we work with mulple cultures, we are sll challenged to be mul-cultural. This is a crical queson for our congregaon’s future. There is great angst in the Presbyterian Church in parcular, and the American Church in general about drawing young people to the church. And the angst is well founded, among white people. But according to an arcle published in May on the Daily Digest of the PCUSA website “American Chrisanity sll has plenty of Millennials — they’re just not necessarily in white churches.”[1] Rev. Derwin Gray, pastor of Transformaon Church, a mulethnic congregaon in South Carolina reports, “What I see among Millennials are African Americans and Asian Americans and Lanos who are vibrantly growing in faith and leading the future of what the church will become.” This is part of the shiſt underway in American Chrisanity. As we have discussed in recent months, among Americans over 65 years old, almost 70% of their generaon are white Chrisans. For my generaon, it’s 54%. For my children’s generaon, it’s less than 25%. More than half of Chrisans age 18-29 are people of color. Only 9% are white mainline Protestants, as opposed to 28% are Chrisans who are people of color. Rev. Gray believes the future will belong to churches that are mulethnic, not because its polically correct, but “because that’s what God wants.”[2] He cites Revelaon 7:9 “Aſter this I looked and there before me was a great multude that no one could count, from every naon, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” He concludes, “The reason that we should have mulethnic churches is not that the demographics of America [are] changing — but because it is at the heart of the gospel.” I look forward to sharing what I learned in the coming months as together we consider how to respond what God is doing in the world through a changing church. Grace and peace, [1] Bob Smietana. “Are Millenials Really Leaving Church? Yes, But Mostly White Millenials.” May 21, 2014. Cited here: hp:// are-millennials-really-leaving-church-yes-mostly-w/
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Page 1: First Presbyterian Church News

500190 • Volume 11 • Number 15 August 5, 2014

1A heart for the city.



Coming up in


SUNDAY, AUGUST 17Wendy Fenn preaching

SUNDAY, AUGUST 10Joe Clifford preachingGenesis 37:1-4, 12-28Community Ministries Scholars Sunday

Pastor’s DeskFriends,

Last week I had the privilege of preaching at the PCUSA’s National Multi-Cultural Conference held in Ft. Worth. I was invited to be part of the event because our congregation works with multiple cultures. Indeed we do work with multiple cultures at FPC. The majority of our clients at The Stewpot are African American. Virtually all of the children and youth involved with Saturday School, Junior Crew and the Venturing Crew are Hispanic. And over 90% of our congregation is Anglo. Yet while we work with multiple cultures, we are still challenged to be multi-cultural. This is a critical question for our congregation’s future.

There is great angst in the Presbyterian Church in particular, and the American Church in general about drawing young people to the church. And the angst is well founded, among white people. But according to an article published in May on the Daily Digest of the PCUSA website “American Christianity still has plenty of Millennials — they’re just not necessarily in white churches.”[1] Rev. Derwin Gray, pastor of Transformation Church,

a multiethnic congregation in South Carolina reports, “What I see among Millennials are African Americans and Asian Americans and Latinos who are vibrantly growing in faith and leading the future of what the church will become.” This is part of the shift underway in American Christianity. As we have discussed in recent months, among Americans over 65 years old, almost 70% of their generation are white Christians. For my generation, it’s 54%. For my children’s generation, it’s less than 25%. More than half of Christians age 18-29 are people of color. Only 9% are white mainline Protestants, as opposed to 28% are Christians who are people of color.

Rev. Gray believes the future will belong to churches that are multiethnic, not because its politically correct, but “because that’s what God wants.”[2] He cites Revelation 7:9 “After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” He concludes, “The reason that we should have multiethnic churches is not that the demographics of America [are] changing — but because it is at the heart of the gospel.”

I look forward to sharing what I learned in the coming months as together we consider how to respond what God is doing in the world through a changing church.

Grace and peace,

[1] Bob Smietana. “Are Millenials Really Leaving Church? Yes, But Mostly White Millenials.” May 21, 2014. Cited here:

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2 A heart for the city.

Book Discussion:The Secrets of Happy FamiliesAUGUST 10 & 17 | 9:30 AM | ROOM 324 (LOGOS)

What are the secrets of hap-py families? As families have evolved and adapted to our changing culture, are there ways to keep them strong and resilient?

These questions are ad-dressed in Bruce Feiler’s best-selling book The Secrets of Happy Families. Feiler will be in Dallas on September 6 for a special event that we are sponsoring with FUMC

Dallas. To prepare for that big event, we are offering two op-portunities to discuss the book together. Scott Nelson and his colleague Catherine Johnson, Thom and Lara Stewart will fa-cilitate book discussions on August 10 and 17 during the Sun-day morning education hour.

Books are available for $10.50 from Bonnie Edwards for you to purchase or borrow, or you can order a Kindle version. Visit the information table in Anderson Common until August 10. (See the back cover for more information on the September 6 event.)

Thank you from the St. JohnsDear FPC Family,There are no words sufficient to express our gratitude for the multitude of kindnesses and concern showered upon us dur-ing Edward’s battle with cancer, his death and in these past two weeks as we struggle with adjusting to losing him from our day to day lives. Our entire family has felt the love and concern of the FPC family (members and staff) shared with us beyond measure. From the food provided by the Care Kitchen and many others, the notes and cards expressing your love for us, our Care Team’s help with transportation and projects around our home to help us adjust to Edward’s failing strength, faithful visits from so many who brightened our days with their presence in times of pain and struggle, to the planning of an appropriate celebration of his life which felt almost like a party he would have enjoyed being at(although he would not have been comfortable with “all the fuss” being about him), you have all honored his life and helped his family. Thank you for all that you have done and may we all continue to honor Edward’s life with faithful service and love of one another and all God’s children.

- The Edward St. John Family

Fall Family Kick OffJust a few more weeks and the FPC summer sched-ule will come to a close. Focus is now turned to all of the opportuni-ties available for children and fami-lies during the

school year. All families with children ages birth through sixth grade are invited to the Fall Family Kick-Off in the Welcome Center on Sunday, August 24 after the 10:50 service. Come for the food, fellowship, and to learn about Children’s Choir, Sunday School and all other Children’s events for the school year!. Big D Kona Ice will be outside the Welcome Center again since the mini-truck was such a big hit last year. Enjoy the rest of your summer break and we hope to see everyone on August 24 in the Welcome Center after church!

“Anchor Baby”Film Screening

AUGUST 10 | 12:30 PM | KOINONIA ROOMWith immigration a continuing topic in the news media, you’re invited to view and discuss a film about one Presby-terian Church’s response. Mason Funk & Leanna Creel , or-dained PC(USA) ruling elders from Immanuel Presbyterian in Los Angeles, CA, have made a documentary, Anchor Baby. It’s about another elder from Immanuel who took sanctuary in the church with her teenage daughter, a U.S. citizen who would have effectively been orphaned by her mother’s final deportation order. You can watch the trailer at will view and discuss the film, followed by a live conversa-tion with the film’s creators. A light lunch will be provided for a donation.

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3A heart for the city.

Introducing Carol WhiteCarol White joins the FPC staff this weekas Pastor’s Assistant and Education Coordinator. She comes to us from Method-ist Dallas Medical Center where she was the Volunteer Coor-dinator. Her past experience includes church work as both a Women’s Ministry Assistant and Director of Senior Adult Min-istries. Carol shares: “Having been brought up in a Christian home and being a church member all my life, I believe that being on staff at a church is where I belong.” We are excited to welcome her to First Presbyterian Church!

Farewell to Bethany ShresthaBethany Taylor Shrestha ended her work as the Pastor’s As-sistant and Education Coordinator on the FPC staff last week. After two and a half years here, Bethany will become a Carter Teaching Fellow at the Greenhill School in North Dallas. While learning on the job in a Pre-K classroom at Greenhill, she will continue working toward her masters degree in Early Child-hood Education. Not to worry - the Shresthas will still attend worship at FPC. Join us in thanking Bethany for her service and wishing her well in her next endeavor.

Facing Race in Dallas

1835 Young Street | Dallas, TX | 75201 214-748-8051 |

Facing Race& Religion

Monday, September 29Michael Phillips, Ph.D.

author of White Metropolis: Race, Ethnicity, and Religion in Dallas, 1841-2001

Lenora Fulani, Ph.D.

Co-Founder of the All Stars Project, and Director of Operation Conversation: Cops and Kids

Andy Canales

Chair of DISD’s Early Childhood Ad-visory Council, and Deputy Director, Early Childhood Education, Commit!

All lectures are at 7:00 p.m. in the FPC Sanctuary. Free and open to the public.

Facing Race& Poverty

Facing Race& Education

Monday, October 6

Monday, October 13

Lecture Series

Facing Race in Dallas

1835 Young Street | Dallas, TX | 75201 214-748-8051 |

Facing Race& Religion

Monday, September 29Michael Phillips, Ph.D.

author of White Metropolis: Race, Ethnicity, and Religion in Dallas, 1841-2001

Lenora Fulani, Ph.D.

Co-Founder of the All Stars Project, and Director of Operation Conversation: Cops and Kids

Andy Canales

Chair of DISD’s Early Childhood Ad-visory Council, and Deputy Director, Early Childhood Education, Commit!

All lectures are at 7:00 p.m. in the FPC Sanctuary. Free and open to the public.

Facing Race& Poverty

Facing Race& Education

Monday, October 6

Monday, October 13

Lecture Series

Facing Race in Dallas

1835 Young Street | Dallas, TX | 75201 214-748-8051 |

Facing Race& Religion

Monday, September 29Michael Phillips, Ph.D.

author of White Metropolis: Race, Ethnicity, and Religion in Dallas, 1841-2001

Lenora Fulani, Ph.D.

Co-Founder of the All Stars Project, and Director of Operation Conversation: Cops and Kids

Andy Canales

Chair of DISD’s Early Childhood Ad-visory Council, and Deputy Director, Early Childhood Education, Commit!

All lectures are at 7:00 p.m. in the FPC Sanctuary. Free and open to the public.

Facing Race& Poverty

Facing Race& Education

Monday, October 6

Monday, October 13

Lecture Series

Speaker bios and more information at

Facing Race in Dallas

1835 Young Street | Dallas, TX | 75201 214-748-8051 |

Facing Race& Religion

Monday, September 29Michael Phillips, Ph.D.

author of White Metropolis: Race, Ethnicity, and Religion in Dallas, 1841-2001

Lenora Fulani, Ph.D.

Co-Founder of the All Stars Project, and Director of Operation Conversation: Cops and Kids

Andy Canales

Chair of DISD’s Early Childhood Ad-visory Council, and Deputy Director, Early Childhood Education, Commit!

All lectures are at 7:00 p.m. in the FPC Sanctuary. Free and open to the public.

Facing Race& Poverty

Facing Race& Education

Monday, October 6

Monday, October 13

Lecture Series

Page 4: First Presbyterian Church News

4A heart for the city.

Reflections on the Mission to Juarez“I was inspired by the various gifts of each team member (painting, sewing, organizing, humor) and the ways they demonstrated their faith (Romans 12: 3-8). I sensed a strong partnership with Verdad Y Redencion Presbyterian Church in Juarez. This sister church supports outreach into the very poor communities with plans to expand those ministries by building a new community center during the next few years. I was encouraged to see how the church has remained faithful during recent difficult and dangerous times and how young leadership has emerged during our absence. We were loved and nurtured by our brothers and sisters in Juarez, while we felt the payers of our FPC church family.” Bonnie Edwards.

“I enjoyed being with the other sewers (Sarah, Susan, Bonnie, Liz) planning and getting ready for the next day’s activities. Everyone offered creative ideas, and by working together, we were able to have a good project for the ladies. The excitement and enthusiasm of the (Mexican) ladies – about 25 each day – was a special feeling for all of us. When the “project of the day” was complete we could not have been more pleased with their efforts. They loved the little dresses (Tuesday project) and the next day several little girls were wearing them….When it was time to leave, they made us feel special and then said “hope to see you next year.” I personally can’t wait to go back.” Jo Francis Hickey

“Everything was so different, yet, everything was so much the same. After 6 years the church has drastically changed, yet the members were the same happy and contented people that we have known before. This is because they had each other – and the Lord.” David Johns, a regular Juarez mission team member for many, many years.

According to Norman Vincent Peal, if you’ve been overwhelmed with the obstacles of life and you can’t seem to find your way through the tough terrain, throw yourself into the service of others. There you will find peace, love, and divine guidance. I needed a mental break in my life which has become somewhat cynical. I asked God to give me a new set of eyes and a renewed mind while on this trip. Not only did I get new eyes, since He is a God of great feats, he also gave me a new heart full of compassion, respect and love for complete strangers and a renewed sense of appreciation for all the things in my life – big and small. My first mission trip turned out just the way God planned it, and I promised Juarez to see me again next year.” Jazmaine Dowe, Stewpot worker. As a footnote, Jazmaine bought a HUGE piñata – Thomas The Train – for her young boys. It did present a challenge when packing the van for the return trip. But, it made it back to Dallas in good condition.

“Roger and I were blessed to be part of your group and have the opportunity to resume our trips to Juarez which began in 1999 while members of First Presbyterian, Lewisville. For me, I feel blessed to have been able to renew relationships with our dear friends in Juarez, make new friends from FPC Dallas, and view some results from previous sewing ministry trips such as the curtains with flowers in the cafeteria. It was fun to share in fellowship with the sewing ladies, to provide materials and new sewing ideas, and to hear their plans (Juarez ladies) to use their sewing talents by making pillows for evangelism.” Susan Dennison, First United Methodist, Lindale, Texas.

“I was very thankful to be able to return to Juarez after 6 years and renew old acquaintances both from Juarez and FPC …I can hardly wait for next year.” Sarah Barger, Lindale.

“What an inspiration to worship in the new bright sanctuary at Verdad Y Redencion – a church FPC, with the financial assistance from the Mission and Benevolence Committee and the FPC Foundation, had rebuilt. This is a vibrant congregation. I was most impressed with the plans to start an outreach mission community center in the colonias (an unregulated, economically depressed settlement which lacks basic living necessities such as potable water and sewer system, electricity, paved roads, and safe and suitable housing). This is where we had built several houses in the past. God is definitely present and at work here.” Liz Zsohar

A presentation by the Juarez Mission Team has been scheduled for Sunday, August 24 at 12:15 pm in the Koinoia Room. Plan to attend to hear directly from the Juarez Team and see the Power Point presentation.

Page 5: First Presbyterian Church News

A heart for the city.

Mo-Ranch Women’s Conference BY ISABEL COBROUGH

May 27-29 and May 30-June 1 found five Presbyterian Wom-en from First Presbyterian Church traveling to Mo-Ranch for the 2014 Women’s Conference. At the conference in leader-ship roles were three former FPC staff members. Rita Odom, former Director of Children’s Ministries, was the Conference Director, Ashley Hood, former Youth Director, was conference Worship Leader, and Fane Downs, former Associate Pastor for Christian Education, was a Workshop Leader. The con-ferences featured two days of worship, keynote addresses, and workshops on a variety of topics built around the theme, “The Sacramental Life – Living Your Sacred Story.”

When asked what was their most memorable moment(s) or experience(s) at the conference, this is what each of our par-ticipants had to say. Participants commented that they en-joyed the keynoter, the Rev. Joan Watson. As Kay Jordan com-mented, “She was organized, humorous, and to the point.” Kay also stated that she enjoyed Fane Downs’ workshop pre-sentation on faith and baseball, loved seeing old friends, and the Mission Sale. Having lived at the Ranch for 12 years, Kay stated that it was great to see the conference as a participant.

For Sue St. John, “the theme of the conference was perfect for me. My most meaningful times were the worship and music sessions. The beauty of the music leader’s voice and her inner and outer beauty as well made the worship times transformative.”Joan Echols reported that for her it was the “two days of wor-ship (lots of singing), solitude to be spent basking in the 3R’s (reflection, recreation, and rest), and the many workshops from which to choose.” Joan also stated that in between events, “I couldn’t help slowing my pace to take in 360 de-grees of stark blue skies against fluffy clouds, and the serenity of the Guadalupe River.”For your reporter it was difficult to decide what was her most memorable moment or experience of the conference. Per-haps it was the difficulty in choosing which workshops to attend since there were so many outstanding ones. When asked to sum up what she took away from the conference, Eleanor Otto wrote this. “Life is a gift. We are born with a promise. We are to live every day looking to God, living into His promise to us of a sacramental life and to stay awake and enjoy it.”

The Adventures of Flat JesusHave you seen the bulletin board in An-derson Common? Flat Jesus has been busy at Mo Ranch, at the mighty Mis-sissippi, at a family reunion, with MMO and PW project la-dies, on mission trips and more. There are still a few more weeks of summer vacation, so be sure to join the children of FPC as we document his travels near and far.

The Flat Jesus project was created as a way to keep our church connected during the sum-mer travel season. He is based on the Flat Stanley children’s book. Flat Jesus is a visible expression of our faith and reminds us that Jesus is with us wherever we go and that Jesus does not stay in the church between Sundays but is with us every day as we partner with God to do God’s work in the world. Just think of the interesting conversations that can take place as pictures are taken with Flat Jesus.

You can download complete directions and a template to cut out at Email us photos ([email protected]) or post them on the FPC Facebook page. You can also pick up informa-tion and templates at the display in Anderson Common. Here, Flat Jesus helps out the PW Project Ladies and Marvelous Mission Kids.

Citizenship Ceremony for Patricia Lamptey BY JIM CARVELL

At the end of July Nell, Regina Hunt, and I, along with Abraham Sr., Abra-ham Jr., and Michael, had the privi-lege of attending the ceremony conferring US citizenship on Patricia Lamptey. It was a very moving cere-mony with the National Anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, and God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood (by re-cording). 105 persons from 25 coun-tries were sworn in.

Pictured are Patricia rtaking her oath and the Lamptey family. It was a great day for everyone. What an honor to be a part of this journey and a witness to this day! God bless them, and as Lee sang, God bless the USA.

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A heart for the city.

Rooted and Reaching BY JAMES WELCH

This past week the youth group, including myself, and some incredible sponsors, Camilla Ballard, Taylor Jacks, Lara Stewart, Harold Hall, Jennifer Clifford, and Charlene Echols, traveled to stunning Montreat, North Carolina for the annual national youth conference. We spent the week growing closer to one another, making new friends, learning new things, and gaining perspec-tives we didn’t have before. Though hard times struck our group this past week, we stuck together and grew closer. Part of that growth stemmed from an exercise Camilla had us contribute to during Home Group every night. We gathered in a circle, selected someone to sit in the middle, and then offered things we believed showed the light of God through them. This exercise related strongly to the first one we participated in on Sunday night, in which all of us divulged something we saw the light of God in. The list is below:

THE LIGHT OF GODWhen my family all gets along * this youth group * fridge light late at night * a youth retreat when we’re all getting along togeth-er * Mo-Ranch * when someone else talks to me first * my FPC church family * post high school * siblings at youth conferences * the North Carolina mountains * movies * and again, this youth group * rain * our congregation * God’s growth in individual youth * waking up to an empty house * going out to eat with our youth group * the weather at Montreat * the lack of mosqui-toes * vibing out to great music * my new family at Second Pres in Little Rock * my little brother sleeping * meeting new people and having an automatic connection * good small groups * in the chapel at Mo-Ranch the night of the thunderstorm * camp chant circles * sunrise at Lookout Mountain* home group *strength during trials * FPC support system/love * new friends * the candle light reflection at Lake Susan * hugs * teenagers and adults who love them

This list is the culmination of days of input from youth and sponsors alike and represents where we see God in our world. I speak for all the youth in saying we especially enjoyed Montreat, not just because of its beauty, but also because of the many and varied opportunities to see God. The list above is just a few of the ways in which we see God everyday and is just a piece of Montreat, but hopefully it presents an accurate account to those who weren’t able to go.

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7 A heart for the city.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 58:30 AM Little Stewpot Steward Assembly - Room 30911:30 AM Summer Crew - 4th Floor, Byrd Hall, PAC12:00 PM Summer Kids’ Club - 3rd Floor, Byrd Hall, PAC6:30 PM Session Meeting - Blakley Hall

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 67:00 AM Men’s Bible Study - Courson 1 - B38:00 AM Encore Park Construction - Room 40411:30 AM Summer Crew - 4th Floor, Byrd Hall, PAC12:00 PM Summer Kids’ Club - 3rd Floor, Byrd Hall, PAC Pastor’s Bible Study - Blakley Hall - B26:15 PM Basic Sightreading Class - Choir Room 1087:00 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room 108THURSDAY, AUGUST 711:30 AM Summer Kids’ Club Luncheon - Koinonia Room 114 Summer Crew - 4th Floor, Byrd Hall, PAC3:00 PM Summer Day Camp Talent Show - Byrd Hall6:30 PM Celtic Band Summer Rehearsal - Choir Room 108

SATURDAY, AUGUST 99:00 AM ESL Classes - Community Ministries Building5:15 PM Young Adults Serve at the Bridge

SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 Community Ministries Scholars Sunday 8:45 AM Chapel Service 9:30 AM Church School Classes for all ages 9:30 AM Secrets of Happy Families Book Discussion - Room 324 (Logos)9:30 AM Modern Family Elective Class - Courson 3 - B1210:50 AM Sanctuary Service 12:30 PM “Anchor Baby” Film Screening - Koinonia Room 114

MONDAY, AUGUST 119:00 AM Marvelous Mission Opportunity - Our Savior Community Garden and Food Pantry1:30 PM Encore Park Committee - Conference Room 318 6:00 PM Foundation Grants Committee - Parlor

TUESDAY, AUGUST 128:30 AM Little Stewpot Steward Assembly - Room 30911:30 AM Foundation Development Committee Parlor

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 137:00 AM Men’s Bible Study - Courson 1 - B38:00 AM Encore Park Construction - Room 40412:00 PM Pastor’s Bible Study - Blakley Hall - B21:00 PM SAGE/Keenagers Game Days - Parlor7:00 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room 108

THURSDAY, AUGUST 146:30 PM Stephen Ministry Supervision - Room3 403, 404, 406

SATURDAY, AUGUST 1610:00 AM Little Stewpot Stewards Picnic and Awards

SUNDAY, AUGUST 178:45 AM Chapel Service 9:30 AM Church School Classes for All Ages Secrets of Happy Families Book Discussion - Room 324 (Logos) Modern Family Elective Class - Courson 3 - B1210:50 AM Sanctuary Service 12:15 PM PW Bible Moderators Orientation - Room 40312:15 PM Children’s Sunday School Teacher Orientation - Koinonia Room 11412:15 PM Session Meeting - Chapel4:00 PM Family Mission Trip Party - Home of the Martini’s

MONDAY, AUGUST 189:00 AM Marvelous Mission Opportunity - Presbyterian Children’s Home1:30 PM Encore Park Committee - Conference Room 318 6:00 PM Community Ministries Committee - CM Bldg

TUESDAY, AUGUST 196:00 PM Congregational Care Committee - Room 404

Calendar: August 5 - 19

Celebrate Life CardsDo you love someone who serves in the military? Celebrate Life (a team of Congre-gational Care) would like to send cards out to active military personnel who are members of FPC or family of members. We would also like to send cards to any FPC members that graduated from college or received an advance degree this year. Please send contact information and other pertinent infor-mation to Kathy Price [email protected].

Children’s CornerA complete Children’s calendar for 2014-2015 is available to download from the Children’s page on the FPC website. Ques-tions or to RSVP please contact [email protected]. UPCOMING EVENTSAugust 11 – Marvelous Mission Opportunity at Our Savior Community GardenAugust 18 – Marvelous Mission Opportunity at Presbyterian Children’s HomeAugust 24 – Fall Children’s Kick Off in the Welcome Center after worshipSeptember 7 – New Sunday School Classes begin and Sunday afternoon ChoirSeptember 13 – God’s Plan for Growing Up Workshop for 3rd – 6th Graders and their parents.September 27 and 28 – Connection Camp for 5th and 6th Graders

Youth MattersAUGUST 39:30 a.m. Church School for 7th-9th graders, 4th floor Church School for 10-12th graders, Courson 310:50 a.m. Worship, Sanctuary12:00 p.m. Youth Committee, Room 404AUGUST 109:30 a.m. Church School for 7th-9th graders, 4th floor Church School for 10-12th graders, Courson 310:50 a.m. Worship, SanctuaryAUGUST 179:30 a.m. Church School for ALL youth, 4th floor10:50 a.m. Worship, SanctuaryAUGUST 226:30 p.m. Youth Choir Lock-In and rehearsal, FPCAUGUST 238:00 a.m. Youth Choir Lock In concludesAUGUST 249:30 a.m. Youth Promotion Sunday, 4th floor10:50 a.m. Worship, SanctuaryAUGUST 319:30 a.m. Teacher Sabbath—no church school10:50 a.m. Worship, Sanctuary

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8A heart for the city.

New York Times Bestselling Author BRUCE FEILER

FirstChurch Family Toolkit Series

September 6, 20148:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.

First United Methodist Church of Dallas


This guy can’t keep a secret.

Presented by First United Methodist Church of Dallas, First Presbyterian Church of Dallas

and First United Methodist Church of Allen.

New York Times Bestselling Author BRUCE FEILER

FirstChurch Family Toolkit Series

September 6, 20148:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.

First United Methodist Church of Dallas


This guy can’t keep a secret.

Presented by First United Methodist Church of Dallas, First Presbyterian Church of Dallas

and First United Methodist Church of Allen.

First Presbyterian Church News (USPS 022-481) is published semi-monthly by First Presbyterian Church, 1835 Young Street, Dallas, TX 75201-5611. Individual subscriptions $12 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Dallas, TX and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to First Presbyterian Church News, c/o Beth Hernandez, 1835 Young Street, Dallas, TX 75201-5611.

Editor: Rebecca GinglesDeadline is 9 a.m. on Monday, eight days prior to publication date. Articles may be submitted by: Phone 214-748-8051 ext. 229 • Fax 214-749-0221 • Email: [email protected]

The FPC newspaper reserves the right to edit submitted materials. Please contact Beth Hernandez at 214-748-8051 or [email protected] with any requests to subscribe or discontinue the paper.

More Details and online registration