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Covenant of Mayors East Financing Climate Policies Frank Mathissen NL Agency

Financing Climate Policies

May 26, 2015


News & Politics


Financing Climate Policies
Frank Mathissen

NL Agency
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Page 1: Financing Climate Policies

Covenant of Mayors East

Financing Climate Policies

Frank Mathissen

NL Agency

Page 2: Financing Climate Policies


1: Facts and figures Netherlands.

2: NL Agency role as National Supporting Structure

3: Example of How to guide Municipalities to developing SEAP’s.

4: Toolbox Financial Constructions

5: NL Agency in Como-East, work package

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• 415 municipalities

• 12 provinces

• Population 16,7 million

• 109,4 billion kWh in 2010, 0.4% less than in 2009.

1 Facts and Figures Netherlands

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1 NL Agency

Ministry of Economics, Agriculture and Innovation

Long term relations with all Municipalities and Provinces

Widely accepted as Independent coordinating central Actor

1500 Employees

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2 National Supporting Structure

NL Agency supporting structure since start Covenant of Mayors, cooperation with Climate Alliance.

Low investment because of existing Network with Municipalities and Provinces (12 years of Dutch Covenant Policies)

80% of Municipalities in Netherlands had SEAP before COM, High quality already achieved and many national SEAP’s just signed, today total of 18 signatories, it’s hard to convince municipalities & provinces in today’s crisis of the benefits of signing.

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2 National Supporting Structure

NL Agency supports Municipalities in negotiating with EU (connecting national SEAP’s and COM SEAP’s). We need covenant for continuation (crisis), and we offer 2 decades of national experience in Municipal SEAP development.

NL Agency supports Covenant 100%, development of National Climate Data Monitoring System based on public data and data of energy companies interest EU.

Main issue because of Crisis is new way’s of finding finance, NL Agency is streamlining the opportunities that arise for financing Climate Projects.

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3 How to get them to make Seap’s

History of activating Municipalities develop Climate Projects.

Municipal Energy Efficiency Policy (1992- 1996)

Local and Regional Energy Savings (1997 - 2001) More financing for SEAP’s

Climate Covenant (2002-2012), Large Grants

Now crisis, danger for funding, but energy is business case!

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3 National Covenant

Covenant between Central en Local government

Climate Covenant (2002-2012) in periods of 4 year.

Covenant participants: Dutch association of municipalities and provinces, several ministry’s

Subsidy for the supporting structure as wel as for the municipalities in developing SEAP depending on size of municipality.

How to actually get to projects? 3 steps approach..

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3 National Covenant

Step 1: Climate Scan mapping opportunities, where are the buildings, factories, etc that need refurbishing, what are the difficulties and opportunities (manpower, organizational, financial

Step 2: After the presentation of step 1 choosing Climate Ambitions from a Climate Menu.

Step 3: Key municipal players are now responsible for the development of the Local climate projects, of course support is necessary.

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3 Dutch Covenants

Municipal buildings


Traffic & Transport

Office buildings

Renewable Energy

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4 Toolbox Financial Construction’s

National Covenants Ended, 2008 Crisis, Smaller government

Projects stop or slow down, priorities are shifting.

Explosion of Creativity on new financial solutions, energy saving has become a viable business case!!

NL Agency is harvesting all the new Initiatives in a Toolbox Financial Constructions, IEE proposal for EU Toolbox

Bringing money and ideas together

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NL Agency in Como East

Responsible for work Package 4:

More financing for SEAPs / Bringing money and ideas together / Providing finance information

Promotion of COMO East with international donors, Guidance to Municipalities on funding opportunities

Linking SEAP activities to financing instruments “Attracting finance to implement SEAP measures”

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Main activities WP4

Composing donor fiches per country information per donor like type of projects, specific requirements

• Guiding Municipalities in finding funding opportunities • financial paragraph in SEAP

• Matchmaking activities • E-platform for interactive contacts between stakeholders • regional workshops with donors, IFI’s and governments

• Analysing SEAPs identifying measures that could attract donors

Bundling of similar measures minimum investment costs apply larger projects are more attractive for donors

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