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First Edition. - DigiFind-It

Feb 26, 2023



Khang Minh
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NUMBER 4:,4S8.

First Edition.


V O B I I S F l S H i .

The Navtl Board’i Beport on the laine Dliuter Sabmitted to

Admiral Slcari .

HOT se n t to WUHtNOTOM TET.

Tlw n a a io g , *f th« NktM Oevtt Kapt le a n t u d the B n e lt of tU D eltban- tie s a fttUl Only e M .tt .r of •■ m lie . UroheUy the Meet P eea ltu Oeae W hieh H u Kaar Uomnwd la Du Blatary af the W artd, ieya A duin il Slaard-Harey !>•. partioeBt Likely to Be In Feaaaealea e f th e OM uaeDt W ltU a a Few Day*.

KBT WB8T, Mareh a .-T h a United S ta te i Court of Inquiry Into the lota of the Maine h u a t laat flnlehed Ita labor o( In T e a tlta tin rtb e d la u te ra n d b u eubinUled Hi report to Rear-Admiral Blcard. He h a t pointed out tome alteratlona which he oonaldera neceaaary and the report will probably be taken to W u h ln ito n to-day by Lleutenant-Coromander MaHx, Judge Adrooate oC the oourt. It la poetible, how- eveL th a t Ita arrival In W uhln fton may ba delayed edveral day i longer, u Admiral Slcard eald l u t n lth t:

" I could tcareely toy that thy report will leave to-merrow. The court h u prac­tically Snlehed Ita work; but eome detalla may engaire Ita attention 1on( enouRh to keep the report her eeveral daya. I truet. however, th a t the Navy Department will b a re the documenta In a very ehort time.”

n e decliloo reached by the court la atlll a m atter of eurmlie. Ferhapa tome il(- nlfloanoa may ba attached and concluilona drawn from a rem ark made by Admiral SIcam l u t ntjrht, when be laid to a oor- reaun d en t:

"The oaie of the Maine ti moet peculiar, peHiape the moat peculiar which haa ever oocurrtd In the hlitory of the world.”

From the («oara t tone of hli rem ark! It m ight be Inferred th a t the court Indlnga do not definitely aolve the myetery of the eapioaloD. Tbla la fu rther borne out by the Admiral’i ita tem ent that even after the report had been lent to W uhlngton the departm ent may require further Inval- tlta tlon . I t It certain In any caae, w heth­er the report leavea to-day or later In the week, th a t the court will remain In egliteoce at the call of Admiral eicard. the eonvenluf and revlewlqr authority. The report will bear hla tnaariem ent of approval or dlaapproval, althoufh It la n t e to aay th a t he will not dlaapprove the llndlni* of the court which he pereonally eelected.

All rumora u to the yeporl being already on Ita way to W aihlngton were aet a t tea t yatterday afternoon when Judge Advocate U arlx walked Into the hotel and aaked for Admiral Bioard. Behind Lleutenant- Commandar M arla w u an armed orderly with a large diapetoh bag alung ac ro u hie aboulder, and In tk a t bag waa the report of the Maine Court of Inquiry. The newa apread quickly and cauaed great excite- raenl.

In the Uttle wrUlng-room of the hotel L ieutenant M arti peraonally delivered the report to Admiral Blcard. Oommander Weat, M Admiral ttcard 'a atalL then Joined Lieutenant M arli, and, while the orderly atood on guard outalde, the trio walkm upetalra to the Admlrat'o room. F o r two hourt they wer* cloeeted tagelher, going over the volumlnoui papera Lieu­tenant M anx then pereonally took the papers on board the NaafavUle, which H u d o te oft ehore. He returned to ebore and apent the night a t the hotel.

It la preaumed that a confarenca on board the Iowa or on ahore wilt be held to­day. If the repofl can be anaUy prepUefl during to ll day, to tha Admiral'i aatiniu}- Uon, there la little doubt that It wiS taken on the afternoon boat to MlamL

The feeling hai^ laat Jilght (after It came known th a t toe report had been turned over to toe Admirail w u one of In­tense rtlM . I t w u the Bret tin e , a fter eeveral weary weeki of waiting, th a t It bad been denitUely known that the court had completM Ite ekbauallve Inveattgatton Into the d lau ta r . Naval oBcere and olhera dlacuaaed tha poetlbllltln of the court’i finding until a late bouf. The gen­eral imprcieion continued to prevail that the court had found the Maine waa inten­tionally blown up, but no new raaaona were adduced for thta conclueton.

The United B ta tu battluhlpa T e x u and U aaw c h u u tts paaeed here a t S o'clock yes­terday afternoon on their way to Hamp­ton Hoadi. The United B ta tu batlleablp Indiana arrived here yeeterday from the T o rtu g u Island! and la anchored bealda the United B ta tu baitleahlp Iowa and tbe crulter New York, six m llu from ahere.

WABHINOTON. March t t . -A f t t r the Cabinet meeting to-day the following •tatem eni w u given out from an oflldai ■ource:

" I t w u understood a t the Cabinet m u t ­ing to-day th a t the report of the Court of Inquiry probably would be here Thuteday or Friday; th a t It Is a very volumlnoui dooumeiil: th a t probably It will not ba given to the p re » and to C ongreu before Monday: th a t the. Prealdent will rH uIre th a t much time for Its proper consider-

.* ‘ w aident McKinley and Speaker Reed were In conference together a t the W hite Houae yu te rd ay . I t la well undarttood th a t Speaker Reed w u dulroue of an early adjournm ent of Congreu. but ttale w u before the Maine d la u te r and Cuban q u u tio n had usu m ed such grave compU- catlona. flp u k er Reed, however, It la well known, la in oomplete accord with the P ru id e n t and the members of hla Ad- m lnlatratlen, and la willing to bear hla share of the Tuponilblllty of a w ttlem ent of the Cuban quu tion , and It la said th a t be took occu lon to inform the Prealdent to this effect In their talk yesterday.

Tha P m id en t, It le aaaerted, thinks th a t It would be better tor Congrua to remain In aualon until all n b au s of the q u u tio n have b u n u ttle d . w hether tbe P ru id e n t Intend! to outUne hla entire Cuban policy In tbe special m uaage which la to ae- company tbe report of the Court of In- quIiT, and the oorreapondenee called to r by Congren la not known. But 11 la known, and he to informed Bpeaker Reed, th a t he w ants Congrua to remain until tha whole Cuban quution Is settled, the w ar ended and Cuba made f ru .


at tha farm of L u >" *>»«of Uanctl Bplrliui, Province of Banu

‘' 't o a Mtirmleh which hae Just a t JIbaro eight inaurgenla were klllM, according' to gpanlahernment tobce alao lost e ight ,™*" J*’'* ? - .

The Inaurgenla recently a llack U . n ^ tur^d tnd dwtroyed E o tl Ole»* n* th® dli- trie t of Ban J u i i M a rtin e t P lnar del Klo. Five of th e Bpanleh garrl- ton were kllletl nnd five w u e wounded. The name of the Inaurgent lu d e r la not

To-day Bishop Manuel Bantande* y Truetoi, of Havana, will L u Orphanage, of which hla wife are to have chiurge. The lu lllU ' tlon will ^ an adm irable work. ConwI- General L « u p e c ta to ^ p re u n t a t the conaecrallon.

Report! from M a ta n a u aay tha* Governor b u pualponed the rn lgnatlon of moinbera of the Rellrt Committee. In aplie of th e fa*» “”1 " than IliOOO h u Iwen aet u l ^ for I h ^ r ^ lief of t ie reconuntradoB there. It I" # th a t many of the sick have c ld u nor milk. There la a * ^ P among the members of th e Relief tom - mittee. Gunner M organ wilt go to Key Weat on Wednesday, In obed.enca to or­ders from the N ary ' ’•P a jim j" .',;® ' reo u y a that at the end of there were on file In the Spanish N avy l^partm en t M.0(n petitions of men who deMred to e ^ Hat. and tha t In oaae w ar broke out now tha number ready for enliatm ent would be found to exceed !M,0M.


bpenlsli Mlaleter a t W aahlagtoB lolbrme Hie O o n ru M a t th a t th e limited Btatoe

Naval Court H u Ito Bepottod.MADRID. March a - T h e Bpaolth Gov­

ernment h u received a dlapatch from Be Minister a t W ashington. Senor Polo y Ber- nabe. saying th a t the report of the Untied B ta tu Naval Court appointed to inquire Into the lo u of the batlleablp Maine, holds tha t the explosion w u of external origin,

'The papers here publish full reports of the roovementi of the U nited States war­ships and of toe dsfrnalve preparations being made by the Government of the United Blates, . ^

I t le reported th a t the Bpantah warship sslected to convoy the torpedo flotilla u a ■ailed from C artagena fu r the Canary In - anda. i t appears th a t the delay In the voyage of the fluttlia la due to the fact th a t Uia Artel, one of the Bpantah toipedo boats, sustained some alight damage while on her way from CadU to the Cana- r tu , . . ,

The Bpanlah newapapera advocate fur­ther itrengthenlng of th e naval squadron In Cuba, eo as not to ba eaught a t a dla- advantage In tbe event of w ar.

The Heraldo thlnka th a t In view of tlrt "oaientatloua preparations" of the United B ta tu , Spain haa full liberty to make alm- llar preparatlona The Olobo Inaiata that Injury n u been done to Bpaln by the United S ta tu squadron remaining c lou to the a u t of war. I t gladly n o tu , how­ever, that the 'verbal aiufgeatlona of Senor Polo y Bernabe ( th e Bpanlah Mln- later a t Wnahlnglonl to Secretary Sher­man have led to the w ithdraw al of a jrar- tlon of the squadron, th u s demonstrating tha cordiality existing b e tw u n the two countries." . , « .Lieutenant-Commander Joee O. w ^ a l , former Naval Attache of th e Bpanlah Em­bassy a t W ashington, w u In conferenu with the Queen Regent y u te rd a y .

The Imparclal (Independent) expream the opinion that the action of the b n l tu S tates has completely checked the ad­vantage which S u ln m igh t h u e dertved from granting autonomy to Cuba, and al­leges that the United B ta tu haa t lu l ly strangled autonom y a t Its birth.

The Imparclal alao th lnka Bpaln lUled diplomatically In nut having obtained the removal of cSonaul-Oenerwl Lee, “nw the withdrawal of the a hip from Cuba, and e ip re e su fear that, "although m llltau ac­tion will be keener than ever," It will not au fllu to pacify Cuba, "ow ing to clreiuu- a lanou created by th e UtiltetT B tatea'

The Corteo (Carllat) d o u not u p em help from Europe, but hopee the Latina of Amarloa wtti support S p u n .

LONDON. Marah T h e Madrid oW- rupondent of the Dally Mall aayi:

“i u o r B aguta . the Prem ier, declaru th a t the Government h u not received the report frem toe Bpanlib N avel Court on the Malue disaster; th a t no deflnltt news h u eaato W uhingtosi lu the matterS toat all sta tem ents w ith reference to

Uelted B ta tu claim ing Indemnity or ring to submit the Maine question to

a ib itru lo n are purq inventlm u."b W w I J , M a n h & - A dlepatoh to

L e M r from Madrid J a a c r lb u an inteiv

and Chlet of the M lnletrr, In which he It r e p re a u M u daolarlug th a t Cuba laprac- ticaUy lost to Bpaln.

”^ l a le eibauated ,” he It reported u u y tng . "Bbe m u tt w ithdraw her troops and racospilie Cuban Independence before tt is to o k te . B f an Immediate reoognl- Hen she would oIiU Ib paym ent of a por. tton of tbe w ar debt and commercial ad vantagea.”


ord«r h t f b*en m<m i t v w lyM l. tht'pe Mte dJitrlcti from w hkh the wholft iKipuletlon h a t been gwep* e i if hy pcaillrnce, and or whcee people leas than ons-firth are lo-lay alive within the limits of reconcentration. Nor have Ine In- hahUanta of the towns and c l t tu escaped. There the poorer c ita a u have been placed nearly on a par wllh the reconcentradoa by the prtvailoni due to the paralyala of ,*sr. Spain, too, has aultereo In luaa of life a t well a t in purse and preattgo. Of toe Soil,on troopa which the h u sent to Cuha, not more than one-half will ever are their native land again Hardly ths flfth of her fo rc u now In the laland are to­day effective. The military hoapltals are crowded. For ihr fo rcu In the field no such thing u a medical corps In known. They are without tents or commlBsanr- The ateam ahipt to Spain take back more Invalids than offset tha fresh troopa brought In, and for every Invalid acldlor returned one la burled In a Cuban trench,

"Not a tingle Important and auocuaful mllUary operation has marked the co u ru of Bpanleh arm s since the recall of Wey- ler, and Ihe wet eeaaon will begin within six weeks, precluding further movements of critical Imjmrtance until fall. Relatively the Insurgents are stronger than ever, yet lack the alrenaih and armament to deliver a final blow. From men In constant com­munication with the Inaurgent Oovern- maiit and military leaders It w u learned that the Cubans were confident of being able to maintain their struggle Indafinltsly, end that there w u a aleady Improvement Of conditions within the territory which they controlled practically without Inter­ference from the Bpanlah toroea ,

"Military termination of the war by either Bjmnlih or Cubans Is hopeless. De­struction, extermination and exhaustion seem the only Immediate and unaided ao- lutlon. In the niKanwhlle American prop­erty haa been dealroved, Amerioan cltlsena have been lualtreated. Imprieoned, wound­ed and klllA , and American commerce de­stroyed. The loss to America through the Cuban struggle is second only to th a t of Cuba and Bpaln.

"Cuba had I.IQO.HV) people In round num­bers when the Insurrection broke out. Re­move the Spanish troops and It ta doubtful If one million n^maln. Tbe destruction of human life haa been terrific. W eylers order of reconcentmtion w u preceded, ac­companied and fallowed by a slaughter of laclilcos, men, women and children, as irutat, unprovoked and msrcllesa a s an

Apache maaaacre. That these murders took place principally a t the hands of Bpanlah guerilla bands, half organlacd and wholly uncontrolled, dues not leaaen Bpanish re­sponsibility for arming these bandits and turning them loose. It It ssilm ated that IDO.nOO reconcentradoa are now in need of continued relief. The necetalty for ab- lolute, unconditional repeal of toe order of recoDcentratlon la apparent. General Blanco h a t merely modified It In Its Im­portant particulars.

"Under Independence and a stable goV' ernment both capital and Immigration would pour In from the United S tates so rapidly th a t the Am ericanlutlon of the leland would take place within two dso- adea. Spain hat never contributed iK^u- latlon to one of her American colonlss a fte r-I t achieved Independence, nof will ■he to Cuba. Even now. ahresrt Amortcan ■peculators are traversing the Island, even a t som t risk of life, taking up options and m aking outright purchaaea of aS- tato a t prices so low aa to promlao enor- moua roturn In the future. Cuba haa but r million people. J a v a of the lam e i l » , and no advantages of toll and cUmats, aupportt a population of 2f,DKI,<ini.

'''The loclaeni of the Maine, even though It h u roused the country u no other event to Ita hutory, must he relegated to second place beilde the other luuea In­volved to the Cuban problem. Whothor or not tbe aetUement of tbe latter becomot Involvod to and made a part of the do- tsrm lnatlon of the former, reals wrlth the Prealdent and on the report of the Court of Inquiry. But It la painfully avldanl that i»ace will not come to Cuba until It la impoaed by the action of the United Btatea. This country h u suffered rnor. moua and Irreparable loasea from the con- llRuatlon of a conflict which h u tew of the a t t r ib u tu of civlllied warfare and all the evils of a barbarous struggle. Neither International Dbllgmtlona nor a deatre for the m alntanance of peaceful relations can Justify th a United States to perm itting a further continuance of this disturbance a t our doors. Poaoe cannot be attained ex-

BUI Piohlbitlng Them FtTonbly Aetid Upon In the Senate;

m ore tro u ble over GAME U W t.

Msawom Chaagod Again Bo that Fhrnton Cha T n p RabUta-BIU laearpanitlDg tha Towwahlg of K a u a y u a Towa Paotnl. iBonaaod AppawpeteUea tor the Newark Teshnleal Behoat F u s s* BMwnd Itoadlog and la LIbMy So Bo Baactod-Ooveniar Veorhoos May Allow I t to Bocoiim a Law W llhoat H it Slgaaturo.

Toaoala Baantog Bet ssaea New Fork sad liiiiHiOfa Forte to Be Brought Into

SjevetaiaeBt goTelu If Wu ie l l iNEW YORK. March IL—Lleutenent

Kelly. Of the Board for th e tnepcotlon of Auxiliary C niiieri, aald to-day that toe Morgan Line steam er Cfaalmett had been decided upon u a repair ship to osie she ahoutd be required.

The Hat of atw m ere to be examined to­day, licu toaan t Kelly eaJd, Include tboee

tbe Mallory, Morgan and Old Dominion Itoea I t ta the purpoae of the board to examine Into the adaption for u v a l de­fence purpoeea of all ateam ere plying be­tween New York and Southern porta. The special reason for tots, II w u learned, le th a t to caae of war these steam ers would have to abandon trad ing a t least during th a period of boetUltlee in Southern waters. In th a t c a u they .would hare to lay up, and the naval ofifioere deem It pru- deht to have them ready to r equipment u auxUlarlet should their cervices be needed.

Btnwg L u d Btaeie laSerferlng W ith Oper- a t l u a as H avau-A utanom lste ' Nse

tsfiJoSleae W ith laanrgente BUL H a v a n a :, M arch S t-T h e divers are

working to clear a paetage to the Maine's ten-inch m ag u ln e aft, in order to refilovq the ammunltlao, but a etrong shore breese which h u been blowing dally for a fo rt­night somewhat delaye the work all around. On land rain wouM be gratefu l to lay the dust and to freshen vegetation.

Captain SIgebee and Ueutenant-Com' mander Cowles antartalnad Conaul-Oen eral Lee, Special Coniiniscloner Klopech and M ra Klopaeh yesterday a t breakfast on the Fern. FoUUos and the Mectlori next month are occupying local atten tion to the exeluaton of moat other topics, but the oltlea and le w u outside of llavkna are preparing for functlona In aid of the Spen- leh naval fund. Yeeterday seventy ofBoeni and Sn soJfUers who are on the alck list returned to Spain.

t t la ^ w knew u posdttvaly th a t the na* g o tle tlo u b e tw u n General Pando’s dgle- g au a , Ram iros snd Charvsa, and General Callxto Garcia and other prominent in- aurgents, In whici) tbe radical sutonom lets made w hat are eald to be Anal offers of practical Independence, have proved an absolute failure. No particulars heve yet been received a t the pedaoe here u to the place o r the partleulars of the n w lln g bu t toe failure of the n ego tla ttou known, since hoaUlltlee, which were aus-

' pended In order to allow of tbe ncKOlla- t lM , w ire a t once resumed.

Ctstiersj Pitodo's oomiBaad la agala moV' Ing eutW ard, purposing Iq u r r y out the pUuia to the provinpee of Ihierto P M ^ p e and M ntlago de ^ n a , made prior to Gen oral P m ^ A v i iv a l a t the city of Ban tlagode Cuba; T he n o t th a t General Max- 1 ^ Goa l eg retoains Inside th e '^ u e r o

snG la General Pando'e rear makee Uw la t tw the aubjeet of ^U c to m

n toe p a r t of su lltary men t o r I ^ek^srledBsd, bowarer.. th a t

Iponls r s SWWfei. sn d th a t all

. ^ . . . . to Bostoio revlalon on re- 0^ of fuller !nro tw e rum pti thai

l . e O i e moVeKienia of the I an

^ neatlel , Paodo h u Eted i * a with ta ba Mthout

cept through intervention, and the oooner that ran be had the sooner can a stable government be eelabtiebed.'’


He P repeeee teO E er It the Ooewrument In C u e of Wsr.

HOBOKEN, March a -W Ith In anothor week C harles A. Kuensel, of M Eleventh etreet. declares th a t be will have oon- airucted on airship which he h u offered to Ihe aqveram ent for use In the evenf of war-w lfh Bpwto, Although no experttoeut luia bene made with the Inventlim. Mr. Kiienueiils confident that It will prove a succeas. In ISM ha Isvented an atrahtp with throe balloons attachsd which w u not a aucceM,

The ship which he Is a t present con- itruc tlng w u begun In May, IBT. and will cost taO.tod. ho u y a . It la m) fast long and fifty feet In dlam etrr. and la attached to a balloon of the some dimenalons. and held by means of ropes In a borlaontal posi­tion. 'The g u for the balloon ta to be m an­ufactured from cool oil by an apparatus In th e ship. The g u Is alao used to oper­ate on engine to tu n five propellers. One of those la to be on each aide of the ihlp, one a t the rear end. and two on top. 'The ship la to be gutdod by two sdu»tablo t s u . one attached to each aide. The » - lire ehlp Is made of aluminium, and Is In- eloied. Mr. Kuensel aaya It will hold five men. besides an extra weight of l.WO pounds. Its weight Is to be 8,500 pounds.

Soeelal THapatcti to the NEWS.TRENTON. M arch t t —The friends of

the ontl-T rsdlng Stomp bill won their Bret victory to-day. when Senator William Johnson presented to the Beasts an ed- veree teport from a m ajority of toe Judi­ciary Committee oo th e anll-Trsdlng Stomp blU. Senator Reed preaented a minority report In favor of the MIL

Senator Francis, Introducer of toe bllL moved th a t the m inority report be sub­stitu ted to r the m ajority report. He esld the m eu u re w u demanded try nlnaiy- eight per o e a t of a ll the people in the Btote who hove any Interest In the matter. The giving of gifts, he u id , woi a jwr- nlcloue practice to which the retail store- keepers, alm ost to a man, were opposed.

B e u to r Johnson sold he did not desire to be understood s s favoring the procUoe aimed a t In th is bill, but It did not teem to be a lottery or to come within the range of the law, The bill appeared to toe coin- m lltee to be unconstitutional.

Senator Froncla's moUon to subaiUute prevailed by a v iva voce vote. Senator Johnson being la te In calling for the yeas and nays. Tka bill then passed second reading. Senator Francis presented a petition favorable to the bill.

Benator M artin had Senate No. (l, the Gome bllL retu rned to second reading, and then moved for a reconsideration of the amendment prohibiting the trapping of rabbits by farm ers. He did so because, since the adoption of that amendment, the Aeeembly hod killed the bill provid­ing for coenpeiuatlon to the farmers for Injury to trees eustsined from rabbits. Senator Reed supported the motion. Sena­to r Stokes sold he understood that the Assembly defeated the Compensation bill Jocosely, and he hoped to have It revived. I t w u hie blli.

Senators M artin and Reed thought they detected a purpose on the part of the Game Commleelon to give the farmers scant courtesy o r oonsTderatloo In the matter The am endm ent w u reconsidered and de­feated. ^

Senate No. 5*. prohibiting treepaselng by gunners or flahermen on any tsnila owned or loosed w ithout too coneent of the owner or leseee, w u ordered to s third reading after being amended to require s staled public notice. - „

Only th ree bills passed the Senate s t th s morning soulon. They were Senate No. fl(, Inoorporatlng the township of Kearny u a town, the bill Introduced l u t n lgh t;B enate No. H, the Hand Newspaperbin, suthorlsliig Sheriffs r ' -----m in t to sMseting papers Ifls' u le e , and Doiisie N the ac t relallog to ancient

The ^ r t e r mU, pnrvidtog for sn In­creased sK iropriatlon for the Newark TechnIcqJ School, p u se d eeccml reading In t h e ^ n s t s , and will, It Is cxpwtted, reach Itoal posooge. Bonator Hoffman held the bill In sbeysnee eeveral days be­cause of tbe avowed opposition of Gov- erner V oorhe^ to imy^ Btote fund^sgiro-


H « f y B row s SsAHiiabe to lu tu rlra In ­flicted by " d e e k ” Smith e t the

Falece Sportlsg (Tuli.Btwclel risw tlrh to the NEWS.

TREN TON, March H .-H cnry Urnwn, a local puglHet, who whs knocked out last night by “ J o c k " Bmllh during a b tu lng bout a t th e Palace. Bportlng Plub. died from th e effects of hla Injuriea th is miim- Ing. Sm ith hsa been held tor manalaugh- ter, and •'Bern” C, Austin. Ihe referee, and "Jack" Shelly, the Club's m anager, also arc under arrest.

Brown w as tw enty-four, years old and married. H e was s boxer of couaUlerable local note. Smith Is known a t Trenton'a "Terrible Blacksmith." and Is famuua for the Htrength of hie blows.

Sm ith’s faU l blows were dellveagd In the fifth end six th muiidi of s alx-ruund liout. Brown had th r best end of the light for four rounds, and acaoied certain of the declHloii up to the time when Smith knix-k- eil him down wllh s fierce left sw ing on the Jaw. Brown fell heavily and was bare­ly able to regain his feel. The round, h;;w- aver, w aa oonllnued until Smith again gave one o f hie fmrful swings, ajtd Brown went doem agotn. A knockout would have been announced but for the ringing of th# bell.

Brown w as weak and gruggy when tim e for tbe s ix th round was called, but he came up smiling and by clever work m an­aged to l u t out the round. When tha final bell rang,' and Ihe dedalon w u given to Smith, ibcra was conelderabla excitem ent, Brown w u unable to walk and waa p a r­tially unooiMClous. He was can ted to hl» dreaelng-ruam. where the usual reaio ra- llvea w ere applied, hut wlttaoat auoceu. Dr. Joseph B. Shaw waa then n o t for. and he pronounced Bruwn'a Injuries u - rioua.

W hen It became known that Brown w as to a serloua oondliton toe police w e n »«nt to the club and Smith w u put under or- regt. M anager Bkrily and HeferM Auelin were sleo orreatad, but wera aubaequently released by Justice Jackson, upon fu r­nishing IW ball each to a p p u r _ * t I o’clock th is evening for a hearing. Smith was held without boll. .

L ater the Injured puglllel w u o o n w e d to St. Franeia'e Hoepltol. H e euSerad great agony until death brought him Hef. W hen he died hie wife, child n»d d therre la tlv u were St hie bedilde.

B row n's death will probably p u t an and to sparling rxtalbltlona to Trenton, There ore five athletic clutui here which l u k e handsome proflti by glvtog e ih lb ltlona billed u boxing conteafe. A faw m ^ th a ago Rev, A. W. W Uhsrt, p u to r .o f the C entral fo p tla t Church, au d e OH effort to rloee up the athletic club houeea. H e hold th a t the s l l e ^ boxing conleeu w w little leas then piixenghta and th a t t lW w ere b rulai and dsngeroue, ^He a u u re d much evidence In support of hla oW in and took It before the Grand Jury. N o^lndtottnert w u found, tha Grand Jury boMlog th a t the narrow line dlvldtoiyuiiefH jhta^from

to exceen gaei s year, nenau

to keep the m inutes of tha 1

piiktlon for tenm km l education. The eruor said to-day th a t he h u not changed hla opinion to to a t dtroctlon, but be may n e rm itth o Mil to become a law without his approval.

Senator Reed hod Senate No. ITS brought back to oroond reading. This blit pro­vides for tbe employment of a clerk by the S tate H ospital Board a t a salary not to exceed MP a year. Benator Beed moved, jj5u_ on

s only duty waa _a board's iwelva

meeilugs annually. I t h u tefferenoa to toe hoetoiatAt TrtnM n. Benator Vreoapd atoff" Senator nklrm thought the board ought to fix to# amount, 'rtie amendment WU co rrM , nod then, on motion of sen­a to r Vreeland, the bill w u ncommltted.

Tha Terrapin bill WOa amended by mak­ing the ac t operative Ju ly 4, Inateod of Im­mediately.

Two hills evere Introduced one by Sena­tor Engle, itm iting toe toll on turnpike roads to one cent to r a one-hori* venicic and allowing bicycles to go free.A knator B arber fathered a bill providing

for the location of a new ferry over the Delaware R iver a t Dlmlek'a, Warren County.

boxtog conteeta had not 1M U P TH RIB FVBFOSB U K B B T .

FJeat IU flia iea tO «aeiiM aa» ,h .a»N afau toiBeelH e lha NaflMta U toauaad.

T here e r u a c o a ta n ise t u t n ight a t the City Armory between CMonel Ctompbell, hie field offlosn and the Cagdalna of com- ponlea of lha Flret Reftmoni, New Jersey N ational Guard. Noao of th o u prreent would d lacu u the meeting later, or aay anything Udkit the purpoae for which It w u called, but It B reported to have been on the u m e line u the oonlereace between M ajor-General Plume and tha Colonele of the ala New J e ru y asgtoienti on Sunday, u told In the NEWS yeaterdny.

An Inspection by aome of the Captains of Ihe rtflH to the company rooms soon a fte r the meeting, gave rise to the report th a t tbo conference w u called to o u t­line p lan s for an emergency call U|Kin tod New Jersey troops. No orders of any kind bearing on the ettuaUon h a re been tnuods

It w u enld that a t the oflloers' confer­ence on Sunday, similar meeting between Colonels o f reguBenta and their field and line offleera were ordered to be held this week In all of toe reglmentA

Colonel Camtdiell w u out Of town to­day, and could not be seen. Other ofBcere refused to discuss toe mofler In any •hope-



HAKGLKD BT A TRAIN.WUIlsm Parlar's LUb Cmabed Out Near

the wsvertv Fre igh t Varde-Ue BTu Almost n erap iu ted .

WHUsm Porler, elghirrn y rsrs old, of 51 Cranford strret, waa run over and kill­ed this morning hy the esstbound Penn­sylvania passenger (rain, due In Newark St 7:15 o'clock. The accident occurred u tbe train was patelng the freight yards a t W sverly, The loniy was frightfully man­gled, hardly a tmiic l>elng Irft Intact, and toe head w u almost severed from the trunk, being held In place hy some skin which w u not cut through hy the drUIng wheels of the engine. Porter has hern well known to the I’rnniy lvsnla yard men for aome time a i an "Irregular commuter” who boards local freight trains to ride to the suburbs, returning in the stuns fssh. Ion.

The engineer of the patienger train re­ported to Yardmasler Osmond after these- uldent Oist he saw Porter Jump from a westbound freight trutn directly In front of h li engine. V»r.lmen picked up the re. rnolne and ien t them to the cHy on the 5:10 o'clock train, and they were later re­moved to Halle’s mnrgur a t the dlreollon of County Physl. lan Washington. The le tter deeWwl that the death w u occi­dental, and he gave pennlsslon for the In­term ent at the body.

Porter w u an orphan. Hla mother died two ytore ago, leaving three children, Ms UIa William and Joseph. The former h u ellpported her two broihere end kept the home. A little over a year ago Joerph Porter, now fifteen years old w u playing ball on a oommun near the trooke at Wsverly, when the ball went over too fence and among (he rails. Joaaph went a f te r 11, and w u atruck hy a train. Both hla Irga wrre cut nff aliovr the knees. He survived the am putatloni. Mias Porter has now loot her father, mother and brother within five years, and le left alone with her crippled hrollier. She u y s that Will, lam left the house l u t night a t H o'clocH, and she did not hear of him again iiotll the police sent word that he had been klllea. .r . - .


Bev. Dwight Gillonpe Offered the Jfieuehlp of a tVeetem (Atkedroli

Rev. Dwight Oalloupe, of St. Faul’s Epis­copal Church, has been offered a promo­tion In the eccIesloMlcal ranks. Slabop L H. Wells, of Spokane Falls. W u h „ visited Mr. Gslloupe lost Friday and urgod him to accept tbe appolnlment to the deanship of All Saints' Cathedral a t Bpokona Folle. The Bishop assented to Mr. Oslloupe's quest to lie allowinl to consider Ihe m atter for some days, Instead of giving a definite answer at once, and the clergyman prom- loed to nuke known hla determtoAtlon Boon after Easter,

The proffered honor carried oa addedcompliment to the young Newark rector on account of hie age. He will celebrate hli twenty-eighth birthday next Sunday. It Is unusual, in the Episcopal Church, It Is said, tor a clergyman to be created a dean before he h u paieed hie thirty-fifth year.

Mr, Oalloupe w as not acquainted with Blahop Weill, but some weeks ago he re­ceived a letter from the Bishop concern­ing the offer. The filehop'i appearance In ih li city, however, w u entirely unexpect­ed to the clergyman, who. In spite of the offer, eald to-day th a t there are u many reasons against as In favor of his ocoept- Ing the poat.

"It la a long way out Weat," he lOlA "and a i I had one experiemm with a charge far B u t, to Portland, Me,. 1 am really not anxloua to undertake a new field.''

There li a difference In such "a coll' and one to an ordinary paatorato. At an Episcopal cathedral the Bishop h u entlrs control of such an appointment, and a formal call doei not come from veatrymep or wardens. An offer Is made to EHbMBrt gyman desired, and If he accepts, the Bishop of hla dliKCH grants him a reieeu Three la no rule. It la said, by which BIsIkH) can keep a particular m toitter to hie field.

Bhould Mr. Oalloupe accept the call he will be next to the Btehop In dUneean authority, and will have a share In dl- rectlr« the dutlee of the u v e ra l other mlnlatere attached to the cathedral. Owing to the uncertainty of his declalon, the mlnteter desired to keep tbe m atter i. •ecret, a t leant to r a tim e, but some ol' hla congregation learned of the BIAop'a visit, and H r. Oalloupe then odmlttod Its purport.

R B gnlE tioM to O oTorn T r u i f m

Adopted by Tsaohen’ Gomnilttee,


Up|oeo*»«ftil XMl* b fM il ilMiNiKi to AMadtlMs

Ijrftom «C il4vfUMi»*- Fr»tl4*bl 0 «]r iiii4 A llttpii

KorVMl Kflikool Deltoto-Vegieded CtaMM lit WMtom itoA Bamtlt

Ta«|h fKmtte-wHeif V ngrtd td M umA to OpDM Apfll 4*



KOary Moai la the W aodirary HUlUa Com- p w y pn p o re* to Cto lo War,

Speatol tHspaUb to tha NEWS WOODBURY, March 51—The armory of

Company E, Sixth Regim ent, National Guard, this oily, presented a icene last night such as was never before Wltoeseed withto Its walla. On Saturday ntght Cap­tain Mathers received from the hndquar- te re of the Sixth Regim ent, aW am den, an order for a special tospeotlonTn service uDlfonn to oecertaln tb e condition of the command for active service. Lset night every man was p reaen t

After the inspection M ajor 'Edmund Du Boll addressed the boys. He said that tt w u hla dealra to know w hether the mem­bers were composed of the kind of stuff th a t he auppoeed they w ere-ooldlers that would never flinch from duty, Hla atir- ring remarks cloaed w ith a requeat that eaon man who w u willing to offer hla servlcea to the Governm ent In oose of need eiiould algnlty th a t foot.

The roll' w u then called, and amidst the applause of the big crowd that had ueem bicd every man volunteered hl« eer- vlcee. This ended w ith three rousing cheers for the old flog.

Speaker D. O. W atkins, formerly Cap­tain of the company. Informed Major Ou Botai th a t If the com pany w u eoITed out he would enlist u a private.

The memberehlp o f tha company la ■omawbat scattered, and one man who lived fifteen milea from Woodbuiy re­ceived hie order a t 7 o'cloek l u t evening and drove here to anew ar to hie name.

...... - ;IN FATOR O F IK n B 'T B ir r iO N ,

B epertef n v o o BenaSors aod TwoBepeo. ■oatoUvM W ho TlsUed Onbo,

WABMUfUTUN, M a n b tt-B cnatore Money, of MlaeluIppI; G alllnier, of New Hampehlre, and Thurston, of Nebroakk, and Reproiem altves A m ot J. Cummings of New York, and WlUlam Alden Bmlt^ of Mlcblgen, who went to Cuba on the yacht Anita u tuaata of tha Now York Journal, faava prepared a repo rt to which they say

"We went to Cuba axpeoting to moke ol lownnca to r eu g g era 'tlo n due to the In­tense itrlfe and b itte r paaeiou thereby en­gendered. We have returned convinced by personal o u m ln a tle n and observation of the Ihodequaoy of language to tell the misery and horror of tbe ettuatlon If the toaurganu have waged a war of de- ■tmotlon against prdperty tha Bpanlah mUltory antoorUloa hav e in t h t p u t waged one of deetructlon oEatoat property and another of ex tu m ln a tio n agalnat the Cuban pe<9 lc. H ordlF « hum an hafaltaUon la visible In a ru ra l te rrito ry eo-extenslve

B ubnarlae Boat Again Teoted.PE R T H AMBOY, March 52.—Another

teat of th e Holland aubmarlne toruedo boat w u made to Staten Island Sound be­tween P erth Amboy and Bewaren yrndar- day afternoon, fubmerged to a depth of about th irteen feet, the little whaleback ran for *0 or »» yards. When, the teal had been com plete , Mr. Holland, who operated the boat, declared th a t he w u w ^l p lu se d with the result. Owing to a failure of the electric lighting appuau ia . the b u t ran sgrounil on a mudbank. The boat w u ipeedlly pulled off by the com- nany'a tu g and lowed back to her moor- fmm a t th e R aritan Drydoek w lthou tto ra- oge. The next test will be made on Friday OT Saturday to the deeper w ater of Itort- tan Bay. 'The torpedo tubes of the Hol­land will be operated as well as her diving appam tue. _______


fleeator H u n a 's t'redootlala Preeeoted. Contested BlertloD C ue In the Heuee- WABHINOTON, March 22.—At the open­

ing of the Senate to-day the chaplain. In hla Invocation, gave heartfelt thanks tor the Christian charity of Ihe American ple of a ll foltha. which w u being extended to the starv ing men and women and chil­dren of Cuba and tor the work th a t w u being done to behalf of the reconcentradoa by the devoted men and women on the Island The chaplain referred to this re­lief work u "a great ChrlstUn apectaole" u d to rte n tly prayed that It m ight be con-

^M r**aam nger (N. H.), who recently re­turned from a trip to Gubs, enounced th a t yielding to the kind aollcltotlone of many Senators, he would to-morrow, Ira- m edtately after the morning buelneu h id to-en taronaacted, briefly ad d reu the Sen­a te unon hie obaervatlone on Cuba, unleas, m etnHtae, aoroethlng ahould Ooour to pre-

Mr, Foroker (6 .) preeentri the oreden- tu ia 'o t hie colleague. Mr. Hanna, for the term u United States Senator covering alx yeart, from March i. H W .Jh e credenllala

pMd tn d flleds* a T t h ? Naval Appropriation b l l lw u not retmrted to the Houae (mill to-dsL the contested election c u e of Thorne w . Bppea

the Fourth Virginia D^itrlct, w u tahTn uD An agreement w u reached by Which tS i dVtato w u to be Umu.a to four hours on a ila*- ________

la ja n d mt • F in .CHICAGO, M o«h t t - l l i e alx-ilory

O u W tfc. Olfleet OB* Beet K aow nef Kocc- vtU m ButdeaU .

John F. Anderson, one of the oldeat and best known raaldenta of Roseville, died at hie home, 5M Orange otreel, a t 7 o’clock thle morning. H e hod been eufferlng for a year from oaaoer of tbe alomach, but had not been aw or* of the naiiire of the disease. H e w as able to be about and to sUend to hie affairs until Sunday.

JR-. Anderson w u bom In New York City In 1825. Hla father, Henry Andersen, was a re ta il shoe dealer on Chatham square. Mr. Anderaon came to thle city to live to 1855. H e w u a member of the S tate A aum bly about UM, when Ihe ques­tion of building a new railroad from New­ark to New York w u being agitated. The fore to New York was then thirty- five cento, and Mr. Anderson, who con­tended th a t the fair should lie but ten cento, mode a delcnnlned fight for the reduced rates. H e w u Intluentlsl In hav­ing the ch arte r to the Newark and New York Railroad grantod.

Mr. Anderson w u a member of a whole­sale shoe firm In New York City when he retired from bualneaa about twenty yesre ago. W hen he first came W Newark he lived to the b o o n now oooupled by Dr, Henry J. Anderson, hla ton, at 4 Orange place, and next moved to the old-foaliloned fram e houae which, until five years ago, stood a t the aouthweet odmer ol Roseville avenue snd O range street. Then he built Ihe modern brick house to which he died, and the store building on the oorner.

H r, Anderson lu v e s three children. Dr. Henry J ., L athrop and Miss Bophronla,


letood Where U uaa, y e a r! m BMfig i f i 'g n t . f l i ‘b re lM J a

- by to the a than of tbe

'A t

huUdlng n i and 1» Monroe s t r u t , oo- ‘ fcy the Monroe Catering /lorn-

u n y a n J t S Building T r a ^ (3ub, w uSSatroyed byem nloyu of the oatering co m p u y who » • « on the top story o o lw . boraly ea- ^^Mul with tb t l r llvoA The folloerlng wem biTnied or otherwise In fu r^ durlM (h* f in but none aerioualy, John Vt ito rn a 'fimman; George L McAlltator, flrinaan; Horry Smith* bartender; Jo u p b S tJ to e r;. iw rtor: J ^ t Buchanan, porter. The to tal wee !• IttOOO.

Oovenunent Qneatlowcd u to Aoeasatlon Alleged to Haeo B u n Hod* Against

Oaeeit BritiUa.LONDON,. Hortih t t - I n the House of

Commons to-deLy Btr Jamea Ferguacn, C onurvaltva m am ber to r N orthust Man- cheater, questioned the Oovemment ae to whether there w u any tru th to the occu- ■atlona brought By the United Stales Sen­a te Committee on Foreign Relations agatost G r u t Britain, to the oommluee'a Mawellan report, to the effect that Great Britain w u plotting fo r ths obeorptlon of Hawaii.

The P a rlia m e n ta ry Beoretsry tor the Foreign Office, Ooorga N. Curoon, In reply. Mid th a t he did not know whether the published sta tem ent of the oocueatlona w u authentic; bu t If aueh wae the caer. he added, there w u no tru th a t all in the ollegattoni mode.

The p ru id e n t of the Board of Trade, C. T. Ritchie, replying in tbe H ouu of Com- mona to-day to g queetUti on the subject, Mid he WM in communtootlon wllh the Britleh Conaul-Oenentl a t New York rela­tive to the reported crimptog of stamen a t the shipping oSlee of tb s (faneulale.

T h e y A re C acoor B elghbaiw f o r She B ritla h l a In d ia .

From The Army and Navy Journal.T he country of the Mohmonda. to which

a tten tion h u been called by tb r frontier iroubloa to India, le described a s being ex ceedtogly dreary; the eye la everywhere met by dry rsvtoee between long row s of rooky hilla and crags, scantily clothed with coarse graes. scrub wood and the dw arf palm. In summer g r u i w ant of w ater It felt, and the d e u r t trac ts radiate on intolerable h u t : this, coupled with the unheisUhlneae of the river lowlanda, prob­ably accounts tor the Inferior physique of th e Mohmanda to the surrounding tribes. The first oecaalon on which th e British (lovem m ent came Into.oontoct erilh the Mohmand tribe w u during the first war to Afghanistan, In U5l-et D uring tbe early years of Britleb ruts to the P u b s w ar volley the Mobmaads gave more irouU e than almost apr Other tribe. D ur­ing the Sepoy outbreak the Mbhmantto conUnued tneir raids, but did nothing of a more formidable nature. T be Afrtdis derive their Importance from th e ir geo­graphical poettion which g tv u them com ­m and of the Kbyber and K obat roodi.

T hey were first encountered by British troops tn 1855, when Colonel Wade, w ith a contingent of glkh troopa, forced the K hyber psea. There w u dtniculty w ith them again In 18M, and from th a t time on­w ard they were continually raid ing and being ffnod or blockaded, though, u one cbmmlaaloner remarked, "gau lng f ln u out of A frldls l i like getting blood o u t of a atone." During the mutiny th e AfrIdU also did not take advantage of their op­portunity , IS February, Lfial all Ibe K hy­ber ctana fibally ratlhed the agreem ent w ith the British Government to keep tbe K hyber open, the terma of which have now been aerlouety broken .to r the first time. The trouble with the Afridia la tpaced to the policy of bribing thorn to make them krep the peace, iiu lra d of punlahing them for breaktog It. .

A native paper a t Lahore, India, recen t­ly publliheo an Interview with the Amir’s m ir munahl, who w u visiting tbe city. Ths cAuaea for the late conillciB between British Indian troops and the Afghan irlbee on the northern frontier of Brllfah India le stated by an officer of tbe Amir of Afghanistan to be the deatre to tn- creaee the "waatfo,” a t the mulloha and rh lefa coll the largcaa which the Indian Governm ent pays to them for keeping the peace. The else of the "waslfa” la a m at­ter of pride with them, a t well ae a source of Income. Their methods of bring­ing about a '‘riding' are described u fol­lows:

F irs t, they route their friends and truat- worthy dlBclpIttt, and ae soon a t they have collected a gathering of JOU or W they a ttack and take a post, and send word to the e "they m ust now „ ........ ......................them agalnat their enemy or M killed In a quarre l that la not tb e ir t; and thus

■NM DlgHNUM irtlFR

and take a post, and send to r p ro u ie yMUTuaj Burroundlng vllfogera t h a t ' • ^ " o t by M ra.

w cither fight tM e th e r w ith Luplon oftheir enemy or be killed In could not he provwi ow

Ncet Traaepoitatleii Comiiany,

w in n er a t th e U o u B u h lre ■emdloap,IjOKDON. H ^ b t t —The Lincolnshire

Handicap, of f,IM soverrlgtia, gt the Lin­coln aprlng ram tlns to-day, woe won hy William M. C larkA fivw-year-old ch. c. Prinos Borcoldtos, by BanflliUne, out of Bt. Olave, „

Jojnea R- Keend a Votw atoned, but did ot finlah sm oito the Bret four horses.not

laluidi Bound Traueportotlon Company O M mrtlclea ot Incorporation hero te-dar■ffwx* __ ...aes m mosyf nmAMdaB aEtmoMklaaals

Barooldlne Won Try q neck, and length iepora ted th e Moond borMO,

half H and third

.......................... to-d*Y.

tok.^N o'w *Y o?k*«fy.' % e comiiany e™ lu^ry on huilneee through Btsten Island ^ u " d end the KHla. ta tw e y New fo rk , EUkabetb, Perth Amboy and Keyport.

Hew Faotory to r RUoafaeth.

. , Thepy Sled ortlolea'^nf

jy l th U ta c m ""any b o iw -

jsea aWI bl-

Fem perary W a U la t- te e * Ih Peivey Oily.JERBHIT CITY, H a n b t t - T h e men a t

work a t the rum a of th* Pennayivanla BoUway waltlng-R>OD have fittad up a tm o o T try w a l t t o f - r ^ a t tha o u t and of the tra in ihcd. I t h u been boarded of. and a ticket office h u been Mtabllahed. The eofe^ln the burned waiting-room was exam litw to-floy oad to e a y a to ^ were found Ipto o t ' ^

B ea(|^:b;:^ 'Ten» New --------—W ABlgKOTON,^l|i>w» . i | ..Tfca p n t l -

obliged the poor villagers, nolens votena, lake up arm s and follow them. Fotloerlng ■ hla method, the chief hy-and-by finds himself a t the head of thouHnda of arm ed fallowere, enough, he reels u lla lled , to niok« hla own terms with the Government. Another reason that the A m ir's officer gave w u the Interference with the tribal, and o ther ouatoma by polllloal offleera. T^e remedy propoaed was that the Government should novar allow any “w u lfa " o r largeei to th o u ohlefs or mullsha who have once opposed them In theCeld, so th a t It may be known lunong them that thoac who ac t trescherouily are never rewarded. An English paper, commenting upon the fore­going statem ent, says: There la a grain of irutli In thta criticism of the unwiadom of the Government policy in relation to the political offleera. Rut, u a whole, ot courec, theoe views m uit be taken, not aa the oplniona which Afghan olficlala ac tu a l­ly hold, but a i those which they wish u i to believe that they bold. A Hindu, who waa Interviewed, stated th a t India wae 111 a e ta le o f chronic revolt, and It required hut little agitation to set the whole penin­sula In a b lu e and sweep aw ay English rule, like the chaff before the wind. The priest* are waiting, with Impatience and auppreoaed rage, for g suitable moment to bvpi) the agitation. The educated Hindus appreciate the advantages of Brilieh rule, and th li native aald:

'T o-day , It tha English wanted to leave our land, on our knees must we Implore them to remain, for India w ithout the En- gliah m eoni disorder or chaos.” N ature la on the side of the natives, who believe in India to r tha Indiana; for the children of English aettlera die under the Indian aun, and 00 the Ganges and Indus th e r t la no icuropean to l i t uilril generation.

R ahiew y Nweeo.The formal opening of Ihe new room# of

Rahway s Board of Trade, which are lo- u te d In the Exchange Building, took ^ aee laat night. The new quarters ot the board are handsomely fitted up, and were decorated with flowers and potted plants losl night In honor ot the oocoalfn. Tha attendance a t the affair waa large. George Bracher, prealdent o f the board, delivered the addreea of welcome. There were also apeechet by Vice-President Dr. S . B. Sil­vers, Major George P. Edgar and others. The subjects of a new opera house and a hoipltal for Rahway were dtacuaaad by some of the epeskere, and both propoeed Improvements will receive confidshatlon at the hands of Ihe board. The rooms will also Iw uoe-l by the W oman's Town improvement Aeaoelatlon ot Rahway e* a piece In which to hold their meellnga.

R. Ferraro, an Italian, who keeps a fruit ilore on Cherry street, Rahway, was ar- ressed this morning on a charge of not aiipportlng hla thirteen-year-old eon, James, Who. It Is alleged, he haa cruelly tri-ated. The boy's mother la dead. The father was arraigned In Police Court, and agreed to pay 52 a week for the support ol his son. The la tter will lie taken to-day to the Almshouse and kept there until other provisions esn bo made for him.

Chief of Police W right, of BahwaL this morning received a letter from Edward J. Gorman, City Marshal of Holyoke Mass., In which the la tter stated he .had Intervlcwwl relatives of Herman Miller, Who was held “j ' Xfootpads In East ilahw ayrand that Mlllrr s friends ilwlare when he left Holyoke for Phlladeliihia he hart 5®i In his poekets, and th a t hli story of being held up and ro lj^d was undoubteilly true. Two of Miller s suppostHl asaallatUs, both from Newark, ora now being held In Ihe (tnlon County^*3'. C, Hale, city «lltor of The Itolon Democrat of tuhw ay , 'h-s dangerously 11 a t hla bosnllng-honse, 17k Mato street. Mr. Hale ta the son of a Tenneaeec clergy­man and was formerly editor of th- Ml. Holly Dispatch. 11' catiie to »!>hway four m ontht ago to tnkv rharge of the city department of Thv He w«*iitnck»n with lion»orrhairea somd diya a fo and now hi* condition IscrUtcal.

M ri Mary A, VKiiortwlck. widow of thft late John A. Vanoriwl<?k who for m an/ y i« r8 w«i! aiti^HKor uf Third wards Rahwty. difd la»t evtnlnj^ of apoplexy in h?r homr. 47 d.-mlruiry .Iree t w.*Jtaven(y>«lght old and lived aUher life In Rahw'ay. H<*r only «m, with two other boyf, wnit drowntd tiwny yM riago In Hale’s mill pond.

T h e will o t the Tate Ersklno U VValle, the wealthy Rahway arGst. wae offered to r probato .yea«errt.y^«f|rtn^^^^ Sm-

. . Rahway. The will owing to the Illness of

Law yer'Thom as Shafer, 8 wltneas to the exeoullon of the docuiix'nt. Hy Its pro- vtslont Mr. Waite left his entire esutto to hla widow. ____ _

Hrgulatlonk for the tran sfe r of pupDs to the iingradeil school wera decided upon by thu Tsacbera' CommlUeo of the Board of Education last night. Ths n ilc t. aa prepared by fluperintendsnt OUbert, read as follows:

"Whenever to Ihe Judgment o t the prto- atpal of any ot the public achools o t New­ark, a pupil In hla achool ta a lit eubjeot tor transfer to tha ungraded eohool, ha shall so recommend to the City BuparlA- tendent bn blanks prepared for Dtot por- poie, glvtog In full hla reaeona for auoh reoonimendatlon.

T h e City Buperintendent shall fortb- w|lh tovesligate the oaae reportad, eWhar ^ to n a l ly or through the Supervlaor of Evening and Bummer Bchoola. by vlait- Ing the school, conferring with tbe prliKt- pal and pareata, coniuttlng with lb s oeaa- mlostonera of the word, examining Into tlM environment of the pupil and In evory way posalhle acquainting htmnelf with th M oonditlvD* which have determined hi* character. A record ot this Investlgatlao shall be fep t to the office o t the City Bu- partotendenu

If, a fte r such InveiUgatlon and ooB* ferenre, the City Superintendent la oatit- fled that all meana of control to tha eoboaf to which the puptl belongs have been e tt- ployed and th a t tt le ecMhUal for hla welfare th a t be be aesigned to th e ua-Sreded achool, he ih sll forthw ith g ia a t

tm the necessary tranater."All trantfara to tha ungraded eehaOt

shall be for an todeflnite period."Whenever Ihe City BupertotendeBt,

upon the recommendation o t the principal or the ungraded school and the super- riser of summer and evening echoolo, l i convinced th a t any pupil In aald ecnoot has made tubsU nllal in p ro v am tn t In con­duct and given sulllctMU grounds for the belief th a t h it oonduct to th s fu tu re will be satisfactory to w arran t such ootlon, the Buperintendent sheUI refuive hla trsn*- fer and ooafgn him to u u u d e d aenooU

"W henever any pupil In the ungraded achool falls to conform to a reasonable degree to l u regulaaone and aboere him. eeir utterly tooorrlglble by ordinary means and beyond the control of the teacher of said aobooL It shall be the duty of the City Superintendent to raoommend him for ooam ltm ent to toe City Home,

"TheK ruant officer ahall be rnquated to call o,t t t e ungraded echool a t the opening of tne morning and afternoon tessfont each day to recetre from Ihe teacher the names and oddrsaoea of absent puplla. He shall be further requested to vWt at once the homes of aueb pupils and oaotr- tsln tha reason* for tlu ir *baenc* and K po**lbl* return them to the •chooL"

Tha rules will be recommended to th* board for adoption.

I t woi announced that thirty o r thirty- five names of pro*pectlve candidates for admlaaSon to the school hod been eubmlt- teri by different principals. All of theat caaee wUl be toveailgsted Individually be­fore transfer* (hall be made, and It u *n- tlclpatad that when ths ungraded scbopl opens Monday, April A M bs Dean will h ive a claaa of perhspi twenty-five or thirty pupils.

Incldentslly, It derslaped a t the meeting that "ungraded closees'' have bean estob- llehed at the W arren S treet and lo a th Tenth Street echool*. Mr. QUtaert «X- pUined that tb* abject of the cl i sees was to assist pupils In whatever braueb of study they might bs particularly deficient to. For Instanoa, If a puptl ahould be up to grade to every study but. r eading, ha or she would be aaolgned to tha angtada* cUa* and aopeclidly drlUad IR raa& B g ^ L UI b* or ah* would b* up to gr>^ n aphwft a r o ;^ t t !s i !U ir t o * ^ .rgeogiuphy. hlatoty *r any o ther otudy. The Buperintendent'* action to oatahlU ^ tog th* claasa* waa o o n c u rr^ to with (b t unrteratandEig (hat thay would ^ altandad to by teacher* of flnit-grade cUh^

An attack waa made b y (om in last oner* Myer* and Baniom on the asratam of in ­quiring esomlnatlona of tcachar* for p r ^ moUon*. The rul* provide* th a t appUranta for poeltlotis a i vlca-prlnclpala, haad **• alstonts and first assistant*, ahall uodar- go essmlnatlon*. Mr. Uyera offered M Imeitdmenl which, If adoptod, wouM change the rule *0 th a t It would not apply to teacher* now or hereafter In the em­ploy of the ony. "but th a t when a v ^ okney ooaurt In wiy wbool tn® next b®low in fsmk In »chool ihali b® p ro m o te wlthont MamiTmilon.''

Mr. My®r® cont®nded th*l wh®n »U traduated fr^im th® Normal S e lw l, ®h® I® iuppos#d to b® compH®ni to t®ach In m y m 4« u d thai It 1® unfair, and oucht to So unn®e®*®ary. to compel a t®acher to Uk® u o tb « r exaro lnallpn^en i; tlo« w w to b® artvancttd- FTrgKlenl Oay r®pll®d th a t the trouble wa® that women are j^raduated from the Normw 8cho(d who arc not competent to traem It would be belter, b* sold. If some of mem were stopped upon entering the ectiMi, ra ther than to let them go on when their tem peram ent or lock of executive ability mstfe It apparent that they would nevei make auccesaful teachera

Mr.’ S a h e ^ look up the preridam 'a con- tentlone and declareo th a t 1? w hat Mr, Gay ■aid waa true, It waa high time th a t the itanrtard of examinations a t th* Normal School he ralavd. H e uront on to eay th il the present ayitsm of e x a m lu tto n i foi promotlona wo* ill tie more th an a fmee. No records were kept of the examlnsUont, ho said, no piper* were filed to show what th* applTcint might have rtmie, and, he added, too much latitude was given the Buperintendent In the m a tte r of examining candidates. _

'The amendment wo* beaten, tb* Demo­cratic members alone favoring it.




Odd Russian Will.ra ago

Odessa died, Teavlng aA IltU* toto than two years age a rich

g rain m e«h«nl of Odessa diet fortune of e,4».505 rubles to his threedaughters, under peculiar candlllune. They were only to Inherit the money on condi­tion th a t they beoome aervanti, washer­women or farmworkhra for eight**® month*. The time h«* Just paaaad, and th i young woman htv* some in to their (or- hin*. Two of tham were ohambemadd*.

.a n d the third a efirlpf All work, to O d em Itotiaea. They did net have muoh trouble - lUrtng *uuatw«*i In the oourf* olin Mcurlag wiuhti thelraeJwitud* to* raoelved eoi*

T d i'O T

TTeelflelfl an d N earby ,Th* Weetfleld Public Library held an

entertainment a t the Social OInbrooms last night. 'The feature of the entertain­ment was the reading of Bhaheipeare'a "A* You Like It” by Mia* -Minnie Wlll- lama, of New York. . , .The Willow atreet p art of the Cranford aawar Is giving trouble. I t haa been dla- covarad that there Is only a fall ot aeven- ten Inch** to STH feet, and In contrauence th* aewdr ha* hw n stopped up with sand.

Jamee M, Taylor, the new Postmaster a t P lo tO n .\s s sworn to yesterday, Will­iam Bioodgood and Freeholder King, of Lennox, are hla hohdsmen,

A new rule went Into effect on the tjf- igh Valley RaJIroad yeeterday I’niten- *r condoctora bn (he road will wear on

,4s left sleeve of (heir uniform coat a sta r and bars, denoting their years of ser­vice with the company. A single s ta r denolst five years' service, and for every five years theresfler a bar Is added.

The Cranford Hoarjl of .Educadon ^his on am

in e t-ranrorn iw ani ui rgohliad with Noel R. Parks as president n d T , N. Brundadge a* dlatrlot clerk.

John W, McNamara Was His Name.The body at the man who waa foijnd

aaphyxlitcd a t th(( Palace Hotel Sato™«y aflernoon ha* beeen uoslllvely identified a* tha t of John F. McNamsrA formerly of Scranton, P*. The Identification was mad* certain hy Jam es A. Connelly, a printer, who said he waa HcNamar* s alepfittier. McNamara woFknnwn aa John Mack while he was emplMed m s bar­tender for P e t e r M u r t a y . Mra. LOL of » Grave street, wllh whom he boarded, and Mr. Murray viewed the remsliij again this morning, and after heAttof S®"' nelly, they agreed with him In hie Iden- tiileaUon.

l h a Waotbav l>dl«*tl*na.Th# W eather Bureau t® f«“ ' ‘Ji*

locality follow*; Rain and night; clearing andaflernoon: aouiherly, ahlfilng to north- westerly, wind*.

Postmaster a t Boath Toalay.

Frederick B. Taylor waa to-day *p- politled Postm aster of South Orange, to iuncceed Timothy Barreit. Th* aelectlon came as a surprise to many Republicans and Democrats In the village, oa Mr. Bsr- re tt's term would not have expired In Ihe usual course of events for nearly two' years. Mr. Taylor, however, has been making an active but quiet canvass for the posUion, tt Is said, and landed In the office through Congresaman Fowler,

The new appointee Is twenty-seven year* of age. Hi wt* born in Bouih Orange and was educated a t Yale and a t Phillips Col­lege. He It a civil engineer by profeaalOD. The other candidates for the placa were William T. Ruiidlo and Jam es E. Allan. The office pays about 52.1X0 per year.

Montclair Pnlltle*.The Democrat* of Montclair are deter­

mined to m akt an effort to carry to* Fourth Ward at th" election next m ^ th , and they propose to nomlnale Jam es t u r ­ning for Councilman. will probably name Thoms* A lw ^ tb . who carrfid the ward two year* ago to * ^ Jorlty of thlrly-csie. In ine T h ir t W a rt lohn H Wllioo. a former Cmincllmon. la to he put up by the_ Republicans, a " ^ 1*1* D®nnocrAl® t®1k of j* No ^n t® ilIs anticipated In the F lr it and Bf^nnd wards. 'The present member* of ths Coun­cil will probably be rcnom lnatrt.

•Psunsstidk* and SatmtMm a n SfissM M If j - i - XMVS Inths J f E I ^ _______

They Will Bs Penteaced Together,Annie Burnt, of Montclair. (Who wM tn-

dlcted for a misdemeanor in concerting the b r ty ot her Infant In an ash barral laa| Decemtor, entered a ^ l c * of n w t through her couuael, MIchari T, M rra it, In the (Juortor Besalons Court lo j^ y j Stewart Carter, colored, who w m t ^ k J t r t with Ihe young woman, slab p lead rt non vult. They will be sentenced Thurid^y.

c m N B W ^O T B a. ;Rev, Dr. Fsrd C. Iglehart, o f Broortya.

will deliver a lecture on A braham n - coin*' to-murrow n lin t a t tn® F»r®t Con- fr®giii1onal Church.

thoae preatnt i t th* meeting will be oen- sidertd In toe aelectlon.

Committee of th* Board (Wasked last night to « “ “;****•,of a puptl to the boye' annex to the HighSchool, nut decided not toport iromMmmendatory of tba K orgart Trotolnff and High achoola. '

Wa A n Brill la I I r t J

Page 2: First Edition. - DigiFind-It

N E W A R Ke v e n i n g n e w s , T C K a P A V * M A H C H 2 A I g ^


^ Brir*- J» n -I .o « l* W»UI»«■nr m» B«lHi >>»■

■iMr o“‘ T^'^iwul twen'lfJ?uT2T?« “ •* VJS W

getn »hown •'J5 * *‘ Ofboriw tilin g hiira o( th« prlMti cwl-Mr- and urir<> to t lew ‘"I*" (Hen Ite-

in f down the '"*[ *'> j j j mnounr^^W , the v . r t l « ]>«« ^ had any. Clerk BroiiUr ahould not ^t h i l l ■ •/ why **•?. «v®r Ihfpaeeed en mm, f "<‘ ^T ,i‘'?" t^nder« t*nd

€ s T O U T E N B U R O H ’ S .

h"!f‘« ^ " « 'td b « n mr e>the In jmi,

Boyi' rloni, pAylleh »>>o«e, ■ .» «»


W Win lo W* In-2?dc;j?nor*K«ord« 4 « r«mm<W

orNewwkr theXxittu w iinnij. n y y ji In hlR

M ackintoshes,U m breU as.R ub-her Coats, Rubbers—any and all of these may be had of us at m- terestini prices. For instance, j^ckintoshes at M-75, JSi po, $ 7 , I * .

An enviable reputation coyer- 1 ing 49 years protects you against

' undervalues and overcharges. And then there's the Best

Newark Made Clothing.

A b o u t a ^ o o d $ ' j

s h o e . % j

la BPt"K-r llTflltCll h^FiDonovkn, of th«‘ who le»Un»'twere e m o n itn e evidence

»reand vrtlohS S m b iV ^o f^ n to d (Icketi

«fc« To»b. w .r .S ^ ; ''V lilior. P»**. where iHeU-tM W ollW . whe.

tm » n - etui had aI tbia CUT. '? " .':"M ;d ''to vieli bl®

i Stooteabnrgh & Co.7 9 7 t o SOS B r o t d S t . See

The u sualinnhoe selling doesn’t sat> isfy us. Here’s to the u n u s u a l:

Our T h ree D ol­lar shoe is m a r k ­ed for excellence of stock, k tcn ess and v a r i e d n e s s o f shapes,a “finishing touch” peculiar to most S 4 .0 0 shoes,

shoe window for

■•AL ErrATB FB* ISf ^ T ITT.

W p A S id ’

OwwIUm**.ivlIM iSSTuJiS^

w n c iM TO t a r .

• m rTTk.^

“w3!i.“ lS fS r * ^■TTA'^

W B X rA R K -L»ldrfM Own«r. Wot n lOO, at aaarMM.if«» onot, AA-


The Millinery View Days

kiui. s ; d S “J ! i ™ : ^



■ aoiii jure vtiSTs fcsmt O . U R ^ a U laeO ardr M., bOek haaah a«

Imiirnyiiewite. ■ no m t and bath.K a a ATUMTIO ST.. b rM bean, all ta f m «M M a S «Hwa ewd baibi eeeey and eea.

tn LNa. BM B n a t i t . alen. aad roeoa abere (he

■tem IBM Mee.No. MTAM BJUAD ST., c«h. Oeatial ■. R-I

aartiaf M toehA ■. M A rtlwvJM

a « AeadeBT M.


5S ^ by jSdiM i-rtisie;.. Md r'«"®S l T i t U W lV ^ A l . BXCRANOB, ISl M«^-the kot c t


* U C H a n e x h i b i t a s t h i s o fo u r s r i s e s s u p e r i o r t o

r^rfael ordar: rtnl moaora*"*ff0 BaB.“l S '+ h l r d a ^

«<ty deelrahit~9avCttlWKM


naar Clinton «ira.;aid lanra

' i ^ r a a m J a d S T i i aaacuraa: ra«ta oolJaotaai ____b ILLIAM klMMltRMAM OOM P^T I

Oroal * ComwlAye "BA Brtnl i

m ore points.

PLIA80RI8 Of THE DRAMA A llBitcd h* ol the |e .« *h0M reaa'n fromrecent wte.

, , 7iiVhiS".tThi

f a S ? d % i w t J :Si w arsi-Sli'dss! aaI vrould help “ 'w S »*"> •

ee that h* “ ^ " .^ .h t^ h a v ^ ^ o B hie raaor «o th»t " ' s P ' l e th*< h*

k«Si‘s?J:.S;«.Vu.i.1*" foive he*"'' •“ ,rSttPH"UANt>BXthiW rr^aeked Mr

‘■D»d you uee

hri*r:sw . ,„w A - hg a t* " H w a r b ^ " ,be

S C a d a «nd ;h*» he h e l ^ **[ " , prteeo.

ftw b D ural w»e *® „ , i , JI™e# which

t- Mwaa (o hbrjiS'

w,„* -J war- tor BatiABrUA

r.*iii FiStVih^ « r ‘t ? i . v . j gB *5 a t l i Jtiis r« fu irt I* w12!‘J l ? i i i ' S e i I e ^ to b* eentCiSWHHt’jsiwsa

u li^ 'waa

BsSSiS’a/srsJw ^ A'^ 'i«rS2 »'srKA K ^ tw e’rrtanda and aiand in rrant^ ils dS«“ ^ 1 Du»»> «®“'2

- . 1 j y . j 'i : lv T ‘"com Se*SM

fSSs^-a-HsslKtba. egn y i i i°ie\^C o5u*r In Newark, to-

............... Var«M?WW**nS’‘ h .baeVVwf »iw - ^ i h a i CMlUw

S tb the r « p h % *5; ltd H aa prareotad hy Uia

w e tM ^ S iu ahe kad «<»• Sywb her S t h T T P b r U n ^

S E U S W v a l in bin *®X ' S a m M ehe had been wtUli i f t i - - ‘ an i^hlnc

OnlT’e CMnieuw le OleerUn* Sereleal CeufT *"*— Meek. IsAUa dm-

Hee mMI narieesee.When Ike Widow rerrlB glon h «

eultor, Mr, Qeneue Poeket, the 1 " '^ “" ^ ^ i r a t e . believe before their th e fe h e w at thlrty.oiie tneiead ^ thirty^.Ma year. old. ehe w ow an uncommonly taniried weh of the kind ueualy menu^- lactured by Ihoee who practlee lo deceive. H er ntnetcen-year-old eon wae thereby compelled to maeqvMrade an of the len­der a»e of fourteen, with m any haraw nf reiulte . The *odfaiher of th e promlelna youth camo from India, and to dine with the aecond huaband Mra roaket had to try to meet him o |^ hlo In advance not to mention dalea of nineteen year* a«o An a her elater, the fodfather, and the lover, were arreeled for bolnw In a hotel keot open after the eaptrallon of llcenie houre. Mr. Hoebet and hlo In the holel. loo. and ew aped o tte r dee- Dorate and perlloui « la e h a n o t» Then Hre. PoMiel, her elater and the taro men came up tar trtal before Mr, ^ k e l . ,

All three compllcatloni and m ore boelde I a w dlvertln«ly eet forth In A. W. T l""® * , farclal comedy, "The Mairteirate, which In it nurht be*an ila w eek 's run a t the N ew ark Theatre. The act In* of A ^ u e lln D alFa company liHn*o w l the fool of the piece and m akei the production a real treal to lho«# who are It, ^ th d riiM Lcwta'i Impereonatlon of Mw. 1*a richly huraoroue one. Tyrone Power, ae tha haplew ma«lelrote. th e vtotlm of a bnd bey'e levity, la a pathetlcnlly ludt- croue Baure; Cherlee Blchman. ae Colonel Lukyn. from Uenial, le a fine, vlgoroua and manly old eoldleri W ilfred Clarke M tnlmltaU* aa the prooocloue youth ofinineteen, whooe mother i r lw to m ake him out io much younaer. M arie St. John, ae Mra Poeket'i eleter; Lelneo F alrfaa , aa the muale teacher In love w ith her hope, tul pupU; l.u ta Convert. leacher'e eervant »lrl rival; William F. Owen, aa a m aileirale. and Sidney Her­bert ae a lantuW mHltary pentlcm an, all do admIrtMe work. Tom Hadaw ay, aa a waller and a m afle tra tt'a clerk, and the p iayen of email rolee, aro a ll detervlnl

'K J^M afto traU " wlU bo ^played to- olcbt, to-morrow and Thuraday nl*hU. and at to-morrow'e n u n l» » Jfllmainder of the week e double bill wtll be oreecnted, "The BuMletlee of Jn lo u iy anq "Number Nine, or the Lady nf.Ce-

1." lo ' of toe

Marshall & Ball807 to 81 j BRO AD ST.


H iev F rien d , im y T h e ir L a tf lU tpeefe to the Oldeet Piiw cetoo O rednete.

The funerel of William C. Wallace, who , 1 the time of fill death wae the o l^M irv lue te of Pfinoelon Collefc. * M held at hie late home. M» Hl*h »l»»et. r,rnM.n Several floral piece, ■uwoundrf the plelB black-cloih caeket, to - b l c ^ h e M y we* laid. The iervleee, were begun

m e r e w e a t h e r c o n d i t i o n s , a s

w i t n e s s t o - d a y ’s t h r o n g s a n d

e n t h u s i a s m . ^ , .O f c o u r s e , t h e f e a t u r e o f t h e

s h o w i n g i s t h e c o l l e c t i o n o f P a r i s i a n H a t s f r o m t h e s e m a k ­

e r s , a m o n g o t h e r s

Carolme Refvaux H«it{-Bover Paul Viroi and Berths Motts. Viroi Lewis Susanne toys josse JuliaCamille Ro er earlierMarescoi Seurs T h e s e a r e t h e w o r l d ’s l e a d ­

i n g m i l l i n e r s t o - d a y , a n d t h e i r m o d e l s h e r e a r e t h e b e s t o f t h e i r w o r k . T h a t p a r t i c u l ^ p o i n t i s w o r t h n o t i n g ; — t h e m a^ of selection.

B e c a u s e a h a t c o m e s t r o m

P a r i s i t i s n o t n e c e s s a r i l y g < ^ . P a r i s I s m e r c a n t i l e a s w e l l a s

a r t i s t i c , a n d s h e s e l l s t o a l l

BAROAI N— i *t l rtulk-d; fpc.—1» ch«*p: Un t e r w n U L T tR . 740 Btp*4 wL

i e ^ ^ T a ] ^

748'T« BronA it,

Tti L.KT-180 BudlttfS«up»m*Two room, la UBpe






4jr 4 ACADEVT Vr.WBBT PARK WT., lT »A pu tM it ti» M i fktl

• tw n hMtK* tltvAtiir. In-TO LET-•qiitre nitart* kitWAKKMAN avk

tiAiiM 4t lalDdolo RV*,; T -----tSTfiath. iMJfitry fn t

ImiMWtmtnU; ^ulr* Janitor,

^0, 'o -K 'a y i o X s r a WARREN BT.. 400~riM. inta. laoulr* on pranui

noOHR; A U. n t-pgSlEM ENTk'’IaTpH '? toJ, mOCKMDOB.gj, ________ »T k a m c b t RT.

W ICK Lirr* WT.. in -T h re . large Uaht 1 OB. funlty iB houee; no chlldran.

WALNUT RT.-Hoomi to let nt JTO.

uouait. 111 w m i: bd t f* l« ft-l.«P«> l fi

UTTLWtQN AV*.. Ml-Foc enl*. mWate T SS iV V iara* noome;! r t r . ^ AdvIt pffiBiiaa.«nd towar.

reunnahle Oder refwied tw Ronlh lIHh k roo»ai_^l




gAVr’ oRANUg. W "

ORANO^'waur; IA

To iPt. Ptouth poumtL». »?WTH, M4 _____

a ^ - a s t g a ^at, Krw* ___ —

OM ot tlM^ al*m nap krtdf h<M*M i ala rMHM. bathroom jwjd allwnpr;^*-

K ^ v fU a BtaUon: mtw* 1 8 ^mnnthlv P a ll afiT tlina, inpluiMiit 8un<liiy, on

’jO H S H IHINfi- U N o ^ Tth I t. f .


riTH i m

PA Rtm O N iA U S - TH fl T H R g « -aT O ilT BWCK B D IlJ lIN a ,

Nn. U WAIJJUT at.. NgWABK. N. J„VIU bn now n l public auntlon on the premleen

ON WKDKKRDAT. MAHCH W !*».a t tw o F. M,

U3T se a l* FT. TlTl-N to cloan eerinte ot the Mte Thoman De-

B«.snnad. OowHtloH made known on


wi'A wnirrb—A i«o-11at houa*. wUh B o r B Wk>iM4ich Bow. lLll*W?1a

aivut "* • *** ‘**“**‘“1nve.. I'. U.

6 rwunn; Impniva. ee. I


rnOOMI. r U T g , BTO., w a j i t b d .HlDDUB-jpagD oounle went a unall Rat ■

of home w€h owner, IBitentral part dreal Bwat bn taodwate. FmnaaaiWly, Newt once.ROOMR-Winted, by young narriod oonple, I

roonu, eanuany hMaMl iwot wot lo « n w IT; ivfairtnooi gtron. Addreia CoBtrai, Box W,liwe maeo.

ROOUg-Wantod, light hooeekeep

Uoderete, Hue tt.I antomlebed iwnwee tor

Bg; adulto; rent modorala Now* office. 1

ROOHB-WAitaA 4 ntmm ^lmsrov«nMnta. Addraat X* T. Bail K*wi oEicj*. __________________ «s

ROOHR-Weatad. by ynuag < nome; oeovenleat to H. M

It. Addnw CehtnO. Box Misle, thrte or l i nemt, Newa oflea.

WANTNO-Two cmuieclIiMt rom Roar, with «1tiLwa|er. In *4, Mb , with owner prefWTM; nw erate root

Addreie Perroinewt. M WBlnot14th wai ; » tem i

mmmniMD Booiii »o urr.ACAtlgMY BT.. e i-L e n * « n » , « » t g w ;

Hfht hounekeeplBg; elnglo room for gentlr- mon: cheap.* ______ * ef nale.

BDWANO ». PURTB*.gpooUi Header.

HATKR * I.AMHBRT. BolteUoro. j


o r r tC B f l . w iF T S . f a c - UTASLIOR. *T C .. t o

nnuare' mUom.

«U Uniwv*- 4S1ten WtB NMl.


I w h o c o m e s t o h e r w i t h m o i w y f t K W s h e s e l l s i s a n o t h e r

i CoWm.

ih e h*d bnen wtUIng to iM for him w captrog dy*

m a t t e r , a n d t h a t i s w h e r e t h c e x p e r t k n o w l e d g e a n d t r a i n e d

t a s t e o f o u r m i l l i n e r y c h i e f s

c o m e in .

nnnoMte Milford F a rb -h * ..^ kulH without oxpcaae until M(n|»«e®- »fomie et.____________ ___ _ - . —

fif’C k J S a . - i u r ’’- ” ***^H it

w, w .CMBm .

Bm tKm'iwH A « » t -™***2£MurkM tt.

acaukmt at..illic* or Iomc* or *lo«e -

KETT. 17 Acad«mM_^OL •*

BROAD RT.,dMlreble location. fMON, Tl *a*t Ktnaey el., after 8 P . M. 4 ^

BANK BT.. 81—Two or thrna roomB, fuiwlibwl or uafuraimed: oullable for dent&t cr Dhyet-

eli,n: «t«un M«t. 11bBANK BT.. lK-PMmltb*d toomm fqr

mtn of m»rrl*d oouok. .3BROAD RT.. RBT—FhnUehad room to 1*,.

third R « r .____________________ _CAMP RT 34-To let. nirviy rnmlehed n » m

tor tontlemea; ovory ooiivenmco. ™COURT RT. IR-Handeomely fumlahod m oW

heal. «ae, bath; private._______ me

Inoolre FTO CheMnut 04.

m-MR ><« •0411 rent t

■ ■ A ll ■tTA TM ^FflM flA lB -O U T OF

FOR RAUt-Ortat millo.X^TKi.JE’

Ww— ■«»«

II aereafor

Inna." iVTh'e laUer M rt. GUbert will beone of the playeta. _ , . ___

ABother Ittracllon of Iperti wlU b* i*ent Ihe Newark Theatro weat .week, when

.u lla Marlowe will appedf .!”», •*** ,“ ‘4 role of tht"CouBteei Vafeeka. The aale ot acate for Ihle engagement beglh. to-moc-

Irish Orntlemvn" w as greeted hy » lRr»fi Rudkinw i t jR ^b s* t T b ^ l r t wst night, and the piece w«e cjfectlvcly r»n- dwred by Andrew Mack and a competent company. Mr. Mack, ae the eMf-aacrtflcinit Irleb hero, jack Bhannon. who oonfeeart to a crime wnlch he old not commit to eave a friend who afterw ard prored false, wai forceful and entertaining. Hla »lnil»» h e lp ^ hi* popularity w ith ht* audience Immewely, Adolph JaekioiL w Btrphen Tyrrell, the falie frland, effrctlrtly por- irtvad aa ever-deelaolng t IHi IO. The

William C. Wallace.

with the elnglng of "Jeeua, Lover of My tou l." by Ihe llemleleeohn Quortette, ^ then Rev. Udward P. Gardner, of tho V U- lage Church, Chatham, who w ai Mr. W aP lace'i pattor. read eeveral 'Scriptural oo- leetlont. He woi (cdlowed by Rev. ThomM Re«l Brldgee, Of the Second Prtebytertan Church, who oFrred prayer and »brief nddree*. »»OOkin* of the Ut« of MA 'Wallace. He referred lo hie almpHcliy. ni* roetltude and hto quiet manner of Uvlng. and to tho good h t had done by hlo chari­ty Mr Gardner followed, fpeaktng m ort

■ of Mr. Wallaca’i pereonnM tl^

B e s i d e s t h e s e i m p o r t e d h a t s

t h e r e a r e t h e p r o d u c t i o n s o f

________ itory ef t l» e»c»Pe "ho

Ti*‘15i5!!Jr‘ **!",*"*J*'?!iM* * father Uwfer ori^i*e"W. EJm wgidd th a t had been tMa JJJ; flnlahed nnperaonnUon. OHve, White

Duval *nd r ^ :*’='U)TTI]8.

T l»-lin«.my mo«y- ■ S wTiS'11*'

ter,”Vti®ii> •fif ***”iiMF hv Tiuvkl whil® l>olh Wtr® 1b -



f ' f , W tfe-^ br«A« J»}M % . 7 ’th"2; n s x i u ' a f i ^ r v r i sB ^ o i e heart, k w yo“f "''1?* f"** win find out th a t n will not ho lo n g Wto rt you c « »*“«» (althfully,

P."P. 1 .1 am fd in i ‘® 'f***


r a j ^ aa ever-deelgolng .Talher Lawler of Oeoi flnlahed imperwnatlnn.

wa* awae

i««n to advantage aa M aura Sherlock, and Mlaa Florence Aihbrooke a* Uro. FMIr-lelgh wae a good type o f aThe olber characlera were well Utken *arwof by Hlchard J. Dlllam Kdwtn Braad^l. Thomae Jackion, W, J. Maeon, Marta Bale* and ^ o rea ee Old, the la tte r a win-

o u r o w n d e s i g n e n a n d m ill-

i n e r v f o r c e . I t i s


pgSIRABLNB m « Drwngo.

: J mbiatea autlon:for aaW; untieuelly

’’V h r iV « to f i “ ;rtbV -N .v.7^^^^^^A., who ta d held a w m

'"*• ‘oil »tr*«l prftvloui to I t* *erTlC4,OB CllntOil r ’la.'^’ bJa 'ayW4M prw ent »t lh« funeral In a The tnt*rw«ot wa* a t Ml* P leatan t

Ceoi*4«ry. ■ ________ _

»*•*• ___


T he

lome little girl.Ne*S week "A Gitllljr

>layea a t Jocobo 'e T n «M other" will be

Playrd at Jacobare Thoatro by a com- * under the m anagem ent o f Janw i H.pany I c e Mtai Oo-Won-Oo M p h ^ k , tb* In ­dian aotreee, * •» l«»l been tn N y ta rk , **>• haa had w auoceaeful tour of Him through Kurope with her plaiL her com- nany and her lm lnel.iron ‘“ i ^ J , ' l P SuA ekln.. L*et night a t A . CoTumbtathrarrV 'abe"waa given an enth«laitlc_ je-

oMupUd by Duval. He alao found th a t the two-and-one-hiif-lnch boll of the cell dSir had been .awed n « rty tha t toe etit ®hde Jn the bolt naU been fnilid up eo Ihht It wae not noH«»l;**; J 1 had been filled Up with lampblack a ta vaaellne. Duval toW the wUneae th a t ta bad tnadt the lamoblm-k hy die flame agslnet the bottom of a tin <mn.’'Th\‘'defS;l"7aiird‘Du;*i,'^r.'«r4 name* ^ V g” n i W. Jhival Imt t t a t he

also known under other names.

eentWn by a crt)W^ed hou**. She W*bW>led h?r drama^ "The Indian Mall acting In tiie loading rol* w ith *£tr)t dramatic force. The part of the rleita fatber 1* played by a Indian chief. Ga-ne-gua. IP manner, Other member* of th* company*''"ncle*Tom *'’cAhln" will be lb*tjncie lu iuv • . neat wefk.M p ^ 'c i s , ' s ' ’i7 t i n M 01 *pibFli_promraed.______Cantorv

if l^ o 'M o rrli and hi*r « a « ? T W d i ; a i % % ; r t i 5 o u . j

WM »l»0 dlliWTfie rt..«v. ~ 'v ” «l,d UmBauer wa* hi* righi “ ‘A , SS

trlct-Attorney cToeg-eiamlnedOiborne o q ^

K *B d"h^r^SnvkM *of crim cln N «He **td Id MiiW^T tQ a qu*i*tioB th a t he bftil a re u o h for wUhhwdiDi fad * con-

hhn. T n ’ aniw er loh* had once been a ^ r b e r , *nd_that he

th* A ialitan t Dlalrlct-Attdney,The witn***,looked tow ard

told ho*DuvAl had gone with her to her room in jgrtr Tork and had chloroformed her ami stolen ta r J*welry.. Five weeke la ter ehe

tVo bur e*quea "The C entury Wldowi." "Tno Muck T rilby.” boln “t

m ^ h . .k i ts Riven by the .amcIdorrie, ivtriaIw ilm lla r to th* *hUaK»7«V N «t\lJ*K rc 'o irte7«nd 'L kw Ran:

7*'^^5i«MiF.lrK*til* !>• Courtey panit. dlfllt'uU O m easa aDi>e*red In

F s re lg r t T ra d * tw th e L a t te r ■ a k iu g R a p td t t r ld e a .

In hie anauat report, lo be printed In Commercial Relatione, Conaul Parker, of Blrmlnghaai. Kogland, aaya;

The one marked development In thta dle- triet during the paal year haa been In the cycle trade. From July I, MM. to January I. ligir, thta wae very rapid. Productive power wa* immenaely lncr****d. 8m»ll •■tabllebmeni* developed ulUBMt without notloe Into large onee, wllb »»*d caiMtrttjr for turmlBs o«l bleycl®*- id * rrault wee that the epeeulaltve Iniereet became ao dominant a* to eoirfuae the re­sult and produced an over-development not only o t m angtaclurtng fadllUee. but of company promoting. Thta Induced wm e neglect ot *elllng effort and a dtaponltlon to underrate the poeelblllty of competi­tion, eop«-laHy from the Unllod S te tea in aptle of the increaaed u*a of hlcyelee au over the world, the nmult of th is WM soon apparent In the com parative decline « exporu. Thta dkl not aKeet the trade with the IhiUed Btatee. beoauee hardly any complete bicycle* have been eent MBoe the beginning of IsM. There w ai a da tem lned maintenance of prices, but very little ef­fort to make a good bleycio a t i ^ h a cheap price iie would bring It wUhlu-jae reach of workingmen. The Urltlaii foreign trade In bicycle* lo r the calendar m r MB wae »,7(7,OHM; for ISM U w ai M.M*.«hM- lor l®7 ihc return* are not yet complete, but from January to September. IncluMva Ilic mo*t im portant portion for the bloy- cle irade, there wa* a falling oil of morw than thirteen per ewnt. If thle J*** continue over the whole y r a r . t t a eaport* wouia lo Atout

go r*plJ w** 1h* growUi of in­dustry nurinir ihe periodlarge numlwra of worbrnen w *rt d r a ^ from other tinea, and tho rate of wagea advenced very rapidly In IhM *®? .alh*3

„ „ ^ r y l o r c e . u « w i t h n o a p o l o g y t h a t w e s h o w t h e r e b e s i d e t h e m a s t e r p i e c e s o f t h e w o r l d ’s m i l l i n e r y m a s t e r s . P » r i s s e t s t h e s t y l e , b u t s i r e d o e s n o t m o n o p o l i z e i t . I n t h e s e m o d e l s o f o u r s t h e l e a d e r ­s h i p o f F a s h i o n ’s l e a s t s IS

a c k n o w l e d g e d , b u t n o t a b -

j e d l y . W e h a v e d o n e m o r e

t h a n m e r e l y c o p y .T h e c h o i c e m a y b e y w r s

b e t w e e n t h e R u e d c l a P a ix a n d B r o a d w a y . T h e M v a n -

t a g e o f p r i c e i s o n t h e s id e o f B r o a d w a y , — t h e d i s a d v a n t a g e ,

— w e l l , f i n d i t i f y o u c a n .T h e v i e w c o n t i n u e s

m o r r o w a n d T h u r s d a y .



* - S S d « r 5 «

COURT 8T„ lOU-Ntariy faralaheU roogiari* jjj^

OREKM a t . . 8»—Fumlehed. R or I alee n»mA complete far houeekeeplag-__________ *

HALRET BT.. 4S-A large, vrrj t*t(y_f™ t rmfo: a l ^ r fumlehed; all hnpeowemea^

eeatial; ratarmwm__________ _ _ _ MbHALRIIT RT., 40-yurnl4hed momj

room ta private famUy.___________Ptaaejg

HlOH ET.. 4*A-Fiim1ih*4 nw<tt* ho«Mii**EHnc cr iyntl#Tn*n.

for 111

furalebad JK

Dro«d il.HALRET gr . iM a -rw r r t ^ l I ta ^ h -T ^ rU

LorrtvWWW * d !irK £ { . ^ta^eT ^ly^airtamr.CbltaauV

g , B . av*.

house. N<h. FI atloa la Eaei

ATov«mrntt: 10 i|ruu*ia *Im s *m *

3 k i“% o t t o

LARON fvoBl r < » MWta f w r ^ i A ta aN?a,“ ? s r ’k “ ^ oBlc*. Aii4r**jLAWBKKCB RT^ 11—nrataheR nom e lew li r t tHioueekwping; |8 UQ.__________________ *MIILBHIUIT RT. 14t--furBtal»« reome. I t a »

ketnlagt hall room*. M-___ _____________m u lb er ry RT., I»—Large fumlehed Ton*»;

Itata houaekeeplag or geatlemea. IMORTON BT.. »4-Nteely fumitaied no n e to

Ima ■

i * 7 ^ . t r r i u ( i ? M i L

mOyrtwerjLril 'Jnhoiie Na i

IrrtB trtw *.Academy i

HOHTOW RT.. 41-Nloely turatahed iwotai ^ vata family- ___ _____ —v

NEW RT» 4A-NIc*Iv turalabed In o t hall ' TOom to Jet.

turulabeg targe

BTATN ft- il-Funjl»beR notae; an Improir-

’ i i S s r . i S i i b r i s s r i . i ^ ^ntort p « w * . lib

groHN ta ta , "itaW* “ ST- ffw le t cr««ia, «w fM ^

ft.. Qr»Bt*. W. 3. _______


OKANaS-414 l O i W ^lo bf DWVWi Awiy to JAMES KBUiT* 3T Rillroftd »r*.e B»*f w n gfc *

Bread, cheap, 8JA H.

p m s i . .B iTA TK FOB j p C f t M O l l .

t o -

JOHN WANAMAKEReoriwDy A- T. Sltwart & Co.,

BroAdwgy, Mb *ve., 90i *n4 lOOi ***■, N. Y.

CITY MOURN-t i T ? r S f s s r i ’y .'sso ?Sd“i!s s a « ' s ^to CABH. Boa M. Newa ottee.

OOOD IHPiWyWj CITTn a t« A ta eiabaage ft* Jeetrahl* vacan t lo ta

AMraaeu with pewUeelaia to ■ TACAWT LOT*. Bm 4b. Wwwe offioa

f o m u u i om ■ x c u a h q b .MAI K o r eachaaea fareo. aear Flatnfleld, FOR Uiiwiiwe; p f in t r ^

f ru it ; Block a ^ crop*; fre*P1atnfi«14. N. i- - ----------

F O « *A1M OM *®

tie., o* roreafr. Re*' Ml 4 ^ av*

™ K k - . t r : " s ? t a r .3 r S t a ‘ W iof piano_______-

*^^lNBHiiIMgR. M Q*ert ta- T8*nOBB ta n o t a t » Flaw et. towulr. « 0

Aoadetar at.

. i f f l i M i t r w a i a . r i u ' S J S f *i r o n s and eMlar; » CUnlw *»- laqu l« jta


THREBqm»Toii^n'otita ItahTtaiiAutai^ biu7 ^ U ^ E tT h kSSmy M.

oaly; 11 «P-

Fly fur*aba^

•OJhBmNG.iv n u aTN. TO-Flna *1tb board; Im-S2»e»tad»; e^_«.ta|-*i>*: Friom uio ^ale; privata American fatally- Mb

eSSfc.BROAD 4Sg-Rooni» wtth fco**d *ni tijg j


*y*. -_

w , i

“ S S S S -W

iqnare feet.erry et.

roil RAL#ta n m V ^ S f^ -o j K s r a . ’


ry rapiQiy m min imiu rra'dca Tbl* a r a » J “‘®'I** by a check on hi* lotal

^ il^hta S i r S a ? b a u r T h . wbotamile houie receiving tb it

f fW r t L a rg e « • Tbeee ReoelTwO t e e n th e UwenlrfF.

From tbe Journal of Commerce,T ie que*tk>p of demanding drafla for

ret^ lrancea and refualng local chaoka ta being Mriouily dlecueaed by credit men In some o t the largeet wholeeeta houee* In thta otty. and eapeelally at Ihe Weetern jobbing eentr*e. The cuetom ha* become almoet a general one tor a retail merchant

■ J*

■m a l l briek Ing; •ta'*' boo

(aoiary. with *yemy fraM build- ,kl« tar iwelve boreet.

a r - ^ * f e » i * t a ^ e « - ___

wUh t*rf«its op Mo** c. a

n 4, N*W4 prao4e ___________JTO LET.•lu*« to _—.M*rkety Bo» 4, N*w*

SUf rr . l7-Bo*» 0# deabl* r«wJ»A • & b 'K f n o S ! S r £ L f i^

IS -P la a a a n t rOowA

r i c k . Pm W«

WJ5LD.'uandtaj. cor. Hamttl«' ' I M EDglaeet.Inquire <

f a m m s f o b s a w

Idenct, N. J.. for „ _ . A e riirroN, BM

B f ^ / 4 ® » f b a ! ! 7 ‘TT<*liF-NOK^ Broad eL

FARM-:-» eov^jS ,•eta or to let; ^ hulldlnge. B. McNA'

I^OMR jUTO F ^ 'Y TO _1MT.

43 Rr*lntii*» pl-_____ _

i l ^ a t.. » -Pouble mwl tangle iot||g

*rtih bc«fd; l»P*wS d

F Q F e g - g J j - - "

m Clin-nodemta

■ ■ A t •F T A T a WAHTMP.

"he ‘tamilSrary /"J«rn«f*o‘he ^ 1 cheeb 1* "tl;

alngor andS k ra L end .he trl®; .«H an cn-^Swo^kHowi'J'BuhV^imvlll be »l W*ldw*Ri* *■

mat him in d had him ,fLoc*1 detective* **y tb i t the Newark^r

« U printed 'h e , ^eece “Welling and confcderulei -- . ___lo the Tomb* acted lh_l*n®!*'!®?,.?*uiJ£

Ihe paeaee used by Ixtrite confederulei to gain acceie

Intent a t wrong doing,York authorillee are eatlalled with the e i- S an a tlo n i and aealitance be readily gave In connection with the matter. J

, rt,el1 tin . m l an t b . W arn raita. aed h 4u It v e tt . I » | I - - —


C -p t-v e d l b . ItaKta- *F W t( »< "velu • a d Gwwflwwwe •< B e n rt.

the tallrr found themeelvee, Blmoat with- jr titan charge*., whioh, particularly on uul notice, loelng trained and eaperlencW nneoke, eometlme* run a* high ae--------' . . . . gj (I,,

amount of the remittance. It wtll readily— _____ bo appreciated that, with euch a tax on

' ^ t two yeara I nearly every account, the amount tbue rpauited'in an Incrraee of probably tenl^p^Q t becomes a very conetdetaWo Hem per cent. In the wagee of • h l j ' c ' t m th e ooureo of e year', buslneia. til many .of the extabllehed metal b r e ^ n r a York the bank* are not eo etrlctSome of thta advance will no* p r ^ ^ uartlcularly a t thebe loet, heeguee o*Jlii ntd re-1 Weal and South, and ih e question conie-hoenmia a le tt ed bualneei H will n o t ,re- 1

uul notke, loelng trained a m e ^ i e o w ehecks, eometlme* runworkmen, or were , , I two or two and a half per c

r r f e ' J . 1 . '™ S .

“ s a s ^ ! ! ? t a i lIB Oertlaadt el.. New York. ™

■ O V M f TO LOT.

and taundry; rmt low. Apply to

ilO-Three-etary »»4 •*-lAt nHtfiile _q*i

«nd Uunrfpyi^rwl TOMlUMfi. 74 Pi ftio I t

_itl4e« bathaEORdH; w.


*g»A D FT" H « - ‘" ^ . ‘-K i?.K u.S ;^ebS '»%SoMi 9 ~loeitlolu ABRICK houta te let. I •L : aad 4 roen . It. 'ouuita

I AcademyBle

BCROSN at.menla , . ,,CLINTON AtTl..

Aroom Hate, nearly aulre dnwttan. OW-

toI-BMht.tee>a »MtaA tatatwv*qab-Twa eery ieelrable


f ii i.i. RT.. ta -ru r° tah * * rtoma. ^ t b beajjitaM)PqviB>*B**>

rwH»a to let.

i i j j r h s r j s e s s t a

CUFTON AVEa* IM H FW *•5 roomii tint U#*Ml* fltft

FAlHMOVJrr, ««,ub; all IfB]

hnuN; tl7 *n<lFLAT lo l«te from Mar Mur-lafi* ra rt: improvaiwot*' r*»t »«• W rav «. --------------FLAT-Tc ta, * *** * 7 ^liBilltae; rest low.

, » T r . o . m . ■ L 'F T O i W . t S S S :all improveoientai MB. ff a 11 Orchard

» a ^ ly honored Moeee Mentlelaeohn, «hS w^“ Rllri the B ocrate. of hie Ihne,wno Vvrmrtnl. Th^re

Baliw R Lyw.From the New Ori'wn; TlB>ra-pem<>«^_

"Strange, pliant eubjecl I* this hum i^ Dam e, edapta Ueelf to 'moat a n y th l r ^ w**d It on aldohol a while and it crave* i « e ; give It areenic, rirrchn lne o r awr old poleon and a cravjnf la a t o n « e « un." Bo began A popu ar railroad ta lk ­ing m an," i r K e W from h ta ty p e- w rlter and wIwhI We glay»»A '■On iliy

trip to w eat TeTeiai 1 cam e u p o n , ceee In point. Out beyond F ort Dnvtarecent trip tof!S;e'"ta*’2'« « tlo “n k n o V n l r y * h l c h 7 or u i ^ u l t t r a t ^ ulkallnlty beaU anything on earth, w h e t water thera la t« t« » aomewhere l>etwe*n cailor oil and viohy and eoda, while every bit of plant and anf-

w ei vWllnB the belha of Fyrmont, Theret a b e c a m e acquainted wHh the merchant

uiii i ia u ... ■■"V""' 'K '..”rnr.ii\*ad ver»laiid lhelw ueeB uelng thefeb*nk»doB olu i- A r a e r l c i o mai-hlnery hae i n c r e * ^ v e ^ 1 payment of (heir cuttomera' ae-■apMly, ihu* dliplaclng hand labor “ O” In fu n d i a t par at New Tork. Ae

o f H em burg.lUbbI M0**1" th* n'wohaiil eald to

Q au'gePhelm ,

h im nna day . “ w e a l l re v e re you, but my d a u g h te r e ip e c la lly re v e re * an d adnilies " • “ " l l r . n iK ; . r e a t e a t en lhuetaem . It

ami more.T hta u p tw ro n l n eg lec t

w ith It dIHona,

of opportunity.l',‘h It.-’f’.U u rt a",J,’M « 5; U S y th ^ eo'lGctron _____________

The^ltaUrf B tftra! Ilbelr cu.tom «r. may not gel the Idra t |* l

lult wholeealere whoee banka are not •ra l are themeelvee called upon to

chargee in order thatIllliona, wae coim-iiieni wi... » i rr r, eui _ _ -

you with Ihe greaicet WouPI be the highral honor to nw to have y o T la i a lon-ln-law. Pray vlelt us *om#

• • n ^ “ « ' ' y ^ .5

“ Moira MendfliWitin was very r^rllring and *hy h* wi* wKlly kunchbacki-ir. 1" length, he set out for the Journey. He went to Hamburg, and w oghl out Oaii- genhelm In hi* counting-houae. The mer- ? h i„ t said to him; "Go «P and sec my daughter: *he will be dellghte-l lo i «

vUU lo the

. J Ia te i a n / k e United Kingdom are shown

)f table;parti from the United I d thoM to

In the foi-

cqi ,Weet anil South, however, accord-

advtoee received by the Nationallowing brief taLEXPGHTS o f CYCLK8 A S!P_JKA"™

FROM T H S UNITED STATKB.Deitlnallon. 1S®A,.

Total ..........................ll.gM.OU -i-iii'To thcVnlted Kingdom. A*«-'

Not only Icen cycle* cent. In one

At tbeIQM k> I__ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -m d i t M*d ' 8 A M oriatlofif th* p r ic t le * d f k « r f f lp f p o ll4 « tln t lo e i l check* 1* w n i r a l a r i d jh e of lb*

haa tbe total »*l>ovt “f A « ^ a Inoreasad hy nearly W le year and th a t to the t1n(led ■1 ffilwaiit ihib iKinv ratio, but in*

fonifU q arid th e officer* of tb f f t i i^ U tl iR iAve do lo rm ln ed . th e re fo r* , th u l tb* f i r i r

I g ic p in re m ed y in g ih* evU 1i t* g e t All th* I b u k * 10 chir»«* lo r th e eefvlc* o f oolloct*

: - ‘ ■ „ n i-Itl ih o rU y be fo n t lo iH* N*kr

iVot'jt Cleorlng Hq'uo* AbbocIaUop, atklu. th a t ibA m i l t e r b* b r o u tb t b*TDr4

v r i t t . 4.4 W4.VT e f— * - r - a .Q b ja e . I^A*i»b*ri, Riul ln itJdUlon. « drottlar l^ t* rde'S5T f . ! S n Urttlih c X l e l o r marVet*, R l l be rant to I ho indlvl^ua^

ilpodm anlae.'i ea'w one family who had._TaLae. -ta ._s.J Aoidmn aiiinlxImbltad and eaten euoh quantltlee of a t kallwe m atter that the neutralliing efftet of the s l l^ te e t ftold we* to rtu re to tliem. w hat they craved being more end more of the burning aalte. In their composite kltohen and dining-room 1 noticed a rowof bright new tin cans upon a ehelf f Hrst took them t« be oondeneed milk, but lu re my horror when the mtatr»*e of the bouee took down one of the tjane. whlcli I

^’M'^nBetaenlin made the vlelt lo ja ig M rt tm another dey .Memlctaeohn

hHm. ''.hould 1 epcftk frankly to you7"yS'u uhlloeouher.. benevolent • mli > o u wllfnot U ke » In bfd I>*t' from

then lew wee a oonoentrat^ lye. opmed It and gev* a hraplng vpoottfui t t a children all around, r^ e y l lc k ^ U down with evident delight and w ent bAck


wise You will not take It m b(( . the child; ehe wae shocked when ehe eaw

rm ra r f r lg h t tu i hump."

^ ? f ' = r * o T r a l / & ^yot I wlB cell and take leave of oaugn '

tarrtofora held almost « c lu .m ly



ImiiiHkVfliniillAfMjp-Otrt bejM f^nnjwgyj^

■ O A m » isa-"0 0 »

FOR Bel*, floor* and peri* of botswa, taq u ^ig Orleans It,__- . . . ------- --------

T g.r«i p * '* **•*tlaTb «1 pawItait Park »V

. W aihliutta* «*%•

FLAT lo tat. r toonta and beth. High a t _________ , ------

Inqatae ‘

MUI.RERRT ST., t t l ®r tl» room* and Wrtef: « • 'id illmayo, wd Uroid


kuortatlon, asltlng forth th* dralrablllty V.V.ii.i. m .m ifaciurera ot eyclei,' w ai I of united action on the matter, II W he- Itrltlah m am ilac tu rera^o _^,„f7 aurlng 1 |la»ed that battke can be ahown a revenue

™ to f no Inconstderahlc dimension* If they’ThuilThv

•» B»ra11 -ras tfioie of the t mtea | WINTEII ItBIlGIlTR.of Hi earlier dev*l«pm*iil and lutmena* i 'capital and facllllle*. There are

PARK BTf. T*--Elgbt !*•“ : 1 H roonw F * l'm “'k_4'2 ',v Improvement*. jT j. BCnMID , to CiAil Mf

Unltid 8 lit<*d, iniMfUlflciUihKi rrow n to propOFtlou* aIidobI * SJ t C e of th? Ktng^IOm* _



*Ie went, up Into the dwelUna apart- m thta and w atad hlDiielf l>y the faughtcr, who w»e sitting near the window In a raised eoat, with e piece of needlework In her hand. They talked together pkajani- ly and Intimately, hut the maiden did not

iiftne*thaV"the condlllona are now nurly aoiireclaled by the British manutaetuiW i SSS I t a t he will not so easily be caiigW s la in " but aa th* manuBtclurer* of yvd llnlieil Slat** »re not likely to wHhout a e tru iila the advanikg'* dent to two years of sucoceiful (he former m ust now fight to retain f h a t

Atliwtte Ctty*

JS , to ray nothing of getting b w k what he he* foat.he


] |g T WH IN n w tw d b r T B L E P H O N R mantea, t a t trom Newarb: tob may

oMMaRRioRte with N K W Y O B K ggd l i t o thar olUe* u d (o w n i lo

tbe Entire Telephone SyaMin.IMtaa IFHklB eh* Raaek e f AIL

look up, and Mendeta*ohn illd not look at her. At length Hu- maiden put the ques-

TbeNewYorkan^ New Jersey

Hoii; "Do you really believe that matches are decided In heave nf"

"Oertslnly; And something very unuiual happened In nty case. You know that, ac­cording to a Talmudic laying, at th* bdrth oi a child. It I* announced in hasven. Thlt ami this one will have thl* one and thta on*. Now, when 1 wa* born, my wife wa* called out for m*-l>ut It wa* also diclared that Ihc would, a lai! have a (earful hump, ■near Uod!’ I aald, 'a imAlden who J i di* likely be WtUr and harah;

t to be heiutltul, Dear

i i-D r H Hedell Urane,, of Summer ave­nue. I* very m with pneumonia. _

_4thart<‘i A- Morrlk ot Glen RMfe. '■ tbs maJhan'P*! englneetjiv charge-of the Holland aubihArin* torpedo boat.

Ickwol CcmratwlonerA S T ’

furttliM . iint ihd cold bc* Witer both* te teOkltf tniUBd

3 ^ ' - H ARPgR. Ml C lletah **■■ « ” » <*'...d IL . dev. R ecto r el

Ni aF. JEt* Wlirieinveibialel »»nt MR -------

L l i U AOwswis.•eH flS iifriRMn.

To-m orrow


"eSM ™ ""AirtF^Ka **- * f e

r y .ta

PXaANE kTe,rent il.

Bbt—tlirM rooBW with Wit*i j

iwrt liooc flit.

ROOM S-Four n t a ^ vela, ealKt lemlly;

good T o rttlo iu high *t - — .■ ---F — oilly.

llrr"*** IBB<** **>♦ tatk*


FHIVATll^orIta eaa aeraiaygw «»m




daocell or

HOOMR-Three Bleeranifimlly. near UaMln F

dreia Fermneat, B n A I. d - 1

ROOMR-rtve roFiffls waiili traHi at Oeetrel eve, and

to eiwaed flu. Rootne, B n RT.

ik hoqaeat riF' room*: e tr tta

p ta 3 irimM Seita In New l o A o« llo«d*y

Dearralden ou

God, give mo In— —b ebelm lfu l and oooeeiyl

to rn ifd w in

'til* hutopT R h'*^* '** ''*

Asa a bleycta J

wan I

1 1

Will be one of oiir mi- dal Real Estate ad days, H win th) y<m good ta gat your bouses advertfsidtliCD in the

■Wingflatfl ■ '

f S i M l

t t th " ! S »a iU iiv ^ r Suimaar a ra - iApbiy


iHB-Two room, ta let. leeuhe at T

[g th e o w rldo r o f !!■•** County Cooft^h o a ie ,o n

Thufiday, March 2 4* *W»At 3l l0 P. M.,

McQuaide FarmCmwlatlng of M o o m lhchi4l«* MW*

H o u M a n d B a r n s ,


iouTH mH OT. . i * ! .

% n s . l

M GreRitwIoh St., H*

■ 1 7 ? ;a J b T .M d W

Page 3: First Edition. - DigiFind-It

^ f t f ' M t ) A Y , i A a k c h a a , i « 0 8 .

E N O A f l E D .t«R«ktftv ; « « r .

Ihi* cllir. n t niwia ni

d e a t h s .A N pB U iO K -O o TB«irt»y HK>rnln|, M in-h TS.

U M J«)ui r , A i ^ r * * . »*«d,TInw araf ^rtiManLi D ^T m a a i hm humiti 4«u. iwi

itrvrt, on TbumUy. M^rcb H. t tIT iB unnoftt m n t i ‘.talEffiatrry.

Msrr. tM lo^BOLAH-JCm M arch, 51.wifa erf ( > » ^ Kolan. , , ^

RalativM iiwt frlanda arc kindly InvUad to «|l«aid tiM funaral from bar l«l« roaidanra. 1T« W arren atreet. on Thuraday. March 14.

' ‘ •* > ilt. Jitaaph'a t*hurrh. whereat I'kO A. M..a ’ Hiith U aa j ni HaquIeai'wlU ba ufTaml for.... - - . ’ li

B B L P w A B f a a a i i a i

l l O n o B - 4 t a « t o B t M T « r t t o t M f • « r n t l a v B i r t a h l r * • » « • *t h a X B W «

f a r l a a A r M a a .

w ill !*• • » • • • * * "

Oi* filjxiM or h .r ii'ill. lnt.rm.Dt In lIlD I'tlMt.fy of Ih* Holy Bfpulohi..

KtRADT-On MtiTh 10. 1«W. lindiit. Iwlovala lf . of John ftr.idy. , . .RrlDllit. uiui frlttun nr* klmlly tnvttod w Dtt.iu) th . run.ral from h.r l»l. .rwldmc*.

X a a a a a a a t a

• a a h .Nm « A T * rU M M « ii t w i l l fc* « 4 »*It * *

i ik * fc* * * fcjr a a t h a r l a a A a x a a lO *

A a o w a r a f a a A r a r t l a a B i a a t a a r a k a a i f a r t w e w a a h a a a « a r a f f c a a i a . o t r a r a A . I t a a r a l X a r A l a » a a l t l a a l a A a a l ra A l h a a « a a a k a a lA b a a o t lA a A .

■ C U > W A X T H O - r a N A U M .

U pU IB W O R K -A *lr! a i s to d f o r . * j a a i ^ hmiMwarh; m uit b« n tkMd cook. I B w «nfe

tn fton a t l

HOlWWORK'^Tounir Kitl for UEbl bowewoffci ^alME homei aMe vaahtrwoauta. M ruUo^

HOlWBWORK-Wanted. r o w firt ttjK hoawvork. (U Souib iOib at. Ma

MuVHitwOHK ........ .......»offc: tHrmnn orefeirtd.

Olri wanted foe wn*ral houae- tu l ^ t h Tth at. 1

MOt*HRwOKK-«Younf Rlrl for honaevork: no waihinjr i»r cooklnf, 4T Orartfe at. _ _

KorSEW'OHK-Otrl wanted for M oral houao; WArh; reference reoulred. 20A North Tth ft. 1

LADY bixjk*ke«p^ wantad: rnuat ba compatMt, arcuraie anil rotlabta. Addttaa. autiM

enca. eai*ari«nc« and aalary aapocied, Uonh- h«per, ito* HI. Newa I

No, ITH WitnTniton atiret. on W’edneaday., toitt. Jamaa‘a ChoresMarch 21, at h A" a H lE h * of Rooulcm will be o<-

................... of her aoul. Inr-------*In tba t'ometary of the Holy ftacHilrniwhera _ _____farad for fha rwpoM

A OROC1CRT Clark................. ............. aianda the bualneaa and lha tahmi: cy " .bar aoul. in ten n en t horoaaj bo o thar need apply. « - Ilituw ii -- ~ - SON. n o Pacific at. *

LArNM lRKA. waltraaa. cham bervuldf] hM oe- wurk Elrti wantad. M IM MAHTINHa 56T

Main at.. U ranra. t

. March 20. i n s .' yaara n montlHikindly iDvitad to

hia lata raahlenca.

B R E N T M -A i OraiiE#. N.Kufcna Rrantim, a t«d and 10 daya.

Ralatlvaa and frienda ar* atiacid tha runaral frtun hia - ii- No. 11 H enry atreai. on Wednaaday. 21Wl Inal a t S:W P. M. Intanuafit In Roaadalf Ceme* lory.

O A H IL L ^ n M arch SL IMS. Luka, aon of R lliabath and tha la ta lAwranca Oahlll, and

A O K N T fl-C a n b l. ra.n« . , « in

N l’R S E -A ni%t young ifirt to taka oara of a baby; to rlacp bi^n* nlghta IH i Avon av«. r

itam p ayatam‘ • HF.l.LRERG. « to 1 P.ia« -

towna. AppI 10 A. M.. Ml Irniotk at.

OPKRATOHlt. la n u : d2 dptingAaid avaiT WM, B,

1 —baotera and .An*


A a tN T P -B a ll nail Valve 9 “ b li i,.oonaumara W l« id per c«ny on


huaband of Annin Cahill in— Lo’oael. B flatlvaa and frlanOa ara InvHtd to attend

Ihe fiuiaraT fioiEn h la ja ta raaliiance..No. 259 Thi



ChitthMl aireet. on T h u ra d ^ , March 21 a t k A. M„ tn i t . Jam ca'a n iu rcb . where a High Maaa of Requiem will be (iffered for the rapoae of hia aoul. Intarmeni O m atery of the Holy Sepulchre.

COOPER-On M arch 21. l^k*. Koelna, wife of Adam Cooper,

Ralailvee and frienda are kindly Invited to attend the funeral aarvlcea from her la te realdence. No. IPK P arkhural atraM. on W ed. neadav. M arch 5», a t 5 P. M. Intcrm em In Woodland Cemetery.

DIEROLD>^hi the 2lat Inal.. Augnat, aon of Auguatlne and the lata John tH eb^d and

tuahand of B llaabelh Halalar, ag«^ 61 yaara mnmha and 16 d ay a

Relattvea and frienda of the fam ily are In­vited to the funeral on Thnmday, the 24th Inat., »t 6 A. M., from h li lata realdence. No MS M arket atreeL to i t .^ J a m a r f a Churrh, w hare a Bolemn High Maaa will ba cflab ra tt^ for tha rapoae of h it aoul. In ­term ent tn Falrm num (>maUry.

D O N A H re -O n M arch 20. iM i. Mary Donahue m et elem ental, beloved wife of P atrick ^ r u h v e . ajmd 3A yeara . . ^

Relatlvea a n d frienda are kindly Invited to attend the funeral from her la te realdence. No. 4T Riath avenue, on Wedneeday, Maroh 2R. a t n A. M.. to St. Michael a Church, where a Klgrh Maaa of Bequiam will be of­fered for the rapoae of her aoul. Interm ent In tb# O in e te ry of tha Holy iepulchre.

D t'H A N D -A t Bad DlefO. Cal-, on March 21. IMA M artha L. Durand, formarly of New- mrk, N. J . . d augh ter of Jamea Uawaon, d ec reed .

O ALLD-On M arch 21. 1HW. M anraratlm, wife of the la te F ranela X. Qallo. aged •» yea re.

Relatlvea and fiianda are kindly invited to attend the funeral from her late r« ldenca,

So. 2ii_ O range atreet. rni W a^eaday .a r r b n . a t 9 A. M.. and from thence to

i t . A nguatlna'a Church, where a Mane of Requiem wtll be offered for the repoM of her aoul. faterm aBt In the t’etnatery of the Holy Sepulchre.

QUOKK^O w M arch » . 1»«. T ^ a a W. Ororti. Relatlvea and frienda glwj ofBcfra and roe»*

bera of Court Raaei No. IWWO. Foew tara o t America, a ra Invited to attend a Requiem Maaa a t the Purred H eart Church, com er i ia th avenue and Ridge alraat, im wedtiea- rtay. a t T:Ml A. M. In le rm w l at HprlngfUld. Maaa,

o n .U C K —On M arch 2D. IM6. Mary A. OUlIck. Ralatlvea and frienda are invited to il te n d Hw

funeriJ from her late realdence. No, 2Tl Kalaev atreet, o n jy « ln « n la \ . the IW Inal., a t ti-.m A. M.. to « r Rrlflgel’a Church, where a High Maaa of Requiem will be offemd for the repdaa of her aoul. InteTtnent in the Cemetery of the Holy Sepulchre.

H ER R ST-O n the IDth Init.. Julia , widow oC Hleronymua lU rbet. aged AD y*ara.

Funeral aervicea from her late realdence. Na AM H unterdon atreet. on Wednewlay. the 2M Inat.. a t 2:30 P. M. Relattvea and frienda are Invltad to attend.

JOHNSON—On M arch 30. ISDA. w n i'a m B. Johnaon, . . _

Relatlvae and frienda, tlao ofRceri and raefn* bara of W aahlngton Lodge No. 21. K. of P-. are Invited to attend the funeral aervlceii from hia Late rMldence. No. ftl Crawford: itreet. on W'edneeday. a t 3:30 P. M. In te r mant a t F alrm ount Cemetery gt the conveu tence of the fam ily.

lIcCAHRON—Oti M arch 20. IMA, Hugh M. beloved huaband of Julia MrCarrcm fnea H cC n m a rk l and eon of (ha late Hugh and M artha MeOarron. aged « yeara.

Relatlvea and fiiend i of the fam ily aiw kindly Invited to attend th^ funeral from hli la te realdence. No, Newark atreet, on W edneeday. March 22. a t A. M.. to Si. Joeeph’i Church, where a High Maaa of Requiem w ill be offered for the repoee Of hia aoul. In term ent in th* Cemetery of the Holy Bepulrhre.

PIKHBOM—On (he iOth tnat., Jam ea H.F u m ra i acrvlcre a t hl» late reaMence. 1M

Mt. n e a a a n t avenue, on Wedneaday. March 3 . K M . a t W A. M. Relatlvea. and frienda. aleo membera of Henry r ia y l^odge, K. ol P., a re reenectfully Inviied. Interm ent a t E re tg raee Cemetery. Morrtitown, N. J convenience of family.

Jeriey C ity papera pleaea copy. PORTER—Buddetily, on the 220 inat.. W ljltan

Porter, aged IB. at Wa realdence, 61 (.Yaw ford atreet.

Notice of funeral hereafter,R IL E T -D d M arch 3 t. IMW. Mary, widow of

Ihitiick Riley,Relatlvea and frienda a re kltidlv IbvHm to

ailecid the funeral from the w ld en o e of her aiift, Mr. Jnhn M urray. No. 2A Quam- Believllle. N. J , <•« '^ i^ne/day . M ^ h » a t A A. M.. to m . P f te F t Church. W h w a n igh Maaa of lU quiem will be o(t—^ for tha rapoae of her eoul, rn tin u an t In St, P eteF aT em etary . RellevllR.

tnC PH EM B O K -O n M(WdAy. March 2Lafter aevere lllBaaa, B ^ i e , only beloved daughter of R ichard and E l i i a ^ h Btet»heO' eou, aged 3 year T memha ^ 13 d ay a

Funeral aervicea wl» be held a t Ihe realdence No. 240 Orange a tree t on Wednea; dgy. M arch 32. l» S . a t ID A M. In te m e p l hi ML Hope Cemetery, LambertvUie. N. J- a t the eoDveniaooa of tbe family

fDDl no computitlno:In iirV ilU<

A COMT‘KTKNT, «Iu«W d 4»r 20, tor * w ponllb l* pi«in™ i

t( lultod. CDll W.4iv™i«ir t l lK 10. r o w t. • ! »U0 uroDd il.

PAPICH boxea; cxijerianned hand* oa paate and g lu t work: als.. a few learnera. QOKDON,

K R A groW A CO., foot of C’entre at.

THIMMKRS—Kipcrlenced trlmmare w anted on W lllrov A OIbba aewlng machine*', a tead /

wturk und gooi] wage*. Apply a ll v e tk , U Aun* work ami gooil wage*. Apply lUry A. li. H F fR R , m a itro a d at.

MOMBMB. e A m i l l A O a s , B T C .

UQRiFB AT a u c t io n --H O R S M AT P tU F A T B BA IJB-


TH B Q R IA T mAfTERN BALE STAUTiE, 416. 49T aitd A20 Broad at.. N ew ark. N. J. TUB LAROEBT SALE BTARLEH IN KlflV

JEKSKY.ta rg e Auethia Bal* of

— IIORBEH —e v e r y t v i ;m d ay a n d F r id a y

AT IDiau A. M.Theee aalaa Include tro tlera . nacera. ri)ba,

m atched paira, ilagla drivera, fam ily. Uuaine**. work, expraa*. draught, farm , Jeraey chunk*, in fact, horaea to aull ail Wiruyeea.

IM to ITS fMMid (rf Rrel'flap# horeH alwaya on hand « t lariyMa aale or eirhgajce. Ail harare eold ooH rodays ' tria l, and if uot a* repraeenteamoney obaerrully refundwl.

Horaw, waaoh* and harnea* to ld on eommta' ■Ion. e ither at aucilnn ur p riva te aal«.

ftSaU LA R a u c t io n b a l k s EVERYT l’P-BDAV AND FRIDAY

TeliDhone ISI and TT(LJOB, 8. HOY. Auctioneer.

J . B. ilOREHOlTS.

HOY A Kt^X. ITopa,

iiiL ica w . BANXT * B x a .




TA II/1RK 88 wanted tha t underatanda to b aa tiI. 3l

A **I«TANT d w lilM n irr I""* ' " • P I I J r f ‘“ I S ' bull fDciory; d M.noDTjpMr

dreaa w ith refarence*. I. M, U . 2 t> n tre at. — 1

L 1 t7 w ith a«i*a toT office lb factory, s.^

in ateevea, and ana to flniah on line eoata. Richmond s(. 30b

AT PRIVA TE BALE.So Beaond hand llpraea. F a ir (ria l given.

TELEPH ON E 424.___________

M V ilE S S S E O T IC M S .

TelaphuM 404.R T D B R

B atab ltaM IISB.A C 0 4 * l



NEW ARK. N. J . 730

J.VPANKSE rnamnira for flour coeerlnga a t low*■ T i e r n .......... — — “

at., tke ...............cleefiM

____ IARl>TK, VSt lli\«dupholsterer and cwninei m aker; can»fts

eit p fkaa at A.and la id : h a ir mattreae*# ma'i* atid<

blade over; vam lahlng aa d pollahlng; siorage. Tei»Ph‘~‘T>e 3Hkfl._____________________ __ ___

IIKNOVAIJ,. 'M iriac 'A l. W l w i N B K T * .

Sporting fk»odA Oame* e t c . . ^ - remiiveil to 731

MmUIB Hew • t . i .h e a UA------------

toIbeiTv at.t l^rw XA.. •'

A R K ^ ST.. near


T*l. 411. SB N. J> Kallroad ave.fl7r

x v i i X K M o r p o m n w i T i M .

_ _____ _ t Iocs*Han; ealabl1sh*Hl and under tM preaent

agement 9 rea rs ; recelm s »:»D weekly; re«t |K L iirk te a t InvHiUgaiton Invlteil. IIUPEWT

-M eat and vefratable m arket: tgr« ll« ishail aj

iKHiTH. 96 Cllntan al.A. -Bargain! Bargalnf Well-Mocked groiwry

■lore, with B rosuna; cem rally locaii It-eabout tST.I: for cample.

I Cl led; pel

l« ji (Kan Invenlnry; Ju*t the W**'* HURERT B(¥>TH. « C llum i *1. I

-t’hance aeldom offered; x fw » ry and meal market: e tre llen t com er la t*aiers<m: rent <mlirent only

Wh ; fveeipts 1361* weekly; cash trade « a n ta in­creased: prltw lAV*. n r i lK H T HOOTH. 36 O in-tim •(. *A WKIaL establlshetl K?ot and shoe 1

atere for sale a t a re ia im abk price. A'ltt Hank *L

fpalring Call hf

A fliOOD com er sal>vm for sale. 146 Jam es sL Bla

IIA RtlA lH '-^trorerv store, m r. Astor and Fre-llinghuysen a%e.; gtHHl suick: horsa and waguiil

living ro(>ms allached. reaeon. death of o«n«*r, Adiireaa J. 11. MARTIN. 4tl Astor st. Olab a k e r y for sale; 7 rixons in hous'-. rent ISD;

u le s t2D weekly; Matures and everything tfimpieU; no resennabte i>fTcr refused; must b* wdd. M South i'irsng*' aNC- 1

ii .ii HK n w s K R R ,« »»i. writ* In W llX lA M II. W AllNEH, IS I

ItO tTLKl* milk M utr f-.r sele and Roseville. Milk. It

f„ rd .... tnge.

K>tat Ureuge Newi; i.ftliit*, nej

iu i . I . n i O i t Wlih W* un«ciMlKl rublwr preparation, or no pwy. *THE F A IR -A dam s W allpatwr C ^ 1 , 7^

Pleav^ call un Mr. K u lb w ^ . w S p n n ^ ip ,i 24. N«we office ave.. and get eatim ata on pa*wrlniL ♦ le.; we t'i*»w nl«ejlrst-ciaM work. Seod AP tpipishnctp. MM Newark TeL CP. iW

CASH grocery store on g»«*-1 ihortmghfnre.near centre of city; doing good bunlne (lire*

rsM»roa attaihehl: low rent: full stock and Dx* • l ln ; no agcuiH. Adilresa Uargain,

t r i m m e r wanted for hat factory. Cone St. Etnplivvment, ID UoP* el-


A TOVNO man, aboutedge (rf bocdi-keeping

Bok 76. New* ufflee.

B O Y -O »«n. DtUv,. h o n .it t» r , w**** •* ,! tV i * y r t n ’ « p . r 1in r« In dm * H ot*; m «

Im m i ilDl* w fM »n», •«». ••IMT'. D™«»jIh n IV. N iw i pfllM.

B O y -A ll» .. ,ip » r l« t» 4 und«r IT; • *o«l ch tn c i la t l »

In.iw tM D hu llin '. A ddm * W .. B«> « . offlfl.. •**’HOT wanted tn operate R em lt^ toa^l

oi»e having eipsrltnce isreferreu. D, Hoi a*i. News oBIc*. ’

AddiBARTKNUKH uruilKli llnirlD m w i •“J S lJT .lS

CDOd r .f« r« u '.. Apply »l o " » . A in » n « n H o u ... ______ *

TIRIGHT bovi warned. ^ K ie U vd linking chain. Staridard Noveltyply.PD DPL- „W ork .. 40 N w hiu tc P .BOT-WDnlDd. I itrorwr

Dnd pollihln*. Apply AlJOLiT m u v i W N. I. R. K. D « ._____BOY w «nl«) (H rbrnf). II • W y u « "

iBDkD hImwK UM^ul Drouud n loon . H pru»n . ______________JBOY WDDtWl.

horn*; M«y w'lfS. ™ X T K B BA LU i’dM- w ,ll. __________________ *Ho t w in l« l with r .f .m ic e .. Inquliw S4I Clln-

I DTD.. DDWidMiltr. ______________ ;

V M D H R T A K S n a


»t0 MABKIST BT.. NEWARK ^ J.YT. ■UDiwolDD thDt m r chDrWD will b* D « ^

Don4l>l« a i «n» otiwr ho u i. In l l» pity. Q(l will r« « ly » DTOiBPl Dtim tlon ai Dll houn . x tl DphOB. call SJl. RDDldDDCD OT OfllC*.




tR A &tTN O K H TA K Bir , , -

B u .tn « . p«4DctDd Toi M n, Ormibir by a n ^ pan nah a im ar aw l an a ip a r i .M rt fu w w ^ d l- rte lnr. M BROAD S T


for Mr*. Ormaby I

Taleobon* ILEW IS D. CRANBa

sycassb o R toHUiX f ISH a CRAN8.


TELEPH O N E i f e NEWARK, N.. V. JAO PSU S A 9 0 N -

tTndaeiakara and BnbalmcrA 112 RomtUI# ava. Telaphane SbS. Roagvtlla.

VtKITlNO governess wanted for girl of 12; E n g ­lish. French, artthmeilC: stale term*. A ddroai

W. M.. iTti Prospeci st.. Fast Orange, N. J . 4

CHAR ORtJBE.Ihim iiiei Wagatia, BugglM aaS ( ^ r t ta tc a W* bava now a plant for m iiting oa the beat


W A N T E P -A t Home for Aged Woman, 216 Mt. E*1eaaaiit avs.. good, strong womaba aa nook;

6cotfh prefsrrad; w ag s j

Is tha mark*! on new or old ea rrlag ea trag i or rosffwiMrof** i^ o r ty ^ t irb t^ k o u rrf .RMloa.m u wawofts ib forty-ourbe bourw nouoo.


114; bring city referencei.WANTED, at once, rooka. w ait

lanndreaa** and general houae'. . 6ff4 Main st.. cur W aihlngtob at. ange.

*a, Bume*. f irk m . Uall

. Jl'OT r*c«ltfed. carload of weil-seim* sd hoffoa; iiw i-elaaa drivera. bu*l-

nsaa and heavy d raugh t for sa lt at lawMl m arket prloea; tria l givtn; for '£ 7 e » e tc h m n g a . The O ilyX ine Hale

T6aW A K TFl). a t 16 Munn ava.. Bast Oraiute.

colored woman; competent to cook, w sah an Iron.

***le or etchsnge.BubiDA 8 p r ip w n y i^ .« ^ « « Vwp** T .l, ftlua.S3p

BOY for duhhopi*; Owmaa or H rhraw mnal Diwab K n tllih . OB. wUh .jpa rtanoa p r«w < -o . M rr ta Cluli, FIni 1». N tw i olWc*. ______ NIa

W A N TK D-A iDiindrPM; alio alrl for banDral house and kllchcn work. Apply H erman H ob-

pitai, Hank at, “

irOR tA L B -A ll h ind , o f woHt horw ,. Hiiht ond h«iyy; .u ltov lr for c liy or farm ; fnini 11.4- a l « 7 l a r » . .loch of vaddlln* My.. II>M

- - -------- also a furnlTur*W A N TED -A half-grown

work. Inquire first 6onr.girl for light bous

U Houtli O r a J ^ av a l- ’ r r ‘b.“ -:id‘ c . ^

W ast KIDltry >1.

WOMAN <0 wdNi d lih n In rM U uran t; ca ll a fla r • o'clock; rlnc door bell. IS Naw at. 1

A BAROAIN, and muot b« aold a l nnse. ona ^ ro m llr Dbd klUilnMW bo«« . leDiher-iop bii»*y.o a r r " « . boniM .. road.O D j. rv '“ >“.'“ ' '

for Dickai-plalln*- b u e r h a n n ;

WANTED—a> a lr l. for houavwoife a sd upalalra Apply 12 J ames at, rate; cheap on acroUbt

party . IM Pennington et.private 1

i H E L P

EX PERIEN U ED help wanted in ladi*e' ta ilo r­ing establishm ent, ('all s t 10 South O range

ave. A PPEL, the ladles’ tailor.OPERATORS and Anlshers wantad ob ooata;

also presaer. 24 Morton st, 48b

„ 'anted onO, A. QOLDSMITM, Ampere,

BRASS moulders floor and bench. N. J . » b

BOY w anted to learn the trade, ^ n k s t . _____ ___________

B E R IaA, 74

A trrrV E man desires poeltkm aa ealeamajj or coHeetog; references. Address RellaJile. Bus

News office. ________ I

RHASS moulder wanted. 861 Elm it .BoY-rW illl ng boy wehls eituailon tn Bton. w ith

chance of advancement. Addresa W illing, & i i New* office. _______ Mb

C A H PE N T E R S-T wo Inbblng ceJTwntera of aWl- Ity. to take charge or shop. AWpeaa Shop. Boa

News office. ___ . _ ,iB I^rH R R -S itua iliW i wanted by relMble maba

Addraea Reference. Boa 42. New* olio*._____ 1

CARPENTER-^W anted. a O EA i'H * COLT, Orange.

grwd carpeoief. r o t would like to learn a good trade. M B arbara st. __________

D RA rO H TkM A N -W anted, an arch itec tu ral draughtsm an, to make an occasional d rsuch t

or trac ing nn Hnen tor a g l i d e r ; neat w orker need answer. Addreaa 331 P sfk eve.. Orange. ____ _

BOY (ISI w ants work at anything, trade. 67 I'nlcm sl______ ________


d r i v e r —A men wanted to drive delivery ^ g - Address, giving age, reference*, etc., per-

COMPETENT engineer and fireman dealiwa po* s ltlon ' can do all repair work; thoroughly un-

d e r tu n d s hi* business in all Us branohw : g t ^ city reterencea. Address hnglneer, Boa 9 . News office.

m anenr. Box 4d, News office.DRIVERS, clerks, coachmen.

hands etc., free to employeca. Tel. 1136R. 26 Cedar it . __ __ ____________ *EX PERIEN CED

Work; bicycle .------ -----------W IR T /. A GRANERT (*0.. Lincoln. County. N. J . _____

pol libera wanted on nickel parts. HDLLINGSHEAU.


e x p e r i e n c e d cu tler wanted on *‘flherldan'* machine; stale ealarir eti*e<*ted and reference.

WKINGARTKN 40M1 High *t. IMEN w anted; IT.50 and a few hourF light work

take* you to Rurove. Shipping Office, 6 Clin ton at.. New York. _______ »NRAT young man wanted to work in J e w e l^

sto re; referencea Addrea* Neat, Boa M News office. IPHOTOOAPHER for outdoor worti-

2411 W aahiniton a v r , Woodald*.GERTZ,


PATTERN-M AKEH8 wanted. C. C. S C O T T .jn N. J Railroad pi. ___ _________ IWb

PHERSMAN wanted on 6ne ganu. T ilA BLG R. 44 Oreen st. (rear).

M e f e n -

RETRCITS wanted for the U. S. M arine Corps;a b l^ b ^ ie d , uTiMrrie<l men. aged 31 to 80. clt-

lasns of the united States, or who have leg«ilyd e e la rtd 'th e lV ’ia'ienUi^^^ become clHiwii. 0] good rherac ter and hahUi, able to speak, reac and write English; height between 6 ft. 6 in. and 6 f t., may apply a t KB tv eat a t . New York enty. .STENOORAPHSBI-K'anted. i n agperieewed

male Hebographer. on Hemlngtnfi typew riter, ami with knowledge of general offUw work, (o take temporary position; salary 112. Addeeai B. M.. Hog W. New* office. ________Sa l e s m a n —A young man w anted lb star*, to

a c t as saleeman and shipping cleik ; MO<A\ reference required. Addreaa Clerk, Bos 41 Newe office.T H R E E woodworkers on bodies and Jobhini

W. C. ARZT. lu and IS Spring *t., Wisabej;lN. J . S4bW ANTED—Energetic, honest men, a t rep

aentaiivee of (he MetropoHlan S a v i i ^ i A*aoclattAn. Anply from 4 J o 6;atTP.

to SAM’L JONES. Supt..

repre and

. ___ . . M.______ __ D, R, Snovar,

room 31 N a t Rank Bldg.. D rtn f* , N. J ., or to E. A. LEACH, Supt. of A aenta MatyopolltBB B ldg., cor. Market and Waanlofftoo ata., N ^ - a tk . N. J. 26a

iudustrkrb* men to operataOptlgraph, nvovihg pioriBw. a t-

- ----------- w ith theW ANTRD-Qpod

our oew 126 0 , ^ .iachm ent for maglo lan tem a vK- - — , nima. and eahlblt them before tha publlo; they fit any m agte lantern or stcreoptloon and make the g reaieat fnicrtatnnient featur* e re r ta tro - duced; no previous «perl#noe n m n ^ . BBARS, ROEBirCK * CX)., Chioaco. lU. H a

to n#ctp*t

W ANTRD-M eli. lb every locssitty, th e ir nelgtibor** names and a d d ra u - ,^ ^

100; steady work; send JOc. fo r blank I m k M d Instructions. National Adv. Co.. M arshall Mich.


WANTESD-A man for w it t ln f and oystAw. M Market at ________^


TOUNO MAN, who understand* p la in ja p an ­ning and dipping braas. Addraaia r ia th ig t------ ..a-j Jpertcnce and wages expected,

office.i m

■, M. SK IN N ER , undertaker and ^ N a 314 Cllbtob a r a TMapbohe 13S4«. 'T *

93 MBN o t a m ,appt.rDnoa, for hooDDxtO' hobise canvas*; salary and com m w lM , ( ju l

D ft.r 6 P. M. and Inoulr. tw MR. O R f ^aTBRNDBRn * < x i. a o -a w M priwt «t.

JOHN MATTOX, .H iw ani a t . : ta ltphon t J72A.

u n d M tik .r hb4 .m batm ar, tw U p

C B M K T B R Y IIB M O IIIA 1 .S . A OIRD, aa rd 14 yMr«, to mind o k lld m aD^ 4?

O X O liaB BROWN A OO.BDUbtudiai t a a

DaaUtMra aad M u B ta o tiin t t at U L T lv n c MONUIIXNTB, MAUBOLXUMI


Ilirht lioODtworli; t w y l r a i M RI.W A K K riR LD , 1*4 North M i t . BaWYlllD. 1A.—OhambDfBiald. cook, aUo laondroa. ak^*< >

acrultwonirti for hotel; *lrl4 h o i^ w o r i t o rea offlec. faciorica etc. M Cedar M. t

A O E N T I wanlad for th . BBrtJia oon* l. ih t c o n a t mada; aood par. Addrraa Muraka. Bo*

IB. N o m oAca. ____________________________I


OPPoalta X otranca ta XL P l w '- * Camatanr.

A T O N CB-O om iin norwa, laundraaaM apd cooki a a n u d .

MO M ala at., Oranac.

F L O R llT A

A .-* U U D draan. hoowworkara and r w h a l r t r l i and c a lo ril hooa.workBr* aranlad. 78 Oantra

aL . Oranaa. • ________ *

n . a RTROBi

m m o A tarad P row ptit. i^ i^ A M ir r x t .

BXmODCTIOXt BRGRORIBD.Bartaa A O anr, pan irtlati; mamortala, 1

■ A la . U t B’war, N, Y.l 174 lum narmamortala, taatL


M B D N D A J.

DR. JANR HAMMOND HUBPBY, tha wall- tamm aliotropathic and honuMOpathlo phril-

clM, ot U4 Union at.. Nawark. U atill csrln* all ■arrmia and blood dIawiM; CANCKR CAN BB CURBD DC THBIR RARLT STAOD8. without kirtfa or Diaotarti madloatad air iBhalart for cm- tUTb and har favar; AUK) BUBCTRIC VAPOR a a t nadhmlad battaa tor faallr uaa FOR BALK *t A km pttea.NO PAT TTU. CURRD..

Wa atm M> flwnaat tiam all •0 ralapm poaalbit: narvoua t.„^ and all nrlnarr Iroublw, nrlaoeal^ MvalopinaaL anwtnral dlicbama. 1

. dlaaaaaa, rad itoaa and plmplH._____ . .. _ noaa i..ila waaknana, weak bad

^ ' a » « . r r . a ^ L , ^ m r d ic a E j n I Nawark Houra. I-S

loat altall&, impair- rmananinr eurtiL I | | i o iw u n

HAMBRROeR-S Pile Drtrar lha pronaaian and ----- baeoDsaaBdad

n ,

:lihonl«M which ar* 8J4IMI wK ba drablAd! drat niM leati UMUfit r*lM { 1 0 * ^ ouraTUe. bp&


kvUlA K .

I y>4i ^ l a t J a l

H B L P W A R T B D -F B M A L B R .

W A M T B D ~ M A 1.BM A L B .



m-OH HROk. iwll .iKUrtlna 9ooia.niuiicaJ iD iinim .ivIj. mM ltli .'ifl’

at low .it prtcM. 'iM B,u|nMUld ava., obP-

CIOAU and coiif«'i1no.ry l iw l t i . . . . well . , u b .ll«h .J; im rlna nc ll; ty

nlahol and Kurd. M. It>4h] liH'xtitm; ulcHy

lii>* Kg, Nevs omev. I

mont. Vnwark ‘phun# 1

IQAR and confectinnery stiure [gr aaN, l& l^ U,, Ik»x 111. Nr\ - irfTh e.


t tANDRRW"* partra lt and fr»in*New s t.; no canvwwwrs A n au ihorla^l lu w

licit uMer* for nur crayon and iHssiel Pi’r- tra lts wlthiHit <»ur w riiien authw ily.^___ i*

n n i l I I I n i l .PORTLAND IJllD ERB

Pulley P u l...______ RcaKolda F lM P ’I'aIS P l.D . «L lV l.iihoot 1 1I blMI. (Bl

MAI40N, jol-bln*. kalwmlnlc,* *'V'**S*VV Ing done at shon notice. VVILUAM ri. WAONKR. IH UedfUrt! si. ______ _ .*

FOR SALS—Dn account of death In the fgm ily, for Bbl* cheap, a comtilet* ka bualnpee,

with route, mechlnery; also boiler and engine, 13 horaen. 6 to* howee, with 18.000. mure or

tonn of Ida: * large lake, can cut from lg,Q06 to 30,006 Iona of Ire per year; a large house, oontatnlng 16 n>om«, with 36 acres of land; a mile within Paterson. N.' J, Apply, br mall. Lock Box 7, Haledon. N. J. ITu

r O R l A t J L

ALL kutds ot fruit nhad* and nmiii trees, vmesa sbi uhhsry mtiUfBiemai ...................................... . _

riises. (TBuill fnitc and sirnwhartyr p tam t; buy direct from grower i B i inv* bfim ta ' prum a rHAJL MOMM. st. and SurlngfWId ave., irvlng^m . FL J ., 4 blocks above lem lnua tlacirin

A W E H FK vuncert grand piano: also b haniidm black w alnut dlniug-r>>*m a*tj m n a i , .^

sold by A pril 1; a genuine bargain. Tail a t ra l 'w id e ave.. Jeraey ('liv Helghia. ‘i sA l PHuN O O RA H tl ami graPhopboM racarda,

H per dttivh, W. W. OUVKR. tvenlnga g i M A tlan tic a t .; mall order* received. 64XA MITTI.VD

rim ln Egot Ol .4 age.

(>f while lerhorb egra, Knatip I I . SuH A iru . (larfleid pL. Rydo F a r t ,

78nMARIIKK (Ixtures; three b«rber chair*, rack*,

hop j n b e s e - ApjiU? L.

m irnir# and olher i''ntetU* of shop niem of bulMIng. TK| Dniad at rtrt m .So. 3a. 7H6 Hnwd st.DlaA(*K silk


bires* pattern for will .ac rtlli* fnr bal|

Addraaa Sacrlllc., Bn*D ^f. X> 1yardh:


HUTTIIKHtl* and grocer*' »le*,Uutfhere' kn lv rs: Uyr* *l£Tki_tow Price*.

UA.NInTKH A FOUdARD. 306-208 M arU t st.68*

rleavriw andlow jirlces.

mCFOflK rtflllng your household goods gr atoelta cottsuU W. W. kF.ID. Auetionaer. #4t Market

Jt. K.nk'* each Tuesday and Hatwrdar nt IdjT A M.


liH U 'K , U.lkl a thouMnd, ('(•ringfleld a \e .


............ N fw nrkY*r\ls. WHueeUayi March 28, fifty hsa

(V»WH. I'OWH, fY)1VH--Ar • tn e jextra large fr«i)t ty>w* Md springers from NewYork* lihlii arvl Hennsylvanln; prkwn reason- able; rum«* ahi] Iw k iK»m over; they must bn Muld al igice, A. t'ANKlElJ^ K CO. 1,

JOHN M. STAHL, fu rn ttu ra and baggafs preai; plnno* removed. 54 MoPtgonicrr aLl

telephotia 1 1 ^

FCKNlSHKD-HtYDM hCHiae for sale; 11 room*;1mpro?eiTu*Tita: rm’irne all 611^1; will aell all or

p un . L. M.. Hw* 6'*- N ew anfliir. 1

rrM O tA T R R iN G to all Ha hranohes attended to «—at your house. Addres# Reasonable, Hoi ^ gprlngfleld ave.

News office,_____________________ ”

FDR SALE—V egstable s tanda butcher benrlirn. blMkS. etc. y H. HFUMENUINUKH. :<a


I'KIVIICS and fl'»n*d.HO Elm road; 3tia H arrison ave.. HarriaQn._j«P

FOR SA ljR--rnhfectlonery store.bualneaa; ow ner going to Europe,


gooddoing 16K Ferry

B t t lN R S S C H K N U lC a. R E M O V A L f.riS H , w a te r market

t ’eittrnl Exchange■ cheap, salee 140 weekly.7H4 Hr>>ad st. t

has removwd to I IT inu

WAT haRQAIN, tak*n Cor dsbi. Il5 lo fctO rlOj :®* .J! rt Vlght%«od work horses; have " luarry; aJno two light driving

DR. R. O STANWOOD North 6lh si.. Ib**evllle: hours, 3 tu 4 and 7 to

6 P M. Mceid W*dn*«UYi. -Nlephowi. B(«w- viii* i i * .____________________

g o o d <wah butcher huslnve* for sale; best lorn- tion in suburban town; siaml strictest tnvee-

Igatkm, Addrees llusluein. Ilox lu. N*wa of- IM. Th

bean ^ 'IjJm ia ,; w u o n . amj hara'W;lnaul«*iml**h«m «> **« h'H- Mpfln»8.ld ave, ahd W h at.EQUAL to new, “ SU nhope" lop buggy for wile:

months ago; abi>ul one-ha|f

E M P L O Y M E N T W A N T E D -M A X X a

f ^ t tl36 two months ago;ktuM It fine hand-made light team harnees, alt

lo r » . h m b : D irX K R . iw -rl manufar-iS m , w ar » Biooma n»ar houM, Oninga ca rs.' '

W AJLI; f * 1 * * e * * ° * * ?

^ p T iw ^ ia u iB * iad Inaii. u dIdT d M . a t lo w « t tjricaa; aand a pgalal d m I

OROCBHY ilo ra fnr aala rhaap; ilnlD* «ood hua.Itw » ; nid aaiahllrti.^1. 8pfiitirt1ald a« ... n>r.

Cenlrs st. IrvIngtun. N- J. , UHi

.......... pricei; awHi a P5M6I»ul call on you with ■StiE’l Aw*eetlmate for work: to reaponatbl* PArtlea 1 glv*

ICE H O rnC . horse, wagon and depaii 1U0 cns tam ers; sacrince on account of accident to

owner: llTtV. H anhaiiati K ichange, DM Market •t _ _ 1

(^ANDY a t vho lea ile ; the chagpest an d bent i-U. c In tba S ta te 10 miv confscilfinery. ilurw-*

tx i i" and camiy i*rs. 1.ESV18 HRfffi., MCitt-* facttirer* and pjobers. ITl^lItT Monro* M. New* asrk Tsleidume N*. ITTA; N. Y. and N. J . t ^ e -ph4in«‘ Nov IkKlhl.em vi^ , uiivvit, c tr tv f f -s t i i i they o o im : w ill

r(HLiv* Tuea<uy. March 32. ano ther choir*, load of t)h1c 4Miws; urtvate aate* u t jrilt-# ilg* stuck at xucipio t>rle*a, a t O l'S . L E W Iw E xUbles, 44:1 lM(h ave. B aCARDS engraved; vlelUng 4*^6 ^ueliuM

ordera filled In on* davt guarajuaed prloee; Wedding Invlialluttt, addre*a UREATHKAD. 155Qn>ad sLaOver Wli

d ia ^ a tk

an dCOMFLCTR prltiUag outlU: ro ta ry pn . -----![HV f.miM of iy|ie: very cheap; roust a*lt ak

nnee. 311 Nurth Sixth st.JlOMESTIO sewing machine, drop

table, for sale. 113 Arlington at.KCIGB for hatehliur. of for uaa; opy

hens exctl a* layers, oor tab la fowl the best; delicacies for tb s a id t loum or table; send atam p for Qlrow* lar. EeMX ('utility PouUry V a ra . Rlrsaanldale, N. J. 82t

2KHIfi--Hiark Minorca egg* for hairh li b r e ^ ; uhe-year-old vudtercl cheap,

iH vla ave. ne«r TaplMin st-. K ehny ,

a . N.,

or le a rn 1


p a RPEK TRR (40): flrat-clase all around me­chanic; 11.75 a day. HC^ITT. liox M . Nawa

DRI'O S—Young man would Ilk* ^ I t l w w Junior or aoda clerk; 5 years’ experlenoa. ^ -

droaa RHEI. Box VtK New* office. _______^DRUG CLERK, registered, want* poaltioa

Drugs. U8T Summit ave.. Jersey l*1ty. 3bdERM AN man want* sUuaiion ae coa^'hman. or

to do work of any kind; understands proper care of hocsee. 51 Charlum at. *PAPBR'HANOISR, Amefirag. with hia own

tool* want* more wniii from private pe^ lea ; , 'in call w ith full *et of s a im ile ^ k * ct* nrntM, Addre** Paper-hanger. Box ft*. News office. 4 lb

man desires Dositkon. coachman ■gardener; best refereru*#*. Addreaa 8* B..

TS” South 7th wt. ________ _____________A EU A B L E

itw s

TAILOR w anta iltustion « good buehelm an; can make pants. 132 Main*

USRFI’L man wlahe* situation a ia ta b l^ iJ i 01 groom: reference; 5 Y»f*J U. lt»n Parrow at-, aecoiid floor. Orange. ]

E W F L O T M E ir r W A IfT M D -F M M A L B .

A.—Oarraan, Swede, sever*! other c « p * ie n t servants w ant bou*eworit, any capacity; 6er- la t. English and Swedlth spoken. Blit* Crtlloe*,

W A aO N S-N ew and aeeond-hand waguns, all klnda. low prio**: laundn f wagiwi. misk

wagon, doctor’a cw H jj gain. ALBERT L- Hudaoo st-

io'daV s’ tim e «o pay the ir Wtl. «a A foe my.

d ry.age, nearly new, T IP U N . "

at a b«r- O n ir a i av«. «nit


o lb tr r to r t im d .r “ f**'tuuna and aum ber, 6 | PuringfleVa a ^ ____

CHAR, ElBENBEROa Fr0P*1*t*f* Telephone No. 1111. ^ 1— • .* .P. f l - P a p e r bought of ro* triflnm#6 h r « * •

chine free. Sample books to tf tS e fTiA


JESt'XT.HY aho(i f<ir *aie. In eomplet* running order, with fixtures, tools and tafea. Address

Jewelry. Box 3. News uffioe. 26xm il k R o rT E w«nt#d In Newark or Oranges,

Cash, Ikjx 13. N*w* 10LD-ESTAHLIS!IEU> saloon and hotel for sale.- . . 4------- linititre .un account uf sioknesa.

BHCKJY WHIPS. lOr. u p ; Crown soap. *nd M iner's harae** dreaeing. ju n l . *46c.:____ hamesa. ava.*—

few asta left. The Peter*Co.. 11 Oreen at., near Broad,

ADAMi BHOOXLYN *£!> T ^ i tWALLPAPttX 8TOR*. 8#Call at our ilon a a i wn»liio* rtJUmlfbuDDY hamfiD. foriMtly 11.7." a. ima. —a ||■^ne■a and SsdJl«ry




160 YVILL buy ex tra good brown horse; 1.13 ^ n d * high; neveo year* old; feeJless of eler- trie or ateam ca rs ; su itab le fo r any husinew DurPote; owner h*e no u*e fo r him ; two days irla rg lveii. 76 Chemnut *t.

Call a t our etors a » d jx » n v U ^ powbere else au«h law Priaag (or •w r-m e R S ^ S l

PARTY With IKK) to I.K10 ra n mak* from llo to 140 every afternoon; good for 3 weeks or

more. Aiidress Metallic IWcorating uffi.-n 30 Green et.. N tw arf. T. F,, m anager. 1

BARGAIN-IS5 buys chunky-hullt mare; 7 yaara old: aousd; su ilab l* fo r butcher, hsker

Uf any buatnese; taken fo r debt. 430 Houth Ihth near South O range ave. 1

at th# iowesi possible pr1o*a; ^ 1 irt..g u a r a n te e ; iniUi onjere p r o m p t Atttmdw W don't m istake the ntim ber; ba a ir* you — ron both sign* »>efor* ent«f1ii«B — ____L. KATE, Prop.

P. 8 .-W * stw geltHig ta tb* largaat Mock oC h* dRy>

ROADHOCSE. 35 mile* friim New Turk, cHj*e lu der*ut; license lltO ; 11 rooroe and bar; sheds;

fullv furnished, all ye*r businM . M anhattan Kxchange. iHti M arket st. 1

flnest goods In t)i* <

t h e f a i r —Adams’* Brooklyn Walli fonnerfy aJ 65 SpringSald Atn.a “

pH A B T O N -ftlegant llgbl coat 1135; will for same. 4BU Sooth IS li

ange ava._____

phaeton, n s irly n ew ; S ; ow ner has no use

*1 ., near Houth (h'-

6* BprIngSpid ava. lolrer e to i^ w walli

HORSttA-J«M arrived from Harrlwm County, O., with chok* ^ r ts re ,w h lrh I wl1I J|ri»

low to quick buyer and Vesey sia.

PAT'K RRILLV. Ilermun. 4>lb

K I M ANT Aroeabury r u n o u t for w le ; u*^l 1 month*: cost |»5; wli a r i l fo r M L a l* ;’ VoUth ■

riding Otilfil cheap. A. F. B A uL R . L*u Mercer o t . fb lo ck s from aprtngdeld ave. c a ra____

apor 8(ore, NOW OP a oarry i

than any Aging, In

____Jng a t th*j | doBvlhc* you.

M oulding w« *Mt a t f a c io ^ gtv* *«tlmaT«* « i } q ^ on rtcelpt

•A. No cOAfieotm wUh any olher !?o. 66 Bpring8*!d a v * - _ ^

A GREAT n p pS tun lty fo r landlonle and

TiHiACCO and newapaper stand, corner Com­merce and Broad, where a profitable trad* has

been done, fur sale nn *a*y term*. Apply A l'S- TIN. 150 W sshingt'in at., between S and * P. M.

1bPttfHTK. AT larger and choicer olher stor* In Ih* olty :' - and ou iilJa paloUng aisA^ very lowest rale*, A tria l IVallpeper* price*. WUJfrf puetal caru --------store. Note—No. 66 BpringSofd a r t .

TINNING plumbing and blrycie busines* for sale; all tubbing w ork; first-olas* opening for

hsndv man: auiiJ cheap thia week. Hargain, Itux 44. News offloe. ibYVANTBl^Lady or gefiLltman with t2n6. In en­

tirely new buslnees; |75 monthly guaranteM ; invesUgat* this. Addreaa Partnvr. Ilua New* office. I

estate agent*; 13.26 will paper a room, celling and walls; p a ln tln frkah^m tn rng , deoorating and

WANT’BD—(’onfe<'tloii*ry, _ . .. _ . ...‘rKtows; receipts weekly.

<50UPB iwritajg^ "“ !*;*A ddresii"^,D . f l « 5 8 ? .

York c u r .

newrun one month; will P . O. Box 13«T. New


oqtside work dune a t 26 P«r cant, lower than any ................. w ith b**t gitaragtee; cajl

sture; two show ffln or more. Store, enge.

a l ta r and tubacoo

b v i II. News office^ Or M a

eetlm ate In the city, w ith bMt guareptee: or aettd vo*r order and you yrill be fully aatlafled 21ft H artieon ave.. H arriaoo. K. J . *6y

H U ^_ real ^ a t# _ and jn s u re iK w ^ ^ ^ ii^' 175 month and ooromleslon.

Newa office.

OROCERT hartraa, 7I** buggy har-fM*s. 116, 113 and un; wverythtng tn the line:

iD w ^ a f c .a E O R G M k o U J ^ L D . 3113 M a^e t st. Wwst.

?:y' k r v ik t d t o o k « t oThe N ew ark pR latlag and Paper-hanging Co.

for bfa hou*e Mlntlkiff. paper-ban iing . kilaomln- In t. a te ,: w* do the baat work fhr Ihe lu w n t tirloas In the city. Call or aamt pastaJ for

- ----------- ------------ “ r l j a v e .

FOR SA LE- Fine hardwood and g rouad ghUM' l•urtm«m: also railing* for sa ls; su itab le fo r

office, saloon and hiliiard room; alnKiat aew ; civeap. Houtti 4, 760 Hruad *t. tf o r SALK-1ft ffil gsi. uaintsd w hiakay casks,

IK RPgaL nainted whiskey oask t, 1 0 D^measure*, tngtnit

•V*. 1 Pis at,, city

latfikrip ih>uiiter scale.

K nR 8A LE - 8ih1b water fim ntaln: sllvwr p la t- e a . a lso candy jars. IN4 I'en tra l ave ,, Oransys

FDSH-'ihwtIuad fresh cudflah, 8c. i rHbs. 36c. iwr dusea. Clay al. brtdice.

I.A IJIES' hid thoM. l a « cr ba llon . I I ; M IM* kid ,iu>n. 11.18; iDdlH' fln , kid Dhuoi. t t .M i

miDDDD' botl.Di fhOM. *iki.; m « a 'i iDcDd (bDDD, I I ; m en's floe abosa. il .lf t; a>*n a kanaarpo sboaa, | l AO; m en's cork-suied shoes. tX.a0{ n e n s enamalitnl-leather shoe*. S1.B6: bogw laoM *buML t l ; you th 's Uced ahoes, iftr- J iu WM. J. MfKiNNRY**. 878 PlDn« tt .NKW OVDl DhowoDDDD; l t » p « foo*. for OlD

trD .t,: Dll kIndD lo t b u ir i tn d dUitd • iiiitdd. JAHVIB. W> KtrTf.DI. , flOiPEN of black n h ia rc a puUats. laytng, otaaap:

s itt in g h*r.a; brown and w hite leghorn age*. Mh Rlveraid* av*„ near G rafton. 53g

F R U rr AND ORNAMENTAL TREKS " ' haaltiiy ami

hardy A ta- v la»a ever*

8HADB. ........ .. . , ------- .A la rg e awtortm eat of the abov*, haaltJ 'ell rpoteidr alao Rhododendrons, hi

leaa. row**, ilowerint ahrub^ ffrape greetta. Hfmblng vlnaa, California_ _ . _.._ Jina • 8 -PI IIVi IIIA |w 8 rW. TkV.Isic . F o r aale a l low rate* a t H IR D 'i N (^ < 8B R IE 8 . P . O. Hug IP. Arlington. N< J- M w8TOVE L1N1NO-

U teke’a fireclay lining, preiwred fc ap^iew U on to a a r stove, a l HAHNS to r 38c.

.red for In s taa t ------- * OCA'fl.

RBWING M A m W K fl-A frw aolled la test sty le m achines fur sale chsap. « ^ y urm iL A d­

dress Machine, Ilox 83, New* office. ___ 1(Rting and show oards of ' ~ — Broad 9L M u

plea I. KATZMa N. 83 BtoomfleldA U j kinds «rf new and **oond-hand carriage#

and l ^ n e s e wagons for sa le ; Prices low tnti aw* Dv. _ "ijfog , A TCaASON'B. 4*7 C«n-63sterm* eaiyd a t Tl

tra l ave.a t c h a b o . ................. .. .............. ... .. PAPBRHANQING;

H N E w a l l p a p e r AT 2C. P E R JFOR p a i n t i n g a n d

337.50 BCTB hors*, wagon end h a r a w : su it­able for peddler; big bargain . Thlrieem b

St., cor. Bprloffield * v e .^ _________________ J BOMFTTHrKG NEW —I will decotlU* your parlor celhag w ith hand-painted ffowere, |5 u p ;

painting and paper-hanging re a s o n a b ly earl- matM given on old and new work. M. FRIET>- LANDER, 77 Me1n at.. V-ast (Yrtnge. 2Sq

rolA O tR D wofMn w anu altueUoii. cook o r Ba gM vral hou saw o rk ^O R arreii sL I

COLORED g irt want* aliuatUm as upstair* girl, 166 Aeadcror si-. toP 8<»r^____ ____________ ^

DAT'.B WpRK;^ol«f*d worn 1work, to take In or to go out.

Kinney ol. ___EXPBRtKNfTSD

msfite daily: moderaic. M18S New s t

wishes engage-PITLI8» 141

KXPBRT dreaemaker, lanre experience, wimta ‘ -----421 Plane *L Suaengagements. Addj|<

GERMAN woman ukee home or goes out waah- ^inw or c la a n in ^ S ^ P ir jM it.___________1HOl78EKEBPBR-P®a1M«“ wanted u working

housokeeprr Iv a middle-aged American wom- g a: good cook; references. Ad<ir«aa B., Box News o f f i c e . _______________ ___ Ala

H O V iE W O R K -W anted , by Protestant girl, ftrrad- Addresa P. 0. Box 167. Madlaou.K. J. 77a

HOUBEW ORK-W omkn waiite p l a ^general bouaework; city reference, send

t r V a n Suren st.________________________ SH O U B E W pR K -T M ig wamM

gewiral housework ave.

good wagw-

HAVB Swedleh girl* fill different places-

-Ith good etnerience, to The Swedish F^plO ym snt

Bureau. 38 E. R. av*.. Brick Church.HOUSEWORK—Tcpung girt- lA w lib« ,a ltiia tlo ii

to tgk* c a re of children andwork, CdII 1*8 HprlaKflrtJ dtp.

do light house- 2d floor. 1

HOUSEW ORK-Bwadlsh .would like situation, housework.

s t _____________________ _ ____...Ifl.

lately land M Norfolk

H O U 817W O R K -^«™ n klrj. . Uob, housework. 286 ( amdrti it.

w ishes altua second b ell.l

O ertnaa woman. NaWB offloB. 39a

WAGONS: all kinds: 15 la a ^ r tc r d wag^^ns and bnnlaa^ li- B- T IP L IR . M ulhetry pftd O llm

• ta **■SIB UP. 16 business, Srork. farm honiea wagona.

ham esa; all bargalna. MB Hpringfieid gvo, 8*g

|3,5(> W ILL paper a room, calling and sidet.w lih alee M par, and hanffing' iiMluded: palntltw,

g re ln lng kalsom lning; th e lowest prloas In tn* elty: §l~ work guarentesd..C ull or aeai

tIO AND wa buya two top grocera' wagons; nearly new. *6 PrankUti »L______________ ^

TWO peddling rigs for sale, chanjc *t. .

Inquire 134 Me- 07a

•ave you many a dollar; granS aHoriAekit of tha latest effents In w allpsuer. from 2c. a rnll up. pea 8TE1N A lUiA r . 11W-188 Springfield av*.

PHAETON for aale cheap. Inquire 124 Mrehanio at. ____________________

t e s w atoo for aale. CMil a t 140 Lafayette ri, w y


-Light t0p w agon for sal*. Warren64x

TW IN c a iY ly ffc- aaH*. 4TT Buinn

IK iV lIC C T IO N .

S P E C I A L o f f e r WOOD'S CXJLLBaB,

O U RnrUUA# o

874 and 876 B road Bt.We have a r r a n n d a ooura* In Book-keeping

th a t can be commated by th e average student before th* close ^ th a sp ring term , July 1.

If ro tt enter now w* w ill roak* you a rat* of ^ for the four mcratha. and lurnUh you book* and stattonery. _ , ,v -u ^

W* offer the saroa adyan tagas In the 8hort> hand Departmant. , -

Our sc h ^ l Is th* large*! to New Jersey, and OUT p a(nna say, tha b a s t ,

Com* and ■•* as. or send fo r eataloguea . L WOOD, PriildenL

HEAR TEJ H EA R T E !t“FOUR MONTHS" tim e fo r the usual ihrre

moothrf Qharg* will h* allow ed ail etudenta entering tha

houeawof^ars. LARKIN'B.

APPREN TICES on dressmaking wantad,a ll wtsfc. 65 O o tre l pU. Oranga.


iH IR T OO.. 886 BDdb «t- 1CO O K -A oofflBHDnt 0<x* wDiitD6; a « r a u n btd-

rD m d; no « u ta m c R f -m o M rw H iInd; |18. M Avon DVD. ________________tta,COOK Dwl UunarMDi thorm uklT

CkU I t M BdIIdvIII. DVD. cor. UCORpntDnt.


D IU m M A K E R WDntDd «rlth H i u « w r t « n «Dt 1 7 « lj t t l« o n D V * ._________________ 1

Mf4r York Clly.chlldnn'i itrDW

. H I OVMM Dt.

id . CdU. n l t n i D DBd ehDmb ir iMW w u i ' IlDDt KlUWV Dt. n b

rCtENCH -onDD VDDt.6 to VDit am tBVDlId, db4 IR IU lti URtlllllWD v« rtT » b _______ I

0^ mnd la v n d iw m t o d .

° ? S f i& 5Kr « a R i ' ? . ^Addrsas A. D.,24, Nawa ofllM.


COIXMAN KATICWAt, m n O N E IS t’Ol.I.KIH 888 BroDd t t . MtwDrk. N. J.,

Ourlnc th* memtb at M arch. ALL DHPAIfT- MKKTB. Don't mlan tbiD O P P O H n lN lT L If biDr n . r . r con# to v o n ' dkdIii w ith diudI dO' VDDtWt.

•- M. C O U tllA N . P rt.t-L. C. HORTOM. PDnmnn.

BTSNOQRAPHICB-Youn*■tDnocrDi>hcr and

RDl DttDle offle*Addreaa Modarata. Box 74. Nesm oflw ,

eaparienead Ire* position; ----- salary .

btbn o or a ph k b *»4PDrinc*. w lib n ixwUIm;: .niDll. jDlDnr_towin. A M roR Mod»Rir Box 76. News offiea. 1

UPSTAIRS W ORK-SItuatlott waiiUd by young (Krl. MS R utgers s t. ________________J

WABHINIJ—German woman ^ u t s w a s ^ g .

WA8H1NO wDWrf lo t« h * h™ *: " SMOD. A ddrnw 116 CDmlin »t. 8

A V CTIOR l A l M .

O B od, 17* MDthrt «t., NowDrii. » . J .lIA O M inC E N T HOrSBHOLD F U R N IT U R E

- A T -t u h l i c a u c t io n .

tro w Ihn 8n« r»1d»ncD. 188 Bod«vIIId homviiid n . I ..

o n WMDNE8DAY. MARCH t t . UoofumDncInit Dt 10 A M.

M. M. M ILU U t. A notlcntir. w ill M il Dll tb*ooatsnts of said ®®2^SSS*JSL‘* s L .?Partor. U brarv .

TaW'DlnTii* and Bo8-r«™ »#tD

& f Y s b . ISS525%?r^r m o r t f . « s v r . ^ . ; r ‘7„.;.,^:^^.-4 cblSauitDrDD

l £O IR I4 WDbttd, c i p r t r i t n ^ « t l l a U w

•tcD ar work. BtanoDrd K ovdtv woi HDcranlc M.

. obDla; orto , *d

OOOD oeab, W Hbir and IroMc- w tuttadi anea rngolnd. Atwlr 848 H lih i t .


HOU*BrwoRK-'WD»UHl, In tba opoatrr.itrY, tm hr........................._ in - n D W jcan family!, mujrt ^ o lm ty aa d j c m , and giva


raspsetabla mIddla-sgM C hriitlan Mdet w ith gsperal htyM k

tog Deake. Couchaa. PnldlRg ^ b . Baby Carriage^ Buffet,any •

I thaifllehi ^D.-n- .

dare to e*t ohlckan.5ltvil^4?D»." “ n t 'iw ’ot Afrtoaa BUlwt*; 'q i^ n g a ,), and by n d l BimtoD.

nfarwio.: no w4|«d, but Mil ri*ht om will havD food bon» iM ^ H d fe n d lj. V O d n u Conntv Hnn», Bod A N«wi oBIod, HaHOtI8>KRI!PEB-~0*i7niui-AmDr<s«B wanon a*

hoiuMHODf to r irtMwtr;^ n t a t M . i tn n c d mfood ntaln rook fi,OD nom t would .b*

wulwr.•n d wDfH wantad. oB od

oOD to wtMtn a

H O U lK W p R K -W u tfd . a r l r l to r f t i n a l . bouDDWoA In i w l l iiinllY l otw th a t oeuld fo Iw B M .iilfhu pMfDrtwdT iM otM M o rn » M.,

------Tw, 87 Ait,------to-aoiTOW, I? A lte r at.

H O inW W O H K '^riB D D f i r l w antad fo r « n - aral bouiwworti; ba w o c d ^ l i i j M :

no WDihlnc; wnall n m ir f . C all m l - 4 5 | ^

4 . « c :F nuttss,

Cam ara Head Taoie. anowi***. w jm w . ^ tiS sB o s l tiw . Rgln orehlna. Terms caaK 8Ts

THH NEW ARK BK M IN A H T-M H i ’W hltmor.';Roardlnic and Dav School (o r Olrl«. BOl tnd

668 Broad a t . K tw aik . N . J . ■ ib a n a c b and om- fTM ilvi natkod i U brarr. labera to rr. frmua* •lam ; Prlm arv and lO ndaTwartin DiOarlnKOl*. O utlBoati aoB lia ta W a iM la r. CIrcalan.

NHWAXK ACADKKT.■. A. rA R R A K a a n d M aaur.

WILSON FARRAND. Aaaaolala Mart.r. Thorovab v rn a ra ^ o n to r a ^ ^ nU aco or tc lr^

aopitlfiq s e M spirikAClaL

Efa: C atalofo i on

H i n TOW NUtNVR Boardlllir ta d IMt IcbM] for OlrtD ( t V a i k n fT N rw nrtL N. J , opmod

TuM dar. m w u iah ir t t ; PVftaary and A nadmlc D ipartm w ta; o r tp a r n to r M ilam : biw Mum ta d la b o ra to m m m i a n oa aMUcatlon.IOv

TJvA RARE driva In ntud whrrta. built ipactatlr

tram *. nlc*ly *nam*ll*d and nlckvIlM ;



forks fully 'nlV kellw Kauber (mc-pisea crenli hangar; ram 's ham b a r; 2-16 chain; d ro p M 2-inoh a t hangvr: Itroum type aaUdlle; Warwick-Htnekton “ (Jam” barrel hub#; Mwlt- man guar*nta«>d tirre . any slaa; in fact, an up- tr>-d«ia ‘SN wheal, a t Vl3.5(l cash; or w ith un- guarente*^ tirea. W .75. ^ ,

r . W. TOMPSONT WW Broad, near Bridge sL ; 141 Elm et., cor. Pro*pect. T6y

SIGNS, k itrr ih g , painting an kinds. HKNj-A-TAR. JB5

iTn EUUAIXKD values; sewing machkia. IXIE;coutli, ffi.Tft; chamhar suit. 17 26; oo«k itcrva,

12.76, S65.2ft will furnish kltch*n* (lining aw l ifwiroom. Iiu'luding brtMM)* ra rM ta : 40 m ada-ap ca rp e ts ; a ll prices. A. ML RAPP„ 68 M ^ k a t at.

M s115 RUTS a variety «f etaiUmerv. or will ex-

'hang* for anylhiiut. Ill Johnaon si- ___1

a ty ; flY wurk guarentasd . Cull or aead for aam- p!ea R. ROGOW 4 CO.. 322 Bank si. Tip

1<\ apant fo r a poatal card, a ik tng a a aailm ata for paD er-haag|^4 painting and G n tIo g t^ [‘|

RAMBLERS a t 266 ara the bast value ever of­fered tn hlcvclaa; never was a hetier maoMna

made, and fitted w ith the More* chain, tons crank*, large sprocketa. new Rtyla adj. bar, su(- ri<5* speaT-bead reinforoem anu. makre a co ij^l- naUcai hard to Ma t L i ^ t FRATtlJERSTONE line Is a p rrity oaa for Up. *46 and tw ; tandegui and cbalhlesa for ITS. W a have some ffn« l aeopd- haJkd wheals, and RIDING SCHOOL.NEWARK CYCfiB <N>.. 9 and 11 ('entral avs.

? MAPLE ahada ttw** for Mi*. M ICHAEL HKK, 67 South Jeffsrson ft.* Ormnga. 56v

U w v sa liw U I O o o E a « ■ € F « i m U « M .rpHNlTURB for sale; blg^l«

h a ^ earpats. 14 « p ; so w atovaa. 22.8 . , su it. t13j ahowraaaa and oountara: l a r i s eu ttln g. . D------- M ; 1 ■tabisa. U-35: fine w alnut btireau, ^ s a ^ n g m achine, ffi: While Iron M . li.S d j offiea deek» ffi.60; Im trirtrd linoleum. 46c. y a rd ; p tbar furnf- tura. 36 William at.. riMr Broad* dSfc

RARE opportunity tn ■reure dirsot from faetsrv ITS ruRtom-mada blcyclaa a t m anuram arsr’a

price, | 96ea*h; ladUi^' and m an's nwxM a^fally

THE MAIN T H IN G -G at an astlm aia fromW ebeler i t C lark bafoe# bavlgg your, hoost

papered or painted. W a have th* fine tt tuiM .ofah.M. .dIaw 'r.DtiMtM-walljuipara In tha city, fivan, 14ft W aihiBgton at.

Estim ate* rhaerfully opp. High School.Sit

It**' MIU lu n t B illArtf ip , fWi/iu*ranie«d; full stm'k <if part* : do imI rkll tu esam lne theae beautiful whsela before pur- phaelng; you will save money. The M(.)ORE (!Y(’LE n T T lN G S CO.. M» to KS Btumex at.. Harrison; sa ln room open evening* until 9 o'clock; take Hridfo st. ca rs to Hari1*on avs, and Fourth ■(.

FAMILY moving la New York will a«U parlor an^l M^ruoRi sulti. parlor «tov«, refrigristorD

couch, carpel*, e ta . 'reasonab le / t ’jril beror* M arch 3ki. lop noor. US Main at,. Brick C :hur^. N. J . _______F U R N IT rR E . carpels, stove* and baddliig for

■al* very abaap. 1(« Ferry at. _________It*

WILLIAM A. LEVY. . ^Painter. Paparhanger and Daoorator.

Ptrst-elase 'ro tk jlq iie i o i r i ^ by m all p ron ju -

HAVE vour b lc r^ a enamelled and parts nickel­ed; we do (xAn, and do It righ t: your old

wheel made new for a irtfle, TH E AMERICAN

HANl>i!k'>MB carved sideboard for M l#: alM black w alnut dvM ; cheap. A ddress Bldaboard.

Bua ftS. Newa office. ________________ I

ly attended to. 220 South Ptb sC


TWO young gentlemen, m uiloally Inclined, d e ­sire th* acaualniance of two young lad les; ob­

ject raatrtmenvi AddreM Slnoare, Box. 77, Nawa nfflre. 1My wife. E liM beth Elian,

id b f t ^ . I will bahaving

debts contracted by OAN.

'Ing left myipofiaibla forflN N. BA!

b#<! any

BA NN l- 1

W ILL gentleman who left MaiHl m i 'en tra M arket. Katui

bundla a i candy irday n ight, klno-

!y oall a l I3ft Markei *(■ and g st *aii>^GERMAN woman

123 Academy *(.would ta k a baby to board.

1B n slaesn P ersonal**

^ 1 ^


UAD B S n u i a B T .

I IDDlU D DPm IdUV o t Dll ll^U lD rttlD D «( UiD iMih. DOd hDVD BlDd* D IMrfDCt DllfaBWBt IB n iuiv dlB cull CDDM. Mddv I r n t u u r t i M dtdcauMd 8v iDck d DtUDtlua Id H r l r oblMkood.

Id b , D ltindfd DD MUD M UOMDlD. Allu d Dhoul--------------- - - i lO D tlooi trM of e h a r ^

Tooth M trto lod w ithout pDln by tho a m d m r D4W loODl DDDOrthOtlO. No unplfDDDDt fODlInf o r•*.. Xlu----DD. .4^ rt—IrrllDlloB follow! lU odd. Odd Ddm laln*thoM dertrin* It. . . . . . . .

Cnrtirl'cDtrt CDDOO, rM U Irln i Hltmtlflo d tn th l tu tf f rv . rDitPDeffullr

BADDLRRT CO., 81AS N. J . R. R. DVD. Qunruluna furnlDhrd for t h , m unulDotun o t

ItMclDltlrtt. 8r

T H E on lr rvllDbl. dIdo. In Kowork of Itj t o d 19 buv H cond-hud fu n iliu rt; 1 dooro b iIm w ith

bouHliold luodD. from th , ftnoat fainlllDa. lUH dIm t it.

LOOK t l PDtM b lry r l« IMM iDodDlt: Atm-U n ti. )W: Pd Im , f4<P; pD tr. O m t, (S0; all

m u IoPM with Ih t Iim nu t P u r l ! t l r » ; cDDh ur iM lllm rm a. OEORlIE RUKHAUD, »I3 M trtt.i « . *8w

T H R E E room! of furn lturt, eom platt; honia, vorv rh.D p; m i»t h II. Im W atebuD f dv. „

EPDt tW anut.

C O A L . W O O D , B T G .B A R O «N -A FE-W 'K7 STEARNS W HEBL8,


jOy U2h UIIOAl) ST.

IWM m cY CI.S OtriTflTS. ronilttln* of u l t , cap, sweater, hose, shoes and bell, for Ip.ftO;

get ■'neclsi design* end priens for clubs from Headquarters. 3 ^ Mar'1 M arket a t : open evening! UgWE have some good *ecoad-hand bicycles a t tlO

and lift vach. cash, The Bldrldge Bicycle Co„ 34 and 36 Central ava. ______lu

S. TRIM M ER I* OO. Both Trlephon** No, 554, DffiLlVEH BEST LBKlGH No. 2 NUT COAL

fweU soreened) a t W .f tb j^ tab-__ _______»«TO\K or NUT. and No. 3 NUT M IXED, a t

14,35 par ton (nothing better for raage or parkw n to r t) . ,

Hast Lehigh egg, stove and cbestnQL a i LOW- EHT M ARK ET P iaC E S. __

11 BARRELH dry kindling wood. S3. K K 'X O ItY , ifly alM for a re te Are*, a t ROCK

nOTTOM P B I C ^ . Give (la a tr ia l order. WJB CAN SUIT TGtJ WITH COAL AND WOOD. '

Office; Cor. N. J . R. R. ave. and Lk/xyette at., one block below M arket St. Y>epot. on R. R. ave.

W A ir r ic D .

QENTF' cast-off clothing; S. LEVY, fortnerly with J Msdanshy, pay* the hlghret pricre for

genta* ca*t-o(T clutning; order* liy mall promptly attended to; »vnd your order* *tui be sure tu get the highest price* for your clothes. h 7 k LPrVV. W M u l^rry . el.

IF YOU (LtN N oT te ll the difference between good and bad coal, w* ehail not expect you to

buy your coal here.Hut If you w ant oqal (hat la good. hard , cleati

ind duesn't coiViain s la lr. a t the very twUom l>rlcee. th b yard Is the very tie it p lace to get

TA K E TOUH PAST-OKP P I/lT H IN aT o 'iiu ''iU .M ii. Oi UUI.I at., n w r Mul- w ry? HE PAYS U luU K It PBICEB than

othar d « lu r In ih . tlly- ly attended to.

____________ ___ anyUrdvre by mall prom^K-

... K xparlenrsd hcamekeapara buy I t beoauae It 's th e Hind of cohI th a t suUa than*

No. 2 N ut Stove or N ut. » ; mixed w ithNo. 3 Nut. 14.36. P. TnOHKY * SDNS, l i r Blonmflf'ld g v^ .: IflS Platte *1.—Yard,Faaaxta eve., llarrtion; telephone 224^

- 6 265t»18

Teeth'rnade w ithout plateg.


NO. IT CEDAR^STv. NEW ARK. (One door above Bnydsrii.)

AppoIntroanU made by roalLOPEN 3VEN1NOB.

SPOT CASH reel for quantity of metal of any kind to manufacturers and jilucnbera.

a;"BBTORE aalllPg fou r bouaebold g o ^ i it wtl)

p y M o tioneulf tne " ^

POND'B NASAL CREAM. CATARRH and COLDS cured by thta modstw

effective rem edy; irrioe t t c . ; op* tria loonvlneei; ^m^ey refunded U no t s a t in e d with ra ir ita .


fck>id*Ky H olaiauflrr'I^w la D r^.', Ciwaeent D n g Metmaa'a r h r ....... - ' — ‘ ------ ‘■‘ -Co.. larmacy and leading druggtata.


OU> GOLD. SILVER, broken Icwelry. sum p*.M n s . ah llouei and rvllfi bought for caan at


CLAMWf-TuMdDVD j t n i l . HELE.N------------

m intcD tlou

r bA N diN i- uTD Dt C .lan lh .

te rm now open. ••n^W aJi* and two-

- . . j t e leaaona. a t (be 6 U B r ^ * ia 'OfM OrVBM ND.|

.Im J, All com-

of Dtartoir.

BUBCKHARDT «cbM l to r DdbcIi k , H I Bra.8 n , | Hirtnc iw m opDD* fo r tw fln ti.n i Turwl.y

« D , HDRh m for want*; Maroh 18,for ladiM; DdvDOoa elU A llan aD r ava.. March U ; DpplIODtuna now tooDfvDD Dva~

DY.SPBPSIA. haDTIbiUB. DDilrtiia and Dll atom.aoh dlaofdara poalllvalr outoit by Q rovar Qm-

ham'a Ram ady. Tnitoiil ra lW ; a paraDacDt our*aoDrantaaD: » (H>c. bottla Dt Tha^CfaDwnt D ™Co. 0 7 BiODd at., ooDvioeaD w r i t . O R O yilR aRAHAM o a . Nawbitrc. H. T .. (or p a m p b l^

ALL tha up-to-dat! anrlRA ahaiwa fo r ladlaa to hava InaIr atraw hDto_ p r ja a » < ^ n ^ M

3. I t. HBNBOAK'S.228 WarhlRKlon at., batwaon H arbai and Banlt.


■ ovary tvontnt. nil

DANCIKO-BSOADI^R to a t. g icboUra o w baclit a t

I (of tha anrlna u m i Dolraa . adanlaalttn B oanta.

M Waat Pacb any t f i u ; raduouon

MASSAaG, Dlcobol and naitnotlo traatm ant for am rra l dabllUr, rliaum attam a n i InnonlD .

MRS. WOOD. M O ta r t at,, ona block abov , 1>, L and W.. Broad g t. BUtlon,____________ *81

j X n MoneixyF p r tarma

iaAi>I£3 nursed In oonfioerotAt, w ith home com* forta; moderete prioees doctor In attendaacc;

c.hlldran a l 'a t L p tS 5®“ *: toba Clinton ava. m t aolna aoulb. ^ W B td a a r ava.______________ p

FR! 'ATS laHona. **o.l w ith my a u y , almpla m a th ^ I miaranM a tb a partoot giida waita.

0 - w l tb twO'Dtap. H —la to u r w lvata laaDont. JULID* FRDRRintN. H L H nrty i t . 83a

i k o r t l u a i N « a * V y iw w w l t l i i s .a rad iD li

ANHV jU . M HO T m o t o

____JON ana ran toaa„_.W USN 'g gborti

Booh.kaaidiia, O ar an. ___ira au : wafltfy n y B r n to : ^ S R . gm tba.,ato ., aola or ryntog ariatbly.


M * r«7i:( .4 u o ^ e M . fw th* inirpcM i

s, ffiSSL"il tranato tiM

in n itaa d ' tgob arad aat wthamL ' T y M r l t l a a and B v m ln t M w ol. H a m ta i .H ^ 8 s a m tu to i

Cen- ;«miBg(on«, or


b h d r t h a wW om an'! CbfhHIaB _ , , ^ _

iheoi cf Tosng ternw

[A , M.r ST to fgnt s t 4Sy

n U N K MAQOlOa teuohar .iSKl&tm 5 n i:* ] iS K L * ® 5 £ ;l^ d M n j M ^ u M j s y W b M I

I atao near N o m f tn j iB a tr ia its tg sotlth e r;

.1 Dick- sold, w o

K h

ETaIXIR Erem ltg. th e m odem acleiitlflp life em­bracer. Wood and nerve renew er; II. H ealth

Phermacy. 18 M arkat at. (opp. Courthourey. l u v

rIIPERFLUOUJ h air, wart% roolea, deatToyedmolaa, daalrarad

. attandanoa in oondnamant, oarr, a^nd..H vto 'aanitartu in '.'faaaonabia. H IM

M R . Aahland ava.. W aat Oranaa. 48c

A CURE without ooat until it 1a oaaetod, for I bo liquor habit, optum . r ln a n t i a o t otbar ^ ablt; allhar aan. 18 Cantra at. SOr

, m t Broad f t,, t d floor, will olaan jtndMnKKK. "w n n w . . __„rraa your fu ll for 11; o r maaa It for Kjc.

ckuhm j, tilran on a to n m . — « * ------------------



■uTvryor and Daalar to Rat) Katau.ofloa-LlvtrM«l and Lnndon and Oloba BnlU-

Inc. 80S Broad. «TCLBPHONC 0 R


A. FROEHLICII. lau n i Nawark at.

.V .................... Newark Auction Co,. Ullr *L ; we pay frash (vr contents of flats, t and store*; g]l builn*a* oonfldentlal. flog

.. _ _____ cast-off clodiing; .oenta rm g dollar more (ban any uealer in thj

A.—Aa—A.—0*nt*‘'■ on g dollar .I, MADAKKKT. tA Commerce sL

I pay M7B1

it., near Clay.

O^D GOLD, silver andriN, 75ft Broad at., over J. Wire k Hon*.


A .^H Ighest prices i>ald for c«et-off clothing. DVORKIN BRUS.. m , linllftvmc ave. Tgt


TOUR MONEY'' M erehants' Exchange coupon* w ith even* ton of coal; full w eight; lowest p rice: beat M'sidi. Call and convince youraelL Vdw, Tbrurldff], 14-16-lA Ilroome e t . ; J, G. Canntff, 268 O range s t .i Oeo. lr*mtn*rmanti, 86-28 Bowery it .

BEST hard L^ltlgh coetIUI Egg. stove gnd nOL tft |ier too; No. 3 out. IS.50; etov* or nuU

mixed with No. 3 nut, |4>3S; dellverad. Special iH-lCM by tlw quantity. H. A C. H. JEROLA- m a n . ror. Frellnghuyssn av*. and Em m et *1. T«i. 30R1F, Mail order* nromp41y dellvered.fSnk i n d l i n g wood for sate; hickory tpoks endSa

PHINEAR JONES k CX).. 201 M v k e t f t. 21y


PX>R HAl^E-^Partv leaving N ew ark: b reu ltfu l piajio; urvrortanwed

U B B tB M A K tN G AND M I L t , l ) ( l iR r .

MpDOWgLL Draaaouttln* Bcliool; oldB.l and o « t aohool In A T a ty ; nrarly r v t r y ^ y •‘’' “.T*

tha M oDowtlf DarniM i ijrafiliif m achln, ja Ilia aaalaat to loam , th a moat rauul to uaa, and c u t .tha moal atrilah . (traVrful nnd p ^a o t.A ltlh d ~ taaitti nuDlla make d r .n e i while learnlna,K ^ . . a. a ------- e.a_all ofItUE.

for eircular, fashionable a CRAWLEY, m v rB rn ^ s(.

N EW ARK DreeecutUoa and Millinery Bobooli oldaet and oialy school of vromlacnce In N- J - i

jegdquw tara of the Taylor System: scholar* ria r tin g now, reedy to take flrit-clase prettlone

igm ahogany upright gr*Ti'l i ..

for tone end elegant dreigti; u*ed only since last ra il: ooat I4NU. and fully w arrantad hy m aker; Price tlTO; alaii large m usic box, with ('himo* and hell*, very cheap. Addre*s X E L - fdOOO. Box 48, News office. t4 b

T H E w ay to test a piano Is tn do eo In your own perJot; ren t a ptano for th ree m onths and If

Ratlsfactory hav* rent alluwtHi on pitrchgga,- TH B MATllUSHEK k flON piano fac to ty w are- rooms, Aft Springfield ave.. near H igh su Ta

In the *br1ng: flrst-cla«e dreaareaklog and mllll- “ w w : open day and evsnltig. MART E.te order; opan d*y and evsnltig. M A |^ s ,

LYNCH. *71 * ™ a a t , 8 door* abova 'W. Park.K U R O raA N DTVMCUKlnk Bolwol. w tib llrhad

1888; psiH lf tnaka dreaaaa fraa wlitia laarnlnni ^ ib d avm ihk inadna; dm aaa ]md p atlttna___ jmd

^ and March.?AN JSANT. !»! P lana at,, n rn r Naw,

M l » m JE N K IN S A HA STIN O'B drraam aklnaparlorii ara now *77 Broad n .; parfert dl;

nrtcfa raiaanabla; (onnarly wlih Mma. A Dr*.i.d7»

MILUKIDR makta un ladin' own maicrlaJa.5 0 t i --------- ----- -

fbto.and II. h1A>HENUE, Bo* .8. Nawa iif-

DRESSMAXlNn-ltultf. 12 up. IIBB8. iB N .w at. _____


L O S T A N D F O U N D .

LONY-Oold baart-ihaiwd lockat, r t ib tr «v H ar- rlaoo DVD., Harrlwm, Brldm. »r B r^ d al. Ip

Trinity Chureb. Flndvr will plaaaa rrUim to J. W RIOHT. oom ar C tnlral av*. and Third atEDft Nawark.L o rr -B o lo rd a y , March tl'.

- Main iJu & a t Oran^. PlDdar. jr j l i .b r .cnllartiTa. fiD dar J tlll b . aullahly rew arara

Sr laavlDD t t a t BiKOnH'H D ru ( Atora, oppo- to m a t Oniiw e Station. __________________1

on Arllngion gve, Pertfatt lamb

suitably rewarded

LO W —Tbla morning, on ffprlnglleld ave., be- twaan Waat at. and Btlmunl ayr., parkaiir

eoBtalnInk 18 jiholo«i»|)ba. Hnward If retur - to IM W avarly pi.


BACS, n Aoadvmy n t.; Ilbaral raward. 1LO ST-M p i h to n k a t . Rew ard If rainrnad

Q, PIERCE, lArapA Farnui.

BKTURNSD. ebony u p rish t; will K ll for I IU : ran t you nloo naw

Upright, mandolin a ttachm ent, td mrmTh. FRAN K LIN . F u lton e t .

door* from Peddle Church.

PIANO for aala; uprlaW; v ,ry Iloa tm a j 7 M ootava; incluilna .tool and I l to ;

num ihlr. S ' If daalrad. 1d« Nawton at., f t - tw aan south Or»n«a ava. attd I4 th ava.

PARLOR orxan in flna nrdar, MS; t t mnuibly.

DlONTSnuB. . 881 B ro a l at.

IN nortah t. llTd: in o a r. planoa lakan In Jra d a ; Y irh aa l ^ ua allowwl; larma raay ; ran tal* low.n*E.'L7L.17:L. . ay.., u . . i . . a . r A naaaM ATHU8HKK D SON. 116 Hprinfllatd av*., near Hlsh. ______

gpritiirffeta ave. _ *gpritigffeldB*TVF! Dtmno carved lege; good tone, and n ^ k e ;

m ust be sold; Mft, worth flftO. A ddress Stny^ age, Box 62, Newt oOlcf. 41b

BTEINWAY Plano, |1R5. 15 bargain*; full sis* .square. W . WIBBlCKR, b i t Broad tt . , Newark; oiwo evsninffa.t<;(yj rH IC K E R IN G arenfl

■landanJ make. IU6; rent f t . w ith D rivings of buying. W I88NER, All Brosd M - Newark.PIANO—Firet-elass piano, with guaraatea, Jwr ^175: cash or Instarmenl; ap*u evenlngu. £«►175: ca«tiO range st.FIANO TUNEH. repairing and

i ‘RANK W. C A K N T m B niasw lok Mt t t f

E IA N 08 tuni^. prlqet. COLON.

repaired, repollijwd: Icwmt UuflO sior^ 22 Bufill *L 181

.U PRIG H T Plano. allghUy UMd MW one, rr ll tb le make, New tt. 4riti

l » D T f m . 1 PtumblBS. 'twarti T tl, ; :

Page 4: First Edition. - DigiFind-It


i m w u ftW c * i w ,a i f o n a u H s r m e a r .

P W w rf rtifc* F M K f l l^ * * * * * * * ^

1 w w w w t i —r» * < * * ? * * !* ^

> m t tk t ittm m * « wIk, p«t« t* *• ^tM w tn t


fc“ <*LM-IWfalk. * * * * * * * *L M .|^««I« , I W « » . «*«•. —* N l k k * « » l ^ • » t *


TirsaD A T, MARCH H, IM*.

IN roR TA N T lOCAI. OfTlCItM.H hk* S**" oonl*ftd«d, not krUbout tore*,

tbk t tho oUlioni ot N ew irk ohouia *t*r- c)H wIM dlooHmliuillon In ih* MiMtIon of thk noxt occupant of lb® BxcculJve ch ilf . I t U knn»<l th a t tho Incomifit Mayor win kkvt to paai upon th* tranafor of iha wa* tar plant from tha Baal Jcraair Company U tba city. T hii meana th a t tha neat Mayor muat bo one who la fully Informed, or who will ha a t palna to fully Inform tdnaalf, aa W tha hlatory of tha water contract, and a i to tha m eanlni and tha raQUIrcRltnif of tha bond. In truth. It niaaoa much more than tbia. Tha Mayor.

man tM Inquiry naturally followa, wa w ^ a ol**' oonaclenca. fall to do aoy- ahl'nc, or aomatblBa. to raltara tha altua- tlon of t t a ipanlih aubjaata In C ubal Muat wa rmnain idia and a t our taaa. and do nathinv to put an and to tha dreadful t ta ta of alfalra ealailnf m that u n fo ru n a lalilan d t Ara ihara no clrcutnatancaa underwhich a man or community la luallHad fn m aklni a aacrlllca ot unuaual «ravlly In ordar ta raaoua or r tllav t a fallow-man or Iba paopla of another community from « • traordlnary and orual autfartnia and hard- ahlpaf

Tha Interaal that Spain haa In tha Cuban pcopla tk not that of a foatcrlng parent, prom otini their h u t walfara with a pur- poaa to tmprova tbalr condition In alther m aterial or tha higher diractlona. but It la th a t of tha owner, taak-noaatrr or alava- drlvar, analoui only to maka toe 'no** profll out of their bralna brawn and aub- Itanca, a t tha fmalleat poaalbla colt, Kor centurlea tha haa drawn her mlUlona out of tham add f 1»an nothin* In return. 8ha aaeki to bold them to-4ay aolely for her own flnandlal protlt and benefll, and not from any conaldrrallon for their edyance- mant and well batn*. Tha baat *lfI aha haa bcatowad upon them haa been h v own clrlllaatlon of the D ark A iea-th a In aplratlon for baiter th lnfa bae come from our ekampla and a i tha reaction from her oam bfuU l barbarlant with all Iti train of e rlli.

I t waa well aald In a neighborln* pulpit racanlly that the ona thin* woraa than a diahanarable war ta a dtahonorabte peaca. To rafuaa 10 do ona'i duty toward ona'a fallow-man bicauaa of tha coat tnrolveil m tha porformanoa. ta aoraethin* which n ed not ba charaeiarliad amon* a poople whoae hlatory abounda with tha brlfhleai record of unaaldlh hatolam that akrr Inaplred humanity to reach a hand up lownrd the

prudent, on many acoounta, to avoid the direct laaoe by m tk ln* Conaular reform a m altar of poUcy upon which C ontraia and the Bxecullve mtmt b« brok«bl Into formal aareem ent. Hence tba Introduction In tha Houae of tha Conaular Reform bill, which, t f enaetad Into law. would remove more than poaltloni In the Federal aervtce from tha control of partlean ipollamen.

Thera can ba no atauranca. of courae. th a t th l i niaaaura of reform will recolve prompt and favorable eonelderatloB a t the handa o t Concraea. Leflelatlve obatrucU«n <a taay________ . when patrotw*a Ij,**and M alooi partlaani tn C om ftMprone to lurrcBdoT tradlllondl pflvlletea of appolnim tnt and control In reeponio to a m art aantlmemal Impiilae. Com ular re­form would w«lt tnnf, Indeed, It Hi In lilatlva ahould depend upon the whim ot Conyreaa.

If h i ihall ba a layman, In tha very nator* ' deeiiopment of ebaraclar poeilbleo t th in fi m u lt be *uhlid In tha lattw m ent of Ihla t r e a t antarprlaa by the City Coun-

m.aalt tha lalactlon of tha City Counaal, It Mill tharafara appear, will ha tha moat l ^ r t a n t ac t of the aucceaeor to Mayor •aymour,

Tha aMilfanta for the ofBoa n#w occupied by Mr. Seymour are not a faW. On the DMMaiaUa itda the jaradant tnaumbeat of fSa ofilea appeari to be the only candl* dktk aarlouily conalderod. Mr, Seymour —— to enjoy the undivided aupport ot kM party, and the nomination will llkaly fo to klB, without conleat, a i an eapraa- alas of Nnawad confldinca In him. On tha

(UU candtdatH abound. Mr. J iM la , Mr. ii***ri, Mr, Van Duyne. Mr. OfSan. Iff- Oatttaon and Mr, Btalnaby are kir p ia f or taatt oandldatea. At tha praa- aS t tSno tha Held ta apan. nnd the fltb t n r S lia ta taa proceeds with th a t oncer' ta tb ty uHilch Indleatea that no man haa a aartaln hope of carrying tba convantten,

U the Incoming Mayor la to ba regarded aa im portant la tho m atter sf tba aatUo- l|IM t o t the w ater contraot, what Is to ba iSM of tba man who Ii to ba Mlaetad to

Mr. ttalnaby tn tha Board of f i m ta a body th a t baara tha

a t tha conianllona with the Boat Cdmpany. T hat groat corporation

baa diaplayad a alngular tendencr to do HUtatuid any laaa In the way of ptomotitis a STBoatuI amd frank dlapoallton of the pMSIama wbloh m ust ha adjuatad b a to n tba ilBtl dollvary of tba worki.Tba tem per exhlbltad by t'-.J w ater com­pany, In tba raceot peat, glvaa proealae of dMBcUittia ahead, nod auch dllfoultlai aa demand tha h lfh e it nualltU s of aiacutlyo ainuty and aterllhg characlor oft the part of the city 's repreoenUttvea. Mr, fltalns- b y 'i raiireniaiJt from Ih* board wUl ba a loai to tha oommunltyi It la to ho hoped th a t hta aueedMor m ay be a man aa aiaar- tlva and aa tnatatant a s ha bae been In pnktnolln* tha beat tnleraels of tha public. InthtavMW of tha m ailer, tho NMWB ,1a of tbk opbilda th a t both partlra bwa it to tha pOeWb (P auilia Judlotoui saloetlans for the b«W«: aoraly the duttea which will be Im- poaod eif the ineoratng member will be ■Web ia to w a m a t the aetaotton of tha bdlior man w ithout regard to (mrty ties, Bealdai. th a pollUoa ot tha Incamlng mem- bar will detirm ino the potltlsat control o t tb a board, a m atter of no Httla IwpftrUnea,

----------------a ■ ■ ■'

ta humantty.Wa will not aaek a war. We will atrlvo

by all honorable meana to do our duty In thia crlila, aOd It In Ha performance au- prtm e aacrtflca la damandad the Amarlcau people will unhaaltatlngly maka It.

r t A t R OB WAR W ITB BONOK,In rapty to a auettlmt. ex-Sehator Oeorga

F . tjdmunda, of Vermont, aayi to tha Mew Vork H erald:

We cannot w ith a clear conaolaliM Wll or malm ana or two hundred thonawnd of our own citiatns In ordar to raltava from their d rtad fu l condition the Bpanteh aub- jaetu in Cuba. W a m ult, of couiua, defend onr Ofluntry a t every tmaard, but we maSt renem bar th a t w ar la one of the irea lest o f evlla. tn d la uaually tha g rc ite tt o t, orUpaa-

W haievor Senator Bktmunds may have to say to h li fallow-cattnirymin In a crials like th is la watt Worthy of attention and conaldarniloti. Senator Edmunds la not only aae o t the foremoit lawyers In the Vpltad S u tea , but be la also n gantleman of wlda atu inm cnta and education, and a stataam an who served many yeara. and with oonapleuoua ability, In tha United Btataa Banals.

Tha MSWS l i not of an Inflammatory fram e of miodi H haa no daaira ta say or do anythin* which can ba poaalbly con- atfued Into the encouraccmenl or In itlaa- tton o t a ntadlaae war. I t Is not of opinion th a t It has yet been dem onatrited th a t It ta deatrable or neeeaaary for the United B utea to |0 to war with Spain or any other country. It la of opinion tha t the Alhorlcan people should not and wilt not *0 to w ar upon any othar than the very *raveat and most Imperative conaldera- tloni. But there are time*, or have been, and probably wilt be a*aln, when a reaort to w ar may not ba avoided—when It la a duty ^ot to be evaded.

Unleae It cen be made clear that the de­struction of the Mains Was alther procured by Spam or retuHcd from a culpable nCf 11- (onoe on the part of reaponalble Spanish oStclala, a ne*H*enco which can be shown to am ount to a tacit authorisation or pro­curem ent of th a t destruction, the dlaaatar to the American warahtp tn H avana H ar­bor. dread ful aa U *faa, and deplorable aa w ire H i conaaouettcaa, dcea not conatltuta a JuatUlabla caaua belli, in th a t case we m ast content ouraelvaa w ith auch phllo- ■ophlcal and Christian realgnatlon aa wa m ay be able to commend.

Her does It aaam to be In consonance w ith the aplrlt of our tnatltutlonl, our tradItlOHt or our National policy th a t wa ■hould make war upon Bpuln bectuae of her failure to po t an end to a oondltlon of things which’ traposea upon us money daraafea ta the way ot a loaa o t trade o r a

' reairlctlon ot our commerce. It haa been Ion* held by other peoples tha t a reaort to war la JustldaMe In older to proloot, develop and promote opportunities for Its eltlaana to make money In ttada and com­merce; bjjt the United Slates has never aought t-i profll flnanctalty by tb s ax< pendHura a t human blood or tha loaa ot huBu.u Uvea with all tha other dreadful acoempaniments of war. So that, white onr commerce haa tuffored to Che extent of hundreds of mtlHona of dallara baoauss of Iba axlmsM* at the war In Cuba, and wtn doubtless elHler much mor* t t tha t w ar ta not ipaadny brought to an end, the people nt tha United S u le a will prab- aU y not be broUsbt to belleva th a t they ahOuM seek their remedy tn a rasort ta anas.

But there Is inothar a tp w t to the <tuaa- tloa which tonatar Idm ukda prwaanta w ith a bold bluntnesi which U impreairtta, HO aaysi "Wo eatuwt, with a clear oon- aclenca, kitl or m ain one o r two hundred thouM nd of our osrn elttkwa In order to

i rnHkfi (rotn ihclr dreadful oondflHii ths . Ml^dM* In Cuba." WalvUgr HMl

I Sta Ssamn, w U ti i m M

OUAkDlKO STATB F B A B C B in il.Tha Trenton State O aaatte, which seems

utiabla to underaund th a t any but selflah motlvaa couH a d n a ta a nawapapar either In advocating or oppaalng a maaaure be­fore the Uaglilatura, au rtb u laa tba hoa- tlUly of Newark n tw ipapara to th e Data- war* Dam blit to contmerolal JaaloUay, bo- causa they know, according to Tha S tate Oaaatta, that tha esm ring out of the aehama would maka Trapton one of the greatest matiutaalurln* cantraa o f the country. This la aupremaly rtdienloua. Newark has nothing to fear from Tren- to n 'i oommerclal rivalry, and It the proe- peHty of the capital w art tba only lenlura to ba conalderad, the HEWS would cheer­fully and vtgoroualy aid in tha dam projaol.

This la a raatlar in whKh the whota haa an interest. Tha righ ts and

franchlaaa which under thn D ataw are Dam bill a r t made free gifts to private corpora- tlona are of anormoua v a lu a They belong to the paeple, and ahould not ba dlapoaed of Without an aoulUbla ratu rn . The S ta te hk i kireedy been loo genaroua In Ha gran ts to private corporatloni la rfe ly becauaa tba people have failed to reallna until too late the value of an Intangible franehtae, aapeelally ef the water wayi.

Public roadi and a trsa ti have bean tob- blad op by trolley hompanlea; elrcirtc light, telegraph and telephone companlea have been pennlltad to disfigure and obetrud me highways with Ihstr poles and wires, While gas and water companlea have been granted perpetual rights in the way of laying their mains beneath tha tu rfacs of the public Ihoroughtarea In few loslancea h u tha puWW fecetved anything like a proportlanale ratu rn ; In many It haa ta- colved none a t alt.

The public ta beginning to recodniie how much tt has already lost by Its waale- fut prodigality, and le taking mcaaurea to protect what few rights of value yet re­main to It. One ot Iheao la H i w ater power, under the plea of helping tho city e t Trenton the State It asked to reUngulah tta r tih tio o l only in the DMnware.but also In all tho other ilream e In which the State ctalmi ownership, to a tat of hungry apec- ulators for their own Individual proSt and without compensation. This ta the rsason. and no other, why the NEW S opposed tba dsm Mil leal year and haa urgwd the pasaage ef tha repealer th li year.

I t may ba aalfl th a t tka am eiuhnent to tha bill wbloh Senator Stokes haa offered In the Senate to some extent overcomee these obJeoUona. This araendineat Would compel all eorporatlona to m ake annual returna to the Slat* of the ir groas feoelpti for light and power supptlad and dlvtdends declared *nd to pay au annual'tloani* f*e ot one. par cant, upon the g ro ta recelpti and a tax of flvo par cent, upon all divi­dends declared abov# fao r per cent. W hether or not th li la aulBclant oompenaa- tlon for the Btate to exact I t a kueatton for axpam .

It m ay ba nothing mere than tba gossip of poIHldlans. but It has reuaon on Its side, when It ^s reported that Iba Hon. Thomas C. P la tt and Uovernor Black, hla protege and creation, have fallen out. and th a t the form er haa hbout reached the conclusion tha t the la tter Is not a proper parson to oocupy the Executive chair for another term. The rtaaon Is upparent un Ha fact. Twice already this seeslon has the Q o v ernor blocked legtetallnn either actually ordered-or peraonnily favored by the Sen­ator. Both Ellnworth bills, the one to punish unfriendly newspapers and tha other to poaipona rapid transit Indeflnlla- )y, were meaeures th a t Mensra. P la tt and (Iroker ware deeply Interested In. The for­mer was withdrawn tha moment It waa undemtood th a t Oovarnor Black would veto It. The la tter may share the aame (ate. It will alm oil certainly ha vetoed If by any accident It abauld paan. I t would not tie ll]e first tim e In political hlatory that a Prankeniletn had dlapleaned his creator, slmuld Mr, Black proceed to gut himself forward as an Independent and wrcBt the parly machine from the Ben- ator'a control. There la already a nucleui of an antl-P lalt facllon of aufflclent di­mensions to Justify the deelr* of almoet any ambitious young man to obtain tta support, and In relation to both the Blls- worlh bills Mr. Black has nearly a ll the newspapers of the Btate and all m e un ­listed popular sentiment behind him.

fled WUh .the reeuH. Sanalor K au ltaan , who fg t h li rotM s and » * • M r»H y featad, thinks otherwise, and loudly com- pulna o t oenvptlon, Praalaely. There Is no m a o n to belter# th a t the Lancaster prlmarlea of last week were more free from corruption than a t any other time In hlatcry. Tho m achine made no reduc­tion In the effort to m aintain Itaelf agalnet Mr. W anam aker than It would have made against any avowed enemy ot corrup­tion: It did Hi work In Ha euatomary way, aa It wilt do Its work in o ther counllto and In tho convention a t the end. W hat ta m ail diaaouragtof, ona would auppoae. to tha avrraga voter, who ta a t least not In favor of a lystrm which no honest man can defend In public, la th a t a reform candldata ao oonapleuoua aa Ur, Wana- raaket should go Into tho game igalnat loaded dice under a pledge to accept the Inevitable loaa ensuing and give the whole lyatem, Which he doei not fall to denounce In wordi, the indorsement of uncomplain­ing BOkUltscence.

Tha newapapera have been gllenced In Madrid. But W'eyler continual to erupt with diurnal regularHy.

Experlm entj with minor coinage, whloh have been conducted w ith IndlCferent auc- casa by the Treasury Departm ent for two years past, are to he continued under the term s o t a Joint reaolutlon o t CoBgreia, to which there will probably ha no «H . oua objaotlon In either Houae. The Coin­age Committee of the Houee of Rapre- eantatlvaa aaya th a t the copper penny bC' cornea dingy, dirty and dull and polaonoua whan corroded, while the flvr-oeni coin, three-quarlars copper, la too loft. On the contrary, as Ulacloaed In recant teala made undtr Inalructlons of tha mint di­rector. pure nickel ta loo hard, and aluml. nlum and all Ha alloys too aofl. Foutleon different slloya of the two m etali have baaft tested thoroughly, with tesuUa uniat Itfsctory In each instance. The best minor coinage now tn existence li that of Aua- trta-Huugary, Italy and awHxarland, which la Composed of pure nickel. The hlanka of nickel are annealed before re­ceiving tmpreanloni from the dies; and no incwnvanlahce haa bean experienced be- caust of undue hardnaaa of tho metal.

Boms weeks ago Congreiaman llowall, a t tha Third District, was cuoied as aaying that he had no desire for a renomlnatlon, but that if the party demanded It ha could not well decline. It looks aa though Mr. Howell's fears w ert well founded. There are saveftl Republicans In tha three noun, lies at Monmouth, Middlesex and Bomerset who cherish congressional aaplratlona, but with suaplcloua eagerneia and unanim ity they hasten to declare th a t Mr. Howell has made auch an acceptable repreaenla- tiv# that they could not think of oppoalog him for a third term. While th is la flattar- mg, tha ehaneea are th a t Mr. HoWatl would not feel a t all oftended If ona of tho o thar counties In tba dlitrlct should Insist upon the rotation Jn nomination Which haa heretofore been I he rule In th a t district The outlook for RepubUcan auoceaa In tho Third Is not parUcoiarly bright th is year, Monmouth and Middlesex have returned to their Democratic Idols and tha Repub­lican majority In Bomereet le im all. Mr. Howell has always been known aa a ihcky man in potltlca. His nominations hsvs eotne t i him a t times when, for pceullar reasons, the Deinocratlc party w ai divided, and he haa r« p e d the reward. Under tho circumalancea ho rannot honorably decline a renomlnatlon It on# li urged upon him, but It le safe to say that he would welcome tha appearance of a rival tn tho field and

' would make way for him without a strug-

»’*• .Tha llrat effect of the action of the

I t may be depended on th a t tha report of the Main* Inquiry Court will he heard tn Itudrld.

0 ]t«D ikUrdayi liU 1

You Shouldn’t WaitlIt sometimes hsppetis that an opportunity offers to

get a decided bargain in something that you need—an opportunity that if allowed to pass means the loss of so much money.

This Is an opportunity of that sort. Vou need a Piano. You can have one from the sale of the Dunck- lee Bankrupt «t6dk a price that will surprise you. Some good Uprights at,sround $150.

A first payment of TEN DOLLARS will do.

FIVK 'U M IM l a r g e r irrocK o r p i a k o h THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE sta te .657-659 BROAD ST.

nW ARK THEATRE!C iiil liU iM T t-ao in i IT T S S C

Al-fillgTiN O A tT’S COMPAMT INt h h } A d L A . o i a i ' r K A . ' r s ,

P w ueln f fQu» of lariifftktar.

A tThe


great actress oe tbe gnalast trlnispta ol ‘ bsf '-------

Siam aa rnla ta-SBivnnr.

WALDMAim'SM attim a TaeHtay.ThusSay.tlatBrStay-

i i n j lorris't lOtk (xsAxf Itld tlTOO MUCK TKILBY, With Itany Mania m

" S ta ^ Valley."T H B O B N T U m r WfOOWM I

Tba Latssl nutataa Importation.Tin* Ran

- vv»,s,«,v,vVSdvSVy yyyyVySVvNS *vV T‘>SS*e*sV e*»*»VvVvSSVv**^

Idita Molltm In a series ol llTmg Raindiierioai ol Alt.



Tha CtlatintBd IiMlan ActrsH:

MatlBasTbaraday, BMBT SXATS SOo.nm

And Tralaad lad laa Paatoa Wuagy and Bookshta.


>»♦ I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

O F T H E VALUES of Life Insurance is that it is bendident without being charitable. It con- | fers a right which is better than charity.

Two bills e ra before two neighboring Leglftataree that, under the ctreum staneaa, aeetn to denote a common origin. Both atm to limit. It not to cripple, the uaa ol glucose In food products where cans sugar oould ba used. Adulteration of auger with tha inferior grade of saccharine Is mads the pretext to r legislation to prevent the Btlilog of glucose with sugar or other products of beet and cane Julca. In New York tke uee ol glucose In beer and ale la aimed a t; Ihts la not Included In the New Jaraey measure, Aa a m atter of common exparlanoa, glucose is not le u whotesome aa an adibta than cane sugar, t t la not so swSat by ona-thlrd aa tha cane Article, and the proMotera e l the tw o m raaurei have been Careful to avoid any argument ad- draaoad ta tha u n i ta ry view of tbe matter. I t IS only upon tha hypotheala that glucou la fraudulently uaad u a substitute for sugar that the Sale Is objectionable.

Income During 1897,

\ -■



- m -

An Irish Gentlemans

$ 1 5 ,5 8 0 ,7 (1 .6 5 .

S S I k P n iM ia l, P . a n d C o tm sel.

JO H N P . DRY DEN, PpssU teiit.

L E S L IE D . W A R D , V . P . EDOAR B. W A R D , 2 d V, PO R R B ST P . DRYDEN, S K r e ta r y .



"OOR u rn COiSTDEFKICEV'with a UirllllBf deecrlpdon ol the batUa ol the


Onr While Squadron, all modam war vasNli. their equlpmenU and the MAINB DtSASTBIU


calvary PtesbyterlSB Charrii.PsaaM rlTUla Ava. aBdOIUette Ftaoa, Nawark, S . J>

ADMISSION - , SS c a m . Ms


An elegant now etyls “ W a lB P a ” U p r i g h t P l a n o , 7H-octave,.3-atrlngad, fu ll iron frame, o v en tn u ig bsst, repM t- iBf action, Ivory koye, throe vB py r i c h , d e e p t o n e , w i t h l i n es ln ^ n g quality , and containing all the wuatest Improvement*, only

Look Ottt fe r anrtiN] tebpllton in Mon- mouth County noiv thAt the AMemblr hM kUIen S in tto r Franclfl'A bill for the protec­tion of m u ikm ti.

Brooklyn Bridge irusiaea In turning the roadway of the structure Over to the tro l­ley companie* waa the practical abandon­ment of the bridge care proper and the loe* of aevafal hundred thousand dollafe of annual revenue. Thl*, however, ha* not been fully reallxcd by the public, and will be Iheonstlcal only until the tax bllli come In. The second effect was to crowd the roadways and render them almost linpaeaable to driver# ot light vehlclee, and to the array of wheelmen. Sttll a third has only Just emerged Into view. It Is the open street car nuteanca. On the sur­face the Intending paaeenger by waiting from nve minute* in any o ther elty to twenty-flve In Brooklyn m ay take h li choice of a close car It the Weather la raw, or walk. Oh the bridge he miiel take w hat he ran get. And w hat ha got on the last Sunday o l winter Waa. primarily, open-car iranaportatlon, w ith Influensa, pneumonia and the whole tra in o l m ala­dies due to exposure, as the secondary re- •ulls. Sclentlllc observere who are con­stantly referring to pneumonia and con-' •umptloii a t tho characterlatlo malBdlee of the raelropolllnn district, have not far to go In eearch of the true explanation of the phenomenon.

You will come to our warerooms BEFORE YOU BUY. No house can do better—quality con­sidered. it takes only $K) to put a new Piano in your house. Consider I


oaah, or 9 9 S 0 on down and

InttalmenU, 9 1 0

$7 Per MonthsStool, cover, tuning and delivery tree. Old piano* and organs taken In part

payment for new one*.Don't fall tn examine our piano*, prices,

term* and Inducement*.Bend postal for catalogue.

HORACE W ATERS & CO.,134 Pmh Ave., Nmt 18th S t , N.Y.N. B.—Flanot rented, tubed, etored,

carted, exchanged, polished, or repaired.

This Is the day o t liberal opportunltlH for eduoatlon on the line of International relttiona. usages and K^jUiOi*. M«W der- asy haa so fa r kept rem arkably free from compitcallona With toealgn Bowan, ba t tbe uhexpeoted happenfe eo often th a t H m ar be as welt to acem tem ourtelvea to ■mlclpatlng It. A H re. H attaon, ot Jersey City, a lady of Germ an nativity, has been a t law with a guaran tee company for the last two years, and haa used pp no leas than twenty-aeven lawyers In' the busl- naas. She has received *o little encourage, ment that she haa fthally tiled notice with thff Vice-Chancellor th a t If things don’t come her way p re tty soon she will appeal ta the W ar Lord. Wilhelm II.. to enforce her view# by force of arms. These be perlt- oua times, indeed.

8 . A . W A R D ,C o r n e r B r o a d a n d N e w .


CONgBLAM MMFDaiag tR CONOMasg.l a tha Ghtngei In tha Consular aarvles

prepoied in tha bill reported to tka Federal House of HepreaentatlvaS by the Foreign Affair# Committee, an a ttem pt has been made to eontWuo by taglataliv* process ths Improvamanti In the public aarvlce due In the Brat Instance to BxeeUtlr# action by Preatdent Harrlaon, and aubaequenlly eon- flimed and enlarged by hla auoceiaor. There haa been aVliieed ho dlaposltlon on tha part of tha presant Admtnlatralton to make favorabla anasrer to tha peralatent demandi of plaee-hunlara and oiBce bro­kers. T hg shoutara foe Federal position* have shouted In vain, and gradually the oonaclousneaa of nSgtaot and defral has dawned upon them, lu the press of other and more toiportanl m atters, the various projects of shrewd polHlolans tor the dS' meralliatlon of tha Federal aervlee have been lost sight ol.

I t ha* been made quite clear, henever, th a t thoie in authority In high places af Washington do not propose to run any rlika of allenaUng political facllona or par- aonal friends by narrowing atlll further the llmllatlona o t tl|e Civil Service act. Practtcally, almost the entire Federal ler- vlce la conducted under Executive regula­tions prescribed In pursuance o t the Civil Service act of ISM, the only notable excep­tion being the Conaular and dlptomalh service. It la In this dtraciton that the Conaular Reform bill now before the House la to operate. It enacted Into law. It pro- poses a system of appointm ents for merit imly: fliHy ot tenure, promotions and re- m orals for eauaa; tho aboUtlcn of the fee ayatem, and tha ctaaelftaatioD of all oBcials attached to tba service, under utilfortn eatarlaa In each otasa.

This and could ba attained under tha act o t ISM by a mere RxacuUva edict. I t has bean feared, however, th a t auch an ea- treme aaaertlon of the Preeldentlal pre- rofstive wohid meet with sturdy reatst- anoe In Congreis, and m ight bo repudiated In esurs* of thne by an Administration ot a dlfferant political faith. The Consalales and Conaular appolntmenta ara almost th l last refug* ot tba political mKrtlaraangae, and tha menace o t Executive Interferenct with these perquliHas of parttsxn power has bean oppoaad by a sturdy and alitaoat desparato dsflattce. An Rxacuttva order placing all Conautar pssitiona In tha ctaasl- fled service would b« iiuua tn tins artth Popular Bentlment, and w ith tba profea- aiona o t party taadara of ajl ahadai of po- Iltical beltaf. Buab an gvdor aauld he c a r rtad tots e ffn t a t one*, and lU pornta' nangr w m M ha an shm* tn d m o ir Ant thdi d i sAg MotdMg g iin ig ttg a o l A lidk*


Congreiaman Sibley's scheme for blow­ing up a hostile fleet with benilne vapor U novel, and It ta not certain that It la Improetleable. T he bensine can’s deadly propertlat have been proved In many kllckae. and tf tta vlcltm* in war stiouhl equal those In peace H would prove a very beiom of destruction.


Judge Bradley, of W ashington City. • b ro ther In-law of ex-Qovernor ("Boss") Shepherd, posalbly planted the sesd* ol trouble for himself the other day by ra- marking. In an aside, while sentencing a negro murder:

1 do not know, of a ease In which tho community shUuld he more deeply con­gratulated on being rid of such a man aa that. Lynching probably would be better than putting the OOTernment to the ex­pense of keeping and hanging th a t brute.'*

The negro preachers of the cHy haVS formally protested to ibo D e tr im e n t of Ju itice end the Senate Judiciary Cam- mltlee that this la not quite w hat ought to be eapected of a Judge on the bench, as clearly leading to the encotiragemant ot lynching; and leading members of Con­gress hold that the point la well taken. Beyond unfavorable criticism and an bn- envlahle notoriety, howover, the Judge will probably receive no other punlahmant, H« la flrmly fixed In hla office, and hla q{.- fence would icarcely ba thought a ground for Impaachment. But even though Jadgaa are human they will learn from this, or ought to, that lynching cannot be safely approved by the bench oflictally or In­formally, in even tha most flagrant caaas.

The Hudson County petit Jury has been diaehalasd vrithout the thanks of the C ourt There was nothing further for the Jury to do. Prosecutor Erwin refuaad to try Shy mure cases before H because, no m attar how strong the evidence. It was Impoaalbla to aecure the conviction of a criniUini. H aver men accused of ertana were tried by Juries of their peers It w ta In Hudson County during the term Jnat closed. One significant feature ot thia travesty upon the jury system ws* the tact th a t former Assistant Prosacutor Joaaph M- Noonan and Aasemblyman Alaxiuidar BImptnn were the faVorad couh- gel tor tba accused and were almost unl- tormly successful tn securing verdict* of acquittal.

!»-PIANOla a o u p a id W y tb a bast aow insnufSetneadi

ly H a : ’ ' *I* the ealy _I M of Ike Oraad

, ______ _____________ The New W l s ^ AiSW O ta r tw a r maAn In an upright tarm embOdylDg Ml the baaolttal qaall* ■ad aowsarwelcd oa Ideatlcaliy (ha saAie prlanlplas as the Omnd. '

■OlIERATE PKtOER AND TB B II8. < *O i l B R O A D e i X R B B T , R B W A R K .

Now that the Lenten seaton is upon us and iwcessitstes adiange of diet, we ropectfully request that you give us a call, as our varied stock of Sea Foods in- eludes all the plain and fancy brands of eatables pertaining to this season. From our fine assort, ment of Norway Mackerel, Smoked Bloaters, Herring and &lmon, Sardines, Lobster, Soused Mackerel and Diamond Back Ter­rapin, the most fastidious taste should be perfectly satlified.

Atwater & Carter728 BROAD 5TRBBT.

Oar Canadian neighbors are working themSalves up to a sta te of mind beesua* they SMume that the interest Of ths peo­ple of lha United Statu* In Cuba h*a At ths bottom a desire to possess th* tsland. Th* Bngtiah custom of grabbing evsry- Ihlng out-ot-doars on opportunity seem* Id be s* Ingrained th a t the peepis af that blood canhot understand tha t githaTa may dot disintereate-lly In such a case a* thatlii paint. W e do not want Cuba for our- ■olva*, slthDUgh it would doiibtlas* havs baan better for the people ot the latand. And In many respect a an advantage to ue. It wa had acquired the Oom of the Antllts* a oontury ago.

Preliminary ekirmishe* Id the Femtayl. vanIa Oubernatorlal campaign have al­ready reaulled tn the alectlon of 10 dats- gatea to the Btate eonvenUoo out of 1 Ot these the q u iy machine hs* slxly- elght unconlested. U ta bettoved by ML W anamaker’e friends th a t he has forty- three secure. This would not bo so dtsoour- aging but for the chariiotar of the con- icals with which th* week cloaad. 1* Lancaster, for example, Mr. WanamaRair made his strongest demonalratton, lo two addresses delivered there be dehounceA tn no measured lenns th* corruption ahfl

Spain haa aent one alleged soldier after another to Cuba charged wHh tha mio. Men ef putting down the tneurreetlan. From the way they have gona about thair Work It la fa ir to Infer that the two bast approved methoda of making war known to Spain are bribery and tha butchery ol non-combatants. Ueneral Btapeo has Ju it fWled In his second attem pt a t bribery— ha, 'and Weyler before him, have uni- (ormly fatted in the use of th* butchary method. I t searoi to hav* haver occurred to th* hlgh-aptrltad, khlgblly Don* th a t It n ig lit b« a good tbtn'g to try hiaklntr srar Ih a soldierly way.

IniquHy of the Aepubileati m achine whieh he and his frtanda hav* nndartakao to destroy, carefully atipulattng a t th* sW o time hla absolute regularity a s a party man and deprecating alt desire or Intenrioff of carrying reform to tha extrem e of 41*- putlng the verdict ot the convention. The situation, from the standpoint of an earn- eat and a taaan party man, la not srithout Its obvtau* dlfllcuUlea U r. W anailakar muat have astlolpaiad them. T hs length of lime be allotyed to psaa before foriDpUy accepting tbe nomination not only 'WaaintarpraUd « l algnipy thq ,teSMta4« l be felt to entertog such a dlsputa, b u t th* gray* doubt* h* fan « hi* ab tlitr and that ef hla supporters sucgenfulty to bat ths loaohlne. This le te rp n ta tlo a apparently .accepted In lip n M te r , lha Gttgg oroaetaattaa

;bMof4 '0 .' tev. 'WaaagitMd^

!:|Don1 put Off.Buy now. Best GOAL costs $4.25

“ RRA D BU RY P IA N O S ”0 . SMITH, M’F’R . ^ ^ *

Mnewa ftie a halfoMSesy » "IC H SHADS piANO. For staglaa qwellty and a Geer m nSle^ twee—t h ^ are Baaersnssed by any la th* market; else th* eele- bralad W aB artaR . MENHINO sad KOaBRg tlprlght* aOd *qlta»F-N ew Bad beeead-haad—e t pH eet aad Terms te Suit, Bay of the m aker Bad m r t laler- m adM a pieflla.

I T . Q . S M I ' T H ,W i m w i n s . 6 J 9 a R 881 B r«a8 S t„ cor. W . F i f l i A t , N o w ark , N, J .

,yMMyyyMytaMh> a * a ajeashaid dWMmMWWWtaldaS.IWIii>i*ia**taAdlS>^*dhh*i<SAJ>ee*A

ABNER & REEVE * SONS,H igh Orada Coat and Weed. le taphoao MS. tgFTOWt*t.,lbet iirB e<*or*t.,lfew B ik,lt.J.


OneWh*rm lT ftt« rc I p K U tf’W lahea le D veaa i L ife A w ay.

From the New Orleana Tlmea-Democrat."Of all fascinating place* under the

sun " aald a gentlem an who has travelled much, "the IMand of Tahiti, one of the Bootely islands, la tha most faMinstlng. In th a t country, a little earth lost In a TPPt oepPHs Dftiurp haP doiw mak* Indoient soula happy. The climate I* tem perate and even all the year round, the vegStallon 1*beautiful and th# nights, full ot perfuiee and mystical light, *Hr the mttat practical mind to lov* Of m edlu tlon and dreaming. The influence of thta dreamy, l**y h(« •• very Inaldteu*.

■Tt Is not nedaosary to w ork,*athe island furnlebe* food without the tabor of tlH- aas. I khoW a number of Amertcane and French who heva gone llisre f»f k vlalt and have beecme so e n r a p t u ^ with the languorous silstanoe that. Ilk# tho vis- H o n to the lolUi land, they He down and forget friends, heme, amblllon imd evew thlog. 1 remember how ' •"


T h s W a te r* T e sm la g W ith A ll V a r le - t ts a , b a t g a lm e a P r e d o n l a a t s ,

H^elelon, Pa., rsporta a ahoWar ol angle- WOtiBs. There ts a dlffsTence of opiniqit among the soothsayers as to th* meaning pt thl* phenomenon, gome Instat th a t tt portends war and indicates that Opaln will bteoine food for worina WMta ethers augur th a t there will be tlWhIng to fh- tarfarq with the enjoyment *f the flehtng aaaeoD, and henc* peaca will pwvalL

UMIOODOO V m b re llsu l a a TO* COberlauffer,th* Chicago n o e ^

riauffer, of P|ill materials to utnb

th* 'infloanee steal upon ! ■ wiahad earnaolly to

w?th thoaT’lShgoerbui ^ n t a ,■‘t can look back now and »ee nyM lf j

I lay o n a ^ h l a . M ^ ^

I used to feet me. Many a

asa t my lot

In 'a ’^aorTof 7 of ta M 'o F tOa^iajl^^^^

aa. tree

3ta iy or m aaiiaiien, <^*S- y , bright *H h a mtUloB

oundt came w me In Uendlhg tat* a mw a i m a g n a p <N native*, groYKwtKg A * rh y tita te phdflt ef'Uia daqee. I thought o f mysett

wltli ocedn on evaty mtisa dfs-

;o m* hot bright sky

The water* of AlaMux, both oceanic and Inland, have a food supply squat to the de­mands of a c o n tin e n tB a ld M. C, Dem- Ing, of Vancouver, the other day. "No- uuuy who has not actually seen P * teem ­ing lire In thew water* can bsTiev* the truth. In Behring Sea there are flahlng banks where cod and menhaden are caught In numbers that put the Newfoundland hauM where cod and menhaden are caught In the shad*. But It Is the salmon run* th a t excit* the arsa tsa t wtindar. These ttah go up ths river* In the spring and

<*“ praer to spawn and aomettmea In JCf shallower part* of a atraata are so thick th a t they actually eliitab over each other, and the Indians and other* eeoort

.they want with clubs ahd pHobtork*.. a. perpendicular

■" aatonlMimf height, and million# era klltad by falling back to ’--- -------- - ks. Only the atrqn

■a tha highest poln and (hey ar* gaatraUir ao bat-

w ater and rocks, eeed tn reaohlni streams, b

th* tuc-

on the

thetr reu irnthat when they a re caught rn they are not conaldarM III

food by the while rsalddni* o f tba 'ebaat.' : the bona* of th* stream* p ikdhave seen _ _ _ ™

up two feet high with dead Batman, andv a r tn a x aim I m m a_.____ _ .ws.__a.__

snd New Drteans *0 many , Nothing aerniad roaj « sgbt ta th * ***, With (},* L ^ , - -V.-

1 could hear t n d u i l ^ |^ theth* ilng tr* and tba atAbfng of i; a giyllerhrM charm poetaneff

nia th a t the output United flu te s ha* reacl

ZN,fN Tdephooe Statiois

W M i w hM k floM um iilcgtiiM ' tn M Ngw«lt flHjf W iM 49flN«b jrtMT

L g R O if lU iB tg liif l tn H M a t. ,

I t e N i F r i f t a i i N n i J t i M f

yet there is imparenlly no diminution to the VBst numbero th a t coi 'c -1— ®®tas frinn thetrw inter home tn ths deep sea each leaso

iue* of the wonderful extent o t t; talmim flalMHes may be obtained from LColumbia to the i ^ o n , l iie tu i^ g a ooaat tin* of more than glW m ilea Tn?


I stnieNlip rea ia rw of tbe aea th a t ar* uaually fount

are alap found thera;have seen anf t ? ' I * ■••ttl# harbor, aad saa•"* 5' 5 “s*t. aea, .cucumbara, aea urchins, stsiflsh , tfioonfleh, dMflah and aharka are to be found everywhere In the a r u t e s t abundance. Hock cod, *«a baea, Rng and e* h « gatne flih of tbe aea a p ev e ry plea- tlfuL Slid otams are so abundant th a t every saloon haa c am houlllon on tap fra* to every poroer. Tbe N orthern Itaclflccomer. Tba N orthern IW lTc attd Behring gea are w v ^ e rtu l gtorSw aees."

■ w l*n Pels* t-Mt.the flt, IraoiaFrom

The handbill of a Mtaaoarl tn Ibo pubi „aoroas the river. Tha and croea hones, and g f ^ : Mobs core gallon; kentneXy

par ton here for itove or not m ixed w itb No. 9 N U ^. And you'll get nothing hnt tbe very begt h a rd L e h ig h , screened clean end dry. Otder by postal or call us over the telephone, No. 378,

K L O N D Y K E !Co In Luxury!

-m M f e t j r p tM fw n ,Ibm Maa*djr«rfl. tXO.

ttUefill U<J0 tWJOf»d“Oi»9*EMd $100 at ones to rwsrve paagafs-

« dwieai wvm to Alaikft. Wt 1uv« cftof* lor i l l v S w r ^ e r i t t ^ tarther i»irilcuiar*,Itrih taWim* Tmip*rt»lld» »wl Tn«i| GtatagInlAveu MO Olg (Moay BUg^• “ ro S u iW iiab . CI.l«iig<b

PIMPLESAr* tlw » « 1 MtoOrilTIF «* ***





K*i*i orauHi Pew**r **•« Crtw*.ox io * W 6«r* » iwa akin w■M* Bbf Will ok - - k liakl

UNOLEtllS, 35c BP.R t T O S .



m B i ^ A D S T ,

Page 5: First Edition. - DigiFind-It

ABDITlOlitL SCHOOLS.M n t a r ftt ltkT«r to7iM«r*» S*.

0| h M, iMtrodMM m BUI tluit W*uld Ka- abt* IVawarh io I ttu * Bmuftof BSOO.-

•00 far Kduatiotkal J^urpotM*UlMdtL to tbo SVENING NEWB.

TBEKTON. U»r( h Beymour*t t Nafrark, m at with tha Leirlilatlvr Com- m iuea of the Common Council ot th a t city, la the Trenton Hoiiae, Uat n lfh t, and after atatlnx hie views on the achool que«- tioii, asked th a t a measure, which he had caused to ho drawn up, he Introduced In the Lejristature. The bill was turned over to Senator Ketcham, who promptly In­troduced It. The system of ratslng money Is termed tha "pay-ss-you-fo plan,"

The measure apylles to clues of tha first clasp only and Is IntamUd to provid^^ addi­tional Khool accommodations whare necaa> aary, by tha erection of primary, interme­diate and fram n iar a c h ^ l buildings ami addlUona to bulldlnas already erected, and fur the paym ent o t l '

ubafInth e same.

stance the bill sats forth thatwhonavar In the Judgment of tha board having tha ooniroi of the public schools shall deem It expedient from time to lime to provide additional school accommoda­tions It shall be lawful for tha Mayor and Common Council or other body of such city having oonirol of the ttnancaa thereof from time to time hy tcsoluUon to appro­priate luch sum or sums not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars as they in their discretion ahall datermlns for the' purposes aforesaid, and to authorise tbe itccessary auma of money to be borrowed and raised for tha purposes of purchaslnt o r procuring of land, and the erection ana oonstructlon of suitable primary, inter- mt'dlate and gram m ar lohoot buildings andadditions to said cIbm of achool buildings, as may already be erected In any such city. All furniture and appliances are Inoluded. The money required for payments can be raised by th e Issue of temporary loan oer- Uhcatas or bonds, payable at any time not exceeding five years; and the mon^y so raised shall be carried to the credit of tha board having charge of the public schools, to be used for the purposes dealgnated.

To meet and pay the temporary loan car- Ufloates It shall be the duly of the proper aorpOrata authorities to Include and raise in the annual tax levy in 1901 a t least one- third of the total amount of tha certificates or bonds, and In 1902 at least one-half nf the total am ount then outstanding, and In 1903 the balance of the amount remaining unpaid. And as fast as the money oomes Into the treasury It shall Immediately be applied to the payment Of the certificates or portions (hereof. The certldcates or bonds shall bear Interest a t a rate not ex ceedlng legal rate per annum, payable semi-annually or otherwise, and they shall be Issued for such periods of time as will enable the paym ent In the manner provid­ed.

The certlflcgtes or bonds shall be Issuec and signed In the regular form and signer! by the Mayor and Common Council oi board having control of the finances, by re«Hutldn-direct.

When the proper authorttlea shall have appropriated any sum It shall be the duty of the board having control of the schools to a t once proceed to purchase lands and erect bulhSInge, suitable nnd adequate for the purpoaea; provided, however, th a t no lan d t'sn a il be purchased except with the concurrence and approval of the Mayor and. Common Council. Such concurrenceahall be expressed by resolution of Com mon Council and approved by the Uavor. Tha title to all lands shall be taken In thecorporate name of such city.

All raoneya raised shall be carried in an account to l>e designated "primary. Inter­mediate and gram m ar schools construc­tion account." and all w arrants drawn by the Board of Education upon this account shall.have stam ped or printed thereon the words, "prim ary, Intermedlute and gram ­m ar schools construction account/^ The w arrants In other respects shall conform to those now required by law for the drawing of moneys from the city tren%iry for the construction of school buildings.

TvaUey DMbrspasiKo* IvtUad bytb*Malr OaoMO-The Brie MakM ■

tlaa-T alk of *»» OoAag*.The trolley queetton was brought up

again a t a meeting held by the Montclair Town Council last night. Halaey M. *isr- rett. representing the N orth Jersey Railway Company, whs flrat heard, and he decliiriKl th a t the Council ami trolley of­ficials. who had been a long way ap art on ths question, are now "so cloee as to al- most rub." The oomimny. he said, wants a slx-cent fare to Newark, until Hidge walvr-* the compensation of 11,000. when the rate, he explained, would be five cents. While the alx-cent fare continues, he said, the street railw ay company Is to pay Montclair $2,000 a y««r. beginning when the flrat car goea over th e road.

"The only difference between us." said Mr, B arrett, "is a proposition submitted by the Council th a t the rate of fare shall be hve rents to January 1, 1100, during which time Qlen Ridge m ight waive the $1,000 clause. If by th a t lime Qlen Ridge does not waive the It.OOO tiie fare ahall be raised to six cents, and the comiwnsatlon of $2,000 to M ontclair should commenue and contirtue indefinitely."

That proposition. Mr. B a rre tt declared.- the company could not accept. The ob­jections to It sre serioue. because It Is not a popular thing to raise fares they are once fixed. Mr. B arrett expressed the hope th a t the differences would soon be seltJed, and It wae decided to have an­other meeting on Thursday night.

Jamee S. Allen and Engineer Baldwin, o t the Erie Railroad, subm itted plans for running the trolley under the E rie's tracks a t Valley road. The w<irk, according to the plana submitted, would cost $23,000. Mr. Allen said, and the expense would have to be paid by tbe two railroad compaiues interested. lU explained th a t os the law now stands the work m ust be done ^ t “* expense of both railroad companies. T h ^ Is now pending In the leg isla tu re , he said, a bill to abolish all grade croseingk and sooner or later, he declared, they will be a thing of the past. If the Council does not attend to the m atter by ordlnaig^e now, he said, the town will have to pay half of the expense If the pending bill pssses. ^* In reply to Mr, Allen, Mr. B arrett said that there Is a law to regulate all sucb crossings, so far ns danger Is concerned, and the regulations now existing, he de­clared. are adequate.' Conductors on the trolley cars m ust get off a t all crossings to see If the tracks are clear, and he In­sisted th a t the Council Is not obliged to Introduce In Us ordinance the plan as sug­gested by the Erie people. No action was taken on the m atter,

David P. Duncan, president of th e Board of Health, and Moses N. Baker, appeared before the Council in relation to the col' lection of garbage and ashes in the town. They suggested th a t the Council should place the m atter before the voters a t the

; coming election. The question will be voted on a t the primaries.

An amendment to the proposed new tel­ephone ordinance for the Neat York and New Jersey Telephone Company was ap­proved. It IS intended to compel the com­pany to place three miles of wire under­ground ouiing the flrsi year, and three miles In the flve years following. Tbe or­dinance wss pasara to second reading, and tt will be disposed of next week.

Oouncllmim Crawford stirred up "a hornet’s nest" when he made a rfs^uest on behaJf of the Board of Education th a t the b ^ l on the old W ashington School- house be removed. Mr. A tw ater objected. He said the bell had been purchased by private subscription, and th a t the people w a n l^ It placed on the new school and not taken to Upper Montclair, as has been suggested. The m atter was laid over for one week.

Vkm Aowrlsaa Baadissp kheetlsgT esnw km eat—IVeli-knoini Marksman Katerad.LONG BRANCH,March l l - T h a Ameri­

can handicap shooting tournameot begins to-day a t ElkwcKHl Park. The In terstate Association h^s increased the purse $ ^ , It now am ouniing to |1,&0(X The d m high gun will rerelvf $100, the ascuiul $5u0 and the third in addition to the $du0 the winner of the grand American will this year receive a handsome sterling sliver trophy. The entrance In the handicap is IM. T hf handicap will range from twenty- live to th irty .three yards, with fifty-yard boundary and a dead line at the th irty- three-yard mark. Seven t-veols are booked

so sa iS eM7THFUL A D i'E JtTTSIK O W I tL SJtLC n O J flB tV O O IU ^

ifiousE ^

SpringOpeningof Jnillmery andQarments

Champion FTcd Gilbert, of lo w *for the tournament. The handicap will lake plR(!e on WwinrstUy. the second day. ■hooting to begin nt to o'clock In the morn­ing, ana If not concludLHi th a t d » ' will be resumed on th r following day. The other events will be a i follows;

Tuesdaj’—Klrsi Kv« nt-Elkw ood P ark In­troductory, $T> entrance, seven blr<ls. th ir­ty yards rise; high guns, ftflv. th irty and tw enty per cent.: ties to bs divided,

Beconn Kvrnt—NItro-powder handicap, 110 entrance, hfteeu birds, handicap twen- ty-flve to tnlrty-thrcr yards, number of moneys to be deiermlned by the entries.

Third E\-ent—I Iranchport sweepstakes, $7 entrance, ten birds, thirty yards rise: high guns, forty, thirty, iw^eniy and icn per cent.

T hunday — First Flvent — Consolation handicap, tlfl entrance, ftfteen birds, handi­caps twenty-flvp to thirty-three yards, moneys to be determined oy the antrlss;



Tke Ja d lo c o t tli* Piww and flpwM O flw r W hite Char(«d W ith Coaiplracy.

J h iUcc of the Peace Henry B o iu t w ei t defendant In the Court ot Quarter Rea- tlo n t for the third time to-day. and Lewla White, a apeolal officer, wae put on tria l with him for the aecond time, Boiaet and W hite were arraigned on January 11 charged w ith extortion. It w ia alleged th a t they had cauied the arreet of Michael Levan, a team atcr In the employ of Otto Pott, on a charge of cruelty to animala, and had releaw d the man, after hi* em­ployer had paid Boeaet ffi. A technical de­fect waa found In the Indictment and both defendant! were diacharged. On the aame day the Juatice waa tried and acquitted on a charge of aaaault and battery. The Orand Ju ry then found Indictment! igalnat Boaaet and W hile for conapiracy, the charge! being baaed on the P o tt affair. It waa on th a t charge that they were tried to-day.

George a Clymer, couneel f o r . White, and F rank M. MeDermlt Joined In a mo­tion to have the Indictment! quaehed. Judge F ort denied it, and Pott waa put on the aland by Aaalatant Proaecutor Hood. The wltneaa, a fter telling how Levan had been a r re a t^ , aald be had met W hite In a room in Juatice Boaaet’a houee and th a t the epeclal officer bad aald:

"Mr. P o tt, we can 't make a charge agalnat you, but It you will pay |fi th a t will aimare the oaae."

Pott w ent on to any th a t bla partner gave W hite f!i and th a t Boaaet hM then announced: "You are diacharged; the case la dlamlaaed. There la no charge agalnat you anywhere elie>"

In anawer to a qiieatlon on croaa-ei- am inatlon by Mr. MeDermlt, P o tt aald th a t Boaaet told him he would not take a complaint unleaa Colonel JBdwarda, of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animala, waa preaent. Boaaet, he ad­mitted, alao aald that he had no right to take a caae of th a t character without In- atructloita from Colonel Bdwarda. On re­direct exam ination the wUneaa aald that Boaaet had made .theae statementa only a f t t r the money had been paid to White. Mr. MeDermlt aaked If tha witneae knew Of lua own knowledge th a t tbe money had

Dedlnea Throughont the U at In the Early Ooallngt on Wall Street-Quotetlona

In tha Cloalng Trantaetlona.NEW YOBK. March 22.—Dedlnea of a

half to a point ware the m l* throughout the Hat a t the opening of the atock m arket to-day, the apedaltlea and the Qrangera lending. A decline of a full point waa ■hown by Burlington, M anhattan and New Jeriey Central. The depreaalon WM added to by lower quotation! for Americana from London.

There waa aome additional loaaea after the opening, Including a point In New York Central and Mtaaourl Pacific. The general Uat meanwhile rallied fractionally but afterw ard weakened and fell below (he prevloua low point with Increaaed ani­mation in the bualneaa. Sugar, M anhattan and the G ranger! led the decline.

The m arket moved tiugglahly afte r the flrat hour, and Suctuatlona aither way

■6 of email oonaequence. The apeciHa- i world maintained Ita waiting attitude

pending the development of the Cuben alt- uatlon. The bond m arket tended down- w a ^ on light offeringa.

been paid over, don' ■'ll"I don't know,” aald tbe wltneaa. ‘

waa put on tbe table In front of him.” William Bollard, P o tt 'i partner, cor-

roborated him. He told much tbe tam e kind of a atory aa did Pott, ^adding that a f te r the tranaactlon all handa had ad-

to a nearby aaloon, where they ■ ' ard I “ ' ■ ‘ ■

Journed . _ ____ ______ ____had a drink. Bollard paid for the retreah-

Ritrm ent hlmaelf. The wltneaa aald that tbe money given to W hite waa In the form o t a ( i bill. __________ ^

The Field of Folltica.W hatever the Democratic city conven

tion may do In the way of aelecting can­didate! will be backed up hy the Executive Committee of the Seventh dlatrlct of the Sixth W ard, T hat waa decided a t a meeting held by the committee laat night, and a reaolutlon favoring the renomlna. tIon o t Alderman Waldron waa unanl moualy adopted. ,

The membera of the Flrat Dlatrlct Re­publican Club ot the Thirteenih Ward, met laat night a t their rooma on South Gr­ange avenue, and unanlmoualy Indoraed the candidacy of John C. Elaele tor the Republican Mayoralty nomination. A reao- lutlon favoring tke renomlnatloR ot AI derman Ferdinand Heap and School Com- mlealoner H arry Schott waa adopted by a unanimoua vote. '

The membera of the Democratic Execu­tive Committee of tbe Fifth dlatrlct ot tha Fourteenth W ard Uat night adopted a reaolutlon favoring the renoml nation of

. Mayor Seymour, Alderman Tfabold and School Commlaaloner Banaom.

The R ^u b ttcan Club of the Sixth dlatrlct of the Third W ard held a meeting laat night and elected the following officer! preaidant, Alderman John Buhl; vlce- preeldent, Henry Lind; recording.and cor- reaponding aecretary, Andrew Bratach financial aecretary, Gottfried Jaehta treaaurer, Auguat Champoaae; aergeant- at-arma, E dgar Brant.

A meeting of the Second Ward Independ­ent Democratic Club waa held laat night a t D runder'a Hall, and It waa decided to change the name of the organlaatlon to tlM u J. -Qronder Pleaaure Club. Twenty alx now membera were enrolled.

A Democratic Club 6f the Fifth Ward waa organUed a t Boylan'a Hall, Ferry and Jefferaon alreeta, laat night. The elec­tion o t officer! waa deferreoT until after tha city oonventlon. Tha club ladortad Jamea M. Seymour for Mayor, and Jamea Boylan for S treet and W ater Commlaaloner.

The Democratic Executive Committee of the F lra t dlatriot o t the Twelfth Ward haa elected the following officera; Preal- dent, F rank Frechln: vlea-praaldent, Philip Schetb; aecretary, ’Theodore Hlndenlang; financial aecretary, Chgrlet Feltainger; treaaurer, Thomaa Mahan; aergeant-at- arma, Oeorga Parnita.

A t a m eeting held by tbe Tenth Ward BepuUlcan Club laat night the follow­ing officera were elected: Prealdent, John R, Robb; vice-preatdent. Dr. Joeeph S. ‘V ision; recording aecretary, Robert ’Wag­ner; financial aaerttary, Otto Hornlch; traaaurar, John E, SehuMt; aergeant-at* anna, R uppert-Ill,

Tha Soclaliat Labor p a rty will hold a maatlng a t I t Sprlngflaid avenue to-nightio ratify the recant nom lnatlona Jam al S, BelUnga, Alderman Uagulfe, of Pater-

■on; H eary C arle ii a ^ SMward h . K lump will be the apeakera.


gebame to Beeover I t , In W bich a Jaraey- ittan Will Not Fafftlelpato.

Bterial to the BVENINO NEWS.MORRISTOWN. March 22.-Adam Dav­

enport, who reatdee a t MlUbrobk. a village between Morristown and Dover, baa for­warded to the postal author! tie i a letter ha received, which la postmarked Tampa, F la The letter describes tbe sufferings of a Cuban and hla beautiful daughter, who are prisoners In a Spanish dungeon.

The father seeks the release - of nts daughter. He knows where a horde. «l wealth la hidden In a cave in 'C uba. 11 the receiver ot the letter will forward any sum he sees fit to the pcatoffice box num­ber mentioned he with other*, who are likewise contributing, will share In tbe hidden fortune as soon aa the prisoner's daughter la released. The girl'a release from prison la to be aocompliehed by bribing tha jatle;^ with the fund being raised ----------------Upon her re-

Idoenleaie she la to secure the hidden wealth, divide a certain proportion with tbe aub- scribera to the fund, and With the n tnaln - der ransom her father.

Opening Millinery Daysbint been the recipients of

unstinted praise for our magnificent collection of rich, rare, high art and exclusive designs displayed in tbe handsomest and most correctly ap­pointed department in the State.Tbe daintiest conceivable ideas from Parisian authorities on hats— Pirot and Berthe, Mme. Josse. Camile Roger. Mme. Tulia Mangin Maurice,Marescot Soems Linn Faulkner,Micbniewici-Cubee ami others—to­gether with five hundred exquisite creations of our own, hearing that distinctive charm which has ghen us widespread fame.

Untrimmed Fiats, Flowers, IVings,Aigrettes, Ostrich Feathers, Ornaments, etc., many of wbich art shown no place save here, if not already a customer, we shall hope in tbe tight of this beautiful showing to at least make a friend of you.

Opening Garment DaysA il o f the swell *ii#

tbe charm of first choke i^’yours if you come now, before the rank and file o f garment excellence has been broken. So many meritorious ex­clusive fashions have never before been shown here. If a style appears in London, Paris or Berlin, 'twill be found in our assortments almost simultaneously with tbe amtounce- ment. The season's elegance has assembled here and tbe world of womankind is invited to inspect this greatest of ail gatherings fo r tbe adulation and admiraliOH of their sex.

Tbe IVaist and Petticoat Depart­ment is also in gala attire, and a number of imported creations in iVaists are being specialty exhibited during tbe opening days. Silk Petticoats are no less in fazvr than last season and tbe latest ideas are here.

Sale Of Manufacturer’s Stock of Art Goods.A large concern dosin g tip their business affair* preparatory to reorganization determined

to sell all made-up stock on hand. Spot cash is an important factor in a deal of this kind and ours secured for us a splendid assortment

At About 0ne=half Regular Value,

irea- am,

Mra. Chicago;

The handeomc trophy, wlonera of money In the grand American will be handlcaplHMl one yard.

Second Kvent-Auld Lang Syne awemj- atakee. J7 entrance, ten birds, th irty yarils rise; high guna, forty, thirty, twenty and ten per cent.

Third Event-M la* and out.Among the ehamplona who will be pi

ent are : E. C. Rice, H. H. Frothlnghi M. D .; Dr. and Mrs. Shaw, Mr, J C arton and John Watson, of Chlcaav, Charlea M. Orimra, Charle* W. Budd and Fred Gilbert, of Iowa; George LoomU, b. A. Reynolds, Frank I’armaloo, W aller G- C lark, of Nebraska, and Mr. and Mr*. W. P. Shattuck and Dr. Lyman, of Minnesota, and m any others from the w estern S talei, New England and New York.

P Is In fla ld hew s Notea.Though aevatgl of the most prominent

and Influential property-owners on East F ron t street. In Plainfield, are bitterly op- poaed to the use of that thoroughfare by the Plainfield Street Hallway Company for tbelr extension to Scotch Plains, it is sta ted on good authority that the com­pany haa succeeded In geltiiuf sufficient conaeniB from the IntcresittT peoperty- ownora along the route to guarantee the righ t of way. Application will probably bo made In a short tim<- to the C ornmon Council to r a franchise for the oitenalon. However, if the East Front atreol plan abould fall, the company Is assured o( a franchise over Kaet Second »tr»M.

The Middlesex County breeholdcr* and tbe officials ot the Lehigh Valley Hallrond are considering ways and means to relieve lb* dangerous grade croering over Park avenue, three miles from PlalnBeld. 11 is on the road to New B runsw lc t and traversed by hundreds of blcycllsla and

p ' *§!’ ShTipson, rector of Bt. Bte- phen'e Churoh, In Plainfield, will officiate in 'iTinIty Church, In New York, T hurs­day of th is week. _D elegates from the Independent Tur- nerhund, Inctudli^ sticletles from ^Jl^r-

which will be immediately transferred to you hy the piece upon the basis of purchase, delay coming unless you wish to lose the opportunity presented. Sale opens to-morrow.

A t On« C est—Button Bag*—Btaiii|ied Denim nnd Canton Flannel worth | 6c., stamped Duck I}oUiet,al*eii hill 1 C and 12x13, worth 3c. and 4c. earli,

At Three Cente—Stamped Dnok Blhs —Whisk Broom Holder* staminvl— atamped Comb and I>ni*h Bags y and due Linen Dollies itampcd for A P untUue work, all worth 6c., at each

At Five CeEte—An eesmtment of Linen DolUei stamped for outline F embroidery — lire 12x13 — wortli q C lOe. each, at the one-half price... .

At Eight Cents—Dentm Ciwhlon Cov­er*—ataniped In all colors—^Tinted Cn*h- ton Cover*—neweit deilgna—Collar and Caff and I-aundry Ua,;* and atamiied Duck Splaihefs, worth 16c., a t . .............................. ..................... 8c

A t Ten Cent*—Collar, Cuff and Dtun- dry B ^ s—tinted and Mamped—newest dealffn*, good *l*e*—Duck Ijinttdry Ban* —embroidered and fine Itamjied inllfiw (Sham*—any of them | | | ^ worth 19o. each, at.....................

At Twelve C ents—lln ted Table Cov­er*—one yard »f|uarc—pretty design*— worth 20c,--Four-m>cket Denim Shoe Big*—stanijx^l—all tailors, and Ta|)e*try ( uthlon Top* ■ -aagort- «d colors-worth 23o., a t..........

I At Fifteen Cent*—Dcntm 'Dible Cov­ers—itampcd—all color*—Cuihlon CoT

' ers—complete top, bottom and rulfle— ready for u*e—Uiicli Laundry Bag*— ttaniiied, tinted or embroidered—

i and [»lr of Hemmed Tlllow Sham*—fitami^d-worth 36c., at.



qutna to lit any filse mantel—itg'- fringed—worth ilfeured c lo th

each —a t

Do not

A t Nineteen Cent*—Mantel Ijunbre-

19cA t T w aa ty flv e Cent*—iremmedand

Embroidered I’lllow Sham* ready 60c. per jadrfo r n»e—w orth

and th e price

Retulisanc* Scarf*—,411 lace—hand­made—size* 18x64 at 2.4R , and atze* lHx46, worth f2.76, a t .................................. 1.98

aah, Pasaalc. Newuifc. W lllla E i^ rg . B fW ly ibethport „ — ------------ --------- .fiuntlay. Resolution* were hAoj

B f ^ l y n . Union -H ill Hobokei * ■' irt and PlalnileiH. met a t F|


Be TeU* the D. H. O rent Club the* the 1*1. and Will g»Dn Be Free.

The D. B. Orant Republican Club gave"■rooker" a t the clubhouao on Newton

street last night. President H. C. Has- k in i started the festivities with an address In which he told of the good party work done by tbe club. The entertainm ent con- elated ot musical aelectlona by a trio of banjo playeri, buck and wing dancing by Oeorge A ;^r, and songs by George W atts, William Ichenburg and a colored quar­tette.

During the Intermlaalons, tpeeches were made by Henry K. Bailey, George U Smltlt, A uguetut F. Eggera, Dr. Joseph VInaon, Fred W. Atkinson and Alderman Ogden. The la tter devoted aome time in telling of the atand th a t the Republican party takes In the present International differences. He declared that Cuban In­dependence would soon be acknowledged, and that the Nation’s leader would bring his oountry through the present dlfficultlea with honor.

SoBlh Orange Mentloa.The South Orange Township Democratlo

Executive Committee will meet Thurs­day night In Temperance Halt, South Or- aime.

7116 South Orange Township Commlttaa last-n igh t recommended th a t the follow-

la - nfirld

___ . . . . . ^x-m ^ a g the’desire'nf the mt-mbeA to take p a r t In the prise Swiss Turnerbund lour- nam ent of the United States, to be held a t Paterson. July I. 4. S and fi. They also d ^ c u M ^ plans (or an outing a t Fort LdOe

of the malnflelrt Common Council la s t night was <'haract€rl»'a by soma caustic remarlia between ihi-: memj bers during dlscusslop o£ a resolution In tro d u c e Counetlmah Andrews, inwhich tha police force and (Jty Judge w ere com mended fur the stores keeping oprii on Sunday. Th resolutions aroused the Ire of Councilman Hatfield, who Is altprm-y the offenders arrested He claimed it was highly Improper for the t ouneil tp InSuenoa the officialshad bw n held, as he considered th a t sev­eral of the prisoners were InnMent of the charges. He made a motion that the reso­lution be tabled, and waa supported by CouneJImen Uefkc and speeches, bu t when It came to a vote field was the only one lo supw rt the mo­tion. The resoiulioii wa* adopted. The annual appropriations for Ihe r e a r were made. For general purposes,fe.OOl waa approprlaled: 420.WJI for aliveta;|li,00CI for fire deparlmeiit. and Ill.jOtt for the police f o r c e , _____> > goinmlt fiirtillgs.

Captain Gibson, of Newark, will address the m eeting of the Volunteers of America to-night oil "One Night In Ihe Slums of* J^p™ e^'Taylor of Newark, haa leased the ™ d e ? c e ’^of ’jo!in II. Wlsner, on Ho-

im^ai^’wlll be given by the Young PaoDle’a Society oi the Presbyterlaft Church on Thunday bight In the chapel

’ h e Fortnightly Club will meet to­m orrow afternoon In "The Crimean War will be the subject

***The new Summit Bank 1* plated, and It will be occupied by May 1.

Ing sums o t money be voted for a t the coming spring election: For road purpoaea M,0pj; lighting M r e ^ . K.MO; poor. ILOW; Incldetttata, ^Ow. The annual report of

A m baaaM orH lW Iw M kFm w te Cndw U aU,jkr. PETERSBURG, March l t~ p h a l i: - new United States ^™ l|»*A or to Russia, had an audience

raatertay and pra*tnted’htacredentials.

4***cMxb ••vteria. 7a,ww. aaiaeuast i «|JVl L WlTownship Collector W. W. Falen showed th a t tax collectlona were very good.

Christian Science meeting* win be held Thursdays a t t P. M., and Bundaya a t t-w P. M. a t tha realdence of Mrs, Fanny Tournler, corner Riggs place and Irving­ton avenue. South Orange.

The young people of St. George's Church. Maplewood, are arranging to repeat thdir mlnetrel show, recently given In the Ma- plewod Hall, by request, a t the Common- w n lth Halt, E aat Orange, on Monday April IL under the ausplcea of the Baaeon Club of E ast Orange. The proeeeda wlU be devoted to reducing the debt of SL G eorta’* Church.

The annual meeting of the Maplewood Club waa held a t the chibhousa last n i r t t when the tallowing officera were elected for the eniulng year: Preeldem, 'William H. Kemp; vlce-preaklent, Charles A OoIdamltF' ‘— ■“----- ' *• 'H. Kemp; v l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..uKriBpOoldamith; trsadurw . A.. H. Hein; aecra- t u y , Jamea M. Whitfleld; Board of Gov-emora, W, Q. Miller. W. L. Algeltinger r . B .ltoneaIl. F . W . 'Ifienlon, JohnB row er' A, K, Daniels, Y ^ltefleld Csmmls,

B a lla T lIte B rte ta .Iflaa Clara 'Wilkinson, o t Brooklyn |a

the guest of Mlaa H. Osborne, of Ettee- wood. H etfh ti, Bellevllla

Beth Boyden Counoll, Royal Arcanum, of Btllevllfe, win c e la W ta Its ann ly eraa^ next month.

The Belleville Township Committee le ‘j*. *B°*‘*I ” P9«. whioh win


“ Sorosis,” the New Shoe for Women.Do you wear eomfortabls boots? If not,

wbytMH? The "i^roils" U tho rutult of a onniblRaiinQ of Ideas In whiclibeauti aivl «tyfe ore peHoctly lubtcu-ved at the tiunimum cost of prikluotlon. Kciualto cwu>m node boots retsJliuR at fTt>ni $0.00 to

iiolr. We arc i^roud o( the dls*f 10,00 per lair. We arc iiTOud ot the dls- t^nctloo of Ming sole agents In Newark lu* the already fimoUM I SotohIs " and camnstly request an IntpcctloQ of this hnot when next you Tislt our

floor tshoe HoeUon; price tbe world over........... ........ .


La Yida°=Corset Demonstration La Vida.The “La Vida’* 1* one of thoae thoroughly excellent, reliable and perfect fitting

Corgets that Is welcomed a* a lioon to womnnklnd, all of the new curves and contours, every new touch of elegance. They have attained a wonderful reputation among the fastidious and fashionable drcaaers throughout the lioil. Graceful, eaiy, atyllah, the eiiihodlraent of genuine elegance and perfection. Strictly band made by expert*

. In fifty different model*. Camille O'ArvHle uy*i “ I «n now woitrlng the La I Vida iind think It the most perfect fitting corset 1 have ever worn.” flNe. (L D.I Sexton, the skilled fitter of New York, will give free fitting* this week.


L. S. PLAUT & CO. 707 to 721 Broad Street, 8 Cedar Street.DEMENTED WOMAN FOIJ.ND.

Hr*. Hacte Had Wanderad Bight MIIm WhU. O at «r Her Mliul.

Bperial Dl.pat4lk to the NEW*.NEW BRUNSWICK. March 22.-Mri.

Anne who dlsappcarwj from thepoUca station on fiaturday morning while h&r husband was asking aid. wti» found lost night Bt Band HIU»t eight from New Brunswick- The woman was discov­ered by her husband, who had In hla search walked (or mUes In all directions along every road leading out o f tho city.

Mra. M arte was located In the houae of an Iialiati family a t Sand Hills. Kho had b ^ n there since Sunday night, when fbe was found In the church. Bbe was i>l(iln1y demented. M arte and hla wife walKe«l t^aok to th is city, and were ahoiost dead fn>m fatigue and hunger when they urrivod. M ane had not taken tim e to eat for over thlrty*Blx boura I t is feared th a t It will be necenflary to send Mrs. M arte Iwiok to the Insane asylum at Trenton, from which she was released a short time ago.


Captain Farrier Trying to Ccmrlet a sleroey City Koondstnan of OaosMIag.

Special to the KVflNINO NBWg JERSEY CITY, March f t-P o U c e In ­

spector Lanp$e is this afternoon Investi­gating charges made by Police Captain F arrie r thot a police officer w as in Greene's gambling-house, playing poker w ith Detective Larkins when th a t officer w as securing evidence In sccordshcs with the orders of Chief of Pollco Murphy. L arkins shielded the officer, who la said to be RoumSsinan Craig, of the Montgomery Street Station, and testifled th a t there was no poUoeman playing with blniv

Captain Farrier and hli w itnessef wenttnuniwi4rip I.BTIIIFa ffi.f Sbefore Inspector

H tlto n H ap p en in g s .Ilton Union Chapel Awoclallon

Will holrf a " P r i ' l a l n K * " : y ‘*hcT he H

*’'ilie°B*Mutlv«''coramVli’ee of the HiltonD tm ocralle CUib will meet gsnlsatlon and transtict other businessa t Boyden Hall. Hilton, tom orrow .M*ht_

F ran k , the teti-year-old aon of Peter Geiger, of S prtii^elJ avenue. HIBon. la vreiger, , y . c a u a ^ by a

on litrn on Sunday'ir*d from Its roll

RU.,vUle, Pa.

“ Chi-- . wai - . - __conoeri.to_ba held on Wadnesday aight'

oral ^ M y of BMlevHIe, under__ of Profetaor Ckorgt —of Newark,^ haa b e E n n j'.h g u u li


Thothe d lr^ lo Q of

siger, or -----avvfferlng with largo bam door falling on hi afternoon. The door ers when the boy feared‘ T t e t U W S ! ; - N 3 hnve done no ?o the oariy fruit* about Hlltoo.

Failed to Reach the Kloodyke.

• ■ W ' S ^ u V s M ^ M a n t h « - T w o

le a tH e and h»'1 J»»‘ to a e l home. Laat night Martin H o rrm y n an!i John TuttlSi the othors o( tha trio,

They had spent all of the4r In Beatlfe smiling for a |hb? to the

K l ^ y k e . All three come of good family And their relative* are overjoyed to have them ^

' Gledtpsae Off fbr BawaM ea.BOTTHWKMOUTH. March 22.—Mr. Glad-

etone atarted foe liairarden to-dajr In a l im n caS ag e . Ho w ^ e d firoHy h is oojrlaga to .tb e train, but si^s

m J ? I l ic oMMatoaman STM greeted with f l u e n t criee of "God b l ^ you, air, ’■GAd'a rltheal bleaalnga real upon you," Upon Entering the train i l r . u ladatone riiraed and A id In a clear voice: Godh S ! l TOU all and th S place and tho land

« e dlstlngulabod traveller wa« f o ^ ly cheered a i the tra in departed.

April Tf. There will be a ohpnie of forty voloea, r aECTRIC EXPRESS.

:ea:" i

F ra w k lln a « d Ew lley,The funeral services of the late James

Madison Collins took place to-day a t hla late home on Centre street, Avondale, a fte r whlqh the remains were taken to Montgomery, N, Y„ for Interment, .Mr. Colllna WRB a well-known New York Joiir- nallat, having been connected 'w ith the Evening Post of th a t olty for over fifteen

ira.he Franklin Township Committee met

laat n ig h t Among other m atters coinlnK before I t waa a protest from W. R. Ben­nett, of Hlllalde avenue, Niitley terrace, against tbe new flag sidewalk on Hlllaldi' avenue, which he claimed w as not being laid according to the plana. The com­plaint waa referred to the Road and Side­walks Committee.

The Franklin Board of Education met and oraanlaed yeaterday by the election of William H. Boardman aa preHideiit and Charles B, Van da W ater as district clerk.

Jam es Armstrong, of Croton Point. N. y ., la a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Mar­shall, o f Vreeland avenue, Nutley.

M ra CyruB Clarke, of New York, Is vls- tttng Mrs. F. Skiddy H arden, of Nutley avenue. Nutley.

Ahotit K o'clnek yesterday morning a milk wagon helonglnji to Calvin D. S*r-

Hlgh street, Franklin, was struckpy a trolley ear ot th eJfew ark and Pater-

I-ange a t 2 o’clock. Among those who will Teallfy for him is Edward Greene, proprietor ot the gum- blliig-house. If the evidence w arran ts It, charges will be preferred against Craig, and possibly against Larkins.

Woolf Joel’s Nlayer Esam lned.JOHANNEBHURO, March 22.—At the

examination yeaterday of Von Weltheln, the alleged Aniericaii who shot and klllea Woolf Joel, the nephew, partner and tru s ­tee of the late Barney Barnato In hla offleo here on March 14, Manager S trange, who was present when the m urder was committed, testified that the prisoner had comliiually demanded money of Mr, Joel for the ''rem oval" of President Kruger.

of upon 'H a n

gent, of by a trolley p ■on Eleetrlo Railway Company on Centre street, Franklin, and was completely wrecked. Isaac Kleratead, th* driver of the wagon, waa not h u rt seriously, but he waa nearly "drowned" with milk.

A fair and entertainm ent under the aus­pice* ot the Ladles'^ Aid Society and the E pw onh League, oonnected w ith the Franklin Methodist Episcopal Church, will be held a t Park Hall, on Cheatnul street, Franklin, on Tliursday and Friday

” *S?r'\iia Mrs, George L Maicom, of Ten­nis place. Nutley, have returned from Old Point Comfort, Va„ where they have been spending several weeks.

Annie Oakley, the fasaoui rifle shot, connseted with the Wild W *sl troupe, who has bean spending ths srlnter month* at her home In Nutley, will tak e p a rt In Ihe entertainm ent to be given a t Madison Square Garden on Friday plght, In aid of the Maine monitment fond. H iss Oak­ley will lead a band o t Cuban soldiers, many of whom are crippled from the ef­fects of the treatm ent Inflieted upon them by Spanish troops. They have g rea t re­spect for tbelr fa ir leader, with whom they have been friends for years, ever since HI** Oakley gave ehhlbltlans of her akUl w ith the rifle, pistol and shotgun In

.H avana, H atanaa i gnd o ther parts of Cuba.

K artla T hom lad llltiaw t te H U FMe,BING SING. March a.-«.HArttn Thom,

who I* In one ot tha enndawined cella in Sing Sing Prison, awettlng Mecmtlon for the murdar of w uitam Guldansuppe, ha* Increased In weight slnoa he h as been in th is prison. Hi* Tnerea*

Death of “ Tbe O’Urady.” DUBLIN, March 22.-“The O'Grady,

Kllballyowen, County Limerick, whuse estate at Hertiertetown, the of Campaign" waa flril put Into execution Is dead. He was born In 1*44, and was head of the Ancient Sept ot O'Grady. His full name whs Thomas Do Courey (The O'Grady).

To Stop the Frea.llee of Lumber,From The Forester.

Representative McRae (Dem., Ark.) h a t Introduced In the House of Representa­tives a bill to prevent the free use of tim­ber on the public lands. In speaking of this measure, Mr. McRae said to a repre­sentative of The Forester; "The oliject aimed a t Is to prevent sasrmllls, m anufac- liirera miners and everybody else who has free access to the public lands from cutting the timber^ until proper regula-

gre makliiii; buslne**; pau't liolp but do so. are uuwln In greater N'cwurk only.

RUDC. BEUT!for all furniture demands—that's our poaitloD,and we'll hold It steadily. UocI*

Satn can't be better equlpjied for war than we are tor business. Our display ot rJcli and elegant |iattcrni Is * delight to the eye, a challenge to turiirise and a tenipta- tion to purchase. Diplomatic argument* are strongest when l)ackedbyguni,butwo fortify our prkies with value*

CITY SALE PRICESWhile tlicse price* rule, free dellverlej

Just Note These Quotations!Come In »n.i « e the quality, "tyle and niildh tif tho itonrtK. H what you i f f ncedlm U uot qootol

‘‘ - have It uevertheleai, auil a t lh« rlfflit prltv, Ujo.

Boohitkf Clinlri, 1.40. Cklffba&leren,IronlICNili raaea. 12.OH. ftarvint TaUki'Vi U-OK. Dr«ialn|r Tablffi*. U.4H* Chinn noM ti.ll.7A. C hild 'iK orkeri.

lint lUclfi, 0.«5. UrvMlox l^anevi K.41L

Ilr*kii S.flOeI'oiiclieti 3.OKs Alutire««etp IsTfts Ten ('halr«i FoldltiK U.OR.

Chamber Kult«, tK.Ofi* pArtor NulU, I0.4ii.Ofid 5.0S.Kxfrnatnri TahlfM* 8.48g rnni y Sflrrara. H.OH. Hpriiix Be<Us ls9K. Muair ('ublnotas T.4S* IMnlugUiiialra, Wo.

tloni can be adopted. The hill which 1 iri' trcMluoed in the laat Conufeiw (II. K. 119), for the protection of the timber on the for­mat reservation!, haa b«nn aubatontially«in>iOdied In the Leglalacive Appropriallon hill, and so I deetded to ko no fu rther with H. Hut the bill 1 Just Introduced appllei to the public landa. The Anoiconda mine cut 1 000,000 feet lant yHtr, and the tnanu- factureri and lumbermen In all thote States have the rlaht to cut oJI the timber they want, the oriV condition brtng th a t they ahall oell it to the8 taU‘B or T errito rle* .----- - - g vaome nyrtem controlltnfr Ihia ciiUInir, but the Committee on Public Lauda kovo in« to underiU nd that they were not dlR|>oaed a t preient to fO any further, and ao 1 have Introduced thla bill to atop tho freo uee of 4uch timber.'^

people in thoae t ihoula like to aeo

r rH E >

Cheaper, cleaner and mm con­venient than attf other.

Th leiulL Eltctrte LUM k Roier Ca7 CliINTON STHKET.

J. C. McCurdy & Go. 5 9 3 BROAD ST.,1 N tiisr C f u t n i l A v e .

MOBTOy i E ^

1200.000 TO LOAN-




LOANS negotlstsO oo rs» l ••Isw , hMuraiut policies snO all klnM ri

property w ithout removal. P. m.^ 1 broker. C;immJ«lon«RrIIibito. room a lei Market tt.,


BIIOAD AT. t l iMOflOO WAHTKD on bond and mortjflia#. at 4Worth Ml Nawi eflli

OO'.QOO. Addreoi Mwrtaaatr. Box 90W1*00.000 TO loan on bond •"? t n o r lw W su^w

to i ^ t at 6 par oant’» without *i>“WAHD fia*BLACKr Ctiunaantjr. 6H Frud^ntlaj.MONET to loan at tt. alon on impro'%'*d ro«l talaia, roortfOiM tou«ht Inquire 7W Bro«d i t , room 8. _ fl«ItONRY to loan on bond and tnortoaR# at flv( JOHeV FHANCI8 CAHILL, lawyar, •00 Brood a t ___________ OfiiKONBT toined: Umd aud mortjiax^jB Pfreant. s

O P ^ i r niANKLIN ITe MAtOa «W Broid it.

>»o n b t to I» nUAHN. Oounseltor. room Ml. Prod Bids.SO*

dren Caah, So* W. Ncw» offle*.

MONET TO LOAN,Partita wlihln* to borrow raoBey would <■

well by oonauniox us before gain* elsewhtrt.W* procura tooni far you from private

6 p«r cent, tier annum, oa houMhoti^Ifunltura. alonoe. horMi. etrrlairea. waxona,ether nmooat pro] In your poaaeiilon,

NEWARKRveninff nawi

iRTOAOE^|^A*f COk. ilnr (oteond floort.





-A NEW riaAN- $10 TO I1.0D0 TO LOAN


WAGCJ m- et c ..without rftjiDVil from etwieiilon of owner. We con utr«r you the LOWKBT RATES ood EAfllEHT TEKWS. . ,No nuhlicltv; all deahnoe itrtetir cotifideotlaL No delays you will reueSv.* the nmnev within a few houra after making aiipHcntlon for It, pav* menie on the nrlndral, of any amount, will be received at any time. Kach payment will leofen the eoil of carrylnir tha iqon. ^ .Before oecurlna a loan elaewhere, It wlJI b« rreattv to vaur Jnlercit to call and (nveetlfOUi our plan.


Oppoalte Poitofftae, Kewailb

pvrty. The eecnrltjr to remain, and the company will oharxe. .. ---------------you roa«onabla rwiei for aeilnx oe your <Mmt

the matter, end for aueranteelnf the loan, Th' loone Off made from tlO upward, and wn t>a paid In 1*011. or part, at the oxrtraUoD of took month, and payinenie made on tho loan will re­duce the ooet oi carrylnx the Mine In prop<nllofu

It eoeta you nothint to coaiult u t In revard to a loan, and we are always wDUnr to expUtn our method!, eo that any one can fullr underatopd what the loan wtll eoit Our officei aro M or- ranxM that parllee con be waited cm quickly oi^ privately and heina the oldeet loan eompasY m Ihe olty. you can be aeaured of recelvlnx alriotljr hemeat and fair deallnoi] oo that panlee deallnv with n! onee wll) be lure to come and oee ua ■caIn when needlnir a loan.------------ M?>R----------

Hivlnx comolettd arroniirmeiita with a party who hat money to loan at the teffol role gf inureets we ere prepared to plooa loasf Irem 0 upward on houoehold (to • - - - - - -

:p.. eto.. chtriiiDx you but itaaloft for traiwaotma the Loan! made In KUitbeth. '

inureets we ere prepari.,110 upward on houMhold pltnoo. onronota__ ^ reaaonabta com-

the builneio.Loan! made In KUubeth. Oranire and all Pll^

urban townwSECtTRnT I/iAK CO.,

Page 6: First Edition. - DigiFind-It


IHM !0 mm.^ ----------------

L ^ d n Trjl»g to foto* *•“ UgW»- ttn to OloM M Thitfdftf.

tfP R D fW M IO M B IU . IMV M U IE D E U T .

I V - A tm * tQ in « » MI-WO )■ th*

* OMi***m*t»MJ*»»">'* *“. * • MUHf* • w * t

• M M h r t i w Itoli**y B .ronH »lw j-TI» Trolkiy a m P » » * " « « • ““

A»*r * »»■— ■** 1“ ro ia i* .n l p r t A U « l , P « t-E » o H . t . P i - *l»

I j t h t I b M a n *>»«* •*"framektm WH P™ *"' * •’“* **W w t *k r« « l» TbH lloniliiA - Krt*- lu tM b .n * > M *i*« !■»»«> •»» *•"

.A jo tu r1. 2 .™ in ■ .« " in d H du .. m ad, . d ^ ttJnUMd eflS n la .1 night to e b . r Iho ,a l- l tS S « and ^ T . i t c tM r work to .uoh a ■L... u to liiaur, gnal adjournment n e tt

a , orlKlnally ag rc 'd “ ^ n - ®® far M Hq«»« Vi t:t«K‘ernai|, 8|W*kor W atK .. and Lea'K-''

.uBcient progtea. baa l*«»

Jnh«aon tav t th** .*”• Wn»t«rMnatOf itoH™ e n le ru ln . a • l" > ^ f alld Governor Voorhoe. **‘‘" * " f hoM tbftt th^lr v^l^(^lctioa would b« jS l It wlU not be. how.ver according iT ih a opinion □( l ' r « l d . . t » | r " . tb . majority of tho KepubUcaa Bknalori who daclaro that Anal adjournnwnt can M t b . raacked mrloi to March 9 or .*. They huve found that, In th* haete dl*-

l u t wet*!! In the fln*l |ufc*»*lf ot m ia a o Z two or i h r » kW. «ou,*^

{heir W to the Oovemor th a t would not *aa« d H carefully cohaldcteA

Thci* niM iiur,. were not of great impurt- a i c . hut Ptwaldent Sklrn* a a ja lb* «*m« thing might occur with “ *»*;urea end he fer one doea »“ propo» to M u m a th a t rlak, and prefera to f™ * ' |

aaolhor week. K n«eaaary. t* avoid

“ bn the ether hand, the l« r ty leaUera aye u » IB i Iho l« la la t« ra to go heme, and argulag that to reguiln heie longer thiJi ?h . llaad by the Hwuw la dnngeroua l i ^ w h r w V ha m klw uinca. d l.glay.d b v f a e membera on i»ine of the meae- » e e under coualderallun, and point to the character and volume of new blUe appear­ing dally a . au argum ent In <k'i*i ^ j o M alh* «*•^The*Ap»eu'prlatlon CommlUee haa taken tba WM,*^aiii haa coacluded ila labori with tha aaooaUon of fem aliy approving the two w ST tkat *Hl be m

• tatloB ta-iigh t w ‘0-“ ®"®" , / £( AMMMiftt hM b**n aiftde by which it ■

th a t tha majority in ‘b**19 fow oet Iheaa kllla without dleaeM. duat h«''« agreed to auppon. ih e

■•Crimea aat rev Won tn d other comm ^ Blon blUa aa they come from the Benati. 'l b . minority will oppoae the conaldwaiion a ( the anproprialloo bill uotU U been

. S te ia d i n d m the hand, of the Uenator. '-.i S f |Qie<nb«a long enough ka be caiwfully

agaafnad . K intlodticed Ui-nlglii ih . prim-a F c ^ c a mlghJ. be available t ^ ^ r t w .S a t U the bln la not preaented bvtore to-

' i n . t will mean a delay of anotherS S liS S L K n g T h T p m ta d W . Wbjec- 9 iS i^ a i ik l ba ouered that woujd make It

to uaaa w e Appropriation bin lihoul a iuipenalon of We

_______M.. t a . K - i m m i t a a w Um 1ft

K s r r r '5 f u n ^ i S r . . i f . v . T i C h % “b,ci

I S i r iu b d r a w n %hi“S fb ? thnew o o . embodying the principle M miin. with the alnglii change making the fran cbljK Umll aeveaty-tlve twrniy-hv* year». flwU w»»aS p te d a n / the bill waa owlered to a‘ T^ai*tw"l?ircliic Eight bill, which reada M foMawi. wii* luk^*n up:

"All Droc«dliif»i h«r*tufore h*d or bv lh« w vrm l munlclp*litlE'H of thlfl purtlortlng to anth.irlie the cunatmdlon, r^iinalructlon or extension f * ’«b*f*? pok Uriiw, lo b«* by f le « r l r >Ulht. and power wimpiinle* for the P“ '‘I^,'‘J? their biialnena mid under »b lch subway* and iwte llnea h av . been conetructeil. uitU all cimtracta entered Into by fbe •eve™! munlclpalltleii with electric light, heat and iHiwer eompunlea. In the carrying out of which aubwaya of pole bnea have twen entered by such companlea. .h a ll be taken lo he legnl iind liiiufing, and to have ao- thorlxnl the l onitruction ef auch aubwiij" and the erection of auch pole line* ah' t" authorlae their malnlennncc fm ponin and commcrrlol obi-: and the electric Haft . heat and power coniuunIcH which annii have ao conalructeil aubw ay. or pole nnvB, and placed therein or thernm ciiblv.t or wirea for th . purpoae of furnlahlng elec­tric light, heat or power In the mreeth or any municipality, .nu ll be deemed m :inil tKtmnma In »ueh street* lUI legal au­thority nia-esaary to b . wcurecl from man munlclpollty lib order In such Btreetn to lawfully conutrucl, reconstruct and maiii- luln such subw ay, and polv lines, camw and w ire , with proper uppll.nrea for me nuuplylng of light, heat and |a;«er fnr public or commercial u»e; provided, mat nothing In thl* act aliall I* eonairui-d to apply to or valldul* uny ordinance, rmu- lutlnn, contract or o ther proreeiHng now Inviilvwi In any litigation. And nothing m this net shall be construed to llnilt the . . force the


IftkH ItJl»*g a«r VMiirs.J ■'•"va , sr --powt-r of uny municIpHUty to r« iHurlng of Hi! w lr« underground.

Mr. Crl.lien, of Balem. who I. 'be representative In th* House of one of he few counlle. that la not recorded a . having any electric light com panle. within lt« borders, and who la the In tri^urer of Ibe bill In nucstlon, roae to egplaln It oi. nn. passage* The bill, h . m IiI, was deslgiiwl Blmply to correct an error In a law or 18M, and was a good bill th a t ought t'. P«*a, Mt. Ueniiy. of lludw n. In a long argument sssalled the bill, which he cnsrsclerlieil as a "steal under cover of the honesty or Its tntrmtucer." He cited a recent de­cision of the Buprem* Court In a llayoniie case where blanket ordinances granting franchises for th* use of the puhltc streetii were held la be Invalkl and dai lared that the Crispen act was dealgtied wilcly to on­set JWS objsctlon,

Mf McKee, of Pasaale, took lesue with Mr. Benny, and entered Into a vigorous de­fence ( j the bill, which, he declared was a Just knd equitable measure, simply de­signed for the better protection o ' the

thousands Of doliara Invealed m ■ parts

H la is te r. lo CeaapUlo lo the Graad Jury AgalsmI tb# Aollaa t f a Board

of M w satlaa.HOBOKEN, March M.-BJV. I. »'• O®*:

aa. of the Oeoe* Befaggi^ l ^ u i ^S*v. W. H. Ackerl, of th* Wank Road Chapel, Colon Hill, will go bsfo« the Grand Jury at Its next ••"■'“b '" d plain against merabere of th* W s|t N . York Ho«rd of Eilucatlon. Jbey at,LU.e th . board of allowing beer and whiskey *o be m W in IhibUo Buhool ho. 1. of m at town, a t tha fa ir held In b u d d ^ on March 11 awl 12 and on ‘b^Monday tilfbl, when the pourth Company, Huy.* Hrlgado, of Jersey City, gave a minstrel show there.

It ths Or.nrt Ju ry falls '<> "dh-t 'Ih K huol ttuaiees the ministers will the Gledhill InVi vtlgatlng endeavor to have that hwly make a oiigh Investigation of the matter.

Beveral of the Jersey City Imy* w er. M in hi L'nlon Hill after the minstrel .how uhd.r the Inflaenee of liquor, god . nva that ttm* there ha* lw«n considerable talk throughoiH all North Hudson rekardlng th . cate which was conducted at 'b®Th* cat* was In the room In which the Board of Education meets snd was under th# chusA of Moyof* hud l^rPE'hola^tG :n i! lr* £ » h w m iu-"Councilman lending bar and ( o n .i . ^ John Hauer .»<„™ *':**Lw khoarSOf liquor* were eold. ' mat In thl room were many V " * „Iwhlnd Ih* cashier's desk i™» » ceM®" sketch of a liquor llcenae. .Igned by Mayor f»le in chalk. The " '' ' ' ' b ^ T n dlent ImWatlon of a m♦‘verythtJig iwln*■■ Wh!l?“!h . fun was at Its height in th#


Retiring Prom B usiness IG reat Closing-Out S a le !


Carpet Department!

f m Csiiitf Dsioentie ( M r.H w itg u m r A M S t m i^ Q ul^ .

IS w . P a rk A t.

W VI'Igatt It WM reiolrsd that tM Demoefaua elir coovenUone for th« rtijr of Ktwerfc, b* h«IAa i S u d ^ r f r « ‘i s r . t w a ‘.cartoui w»rd cunv»atto*# si th* vstIqw h#r«in*fitr ^ liin sU d o* Usturdsri Vsreh at a IV H. It «*■ ilio fqrilMf *fd*i*d th*i tM p iiiu rr a ^ to n a to tiact dalentaa to m M convMiUooa te liald is tha vsHou* alaottoB 41a- Ulcta j^ lh a city of Kawaik on ThuraMyTiiaPoA

poila to b* opan from iitvaa (T) to alpeTh« baata of rapraatBUttoa ifa*]] b t om dfl*-

n w for avary lUg voiaa «aat far s t las*t als *C Cw Darnoerstk osadtdutaa for m ^b ar of (ha Oanaral Aaaainbly, In Novtabar ipT, irltb an a^rllilfjnal dtiagate for aaeh frartlAs at tha •am#. jmvvPM that aacb alactton dlatilot ahtU b«va at kaat oa« tfalataia.

A rafkatry at aJt volara ali^l bf Iwpt. Th* vollag ahan be by pnnlad nr writttn ttokati.

A oartlAed raturn of tha raaulta i>f iba snmatT elacUon ahall ba forwarded to tba chalrntu «| Ihla euBunUtaa m i'l Ltftv Aftamoon. Marob IL at I o'clock P. U.


niady V-a wssaOTsm- . ----muQlrlPnt lighting plgnta |n wnrlou'^V u^thla'uih# the frlan4a of th# County TroUay bill war* dokiig a lot of mlMlonrty work, They d#t#rniin«l th a t tha ( rtap#n bill abould not pnia l»#for# tha Trolley bill. To aiocompUah that, tharlea N Codtllng. of WaUftala, who waa on# of Ih# moat active worker* for the latter bill. it#iig«l over toaikpd him lo hav# th«® Blectrlc Light hill laid ov#r. Thai waa done and then oii#n^ an #xo##'ltnKly lively wordy w arfare fn th# lobby.John Kean was o p e n ly eharged by some ol his farmer Bid it leai frhwidi with » v l ^ iM iporailty araetracked the e le e t^ ' l^ b l r m td ls l mcesure. They told hhm too, th a t* day of rei-konlng wouW come,.If not sooner, then about the time th a t he might b* a candidate for Ubltwl BUM** Senator.

, Mr. Kean protested that Mr. Codding had ' not acted m the m atter a t hla iUlWStlon and th a t ba wa* not away* of what the gentleman from W eitfteld had done

S eal, very tuterastlng .kjrmlahliqi fol­lowed and Mr. t;oddli« throughoot In­sisted that th* County -ftoltoy bln Should pass the Houae ftral, and It did. Kurthar fn^ lrle* develowd to the Mtlsfketlon ^ the friends of the Klectrlc Light bill t t a fact th a t It could not paaa aaff U wa* Utd'''ih * rival faction., however, Mttled Ih ^ r Utile difference, over night, apparently,and th . first blU Ukeii up a fte r th . Hoom. . . .

w nur in# luiiim isr u p su lr . one •‘''•‘‘dnil duHng the fa h two young women, w#H known in hVw YorK where ‘hev.I've. w;e|;e Inv lM Into the cafe, It 1. said, and while there entertained several of nem oinclala hy singing and two minister* say.gainst the memlMT* of the h“»rd, and ‘ mong other thing* will accuse them ol muliitalnlng a disorderly house.


After a keparaSlon of ThlrtSf-**ven T«#Sw William fles.le Meet. His Child,

MlLWAl’KEE, Wl*„ March J t-M ra flora Herrick, of Chicago, and her father, William Oeasle, an Inmate of the Nallonul Soldier.' Home In this city, have been brought tistelhor afte r having be*n lep- araled alncc UaU, when tho war broke out The meeting waa brought about through th* settlement ol a wUl In which an et- tale valtied a t |1«».«| I* Involved,

Robert Op**1* 'Ued about al* monlha ago at Newport. Ind., leaving * large Mtate. The story of the litigation which will probably follow haa mgny extraordinary feature*. He waa an etcenlrlc oharacter and drew up h i . own will to suit hi* owit peeuU.r fanelsa II* left a hom ealsid v*lu«l a t lai.tlOli, to hla wife, but provided that upon the apjiolniment of tru stee , to lake charge of the estate the manalon aluiuM tie locked up and kept perpetually Closeil. except th a t twice a year men were to be employed to go there, open It up and give It an airing. T h . widow, who w .« his second wife, w .a provided with another house In which she was to make her home

Cocoa and Napier Mattings.lS-lneh wU* a t . - . .................. I®*37-lneli '* " ...............................J6-Inch " ■*...............................dS'lnch " " ............................... r*®*54-lnch “ “ .................................. y O c

T h i i U less than Italf tl« price you will have to pay elsewhere.

A haep Skin Rtifcs, all our 13.00 and Ij.yo qualities will be Closed f 7 ^

I m n lH S ta ir C nrpnU , ?i,wide, all wool, a t........................ * r 7 v

iB S ratn B order, IS in. wide, | A ^ all wool, worth 40c., a t ......... IvV e

Atair Crash Oilcloth, 13 In. C „ wide, per yard........................... U C

L ln o tau m , fl.00 quality, 36 l a wide, (or stairs and halls, a t , . aJV V

I A x tn im ta r CB rp«U , best ff.^S grade, I t . 80c

vfty b « t g g j .


In ta td l in o le u m ,quality, at......... . .........

B iif l ta h C a rp e ta , our own Importa­tion, all wool, plain colori, f t .10 quality, a t ........

L in e n D a n e ln f C to th t , 1 yards wide, f l . to quality, at

E m lU h A b e tp sk ln R ngg , finest qual­ity, imported, f liS O quality, 6.90

J« |M n«*a M e ttle c n , fto jio and tilO O qualities, per roll of 40 yards, 7 (TA all reduced t o .......................... f . u V

B ody B ruaseta C e rp e ta . very quality, the f i J } ftad t, re duced to ...................................

OIL CLOTH R U Q 5 ,6 fU 6 ft.a t..................................4 ft. 6-iAx4 ft 6-ln. at..................6 8 c

W U ton C erpeta , viry best quality, afew pieces left of the (J.7S 1.15quality, redticadto ....

C a rp e t A tm p la i, In lengths of s e e _ 1 V, yards, auitable for Rugs, ea I u C

Short LMigthB of Cerpetaof every description, with borders to match, suitable for amall room s and ruga, at leas th a n ^ a c tu a l v a lu e .



^ - W i n d o w S hadca .500 of them, made In our own

workrooms, of best Scotch HoHand, 32 to 43 Inches wWe, i yards kMVi,value O S tto lU S , with bestspring rollers and fixtures, complete, tor, each..............

«*wv.Mni ssiMM aiw gOrWCrUtaO HI AHV asSSBimiM Ofthis eoaigilttM ca rrldsy •ttsmaDU, Manh t t ,

■ ‘ .'clock P. M. ,jn . ivimuy slKilons shall b. eonduetsil 1# strict aec<« with the brUw. governing th* i»me, ntibllthsh by th* » - « County I>*ib- ocratlr CominHtiM. , ^

AtUntloB t. rirlctly drawn to ibs Igw “t IWH. touching primary .Iwnloiw. la wblcB H Is exacted ih»i .11 Judge* Inwwtom 9<*'i1's- belor. they enter uiwn their rospectlv. duties, shill tike and nibscrib. to «n or .f- Armstlon In th . prewnc. of w h other.

Th. tallowing s f . the polling plaoM and aun- bit H detocaiM ap^onlofMo:

FIRST WARD.pix Dslj1. i Cnnc 8t#Mt.................. ................L Sti Mt. PtMMnt avtntM..............t. pm** Mr#*t......................... .

llO Oc*M* ................... a*......................_ Vt C#oiral av«mw........a#**................ .a, M Broad itrM t.. . . . . . . ...a..##.......... .r I ctam ..................................................

Total...................... ...................................bmtomd w a r d .

1. Iflp ria&« ............................................a. UK H#l##y iif##!.............. .....................S. SIS pl#r*# ........................................4. 1 ......................*............ *......A 40T WaihiBirttia Ktr##! « fV)*rt #tr##t.................. ............... .......Te «3 W*#t itl*n»y •*#••(..................................... ..............

t h ir o w a r d ,1. Bhertr'. Hsll, I4T gprlngn.14 svHiM....a, K . ikI'i Hall, las Wmi Klwey sirwl..£ HauM lnu's. M Ctaytan m «*l...........4. «a tTiariion Hrwt..................................i . kM llmoai. .. ........................................u, r . I apruce ................................. ..........T, IM Bomemet .. ......................................................................... ..........

rol'RTH WARD.1. t'oener Ctaal and Pki* p tr» u ..............a. IT Cherry mreel.......i. 14T Mulberry etnel.4. U21 Market '

■y Btreei. .............. . 3.•'iKa:::;:;:;;:;;;;;::::::;:::::; j•Jf MrMt................................. 1




i S w S S wRWMit a au*p««aion m m Ioii op«n»d ihU mprnlM wa* th* #Iac-in d t t t th* i t ih* (*iii* *** *[tTlr H^ht m ew ure. Aft#r* a little

yarUiAh one, m at could not U« uon* un* #*iMwii»t Uk# l*«t alipht, the ^IS lw ^ v e rn u r VoorUue. h « lu r f o w*# PMS'*,M pMied by a TOt. of M t # ^ , or a i m ^

the akine vow which passed the Trallvy bill. ]*Dth MU* left the House M o n e .

Other hlU# that passed th e Houee taM ntgbt were: House No. 4A Murphy aCounty Boulevard bill; Houae No. )W, pro- vldea for the appafbtgieQt of meat tn e ^ '- t S T In ol IMS; House No. »1 p ru v k f.

stead It ha*. Oven ueownm i« |o r tho conatructloB e t publicto the t4u»rtqfi*as'vr-4aeBor*l a d o p ^ -^ 1,1 place* sJbng public road*; Borate ^ , m eal M7, ^ . tb# »nioui»t required to >*■ t i f mak.# Jh« 0P#n aeaaon tor rw d blitj* iaad|Bt#|y oqulg »uu phsM on • w.w ^ t - maiwh nen* from September » to No-

wlWVU v#» V. — .CM* iw n«Rt »• w c* 'm » »*n*i*re *na

WIHh#‘*iS£5wfimorgoKy fund gapyapriaUon provided 'o r,1® ,'b“ J!?"im m cM bv Bwitatur D#iy Iasi we«k. in- aiead It h a s boon d«ctd«d to apprw rist*

To hla aon. William Oegtle. and hla grand-ilailghler. he left a small amount of money, and the remainder of lb# esta te w*B to b# uii#ii in buklflinij a larv# *i'hoo1> hous# In Newport. Th# will provide* that In th# avcond story of th# building tn*r# •haF b# u larg# an##mbUf hall surrounded •" alt aldei with flmui #**«•. In which ■hall be pkai'ed th# clothing, M d ln n , furnU tor# and bou*#hold goods from th# Gesme marwlon. Th# reason as»lrn#d for IhU dlsptey is " th a t the puptU may be r«n>ind- ed of (h# donor and that hit memory may be kept #r#f(i."

There l» another ehapter to the ito ryr.1 eVx.,.. ta n.l.exl14*vn Vswgxta* n.x4

lAd It haa. u#*n o*citt*u i«„ j a i M7s ^ % h * aniouni r^ u ire d to i« -

stiuii# *tiu plifeMi on w !S^fil*^ailun«U OUArd of the Btatv. This IS L u n t wsfi b«^^^ in ‘>>® Bupplemegtal buTm sfSJr to make K wsallahm a tand the »*.«* wiJJSuenetaL ARVPoprtailosi wM far U » kauruos# will be OlDltted^ making Ih# n«l in-

The only # ih .r u u .iK .0cy IIMD w S h* th* •NjliW annually appro- p lS i* 4 % r Ml# u** 3 the Governor under

aa alrtAdy aUtod, has Mrned upoa. IhiJrOOU for lb* N orris FUtui

‘ TTosultA* Addutoii A»k wiii asJui no AP pw IurliSU Jor the Trenttwi Stoua j trs e y membew c t a t s f l ^ m at Uw npurhpriAttoa should be divided, bu t Mr. KAireSd. of Ktsea. advised th a t b « l* t iwaiMti would be ohtalked by “** ***?E •MW* AwnropfiatM lor on* b i i iR u t^ DOW. I t would Afford accommodAtloni^or aMM W'DAtieMA and It would be an Msy ■MtIM t* tTAnsfer one or two hundred in m atH from tb . frenum ,h®«h'“ ‘ ,“ “ ®f. rib Pl.ln*. as aoon as t h . addition waa completed. Thau next y # * r ,jjr aa soon

ll*. m aaw i«g e™ -'" and maiwh hen* from September » to No vember t; Bcnate No, IM, enahlr# the Trenton Achool Commlaalon to gtll the property left In iriiat by the late C h*rl« fikeitoii for lb* b#»elU of tb* pubUr Uhoole; Senate No. MJ. provide* for the but lal of dead sailor* cast up along th . Shore; Hou#* No. ?Tt), appropriate. Il«,1»0 to th . K at* Tuberculoali* GomiWHlon; (knat* No. m permU. cOrMralton. to change name and Increaw or aeereaa. cap­ital dock; Senalo No. U*.■DMlal jgftfe# the Court of Error* shd A^waia 90 tor eocb day 's atteniiahce; Senate NoTM». preventt th* spread of n- ju riou . tng#ot«; Bcnat* No. IN, prot'lde*T._- 1 ____ weXlKUn ■

t h i ? ! ^ ad-4Hftoa Ui TnA ton HospitAl OMUtt m ; pta*

Tk* Bial* Aid Baod appropelAUoA wIU b#Increased to notwithstanding the"Commissioner Budd Incident' of last week. andjM W wlM b#Kahwav K «fqm ulory accouul. Instead oC t S i^OlM The ncmtoal a p n ^nrlamm bt this laptaace hi flaado for the purpoa* of g u a rd ln g th e unflnlshed bulld- . t a g W t«:oHii* lb* #erTlc## of ^ SKhl-

t» eaiiBiate w ta l the •etim l cMt of oom le lln a ths balldlng •ccordlng to the pr##«oi ptah# would be. He wtU also bo reoulTedW sta te w hat It would coal to. i m t down aacb p a rt at tb# bolldlug aa h u already b##n etectod, and what v*lu*ilf any lb* m aterial would be In constructmg a new btSbUng on a k— eaueaetve plan AU tho members of the cummltiee are aat. li4M th a t th# buUdbtg 1# a "big •lephant" on the S tate and that it would be cnesper by far to atop sow tban proceed furtnar on the original phtaa , , ,CorpMsUoB taiersalM absorbed the al- tentlun of the Senate and.HOue# buit nlgnt, aad wUte wbanlug oa eYcfy uieut. in the farmer body, they were not as well cared lor In the House, Or a t least that was the IbspfssaSaa wb#ie tb# B*a#t*a adjourned about U o'clock. 'Thle was due to me nnal paesag* of the "Otmnly Control ol Fran- cblae^or "Beegon Trolley bilk" which wae

th a t ln»«M#r* of p u l ^ practical mMbanIct

.w .- worka shall be practical ram io....e.. Senate No. M , pro- v U s . that Commlaaloner* of Ateeaimenl itaalt be paid monthly; Senate No. 24L owftrs 10 Cnttcd S tates Hutd a t tendy Hook i i r harbor defence*. ^

Fifteen bilie were Introduced In the Meuee, making the total to dale 29. Among them wae a bill by Mr. Porter, of Eiiex,

.dsfliUdM the eelatlv* power of the v a r ^ i i a iu n lo & l board* of jfew M b In th* m atter of public lighting. 'Thl# la similar to the bill of laat yoAT. which Governoi- Hflgg" did not approve and which WM deel^ned to limit th* power of the Board of tA ork*I p t ) W # r WA aeewt # e > w e w v « • - ---------th th e 'm atte r of public lighting to the

' publlQ buildings which It1 con-

for the people V— ,-rporatW n*'' by Frank

Bnwen, of Union, and the other advocate.referred lo an as sgabMt_.tJbe

"vlctorj- corpo

- 1/ n Oll, aillU llaV Vaeiwi iA\Awe*w-i#'»wmof the bill. Thai, claim I . disputed by the opponguU af the laeaiwre, who a .ie r t that the result t* nothing more than tha de­feat ol aa orgaalsed corporation by a_. A kk . Aa a be fk f axelll Ka 4141ir au orgABUiao eo,iaiio,*w» -v - proepactive corporation that w^l be^eom-

led of ■ ■ " ' ............ ‘■"poiwd of John Keau and other advocate, of the bill.

some of the Chandler W.uuii'i awb’vvKATr* w* *4.* wi«i.

itik .r, who was the most vlguruu. oppo- nent of the meaiure, .ummaifaed tb . situ­ation In that taehloii, and said that If the btli b«» ine a law. aa he *uPiios#d tt would, Instead <rf Inviting uiwn coinpellilon for the proposed WeatiwH av.nue franchlwi In Union County, it meant tha t no one except John Kqitn wouM offer to buy the fran- cblee, tor the reaeon that It would Iw vahiekee* to any one but Mr, Keau, who already cqntrole the Morris avenue outlet from the proposed road.

The tasue was holly coiitealed. and brought to the Stale House many promi­nent llepubl loans, some of wbom bad not been here alnc* the opening of the seseion. Among them were John Keun, K. B. uad- dle, O*orge K. Halsey, Henry A, Poller, Sheriff David Baird, of Camden, and almut twenty others who are m#re or lest Inter- e.lad In trolley and electric light affair*. The ekictrle light conllngsiit was on hand because the thre«t had been grade that th# Kean forces nrupoaed to hold up Ae- sambly bill No. J7S, which Is waniwl to validate oerlaJn electric ligbting ordi­nance* In Bayonne and other place*, un­til the county trolley hill was passed. And that 1# Ju*t w hat did happ#n. A* told In the NEWS last week, the trolley bill, with one amendment adopted and anoiner

stree t, snd” ^Mr.' Benny, of Hudson, In troduce a bill provklhu for the appointm ent of •>> a®' ditlonal County Judge for f »“»* son e#unile* a t a salary of IJ.aiO per year for a term of live year*, the eatiM a s the nrsaent Judge. H wa* Introduced a t the SSScltatlon of Wllltam B. Douglaea, ofHudson, who h* a candidate for the pp.Uion m that county. Joseph L- Mu®»K*w^i l*i*y*#* (lo n(it tnlnk th* bUl will

th# Senate th . Brle-SujquehBBna meiwer w as t.k e n up and P*"«® %J®i*of 1! to 6—two UemocratA t>aly #1" er v#ttB« In the afflrmailq*. and one He- publlcaw Johnson, of Bergen, In the nega­tive. S «iat* No. 1S4. the companion mea.- ure. and another ol the E rie Reorganlsa- tioB hills, wa* law ov#r a t the rmuteat of the Senator fromit wa* taken up and passed second r*ad-'" Ih e Vreeland Corporation act amendmentfight w *i r#new*d In theB#eAtor from M orrli had bli •wbitltui#bill#, Introduced After th* nlsledorilnA l meaiur#. b ro w h t<bn ibc cond r#A*llnjf. They ®HiDody wuoh of? S e^ n ?S st" ( the defeated bill., provtd ngamong o thw thing* th a t a ootporatioutnAy*MBlci buiin##t on a Atock tniteaU ofA CAih cAjillAlliAtloh. And that th* Blniptoflllng of the uam# of the Af«nt of th# eor- uoration rAthet than U* oltllce^ ehan bt iuSlMeril. Senator Dgly moved to Blrlke out th* enacting cIaup* And hiAd# *evcw*l o ther dUAtory motion*. aU of which wer# d efra te j on A i>*rty vote. >

Other l>AAiUnta No Ut7 th* TrAVflitnf Uhrary bill,OeriAt# "No tlft, ftv*A ^ iil^ AcidltlonAt for rife propMatlOB of o j m t ^ : 8*®*'® N®- Mipplemsat lo the ac t f®r IN® eettlemeni

collection of la* arrewrages.Thirteen hlH# w»” Introduced In the

Bemrie, Including one by Senator Johneon, of Bergen, providing tha t all iminplslnls taken hy Juallce* of th# Peace In cljle* shall be sent to Police Justice*. Instead of the Grand Jury , tor tria l. This Is Intended to cgrtall the P®-*™.®^Senator Ketcham Introduced a bill lu- tfcori*lng contractor* and builder* lo or­ganise a m utual accident Insurance com- pany for their own protection. Ai present builder*are forced to ln»ure a t heavy rales and they d«ilr* oontrol the hnslnee# th*mi#lv*Ae - . ,SenAtor Daly pre»#ntea a bill Inonriwrat- In* all th a t p#fi of Krat-ny Township out slJ# of (be borough of Eaiit Newark, an ih#tP__ _ TKm JiaAmUttl/in L. 4.. Iiisv...

I n#r# 4# anuirirr uuKpi**! lu iiir ■ava/.When the M'ar of the Hebvllton broke sq t, William (lessle enlisted In an Indiana regi­ment and went forth to fight th* battles of th . Union, lie left behind him a wife end a daughter, the latter ten w eek. old. WllUam did not write to hls wife when b . w*B In the array, nor did he return to hi* home when the war ira i over. Instead he drifted out Into riu- wesleen country and ftnally brought uii at the Soldiers’ Home at MllwaukM. Fie flnally weot# to hi* la ther, and by thl* mean* wa* r*m»m- Mred with a email Itequett when the l a t ­ter t s a ^ hie will. He employed a law firm of this etty lo look after h i. Interest, and while a member of the firm wae In Indiana a few week* ago he came In com tcl with a fkkuigD attorney who was repreieiitlng the tuteresta of Mrs. Flora Herrick, of th a t city. I t did not take the lawyers long to discover th e relatlonihlp tutween ittsir cllaitti and to show )hem that their cauaea were Identical, la tte r a meeting waa ar- rangwt In Milwaukee between father snd daugbter In which an affecting scene was enacted. The father and child will make common cause In their efforta to upset the will o f Robert G**ele and **curt a portion o f th# es ta te. ^

D tfn n M C I) W ITWOBT t m a n m .

Ja ry JNtted a# Onavlat Prlionsre and W#a IHsahirgeil by Ike Voart.

jfK B K V CSITf. March lS,-Proi««ulor of th# PJnub Jatnee 8. Erwin flatly refused yesterday to try any mpre e a u a before the laet pe tty Jury drawn hy Sheriff Hel iar. Judge Hudspeth Indorsed the a t t i­tude of th e Prosecutor by dlamlaslng th* Jurj', The Prosecutor hn* not been sails- Ued w ith the verdicts of aoquirial »n> dered In m any case, where the guilt at the acrused had tiren clearly shown. Hls patience was exhaii.ted last Friday, when Frank White, an old offender, who has lerved w .v.ral term . In New York, Con- necUcnl and M asuvhuictta, w a . tried for picking the pocket of F rank Sella on the pbstform ef a crowded car. S elti caught While In the act and fought him nm ll a policeman arrived. White had ■ella'B watch and chain when caught. H* said he had found them on the floor, although the plaltorni wa* crowded and there waa

Among the place* of modern tmlentillc method* calling for special study la the de­preciated eyesight, lo the case of sailori, due W the brilliant electric lights used on shipboard. Gray and blue eyes, not being heavily charged with pigment., are found to be the. moH eubject lo Injury, Iteaort is hsd by thoxe working the search­lights to the wearing of dark blue glaaae*. These, however, while tending to m lltgate the Inten.lty of the light, fall to abwJrb the source of the trouble, namely, the ultra-violet rays. The tatter, neverthe* leea, can be Intercepted by gogglee or acreena of uranium, or yellow g la u , and iheae, it le expected, wrlll In couree of time be eatvnilvely Introduced. Operator* with the electric drill-burning out hole* in a hardgiied ateel plate—have sametlmee had to be treated for Intense pain and partial b llnd»e«. Thl* kind of drill, ae Is known, acts by fusing a hole through the ateel, and the Intensity of the light la greatly lnereag#d by tke raya throw n off by the moUen inetaL The use of dark gJ*ej>«* by thoA* (hi* kind of a ork hAi1_ , W.ele.#4sxa. 14.

The reaction goes on more rapHly wnen th# solution *1*0 contain* »"vcr n itra te , on* p art of carbonic of'de to from i6o to i.tWI Part* ol a ir deoolorliing tho liquid In from on* to twenty-four hours. Th* reagent eonalat* of two or three grammea of .liver nitrate ep '* 'aj* d lsn lv ed In one liter of w ater; then for the potassium periasnganate Mlutlon, one liter of distilled w ater boiled with a few dro^rt Of pure acid free from hydrochloric a rb l a little perm anganate aolutibn being add™ until the liquid become, roa# eo'ured. In order to deetroy any organic m atter which may have found accee* lo the water, a* dust, etc. When cold, one gramme of potusetum pbrmanganal# crystals !» di»- aulved in the w ater and fifty m etre* of nitric acid added to It, I® P r ^ tlce, twenty cubic centlmelree of the noti or silver nllrat* aolullon, on* of l"® P ^ ' mADifsnAt* •oludon, And on* of Piip'* acid are mixed and m#de up to centimetre* with dletlUed water freed f r ^ organic m atter. The rragenl I* to be used ImmedlateVy.-Wew York Bun.


■>r»ple Iu l*»*# l#4 tw A W o k sa n 'i «ov#I Id e a D U plw yea • WtwM»*T.From the New York Bun.

The etore wa* Juet like any oth#r furnt- ture ttore on Broadway, or Sixth avenue, or Twenty-third itra e t, and yet every- body tlaekened hls pace when b# got a gllmpi* of th* left-hand window. People with BO Idea of buying furniture, even tf they had the mean*, and pfOpl* writhout the mean., but perbap* wlUi the deatre to Invest—people young, old, and In-he-

, Qrocn IHf##t L Sn Molb«rry

ToUl............ ......................................f if t h w a r d .

J. Hill......................... .2. 64 Pro#i*et ...........................................i, K4 Frrrr ........................................4. Iftl F #rry #ir##(................ ............A. 6ir M«rkrt »ir#«te.................. .tt. 63tt Market ...................................


. n


W ky H«

no room to atoup.White boaalcu that he would not be con­

victed. He wae defended by Aesetnbly- mun aitnpwin. Aa*l*i*|it Proeecutor Van tv Inkle, who comlueted the ca»* for tha State, had been informed of W hit*'* boaet, and. consulting the P m eeu lo r , de­clared It wae ueelea* (o try f i i ^ before that panel of Juror*. The proiem jtor agreed with him, and decided to refuae to move any more crlm lntl complaints, and announced hls duclslon to Judge Hunapoth ,ec-r*.x».,iixx- 0 Court pfomutly iununon#<i

' " ■ try, without (he cu»-

Drav*d A gr#At boon In obviAttng Hb other wii# liLiAitroui effeoti. A lingular fentur* of ih* Injury done to the eyealKiil Ib a Tsm arkabl* almllarlty to .now or de iw l blIndneM, being, as In these, probably due to the ultrk-vlolet ray . of the ipec- trum. ____

Some of the W «lern retlroad* are mak­ing ealeii.lvo u.c, a* balta jl for their tracks, of gumbo, a sort of chxy found In lutg* quanlliles In that p a rt of the coun­try, and declared lo be the best possible m aierlai for that purpoae after having l ie * burned. With th l. fn view, a track 1* laid hj a flrli. sometlmew a n ^ long, and, moving along thia tr*« ,-Jfnm en .o .team shovela take nn t*>«'JJY./rTP trenchea on either ride; a bed of old tie* and other Inflammable atuB Intended Irehchea la eoyered w ith about one foot of the gumbo ( then follbw* a coy- trlng of fine coal, whioh'ta apread over the gumbo aev.ral incbs* thlok, tha *team riiovulA again Irkvelllng the am ire length of the kiln, throwing up on top of the coal another foot of th* raw gumbo, Tld* proceas contlnuea over and over again, the trenchea getting deeper and d w t f r fl™ th . kiln higher, until a depth of ten 'o r twelve feet I. attained. Al th l. stage the .hay- Inga and kfiidllng* which have been placed between the old ties are set on nre, and th* burning contlnua* unt* the material la b e l on a bright red wlor, whan It 1# In the proper oondttion lo lie used for ballast­ing. Uurabo alao preVenu the grpwtb Pf weede. ___

Utllliallon, In Its chemical form., could ■oarealy be e*p«iied to exhibit lleelt In an acm evem rni more curious or more eervlco- able to th* public th«n In th* treatm ent of condemned m eat, by the authorllt.# of London, over nine hundred to n . of thl*aoifi wvrr i4»»ir m44a«i*»rt. xx4..mvUlAlDOUi MAlerUl h«vlng com# under tbrf official ban during the laat yrnr, Ae aoon Bi th* aubetance T* eelied, ll le hacked and

the laat yra a i m e euosiaiivc ix aelied, ll la algshad about with knlvei, to render Its-------...vUtrn nmxr m*a* fnm mAF*

„„ , . .............. ....................ohemloalto remain there cooking for aora* The meal le treated with chloriqM

penoiog, was on iii- lou... - —amendment agoeed to stipulated that no francblae should be granted under the act for a longer period tlian twvaly-nve year*. The on* pending called tor a cer- Igtu pereentaga of tb# eeoelpta o4 rit# cotn-

town o t ’K ^ rn y . T he Intention Is to hav- the queatlon .ubm ltted to the voters at the Fprlng election. _ ^ , ,,

The Senate confirmed the nomlnallcn of Aseemhlyman Eugene C, Cole a* Prosecu­tor of Cap* May County.

Build UpYour


Nlgn#d by the Governor.TRENTON. March 22.—Governor Y'oor-

heel ycsierdey eigned these bill.:Senate No. 19, render* valid the proretd. ige of tHTPugh* In tb* laiui ol bonds. Houae No. Ifl, amends the acl regnlnl-

Ing pilot* lor port# of Je riey City, New- «rk - — .

and dlecharged the Jury, .......lomary "thank* of the Court.

Judge Hudiputh. when seen about tho While call', laid ; "1 wae very much aur- prleed at the verdlot, becguie 1 fell th a t the evidence In the caee should have Jqa- tlflfd another reiuli. 1 have nothing tnof# to lay." _________ _


dnimonla tlovM. of the Work. Near KonvIt Oar.troywl hy the Flame*.

Bwdsl ti> the KVENlNtl NBWa.KENX'IL. March 12,-Klr# broke out

Sunday evonlng. between H and 9 o'olook. In the ammonia house of the A tlantic Powder Work*, near here. The blage could be H«eii for miles, and there waa great oonsternallutt among the people living In the vicinity, u» they feared a destructive explosion.

There wa* uu wind blowing, and ao the lire was contltied lo the building where U orlglnnled, which was oompleiefy destroy­ed. There wa* a large quantity of powder stored In the powder houses.


Farior wf Ht. MleAaePi Chorcdi. Jareey City, Expire. *1 th* Heatwry.

JERSEY CITY, M .rch 9 -M o n .lg n o r J.n u a riiis do Conelllo, pastor of Bt, Mi­chael's Homan Catholic Church, In N inth ilreet. thl* city, died at the rectory of th# church a t 9 o'clock this morning.

He waa born In llaly and wa* elaty year# of age. He wax well known In Catbouo circlex throughoul the Slate, and waa pop, ular with hi* congregation,

A L L P A K T U O P J f i l W K Y ,

Mg .gLMUtah W,*|, misaevHi .w . —appearance unlike any meat for the mar- k e t a n d le then thrown Into - bath,t|m*. in e *■ iib*4w wux*DrcAlcluni Artfl aniJ aflerwaro with Sblpbat# of iron. whlcTi render* ll black, upBlgnUy and nauseoue. By ih l. time ll ha* i^otn® » PulPYtliaue, alinoat Beyond recognition, and la now treated with picric add, which Uirna ft g bright yellow. At this i»(nt the official authofRlca have done with tt and ll li given over to the oontraclora, who remove n to their well-equipped worka, where. In «l*am-jacketed pane, the max* le thor- Diulbly boiled down tor |be fat, which I*

In the manufacture ol candle* and soana The ^ n ee are collected and duly l o r t ^ . The emaller and Inferior one* be­ing reducad to powder which is used for pho»ph*t*i. The reelilual liquor la uead or land d reealn t-____In recording the fa d of the recent great-

J r«duo^ iS ce ol abunlnlum. The Manu- JAnturera' flaactte eaye that ailch reduc­tion la likely (o advance the favor which th a t material na* received In the art# ana Induatn*., and to lead to Us entry Into now flalds aa a vompdllur of other metawr Thla notable reducllon—eudi, It li alleged, aa to make eheet aluminium some ten per cent, lower in coat Ih .n .heel b r a a # ^ a moal Imuortanl Item, thue. sheet biwe. being a)9 timee heavier iHan a similar iheetof aluminium, tho aluminium equtva- ' i ' t ^ • 'J t ®® ^ u a ra of a .heet^of J0r | ^


• F I*# A tari# Cowld S o tU lv## l a ll#w o n # # # . .

From tha New O rlw n . Tlmes-Democrat.At the Hri«r*rd Library I* a curlou.

relic of ancletil Joumallam, particularly valuable lo Louisiana, a* It conlalni an account of a dlMJtrau* Hr. that occurred In New Orlaana before Napoleon became Ural Conaul and during 'th ^ U ra e th a t Louisiana waa a province of FTance. Tbl* rMic la a pgp»r printed a t Dc“* in th# Duk#dom of Bavarl*, and b e^a an Inaortptlon Ihowlng that it "»* •*'.®™: clal organ—from tha ducal preaa. Entitled GaaeU# de. Deux PoiiU, It bear# date A uguit T, 179. It le # curlou* agampl# of a newspaper, being |n else only a* l#rg® as an ordinary church pamphlet and hav­ing only four paged of reading m atter. There are no editorials, no local eolumira, DO advertising page, no 'am(jii*m*nti, no drAWAUu iporllng

“ *lT**'n.w* la In the form ol a #erM* of small paragraph*, each paragraph being h rtd ed with the OA” * ®f tlnental eiiy »>«> ‘!V tv * H lareU tlva to theniitifed In i^#nch, And th*d# paPAgrapo* m#tiUoned are h#Aded with Ih#St. P el.r .b u rg , Stockholm.Venice Trieste, Berlin and Vl.Hfia- Tn* last paragraph, however, 1* lunger than alt th* reet.i about one-qu*rier_ of a col­umn, and 1* headed >h|.

To the Inhabltanti of .!I . more Important than all th* real. a . It la devoted lo an account iwoelved frmn a M rreapondent relative to a g rra t ?ount* of which are *tUl lime New q r t“ "4 *lnaa described by th . Abbe Pr»vo.t m •-M.nnn I .# ^ u l . " The account say* that f ^ F r t d i r ^ u r l n g th . .um m er of 179, an Incendiary started A Ar*. tmtlre town w*g aoon otolure U drAwn of th# reiuit, inowing Kow the homelwH In^M tm nti wandered a to u t next dAF The OAMtte. In clpalng. tAke# occAilon to rpAft tb# *JIh u l a S g ro«t to rOMt. It e®™* th*‘


By nourUUliifc#very p g r t u( y o u r iyitcD iwith btoud uittUo pnr« t>y tak- con.i»u.yhue IlAraV. NnrBannrllla T hen vnn iecure the neceseary apparatus the mem-IDg llOOUi o a rsa p a n iw . llieil y an | g i r te d . eubscriBrian llei. When thewill have aorvu, motital, bwllly and u*' f®acbed ii. moK, Twombiy. he voi-” u iu .v ., •■■uuu.i, uuteered to purchase the new truck and

present It to the company. The lire light­er* hav* deolded lo purchaee uniforms a-lth the balance of the subscriptions.

IniIjm -w- “ .ark and Perth Arntay,

The Governor allowed Senate No. J27 to become a law without hi* signature This measure provide* for an Aldcrmiin. ai-large tn cities cf from lOibXl to 40,000 populalton where the Common Council now eonelet* of an even numbar of raem- b # r t , ____________________

TweniMy'* GUI lo Alton.gevclfil ifl the EVENING NKWg.

ArTON, March ip,~A hook-and-Iadder comiiany waa recently organised here. To#k,,b wifi4.&#mawai antvWFAtlIri

In th e s p r in gdl|ce«UT« itro iig th . T hen you need n o t tB H ttitaRWi Mcgaflo y o n r tyatoin w i l l ;

Lynobed In GenrKto*----- , ---------- , MTtafuiu YY4it ATLANTA* Qa., Mapi‘h S t-Jo h n Callow

ttaidU y ro iU t ncrotiilons tondcnoles ‘ ficuud moipi-. r r r., —III ■ thin, tn Northern Alabamn, Sunday nlghi.• n d MWOkk o l UllHJW. T lieu yon w ill h . tud heen paying attention to a yocnikBftW tiffi ub io ltlta liltr ilu tc m erit 0( I whit* girl who** name la Stout for eavera u n a t» y .w » i i iw iu a a ,u ix i» v 4 J f h , young woman's father be

rim e oognirant of the affair only yeater-| day and the lynching followed. I

F n ae li Defeat la kfadagtsesr. PARIB. March ffi.—The ■teef* to-day

saya a French oapedtttnn tent against ~ itriria. In th* V '— " - - T , . - .

lU IMYV«b Ipeaefti#* •— -tween age*—stopped to look In the win­dow where atood the tall. Inlaid, ItaJlan cabinet and the slender folding table and the arm chalri upbolilrred In rloJi ma­terial.

From under thla dleplay of furniture peeped lllteen or sixteen Utile canton flan­nel doga. They were ereant-oolered doge, the stie of toy terriers, with lappod-over. blsi'k hnsdfliolk ears and ahiny-tlpped black leather nose* and bUck beaded eyae; doga each with a atudded red collar around Ita neck, looking a t the psaaerby In the moat engaging m anner Inaglnafaie.

''They've got 'em In all poalUona," aald one of two messenger boy* who stopped to look. "Bee, there'* OB* with hU paw* stretched out In front of hiin, laay like, and tha t one looking up a i tf h« expected you to speak t* him ." '•

"And there’* • difference In the face*, too," returned the other boy. "They've painted the eyebrow* *0 heavy of that 5, one In the corner th a t h* luoks real u r l- oua"

"Oh, inamina, ace the dogglea!” exclaim­ed a little four-year-old, and .h e ran so fa it to look that ahe tripped over an un- ■ean atone and fell down, but even thla mishap could not dampen her ardor, snd her mother had lo wait long at th* win- dow while she dilated on the dogs' curly tall* and black eyea and riiiny notes.

"Strange how life-like thane cloth dogs look,’ .aid a grave-faced man a# he and hla companion halted on their way and tnok more than a cursory glano*.

"They are ta'UDoomntonly good *hape." •atd the man who wa* amoklng a pipe. "And it you notice, they are all In good condition, plump and well fed and cheer­ful looking. Th* canton flannel t t a good warm cream color, too. There ar* two or three whose eye. have been put a ebada cloacr together than lb* o th .r i, or who#e now . have been made narrower, and that alters the e ip reu lo n ,''

"T hat's a clever advertisem ent, the.e cloth dogs, running out from under the furniture," rem arked an acquaintance of the proprietor to th a t Individual, ga he came to the open door of th* .hop.

“Advertlwment! I didn't mean It for lhal. Glad If It lii." wag th e anaw .r.

"Wall, how came you to have the doglT I didn't know you dealt Ip anything but Vernls-Uartln cablnst* and bedsteads and hlfb-priced solid •tuff,”

"1 don’t ae a rule,” replied the atore- keeper, "but a woman J know makea those dog* m a p a tte rn th e got from somewhere abroad, and th e asked me to help her out by putting them In the win­dow. Blie make* Ihem to wll. T hjy are WAPIM# T AIcIy.'* IrriAMt hnw trk Pffifiiftft h«kt*.a L

1*3 goutb O ranto s v a n u ........................Wxrren an# Newark .. ...................... .J7« Bank .irest........................................Oemden xad Bank « n » U . . . . . ....................CxblBe! aad »>[*« rireei.......................

’ Ku»*Grxaw'^*venua andTotal............................................................ 1

gBVBNTH WARD. ___ _ ,Houxlon, N ..* m •*"** 1. HiMMK #v«vi# #wl ihelMWl #tr##(.......... a

. 6 gpuih O ranf# ............................... i^ n k #na Uo#t0Q •iro tt# ......* .**

TttwL liE io u r tl WARD.^U e |)#Uevlll# «veAtM AAd1. CalUlQblg FUAM, gtar.jxrT.e.w

Van w«#en«i #ir##\.,..e...................... f

‘ Bafcar’# HottL tv#ttU#.......... Ii^umtt#r av#nu*..........#fjsdts ate kod 4th #v«nuei Plunitatt t Uall 1


Uulhcarr ■ir*«................3»] • M g » # r w .. , .w —8tt Bbtrjnan av^aue «H Wavarlif plar#..

i. 116 Emtnet »(rt«(........... Jj| Eliub#tb Av#nu6...e.......................................

tb n th w a r d .Walnut a&A J4uWhortff •tr##U,... MrWhort«r and Oanton alriet#.....;{34 J#f6er#on t tm t ..................... .1#7 Jtftoriun ........................m ttouik .....................................

. HiDfT’#. lint |tr«et..............., CU#itnttt Aod McWh#rt#F itrertf,. . 83 MouiKoii .................................. .

T oU l......-.......................................

881 Warrtn #tr«#t VO Kurfolk



^Jairan*n“*l*rm could flo’t’ be g^en, The editor w y* th a t faikltam i* *®®'> to be prACllif*! by but (hath# #*p®ctea KreUflh proVlnclAli to hAV* more i#nw.

iAFTiTAW o f

iS ith q ^ J S h h f f ib if* ® " , lb Bam- itiorv. reiQov^ th®Vivo™ of Ibe WAr 3 1111. L u ra^ rio n wa# b o r^ n S a r Knoxville. Ten"..

e, Brcnnm'ii Hall..........*................... .1. Altt W«T#D Arwex......... .................k 141 6ran8# #ir#H ............. ..............i. 'M fowmd #v«iu#....^ .y ,..e........r, Il5 R«#evHI# av#f)«#. ttlll*#............I. Vor. W'»#rBD kiKl Bl#v#atb Mr##*#.........................................

TWRIaTTH WARD.SNlMCiir# i t w i ............................

Bo»efy •(»»«(.............^ .........-k, #A# Itowtry iirk^U.-.e...t. iiN Alh*rt •vtniw.............. *...........&. 6S Uaj-j^r# ■tf#«t..........-............... .tt. ittO^ FMTy »lr##l............a.........

T#UL*........................................ .......t h ir t e e n t h W'ARD.

1. A. Bohemw'e. ' 'r i .H '' ' a v '" '* - 'Eighth Mr##i and I6lh •v#ntie............. .ShwankMri'i H*ll. Wlnaa# •v«iu# and

l i

rw. Bn* moxca luern .u ■eii, .H er e .r dec*, 1 didn't know how to refuae her, ithough I felt th a t It would not look lat the thing. Aa a m atter of fact, 1

d idn 't undereiapd th a t ah* ■»*# going UwE.rW&ox Y MexF raawor#* #ra Ahm

IVnOAVIII e ABflllii a*ee*v.,ryeam aao. and WAi me *0"S “.r n , » « A m.'.? K M »'• sK IS!,,''' y r ■

1.1 rPT A lUUk •4|U«|4V ta| » #(IVOk. UA »»»#*■’I any given thickni-8a la found by multi* jlying hi# bra#® pi lt'e |j#r pound by thla /actor. Accorllng to m#numctur#rg « ii1* {natci, at 12.48 etintB por pound, aluminium

_ _____ im AtMiea-eflnd' srrvM a i A drummer until he was ■iKt#en year t old. H# waA 9 Plrai Rergeant In the Fourth AtUII^Y'rh e ''w .“ S f im “ tlfe*’‘S!aS£ ‘iSTwl? WaV;the Semijole W*r_*nd the era; with theC raeV ind lina . The tale survivor of WU ift PAni&ln Jam#! Hooper, wno w ai a E0« ^ ? -m o tik T M W i"defenaa of Fort MoHeary. Bf»lhlt • ” tlm ate upon the length of ,"U5’h^r^h J IK*. Ihe next eentury Will be half gone before th* laat lurvlvor of Ih* Civil w a r haa paaaed away. _ _ _ _ _

U ia b V V l mar. ..r vh-p. hu |vw. g .- .-T ,-.x ., w ' . - '• r T n . , -------U move than tun t>tr cent, cheaper (h tn the lowMit ccHitpriruUve rate per pound now nidlng fur bruw now appearfi, thsiliW #, Iron, ftliiu and lead ar# tn# only me'tiut used In iheei form that ara oheaptr (hgti Aluminium.

The plans which h#vc been hypfofBMor Wadsworth, tho unlvertltF pf Chlckgo, for a mure efieotlve aystam of pholctfraphlng neUulue. aro of a onaracter UviBg much promlife of futur# repuUA

Mtronomerg are of the uuintop th a t r#Akoiv why ihu pboiograpnors of

)i»At ilkU do not ihaw tlie fainter d#t

W L). Manro. .Supurtntenderrt of th* I'ubllo BchoolB of Patertaii, ha* rtaj*"™ . The Board of School Truateea met l*at night and accepted hi* rcetgn*tlon,

Mra. J. », Cane, of Bapllriown, Huntlffe don ro u iily , ot* Sunday night up .# l # m m le r of boUlee, one of which conUtP- I'd sulphuric acid, which i«l Ur* W h*f clothe*. She wa* badly burned.

Antonio Monaco, an Italian aaltanriteej^ er and banker *1 Seventh and Orand lirecte, Hoboken, who wae known aa tbe King of the Italians" In that elty, died a t hla hi 'nc from pneumonia on Sunday a f­ternoon,

Mloa Llggle Johnion, of PaatglC, em­ployed In tha engravtng-»om a t tha sale P rin t Worka, lay* that eke if* cretly m arried four year* W ,* S Burrow* he*d engraver, who died a »##« ago. tii® n"»«Y ®f " L BflfWFF- ’! r w*a Ihoiight to be a widower, deny tbe itory.

Mr. And Mf«. 4*■ >k, h id thflir Hvutt -----

car on th« »]

I lS ifH T Y , ----------l^gaHlIed..on

8uuda7 ^nl*ht*ln a oolllelgn' wlIK a trolley car on th* %unew1ck Traction Line near M elite hen. 'The trolley car craxhed Into Itieir carriage, pverturned it in d lhr®w them to ihe gT#uhd. with grast force,. Tn

carnage, ov- ikhmvu » hhh -h ihegT #uhd*"i'll ''*# 'f® rii* i They were oarriea Inlo the irolliy car and taken

to New Br«"»wl®H, ffbere thoy *r# under Uie care of * physician.

I nMBinri#, lii m r jftiBiiu wt

8 a r $ a p a r H la ii'„ ’ja.!ss'sr'.T'i!“ ®K^^« • » » • MMr I It la rnddad, alao e«ptur#d a numbor or4FftiJip4 B|0«ilPiir«l«L thk lA forli. rreimreit; rifle# and oirtrldge*.

iIm taws M V A/Vk triilMlI aCtallA *' Ally • 0, L . g ^ ftOo., LowoH, Bam-

' " "■'Ti'Tfflp'iaiTn Cota # 43oM te tta# M g

John Quinn, of Fatersoii, had a r**ll#Go dream a few nlahl* ago. He dreamed he nream a t ^ bttAeihlp. ftEhling

itarda. He saw a boinb headrag forwa* onthe Spaniin# BPA»*«»'*"' ■ irwpHM IkVtataaexM *-*him and lumped to jm i out of th* w**; The exertlea wo** hmt up, and aithotgfn he eae^« d th# baratt h# sey# h# fmt #am*- thlng g ra ta h i. hand and a tr llu F Ith i • thfld on ihd ,i«d. Irfidklhl. up, I*

Iff i w hi# w if.^enS lM ^^taf

— w-,i ume ue iiui .now rue rainier detail*

_ that, under favorable olrcum*lance»i :here la enough light diffuaed In the io produce, after a lime, tha well-known fogiy elle®' which ll found on any oV*r- eatioeed blate. hut It la deolared by PIO’ {efsor WadewcriK that Ihe length of the eapoiure wltheut fogging depend, on theii^ r lq r e of Ibt Ineirument, He con.lder. t h more ImpotiaiK fact, however, th a t the atle lielweeu Ihe brighineH of luml-

hgu i Imagi'i can In- cunt railed. 'liim , If # •eniillve plate he placed ( v . Inch** ftpmri onc-Inch lens In one earner*, and tan pokta from a twp lnch lena In anelnV . the

lam e amount of iky would be covered In both case*, bill the former Inaim ment would gel dctalla four times a* filtit a* th e other In the eame time or would do th* wm® work aa the other inatrumeht In one-iu g r t i r of iho lime, ll I. thta thsory th a t haa M Professor Wodaworth to aiount (wo pWeet glaaie* from a iSelta wlcro- Boope, having apcrlurea of only o.» and 0.41 Veiptatlvriy, and with these to photognph nebulae never before known.

f ib re from the pineapple leaf wlU »y«ntu*Uy take a prominent place iuaoiul the conatjtuenii of lexill* faurlv, acooro- Ins I® niade In the report ofthe Hnited Hlaio* IJepartmeni e t AFricul- i “ 7 '. J*"* *'’®'V» that W h th* wildand the i-ultlvaiiHl plant, of this dracrlp- tioa yield fibre which, when u u n , lurpasa In point of rirongih fineneH and lustre t h ^ obtained from flax. Summartilng II* value, raentlon in mid* of Ita qaefumesa aa • iUb»tliHi» for silk and a* a m ateria for mlalng with wool or notion—uHful, loo, for oo,™.** wwlng .Ilk or twial, lao#*. “I'fjo il'' ,1' .& uaed In fabrlo* lOFclhthirti for airirujlurlala; It la in request n Indft a* mati'rlal (or ttrlnging ueok-

1*0#., and I. th* mih.l.n## of iHe well known nine cJo,h of ihe phlllppln. l.lan d i. It I. r«m#rkahly durable, untffeoteq W immenilon In water, 1* w niu, » f t . #ll)iy> Itjklble and long tn staple, flainpiei olewt-

When twiated to th e # l« of binding i#ine, hava ahown # breakage itralh of lU pound#.


roman, plat ,PUO, RED OR

broken nose, _ _ OUTSTANDINO BARS,


birth marks, black hea d s ,

MOLES, WARTS, WENS,bupbrplous hair or

any mark or blem ish on, in or

UNDER VOUR SKIN. C » u 0 0 OF wfHtt D d flM fo M ffrt


SfaVjili-'aw'higwlfiSilk uu .Ml# in


dlqn I u n aeriian a ra* * make ta many. When I got down lo th* ■tore th l. morning the window was all decked off a# you le # It, and I concluded th a t I waa In for Jt. and. m i b t * • well let them stay for to-day. All the morning there have been people In here asking about thoH dog*, inquiring th* price, and If they can gel rabblU w <»t* made by th* aam# pereoo, and If Ihoa* anlmata would be nude Just k* good and a lot more que.tlon*. Ther# have been Juat three cu.lomers In tne place to look at or buy furniture, and two or three doien people looking a t thoi* d w - I believe five of the dog* hav# b**n *old,

"Well, re*liy, I’d advli* you to make cloth dog# your main bualne** In fu lu r^ and have your cabinet# gtid ta^ e* for a aide line," aald the bu«ln«» acqtfkintance. "I wouldn't hav* noticed your place at all to-day had there l«*n merely chair# and tablra In th# w lndpi« , a* usual, but tha ilttla doAtt won my In tfraat At aiiea.

'T 'm going to ffi# out tb# o ther window for a baby abow," th# #hopk#*per sailed after him aa he w a lk ^ aw»Y-

TH B “ I IA ftilS IL l'* * * * '"

I ta D rlg l# ## Tw ld S r *w H U toal##- W rM taa fty 0 »® FuM#‘,

(From "Storle* of Famou* 8on g l"-Q , J.Adair FUigerald.]

Rouget da Llal# wa* greatly eiteeroed- among hls friend* for hi# uo*'*®*! muaEal gift#, and wa# * perttculer friend of the family of th# Baron <1* “ e trtoh j* noble Alsatian, then J l* M r of Straabulg. "One nloht during th# jM nter t f JIW t ^ young offloer waa a e a lr t a t the laM# t f this tamity, The hoepliable far* o* Jb* Baron had been ao reduoad by th* catamL tl** and naossaltl** of w ar th a t noth Ing, ■ays Mm*. A n n y Raymond A>tt#r, oould b t provided for dinner th a t day #ifp®P' garrlion bread and * taw,^#ll®*o of ham, iJIurloh amlled sadly a j Wa friend, and lamenting the poverty of the far* he had 10 offer, declarad he would a^rlflc* the laat remaining botU* of Eblna win* In ml cellar If he thought It Would aid D* Lille • poetic InventEn and Inqplre hlffi to oom- pc#e a patrlctlu song fo r th* public cere- monle* ibortly to l ik e place In Btraaburg. The ladle, approved, and aent for the laat bottle of wine of which the bouse oould UQAat.

After dinner D* Ll*l* taugh t hi* room, and ibuugh It wo# M itarly omd, b* oio",®,* ■at down at the piano, and b*tw*eit p#cll- Ing and playing and wnglltg *v*ntually conipuaed "La M araellla l« ,~ axar.^i.. ptaii ■9i«*n With hla

tt. tfcKWRUMKrl R iUH», w irvftAMF »w«uii9 ffiW............................................ -z

i S i |tt. 7« -iimesnlh avRnu#..--^....................... iV. Ohatti Hall, Clinton alaer..,*.**#.....

Total........................................... ................. ■FOUBTBBNTH WARD-

I (llnokAfr'a Hnll. Jowta ......t H rIS rIliitt and floiiih Orangat sirSartiigBaia avenisa........... .................t m B R |i ^ AVfttUR....... -........*..............^ 902 avenoa...... ................ .

f | i Lllil* rirw l...................... — .........U l Cllntoo Bw**n oirrat........................ ........... 1.

Total........... ..................................FIFTBiNTH WARD.

Omni* airaat,*....................

. I I


WARD tXr.------------

i. Oaliagh.r'. Hftlli Clav : t% lIS IS 'rH rijn » prince mrert.

XHX. Ha'i'. *6d w icitliit *( 5^ i: ^lurolTta BMlinSAtevllto * v tn« aM V

to Hllberl’* Hall, Tlcheaor and Pm I#* it* t r win* ManTF fit and Wtrree atreil*.I'i x u ^ it* % 'a Hall. W Farr* airrat.ji; ISS3?*

,nV cTfir «

ifVi 4,4l|aa>W4 ■ *-«I oaavtntlDQ far

XHURgDAT. MARCH 11.,h ., tiM Drtmary etexltoD* be held in the

K rto u Y riJ f ira V jjg r iL ^ ' M ’'2i 'S d 'S I ?

i - ' H I lU

D*l,th* city


OannpD'a ^ Hall.c S ^ u S - i^ - i i in ;

Bell *t.

head on m t ’ askT ' In th# njornlng h# wa# able to reoall every not# t f the mediately wrote It dowti Ond e w le a It li

forfMtioR pf ppg ”<*■•*, . I ? T Anehei OVRT ------ • “ " -ywiini.*v h h all It.Inatramtnti

cation Di^lP dlMM and CtmittUatiPtt •■***•,• K terma mjt Ww WfW Cre.,..Oictont (jam

]ii# Friend, Boron ' t o t r y onewa# enohanted with the aong, w h tj i^ ta m - *d th* greatest enthualaaf#., A f*W toy* later It was publicly rtven la *^**•'*“131’ and thence It waa oonveyed by th* roum- tude to th* Ipaurgenl# of MgraellleA *od «f It# after populJrity w« know,

De Llal*’* m other w a a u moat devotrt Royalist, and *aked: " W h * t d» l^ p l* mean by auD clat|ng our num# FlHi the revclutlanarr hymn whieh t»##a briga '™ ilogT ' De Uale hlmaall. i ^ r i b e d ** a Royallat, when flying for M# Uf# >h th# Jura liountaln#. h»»rd tt to u d#ath, and reaogntslng tb# well.-kqow.t) air. a#k#d hi# gul< hso then been t tala# Hyma."

»r#« or#«!*«<•• Dermwolewt ji

"vliim xod will 01*11 a wunpte of each. ;at-sls’‘i i a w s s ^ o r *44..—.xl«l4v« f.*F •Ml dUlOlft.

The raimNr^iw t f 4>ch fcld e v e r - - --------cantA *’'4* Y othf, or MMortMiS#r nr l?*m#l (Tram.xw'will *rtid youl.a.k#r Ail M#!! 111W n I O

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Facial POTT-■U a *»!«*:«»

* A rimple teat for noalqua gaaaa In th# "®’n " ''ilto tn ad by a writ#* Uv

T M Colliery Guardian (Bngland). Pm ' "•I'l®' itolihau#, wt., « lu ;» talBiNu of Botantum ----- '

g ^ l n l i j r a flttla nlW* ,

_ _ _ birth •too*. , of mall. For «h£t any CO* or araorwd of Woo#

dll «I»A yq» a •'#

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2. o>dy'* MSbl....... ItFifth Ward. Dal.

Oohl.Fi tarbw ahan. . WuhlnxtoB t f ........•

luturti* mtat b» aocitfiitfaUd by a »« « ™ Toff S^ToHJ!h°.lS!!ta dl.tri«t wlW b*dUtrlbuMSuo th . iMitfHir* tf th* OiUBty Com- mlttWj bvao H4W4**taW* artxoR t^i nor qWcrp at ■«»“

Th#« aha,Clark at «m 1

........credMitlala Will b* laaued unlaai the ct-

t 'B If f rd ’xSJ! ’f i . W i !oLthi Dtfnocrallo County OonuBlt-

te. of B to* OJuhtrj^ ^ CRAM*. Prtaldtfit., C. BLT. S e e r t f e r y . ____________ _

Ji»*i»ffic*r* of Ihei* nrimart*. rtall hj aalwled irltir«»mborx tf thta Count* CommUtta. andn iSInKF tf llw Comml t»». adriaerv a “ jlnirto, captain. *fi»U ***** i* *#

,y Dsmcantl* prlnary, , , fi ta tw* Judxwi. and s t „ l ^ one

__iH nriatary, all of wnoiii ShtiTb* al'uww « « Aocaplajiet or raJAttHOfi

IS U l l V oMiHow lh*rtoay

raoogii#to®<*sH,i guide w hat it wa* to ll-- , r- beeh chrloUeed Ih* •'M atatfl'

T o ■ leva*# fb # TWWBUVltfl A rt,From th# Chicago Record, .

H e re ar* f»iooO barber# in th# .United f ta te i, and the h l^ « r claannn of t

X Tfatston hav* atarfed A movamttnt nv «#*- vat* and dignify It by f#curlng l**J*lntio" that will correct acme of the evna from which they are new eomplalnlng and r»- store to it th# honorahl# duittnctron whwhUrn tfKraaim AMldWfijS tn fthto ffijg OATit tHf7

>M miMlniedw

waciui ^ .EFRcim ^ n « eTnaTKiT I to a u in »«t tn n V ia N ,Of « i m



hurhef# *njoy#d In th# took rgnli tAUi phyuiand WliaU. They W oruaod* that wjll r*“ of Ihe tomorijil bu (he d u S to M a w * " gin In N*"" ^fl*ellr *


Page 7: First Edition. - DigiFind-It

Aa Ooof«ntloBi D nv Nigh Candl- datM Bagla to Show Their Banda.


Pidilloal V*nc»t S clu f filnnfllMawl b f Ofl<w-wck«nr(larrl*oii W lth d ia n from lh« Hayormlty ftkw mill lh« ladlofttlont M on TImn E n r Polat to Hryiiiour »Bd KIm Io a t OirpoMBta-ProMil* B au d mt Work* NomliHM and CBMItdilta tor Ward fM m rt—Ta Tata on Park Appro- priattmi.

aatlaa ta thf tt H. but

u tt poaillTnomination.

Thin will bt a buay w n k In local poll- tloa for within th t n«xt ten <liya tiolh partita will have held their prlmarlea and oonvenllooB and have full-hedged tlckaU In the (laid with candidate! tor from iU y o r down to the minor ward ofllcrr. Tha Democrata will be In the held llrat, atart- Ing with their piimarlea neat Thiiraday night. The ward convrntloiia will be held Saturday night and for tha city convention the Krueger Auditorium haa been engaged for next Monday night. W'hlle the Uemo- o ra lt will be holding their city eonvenllon the Republican prlmarlea will be In full awing. The Republican ward conventlona will be held on the night of Mareh 10 and tha oily convention on the following night a t Eeaex Lyaeum.

Aa the preliminary akirmlahni for noml. nation draw lo a cloa* tha worker! In both parttea are putting in their beat lloka for their reapectlve favorltea where there a r t oonteiia for tha honora, or In other caaea, looking to r aultable candidate! to lead forlorn hopes. Though the Interaat m in i, faeted In the Mayoralty and Board of W ork! fight haa overabadowed tha ward conteata to an extant, there la no lack of Interest In the latter, and aapirania for Al- dermanlc and School Commlaaloner honora are nunteroui. In th is respect tha Uamo- crata are either more active than their op­ponents or the Republicans are playing a waiting game, for the Democratic proa- pectlve camUdatea are out looking for aupport where Ihelr Republican brethren In many caaea are undecided who to pin faith to.

^t la conceded that Mayor Seymour will get a renonilnatlon. and aa convention day draw l near, ihoae deeply concerned In Re­publican alfalra aay tha t John C. Elaele will bead hie p arty '! ticket. Rarrlaon Van Duyne te not making a fight, and Aider- man WInton C. Oarrlaon haa announced that he li no longer a candidate. In a let­ter written leet night to Henry Dlckion. chairman of the Klghlh Ward Republican Executive Committae.Mr. Oarrlaon penned b ll declination aa followai

"Certain eondltlona to whteh I have given careful eonalderatlon have brought me to the determination that 1 cannot. In Jujtice to my party , be a candidate tor the Meyoralty nomination. Should the charter election reault In the election of nine Re­publican and aix Democratic Aldermen tha next Common Council would ba a tie, being compoeed of fifteen Kepubileana and fifteen Democrata.

"Should It be my good fortune to receive tha Republican nomination for Mayor and obtain an election 1 would be compelled to realgn my aeat In the Common Council, where I have another year to aerve. Thie would give th e Democrat! a m atarity of the remaining memhere of the Council, and before an election could he called to fill the vacancy In the Eighth Ward, cauaed by my retignatlon, the Demo­cratic m ajority would be able lo organiae the Council, appoint Ha commlUeea and elect city oOIcera.

"In such an event 1 would feel that my candidacy for Mayor bad wrought an In­jury to my party, and I would rather re- llnquiah even the great honor my gdende

k Wkrd «•< larcaM m bM tenar

riireTr daallaei ta etandon. The Republican c a ------

hAve not bMti decld*u upon in tn it wtra> The Seventh W trd It anoilifr th a t ta pr»c- ilra lly conceded to the j^ m o c ra le a i^ KepuMloaa aapirania for ofBoa are AldermanCouncil, f t la Hid, gad to h n d. or Thomaa Coyle la apokan of m bla prob. able tucceaaor. It la conaMared llkaly that C ha tle i Myers will have "o dUBculW In se­curing a ranomlnatlon as School Commla- •loner. . _Democratio aapirania for ofiSce a re not etumbling over earh other In the Kmnth Ward, where nomlnallon for ward offleee li practically ^on the Republican »lck«*. man Ogden will retire. Ha jl** out th a t he will, not accept *?*'}?“for Alderman on account of being In the race for Mayor. Ta lucceed him the ^ r i y lead en have auggeated either Q eo ^e Row^ 1 bam, Abraham \te * la n d or John Montelth, but It la aa ld th a t a ll three have expreaaed an untmlllhgneaa to make the i\m,

NInlh Ward eondltlona • i ' . j ' ’” *,',*/ IS those in the northern end of the city, ao far aa Repolilli'un m ajorltlei are con- cernad. In the Ninth, howevar. th tM la said to be a dlapoaltion on the M rt of some of the volera to turn down Alderrami Sylvan u i D. Shepperd and Si^ool Com- mlaaloner Walter T. Crane. *hoiie terms expire, but others claim th a t both man will be renominated. , ,,

Aldermen Mlnard Knapp rallrea In the T enth Ward, and It la underatood will hot eeek renomlnatlon. Eor hla pJne* tha D e ^ oernta are talking of Stftcy B. BlUenhouac or Edward Hageman, while mention hna been made of John Robb on t ^ Bepublt- enn aide. School Commlaaloner E lm er Hor­ton will stand tor re-election. R la aoid. bu t Jam es Mullen, Democrat, la "V” to go back to the School Board. ab<l thinks th is la Just aa good 's time lo m ake the running a a any. _ .Alderman Denman, the D ernw ratlc lead­er. will go out In the Eleventh W ard, and stay out, aa far aa the coming elw tion la onneerned. The Domocruta are talking of

T ie C o e w sH o ef rw H ad to ir » » a l Mperfor toal/oOleM.

leaveataSSag^ so jeeagt SifSH

aoYO. SMiHa ecwcea eo.. s e v «

The V(^ue in Dresswear, from Hat to Shoes, the Season’s Fan­cies and the View of Summer, can only be had full and complete in IM Complete Stores.

XuiiTln Kinibtt'n or th o m M probable »uooweoni. but’ Mr- itta Mid, would not ecnept. The ■eent to think Hubert l ^ u n d ^ e would

but*Mid, would not ftcnept.

meki* « elrong cftudldaie- School Commie- ■loher Wmiein L. Pleb, R e p u b lle ^ » al»o out to itiijr. end who hta ■uooewor

ieh, Republlean. ta ■ «paa vHi iM -<.m wHo hj»Will be U a queetlon. Qeor*e Frey !■ tuik ed of for the Dm otTallo nomination.

Down In the Twelfth W ard there ^rom- IBM to be war lo the knife In lb« cra tlc camp. Ever itnce the County m lltw m en were named from th a t waru a rerta ln element hue been iReappolnted. and the flaht hae been carried out even m the organreatlon of dlelrlct execmlve cotn- mlUeei. If half the th ln^ i eald of the a f­faire In the ward prove true, the ticket will receive many a icratch , u n lM con- ceeelona ahall be made before election day- Alderman Stahnten. who r e t i r e , doe* not w ant lo go t«pk. It !■ eald, ami George Ra- benateln and Joeeph W lldemann are men­tioned a* probable candidate*. Thomaa j. BlnnoU want* to aucceed nimeeu a* School Cnmmliiloner, but hla opponenta prom iie that he will have a hard r*w lo

L ittle expectancy of lucceea U by Demoorati In the Thirteenth Ward, and the only prominent ptoepective Mn- Uldatm In that ward are aald to oe Alder- mao Ferd i . Hoip and Sc’hM l CommU- atoner Harry Schott, both Repubileana, and l>oth willing to auoce«?d himaelf.

Prealdent of the Common Council Valen­tin C. Tralwld and School Commlaetoner CharlfW flanaom will he the Democratic nomtneei for re-elerllon In the Fourteenth


Pulltk-i, l.mnr*A Buil Weeial Happenlfige of fu r rm l lu trree t la ib* Rlif

Towae lo IlM WeetaA meeting of tha membera pf the Uatno-

cratp- Ward executive committee*, to getber with thoee of the County Commit­tee and ihr- hotiorury offleere, waa held laat niifht at Cone atreet, Orange. Al­derman Wlliiuni F. Hamilton, i-halrman of the Kxecutive Committee, prealded, and he explained that ihe meeting had been called In order ihiu the Democrata ahould know exeeily what iho Executive Com­mittee Imd W n doing. George Iaww wa* choaen chairman and John LHly w at made ■ecretary. Kepurt* of the altuatlun in the varloue w^arde w>re given by the ward mcmljers uf the County Committee, and then general remark! Were made. The apeakere cxprcNm^d the opinion that the Democrata would he auccvaatul at tb* en- aulng clttoUon. Ii wae announced tha t the- primary for the iwlectlon of candi­date* would hf held next Monday, a*d that the primaries for the noralnatlona are Eiown for the following night. The city convention will !«' held on Thuradiy night of next w«M-k for the nomination of a Mayor, PrcBJdeiu of the Common Council, ConinilaKlonera of Appeal and Surveyort of Highway*. The m atter of preparing an addreas to the voieni waa left to the mem- hera of the County Committee, the hon­orary omcer* and the diatiict captatoa. Alderman Augu*tu* H. Vanderpoel, of the Second Vk ard, la the only Democrat who*e term will expire and, It la eald he will lie renominate ]. He la not a candidal* for Mayor. For Mayor the name* of Horace Bteiaon, W. liradford Smith, George Leth­bridge, Alderman Henry Btetaon and Rd- ward H. Snydt-r, Frcatdeni of the Cummon Council, are epoken of a* Mayoralty ae- piramia Former .Mayor George H. ria rt- rord ha* alao been mentioned, hut he haa

New Jersey at Our Store. Extremely Low Prices Will Prevail.Main Floor, South Aisle, at %oad Street. ,

W e Shalt throw open for inspection, to-morrow, our Enlarged and Beautified Toilet Department, the most superbly appointed and finished store o f the kind in the State— the equal of any in the metropolis. To etnpha- size this reopening we will distribute, by grace of Colgate & Co.,

Free to every purchaser in this department, to-morrow (only), a souvenir box containing bottles of Colgate’s tooth powder and toilet water and a pretty calendar.

P A T E N T M E D IC IN E S—Our newest de^rture it tbe presentation of the most popular patent mcdiciues and pny prietary articles, at prices—well, just note OUr prices and th o ic charged elsewhere.

W anl. and even their Hapubllran oppi^ n e rta admit that thrv will be a pair hard to b rat. The Repubileana a ra ta lk m t of B. E C. T hrurrr for Alderman and GeorgeT. Qelaer for Behool CommlaaloneD

Alderman Joarph B. Bu________ ___ _ __ _utphen and BehoolCommlaaione'r R 'ailer T. Paraone, Repub­ileana, are both candldatea fo r ronomlna- tlon. The former la likely to ^ o p j ^ e o , however, by Edward Ix-alle. The peino- cra ta have no lark of candldatea In thle ward, to r it li saM th a t e ither Joeeph Clemente, William D. H arris, Thomaa Brown or John Q. Truadell. J r ., would ac­cept the nomination for Alderman, white N athaniel J. Ward and Mr. Brown are

ilace the Repi an untortuhata

ub-would do me than to nt lloana of tbe city in luen position^

"I muat therefore decline to be a can­didate for the Republican nomination, but In doing so I desire to acknowledge my great Indebtedneaa to the many friends In the Eighth Ward, and In other wards of this city, who have thought me worthy to fill this Im portant and honorable posi­tion." ,,

Alderman Sydney N. Ogden and former Judge Auguatua P. Kggen are still In the h u ^ agaln it Ur. Elaele. Now that Van Uuyna and Oarrlaon are conatdarad out of It the E ighth Ward will very likely cast Its vote for Mr. Ogden.

For Board of W orki, Wtlllam SUInaby. whoce term expiree, deelaree th a t he h u not changed hla determination not to stand to r renomlnatlon, and the Repub­licans Who are promlnentiv j i a a ^ aa poa-

■uccoaaora to tbe ''Old W arhorae

spoken of aa protoble School Board can- dldatea. . _

In addition to balloting for public offleera the vo tert will be called upon to decide w hether or not a further appropriation of 11.60(1,080 shall be made for park puroor- Two seta of ballota will be fum lahed.

, set and — - . ---------Banda.” They will be voted In the regular

I ballot boxes, but will be accepted by the election officer* wrthout having been In­cased tn offlclal envelopee.

declined to cunalder a numlnaition.The |>osial-carti canvaaa, conducted by

HiMid’i HarfaparUJa, A4c.I’n lue 'i Celery Cwnpouiid, 6Sc. W arqer'a Male C u n , 7Vc.Ureenc'a Nervuro. 6ftc.Poml'a Extract, 29c.Felluw'a IIyjK)|ilK>iphltaa, 8Qc. 1‘lerce'o Medical Dkeevery, 67c. Pleroe’a FavoiiU Preacrlplloa, 64c.

r iuk liam 'a Veuntable Coiapouud, 6 7 c . lied Croia Abaurlmut Cotton, 1 o i- 4 c . Keil C roai .Vbsorbent CoUod, lb.

Bc.t 1 lb . iMckage, 30c . lllpa ii't Tabulaa, 4c, box.S tu a r t 't llyapepaia T ab le ts 3Sc. bog, Ilnnuo Sol’iM r, 8c ., I9 c ., 39e . bottle. A lien '! Foot Ease, 30c. box.

Rad way'! Itcadv Itellet, 2Sc. Nellln'a Food, 3Sc.Milk and .Magnesia, 38c Ltatartne, 63c.i-g t, I.tthla Tableu, 18c. bottle. Red Bone Marrow, 81.IS. Rubinat Waler*. 2Sc.HunyadI Janos Water, 23c,

Atli'ock'i'l Porous Plaster, 9c.Syrup of Fig*. 39c.Honfurd's AcW ITiosphate, Jlc. Maltlne, plain or with Cod Liver Oil,

71c.Carter’s Little Idvcr Idlli, lie . Lanollue lo tubes,' 16c

■Iblf ..... ..............are Q ^ rg e U B ulth, Joeeph B. V lo i^ and Henry E. Bailey. Which of tbia trio will win la still an open queatlon, and ii la among the poaelbinilts that should

e fight be an even one, a dark horse may carry off the prise.

On the Democratic aide of the bouse the leaders look with favor upon either Joseph M. B y m t or M. T. Barrett, and It la said ta be a oaae of how h u p y they could he •With elthei If " t'o ther dear charm er" was out of the way. Aa Ur. Byrne's friends have been taking an Intereat In the m at­ter, while Mr. B arrett's have not, Che former’s chances look roey. John L. Ar- mitoga'a ’ friends have been maMng an ao- tlv t canvass for delegatci In the "Iron- bound D istrict”

Earnest elfarta will be made by the Democrats to retain control of the Com­mon Council, while the Republleapa will

the Repulilloan City Committee uf Orange to aacerialn the choice of the voter* for candldatea for Mayor and Prealdent of (ha Common Council, wa* started yeeierday M ^ o r John (IIU l a candhlate for re- nomlnatlon, and hla friend* have *e1ected aa hla running mate John D. KvertU for the Council PreBlileni-y, Thomaa O. Dar- lier has poaltlvely declined to conalder a nomination for .Mayor or for any other ofilce, and *u have William RIker, Jr., and Louis D. OalllBon.

There was a entail attendance laat night a t the convention of the Orange d la lrk t of the E iarg County Bunday-tcliool Colon, which waa held In the PlrM M, E. Church. Orange. Kev. W. D. Stevens, preaMem of the union, presided, and he responded to an addreas of welcome made by Ine pas­tor of the church. Rev, Or, L. R. Blreeter. Rev. William E. Needham, the " a r tli t

.JT.i'Lia ■■liv.Wi'iTth.r Park 'Rnhde^ i Preacher," of lirooklvn, made an allegori- th . ^ h e e "Aaalnat ^ r l h e r P irk addreaa, In which he Illustrated hla *ub- tha mhep Against E uriner ^ a r x j^eta by drawings. Miss Margaret J, Cuah-

man talked about "Main Sprlnga of Char­acter and How They May He Reached," and Elwood C, Harris, of Newark, spoke of the home department of Bunday-schoo) work. Boio* were sung by Mrs. Harvey Green and Mlaa Hrown..

President Francis U Patton, of Priooe. ton t'nlverauy, delivered an address at the

: meeting of tha Presbyterian Union o t the Oranges laat night In the Munn Avenue P naby tirian Church, East Orange. Hla subject was: '"The Crewla of Christen­dom," Dr. Patton divided the creada Into Catholic and Proleelant, There are IHO,- 000,OW Roman Catholics, he aald, and KO.- 000,000PrOtastanta, D r.Patton analysed the difference betw-een the two creeds and then


do their utm ost to land a majority o t the Aldermen. Of the retiring membera ot Council, Including former Alderman, now Poetmaater Bragaw, aeven will be of the Republican faith and eight Democratic. This will leave nine Democrata In the board, though, and Jo keep the whip hand they win have lo carry a t least aeven wards, while the Republicans to effect or- ganlM tloa m ust elect a t least ten Alder­men.

From the Board of Education aeven Democrata and eight Republloane retire, and the same nuatiber of each remain, ao th a t the Dembcrata need nine additional commlaalonera to get control of the board,, while elglit will euffice for the purtwaes of tbe Republicans. There are any num­ber of oondldatea or available men fur candldataa In nearly alt the ward*, and tha tendency seems to he that the bast tim ­ber possible will ba brought forward by bath tblsa.

A aucoesaor to Mr. Bragaw will be elect­ed In the Flrat, and the Repubileana have been talking ju naming Henry J, Theln or Daniel E. Fram pton. Ur. Theln, It Is undentood, will not run. The Democrats have not oetlled upon any man as yet. Jamea N. Arbuckle, a Democrat, retires u School Commlaaloner and will not stand for renomlnatlon. The Democrata are trying to Induce Dr. George R. Kent to make the running for the School Bcatrd. and the Republloana are talking of nomi­nating H enry A. Bwann or william U. 14

A ldtnnan Guerin goes out In the Second 'Ward and thou i^ , according to party uaage, he la entitled lo renomlnatlon, ho has not announced hlmaalf aa a candidate. No other aaplranta have come forward, either. The Dem oorati are undecided aa to a candidate, but John Boadtr ta favor­ably apoken of. Charles W. Uank la the

Irlng School Commlaaloner, and h» will “ ■ ■ • ack. Tha Democrata

him with Edward

BprbigfMd Mealth Hoonl Calls I t a Mnla- aac* aod Trlia to Ramova I t .

A t a meeting of the newly organised Board of Health of Bpringfield, held laat night, the obstruction In th e Rahway River, cauaed by tbe fallen tre r* and auch things, waa declared a nuisance, and the secretary wa* Inslrneted to notify all owner* of properly abu tting on the river i from whose land tree*, togs, atump* and i o ther debris had been throw n, to clear them out, under sta tu to ry penally. It w as Btacad that the obotructlonB of the river along the line of the townships of Springfield and Mlllbum had been greater within the paat year or eighteen months than a t any time prevloua, and th a t they had been caused principally by persons who had cleared off the tim ber from the Smith tract, running along the greater p a rt of the stream In the tow nihlp, from which the upper parts of the trees and braaehea had been thrown Ittto the water. Remaining there, they oaugbt other sub- atancea that had fioated down, to th a t In time a formidable dam had been formed. At some plaoea. It waa atatad, the ofastruc- tiOQ waa used for aomll foot bridge*, and a member of the board aald th a t he bad crossed the river over these bridges a t two dlRerent points.

Whenever a freahel oame, aatd one of the compUlnaDli, the flow o t w ater waa retarded, the banka were overflown and the meodowland and fa rm s nearby were ttooded. Frederick Hagel, a tru ck farm er oif Bpringfield, whuae fa rm .a b u ta on the river, eomplalned th a t the w a te r had re­cently overfiowed hla lands, and th a t If the obatructlon was not removed, a part of hla property would be practtcally uae- less.

The resolution declaring the condition of the river a nuleance was baoad on a paia. age of the health laws of th* State, which reads: "The collection of m atte r In arti­ficial ponds or trenches, o r the setting hack of water by dams or o ther artificial device* whereby the w ater become* stag­nan t or «mlt* unwholesome odor* or In- Jurtou* ga*e* 1* a y e n t nuliance and

Main Ykiar, North AM*.

E a s t e r is c o m i n g on apace; Spring is a l r e a d y here. Is your boy in that new Suit he needs? If not, we have it here at a

happy price for parents.Strictly A IL " 'o o l T rico t, fu»t color and

neat Mixed C aislm ere and C lietio t Suita, th e beat o t malting;, i l i « 8 lo 1« m r a , 3 .9 8 .

AILW ool M kldy Suite, w ith vesta, illh soutache braid trim tu lu j; on vest and co llar, 3 to 8 yeo rt, t .9 8 .

L ig h t and D ark G ray* nnd lirowna All-W ool t ’aM lmerea, Double Hull*, no better mnklnE to be hatl, site* 8 to 18 y e a n , 7.115.

All-W ool ChevloU , In douhlc-brcaatod and MIddv Huit», all w ith pateiil walat b a n d ; a lto Middy 8ulU w ith vesta, neat trim iulog, » S to 18 year*, 2 ,6 9 .

B loekand R lue ,\ll-W ool < hevlota; alio brow n m ixed I.oiig P a n ts Suita, *1*89 U to 19 Tears, w ill At im a ll men, 4 .99 .

Ttiree-plece S h o rt P a n ts HuiU, llze t 10 to 16 year*, all-w ool, 8 .4 8 ,

A ttr lc tly All-W ool B lue Tricot fS) Tbree-plocB S hort PanU Holt*, nolhlnff like i t anyw here, up to 18 yeara, 5 .6 9 .

Baaeincnt, Boiitta Alilr.

A dainty lot of C u p i and Saucen will go on sale nesday morn­ing. T h e y are beautifullydec- orated with new and p r e t t y floral pictures

and include many and various shapes.

An a*»ortraent at Be. for Cup and Hatioer, usual price lOo.

An ootortment at lOc. f t r Cup and Haucer, usual prioo 19c.

An aaaortment at I2J6*- ft* kod Saucer, tiaual price 16e.

An assortment at 80c. and 48c. lor Cup oDfl Saucer, diual prico 59c. and 85c.

We also Include In thli wle throe lot* of decorated Clilaa PUteg.

An asaorlment of Fancy lla te i at lOc. each, uaually 14c. to 30c.

An a*«ortmeot of Fiincy Plato* at 15c. each, utually tBc.

An a**ortniont ot Fancy Plate* at 19c. each: uiually 37o.

Basement, North Al*te.

equally aa objectlonal oay otheri."

r a t i . , , . , _____ ______ ______ ____make an effort to go bock. Tha Democrats will probably oppose him with Ed« Johnson. ,

The term of Alderman JarobI, of the Third 'ward, expires and ha la aald to ba likely to get a renomlnatlon. CharlM A. Frey and Dr. F. W. Becker are among tho*c on th* Dtmooratlo aide •poken o t a* possible candldatea Dr, Becker la a mem- D«r of tha Board of Health. Mr. Fr*y cam* srlthln sixteen vo(«a ot an election laat year. For tbe Bohool Commlasloner- shtp there promla** to be a warm figtat In this ward. George Saupe la tbe retiring member ot the board, but be want* to go hack, and In laid te be making aa aotlve canvaaa Considerable opposition baa been m anltestad In hla own party, though, on account of Mr. Bawpe'a aland in the Deugall case and In several other mattara. and It is aald th a t the opposition will try to name Bamual F. WUion Jn Baups a jplice. Tb* Democrata a r t talking of Dr. Henry A. Glatwneyer a* a prohunle nominee.

Alderman Wuilam 8 . Rlghter will not be returned from the Fourth Ward, It la ■aid, and If the wlthea of a number of th* Democratic laodera In Ih* ward ore g ran t­ed Dr, WllllaiA Q. Glatatnayer will Go the Aldermanle nominee. J. M. Flak 1* alao mentioned as a probability, and tli* Re­publican* ore talking a t former Alderman Abraham M anntra or former Alderman William Bennett. Though Miles has sold th a t he would not be a for renomlnatlon a t Behool Commit other* **y that

J ...................... , ,lUlon on the

All! iUd

I F. Quinn k oaitdidar* nm liitoner

pokt briefiy of the branches In both rcll- glona. Mlaa Florence Adcle Multord tang, and there were organ selections by Samuel P, Warren. After the mcellnB a recaption was tendered to T>r. Ration In the ehurch pariora, and rvfreabm enu were aerved.

For two hours taal night diamonds were trumps In th* armory ot Gatling GunCompeny A of East Orange when the third of a serlea of Monday night whist partleo waa given under the auspices a f jh e La-

lie and indictable a*

dies' Auxiliary of the company. Twenty- six tables were In use and twenty-two games were played. Mrs. William L. Fish won nineteen games and she was ib* first prlie winner. Mlaa Elisabeth Sayre, Mra. Robert B, C arter and Mra. Cyrus C, Cur­rier each won fourteen games and were awarded second prlaea, Frederick Coffin had the highest icore amung the man with sixteen gaim-a to hla credit. The other winners each hod fourteen game*. They trare Jama* Y. King, J. F. Doane and Qeurge Cooke. Tbe Iasi of the serlea of games will be given next Monday night.> Dr. Emerson E. White will addreaa the teacher* of E ast Orange a t 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon In Ihe High School BuUdlng. Hla aubjert will be "Sell clpllne In Its Relation to Characte will speak again at I o'clock on "Tbe Duty of the Hour." The teachers and the Board of Education of Easl Orange have invited the public to attend thete meet-

YT. B. Judd will lecture on "Fred Cuba" In the Bnnford Street M. E. Church. East Orange, Friday night.

A championship Vame of liaakat ball will be played In Ine gymnaalum of the Orange T, M, C, A, lo-iniht.

Th* new bridge over the boulevard In car* of the Essex County Park Commie elon a t Thomptoii alreel. East Orange, it progressing rapidly. The abutm ents am! pier* are ffnlahed up to the aprlng tin* of the arches, and the skew-lmck couroea are


Chartea Slttilh dels In to a Meeting of Brick- layer* and Trutibla Meaiilts.

A meeting of a bricklayer*’ union In th* hall a t Market and Cutnea atreeta laat night wa* enlivened by the presence of Charles Smith, of 144 Malllday street, Je r­sey City. The latter claimed and obtained admlsilott to the meeting on the ground th a t he was a fellow-craftaman. and once Inelde developed a faculty for talk ing on a variety of aubjeott, w hich not only did no t Interest th* members of the union, bu t also took up their time. Th* visitor re­ceived several polite hint* to keep quiet.. . . . . . . . - J

helng placed In position, are ouay a t work makln.. whteh the arches are to be built.are

The oarognters work making the centres on

The next bi-monthly meeting of the Or­ange Chrletlan Endeavor Union will be hew on Monday night, ^ r i l 11. In the future, bv vote of the B iecutlve Com- mlttee, all the meetlnge will be held on the second Monday Instead of the aecond Thursday. Two Invitations have been -e- oelved tor bolding the April maellng. The aelectlon wilt he made by the prealdent, Jam es Froggatt, and the Rev. (m arlea A. 6«T*ge. .

A number of voters In the Flrat Ward. East Orange, are arranging m r the fo m a tinn of a Democratic club. The object la t<make it a tow.nshjjp^^organliajtlonj

which were not heiried. and finally a mild auggestinn to the stfeot th a t him absence would be welcomed wo* throw n out.

Thia seemed to anger Sm ith, and he drew a big knife, which he fiourlahed reck- Isoaly, Two membbrt of th* union happen­ed to gat In the way of the weapon and were slightly out. A nother slipped out of the hall and notified the police. Patrolm en Btlllman and Durkin, of th* BHrat p i ^ olnct, reaponded. and w ith aom* alight dif­ficulty overpowered th* mtschluf maker. N either of the men who were cu t appear­ed against him In court th is morning, and Judge Lambert sent him to Jail for Ih lrty days, on a charge of disorderly conduct.


Paul Fltailaiaioa*'* AHompt 1* OMala a V n* Bide Bad* O ltaa ln aa ly .

A wagon belon^ng lo Charlee D. Jaco­bus, of Caldwell, rolled along Mulberry stree t yesterday afternoon, and Paul Fltaalmraona, of 1« Polk atireet. concluded to taka a (re* rtdo, C atching hoM of the rear pert, he started to w ork hla w ax over the tailboard.

H e was lying w ith hie face near the fioor o t the wagon, when a big dog which waa in 1b* vehicle eprung a t him. Th* brute bit the boy In th* nose, chin and llpa. and young Fltislm m on* dropped tn the ground, screaming with pain. He ** ■ )n to t n " " " ” ------------- ■ ‘

a t y Dial

tonot con­

fining it to the First Ward. Joseph B. Bellli l i a t the hend of Ihe movement.

Two changes will be made in tha quar­tette o t the Flrat Presbyterian Church of Orange for th* year beginning May 1. Mlaa Emma L. Wbitc, contralto, and Eh B. Martlndell, bass, are to be retained and the aervlcee of George J. KIrwan, of New­ark, tenor, and Miss Anna E. nughea, of Brooklyn, aoprano, have been iMured.

At the laat aetalon of t t ^ E iecollv* Committee of the Orinjfe Chrietlau En deavor Union, held In Trinity Congrega tional Church, EMat Orange, It wa* de c ld ^ to recommend to the union y the next meeting that a conference on Chris­tian Endeavor work be held on Ihe second alternate Monday night of every o ther month 111 connection with the regular b « - ineea gatherings, to which all th e mem­bera (rf the veriou* socletjea^w ll^M ln

All tlM oew (1898) sprlBK fiiMI aum- mer tdeog In Drm Fabric!, Millinery and Top OormeRtt ora tm viaw bcrA

MxIb flonr, Nmub AlstaA grand combi­

nation sale of W. B. and R- G. Cor- seta will open hero to - morrow. Some of them are first Q u a l i t y g o o d s , while the greater number are samples and slightly soited, goods in aiaes i8 to 30 inches.

Ecru, white, drab, black and summer, also batiste corsets in new French styles, 4, 5 and 6 hook, with double side steels and pro­tecting clasps.

Every pair worth from 75c. to $1.35. Every pair with imprint, Our Very Special, 4 9 c.

P . N. Summer Ventilating Cor­sets, sizes i8 to 30, with cork pnv tecting clasp (these absorb perspi­ration), value for Ai quality. Every pair stamped. Your choice, S9c.

Main Fk»f. Woo.

Whoever lu * an office needs a c o p y i B g press. W e h*ve A full line of

copying presses in our station­ery department from $ 3 .1 5 upward.

P ic tu r e s -* $ 1 .2 5 will buy a fine signed-proof etching, 14x 28, ' in a ^ I t Florentine frame with ^old bum iahed corners. Choice of sul^ecta is large.

Bulbs and Qardsn Asad* at pofBlar prtess.Chlldiwa'a OardSB Tools, WIhsI> bsgyows, oU., In grsst variety,

Biuem ent, South Altlo.Whatever you buy here is good ; it is worth all you pay

for it—generally more. Particularly in Silverware do we give abundant returns for the money. & arcb Newark and yon'U find no such offers—fine offers—as th ese:

Every one is looking toward Easter. In addition to articles of dress we have Easter novelties in Rabbits’ E ggs, French, German and Japanese Souvenirs. The children love to color eggs. T he best coloring matter is Paas Dye, of which we have every favor ite shade.

le cmidren love

14-Id. qiutdnipltt

51 a t e d tra jrt,.29.

C lare t Ja g i, q uad rup le p la t­

ed moufitings, 99c.

P ickI 'lito r*

Q uadruple plated choc-A.BBMinia *.

quadruple plate pot,plate, I1.98. '*

Q u a d r u p l e p l a t e d f e r n diab, 3 .3 8 .

Quodrupla plated

Quadruple *»“ •> plated can- *9^dleatlek,

( .9 8 . 2 .6 S .

Quadruple Plated Water Pltchar, eograved, 2 .4 9 ,

Saiuo without eugravlDg, 1.98,

B V E R Y B I O D Y O O G M t o H A .H I N B } CIS C O . - S O R B A T S T O R E .

Buperlntendentt of departm ents 'appointed for the ensuing year a* w*' Temperaiwe and evaikreMatlc.

Rev. ChauBoey W. Ooodrio^h. of the 8p2 a r . ? « f as® s m s iniiiireh Hoclety; Orange \a lley . Social In-Church Society; Or*''?® stitule William CranSsrt of the Hlllalda - . ^ go(.i,.,y; Chrletlan cltlaen-fhlD Dr Taylor, of the F irst P re f^ te r ia n

- fh Orange; prayer-meeHng and ^ c e , of th* F tra t Preo- alto of South Ora

ilfe i

wi* d|taken to a nearby d r w t s r e and then toine City Dtopen----- - . - .found a t either

_____ My that hla jiam e will aurely goon tbe ticket. J . B. Faltoute l i mentioned

ineary, bu t no doc_____________t place, tb* F lra tambulance woe aummoned and h* was taken to be Clly H oenltel, There hid wound! were oauterUed and he weal home.

) then to i f s s i j $,rufrnoot

: he waa of the Brookline

ae a nrobablllty for the pbal Rraublloah Uokel.

•rti* F ifth W ard It conceded to be ■afely Dejm

Irv la g to i t Jo tt ln R o ,

e a r to be eateiy 'emocraflo rqnfci ItaSeetlon. Aloi

In Republl--ratle, but in the

a there la oonllderabl*erman Charlea W rlgaud

I! out lo r a renomlnatton, »nd one faction of tn# party I* opposed to mm being again named. C ^ te r in c e a ere betas held to ■mooth over the dlfficuRlea, but even theuett • iruoa thould be petohed up it I t reftm eg^a# quite likely that Iher* trill he aom* Boratohlng on weotlon day. Chart** M M k W Jio ited 1 4! certain to b e ^ n o n iu te a a* aohool Commlaaloner. The Republican preapectlTc candidates have h iw a l l t tk btojiwayd Jn. inl* ward.I A M am iw W aldnw A out ter a 'lenom lr

lit** Ethel Gray, of Union avenue. Ir- vinktnn. haa retum ad home from a visit '1 Hunterdon County.

Bi. H. Bonnell, o t u o lon avenue, Irvlng-

................................... ^ ' ■ r .ton, WM driving w ith earn* friend* Bpringfield airano* la s t n lghl. whan the wagon oolllded with anothor v th lc la Mr. BfiuuejUnd hfc friend* w ire throw n from fh t oarriag* and ba^ly brulKO. The vehl- ole w as wrecked.

Albert Couse, of Btuyveaant aveein*. I r ­vington, luM recovered froen b it rooent lll- nrau.

PreabytaYMn Churc'h Bpejelr. » • « © r* n « Dr A. C. Almy. of the Orange H fth

Sehwl dfioke before the P aro n u ' Co- ^ -M ltv e Taaorltllon of the Orange* yea-

afternoon In Union H ril, Grange, - and the New id u e a tlo n .’'

Mann told of the work................and Chicago »ohoola

A hore* brionglag ta Andrew IHi ,

UoiVi of C hrlil 05^ Mon* ^Thdk John B". Moro® L jdjrt No, 18^T hj oVange, held R*. tarentj^thlrd

u n i f i e rHall,


Tm atee Tswlor, *1 Booth Orange. Beys Ml* IM Uegnes iBsolted Him.

‘The South Orenge Village Board ot Trus­tee* Invested th* power of advertliliig for bid* to tight the •lr**ls of the vlllag* by eloctriolty and go* laat nlghl In (he hand* of, It* Finance Committee, and Edgar H. Taylor, chairm an of Ih* Lamp Committee, left the Council room In very bad humor. Before leaving. Mr. Taylor told Mr. Camp­bell, who wo* reepootlbl* for the raatler; th a t he oonaldered him telf ' ' '■ ''" f i* '" * he wished to know Why the street lighting Question ihould be taken out of the hand* of th* Lamp CcBimlttae. ^ ^ .

Mr. Campbell replied th a t he believed (liat It Wai proper fo r the b'lnance Com­m ittee lo odverllee for the bids In quea- tlou, and b* wo* lUftalned In the vole by Meeart. WllUam* and Bowen. The In- itruetlon* lo th* F inance Committee « e th a t R get b id . for ga* llfbri''*- for th* eo*l of llghtlug the village with the wire* underground and overhead.

In a oommunloation. Chief ®‘tha Fir* Deportm ent, reported that mo firemen hod reoelved a new horae, and th a t there had been on* fire during me past month, Th* Chief a lio the name of P atrick M cOerry for dr ver of the new hoaa wagon. Tbe wa* ordered filed. A a largo number of firemen, naked the board lo appoint Jampa F , F arre ll driver of the n e C T m wagon. A fter mime dleeuselon u regard* the right* of ' 8* ‘® »P'point euch an olfirlol before the ofilce #** created by ordinance, thla petition wa» m- feired to the Fir* Committee, with In- atructloni lo be prepared to make eome recommendation a t the regular meeting In

^ K a rry C. Burn*. Philip Detrlch, Oeorio A. Haleey, J r ., Thomo! MaUy. C F. Parry and Fred Wlldey wer* appointed eleelloi olficeri to conduct the village election neat

"*Mr. Campbell gave notice that he would r iT t^ next m w th aa Vlltoge Trcaaurfr JiwH as eoon a* hi* annual raporl wa* e o ^ piled, and he a t te d th a t hi* books ta audited, and th a t the Finance Comm him be empowered lo employ an expert for me purpoee If they a* desired.

P(jltce Juallca Taylor rew nted that thrae arreata had baen mode during tho p*»t month. Pvtaldenl “W T i he had apprinted John Hhatican a

t o ^ duty op the mount* t. hill during the Bumraer inoptht. H. D- P” ' rin™ Chari** B. MUtlhawa mtoned th* beard to chauga the nkto® ®/ South Fourth elroet to Moqtaguo place.

Campbell reported th a t f t* street h»d l,«en opened by private f f r t l » , and wa* not a public street, to th* ,P4«i*®P ordered filed. A peMllon algoed by

aeklng the board to .grant t''~


O,annii) biirw"Vfi* ’0*ri2an-KngiAh 'Wtool“ o r r —

The real estate tronefen tveorded In the Regteier'a, office Monday and reported by tbe Fidelity Title and Deposit Company ware:

NEWARK.Jirfm B. Morrison lo Llial* Davit, a a

Hawthorne av 1* w fr H anover pi,MxlOO .........................— .......... .

Philip Amend to Frana AdamAmend, a g r t ...........

Loul* Hood to Joseph ren at M w fr Arch cor W arren and Arch

Loulaa C. Friedllne to FYledllne, a w oor Kinney at. K li»!


Levy, n * W ar-

:h '« 5 o "\ Friedllne >e, a w oor

?y at. Klilll!................................Henry M. Doremua (Ifterlft) to Falr-

h at, ItxlW Charlea W.Brood and W

.......... . hertIfV to Fair-lie A Wilson Coal Co. n • Tth avU a e fr W ebttar at, MxMl........... . MW■ ---------- " rm an Benner and al,

w fr Blum *t, axlOO ux to Fred H. May, h t f r t t h av, BOiMO.. to K atharlna Nleb- ount av 4W fr Thlr-

John Goria to Herman Renner and al, n a Goria at IH w fr Blum at, HxVn

John J. Allen et ux to Fred H._ May.w ■ 8 Illh i t IBP e ‘ ““ ‘ “

Christina Treta to ling, * s Pairm ount tee nth av, lOPxlW. w a Camden atBOO e fr Thirteenth av, SxlW ........... 1

Henry M. Doremua (fiherifD to the Howard Saving* Inetltullon. * a Summer av HI a fr Montolalr av,i t T x r s ....................................................

August F , Zlmmermann e t ux to iCari Fundus, a * Ferry at UP • frFreeman at, »xM i............................. ATO

Karl Fundus et ux to P. Ballantln*A Bona, ............................... I,10P

John L. Virtue et al* to Annie A. Benjamin, 6-T o t 90 e fr Penniyl-vanfa av, 10x11..................................... I

John L. Virtu* e t ale to Annie A. Benjamin, of n a Parkhurat etre fr Penneylvanla av, H xE ...........

Daniel H. Forman et ux to Frances B. S tew art, a a Rector at HI e frPark pi. 24x70..................

France* B, S tew art to Belle J. For­man, aam e...........................................

TOWNSHIPS.Wetaon W hittlesey el ux lo Mary

A. Dttter. Clinton, a • Grant avIB6 a e fr Hunterdon at, 16x140........

Henry M. Doremux (Sheriff) to Hen­rie tta Johnaon, Montclair, n a For­est pi no e fr Forest at. lOxUI........

Henry M. Doremu* (BherlffI to John

Haw'kln* etreet, city; Alfred Peter, archi­tect. . .

Thomaa J. Kenny and John R. Coaey, owner*, with T. J. Mcl-oughlb) A Bro., contractor*, ttl.949, mason, iR. 147 and 14! New etr*el, clly; Alfred Peter, arahltMit.

Frederick Dreeslg, owner, with Jaehnlg A people*, contractor*, ttil, plumbing, av Ilawkfn* etreei, city; Alfred Peter, arvht- tPCl,

Frederick Dreeslg, owner, with Simon Mere eontraelor, tlSO, m a»n , 09 Hawkine elreet. city; Alfred Peter, architect.

Thomaa J. Kenny and John R. Caeey, owner*, with Hledy A Byron, contractor*, 14.4«, carpenter, US, 147 and 140 New street, clly; Alfred Peter, architect.

‘ThomoB J. Kenny and John R. Coiey. owners, with Jaenig A Peoples, contrto- tora, 11,912. plumbing, etc., 14B, 147 and 141 New siren , city; Alfred Peter, architect.


Jaeger, Bloomfield, w a 11 fr alley tPatsen Whltteaey et ux tr *

noiitllller, E ast Orange, '— ------ n frtl


r 7 E * * t '0 ^ g e , w a Bjroh^. wood av 196 a fr C*nrrtl_*v,_tolW.

Robert Olltort to Otto W. Ollfort. Weal Orange, a e a Valley rd 60 a w tr Eli** Coleman, » i lB .

Olio W, Gllfort to Robert Ollfort, West (Jraoge, t e a Valley rd 76 tr E llia Coleman, KxMB......................


Company a franchlae to croee Montroej avan i^ a t grad* VM* read and orderei^ filed. County f t^ le te r Sktnner. aa counsel f t r the company, asked tb* bowd the request o t Jhe o a m p u y *»d the peU- tioner*. On motion by if r . Campbell the ordinance beating on th* oubject w»» ®[" dared to be cm1iW*i IG the » r* l "I??',''

* w itfive regular meeting In A pril, The board oonflmed the aimUoaUoA* (Or tynow®'* S liquor llceneM ^o (l!Sarl®!Joaeph Hagln, ?!*!•• 8 *lm « and George Rammelkoffip.

I J r . '" C a m ^ l nearly been wherebyage into the B i ia r a i* outiev **wor, the Sewer Committee vroa empowered ;» ejoe* th* pending , ! « g « r i ia im t and to

th a t a JM I bad _ with Elisabeth ■fig fimpty lU tew-

Otttlet lower, and

CONTRACTS AWABOBD.Tb* following ooniraet* have been

corded a t the Courtboute:Thomaa J . Kenny amt John R. Caaey,

owner*, with Rledy A Byron contractor*. 14,460, carpenter work. 144. 147 and 1« street, city; Alfred Peter*, arcbltect.

Dr. Leafle D. Ward, owner, with A H. Clark'* contractor*, t4.4H, m tapn,1069 Broad street, city; Charlee Ailing Otf- fordi a rch ittri.

Dr. W H * D. Ward, owner. wRh B. U Grove*, contractor, ILW. pliimblng, HW Broad *tre*t, city; Charle* Ailing Olftord,*Ur.**LMllo D, Ward, owner, with Theo­dora a . Glhoon, corttrootoi. R4M, oarM ii- ter. IW Brofid atreet, oily; Charlea Amng Olffora. arcnlleot. „

Dr, tea lle D. W trd . owner, with H er­man Sohul* A Son. o o n trac tw , W«. pnlm - inm lOM Broad etreet. city; Charlea Ailing'^OHo ^hoeffing. owner with H e ln b ^ Schwelkert, contractor, jg S ,ja rp e n te ^ # South Elgfiteenth street, city;

‘ Jnto‘ fc h o e " with Fred«riekKled{V*!'oStr*5toL!Tw*! mason and .*§-cdntraeiui. v—— —v—

’ 6H South BIghteetith ettwef, d tp Urban, i ‘ ‘

Otto Sohoefflng, with Oeorga

'^ 'cltyi'ifi& artl

DIglrb*o. arohlteot.

___ __Joefflng, owner,S chw araw aeld tr, qonlraotor, i n r # 4 BUhtMOUi etreet, c ity i

S ra e tlT k CO-, o w n e r ^ l th Otto A

m W o n , « n * r ^ h■, contraeton , IH*. ma**n, aid* of P o m ijr irtreeL Central

pjao*. OraviMr*. N. 3.! 9 W. Wfii!

Held for tuaaliag Cigar*.HorrI* W eintarf, aged alxtean, w ho

live* a t 114 West Kinney alreel. waa a pria- oner In the Flrat preclucl Police Court tW* mornlngi charged wllh the larceny of three lioxe* of clgari. The boy wa* a r­rested by Srveclal Officer Holihau* yetler- day afternoon with the elgera In hm poe- aeaalon, and after an Inveitlgatkin It wa* found that they belonged to_ John a

MultIherry atreet. Th* Ig tle r romplafnanl agalnit Wetn-

found thatA lt, of HI ____ ,appeared *a ronudalnant against - . berg, who pleaded not guilty and waa held In ball for the Grand Jury. Weinberg, has eerved e term In Jail for fobbing n M arket etreet fru it etand.

Properiy Waa Dedlnled by Thoms* Dakei and Henry P. Druid.

The Bloomfield Townihlp Committee held a lengthy meeting laet night, and a lot of routine work waa Lranaaoted. Speaking Of the rfernt birth of a child a t th* Alma house. Chairman Btout explained that Ihe In fan t had been adopted by a Catholic family, and he declared that all proceed­ings In the mailer had been dropped.

Two tracts of land for eireeta were dedl- oatM to the town by Thomas Oake* and H enry P, Dodd. One of the thorough- taro* will be known a* Maatewood road and the other will be called Clarendon place,

Th* Street Lighting Committee mad* a prelim inary report In regard to the ques­tion ae lo where (be responxlbilUy reeta for the oceldent to Dudley Ward, who was badly burned by an electric wire a few 44irA ako. The Conirnlticcmpn la ia th! 6l«ctrlc were sUunji In a (tati*ergui tn tn u e r ncfonii Ihe roof of th® trinory* whore the accldciu occurred, ond they t’oeommended Kilopilon of on ordi- narujo prohlWiIng any further atretchlnf of w lrei over roofi. , „

A number of property-owners In F rank­lin Tiownahin sent a communication to t j u committee asking for Its co-operation In th* opening of a new road between F rank lin and Bloomfield under the State A d Road acl. Under the preeent plait the iropeny-owners are to give the land, and he townehlp la lo _<lo_ th_c ' com*


m atte rm ttte*.

was referred to the Ro*'Martin Cellahan waa awarded th*

contrac t for oonitrurtln* th* Bpruco atreet Boerer, on hi* bid or 1174.


Thoy Invaded Two Hall* on th* “ H ill" law* Might aad Denaed tb* Huor* Away. The pal* (ace element was In a hopeleti

m inority last night at the oarnlval and bfiJ mosque of th* 7-K oott Indiana In H aetarle 'a two haJli, whieh were taxed to their utmoet capacity to *e- eommodate the crowd of maeker* and apootatora. Of rourae there irer* more PDoahontaeee, Mlnnehahte and Pow- b a tana repreaented In the coatumee than any other*, which wo* It ehouM he. though Ihers were Highland U trya, Co- Inmblaa, shepherdeatai and other* In abnndtno*. Notwlthatandlng th* Impend­ing crial* In National affair* two girl* ap­peared In Bpanlah coatumee and were well

T he uniformed Indiana wer* uihered In h r the F lrat Regiment Drum CorM, under H aio r 6 , W. Hill, et 10;I0 o'clot*, end a little la ter Georg* Kuhn, with Ml** Hoe* Cennon.dreeeed *** "H ltlg lri," led offth* g rand march, fit which ifc couplee par- Holpated. Dlveraloni coneliied of war d i^ e * , a cake walk and rope skipping

ooatumed girt*, i t was i n early fit programro* of .

or Impoverished blood pro­duces boils* pimples and humors on the face and body; they generally occur on persons of unhealthy c o n s t i t u t i o n s . Men, women and children with pale or sallow complexions or suffering from skin; eruptions or scrofulous blood will find quick relief in King’s Celery and Sar­saparilla Compound, $1, bottles for 50c. atMenk’s Pharmacy, 106! Market street, opposite, Washington.Menk atul two regiitered pbarmaoUtspnk up preaofIpttona a t bottooi prlow.

lour twenty-oilh r ooatum*

tn* affair were; Ex-A ldyman R B. y n p lL J O'Neil. R. Berry, Georg* M .,T etter, l i im liR u t^ , ’William Moee*. John V, Nun-

aeer, M elt




$0 Hifbtst Avu4fI

Page 8: First Edition. - DigiFind-It



jiNBMarr O a a r s t i o u CantcMBlAleA. jp a K 'n i i Latter In the Kew Tork Sun.■ f l te tlih tlne on llie nartliweaterii Iroii- t la r 'beinc tatnpomrily auapeiidod, It may tn ta n a t the ouUlde world te know aome- (h tn so f what la (o ln ( on In the imorlor of ladlA. Thln«a could hardly be worm with l a d iort of an actual outbreak of Inanr- yoctlon. The amendinenla proiwaed to the Indian Panal Code are of luch a nature aa to place erery one a t the toeroy of M y peraon tirho may hear him enmity, and h tRuden of proof doea not lie w t'h the lo- Jbrmer, but It la the aceuaed who haa dtaprova the crime with which It* * e te raed . Alraoet needieaa to aal' that tn ^ • r y proitK'O't of lucb (Lfnen<lfTM*iitB ■made to the ealatliif •»». anoucb in lt« l( , ia throwtn* tha c«n- munlty Into a atato of terrw . Then. a«alB, the new poital to■Oldtt power to aovomment offlLioJJ totpm per n;ltb the poll, •nd * ”JhiiMhey do ■urwl if they only plepd thot they uo r J T p « “ Va b J^ c h 'o f the public .ran- qulimy. That Ihli power la even for extraordinary emeraenctea, la r t S i n by the fact Ih .t the Viceroy ha. aiatute power f# paaa any law he may ae a t . which II iood for al* monlha, will’l l aoference to anyalon B of the Indian poatoflb e bill eaya. ^ n y poatal article known to be aent by poet In contravention of the arovlalona of aectlona I t or JU aaaary, be opened and the article iliwlf or Ita contenti dratroyed under the authority of the Foilmaaier-Oerieral. ,

And attain, aectlon M of the eama bill**-5iib.afCllon 1. On the orciirrencr of a p Jw^c^!m<‘ a^ncy. or In the 1'} '* '^ '^b iiQ e^ e ly or tr*nqul!lUy, In® Ciovemor S in eraM n council or a Wa al ^ • " ' “*"1; or any olPctal epectally ‘ “ ih o r lir t In ih li behalf by themay, by order In wrlltn*, direct that anypoatal article or claaa orpoatal art Idea In couree ofby poat ahall be In te rcep t^ or deUlned.W and l be delivered lo the Ooveimmeht. or to an officer thereof memlmed In the order, to be dlapoaed of In auch manner M tha (ioTtmor-ucneral In council may dir

**”iu b -i« ilo n 1 If any doubt trliM aa to the eaiatenca of a publlo a n w r* e n ^ ^ r aa to whether any act done under au^wK- tton 1 W4i In the lo ttre it of th« pohllc Mf«ty or tranquinuyr * cortlflcit® by t iMrotory to the Oovernment or to the locnl fovernm ent •hall be con- ehulyft proof oh the polhU .* * tta maraln thua |lv e n for eaeetaea of eiwwar on ina part of lu ^ rd tn a le offi*l*la b too clearly and widely Indtoaled In the abowe Quoted aectlona of the meMure now about to beooma low under Hrlllati admln- K n t lo n m India to ne«l my ®"thaaa. But In Ameflca P*opl* ^and U difficult to ImagTne why *he Indian peopla ahould be ao dwply itlrred a i tS n ra re If they do not know what It la { S lu r t l iV lw th e tn up. I w' U- U‘ 'o ■eballlop, but to proteat aqalnat ao um BriUBb a watem of fovernnient aa now wdMtad all over India. „ . ^*V B ler the amendmant to the Penal

expreaalon, ‘dliafteotlon. Inoludea d ^ iS r l t o and all feellniy of 'w l ” M tha Oovernment, and thie aliloyal. \a a u y ba eapreaaad "by ’' “*'**> ,,***i'.*’’ ■Mkaa or anruren, or by eUnt, or by t 1

reprtaonUtlon, or olherwlae. and N lu e d with tranaportallon fpr Ufa or

[borter term, to which fine may be or with imprlaonment, which may

’ to ten yean , to which fine may ba L or with line.'' Amertoana, whatayer W y think of the policy op l ^ l l c y o ltlaw i, may auppoae inat they will

■ ttitely to or affect only the Individual ao- ' wSSm and convicted under them, th li

lid bo an error, for the fine P*rt, here ■dia, can ba made lo co imtcn further, my a f l^ t a whola circia of relallvea of*2 ainpi7 of tbla haa been tlven In the of two brothera Nalu. In Poona, who

arreated and have boon aeveral m In priton without aecueatlon or Bw ety on a Governor^Ocneral a or-

'Bltb tba aaaetton of i h e ^ r t l a r y of Bw>a for lad la In London, Not only haa tbalr Bhara of tha family property ^ n aaSBieated, but th a t of the other mvmtert a ^ S a family wblch. fn India, la held In

a b o c t c l c b s .

W h at T hey Aiw S aid fu Ba a a d W h a tKofe

From The 8 |HK'tai,>r.To the malnrlly Of men the club la

merely * comniodloua entlng-houae or readlna-room, to which only a limited number of peraona have the right of entry, ticcaelonatly the membera are auppoied to have a common object, or u common call­ing ae In tha naval itnd military cluba; buU n practice thlB tie Is ev ery looae one, and doiw not really make the club foelahle. But though cluba are I hue only reserved for tht use of peraona who pay an annual eubecriptlon, und whoae memherahlp h a t not been objected to by thoae who are a l­ready memiK'ra, It cannot be denied that the Inatltutlon Is one which hai taken a very firm grip utmn the Anglo-Saxon t,eo- plee. Wherever the Kngllsh race gota It aeli up etuha in the modem aenae of the word. I t la not too mucl) to aay that there Is no community abroad which boasta one hundred Engllth-apeaking men beionglng to the club claAaea which haa not got ll»

All interesting proof, or iwlher record, of this fact t> to be found In the List of Engllih tTuha In all I*axta of the World for WSa," Juat laaued by Meseri, Biiolilawoode * Co. The Hat cniUnu-ea not only all cluba In l^ndon, and the colonies and •■ahroad” generally, but also all eliihe In the United Statea. In a wor,l. tha list recognliea for club purpows liu' federation of the Anglo-Saxon race. The uhlQUlty of the club, and ao of the club Ideal of oilatetice, la perfectly astoiilsn- lug. There la not A aectlon of the glolie which la not full of Engllah cluba. There la actually an Engllah club In the 1 hll- llpplnee, while B rlllih Malaysia has ilx- teen or aeventecn. Even the Weal coaat of Africa awarma with cluba, and we no­tice with aatlafactlon that Benin has a golf club. Lillie more than a year ago human aacrlflce waa the object of aoc al Inter- courae for which cluba were required.

To club experta—a well-marked apeclea which dcilghfa In collecting and paaalng on elub-lor* of varloua kinda—the moat in- lereattng aertlana of the book before iia will doubtleai be th a t devoted to the cluba of the United Statee. A fact well known to all who have atudted American aocdal Inalltutluni cornea ou t very clearly In tn* parusat of the H it—the very exclualve and aristocratic ch a rac te r of certain of tne amarteat American clube, Inatltutlone Which approach more nearly to the noblea club In a continental provincial capital than to anything which le to be found here. There are clube In America where practically admiaalon cannot be gained un- le ii r te would-be member belonga to or la conbeeind with the local group of nrat famine*. Theie am art cluba hava a very small memberahlp and therefore a very larga aubacriptlon. For example, we note that one American cluh Included In 1 ^ Hat before ua haa an entrance tee of fW. Poealbly there are apeclal reaaona for thla —the club la one for ehooting and llahlng— but, take It a l a whole, tha belt club* In the I'n ited S ta les no doubt tend to be more eiclualva than obr own. Hera we aeldora or never blackball a man becauae he haa not aufficlant pedigree or family connection, hu t ra ther on peraona! greundi. There In the best cluba a man la not "put up" unlaas ha la "ona of our aat. '

B A a r r o r k i m i n o ,

TBw O IB rrem l K lad a G iven a n d B e- r e l v e d l a V a r le u a f o n a i r t e a ,

"St. FaiiTa," of London devoiea a page to the aomewhat irhtim ental auhjeet of klaaing. A klai, aaya the writer, used to t>e the ordinary aalutatiun among couhtry (o)k In PJnulund, and It la not unuaual even now In some dlilricia for niatle to say "Uuaa me * to an anqualntance. But as tribu te to rank It la unlmown la land, except In tha caae of the reigning aoverelgn. To tha Uu*fh *'R V v s> I w IH 4*1 Abe a iaw _corded the balseman, and oa oocMioiia of ceremony only. Her hand la klaae,! y the mlnlatera. Ambassadors and great om- i‘era of sta te on their aplK>lniiTient. >i tilahopi on their preferment: by t ^ r a aiia lawreasea on lucceaslon, and by '(•r«l eompany" at drawing "I*™the throne ia occiipfeil by the donor Inalead of the recipient In the case of the preaeiilallon of ladlM. tn e Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, In Ida capacity of royal representative, hestowa a klaa on the brow of eaeh lady preieoted to him.

But In aoma toretgn countries, notaoiy in A ustria and Russia, tha rule kissing la very n r l - f M h aervesl In Russia It la Ih* 'u stom W servants to klaa thGr J j f 'i f .J Sthe morning and at ntghu the r l ^ i hand la. therefore, reserved for 'uferlort, and the left for the salutes of friends and equals. The reigning "overeigns of moat Feuropf«n couTUrlf", anuu^pnf, ret'frlve llw Iron all

The*aerm an fuahlon of *'[! *«*on the lips la to he deprecated, aJnee It re- iluc.ei the whole art of W“ l|** lo one deadl*n"'wirie’'w*e‘K'w"‘?hfunlrTteri; which ordains that we "*“ !jHL‘fl"to^?rhom sake of politeness, many P‘“ bJ* we are Indlirtreiil, w* J i f f 'S , * , , Igreei of warnUh In our atW i* lo those for whom we rhariab ^ Imyuta of rorard afT«»aion. love njid devotion, TH«re

new connection*, our cousin* *5**’ ..j.i our au n ii' husbandai parent* oldfriends, who baeaose JiC’ knowIltheir arn ii durlpf owr Infancj. or knownua when we wer« (to personal mark of attenUon dlnary handshake: on w rv iand distant, of our husbands or our wives and on a host of other people for whom we are absolutely devoid of asntimem


As S s M b y t b s F r i e n d s a f M o w b reb y .A a s w a rlw B J o h n M e tl s y .

From the I/ondon Spectator.In the bright Speech whIch.John Morley

delivered on Saturday at the I’aasinoro Edwards Settlem ent, he let fall an obiter dictum which greatly Interested us as politicians. J t was only a remark Imply­ing th a t the United Blatei In going beyond ih li e o f t try on th e demooratloyoad had not conquered, had, possibly, rather exagger­ated, H r rW la l dlffictmies; bait we think we may g ather from It that Mr. Morley, like most reflective Radicals of our time. Is greatly Impreaaed, It may be even ap­palled, by the Increased difficulty of gov­erning, which the use of democracy a* the grand Inatrum ent of government In­volves Jf that la the oaa* w» -'j''' Morley, who. though a politician, baa a de­tached mind, would help ua all and In­terest ua all by delivering g apeech aub- itan tlally upon th a t subject alone.

U la becoming an urgent one. If only for two reasons. One la that the short Hal of atateim en who have the Inltlaliva In gov­erning mankind feel thla difficulty wRn evor-lncragslog acuteness, and dread and leaist di-hiocracy not for ItMlf ao much M on thla account: and aiiathor la th a t Journalists, flgnllng jwllttelans and the majority everywhere fall to recognise It aa a formidable obalaclr. and therefore provide against everything else. They have not the habit of thinking of Uemoi aa KInf, and do not percfivc Ihftlv • •any other King would he. there are draw ­backs In th is m ental eompoaltlon which ahaka Ihe confldence. and even alarm tha patriot lam, of all, even the most Liberal, statesm en. Demos the King haa wonder­ful instlncta, auggeiHng aomallmea almost BUparnam™i Insight; he possesses fc greater than th a t of any atattaroan

lon. This la nothing but a return to loat deapotic and barharoua methods tariea gone by. I think, with such ex-

.as, Amartcana will not be aurprlaed unroot and unoeru lo ty are prmralllng ear India, and g raa t apprahtnaloni offutura.

jiaoant soourrencea, such aa Isolated tM s In dlltersnt parts of the country and a«hsr clrcumatanoea too Inlrtcato to dtlall, I aVs shown that British rule haa no hoM o a tM minds of the m aatea of tba Indian

Btranga rumora about the and ol rule In India, bred, no doubt, of

,nea and fed upon credulity, are In .................... ‘he countrjr. The Idea.nU tlon all ov tr I------------ ,

tha peopla la th a t when the rulers o tha country are under tha wrath of Oodha aflHcta tho people, so to escape the con aoQuencei of the ru ler's oins the people are leaving their horns to escipe dlaaatera O in are expecting, new s of thla has aoaaa from Simla, Delhi and other parts

. . i t the country, . ,Maay olrcumaunoee occurring lead to

belief th a t tho Oovernment oontem- .js w irllke enterpriaea In different dl- loaa. Among them la the arrtval here

a f mules for transport purposes all tha ■ ■ If til ------ ■


W aliave said th a t cluba In England hava almost ceased to be social Institutlona In thtm ielvea, though social tnattluttona tend lo grow up w ithin them; but In aplts of th a t tact, club memberahlp la probably valued quite as much aa ever. Though tha mare membership of a olub. however •m art, confer* no social preatiga a t the present time, and though Ihars la only one club the tnemberehlp of which la looked upon In any kind of way aa a social dla- llncllon, men are atlll very eager to be­long to three o r tour of the beat London cluba, and to spend a conitderabla am ount of time In paaeing from ona clubhousa to another. A man who la a real "am ateur" of club life ilkee to belong to one purely feehlonable club, to one poTitIcal club, to a service club if he la a aoldler, and to tha Athenaeum If he l i a lawyer, a politician, a c im servant, or a peraon with lltsrary

Add to thla " a pothouse”- t o use the name generally given to the proprietary cluba to which atrangera can be taken a t all hours and to all meals—and also a club In the western part of the W ait End where ladles can he entertained a t dinner, and th e am ateur feels himself thoroughly well aec-up In the way of cluba, such a person fa, of course, aa a rule, a bachelor, and prefers to lake hla meals away from hla house or lodglnga He generally haa a fixed luncheon place In one of hla Pall Mall or St. Jam eFc etreei houaee, A fter luncheon and hla C ln r he la able to look In a t hla political club, In the vain hut conitantly reviving hope of heering Ihe news. After he haa discovered th a t there t i no news to h s t r he m ar change hla club and get a cup of tea. That done and a cigarette smokeiL he can set out on hli wel« home. And here cornea In the Inestimable edvantage Of a West End or Plocadllly club.

The walk between Mayfair or Belgravia, or Chelsea o r Knlghtsbridge. can be broken by a call at yet another club—a habit deeply Ingrained In the man of many clubs, and one which haa earned several of tha more weatrriy of tha West End houses tha name of "eherry and blttere clube." There remains over tha "pot- houee" to bs ueed. Poaalbly Its use I* only monthly, but then It eeenia Invalua. ble. Ita doors are open to the friend or relation from ihe country who m ust ba

The brn 'm clai; though untary, la of the same ^ *afi!>r^it and It conslats of the a l ig h t^ , a iw te it brushing of the llpa against the brow of the terlplcnt. T*’* " ,.'* yjf.r* fSE o t'a • d C ^ e a W o J^hSm!' for“ Sonsl^ DSqTentty ?oT'wHhwl*h to propiUfcie; or to • frtena w i^ whom we are not on g o ^ terms, and whom we are anxious to conctHaie.

Then there 1* the klaa P,'jton^i,c. M d thUl,V '^^ '^aTurebr*V "m ar« oVeTd?r^mtrapulee that ia Indeflnlte.kindly, or pitiful, motiva; Jpv*o «from a trauetent teelloglion or admiration; it **h^*’‘often la not repeatrt, I®,* *•'*ourvlve In one heart only, and, Hke a ray“ ^ u ih ln . rS. apand the pettle of aft« tton into a ^ i i blown flower of love.and youthi. malrone and maldi, beware M the danger lurking In the plausible guiae of the kUt plsloiilo! . ,For kleelng cynlclem who c m _ r i « l Rudyard Kipllng-notably In hla Max­im* of Hoft®. *'•

'My aott If a maiden deny thee, and acuf- flngly bid ih ^Ilp meets with Up a t the ■et out: she ha* been theT at

they were IniandM.w ay frotn Spain.' rth*

ed aomi ----- ----------------------

____ _________ : 1* not aurprlalni thatvrith the propoeed changes In the Penal

e r tba northweat campaign they would V* been landed a t K urrachl or Bo

a a 'tb a t their coming other direction. I t T*

laatsrard—gel out: she ha* been there bef<ms-

They are peckrf on the ear, and the ™in, and the noae. who are lacking lit lore."

B u t It remain* for Q'®’'?!?,, th e Browning of our prmle. ih* g r e a t^ - If the leeet Intelligible, of ®“® l i t i ," to Invent or deecribe an untau* klse when In Lord Ormoat and hi* A m lnta he contrive* that hla heroine aim her scholarly lover »bould « o ^ n g e aud seal their flrst mutual confession leva by the contact of Up to lip u n d v the aea, A moinenliTTf *tniult*neouf dlv®, whfii Amlnta, ewlmmlng lowerd the ahore, ha* fed him lrre«l*HFly to follow her, and th e Rubloon 1* paeeed! A* novel a « t- uatlon aa It la .Ufficu ! It would nMd expert ewlmmlng and diving to ensure lU speedy and sHcceaalul aecompUahinant,

T ruly ha* kissing been called the key to the heart of Ilf®! Robert Browning con- aecratea ons of hli la*l and nicwt os- lulalte of lonneti to Hi prel*e-and sure­ly the wings of the “ ooil'nil laOVf m ust huT® tnfl DruBbta lli®p o e t'i hand u b« wrotf thMs w o n *:<*AU th® breath and bloom or the year kn

the bag of on* beet ^All the wonder and wealth of the mine

In the heart of one fern:In the core of one pearl all tha ihada and

Ihe ihlna of tha »ra1 Breath and bloom, ihade and ihlne, won*

der, wealth tnd how far abov* thfra. T ruth tKat'i brtfhter than *ein, tru*l

th a t 'i purer than pearl,B rlfh te it truth, poreel tru th tn the uni-

veree, all were for me,In the kl*8 of one ffirl!

posMsiea force y fjtateam

group of atattBnrHVi; and he ha* a power of endurance *uch a*, among Klnt*, only rredertek th« O real has hitherto dltplay- i>d; hut h* ha* a t leaft three drawbacks, which worry even democratic stalesm en Into a allent dlatruBt which haa often the largeat polltlra) re*ulli. They are underv mining the tre n c h Republic, for InitM ce, a t thla minute, . .

(I) Demua la an ignorant King. He does not know, and cannot know, the facts «I>on which hla own decrees m ust u lti­mately be baaed. Ignonuioe, even of a qualified kind* la a terrible trouble to any aoverelgn, and la Stin more of an embar- rasiroent to hla couneellors, who some* time* cannot understand why their a rg u ­ments, based upon what neem* to them tha moat evident fact*, ehould fall ao dead upon tba ruler's mind. In foreign affairs h a doea not* as a rule, know even elementary fac ts like the comparative power of D tataa^the French Uemoa, It Id alleged, doea not even know where they ara--and In financial affairs his counting power stop* with the flr*t few thounuds. It ta fu tile to ta lk to h lu of mllllona Ha honestly bellevas It poaelble for any Ooy- rrnm ent which chose to do It* to pension all respectable workmen after sla ty aa It pension soldiers. Even In America It may Ba doubted If Demos perceives tha t every bouse In the States pays twelve dollars a year to place all Mrsona who say tht^y suffered by the Civil War beyond the chance of poverty. He cannot realise In the least the coat of war, or of great cu r­rency aum gea, or of protection; and when talked to about them li ao bewildered th a t his counsaU ors' lose c<^rage and hwrdly venture to u tte r their full mlnda Mr. Mor­ley m ust have been thinking of this do- fimaney in Damos when be advised the fomwtlOD of newipaper elasses; and to man In ofBca U la a never-ending source ofxtraubla and anxiety, which they face

k Rnalita in tiu TinM o( Rectal Diseases.

Pilesr s d lc i l ly seed p s r a u iM iit ly c a re d lie • le w w e e la w ith o u t tb o kB lto , c u ttin g ,

ligg tu rg o r e s u s tk s , a n d w i th o u t pn la o r d e tm tio n f ro ia busliM BS.

FISTULAScom plcto ty c u to d w i th o u t th o u m o f AO A iuM thetlc, conflnO fB ont to bed o r pnin. F U iu rO i, U tc o n o n d nil o th e r recto l d U o u o o t r e o to d w ith u o ta llln g fu c c to g b y

had auRered and wtilch had larto iirtr w»- dsrralned hla hsaUh, b u t th a t tba cure wn* rallowad by raatw ad Ufa. vigor nod vital- Ity So big whola arstam .

Dr.LighthillS pgd n fU t nnd E x p e r t l a roctn l dli>

eosoo o l e v e ry n o m o o r a n tu re ,

Ro. 960 BinI Stnet, Rentk.

Cdlle, making Inqutaitton even Into men'* thoughta, and In th t Foatoffles act, and with th s m anr rumor* of all bindt tha t are about, every Ona should be disturbed and aporebsiiaiv*.

L IF B ti t BBLKH.

Cwstaa** th a t F r w a l l lit IM liu rc e NexlM M I’r la a a .

Among the varloua uaea to which Mtxico baa put tome o( her old m onastw iri and ooRvant* la th a t of serving for the incar­ceration of vlolatort of the law, Tha Convento ds Belem a t Mexico City has become, In common parlance, Belem, the city Jail and prison, accused and convicted person*, male, female and minor* alike balng eoiiflned there In dl Recent compart- a e n ta The building w at pift up by the Spanish Oorernor In ICM, a* an Inscription a t the head of the main stairway tell*. A casual visit paid It by a reporter of the Mexican Herald reveals a condition of prison management In Mexico worthy of passing attention In the day* of prison reform . aasoclailons and Intarnatlonal prison congresass.

The Herald said that Belem had been commonly spoken of a* a second Black Hole of Oalcutla. B ut the reporter found that the prison was kept In a state of ODRiparatlve cleanliness. Not so, however the prisoners. Their condition he deRcribcil a t ons of disgusting tllihlnese. Although there ws* a hydrant In every cell and general bathing facHltles In each com­partment, the reporter found only one in­mate either at bath or with ony Indication Of having bathed within a year. It was ex­plained lo him by the prison aulhorlites that formerly the regutntlons reqiilreii prisoners to bathe dally but that this waa regarded as such a hardshla that the suf­ferers manoged to have it declared a form of cruel and unusual punlthmcnl and ao to have the rule abrogafeil. There are In the prison now Ai5t prisoners, of whom 2,933 are men and M are minora.

A curious feature found by the reporter

asked to dinner, and who expect* to dine at a club when ha la In London. PoMlbly ths' day thus spent by the man of many club# is not one which calls tor any V‘ great am ount of praise. The habit oi walking from club to cluh Is. however, a parfsctly harm less one, and It la, no doubt,

___ ________ whichusuaHy by giving u p ' the eRort to coo- rlnoe and msiklng of the whole question one of "confidenca." They do not proclae- ly aay lo Demoa, "Tou, Hire, do not know and we do." bacauae that would be un- courtly, and Demos Is full ol suicepUbUi ue*. but th a t la what they mean.

(1) Tha a e e o ^ source of difficulty la that King Demos is so Impressionable. He la not "vaolllatlng," aa h* Is usually de- acribed. On the contrary, he la eaceedlng- ly stubborn. An angel could not convince him In England th a t a Jury ought to con- slat of laaa than twelve; or In America th a t federallim I* only an eiclU m ent; or in France th a t to place all property In j»r- petual le ttlem en t Is not necessarily wise, )ut In spite of hi* Immutability he Is■tra ■ ------- ‘--------------- ‘ *■g lo n .______a truety aervan t—the Ferry case—an ac­cidental aR ront will make him p r e p ^ for War—the De Lome cas* -a misunder­standing will shake hli confldence in an entire party --the Tillsnwan ^ca» . He quits acknowledge* In theory t l » t policy ehoold be ateody. hut his oounseltor*And him on any moralsg qulverliu with indignation, or storming with exdteinent. or pale trttit not always reasonable fear. ITaually they can calm him. It being part of his ImpresglonablHly that the voice of hla counsellori when loudly railed ^ t h e s ,

A R T N O T E S .

eat killer of annul. By Rt m e n u „..,.Jle-*ged man with n.OOO a year, no family, and no present occupation, can

■ — —" — and ao

a- greatmlndle-ibreak up hi* day Into sectloni, and ao deitroy the dead weight of monotony which settles on thoae who, though they Pin get through the morning, have noth­ing to do between I ;* and I P. M,

II Is Impnselbie to leave the subjeot of clubs without noting the curious Htar- ary convention—one which Is now a t last dying out, but which a t one tiro* pervaoM ail flctlon—th a t cluba wera haunts of vice, or, a t any rate, of d l^ slpallon. Nothing, of courae, coula o* further from the truth. The o r d in a l I-ondon club Is decorum In excelsls. I t Is nice to Inquire how the convention arose, We presume It was somewhat a f te r this fashion; In the eighteenth century, when tho club was a weekly dinner, not a house, men were Inclined lo come home drunk from It. Hence there was a g o ^ deal of excuse for wivea objecting to clubs, und fo r the sa tirists and hum oriau iHiking fun « t the sly dog who pretsndad to nay a vlall to a elek friend when oe really went to his club,

To say th a t a mun was a t tha ctuo meant th a t he was engaged drunk, and th a t therefore 'X'”deserved oommlseraUon. Nowaday* l^ W th a t a man la a l his club prolmWy lroo ll« that he le drinking a cup of tea an*Ing a piece of muffin or teacaao, and W k - tng over htmetalHsm or the frontier wmr with ft friend ft* puiile-headed M hlmsMt.

Tho English Oovernment has agreed to bear tho expenie of casting In bronac th j coloital lK]UBetrt*n atatue reprewnllng Energy and Force, upon which George Frederick Watt* has been working for m any years, and which he has » p ™ « ! l a wish lo preasftt to the Nation. A site has been found for It In Hyde Park In the centre of the terrace a t the toot of tho Serpentine. ^

In tho Cafnetio Art Oallerie*, Pltlabun there Is on exhibition twenty-seven pain­ing* by Wlnalow Huroer. They conslat chiefly of Canadian hunting and fishingyscanea.

“The phenomenal price* paid for color prin ts In London last month." observe* the Boston Treiiicrlpl, "are causing much comment, and are lending to atlll further atlm utate the boom lor theae work*, which Is extending to this country. The follow- Jng quotations, sent us hy a printseller, are guaranteed to be authentic: they a re the prices given for color prints: 'Widow sTale.' j ; R. Bmlih, IM6; 'W hat You Will,' J. R. Smith, W6U; The Dlanater,' Wartt, |H5; 'Nurse and Children In the Field, Keating, IWK; 'The Deserter* (»«t of four plates), Keating, t7«l; 'Visit to the Child a t Nurse,' Ward. («U; 'Jane, Countess of Harrington,' Valeiiilne Green, 1*75; 'Prlro- roaps,' Wheatley, IflO; ‘The Q u ire 's Door, and 'The Farmer’s Door,' by Duterreau (pair), teoo; 'Bt. Jam es's P a rk ' and ‘A Te* Garden.' by Horton after Morland (pa r), $910: and for small prints the foUowlng

mils" vsC w* I aaa t aw ve liaeW\*VW.e| Vlllll 4e Ax A*U ge F' ** mme * ^ _ i _ —the prlioosrs. Th^-lr condlUon he No doubt clubs In India or' ■ .......... .......... av,._ ^ h sv e s m ile more rlkht to b t cftH ^ n su n is

of dlsslpstlon. thou fh th is Is *M)t ths m ajority of the members M y more riotous than the members of ft Pail Mull cluh, but simply because ‘he clubhouse la probably the only place 1 t Kwhere good liquor can be obtained. The drinking of the community is obllgw to take place n t the club heoaUM there is no other place nvallable. Clubs a t home h tp . as^B nile, neither places of screlal enjoy- ini'fxt nor of social dlsslpatlott, but Insttiid plftcp* of Krent

v a s the 0uaiil*h reaard for the art*, even within prison waliB, He found In the south wing the writer* of Ubel, "and the

prices wers p*td a t tbs iam e time; Inno­cent 8tralcgrm' and 'Power of Irmocencs (pair). |Ji&; Softo Rubbles/ by Tompkins* |14l>; 'Evening,' by Tompkins. |LCb.

Ths Carnegie Oftlirtyi PUUbur*. has Just becoms poMCHed of iwo iraportarU por­traits. The first Is a fine portrait of WUl- Um FMlt, "ths great Commoner," ircro whom Pittsburg derives Its name,' and the other a portrait of Edmund Burke^ The ftrsl of these Is from the painting by Will­iam Hosre. R A., in th s N ational (laUcry* London, and is the gift of Henry Yatei Thompson, of London, th s other Is the gift uf Andrew Carnegie.

A few ristalls come mom Florence as to

pIftCPw -c- *VV-V,which a ra th e r hli comfort Is tnaintal

oells reserved for musicians, artists ami others of the line arts." It would seem to hs a charitable, as well as an Inclusive,(irovision. that, "and others" <besbiEs urt- Bti) of tne nne arts. The muilclani are

permitted, apparenily, lo take their In­struments to Jail with them, much as me- Chaulcf take Into the prison workshop their own tools of trade. "The waits of the muHiclans* eflls are decorated with different musical Instruments, and the re­porter was told that almost every evening there was a concert In one of the psiloa. ’

Men sometlrncB do In Mexico what tn this colder clime they content lh« mselves with wishing done, for the reporter came upon one Adams, under sentence of twen­ty years "for killing a waiter at the Club de la Opera, beeauee he did not bring his dinner quick enouKh." Adums ha* the freedom of his galley, There nre In eaeh galley three trusties who gn about with clubs and preserve onler, using the club "only when moral suasion will not do as Well. '

There were slotci among the flftvwfeven men condemned to death. One of these* under sentence for assassinating a man, sxprestod his serene confidence as to bis future, but "if worst came to worst"—a shrug of the shoulder* and palms up. This man and some others under sentence of death had the run of the commandant's ofhoes, notwlthilandtng there were on the walls, serving as decorations, confiscated weapons of prisoners. Oddly enough, as

social I ffh stMtdi ined a

iG n f \

■m Vl^i

,ard of phyaicAl moderate cost.

A gC B l'B B ISG iB IB V ItE .

H ow * Br»«om*jyea* w igar K e e p s Up I n te r e a t l a H la C b a re h .

From tbe London Hall.A novel church *ervle* I* announced to

tie held b.1 8 t. Laurence Church, Birming­ham. On Bundey leal the vlenr, the Rev, T J. Baea, Invited the congregation to take part in a "norubblng Mrvlce'' which would be held In, the ohurMi to-morrow, beginning aC B :» and laaHii* umll 9:30.

Boap w ater and patent icrubbere would, he said, lie provided, and alt the congre­gation, m ale and female, were eligible to tend a hand in eieunlng the church.

The Church of Bt. Laurence may then-- fore be aald to have made cleanlines* fiRrt (If godliness Inatead of merely allowing the one v irtue to follow in the wake of* The church has had a curious history, and has been blessed with a curious col­lection of vicars. Some eight or ten years ago th e parleh, which le the moat poverty- stricken In all Blrmlnghatn, was controlled by the Rev. J. F. Whleh and b,;. flndlng tb e service* languishing from lack ol worshlppera, hit upon all io r ti of queer .Toeiiienta for compelling them to come

the aljegeil’ (Indlitg there ot a portrait 0_f Amerigo Ve«pucef,

U would seem tn thi* strange country, though It wouldn't have been strange In tne Italy of HachlavelH, there w ani't a gun among theae. The nearcat to It wa* ‘I bayonet and the reat were poniards, clmliar*. atHellos, liutcher knives, table

a bayonet and the reat were poniards, scimitar*, atHello*. butcher knives, u ‘ ' Itnivea, penknives, shomakerg kntve*.

The dinner hour wa* marked hy a ourt- 011* apeclaclc. The etrnet outitdo Ihe prison wa* lllled with the "wivea, chil­dren, doge end other membera of the priaonera households" Theae brought basket* erf edibles to the prisoner*, aome of whom w en permitted to apeak to their relative* through a grating. To the oonvtcts not permitted to come to tbe grating, their relatives wars allowed to ■end m notes accompanying the dinner baaketa. TM* prlvtlegc had given rise to a ptcultar way of making a few pa Batesamong person* able to write—"luneraitt aorlbes who for a aent or two wrote mea- ■agaa to the priaonere.” One aroman hade A e scribe to put her message In red Ink. Bie would hava non* of the "purple aiuR."

"Tell hlro,” said abe, "tha* I send him . two little tomalea and tell hhn that la

perrita died yaaterday."Bay* tbe reportar; "And tha acriba, lean-

. tag undar the shade of b it umnrelUL alt- ' nog on a rock, with hla bottle o f m : on another rock liealde him,: geatduou

rlied awayhfs-jaiy . with an c ly m M ^

beginning poragropha wUh lower letters and putting In caps tn the unexpeoted placaa, ao tlial i t xrouM an lio a tlu a DonneUy, onp tag iiro taptiar tha maafilug of hi* blero-

e ip cd ltn ts lo r compelling'" ile announced Ihe meet flaming aeries of discourses ever given publicity to by handbill and poster, "Plgren-flylng, A Good Day on the Courss,' and kindred topics were dealt with Instead of orthodox Bert plural top ics

Thousands of printed cards were cir­culated each week, bearing such aflec- tlonaie insoriptlon* as;

"Come and hear your old pal. th* Rev, J, F. M. W nlih ;" or.

"Now, then, buck up; give your old pal Whisb ano ther trial."

Other cards would contain an exhorta­tion, signed;

"I remain, your true pal. J . F . M.This original vlear w oull m Into puMle

houses during the dinner hour and. ad ­dressing the company, would say;

"W eir gentlemen, you have given mv friend the landlord a good tu rn ; wow finish up nt my little place on the o ther aide of the road." . . . , .

Special aervlcet were held, one week for plgeon-flyera, another week for sweeps, and a third for sandwich men.

Mr. W hish'a successor was aa devoted and faithful a vicar as hi* predeojtimr, hut lacked Mr. Whlsh'e humor and dis­cretion. H i gave so harrowing a detorip- tlon of the (lenisens of tne courts and a l­leys lo th e parish to a local Journalist (hat those whom he 'freely, deaertbed a* hawkers, rogues and hKne women re ­sented hla description of them by break-

! his wIndoWA■low a washing tervlce la apnounced.

and doubtless the tiRerlor of th t church w arrants th* appeal mad* to r the tervlce* of a a arroy of cleanen.

_______ , the noted Italian navi;ator, among the Aral explorers of Amer- .ra, whose name that continent lieare. In the Church of the Ognlssantl, a t Horence, Ihe family altar of tho Vespucci long stood, and Vasari, who ought to know, tells how Ghlrlsnnajo adorned It with a fresco of Ihe entombment of Jesus and with portraits of members of the house­hold. among them th a t of Amerigo. In ISiii the church wa* thoroughly restored In the fashion of the time, and It wa* be­lieved that the fresco had been covered »1ih whllowssh. It not entirely oblltersled or destroyed. More repair* are In progr«* at Ihe moment, and the other day the architect employed chanoed In a passage upon the arms of the Vespucci wrought on oak, with an Inscription Indicating that Amerigo himself was buried nesr. Being s man of some knowledge Vassart ■ men- tion of the fresco occurred to him. and ho searched for It. Behind and above the nltar he finally found It, hidden by torn and dirty canvas, but comparatively well prm^rvfd. The ]owi‘r pari shows Ihs burial of the Christ, with the Virgin Mother and various saints standing hy. Above are portraits of members of the Vespucci family, the youngest of which Is said to be that ol Amerigo. Beyond Vas- sari no authority has yet been given for the assertion. ___^

The Caxton Club,’ o f Chicago, rwenUy gave an eihthltlon of bookbindings that was characlerlacd hy The Inter-Ocean, of that city, as "•plendldly representative. If not exhaustive," Tb* collection filled ten case* In the Caxton elubroora In Ihe Art Institute, and wes arranged, as fa r as possible, with reference to the several stylos and their chronological order. The first case contained the principal styles of Germany, France, Italy and England, dating back to the thirteenth century, the

or consoles, or tranqullllse* him; bu t oc­casionally he gets "out of hand, and when he does not his ultra-receptlvenes* strains the, sttentlon and perplexes the Judgment of hla most eipMlencrd s p l e ­e n . ''W hat can they do," they say. “ with a King whose Inner opinion* are altw ed from day to day by th* rumor of PS*«bg evehU, who never listens to reason while the Impact of those events Is felt, and who, when a t last he 1* lenalble, U *«nM- ble because he tru»W them, and J|ol JM- cau»e he dlitru*!* kaleldoicoplc Impre*- *lons." No ordinary King would luR er hi* ■erlDua sfla lra lo he Impeded by a Mias Cass case, or a Dreyfus cm *, or a case like th a t of Pierre Bonaparte, but King Demo* will, and the eipecU tton th a t he will aRect* hi* counsellors as an expecU- tlon of accident aRecla ordinary men.

(3) And then there Is the dumbness of Demos, perhaps of all th* defli^ncle* the one w hich roost add* to the difficulties of his counsellor*. I t Is hi* habit to r®ro*ln silent till be utter* th* "w ort of tho KIW ." whfch ho will not withdraw, and which It is political death to disobey Why he does this no man has sver yet clearly discerned, bu t he doe* It. except In w ar time, wHh a stolid persistence all the more baffling because of Ms tolerance tor noise. Any amount of ehoutlng may g* on In the palace any smijunt o f timmpet- Ing any am ount of moaning but hi* own ulllroate wtU Is not revealed by so much as a g la n o e . a flush, or a quiver of tho hand W e question If any of the difficul­ties of his counsellors are so eiaK>eralliK as th la They deGre a policy—*ay tne EJohlbltlon of drink-srecfaliy In M i In- le resti th sy ftslt every favorite if he ap- nrovsB. ana a rs assured that he does; they EfJJnge t h a t ^ shall te told every day that fie approve*, and he makes no ges­tu re o f dmsent: they feel absolutely cor- tMn and a t last demand ’'the k ing '* w ort " and a re swept out of the council J h ^ n ib s rb y » thundering "No," from which there I* no appeal. For this dif­ficulty of dumbness Is terribly Increased )jy the fact th a t King Demos Is moat il- le n t to those upon whom he depend* for iounsol. H V m iy reveal hi* thought for a m om ent to a favorite of genius, o r to a aervant Or lo a boon companion; but lo a counsellor wise with the wisdom of long

acquainted with facts, toler­an t of all things, he remains stonily dumb, telling him nothing, hinting lo him nolh- mg ■wsinlng him of nothing. He regards him In fact, a* too wise lo be told, and ■Its' on. silent, not thinking much, not w-elBhlng much, but duly, immutably re- s o lv ^ (b a t there shall te but one dcciaiop.

W* ask H r. Morley, who believes In De­mos, but who has a fair mind, w hether th is Is not the permonenl lesson of his­to ry from the day* or Brutus downward, w hether h* did not see it for himself a doxen time* In Ireland, whether ho would not a* politician sarrlUce half hi* many

D r. U c h tb tl t’g im c tlc B d lfferg imdl* c d l y IroiB tiM m g tlio d g uguglly re* g o rted to fo r t h e c a r * o f [iIIM i and c o n g tltu tM g c o bifM o ro v o lu tlo n In tb o trofitm oB t o f ro c t« l digofioei an d

oBO of th o V * d f* * f advBBCM o f m odi- cal sd e n ce .

H b tfo a tm o flt b o a t l r g ly f rM from d a n te r , r tok , ao ttO rh ig o r ta llu ro , a a d BO a n a a a U io tk o l a a y U a d b iw iu lred . T b a appUcatloB b m a d o t a a fow aoc> onda an d b sc a rc e ly f a i t , so t h a t th e o m a t tim id a a d m r v o u a p o rao n can io b m lt to tra a tf lM iit w i th o u t faa r o l b a iB g h u r t . T h o p a iU o n tc a B le o v o tb e

otfica In c o m fo rt s o d b n o t da ta inod f io m b o sla aaa o r ph M M r* d u r lo g th e g n tlre cou rao of t r o a tm o n t , a n d la a ta w w aak a a ra d ic a l a n d p a rm a iien t cu re U th o In o v l ta b b a a d il o f a ilin g re ­

s u l t In aach a a d o v a ry c a se , n o m a tte r b o w d capcaate t h a coodH IoB anay bo.

B y h b a p a d a l a a d o r ig in a l m ath o d D r. Ughthty b m t r a a t a d tb o H u n d s o lcaaaa w i th o a t a a la g la Cailoro, In proof

of w h ich b a a n k m iU t o th o s a In ta rm t-

ed th a foU ow log to s t lm o n y of N ew ark

p a tb n U i

P ro m M r. A. PhalpB, M a n n fa e ta ro r o l B a tto a o t Noa. 110 an d I l 3 P o a -

n ln g to o a t . , Nawarfc.Dr. E. B. Llghthlll, MO Broad str**t. New­

ark, K. J .:" I feel it my duty to tell you plainly th a t

I consider snd bellevt th a t you hsv* so- comPHshod one of ths most wonderful cures of protruding end ulcerated piles ever known to medImG science. The cure I refer to Is th a t of my wife, who hes suf­fered for over twenty-five years with this tsrrlb li com plaint During that tim* sh* has iuRcred th* most eicruolstlng pMn. being St times compelled to wsik the Boor for houre In e bent position on sccount of tho egony she endured. Bh* hsd been trea t­ed for yesre by some of our beet doctore, with only temporary relief. I hod mad* up my mlnd'tlvst she was doomed to tuRer for tho balance ol h*r days In unspeakable torture, as I had lost all faith In dootors and medical skill. Friends of mine, who had been oporaled on with the knife, had informed me th a t It gave them bu t tem ­porary relief, and th a t a t th* beet it would be only a few years before there would be a recurrence of the trouble tn a more ag­gravated form than ever, hut my wife waa suRerlng so terribly th a t In eplto o l w hat I had been told I waa lining to persuade her to subm it to tho knife fo r even th t tern, porary relief, when my attention was esHed to tho long array of testimonial* which you published from woU-known Newark builnese men whom you bad cured of difficulties of th is kind. Knowing them to be men of honor and tru th . I wrote to alx of thorn In regard to thla matter, and every oo* tepUad with th* most flattering Indoiweroent of your treatm ent. After a consultation w ith you I placed my wUa undsr your care, and after a few weeks' tre a t­ment, which was alm ost palnleag and during which she waa up and about, sh* Is antirely cured, and, I m ight say. has been given new lltA I tinder you thl* statem ent voluntarily, aa 1 feel more grateful and gratified than word* can ox- press for w hat you hava don* for my w lla H er health ta hotter now thon It has been In Iw enty-sli year*. Tou may use thl* itatem ent in every way to roach the eye* of tho oflUctod, end 1 wlU ba pleased to verify th* above to any one who will call a t my office, N oa 1111 ond U l P*n- nUigton street, or a t my reildsno*. M MU- fo rt ovenua ^ PHBLPB.

Rclatyre & Wardwell,KB'

{ K.Y,H. Y.


M o fte s




Brandi Office, 8N Broad Sf. WIUMMH.DIiyi$,Minae«.

Dtnet Prtreto Wires to Now Vock. Chlotgg rbltadelphta and WsSMagtqm

Tilepbooa 618, Birih Oompaaloo,

laYestmeots,LocalSecaHtie$B gnk gnd lo a u ra n c e S tocka

B o u g h t a n d S o ld .


8 0 0 B r o a d Stag N e w a r k , K , Jo

Yoo People-Who K id big advfrti»m ent$ would do wett lo r o d little oiws, especially if they call yoiF attention to the

Mutual Benefit Life Insurance CompanyO f N e w a r k , N . J .


STEPHEI8. DiT, District Agent,7 7 « BROAD S T R U T .

j ta iB iW I ih W W ia w itd tta ^

P O S T d h F L A G GIfaoibws of ths Niw Tesk fltaefc Eidwagw

m iU BnUdlug, Nosv York. BKANCH OPPtCBi

774BB0AD 8T., NEW AM , I.Y* ALFRED LDOnStBcslileiitFiitilL

. TolaphsoaM n d o w m to Now T o ik , Chloagix P h fc

dalpUo and BL LODla

F i« m M r. P ra o c to P r k o , 2S7 S o u th

£Mxth S tro e t, N o w arit, N . J .I s ta ta with groat ploasure, th a t Dr.

IdghthlU has cured roy wife of a rectal troubla, which h*r th« moat excru-clatiuff pain and dtiU coi a f te r «och opera­tion of th* boweti. D r. LlghtfalU’i trea t­ment wa* a complete and perfect luc- ceas and never Inlerfered with her work □r pteoeure. FBANCIB PRICE,

p ro m M r. W . W . B ro w a , JB lii l l

5 t r o e t , N aw ark , N , J .■Dr. K. B. LlghthiU. H3 Broad atiooL Naw­

ark. N. J.;My Dear Doctor—I owo you a UfMOSig

debt of gratitude for tba wondortul cure you oReoted In my oaast For twanty years I bad boea aflUotad with pH*a and prolapso of tho rootum of ao aavore a na­ture that a t times I wsa oompallad to arosr a truss or supportar In ortor to gat around at olL With this I lUflored a groat doH of pain and dtatroat all tho Grow and my gonorat health b«>ama vary much aRaetad. I hava boon oporatad on thraa dlRaront time# by emioont aurgooni, but only ro- ceivod toroporary banaOt at most and wna soon Just iui bad aa over. It wsa your aklU which oRsetsa a comptat* and perfect euro bv a method which ta almost p*m- less. and which did not intorfore with my work. When I waa oporatsd on b*foco I ■uRerod eicruolstlng pain and waa con­fined to hod. but ovir Mneo you of- tected th* our* In my oas* I fool Bka a dif­ferent roam I bav* galnod w H ^ t. health and splrtta and find mytalf m a hot- tor oonditlon than I bav* h***i *>r twenty year*. From roy axpottano* I f*H confi­dent that you can euro tb* moat aggravat- *d eases, lor no cas* octtld poislblr bs wore* than mlno.

S vsr gratsfuUy yours,^ . W. W. BROWN.

Hunter, Cooper & Co.,BAKXBBaAND BBOKER8.

]l**nb*a NSW York Blook ExchanreBI EMkBHga P taco , N ow Y ork.

l E I M BEUGH, 800 BBOU) Ef.G E O . W . H E D G E . B ttanm ger.

Tslspbona "104$ Newark.* B xdnttv* WlTs* lo NSW Took, IXUmg*,

ym iadslphla aad W asblngtoa.

¥ . B . S a T B S C O . ! i i ! I SB a n k ars a a d B ro k er* ,

V 0 4 t B r o a d . H t t r e e t .D InctW ira toAfl the Stock Exidumgei

Local Securities a Specktty. T K U lFaO N B avs.

UaUlsbod IMS Tslephooo 9R

O . F . O O N L O N ,6 2 4 a a d 62S P tB d e n tia l BoDdliig.

Broker* Stocks, Bonds,OBAIK AND COTTON,

ItoBSht or Sold for Caih or on HsnriA Prtvstawtn* oonnoaUng wim oofteipondSBM

a H*w York, FMIsdslphla snd Ohlosga

W M . L I N N A L L E N « C O ..S T O C K ■ f tO K S I tS ,

aifi Broad ■*.. Newark. SQ B ieafhny , N.'1hm.d Oreta.oaNow

Teik Miefcaiigeegad C U M n ^I B o ^ o C T ro iaM & ^St'eiSf'oe^OT l*dv**i U

Dr. LlghthiU Succeeded Where the Hospital Failed.

I was afflicted with a fistula for which I wsa operated on In one of our bup lta ts under chloroform and confined for five weeks, suRerlng a good deal of pain and, distress all tho time, b u t th* operation faUed to eRect a cure. In fact, I was worae oB than 1 wa# before, so th a t try health became undermined and my gener­al lyawm seriously weakened. Dr. Llght­hlll. to whom 1 wa* recommended, cured me completely w ithout sji operation or the bifllellon of pain, and hi* treatm ent never Interfered with my work in the least. The cure was followed by th* beet reiulta to roy health. My usual streng th has return­ed and I have galnod th irty pounds In weight, My eiperiencs m ay be of use to other suRerers, ROBERT MATHER,

v u Bummer avenue, Newark, N, J.

F ro m M r. T . V . A g to a , Htbi o l W . A . * T . V . A g en a . Mioo D ta lw a , 6 MB road s t r e e t , N ew ark , N. J.

F or tho benefit of tho affllclod X fool It my duty to sta te th a t Df. LighthlU baa eRected a complete and permanent cure of pita* in tbo case of my broi ,r-ln-law, Mr. BUas Thompson, e t Mondham, N. J. Mr, Thompson had been afiUotod for many y ea ra and tho oaao was to had th a t It mado h it Uto a daUy mtasry. H* had usod ovary remedy reooromendod for hta trou- bta and employed four dlRoront pbysloUns, not one of whom did him a partlolo of good. One of them told him th a t he aouM not bo curad a t all, and sn o th tr th a t be would bav* to subm it to th* doubtful benefit of Ihe knife. A* good luck would have It Mr. Thompson heard of a cure of piles which Dr. U ghlbM pertorntad In the case of a frtand of hi*, l l r . D. XL But­ton, of Mendhiun, N. J .. and h* a t one* placed himself under bta o a ra with tbe result that In four wsekF tim* ho was oompistely cured, without luRsrtng pain, o r being Interfered with In hi* work, Mr. Thompson ta full of gralllud* to Dr. IJgb t- hlll lo r bis relief from constant luR tring and called th* bl*a*lng of Ood on Dr, L lghthlll end hta work.

I can vouch for th* facta In tbta csss, and will be pleassd to verify It in parson to kuy one who may wish to csU.


t n r r a d v k k t u u i u t b .tb* Beers of Itr**! u d WoUV

r e r i t e city of Newark.H. J., " ■

o m c B of tb*J., 1T,,1SM.^

cukimi MTABogAla ladonoA ''F ropoMbU for coat uMl '^ProixM^a tor v^vw^oiu

irdruto" ifroa

i^nroU?^ wBi be iwsiteft by th* Board of gfirel and W aur C(>e«ml^onnv of Ih. riW of Niwai*, N. J.. b*tw**a 8 and 8:80 * clock P. U and o p ti^ kt Ui« loft-tuuHiil hour, oa nW SSfr, 94, I M at a p u o U an m t^

f and la llcarM a prlet^

to bt loot an^U t'i^ lofflali to ^ faralshtd;CONTRACT

:Gliowtoi Is about tito o v o u n t^ tM wotK ,nd th* B ' * " "


1*• n gres* ton* water plpa from 4plpa from U to $*'

E S .I r 'i t .r plpa 8« Uwb.*i pricep*r ton-100,000 poonds (Tom 4 to___ ■poeloto,**

TONrilicT J g r ’v'S m™ iiJPhTdroBt*!” *'100 4-locb TaIvtA _I0Q 4-lpch

fa flTof‘uftared alo

the slnei« imwpr uf iivrceLvInit th* King before It wax

aloud. Th^y ixay ihc German Em-oom^tlmfs liurprljipft hla Mtnlfltera,

but com pared with I>4'nutB hr If tbe most readltbla monamh im the eurih.

All thla. w f shall t>« luld. la an attack on democracy: but ll is not bo Intended- T h f oonductom of The Hpect&tor arc unab1« Indeed to bellcvo that the ^nvem- m ffit of the ffw wImp by the many focllih csji ha the Uet word of ihoujtht for the guidance of human conduct, but they cor* dlally asfcn t to the decision th a t the ex- n frlm rn t m ust be tried. muHt be tried hon- •■tly and mUnt be tried (or a long time. 8o ra r all other ex|«rimcnts have fulled; and th«y sincerely winh In the genfrul I n te m t o l the world Umt this one should suooe^v B ut 1101 succeed the bet­te r because of bllndn^HN io the obstAclee In its w ay; and of thutuf otisiacles one of the flrst Is the extrHordlnary dlfliculty which those whom we have called conn- Mlloni And In guiding thle new King. The old Kings were trouhlesome enough, as all their greatest ^Ministers have con- ( •M ^ , bu t thin nne haa In him strengths and dfflclencles which alike help to Pen­der him unlnielllgihh^ Herter face a lloji In fury th an opnone that stient. unregard- lng» w a x e d figure cm the throne; better #5 k m m nature her most closely guarded M cret than try lo necertnln what his will really is. D !■ nut blcAsant In th is age of the world lo be the hlgheat oouhscllDf of King Pemwi.

A Most Wonderful Cure.I want my friend* and lb* public to

know that Dr. L lghthlll ha# performed a mo»t wonderful cur* in the c**e of my wife. For some time pas t she hss been a f­flicted with a rectal trouble of the rooet In- tsusely painful character. Her suRerlng, sftsr esch operaUon of th* bowels, w si so agonlilug th a t oh* w se completely proetreted for th* rest of th* day. The pain she endured wa* simply indeiorlb*- b leand her moans and groan* w»r* p ltu ful* kvleed. All eRort* to r relief proved useless until we were recommended to Dr, Llghthlll by one of hta former pallenta, and I am most hsppy to s ta le th a t he eflected a complete cure in less than a wsok and brought Joy and happiness to our Utile houishold. Th* change In my srlfe’s con- dlilon 1s rimply wonderful and astontahei all who knew of her suRerlng. She looks snd feel* like a dlRerent woman, th* patn 1* completely gone sn d ah* 1s as sound as a dollar, and for th is change w* will ever bless Dr. L lghthlll and proclaim hta tam* to tbe world.

c Aa r l k b w . v a n d b h h o o f . n six th avonus, Nswatk, N. J,

F ro m H r . E n k in a B rad lay , 28A

Cfgy S tro e t, N ew ark , N . J .E. B. Llghthlll, M. D„ KO Broad alreet,

Newark. N. J .iMy Dear Doctor—If any on* doilre* to

have further testimony of your rem ark­able success in th* tr*atm*nt of piles, you (mn unhesitatingly refer them to m*. for you have eRected a moat, remarkable our* in the caae of my wlfA Bb* ha* been troubled tor many ysar* with th a t italnful and distressing complaint to such an ex­tent th a t It wrecked her gqneral health. She haa been treated by a number of physicians w ithout any benefit w hatever, until we came to th* conclusion th a t her case wa* Incurable. But h«)Pt>y y®“ hav* proved the (mntrary snd sRectod a com­plete cur* without subjecting her to suf­fering; in fact, your treatm ent n*v*r Inter­fered with her work or ploasure. H sr health 1* completely restored, and nuf whole family unite in oReripg you our lifelong gratitude.


T s t in o h hortaontal vMvm (*-lncb by-pawl.Bid* win be eompaiid upon <** aboy^uan-

lltle*. BpoeilloatloM will te mailed upon ap-plloatkw to th* underetaned. __

Hidden mu*t speclfy/ln t^ l r ihould th* aboT* work be awarted to Uiero. S»y wUl bind Semoelve* to llntA and *o»- elet* the eame by Novemter 1. ITO.' Thetajnln*d at tbt tka . f«ad Wattr CoraSSirtoaer^ JWo. US ■trMt, Said propoeali to b* aooomfamod by

ta writing, of two iurellto. who • M l lU w i llw* of putting 1*1 rack propoiali.SllVfyai to t£ l r raSoDriSlUty la ihi fmoual

propoeel. w d bind thamw^lv#. that. If awarded to tb« penoa or » r -

2 S.^SiS!M the FkS« 1 th«V -I 'l,bffiina BO awarded, become bit or their iuretiee SPfiie talSSdterforroaaoe olteeld work; Mdthat If “ h * ------- ---- -------------to eiocttie Iihffit'Tf thi" ptBiim or persona omit or refuto to siscttle attch eontrmolMhsy ***|J5* f ^ *5* Sty of H*work any .j* !™ " *5JSniw to which he or they would heve tem etttlUedl npoo tb* eompletlon of th* conlrecX i” . i wbloh the city of Newark may te ^ S * d to pay th* person or ueritm* by who*"Tte*S>*rS*ol’‘8lr**l Yml Water Coroml-ijon- ,iw” tlb* otty of Newark reeerv* to th*m*»lre* tb* right to aocept or reject any or all prt® uoeata lor the abo.e w«k. *• R-y may deem te it for.tbe intereel of th* rity. . ,Btdarn and luretle# are hereby uotlllrd thri u £* r th* provtoloni of the revealh Mctjon of mi uw creating th* Board of H i^ t and

'Watsr CoinraUatonara approrrt March M, 1W1. that the bond or booda to te glrra for Ite fatthful exicutlon and parfermajK* of aald pub- lie work, *hall firrt te approved a , to auffl- clency by tha board, and aa lo form, by th* oou'nM'l of the board, and no oontr^t ahall te blading on tha city, or teooin* awetjr* or opeiret^a untU jueh fipnd la ao Ite pireldmt of th* bo irt ahall have power In examine the propoeed bondaraen under oetlu If be S a il « deelnTT? ahal! te » Inatmwd by th e ^ te iS but the boert will not be boMd by a te statamifnl that may te

a ^ thl* proriaton ih a ll t e referrrt M l“ J ^ ■Syertieemant Inviting bid* for any such pub-^B*®rM™-tlon of tha Boerd of Btrett^and W%T Comnfi-lote^ftf B r^astr and guperlnWndenl

Water. ______ ________

ig bad. ....................... . . .Engltah gtytaa being rleflgtiateil a i ^ar^) “ Jacobean, Chippendale, ribbonlallsb, Jacobean, Chlppftndate,

icT wreath and plain armorlfll. Tn tn* edm ens of the al-

English, amnext two caaee were apedmens of the ai- icRorlcal ftyle; the flflb. the portrait, pic­torial and h terarr atylfa, and tho rest are arranged wUri rererence to Ibf df- signers or the fxb lb lton . One whole caM If devoted to book pla^oa di^rigned b f Chicagoans, among whom are C hrltrif M. Readfi DorenPond a— — ___ -are shown once belonging . .. known penonsfrea Of Baron Xoiidiplto*, Alflerl, Miuanil{\aii, L u rk n

lam Cowpr,,. --------------- ------------ ---------as Cftrlyi*. Aineng the living who own artistic and Intereotlng examples are Fratacl* WlUon, Branfler Matthew*. Bo- round Go***, J, w . Ellsworth, John Vance Cheney, Paul B latchfort and F, W. Oook- in. In England, Charle* William Bherborn is beyond doubt tho designer and engraver of most note, and In thl* country Edwaid Dari* FreniA ta a worthy ooropser. Through of Clevelrepresentation . . — ----------- ------ ^to be leen. Other designers of note rep­resented fra Kfiwln A. Abbey, tfow ara Pyle, Win H. Bntdtay and fl. Holtysr.;

aria French v a wormy ooropser, trough the coufteky of Pstil Lemperly,

Clevelsnd, a v iry full snd tn W ra tlM presentation of Mr. Frenoh’s work U

Tou Are To Bfame

U you do not get Whig]^ of the proper Age snd Purity. *‘Sii yemrt Old, 10056 Pure," i» the Gn»tm»u*f's CuaranUt on every

.hoitle of

Old CrowBourbon ANG


esm ta 6r w. A e « o i <*„ r m ta ta ft t f .Th* Oovsnimsiit lutagnsl Rorsaa

Offic*r* M the dliclUtrta* Ir

IlH adredfl o f gddh lo i o f c w w In 4lM |w rg ta tM O U in NgwfiHc andaasB a t D r. Lls4itlitlP

F ro m M r. 'H m o . H . M aricw tth , B n t t

O range. N. J .Hy son w ss afflicted by a rectal fissure

which WM *0 painful th a t Uf* bsoam# a burden, preventing sleep and reducing him nearly lo a physloat and norvous wreck and unfitting him to r work. After trying all known and unknowm remedta* wrliuoul avail, he w m u ried to go lo Dr. Llghthlll, of Newark, by aeveral of hta acquaint­ance* who had been cured hy the doctor. Dr. LighthlU treated him palnlesGy and eRectIvely, to th a t an Improvement WM apparent a f te r one o r two treatm ent* and anally an entire cure wM eRected. Th* terrible pain disappeared nsver to re­turn. Dr, L lghthlll hM galaod both my son's snd my onm gratitud* (or hta kind snd efficacious treatm snt, snd 1 will ohser- ■fully vouch to r th is sta tem snt poreooslly or by tatter,


MR. DAVID YOUNG,VIcgvPragkiM it Rw l O M fifil Mi m v ggf nf t lw C o M o O ta M T n c t lo a

C o m p ta y , N aw arfc, N . J . .


V im FOLLOW ING ortlnance* . h a re b » n T W A . .P i . (J,, Board o t flireel and 'W attr

oiid approved by the Monoi' of o l ^ w a S , pUMUant to chaptor W ( i

^ i K s Of a id « • beifwUh pubhek^d^Are^ifliiitianM to provide for the pariftf of Ab WA^BNSN 0TRlEaT,

‘Ml nellevllie avetisMi to BiAdoplrt ItarehAn’ o r^ n * * ^ ® provtda for tha paring infi

rtpering ® ^yxT B T T B firaBOT,■ ---------N. J, R. R. av*nu», wlta‘ a oonofftf __ , ___ curb*

th. paring Mr ™ Fatrr m l*fa?rit* .trari, wlttJ S ^ p S a l t a b l o e k pavamant n|»n a **o2

i T W i t a d W M -

F ro m M r. W m . K ro tp ita , 102 La*

tf iy o tte S t r a t t , Nawarfc, N . J .I t aRords m* th* utmost satlstastlon ta

testify to Ih* skill snd sttocsss of Dr. L lghthlll H s hM tRseted a m ost ro- m srksbl* cure In th* css* ot my wits, who bad suRered for a long time w ith a moet ■erioua cat* ot ptlex T ht psln sh* tndured WM ot tho most sfontalng obataetsr. Xt WM oftsD to bad th a t *he had to orawl on her hands and knees^ and I t 'w m ta oon- s ta n t th s t It aflected hsr snU rt systam. Hh* lost health, itre ilith and fltsh and WM corapletiiy worn aut,wb*n luckily we were rsoommended to Dr. LighthlU, who sReoL ed a complete and perfect cure in hsr caae. T he pain ta gon* and so ta every particl*

, o t the trouble, end she I* as sound M ever In her life. Tbe obeng* th a t hM taken place In h tr gen«ral health ta simply won­derful. She hM gelned In fleeh, ea ts well, ■Icepe weU and feels Ilk* a d lR sn n t wom­an, for alt of which w* are indebtsd to Dr. U ghthU l'i skill.


VAN WAflBNSIN-----------ibiinrill* evMie* b> Bumnwr svnue, wllk oiSn * eonerste roundatlos.


w il u a m ^JAWEi U. I May-.

W^rltdOUa YIBW* DWH vr inww*<J UfUOfagM rS teteretalor* wbll*h«d socordlne w taw , w.'Vrit I MffiM Af Builnna Beildniefa

jQgtod ttlo m f I

Page 9: First Edition. - DigiFind-It

i m W A B K E V J B N h ^ G i J E W S , T t J E S D A Y t U A B C H 2 2 , 1 8 9 8 .


UNITED STATES CONGRESS. tfm porirT ■ppotntmmt by Ih* i l i t * Opy- yrnor until th r n f i t

t l to to ry o f It* O rfo n U a tio n —T h t "B(<

o im e r tt” S y i te a i «■ Am >Ho4 to

L o f lt la t lv * B odlea.

of the t*al«-la tu re" which'ilyiH then nil lh«I t h « b w n o r t h ethat the Senate, which la^tha Judae of w e etcetton of Ita own tnembera. ^ 1 n « wofolaa the appolnttnen; by

ent." 1,clae a alttlnV Lefl*>»‘“ " Hiua, a State, by n ta own by lie failure to elect, may be

Tbepurpp-«.,. Uh. fl- ^

S y A A . IVocoBvan . P h . I>,. I i id ia t ia I 'n ly a ra lty .

(Copyrlaht.1In Btudyini an Inatltutlon like the Con~

Kfeta of the United Statea the atudent abouid nrat look to lla oriftin. W hea the m a ly of peace waa made In ITSI. which declared the united coloalea free and Independent Btatea, the Conureaa of the IStatcl conalated of a alnflc Houae. Thta body w ai not a Con*reia at all lb the icna« in which wo apeak of the Ameri­can Cotitreaa to-day. ft waa not a Le(ia- lature. It waa a diplomatic body, an aa- aembty of commlaeloucra from the Statea delaaated to ' lake Into conalderatkm cer­ta in expressed and limited functlona which had been conferred upon It by the articlea of confederation. Kach State m idht have from two to teven dele<atea, according to tha number the S ta le waa willing to lup- port; but the S late could have only one vote In Congreei. (fueatlona were decided by the voket of Statea, and the voice of any Stale waa rqnal In weight to the voice of any other. The membera wera eleete'd by S tatea ^iere paid by Btatea and could be recalled by the Btatea.

The old Congreaa lacked the two prime reeiulBlteo of a government; I t could not enforce a law nor collect a tag. It la evi­den t that the tram era of th a t oW Conatl- tutlon did not Intend to erect a i a central directing government a lawmaking body. T hare la a political th au rd lty Involved tn tha aaaertton that a gavernm ent may make laars hut cannot anforce them. U a law- n a k ln i b ^ , a t part of a real governfa

forth In the •rederalfat, p a » ra pnbliahed by H h S 'jT cn a ’tltuUoS and Jay in defencewhen th a t document waa b e fo r e the Btatea for adoption. We aummarlae iheec pur‘ ” ro*’ il2 lTlata the mint of Indai-ndenc la

.tea by eeaal ;

Gorgeous Spectacle.Brilliant Opening Display of

A N orM i u ittUMriii tnM «B9**>*t ttM Tm ctU M i i^ o k A y a •

,d«r tb« tftw i o f ibo .VDOrt*cniHwIldatad thactloa

tkia bworMiralad oi New JenvT. and maintain raetaln airaet and their nppurteoaacae ovar and Ikrotuh em^ tala nr*«L avaeuta and hlahwaia In Iba city

trte ltx , by m«moi a f ib o o m lM A d tirotWr And dta 4JiKf MM a Vif ...............

m . locate.


T t a c U oh

titii AVIO f_ .V A W A rtl._ _ ...............

;«d todth

, woMraU

And m ib u in A pinfUeinck AurtArA AirtAi roji* wAy on UruAd o tn v l oAd MUlfr ttrM i. .in tb f

And did aJao mm a vaa AAeoflApeaylttg i tJott. And AkAWlAA )A d t ^ lb« ruUU a •ertUd AOd iIm w ouAiAa IteAdon of tnif IKtiAA fot UW AlAPTJ rt 0£ tbt OVAftHA Afvtvtn; thd...........uut)U« natti!* hu b««ii duly. _ . . . . . .. ^WhirvAP. _ .Af Auch AppUf’Atlfin:hlA. b0A fd Ui CtAUldAT thA in i aUo i»y PotUns a c«);

or mATA of thA haqAi

rimi ^parm lpA lhli a w au lrv o r liy to m M U ia ... .a----- .. ---- -

e lt v uC N a w a H

city of NAWAfk. AA hAfrtnACivr moTA *«*Iy,**t f o r lb i A ^ mAite IIMa a p im k -a i U a . Uy ftiM Ik i AAm« M y to r eolMAM jaiuI


SfTiiSraln the..............alnrt haaiy leglalattoB. m m ei owelilen fhanaea la th*

acaminc agalnm haaiy M**!***?^a n d lu d ile n rhanaea le *A* and

springtime Millinery!

mant, een Intended by our

ahm anda. To prOTwe a niay ,wntinulty In IwUcy-a U«ly J>f ■ « *"0 longer psperlenre. whh >“« " ‘."oSJende” and who might thua ba more InUepanoer« ' e ' . \ r i S l i a court for impeachment.

Theae great punioeea Indicate the t ^ c - tlona which the Senate haa form. The Senale’a dutte*. or functlopa, are of three ktndai

I ibeglalaliYi); The Senate le • branch of the Niil.mal aiwn the merlta ot any net of lealalMW' the tact that an a« hat bocTnl.tba <no preeumplloo In He (a*« in ,*h» act of leglelatlon may originate In lb* eicepi a reveeiue bill, and eeen a rewnue biu may he eo amended In ‘be 8«™te aa to he o rectianitable In the Hooee '"1 “,"?:

1 lExecullvel: The eaerniL'*Senate are to uau upo" Inaienti and trealtea. Thla It ueualty data in aecret executive eeaalon. . _ , . a*n.a UodIdal): The Judicial funetloe of ^ ate le to elt aa a court la Imveachroeot triaia.

The Benate haa no cloaure rule. The rule of the prevloua queatlon waa applied in the Senate In Ita early higtory. but the usage la now obeoletc. The absence or a cloaure rule leads a t tlmea to aktended debate and enablei a united ana minority to defeat a measure which it opposes. An effort has been made within recent years to apply a cloaure r“ J»i ®®J without igcceaa. The Benate If a body of

more inauspicious day than this could not have been chosen for an Opening—but we do not make the weather; we make hats. That the weather makers should

have given us showers instead of sunshine is to be regretted, as it no doubt kept many of our more remotely located patrons from enjoying the feast of beauty wc have so lavishly provided.

Yel, despite the adverse conditions outside, the show within w s an unoualitkct success—au exhibition of fine millinei'jr which certainly lus never been equaOed by my Ncwrk house. That this is not fiction may be

j easily veritied by any one who wiH visit our parkM this week and compare what they sec here with what they have seen elsewhere. We court care­ful, conscientious criticism. We want you to dosety ermine the work cm the hats you see here, and to note the superiority of the matenals m trimming them. Then, we ask you to particularly note the fact that no two hats in the display are at all alike, and that every one has striking characteristics which distinguish it from every other one.

We have not spent our energies in embellishing the millinery parlors. Instead, we have worked tire­lessly for months to evolve the most exquisitely made hats it has m r been our picture to Hivite you to m w .

To-dav’s viators found the Department of MiHmcry doubled in siae—one of the best evidences of its

to u|t«rAiA And mAtAtiln a I1a« o■iniMA-trAck turfAi'A A trw t rAllwAy In WrM- And VAndciTout A tr»tu in aaM cUst. aflAT moTA f u l ly M t ru rth ; a a G a Iao in lik e rpAn- AAT, by pMltlon M M on ih4 AAm* day. niAAi iW H cA tf irn for prrmliiiktn a a U A tu b o r ^ to cAnAiract. odAfAte And mnintAin a duublc uha ttijAt It lo *ny, A di>uW*-TrAck llnAi of «rA^ railwAy ui»«n I 'M ^ n u t ttr««t In tkM rlly , irom

AAld oo vu A n y kavtu AM wUk C^ coDAAAt w rlU l]e«n#rA or tb A ir d a l r au tho r l

tu ittinrMwtMa wi Vi i ' AAAi « r l r to al in t in AAld it r« y t whAm the M A tn r iy lin e o f____ _ _ ............... ... f l y i--Mim roAd InteraAciA Ike AAmei end AiAo f»f •?

lo e A t lM o f tho tra rkA fo r th r Hn*A o f tkA AAld A irfA t TAllWAV In ih r AAld A tr i^ ti And a doAign*tvin’uf t^'uliu^A'Ai nkk'h'po'lM pIacoi*- -■ - • — of BUAUInwrin Ike AAk! A tiYA U fn r ih t w lTA i to cvndui-tkA C M o f AAti

3 S

• U fn r the of BU AU im n i1 r k a t r lc U y f«tr ln» ojC M o f a a M Aire#t rAtIwAy by Ike o v irh A A f

tro lM y ly B trm , AAttiitjr fo rth ih r re in the nA*t* ! thA corpuTAtliw , Ike i^ A w e te r t‘f the r « t J m -

lendAd to be • one tru f'icd , o titrA lAd And m itin*t n ln ^ And the m nt’ir in^wer to Ih* u e^ . Ahd p u b lld n o tice o f th r A i'p licA tkm tk rre fo r , a* mAde AA AforAAeiti. hA \\iiA been i l v t n a a re> onbA d by lAW . and.

w hercAA , I t Am^enn ih A t there bA> been M M i w ith Ike r ie r k <»f the board ifcA lU M B t . in w r llfn * , o f thi^ tiw n rr r r o w n rn o f t t UtAAl unA '-h iU OI An Am ount in ttncAl feet o f ivu|,jertv frtm rtitir o i a a M i l r r e t i i th f 'm fh #nd upon w h ic h each pertu lun lon |ti conK ln jct. o o M ie a h ii tHNtlAAAln A iree t r A i iw e y i >a A ikw J. du ly cAev*ui> ed AOCordlliK to Inn ; Atid.^ntATAAAa f k lA '

AAld APe llCA llOn. M. axvvv..^a.a.v. - ............ .AO fflre tt AA A forePA ld , und Ha * du ly c n n ib lr rA J......... “id O' ■* —

boerd h n i met to coneWe*r the tn ROCsvrdAnce w ith Inn W'viH’tj

■ V kI caub* iiiii**nHnA to the c'ontrAry: now, ih i ’CHfnre, the iV ia rd t i f . r t r e r tlit* AAmA. And

And W a te r i\ } n im lA * lo n rn o f the d d y V*. 'a rk . fo r and tm b rtm lf o f the m un lcU*um y thfi'AOfa do o rd A in AA foltowa:

B allon 1. T hai cieiirn i and yertnliibm Ibhereby llvrn to the eahl the OytinolblAteil Trec' llitn Company, or ihe city of Njewark. lo loratA,cona tru ft. o p e r t le n iu i m n in t liln the lli Atreet fA llw a y menlbvnerl wnd d recrlbed m tha AAid pe tit io n the re fo r, aa fo t low i:U) A line of amAle-travk iurtace atreet rill* way on Uroad atreet And UUIer itrrei in theolty of NeArark,1M«-.jf f ln n ln A In the cen tre of the iireaent weeter- ly tra ck in H n u ii l atreet at a Point th e ^ ln dla- la n t B lx t y - iv e feet no rthe rly fn>m w h e re the

■ I l f .......................... .............„ _ JlHer A trw t extended Jnieraectathe AADAet tfawkce n in n ln a in a w o tte r ly d ire c tio ncen tre ll»A^of

not spent our energies in embellishing the millir to evolve the most exquisitely made hats it has.

,«-u*vviators found the Departmert of MiHincry doubt . , jpopularitv-and they found the appointments elegant and refined; the decoratitms simple, but in good t ^ e ; the hats chic, charming, ch(^---cxdusive, elegant, ecoiwmical; the flower show gorgeous beyond anything

they mi|ht continues to-morrow and Thursday and we hope to have you and your friends ^visit the department one day or another, or every day, if you can come so often.

Sec the window exhiWte of Millinery, Cloaks, Suits and Waists

Opening Days, Tuesday,

Wednesday, Thursday,

March 22, 23, 24.

Openinf Dayt, Tucaday,

Wedneaday* Tbunday,

March 22, 23,24.

A oAnr# curvlUA to i>m rlaht with a taJIua •AvantV'MvA ftcl to the diMAnrce of thirty-

ABTtn Aoii forty hundredlihA feet: pm v iPoUitr curva curvina lo the rlapt wltk a rwdlpA of tKty fAAt to the tUatinca of twoncy* al|mt ABd Altty-vAlcht hundrcdlha fcai; Ih fM anil! AlotiA Another rwv* curvinA to th» riAht

bh A radtuA of Atvyary-dve frci to the dlfiAho# thirl r- AiaeA and forty himilrodlha tout lo A ■***■*■• -*—• dtiUiPtpodot i l tkA cAPtre Una uf MlU^'r atreet. d t itk P i

a l» iy*B4»e a»d n f ty th ra * hum lrrrJ iha f w woat arly from the cABtre lino of Hroad iirw t; thenot

ctwf j k m m w m u k v ^ _

AIKI o f the in u n t t fA

(o 'thA "lUtA o t U M bo«iW h A rt i» ,.u D o a tha d a y fto i^ b y -


public bAArtivA WAA ifiVAb to All tMirwmi dMrtnt ■ kcard m fayur of* or cm»i#d u*« « to f ““ rnterMtad. In aald appilcAUon

and tha aald matt«i„ _ apniicAUon

a UwaV franch lAA; and tha w W m atta i )««ci rtrllr mmaWar by tkM board}*boari

r t t b tha C t ^ <4 t k |« ingr uf ttaa^wftSr o F r ia a d M a i u nraaaai

iB irnaA l laa t a l

i Atrtfli rAlbwaytAHvaA, o f A l lawAt ooa-hAfcf .Acoperty fro n iin A upon anlcl a traaU or J r th a BAUM, upon w h l(* p a n n lm l^ to tac it* , ipa rAU A M m a U iA iR aah l l in o o f atA AAl lNow. f rommiBi. -.

OA h aha lf <

***«tlS?V. TSat M«»ajiana J*®*the AAld NawArfc \ad ioulh OT- •*------- (u locA'

r, li ia ra to r t . tha D a s n l ot M r ^ aiafl I ta W J i la a lw it r i ot i lw e ttv o f N aw h rh , t « a»4 ha lf o f tha u u a lo t M lI t y l l w w i . <tq atS s lia

b y a ran ted to iAPAA d ire c t ^ i l v a y t'om w u iyj^ to k » iu . A tru o t o n m ta and i rallw ___ _ A iA ln tA tn tjm l|»a etf ■ t r iH ^ra lfw A y m*TiitaniAd and daotrUH id In tk* a a la '’ p cm io n ik c ra fo r , a a f o l ^ a : '

A 1IM o f doubU t r a c k a u rfa ca B traa l raUwAj^ ,. h« auLAt tra ck In M A im iln o A t ^ t .and A v e w

b M ln n ln R In tha n o r th e r ly t r i c k o f aa ld a t ® ; ra ilw a y compofty. la l ^ r y •* * ^frSz-tka ra ln d ia tun t tw e w ii- n h iA ao d faTly*fou# U ii^ dn -d iha feat w a a t tr ly f r ^ w hara ^la a a m a l j ln tcrtic.'tad b y the co im w Itna^oC M A IA I IM aiyeat a itao d cd ; tbafica , r v n n t a f by a c u m lo tha riAh t w ith a ra d lU A p f A fW M t . tba d M U M o f M fty-n lne and B U ly 't h r a * hund rad lh* M *to A m la t dkataat fo « r t a d on a -h a lf fM t m ^ -

from m \t9 lhn*~of l lM a A in a thane* runn lAA M * k * * ^ ^ r t ry r t^ k a rA lM Iw K k Asd d is ia a t fo u r a n d f if t y huud rad lh a f* M frum ik a c « « tr t l in a o f a a m U a h a a IAA o tk ii^ • B<kUth tw cn iv*c ljfh t dBura** M T a n fn lap laa aaAt tk r*a ibAUAM d aa4 ab rlity -lhBA A an d fo rty aav^ i,* h u iM lm lth ii f r i t ; ih m c a by a cu rv a cu rv io ic ta tha r lR h l w it h A ro d iiia o f a la iy fact, the d ia lM O *’Of aUiy*thrat and ihlrty-ona una*hi fisct to a Mint fowr and ftfty hupdr* aaatarly from th* cantm Una *4 AtWW* thanca akM Avaniw Is oaranel wMh a m rantr* Uni and four and dftr huadradlki aaatfrly Ihcrrfrom. aouth talrty-two < tw«nivuaa mlnuita want aavan hundn ■ - tadra' '♦ifhwr'l And Mrty*ciAht hnanradibA

curva curv ing tn tli* liitht, lo ltu n o f l i n y fa c t, th a d ta ta a o t u f M vatil

hu^rai^ Iradtki Ayaitu* L ;

tha aa ld

f ta t t tU) » Mily-

Abd A ln a iy -fou r h u nd ra ilth A Iaa I ta Akd Pita*■ the 1 - . — -I p rcaan t w aattartr tr*«|i la Hai%*ncctlrtM withb M niaca.

ThA w ra ic r iy tra c k In K A f a a l i ia atraat aa A vanua U ba«fnnlRA a t a p o in t In tha aoatbarl_ i p o ll. . . .trai'k In Vmrry BtrMt dlatant thlrtr*ah|hl ai

i lc r iy h v m w h trafo rty -fo ttr hundredtha featth« aama la Intc-acctAd b v ih a w aatarly Una « f llA A A A ln a atraa i a ila n d « d :______ th * M * bp 4 cu rv*c u r t ' in i to the r l f h t w ith a rn dh ia o f f f t ; ‘ f#at, ......................o f B fty* fila a a n d a l« ly ^ r* a ba n -the d lB ianoa •d ra d th i fea t tu a ia^iu In I t a x a a lM atraat, d in - tA B i four and f ln y h i^ r a d t h a r ra t w a a ta r irfro m tha can ira Ikm tb a ra o r, ihataca *ann ln« m km t MafAAlta* a M a t PArALtal w ith the a fo i^ aa ld «aM any tra ok a n d dtatant; fo u r and M ftT

a r ly fro m the centre lin e o f Hroad a i r r f t : rmmkm a Mh a ihu cen tre lln * of M U lc r a t r^ t lUM tii Mfty*aavyn dearae i i lv ir ly -n li ie want tw o bum lrcd am i n ln c iy -n ln * a i i i i f ^ y - aavfta hundredth* fre t; thanoa weatarty b y a ourvw cu rT liiA to the r la b l w ith a rasllo* o f ona hwbdred fre t to the dIatABce o f tw entf^ona and th h t r ' ' iw u hnnd m U b a f w i j th raa* W II w 4y b y A eo rva ru rv ln * to ib a le ft w ith A rad lw a

one hund red fra t t* the A a LU m a o f tw aa ty ’ one th lr t v tw o huAdredtha f#rt tn th# e a a U f ir i i tSm nsylvAA lA ae rnu*: thence

ira M ry d U u fee t S M te r iy f im n th». cen tre .In* K ' ibe d la tam ^ nf three ihouM ad aiM

lln *n g tth flfty-*#ven riearww tb lTty-'n lAa m la u U a

crw a lD A Penaay lyan ta ayanu# to a jw io tIn til* rantr* *4 the pceaem n^harfcy^ track Inmilvf Atraet. ibe dl.a a . . . X,.- -lataoce of ninety fa rt, aaldnnlnt brtnA alan dMtaM Mftr*iwo aad fUly kun* S l^ttM feet weaierly from t]M oatura Un* ofPannavlvAniA avcbu*. and *nd|rm ihar*._<S» A line of e l n j i ^ t r y k aurtae* f a l lw a y ^

Since k parly who** Speaker ihould abu*^ U tnut.Recently further addition a;ai 1?

ktIbe SpeakeF'i power by ailowinif Mtta to- determine the fact of a quorum, lo k j j have counted aa preaent tnembera refumna t« n rU c lM t, In leglrtstlon or to go ®P«® the recorS by snawrring to their The Amerlcaui Bposker h s a ^ a r t to l» the organ of the Hoiiee and has iw®®™* u » t of the psrtv msjorltjr, p « H®®J* % n d s f t r » r t y •® "™ ""’" ‘Bpeslter Is the psrlyd M he doe* ky cdRMtat of the m ajontyifo r Ws sots they must be held ’‘*"1* 5!*’; '^u jd II Is tbfO uA T S mbuke the flpeajier 1« to rebuke the pariy^ and the queilion whether there li lb oflice a danaei^ou* tendency to C a a r l^ . OT “ o 5 iS u 5 i% > w er ''-* h e ih e r one irtsn Itigy be so trusted—le mereljr **>e ^eo tton w hsther the party m sjoflly « s ir be tr t« t- ed The gsfegusrd sgslnat sti unicrupJ-

£ e r Is the In te ^ lT ®f th e j io r t r



■when their Btxtes farm ed s texgue In 1711, they would hsv» formed the w j afterthi'patttern of every governm ent, i*ve oim, o f whicb they hed 'inents! knowledge.

sn y working, expert'______ _ . T hat le, they wouldhave given their Leglslkture the blcsm- em t, not the unicnineirel, form. Every S ttte government, save Penneyivsnla, had theblosm em tsystem ; and when the found-erg of the Republic esm e together In thef regt convention of 1787, in which they #rat

armed g central government, one of theirfirst propoBtlona waa to eatabllsh the h i cameral gyltem for their cammon govern­ment.

The flrgt aubject for conitdergtion be­fore the eobatltutlonal convention, after Us organloatton. aras the “Randolph plan” of government—contained In the ie t of ToaolutloDa tubm ittfd by H r. Randolph, of vlniinla. After llret aaoertlng that the wrtKlea of confederation oulthT to be xo corrected a t to accomplteh th rir ohjeot—“ oowmon defence, eccurlty of liberty and g en e» l welfare"—the resoinllona then oo- nerted a i the flrat raean i to thla end; (1) T h a t the right of euRrege in the National L.eglilature ought to be proportional—tn proportion either to w ealth or population. T h li Introduced the N ational principle. (1) T hat thle Legislature thoulu conelel of

branchei.The focond propooltlon

lature anould conelat oiThat the Legis. two branchet,”

w a i agreed to on the eecond day of the de­bate*. without dtacueelon or nlooent. ei'cept titat of Pennoylvanla, “given urohaMy Itdni complalannce lo Dr. l>Tanaun,dm complalannce lo Dr. F ra n tu n , who waa tiaderetood lo he partial to a aingin hooae of le i^ a tlo n ." The propoaitton for a a upper house won never ngatn brought Into queatlon. A aecohd chamber waa a p a r t of the colonial government form. 'Hoson, of Virginia, aald; " tn two

dignity and r»urteay> I t la preauwed that go Senator will vlcdate the privilege of the body or be unmindful of Ita oourtoay and dignity; th a t he will not apeak unleM he boa aometklng to aay; and th a t If he ie e k i delay hfi action la prompted by pub­lic and patriotic motive*.TH E HOUSE o r REPRESENTATIVEa

The Houie representa the Nation on tha boola of population, while the Setute rap- reoenta the Btatea. This la the baaft: dlRer- ence between the two bodies. Ttm present House conalata of 1ST membera, Tha mem­bera o t the House ore c b o « o « e t y sec­ond year by the peopla of the several S tales. Those may vote for fepreseota- llvea who are qnalllWd-to voU for th* moot numerous branch of the S tate Leg- lalature. So the Statea detcrmloe tha oual- Ificatlon of voters for members of Con- tresa . No person shall b« a repreoantatlvs who ihall not have a tu lired the age of twenty-five years and h av t been aeven *Mtra a citlicn of the United Statea, and who ahall not. when e l e c t ^ ^ hab itan t of that State tn which he ihall ba choaen.

Representatives are apportioned among the Statea according to their respective BuiBbero. In the beglmilng, a s provided In the Constitution, the rspreaenti^vea were not to exceed one for every » .0» of the population. U h a t been found con­venient to limit the membership of the House to a comparatively omall number. The House of Commons has dS8 mem­bers. Our House, w l l h j t i IS7 memMrt, an ..........."

m a jo r ity 'll an indepsndont and people. ■

dsson, of I ______ _th* m lndjif the people of Americaoettled; FIrat. in on a ttich m en t to repub- lloon gevemmoBt; oecondly, th an ittoch - m*at to more than one branch in th* XAgHUtnre." “Th* bloamcral system," aoyi t^ b e r , “ *coomp*nIes the Anglican

■ I tike ■■ . - .the common law."Our Upper Md u k . then, had Its origin in

the deslte of the Conatltution-makcra to Inetltute the bleam eral system, i t Is often aoppMsd th a t the Senate hod Its origin ■ the n*iMCSOSity of providing for an equal rsprsoematlon o t the B u te * - th a * dit;tnferenees between the large and the small Btatea might be eomproml»*d and recon­ciled. The CofUtltutton of tha Senate was oniodUlea from th u neeesolty, hut It* origin l i not found In th is cause, as la oaolly ahosm from a perusal of tha debatoo. ft awemad to be im csiaary to provide In th* Sstiat* A repreeentatlon of B tatrtood, In order to enable targe and small States to form a oomnon Conailtotlon; but this was d a ^ o tter the Senate Itself had been fully determined upon, and It It Important only OS sRsotlng the form o t tb* Benate. The

eothtauan *t Statehood It "nolther lloflSnaiivo''hor the de’ttrih lnatlve principle of t h e " ..................... ..........princti IiHate”—It dkd not gtow out of th a t

o, nor does the Senate determine'qaeotibns upon th a t principle—for, as wi have aald, tha Senate waa already deetdedon before S late representation was posed, and even then the Conatltutlon m ^ e ra dellherately refused to provid' th a t the Senate should Vote on the baale of Statehood. 1. c., une Slate, one vote. Itaeh State has tw o votes, but thei cg^pose and neutralise one the other,

THE FED ER A L SENATE.Aft«r all, tb* t t r ^ f l e f f r equal mpre-

Mhtation of t h e ^ ^ ^ l n *Set*fm!hed "th*


O rc a n ix s tlo n oC P w R a iie i i t Soctetl**.

Sow* one to every Itl.OW of the poput*-tlon.

Tlie Houac la barred from cerlein right* which the Benate enjoys. I t may not try

Tb* Proesot la tb s Biwoktjn Davy Yard W h e n I'nels Isn i's Mars and

I t r ipaa tmUtoTt Is.(By an Old Flag Haker.]

"T ou know a ship by Its flag."This saying Is as old as the ocean. Every

ship th a t sails the high seas carries aloft dn Ita In gstaff a t Itost on« emblem of Its nation. I t nsny anrry naore than ons, for In oertatn emergencies a ship will rales a for­eign flag, but It m ust always show Its own fla f, and down In ths obtp'a baggage there kr* dupllciit* fl&fk to b* iumhJ Ahuuld tn* N ational emblem be destroyed.

The making of the flags of Ihe navy Is one o f the most Im portant ports of the sh ip 's eonatroctlOD. W ithout Its flag BO ship can go to sea, and tor th a t reason tha L’n i t r f S ta tss Navy devotes a great to a l of time and apace and money to the mstklng of flags,

The flags used by the United Bmtm Navy a te m anufactured a t the Brooklyn Navy Tard, One of the buildings Is d t- voted to thla purpose, and here, hard a t W ork, th e n i l l hundreds of girl* who** busy Angers tu rn out the flags.

Tha bunting ronle* into m e B noklyn Navy Yard already made. It t* obtained from different bunting factories, but rooat- iy from two. I tjJ sM to come from the

Is never turned ou t o f the N avy Depart­ment.

The flnal work Is done by an old sailor,Sho understands th s a r t of strong sew-

g. He fastens th* flog to It* rope. Dayafter day. week a fte r week, yrar, he alts In th s sam e "»ient building on a hai with hi* tools bsstde him. They co hree sharp knlve* and a roll of atrong

I hratad tand ta coU of H* aIao hAt aeurloUi thimble, which he w ears around litsihand for pushing the noedl* through (he flogs. . . - .

Ho take* the flag* and lay* them flat, then he tew* them to the r*pe, « 1ng Ihlr- 1 y Btltcm-s for each fastening. The stitch H a big sailor knot which Is w arranted to fest .

n rn sd s t m t x o d V sn d s rp p u l i t i s s t Is

'^ i& k Ia a Ia a 1a th« ra n tra lln * o f tb* pr***nt • s s t . r l r tra ck In B ro s a * r s * t s t a p o in t ih s t s - Ih d l i t t n t s e w n ty feex n o r t lw r lr f r a w n sre the centre lin e u f V x n d e fw o l street extendsd

' e w m r . u d th r iw t r u o s la a l*^ s K 'tlon b y s cu rve c u c v lx a lo the

r ia n t w ith * rsd lu B o f u M h.s»<*»d * U * ' . I w d t ' ttne* o f tw e n lT - iw o s o d i lx ty - S M hudu ieO tlt* feet; theoce s t f l l o lo a * *•«>■*» «>” • . " w r b S to the r ls h t w ith a ra d iu s id * H iy fee t d t a i n n <ir i l i t r - s t v e o and s ix hund red th s fs s t ; thence s t i l l » « « * s n o t l F L , x !the r ls h t w ith s rs d iu s ' i ' * ' h o " f r e i N « . ‘ K d lM xn te of tw en ty - tw o snd s l i t y - s lx h sa ^ e d U io feet to s uo ln t In the c e n lm lino o f V a a d s e ^ ■ trM t (tlMAnt knd fattp -A*v*a hSta-

S r t w!3 *rt fr ra a tita o{Itaoul B trra t; ttarac* Ataiijt t& rawtra jtP* wVABft*nn*“l rtrart riortb d*«rMth Irtv -tilP* m liw ira^w *«AlA«tr-®*telit *ti4 ^ th lF - lw oh u M rv il v w l n lR * t r '* lir a t «MflUy l b ^ d irr ith * fra* to A P f w t j f U u i i t Bl*htjr-thr»’i» htuiA i^llM f* rt rarterra f f o i i t w (S,ira lin* of Pttflw^jiyran A’jn jg lru rv e c u rv in g to tb* M ft w llh A r a w W ,o i

•aM ■tpral. ____ - -.......... - . .w rra t i 'f o u r Am] thlrtF•fl^« hundmUh.* fA«* Ib m ri* ijy A ro rv * c u r v in g to ih * r ig h t w U b A rgdluB o t Aiity f**t. lb* rtMtnnc* o f ffUir'tbrA* Ahk thlrtp-on* hiutdradthA te r t U- aA v ra u * I'm d lA u n l h»ur And f if ty hum . f ra t weatfir ly frum tn* ce n tra hn* tAer*of:thence running ioiith thlrtytwu deg^*** l^***^ ' one mlnutei wral along Avenue 1* puralMI wUn ttv* aforaAAtd eAAterly track and dlalant four ao4 fifty hundrailthe feet weeierty from tb* rantr* Hiie of Mid atreet, tb t dlatAiMt cf Mven buAdrad Ahd Mveiuy-fmjr And alghtran dredUu fMt; tbanct hr a rurvt curalni W ligkt wllh A radltt* of etity feet tb* aIa ia m of Mernly-on* and nlnety-fimr huadradtb* faat to and connecting wUh tb* preaent AAAterIP track In llamhurg place. ’

Aald route abar* qeicrlbed, betng shown UP^ the map or plan of Aucb hnea ot filed by Ihe AAld ooriwrailon witl. ih* Clerko f ihin board. . ____ *-fMctlon t . That a»d jwnnliaiM IJherahy given lo nald eo rap w *21CM ap'ui the m W Jlnra of airral railway by tb* use of etecirlclty »“!■ known AB Ihe overhead trolley ByAtrtn. an*

ptrwisl. to erscl Hut necooosxy pntw re elrung Ihsroon, for tho opermtlon of


■ The flrxl meeting ®' t e n t society Is organised *■ a temporary meeting. Alter tton of a temporarylory the ohdirmaB or lomo »***®|™by him should set forth In pus* of th* organlxatlon propooed. When fh**iubject h*s been folly set forth the th ilrm an says:m atter before the meeting In tho form of a motlOnT" A member of the assembly

^ d d t « . . . the chair and offer, a mo­tion or resolution In a form s o m e t^ g Uke this; "RsKrlved. That the young pet^ Sle present take the form a literary society, asks: “ Will some on* second the reim u- tlonf- The resolution is than sw onde^ This leave* the way open Jor » fob ®bd free discussion of the subject. The ques- fmn 1. C f o r o tho houso," Those in favorof the resolution can “ V *J^ ,i™ Jalng potsd h*v* an opportunity of tipresam g

' ’sllch^'member. Upon rising should ssjn» * c n n ie n ju r . . , , ,n o u Id n o t . p f o c ^

fam ous old Ben Butler bunting ^ fo to r i^ill . - ........... - —■ —-uut now the Oovsmment take* estimate* every y ear and selects the cheapest amt Lba bcflt, Aa soon as the bunting arrives In the building It Is pu t through a series of teri- ing d m c e s which are very severe. As the flags will be subjected to the extremes of h ea t and cold, os they 'srtll freese and thaw , os they will be blown by evoir brees* o f every clime and ss*. so the bunt­ing w bich makes the tlajpl must be pul through a aeries of preliminary teats equal lo heat, cold, freeie, thaw, sea and a t­mosphere. ,

T ha m an who does this Is the fore- - ■ - ............. .. Hrook-

“Idr. Chairman,until recognlicd' hJ' the chair; tha t Is^un- n i the chairman atys^_ M r r ^ 7 r i » " .h 7 . iths sn eX ^r who deslfet lo addre** the ai- ‘ bly. If Two or mors should addresi

a t the w m e moment the chair- the chair a t tn« he not crtiman X t V tj?e% :^al^‘ w ho-l;®Am i whifa the Other® take their ®aat§f S T -

5ou ready to r the flUf«lo_n7 _ that jjb j r e ou roodrby voter .ca lls of "<lu««‘o®,

THS HON. THOMAS & REED. (Ipsaksr of the Houas.)

Impeachments, nor past on Pretldentltl appointments, nor participat* tn making treaties.

On tbs other hand. It haa certain exclu­sive rights In which th* Senate I* deniM participation. I t may Initiate revenue bills. Inltlkte impeachment, and, In a certain contingency, sleet a President. In sleeting a President Ihe House vote* by Btatea, dach S late having one vo te-«nother Il­lustration o f Ihe federal character of th* OovemiDsnt.

The oiflcsri of the House ore tbs Speok- tb e nergsant-at-A rm s. doorkeeper.

kLiZl;'nWx»d' hv''Mr ------and seconded bythe young ^ 1* prerent

a«aa *>ia n*r* BAAry AtAP® to form a literary All m favor oY the rcootullon say

f to s e opposed, -no.' Th* mollM p w a lls ." The Meeting has now decided*“t?a?v"‘!!rfmt;i^y'cfreum*tance* It would

rfStaleB^h*^^atr*wnd movre *'that a l* i? E of thre? he appointed by the chair re a t the next meeting a plan of or--anbrnUon.” This motion may In c lu ^ .th *

curve iwvliw tu Ik* ^ srhh * rx entv-Hvt fset 1“ <hf.'""-“ S'Arid A ivefrtjr h u n d i^ lh i fe r t ranin of the tir**ent eAAlerly trarh huy-q !«uOT. sal*

... . SKt. «f AAV'i‘« o f tw en iy«M Vpnto the point la the

y irArh la Vterd liitan t tt i iy - f l\^ fee t M tith a r ly w h j r f the11 A t o f vendA lTw^ l r t r i i^ eatftawW In te iv ro t i

longer than the bunting. W hen heSSSw! ‘th.‘ 'irn « 'o f '

ba~s' finished oswlng them to their ropes, the flags can be r ^ e d or lowersd a t willWithout danger o t being Jasked off.

The flag fastener Is very Jealous of his work and will not, no m atter how much he may be rushed, allow any one to os- ilst him. Th* flagmaker* have been « ju sy lately th a t the room* have been In Use night and day wllb double force* ot worker*. In time of peace- the measurs- ment room with It* floor covered wlin bands of brass for measuring the stripes

S T t h ^ m S. o t S W t r'lJlwsy now e . ^ r o c t ^

— " .T O ir'Ifh'^!? .

f i i r thAk .» i t h w 1r««*^ld*tmM!?*hA]l h i ptaaad oppoaJib AAfih o i ^ , aa th* i ld M o t th* t t r* * la , w ith in cu rb l lrw ; aa d • h a ll o f t™ *' o r a t M a rt f** t hiahx a n d a h a ll b* p iao*d At th* Pol®i® d M lm A t*^ oh th* m a p f l l* d w ith tb* CM*k o l th* ? o a r d o* 8 lr* * t a n d W a tra ro rn m lM W iM i^

b* r* ln b ifn r* r a c it t d , w h ich aa ld m ap fo r th a D \ ir jio * ii o f lo c a lto n o f aa ld P O M i . t h * tra c k * b* raby a u th o r t a*d lo h* C 'jm rt r i ir t i i l a ^ tha m arn iA f o f cona tn ic tln® th* taim f, l i m ad* a ^ d ro la rad to b* a p a rt o f Uvla * i»«otlon T h la c o o a in i and wLv*n to «?onatnlct» o p a r a l i and m aittl^Ti tb* f in r a o f A u rta ra r tra * t r a i lw a y ^ h * r a l^■nd d**crlb«d. la * ly * n WPO" *3CMr*M cond i­t io n th a t i t la c p f ife rrr t i im l rw * lv*d upon tha ram * l* f t n i And co a d lt io iw , and aub)rot to tha f * __U in itH iiuw a w h ic h AT* ron ta lnad and **t

of Ih* cllr of Nitarark, *ntltl*d "Anto BtalhorlA* Afid ifn p o w * r Ih* C o n io l ld a l^W acrttm Com pany, a c o r p c r a i lwunit^ th* laira ol th* Hint* of N*w J*raAy#toloeatA, con a ira c l, op*ra t* and

M r t* C i MMrtAL av*tiu*» and h lih w a y a in tn* S i T o f N r t w S i / ' p a i i i d J« !^ i f . M>d A* ^ ■ M t a in t ly v a lld a ia d , ra llM *d arrf I ! r r h * iw A v lilo na o f an o rd in an ce o f th« Boa rd S ? A ire m 'a iid W a te r Cf»imhl**lon«ra o f Ih* c i t y I r Nawwrk •n iJ lM d " A n oi-dlnan*;* to auppl*- o r N « w a « . ixa orrtlhano^ W

■howns f » cunsiruct, M.*lntaln sno■Mali M r a M W doI*a a n d w irra , rt irv ra ,

t S so ld '> n f...o f.* “ « ! , J « , '5 l>;(, ” n '{ f f i" w S n r d fo r the s*lo«-

TirSnij’ Ilk*

xT wllnsnci nvlltled ‘An oirtlllsi r^ihurSL Imd smpovrer the OnniolWstwl Tros- re.n romiley, X vorporailon tncorporstsC m - t o m s ™ « o f th s lt“ ‘ s o f N * * * ! ! :Ix to n it - ouerst* and maintain w est■Bt*. osnstruoi. operater a l lv s y s s n d r ---------------e sT tt ln *«**“ , MV*nura a n d k l ih w a y a .

ap p ro vo d J u ly I k

tha m ap w n M a o f ik H, th* aptpficA ibm to th * i A n d Ilk* ootaartit and P * f ^ “ * '* g lv r a lo Ike la id com pany to •“oa‘ I i ' . f ? S h / ? ix and oM cA t* w id in a ia tA ln a doubM Un* t th a i i* ».i ■«« * iiiin hM A tra ck lin*> o f » lf*«t •u rfa c* r a il-

l i» J n# N a w a rk . ap|>rov*d JU iy *»• whieli AuppMmontnl ordlpat*c*^v>n|^jaAJ'^» • IK*.

lU r _ al**c 1:t o f

r t r s r t . in « l d c i t y , SO f . r -* * _ t |»

Is used for a ballroom. Here the ofllcers I m u r . a douWo^rack llaej Of the Brooklyn Navy Taril ly u lg e n a way w it? S e W . i « itoclat dancp every two week®. B ut of Ut*, I ^ tumt tn th* raid rtrral wh««with lh« iharlow of the Maine dIaMter rf Bim road inwraetB ih*upon them and a ruah of the flap® l i ihown unom th* map or plan of MchXX . --------- fTe. vu x,« sx rl tK® [ JJ^hl^traCk Ith* Of itP^ft

by t h r aa ld eorporalion^ w U h Vm.'

: in n ?O T e sh b* to S jip ly to tk* t w and .?«*"> “ S'!®' “ L

“ to tS a *•** •*” 'jn c 'lts ts ly ' - - x in x n re w s s Fsad otics s t a

The fo re * n ln x . .o rJ l" "S ‘',*- * „ciit, the ball ha* been given up and patriotic work of making flag* haa goneon. And on the n l- ’-*----- -------- -----—there rose the soun, un.sob to gay music there

kSKing nagv naa guiie thy thr said (sHunrx.juu -...n n.- light* when formerly I uuoa 11m «Him of ^ mid ^m ion-f of tripping toe* lit alas mnseel sad „c there ^_w heard 1 !S S ‘" s K l5 'r ^ ‘' ‘“»:ie."

‘ “ ftcthe clicking of the s e r in g mschlnM and. . - . * ■ — hamth* shriek ot the Iron ham m er as It pounds out the whit* cotton stars,


P lm i^ d Place of ihe next.m iellng. When . k! motion is seconded It Is open for dls- th* n>o‘[®" “ ^ „ j , 5e«uiry. The chairm an

Are you ready for a vots7 The" r d r ^ S r ? V o M " eS S l;tr ,n Is Hhall a oommlllee of three

* r ,

farm of th* Senata. W ithout equal repre- ssntatton in one of the houses the small S ta ti ffould, !h all probability, have re- fqOM to " r e m a more perfect unton." ThWL oacli Stat*. however small, h u M utl weight Tn th* Senat* w ith any Stat*. how­ever lo rg* ; here the federal character of our Oovernmem le distinctly repreeented, f t * Senate reselnds us th a t our father* fdrmed a Qoveriimeut of the peopla in State*, not In m tas.

The present Senate of the United State*, with all elections complete, csnslsta « ninety m em ben, tw o members from each of forly-flve States. By tbs Constitution

■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r s ors cmcreating this body the m nators ore chooehby th* L s^ n a tn re s of th slr respective “ ■ ■ tor £ term of six Fear* and sochitates tor I

tor ha* one vet*. A Senator la r»-qulrtd to be a t least th irty year* a t age, to hsv* been niae years a eltloen « tfn lta j Btste* and to be, a t Ih* tlm* of hi*

.......... ' --------Of th a t Stat* fromtk*

Vid*-Pt**ldent Oj ' ling offici

OB. anUt*I"la tfee 'p i^S fn * oiBcor ol

le, voting only in cose of a tic* _ tie m ay choose, w ffi Ita ether

jrs, a President pro tern., who presides )h the aoemoe of iho Vice-PrsswsM or

th* la tte r ih a ll exerclst the olSe* of Preoldeiit o t th* Ijn lted States.

cleric ani of these President,

L-musa, ui.rus nw|ycg ■In. T hs most Important

the Speaker, and. next to th* tm is the. most powerful and

The itentative*

Im portant officer of the Oovernment. Speaker of the H ouie of Rapreeenta preoents to our view one o t the moat In- tereatlBg and Im portant oIBcgn ta tb* hlo^ to n . of parliam entary govemiimnt. ,

111* nnprecedanted power of th* Speaker eomei fS m two oourc**;, .. HI* powsr at rscoonttlos. H* may ta sgset aetlisn th* floor le whom hs xvlU, ,sqd thus h*may dftannlBs m » h jt manwhst meosurs* msy cotn* le tu n th* Hou|*. 'This nowsr Is sxtrulsad aoeordlng u the .rulsa andtiowsr Is sxtrulssd aoeorung u th* .nusa andusskee ®t **'*commuiss os Bulo*. of which tb* :usM ilv * eism btr. ................

■ "tl* posrsr ol oonstltutliMl ths comias Is so loegor thS -scent o f g r is t ds-%sui* Is so longer m

uh ilto rab M to ta fe w M ta M wm Miiralrir*® a a rty «r ra1lArmtoe. ,0b jnayBMAl

nmlttAAAxl«4. «ci th m u ^ «MR-

tb* AiAtflrafi lAiAtlvt factor

®4* UD f a r o h ^ penouia M rliJail

raktle v t m i t m ay m i

raair tfa-" \hAt

worM.‘SiaSST tii iSu SmS&4m tapfr wTBw tanit pBWtrfw m *' In omr.ns* OovensscBt i« lE*

The 'AtigUih S l ^ e r la kJudlolU officer, the m fldsritw .df th* ComWom . When be

At thel | i tnSHAei* o w e

pnaHtutloti, Into

o m n lk a tle n of the R w S tvId .^ occopdlng lo the h to three claseei, the eeata

S e v e r s m th* first claia to be va­s t Rw-nnstratfam of ihe eecond year,

tr rm .tb* baimhoi ®hat|Iinrougn —Jeilty ot tl

_______ lo tresim p o r^ lly . He

lorgeU to what party ha ^I*ni ratalns hi* place, through vorjring eba: of the phrty m ajority of th# Ho

1 a t tb* m ^ ln tto n of thethe th ird o lM a t the tx -

r, BMolora i

ngith n S ra w , ____

expected to trea t an m tn and all parlies im p o r^ lly . H e m ust gtve no help, to hla own Aide. It maJte# v ^ little iW em ie* to ihe partlee iro ia Which Ud* tho S im kei . . . . . . |gg poiitmai

_ - member (ffho inInlon of the Haas* was not

to uddreo* Mm. the m ajom g Mav I t w Ip M k sr aad docidt wad HihU

f % S n ”5 V s t T e » r J iu ^ r ! ^^rt'e r S S s "®r“ aueatlon* tod d ^ ' 1>F vote. The c h £ m ^ ^' • v m '’gn'“idjJurnilient. Thla m o t l 5 ^SSJ^eSrput »"* vot«J “ l » “ ‘h* veg-

of the flag building of the Brook­lyn N avy Yard. Hla mime I* Crlmmtns and to r years h* haa teeted the bunting. H e pOeees It through the testing mjchlnx. where It leers o r keeps iU shape. He put*It through chsm kals to see how the heal and eolT wilt affvet tt. He tests Its color and reolatanc*. all by machines furnished by the Oovernment. _ .

A fter the bunting has pasiwd through severe tr ia ls It Is token Into ft room the floor of'W hich la marked out as though for a tennis court. I t Is ruled with strips o f polished brass which mark the m ^ s - urem ent of the stripes of the flag and uf the flag Itself.

Here the bunting It cut Into strips meas­ured by th* bras* bar*, and the strips are laid aside In great piles ready for the hands ef the workers. .

The navy flogs have thirteen slrlpes. In one com er there 1# a blue fleld upon which there a re whit# star*. After the stripes *r* cut they sre qairisd Into a Uei«rtment where s it th* strips sewers. They are then ready for th* star*, form erly the work w«* don* by hand, and then a great num ber of work women had to be em­ployed. Now It la done by machine and the giris only have to work the needle through the red and whit*. Very oooti the Govern­m ent will have electricity to work ihe ma­chine* and the girl* will only need to guide the stripe* through the * l« trle sewing ma­chine. ,

The work of cutting out the stars is in- •tereatlng. Foreman Crimmlns takes a piece of w hite cotton and fold* It tftenty or th irty times. He then takes up *-blg braw s ta r and lay* It upon the goods. With quick atroke# ot the hand* h* mark* around the at*r and then w ith a big knife he cut* out a whole eonotellatlon at once Sometimes he doe* the work wllh a chisel and mallet, hawing out the stars w ith heavy itroket. ^ „

The alar* a re then taken into the flig- room to be sewn upon the blue Held w form a ifhite sta rry emblem. . ,

There Is no right or wrong side to * flag, therefore every l i l t needs ninety *l*r»—forty-flv* (Or each aide. The flig- lew era m uit tik e *kch a la r and with firm itltc h and accurate eye, eew It upon tho blue fleld, Itttlng It flat and firm. A certa in number *( stitches 1* used for each point, and Ih* otar-atltcher who varies from this matheniqtlcal accuracy s lOOn Informed that her gpace will be bel­ter preferred than her cOmjpany In the de- isrtm ent of flag* In tha United Blaiei

A Deelaralhw of Prlwllpal l aiul a From lie tH TMwt* ta Oome,

(M. Quod.)W llh ihi* number Th* K leher enler*

upon the fourth year of Mg cxloeence.I t was rounded on flftocn cents and a | hVisViI 'id

S(?I?^cnrv«?*!ilTn2l. ’irossovsr* ond'twflclws Bx mav b* Tsoulrid for tbs otoPst* ssts slut “ momlssl upirxiloB uf the sslil lln* of strsft rxllwar s* shown on tb* m»o or p lu of sftld

ot tiirit. died with ths sOPilcfttlon tu’ ’ ‘S n d lo i^ lf T h ? "m w n t and e em it is lQ n h sreby kIvba lo coiiAtnirt, opraat* and

p „ . r i e u l o f t l^ ' o « b r o < g l r « . «>* V l . t - “ "™l“ ’“""w n.U A H E .^R E *T H |A D ^^

D a M a r o l i IM.aia

rid tS«’rS r t M Alv« mNjm tha raDrAM con- that H i* «mf*rrtd AB(1 raoAlv*d uaon the tV*^J‘.nd™>n|lit.on. sod « h j« . .0 th .

dftArmlnatlon to ‘‘i l l thar*," aod t«w!ay the plant li worth IH,0(I0.

i r m i t l t iM f i w h ich t r * cf»niAln*d a a d aet K n h l??nd‘'fmpo»sd by th u , o rd lt iaaoss o? tOs

irf Atra*'l and W a te r i tim ia lAt*o ii*ra of

i J S r V c E O F I I J T ^ T V > N - B o . r d o f f lt t s s t .» «

Iniuntlon o ^ h * I ^ r t Nswaft. uodej i

‘■''"''irHHiS'.: fisssr*?/

vhA tfliv lit N ew a rk p a n t ln it con raA l and p* t- to the ra id * ?n » lW a te d T ra e tjo d

Atina ine _________

in addition to the n ew ip ap tr w* own and have combined with It a grocery, a n ea t, market, a teed store, a gun st«ra. and boot and ihoe store, all being flnder o roof.

We are editor and p ropris tar of the most Influential weekly In a l l Arioona, and In addition we hold the ofltcas of Hay ur Slate Senator and Poetffloater.

In the three years we have had to shoot and plant thirteen men; have boen shot at twenty-four ttm ei; have been wounded thrice; have seen Olveadam O u k h expand from twenty-one lo forty-three osloens: have made forty speeches, superintended a Sunday-school, M a cliurch choir, and won two a t poker a i ^ divided oquare up with ths heathen, 'H e o ^ th e tuMest running mules and the beet Jhihting dog In the Territory.

In making the above stalem enta w* are actuated by no spirit of borabisat or ego- tlam. but our sols Idea I* to 1st Coatern folks Bse tor themselve* w hat ambition will do for a man In a new eoualry.

Aa to the future of The K lckw , each succeeding number will grow better and

- construct, upcrfttu sad maln- ffl"n^h?um ?'lh? u t« r , . t iurf.eei- u . Ih* n lh s r tm*ll or « « * £ » lim n -r rm iiw a j tn

n iiV now m A in ta lB rt l tn d op * ftt*d b - •'*- ^ \ i Bjirf pArtl«*uMrly Bob jro t t-S r m i A n S ^ c iv lU l'jn A a iu J UmUAtUtfiA ctiOL

im t« S d b v lb« (irtllnane* •n t lt lr t !In ami . „ ,p „« ,r itr th*

duty of tho aoeraiary to noUfy # « - r t t iM the mArobera of the commlUee. ‘-Sh? ftJL^membsr Mroed calls the otAer*

iS d srrangea for the negessaty co m m ltte^m ee lln g ^T h * following 1*


K gil"""-' [iioS at’’our'^neH mjftlag.-------- ,, ^ b n i u

r r i in t i ic * to su ih u r le e end e tm w w cr the Con- J-m u ic d T ra c t io n Cum iiaav . t c u r iw c it lo n In- n S r iw lS r f un 'lec thu law s uf the * la tc u f New

to k c a i f . c n n iiru u i. u|isr*ta am i m a in - ( I iV l i t w t ru llw x v a a n i s n im r ic n a n c M ..var M i t K h c e rtsmJrtd 'iu t irt 'aB lu lise u ’uen tlv rstiiJacF. v a l l i a t c i u n i

‘5 . x i ^ . nf N ew a rk , c n t l i le i " A n o c lln a n ce E jaun iU cm cn t sn i,n lln a n c» e m lile d an o rd inance

s n i cm ik iw er l lw ronao lIrta iiH l !S . .^ , ' f l? r c r n o s '" '. n co r iw ra lto n litconn ira tod

law V ..f the m ate o f N ew Je rse y , lo ilS 'am ‘ w i i i r m l- ni>erati' a n i n u ln l i i ln i l r e e i JSSf'ia 'va ao 'l aunurtennneea over and th ruu sh S i« iT f * * iw ia AVM iora am i h lch w aya In Ih*

w iw lr k apTTcVrtl J u ly 13. IR W / ' w h ich / m e X i V l nanr* w ra im raw l i f a y fit.

IS u lS ia or enn In' m * i* to s P i ' ly to Ih* !S2SrS?tlon. oorratton ani mslntensiK* o f the f rn lS T ^ a t r k it ra ilw a y tirrH nabove aa i fo r th , ' 'm lr t lo n 1 T h s said com pany she ll rep lace the

M , « - s i a . ”-S 'sn a .7 S Jia !

S “» * r S r s i a f i . r 'S , d r . s f cfoutifiatlori:

Tha W V ln g <d BTBBET,from M onm ou th s tre e t ‘ ®s h H l a ap h s it p f t 'e m e a t upon * c o » o r s ie t o i» M r f H i and from B n r o ls y a t rs e l lo H e ln lo lU asm n S : 5«h oblunx xrenit. block p*vem«t upo« a rand fu e n d a t^ :

Tha ® » '^ " y " v E R L T A V E N U B .R fliaF rra l r t r a r t to f ta rc lA if r tF ra t wlib

upon a eo fic rrt* foum la* ra t to K lA h ira n th aV*- Ipcta pavem ent upon a

Hhrat A*phal« paven ii non. And from lU r c I i nup. w ith iiblnn® r r a n i B u n i rrmn«lAtfuiie

The » T ln * o f w n t is i iT .from Mpfo^r r t r e r t to C o ttrt K a U S v fm r t U upeo a M a fT r tA fouadA lJon .

Th* n sv ln x o f j , ^ ^ b t R M K T ,frtim Gpiiiteal A v ran * to M iinras ih P r t ArtStaU pat# m *ftt a cem ew u founda- imn.


bftter! wfe fear no man cm the Ctai^or ih S | oM^tau” ^ earth, and w^hen_w._atr_lke w . j l t j t r r MI ['Kwe are worth, W eY haff jaw , every Tsib 'is 1 f a t ‘ isMtfull of murder*, robhertw , ghiM ■*•»*•#. I g f l i- to M n thickness, nni will nian lay spoa iragedlc* and to on. and our local pagsi | nn Mliitr at rest smi.Vsnisnwolwill continue to be red-hot and the poUtl- I Lraet lUio »roovs<l rail* ui'on a like cooorew cal article* full of P«PP*r. E v e ry b o ^ g e ti founistlon „.x,„,vsr the nmpsr munlclnsl hi* money'* w orth in The Arioona Klexer, »Ktlon 4 ’«hsnr r ,^„ || 3; .•u lh o r 'llss or ins > >> ' '. , u m . r

term lns to pave or rsjiavs atiu •. n w n u t.

jtllTTH nIXTM •TRKF.T.from Twsifih lo nilrteenth sh-snoo;

VkIn "B AND .Rnu>l“BTBrv.T.,

T h e iitflM B e* o f W rite rs* W tv ea .Much ot Ihe credit and honor whloh an

author Is given belongs. In n tu y cases, to his wife. A marksd example of th is !■ the caoe of Mra, Thomoa Hardy. She tt was who diverted Hr. H ardy from hl» purpose of studying architecture ; she en­couraged him to write; she copied M* flrot novel and even sent it to th e publlaher. There *r* msny month*. It k said. ^ # n Mr Hardy reads but llttls, to r he like* to llvr among the flclltlomi p e ro o n o g sa ^ hi* novsli. During this period, Mrs. H ardy goes through the newspaper* and hooka add krep* abreoat o t the tim es for both herself and her huiband. O ther living writers, whale wive* imt only Inspire them

S U V liV iT O th m ^ i tr»vks''SsSn'Kriorth^ fi®“ . . 'S “ ' im S L n ? . In cu n .M srn tlon irf such

Bhatl ra u ra thA t pa rt

1U foott b i f f o f to be pa vw i o r *•-

S5si*i' ;u ?h ™ ''is"S « th" V im uP w iS i


Only th* moat expert sewer* can handle theae a tari, and a atar-**»*r 1# *«, thh®“ ahead of a strlpe-oswsr a* a modiste is ahead of a aeamatr***.

in th e preoent w ar troubl* the flag de-Krtm ent of the BroMtlyn Navy Yard h «

in qverworaed, and In ip tte of tb* Intro-ductliii oYl'a'bor-iiivIngdsvIoes new hands

' - ■ - ■ orkhave been put to •he num ber turni

f t e r * ll um sth lD f

ork Upon th e flags and has been doubled.

I Tuasdsy svsnlnc.tq.b*

iTUtry IB;

flssr itoff.

y tjiB g to HsoS B a r H aJstoyinw n th* P sttflit *’**•

S S ;T d "h ?h rth S rth % Offosr. m oat., T l«y

n n lla r about the h e navy, Once

n th* took. It bsoomes a life- any of ttn

the flag

,T* been a t woij

m aking oftong wnrS^ V ony ' W tH « " ilr1pe-se*ers iMve been doing the same task day after day for ten irta p i and the s ta r-a e ^ re' -------- - )rk for twonty years. The

It from the some ir* a n t- th # sttna

'qfeman, Jam es Crtmmin*> h** been In

In ^ a m aurtftt a®

ComroiraionFr* ‘‘"Xlw mm

r f s ?s”TOh«G rsln .isiu1fs_'i'

\TJ _ J . _ _ _ t l wS lIsA to llilCity of_K.w.rk -fa , i -the -auleo r r fp a v * il In *vp*ni® an d ohArA< of th* iwUI rnmpAny. «nd

to worit, but ?M tSTKm'ey «ti>end«l h> «»hlnit suchproduetlorts, are Ju lian Haw thorn* and j f iJ jr iT O n t, ani the -'>»• K i n X . h™ ihJ

ider Haggard.

A HSffto <>■»•Come. DIacontent, and stir my

Higher, grander thing*! me no rfi®fc amid fn t ®iot

irtlS'SJi"«tiSi’ny m ’sru'etP tuLm wM«* oxnixrt Of Ct»1!lipPl*ll1 ■^*"[5^^^ ia?JirpUAVln® (It don* by «®ld

. ____ !..._ xhxw cisavitossxefwinniOBl

I Ih 'a n y “e oa rt ' o f c tnm ic icu t mr}}'*!;;";’ '!,

e s x l d B o f t r i o f B lree t a n i .

Give me no rest 1 oth that smoothl i l i Bo«ri of Blreet iM w a te r t um-

J ? , » n i thS t the fust ? ' l " * S r h ' i

. contentment brings.Arouse the warrior* of my will and arm

.STe br'th*''«sld''q‘>''»F.■ J 'lto w U r# u f l l r « - tlo Ih*

iblMlon*rH by the 'them, iword and tu n .

And force tnem lo th® front until n®ir |

Id romp«ny wrakly,Th.t

lories *r* won,th i - ® k V f X ' S JS rS -lV lfe ^ . 'n d •S L a S t o n e r s ^ t . w rit te n s iu y ^ lsn c " . u f th*

■gwer underitahi and can dsteet ksoon ga It SMohta th ro tw b . W Angers,

a defeotlve uHca gaiasa tn___ ____ lost unusual th Jn f-U ts attoutiA hy ih* w sriu rs, m Hm I Apoor Bag

In c*a« I ____ .he lire-U ts apesdily

Far bsdter ts be crushed amid tb* Hire*, tempestuous fray .

Than, Uk* tha hslplesa plkht, to llv* and ?ot and pas* *wky.„ - - ,x .

For gods and m ortals have decreed th# leiivaliant one* who die

in grand. defeat or* nobler fa r th an ' (bey who dar* not try.

w ith e*ch to-day, oh, DIacontent. tnelt* my lu if ld thought

To belter, grander theme* than a ll th* ye*. ■ ------- ffhl,■ reuse ray Is-T**v

tsrd ay t have brtnmhl, spur me to my task and 1 tau t otrsngth until

My every ^ 1* vonqulihed b!oryL"! wUI!" _ „ „

-.Nixon w aterm ** In L, A. W. BulioUn.

^ J A M B B « 8 « “ ° ‘ '’ ’ * ' i j , y o r .

I i n ffniUnwTt 1ft tb * ftbov* ftAvliiAA and ra-

S la r t t 5w‘nf Ihi iitftt* laws (

B?? D WiS.* al?to. fmm auih svsBUe for a«?'* ! T ( t l o * r e ^ \ n ‘h*Y5Tiiciie* li 'd ism ste r.

eVt ih^ftPPurtenMice. mtesissnrT o x t lh e r w tth e lt to comnltie tb* 2 * ^•^to-h' s h m o M *• a r a r * b j** l t lw r r to a r* r t -

K T S S r a T th * lr dH w tW n# In w r lt ln f . ’ “ " i t S L o r e h lT O r a o f S tree t s n i W e te r C w -

> • ^ . 2 ' ^ S t l S o r . the e xu lrs llo n o f I v *

Jl^SiSTuM hi / ltr*« end »*!*» Co^mlasluners uf ' } * ^ ^ ^ f , " | 5iuN r)r.,

K*w*Hc<(lenersl h u O S ? t'^ ® t »f Worha

jj , 3., JCarcft I®. IB®®.

prULU- OTi«r*d M ta

, nrw*r In __iura*a Awnb*.dlAinctar.

>v1d* (o r Ih* nrtriKitctaoMirti from DtakATWii •am* to DA 13(if A pip*

i t ira i toJSxx^"'w''pr*>vMe tor tb* coneUuettMi / " , 3 ’uUk^Ds s»w« re South Buventh itrsst.

?rSl!lK» re provldu for ths „ > ® , S ^ T O merer tn QMtmse strsstrowtrqotre.

A n Qniy*«»J*T.4i 2 » « * f In B i)«th JPahtAAtatb SJnSt^from HpSmiTO svsbu* to NtnstssotB

t m M ;^ lC r o r 5i r « l l s ^ i u nt™ if.', i-^ rh su ® ;SL :?r,K W v f e


”*Th* Abov« raWM to Ih* su t*

conatnicrtrf ivlHlon* oC


A N e rd lm B U . <® • “h ' '( 5 ] ; x e * " w “ t " S ] n « ;

S ? 'A 5 : " : a ’B y £ j a S r £ !! T ! . S ' 5 r S ? w U.X

o fV lS -t t^ s e w o r s v B . t o . ’Tfum

S w bnaV s.b toh .W JheJhabH of purI

WAI Soap-sprung— P r a ilin o . Cam* from soap— an improve-

I on dtilyJ

aveftufA Aiid h1«h-

WJTlVf'thsitwsri"^^ Oran** » r ^Whsrsft*. th* al (1,1s g u ts ,

', i '- ? ; f .S S ; . to v r e a . iU b - -Aoii* of ehftptsr tW ot

,Ja H BTAINflbY, ‘ n l Itatrrat arid 'WAtit'Frraldrat of il»*

" ‘'™” l" 'on"tv iL L ,A H j«.,0 ^ ^ ^

I tamrant _1 mAinttain

rAllway f i l l k l i S Y S ^ D S S S P t i BgMWrHff M M vri*. --J.

ivm SM i M M

o p e u — - ----------t; - j .fjiat good soap has you n find in All me ioap is in it that‘s neces- iinc isn’t meant to be us^ With

j but to take Aegises ofit- nvery- tliat soap does, IM S m and


“"t'sSSfS^sisaAtahir AVrtlU® Id to

Atafi ifiArt owiarathMf taiw

^ iT rxE tm Metao w .KKMMilld <**f* **JS?*tlL7 " ppUcatiooi I® th t Qom* Pita®


o^SnpS^W ^K uK wrtr»'hhoiitpalnafl

Page 10: First Edition. - DigiFind-It

N kW A kK JSkWd,. .A m ,■'• van a


X . a f Irtom tba E u n iM

U Owril

PttMklDC bar* b*T* b«comc aniu t* M ««nU r to tit* »<rl "t® P**^* ■"ll: ;& •« • tba SoDUllti «*■» hM bwotno »

iMhionable, ftrl» who h*vo w v tr h w ■ trtnatb oooufh to ■*• up lot

‘ now turn out *»rly to l»k« t«*ntir ml ■ u f «t*reiM a t tho bOf.

OoK h»4 to b«ooiD» » 1»<I ‘n n U C * to * wliol«»me, htorty esun

b« .pppr«iw*®. * "V tid r r i wtoT b** h*» tollowid »l*o « t •

wblt* haod.a n iw lont*r "tit* tbl®*- J * ** that ahow* irotiiln* and ' ' ’.“ h , and *ub ib a t U Ih* Index ol tb* nthletlo

''T \“?n’T . “ nthi^^^.m■ tor *hom heathaa no t*rrora. But " '“•U ® ??" “Z ii ie J •port o rrf rr tti* criip coW S K ; Th»t « « rc lt* nuiyit%« of wopthtr, how*v«rt hon th* •mQtlon pul Ip ortor for h vM«d to oocloty or work,

j the plik^* of oul*of-<loor ®*'** j S S t A ^ o u r* wonwn who h « r r t u r n ^ t ^ a ^ a 1e” i5 e<l from a ball Bavea h . r

■Iclal and In many Inatancea haa •Ivaiv “ a“ i tS tit* "fw t eurr " f»»r montha a*o

Iheir rx- haa been

on... »ndon the folf

b a ‘WV:i«er\?rSlf1woman are ■danclna a t , t lw .? r f™ ? iaood

rh^'T^hZ^r e x ^ r» -the b ar «w> xame are ri aponalhle


tJiB Old I'hll

To' owed ma 1« bomtwad moit*y, M * rackon I a in 't do only one. Would a hua- drrd dollara pay w hat /o l® * * ! '' ^

"Mebba," waa tha doubtful repbf."And mebba It would Ulto d o u ^

•um. To’ am a man who alm a f l or .1* pw week. By atric t aconomy yo (It alonu In a .*t»T •* “ “

. - m lrht make bM f eaitda_ ■__t- km. mn®m « t. hut while head ober heeji In d ^ *

aumbody chaaln' yo around all de tlma^yo Inveat wO In a diamond pin, why_ _____________ I*'*,';'*yo' bulTa atVamboiat or •

"U at pin wan mighty cheap at dc pnea, •ah," explained Brother

f>«rhapa it waa. I "waa o(lered_ a thou-

oouch aa early aa tha young woman who b!Srnot diaalpated, and b»igl"* J J " fifteen ninntM ' woriL PC 1 ^ ptiDchlpff baSt

ThiM c lr li (bad tnair ■leepln^ a S ^ i r t p l n t ! ^ m u Iw fnrelhay a u r l

Rya at drat, a f**, IJ]® am tba ba« upon their

pa In retu rn eada quickly

W ord! a t tfa ra lnx fromMopher,

[By .M. Q iiid .l"Am ricklea Smith In de hall thla eave-

n ln T ' aaked Brother Oardner. aa tbs regular bualneaa had hern dtapoaed of at th r Saturday night meeting.

iqcklea waa there. He had Juit got com­fortably settled behind the atove for a nap, and It Was with reluctance that he

**^m idder Smith." continued the prcal- dent after taking a drink and clearing hi* voice, "I waa down to de grocery de odder eavenln* In buy two pound! of codnah, an ' de grocer waa Jeat puttin ' up an oMcc 10 go to yo'r houae. He handed out white augar, Oolang tea, de cholceat flour, Java coffee, and tloh bu tler aa I never u»l'"l tn all my life How many mlllyon dollara am vo‘ aruih, Brudder Sm ith?'

" ra e aimin' HO a week, aah. waa the

^*'"An' yo' haln 't got nullin' to apeak of? "No, tab ." , . ,"D a t'l how I thought It waa, but I

didn’t know fur auah. When I “ecn de fooda put down fur yo' I kinder apeeted

"W^ail**^'^gft^up powerful airly In do mawnln' I n ’ ;{art“ ‘l.u't fur a **»«,• ,p«» f dat pin to everytiody yo meet till yo ilnd a bigger Idiot than yo', am K « P walkin' day an' night till yo *e, when yo' git de caan pay B on yo r d e b it Yo' hev about aa much uae *ur a d lrao n d pin aa a mewl haa fur ahoet of aolld gold. How many y'ara am It 'In'-® tqoken by de collar an well lio^ed.

"Nobody nebber dun kicked me m all my life, aah." , . ...,“Den dat account* fur yo r buyin dal loro-fool diamond pin. I ahall be »t*nd1n at my gate at * o'clock In de mawnln , on' If yo’ll ciim around dat way I U de­vote half an hour to your caae. I hev a •uah remedy fur yo'r aliment an a rte r

ht*v looitfn one dop«‘ nobody Kl_n Mjjyo’ A hundreJetlolUr dtamond fur |!0. Yo*j^ a . . ^.,>.a t k . cSa4.AW O A a lW *'In io l down Hrudd^r

“ My f re n i/’ Mid Brother Q ardnjr th«- M ltn tf In tho hall «rew painful w hat fiUii d« alverak^ cull'd man of lo-niy am hl6 am hiihun to •well around an ^ a» b it a t da whUa man. In teakln* to do dli

\ 7 1/

7y I




1^ ■ w t e *



pujnuicBoardi _____ alricta

flnaUy oa Twiday,,liaruB M. tin t and p|ao*a. and ccnwuliif tni tu t acovral •i«ctv

fL"d"iWcty at .be " « L

tha avMIMS. at ‘

I k Hob, l5 “ ding tbMJIo name*of all perwiaa •“.“i'A?® iSS “

AV tsbieftcpsnliaiilbrAS'' sUnilaUnd tterood aodBe ula*U qgttieS lanadB e


I V t A M S i H i u m i >

UromotesDi UoiiChBerful- n e s s andR cst.C ontfllns n d t h r O pium .M orphine n o r M n e r a l I t o x N A B C O T l C .

a a fO d iyS V ttS Z B llB S Ii

A x jaaui*iU a a ,s .k a

•JU e*

ww .w aa■ ■ w w -^ j ■ —w *

l io n . S o u r S t o i n a c h ,D L , W o rtnsjC onvu lsions .f tw rish ,- a c s s O ld L o s s O F S l e e b

i M S i n i t S ifna tu fc o f




tba right and elM- rtar alao-

Of- ih .lt b . ahowTO’. wriVteS-'amdivft • ?«IPVo«r <5 meb tfittrift to b* . le g a l voter therarrom tha nama .of

an»h“; rwill b . held on,Tuewlay, , A ^ m the ™ polla to be open from il* o c f ^ l n !«• vmltl aeven p clwk In 'be everUng fiU ^ 'o r ih ? followTnrn^nwl ofll^r^ to wlu

ow member of the Board of Bt«et and Walar'^"T.o'imlueTot tb . N .w .rt City Home,

AIM f«F lh« •locUon Rlcen fitf u ch ward In ■•W oHr* ** wl ®oWcenOn* ComnUMloner °L S i'’'X re ’’“**’' On# constabl*' thr#e And ™n.i«blej.pWbjr.iliw &?..1 of niimJ^y i i i l‘^.t^^HoV.-^JI be^held a . above .tmjd


t i m

The im la win ^ fov 'he receptionSf^voimTft ih riiev ira lX tlo n dlitrtot. a l thefollowing-named niecee, to wit;UBT o r POBUNO PBACBB TOH CHABTHB

KLECTION, APRIL, JI. »*W.kirbt w a r d ,

n ra t dlelrtct, W liellevlllo ava.Mect>nd dletrlot. A?* Broad et. y f f l dletrlot. B ^ d «t.Pourili dletrlct.” ;? Oranga «t.Fifth dletriel. W Central ava.Hleth Cletrlct, tug Ilroad at. freaO, gt^-'eVh dletrtct. M Broed at,

bbcond w a r d ,FIret dWrIcl. Waihlngt™ it.Second itlatrtct,. .HL.Baleey *1-

|•v«nlh dUrtrict 458 Wa»Mn«ten #t*t h ir d w a rd .

AN ordfatau to authoilM a&d wapnw#r thm K«wu« and Soutt Qrant* S tm t RAUwa/ CompaAy. a oorperaUoo Inoorponiad oadar tb« lawi ol tb# In iu D< N#w J#rMy, lo locat#. wsn*

— - _ a m niu«■muteMFWt opm ui aa4 niaiouin— raDwaya aad tbalr appuneuBotc , - aad throttah o«ruin jurMti!. av«au«e and ktfh'* waya ia tha ottr ol U% wA

W h a r« t1j« Nawark aad Sooth Gtabc* B(r#at Hallway Comuaj^. a corpuntloo of tu a Blau. prtMnud ta thlahoard Ua application, W pfUUcgiui. AM wlih ihla boa^ on Pabruaix MVMiaantb, •Ictotuii huodrad and niaat7*a1«ht« for content and ptrtnsaalun to cotiEtruot. operata and maintain a lln# ol atnaia-traok aurfaew atrt#t railway within tba city of Nawark. upon tha street# and hlchware,.or portfona of atraai* and h Rhwaya. In aald cflr, m ataM In tba fi>Uowlnj( dcacrtTitloni:

Rotita No. 1—liatlnnina ta tha Una of ItiIoubta-irack railway on Parry etiwat. croijoalta EeWhortrr elrtet, and from tbenu nauftuui ta

Boutherly direction alorif HcWhoilaf atreetto johnwVn atrMi; tbaa^ carvliif to'tLe*wMtilonf Jolmeofi atraat to Hermoa Mraat; tlMwca cu rso r to tha loiiih alon* Hei— “ *South atreat; thfpi........................Pi

w ard t ' f i j ' i i l

a t the point whera tha track# of U a Ooo* dated Traction Company are now laid; frona nee running a lo n t s lm etreet In a •otith'*

-------- - Hermoa a tm t to____ ____ . -.jce nurvinr to tha aaat atootfSooth atraat to Paoi^ atraat; theboa c tirv lu to tha north alonp Pacific atreet to Chaatn^ Biraate and there coemeotlM with tha liae of tha Coneohdatad Traction Cumnwr at tha In- teraectlon of Paclnc atreet and Cheatnut atraet.

Ilouta No. a—UcKttiDiojr tn the lint of Eln» ■treat, at lU Interaaotion with Paoifto atreet* and at If ‘ «aididatad__ _ ---,thence running a lo n f---- -------- — ------easterly direction to Handford atraat: thane* curvlnc to the eouth alone Sandford euwet to Warwick atreet; thence curvlnf to the went alone Warwick nlraet to Van Buran a lM t: thenca curving to tha north alone V an Burea ■treat to Walnut etraat; thence curvlnir to tis* west aluna Walmii etraat to lioWhoncr idreat* and I here conneclinf with tha Una of Rout* No 1, above deacribed.. „to th of aald routea twine crtenelona of tbiaf ntm owned and operated by aald Nawufc and South Oranee Street Railway Company.

And ateo for content and permlealon to oodi* etruct any and ail neceaMrv curvee. a id lim croaa-overa and awltcbee (hat m a/ m required (or the proper, #*fa and economlo*! oparallMof tha above-deeienated line* of ■tree! railw ay, and to have Skeif and determined the looatloDL of the ralla or tracka n( aj^d etroet railw ay*

. or aeid hlkhwaya baralnba- d the place In which wl»a ercln for tha eupport of tha

rirat dletrlct, 1kecfind dlairlcti wi Waal at.T^rd dlatrtct Kinn^ at.Fourth (tlatrlct, MS Bwma e t Fifth dlilrict, Tfi lUrelay at.Ataih dl»trli?i. TS Waverty ^ Seventh dlftrlct, 181 Spruce at.

id determined the louatlona_______ __ . _k« n(_aald etroet raJlw

apod BUch porllona o (ore deaerlbed. and .... eball be located therein overhead trolley ■yateru. ^The motive power to be need tor the opafa* tion of tha care upon aald railway llnaa to b* eleciricUy. by meana of the ovarhaad trollay ■yaiem. And did alao (Ua mape a^m paaylnc ■aid petititjb. and ehowiny In detail the route* above deerrlnad and the propoead location of iracke and of polaa. for the aupport of th* overhead troi)«y oelem; and.

fo u r th WARD, rtrrt dletrlct. ST^MulberTy at..

Whereae. Public notice haa bean duly pm m of attoh application and of the Intanilon o f thla board to conalder the same, by publlcatUm, and opv of tha aald notloa In ftv*

at public place# In amid city

0u w ik tg « i tT rU * iM iN t* i i i i i« i ir . at i Ml Mil U W k. Deal kDgv ta |« * to h B■ ■ ■ M M H M a i a M H H m M H e m i mU U m l Deal i Dm

MMtklM mImm flw aha ilia or


tecond" dl*tilct. IS Mulberry al. Third dletrlet *S‘Fourth dletrlct. ZTO Market at-Fifth dletrlct, M Gt|»n iL Blath dletricl, MS Mulbeary aL

FIFTH WARD. Flrat dletrlct. 101 t^lon el. Second dletricO^Proepact ■** Third d ie tr lc t-X l^ m SL Fourth dielrict. I l l Fern at. Fifth dletricl. jM l to k e t et.Slith dtatrlot. &M Market at,


aleo by pueUn* a coior more of the njueL. ---------rof Newark, at leant fourteen ^ y a prior to th* data of aaid meeilny of thla k^ rd ; a ^ Whereae. Upon the day (Ued by aald nettM* public bearinjr waa slven to all peraona dailrinrlo ba heard In favor of or oppoa^ *------wiM inteteeted In aald applipntk•allway f»achiae. and tha aald mirtter h a v l^,ean ^ lly ooopiderwl b j^ h ta ^ ^ ^ g L ^ ^ ^ th a

Flrat dletrtct, 7 Rutfara at. ttefond dletrlct Slfi.Aoadem.......... . ,.oadamy at.Third dletrlct. IM Hunterdon et.Fourth dlttrlct, IBSS South Oranga ava, (raar). Fifth dletrlct. M Fairrounl ava,iiV."a«le.“W «t‘ T«eil. t Mark

SEVENTH WARD.Flrat dtolrlcl, ** N ^ l l t iL

U .D SSewwid aiairlct^JBuama ava Third d l.trlr t.M Warrtn a tFourlli dl.trlot to wlckllSe A rifih dlatrlcl. « Sdrlngtold ava. Slitb dl.trlcl, 1W6 Bank a t

ElOHTH WAm>. Plrel dletrlet. « Van Wagenen at- HwSid d lilrlr t,^* ^Bevllle »vaWuhlagtm

mBaR........... V«x)na ava

Stath dletrlct. 108 Ogucn ft.

Third dletrlct, Fourth dlalfic.. ,. Fifth dt#(rlc1. 218Fourth dlalfict. 2M FloamBald at*...................... “IS Vei

S / t l- 'T h e l a t h e r m a d e b y F a i r y S o a p i s a b a n d a n t . r i c h a n d o f a p e c u l ia r ly l i g h t a n d d a in ty f o rm a t io n , g iv in g n n -

n s o a l d e l ic a c y c o m b in e d w i th n n n s a a i c le a n s in g q u a l i t ie s .

NINTH WARD. Firm dletrlct. *00 Hulbernr it. Srennd dl.trlcl. 41 Sltermaa avaThird dl.trlct. 18} CllBloa ava. Knorth dletrlct, 10r cunn uiwj I,.,, ,J HllUr el. Fitih dletrlct. 10 Elltabetta avm

TENTH w a r d .FIret dielrlct. J » MeWhortw i t Second dletrkt, to Ptolnc et.Thlrd'dlattict, J«lfer«n at,

h dletrlct.F?«h*dl.trti^'^,'rt'o'>>»* a t

tw Faclflc it. (raai).Stith dletrlct, Seventh dUljict,................I.Wct, 10* _Eighth dlitrict, ST Moulton it.

F A IR r SO APTSOF flSouta Be D e S o lte a n d -Brief,

Rot O endH Ional a n d P ro tra o te d .From tha New York Sun,

Thla latter propounds a que.tlon ot grave Importance to wcIrtY, and Invite*

discuaaton which should be of general Intercil;

To the Editor of The Sun; BIr-W hat a father’s duty for the happlnem and

Pare, W hite, Ploatiiif;. T he Soap o f the C enta ty .THE K. E . rAlRBANK COUPANT. Cbleaga BL Loulg. !rew Tork.

iia q a pa BaEiaiiitoi i» « i i iiJUi i#W fla n i « *ifiirnTniw ntoi

KBOAUUMBSTS o k MARRIAGE. ord aa a serloua and deflnite obligation, ■netting engaged" ll • grave m atter; there ar« In life few compaeta with con- aeauence* more tar-reiem ng; no man w orthy to be a huahand proroli** mar- rlagr without the determination lo wed the girt within a reasonable time, the sooner the better.

The old way for pareiUa to require of a man dawdling about a daughter to

welfare of hla daughter under the follow­ing eondllloni? A fter a four-yeara court- ahip a gentleman u y a that hla nnaneciare^ not eufflclent for him to oiarnt at pre«n t,' but th a t ho will continue hla at- tentlpn and when the future develop. hl» reiourcea ao that he can support a wife he will then m arry the daughter. Of courae, this la understood between them; and It I* further agreed tha t If meantime either prefers sn o rte r , the engagement la

“ 'and he or ahe can marry the one of

deciar* hie Intention*,” tliat te to gay, w hether he wag monopoltilng her com­pany and driving off other fellow, with the gertoug Intention of marrying her If th e would, or .Imply gratifying h i. van­ity by aecurlng her preference. If a man expresses h i. intention to m arry a woman a t w m e deOnlte time in the ,fu tu re when

1. convenient for him, It 1. not a be-

o(t,hii choice.' Such a fatuous contract la ■uggeillve. The dim future 1. dwk, with uncerUlnty, aa applicable lo the condi­tion*. Hence the queatlon.

"In a recent editorial you .trike the keynote of my question In saying; T he ■uperiorlty of the tumultuous youthful panlon and Impulse of the daughter^ to the experience and Judgment of the pa­rents wrecks the happlnwa of too many

"ATE!homes.' rEIlFA M lU A S.'In the drat place neither a irirl herwif

nor her paren t, should tolerate a fouryiara’ e n ig e m e n t, except under very ex­traordinary circum stance.. It li Injurious to the girl In many w ay. and serve, no dcilrable purpoM. The prolonged ac- qualntance doe. not tend to the better prepiratlon of the pair for marriage, hut r ttn e f to produc* wpartneea lb one or tit* other which decreaaea the probabllltte. of eventual m arriage as the time l» evlcnd* ed, I t lg an unnatural retJtlon, As a rule no man ought to "court" a girl until he Is tn a sKiiitlon lo m arry her; he haa no right to ash her to become his wife unlew he It already In a condition to ustunie thereaponalbimiei of matrimony, Heeaune man haa conceived an affection forwoman he ahould be all the more ai xlous to save her from tying hersetf to him In an engagement of Indcllnlte duration. An a lte m n lto bind her by a promise of mar­riage a t some remote time in the future, determinable by himself only. Ic pure self-*’ A'^betrothaf' ta simply an engagement preliminary to murrlage, and it .hpuld hot be rntered Into by a man until hi can see hie way to Its fuiniment a t thi a ltar Hence, a hetroihai oiigtu to be nn, nounced with scar-ely less formsilly than the marriage llaelf. 'rbe Jews who advi>r- ttso their engagem ent. In the newspapersfollow a proper ami deslrnnie course In -------thus making a bciroihul ii matter of reo- .eribed,

trothal. I t amounts to nothing, for he_ j_ . n |g ui^rtiymakes 'no absolute promise, a conditional agreement, and It 1* 1 to hla own pleasure to settle the condltlwg.

In the peculiar Instance referred to oa

ELEVENTH WARD.First district. IM Htowm si.BKond dlstrlrt. 1« Busasx avfc Third dlilrlrt w flrat to Fourth district, SIS Orange to Firth dHtriol, tot Orange to Sliih rtUtrleC 815 MIrt ave.Seventh dlstrlot. «1 Orange to Eighth dletrlct 9 » Warren to

TWELFTH WARD.Flrat dletrlct. Id Wall at.Second district 1* Bowery a t Third dletrlct #8_Bi>werT SI.Fourth dlMrict, STS .Ferry to Firth district. Ito Niagara at.Blalh dlflriet, lOl Magaibw st.

THIRTEENTH WARD.Flrat distriet. toS Camden at. g ^ ^ ^ l r i o t . m Finaeath avtv Third district M5B^ht*lS'i!,*''*'Fourth diirtrict to* BwInjriWd ava.H tih dletrlct. h » ^ I n g ^Sixth district. *0# fciith orange aea. Seventh dletrlotlto Sixteenth a™Eighth district *1 jNinth district, Olloton ave, and Clinton to


Tnird diiirtrt. » UHI«Friurth d ir t r ic t 9 ' ^ *Fifth dletrlct, 5l» Belmont *ve.Sixth dlitflete HT reirrlew *v«.Seventh d la t^ t, WEllffhU dlatrtct, 888 Morrl# • « .

rirTKSNTM WARD.FlT*t dietrict, SW O w g t *t.AMond dtatpttt, 7 Snmm^-av#.Third dlatrlot. «7 r Fourth 1ft - --Fifth dietrtrt. 88 fitone et.^Sixth dhitrict, ^ Fifth *t

________ i*____ to or In no/ilcMlon for etreetwiM intetreted■ fmnchlei.. _ .

Iljr Doopidcred byihp*Dy hEvliur n u - __me mwrd the coneenT. In wrUtnr. ot the owner

or owner# or their duly nuthorlaed leitnl r e e ^ •enUtU’ea. of «i lenet on#-h#lf, In llneel feeC o* irty frontlTiK upon enld eireete, or

a e«ni9. upon which permleelon to looeto* Lie end melnuin aald lloee of etreet r*tk*

way I* Belled:Now. Uierefoia. the Board ot Mreet and W— ter Coramlnlonere of the city of Newark, and on behalf of tha uunlclpanty thereof.“*lectl«r f ’*'lba'l consent and permlmloe la hereby jrrenled to the exld New*n end Bbeth Orsaee Street Reltwey Company. Ip locale, eolV* atrvet, operate and maintain the Ihtoe ^ railway mentioned and daectibad to the **M peiltioD therefor, aa followe; ^‘ Bf of atokle-traek aurfaca etraat 1*11-

itmini In the waaterly track of aald I line of atreet railway In Fsrry ■tretls at a point therein dletant twenty feet northerly from where the aanaa la Interaectod by ihe Mrtherly line of MeWtorter ktreet ex­tended: Ihenct by * curve curvlft* t o _ ^ right with a radlua of elx^ feet, the diatanoe. of tlghtF'il* an ..........M the centre — __ — .. — . _ -runnlns alon* the aame aoulh forty-aeveo de­creet weft all hundred and nineteen and twenty-four huadredtha fm ; tbeiirt eUtt aio*i the a ^ e aouth forty-aix deffreea iUt/'two mto* u w e ^ t three h undred^d elchty a ^ aev- «nty-tnree hundredth# feet: thence etill alwg the aame *outh forty-ala decree# twenty-five nilnutea weat (our hundred airf eevea «uid ^■* enty-three hundredtha feet: thenoe eltll alone the tome eouth forty-elx deirreee forty-eto mto- utca weet two hundred and fortjj*two and «> -■ — o—a.v , thenoe oy a ourv*

~ ooe bun-

radlua of elxty .......... .. .. ..............lx azul thlrty-lou]' one-hundredtha fen to”the centreline or McWhorter etreet: thance

elfhiy-two h u n d r^ l^ ia— ak Irnfa raMrcurving to ths laU skth a r a ^ , usdr*4 Art. th» Olitanc* « thirty ang .Iglrty- imM-hundlr*4th. f«et lo th . o a o ^ ol MoWhor-ibrM-hundrrtlth. f«et lo th . w i n ol MoV w r^ r r a t ; thtnoa Hill .long th . lau s aqart twanty-ntn* hsgraw mv.n mtnutra wwt .jght hundiMI and four and »v«itr-«v*n hundndite f» t: thanca by a curvs curving to ih. right with a radius ol Xwo hundred f« t the dlstajic. of twsniy-thTM and flfty-slx hundradtha f « l to As w ntrt of MeWhortjr stijat; than« atoag iho Ham. south Ihlrty-flvadsgroM flfty-two mlnutea wast tivvtn hundrsd and vlghty-Sv* - ---------— '— irtotha f« t: thonM^ny aand to rty -n in t hundrsdlha l « t ; ---- . x - „ -corva curving to th» righ t irtih a rad lu i of forty iM t ths d la tano. of slaty-tivp ,anq alghty ooa- hundrsdths Ivrt lo tho ca n tra b f Johnson suw rt; thonca along the sam* north lifty-four t o g t m seven m inutes w ert nm sty-flv . and tw sq ly - ihrto-hundredlhs iMt: lh « c * by • oanra curv­ing lo the left w ith a r to lM M forty foot m stanc* of sixty-four and sixty « n a -h a m )r^ h a fM t Ip, th e » n t r a .o f .H i™ .™ ...!■!"* 1 thatw a

r . o “? r . W r alu o s of slity-thr*a end lorty-tpur.hundrsdlhsfeet to tha centra of »outh e t ^ ; U s w akmg tha sanw south Btty-ssvan degress fony-alna ■mnutas sgat four hundijd and twsgq-rtm « d ^ y -e lg h t tiundrsdths f« t; Ihsnca rtlU akM

same south fllty-twren d K m th ^ -n ln a minutes saal bv* hundrad anif twmty.#va aad saveniy-four hundrtotbs fart; thanoa av a

Seventh ave.S3 Blooit^ld ava.

of the lartslature of the IHtoa of !>•» Jeraey, entitled "A .further aupplamwt u u

ieveniy-four hundradtbe curve curvlnf to the left with a radlM ot feet, the dlatanca of elxhty-foor aito iM rtj- flve huttdl^tha fe*l to the ,of■traet; theoce alouf the aame Botth twxmty-nv* derrato forty-ooe mlnutea aaA elevan bn^rad and thirty fart to tba n o r t^ ly Haa °£ C W a u i ■treat; and there ooBneetln* with the Itoe ,oC the CouMlidated TraoUoo 0>acMy. *t.tbe In-tereeetlo* of Partfc rtrert and yhcotai t *tr*rte2. A Itne* of einMle-trartc avinoa atreet rail­way* b ^ n n ln r In tha cantre ot ^ W h o n er M r ^ St a point tbaraln diauiat fe ^ Borth- erly from the lM>rth Ito# of Walnut thence by a carve eurvln* to the left with * radlua of forty faeL tha dlataBoa of g to^tw * and eighty hundredth* feet to the ou tre of

tbeiw ‘ .S t ;t” p u y f « W S ^ r " f ' h i ’’ta ilSabU s.v .r .t..c« ..m « .d .lo ry Iheraot and .uP-gel some girl he p ^ fr in to **’Arry^ne_wlB^iI p m , era -perhape. irtarry into young wtunan,^ In thecourse of etefnltv. luch a proimaltlon Is an In iu lt to a iHri, even If ll is Accom- lanled by the stipulation th a t she shalj lave liberty to do the same. I t I* not -

betrothal, an engagement, but^atmplytravesty of one of tl pact* nf llfr.

February iNewark, N. J.ptemaatai therrto.

^ D ated CUT H ark ■ o fie ^


he moat aerloui com- e s t a t e o r aaron o. Ba l d w in . nci. of life BD-Purauant to t o oidw to Edwara w.Four years' eneigem enl? Four weeks Is J a c k w i m Butrogal* of t o uomW t o

bettii- ’ Four S i s I* lohg enough. » *man really Is enatoourad of a woiftan every I >ikhi^ ^ ^ cradUore of aaid daooMad to

w.“ S " m , 's.“jks 1 m E V & w w a ’S SprniwaGng or movsring t o same sgamsi loaheiaelf to him? la U not th a t he w ant, and Intends to m arry her? Why. then, should she consent unless he Is ready to prove hla faith by hU wor!«T

Beware, girls, of the selflsh or craven hearted fellows, who want to entangle you

■ubeertbar^Ja n u a ry ^ 18BL OliORaV P. BAUJWIN.

ted fellows, who want to sniang^e - • q j i m orbcbOFT, Dl!CBAB»C In long engagements * ''" P '» .‘® _ p u ? £ a n t lo tbs o rt.r to Edward W -.Jato,

?rotn you truer and braver and better [ nns s nf iha eounty of Baaeki.thia,

WatouT^atrae’t;'thence aton# tba■Ixty-ooa dctfreei twelvaand atxlr-eeven hundredth* feet: tMoe* rtIJland elxly-eaven hundredth* feet: Uwoee. *1111 alDB* the •*»# Mttth d « r j«

____ wrath i lx n r - -d .f tx « i t t r t i w m ljiu t j jc u t four huodrri and riw -alght aod twaniy hundrwlto f“ }: thei»«"by * to t o right with a ta d to to forty (aob ^ dtstaao. of alxD-tm sod feet to the eenire of Vm StMWi efereet, .iBegoa

the *a»« Mathalon*aeven minute* weet tou r hiwi

twentywotohUBOred corir


Kimdr^thi faet to the cantre rtFKt; thsnco along t o laiwsouU________ alatr 4,-gra«s'’0fly--flvo mlnutas taat Uttoo huodrad .and

Bwatn*.T h e BwwdlF of Rova.

welbknown“| ^ ' . i ^ o » 1 "hearing are not of *t >*^*‘' r S l J v r r t M ^ l M » ™ x**!®**

'UraUMlIl Vtl *»•— wa—a —EIa.*“: r t o V w i i« t t o S t 'to Sidwiign4d « -

•IghtT-nin* and tw«W-foar huadradto f*^^ thanca by o curvn cuTTlBg lo ths M t with a rad tS of forty fra t Ih.^lataooa to and eighty huo to^hs f»riHaadford.rti*ot: to n ra irjo e t t oiweaty-nto dMTito twan mtontaa hundred and firtty-two nod aWy huo^ad to f*Mt ‘ thenee bv a ourre earvlac to the leit WiOi r T 5d li» irl f ! ^ feet, Ihe dlsUnpe ofslity-two and raSacmlr* of fflin rtreel; thaice a l» g north e litr degrras forty-*U oijoulaa weM nf- tJMti handled and flfty.'fwp and. Ofty^rt* htin»^"h u rto raddredtta feet

deiflrt t '^ h a wMterir llna of Paaltlo a tn r tl^ itotort to tho weateriylto -- Unre coooacting wlUi th* Boa to

the o ther dny up to town from place in a crowded carriage, A friend of n!» whom lio had not aeeri, silting next but one to him;bor being a very fu»*r. "{out “W ^ *'How are youT called out nis rneno.

^l^^can'^^tiear you!" replied Blank."JUBt wait white I put th is bundle of rugs

'"The* a.ionlahm enl of the "f J*?;tug suddenly seised by the body her rem arks) can be better Imagined than de

February I, tM*.tloa uTltolllo atrert ana HTO.rttart.

J9KN„cari,John M«illrth.JPrqctor._ h i Sifiw M ; fllwThy th* la lil oofporallno w ith th*

tM and elated by t l»exwuto** and trueteii oltnd »portid‘T o r 'S t t t > « t Vo t o

t o % e^n ly to 1 ^ on Frl-dnr. th .

lu te d F thruary 11, 180A. ®®

”’S lo tto ’ s! That' oooaent and parmliato ta h v ^ v to v a o to said oumpany to oparata Ho SJI3 Spot t o raid Itora of « n r t railway W fhI*nT to *l«jhrlolD.aa t o moUv* powir bgthewhat ia - tern, and for

Nn^rrK OF BETTIjBMBNT—Notice 1* Tyipby ’’ rivOT 'tha f h ^ U u o t . to ih .«"oiitor» or Oatharlne WinW, d t^ee^* w»l5? OalharlTie WinW, pe auniiru end Plated Ofjried for wUlement IC D ie^O r^M M The coutiiy nf Eppex. on FTlday. tha fii day. Of April n .s t , j g g g B ^ Y ^ g R j ,

8. 1M&

:ourt ifltcnUi

)T t&at porpOM, to erect Vim aao** iorv ool*. with wlra* stnua to rran , tor t o SSSofion of raid raltway. fcW poira ahall b*

oDOMlt* aaoh oilw. OT th* sld*a of t o f wHhln t o curb lln*. and ihall ha of f^STor r tM L a tle a rt t**nty f^ W g h ^ a a S .E n i r a iilacod at to jw tn U dralgnawd on

' to be conatrocted. aad Ump--------- *---------------^ of?inn«r o?eSu*m»c '

Dated rebroaryNOTICE OF 8E'rrLEM EN T--N otlo* is t o r a ^

given that t oadmlnlutrrtor ol Joatphta*__

j ta he a nart of tou onimano*,Th* conrant and psrmlralon h*r*- - *^ lv io to emstfuot, oporat* and luatalaln

Inu to iurfao* •trart railway Iwralo rat god draoribed ta glvtn ut™ t o eipmra• |i%a **■ — "■ t._h.gA.a»rte4 ranel *>ranghlUMfl UniWtaby givio''tp the _

i i n s ^ t f o S

MSitci, Will b* eudi'to ,»■«* ‘. s ;rara.i wragvnh-fM fnF aettlentent to .fiw


fMt tlisis on Ih tlr m ettlt; and th e raps, M gulor and ataotig, are aoon reverberat­ing through the nouse. The p it-pa t ot n girt'a blow straight from tha shoulder ooDdo the blood coursing In healthful putaatlons through her strong. Itthe body and It knows the day la wMI begun.

I t Is only a moment from the bag to the bath. and. throwing her gloves aside, ahe Is soon revelling m a plunge. A fter a toltat, which must do for running calls

Shojqrlng excursions, thla new type ot n sturdy American woman deacends to thebreakfaat table with an appetite alarm ing. The morning to r half an o r­ange, a awallow ot w u k coffee o r hot milk Is a thing o t the past.

Punching hags, as well aa golf c lub , nnd fencing toll., are a part ana neceeally o f the den or boudoir ot all the u ltra tagb- lonable girls, and are hung in any con­venient place. It Is true th a t dainty Angers s re Bometimes stinging all day from too bard a blow on u n d e r fleab, b u t th is aoon pasaea and th* hardeit

, thum p Calla to bring about the allghteat notice.

i r bar cheeks are colorless she punches the bag a tew minutes before dinner, and i t gh* finds her brain tired and her body *Togy” ih e alao resorts to the bag. It Is griind azerctae lor the brain aa well aa the

' muscle.Ifusolas dormant for yeara are called

, Into play, and itrength gained In the arm s la noUcad unexpectedly when one gtal-

slrtkea her piano and snapping of a

th a t Itemp.

w art young aroman i hpara to her dlimay thechord, but It Is this strength tb a t'g u ld es

borM over the fence a t Hi

dat yo' had about three mtllyun dollare lucked away an’ d idn 't .want us to know It. I walked around a lettle next day, an'I dlsklvered dat you owed ♦» bark rent, had borrowed money of a doieti mcmbcrB of dls club, an' da t yo 'r wife wa* gwlnc around li'artut fur de want of shoes. I ain 't gwlne lo say much to yo'. hut I hope yo’ will remember what 1 do say. De man who kin afford white sugar an' Java callee kin afford to pay h i, itchi,. an' It la to hla shame dat hli wife am widout shoei. If yo' haln 't got sense 'mitr In yo’r head to realtae dat codllsh an' 'Imters go wld a ealary of 110 a week we don't keer fur yo 'r society In die Unis Kiln Club. De next time yo’ show up yere yo' will be expected to pay up yo'r back dues an’ settle up yo’r debts to mem­bers.

Brother Smith looked very lonesome when he resumed his seat, and a inonivni later Ihe president called upon Shindig Watklne to stand forth, and continued:

"Brudder W atkins, I wt* down lo do postoflls de odder day to Innuar' fur H let icr. an' while I was dar yo* cum In to aei

n o tic e , of ..SETTl^>f*!P':;?*‘!£i.rttaloxei all de common *enae de Lawd drtv


'bo’u i rentin' * box at 112 npr y’ar* Yo' talked bl|c kn’ iwcUcd around, an ne Pok*-

own<Hl alt i]AJ** work* in town, itow man

t ukt* to hold yo 'r fnoneyr "I haven’t (tot any mon«*y, aah, humbly

maater got de Idea dat yo' .k* in town* How many bankR noee

Into hi* head. Yo* can 't awell a l much on Itb a week ** a white man kin on 115. Ill* fltomacb nm empty fu r tie want of eodflah and tater*. an' yit he wnnla • dihinofid pin 10 bliixe In hla »hlrt f ro n t De lAHillord tu rn ! him out doors b ek tie hfi can t p*y his rent, an' ylt he goes down to di> poatoffls an’ wants to rent a box by ds y'ur. i ’ee seon dose thing* ober an’ ob«r 'llll T has got tired an ' am wondsrln' If our race am made up of chlUsn and Idlota. For vie last five y'ara 1 hev bln hopin' da l my rem arks to yo' on dls *ub)lck might bi- of t»enefit, but dey seem io hev gone Into one n*r an' out of de odder. T ie grown wt'ary of talkin’ 'bout yo’r foollsbnesi an ’ ahall say no mo', but f w ant It rtlstlncUy uinieratood from dia hour on dat d* metd- her who Gumi to mo to borry |S to gtt medirine wld, an’ turns around next day an' buys a Ion of red paint or ten b a r 'li of putty to ftlng on style wld, will fe « Mimthln' hit him de next time ho shows up at dls club. De hour am Slrly but an florae of yo’ may want to buy ttOo gold watches hefo' yo' go to bed we will pul out the flan, blow oul de lamps an’ ad­journ." ___________

given Ihal the *c«mnt* w fninirtnuor of Marnret B u fn ad ao ^* ^ J ’lljjg ■udlted *rHl itatefi by ih*•d for wittlement to »h* O r ^ M Mth^dSfe rf county ot Dwex. o* Friday, tba S8tn oar « March next.^ . t , a J.auTT 1«. 18#*. jBpqn BPBWB.NOTICE d r * tc ffL S M ^ > -N rtto

xlve* that the srevunti rtwwcrioeTfafmlnlitrator of Raohal A- will ba audited end elated by tn* and reported for eettlemant w tbeorpL - Court of the county of « fTlaay. to*rishth Uay to Aprtf H. AO B W ^

■S: ram* llnuHttoa wHteli a « otfiitalBed^ii Rrth ta sb4 lmpo*wl b r a ^ w i^ n w «-

I S J . to t o Boart to Sir**t aqO W al« Oom- 2S5S!,n*ra'to t o eltv ot N*waik. vnllUto "A»

nc* to authwfia ana empower the Cqo- Traouio OompanXi * oorpovatlon to- t o law ot t o gCte to New

5*F'I*sSa "

nroved July -*•S to n o .« * « " 5 f l

mipplereeatsl or-, IBM, jw ^ ro ^

ipikd the *couae«l. .^Oh! I eeol How many thousand letter*

UUO-.*v - w rara OtlMf general ..iUSt-S’ firSw^llT of NowArtt M DOW ooBfcrotnaaoea oi matatenanc*----------—


s a t a & c “ r t r e s ^ o t -“ M rtS f* ? Thla“^ to B O * Mall taka illsrt

..................M * ^ I ta‘ in £b i !M Moard of 84r*#t au<

Ti.ieA March U. H**- ............... *"S

flo ¥0’ git In do course of a y 's e f "f h«v«n'l dun * ' ‘

Dionth,.’; kor tpirttod borM ovi

Moad or Laktwood.'A PQOcblng bag does away with many

iVSiml**. Olovet a little larger m uat bei r j i ^ a t ^ e v e n i n g functions, and, _____I *0 oftan look rid , bu t then ofh-I Ah too. and white hands a re po longer

|1 tage, and a handshake la a hearty sp of wholesome hospitality, and not

K>Utel)r flabby expressfon o t ordinary atlon.

_ th is oomes with golf flrat, perhaps, then the punching nag. F or a time form of axerelse waa kept a pro- ( Mcrei, for raason* not known, but udlelous

I flggereil. de Vandei

got a letter tn six' W all, dat's about do wayHaven't yo’7 -----------------^ , .

I. Yo* wanted a possoffls box kascanderbllts, Goulds an* Astors had ’i*m.

It ain’t good 'nuff fur yo' dat do postman passes yo'r house six times a day* Yo am In debt a l least 1100. ah' yo' couldn’t raise tlO to save yo r neck, an* ySt yo' swell around an ' want a box a t de possofTliIq brag aboutl Bruddqr Watkins, when ■yo’ go home ,to-night yo' kick yo’rielf

People era ooartdfrtDt what ther are n ia c U fin about 1 hornw NKWg Real SatataCotumiiB will balp.

use ha* been moat b«ae-

& t k u t i o a ’

tlifl f r i n d of th e d a j .

y o u g e t C a r t e r ’s ,

H ' i f o r C a r t e r ' s ,

artiumi de bach ya'3 about ten limes an den rub yo 'r head wld sandpaper fur half an hour. If yo' a in 't feelln' any belter to- morrer cum ober an ' see me. I shall hev on my No. It cowhide bates, an’ arter an Interview of fifteen mlnlts 1 reckon yo'li hev a lot of new Ideas 'bout dumeatlc economy."

"I obaarva," aald the president, aa h* looked around the hall—'T obsurve Brud­der Beebe am wld u i as usual to-ntght. Brudder Beebe, am yo' faellng peart dta eaven ln 'r'

'"Y-yei, aoh,*' wsi* tha reply."1 waa lookin' fur dat diamond pin

«' yours, but I don’t ootoh de sparkiee. 1 hope dal M oahunlty h u oocurrM f'

" u ’s» t t 'i to hum . aah." ^"D ai'f Well. Bruador Betbe. flumbodr

in de eiub jnIfSrTioUl4fl^^imJH YU' wore

.A F a m o o s H nntlw E C h e tn hIn India the wild beaata of tha Jungl* are

trained—a strangely Incpngroue olrcum stance—to hunt in behalf of man tha tam er game of the foreat. .

The chelah la the animal uaed (or thla purpoae. Ho ta a atrwnge beaat. a lithe, graceful, leopard-llko creature belongln| to the cat fam ily but havliw w h y t a m a all the characteristic! of a dog. He hunts

preelslon of the beat ot dear hounds, principally tracking the d » r , though he 1a aa able in running down otherAnlmUlS. .« a- -aa a m -Ha 1* *flactlon*t* and obedient *s * dog, ftolowing Ms m M tar » l»u t with groat fidelity, and obeying hla allghteat com­mand. When taken out for a hunt ha la usually bllndfoliled by a hood untn the quarry la alghlid. when the hood le re­m o v e and ha a ta ru on hie m e r o U ^ e i ; rand He never rolenie, often trailing A' deer for mll*a bafare Anally aacnrlng tut*. T’lually, howavor, ha approachea ao n o l ^ Iroal^ th a t he pounw* upon W a----- ‘

fowiek' a m t S & r n


deer for mll*a bafare Anally aacnrlng

o'ut f h e 'iS l th tM r^ rh l tw M firtngi hiln tfi Ih* in *h04Tt ordor*

Th* ofVanknU*'Nwra*untramoat n i highly

R ajah B o m n u d ara i^___troldn B ahadur W

huhtor tn India, afid mhla m a tte r th a t V

he could not-h* bought^^ ^ Ip a ltty «g that over w:

half .....loh hla mnfMfi

Page 11: First Edition. - DigiFind-It


m OF T 1 1 0 H 6 .The O tfn iM )B th a C u e of C&pteln

C a rte r OAtllned b j Hie Gonneel

iDia to fmb*rr»»«lne KBogyaM i eOBipeli »liem Wi un«»ionablo C(*«pl«U>'to run Uir rlok of tllnoM. ..>.■■__

Th»r. iherofow. *»k t WII coverir* for u i t ht%<l th a t >f •{ '•^ * 2 a g fri ' offiiloii H W t lo f f f ttrui-t tKc vlow. 'n>® nurttor wU rM«T*<l to 111* CornmtU** on Wcfin<».

MOIlHlJfa J tB W i • > ! ■ « « .


I t ^ A ^ A, 0. CONBOlIOATlQli.

]>mii>ooo* of tho CoBinlttM of Iha Motbo- d llt llfBUtrrlol Aiwolotloo lo t F o itb -A WltcoBoln FhTilclon Aeeepto tho th o t- Irago Xode to loqotor Mboob to K lfht o Pool W ith * iFO oiw d-Tho Trtol of Jooioo A, a o n m o r hw tho H urdor of Wro. K olK r Pottpwiod.

In the t r i l l hy eourt-mortlol of C«p- ttlti O, y . C»rter a t Savannah, Oa., yet terday, tho deftnoe bo nan the introduc lion of tootlntony.

Before Introduclnc any tootimony Mr. Roto, one of the attom eya for the ac- cuaed officer, addreooed the Court and outlined the defence, Amont Other th lnat he oald th a t a general denial would be entered to tho chargea of emtieaaleinent. conoplracy, and conduct unbecoming an officer.

It bad been atoerted hy the proaecutlon that Captain C arter did not adverttae for bldi for Oovernment work for thirty daya, tho length of time the regulatloni require. In thia particular the attorney aald Cap­tain C arter had lim ply followed the prece­dent outlined by hla predeceaaora.

It wao aHo aaaerted that the advertlae- m enu were changed after they returned from the W ar Departm ent. Thlo waa faloe. All the changea were made by the Waahlngon atithoritloi. It waa adratwed tha t tho adverltatng waa done for leia than thirty dayl. but It warn dented tha t U w ai In violation of the law or of C artet ‘ 0 duty. I t would be ahown th a t W p- tain C arter almply oonllnued the office methoda he found In force. Captain Car­ter had not refuocd to give bidden In­formation. Every applicant for »poo'«o“; tlona received conlea of them. In caae except one the contract* to the loweat Wdder. Contractor Howell waa a falling contractor and did not get a contract aa Iha loweat bidder.

It there wa* any agreemsiit Imtween the bidder* on Oovernment work. Captain C arter would he the laat one to hear of It. M. A. Connolly, although a clerk In hla

• * ■ ' - — -------- “ IIU wit-

rb lladalpb la’a llrlbeey Caae-Tw*nlj-o»* I'raalon Bill* P aan d by the Houi*.

-P a te r B. Smith, th* Ptilladrlphla poli­tician accused of offering Common w u o - cllmun W aller N. aieveqaon a bribe o t KiOOtJ to vote to r the Schuylkill Yalley w a­ter ordinance, was aurrenderM lo Dl*' trlct-AUorney Oraharn a t S o clock ia it evening by hla counsel. A. B, I* snieiaa. A w arrant to r hi* apprahenalon waa u- iued by Judge Oordon In the Q uarter Beeslona Court on laat Wecm»- day a t the requeet of Dletrict-Atlorney Orahum. U waa placed In the handa or one of aeverul private V iinr-now In the employ of the fnney aecurinit evidence of the hrllary city lcgi»latl<>n. The w arrant chargea nn b«ry. aoilcUatlon and Brallh. when taken to the D jatriot-A U ^ neya office by Detective » no atatement. He came bond waa prepared, and BmUh e m e r^ HO.OOO for hU aiipearance a t a hearing W tor* Judgea (Jordon and “ fW f ntaduy next In the Court of Quarter B u

* —"At luit evenlng'a seaalon oftlvnal Houae of Kepreaenlatlvea twenty^two pension blit* were favoraJMy consl^der ed In the Ooirmlltea o f t ^ " the benellclarlea were Hannah C. trij®' widow of General Pile, at the rate O' ew “ month; Mra, Hannah Irflcherwidow of Hrlgadler-tleneral Jimn D. Btg-venson. a t |W a month,_ and William u


; h id a riifht to sign P»per» nee* ilgnature i. He was a United Stateaoffice,

M a t fQ w lU B i n|alA>i U IMwt • housa, ir PosilUa-Ba*# Ball nub*

Bt r r i otlio (Hhar kpar ta.Eight meralH-r* of the Joint Cammltlcc

of the Republleun Club, Kawark Field Club, Trltun Itugi d u b and Baaag UcyolO Club, met ut the Kepublloan Clubhuuae (>n I'urk place laat night lo take further atepa to help along the cunaolldaUap acheme of the four cluba. Member* of the commlltee which wa* appolatad to look about (he central part of (ha city, with a view to pur<-ha*lng a clubhouae. reported that tb* houae which th t f dealfed could not be bought until after May 1. ItW, when the preaent lease th a t 1* held on th« Prop- efty shall have run o u t An Important meeting of the Joint Committee will be held on Thursday night a t the Itepublicun dubhiiUHc, when two aub-cummlltcea Which were named lu*l night will reiMirl. The *uh-cumintueea are Henry C. Horn- mel and J. Harry Hacheller, and Samuel A. Smith anil Tlicodiire T. Keer. Gne of thrae cunimittee* will try to obtain ties tarma of the leuaa of one houae, which the Joint CommllUe favors, and the other will aacertalii the terms of leaBlng a h ' other houHi', One of the housea will be r ,n te j for one year, or until the couaull- dated cinhs can hoy a hetuac. Both bouaea ari- centrally located. In the opinion of most of the memlier* of Iha Joint Commit­tee it will la- Weil to rent a clubhouae for



Tkara waa A-tfkl*, , had newa (rayeUea faat.


i|i*D It waa tru e th a t It. To-day, howaver

bellerb gabd MW* travala.taater.for the u relocity

D ^ ’a Kidney Pill* ir e rrrtaliiSometh'force

UIllVI |f*al good It goes aloni

galna«dtea along, gad

alnly Ju ittM s. AaUmiaJllnff w tx l frjvntu It hak. Why'.'- You wlU And lhat iomubody IcUa any one wlw haa » oaiAache bow sure and.ijar|Ba- neat ih a f ar# a* a cur*. U lla cu^ v * poWWr j l a S ^ by the age of the u t la a tT NeT*r. Ton wrtnild Iw a*ionl*he<fat the nuMbar of man ainl wobm-h from alxty to eighty year* of aga who tell u» hoW fully they are cured. Wa^jHva somebodies, right

'W a jriva you a ; In hmwark (poldlah dlf

a year, for In thut time, th*y think, suf-'■clf - -------- • ■ - - - -tlclent money can be raised to purchase apermanent locution for tha Newark Ath- let

Foot, a t |W a immth. a dier, now helules* at Mattooh, HI. Adi but one of ttw WU* w e r a .p a * ^ . *n“ theHouati a t adjourned until (o-dav.

-T h e body of F rank K Tulll*, lb* « ' centric man of good family Who_dled on

letlc Club.One of the promoters of the eonsoikls-

tlon acheme suld Ibis morning; ■‘Thuraday evening should Ueclde the fata of the new consolHatlon. If rentable pruperty la fnnnd, all will be well, and Ihe consolida­tion will go Into effect a t once."

Itase Ball SrhiMlula for Tale- A Yale Itaav Itall autliorlty has recently

announced lhat Vale Is perfectly willing to play profcsalonal liaau ball teams. This

centric man oi aouu --•- 27-5 ^Sunday In the lodging-house a t m Partt row. New York, where he llvrfhie money for the Itenefll of tunate fellow-lodgera, waa remoVM terday from the morgue to an u n am a* Ing estahllshment a t flO Pearl »lre"- m?mbi.r of the family of WllUgm UlMd' good, who was Yullle'e un®'®. arrangement* for the funeral, which w ll be held at the undertaking f“?“ * " the Bceneg of the man * la ter Y™”Ihe abodea of those lo whom he had Been

Is In oppusttloii to ih« efforts made Ity the U. UKi • f«v rtfft

r lte tt'timi from olaym f th« prol Jonal balMonu^rt. Thin m to tr ,

As A.collrg

n tn to floprort®*-

th«Fale tMm vch«duk‘ U ikl! but coitiplctcL It

!• probable that h«r ttam wtU pl>F 011I7i Hl*' New Yorki and the iSprlngflelH Ka»t-

ihowa tlerm League ('liib. Thia ahowa that tha ftt* tempted JurladIciUm by the A, A. U* ovar college lenma XO," &• ft Tale niftn■ftid yeaierilay.

Yftle'a bHse ball scbtdulr will b* lubmlt®

every day); any o’f them wilt be clad io UU you or apy sufferer wni l>oan*a JfcWney Iflilft kav# and we are aure you can Mipe wbosft ftympfoma war* }u*t aft yours

•ou or to y suffererdone foB tbani ftrid la the Ua<

are tcMUy perhapa, and we will add. youwin be as l ri.'e {rom Iwlh symptoms and

- ' Ini as they are If '

H E G reatest and G ra n d est A rm y B a rg a in s th a t w i l l e v e r 1m s y a u l p - |

good fo rtu n e to beho ld a tr ti King’s, 130*132 Market S t, cor. Halsey S t

O f ( t i m e s w e h a v e t o l d y o u o f t h e w o n d e r f u l « I l ) o w e r o f b e i n g a b l e t o b u y f o r e a s h . A c h a n c e t o <

m a k e 4 0 c e n t s d o t h e d u t y o f s d o l l a r . P r i c e s a r e |I q u o t e d t i m t o n l y t f i v e y o u a n I d e a o f t h e p h e n o m e n a l .


rh'e M m p la tn ra i 'th e y are If you wl}> aa Ihsy did. H*ru I* w hat on* of ihrm,**Mrs M. H. Down**, of 401 South tc v w th sirMU aavs: "I have long known th a t kid- n«Tcomp*lalnt WM a t the ™2;!of mv sickness. My bandit had lh a t awfui dull ache so common to kidney *uffei*re, and was no had I could hardly go upatair*. t)ver ft vesr ago i want lo TM**nl£ S drux- •tons and got a bo* of Hoan'a Kbbiey PHI* aiid began taking them. They bellied me a t once and T can truly say th a t they made

M iterT han f had In years. My husband laughed a t me them, but since he ha* and ha* been greatly beneSted. both fhlnk the twst kidney remedy In the World‘‘ l ^ n ' i ^ ^ d n i ' / l r i l l . foe sale by all de.l-s r l^ P r lM W c i m " V a ll^ by /oaler-M I]. bum Co BufTaiO, N. Y., sole agents for the i: »: UerMniljer the n a m ^ D o a tl 'a - and take no oubsllluie.

1 1 v a l u e s o f s l i f e t i m e .M 'I< I Whutosalet I Prlee.11 8,00 hervitietble, weU n»de

1 UushieH Suits............... ..< > 11.00 Alt Wool CgSlimere !>uits

' U 00 Overplild suit in 3 and J t button sacks.........................

I5X)0 Hiimespim Suit oi fine tex-* lure...........................................115.00 Scotch Clieviol Suit, black

< 1 and blue, double and sinifte1 1 breasted.................................

I 11.00 Clay Dtafona! CutawayI Coat and Vest........................I S4.00 Imported Chy Diafonal

Cult and Vest, in cutaway and sack, guannteid aathi

, llnini................... ................(30X10 Imported Vicuna Prince

Al^rt Coat and Vest, the swellest garment this sdASOii, finest silk lining..................

led to the faculty for (Xinsidsratlon dur-a friend.

W oaeph p . SlUchell er?S;

Commissioner. If he should do anvthUtg wrong Captain C artsr would M the laei one to henr of It. It wMid l» shown, Mr. Row declared, th a t Captain C arter to lowed apecincatlons fully regarding mat tre tw a for use In Savannah

Captaln C arter’s Intimacy with D. It. Green would not M den ed. He had m. r lfh t tft be intlDiftte with hifw* Caplftln S r e r w a . a graduate of West Point w da brother anprneertng officer. H» bad bw n

of the dletrlct before CaptwnIn eharge Carter, The personal IsUsra whleb had been used In the trial showed aimpty thfti th« ft,ccui*4 officer wa# irylox

h tm se" " h e r . was nothing wrongtersithw in the letter* or the, scheme the^outlln one dollar, Mr. Row

*roe they ow sgld, rly. Twocame to Captain C a r te r J m p r^ r iy . TWO

wltnetsei were IntMMluc^, a chemist andTUTiftHaa warpft cIvU anglnevr, who In CaptainC arte r 'i tftvor*


Minted H)st!TiiuUP a t Wllburihi County. N. ^ «rtia*—A Homey-General R. C. E n lte , oi Delftware.wft# a t Dover, that BtftW. >***®J; day and field a conference in referenc* to Ihe m atter of appointing a commlMion lo eonfer with New Jersey In reference to W flehery trouhlea. The membera of ina General Ansembly decided to allow the rnftj- te r to go over for a wt;» k to decide wnetn- •r Delaware dealred to anter Into ftB ax r^" menl with New Jeraey In referenoe ta the mutter, Mr. White told She members t ^ t in h li opinion the Delaware law forblddmx New Jeraey flibermen lo flah on in# f>eift- ware >lde of the bay wfti uhccmatllutianaL He though ih* t the beat way to ftetlle the m atter would l»e for the two fltatea to agree upon an uniform law.

« regular aoaaon ouana with WlUlama

the United States Senate yesterdayT — - - W.A as S Wi wSenator Sewell presented petTllons for th* passage of bill* lo protect St*t» cigarette law*, to rail* the age of consent to elgn- teen yssr* In the DIstrlfl of Columbl*. lo forbid Interstate transmission of gambling m atter, and lo forhld the sale of Intoxicant* In Government ^Uding*. from Burllngon. I'heasaBtvnie, East Or­ange and Brigantine, N, J . ; aUo a for the passage of the anti-scsiplng Mil from Mercer l.odge Mo. m , of Trenton, and

etllioni favoring posUl w r t n g s ^ B l ^

W hat t* Proposod to Be Don* by the Heth-« U st M inisterb tl A sserts tlo* .

At the meeting of the Methodist Minis­terial Association In Chicago yesterday the Rev. John Lee, chairman, read • report of th* Comroitte* on Rellgloua Liberty for Proteslania In South America.

The report sta ted that the committee waa greatly encouraged. It alms to estab- Msh thre* ‘ hings; To secure « » * '« • liberty for missionaries w orklw In Republics of Peru, Ecuador and B oirm . To secure religtou* liberty for native Chria- tlan* who dissent from the Roman CMno- He fatth T6 iccuro in these South Amari-can Republics the 'STforeigner* and nallve-born Protestants,ispe^aHy’ h r ih *h> others than th* clergy of ta epertonsed hy other* than th* clergy Boman Catholic Churc*.

>*oiiiTnl'f k * e " ; :^ m [ r te i ," T -w .* M a t^ ., a * , "nothing more for the Proteetan • In the South American Republic* than Is rheei^fully accqrdetl to Roman Catholic* In thia RepeHcpgblic." to prpm l'

................. out parti of CT -irtatlng the aim* o f.the commlttea, and A

LetU ra had1 (n V(

hten addreMPd to prpmi-:rti of ChiiatendoffivaHouftnent nien

JarB^numb?” (irreplleii had bean Among them w a one from «*’F i^ d * n t Cleveland, iwha wrote i " I am *«(»te of the Urgeet Ub*ety W all •"S i . » n land, and am strongly in favov

Yl(sd i n ----- .kflled Snelllng*.

for ru rtl mall delivery and ihs pur*—News come* from Fuckees C r« k , Bel!

County, Ky.. th a t Sunday night N*l Tay­lor, 8am Leroy and Thomaa SnelllBgi. niHtd gioonahlners, met a t the aim of Taylor. A friendly game of card* result-

■ ' a fight, during which Taylor shot and ...,« 1 Snelllng*. An Instant law r T a y ^ and Leroy each shot the other dead. Two men were wounded hy stray htl1]*tg. but will recover. The sliootlng Is said lo be the outcome of an old grudge, which r t - teted between Ihe Snelllngi and th* ^ v T o n .—The funeral of Blanch K. Bruce, eg . ■lavf. ex-Senator and torlc* Bfglster of the Treasury, was held a t W aih ln ft« i yeatenday. The Metropolitan A. M. B. Church was croorded with the retreaenta- tlv* colored Dopulatlon of thatelty . Among tk* A i^ l trlhuts* in * « handioni* w rssth from the W hite House, with the card of Preiident McKinley.

- -Hy :Ing the week, Th*SalunUy, April a.Field, on the Easier trip Yale play* Georgetown, April I'nlverslty Of Vlr- alida a t Richmond, April •: same team a t CharloUevlIlr. N. C„ April 11,

The achednle, excepting a fsw minor ames, follows: Wednesday, April S7,

Jrow n Hnlversltr vs. Yule, a t Val* Ftrtd; Saturday. April 3n, Wesleyan vs. Vale, at lllddirtow n. Conn.; Wsdnesilay, May 4, Lafayette v*. Yale, at Yale Field: Satur- day. May 7, Dartmouth vs. Yale, at Yale Field; Wednesday, May 11, W ensimtl »*, Yale, at Yale Field. Saturday, May H, Brown vs. Yale, at Providence; Monday. May IS. I ’nlverslty of Virginia v*. Yale, a t Yale Field; Wedneaday, .May IB, CtriumWa I'nlverslty vs. Yale, a t Yale Fneldt Wed- ntsday. May 21, Oeorg*town va. Yale a t Yale Field; Monday, -Vlay *), Brown lin l- veralty v*. Yale, at Providence; Satunlsv, June I Princeton v*. Yal*. at Vale Field; I Baturday, June II Princeton v*. Yalg, a t Prlncefon; SaUirday, June IS, Prlncelon vt. Yale, In New York (In case of tie); Thursday, June 23. Harvard va. Yale, a t Camheldge; Tnesdsy. June 2*, H arvardvs. Yale, at Yale PTeld; Saturday, July 2, H ar­vard V*. Yale, at New York (In c*** of a He).

HarvanI Freshmen's Baa* Ball Nine.The Harvard [reshmen base hall nine

has Itssn hard ul work (or two weeks on Soldiers' Field and twenty men sre now considered favorably for position* either on the nine or as substltules.

The Infield Is especially strong with Ken­dall a t first. Flncke at second and Robin­son a t third. Of the pitcher* McDonald knd Bticknry ar* ihr moat promlslBg, while Ullne, Paul and Berthold are doingSood smrk behind the l« t. The datei of

ie Important games are aa followi: April 10, Pom fret School, *1 Pomfret, Conn,; May J, M. I. T„ IWn, at Cambridge; May T, Brown, 191)1, a t Camlirtdge; May II. Bxetsr, at Exeter; Hay », Vale, 1901. a t Ngw H aven! Mav 21. Andover, at Andover; Hay ^ St. Mark's, a t South Boro; Miy *),,Tale, 1»1, a t Cambridge.

telghaal Stars ” Base Ban Team.The Origkrial Star Athletic Base Ball

iteud* to

tournament were rolled last night. The Fummbl* A five defeated the Navarre team *for third place, and Ihe Puatofflee team dofaated Itppsrla) A for fifth p],**'® T t r t « r i u n d T l i 'g I* a* ful ows: V-lr, .

loftBt nlfbt'ft lAmaa raauUad a* follgwi.K Q riT A B O J A 1 NAVARRE.

B abenste ln ..........I7J w S S rir '" " ' ' " ' I t *

Knoth ............... m iO hler ..fehm l-lt ...... »7:SchalIer





lEI'S REV SPRllG TOP COITS.5 , 0 0 0 M e n ’s n n d Y o iin it

M e n ’g T u p C u n ts o t a l l t h e p r e v a i l ! UK hIi in le t a n d f a b ­r i c s , u p t o ( l a te lit e v e r jr p a r ­t i c u l a r .Wbolssalorrioo.


tlX)0 Durablgand well mtdg Over­coat, in blue and bUck......... 4.47

6 .7 7

ToUI ...... ......... ™POSTOFFICK.

MahonHub ....*KdwardB .



& r r i : z v . f m r : - =m DavisIgO.Scbecterlc152 Baiisback 1»

Total ................*17] Total ................. 7s9The Tourist Club of Paterson and Clio

W heirn?" a Jersey City will roll th. champlonsklp Rimo m the Aisoclaled Cycling Club* of New Jer- aay a t Montxutnery a to-nlxnt.

T h? flS t aerirt of i!!SC h a m ................... -2 ............—‘


Of any f o r e m e n ; h a r t o g ^ ^ r ^ l t a ^ c ^ tthe perfect security and absolut* in the South American State* ot our cHl-

only rsasoisabla and lust.'E i-P resident Harrfson rsplled: Cer­

tainly the rellgloua l l ^ l y which <» now unlveronUy given by P?«*staBt eouhtris* to cltlsens and resident* « Ihs f t ^ a o CathBllo faith esHs^for rsciprmial,, treat- m*nt in Roman CftthoUc countrlaa.T h * H e^Tohn W. BuUer, of Meileo, In hi* reply, referred to g conversation h* had bod wtth Prealdent P U i, who saMi ♦Th« clergy In mytolamnt, but wa Intend to ^ GW lo ma*®; tain rsllgloui and civil Ubarty a t * 1 1 coat.


pT. CHiarg* powsU WoBt* to r i |M la Plaos hr Saagtov Maosa.

In response to the jsbaileBge of Bartm Kicardo, M»rqul* of Alt* VIII*. Madrid, t o f n to light a duel srith Senator U atoo. oMIlinoI*, for tb* latter's utteratios* In the Senate. Dr. Georg* Powell, of L* CrosM, WIs., has oabisd th* following ac> eeptancs o f tho challeng* In MaWO'h s t t td : . _ .

"To Baron Elcardo, Madrid, Spain."Throagb the preH dispatches I am In-

formed th a t you hav* challenged.Bonator M*Mn to mortal eombat tor words opofcira In defence o f his poslHon as the champion o t the patrioUsm and principle* of hi* country and Its people In th* United States, with usual BponUh gensroolty lectlng your *wn woapon.

"Now, os Senator Mason ha* spent a life­time la the pursuit of a mors humhn* o w ­ing and In the walks ot clvlltiatlon, which has but poorly ntled him to meet a bully at arms, as one who has admired and now In­dorsee the objocuonahle word* patriotism of Senator Mason, I, a plains­man, a W esterner, one of a olas* known as typical Amertean, typical because It hold* prlndple, a* patriotism, above price —becaui* It btllovs* lh a t murder In th* first degree cannot b* paid for with gold— hereby accept your challenge and name the arm y pistol, the old forty-four, toe or­gan of clVIlltatlon, the instrum ent with which th* American pioneer measured

ind, while

T h e W ay • W lo e o a s la Maw C lalm a t*■ r A ble to Irfioato 'O r*.

Prom Ihe Milwaukee Benllnel.There Is s real novelty In Ihe wonder

line to Wisconsin. A carefully prepared newspaper article I* published from Orantsburg. Burnett County, which tell* of sn isdw nding discoverr of copper vein* in the country betsseen Atlas Postoffice, in Poth County, snd Nigger Hill. In Trade Lake Town, Burnett County. Ths Copper, vllle Mining Company I* r ^ r t a d to have begun the sinking of "a shaft seventeen miles northeast of 8t. Croti Falls and fifteen mile* southeast of Qrsntsburg, and tsn mils* from the Minnsfola S tats line." The dHlrabiUty of this well de­fined looatlon to r copper mining purposes la admitted to hav* been demonstrated In an enllrsiy origlnil manner. I t appears from the story of the sorreapowlpm that the Rev. Mr. VWedlo. of Omaha, la uaable to sraik upon ground which concsal* min­eral without feeling a tlokllah awisatlon In his right foot, which grow* M rongm -

resumably according to the riehaosa of he ore—paiBing up hla body, thratigh hi* houlders. to hli le ft arm, If h* ha* a

wir* In hi* hand the foroe pull* him to the ground. I t I* asisTted, moreover, th a t those who have tried to hold him de- olarc th a t it 1* more than man mnoct* which struggles with them, while those who have witnessed the facial contortions credit the olaTm that h* undetfo** groat agony whan a dltmoveiT 1* mao*.

Club In tend I put a first-claas acml-pro-tenlonal team In the field for the coming season. 'The grounds at Klunsy and Jef-feraoo streets will be inclosed and a wire netting will be put on tap of the right field

un will open It* season pn Rahway* or Cuban

I that have liessie plsytr*(Itlroy, pitcher; Tom

pionshlp between the Institu tes and F lrit Ward Republican Club of East Or­ange In the Northern New Jersey Leagur Win be rolled 10-nlght a t tho fo rm ers ub



tXOO Black C3icviot Overcoat, all w oo!....................................... H 7

1 5 .0 0 C o v e r t Cloih Overcoat (dumesUc).............................. 6.77

1 8 .0 0 Covgft Qoth Overcoat (im­ported),silk lined throughout 5.77

r ’ Shm aair qanr5.%fer!i:iCar to Ckleaao.

f IT, laua, trains ififil kn , Newslik, as (rtlowti il.^UUy. wlUiVs

IN* ooashre to i

t IfttST A. X.•ompoaftiaaeluri.... . ______ _PftjrtiMU Atiwtnit. UinlnK, Bmoklni vatiottCiim - ■ *

— Pftusuy Ivftaift Umlut^ U rw ymibulijl

Can* 0fu«ntinK OiuLnolfti rtpoL. ami tyM*wrlter»a bathrgoiM Man. tftdMa' mt.ld. barbar ibuiK llbn:

Uit oonvinliocM of lion»« or uffioa, ' •UUmarir lyid awvi.....................ctnnat4?1

irts-attoOI-a tor kulli j

kUonary «jid nMVftm« liMhit. Arrttts *

As IL ’

a»it (l«y.

>»;U0R U. } MttaWMtftrn

. f l f f a S T Mi < t ^ gi*s3iiqraltur.

PftclAo X zM ^.F Tori

daur* fMItuMA'

7:M 1’-. i r r Clevtland S:ao n. M.'.anil dallr. sxeevt Sutidi „f4 :5*P . M - sirerefs 'andjH^ ,w5f’5 ! 5 l£ ^ ‘5 a » r i i f e l t

pWlr ft>r aft point! on

3X00 Importhd Vicuna Overcoat, sHsilk or sstin lined........... 9.97

18X10 Clay Diagonal Overcoat, serge lin^........................ 7-77

F ro m 9 u n tll 13 o ’c lo ck to -m o r ro w m o rn lo K w o w ill golt a xoiu ilne A ll-W ool P o o U , w o r tl i 1 3 .5 0 , S t * 1 .3 9 s po le . 3 0 0 d lfle n m t i ty lo s win b e oold a t th o a b o v i p rlc o s , o n ly b o tw o sn th o h o u rs ip o d fio d , a t th e ib o v o low p rico s. O pon 3 a tu r ik y o v o s l i i t* • » " « 11 O’clock.

• MEN’S TROUSERS.2 ,0 0 0 P t l r s of T ro ia g rg , In nO kby C h o c lu , S tr ip e s so il P U M s,

, In sigos to f i t o v o ry on o . P rtc so f ro m * 3 ,0 0 t o * 9 .0 0 . A J J * ,( O u r p rices d u r in g solo 1 . 5 0 .......................................... ............ '

: B R IN G U S Y O U R B OY• L e t lilt d n u m l il in In t h e I s t e s t s ty le , Y o u r p / i a o In 1

n p iirn rH u c e w ill oiUy b e ee iuallee l b y yiH ir g u rih flae S* t h e g iiialliH ’SM o f t h e c o o t. W e * rS bojoiM l a l l c o iii iic ^ tlQ n ,

BOYS’ TWO PIECE SUITS.AU-wool 2-PiSC( Boys* Suits, in fancy

Clievbis and Scotch patlerns, wortli »S, » 6 a n J f7 . Take your chulct St

l e n eh Ksw StresH Tb« and_ l^ io n clubs rollpif a

un-m ai. match a t B ahenatjln 's last night. The I'nlon* were defeated by » pins. Header, of the Unions, was high, with m . The scores;

i m p e r i a l , ,j , u n i o n .Schwara ........— tA u fich lr»er.Greiner ...... . .............. JSScanfon ..*..**«*. Jff Huff ..................... I*!*S T a r . v . v . - . : : : ; : : ; U J &

$ i m


h u *

i 1Buys' 2-Fl<ce Fbis Imported Alt-wool t i

Worsteds, Tweeds and Fancy Casslmerts, good (or all ihs yssr 'itund w(sr, worth 17, W and Take yourclioice I t ................ $2.97

300 CHI LOREN’S SUITS, worth f l ,50 and Will close at....... U Y C

W sherDavis

O V K fK fd L V N E W A R K S T O R E M A T

130-19H H iurket HL eor. H e Im j Ift.

^ b e rh fe r i i Bxniback *.

......... IHl

......... 131Bchmitt ............. 157D, McCrea........... 149A. L aat'schlcfer. 101 Header ............... 202

Total ,1SU| Total ......... 1*70The fit. Aloyslus’s Club rolled two prao-

ilce games on Dosrr'a alleys last night.lo------

: KING, ££l_£K'"l£'on

■cores;TEAM A.

H arts McCluskyFlynn ......Doyle . . . . .W ans ......Canflsid .. Mlggans .



. 110 US BE

. IM

laaCrowley 104 Brown .. HS.Broldy .. U Siulllvan aSriBemon ..



fencS.'Tb* cluh will April M with either the Qfsnts. Among the engaged are Ed Gilroy,Shaw, catcher; H. Bradley. W alter 5HUs, F rank Ferguson, of W atsessing; Otto Bchalk, of the Montclair Club, and Lou Boutielle, of this city.

PI Cjrtia Mesa P rogsanu*.Now th a t the dates of August 10, 11 snd

II hav* been oaalgned for the N atlonil meet * l IndJanapolla the '« Meet Club has arranged the following programme for each day. On August 12 th* racers will have a chance to rest, Fullosrljig Is tha programme laid out; , . ,

August lO-Thtrd-ot-a-mlle National L. A. W. championship, profsasionat; one- mile International, professional; two-mlle handicap, professional; two-mlle National L. A. W champlonahlp, am ateur; ona-mlle handicap, am ateur; half-mile, open; am a­teur exhibition by mkldle-dlstance riders and trick riding. , . , .

August II—'Pwo-mllc National L. A. W. ohamplonablp. professional: oae-mlleAmerican handicap, Jl.OGO purse; half-

Totals . 322 Ml





■n LEHICH COAL $4.1f

^ r v UftiumiXR o n f, i t l i p|,

Vwilbulf l*!rlt>r (wf!, Vesilr ^oarhes sort iiiin . i ;a i;3a yisT iist." M ukT?;® P. M. Aw w



For Attain Ie

. SB* 11 ;M A. I;t*. diSI and i

SaluriUir# noiy), ( 's r sBr} I’riBibl

^TVr Rrincb, Klb«roo. Aaborr Fulls OoftW I* iA«b (tpR airtj MaeMEuse^ Folet

IW Ti>li$ I

r o w ................. ..T * SM-XtO# Park,

Ht|xU4 Ukd Tonui &$V!r«*W r

Afs Bftrnfirfttll!U

Ptur.Ps Ms

. Bort*. "llhinp.l cb*B«*. 1I;U F. 1 m n »:W p. M. jslly.HrookjvTL If. T,->or HroeklvT K- T-'^M through trfttau mm i i t Jm tr CUir vtth boEta Al|«Aftonllnir ilirftct iruufftr to tn i from '<h41m dcHiWt Urrtac! and JounIon fti

I Im diiiy.Fon NEW YORK

a:l9s ft;M. i ‘.\9. i 0:4j. adiTs finaJ lry;M. l i i u “ -

, HiOp; iVaSf

S:«,nirht.9:C0s 'i*-wi v.-Hs, lOtOftsia;to, I3:BS. I;!)l, |iM,

*:tr. uiou.' ibisu f>.II iO) nlftfit.

Laat! f>Mrf lir«9t Rtatbrn, fl;0R, 6;>i, i TilL T ifi r:ie. B:!l. T o rn l l J f f i ,TixTsiax, i:X4 Rtid p. W. rwE ^ ! ^

Leave aMSIgui atrrrt SUilon. I :il. SAT, i *S i. T:(»,.7;8T, T;M. «;0S, *:«». H:M. »;19. S.-1 lOlDfi. 10;ST. lif:S!. H:)IT A. M.; |2;2(l. 1:11

.......................4;W. (;r.2. B:IMi,...............

uI ;i^ 3:1*, IM , 1;W. S;r.2, fi:(S, S;»f r * TdKi. S;I*. 10:00. ll:l*p , M, nliTir. BuM«y. fliM.

.. inj2T, lOiftT. n:-4H A. M : J2:W. l:«s. J:»T. 2:1(1, • :« . *:SS, C81, fi:«, I:l0,

. LlS. 7:21. SKff. 1 :^ , U:2l »:ImL 10:dlS snd^ i r *:M.

The Mutual Club'sTotal*practice

gom, __________ .fifte rem arkable power* ot tola O a i^ h lergyman were first notloed lb twsden

nearly twenty year* ago, when he tracedth* working of a developed mto* simply hy tollosring fils tickled (set.

Some A rso n s may not M saurted^w jtha* psrsc_— ,to* aaouhanca th a t the Rev. Mr. located on* velb twice on tos m an's fann, offered him $16,000 for th* property, and afte r hi* refusal to isll. a company wa* erganlaed to develop the mine. I t will, perhaps, be asked how th* man who util- b « hla tlckllah feel to dteHver minerals can tell whether It 1* copper or Iron th a t 1*

" idol

sandlcap, ....... , - . -----mil* spen, prdfeaaMDal: two-mlle muUI- cycl* nsndliap. Invitation, protesalonal; thtrd-ofrti-inll* National L. A. W. cham-

gomery'a last night reiulted i TEAM A.

EJdward* .......... Itsglevans .......................... ' »L. pea! ............................ 1»U Roe.............................. 124Slew art ....... ]«Golder ............................. !5SBaldwin .......................... 1*

944 306 UonL-

I follow*:

St4>ve or N u t mixed with best Ignfc I.«hlfh Ko- i Nut, B e i t l-a rg o LFliIgh No. 8 N u t, 5 3 .5 0 par ton. E le v e n Uarrela Hard KladlliiK Wood, !S},00,


V Q -gg ehtlll ’Ai t* ii"VRrtirMARKBT PfRRffT RTATIOff.

For KllciitFCh tnfl lUbwar, 1:*% /ilftllY, W i H " • 0 . 4;SIj Tm TjlK. ' .......




fifsert'ki, ilk*. 3K1II,....................~

nH il7 'P,"»(.. and l?(. > « gllssbrth #nl». H'.ie

«:WI, *il*. i« l. *;4S, *:«. T:0 1. T:*4. liOl5 ;« . 10:47, l l :« P, ¥ .. siU lliWito d ir. I '^ r 4‘4l.P, ¥.. *i3 lIiW anti ff'.ri l;k), fi;si, l:sn, 0 ;*«. l5);lS. -:s*. 1 ;W, l;il*. |:f t. 4 :^n xhl. aundsr. 1;»>, fi;S», l:Sn, 0;» 10^1. IHlir A. M.l « :« . 1;W. I;iu. »;0S. 8 ;:iuj;*l, Trig 1 ;M. 7'J». a:>|, i: I0 ;M, il kf f . M.. and la ST nlrhL

F. M. wwb-

Both T^uphoneaNo. 3]S T " 89 Kew Jersey Railroad Ave.,

CorMr lafsysH* 14.

Total* ........................... 1076TEAM B.

Edinger ............ }14Nelman ..................... JMA. P eel............................ 2MMiller .................... IMJohnson .................. mlO, r . C o llin s ................. 216

Totals ....................... lotsIn the Newark Field Club’* practice at

M ontfomerr’e last night the following *cor» were rolled:

1043 *83 P o s ta l o r t e le p h o n e o r d e r # r e c e iv e p r o m p t a t t e n t i o n .

C i a r r i i B i m 'sa t > . W-. t>i«7 ntiht. gundav, 4:U. ftSS, and !n;)l A, U.; I«;*a, l;M, »:»*. f * . ---V P . to , 1 *:« nlsht.



pionshlp. am ateur; two-mlle ainaletir; one-mile National L. A. w.

beneath. Undoubtedly curious K(eonc**ltd

minds will inquire-w „w , .i,c -rev. lur, Fredln has been doftig with hi* fast dur. ing the twenty year# alnc* ha diMovsrad their peculiar value to the world. Such

Counly In general and of Orantsburg, Burnett County, In particular.

Justice to aosasslns, and earneallyassuring you and all your kind that thou­sands ot men of my type aland r««dy to step hi to r track* and ^fek up my piatol Ifstep Hi to r V 11 should fall sentatlv* of

li, i sincerely thank fhs n >uB*n rtunll 1 Van! bottc... —GEORGE POWELL.

xa:a thousand year* of batl ism for th* opportunlly to Ore the shot In revenge for tne Yankee sailor* who fed the sharks In the bottom ot H avana Bay

The above cablegram wa* sent March IT, blit waa not made public until ysiriorday.

OT. Geotge E , Powell Is a noted W estern plainsman and Indian fighter, who follow­ed tha fortune* of th* army for th irty year* In tb* eapacity o t loout and gmda In the- numeroua Indian ware, serving with dlstibctlon under every General oevery Oen<the army weet of the Mleelislppl River

hi* term pt service.Jowell to afcobt fifty r» r* oi

and a well-known phystetan of La.CiDr. Powell y«r* of as*____ _____ 5ro**e.

H i waa 'a boon commnton of such noirt frontleramen a* BuSalo BUI. Wild Bill, Texas Jack and other* ot equal not*,


Im giU atH ts* IB the Brawtog of the Jo ry to Try th* Caa*.

Tha tr ia l t l Norriatosm, Pa„ of JamnaA. Clemmer, charged srith Implication In the murder o t H ra Emma Kalaer, which began yaaterfigy, haa been ppstponed until the June ttrih of court,

This wa* th s rssutt of * petition by th* defenc* th a t ths panel of Jurors be quash­ed because Ju ry Commlaloneri Troy and McDowell had drawn tha panel Irregular­ly , and for vartoua other technical reasons.

I t was allegad th a t tha commlHlonsTs the antlrs panel for personalhad drawn t

and political reasons.I t Was davstsp^ th a t___ ___________

ar Troy sM led the Jury wheel wlth,hls_cuS

e antlri panelJury Oomralsston-

button, alleging It wot hla taal. Mr. Troy admitted sending out a chroutar letter to

I OTmocratlo Coi

Iv„junty Commlttea a tU ng

amea of men who.codlo ac t t ath* Esmocratio "or the n*i

Ksemocrati _

t o ,get Demoeratf for tbs Jury.When the circular letter waa submlttsd

it appeared that tha commlealoners had " ■ * ............................ fheoe

handicap,L. W. tan-

3em ctiaroplahship, amateur: exhtbltlon by middle-distance riders and trliA ridkg.

August l l^ n e -m lle National L. A. w . Ohamjtonehlp, protaaelonaJ; - ihlrd-of-a- rnlle handloap. profession*]: tw o-thlrdi of a ■U s, open,jurofeMtonal; ooe-mllr N a­tional L. A. W. championship, am ateur; Inter-elty team pursuit race, Inv lu tlM . tbre6 on a tMm; haif'R*Enlia h&Q4t- egp am ateur; exhlblllon by middle- distance riders and trick riding. Night racM, middle-dlelanos paced event, pro­fessional; one-mile National L, A. W. ta n ­dem ohamplonehlp, pro(***l0Bal; hglf-mile handloap, profeeitonal: one-mile Invlts- tton race, am ateur, ,

Chairman Felts, of the '98 Mrot Club’s Race CmnmlUee. has received ^ letters from many of the riders, asking when the track would b* completed, and ita tlng that they would like to train her* for eeveral week*, either thte spring or later In the staoon. They all exprem th e ^ l v e * a* Well plaaaod with the racing outlook. ’The aueetlon of prises has not yst been decided upon, but the committee Is prepared to say th a t not less than 13,500 wlU he hung up In the profeeslonal events. Thl* will be aside from any special match race.

On the Rowllof Alleys.Four aeries of games wars rolled off In

Uontgotnery's two-man tournament U tt n ig h t Richter and Noaek beat H alius and Dennis two out of three game* In tha first aertea, and the former j» lr ™ de­tested two straight by Schllf and Taylor. fichlE and Taylor won two games from

TEAM A.WoodbuU .........Bchin ................ConaotHuson ..............Cochran ...........Uchermarbora .I’rice ................Hartsborne ....

t e a m b .U toH acU n ...............HTtFleher ..............

, tUiDana ................I« Northrop .........

, IJT W. D ureii........... lU i^ n d a li ............, H»Bc, D uren........... IMIMcLaughlln ....

. 171 14«l»17414i161m141

Tutsi ,.U14l Totkl ...1211

Th* smaU claulfied hiulneie ada on ths Wiat pso* e< th* NEsra oca valoabta


T k* T ea

McCoy and srockett, and slap twp from M nines and Dennis. Scores;'falhes

i-nnls164 301 ITS Mi)

Totals ichter -ack ,.


. $1*7

k)d.j«) u s MS IW IW


S Ichter ooefe .

Total* Schin ... Taylor ..


>DoU*ator of to* Post.’

P E B S O l l A l a

Patrick Donahoe, toe welt-known Irish publisher of Bostom WM Hghty-aavea year* old on Bt. Patrick ■ Day.

Colonel Bob Ingersoll's d|d Sunday- school teacher Jchn P, R o b e so n , has Juat dlod a t Aataiabula, O., a t tb* a of ninety. F or fifty-four years tie lived ... the bousa form srly ocqgplsd by Ingersoll’s father.

S In

Cardinal Qlbbonaln hU reosnt speechOrleans P rsto C lu” aald If


uroto. He aald that aa he srai elaotod. oi be Democratic ticket he thought he

for* toe Msw ..........tu war* to give a w advhia to a. puMlc man, the most valuable be could offer would be, "Alwato be frank wltb to* ra- porter* of refutable paper*,’’ , '

Mrs, Henry-Clay BatoaSss, this wlfJ of the leatotog comedian of tb* Bottontans..hleninth

s. Whenha* a tablecloth,comMateW oovot to t autographi of noUble'pavaiin ^ aiaUnlulabed victor dlMs wlih

as him write name on

fqltowat! pteesffiente etubiiahed by too#* ant u,SiNv r y r f t b ^ suoooelM In officer .^ J u jg e '^ to n d euatained the motion of

which ab* work* la with red lUk. the autographs ara tbooe of Salvlni

:)ulTe- -------- - ------ ■

her ah*toe cloth.



to s dsfeno*.


Bsstos goeSsty WeiiMB Anihms to Hava to* Ksw Law MOAUtodr

Mr*. Jack Oardner, on* of BoatoP’s most p r o m l^ t saslsty WMien, and otoar tsiffit* of tiM Back Myitostv* sapottsod th* eanae of tonUra hats. They raquastad 5o*ton'a Board'bf AlfiatoiiD yaatarfAy to aiatnd tha Uttr to that tkay may woar dahityl u tM - to H ^ toat «■ a« 2 ohautwt to*

Hpf'fatr « » • f w a natch.

dansral Lew TFalla^dpok* at South

Bshd "to fchuyter CollSx.Cc..........

vallaco IBand, Ind., laat Tutsday ovsnll of Ihe fund to e r t o t ^ a t^ u sthe fund to erect

O tant, Colfax waa an a rd m t i ee.IosL and the founder o f ths joigu t m of Rehooe*. I t la etepsotod to* d rrs will land a«U*tH|ca, ggeh '

oninbutln;the country tgmtrib to* msmbeto •*« in.

,. 167 134

jhlff . . . . 'ayior i.f

371 222

. M3192H« IM

Total*McCoy ,. Slockett


. i n 414

. 211 1771

T otati ... The final

, lU

: ’iS


Totals ..326 .fMlichlff , ITaylor

„2"1 . »2

. 2S7 367 games

Totalsof the Rd|>«OlA#B

p era tsu w * t W e ll W a te r R is­in g R aplA ly,

From th* B t Louts Globe-Itemocral.The well* along a defined line to the

south and west of Phosntx have altbin ( week become produoars of hot water, and Buprehsoslon I* felt by many of the r«el- d e n u of the region affected, th a t they an about to berora* parlldpan te In a grand volotnlc drama. In some of Ihe well* tha tem perature of the well w ater rose twenty degree* la a a iw le night. In few the phenomenon disappeared scon a r ie r Ite appearance. In a majority of

honrwer, th* walls fairly steam nearly aoquirad b e a t 'I'he Orel

known of thi* eurwus sta te of aiialrs was a rsport nearly two weeks ago that th* wells a t Harkiopo, on the Bouihern Foclflii Railroad, th irty mile* south of Phoenix, had auddenly become hot. It

four day* th e rto fte r th a t the |ihe

r a il r o a d t im r t a b u u .

6.-<B*s4 # :» p. to , J* :« nieht. „ ..:Slf iW ’lTi :!J?'fi^»;

............ :OA,AAihrftcUt ...........

elfkftnllniNW und cotBCort Uarrh 21. IHMi

CKNTKAL u r ME TiRMlaft)

VbuSb j -In fjteol

SunilftyiTL * i6:JA. ___ ...______ ^F«T IWa^Anj^y. IjM £*CT j

U.. and10:44 A. 12:M.' S aM ,'4 ;« . 6:*

- -;42 P. ¥ ., and tellTJ........... B:42 P. end 13;IT r1*ht„naBuiiMsri. 1 » . I0:1». U:S6 A. M.. *;*2 e e f » :«« ur ^' FeV B « l SBlVli™*. TlOO A. V . ; U lM , m M

g ioT! lild nofkr Iflll. k* If.* fXPFpt Hundfliy.


II,; 17:10, l.iru. 5:». IV;Bl ft:».XiuidtjH. 7:Ui.iM. t;S0e fitlD.’Fiif jW tMton*' 7:80. U:0S A, U j \ i 4;W>. 4;4Cfi:Sl P. M. hundare, C * P.

For Mftilotttf to Hiah Britlirs,■ ’Idi# Emnrh t*ho_Bp-

A. W.l lllO . feft&i io:aa_P4 .M._ , „■ *' lOa. 1:33.

in#!liktl4>ni on Hlnh lirlidir* E»nrh ooA Mtrone 14:16. eioeui E ik ' toimtc***). KM : 4:1» 4:40 1'. U. Irtiadayt (HIU r . M-. e *mu Lake HopetoM)., ^ _______

For eiellon* to M ela Um N «* J r t W . ' l t J ! ' ' tr»t Olvirttin. iSiwtLift, U*iiiltb#iTx in v AilMJ* town. 7:40. ftXm, wKli Buffet Pnrlnr Car, A, M. l l l : le . to FastnnI. 1:38 (Hufftt I 'e tlm Cer, 4l40, to Kaelunl. 8:62 (7 :8 |, lo keetoni f . ,M a ¥}*“ ' dare l7;l» A. M., to ^ e to n ) . l;l0,fi:.1S P. M.

For iuuch Chunk, L30. #:<* A. J frt Perlur f’er). >:.« (BulTrt Perl F. II. gundnrs, 1:10, 6:N) P, M.

Fw VViikcelierr*. yitiMniL end ficraat™ -

F H.For Lemhertvll .qddip^PM m.. 11:16 Ae M.. X:M F. U.

tf tj!’4»I


'Jemlnitnn. u: il Xundftr...... fift Ml.... =4 :« Pi V _ W-tk

For Fr#*hoijiTlrifich. vlft W. 4 :« Pi 6:06 P; W

rtom Twtnty-thifa Birf!! -M.. ftnri IJiOB ntlfMj FuhMjr!*1>':9D, 0:50 A. nfKlit.

a:N>,Ufa, TT.jsi,Ur. ao4 l t :0f

7t40. X’ll...... .. .iv t coitlanci aitMtt.

■ a j i r «;80, .4 ■sc; h-inr fl:4ft. Vo:i», 1=ri!!. 11:32. ):?<>: Jig : i l;»ri‘ jli(IO. *:a). }1B0. ...v. -Kl S:sn 4:30. fil4(l 6:60. B;!0, SlW *

C s ll f f* p ro o f t h a t b a l t a f ta d a p - p lla n o a B n a v a r o u r a w a a k m a n -

Ntrvoos debuity. organto weeksasewi, felllns ..............- —■- — Use nted.

PI* M.; 1:*S P. ¥■ (n.uifrt Perloi. Carl.Ti<r Sunbunr.LwIebgrx end Wlllliaiepwt vl* Fhlladvlthle. 4:06 A. to.:^ r . 6:19 P. to.

1:86. 7:46 F. M. 8un-HKWXBK ANn ELIXAnETH nHANCif.

I (eeve Broad Hlrert (Mitlun fnr BU»a-

I Of etaht. Ml* la I

Iftir triim indlKtoiluq: or ,.................. .. -‘ •3 r


Wft!nomsnon first was netoeed a dosrn miles west « nils Cjlfr A l e s t a t one well showed a lem p eia ta ra io t nearly 164 (le-

n o dUfaraOas te noted In Ihe wells Immediate vtctlray of Fkoffnlx.

Ths tine of toe aublcrtancan beat waverfreeg. ,•>J.h® fj

follows the genera! direction of tb* Sierr* BotrtUa fitountetes. a voloanlc chain ly­ing im m e ^ te ly aeuta o t toe Cilia River. ’Shane* It appeart td.oontkiue on In ths dlreotlon of the $fardim H a ls M ounuina near Vrblch are *' niimUdr of large and modern volcanic conto and Mils Of drifted volcanle *»h.. Rortbor lo th e east the lava flows are So geclogloally mn.lern

t c hgva evslNrhedmsid iti a number of th* olM! dwelUJig* of the anclcnla

IreeteS by tlnW-^ied rtratolto lag 4«oc«*. safklr, privately, si

Blnudjirts™. red Beet.^vrupi' sesee alfrrtloa mfluth and thfoL - - —JHl urlnerv dUreere and rtpH u^-feem atly

fund. Our remvdy tor unnalilril f lgMsnkM ■ truly mervrtloui, .

gw- Bell* ani appliances nevenstes'Waax n»n. They nay do barm. It Is lm pnsrt#a*ranr on* who has never seen you to five In* m toPn* you

“ ho pay rared" Is out way a*4 tto other spertalW roakee th*4ofl*r. ____ANA M E D lC A Ie IS S T T O P T E ,

nrri*i.ik«P TWiar* vsxaa1 8 4 O ra iiR e M rc io t. N e w a r k .

Iloui»-Slo 10 A M„ 1 toSaudItofiP. to.

placesuigh BO earlbqualto shoaka bavo iKrii

noted In doutnern Artoona for years, it 1*to r general belief chat hotbroken out a t each of the

spring* have in* potote affected,

fo r tb* ling of tb* phtmomShoo paaro* two itra ra . ;Thls ytesvla •uppogtod by the fact toot a t Agua Calteitte. M aaUs* south, west, and on Castle Crock. eUty miles iortfc, a r t liament* apifyiga of mliirral- iK d w ater vnlS a t*m p*ralure of 136 de-

'''7! I .....- i jC i : : ..... '_____ ^

Train* tssvr Broad b*ib and BnMtb. at 7:*6. NXkt Jk-**.Eliwlwibpori only). fcOJ. jj:86. l6;+6lt:aB A. M.i l3:Ui. 1X», 1:SB. 2:04, I:S6. S:E1 4:(«“ 4:«l. 6:04. 6 23. .'i:62. 4db <7:86 to EUsn- hMhl. *:40. IW:06. !1:W P. to HKm, l(l:05, 11:86 A. to ; > fi'36 S‘60 V:2n. S;16. 4:10. IC'.afil . M. . _PBItTH ^ktoBOy.^^lriNa^BHAtfcH. CKlB.kN

For Treml*y and B-; S:®*.6:23 4:14. 7:46 K It. Sundays. VdJ4 A. to .; 4:Un

Buwsrsn. at 4:16, S:S4. ]0:M, IHBfi A. to. | lU , 4;U8. 4:40, 3 JiS. fljli. 7:36 t . M. Sundays, * ;« , l(l:«6.A,^to,: 4:6#,|J.

li niidit.t mfnrmftiM llrltel offirMiRvIvanf* TU,____ •» tbfrfiiwf>ft?$v*i ■nfflcM. No,_ TflXr ortickproffirt Bl M*rVft 81 m t

V HTTr'mNf'OW.

:ss. in;nn. iHjm A.

G R A Y 'S S P E C I F I C M E D I C I N Et e a m HJUIE n*»l441 TPtoOt m am

iwlito latelyA» «nlkIU« owt

■ptoi«ii*r*loipiApev:,R«H|I lOipaMf ftll DI»rL M lev !«•••■I

$ 7 5 . f $ a ^ 3 5 .NO EXTRaIi

TOR INST, ^ Spoitem aM aagp^

a n d p r o p o s e t o s e t r i d o f alN H it 3 6 |;$ & C d N D “

h a n d B lC V a B f t TvtiiGft iMiTe, t e e i i tn f d e ^ i s f » | i i | r j G 8 8

S*Eldrkl|<;8o|LASHl DOWN T !^ flOtX d O t 1 —# 0 O e

t ^ t a - H M M p ei g o t a ~ # i « e

N a t^ |r$ te dtoumMai, Victory Stearni^

{6 9 6 Columbiu.<to. 18517 Hirtf(mLCiwcint2W!pHMi ilto $895 hlfli (radii. 1B96 nwdlimi (ndat.Abo«(.t(tt OMChlneirHUI tortg.

k « » <20. ^

c“ lw

m fUT nDietm m t m i . t.0« •uwataTeewlHWa.Till** Wrq*«

__ Jl Bun4:06. 1();«6 A. M.; 4;US P. M,

6:M.'6“4 r i J : -u*!?:VVSrtild,''ibis'! ri:5i A. to; 1;S6. 4:40,

Jlinlt. l/w* Brsnrh, (^“an Qr^«. •te ft'lft fl4l:<lA. R**<t nihk oftlr). 1L8X A. H..

L^ 4 4’W. aA2. «:ltt I*. Hiin'lSTr. « - <NNH to Oreen nrovB. (111:06. lied Dunk 0»lv>5 ^ - ' ’“ ’’ F^^hI.AKEW,Vln- »;M 10:(W A, M,; 1:36. 4;b) i6:.13. Hatijrdayi only) P M Bundays. libC6 A a-wTama River. T.larnrgsl Park and Hnrnagat. 4.34 A. M-; 1:116. 4:4« P M. Bundays. »bl« A. U. Fcr Atlantio City. Vineland and nrldxeton.

^ kwaRK amp new YORK.From Brea It end P'ter, 2,S’2n 5*[i0 S’20 rt'4fl 7:00 tiifi 7:40. R;00. K.2U.Xi: I'W: 9 :2rj. lt:0»l.

Me AftHvfliioton rtsUnn,*.

venk-dAyiTTtnftcc. Otonsvile BooNtfitor. ftuffftto. NTa.ri“ rtls end the vKS. and prltwltol kicaJ

12:28 ?. M. daily. oscet>t Sunday.


12:311. 1:00. I:*0. 2:(W.1 :8^*^«)Hi;3ij*4'!ik^<i:‘8n.'ii:06, g:25'?h?S6. ?:™i. A .* 'fu n o “;J t(1:00. T;M,.4:011. I#:**. l':™> *.Id ’ 1*D0 l:wi 2’00. 8:00, 4:00. 0:00, S:00.

V!S. 9:W; 10;& lliW. 12:00 P- M. (12:40 A If., n<^tit Mondftyf)

10:0i);'iOlisT t0:fta,' 11 ;O0, ' ------- \

For eato W ChArte* Hcltoauas,nd MadWrt ^ “ekatrseta.

r v i i u o B o « i o » ^PUDLIO NOnCB-CIty of Newark. eeuaW ol

EsMx, aa._______ DtTMt ^ -

Cuthiftfiiilewls the etty uf ff***8ft 74* C£iaIIEito8 •ftJO boftrt to c itniel ft ■Imei rmll-way ov*V andavenue* in said wfiTa w -w it.

lowtox strMta ftiidB^inBiris ftt ft poitit in Cltoton ftvenut In t|to

j 'tb A. W ■ ib'Ob il.; 12:80. liflO, 1 .w, 2:00, :4a 8100. J:S0, S:!«, 4:20. 4 :68. 6:)lj, 6^. 6:|W, ;BI>. 8iOS. 4 :28, S:46. 7:60, 7:30. 7 :46. Sf», »;*>.A II'.IS. 12:00>. H. - ...... * ■’' *

4 :00. 10:00. 11:00 A-*:bO. .4:(H).----4:00,

Bunday*. 4;ii0. 7:00. M.; 12:6o M,; t:00, ■ 4;S0, 7:00. »:00,

«;S#, 8 :*B. 9:10. 4:66, daya.-TlOO. 8 :» .*i6o, 3 :4fi;«:«. fl;<

:66. ll;40 P. M. Bun- . 11:1)0 M.: !2:.M,I. ^ $ 6. Tl25. 4 :60. 10:6t


Trentoo ftiid PhfladsJphlaJd.tR.ffor Trentoo ftiid PhfladsJphla fd:tR tony ft:n(y Sm. t:«| :4K».11:28 P. U flundays. “ “ ‘iM ? 7 8 :8 5 !♦.

.... fiw Tren ton} A, M..


term in u« toft ftv*n«*eoufb iUto ruuntDR , tbft afof««aland lortr-oo* a eurva

„ j b “® 5'kt*m V 'rtrert:'rt<^ 'iSj'iS'&fa'fssrrtroF. B t e S M

two•evM ftft<■ixtVaMva* dftxrftMp i f a d r 5 f . s r a 7 '* « iIM diYtsitifr

tif th to iw * teMvarftiM tflMftr tftft d w iim mSf aft Mt to MdMtiM tUfurSliS*^of Iraotlyn _Sf“ :

tnAlBtirtaeiMa a elBal* traek air«t railway,Ffty* UMuciirftr. to ]^~ uaad J*.

tricltv, to auwollftd averasad wIDs* RMf?*tricuv, to « ftwpwa " •mfttm t throofh wblohf^lBftftd.


Imor* and WasklBirl^ Pj®5i IP*!!?2;0n. S:88. R’D4. JD:M. lL a» _ P ’, M

'riW. Ae M.i I'-IO. B:D2. P<

ftnuth. til M. ftundJiftrft. LID P. U.

For tk’kata. baiPiwr* 'ch«ft*. CfttkMU ttW*lftW«..(

pfir% rth#T litformntlnn ii«ftfat»kw. to hft aMp m . i^ rketB -to r aU ftnfnts

d ao4 rowrftrtions. traae eh*fk« at try

hftd a t th r llrket offirijs.w$'’the PrtnaVivanla Ttol and wtlha, #^*(tons. and


Oen. Usnafter.L -ff . WOOD,

(latte PaftWfUiftr A fM t,

lEHIGH m i E I SISTEM.kahkwc sT B tr r »tatiok .

6:40 A. Me Aativ .(8gndft;i[x Tt2fl A. M.> for

arrlvM nuffak) 0y0& Pullm an VMlIkultIMv Ouapliei and l*arlop Care. Dltitua C at le ^ vice. M ralt t to oarte.^Crm nects a t Baffal# k’tth ttiniuftk ftlrcners to tH tro ii and rlilcftao. 1'30 P 1C dally, for Fasion, U aurh Chunk.

Vlikf’iiS rre . Bcran(rm (wi'ek-dftyi). ofti bratich»tt. r h a l r Car to M aurh (Thuhift.4’S4 P U derifc racept Sunday, tor Widis#-

harre, Pltwt«>n. arran tim Hnd nrlnclDal Inter- nu^iats itaUirtM. Crniueeu tor all potoli [n eoai rr^tns. l^ullman Biilfpt Parlor Car to AAtiksa*

. aa a,4:46 Pe U, dally, eaeaM 0 irndajj^of(Tkunk arid Intermadlaui stottona. Chal# Ca» to®ft" ' *'’ -a .a ' a. ^ 1.'8:48 F. M- CflundaH oftiy) #or Haueb Chaw and fmermedlate •tatlonft.

d'8T F. M. daUFi escetA Sunday, tor Blfttlftitstt and priori wil liitormedtate inylnta.

f '2S P U. dftUf. t-o* Uuflatov K iM ara PaJU; *d all pSftle WN«. Pullm an SIm j w Vft»U*

b^ed train K«w Tork to CUIcaXb. S^Dftrt I*. BuRbIo and Toronto . .

None but Rleenln* (’nr i>aa»#B**ra eairrlftiL Kft:biiafaitP carried.

PullRiaa Sletoer ta lihava.A44H10BA1 loMl traUia daily, e s w i asua}*.,

tor eouih Ifiejiifleld. llauiiil bryi"S a te MjSte.^leAre aa foV o-!; ■ (iuailsya anlyV 11:14

-1 r M.A ril'

and IntelAs M.a I

2:MTIofceia Bftd puflmaft ftCtmttttiodftUeeHi ftt P w ^ ’ rtvBnfft lUllroad Dftwt ftftu TIO Oruftd BtraeL «


..... ............ rail al ltn«i1 Blreet Btatlna,ir^* O ty Ticket Office. 183 Harkcl atreet.

r r i i » . o e S - & £ ii£ lS ! i i .

w ftttn*

d m d M i i

•T S A M S a iF e ,

A H C H O K L I N E -O U h i W > ’ t b ! « b e f e R V .

c a w o - to v Site lurdtna w atsmsm l*‘

iw tinx rraU

l t 4i_ _cpran Ira' _ .daya. T:rtrp..M.„Ob^cftjrn. .. leftve* Hew-ark, '8:07 P. V- Xuwayu. 6W P . M.

ppr ticket*, bftwfta# atHKik**cfttlOT. fli’l vS*^LfloB. MartiW atreet. TatopbcM i f ataUon.



Page 12: First Edition. - DigiFind-It

« Muur h fn.minrmw will BToboblu be cleoT ond colder. WJjm rj^ G R A P B S US: The mother to-ewrrow wiUprobably be



I4 7 - M 9 M A R K E T S T .

SPRING MILLINERY.\ A Sapplementary Display!

There’s a Reason for Everythin!,o f S cheue r’ s T in fo il P re­

in M a rchth a n e v e r be fore in th e h ia to ry o f o u r honae. w e m a taunch adTOcatea o f q u a lity , and w e b e lie ve th a t q u a lity ahou ld g o ve rn p ric e , n o t p ric e g o ve rn q u a lity .

A n d th e re 'a a reaaon fo r o u r aalea , , ,tn iu m J a v a C offee a t 3 7 c . a p o u n d ^ in g la rg e r ie th a n e v e r be fore in th e h ia to ry o f o u r honae. W e are

Praw hiinJavaCoMae,



Now York Coffaaa,

Since our opening a number of new and very novel effects in headwear have been received and arc now on view in our parlors. They include a few imported designs, but the great­er part arc from our own work-

27c. lb. 23c. lb. 19c. lb. 12c. lb.5 Iba., L28. S Iba., f.OO. S Iba., 85c. 5 Rw.. SOc.

« Oenti a posnd Car tba lw« Milk ct Lcnno cnckan.

* 0 Or>ti for rrnttoc Aaerlr*n Xa'Wrt Soap*, l a ctt. caa lof OoU U«U1.

Those who are in a position to know unreservedly declare that our showing n S i a S o m e s t ever m ade.^ Each hat has a distinctive sty le and beauty, and the h n n ^ s who have seen them and who have praised and admired them are sur

■ " Come and see the new

be our bwt advertising mediums.


rin » Un/wUe* anU hulton, aplMf hfew, fl«ilbl» c o ll op*ni *nd laaa raJfcP ,w ^ tlp i, « i« H4~p> IM iT tlu* » i4f ........



Batin calf, li with tlpa asBr a topa, ilaa i

irtth h « la ani 89c[1;

to UH with iprfitb „ baall. 0 .» k in d ...... f * ia


Flna dark tan or black vlcl kid, Ox­ford* and J u lla tt w ith hand tumao aolaa, |L « T tlu*. *»•

Ladies’ Silk Lined Tailor Made Soils!


Uc«s,Hada of pur* wool eh»Tlot«, In the

la te tt f lr fron t atyl*. aklrt* newert ahapa and porfacthaniln ir, )*( k rt* and ■klrta llnod lhrou«hout w ith fine obaUBtaM* ta ffe ta allk, tu lta aplcndld- It tailored and worth fu lly tU.W, at tJia apadal piioa o f

1 0 .0 0 e a c h .


An aaaortwl lot of lacea. In torchon andjigncy ctitton, ■out* with Intertlont to match, and In a v a ­riety of wWlhi and pauerna, ic. to »c.value, for...................Val., Point de Part* and Honlton effacta.In butter, ecru and while and with lo- aertlon* to ntatch,

VAEDla te a l of opan and do te pattern*, on

B m h 'il'* and nu n -hluD Q lieoDk, 1 to < Inchet

wide and recular worth lltic ., .fo r.....

FineLius, Sclew


Specials in thp Housefurnishing Section!■ _ . _____ ; H (Mlrlnth. t l inehee wide

9c14-qt. ptahpane, m ade.rf ptaiM of lood duality till. — yetfularly lie .. WedneedW'

H-pleca Tea BeU. o f beetAm«ri<Miit •owi*

siss;ttrSi“SiJ.'SS"*J5{ 2 .4 9■at. Wedneeday ......................

tooludlnf I5c

elaewithae„ at'

Round Tin_____ rat bottoma, uaualiy

jaaeatW a ^ .K a ttle a , flrat I9c

Cup* ana »au- quallty porcelain.

and Sau-W hlt* ’cera, of flE.. ------- r ------- , •new fancy uiual-ly Uc. pair. lay a t.

F ru it Bauoera. o f Imitation cut tie**. *i|u»r* ehaw , b r lth t were, and re tu la rly Ic. each, Wedneeday ..........................

Shelf Oilcloth, 11 Inehee wide, warranted perfect, d excellent pattern*, retularly Sc., TA<d: nesdayr* ......................................

2kButler Plahee, of Imitation

cut tla»», new, b rlth t ppllahed WRre, aod IRc, vtlue. wednEi-* diiy ..............................................

PuU PnrwuJe, for poUihltif m^taln. Ihe Vnlverwil brand, regular 4c. b1i «» for....................

B a rg a in L o ts fo r th e M o r n in g H o u r s ! Io J L l e from 0 t o l l O'clock on ly . N o m »ll or te lep h o n e o rtler i Oiled tor th em . ^

4 k SYAKD ^

t U l iB’doeL

trnWaaebad MuiUn.idi, 3 kM InohM wl(...

ular price tC-. Vnl„ the lot laat*............. TAEB

I toll BUk Flnlth U n in taN tnche* wtd*. In

■ ■■ h t blue, yel- brown,

and for

o’cwi, e?" n .red. Nil* t r ^ B i whit* worth l»c,.


t t o l l Ladle*' P art Blwk B eam itn Ho**, with Q l _ untdeached f**t. O iSCr^ u la r M«. trad*.

9 to 11 Plain W hit* Cam­bric, 18 Inch** wide.

A'aljUiY • I ltn lh •"'R f'LT ” * U E H vi, « u l a r worth 10c., whi...............

6 k'uiTit iSirtii......... ’ YAED


Black *nd Gray Uouminf Camtarlca, with floral deiicna,

'fVr‘ ."!"‘..?f:...": yak d

9 to 11 O’clock,

Cre*m White 8h*k- tr Flinnul, II Incn* M emtraw alfhi. to ft Dap*rtfular lQc.« ti....*•*


9 to It, O'clock

Ladle*' Ribbed Com­bination Bulla, T » r t * and pant* In o n a ■'Onrtt*" make and Ho, tr«d*...............


9 to It O'clock,

910 11O'clock,

Fancy Cheviot*, ■trlped, checked and fltured, lljtht and dark irounda, taa t color*, Inc, value, forMen'* Hematllcherf Japonette Handkar- chlefa, white and eolored border*, reg­ular lOO. kind. fo r....

5 kYAU>


Ij, Cent* eachHaakerel.

lor lalt* Halt Fat

A O CeiiW (or * doaea of B all^ ine. W Faltetupan. Eledemayai'. Beer.

Centt (nr e n o ^ o JJ**™*?*

^ Otnb a pmiad for a amall talUor-nla Ham.

O K CW italorSoauEim raocTlariT June Pat*.

n a c Cw for Cmaa* C Blaekwrtr* NMaawab Hokiat, Chow Chow,jg Cenai.kir t-pooBd pan of Naptaty't


Cmw or Heitnltate WhlakcT-Ceuta for a lull pint bottle Weleh'i Grape fuioe,Caatf lor a latv* Oalvaolird Coal Bcuttle, worth doubt*.Onitt (Or a pound* of Poncy I t- aporated Airloot* or PetcheaCant* lor a bottle o( llelnl* CWll

or DAiid IRreflilRd<w IC Cent* tor a botil* of U rfhm ol^l O Co. Worc*»iarthlr«Sa“oa,*“ l*’rted.

Strictly PrcBb Etta

Fora Lard.■gah cem aapoundtorlhanM itC boa' h « » oiateCnaoi D r ^

OenW lor a a-pound brick Oodflih,whlULCent, tor a paekaa* of Iht BcM UomlDj or Oalmaal.

« M • • • » • ♦ • » # # k

David t a . K

B X T K A O H D l i V A R Y V A L U E S * I I V

Ladies’ New Suits and Waists.

w a r CeDlalorabatUeofHr*.HopklW.-Bome-made Jan*.

W Canll a caa (or Fanty Faaii, Cher- ftet. Aprieota.

^ Canto _a quartUreas Faaa.

tot Bait Scotch


o . o s ;(1 iohelin wul luvy blue, fly front Jackrts, lined through- ( I out wUh satin or talftta silk, new plait back Skirls, , I finished setms, *14.00 value ,it...............


or fly front Jackets, taffeta silk lined, latest style *»11 perfect han*mj Skirts, tailor made. H8.50 value, | * M ~ W ' *(I at

< 1I » IN SERGES, also broken sires of ALL WOOL FLANNELS In b iw n , (reen, o red and istvy, lined, full ullor finished, detachable collars , , of material, full frtinls, yoke backs, worth »t.50 to *3, timi, , Closing price...................................................................................



. l l o * doMItFhM WbdOMin Cr«un«fy B « tU r.................................. ... pOH«8

Thil week, big baririlnt la Bin* and White Oraalte Waee Free with50c. ToOB* pomtd of our SOc. tea*, any kind. Don’t m!** It.


S e w J e r se y 's L en d in g OroeerB,

738 and 738 Broad St, opp. PostoflEice.BtUMli **or**-Ihrty B t. B aak Bt., HarTlaaa. Oraaca, Btoa

, LADIES’ LAUNDERED WAISTS.IN CAMBRIC, PERCALES AND DiniTIES, deUchabto collm, j j bioiue or full froBts, douUc ud single point yoke backs, light, «, medium «nd dark colori. regular price SOc. to '',, $1.00, while they lert, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >CHILDREN’S HOSIERY DOZEN CtllLDREN'5 FINE COTTON RIBBED HOSE, tUk fin- ’ |

__ _ V \ " Iflhed, w srm nted ebeolutely le s t black Bad »U lnle«, high s p l l ^ heel* '

S . SCHEUER & SONS, It , X. J.

A REAL GENUINE SHIRT BARGAIN.' MEN’S LAUNDERED NEGLIGEE SHIRTS with attached collar* and cuff a, nude 11

of extra quality cambrics In neat stripe* and checks, French T /B 0 m r , ,felled seam* and pithered yokes, well w orth JSc^forW riM S- ^ 11day at............. ........................................................... EACH ^

A m o s H. V a n H o rn , Ltd.

ItD! Yirds of Spriil Dms Stoffs lost Bt Sold To-iorroi.

tot-INCH ALL-WOOL KOVEITY 8OT1X0B la licbt and d u k oolorii^ worth l*c., at.... ...YABD

For ftoTwge, *ee ob—beat serrloe, I lo w n te t. I

Oat oB tba ear al Plan* rttaet. But npia aarrta "Amoi” (usd "Xo. A” Iwtot* •nterio* E X T R A S P E C I A L

Sideboard Sale- RepeatedAnd the last sale’s success will be repeated too— or we’re

big error. T he line ism


l a w Laaew ato** C e» * l* » t1 r* e b y A totaH eea Itovatotiaw.

r r e m Tba Bvenln* Sun.T ha lypew rltar 1* on* Amartcan prooual

w b t ^ hoe Davar aufftrad a foralsis boy-aa tt.

a Blamete lypaw riler Mi*{}orth*nt*n*lihbor[ (he Em piror of CWn* m icht ui* a lypew riU r It h* bed one. l ^ t(h t Ui* a typew m er u ne n«u WU.:. u,.' until h* p u b l l i l ^ anlahln* U.00# odd character* of hi* P JW * • alphabet be will have to e x te n t h lm talf wfth a bru»h and Inkpot. Tb* J^anoo* . In their i tru c il* for commercial Ijo®*™'

‘ crym* for ty p e ^ te r* . JExpert*

T b* oUak o f th * Amerlean typaarrllor I* board around th * world. Tb* tourle t (Ind* I t tum lnB up in a ll »ort* o f o«t-of-th*-w *y oomars, tnwn loeland to Van W *™ "' • Land. W ith th * Dontola and AahanU patttlana I t haa panetratad Into th * heart i S th * A frtoa it wlldemetoi; w ith U « t* n -1 an t P aarr It found It* way to th * A iotlo rastoiia: tb * Buaalan Oovammeot hw eant I t a ll throu*h Blbarl*; It la to ta found In th * bwna* of tba mtartonarlM In lad la . Th* Caar o t Ru»*l* baa a rtoW awitovad, fold-piatad, w h it* anamMad lanry-keyad typew rlur fo r ^ U n * both ■towyiiah and Ruialan, Qu**a V lotonn ha* on* la her bouaahold, and *o have tua Aoeaa Ragant of Spain and th * Khedtva of ■wypt- In the wreck o f th * battleablp lla lM WB* found a typaw rltar, and ahould the RuMdan Ea*t*rn *qu*dr«n'* flasabl p aaddMily lin k tn th * Y*llow i* a an A m ^ - can typaw riter would ta found In iho Cap-* ^ a unlvMaal ua* o f th * iFpew rliar i*

to ttto ewy »d *p tA tto U> fcjinoit,‘ ■ o f prii

tloD. a r t cryinff for typew rtten. . a r t a t work unfavelfing the Japaneielahsuac*. and a Japaneae typewriter kM ' » " e .... raiuU from theirwtllboard**Th*’polyflot machine la a recent develop ment of typearrlter oonetructlon. Buaj- naw bouaa* doing a l^ g * forwjBn burt- naa* wtth scvaral countrie* atked for ^ chine* w riting aeveral »y ^vldlng for the aeceitU of the v a ^ u * Bu- iQpean language* on one keyboard t a l f a doaan or more language* may ta wrlM*n on on* mnehlne. llany typtw rlttr* witn Bo«Uih-toinUh-FT«Bcn ktyboaroi ■tilptMd Booth Amertcwi countrtet. Th« mo«t intaraatlng polyglot miohln* In the ofOrtd 1* ono Juot ten t to Pope Leo XIM. for u*t In tb* Vatican. Uh* the on* fur- ntabeC th* C*ar. It tad«o r* ted with gold Ivory and tnam el. T h t machlnt w rU tt Knglleb, French, ItaUan. Bpanlah, Portu- guaae and G e r m a n .__________ _

fbMUni e capable o f being printed,^om ani**H tbrtw , SlainaMe TOltffu, and■wwA*.*—.. eitbrflw. Blam«We toI®»u B uatlan. The aooaiita, eo Im p g ru n t a of o ther languagai than % ^ ta h . a r t w ritia n with dead kay*. w h la ^ not n o v o the cyllodar carrying tb* P*P*f-.

Tha dead key devic* h «Ingenloualy applied to eotvlng a dlBloolt OMblem In lypew ritar oonrtructlon. An niurilah mtaoionary In India, ^ r . J*CTb Cbam berlaln, a t Medanapalle., Hadrj* ^ c ld e n c y , wlehlng to traniJate the gcrip turea lo r the native*, wrote to an Am erlean typewriter co m ^ n y «a lyo aw rtttr could b t naadt to w rltt In t Telcjfu language. He had been urtng on

*h-w m iu* typewriter, .and on* .dey moaned

la to o e e a t B o v laa Biieagglar*.From th* Bt. Lout* Olobe-Demoernt.

"Bora* Of th* *hr«wd«*t trick* aver played *r* by the im ugglen of opium," ■•Id H. A. F1*nlng, of Beattla ’‘A vary unique imuggllng •cheroe w*a unaartbed a few year* *go by United Sthtea gaorat Hrvlce officer* In N orth DakotA I t W*» noticed th»t an unu*u»Uj targe num bar of catll* wer* ta in g driven *cro** lb* lln* to th* North D akota m arketa and th e ■ecret *ervlc* men planned an Inveatlga- (lon. For lom* tiro* their work w m In vain, and they had about given up hope of dl»oov*ring_ any unlawrul oparatUmiwhen an a t^ d m t r e v ^ ^ the Faot th a t. . w .A ---------------

w hen It w ai emaehed by pl»*t*r falling In hi* bungalow, the Idea of a ^ le c u type­w rite r ooourred to him. The Telegu len-

uag* ta peculiar In th a t every character- —__a — ^ _a .liA l.fa fllfWim e*kf WtolnMa n r WMa

Cut Yilw'n furth 'er'itudy found that the**S nM nt* a 'ly ltab la Tb* mtaalooory re-

red the. language Into IW^ch«r*c«rA

pantU n_____________ ____ ______ fool tbithe noatrile of the caul* were •ln**“ w ith opium wrapped oarefully In tin M L in th li way each eteer wa* w orth tw tta U* normal value. Hundred* upon hundred* of entraal* had been driven ta™** t" J border w ith their noetril* lo a d ^ . w ith opium, and It wa* e»tlmat«d th» t t t a •muggier* had cleaned up a profit of W .w before th e dlecovery wa* made. B u t the •muggier* were »ly and they eeceped and wore never captured.”

bharactar* were built up from a much am aller number of ba*Ic form a Th*M form* were hand cut In India under the m lM tonary'i dlrectlun and eent to the typew riter oompanv. WUh tha,aid o f ' h j im ul hey* it wa* found possible to build up all the compo*lie character* of the Telegu language upon a etandard key- b o a iu The tvnewriUeo word* look If


like aChliiew! laun'dryman'* effort*, a eonfuaed

■' uA,

L avendtr 1* a *h*de for dr*** good* th a t tn y womftts to whoni It ti' not uiibocoRTimg m&y take*up th li tprln*. for It *J5»ed f»ihloiw,bl« indortemonL Finding Uamong th« flneii woovM of the now lar- f«tM ihow« tho l H !• c o rw l , »nd, * s* ' * flTtdlng U In »uch taoUful ^*’®****.^*^Jf^

of ourtlciiA. upotB, points and ai<* m rtod ertscenti. The mlastonary found hw Tsiegu typp'wrUer so valuable In Chrla- t iS J ^ n g ine hfutb^na th a t o ther mission- arlMi sunt orders fur similar macblnof.

Klctured herewith dem onitrate# fjj,® 1st d^wtgners a re employing it. The skirt

of this dreM was trimmed on the left sMe

?iflth them a iarge ponton of ihe Bible h w ■been distributed In

a t waist‘and hem'Vrith'a tr tan ^ of richly ambroldered sim, a ^ these points

duplicate nmoDg the

^ '^ tr^ n g llsh student of Hebrew sent an

are Joined by a slender trellis ^ t i i narrow lavender velvet ribbon, ^ h e waist

- ■ ■ sned enough In the

just what is left of the 40 samples. Thejr’re shown on s a m e floor with other regular sideboard stock.

N o o ld s ty le x —e ve ry one ad­va n ce ’g8 d e a l|n fl. H e a v y c a rt- ingB , b e ve lle d n u rro rs , s o lid in g s , each p a rt w e ll fin is h e d . T h e ir in f t k o n o u t W est p ric e d th e lin e s th e y r e p r e s e n t d o u b le these ■ a le p r l ^ s :

$ 9 .7 5 , $ 1 3 . S IS . S 2 0 . $ 2 5 , $ 5 0 .

Ton can “ miittai up” ’b o * ^ w ith soma aw fully jo o d * n » n a lo n table

6 2 . l n c h 8 T B I C T L Y A L L - W O O L B I C Y C L E S U I T ­I N G S , i n a ll. t h e l e a d i n t f l u l x t u r e s , t w i l l e d b a c k , r o r - u l a r s e l l l n i r p r i c e 6 9 c , , t< ^ m o r r o w m o r n i n g i m t l l 1 2 o’c lo c k o n ly a n t i n o t m o r e t h a n 6 y a r d s t o e a c h b u y e r . n t o n ly . Y a r d




SILVER STAR MADRA& full new Um of ( I the meet dtotnbie Wlta. lull W taebe* wkle,1 ’ l a i i oRtoctaltt..i 1 DRESSOlHOHAUa t o iMgert « * 0 M w ^ (1 u t i pveutart ptaUtain tta d ij , worth double

^ 2 * * ^ ______ yard l O O

_______ _ It will my you w m t o c a l l ^1 • examine tbl* ooe ime worth 28a, we, offer, I *p*ctal kmmatww

a,------ -----o " -

ipaotali—1 1 .9 5 up.••75c. a weak wW do If caah b BherL’’

AMOS H. VAN HORN. Ltd. m J Market Street.CASH OR CREDIT. / Striat,Note Nanw AMOS." Newaik, N. J.

Talephone 680. Good! deUverad F R E E to an y p a r t of State.

iaL ririnn r(' i‘ i* “ ***** * “ '* * * * * * '

S. HETMAN’S,8 0 8 to 8 1 0 Springfield ATenne.


Te«l wMa, extra bmvj-, 8c. kln<L J g C to , y iid ....................................—■ ^ ' r t

TAnUC UINRX-Unble*i'b- _ed, ifllnebe* wide, » t kind, *JIlliten dMaiuk. lo-Dorrow (or. yd.

FACR TOW KI.LIXG-All tiucto U InchH wid., ex-

Im ulry to the »aiue company for a He­brew typewriter. None hau ever been

bloueed eitghily, opened enough in the cintr* to 1*1 a violet velvet ve«l peep out, and the bodice lu e lf wa* covered with theand the bodice lu e lf trelllaed vaTvet ribbon.

m i^*. but a Hebrew keyboard wa* planned and the order mied. Hebrew, It muet ta rem em tared I* written from right to left and from th* bottom of Ibe page to Ui* top. The Hebrew typewriter made for the etudeni haa the luechantam of

It wa* *1*0 trim ­med'wUh’ a co ilire ti* of embroidered taf.

New flan Spot T h e o ry .From the Ixindon Chronicle.

At * recent meeting of the Royal Dublin Society, F rufeuar J. Joly brought forward

theordinary typewriter; to have revened It would W e ........................been * co*tly undertaking.

....................... .... ck-The owner conrtaiuently ha* to writ* b*c ward. Bbould them be aufllctent drmanii for Hebrew t » e writer* they would ta m ade to write (roto th* upper right hand oorner to the opptwile. The German Gov­ernm ent recently ordered the u<* of the only Oermitt letter* In the Government buelneee, For •everel y e a n German type- wTltere with Roman letter* have hwn In u*e. but to meet the new order a Ger­m an letter keyboard ha* been MTMgefl. A change he* nUo Juet taen ro*d*. m the Greek typewriter*. 'The flrat Greeh type­w riter wrote a elantlng letter, but » new vertical letter having become much, tn favor In A then*. An American lYPawrlter company hoe equipped a machine withth li etyie of type.. , , „

Kin* Chulalongkorn I.. of Siam, while travelling In Europe not long ago, flr»t *aw the typewriter. H# waa eo Inlereat- ed in the machine th a t he lininedlately gave command th a t a typawriter be added to the equipment of tha royal hou»*hold. The Blameae language had never been w ritten with a typewriter, but an Amer- to tn typewriter company w«i appealed to, and within a short tfiti* th* King wa* eup-

Ingenlou* theory of eun epoU, t h i ^ myeterlou* and ever-changing dark tilotcbee which the telescope reveal* on the •urtace of the *un'* photoaphere. If atsome level In the photoaphere th* tem p ers ture fall* below th* crttlcal tem perature Mthe element* preaent, and the preaeur* I* sHlUclent, a preclpltalton ot liquid will re­m it, and It la suggested euch * proclpilated flootl of liquid m atter, eupported on g to eou* m atter of higher density, would gtv* rHe to the appearance preeented by p »un spot. If th* liquid 1* opaque, It wUl look darker than the *uiTOundlng photo*phem. The refleeUon of the photosphere * l the edge, and the Inruth of gtueou* m atter over the cooler area will. It I t believed, ex­plain tha appearance o t th* penumbra. T ta re-evapor»tlMi of the liquid oonitltute* the illsappearance of the epot. On this view, the aun epot conetltute* the flret beginning of a change of sta te In the aun visible to ns. Neither thU theory, nor the usual on* that (he apote are oauaed by the deaceitt of solid jiarllclea Into Ihe Internal heated region of the photoaphere, appears to uieto Mc'count In any way for the observed that the spot* atta in a maximum both lx iiumtar and tntenrtty In a period of about eleven year*, euch maximum being attend. ed by megnetlc dtaturbance on th* earth . -

tinen a-"*— - •* luoi™ v*- tia taavy . tad- hind, for, yaid...... 1 0 c

3 9 cTABLE COTKKB-Hrady- j | t _

mad*, r yuda square, bleached. nal VMU* Be., to-nionuw, «*ch„ ■ » ww

FBATHBBX—Gdorliai live gfwa featbera, KK. kind, fur,ponmd*-'......................... ...........

T lO K Ix a - Sateen jtrtped J r t 1 _ totietticking,lie.kind,leather I ^ < y g *pioof, special unnonow, yort... i

APRON CHECK* - White ciacbaT, dalda and loct. itrlpcd. 82 Incbea ff _

Hnelio. quality, lor. | 1 1 ^yariL--------—........................ .. • » »


L lined walat, full aklrt and j | a | Wtiltortta, T»c- value,

BtlllLIN DRAWBRg. for eUldnu. good quality, tucked end deep tam, ali« atolA value 10c. to Icc., ipectal,pair....... .............. ..........—--------

LONG MCgLIN GOWXi, tor ladles, good muslin, avail mad*, tuck«d and trim. Bled with embtajldery.lii all sliea ^




-YARD I S i i o

M-IHCH BLACK MOHAIR BRILUAN- TINKS. Bne uoallty aud Bne flnieta. real »c. value, speuta! O O nat,..,........ ........ ....... ....YARD te w * 3 0

tdlHCU BLACK m o h a ir BRILUAN- TINEK extra line quality, baautlful allk ’luatte, both sides alU a real iw __78c. valu^ U ln special at.YD

BVINCH BLACK MOHAIR BRILUAX- ' ’ TIN E8, very superior quality, extra dn* allk Insln^ both sides alike, real U ffIMww value extra special a t.. YARD * 3 « :f O

tn-lMCH BLACK MOHAIR BRILUAN- < ’ TINfilk Ttry quality. ®itr* flat! i > ftofi tallli Bilk luBtrt. bout AlUie. M l , .

S',“ ^ ” :“ '"j:i!!?!'YAmD 0 8 o 11


iO-UICHDISHflITAPEarrRT COVgRlHO, , , sateen floUh, heavy qnallty. saltable lot couch OQveia and pattleib*, only tiw beat < cotpia to salsct tnaii. good V*lueu73c., ipoctat ot-.-YO * 3 t e

OUR BTOCK OF WINDOW BHADK8 18 COMPLETE FOR THE 8FHLNO TRADE and ( i are guarantee all ahade* a* tepmeniad. W* ,

tilling shade* ■• low a* '

1 o

n m1Uq| *ua«i ««law m

9c.iulnDto19(;, Eacli Uoisilete,which « • ooutlder good vatse at tLMk

Childni'i lu l lD f etr BuAiii.CUILDRKN’I DBAWERJS. Bade of good

quality musUih d*a* bani*, tuck*. arert*d


BUTB, i p ^ astorted las, In •^ o a * „ aUoQloii, valu*» S b O O

David Straus, 68S and 687 Broad Street, :A nd HI W ex t P a r k SteM t. (1


ttgultv ■ailing price « t ,• IMttolr-.................

RIBBED VEBTX, forltelto’weir. p e dbody, teped neck, ktog and abott i | / \ _

............. -DREM TSIMHINOB. 1® »50rt*d

■tylti. color* and detiRu..*lm >* ^ black jet, value from ]& to ^ a # Qyard, on sal* to-morrow for, yard.... ■ w*

CHBBEIXAli, tor tadii* and latn. tost block and natural wood ban- 0 / \ _ die*, valu* 7Pc., to-morrow, P

....................... . ^ ^IiADIEB' HDHE, tost Heimtdorf ^•ok,

flna giuge, full aeamiesa. In all it***, 7 cOPEN n ix

9 F .N .

cheap tor Ho., to-morrow,

^ C T T E B M II.K gOAF, highly to scented, 8 cake* In a bo^ Ttlu* («. Q PVACAk®, to-morrow, pnA o^ ....

BTAMPED t a b l e OpTEBB, good clotii and tinted effbet, with trioge all around, 380. value, lor, e*ch........... ... tov«v*'*s«.......... .

BAp iood

i f eS. H Em R 'S .

b e l t i n g a n d P U L L E Y S !WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF BELTINfl,

And oirry a larger line than any othar daalar In tha State.

Annual a*)** O**ra,000,000 Boaov


8IGK HEADACHEPoattfraly o o n id Iit t i i « e

l i t t l e P llla .T te y alw relieve Diatreaafrom Dyapqato,

laAgmtton ta d Too Hearty Eating. A (wv k i t remedy tor Dlufateat, N au m , Drowd.

l lh s » i l8,'F O K n D L IV B L T laytthiBowdib FamlyVafaMlikI p m . tm a ll Do m .

|o i M Prio*.

(eta whoa* end* extended to the walat in front.

This t* an exceptional aeoaon, for, aa a rula, It la dangerous to purchase from the early offering* in style*. B ut the greater part of taat winter wa* marked by ex- parlRient* tn (tyle. and the result la th a t the mind* not only of the public but ot th* maker* ore mad* up, and the noveltira now offered are not being tried on, but are aettled fact* for the coming aeneon. At the same time, the habit set acme years ago of ushering in the new oeaaon hy low price* prtvalled. Thl* then la your time to get a t small expenac what later you muat hxva. TaffalAi are u H fe a* can be, and are used even In the garment* lh a t ore to protect ua from tbe chilling a ir ot tiprinjg. Such are little o tpet of taffeta, uaualiy laden wUb black lace or lacket* of U * aame allk In blouse (athlon. W ith tuch, women wear either a picture h a t or a amall tannat. There will be a prefer- enc* for the hat, however, for we seem to be making up our mlnda th a t .the amian bonnet la out of i^ a « with any b u t a thaatr* wrap or seoeptloo aape, am) th a t ■ucti a wrap or cap* 1s not (ha proper

inch a* Wind and Pain la the Btomaoh.’ Giddlae**, Fiilnoaa after meata. Head* ache. Blizlneat. D row altaii, Pluahlag*, of Heat. Loa* of ^ p a t t t *Blotches on tha Bkin. ^ 1 4 Chlila. Dim, turbed Sleep, f l ^ h th i l Dream* and *H Nerrou* and Trem bling Benaotton*.

THE TOST BOBB ITOJi BITE lEL IB f n I WlilTT k llD T E A Every *11111*** will loluiawtadga Iheia to be


j v b w a r k :

Aaron W ard M Bono, k l Broid 8t.W. B. Taylor, SSO Broad Bt.J . H. O, Vogt, i n Broad 8 t.A. C. W eber, W Ifutberry St. n g u e ro a A Unnn. t t t W ublng too St.R. P. PulUn, UD Orange Bt.Lewi* Beach, CM Orange St.Samuel Qlbtan, «» « * « ! * , ?*\L, R. M token*. » B lo ^ fle ld Ave.Georg* R. W etar^ lM Flftta iith Av*.J. I.. Schloea, 11 Wllttom Bt.a ^oon laS te™ V * * ™ and Bumm*r AveE John Marg, J r„ W W«v*rly PL J. Kane. B Neabltt Bt.Charlea K leran, IH Bummer Av*.George W. Ullier, 71 Thorn** Bt.George W. u llie r, D xnomai J. J. Robreefat, im Bank St,J . J . X tQ U reC D I, l o t a . ,D eH art A HaJL OT BtllevlU* Avto J. L. H aas. 174 Sixteenth Av*.John H. Muller, Fourth Av*. and B read B t John H. Muller, M Pennaylvtnl* AVA Philip Mager, K Tlchenor B t U Deach, SM Sprtntrfleld AvaH, F. Krumwlad* * Bon,- - - — [h St. and E igh th Ava-H. Oreoaon. Cor, High 1

ORANGE.B. L. wm ietn*. 8L M ark's PL B axter Hroa., » Park Bt. _ .S. M. Hedges A Co.. V aller Hoad. F. M. Brode*i«r, VsllaT Road.

Dean, Ward A t f l F tena B t Doramua Bros., 171 Rroad St.W. W, Lyon A Co,, M8 U ulbarry B. D. Hunn, <41 W aabington Bt.

BLWlLU'am Lea, U7 W ashington B t

, K Shawger, 806 Orange B t&, G. Wolf, Gray and O range 8 1*.

eorge Ackerman, 06 Bloomfleld Av*. O. C uttttander, 100 Orchard B iElmerJ . kroraerT lOb L ittleton Ava J. M e l lo n , m Bonk BtCharles Sommer A Son, *08 Fifteenth Ava a B. Rlttenhcuae, t l PactSc S t Loala Brelning, 1*6 Barnlay B t Henry kfcGee, IM Tlchenor S t Joaepn Julius, 11 Sum m er Av a Dennti J, R y a n ,t t High St,W. H. E vere tt k79 W aahlnrton B t Herman Kuasr. IM Bprlngfleld Av*

leiffl_____ jy A

oriental Bt.

________ (uasy. L. - -Q eo^e W. Helm, IM


iprlngfl_ M eW hortar Bt Co.. Bellevilla Ava


T l

The following first-class grocers sell and guarantee It. Price no more than the “ Just as good.”

BAIT ORAEGE.Smith A BallantlnA 6N Halil B t

BotnraH, L. Pierson,


BARRIBON.Prank UoBortey, <W N orth F ifth S t

KRARHT.N. Kennedy.

BLOOIOIBLD.J, W. Baldwin BroA R. T, CadmuA

NDTLRT.Dlttlg A Co.





L. Frey, 110 W eft B t ^ _J. J. Otlen. W Newarit St.H. Hlrach i S<fft 110 Paclflc 8 tWm. Frampton A Sqna, 1® BclltvlUe AvA -F. W. Smith, IT* High 8 t




A WONDERFUL MEDICINE.RMBCMAm riU B jtaken aadtrart*.

*d.wlU<inlcklfrMtor* F«matw to com-

thing ta r th* atreat. So for the wyl put on a ptotureaque h a t..tah e

ta prop e tr la t i ahe It I

whan V* get nni map* to aUmaUBawvay ii,

w*, _______ . ______off

It under oover, and "do th* for- imr glosay tr***ea to ta

pleta h ^ t h . They promptly remora o t» tn o tlo u D rlrt% ^ l* ritlea ot the aya- tam aisB e w * M *k ■ a a te e h a . l o r aWeidc Stomach

Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver

IM MKN. W OMIH o r o h il b r r m .■#»eh«m *e Pill* era

WWiout a Rivaria d kana tta '

55» . * t a a i t t H

I t I* Bald ta Be an A ntlB ot* *1 A B naka'a BHe.

From t t a Revue Selentldque (Paris),M. Phlaallx, the French authority on the

vanama of Inaecia and reptiles, has eitab- llihad beyond a doubt tbat th* poison of the hornet In sufficient quantity render* OM Immune to that of th* viper. "The polwin of the hymenoptera baa bean •tudled by various obaerven. among o ^ a ra by Paul Bert. According t« him agd to U . Clcea, the polaon of tha carpea- ta^bpa ovrea Its activity to tbe praeenee of an organic base in union wtth an un­known fixed acid. Acoordlng to Id. Iranger. In the venom of the be* there la found a •m all quantity of forralo acid, but the toxlo eabatance la an alkaloid th a t realata heat and cold *■ well a* the action of oqldA But although there 1a thus dla- agreeauflt on tha aubject of tha ehemical compoaltton of this potaon, It I* not th* iam e w ith It* physlologlo action.

f'Panl JBcrt, having cauaad the n rp a n - io *U

The reault* fully________ ____exptatatlonAextracted frma. th#tie* agalnet th* latter, confirmed bta latlonA The poleoa

_ ittflfil Qt flftWHi DOT-

ntaTcauaed a lowering o t lam paratipe by Four degree*,which t ^ e dAt the point of inoculation wnsra p r p d u ^

■weUlng, whichredneae an^ awelUng, wLtoh ed th* aM om tn and i n M in of th* ^ n . In a atmllar a x P « r t^ ,^ where th* i w e doe* of P^'rtin wi* h a s tta to eighty T figreea for twenty there wa* no general Injlttr. f action wa* eonftii«l to a im fut twnpoRwrj •welling. Ukewiee the-intaulation glyoerinated m aceration of hornt only alight local troubtaa

"But th* organlam of t t a animal* th a t received th is polaon underwent luoh moni- ficatlottt th a t toey became able to rertat a aubaequent inoculation with vlpeF* p « - eon. T M i reatatanco ta auch th a t a guinea- pig thus immimtaed oan a u p i ^ . Without lb* l***t danger, a v l p ^ t polew

killing him ortlnarlly In four

ne'it' oataed

capable of |g Mm orainarlly „ , to 'flve hour*. duration of th is im­munity vartea from flY,e to *1«YW daf*-

g w

trably . M. PItaaUE ed tbe nature o t the tho com pltx m tx tn ri ~~ -i-a.—.. . i effeola t t a t t a m n ^ U t e aBalt)* te »

toT-beo to ettog aparrowa, saw them diefrom itappage of respiration, In compteMB.ralyal*: u d recently H. t« n g « r h t*

Had rapbita and dog* k f Inoculating ... . - aym ptoaii ta-of polaaatlEg by th* low, to agpiTtiMtoty,

Jx ho* InveTugaFed^ttafpStam ^Miiotaop' of the hoRiat to ^* *«d *

lO LR H O X R R 'i AORN1B.



R. 6RAY, JRtoo Market Street

10 YOU N m m oI te n tw a rB , PactOfY SappilBBr P ltem k*

•!» ’, StminntttrB*i CMtrafftori' or MUI SuppIlM. Wnwglit IroR n p ooa PttUflEB, BoKIng, H«w or PaeUw* Boilor or PIpa CovvIhk. R«P*i WMte, IkrtU., Bic... tlALLORUBBTai>ni0iniKi*.Hr

m o i T w o r R m an T A B D U H liD IMK

MMWPAcrtmma OP■aglnra, .

and Sheet Iron


Page 13: First Edition. - DigiFind-It

t J C W t l g


Third Edition.

The Naval Boaid'a Report os the Haise Disaster Sahmltted to

Admiral Sioard.



Jhm FIndiHff of tbo N ftn l Court Krpt K«cret jaud tiles KfiUlt 9t !(■ flulllMill' I lout M ill Oaly u M u tl» of NumilAf. FroUuhly tho Moit Fsvullar ( ¥ w Wblrti Hh* Evrr Occurred In Ihn H litory o f tbfl Worlds Mnyi Aitnitml Slcnnl-NuTj i>*- inirtment Likcljr to He In FOMeeilOD of the l>oouiiirnt W lthla'a Few I>nji.

KEY WEST, March a .—Lieutenant Commander M arii, Jmlgp-Advocate of the Naval Court of Inquiry into the low of the Maine, deeiroyed l»y an oaploalon during the night of February IS, left Key Weit this afternoon, on hla way to Waahlngton.

He went by the ateam er City of Key Weat. bound for Malml. Fla., taking with him the report of the Court on the dlBaater.

The court HubmUted Us report to Ad m iral Slcard yeatei'day.

The declBlou reached by the court Ji itlU a m utter of ■urnilac- Perhaps aorae Big nitlcance may be attached and concluaiuui draw n from a rem ark made by Admiral Slcurd iaat night, when he aald to a cor rcapondeni:

“The caae of the Maine !a nioat peculiar, IHsrhupa the moat peculiar which has ever oi.‘curred in the hlatory of the world.'

From the general tone of hU remark! tt m ight be Inferred th a t the court flndlngi do not dehnitely aolve the myKtery of the eaploalon. Thta la fu rther borne <mt by the AOmlral'a ita tem ent th a t even after the report had been aent to Waahington the departm ent may require further Invea- tlgktlon. The court will atill remain In exlatvnce at the cull of Admiral Slcard, the convening and reviewing authority The report will bear his Indoraeraent of approval or dUappruvab Although it ii aafe to Bay (hat he will not disapprove the hiidlnga of the court which he perionally Boiec'led.

All former rumore aa to the report'! being oi> it! way to Washington were le t a t real y i-titrday afternoon wheu Judge Advocate Marlx walked into the hotel and aaked for Admiral Sicard. Behind Lieutenant Comniaiidvr Marls waa an armed orderly wUh a large dispatch bag slung acrosi his shoulder, and In that bag was tne report of the Maine Court of Inquiry. The neWN aprcHd quickly ami oauaed great excite' mc-bL

in the little writing-room of the hotel Lhsutenant Marlx peraoiiully delivered the rL‘port to Admiral Sicard. Commander W ent, of Admiral Stcard'a staff, then Joined Lieutenant M arls, and, while thb orderly stood on guard outside, the trio w a lk ^ upaiaira to the Admiral's room For two hours they were closeted together, going over the voluminous papers. UeU' ivnuiU M anx then personally took the papers on board the Nashville, which lies ciosa oft ihore. He returned to ihors and siKsat the night a t the hotel.

I t Is presumsd th a t a conference on board the Iowa or on shore will be held to­day. If the report be finally prepared (iUriRg thia day, to the Adm iral’! satlsfac- Uoit. there Is Itttlo doubt that tt will be ta k ia 00 the afternoon boat to Miami.

The feoJiiig here last night (after It be­came known that the report had been turned over to the AdmlralJ was one of in­tense relief. U WHS the first time, after several weary weeks of wsltlng. that It had been definitely known (hat the court had comploicd lt» exhauAtivo investigation Into the disaster. N aval oltlcers and o ih eri diaeussed the poaalbUitles of (he cou rt's finding Until a la ta hfiur The gen­eral impresalon continued to prevail that ih f court had found the Maine was Inten- tionaiiY l|k>wn ju>, but no new reasons were*<fll8Bi*<Of>iiwdiivlusion.

The U n Ic e W ta ts bfttloohlps T esa i and MasftwctKiuta p a a rn w r« a t 5 o’clock yes­terday SiGierA^ o» tn f lr way to Hamp* toil i M d i like Umte<& States battIvKhjp Indiana arrived b e lt y ^ te rd a y from tie T ortuga! IsUikds a n i Is* anchored beslte the UnKed StateK batuesklp Iowa and tlb; Airulscr New Y<sk. slzunllb! from shore. I

ft' lx PspdrtpdThere tV d fc th a t the of* cers of the Malge who k re ^ o w in Havana have been orderfd homq.


cralt .float, h f r »tK placlne torpedo clava, while her torpMo arm am ent ^ v u h .r thp fttoctlvenoM of and cruiser combined. It w si IwroA'd tlvely to-day, boweviT, that ”Governmsnl-would not part with the T u p y ,' and this cioses the efforts for one of the best ships under negotiation,

president McKinley and R ™were In conference together Akt the W iuie lluuse yenterdny. It is well imderslu'Hi that Speaker wus di'slrous of ^nearly adjournm ent of rongresj*. but tm s was before the Maine disaster and t uli^n question had assumed such grava rompil- catlons. Speaker Ueeil. however. It is w»Jl known, Is In complete accord w ith tna President and the memlkera of nla Ao- mlnlsirntlon, and Is willing to bear hia vhure of the re»i.K>iiBib!IHy of « of the Cuban question, and It Is *V* ‘' l i " . he took occHstnn to lnfi»rm the P reildenl to this effect In their talk ypsteHRV.•The Preildenl, U i» asserted.

It would he better for Congress to remain in session until all phases of the uuesttotj have been settled. W hether the President Intends to outline hia entire Cuban I^B^y In the special message which Is to ac­company the report of the Court or Jn- qulry, and the correspondence csllpa ror ny Congress is not known. Rut It Is and he so informed Speaker Rreo, t h i t he wants Congress to remain until the whoif Ckilian question Is settled, tho war #n(Jed

nd Cufcw made free.


riovfinimciit Advised to Mrwoglhen the Naval Mqqadran a t Cuba—A Htata-

m eat from l*reniler Hagisla. .MADRID. Match a ,-T h « p ap fti here

pubK.h full reporM


A Numlkcr of Ikiultk VTetlmlsed la the K i- triit of Paying for Ber-

vUi's Never pvirfurmed.WABHINOTON. March a .-In fo rm ation

has reached iht Government through a number of liaiiks at St. Paul. Minn., that during the past year and more, these and p ther nearby hAnki have been made the victims of uoloBsal frauds through the luspeclA-d collusion of Government clerks connected with the commission having In charge the Irr^Nrovemcnta on the upper Mississippi River.

Full detiillK of the affair have not yetj reachA-d tho (lovernment, but the sta te­ments submitted by the banka Indicate that |3(W,otw or more has heeii procurt'd from thi>m through fraud for services never ijerformi'd,

Copies of some of these time checks are ■aid to be signeil by J, II. Bouthall, chief clerk of the rn ile l Slates Engineers’ Of­fice a t Hi . Paul, and ate dated a t different times during the year 1897. Others, it Is said, are dated In 1891

How tht* banks A’ame to be Im pose Upon to the 1‘Xicnt indicated, and why the cheeks have been withheld until now, can not be overi (.•imjvctured.

It Is said the banks will make a claim for rcimhursement, Iqil the law Is ijald herA* to !a- idearly against this contention.

Bill Probibiting Them Favorably Acted Upon in tbe Senate.


of the move ments of the I'nlted States w ar­ships and nf the defensive preparations being made by the Oovernroeni of United States.

It U reitorted th a t the Spanish warship selected to convoy the lori>edo flotilla has sailed from CurtAgena for the Cnnary Isl­ands. I t appears th a t the delay In the voynge of the flotilla is due to the fact that the Ariel, one of tho flpAinlBh torpedo Ismts, sustained some slight damage while on her way from Cadis to tho C ana­ries,

The Bpanlsh newspaiwrs adv«>cate fu r­ther strengthening of the naval squadron In CuIm . so as not to be caught a t a uis- advanUge In the event of war.

The U ersldo th inks that In view of the 'ostentatious preparations” of the t-nltea

Btales, Spain baa full liberty to make aim- liar itrepiirailon,. T hr (Jlobo tnalsla Injury naa been done lu Spain by tb* Unlled S la te , aijuadron rematnlne clo»e to the Mat of war. U aladly notea. how-- ever, th a t the "verbal .lyteeatlona or a.>nor Polo y Bemnbe (the Spanlah Mln- laier a t W aihlngton) to Secretary Sher­man have led to the withdrawal of a por­tion of the wiuadron, th u , demonalratln* the cordiality eilsUiiil between the two co'intrtea." „ „ . .i.leulenanl-Coinmandpr Jo ,e O, ^ b r a l . former N aval A ttache of the Spanlah Nm- baasy a t W a,hln([lon, waa in ■conference with the Queen Keaem yraterday,

Tho Im parclal (Independent) e* p re ,,e , the opinion th a t the action of the Cnlled Btatea ha* completely chedked (he ad- vantaac which ^ la tn mticht have derived from Rranting autonomy to Cuba, and al- lerea that the United S ta te , h a i prac; tically strangled autonomy at Ita hlrth.

The Im parclal alao thinks Rpatn failed dlplomallcally In not havlnir obtained the removal of Conmrt-neneral Lee, ’nor the withdrawal of the ahlp from Cuba, and eipreBsei fear that, "although military ac ­tion will be keene_r than ever," it wljl tmt

Meaanro Changed Again So that Pnrmora (tan Trap Babblta—HIS iniHirporailng the Towaahlp o f K a a n y aa a Town Pa.aod. Inoreaaed Appropriation for iIm Nawark Technical hcliool I’aaae.l tweand Iteadlag aiHl la Likely to Bo Knacled-dbivomnr VonrluM May Allow I t *o Beeomoa l* w W llhoat Hia (ttgoaturo-KolcIiam'i Foo A b slltk ln g B ill Baaao.1 by lha henaie.

iufllce to pacify Cuba, "owing to circum itancea created by the United S ta te ,.

The Correo (Carllst) doe, not expect help from Kurope. but hope, the L a tin , of America will aupport Spain

LONDON. Marcli !2.—The Madrid cor- reapondent of the Daily Mall aay*;

"Benor Sagaeta, the Fremier, declare, that tbe Government h a , not received the report from the Spanish Naval Court on the Maine dtaaster; that no deflntta new t h a , come from Washington In the m atter and th a t all statementa with reference to the United S tates claiming Indemnity or offering to aubmtt the Maine queHlon to arbitration a re pure Inventions”

BHUSSBLS, Mareh 22.—A diepatch to Le Sole from Madrid deaerllie, an In ter­view with Senor Id y Margall, a t one lim e PreMdent of the Spanish Federal Raptfbllc and Chief of the Allnlstry, In which he la repreiented as declaring that Cuba Is p rac­tically IO»t to Spain. ^ .

"Spain 1, exhau iti d.' he I, reported aa laying. "She muM withdraw her Irimp, and reeognlae Cuban lndep.'ndenc€ before it la too late. By an immediate recognl- tlon »he would obtain payment of a por­tion of the war detii and commercial ad­vantages."


Th<* Qovurnmi ni will bpglTi h searching In veatlgstlon at oni*p Into the whol® maUsr.

— k * -

CONGRESSIONAL WORKg^nator ll«nns*» ('rR NlenllalB rrrsentefit

N«vsl A|Aproprlat1oiii UlR lli'portrd to the Housewltii l*rovlstons>

WABHINOTON, Murcti 22.—At th f open< Ing of the Bonatv to-ilsy thP vihaul'^ln. in his invoesMoh, khv« hearlfvU thanks for the Christian chatUy of ihs Amerlwn peo­ple of all faithw. which wan i^eliig extended to the starvliiK im-n and womerii snul chil­dren of Cuba and f<»r (ho work that was being done in le^half of the reconcentrsHos by the devoted men and women on the Island. The chaplain referred lo this re­lief work a« ''a groHt I'lirlstUn spectarlc" and fervently prayed that It might be con­tinued.

Mr. aalllngcr (K. H.). who recently re­turned from a trip to Cuba, announced that, yielding to thr kind soliritatlons of many Seiialors, hi- would to-morrow, im ­mediately sf ir r tile morning business had been transai'ied, brlrfly address the Sen-, ate upon his observations m Fuba, unlesa, meantime, somethlnj; should occur to pre­vent U.

Mr. Forakcr (0.) pro*enied the creden­tials of his colleagvkc, Mr. Hanna, for the term as United Btatea St-nator covering six years, from March 4. The credentials were read and ordered filed. ^

As the Naval Appropriation bill waa ifct reported to the House until to-day, th s contested elecMon case of Thorpe vs. Eppes from the Fourth Virginia District, was taken up. An agreement was reached by which the debate was to be limited to four hours on a side.

The Naval AppruprlsUon bill, as report­ed to the House to-day. carries a total of |iS,893,0ffl, an Increase over last year of 13 7#4.432, and over the current eallmates of 92,614,fiH. For the Increase of the navy the bill allows to he coiisKructed by con­trac t three sea-going ooast-llne batlieihipa designed to carry Hie heaviest armor, and most powerful oninance. displacement 11,- COO tons, with the higheai prafllcshle speed for their class, to cost, exclusive of arm a­ment. not exceeding e.W»i.iiOO each, one to be named the .Maine; six ion>edo-l>oata. 150 tons, an« six toiuedo-boat destroyers, about 360 tons dlxplot'i’tncnt, to cost not exceeding ♦2,340,000. and one gunlHxat to take the place of the I'ntted fltaies slesm- th lp Michigan, to coat- exclusive of arms-*r. _. WQU.. ruuL 4.. I... l.t.Ur rtn thi

giWfl.l Dl.ti.tch to thf NEWS.TRENTON. MkWh t t —Th« frlenilm of

the »ntl-Traaing 8tam |i bill won thvlr first victory to-ilsy, when Senator William Johnson presented to the Sensto an nd- vsrse report from k rosjorlly of the Judt- e lsry CnmiBltte* on tho snll-Tradlng s u m p bill. Senator Reed presented a minority report In favor of the blit.

Senator Francis, Introducer of the bill, moved th a t the minority report be sub­stitu ted for the m ajority report. He said tbe m easure was demanded by ninety- righ t per cent, of all ths people In the S tato wlw have any Interest In the m stu r . Tho giving of gifts, he said, was a per­nicious practice to which tho retail store­keepers, almost to a man, were uppOKcl.

Bt-nator Johnson said he did not detdre to he understood as favoring ihe pracilco aim ed a t In th is hill, but It did nut seem to Iw a lottery or to come within the range of the law. The bill appeared to the com­mittee to bo uneonstltutlonal.

Benator Francis'a motion to subelilule prevailed by a viva voce vole. Senator Johnaon being late In, calling for th<- yena and nays. The bill then passed second reading. Senator Francis presented a petition favorable to the bill.

Senator M artin had Senate No. tl. the Game bill, returned to second reading, and then moved for a reconsideration of tho amendment prohibiting the trapping Of rabbits by farm ers. He did so bi'caum-, since Ih , adoption of that ameiiumetit, the Aaaembly had killed Ihe bill provid­ing for eompenaatlon to the farm er, (or Injury to trees sustsined from rabbits. Senator Heed supported the motion, Bens- to r Bloke, Bald he underetood that the Aaaembly defeated Ihe Compensation bill Joeo«;ly, and he hoped to have It revived. I t w ai bli bill. . . . . . ... ...S enator, M artin and Reed thought they detected a purpoee on the part of me Game L'ommisalon to give the farm er, scant courtesy or consideration In the m ailer. The am endm ent was reconsidered and de-

^ 'sena’te No. 58, prohibiting tretiwusing by jrunnsrs or Qshcrnicn on any lands ow’ncd or leased without tho consent pi the owner or lessee, was ordered to a thlnl reading a fte r being amended to require a slated public nolTee. . . . .

Gnty three bills passed the Semite at the morning session. They were Senate No. ?T0. Incorporating the township of K earny as a town, the bill Introduced last n ight; Senate No. H the Hand Newapaper bill, authorising Bherllla to use their J^udg- m enl In selecting papere lo pubileh Bher- Ifts' sales, and Senate No. 19!, amending the ac t relating lo uncUnt deede.

The Porte r bill, provldlog for an In creased appropriation for the Newark Technical School, passed' second reading In the Senate, and will. It Is expected, reach final paaaage, Senator Hoffman held the bill In abeyance several day, be­cause of the avowed opposlllon o( Gov­ernor Vooihees to any Htata fund appro-

; nrlatton for techrileal education. The <tov-' — I ft j JS a L .. k. .. W.._ .eftnnrftMael

be, asking what the queatlon of dollars and cents was In comparison w llh tbe llvee of the Inhshltanti of the Passale Valley.

Frederick M. Hardenbrook, representing Congressman MeEwan. of Hudson, f»- preseed stmilsr views, and Mayor Hlneh- liffe, of Paterson, and Colonel C. N. Fuller, of Bayonne, opposeil them , and urged the adoption of the bill reported by the com- mlsalon of IW7, which provides for a new commission lo consider t h , subject. That, thev held, was tbs only solution of Hie prublsni.

Mayor HluchlKfe Said ih e bijl ri'tuiiteil by the UB6 eummlsslon, w ith Its staled outlay (It H.5iM,l)oi) and probable outlay of twice as much, would bankrup t the mu­nicipalities alfBClsd. Colonel Fuller said, lu addition, that the fea tu re of the bill suggested by the first ciimmisalon, whleh contemplated a tunnel under Staten Isl­and. was as reasonsble a s to ask a foreign government to step In and bear the coat of the prnjerd. .................................

Benator Johnson took a like view of Ihe elUiatlon, and the oommitte* decided to re- liort the Vlll of ^ 7 favorably.


OutAftor ■ Hot F lfh t tko M aasnir Is Kuot^kefi

by * Vot« o f Forty to JRlsvaoe

Sr'«'lAt it) thf NMWA.TJtKNTUsN, March 22.—The Prudential

Insurance Tax blfi. which cam« Up on final |taBssir« in the House this after­noon, produced the moat b itter fight of the seasKrn.

It was advocated by Mr, Porter and a t­tacked by M**Bars. Allen, of liudoon, and McKee, of PsBiiaic,

Thry osBcnad ihe ground th a t It robbed the oiste, not aUA>fft!lhcr for tho benefit of Newark, hut for tho benefit of tbe Pni di-Titial and Mutual Ueneflt insurance comliAHlOfl

Both Assemtdymen were fortified with voluminous ita tlitlca in aupport of thalr argument. .

Mr Porter, In a sarraslle reply, accused Hr. Allen of Ineonolsuney and of liing ac­tuated by unworthy molfvea.

"It la true you have been seeking Intel­ligence, aa you slate ," said Porter, with emphasis. , . , .

"Rut It was of a more substantial kind than what might bo obtained from books and figuri'S. "

T1|4' bill a a , detcateil by a vots of W to U. ______


I I , Is BHld to Hare Hade Up a Slats Op- potid by Party lawders.

kpeelst Dlsiialeh to tli* NKWtt.JERSEY CITY, March M.—Mayor Hooa,

who has already aniiouiictd th a t hs will apiiolnt Allan L. McDurmott aa Corpora­tion Counsel, will also probably name ei- Assemblyman John W ahl Queen as City Attorney to succeed e s -J u d f t Douglass.

It was aiinounce.1 to-day th a t In the (■vent of Ihe election of Colonel Robert G Bmltii to the Slreet and W ater Board, Commissioner Ferdinand H elnts would re­sign from that board lo accept the ap­pointment of City Collector. '

The term of BItneon H, Sm ith expires tn August and .Mr, lle in tse m ay succeed him, alihuugh Assistant Postm aster Thomas .Vllggltis wss slated fo r th a t berth. 'To the Fire Board It Is likely H enry Wlndocker win be apiMlnted.

He le a friend of the M ayor s. . . . .One gentleniBn who Is su re to go Into the

Assessment Commission, It la said, Is Adam Dlilmar. . , .

The Mayor, tt Is said, m ade up a slate of his own without consulting lb s party leaders a t all.

Since he declared hta Intention o f mak­ing certain appolntmenU. the parly lea.1- ers and party w elte rs have cut loose from him and have decided to allow him to work out his own aalvatlon.

There will dontjllesa he lively (Imes be­fore the Mayor m akes hts appointments on April 23. ____________


Ur. atelnsby Olvas Bla Vk'W *f 1* a t tha Beard « f Work* Coniiulttea H m I-

Ing-fiU icr HnsiuesaeA communtcatlon was rw eivol by the

WatPr Committee of the Hoar*! of Works this afternoon, from the authorltlM of Vailiburgh, asking for a conferfhoa wUh H viaw to consifierlng the iiofslblilty the borough getting a supply of water from Newark. Tlie letter was referred to lha board. On at'couni of the weather con­ditions, tha propoai?d trip to Ivy Hill, whleh WO! to havs bt' en mafia to-mor­row, was poatpufivl until later In tha weak. Tha commltfea also decided to con­sider the queatlon of minimum waier rules a t a m aatlng to l>a held for tha purpoaa In « few days.

Commiosloner Btalnshy spoke of refer* eners m ade lo alleged sitetnpta by the Hoard of W orks to prcH!ure Uaek eleva­tion legislation, when the Street Commll' lee mat. Ha said th;it Hmator Johnson, of tifrgen County, tn(r<Hluced a biu which m ^ar h id a ''ghost of a show.'' C'.olunfl Priea woa to h a w pivvared amvudmvitls to tha hlil, he said, but K would i>i‘ per- feet folly, ha added, for the Hoard of Worka to attem tji to get track elevatlAtn leglllatlon. Mr. dtainshy hassrded the Opinion th a t track elevuilon would never be AQvotntdlshed In this city unless ity agreem ent 1>elWA»en tho Mayor, Ihe Hoard of W orks and the railroad conipHUlea, Me declared th a t ha UefieviMl a change oouM not ba brought about by legislative enact- n itm alone, eilhar this year or In tho fu­ture.

The prealdani aUtled thiil he woubl not ba In tha board much longer aiut hn ex- prftsed tbe hope that better luccess, tn connection w'Uh the msitcr, woiil<l atietul the efions of the commlmlonors during the next year or two.

H enry iitr«l and olhera protested 04ralusi the cunfiUloit of ihe liriok i>ava- mant on Rowiaiul street. Mr. Hird said the cem ent grouting was put Into the In­termixes between tht* hncksi whSI« the weather was so rolil that it fnAxr (tie ma­terial a s fast HS it au r put on the r>ave> ment. The result, h** Maid, Is that there la nothing to hold the work logciher. Mr. tilalnshy said that if the coiiditlous were as reprepenteij thi* fui-t j«houtd have been refiorted liefore by General k!ui»erliiteTiiJent Mundy ami he moved that the Rugiheer ihc orderfd to make ati investigation and report m-xt week.

Mr. l-U’Wson that there m usthave been gpoen dfrelli'tlon of duly on the part of the injiju'ctor or hts superiors when (he pavement w'sri beitig isid. tCnglneer Adam i-xplalneU that the reason the numlt- tlon of the pavemeui was not teariU'd be­fore WHS thai there had been a coating of sand over (he brh'ki until about a week ago. Mr. BtaiuHby'5 niutlon was then car­ried.

August llromel presented « protest against tbe t>avltig of Waverly avenue, west of Belmont avenue. He said that there were « number of pr<jr>vrty-own''?ra whii objected to the |»ropusa<i pavement.

Alderman. Buhl declared that the ela- natuiVN to the proleat had been olitaiiii'd by faUe repreeentatiuna. He pglfi .Mr. nromi’l told other projterly-holdora that the huufc-owners would have to pay twice as much for the Impruvements oa would owners of vacant lots. Henry Huoch de­nted that he had signed the protest under false repreaentatlons.

Mr. van Duyne oppowKl the


■mSCBOOMRagnl&tloDs to GoTsrn Trunfart

Adopted by Tetuthen' Committee.


IlDSueoMsftl Atlompt Hods by Oammls* skmers I ly s r t wad tewsom to Amoixl Um Piwseiit Hystetii of O otem to liig AdvMoa* ments * Prosidsot Oay and AUogwl Normal Helioui ll»feets—DngTmded Cleoso^ Recommeodod a t W arren and fiontb Tanth H reet^N ow t ’ngMded (iokoel In Upon April 4.


r ta v . In . Nkval

Expoctnl to Atrlvo ThnrK tkl o r FriAaj. tu s m iu j Lon* t t rp l Bu<^Ho*otl»-

tioui for C rntw r T u p j Off. WASHINGTON, Mkrch t t - T h l , bring

CablDet day, Interest In the Spanlah altua. Uon wn, centred In (he tneetlnK of the f ’ru id e n t and h i. Cabinet om ter,, a . It w a i felt th a t with the report o f tha Court o( inquiry so near a t hand, a full under­standing would be reached a , to the courM lo be pursued when the document arrives

A fter the Cabinet mealing the following ■tiiiein.'iu was given ou t u onr an uQlflal source:

"If w a, understood a t the Cabinet meet­ing to-day that the rojKirt of the Court of Inquiry probably would be here Tnunday or Friday; Ihnl It 1, a very volumlnoua document; that probably It wilt hot be given to the pres, and to Congrea, before iio iiday ; that the Frealdent wIR erquire th a t much time for Ita proper conaider- Mtlon."

P rior to the meeting the atatement was re itera ted ,tha t neither the report, iwr any j .a r t of it, had reached the authofUle, here. , , ,

It may be expected th a t on Monday or Toeaday. a t the lateat, the report will b* transm itted to Congreiw, together with a ■hutaage fropi the Prealdent Indlcatm* Giat lla iub itance had been oommunlcaled to the SpanUh Government through Mlnl,- ler W'oodtoril at .Madrid, and further that he had Indicated th a t this oovemment would expect a prom pt reply to the mid- Ings of the oourt. This will be-inibatanttal. ty the course ptiraued in ca ,e the report enow , that the diwiater came from outride cause,. While no one having a kaowledpe of tho m atter la willing to speak for the President, It la thought the queatlon of arbitration In conneotion with lha disaster lo the Maine I, no longer under considera­tion. The reeent speech of Senator Proc- to r seems to have cleared the minds of the mem here of the Administration as to the real conditions In Cuba.

I t la asserted th a t the Maine question and Cuba's I'ondltlon are so Intimately con­nected that one nvceaaarily Involve, the o ther and It hf believed to be the Presl- d en t's purpose to bring about. In whatever action he may now take, a wttlcment of the whole Cuban queatlon. Whether this tnvolvea a war with Spain tt 1, tetleved rests entirely with Spain herself. Persong closely asBoolated with the President be. llevo that Spain will ultimately be com­pelled to solve the Cuban nrobleni herself and to the entire satlstactfon of Inis Gov- ern m en t

W ith the Cabinet offleera at the W hite House, and with Mr. Roosevelt at th e Capitol before tha Senate Naval Com- mliten. there was a lull in the usual ac­tivity about the Navy Department lo-day. Mr. Long had a busy hour, however.before he left cor the Cabinet meeting. Judge Day came over from the S tate Department and had an extended talk with the Naval Secretary. President OrculL of <he New­port News Ship, Building Company, also talked with Mr. Long on the plans for tbe launching of the new battleships Kear- sarge and Kentucky a t Newport News nex t Thursday.

Owing to the condition of analrs hers, Mr. lo n g la not likely to attend ths launching, aa Thursday U tbe day on whlcb the report of the Court of Inquiry may b« received. F or Hie same reason m any or the naval chiefs who had hoped to see thosg fine ahipe glide into thq weter, will he unable to a ttend the launching. A distlmguinhcd party is to leave here tO' morrow night, however, Inchiding mem- bera of the Senate and House Naval com- m ltU ta, and such offlolals as are nut pressed by the praatn l eroergency. Mr. O rcutt itated th a t the Kearaarge would leave the waya a t 10 A. H. Thursday, and the Kentucky one hour later,

M rs Herbert Winslow, wife of Lleuten- anl-Cotnmander w inalow , and Miss Chris­tine Bradley, daughter of Oovsmor Brad­ley, ths two ladlee who wUI chrtstsn the shwa, wtll-rekoh N e i^ o r t News to-mor­row. Governor Bradley and a party of 300 Kantucklaniiw lll arrive a t tbe same time to do fitting honor t» th f M]lp which hears tits same n ihe ir B tats. A fter the launch- In c a n hour will he given to Inspecting tint thnnrard, Ineludbig tha w ork on the big haftleshlp Illlnoie. aad la ter a oollatlon will be asrved. Ml', Q ^ t t gpeaks lo tha h lghw t terms o ftfae tw s A I |m and says th a t on a pineb they <muM ba marM raaoy fo r asrvlt* srnAln d g b g months a w PtW -

Spanish MlatsleT Alleged fanned B Is Ooverumeiit

Court’e Find Inga-A Denial.MADRID. March B .-T he Spanlah Gov­

ernment hae received a dispatch from Its Minister a t Washington, Senor Polo y Ber- nabe, saying (hat tbe report of tho United States N aval Court appointed to Inquire Info the loss of the baftleahip Maine, holds th a t the explosion wag of external origin.

WASHINGTON, March B ,~Senor Polo, the Spanish Minister, said to-day (bat tlie report from Madrid that he had notified his Government that the American Court of Inquiry’s report was that the rxplo- alen waa of external origin was an error. He added th a t he had not notified hia Oov- arnment w hat the report would be for tbe reason th a t he did not know, and did not send cablegram s lo his Government ex­cept where he knew what were the facta, and In th li case he was not In posBeaaian of tho fa c u . a


Said to Have Brea bent to the Home Oov- eram eat WHh Coadltlons Altacbed,

Adm iral Maateroia FoUowe Suit,NEW YORK, Match ffi.—The Journal

prime to-day a special from H avana to Key Weat, In which are made the follow­ing statem enta:

"Captain-General Blanco has len t his resignation to Madrid with a string a t ­tached. Admiral Manterola has sent a similar condtttonal resignation.

"I t waa reported also th a t Captain E ulate had oflered his commission as mas­ter of the V licaya to the Spanish Minis­ter. This report le untrue. E u la te sent a protest to the Spanleb Minister of Marine, bu t orfered nd resignation.

"Blanco’s action. In which he w as Sup­ported by Manterola, waa realty not so much of a resignation as an ultim atum to the Home Governm.'nt."

" ‘If the Spanish torpedo fiset Is halted at the Canaries, a t President McKinley's command,'* was the t.'Uor of his cipher message, ‘then consider this aa my resig­nation from olilte.’

"The Bituatlon looks like a tria l of strength between Blanco and the home Oovertiment, and one which afto rd i the Captain-General an opportunity for a happy deliverance.

"If the fleet le detained at the Canaries, and he carries out hia threat to leave the Island, It will be with a certain am ount of honor to hlmaelf.

"There will he no glory for Blanco tn tha event o f war.

"M anterola argues that It would be the height of folly for him to prepare for de­fending H avana from a bombardment It he la not to hava torpedo boats here to aaalst In the work,"


th’shlps le to l» built on the Pai-lfic coast. The contracte for the consirucllon of all Ihcac vessels are to be made wllhln sixty days of the enactment of the bill.

At Algiers 1-a. a drydock Is to be btillt hut U Is to be of a double-sided, steel- fioatlng type, known us the combined noat- Ini- and graving self-doeklng dock, capa­ble of ilfling a vessel of IS,(IP) Ions dlsmoce- m ent and (wenty-seven (set draught of ■wwter. le o«#, lucludlngm oprlngs and

'•■w^rfa^JAHlPL Igrirfalch gOO,OIW la p r la fs f l^ lo fr*r.

The bill directs the appointment of a board of naval officers to determine the drsirahlllty of locating and conitrucling a dryilock In the harbor of Galveston, Tex., and to report to CongTesi a t the next

The Military Affairs comm itee of the House to-duy completed consideration of the Army Reorginfaallon bill and ordered a favorable report upon IL


Court of Error* IMsmlese. the W rit Ob­tained In the huit Against Newark

Bnerial Diepatch tn the NEWS. ,TRENTON. March 12.—In tho Court of

E rrors and Appeals thie morning the w rit of error was dlemlsscd In th* suit of the Morris oral Essex Railroad Coinpary and the Delaware, Lackawanna and W estern Railroad Company against the -Mayor ■u'* Common Council of Newark and the State Board ot Assessor*. , .

The suit was caused bj’ a d o ^ le a » c a ^ m ent of the company's yards fn Newark. The appeal had been taken wiqwe flaal Judgment had-fiecn rendered the'drele on Of the Supreme Court hsvlnjr left tha ipa tler oiwn- The Suprom** Court was un­able to adjufige division of the valuallonii and assessments. . . .

If an agreement cannot be reached be­tween the parties, a further application m ust be made to the Supreme Court.

McGee Bedle & Bedl® represented the railroads, and Frederick T. Johnson tho defendants. _ _______

e m t o m b e d ln a m in e .

Two la-

Mrong L aad llraese laterferlng W ith Oper- attoDS a t Havaua-Auloaomlata’ Ha-

•otM tloiia With lasurgonta F all,HAVANA, March t t - T h a divers are

working to clear a passage lo tha Maine's tan-lncn inngaalne aft. In order to reiaova the am munttiun, but a strong shore breeie which h as been blowing dally for a fo rt­night aom awhat delays the work all around. On land rain would be g ratefu l to lay the dual and to freshen vegetailon.

CaotalD SIgabee and Lieutenant-Com­mander Cowles enteriulned Consul-Gen­eral Dee, Speciil Commlaslonei' K lo p i^ and H r t. Kfopneh yesterday a t break tast on tha P am . PolUlcs and tha election next

(Continued on Eighth Page.}

TB« Coarl Direcited Acquittal,By direction of Judge Fori, g jury In tho

Court o f Q uarter Besalona to-day acquitted Victor Oulkowskl, Indicted for assault and batten r upon hia wife, F rancesca Oul- kowski. W r alt assault upon the la tte r former Ju ttlce bf the Peace Paul Curclo and formeip Coitatable Valentins C. Cas- rim et a re now aarvlng terms in the •Bute Prison. Another, verdict o t acquittal woe reo d errf In accordance w ith the Court's InatrUctlona In the case of George Koenig, charged w ith the larceny of four botltoa of whiskey, two lo l t ls e of beer and a doaen egga from iSidwIg Achtel S te tter, by whom the defendant had been emptoyra. Judge F o rt told the Jury th a t the evidence wee Inaufflclent (or the finding of a verdict at guilty, ■_ ,

W ttiu ia a v gMi-WiFdagi era agseM jbol I h i a D i i s U h lM K ir K

U saghaa FeU feaai a Ig A te r.Thom a t GeogRal. thlety-flvo-Fdant of

age, tin from a U d e r on .w M gb'>e.w at ^ o iw i# w e w ;* ?

.................. ■*'

Men Killed »™l F I " B**>eiS |u m l by »» E*|.lotion,

PlTTSBURU. March 22.—An explorion occurred a t Maiiowu coal mlhe, near Mo- nongahela City, to-day. _

I t was a t first reported that two persona were killed, five hijared and from fifteen to twen.w-flvo were entombed In the mine,

A fater report say*, however, that the IroprlBoned miners were rescued unlnjur- efi *

The known lieaJ are: Mlcharfi Told, body burner) baflly Rnfi hHrJIy recjign xahle, and unknown fort-mner <ouiirt floallnff In the river an hour after the expiation,

The Injured are: AU-x Uomlnr*. miner, bafily burned. wUl hardly recover. —— Fulton, miner, bafily burned and brulwd, may recover; ^Tony button, son of for­mer, badly buriitd. likely ta recover; two unknown Slavs. ^


Quietly Weddcl to Ml.a Brown-A Bridal Tour on Ifoe-elwick*

LONDON.Marchffl.-News has Just been received here of the marriage a t Con­stantinople las! week of A. S, Hardy, the novelist ami United States Minister to Persia to Mias Bowen, daughter of Clar­ence W. Bowen, editor of Ths Iiidepen-

**Mra Hardy had been visiting MLsa Bow­en’s brother, who is head of the American School at Constanllnople. The ^ d d fn g was oulet and the newly married couple are now travelling, to Teheran, mostly on horseback,

Itacetrsck AsseMmeat Reduced, gnerl.t nisi—tch to the KEVVg,

T h EN^TON, March K. -The Sfgle Board of Taxation to-day decided to reduce the asaeiamcnt of (he Monmouth Park race­track from to *50,000, It having been demonstrated to the board th a t thw oronerly could not ^.^sold for more than the u tte r amount. The appeal was made hv A J evsaatt and olThers. who pur- X s e d the track for (M.tiOO. and who say they are anxious to sell It a t the Same f i g u r e . ______ . ______

bis cpIiiloH In m at direction, but he may iHrmlt the bill to become a law without his at.proval.

Senator Heed had Senate No, ITS t.rouglit back to second reading. ThIa bill pro­vides for the eropUiynu-nt of a clerk tiy the S tate Hoapttal Board a t a salary not to exceed MOO a year. Benator Reed moved ti> amend by makhig the amnUW 1260. on the ground tb a l the clerk's only duly waa

the h o Jp ta l St Tfawtoh. B cnaior*yTeri[^ and Senator BWrra thought the board ought to fix ik ig m o u n t. The amendment Was c a r r t^ , anil on motloji of Son*n o r Vrt'fland, the bill w m riHjomaUted,

The Terrapin bill was amenfied oy m ak­ing the act operative! July Instead of Im- mediately. . „

Two blits were Introduced, one by Sena­to r Engle limiting the toll on turnpike roafis to one cent for a one-horse vehicle and allowing bicycles to go free.

Senator Barber fathered a bill providing for the location of si new ferry over the Delaware Hlver a t Dlmlcks, W arren County. , ^

L ittle business waa iransaeted In the House this morning. The following bllli* were paused, w ith very Uttle dlHcunalon; SrnKtc No, 138, ftuthonxew the Stale Su­perintendent o f la b ile Instnictlon to pro­cure Hrchitects' {dans fur a serlej^ of pub-* lie school buildings; House No. 223, pro- vifiee for method of withdrawals from building and loan assoclatluns by nhart- holders, the total amount pnlfi In, less fines, to be allowed after one year, to­gether with a share of the profUe; Houne No. 2l0y au thortfes Hudson Coxinty to construct a boulevard alons the P hII Hades, from Bergen Point to Piedmont.

Another unsuccessful attem pt was made to relieve,tho Corporation committee of the antl-8tore Order blU.

The bill providing for the appointment of a S tate Exam iner of OWll Engineers wax lost by a vote of 22 to 24.

The Ketcham hilt abolishing fees In f lr it’Class counties for Registers. Surro­gates and County Clerks and subRtltutlng a salary of |7,50i), passed the Senate thlM afternoon by a vote of 16 to 2, Daly and Rprber In the negative,

Benatof Ketcham spoke of the original f r a f t applying to all counties, and of hin wish that It oould have gone through, hut j)n view of the objections urged, U *epme<l best to confine the set for the tothe larger oountles rather than to have the whole scheme defeated. Under the act all fees will go Into the county treasury. The bill, he said, was a good one for tlrst'ClaM counties* and he believed U would IvHd to general adoption In all the eounth’S

Senator Dalv said there was no reason why the bill. If as good as the IntrodiiciT alleged, should be confined to two coun­ties, but th a t it should rather apply to the S tate sufi include gherlffs as well an the other ofRcers named,

The Bloomfleld'Qlen Ridge sewer and other hills egme up in the Senate this afternoon and were passed.

#!n!cWe<»f a ***^*^*^“ Broker.NMW YORK, March S3.—Frederick WiU-

lama, a firoker, llvlnit a t 2« Q u ln ^ atm -t, Hrooiilyn, was fnund dead In bed te-dxy, HI* tlvrirat wna Cut and a bloody raaor lay

him. Ht) bdfi l’« f i aurterin* with SEboia fever, and It la Ihoufrtit he eom- mfited aulei'te while In a fit o t delirium.

Betting on *ke JaekMin-Jeflerlea FtghLHAN FHANUIBCO, March t t —The het

ilna on the Jaokaon-Jefteries fight. wWch occurs to-night, has been peeuir»r. Whilestraight hettin* la 15 to 7. with Jefferies a favorite. Pans m utuali show Jackson to be the fsverlle-e t preoUoally the aame fliures. The advgoar sale of seats already amounta ta >8,155.__^

gtaatnee ^Bl* P* Ratne WieefceSL.MARSEILLES. Match t t —The aen era l

T«iiaailanttc Company*'" mall atotm er

Mahon, te tearlc lafaBde. f l



Aad I t Waa Ktllad Alter ('..lllilln t Will, a Trolley Car.

There waa plenty of excitem ent a bout the corner of High stree t and Eighth ave­nue this morning when a pot dug owned by Mra Charles Eddowes had a lit, Ths dog ran wildly about Mra. Eddowra's

jMsaw.. 41a ,-eiaoaMli^-sMd Isw* •*** ared wtthg,ffrwnfah foam, and after tear, ylg down rhe parlor curtains the animal aoset a large wire flower pot stand, send- t » some of tha pots through the window t « h e alrset. After m aking another round ot the rooms the dog Jumped through the back window, breaking th* glaai and landing on the tin roof of a woodshed. U Jumped up apparently uninjured, and Mrs, Eddowes and her daugh ter called for

' 't f i e do* rsn Into th# fender of a Forest Hill trolli'/ car, but th a t did not seem to lessen Us ferocity. It was trying to re- enter the house when offleers Golden and Wood appeared, and the la tte r killed the canine with a couple of ahota,


Every Meinlier of a Congregatton Aakad to Conlrthule that Nuut to a Church.

The memliers of the C linton Avenue Re­formed Church have recently adopted a plan of ooiiirthiittng to tha aupport of the church, and, U Is said, the acheme ta meet­ing will) Fucceas. Envelope* have been dlatrlbuted upon which quotations have Iwen printed from the Bible. The en­velopes arc large enough to hold thirty cents. On the first Sunday of each month they are 10 be collected In the church, and new ones given out. I t la expected that ra th of the 7W memhera ot the eon- gregaflou will deposit a cent every day In hia or her envelope, ao th a t a t the end of the year over *2,l)W will be added lo the revenues of the church. John Wharton Is chairman of the com m ittee In charga (U. the plan, and he Is quite sure that It will be found satisfactory . The flrat month'i collection haa not yet been made.

"■ ■ ' • ’ 1 ITALIAN hTULL'K Btf A THAI*.

An Early Morning Accident a t HarrleBB WIU 1"m))ahly tfesnlt lu Death,

Michael Bambo, an Italian, who lives at S3 River at reel, this city, and who la empluyed at the Standford A Stillman works, near the. gravel dock, a t Harrison, was going to hia work Ihla morning, when he was struck by the (:35 casibound train on the Pennsylvania Railroad, near th* First slreet croialng, a t Harrison. ll« was hurled some distance from the track and badly Injured, but waa still In a con- sclotiB condition when some men ran to

pnvemwit.H« said that tha buarfi wur K'fitifr oh«*afi with (l)« work without having a(ladtion. anfi he dedarofi that mom of tha cost would fnll upon the I'lly nI hirKe. An oppofilta stunfi was taken by PreHident Htulnsby, who nrffued for the Improve­ment on the ground that It wim iieraMary to establish a paved outlet fur that section of tUr city. A! for folnjr ahmtd w ithout a petition, th r spraSrr said that It was th r same way with nearly all tbe streets psvrfi In INF"’.

In rrplylnji; to Mr. SialDsby* Mr. Van Duynr said that the avenue was not of rnouKh importance to hrlnj( aulhclrnt prrsBure to Irrar to have the elfirwalk! pavrtl.

Mr. Van Duynr said further th a t fhr proposed pavlnc of strerte In filstriota that wiTc not liuilt up would br as Ifig a cursv to th r city, if allowed to ro, as wa« th r oprninr of s trrrta y r«rt ago. when costs smotinilnR to hunnrrfia of thousand! of dollars were laddlrd upon th r city.

rom tnlsslonrr Herr said W avrrly avrnur was one of the most Important tnoroujlh- ferre In the w reirrn srcHon of the City, and ought to Jx* paved.

iTeikuidw ^ gfltwOM ore fpceio^Nal


RrRulations for the transfer of puplts to the uiiRrafit'^ school were decided uyoo by the Teacher!' CummUtce of the Board of Kducatloti U it night, T hr rule!) prppRTert hy Superintendent (Ulbert,SB followir

■‘Whrtii'vvr In the Judgment of the prln* clpal of auy of the public lohools of New« ai-k, a pupil In hia school Is a fit subjret for tranefkT to th r ungrsdrt] school, ho •hall NO m ’ummcnd to ths I ’lty Superln-* trndrnt qn blsnka prrporrd for th a t pur^ puar, Riving In full h it raasoui for iifch rt'oorumendatlou,

"The r i ty au |irrim rn d rn t shaU forth* with InvesilRair th« case reported, either P<TBonslly or through tho Bupervlsor of Evening and dum m rr Huhon if, by vUlt- Ing the Bchoot. toiiferrlng with the yrlQcl- pal and paernti, consulting with tbe oouw misaioners of the ward, rxamLnlng Into tha environment of thr pupil and in every way potalMo acquainting bimarlf with those cunilltiiina which havii firicrmincd his (diaractcr. A record of thlN InvestIgatldti shall lh< kept In tho olHcv of the CtLy Un- iwtinteiidi nt.

"If, after euch Ibvrstlgatlon and con- fevT-ncr. the <Miy 8ui»crintC'ndritt Is aatis- nrd that all ini'ans of control In tha schoof to whioh tbe pupil l>elongs have been etn^ ployifi end that U is 'ssen tlal for his welfare that he be aaelfned to tbe un- graded ichool, he ehall forthwith grant him the lu-ccsnary transfer.

"All trun ifrrs to tho ungraded school shall be for an indm nlte period.

' ’Whenever the City BuperintrPficnt. upon th« rcvOnimcndatloii of the principal of th r ungi'sKhd achiwd and th r Supi/fw visor of bummer and Kvenlng Schools, Is eonvlDi’n i lUut uny pupil lu sold uchool has miid« suhstantial luiprovement lu uon- duct ami given sutficlrni grounds for thei belkT thai his condiP; In the future will

SHtlrteictory to w arran t such action* the HuiK'i*t»tei!drnt slmll irm oee Ids trana- fer N(i I . dgti htrfi to a graded school.

"WbeDever any pupil In the ungraded Bcbooi fullt to conform in a resTOiiabla degr:>’ lo iU n g u la ilc tis and shows tilm- ■elf utterly Incorrigible by ordinary mranM and heyund the control of the test her of paid school* It shall be tho duty of the UUy duprrm tendriit to recommend him for commitment to th r City Home,

“The Truant Officer shall be requested to call a t the unarraded school a t the opening of the morning and afternoon sessions each day to receive from tha teacher the namra and addreMCS of absent pupils.

'Wt atHe ehall be fu rther requested to vll

"F re l* K*ttung" Ertltoi flsr Chief of th* B arw ii of Labor.

8i>*rlul niFinstrh lo the NEWS.TRENTON, March tt-B sm u cI A. Smith,

Of Essex Counly. who was unanimously liifiprsed by the Essex delegation for the position ot Chief of the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, haa declined to accej.t the position, and ha« suggested the name of Frederick Kuhn, editor of the Frele Zel- tung. The BUggesitun was favorably re­ceived. but the Ooqernor will not aay that he thtende to appoint Mr, Kuhn,

Senator Ketcham, however, has an Idea th a t Mr. Kuhn will he the nominee, and so have other Republican Senators. They all know that the Governor has said he would appoint an Eaaex man, and the only Essex names favorably eonaldercd were those of Samuel A. Smith, John 11. Honnell and Frederick Kuhn.

Tho form er Is out, and Mr. Bonnell says he does not care to accept the place, even w llh ll* live-year term a t a year.Hia present position as Custodian of the S ta te House, while having no fixed tenure. Is good aa long ba the party controls the S tate House Commleslon. (shlcb It might do even w ith a Democratic Governor.


BlU to Force BloomBeld Avenae Extension Not Llksly to Be'Beported,

flpectst ruspelch to die NEWS.TRENTON, March tt-B eM d e n ts ot

Montclair and the townships of Essex County lying west of th a t town had an­other splrltwl combat Imfore the House Committee on Railroads and Canals to­day over the Dawson bill, designed to make It possible lo tore# the oonstruc- tton of a trolley route on Btoomfleld ave­nue, Montclair. As much bitterness was manifested as on the last oecaalon, hut lha disputants exspcliod belter control over Ihemeelvee,

The m em beri of the oommttteo made no decision, snd said they would not until It w as aacertalned th a t a chango Irom ex- littng laws waa easentlal,

FASSAIO p o l l u t io n HEAKINO.

Hill Prepsrsil by th s LagMaMaa Commls- tlo n to Ha Itapartoil BaawaBbIr.

gpeelal Dlsqatefc to tb . NBWfL T ^ N T O N . March t t - . ' l i * B aittts Judic­

iary Cammlttse gave a h taring to-day on the Paasalo Pollution bill, tacoslalanded by the special eoimttiaat(n g M ^ e d a t the la s t ssaslon of tha L agW atw * gad gt*a 00 the bill ra in rted otBM, H aa iy W

• f % ^

hls aid,Die told the police he thought the (rain ijS* on the other track.

Bambo was removed to at. Michael a Hospital, where an exam ination showed that hls hack had been broken and that he was severely Injured Internally. It le thought the itijuries will have a fatal re­sult. , ______

F ra n k l in m ill N u tley .The funeral services of the late James

Madison Collins took place to-day at hls late home on Centre street. Avondale, after which the remain* were taken to Mnnleomery. N. X-, foe Interment. Mr. iW i" ™ a a well-known New Tork Joui- tiallst, having been connirted with the Evening Post ot th a t city for over fifteen' 'The Franklin Township CommUteo met last night. Among olher m atters coming before " t was a protest from t t . It. Ben­nett, of Htuelde uveniie, Nutley Hri;a«. avalnat th s new flag sidewalk on Hillside IvSmic, which ha claimed was not bring laid acoorilnir to the p l^ s . The eom- jlaint was referred to the Road and Blds- walks Commuter, ^

James Armstrong, of Croton poJnL N. Y ta s guest Of Mr. and Mrs. James Mar- ahalJ, o f Vreeland avenue, Nutley.

Mrs. Cyrus Clarkri X'*'Itln* Mr*. F. Bkiddfy Marden. of Nutley avenue, Nutley.

About ! O'clock yesterday moniln* a milk waggn belonging to l alvln D. Bar- S t , ot High street, Frankllh , was • ruck Ev a trolley car ot the Newark and I’ater- sbn Electric Railway Company on (Venire iViVet, Franklin, and was compiricly wfecked, Itaac k lerstead , the dr ver of the wagon, was not h u rt seriously, but he wai*nearly "drow ned" with milk,

A fair and entertainm ent uijder the aus- nlces of the Ladle*' Aid Society and tho Wnwnrih league, connected with the F ankltn Me“ od St Eniseopal Church. I m be held a t ParR^Hall, on Chestnuf BUeet; Franklin, <m Thursday and Friday

"'vH^and Mra, Georg* 1. Halcom of Ten­nis pl»ce, Nutley, have returned from Old Point comfort, Va., where they have been anending several weeks, i‘Ai^nle Oakloy. the famous rifle shot,

connected wBh the Wild West troupepvho h . . lien-aoending the winter months at Se“ h ^ e i rN u t ify . Win take part In the

„.*rt«inment to be given at Mafllson SSusH o” rfeg anthe Maine monumeiii fund. Miss (lak- f.v will lead a band of Cutian loWlerj. many of whom are crippled from the ef- Sets^of the ireatraeni Htftlcted upon them br Spanish troops. They have great re- sJeci for Ibelr > l r leader, tvlth whom JEev have beenT rlends for years, over

Miss Oakley gave exhibitions of her Jklffw lth the »"d shotgun Iniuvang , Matggaaa god othjjr parts of Cuba. ________ -

The J tu tk * of (he Fee*, and kperla) Offieer W hile Chargeil With f 'onspirsey.

•Tustice o( the peace Henry Bo*set was a defendant In the Court of Q uarter Ses­sions for the third time to-day, and Lewis White, a special officer, wss put on tria l with him for the second time. BdStet am] While were arraigned on Januaiy M charged w ith exlortlor.. I t was alleged that they had caused the arrest of Michael Levan, a team ster In Ihe employ of OUo Poll, on B charge of cruelty to animals, and bed released the man, after hls em ­ployer hall paid 1)0.1801 >i. A Irrbnlcal de­tect was found In tlie Indictment and both defendants were discharged. On the same day the Justice was tried snd acquitted on a charge of aseaull and battery. The Grand Ju ry then found indictments against Hoaset and White (or ccniplracy, the charg .s bring based on the Pott affair.It wa* on that charge that they were tried to-day.

Gcorgi- E. Clymer, coiiiieel for White, and Frank M. McDerinlt Joined In a mo­tion to have Ihe Indictment* qtmslicd. Judge Fort denkil It, and I’otl was put on the stand by Assistant Proeecutor Hood. The wttnesa. after Irillng how Levan had been am-eted. said he had met White In a roonj In Justice Boasefs house and that Ihe e|)cclal officer had *aid;

"M r Pott, we cau'1 make a chargn against you, tint It you wlH pay >5 tha t will square the chhc."

F o il went on to say that hls partner gave W hite >5 utid Glut Bosset had then attpounced: "You arc discharged; the case la dlomlBsad. There Is no charge against you anyw here «ls>."

In answ er lo * .location on cross-t-x- am lnalion by Mr. \lcDvrmlt, Poll seld th a t Bosset told him h.i would not take a com pininl unless I'olonri Edwards, of the Society for ihi Prevention of cruelUf to Aulmnls, wa* t'r.*i'nt. Bosaet, Itc ad­m itted, also said tlmi he had no right to take a case of that character without lii- structlons from i’olonri Edward*, On re­direct examlnalloh the wituesa said tha t Bosset had mail.' the*.' " ''’tV',” ? ''’?....'!',. a fter the mdney diad tu'cn paid lo t t hiti. Mr, MnDsrnill asked It 'hn witnees km-w o l h ii own knowledge that ihe mohey had been paid over. , ^

"1 don 't know," said the w!tne*s, _ It was p u t on the table In front of hini,

Vt'lfllam Bollard. Pan 's Partner, cor­roborated bim. He told much he same hind of a story as did Poll, adding tha t a f te r - th e transaction all hands had ad- Joumed to a nearby saloon, where Iney nafl a drink. Dollarfi puld for rofresn* m ent himself. The wiint-M citld^thst tnc m o n ^ given lo White whb in the form ol a***lrtVan waa then pul upon the aland and. In a general way, lie corroborated tho tew tlinony of the preoadlug wllnessei. Mr. H cU erm lt asked If Russet had not to d hltu when he was asretuHl that Ik <'0uld ■0 btzCBUSD he had no Jui'lwiU: tion iii suhfi a cost). The wttneis repllrd flrtiiAtlve. Coioue) Kdwards lestUl^l (hat he was ou t of town when ih« affair took uUcc. but th a t he had b»*ard of k liu^i

_ .* _ .A _ A tt. , n srnaftl I Isn ff >i«r\

once the homee or sui^h uupiis and Ascer­tain reasons for thefr absmt'e sruj if posilbli^ return th4>m to the school."

The rules will he recommended to the board for sdoifilon*

i t was tiimounceil th a t thirty or thirty* live names of pro>ri>cttlv« candlfittes for admiiofion to the sciiooi hud befit suhmlt* teil by a iffrn n i principals* All of thciMi cases will l>e Invesdxnted Indlvifiiislly be* fore t^'lh^re^! shall be made, and It Is su- iiHpatc'l thiit wh**u Ihe unifra^<^'( school OKHN Monday, April 4, Miss Dean will have a rises Of perhaps iwcniy-llvs or thirty pupils.

Ineldentslly, |t developed a t the nipetin< that ''unumded clas^ea^' have bten eatab- llshedl al (he W arren Slreet and South Tenth Blrent schools Mr. Gilbert rx- plaintdl that the object of the olatoes w** to assist pupils In whalevt'r hroyioh of Study they mlRht kK* vartlculurly defletent in. For instance, if « pupil should hr up to arade in every study but reading, h« or soe would i»e aM 1Kn* l to ihe unxTaded

ami Mpeclattit «rlU«d Ul so id in f un* iR n e or .she woTO he up to grade. The same principle would hold good If tho pupil should be bacJtwarrt In spifhmetic, KW'gmphy. hlsiory o r sny other study» The ftuprrintcndeni's action in osiabUsii* thif the fjHSSk-s was concurred in with iho uhdLTSlamltnK that they would be attended to by teachers of flrst'g fsde claNS'‘s.

All attack was mad<i oy i.'oinrolMionsra Myers and B.insom on the .lystem of re- (lulnng txam lnalluns of teaouers for j>ro- moilnjis. The rule nrovldes th a t anpllcants for iKiNlilt.ns HN vU*c-prlnclpalA head as- sluttinlH and llrsi assIslHUts. eluUl under- . go examlnutUms. Mr. Myera offered nn amenfiment which. !< iidopt^, wooia chttiigp the rule so that ll would not apply to teachers now or hereaftop in the em­ploy ut the d l l . "hut UiAt when tt vo- cancy occum In any school the teapher next l>elr>w in rank in ruld school shall h« promoleti without ^ i...,,Kgft-Mr. Myers contended that when a t e th e r Is BPafiuatcfi (Totn the Normal Hchool, ahs is suppose^l to Iw competent lo teach In any grailclum l th sl H Iv unfulr, siiJ ought to he unnecpssarv, to romiicl a teacher to taK . another examination every ^Inie that s ^ was to bo advanced. Pfcstdcnt Qay reidiei that the trouhl. wa* that " '" Y younj! women are graduate.! from the Normal Hrhool who are not comiM-ient to t« .h .It wnuM be better, he *uliS, If *ome of them were, slorped uiwn entering the sriioot, rather tbiiii to let them go on when thrit temijeraroent or la rk of executive ahllUF maiie It apparenk th a t they woulfi never make turcrseful leaw-her*. „

Mr. Hajisom took up the presMeiit • Mn- tontlons aiirt .Holar.ri Hint If what Mr Gay sal.1 wa* true. It wa* h.*h lime Wat tn<) standard of examination* a t the Nornml fk-hool Lf raised, Hc went on. to ssy that the present ayatom of examlnatimto fo- uromoilons w'a* little more, than a farce. No rr.'orda were k.-pt of the examinutlona. he *ald, no i.u[ier* were tiled to show whai the anpll' aht might have done, and. he aihlcd loo much latltnd.' was given the Hunerlntcndent In the m atter of examining candidktrSft , .The amendment wa* beaten, the Demo- eratlr member* aloni- favoring It.

Among the tranefer* deeldrd upon was that of MU* Hannah Moore, from Houlh Stieet firho..! to be bt-ad assistant of tho Lafayette Street School,

a n d 'm a d e i n ‘invcsllgntlon. Bn*sct,'tho witness aald, told him that he had \rcrlv~ ert >1 from White for hie "trouble lo the' ” hn t cloned Ihe Slate's esse and Mr, Clviner renewed hi* motion to quash the Inuleiment against " h ' i ^ •^ ,’'•7.**'- M '- Derm lt asked that She (JOiirl direct the Jury to acquit Bosset. Both motions were dotSed and WhU« wus put ou }hc ■ ftmi in h ii own defence.had received any muney from etiiu-r Mr. P o tt o r hls partner.

**Dld you get any money from any one?Aja fj<,od on cTOBn-cxaralufttinn.sip J xot IJ.fiO from Justice Hosset je usyrnent of tbe fine,** whs the

Ham! liVttli a t’hw.'fct A man who styled hlmarlf "Mr. Hwp*;r"

caued «l the store of l.. N. Hailey it Lo., on South orange Hvnuc, this morning. atU * ordcrbfi ft lol of hams which wpf« to cost IK43. He orfi*’n>rt the gooils s^'nt to a cer­tain beef comiiany's ?*turc on Mullierry street. wht*u thu firm's driver reached the store with Gic Juims he was told by a man there* Accurdiiig to ihc police, (bat “ Mr Hooijcr" wa.s a t Market aiHJ Ijaw- rencf. siruvts. Th**n the drlvyr met ''Mr, Hooper,” the hams we'^e fioiJvercrt to him, snfi 4n return the driver got a ehvek for 214.42. which wna slisnrfi T.It was drftV'n on the Newiirk LJtV Nallnn- ai Bank, anfi when prcaenied (iiere was said to be wor l h l e . ^ ^ ____

elohn K* McN'siMurtt Was HU Name.The body Of the man who whs found

asphyxiated at the I’alaue Hulel a.giurjuy iftvrnnun ha* becfli jjosltlvriy Identified Si ihai of John F. McNitmara. formerly.if Scranton, l-’a. The Ideiillflcatton waa made eertata i.y Jam** A. (hinnclly, a nrinlef, who *a'<l he w ai McNamara* ituRitatiirr, McNamara wa* known a* John Mack while h" wa» employed ns a Imri tJSrter for P4'i<'r Murray. Mrs. Dot of 2fi Grove sltfvt. with whom hc Imyded, and Mr Murrey vli’wcfi the rcmalus M ain rhls mofnini, ^rid after hcftrinj? Mr. Con- nelly, they iigrei-d with him In hls Iden- tlflca'ilon. __ J_________ _

The M estber Indlcstton*.Tbe W eather llurciill forecast (or thia

locsilly follows; R tln and warmer to- m X - cb'sHiig and colder Wed.iesd.rif Sfmrnoon; aoStherly, shifting to north- westerly, winds, __________

I ln ra a d NsMif M#*fcwe*».

"Y e a ._____afte r tbe paymentcum atances leaillng up to the at>r»t and the proceedings In Busset ‘ h ™ ^ -., setd th a t the money hud Bollard to Bosoft, and that tho lalior then handod htm M.W- . ,"W as Iherg »ny hearlngT asked Mr.^'*‘Non* whatever," replied the

Bollard an.l Irfvon »oro both reciiH^Mr. McJ>-™ u, whoDrloed hy the tu rn sflalrs Jisd taksii. Tneylo th testified that Bollard PU< (heon a table and that Vi hlte picked It up.Th* oas* then went to the Jury.

tFeflMsdaiis pad SoturUffia ari Spscial Beal M a te Dak* (k* ff KIFA

H altoalt'a Cauniel Uavs Not Olven I'p.Andraa Mallnak. tho * ! '........

Mr*. Annie K m eti Insists (•>?' _ , . rsoiiv 10 dioi but his counsel, Afianis » FeWman. havenot yet ab an J^b f^ ‘J'* «*ld Mr. Adam* ak li fo-d»y (hat (b*5L " 9 “ *“ p ro u d ly appeal to the Court of Fa'Jbfi" a g a ^ . T hat, h* Inflmsted, ^ 1 be done a fte r tH» prisoner Is rosentencod,

W* Air* grill In tbelUe*.

it enyikflii

C I T Y N K W S H O T M .

Rev Dr. Ford C. Igichnrt, of Brooklyn, Kin drilver u lecriire on "AbTiih*m Lln- f^iln'' to-niorrow nlgltl a l the F irst Con- gregatli.nnl Church.

inh.i Hvan of New York, foil at th* cor­ner of South Orange avenue end Nowtpn .rrec i vesttrday am broko hls leg. He w a r ‘a^ in IS 'h e City Hospital.

T'mier the auspices of the Library A ft rommlliee. Frederick Keppo! of New York drilver.ll a lecture In Essex Ly- .Te.mi' last night oh "Fersoiial Bkeiehoa ■R Soimi Fambflg EieherH. " Monslgoor Doane presided. ,

C*r1 Weyei, (orty-fighi years old, d W nt ibu City Hospital thia movnlug, Ha was ■(“riiught ri* (bo InsiRutlou about a mouth ago by tho police of the t l r s l I re- rinet So far aa is know n be ha* no rela­tives In this city. • „ tt

A nieotlng of th* Inalltule W at ClubAndre* Mallnak. the ‘j**},** ^ *electTon*'of *crew T lo ’ ’tak*"p*rt 'n ^ th ofttttti. .c m ... In.tsts that he la cX the P. R. A. H-. f Only

thow*tr«Sent a t the m oetin#w lll be oon- sldm il In the aelMllon. tt*,,.

Tbe Normal. T raining Comwlttec of the Hu.trd o t Ldtentton w as nsR ellast night to remove the euepewtoa of n pnpU In th r boy* nnnex to tho Sehoil, but derided not to In'etf*™; * " T port from Suporimendent OlllRtt wad

and iKgh gdbdo**- , ___v;kj. ■

MK >g« (>(gA fliA •Mm U« Mgttilirrrv-flA*"

Page 14: First Edition. - DigiFind-It


Xot ftpttJMl bjr tb* » lo ^ ■teir CouneSU-The Krl<i MaIln a

Uon—Talk of Wlrot »tid T h t iro ilfr n«*«tion was brflHtht

•4IAln At 4 meAtlnif h»’ld by thA Moqlewlr Town Council lA*t nlKb*- im iwy iwtt. r rp rw n tln n tiu* Korth JTertAy llAilwAy Cnmimmv wns Hrat dAcUred ih«i ih« CoUn^H and fciAla, who hfld bf*n ft long way apart on tb» nuMtlon. H v now "a* close e« m fti- most ruli." The ci>mpftny, h t a faro to No*»rk, un<«TUiUo w«lvrK tho romiwnuMtlon ofirh n i ttui rale, lifcen ta While Ihe sW^crni fere contumw. h r ealil. Ihe » ir« t rellwey pay Montrlelr *J.i*>* a re"f. iwk'"’''^* when ll» n « t r«f k '** i.''* ! r™ 'V idT h e only dlfferen. -- hetweeii »*,H r. B ertftt. -na a iinilKWillnn a>i|imlllid h r the Council (hut Hi* rule of fare eneii M five ceiil* to J.;niiery 1. I t d o r l n B which Umc U(.n Hlrtne tl m cUuae. It h r Ihnt time Olcn Bhl*e rtoe. not waive the the for,' eJiel' '* ralee.l to alx rente, orid Ihe citinpenejinon of no w in H'oitchilr elioul.l oomminceand continue Indeniitiely."

That pronoeltlon. Mr. H arrelt drelariMl. the oonipany could ro t ui'ceid. The ob- Jectlwni to it are aeib'ue. Iwcauae It la not a iiopiiler Ihina to ralae turce after they «r» once n*ed. Jlr. Ibirrclt eijn-.eeea ih t hope that the Olfferi ncee would eiwn he acttlfd, and It * a« decided to have nii- other meeting on Thureday night.

jsm ea ». Allen and Kngineer llairtwin. of the Kftt KnllroiuL euhinlltidl plane for tunning the trolley under the Krl* * tracka n t Valley ri^ed. The work, necordlnk to Iho plane auhmltted. wouUl coat |3.Uld. Mr. Allan aeld, and tha expmae Would have to bo paid hy the two railroad coinpanifr Intereated. He explained th a t ae Ilia law now Btanda Ihe work rm iit be dune a t the Fipaiian ef both railroad compwnlea^ There U now ..................... . , ...


WtttUH Forfer'e l i f t Croahed flut Wewr tha Waeoely Freight Yarda-He Waa

Alnioet Denopltaled.WMUam Porter, eighteen yeira o'd, "f

(I ('ranford atseef, wai run over and k llh td Ihla inorning by the aaitlwund 1 enn- tylvanla paaaenger trnln. due In Ner^ark at 7:S o'clock. The accident oCLMirred aa tha train waa paaalng the freight yard! a t Wavcrly. The body waa frightfully m an­gled. hardly d bone l.rlilg left in tact, and the haaii waa alm oit aevertd from the trunk, hrln(f In place by soin# skin which WAI not cut throuifh by the driving whrsds Ilf til® cuii»c. i^ornir h i i bfrt*n w<ci| known to the f' ysrit men for Aonift time a i in “irregular TommutAr'’ who btMfdi lo<r«l freight t r i ig i to ride to the iuburbig returning In lh | minp j Ion,

Th* engineer Of th i pftsseng'r trftln re­ported to Y ardm aitor Osmond after th«ac- fldfiU th a t he aaw Tortor jump from a weftlbuund freight train dirh'- tiy In front of flit Auglhc. Yftrdmen picked up tliA re- hinlni ftiitl len t them to I he c»y mi the H;1U O'clock t r iln , And they were la " r rc- iMovefl to H oUa'i morgue ftl the dlrM-tlon of (*ouniy Phyglelan WaihliiKlon. The iHtltT derWed that fhe UiMin wai ili-ntnl, and lit Rave jjiemilMioii for ihA 1u- timnaiit of the ooily.

J 'orter WAI an orpliiti. HIa mother died two yeara ago, leaving tnree ctiJldien. M aine. WilMnm and JOAeph. The former hae Aiippuriirtl iiei* two hroih^rM aiid kept th* hotne. A litti** ov»-r a year «K‘’ J'»«' ph l*orter, now flfveen yeirs old. wna I'isylug bail on A. common near tJie u m k f a t Wuvetly, when the bail wful over tiu fi-w>e and among ihe rails. Jo*»ph wi-ni after U, and was atruck by u train. Uoih Ids Kg’S were cut off Above the knti*>*. lie ■nnived the umpntaUons. Mlw Sorter has now lo it h e r father, mother imd ijroHier within five yearA. and la left ftlon»* w (h her crippled brother, iwys liiai, WIU

STOUTEN BURGH’S. Boyi’ ttoui, ttylleh thoc*. I t .» up

Mackintosliei'.lJiTil’r tllas .R ub* bfT C oats . Rubbers —a n y an d all o f these m ay be had o f us a t i n - ' terestiin ; prices. F o r in s ta n c e , ' M ackintoshes a t W .7 5 , $ 5 , P6,

$ 7 , $»>An enviable rep u ta tio n cover-

ing 4 0 years pro tects y o u a .c a in s t! u ndervalues and overcharges.

A nd then th e re ’s th e Best i N ew ark Made C lo th in g .

About a good $ -j shoe, a)

BAHtiAlNfti^ltuMvillA bylidtac loift. JAMe IA, &SHRT. W e M«Al B^tAe U l VftrtlH At.

BKYgR A CO., MAt AAlatA Aod AsrttsngA 120 8i>rioi^*ld ftvii. I t€leph(M)« MTU. DOJ


CrtTAUI.IrUIRD JMD -UKADgUAflThFia Ft>U WiXm1«I4» r*Al AaU ii . S7H WMhlngton avf.

70s JOHN W. JORAUKMON.KHSKX i'ARK 'M t. aoxint, at aarrlflcA.

lir- 'f Osnrr, Ikia 71. Nsivi fjJBt.*#. Ad;

JOHN 0. OHORle, Km I Cstatr. Ins.; loc*l#tl unir TNS lirnsU si.. uv»r telrfiraph nlhrii.

Stoutenburgh & Co.A 797 lo 805 Broad St.

pcn.ling In Ihe Legtelwtiir*. he k bill to et.'lteli nil grwgo crow»lnt:l,, nnd

iem left the houie U .t night a t i o clock, gnU ehc did not hear ot him egnm until the police len t word that he hi killed.

ad been

iouner or Uler. he declared, they wilt be a thing of Ihe puat. If th e ijoutidl <Jo»e .. jiy (irdlnajige

■ • —

rUNfflSAI. OF WH.I.IAM C. WAl.I.Af'Knot atlend to the m atter Ii5 w .% w l l the town will have m |n,i bait ot the expenee If the pending*’ ?7'eply to Mr. Allen. Mr. Harrett aald th a t there li A law to regulate all .uch croaainge. iu far aa danger 1* concerned, and the regulaltona now cxl.tlng. be ly-clured, are adequate, ronductora on trolleyiuptlvl thaT 'lhiTlotinrU l i not bhllgHl-10 Introduce In Ita ordinance the plan aa eug- g n led hy the Krle people. Ko actlnii Waa

H aay F rie n d . Pay Their Ijtal 'U to the tHdeet Vrineetnn flrmluatc*

The funera l of William C. Wallace, who a t the tim e of hla death w ai the olleat graduala of rrincelhn College, wae held a t hie la te home, MS High eireet. th i. a f­ternoon. Several floral plecei aurtounded Ih* plain black-cloth eaaket. In which the body waa laid. The aervlcea were begun


tftkrn on tlw m attw . _ u i' David D. I>mi<'<uir prraldAnt of the n<mto jof Heeilh, and Mnaea N. Haker. apjjciired before tha Council In relation to Ihe «il- lectlon of garbage nnd a«h»a in ibc lowti. They auggeited th a t the (.ouiicll ahoutd p late the nmilcr before the volera M the coming elktdlon. Tlie quteUon will la- voted on a t the prunnrlea.

An amendment In ihe proiH.aed new tel- ‘nhnn<' ordlUHriLN* fur ih^ N«ff York »imI

J im y TtdrphonA Comimny waa i*r»- i>ro¥«li. It lA to emtiprl th r c«im-pgay to pluci' thw fjn llij*

fnhnn<' ordtUHnei* fur Wr

n¥«r. it 11 ay to plu

fnfiw tn ifcS'^vAyVw*mtrAA III OYT" ,arwaem ixeee-e .. . — e.■ - -— - ,diunnee wna pa»»d to second re .ding, anc It wilt he 'dtxpoecd oi next wtek.

tJoimciltnau (.'rawford elirred up ahM pere'nV it" wben he ipcdc f. regnealon brlialt of the Board of Kducatlon thattha brtl on the aid SVaahIngtnn Schftol bouK be removed. Mr. Atwnter nblw t^l. H* aald the bell hiid b<«B,^pijrehaart byprivate eubocrlption. and that ‘•'i'Wanted SI placed on the nrw tchftnl and not taken to Tipper Montclair, aa haa bWnJ S g g ^ M . '^ t m etier wee laid over for on* week.

MCWABK b e c t w c o m v u m k n t k d .

William C. Wallace.

Ber.nwIghlOeUnepoOReriHl the Itaanehlp • r « WexUlrn Cathedral.

Rev. nw tght aalloopa, of Ht. P au fi Epli- oopal Church, haa Item offered a prom^ tlon in tha aoclealaatlcal ranka. Btahnp L. H , Wclla. of Spokane Falla. Waah,. vlalted Mr. aalloupa laaf t'r ld ay and urged him to accept the appointm ent to the deanahip o f All Salnta’ C athedral a t Spokane Fall». Tha Blihop aaaented to Mr. Ualloupe'i re- quaat to be allowed to conaider Ihe m atter for eome day*, Inatcad of giving a deBnlle anawor at onow and the CU-rgymait prom. Had to make known hla determination eoon a fte r Kaaler.

The proffered honor carrleil an added compliment to tho young Newark rector on account of hta age. He will celebrate hla twenty-eighth blrihday neat Bundey. I t l i unuinal. In the Kplabopat Church, It la aald, for a clergym an to he created a dean before he haa paaacd hla thlrty-flfth

with Ihe alnglng of "Jatua, l.over o f My Soul," by the Mendeixaohn Q uartette, and then Itev, Kdward P. Gardner, of tha Vil- laga Church, Chatham, who waa Mr. W al­lace'# paator, reed eeverol Scriptural te- lectlona. He wae followed by Ttev. Thomaa Reed Bridgce, of the Second Preabplerian Church, who offered prayer and made a brief addreaa, epcaking of the life o t Mr. Wallace. He referred to hla almpllctty, hla rectitude and hla qtiiet m anner of living, and to the good he had dona by hta c h a r " ty. Mr. flardner followed, apraking mnra particularly of Mr. Wallace'# peraonalltlea.

The dttectora of Ihe Newark Y. M, C. A., who had hold a meeting at their room on Clinton itree t prevloiia to the aervice, were preecnt at the funeral In a lw<ly.

The Interm ent wag a t Mt. PIcaannt Cemetery.

Ualy'a Coinipany In Hlverlliig Farcical (hmiedj-Aedrew Mack, Indian Act-

rraa ainl Iturleague,When the Widow Farrington made her

Biiltor Mr. Oeneua Poaket. the lajndon tntKlairate, believe before their marriage that aha wax thirty-one inatcad of thlrly- IIK yenra old, Ihe wove an unrommonty tangled web ol the kind uaiialy maau- factured hy Ihoae who practlxe to ileceivc. Her nlnrteen-.vear.olrt ion waa tharehy compelled to mnaquergde a t ot the ten­der age at fourteen, with many haraaalng reaulta. The gortfalhcr of tho promlaing youth came Horn India, and wax Invited

i to dine with the xecond huihand. Mra,, I'oxkcl hart to lry_ to meet him and warn ' hlx in advance not to mention date# of

iiloetccn yeara ago. Aa a rcauU, ahe and iher Ilatpr, Ihe godfather, and the xiater'a 1 Inver, were arreeted for being tn a hold

kept I'ptn after the expiration of llcenae 1 hours. Mr. I ’Oiket and hla itepaon were in Ihe huld, too, and eacapitl after del peraie hiuI pcrlloui m lnhancei. Then Mra. Posket, her a liter and the two men

I came uj' tor trial hefort Mr. Poskvt.* All th.-ie rompllcatlunx and more Itealde

are dlvrrllngly act fnrlh In A. W. pincl-o'a tardal coimdi', "The M aglatratc." which iuat night In-gan 11* w tek'a run at the Newark Theatre. The acting of Augustin lIBly'x cotnintny bring* out all the fun of the piece and makex the production a m l treat io. thoie who ace It. Catherine Ic'Wls'i Impi-raoaatlon of Mra. Poaket la a richly hmnorous one. Tyrone Power, aa the baplexx muglxtrale, the victim of a had l>oy'i b vUy. la a pathetically ludt- croiia Hgure; Charlea Klchman, aa Colonel ijukyn, from Bengal, lx a flne, vlgoronx and manly old idd ler. Wilfred Clarke la fiilmiiahle aa the precucloui youth of nineteen, whoxe mother tries to maku him out ao much younger. Marie 8t. John, aa Mra. Poakct'i elater, la-ttleo' Fairfax, aa the mualc icachcr In love with tier hope­ful pupil; LuU ConyL-re, aa Ibc muelc taacher'i aervant girl rival; William F, Gwen, aa a magistrate, and Hklnry Mer- heri, as a languid military gentleman, all do admirable work. Tom Hadaway, aa a w aiter and a meglstrate'a clerk, and tho playera of email rulea, are all deaervlng

S e e

T h e u su a l i n s h o e s e l l i n g d o e s n ’t s a t ­

i s f y n s . H e r e ’s t o t h e u n u s u a l :

O n r T h r e e D o l ­

l a r s h o e i s m a r k ­e d f o r e x c e l l e n c e o f s t o c k , l a t e n e s s a n d v a r i e d n e s s o f s h a p e s , a " f i n i s h i n g

t o u c h ’’ p e c u l i a r t o

m o s t $ 4 . 0 0 s h o e s , s h o e w i n d o w f o r

IIHAL liuuiKht and aold'. f«m« OQ|l ct*il.KrwHik, th« ami Murruundimi

fotfcfti. If )’uu hAV* pruiHFrtv to •pH. pfrM the hut toll by ef'UdlnB tuirtlculore, ftnil w« will dn the r*«t. USlVKHBaVt. aXCHAKOB. 1»1 Ver- Kt t it , ao*

•IXTH AVfJ . 8J—8t* rw»Tn hou»*; reni lift.• im ^K K M R lD aE * TICHEnSS, TB8

SimUFK AV*., l»-KI»v»n fooiaa; oil Im-pru'.cm-nla Apply Ml Broad at « l

TO IlKNT-FROM MAT t. UMIIIANT tUttOKHocdE, IN P K R rg rr oR ngii; t e n



aZrFN V^KriTArK; RENT tao VKTi MONTH. ‘AriH.Y 'D) linoTi-^ * ncHurMiSQKu, tjaANI> 74h BHoAn tiT. **»

TO LET^Nft. 18 LMnhftrdr it., brbtk IwuM* ImproTciBent*. $ room* nnd ba.t!g No. 4fl ATtaANTlC 8T.. brisk hom». ftfl Im-

prorensntt. • rooms sod bftth: emtir sAd ma- trftl

Ha &n aro«4 ot* Store, eod rMfW akovs tk t ftoie: rent low.

No. 847-MO b ro a d IT.. otHk Ctninl R. R-t Mrt of td flcoi;

J- B,4 AMdsmy St<8m

TirUKB *nnd k>l« for Mje nn Gerrifon i t In--** ... ... — ..-1Iiulie St jo d icn i y isrilE li'Q . M Blm roMd4m*E*T.\TE bnuftht. sold nr tiobsnird'.

renli eull^cled: e id te s flral-ci^i*InsiinriM it low retes: ehoi'** buHdtnt lots, ED­WARD II. LUkf. 805 Prudsfitlftl BuUdlDk. Mif\V, A. RFRVK. IhM Msrktt room 7: r*ftl


TO LUT—Ou# of iho#* nic* brick hou*#s. No. 15 W*rr+*n *i i H ro*‘m*: sll lmwrqv*mentsrihm

minute^' *slk froro Pietome*.WtlTD srAKTH. Bscurlty 8*vlfi*» Bank* 742

TO LET- ~ r

Btesd ft 51nTi> r.KT '124 Third ave.: v#nr dwiirtbl* hoas#

for *111X11 faitillv: all mndrrn K««Ma. la n^rferf onler; rent imiderat*. MTRUN H. krOR8K. Third sv*. WTO I . K T n a d s c T «ve.. near Cltnlun sve.;

rotUft^. 5 pJeansnt r"ora# and laric* ifftr- i-t'ii eM^rlv lady (’fcuwlnit iwo rooms pn

eital* bousht. sold and x*xehsd]iR*<l: tensnta securi*'t; rent* collar-ted. 40jW rU.Ull 7IMMERMAN COMPANY iucossfls

Oruel ti NuKsnt C<ymp«ny. Broad it. UUfTWlllnROi

BARG AIN-Two'familV flat; ImproT^menti;wfII rented; Tor Ml# cHeao; tBrma aaajr, WAL*

Ti:U W. BALTER. 740 Broad aU 195ri.INTDN AVK.- Nou»'*, W room*; hfir water

hpit; wirrilU'#. imO\M4 * 8CHl-KBINGKtl. 7-id-T4ft HrtMid It. h5x

m o re p o i n t s .

A lltnilcd lot ol the gJ Mihoea remain Irom rcoftiu tale.

Marshall & Ball8 0 7 t o 8 1 3 B R O A D S T .


. h't STilUO ft. r amihalt nav-Ing; I1.75U; I-T50 oa*b requlrud; HullAn>lat B. H * ..........w. X .. .

HOU«R, |ft mom*«mly w-a-r . 4*T,

l.r.'M. W6 Hrudentlai. 7hu

UTTLTTTON AVR.* 12S~Kor Ml*, jirivat* houne; B lari* roomat Improvement#; veramH

tnd tower. Amdv on premisek tdiiNO reanonalile offer refused for Bouih 10th #1-.

No. 117. near tuh iv * .; neat 2ti-Story frante re»lden<M'; h roonta; all Improv'ementi; lot 2Tix HMl. HUUWN A BCHLEfltNGKR. 745-748 Prf«d #t. MsONLY one W tho#* eight new hriek hou»ea

lefb. alt rootna. bathnnim and all Improve- inent*: on tl trolley line* and > minute* from RoW>TMl« station: price t2.7f>0: t*vi0 down; llhi momhly. rail any lime, tnciudlna Runday, on (iwner. ;OllN II. DHNN. 1!» North 7lh «. 4*

TO IxKT llouw. 42 Llm'tdn ave,; 7 rooma, wiuare hall, Imth. Isumlry and all Imumov*-

mon(a- large lot. Inquire 4« Lincoln *v#, ISw

ALL m-W.VKRM.VN a v e ,. si •IlRIl'K; ilHTOnV; in ROOMS;


Sjl ___________«T MARKET ST.\VAS1IIRHT))N ST., 4Ul-T.n-room hpnx*. (M.imE.tKE.VRIDOli! a Tb'HENOR. YiW 6r(«rt ■I nux

TO I.BT—Ol'T OP TOW S.EAST UR.V.NOK, n.xr HoxcvliH

h.iufo: nil. Aimly M Mxia xt.-Two T-rtxnu





J. H. BACHSLLm.4r A ACADEMY ar.REST PARK 8T,, IT—Apartmxnt lo l*t: all

Imprnvamrnta, xteam h n tid ; tlxvator. 1n- guLi.'ARREN BT., ogF—Eigt. # roofnif Imprcvo-

m.ntx. Inautr. on jixcmitn.WICKI.IPFE HT.. IST-Threx Ixrge n*hi rooau’ on. fxnuly in hnu*«; no children. jWA1.NVT ST. -Roomx lo 1x1 at J70. tTh

ROOMS, PLATS, KTC.. WARTIED.UtDDI.R-AOEnmnplx want a amoll flat or Wrt

of hnua* with nwn.r. In creitral pan or tlty- rmt nnrei Iw mulrrair. Prrtnantiuly, Boa fa, N.xfa ofBcx, ^ROOMH—Wantn!, hy young marrlnt cnnplr. a

"oomx. ccRtralty Uioxtrd; m il not to care.tlOKt.S'ilE -To Irt, Hiitilh at., 6 riHjnit;

water, »)l. E. WHITE. Ull Day at.____cityB4l>

TO l.ET-Suburb, alca mtia cotta*# In In lng- nrar HprlngfirM xvf.; b ,rt*>mx, pantry^

l.x*irnirni7 olxrenir'arwxiao well. Cotiagt, Box tin. Now. olhc*. I



year.H r. Gallaupa aaaa noJl acqttainUil with

Blahcp Wella. but aomc week* ogu he te- cMVeg a Hdicr from the Blah up conccrn-

r*ra t Bcglmcnl Ofltccrx Mr*l, liul Heriia* to IMoclot. Ibc RHltrr* lllli'<i.BCtl.

Thcro waa a conference laxt night a t the C ity Armory between Colonel Campbell, h it field oflh era ami the Captain# of coiu- panlea of the Klrat Ileglinenl, .New Jersey N ational auBtil. N'ono of thoae pruaeiit would rtlacuiB tlie meeting later, nr say anything about the purpose for which It waa called, but U 1* report ml to have been on tha name line aa the eonfeicnc.-. between H ajor-tlelieral Flume and the Colonel* ot the aix New Jersey regiment# on Sunday, aa lohl In the NEWS yexterday.

An inaiieetlon hy eonn- of Ihc Captain# of the rifle# In the ennniaiiy room# soon a fte r the mei ling, gave riae to Ihe report th a t the tonferenie was I'alhd to out­line plana foi an emergency call uyion the New Jeracy tronpx. No ordert of any kind hearing on ihc altnatiou have been lasucd,

I t w a i #ttid that «l the nlfleera' confer­ence on Sunrtav, xlmllar meciinga Itelwcen Colonel# ot regiment# atid their field and line officer# were ordered If) be held this week In alt of the regiment#.

Colonel C^amRbfll wkh out of town to- dfty. »nd could not be Men. Other ofneers refuiied to dlacucc the mfttter In any fhgpe.

pa rtitio n 8AL1t-TllE THHEK-aTORT DRICK DUILDIxa.

No, 63 WALNUT BT.# NEWARK, N. J., Will b« St i>ub)lc suction cm Git prcmlfcs


LOT 30*128 FT. TITLT5 PERFECT.Sold lo clof* Avtst* of ihs UU Thoms* De-

Vsunn*v. dwcssftd. Conditions msds known on dsr of ssl«.

EDWAI^D II. DCRTEW.Special Master.


nrsiHAHLB furnished thre*-#tory brick houw, in ct-muirte ord^; modern irapruvement#; een-

trsl locsUlv; r»n! IWi i>#r moiukx Applyp rn i 4k i'fi.. ?40 Broad *t. 37*

HOL'IKI WAKTBDeIKKUK-Wsnt«d, aft or T-room house; ail mod- *#rn imnrt>v**nv*nt«; In jKWd location in Newark, AiMrriw lluqs*. Bos 7. Newe SU

17; rofrtsnriMi’ghW.'’ ’A d d r e s s ' w i * News oftlce. thaRDOMft—Wantsd. 8 unfumlihed rooms for

UghI howk^nnina; sdulU; rent modersta Moderate. Boa dd. Ifews oflics. iRfloMR—Wanted, 4 rooms by iwn sdutis; sii bnprfvtmrnta Address X. Y. IKj* 6fv

News ofV*x 1R[K)M^Wsnted. by young (’Oupje, Ihrer or foyf

a E. !iepf»t, Broadenoms; eivivetileTU to M. sni______ .si. Address L'eniral, Rox 8k. Ntwi olhc*#WANTED—Two Connecting rooms on ssRond

floor, with city water, in Ad, (Hh or 14ih wsrd#; wUh owner prsfsrnra' moderate rent; referencsc.*iau araeaawa |ga ti wi i oru , aagaraie'i nag- gnatAddrew Permanent, 84 Walnut *t.

P n tH T » n B D ROOMt TO LDT#

w aNTEI>—A two-flat houi*.,wUh 5 or fl rooms i,n lai’h floor, with Impro+emsnts: will pay

about I’wA each; nesr Fourth avs. ISa Bsllsvlll^ MVR H. il. TOMPKINH. 1

O F rirR fla laO FTi. FAC- TOHiKfle BTAHLEHr KTC.# TO LET#

ArADEllY RT., M—faSrge room, tin t fliwr;light hmisekesplng; single room for genMe-

man; cheap. ftjhBANK BT., a i—Two or three rooms, fumlehert , or uoftiriilslird; suitable for dentist Of physi­cian; steam heat. IBhBANK ST., 125 "FumtsbfNl rooms for gentirw

men or married couple. 38h

uf praise.“The JWftglttraU'". .......... will played to-

n lfh t, to-morrow and Thursday nights, and at to-morrow’s matinee. For the re- mainUrr of tho week a double hill will be t>r«^senled, 'T he SuhUetlea of Jealouey’ and ''Numl'er Nine, or tho 1-ady of Os tend." In the U tter Mrs# Ollbcrc w ilt >>s one of the players

Another attraction of merit will be seen

MR. TAIUM I 4iKTi THK TLACE.Ap|M>ltitwtl Foslnissier at Iwtilh Oranjre

To-4lay.Frederick IL Taylor was to-day ftp-

|.>olntod postm aster uf South Orange, to succeed Timothy Uarrett, The aidectloti came as ft surprise to many Repultllcane and I>emocrats In the vllUge. as Mr. Bar- re tr* term would not have eiplred In ibe usual course of events for nearly two yearw. Mr* Taylor, however, has been itm kinf an artlvr but quiet canvass foi tbs posltloii, it is said, amt landed ir th« office through rongrvwnuin Fowler

The new a|»polntee la twrnty-»even yssrs of age* He was bom Id Bouth Orange and was educated at Vale nnd »t Phillips Ool- lejre* He Is a civil engineer by profession.

fiUMMiHR AVS,-11-room honss: all improve- incms. Cheap, Box 88. Nsw> offlea 481

TKN lots I'ft. ormosHs HUford Park; bou*e% bum without exiisnss unlll oomptsied. Aj

DimisT *t.TWfi dsstrsbk hous*# for ssl* rhsap, on st*y

terms. AppiT 80 Wakeman avs. 8fw\V. W. RBin. Aijctlcni^r. Is prspersd to con­

duct I'Sl'’* of r***l estate promptly sod propsrir. Office, 24T Market st# Kx

S e .i,%L E ST A T * FO R SA LK -O l'T OF TO W S.

A FINE floor 10 let; whole or ^ r t ; 2,W0 square fett; likhl all around; sultaol* lor lewsllera

IRp’' ' n. a . LEFOHT. ao Arllagtoa tt.

BROAD PT., 837—Fumlshs<l rooms to 1st, nn third floor. Ma

Ai-ADEMT BT,. to Mt; aulubla foror itor#. Apply lo W. H. A R, BLR-

NKTT. IT AradfRIT »t. #0

CAMP BT.. :a—Tn l«. nlwlir fumlfliad

COl’RX BT. Ifl-Handsomsiv furnished rooms; heat* gee. bftfb:. private. 08h

llRtijkD BT.x S21~Stoft to let; IVK* d«»Plreblo Wetlon. Inauire r . A. QRLM-

MON. 27 East Klnher st., after 5 F. M 4<wKASKMf'NT of the building* 7R2 Broad

COl^BT »T., 1 »-N lee lr fiimlshed reoms to let.1W>

Ta'I M Toe nuitQina* j"* nM*M.LUning Flrsmen's Ins. Co. Apply to. lAJt W

'LNNINIITON ?ft® Rroad it. _ _ ___ ^

QREEN BT . Sfl—FumLehed, 2 or 8 Ales rooms, cmnulete for housekeeping- 1

BRICK vsmish fartory to ^ t . IM-lOft Join- eon it. . lulisW for eny business: rent Igp.

Inquire 2T0T’h*stnat *L______________2#oprsiKEBB floors end iofta. Mirkei S t: centre!.

Apply to J- U HATiPfliB B r^d

FOR SAIaE—Grist mill property* H serjs.mredows; good water power; a bergaln fur

Cttsh. Addrea C. C* DAVIB. Ralston. N. J- 88*

R lo« aaA « li.ULOOMFIELD-dOalfln, corner, between depot*-.

k rooms, tieth; Improvemems; bargain; cash; renl VM»- WILCOX. World UuUaing. New York. _ _ ’

E «flt OrAiiKW*DEflin*\niAE bouee; 2 minutes srallon; 8

bath; all improvonienis: fur sale: unusuelly easy terms. Apply 183 North Wth st.. nrera__>— Ua ainn /IrRAnWMAmpara Hiati™. Kaat OTMigt.tvm BALB-Baxl Oranaa: new Iinnxa, N.i S3

Nirth Arlington a v t .; beat irieallon In East Oriuigs, Msr station and (rollsy IIM| has 18 rooms, laundry and twe hath rtiums; all roudem Improvtmenls; steam heat: lot 40x#^; price low: easy terms. O. B. PRUDEN.fCT North Ar- Unciun avs-, East Orange.______________ t a

DESIRABLE suite of offices, ground floor, Hmao st-. from May I : suUabls for stock

bn>ker ioturaitoe or r*al eftUtSi resit moderate: also d#ik-rwjss. GRirFlTH A CO.. 74U Broad It. _________________ »#FOR RENT-Jltora. No. IJn Markxt i t . ’ t»w

Hat’ll for clothing. Aggly lo J. D HAYS,Broad st.HAI.BET tr.y lOfla—Four rootns: Impiwemeats;

sultabls fur doctor.liner or other light busloess- W» H* * R. BUR­NETT. IT Academy at.LOFTS, with power, to let; good lifhl: steady

power; eieamand all convsnlencre; i w Cbsstnul Bt. Statkjo.- ^ . . -w J jxe jf. J.P. R. f t Addreaa N. f t R. avs. MlLOFTB to 1st for lightabout 40ilW): good light. BAQUET BROS.. 117'HU N. J. Railroad ave* ________LOFTS

renes a titb power and etrem beat.



in s the offer. The tilshop'a app«araiio« lu tm i eliy. Kowsvor, w ai eaUrely unexiieer* ed lo the clerRymsB, who, In spite of the offdr. sAhl to ^ ay thAt there i r e aa many 1‘etiona ftSftinst fts In f«vur of h ii koespt- irw tbs post. -

”l t la A Ions w«y out W est/' he s&ld» **«id as 1 hod one ekpsrlrnre with ft rh k fid fftf M s t. In Portifttir], Me., i «m re«l& pot ftiiftloui to uQiiortftke ft oew

fhers is k dlfferooeo in such "ft caU'*flelrt7' . t.h#nd one to #n ordinary ua#tor«t#. At an FpLaeop#! catkertfil the iRahop haa entire coi.trol of xHOh an appointment, and aform#! call doe# not como from vcartrjriwn or mtardeo#. An offer 1# made to the eJ«- gyman rteatrod, and If he #ecept», the Ilhtaop of hi# dlooeoa I ra n i# h l» « rel#a#e There I# no rule. It 1# #»lrt, hy whioh *Bl#liDij^c#n keep « p#rtlcu |# r rolnl*l«r in 'fihoald Mr. Oalloup#jaccept tlie cill hewm be next to ih* Bl#hop In rtioceean m ihorlty , and will have # #hare In ill- reetlng Ihe dultei Of the aeveral other mlnUrtr# a ttiohed to the cathedral. Owing to Ibe uBuertaluty of .hi# rtHClalon, the m inuter <l#iln«d to keep the matter a aeuret, *t le«#i for ■ time, but lomo of hi# eongri.’KBthin learnetl of the Hlahep'a vl«lt, and Mr. Oallouiie then #dinlued It# purport.


One of Ihe Olde#l and Kelt Known of Ro#e- vtlU Kealdentx.

John P. AnrtePion, one of thO oldeel and heit known realdcnt# of Roaevllle. died at hla home, SIW U nnge atreet, a t T j clock iht# moniUig. H* hart heetr aufferlng for B year from e ^ c e r nt the atomach. but. had not been aware of the .nature uf tho rttiraec. He wo# able to be about and to attend to hi# affair* until Sunday.

Mr. ARderacn wa« horn In New York City In UB. HI# father, Henry Anderaon, waa a retail ahue dealer oq Chatham aquore, U r. A nderun came to Ihla city to live tn 1D39. He wa# a member o f the Blata AaMTOlily about ISSl. when the quea- tlon #f bolMIng a new rallpoart from New­a rk to New York wai being agitated. The fare to New York waa then thlrty- flv# cent#, and Mr. Anderson, who con­tended th a t ihe fair ahould b« but ten cent*, made a determined light to r tho reduced rate#. He wa# influential IR hav­ing the charter to lb# N ew ark and New York Kallroad granted. . ,

Mr. Aiiderien wa# a member of a whole- aale #hoe Brm In New York CHy when he retired from huBlnei# about tw enty yaara ago, M'hen he flrat cam e to N ew ark he lived in the hou#e now ocopplad by Dr. Henry J. Anderron, hii aon. a t * Orange nlaie, and next moved to the oid-fa#h(on’'d fram e hom e which, until five year# ago. stood a t the «OHth«e#t corner o t Roeeytn# avenue' and Orange street. Then he built the modern brick house In which ho died, and the ttp re bulldltiK or the «OrhYl‘-. „

Mr. Anderaon leave# three ehlldrcn, Dr, Henry J ,. Luthrop and Ml#a Bophroiil#.

dwliWb<**6+ ■IklKLYIvtl Ml llin il WJII HC BL>.II | * J» * *K.» e.InrxA wxaWAlit thsJNewaiic Tbeatr* week, whun | pJulia Marlowe will appear In the title William T. Ilundlo and Jamea E Aden, role of th e“Counte#s Valeaka." The la le ot | The offlec pay* about ItlM) per year, softtb for Ebis etiBftKcmetit begins to«mi>r-roN,

"An Irish Crftnil«^nisn largt^ audhiK's Rt Jftvobi'

wftg gres>t^d by ft au<]i«m'e Rt Jftvobi't Theatre last

ifflt, and the pioev w^s cftevtlvdy rvn-crftd by Andr**w Muck and a competfni

conuisny. Mr. Mftc^k. as the svlf-sacrTflotn,irtsli h«ro, Jack Bluinnon* wHu cuiifvksJl to a crime which h t did not commU to save ■ friend who ftflorwftrd proved tulse ftas forceful and em crulhing. His singing heipod his popularity with his audience immv'ns^ly. A iolph J&ckann sg Stephen Tyrrell the fntse friend. effPctlvely por- trgyml SQ rver-designtiig vUlftln. Theiy«Fftihvr Lawler of George W. Heyo wfts a , * * ------ WhUflHnltbed Impersonation, Olive While wss ■e«n to ftdvftfttRgr Ri Maura Sherlock, and MLm Florence Ashbrookc ms Mrs. F tlr - iFigh was a good type of a wily widow. The other characUre were well taken care of by Rlrh&rd J. Llllon, Edw'ln Itrnndt, Tbcicn&s JackKon, W. J. Mason* Marie Bales and Florence Old, the la tte r a wln- fotne little girl.

Next week “A Guilty JJtotber" will b® played at Mcoba'i Theatre hy a com-

riwlKlIwId hew s N oira .Though several of the most prominent

and InlluenUfti property-ownem on K rst ronl street* lu Pialnfleld. are b itterly op- tiHed to the uae ot that thoroughB*re by

the PbiinOeld Street Railway Company for their esaenstun la 8< otch Plalna. It la sta led on good auiborlty th a t the com- liany has aucceeded In getting nuffleient consents from the Uiteresied proi>eriy- owners along the route to gnara lee the righ t of wuy. AppUcallon will probably bo made In a short Urn** lo Ihe Common Council for a franchise for the extension. However. If the Bant Front stree t plan

H0USE9 for ml# with improvement*; 10 psr 'I * filflTH. 190 Wniism st* Esst Or#cent cash,

snxe. »4IIrv tiiK to ft.

8#ROOM hrtuse, lot fl0zl40* H.flCM); fl-room house.\ot Six 1*90. 8-roozn h4>us«, 2V» aerre

land. lO minutes' walk from csrs. Inquire j . r . RKBER. Myrtle ind Bprlnsfleld tvss., tr- ringioR. 2la

O r m n f .A-’-FOVR lots nf maple shade trees* must hi

sold *■> prepere lois foe building. Address 211 Usin st.a t>ranite* N* J , ______

OOMJ 10 let. with powerj sB improvemeni^ well lighted: No. M ^ w la o t s t Inquire ^

BAllUEL Wx GtERT. TW or eogV-Telepbeos No. ML fnaser on preffll*

laS^Largs store 2 beck rootns; cos, water and

STORE TO LET-Warren st,wUh

tunable for'undertakrf. dfuafl**He * B. BURNETT. ITness. ApdIv to W. Academy st.STORE to let. sultsble for Ice cresm* onftfeo;- ' - “ Is; fully equl*'*^

Bomnisr avs.tlonery.'eir.T or fsnoy gopA*' equlpp^Rear of 178for the formsr. Usnee 00 4*h ave. wyStABLE-A large iUMe to let; one block froB

Ibe •-•ornef of Broad and Market eta Call *40 Vulbaenr at.

ORANOE-IU CenlraJ XT#., hoox# Ifl ,rremix to IjS moved. Atiply to JAUK6 KELLY* flf

Rsllnad eve.. East Orange. 1Rsllnad

HEAL B 8TA TB PO R EXCHANGE.8’TORE to real, at SS2 Plan# at. Inquire ilO

Academy s t . _____________ _ ®®v

Btiould fall, the cuniuany I# aasureil o t a frunchl#- over Kast Becoiitl a tree t.

CITY HOUSE”Frire anrt elxar. In good nndUlon, to oachon#*

for laraxr proiKrty. wlU artrt cask dlgoreoco.• CASH. Box i t . N*«n ollloi.

pany under th« managoment of Jam es 11. Walllrk.

H# Telia lb« D. Ik flrant flu b Hint the l#l anit WlU Soon Be Yree.

Th» IT. S. Or#i)t Hepubllean Club gave • ‘‘aiBoker" a t tha elulrhouao oil Newton ■treet last nlghf. Prvalrtent H. C. Ila#- kln# aurtod lli« fcBtlvUlea with cn adrtrr## In which h# told of the goort party work 'don* by Ihe fluh. The cnii rtalnmcnt eon- •lated of miialcal #eleotluna by a trio of lunjo pliyeni, buck anil wing danoRig by Ororge Adcr, and aonga by Ueorge Watt#, William Ichenburg anrt a colored .quar- totta.

During the lnterml»#lon». #pc#ehe# were Biaile by Hbnry K. Hnltey, Uaorga I* Bmllh, Au«u«tii» V. KKger#, Dr. Joseph Vln.on, Fred W, Alklnooh anil Alrtrrman tlgdcn. The la tter lievolert some lime In telling of the atHtid that tlic Itepiibltcanparty ' lake# In the prenent Internarlonaj dlffereitt’c*. H# .laelBrcfl thnt Cubait In.dapenflence would aottn be acknowledged. #nrt that tho Nation'# leader would bring hii cunntry’ through the prcHcnt difllcultlea with honor.

Tire Field of rollUca.W hatever the Denifctatle city oonven-

Hon Qiqy do tn the w ay 'o t'ae lcc tlng can­didate# will h* backed up by tbo Kiccutlv# Committee of the Seventh dl«trlct of the Sixth Wunl. That wa# dccldfif at a meeting held hy. tho sommltto# la s t iiIkIu , and a resolution favoring the reRomlnn- tlnn of Alderman WaWroii, w## uiiaiil- moualy ado|iled.

Since Jtl»a Oo-Won-Oo Mohawk, the In­dian acirr##, wa# last seen In Newark, she ha# had a fucceaaful lour o t live yegr# through Euroiii’ with her pU y, her cotjh- pany and her trained ponie#, Wongy and Buckskin. 1-asi night a t the Columhl# Theatre ehe waa given an enttiulaatlc re­ception by a croa-ded house. She presented hot drama, "The Indian Mall Clarrler,” Bctlmr In the leading role with spirit and ilratimtle force. The [lart ot Ihe mall car­rier'# fathi’f 1# played by # full-blooded Indian chief, Ha-nt-gua, In a cr#<lllablo manner, Otlier member# of the company Hloo do good work.

"Ibitle Tom'# Cabln';_wlil be Ibc a ttra t> ’week.

The memhor# of tb* F irs t Dl#trflct Re­publican Club of th« Thirteenth W ard, met

W estfie ld n n d h rn rb y .The WcBtflelrt Piihlli; U tiniry held on

entei’ialnnient a t the Soclnl Cluhroom# last night. The feature of the coicrtaln- meitt was the reading of RhaheBiicare'a "A# You Like H" by Ml## Mlnnlo Will­iam*, of New York.

Thr Willow Blrvet part of the Cranford sewer I# giving lre>ublc. U linx been dlx- covered that there !» only a fall ot aeven- ten Inch## In KTQ feet, and In eonsi.quence the aewvr ha# Iwen fttojumrt up with Hand.

Jaine# M. Taylor, the new J’naimaxtera t I'lcton. waa awnro lo yeaterday. Win

■ ■ ■ ' Freeholrter King, o ffem uloodaood anrt I.ennni, are hi# bondsmen.

A new rule went Into eflect on the I-o- high Valley Railroad yeslerday, .posaan- gar oouductora on the road will wc»t onthe left sleeve nf their uniform ecaaf.*

I of «er-»tar >nd bars, rtennilng their year# vice wlih the company. A single #tar denote# live year#' service, and for every live year# thereafter a b ar I# artdt-.l.

The Cranford Board of Editeatlon ha# organlied with Noel H, Pnrk# «# (,resident and F. N. Brunrtndge a# tllxirlel clerk.

lust n ight a t tholr room# on Sonlh Or ango avenue, and uuanlraoualy Indoraed the candidacy of John C, Kleele lo r the ili’ Mayoralty nomination. A rcao- lutlon favoring the renoinlnutlon of Al­derman Ferdinand Mo»p aild Schniil Cmrr. mt#*loner lU rry Schott wa* adopted bj a unniilmou# vote, , r

The n u m lw ri of the Democratic p.xecu- tlv* Committee of the M fth dlalrlci ef the KoitHeenth Ward last night adopte,! a resolution favorltsg lit* renomlnallon of Mayor Seymour. Alderman Trabuld ami

' Bcliool Commliaioner 8an«om.The llepubllcan Club uf the Sixth diatrlet

Of tho Third Ward held a m wllng Uai night and elected the following otflci’n*. rre»lilent, Alderman John Buhl; vlce- preeldent, Henry Lind; recording and cor. rosiumdlng secretary. Andrew hratacli; flnanclal Becretary, Oottfried JaHiie; trea#tlrer,” August Ctmmpoasc; aergoani- at-arin*. Bdgar Brant.

A m eeting of the Second V arrt Indcpend. eiu Democratic Club wa# held lust night, a t l lru n d e r 'i Hall, and It wa# deebb-d to change th« name of the organlxailrm to tlm L. J. Urunder Plegm rc Club. Twenty- alx new member# wore ejirolled.

A Democratic Club of tho Fifth Ward wa# organl*#d a t Boyinii'# Hall. F- rry and Jefforioii »treeti. luBl night. Tire i l , . - tlon of officer# w«* deterred unlll after lire city convention. The club Indorsed Jnnii.j M Seymour for Mayor, and Jamc# Hoylan for S tree t and W ater Commlaeluiu.,.

Th* Democratic Kxeeutlve Committee of the T'lrst dlalrlci of th# Twelfth Wurd

tlon at the Columbia Theatre next A good production of the populaf old play 1# promlaod.

H am Morris and hi# Twentieth Century MKldr ComiiKtiy inade the second visit of tire season to Waldmann'S Oirera House Imt night. The ehlrf vehicle# of fun are two burlcBijne# "The Century Widows" uiid "'Too Much Trilby," both of which are similar to the ikll# given by the same cttmiiativ Ufll season. H arry Morris, 1-ella Trlnthlc, Nettle De Coursey and Lew Ran. dub are Ihe chief fun-nmkera. .Ml»s Trim- M,.'x singing 1# excellenl. in Ihe olio a xt-rlc# uf living picture# W'a# produced, among them being "The Human Yarn- lit,’ " by Philip Uurne-Jnni'B, on which

Delegatea from the imlependert Tur- nerbund. Including xocleilee from P a te r­son, Pa##nlc, Newiirk. Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Union Hill Hoboken, KlUn- belhport and Plalnfleid, met at Plainfleld Suiiuay. Rcsolutton# were ailopted ex­pressing the de«lre of the member# to take p a rt In the prixe 8wl«» Turnertmnd tour­nam ent o t the l.tnlted State#, to Ire held a t Paterson, July 3, t, 5 and & They also dts- cuased outing a t k’o rt Lree"T h o *m «tlng of the Plainfield Common Council laat night wa# chsraclerlxed by some cauatlc remark# Irelwcen the m em ­ber# during a discorsion uf a resolution Introduced by Councilman Andrews, In which the police force and City J u d p were commended for the raid# on the a to re i keeping open on Sunday. The resolution# aroused Ihe Ire of Councilman Halfleld. who 1# attorney for aeveral ot the offender#,arrested. He clalmetl It wo# highly Improper for the Council to try and Innuenc# the oHlilal# before the trial# had been held, a# he considered th a t aev­eral of the prisotn r# were Innocent of the charges- lie made a motion that Ihe reso­lution he tabled, and waa supported by Councilmen l.lcfke and Newman in speeches, but when It cam,’ to a vote H#t- belrt wa# the only one to siipirert the mo­tion. The reaolutioii w«» adopted. Tho annual approprlutluo# for tlie ensuing year were made. For general purposes, .OQO wa# approiirlaii-il; tJl.uxi for street#,

ili,MI0 for fire ilcpnrtment, and tU,300 for the police force.

GOOD IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY, well rented, to exchange for dMiribl# VM»nt lulx,

AJdnxx, wtlh particulars.VACANT I/JTS: Box 60. News nltp*.a#

WOK 8ALIB OR BXCHAJltrB.POR BALE or axchange. farm, near PIsinilfiiL

N, J .: 7t aerex: good buildlnxx: plenty ^ fruit: stock and crops; froe and clear. Uux aOs, Plolnfifld. N. J. ___________ ,_________ J

f o r tA U S OH TO LBT.POR BALE OR TO UET--Tb# three an# four- ■lory brick factory bulldlngx; well llibied; large boiler and »nalii* and r« il M s« App y on prcmlxes. Kirk w ay. or lo W. IL K18K. ll 1 Mxchxoie #t. dbjFAIRMOUNT AVE.. tgl—Modern hnUBe, Ik

Sim" i J. ^ H il lD T , HH t.'ati.l xt. aaBMALl- brick factory, with roomy frame bulEd-

inx: nlio »t«bla for twelve horxei, wnb Urge wagro hou#e; alxo two handsome lots uu Uon- mmuh XU, near Cllnlon av#. Addreii C. It. MATTHEWS. #4 Olivet #U______________ IWx

f a r m s FO R 8ALU

PAHM-IX acre*, at N»xe Providence. N. J.. forsale or ■ ----------- •

bulldlnxi.or to iat: iro^ for truck or arsss; vonfl

K. IfcMAUaHTON, 8M Broad il.SdlHAMBURG PL.—rarnii 11 a<*r»R. jwHh houaa nnd hani. BREAKEliBIDOE A TlCllENim. 7M Rnmii xt. hi#

limlyanl'KlVllnir'# puem,. "The Vampire,WRN WrlltPlL

SIK ■ fun'in* ■ nc vaujirarr....................... Ran«iall appettr<*d Inliimoiilt (iam-lnif. ’Nollle Vf'. Couraey naiiii,H!ul Kmurunn tind OmcRKft Ihthoir weli-ktiown "Don t Notlra It

Johnson AftaltiiQ<K>rKo W. Jiiinmim. (o li'rri, tif M ont'

t:UUr, waa nrr^-st-d hy (NniHUMe K aiiu lust nlirhi on h fharirf of mHlntMlnlriK a

r |)]ft

RKAL iSSTATK W ASTED.OWNKRB-Ssna full partiruUrt o|,

retalp for sals. Jeasft or excluma*. IIAHKLLI...80 Cnrtlandt tl.# N*w York.

dliM>rd**rl7 houp ' ul k h/irn owiu-d bv Omployer, G«’orp<‘ rorii'luml. Th« i’omT)lalJU

Th« N^w Ibkjr Was iliul,Kmlllo riU'Hrflli, "H'Iio haa a bflriw‘r ihop

at «* Bouth Klsfhtrrinh Ptrpri* hir^fi sJx- t»ffcU'y*‘ftr-nW NlcoUa Wnr^U, of Naw York, lo work for him y«*8lcr<4ay. White ths hftrhnr wna arleup later, il U alleftM that the boy Kto)e from iilti porker a purne eoruulninK |12. The iwirher notiflefl the police, and S^atroJmuri ialndner arre*ie<i Mureit. Tha luttor •howed where he ba^l thrown the rurru’. ftnd ihe tummy wnji recovered* MureU wai cetnmlttt’d for trifcl. ' ■ _ _

Sail ♦‘lectud the following oini-rrs; JMI'pI' 4?ni, F rank Krw'hln; vU*a-i>r«U!piii. 1‘hlUi,

Hkrli'h. J. 0. HarrinKlon, fllnfter and (luiu't*r, and the Johnnoh trio, in an en- lertatninji akotuh, aUo appearfd,

Wi ek Hnhie'x Hoh^mianBurleiquere wlit he at Waldmann'a.

The formal oiwnlng of the new room i of Hahwuy'H Hoard of Trade, which are lo* caipd In Ih* KxrhAnKe UniWlng, look place last nlflht. The new (luarlerB of the 1>oaid are hamlftomeiy fitted up. and wer« di‘curatPd with flowtra and potted planta last night in honor of the occasion. Tha atlciitlance at the affair waa inrge. George liracher, prcfiidcm Of the bnard, delivered ihc addrcpfl nf ftTlPhtne# T hrro w ere alao speeches by ^■|^(^*-Pr^ftldent Dr. K. D, Sll'* vi ri. Major Gtorge F. K«igar »hd otheri. The iuhjeote of a new opera house and ft hospital for Rahway wtTe dlicuaHed bY

waa made hy rhl»*f rrf i*oj|c.e F ier on In­form ation Hhd lu'llFf, ;ind U nilegcf that the onachmun nlh»Wifi diet throw lug um1 "tippling" TO hi' iMrrli'i’ on lu Mr. (.ope- Iftnd^s burn at O nira l uveniie und Jamcii fttreel. Johnwon wu* reiirt-HPiUcd by James M. Trimble Vii* iileudfil not jcufity and Wfti held In 'b fault of IlloP hull for a hear-. Ing to-tnorrnw. .Irthn»‘'u- end a numlwr of o tner colon*<1 nun wrre nrrentuil Htimit a week ftgi> on rhurges of playing "crup.” *nd all were hued.

llOUSffii TO liBT.BKLLKVILLE AVK., LW-Thrss-Aory nnd sx

IsnsJofl brick twttss^ eight MUl Isuttdr ■TOMKINS,

8TORE te Jsi, Sftt BPoad. ebsap, lift. HBmflHBlMER. » . Court it.

tn r butlness.KTriRK* 22x82; ntats fflase front: iut'*Ws for ---------- Inquire tS RprfQgllisid 4ve. 78'

gsfitlsmsn; erery eonvrntcucs.

UALBKT 8T., 4R-A lerge* \fry pstty front n»m; nierJy rumlshed; all Jmprovsinems;

centre!; reference. AnnMAliftET ST., 40 rurelshed twm;

room ift priVKis family.piMiftnt

40ftHIGH gT*. 433—Furnished rooms fof light

housekeeping or gentlenen. MbHAl-iBET 8T.. W2-N!c# roomi. furnished f«r

light housekeeping: tt-Th up. 07al a r g e ft^nt room, ., -

gentleman: central: private family* Neat, R<»* 73. Newt office.

rawly furnlshe^^^^^

LAWRKNCB s t .. 11-Purnlahed rooms for light housHtaeplnff; 12 «P. ^

MULREHRT ®T.. 142--FurnlshM room*, h o u ^ keeping; hull rtxtm*. 11. iflft

MULBERRY AT., flft-tsirge furnished tight houaekeepittg or gwitlemen.

IIGBTON ST., 24*-Nlce1r furnlehed rooma to kt. '___________ J

MORTON flT., 4B-Nlc*!y fvirnkilMd Twm; pH- Tmt# family. .______ I™

NEW BT., 4§—Nlcsly tumlsbxrt fnnl ball bart- rosm lo 1*1. _____ *

KBW ST.. 4*-Nlre!y fumlitixrt Itiw* f™ l room: gaa and bath. ______ Wh

fll—Furnlahed rooms: idl Improve-T2ist a t e bt.,

ments._______ ___________________ __ _V aRREN bt.. M-Pleaaaal eeparete or ooo-

nsctlng furnished roOTia; wltjUil* lot more peraooa.___________________ __WARD BT. Jtfl-Furalahed conneotlgg fthd ftlngi* ' room! for gentlcmsn only; tmth. gaa mnd lueof plftOO. _____ ___ 4WABHiNOTON BT., JW -R .™ ; n»wly far-

niabed; g u a^d bftthrooen; ceattemenonly; tl uPj______________ ____________WABIimO'roK BT.. >U-Fuml#h#rt fmat room

to tat In privat* fajolly, P*v woxa 1

BOARDING.AVON AVE- TO-Ftaa rponui wlfb.lmayrt: Im----------------- ■ ■prpvtnrentg'; ipixnrtM locuton; prlHs w rt"* gtt; prtvatr Americoa foaUly-RROAD bT.. I»»—str#ai-br*t*rt roonw. vrim ’’S a ra ; aiagls, I# U) W; rtoubi*. HO to HL T4a

(jTOBK--2» Waablnirton avr.. HO, BREAK ENtHDOK * TICHENOR, TS* Broart sL 8»l

BTOBE anrt Mllar: 10 Clinton *L Inoulre m store. _____________ S

TO RENT—Carrlag* paint shop; a goort bu#l- nro* •*U blJi^^_ lnrtuoOTrnt»___to a


THREE-STORY brick building, rnttoaet >0 Acartrmy #t.. •uRiblx for Inuortry, prlnttna

ofller or, othrr light aanafocturlna huxlno^ w ; H. A R. BIIRNETT. IT Aeortomy a t ___ftTO LET-Roomx with (or llaht m»n«f»cwriiw: LBW .J4M gnrt Aouo souort fret, I» A. BATRB. *S1-S49 M ^ borry #L ________ ___________________ !5I2

May 1. saloon; Commerea st., re Mi ■ ‘ —^dtiw^'to ^CrotrCTiarket; old #UnA AdOrere

Markrt, Box 4. Nx|ir# oIBcr. iMTO LBT—Tbx store on thr com«r of Broi^Md

N*w XI*. Apply to ANDREW KIRKPAT­RICK. Poitollicr Building. MlWELL llghtsrt left# to l*t l« thr Thmna# BIwir

IhillrtliRt' cor. Hamilton anrt MeWhortrr #1 Inaulrt re Knglatrr. * TV*

ROOMB a n d f l a t * t o LBT.A MODEL flat to let; all Improrrmrott; pres­

ent tenant will aril furniture c h ^ , which U In use only #1# months- Inquiry CONNELLY, 4S nreintnall p t . _____________________ ■

BROAD BI-. 4»*—Rooms with board tnd Ubjg board. I________ __________r**!

t n in privateAvr. «b

; with Bood hoard! *_mtnut#*ftw,* comer dth a-re. Apply MOflth ftvt. IDOURLk and ■tng’a rooiM; good ^ r d ; boiM

comforti table iwftM: ref*r«o»*. fill High Jh

FioM ST IT—Boarding, flleeJy'fumlahed aihgla or double pqooMii table poard; moderate

ahftlriRR *price*EABT p a r k n . . » ;Jlr**an t rooms, with

board, and tabla boart.__________ _EIOUTH a v e .. 41-Purnlthod room*, with

boMd: tipprireriiirnta____________ ®u*eart p a r k

with board.Id—Doubla and elngle r o ^

TyTliONT iT.* l i “ Rpom* with board; IMBWJ-

: alao table board^__________ 93ttmenu:GARSlDt ST.. l«1“ Bofrd for Ikrt* gentleman;

ftU Improvement*; rwersnee. flBaLAKY BT.s 40-FumUbed room* to let, wi|h

■ -meet, lib

A FDRNIBHED flat to irt iinill tall, ITT Cllo- Kai avx,; reference* exchanged; rent m o d er^90b

BEROEN 8T„ tMT-Elght-roren house. Improve-CI.INTON AVE., 400-Two very deslrshle

fl>room ftata* nearly new, alt ImprovstMnti, la- quint drugefora. cor* Clinton ava. and Bergen

RlkOOMFlEUX AVBl.e,J«h-!l« rwins- a' ? l c W k 7 » nmxrt e f r "

CLIFTON AVE., l » - r i e t to let, first direr; t fooma; rrnl 118. ” ft

FAlRMOtlNT AVE., 41-0 line Hate; **™ - pgrh; ill ImprovemenU! In n*w 2-fftnwla u n d ry ;!^ low. AppU to OLOROB ^ | f ^ ^ , intjulre at 86. T9aIKINfl* 74 Faaaalc at. stu ... i.-re.

BROAD BT., I14B~Elegnnt Litory butt brick hoUM’. ' » rooms; every Improvenimt, choice

location, A W. MoCARE. 14 Walnut iL 8S|

FI.AT to let, from May I; T !?” itaige vara; Impruvemtnte; rent 116. 61 Mut-

HALBKY bt., *1 —Ftmilahed front nxm, w l^ Oogrd; yef«renc«s. ________ °x°

KILL PT.. 16—PumUhed room*, with board;Improvemento___________________ ***

MILL'BT., l»—Rooms, vrlih board; all Jm- provemeptsr aft" table board, Wn

HALBEY BT. 60-Bmall ittnnx to let. with board; references. >*“

JAMES BT »1-Thr*e large, pieoxant furnlsbwl ^ ™ms; OIW alcove; bearif: also table boarrt.4«u

BRICK bouse to leL B rooms. IPfl; S*2 Acxdemy I t.; xnd 4 room*. IT. Inquire aWl. ___«li

F L A T -T o let. fl room#: #nlUhie for two im oll famlllex; rent low. M l Central ave,_______ TU

aomo of th* i^pcakHra, and both nropoaftd liftprnvt*nu‘ntfl ■will recftlvis conaidarationat tho hfthdi of tha board. Tha roomg will aiRo l>« URed by the Woman'g Town iTutrcvtimaiit ARROcdatlon of Hahway aa

Mr*. Kugati ItnHeil.Th# funpral of M ri. L’atherinf Hogan,

whoao body w'fta found in tho i*uMulc Klvpr, op(ioa1tr ih f Nairn linoleum fg{!|ory in FCparny, on l^unday aftHTeOun, was hrld ih ^ marnliiK from WgliJi’e undvrlakhw: raomi, «i rM^'vuland avfiuw* iinU Fourih alreal, HarHuon. Th* Inii^rment took place In the Arllttglon Cem<»Ury. Noiie of the relativea or riiendfi -of ihe docoased wfti present a t the fiint^rat.

Hofitilh; Bt‘0f«1 ttPy, Theodore Jllnd*‘«lang; tlnanrlftt aerretgTy, Charl»*a Ffllzltigfr; treasurer* ThoinaB M ahan; aerg4*«nt-iit- arma, (H*orge Farnlia.

A t ft meeting held hy thw Tenih Ward Repuhlli’an Club la*l night Hiv fotlow- Ing pffli'era were PrefHcirni. JohnR. Rohti; vlce-prd»ii(lent* Dr. Jont'ph 8. vipaon; reoordlng gecretary. Jiol>eri Wnge m^r; linaiu'iaS ivcretary# Otlo iluriiloH; trefteurer. John E. SohulcU; a»'t’Krft!U*at- uriTin, Hnp|>*’ri Hi-The Sy''ia11»t Labor party will hold a m cKing a t Tt) SprlagneM Avonue to-iiUfiu to ra tifv tlir recent nonfimMlone. .TnmeBK. HpluVige. Aldmnan'MftfLiIre,; of u^iter-

IfMirif Carlegg nnd

a jilace in which to hold IhoSr ineetiPga.H. Kerraro, an Italian, who keeps a fru it

Rou; KUward U

•tore on Cherry glrtict, llahway# waa gr- reated this morning on a charge of tiot, Bupporting hU thlrtcen-veap-olo fton, .lamen. who, it In ailtged. no haa erueJiF ircfttvd, Ths lioy'a mother’ It dead* The father w* r arraigned in Police Court, giujagrtt'd to'pny * week for the eupport Of

The ia tter will be takenhis Ron.__ __ _ ____ .................. . w-v#»,vto the Almahoufte and kept there until other provlatona ta n i»e madeMX, ares. ........ • fOrhitTl* ^

Chief of Pollee W right, of Rahway* fh l; mortiing received a le ttc t from ^Bdw afa J. Oorman.' CUy .Marehal ofMum., in wblfh Ihe la tter etated iniervipwed n-laUveg of Werman MlUef. wljo WHR held up and robi>ed hy thre* fooEpadfl In Kaei Kahwuy, ami that MlUer •

how to t h i r d l y Tt S y I Phlifl.Iclihlo he Ita.l «M) to ills plKk>W., »iw} qirt up tholr daft J i n S y ; ‘’‘'‘3."'*

chanceoiecHon,jn heApril 72, alii flnish up .... .and votprH will have Ibelf. last ..... rogIgtiT without going to in<h irojhle of having their niirnen put on the ll«t* hy Ihe f'ou4ity Hoard. The eloeilon ofllc -ru will ri^mnln in geeBion until 9 o'clock tu^nlffit. .. ------------- _

Jng 1

Monlclqlr rolltlc*.The Denmi!r.jt*j nf Montclair a re deter­

mined lo maki' uti effort to carry the j^oiirth Wunl :U thf 4'Leotton iiegl mbnth, and they propfw lo nominate Jam ea Dur- nlng for i^otUiClhnan. The Hepubllcfthi wlH prohahly imme Thomai Alworih, who

t i e .....................

COTTAGE ST.. No. »*«’l'>P"nS?IlT‘'sp iF '’?lV all Impmvementa; Uffi. ALBEUT SPAhTli No. 11 Orchard at. 23lf

KAlllMOUNT AVK., 20#—W* fln« ropnn, 11 imprtivsmefite* Inclufllag ateam hsftting’

a.INTON AVK.. 4g#*-Hnu^; nine Tonmw »i\ Im^irovemagis: Viot water hsat Inquire pr^v-


FLAT to Iri. from April 1: 6 roomi; new brick huuie. 10 Washington st* Pellerili*. My

FOR fist# flnori and port# of toure#. Inquire tJ Otlxan# it. YIv

carrisfi the ward two year# skd by u m a­jo rity of thlrty-oni’. In the Thlrrt Ward John H. Wtl

estahi.ib h ed iw s -Ii(»(lquari#« for Wood#trt4 tolalk x il V'tihingtoo avs.; ouboxit* oratton.FLATB-mi Hsok #L; rtnt tlO.

Fait Park 4LZnqulp*

t i t

____ Ron, a former put up by ilieVUi^puhlicaiiB# and the Democrats talk of J. Delano. No contest Is antlclim t'd In the First and Second wards- The |■ l•Ren memberg of the Coun cli win probaiily lu- renominated.

Riverside av#.. B roomi; Impli*.’RIvsrsId* avs.V 1* rooms: ImPlft: 1 fcje.... M ve.g 14 rooMB; Impti.# i acre*, wWft*hlngt«»n ftva..........j,Waihtnaton ave., H room#; imptB--Oraftnq sv*., 7 rooms: Impta-........wjjHhrobe st., fl riHima: tiKiHouses. |14 to Apftrtmenla. t# to t2U*

FLAT to 1*1. 7 rooms and bath.High Bt. _ _

Inquire 42# 7<o

UITjBer BT fIT., 219, near Qre^-^ slk rooms and Water; rent

MAYO, kou urbad st#reen-JThlrd fl«r;no. FRjVNKlJJj

WARTONthe Home L4i


High #t.. Orangx.



«EW BT ao-KIcxly fumlibid roomt. with fwil boara; ImprovxtMntx. . Wh

PENNSYLVANIA AVBj, MJ-Lx«# m>m wconhcotitt# room#, with board._____ "**

PARK PL. IM—Doublx'and ilaalt roomi, vrtUi rbreiril’raSxo tobix board.____________»T#PENNSYLVANIA AVE., »#»-Aloovx room wito

bM.rt; two utttlxmxn or ooUbli. xxWASHINGTON BT.. *4*-Hi«daon» larf# f™ »

tMtB and xlnglo room, with board. *>*n t-n » t-« l« i tiblx boat# ol

,neb Dining Rooma IBw•4.60—Good board; blrexoni raomx and bath. J r t


PRIVATE family can acootnmodat* two ooispMa four g#ntltin«; i*w. rooJxni bouxxj ooj-

v m l ^ O . L. and W„ alio Erl* rood. J J*

yount non. ogxd II, Ip aHOARD WANTED br younf non, ogxd 11. Ip a BlcxWXMom Smllyi food rxttrxnc**. Ato-

Itnm. Ilvltif lxf«i. must b# vrry modxru*, A. a C. Hox » . w<•we office.

F O L K !^ r o u K N O W .KORFrflT HlLls-Te m it. •)• Mt. Proepset ftv^;

larss irreuent houre: all avx *of Ml. Proioxct. avx. oaro. x*r EIvooo ’

—Dr. H Hrik’ll Oratsp., of Biimmer avx. nue. I# very ill with irecuinoifla.

-riJbsrli’S .V. Morri#, of Olon Kltlgc, the im'rthanlcal fiinKu’cr In charKO of the Hollunrt subninrlm. torpedo boat.

—Foimxi’ Brhool Comntlxslonqr John R Scott,, of B('irevlllt>. 1# slowly rccoverlti* from Injurloa rxoi’lvi’rt in a fall a t hlafilace of busltre#.# in Nfvr York on Monday sat.

rexfif oidirllM lrebl# wrt » •« tltin, Adrtrxtt. or caU for kxys. JOHN LEVER

MIll.itKRRT BT.. I4«, oppoiU* FrtnkH^Bsau- iirul front room; aJiM> ftlcave rocftti;

lablx. J "Hews offioft —*

Addreeft or IHH Weehisaton ave.F(»tl RKNT-Three'Stan- houRs. No* fil

roomi ind balh. and all Im-

NCUITH 18TH. M—Five-room flatLhUtlniDrov;- new* ----- -— „—— -----------^mftits; 118 HRKAKENRIDUB k TICK- « . » r deelNe board In private raiBlly.

KNOH. 7flfl bro«d et. ^ iookh of tuHiffi; reaaonablft ttfftift. . . -----------carlxiro.' ^ W’ Nxwi 0»C4. _______ 1

pfovVmsBli’r oholre'fcfcailtm; esnvwijnl f t ' Itm boll. Apbfy to EDIVABJO N- CRaNe , SO C «- —

P.VHK 8T-. 7»-Blght room*: Littleton avx.. 144, S rof>fni: Felrmourit ave., Ifli* 7 wwgi*. all

Imomvemrnli. J. .1* BCHliUPT^W Oenal at. 4a

tfii evs. 24aoo p boueej 8 rooiMr rent _|I2: tejj


PLANE » r , rent W.

SBl-Thm rooffii with watftr^ EXECUTORS’ SALE.tsiBlf (JVUVC« 0 avwjwre, awii* r —iwalk from Nxwx offlc«! trolwy « r i pxre tbx

i»b' ‘ . h a r p e r , « .Clinton xt,. room*;

Inquire on prrmi#-ftetirabie flrel AoortJlet, IQUITMAN flT-i »rir«*«4E*y»m aaama xx-revre •»#»-i —' — ll Wi>ii)vfm*nte: pleMant g ruun^

mUMe or Iw m w York ave# #fli

WINTKH RRftOKTfl. HGth Klft- To let elll

llnvd et.x CQr> R«dtor at.,lU impr


12-roum dwerttngx ali improvements; A\»} Mrt Broad tl.# ftdjolnlng al»ve*

THE CH ALFONTE, f-tUrS.*!'Dliwtly on Ihc beachj Greatly ImpfoTM and to-

dwelling' aU JrapnjvVmenU. J. WARD BlilTfl A HON, PrudsntTftl g ild ing . ITft

ROOMS--Four tileriir dfworated ronme In pri­vate, aeieot funlly! cicelimt nflfhborheiod;

grMWl lixofltlon; high and cool: tronvenlent ana" yw-x. — —.AAm Rt "rtSOtt82b

.................... . ............ . . tnt ,aivsnUftli adulia only. Call nr write 81, N«Impl.

H<JrSE to |«L BHIevIlle eU roomii and bath* all ImprovemeWe, I-Aj .

No. Ifl Iluwluiid a t , elx l^cua and bath* j»llfiOOMS-Three nlsftaant

familyi near Lincoln Firooms, with private


wae undouhfedlV Vrue." ’tw o ot MUiCri# j furntiheo. Hot nmi m id’e i w w ^ ’baliw'Lq improvemertift; r*ni W ftuppo»e<l ftRRftlInnre, lioih from Newark# 1 house. Booklet mailed.

84y -

KLONDYKEiftl. *Tlic Dcniocxal# of flic ;flr#t district.

8xv«uth Ward, bold a tncstloK lust nlklit uni linlorspd Mayor Brymoiir for rs-

I noTnInatlon,

qro now hilns held In tho Union Coutiiy tall

II. U, Halo, oily odltor ol The Union Democrat of Rahwny. lies dangerously III ul hla lioarilinE-liouao, 17* ilu ln slr»*t.Mr. Hale It the aon of a Tennessa* claray man und waa formerly I’llltor of th- M.t■ • “ ■ ' * " ------ to “ ----

May no t Ixt reiu’bod liy T K L K P H O J T RiBTvice, buy friiin you (imycrnnniitoit’s tc w ith l l jK W V O ltK

and all t t h c r c ltis i und towns !a tlie K titiro 'J’eloplioua tjyiteai.

Italx* WlUilu Ul* liwusb *r AU.

They V4TU He Twgethtfr,Annie Hums, of Moniolalr, who waa

dlclen for # mtsdemennor In eunot^llnii the hortv of her Infant In ttii oah barrel last

Holly Dlapatch. He came to Rahway four months «*o to lake chsrfe of Ihe city rtepartmetit of Tho Demorrat, Ho waa . . —u -— Home day# a fo; Hirlt’ken with hetnorrhUfes ----

„ In - : and noWfinrWtomtIOii la crtatMT

Deiremtier, entered « nle* of non vult el, MIt’haal T. Uarrait,throuKh her oouniel

ih the Ouarter SesBlon* Court' tiHlay. Htewurt Carter, eoiored, who wa# tnSlotert ’with the young wornan, also nieuded non vult. They will be uenlenced Thuniday,

The NewYorkandNev Jersey Telephone Com ply,M A R K B T S T R E B T r

A Navel Bleyela l in k s . -Evciyjine win) via## a htcyols shfluld’ haw

Thrrv a rt jltuxx when. IL l» ahiolutxi

Mrs, Slarj’ A. Vahnriwlek widow Of tbs late Jolsn A. .Vxfloytwlclt. who, for m any years' vosi asseasor of the Third W ard, RahwsYi died Inal evanln* of apoolaxy in her 'hoffliCfT St'HitniTif’ Areet. SKS A a * aevanty-elght year* old and had lived *11.atvanty-elKht year*

lift to Rabway trthjr.boys. wm.

tp In Hate’s mm pond Th* will of the la ta Hrsktoe 1* Waite.


Rabwsy. Her only son, »rlth boys, was drowned many yaarr.

........ porlfor ttbVf"

thal wealthy Hahway arvlat. wa* o S a rtd. ---------- ---------- g,|roaai?ru^d

.’ arvl[a ^ r r o t hy Ura. W ilts and hi TreRl* Lupton, Of Rabw ar. T I nf* be proven owln* to the til

for probate yeaterday .10 Ran

d.awyer TJiamas.StaaXar. a w its“ u tltm o f th e d o c u m e n t.

■ SlK. Watt*, left bls,j

_ ji ir- e* law- ha will

tunaa* of to tb*

L E ID 8 S,imtieriBU ZBYI ftuu Prorroprlftfenn.

T o -m o r ro wWill be one ol our spe­cial Real Estate ad. days. It will do you Kood to get your houses advertised theu in the

NEWS Jteal Estite

HOUBE TO LKT-W arrw *1., all Improvement#; iuli#l)lx ter tordlua-bouw.

Aooir W. H. * R. BURNETT. IT Academy ^

liy, neir LInooln Park; adult# only. Ad- Farmatisftt, Bo» 2# N«ws oflloft. ____ **■

BWMB-FIvx rooms w*me<1 within » mlnales' wtik of Central ave. anrt Broad xt.: rent Hot

to reefed •10. Hnems, Bo* 01, !*•*• cflloa. *

HOVBKB In lAlitxton isrt Falnjwjuil avxx.suitable fur one r- — ' — ^ ’


noOMB—Eight rooms and bath: 16 Ctli -------1. 3U Uruhard it. Inquire M

MUtxble. fur one p r f a n t l U x x . J- ^6 rooini.

it.ntori ftt..

a i n ^

jn tlie eorrtdor of E ssex C om itr CoilH bouie , OR . . *

Thuraday« March 24,* A t 2 i 3 0 P . M .,

M c Q u a id e F a rm ,ConaUttoE o l » aoraa, InciudlBi tar**

R o n a e t a i d B a r U s ,

-To Itt. Ibrea new briek bomxa^eot. —'nod'Avon * « .! i t n»mx:

bret; xixetne llghtx. Awly M -

ROOM8-Tv*o larat room# and exllar; drxt Eow: rear boua*. Inquire I'm tVnlnut xt.. rxxr, S9b

HOL'BB, xnd xuble for slfbt horees. to Irt. InInQUltft Ox BEIFSRt o «ftFkffhola or mrt.

antiikpritigtltilfl avs. lb

HOU8K to Iftt on e a m ^ ftvf ----f rooma. iiftili, Iftunanr: ft« Inipro^^msblft

Apply #7# Buiwmf gy».itMT Btocmd}

HIGH W ’-.W '^P fX J-S r ’ i ^ D ^ A T V 'j g ’orovfSMnta; n o BrOftO ILsAMBi or *pM Mfty I

modara houM ft w uh Ml Im ^ v ss f tm U : iMB term*. Apptr ^ CHARLES 8IUl

P L ,

ROOMEF-Two room to 1st. lauuln fti T Kftijv**1.

BOUTH 6TK BT.4 a,nd bath; ^

a n n a a. DOl[ BT.4 nico rocmii eloMtrant #14, Inmttro on prsmkuftt c TRBZNB* 80 WflkamftD ftV4. Mi

rHlEO HTx, 47-~« room* toil tMth: ■fctftitt Hmt iftU Im " ........................... .1mi>rov*m*nt*; light room; only Uft* Bte

TKRSB or four room* to Irt: 17 ftftA M. Co m Quitniftft anfl MontioMffir itft. iftton. tn i

UNPURNIBUSD room forlupiod br owftori nftftt Jisnctk


Situated on Horthfteld ^ en u a , » u tb i t t ^ in TowiMhto of Rltblti

1 Of NprthCaM Cbttoch, H i inlliIntsM Orah*a, St r a s a

U orthuaw u n u re n ,.^, BTluatad an Bear JBrook.^a iijflo i o f pi

hfiald Cburch, -‘ ' Ri Bear E------ -

ter. By erdar of------- -a - -,f(iVAIDB,

r pure water. By erdar OBO, W. CriUHCH. HBNEY W. U eW A

Ixeeutai*.___________ . J o h n iAleutlal BuUdliitj Na«ii*fc>

U t Qraepwiob I t ., Maw Terfc a jy d re ia n u c u to r* or Jehh L. Job

ay, Priidi

Page 15: First Edition. - DigiFind-It

____ • o( ItniMtI uA Him D m th r Jh (W. Vitli tf


a n „ u i

O BA TH S.1- ^ TuctdAjr ittominf, MHirh 33. n V. ADcWnoTi. T3 YMra.

■le«H ftt hla ItovM. No. SUt Omni* TfautiKUy. Marcfa 34, at 3:»» P. ,ent In Mt. ri*aiant OtncUry.

1U«. Mary. MostdBDLAN-On liareh 31.«if* of Oy*n Urlan.R Ut(Wc'■ a ^ frkndi a n kintlty Invttad to

• t t e ^ Vm luBfril from hfr laU raaldai^.tfT« Warrort Btmt, on thurtHSay, at N:3U A, I, to Bt. Jowph'a Cnurcji. whan a nigh Hr of R«oukam

Manrh.......... , ___ vUl be «ffar*d for

lh« i«|ioac tf hrr »ml. laurmant In lh« C'orartery ofihe Holy

imKAnTx<ih lf|n>h 2U. 1 ^ . Brldfot. talovad wHa of John voady.Rrlatlva* nml Vlifn R ara kihdtjr Invltad to

atlrnd ihr fungal from h«r Ui* PMiJrnre, N> jTa Pennlfaton atraot. on Wrdnaaday, March S3, at H A. M.. to m. Jamaa’a <Thurch, n-hert a Hlih Maaa n( Raqutcm will h« of* ier«d for (hr raiiuw of hrr aotil. Intarmant m I hr Omrttry «/ the Holiy Bevulchra.

BRKNl'M-At Oranft . N. J-. March 30, IHQA. Kuf«na Hranum, M yaara 11 mnnihaHO(i 3) daya

Heiativta and frlendt ar« kindly Incltad to atlenil the funeral from hla lata rraldmcc. No. 11 Henry aireet. an Wednaadty, 33d mat., at S:W p M. intrnvmt In Roaodala Ceme­tery.

CAHIUr-On March SI, 1«M. Luke,, apn of

ROTICB—T n i» * l* a l tk » n e w t iB T B ria U r h*fo r !■ iuir«i»«o>

Ha a e a a a a t a w U l <»• ap eaa A t a r o«oM.

Ho sA T o rtlM H o ia t w il l M* roooW o# oT*r tMo to lopfcono •» •* » * tfcoo* » » * lip « « tl io r to * ii w o t o *

A vflw ora t* aiJT*rlloooao»** k « p t l o r IWQ w o e h r »■*•iropM !* I f OOP o tk o r A lipoo lU ** •• 4 r* |r« A tb o o lflro a b o i i l i »oH®***

HOirproORK^ju tirl hoUKwenk; muit be a Br«>d rook.IWun at.

KOrflEWORK-Toung girt for light bouaawork;ak«h hiKTir; alao waaharwoman. U FuUon

at. . ■ IHOUHEWORK-Wantad, youlur girl for gmrtal

houaawork, ei Bouth Ifllh at. _ _ WoHOVSEWORK-Olrl wanted for fenaral houaa;

work; (Jarman iirefeir^. M> North 7th at. 1HOrSKWORK-Touni waahlng or cooking.

Kliiabeth and the late lawrenca CahlU, and huahand uf Annie CahfJ (nee I^otiBl,

Ratailvei a ^ , trienda aff Incited to attend

A QROCKRT clerk w»t»l*<3L ataivda the hualnaM amt ibt taking .boraea; no other need apply- K. l lm o tii m ■ON. 110 Pacinc at. *

the funeral fmm hla lata realitance. No. 23U Ootthart Btreet. on Thuraday, March 24, at h A. M,, to St. Jtmea'rt imurch, where a High Maaa of Requiem will ha nffered for ■ he reiioM of hla arvul. Interment In tb« Cemetery of the Holy Bei^lchre.

COOPER -On March 21. iHUh. Roalna. wife of Adam CuDpar.

RelBlivea and frienda are klidly Invited to aiterjd the funeral aervlcaa fmm her late maidenoe, No-- 10H Parkhurat igrrei, on Wed- heiHlay, March 23. at 3 P. M. Interment In Woodinnd Cemetery.

DE£ROLI>—On (he Slat Inal., Auguat, arm of Aitjraatlne ami the late John iMeboJd and huaimnd of Kilialteth Baialer, awd in yeatra 3 TDcmha ai»d 16 day*.

fteiiuivea and fiienda of the fumUy are tn- yUoil to the funeral on Tliurmlay, the 24lh Inat,. at h A. M., from hla late reatdence. No furj Market atreel. to St. Jamea'a I'hurch. whera a Solemn High Mm* will be ('elehraied for the renoae of hla aoul. In- ttrmeni In Kairmount Cetiieiery.

DONAHVK'-On Ifaech 9(1. Mary Dnnahue (nee (Meraental. beloved wife of Patrick DonahtlCv agwV 2tl yeare,

Rclatlvea ana frlenda arc kindly lnv||ed to nttend the funeral from her late realdenci. No. 47 Higth avenue, on Wrdneaday, llarrh 23. at h A. U., to St. IflrhaePa Church, where a High Haw of Raquiem will be of­fered fnr the repoee of her •o«|. Interment In the remetery of the Holy Betnilchlit.

DPRAND-At Ban Plego. Cal., on March 3l, IHUH, Martha L. Durand, rormerty of “New­ark. N. J., daughter uf Jamaa Hewaon, deceaaed.

QALLO—On March 31, IMkt, Margaretha, wife of the late Prancla X. Gallo, aged (Vi yeari.

ilelatlvea and fiienda are kindly Invited to attend the funeral fmm her late realdence, N>i. 3B3 Orange atreet. on WMlneeday, March 35. at H A. M.. and fmm thence to Bt. Auguetlne'a (*hurch, where a Maaa uf Requiem will h» olTerea for the reiHwe of her aoul. Interment In the Cemetery of the Holy Sepulchre.

OAtmK-<On March 30. IWO, Thomaa W. Orork.Rtlatlvea and frlenda. alao nffloara and mem'

Iwia of Court Eaaea No. OSOB. Poreatera ot America, are Invited to attend a Requiem Maaa I t the Bacre>l Heart Church, corner KIxth avenue and Ridge atreet. on Wednea- •lay, at T;M A. M- Interment at Spiingflald, Maw.

Olt,Ui'K-On MjRelative* and f t______ _______. . . .

funeral frum her late rcaldenee. No. 3T3 Malaey atreet, on Wedneeday, the 33d Inat., at k;nn A. M.. to St. Rrldgera Church, where a High Mat* of Requiem will be offered for the repoae of her tout. Interment In th* Cemetery of the Holy Sepulchre.

MKRRBT—On the 20(h Inal., Julia, widow of llleronymuB HertMit! aged SB yeani.

AOK.STB-Oiiabl* mfti lo imn^oMtown*. Api.l> HKU.HERO. « In » >'■ *' ■ ^ ‘S lU A. M . Ho union at, ‘AaENTH-Sall II»M V»l« Oai qiaf*-: ennaumnn a i to 4H par o«ni. on (utorf nni*. (•at aall»t»;'On cnmwtltlon; (Jiinauniir* mm. 411 I'rrflt gyalain pullillnir.A POMPETENT. adinulaO «antl,mnn. n ^ o -P

der 35, for a reauonathle ptwltlon; good If auitf^. Call WedneaUay after 1(1. room T. aj hUi> Rroad at. ’APgIfiTAprr double-entry book-keeper, 1"bog faeiory; a aieimgrapher pjwfewea. ao-drcaa with raferencea, 1, M. I*.. 3A irm*NO man. about IT. with aome ^ 'w l*

edge of btKik-keejitng for office In factory. S-. Ho* 75. New* offlc*.ROT—Clean, active, honeai boy, with at

3 year*' eapertence In drug atore; one wimng to learn; atate reference, age. aalary. Ufuga, Box 70. Newa office. *aOY-A live, exprrteivped office boy

under I t: w a iwd chance in the Ineita for a huailer. Addrea* Box 60.^ e . ______ “ Vm y wanted lo operale Remlngtofi tytiewrlter;

one having experiern'e preferred. AdareaaC. U. Uox 2h, New* office.____ ___ 'BOY for rlubhoueer German or Hebrew; mi^t

at>eiGl Engllah: one With ex|>erieno# preferrrt- Addreea Cluh, box 20. N#wa office. _BAHTEaNDER wanted: ilngie man: a o ^ r with

good reference. Apply at once. AmemanUouae. Hlorjmfleid. ____BRIOHT bfl>» w»nt«l. mn-rlAnffA *t

Pljeri nnil Mntiln* ch«ln. BiAnA«rd No.ntir Wortie. 40 Mechanic at-B(‘»T-Wan(e<l, a atrong b*^„lo£

and wllahlng. Apply AlldUST PI KRMANN 37 ann W N ^r. R. R. a v e . _______ __ *HOT wanted (Hebrew). 14 or |€ yeatw old. to make himaeif uaefifl around ealoaii. IM Sprue

BOY wanted, aged horn*, eaay work,

well.BOY wanted with reference*.

Inn ave.. newadealer.


Inquire 241 Clin

BRASS nuiulder* wanted na ffoor^and bench C. A. GOLDSMITH, Ampere. N. S. 90b

BOY wanted to learn the trade. BBRLA, 1* Bank et. '

Maroh 30. IMNU. Mary A. GllUcfc. I fnendi are invited to Mtend the BRASS moulder wanted. 2f*l Elm I t . ______ |

CARPENTERS-Two Jobbing carpenlere of aWI lly. m take charge of ihoo» Addr*** Shop. Box

JIR, Newa office. ____ _______t*a>d carpenter,

Toung girl for houaawork: n» IT Orange a t . ___

HOrsEWOUK Girl wanted for general hoaae- work: referemee requlrwl. aw .North Tlh il,_l

LADY book-keeper wanted: muat be cnmpetfiit, accurate and reliable. Addreaa, atating nf«r-

Mce, «xpertrnr« and salary cxjwcted. Ibxjk- kreper. I^it hi. Nrwa office. ____ |L.krNDRRSk. wBiireM, ehambwnalda; bouae-

work glrla wanted. MIS« MARTINS. l»T Main at.. Orange. _____ INUH,i!5—A Peal young girl to t*ke care pf a

^ h y ; ! 1 ale-n home nighta. MlA Avim ave. hbOPBlIAToUi^. iHiairre and finlahere on (In*

pania. fl2 SprtngfleW ave . WM. B. ttlT M iyPAPER iHixti*: extwrlenced handa on paste and

glue vurk: alai> a few leamera. QORtXiN.KRAHCOW ft ru ., fwi uf Ocnire it. 1TRIMMKRrt—Paperlenced trimmer* wanted nn

Milieux A Gibbs sewing machines; ateady work and_r*«l wagea. Aj»ply all week, L. k

:R. S45 Broad at. IdaTAlLGllESS warned that understand* to bast*

1\» l»*evea. and one to flnlah on fln* coata Richmond hi.

tr im m er winte,! for hat factory. Apply Gena SI. Emi'loymeni. 16 Gone at, ■

VlfllTING govemcaa wanted for girl of 13; Eng llah, P’reneh. arithmetic; state terms. Addreaa

W. M,. !7b PniNiwi Bi.. Kaat Orange. N. J. 46aWANTED—At Home for Age<t Women, 225 Ml.

Pleasant ave.. goid, sii..nK woman, aa cfsik; KnglLUt, German or i<‘'»wh preferrad: a ages S14: bring city references. 1




JXRSBT.Larg* Aucih'ii Hale »f


AT 1(1-80 A. M.TIkeM aa lu Include trotter*, iwctnt. coba,

maichftA Pair*, aingle driven, family, bualneas. Work, egpres*. draught, farm. Jersey chunk*, In fact. kehMW to suit all MunHWoa.

150 l9 17b head of nrat-claae hors** always on hand at private m I* ur exi haiige, All horse* ■old tm twu dot* irial, and if m>i UTetgvaanivtl money cheertwlv refunded-

llorata. w«jmni and hamsM *old on commla- iivn, ellhar at auctiun irr private ante.


Talephoo* D« and HH. ROV A KOX. I*rcpa. JOa. 8. MOY, Auetlonaar.-



HORSES CONSTANTLY ON HAND,AT p r iv a t e sa l e .

30 Saoond-hand Horaaa, Pair trial given. t e l e p h o n e 434- ____

CHAS. GRimE.IfiUMitag Wagtma, Bugglaa and Caniagea,Wa bav* now g plast for putting oo tb* twat

HUBBER TIRESin tha market wi new or old c a r^ g ^ . trap* or road wagooa la roriy-eight hour* Botloa. ^ P t S S o R l E R AND M© MARKET BT.

---------iRT-RAHWaY. n . I.PACTO: -Ra hw ay .

TeletRtoa* 4M. ntttbllabod 18U,

STEAMCARPET c l e a n in g WORKS.

33 MRi:iiANlC «T..NEWARK. N. J, Ho

WANTED, at pnee. rocks, WHltreaaea, nuraea, lautidreases and general hMUSeweirkera. Call MI4 Main at., itir. VVaah'Mgttm ai„ Eaat Or ante. __ 1WANTKH. at 1-i Munn ave.. Raet Orange, a

colorad wnman; eonipetent to cook, wash and Iren.WANTED-A laundress: girl fnr general

houae and kitchen work. Apply German lloa- plUil, Bank at. l iaW’ANTKD-A haIf.gnmnjBirl for light houne-

work, Inquire first floor, Si griuth (wtnge av«.lWDU.kK to wash dlahe* la reataurani: call

after tt o'clock; ring door bell. 15 New tt. 1W'ANTKD—30 girls for hnuaework and upelaJra

work. Apply 13 Jaratea at. _____ _____ 1


AND r a -

EXTERIKNCKD help wanted In ladle*' tailor­ing e*iah]|*hmeni. Gall at 10 liluulh Orange

ave. APRBU the ladies' ta ilo r .______1OPERATORS and flnlahera wanted oo coats;

alau preaaer. 24 Million at. __________ 43b

Jl'HT received, carload of wKLaeletl- ed huraea; ftrat-claaa drivera, hual-

n w *nJ h..vv .Ireiwht (uf m U »tInwMt iMrkrl trlM t'v .n : f..rU.I, or r3teh*n*.- • i Lint fl*l*

utahtea Snrlngfl*ld ave, atul 21 at *t. inaww. 1-n.p. Tol. WTIM.

FOR All I'l''-*" ll'l'land hMTr:* for rllF nr firm. (r.m IIA n r * l« V ta o r . »>«b ot w.idlln* rl*., lie hi ■hd h«vy ,»W>nK n'"- »I ruck, itood • • n” -! i”"*! ^ *” *•Waal Klnn.y »l.________________A iiAltnAlN and muat be anid at once, ime

family and bu*"nemmrrlace hAHtesa, nwd cart. tmnab'JUt. and also h«nd«>mr nr* ii«ldl»r'. rl«. iMTi);;:. rut*’ cheap «wi aecpunt of alchnea#, private party. ISO Pennlngtoo * t - ______________ \

J aPANEIIE matting* for floor rovtUnga at low-[ prlcsK at A r.KRNHARDT'H. t*2»l Ur«a>l

at., the unholeterer and cabinet maker: eari>ei« cleatifU and laid: luilr matiresaas made and made owr: varnishing and iHvUahlng: aturag<-. Tejerhcm-i _^k5,

hkm oval-F H, POrOLkfl.

MrpiCAL INfiTRl MRNT3. ■(Kirtlag (Rods. Games, etc., nf15 N ^ *t., ha* trmnvM t.i Kl MaU K ^


(SEQ. *. DK'KKIISON. Pr-m,,4| 4, 16 N. J, Railroad av*.

(Hrlli-rsK ulVNKIIS. «r» ynur m..r« Irukln*' If

•I, wmr lo lva,(.IAM H. WAIiNEIl. IH l.M f..rd »!.. .ho will ru»«nl* . to m»kr II n l f Illicit wot,rtt*til with bip unendlrd rubhrr ]»re}wrailim, nr no pay. *THE Br,>«ltl.*n

l’l „ » OHII on Mr. Uoihowp. «t av*., and gel e*tlm*t* on paiwring. paln-lng, etc.: we guarantee flrat-cl*** ^«fk. iend or tekPliohr. 006 Newark Tel. Co. 76JBUOB BROS. *ell apnrtlng go^a.musical lnftrum».Bia. mask* roUef akatea etc., at lowest i>rl(wa. 3W BurJogiUld ava„ oop. Itel-

-Biont. Newark'phone 2213. ________ANDHKW'Ht i> *rtrglt and frame farlory. 11

New at.; no canvassers ar* authoriseU li> w- Ik’ll ordera for our rra#mn, and t***tel lH»r KTen aUthorUy.

I/AND la d derk .Hi-qlfolda. PlagPOlM and• * 2 IM) fl. ■

-Meal and vagetahL* markat; aireeileoi looa- tt<»n. eetat-ltahM and under the praaent g*tn-

Igement 0 nara ; rerelpta ISM weMily; airicteat Inveallgatlon Invited. HLDEItT IJ^ITH. 16 vWnion M.________________ _A.-Rargalnl Bargainl Weii-*tooked grocery

BiOTc. with 5 mom*; centmlly locale^, prke about 1275; IsM than Inventory: Juat ih* placa fnjr mutdp. HUBERT BtXiTH. » Olinbm at- 1A.—Thafto* atMom offsred, grocery and meal

market: exi.-elUnt lomer In liitsraon; rent only IBi, rerelpta |3SU weekly; cash trade ran be in- ersaaed; prlc* W60, UPHEUT BOOTH. 36 Clin­ton at. _ JA WELL eatabllaheil boot and ahne repairing

atdre fur aala at a reueonable prioe. Call a' 3»{ Bank at. _ 1A OOfiD corner aaksm far sale.

ALL kind* of fruit, ahad* and «fMU mental treat. vin«a, ahrubbery aad

reaee. amall fruit and strawberry plania; buy direct from grower ainl Mva agvota' tiruQta CHAl. MOMM. Walt ai and Springfield ave.. frvinirton. K. J..4 block* abov* sermimta altcirio can.

SfaA WEBER coaceii • ‘ \ wainu

graqd piano, alao a hand- [nut dining-room art: muat be

genuin* Itargaln. ('all Mfame blacktold hy April t . • ...........PalUade av*.. iareay Cilr Heights.A1 PHON-XJRAI’H and graphafdmne r*<orda,

J4 )wr duaen- VV. W. OLIVICH, tvatilngs at 3* Ailantk *t.; »uGl __A AITTING of white leghorn egea. Knapg

atmln, 41. SCH.VCri. Oarfleld pL. llydi Raat Orange.



AGTiVE man desire* poaltlon a* nalaaman ur cnllectnr; referencea. Add res* Reliable. Box

61. New^nfllce. ________BQY_WiUlng boy wants aUuallon in alor*. with

chance of advanrement. Addreaa Willing. Ht»x 4(1. New* office. 14bBrT(*HER—flltuatlnn wanted bv reliable man.

Adilraa* Heference. Rix 42, Newa office.____ 1

Funeral aervlceH from her late realdence. No.Wedneeds



1198. William ».

(WO HnnteMon str*«t. . .9td m«(.. at t:m P. M. Relativea and are Invited to attend.

JOHN8ON--0n March 30.Johnson.

Relative* and frlenda, alao officer* and mem­bers of Waahlngtdn E odxe No. 81. K. of i'.. are Invited to attend the funeral aervlcM fmtn hla late realdence. No. M Crawford aireut. on U'arineaday. at 2:30 P M. Inter- mem at Palrmount Caroetery at tha conven­ience of the family.

McCARRON-Og March 2D. IH#, Hugh H., beloved hiuband i>f Julia Mc(*arron (nee McCormack) and w>n of the late Hugh and Martha McCarron. aped S3 yean.

Relative* and frlenda nf the family arc kindly Invltad lo attend the funeral from hla late rHldence, No. OP Nev^ark atreet. on Wednewiay, March 2S, at K:I5 A. U., to St. Jnaeph’a (Tiurch, where a High Mae* of Rcgulem wtll be offered for the repoa* nf hi* aoul. Interment In the Cemetery of the Holy Seputchre.

1»IRR0GN-On the 3lKh Imrt.. Janfwi M. Pierson,Kuntral service* at hi* late realdence. IM Mt Ple*«ant avenue, on Wednesday, March

IWk. at 15 A, M. Ralatlvea and friend*, nlw) meuheg* of Henry (Tay Lodge, K, or P.. are re*j«ectfully Invited. Intermeni at Evergreel remetery. Morristown, N. J., al noDvcalertrc of family.

Jeraey City paper* please copy. tiDRTKR-PuMenhr. «n the 22d InaL, William

Porter, agad In. at hla residence. 51 Craw­ford atreet.

NoGca of funtral hereafterRILBT-On U«ch 21. IHIW. Mary, widow of

Patrick Bllet.Rrtatlvca and friend* are kindly Invited to

attend the fuvral from tb* residence nf her Biwi, Mr. John Murray, No. 35 Quarry auwrt, riellevUle, N, f,. on Wednesday. March 23, a) H A. H.. to l»t. reteFa rhuirh. where a High M*aa of lequtem will be offered for the repos* of Ibr aoiil. Interment In SI, P*toFii Ometery! Belleville.

•TEPKENfiON -Gn Mooday, March 31. IMM. after severe lllnisa. Be*sl*. only beloved daughter of Rlrhaid and Bllaabeth Stephen- sun. aged 3 year T fcnths and 12 daya.

Ftinsral aervles* wilt be held at the NrentP realdence No. 340 (Range atreet, on Wednes­day. March 33. Ittbff. at in A. M. Interment In Ml. Hope Centete*r, lAmberivlIl*, N. J., at tha convenience <rf 4is family.

CA RPRNTER - Warned, a GF.4CH A COLT, Orange.

DRArOHTSMAN - Wanted, an architectural draughtaman, to make an occaalonal draught

or tfacing on llnm far a builder: non* out neat worker need answer. Addreas 251 E arH ave.. Oianga._________________________ 48°DRIVER—A man wanted to drive delivery wag'

I. Address, giving age. reference*, etc., Per- »cnt. Box 49, New* office ______ 1

DRIVERS, clerk*, coachmen, porter*, fsetory iMtnda. etc-, free to emidoyert, Tel. 1135D. 2d

Cedar at_______ 'EXPERIENCED pnllahtra wanted on nickel

work; bicycle parla. HOLLINGSHF.AP, W iRTE A GRANEHT CO.. Lincoln. Middlesex County. N. J, 1

boy would like to learn V6 Barbara at.

. good trad*, G. N

KXPKRIENCRD cutler warned on "Bherldan” machine: state salary «xi»ected and refereno-e.

WETKGARTEK BROS., 4AM1 High a t tMEN wanted: 77.50 and a few hours' light work

takes you to Europe- Bhlivplng Office. 5 CUn- lon st,, N*w York. ^ _ 38an e a t young man wanted to work In Jewelry

store; references. Addreaa Nrti>t Box 50. News office. IPHOTOQAPHER for ou?d«wr work.

246 Washington ave., W Kvltlde.QCRTZ.

13aPATTERN'MAKERg wanted. C. C.

N. J R a llied pLaCOTT, 23

39bPREff^MAN wanted on fine psjiis.

THAELER. 44 Green al. (rear).d ik e e n

60aRECRt'ITfl wanted for ihs V 9. Marltie r«rpai

aiile-bcMlIed. unmarried men, aged 21 to 80. cU- Jsens of the United fleates. or who have legally declared their mtentlon to become ctllxen*, ofgooil character and bablu, able to speak, read and write Bnjrllih; helghf between S f1. 5 In. and fl ft., may apply at IW West at.. New York

5IaI Clty^BTENOGBAPHER-Wsnted. an experlencc<l

male atenograt>her, *m Uemlqgion typewriter, and with kn«>wladge of general itfflcf work, to taka lempc>niry tiosHlon; Milary f12. Addresa K. M-. B<>x 53. New* office. 1


d U 8 . w. c o i i n S ^FUNERAL rilRNlRHI?^ tv'AREROOHfi.

216 MARKET ST., NEA^ABK, N, J.W* gnarantee that our ohaiwea will be a* rta*

■enable aa any other house b iha city. Calls Skill r*o*fve prompt attention it all houn. Tel­ephone call Ul. Rasia*nc* or offloe.




8ALSSHAN--A young tntin wanted In store, to act aa salesman and ahlrntnj; clerk; go<M

reference re<rulre<]. Addras* clerk. Box 41, New* office.__________ __ ______________ 1THREE woodworker* on hodlca and Jobbing.

W. C. ARET. 19 and )2 Spring at.. Eiixabeth. K. J. _________________ 64b1TANTED—Eneriretlc> honest men, aa repre­

sentatives of the MetroTK>Utan Saving! md Loan Afsoclatl' n Apply rrotn 4 to 5:5U P, M. to SAlf'L JONES. Kupi., care D. R. ftnover, room 21 Nat. Bank Illdg.. Ch'ange. N. J., nr to E. A. t^EACH. Supt. nf Agenta Me|n>pn|ltan Bldg., car. MailEtt and Waablnfftan ms. ark, K. J. '


BOY (18) wants work at anything, or Itarn trade, fli UnInn at. 1

COMPETENT engineer and fireman rtealrea po- iltion: can do all repair work: thorqnghly vn-

dervtandi hi* Imalnes* In all lit brnnehe*; ffi^ city references. Address Engineer, Box W, Nbwb office. 88ac a r p e n t e r (40»: rir*f-ilae* all around me-

rhanlci 11-75 a day. SCOTT. Bnx 56. New* office, ____________________1rRI*Gfl-Toutig man would like potitinn u

Junior fT soda clerk: 5 years* exprrience. Ad- draae RHEI, Box sn. Newa_«^ce. ___DRUG CI-ERK. registered, want* poaUlom

Drug*. 1137 Summit ave.. Jersey City. __GERMAN man want* situation aa coachman, or

10 do work of any kind; understand* proiwr car* of IWTio*. 5t Charlton *i._______ IPAPER-HANGER, ATnertto*. with hU own

trola want* more work frtim private parties; will call with full aet of sample books notice. Addre** Paper-hanger. Box (18. New* office. 41hRELIABLE man desire* position, coachman

and gardener; bMt reference. Addrts* 8. D., 75 firiuth Tlh *1.______________________ __1TAILOR wants situation aa helper rm

good buahelman: can make pant*. 123 MaJ^ mt 16brS E r t’L man wlahea altuatino aa alabl^an or

grie»m; referenue; 5 years In East Orange. L . 19.1 Pam^w at,, second flora*. Grange. 1

RMPLOYMEJIT WAKTBD-FffiMALB.A —German. Swede, several other competent aeevantr. w*nt housework, any

man. English and awedl*h apoked. Elite Offlees, 749 Broad it. ___________ *COf/lREIf woman wants tltuatlnn, oook or do

general hou#ew.)iii. 79 Warren _____JCGIA>RED girl want* slluaUou *• urotklm girl.

166 Academy *l., top flour. ____________ 1

GREAT HAllflAlN, taken for debt, 115 i>> |:iU buys choice of eight good work have

iHwn'used In a quarry; also two light driving hovM auit anr biwineas: wagons and harness. Inquire little house on IhS hill, cor. 8i>ring{leld ave. and 19th aL___________ _____________]EOl^AL to new, •■Rtatibopk 1oi> buggy for sale;cost H23 two months ago; about one-half huyaU; flne hknd-mad* llfhl l«*m hameaa; all cheap for cash. MR- nKJKER peirl manuD^cheapturrr.c n .

« , r ”iw 'nroori, •(., « « ( *<)Uth Clrani.

WAOONH—New enil »«ma-h»nd ,11kind,, low prtew; leundry milk

rtoptoi'e rkTm p; ."••''I? ’V"; • ' •)nln. Al.HERT L- TIPUN. Cfntrel eve. «ni (ludum ,t. ........... ................ _ _ "J*BUaoT WHIPS, lOc. up: Crown eoip 25e. end

«0r.: Miller'i hemeie drowtne, pint, aii-,; hueinr hem eu. (ormerW lia. now llo: only e few eete left. The Fvter, Hemeu end Sedcllery Co.. H O ruo ■(., newt Htwul. IWeMU WILL buy extra good brown borse; 15.5

hende high; ueen yrere old; tewrlui of eler- trlo nr wieem fwrr; lulteble for eny builneu pumoee: uwnef hee no u u (or him. two der, trial «lv»n. 70 cmeatnut el.>BAItaAIN-RtS huye , chunkr-bullt .^mare; T

y,ar» old: aound; eultabln for hutchrr. baker or any bm lneu; taken (or debt. « n South IMh »t.. near South Oranse ave. ______ I

imtta without our irpKI

____I'ullry i*ulM. ih riane^aW TelephoneMAStiN, j,.hbtoa, half i/lnli>k

Ilia tliine ol ahorl S.iUW. IMI.MAM II. WAlINBII, IN IVitfi/J ,t .y 1

. «>a

and bautafe aa- Montruuiery at.;JOH.S M. STAHL,

press: pianos rem< t»lenhon* 3128. ____rPHGlJtTKRlNG In ail Ha branchra attended Ip

at voiir hi'U»e. Address RrHSyflable, Ikut ml.New* fffice. __FUIVIK8 and cetapool* cleaned. A. OADGH-

WI Elm Toad; 3<i3 Harrliun ave.. HatTlftio. 47p

140 James at.81a

U.ARGAlN--(IriKtry *lfire, cor. Astnr and Fre- llnghu^nirn av*.; ro>*1i stock: horse and wagon;

living riKiius Htuirhod: rvssiet. death of vwnrr. Addreaa J. H. MARTIN. 4n Aat ir st. 61aIIAXKRY for male; 7 n>omi la house; rent 125.

eaiev 459 we#kl>; nature* and everything complete; no reaaonnhle offer refuwd, must be sold, m South Grange av*. IHDTTLKI) milk mute for sale. Raar Orange

and Ri Seville. Mltk, ».ig Newa oftli-e, *lr- ange. ICA8H grocery atur* on girMl thorr^ughfare;

near centre of c-lly; doing R<ai l hualnt-ar, thr^s roomw aitachotl; low rent; full etm-k and na­tures; i^ce llffl; nu agrnia, -Vddrssa Bargain, Uox M, Nswa office. uua('IGAK amd i-rmfei tlonery business; well erub-

Hahetl: luiylng well; irood lo atUn; nicely fur­nished lilted. M. B., Uox S2. News office. IrUIAR and ce^nfectlouerv ali.r* for sale; piles

fAUu. t-‘„ Box 8T. News offic«. HMuFOR 8ALX--4)n accoum of death la tbs fam­

ily. for aal* ehsaiK a coniplets Ice bUNlneaa, wIlU routs, macblnvw. u1a<.> boiler *bd engine, 13 hoross. a Ic* houses, wHh 16.(kk). mors or lesa, tona of Ice; a Ibrgv lake, can cul from 16,900 to 20,000 ton* cf Ice per ysar: a large hums, oonialplng 15 rooms, with 30 acres <>f land: a mils wHhIn P«tersi>n. N. J. Apply, bv mall. L<H*k Box T. ITaladcn. N. J. IToPBRNlRHED-ROfiM h..isr for sale. IT n»im#;

Impfitvementa; riKiibs all (Tiled: will sell aU or |

ilyda Park, __ 7M

BAIIHKR tlxtursi<; Ihrss barber chalra. racks, mlrrtir* and etcher cemtent* uf ahop. In baM>-

menl tif building, *62 lU'-ed at. Apply L. P.. ri’oqi No, 5. TrtO Broad it. WbBLACK ellk dre>H psdern fur aa1«, M yarita:

post fib); •itlll asertrtre f<r ‘half iwke; need money. Addrt** Bacrlflc.:, Box 72. News of- ffcf. _ _ 1BI THHEBB' and grocara' scale*,tiutrhris' knlvw*: Urtfs itovk BANISTER ft H)tJ-ARD. '

cleavsra and»kwk>e, low M'ices. 2U6-2bh Market j t .

BEKOitE sailing yuur household goeala or stock, consult W, W. REID, AucHonetr, 317 Markat

st. Hales each Tuesday and Saturday at A M. 3Tg


M,, Jhkx «K, Nrwa Mfflce.FOR h a le—Vegstahle ttand*, huiclier lienchea. '^blMki. etc. 1 n. HEHMKNDIKaEU, ;i1 kprlngfleld ave. 9TaFOR 8AH>-^3r>nfect|fv»r>‘ sixr*.

btulnssn; owb*r f"ln:r lq Euro|ie. at.

doHUI tnnd HW Ferry


H181NK88 CHANUKffi RUMOVALS.DR. K. G. KTANW(KH» haa removed lo IIT

North flih at.. itiAiievUla; hours. 2 u> 4 and T (■> 6 P M except Wednemiay*, Telephone, Rose* villa iWfl. ________ _________________J*®*

FI8!I. oyster market, cheap; aal«i |49 vraekly, Central Exchange, 7k4 Hr'‘»il at. 1

TA ALL PABIKPrAND^ORiOlNAL Adams' Bruoklvb Wallp4P*r ffior*.

61 Bprlngfleld sv*., the largest asaaniDMit aM chaaprat place In th* Stale to buy waUp^arj alM nperhanglng aad Inside and outilda Pdlat* lug don* it lowost price*; send ■ postal aad l

cal] on y(<u with samples, and give poa fkUmat* for work: to rssponstbi* partlat i give M davi' time to pay their bill, aa i guarant** for my work: t nave no connevlloti with any other store under the same nams; b* aur* oc

PHABITON-Klegant light coal 1128; will sell for f

for aanie. 4SiO South I6f' ange .ave.

t a ein : oin at..

aeicm, nearly new; owner ha* no it*e

near Bouth t.'r- 1

HORHKH—Just arrived from Harrt^n Cnunty.O., with choice load of hortc*,which I will (wll

low Irt oukk buyer. PATK REILLY. Hertnon and Veaey ala. _ _ _ _ _ 46bELBflANT Ameabury runabout for tale; u*ed 3

mofitha; coat |H8; wll aell for Mfl: ala4i youth's riding outfit cheap. A. F. SAUER, 20 Me

sfbio ■ 'at................... ... F. SAUER, 30 ■)l(R'ks from Springfield ave, rara.

CDUPK rockaway for sale; fJolyer make: new atrls: cost 1650; only run one mopih; will

sell for 1400. Address tL, P. O. Box 1397, NV « York City._________ _______ H2*

292 Market H4w

OnCK^ERY harnesi. 114, |17. 122;ness, tio, S12 and up: evsrythlng

low prkes. GEORGE ROUBAt’D. st.AIX kinds of n*w and second'hand carrlagsa

and buKiDSM wagons for sale: prtesa low andtermi aaay, at TIIOS, ATCUASON'8.------tral ave.

447 Cen- 63s

I27.B9 BUYS horse, wagon amt harnea*; ault-i.f- ------ - 'ThlrleemhIable for i>cddler; hig bargain,

al., cor. Hprlngilsld avc._^______FOR BALKr-Two waaons, horse,

atgbls tools for sal* cheap. *"'haraeaa and

TAYIA7R, 4»2 Mar1

: all klfida; 15 lov*pr!iced wagon* and " B. Tiri.lN. Mulberry and Oliver

B7a115 Up4 10 bualnesa, wwk. farm hofMa. wagons,

hameaa; all burgalna. 8W i^prlugfisld avu. Mg

name and uumher, (it flnrlngfletd aes.CHAI! KIHENnKRa. Propristgr.

Telaphan* No. 1116.F, ff^piper br.iighl nf ms trtmmsd by wa-

ehin* free. Bamnte books lo trade fraaADAMH BROOKLTN AND NEW lORK

H',\(.LPArEK STORK. « Bprtnrt»H Call at our aiore and oonvlnea your^lf thw

Bowbere Mae tuch low orlcea for papar-hangingj painting, kalaomlning. etc,: wa ars iiuw ^ j» r* d to do our psiwrlng. Inalds and outside pamlipc. ar the lowest poaalbla prices: all our work I* guaranleed- mall orders promptly altendsd to; don't mistake the number: ba sure you as* 66 on both aign* befor* enlerlng. _L. KATZ. Prop.

P, g._WA are getting la th* largaat stock of 11ne«l good* In the city.THE FATR-Adam*'* Brooklyn Wallpaper 8 l ^ .

fiirmrrlv ai Hpringtleld ave., is NO^ OP- POKITK, AT HH Springfleld av*. Hie _carry a larger and choicer xtock of- wallpaper than any other noTv In the cltv; ws do paparhanging, In and nutRlde pHlntln* and kalsominlng at the very loweat raica, A trial will convince you, WnllMi'^r* atiil mnuMlng wa 1^11 i t factory price*. WHt give estimataa on >oba on receipt of n«>it*1 card. No crainertlon with any other •tore. Nois—No. 66 Sprlngfleld ave.

M. RtyTHOUHE. Prop.A OHEAT (ipporlunity for landlords and real

estate otenla; 13.25 will paper a rewm, celling and walla; painting, kataomlmna. decorating and outside work drma at 30 per cant, lower than anv eatlmaie In the city, with best guarantee: call nr send your order and you will be fully ialleflen. 216 Harrlfon ave., Harrtwwi. N. J. _ 4%EVKRYHnDt OOEB 'TO

The Newark Painting and paper>haBg1ng Go, for hi* hmiae painting, paiwr-hanglng. kalaomln- Ing, etc.; W* do the heat work for th* lowest nrlees In th« cltv. Pall or send i^^tal for *am- rlea. 1- KATZMAN. 52 BlooinflHd are. 72v



fW^IElXER A flPH ELLER.6.7f 32 Ai^ADKMY 9T.. COR, HALBEY ST, _^METHINO NKW-I will dworat* your parlor

celling with liand-painted flower*. |7 up: palming and btner-hanging reAtoname; eatL maiee given on old and pew wnrk, M. FRIF-D- LANDER n ^ a jn at., Uaat G r^ge. 2>}12.50 A71LL paper a room, celling and aides,wllh

nice iwper, and hangina im^luded: palming, graining, kalsominlng; the Icwrsi i»rlcra tn thecity; al work guaranteed. Ceil or send for s ^ *. ------------------------------------- — _ . ,

GOOD c**h butcher husineaa for eale; liest Ich'n* tlcm In suburban (own: stand sirU-tMi Inve*-

Mgatlon. Addret* Builneaa. IViX 10. New* of- iSce. ^ORtX'BBT stare for sale cheap; doing good bu*«

Iness; old eetablliihe<t. l^i/rlngneld ave., cnr.Centre at.. Irvlngion. N. J. IdhH'R ROUTE, horse. 'nag'''n and depot; Kkl cus­

tomer*: aacrlflre nn iccnuni of accident to owner: $175, Manhattan Exchange. ItKl Market at._________ _______________ ____________ 1JEWELRY ahni' for sale, in cnmptrt* running

ci^er. with fixtures, tools and sates. Address Jtwsiry, Biix 2, New* office. __________MILK nOtITK warned In Newark or Oranges.

Cash. Bf)t l.i News office. 1OLD-EKTAItt.IHHED raloon snd hottl for «a1b.

on account uf sioknraa, Inquir* 2U Ferryit, _____PARTV with llisJ m $:kW can make from ltd to |4t» every nGern«Hins g.v^ for S weeks or more. AUdre*.i Metallic Dscoratlng oinc* 36

at.. Newark. T. F . managw- 1

im irK l:.n>i a thousand. BEYER ft CD. hprlngflsld ave.

COKA. uowei. Ot WH At Nswark ffUx’k YanU, W'edneadA}'. March 25, flfly bsad

extra larga fresh I'ow* and ai>rlnKera from New Yui’k, DMii and Pennsylvaftia: price* reason­able; 4>om« and lo«di them over; they raual ba (Kild tt imt'*. A. uaMFIELI^^CD;^________JCANiiY at wholsssl*: ths eheapest and b**k

I'lioe In the l^ui* to buy c.*nf*ct1iin*rY, anow» raeei and randy lara, LKlt'16 BR06.. inanu* fai-tutvr* and |fild>rra. 12U']57 Monroe at. Nsw- ark THeoh-ine Nu, ITTA; N. Y. and X, J. T e ^ \tht\n* Nn. 3mx\. liftOOWg, Mill they rtiiue: VlU

r»i ,'ive Tufttlny. Maich 32, another cholc* liiiid 'if Ohio 1-tiwa; nrlvats aalra uf Jtlli-islgs al-M‘k 31 mucMc n prlcea. at GUa, IjttWlfCft *Ul«lea, 44.% 1-Mh ave, SiftCARDS engraved; visiting and Initlnaaa cardsl

'U’dera filled In one dav: guaranised lowest ;nr1re«: weibllng (nvitailun*, addrwi dies. *U>* OkEATIIEAD. 73 Rruad at.,over Wita ft ffapi/

UGMPLETK pMntlng ouiflt: rotary pre** sM Hit font* uf tyite: very s’heap: muat sell ui ones, 311 North Hixth at. *4ftDOMRATP' sewing innchlne, drop head* oalf

tablej_fiMT Mj[e. 1th Arlington at I_ KQGfl fnr hatching, or for us*: ouf

■* layer*, our tablo V y ) fowl ths best: dtllrsclia for th* alcJc

mmi or tslde; semi stamp for circu­i t lar. Kaaex County Poultry Famv.* Pleasantdale, y . J, 6St

Green iRfMDHOrjW-:. 25 milas from New Tortt. citw#

II room* ajpd bar; shed*;ui Ueiiot; licenas IKIU; fullv furnished: all year business. Exchsnpre. ffkl Market at.

Manhattan I

TOBACCO and newspaper aiapd, corner rora- merce »nd Broad, whera ft profltable trade has

Iwcn done, f«w sale on m iY term*. Apply ATS- TIN, l.'fU WarhlAgton it., between 6 and g p, M.

Iht i n n i n g , plumbing and bicycia buslneas for

Mic. ail Fibbing aorh: nraiH:taaa opening for handv man: *o1d cheap thia week. Bargain, Tli)X 44. Newa office, ___ ^ Ahw a n t e d —Lady or genl1*man with fSno. in *»■

tlrelv new hualneM: $75 moAtbly guaranteed; Inveatlgai* thIa, Address P artner. Dux 54, N«wm office. 1WANTED—c^onfecilonarr, cigar

aiaro: two show windows; receipt# weeland

ffiure, Bux B, New* office,tohacco weekly, ce. Gr-|d(> or mure.

•Hge. ____ ______w aktiMV RVYH real eat*le and ln«uratic* JiTialnetia;

■alary $75 month and commlssii.m. TAYLOR. Ifeix TP. Newa office, _____ 1


T'leo. R. HOGOW ft CO.. 225 Bank at.

DAY'S WORK-Colored woman want* day's work, to take in or to go out, t all at IT 1\eat

Kinaey pl- _____ *

3211 AND $65 buys two top grocer*' nearly new. 46 Franklin *t, ^ _


engage*141EXPERIKNORP dremamoker wishes

m rota dolly: m.Klerat*. M18S PULI«.New a t . __ _____________ _____ _____EXPERT dreiimoker. large experieno*. w»nts

engagements. Addraps 461 Plane at. 63aGERMAN woman takes borne or goes out waih-

Ine or cleaning. 366 ^ n k st. 2H OirSEKEEPBIb-Pnaitlon wanted aa working

bouwlweper by a middle-aged American wura- , Add

TWO peddling rlga for sals. Inquira 124 cha^c at . _____________ |»a

p h a e t o n for aale clirap. Inquire 124 Mechanicia»

1C, *T>ent for a postal card, asking sa estlnists for paper-hanging, painting and tinting, will

«av« you many a dollnr: grand sssorim m of the iatasl effevTts in wailnaner. from 6c. a roll up. P6a STEIN ft BLAU, flprtngfleld ave.

ICE wagrai for sale. Call at 14D Lfttayelt* at.Sky

WAQON'Llgbt iDD wagon for sale. •L

THE MAIN THING—Get an astlmata from W*bater ft Clark before hsvlnc your house

papered or painted, We have th* Baeat lines of walliMLpeni In the city. Estimates cbeartully givap, 143 Washington st.. opp. High Rcheol.ffifWILLIAM A. LEVY.Painter. Pstierhanger and Decorator,

Ftrat-clai^i work done: orSeni by mall promnl- ly attended tu. l^uth 0th *t. tflf

A RARE drive in good wheels, built specially for us; framea nicely enamelled and nlckellsdi

fork* fully nlL-kelled: Kauber unt'vMeca erank hanger: ram'a horn bsT: H*16 chain: frfme dropped a-lnch at hanger; llniwn type aaddle; Warwlck-fttirckton ''Gem** barret hubs: llodg' man guaranteed tlrea. any jlxe: In fact, an up- tu'date 'W4 wheel, at $32.3G eftoh: or with un­guaranteed tires, $2l>.75.

F. \v. ToHPtWN. IkR Broad, near Bridge at.; I4l $:im *t.. oor. Prosi>ec1. __ 7RAMRL&RA at $60 are lh« beet value aver of­

fered In bicycles: never was a better mai hiiM made, and fitted with the Morae chain, long cranks, larr« anrocltert, n«w atria adi, bar. out- •Ide spear-Uead relhforremente, makea a rombl- nailon hard to beat: the FEATHERtfTnNr Hpe la a pretty one for and $36; tandems Olidrhsinlee* for $75. we have some flue Moolld- band wheels, and RIDING Ji(rHl»OL.NEWARK Uyn,B CO.. 0 and 11 Central avt.RARE npDorlunity to secure direct from fftrtory

$7S ruatdni-mad* bicycles at manufaoturer'a prlc*. 3'h cBBh: ladles' and men'* itiivleli’ fully guaranteed; full stock d pans: do nid zali tn examine these beautiful wheels before [>ur- chBalng;_you wtll eave money. The ilOiiRK CVf’LE FITTING^ CO,. IWD to 825 BusMix at., Harrison; Mlearotim open evenings undl 9 o'c1<)Ck; take Bridge st. vara to Hanison ave, and Fourth et.

KGGg^Illark Minorca ejrgn fur hatching, purw bretd; epe-year-oM cockerel ‘ ----- -Davis ava.. near Tavpan st.

cheap, j^ar M Kearny. N. J. 3.7s

FOR HALE-»Flne hanlwoiHl ami ground gloss nartlHcn: slw» railings for Mie; luitable foe

office, oalocn and hMliard ruum; tltnust aew: ch«a>i, Hiiom 4, 766 llroad at. iFOR HAUC-lfi 62-gAl. iialnted

■ - -................. .... • -.Af:matauree.

IH 3P-gxl. naini,*d whlNSfy oaeke. ee, 1 jilatform rouairt* scale. SI,, dtv.

bl^ey caakSi, . , copper 310 Waah-

^ -®'*FOR hale—%>da water founts In; silver plat­

ed, alSit candy jare. 2S4 Central ave., Orange.6Tb

FISH freah codflah. 5c. per ptHii crabs. i>er doaen. t'la r si- bridge.

LAD1K8' kid Mhoca, lac* or buitot), $1: ladles' kid ahora. S1.15; iadlss’ fine kid shoe*. 3l-idl

mlases' button ahooa. Ode.: men'* laeed ahoaa. $1; men'a fliiv nhoei.i'tl.K^; men's kangaroo ahoeSr li.i'kl; men's rt^rk-snied shoe*. tl.flO; men'* »ft)>iTTie1le>1-leaiher ahnea. It.50; boya' lauM aho**. $1: voulh'a laced *hoea. 75t-.(Wu WM. J. McKINNBY'fl, 676 Han* *I> ^NEW oral shuweaaea: 11.29 per fnd, for ihs

trade; all kli<ds le« boxes and store fixtures. JARylA, Iht hWryjit._ -,..»>ftPEN of black mliinrca pullela, laying, eheau;

sitting hers; brown and whli* leghorn eggs. 24H Riverside tv*.^ gear Grafton. &SaSHADE. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES

A large assortmsnt of the above, healthy and W*U rootad: aUn Ahralmlandrona, hardy Asa- Isa*. roses, flowering shrub*, gratae vines, tv«p> gretns. climbing vlnen. Callfnrnta jwiv*!, etc., etc. For sale at low rates at HIRD’K NUR- flKRlEfl, P^O. Box 19. Arlington. N. 3. 36wm v F LININO-

HlrhFs flreclSY lining, prepared for Instant applU'allon to any stove, at IIAIINE ft CO.'H. for S5c. 33kSEWING MAl'IlINRH A few soiled la|e«t atria

msf-iilne* for *al« cheati, oft easy lena*. Ad­dreea Uo.i:hine, il»X 5:1. News »ffU*e. IiiIGNK. Irtlerihg. painting and show cards off ji^l klnds.^HRN^A-'TAR. 7H5 Broad »l. *TuUNRurAM.RD vslues; sewing mtohlne. tS.IjO

$6.75. chamber suit. $7.r *' ‘ ' 'he .

•pet*. ___ItAFP. 66 Harkst tu

coum $3.75, chamber suit. IL50; cook «nrc, ' will furnish kitchen, dining and

room, invlujlng hrutse]* raruet*: fti made-up carl>ft«: all (H'lcaa, A. E, ItAFP. 66 Harkst *L



an: go^ c«xik: r^hreooe*. News offics.

ddrera H,. ^ x 19.Ma


Bualne** craidacted for Mrs. part eiPbaJmtr and ractor.

Tilcohone M6.

iMER. ,jf by aa

an txpartenceiF fugtral ■oe B^AO ~






_______ 562 BROAD §T..TELEPHONE 164. ___ NRWAftR, N.jl, V. JACOBUS ft BON-111 '

w a n t e d —Good IndUitrlouB men lo operats our new S6Q Optigrapb. moving picture, at-

tachmeni for magic lantern#, wUh th* n«w f t fllms. and exhibit them before th* public; they Bt any magir lantern or stereopUefin and mak* the great**! sfitertalnment feature aver Intro­duced: no prtvloufl experieno* neoeaaarir,6BARB. ROEBUCK ft CO., Ohleago, IIL ifxw a n t e d —Men, In every loealltF* to collect

Iheir neighbors* name* and addrwessa; tJI per ten: steady work: send tOc. for blank book and hfestructluna. National Adv, Co.. Uarahall. Mich.

65qWANTBD-A mm for walling and to

oyaters. 94 Market *t.openVtb

Itobalmenk tphob* 666. hoaarltl*.

___________ _________ ___________tlhS. M. 9KINNBR. undtruket and ao^almar,

Na au Clinton av*^ Telephna* 1304a, i iwJOHN MATTOX, undertaker and eraballMr. M

Newark st.; telaphon* 8736. 4l(p


OfeORQE BROWN ft QU. Ettabllaked 166ft

Designer* and Maftufacconm ol ftHTtSTlC MONUMENTS. HAUSOLEDlM



Oppoalt* Entranes to ml Pi*a:^'‘* •^•metery.

Tf^UNQ MAN. who understand* plain japan­ning and dipping brass. Addreaa atating ex­

perience and wagei rxiMrcted, J,, Box 57, News office. ________________1lU MEN of neat apiH*arsnoe, for hous**tP-

houae eani'osa; Hslary and cummlselon. CAU after 6 P. M. and Inquire for MR. GRGB9. L. BTERNDERO ft TO., 260-364 Market st. 1


A GIRL, aged 14 rears, tn mind cbMdhsn and do light hotisewcrtt: referenoe r«aulr*d. MR6.

WAKEFIELD. IM North 2d at., Roaovllle, JA.-Chambermaid. cook, also laundross and two

atTubwomen for hotel: glrla for housework, aiore*. c^ces, factorl**. etc. 26 Cedar i t ___ i

FLO m U T f

_ A R T im ALL kin d !

n . C ITROBELL ft : iip..FLCstAlT

FLORAL DSfliaKB o r AL_ .artistica lly AR^kNOED.

Ptioes BaUarantorf;.

AGENTR wanted for th* Eureka oomt, the beat Dorset made: good pay. Address Eureka. Box

Ml. News office, 1AT ONCE—German nurses, hmiseworkers,

laundrtsami and MMki wantod. LABKIN'0,' >40 Main at., Orange. 1

A.—6 laundresses. housewrah*ra and yoong glrla ; and ootored housework*!* wonted. 78 Cvntre 1l.,^raiiga________ _ __ ________ _____1ATPRENTIGEB on dreeutvaking wanted. Call

week. 65 Ceiural pL.iDrange. 1

llw ed Ppqi^Uj,

RMBOLtTtONfl BNOROBBaD*Baring ft <Mrar pan aftlaiat namnrlala, tesll- B:

518 lYiray. N. T.: 114 flimtimr are.tnontila,

n to iC A i , .; DR. JAKE HAKUOND UURPHT. th* mil'

'known ^l«]tropnthln nnd nwnneoiMtlilo phy.l- I eltn, or l i i Union n ., Nownrli. Ii iclll curing nil


I knlfi or nluieni; tncdlcucd Air inlnlen for »■ I t*rth U4 iM, f ,v« j AtJio ELECTHJC VAPOR

■M batkn for tnmilv m« FOR gAl,EI lU a low price. g4q

ir t


1 ,

••tSii j mraa ir&m

iioP A fT IL L CURED- Wo ourr In ,lw rtw u « f nl| d iM M o» tun:

llo® tr, ■iriolnr,uA oil urlMiSr tronbloiL YnrIcaallL Incmnptat,myolwiiwnt, uimturAlarKurKco. blood poTioii,.

' "M.**** rad DOS* and plmplM, catarrh, or-■kinganio waasTiai*. weak back, loas vlt*

lontliF onrNl on w n lb.

1 tn,tnnt rolMti •iintiVA a m appIlO ■paody ewe. Vo. box,


ftUd di At

696.1 BROWN'B t

IIDUBEWORK—Wanted, by Proteatonl girt, sltuaUoh at general hou*cworli: city pro-

Mrrad. Address P. O. Box 167. Msdlpm, K. J.HOT'BEWORK-Womsn want* pl*< to do

general housework: city referenc*. send rw™. 11 Van Buren st. _________IIOliBEWORK—Toung woman

general housework: gnod wage*. 166 Central av*.

■6R(S*t*«O U R S P E C I A L * O F F E R .

WOOD'S COUaEGB,674 and H76 Broad St.

W* have arranged a course in Book-keeping that can be, coiD^lrted by the average student

rate!urnl*h you

HAVE Bw»11«h Kin, with «0(^ ." i’liriTIJi;.!’: nil dllfereni nl»e»». Th. Sn eilljh Emploiment Burmu, S6 H. R- »vr-. Bricli Churchy______ 1HOUSBWORK-Youof *m. 1", 5'"'!™ hj?,'.."to toh. ror. of rhiiilrM ond do IJeht htmie- wotk. roll f*t) Bortnthfld nvf.. 2d Itcor. 1HOU8KW,>RK-»wrdl«h •dr'' '"''j/f,

wonia lliif ollnhtloo, houww'tle. iM •t. __


tH O U SE W O R K -0,rm lli *lrl, W. wUhm lUui-

lion. hoUBOWork. HHl Chmd.o ■<..NtJRse-SltuBtlon

Qtrmsn woman. Naera office.

aa wet nuraa wanted AddreK* Nurse, Box

OROANIRT. «*wrl«n«d In church worii. dMlrw poalllon: salary moderate. Addreta A. D.. ^ x

24. New* oflIoB. 73a„ lady, experienced

■tenographer u d typewriter, dertre* poiltlonBTRNOORAFII RR-To«ng * typewrJ preferredreal ealau oflDc*

Addreaa Moderate,moderate talary.

liox 74, New* office.___ 1

Bu t t o n h o l e ouerators wanted on 'Whscler A Wilson machine*. The HUNTINGTON

BlftRT CO., gw Hank *t. 1COOK—A competent cook wanted: Oermac pre-

faft<M: no washing; referfncti required: |16.44 Artm ava,__^______ ___w '***COOY and laundreaa: thoroughly

Cali a t 344 B e l le v i^ a ^ cor MDREVu a k e R wanted with soma «qtT>«pienca

at IR Littleton avt.

8TBNOORAPHER «nd ‘vtwwrtlBr. MIBB « - KriRicB, wiBhBi noBltlon; rln. AddrtM MoOfCBit. Bob TA. Nbwb oHlw. I

UPSTAIRS WORK—Sltnotlon WBn,«d hr rouniItIrl, l i RulKcrB Bl. ____________

WASHINa-0»™»n «om»n wboIb WBBh *,hom# or out, by the dVr; wiwli nontly dona.

4» Jomi Bt. MRS. MBIUWaBR-WASHIKQ w»nl«l to tBhB h o p : iood ttfar-

tn » . AddcBBB Ito CamdBti at. S4a

before the ctooe of the spring term. July L If ynu enter now wa win make y *

of ^ for the four monttaa. and n books and stationery.

W* offer tb* same advantage* in the short­hand I>epartni*nt. , aOur srboo! ts ths largest In New Jersey, and our patron# say, tba bcirt.

Come and see Ui, or tend for catalogue.8. i WOOD, President.

•'HEAR YE1 HEAR TEH*'FOUR MONTHF time for the usual ihre?

monthi’ charpce wIlJ be aUow^ all tiudrnia entering th*COLEMAN NATIONAL RUilNEflS COLLEGL

668 Broad a t, NawmilK. N, J,, during the month ot Mairch. ALL DEPART MENT8. Don't mksa thia OPPOKTUNITT. U may nevM corns to you again with equal od- vanuga.

H. COLEMAN. Preit. Ii, C. HORTON, Penman_____________

THE NEWARK SEMINART-MIh Whitmore’* Boarding asd Day ftebool for Qirlo, 9»l snd

966 Broad a t. Newark. N. L : thorough and pre- graaalv* maihod: library, laboratory, gymna- Biutii; Primary tad Kindenjartan^INpartmemi.

T1VO young gcnikmen. fnuaicsJlr Inclined, de- alre the ac.'qualtiiance nf two young ladles: ob­

ject matrlmuny. Address Hlncfrs* Box 77. N«w* tiffloe. ®My wife, EHaabeih Ellen, having left my bed

and board, I will not be responsible far any dehta oomracted by her, JOHN N, KANNf-rjAN. , tWILL gentleman who left bundl* at candy

stand In Ontre Mtirket. Baturday night, kina- ly call at I2fl Market it- and get same? 1

Certlflcats adaila lo " iley. Ciroulara.


WILSON FA1UU.N0, Aftaoelats kfaslev* Thorauiffi preparation for atir sollegs or scien-

Uffc aohool or for bittliuaa Ufa, Caulogue on apphcatfoiLM ist TOWNflEND‘B Boarding and Day School------ u opened


OKRMAN woman would take baby to board.132 Academy a«, ___ 1

Dnsldea* P w raftaa la .

CROOKED t e e t h


1 make a *ptc!aUy ol all irrsgultrHiw of tha teeth, and hav* mad* a perfect aHgnaaiU la many difficult oases. Many lireguiariti** are caused by lack of attention In tarty childhood, and ihould be aUended as ooon aa poaalbla All exumlnatlons free of charge.

Teeth extracted without M*in by the u*e of my new luoai anaesthctle. No unpleasant feeling or iTTitathn foilowB It* use. Oas admlolsured to those desiring 11.

Onmrl'caied cases, renulring sclantlfle dental surgery, renpectfully aol'cltad.

Teeth made without ptateaDR. SEYMOUR BOUaMTON.

NO. 17 CEDAR BT.. NEWARK.(One door abava B»yder*a)

ArooJntmtnta mad* by maiLOPEN ::v e n in g b .

competanl. ave. 4~

IXFifeHBNCBD trlmmert on children's straw <T H- BTUHL ft CO.. 906 Orsana at.,fl***., Tf, ■ A. ®

New T^k^aty.FIRST-'CLABB waitress and chambermaid want-

ad. Cfcll 97 Bait Kinney at. fTb

H. MILLER AUCTIONEER,OBIcb, ito MBfliet Bl.. N»w»rk. H. J.


PUBLIC AUCTION. frtHA tb* fin* reildenca,g IW Roaavllls ave,*

Roaevllle, N. J-.ON WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28. Iffift

pummancing at 10 A. M.M, ll. HILLER. Auctioneer, will Sill all tha

oomants of aaid realdence, oonaJsiing In pari of S A ™ - mnjn, .n j B,«.

PRBNCt ■BtoaiBi, • t n i ^ lo w«lt w mnlti]. u d LsKi'ny' fi'lilBi;' ’r«ncy eh»lr.. to,'!"*'yetiBrBl'UBcfuli;^ . TOl^er,^ ft, % {HctofBB noftl. CBrPfi*. Riifi. lilflufry. Wrlt-

uid IfttnilnH v u tM .pir

f t - ________. Iom L g

■taadyMeiyaipcGOOD cook, washer and Ironer wanted: nfsr- anoB rsquliedf Apply 645 High st. iMOUSBWORE—Wanled, In the country, truly

rsapscubls mlddle-sged Christian wemsn to asskn with fonerti housework in small Amert- can family: must be cleanly and trus, and giveSftrencs: no wages, but ihs rlaht one will

V* g< ^ hums and irMted kinfly. Addreaa County Kome "

ietures* TMtl'r Carpets. Rugs. Htalusry, ing*Deak*. Couches. Folding Tied. Chiffon ^ b Baby Carriage, Buffet. Marvin Safi. toe ‘loi?rf P l*hra^d K ltr^^ ^

AFRICAN ClIRIOS^Hand-mad* Mat on which tli» Kin* B»l toChicken, when sent to 6 town, iw Afrtcaa s u r ]*dt dart to aat chicken. Charm to keep the JSrtl away _ v ? n s o f AfrlcM Baak*U.^etc,



DAViB-TEACHERg OF DANCDfO. CLASSFfS—Tuesday •ventngo.P at Calanthe

Hnll, Mil Broad at.: spring term now open, PrffVATK INBThUCTTQN-W»ltl itnd two-

step guaranteed in 6 private lessons, nt the DAVIS HCHOOL OF DANCING, 8fW Rroad at., where Infornuitlon can be obialned. All cem- immlcatlntiB to he address^ The I^v ls 8ch>'i of Dancing. AM Broad at., Newark. N. J. 04w

BURCKKARDT flehool tor Dancing. 851 Broad st.; spring term opens for beginners Tuestliiy

tv*., March 16. for gents: Friday «vt., March IH, for Lsdlea; ndvan(7e elaoa Monday s*e.. March 14: appiteatlona now rsoMvM tvery sysntiig. 161d a n c in g —KEGADLO'B School, 22 West Park

at.: scholars can begin at any time: rsducilcm made for Ihe spring term; soiree every Monday •retting: adinliwlon 35 oanta- For tanp* apply or across. koi

POND'S KAHAL CREAM. CATARTUI and COL7>B cured by this modem

effecllve remedy price 26c.; one trialoonvlnces; miinry r*fUM'l«d if nnt sstlailcd with results, field hr Holxhauer, Lewis Ilroa., Creecrnt Drug Co.. Urotien'i Pharmacy and leading drugilst*.

Ver, «t»V MbIi. c ^ h t o» th* **««_ of Perl, Blsd * of ff*’' 7fln«

[Camw Iso a fine pali

inic» te 'of'clm w ' nhBlIa BKU»d bv - i i - Alas a Us* pair of M.ilcan «lt«r_Honit

•peclm«tt), and ' Paul Boyoiou*

Bale nosltlv*.

AcccKoriea-lTfnrtng Fran**,.eat. Table, Sb....—R^n or •hme.CaraS'*'fi«i!f « mT WWiVShowo^ •»!Term* cosh, ffs

HOUSBKBEPF.k—Oerman-Amerlcan woman as housekeeper foi widower; must be strong and

gO()d plahi cook ami washer, oat to whom a good home would be a oonsiderstion; state aaa ind wages wante4. F. WEIBb, 9m SC N ^ offic*. 1HOUfflSWqitK-Wanteda . a girl for g « m ^ '

housework In amtll family: one that eould go bogis ulghta prefsRrtd. Inquire before IS M„ to*morrow. BT Aator at. ___ JH O U M W im K ^lri wanitd t o gineral boun-

work in Amstliuiii tamily; refaiwnca reouIrM. ^ n ^ a f le r 6 P. M. *r beFor* n«m.

wanted for gan-“ ■ I T ’

A M U A I. M BB'TM qg.Wen that th# annual msst- lera of th* Balbsoh Bmait*

y. Newark. N. J., wUI # company. In tb* city

’h'b y.a'on Wednesday, taa 0th day or ' at S ^‘oloek in ihs an*nieon of that

p r iv a t e leasraia. 60e.: with my easy, ilmpl* m eth^, I guarsnt*# ths perfset glide waltx.

62—with two-step.^lB—In four private l^son*. JULIUS PEDERBEN . 06 Liberty iL Ux

i1l«rithi*«9 ftikd TrHwvmtlMH*ft POBtTION guarsntesd each graduate of

BOWDEN’S itaortha^, T T i^ ritlng and Book-kesDing. Day and Evening ftabool. 66 Cen- ]r# gt. t weekly psymenta; No. 0 Remington*, or Bmtths. stc. sold or rantsd weekly. 61 rSHORTHAND. TypewrUlag

DYHPEI BTA. heartburn, gaatrltia and all atom- Bcli disorders poMtlvely cured by Orovsr Gra­

ham'* Remady: instant relief • a permanent curs luuranleed: a 60c. bottle st The Creccent Drug Cii. 637 Broad at., convinces, _JWrlts GROVERORAKAU CO., Newburg. N, Tb. for pamphlet

461all Ih* up-to-date spring ■hapeti for ladles to

have th*lr atraw hat* pressed Into atJ. H. HENEGAN'B.

Washington st., between Market and Rank.80b

LADIEB 97 ysaiif stperlenos In female com- plalnis! office hours from 1 lo 4 P, Mj, ex­

cept Sunoay. sr Sfl Cllntnn at.; also T to U P. M. TU'^ayo and ThurwlayA asme place. 74jMA6SAOE. alcohol and magnetic ireatment for

■cnersi debility, rheumatism and isanmnia.WiXit''. 16 Grant st.. one block above D.,

L and W.. Rroad Bt. Btstlcoi. 3(HLADIES nuraed In coQflntment. with home com­

fort*: gBOdarat* prlcss; doctor to aitendance; children given good home: take Clinton uvc. car geJng ■outb. 166 Badger avs. SbkELIXIR Krrmlla, the modem ecUnllflo life em­

bracer. blood aid nerv* renewar; $1. Health pitarmary, Ik Uarknt st. (opp. Courthou**}. 08v

HAVE vour bicycle enamelled and porta nickal- ed: a> io both, and do It right: your old

wheel made new for a trifle. THE AMERICAN HADDI-F.RY ro.. 6t-65 N. J. R. H. ave.

Quntsilrifla furnUbed for the manufadtun of •peclsUie*. 9rI/.lOK at Patee blryrlea, 16S6 models: Ata-

lantfl, |.V>: Patre, Pate# CVest. |85: all equlpprtl with the rtm<>u)i peorta (Ires; cash or InMalmenls. GEOltaR ROURAUD. Hn Msrkrl st. 8SwBAR<IA1N-A FEW '»7 STEARNS WHCKIA


Shy »2K BROAD flT.l BH HK.'lfCl.E OCTFITS. CDnslaiIng of suit,

cap. awMiter, hone, ihoea and bait, for $5.50:Set apsclal dealgnit and pricea for clubs from

[eadhuaneT*. 7M Market It.; open evening*. PgWK have mm* giiod secimd-hand blryctra at $10

and lU varh. cs»h. The Eldrldge Bicycle Co., Y4 and 26 Central av*. lu


with 1. Madan tky. lay* the highest prlres fnr gems' cast-off clntning; nrdera by mail promptly attended lo: send your nrdera and be sura to g«l tha highest prioe* for your rlo lh^

fl. I^:VY. uk Mulberry at.TAKE YOUR rAflT-OFF rLOTMING

IQ Max Ruseh. 63-{l4-(rt ('ahHi It., near UuL beny. HK PAYS KIGHEH PHICK8 than any other dealer in th* city, orders by mall prompt- ly attended t o . ____ ____ ^ ^ _ 41j|iBPOT CAHH paid for any quantity of mrtal of

any kind lu .manufaentter* and plumbera Call gnd are me. ^ „90k A. FHOKHUCH, 169-17T Newark *t.

$15 Rl'YB a variety of stathmery, or will ax- rhiinge ffir anything, kl Jofanson *t. I

8,om) MAPLE ahaile t r m fnr aale. HICIlAKL LlURKE, li7 South Jefferson at, Orauga. U rllouaelto lft 0 *k>4s waft Fuffn1t«r«*

FURNITURE for sate; big lot raliAt etui aeoemd- hand oarf fta, |4 gp; cook stovea, psrtor

ault. 113; showoosss snd MMintera; large euttmg UbIeA $2.25. flna walnut bureau, |<l; MWlng iMchine. $A: whit* Inm had. $3.50; office de«k. ffiaO: Imrorled linoleum. eOc.*-yard; ether furni­ture. 26 WIIMsm s t. near Broad._______ 4nkFAMILY moving tn New York will sell parlor

•nd tiedrrifim suits, iwrlor stove, rafrlgttfatiir. courh, carpet*, eti'.. rraaonHlile. ('all befi re March 2U, top floor. W Mela it.. Brick Churrh, N. J,_______ _ ____________ MftrURNlTURK. 4‘Arpeia. stove* and bedding fur

sale very cheap. Uffi Ferry at. __ _ 11sHANPfltiME carved eldebosrd for aale; aleu

black walnut desk; cheap. Addteil Bldcboanl. Rnx W, Ncaa office. ____ ______________ *THE only roliable niace In Newark of Its kind to

buy seeoitd-hand furnltur*: 5 Aoora filled with huiisehuld KPOds. from tbs flneai Camlllsa. lia Halety e t _THREE rrKiRjs of furnHure, complete; hnos*.

very cheap; murt sell. 144 Watc'hung ave.. Bs*t Otangv.___________________

COAL. WOOD, ETC.ft TR1MMF:U ft i'iX Both Telephunee No. ftM,

DELIVEFt ItBRT f.KHIUH No, 3 NUT COAL (Well screenedt at $3.50 per tun._ HTOVE or NUT. anJ No. 2 NUT MIXED, at 11.35 per ton (nothing batter t o range or parlor stove).

Beat L*hlsh egg, stove end chestnut, at IA>W- KHT MAUKFT rAlt'BB.

11 BAHRKf.8 ilrv kindling wood. 13. HIUKOHY. any else, for grit* Ores, at ROCK

BOTTOM PnK'RF. Dive us s irtsl order. WB CAN HUIT You WITH <’OAL ANP WOOD.

ttiffires •’of. N. J. R. R ave. end Ij&fayett* si., one block below Market Rt. iM'pot. on R. R. ava.

ERT^RE ssIHiii your hnusrhold gnoda I; will pay to eoneult the Krwark Auction Co.. 191

Halsey SL: ws pay caah for conlenta of ffnlf., koussa and stores: all burtneas cimfldentlat. 55gA.-«A.«rtl.--<3*nts’ (■ast-nff rluihlng; 1 pay

OsniB r«n a dollar mors tiian any dealer In tl>eally. Ir MADANHKY. W Commerce st. 781OW) GOLD, BILVKli. broken lewelry, sttnip*.

coins, antique* and rrtica bought for cwh at VBRRiER*a. 656 Jlrotd «t.. near Clay. 43sOLD GOLD, •llv«‘r and liwelrv bought, k

TIN . 7U Aroad it ., pVFr J. Wiss ft Buna.

4.—Klfhesi prices paid DVORKIN BROft.. flUVi ItHlevlHo ave.

for casr-ofT clothing......... ret

DRKSBMAKIBG AYD MILMNKRY.KcDOWKLL DreiaflUlllng Bchool; oldeat and

best achool In the city; lieitiy everybo«ly know* the HoDowelt garment drafting machine I* tba soalost to loam, tha most rapid to use. and out* the meal atyllah. graceful and i^fect-tlLtiiig »m eB ta; wpila make dresses while ieernins. CaU or sma t o circular. fashl'msW* dreMtnak- ing. MIBB K. C. CRAWI.EY. HSfl Broid at. SSf

aitPEnFLUOUB hair, warts, molea destroyed forever by eleelrlclty; •Ittlng 11. MADAME

B. WEATKRVKLT, 2t« WaablagU® at.

“ ■hB ITOMfBT bOOU will b , OlOMtf tOT lh» PW- nn tiw S « InBl., *n« wl» b* owob4 » Hit:

............. . - - ;ypewritlag BebsW^omset's Chrlstlah Aaso.. i04 Cop

iBoderalA Apply at aeho^ 8 to 12 ■ ■ ' * '-7NNKDTb <S Wrlprincipal. 1.

Bebsol of Toung Court at,; terms I 12 A. M., or to Wright at, 45y

f r a n k llAOGIOf uaebar of vgioe euHurf.n'apdolln and gulUr: evriiiv^ /w erp t

Mcmdaya and Thuradaya 676 Broad s t 4h*

Nawark. N. J.. March 15, IMM:lUMON MAYER. Beereury,

MUBIC—Plano, mandonn. ctiitor and banjo, SOo.per Isoaon. or flve lessons for It. lilBSKS

QUACKJBWBUflH. 175 Mt. Froap»ci avs. 47x

HOUBKWOBK^Qennan gfrl sral houaawork; auM be Mod

------ “ 11 Mmlly. ^waahlnri small

HGBSirffORK-Glrl to gtntral houaawork Itt

BOUtteWOHK—R.llib!* Kin wenfM for awiBm I houaawwk; OtraiKii or (l w Um , t t Nonh tlh Bt.. »«*|r • * ! « »•»■ . 1

M L *

bttan UiB rorfetorv , ,IS” .... ----— 1*1

ttvoa BL. m ur North hlh; inatruntau KoM.n»

__ *nd for th*buBiMBi M iniv


L an taacw * .1-N«w I. th* Itnu io IMTK It ( « th*M V o S L


.v« IS■t th* DOtwuur''e lM l«

a « l r t— »hy.HKW, TOHK ■oh^^ChlNKVIlC I

b g : iMbogtiM br mi

sw e c T io ^ ij j j j w r .


. atolo* : iBOor-


MEDICAL altsodifioa In copllpement, o*re, and boani at private eanltarluni. reseonabic. URd.

E. KFIOEGER. Aahtand av*.. West Orang*. 45gA CURE without cost unrtl It la effootod. for tha

Iteuor habiti opium, clgaretle* or other b*d habit: either leg, BN (>«tre at. » rMcKICE. 803 Broad st.. 3d floor, anil clean and

nresa your suit for | l ; or press it t o 50t*.i /■inthlnr Uken on storage. Ma


HARRIBON VAN DUTNB.Surveyor and Dsalor ib Real Estata

Ofltce—LivarpCMil and LendOB and Glebe Build* loir 900 Broad, sor. Mashoale at.



AD8. are imill In tbaaialTM, bu$ greoi In tbs ioilnaucft Ibef dknt*

NEWARK DrfMoouina and Millinery flehool: qldoat ajM ofiiy edioul of promlnene* la N. J.

beodauartera ra the Taylor System: w'hofara itartlftg now, ready to take Artt-elass poiUluna In tha spring: flrat>c|anj dreaamaktng snd mllU- iiery to order: open day and evening. MAUY E, LYNCH, 673 Broad et. S doors above W. Park.Kt;RpP£AN Dresacutilag ^hsol. establlihed

I8Bt: pupils mak* dresses froe while learning: and evening 1*Mon#. :____

neiar New.

IF TOr CANNOT tell the difference between giMMl tnd liarl coal, we shslt n^t expect you to

buy yttur here.Hi]t 1/ yr-u wsrit coal that is good, bard, clcaa

and dneen t roiifalti slate, at th* very vrlces, (hie yard la the very best place to got t, Kxiierifm-ed houaaksepera buy R becauea It's tb' kind of or al suits th»m.

No. 2 Nut IR.5d: move nr Nut. |5; mixed with No. 2 Nui M.3.5, P. TtWHEY A flONS. H i lilunmfleli] nve.; HtU Plane SL-Yard. 300-210 rts»al<* BVP-. HatTlson; telrphOD* SS40.COAL! COAL! COAL! COALi-

Muv w jiEiiE yoir G$rr th e most fo rYorR MONEY' Maruhanti* Exchange coupooa wUh every tun of coal: full weight; lowset prlro; l»it gorid*. ('all and cofivlnce yourself. Edw, Theurlch. 14-16-16 Hroome »!.: J. (7. Cannlff. 2(R Orange at.; O«o. Lemmermann. &6-S6 Bowery *L

56aHEHT hard Lehigh ooaltli Kgg, atov* and nut.

15 rer ton; Nu. 2 nut, $6..'k>: amv* or nut. mixed with No. 2 nut. 14.35; delivered, Bperlal I'rU-es by the gujiitiity. K. ft C. H. JEROLA- MAN. cor Freiinghuyiim tv*, and Emmet st* Tel. 2flRlF. Mall orders nromptty delivered.Xb#KINItLlNH wivd for sale;

PHINEAW JONES ft CO..hickory *|toke enda Sfll Market st* 21r

Pl.ANGB AND ORGANS.I'Y>R flALE-l*arly leaving Newark; beautiful

mahogany upright grand piano; unaurpasoed for tone and elegant dealgn; used only Mini'# lart faU; cuar an<] rutty warranted by-maker: price tl7U; ainu large tnualv box* wiib chimeii and belle, very cheap. Address KEL- 1*000. Box 45. New* office* 34bTilK way to teat a jdarat h to do an in your own

parlor; rent a piano for thr-ee ipontba and If aailafastcry have rent allowed nn inJiTha**. THE MATHI'SHKK ft SON plann factory tvsre- rrxime, fl.% Hprlngncld ave., n'^ar High st. 7g

day siul evening ItMnnt: dreaeev and oattenie Sttti aPMal term* for Febnary ana Mi

K. T. VAN BANT, 203 Plane atMIBHBB JBNKlNff ft HABTINO'B dressmaking

partoa art now 377 broad »i.; psrfMt ill; priets Maso&sbls: formerly with Unae, A. Drees.

57gMltfUNffft makes up ladles' own materials,

SUc. and |1. FIA^HUNOK. Hox 45. Newa of- fle«* tDR F*«BMAKINO-liUltii.

HESS, dfl New it.$3 up. MIBB V0r>R- 57b

LQBT AND FOUND*LOBT--O0W hesrt-ehspwl locket* either on Hsr-

rtnoQ av*., Harrison. Riidgt ur Rrtftd st. toTrlhiW Church, Finder wlli pleiwe return lo i, WRIGHT, oorner Central ave. ahd Third st,. Ease Nswark. 1tfOBT^ftaturday. March Ifl. on Arllrtglon sve.

or Main st,, East Orang*. a Ueralan Israb oollaratU. Finder will be suitably rewarded by Irsvtog It at BIEGKR'B Drug fltore, oppo- •u* SMt Orange station. 1LOFI—This morniti#, on Bprtagflald ave.,, be-

nrssn West il. and Belmont ave.. package ooutalftlng IH phote^phi. Rsword If teiurnsd to 146 Wavsrly pl. t

t t t o *ba ck . VI Aevdenir Ilb«r*l f*««ril. 1

I^BBli*t._R*w»r<l If Miurawl0 . FfE Lyons Farms.

LOfT-A sLi rtwa f ' u t* iwr. Brtura »#?4 Thonuj


pa tem tO 'imSOEUKK C.

tv owm ir «o OunDtull * Co..OLlOBB BUU.»lNa.

m g a o A P g r . _______ «oon»» w «>a «■. MtoUor*.I T«tlT “ "

KETURWWD, *boi,r uorl*lit[ will pet] for I1K.5: rent you nice new

upright, mandolin altachmeni. $4 immtb. FHANKI.IN. Pulton lU (t doors from Peddle Cburch,

Piano for mile: upright; Very fine tone; T 1-B cy-tave; Including et<iol snd worf, $125;

tnnnlhly, $5 If desired, Iftl Newion at., tween Orange sve. snd Ulh ave. Wig

, FARLOH organ In fln* order, $25: 43 monthly.

DIQNYfllTTB, m Brood 9U_

AN unrirht. I17A; s<iuftre planr^ taken In.trads ! hlgheat value allnwed: termr. rosy: rfotslo lOW, MAT^lUfiHEK ft SON. 65 Springfield ave.. nssj KUh. _ _________________

Bprintffield ave. _______________ ___*BprlngileldPINE Tilano' carved legs: good tnne and itiske;

K iS riS ; wVth’ nm . Adi«B« gtw- Bo, «B. Wbt * olllc*,____________

BTBIMWAT plinn. HWi; t1 iMtrKBln.: full II** •UU»ri>. B)J. WIBSKER.

«tl nrmid Bt., Newarfci opan *>'fntWEB.|SII0 (rHlCKF.niNO ErBiid pHno. uprtjfi^

lUndtrt inik*. TOO; r«BI 11. wltli prlirilM* of buyin*. WlggNEB. Pit BrMO Wiinrk.piAffO-VlfBl-ciBBO ptooD. Brill. KUBraBli*, ^

$?5i cuh or insialment; open evendnis. Orange et- ____* *piano tUNER. r«mlrtng and a*w •tnngs

FRANK W C A N lC n : Rrimewlck « , 522tuortl.

COLON.repaired. rcpollBhedl \»*m Music Btors, a Bank a t 3B$PIAM}B


i W M as


SnuAiNiipkB. Tank*. Hi C SlILUVAM. ISTOOf*' MS; M, T. J, 1THBEH-HOMG «n#ln* uid bolter too *h«ip. b Can»n*Tgij^«t ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^

' n u f r iR O B .


Page 16: First Edition. - DigiFind-It


O A l t r , i u I t B A V * ,

lIlU ll I m PlMIlUlf CMpUTi3 I S O I 7 M A R U t f S T R E B f t

u r W A M M , K . iT.

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M B , th t fouowi. C»nf i t w i t h • e l* « r c o n ic le n c * , f a l l to f lo i n y -

th litc or w nw ttln*. to BilWO <»• t io n o f t h f aub lO C t* f c C u b a . M u « t

*0 m a l t i « » • " '* • ” '* * * ' °t i o t W M to p u l o « « n 3 t o t k o d r e a d f u l i U t a « t a f f a i r a t i t a l l o f 1« “ »»‘ u n f o r t u n a U M u n d T A r t th e re no c l r o i im a t a n o o i u n d e r w h ic t ) a m a n o r c o m m u n it y la ju e t t l la d In m a k lO f a a a c rU lc e o f u W B W a l u r o v l t y i n o n le r i o re a ru a o r r e l le t a a f e l lo a r - m a n o r

111* p e o p le o f a n o lh a r c o m m u n it y f r o m a a . t r a o r d t i i a r j ' a n d c r u e l e u f f e t ln g i a n d h a r d -

f lh ip A ?T*»* I n t w r t Ih fct ^ C u f t t is

p M p la la n o t t h a t , o f a f o a t c r t n * p a re n t ,

j i r e i w t l n d t h e i r h e e l w e i f e r * w i t h • w r * p o ea ’ to Im p ro v e t h e i r c o n d i t io n In e it h e r m a t e r ia l o r th e h l j f h e r d l r a c l t o n a , h u t It la t h a t o f t h e o w n e r , t a a k - m a a te r o r c la v e - d r iv e r , a n i l e u a o n ly t o m a k e th e m o a t p r o f i t o u t o f t h e i r b r a ln a , b r a w n a n d au b -

a ta i ie e . a t t h a im a l le a t p o a a lt i le eo*t- *"®r c a n lu r le a a h a h a e d r a w n h e r m ll lt o n * o u t o f th e m a n d f i v c o n o t h l n i In r e t u r n . 8be

a e r k a t o b o ld th e m to - d a y a o le ly f o r h e r o w n f in a n c ia l p r o f i t a n d b e n e f it , a n d n o t

T U I 3 8 D A T . M A K C I I *2. )» » .

p r u d e n t , o n m a n y a F c o u n ta , to a v o id t h a d i r e c t l i a u a b y o i a k l n f C o n a u la r r e fo rm a m a t t e r o f p o l i c y u p o n w h ic h C o n ir a a a a n d

th e K a e u ir t lv a m u s t be b r o u t h i In to f o r m a l a g re e m e n t . H a n c t th e in t r o d u c t io n In th a H e u ie o f t h e C o n a u la r R e fo rm b i l l , w h ic h . I f e n a c te d I n t o la w , w o u ld re m o v e m o re th a n 17,0ttl p o a l i lo n a In Ih a F e d e r a l a e r v lc e f r o m th a c o m r o l o f p u r t la a n ip o l le m o u .

T h e r e o a n b o n o a e a u ra n e e , o f co u ra * . t h a t t h l i m e a a u r a o f r e fo rm w i l l r e c e lv a p r o m p t a n d f a v o r a b le c o n i ld o r a t lo n a t t h e b a n t l f o f C o n f ir o a e . L c j l e la t i v e o b a lr u c .

tIo n la e e ia y w h e n i i a t r o n M a la a t ^ a b ' j a n d t a d la u a p ^ r l la in e i n C o n a rc a a a r e n o t p ro n e t o a u r r e n d c r l r a d lt lo i} a l p r lv l le s a e o f a P p M n t n io n t a n d o o n lr o l In re ap o na e t o a m e re l e n t lm e n t a l im p u l ie . C o n a u la r re ­f o r m w o u ld w a i t Io n* . Indeed, i t iW in I l l a t i v e a h o u ld d e p e n d u p o n th e w h im o f

C o n p r e l i ,

I t m a y b o n o t h in * m o re th a n th e lo a e lp o f p o l l t k t u n a , b u t I t h a e rc a a o n o n i t a a id e , w h e n I t la r e p o r t e d t h a t th a H o n , T h o m u a C . P l a t t a n d f io v e r n o r B la c k , h i t p ro te g e a n d c r e a t io n , h o v e f u l le n o u t . a n d t h a t t h e

f r o m a n yc o n a td e ra t lo n f o r t h e i r a d v a n c e * f o r m e r h a e a b o u t r e a c h e d th e c o n e lu p lo n

T W O n a r O B T A R T l - O t U I - o m t l B i i I t baa b e e n c o n te n d e d , n o t w it h o u t fo rc e ,

th a t th a c lt la e n a o f N e w a r k a h o u ld e v e r -

c le e w le e d le o r lm ln a t t o n In th e la le c t lo n o f

th e n e » t o c c u p a n t o f th e K a e c u t iv e c h a i r .

I t ta a r g u e d t h a t t h e In c o m in g M a y o r w i l l

h a v e to paaa u p o n t h e t r a n a f a r o f th e w a -

U r p la n t f r o m t h a B a i t J e r a a y C o m p a n y

to tk o c i t y . T h la m e a n a t h a t th e n e a t M a y o r m u a l b e o n e w h o la f u l l y In fo rm e d , o r w h o w iu he a t p a lm t o f u l l y I n fo rm k ln e e l f , a * W t h e h la lo r y o f th a w a t e r c o n t r a f t . a n d a a l o th e m e a n in g a n d th e

r e g u lr e m e n la o f t h e b u n d . I n t r u t h , I t

m e a n ! m u c h m o r e t h a n th ie . T h e M a y o r ,I f be i h a l l b e a la y m a n . In th e w r y n a t u r e o f t h ln f * a i u i t b e g u id e d in th e o e it le m e n i o f I h i t g r e a t e n l c r p r l i a b y th e C i t y C o u n - ■o); th e a e le c t lo n o f t h e C i t y C o u a a e l, I t W i l l t h e r e fo r * a p p e a r , w i l l be th e m o i t Im p o r ta n t a o t o f t h e a u c c e e io r to M a y o r

•ij^ ym our.T h e a g p lr a n t a f o r t h e o f f ic e n o w o c c u p ie d

g y H r-^ S e y m o u r a r t i » l a faw - o n th eD e m K f b t t c a t i * t t a p r ^ n t Ip eu ig b e ^ t o f

t b g o M e - , M w a r a t b» f c * » * i - S a t a aw d io u a ly a o n a lU r e d . U t . f c y » o * r t a a m t t o e n j o y t h e u n d iv id e d lU p p o r t o f b i t p a r t y , a n d t h a n o m in a t io n w i l t U k e ly g o to J ( lm . w lO lo O t a o n te a t , a a a n e a p re a -

: m n a w e t l o o n t d e b o a In h im . f>» th e It lt ig m aM<| to u X M d a le i a b o u n d , M r .

( M r , jo yg ie e^ a f r . V a n D u y n e , M r . M r . O a i r l a M a n d M r . l l a l n M i y a r o

a g e w id t r t a M g a n d ld a te * . A t th e p r e i - ^ M a ix h , a n d th a f i | ^ f

f a r d g im p te a ' g ro c a o d a w it h th a t u n c e r - t g t q y ^ i l c l I n d le w le i t h a t n o m a n h a a WL e a r t iS P b o lP b o f c a r r y in g th a c o n v e n t io n .

I f lb * I n o o m ln g M a y o r la to be r e g a rd e d a t I m p o r t a n t In t h e m a t te r o f th a M i i l e - l i M l i t o f t b i a r a t e r c o n t r a c t , w h a t h i t o b e

m l i M t h a m a n v r h o la to be le le c t f d l o M d a t i d M r . I t a ln a b y In th e B o a rd o f

M fw f c a f H a r o 1* * b o d y th a t b a a ra th a

fe g g a t « f t b a c o n t e n t lo n e w it h H i* B a a l J a a m v C o m p a n y - T h a t g r e a t c o rp o ra t io n

| i^ ^ '( ( |g | ila | i iT a a ln g u la r I t n d e n c y t o d o

m e tU a n d w e l l b e in g . T h e b e a t g i f t »he b a t b e l lo w e d u p o n th e m h a a been h e r o w n e t v l l l i a l l o n o f th e D a r k A g e a - t h e In - a p l r a t lo n f o r b e t t a r Ih ln g a b a a co m e f r o m o u r e g a m p le a n d a a th e r e a r l l o n f r o m h e r

o w n b r u t a l b a r b a r ta m w i t h a l t H * 1™ '“

e v l la . * , ,I t w a a w e l l l a i d In a n e ig h b o r in g p u lp H

r e c e n t ly t h a t th a on# t h in * w o re e th a n a d la h o n o r a b le w a r la a d le h o n o r a b la peace .

T o r e f u e * to d o o n e ' i d u t y to w a r d o n e *

f e l le w - m a n b a o a u e * o f »»• th e p e r f o rm a n c e , t* l o w e t h in g w h ic h n e n o t b e c b a r a c te r la e d a m o n g a p e o p le w h ^ h la lo r y a b o u n d a w U h th e b r ig h t e r - re c o rd o f u n e e l lta h h a ro la m t h a t e v e r In e p lre d h u m a n i t y t o r e a c h a h a n d u p to w a rd th a n o b le a i d e v e lo p m e n t o f c h a r a c t e r p o ta lb le

t o h u m a n i t y .W e w i l l n o t ae e k a w a r . W e w i l l a t r lv *

b y a l l h o n o ra b le m e a n a t o d o o u r d u t y In t h la c r l i l a . a n d I t tn I t* p e r f o r m a n c e au - p r e m e e a c r t f ic e i i d a m a n d e d t h a A m e r ic a n p e o p le w i l l u n h e a l t a t ln g ly m e k e It

O V A K D I K O W A T M M ^ A N G J U a K BT h a " T r e n t o n S t a t e O a g e l le , w h ic h a e e ia i

u n a M e - t o u n d d r e ia S d Ib a A a S y b u t aa lf le h m o t tv a * c o u M a c t o a t e a u t w a p a p e r e it h e r In a d v o c a t in g o r o p p o a ln g a m e a s u r e b e ­f o r e th e L e g l i l a l u r e , a t t r t b u t e a t h e hoe- H i l l y o f N e w a r k n e w a p a p a r i t o t h e D a ta - w a r a D a m b i l l l o c o m r a a r e la l J e a lo u a y , b e - c a u a * t h e y k n o w , a c c o r d in g t o T h e S la t * a w a e U * . t h a t th * c a r r y in g o u t o f th e

■ c b e m a w o u ld m a k e T r e n t o n o n * o f th e g r d a t e i t m a n u f a c t m ln g c i f t t f t t o f th * f lo t in t t y . T h le la • u p r e n ia ly M d le o lo u a N e w a r k h a * n o t h in g to t e a r f r o m T r e n ­t o n ’ * c o m m e r c ia l r i v a l r y , a n d I f th * p ro e - p e r i l y o f th e c a p i t a l w e re t h e o n l y f e a t u r e t o b o c o n s id e re d , th * N E W S w o u ld c h e e r - f u l l y a n d v ig o r o u a ly a id In l b * d a m

p r o je c t ,T h la t i a m a t t e r In w h ic h th e w h o le

S t a l e h a * a n In te re a t . T h e r l g h ie a n d fc a n c fc la e e w h ic h u n d e r t h a D e la w a r e D a m b i l l k r e m a d e f re e g t f te to p r iv a t e o e r p o r a - l lo n e a r e o f e n o rm o u * v a lu e . T h e y b e to o * to th e p a o p la , a n d a h o u ld n e t b e d le p e e e d

t h a t th e l a t t e r la n o t a p ro p e r p e r s o n t o o c c u p y t h e B ie c u H v e c h a i r f e r a n o th e r t e rm , T h * re a a o n la a p p a r e n t o n i t a f a o a T w ic e a l r e a d y t h la a e ta lo n h a a ih * O o v - t r n o r b lo c k e d I c g la la l lo n e it h e r a c t u a l l y o rd e re d o r p e r s o n a l ly f a v o r e d b y th e S a n a t o r . l l o i h K l la w o r t h b i l l* , th e o n e t o p u n la h u n f r la o d iy n ew a p a p e ra a n d t h * o t h e r l o p o a tp o n e r a p id t r a n s i t in d e f in i t e ­

ly . w e re m e a s u re * t h a t M ce a r* . P l a t t a n d C r o k e r w e r e d e e p ly I n le r c i t a d In. T h * f o r ­m e r w a a w l l l i d r a w n th e m o m e n t I t w a a u n d e a a to o d t h a t Q o v e r n o r B la c k w o u ld v e t o It. T h e l a t t e r m a y a h a r* th * s a m e f a t e ; It w i l l a lm o s t c e r t a in ly b e v e to e d i f b y a n y a c c id e n t I t a h a u ld paae . I t w o u ld n o t b e th * d r a t t im e In p o l i t i c a l h la t o r y t h a t a K r a n k e n a le in h a d d la p le a a e d h i* c r e a t o r , a h o u ld M r . B l a c k p ro ce e d t o g u t h im a e lf f o r w a r d a s a n In d e p e n d e n t a n d w r e s t I h e p a r t y m a c h in e f r o m I h e S e n ­a t o r '* c o n t r o l . T h e r e la a lr e a d y a n u c le u s o f a n a n t t - P la t t f a c t io n o f s u f f ic ie n t d i- m e n e lo n s l o J u e t i f y th e d a a lr* o f a lm o s t a n y u m b lt lo u a y o u n g m a n lo o b t a in I t s

s u p p o r t , a p d Jn r e la t lo n to b o th th * B U a - w p r th b i l l s M r . B l a c k b a a n e a r ly a l l t h e n e w e p a f ie r s o f t h e S ta te a n d a l l tn e U q g H a ted p o p u la r a c n t lm e n l b e h in d h im .

H ad w n b Ih * r t a u l t . S e n a t o r K iU lT m a n , w h o la d h l i fo r c e * a n d w a a a ig n a l l y d e ­f e a te d , t h l n k t W h e r w lM , a n d l o u d ly c o m -

o f e o f rw p t lo n . P r a c la e t y . T h e r e la

DO rtM t* * ! *® b e l ie v e t h a t t h e D a o c a a t c r p r i in a r i* # o f la a t w e e k w a r a m o r# f r e e f r o m e o r r u p t lo n t h a n a t a n y o t h e r t im e in h la lo r y . T h * m a c h in e m a d e n o r e d u c ­t io n In t h e e f f o r t t o m a in t a in I t s e l f a g a in s t

M r . W a n a iA a l i e r t h a n It w o u ld h a v e m a d e a g s ln a t a n y a v o w e d e n e m y o f c o r r u p ­

t io n ; I t d id I t i w o r k In I t s c u a lo m a r y w a y , a s t t w i l l d o It* w o r k In o t h e r c o u n t ie * a n d t n t h e c o n v e n t io n a t I h e e n d . W h a t la m o a t d to c o u ra g lD g , o n e w o u ld s u p p o s e , t o t h e a v e r a g e v o t e r , w h o 1* a t le a e t n o t In f a v d r o f a e y e te m w b lo h n o h o n e s t m a n c a n d e f e n d tn p u b l ic , la t h a t a r e f o r m c a n d id a t e ao c o n s p ic u o u s a a M r . W a n a - m a k e r a h o u ld go In to t h e g a m * a g a ln a t lo a d e d d ic e u n d e r a p le d g e to a c c e p t th e I n e v l ia b t * to** e n a u ln * a n d g iv e t h e w h o le s y a te m , w h ic h h e doe* n o t f a l l t o d e n o u n c * In w o rd * , t h e in d o r a c m e n t o f u n c o m p la in ­

in g a c ffu le a c c n c e .

T h * n e w a p a r r r * h a v e b e e n s i le n c e d in M a d r id . B u t W e y le r c o n t in u e * l o e r u p t

w i t h d iu r n a l r e g u la r i t y .

J yVt^«AM FbVya*lAAlM>MAllMF*lA>^W^*» ^AeM

O pen h a tu rd a y l t i l l %

B a p e r im e n t a w i t h m in o r c o in a g e , w h ic h h a v e b e e n c o n d u c t e d w i t h I n d if f e r e n t a u c -

c a a e b y ih * T r e a s u r y D e p a r t m a n t f o r tw o y e a r * p a * t , a r e lo be c o n t in u e d u n d e r th e t e rm * o f a j o I n t j e i o l u H o n o f C o n g t e ie , I

t o w h ic h th e re ^ 1 1 p r o b a b ly b e n o * e r l- o u * o b je c t io n In e it h e r H o u e c . T h * C o in ­a g e C o m m it t e e o f th e H o u s e o f R e p r e - a e n t a t lv * * ( a y e t h a t th e c o p p e r p e n n y b e ­c o m e * d in g y , d ir t y a n d d u l l a n d p o la o n o u i w h e n c o r r o d e d , w h i le th e f iv e - c e n t c o in , t h r e e - q u a r t e r s c o p p e r , 1* to o i o f l . O n th * c o n t r a r y , ** d le c lo ie d In r e c e n t te e t* m a d e u n d e r in e t r u c t lo n a o f t h e m in t d i ­r e c t o r , p u r e n ic k e l 1* to o h a r d , a n d a lu m i ­n iu m a n d a l l l i e a l l o y i to o a o f t . p’ o u r te e n d i f f e r e n t a l lo y * o f th e tw o m e ta l* h a v e b e a n te a te d th o r o u g h ly , w i t h r e a u t t i u n a a t-

I s f a c t o r y In e a c h In s ta n c e . T h e b e a t m in o r c o in a g e n o w In e a la te n c e I* t h a t o f A m - t r l a - H u n g a r y , I t a ly a n d S w lt a e r la n d ,

w h ic h la c o m p o s e d o f p u r e n ic k e l . T h * b la n k * o f n ic k e l a t o a n n e a le d b e fo r e r« - c t l v l n g Im p re a a lo n * f r o m th e d ie * ; a n d n o I n c o n v a n le n c e h a* been e x p e r ie n c e d be - c a u a a o f u n d u e h a rd n e a a o f t h e m e ta l.

You Shouldnt Wait!It soRietimet happens that aft opportitnUy oflirA to

get a decided bargain in something that you need—an opportunity that tl allowed to pass means the loss of so much money.

This Is an opportunity of that sort. You need a Piano. You can have one from the sale of the Dunck- lee Bankrupt Stock at a price that will surprise you. Some good Uprights at around Ji50.

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T O O H U C U T U I L n V , w gh H a n y M o rr is w " S la n g V ia ley ."

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N e x t W aak— T H B B O H k M lA H h U k L B S C JU S K a .

' i v y W W W V S * » V S A v V V W y W W V * v ‘ >‘ >* i* iV v S *vS*v * r V v S V v*e* v* > V y* vV v* vSA

ON E O F T H E V A L U E S of Life Insurance is that it is benefident without being charitable. It con­fers a right which is better than charity.

Income During 1897,

C O L U M B I A ,F A lC I t S t * . w , *0 a n d SO O sa ta .

T h e C e le b n te d In d ia n A e tn a a :

M e t t n e e T h a s a d a y , B I M T S K A T S SSe .

A a d T n l n e d I n d ia n P e a l t a W u n g y a n d b n r k e k ln .

H * * l W a e k - U F C L E T O M ’S C A B I N . _____


O N L Y • T O P T L A R P R I C E " iTa TI. N E K IN N E W A R K T O -M O R R O W . W E D N E S D A Y * S ce n t* .


An Irish Gentlemaa

$ l5 m 7 ll4 .6 5 .

im t * a n d s a y 1*** l a t h e w a y o f p r o m o t in g [ o f w i t h o u t a n e q u ita b le r e t u r n . T h e B t a l*h a s a l r e a d y been to o g e n e r o u a In Ita g r a n t* t o p r iv a t e c o r p o r a i lo n * la r g e ly h e c a u a * th e p e o p le h a v e fa i le d lo r e a l l i e u n U l t o o la t e I h e v a lu e o f a n I n t a n g ib le f r a n c h is e , a n d

e s p e c ia l ly o f th e w a te r w a y s .P u b l i c r o a d i a n d i t r e e t * h a v e b e e n gob-

b le i f u p b y i r o l l v y i- o m p a n le a j e le c t r i c U g h t,

t e le g r a p h a n d te le p h o n e c o m p a n le e h a v a b e e n p e r m it t e d to d is f ig u r e a n d o b s t r u c t

t h e b lg h w a y e w i t h I h e l t p o le s a n d w l r e i , w b l l* g a s a n d w s t s r c o m p a n l f s h a v e been g r a n t e d p e r p e tu s i r ig h t* In th * w a y o f l a y in g th s ly m a in s b e n e a th th e s u r f a c e o f th e p u b l ic ih o r o u g h fa r s * . I n f e w In s ta n c e * h a s th e p u b llo r e c e iv e d a n y t h in g I lk *

* g r a c e f u l a n d f r a n k d le p o e lt lo n o f th e

l i h ib t s m i W h ic h m u a t b e a d ju e te d b e fo re

U q f iD A l d e l l v g r y o f th * M , l i « , » w o r tn - t k » t e m p e r e x h ib i t e d b y th e w a t e r c o m ­p a n y . Ip t h e r e c e n t p a s t , g lv s * p ro m la e o f d lO lc u lH e e a h e a d , a f td * u ch d lf f ic u H le a a* d e m a n d t h e h t g h e e i q u a lt t le * * f e ie s u t t v * a b i t i t y a n d t t e r i i n g c h a r a c t e r o n th e p a r t

o f th e city* r e p r e s e n t a i l v e t . M r . B ia ln a - b y ’ s r e t i r e m e n t f r o m th e b o a rd w i l l b e a lo s s t o t h * o o m m u n R y ; U la . to b * h o p e d t h a t h ie « u c « * * « r m a y h r * m a n a s aa e e r- t lv * a n d a * In a ta ta n t a i h e h a * b e e n in p M t o e t V q i t h e b e s t I n te ro e U o f th e p u b l ic . J W jy t g v t g W 'S t t f t e m a t t e r , lh * N E W S i s o t I t h * e | ita iie * I f u i t b o th p a r i le * o w e U to th e p m ^ l s t d S ta ik e J u d ic io u s a a ls c H o n s f o r th * b a a n U K M p U>* d u i t e i w h ic h w i l l b * Iro - p e g s f l K j - t M I n c o m in g m e m b e r w i l l be s u c h " H i t e V f a r r s n t t h a s e le c t io n o t th * b e t t o r m a n v r l t b a u t r e g a r d to p a r l y t ie * .

B g s ld r * . t h e p o l i t i c s o t t l j s in c o m ta g m e m - b A r win ( le t e n n n t * t h e p o i i t l e i l c o n t r o l o t t h * b o a rd , a m a t t e r o f n o m t i t im p o r t a i ie * .

F M A U M O M W A H . b f l T K I I O S O N .I n r e p ly t e a q u e a t lo n , S x - S e n a to r O e o rg e

r . B d m u n d e , o f V e r m o n t , a a y * l o th * N * w

Y o r k H e r a ld :W t canoU With q..cle*t pqnicletict kUl

or maJm oA« m t* d hundred thousand df our o w n jr l if a w to grder id nsfiey* & ,» thalr d r M n i l e a ^ t bio n th * S p a n is h s u b ­je c t* In C u b a . W * m u a l. o f co u ra e , d e fe n d o u r c o u n t r y a t a v s r y h a t t r d , h u t w e m u a t r s n w m b t r t h a t w a r la o h o o f th e g re a te a t o f e v i l s , n n d la u a u a l ly th e g re a te a t o fC rim ea

W h a t e v e r S e n a t o r .E d m u n d * m t y h a v * to a n y t o h la f e l lo w - c o u n t r y m e n In a c r is t a l i k e t h i s I t v r e i! w o r t h y o f a t t e n t io n a n d c s n a ld e r a t lo n . I s n a t o r E d m u n d t I t n o t

o n ly UDS o f t h e fo y e m o a t la w y e r* In th * L 'n lt e d 8 t a * i . b u t b< Ik A lt o a g e n t le m a n o t w id e a U a ln m c n t a a n d e d u ra t lo D , a n d a B t s t r a in a n w h o s e r v e d m a n y y e a r* , a n d

w i t h o o n s p lc u o u * a b i l i t y . In th e U n i t e d

B ta to a S e n a te .T h e N B W B la n o t o f a n I n lt o m m a t o r y

D t m a o r t n l t d : i t b a a n i d r e f f* to a a y o r do a n y t h in g w h ic h c a n be p o s s ib ly c o n - t im e d In to t h e e n c o u ra g e m e n t o r I n s t ig a ­t io n o f a n eedtCBB w » r . I t la n o t o f o p in io n th a t I t b a a y e t b e e n d e m o n s tra te d t h a t I t I t d e a lr a b le o r n e c e a s i r y f o r th e X Tn lted S ta te * to A * t o w a r w i t h S p a in o r a n y o t h e r o b u n t v y . I t I* o f o p in io n t h a t th * A m e r ic a n p e o p le a h o u ld n o t a n d w i l l n o t g o t o v v a r u p o n a n y o t h e r th a n th e v e r y g r a v e s t a n d n vea t I m p e ra t iv e c o p a W e ra - t lo n t . K u t t h e r e a r e t im ee , o r h a t e b e e n , a n d p r o b a b ly w i l l b e a g a in , w h e n a r e s o r t t o w a r m a y n o t be a v o id e d —w h e n I t la a

d u t y n o t tg b e e v a d e d .U n le s a It c a n be m a d e c le a r t h a t Ih e d e -

a i r u c t lo n o f t h e M a in e w a s e it h e r p r o c u r e d b y S p a in o r r c a u lt e d f ro m a r u lp a b lo n e g l i ­g e n c e o p t h e p a r t o f re ap o n e lM o S p a n t ih o f f lc tn la , a n e g l ig e n c e w h ic h c a n be s h o w n t o a m o u n t l o a t a c i t a u t h o r l i s t lo n o r i i r o - c u r e m e n t o f t h a t d e a t r u c t lo n , th e d la a a te r

t o t h e A m e r ic a n w a r ih ip Ih H a v a n a H a r ­b o r , d r e a d f u l . * * I t w a s , a n d d e p lo r a b le a a vvere H a c o n a e q u e n e e a , doe* n o t c o n s t i t u t e a j u i t I f t a U l* o a a u * b e l l i . In t h a t c a a * w * m u s t c o n t e n t o u ra e lv e * w it h s u c h p h i lo ­s o p h ic a l a n d C h r la t t o n r e e lg n a t lo n a * w e

m a y b e a b le t o c o m m e n d .N o r d o o * I t a e em lo be In c o n s o n a n c e

w i t h th e s p i r i t o f o u r I n a t l lu t lo n a , o u r t r a d i t io n s o r o u r N a t io n a l p o lic y t h a t w e a h o u ld m a k e w a r u p o n S p a in b e c a u a e o f h e r f a i l u r e l o p u l a n e n d to a c o n d it io n o t t h in g * w h ic h Im p ose* u p o n u a m o n e y d a m a g e s In t h e w a y o f a Iona o f t r a i l s o r a r e a t r lc l lo n o f o u r c o m m e rc e . I t h a t b e e n lo n g h e ld b y o t h e r |,eoi>)es t h a t a r e s o r t t o w a r I* J u s t i f ia b le In o rd e r to p r o te u l* d e v e lo p a n d p ro m o to o p p o r tu n it ie s f o r I ta e iU x e i i t to m a k e m o n e y h i t r a d e a n d c o m - m a r c e , b u t th e U n it e d S ta te a b a a n e v e r s o u g h t t o p r o f i t n i ia n c la l ly b y th o e x - p e u d l t a r * o f h u m a n b lo o d o r th e to s s o f h u m a n l i v e s w i t h a l l th e o th e r d r e a d f u l a o c o m p a n lm e n to o f w a r . S o t h a t , w h i le o u r e o m ra e r c e h a a s u f fe re d to th * e x t e n t a i t h u n d r e d s o t m lU lo n s o f d e H a r t b e c a u s * o f H i t e a ls t e n c e o f th e w s r tn C u b a , a n d W IU d o u b U e t* s u f f e r m u c h m o re i t t h a t w a x 1* n e t s p e e d i ly b ro u g h t to a n e n d , th e p e o p le o f t h * U n it e d S la t s * w i l l p r o b -

. a b l y n o t b * b r o u g h t to b t U t v * t h a t t h e y a h o u ld s e e k t h e i r r e m td y |u a r e t o r t to

a n a K - ' ,' B u t t h e r e ta a n o th e r a ip a c t to th * q u e a ­

t l o n w h ic h B o a a t o r B d m u f ld * p re o e n ta ■ a b o ld M o n tn a a * w h ic h to l in p r s M iv o .

M t M |n * i " iW f o a h n o t, w i t h a c l e a r o o n - m As o o c , f r i l l o r m g h n o n * o r tw b I n iB d ie t t h X T T f i * i r f c l t t o ^ to » e i» r t o

p ro p o r t io n * !# r o iu r n ; in m a n y H ha# ro -

o c iv e d n o n * t t a l l .T h e p u b l ic 1# b s g ln n ln g to r c c o g n la *

h o w m u c h i t h a t a lr e a d y lo * t b y l i » w a a le - f u i p r o d ig a l i t y , a n d Is t a k in g m e a t u r e i to p r o to o l w h a t f e w r ig h t o o f v a lu e y s t r e ­m a in to II. O n e o f t h e t s I* 11# w a te r p o w e r , u n d e r th * p le a o f h e lp ln K th o c i t y o f T r e n to n ih o S t a le la a s k e d t o r s l ln q u la h l u r l f h t s n o t o n ly In th e D e lg w a r e . b u t s la o h i a l l t h f o th e r a t r e a m * in w h lc lv t h * B la t o c l t lm * o w n e ra h ip . t o * l o t o f h u n g r y *p#c- u la lo r t f o r i h s l r o w n I n d iv id u a l p r o f i t a n d w it h o u t c o m p e n a a t lo n . T h la to Ih * re a a o n .

a n d no o th e r , w h y t h e N E W S o p p o a e d t h e d a m h i l l la s t y e a r a n d h a s u r g e d th e

p a s s a g e o f Ih s re p e * Ie r U U * y e a r .I t m a y b* s a id t h a t th e a m e n d m e n t to

th e b l i t W b lo h S e b a t o r S to k e * , h ag . o f f a r e d

In Ih * S e n a te to *pm * e x t e n t o v a r o o m s s th e s e o b je c t io n * . T f it * a m e n d m e n t w o u ld c o m p e l a l l e o r p o r a p o n a t o - A | k k * a n n u a l r s t u r n a to th o S ta te o f t h e lh g r o s s r s c e lp t s t o r l ig h t a n d p o w e r a u p p l ls d a m i d iv id e n d * d e c la r e d * n d to p a y . a n a n & d h l l l c p s e fe e o t o n e p e r c e n t , u p o n t h e g w a a re c e ip t* a n q a t a * o f f iv e i>*e c e n t , u p o n a l l d i v i ­d e n d * d e c la r e d a b o v * f o u r p s r ce n t. W h e t h e r o r n o t th i* i s s u f f i c ie n t c o m p e n e a -

t lo n f o r th e S t a t s t o e x a c t to a q u e s t io n to r

e x p e r t s .

Bom * w e e k * a g o C o n g r e ia m a n H o w e l l , o f

th e T h i r d D l i l r l c t , w a * q u o te d a * s a y in g th a t he h a d n o d e * lr* f o r a r e n o m ln a tJ o n , b u t t h a t i f th# p a r t y d e m a n d e d I t h* C O u ld n o t w e l l d e c l in e , f t lo o k ! a* t h o u g h H r . H o w e l l 's f e a r * w e re w e l l fo u n d e d , T h e r a a r e a s v e r a l R e p u b l ic a n * in th * t h r s * c o u n - l ie * o f M o n m o u th . H Id d le a e x a n d S o m e ra e t w h o c h e r is h C o n g r e s it o n e l s e p lr a l lo n * . b u t w i t h e u ip lc t o u i e a g e rn e* * a n d u n a a i l r a l ly th e y h a s te n lo d e c la r* t h a t M r . H o w e l l h a * m a d * a u ch » n a c c e p ta h l* r e p r a a e n t a - t lv * t h a t th e y c o u ld n o t t h in k o f o p p o s in g h im f o r * t h i r d te rm . W h i le t h is 1* H a l t e r ­in g , th * ch a n ce * t r e t h a t M r . H o w a l l w o u ld n o t fe e l a t a l l o ffe nd ed It o n * o f th * o t h e r c o u n t ie s tn Ih e d is t r ic t s h o u ld in s i s t u p o n th * r o t a t io n in n o m in a t io n w h ic h b a t h e r e t o f o r e b e en th e r u le In t h a t d i s t r i c t .

T h e o u t lo o k to r R e p u b l lc in »uceeo« In th * T h i r d Is n o t p a r t ic u la r ly b r ig h t t h i s y e a r . M o n m o u t h a n d M Id d le a e i h a v e r o t u m a d

t q t h e i r D e m o c r a t ic Ido l* a n d th e B e p u b - l lO a n m a j o r l l y In S o m e ra e t la s m a l l . M r . H o w e l l h a a a lw a y s been k n o w n aa a lu c k y m a n In p o lU lc a . H I* n o m in a t io n * h a v * c o m a to h im a t t im e * w h e n , f o r p o c i i l l a r re a e o n a , th e D s m o c r a H c p a r t y w a * d iv id e d , a n d h e h a a re a p e d th e r e w a rd . U n d e r th * c lr c u m a t a n c e * he c a n n o t h o n o ra b ly d e c l ln o a r a n o m U ia t lo n i t o n e Is u rg e d u p o n h im ,

b u t It to g a fe t o t t y t h a t h e w o u ld w o tc o m * th o a p p e a r a n c e o f a r i v a l In th e f ie ld a n d w o u ld m a k e w a y f o r h im w it h o u t a S t r u g ­

g le . ____________ _______________

f l r a t a f f e c t o f t h e a c t io n o f t h e

I t m a y b e d e p e n d ed o n t h a t t h * r e p o r t

o f t h o M a in o I n q u ir y C o u r t w i l l b e h e a r d

i n M a d r id ; ____________ _____________ .

T w o b l l l a a r e b e fo ro tw o n e ig h b o r in g L e g i s l a t u r e s th a t , u n d e r t h e e lr c u m - s ta n c e a , aeem to d e n o te a c o m m o n o r ig in . B o t h a tm t o l im i t , i t n o t t o o r ip p le , th e

u t c o t g lu c o s e In fo o d p ro d u c t* w h e r e e s n s s u g a r c o u ld be u sed . A d u l t e r a t io n o f s u g a r w i t h th * I n f e r io r g r a d e o f s a c c h a r in * to m a d * th * p re te x t f o r le g to la t io n to p r e v e n t

t h e m ix in g o f g lu c o s e w i t h s u g a r o r o t h e r p r o d u c t s o f b e e t a n d c a n e J u ic e . I n N e w Y o r k tb * u a* o f g lu co a * In b e a r a n d i l s to a im e d a l ; t h is to n o t In c lu d e d In th e N e w J e r s e y m e a iu r e . A a a m a t t e r o f c o m m o n t x p e r t o n c e , g lu c o s e 1* n o t lea a w h o le to ra e

a s a n e d ib le th a n c a n e s u g a r . I t to n o t so t w s s l b y o n e - th ir d a s th e c a n e a r t ic le , a n d th * p r o m o te r * o f th * tw o m e a s u r e s h a v e b e e n c a r e f u l to a v o id a n y a r g u m e n t a d - d r e a s a d t o th e s a n i t a r y v ie w o f th * m a t ta r . f t to o n ly u p o n th e h y p o th e s to t h a t g lu c o a o to f r a u d u le n t ly u se d a s a a u b a t l lu la t o r

a u g a r t h a t t b s s a le la o b je c t lo n a b la .

The Prodeotial nlasurance Co, America,

A G R A N D U a L U S f R A T K D I* E C T 1 7 ftK g

"OUR RiYT AID COAST DEFIRGES,"W IU i a th r lU In g detcriptk>n o f tha taalUe o f Ihe

M O N IT O B ANU H E B lilM A C .B Y A N K T K V r iT N K S A .

D u r W h ite N quad ro ii, a l l m odem w a r veaae li, lh a i r e q u ip m e n ts a n d m s M A I N E D I B A O T K R I

C A P T . U . K . W . C A M P B E L L ,

WtDMESDAr m ilW , IMCH 23, 1181,Calvary Pnabytarton Church, P eaanIvsD is

A re .aod Outetle Place, Newark, N, 4 . A D M I M M I U N - . » C E N T S . STa

L o o k o u t f o r a rm e d r e b e l l io n In M o n m o u th C o u n t y n o w t h a t th# A s s e m b ly h a s k i l le d S e n a to r F r a n c la 's b i l l t o r th e p r o le c

t io n o f m u s k r a t s .

T h eB r o o k l y n B r id g e t r u a t s e s In t u r n in g lh a r o a d w a y o f t h o s t r u c t u r e o v e r to Ih * t r o l ­le y c o m p a n ie s w a * th * p r a c t i c a l a b a n d o n , m t n l o f t h e b r id g e o a r s p ro p e r a n d th * lo a e o f a e v e r a l h u n d re d th o u s a n d d o l la r * o f a n n u a l re v e n u e . T h la . h o w e v e r , h a * n o t b e e n f u l l y r e a lto e d b y th * p u b l ic , a n d w i l l b e th e o r e t lc a J o n ly u n t i l th * t a x b i l l* c o m e In . T h e s e co n d e ffe c t w a * to c r o w d t h e r o a d w a y s a n d r e n d e r th e m a lm o a t tm p a a a a b le to d r iv e r* o f U g h t v e h ic le * , a n d l o th e a r m y o t w h e e lm e n . S U M a t h i r d h a * o n ly J u s t e m e rg e d In to v ie w . I t 1* th e o p e n s t r e e t c a r n u ia o n c * . O n th e s u r ­fa c e t h e In te n d in g p a a a e n g e r b y w a i t in g f r o m f iv e m ln u t r t In a n y o t h e r c i t y t o tw e n t y - f iv e In B r o o k ly n m a y l a k e h la c h o ic e o t a c lo s e c a r I t t h * w e a t h e r la r a w , o r w a lk . O n th e b r id g e h e m u a t t a k e w h a t h e c a n g e t . A n d w h a t h a g o t o n th e la s t S u n d a y o t w in t e r w a s , p r im a r i ly , o p e n - c a r tra n a p o r tS t lO M , W ith I n f lu e n s a .

y m e u m o n ta a n d Ih e w h o le t r a in o f m a la ­d ie s d u e to s x p o a u ra , a a th e a e o o n d a ry r e - a u lta . S c k n l l f l c o b a e rv e ra w h o a r e c o u - a t a t i t ly r e f e r r in g to p n e u m o n ia a n d c o n - iu m p t lo n a s t h e c h a r a o t e r le t lc m a la d le * o f th e m e t r o p o l i t a n d la t r ic t , h a v e n o t f a r to g o In t e a r c h o f th e t r u * e x p la n a t io n o t t b s p h e n o m e n o n .

J O H N F . D R Y O E N , P r e « l d « n t .

L E S U E D . W A R D . V . P , E D O A R B . W A R D , 2 d V .

F O R R E S T F . D R Y D E N , S g e r f f im r y -

P . A n d C o u n t g l .

I F Y O U A R E W IS E• = ---------------^

You will come to our warerooms BEFORE YOl BUY. No house can do better—quality con­sidered. It takes only $10 to put a new Piano in your house. Consider!

REMEMBERi w e r e m o v e t o m BROAD STREET MAY I.

C O N N C L A R n i t T U S M g I N M N O R E 8S I n th e c h a n g e s In th e C o n s u la r le r v l c s

p ro p o s e d lo Ih * b i l l r e p o r t o d t o th e F e d e r a l H o u s e o f H e p r e s e n t a t lv e * b y th e F o re W n A f f a i r * u o m m lt t e s , a n a l l s m p t h a s been m a d e to c o n t in u e b y le g t o la l lv * p ro ce s s th e Im p ro v e m e n t* In t h e n o h l l c a e r v lc e due In th e f i r s t I n s ta n c e l o E a e c u t iv e a c t io n b y P r e s id e n t H o r t t o o n , a n d a u b ie q u e n l l y c o n ­f i r m e d a n d e n la r g e d b y h la au ccee so r.

T h e r e ha# been e v in c e d n o d is p o s it io n on th e p a r t o f l b * p r e a e n i A d m in is t r a t io n . t o m g h o f f is o r a b le a n s w e r to th e p e r a ls l t iu d e m a n d s o f p la c e - h u n te r# a m i o ff ic e b ro ­k e r s , T h e s h o u t e r s t o r F e d e r a l iK w lt lo i is

h a v e s h o u te d In v a in , a n d g r a d u a l ly th e c o n a c lo u a n e a * o f n e g le c t a n d d e fe a t ba» d a w n e d u p o n th e m . I n th e p re s s o f o th e r a n d m o r* im p o r t a n t m a t lo r a , th e v a r io u s p ro je c t* o f a h re w d p o U U c la n s f o r th e d c- m o r a l la a t lo n o t tb# F o d c r a l s e r v ic e h a v e

b e e n lo s t s ig h t o f .i t h a * been 'm a d e q u i t e c le a r , h o w e v e r,

t h a t th o se In a u t h o r i t y In h ig h i i la c e s a f W a s h in g t o n d o n o t p ro p o s e lo r u n a n y r i s k s o f a l ie n a t in g p o l i t i c a l f a c t io n s o r p e r t o n a l f r ie n d s b y n a r r o w in g a t l l l f u r th e r th e I tm lt a t lo n s o f th e C i v i l S e r v ic e a c t. P r a c t i c a l ly , a lm o a t th e e n t i r e F e d e r a l s e r ­v ic e is c o n d u c la d u n d t r I S x o c u t iv n r e g u U - tto n * p re s c r lh n d In p u r s u a n c e o f th e C i v i l S e r v ic e a o t o f IW l, th e o n ly u o t a h lc cx cep . t io n b e in g th o C o n s u la r a n d d lp lo m a i lc B c rv Ic F . i t is In th la d l r o c t lo n th a t H ie

C o n s u la r R e fo r m b i l l n o w b e fo r e th e H o u se to t o o p a ra te , I t e n a c te d In t o la w . I t p ro ­

p o s e s a s y s te m o t a p p o in tm e n t s f o r m e r it o n ly : f i x i t y o f te n u re , p r o m o t io n s a n d re m o v a la f o r c a u s e ; t h o a b o l i t io n o f th e fe* s y s te m , a n d th e c la a s t f lc a t lo n o f a l l o ll lc to to lU a c h e d lo th e a e r v ic o , u n d e r u n ifo rm s a la r ie s t n e a c h c to a s .

T h i s e n d c o u ld b e a t t a in e d u n d e r th e a c t o f IM S b y a m e re E x e c u t iv e e d ic t . I t h a s be en fe a re d , h o w e v e r , t h a t a u c h an eg. t r e m o a a a e r t lo n o f t h e P r e i l d e n l i a l p re r o g a t iv a w o u ld m e e t w i t h a t u r r iy re a la t a n o e In C o n g re a s , a n d m lg h ^ b e re p u d ia te d I n o o u rs e o f t im e b y a n A d m ln l i t r a t l o n o f a d i f f e r e n t p o l l t le a l f a i t h . T h e C o n a u la te a a n d C o n s u la r a p p o in tm e n t* a r c a lm o s t t b i la s t ro fu g * o t t h o p o l i t i c a l a p o lla m o n g e r , a n d tb * m an a o e o f B x e c u t lv * tn to r t s r o n o * w it h t h e ie p a r q u la l t e i o f p a r t is a n p o w o r h a s been o p p o se d b y a s t u r d y a n d a lm o s t d b sp e ra ta d s f ia n c a . A n I f x s o a t lv * o r d t r p la c in g a l l C o n a u la r p o it t t o n s lb th * c l a s i t ' f le d e e rv lc e w o u ld b e q u i t * In f in e w U h p o p u la r a a n U m o a t , a n d w i t h t h e p ro f* * - g ton a o f p a r t y I t g d a r s o f a l l a h a d e * o t p o -

J u d g e B r a d le y , o t W a s h in g t o n C i t y , » b r o t h e r - I n - l iw o f e x -Q o v e rn o r C B o * # * ') S h e p h e rd , p o s s ib ly p la n te d lh a s e e d * o t t r o u b le f o r h im s e l f th o o t h e r d a y b y r e ­m a r k in g , in a n aa ld e , w h i le a a n ia n c in g a

n e g ro m u rd e r :d o n o t k n o w o f a c**e tn w h ic h ih o

c o m m u n it y a h o u ld b e m o r* d e e p ly c o n - g r u t u la t c d o n b e in g r id o f s u c h a m a n a * th a t . L y n c h in g p r o b a b ly w o u ld h e b e l t e r th a n p u t t in g th e a o v e r n m e n t to t h e e x ­p e n se o f k e e p in g a n d h a n g in g t h a t b r u t e . "

T h e n e g ro p re a ch e r# o f th e C it y h a v * f o r m a l ly p ro te a te d to th e D e p a r t m e n t o f J u s t i c e a n d th e B e n a le J u d i c i a r y C o m - m l l l e e t h a t t h la to n o t q u it e w h a t o u g h t 10 be e x p e c te d o f a J u d g e o n th e b r n c h , a * c le a r ly le a d in g to th e e n c o u r a g e m e n t o f l y n c h in g ; a n d le a d in g m e m h o ra o t C o n ­g re s s h o ld t h a t t h e p o in t to w e l l t a k e n . B e y o n d u n fa v o r a b le c r i t i c is m a n d t n u n ­e n v ia b le n o lo r le ly , h o w e v e r , th e J u d g e w i l l p r o b a b ly r e c e iv e n o o t h e r p u n is h m e n t . H e to f i r m ly f ix e d In b is o ff ice , a n d h i* o f ­fe n c e w o u ld s c a r c a ly be th o u g h t a g r o u n d f o r Im p e a c h m e n t . B u t e ve n th o u g h J u d g s a a r e h u m a n th e y w i l l le a r n f r o m t h l i . o r o u g h t to , t h a t l y n c h in g c a n n o t b o a a f e ly a p p r o v e d b y th e b e n ch o f f i c l t l l y o r In ­f o r m a l ly , in e v e n Ih e m o o t f la g r a n t ca ae *

T h la to th e d a y o f l ib e r a l o p p o r t u n lt le a f o r e d u c a t io n o n th e t in e o f I n t e r n a t io n a l r e la t io n * , u sage# a n d c u s t o m i . N e w J e r a s y h a s s o f a r k e p t r e m a r k a b ly f r e e f r o m c o m p l ic a t io n s w i t h f o r t ig u r o w e r s , b u t

th e u n e x p e c te d h a p p e n * *6 o H a n t h a t It m a y b e a t w e l l to g o c u s t o in o u r s H v e a to a n t t c lp u t ln g It. A M r* . M a t ta c m . o f J e r ie y C l l y , a la d y o t O e r m a n n a O v l i y , h a a been a t la w w it h a g u a r a n te e c o m p a n y f o r th e U a l tw o y e a r s , a n d h a s u s e d u p n o le s s t h a n tw e n ly - a e v e n la w y e r s In th o b u s ! n e t s . S h e h a s r e c e iv e d s o l i t t l e e n c o u ra g e , m e n ! t h a t s h o h a s f in a l l y f i le d n o l le * w i t h t h o V ic e - C h a n c e l lo r t h a t i f t h in g * d o n 't c o m * h e r w a y p r e t ly s o o n s h e w i l l a p p e a l t o th e W a r I..ord, W i lh e lm I I . . t o e n fo rc e h e r v ie w s b y f o r c e o f a r m s . T h e s e be p e r i l ­o u s l im e s , Indeed .

C o n g r e s s m a n B lh le y 's s c h e m e f o r b lo w ­

in g u p a h o a t l le ff ieo t w i t h b e n s ln e v a p o r I s n o v e l, a n d It to n o t c s r t a in t h a t I t to Im p r a c t lo a h le . T h e b e n s ln e c a n 's d e a d ly p r o p e r t t s e h a v e been p ro v e d In m a n y a k i t o h t n , a n d i f i t s v ic t im s in w a r s h o u ld e q u a l t h o s e in p e o c s 11 w o u ld p ro v * a v e r y b * t o m o f d e a lr u c U o in

T b * H u d s o n C o u n ty p e t i t J u r y h a s been d is o b a r g e d w it h o u t th e t h a n k s o f th e C o u r t , T h e r e w a s n o th in g f u r t h e r l o r th e J u r y t o d o . P r o s e c u to r E r w in r e fu s e d to t r y a n y m o re c a se s b e fo re I t b e ca u se , n o m a t t e r h o w s t r o n g th e e v id e n c e . I t w o *

Im p o s s ib le l o s e c u re th e c o n v ic t io n o f a c r im in a l . I f e v e r m e n a c c u e e d o f c r im e w e r e t r ie d b y ju r ie s o t l l i e t r p e e rs I t w a s In H u d s o n C o u n ty d u r in g th e t e rm J u s t c lo s e d . O n e a lg u lf ic a n t f e a t u r e o f t h i s t y a v o s ly u p o n U ie J u r y s y s t e m w a s th e f a c t t h a t f o rm e r A s s i s t a n t P r o s e c u t o r J o s e p h M . N o o n a n a n d A s s e m b ly m a n A l e x a n d s r S im p so n w e re Ih e fa v o r e d c o u n - g * l f o r th e a c c u s e d a n d w e re a lm o s t u n i ­f o r m ly s u c c e s s fu l In s e c u r in g v e r d ic t s o t a c q u i t t a l .

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O u r C a n a d ia n n a lg h h o rs s r o w o r k in g t h t m s c lv e s u p to a s la t e o f m in d b e ca u s e

t h e y O is u m c th a t ih s in te r e a t o f t b s pea - p i s o f th e U n it e d S ta te s In C u b a h a* a t I h s b o t to m * d r a k e to p o sse a o th e is la n d . T h e H n g lls h c u s to m o f g r a b b in g e v e r y ­t h in g o u t -o f -d o o r s on o p p o r t u n i t y te e m s t o b s t o In g ra in e d th a t th e p e o p lo o t t h a t b lo b d c a n n o t u n d e r s t a n d t h a t o t h e r s m a y a o t d is in t e r e s te d ly In s u c h a c s s e o s I h a t ln p o in t . W e d o no t w a n t C u b a f o r o u r - s o lv t s , a l t b o u g l i It w o u ld d o u U t le s a h a v e b e e n b e t t e r f o r ih c p e o p le o f th e Is la n d , a n d In m a n y re a p e c ts a n a d v a n t a g e to us, I f w * h a d a c q u ir e d (h e Q c m o t th e A n t i l l e s a c e n lq r y ago .

X. . . ■ t". j u u r r r r * * ..... ..

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m o d lo l* p r o f i t * . __

I T . O . S M I X H ,W a r g r o o n u . 6 7 9 f i f id 6» l B r o a d S t . , c o r . W . P « r i c S t . , N f iw a f k , N . J .

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tH iW t iy is it o t . a u c h * n a r f iw d o u M h * c o r - Ipgp tJiffif iffi'MglM 'ssishtfgfi -tlg^HKh.Wto'sweat.ifi obw Afid-tti t g u M g o t a . jB

# * » r i

P r e l tm ln u i - y s k ir m is h e s in th e P e n n s y l

v a n I a O u fa e r u a lo r la l c a m p a ig n h a v e a l ­r e a d y r e s u lt e d In t h s e le c t io n o t 113 d e le - X t l e i t o th e S ta te c o n v e n t io n o u t o t M , o r th e s e th e U u a y m a c j i ln q h o t s i x t y - e ig h t u n c o n te a te d . I t to Iw lle v e d b y H r . W a n a m s J i t r ’ s f r ie n d s t h a t h * h a s f o r t y - t h r e e s e c u re . T h is w o u ld n e t b s s o d i s c o u r ­a g in g b u t f o r th e c h a r a c t e r o f t h s c o n ­te s t* w i t h w h ic h th e w e e k c lo s e d . I n L a n s a a t e r , l o r e x a m p le , M r , W a n a m a k e r m a d e h is s t r o n g e s t d e m o n s t r a t io n , t n tw o a d d r e u e t d e l iv e r e d H ie re h e d e n o o n e a d In n o m e a s u r e d te rm s th e c o r r u p t io n a n d I n iq u i t y o t t h e R e p u b l ic a n m a c h in e w h ic h h e a n d h i* f r ie n d s h a v e u n d e r t a k e n t o

d s e t r e y , c a r e f i d l y e t tp u to U n g a t I h * • * « • t im * f i l l o h ib iu t * r a g p ia r t t y a* ’ a P * r t r m a n a n d d a p f e o a t ln g a f l d s a i r t o r la t h n t t o i i o t c a r r y in g r e f o r m lo th o o x t r e m o o f d i s ­p u t i n g t h o v e r d ic t o f th o c o n v e n t io n . T h * s i t u a t io n , f r o m th * s ta n d p o in t p f a n s o n i ' • i t a m i s in o s r s p a r t y m a n , 1* n o t w i t h o u t I t s o b v I o U f d l f f i c n lt le a H r . W a n o m iA s r

m u s t h h v * ir i i t lo t p a t e d th e m . T h * I s n g ih o t t im e h e U lo x r s d to p a s s h s f o r s f o r m a l l y a c c e p t in g t h s n o m ln a t la n n e t o n ^ w a s I n t e r p r e t o d to s ig n if y th * M u c t a n c * h * f * U t o M t t e r id g s u e h g 4l s p « t * , . h i i ( . t b s g r a y s d o u Y tg 'h s ( s i t (R b ig g h U l t r f i iu ) t h a t o t h b i s u p jH ir t f r g g s e e s s a fu t ly t o M t t l i s t h a c b ln a T h is I n t s r p r s t A t io f i W fif i

p p p a r t i ^ .

S tM ln h a s s en t o n e a l le g e d s o ld ie r a f t e r a n o th e r to C u b a c h a rg e d w i t h th o m is ­s io n o f p u l l i n g d o w n th e In s u r r e c t io n .

F r o m Ih e w a y th e y h a v e g o n e a b o u t th e ir w o r k I t to f a i r to I n fe r t h a t t h e tw o b e s t a p p r o v e d m e th o i ls o f m a k in g w a r k n o w n to B p a ln a re h r l lK T y a n d t h e b u t c h e r y o f n O D -co m b a ta n t* . ( t e u e r a l B la n c o h e * J u s t t a l l s d In h is seco nd a t t e m p t a t b r lb e i l r — h s , a n d W e y le r b e fo re h im , h a v * u n i ­f o r m ly f a i le d In th e u s e o t t h e b u tc h a r y m e th o d . I t seem s to to avs n e v e r o o o u rre d t o t h e h lg h -B p im e d , k n ig h t l y D o n s t h a t I t m ig h t be a good th in g to t r y m a k in g w a r In a s o ld ie r ly w a y .

H a a ls t o n , P a . , re p o r t s a a h o w e r o f s n g l* - x r o rm s . T h e r e to a d l f f e r e n o * o f o p in io n a m o n g t h a s o o th s a y e r s s s t o th e m e a n in g o f t h i s p h e n o m en o n . B o m o I n s is t t h a t It p o r t s n d s w a r a n d I n d ic a te s t h a t S p a in w m b e co m e fo o d f o r w o rm * , 'W h ile o th e r s a u g u r t h a t t h s r * w i l l b e n o t h in g to In t e r f e r e w t th th e e n jo y m e n t o f t h o f is h in g g e ts o n , a n d h en ce p e n e s w i l l p r e v a i l .

W h e r s i N a t a r * I * K U * ■ » < O n * T h e W a t e r * T * * n t * D r o a o a L i f e A w a y . t l * * , b a t Its

F r o m th * N o w O r le a n s T lm e s - D s m o c r a t " O f a l l f a s c in a t in g p in e s * u n d e r th e

s u n . " e a ld am u c h , " t h e I s la n d o f T a h i t i , o n e o f th e S o cT e ty I s la n d s , to th e m o s t f o K ln a t ln g .In t h a t c o u n t r y , a U t i l * ' • ' ’“ ’ .J,'?!,*, v « * t o c e a n , n a l u r t d o f t f m a k e I n d o le n t s o u l* h a p p y . T h e c l im a t e Is t e m p e r a te a n d * v * n a l l t b * jm a r ro u n d , th * v e g e t a t io n to lu x u r i a n t , th e w o m e n b e a u t i f u l a n d th e n ig h t s , f u l l o f p e r fu m e a n d m y s t i c a l l ig h t , a t l r th e m in d to le v s o f f :T h e In f lu e n c e O f t h i s d r e a m y , l a x y l i f e !■v e r y I n s id io u s . __ . . . a . t . i . n *

" I t to n o t n e c e s s a r y t o fu rn to h a * f o o d w i t h o u t tb * la b o r o f U U - ag e . 1 k n o w a n u m b e r F r e n c h w h o h a v * g o n e ‘ “ 'L f th '^ ih *a n d h a v * b e c o m e s o ‘ • J . A ,la n g u o r o u s e x ls t e n o * t h a t , I lk * t h e v ls - i t o t x l o t h e lo t u s la f id , t h « y U * d o w n a n d f o r g e t f r ie n d * , h o m e , a m b it io n a n d . th ln g . 1 r e r o e r o tw r h o w I .th * In f lu e n o * i t s a t u t » n o ” j,,***®*^, t im * I w to h e d M r n e a t l y t o c a i t m y l o t w i t h th o a * la n g u o r o u s prep>». , ,

"1 c » n lo o k b a d e i h m t a k o i w u n y i t U m 1 l a y o n e n ig h t a g a in s t In a s o r t o f s c s la s y o f J i t S E ;h e a d w a s a s h y , b r ig h t w i r e a

f a lm b n f b ^ e n d V g T n t o S ^

ne but hi

t l o g W i t h A l l V a r j s - l o a F x e f i o n l i i a t * , l

F r ^ the Chicago Chrentole.I o f A l a s k a , b o th o c e a n ic a n d

, --------X fo o d a u p p ly e q u a l to th s d e ­m a n d s o f a c o n t in e n t , " s a id H , c . D i

" I h e r iJsv .

3SJHK>,600 lim b ro lla* Ja a T * ar, From ths Chicago Records

Mr. Obertauffer, o t Philadelphia, who sells material* to umbreUa mmkere. telto P!*,.’*i*L,*^* output or umbrellas In the

fitates ha* reached an avertg* of W j« dally, or U,«n,o«i a year, and i In- c re f i^ g very rapidly, bocauie the psople ars.nsgmnlng *0 reoognite the aupsnorUy

“ver the Imported Btrti- Cle. ^ Iladelph ta is the largest place ot w n u fu tu r* and produoM more tbaa ons- A t f ^ e umbrellaa m ^ s In tho ooontrr. i r . Obsrtauffer says th * American m inu- u tn re rs ore oelling a bsthsr umE mIa'

on* can b a y i n V & f f i h r iy , and that — * " ■ — - ^ - f p t v f w

“The w aters „Inland, hav* a foodmands of a conllnsnt," said H. C. Dem- Ing. of Vancouver, the other day. ^No­body who ha* not actually esen ths Irtm- ing fit* in Ihes* w aters oan beUsvJ the troth. In Behring Sea there are lahlng banka where cod and menhaden ar* (Aught In number* th a t pu t tbs Newfouffiland banks where cod and menhaden are Hught In th* shade. Hut It l i the salmqp rung that exolts tha g rea test wondorj These fish g o up the rtvera In the iprSig and early summer to spawn, and amBsllOMs In the shallcwsr P a r i s of a stroasi are so thick that they actually climb w*r each otbar, sad th s Ind ians and othsoi isoure all t o n want w ith clubs and pltrtforks, -

"When ih ty snoountsr a psrnndlcutar fall they leap to an aatonlslilng height, and mlUlona are k lllid b y falling t ^ k to '

K L O N D Y K E !Go in Luxury I

loo W eond-cleii lauaeoxeni. S#0.Send IIOO f i t r e o e r v e pafisfig*.

w . w ilt also osllver 1 ,»0 uounds of a se w te ls'?.,! ror mYtSS'iiu

£ ? ir tln s psssss* 0“ out stesoier.W E A R E T H E P E O P L E

<Tn (SXS vou to Atoik*. Ws have bssn thsr* fer i l l yssrs. wrlle for furtlisr iwrllcalate.Itrtli Amrim Tnffip«rtitl«i tri Tridliji Ca,

g g o O ld f l o l s u y B t d g . t• I B F l r a t A ng « iiX U e ,W * * b , ChloagW.

O n ly t h a i t r g : t b * h t g h s t i )

th # w a v e g j a m y s U r io u s c h a r mm t .

O b D iD f d f p O iN U t tM

200,UN Telepkooe

w a te r a n d r o c k n . , ceed tn r s a e h in i a t r e a m i, e n d t h e y a r o g e n e l te re d u p t h a t w n o n th e y o r , , . t h e i r r e t u r n t h e y a r t n o t o o n t H t r t d f i t t o r fo o d b y th * w h i t s r s i ld e n t s . o f to * e b aa t. I h a v e s e e n t h a b a n k a o f i h k p r s a n s ^ I s d u p tw o fe e t h ig h w i t h d r t ( ! / o a lm o n , a n d y e t th e re Is a p p o r o n t iy o p d im in u t io n t e th e v a s t n u m M r a t h a t o ^ f ro m t o o l rw in t e r h o r n * I n t h * d s e p ------B o m s Id ea o f t b s w o n d e r s a lm o n f ls l i s r le a m a y b « o l f a c t t h a t t h s s a lm a i r u n *C o lu m b ia {* th * Y u lm i i , li f in e o f m o r s t h a n A m m t l c T s a tu r s s o t t h a s m t h a t 1 In t r a p lc a l w a t e r s a r * a l l b a v t s o s n a n o o to p u s v C o s t lo n g c a u g h t In B e a t t j a n sm o n o s , t e a e u c u m b f r i , t e a u ro b ln s , s t a r f ls l t , m o o n S s b , d iM f i t o a n d s h a r k * o re t o be. f o u n d e v e r y w h s iV l a th * jg r s f i j s s t a b u n d a n s s . K o o k o o d , ^ b a g i, O n g a n d D th w g a m * f la b o f t b a f s a a r * v a r y p ton - t l t u l , a n d e b U D s « r * go a b o n d a n t t h a t • v s r r n s lo o n i M o la n i j i o v i t l b n o b t a p f r s f

T o e w f r t h s m P a o i f ic *‘ i t o r o h o m s s . ^

W itli w h k l i N « W a r i t M f i X - l ( 9 )



s o b s t - ' c a u g h t o n

. oadh season, f extent of th* sJned from to* gtend from tn* dudlng a coast I, Tb* strangf

g* usually feuai b fonnd thar*. :

rtth trtni fiftson b harbor, and 1


______doon i

Bsfaring Boa are wood*

t a l f M R l I L i s t .

A n the most aanoytox st Mrtn diesassa _ 6 * u t t e r h o w b d d the c ie a . D e rm a to le g lW J ^

" r e t S m ; * yes'**mtilVtoBlJiA rPMs tVTU BQ BTAUs Itlid ffiP MBwm 'a S ^ o l* *f siwbef Woodbury* Faeial Beap. S t T c d a T c f S ^ T l f i S lp o a t o r e n lD « « * l C r*** ..2 ? h l * b o * OB hew to out. a bad sms Of pro-

^ irood ev fo p ltt ld o .

UfibLEUIS, 35c. UP.R U O » .

OILCLOTH, l»c. UP.'W W O a W A H A D E A . i e T « ! -

Page 17: First Edition. - DigiFind-It


» »t utfi<

C o .« f . r

J o lmte a

O w -

''ABIC Kvtarts'a new s, w e s d a y , m arch 22, issa


t e b M o r a t M a y a r H e y iu o u r 't R*>

4« M t r I n t t e H C H b B n t thmt W o a ld Ea>

alf|« ta la iu* Honrtiof Kino,.WO foK da«m U on«l P a r p o t r i .

BpMiat w Ih* I^CNINO NEWS.TRBNTON.far^*h J2.- Mayor Seymour,

of N#w*rk, nu « ith th« L otlila ttve Com* n ilttw of thef>ommon Coundl ot th a t clt7. In th* T r^on houm , laat night, and aftar atatlng hl^iewi) on tha acbool quaa- tlon, aiked ihatsi meaeure, whieh h« had caused to ba J i^ n up, be introduced in the Leglilature. che bill was turned over to Senator Ketcam, who promptly In­troduced I t The vgtem of railing money Is termed tbs ''pa>ai'you-go plan."

The measure a p i ^ lo cUles of the flret clM t only and 1« liHnded to provide aUdt- tiohal school aoconi>i>qB(loni whare nece^ iary , by the erectloiof orlmaryj Inienne- dlats and gram m ar ehool buildings and addltlona to buildingsiready erected, and for the payment of tlfiam g,

In aubsiance the -h] gets forth th a t whenever In the Juilifignt of the board having the control of fie public achuols shall deem It expedient fom time to time to provide additional accommoda­tions. It aball be lawfu [or the Mayor andOommonCouncil or oier bcdy of such city having control of thoinsnces thereof from time to time by reaOition to appro­priate such *um or ium inot exceeding three hundred thousand djiars an they 111 their dUcfetion ihall det^rnlne for the purponei aforeiaid, und to uthurlxu the neceigary aum i of money tuiie borrowed aiid raised for the purpoies 0 purchasiijg or procuring of land, and the rectton and H'onatrucUon of suitable priiary 'Inier- mediate and gram m ar school biidiiiga and addlUoni to said cLaas of Kthodbuiidlngs. a t n u y already be erected In an ^uoh city, All furniture and appliances a^ includei. The money required for paymeiu can bu

■raised by the Issue of temporary W n cer- tiricaifs or l)onds. payable a t an* time not excMcding flvs years: and the noney «o raised shall be carried to the cr«i|t o f the board having charge of the publhachooli. to be used for the purposes deiJg%ted,

To meet and i ' tihcates it sbal \h

To meet and pay the'tem porary ian cer n be lha duty of th ^ ro p e r

corporate authorities to Include a) I IWf a t lei

- - - - - ------------------............„ raiseIn the annual tax levy in 10Of nt leaf one- third of the total am ount of the cersicaies or bonds, and In 1903 at least uiie-nU of the total amount then outstanding, ad In 1901 the balance of the amount remfnlng unpaid. And as fast as the money omes into the treasury It shall immediate- be applied to the payment of the certlfiates or fMrtlohs thereof. The certificatti or bonds shall bear Interest at a rate noU x. cesdlng legal ra te per annum, payjjle seml-annuaily or otherwise, and they t a l l ?>e Issued for such periods of time a t mIi | nabia the paym ent Itt the manner protd-.The osrtlflcatea or bonds shall be iMttd ^ d signed in th« regular form and slgnd

■Jv the laayor and Common Council c Ite rd having control ot the finances, ty r^oiutlon direct.

yheh Ibe proner authorities shall havi


TIm Kcmrk*!' 0»iiT l««i » t Ait*»ip*l«i *• B m k HAlltDS TfH*

Haw Mil* U*l|>o<l Htiu.NEW TOBK, March M.—Th« Ju rr In tl*^

case of Paul ^ u e r , alias GeorgB Duval, of Newark, N, J.. Who <vas put on trial ijefure Rijourder OoH In the Oeneral Bss- ■Ions Court yesterday for attem pting to escape from the Tombs, and who was alio Indicted for grand larceny and having in his potsestioR knot‘kout drops, returned a verdict of guilty a t U:*0 o'clock to-day after being out ten minutes.

LHwyt*r McIntyre took uboul twenty minutes In subm itting his slds of the cusa to the Jury, in which h« urged the ac* qulUnl of ths defendant, as It had not been shown ih a t It was he who sawed the bars of tin prison cell. Mr. Osborne tulked for less than fifteen m inutes, and urged the conviction of Hauer, and then He- cordtr UolT charged the Jury, simply hay­ing down the law In the case.

After the Verdict had been announce 1 Clerk yrophy asked Buuer If he h id thing to say why sentence should pHiseJ on him, «nd he. leaning over the bar, said th a t he could not undsrstana why he had not bsvn tried amfied when he u i d he Imd been months in Jail, and th a t liberty was as dear to him as any one. , ^

W ithout paying any attenilun to ms m* aoient demsanor. Recorder Goff rertlandcd him until Monday for eenleiice. *

Asirittant D istrict-A ttorney then Hnnuuncsd that he would have liaiier arraigned for tria l next Monday on the charge of having ■knot’k o u l ' drops In hia ponsesilon. Lawyer M cIntyre staled that he would be prepared on th a t day to de­fend Bauer. The maximum ijunlshmeni for the crime with which liau tr was charged and convicted is three and a nair years in the penUsntlary.

It is tbr Intenlloh of the Dlsirlct-Altor- ney to try Hauer on all the indictmenta against him.

l^ottls Wultlng. ot Newark, the y<mng woman who helped Duval In his effort to escape, and Detectives Cusgrovs and Donovan, of th a t city, w'ho were among the w 'ltnesies who testtnsa yeiterday. The detectives gave evidsnee In regard to the letters from Duval found In her possession, (hat have been published. Also iney aald th a t she had a number of printed tickets auth as are used in the 'Tombs Prison, abd which read: "Visitor. Pass one." ^ ^

Lnttle Walling, when asked where she lived, said she had two reiidencteJJne a t 9 I'amphell street and the o ther lit II liell siH'Pt, Newark. 8he first met In IW. 8he knew him as Paul Bauer. The second time she met him he ch lo ro fo ^ea her, and then dragged th t ear-rings from her ears and the dlaniond rings from her Angers. When she learned of Duval s a r­rest in this city, because she still had a liking for Duval, she decided to visit him ■at the Tombs. She visited him, ami he promised to get back the Jewelry which he had stolen from her.

"A fter that," said the witness, I b e p n to visit him a t the Tombs regularly two or three tim et a week, He said if I would


H a t i r y h r o w a

d ie te d b y

Hweeumbs So tw)arles Im> *«l»rk** hmllh a t (be

I J t U T H F V L A t ) V K R n n i K O W I L L S E L L U O N E S 1 O O O m .

« i f .

•rtroprlatod any aum It th an be the d u ll hny *»y ' ' of lie board havlnc control of the achoolh of prlaon if to It onre {iraceed to ourcbaie land* and raid I waul «rai( buttdtnxe, lu lt^ble a ^ -

1‘alata R|Hirtla|t Onb.Jlptrlal n n u a tc ll (0 Ih* NKWH.

T K E N T O N . M u r .-h J ie n r y I t r o w n , a lo c a l p U K ll la t , w h o w a e k n o i 'k e d o u t l a i t n la h t b y " J a c U " S m i t h U u r in * a b o n io B b o u t a t I h o IM h ic e H p o rU t iK C lu b . <1tt-d f r o m th e p fre c ia o t h ie I t i ju r le e t h l i m o r n ­in g . S m i t h ha;, b o rn h e ld f o r m a n a la u jth - le r , it i iU " B i i i n " C . A u a t in , th n re fe re e , i i t id ■ " J iic k " S k e lJ y , th e d u b 'e m a n a g e r , u lao a r e u n d e r u i re e t.

B r o w n w u . tw e n t y - f p u r y e a r* o ld a n d m a r r ie d . l i e w o a u lh>xer o f e u n a ld e ra b le k r u l l in t f . S m it h Is k n o w n a k T r e n t o n 's " T e r r i b l e H h u 'k e in l ih , " a n d la f a m o u i l o r t l ie a i r e n g t h « f h la b lo w * .

S m lt lJ 'e f a t a l b lo w , w e re d e l iv e r e d in th ( R f lh a n d e ix t l i r o n n d a o f a a ix - r u u t td b o u t . B r o w n l ia d t lj i- l»-»t e nd o t th e l ig h t f o r f o u r ro u n d s , a m i s eem ed e e r la in o f U ie d e c is io n n j i to t i . e t ln t i- w h e n B m lth k in n ^ - ed h im d o w n w it h a l le re e le f t s w in g o n th e J a w , B r o w n f e l l h e a v i ly a n d w a s b a r e - ly ia h t e t o r e g a in h is fe e t. T h e ro u n d , h o w ­e v e r . w a s e o t it in u e d u n t i l B m lth a g a in g a v e o n e o f i l l s f e a r f u l a w ln g s , a n d B r o w n w e n t d o w n A k n o c k o u t w o u ld h a v eb een a n n o u n c e d bu t f u r l l i e r in g in g o t t h e b e ll.

B r o w n w-tis w e .tk a n d g r o g g y w h e n l im e f o r t h e s ix t h r o u n d w a e c a lle d , b u t h e c a m e up s m i l in g a n d b y c le v e r w o r k man­aged to la s t out t i le ro u n d . W h e n th e t in a l b e tl r a n g , a n d th e r ic e ls iu n w a a g iv e n to S m ith , th e r e w a s c u n N ld e ra b le e x c it e m e n t . B r o w n w a n u n u M c m w a lk a n d w a a iw r - tially um-Uhsclutis lie w a s c a r r ie d In h is dreasltig-rooni. where t l l c n s u a l r e a iu r a - t lv e a w e re a p p U ed . b u t w i t h o u t su tsteae . D r . J o s e p h B . H lia w w u i th e n l e n t f u r . a n d he pronounceil i t r o w n 'a Injurlea s e ­r io u s .

W h e n It b e c a m e k n o w n t h e t B r o w n w a a In a a e r lo u B c u n d i i lu n th e p u l lc e w e re a e n t to th e c lu b a n d S m it h w a a p u t u n d e r a r - re a t . M a n a g e r S h e l ly a n d R e fe re e A u a i in w e re a la o a r ru a te d , b u t w e re a u b a a q u e n ily r e le a s e d b y J u a t l ; c J a c k a o n . u p o n f u r - n ta h ln g td is l b a l l e a c h to a p p e a r a t I o 'c lo c k t h is e v e n in g f o r a h e a r in g . S m it h waa h e ld w i t h o u t b u ll,

I j i t e r th e In iu re U j .u g l l is t w m c o n v e y e d to S t . F r a n c is ' s H o s p it a l. H e s u f fe r e d g r e a t a g o n y u n t i l d e a th b r o u g h t h im r v - H e f, W h e n h e d ie d h la w ife . cb lT d a n d o t h e r r e la l lv w a w e re a t h la b e d i ld e

B r o w n 'a d e a th w i l l p ro b a b ly p u t a n e n d to B p a f r ln g e x b t b lt io u a in T r e n to n . T h e r e a r t f iv e a t h le t ic c lu b s h e re w h ic h m a k e h a n d s o m e p r o f i t s b y g iv in g e x h lb l l l a n s b i l le d a s b o x in g c o n ie t ia . A ta w m o n th s a g o R e v . A - \ v , W 'ls lv s r t . p a s t o r o f t h e C e n t r a l B a p t i s t C h u r c h , m ad e a n e f fo r t to c lo s e u p th e a t h le t ic c lu b houaee. H e h e ld t h a t t h e a l le g e d b o x in g e n n te a u w e re l i t t l e le a l t h a n p r u i ' l l g h t s und th a t th e v w e re b r u t a l a n t i d a n g e ro u s . H e s e c u re d m n o h


__ _ , __r — ....... ' ’T

SpringOpeningofMillineryandGarmentsOpening IHiilinery Days

f«-t him out of prison he would rsc^vjr my Jvweli^ for^me. I aaW J. d hel^ nim in

way l^could. He said he coul^ k*'1 If he only had the proper looli- l ould help him, so I got nine saw*

table a i^ adaquate 'fofj ao that he might' »»» Bla way *provided, however, th a t no ra io r so th a t he m ight shave^otr^nia^mujjt b e w u n n i i _ . ,_________________

la n d a b a l i h t 'p u r c h a a e d e x c e p t w i t h t l i e c o n tv r r e n c e a n d a p p r o v a l o f t h e M n y o r • h d C o m m o n C o u n c i l . S u c h c o n c u r r e n c e a h a l lb e e x p re a a e d b y r e s o lu t io n o f C o m ­m o n io u n c l l a n d a p p r o v e d b y t h e U a v o r . T h e t i le to a l l la n o a s h a l l be t ^ e n in t h e e o r im a t e n a m e o f e u c h c i t y .

A l l H on eys r a is e d s h a l l b e c a r r ie d in a n a c c o u it t o b e d e s ig n a te d " p r im a r y . I n t e r - rn e d ia p a n d g r a m m a r s c h o o ls c o n s t r u c - t lo u a c o u n l , " a n d a l l w a r r a n t s d r a w n b y i j o ,p o * d o f E d u c a t io n u p o n t h i s a c c o u n t s h a l l h a e s t a m p e d o r p r in t e d th e r e o n th e w o rd s . V t m a r y , I n t e rm e d ia t e a n d g r a m ­m a r a c fm u c o n s t r u c t io n a c c o u n t . T h e w a t r a n U n o t h e r r e s p e c t s s h a l l c o n f o r m to t h o s e j io w r e q u ir e d b y la w t o r t h e d r a w in g d m o n e y s f r o m th e c i t y t r e a g t i r y f o r t h t c o k t r u c t lo n o f s c h o o l b u l id ln g e .

B I D D A r T R K A f l F R e I N C F R A .

B c b e in e to V e o v e r I t , l a W h ic h a J e n e y - m a n w m N o t F a r t t r lp a t e .

Bneelal to thspvBNlNa NSWB.M O R R lB T t h ’ N . M a r c h J t - A d a m D a v -

e n p o r t . w h o iw id e a a t M l l lb r o o k , a v i l la g e b e tw e e n M o r h t o w n a n d D o v e r , h a s f o r ­w a rd e d to t h t p o a t a l a u t h o r i t ie s a l e t t t r h e re c e iv e d , w ie h u p o s tm a r k e d T a m p a E la . T h e le t t e i | ie a c r l t o a th e s u f f e r in g s o f a C u b a n a n d h i b e a u t i f u l d a u g h t e r , w h o a r e p r is o n e r a In a B p a n la b d u n g e o n .

T h e f a t h e r t a h i t h e re le a e e o f h la d a u g h te r . H e l,o W a w h e r e a h o rd e o f w e a lt h Is h id d e n in a c a v e in C u b a . I f th e r e c o v e r o f t h le t t e r w i l l f o r w a r d a n y s u m he le e a l i t t o tb e p o a t o f lic c b o x a u n i- h e r m e n lo n e d , he w i t h o th e ra , w h o a r e l l k r w iw c o n t r ih u t h g , w i l l s h a r e In th * h id d e n f o r t u n e a s s o o n a s th e p r t s p n e r 'a d a u g h t r |a r e le a s e d . T h e61 r l a r t e a a e to m p r is o n i s t o

e a c c o m g la h fd b i b r ib in g th e J a lf e r s w i t h th e f in d b e in g - s i t e d . D p o n h e r r e ­le a s e t h e to a e c u r th e h id d e n w e a l h . d iv id e a c e ia in p r o p i r t lo n w i t h t h e au b - s c r lb e r a to n a f u n d , w id w i t h t h a r e m a h - d e r r a n s o m * r f a t h e r ,

A r O K E t p L A T I N f . p o l i c e m a n .

C a p ta in F a e r t r T r y t a g t« C o n v ic t • J e r s e y C i t y K w h d s D ia j i o t C h u n b lin g .

B pec is l to the R e N IN C I N lw h - J E R B K Y C I Y , M a r c h a . ~ P o U c e I n ­

s p e c to r L a n g e a t h ia a f w n o o n l o v e i t i - g a t in g e b a r g e a n a d e b y P o l ic e C a p t a in F a r r i e r t h a t a p o l ic a o S c e r w a a In, O r e e n e ' i g a ra b la g -h o u s e , p la y in g p o k e r w i t h D e t e c t iv e k r k ln s w h e n t h a t o f f ic e r ' w a a s e c u r in g e v lt n c e In a c c o r d a n c e w i t h th e o r d e r s o f Q e f o f P o l ic e M u r e h y . L a r k in a e h le ld a d > o f f ic e r w h o la S a id to b e R o u n d s m a n C iw , o f th e M o n t g o m e r y S t r e e t S t a t io n , a n d i; , t in e d t h a t t h e r e w a a n o p o lic e m a n p la y g w i t h h im .

C a p t a in F a r r i e r f t n i s w H n e a a e a •w en t b e fo re I n s p e c t o r ,* n g e a t I o ’ c lo c k . A m o n g l \ o a e w h o in T e i t i f y f o r h im la E d w a r d G r e e n e , p r , r le t o r o f t h e g a m - b l ln g -h o u a e . I f t h e u tdenee w a r r a n t a It, c h a r g e s w i l l b e p re y re d a g a i n i t C r a ig , a n d p o e i lb ly a g a in s t g r k ln s .

F r a n o e 's D a l l e s o^ ’e r k p r e d n e t s .. P A R I S , M a r c h t t - W i r i n g t h e d la c u e - S io n In t h e S e n a te t o - d T o f t h e b i l l t o I n ­c r e a s e t h e c u s t o m s d t o s o n p ig s a n d M r k p ro d u o ta . M . 8ie iJo< |, r e p r e s e n t in g th e S e in e I n fe g le u r e , n ttw ) t o r ^ u c e t h e

f a h e ra t t a r i S o n la r d f A f o r t y t o tw a n - y - f lv e f r a n c s t o a m ln u tm t a r i l f o f f r o m

tw e n t y - f lv e t o f iv e f r a n p o in t in g o u t t h a t o t b e ^ i e o t h e r o o , t r le s , A o t a b l y t h e U n i t e d B ta te e . m lg l f r e t a l i a t e . T h e P r e m ie r , M. M e l ln e , rW e d t h a t t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s w o u ld m a k a b a d m is t a k e In r e s o r t in g to r e p r is a ls , aV« t h e U n i t e d S t a t e i w a s th e f l r i l t o p r o t f h e r a e lt w i t h h ig h d u t ie s . T h e b l l l w a s a ip te d .

F a i l e d t o B a a c h t h s K l , g j ] ( e ,

‘‘ f j f r a t f W S ^ I c ’ i r ’ S i . 3 B . - T W Om o n th s a g o _ a p a r t y o f t h r j a r g o n a u t s l e f t S o u th W ''® '' K ^ d y k e . Am o n th a g o w i l l i a m N e w m a n , n g o f .th e p a r t y , r e t u r n e d . H e h a d b e e ik o b b e d In B e a tU e , a n d h a d J u s t m o n e y e iu g h ie , | t o B i t l^ a t n ig h t M a r H n - r r m a n n a n d J o h n T u t t le , t h e o t h e r s o f i , * t r io , r e tu r n e d . T h e y h a d s p e n t a l l j t h e i r m o n e y In S e a t t le w a i t in g t o r a af| m th e K lo n a y k e . A l l t h r e e o o m e o f g o p f g o , n y a n d lh a i r r e la t i v e s a r e o v e r j o y e d , n a v e th e m b a s k .

We have been the recipients of unstinted praise for our ma^nilicent collection of rkb, rare, bii h art and exclusive designs displayed in the handsomest and most correctly ap. pointed department in the Stale.The daintiest conceivable ideas from Parisian authorities on hats— Pirot and Berthe, Mme. josse, Camile Roger, Mme. Tulia Mangin MiMriff,Marescot Soems Unn Faulkner,Micknieu'ici-Cuhee and others- to­gether with five hundred exquisite creations of o ir own. hearing that distinctive charm which has given us widespread fame.

Untrimmed Hats, Flowers,Wings,Aigrettes, Ostrich Feathers, Ornaments, etc., many of which are shown no place save here. If not already a customer, we shall hope in the light of ibis beautiful showing to at least make a friend of vu.

w t *


Opening Garment DaysAll of the swell conceptions—and

the charm of first choice is yours i f you come now, before the rank and file of garment excellence has been broken. So nuiiw «#fi/ortoiu ejp- elusive fashions have never before been shown here. If a style appears in Ijondon, Paris or Berlin, 'twill be found in our assortments almost simultaneously with the announce­ment. The SMSP«’5 elegance has assembled here and the world of womankind is invited to inspect this greatest of all gatherings fo r the adulation and admiration of their sex.

The Waist and Petticoat Depart­ment is also in gala attire, and a number o f imported creations in Waists are being specially exhibited during the opening days. Silk Peltkoats are no less in favor than last season aiui the latest ideas are here.

evldsnce i n s u p p o r t o f h l i c la im a n d to o k f o r e th p G r a n d J u r y . N o in d tc t in ^ n t

w a s fo u n d , (h a G r a in l J u r y h o ld in s t h a tth f Twirrow llna dlvlcllnx prliaflahts from boxinf contests had not h«en violated.

— * - - n. m


Five la jo red a t a Fire, CHICAGO, March M ,-The

1*1 MonroeV fVs

building IIS andcupled by the Monroe Catering ^n,. pany, and the Building Trades Club,' destroysd by Are to-dsy. Four wei

s t r e e ,n g

T r a d e s CTub,

! L * t o r yo c -

e m p lo y s s o f t h e c a t e r in g c o m p a n y , w e re o n th e t o p s t o r y a s le o n , b a r e l y ^ c a p e d w i t h t h e i r l iv e s . T h e f o l l o w - w s r e b u r n e d o r o t h e rw is e I n ju r e d d u r C t h e A re , b u t n o n e s e r io u s ly t J o h n ’ B u r n s , f i r e m a n : G e o rg e A . M c A I l i s t a

, BU KFV iria aat"ta c h e . a n d a p a i r o f s c l i s o r s so t h i t h * m ig h t c u t h i s b a i r a b o r t . H e h a d th re e s a w s f l r s t . T h e n I g o t h im th e o t h e r i i * la t e r . H e g a v e m e a n o r d e r to be d e l iv ­e re d tu a m a n In F i f t h w o u ld g e t th e s a w i a n d w h e re I g o t th e I r e i th r e e ," _ u i. - h

T h e w it n e s s h e r e Id e n t if ie d a n o te w h ic n the s a id w a a th e o r d e r r e f e r r e d to . I t

* ^ i v e b e a r e r s i x s te e l " n * * t t r e e a n d o b lig e J O S E P H

" D id y o u UBS t h a t o r d e r ? a s k e d M r ,

"1 d id n o t , " s a id t h e w l t n e a i I go* the s a w i In a T h i r d a v e n u e h a r d w a r e l i t r e , ao i t w a a n o t n e c e s s a r y f o r m e to g o t o F i f t h s t r e e t to g e t th e m . '

T h e n she s a id t h a t s h e k n e w » ro a n n m e d " J a c k ” H o w a r d , o n e o f D o y ro ® f r P n d s , a n d t h a t h e h e lp e d h e r t o g e l th e saw s . D u v a l w a s to w a lk o u t o t p r is o n . S b s w a s to f u r n i s h s p e c ia l p a s s e s w h ic h s h r w a s to h a v e p r in t e d f o r h im . S h e lo o k a co p y o f o n e o f th e o r ig in a l p a sa e a to h a v e som e l i k e It p r in te d In N e w a r k . M is s W a l l in g s a id t h a t s h e w e n t to » v e r a l P is c e s , a n d t h a t t h e y r e f u s e d to « tn e w o rk . S h e s a id th e p a a ie a w e r e to b* s e n t to T r o y . F i n a l l y s h e s a id a p r ln t e x n a m ^ O . P . S c h m id t , o f N e w a r k , p r lm sT I th e m f o r h e r . S h e c o n t in u e d :

“ D u v a l to ld m e h e w o u ld w r i t e th e w a r ­d e n 's n a m e on o n e p a s s t o r B e n ja m in C o l l ie r , w h o w a s to h e lp In th e eacape . C o l l i e r w a s t o u s a t h a t f o r g e d p a a i a l t e r D u v a l g o t o u t o n a g e n u in e l» s a . T h e n , i f a n y o f th e k e e p e r s in th e T o m b s s a s -ge c to d t h a t a n y t h in g w a s w r o n g w it h

O l l ie r 's p a s s t h e y w o u ld le t h im g o a lo n g a l l r ig h t , b e c a u s e t h e y w o u ld n ’ t re c o g n is e h im a s a p r is o n e r . C o lU . f r w a s t o v i s i t tb s p r is o n w i t h tw o f r ie n d s a n d a la n d in f r o a l o f D u v a l 's c a l l d o o r s o t h a t D u v a l c o u ld w a lk o u t a n d h o t b e n o t ic e d in th e c ro w d w h ic h w a s a lo a g t h a t t i e r in t h e p r is o n . D u v a l w a a to g o o u t j u s t w b e n t h e g o n g so u n d e d f o r v i s i t o r s to le a v e . C o l l i e r w a s to s t a n d a t th e e n d o f t h e t i e r a n d c r e a te a d is t u r b a n c e f o r g t e w m tn u t e i In c a se a n y t h in g w a s s u s p e c te d . I w a s to w a i t a t th e c o r n e r o f C e n t r e a n d F r a n k l i n s t r e e t s . 1 w a s t o h a v e a c a b r e a d y o n lh a c o rn e r . O n t h e d a y t h e e s c a p e w a s to be m a d e I m e t C o l l i e r In N e w a r k , t o ­g e th e r w i t h th e tw o o t h e r a w h o w e re t o a s s is t in th e Job . O n e o f t h e m e n w ae n a m e d V a n d e r b i l t a n d t h e o t h e r w a s k n o w n a s t h e ’ K i d , ’ W o o a m t to N e w Y o r k a n d I w a it e d in a S a lo o n o n t h e c o r n e r o f F r a n k l i n s t r e e t w h i le th e 'K i^ ' a n d V a n d e r b i l t w e n t o v e r to t h e T o m b s w i t h C o l l ie r . F i n a l l y V a n d s r t i t l t t t i t • K id ’ c a m e b a c k a n d t o ld (Re t h a t C o B le r b a d been a r r e s t e d in th e T o m b s , a n d th e e s c a p e o t D u v a l h a d b e e n p r e v e n t e d b y th e T o m b s W a r d e n . " . . . ^

T h e w it n e s s s a id ah e h a d o n c e d y e d h e r h a i r b u t n o t o n t h i s p a r t i c u l a r o c c a s io n , O lo u g h D u v a l in b is l e t t e r a s k e d h e r t o d o Jo. S h e a a ld s h e h a d ,b e e n w IIHm to d o a lm o s t a n y t h in g t o r h im e ie e p t f n g d y e

'*'*Unde*r' c r o s s - e x a m in a t io n t h e w itn e a * s a id t h a t s b s h a d b e e n to ld t h a t I f a b e c o n fe s s e d th e s t o r y o f t h e e s c a p e sh e w o u ld g o f re e . L a w y e r M c I n t y r e , c o u n s e l l o r D u v a l , th e n s h o w e d h e r a n o te w h ic h Jh e a d m l t l s d h a v in g w r i t t e n a f t e r s h e h s d b een lo c k e d u p in th e T o m b s . I t * ra s a d ­d re s se d to D u v a l a n d r e a d ;

" I f y o u h a v s a n y m o n e y , s e n d m e to m e , ■ 'L O T T I E , "

T h e w it n e s s I d e n t lf le d t h e f o l lo w in g le t ­t e r . w h ic h , s h e s a id , h a d b e e n w r i t t e n to h e r b y D u v a l w h i le b o th w e re In th e T o m b s , a n d w h ic h w a s a n a n s w e r to th e n o te s h e h a d t e n t to b tm a s k in g l o r m o n e y ;

" M y D e a r W i f e — A m b r o k e n o w , b u t w i l l g a t som e f r o m m y la w y e r . I e x p e c t h im fo -d a y , I w i l l th e n s e n d y o u a l t t g e t D o n o t lo s e h e a r t . K e e p y o u r t r u s t a n d y o u w i l l A n d o u t t h a t I t w i l l n o t b e lo n g b e ­f o r e y o u c a n la u g h a t b a r s . , , „

" Y o u r s , f a l t b l u l l y ," P .

" P . B. I a m g o in g to t r i a l s o m e d a y t h is w e e k .

" M a r c h 1C.W i l l i a m F l y n n . A c t in g D e p u t y W a rd e n

o t th e T o m b s , te a t lA e d t h a t h e h a d fo u n d n in e a a w s m c e l l N o . 45, w h ic h b a d b een o c c u p ie d fay D u v a l , H e a la o fo u n d t h a t th e • tw o - a n d - o n e - h a lf - I n c h ,bo It o t th e c e l l d o o r h a d b e e n s a w e d n e a r ly th r o u g h , a n d t h a t th e c u t m a d e In th e b o H h a d been A i le d u p so t h a t I t w a s n o t n o t lc e a b la . I t h a d b e e n A i le d u p w i t h la m p b la c k a n d v a s e lin e . D u v e t t o ld t h e w i t n e s s t h a t h e h a d m a d e t h e la m p b la c k b y s e t t in g a c a n ­d le A a m e a g a in s t t h e b o t to m o f a t i n c a n . : T h s d e fe n c e c a l le d D u v a l . H e s a id h is

ip im s w a s G e o r g s W . D u v a l , b u t t h a t h e w a s a ls o k n o w n u n d e r o t h e r n a m e t . H a u e r w a a h la r i g h t n a m e , h a s a id . I f e to ld h o w h a m a d e t h e p r e p a r a t io n s t o r h is ta c a p e f r o m th e T o m b s . A s s i s t a n t D is ­t r i c t - A t t o r n a y O a b o rn e c r o t i - e x a m ln e d h im . In a n s w e r t o q u e s t io n s D u v a l s a id h e h a d o n ce been a b a r b e r , a n d t h a t he h a d b een c o n v ic t e d o t c r im e in N e w a r k . H e s a id In a n s w e r t o a q u e s t io n t h a t h e h a d a r e a s o n f o r w i t h h o ld in g f a c t a c o n -

G o v e r n m e u t Q u e s t lu n e il a s to A e e u s a t lo n

A U a g e d t o I l s t e D eea H w le A g a ln S l

G r e a t I t i i t a in .

L O N D O N , M a r c h 2 1 - I n th e H o u s e o t C o m m o n s to - d a y S i r J a m e s F e r g u s o n , C o n s e r v a t iv e m e m b e r to r N o r t h e a s t M a n ­c h e s t e r , q u e s t io n e d th e G o v e r n m e n t a s t o w h e t h e r th e r e w a a a n y t r u t h In th e a c c u - t a t lo n a b r o u g h t b y th e r n i t e d S la t s a S e n ­a t e C o m m it t e e o n F o r e ig n R e la t io n s a g a in s t G r e a t B r i t a in , in th e c o m m lt te e 'a H a w a i ia n r e p o r t , to th e e ffe c t t h a t G r e a t B r i t a i n w a s p lo t t in g fo r th e a b s o rp t io n o t H a w a i i .

T h e P a r l ia m e n t a r y S e c r e t a r y f o r th e F o r e ig n O f f ic e , G e o rg e N . C u r s o n , in r e p ly , a a ld t h a t h e d id n o t k n o w w h e th e r th e p u b l is h e d s t a t e m e n t o f th e B c c u s a t lo n i w a a a u t h e n t i c : b u t i f s u c h w a s th e c a s e , h e a d d e d , t h e r e w a e n o t r u t h a t a l l in th e a l le g a t t o n a m a d e .

T h e p r e s id e n t o f th e B o a rd o f T ra d e , C .R i t c h ie , r e p ly in g in th e H o u se o f C o m -

m o n i to-day t o a q u e s t io n on th e s u b je c t , Bald h e w a a in c o m m u n ic a t io n w it h th e B r i t i s h C o n iu l - G e n e r a l a t N e w Y o r k r e la ­t i v e t o th e r e p o r t e d c r im p in g o f s e a m e n a t t h e s h ip p in g o f f ic e o f th e C o n s u la te .

Sale of Manufacturer’s Stock of Art Goods.A large coucern closing up their business affairs preparatory to reorganization determined

to sell all made-up stock on hand. Spot cash is an important factor in a deal of this kind and ours secured for us a splendid assortment

At About One=half Regular Value,


M ll« «

which will be immediately transferred to you by the piece upon the basis of purchase, delay coming unless you wish to lose the opportunity presented Sale opens to-morrow.

Do not

A t O n e C d n t — - H u t t o n U u | ( f i— 4t,am|)e<l I D e n l i n a n d C a n t o n F l a m i e l w o r t h a 6c . , B tR n i| ;e d D u c k D o l l i e s , s ix e s H xU I P ami 1 2 x 1 2 , w o r t h 3 c . a n d 4 c . w u 'h ,

At Three Cent*—Ifltainped -Whisk BrrKUii Holder*

stamikkl Conili and Ilrush HHjfi; and fine Linen Dolllei stanipetl for outline work, all worth 5c,, at each

Duck Hill* stniiiiuHi—

At Eight Cents—Denim Cushion Cov-1| era—stain[>cii In all eolot*—llntad CusJl- ion Cover*—newest designs—Collar and | Cuf)'audIutumlryli*KSindstamped n Duck tiplashets, worth 15c.,at.

At Twelvg C ents-T inted Tahto (’ov­ers—one yard square—pretty designs— worth aV.-Four-pocket Denim Hhoo Bags—stain fed—all color*, and I ^ _ Taik'fitry Cushion Top*—assort- I PC. ctl colors—Worth S3«., a t...........

3c At Ten Centg—Collar. Cufl *nd latuu-

A t F i v e C e n t s — A t t k s s o r lm c n t T . iu e n D o l l i e s s t a m j « i l f o r o u t l in e e i i i h r o id e r y — * lx e T 2 x l2 — w o V tI i lO c . e a c h , 'a t t h e o u e - lm l l p r i c e . . . .

A t F H l e e n C e n t * — D e u im T a b le C o v ­e r s — s t a m p e d — a l l c o l o r s — C . 'u s t i lo n C o v -

j j d r y l l a i f i — t in t e d a n d t t a u ip e t l— n e w e s t ; — c o m p le t e t o p , b o t t o m a n d r u t f l s —o f 'U i e s lR n s , g o o d s ix e s — D u c k L a u n d r y B a g s r e a d y f o r u se — D u c k L a u u d r y

m — c in b r o ld e r t M l a n d f in e i t a in p e d | / V _ n i l o w S h a t u s — a n y o f th e m I I I C

: w o r t h I B c . e a c h , a t ...........................I

s u m 'iM d , t im e d o r e m b r o id c r e d - k n d p a i r o f H e m m e d r * l l l o w S h a o i* — s U i in iK d — w o r t h 2 5 c . , a t . . .

At NinetMo C«atg—Mantel TAinbr** quin* to lit any sli* mantel—tig- | r t _ ureti cloth frinfod—worth 26c. e a c h — a t -

At Twenty-five Cent*—Hemmed and F.mbroldered Ibllow.Shams ready lor use—worth 60th per |ktlr and the price............... .............•sw jw '

Renalsttnce Scarfs—All l»o«—hand- inatle—sixes !3i54 nt 2.4M, | A Q

18x46, worth »2.76, | , y Oa n d s ix e aa t ..............


B u r n i , f i r e m a n : G e o rg e A , M c A l l l s t * a le ? (a T e n d * A r e m a n ; H a r r y S m it h , b a r t e n d e r : J o e e p a o n ed a n a r o b B te lm s r a , p o r t e r : J a c o b B u c h a n a n , p o r t* * A s i i s t a n t T h a t o t a l f o i l I I

o e r n in g h l i e a r ly h i s t o r y .I t b e c a u s* y o u k i l l e d

, (a T e n d e r lo in w o m a n w h o w u p o l a o n ed a n d ro b b e d o f h e r J e w e lr y ) , a i k s d

D ia m o n d F I o i - !-

Oladslone CHT Ibe Hawardea,B O U R N B U O V n i . M a r c h H - l t r , G la d -

t l o n a a t a r t a d f o r H a w a r d e n to - d a y in a r o y a l l a l o n o a r r la g e . H a w a lk e d A r m ly f r o m h la c a r r i a g * t o th * t r a in , b u t w a a p a ls . T h a o ld s t a t e s m a n w a s g r e e te d w i t h i r a q u e n t c r le e o f ■ 'God b le a i y o u , i t r , "" ( iM ' e r i c h e t t b le te ln g s U p o n e n t e r in g th e —

r e a l u p o n y o u . " t r a in M r . G la d s t o n e

- _ _ ha a o le a r v o ic e ; " G o dp i s n y o u a l l . a n d t h i s p la c e a n d t h e la n dtu r n e d a n d a a lda y o u a l l , a n d t u s p la c e a n d t h e

o v e . " T h e d la U n g u u ih e d t r a v e l l e r w a e y c h a a re d * e t h * t r a in d e p a r te d .

New r a e t o e y As* R H m b a S h .

B e e tU a a u f a c t u r ln g C o m p a n y A l t d a r t i c l e a o f I n o o r p o r a t lo n i i e r e to -d a y w i t h t h e c i * r k o iM ^ lo n C o u n ty . , T h a o o m p a n y w i l l m a n u -

oSw le h u l l

r* * h d d e a l i n c a r ¥ * n l e r i a n d id r ie e . T h e c o m n a n v w i t h a o a p l t a l______ - j p l tg h a r * a , . o f w h ic h P e t e r ' o fI - , - — r - . —........ -j- — s t j e e t ,

l l l u t j t h , c o n t r o l s 1 , M s h a r e s . T h e o o m p a n y ' l b u i t t ie ie w i l l b e o a r r ie d o n In K lM a h t t h a n d M e w Y o r k C i t y .

im p s I o f I i t c h 1 I a n a l

b l-a u n d r ie t . T h e c o m p a n y w i l l b e g in

d iv id e d

D litrict-A ttorney,________ lo o k e d e p p e a l l i t g ly to w a rd

h t i c o u n s e l, w h o o b je c te d t o th e q u e s t io n . M r . O s b o rn e w i t h d r e w It.

A n o t h e r w it n e s c , S a d ie M i l l e r , to ld h o w lu v a l h a d g o n e w i t h h e r t o h e r r o o m In <ew Y o r k a n d h a d c h lo r o f o r m e d h e r a n d p le n h e r J e w e lr y . F i v e w e e k * la t e r ehe ■tt h im a n d b a d h im a r r e s t e d .L o c a l d e te c t iv e s s a y t h a t th e N e w a r k e r

N p p r in te d th e i ^ e e s u se d b y L o t t i e ^ l l n g e n d o o n f M e r e t e * to g a in a c c e s s .lo.he T o m b s a c t e d In I g n o r a n c e o f a n y r o t j t a t w r o n g d o in g , a n d t h a t th e N e w Y o f a u t h o r i t le a a r * s a t ls A e d w i t h th e e x - p l s ' t lo n a a n d a a i la t a n c e h e r e a d i ly g a v e m O n t c t lo n w i t h t h e m a t t e r . ]

(g0,*0* Fir* as Colotwdo *0x1*1*,COLr a DO BPHINOB, Col., March a -

h ; » k f i ., In the wood tide, a targe fram e ho te l which was UMoupied, Threatened tor Severn hour* rsrtp* out the entire eastern end of the Of, but wa* brought under control shortly tie r I o’oloott. The Wood

‘ olnlng f "

Mrs. Mart* Had W aailend Fight W hile Oat of l l r r Mind-

Soeeial Dlanstch to the NEIV*.n e w BRUNBWll'K, March ?2.-Mra

Anne Murte, who disappeared from the police sta tion on Saturday morning whilu her husband was asking aid, was found last night a t Band Hills, eight miles from New Brunswick. Tha woman was discov­ered by her husband, who had In his search walked for milea in all direction* along every road leading out of the city.

Hr*. M erte was located in the house of an Ita lian family a t Baiul H illa Bhs had been there since Sunday night, when she was found in the chureh. 8h* was plainly demented. M arte and his wife walked back to tm s city, and were almost dsad from fatigue and hunger when they arrived. H arV had not taken time to eat for over tb ir ty -s li hour*, f t Is feared that it will be necessary to send Mrs, Marte back to the Ineane asylum at Tremon from which she wag released a short time ago.

WART CUINKBE r io t e r s P l’N IiH BD .

Fersign Consuls Oenisnd lleparatlon for the hacking of a Mission and a Murder, SHANGHAI, March 23,-Furfher tele­

gram s from Chung-Klng-Fu, -egardlng the sacking of the Methodist Medical Mission In the Klang-Pcb country, show that the Chines* m im ia is now there In large force and refuses to allow the execution ot the death sentence passed upon the murderer of the student, who was killed by the rlot- srs th a t destroyed the mission, as an ­nounced in these dispatches on March 1*. Th* foreign Coneul* have demanded that th* Taolaldlaperse the militia, execute the m urderer, arrest the lesder* of the rioters, pay 600 taels for tha property destroyed, allow the mission to reoccupy its irem - tsea and engage to protect the members of th* m lulum __ ________


Leigh Aoeneed of kpcndlug His Employer'sCash TIhIte on a Spree.

JE R SE Y CITY. Morch 23,—John Bhaw Leigh, thirty-four years ot age, was a r ­rested to-day on the charge of forging th* name o t hie employer. Maxwell Grierson, osrlier of the Chadwick Spinning Mills a t Greenville, tor KHO. The check waa cash­ed a t the F irs t NatlomI Bank. The money, It la alleged, waa spent liy la-lgh In a oro- longed apret. . . ,

Leigh refused to make any aiatem tnt when taken into .cualody, and was com- m lued to Jail to ajmli an exsrolnallon

I,eleh had only C? when arrested. He la mVlried and lives at 28 Bartholdi place with his wife and two chlldien. He haa K en employed by the Chadwick Company for three years.. --- •--- ”

W rit of Certiorari Not Found.Special Ivisiotcb to ihe Nl™*.

CAMDEN, March 22 —The contempt pro­ceedings brought about liy the suppression of a Supreme Court writ of certiorari a t the recent organisaUon of City Council wtl] bt' cortcludf^j ^ar an t^iilninny Is concernnd, a t afAnce exiled several wlim^aaes in rebuttal t h r n ^ r n m g , ®roon* them being Mayor H atch who again denied that he had said IhV m iiilng writ was in possesalon of th s raform leaders. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

“ Sorosis,” the New Shoe for Women.Do yo u wear oo m fo rta b ls boota? I f not.

w h y n o t? Tb« " 8nrO 'U " !■ th e re su lt o f a c o m b in a tio n o f idea* in w h ic h onmfort. lK>autY aud i^lyle a re p o r fc r t ly sufasen-ed a t th e u iln im u m coot o f p ro ilM c tlon . toeuntnnj m tdv l io o tt ro U lU n x at fm ia I 6.0U to t io 00 fter pa ir. W c a re j im u d o f the din- t la c t lo n o f K in g s o ls a g e n t i in N ew a rk fo" (he a ire n d y fam ous ■ S o itw li" a n d c o rn e t ily rLHjUM i an liv tpootinn o f U il« P * / \ bnoC wht'O n e x t yo it t l» i t o u r .X t e l I second floo r shoe HecUon; p r ic e ( / t l l V f th e w o rld o v e r..............................

La Vida°°Corset Denionstratioii=La Vida.nie “ lA \'lda’’ U one of thoac thoroughly cxoeilent, reliable ami perfect flttlnj

roraet* tluit ta welcomed as k boon to womaoklnd, all of the new curve* and contours, every new toucli of elegance. They have atttlned a wonderful re]>uUtfon among tlie fastidious *nd fashionable dre.ser* thrnuglioutthe land. Oracetul, easy, *tyll*h, Iho embodiment of genuine elegance and jierfoclion. Strictly heud made by expert* In littv different model*. Camlll* D'Arvtlle **y*: “I am now wearing the U Vida and think It tli* mo»l perfect Iluing coraet I have ever worn.” nil*. 0 . 0 . Sexton, the Bkilled titter of New York, will give free fitting* thl* week.


L. S. PLAUT & CO., 707 to 721 Broad Street, 8 Cedar Street.

i W Tm aaporiatloo G m npuy.

R t a u nIpianq *ouad TraneportaHon Company

:lai o f inoorporatlon htr* to-day. ------ tor* aan presant abarshoid-

a n d a a v L i a d jo in in g o o t t ig s a w a re d e - '’x e lo s e la e s t im a t e d a t l i i n , 040.

w a o b lo w in g a n d a m b e r* f r o m•tniyed. 'heA h i h 'WW V __K* ™®"l“ buUdingi were c*rried"HVWai hlooka Tl, w aU r m alna wsra too small

pr*l*“ ®e,»nd the ffre- 5? hampered by lack of hose.

Vn“Sqynton'a Mdenoo w a i burm a lots of tU ^

■and the lack of h Jolorado i night fib

m * a , c a u i

‘I e r l f rcausing

MsHta The), in d llh e e a t to Mis Fato.P P ” » ; ‘ T W « r t ln T h o r

*’ ** c q n d tm n e d o s t u B in g B in g B r l a f a w a i t l j i t e x e o o t lo n ( o r th e n iu r J s r o f Y iiT la m G u ld s n s u p p a , h a s

J . ! * ' • ' ” 0 •■* h a * 6s * n l itr k & d ^ r ^ T O ^ ^

H m o l l t'n f- CadM M t H U I>«atb.

• m * 'B R U ^ f i i w i c r 'S 'a r c h M -K . C. Rule s well-known farmer, living near iSonmouth Junotion, In Bouth Brunswick Township, died y e s t e r d a y of blood po son- Ing A w « k ago Rule cut his knee with a irnlV** bound up the wounn «ng gave SSm bre U d 10 i t . N e x t momUig th . lea waa swollen enormously knd Rule oould not walk Blood poisoning set In. and a f ttr

W o B i r J o e l ' s W s y e r E x s u a lw i l .TriHANNEBBURO. March 22.—At th*

«V iS im tlon> eeterd*y of Von Weltheln, th e^ lleged A m e r ic a n who shot and killed w m if Joel th* nephew, partner and trua- t t e of t"fe at® Barney Barnato, in hla iffle* here on March 14, Manager Strange. Who wae pre**n' *"Bn the murder waa JommWed, tcitlfied tha t th* prleojer had M ntm ually demanded money of Mr. Joel f o r the " removal ” of President K ruger.

f i e s t h «f " The O'Grsdy.’’DUBLIN, March M.—"The O T J ^ y ," of

jciiballvowen. County Llmeriek. upon w h « e a ila t* at Herbertslown, the " r ta n I f Camoalgn" w ta drat put Into execution,

was born in W«, and was beado f tito A n ien t aept of OTIrady Hla -


T h ey A re I n e u r N e ig h b o r s fur tb e B r lt la h In I n d ia .

F r o m T h * A r m y a n d N a v y J o u r n a l.The country ot th* Mohmande, to which

attention has been oailed by the frontier Iroublei in India, la described a s heiriK ex­ceedingly dreary; the eye is everywhere met by dry ravines between long row* of rocky hills and crags, scantily dotheU with coarae g ra it , acrub wood ami tbe dw arf palm. In summer great want of w ater Is felt, end the deiert tra d e radiate an Intolerable heat; thia, coupled with the unhealth ineii ot the river lowlands, prob­ably aegpunte for the Interior physique of the Mohmande to the surrounding tribes. The first occasion on which the lirlUsli Government caine Into contact with the Mohmand tribe waa during the first war in Afghanistan, in 1668-42. During the early years o t British rule in the I ’l ehn- w ar Valley the Mohmand* gave more trouble than almoat any other tribe. Dur­ing the Bepoy outbreak the Mohmunds contlnuetl their ralda, bu t did nothing of a more formidable nature. The Atrlrtls derive their Importance from their geo­graphical position, which gives them com­mand ot tbe Khyber and K ohat roads.

They were Brat enaountered by Hrltlsh


fiisUI 2o Be L a rg e un T hoao R rc e lv o d fro m th e C on iitry .

From Ihe Journal of Commerce.The question of demanding drafta tor

rem ittaneea and refusing local ch icks is being seriously discussed by credit men In some ot the largest wholesale bouses In this city, and especially a t ths IVeatern lobbing centres. The custom has become almost a general one for a retail m erchant to pay his bill by a cbeck on hla local bank. The wholesale house receiving th is check It farced to pay to Ita bank th* col­lection charges, which, particularly on small checks, sometimes run a* high as two or two and a half per cent. «( Che amount o t the rem ltunce. It will readily be appreciated that, with luch a tax on nearly every account, the amount th u i spent becomes a very cohslderabl* Item in the course of a year's business. <

"In New York tha banks are not aq stric t a t a t other centres, partieulariy a t the West and Bouth, and the question conse­quently doe* .not assume such im portant proportion* as a t the cent re t named. Home bank* here pursue the u. form pol-

; icy of makTng eotlec'irun* without char; ■ ■ ‘ ui ' ............. .. ‘

-counts In ft

and the houses usln.ngrlst in payment of tholr customers' ac- counts In funds at par a t New York. As

t r o o n a In 1km w h e n O n in n a i u ' . A o u ,ith > ' « r e s u lt w h o le s a le r s w h o s e b a n k s a r e p o t t r o o p s in IM S, W h e n C o lo n e l W a d e , w ith a , , h e m te 1 v r i t a i l e d u im n topay the collection chargea In order th a t their customers may not get the klea Ibgt they are dcsling with very close and d it-

_____ge,th e se b a h k s d o n o t Tn -

nam e wa*O'Orady).

T h o m a s D a C o u r c y



c o u r k e . thm th « o p ln to n i l y h o ld , b u

MONTHLY pMln* mortgages ------ C * s b .^ o s « .

______ to r » l aNews office.


l o a n h - p e r a o n a i..

U)AH on houtsIKXU furniture. Uttnos. *™ns *ii3 B«W'|t*t j j j . '’*rty ..»ith“ t

contingent of Blkh troops, forced ih. Khyber pass. There was difficulty with them again In J854. and from th a t time on­ward they were continually raiding und being fined or blockaded, though, as one commissioner remarked, "getting lines out of Afridls la like gstting bloou out of u •tone." During the m utiny the Afridls alto did not taka advantage of their op­portunity. In February, it t l , all the Kliy- her clan* finally ratlnsd the' agri cnuui with the British Government to keep th.; Khyber open, the term* of which haw now been seriously broken for the first time. Th* trouble with the Afridls ls traced to th* policy of bribing them to make them keep the peace, instead of punishing them for broakliig It.

A native paper a t Luihore, India, recent­ly publlslietl an Interview with tbe Amir's mlr munshi, who was visiting the city. The cause* for Ihe la te conflicta lieiweeii Urltlah Indian troops and the Afghan trlbea on the northern frontier of India la elated by an officer of the Amir of Afghanlatan to be th s desire to lu- fcreaae the ''w a iita ,'' ae the mullahs and chiefs call the targss t which the Indian Government pay* to them for keeping tlie peace. The else of tbe "w aalfa" 1* a m ai­l e r of pride with them, a* well as a source ot Income. Their metfaode ot brlng- Ifig about a "rising" are dsircrlbed as foi-tOWS'

grain merchant of Odessa died, leaving a fortune of 4,000,000 rubles to h it three daughter*, under peculiar conditions. They were only to Inherit the money un condi­tion that they become servants, washer­women or farmworkers tor elghtsen

F irst' they rouse their friend* and trust- months. The lime hss Just passed, and the L ii iJ ? 5 young women have com* Into their for-

thev ^fiick'lnd takS*i“!L“i' ft "n" Two of them were ehambermaitls," 4 h S - - ‘it?y*dr.!'‘no“?!iL'vT“ '‘uc'

; ’'7«a£4aV'%^ K I'herrriifud'rrifi’?;’. yiiLy;;‘‘■ i f f t --'rg c ,” a"5dX * :i’dr.t“tr " ’rhfy"‘

Iff 'ohllgSng concern*.At the West and Bouth, however, accord­

ing to advices received by the National t'redll Men’s Association, the practice of charging tor collecting local checks it general, and the officers of the asaoclatlon have determined, therefore, that the first step In remedying the evil Is to get all th* hunk* to charge for the service of collect­ing, With this in view a foruial communi­cation will shortly be sent to the New Vark Clearing House Association, asking that the m atter he brought before the memiters, and in addlllon, a circular tetter will he sent to the Individual banks In the association, setting forth Ihs desirability of a tilted action on the matter. It Is be­lieved that banks can be shown a rsvsnuc of on Inconstderahle dtmentlons if they ugrec to work together on thl* country check m atter.

are malting hiistne**; can't hell' hut lio *'?• are made in greater Newark only.

READY! READY!for *U furniture cteinand*—tliU'g our poiltlou.aud wc'll huldtt *t«adUy. Undo

Sam can't he better equipped for war than we are for buslDOss. Our display of rioli anil elegant pattern* li a delight to tbe «.ve, a challenge to aurprlse and a tempta­tion to purchaie, Dljiloinatlo argumenta are strongest when backed by gun*, but we fortify our priuct with values

CITY SALE PRICESWhlla Uieee prices rulel bee deliverle*

Just Note These Quotations!Bocklng 4'hftln, 1.40. rh lCTonn l^ rw M , .H.4H. i M f l n«c i* r !t.7 lL Book Cb««i , 4.KK.H ^ r r l t iC T d M ra . nsm .

C h in * r iD M U , if. Tfls Clklld’i lUH'kfr*. 75r,

ir wli&t>'ou Af« neiidlnf Unotquol*ili we liavu U iieverthelf>^. iii'l Ihu right prltje. Uia

C h t m lk f r k u l t R ,■ r lo r M u K t s

ODise in ■nd the f usSUy, llnl!ih n(_ ihe

H « t H iU 'k e , A .45 . r ir« n » 1i i c U ege iy H .45.I Mil «N’ n«lkRv

K L4H .('ourb*®*. nv9Hs Mnt TtlRMA. 1.T5.T ph ( h a ir* . 1*40*

O UH H m A . n . t a a Kx(FT)«|on Tfilbt*iii 5.48*

HuriitK Hfdi, 1.05. n i i g l c 7.45. IMulnf i'limlni 55** 5

J. 0. McCurdy & Go. I693 BROAD ST.,C < * n t r a l A v e *

H O R T O A O K A s k t c . - i ik a i* kh ta tk*

1200.000 TO tOAN-^

gN BOND AND MORTOAOR ATN T ■ " --------'wB*4w A‘i_ Ok-TKIO " *•’ . . - i iatJIT THE BtlP.HOWEtt. .NU eOMMlSsipN BKAiTKI) : A LI. NhjC

PARERS CAREFl’.l.LV Pltlll'AfikD.

A N i, i j | {■■•irKBSAIlV

M b



O d it R n t s U n W i l l .A little le»s than two year* ago rich

t a k e u p a r m * a n d f o l lo w th e m . F o l lo w in g ' t h i s m e th o d , th * ' c h ie f b y - a n d - b y f in d s h im s a l t a t th e h e a d o f t h o u s a n d s o f a r m e d f o l lo w e r s , e n o u g h , h e f e e ls t a t t s f ie d . to m a k e h la o w n te rm * w i t h th * ^ v *

.......... ....... ___ de-clircd *11 and now assert that they wilt continue to live in stngls-blessedneia

, ,L — F *r»m «n t. A n o t h e r r e a s o n t h a t th e A t u l r 'a o f f ic e r g a v e W k* t h e I n t e r f e r e n c e w l t h j h e t r ib a l ,

f f ic * ~, ..... ......... , _________ o(fl<remedy propoaed was th a t tha aovem m ent ihould never allow any "w aklta" or largess to those chief* or mullah* who have once oppoMd them In the field, ao that It may be known among th*m th a t tho*« who act treachem aaly a r t never rswaided. AnE n g l ie h p a p e r , c o m m e n t in g u p o n th e fo'rV.

te m e n t . l a y s : T h a r * 1*- - - i h i* .I h * Q o v e r m n a i it p o l i c y In

. - - - n o n tf ’o ln g s t a te m e n t , s a y s : T h s r s l s a

r u t h . I n th j* c r l t l e l im o f t h s u n w is d o m o fi grain of

p o l i t i c a l o ff ic e r* . B u t , u a w 1 io\s, o f th e s e v ie w s m u s t 6* ta k e n , n o t a s o n t w h ic h A f g h a n c f S c la la a o tu a l-

_____ b u t a s thoa# w h ic h t h e y W is h u st o b e l ie v e t h a t t h e y b o ld . A H in d u , w h o w a * In t e r v ie w e d , i l a t a d t h a t ~ in a s t a t e o t c h to n t o r s v o l i , a n d I t r e q u ir e d b u t l i t t l e a g l u t l o n to s e t ib * w h o l t '

a b lT '----- ■ ------

Cheaper, cleaner and more con- venient than any other.

Tbe Rewtrk Eleetrtc Ll|bt A Poier Co.r C U S T O N STREET.

Htpmss K Charsot's 'f»nRi TskHU, tk«

nondr. 1* a guarantsed sure tne tbs B r ls k b ^ alM iiervousnem enS aMiaUsholy oauesd br



PHILIP LOWT.U. B. CREDIT ffIJrtEM BTmjDlNO,-------:et and w a sh in o to n str.HARK AND

liOANB oesotlated tm r js l e sw tt, doh». !>'>"**■ iBsurtoe* iiollci.* and ,*!■ h'U?* ,Fl,£Vf,“,'!S' TOlwrtV WUhoUL r#mov»l. T. C. IpWAHDfl,

fencra] brokw rnm m [*slotifr o t .D w p . ubllc, toom A. 101 MiirkRt tt. U“' r

CORPORATION AND THUgT FUNM TO01 ......................... .. .791 B R O A D BT.

CO,. I l l

S40.00D WANTED Oft ^ < 1 J*ngr Mte,. on st. butJneta prfiptrly.“g IrIriFCU SdArtSRJTtr. is-w orth XddrtM M drtlRfftf. U«X

H«w »

000.000 TO l«n flh bond tno mcrtM^e Ib to W it Ml p per c jn t., •*fboul

w a r d i . b l a c k .

m fu m t , „ j i . e D - P n id tBtUl.

M O N B JT to lo in a t S r®f •Ion on Im nm vfd n m l n a p r t f» « i

T»t) B rood t t . . ^ <1*

. . . l? ? S N " ’y M u ^ ' * H U . - u i .w y . . ..*L.-________ ______ ......... ..................

M O N E Y loaned; bond «od m o n g s s s j S P . 'o s “ t; i fio defcr. FRANKLIN F. MATO. 100 DrOSd <|,

M O N E T to io s a un good o re u r lty . H E N R Y H A K N . C o u B is llo r . room 081, p r u l f O t m

rs'movsl; panls* honomiil* .Sit

MONEY to totn 'oo forohor®-jJJSS;

«t.. room fiWtfourth Boor). _ 09 rap to vtU


SB UPWARD J(*n#d 0* prompt, urlvata reUab* - ..... .........loVsninaa i


-A NliW PLAN- 110 TO I! ,000 TO LOAN

ON HOt’BKilOLD f u r n it u r e , PIANOg. OROANS, llORHEH. UAHRIAOKi,


?*‘rSlt,7"Tou ‘f r “WWEBT "ItlTsi' »J* '^ oT uiTii5 h * s lM sa lln s . otrlcH r conOBsatlal. No d tlay ; yaw wUl th'* nioti«y w ithin ■few hw4r i if l* r mehlTix auRUMitlon for I t P iJ* m enu on the tnini'lptl, o< eny •m ouat. ^11 b t received a t in v Gm*. feaclJ payment will lMt«w the cn»i of cairyin* the loan . _ ... _

Before jiecurlFiif • loan eliewher*. It will t e c re itiy to youf Intereit (o e«U nnd inv4tUff9t4 our pmn.


OppMlt* JPoiiortm*. Ntwnrk.

MOWfcr TO LOAN.P artlei wUhinit to borrow money would d»

well bv coneuHiny u» before Kolni eleewhete.Wf can procure loan# for you from privAt*

Htrtiei et d l>er cent, per antiutn. ott houMhoid furniture. rtladOe. horatf, MH^pee* •■•odA oe other WKintl^alJ*rty. The •eeurfty to r « o ^ in tour poMMon. and the oocipenr will obtff* you reaeonable rtlee for JtcGni' ■■ your afte t Ta Ih* matter, ahd for wueranteelnt tht loiiii. Thtje loane ere made from 1)0 upward, thd tnn be paid In 'ull. or Ptrl. •( the explratloa ef tath nvonth. and paymente ontte ^due# t6« co*l of ctrrylni tne iomt in proportlou.

It i>otte yon nothlM to conault n t In r t e f r i to a to«n. «nd wo are alwaye wHlIiyt to explain meihftde. eo that any ont can fully unitan tnnd what the loan wlJl to o t Our ojBcea i f t te M* ranaed that nartlH can M w aitad on quickly l a d pHvntely and helnn th t oldea} Iona qompniyr th t city, you can be aaauren / honeet and fair d ta lln fft; no 1— . . wllh ua once will b t aura ta coma and awalTi whm needlnie ■

NEWARK MOR'2l!t . RvanJnir NtwaI nuildim t caaoDi

»AN c a .

( a e ^ d Aoort*

DO TOtr WANT MONETTK a v in y co ttip lt lad a rm n ir tm ab ta w itb n pnT tr

who haa money to k inn n t tha la n L rn to nK in te rre t. w« a r t Drapared to d m m to an t m i ninterret. w« ara jlO upward on "etc., etc., iiharninir you bui miMton for trAOMcirnfC tna

Ijoann madi urban lonnnn

Taka eleeator,

e DTiMrad to plnot loant : bouaahoid inMda. pUnoti o n ■inir you but • rtnaonnwa <

irtlnff tna bnainaaa. HtliaSeth. Oniuta n*d nil

Page 18: First Edition. - DigiFind-It

N E W A K K E V E N I l J G N E W H , T U E S D A Y , M A B C H . 2 2 , 1 8 f e .

im^Tfl iPM.l i l t d i n T r j io K to Foro* th * L o fttl* *

tu r t to Clow OB T horidaj.


OMBWMtM Arr*M »• 0*7,*0* *a !*•

OBwUrtM***'-®*"*"*’* *“ ^tjM M iiiti. « . w « r« rti.« -0 » > J*«,•«>fo r th . K rtim r B e tenn-lo rr-** -

TrolUr BIU P « « « *>« H""** j t f t , , » K klm lrh 1. W U * M H W r u r - i • U « 1T «. I ^ “ ‘|«BMUric W«M »»“ *“" **r ia a c h it . BUI Frorwl • F . l lu t . b«» f t

Thn>oc>> **** B o rh l .l - ■»»► l>uMd l>T lb .

At ufier Uirjt r e ’ wilhilrawn loiA'Bl*ht V S""?;™ ..* * ont «nW >iiiX the principle of Imth^

li™ h°bc'irn»l’i 'c ir .n > e ftH":lit .rtv.iujfiftv* yeiir*v«l jrfarl. TlWfl u itn -n ^ c n t .Wlu

i6 thi! bill w»s ordered to a



■muI.1 t . in . KVTiXISiO m.InrllBTBICNTON, M»r«h j**

iJ d e r . m H .n .ie and Hou.« m .de a dj|-

..tiriAim anti idT*nc* fitelf wofm » iucn » , ■Ug. u to liiiu r. final .djournm enl n e ^ ThJr*day, »* t)rlgln.llf a* reed f . r M (he Hon**' '* uoncernad, BpeaiierWaiWn. and.u m T n t P« .are« h a . been m ^ . to conclude on Thumday. arid L e ^ e r johneon u y a the •.>"« ( f t ScnurJr Biok-i' en tc ru in i k ^Imllir Im . and Oovernor Voorhi.e eiprniM d lb . hope that their prediction would be verl- fled. It Will not be. howerar, at’coriUng f r* tb i o ^ n ‘“t> Ot freaW eni Sklnn and l i t majority of ihi Kepuhllcan flenalor*, 'w lJo d .i . l .r ; that final not be r«ach«l prior “ , * * * " \ * ,® ' Th.y hava found that, in the hail* d l^ olayed U .t week In tha Una) p a ^ g a of Swdlng m ea.urrs, two or th r« i bill, found their way to the Uovirtwr th a t would not have " o n paaaed it carefully Three m iaeure. were not ot great Import- *nc«, but I’rerident 8kHm aayi llw eatne thliif ml*hl occur with tmportant m*'" ’ urea and h* for on# doee M l propoa. to " ” ume th a t rlek, and prefer, to rom .ln ber* anoiher w t * , U nectiiftfy U.

ch(i« liBPIt tw*niy*lv« fidoptiHl nr' Thli"ihi!*‘lSieotrlo U « h t bill, w h lrb jead .

aiH! iwww compMiilM for their l>u»lne»» an4 under whh h «ubwa>» and iMiie line* have bw ii conetruoiw . fttig all coniracfi entt-rwl Into by inuiikipfliitir* with el*y3trlc Itfht. he«t «nd iKJwrr l umimulee. In the csuTyinn nul of which wjbway* or pole [wive Ii«m'0 foeijed hy.iMH h lytnuanlfiiie mUaU h- tik'jfl ?•> m Iryal und Unolng, urtil to h:iu* am ihoii»i«l tlH* oonetructlon y f eui h MJhwuye. and ih#' ert-cthm of euch i»ol»' an'{ AuthoriJie ihH r irmlntennncp f«'f I'Ub'ic jyvl etmirpen'lnl u»e: and th** ekn'trU: hHUjr heal ana power compante» which «uini

POn*trufted ty b w ey i or jiol« rniee, and pluced therein o r iherw m rnWee or wlrea for the purpose Of fun ilih in i elrr- Irtc tight. h8n f <«■ power In the street ■of any muntclimhly. i ^ U bi* rt^emed hate and poaMMi In auoh atreet»^ oil legal nu-

lawfully eonafruel, recon .truc t ;ind nmln-■ ■ ■ ■ )ole line., fehlee

for theppiying or iigni. neai a no power for

public or commercial uae: provided. Ihul nolhlnk In Ih l. act .h a ll be ronelrued lo apply to or validate any ordlnnm e re.o- luilnn. eontriui o r o ther priMe<dn;i! now involved III any llllgatiuii. And noihlna In (h i. not .hull be ciiii.trued to limit the power ot any munlcliuility to force ute ploulng of all w tra. utidergrouipl

Mr. rrl.nen , ot Baleir, who 1. the wile repreaenlallVe In the H oua. of one of m . few coiinllr. that la not rerordni a . having any .laotrki lU ht oom panle. within lia border., and who la the bitroducer of tne bill In uue.tlon, rn a . to eenlaln H o', onei pa.M ge, The WH. ho aa li, wa» di’.iiinrd ■Imply lo correct an error Iq a law of IIM, »nd wag a good bUl th a t ought t' ib . j . Mr. «enny. Of iTudabii, In a long arguinent entailed the ttm, which he chararli-ri.ed e . a "aleal under cover of tho honeity of It. Inlroducer." Me c lln l a recent (If- clalon of th e Boprem . C ourt In a Bayonne caK< where blanket ordinance, granting franchlM . for the une of the public w#*rf hr*ld to Iw Invalid wnd u*^'lnr*i1 that Ihe (’rlsp^u act w m d«ilgiM*d iolfly to off-




ta la much ,»ubtf ajfi and imle lln* ^ MeiBlwllti w B a lu 'cBUppiying of light, heat and p

Retiring From B usinessG reat Closing-Out Sale


Carpet Department!

The Millinery View Days

l«-lnch widf »t27-inclt “ “3fr-in<;h - “♦5-ihcli “ “54-lncli " "

to avoid


b n lb . o ther hand, Ih . party urcing Iba IsflalsWra lo (f“

U a tT o r . « a i . h e r. longiu than tlaed by the H o u .. li daivgerou..

T b.y » f . r to Ih .by the memt)*r» on .om e of the in«M uiM u»d « conaid.ratto«i. and I» l» t W the character and volume of new bill, appear­ing dally as an argumeiil in favor of U o b Jn m g . 10. die belor. any » r lo u .

*’Th.*APpro'Srbt*ion CtumnUtM h a . t ^ a n th , h l ^ a n d h a , «iiiola<l«d I t. labor, with tb l Mceptlon” formally two M i u W t Will In Ih •>’»P« for p r««u-laUan lo-n)gW or io-morrow morn ng. An uT M iinat h a . been made hy which It l*

that l)Mi majority to wUlTupport th iM bllU wllhout jM t aa'^Sni.y have agreed to lupport tho Crime, act revtolon and ®‘" '5 ■ion bill. a . they come from l*>* ‘'* ” *\*‘The minority wUI oppoae ih . of the appropriation bill until it haa ^ e n printed and^n the hand, of the Benatot* and m om b.r. Km* eiWugh to M w e fu lly ggamlned. If Introdueed lo-nlghl Ih* print- M coplea might b« avaUaUa tm m o r^ ^ bM if Uw bill 1* aol p r««n t« l >^or* morrow thg l will mean a delay of another day in lumtohm* th* printed-hill.Uona could im otterad thal would make it ImpoMlbl* to paw the ApproprlaUon WU ihM W uok without a .u.peiuiioo of th* rulM. and in tho Bcnate, if the lieu* —a* a partwan one. Inat could not b« a o M u i^ iiw. U orem or Voorheo. decided to exei' l^lIl m . rw h i to vote a j a M nator. and II‘^^L“’V p?/ogfta’llSin“ c’.iSm )ttw will not Uicluda in the Muppl.mam or Ueoeral Ai^ “ roprlalion bin th . W UW fTn**appropriation provld.d for in thu M t In- ttoauced by Bonator D*ly iM t w tek. In- itvad 11 h a . been d ec id e 10 a p p r o p ^ a io the tguart*rmaater41*o*raJ a d * p ^ - B cni **7,aw. t h . am oM t * ^ “1 'wa1 f.lml isii tbe NftthoPJil t iu g r^ o f w«i S ta ts , This

hill In 0€Q<

■Hit this abfsrtJon.Ur, McKee, of P a ..a le , tohk i.»ue With

Me. Benny, and entered into a vtgoroii. dc- feiire ot th . bill, which, he Seclareil w t. a ju .t and equitable irwadure, almply oe- algned for the lieiler protec.llon of many thoii.anda of dM lar. inve.lcd m unldnal lighting p lant* In vgrioua parta of Ihe Ht*t». „ ,„

All th l. llm* the fttendh ot the Caunty Trolley bill ware doing a loi of ml.«Kmery work. They delerraUied th a t tile m .p en bill ihould no) paiw Ml Tro.^ .N. Codd)ng.

Cocoa and Napier Mattings.................... lO c........................ I f t c................... iiOc................... 'J5 c............... !«)e

T)iis Is less )hsn tulf llie price you will lave to pay elsewltcK.

5heep Sktn Ruka. aU our >3.00 tml *3.50 qualilies will be closed I “I C out a t ...................................... •

In ira la Stair Carp«ta, ’gwide, all wool, al........................ w 7 V

In s re ln B o rd er, 1S in. wide, | A _ aJl wool, wortii -IOC., a l ........ *W le

5 U lr C ru h OHcloth, l* in.wide, per yard ............. ;

Linoleum, »l.ob duality. 1<> C f t ^ . witle, for slairs and lialLs, a t . . . U U L - ;

A x m lB ite rC e rp e ta , best *1.75 Q A r . grade, a t................... ................

In la id L ino leum , very quality, a t........................

E n illA ii C a rp e ts , "tntion, all woul, plain I t .to qualUy, a t ..........

best 98c Iown imporla-

SOcLIM B D an cin g C lo th* , 3 yards C Q ^

wide,{*l.lO quality, a t ..............

E n x lla h She«p»lcln R uga , finest qual­ity, Imported, ItiS O quality, i

Ja p an eo e M a ttin g s , *10.00 and f t lo o qualities, per roll of 40 yards, y e A

B ody B ru sse ls C arpet* , very best qiulity, the *1,25 grade, re- O A - duced to ....................................

OIL CLOTH RUaS.jd ft.a6 f t .a t ....................................... » « C; 4 ft. 6-in,x4 ft. 6-In. a t ...... .............. O H c

W ilton Carpets, very best quality, a few pieces left of the * i7S | | C quality, reduced to .................... I • 11/

C a rp e t S a m p le s , in lengths of '7 C / ' 1 yards, suitable for Rugs, ea f w w

5iio rt Lengths of Carpetsof every description, with borders td nutcli. suitable for small rooms and rugs, at kea than actual value.

E sn GNitf Bwcnilen e B d q iia r ta rs Je H ere o n lii C M h,

IB W ^ e r ia S t .Al A m«tllnf of thU At

htAilAMBfifr» MW UiindAy #vM»|lr J*.IHIIB. H WAS rwiolvvd that fht tUfrotivottiloa, for th# clljr of In UiB Kru4iE«r Andlluiium, on JlondAy, Mon'k 28, 1808, *1^- VAlioW* WAFd OlHtVcntloiUI At hewlnAfw dMk«AAt«d on B«t*4Ay, ^ r e n ^ lit 8 P, M. It WAt Blw f*rtiio«rdor*d that th« prlmArr •iorlloDA to ♦loot jo mi14eunvralloM b# b^ld In tha vfSJ^ dla-trlcti n( the cliy of NavArk o^untdAy. ItArcIi34 18Mtha ucil* to bt (mao trow (van (7» to . iH (ftP. M,Tha bAili of repftKaniAUpjhAlI ba oaf Kata for avtry Iw volM cat tor ac lM«t o( in# DrmocrAlkc ctodldateFa*' oiani^r th* jarvaril Aaa«mblv, Id Novf^ addlHsinal <)a)#(uta for ■»in*a provide*! that aach* hava at laaat utie dal«ffif* i. * m.A r#ilatry of all vcnei vtiUB* ahart by

A cartiflrd rMum erf th^*“1**,®* pnm»iT - - f ra ^ 't** tha chairman ntrtdf alternouti. March 30

^b«r, levr, with aiA filh fnctloD of th* Wettun dlatrlct ihall

alcciloti ahall ba forwa ihLa L-nmmUt#« on Frtd‘ The "primary’Vloctlovatrlcl accordance witiim! M

. th# ------- . ------the aamWealablialwd * KaaaaConmy Dernmocrallt] (‘-ommltte#.AttanUon la 18t!i4. touching eyacUd tlMkt befora they •hall UA* and arraatlon In th#

la airictf J Iff i>rlm«_**■osL'^i

drawn to tha lAW of aiartlona, tn which 1l t« lTi»0at-tora and olrrki,

thair raapactlve duUea. .|dK3rlba to an oath or af« tviient'e nf aach nthar.

fiw Mloirlhg «f tha IS’K’Sf »i»'“ “ * I"®* brv of delcgatv. .pportloneo.^ B T WARD.

J, !tM U). P l^ o l avenuf...ItvcuMi Brua.t ............ -4, liu Orango.'rert..............6. IW (;.Blral‘vfnuo..............N. W* Hroad*'” ' ' ...............T. 2 Orane ■hvci..................... .

Tolal...........................................................HKCOND WARD,


jyy-W indow Shades,SOO of them, made In our own

workrooms, of best Scotch Holland, 32 to 42 Indies wide, 2 yards long, value 69C. to *1.25, with best - J A - spring rollers and fixtures, complete, for, each...............

not psit* M tkr* the tiouiuy T roll.y bill. To sccolQpIlah th s t, <’b«r1v« N. Cocnllng, of w e .tf l .lo . Who w *. eiu> of the m o.i setive w orker* for the latterbill, step and

„ ............................... right billIstd over. Thai wsa d o n . and then op«n.d sn exce«lln*1y llv .ly wordy w arfare fn the

%*'n“vXTaUv^ SOLD LIQUOR IN A SCHOOLluued over to Loader illi^hH

asked him lo h .v* the Biecn-lo LI

John Kesn was openly chsjged by aomf or h i. former political f rie n d , with htviri* tomporsrliy aliletrsrked the electric light remedlsl me*«ure. They told him too, th a t* day 0( reckoning would cofne. If not M on.r, then .b o u t the tim e th a t he might be a camildate for ITniied BlMea » n a io ri Mr Kean prtrt.aled th a t Mr. Codding had not acted In Ihe m iU er at h i. auggoitlo" and that he * • • " « *w*ire of w hst the gentleman from Weatfleld had done

Borne very Intereallng aklrmlahtng fol­lowed, aad Mr. Goddimt throughout In- .Isted that the County Trolley bTlLihould

Koad bfifor* th*

7p as . the Houae flrat, and It did.^ I r l e i developd to the ■nH»f«l ,<>" ®f th . frtemli ot the E lectric Ltoht bill th . £ ^ t that It could not paA*. and It wi* laid

rival faotloDt, however, leliled Ihelr little dllterencee over night, nunerently, and the flret bill taken uu after tfie^Houae KWlon opened thl* morning wa* the elec­tric n*ht meaaure. A fter a little df*u1to« debate, aoroewhat like laat ntsht, the bill w a. naawd by a vote of I t to 21, or almoet tuT ia iS rv o U which w u « d the Troltey ,m. Both bills left the Houee at once.

Other bill* th a l paaaed .the Houa* last MoiiM! No. « . Murphy’*

, Phirlherto the la tl.factlon of

bl1night were;CoOnty Boul.vard bill

ftH oae. No. Xg, pro­

vide* for the appedntment of meat Inspeo tar* In elite*! TSouae No. Ml, provide*

th . conatructlon of public water­ing p la c u along public road*; Benate No. m mgks* the seen aeaaon for bird.

‘ h hiS* Iroin S ep tm bM » to No­vember t; BilUkl.- No. in , snaBle. the

ftohaed Cbid In order to make 11 ayi

—“ auj(w a b i. a b pn<n

and the' aVS.IW annuaBy Ufcluded » th* Uencral Appropriation bill 'to r th*- iiurpoaa wui *« eaBiiledreaaWhg the get P u v ic a tc ta i UO. The only other MuMgenoy iwm will k . th e IW.wJ annually a p p ^ peiaiad lo r ih* ua* of the OoT.mor undat''^ u e '^ '^ n m ltt .a , ae already atateiL baa agtmgl upon UHLOW lor tb* Horrt* P IbIbs

- -iToipUal addition and will make no *p- njwpriation for the Trema*Bouih J*r*»y member* contended th a t the appropriation should be divided, but Mr.reSiubild, ot Ksae*. »dvl*ed t b ^ batter rM ult. would be ootalned by m aU ng entire appropriation for on* tnimt^uuoi now. It would afford accom m odailJo. f . about « • pa ttan ii and H would ba p ew ; m atter to transfer on* or two hundred in mAt*A from th* Trenton hovptiAl tn Mvr* Ids PW ns as soon aa the addition wa* com plied . Then neat yapr. or a i MWti th « * a f t .r as nscessary, the r« } trts l(.'ad ­dition to Trenton HospUai oould be pro-

The m ate Aid Road appropriation will be IncreBaed lo glill,«», notwIthetM dliig ih . *'CoisiCDtAa10Eittr JJudd IncWeni of Iaai week ami t&fiOD will b* appropriated to ihe Itabway Reformatory •oo»“ "L I n s te a d ^ the HB.dW-aaked (or. The nominal appre- urlatlon in th l. IneUnee l» “ »d« nurpoae of guarding the unnmshed band­ing and aacurtn* the aerylce* of an areht- tect lo eallm ale what the actual cost of completing th . building apcordtng to the prcnenl piaoa would be. He wlU alap be required to a taU w hat It would cost to. tear down fuob part of Ihe building aa has already been erected, u id what value, U any the m aterial would be to conatructlng a new budding on a lets expensive plan. AH the membera of the committee are la t- isfled th a t the budding Is a "bto alephant" on the Btate and that it wouldTbe cheaper — . 1. ------------ j - -ither

1H f i toingjle.

— _ »ellpropetty left tn truat by th . lat*. Charles Ikellon for th . ben .flt of ]ha public •chooU; Banal* No. *«. prpvldea.for the

Trenton Coimntaaloil tn sell the

______________ prpvlde*burial of dMd aallor. cast tfp kli

re; Rousa No. *70, nppropiiaie* Sio.iwt) to tHe Btate Tubercuibnla CommiMlon; Senate No. M , permit* cotperatlons to change name and! mere*** M decrease cap­ital stock; ^ n a t e No. MS.-alloWB the spectoWWOirS ed the Cohrl df>ll«r«rs aad AppeOb Ctl lor M ch day'a attehdanc Senate Ho, *M, prevents the_______ s spread ot 1n-Turian*'jasecla;’'S en a te No. JT6. provlil«st.i ttiAt* IfUBMCtoK of pttbllc works sball &w p r a c I H ^ ^ a ^ s ; Senate No. M6, pro^ vldea that Commissioner* of Asaeatmeht, ;«h*ll be paid m onthly: S en^e No. 247,

, leedt. to United SU tea land al Sandy Hook for harbor defencea.

Plfteen hllto were Introduced In the House, making the to ta l to date S92. Among them was a bill by Mr. Porter, of Essex, dcllij^g the rrtative npwer of the varliws muuiripal board* ot N ew ark fn w e m a t ^ of public lighting. Thle Is ilfflllat to the blU of laat year, w hich Oovernor Orlggj did not approve and which wom deslgiiod to limit the pewer of the Board t t Works In the m atter of public lighting to the BireelB and puMIc bblMlngs whic* H goo-

Benny, of HudKon, Introduced a.bill providing for tha appointm ent of an ail- dltlonal County Jodg* for Essex and Hud- soh counties a t a sa lary of I7.M0 per year for a term ot flv* year*, the same aa ' he present Judge. I t -was Introduced a t the KlloUaUon of W illiam B Douglass, of Hudson, who Is a candidate for the position In that eounty. Jodepll L. MUnn and other Essex law yer, do not th ink the bill will

the Benate -the -Krle-Bu; merger was taken up and pasaed by ^vo te

Ministers to t’oniplalD In the ftmnd Ju ry Against tUe Action of a Hoard

of i;4lucnllon.11OH0 KEN, March a .-R e v . I. W, GoW-

.n of the Grove Reformed Church, nnd Rev. W, B. Ackert, of the Plank Chaiivl, I nlon 11111. will go Grand Jury at It. next sesalon and com­plain against memlwra of the West New York Uoar.t of Education. They aceuae the Iward ot allowing beer and whiskey to tie sold 111 Public B< liool No. 1, “f town al the fair held In the building on March II and 12 and on the following .Monday night, when the Kourth Company, Boy*' Brigade, of Jersey City, gave a minstrel show there, . . . .

It the Grand Jury falls to Indict the school iruBlees the ministers will go Iwforethe Gledhlll inveatlgatlng Cominlttee andendeavor to have that liody make a th o r­ough Inveettgailon of the m atter.

^ v c ra l of the Jersey City boy. were ^ e n In tlnlon Hill after the mlnatrel ahow under the Influence of liquor and alnce th a t time there has been considerable talk throughout all North Hud“ h the cafe which «as conducted a t the fair. TPhe cafe wsw 1» the room hr which Ine Board of Education meets and waa under t h . nkarge of Mayor oil»--and F r^ h o ld e r Darling, with William Kckhart, fortnerly ('ouiicllman, tending bar and bonetabl* John Bauer acting as cashier. All Kinds of liquors were sold. On the blackjjoards In the room were many signs, while Just behind Ihe cashier's desk w a. a crayon .ketch Ot a liquor license, .igned by Mayor O ti. In chalk. The aketeh was an excel­lent imitation of a ucenee, the aeal arid ^vt^rythiun biHilK on its Th* bvaI woa iii reU chalk. i. . t * ».„While the fun wa* at It* hejKht In th* h a ta r upatalni on* ■venlnr during the fair two young women, w jU known In Vre*t New fo rk , where they live, were Invited Into the cafe. It Is said, and while there entertained w v .ra l of the town s PfomI' nent offlclala hy singing and dancing, T y tww' mlntamr* aay they will proceed .mtatkat the member* of the board, amt iStong lUher-thlug. wHl acepae them ot tnalolalnlng O;tll.ordeiiy houae.


After a Sepamllon of TWrIy-teven T « ra WBIUm Gestl* Meet. His Child.

MILW AUKEE, Wle.. March F lora Herrick, ot Chicago, and her father. William Qesale, an Inmate of the National Boldlera' Horn* In th l. city, have been brought together after having been aep- a ra lrd alnce !M1. when the war broke out. Th* m eeting wss brought about through the eettlem ent of a will In which an es­ta te valued at tbn.lSU Is Involved.

Robert G eiile died about elx m onth, ago a t Newport, Iisd., leaving a large catate. The etory ot the litigation which will probably follow haa many extraordinary featuret.. He was an eccentric character and drew up h i. own wilt to suit hi. owd peculiar tanoleA He left a homestead valued a t I'Jb.OOO. to his wife, but provided th a t upon the api»otntmenl of trustee, to take charge of the estate the mansion should be Iftcked up and kept perpetually do ted , except tliai twice a year men were to be employed to go there, open It up and give It an airing. The widow, who waa h it second wife, was provided with another bouse In which she wa* to make her home.

To his win, William Oeaale, and his grand-daughter, he left a small amount ot money, and the rematndyr of the estate waa to be ueed In building a large ichool- houae in Newport. The will provides that 111 til t second story of the building there ■hat! be a large aisembly hall surrounded t - all aides with glass cases. In which ahailbe placed the clothing, bedding, fiiml- lur* and bouaeholii goods from Ihe G etjle mansion The reason assigned for thta display Is " th a t the pupils may lie remind­ed of the donor and th a t his memory may be kept green,"

There I . another chapter to the story. W hen the W at of the Rebellion broke out, M'lltlim Geasle enllstgd In an Indiana regi­m ent and went forth to fight the battles

................ He left behind him a wife


ot the Union, and a daughter, the latter ten veeeks old.

hy .far to stop now than proceed furi on the orl|tn*lji)ltag. '*

Oorwotulo* fttwWiOll * « r * uttito of th l aeilate 4 M H « i

|ln g -oa t t n i jleuttiand

arbed tb* at- isc lagt night,

Isaue ill th<ling yuT gveiTTJsrr.^ i?4 ?o m 3 S irh .n aT fs2Impreselon when the aeMlon adjourned about U o'clock. This was due to the final passage of the "Cauaty Control ot Slran- chl.c '”or "Uerfen Trolley btll," which was reierted to a t a "vlctoty for Uiq paopl*' aa Bgatmt the oorporailonr' h r 'F rank Bergen, of Lbilon, and tha other advooatei of the hill. That claim t* dlapglml by the I'PIKmenis ot Ihe measure who assert th a t tbo result le .nothlng more ttosn IBs de­feat of an organised corporation by a prospocllve corporation that w ill -b. oom- puBCd of John Kean and 'aomc of the other advocates of the, bllL Chandler W. m ker, who waa In* mo»i vtoorou* oppo­nent of the meaeure, euminarraed the situ­ation tn ihaS fashlou, gnd M kt that. If the Idly hecame a tow. aa he suitposed It WOtdd, Inatead ut Inviting open compadtlon for the propeeed Weeilield avenue fraocbls. in Union Couuly, it meant that no one except John Kean would offer to ’bay the fran­chise, for the reason thal it would lie vatuelcM to any one but Mr. Kean, who already controls the Morris avenue outlet from the propped road. . ;

The tome was hotly contreted, and brought to Ihe Btate llpue . many promt nent RepuldUwns, eeine of whom had not ijecn lu re alnce Hie oycnliig of the session.

■ K eali.JL H. 0iAmong them were John Kaali, ^ H. Gad dls, George E, Kalsty, Henry A. Potter, Hherlff David BaRd, of Oamdon, and about twenty other* who are more or less Inter­ested 111 trolley and eleolric light affairs. The elecirlu ligM uontirgem Wa. Ob hand

threat had been made thatbecause the Ihe Kean force* proposed to hold up A»- «m l)ly btll No. 171, whloh Ih wanted to validate certain electric lighting brdl- nancei In Rayonne and othor placei, un­til the county trolley htlt wa* pamed. And thal la just what 'fid haptien. As told In the NliWB tost week, the (roltey bill, with one araendmciil adopted and another 1-emtlng. waa laid on the table. -The anicndinent agreed tn stipulated that no franchise should be granted under the act for a longer period than twenty-five years. The one pending called for a cer­tain percentage of the rihwtpla of the eom-

ure,' and anothet of the Erie Reorganlaa_ tlea btU*,.w«* la id .over a t the rwiuest of the Senatosr from Bergen, but thle mortiltig i t waa taken u r a b iL pa jg« l gwond read-'" Ih e Vreela nd (Nirp<#*.Hon act amendment iivht woi In t l ^ ©enAt* wh#n theSenator from MorrU had hla eubatHute blllA introduced a l te r tli* defeat of the original meaaure, brought up and passed onkecond rending They embody much of (he Intent of tho defeated bills, provid ng among other th in g , th a t a oonwrutlon may Mgln b u r in s ., on a stock Instead of a ro sh canliallaatlon, and th a t the slinple filing of the name of the agent of the cor­poration ra ther th an Ite ^ c e r s tha 1 he Sufflcicni. BetiaWr Daly moved to ttflkc out the enaeting clauee and made several other dilatory motion* all of whloh were dafeatad on a p a rty vot*.

Other bill* p a a i ^ w ere ae follows: Sen­ate No. m , t^ha T ravelling Library bill: Senate >Io. 219. « v e * ttOoT addUloual for the propagation of oysters; Senate No. SB, eUiiplement to th« not for the aeittement and collrotlon o f ta x hm aragea,

Thirteen bill* w ere Introduced In (he Benate, including one by Senator Johneon. of Bergen, providing th a t all complaints taken W Juatlcee of the Peace In cities ■hall be »ent to Police Justices. Instead of the Grand J u ^ , for tria l. This Is Intended tn curtail the power* of local Justices,

Senator K etcnam Intrtrduccd a bill au- thoriilng co n trac to r, and builders to or- l<anlAA a m utual acold^nt lii#urAricr I'om. pany for their ovril protection, At present Iniildera .r e forced to Insure at heavy rales and they desire lo control the buslncw themi«lve(. , . . ,

Senator Daly presented a bill Incnrporat. '"ff all that p a rt of Kearny Tna nihtii out-

l» of the borough of East Newark, aa the


Jury Falleit lo Convlrt Frlsooers and Was DIsebaiwed by Ihe Court,

JERBEY CITY. March 22.-Proeeculor of th e Plea* James 8 . Erwin flatly refused yesterday to try any more caies before the ta it petty Jury drawn by Sheriff Hel­ler. Judge Hudepeth !ndorK>d the a lti­tude of the Proaccutor by dismissing th* Jury. The Proacculor haa not been aatle- fiid w uh the verdict* of acquit I al ren­dered In many cases where Ih* guilt of the accuacd had been clearly shown. His patience was exhausted last Friday, when F rank While, an old offender, who hae served sevend terms In New York. Con- neotlcut and M aasachusetli, w as tried for picking the pocket of F rank Belts on the platform cf a crowded car. Belts caught White In the act and fought him until a policeman arrived. White had Belts ■ watch and chain when caught. He said he had found them on the floor, aUhougk the platform was crowded and there was no room to stoop.

White boa.ted that he would not be con­victed. He wax defended by Aiaembly- man aimpioii. AsalaiaiU Prosecutor Van Winkle, who conducted the case tor the Stall', had been Informed of W hite’s boast, and, consulting the Prow cutqr. de­clared It was usclets to try cases before that panrl of Jurors. Th* Prosecutor agreed with him. and decided tn refuse to move any more criminal com plaint., and announced h i. dccialon to Judge Hudepetn veslenlay. The Court promplly s u m m o n e d and dlsrhargrd the Jury, without the eue- tomary "thank* of the Court.

Judge Hudspeth, when seen about tba White ease, said; "I w a. very much sur­prised a t th* verdict, because I felt th a t the evidence In Ihe eaee should h a v . jus­tified another result. I have nothing mor* to say."

William did not writ* to his wife when he waa In the army, nor did h* Wiiurn to his horn* when the war Waa ovgr.- Inatead he drifted out Into the western country and finally brought up a t the Soldiers' Home at Milwaukee, lie finally wrote to his father, and by this mean* wa* remem- berrf with a sm all bequest when the lat- ter made his will. If* employed a taw firm of this city to look after his IntereaGi and while a member of the firm was In Indiana a few weeks ago he cam* In contact with a Chicago attorney who was reprewnttng tho Interests ot Mr*. Flora Herrick, of that elty. I t did not take the lawyers long to discover the relationship l>«twepn their client* and to show them that their causes were Identical. L ater a meeting wa* a r­ranged In Milwaukee between father and

F r o p l r In le v e .le d la a W om an '* N ovel I d e a U lap lay e i. la a W 'lad o n .From the New York Bun.

The ator# wa* Just like any other furni­tu re store on Broadway, or Sixth avenue, or Twenty-third street, and yet every- bckly .lackened hi* pace when he got a glimpse ot Ihe left-hand window. People with no idea of buying furniture, even if they had the means, and people without the means, but perha|is with the deelre lo Invest-people young, old, and In-be­tween age*—slopped to look In the win­dow where stood the tall. Inlaid, Italian cabinet and the ilender folding table »nd the arm chalre upholstered In rich ma­terial.

From under this display ot furniture peeped fifteen Or sixteen little canton flan­nel doga. They were cream-colored dogs, thB »l*e of toy terriers, with lapped-over. black broadcloth ears and shiny-tlppeU black leather noBen and black beaded eyes; doga each with a riuddod red collar around It* neck, looking a t the paewrby in the most engaging manner tmagtnable.

"They've got ’em tn all posttlons," eald one of two messenger boy. who stopped to look, "flee, there's one with his paws stretched out In front of him, la.y tike, and th a l one looking up as If he expected you to epeak to him."

"And there’* a difference In th* faces, loo," returned the other boy, "They’ve painted the eyebrows so heavy of that one In the corner that he looks real scrl- out."

"Uh, manunu, aae the doggies!" exclaim­ed a little four-year-old, and she ran no fa s t to look th a t she tripped over an un­seen stone and fell down, but even th l. mishap could not dampen her ardor, and her m other had to waft long a t tho win­dow while she dilated on the dogs' curly ta l l , and black eye. and .h loy noMA

"Strange how life-lllte tho*. cloth dogi look,’ said a grai e-taced man aa he and h i. companion hailed on their way and took more than a cursory glance.

"They are an uncommonly good shape.” said the man who was smoking a ^pe . "And If you notice, they are all In good condition, plump and well fed and cheer- ful looking. The canton fiaiinef la a good warm cream color, too. There are two or three whose eye. have been put a shade closer together than the others, or whose hoses have been made narrower, and that alter* the expreulon."

"T hat's a clever advertisement, those cloth dogs, running out from under the furniture," remarked an aequalntanc* of the proprietor to th a t Individual, a . he came to the open door of the ahop,

“Advertisement! I didn't mean It for that. Glad If It Is," was the answer.

"Well, how came you to have the dogs? I didn't know you dealt tn anything but

daughter in which an affecting scene was enacted. The father anij chilli a in make common cause In their efforts to upset the wilt of Robert Gessle and secure a portion of the oetate. _________

E a tin g LyriFrom th e New Orleans Tlmes-Democrat.

"S trange, pliant subject Is this human fram e: adapts Itself to 'most anything! Feed It on alcohol a while and It crave*

■more; give it arsenic, strychnine or any old pioLeon and a craving is a t . once net up." ^ began a popular railroad " ta lk ­ing m an.” as he drew back from his type­w riter and wined his glasses. "On my recent trip to w est Texas 1 vume upon a case tn point. Out beyond Fort Davis there Is a section of country which for unadulterated alkalinity heats anything on earth . W hat water there i* tastea somewhere between castor oil and vichy and eoda, while every hit of plant and ani­mal life has become so Impregnated with eauatle potash that leaves and skins, barka and furs glisten like the costume of a I^Uot dancer in a 'feerle.' and alkali hasbecome as necessary to them as drink t j dlrootnanlac. 1 saw nne family who haa Imfibed and eaten such quantities of_al-kallnc m atter that the ncutrallxing effeet

‘ ' l ig h te s t acid wa* torture to them, ley craved heing more and more

town of Kearny. T he tnienlloii Is (o have the question eubm ltted to the voter* a t the eprlng election.

The Benate copfirmed the nomination ofAasemhlyman Eugene C. Uole aa I’roaecu- lor of Cape May County.

IfBy nuluiehiiio; every p a r t of y i i t i r gyatem w ith bfootl luu tk


atfued by Xh< Q onrnnr, TRENTON. March 22,-43overnor Voor-

hees yesterday signed these bltls:Senate No, 139, render* valid the (proc-ecd.

lugs of horougli* In the tisue of bonds.House No. 177, am ends the act regdlat-

Ing pilots tor port* o t Jersey city, .New­ark and Perth Amboy.

The Governor allowed Benate No, 177 to broome a law without hts signature. This measure orovlds* fqy an Alderman- at-large In cities o f from I0,iwn to gi,noo population where th* Common Council now conilslB of an eyon number of Mem- here.

pure - by tok-


T w o m U t^ OU1icecui m the f.v£ n in o nkwh.

Af TON, March 22.—A hook-and-laddcr 1 company wa* recently orgenixeii her*.' To

i ,« Jlood-a Sam parllla. T h® yo«will have nurvo, mental, bodily and urt reached h . m c k . TWomhiy, h* »oi-

unteered to purchaae the n«»- truck anpl ' present It to the company. The fire fight­

er* have decided to purchase uniform* ; with the balanc* of the subscriptions.

% (M tJV« StrengtlL T he# ym j n o t ; Lynche,1 to Oeorgis.te a r d iantac, bccoii*) yoflf ay ito lu yvlH | ATLANTA, Om. March 32.-johu callow read ily n » k t aorofulout tcud in ip lea : * negro, wa* lyPoUed near Round Moiin-

T L m vAn wrtll ‘Al"' *<1 North(gti Alabama, Bunday Dlflht. llMsn y w w ill . jie tiaa been paying attention to a youn

o u t to Altoii.


Ammonia Hon*, of ths Works Near Keavil Ilestroyetl hy the Flames.

Sppfitl to Ihe KVKNINO NEWS.KHNVfL, March 53.—Fire brok* out

Bumlay ivenlng, between S and 9 o'clock. In the ammimla house of the Atlnnllo powder Works, near here. The b l* » t-'iuld be seen for mllea, and there Was great consternation among the people living In the vicinity, bj they feared a destructive explosion.

There was no wind blowing, and so the fire was confine'! to the bulWIng where It originated, which was completely destroy­ed. Thero was ii large quantity ot powder stored In the powder house*.


Pastor of fit. Mlehsel’s Church, Je ree r City, Expires at Ihe Rrclsry.

JERSEY CITY. March 22—MonalgtiwJnnuarlu* ilo MimlichavTs Roman Catholfe Chun-h, In N inth street this city, died a t th* rectory o f tb* i hiircli a t 6 o’clock this morning.

He was born in Daly and ‘ ‘*<y of age tie waa welt known In Catholic circles throughout the Btate. and wa* pop­ular w tth Ills coiigregallon.____

a l l p a r t s o y J E R S B T ,

W D Manro, Superintendent of the rub iic School* of I'aFerwn. has t**!*"” ; Tth> lloatd of School Trustee* m et lost night and accepted hi* resignation,

Mrs. J . Ti. tlese. of Baptlxtown, H unjef- don Uountjf, on Sunday night u w « . * m im ter of W ile* , one <jf wffleh con ttlm ed sulphuric avid, which set fire to her clothe*. Bbc wa* badly burned.

Antonio Monaco, au Dalton a t l r o n G c ^ er and banker a l BsVenlh and Gtohd Hiroels, Hoboken, who was known M the King of the Daltons" in that city, died a t hiA n*;^o from pnAumoiila on Sunday **• tiirnoou.

■Mis* Llsxle Johnson, of Faesatc, ployed tn the engraving-room *4 tha Paw oaic Print W orki, says th a t she ww*

w hat __ , - - — ____of the burning suits. In their composite kitchen and dining-room 1 noticed a row of bright new tin cans upon a shelf, I first took them to he condensed milk, but pic­tu re m y horror when the mistress of the house took down one of the can*, which 1 then law was a concentraied lye, opened it and gave a heaping "(HMUiful lo each of the children all around. They Hckeii tl down with evident delight and went back to their gomes.''

Vernli-M artln cabinets and bedsteads and high-priced solid stuff.”

"I dnn 't as a rule." replied the store­keeper, "but a woman I know makes thoee dogs by a pattern ahe got from somewhere abroad, and she asked me to help her out by putting them In the win dow. Bh* moke* them to sell. They are tl apiece. I didn't know how to refuse her, although I felt th a t It would not look Just the thing. As a m atter of fact, 1 didn’t underitond th a t she was going to make so many. When 'I got down to the store thl* morning the window was all decked off i s you see It, and I concluded th a t I wa* In for it, and might aa well let them stay for to-dny. All the morning there have been people In here asktnr about those doga, inquiring the price, anu It they can get rabblta or i» t* made by the some person, and i f those animals would be made ju st a* good and a lot more questions. There have been Just throe custoraere In the place to look a t or buy furniture, and two or three doien people looking at thoee dogs, I believe five of th* dog* have been sold.

"W ell really. I d odvlee you to make cloth dog* your main bualneat In futuro, and have your ceblpet* and taWee for a side line," said the buslnes* acqflktotance. " I wouldn’t have noticed your place at all to-day had there been merely chrir* in d tables In the wlndowe, aa usual, but ths little dogi won my Interest a t once.

" I ' m goln? to hire out the other window for a ttoby show," the ahopkeeper called a fte r him u he walked away.

S UCH an exhibit as this of ours riMS superior

mere weather conditions, witness to-day’s throngs and enthusiasm.

Of course, the feature of the showing is the collection of Parisian Hats from these mak­ers, among others

Caroline Rebeaux Heiti-Boyer Paul Virol and Berthe Mons. Virol Lewis Siisanne Lqvs josse Julia Camille Roffer CartierMarescoi Sears These are the world’s lead­

ing milliners to-day, and their models here are the best rf their work. That particulir point is worth noting;—tlje matter of selection.

Because a hat comes frqhi Paris it is not necessarily good. Paris is mercantile as well as artistic, and she sells to all who comes to her with money. What she sells is another matter, and that is where the expeh knowledge and trained aste erf our millinery chiefs

come in.Besides these imported hats

t^iere are the productions of our own desimers and mill- ineiT force. It is with no apology that we show these )eside the masterpieces of the world’s millinery masters, ^aris sets the style, but she does not monopolize it. In hese models of ours the leader­

ship of Fashion’s leaders is acknowledged, but not ab­jectly. We have done more than merely copy.

The choice may be yours between the Rue de la Paix and Broadway. The advan­tage of price is on the side of Broadww—the disadvantage,

well, find it if you can.The view continues to­

morrow and Thursday.JOHN WANAMAKER

Formerly A. T. Stewart & Co., Broadway, 4th ave., 9th and tOth sis., N. Y*

I. IM P l^ ................................................. 1

ft 4<j7*wrfilnaG»n }A 4ll I-r s*j ui>«i Kinnry .................... Ift. 4<i7 -T. S wSl Klnnry

t o u l . ....... ............................................... .THIRD WARD. _

I gherrH Hall. 147 Bprlnxfield «V*nu»......I Or«i»» Hall. 1S7 Kinney streat,...I Hauiie*'''"- M Ctaytun street.........I *7 cartlon street...............................ft 232 fOtinn# ......................f; 1M1 irucfl .................... .

104 jpm#rf#t ................................................................................................. .

- J#orRTH WARD.1. CAntl and Fin# itrw ti......... .2. K7l'h#Try #ir##t ft iV ilullMrry ttm it J. ftf ftlarkrt ttroMit ft . (M>n Ktrv#t iUH d. $ MulUrry Birefi


] ilAyhuraUt HatG 2, W Proipeci Atr •L H4 Ferry 4 lul F»rnr atr*#!ftlT % W8


MarV#t 9trt>#( lilirkel atre«t

Mit.................................. 2

.............. ... *.............. ,........................H

d jHW'a r d . , ;n........................ I


1 132W


. ut l . .

81XTH WARD.I33t South Orange ■venue.........Warren *nd Newark itreeti...,8T« itaftk •tree!........................iTtinden And lUnk itreet*.....,r^ ltie i nnd Bei*m itre^t*......Ma B»nk eye’' ’' ' —8outh UrtBie nvenue tud Boutn l*tn

TfttAl.... 1»


ROMAN, f l a t ,PUO, RED OR

b r o k en n o se ,OUTSTANDINQ EARS,

TATTOO MARKS, w r in k l e s , PIMPLES,

b ir t h m a r k s , b l a c k h e a d s ,

MOLES. WARTS, WENS,s u p e r p l o u s h a ir o r


UNDER YOUR SKIN, C«U o n o r w rite D erm ato/oglst

JO H N H. WOODBURY,m W . 42<1 St., NEW YORK.

t u b "M A RIEILLA ISB .’

It* O r tg la TeUI l*T H ls ta r la n ■ W r l t te a h r » B e g a lto t. "

I Prom "Btorle* ot F»mou* 8onga"-G . J, A dtlr Fllxgerala.i

fie Llrie w*i gr*«Hy erieemed


............................... fttvtIW ■v«i**.......... I'■•Wnfton-venu#... l lAetd ivpiif............. I

StiVBKTlI w a r d .HoiMtofi, Ne*blu •u-eet And Omoff t i wfliiMTT «venu« Aiwl SheflleW itrett.aoft WAiren i t r e e t ........... .................. ....... .Summit nnl Aufcdemyft Houih OMAKr avpnue...............................B«nk And Du*t«o ...................................^

Totil...........FilOUTH WARD. *

ColumOl* HaU. BellevlHe Ave^ ma V*i\ WiitenAii itreM......

OlAch’A Htll. 412 belltvaW JeroUimen’A offippe WAtmnfton Htker'A BloonirteW

. Ml HummAr Avenue........ l i i i ' . ij.Vi, utden At, pnd 4th Avenue, l ‘lurfMv ■ __T o ia L , ......................... •

n in t h w a r d . .1 , MJ Mulberry Atreel.e........... ............... }t 06 HhertfiAH Avenne.......................*........ j

DM Waverly pUcp................ \4. lift Hhnmet Atreet............... rft. Ig KIlAAbeth ArVenUA.......... ..........

TotiJ............................. *TENTH W'AHf.

1. Walnut And McWhorter .......2. McWhtirter and OArdert m feti.......a, 234 Jeffemon Atreel.........................4. l»7 JefterAon etreet.......ft. Its i»odlh Rtreet............. ....................«. MIller'A. Wil Kim «re« l' • ......7. tTtrtinui And MeW'hortf ■DeetA.,..

aft Huu«i» ilreei........ ............TtHAl ............................ ....................

KLFeVKNTHWARD,1. aai Warren Atreet...... ............2. M Norfolk ..........................................a. RrehBAn'i li*ll...........................4. 48 Wnrren «trAet..eB..............ft, Mt OrAhte ...................................a. hw Second ...........7e ill* R<*evH!e Arenu/ a* Lor. WAjren And

'BbtAl....*ee............... .........TWBIJT^ WAROi

1. Itt NltaArn Alrteti....................8. 5H Howery Rtreet......j . " ! ; ; ........S. HlchArdi And Horery Atreel**--'-4. KM Albert ...................................ft ftS BArb^rA « r e f . ................ .. ..........ij 21W > Ferry Air*t....v-«*****'*'*»

........................................ .................. .THIRTtelFeNTH W-RD.

1. A. R '> h ™ ™ r . s \ k ' \ r i r ’3; X t k n S ? . ‘ H ril“ W Jn '.t '-eu u . and

Klghisentti^avenu, .......................

. !

. 9: I . 1 . JI t" ii


1; I. a. 1

X '*.1 *w>uth / T J i j ; ’:';:::::;:::WIrthman',TO filxtwnfii avenue..-, Obaue HtU. Clinton piri-

UTolal............................. • '............

5aSa BprIniflAld AVAhtt....... .122 Beimoni avenue,-................ ............i n • ‘ ‘


C a p ta re d th e P r ia e By W tt a t B ra la ■■d Ctoisdaea* « ( H e a r t .

From Success.Tb* greatlp henored Moeee Mendeleiohn,

who was called the Socralea of his time, was vialtlng the bathe of Pyrmont. There he became ecquatntril with the merchant Gaugenhetm, of Hamburg, ,, ,"Rabbt Moeee," (he merchant enld to him one diy. “we all revere you, but my daughter eepectolly revere* and ndmlrw you with the greatest enthuelaem. It would be the h l^eet honor to me toltavS you for a ion-l»-tow. Pray visit ua soma* 'Moses, Mendelssohn w»*and sh / for he woe eeoly hunch baokefl. At lenntti he *« OUt for the Journey. He aid *ought »ut o*u.

house. The meiv

Bn Brlnuml a « n u » ............................. ,113 Little *t™»‘ ...................... . !! t431 rilntoB avenuf.............. }211 Bergen s t r e e t . . ,

. UTotal........................f i f t k b i #* w a r d . ..............

aw Orsnge •ireet,............... ;"!!!!!;"!! I

g k h ® « .m i''’,n^t™ e atreet............... }: S S Btoomfield ...................

Total.. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■(jxVkNTIONB.1 . Oallegher'e*- i » Prtoo' riveet.*. Melsioer * HOj jiuibarty atreet.__ _4, CotiAK«.f^'«^M,r>t And Ferry alrbMi. ^6. DAir't And B. Iftha. fiherer * ,nd WlckllUe street*.T. Ivynrit» 7*!(| |»u*vifi* avenoe and Vagg. Columbia y-'

WAitenen SSI Mulberry »tr*eLk Ttehonor and Poollto sto.«. MTltiert „ d Warren s t r e ^

Hall. 22T Ferry street.454 riftttn th AyAnutali’AflUeeBloomfleW and Clifton ai^l«reda thkt th t con*entli>A i<4

cat . m a r c h 81.I arv eleetiona be held to th*

KUicts of the city of Onng* MMflav. March » , and fo)

y"Si^rcli » . Wsrd cooven- Mnwaiay "

.rritvTOv«** =

Rotire-t d« Lfl«« WAI KreBLjy rAiveuivu vaiw..* mong hid friend* for hie ^ t l e a l usd - - ^ u iM s r , «h«

genhelm In hla cpun lln |.h o u s^ T chant aald lo him; GO UP and see my daSahter she wUi ba defigbled to see

In the Springa lly rat

' an d Mtaek* nf iltuca k n o w th e abeoltitc IntriBalc m n ilt ol

, „ JI.V lU, W--, I tain, to N o rth c ^ Alabama,

had M'--------- ' -------

I. 1-

I d iy Atid thfr lyniMiiniir

white glfj whose name to fliout fw several months. The young woman's father ta«. PM*e cognitMnt of tne. affair onjy yexter-

T re n h l)ef*at Ig Mwddgeiesr.Ij. PAAIB, Maroh B c T lie Bleol* to-day

u y * a r r e iu b .e x i^ lU a n i tn t against ■ .y . v, . iBotalyMIs, tn U>* u tond ot Madagascar,S e u T i a p a r r f l a ^ i t e ^ ^

I'RVknd ! riflo* and daU M loansH ge*..

cretly married four years 0*010 Burrow* head engraver who died a week ago Tlie family o t Mr. Burrow*, wM wa* thought tn 00 n wldoww, deny lb* story, .

Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Qpenehaw, of New Brunswick, httO their live* Imperilled on Suhday night In a eotllslon with * trolley oar on the Brunswick Traction Lin* near Untuchen, The Gotley car ernahed Into their carriage, overturned It end threw them to the ground with great force. They were carrieiTtnto the trolley car and taken 10 New Brunswick, where they are under Ihe car* of a physlcton,

John Quinn, of Paterson, had * realletic dream a fe»v nights ago. He dreamed he wa* on the deck of a battleehip,. fighting iheB panU rde, He **w a bomb headtoB for him and lumped to gat out of the way. The exertion woks hfm up, and althougB he etekped the bomb he *■/■ h* felt *aine, thing graxe hie hand and .s tr ik e with .*

muelcal gifts, smd was a Poriletoar friend o t the family of the Baron de Dietrich, a noble Alsatian, then Mayor of atrM burg. "One night during the w inter of 1792 the young officer w*e seated a t the table of this family. The hoapltable fare of the Baron had been ao reduced by th* calami­ties and neceeillle* of w ar th a t nothing oayi Mmc. Fanny Raymond B itter, could “ ’ providid tor dinner th a t day except

arrlson bread and a few slices of ham, lletrtoh em“ ed SSlly a t hi* friend, and

tomenttog to n K JM r^ of the fare he had to offer, declared he 'J;!lAit remAlnInK t ili**!*cellar It bo thought It would aid Do Lisle spoetic invention and lJ'PVhi,*’i 1?hnc So™’ nose a oatriollc song for the pupllo oere-moniee shortly to take i’Vnr'toe'llaat The ladles approved, and aent for toe laat bottle of wine of which the boueo could"“ a ?ter dinner De Lisle eought hie room, ■.nd thoURb U WB* b ltttrty cold, he At Ohc® la t down a t the ptono. and,between ree l. Ing and playing and singing eventually composed "L a Maraelltol**. endj,,toor- o u g W exhltu led , fell j - j jhead on hi* desk. In the 7^*able to recallmediately wrote It down and cm W d it to hts friend, Baron Dietrich. Every one was enchanted with the 1^ , ‘ X v ;ed the greateal enihuilaem . A few day* later It waa publicly f iv ro In *f,7aiborg, and thence it «•« convey^td^by the^multP tude to the Insurgent* of M*r«IUe*. and of It* after popularity w* k7“ W. .

m «tn by_«aocU «nf_oar^n t^^^

isAdo th« vJAtt to the

Tli« llluttrAGoo Abuv* ihowi tftA odertlloi on MIm a .4 uf $1. liOUiie fur tne

I'orrectlotj of (’UR HUM,Th* John H. Wrxxlbury Di'niiAtolocICAl

tutr. 18T 42*1 »l„ N«w T5Jtk. waa MlAk-k lil^ W tt tw^nty-iU yiAr» aio, a&iI Ia oqulpped with All tn« hilMt And flioAl iRmnnrra nirfroAl Irudrum^niR for ihr> rorreciKm ut TacIaI i r r tn - lArltlei Anil blRminhait. And hAt AAACtflAtM with It <Nity <Kr mufi iklllftl And mpArlenura pbrAl” etAAO. who dpvoti ibelr Um# lo Oi4 eikull- cAtlon of. ikln diRfARff And fi4^l 1it«|i;ti!Ai-Ulci.

Ia frff in porion or by mall And

Rekvyalw m he

(hud on the bed. Looking he saw hi* wll* rond tr-------

xe In her band. ] and, after a d*

hey. .Hai r ^


tffmA AN- muderale, l>ArtnAioloKlAt Jobn U. tV o ^ b u rv AlAu mAnufacturtn Woodburv {•' elA!

goai>. F aria l Crvatti. F acIaI l*owder AAa DhthaI rnnm. ami will mAll a Mmpla of fACb* aut'

fleUnt for thfEr ttfRka' uaf. and Inctud* hla l.t2- PAM> book on J>rmAU>|oii[r And Tr#Atmpnt for th r MHIn. RcaIp and CotnptAtlon. for 20 em ta. T b r MRUlai' alM of «ACh aold «v*nrWhflrA At 2ft cAAlA. For t*n of ibe oxitalde wrApwra erf either nnA. Of AfAortrd of (ba rcfwiAr i Im of \Vpod- bvrr'A Facial fkiaf), FacIaI Crpajn, P acI«1 Paw- d tr o r D*ntAl cr«Am,w« will avnd you a altck bui(aultAble for lady gr rfantlamanK or A Udy*! or RiHUktnan'i WAirh rhaln. For ftvt of tlM out aldo Wrai»n*ra of anr ono or AAAoriAd of wood- burr'i oreftAfAtlonB and dAt* irf birin wa will •rad 70U yuur birth atona. moimtad, br rAtiiro of niAll. For thrat of lb< ootalda wrtupari o< Any me nr AaAorud of woodborra prapAirAtloiM. WA wIU Aive you a ala monlhi' aubAcrlpiinin t» lb* Panay MaAislna, tbo irreAi iliArwry mcama 1 the tloQAA, OfllcM for tliiA cure ol 81* ~•TAfHM diaaaaai And fchi R«nDr«i--aft ■ IplAbAa: Naw ToriL 41f“ ’blA, 1108 TFilaot , - -

, JIB niAtai

you.d w fh ie r* On Another ^■7 , came to Gaugenhetm ! spoke ot the agreeaM* and Inteitectual character of til* dauglrie,r.

“Yee reverend rabbt. ewa Qampn- hejm, 7-,hoold I tp eak frankly to y o u r

"Y"u*a?i’ iwise. You will not take « *",^»d Part the child; ihe w m ihock td when aHc iaw

’' ‘ ^ e ^ a T e l P ^ T f r l g h t t u t hump."Gaugenhetm b®*?d^awfiL

I thouf' *ikht yet I win c daughter."

« ......^ 2

! thA pollltW PtftOM bft

Fourth Ward.i. Cody> Atable.

. Cod/5 auble... Fifth Ward. . D*l- Oohler’f hirbw ihoo, ^WAAhbtfftOn Ateaaa** f

d. DAifible.......S

It* the dwelling a w r t J « w ~ .hlnaiiclf by tho tfaiMfOteif ahaU vm Iia ainear the wIp. ^ h A? .1 e! at st^Primmjr^

therovolut“o n r S ' ' h ™ f w h t e h ^ ^ ^ ^ s ln g r ' De itlale hlmeelf,Royaltot, when Ju ra M ounulni, heart death, and recognlilng th* well-knowD air, asked hto IIM I*«J^J.* had then ohrtriened th* laareeu-lahw Hvmn." ^

T * B lc v a l* th e T»»*orlM l A rt.From the Chics*? ,R e c ^ , ,_

______ Of the pro-feMhto have atorled a movement .to el*.

’■atd”M’*Ddeli*ohn. "hut and tak* leave of

Me went up Into the dwelling *part,% m enu and seatedS e*ed™ t* wifrf *her hand. They talked together pleat ly and Intimately, bu t the maiden did look up, and Mendeliaojm did not tool her. Jtt length the m* den P«t t ^ « tlon; "Do you realty believe that m at' are decided in h e a v e n r’ ^ ^

"CerUlnly! Aad eomel**'"*’'• T happened In my case. You know th a f« coriTlng to a Talmudic aaying, a l lh * it“ of a child, It la announced tn n eav ey and this one will have thl* on* on*. Now, when I w** born, my erf called out for m e -b u t It w*a *l*b » * • " “ th a t ahe would, elaa! have a fearf^um P ; ■De.r .God.1' I «.Wt .'A

be beautiful and com ely !'" ■Scarcely had he sold thta, whf W* ” *}

upon hi* heck. Bh* b**am*

silitent snO eecretxry 'll the wmratUel [ l i t ™ M A r c h tts bAtWAVA S And i ■ft ihA hAAiiflUArtfim oi thli myjAOllAtlc^ to

A a aTm iSi? morn*. Ani tho PrtmAry^HH wllf sit on lt» even ng <rf Mamjs

io dfcld* oontAitA ihAt miyr bt Rf**MtW*nuft bA AcoottPAnlAd by a ilit of ihA e t r £ ^ \ .* " r ? ; ; h “'.i« ito ;- dietnc. w i u r trtrlU^d to toe msmeer* of (b. County W

^siwlinosr* of those prlmarli* shall he eeleoted ^!w ln2m t»rs M this County Commltlw. ana I ’iSTi^bw^oS ttw County Commlltoe. advieory “o1« r t BO? diiirtcl oaotaln. shall soevi aa aa eeoteu. b _ pumary.

)>A two judRAA, AA<JIrtMMi ta vot# UPbb AiCOAptMCA Of lAJISt b i l t ^ and a" '*•**'' O"****®"* ***t"lUl'orodenttxls will bo leoiied uBleis the.ofe

’*Bv’«d»f of the DeBtoermUo Coualy CmaariW toe “t *■«* fSmpilyjj CRAKB. Presldm*.

M. C. BLY, geertlary.

formed will very likely b* b itter i a maiden ohgnt to b« beauttl God, give me th* hump,, and le t IB

Tlwre are b a r b e d*Stalea. and the h tr te r vlart®* IaaaImi hav a AtartM ftUTe M d dignify It by a rtu riMth a t will correct eoro* "which they are now comptolnlnB and re- atore to It the honorable olitinolloLion whichbarbers otijoyed In tha rtd ilays, look rank with phyalctoni and artlata. They p r o ^ ?JIS ii«aS orueade tha t will resmlt to th* re y la tlo n of Ih*' toMorlftl hufttiWift hy Ipshilftltoti lO the differrot Btate*. They propoa* to r t - gln in New York.nectloul. New a ^ t h t o ^p o p u la tu roiwmunlilrt w h w .toe aym xa they propo** may r t t r t t td attem pt to ir tu re It*They w ant aw ant a xya^

th* mtiiY I wk* J

they were happy together, beautiful and brave children,

Ta dtap tb* Fro* Ul* e tFrom Th* Forester.

Repreientative HcRa* (1 In tM uced In th* Hoda* tives a bill to prevent th*ber on the public land*, this m«Mt)rt, U r. McRae ■erftatlve of The Foeeit aimed a t I* to prevent my tarera , minera and ever ba* free accoca to th* cutting th* tim ber uni tione can ba adopted. traduced In the las t f to r t ^ protecUon of I eat Tiaervatlons, h a | embODled In th* I bllC and *0 I decld I t B ut Ih* bill 1 jua to to* puhllo l*nd».,‘J cut »,«».a)9 feet lost i faatu reri and lu m | f lu te s have tha rli


At*.) has I ^ r e ie n U -

0 of tlm- aklng of

WBlCiiUY EFfECTlVE TBATIBiT n R « E U ll ia i

ALL^ 1I to a"The ooieci

illli, maaufao- ly else who

Unde from

Ive A j^ w rla tto n

. « i S »iSm

■tH A M B R -B r* '

Page 19: First Edition. - DigiFind-It



p m woims Acnyi.■ 1 _____—

Aa OoBvoitioiii Draw Nigb Candi* datM B^in to Show Tbelr Hands.

busy week this on both sides.

l^elflioiiL F«ii901 BflQi; Mreuftheneil by WllUdmwi froui

if iiy o m ty Rao* Hud ih« lA<llfiiaU*na Hur* ThMii tf v»r Point to Nnyiuour And Ktiwl« n i U'ppoa^nto-Pmhnble Honnl of W trk i NomliMiOi and CianilUtHlcw for W « d om ion-^To Veit* an Pntk Aptiro- iwbilloa.

n«tlon In lh« Blxth W «rt «nd H l{a»V «<> re t It. but School Pom«il*»lonor lMw«™ Subl poeltlveljr decllBei to eteaa ■uitnlnitlon. Th» R<H»ubllc»n c jM li ta m hove not been decldeu upon In tb ii itomlThe Seventh WettI le enoiher ih e t 1» l»»c-

cHlIy coheeded to the Uemocre-te enu Kuut>lh»n eeptrerte tor Oflloe ere

Alderman Joyce will not «0 beck to thetlcallKk|

Thie will be a bney week In local poll- tlce for within the nett ten daye both pertiH will have held tbelr primaries and ronvebtlona and have fuO-nedfed tick e t.In the neld w ith candldat«« for from Mayor down, to the minor ward utUcer. Tb« liem ocrata will be In the held llrat, s ta r t . Ins with tbe lr primarfea next Ttauriday ntsht. The ward conventlorfa will he held Saturday night and for the d ly cuuventloti the K rueger Auditorium haa been engaged for next Monday night. M'hll* the Deino- crata will be bolding llielr city convention the Republican primaries will be In full ■ wing. The Hepvihllcan'ward conventluna wilt be held on the night of March 3U and the city convention on the lallcwlng night at Ktaex I.yceiim.

An the prelindnary eklruilabea fur noinl. nation dratv lo a cluae the wigkera In both parilea are putting In their beel licka for their reapective favorltea where there are conteata fo r the honon, or hi other caeea, looking to r aultahle candidate! to lead forlorn hopea. Though the Interaat tnanl. fested tn the Mayoralty and Hoard of Worke tight haa oVeraliadowed the ward conteata to an extent, there la no lack of Intereit In the latter, and aiplranta for Al- dermanlc and School Cominitaloner hoiiora are numeroua. In this reapect the IJegio- crata are either more active than their 1>p- ponenta or the Itepiibllcana are playing a walling game, for the IJemocratlc pros- pectlve candtilatea are out looking for •upport where their Republican hretbreti In many caaea are utiJecUled who to pin faith To.

It la conceded th a t Mayor Seymour will gel a r«nomAnaUonj isnd ui convention day draws near, ihost* deeply cuncerned In Ke- pubHcan a ffa ln say that Juhn C. Klsele will head his parly’s ticket. Hariisoii Van Duyofl la not m aklnf t llKht, and Alder­man W lnton <\ i}anison has announced that ha Is no lonirer a oanitdaie. In a let- te r w ritten last nljthi lo llfury L>lckflon, chairm an of the Klghth Ward HepuUllcan Executive CommUtHe.Mr. lUrHsOQ peimin! h ti declination aa foUowsi

"Certain conditions to which i have flven careful consideriUoii have brought me to the determination that 1 cannot. In Justice to my party, tie a candidate for the Mayoralty nomlnaMon. Should the charter election reault In the election of nine Be- publican and sU Democratlo Aldermen, the next Common Couftcll would he 4 tie, betnir compoft^d of fifteen Republicans and Hfteen Uemoorats.

"Should It be my good fortune to receive the Republican nomination for Mayor and obtain an election, I would be compelled to realgn my seat In the Common Council, where 1 have another year to serve. This would give the Democrals a m ajority of the rem aining members of the Council, and before an election could be called to flit the vacancy In the Eighth W ard, caused by my resignation, the Demo­cratic m ajority would be able to orxanlse the Council, appoint Its committees and elect city omcera.

"In auch an event I would feel that my candidacy for Mayor had wrought an In­jury to my party, and 1 would ra th er re­linquish oven the great honor my friends would do me than to place the Hepub- llrans of the city in such an unfortunate position.

**I m ust therefore decline to be a can­didate for the Republican nomination, but In doing so I desire to acknowledge my great Indebtedness to the many frlenas In the E ighth Wsrd, and tn other w anht ef this city, who have thought me worthy lo AM th is Important and honorable posi­tion," . ^

Alderman Sydney N. Ogden and form er Judge Augustus F, Egg**rs are still in the hunt against Mr. Elsele. Now that Van Duyne and GarrUon are considered of It the E ighth Ward will very likely cast Its vote for Mr. Ogden. _ ^

For Board of Works, Wllllani Stalnsby, whose term expires, declares th a t he has not changed his determination not to ■land for renomtnation, and the Hep^b- Itcans who are proEilneaU^' named as ilb ls successors to the "Old W srhorge ’ are G w rge L. Smith, Joseph S. N'lnson and H snry E. Bailey, hich of ihls trio will win Is still an open question. 4nd It Is among the possibilities th a t should the fight be an even one, a dark horse msy carry off the prise.

On the Democratic side of the house th e leaders look with favor upon either Joseph M. Byrne or M. T. Barrett, and It Is said lo be a case of how hi^py they couKI hv. with eJther'If " t ’other dear charm er" was out of the way. As Mr. Byrne’s friends have beon taking an Interest In the m a t­ter, while Mr, B arrett's have not, the form er's chanees look roqy, John L. Ar- nUtage'i friends have been mak'InK an sc- tlv# canvass for delegates in the "lr<Hi- b<mnd D istrict,"

l ^ n e s t e ffo ru will he made by the Dsm ocrats to rstaln roiilrol of the Coni- roon Council, while the Republicans wdll do their utm ost to land a majority of the Aldermen. Of the retiring members of Council, Including former Alderman, now

rouiii ii. It la 'aald, andor Thomaa Coyle la apokvn of J ' falilo auoooHaor, II la con a ld rr^ Hl^vly iM tCharloa Myrra »U1 havocuring a rcuoailimllon aa lichool Lommla-

"’uiTmoiTallr aaplranta for ‘JK, 1"“^atumlpllng over « c h other In the K lg ^h W ard, where nonilnaUon for la iiraetically Miulvallnt lo on the Reuublhan .VvErt. man Iigden will retire. He oat th a t he will not aocept », ,jj*!®for Alderman on aeoouni of fieln* m rare for Mayor. To autceeff him the porw leaden have lUggeHed Kawl>oihan<, Abraham \ reeland or Jo h l .Moiiteitti. but It la t a i l that all Ihreh iiavB rxpreiaaal an luiwIlBngneaa to m akf

, NInih' W aid condlUona Af®.•■'“A'*'' l4 thuae in the tiorlhem end of the cuy, aa far aa K.|.ul>ll<an majorilte* eerne.1. In 1h« Ninth, however, ihere J anirt to be a dl«in«ltlon on 'h e part ot aoma ot tba votera to turn SylvanuB D. Shepiierd and Hebool inlaaluner W alter T. Crane, wh?*® expire, but olhera elalni tha t both /non will he renumlnati.d. , .

Alderman Mliiuril Knapp .1.Tenth W ard, iilid H la nndetwtood wi» not aeek renumimitlnn. For hla |d a « tn« i»e i^ oerata are talking of Stacy n. Rlttenhouae

T k» C o o w — «f T t t i t it0 W M o tm laaporlo r fo a i t o f t e n ,

te a v e a fo tja g , oo jroagf g trm a .

Ateolimy Mrs


Seven Acres of fioods.

The Vogue in Dresswear, from Hat to Shoes, the Season’s Fan­cies and the View of Summer, can only be had full and complete in

= 5"

Complete Stores.

nr TCdward llaKeman. while (Uir.itjun hue been mode of John Hobb 'On the ReliiMMy enii aide. Rrh.Hil iroinmiaalotier KImer Hor­ton will Bland for rc-eleeilon. It an '“ - hut Jiimi'B'. Mullen, itemoorat. f In go haeh lo the Srhnol Hoard, and Uiliika thin la Jual aa good a lime to make tna tunning HS suy.

Alderman Ih'iiinnn, the l®“5 :er, will go mil iu the Kleveiith Wnvp,'Htuy tint, an fsi* a» the coming s l^R u n is ('iiiicKi-ned. 'The' Dfreukcruts islklng or AiiHLln Kimball or TUooisS Yunlswi s j pfobiibW KUCi’E^fsors. but Mr. Kimball. It Is sftid, would not accept. The ^ p t ib l ic w s s«cm to think Robert Bruodag* m akr a strong candidate. School sloiver WllliHin L. Kish. R«P«b»rttm J * also out to stay, and who l»s will be Is a queMtion. GeorjfS Frey Is luiic- ed of for the I>m ocratlc n o m ln u lio n ._

I>own In the Twelfth W ard ihcr** iMes lo Ijt* war lo the knife In the r ; ”^ - cra ilc camp. Ever slitre the County C om- m 1Uei*rai*n wrre named fro«i th a t w u ro s certain eleraeiil bus been dlHSPPOiniMl. and tile ftffhl has been carried out even m th e organiw tlon of district executive cotn* mltieeH. If half the thUigs said of the a f ­fa irs In ih« > a rij prove true, th e tlcKet will receive niauy a scratch, nnl<*** eeaeloiis shall be made iH'fore election day. Alderman fttabnlen, who retires, does not w ant to go bock, it Is said, and tjsorge Ha- benstein iind Jofleph WHdemann are men- tIonH as probable tandldates, ‘Thomai! J. Slnnolt wants to succeed himseii m Ri'hoot CommiMSIoneT, but his opponehts irumUe th a t he will hav« a hard row 10

L ittle expectancy of success la by Ihfraocraiii In the Thirteenth v lsrd , and the only prominent dldsten in that ward are said to W Alder- mjiti F efJ J. Hoip and Sv^hool Cojpnais- Bloner H srri' Schott, l»oth Kepuhllcans, and both willing to iuccw*<J hirase f.

I'realdent of the Common Council \ s le n - lln C. Trabold and School Commissioner Charles Sansom will he the Democratic nominees for re-eleoilon In the hourte^nth Ward, and even ihelr Kepubllcsn oppo­nents admit that ihcv will be. s pair hard to beat. The itepubllcsm are talking of E K. C. Theurer for Alderman and Georg® T. (Jelser for School Commissioner

Alderman'Joseph 8 . Sutiihen an<l School Commissioner W alter T. Vsrsons, Repub- llra n i, arfi Iwth candidates for tenonilna- Iton. The former is likely to be opposed, however, by Eilward laealle. The Demo­c ra ts have no lack of candidates in th is ward for It 1, ealfl that e lth rr Joavph riemMiH, WHUam P. llarria. Thtm aa Brown or John Q. Truailrll, Jr., would rvut the nomination for Aldorman, while N athanifl J. W ant and Mr. Hrown are

kon 01 aa prohahlt Brhool Board «an-

ig - . rthe votera will he onlied upon Ip dtclde

apofc didatea.

It] addition to hallotlna for public ofllcere

P oetm aiter Rragaw, leven will be o t the Republican faith and eight Democratic. Thle will leave nine Democrata tn the board, though, and to keep the whip hand they will have to carry at least aeven warda, while the Rapublwan^ to effect or-Eanlxatlon m ust elect a t least ten Aider-

ten.From the Board of Education sev'%’ei|

Democrata and eight Republicana retire, and the lam e nuniber of each rem ain, to th a t the Democrats need nine additional commlsilonera to get control of the board, while eight will euBlw for the purpoaea of the Republicana. There a ra any num ­ber of oandidatet or available men for candldatea In nearly all the wards, and the tendency aeemi to ha that tbd beat tim ­ber possible will be brought forward by both sldea,

A aucoeaaor to Mr. Bragaw will be elect­ed In the F irst, and the Ri

w hether or not a further appropriation of (l.nnA.OOO shall IH' made fur park purpoeea. Two sets of ballots wilt be fu ri^ h ed , one set marked "For Further P ark Bonds.*' and the other "Against F urther Park Bonds." They will be voted In the regular ballot boxes, but will be acceptOtl by the election offleer* without having been In cased In ottli'lal envelopes.


gprliigtleld Health Board ra ils I t a Nuis­ance and T rie, to Kemova It.

At a meeting of the newly organised Board of Health o f Springliehl, held last night, the obstruction In the Rahway River, caused by the fallen trees and such things, was declared a nulaance. and the secretary was Instructed to notify all owners of properly abutting on th e 'riv er from whose land trees, logs, stumps and other debris had le-en thrown, to clear them out, under statutory penalty. I t was stated that the obstructions o f .tb a river along the line of the townships of Sprlngrtcld and Miliburn had been greater within the past y ra r or eighteen months than at any time previous, and th a t they had been caused principally by persona who had cleared off the timber from the Smith tract, running along the greater part ot the stream in the township, from which the upper parts of the trees and branches hud been thrown Into the w ater. Kemalnlng there, they eaught other sub­stances that had floated down, so th a t In time a formlilable dam. had been formed. At some places, U was stated, the obstruc­tion was used for amall foot bridges, and a member of the lioard said th a t be had crossed the river over these bridfea a t two different points.

Whenever a freshet came, said one of the complainants, the flow of w ater was retarded, the banks were overflown and the meadowland and farm s nearby srere

I flooded. Frederick Haael. a truck farm er of Springfield, whose farm abu ts on the river, complained that the w ater had re­cently overflowed hie lands, and th a t If the ofastrnrIlDn was not removed, a p art of hla properly would be practically use-

The resolution declaring the condition of the river a nuisance was based on a pass­age ot the health laws ot the State, which reads: “The roltecllciii of m atter In a r ti­ficial ponds or trenches, o r the aettlng back of water by dams or other artlflctai devices whereby the water becomes stag­nant or emits unwholesome odors o r In­jurious gases Is a great nulaance and equally as objectionable and Indictabla as any others,"


PalUlrftg LrvtunME a»d Ho|>p*oliiRtof riiriTst iuMtrost la th« Biff

1'ofrns to il l* W asteA nienlrjjf of tin* m rrnb«ri of lh« Demo­

cratic \^'ar^l ^!ipi^uilva commlttfen, lo ffpther with IhiiHf* of ih® County Commlt-

anil the hunurury ofHotrs, wo® ht-ld la il nqjhl at U ('ou« street, Orsnffe. Al- dermun Wllllum K. HumlUou, rhuirm an Of the Kxecullvt* roinm ltiee, presided, and he that the nieellUff had bt*enI'alled In order that the Dem ocrats should kuow BXjii’iljf Mhoi the Executive Com­m utes hisd iHirn d<»1iue. George Law was chosen chairman and John lallly wo® mad* secretary. Rppt>ria of the situation In the various wards wi-rs given by the ward raem ben of ihtf County ComniUtre, siid then gY-nenit remarks w’ere tnades The speakers exj>n*MKcd the opinion that the Democrats would be successful s i the en« BUltiff eletnion. It was announced that the primary fur the selection o t candl dates would be luld next Motida^', and th a t the prlmarb's fur the nom inations are down fur the* foltowiiiff nlffbi. The city convention will be held on Thursday n lfh t •of next week fur iho nomination of a Mayor, PrpHltleiil of the I'ommon Connell, CommlssJotiers of Appenl and Surveyors of Hlichwayt. The m atter of prepiuinx an address to Uie voirra was left to the tnem- ber« of the rounty Cominltteu, the bon orary ottlcerw and th« dtsirlnt capLalni. Alderman Augustus H. Vanderpoel, of the Heromi Ward, Is the only Dem ocrat whose leriD will expire and, It Is said he wUi lie reiiutnJnattxj. He Is not s, candidate for sMayor. For Mayor the names of Horace Hinson. W. Bradford Bmith, U rorgo laNMn- bridffc, Aldemtan Hf'ury Stetson and Ed­ward i t gnydtr, Preeidcot of the Comniua Council, are spukm of as sMayoraity os- idrsjiU. Fum ur Mayor Oeorffe H. H art­ford has also been meiUlonH, but b® bsa dscllned to consblcr s nomination,

The postal-card canvass, conducted by the Uepubiloan (Mty Committee of Orange lo ascertain ihe cliobe of the voters fur candidates for Mayor and PreHldeiit of the Common i.'ouni'i], was s ta r it^ yfuterday. Mayor John UIH is a candidate for rr- nomlnatlon, and Ids friends have sel»*cted a s hlM ruindug mate John 1). Kverltt for the Council H'esbleiicy. Thomaa O. Har- her has pusiilvely ilerllncd to consider s nomination for Mayor or for any other office, and so have WiiUam Hiker, Jr., and JLoufa D. Galllsun.

There was s small auendanee lost night a t the convention of the Orange district of the Kshcx (bounty 8unday-S4-hool Union, which WBB held In the Flrirt M. E. Church. Orange. Kev. W. D. Sleveiu, president of the union, presided, and he responded to an address of welcomomsde by Iht

New Jersey at Our Store. Extremely Low Prices Will Prevail.Main Floor, South Aisle, at Broad Street.

W e shall throw open for inspection, to-morrow, our Enlarged and Beautified Toilet Department, the most superbly appointed and finished store: of the kind in the State— the equal of any in the metropolis. To empha-* size this reopening we will distribute, by grace of Colgate & Co.,

Free to every purchaser in this department, to-morrow (only), ff souvenir box containing bottles of Colgate’s tooth powder and toilet w a te f and a pretty calendar.

P A T E N T M E D IC IN E S— Our newest depaffure is the preientatioii of the most popular patent medicines and p to i prietary articles, at prices—well, just note OUr prices and those charged elsewhere.

Huud’fl SsrauparlllA, 6-lc.Pslne's Celery Coiiipuiiiiil, flSc. IVarner'* Hsfe Cure, 7V«.(.reene'i Nr»rvuni, A8c.I’und'i Kzirsct, 29c.Kellow'a Uypopliotphllea, 8*c, jteree'a Jleidk'fll Wsfovery, 67c. Pleive’i Fflvorit* PreBcriplkm, 64c.

t’inklmiu's Vem'talile Compound, 67c. lied Cross Ab.urlieut Cotton, 1 oe. 4c. IBhI Croaa .Mdorbent Cotton, >4 16.

9c.; 1 111. paokajfo, 30c,KIpsu'* 'ratiules. 4c. box.SlunrCf Uvxpepsls Tablet!, 3Sc. box. Itromo tteltier, 8c., tOc., 39c> b^tUo- Allen's Foot Kate, lOc, box.

lUdemy'fl Keiwtv Relief, 28c. MeUln’t Food. 3Sc.Milk sud MiigoeMls, 38c Listtrliie, 63c.3-gr, LItbla Tableti, 18c. bottle, 1M Bone Marrow, $1.19. Rubtoat Waters, 2Sc.Hunj'ndi Jsuua Water, 23c,

Alb oek'fl'i Porous Plaster, 9c,Ryrnp of Fljt*, 39c.Horeford's Arid Phosphate, 35c,"M a nine, plain or with Cod Liver OU^t

7Sc,t.'arter'a I.StUe Liter Pllla, 12c.Lanolltio In tubes, 19c.


been t a l k l ^uubltcana have

I tn ry J. Thelii Thein, (t Is

Itpiof nsmlng v t

or Daniel ST, Frampton. Mr. _____understood, wtll not run. 7 he Dem oefsts bsve not settled upon any man u veL Jam bs N. Arbuckle. a Democrat, retirea aa School Commitaloner and will not e tsnd for renomlnatlon. The Democrata are Irylng to induce Dr. George R. K ent to make the running for the School Board

- - - - '1nattng H enry A, Bwann or w flllsm , M. Mackey. :

Atdemnan Guerin goes out In the Second W ard and though, according to party usage, he It entitled to renominattoh. he l)ss not announcell himself aa s candidate. No other aapirailta have come forward, sllher. The Democrats are undecided as to a candidate, but John Hasder la favor, ably spoken of, Charles Vi. Menk Is the retiring School Comralsstoner, and he wHl make an effort to go back. The D rpiocrats arm probably oppose him with Kdward Johnson.

The term of Alderman Jacobi, o f the T h t^ W ard, expires and he U maid to be Ijfcety to get a renamlnatlon. Charles A. f W and Dr, F. W, Becker are among those on the Democratic side spoken of as possible candidates. Dr, Becker U a mem­ber of the Board of Health. Mr. F rey came within sixteen votes of an election last year. For the School Commissioner- ship there promleeb to be a warm Ifght In this ward. George Baupe la the retiring member of the board, but he w ants to go back, and Is said to be msking sn active cativaas. Considerable opposition has been manlfesterl In hla own party, th o u j^on account of Hr. Saupe'i aland In the Dougall case and In several other m atters, and It . Is said that tha opposition will try to name Samuel F. Wilson tn Saupr.'s place. The Dem ocrats sre talking a t Dr. H enry A. Q iaism eyer s i a probable nominee.

Alderman William 6. RIghter will not be returned from the Fourth W ard, It is Mid. and If the wishes of a number of the Democratic leaders In the ward era g ranl- sd Dr. William G. Gtatsmevar will be the Alderraanic nominee. J . hi. Fisk mentioned a s a probability, and I publicans are talking of former Alderman Abraham Manners or (ormer Alderman W illiam Bennett, Though Miles FI Quinn hM said th a t he would not M a oandid-iteJos renomlndtlon as School g^m m lseloner bthsrx say th a t his ns me will surely go 4n the ticket. J. B. F ^ to u te le laentloned u A prabaU llty fur the pMillati WH^htlcan ticket. ^

:raUe panks there Is con . . oUm , Aldemiln Chsrtss

It Dut to t a renomlnatlon, and on* fectlon o f K e iMrty t* to him being flga'"

lel. C o n fa r |M |t are being held - bu

on (he

imSDtIi .over the : Ihl

win. ^ ___ _ to

__________ - JS IcuIIIm , , but evenOiotvb a t n s « ihizMd be patched up U Is re iasdsd as m iice.jkelv th s t -w sre 1HII be soairn m a t c h l u as eleclion M y. Charles C la rk Is lookstT.upon ,sa eertawi tn be re- npimoated a s tkhpel CemmlM oner, The RepubHntn prospeetir# candIdstM have hMa • little teeK n ird hi thip ward.

Aidessitan W a l l i n l i e s t tw a renoral-

to r of the chiircli. Rev. Dr. 1 Kev. William N4ik<Ul2ani

e pss-H. Si reel the "artist

preachpr." of Brooklyn, made an alleKorl- osl address, in which he Illustrated his sub- Jects by drawings. Miss M argaret J, Cush> m an talked abuui "Main Bpnngii of ('har> acter and How They AUy He Reached," SDd KIwood r . Harris, of Newark, spoke of the hutne deparituent of 9utulay-schooI work. aoJos Wert* iiuMff by Mrs. Harvey Qreen and MIsa brown.

President Francis la, Patton, of Frluee- toh University, delivered an address a t the meeting of lbs Presbyterian Union of the Oranges last night In the Munn Avenue ProibyteHati Church, E ast Orange, Ills subject was: "The Cre4*ils of (.‘hrisien- dom," D r lo tio n divided the creeds Into CathoUc and Proteatsot. There are IHO,- UUO,(iiVI Roman Catholics, be said, and ^ , - muuUFrotfStanla. Dr. Patton oiialyxed the difference between the two ereeda and then spoke briefly of the branches tn both reli­gions. Miss Florence Adele Mulford s&nff. and there were organ seiecUons by Bainuel P. W'arrcn. After the meeting a reception wan tendered to l>r, psU on In the church parlors, and refreshments were servos).

For two hours last night diamonds w-ere trumps 111 the armory of Gatling Gun

Maiu Fluor, North AWe.

E a s t e r is c o m i n g on apace; Spring is a l r e a d y here. Is your iKjy in that new Suit he needs? Knot, we have it here at a

happy price for parents,strictly All-Wool Tricot. IxhI color *uc1

neut Mixed ri*simer<* uud flicvlol Siilti, the bestof mskliif, sDc# M lo IU yeurs, 3.98.

All-Wool Middy Suit*, wdth vest", silk soutache bmlil tr1minln)j: on vest sud colbir, 3 to 8 years, 1.99.

Iilirht and Dark Grays and Browns All-Wool Casslmeres, iJoiible Nulls, no better iiiaklug to be hiul, sizes 8 lo 1C jesrs, 7.99.

All-Wool r hetloW, to doiible-breaMed snd Middy Baits, all with patent waist band; also Middy Bolts with vests, ueat trlmmlog, sizes .3 to 16 years, 2.69,

Blackand Blue All-Wool ('bevlots; also brown mixed Long Pants Suits, sizes 14 to 19 YtAn, will fit small nieu, 4.99.

Tbree-plece Short Pants Suits, sizes 10 to 16 years, all-wool, 3.49.

.V strl<8ly -Ml-Wool Blue Tricot ("3) Tliree-pleice Hhoit Pants Butte, nothing like it anywhere, up to 10 ye-vrs, 5.69.

Comiiany A of Baal u ran a* when the third ot a series of Monday night whist parlies was given under the ausplcee of the l.a-

Bnsement Boulh Aisle,

A dainty lot of C u p s and Saucers w ill go on sale W ^ - nc,sday morn­ing. T hey arebeautifullydec- orated with new and p r e t t y floral pictures

and include many and various shapes.

An assortment at 9c. tor Cup and .Saucer, usual price lOc.

An assortment at lOc. Jor Cup and Saucer, usual price 19c.

An assortment at I2HC. lor Cup and Bnucor, usual price 3Se.

An assorunent at 30c. and 49c. for Cup and Saucer, usual price 69o. and 86c.

We also Include lu thia sale tliree loU of decoraiid China Plates.

An assortment of Fancy Platea at Ittc. each, usually 14c. to SOu.

Au aasortinent of Fancy Platea at ISc, each, uxually 29o.

An assorlment of FancyPlates at 19c. each usnally 37o.

All the new (1898) s p i i i f and sum­mer Ideaa In Uregi Pabrka, Millinery and Top Qarmanta are on view here.

Mala rtuor. Auilh AUInA grand combi­

nation sale of W. H. and R. (L Cor­sets will open here lo ■ morrow. Some of them are fimt q u a l i t y g o o d s , while the greater nmutier are samples and slightly soiled, goods in sizes i8 to 30 inches.

]')cru, white, drab, black and .summer, also batiste corsets in new French styles, 4, J a n d 6 hook, with double side steels and pro­tecting clasps.

Every pair worth from 75c. to I t .35. Every pair with imprint. Our Very Special, 4 9 <%

P. N. Summer Ventilating Cor­sets, sizes 18 to 30, with cork pr<> tecting clasp, (these absorb perspi­ration), value for Ai quality. Every pair .stamped. Vour choke, 5 9 c.

Malu Hoof, Wnt.

Whoever h a a an office needs* a c o p y i n g press. W e have a full line o f

copying presses iu our station-i ery department from $ 3 .1 5 upward.

P ic t u r e s - - ! 1 .25 w ill b u y a fine signed-proof etching^ 14x 28, in a g ilt Florentine! frame with ^ 1d burnished} corners. Choice of subject* is large.

Bsilha aad Qardan Saada at popnlae' price*.

ChUdrait’a Garden Toolt, Wheel-' bartow f, etc., tn grMt variety. ;

llosemeut, Boulh Aisle.W hatever you buy here is g o o d ; it is worth all you pay)

for it—generally more. Particularly in Silverware do we ^ v « abundant returns for the money. & arch Newark and you’U| find no such offers— fine offers— as th ese:

Basement, North AUle.

Cbarlas Kmilh 0«ls Into a M«etlnff oCBrioh- la je r t ami TnMlkla Rstnlto. -

A meeting of a brlcklsyers' union ini the hall a t Idorket and Comes stree ts la s t niffht was enlivened by the preaeooe of Charles Smith, of 144 Hatllday street, Je r­sey City. The latter claimed and obtained sdmliiHlon to the meetinff on the ground th a t he was a fettow-cfaftsman, and once Inside developed a faculty foT talking on a variety of subjects, which not only did not intereiit (he members of the unloin. but also took up their time. The visitor re­ceived several polite hints to keep quiet, which were not heeded, and finally a mild suggestion to the effetq th a t hla absence wo^iid be welcomed was thrown out,

This seemed to anger Smith, and he few a big knife, which he fiouriahdd reck*

lessly. Two memberH of the union happen­ed to get Jn the way of the weapon and were slightly cut. Another slipptfid ou t of the halt and notified the police, Patrolm en SUDmsn and Durkin, of the F irs t P re­cinct, responded, and with some slight dif­ficulty overpowered th e mischief m aker Neither of the men who were cut appear-f i against him In cuurt tills itiurntng, and

udge Lambert sent him to Jail for tn irty days, on a charge of disorderly conduct.


Psut Fltxslnitnons's Attraapt to O bteta a Free Bids lends Olfostrontly.

As wagon belonging to Charles D. Jaco­bus', of Caldwell, rolled al43ng Mulberry street yesterday afternoon, and Paul Pltsslmmoni. of 105 Folk street, concluded to take a free ride. Catching hold of the rear part, he started to work his w ay over the tnUboard.

He V u lying with his face near the door of the wagon, when a big dog which was in the vehicle sprang a t him. The brute bit (he boy in the nose, chin and lips, and young Fltsslmm ons dropped to

dies' Auxiliary of the company. Twenly- slx tstites.were In use and twenty-two games were played. Mrs. W illiam L. Fish won nineteen gsmeii and she was the first prise winner. Hiss Ktlsabcth Sayre, Mrs. Robert y. Carter and sMrs. Cyrus 0. Cur- rler each won fourteen sam es and were awardtHl second prises. FYtHierfck Coffin hod the highest score am otir the men with sixteen games lo his cretilt. The other Wlnnera each had fourteen icam4*.<i. They were James T. King. J, F. Doane slid George Cooke. The last of the series of games will be given next .Moniiay night.

Dr. Emerson E. W hite wiU aildresa the teachers of East Orange a t 4 o'cloc k on Thursday afternoon In the High School Building. His subject will be "School Dlo- clpUne Tn IU Relation to C haracter." He will speak again a t 5 o'clock on "The Duty of the Hour." Tht* teachers and the Board of Education of East Uranga have invited the public to attend these rneet- inga.

Rev, W. B, Judd will lecture on "Free Cuba'* In the Satifurd Street 51. K. Church East Orange. Friday night.

A chidtTiplQnshlp game of basket ball will be pLayed In the gymnasium of the Orange Y. M. C. A. to-mght.

The new bridge over (he boulevard In earc cf the Essex County P ark Comiiils- ■loD a t Thompson street. E ast Orange, la profTesilng rapidly. The abutm ents and piers are finished up (u the spring line of the archeSs and the skew-back courtma are being placed In posiilon. The carpenters are buay aJ work making the centres on which the arches am to l>e built.

The next bi-monthly meeting of the Or-........................ ir Unloi) will he

April 11. In the future, by vote of the Executive Com­mittee. oil the meetings vrtll be held on the lecxmd MoniViy Instead of the aecood Thursday. Two Invitations have been re­ceived for holding the April meeting. The Mteotlon win be made by the prealdent, Jam es Froggatt, and (he Rev. Charles A. Ravage.

A number of voters In the F irs t Wai a. Bast Oranifr, are arran x in itfo r the form a­tion of a Domoorntlo club. The objnet la to make It a town.hiu orxanlsatton, not uon- flnlnx 41 to thr F irst Ward. Joarph B. Bollla la Bt the bead of the movement,

TNro chanxea will be made In the quar­tette of the First Hreabyterlan Ohureh of Oranxe for the year heglmilng May 1, MIsa Emma L, White, contralto, and K. It. Mirtlndell, baaa. are to be retained, and the eervlcea of George J . Klrwan, of New^ ark, tenor, and Mlaa Anna K. Hughea, of Brooklyn, loprano, have been aenured.

At the laat aeaalon of the K iw utlva Committee ot the Oranije Chriottao En- daavor t'nlon, held In Trinity Congn tlonal Church. Baat Oran»e. It waa da- clded to recommend to Ihe union at the next meeting that a c o n fe re m m ^ Chris­tian Endeavor work be held on the eeoond alternate Monday night of everv other month in connection with the regular bua- Ineas gatheringa, lo wh ch all the mem here of the verloua aodatlea will be in vlted Superlmendoiiti of departm enti were appointed for Ihe ensuing year as follows; Temperance and evangelletlo. Rev. Chauncey W, Goodrich, of the 81. a o u d Preahyterian Chur<;h Boolety. loclal, MIsa Hallowell, of T rin ity Congregational Church Society: Orange Valley Social In ­stitute William Cranford, of the Hlllalde Preabyterlan Society; Chriatlan clllien-

Every one is looking toward Easter. In addition to articles of dress we have Easter novelties in Rabbits’ E ggs, French, German and Japanese Souvenirs. T he children love to color eggs. T he best coloring matter is Paas Dye, of which we have every favor* ite shade.

le ciiudren love

14-ln. quadruple5 )a te d Iraya,


a#Trt .Tugs,4(uadriiplF pU i- ed mountings, 99c.

Qtiadniple nefle , , . .

Castors,ijufldniple olate pot,

P'fltc, I no1.98.

y u a d n ip le p l a t e d t e r n dish, 3.38.

Quadniplal _ plated '

yundmple crotab paa(plated can- dlw lek, ac ra^ r,

1.98. 1.68. 2.(15. '(junilmple Filled Water PitchfliVi

engraved, 2.49,

8ame wUliout engraving, 1.98.

E > V E > R Y B 0 I > Y 0 0 E > S H A I I : X E > C O . * S

anga Chriatlan ISmtcavor Ui heM on Monday Might,

tHe grodnd, acrcBmtng with pain. H a was tiiKen to n nearby drugitora and thi the City Dtsprnsar ' - -

. drugstore and then to ipensary. but no doctor being

found, a t ettner place, the F irs t fTeclnctambulance was summoned and he was taken to he City Huaptlal. There hla wouflde F ere cuuterixrd and he went hams.


Trustee Taylee. of Soalli Orange, flays HU OoUeaguea Insulled Him.

The South Orange Village Boat'd ot Trus­tees Invested the power of for bWs to light the etreets of the village by electricity end gas last night in the hands of Its Finance Committee, and Edgar M. Taylor, chairm an of the 1-amp Coinniittee, loft the Council room in very tiad hiiinor. Before leaving, Mr. Taylor told ilr, Camp­bell. who was responalble to r the rnauer. that he conaldered hlm sett insulted, and he wlahed to know why the strert lighting question should be taken out of the hands of Iho !*m p Committee.

Mr. Campbell replied th a t he believed that It waa proper for the Ftiiawe t om- mlUce to adverttae for the hide In dues* lion, and li* w as auau lned In 'be vote by Meaire. Wllllama and Bowten. The In- atruettone to the F inance CoramUIr* ara th a t It get btda for n s llghUtig, for the coat o t lighting the village with the wlrea underground and overhead.

In a communication. Chief Barrou, of the F ire Deparlmont, reported that the firemen had received a new horse, and th a t there had bean one lire during t ^ past month, The Chief also recommended the name of P atrick McOarry tor driver of the new hose wagon. The cominiiii1r.ill<)n was ordered flled. A petition, signed by a large number of flremen, asked the lioard to appoint Jam es F. Farrell driver of fho new hosa wagon. A fter some dlsi nsaton as regards the rig h ts of the board lo up- nolnt such an official before the *a» created by ordinance, thla petition was re­ferred lo the F ire Committee, with In­st rucllona to l« prepared to m a k e some recommendation a t the regular meeting In

* H airy C. Burns. Philip Detrlch, George Halsey. J r„ Thomas Malay, C, F, Parry

and Fred Wllday were appointed election officers to conduct the vtllage eleclion next

'”Mr.**CaropbeU' gave notice th a t he would resign fitxt month os Vlllag® Tr®o*urtr lust os soon s a h is annual report wsh tom- piled, and ha asked th a t bis bocks l» audited, and th a t the F inance CommlUie be empowered to employ an expert tor the purpose if they i» desired.

Police Justice Taylor reported a rre sts had been m ade during the pa» month. Preatdent H art announced th«t he had aptiotmed John R hatlcan a >pec “ officer to do duty on the mountain hill

Presbyterian nocieiy; » u n .iia ii ahlp. Dr. Taylor, of the F irs t Presbyterian Society. South Orange; prayer-m eeting and lookout, Clarence Price, of the ,^1'Vt Pres­byterian Society, also of flouth Orange' Junior MUi Emily M aynard, of Bitnel Presbyterian Church Soelaty, E ast O r y g e

Dr. A. C. Almy. of th e Orange H&h School, spoke before the Paren ts cO'J^mlVve Asscclatlon of the Orjw«a y«.teraav afternoon In tlnlun Hall, Orange, m i'Psychology and th e New KiiucaUon.;^ M rs H. Mann told of^the workof the Brookline and Chicago schooia,__

A horse


The real estate t r tn s fe n recorded to tha R egletci's ulllce Monday and reported by tb s Fidelity T itle and Dspoaq Company wars:

NEWARK. ^John It Morrison to Idsile Davis, a a

H aw ihurne av 75 w fr H anover pi,JDxlOU ..................................................... **"*

Philip Amend to Franx AdamAmend, a g r t . . ......... ........ ........

Douls jltsjd to Joseph Davy, o a W ar­ren at 3Z w fr Arch at, toWO; n w cor W arren and_ Arch stj MxWO.,

Louisa C. Friedllne to Chartea W. Friedllne, a w cor Broad and WKInil'Py St,' riOX2(S. . . ...eieresss • es ...'•a 1

H eniy M. D om nua (Sherilt) to F a ir- lie * WllHon Coal Co., n a Ttb avS3 s e f r W ebster at, SOxW............... J,3M

Jqlin Golds to Herman Renner and al, n a Golds at IZS w fr Blum at, Sbilw flOQ

John J. Alien et ux to Fred H. May, w B H Utu st ISO a fr flth av, 00x100.. 1

Christina T re fi to K alharina Nleb- ling « s Fairm ount av 40n fr T h ir­teenth av, 100x100; w s Camdsn atSOO ■ fr Thirteenth av, JSxlOO........... 1

Henry M. Doremui (Hherlff) lo tha Howard Saving" Iiistllutlon. e a Bummer av I l f s fr Montclair av,l»7xt7fl ......................... .........................X.OOO

August F. Ztmmrrinano a t ux to Kar! Fundus, a a Kerry i t 160 * frFreem an st, 36x103...... ....................... 1,100

K arl Fundus et ux to P, Ballantlneti Sons, aam a.............................. 1,100'

John L. V irtue eh als to Annie A. Benjamin, 0-7 of 30 e fr Pennsyl­vania av, 10x 12.................................... 1

John L, V irtue *t ala to Annie A. Benjamin, 0-7 of ii s Parkhurst al75 fr Pennsylvania av, 14x71.......... IJlOO

Dunie] If. Form an at ux lo Prances B. S tew art, a s Hector st 212 e frPark pi. 24x70.............. . . . . . . . . . 1

Frances B. Btawart to Belle J . F o ^mao, sam e.................................. J

' TOWNSflIPB.W atson W hittlesey e t ux lo Mary

A. D ltter, Cllnlon, s i O ram avISO s e fr Hunterdon at, 26x100........ 1,400

Henry M. Doremua (Slierllf) to Hen­rie tta Jobnaoii, Montclair, n s For­est pi 2L0 e fr Forest st, WxlU........ 2,000

Henry M. Doremus (Sharitf) lo John Jaeger, Rloomflelil, w s 11 fr alley.. 1,000.

tVatson Whltteaey e t ux to Mary fll. Boutllller, E ast Orange, w i Blrch-

Hawklns street, eity: Alfred Paler, archi­tect.

Thomaa J . Kenny and John 'R . Casey, owners, with T. J. .McLoughlln f t Bro., coiLtractcia, $6,343, luasou. 146, Iff and 140 New itreet, city; Alfred Peter, architeiil,

Frederick Dresslg. owiim;, with Jaah n if ft People", contractors, tB l plumbing, m Hawkins street, city; Alfred Petar, avchl- tecl,

hi-ederick Drassig. owner, with BImon Mers, coatractor, $730. niaaon, 03 Hawkins street, city; Alfred Peter, archllsct.

Thomaa J. Kenny and John H. Casey, owners, wlih Rledy ft Byron, contractors, $4,400, carpenter, 146, 147 and 140 New street, city; Alfred Peter, arohltecl.

Thomas J. Kenny and John H. Casey, owners, wlih Jaenlg ft Peu|)tes, roturao- turi, $1,812, plumbing, etc., 145, 147 and 140 New alreet, city; Alfred Peter, architect.


Froperty Was Dedleatad by Thomas Oahas and Haaiy P, Dodd,

The BloomtleldTPwiiihlpCcmmlMee hold le n g th y meeting last night, and a Jot of

routine work was transacted. Bpeaklog of the recent birth of a child a t tiio Alms- hodse, Clialraian Htout explained th a t the Infant hud been adopted by a Cathollo fam ily, ami ho declared th a t all proceed­ings In Ihe niatlcr had been dropped.

Two tracts o t land for streets were dodl- cated to the town b>- Thomas Oakes and H eary P. Dodd. Ona of Iho Ihorough- farea will be known as Haslewood road and the oilier will be called Clarendon place.

The Street Lighting Coinmltleo mads i preliminary report In regard lu the gues-

the reHponslblllly mats Dudley Ward, who was

badly bumeil by an elmnrlc wire a fear days ago. This (‘o>(nnilttf*tns*'n sitld t™ aleotric Wlro" were atruiig In a dangeroaa m anner across the roof of the armory, where the accident occurred, and they racomniended tho »iloi>llon ot an ordl-

......... further stretching

Held for gtesUng Clgsra.Sforrls Wclaherg, aged sixteen, whot

lives a t 214 West Kinney street, was a pria.J oner In tit* First Precinct Police Court tblgt morning, charged will, the larceny o f three boxes of cigars. The boy w as ar*^ rested by Hpedal uniccr Hoixhaus yester.i day afternoon with the cigars lu his poa-» session, and afler an Investigation It wa»' found th a t thev Iwtunged to John B*1 Axt. of 131 Mulberry sirert. The latteif appeared as complainant against w eln-. horg, who pleaded not guilty and waa hehli In lEoi) ball for the Grand Jury, Welnbarg-, has aerverl a term In Jail for robbing mi M arket street fruit stand.

during, rtne. Cl

th e 'iu m m er months. haries B. M atthests and others

tltlo'ned the board to change the South Fourth stree t to Montague pl^-e; Mr. Campbell reported th a t the street hail been oinmeil by private parties, and was ^ ? a ^ ' l b ; iHSet, so The pellBoa was O ^ e d "M . A M tttto 'a lg f le d l<y perasns asking th a to gnim thete u th Orange and WaddkgHidll Traction JtmWMStv. a ,f tan ch la* '20j r o a a Montrose j J ^ S T a j ^ d e wakJMin! and orderrf iSttnjjgf, ga oounitd

ran away this niom lng In Mi S a it Orange, being fiteb taned by a twffisy cee After running fo r a halt

l a v l a a r t n < lattl**a.M isi'E thel Gray, of Dnlon aVeitud, Ir-

vlnjrton, haa returned home from a visit to Hunterdon County.

B. M -aonm ll, o( iTnlon.avmxe, Irving ton, wrfs driving with scant (riends on Sprtngfleld nvemw laat night, w hen the wagon collided with another vabicla. X r. Bdnnell and his friends were thrown ffom tha carrlaga and badly bruMed. Tha vabl- ole wua ardecked,

Albert Cfuae.'iot fltmrveaant tvanua. I r ­vington, haa I'saoVerMl from hla vacant 61- nesa.

mile the avenue, night. Ihe

Mireh conference of the N ewark Aasemblv O f ffie B ro the rhood of 8 t. Andrew waa held n J l w H Garth, o t New York, delivered Hmr, w . on -The Tssapta-

cMT Aftsf running .Sffimal was .naught 'J "In G race Church (^ a n g e ^ a s t

rrh eonfwnc® of tha Newaric

Rbv w H. oran in terestlw '“*?%•* fl tiona of ChrlB te d M«»-

The John F. M of"; I f. . Lodge NO. U i. I. 0, n " F of Orange, held fla twenty-third ■nniMl ball In the Oerman-BngUih Bohool Hall, Orange, laaj night.

Is It for Rent ?& T « r iX t .ir £ S ^ t .■Sf'SSTua'K:

niaft C tenfy R «glaierB ktnnsc,teoounw i Jpr*lhe odmwiny, a i r i ^ the l y e ^ the requiifl d f■ llonaTa; On W ' ohdinanM btafyi

George vandert

11 the kjfM’ ikaa or- le «» tt; meet- M on April 4,

m Pater Keman wrence Corco-

liad applied through Ihe Folic* Com- ee U> be appointed ohaneemen on the

Qi'orge ran naitm fto force. *?toon~saSa” dafarred until {he regular m ealing In April, The board coaflrmed the .apSicgUolU for renewals o t liquor Ucena*a to CJB^lea W. Smalley. Joaaph Hagin, P e te r ie l r n e and George

**M ,'"campl»ll repot^ J!,'!®' Jlohneairly bate oom p!e«a arttly Bltaabcth w herA y B teth O rtnge oap aan|>ty Itt sew­age imo the Kllsabath Outlet sewer, and the Sewer ComoiMte* wag empowered to dloae the pending arrmngianent and to submit to th e bgarrt th e ggraament to be decided upon- T te traagMrar and clerk

wood av iflS s fr Central av. 36x100. t,M4 Robert GUfort to Otto W. Ollfort,

West Orange, s e a Valley rd 60 aw fr Ellxa Coleman, 26x138.............. 1

Otto W. GUfort to Robert GUfort.W eit Orange, a e s Valley rd 76 fr Klloa Coleman, 26x246...........1

CONTRACTS AWARDED.The following contract! have baan ra-

carded a t the Oourthouse!Thomaa J. Kenny and John R, Caaey,

owners, with Rledy ft Byron, contractor*. $4 460 carpenter work, 14s, 147 and 14» New street, city: Alfred Peter", arehlleol.

Dr. Leslie D, Ward, owner, with A. IL Clark's Bona, contractors, $4,494. mason, 1668 Broad atreet, city; Charlea AUlng Gif­ford. archltact, ,.u » .Dr L talle D. Ward, owner, w ith B, 2- Grovel, contractor, $1.6l». pliimhing, l(l« Broad atreet, city; Charlea Ailing Gilford.* D rifteaU e D. Ward, owner, with Thso- Uore O. Gibson, cofitraclor, $1.4*8, carpeo ter, 1681 Broad street, city; Charlea AUlng Qlfrord. archltaet.

Dr. L«Uo D. Ward, owntr. wUh H er­man Schuls ft Bon, contractors, tm . Paint­ing, 16M Broad atreet, city; Charlea AUlng

^O U o*'teh«m nir.BekwaUceri. caiHraetor, 1*72. carpenter, m Boulh Eighteenth atreet, city; MIchaid tlrhan, architect.

Otto Scheeffing, owner, with F re te rlo k Kledtke, contractor, HOC. mason and ex­cavating, .424 South Alghleenlh atreet, e t t n Richard Urban, archTtect.

Otto Bchpefflng. owner with G ew ge achwarawaeldar, contractor. 1128,Ing, *9* Blgbieenlh atreet. city; Hlahapd iirb te , arentf___itlact . n .. 1

J. w. Greene ft Co., o w n e rs^ lih Otto A....... --•* —-a---*— iNq, m anoHarom erguhit, oon trao lo rjiro , h Market street, city; A, H. ^ o m so n , archl-**Jatnoa Dagnan, owner, with Curttt. 8oMt A MUnc, oontrxctora. 11,606. c a ^ n t e r . south sirfe of W m rw itre«t. near C entral ffitee, X n g e , n T ; 8 . W. W hittamore,

Jia»c« prohlblMiiK auy Pf wlrfrs over roofs. ^

A nuinlH*r ot pruprrty'Owri<?rH In Frsiilc- llo Township sent a communication tn the oommlltee asking tor It" co^peiallon In the opening of «. m-w road heiwccn F ranklin and Bloomllcid under the S late

iAId Road act. ru d e r the present p ite the .property-owners are lu give the tuid, and 'th e township Is to d« the grading. The m a tte r was referred to the Road Fom- m ltlec. M artin OallKhan was awarded tho contraot for constructing the Spruce street sewer, ou hla bid of $4<4.


They la n d e d Twa Hall" on the “ IfIII"t a a t Night and Daaoad tha Hunrs Away.Tha pale face element was In a bcpaleas

minority la it night a t the carnival and bal masque of the V-Knott Indiana in Haaberie*s two halls, which srere taxed to tJu-tr utm ost capacity to ae- commodate th e crowd of masker* and apeolators. Of courhe there were more Focabontaaes. Minnehaha* and Pow- batgn* represaoted In the oostumes than any others, which was aa tt should Im, though there were Highland Mary*, Co- lutnblaa, shepherdesses and olhera Id abundtece. NotwUhswnding the Impend^ Ing crisis in National affairs two gtrla a |^ peatwl in Spanish coslumfs snd w®po wslJ

r. J ith * untform<ul Indiana were ushered tn by the P If it B eglaient Drum Corpi, underi ^ r a W. iflil. a t r a t *h™Ultla la ter George Kuhn with Miss

or impoverished blood pro^ duces boils, pimples and humors on the face and( body; they generally occuf on persons of unhealthy c o n s t i t u t i o n s . Men, women and children wlttr pale or sailow complexions^ or suffering from skin; eruptions or scrofulousi blood will find quick relief In King’s Celery and Sar^ saparilla Compound, bottles for 50c. atMenk’s Pharmacy, 10(3 Market street, oppositel Washington.JIdiik and two pharm»c!*t*pBSup prescript luDfl at buttom prlo«*.

Ri«is 3*i.ri • '“iViVs l j -1 _____;*»lad off tbs

blversicns conslstad of wa* bate walk and rope sklpplW

It was an early hoW T-snt

Tlclpated.Asnoea, * h a te by c h u rn e d girls. . . ..— when the programme of , twenll dancaj wa* nnlahad. T h iw w h o ^ n a g td tha a a J T w e re : Ex-Alderiflan F j ^ B . ^ t t ,

Loiria Rund;- W IH !^ «<>•*», Jbh” ' - (JM"' g***er, Mell. R richard , Jiffin G rw .

ro n rad w lln ° '» S ia i^ Eoberi’ FairfhUd, P. a ; Dortwer, Gecgg* Denman, R.Jam e* a s ra s fe n l.' ___________


. CORSETS^ A skVour DEArtftj,


50 Higbest Awxrdj!‘II

Page 20: First Edition. - DigiFind-It

M I vA B K R V E y iS g ^ M E V S . T P M l U t . M A B I ^ t»9 ».

OF m m n

ffoss IS F i i s mfrom F ln t Fftf*.)

0 . tton ih »r« occupyin« locit ^ th* ticluiilon of m oit other topics but I be i-i V ^ lw and town# outild* of Hav-ana «rc

^ ^ a a r^ n i fur funcilont In uld of Ihe m>*n- . . . u ^ v » l fund. YMt«d«y

V and iBO oobtlfm irho on the tlcit »*i . returned tu Spain.

It !■ row known ponJtlvHy th»t tn« ik- lo ilsttoua beiwaen Ucnernl

v J R a m l m and Churvei. and ^ Tsatxto Oftrcla and other prominent In-

nurffOU, In which th« nuilchj nmoiwmUts Mnod« what »M « ld to 1><* fltujl u lT ^ «* practical Indcifcndrnce. have prmed an • ^ t u t a failure. No |»rllculara have yet baan recolved <U Ihr iialaca hereaa to tha niac* or Ihr parttculnra of lh« mactln*, but tha failure of tha urkoliathme lak-own, aime hoatlWtlea, which wera aua-

In order It) allow of the nrnollu-penrted In order It) allow tlona were at once reaumtHl.

S e r a i Hand.i‘a rommand l« a*uln mov- Inc aaalwunl, tiurpoaln* lo eiirry out the IS lo . In the nrovliifiJi of Poerin I rlucli»

H*ferenra from lha Bpanlah fO'YJf' i,v"U nitary lermluatloii of *ho wai b> either Bpanlah or Cultani la ’J^I^'tlTiiintrri itructlonT ectermlnallon and ■ceu) the only Immatllaie ahd Tutinn In the meahWhile Am enran prop-*-rtr h«» h*rn destroyed, Amcilotnhave bten maltreilad. Im prlaoned. wound- ad and killed, and Amarleati eoinmarte de- airayed* The loaa lo Amerlioi 'hrouifh the I'uhan itru cc le la lacond only lo that of

5a h ^nlflih.W people in round num-w. «haan ihm fn«iirri*rtlon broJi4? out. R« -bera when the 'tnaufri-tlon hroke oiit

move Ihe flnanlah troopa and It i« douhUul If one mlllfon remain, th a deatruct on of human life haa luen lerrlHe. 'V eylerr order of reconrentwllon waa pret-etled, au t-ompanled and followed by a »>»tifhter of uafinooi, men, women and ehlldrrn, aa brutal unprovoked and merclleai. a i an Apache maaaacre. That th«ae m u n ly a took pi,lot' principally at the hanfli of guerilla banda. half organlced and " holll uncontrolled. Soea not la w n Hpan «h n -


la hplia wf (InfhvwMhla Caadltlona fyork la Uoaa a t tha Klkwood

Trap# To^lay,ELKWOOD PARK. March B ,-M laerabla

rainy weather greeted tha trap 'h o f t^ * here thia morning at lha opanlng of tne

m r ie ic i 'L T iic g OK m s B o c u A n r .

aiwnaVbmiy ’for arming theae bandiu and turning (hem looae, It la eitlm ated[tirntriff thut100.000 "^reconcantrinloa ar# nuw iii iif L‘nntlnu«d relief, The n^CM liy for «h- nolute, unconditional r**i>ciil of Ihf ordfi nr

£l)d“!».'ml'i^'o‘d.'»;bba. made prior to yeiiwral Pandiva arrival iit ihe city of Btin- TSSL J f Cuba. The fact that tlenerut Mua- Imo Oomea remains Inalde Ihe Jiicarii- Uuron trofha and In Oenerul I undo a reur makea the Inner the, aubjecl of crUlclam Slum the iiarl of military men m llavanu. It’ 111 «knowie<l*e.l. howev_er that the de- tall! of thi* movement* of the Spaniard^ and Innurfantii ara in«n»srr, anti that all

pa«M‘d I* Ihtbl* to revl-ltm on r«- (‘*tnl of fuller InfurnuitbMi- ^

nim ori that tienrra! lando ha* h ^ n rrt^aUed and t» awaited here with iSSf i^Tn are pronounced to b» without

*“Tha*8t*nlah crulaer Alfonao XII. •‘h te rrt the new noatlng dock at 7 A. M. •)’order lo have her botlom cleaned, but. owing It la laid to lome dlfflcully with tha eleetrlo hatierleae, the dock, aa tlila diapatch la aent. a t 10:30 o'clock, haa not*Tt" ia 'an^ 'unced froth Bpanlah aoureea

uparent. U‘ '>Illani o haa meraly modmed It In Ua Ini- porlant partlculara.

"i:n<ler Independenca and a aiabh ernm ent both capital and Imtnlgralhin would pouV in from the Untied Htnt"i 'o ratildly tha t the Amerlcanliallon ot me taland would take [ilacu within two deo- «d»a. Bpain haa never eonlributed popu- lutlon to one of her American co ui)h‘» after It achieved Independence, nor wm •he to Cuba. Kveh now. ahrewd Amerleun apeoulatori ar^ trayfrulnis tht irmtiij,

•U lh annual aliootlnf lournamenl of the IntiMrftatp AMOiiaUon. There !9P ihool**ra on thv ground a t Hj ooIock. i E lmer K. Shaner. of iMtiiburg, who ta oon- dueling ihe luurnarreni. atartlnic off the flrat event, the hlkwood I»ai‘k Introductory SweepMakea, the con- dtlloni of which art-: S«vtn Urd*. » en- U'am'f, bird! eaira . thirty yarda rtae, inree ir.otieji, rtfly, twenty and thirty per cent^ hlirh gun*. Ilea not to bt* shot ofi Ana money to he divided. Thla ^venl met w th a llhHril entry of elghty-nine. Mra. wiJl- tam P, Bhattuck waa amoOK the contoal-

_____ _ Uigeven a t oome risk of Hf a l*k!ng up opUona

kimoua ra^urn Tn the future, Ouha ha* hut rand m aking outr< tHte a t

- . K upifiht purchaaen or rcai e**

;>rlcea »o tow aa to promli^- enor-■ Muwa Awataiaa lai aaaw ---------- ,million people. Java of the “**'*■and no advantagea of soil ^uud iditnak,

upiiorti B population ofIncident of ihe aMalri

lopuiatlon of 22,0tw,w)'.' • even IhflUKh

• v,ea*.ww* a... A® HO Ot h«Tevent "in rV hlitorya muai relegau^d iit haa rouved the country event In !t» hlilorya mu»l '>- --- - „•vcond placa bvalda lha other Isaura In. .% .. • _____ wl'U«*kaw m

th a t ih t iniurgeiil Brlgadlcr-Oeneral Ra- foej Cabrera oled recently aicknjjWat ibe farm of U b OUvae. In the dlatrlci of Sanctl Splrltua. f*rovlnca of oABta^ I i f a ’ fklrmlah which haa Jual *»han placi

I Jlbaro, l■tghl Inaurganta wart* killed,a ta w ^ T n e ’to fp'inia'h rir'pfirt, and tha nov- eyninentTorre alao lo»t eight men Wiled.

Tha inaurgrnta racantly attackad. cap- turad and dawlroycd Fnrt Olcaa in the dla- trtot of Ban Juan Murtlnaa, Province (jt P lnar del Hlo. Five of lha Bpanlah garrl- aon ware Killed and flva ware wounded. Tha nama of the Iniurgent leader ta not^ T o - ^ y Blaliop Manuel Bantandai f - ‘ a. of Havana, will euniw rata the

volved In the Cuban problem. W hether or not th e aeltlement of the la tte r becomea Involvod In and niadi a part of the de­term ination of tha former, reata with the Prealdeiit and on the report of the C ourt of Inuulry. Hut It la patiifuUy evident that peace will not coma to t'uba uiitl If la Itnpoeed by the action of the united Btatea. TMa country haa aunered iior- nioua and Irreparable loaiea from the ecin- tlnuatlun of a conflict which haa few of tha a ttr lb u te t of clvlllaed w arfare ami all the evlla of a barharoui atruggle. Neither International obllgattoni nor a deaire for

fap la ln Brewer, the world'a c h a m p l^ wing ahot, waa tha flrat to atep to the m a ^ at trap No, l. and ha klll.-d » **'^1 comer with hla aecond harral. He ra ‘“ *<| hla aecond,. but graaaed Uie third, a left quartrrer, with hl» •t’Con<J barfrl.

Mm , 8hatiu<*k w ai No. Ti on Uat. ab« Jr<‘W A irfl quartt-rlnK Jrlv rr for h r r nrat l»lr<l, lull ab« shot uiiJ<*r ll ami Ih t pigeon got away lAfaly. Hhi- wa* lu*'kf<*r At lu j nnai bh of trap* and brought down a nara drlvere H**r ihlrd blrU. a faal Ineomar. wA*i boauilfully »ioi»i>fd. b«lng hit withboth barr**la. . . in th*Tlilrty-llvt IM for lh« bonoM in in# opening ov4'nl. Imving killed

Th** morif'y. >M6, w ai divided be- iw**en them. Following are tha namea ofHip ■ucccjiful oobteKianti.;^ A. K. Ulcklni, George Roll W. "u g lie r a , W .U ay , Lee llutchtna. X B. Kaming. H, Uunnell, f H, Malone, D. Elliott, I.. A. Younii, K C. Iiiirkhardt. C. M. flrlmm, Betaemore, r. Iturtin, T. A. Marahall, b. ljunnell. K. M. Faurele, L. A. I^ach . K, D Fulford, R. t . Cooler, h. t oleman. A. II. King, tV. T. Cameron, "U. KlbPiev, l l . U. Klrkover, 1,1. L.T. P. IlhV t. B. A. Goffrey, J-Hoffman. J A. Keldotl and Captain Bunk,

Aa a rule the ihoolera wore mono than onll narlly lUofeiafub 'There waa “uarwly a breath of wlnd.^lmt the lltt e th a t waain evidence cam e^rom

the m aintenance of jieaceful ralailona canB the United Blatet in perm itting a

r continuance of Ihla cllaturbance atbur doora. Peace cannot be attained e* eet)t through Intervention, and the aoonet tha t can be had the aooner can a atable governm ent be ealabllahed."

rphanage, of which wife are To have charge. The InitltU'

thM will do an admirable work. Conaul- .OaM rsl expevta to be preaent a t the

g **Sew ^* Matunaaa any th a t thet .•Qovemor hae poatponed conllderatlon of

& loalgnaUon of membera of the Helli'f ~ A- • •- —**- (}f fact lhat mor^I a^t aald€ furjlttee. In aS te of the

n IIAOOO baa been aet aalde for t h , j e - ' of tna reyoncentradoa there, J t J ^ ^ d

t l» t m a n y T lh ; '‘. 'lck T i« i'n V lth er> eJl- :; nor m ix There ta aharp r ty a !^

-------- tha membera of the Relief Com-illtea Gunner Morgan w lll go to Key

V a a t on Wodneadny, In obtrtlence to or- iW a frdm the Navy D e p a r t^ n b El Cpr-

) Bgya th a t a t the and of 13W there were « a flta In the Bwniah Navy

I P " T i l l patltloni or man who detired lo en- i . I fc ^ a n d th a t In caae war brake out now

number raa lb for enllatmeni would e' .'JgBaSrnd to exceed lOo.oco.


, T iiv rt- M a n ln g Metweea New Tarh and io n th a n Porta to Bo Brbuilit Into

Oovammant Borvloa If Needed. m e w TORK, March tJ.—Llkutenant


MV Propoiea lo tilfbr I t to Iho Ooverumtiit In Caao of War.

HOBOKEN, March M .-W lthln another week C hartei A. Kuenarl, of MQ Eleventh atreet, doclaraa lhat he will huva con- atruotnd an ulrahip which hv haa offered to tha Government for uae In the event of w ar w ith Spain. Although no experiment haa been made with the Invention. Mr. K uenie ljia confldenl that It will prove a aucoesa. In BB ha Invented an alrahip w ith three ballcona attached which waa not a BUcceaa.

Tha ahlp which h t la a t preoent oon- atructlng waa begun In May, HW. and will coat ^ ,M 0 . he aayi. It la 160 feet long and flfly feet In diameter, and la a ttach ed to a balloon of the tame dlmenalona, and iield by m cana uf rupee In a horlaontal poal- tlon. The gaa for the balloon la to be man-

did not help the Mrda in „ were aeverat womrll among the a P « i ^ inra, and two of them. Mra. Dr. L. Bhaw am! Mra. C. W. Caraon, both of ChluagB. may ^aalhSy Join Mra. Shattuck « con- t4:‘RlHtlta »V€nt, which will T>f-gin to-morrow morning. A t any theyuUl Tn-rlav th a t they would curtaUily “ ke part in aotna tha ihoota tlila

*A^l5the Wealarn men were conapleuoua, a t they wear drab awoatera ’'*f**,‘"* JU i, •■Wpitprn'' at rniMi lha brpait In whlta leiteri on a dark red background. In the Dttrty ihrro are fifty-two parwyi^ under fha iaadanhlp of 1** Chlcagt>>They a ^ v e J In J e r» y CUy y e i ^ a ymornlnt In two ipeclal cAfi. and Imma- dlalfly c®nie to Hninohport. alioui a mile dlatani the ih M l^ gground®. They have madewood'Thelr 'ht'a ^ And they willmT Ipav^ for the W « t unlU BunJay or

A« %r thm FHfiBda M anm rvU j.A a o w a rtp v J e h " M*rlaya

From the l.Kmdon Bpeclator.In tW® bright ipee<‘h which John Money

dellverMl on Saiurday a l ih*' Ftoamor® kdw arda BetUtmpnt. he k t fall an ohlter dlCtUfn whiph f re t t ly Iniereitotl ua »a poUtlrtana I t wmi only a rem ark Imply­ing th a i the United Btatea In going beyond thle country on the democrat lo road hart noi conquered, had. poealbly. ra ther eitagger- »ted. her loclal dllflcultlM; but we think we may gather from ll that M r Murley, like moit reflective Radicali of our timiet la greatly Itnpreaaeda ll ihay be even ap­palled, by the increoaed difficulty of gov­erning w hkh the uae of dethocracy a* the grand initrum ent of government in­volve®. If that ll the caae wo wlih Mr. Morley, who, though a politician, ha® a de­tached mind, would help u i all and in- le re il ua all by delivering a apeech aub- ttan tla lly upon that subject alone,

U la becoming an urgent one» If only for two reasoni. One !■ lhat the iho rt Hat of ■taleimen who have the InlttaUve in gov­erning mankind feel th lt difficulty with ever*lncfeailng afuteneiA and dread and reMlat democracy not for itaelf §o much aa on thla account; und another la lhat Journullata. fighting |K>imclana and the m ajority everywhere fall to i-ecognUe It j aa a formidable obalacle. and therefore provide ogalnat everything elae. They have not Ihe habU of thinking of Demoa aa King, and do not perceive th a t, te iled aa any other King would he. there are draw- backa In thl* mental compoalllon which ■hake Ihe confidence, and even alarm the palrlollim , of all, even the moat Liberal. ataleRmen. Demoa the King haa wonder­ful inatlncta, auggeatliig aometlmea ulmoat aupernaiurai insight', ho poaaeasea force grea ter than that of any atateaman or group of atateamen; and he haa a power of endurance auch ua. among Kinga, only

rederick the Great ha® hitherto dtaplay-* ed; but ha haa at leoat three drawlMck®. which worry even democratic atatearoen. Into a ailent diatrual which haa often the largeat political reauiia. They are under­mining the French Republic, for Inaiance, a t this m lnuta

(1) Oemoa la an Ignorant King. He doea not know, and cannot know, the faoti upon which hla own deoreea must uUb m ately be bojed. Ignuraiioe, even of a quallned kind, la a terrible trouble to any aovereign, and la hUII more of an embar* raaament to hla counsidlor®. who tome- tllnei cannot underntand why their argu- menta. baaed upon what ecoma to them the moat evUleni facta, should fall ao dead upon the ruler'a mind. In foreign afEaln he doea not, a i a rule, know even elementary facta like th>' comparative power of Btatea—the French Demoa, It 1* alleged, doea not even know where th®y are—an d in financial aftaira hia counting

wer alQpi wHh the first few fhouoand®. la futile to talk to him of mllHona. He

honeaily believes It poaalble for any OoV' em m ent which chose lo do H. to pehalon all reapectable workmen after atxty aa ItKnalon aoldlen. Even In America It may

doubted If Demoa peredvet that every houae In the Statei paya twelve doLlar® a

A Reioiiitlon in tlie Treatient of Rectat Disaases.

hefl end wkich hM a r t n i i rd*rnitn<d b l. b n l tb . but tb i t tb e « ir e wxe (ottewed bjr IlfA tlfo x end v ltel.Ity to h li whole Ntitem.

Frem Mr. A. PlwIpB, MinulBclurtr of ButtOM, Nob. 110 and i l 3 F«a- nlncton it„ N«wark.

Pilesrgdlcally and permanently cured In a few weeks without th e knife, cutting, ligature or cauttka, and without pain or detentton from bualneaa.



ufaclured from coal oil by an apparu tu i ihlp.

fc ; t t the Board for the Inepectlon ofT i ' Auxiliary Cruleere, eald to-der that the

H o rtan U ™ ew am er Chalmett had been s-'- it.nirteil uDon a* a rei>alr ebtp In caar ihe

j-edieuld he Kquired.■ The net of iteam ere to ke examined to­day. Lieutenant Kelly eeld, Innlude thoee

■of the Mallory. U o rfan end Old Dominion * Ilnec. I t l» the purpoee of the board to

M»mlBi Into the adaption for naval de- ' tS e » purpoeee of a l | itcem ere ptylny be­

tween New York end Southern porte. The eneelal reaeon tor thle. It wee learned, la th a t In caie of w at the ie eteameri would have to ahaodon trad lnc a t 1ea « during the period of hoeUlUlee in Boulhern watere. In lh a t caM they would have to lay up, and the nevel ofllcere deem It pru­dent to have them ready for equipment a« euxlHarlei ehould their aervtcee be needed,

TIm board to-day examined Ihe Jim ee- town and the Torktown. of the Dominion Line, the Concha, of the Mallory Line, and the Aleud, of the Morgan Line.

In th e elilp. The gaa la eleo need to eptr. a te a n engine lo run five propellert. One of iheea la to be on each aide of the ehlp.t one a t the rear end, and tw o on top. I ^ e ehip la to be guided by tw o adjuetable fane, one etteched to each aide. The en­tire ehtp la mode of aluminium, and la In- cloeed. Mr. Kuenxel e e jf It will hold live men. beeldee an extra w eight of I . i» pound*. Ite weight Is to be ».M0 pounda

Huttmarlns Beat Again liaeted.i'E B T H AMBOY. March t t -A n o th e r

leal of the Holland ■ubmartna torpedo boat waa made In Btaten latand Bound be­tw een I’erth Amboy and SeWaren yeater- day afternoon. Submerged to a depth of about thirteen feet, the little whalebnck ran for KD or W9 yarda. W hen the teat had bw n cumpleled, Mr. Holland, who operated the boat, declared th a t he w at well pleated with the reauU. DwJng to a failure of the eleetrlo ItRhtlng apparaiui,

Decline. Throughout Ihe L l.t In Ihe Early Dealing, on Wall Mrent-Onotatloae

In the Cln.lng T ra n iir tk iu .NEW YORK. March H,—Decline, of a

half to a point were the rule throughout the Hat a t the opening of the atook m arket to-day, tha epectaltl*. and tha Grangera leading. A decline of a full point waa ahown by Burlington. Manhattan and New Jer.ey C m ra l. The depreMlon waa added to by lower quotallotia for Americana from London.

There waa eome additional loiaea a fte r the opening. Including a point In New York Central and Mli.ourl Paelflo. The general ll .t meanwhile rallied fractionally, but afterw ard w*ahened and tall below the previouB low point with Increaaed ani­mation In the buiine,.. S u ja tj^^an h a ttanand the Grangera led the

The mar' f ln t hour,

The m ark ti moved slugglahly a fte r the amt lluctuailona elther Way

ware of amati oonMouence. The apecula tive world maintained l u w altltu attitude pending the development of the Cubiut all-uatlon. The bond market tended down ward on light offerlnga.

The drift at the market wpa toward atlll lower level after midday, hut,

FISTULAScomplBtsly cured without tho um ol an ansBthctIc, confinement to bed or peln. Piaaurta, Ulcers and all other rectal d U eu es treated with unlalllng tucceas by

Dr.Lighthillspecialist snd Expert In rectsi dls>

esses of every name or nsture,

No. 660 Broad Street, Newarl

year to place all periona who aay they luffered by the Civil War beyond thechance of poverty. He cannot rcalfxe In the leaat tha coat of war. or of great cur­rency changea, or of protection; and when talked to about them la lo bewildered tl\aih li counaellon luae courage and hardly venture to u tter their full mlnda. Mr. Mor- lay n u i t have bean thinking of thla da- flclendy In Demoa when he advised the formation of new.papcr claiae.; and to men In office It la a never-ending source of trouble and anxiety, which they fto* usually by giving up the effort to con­vince and making of Ihe whole questionone of "conlldence.'^ They do not preclee- ly aay to pamoa, You, Sire, do not know and 'wa do," became that would be un- courtly, and Demoa la full of •Uiceptlblll- tlea, but th a t la what they mean

(I) The second aource of difficulty la that CIni ........................King Demoa la to Im prclonab le. He la

not "vacillating,” aa he la uaually de- aertbed. On the contrary, he la exceeding­ly atubborn. An angel could not convince him in England th a t a jury ought to con- ■iat of leax than twelve; or In America th a t federsUim la only an excUamenl; orIn F rance 'lha t to place all property In per­petual aettlement I. not necessarily wlae bu t In aplta of hla Immutability he lattrangaly liable to a momentary Imprea- ■lon. A talagram will make him dlacharge_ tru tly earvan t-fhe Ferry caao-an ac cldental affront will make him prepare


the boat ran aground on a mudbanX Tha;edt. " - “boat w as speedily pulled off by the com-

Dauiy'a tu g and towed back to her moor­ings a t tho Raritan Drydock writhout d ^ - a / e Th* next test will be made on Friday or ffaturday In the deeper w ater of R ari­ta n Hay, The torpedo tubes of the Hol­land will be oparuted aa well aa her diving a^para tuE _


■vatjr Mas la lha Woodbury Militia Com- poay Prepared to Go to War.

Saaeltl DIaoateh to tha NEW!WOODBURY March a - T h a armory of

Company E. Sixth Regiment, National Quard, this city, presented a scene last night luch aa waa never before wltneiaad within its walla. On Saturday night Cap. tain Mat b a n received from the headquar­ter* of th* Sixth Regiment, a t Camden, an order for * apeclil inapeetlon In »ervlra uniform to aacartaln tha condlUon of the command for active aarvlca, l«aal night every man w at preaent.

A lter th* Inapectlon Major Edmund Du Bole addreiaed tha boys He aald that it wee hla deaire lo know whether the mem­ber* ware compoaed of Ihe kind of atuff th a t he auppoaed they were-aoldlart that would never flinch from duty. HI. ttlr- rlng rem arks closed with a requeet that each man who waa wtlllng to offer hla Bsrvlcn tw the Government In oaae of need Miould signify lhat fact.

Tha roll w at than oallad, and atnldtl tha applauaa of the big crowd that had aaaemuad every man volunteered hi. ear- v ices Thla ended- with three routing cheat* tor th* old flag.

Speaker D. 0. Watklii«,_formarij' r e ­tain of the company. Informed Major Bole thet If the company waj called out be would enllal a . a private.

The memberahip of the company la eomewhat acattered, and one man who lived fifteen mllee from Woodbury re- celvtd h it order a t 7 o'clock leal evening snd drove hare to answer to h i. name.

Mew Yerh'a Mellonal Guard G etting Reedy ALBANY, Match I t-A dJu tun t-aene ra l lillnghuat to-day laaued order* combin­

ing In* aeparale^ National Guard com

fxceMive duliie.a was unrelieved. U ln- neapoll. and flt. LoubJ, second preferred, dropped 2 points . .

There wn* no abatement of the down; ..'BrU movement In price, hour after noon, allnougnwnrd raov.menl In price. In the second hour after noon, allnough th * , volume of buslnaa. wa* amell. At 2 P. , M, the netlutaes ranged genera^lly ftom l l t w 2

TUIDunlea Into battalion. » aa to have them prepared for battalion and regimental or- gunlaatlon and Held work. The order In- elude, a hurry call for appointment of field officer, .o that there will be com­plete organixatloii of the aeparate c ^ - panlea Into battalion formation, with field officer, readv 10 take command.


BKindard atock. and exceeded th a t evef- age in some apeclaltlea.

T he selling became more active In the last hour of the aeeilon and pricM fell wllh Increasing velocity. Net decline* IR many of tha leading standard ahare t were extended to over I polnia and In the l o ^ ipoolaltlei to over J poin ts The O rangert and Union Pacific bore lha brunt of the Ptltaburg, C., C. arid St.tailing preaiure. Ptltaburg, C., C. ana Loula broke ) point* and Consolidated Q a. *14. The cloi* w ai weak near the laat, a t

H ow a B rnaim agem V Icu r K eep * Up lu te re a l lu H is C h u rc h .

From the London Mall.A novel church aervlee la announced to

be held a t St. Laurence Church, Birming­ham. On Sunday I t . t th* vicar, the Rtv. T, J. Haea, Inidted the congregation to take part In a ".orubblng aervlee” which would be held In the church to-morrow, beginning a t t;M and la .tlng until g:H.

Soap, -water and patent ecrubbera would, ha aald, be provided, and all th* congre­gation, male and female, wer* eligible to lend a hand In cltanlng the church.

The Church of St. Laureno* may there- fore be aald to have mad* cleanllneaa part uf godllntat Initead of m erely allowing the one virtue to follow In the wake of the o ther.

large net lo*»es . . . »The rang* of to-day'l prtcea for the m ort

active Mock* of the New York m arket* 1* given below. The quotation* show the opening and closing and the highest and lowest price* reached by the aecurltle* Hated The quolatloni are from the New York Exchange, and are reported to the?tSS'"hro»n'Jl;iS.¥r".Su"li?.^^^Building. Ihl. city.

ing. e .t, m t. ing.

Th* church haa had a curlou* hlatory,— ■— lOl-

Amer. Spirit* ..."..., 71171*Amer. Sugar Co

Amer. Bug. Co., pt,Amer. Too. Co.......Alch...........................H. A O ....................Bay Slate Gaa........Brooklyn Up. TV... Canada Bouthern.... Cheaapeake A Ohio.Chicago Gas.............Chicago d N. W.... Chicago, B. A G-... C„ C., ( i A Bt, L., Chl„ Sail. A 81, P

7 7

a TmI t in



for w ar^ tha !>• Lome cai®-"a rnltunder- aU ndint will shake h li confidence in an entire p a rty -th * Tallenwan caae. He quite acknowledge. In tbcocy th a t policy ahould be steady, but h i. counsellor* may find him on any morning quivering with Indignation, or .torming with excitement, or pale with not always raa.onable fear. Uaually they can calm him. It being paft of hli ImpreailonabllUy th a t the vole* of hla counaellora when loudly raised soothe., or conMlee, or tranquilllxe. him; but oc­casionally h* gall “out of hand, and when ha doe* not hit ultm -receptlvanes. atriln* the attention and perplexei the Judgment of hla moat experienced advli- ei*. “What can they do," they lay . with a King whose Inner opinion* are altered from day to day hy the rumor of paaimg event*, who never llaiens to rea*on while the Impact of those event* Is felt, and who. whan a t laal he I* aenalble, la lanal- ble hecau.e he truet* them, and not be- cauae he dlatruata kaleldoacoplc imprea- elona." No ordinary King would tuBer hi* ■erlou* affair* to be impeded by a Mlis Caa* oa*e, o r a Dreyfu* case, or a c*«e like lhat of Pierre Bonaparte but King Demos will, and the expectation tha t he will affecta hli counaellora a . an expecta­tion of accident affecta ordinary men.

(3) And then there la the dum bneii of Demos, perhap* of aJl the deflclencleB th* one which moat add* to the dlfflculttea of b li counatUora. H 1* hla habit to remain silent tin he utter*, the "word of the King," Which he wRl not withdraw, and whicii It la political death to dliobey. Why he doe* this no man has ever yet clearly dlioeraed, but he dpee ll. except In war time, with a stolid persistence all the more baffling becaui* of h i. tolerance for noise. Any »mount of about Ing may go on m th* palace, any amount o f tr^umm- Ina any am ount of moaning, but h it oWn uffimate will la not revealed by eo miMh as a xlanoa, a flush, or a quiver of the huad, *W * question If any or the dlfllcul- tle* of hia oounsellor. are ao exai^ieratlng Bi th la T hey,desire a pqiley-sajf the

Dr. LUhtbUI’B prsetk* dlK m null- cslly from tho moUiodi tuitflly re- fofted to for the euro of pilot, and congtitutea a cotnptoto revolution in tha treatment of rectal dlBauea and one of the treateat advaocaa of medi­cal icltnce.

Hla treatment la antlraly free from danfer, risk, auffarinf or failure, and no nnaeathetkof any kind la required. Tha application to made In a few see- onda and to acarcaly felt, eo that the moat timid and narvoua peraon can lubmlt to treatment without fear of being hurt. Tha patieot can leave the offke In comfort and to not detained from btulnaat or plaaaure during the entire ceurae ol treatment, and In a law waeka a radical and permanent cun to tha InevltaWe and unfailing re­m it In etch and every case, no matter how desperate the condition may be.

By hto tpectol and original mathod Or. UghthIU haa treated thouuads of cases wlthont a singto failure, in proof of whkh he aubmlta to those Intercet- cd the following testimony of Newark patients i

Dr. E. B, Llghlblll. 6W Brosd slreat, New­ark, N. J.;"I feel ll my fluty to tell you plainly that

I conalder and uellev* th a t you hav* ac- eompllehed one of th* most wonderful oure* of protruding snd ulesrated pU-s ever known to medical science. The cure I refer to la that of my wife, who has suf­fered for over twenly-flv* y e s ri with thla terrible complaint. During th a t lima aha haa auffered the moat excruciating pain, being a t timai comp.llad to walk the floor for houri Ir. a bant poalHon on account of Ihe agony ihe endured. 8h* had been treat- ad for year, by eome ol our beat doctori, with only temporary relief. 1 had made up my mind that ah* wa* doomed lo auBer tor the belance of her daya In unapeakabte torture, a t I had lost all faith In doctora and medk'Hl .kill. Friend* of mine, who had been operated on w ith th* knife, had Informed me th a t It gave them but tem ­porary relief, and th iu a l Ihe beat It would lie only a few year* la-tore there would be a reeurrem-a of the trouble In a more ag­gravated form than ever, hut my wife w a. .ufferlnK eo terribly th a t In aptte of w hat I had been told I waa try ing to per.uude her lo submit to the knife for eveiv th* lem- porary relief, when tny attention was called to the long array of te.Umonlnlk which you publl.hed from well-known Newark bualneaa men whom you had cured of dlfll'-ulllea of this kind. Knowing them to be men of honor and truth, l wrote to alx of them In regard to tiit. matter, and every one replied wllh the moat flattering Indoraement of year treatm ent. A fter a conauUallon with you I placed my wife under your care, and after a few week*' trea t­ment. which waa alm ost palnleaa. and during which ah* wa* up and about, sh* I. entirely cured, and. I m ight aay, ha* been given new Ufa. I lander you thla iiatam ent voluntarily, a* 1 1**1 moregrateful and gratlllid than word* can ex- p re .t for what you hav* dona for my wife. Her health It batter now th in 11 haa been in twetity-alx ytav*. You may use this alatement In every way to reach th* tyea of the aflllcted. and 1 will be pleated to verify the kbova to any one who will call a t my office, Nos. 110 and JU Pen- ntiifton aireal, or a t my rtaldano*. 41 Mil­ford avenue. A. PHELPS.

McIntyre & Ward well,> B 1

f K. Y. I1 N. y.1 N. ¥. I 1 t;iHc,



Branch Office, 8M Broad St WILLUM H. DAVIS, Manager.

D im t IMYita Wirvi to N®w York-Pbllodaiphia aoU WoaHliiftotL ^

Ttlaplioiia fllfl, Doth Coiupamiot,

lnvestments,LocalSecDritiesBank and Insurance Stacks

Bought and Sold.

JOS. M. BYRNE & CO.,lELEi-H O N E aae.

«0O B road 8 t„ N ew ark , N. J .

You People.Who r« d big advertisements would do well to read little ones, especially If they call youx attention lo the

Mutual Benefit Life InsuranceCompanyor N ew srk , N. J.


STEFHEH 8, DAT, District M«ot,7 7 9 BROAD STRUT.

POST db FLAGGU ie te .iS ll ia N n Vort Swek FwtiMfa

K ill. Soildtag, New Terk. s r a n c h o f f ic e

774 BBOAD QT,, NEWABK, H.l, ALFRED L DEIXI8, Rtsldeit Paitm

TdqilWHi6om v a ts wire to Haw York, Chlaago.

delpUa and St, Loula.

Hunter, Cooper & Co.

Chtcago. R. 1. A I*.. Cht. Great Wci

and haa been b l e e d with a curioua cob

I ( In ___________ . - ____CAMDEN. March 22 (8 tiei l*l).-All the npanie* of the Sixth Meg!,

work aacerlalnlng the condlilou of theirKlnient are a t

and the number of men available for aervlee In the event of war. They hav* until April 6 lo report to Colonel W. H. Cooper, the regimental commander.


lection o f vicar*. Some eight o r ten yeari ago the parlih, which la the moat poverty

i t

Report of Three Keoatori and Two Repre- aentatlve* Who Visited Cuba,

WASHINGTON, March 22,-Benatori Money, of Mlaslsslppl; aelllnger, of New Hampshire, and Thurston, of flebratka, and R epre.entatlves Amo* J. Cutnmlnga, of New Vork, and William Alden Bmith, of Michigan, who w-ent to Cuba on the yacht Anita a . guesta of the New York Journal, have prepared a report In which they lay ;

"We went to Cuba expecting to mnkc a l­lowance for exaggeration due to the In- ten.* etrlfe and b itter paealon thereby en­gendered, We have returned convinced by pcreonul examination and oliaervatlon of ihe Inadequacy of language to tell th* misery and horror of the situation. If the liiaurgem. have waged a war of de- atruction against property the Sp.nish military authorities have Sn (be past waged one of de.tructlun a ^ l n . t property and another of extermination again.t the Cuban people. Hardly a human habllallon I* vl.lble In a rural territory co-ex.analve wllh Hint of the .lx New England flu tes. A few plantations, heavily guarded by Bpanlah troop., yet paying tribute to the Inaurgent Government, grind out lea. than one-tenth the normal auger crop if the Island wher* three years ago luxuriant fields of cane and tobacco stretched un­broken for mile*. The den.e vegetation of a tropical wlldernest h a . aprung up a . rank, a . wild aa when Colurabu. dlscov- erad America, to be aa arduouily jon- querad by Iho machete and the plough.

"From all aourccs, Bpanlah, Cuban and foreign, whether American or European, Con.ula or bualne.. bouse., tbs flgute. practically agree that half the rural popu­lation of Cuba h a . diaappearetl f- .m the lace of the earth . In the eentral and west­ern province, where the effect or General Weyler*. order haa been moat severely fell, there are diatricte from which the whole population hat been awep' a i It by pectUenua, and of whoa* penpla leaa inan dhe-lltth are to-day alive within the Umita of racoucentralton. Nor have tr,- baUtanta of the towns and cltle* escaped.

atrlcfceii In all Hlrmlngham, w as controlled by th* Rev. J. F. M. w h tsh , and ha, flndlng the aervlee* languishing from lack of worahlppera. hit upon t i l aorta of queer Fxpedlenl. for compelling them to come'" k e announced th* moat flaming aerie, of d lK O une. ever given publlolly lo by handbill and pueter, ''Rlgepn-flylng," "A Good Day on the Courie,” and klndm l topics wer* dealt with Instead of orihodox Bcrlpiural top lc t . „ ,

Thou.anda of printod card* war* dr- culateU each week, bearing aueh affPf;- llonale Inecriptlone a i : „

'T om e and hear your old pal. the Itev. J. F . M, W hI.h;" or.

“ Now, then, hock up; give your old pal Whlah another trial.”

Other carda would contain an exhorla- llon, algned; , » „

"I remain, your tru e pal. J . F. M,Thla'origlnal vleat would go Inlo public

house* during lha dinner hour and, ad- drcaalng the company, would *ay;

"Well, gentlemen, you have given my friend the landlord a good tu rn ; now flniab up a t my little place on th* other .Ide of the road.” . . , .

Bpectal aervlee* were held, one week for iilgrtoi^flyera. another week for a weeps, and a third for sandwich men.

Mr. W htih'a sueceuor. w-ah as devoted and falihlu! a vicar os hi* predseeasor, bu t lacked Mr, W hl.h'a humor and dls-

e il..General Electric...... 3|14llllnol. Central........ kSHLake Shore............... 1»Loula. & N aah ......Man, Elevated........ »Mo. racifle............... MHMu,, Kan, A T., pr.. 3114Nat, Lead................. 2914,N'at. Lead, p r .......... 103N. J. Central........... 91N. Y. O n tra l .......... 10S14 lOHli 10SV4N. ¥ ., L. E. A W .. U jiNor. W c .................. 2144 H it W tNor. — ........Nor. Pac., p r ........... 60

W e.lernOntario A W e.lern HJ( 14

cretlon- He gave ao harrowing a deacrlp lion of the ueni.en. of tbe cou rt, and 'alleya In the parish to a local Juurnall.t th a t thoee whom he freely deacrlbcd us haw ker., rogue, and loose women re­sented III. deKrlptlon of them by lirrak- Ing hla window..

Now a wa.hlng .ervlce I* announced, and dtnibtlea* the Interior of tho churchw arrant* the appeal niade for the services of an arm y of cleaner..

Charge, of Cruelty D I.uiI .uhI.n e w YORK, March 22.—A. P. Bennett,

B ritl.h Con.ul at Hit* port, announced to day th a t the charge* of cruelly brought by the cres' ol the British bark Ancyra,

PullmanPae. Mall.................Phil. A Rending....fliiutUern ............ .Southern, p r ............HI. P. A O m aha....Tenn, C, A liqm......T ein . Pacific...........I'nioii Pacifle (new),r . S. [rfalher...........r . ,B, Leather, p r ... . 6614Wnbnah ....................Waba.h, p r .............. HrVVcaicrn Union........ ffi’aT'enu.ylvanla ....... IHMet. Bt, By. Co.,.. IF)('on. (las .................. INA tch., p r ...................... N44Union PaclHc, p r ... 1914I’anhandle .............. 41

'SH a

From Mr. Fnncto Price, ZS7 South Sixth Street, Newark, N. J.

I sta te , with g re a t pleasure, that Dr. Lighlhlll h a . cured my wile Of a rectal trouble, which gave her the rao.t excru­ciating pain and dlatresa after each opera­tion of th* bowel*. Dr. Lighthlll'. treal- menc was a oomplate and perfect auc- ceea and never Interfered with her work or pleasure. FRANCIS PRICE.

From Mr. W, W. Brown, 38 Hill Street, Newerk, N. J,Ur. E. B. LlgbtblU, 6EI Broad atreat. New-

arX N.My Dear Doctor—I owe you a lltelont

debt of gratitude for th* wonderful cur* you effected In tny case. For twenty yean I had Man affliciad with pUei and prolapse of the rectum of eo aever* a na­ture th a t a t llroei I wa* compelled to wear a trusa or lupporier In order to gat around at all. With this I suffered a great deal of pain and dl.trea* all the time, and my general health became very much affeeisd. I have been operated oo three different time* by eminent aurgeooa, but only re­ceived temporary benefit a t moat and wa* eoon Ittit a . bad ** avar. I t waa your akUl which effected a complete end perfefli cure by a method which Is almost pain­less and which did not Interfere with my work. When I was operated on before 1 suffered excruciating pew and w as con­fined to bed, but ever line* you ef­fected the cure in my cat* 1 feel Rk* * ferent man. 1 have gained In weight, health end ap lrlu and find myieU In a bet­te r coAdltlon than 1 have been for twenty year*.' From my experience 1 feel confl­denl th a t you can cure th* m oit aggravat­ed ca .e i, for no eas t could possibly be worse than mine.

Ever g ratetuny your*.W, W, UKOWN

BANKERS AND BKOEERg. Uemben New York ftock Exehsnya

St Exetunffe Ptace, Ntw York.

KEIARK BRUCH, 800 BROAD St.GEO. W . H E D G E , MEn»g«r.

Telephone "IWJ Newerk.'Eiclnelv* Wire* ta New York, ChleegB.

phRodelphle sad Waehlngtae.

W . B . S I I T f l S C O . L i SBankan aiid Brokara.

T 0 4 B r o a d M t r e e t .Direct Wired to All the Stock Exchxnies.

Local Securities i SpactittylELEPHO NE 8U ,

Estsbllihed t?4l Telephone »7.

O . Fg C O N L O N ,624 and 62S Prudential Bunding,

Broker. Stocks, Bonds.GRAIN AMD COTTON,

Bousht or skdil tor Cseh or on UaiglA Privile wtrm onnnecUnf with oomtpoadenti

In Hew York, rhUedelphie snd clhlosgo-

WM. LINN ALLEN & CO., S T O C K m itO K M R S .

flia B n a d i t , Newerk. P# Bsoedway- R- F.(Kel’l State Bank Bunding. I „

Buy and leU(kook* Bondi end O i^ o o N e * im u M Chiemo B ^ olThndaYork Exebaium*

rither fo" oaeE or on_ motila. Irivaa* wlit I*Hew York, Hu jdAlpW* a w W ^uno Newark Tekphona W4 Broad. New 1

Dr. Lighthill Succeeded Where the Hospital Failed.

crohlbltlen of drink-.peelally In hi* In­terest; they ask every favorfte if he ap-J: 4WaS hm idAWmiorovek anil are aesured lh a t ha does; they arrange th a t he .hall be told every day th a t ne approvta. and he mak®® no tu r t of dJiMini; they feel abeolutel/ cer­tain and n t lost deititmd "the K ln s i wora tihfl ore iwept out of the council oham bir by h thundering "Mo." from whtSi thare Ii no appeal. For tht® dif­ficulty of dumbnee® I® terribly Increaied by the fact th a t King Demoa fa moft al* lent to tbooa upon whom he dependi foreounoal. Ha may reveal hla thought for a moment to a favorite Qf Renlua, or to a aervant, or to a boon companion; but to a couaMllor wlae with the wlodom of lontr etDcrlanco, acquainted with facta, toler' a n to r all thing®, he remain® stonily dumb, tailing him nothlna. hinting to him noth-

■It : l i114 US's tl3<

m tmm 17514 m l

24<4 24!4S

43 43 43

lug. ■warning him of nothing. He regard* him. in fact, aa too wl.e to he told, andaft* on, silent, not thinking much, not weighing much, but duly, Immutably re-

I that there .hall be but ono daclilon.4 0.. jlght

We aak Mr. Morley, whu brlteve* In l)e- moa, but who he . a fair mind, whether thla la not the permanent Iv.aon of his­tory trom the day. of Lirutus downward

■ m ar bwhetfier he did not see It for hlmaelt a doaen times In Ireland, whether he would not as politician aacriflee half hla manyfltt* for the single power nf perceiving he will of the Sllenl King before ll was

I waa aflllcted w ith a fistula for which 1 was operatad- on In on* of our hoapltali under chloroform and oonflned for flva week., rufferlng a good deal Of pain and dUtreas all the rime, but th* operation failed to effect a cure. In fact, 1 waa werpe off than I wa* before, ,eo that my health became undermined and my gener­al ayatem aerloualy weakened. Dr. Light- hill, to whom I waa recommended, cured me completely w ithout an operation or tha Infliction of pain," and hie treatment never Interfered with my work In the lean. The cur* wa* followed by the beat result* to my health. My usual strength haa return­ed and I hav* gained thirty pound* In weight. My experience may be of uie to other euKereri. ROBERT MATHER.

M Sum m er avenue, Newerk, N. J.

From Mr. T. V. Agwia, firm ol W. A. A T. V, Affona. Shoe OealerA, 60J Broad Street, Newark, N. J.

f o r the benefit of th* afflicted I feel U my duty to sta te th a t Dr. L ighthlll has effected a complete and perm anent our* of pile, in th* caae of my brother-in-law, Ur. m U i Thompeon. of Mendham, N. J, Mr. Thompson had been afflicted for many year*, and tn* ca ie was so bad th a t It mad* hi. itfe a dally mlaery. He bad used every remedy recommended for hla trou­ble and employed four different physician*, not on* of whom did him a partlcl* of good. On* of them told him th a t he oould not bs cured a t all, and another tha t he would have to subm it to the doubtful benefit o l the knit*. A* good luofc would have ll Mr, Thompson heard of a our* of pile* which Dr. L ighthlll performed in (heVaae of a friend of hla, Ur. D. H. But­ton, of Mendham, N. J-, *n<l he * l once placed MmstU under hi* care, with the result that In four w « k * ’ rim* ho wa* complstely cured, w ithout eutterlng pain, or being Interfered w ith In hi* work. Mr. Thompson It full of gratitude to Dr, Llght- hlll for hli rellal from oonatant suffering snd called the blessing Of God on Dr. Lighthlll snd hla work.

I can vouch for the fact* In thla case, and will be pleaaad to verify It In person to any on* who m ay wlih to call.



O rrK ’E of (he Board of Btmot and WaWr- ........ of Newark.Coirnnlialon*™ of th . city of Newkirk,N.wark, M. J., JRaroh 17, 160*. Sealed propoeale Iqdoried '■ProMe.le for ce

Iron water pip." and ’'l^poeal. for v t ^ and hydranu" will be received by the Board ofNewark, N. J., between S and »AO o clock P.

and ooctMd *( Uie^laet-naraed. hour.—It., and inictMd *( Uie^laet-naraed. hour, onof me laid hoard, m be held at Hi oBoe. t » and ISO Haleey itreet. In i»ld ojty._EMh bid­der will .UlTTn'writing end for each of the eeverij Jt

Iguree a priceir each of me eeverai iirae. ____ _th e followlns le about (he amooBt of the work

to be don. and the material, to be fumiuwd:C&ITRACt V cSb a n d "BPEC'

from 4 to 10JAL8.'063 groi* to n . w a t.r pips.

Inch*.; pries per Ion. ,303 groie to n . w ater pip., from 11 te «

'*1 J*b' gm * ^ e 'w e t t r pipe, K Inch**; pricefrom 4 to

A Most Wonderful Cure,

**roi°iSio pound, "tpeclela'^ or ' v aLVBB

100 4-inofi valvw. lOO 4-hwh bydranla180 6-lnch valves 3(1 6-lnch hydrants........60 S-lnoh valVM. 6. IJ-lnch vtlvm tj» rr t} .

lO-Inch valvw, 5 nch v. v » ( fw r iLlnch ralyw. 4 5i-ln?h ralvae J p w.J-Inch rulye®.

1 20-Inch horlaontal ch«inchleck volvi

■13#-lnch hariioifital valve®Aid® win bi compared upon

tUlaa. SpoctlloatiGn® will U mailed upon ap* pllcatlcm to ih® undar®l*n®d.

Bidder® tnu it ip « i ly i J i their should above work _be aw

_propovals tbaL...oa ,-w awaidA in, thaitt, [■slvef Id Anlib and eoe*they wlb blhd ,thw eelv« lo tdet® lha ®ame by Novrabar J. Ijjpa

The epaclfloatlon* ot the work u _ ««•BtroatThe epacli.—— -- - .a „•mined at the “dice of (he Boaru

end Water CommlMloner., No. 128 H alW - ■ - ----- 10 M accowpanlod by


P r m o l H oads-Furnished hy rvifred L, Dennli m Broad

Street. reaWent partner of P m I A Flaggy mt-mliera ot New York S io ^Opan-HIgb-Low-Clos-

Ing. eat. e .t. Inj Al T. A 8 . F. ad]i 67 67A L 'T. A S . F. 4e.,,. 89'* MW Hriiok. H. T. ^t'hve, * Ohio ri4a-..- 7T

uttered aloud. Tlioy any the German Em- wror somellmca rurprl.vs Ills Mtnlstern, m t coitipnred with Di-mn. he la the most readable monurch mi ilir curth.

All this, we alinll he luld. t . an attack on democracy: hut li is not so Intended. The conductors of The Spoclalor arc nahl* Indeed tu hclu-ve that tha govern­

ment of the few wise hy the many foolish ciua be the last woril of (honght for (he

fill., H. A 4- cn ........™( '111. Gas. Lt. S*...- 1W14

7744 77 77

agalnat their Captain, had not been sus­tained. The case was dlam luetl. 61r. Ren- nett said that any member of the crew who wished to be paid off here and leave theship would lecelv* hi* pay for time .i-rved without a reduction, although Ihe men hail algned for three yi-ara and had worked out

t'hl., R. I. * 1’- 6* c. m Uhl. A E. Ri. JW Jl,N. J. Con. Tree. 6* KffjWi’l'fJfTiPTal Kkc, d ....... 10!Mo,, K. A T 2ds..... m N. i . Central c, 6s... lUJi,\'or, I’ac. (a ............l> A It. g. m 4 ......... H0V4nio O r i w est, 4s. BO SI. L. A San F. l.ta , 7714

10414 164 194105 .

9454604. iiii ii!!

T iia s Uaclrtc 1*1*-.. W

Wabash Wa.............. '*

M Mt4

C h lra g o O raiN a a d P rdv ia tow H n K d t-rang* of

a n d g n t |n

There tha poorer classes have been placed " on * par with th* reconceniradoa

privation* due to the paralysis of Bpstn, too, h a t suffered n lost of

by (be war.Ufa a* wallthe w ,tm troops which she hat skat to

I In pu rs , snd prestige. OfCubA not more than tme-baU will over •#* th * |^ n a tive land again Hard^jt thefifth > forces new tn tha island are to-daig affeoriv*. Th* military hosplkil* are ----- For th t force* In Ih . field no

thing a t a medical corpa in hnown. ■ey are without ten ts or oommlasary ‘n steamshtpa to flpaln u k * book more

sKda than uffaet tbe freah troopa b t In, and for every Invalid loldlar jad ona Is buried fit k Gtihan tronqb,

got a tingle Importsnt and lueeaia lilS npei-atlon h a t marked th* oeuta*

Ish arm* since the rocall ot Wey- th* wet kattoa win begin within

tka. precluding further mr" at Importance until f a ' '" '

urgentt are stronger II .............. Jp r isa n e n ltD

YVInner of the Llucolu.lilr* Handh'.p,LONDON, March 22,-T Tho Liticolnahire

Handicap, of 2,(910 soven-lgna. a t^ h e Lin­coln epi'lag meeting to-day. was won by William M. Clark’* flve-year-old ch. c. Prince Barcaldlne, by Barcaldine, out of St. Olave, . . . . . .Jam es R, Keene's Voter started, but did nnt finish among the first four horeen. Harcaldlne won by a neck, and half a length aeparuled the .eoond and third horaea.

Tlcei for th t go to

(Jonlon. broker,xchani to-day,

sr. P i

Wheat. M ay... " Ju ly ...



CashMay...........Ju ly ...........Oaah.........May...........C ash.........May...........C ash.........

reporii , .rudentlal Building] ^

Open-Hlgh-Low-Clo*' ing. e*t. e s t Ing-

.106 107 I « KM

. WH «6Ti *544


May............... DIVc a s h . •••■

Two New Consul* Appointed.WASHINGTON, March 22,-The Presi­

dent to-day sent these nominations to tha^ n a te : . Geaman Rulle, of New York, to

Consul a t Cardenas, Cuba, and James C. McCook, of Pennsylvania, to be Consul a t Dawson City, Northw eit Tferrttory.

Ueatk of Rev. Kubert II, llavris- CAMDEN, March 1E1.-B*v. Robert B.

H arris , a well-known South Jersey min­ister, died at his hm ae here q t midnight. H e w as elgbty-two years old. and was th* orlgtfikri>f ot the Children’s Day ctlehra- tlon,

■ -iW ..................CMnofik tw m Osse BwkawMM i an*.

iPhta |H a^jw

“ ■SiiSL-Ji

6 16 6 13 6 U

ildance of human conduct, but they cor- _Ally aaaent tu Ihe dt-cl.ion lh a t the ex­periment must be tried, must be tried hon­estly and must be (ried for a long time. Bo fa r all other exiierlmema have failedand they sincerely wl»h In th* general Intereat of the world that this one ahould succeed. But It will not succeed the bet­ter bocauae nf hllodneaa to the obstacles In Ua way; and of ihnae ohataole. one ofth* flrat 1* the I'xiriiurdliiary dlfllcultywhi ■ ---------------- ' ■ ■Jill---- ............ — ------- ----old Kings were troubleiome enough, a t

rich those whom we hav* called ooun flora find in guiding thla new King. The

1 want tny friends and the public to know th a t Dr, U ghthIU ha* performed a mo*t wonderful cure In th* case of my wife. For some tim e past she hi* been af- niclid with a rec ta l trouble of the most In­tensely painful character. Her suffering, after each operation of th* bowels, was so agonising (hat she w as complstely proetrmted for th* rest of the day. The pain ahe endured wa* Mmply lnde«rlba- hle and her moan* and groans were pill- ful Indeed. All effort* for relief proved useless until w* ware recommended to Dr. Lighthlll by one of hla former patients, and 1 am most happy to sta te th a t h* effected a complet* cur* In less than a week and brought Joy and bapplneis lo our little houeehold. Th* change In my wife’s con­dition la simply wonderful and astonishes all who knsw of h s r auffering- 8h* look* and feel! like a different woman, the pain la completely gone and she I* aa aound as a dollar, and fo r th is change we will ever bless Dr. L ighthlll and proclaim hi* fame to tbe world.

CHARLES W, VANDERHOOF.31 Sixth avsnue, Newark, N. J.

thT^conewit. ln ”Wrltlng. of two ku'reU**, who .h a lL o t^ S i* tim e of p a lllB t In .ueh pn)i>o*»r.. .a s m a i m . am ount

From nr. Ersklii* Bffidtoy CUiy S tm t, Nswsrk, N, J.E. B. Lighthlll, M. D„ 690 Broad street,

Newark* N. J.:Mv Dear D o o to r-If aHF en« desires to

have further testimony of your rem ark­able succei* in the treatm ent of piles, you can unhesitatingly rafsr them to me, for you have effected a moat remarkable cur* In the caae of my wit*. 8he hs* boon trouble'd for many years with th a t painful and dl.trea.tng complaint to auch an ex­tent that U wrecked her general health, flh* haa been treated by. a number of phytfelani w ithout any benefit whatever, until we came to the conoluilon th a t her case was Incurable. But napplly you have proved th* contrary and effected a com­plete cure without ettWeotlng her to Buf­fering; in fact, your traalm enl never Inter­fered with her work or pleasure. Her health la completely reelored, and our whole fatnlly unit* In offering you our lifelong gratltud*. ’


cuallfr .» to their rwpop.lSIllty m IM 4™*““* of ®tAch nrcpMali on4 bind thwaMlv®® Ihatt If?L*SStr'S?™aw®r<l.d W th*

mokint *in. upon lU•o awaratd, bDccun® hi® ov thtlr turatlM

I® f*Uhful p«rrorman^o; ^ 4 .If th® peraon or ptraoni omit or rafaM TCiitt iuch contraarjhoy will pay to tha

balaa ®q for In® 1 that IfSty*S'*'NAiJark' any difl®ranca j r i i ™ th® wiimw tn which he or they would bava bean MiilUod upon tb® oompletloa of the coatraoi. S d that ^ l o h the city of Newark raiy N • • ' -........ -^raon or o®r«otiu by vbom

era of the city of ?f*war* raetrva in*rwiR w iR rlfht to aooapt or rtjeot any or all pro­posal! for tha above wort, m they may doom KIT for th® iDteroei of the~ " 1tr i and iuralloi jir® hrraby notnlM that

the provlilone oi thtxaBvanth lactlMi in sw cw tm g ih. BoaVd Of Btrajl S « Commlwloaer., Mpwed Msfeh a 1»L

inai. (h. bond or bond, to b . givm for t ^ filthfiil sxsOHtlon snd pertormaiio. ot ijld pub­lic work, shall That *>• ippmvwl a . to mffl- ci.ncy>y thi bo*!^

or Momaand no tw n tr a ^ r ta l l^

TiinrunH on uj« Of bodoma afftetiv*opvratfva until “ approYOdi <Uif prMdMH of

clency by ... cuonsvl of th« boa btndlha on rta cf operativ

susmlna Ihf proposed twnd® iM *0 iSoilrt. or ab|W_1? he’ a l

by Ihr 301 lu not Ior iGc juard, but the boa'- - .■-» — -r bv aw 6tat*m«St that n»ay,bt Dvoposad bondeman, but *^1} Iniva fnli 1 S^Fabaolut® dl®e«tlon In tha whpto »

iCtt undar oath, oo iM tw tad

^ boiukd «u«h pewtr tnattar.tbaolut® dl®e«tloii In tw wfw!f *?***t?jMtkd tM® pTovlskm ohall be w tftM to [n a w 'S V llp m m l InvItlBf bid! for any anoh puC-

-- aw. IS-..* atreet and

nil thalr trvateat Minister® have conFaawd. but this one has in him atrengtha and daflolendea which alike ha!p to ren-dar him unintDlllglbtc. HrUvr facts a Hop

0-in fury than opiv hq that ailent. unregarding, ralaxod flyurv nn tha throne; heUer aflK ‘Mk from nature her moat closely guarded ia e r tt than try to asrertaln w hat hla will raaily l*- tt la not pionwint In thla age of the world to be the highest counsellor of King Demo3.

AoalfPTMVt of a Big Bnatom Flimg BOSTOH* Maroh M .-T h t gaaijpiiaant of

the £ m of F ills , jfimball * j™ 'nofU ri and rtiailera, to H. A. Baloharg la announced- Tha Arm le ona of the llrg ra l in th* olty. The amouBl « fi««W aBdUablUtle* 1* po* »?»*«'■_ I* j j that a settlem ent will be efleoted and the firm win continue business.

Aabassafiai' Rltcbeneh r ra.s a tsOredewWal*8T. PETBR8BDRO, March M —JRhaR

AUen H R oho^L ^U i. new United S t o ^ A m baaador to Russia, had an audlenM with t h a - i : ^ yssterday and praa«it4!i Mb erewntlaM. _ ___ ____

To Cup* a 4M4A to Ona D®_

You Aro To Blamo

If you do not get W biaky of the p ro |»r_A ge and_Purity , "S ixYeari Old, io})( Pure,” it the G*v*rnmtntt Gtiaramin oa every bottle of

Old CrowB ou rb on AMO

HermitageW h ia k le t

t*H M by W. A «4»U « CR, rnsM tet, Ky.


From Mr. T hw . H. Morkwlth, Ea«t O ruf*. N. <1.

My son w as afflicted by a rectal flssur* which wak so painful th a t Ilf* became a burden, preventing sleep and reducing him nearly to a phyekal and nervous wreck and unfitting him for work. After trying all known and unknown ramedle* srituout avail, he wa* urged to go to Dr. U ghlkllt, ot Newark, by aeverai of Me acquaint- ances who had been cured by. th* doctor. Dr, L ighthlll treated him painlessly and effectively, so th a t an Improvement wa* apparent a f te r one or two treatment* and finally an entire our* was effactsd. The terrible pain dlsopptarad never to re turn, b r . L ighthlll has gained both my son'* and my own gratltud* for hi* kind and tfllcacloua treatm ent, and I will cheer­fully vouch for th is su tem en t personally or by letter.


MR. DAVID YOUNG,VIcd-PmidaEt and OtoMfal MaR» |a r of t in CmuoMiaM TractiBR Company, Nowarit, N. 4-,cheerfully taotUtos to thb cwopleU whloh Dr. '^ U u b a it w a ij Wt i i j !

Enyieeer and gupartnlsadeot D .p # « m .n t^

Prom Mr. Wm. Kroeplin, 102 La­fayette Street, Newark. N. J.

U affords me tbe utm ost satlstaoUan to testify to tha eklU and aucctai ot Or. Lighthlll. Kb has effseted a most re­markable cure la th* c u e of my wits, wbe had auffered lor a long time with a meat sarloue case of pUtE The pain sh* endured wa* of tbe moet ogOnlilng ebaraoter. It w at oftci) so bad th a t she bad to crawl on her hands and kne**. and It waa to oon- s t tn t th a t It affected her entire ayatem. S b . lust,health, strength and flesh and w ai completely worn ouLwhen luckily we were recommended to Dr. Lighthlll, who etteet- ed a complete and perfect our* tn her eae*. The pain la gone and to I* every particle of th* trouble, and ah* I* aa sound t t ever In her lit*. The oheng* that ha* taken plBO* tn her general health Is simply won­derful. She ha* gained tn pssh . e a u well, sleeps wall and feels like a different wom­an, for all ot whiBta we a n Indebted te Dr. L ighthlll's sUU, l


HitadaPiU ol mldtUosMl t PItli—iia '* ot eurm In dw pgalo dMO tiM U ta Ndwork owl «M4 •»ggtd «t Dr. u ^ tt t iu r i t A n .


Ad''.rtW «*e » pSniAe'ter th* paring tpavlng fiTREET. ...

( Mre*t to N. J, R‘ R> avenue, with. kit ■ - - . — - -repaving tlWB Bread, pavement up,® a oeoerete

. . t h e paring *T


JAMM K. ■■we ■layer.

>iiaabS5i3 ,The folMl(Jto& anB l

ll.t OF llH namM, gt appllcr ’

lIII |wll«*tlei» or I

mI ave...[ It....;> »ve„

Page 21: First Edition. - DigiFind-It

3 2 , t s e a 'M i

f ‘



Hittory of lU OrKinlzatloa—Tht "Bi- u m en i'' System u Applied to

LetifUtlve Bodies.

Bt J. a. Woonsciui, Fh. B., Imllink UnlTtitfli'.

(Copyrlsht.llu studylns InftltutloD like the Coh*

s r e u ot the United Slate* the *tud*iit thould llrit look te Iti ortsln. When the treaty of peace w«* mode In ITU, irhtcb declared the united colonies free and Independent S tates, the Congree* of the State* GOnitited of s irtnsle House. ThI* body v e i not a Congrei* a t alT In the sense In which we speak of th* Ameri­can Congree* lo-d*y. I t w ai not ^ t,egls- leture. It wa* a dlplplnatlc body. *n u - ■emhly of comrnlaatonhra from the S toti* delegated to take Into conelderatlon cer­tain eipreioed and limited functions which hod been conferred upon It by the articles of confederation. Koch Slate might hay* from two to leven delsgales, accunllng to the number the S ta te was willing to sup­port; but the Statu could have only one vote In Congreee. Questlone were decided by the voices of States, and the voice of any S tate was equal In welgkt to the vole# of any other. The meml>*rs were elwt»d by States, were paid by States and could be recalled by the States.

The old Congress lucked the two prime requlaltei of a government: I t oould not enforce t law nor collect a ta i . It It evi­dent th a t the fram ers of that old Consti­tution did not Intend to erect ■■ a central dlreotldg government a lawmaking body. There la a political abaurdlty Involved In the oewrllon th a t a government may make law* but cannot enforce them. I t a law­making body, a* part of a redl goverii- in*ni, had b«en intended by our Tathers


tem portry appointm ent by ••'#8t^ate Gov­ernor until the »e*t tg 'eG j'f ?L ‘“ ® laturc, which ihall then flii the» been recently rteterm inrf, however th a t th* Senate, which I* th* election of If* own memter*. ognl«e th* appointment by * case a aitting I.,*gl*l*tur* fall to ®l»^h Thus, a B ute, by " it* own ^hy It* fallur* tp elect, may be deprlvM « it* eqiwl representation In th* 8*nM»-

Th* purpose* of the SenUe were w 1! »e| forth In the "Ifederatlst. the paper* publlshad by *f,?f,lmnand Jay In defenc* of th* when tha t document w s*before theS tate* for adoption. ,\Vo lum m arls* the** pur-

'*^*To'ouBclllit* the spirll of githe Slots* by ruu»! reprrtsntjU^- .crsaie • council <iBaim»|l by *>*♦ ™ ai vi*e and chMk the Fiesldml 1* appoimoisuti*'5? To*rnTl'r*ln th* Hons* of. ‘.yTI*ffUftrdinK Ktratntt ImBiy w**n§itluft Anil BtiGden chmnpcei tn uA

4. To iirovM* a bodycontinuity In boUy of m n j!lonifcr «xt>rrli»TU‘o, with lonitt'r t'™** and who miKbt Uiu* b* mow l»dcp*nd»»nt ofi>opul«r flibctiou. , u— fiifS. To *finbUih % court for ImpoAchtiwnl.

Thrsa KM»at pu irow a Inaicato th t tloiiB which ih«5 Brnata ha* come form. Th«« Sriial**'* duUei* or functions, are of three kinds:

1 (l.cglilutlve^J The 8#iui1t !•Uranch of th* Naihinal l*ectiilBturt. U niay l>* utAin this rai'rlts of any aol of the fact that an act ha* p a * ^ no pj’Mumptlan Iti It* favor in the BeMW- An> act of l«al«latltih may orlflnate m »«««ac*t't a revrnu* blU. sriti e\*a a r*vrn« Wit may \>t so aniNiiJeJ Ui ih* Benats a* r«H‘tuml»Kble In the Hon** of Hi oriilnal

2 tEsisruilve); The r*«jut!veRenat* ars* to pa** upon Pr**W«Dtl*l appomi- mrnt* and trrahe*. This It usually dots m awn^t MfiruUve Beaafon. _

9 Uudlckal»: The Judicial fuactioo w ate 1* to bK a* a court la Impeachmaot trial*.

The Senate h a i no closure nilo. The rule of the previous question was applied In the Brnale In its early history, hut the usaite la now obsolete. The abaence or a closure rule at tlmef to fiteiidedflebale and enablea a untied and mlncirtty to defeat a measure *Hich It oppoaea. An effort has been made within recent years to apply a cltMiure rule, out without Ruccesa. The Senate Is a body of

Gorgeous Spectacle.Brilliant Opening Display of

Springtime linery!more inauspicious day than this could not have been chosen for an Openings—but we do not make the weather; we make hats. That the weather makers should

have given us showers instead of sunshine is to be regretted, as it 110 doubt kept many of our more remotely located patrons from enjoying the feast of beauty we have so lavishly provided.

despite the adverse conditions outside, the show within was an nimtalilied success—an exhibition of fine millinery whkh certainly has never been ejualled by any Newark house. That this is not fiction may be easily veritied by any one who wi!! visit our parlors this week and compare what they see here with what the> have seen elsewhere. We court care* fill, conscientious criticism. We want you to closely examine the work on the hats you see here, and to note the superiority of the materials used in trimming; them. Then, we ask you to particularly note the fact that no two liats in the display are at all alike, and that every one has striking characteristics which distinguish it from every other one.

We have not spejit our energies in embellishing the millinery parlors. Instead, we liave worked tire­lessly for months to evolve the most exquisitely made hats it has ever been our pleasure to invite you to view.

To-dav's visitors found the Department of Millinery doubled in size—one of the best evidences of its popularity—and they found the .appointment elegant and refined ; the decorations simple, but in good taste; the hats chic, charming, choice-exclusive, elegant, economical; the flower show gorgeous kyond anything they might have imagined.

The formal opening continues to-morrow and Thursday and we hope to have you and your friends visit the department one day or another, or every day, if you can come so often.

See the window exhibits of Millinery, Cloaks, Suits and Waists.

OITT A O n K T U B V B m .

51 to auUiori|a ?<infiir]U)atr(t TrmctUin (%ii 'SSitluii liwoi |Hir«t*4 under Th*

to toe*e*, .......y - ■otrtalB atr**t oiiriBO* 4 tnr

iir. k ’ ooff. . iiiori,— ------of N>w jaravy, to >oe«(*. cotuvinM,

iinil iiuJnUln

Um 'Bora* o f Uw Rat* -'-•at*

way*and th«lr apuuittRBBca* ovt er tnrBlifB ^ r-tBln «tn>*(ie BTmuBB and hLBbwa]r» to tbo eUy uf 24* war k.Wbtrcaa, Th* OoaiaolkUl*<] Traettoo (M * pany* a conxu-atluii ut UiL* Btat*. thU board iia appIloalUni, Ey pctlU^ ftl*d v4tb ihia bi>arii oo lK« tw*lfth day of July Uat, wrbt>aril pvrnila ' and mi

...a — — - — - ,Hlun and autbonty to conativct, up*rBi* lalnuin a alii«k*>track turfaBB fir«M niti- way on iWuad atract ind Hul«r strait, in in*

oUy flf N*wark. a* binlnaftri' mora fully Mt forth; «Aii ma4« Ilk* avpltcBt^m. by MtUlon niBd th* aatn* day fur oodmoi and pormlaalon to coitatruot, opvrai* and inaintain a lln* of tinxiw-track turfaiL-* atiowt railway m worn and VauderptHil »tr«*ta In aald rlty. %■ hfirlB- after mulw fully aet furth; and alat) in hka nran' Mr. hy iwlUiun filed tm the *iim* day, tnad* BDDlUatlou for i vriulaalon and authorHy to Bonairuct. operat* and malniain a double Una tthat la to auy, a. double-track Una) erf *tr**t rallaay uptm t'liveinut aireet in thi* city. Crum It* lairra*cik>n with Haclflc atr*M raetorly to a

Int la uld Btr««t wb*r* Um «aat«rly llh* of -*m r«»ad lnter**cti tho aartw; and af*y for a loratliM of Ih* tracks for th* llnt^ Of the aald airMt rBllway )n aald atrweU aad a daa fB«: iloQ of tbn iilatr** *i whit'h wlw* mar b* hlacta In ih* aaki Mre«ti tor th* purvoa* of anaUlolnf wltwB to cifiau>-t vlwlhoUy fi»r tha urupulaikA of Ua eva ut H4id atrett railway by ih* uvrrhar or trolUr •ysieni, *(>tUi)i

triciiy.^by B t iu H i%* e and did nUb tM « «aii-*6oaMS«nylL ttu«, and tnoiHwr tn detail tJha rodU acrlbed and th* prnDOBtd locabUun of 1 of Polaa fot th* support oif lh«iy«i»Bt: tttid. T

WT)*TWia p«tU« hotlr* kkt UMn duly ilT< of sBcl) apBUoailoa and uf ih* Inualloa tht* board iu cunairWr th* asm*, by puhlWaziL BJid alio by poatlna a cupy of th* aaid boUob I AvB or mur* of th* moat puldio plac«* lu i city of N««*rk. at least fuuriean day* to tha dat« v( Mid m**tlna of thie beard: i

Wh*r*aa. upon the day fIzaU by aahl *ette*«public bBurliMc Braa ffivcii to all pcrsotis il«air1 tu bt hearU In fav>*r of. s>r opt^M tv. or Ir - wiBB lBt*r*at*d. In *aid appliratkni for

Klnt la aald atract wb*r« Um «*at«rl tn road Interaavt -atliM of Ih* irai iMt railway In U> n uf ttM iilatraa * ih* aakl Mr*«ta i rae to cifiau>-t vl<I eva ut H4id au

— trolUjr •fiUtiir r ..,.* .............—of th* coiTkirailon. th* cdwrartAr of ih* road m- tandtd to b* s'i>n«trui‘t*d, nparaiMd and main' taliMd and tha motor power tn b* Uaed, aha puUllo ooUc* of ih* ayplWailoB thvrafor, av mad* a t afortaald, bavloK Peru civen a* r*- quirrd by law; anil,

Wb*r*t«. It ahi>*ar« that thrr* has b«*n Bled with the ('1*rk of ih« board th* oonarnl. In wtiUnjr, of ih* owner <>r ownar* of at least

raltwagr rfahchlB*: atu) tha said mMler bav iu b**ci TuUy e*ha]d«r«il by thia b<ia^< bm fb« . eald ooinpaov havlOK fliril with the Ghnii of t)»a* board tha eowaant In writlni of tb* owb«f o r - owMrf ef thair duly auth»>rlB*d Im iA r*pr**tn* latWea. of a t Iraat vrte-half in nnaal t**C oa property frontlna upoo said atr*«U or portloh*- of lb* aama, uinw which pertniael>*i t* MeatSm opatpiB Bjxd miuatala said Uu* of atr**t railwar la aakadiNow, therefor*, Ih* Board of fitrret and Wait# Co«niiauaiaB*rs of iba oliy vf Kawark, for a<i<i on raunlolpalUy tbvrtof, do aidala

iocUon t* That ronaant and p*nnla*t«m la h*r*. by aimntwt to iha «ahl Newark and tPniUi <>r« anta flire*t HalJway Company, to Iimbib. ccm« airucl. oparaia and malataln tha lin* of Mreft rail War m*Mlonad and daacrlb^ In th* aaht

A Wiiviitfl, wa Iiif vmiPT «>r UWU«»» wa ai •»»-*n*-a*U irf *11 antuunl In lineal t«*t o(runt' ■ ■ ' “ ..........rhieV-----.-...... ...... . . . ---- .nunialn *irMt rjulwnyi li ukeil, auly enacai-

«ni........... .......... .. . . ........ .......... . .tr#ntl*a on u l i t iKmu** a n j aM<.nw hlrb luch perm lu lik lu con*ITUi't. CM-ralr *nc

_ *eciinllnj( tn t.iv; __ _Wh.nma THI. bu»nl h*> imt to conildw ll»atij.


lerwhen thaJr Stat** lortned a league In WU. they would UaVK Tonned the to d y a lte r th* psttom o f every government, eaye one, of which they had any working, experi­mental Irtiowfedite. T hat It, they would have given (beir Legtnlature the bicam­eral, not tbe unicameral, form. l£very State government, aave Pennaylvania, had the bicameral ayatem; and when the found- era of tb* Republlo came together lu tbeOKI

reat coBvenllon of 1787. In which they ftr*t _ Wtral government, one of their

nrat propoitUona wa* to eatabllah tha bi­cameral ayatem for their common govern­ment.

The t in t aubject for oenalderatlon be- for* the conelltutlonal convention, after It* organlxatlon, wa* the ‘'Randolph plan" of governmant—contained In the act of reaolutlont lUbmltted by Mr. Ranilolpb, of V li^n la . A fter tlr*t a n e rtln g th a t the arttcle* of confederation ought to he *o corrected as to accompUah their object— "common defence, lecurtty of liberty and general w elfare"—the reaolutloni then aa- aerted a t th* 'flr* t mean* to thl* end; Q) That the righ t of aulfrage In the N tttonal I>g)*lature ought to be proportional—In proportion ettber to wealth or population. Thii Introduced the National principle. G) That thl* Leglalature ahotild conalat of two b rtnchei.

Tha aecond propMltlan, " th a t the Legl*- lature ahould oonriat of two branehee," wae agreed to on the aecond day of the de­bate*. w ithout dlacuulon or dlraent, ex. cent th a t of Penneylvanl*. "given probably from complalaance to £ r , Franklin, who wa* undaratood to be partial to a alngle houie of Icgtilatlon." The propoeitlon for an upper houae waa never again brought Into queitlon, A aecond chamber waa a part of the colonial govamment form. Maaon, o f Virginia, oald; “In two part* th t Dimd of th e people of America 1* well nettled: n r a t , m a n attachm ent to repub- llcan governm ent; leoondly In an a ttach­ment to m ore than one branch In the IJeglilature." "The bicameral ayatem," ■ay* Lleber, "acoompanie* tbe Anglican race like the oommon law ." .

Onr Upper Houie. than, had It* origin In the d n ire of the Cotittllutlon-makera to Ih itltu tc the bicameral ayatem. I t 1* often euppoeed th a t the Senate bod It* origin In the neoeaalty of providing for an equal reprcienratlon of the State*—th a t tha dif­ference* between the large and the im all State* m ight be eompromlaed and recon­ciled. The Conatliutton of th* Senate woa nodllled from thU ntceaaity, but It* origin l i not found In th li cause, a* It AaMly ■nown from a peruaal of the debate*. I t teemed to be neceiaary to provide In the Hanate a repreientatlon of Statehood, tn order to enaole large and gmall Bt«tea to farm a oommon Conititutlon; but thl* wa* dane after th* S w ale Itaelf had been fully determined upon, and It I* importaiit only

th e form of the Senate. The

dignity and courtesy. I t la presumed that no Senator will violate (he privilege of the body or be unmindful of It* courteay and dignity; th a t he will not ipeak unleea ha ha* aomethlng to eay; ana that It he trek* delay hi* action I* prompted by pub­lic and patriotic motive*.THE HOU8B OF REPRESENTATIVES.

The Houae represent* the Nation on the bail* of population, while the Senate rep­resent* the State*. TTil* 1* the boalc differ­ence between the two bodle*. The prenent Houie eonalsl* of *7 member*. Tha mem­ber* of the House are choaen every »ec- oad year by th e people of th* eeveral State*. Tho*e m ay vote (or repre*enta- tlve* who are quallfled to vote for the moat nuiucrou* branch of the S tate Leg­lalature. So tbe Slat** determ lt* tb* qual- ideation of voter* fo r member* of Con- grt*«. No person shall be a repreaentattve who shall not have attained tha age of twenty-five year* and have been aeven y ta ra a cltlxen of the United State*, and who ih a ll not, when elected, be an In­hab itan t of th a t S tate in which he ahiU b* choicn. .

Representative* are apportioned among tha S tates according to their raapactlve number*. In the beginning, a t provided in the Conatitutlon. the repceaentatlvea wer* not to exceed one for every »,000 of the population. I t h a t been found con­venient to limit th* memhenblp of tha Hom e to a comparatively small number. TJie House of Common* ha* MS mem­ber*, Our Houae, with It* M7 member*, allow* one to every 171,000 of the popula- lion.

The House la barred from certain righta which the Senate enjoy*. I t may not try

Opening Days, Tuesday,

Wednesday, Thursday,

March 22, 23, 24.

place a party whose Speaker should abue* III* trust. ^ .

Recently further addition w*i mad* to the Speeker’a power by allowing him to determine the fact of a quorum, to »i'b and have counted a* prcacnt nicmbere refusing to participate In legHlatlon or to go upon the record by anewcrlng to their uamca. Tile American Speaker ha* ceaaed to be the organ of the Home and haa become the agent of the party majority. The House eland* for jiarly government w d the Speaker li the parly leader. W hat be doe* be doe* by con»eni of the majority; (o r hi* act* they must be held reepoimible, and It l i Ihroogb him they govern. To re­buke the Speaker Is to rebuke the party, and the que*l)un whether there Is In this olfice a dangerous tendency to T larlem, or "one-man power "—whether one man may be «o trusted—te merely the question whether the parly tnajorlly may be iruet- ed. The safeguard against *n unecrupJ- lout Bpeakcr I t the InlPgrlly of the parly majority; th a t against an nnecrujiujous m ajority te an independent end vigllaull*®P**-


Opening Dfys, Tuesday,

Wednesday, Thursday,

March 22, 23, 24.

BBld BPBil^llxn. In Btfrorilunce with lEi* ibuUt- a«i flvf>n «a «ft>rcMiiL and haa ouly ciMMiditrMl IM Mma. Mri'l H‘» bihj<1 cbuhr auv^uMhf \n IMcuntrary; now, ih^t^fura. (ii« iwiuT'l nf fitrwfl BiMl YA'Bltr t'lXftnilfjilunpTa of thB cUy of Nrw- arh. fur and uu DfNalt uf tba oiuuk'IpBlHy Hwribuf, du urduin aa fiillowa;

JiMttuB t. Thm cuoavnt «a4 iwrmlaat^ Ub«r»by irlVf*n li> Uib saiU ih» k'utiaA»lI»lB.twi3 Trao- tkm ('ompany. of th« I'Uy of Nywark, tii loraia, 1‘unatriicl. uizrOHM and lualuulJi lli* Unaa uf

railB'Ay n^rnllonytl *n<1 t1racrlD*il Iti tJw mlM paiHlun iharffur. aa followa:

ll) A llna uf alnjdr'tmi'k Norf«B atrrrt rtll- way qq UrutLil itrvtit aud, UiUrr atrrti lo Uia vHy of NBWtrlt.• HaiclnninB In tht fSHUra of ih# urttriU wriUrr" ly tmcki In Hru«<i air^t at a pi>itU dint«nt aljrty-llyB n"rtbrrlir from whara tl«B CBntr* iln« of Ulller airvfl eitmtliH] luitra^la thB MfiM: Ihmi’* runniDB in a waateriy diiwtlun Uy B cunrt «urvltiB U Uia riJiht with a radlua of Bav«ntV"Rva f<wt tu Iha dlaianoB Of tliirir' MVBi) aivj fony bundrvitiha faai; th^nrH ailli bIubb uluthar uurvf ('urvina to xIm rlichl with a radiiM of flfU Imi io ilw* d1«ianoB uf twaiity- ftMht and (Hatv-flahl liUKJrFdthi faRti th Dcw Bitll aluTur Biiulliwr rurvv rurvinB lu IM rlartit wilh a radliH of arYmtirefiv* ftvt to t,hMi dlsUMoa af thJrtyHMiirn nnd r>rly liundivtlilM frvi to a piilnt In (ha crnu«* Una of Millar airaat, dJalBtit alxty>ntna ami HfL\-ilirBa hunJradtha fa#l WMt- •rly frmn ihu etnlra Una of nroad Plfr«(; lliHloa rwBlBjr iluiia ttir ranirv lln« uf MIlUr atraat north nfty-a«vait tlriarora Uiirty#nln« mioutna WMt Ivu huniUatl artil nlnaivsUliiB and iS^y" M%-a« hunUrmttiia UwncB wMlarly hy t> curva ourvluK lO Uta riahl with a radlaa of UM hundmi fnri (o tha OlMaxire of lw«aty’uua and thIrty‘tBO huntirrjihn feat; tHBBCB atlll wrat* trly by a rurvt curvlnt to th« k ft with a raiilua of uM huiiilrad fput (u tha dbtariM uf l«aaiy*una and Ihtrty'twu hundradtlia fa«i to IhB atalarly Hue uf l^niisytvania akatiui*; thanoB running north nfty'arwn ilsgraHHi (htrty*i»lBB mlnttM «veat. cruMinv l^attvirlvanla avwnue to a point In ihiT uf tha vraaant nurthrrly irach InkUikr atrrat. tha dlatanr* of alruMr ftat. Mid

n< aiBu dlatant Afty-two and fifty Kun w.."]tht fMi vtairriy frum th* rantra Hot oL Fftinaylvanla ai-rnua, and andinjf (Kara,

fih A 11m uf Blngla*lrauk aurtaoB railway In llrtiBd •tiwl and Vaodarpool atraat la lald •'Ity;lleytnnlng In (ba rattlra iina of Iba praaant ratis-rly trark In Broad BlrtBl at a Puint th«ra- lu distant a -vanly fr«t nurtharly fronl wharr the crritra lint pf Vandarpnol airaat astattoail IntaraarlB tn« Mnw>. and fham'e running In a »i-Mrriy dlractlon by a furva cuiving la right Blih a radlua uf nna hundmJ (raftha tanca uf (wantr'two and alaty-ila bnudr*- ., frar thanca Kill along anoibar ourva cundng to ihr right with a radlua uf aixty ftat lha diautira uf aiaty-aa^ aB and aia hundradtht faot:

......... “ ....... - - ------- to


a th* a'Mlhf

Ihciire atIH along anolliar uurva curving .. ihf right with a radlua of out buidrad faat tka dlofanca of lw«nty-twu and alxly-wi hundredlha faei to a pulnt In the rantra Unt of Vandarpoul Ktrrel distant aiity'fivf and forty*BBven hun< ilmJiha feat waaiarly from tha oantra Una of

' air'wt; fhanoa Blopg ih* canut jlM of 'm t nortli Ahy-atvon dagraaa utaa west i«vm htitidr»d and

nVnHy-alght arid alghly-two hundradtlu (aat to THifnt dlataol flfiy^nlna mltiuta* taaan

JantftnHMif’ atniat' nwllj thlrty-nln* minutaa west


iporform of the Senate,

repreientatlon o f Statehood t* "neither th* origlnativa nor the determinativeos affecting repreientatlioriginativa r.-_ ...............of The Senate"—It did not grow out of th a t principle, nor does the Senate determine queetlone upon th a t princlpje—for, 0* we have Bald, the Senate wo* ilreodp decided on before S ta te representation wa* pro- poicd, and even then the Constitution- makers deliberately refused to provide th e t the Senate ahould vote on tbe heels of Statehood, I. e„ one State, one vote. E tch S tate hoe two votee, but theae n a y oppoie and nautralloe one the other.

THB rB D E R A L SENATE.After all, the struggle for equal repre-

ian tatlon o f tbe Statae determined tbe form of the Senate. W ithout equal raprt- aentatlon In one of the houie* the email S tate would, in all probahlllly, have re< fuaed to "(orm a more p e r fm unlan.' Thui, each SU tA however email, bee equal welgnt tn tha Senate with any State, how­ever U rge; here the federal cherooter of our Governmem I* diatinotly repreeen l'' The Senate remind* u« th a t our tathi fornod a Government of the people State*, not in msi*.

"Ill* pr**ent Senate of tha United State*, with all electloni complete, conalila of n lt«ty member*, two member* from each of forty-five. Statos, ^ the Conititutlon creating th is body th* Bmatora are choeen by the Leglelatures of their raipeollv* S te tH for a term of six yetra end each Senator he* one v o te A Senator It '-"O- qnired to be a t looet th irty y e a n otto have been nine y e a n *' olUoen oi Inlted State* and to be, a t the time oft hie

----- .......... ................... . . . t h a t Stale froiawhich he li chosen, T l ie Vtc*-Pre*!dent o the Unltad S tates Is the prestfilng officer oi tM Senate, voting only In otae of a tie. The Senate nuiy ohooee, with Its othec oflloera, a Preeident pro tem., who preside* 1(1 the abosnoe the V lee-Frutdent or when the la tte r khall exefctsi Che otfie* 1 StafH .

,.n of the Benot:_________ d, oooordlng to th;into three elan***, tht eaate

if the flrat cltoe to be vo- lon ot the aecond year

drattonoftn ,*■ at th* ex-

or* from Ot

of P m U e n t « f tb* Unit* A t the ftnn organlt


The PTOeee* la the Brooklyn Nary Vanl, Wbera Itael* g tn j'* klara ta d *

gtrlpat Vtclory 1*.(By an Old Flog Uuker.J

“ You know a *hlp by Its ftag,"Ttale raying >* on old a t tbe uvean. Every

■hip th a t Oalle the high ten* ca rr lr t Hloft uo Ita flagstaff a t least on* emblem ot II* nation. It may carry m ore then one, fur In certain cmergencle* a ih lp will raise a fer- algn flag, but It mual alw ays ahuw It* own flag, and down In the *hip'* baggage there ore duplicate flag* to be used ahould tbe N ational emblem be deatroyed.

T he making of the flag* of tha navy 1* one of the moat lm|>orIaiit p a r ti of tlie ship 's cunatruclloii. W ithout It* flag no ship can go to tea, and fur th a t reason the l.fnlted Stale* Navy devote* a great deal of time and apace and money to the making of flagu,

The flag* u*ed by th* United State* Navy are manufactured at the Urooklyn N avy Yard. One of the butWlng* I* de­voted to thl* purpoae, and here, hard a t work, therp sit hundreds of girl* whose buey flngeni turn out th* Aojc*.

The hunting come* Into th* Brooklyn Navy Yard already made. I t t* obtained

li never turned out of the N avy Deparl- inent.

The final work Is done by an old lallur, who understand! the a r t of strong oew- Ing. He fastens the fieg to It* rope. Hay after day. week a fte r week, end year after year, he »lta In the tam e *uot In the equlp-

han! wooden bencli

huiViwd end iVlwiy-elabt and bun.ctrrJth, few oi a i»tat eiataat nfty-ota* and buudrMlh* (•#! toatarlr trooi th*eiehty-lhree bjiuJredlh* ‘

In____ __ _____ from U

enlri line of Frtllniliuyaen ev«nu*; Itaai ■auihw«*l*rly duvettoa ay-*dlti*

[•tltloH thtrsfvr. a* tuhowa* ' luublB tl

... (a HBjduilnB * tm t koiU bBitintihu m thB northerly trark of i

A Um tit duul tb* Mat tm *

trmok ■vrfAi-t KrBtt HBABalnB AtrBBt I

fBawBr coMiMQy, Ux Ttrrr *tn*t .Kareln f i la u a t twanty-nUM M d IrikditlM f«Bt wMUrly from wher# w . jnlarBBctti.1 by tba cnnirB ll&a oc IKrwK axtfndaid; thaon* |uniilti||r by

. . .uwMjr*4 Avbsu*

■ifbti«t A M4R(

tir hun-four ]UUM

tha riffht wllh b nidtHB of fifty L , .. ........uf fifty-nlno x»a BlxtytKrB* hundrodtha [iMt

th« ihitsiw*tw B iHjIrtl dlBUht four BOd tNM<hB(f fMt fiOMb* *r)ir froBi thB OBoir* Un* *t MbamIab btrrth^ncB runntni akiajc |l%irBk1a« tATMt P' w ith BAri d U tM t f w r im d fifty hundrodlL firim th* trimtr* Hne of amid MbcmIabaouth twMityHiiffht drimMB «vv«fii m^utM m m thuuaBjid BOd ci)rhty>thrM and fortjMMVvA

Dv B ourvB ourvlni tntiundrrfUha f*«l; 1(liB rlBW; with I

" alxiyr4 rudlqa uf alxly fB»t, lb* dlK M os

. _.xtY*tbrM find thJrty-t>oa atM>hvmdrMthB fM( CO B M n t four Bud flfiy hofidiwrirh* MB<BTiy from th t cBotrt Hub of Amoijb 1*; thfkfiu* Bktnic AVMUB Id bBTBlItl w ith tb f WUl urnlr* llnr baA four tn d flfir hundiwdthB fM t M alarly tb«rBfrom. Bouth thirty-tw d drfffBBV twrnCT^Dnif mlnmBB w rtt Btiniit bundiwd dii<i elirhty-TiirRB «ml fiftvBlwht kundrBdthB fB«4t thtncB by 4 curv«< vurvln* t» Im rlittit. wUh k nidiuB uf aixtv f««t. th» diXBntB o t MTMty* «mA 4t)i1 niHBiv-four htindradtha fM t tn BadCtrUim with CliB prBaefll WMtarlr tTBdt U Horn®*

ura Plu B.Tha Bcaiskrlr ivBck la WigmataB a tro tt tn d

AvABur Id, lMt( Inning Bt « (Mint In (Kb BCWtbBrlT track In Ifrrry Btrw t JlRlant iKIrty'Blght an4 forty>four humirridthn r»rt w»«rtBr]y from wbor*.A-------- .----------- . . . ............ .....

by A cur%B i f fifty tt fU

lannlug L'urva C- •♦•vrnly fiveijurvi cuT\lng to tliB left with

fHkt to th« dlatlTU'B •f IWBKtr

They con»iat of 4 roLl of itroni;

(^ggnlzation ot Pernwiieiit Soctetles.

The flrat meeting of any proposed perma­nent society la organioed hi the same way a* a temporary meeting. After tha elec­tion of a temporary chairman and »®«r^ t*yy the chairm an or lome penon aeleetea by him should sat forth In detail the pur- POM of th* argonleatton p r o p t ^ . When the subject h a t been fully eel forth Ih* chairman say t; "Will V**m atter before the meeting In the form of a motion7" A member ot the aeaerablyr l te i addrexoe* the chair and offer* * mo­tion or reeolullon In a aomethlngIlk* thte; "Resolved. That tho young peo­ple preeent take the n«-e*w y «tep» to form a literary eorfety." The chairman a i k i ’ “Wtll tome aecond the rciolu- t lo n f ' The resolution la then ieconded. Thl* leave* the way open (or ® tree dUcuHlon of the aubject. The que*- tion l i “before the fiemBo.” Thoie In favor of Uifi roBOlutlon can say to. and tho®« pj^ poiriSf h»V6 du ontTortunlty of •xprewlng**E*ch‘*me%ber, upon riainir ihouW *ay: "Mr Chairman," but ahould not proceed until recognited by the.chalr; th y_la^un- tll the chalrmBn saya, Mr. the speaker who de»lre* to addre** the o*- le m lw r* If two or more ahould addree* the cltalr a t the same moment the cbolH man iBlect* the speaker whom he noticed

while the o ther, take their u” il M other opportunity la preran trf. When the lubjeot he* fully dU-CUBied tbo I.

km1r«ereSrp.2^t.o(theMu.Vand%^ihaTrmLn rltlngT^tay*:,___ niTered bv Mr. — and Seconded byt a n ^ l ^ d by Mr present

' ---------- form a lUeraiybeen offered by Mr,take the necesesry steps to form •oclety All in favor of tho r e ^ u tlo n ray ■ m • Those opposed, 'no.' ' ^ e mot M

Th#>meeting ha* now decided

THE HON. .THOMAS B. REBD.. IBpeaker ot the UsuM.l

Impeachment*, nor pas* on Pretidentlal appointments, nor participate In making treatiea.

On the o ther hand, it has certstn exclu­sive rights In wririch the Senate Is denied participation. I t may Initiate revenue bill*. Initiate impeachment, and, In a certain ooptlngency, elect a president. In etactlng t P retldant the nou** votes by States, each Btata having one vote—another Il­lustration Of the federal eharoottr ot the Qdvernm ent

Tk* officer* of the Hou** »r* th* Speek- r, th* B*rgeant-at-Arm*, doorkteper,

clerk and chaplain. Tho m oit Important of the#* U the Speaker, and, n«xt to the President, be I* tha most powerful and Im portant officer of the OovernmenL Th* Speaker of the Hou*e of Repreeentallvee present* to our view on* of the moat in- iereitlng end Im portant officer* In the hli- tory o t parliam entary government.

The unpre«*d*Dt*4 power of th* Speaker eo ray from two *ourCM:

1. HI* powm- of reciwattlM. U* may in aRMt ewlin IM floor te whom b* Will, and thus heX Wermln* la lire* meuor* whet men end

t nwerara* •o»y «»“• before the House, Thl* poorer la axaiclsed lecordlog to tbe rvU** sad OM*** ot tl» Hoa»* ejta in ^ e c l lo n with th* Conmltu* on But**, ot wMeb the Sprakar la oerally a awmlier._*. Ml* power of con*tiiutl*f th* oommltt**! The Ho*** no “f *ta»t de­bate, liglflatlon I* oMried, on through ccoi- m(tt***rT1i**» m*y b* mod* up faVsnibi* or anrtroraht* to pro*o**d or P ^ I i u l*m*!«ion. •a th* ■peeker'* tarty or B^Uc riewa nwy d*. ttnnlilF. tht thl* account It tray « e lr that th* Airartran |lD**lttr I jth * rawt e*w**ful l»g- lelatlT* motor in to r free aov*rann*t lo th* woriA

S c u m .ta n c e . l t wou^^be Imposalbls tu oi'lfan<'“d ra» e* ’th*"rtatr^*ind movra '"that acom , m lttee of three be appointed by the chall to re w rt at the next meeting a plan of or gaifa'Jtlon." Thl* motion may I n o l u ^ ^ e

" s r s r v S W Kouratlon Is ^ h s |l a commute* of three 8?Vppomtad by t i e chair to p r ^ n t » l uur n i^ t meeting a plan of organiratlon? All ?n faJfor say 'aye.' Those opposed, 'no / The motion prcvidl*" If the Ume a ^

the next meeting are not Included n*th* motion Just recorded It would be In

w # for tbeeo question* to be de- olded by vote. The c^sdrraan ra ra : "W hat

vnur fu rther pleaiuref" air. -----—m ov«?’an'^adjournment. ThIa motion Is SSJSded. put and voted upon In th e reg-

“ 'tV i? i f e duty of the tecretary lo notify In witting the member* of the committee.t j l l th n r and arrange* (or th* n eceuary S 'm m itU m ^Eing? The following 1. a form of w ritten nolle*, lorm oi Tibuiown, Fsb, t , 1B08.Mr. ------ -------

m*etln* held thl* *»*nln* for , / • T.SS1. ot orxralilo* e literary society the l!!n«^SK?:ci>ninillta* v * f eppolntrJ to »pon a Jrxanisatuw xt our next tnerUng, to bo pira of *v*nm*. F*bru*ry 16:

Th* Bogllflh Bp*ok*p t* a judhri th* m oderator of th* Commons, o«r,

------- ------------- ,,.j*B h*r m the beach** to hi* choir bepOiee* fifr .. , _ ______ _

Fotirat* w w hat party h« belong^' and b* re la lh i M» pRtae Ibtwugh T *nflarol*ng*»

tarty OMjorlty o t th* B m U He laH e u u a t givi no bgls t* h i

v iry lltU*i l ^ M in r

.. pwittcol I a o M N r wh« in til* House WM not

of th* party atajority expected .to tjHtat all Impartially, He inuatow\ iWe^lt mak** y iij mu*__t a t ^ iw rM frm w tiU h *ld*tb«l^*alnr coma*. HI* poaltlon Impllaa no pMlttcol powor. If lb* raoegnl*** * i the mrobahU'opinion of th* __ _

' lira* him, th*. majority may wokat h M who (hoH

I h J U b v ir a U i* '.—, __tat*. Xba

1 tk* *«nttnunt

UbM ; ^ bahlTo tb* S ra t to I


|robo v a r iu ^ th k j

u tti tbi9

f o i

__________ £ CACtOftM, but iQQit*]y froiT) two. J( iiBfd to come from the f^iiuouB old B^n Uuilcr b u n tin i factoduH, bu t now the OovernmeiU ittkm «Ntlmat0« every year wnd aeleete the cheapen ana the beat.

Ab Boon aa the bunting arrivBB in the building It t» put through a tteriee uf te s t ' Ing devlcei w nich are very aevere. An the fiagk will be aubjected tu the extremea of beat and cold, a i they will freeie and thaw* as (hey will h* blown by every br^MB of every dim e and sea. so the bunt­ing which makes the d ig s m uit be pul through a series of preUmlnary t<'Sts f*qual to heal, cold, freest-, ihaw* sea und at- musphBre.

The man who does this is the fore­m an of the flag buUdIng of the IJrouk- }yn Navy Yard. HIb nam e Is I'rimnilnir and fo r years bs has tested tiie bunting. H e passes It through th e testing ma^:h1n4.

jx-iai. iiwi c-av*r «** **iwm#nt building on with his tool* healAe him. three ehsrp knivs* and thread and a coll of tope. He also has a curlpui thimble, which h* wear* around h ta ^ a n d for pushing the needle through (lie flags.

He take* th e flog* and lays them flat, then he lews them to th# rope, using thir­ty atltche* for esi’h fastening. The stitch Is a big ta ilo r knot whii'h Is w arranted to last longer than the bunting. W hen h t has Unlived tewing them to their ropes, the flogs can be retard or lowered a t will without danger of being Jerked off.

Th* flag fsetener la very Jealous of his work and will not, no m atter how much he may be ruMird, allow any one to a s­sist him. The llagmsker* have been lo busy lately th a t the rooms have been In use n l ^ t and day with double forces of workers. In time of peace tho m ra iu tr- ment room with It* floor covered with band* of b rass for measuring the strlise* Is used (or a ballroom. Here th* offlcrra of the Brooklyn Navy Yard Indulg* tn ■ social dance every two wetks. B ut o t lute, with the shadow of th* Maine disaster upon them and a rush of getting the flags out, th e ball has been given up and ihn patriotic work of making flag* has gone oh. And on the n ig h u when formerly there rose th e sountf of tripping toes Id unison to gay music there I* now heard th* clicking of ths sawing m achines and the shriek of the Iron hammer as it pounds out the whit* cotton star*.

wvrn and wvtntr hunAndths f*st; theiira still Ik.uthwe*t*rlr by snoUwr curve ourvlui t j th* Mt with » r*dl»* Ilf fortr (**l to Ita ul>ta"f» I uiO tw*ntr-*evtn hundridih*

Rtui ■outhwewteetr by snpth** to tM lift With ■ rsdina of **v-

Irtt with a r*dl»* lit thirty <br** trel; tneniw ■rn(y*llv**7l*f io ita dl»l*nce of lw*nty-i*y*e » n / wveni}- himdiwdlb* f*et to ih* Pp 'o 'ta,’b* centr* ot the Kr***Bt **it»rly Jr*ck Ih Krollng- liuviwn *v«nuf, •wlA U*I mentioned Pulnt tain* dtasnl mty-flv* f**t *uuttarly w talj ^ cemr* iliH of Vsildernool *tT#el *xten(ta* Inleiwecti th* «*m* and ending lh*T*; and omsKii and per- inliilon Is slio xtvra Ui the s»ld company to connect th* lln*« of *tre*t r*llw*y ao to ta located, cunairucted, mskiuilnad ana operated wllh th* lin»i of itrcil railway now conitructed and laid In Browi »tr**t. pannaylvSnla and rrelloghuyMn avenu*. In raid H ri..* ' •htiwn uiKin lh« ni«Pp»l1ltim nie* with the Clerk of I k t l l i i ^ , itribIw (0 loc4(B, ruMtrur^ mBlntaln xii4 ■uch n#c»»iB«ir polM and xrlrt^TUBB-urMn *tuX #wlteb« an m*y b*~ ~ bhTv find MoBoniieiil

tb t M m« U InifirBectBJ h r in« w»ft«i MafiBKlnB irtrtBt «tt*ndta; thBncB bcurvlhfi lo ih« rifhi with 4 ntdloi o f __ .tbB dlBtant'B of flftr#nlTtr tiul alxtr*thrfB bwn« iir*4thi fBBt to 4 uuim It) Kiur«»inB BirMt* dlt- Unt ftiur Bvul finr huoiirBuTba VBBtBiiyfrum tho c^ntrB llq* ihrroof; th^nc* kiBnnJhC Bliinr UbcbxIm itrB^t parBlXI with th* bbUI RBitBrly lr»i-k and dliuot fuur and fifty Kuriilmlihi ff-Bt WBBi«r>y from th* OBiTtrn .In# nt Miiil (ht <lhitBni'« of thrtt thouMllid 4fidBfv»nry*fuur and thiriy^fivp hundrodlhi fOBt; thriirw by b cQrvt currinit lo the rlfht with 4 nidlui «f tlxty fF#(. Dll* iliMtncB of Blxty'tKrB* •nd ihlrfy^triB htrulrtifthi fN*t to 4 pni4t ar AvfimH 1*, dUUnt four «ml fifty hundrtdln* r*ort W'BBiBHy friim tht Cktitr# lino tn»fBOf( ihrtioe runnlitjT K utli iblrty-two dofrBBfl tw«n1y« on* mlnut>*B w#«t alone Avi-MU* 1* parBllBl Wttll tlM BfiirABaU *wBl r)y trBek BJid dlatant four and liriy hnndrwdtha f«Bt wMivrIy froM th« cvTiir« Uno uf Mid tho dlitBiMB uf ■bv'ohiunl^il Biid iws'enty-fuiir and BtehtBta bun *dmlth* fBBt; ihrnoB by b •virv* Burrlnf to th* rleht with 4 radluB uf iixiy ft*t* thB dlBt4»c* of BBVfnty oTiB BRil ninBiy*fuur himdridUiB fMt lu und lunii^t'ilntf with Ui« proMtU »w«t«riy trai'k In Jiamburf plHcr.

Hu.)*! routa BlwVf d^w -rlhra, bvinff ■Mwn ipo« IhB map or pl«n of BWeh Um** uf BirMl rwllwfijN fliBd by tbB BBtd ourygrBtkiii wlilu Um dork of thl$ board. . .ilvctton fi. That conornt and p*rra1iBloo t* hfroby *tv*n U» Mtd compBny 4o oparaH TU oara upon.ih# aald IIubb of Btrart rBlJwiT by tiM UM of BtrClrlrUy M thB rootlT" p u W W wnBt IB knows Bi thB ovBrhrBd trcdlry ByatBrar ind for that piiTpoBB, to Bract Uib with wlPBB Btrunf ihBfBoa. for th» optTBdot of**£ld*ioI«i^ah4U t)B pliMd oppoattB B«oh o t ^ . on thf BtdBB of ihB airBBlB* wtiMii and BhBik bB of Iron or atBrl, lU IroBt tw ^ty faat bl*h, BOd Bbiil »>•dM lfnatfid cm Iho map fik i wUh iha «fthB » ia r d o f filfBBtBB h*raln Mforr r«rltBd, wrhlrb » ld map fur IhB porpoaea of locotton of bbIiI polra. iwd tbB trBeu horBbf BttthorlMd (o bw eonttruclBd, «jT‘I

ot conairbcIMfie the W modBand daclarBd to b* a part of tiila ord biacb-

•BBtItm $. Thia cbDBBtil and pemitaaionRtYBit to conatruct. t^jorBla and irwlntma u*

abb of WTfacB a tr« t raiiwray htrHh4 id dBBcrihBd. IB glvrn upon (ha BtpfBiitMn that it I* cofifB i^ and 'jjj•ama iBfJn* and condliloor, *"'* *1?■aioB UmJUttaAB whirl) ar* ciuiialnrd and, mt Srth In and ImpuBril by a

of th* Board of lUri-Bl and ^ a ttr of tl)« Bity of NriraJ'ti. mtirird An ordl^m'B to auiborlBB and rmpowrr ihf i i-TniolldatrdTraBtiM) fotopBny, a kmw jSS7*(Swndtr IhB lawi of Ih# Htair of JocatB. canBlmrt. operau and ■JJJ'sJralhrayi and appurtmaoetB. rrrtaln Btrott*. av»BUM and wbfi(v £rf N*wark, paimBil July IS, Iwfi. BDd »• BUbBBqutantly valldUBd. raj‘*» hy th* nrovl*l"i>* "f *" ordlnsne* ul th* Unrad 3 Htjwt and W*l*r romBii**li)iier* of ib« city if Newark. enUllcd "An ..rdmanoc w aupplo- m*nt an ordlnsncc entitled 'An ordln»nw w luthorui ir^l *mt«wer the CoBralldaled Tne- bm "tarotany, s .'ortarsllon Uicotpor*l«l U"- d*t th* law* of the kt»i* of N*w I#r*ey, ro lo-

ronatruol, .io*r*le Sh* inalmain etreel

where It tears or keeps It* ahape. He Put* 11 through chemicals to ■«• how the hewl and cold will affect ll. Hs teats Us color

th* WOIHT,Id 111 l 0. .the Hppueatloi

JneV of street railway. th» mill or plan of »*h

and reMstatice, all b r inuchliics furnlstted by tho Goveromeiit.

After the bunting baa passed through ■evsie tria ls It is taken Iniu a room the floor u l which Is morked nut n« tliougb fo r a tennis qourt. i t is ruled wllh Blripa of polished brass which murk the meas­urem ent of the strips* of tit* “ lid of tha flag itself.

H ers the bunting Is o a t Into strips meas­ured by ths brass b o n , and the snips are laid Bride In g rra t piles ready (or (lie bands of the workers.

Th* navy flogs have thirteen stripes. In one corner there Is a blue field upon which there or* whit* *tara. A fter the stripes sr« cu t they era carried into a department where r it the itrlpe sewers. They are then ready for the sta rs , Fornierly ths work w u don* by hand, and thm a great num ber of work women hod to be cm- ptoyed. Now It I* dons by machine and the girls only have to work the needle through the red and white. "Very soon the Govern­m ent will have elratricity to work the ma­chine* end th* ^ r ls will only need to guide the stripe* through tha r itc tr lc sewing ma­chine.

■Th* work of cutting out the stars Is In- te rra tln i, Fortm on Crimmlns takes a place of whit* cotton and fold* It twenty or th irty time*. He then take* up a big bras* etor and lay* It upon tb* goods. W lih qulok otrokes of the hands he marks around the sta r and then w ith a big knife he cut* out a who]* constallatlon ul once. Sometime* he does the work with a chisel and mallet, hewing out the atars w ith heavy strtSteo.

Th* star* or* then token Into the flak- room to he s*wn upon the blue held m form a white etarry emblem.

There li no right o r wrong side to a flag, ihertfore every flag needs iilnihy sta rs—forty-five tor each ride. Tin: flas- ■ewen must Uk* each s ta r and with a firm ttltch »nd accurate eye, *ew It upon the blue field, fitting It flat and firm, A certain number of (titche* la used for each point, end the atar-itltcher wlm vwrlea from this m ath tm atlcal accuracy is soon Informed th»l h*r Space will be list- ■ter preferred than her company In the de-

larlm ent of f la p lo the United States levy. ,,Only the most expert *ew*rf can handle

theae riars, and a st*r-»ower Is os much ahead of a sirlpetaew tr oa a modiste is ahead of a seomflrMO. ^ .

In the present srar trouble the nag dc- tartm ent of tho Brooklyn Navy Yard ho* M«n overworked, and In opIM of the Iniro- duottan of tabor-ravlog devteef new banns hav* been put to w ont upon the fiogs and the number turned ou t ho* been doobi™.

T h ert I* Kimtthlng u o u lia r about the. ----- cS t h i navy. Otice

becomes a life­long srorlb Many o f ' t h * gtripe-sewers " - - - — (he *am* task i a

THE AHIZONA "B IC H E B ."A Declaration ot FriaelpelB and a Prom ise

of Things te Come.(M, Quad.}

W ith this number The K icker n ite rs upon the fourth year of l i t oxlstence.

I t was founded on fifteen cent* and determination to ‘Jglt th a r '," and to-day the plant ts worth 850,000.

In addition to the newepapor vre own and have combined wllh it a grocery, a mnat- m arket, a feed store, a gun sto re and a boot and ehoa store, elk oelng under one roof.

Wa are editor and proprlotor of the most Influential weekly In a ll Arisona, and In addition we hold the affle*e of May­or, S tate Senator and Pominaeter.

In the three year* ws have hod to ehoet and plant thlrteao men; have betn sho t a t twenty-four tlm e^ have been wounded th rice : hav* seen olveadom Ouloh expand from twenty-one to forty-three 'taloons have mod* forty epeeches auperlntendec a Biindiy-nohoot, led a church choir, and won n w a t poker and divided square up with the hralhen. W* own th* to rieet running mules and the beat fighting dog In the Territory.

In making the above ita tem en ts w e are actuated by no spirit of,bom bast or *ga- tlem, but our sole Idea le to le t E astern folks ee« (or themselve* w h at ambition will do (or a men In a new country.

A* to the future of The KIckar, each succeeding number will grow b e tte r and belter. We tea r no man on th* too* o t thl* earth, and when we strike w« b it to r all wo are worth. We shall Jam every Iraua full of murders, robberies, ghost Merles, tragedlN end so on, and our local p tg s will contlnus to be red-hot and th* poUtl- r*l articles full of pepper. Everybody get* bis money's w orth In T he Arigong Kicker,

T h e In lla e n o e o f W r i te r* ’ W iv e* .Much o t th e credit and honor w hich an

author Is given belongs. <n m any Case*, to his wife. A marked example of th is Is the case ot Mrs. Thomas Hardy. She It was who diverted Ur. H ardy from hIS purpose of studying architeotur*; she en­couraged him to write; sha coiited his first novel end even sent It to the publisher. There a rs m any months, It Is said, whan Mr. H ardy reads hut little, for he likes to live among the fictitious nersonoges s f his novels. Iiuring this period, Ur*. Hofoy goes through the newraapers and books and keeps abreast of the tim es (or both herself and her husband. O ther living writers, whose wives not only Insplr* them to work, but also soundly criticise their

■ H aw thorne and

rsl--------.... ...........Id lOCStll'!1* Hppucaiio# to the board .I SI And Ilk* ooniem *nd pertiilMUm >• I-” ” Rivm to the said corouw to ta(»te, ewarnct

and operate wid mrinlala s douW* l l» 'ta ri I* to rax. • doublt-track lln*l of *tre*l railsj « rail- a*v upon Gtailcnt *lreet ta tb* rity of New; xrk, from |talhter**cll<m with Pselta atreet eisierix to s point In Ita raid atreM vl‘*ra (he eaittrlr Hn« of Elm read •••• ''^1 “ rame. *■ thown upon th* map or plan ot *ucn double-traok bn* »>f etrrat sutfaos rxitaay flled bv thl **ld corporation with th* Clerk of ih1» boapd upon tta Hllnx t!f the raid taiUlon: and nlM con**nt *nd pem>l**lon I* olio «lv«n m <*}d company to tonirtruol. owrate and inalniain In connection itarewbli auch ne ra**ary wire, cure**, iidin**. cnraMWera and awflclu-; » may b* rwalrad fta th* prOtar. *M« and e .momlMl operation of the raid Un* of •>"« railBar, ai ahuW)) un th« diap ut plan o-f Bald location of trirk i Hied wllh th* spsllcatlon to**He'-Xn' iborant tod prrmlralon tar*byBlvFtt to ouniirut'l. ouBratB find UKaljitfi tiMn . .a —.. taiha* malltaitaw hde raJd ritat t.

S taxysAnd kppoH'« ovar and ihroush

11. d atiyfOVBO JunF », J*"* " * i ^ ««V..K feiKiir afTiBrat ordlnaiuiBB ol tfi* cI;B nf NiKfirk a» rtow Ptmirwl thB t’unKrurthm.

i?tnlir*or can b# mad* lu a^ply 10 thB uun letarMilun and ma1at«n«*)o* uf tbB

ta woy "“ 'Tin'- wl mrth- ta’ liin * Till. ordlSsnce »b«ll «*• effect Im-'"^^,^?i^;*nln* ^

Preeldenl of t ta ’ i t i r T o f «*.e*et and Wsta,

.......Doled M*reti

(inee ot iir**i lorfOM railway herein rat form and dencrltwd 1« * I yen upon th* »*«**» con- A t Ion that ll Ik conferred sud rtsselrad upon i >• (otn. term* sod condition* and lubJeri ta (In

llmltstlone which or* nmUbifd and rat fitru? In and Imiewed W th* ordlnencM of tta

a Ih iri o fT reei *nd Water (-nmml.*lonMW^ Ih* city Ilf N*w*rk jtranttnx eonsrat »ndj)*r- inuikiio to the wul CoBKlldite.l ‘Traction tSm- pm'y to local*. nin*troct. operate in* moln- tiin the olhsr llnei of atreet *url*c» railway tn the . mt* "venuei end puhlln p lo ^ of th .

eiiv no* nialnU ned and operaled by th* S d cSoany. and porileularly aublKl to th*

rtal'lt'""’ IlmllatlMIk crmlamed In and lniuta*d by Un orrtlinnc* entitled "An ,rdm .nrur.u thorl.c *>.d empower tta C™- .Idirieteil Traction Company. 1 corporation tn- J iwralkd under th. lew. of th . Wat. of Net,

lo locate, ronatruct. operal* and main- Join eireet rellwavk “"'1 anpurtenance* over

»1*iro T Ic iro F lN T W T lo N -ld ^ ot fllraat »ad

Water CnmniWUotar.. „PnPha notlM I* tare^ „ a .worar

tfilefillon ,„4,v frf Newark, (itMlrr% »?a/£Sk i5 r-^0.*“ raf N ^ark • ' am'rwtd MaJvh U. 1«V?. (h# uU r f>T J'‘Bwa^i diui thB act cr*-and Ih* Water riommls-aUna th e Posed r f riraet^^nnXtOBff'I'B uf (hr Cll-y £ . ||*ta havlDZ ofMl. isnl. to oul'r il-S igSr ^

• f h . flTRBCT.

fuumlatiunl .Til. pavina STBECT

from Mumnoulh iireat to Itarclir sltral. wim ihrat asphalt paremani u m »K/Mi ikna rnjm Bari'lay •*?**#( to BbiujoitI Bw* n « : i" th ^.i™X V riilt . block psvennnt upon a Mnd foundation;


t e s ' ! ! ? : : ™ ™ " .flon .nd from Barclay ktffri to tashleentb aee- nne.' with obhmx xronlt* block pavement upon • »atid fouiidattou.

'1“ UNriOI.N •THEF.T. ,from Merrer "treet to ttaurt rireet. wllb

iphslt pavement upon a concret* toundatlon.Th* Pavin* STPKKT.

from Crntral axBnUB to Hm m * aveauB. w)t?| BhBBt aapbaU pavfmeal «l»n fi wncreiB (ounda-‘'rh s proee*4ln*« In th* ikove pivlnxa and re- psy'ln*’ will he -rakan umler ita provlalon* of ita r iJ r *uVof ths ta.1* Uw. of lafc.

Thu araitInK ind curfilna of ThB ^iXTH fiTRKKT.from Tw^mh to TT)lrtB**nth avenu*;

Till* of a p1t>* M!W«r in *rat»tais*ciH iT i l AVKNI'K A.MJ miKlK HTRKKT.frSm cllftdti Avenue bi n pulnt ru feet wuttail#

ih* *oulheriv Uns »t Flfta «»*nu'l .‘b* oirt In Sixth xvanu* to be 18 Inchea In lilamalar, SSd n Hldxe alreet. from Sum avenue for a dbliaii"*^ Ss» feel, tn ta 16 Inche. In dlamaler.“ ToiSrher Wbh a>i tb* appurtenances neceuary* " a 'S '’iIeiw'ni In"itay *bJaot therein are re. s.IL'IiJa to n n in t their nnlectlnBi In welting. a| ?he V riT tb iard of Srrtat and M[*lar Com- rSr-alntara .'n or tafor. the eipirailon ot fiveday* Wreet and Wetef

WBfk.______ Ml'Npy.

n TMfaJ R'UpBrlnlwvlehl of Wo4lni._ N! J.a Nartih iri. IBW. Ifiy

reniml av^uB. ofl W h

ini!' innnTxh ‘certtln'slreeia, avenue* end hlxh- "in the city of Newark." pained July 1)1,

ri5;i and a» iiilweuuM'fty ratllJeU, vamjatrif a cnnOmi'nl by the provlalon* of ail iiedinaiHM fta"Board of Street and Water rnmnjUiilonarl ir Ita cliy of Newark, aniuied "An ordlnenea ?.n •Viiiuii'ment ftti iirdinBncB*ntUlBil an ordUunc*S r i u t h S A"'* llrtated

: TrouiiuH (VjfrUB*mpo«Br th* CiinBulldat ^

f-orfMjrtthrf) 1tionrf)oraT*<



Trying to B**t Hex Mojwrty.From tb s Detroit Fr»« Prero.

Many- amuetng lBolt|*nt* happen a t the c S a d la n custom* offic* since the offitars

c h a r^ g d u ty u o r in o ll articles.» « « « • moet. Tli*y

wfn msiri S a t^ iT attic ie i co*t only ten « n t. which makrii no dlhersnc. to the Snesl* on -watch. H* 'WlH Inshtt that It U hti'burinsS to ooMeot tb* duty^vsn If It bi mly " e n t , which hM to tx prid or r?i« artlcl* U ooafl*oal*4. The result I*

S i t l i f lw f ly l» the offioer*' w ay.^lttie S 5o l?w hobkT * brim In the h*bU of —

duty y e a te r^ l aenW^UM rRMy with

of eeiMM*,. fib* wk* eorryt


when a a email I t them tu t >h* Uwwtwr. to oea- rtngry,

(Dot get tM

m ektng ot th* f l a n of th entering upon th* task, it Ilong work. Many of th* ____bay* b«tn' doing ih* *am* toak day after day fo r ten years, and th e «ar-ee»crs hav* been a t woifk fo r tw tM r y*»rs. The

1 out from the eaine f o m k n l the same

h * i b*en Inl^g* have bjfb, tu department for thi 'foremen Jome* charge from the _

Affer ■working so .■ewer understand* and can detect *ri^■oon t* it resohaf

In case a defective^mOn-ta' mort unueua'l _found by th* worhiHrs.- Rr

,i I ' i

productions, a re Julian Rider Haggard.

I'.r Ih. law* nf tbe StaiB Ilf Nbw Jersey, in iMate construct, otaral* and malnlilii atrael iStaeva and ippurtrnancai over and thriiuxU strSetk avrnuea and hlahway. In tfie cn? of Jlitrark. approved July 1-1. W ," which i t.mH.mFfiul urUiHan*’*' wim iMWBfld May 81, I m f a^d apprcvcd June a. IW6. sTfar aa the *—J; ^nniies „r tan ta mail* to apply to ths l^nieruction operation mid malntsnance of tli* ftaee'of etrtal rnllwey h-rrinebove Mt fnrth.a Tlie Slid rompttiiy ahaU tepUce lha aIo m U, on their prcecnl Un* m Milter streel. Rz,,r^Pr.unshuy«rn nvwiu* lo Kllsafielh ive- ™ vSth inwvcil rails lu ba approved hy thia ESr(d* iiiron * empire'* foundation of at least afif m'obM W micknese. and will atin lay Upon Ua new lines on Miller street snd VanJeni™ atteJt like itooved rails upon a like rxincrite

n!l?'’i whenever tha unmar munlelpal eulhorlUes nf lit* 'd'y ot Newark shill <1*- rarmlni* to Viva or n^esve void Che*inul| Milleror^and<rii...>l etre. i* >.r ,»iiy ..... -*101------tta

.............. . .............. - ta rn Ihereof,alan* said toriitl'^n or Irnck* hrrejn art forth, f ta raid oompeny. In r.inelde«llim of aui-hgrant and pef'ii'selpn.. Hial eauae ra .i n*r. of lha raid slrcet* lylnx wiihln mir U. Irao¥. and wilUin a epaee__pi

that p«rtj4 l>*tWB*ni

Ul track* Bmi within a Miai-B uf on* fwt

- ! r , h r " a ! r , o r i r ; r r « 'r<^Ho>v'^b(,MIhraatd alrrats " “ 'I ** I’*''''-'ully%f Newark, and. in enra the ^wSiv or 5 a Jg'VeMrare shiii'n'iiiilact «r”r*fusk topany ur HB *, ,Kf. inMnnar

N«wnrk.toPftlLKl NflTICE-Ordllianeea ordered

w lr^ thT ^S friined , heraby certify that Ih. MIowliiK <ii“iVrx;.w i.r fiuart of Blrwrl ami

flag eachking

Iln u rs ._ j i tno fore- It is speedily ' 0, poor flak

A Bngis Coll,Come, Discontent, and s tir ray soul to

higher, grander thlngslGive me no rest amid the sloth th a t smooth

contentm ent brings.Arouse th* warrior* of my will and arm

them, eword and gun.And force them to the front until new vie-

torle* are won,

F ar better to be crashed amid the fierca, tem pest uouB (ray

Than, like the helpless plant, to live and rot and p**a away. , _

For god* and mortal* have decreed the valiant onea who die

In grand defeat are nobler fa r th an they who dare not try.

With each to-day, oh, DIeoontent, Incite my turgid thought

To better, grander theme* than all th* ye*. terday* hav* brought.

Y**, spur m* to my task and rouse my lo-' tan t strength until

My svery fo* Is vanquished by the battl*-■-NlxIm 'W aUrmaa In L. A. W. Bulletin.

pera or retlva tbk “ U '!>Kraln rBriulTFdi lU -n ll RUall iawlul fur iKi city of NBwarK W cau« th*' *ame lu p«V8hJ J p e X tad cbara?''«f t t * r t e rompsta, ta ''■taring pf the of hlrral tadth. raid company -ball ta_ llabl. tq tta ^ tu i'tblTj r e ® J T

tdotacompaoyl Is Jo b? iS i"

tiwiNHitloA flhall• - id Iwm X " r a l " Il^afd S ” atr*s« tad W«»r ljum- tnlMtoDvri anfi iu»t lb* of Jimiwitlon^all S ^ n M by lb* raid railway eomiiepy and beSlid 1™ ta bS«"‘ 8*««* •"'*mlmloners by ib« asl* company waakly. on de-”%lrijon 6. That slid company *,h*'i tbara irk of the Board ot Streat and WaterS to?S ^p2y^*™ "am am l'^o th*

AdtaSd'Mareh S, 111 ^Apsrovad «•^^•^)i^ATl^AlJN^BY

>>jfiidMit of tt)B Hoard of Water


AN art,nance roaumm^ra^tad^^^^^^NaWSik ta'1 .'ra“V7m“ !;;SDorsi*d under Uii Company a «r|K)ratl« tn o ta ^ s™

law* of tha_M»U of Nat* Ja « y - ^


p - s p r u n g N < ^Can\e from apap— an improve*

m ^ r^ iS o n it;ra sort o f higher development (jCaWp, just as man is *aid to lvavc*bcen

ta. developed from the monkey. Evety that good soap has you'll find in All*tne soap is m it thats necea-

w jusiThne. .isn't meant to bfe used with to. take the place o f i t Evefy-

atssoap does, P earlln c does, and ■better,. „ - ,.‘H

riiSt'-rfS 'wJj; tad tiSir“ t a l w r i * ^ . 'S r o?-'J*.V™'*i,*Mrteln atreeta avanua* *»S hifb- aoBlh Oranm Jtraat

tad' ihrotwVtartaJn avanua* i

h, ablklMn tiun^myuid aafraMfiJnwataAt'fi htia -ptreltway wttlUn ma city of N***r"

x r . ™ to


‘" i n orm nanta ta provide for the e e iu r tro e t^- r \ iS Inch Idp* sewer ""“'h flrvtatb « " * • J iS , fliilaenlh evunu* tu Flfwanih avenuA

r lfu taM * to provide for th* coM irurab*an cnUnawM xlrBCl. from.reBtr,

An i.i-of aBtnrCt.

„ , ^ ^ & W p « rawer in U'''> ""'^ lln ta“*. ‘to ®p?otale f.;r’ 'th. f .m s ti^

‘ ’?S*!rrolnanee to provld* ta r I ta eopilruetloaOt r lidneh pips rawer m M-'m* • ''•»«■ /remSw taiT nth iveopa to Heuth Oropxi avenu*.to pruvlit* for Iba nonatreriloa An urd_m^‘_ * ^ y,|rnanmt svano*.

t e S S a r f ®__ jaVBQ)]

y mt*,B (N‘jniln>ctU» t friiift fivt-nf « f??lnc~Ttp«' B^wefToTrlhc#« ip ru « Itrctt lo Wavwfr i

»bovB RwBrt to be onnKruptwl wUk

era nwstV ft ....................cnnvtrD^IofiIroI, avenuB.

? ? « « w i m S h t e e t e l t ‘ p ta™ .*u ^ u E on '''l

thK StatB IKVI rairaaWiMTSVtliKStatB 1 l*rB«ldBR( of tha

Tam sTAmsBT.ard of fitrMt and WaUf

M X N ! > M D ! ! ! ! ! P « ! »

a p u it c a t la M t o lh a ta ™ » I to e w hen ( i« R * 4 ,

Page 22: First Edition. - DigiFind-It

X EW A BK EV EN IN G NEW S, [UESDAY, M A llC H 22, 189B.

ViriTH THl FDllOH BA&.

f ygm j O K U f t % m p I»M -W k M tJM K n n l H

i s M m .V sM blnf »w*s hsvs b«om * *n s h »

1 0 s BBCSssIty to tits i t r l wSo pisys fOlI. ■ bos th s BcoUish tsm s has bscoms » IBriUsnaUs. i lr ls who hsM f tn n c th sBOUfh to t» t up for

out fsrly to tsk s tw snty mlo- wHb' o src iM St ths hac. .^ 3 ^ bad to bsooma a fad bofora lU s t t i ta s a to a wholsaome. boarty •**V‘ M w old b» appptw laisd. ‘ o'* tS f b w bM fo»0W*d lUw M *

^^tM icata whits hands and snowy arms a » » lo n n r " ths th li.. ’' It Is ths arm tb a t shows tralliltif and cffscts of M d SUB that Is th . liidsx of th s aihlstlo nouns woman of to-day.^ T b o rs a r t anthuslasls for whom hMt b i w tSrors. BW moat lovers of this ■■Art Drcfer Ih® criip told of * winwr d C ^ f h s t saerclss may be com nu*d In

of weather, however, and the con- slttutloD put In order for a day to be S a i l to society or work, the punchlns S i r u h s s ^ s placs of out-of-door e ie i- e iw A youBf woman who has r e tu rn ^ |3 S is V ^ f a 'e d from a ball le*v« herSSarsaww __ - a,«in» WOmB.n WnOiS S S C auly'as ihe young woman t^ o

as not dissipated, and tuijns bar fifteen liautaa' work at the punching bag. iftKao stria abed tnelr elovplns robei

"• ■ --------*"a ^ " ¥ llD ln to paiainaa before they stm t iS sw ork . s n d * ^ l t is a gentls tap they tna w ora.^^^ ^ thump# In return

tbs big upon th s ir heads quickly

flctsi ind in many instaaosa baa 0 vsn‘’Thl*'ad’* iiI* Ifa rtid ‘ a t .w montha ago

thilf ^ s of Itmilnn is d lw tiy attrth- i l lw s iT th o healthy e i e ^ or which ttw has and sam e are responsible,


Words of WsrnlDS from tho Old Phil o*oph«r*

[Ily U. Qusd.l'Am Pickles Bmltli In do hsll llils eave-

n ln 'r ' asked Brother Oardner, aa the regular hmlness had been disposed of a t the Saturday nlslH m eetinf.

Pickles was there. He had Just so t rnm- ferlably se llM behind tho stove for a nap. and it was with reluctance that ho■t<>od forthe . I

»-nrudder HmUh," continued Ihp pre-*)- dent after lak ins a dHnk and cleartng his voice. "I was down to (le gr«ar> -de wider Mv<‘nln’ to Imy two poundl or Ml' de grfwer w ai J f il putUn up an to ao to yo'r houa*'. Ho handf*d out wliti«* tu ia r , Oolanf loa, da chotcwi flour. coffee and Hkh butter aa te iiHIn all my life. How many tnlHyon doilara am yo' wulh, Brudder Smith . '

•■ria aim in ' 1X0 a weak, aah.'* wai the’ yo' haln 't got nullin' to speak of?"

•T)al'a*how 1 thought it was, hut 1 didn't know fur sush. W b 'n I ssods put down fur yo' 1 kinder spected

To' owed ms W borrowsd monsy, w ' I reckon ! a in 't d« only one. Would a hun­dred dollars pay w hat yo ' o jrt?"

"Mebbe," was th s daubtful reply."And mebbe It would U ks il®»bls dU

sura. TO' am s Bjan who aim s f j w H per week. By strict economy yo rolgni iflt a lon i In s way tn make meet, bu* while head oUer hee a In debt an auBibody chaalo' yo aroitnd all da lima yo * n w i t% in a dfaraond Pln- Why didn't yo' buy a steamboat or »

■;j:)at pin waa njbfbjty^dbewi^ht •**p a t pm was mis>.ir ...i™.; •* — .........sah explained Brother

"i*erh»ps It was. I was swnd-dollar pearl necklace de odder day fur rTM, I t was a bargain, but I didn t take advantage of It. w yo reckon yo_ kin sell d a t pin to anybody fur |W or »lb,

"wSl**yo'*»B’'*“ i> powerful airly In de niawnln' an ' s la rt out fp r a w ^k . Offer dat pin to everybody yo meet till yo niid a bigger Idiot than yo’. am. K « p walkin' day an' night till yo when yo' git de cash pay It on y®Yo’ hev about as muen use fur a dlaniOTd pin aa a mewl has fur shoes of solid gold. How m sny y 'ars am It «***looken by de collar an w'’" ,n

"Nobody nebber dun kicked me In all" '‘'■DetT'dat accounia fur yo'r buyln' dal tom-fool diamond pin. I ahall be ■undln at iny gale a t » o'clock In Oe m » w ''l ''. an' If yo'll cum around dat way III de­vote halt an hour lo yoiir case. I. Mv a suah remedy fur yo r ^yo' Itev tooken one 'lose nobody km sell yo' a hundred-dollar diamond fur | 10. To kin sot down Brudder Beebe.''

".Mv frens," said Brother Oardner, as the silence In the hall grew painful, what alls de alversge cull'd man of to-day am hla amblshun lo swell around an Irt as big as de while man. In aeekln' to do dta


ftomotesDigesHon.ClwrM- n n s and HeslContains neitl» Optum,Morphine nor CiiExaL K o t N a h c o t i c .

c iw E a m u u m/Wpi^ S U 'JbeJmmi*AeW AJUs-


A pedSectScinedy forC onstlp*- f to n . S o u r S to im h .D ia rrh o e n .W o rm s jC onvulsions .Feveri sh -o cM o id L o sso F Sleep.

ftjiiiiib Sitnghut ®fI

W E W T O H K .\ l I l i o u l l i s o l t l

j j I I O S I s - J j C I M S



| f a c -s im il e

SIGNATURE— O F -------

• s ^ € 0




k m i iOallaria Is |«t Ip la «MglM kMtt air. H

l b wA BoU la balk. D sat iBiw njSM b MU Ivea aajlUaf slsi m tiu |)m ft fiwlM fM H I la "lust as ttoa® aal “win aawif •*Nrj»- Iptas.^ «>‘ 8 s s fb tt IM |« ll l4 4 .T 'd K U 4 .

FOLITICAI.PuB L U rneticT uY iriK 'ew S"^^^

i l k N. T. will me«t a t th® "'‘Vrtal p l * ^ bjiw-ln jfi*r moniloiitd. on T«t-v*lay. 15. i w■t tya« o'cluck In th t iflernoonr lAU H lon until nine oVlock m (inally on Tuleday. March tim e and nlsow. fo r t t a b " r ^ ?‘ .re_V*ms

Ibvi district, . t the m « 'll.jn. who uh.ll appear, befom ' " ‘L.'ivfi or .hall be ihown by a written «m.d«';V

im In per«B, by o written alfld»vii of a

r w l " w i,V oT iuch d l.t r lc t 10 hs a .lsg a l v o t.r

>»ubhe norice !■ a)*o hereby f anaiu*. charter election uf he city ot wewara

;& K '-v ^ iis '-riia -S 'sSil?/n^rm J fAjlMnlTname^ oitte.r.. tb wit:

AH «r4lMMi 10 autborlM aixj •■power tba Newark tad Hduth Uraajre Htreat Kallwv

Sompaxty, a corporatliun incorporated under IM kwa of the State ol New Jeravy. to l^ t« . con Ptruet. o j^ate m alaula cirtala Mrfaoe

street reflwe

r ni »U» *a*s«»vs —e .w—* of th . N .w ark City Horn., le elect)™ of 'b* ..b *'?**®f,, ich ward In . . I d city, -o w ilt

I thsfes-abm

I"'/ xs. t . . B vi f, .b i ' i il.vv

■ S i5s- ‘M

The lather made by Fairy Soap is abundant, rich and of a peculiarly light and dainty formation, giving un­

usual delicacy combined with unusual cleansing qualities.


T h e y S k sw ia Be U r ln l te an g B rie f,R et I'w wdllInBal an d P ru tra e ted .

From the New York Sun,This le tte r [iropnunds a question of

grave Importance to society, and Invites a aiBcusilon which should be of general Interest:

"To the Editor of The Sun; Sir—W hst Is a father’s duty for the happiness ami welfare of hla daughler under the follow­ing conditions? After a four-years’ court­ship a gentleman says th a t 'his llnances are not sufficient for blm to m arry at present,' bu t th a t he will continue hls a t­tention and when the luture develop# ms resource# so that he can support a wue he will then marry the daughter. Of

FAIRY SOAPPure, White, Floating. The Soap of the Century.

TH E N. K. PAIRBANK COMPASY. Chleago. 81. Lonla Hew T o r tj rw.ije iiijJtj» /jHiiWi'kHAti(iAa « MBW Ma.'i>» aaaw > a iaw < w

ord BJi a leHoui and definite obllgallon. '*(lettlnir engaied" Is a arrave maUer

in llf« ' few compacta with conBcquencea more farwreachlnji: no mantherft are

ne wUi ine« marry um vi*M|ii»a.x.a- -w* courne, tbta la umleratood between them ; and it la further arreed that if meantime either p rtfera another, the pngaxement in off, 'and he or she can marry the on© of

rement Is____ ,--s. ..BSs.ajr -- -

h ts c h o ice ,' S uch a fa tu o u s c o n t r a c t Is su g g e s tiv e . T h e d im fu lu re Is d a rk w ith u n c e r ta in ty , a s app licab le to th e c o n d i­tio n s , H e n c s th e qu estio n .

• 'in a r e c e n t e d ito r ia l y ou a t r lk e th e k e y n o te o f m y question In s a y in g : ^ h e s u p e r io r t ly o f th e tu m u ltu o u s y o u th fu l p a ss io n a n d Im pu lse of th e d s u g b te r s to th e e x p e rie n c e a n d Ju dgm en t of tn e p a ­r e n t s w re c k s th e h a p ^ n ™ of too m a n y home#.' PATbJlFAMnjIAfl,

I n th e f l ta t place, n e i th e r a g irl h e r s e l f n o r h e r p a r e n t s sho u ld to le ra te a fo u r - y e a r# ' en g a g e m e n t, ex c ep t u n d er v e ry ex - i r u o rd ln a ry c lrcu tn a lan ce s . I t Is in ju r io u s to th e g i r l In m s n y w ay s aiifl s e rv e s n o d e s ira b le p u rp o se . T h e prolonged a c ­q u a in ta n c e does n o t tend to th e b e t te r p r e p a ra t io n o f th e p a ir fo r m a rr ia g e , b u t rslhC T to p ro d u c e w earin ess In one o r th e o th e r w h ic h d ec re a se s th e p ro b a b ltm e s o f e v e n tu a l m a r r ia g e aa this tim e Is e v te n d -

i t Is a n u n n a tu r a l re la tion : A s a ru le , • * “ co u rt" a itirl u n ti l he 1*

■© quencei m ure iitr*’rrai.u i« ‘j i . o r th y to b« t. h u a b a u d p rom laea ^**^1 rikR o w ith o u t th e d e te rm in a tio n lo w ra th e R lfl w ith in a r e a io n a W e tim e , the s o o n e r th e b e t te r . ^

T h e o ld w ay fo r p a r e n t s to re q u ire o f a m a n d aw d lin g a b o u t a d a u g h te r to " d e c la re h la in le n tlo n a ," t h a t la to say , w h e th e r ho w a s m o n o p o lis in g h e r com ­p a n y a n d d r iv in g o ff o th e r fellow a w ith th e se r io u s in te n tio n o f m .y ry ln B h e r If Bhe w ou ld , o r s im p ly g ra t i fy in g h l s v a n ­ity b y se c u rin g h e r p re fe re n c e . I f a m a n e x p re s s e s h ls in te n tio n to m a r ry a w om an a t aom e defin ite tim e In th e fu tu re w hen It Is co n v e n ie n t to r h im , H I t n o t a m - t r o th a l . I t am o u n ts to n o th in g , fo r he m a k e s n o ab so lu te P™ m l*«-. R J a co n d itio n a l a g re e m e n t, a n d i t is le f t to h ls ow n p le a su re io a e t t l s th e condItiM S .

I n th e p ec u lia r In s ta n c e re fe r re d to u s th e re is n o t even th e p re te n c e of a be­tr o th a l , Tho yo u n g m a n e v id e n tly w a n ts to p la y fa s t an d looee. I f h e Is u n a b le to g e t som e g irl he p re fe r s to m a r r y , *'* * “ *•^ " __ _ th is awAvnian In inf>

k /m e m b e r of the Board of e tr s s t s a d TVatsr

Two truklFPi Alw> for the

Olftrer* fiH* F*o

On*J iZ m l i i 'a • U 'i T .c r n 'c " - . exlri.

ih** ren t‘«, wht-r# e s lr t.

H’di;'''SiiTb'e*^™ ne;J “ r J fv o t» r . 'ln Die severs) election d l . t r ic u n l Uw followltx -n .tned Idscm.L i a r OK p ti i .i . iN o PL A rE S f o r c h a r t e r


F in d district, 1« Hellevllle » « .Se.-i.Ttd district. 'IJt, IJro.d et- Thlrd 'lletrict, ?[•Fourth ■Uilrlrt. 102 Oratts© fl. v if ih d li tr lr t . 03 tJfHtr*! svs-Rlvtli illsltli:!. ■1' Tlrnod i | . (rts r) .

d litrlrt- 815 llfosd it.«E«'O.ND WAIID.

c ir« t illMtrIcl, Hfl WaAhloRtint iteK l l d ';irlc t,U 7„,H alsey . 1,*t'KtTii rllutrioti 252 PIads h'Eunu 'l I i rlc l 7a WllUsm it . ^^ m i, di-tri'd , w ..h m s to s .Laiffth lilEtrictr 35 Court it.K -V nih d/stTfri 4^^ WsfhUiirton st.

TH IRD AVAItU F irs t district. 3 flr™ine et.

TWrIl‘'a m 'r i“ ' a{7 ^? ;v rh 'd m tf ! ,tV * iM rc iM '.t . ■ ti l th rilHtrin. 76 Wiiivrt*ly pl-

d liirle t, 181 Sprues it . ^FOURTH WARD.

FinnHH'snd ill»trlct. Ntilberr> ste Third d litr lf t laW MuU>*^y jj*Fourth rtliirict. 270 it .F ifth district. 43 O rw n it.B lilh dUlrlct. S.VI llu lb rtry *t,

F IF T H w a r d .F in t d litric l. 101 Union i t Jwtind d iitrlc t. M ProiPfct ■*- Third rtiitrlrl. F tm * *t.Ftiuith tllitfict, L ll F m yFifth dirtTleU W?Btxth d litric l. 654 M urkrt i t .

BJ3CTI! WARD............... 7 R u ti i f s i t

Hceond dl«trlct 810 Aesdrmy n\.Third dlRirlet- 133 l l u n i s r t ^ i t . /•*«** Fourth d l.tric t, PM South O rsng . ava. (rsar). it’lfth d iiirlc t. ^ Fiirm cmnt s v t.Hliih d litric l, 6SO Ran* it. #..**#*Seventh d iiiric r. 2ST South Tenth »t. fTSSH.

SBVKNTH WARDe F lr t t d liliic l. 44 N eib ltt it .Recond d iiirlc t J « BuiKX a js .Tlilrd dL lrlcl. !W Waivffl a t Fourth d lc l M WIriillffe rt.F ifth d l.tric t, T ta.prm sfl.ld ava.Blilh district, STS Bank .L

E ia l lT U WARD.F b . t ■H.lrlcl, 0 Van W ssro m «t Hwoiid dHtrlct, .?« nellayllle .v e . rm rd dUtrlct, i « W ..hTligtqn a « .Fourlh dn irlc t, MP nioomfleld avs.F ifih d l.tric t. im v .to n a avs.Sixth district. Ill* osdw i W-

n i n t h w a r d .F irst district, Wli Mulberry ri.He.'ond district, tS Sherman avs.Third .llstrlci. IM Cllnlon s v aFoUTth d latrlct. ?*F ifth dlsiricl, 10 k llsabetb S '^

TENTH w a r d .F lril d ic t. 1 » MeWhorier sL s«.ond d litr ic t. 4fl Psriflo si.Third d litric t, 23H Jiffemcfn it .Fourth district, list pseifle si. ttsa r i.F ifth d ic t, 1 » Thoitiss St.B lith district,, OB BsolLSt.,, .Seventh d li ttle t, 10B Fsclflc st.Klxhth d istric t. B7 Houston st.

e l e a ’e n t m w a r d .F irs t district, IBS Hudson st.Second district, 140 Sussex s v a Third district. DO F irs t st. ,Fourlh dlsirlcL 612 Orsnge tt .F ifth d istric t, 441 Orsnge st, n ii th d istric t, 276 F ifth sve. sc .c n ih dlsirtct, 4al n rsB fs sb E lghlh d istric t. flOg W srren IL

t w e l f t h w a r d . ^ r i r s f d lstrlcl. Id W ell st.Feennd d istric t. IS Boerery sU Third dielrie t, 0* ,B o w ^ sL Fourth d istric t, B7S Ferry u .F ifth district. 140 N lsxsra st.Sixth district, 102 M sgsslne st.

TH IRTEEN TH WARD.F irs t d istrict, SOS Cstnden it.Second d istric t. 4*0 F tfteonth e r a Third d istric t. Mil E lghtscoth sve.Fourth district, Bfl# BprlMflsM a v a F irth dlstrlcl. i v i SprIngBeVd avs.Sixth dlsiricl, 4«« flKmh om age j v a Seventh dU trict, l « * * ‘« " i * ' ‘ li Eighth d lrtricl. 47 fl'“ ee‘R * '.5 % , . ,„ . „■ N inth d istric t. Clinton sve. snd Clinton pk

f o u r t e e n t h w a r d .F irs t d istric t, 140 South Orsnge a v a Second d istrict. 2-III Bruce st.Third d istric t. (»_Ullle t i . ( i « r )

P h l lK h . w w w ta s v 4kHtl U S H IU h a iH S.wsx™ses -airM t ratlw iT i Ann lh«ir APPunencncM.And thruujck cirtA la AViOUM AOd Alfa*WAM In th i y i i j 'o f N m h j* .

aUAn>‘s n oorporitlop of thui .aesew. ,.,-,easeviH sv ih li kjoAPd lU AppUcAliotie by peUuoni. filed w ith thl» board tm F tb r ^ r y M vfnlrtn tb , *lphto«n huodr©d «nd nlMCi-nltnU (or ourwriit and p«nnliidoa lu eoniin io t. opirAt© and mnlniAIn a Him of •Ing ti-track tu rfao i n r«« t nA w ay wUhIn Ih i city of N iw ark. ui>cin Uii i lrM it nod h ln h w ty a or portlona of c tr iiU ADd lilahwAyi, In «il<i otty* ©utod tn tk ifuIlowlM d«fOTlpUona:

Rituti Nil, I'^U iglanlA i’ in AIm Un© of lU dDublixtrtck. rallWAy on F erry Mrcet, onpooUe McWhorter ftreet. and from the«o© runaliic In 0 ©oulherly dirvctlon a lo n t M tW bortir © triii to JcihDMti ©(reel; ihCDC© cu rv lo f to tb© w rit ©lonx Johtiion «tr©et M Hermon itfe« t; tbioc© curvm f 10 th© ©diUth ©looK Hermon itraet to duuth i t r i i t ; '*urvm i to Um ©aet aUhiaBnuth iiree i to Pneiflu ©tr«et; thibo© ourvlna to Ih© niJrth ©Iona PuclClu itr©et to CheatnuL ■treet. m d there eonnectlruf w ith tib© lln© of th© ConmUdatid T rarriun t'ump©tiy a t Um la- uraeotlon of Pdcifie i t re e t and ChM tnut i t M .

HdUW Nu. S-'Bcalimihit in Ih t lin i of Blni atrert. a t t t i iniere^.'tloh w ith Paclfle Mreei, and at the point whrr© (h« track© of tha Corx aoUdatnl Traction Company ar© now laid; from thvnve rtinnln©; alona Kim atreat In a ©outb* e a it t i ly du-ectlon tu Bandford ©treat; thtne© eurvlnjt to tbe aoulh alona kanrtford e tra it to Warwicb a lre tt; th ao e t ourvlna to th© w m alona Warwick atreut to Van BUfpn atreel! thtfiic© curvlnx to tha north ©tona Vaii Bur«a ■ trait to W aluot alree ti ihwipa ourelny to th© w rtl aliJit* W alnut ©iteet to M eW honar itraats and ihere cuunrcllna wUh tha Una of HouU ^ 1 . h aiMva d«acribed. , ^

IJoth of aald rouiea hatnit axtanaloiii of Itoa© now owned and operAlad by ©aid Newark and goutli Otdnica Btraat Railw ay Comimny.

And i»©o for evnaent and parmlaalon to ooh* ■ trw t any and aU n*c*aaary c u r v ^ sld lnaa cnj©a*<}var» and ©wltcbea th a t may required for tha prnper, aaf© and c : 'nomfoal cAMratloa of the ©bova-dealannted Un©© of atreat rallwayr and to have flie if ami determined tha kwatlon© of Uie ra lli or tn u k a uf aald airoet rallwaya uuoH ©uch portion© of ©aid h lahw ayi h e r e in ^ futv dt©orllied. ©ltd th© place In which colea....XI ... ikwxswin f.vw ih* aiinnnrt of tkfutv dticrilied. and tn© piac© m wuh-b uuir* ©h©tl t>« lucat©4 therein for th© lupport of tb©overhead irollay ©yalfm., ____

The moilv© power to b© x»©d for tha opara- Uun of the car© upon ©aid .ra ilw ay Unea to b©_ V j tel ..14s« Kss m m an w ct# llsas ftVMPnAJhfl ILiuii ■«» Visw car© upnn muq raiiw ey *iu«« •laulrlylly. by m ean t of the overhaad trolley ■y»tem- And did «lao fli© m a ^ a ^ m p a n y ln k •aid pemiun. and '^bowliw in detail the rout©© abut© 'deecrlhetl and th© propowil location of track© and of polea fu r th© ©upport of th©overhetil trolley ©yatem: aod ___

Where©©. 1‘ublle notice ha© been duly JFikW o l auoh application and of the Intention o f thU board to conild©r the ©ame, by pubUcaUon, and ©M by Doetln© a oouy of th© ©aid notice In five Sr m S f s ^ I K mSil public p l.e e . lo^saW c i tr of Newark, a t lea©t femrteers day© prior to lb© dat© af ©a d Bi«©tlng of thi© ‘ A** #.°W hereaa. Upon th© day fixed by ©aid©*Whereaa. upon tn© aay nxeu oy iw»ii.t<s public hearlOB waa fflveh to P«*^<1****3SS U b© heard la favor of or opposed to or Ih wtee Interested io ©aid appUcatlott for i l rw t tallw ay franchl©©. and th© ©aid m ^ te r kavlnk be«n fully uoaaldered by tbi© toard , and ©Hid company havlny filed w ith ofthe board the oonaanl. lo w ritln t, of tb© oera©t or ownere or th«lr duly authorlM d ■eatatlvia. of a t least one-half. In lineal feet, ol properiy frontln* M m » l d e t r ^ t i , or ^ the ©ame. upon which permlM lua t© locatis ofw ratt and m ainta in said line© of ©treat rail"

fherrtorws the Board of B tr« t kh^ W a­ter Coniinlailun©Ti of the city of NewMks for and on behalf of tbe u.unklpaU ty tbartof, do 4)i^aln a© ^ > l l ^ a ‘

SSS...XXC# A. conaapt And perrolaalon idhereby a ran tid tu tbe ©aid N iw ark and Saulh OrsBs* fltrset R #nw sv Coinp«ax, to loe#ts. 9^ struct, opsrsts #wl m sln tsln tbs llnss of t t is v tstruct, opsrsts #04 m sin to in tbs linos 01 s w f rsllwsV lusnUimsd snd dcscrlbsil In tbs ssi4 DsillluD thsrvtor. ss> fallow s: ^ „*1 . A Ilns of sliw ls-trsck sn rfscs x ttv tt (#il- w sr. bcsinnipg In th s w sstsriv lr»ok of ssld compsny’s Hus of s tr s s t m llw sv In F stry s+rcst s t n point thsvsin d istan t tv s n iy fast northsrly from wlwrs th s ssins Is I n U r s K ^ By ths norlhvrlT line of M eW horttr xt™ * « ; tended: thence by # curve curving w the right with a radius of ©Ixty f©tt, the dU tanci of elKhty*iix end thlr^<Cour one-bandredtbi feet to ih i centre line of M oW borur ©treei; tbw ee nmnlnk alonir th© aam© south f o r i y ^ r t a de­cree© Weil ilx hundred and n l n e l^ n w d twenty-four hundredth© f#«i; thence ©till aloitf the atm© ©outh forty-ala d e im © fifty^iwo ute© w iit three hundred and eighty f f y i enty'tnr©e hundredth© f**ti. thence ©till ©Ij®* tlM^iaiTW south forty*iix deaiwe© tw en^-five S i i u l S f r o t four hundred and ©even W a e » ' !^ty-thre« hundredth© fee t; thenw ©till ©loot tb*^©am« iouih f ^ y - i U ^ date© we©t and . forty-two ana

edno m#n ought to _In # nlluallon to m»rry her; he has no right to #xk her to become hls wife unleM he 1# ntready In a condition to arsume the re*i)on#lhUltl«* of matrlniony. Beeauae # man ha# ooncolved an affection for a woman he ghouW he all the nsoro a t xloux To STw her from tying herself to him in an engagem ent of Irulrflnite duration An a tte inpM o hind her hy ft promise of mnr- rlanro a t eome remote time in the future, determlDftble by hlmuflt only, Ic pure aelt-**A’^ t r o t h a T ‘lx simply an engagement orellm lnary to marriage, und it xhould Sot be eutered Into hy a man until he can aee hi# way to Us fullllnient a t ihe a lta r Hence, a heirothal ought to be an- nouhMd w ith scarcely less (ortnallty than the m arriage Itxelf. The Jews itho adver- tlH their engagement* In the new spaper follow a proper and desirable course In Chub making a betrothal a inaiter of rec-

gel aome gin nc uieiriw .*#»..j,-s-v----vperhaps, marry this young T^oman. In Ihe course of eternity. Such a proiioslllon la an Insult to a girl, even If It I» “ ^om- panled by the stipulation t h a t she shall tiave liberty to do tho Jbetrothal, nn engagement, But simply a iravoaiy of on^ of the moat lerloue com-**^our yeara* engagementT Foupweefca 1© belter, Four monlne la ion* enough. If a man really U enamoured of a minute of delay after winning her before he make© her hla bride la Irksome ^ hlm ■wtiv doe© a man ask a woman to betroth her.*^rlf tS htaT Is It not th a t he w«m. and intends toshould she consent unless he is ready to nrove hls faith by hi* works?

Beware irirrt, of the selfish or craven- tiPAriPii ir^llowi who w ant to entangle you In long engW n}*hta from you truer and braver and better swains, ______ _______ _

T h e B a n d l« ®*' From Vanity Fair.

A well-known peer, whose eyesight and hearing are not of the best, was traveiling the other day up to town from hls country place In a crowded CBrAlW- nt© whom he had not weJi, was ©itiiiig next but one lo him; hishnr hpinir A VOrV fU0©y. itOUt Ola ibO) .

'H Io w * rt |qu7 ’ called out hls friend.can'V'^l^eur you!" replied Bqrd Blank.

" Ju s t wall whllS 1 pu t tfila bundle of rugs*Vhe* nstmilahment o f the old lady at be­ing suddenly selied by the hody (and her remarks) cun be better Imagined than de-

I scribed.

rouTlh dlstrlcl. 206 Unurt it.Fifth district, Belmosit xve.Sixth dliirtot, S7 Fxirvlew xvi.Seventh dlitricl. B>0 Vsdlxon xve.Eighth dlitricl. 86* Morrli xve.

f if t e e n t h WARD.Flril district, 2tw Orxago xt.S^^Bod district. ? SuBimxr xve.TtSrt dlitrict, «7 Scytnth av*.Fourih dlxtrtct. 162 iltoomfleld avs.Flfih dlstiiet. *6 Stone st.This*noi"«'is JlsS“rf'N sw Jorwy^

^lertlon©." approvtfi 14«y 38, 18M0, aiiq th© ©ev«r©l act© awendktoiT tbiiwot *od ©up-■‘M 'u i t y 'T q e r k ' . office. Newark. N. J.. Fehraxry 21. 1S8S. ^ wENDElOe______________________ CBK CIsrk

JffO lll».SV4x.x.wxms aww-s ^ ©UrV©cwrvVnf lo thi l*H with a ^ lu © of «», h«n- ftit tb© dltUbce of thirty and eighiy" fhre©-h7ndrStb© f*«t I® lh« caoUi of McWIkw- u r ©tr©©t:'thenc© sUll along th©Iwioiy-nfn© d©4PWA« »©v©n inlnute© we©t tight h^SSd “nd & and asvsntTHWvsq h ^ r ^ h j fsAt' thtne© by a curr© cor\ltig to tb© right iSlV a r«dtu© of two h '^ d r^ f« t nf iweutr-lhr©© and flrtjf-ilx bundrvdthi “ ths ventre of HeWhoitjr stijxt: thtoex siMg the xsme louth thirty-five degrexi ,flfly-two mlnolex west xlevsn hundred and elghty-flve and fwlr-olae hundredths ,foot; theaos by a curv* cuTvlna to ths right with a rjdliw ^ feet the dlstinw hundredths flirt to thsthencs xlonr the tamo porth nfty-four deamja seven nitnutex west nliiely-flvx snd twenty- fhj;?hundredtha f« t ; thmee hy * o»rv« cun^ Ina to Ihe left with a rsd l^ ol f“ 1r <«> tl» dlstsncs of ility-foiir and sixty otis-auadredUis feel to the cent™ of Herimm stm t: thenc* ilona tits same aouth thirty-three (IciTses asv- fnwoi mmoles west Mahonjrsdsndnfty^lssrd ntiyone-hondrodtha feet ■, thenw hy scorvcciut - Ina to the left with a radius of forty f^t.thedi* Snee of staiy-thros and forty.<ouf hundisdti.v feet to the cenlro of South street: thanes ahuij tS same south IRty-imten degress forty nSo . minatss asat four hundred and lefenty-iwo ao - Sity-etght hondredths feet; thence « 11! ahma the same south ntty-seven d w s « thirty-ht-.; lalnutei east flvs hundred and Iweaty-llve ao i soveiiiy-four hundredths feel; thvacs O'* * curve curving to ths left with a radius of feet, ths dlsunc* of slghty-four and W rtj- flve hundredths fsel to tho oenim of street: Ibcncs slong th* earns aorih twonty-flli.■-------fortyons mlnutss east eleven lomdr'; I_____ , ty loet lo tho northerly llos of Chestnutstreet: snd thsrs oonoocUM with the lino v. tho Coneolldsted Tracti™ ucmpiuu'at th ^ n -

- ttlon ol Pacl& street and Chestnut street. A line of single-track smfac* "'rjet m'*; bsalanlDLg In ^ .a ctotr#^ M ^horier


-a,ww..| .I*©I*C» »K»nH in* aesm aMJ* ate • .asdeartee forty-one mlnutee umM eleven hondr' and thirty (eel lo the northerly "t cu—.e

~nd ttwri oona©ctliv i tna i.-onaolWated Tractl<m UtJttENWJr »*• ••■■ ■" t«ri©cUoa ol Paol& ©tr©©t and Cbattitat ©trrtt

a, A Un© of alngli-iracls ©w way. bMlttoln^ In owiinr u« w«nt.«a-.a vtrift At a polnl Iharain dlitant l*n f©#l nurHi* erly from Ih* north line of Walfd} theac© by a carr© curving t« th© l♦(t wltt a radlui of forty f©©t. th© dUtano© ol Alxty-t»'.j And ilfhty hundredth© ft©l to Uw n eaiir-J cf Wilnui iWaet; ihecw© ©■nw

along the » n , . _ « a t h _ .^ ."oy^ffyS a 'l M

e s t a t e o f AARON O, B^LDIVIN' D E C E ^ - KD—F u riu it i t to Ih t a rfe r of ^ * * ^ 1 W*

Mtat© of ©aid decAAiid within nin© #* '*22

January « . 18*8. p . UAL-DWIN.Samuel E .^yers,_Proeto r.__ ______


rorh‘’e”«55t" "f

I ?h';;*s3, r ; ' % ? . ; e W . ^ • f ' ^ m ' " p ^ ^ A ori w J v ? r 1na the « m e a ta ln i t tbe lubacrlbera


-John Mimtieth, P ro c to r ._______________ - jw n r i rV OP SETTLEMENT—Notion ta hereby” 2S'.n®thit the « « u n te of tij. " h w ^ r s ,©lerutnri and !rq»t©©i of Wjlll©m M.

tS |,hens ' Ciwrt o f the dsy. th.

M TU58 'TIBBNEY,p f -t k r V p . h e Iw l e t t .

I>Hled FebruAry H . ISIW- ^

fifty hun d red th fee t; ‘h e n « etllj a t o « m e

s s * f o rh V < is u « r t y " 4 & ? ^ Sf o ^ « h . ‘* ^ l ^ h * ! l ' « o ? » dlitaaca of rixty-tw o and ©Ighty n u n d w in t fe«t to iha c « u r* of V an Bur«p ©tmoti along th© ©area ©fflith tw a n ty -n ^©HTca mlnut©© wait hun^T lJ, and iw©niv ana o«©-h^rt<Ubi fwl, ^ n j * a cutva curving to thiforiT fi«t. Ui© dl»U»c©^ w iw ic J thundrcdih© f©«t to th© eentra of W^wwa ■tr*et; ihenca along tho■nwa flfiy*fiv© mlootoa *a©i .elZhty-nlne And twaniy-four athentw by a curro fturylng to tba loft, a radlu© of forty f©^and ©ighty hundrodlhi f**t S!F;la.!irflandford iUeot; th«i«w ^tweniy-nlna dagr««i hundrld and ilghty-two »ad ©Uty fMt' thanoa bv a curv© curving to lb© wtE5 ! ,'tirw ;* ?n “ e ' i h T ’huISJilfh .* fiS *m *th“£

aiity drarae© flftjr»nin© mlnut©* waitf*#t »n tba w M ttrJy Una of Pacific iS W eonn « tm g w ith th© lin© a i Ih© Con- w lldstcd T raction C o m » n y , intiraoo-tlon of Paclflo etreet •nd„?fJS


u^n '* iha wap# 0 railway, flled^Wr a l i w ^ m«7va^ r'*g2ciion T ^ * t conaenl and permtalon la riwn lo aald company lo operate It* the m W lines oFitreel railway hy fhl'oi^^c*! 'sKcSElty as the motive power by knowi M the overhead trolley ays- whdt le. an?w“ ,.»-„,‘S „ „ „ the necee-

th©r«<m. for th©

placed op^eite ,i„,. and eh*ll be of

__on th t l r m ettldi and the rapa,' and itrong , are soon reverberat-

__ ,_rough the houae. Th* pit-pat of R g b l 'i blow atralght from the ehoulder gsada the blood courting In healthful puliatlont through her etrong, lithe body and it know# the day 1* well oMun.

I t la only a moment from the bag to the hath, and, throwing her glevci aelde. the to aooD revelling Tn a plunge. After a toUet, which m u it do fo r running calls or shopping raeuralont, th is new type of a stoMy American woman deacenda to the fraa k fa it table w ith an appetite poiltivciy aUnnlng. Tha m orning for half tn or- a n i a a swallow of weak coffe* or hot milk to a thing of the paat.

Punching bag# a t welt aa golf clubt and fencing foils, arc a p a rt and neceailty o f tb* den or boudoir of all the ultra fath- tooable glrla, and ara hung In any con­venient plaoa I t to tru e th a t dainty flngera are aometimea attnglng all day from too bard a blow on tender fleeh, but tb li soon paeaes and the hardeal thump talla to bring about the illghteit notice.

If her oheeka a re colorleis ihe punchee the bag a tew minute* before dinner, , and It th* ilnda her brain tired and her t>ody "logy" ahe alao reaorti to the bag. It Is grand ekerolae for the Drain a i well aa the muade.m uscle.

ItBsclee dorm ant tor year* are called Into play, and streng th gained tn the arm* to noticed unexpectedly when one itxl- wart young woman strikes her piano and heats to her dismay the snapping of a chord, but tt la this strength that guides her HHlited horse over the tcince a t Hemp­stead or Lakewood,

A punoning bag does away with many vanltlea. Gloves a little larger m utt be worn a t formal evening functions, and the bands so often look red, but then nth- • n do too, and white hands are no longer the rage, and a handahske la a hearty grip of wholeaomc hospitality, and not JM^Joiltsly flabby expresalea of ordinary

JUl thls'oom ei w ith golf first, perhsp*. and then tbe ponchtng bag. For a timeikto form of exercla* was kept a pro- oimfl secret, for reason* not known, but to Bttdiclotts use has been most bene-

dat yo* had about three mlltyun dollar* tucked away an' didn't w ant us to know It. I w ilked around a leltle next day. an I dlsklvered dat you owed 125 back rent, had borrowed money of a doaen memhers of d ll club, an ' dal yo 'r wife wa« gwlno around b’a rtu l fu r d* want of ahocs. I a in 't gwlne to aay much to yo', but I hop* yo' will remember what I do isy. De man who kin afford white sugar an' Ja v a coffee kin afford to pay hi* debt*, an' It I* to hls shame dat hla wife am wtdout ahoes. If yo' h a ln 't got aense 'nuff In yo'r head to reallxe dat codfish un 'U tera go wld a salary of 110 a week wo don't keer fur yo 'r loclety In dl* Lime Kiln Club. De next time yo' show up yere yo' will he expected to pay up yo'r back due# an’ acttle up yo'r debts to mcm- bera.

Brother Smith looked very lonesome when he resumed hls seat, and a moment la ter the president called upon Shindig W atkins to stand forth, and continued:

"Brudder Wathlne, I waa down to de postolHs d* odder dsy to Inquar’ fur a let­ter, an ' while 1 was d a r yo' cum n to ace 'bout rentin ' s box a t 112 per y ar. Yo talked big an’ awelled around, an ' da Poia- moster got de Idea dat yo’ owned all de goa works In town. How msny bank* doe* It take lo hold yo’r money?"

" I haven't got any money, sah ," humbly replied the accused.

"Ohl I seel How if. mvmi jnvwk jsiam# *,#sasMi—do yo' gtl In d* course of q y 'a r r

"I haven't dun ‘ months.

many thousand lelteri irse of a y 'nr?" got a letter In six'

SubstitutionUm £nuid of the daj.

See you get Carter’s,Ask for Carter’s, ; 'lns|$t aud demAQd

^ v er Pills.

momna. , ."Meven’ty o '? Wall, dat'a about de way

I Bggered. To' wanted a poseoflla box kasc d e ^ n d e rb llta , Goulds an' Astors had ’em. It a in 't good 'uull fur yo' da t de poaiinan passes yo’r house six times a day. Yo' am In debt a t least IWO, an ' yo' couldii t rats* no to save yo 'r neck, an ' ylt yo’ ■well around an ' want a box a t tie posaulfis to brag about) Brudder W atkins, when yo' go home lo-night yo' kick yoTself around de hack ya'd about ten times nn den rub yo'r head wld eandpaper fur halt an hour. If yo' a in 't feelln' any better to- Biorrer cum ober an’ aee me. ,1 shall hev on my No, It cowhide bules. an' artor an Interview of fifteen mlnlla I reckon yo’ll hev a lot ol new tdena 'bout domesUO economy."

"I obaarve," said th* preeldent. as he looked around the hall—*'1 obaarve Hrud- dtir Beebe am Wld u i os usual torulgbt. Bradder Beew, am yo feeling peart dls eavenlB’?" .

“T-ye*. i ih ," was th* reply,"I was lookin’ fu r dat d

i’ y o u ra ih u t I don t colch t hope dat no calamity has oci “V 's -H 'i to hum. sah."

^ t 'g well, Bradder B*ah*._: iumbodT


he loses all de common sengc de Lawd drlv Into hi* head. To’ can 't swell as much on IIU a week as a white man kin on 215. t i l l stomach am empty fur d* want Of codfish and ta ters, an ' ylt he want# a diamond pin to blase In hls shirt front. De landlord turns him out doors bekase he can't pay hla rent, an ’ ylt he goet down to de pustoRla an ' w ants lo rent a box by de y'ar. T ie seen dose things ober an' ober 'till I hae got tired an' am wondsrtn' tf our race am made up of cblllen and Idiot*. For de lest live y 'a rs I hev bln hopin' da t my remarks to yo' on dls subjlck might he of benefit, hut dey seem to hev gone Into one ear an ' out of de odder, I 'le grown weary of talkin ' ’bout yo 'r tooliihnsn an’ shall say no mo’, but 1 w ant It dlatlncHy understood from dls hour on det ds mem­ber who cums to me to borry |2 to gll medicine wld. an ' tu rn s around next day an’ buys a ton o f red paint or ten bar la of putty to fling on style wld, will feel sunthln' hll him de next time he shows up a t dls club. De hour am airly r lj, but as some of yo’ may w ant to buy tW gold watches bero' yo’ go lo bed we will put out the flab, blow out d* lamps th ' ad­journ." ___________ ___________

PssDis srs conildsriiix what Ihsr s n aan* to Se shout a boms. Th* NEWS Rial Bstaie Columns will hela

A F a m o u s H u a t l s g O ketali.In India the wild beoata of the Jungle ar*

tra lned -a strangely Incongrous clrcuiB- atance—to hunt tn behalf of man th# tam er game of the foreet. > . t i

The chetah is the animal Ueed for tm* piirpoae. He la a atrange beast, a lithe, graceful, leopard-llke creature belonging to tho cal fam ily but having when ta m r t all the chamcterfatic* of « dog. He hunt# with the prectolpn of the best of doer hounds, principally trackIng the dw r. though he Is as *Wa 1® running down other

to'aftectlmiat* and obedient aa a dog, following hls m aaler about w l^ g raa t fidrllty, and ojiaylng hls slightest co » - mand. W hen taken out for a hunt, he Is usually blindfolded by a hood until th# o u arrr 1* sighted, when Ihe hood Is re­moved and be s ta r ts da hls merclleea e r ­rand. H e never relent# often trailing a deer for miles before finally securing him. Usually, howevor, he approaches so nolsm fl ------ *.......... — ----------- "*■

rat a wcu, xxruaue. ■■■—.. -----------I* club might hold yo' up If yo' wo» —“ - ma»Y times did

in . . ..dat pin. H e . . ___ ,last y 'a r bekase yor e n t f ’


ild . yof mure couldn’t pay yo 'r

"A tf 1 AsskeY

lesBl out . to tbe

any. nwwevwt cvv-owoodd w. ly (hat he pounces upon hls proy with- the slightest warning and brings fileo he ea rth in short order.

Norii-F OF gBTTLEMICNT—Notice Is lifreby

ke'fturtttfil and aisled b f A * ^ K J J S w V S r t " !C ^.u 'nT r^.V ’E r i W r i r y ^ T n .d o y o tA o r t l n e x l . JA C O D ^W m T g |j^ ^

Daipil FibruAry 8. l»wl.___ _NOTl CE OF S IS T T L E U E ^-N m lc© 1©

Klvpn that 111© •ff’ouBW o( Jh i iUbKrUMr,

k ;.,'w m s » —day. the 15th fifty of

Dated FebnjAry ^ 1*.^H. BROWN.eao

NOTICE OKJflvwi that I he AcQflumi th©mmiiirAtw or «AUflltefi and ©fated by the ©fi for AHttfomeht to IW

Italfi route© Above fie*crlh©dj----- -jlA.1

ocAcriimi. «■«*« Bwv...o r ulATi© Of ©uch lin©« of AtrvAt

th© M id oorroMtlOQ with th©

t hat A© thi DverhiJim * and for that PurpoM. to <ISv Kfei wUh wfr?© ©trunk 1SeraSw of said r*11«*y- “ *<rtacril opposits "soh ™

Lm u ba*'B£ced' a t th a potow."'***?*'®', fS; L r ; sled Wim th* Clei* of the Board of Water Commissioners, as hsrsln- fSoUed. wh Ich. said . map _tor Jhe j m .SBIU Ultofy av* »MW> tesea -

bf 'aalfl polek “ id .«•" EiJ^nS^enmirlMd to he oonsiruaied, and the h* rf'SinBlrootlna the aarae, la mads andm*™sr of c u n a ^ u n S j ordinance. dictarifi to And pernilMlon h©r©-

ft©cjton oi>©r*u »nd roalnta-late , f h S ^ f S S S ? « r t r t nHlerar,herein Mt g w2K detoribfd I© upp* tha expr©©©that I t ^ oonforrad and r©ce1v©d upon

and condition© and ©lAlwt totb© AAfla© t©rn» A ^ contained x" IVn and ImwiM tv » c«rtaln•ct foriji w {Sard ofBiTMt and Water Com-

naiur© g JfS ty of N©warli. anUtlAd *’A»jnlMlon©ri of -urKorfi© and ©mpowir thf Con-ordlnanc© a TOrporatfon In*m iM*ie. eonilrwl. operate and maln- Jerier. 10 and appurtenaaM* overtain atrest raiiwaya a™ vr

MM — theSuntV Sf"E «x . ou"Fri'diD-«he 28th day olMaroh naxi.p la t e d January 1*. ' “* _ j r o O H J B O R N » '-N O Trer^F «iffLEM EN T--m ^^^

given that the accounts of tM aahK riW admlnlBlratur ..f Rachel A. H*'™ will be eudlied snd itits® by th*


railways ana appe..*™*— —: - j-.fc^mieh certain etresla avenuse and hlah- and thi™gn Newark, paiesd Ju ly!* ,

'a tm as suhisquenUy v a l i to t^

rl of the county of Rise*. <« Friday, th# rh of April n « t .lamn aay qi April neat. —-

PtSvlelonrorand Roard of Wr«©l nnu W*

of UMcity of NowmI ©nil

and maintain j certain altseK ave-■ " '^ .S ^ la h w a y i m Abe city of NewaA ap- nuee and h lg jy Y g g j* h lo h aupplemental Oi

SariHdlilar *1, »»d WP"™*Ima midalag such other scBoral ordl- uns 8. i?«S; Nawark as now »ntrol


'n ic eb a u h of ttedah Bemtnadtvara, I Venkata N araauntra Naidu Bahadur I* t b s l moat renowned hunter In lodta, and !■ S9l highly prtaed by b'* *b**.!* *• es**!he coU: prlncl rules.

y prtoed Iw hi* mid not 6* bo ipu lty a s th a t i

lught for halt sneX 8 | over which hi* m i n t r I

i U N N Hm a l t e x t r a c t

oldSIflSItJjTKRB^ SAL* i F Chanciry of NiW J© r© fy--B^twi^ ^

Doremu© and olhifie «ompl©Jt»^*©»B. Hothe and other©, dcfendnnt** ^"■ln"’X u M c c of the final mad* In ih f abov* ita itdic in th day «>f November, to *b©hundrad and nInety-atyMi. »und«ri(1an©fi, Harrlaon Van PuyfiJ. A j^ f td y ^ fikJnnof and William artan* tb© appolnied In iti* ©aid cftu©* to priml.*© hwelnarwnolle© Ihftt Wfl will ©WWi© lo Ml© *5.^ alSiidue. on WednrtHlay. Iho t h l r t ^ t b f|SL!’in tho year ©liUiefta hundred ©nda t two o'clock in th© aftirnoon. ©t »n© p w i ^ h*r*1naflor dcacribed. In llM ot oounly of Rabcz and Bltl© ot W*W. *,aa!!? followlnit t r a d of luid *nd premlM te jn © J^ lot© and w irw li m «U lt *V VW J p « advkmaiietKi© to th© parila i tirt#f©»l©d, ih* t t t to

**X h.thai tr a r l or pariMl of■itual* in th« o lir of Newark, in J ;Ea»iX and But© of New

I the ©outheaiteriy torntr of w*h©Bwn kVitw© and May rtreet, and from tb**©o aiofif'WAJicman ©vono© ©outh tw©my-©urn^ thirty-one ralnutt© wsal .two hundraa aw •ikht f©et and ©Urhiy-ona foot to Hn© of land of th© W*rt atfmk line of that land ©outh twonty-ihro© minute* ra©1 oPi h«nu^« thirty*©*v©n oni'hundridth© of • ‘fadxi thWM notth iwmty-flahl d©kr«M ****’'*J^?*^,5*?i#)? •a©t two hundrea and fPriy-lwof**tJtod fifty two on*'hunnrcd1h© of a fool to May thrno# altiia May fir#©t norih ^iroM lw©my-nln© mlouiH w**t ona handrM (Mt and MVfniy-fivi on«-hundredtht P< .A («« w th© plioo. of bealaniwt. ^BelwJta|rt«atjd lot© No*. 1 to 9 fiicsuaWi. frootlitf op ’wg»*< avenae. on th© parmioa map of John ^ y d . dic*t»ed. altuai© ctor »Newark, 1C©MX f^ouniy. Haw

Datad 14. IMW-haI ^ icqm X

T & « id » » « ©pek P'hif fMMraJ ordl- jJrBi© city « Newark a© now control *' *“ ^m2iFuStkMi*^op©ration and malnUnanc©

rfJSTitrtSlValKay* In th© ©traeUjD aa]d ® a M th© aaiw nPP y “ n ^to**th© coBMruoAlon, operation and S .lS^SL e'; S ’ the llnw of street raUwa,

^ witnanee ebtll take eftoet





■the bo*r4,,h«J «

■egg gq, wwy. .

tatoi for

»oar« y ---------

V-sflsJS'Iftwn of T???!

piqvIdM tiMt th©____ be ooo#ld«r*d *

twiday In Janum

nveu te IK mtmtwrs e j ^

ila unmarr

¥« <7air* * Oold tif i kiiT© Srottb Qnli^an i

Page 23: First Edition. - DigiFind-It

ra: T U E S D A Y . MAlteH s

SEffSOFTMKThe Difuoe in the Case of Captain

Garter Ontiined by flla CoqdmL

w m to cosiiw li Ihrrp on

______ .ttnwaMmabla compl*™*



F orpoiot of tho roDonlltM of Iho Mrtho- dJ*t JWInlitoHol AHoclotlno Not FortS—A W lioontin P h jilrlo u A«»|it* the t'hol. long* Mndr to h*n*tor M»*on to F ight n I>arl With » Spinlont-T h* Trlnl of J iu io i A. floBinioT for lb* MuKlor of Mr*. KJtlior FostpDoed.

In the trte l h r court-m arlliil nf Cap­tain O, M. C arter a t Savannali, Oa„ y*'*- lerilay. Ih* Uefenco began the imroduu- llon of teetlmony.

llefore Introducing any teetlmony Mr. Ro»«. one of the attorneys tor the *c- cuseil ofltcer, addreaeeil ihe C oi^t and outlined the defence. Among mher*thlnge he la id that a general denial woiihl be entere-1 to the chargea of erabeeilemant, coneplracy, and conduot unbecoming an oltlcer. .

It had been aaeerted by the proeecution th a t Captain C arter did not advertlaa fur lilda tor Government winh for iblrty ilaya, the length of time the regiilallone r^ u lre . In Ihle particular the attorney aald Cap­tain C arter had simply followed the prece­dent outlined by hla predereaaors.

It was alao aaaeried th a t the advertlae- menta were changed after they ^ tu rn ed from the W ar ]>p*rtinenl. This waa falee. All the changea were made by the Waahlngon authorltlea. I t was adml ted th a t the advertising wae done for less lh»n thirty d«y«, hut It wm wii* jn vloUtloti of lh« Uw or t ’artec*! duty. I t would he aliown th a t teip- taln C arter rlmply conUnued the omL-fi niethodi be found In force. ter had not refuaed to kIvb btddere m- formation. Every applicant for tiona ret^elved copies of them, in ryery c&ae except one the oontraclB to the lovreat bidder. Contraoior How**!! waa B famitJT contractor and did not E9l a coil tract a i the lowest hldacr ' if there waa any agreement ''rtw een the bidders on Government 1, * ^ "c a r te r would he the laet one to hear of it, i l , A. Connolly, although a clerk In hSiofBce, had a right to algn I'**}*™ S 3 |? te i ncM fllxnaturea. He waa a Onlicd aiBte* Commlaaloncr. If he should do wrong Captain C arter would be IM laat one to hear of It. II w?u'<l Jlf"lioae declared, th a t ( aptaln * lowed Bjieclflcatlona fully regarding m at­tresses for use In Savannah

Captain C arteFa Intimacy wllh r>, H. Green would not be den ed. lb*® a right to he Intim ate with him . C®»‘* J Grrcn was a g ra ^ ia te of M < s I olnt aim a brother engineering r.,“ r in i* lnin charge of the ‘'l»>rict J ^ fo re Carter, The personal letters wnun nsu been used in the trial showed slnjply th a t the accuaed ofllcer was trying to lad-

h l m s r r There w®". *^S"e?the le tters or the achi me tbejV

to run the risk of - , -n i . i io nThey, therefore, ask ‘" a t Iho r a j ^ l o a!«■ so modinwl SI 10 permit tbs w < * r t« Ofa covering fo f th a head that 1" * ho i ^ n ag™s- opfnlon t# not large ononf* tOrSld piruct ihc vb»w. The m atter w&i refcTtwd to ih f CoinmUtcc oa


Flillsilelpbla's Bribery Otse-Tw*otTW>» I'rnsluB Bills l-aswul by l l» H «ato.

-P e te r E. Smith, the Philadelphia poll Itclan am used of offering Common Coun­cilman w a ite r N. Stsvenson a b r l ^ of I5,0iw to vote for the ft huylklU \ uUsy * “ • te r ordinance, wa* su rre u d e r^ to I 'ls- trtot-A ttorney Graham a t a iroKwk last evening by hla counsel, A. H. I* BtimuB. A w arran t to r his apprebrnslnn was Is­sued hy Judge Gordon In ‘ ho I hlladrium a g u a r le r Besatoni Goiirt on last W t^ n « - day a t the request of Graham. It was placed 1“ *'** '^£ho one of several private drieet wlm ^ now In the GiDDloy of the i.m y seeurlng^cvb^nce of ‘t'® h iir^ J ''h rf- etty legislation. The w arrant charges nn la-ry, soltcUatton and Atbw-Hlnillh. when taken to the l>lstriol-Ati.w ney'a oftice by Detective no staiem ent, lie came voldhi»r{lF' * h®” bond was prepared, and Smith entered tltl.UUO for hhi appearance a t a hearin^M ^ fore Judges G orlon and (nHvlay n m In the Court Of Q uarter Sei

* '-"^1 last evening’s "‘■ssl''"llonal House uf >wP'\»ciitat1v ^ tw etuytwo pension bill* * « " I,I d In the Com m ltne of ^ h^ole. Ain^ pg me ber.enclurles Were K)*.;

m id 'w u iu m I).


ventim, a t $6o a 'h;''*lh’, . ‘‘’''‘.,„v'iViVa snl- P'oot, a t Ifrfi a month, a AH bi tdier, now helules* a t MattiKjn. Ill- AH one of Iba hills were l,a>w‘il. theHnus,' a t 10;*) »‘IJ?he'T’v h % ,.m e '^ tie eo- —The body of Frank E. Tullle, tne imeenlrlc man of good p a r tSunday In the lodglng-houae a t W ^ r trow. New York, where he and s ^ n this money for the benefll of h it unfortunate fellow-lodgc;s.terday frmn ihe morgue to an u n d ^ l tIng cstahltsbmvnt a tm"mber of the fnm J.good, who was Yullle’i uncle, ha* madearrongeinenta for the taneral, w h lr t willbe held a t the undertakingthe scenes of the man's la te r y « ™ andthe aboiles of thoa* to whom he had been

‘ -^oaeph p . Mitchell

Hose saH,teroutlined.' iio t one doilsr, Mr. came to Captain C arter ^ * 3witnesses w ire ‘" ‘rtriuced a chernlrt a civil engineer, who testified In ta p ia i C artfC s favor.


W hat Is Proposed to Be Dons by the Meth­odist Mlolsterial Assoelstlon.

At the meeting of the Methodist Minis­terial Association In Chicago yssterday the Rev. John Lee, chairman, r i ’® "nf the Committee on Itellgloua Liberty for P rotestants in Sooth America,

The report that the committeeiMig Breatly encour»#e'i. H ftlmji to ealab- tisb three things; To secure « liberty for missionaries working In the Republics of I 'sn i, Ecuador and B o l l i^To secure religious liberty for native Chris Hans who dissent from the Homan Catho- Ur futih. To acfure In Ihoae South Amen- car Republics the fulinst It'^criy f""for. ign rs and native-born ceneiialiy by the legalisation of marriages m,?formed hy oihcrs than the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church. .

T hf .'•ommli.loo, It wa« **‘•nothing more for the Protcetants In the South American Republics than is oheci^ fully accorded to Roman Catholloa in this*^Le“Hera 'had been addressed to p r o ^ - PEMit m^n In vtrtouB pnrta of Chrlutendom, Ktatlns the aim i of the coniinitlee, * larff^ nwitiher of repliee hart Amoiiff them wits one from ex-Presldt^nt Clevplanrt who wrote; “ J nm an artvp-

of the Urgeet llbprty to all ^onr own land, *tirt »m slronRly of any movement having for lU o h l^ t the perfoct s^turlty a n ia b e o iu te tn the South American Bfatfa xt-na KOjournlhg or reslrthig there. Tho do manrt for such freedomr it seems to m*. U‘"’i^ a - » n .‘*5ay.H.n- « p H ^ : , -Cer.lalnly the religious liberty which Is imw universally given by Protestant countries to cttlsenB and residents of Ihe Kofian CAtLllc faith eall* for reclprMal trea t­m ent In Homan Catholic countries.

Ths Rev. John W. Butler, of lle ilco . In his reply, referred to a conversation he had had with President Dias, who s^ d : ••The clergy in my eount™ tolerant, but we intend to be and to main­tain religious and oWll liberty a t all cost.


» r . George Pow*U WanU to Fight to Flaee of ganator Mason.

In response to the challenge of B a r a Elcardo. Marquis of Alta Villa, Madrid, Boain, to light a due! with Benator Mason, of IHlnols, for the U tter's utterances In the Senate, Dr. George Powell, of La Crosse Wli., has eabled th« following ac- ceptaniu of th e challenge in U aton’i

* "To Baron Elcardo, Madrid, Spain.'T hrough the press dispatches 1 am In-

formed th a t you have challenEcd S e n io r Mason to m ortal combat for words spoken In defence of his position as the champion of the patriotism and principles of his country and Its people In the United States, with usual Spanish generosity se­lecting your own weapon.

"Now, as Senator Mason has spent a Hf^ time In the pursuit of s more humane call­ing and In the walks of clvlUsstlon, which has but poorly HUed him to incol a bully at arms, as one who has admired and now m- dorscs the objectionable words and patriotism of Senator Mason, I, a plains­man, a Weaterner, one of a class known as typical American, typical because u holds principle, as patriotism, above priM —because It believes that murder In the first degree cannot be paid for with gold— hereby accept your challenge and name the arm y pistol, the old toriT-f®'"'' gan of civilisation, the Instrument wilh which the American pioneer measured luatlca to assaatlna, and, while earnoMly isaurlng yon and all your kind that J ^ u - sands of men of my type aland ready to step In my tracks and P>®h ‘ip my pistol if il should fall, I sincerely thank the repre­sentative of a thousand yeani of barhar-

pointed Idatinastcr a t W llburtha,

-AUorncy-General R. f-a .iV ^ 'v e a tw ' Delaware, was a t Dover, that day and held a conference the m atter of appointing a 'y'T'?!,” .?, ,h e confer with New Jersey In r e f e r * '" '* }"* fishery troublei. T h e mem here of t ne Gene sal Assembly decided to Icr to *0 ov^fr for a wwk to jlwlrte er Dtrtaware denirvrt to fn te r Into an ment with New Jersey 1" r t'frr* " '* m atter. Mr. White told the me tubers th a t In his opinion the Delawaro law furWddtng New Jersey fishermen to fish on the Dela­ware side of the hay was unconstitutional. He though tha t the best way to se ttle tno m atter wouirt tw lot the two S tales to Birrpo unon an uniform law,

- I n th»- rnllprl StRtoj* Brnat#* yMferrtjy Bdnalor ShwpU pri-iE-httMl peiltlona for tnfl

of blUii to iirnti-r'l S tate clfl:art'lW rtwa, to ralao th** of conavnl to rt«H-

tr^n ypurs in the IHitrlol of (.olumbla, to fnrhirt lntrr*«talf‘ tranam liilon of iramhllntr matter, and to forbid the aale of intoxleanta In (bwernment bjiihUTiM, from Hurlliijfon. IMeniwntvnle, h a f t Or- ■Tixe and BrlKantlne, N. J.; alao a p t l t io n for the nfUTHAire of the anil-afalpintt blU from Mercer Lodne No, 139, of Trenton. aPrt urtltionn favorinR ttoRtal aftvInAi hanka. or rural mall delivery and tha puro food

romeF from Piickera Cr«*k, Fell County. Ky.. that Bunday nljfht N at Tay­lor Bam ixroy and Thomaa Bnemrfff. noted moonahiner^. met a t the Btlll of Taylor. A friendly aame of rarrta remut- ert In a flfht. rtiirlnR which Taylor ahot and uniort Snrllirk!^. An inatant la te r Taylor and Tgeroy earh shot the other dead. Two men were wounded hy atray hulleta, but will recover, The Bhoollng ia aalfl to he Ihe outcome of an old ffrurt«e. which ex- lalert between the SuelllniE® and the

funeral of Rlsnch K. Bruce, M - slavc. ea-Senator and twice R egister of the TreasuTT. was held at 'Washington vesterday. The Metropolitan A. M. E, Church wae crowrtrd w'lth the repreaentt

Jo in t Couiiiitttaa f f rC J - i to Font a Qiib» houiHi, If roMlhlo»BM« F*ll riuba

at rraettoo-wOthnr Sportf*E lrh t nu^mbara « f tho jo in t Committee

of Ihi KT'publlcafi Club, Newark Klrld Club, Trltifn Eoat Club Hnd Naeex Lllcyde Club, mill iU the Republican Clubhouae on .Fark p Iuct laat niffht to taka further 4tepe u> hrtp aJnjiir th« ronaolUliitlon achfmt of Uio four cluba* Meml>erB of the commliU'e which waa apiKditlTN) tp look about Hit I’EMilral jiurt of tlu' city, with a view to purchiiMinK a clubhou*^, reixTrtvd thut the houjEc which thay dealrwi could not belHiuahi until a f tc f May 1. IHNa* when Um* present U®i su th a t lalie ld on the prop­erty Hhull iiuvi* run out. An fmportJint mei'linc of the Julnt Comroitieu will be h*dd on Thuratliiy nl^ht a t the Kopublloan Ulubhoum*. win*u iw’o »uh-rTnnmUU‘c» which Were muiu-d Luat nlaht will report. Thu NUb'-CiUiinilUcea aro lleitry C. Uom- tiifl and J. H arry Havln-ller, and Bitmuii A. BinUh Hod'Theodore T. Keer. One of th«wo on|iimtlte«-8 will try ti> obtain U*e ternu uf the have of one houm*. which Ihe Joint rinnmlUce favom, and Iho other will u_.criHln iho lE'rma of IPiiRln* an­other liuuHc, One of the huuacB will be ren ta l for gne year, or until the conaoll- Uatf‘d cIuItk <‘an i>uy a houae. lluth hoiuwa are cenimlly loouu*d, In the oplTiloii of moat of ih»*. incrnl»erH of Use Joint Commit* leu it will bi‘ whU to rent a clubhuuae for a year, for In Ihul time, they Ihluk, euf" flcleni money c«ii be raUed to purchaat a pernninent hicuUga for Use Newark Ath retie

Une of thfv proinotera of the conaoUrtj- llon Hrhenu? auid ibb'. muniln*: ^'Thuriulay eveninir -’houiil tlecide the fate of Ihe new conaolldailon. If reiituble properly Ih found, all will bt welt, and the cunaolMa- tlors will Ko liiiu ifiTwi a t onc»*.'‘

Haite ilall Si'lierlule for Yale*A Yale h&»i\ authority haa recently

announceii shut lah- la perfectly wltlinK to play prafi’aaloisal hat^ ball teams, THIh Il in oppoxltlon to the efTorta mads by tke A. A* t ’. and a few' coUc-ae uieb to ato{) I’olb'Re tf'ams from playlnpT the profea- alonsl hall-toMiberA. This season, aa the Yale team n h id u le la all but complete. It li probable that hf>r team will play only the New VorkH and the Bprinffdeld Kaal- ern Lesfue Club. This ahowa th a t the at- templed JnrlKflbnlon by the A. A. U, ovar oolitKe teams “don’t go," as a Yala man aald yesterday.* Yale's base ball schedule will be aubmlN ted to the faculty for eonaidcrallou dur­ing ihH week. The resfutar season opena Baturday, April ’£i. wUn lA'illlwmB a t Vale Field, un the Easier trip Yala plays Cteorgetown, April 7; rnlversU y oC ^Ir- wlnla a t RIchnnmd, April fl; same team at CharlOttevUle N. C,. April 11.

The aflrediile, exi-eptlng a few minor gamei, foltowHi Wednaaday, April 27. Brown rn lversliy va. Yale, a t Yah* FTcld; ^ tu rd a y , April Wesleyan vs. Ysle, at Middletown, Conn.; Wv.dneaday. May i, Lafayette vs. Vale, at Yale KleM^ Satur­day, Way 7, linrlnUMith va, Yale at Yale Field; Wednen.lay, May li, Werteyan vi. Yale, a t YkIh KU-ld; Balunlay, May 14, Brown vs. Yale, at 1‘rovlrtencei Monday, May ]fl, t'nlverplly of Virginia vs. Yale. al Yale Field; WfiineKilay, Way IH. ColumbiaV..I- W*wi.

There wag Yriinhad news tfaveUed (Mt. * s fully Ijclltwa gom -n*


FK<II>I.R.irhen it wa:» true that

It. To-dkJ. Iwe fully beiiewe food-news trwv'elj- faster. E ^eth lB K for the unlveraal n l | aforce an“ velodty as It goes along, ah.i Doan's Kldiitv .FIHs urC' i i iiilnly Juai Iht'. Astunlatilnk w E « rn*(iit« it hA»- w h j ■ Toil will find th a t aoni*lH.dy islU a n f o le who haa a hacks eba how gare knU pernu. nsnt (hay ar« as u cure, is lt» curative Mwt-r limited by Hi*- age of the fiatlsm Never. You wouW be aetoBislicd a t lh '‘ natnimr of men and wun»on from aixty tu eighty je a re of agi> who tell us bow Hilly iKey are cur.,.1. »Vc give you a IbR,*l‘ eoBinboilles. right In Newark (puWlSti dU- feront oamea every day); any of them win Iw glad 10 tell you or an> sufferer w hat Doan's Kidney Ihlla lisye itoue for t h w . and w* are sure you can find m the net some whose eymptoms wore Just are to-ilay la-rhaps, and we will add, you will be aa free from both iiymploms and the comiilalnt as they arc tt you *1'} *b> a t they did. Here 1» w hai one of tbehi**ylrii M. H. Downes, of «7 South 8'*ventli Btrcei, says: "1 b»ve long kiiowu th a t kW- n S com ilaint was at the boUotn of mwi of iny sickness. .My back had timi aw M dull ache so common to kidney snf^rcre, ail 1 was so bad I could hardly go uiistalr*. Gver ^ v « r ago 1 went to M enh's drug store and got a boa of l.)oan'e Kidney Ihll* " Id btSSn^aklnS tbrnn. They hcltieil me

*file“a C u U ^ t l i a n ‘r h '.''d '? ,f Ml’vuiMiM.nri iMiiKhrd a t m* when 1 hr*t

h^il ainc# h« and . has b<wn If r*aHY


H £ fi} r e « t« ii(» ii(l Cilrandest A r r a y o f ] B a r v a lu n t h a t w i l l e v e r be yoar< {(ood fo r tu n e to b e h o ld a tr T

'■King’s, 1M 2 Market St., cor. Halsey St.OfUliiiMH w e have to ld you o f th e w o m lerfn l ,

I pow er o f ttldw to tiny fo r Fawli. A (’limuio to 11* 'iiiak o 4 0 euiitH do th« d u ty o f a dollar. PrU-cs are “ I qiiottMl th a t on ly K be .vou an Id ea o f th o p h o n lu iie iin l,, \ valiicN o f n life tim e .

lEFS HEW SPRIHG TOP COm.n .o o o Mcii'h a n d VmiuR

Mi'ii'n Tt»i» OoalH nt a ll tin t lirsvullhiH hlnulcs an ti lah* r l f s , up tji (late In e rc ry p a r ­tic u la r .

■A lU tO A O • »

I'b.S.ScVLUAkllA li*(| Ksllwair ut SuitrUm. l . . .

lautlveSina geltell ahMew i only .

H.3S A. M.•B|iH>plnj| Uar t

burxef 10 27 Ae.M. Ptni

cr^atiy Etrnciuru. Wp lK»tllS in k the best kidney rcm.aly in Ihe world‘■Di^‘I? s* K lC 7 i* iU . for sale hy all desj-er??“ lVc^^ff VV® " ro?; 'g r . 'u - lor

s! R m em lw r the nnm^-Doin'Se- snd take no substitute.

I lEH'SHEISPElHG SUITS.1 ( WliiiSi-isJoI I ITIoc.II KflO Servirtsble, welt nude11 BusineJ Suits......................1111.00 All Wool Cauimere Suits

I t jo o Overplnld suit in 3 ebJ ■*I l button Skcki.................... ..' • 15.00 liomespuii Suit of line te*-0 lu re ........ ..................................

1 15.00 Scotch Cheviot Suit, I’hck< 1 aikl Hue, double u iJ simileII breasted..................................11 11.00 CUy Diagonal Cutaway11 Coat and Vest..........................1 i 2t.OO Imported Ciay Diagonjl11 C ta t andf and sack,

lining.30.00 Iinportevl

tournam ent werehbiultable A five detsated the >■“' t«im for third p lsc4 and

- - ■ ’ •mperlai

The Navarre

th^ l*n«UvlTlc-team defeated Im per fat A for AHh i.aoe. The team Standing is as follows.A -second. Equltahlc A; third,

WerrvU ................Kn"om'' ..................s5miW .......... Iff S'-’h®"*'' ..........

ToUl .................Total ........................... WiposT orric-E . im i 'k r ia l a.

Mahon IM


Vest, ill cutaway giuranteed u lin

Vicuna Prince Allwrt (a«t and Vest, the







;tgalinest silk lining.. 10.47

WbniaialcFricc.11.00 Durable and well nude Over­

coal, 111 blue and blick........ 4.1712.00 Black Cheviot Overcoat, all

woo!.................................. J.*715.00 C o v ert Cloth Overcoat

(domeylicf........................... 6.7715.00 Covert Cloth Overcoat (im-

portetl),silk llnCiUhroughout 8.772X00 Imported Vicuna Overcoat,

ail silk or satin lined........... W71800 Clay Diagonal O vercoat,

serge lined................... 7.77

ccnib^vd saclujUvety o^ullmsiiYsettbuWTSdj^ nsilment HlMoIng. Dining, gmoklng snd atm t- vaiisn Os*a pnnsllBg nnsnclal rsm ts, sis raiiher* «iid tyi*«TUvrs, btithfroms Uf wie*. bn*' .lh« riMivi .■cailtsiurT

Hub .......Edwards .


.... DavisMO,Bi‘be(>tcrlA 16H litthsback

. sn l Total

Hw")........ IMi........ U'H.........m

tlv^ fjoloT^rt populflUon of th a tc lty . Among tha floral trlbotps waa a handtom o wreath from the White House, with th* card of President McKinley.________


T h * W ay a W ls n ia s ln M an n a l n s to B* Ahl* to L o c a te O r*.

From th* 'Milwaukee Sentinel.There Is a resl novelty In th* wonder

line In Wisconsin, A carefully prepared newspaper article Is published from Grantsburg, Burnett County, which tells of sn astounding discovery of copper veins In the country hetween Alias Fostofllce, In Polk County, ond Nigger Hill in Trade L aka Town. Burnett County. The Copper- vllle Mining Comiiany la reported to have begun the finking nf " a sh a ft seventeen miles northeast of St. C ro li Falls and fifteen miles southeast of G rantsburg. and ten miles from the Minnesota State line." The desirability of tb ls well de­fined location for copper mining purposes is admitted to have been dem onstrated In an entirely original manner. I t appears from the story of the correspondent that the Rev. Mr. Fredln, of Omaha, Is unable to walk upon ground which conceale min­eral without feeling a ticklish aensatlon tn his right fool, which grows stro n g a r- presumabty according to the richness of the orir-passing up his body, through his shoulders, to hie le f t arm. If he h wire in his hand the force pulli him to tho ground. It is aeserted. moreover, th a t those who have tried to hold him de­clare th a t it Is more than m an muscle which Btniggles with them, whtla those who have wttnesseal the facial contortlona credit the claim that he undergoea g rea t agony gihen a discovery is made.

t'n lverslly vs. Yale, at Yale Field: Wwl ncaday. May Si, Gi-orgetown vs. Vale, at Vale Field; .Monday. .May *1, Brown I'n l- veralty vs. Yah’, at rrnvldence; Salurilsy, June 4, PriiicHon vs. Yale, a t Yale Field; Saturday. June 11, I'rlnceiori vs. Vale, at I'rlncetun; Satorday, June IN, I'rtlieeton va Yale, In New York (In case of lie): Thursday June Harvard vs. YSie, a t Cambridge; Tiieaday, June 2S. Harvard vs, Vale, at Vale I''ie!d; Saturday, July !, Har­vard vs. Yale, a t New York (In case of a He).

Harvanl Prcshiiien's Hose Rail Nine.The H arvanl freshmen base ball nine

has been hard et work fnr Iwo weeks on Soldiers' Field and twenty men are now considered favorably for positions either on the nine or as siibstllutes.

The Infield is esivclally strong with Ken­dall at first, Flii.-ke at second and Robin­son a t third. Of the pitchers McDonald and Btlckney ara ihi' most promising, while Milne, r s n l and Herlbold are doing goi^ work behind the Iml. The dates of the im portant games are as follows; April 30 Pom fret Bohool, at Pomfret, Conn,; May 1, M. 1. T„ IhCl. a t Comhrldgc; May 7, Brown, 19M, at Cambridge; May 11, Kieler, al E seter; May H, v'ale. I9wl, a t New Haven; .May 21, Andover, a l Andover; Mav » . St. Mark's, a t South Boro; Msy 30, Tale, 191)1, a t Cambridge.

" Original Stars " Rasa Hall Team.Tho Original Star Athletic Bale Ball

Club Intends to put a first-class semi-pro­fessional team In the field tor the coming season. The grounds at Kinney and Je f­ferson streets will he Inclosed, and a wire netting will be put on top of the right field fence. The d u n will open Its seawn on April I« w ith cither ihe Railways or Cuban Giants. Among the players that have been engaged are Kd Gilroy, pitcher; Tom

Tho Tourist Club of Palerson and Clio v/heelmeS of jeraoy ' ’By will roll the 1‘hKtimlgnahlt) AAnte In the louTiiAkni'nl oi r t rA C 'la tB l" ^ y c l ln g C lub, of New Jer- utv At MOBltonitiry » lo-nlgnt.

4 h s first aurlCB of fi®!"'®,*®,',*'’'',’'*® champianshlp hetween the Inatllute* an.l F tfsl Wfird Republican Club of hael Gr­ange tn the Northern New Jciwey U ‘agiic will he rolled to-night a t the form ers al­leys on NSW s t r e e t . .........................

’Tho Imperial and T’nlon dubs rolled aten-man m atch at ' “as " dnaThe Union* wore defeateil by II*, b'"® Header, of the Unions, was high, wllh 20i The scores;

I UNION.171'J , McCrea ......... 13114S;J. La-nt schlcgiT. IJfi 121 Gfnderle .............. I'B

From 9 until 12 o ’clock to-m orro’w momlnKwe will • c l la E e n u lM A ll-W o o l P tn tf , worth $J.50, fit $1.39 i h W- 3«0 dlKertnt fityleE will be fiold fit the fibovt price*, only b«tw #tti th# lwtir» ipecified, fitthe fibove low price*. Open Afiturdfijf H o’clock.

— ---------- -----------------------------------------

MEN’SFfilrfi ot Trouierfi, (iii


I In filzefi to fit every one,I) Our prices durloK ■■!# i>AO


LiJia, (UUir, with Pal Cara. t«r <

n «tiil tyi>t«TUora. n roui4. Uarlter vnoK library, aai

iiflf kimt'* of crtflce.ttiiivnAlfl altietrio Hahu.

........................ ... A. .CUVolHUd iM A. . . .Chicago Utf" A. M.- clnnAlT u:vi a M ]UA|{avili« ll;«5 A.

f M. OhicAKo aad Loula Bifrag,\« tihni* fit*Pti(ri)t »>l Dlntna C«« to ^

l^ k i. chh’aiM ) kibI K«ik>iiMi ivia rin®tfia*oii.' >i-»libuW HuioklnM Ctir and PaanMif

tirU (Uy.<i27 r . J t, WMtrra JfiXbrrM* daily* P u lM «

VMt}hut« SloaiJinK Cara tu Plitaburs, ChkMA-Chfvr!*na. RlnloK Cara to r .............MfUIiur* Ohlcaj^ Arrlvet l ,

A> H.u (nilDajrii a^su T. II- aeit day. f P M. *w»thwtitBr« Eapraai. dtflf

Arc, ChkM»- Phlladpl&I^ at j^avalwA


A. U. Mcund fWiimirif." i'Aciic.Kiarm, Mly,f fliV P. M,

Uufltt fljavptac r t r Naw YarH ta ^uibD?H* ntiliy i hl^iw Til* A. H. laaoiod mofm^

Imh Ca1umt>u$ l i t tV II.. ciavtlaad t*. iffe....S ,« { & u W T U il.ay isp rs .., fialtr.

• i m J0 Na« OrlMM* AahavllkAhii dail;

f «1M I fll«ap«rauitl Hot tuHnffi.

/ Bittt P. H, Sally far all mlitu w nMaM® atii] Ohio RalLiviiy. AlMDlad 41 Dlntnv

P.^IL rtoridA lalBltad. vl* BMlMna® nailway, datlp. «xcebt Suaday* fur JackMQVtll* anil Hi. Auxuaiio*.f'ftfrtjl.

The dll April I« w ith d t

ianl*. Among the p]'rt Krt Oi__-r, .........

Bhaw' catcher; H. Bradley. W alter Mlli*. Frank Ferguaon, of Watsesslng; Otto Etchalk, of the Montclair Club, and I/ou Boutiellc, of this clly.

i m p e r i a l .B a n d e r ........... .Bchwari .............Greiner ..............Bcanlon .............Cronin ............. .Haag ..................W ebern....*........Davis” ................Behechterla ......Ransback ...... ..

Total ...........1418

BurtBtor* ................. .Fisher .................Schmitt ..............O. McCrea...........A. iJiut'sehlegcr. Header

Total ............... 1

iQliedii, dtrlpcfi find Pbtlda, <ib J a i9 .00 . A C . >


l ,e t iiH tlrcHH h im In th e lUiAH »tyl9r VtM«r ITTWri tk*" ♦ np|icnraiiC4‘ will only b« i>riiiiUl4H« Wt yuof WkSietoe^ k lL tlte Ninalliiess « f tlio ctwt. W o BiWS boffoiitl itU ^

BOYS’ Ttyb: PUCE 8 0 tawi>&Buys'X-Piecc Tlitt lmfort6f AiHfp l iAil-wiiol 2-1'iece Ib-jy*’ Sfiit*. in f«DCy

CJf v kits »mt Scotch w orth 4 5 ,|6 aiid $7. T ike your c)»oice-*t

*Th* Bb Aloyslua’s Club rolled two prac- nee games on Doerr'a alleys last night.Scores:

t k a m a ,H art* ............. 138MoClushy . . . IkFlynn ........... «Doyla . . . . . . . . ItJJWan* ............ 138Canfield HIggan*

ivnor Ti --%sSvliTM>TBstV. ^ lfufid«2

4^4. « r / ’Af. -

Frtr AttkmfU CHy, HtttiirfWy* -ifH ‘ * ■


*3 :

8 J ^ 1. ?UnmAA PMMnjtsr



m U

Srft1S:4T. 11 A. 1-- ,'wlih tbroujth Bullepr andsComhl^ Cotch) und ?:!W P. «duy«. 12:^ ji»rt U. eiubiU>».

Fnr ( \ rkf 4. M.* 1 :» P. IL WMk- d u ^ Hunikrt. I2r4T A. M- Fnr Isone Mrahrli, fJllwmn, Afibnrr Ptrk.QMMi

Orov^ Nprifift L«k«. 11m airt. M«na»(iuu. m tnt nt mnd iwlnti on th* K#w Tom miM lAit^ It ftallrood. A. H.. 12:11.find I2;ir nlfht On SundAy, 10;t* A. M.

r M. Plop M intorluim for Aahiirr Park on Rundiiy.

Sra-BId Pirk, nitrnejtat Tivr, laltaA ht* and Tots* filytr. i r l t P* I t week-

i riMMnt Bjwnrli f


WuiSifds, TweeU wid ftiKW.Cwsii itHwWeif,.I U t all til* ylar 'Wtl

. $8 ifiti J8 5 a Take y o u r .choir**........................ . ^ X h ^ T .’

anacmLD*TN’3§UVn5.w#rth-Aft$ l,SOand »X Will CloM aL.

" I f 4 )O V K O M L V X e i R T A R K S T O R E i d A T

1 3 0 - 1 9 2 9 1 « r k e t S t . , coF. H a ln e y S L

:KING, s!!' SteSiS;

T Il'^inR, withmit ehbftff*. 1S:44 P. M. we*#tt;«1 P. M. lidly.nnti.kl.'rn. N. T.—All through tr»ln* eon-

RFFt At Jentpv n tv with hoiilB oiP nraoklyn Aii- HF1," afrordinjr dtrect trtn«f«r to end rm n rvU i4in UrMt. Mvotdlnc double furrlRf* aim Jeuraef AcroM th« city.

KOR NRW YORK. TjMv* llarirtt n!r**t lltallim, i:td,

l a Crowley DM Brown .. llO Brobly .. 130 Bulllvati


.. 13U 119


, iri2 122, isn nil. I P 115

^“h7rom art% .U SSwero ^ Omaha d i s ta n t rideri and trick riding.clirgym a" were ------- ™M„...uiw»uee uaced eve.neariy twenty year* ago, when ha Iroced the working of a developed mine simply by following hla tickled feet.

Borne persona may not he aatlifled with the assurance that the Rev. Mr. Fredln Ideated one vein twice on the man'* farm, offered him HitOdO for the property, and after his refusal 10 »el! a company w m oncftnlsud to rtPVFlop tho inliifi. Tt wiUi perhara, he asked how the man Who util­ises his ticklish feel to discover minerals can tell whether It Is copper or Iron th a t Is cnncealed beneath, Undaubtedly curious minds will Inquire w hat the Rev. Mr.Fredln has heen doing with his feet dur- Ing tho twenty year* since he discovered their peculiar value to the world. Such j>(*ri*on* Mmply have iw appr^lA tion of a good thing when it is brought to them .snd are ignorant of the resourcei of B urnett County In general and of G rantsburg,B urnett County, in particular.

Urn for lh« opportunity 10 flro the »hot in rcvwnge for the Yankee sallora who fed the sharks In the bottom of H avana Bay

•■GEORGE POWELL.’The above cablegram wa* sent March IT,

but wa* not made public until Y*8l*c^®y' Dr, George E. Powell Is a noted W estern

plainsman and Indian fighter, who follow­ed the fortunes of the army for thirty years in the capsmity of scout and guide In the numerous Indian wars, socying wllh distinction under every General of the arm y west of th* MlMlsalppI Btver during hla term of service.

Dr. Powell is about fifty years and a well-known physician of f - (troaari H s was a boon companion of "olM frontiersmen as Buffalo BUI, Wild Bill. T esas Jack and other* of equal note.


Lm gularltls* In th e Drawing of the dory to Try th* Coes.

■Bhe tria l a t Norristown, P*,, of Jam es A. Clemmer, ohirged with Implication In tha murdar of Mr*. Emm a Kaiser, which began yaslerday, has been postponed until the June term of court.

This wsa the reault of a petition by tha defence th a t the panel of Juror* ba quash­ed because Ju ry Commlaloners Troy and UcDowaJI had drawn the pauiel Irregular­ly, and for yarlou i other technical reasons.

Tt was alleged th a t tne cOmmlsnlOBer* had drawn the entire panel for peiwonal and political reasons.

I t waa developed th a t Ju ry Commission, er Troy sealed the Jury Wheel with his cuff button, alleging ft wa* hi* saal. Mr. Troy admitted sending out, fi circular le tter to tha Democratlo County Commit tea, asking for aha names ot man who could aot a* Jurors. Ha said that a* ha was elected on the Democratte ticket he thought ha had

i 'S 's u h m U t.d It appeared th a t the commissioners had followed pnewdenta aatabllehad by ChoM whom tk a r iUeoa< ' ' ‘ “_coaeded In office.

dge Weand aualalned the motion ^ e n o a .



ns c,¥0le Meet Frogranimr.Now th a t the date* of August 10, Il and

13 have heen assigned tor the Nallnnal meet a t Indianapolis, the '9! Meet (,lub has arranged the following programme for each day. On August 12 th* racer* will have a chance to rest. Follovring Is the programme laid out: „ .

August 10-Thlrd-of-a-mlle National I .A w . championship, professlunal; one- mile Inlernatlonal, professional; two-milo handicap, profeaslotial; two-mile National L A. W championship am ateur; one-mile handicap, am ateur; half-mile, open; ama­teur esnlbitlon by mlddlc-iilatance ridersand trick riding. .................

August II—'Two-mlle National L. A. W. championship. profcselonal; one-m la AmerlCBii handicap, ( purse; half- mile o)pcn, profeaslonal; two-mile mullt- cycle handicap. Invitation, profeaslonal; thtrd-of-a-mlle N ational L. A. W. cham- plonahlp, am ateur; , twn-mllo handicap, am ateur; one-mile National L. A. To. tan­dem championship, amatpur; exhibition by middle-distance riders and trick riding.

August 13^n c-m lle Natlonsl L A, W. champlonsMp, professional; ihlrd-of-a- mlle handicap, profesaionsl; two-thirds of A mUe, open, profeBBloual; one-mile Nft- tlonal L. A. Vf. championship, amateur; Inter-cBy team pursuit race, invitation, three rider* on a team ; half-a-mile handl-

am ateur; exhibition hy mtudle- e riders and trick riding. Night

race*, middle-distance p n e ^ * '''"5 ; PC®- fesalonai; one-mtlc National L. A. tV. tan­dem ehamplonehlp, professional; ha f-inile haarttcap, profeBSlonal; one-ralle Invita­tion race, am ateur. * »

Chairman Foils, of thu 98 -Race Committee, has received , lettej* from many of the rldera, aaklng when the track would be completed, and stating that they would Ilk* to train here for several weeks, either this spring or la ter In the seaaon. They «» express thcmaelvo* a* well pleased with the racing outlook. The question ot prises haa not yet been decided upon, hut the committee is prepared to say th a t not leas Ilian «..8no will be hung up^ln the Sfofesslonal events This will be aside from any apcclal match race.

On til* Bowling Alley*.Four series of gamea were rolled off in

Montgomery’s two-man founiament last night. R ichter and Nouck beat Malnel and Dennla two ont o t three games In the

, firs t series and the former pair wa* de- f e a t ^ i w o am lg h t by Bchitt and Taylor. Bchtff and Taylor won two games from McCpy and Slockett, and also two from Malnes and Dennla. Scores:

Totals ....... 88 *H T otals ...... 8H W3The Mutual Club's practice at Mont­

gomery's last night resulted a* tollowa; TEAM A.

............... IF 145 15>............... nK 132 140............... 132 liat 13))................ 124 143 Ids............... IIH 176 llli........... . un 1»» 137................ 1S6 173 164

Edward* Stevens . 1„ Real . I j t Roe... Stew art Goldcr .. Baldwin

Total* ............................1876TEAM B.

1048 3fiS

Ediuger ...........Nultnan ...........A. F eal...... .Miller ..............Johnson .......G, F , co l Una...

, 114 . 163 . 202 , !M . 1«1 . 216

‘JOB 305Totals ............................1806In Ihe Newark Field Club's praetlee at

Montgomery's las t nlgbl the fullowing

TKAM A. TEAM Be.. 173Wood hull ......... . 169'Mackln ......... ..

Schlli ................. . 147 Fisher .............. . 140C on tn t .............. , 1.WDana ................. a. 189

. 149 Northrop ......... a. 174. 187 W. D uren ......... a a 145

B5!henne»‘horn . . .a m Randall ............ . . 1531ADE, IJuren.......... a. 170

Hartshorn* . . . . . m McLaughlin .. . . ea 142

Total .................. .1214 Total . . . . . . . . . . ..123«

The small clasBflsd business sds. on ths Want pass of lb* NXW8 ar* valuabl*.

AHIKOMA’S c b k t r a l f i r e s .

^ 101. 8:10. B;4T. k;(#, (:I«. B:3Ji. 10:0*. 10;« 48. n « i . lliOl A. M.j

O, 8:00. 3:80, 4:8*. *:M, 8;4d. «dB. 70)6,7:# 0. 7:3D. 8;li. 8:34. 1:17, 10:00. 10:10 J>. II

ll.-on night.lavmve CMitr* fltrMt fttRtlAn. 4:Q91. <I:S4.

T:U. T!4«, 8:8

iiMr* ChTCtnut BtrF«t fltutlon* |;tS . i :M, T:ne. 7:87. 7:M. fl:M. 8l». ifBl.I ,

M'.fm nltnt. iumUr. 8:12. ff.’OB. 8 ^ 0 3 in:nt. 10:37. 10;A7- 1I.4A A. U-t l i] f

’ (jjSfl, liM. 2:37. LRT. 8:48, 4 : ^ 4:81.' i»88. 7:10. uil!, ? « i 0:9, «;% 1 0 ^ «■

BEST LEHICH COAL $4.! !s t o v e o r N i i t m irtyl w ith boat LitrRt lAihIgh Ho. S Nut.

I t e f i t L ftrsfo L f I i Ik Ii H o . 2 H u t , ($3,W > per ton . E le v tJ i i Barrel* Hard K indling Wood, ijii.ot).



.... . .Vgtinrtiiv, ":08. 0:831, 0:

,n :« JLKL; I |:« , 13:44, iiSb. ' l;44. 4 % 4:48, 8:4 , 4:17- 6:84, r.S iniMl :B4 K M.

ROM MAnKBT 0TRRB1BT RtRRBT UTATmjl. t Rftfiwajr. 1:M fd&tly, •k<iF| \ 7:80, 8:48. 0:84- 0;»>. 18:4-

Tilichl.10:31 ’

For I dHVA.

M8ft A, M.; 13:88. 1:88, 3:89 BA. 7:01. 7:13. 7:34. TiBft. 8:8.,Jt8T V. M.. xnrt 13:47 nlfht. I1lsftb«th only. 13:» ui4fl:01 F- IL

Both T^lff'iihonotNo. 3 89 Hew Jersey RnHroad Ate., ro n io r

Rt.r J4ew Rreniwlok, 8:4J ‘

.... Jo:47 T. H,. 12:47 nlgbl. gutP osta l o r te lephone order* rece iv e iirvu ip t BttBUtloii.

T h e T e m p e ra lu r e o f W e ll W a le r R U - ln ir RKptdIlya

From th« B t bouU Glo!>e-D«rnocr8t- Thu well! along « defined line to thw

touih and w w t of Phoenix have within a hocome producer* of hot w aur, ona

felt by nmny of the m 1- Uenti Of the region arfecled, th a t they areappreheniKloh Iatkout to becorho ptrtlclpantB in

m i


Trajiit 1*«M Brourt andFuT PlHJnflelrt. 8:t6, J

fA BLM *


' ctftet «t«tloTisi ,<06, 6:38,1 ^ . i: li. 4;0S, #0. S:4U. lUiii.'i.

11:M A, 1«.IPSM A. B .) 12:............-4:41),-11:114, 0:311.H jit P. iL *«n4*»Si Tito. * l : k 2:43. AlOlk 0:m. “ 2B ‘'iAil, .

8:33. Btli, 7i(4s. g ;M ,^ ;4 ^ 11;2B P, M.

for iVhilnslCn. 72JU. 0J)3 ® -.9tt 1:». 1.80, 4:im, *W0, 6:23 1'. M-,; aiait*ygi*3» P- M.For BlallMs Co iSkh I S r o o n n * « m g Sittiont on Hies ipraiuf i t ^ n i and Ifiksilo- palMin* l£l*. *ic*|it S k s H'HjatogM). *,08 A, M . 4:lh’i, 4;FIF. M. BUndiiy* OlM P. I t , at- cffH Lake IfnpttcoihCl- k „ • m..K«r Blatiuni ® ilditi Iln« N<w fe7*ef CW-c tr»l S ^ a n , FetkUh«'irf. W>dtt>wTJ. 7 -80. with Parlor .rat* A. 14.f12:ln, to PtpJnr Our, B:r>S f7:88, to T. Bbo*iavi (7:18 A. to ItairtgnL'J :10. 6:^6 Pj^M.

For SCauch rfclink. TVT's. 0:O8 A. M. <w»h ituf- fei Perlor Car): UT8 rmnM pnrior C»r>. 8:82 P. M. Handuy*. IflO, B:8h P- M-

V ' 'AV

................................................jnd 10:31 A. ¥ .; 12i8*. iSll. # ;» , TiK,

i fn.i B;zn p. M., 18:47 niirtii.' For WoodhriHg*. Lon.hlsilv.«i81, in;M A. M.: 12:8*, *■««. 4:3*. i:*T. ■-■dl-:

10:44 A._M., ■■ and 11:43 F- Jn-. 1:30. «l;16. ILKI A. M

IUHtone. 7:80 A. K.: H M . 3:81 tnd- m,i deily. exrepi Bund Ay, .flgBron Mid Riiflry Hill. 7:88 A. If>>

Fnr' MffihWjSrlUs. 0;». t 1 « A JI.I *I«». ! : » uid «:2T P, Ilfclufidayj 8:27 F. M.,

Fnr Wsit Minis;M r . i t i dan

For KliH»ron 4:80 P ■■ '

For 1

Maine* . . . .I Dahnla ...... .

Totals ...I R ichter .. . .I Nokek ........

Totals . . . I Richter . . . .I Noack ...... .

'I'olals ...iBchlff .......j Taylor ......

Totals ...I Maine* 7.. ■ I Dennla ... .

Total* ... The final

, 163 179

402 364 1411 142 1«4 190


. ISH 17*

. S S i

. 192 212' , 149 3)4

. S i 41«

1*3 SchlffTaylor ..

Tatala McCoy .. Slockett

Totals. JTI5 lUOIBchtff ., . 211 iTTjTaylor ,

. #(T lB7l Total* gamea of the

......... 241 194

........ 191 Ml...... 392 S iRabenileln

___ _____ ... .. randvolcanic dram a, fn some of the wolTs the tem perature of the well water rose to twenty degrees In a single night. In a few the phenomenon disappeared soon after Its appearance. In a majurlly ot the eases, however, the well* fairly steam from their newly acquired heat. The first known ot this curiou* s ta le of anulra was a report nearly tw o weeks ago that the well* a t Maricopa, on the Southern Paciflo Railroad, th irty miles souih of Phoenix, h id suddenly become, hot. it was four day* thereafte r th a t the pln- nomenoD first wa* noticed a doS' U miles west o t this city. A te s t a t one well showed a tem peralu ts of nearly 140 de­grees. No dtffarence Is noted In the wells rn the Immediate vicinity o t Phoenix.

The line o t the subterranean heat wave faUoTrs the general dlrotftlon ot the sierra E strella Mountalna, a volcanic clmln ly­ing Immet"Thence Itdlreotlon c_ , -----, ------near which atw a .number of large ami modern volcanic cones and btUs of tl rifted volcanic aab. F a rth e r to tho east the

CfilLfor proof th# t bolfg.#nd Mp-p llf im io s n o v e r c u r o w o f f k m o n .

K .rvuua debllltv. orgsnlo w ertnew si, fa lling m lm o rr /d l lu c M of ■IshU palo In Mwk tmnoieuey. mclaocholy. I n c o m p ^ d ^e lo p a ieu l. varlcocelt, la c i ot energy, r t r j i c t i A ^ y fria - l:ig (rum Indlaoratlon. excajl or tO M o r* . »fc irBstrd by ilm e -u e tc l rw pedui with M vsr-ta ll Ins BUCccM. salely, BrirsleV, ap w lly,. „

filood i» l« n . reil now. s ru p U r eosuB artectliur m outh and lm «*i . -

a lt u rinary dlscaaBB and ■gtrlsRirH l^m nintly ourod. i> ir rem edy for uim ujund *#4#*ggM 6i IrtiW manrrtlou*. * ,i *

BoltK aurt »pTkH*hi’c» n*B0rtuPl TfMit loeiL They may do harm. U ta Im gow lW F^ny ono a h o ha* never seen you to glT8 UwlBedlglne yoti

”^ ’o pav till cured” l*onnt*y4?ji)»oth« specialist makes thatoller.ASA M K I>l€A Ii I H S W t r a E ,

7SlTaSl.ISIIXD TWEtrS V Eisl.1 8 4 O ra n p e S tree t, HfWRiTk-

nouit-9 m 10 A. M.,,1 k)8 aud 6 W 8 F, Immediately south of th e Gita Hlvcr. rhence It appears to continue on In the

of the H arqua H ala Mouiilalns,

lava flows are so gOolqal^lly tnodirn as to have overwhelmed In a nttmiwr of placefi the oiRt dwSlUngi of the andents. Though no earthquake shocks have hei nnoted In Southern Arisona for years, it Is th* general belief th a t ho t aprhigH have broken out a t each o t the points artected, for th* line of th* phenomenon paswes two rivers. This view Is eupported by the fact th a t a t Agua C allanta RA m>l4s snuih- w ait, and on Castle Creek, sixty mile* north, are immense springs o t mineral­ised w ater w ith a tsm pera tu re ot ISO dt- gTseta

9:08*'ar WUkcrbsrTs, PIttstnn and Mcrsnlon*M ; IJBP.'M. '(Biitfiit PBrlnr Csrl, r..r Huenurv, Iwwlstnirg and wluiflnnsnnr

* • ” •'’“ NKtLtUK AND KLlgAUFTir HFANCH.

TfwInH leivp Rtre^t p tn tlm ff-r K ti« -beih hiifl HhwIIh. nt 6;I8. fl:W. H;fO fifUaiiLv'lhlNirt ijnlyl. 0:08, 0:88. 10:0!). ](l:45,f f E A M 2.08. 2:M. 8:85.4’(iri 4'4i> r>:04. ft'Si). !):W. k:10 (7:S6. m EMw- lUih') H'-io 11:11.’) 1’. M. Kumlay#, 1-}}uII:ur., ■ 19:115. ILIW -t. M., '6-,Vi II y> fljn, Slid. 9il4. ln;24 P- M,PBIITII AMHUY, IJINII HIJANCII. OCEAN

OTlfivK. EiTi sFor Tr.inl-v »n.l furlsrri, ay.l A. M.: 4:IM.

6:6'2. 4:19. 7;A' !'■ H- Funilsys, 4:06 A, M.; 4:46

*’'lUwi,ren at 0:15. *:!«• I" " » . < ':3f, A. M . 1:5, 4:0S,'4:40, 6:62, <1:14, 7:.F> F. M. Kundays,

Fof’l'sSh’ Ami'OT,''o:)'6'. N:'ns, 14:06, 11:36 A. M ■ '-nh 4 :Ii£ 4,44, 6:62. 4:14 7:3.'. I'. M. 8un- do4a. Uil'ffl. 10:05 A, SI...4 .Id P M-11^5 o" 3 P m": Hum‘’‘‘kV rerhoid .'V i'X I'L li A. U : l :» . 4:40.* * j y ’'R!d Hank. nranch a rsv a

0:88 Tietl frtily)- A.1;SK. 4:08. 4:40. 8:82. I*-.W;. RnniiajiH* «*c«Dl to Oowui Grov^. (toUkV. lUrt Bank only) A. M.i4rQ8P. M

For Flmlni diMv. pio*pt,

For Frwholi Franck-vU Wii M . 4:8fl F- VS 5:00 P. M. *»»?■ laKAVB S- 7V*it Y'8 :» . 10:TO. tU ii.. onrt 13:05 t 0:20. 0:80 A. ) UlFht.

FYomfrtofly. oxetvt 7r40. 8:10. H:30. ™ ,

f:00. tl:40 A

. M.. And 1:34 P. IL ,

t FrMhold only..1ntrtal«a S«A ith Junction, t-84y«. For

% R K FOR NISWAR*.,Tfd'fltiW RUtino. 7:38ff

: 12:80. 0:80 11:14 ? .k-daya. gundaya, 0:10,« » # ? . M.. and 1*:<»

'scdMlisW «ra«U. t|00 lyV 0:80. 0 # . 7:».

*:40, 6:60, 6:10. (liF ■ '*10:16. ti: '“ "

ro d '12:16'tilaht: .if oj"! fiiOO. 9:48. 10:00, IIICTA 11:00!!S!l'e?Sfi!*’B;i!i: ‘'a - ,.* 00 H:80. 9:40. 9:». 10:19. H :00 P. M„ go* T0:T8n1phl, ‘ * v*. « w-fur1h*f fnfnnn»a!on hh* J |j ^

Ht ttrkft Tlc^tw ,for>y-^n»0on tkB r^nnHvtfHnln«nrt NWrhH. iiN'tlrtniir thof’limTHrtv'H offle#*- No .780 or atflrkcl nffk* Hi MHrkrti l^rMt _ _ _J, D. iTt'Yirntw^nN. ^ F. W(y)D,nfkfi MnnitHr. ' fl#ni‘l^iwwn#rr AifWlw ___—:------- ------------- » ----^ -----------------

‘■|'0:'l 6" ■ n':"4'.llC,WJ’.l^ink 1:00, 0:11. R;0rt. fv U -M A. M.: ift,^:48. ■ ■■ ‘


"Collector of the P o rt."............ .... * "'■1

P E B 8 0 H A L .Patrick Donahoe, the well-known Irish

publisher of Boston, waa eighty-seven year* old on St. P atrick’s Day.

Colonel Bob Ingersoll's ■ohool teacher, John P.Just died a t Aehtabula,

ill's old Sunday- ;ton, has

the age In

SogilM lesgstyW m esa Anslons to n sv * the Hsw X,»w ■ M tte il.

Hra. Jack a a r w c , one of Boaton'i moat prominent society vrofien, tad othsr ladles of 2tifi.JkM;h RfiAihfiy# tapougd tha oaute fit t M A » Jia u , TlMy raoHsowd SHten's

If AManifiB MptcHlfir to Ififif .«et: that A i r . ttoy w w d a w .' aenarttfi lud Olatrust < tA*

Ir ones (rag eatelL

of ninety. For fifty-four year* hs lived the house formerly occupied by IngcrtoU'l father.

Cardinal Oibhont In ht* recent speech be­fore the New Orleans Press Club, said It be were to give any advlo* to a public man, th* meet valuable hs crnild offer would be, “Always bo frank with the re­porters of pepulahl* popen,"

Mrs. Henry a * y Borntboe, the wife of the. leading comedian of the Boatoslans. has a tablecloth completely covered with the autograph* of nolabj* peraona When a distinguished visitor dine* with her she has him write his nam a on the cloth, which she work* in with red silk. Among th* autom ph* are thoM ot Balvltil. Will, lam Cullen Biyant. Uodjeskn, Grover Cleveland and ih'esliHnt UoiUnli^,

General Law Waliac* spoke a t South Rand, Ihd.i last Tuesday evening In old of the fund to erect a ttogoa in Bouth Bend to ffehuyler Coltsx, Vlet-Preitdent

■ ' ‘ CoKsl Wsg an ardent OddDaugh-

thos* or- lodga in sums as

with G rant, Colfsx Wag an Fellow, and th* toundfir ter* o t Rebecca, I t ia aif, d m will lend ossttUno*, the oounlry contributing th* m rmbatg see fit. .

Iw o t t l» V ts m u a ttn*. WM*Ing SUM I


1 7 5a $5 0 . $3 5 .NO EXTAWCHARGE



bitU kluulyAn uHfMiliif n r *Wi w«kk>nt«8, 8p«nnsto?* tIiwh, tmwtcneVg RttJ Itil

follow UH 7i*r 4VDfNCt of AIgiMi Ht MeMnn*. ?*lH IH


< |ai k»II« *’1 Ij. «i ..ffl w ~ .t M*»rMicLelst MIha >uiiBr.l.r rtbamag

T ti «UT v t i i s n i 00.1 t i r r i u , i . T.0. KCMBl «(™bMiWu. Yello. WwpriitSBWlr « a >

T ot M l* by CfhariM ae la h s iu r . Orosslat. asd Usrkst .trsBls.

---------------" " "■ ----------------- ----------

and now we propoee to get I’M of lAout I k ^ O N D * h and BICYCLES which Iwve been traded i n " ^ . iiS» I88S “ Eldridgei,” so SLASH I DOWN THEY QOl

1 ^ 4 0 0 0 . JW best gndw Colufnjjia, Victors, SUKfffirrtfewiiinds, Huifibtrhltc.9etc. . '

. 1896 Columbtas, etc. 1897 HartforA Cre r iidijlitefeey, e&I , o t *W SUghii»drt ■**' ' ■

; l K » t A - " # 1 O .l « o t

>ir»t ^yert wUJ wtunHyaH «h*tboa whffoMl»tJo« ndrwti jolil !n two wttt& to

^loklitHactlgii. .

f v b l i o r o t i c b i .

I 'um .ic NOtlCR-Otlr of N*«»rt county oC Ebmx. — ._ „— .. . . ,y ,n n , . , rosU4Uitlan

onMnt OI (Dlloa lai stractf and



lirroharr*. flrrwnUM ’Krtohoitar, BuffRt<is 'And Drlhi'lpat local'

Car to BuffalOa —‘^inday,

i’OR IfAKKWOOn „ • J8:3*. 10:«1 A, M .; 1:36, 4:40 fla turdsy .enlv) P. M Siiivt»y«. 14^5 A. M-„ ,Tom. River, norneyst Park and B a r r e t , S.3* A M ’ 1-:ifi 4:44) P. M. Kiinilfiyi. 10:08 A M.

Fcor^Atlantlo City. Vlndan'l and UrWE«ton,1:85 P. SintyABK AND NKW YORIt.

FVom Rn^a.1 Hhtl r-‘rry Hlrart BtallonH-At B:5vT'flrt S-io. t oo; T:=n. 7:40, fiirtO. R 'k S'40‘ 0 ^ ' R''H> 10:30, 10:40, ll(<h>,

i M,: 13:f!n. i M 1 :^ . 3:W, 3:80a 8:00. 8:MK 4:On 4:llO.8:30. 8:40. 7:00. 7;l6, T:4(». H-8o, 0.S5, lO’ffi l i 'M P M • 12:08. 13.40 Tilifht. Punrtay*, 0:0(" J0:0n. U m A M.;

froi■ -TO. 10:00. 10:18, 10:flni l I ’W),

13:3(>. !:00, I :A'*. 2:00,

0 .00,(13:40

3:<»; Itfiri. 4:00. ftioo; (J-JKi. 7:00. 8:00,0:$Q, lO.’Ort. 11:00. tS:W P. M.r#•w__Yof4l WJdtfliRlJ, |Lt

bofcS'rt Ut i:uMtrui.tj0 «f*|ll tAJL way ovyr sna u ^‘ H«lnnmg“ t V 9oW in CTolon avenue In th* rity^f Newer®. n**rlarmlnna of Ha Ofvwnt ‘“ ' ‘"aJly track In ffiln- -rtn avenue lieina slro In range with the eemariy u rb l lw of ^ u t h Elahlrenib a tte e ti i h e l ^ :Sroini Sorih S«roiy a ,m « i ilia ifon, and foTll b;

1896 medium gradci: • About too imehines—all sorts.

"Sfcsies”—to iearni on. .

™"*vemje: lieing ronnlni"no«h pwenly at*t«a"w«atm 'lT n V iiM W W tl 'rh S piaw-os BtkA fortV“hijn8rH(lth» fpwi twano* ’funrtn2«v% «an d iw r» »*!’♦A‘%Tf K ? ^ ‘U•*t'b,•"t.if; ° S 3 irC e " tW m W y " T M ,!S ;(ormndon of traoljon t o

t**t *!rld HWIHnAlraa flKrt wHli aald Boatrd of Btrojt W on t80 thlrtl-4w 0?

tha inotivia poww to be uaw ther^OP it trlclty. to b* •upptjrf " l U hr .nelto^ahl

......... ...... ^mWaUm-

.... BALTIM OflE_AND.................. noTAt, Bj.iie l in k .renmn aim PhiraOenAla A:1.*I. t o 15211-

w;n6.'"i’l :!»''a. 'm . i' 1 'iloT' 8:02.'6'a3 F:

*t. 6*117 iSiiqdajf.' 7:28 A.Ba*t'.>n an* VntermfJlil

aw7 A.' M, Jaur. ■ fwM.k-6ayai. Ithacari Nlasar*. Falla' an6 t Bojnia, ■rillnln* Car

P. M. Oallr.'•‘BLACK DIAMOND EXPRESS."arrlvra Buffalo 9:63 B. M. Pullman Vjallbule Iny Cnaohaa anU Parinr Cara. Dining Cro sal* Wcr. Mrol* s Is etna, tonnecta at Poffale * 1!h thniukh alaeiiefa to Detroit an* Chleaeo.

1 30 P. M. flslly. for ICaalnfl. Maiwh Chunk, Wlikeeharre, Bfranlun (waek daya), ^ t i to a andcoal brancliea. Fhalr Bar to Mauch Chun*.

4 34 P M. dally, exvant Buhday, for WJIkee- havre FlUfton. Bcraniuo an* nrltirlnal mler- m.Alate atailnna. Connect* fnr all ooltita m r.aloaa. Pullman Buffal Parlor Cie la Wtthaw

P. M, asiiy. avowtOlmnk and bittnnedlsta ttotlcna. Chair CWr^Ia^ ;4 8 P. M (Bundaya onlyl toe Itsuoli OilnW *nd atattowa. *

8'8t P. M. diJiy. t t r m fiudrtiiy. for niAlaitdA anti urlnoll»a* IjslartirtdlAlo M«tB. ■

T‘2» F. M. 0oily. ftir liuffala fcii all poinu YYtat. I>niimiiti bi»)#d train York lik Cblcaco. Bieopen Mf Duffalo and Toronto.

‘ 8 '2g F M dally. ncriU Sunday, stguol at 'Booth Ihslnfl.Iil. Koiton. Heifilajiam. _ niunk. PU-A. OeneVa. n.«hMtw. W t . ^ , tilo anifTiirtmlO- IhiUmao m.Soer for Kona but Wteplna Oar paBaatigtr* bean go carried. . ^

9'24 P M. dally, for Ithaoa. fJeaeva .R oehy■ t.?' Buffs": Niagira Fall, sad all polnta Pllllmen Sleenar to Ithaca. _

Addlllnntl local train* dally. o *ce« WtnidaFy fofkiuih iViniWId. lloooJ Btv^k tod lawnwj dJfcia pofnla. I avo aa foUriwa, DAW A* 14.* llilji A. <8undaya only). .U;18 A. ILs 2:5.8, 8.4T ahd 0:8irF Me , . ^ '

IPlclteia and PuMniiui arcommridatlcmi M PyUMB^wota l"!nroad P*doT and 788 B r ^ »lr*«CT

aitlitj'ir** atirt Waahifurton, 8W8. 10:^4A. Tff'rJ:n8, rtjSS.

arl of t’Itjf of 5*«Worii flaed tb* twomty'fourUi day of W


“ ^i;.<?)V'5hc"rn:io^rv?i'fe*'2in'r.\r'8S?i'R

*^Fof"fio(!rtr. rl" n**'eatlnn, timrtablp*. raH flrtwj or ■( the r\iy Ttcli^t OfOciJ jtffeH A i;S F ..N . ^ H. P. DA r,DWlN.

l A . 9uwrinl.nd.nt. 0en. 1‘aaa.ngar Agent.

t, aieapini enr ii>- 9i8 fltrwt RtAMoo.182 Ua^Bt atrsete

RTBA H IH irfi.

A K OH O ll L IN E -oLA^SSSW'rvto'toSBJtfibgbRY.

t alHn—llv wjmL ubwarde ocwcUUut Ui alaM^•^ w w - a w man. CRblOltttl biod ip ir lr^ tccar$iw t9j4*O0Ml*^ iM tu o : iSB.iW i^a apwairda ^

fi«r M V UltSSftfji^vrfe amHiLtA



" flya, 8:80 A. ' ‘W® "'w* IiO»3S Pe 1


nhnAiyii. __ ,7:61), loiM r . M.,

..Ilia je’S


n a

PMptt aiadewridiskto^a]whw RNg ora gomt w

ritt’-’bT-i':' ■


PE8MMENT CUIEcf the megt OSgBnal* oasi of O i ^ h M •ltd Olaet, nwanWWl in 9> fd m i n- olW lig rtijra reqtOreu. ^

sotUig trains leave aa (ollowi

___llICa l:4t P: M. r - - r

For llcketi. hsatogo oheclj

a^atiim. ____

fnt UnilUf th* Iprloe, »g«._rA nn wkhM

e n i e i t l

Page 24: First Edition. - DigiFind-It

■■■ X

D V M TELEGRAPHS VS: The weather to-morrow jeiUprobablybe^ear and colder.

ygV TA lgC E V E s te S NEW S, T C K S D A ^. M A if ig

I47«I4 9 M A R K E T S T ;

SPRING MILLINERY.A Supplementary Display!

There’s a Reason forEverything,And there’s a reason for our sales of Scheuer s Tinfoil Pre­mium Java Coffee at 2 7 c . a pound being larpr tn March than ever before in the history of our house. We « e staunch advocates of quality, and we believe that quality should govern price, not price govern quality.

Premlunt lava Coflae,

Pine Maracaibo,


New York Cotfeea,

S i n c e our opening a number of new and very novel effects in headwear have been received and are now on view in our parlors. T hey include a few imported designs,but the great­er part are from our own work-

Those who are in a position to know unreservedly declare that our showing iT ;r h a S s o m e s r e v e r m ade.^E ach hat has a distinctive sty le and beauty, and the hundreds who have seen them and who have praised and adm ir^ them are sure to be our best advertising mediums. Come and see the new arrivals.

NEW FOOTWEAR! Ladics’ Silk LinedCtlld'sSboes,

Fin* t*n.button, iprtng n«rl*, lltiilbl* coin, opcrj a n l M uw e tact, with tip*, ill** R4 to UHi, vilu* tl-S . ................


89cTailor Made Suitsl|iaees,



M ttn Mtll, Uclng ■with tip* »B«I flon-r l* top*, *li«i t l to

with h*e1» am) Ii4to UK with tprlnt * • *■ ■**bt«li, H-l» k in o ....... TAia89c


Fin* rtnt'k tan black vicl kid. Ox. ford* and jull«t*, with hand turned ■oIh . tl.M valu*. *t.


Mad* o t pur* wool ehfvlot*, tn lat**t fly front (tyl*, r tlr t* new^»t shape and perfect hanfln*. Jacket* and ekirt* lined throughout wllh niw changeabl* taffeta allk, aull* aplendld. | ly tailored and worth fully I1S.0O, tho special prlc* ot



10.1)0 each. l e t

An a«wrt4"<I lot of Uce«, in tor<‘hon anu fancy cotton, nomo with Inucrtloni to match, ami In a va-

of w idths and fMiUcrna, Ic. to He.valno. for...................Vat.* Point A T arlt and Honllon effects.In nutter* ecru and white atid with In*Bcrtlons to match, values up to 2Sc,, alla t ...............................Laieat of open and close patterna, on

• eamhilc ami naln- lliionk, 3 to « kichea

wide and regular worth IStjc., fo r...... YARD



Specials in th e H ousefurn ish ing Section!■ _ . . • <nij7lftfh. ll Int'hei! wldr

27c. It. lb. It. I,


5 Ibt., 1.23. 5 lbs., 1.00. 8 tbs., 8SC.

Cent, a Leinuu

nd for the b« t UUk or 'tackan.


12^ ficnu for Franco Ajmerlcan^'jrdHoupa. IS ct*. can fur Oold Medal. Cenla each for large gall FktUwkeiul.Cent, for a dnwn_?f.r.lg*u»i«u, tVlcderaayer'* lioer.

A a rent* of ticmiln* OldW cniw or Hermitage Whlakey.

1 9 Cento for a full yint bottle Welch’* tirape Julcif.

1 0 Cento foralarjce flalvaotoed Coal -■-® beuttle, worth double.O fC Cciiti for S pouudi of Kancy £▼•

aporaie i Apnoot* or I eacheaA Cento for a bottle of Heinti Chill

Hautii or taiad IJrebaiiiff.*■!£ Cento for a bottle of Holbrook AJLO oo. Wurv«*tar*hireHeuc<,Imported.

6 Cento a pound for » loiaU dditw* nla fUni.

%pc Cento for ft can* ExtrftfuK fEvlytoO Juno l*eai

^ s LADIES* ALL WOOL CHEVIOT SERGE SUITS, In brown, black,^een, gray, i > gobelin and navy blue, rty front Jackets, lined throush- ^(I out with satin or Uffeta iltk, new plait back Skirts,. t tinished seams, J14.00 vi|||e,at,...................................

ct*. fur cmiie A Alsekwell'i pinti Iheklca, chow i.'how.CentalorB-poundpatlofNaphey’iFurelArd.

w n Oente a pound for the nnsat Chop. . R v ulate Cream Drops.w M Cent* for a a-pound brick Codflah, M. A wblte.

7 r«nu for a paekait* of tbs BeatllQuini or OatuMsl.

w K Centalnraboaitof Un. UopklBs'i .>.*w Homo-mad* Jama.

1 2 Ceut* a can for Fancy Paan. Cher* rlf*. Apricot*.

M Cent* a quart for Beit Scotch*!K IGreen FeM

strictly Frssh Efg»........................Floe Wisconsin Cresmery Butter.

.........l l o * dozen

....... l O o . pound

Thli wock, big bargains in Blue and White lirsnite Were Free with Tea*, anv kind. Don’t miss lUone potind of our ftOc. Teas, any kind


S. SCHEUER & SONS,ll-Qt. Dtahpan*. made of on*

piece of good duajilf regularly iBc., Wedneaday..*...

ie-plec« Taa Set*, of beat Amarlcnn norcelaJn. aomsSlaoa* ailghtry l^inperfect.

ecomtlon, and regular eet. Wednesday ........................

Table Beta, of P « * ^ StW*. including butter diah, sugar b o w ^ l ^ ^ holder and oreem-



Largest *t*e Round TinWaih" Katlle*. flrat quality, with strong bottom*, usually»c.. *t

White Tea

19cIte Tea fcupa and 8au- ol flrat quality poreolaln. fannr BnftiM* »nQ ubuaI*n w fancy efiape, iind usual­

ly llte. pair, Wodneaday a t ........

Bhcir Ollcinlh, 11 Inche* wide, warranted perfect, t e ice lent pnttiTim, regularly 6e., \ \u l r iieaday, yard...............................


Butter IMehe*. of imitation cut glass, new, bright poltshfU

F ru it Baucera, of Imitation cut glass, square shape, bright ware, and regularly So, each, Wedneeday .................. .............

wars,dayand 19c. value. Wednea-

Put* Pomade, for pollahlni metala. the Universal brand regular Ic. *l*e, f o r . . . . . ...........

ISfiw J ersey 's lecadliiff G rocers,

736 and 738 Broad St, opp. Postofiaco.Branch 8 to » * -F e rry Rt., Hank SI., H arrison, Orange, Btoanafleld, M. J .

Daniil t a sE J X T K A O R O I I V A R Y V A I ^ U K S S I I V

L ad ies’ New S u its a n d W a is ts .!LADIES’ SUITS. !


( t or fly front Jackets, Uffeta silk lined, latest style - 0 ^I > p erfec t han g in g S k irts , U ilo r m ade, I iS .jO value, 0 • t

........................................................................... *•LADIES’ WOOL WAISTS.

II IN SERGES, also broken sires of ALL WOOL FLANNELS in brwn, green,11 red and navy, lined, full tailor linished. detachable collars , I of material, full fronts, yoke backs, worth ft. 50 to »2, final I ) closing price................................ ................................



CAMBRIC, PERCALES AND DIFUTIES, detBcheble collara, blouse or full fronts, double and single point yoke backs, light, medium end dark colors, rejutar price SOc. to $1.00, while they Ikst, a t............................................. ..


t ' ifhed, warranted absolutely fast black and stalnleta, high spliced heels *' and toes, aUea 6 to 9}^, none better at lOc., very l O o

.PAIR*' special to-morrow at.


Bargain Lots for the Morning Hours! 5O n a i i l e f r o m 0 t o 1 1 o 'c l o c k o n ly . N o m a l l o r t e l e p h o n e o r i ie r g H licft l o r t h e m , ^

TJBbieMhed Mualln.H inch** wide, rijf-

n i . |u b ular price tc-. while V CinK. the lot laa ti.......... . YARDlull 3 kI to 11 Bilk FIntih Linlngt,

H Inch** wide, inO'Bloek,

Nil* grwhit* worth I»c., torred.

brown. :re*n ind 9k


• to ll O'tlo^

Ltdlee ' F»*t BUck B»m1e** Ho**, with Q l _ unbleached feet. n u C

• tollO'clock,

Pl»ln While Cam­bric, » Inchei wide, alishlly imperfMt, 6 k■*ul*r worth 10c.,

hit* It laate..... . YARD

• t o l l O'clock,

Crtikm Whltft Bhak- t r PUnnpl, 32 Incb* eg wl2e* n t r a w*l«ht. M)ft nap, reguU r 10c*, 2t . ...**•

6 k

• t o l l O’clock

Hlgck and Cray Mourning CambrUra, with floral dealgiia, fust color. Sc, kind, for .............................



9 to i t , O'clock

L*dtea' Ribbed Com­bination Suita, vert* and pants in one,"Onelta" make and joc. g ra d e ................ EACH


• t o i l O'clock,• t o l l O'clock,

Fancy Cheviot*, itrlped, checked and tlfurcd, light and dark grounds, fast color*, 10c. value, forMen'* HemallteheJ Japonotte Jlundlier- chief*, white and colored border*, reg­ular luc. kind, (or..,.


5cKAt I

t t p b w r it f -rs .H aw tM B uaaice* Cwwwtwwfiy Cowqwar-

•a by • • Aatwrleiu taiT*aitloa.rro ffi The K venlnt Sun. . .

The typewriter ta ona American product w hich ha* never gulfeted a foreign boy- oett. ,

The click of th e AThertatn typew riter t* kaard around the world. T he ttu ria t flodi i t turning tip tn alt attria of out-of-tho»way oomara, from Iceland lo Van'a i» « * W ith th e Dongoia and Aehnntl e i- W dlUont t t baa penetrated Into the heart a f th a Afttoah wllderoaaa: wtth UeOten- a itt Paary It found it* Way ta the Arctic rectoaat the Rumdan Oovernmenl hn* •an t U al! through SfberlH; It I* to be fWBd fh th* home* of the ntlaal<mari*s in n f tta . Th* Caar of Xuaala it** a riohty s6 p iv * d , goid-plaMd, whtt* mutnuUed. M iry W e d typew riter for w iiltna both

and R m risa . R uera Yfotorta has d M l a h er hosH ltold. a n d ae batw tue Qileeii Regent ot Bpatn and th* Khodlv* of XgTpt. In th* w reck o t the beilleahtp y .iw « wee found g typew riter, end should th e Rueeian Sfeatern equedroo's flagship suddenly sink tn the Yellow Bee an Am^erl- 000 typewriter would l>o found lit ibo CiiP'*tAln’g cebln.

lYie untTorial uae of tha typew riter ie

piled with a Btameee typew riie^ *«■ Northern neighbor, the Emperor of China might uie a Typewriter tt he had one, but until he publlahe* an Imperial decree a ta l-Ishlng H,«W odd character* of his people a alphabet he will have to content hlmseir with a bru*h and Inkpot. The Japanree,In Their etruggl* (or commercial recogni­tion, are crying for typewriter*, ta p e r ta ar* a t work unravelling th* Japaneselanguage, and a japaiiea* typewriter key­board will probaliiy result from their

The pOlyglDt machine Is a recent develop­m ent of typewriter oonitructlon, Bual- nesa houiea doing a targe fordgn bual- nea* with aeveral counirle* asked (Or m a­chine* wriUPg aeveral la n g w e a . By mo- vldlng for the aceenta ot the varioua Eu­ropean language* on on* keyboard half a

do* to iti 'e aay adaptation to alraoei any Irttguage capable o f being p r l n t^ w ritera have_ bw n mad* to y!T!iF_Hre^Q ennan, Hebrew, Siam***. Teiegu »; Muialan. The aocenla, »of other language* . w ritteu ' with dead keyA

* the

than EngUah.wfatch do not

nova the cylinder carrying th* paper.Th* dead key derioe hM recem iy been

ttigenlouBly applied to aolvlng a olfllcult moblem in typew riter oonatructlon. An Bngllah mlaalonary in India. Dr. Jucob ^ m b e r l a ln , a t Madanapall*. Madia* Prcaldency, wlahlng to translate the ■cripturea lo r the nativea, wrote to an American typew riter ccunnnny aaking If m, typewriter could be made to write tho Teiegu ienguage. He had been uilng an Englleh-wrUIng tyitewriter. and one day. when It was ameahed by plaster falling In fat* bungalow, the Idea m a Teiegu type­w riter occurred to him. The Teiegu lan­guage 1* peculiar In that every characterrepresents a ayllabte. The mlaalonary re- ■olt ■ ■ ■■olved the language Into «0 character*, bu t upon further study found that these eharactera were built up from a much amailer numtwr of baefc forma, Theae forma were hand cut In India under the lOlBBfonary'a direction and sent lo the

With the aid o t th*typewriter company. With the aid of the Oead k e » H wa* found posolble to buildfp all toe comportt* cnaraoter* of th*

elegu language upon n aUndard key­board. Th* typewritten word* look Uke u CTilnaae laundryraan'a efforts, a confueed inaaa of curlicue*, ‘apota, polnte and a*- aorted creacentn. Tim missionary found hi* Teiegu lyiiewriter so valuable In Chrla- tlnnialng the heathens tlia t other mission- arie* sent orders for similar ntachlnea.

itoarn o r’more'language* may tm written on one machine. Many typewrlteiw Kinglt»h-8pant*h-rr«ni'ti keyboara*d ip p ed lo South American Muntriea,moat Int


IntotaaiTng po'lygfot machine in the world la one Juet sent to Pope Leo XIU. for uae in the Vatican. Like the one fur- ntebed the C*ar, It ta decorated with gold. Ivory and enamel. The machine j ^ t e s Engllah, French, Italian, Spanlalt. P o rtu ­guese and German.

In n o e e a t B o v lae Brnwgaftera.From th* Bt. Lout* (Hobe-Democrat,

"Borne of th* shrewdest trick* ever played ar* by the imugglera of opium," •aid H. A. Flaulng,* of Beattie. "A very unique smuggling ecbera* was unearthed a few years ago hy United State* aeuret lervlce olflcera in North Dakota. I t was noticed that an unusually large number of cattle Were being driven acroa* the lino to the North Dakota m arketa and the leeret aervlce men planned an Inveatlga- tion. For acme time their work w m In vain, and they had about given up hope of dHoovering any unlawful operation* when an accident revealed the fact that the noetrllB of the cattle were stuffed with opium wrapped careriilly Jn tm foil, in_fl* way each aleer waa w orth tw ice It* normal value. Hundred* upon hundreds of animal* had been driven acroa* the border with their noatrila lo ad rt w ith opium, and It waa «*ttmatod th a t the amuggier* had cleaned up a profit m W .w before the dtecovery wa* made. B ut tb* amuggier* were *ly and they e*cap*d and were never captured."

Amos H. Van Horn, Ltd.For storage,

low rates.see us- best service I I5«t ol! th* car al Plan* rtreet Rut -beat service, -auk*" and "No. ts" before antering

Sideboard Sale== Repeated

MEN'S LAUNDERED NEGLIGEE SHIRTS with attached collars and cuffi, made of extra quality cambrics in neat stripes and checks, French felled seams and gathered yokes, well worth 7Jc^for Wednes­day at....................................................................

; ' l a n j Yards of Sprint Dress Stnlfs !! I n s t Be Sold T o-m onof.t t aa-lNCH ALL-WOOL NOV ELTY Si:mNG8 I , la light and dark col^»l».

worth3»c., at.i..............VARU

TVM wortb of th« W. L. DOUai#A0 0teo« I will to« wborMOffnlw that It i« dlfllouh to obtain a•bo« all Toqmr*m»tii M w«U aa

Ull« tiJM dOM

L A V E N D B Il r e v i v a l .Lavender le a *had* for dress goods that

any woman to whom ft li 'n o t unoocomlng may take up tbl* *mln*. for it has renew- *d faahlonabte indorsameht. F inding ft among the fl fleet weave* o f th e new ta f ­feta* shows that ft W correct, and. again, finding It In such tastefu l dresses as that pictured herewith demonsirat** th a t the best designers are employing !L The skirt

....... ...................... "nmad 5n l!o( fhts dress waa trimmad 3n Ih# left aide

WUh them a large portion of tho Bible In been dlitrlbuted In duplicate among thenatlv«B.

An Engli tBQulry to

An Engllah atudent of Hebrew lent an to the some company for a He­

brew "typewriter. None had aver lieeiimad*, but a Hebrew keyboard w at plamuS and the order tilled. Hebrew^^U^muet^

a t w aist and hem w lth ^ trtangt of richly embroidered *llk. aqd th

u la r pieceCSC points

and the bodice Itself was covered with ihe trellleed velvet ribbon, I t wee aleo irfm med wllh a collarette of embroidered laf.

ratnemliered la written from right lo Uf: and from the bottom of the page to tl.v top. The Hebrew typewriter made for th e atudent has the mechanltm of theoWlnary typewriter; to have reversed tt

■ ha ----- “irould have" been a costly undertaking, ■ " .......- "v b a t* .The owner congequently has to writ* L

waxd_._ Should there be sufflclen^ dc mn^ltypewriters they would _

made to’write from the_upp»r rlghi hanpfar Hebrewobm er to the ’o i’poalte. The German flov-

sntiy ordeernment recently ordered the us* of thg only German letters in the Government httilnes*. For several years German type* writers wllh Roman letter* have rwen in uw. but to tho how oi' Sw o (Sor- man letter keyboard haa been arranged.A change hia alao Juat beesn made tn the Oreek lypewrttera. The flrat Q re ^ ty ^ -writer wrote a ilan tlng letter, but * w t lc a l letter having become much In favor In Athena, an American typewriter company haa equipped a machmo wltu fhlfl ityU of typo, ^

King Chulalongkorn I., of Slam, while travelling in Europe not long ago. flrit aaw the typewriter. He waa io Internet- «d in the machine th a t he Immediately gave command th a t a typewriter be added t a the equlimjenl of tha royal houiiehold.

Blamrife language had never been■Itten with a typewriter, but an Amer­

ican typewriter company web appealed to, and w th in a ihort time the King waa aup-


\ViH art the.. .

Wf leit direct ta the wearer (hraedh oar M Maeai at f>a<!

pti/L AHerirdpriKetthtfh — r§ hme A> rTierffe tee if <mf the

in the rxtia gaahtif oaf ehaa.

Bitch Catrl iu a .a t t .g » r t .

n r IaM m ■Wrti to j«tTnkth»rwyUtMt •Wto. hM mA Kmcvp* Top#, onk iMlhw Bol­to n jMk-0«toraaMlu ua iplhm. tl In Uw bmi Calf Iteo n kato fcho■ plaonB . 'HAtorthniriM. It

einatovrrtt | l mmb «ria otaif M M . Wo can ikMr yw a toll Um ol ikoM auio 9t dtfMwiI liaUMi* »• poctoUy adarto4 tot tUiOMWaof ton roar,, Bron aaETan WU* tow Coir. rttontOaU. BUbE, toon aaB Taa Tloi 114. rtnack


W.L DOUGLAS Qmteq. Matt*

hade III IBB Stvics and Widths from A to CC.Ol'R BTOai 11 LUOATSD AT

773 BROAD STflEET. W. T. Rtpialib. Mr>

And the last sale’s^success will be repeated too— or we’re in big error. T he line is just what is left of tha 40 samples. T hey’re shown on same floor with other regular sideboard stock.

No o ld styles—every one ad­vance ’98 designs. Heavy carv­ings, bevelled mirrors, solid mount­ings, each part well finished. Theirm a k e r s out West priced the lines they r e p r r s e n t double these B a l e p r ic e s ;

$ 9 . 7 5 , $ 1 3 r 2 1 5 , $ 2 0 ,

$ 2 5 , $ 5 0 .

You can “ match up ” theae ’boarti with Bonie awfully good extenalon Uble apeciala—$3.9S uj).

••7SC. a week will do H cath Is short."

AMOS H. VAN HORN, Ltd. m Market Street,CASH OR CREDIT.Note Name AMOS

Telephone S80.

EXTRA SPECIAL.5 2 . ! u c h S T K l C T L Y A L L -

W t> O L B I C Y C L E S U I T - I N G S , i n a l l t h e l e a d i n g n i i k t u r e B , t w l D e d b a c k , r e g ­u l a r s e i p u g p r i c e O D c., t o ­m o r r o w m o r n i n g u n t i l 1 4 o 'c lo c k o n ly a n d n o t m o r e t h a n O y a r d s t o e a c h b u y e r , a t o n ly . Y a r d


Black iohairBrilltantinesgVINCll BLACK UOIIAIK BRILLIAN- ,

TINKS, tin* quality aiul IIBS llniih. real S3c. Tsluw special - -Bt.--- -' 40-t.VCH BLACK TINKR extra tin*

a t i oqnalllgr,

lustre, buth iid « allte,


beautiful 'illk

nc. value, extra special at..YD ' tOlNCH BLACK MOHAIR BRILLIAN-

TINEB, very tuierim quality, extra H nctlk lustre, both tide. allL*. real flvalue, extra special at... YARD

iO-INCH BLACK MOHAIR BRILLIAN- TINES, very flnest quality, e itia flue llulita aud high silk lustre, bmh sMe* alikrv real value tLSS, extra specialat.._________ _..1'ABD



the Hiost desirable styl**. mil M Inches wide., , never before Mild lorthe i r i ^ " 1 ^ 3 1 4 0

speclatal............... .......YARD11 DR^fllNOHAMa, the largest ay rim en t

1 pSettleet plaids In th* oHy. worth dnuW* ! #< * , special "■ "„,...TARD l O o

Near P lu e Street, Newerk. N. J.

Good* delivered F R E E to any p a r t of State-

g u u w W B V V i »■ I ...............................


?i>Tr Ann Spot T h ro ry ,From the Isondon Chronicle.

At a rw ent meeting of the Royal Dublin Society, rrofcBifor J. Joly brought forward an Ingenious theory of aim apola, those myBtcrlous and evtfr-changitig dark hluiches which the telescope reveals on tho surface of the sun'a photosphere. If at some level In the photosphere the tempera- lure falls below the critical tem|>erature of the elcTnenta T’n'sciit, and the pressure t> auiri’lcrvl, Ik precipitation of liquid will re­sult, and It iH siiggeated such a precipitated flood of liquid matter, supported on gaji-w us rra tter of higher Uenafty, would giveriHe to the appearance presented by a sun

' iii ' -- -

20s to 216 Springfield Avenue

SPEGAIS FOR TO-lllORROWHllflLlM DKAWKRSrtntoblldren. Rood

qusllty, tuelied muJ deep hem, tlM |w 210U value 10c. to ife , special, Q Q

tINBLKACHED M V »T ,m - Q 1 ^ Yard wide, extra heavy. Ce. kbid,tor, yeid..........................................

TABLE l i n e n ^Unbleai'ti- r j / J * od, *0 Inches wide. 39c. kind, all Unen dsmsak. to-morrow for, yd. " • ^ ’ FACE TO W ELLIN G -A ll I lliuM) damask. 19 Incbi* wldOj ex- |

spot. If the liquid I* opaque, it will look darker than the aurroundliiR photosphere. The reflection of the photosphere s', the edge, and Ihe Inrush of ggseoua m atter over the cooler u rea will. It Is believed, e l- plaln the appearance of the penumbra. The le-evaporatfon of the liquid conslltpte* Ihe dleappearance of the spot. On thl* view, the sun spot conBtttutcs the flrat beginning of a chunpe of sta te In the aun visible to u*. Neither this theory, nor the usual one that the spots are caused by the descent of solid particles Into the Internal heated region of the photosphere, appears tc us to

3 9 c

linen uaraas*. iuc.i.b - ...v, t n heavy. 14c. Idod, (or, yard.

t a b l e COVKKS-Resdp J t C _ modui.9 yard* tquarc. bleached, real value #9e., to-inorrow, eucti„ ■ ww ww

FEATHERS-tidorlit* live geese festhem, frOa kind, (nr,paitnd.....„.......

TICK ING - Ratwn .trtpeit (I 1 ^ teatbertlclilng.ltic.klml,feather 1 piwf.ipecial tp-aiurrow, yaid... » * w * 'W

AFKON c h e c k s - W hit* crossbar, plaid* and lace, striped. M Inches wide, flne 14*. quality, for,yard..... ..............................

I.AD1EH' FAKT COLOR ISO IGO b l u e CAMHIIIC WKAl’PEK H -A llBite*, lined wsht, lull skirl and 44c

10cwell intde, Ttic. value, each.......



*TaN O m J»LIN GOWNS, for isdja. good muslin, well made, tucked and trtm- inud with embrotdeijr.lo sfllW**, regular wiling prioS I*®., ^ f s 'speclsl..................- ..................... os* ■ V

BIBBED VESTS, lot lodlsiV wear, shaped liody, taped neck, long and short sleeves. Itc. kind, 1 I J C

nUBSS TMMMINOS. 100 o « o ^styles, rolot* and designs, olw m ^ black let, value from I w. lo * f f zyard, on sale to-motrow for, yard.... ■

L'HBKELLAS, tor Isdies end men, fast bisi'k and natural wood ban- 0 * \ dies, value 79c., to-moirow. J Q

LADIBb' HOHK, fast Hermsdorf J^ck, fine gauge. fiUI ssooiless, in oil slus, cheap for IKc., to-moivow^pair.... ......... .............. ; ..............

b u t t e r m il k s o a p . hUbll E . _ Kcntod,Jeokwinabox, value 6c. J i f :a coke, lo-roortow, per boXn ....... ww w

BTAMPBli TABLE TOVEHS, Bowl cloth and tinted eflcct, with friBg* E ^ _ all around. Stic, volus, for, I | Ceach.......................................... .. ■

ORGilDlES.W t lead all others with an exceptionally

f lu O in r< 3 I m p o r t e d and d o m e o t ic o r -GANDIES It will exgmine this one

.y yon well to call and worth 94c., w* offer

-yard 1 S I J 4 0


W-lNCn PERRY TAPISTUY OOVRJLlNOy Mtii'n linUh, heavy quilUy* kuitable fyr couch coven and porileivi, only the beat colon to w*lect ffont, gocul value at 75c., B|«dat fti..,^YD

OUR STOCK OP WLND()W SHADES I» ’ OOMPLKTK FOR THE Sl'HlNG TRADE, aiHt we jftuant&i>ce all ahad«» a* reixceented. We

iwlllng ahade* ai low aiM Belling ahade* ai low ai

U. afliQiito79c. Each Compiete,wtaicb wa coiuider good value at ILM,'

Children’s Mnslin Wear BarAain.OIHLPKRN'fli I fKAWICK i aade uf ,

quality oiu»lin. deep hema uack*. worked buttonboica, value 15c., -mat........................................ PAIR X U O


BELTS, special o m ie d lok inall colors, value Btic., aUEACU i

David Straus, 685 and 687 Broad Street,A nd : i l W est P a rk N treet.


The following first-class grocers sell and guarantee It. Price no more than the ** just as good.”

count in iiny ivny for the obaervud fact Ihul the fii>ota ntU in a mujdmum both Innumber and Inienatty In a period of about eleven yi-aFi, auch maximum bplnif atieii4- t'd by magnetic disturbance on (be earth.

Annuel talww ovarB,000,000 Box**

feta whose ends extended to the w aist In* This l< an exoeptlonat season, for, as a rule. I t Is dangerous lu purchase from the•arly ofnrings Ui sty)**. Uul the greater part of last winter wa* marked by ex

$IGK HEADACHEPofltttTelx cored by thcM

Little Pllto..Ttuf also nelime Diitreti front Oyspqgli,

ililiertiaa and Too Heart; Eating. A pa. flftnEwd; fer Piialnesi, Nausea, Dnask BBA Bod Taste lo the Mouth, Coated Tongsg aktathe8liIe,TOEnDUVER. Thi^flh|(B>^th«llen*rts, Fuiely Vegelgble.

I W f * . i ftmilii P o*a.

FOE BIUOIWAID m T O U S DISOEIiEBS inch as Wind and Pain In tho Btomoch, Giddiness. Fuluss* a lter moals. Henu? ache, Dlxiduos*. Drowslnaia, Flnsblnff*ot~Ueivt. Loea b t Appotito. OoalivoDesa,, Blotches on th* Sklii, Cold Chills. S lar


And carry a larger line than any other dealer In tbs State.


206 and 208 MARKET STREET,

Aaron W ard ft Sons, ISl Broad B t W. E. Taylor, 640 Broad Bt.J. H. O. Vogt, a i Broad Bt.A. C, Weber, S45 Mulberry B t Figueroa ft Mudn, 4JH W ashington BL H. P . Pullln, 180 Oraog* Bt.Irfwis Beach, EM Orange St.Samuel Olbian, W -Market BLL. R . M Ickena, X B loom field Av*.George R. Welier. IB Fifteenth Av*..T. I,. Schlos*. % WUtlam BLM. Donnelly, 379 Bank BLC, Bcbocmaker, Verona and Bummer A tea John Merg. Jr„ 87 Waverly PLJ. K ane^ft NcsbUt St.C harles'K leran, l » Bummer At*.George W. Miller. 79 Thomas BL J. J. Robreebt, 4« Bank 8 . •DeHart A Mail. Iff Belleville At*.J. L. H aas, 174 Aixtcentb Ave.John H. .Muller, Fourth Av*. and Broad St, John H, Muller. « penneylvaHa Av*. Philip Mager, 115 Tlcheflor St.M De«ch. 424 SpringfleldH. F. Krumwiede ft Bon. 798pr1ngfl*ld Are,H, Greaaon, Cor. High Bt. and E lfh lh Av*.

o b a m g e .D. L. WllHame, BL Mark's PL Baxter Bros.. » Park Bt. ^8, M. Hedge! ft Co.. Vslley Road.F. M. urodesier, Valley Bo«fl-

i m k a -v a k k : .Dean, W ard ft Co.. I8T Plane BL Doremus Bros,, 078 Broad Bt.W. W. Lyon ft Co.. W8 Mulberry St,B, D. Munn, 441 Washington BL William Lee, 167 Waehlngton 81.H. B. Phawger, 606 Oratyte St.0. O. Wolf, G ray and orange Sts. Gftirge Ackerman. 88 Bloomfield Av*. O. C ualtlander. 108 Orchard BL J. iferoegar, 1% Ijittleton Ave.J. McMahon, 2M Bank St.r'harlea Sommer ft Bon, 268 Fifteenth Av*. B. B, RIttenhouee, 81 Paclfle SLLoiila Breinlng, l i t Barclay Bt. H hnrr McGee, 109 TIehenor BL Jo»4ih JuHiia, 81 Summer Ave. Dennis J. R yan jJS JJIgh St.

■ ~ iretL M9W. H. EveretL W ashln^on SL Sprlngneld Ave.

192 McWhorter St,294

andHerman R usst,GeoiM* W .'H e lL .,----- ,A C, Storey f t Co.. BellevlUi Av*.

Oriental St.U Frey, HO W est SL J. J, O tien, S« Newark St.H. Hlrsch ft Bon. DO Pacific St.Wm. Fram nton ft Sons, 105 Bellsvlll* ATW F, W. Smith, m High 81.

EAST OBA14G1I. Smith ft Ballanttne, 688 Wain Bt

ROCTH L, Pierson.


HARRISON. ,F rsn k HeSorley, 618 North F ifth BL

KEABNT.N. |t*nn*dy.

BI-OOMFIELD.J. W. Baldwin Bros.R. T. CedmuA

NUTLET.Dltttg ft Co,




turb9d Bleep. Itiu titru l Drrttnie and a ll Vervous end Trembling BenoatlonA

periments In style, and the result Is that the m lndi not only of the public but of the maker* arc made up, and the novelties now offered are not being tried on, but a rc settled (acts for th* coming seuon . At tho asms time, the hahit set some years ago of ushering In the new season by low prices prevailed. This then Is your time to get a t small expense what la ter you must have. Taffetas are a* safe aa can bo, and are used even In the garment* tha t are to protect u* from th* chilling air of ■prlng. Buch »re little capes of taffeta, UHually laden wllh black lace o r Jacket* of th* same slUk tn blouse fashion, w ith aucA women wear either a picture h a t or a im all bonnet. Th*r* wlU be a pref«r- ence (or the luiL however, for we seam to be making, up' our minds th a t th* small honntt It out of place with any bu t a theatre wrap or rtqpptlon c i ^ ih ft that luch K wrap or c*pt Is not Gi« proper thing (or the etreet. So for th* stree t we will puLon a p l^ b M u * hat, R *R When kVa got undB ftHMg, end "dd th* fsr- m a r hy allewiaft'par ^ ia r tr tr*ss*a to IM


THE r a s r D06E v ra j . OIVB EEUET IH TYEHTT lUHDTEa. Xvary suflorer win aokaowlodge them to he

A WONDERFUL MEDICINE.BBECBbUTB r.tlX B .'biken oadlioet-

od,wlllqulcklyr**lort> Fomalo* to oom- ' pteto b ^ t l h They promptly remoiw DbrtrtioUonaoirIrragnlarillea of the sys­tem iurti e a r* ftl*k H eadoeh*. F o r*Weak Stomach

Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver

IN M tH , w o m e n o n OHILDRIHSeooham’a Pills ara

Without a RivalAnd hiv* tk*

LAIIClaT SALK .eTBity ra t« D t H edle ln ftJii IM WaMMt;

M«i 4M aU Dcoff U nd* , . -.V

I t I s S a id to It* a n A n tid o te R nnke’s R ite ,

From th* Revue Sclcntlflque (Parli).M. Fhleallx, the French authority on the

Vengnu of Insecti and reptiles, haa estab­lished beyond a doubt th a t th* poison of the hornet In aufllclent quaniUy render* one Immune to that of tbe viper. "The poison of the hymenoplera h a l been studied by various observers, among other! by Paul Bert. J^cordlng to him and to M. Clocs, the potepn of th e carpen- tor-be* owes Its activity to the presence of an organic base In union with an un- Ichowii fixed add. According to M, L inger, In lb* venom of the bee there 1* found a small quantity of tdrmlc acid, but tha toxic substance Is an alkaloid th a t resist* heat and cold a« well aa the notion of add*. But although there la thus dis­agreement on the subject of the chemical o o m p t^ lo h of this poison, U la not the sam* with it* physlMoglo action.

"Paul Bert, having caused tbe carpen­ter-bee to ating sparrows, saw them die

tie* *galn.t the la tter. The confirmed hi* expeolatlon*. TJi* polim^ extracted from the aCitiia of fifteen nor- netB, liiJ«ot€d Into th« le f niff. enui«d ft loweiipff o f l«m£D rr"'cftui^ ft lotroiinff of byfour degrcBitWhlch iSnvd tb'rtjNKl* hoyr*bAt the point ofwas naart anA ■wftiiinff. whlcb finftllf.rencuredness and swelUng. which Anally i ed the abdomen end Mtded In moraflcatlon of the akin. In a sim ilar where th* same flosc of P?*"®" to eighty idegroo* lo r twenty mlnyty*!there wa* no g c " * ™ * j r V i S o o r e r y action w»* conflned Ip ft alight swelling, tikew ls* ,*?* In ^ la i* ® " “ % ftlycorinitfd iTifteortotloRii fif WrnelN CftUiwi only alight local troubiak. ,

"But tb* organism of the animats i ^ l received this poison underwent suoh m ^ l- flcatlon* that th e y ,b « * n » *We to rssta t a subsequent Inoculation with irtPdt * son, ’™ * realsianoj I*thus Immunised can *uptj>rt., w«hwl least danger, » do«e ®f Ylger *,polapn

from stoppage of respiration, In complett paralysis; and recently " -killed rabbite and dogi thpm with bee poison, their iymptom* be­ing similar to those of poisoning by th*

M .' Danger has by Inoculating

bit* of the viper. Now! In exporlmenta vjhps* results we are about to dssertbe, M. “ hlsoIU ha* Inveatlgated tha relation of

■[folsmi of the hornet to th a t of the * *5?..*'* *'t*t tried to see w betksr did not —

fifethe least dsnger, » ao«a o t v>i*ra capable of kHUng him to " v e hour* The du«rtlon o f this Im­munity varies from flv* to eUven days. Thus the poison of th* MnK L fh a t^ T th *

. M the sgiiM fifftth oontlfi*erabfy. M. Phlsallx, Who n“ >nY»^i«*: ed the nature of th* s e ^ t o ^ whiofi Iq

viper; While, when Ini th* latter. Ittime'IM. Phlsallx, * b o r ^ - L i-c 1- of th* sw bstoM w hipfiln

m U turo th a t ha em plorta„ „ ImmunlsaMOB „a>*tnst YhO

It ts In port rstg lnS lSTA ,

th* complex effects th* viper'Is not th a t It ta In p u t it Is solpM* In ^ Oh album lnr"In


R. 6RAY, JRa1 9 0 M a r k e t S t r e e t .

IF YOU N a s o ;HafYlwarV) Ptctoiy Pitimb*

•m% StMmntter*', Contivetor*’ or Mill SappIlH, Wrought Jron Flp*#r FIttiBgg. DtltioK, tfoftB. or PlKklRX, Bollor or Pip* CovOrtnf, Rope. Waftt*. BMU., *tc.. 2

CALL OB U«G m B P |iO N e No. 4*.


stwnigAPTuntHto o* I




Engines, ■ “ 1*1 Ir

am^ 'f e e gtneral



r R O l S T W O K K S .b b t a b l is h k d u e

Comer of OraDgsftQdOjijeQ Sts.MANVFACTVRERS 0/>

ImptcaertL QprttM bgtncs, T0nb B ofien. n w * and ahfet lP)g) W of

I at«* awry tnn and
