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Final Project .Log in Paper Industry

Apr 05, 2018



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  • 7/31/2019 Final Project .Log in Paper Industry


    Relevance of logistics in paper industry


    Project Report


    Relevance of Logistics in Paper Industry

    Submitted By-

    Mr. SHARAD RANAWARE(T.Y.B.M.S) Semester-V

    Project Guide-




    PARLE (EAST) MUMBAI - 400 057

  • 7/31/2019 Final Project .Log in Paper Industry


    Relevance of logistics in paper industry


    It would be totally unethical on my part, if I take the entire credit for the

    development of this project.

    First of all, I sincerely thank to the teaching faculty of the M.L. DAHANUKAR

    COLLEGE and also to the University of Mumbai to give us such a big

    opportunity to work upon such project.

    I would also like to thank respected dr Mrs. Madhavi Pethe the principal of our

    college for constantly motivating me to fulfill my project info with thorough

    research and study.

    I would particularly like to thank Prof. RAJEV JOSHI for being my project

    guide and for sharing their valuable experience, advice, guidance, and suggestion

    on the subject.

    My thanks are also due to the college library for providing me necessary books..

    I thus acknowledge their contribution with full sincerity.

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    Relevance of logistics in paper industry


    I, Mr. SHARAD RANAWARE, student of T.Y.B.M.S. (2009-10) of


    do hereby declare that I have completed the project work titled RELEVANCE

    OF LOGISTICS IN PAPER INDUSTRY as a part of my academic fulfillment.

    The information contained in this project work is true and original to the best of

    my knowledge and belief.

    Date: - Signature of the Student

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    Relevance of logistics in paper industry


    I Prof. RAJIV JOSHI do hereby certify that, Mr.SHARAD RANAWARE

    student of T.Y.B.M.S. (2009-10) of M.L.DHANUKAR, PARLE (E), Mumbai

    400 057, has completed the project work on RELEVANCE OF LOGISTICS IN

    PAPER INDUSTRYas a part of the academic fulfillment, under my guidance.

    The information contained in this project work is true and original to the best of

    my knowledge and belief.

    Signature of Project Guide Signature of Principal

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    Relevance of logistics in paper industry







    o Relevance of logistics in our business. 12

    5. UNDERSTANDING YOUR SUPPLY CHAIN 13o Dimension of supply chain 13o External Factor 14


    Distribution Resources Planning

    7 BEYOND THE BASICS 34a. Optimizing the supply chain 35b. Materials requirement planning 36c. Just in Time (JIT) supplies 36




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    Introduction to the concept of logistics

    Logistics is concerned with getting the products and services where they are needed when they

    are desired. It is difficult to accomplish any marketing or manufacturing function without

    logistical support. It involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory,

    warehousing, material handling, and packaging.

    The operating responsibility of logistics is the geographical repositioning of raw materials, work

    in process, and finished inventories where required at the lowest cost possible

    The formal definition of the word logistics is: - it is the process of planning, implementing

    and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services and related

    information from the point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of

    conforming to customer requirements.

    Logistics involves the co-ordinate management of material and information flows

    throughout your organisation. Supply chain management deals with the same issues throughout

    the chain from your sources to your customers. Its objective is to simplify the supply chain to

    control total cost, improve total quality, maximise customer service, and increase profit.

    Logistics is a complex discipline: getting the right balance between ways of buying, moving and

    storing goods involves juggling a lot of balls at once. But getting it right is extraordinarily

    rewarding. Immediately, good practice can take a lot of non-value-added waste out of your

    systems. Perhaps more importantly, it will add value to your activities: it will make you more


    People have different names for these activities when they are managed together. Supply

    chain management, logistics and materials management are terms widely (and interchangeably)used. This document mostly uses 'logistics'. People mean different things when they discuss

    logistics: they often concentrate on transport, and limit themselves to systems, which move

    goods from factory gate to customer. Here we talk about the whole supply chain, and concentrate

    on transport, storage, information flows, and commercial relationships.

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    Arth Shaw in 1915 pointed out that: the relations between the activities of demand

    creation and physical supply illustrate the existence of the 2 principles of interdependence and

    balance. Failure to co-ordinate any one of these activities with its group-fellows and also with

    those in the other group, or undue emphasis or outlay put upon any one of these activities, it is

    certain to upset the equilibrium of forces which mean efficient distribution. The physical

    distribution of the goods is a problem distinct from the creation of demand. There are many ways

    of defining logistics but the underlying concept might be defined as follows

    There are many ways of defining logistics but the underlying concept might be defined as

    follows: Logistics is the process of strategically managing the procurement, movement and

    storage of materials, parts and finished inventory through the organization and its marketing

    channels in such a way that current and future profitability are maximized through the cost-effective fulfillment of orders.

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    Reasons for LOGISTICS to exists

    Logistics management from this total system is the means whereby the needs of customers are

    satisfied through the coordination of the materials and information flows that extend from the

    marketplace through the firm and its operations and beyond that to supplies.

    For example for many years marketing and manufacturing have been seen as largely separate

    activities within the organization. At best they have coexisted, at worst there has been open

    warfare. Manufacturing priorities and objectives have typically been focused on operating

    efficiency, achieved through long production runs, minimized setups, changeovers and product

    standardization. On the other hand marketing has sought to achieve competitive advantage

    through variety, high service levels and frequent product changes.

    In todays more turbulent environment there is no longer any possibility of manufacturing and

    marketing acting independently of each other. It is now generally accepted that the need to

    understand and meet customer requirements is a prerequisite for survival. At the same time, in

    the search for improved cost competitiveness, manufacturing management has been the subject

    of massive renaissance. The last decade has seen the rapid introduction of flexible manufacturing

    systems, of new approaches to inventory based on materials requirement planning (MRP) and

    just in time (JIT) methods, a sustained emphasis on quality.

    Equally there has been a growing recognition of the critical role that procurement plays in

    creating and sustaining competitive advantage as part of an integrated logistics process.

    In this scheme of things, logistics is therefore essentially an integrative concept that seeks to

    develop a system wide view of the firm. It is fundamentally a planning concept that seeks to

    create a framework through which the needs of the manufacturing strategy and plan which inturn links into a strategy and plan for procurement.

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    Importance of logistics

    Logistics is the bedrock of trade and business.

    Without selling and or buying there can be no trade and business. Buying and or selling takes

    place only when goods are physically moved into and or away from the market.

    Take away logistical support trade and business will collapse

    Integrates logistical activities

    In conventional management environment, various activities of logistics work in isolation under

    different management functions. Each pocket trying to sub optimize its objectives at the cost of

    overall organizational objectives. Purchasing trying to purchase at minimum price at the cost of

    what is needed by operations. Operations produce large quantities at minimum production cost

    ignoring demand leading to doom inventory. Logistics function of management brings all such

    functions under one umbrella pulling down inter departmental barriers.

    Supports critical functions like operations and marketing

    Strong logistics support enables a company to move towards JUST IN TIMEproduction system

    for survival in a highly competitive market.

    Logistical costs

    For individual businesses logistics expenditures are 5% to 35% of sales depending on type of

    business, geographical areas of operation, weight/value ratios of products and materials. This is

    an expensive operation. Improvement in the efficiency of logistics function yields savings as

    well as customer satisfaction

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    Logistics and supply chain management:

    Supply chain management is about getting a smooth and efficient flow from raw material

    to finished goods in your customer's hands. It is a concept, which is increasingly replacing

    traditional fragmented management approaches to buying, storing and moving goods.

    Traditionally, the management of material flows has centered on stocks of product: on

    trains and boats and trucks; in warehouses and stores and factory-floor queues. Managing those

    stocks meant buying enough goods far enough in advance to ensure that long, steady production

    runs were seldom jeopardised by shortages of components. Tougher competition has brought

    shorter product life cycles and made that approach increasingly expensive. Replacing these

    'inventory-driven systems' are 'service-driven systems'. This type of system, 'pulled' by customer

    demand rather than 'pushed' by a supply system, is long familiar in retailing and over the last

    decade has become a necessity in many manufacturing sectors.

    This document will help you identify and manage your supply chain. It will give you an

    understanding of the elements of logistics and supply chain management. It relates them to cost

    and service. And it points you in the right direction to improve your costs, service, and

    competitiveness. It is not a tutorial, but it gives managers an outline of the elements within each

    discipline, which together can improve competitiveness.

    Relevance of logistics in your business:

    Before you can start managing your supply chain better you must know:

    What you want from your business What your customers want from you How well your competitors meet customer needs.

    The place of the logistics discipline in your business depends on the answer to these

    questions. For some companies - largely those that assemble physical goods in volume and ship

    them to customers - there is an argument that managing the business is indistinguishable from

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    managing its logistics. Procurement, transport, manufacturing, sales and customer service can all

    benefit from an integrated logistics function, leaving just marketing, personnel, finance and

    research as separate functions. In other firms, the role of time and place is less critical. Most

    service companies, and many low-volume manufacturing businesses would pay less attention to

    logistics skills

    Understanding your Supply Chain:

    If your company makes a product from parts purchased from suppliers, and those products

    are sold to customers, then you have a supply chain. Some supply chains are simple, while others

    are rather complicated. The complexity of the supply chain will vary with the size of the business

    and the intricacy and numbers of items that are manufactured.

    A simple supply chain is made up of several elements that are linked by the movement ofproducts along it. The supply chain starts and ends with the customer.

    Customer: The customer starts the chain of events when they decide to purchase a productthat has been offered for sale by a company. The customer contacts the sales department ofthe company, which enters the sales order for a specific quantity to be delivered on a specific

    date. If the product has to be manufactured, the sales order will include a requirement that

    needs to be fulfilled by the production facility.

    Planning: The requirement triggered by the customers sales orderwill be combined withother orders. The planning department will create a production plan to produce the products

    to fulfill the customers orders. To manufacture the products the company will then have topurchase the raw materials needed.

    Purchasing: The purchasing department receives a list of raw materials and servicesrequired by the production department to complete the customers orders. The purchasingdepartment sends purchase orders to selected suppliers to deliver the necessary raw materials

    to the manufacturing site on the required date.

    Inventory: The raw materials are received from the suppliers, checked for quality andaccuracy and moved into the warehouse. The supplier will then send an invoice to the

    company for the items they delivered. The raw materials are stored until they are required bythe production department.

    Production: Based on a production plan, the raw materials are moved inventory to theproduction area. The finished products ordered by the customer are manufactured using the

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    raw materials purchased from suppliers. After the items have been completed and tested,

    they are stored back in the warehouse prior to delivery to the customer.

    Transportation: When the finished product arrives in the warehouse, the shippingdepartment determines the most efficient method to ship the products so that they are

    delivered on or before the date specified by the customer. When the goods are received bythe customer, the company will send an invoice for the delivered products.

    Before improving your supply chain, you must understand how your systems work now. This

    involves collecting information about how you ship, handle and store goods; about how you

    move information, and about the requirements of your customers and suppliers for the form and

    timing of goods and information flows. With this information you will understand a lot more

    about how your business works, and can get on with the job of improving it

    There are a number of ways of analyzing the supply chain - and of managing the operation ofit. One of the most useful is the node and link model, which plots links - usually representing

    movement over distance - and nodes - places where goods are stored or processed

    Dimensions of supply chain?

    Most businesses are surprised by how complex their supply chain is. A good first task is to

    discover how many suppliers and how many customers you have, where they are, and how

    important each is as a percentage of sales or purchases. Clearly, the more complex the system,

    the harder it is to manage, and this information will be invaluable later when you are improving

    and then simplifying your systems.

    Site location Physical distribution Warehousing Transportation Materials handling Inventory management Information handling packaging Forecasting

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    Site location

    The location of existing sites has far-reaching implications for logistics flows and costs,

    particularly in the single European market. Decisions about new locations for stores and

    manufacturing sites should be fed with information on customers, suppliers, and transport links.

    Physical distribution

    Goods move a lot during manufacture and distribution: you need to identify at each stage

    how they are moved - the transport mode - and who does the moving - the transport operator.

    Inside your site(s) there is likely to be transport, but this shades into materials handling issues, so

    concentrate on transport between suppliers and your sites, and between your sites and customers

    or intermediaries such as public warehouses or distributors. Physical distribution is not only a

    significant cost for most businesses, it has a direct impact on your competitiveness through

    speed, reliability and its controllability (or otherwise) in getting goods to your customers on time.

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    All customers are becoming more demanding. Producers of intermediate goods are finding that

    their customers are demanding JIT (Just in Time) scheduling of deliveries. JIT has been used in

    retailing for many years. And while specialist transport operators have developed their services

    to meet these needs, many firms have been slow to adapt.

    a) Transport modeAir, sea, road, rail? Canals...? For most routes, there is a choice. In many companies, the

    choice is made after rudimentary cost analysis. But all modes have characteristics beyond

    simple cost per kilogram/kilometer. For each link in the logistics channel particular

    modes will have particular advantages. Most freight is now carried inside the UK by

    road, a mode that has advantages of speed, flexibility and cost. Rail transport is obviously

    suited to trucking bulk loads or very heavy individual items. But even within the road

    transport mode, there are many choices depending on your circumstances.

    b) Owning and controlling the means of distributionOwning transport is expensive. Increasingly, companies are looking hard at whether they should

    own their own transport. As a trip down any motorway will confirm, many have decided that

    contracting-out their distribution makes economic sense. There are exceptions: distribution-based

    businesses are obvious examples. The local service company which offers free collection and

    delivery of clean shirts or typesetting, as an important part of its value to customers is another.

    Against that, the UK has developed a highly competitive physical distribution contracting

    industry, which can handle most requirements from the occasional parcel collection to the

    dedicated operation of large fleets for individual customers. Apart from total cost, key factors

    involved in deciding whether or not to own your own transport include:

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    The ability to decide what to do with your own transport can be important. Against that,

    some contract distribution companies offer good control without burdening you with the

    inflexibility of your own vehicles.

    Customer service

    Whatever the ownership patterns, the key characteristic of successful distribution is that it

    delivers the right service to customers. Whatever the relative costs and convenience, if you can't

    buy a distribution service that hits that target, you will have to operate your own transport.


    Using your own vehicles commits you to a particular mix of shipping sizes and modes.

    Common carriers and contract distribution companies allow much faster switching between

    modes and types of transport within a mode. For some people, the answer could be a mixture of

    methods, combining a van for small deliveries, a truck which can handle 'base' demand at full

    utilisation rates, plus outside operators used to deal with peaks and unusual demands.

    Management skills

    Unless your business is managing transport, there are strong arguments for using a

    transport specialist. Large companies can support the fleet sizes needed to justify the

    management quality and specialist tools needed by competitive transport operations, but it is

    among larger companies that the move to contract distribution management has been strongest. If

    your transport management is weak, you become uncompetitive. If your transport management is

    strong, you may be diverting valuable talent from the rest of your business.

    Recruitment and training

    Can you afford to hire and train the right people to operate your vehicles? Road transport

    is the least productive transport mode in terms of tonne-kilometres per person hour, so labour is

    always a significant cost.

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    Return on investment

    Capital is always scarce: should you be investing in vehicles rather than other equipment?

    On the other hand, the 'cost of capital' has to be met by someone and the question may be

    whether resources are available at a lower price from third parties than from your own cash or



    There are many different ways to manage storage of goods and raw materials. Manufacturerswill often have a plant with raw materials on hand and a warehouse nearby where additional

    materials can be secured when needed. Some businesses have central warehouses that feed

    smaller local warehouses. These are often placed strategically throughout the country to takeadvantage of shipping routes from major cities. In some cases, companies even bypasswarehousing altogether by using cross docking.

    Cross docking is a method of moving products from the point of origin or manufacture directlyto the consumer. There may be some minor handling or packaging in between, but warehousing

    is eliminated. This method reduces the cost of shipping and handling for businesses while

    eliminating storage costs.
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    Efficient picking and packaging rely heavily on the logistics management of the warehouse. The

    slotting profile, or arrangement of stored goods, can have a great impact on how safely and howquickly workers can pick orders and pack them. Items that frequently come in and out of the

    warehouse should be easy to access and have sufficient space to store a large quantity. Less

    frequently ordered goods are best stored in less accessible locations.

    How and when stock is received, unloaded and replenished will influence the speed and

    efficiency of order fulfillment. This is where technology plays to greatest role. By using softwareand communications technology, warehouses can pick orders more quickly with few errors

    Warehousing is that part of firms logistics System that stores products at and between point -of-origin and point of consumption, and provides information to management of the status,

    condition, and disposition of items being stored.

    A warehouse is a point in the logistics system where a firm stores or holds raw materials, semi-

    finished goods, or finished goods for varying periods of time. In the macroeconomic sense,warehousing performs a vital function. It creates time utility for raw materials, industrial goods

    and finished products. The proximity of market-oriented warehousing to the customer allows afirm to serve the customer with shorter lead times. This warehousing function continues to be

    increasingly important as companies and industries use customer services as a dynamic, value-

    adding competitive tool.

    The warehouse must be in the right place. It must be the right size. It must properly protect its

    contents. And it must be organised to allow:

    Efficient delivery and placing Cost-effective use of its space Adequate access to stored materials Security from theft and weather Enough flexibility to deal with the largest (and smallest) items, which will need storage

    in the numbers that will be needed.

    Within the warehouse - and between warehouse and overall inventory management and

    purchasing systems - there is a need for interlocking mechanical and information systems so

    that stock is ----

    Put into known places in known order Retrieved quickly and in the right quantity Rotated properly (for example, first-in, first-out)

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    As with transport (see 'Owning and controlling the means of distribution' above) you have

    the option of owning and/or managing your own storage facilities, or of contracting-out

    management and/or operations.

    Warehouse management is an established discipline: properly applied, its skills can save

    large amounts of money.


    Transportation functionality:

    Transportation is the most visible of all functions of logistics and high contributor to logistics

    cost. We can see trucks, containers and wagonloads of material being moved from place to placeas an activity directly associated with trade and business. We should also appreciate that this is

    an activity that adds highest amount of cost to the activity of making inputs and outputs available

    to consumers. Transportation function moves the products to meet customer expectations at

    minimum cost.

    Modes of Transportation

    There are five major modes of freight transportation, airlines, motor carries, pipelines, railroads

    and water carriers. Each of these modes has distinct characteristics that give them advantage overthe others. Which mode is the best depends on the freight hauled cost, speed, reliability, capacity,length of haul and flexibility.

    Rail Network

    Rail network is fully owned and operated by government of India. This major step for facilitating

    movement of goods throughout the country at a very low cost for promoting trade and business

    in the country. Rail network stands for maximum tonne kilometers moved in India now, thereby

    being an important mode of transport in the country. Rail network accounts for 226 billion tonnekilometers and 55.8% of total tonne kilometers moved in 1982 in India.

    Advantages of Rail Transport

    Capability to efficiently transport large tonnage over long distances. Speed of operation. Useful for heavy and bulk products.

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    Intermodal operations have also expanded through alliances. Rail roads are evenconcentrating on development of special equipment. There are unit trains where the entire

    train carrying the same commodity, which are bulk products such as coal or food grains. Unittrains are faster, less expensive to operate and quick as it can bypass rail yards and go direct

    to the products destination.

    Disadvantages of Rail Transport

    Not effective for small loads and short distances. Less flexible. Moves only on specific routes. Secondary transportation is needed.Road Transport

    Road transport is rapidly pulling the carpet from under the feet of railways, as we saw earlier,post world war. Its popularity is growing everyday. In India, 179.2 billion tonne kilometers were

    moved by roadways in 1982. This is 44.2% of total tonne kilometers moved by all modes as

    against 55.8% by railways.

    Advantage of Road Transport

    Door to door service to customer which neither rail nor sea nor air transport can offer. Very flexible as they can operate on all types of roads. Transport is quite speedy. Highest availability since they can drive directly from origin to destination. Highly suitable for short distances.Disadvantages of Road Transport

    Delays in transit time due to bad road condition and climatic hazards Unsuitable for very heavy and large size loads. Unsuitable for very long distance. More chance of accidents and damages to goods.

    Water Transport

    This mode is the link between countries separated by water. Business is known to have existedbetween far off lands for long time in the past. Sailing vessels existed since that far away times.

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    Example: Mechanized water transport came into being in the form of steam ships since 1800;

    diesel driven ships came into existence since 1920.

    Water transport is classified into deep water transportation and navigable inland water

    transportation or domestic water transportation on lakes, rivers or canals. Main advantage of

    water transportation is its capacity to move extremely large shipment at a very low cost. Inland

    water transport is not used to its full potential in India although we have used mechanized Inland

    Advantages of Water Transport

    The main advantage of water transportation is the capacity to move extremely largeshipments.

    Suitable for long distances and large volume shipments. The capability to carry very high cargo at an extremely low variable cost places this

    mode of transport in demand when low freight rates are desired and speed of transit issecondary consideration.

    Regularity in sailing.

    Disadvantages of Water Transport

    The main disadvantage of water transport is the limited range of operation and low speed. Unless the port and destination are adjacent, supplementary haul by rail or truck is


    Labour restrictions on loading and unloading at docks create operational problems andtend to reduce the potential range of available traffic.

    Air Transport

    Generally, this transport mode is used in emergency rather than in normal times.

    Main features of this mode of transport

    Speed of transport is highest. Fixed costs are lower than rail or road or pipeline. But operating costs are highest. Air transport brings distant market closer perishables market in gulf countries. Overcomes the hassle and cost of setting up depots and service centers overseas. Full potential of peak seasonal demand can be exploited moving entire facility to meet

    peak demand.

    Test marketing is easy. Product can be shipped directly from the factory as time of highimportance.

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    Advantages of Air Transport

    Brings distant and new market within the reach Extends export market Meets seasonal demand at fastest rate Reduces time of delivery for urgent needs Flexibility in carrying goods of varied nature Minimum handling of cargo and hence less damages Low insurance premium due to less transit time.

    Disadvantages of Air Transport

    Comparatively costly mode of transport Caters on primary transport [airport to airport only] Certain categories of items are not allowed to be transported [hazardous goods asspecified by IATA] Facilities not available through out the country Shipping space available is limited

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    One extremely encouraging aspect of logistics is the productivity potential that can be realized

    from capital investment in material-handling equipment. Material handling cannot be avoided in

    the logistics but can be reduced to minimum levels. Material handling is an integral part of

    manufacturing activity. It does not add value to the product but adds to the cost. Material

    handling problems are largely due to the problems of a bad layout. Many a problems ofmaterials handling can be avoided by improving the existing plant layout.

    In warehouses, material handling operations are performed at the following stages:-

    Unloading the incoming material from transport vehiclesMoving the unloaded material to assigned storage places in warehousesLifting the material from its storage place during order pickingMoving the material for inspection and packingLoading packages/boxes/cartons on to transport vehicles.

    Within a node - a warehouse, a plant, a retail store - goods have to be moved between

    incoming transport, storage, processes, and outgoing transport. The spectrum of available

    systems ranges from one person with strong arms through the supermarket trolley (in its way a

    revolutionary technology) to fully automated systems incorporating robot order picking and

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    automated guided vehicles (AGVs). Most handling systems, and the packaging adopted by

    suppliers, are geared to supplier-warehouse-process transactions. In fact increasing numbers of

    businesses are moving towards JIT deliveries: once supplier quality is sorted out, incoming

    goods can go directly into the process, without inspection or spending any time in a store.

    Analysing the effectiveness of your existing handling systems involves assessing their cost

    and appropriateness to the rest of your operations. It also means knowing something about the

    characteristics of different systems. The key factors for assessing a materials handling

    technology are:

    The physical characteristics of loads The number of loads to be moved The distance to be moved Speed of movement required

    Inventory management

    Inventory is a critical element in the supply chain. It can be broadly classified as raw material and

    components, work in progress, finished goods and operational support inventories. Inventories are

    maintained in meeting production requirements, supporting operations, extending customer serviceand hedging against future uncertainties. In supply chain system, inventory is viewed as a liability,

    which reduces both the profits and the returns on investments

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    Few businesses consider the total inventory in the supply chain, including stock at suppliers'

    premises, stock on trucks and boats, in plant and at distribution outlets. Considered throughout

    the supply chain stock can be accumulated at places where it is cheap (that is, before value isadded) and/or where it adds value to the customer (for example, at or near the customer rather

    than at or near your plant).

    In order to manage your of this is about information systems some is about analysing the

    physical storage, which stock effectively, you must know how much you have, its value, and

    where and how it is stored. Some interacts closely with materials handling systems. You must

    also know what your inventory costs. That includes:

    Carrying costs.

    In addition to the interest on the working capital tied up, there are the costs of storage space,

    stores staff, handling, deterioration, loss through damage or pilferage, obsolescence (particularly

    important in retail clothing and electronics), and insurance

    Opportunity costs.Stock is normally unproductive capital. Carrying it restricts other investments you could have

    made with the same money.

    Stock-out costs.

    In retailing, if an item is out of stock it could mean a sale is lost. In manufacturing, for the

    want of a spare part for a machine tool, production could be halted. A shortage of a raw material

    could mean using a more expensive substitute. A few large orders mean low purchase costs but

    high stock costs; many small orders mean low stock costs but high purchase costs. High buffer

    stocks mean low stock-out costs but high stock carrying costs. You need to strike the right

    balance between these various factors.

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    Information handling:

    Goods can't flow without information: information allowing, forbidding, directing physical

    flows; information checking and confirming; information to provide proof and audit trails for

    taxes and billing. Because the information flows are so intimately connected with the physical

    movement of goods, it is sensible to deal with them as part of the same system. Quite often, it is

    the order processing function which is the weakest link in the network of dependent actions

    which allow material X to get from A to B. There are specific fixes for poor order processing

    routines but more generally their design must tie in with the needs and facilities offered by sales

    forecasting, production planning, procurement timescales, financial security, and the capacity

    and nature of the distribution, storage and handling systems chosen for the business.

    Too often, too much of the wrong information moves too slowly to the wrong people. In many

    companies, this is the legacy of systems based on nineteenth-century technology, unchanged

    because by and large the right things happen in the end.

    Examining your information flows allows you to:

    identify important information needs discard flows that don't add value speed and automate routine information transactions.

    There are, of course, many more. In order to assess your current systems against your

    logistics needs you must establish for each information flow:

    who originates and 'owns' the information who needs to receive it what it is used for when it must be originated and received (and how much time it actually takes)

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    what information must be transmitted how reliable is the information and the process?


    Packaging is done to make handling and transporting cost effective. It protects the product in

    transit and handling. Packing is expected to facilitate lifting and moving by providing easy

    access to forks or hooks. Packing is also expected to display universal symbols and other

    instructions for handling. Eg. Pallets and containers, wooden boxes, wrapping etc.


    Packaging is an important function in logistics ensuring not only protecting materials and goods

    in the logistics process to ensure maintenance of the right condition until delivery, but also

    facilitating the other logistics functions of transportation, storage and handling. Packaging also

    enables communication regarding the contained materials or products. It also helps in improving

    the appeal of the product to the customer.

    Types of packaging: consumer packaging and industrial packaging

    Consumer packaging -There is no focus on logistics. Importance is given to marketing appeal

    and packaging the finished product. Packaging is designed for consumer convenience and

    appeal, marketing consideration and display. The main emphasis is in marketing. The marketing

    manager is more concerned with the consumer packaging because it provides information

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    important in selling the product in motivating the customer t buy the product or giving the

    product maximum visibility when it competes with others on retail shelfs.

    Industrial packaging focuses on the handling convenience and protection during transportation,material handling and storage. This packaging protects the goods that a company will move and

    store in the warehouse and also permits the company the effective use of transportation vehicle

    place. It also have to provide information and handling ease. Industrial packaging is performed at

    various stages. The first stage is packaging for the product itself. For example soft drinks are

    packed in cans. The next stage involves packaging these products into larger cartons for enabling

    quantity handling. The carton is reffered as Master cartons. The next step of packaging involves

    unitization. In this case the master carton is consolidated into a single large unit to facilitate

    handling, transportation, storage and protection. The next is containerization, here the unit loads

    are placed in rigid containers for protection and handling facilitation. This enables efficiency in



    Forecasting is a key information resource. Material networks, even when well managed, are

    relatively lumbering beasts, and should be driven by forecasts (or better still, by firm orders)

    rather than by hope. So sales forecasting is a vital ingredient. If customers insist on being

    volatile, sellers must adapt.

    In some businesses, demand can be increased in slack periods the summer sale is a familiar

    example. In others, output flexibility must be increased. Better forecasting and a more responsive

    supply chain are the key ingredients in a virtuous circle of improvement in customer service.

    Good forecasting reduces the need for instantly-responsive supply chains: responsive supply

    chains reduce the need for clairvoyance in forecasts. Together they increase your ability to

    guarantee levels of service. There is more about demand forecasting in 'Improve your

    forecasting' in the chapter on "Fixing basic systems".

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    ii. Commercial relationships and transactionsParts of your supply chain are within your premises or otherwise under your direct control.

    But other parts involve links with third parties, including:


    suppliers of goods suppliers of services (eg shippers) regulatory authorities (customs, transport, taxation etc).Links with these external bodies involve flows of goods and information. Clearly, your

    processes and links must work with the processes and 'nodes' represented by your customers and

    suppliers. But the situation is complicated by the fact that all these parties are dealing with many

    other people as well as with you. And it is likely to be clouded further by the existence of

    commercial relationships governed by contracts. In the analysis stage of the work you need to

    establish what your customer and supplier requirements are for:

    goods and service - lot sizes, packaging, delivery/collection frequency, responsiveness information - how much, when, etc

    3.2 External factors

    You also need to take account of external factors over which you have no control. You could,

    for instance, buy a year's supply of an important raw material all at once. If prices rise, or there

    are shortages, you gain an advantage over your competitors. But apart from the stock costs,

    prices might fall. In this situation, you will only know what you should have done after you have

    done it. Avoiding risk is therefore another factor in the quantity equation. You are also

    constrained on quantity by the time it takes a supplier to make the goods that you want - theirlead time. If you want to buy small quantities once a week but your supplier takes three weeks

    from order to delivery, you may have problems.

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    Measuring Cost and Service

    Particular targets on cost and service need to be set depending on the particular needs of your

    business. All targets should be quantified and based on things, which can be measured at

    reasonable cost. To audit, and to keep abreast of changing circumstances, you must acquire

    information systems to provide key information regularly.

    Measuring service. Measuring cost Set achievable targets And measure again Improving performance

    Armed with an understanding of where you want your business to go and an

    understanding about how your systems work now, you can start setting improvement strategies

    and targets. For some businesses, particularly those who have a steady flow of materials

    (retailing, process manufacturing), a Distribution Resource Planning system may be


    All businesses will need to set themselves realistic improvement targets and set to work

    to achieve them. How those targets are set will depend on your business and the goals you have

    set for it. If, for instance, you are committed to manufacturing bespoke high-value systems with

    rapid response to customers, a lot of the value you offer is in responsiveness. In your logistics

    channel you will value the ability of goods to be pulled through the system fast at short notice -

    and will be willing to pay (within reason) for that value. You are likely to set your primary target

    in terms of service to manufacturing, service within the plant, and rapid service out to customers.

    If, however, your business has lengthy planning horizons and needs to move large quantities

    frequently then low cost will be the main aim and you will be willing to accept (within reason)

    sacrifices in speed or flexibility.

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    Speed/cost trade-offs are quality issues. There are other quality issues - for example,

    scrap/rework generated by damage in transport or in store - which can be affected by the way

    you operate the logistics channel. Either way, you need quantifiable targets.

    This process becomes easier if you deal with each node in the channel as the customer of

    the preceding node in the chain. Sometimes this will be literally true, as when your output stores

    are dealing with customer deliveries, or when your suppliers are shipping to you. Even where

    you are dealing with people inside your own organisation, it is a useful metaphor which helps

    deal with the transactions in understandable terms - of cost-benefit and value-added. It allows

    managers and supervisors to negotiate with their internal 'suppliers' in achieving local targets.

    Distribution resource planning

    A well-established set of tools which optimises inventory and distribution of finished product

    based on sales forecasts and/or customer orders. Works best when combined with MRPII

    (Manufacturing Resource Planning) for the manufacturing elements in the supply chain. Neithersystem addresses supply chain management as part of a total system, but both have been adapted

    by companies who take supply chain management seriously

    Integration with customers is important. You and everyone in your company must be working

    and satisfy your customers. You should review written customer requirements with everyone in

    the logistics department and with everyone in the company. It is not enough to a company to tear

    apart the written requirements and hand them to various departments. That is not integration.That is functional silos.

    i. Measuring serviceThe logistics channel is a facilitator - a way of helping goods get made and shipped to

    customers - and it must be managed in terms of the service it delivers. The nature of supply chain

    management, however, is that the chain is a complex system in which changes to one element

    affect many other elements. So improvement targets should be set cautiously for each element of

    the logistics channel; then the whole system optimized and targets redefined for planning and

    implementing change. In addition, you must work to sensible priorities. If your competitors are

    stealing a march because they offer eight-hour turn-round from order to delivery you must match

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    or beat that (or find another product/service feature that your customers value higher) as a


    This means you must know, clearly,

    what your customers want (ask them) the level of service which customers think they get from you, compared with the service

    they think they get from your competitors

    how well your service actually compares (benchmarks) against that provided by bothyour direct competitors and by comparable businesses in other markets.

    Answering these questions means investing in reliable research. It is important to make sure

    that you are chasing improvements that are attainable and valuable to your customers, rather than

    those, which you think are worthwhile.

    ii. Measuring costA good logistics system is about delivering the most profit possible while satisfying

    customers: it gives value to your business as a whole. Measuring the cost of the logistics channel

    is important, but operating costs must be weighed against costs and benefits for the organisation

    as a whole before any useful management information appears.

    The things you want to measure depend on the business you operate, while the things you

    measure will depend on your accounting systems and internal information flows. Things you

    must measure include:

    purchase costs, including order, set-up, and discount costs (which tend to rise as ordersizes reduce and delivery numbers increase) and cashflow (which may improve in the

    same circumstances)

    warehouse capital, property and operating costs total inventory cost, together with the cost of too much inventory (obsolescence, scrap)

    and too little (lost production, lost sales). Remember to include the opportunity cost of

    using money to buy stock (unproductive capital).

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    transport costs, in total and by operation/commodity, including utilisationrates/productivity for self-owned transport

    production costs transaction and documentation costs throughout the system return on investment for each of the above personnel costs, with productivity measured against industry standards or time and

    motion studies.

    iii. Set achievable targetsTargets which can't be hit don't help anyone. However, a particular problem in businesses

    with a history of adequate performance or slow decline is their readiness to accept low

    achievement. Any number of company recovery stories demonstrate what can be achieved by

    refusing to accept what everyone 'knows' can and can't be done. This is one of the stronger

    arguments for recruiting outside consultants or hiring new blood - getting an objective view of

    what it is reasonable to achieve.


    iv. Improving performance:Starting to improve your performance should involve:

    using basic professional tools to make sure that the elements in the logistics chain areefficient, focusing on those areas which are bottlenecks or failing to contribute to

    delivering the service you need

    buying or developing the information systems you need to understand and control whathappens in your supply chain

    using a computer-based system to help optimize your logistics chain based on your actualbusiness, and to help point you to the areas where improvement will bring the most extra


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    Beyond the Basics

    Optimizing the supply chain Materials requirement planning Just in Time (JIT) supplies

    5.1 Optimizing the supply chain

    We have seen that changes to one element in the supply chain are likely to affect the cost

    and/or performance of other processes. The process of optimising should in theory give the best

    fit between all the conflicting processes in the business. Most large businesses, and many small

    ones, are such complex systems that the job of collecting enough data in enough detail to provide

    an accurate optimization is a mammoth undertaking. Further, to evaluate alternative ways of

    doing things, the optimizing software must know the costs of all those alternatives in some

    detail. It can't play hunches with unknown data.

    a) The optimizing process1. Gather data2. Build a model of your business3. Check the model4. Let the model improve your profits without any practical constraints5. Add practical constraints a few at a time to gauge their effects6. Model a workable system7. Implement it.

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    Materials requirement planning

    Materials requirement planning (MRP) is widely used in manufacturing and construction

    businesses. Once a manufacturer has established its production schedule for the coming 6 or 12

    months, purchasing can then order and schedule supplies. Quantity and timing requirements are

    'dependent' upon the production schedule. Thousands of items, all with variable lead times, often

    are involved in a production process. The starting point is the master production schedule

    detailing what will be produced and when. This schedule is then 'exploded' into a bill of

    materials, a detailed recipe of parts and materials. It provides precise delivery dates and

    quantities for each component in the recipe. If components arrive any later, production may be

    stopped. If they arrive any sooner, there may not be space available to store them. Ideally an mrp

    system runs on a Just in Time basis with no buffer stocks.

    Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) is a scheduling procedure for production

    processes that have several levels of production. Given information describing the production

    requirements of the several finished goods of the system, the structure of the production system,

    the current inventories for each operation and the lot sizing procedure for each operation, MRP

    determines a schedule for the operations and raw material purchases. This add-in provides all the

    features necessary to formulate and solve small examples.

    Just in Time (JIT) supplies

    JIT is not a technique. It's a management philosophy, now adopted by many successful

    manufacturing businesses, which aims to bring certainty and smoothness to the flow of materials

    through the supply chain, and to eliminate wasteful practices such as holding safety stocks.

    Businesses hold stocks because of uncertainty, either about the future level of demand or about

    the lead time to manufacture or replenish stocks. As well as coping with extra demand, buffer or

    safety stocks are held to cover an unexpected extension of lead times or to carry you if a supplier

    delivers a poor quality batch. The more unreliable your supplier, the bigger your safety stocks

    need to be.

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    What you are trying to develop with a JIT approach is a network of quality-assured supply

    partners who can deliver the right quantity to the right place at the right time, every time. The

    delivery point may be to a retail outlet or it may be to a production line. Your supplies are

    delivered against an agreed schedule with absolute certainty on the day they are required,

    rendering expensive safety stocks redundant. Working towards JIT will make your entire

    business more competitive, for its implications spread far beyond purchasing and stock

    management. Among its requirements are:

    Improving your own sales forecasts and, where appropriate, your production planning sothat both purchasing and suppliers can be better informed about requirements. JIT hinges

    on planning and certainty

    Forging close working relationships with probably a smaller number of suppliers forwhom your business is important. JIT can only work where there is co-operation and trust

    Setting up effective information systems so suppliers are immediately aware of anychanges to programmers. Without tight communications, JIT will break down

    awarding suppliers long-term contracts which give them the confidence to invest inmeeting your future requirements

    a quality assurance programmer under which suppliers are accepting responsibility forquality, monitoring quality during rather than after production, and working towards zero


    removing non-value-adding activities throughout the whole supply chain, i.e. looking atthe total cost picture.

    Of course, not all things will be achievable. If, for example, transport costs rule out many

    small deliveries, your optimum ordering quantity may remain above the quantities needed for

    Just in Time. However, by working away at improving these factors, you can increase your stock

    turn and service level, thereby realizing many of the economies of the JIT approach.

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    Reverse logistics

    Reverse logistics stands for all operations related to the reuse of products and materials. It is

    "the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, cost effective flow of raw

    materials, in-process inventory, finished goods and related information from the point of

    consumption to the point of origin for the purpose of recapturing value or proper disposal. More

    precisely, reverse logistics is the process of moving goods from their typical final destination for

    the purpose of capturing value, or proper disposal. Remanufacturing and refurbishing activities

    also may be included in the definition of reverse logistics."[1]

    The reverse logistics process

    includes the management and the sale of surplus as well as returned equipment and machines

    from the hardware leasing business. Normally, logisticsdeal with events that bring the product

    towards the customer. In the case of reverse, the resource goes at least one step back in the

    supply chain. For instance, goods move from the customer to the distributor or to the


    Importance of reverse logistics:

    Reverse logistics is important for:

    1) Assets utilization (rather we can say re-utilization)

    2) Assets recovery (To capture the value, which otherwise will be lost)

    3) Profit maximization: Cost reduction through recycling

    4) To fulfill the Environmental obligations e.g.: Waste recycling, Hazardous waste management

    e.g.: Car batteries disposal.
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    Upcoming Trends in the Indian paper Industry

    Mainstream trends and challenging the current paper industry strategies

    Paper business is consolidate and globalising. Companies with global strategies willgain market shares.

    The eastward expansion in paper consumption and production, to Asia and East ofEurope. North American, Western European and Japanese markets are mature.

    Electronic media will bring major challenges to print media in advertising. Advertisersare looking for a return on their investment in a media environment where choice has


    Through advertising and packaging, the dynamics in paper markets reflect more andmore the trends in consumer good marketing.

    The dynamics in paper markets reflect more and more the trends in consumer good


    Paper industry strategies are likely to become

    more agile and more versatile

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    Share of global and multinational strategies in consumer goodindustries and retailing grow.

    Brands are increasingly targeting specific lifestyle groups. This leads to morefragmentation in consumer markets.

    Brand loyalty and credibility assume greater importance Pressure towards agile, fast reacting concepts grows in advertising and packaging value


    Machines used in Indian paper industry

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    History and Evolution of Indian paper Industry

    Paper industry in India is the 15th largest paper industry in the world. It provides

    employment to nearly 1.5 million people and contributes Rs 25 billion to the government's kitty.

    The government regards the paper industry as one of the 35 high priority industries of thecountry.

    Paper industry is primarily dependent upon forest-based raw materials. The first paper

    mill in India was set up at Sreerampur, West Bengal, in the year 1812. It was based on grasses

    and jute as raw material. Large scale mechanized technology of papermaking was introduced inIndia in early 1905. Since then the raw material for the paper industry underwent a number of

    changes and over a period of time, besides wood and bamboo, other non-conventional raw

    materials have been developed for use in the papermaking. The Indian pulp and paper industry at

    present is very well developed and established. Now, the paper industry is categorized as forest-based, agro-based and others (waste paper, secondary fibre, bast fibers and market pulp).

    In 1951, there were 17 paper mills, and today there are about 515 units engaged in the

    manufacture of paper and paperboards and newsprint in India. The pulp & paper industries inIndia have been categorized into large-scale and small-scale. Those paper industries, which have

    capacity above 24,000 tonnes per annum are designated as large-scale paper industries. India is

    self-sufficient in manufacture of most varieties of paper and paperboards. Import is confinedonly to certain specialty papers. To meet part of its raw material needs the industry has to rely on

    imported wood pulp and waste paper.

    Growth of paper industry in India has been constrained due to high cost of productioncaused by inadequate availability and high cost of raw materials, power cost and concentration of

    mills in one particular area. Government has taken several policy measures to remove the

    bottlenecks of availability of raw materials and infrastructure development. For example, toovercome short supply of raw materials, duty on pulp and waste paper and wood logs/chips has


    OutlookOutlook for paper industry in India looks extremely positive as the demand for upstream market

    of paper products, like, tissue paper, tea bags, filter paper, light weight online coated paper,medical grade coated paper, etc., is growing up.

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    Top 10 Indian Paper industry, 2007

    (figures in 000 tonnes)

    Company CapitalExpenditure

    (INR billion)


    (000 TPA)

    ITC Ltd 25.0 200

    BILT 12.5 240

    Whitefield Paper Mills 12.0 200

    AP Paper Mills Ltd 8.6 84

    West Coast Paper Mills 8.2 90

    Hindustan NewsprintLtd

    7.2 180

    Hindustan Paper Corp 6.6 30

    TNPL 5.7 15

    Century Pulp & Paper 3.9 75

    Rama Paper Mills Ltd 3.5 140

    Seshasayee Paper 3.5 30

    Sirpur Paper Mills Ltd 2.9 55

    JK Paper Ltd 2.4 60

    Star Paper Mills Ltd 0.9 30

    Orient Paper &


    0.5 20

    Total 103.2 1,449

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    Paper cycle

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    Reverse Logistics operation in paper industry


    Reverse logistics is an issue that has attracted the attention of researchers since the last decadedue to an ever increasing an ever increased awareness about economics, environmental and

    social benefits associated with them. In this paper, we report a case study of an Indian paper

    manufacturing company. For this company proper management of reverse logistics is key to its

    survival and growth .SAP-LAP Methology has been used for critical examination of the casecompany . It is observed from the case study that reverse logistics practices are at a growing

    stage in Indian paper manufacturing company. Indian companies are not fully utilized the real

    benefits of reverse logistics and there are ample opportunity for the improvement in reverse

    logistics operations.


    In this paper we report case study of an Indian paper manufacturing company that were dealing

    with some aspects of reverse logistics operation in their organization .Reverse logistic is an issuethat has attracted attention of researchers since the last decade due to increase awareness about

    economic, environmental and social benefits associated with them .In simple terms a reverse

    logistic refers to the process moving goods from their typical final destination to another point,

    for the purpose of capturing value otherwise unavailable ,or for the proper disposal of productsIndustries are finding out that all the sales transactions are done by them are not final .In fact

    they must cope with escalating volume of returned /unsold/damaged/end-of-use/end-of-life

    products with increase competition in market and shrinked profit margin, companies areincreasingly interested in saving achieved through the recovery of constituent materials. concerns

    to the environment and sustainable development have increased the relevance of reverse logistics

    in present day industrial scenario .Several countries have passed legal legislation prescribing

    norms for the product recovery and proper disposal of product. Today customers are educatedand are more conscious of environmental friendly products. Some studies have indicated thatcustomers are even willing to pay more for green products for cause of the environment thus

    economics as well as ecological reasons have given rise to new interest in the area termed as

    Reverse logistics.

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    Ratna et al., (1992) opine that paper industry is often regarded as a mature industry, where theproducts and production are stable and competition between companies is mainly limited to cost

    management. Due to it mature and large size, pulp and paper industry has considerable potential

    to cause environmental damage in different stages of product life cycle as forest management,pulp production, pulp bleaching, paper production, waste production etc. Patti et al. 2004 present

    a cost optimization model for multi variety recycled waste reverse logistic system for a paper

    industry which could help in developing appropriate manufacturing strategies that is units ofvarieties of paper produced, comparison of cost in different scenario of demand, etc. The waste

    management methods in paper industry include recycling, energy recovery and land filled

    disposal. Recycling is the preferred option in these companies. Thus reverse logistics operations

    assume great significance in paper industry.


    Sushil (2000) has recommended the use of SAP-LAP methodology for critical examination of a

    case company. SAP-LAP paradigm is the basis of flexible system management. This paradigm

    considers three basic entities in any management context viz. situation, actor, and process. Itcould be seen that a situation is to be dealt by an actor or a set of actors through a process or a set

    of processes. The freedom of choice exists with an actor who could be an individual, a group or

    an organization as a whole.An interplay of situation, actor and process (SAP) leads to learning action and performance

    (LAP). The obtained learning would direct the possible actions to be taken for handling the

    situation, which would result into the performance of the system with the new learning and

    actions the situation, actor and processes might result in a change into a new level. Such adynamic interplay of SAP and LAP will act as the basis of ongoing managerial inquiry.

    The SAP-LAP paradigm incorporates both learning and action in a symbiotic manner coupled

    with performance .It not only takes into consideration optimization of processes but alsoincorporates multiple perspectives of various participative actors in a managerial process. Thus

    SAP-LAP analysis offers a learning and interpretive framework of inquiry into the problem

    under consideration.Therefore, for the organization which are in the process of adopting new technologies SAP-LAP

    framework could prove to be a useful methodology for analyzing the problem. For the adoption

    of reverse logistics practices, organization is not only adopting new management practices but

    also new technologies. Thus, SAP-LAP analysis could best fit in for the analysis of the cases.

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    P1 is one of the Indian largest manufacturing company .The company was incorporated in 1938with an intial installed capacity of 20TPD and ever since has grown phenomenally. It is an ISO-

    9000-2000 accredited company manufacturing a wide range of paper of different grades

    pacakaging , priniting and other industrial premium grade catering to almost all the segments ofcustomers. P1 has four paper machines producing a wide range of products catering to different

    segments and requirements of customers.a massive modernaization and expansion programme is

    in progress to increase production , improve competitiveness and reduce pollution. P1 ha s fine

    distribution network throughout the country besides exporting papers to neibouring countries. P1manufactures 61000 TPA of writing, printing and packaging papers in 2004-2005. In recognition

    of the continued efforts towards energy conservation by the Indian paper manufactures

    association in year 2005.


    Manufacturing process at p1 is depicted fig 2. P1 manufactures, industrial and printing papersusing forest, based with fibrous raw material viz .bamboo ,poplar ,etc. Besides these ,waste paper

    is also used as raw material. The quality control personnel from the quality department of P1

    take a sample of the wood to determine its moisture contents. The woods are subsequently tested

    and the report is sent. The selected wood is transported from the timber yard by the tractor ,buffalo carts to the chipper house as per requirements . Woods logs upto 300 mm diameter are

    cut in the chipper house the oversize chips go for the further chipping the under chips go to the

    dust disposal section and the chips of required size are fed to the digestor house. The requiredsize of the chips lies between 3 to 30 mm. P1 has six digestors each with an installed capapcity

    of 85m. In the process wood chips are treated with the cooking liquor in a pressing vessel at

    temperature .The prepared paper pulp is now washed and screened. The soda recovery unit dealswith the production of white liquor steam and lime. These products are used for consumption in

    plant toward the production of different qualities of paper and board paper. The aim of stock

    preparation unit is to make the raw pulp ready for the paper machine to achieve the desired

    property in the paper .From blending chest ,the pulp is pumped to mixing chests through refiners.Dye, filter and other sizing chemicals are added in the mixing chest as per the required

    characteristics of the paper.Subsequently refining of the pulp is done in which the fibers are

    subject to mechanical treatments to get the desired properties of the paper. P1 has four paper

    manufacturing machines. The desired paper are finally cut to the desired size and marketingdepartments dispatches the order as per requirement of the customers.

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    P1 is conscious of its social responsibility towards the cause of the environment and has investedheavily in reducing pollution. The environment management at P1 indicates how a company

    progresses from reacting to environment issue to developing a proactive appoarach to the

    problem .P1 has taken important steps for reducing energy consumption, water pollution, airpollution and solid wastes generated. The company has taken important steps to reduce water

    consumption and decrease the overall volume of pollution discharges.


    Paper industry is one of the largest consumers of energy. Electricity and steam are the two key

    resources for effective management in this industry. To reduce energy costs , P1 has invested in

    co- generation facility. Also the steam produced at various sources is used for energyrequirement at P1 .These accounts for 40% of the total energy consumed by P1. In recognisation

    to the continued efforts towards energy conservation, P1was awarded commendation certificatefor the year 1999 under the national energy conservation award scheme in paper and pulp sector.


    Water is principle ingredient used in large volume in paper and pulp industry. Waste water

    released from paper industry include chlorinated phenolics, dioxins, phosphates and suspendedsediments etc. At P1 all the effluents undergo chemical treatments for removing the hazardous

    material and the quality of waste paper discharged into the environment is as per the norms set

    up by the pollution control board . Process waste water is fully recycled for use in making starch

    glue , P1 used bubble diffusion and total stream polishing for the treatments of waste water.


    Air emissions from P1 include sulphur di oxide , hydrogen chloride etc. P1 is equipped with

    paper dust collectors ,dust precipators and flue gas de sulphurization devices that reduce air

    emissions well below the regulatory standards .


    Paper mills also produce non hazardous solid wastes such as sludges derived from their pulpingand bleaching processes . In P1 it is ensured that the produced solid wastes are chemically

    treated before disposing off to the enviornmnet .

    The interview with the logistics managers indicated that recycling was the most preferred reverselogistics operation being followed at P1 . The logistics manager at P1 were of the view that the

    production line at P1 was tuned for producing virgin quality papers .They said that the company

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    was planning to buy equipments in near future for recycling waste papers . Logistics managers

    were of the view that financial constraints, lack of appropriate performance metrics and lack ofinformation and technology system were the main barriers affecting the implementation of

    Reverse logistics at P1 .



    P1 is one of the leading producers of quality paper in the Indian paper industry since itsentry into Indian market in 1938.

    The supply chain of P1 is complex one since it manufactures papers for a wide range ofapplications

    Serve competition exists in the paper in the paper industry with the recent entry of someMNCs in the market.

    There is an increased demand for production of environmental friendly printing papersthat reduce the impact on the environment. More than half of the suppliers of p1 are small and belong to the rural areas . thus , the

    co-ordination with the suppliers is not reliable , leading to uncertainties

    P1 has not fully utilized the benefits of e business technologies. The company has a strong dealership network in the major Indian cities. More stringent environmental laws are in force for proper disposal of the wastes

    generated from the production of paper .

    P1 only produces virgin quality papers.


    Management of p1 especially the managing director and general manager of logistics andsupply chain department.

    The employees of P1 in general and those in logistics and supply chain departments. Suppliers of P1 Dealers of p1 Business consultant of p1


    Suppliers of p1 are connected to the factory by conventional means of telephonefax etc.

    The main raw material used for the production of pulp are wooden material , nonwooden material and agriculture residue .

    For the imported materials received at kandla port and delhi port airport it hasentered into a long term transportation contract with third parties specializing

    in the operation.

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    Relevance of logistics in paper industry


    Internet keeps p1 in touch with the business community of words paper industry The company uses four state of art paper machines for manufacturing quality



    In P1 the production planning is based on advance orders .in such ascenario , accurate forecasting is neccssitated.

    Usage of waste paper as raw material could cut down the cost ofproduction .

    Energy cost is a major source of expenses for p1 To attain a clean corporate image , proper disposal of product is necessary Financial constraints and lack of appropriate performance metrics are

    identified as the main barrier in the implementation of reverse logistics at


    For effective interaction with its customers efficient use of informationand communication technology is necessary.

    Seminars and workshops on the benefits of reverse logistics could bearranged for the dealers and suppliers .


    More amount of waste paper should be used as the raw material foremphasizing source reduction and also for reducing cost.

    Co generation facility should be installed to reduce energy ,cost , andlower the carbon dioxide emissions.

    The hazardous chemicals and bi-products of manufacturing should beproperly treated before discharging these into the environment.

    E- business technologies should be used for the online management ofentire value chain .at present only the dealers are connected to thecompany by extranet network . This should be extended to the suppliers.

    Third party logistics service providers are available who are specializaingin reverse logistics operations. P1 could think of outsourcing theseactivities in a phased manner so that it could concentrate on its core


    Benchmarking of reverse logistics operation and developing appropriateperformance metrics in reverse logistics operation are important actionsneeded for the growth of p1

    The websites should be more user friendly showing th einforamationneeded by the member of the supply chain.

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    Relevance of logistics in paper industry



    Installation of cogenerated facility would reduce energy cost and lower carbondioxide emissions . this would give p1 a competitive advantage over others .

    Outsourcing of reverse logistics operations to third parties could further help P1finetunning of its logistics activities.

    By emphasizing proper disposal of products, the corporate image of p1 can beincreased They can also win the goodwill of the customers .

    With customers focused website ,the customers could have the option of choosingthe product specification and placing order online.

    Benchmarking and performance metrics in reverse logistics operations couldprovide the company an opportunity to identify the gaps while implementing

    reverse logistics programs

    ConclusionIn this paper, we have discussed a real life case study of an Indian paper manufacturing

    industry dealing with reverse logistics operations in their organization. This case study has

    provided some interesting observations about the status of reverse logistics practices in theIndian context. One of the main features of reverse logistics operations at P1 is that it has taken

    sufficient measures for the protection of the environment such as chemical treatment of effluents

    and proper disposal of hazardous by products, etc. Also, one of the major drawbacks at P1 is that

    it only produces virgin(new) quality papers from wood pulp. Waste papers are sparingly used asraw material for preparation of pulp and paper.

    One of the main shortfalls of reverse logistics activities at P1 is the lack of an

    efficient information and communication technologies (ICT) for the integration of its reverselogistics activities. Most of the suppliers of P1 are based locally and are connected byconventional means such as telephone ,fax,e-mail etc. The company had implemented an in-

    house developed ERP system, which attained limited success .Thus for effective integration of

    reverse logistics, use of ICT should be increasing at P1.P1 has ample opportunity for the improvement in its reverse logistics activities .Interaction

    with the logistics and supply chain managers at P1 indicated that financial constraints and

    company policies are the chief barriers of reverse logistics operations. The continuous lineproduction at P1 is tuned with producing virgin qualities of paper. Logistics and supply chain

    management of P1 were of the view that if waste paper is used as raw material, additional

    technologies would be required for removing the dye present in the waste papers.P1 at present is

    not using these technologies due to financial constraints. Thus, in the long run p1 should usethese technologies for effective implementation of its reverse logistics activities.

    Its observed from the case study that reversed logistics practices are at a nascent stage in

    the Indian paper manufacturing industries. Indian companies have not fully utilized the real

    benefit of reverse logistics. There are ample opportunities for the improvement in reverselogistics operations.

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    This case study was conducted with some limitations as well. Company had some

    reservations in revealing some of its technical information and data associated with the reverselogistics activites. Thus ,this was one of the major constraints in this exercise.


    Indian paper industry is currently in the midst of a transformation with major capitalexpenditure underway and improving operating efficiencies is the major concern of the

    all players. All players are committing a large amount of investment, focusing on:

    Improving the operational efficiencies through rightsizing pulping capacities Brown-field capacity expansions Backward integration into captive power Adherence to pollution norms by chemical recovery

    The paper industry would witness an investment worth INR100.0 billion in next 2-3years. The top 10 domestic players in paper sector would account for around 70% of the

    capex planned to b