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Financial Aid & Financial Aid & Scholarships Scholarships for Study Abroad for Study Abroad

Financial Aid Process - Global EducationDirect Deposit is the fastest way to receive excess aid. It takes only 5-7 business days for UOEAP to issue the money to students. Disbursement

Feb 19, 2021



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  • Financial Aid &Financial Aid &ScholarshipsScholarshipsfor Study Abroadfor Study Abroad

  • Debunking theDebunking theMyth:Myth:

    ““I canI can’’t go abroad because I cant go abroad because I can’’ttafford to pay for it.afford to pay for it.””

    • Almost everyone may receive financial aid to useabroad.

    • Scholarships are available for students studyingabroad. (Gilman, Boren, Duttenhaver, ProgramsAbroad Scholarships, etc…)

    • APPLY FOR AID! Even if you have not qualifiedin the past, you may qualify now. That meansfiling a FAFSA!

  • Types of Financial AidTypes of Financial Aidavailable for Study Abroadavailable for Study Abroad

    • Loans (Stafford, Parent Plus, Perkins,private/alternative)

    • Scholarships (all types, excluding Regents if OAP)• Grants (CAL Grant, PELL Grant, UC Grant)

    • UC Grant for EAP and Global Seminar participants ONLY.

    • Other Federal Grants (Academic CompetitivenessGrant, Smart Grant, Supplemental EducationalOpportunity Grant)

    • Submit Cal Vet authorization letters directly toUOEAP office

  • What aid will go withWhat aid will go withme on EAP?me on EAP?

    All types of financial aid can be used for EAP programs– UCSD Grants– State and Federal Grants– Scholarships– Federal/Private Loans

    Summer only EAP programs are to be considered the last quarter of theacademic year. For example, the 2009- 2010 academic year would endwith summer 2010, using 2009-10 FAFSA.

    Financial Aid for summer programs is limited.– May use residual Pell Grants and Stafford Loans from the academic year or

    additional Parent PLUS Loan/private loans. Students with financial need whofiled the FAFSA on time could be eligible for a $1200 UCSD Summer Grant.

    – You MUST apply separately with the Financial Aid Office by May 15th.Applications are normally available at the Financial Aid Office in April. EAPstudents MUST complete a paper summer application.

  • How do I get financial aid forEAP, OAP, Global Seminars?

  • What do I need to do to get my aid onWhat do I need to do to get my aid onEAP?EAP?

    Complete your EAP applicationand turn in all necessarydocumentation to ProgramsAbroad Office.

    Step 1 Step 2Complete your FAFSAapplication by March2nd.

    Step 3

    You will be e-mailed by Financial Aidto accept your financial aid packageon Tritonlink.

    Step 5

    Fill out UOEAP Direct Deposit Form andmail to Universitywide Office. Online form:

    Note: Direct Deposit for EAP isadministered through UCLA.

    Step 4Funds send to UOEAP, pay mandatoryprogram fees for EAP and you areresponsible for any outstanding balanceafter that.

    Step 6Excess Aid will be disbursed to yourbank account.

  • EAP: Cost Breakdown

    Barbados Year Program:

    Program Fees (UC fees,program fees, orientation fees,and insurance)


    Room/Meals $11,430.00Miscellaneous Expenses(incidentals, transportation,books, and pre-departurecosts)


    Round-Trip Airfare $1,350.00

    TOTAL $25,493.50* Budgets are produced by the university wide EAP office and takeconversion rates into account.

    Sample EAP Budget Projection

  • EAP Disbursements EAP Disbursements

    Once your file is complete, UCSD will notify theUniversitywide Office (UOEAP). They will, in turn, applyyour financial aid towards your mandatory program fees.

    IF you have money left over after your EAP balances aresettled, UOEAP disburses remainder funds to students.

    Direct deposit for EAP is administered through UCLA.Direct Deposit is the fastest way to receive excess aid. Ittakes only 5-7 business days for UOEAP to issue themoney to students.

  • DisbursementDisbursementScheduleSchedule

    Disbursement dates are based on your program dates,program length, and are contingent upon the receipt offinancial aid information by the UOEAP Office.

    Quarter/Semester Programs: 1 disbursement (approx. 2weeks before the program’s official EAP start date)Academic Year Programs: 3 disbursements (2 weeks priorto the program’s official EAP start date; Dec. 15; andMarch 15)Off-cycle year programs: 4 disbursements (Winter/ Spring:approximately 2 weeks before the program's official EAPstart date and March 15; Fall: July 15 and Sept. 15)


    Ask UCSD’s Financial Aid Office about:Financial aid award packageChanges to financial aid packageConfirmation and acceptance of awards

    Ask Student Finance Analyst at UOEAP about:EAP disbursementsEAP program feesEAP account statements

  • What aid will go withWhat aid will go withme for OAP?me for OAP?

    State and Federal can be used on OAP:– Cal Grant– Pell– ACG, Smart and/or SEO Grant– Perkins Loan– Stafford Loans– PLUS loan– Alternative loans– Scholarships (Contingent upon donor approval)

    Similar to EAP programs, OAP summer only programs are considered to be thelast quarter of the academic year. Summer always ends an academic year.

    Financial Aid for summer only programs is limited.– Students must see a financial aid counselor to discuss the program & complete a

    summer financial aid application. (usually available early April )

  • What do I need to do to get my aid on OAP?What do I need to do to get my aid on OAP?

    Appl y to your program of choi ce.Once you have been accepted,pi ck up OAP paperwork,i ncl udi ng aConsorti um/ContractualAgreement from the ProgramsAbroad Offi ce.

    Step 1Compl ete the OAP paperwork& get the necessary si gnatures.Turn i t i n to Programs AbroadOffi ce & send outContractual /Consorti umAgreement to yourprogram/host uni versi ty tofi l l out.

    Step 5

    Your program/hostuni versi ty MUST send theagreement back to thePrograms Abroad Offi ce vi amai l /fax/e-mai l . It i s YOURresponsi bi l i ty to make surewe recei ve the agreement.You paperwork i s notcompl ete wi thout i t.

    Step 3

    You wi l l be e-mai l ed by theFi nanci al Ai d Offi ce when yourai d package i s ready to be vi ewedand accepted Tri tonLi nk.

    Step 4Step 2Compl ete your FAFSAappl i cati on by March 2nd.

    Step 6

    Be sure to si gn up for Di rectDeposi t on Tri tonLi nk- thi s wi l lensures a faster del i very of yourfunds.

    Your aid is disbursed to you at UCSD’s regularscheduled disbursement dates which may beafter your program’s payment deadlines.Therefore, you may have to make somepayments out of pocket.* All funds will be sentdirectly to the student and NOT the program.The student is responsible for settling anybalances they may have abroad.

    Step 7

  • OAP Key Notes to rememberOAP Key Notes to remember

    Funds are released at UCSD’s regularlyscheduled disbursement dates. ( late September,late December & mid March) NO EXCEPTIONS.

    Funds are paid directly to the student, who isresponsible for paying the program.

    Direct Deposit is highly recommended-instantaccess once deposited into student’s personalaccount.

  • What do I need to do to get aid for GlobalSeminars?

    Step 1You will notified by financial aid to accept yoursummer aid package.

    Step 5

    Step 3

    You will be e-mailed by the Financial Aid Office whenyour aid package is ready to be viewed and acceptedonline.

    Step 4

    Step 2Once registered for Global Seminars, go toFinancial Aid and pick up a paper SummerFinancial Aid Application. Remember aid is limitedso the sooner you register the sooner you will beable to apply for summer aid.

    Step 6If you receive aid, the money will be applied to yourGlobal Seminars bill first. If there is money left overit will be deposited into your account (via directdeposit) or a check will be issued.

    Apply for the Global Seminars Program. Onceyou’ve been accepted, you will need to registerfor summer classes online on April 13th.

    We recommend that you sign up for DirectDeposit (if you do not already have that for yourfinancial aid funds during the academic year). Ifyou still do not chose to have direct deposit thenplease make sure that you update Tritonlink withthe address you will be at over the summer.

  • What aid with go with me forGlobal Seminars?

    May use residual Pell Grants and Stafford Loans from theacademic year or additional Parent PLUS Loan/private loans.Students with financial need who filed the FAFSA on time couldbe eligible for a $1200 UCSD Summer Grant.

    Scholarships All summer programs (like GS) are considered the last quarter of

    the academic year. The 2009- 2010 academic year ends with thesummer of 2010, which means financial aid will use the

    2009-2010 FAFSA.

  • Global Seminars:Key Info to Remember

    To receive aid over the summer, you mustcomplete the FAFSA application from theprevious year

    Summer aid is limited, so be sure to apply as soonas possible

    If your receive partial aid, you must pay thedifference between your UC fees and the aidpackage by the due date, or else you will bedropped from the program

  • Questions?