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Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3

Apr 09, 2018



Deepti Gupta
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  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Asset Liability Management

    Dr. P. K. Gupta

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Foc us Areas f o r a FI

    N et interest in co me

    Market value o f st oc kh o lders' equity

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    B uilding B loc ks ALM

    Risk Drivers

    Risk Exp o sures

    Standal o ne Risk

    Co rrelati o ns

    P o rtf o lio Risk

    Eco n o mi c Capital

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    W hat is ALM?

    Managing a bank's entire balan c e sheet as a

    dynami c system o f interrelated a cco unts and

    transa c tio ns.ALM tend t o stru c ture the time s c hedule o f assets

    and liabilities l o ans and dep o sits t o c lo se the

    defi c it o r ex c ess liquidity gaps.

    F uture defi c it require funding triggering interest

    rate risks

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    Reas o ns f o r ALM imp o rtan c e

    VolatilityFinancial innovations

    Regulatory PressuresManagement Recognition

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Asset and liability management co mmittee(ALCO)

    A bank's asset and liability management co mmittee

    (ALCO) coo rdinates all p o lic y de c isi o ns and

    strategies that determine a bank's risk pr o fit and

    pr o fit o bje c tives.

    Interest rate risk management is the primary

    resp o nsibility o f this co mmittee .

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    Illustrati o n Pri c e & Maturity Mat c hing

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Maturity Mat c hing

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Interest Rate Risk is the p o tential variability in

    a bank's net interest in co me and market value

    o f equity due t o c hanges in the level o f

    market interest rates.

    Interest rate risk

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Interest Rate Risk Subtypes

    Prepayment RiskCall/Put Risk

    Volatility RiskRate Level RiskReinvestment Risk

    Basis Risk(short run)Real interest rate risk

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  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    W hat determines rate sensitivity?

    In general, an asset o r liability is n o rmallyc lassified as rate-sensitive with a time frame if:

    It matures

    It represents and interim, o r partial, prin c ipalpaymentThe interest rate applied t o o utstanding prin c ipalc hanges co ntra c tually during the intervalThe o utstanding prin c ipal c an be repri c ed when

    s o me base rate o f index c hanges and managementexpe c ts the base rate / index t o c hange during theinterval

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Interest Rate Gaps

    Fixed Interest Rate Gap = Fixed Rate Assets-Fixed Rate Liabilities

    Variable Interest Rate Gap = InterestSensitive Assets- Interest Sensitive LiabilitiesInterest Rate Gap=Average Reset Dates of

    Assets - liabilities

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    P o sitive and negative gaps

    Positive GAPimplies a bank has m o re rate sensitive assetsthan liabilities, and that net interest in co me willgenerally rise (fall) when interest rates rise (fall).

    N egative GAPimplies a bank has m o re rate sensitive liabilities

    than rate sensitive assets, and that net interestin co me will generally fall (rise) when interest ratesrise (fall).

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Maturity Gap Analysis

    Rate Sensitive Gap = Rate Sensitive Assets-

    Rate Sensitive Liabilities

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    Illustrati o n o f Gaps

    Rate Sensitive Gap = RSA-RSL

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    Rate Adjusted Gap

    T he above percentages are movements in the value of assets andliabilities

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    F a c to rs affe c ting NIIChanges in the level o f i-rates .

    ( NII = (GAP) * ( ( iexp .)

    assumes a parallel shift in the yield c urve whi c h rarely

    occ urs

    Changes in the sl o pe o f the yield c urve o r the relati o nship

    between asset yields and liability co st o f funds

    Changes in the v o lume o f assets and liabilities

    Change in the co mp o siti o n o f assets and liabilities

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Interest rate risk

    Example: Rs. 50,000 l o an4 year l o an at 8.5%1 year debt at 4.5%

    Spread 4.0%F unding GAP

    GAP = RSA - RSL,GAP = 50,000This is a negative GAP.

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    F unding GAP

    Foc uses o n managing NII in the sh o rt run.

    Gr o up assets and liabilities int o time"bu c kets a cco rding t o when they mature o r are expe c ted t o re-pri c eCal c ulate GAP f o r ea c h time bu c ketF unding GAP at per the bu c ket

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Traditi o nal stati c GAP analysis

    Fo re c asting the interest rateSele c ting a series o f time bu c kets (intervals) f o r determining when assets and liabilities are rate-sensitiveGr o uping assets and liabilities int o time "bu c kets"

    a cco rding t o when they mature o r re-pri c eThe effe c ts o f any o ff-balan c e sheet p o siti o ns(swaps, futures, et c .) are added t o the balan c esheet p o siti o nCal c ulate GAP f o r ea c h time bu c ketF

    unding GAP t = Value RSA t - Valueo

    r RSL twhere t = time bu c ket; e.g., 0-3 m o nthsManagement f o re c asts NII given the interest rateenvir o nment

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Expe c ted balan c e sheet f o r hyp o theti c al bank

    Expe c ted Balan c e heet f o r Hyp o theti c al Bankssets Yield iabilities o st

    ate sensiti e 6Fixed rate 22 6No n earnin

    92E ity

    o tal


    NII x + x x 6 + 6 x 22

    NI 6NII 7 7 2

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    F a c to rs affe c ting net interest in co me

    Change in the level of all short-term rates

    Change in spread between assets yields and

    interest cost (non-parallel shift in yield curve)Proportionate doubling in size .

    Increase in RSAs and decrease in RSLs

    RSA = 540, fixed rate = 310RSL = 560, fixed rate = 260 .

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    In co me Sensitivity

    Changes in NII are dire c tly pr o p o rti o nal t o the size o f the GAP( NII exp = (GAP) * ( ( iexp )

    The larger is the GAP, the greater is the d o llar c hange in NII .*This applies o nly in the c ase o f a parallel shift in theyield c urve, whi c h is rare.

    If rates d o n o t c hange by the same am o unt, thenthe GAP may c hange by m o re o r less.

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Advantages / disadvantages o f GAP

    T he primary advantage of GAP analysis is itssimplicity . T he primary weakness is that it ignores thetime value of money . GAP further ignores the impact of embeddedoptions . For this reason, most banks conduct earningssensitivity analysis, or pro forma analysis, toproject earnings and the variation in earningsunder different interest rate environments .

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Embedded o pti o nsCustomers have different types of options,both explicit and implicit:

    Option to refinance a loanCall option on a federal agency bond the bankownsDepositors option to withdraw funds prior to


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    The impli c ati o ns o f embedded o pti o ns

    Is the bank the buyer o r seller o f the o pti o nDo es the bank o r the c ust o mer determine whenthe o pti o n is exer c ised?

    o w and by what am o unt is the bank being

    co mpensated f o r selling the o pti o n, o r h o w mu c hmust it pay t o buy the o pti o n?W hen will the o pti o n be exer c ised?

    Often determined by the e co n o mi c and interest

    rate envir o

    nmentStati c GAP analysis ign o res these embeddedo pti o ns

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Interest rate risk management measures

    Cal c ulate peri o di c GAPs o ver sh o rt timeintervals.Mat c h fund repri c eable assets with similar repri c eable liabilities s o that peri o di c GAPsappr o a c h zer o .Mat c h fund l o ng-term assets with n o n interest-bearing liabilities.Use o ff-balan c e sheet transa c tio ns, su c h asinterest rate swaps and finan c ial futures, t ohedge.

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Vari o us ways t o adjust the effe c tive rate sensitivity o f abanks assets and liabilities o n-balan c e sheet.

    Obje c tive Appr o a c hes

    Redu c e assetsensitivity

    B uy l o nger-term se c urities.Lengthen the maturities o f lo ans.Mo ve fr o m fl o ating-rate l o ans t o term l o ans.

    In c rease assetsensitivity

    Buy sh

    ort-term se

    curities.Sh o rten l o an maturities.

    Make m o re l o ans o n a fl o ating-rate basis.

    Redu c e liabilitysensitivity

    Pay premiums t o attra c t l o nger-term dep o sitinstruments.Issue l o ng-term sub o rdinated debt.

    In c rease liabilitysensitivity

    Pay premiums t o attra c t sh o rt-term dep o sitinstruments.B o rr o w m o re via n o n- co re pur c hasedliabilities.

  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Liquidity Risk

    Arises due to mismatch of assets andliabilities with respect to size and maturity

    Makes banks vulnerable to market liquidityriskT ime profile of gaps results from projected

    assets and liabilities at different future timepoints .

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  • 8/7/2019 Financial Markets & Institutions-Unit3


    Gap Stru c ture

    Rate Assets = 95Fixed Assets = 15

    Liabilities = 50Equity = 30Liquidity Gap = 30

    - ive value indicates deficits

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    LG and LR

    If L > A , it indicates excessIF A>L , it indicates deficit

    Related aspects- N eed for funds/investments

    - Maturity Mismatch

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    Cash Mat c hing

    Matching the time profile of the amortizationof assets and liabilitiesT

    his makes liquidity gap = 0Fixed Rate vs . Floating Rate Matching

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    Gap CalculationDate 1 3 4 5

    A 150 140 130 1 0 110

    L 150 130 1 0 100 105

    G 0 10 0 0 0

    A-Am o rtizati o n -10 -10 -10 -10

    L- Am o rtizati o n - 0 -10 -10 -5

    Marginal G 10 0 0 -5

    Cum. Marginal G 10 10 10 5