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Financial Management in a Global Context

Feb 22, 2018



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  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    Chapter 1 FinancialManagement in the Global



  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    Indian EconomicLiberalization1980s and 1990s

    Shift in policy towards more open economy

    Liberalisation of imports and concerted eort to

    boost exports21stCentury

    uantitati!e restrictions on imports are bein"

    phased out

    #mport duties are lowered

    $%# and $## are on the rise

    &ar'et determined exchan"e rate

    Current account con!ertibility 2

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    Indian EconomicLiberalization

    21stCentury (penin" up of outward forei"n direct

    in!estment (utward $## limit)200*000 +S%

    #%,s issued by forei"n companies

    -%,s and .%,s issued by #ndiancompanies

    /xports and #mports are on the raise

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    Why should India go or openEconomy!

    o 'eep the "rowth rate steady)forei"n capital isneeded to au"ment domestic sa!in"s

    echnolo"y up "radation needs import of forei"n

    technolo"y* both hardware and softwareSince subsidy and uantitati!e easin" is becomin"

    increasin"ly di3cult to cater* capital formation isdone throu"h commercial borrowin"s and $%#s and$##s

    #ndian companies ability to oer lon" term4nancin" to buyers of en"ineerin" euipment andturn'ey pro5ects

    67s and $orei"n subsidiaries of #ndian # Companies

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    "he Finance Function

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    #esponsibilities o FinanceManagers

    o loo' for en!ironmental chan"esand analyse its implications

    /xchan"e rates* interest rates* creditconditions at home and abroad* chan"esin industrial* tax and forei"n tradepolicies* stoc' mar'et trends* 4scal and

    monetary de!elopments* emer"ence ofnew 4nancial instruments and productsetc:


  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    #esponsibilities o FinanceManagers

    o understand and analyseinterrelationships between rele!anten!ironmental !ariables and corporateresponses) own and competiti!e Stoc' mar'et crashes) domestic and o)


    ostile a'eo!ers etc:


  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    #esponsibilities o FinanceManagers

    o be able to adapt the 4nance function to

    si"ni4cant chan"es in the 4rm@s ownstrate"ic posture Chan"e in product mar'et mix (penin" up of a prohibited sector or industry


    Si"ni4cant chan"e in operatin" results

    Competitors reorientation in strate"y

    #nno!ation in fundin" strate"ies

    Chan"es in di!idend policies

    Sale of assets to reduce debt etc:


  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    #esponsibilities o FinanceManagers

    o ta'e in stride past failures andmista'es to minimi=e their ad!erse

    impact Aron" ta'eo!er decision

    $orei"n loan in an appreciatin" currency

    Loans with low interest rate in a "rowin"mar'et with "rowin" inBation rate

    . 4xed price supply contract in a !olatilemar'et


  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    #esponsibilities o FinanceManagers

    o desi"n and implement eecti!esolutions to ta'e ad!anta"e of the

    opportunities oered by the mar'etsand ad!ances in 4nancial theory (ptions* swaps and forwards for ris'


    Securitisation of assets to increaseliuidity

    #nno!ati!e fundin" techniues


  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    #ecent Changes in GlobalFinancial Mar$ets

    19;0s /mer"ence of euro money mar'ets and

    internationalisation of the ban'in"

    business which "a!e rise to inno!ati!efundin" techniues


    /xchan"e ,ates of !arious countries wereBoated which led to hi"her exchan"e rate!olatility


  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    #ecent Changes in GlobalFinancial Mar$ets


    /xchan"e rate !olatility and interest rate !olatility led

    to demand for inno!ati!e ris' mana"ement products

    li'e options* swaps etc: #nte"ration of national as well as oshore mar'ets

    which led to the emer"ence of "lobal uni4ed 4nancial


    -lobali=ation of ban's of ad!anced economies ational bond and stoc' mar'ets were open to non)

    resident in!estment ban's

    +ni!ersal Dan'in")uni4cation of functional areas of a

    4nancial institution 12

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    #ecent Changes in GlobalFinancial Mar$ets

    #easons or the rise o %ni&ersal 'an$ing

    Cross)border 4nancial transactions,emo!al of taxes on interest paid to non)

    residents%omestic 4nancial mar'ets were open to

    forei"n borrowers and !ice !ersa leadin" tothe in!estors and borrowers portfolio and

    liabilities to be denominated in dierent



  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    #ecent Changes in GlobalFinancial Mar$ets

    #easons or the rise o %ni&ersal'an$ing

    %ere"ulation of the 4nancial systems of ma5orindustrial nations)Liftin" of exchan"e controls in +:S*+:E* $rance* -ermany* Swit=erland* 6apan* >olland

    %ere"ulation was achie!ed by

    /liminatin" specialised institutions caterin"

    exclusi!ely to a particular se"ment /ncoura"in" competition by abolishin" 4xed

    bro'era"e fees* brea'in" up ban' cartels etc:

    (penin" up of domestic mar'ets for forei"n

    institutions 1

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    #ecent Changes in GlobalFinancial Mar$ets

    #easons or the rise o %ni&ersal

    'an$ing on)resident 4rms were allowed to be listed on

    national stoc' exchan"es of de!eloped countries and

    their numbers increased si"ni4cantly

    Spreads on loans and underwritin" commissions

    were becomin" thin because of competition withinthe 4nancial ser!ices industry

    Dorrowers issued securities directly to the in!estors

    eliminatin" ban's as intermediaries

    he o!erall trend was towards securitisation and 1

  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    #ecent Changes in GlobalFinancial Mar$ets

    1990she formation of /conomic and

    &onetary +nionF/&+G and the birth of/uro) a ri!al to +:S $inancial &ar'ets

    $ree 4nancial &ar'ets) +:S* most of/urope* 6apan* Sin"apore* >on" Eon"

    >u"e in!estments by 4nancial institutionof de!eloped countries into thede!elopin" mar'ets of east /urope and.sia


  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    E(ects o Globalization

    Con!er"ence of business cyclesleadin" to less resilience in "lobal

    economyLocal 4nancial crisis could spread

    throu"hout the "lobal systemControl by policy ma'ers becomes



  • 7/24/2019 Financial Management in a Global Context


    "he EmergingChallenges

    he ability of the company to synchroni=e its "oals andstrate"ies with respect to the chan"in" businessen!ironment

    $actors aectin" business en!ironment