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Final Mbi Doc

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  • 8/12/2019 Final Mbi Doc


    APRIL 2012 (ROLL NO:36-40)

    Q1 (a) If you are a marketing manager of consumer durable electronic company, how

    would you develop 4ps for product such as mobiles?(Rahil. Roll no:39)


    1.Product: - It is "the thing" that will fulfill the needs of your customer. This is the mostimportant thing in the mix, the physical product or the service that the entity is offering

    for sale to the public.

    2.Promotion:-It plays a role in the perception the possible target audience may have aboutthe service. There has to be a fit between the promotion and the positioning. Online

    marketing makes it cheaper to conduct promotions and reach as many people as


    3.Price: -Price is often considered a proxy for quality. This is the price or amount that thecustomer needs to giveaway in exchange of the product or service one is offering.

    Marketing strategy will need to ensure that people will get the perceived value as

    greater than the price they will need to giveaway.

    4.Place: -It often offers a different side of value to the customer. Services are often chosenfor their place utility. Closer to the customer means higher probability of purchase. It

    may be either online or offline, customers should be informed where the products will

    be available.




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    Q1 (b) Discuss features of consumer goods marketing by giving relevant examples?(rahil. Roll no 39)


    a) Consumer goods have large number of buyers and sellers spread over the wholecountry. Every individual has to purchase consumer items for meeting his

    regular needs.

    b) The market for consumers good is widespread. Every village, taluka, and districtplaces, cities and towns are a market for consumer goods.

    c) Consumer goods may be durable or perishable, low priced or high-priced andnecessity or luxury. Fish or bread is a perishable consumer item and it must be

    used quickly. Durable consumer items like TV, automobile, mixer, etc. Can be

    used over many years.d) The demand for consumer good is always continuous. It is a primary demand and

    not a derived demand. The purchases for personal consumption are made in

    small quantities due to regular supply and limited purchasing capacity of


    e) Buyers of consumer goods have limited information about the consumer items.Naturally, they are dependent on the retailers for such information.

    f) The market for consumer good is highly competition is among the manufacturersand also among the retailers like departmental stores and supermarkets.

    g) Salesmanship as well as sales promotion techniques are used extensively in themarketing of consumer items. Consumers prefer to purchase as per the

    information and guidance offered by the salesman. As the products are identical,modifications in the products are frequent. Sales promotion techniques at

    consumer level and also at the dealer lever are required.

    h) Marketing of consumer good is risky as the demand is elastic. Frequent changes takeplace in the taste and fashion of consumers. The needs and expectations also



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    Q1.a. How can services be classified? (Khusboo Shah- Roll no:36)

    The classification schemes developed by Christopher Lovelock represent an attempt to

    address one of the following aspects:

    1. Nature of the service Act:

    The service act can be considered in two-ways:

    a. Who or what is the direct recipient of the service, and

    b. The tangible nature of services.

    This creates four classification possibilities shown below:


    People ThingsNature of service


    Tangible actions

    Intangible assets

    Services directed at peoples


    Health care

    Passenger transportation

    Beauty saloons

    Exercise clinics



    Services directed at goods and other

    physical possessions:

    Freight transportation

    Industrial equipment repair and


    Laundry and dry cleaning

    Landscaping/lawn care

    Veterinary care

    Services directed at peoples



    Information services



    Services directed at intangible


    BankingLegal services




    Understanding the Nature of the Service Act

    2. Type of Relationship that the services organization has with its customers:

    In this the prime factors which need consideration are:

    a. Whether or not the customer has some type of formal relationship with the provider

    of service, and

    b. Whether the service itself is provided continuously or in discrete transactions.

    These considerations lend themselves to the matrix shown in figure below:

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    Membership relationship No formal


    Nature of servicedelivery

    Continuous delivery

    of service

    Discrete transactions

    InsuranceTelephone subscription

    College enrollment


    Trade associations

    radio stationpolice protection


    public highway

    Long-distance phone


    Theatre series


    Commuter ticket or pass

    Car rental

    Mail services

    Toll highway

    Pay phone

    Movie theatre

    Public transportation

    RestaurantRelationship with customers

    3. Scope for customization and judgment in service delivery:

    Services are created as they are consumed. There is far more scope for tailoring the service

    to meet the needs of the individual customer because the customer is often actually

    involved in the production process. As shown in the figure below customization can

    proceed along at least two dimensions:

    a. The extent to which the characteristics if the service and delivery system tendthemselves to customization.

    b. How much judgment customer contact personnel are able to exercise in definingthe nature of services received by individual customers.

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    Extent to which characteristics are customized

    Extent to which customer

    Contact Personnel exerciseJudgment in meeting High Low

    Customization and judgment in service delivery

    5. Nature of demand and supply for the service:Some service industries face steady demand for their services whereas others encounter

    significant fluctuations. The time perishability of service capacity creates a challenge for

    the service manager. This is because services cannot be produced and stored as inventory

    for future sale. But the extent of demand and supply imbalances varies across service

    industries as shown in the figure below:

    Individual customer needs


    Professional services


    Taxi service



    Education (tutorials)

    Gourmet restaurant

    Education (large classes)

    Preventive health


    College food services


    Telephone service

    Hotel services

    Retail bankingFamily restaurant

    Public transportation

    Routine appliance repair

    Movie theatreSpectacular sports

    Fast-food restaurant

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    Q1.b. IDBI is in service sector. Do you agree? Justify. (Khusboo Shah- Roll no:36)

    1. A bank is an institution that deals with money and credit. Bank is a link in the flow offunds from savers to users. They provide means of payment for goods and servicesand provide necessary finance for the development of business and trade. Hence

    banks are service organizations selling banking services.

    2. Marketing of banking services is concerned with product, place, distribution, pricingand promotion decisions in the changing, socio-economic and business


    3. The marketing activities of bank are concerned with product design strategies, placedecisions, etc.

    It has the following main features:

    a) Intangibilityb) Inseparabilityc) Variabilityd) Perishability.

    4. Bank is one industry where there is no middlemen serving the customer. Howeverwith liberalization and globalization, middlemen are gradually emerging in the bank

    industry giving rise to marketing of banking services.

    5. IDBI (Industrial Development Bank of India) started as a Development Bank of Indiain july 1964. Thereafter it became a full-service commercial bank in October, 2004.

    6. IDBI provides personalized, banking and financial services to its customers. Theseinclude deposits, loans, cards, trade services, etc.

    7. It also provides services like insurance, money transfer, investments etc.8. A service is an act or performance offered by one party to another. They are

    economic activities that create value and provide benefits for customer at specific


    9. The characteristics of services are:a) Intangibility: services are intangible we cannot touch them. They are not

    physical objects. The buyer does not have any opportunity to touch, smell, taste

    the service.

    b) Perishability: services too are perishable like labour. Service has a high degree ofperishability. Here the element of time assumes a significant position. Utilized or

    unutilized services are an economic waste.

    c) Inseparability: services are generally created or supplied simultaneously. Theyare inseparable. For e.g., the entertainment industry, health experts and other

    professionals create and offer their service at the same given time.

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    d) Heterogeneity: this character of services makes it difficult to set a standard forany service. The quality of services cannot be standardized. The price paid for a

    service may either be too high or too low. Consumers rate these services in

    different ways

    e) Ownership: in the sale of goods, after the completion of process, the goods aretransferred in the name of the buyer and he becomes the owner of the goods. But

    in case of services we do not find this. The users have only an access to services.

    They cannot own the services.

    10. We can see that the marketing activities of a bank and that of services has similarfeatures. Therefore we can say that banks are a part of the service sector.

    Hence it can be said that IDBI is in Service sector.

    Name : Darshan Sheth. Roll no:- 38

    Q 2 (A)

    Develop service marketing mix strategies for a life Insurance company

    like Birla Sun Life Company.

    Answer :-

    Birla Sun Life Company:-

    Its a merger between Aditya Birla group and Sun Life Financial of Canada. They have over morethen 75 units all over india

    Products Offered:-

    Endowment Plan:-This helps the member improve returns by investing a part of their premium money in

    bonds and equity

    Money Back Plan Whole Life Plan Max New York Life:-Its a multi-business operation, which has interest in Telecom services, Bulk

    Pharmaceuticals, health care, Life Insurance and Information Technology

    Birla Sun life should develop marketing mix strategies based on these :-

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    A service is an act or performance offered by one party to another. Services are special kind of

    products. Service marketing is dominated by the 7 Ps of marketing namely:-

    1. Product: - It is "the thing" that will fulfil the needs of your customer. This is the most importantthing in the mix, the physical product or the service that the entity is offering for sale to the

    public.Eg:- Physical features, Quality Level, Accessories, Packaging etc

    1. Price: -Price is often considered a proxy for quality. This is the price or amount that thecustomer needs to giveaway in exchange of the product or service one is offering. Marketing

    strategy will need to ensure that people will get the perceived value as greater than the price theywill need to giveaway. Eg:- Discount, Allowance ,Flexibility...etc

    2. Place: -It often offers a different side of value to the customer. Services are often chosen fortheir place utility. Closer to the customer means higher probability of purchase. It may be either

    online or offline, customers should be informed where the products will be available. Eg:-

    Intermediaries, Outlet locations, Transportation, Storageetc


    Promotion:-It plays a role in the perception the possible target audience may have about theservice. There has to be a fit between the promotion and the positioning. Online marketing makes

    it cheaper to conduct promotions and reach as many people as possible. Eg:- Personnel selling,

    Advertising, Sales promotion, Publicityetc

    4. People: -They are crucial in service industry. It includes employees, management, customerservice provided etc. Eg:- motivation and training to employees and education to Customer

    5. Process:-They are important to deliver a quality service. Services being intangible, processesbecome all the more crucial to ensure that the standards are met. Eg:- a process could be simpleor complex

    6. Physical Evidence:-It affects the customer satisfaction. Often services being intangible,customers depend on other cues to judge the offering. This is where physical evidence plays a

    part. Eg:- Facility design, Equipment, Signage, Employee dress


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    Q 2 (B)

    Explain how Socio-cultural, Personal and Psychological factors affect

    consumer buying behaviour

    Buying Behaviour is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and using products. Alarge number of factors influence the consumer buying behaviour. Kotler and Armstrong classify these as:

    Cultural Factors:

    Consumer behavior is deeply influenced by cultural factors such as: buyer culture, subculture, and socialclass.

    1. CultureBasically, culture is the part of every society and is the important cause of person wants and behavior.The influence of culture on buying behavior varies from country to country therefore marketers have to bevery careful in analyzing the culture of different groups, regions or even countries.

    2. SubcultureEach culture contains different subcultures such as religions, nationalities, geographic regions, racialgroups etc. Marketers can use these groups by segmenting the market into various small portions. Forexample marketers can design products according to the needs of a particular geographic group.

    3. Social ClassEvery society possesses some form of social class which is important to the marketers because the buying

    behaviour of people in a given social class is similar. In this way marketing activities could be tailoredaccording to different social classes. Here we should note that social class is not only determined byincome but there are various other factors as well such as: wealth, education, occupation etc.

    Social Factors:

    Social factors also impact the buying behavior of consumers. The important social factors are: referencegroups, family, role and status.

    1. Reference GroupsReference groups have potential in forming a person attitude or behavior. The impact of reference groupsvaries across products and brands. For example if the product is visible such as dress, shoes, car etc thenthe influence of reference groups will be high. Reference groups also include opinion leader (a personwho influences other because of his special skill, knowledge or other characteristics).

    2. Family

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    Buyer behavior is strongly influenced by the member of a family. Therefore marketers are trying to findthe roles and influence of the husband, wife and children. If the buying decision of a particular product is

    influenced by wife then the marketers will try to target the women in their advertisement. Here we shouldnote that buying roles change with change in consumer lifestyles

    3. Roles and StatusEach person possesses different roles and status in the society depending upon the groups, clubs, family,organization etc. to which he belongs. For example a woman is working in an organization as financemanager. Now she is playing two roles, one of finance manager and other of mother. Therefore her

    buying decisions will be influenced by her role and status.

    Personal Factors:

    Personal factors can also affect the consumer behaviour. Some of the important personal factors thatinfluence the buying behaviour are: lifestyle, economic situation, occupation, age, personality and self


    1. Age and life-cycle stageAge and life-cycle have potential impact on the consumer buying behavior. It is obvious that theconsumers change the purchase of goods and services with the passage of time. Family life-cycle consists

    of different stages such young singles, married couples, unmarried couples etc which help marketers todevelop appropriate products for each stage.

    2. OccupationThe occupation of a person has significant impact on his buying behavior. For example a marketingmanager of an organization will try to purchase business suits, whereas a low level worker in the sameorganization will purchase rugged work clothes.

    3. Economic SituationConsumer economic situation has great influence on his buying behavior. If the income and savings of a

    customer is high then he will purchase more expensive products. On the other hand, a person with lowincome and savings will purchase inexpensive products.

    4. LifestyleLifestyle of customers is another import factor affecting the consumer buying behavior. Lifestyle refers to

    the way a person lives in a society and is expressed by the things in his/her surroundings. It is determinedby customer interests, opinions, activities, etc and shapes his whole pattern of acting and interacting in theworld.

    5. PersonalityPersonality changes from person to person, time to time and place to place. Therefore it can greatlyinfluence the buying behavior of customers. Actually, Personality is not what one wears; rather it is thetotality of behavior of a man in different circumstances. It has different characteristics such as:dominance, aggressiveness, self-confidence etc which can be useful to determine the consumer behaviorfor particular product or service.

    Psychological Factors:

    There are four important psychological factors affecting the consumer buying behavior. These are:perception, motivation, learning, beliefs and attitudes.

    1. MotivationThe level of motivation also affects the buying behaviour of customers. Every person has different needs

    such as physiological needs, biological needs, social needs etc. The nature of the needs is that, some ofthem are most pressing while others are least pressing. Therefore a need becomes a motive when it ismore pressing to direct the person to seek satisfaction.

    2. Perception

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    Selecting, organizing and interpreting information in a way to produce a meaningful experience of theworld is called perception. There are three different perceptual processes which are selective attention,

    selective distortion and selective retention. In case of selective attention, marketers try to attract thecustomer attention. Whereas, in case of selective distortion, customers try to interpret the information in away that will support what the customers already believe. Similarly, in case of selective retention,marketers try to retain information that supports their beliefs.

    3. Beliefs and AttitudesCustomer possesses specific belief and attitude towards various products. Since such beliefs and attitudesmake up brand image and affect consumer buying behaviour therefore marketers are interested in them.Marketers can change the beliefs and attitudes of customers by launching special campaigns in thisregard.

    Q4: SHORTNOTES (Sneha-Roll no-40)


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    Q2. Consumer buying Behaviour process


    1) Marketing means all customers

    wants and satisfying efforts

    concerning with planning, pricing,

    promoting product and services.

    Selling is the transfer of the ownership

    and possession of the goods to the


    2) Emphasis on consumer needs and


    Emphasis is on the product.

    3) It is consumer oriented. It is production oriented.

    4) Company first determines

    customers needs and wants and

    then decides out how to deliver a

    product to satisfy these wants.

    Company manufactures the product


    5) Marketing uses innovation intechnology.

    Selling uses existing technology andfocuses on reducing costs.

    6) Planning is long-run-oriented in

    todays products and terms of new

    products, tomorrows markets and

    future growth.

    Planning is short-run-oriented in terms

    of todays product and markets.

    7) Marketing is a pull strategy.


    Selling is a push strategy.


    8) Scope is to identify customer need

    (research), creating products to meetthose needs, promotions to advertise

    said products.

    Once a product has been created for a

    customer need, persuade the customerto purchase the product to fulfil his


    9) Marketing views the customer as the

    very purpose of the business.

    Selling views the customer as the last

    link in the business process.

    10) The consumer demand determines

    the price, price determines the cost.

    The cost of production and

    distribution determines the price.

    11) Marketing is one to many processes. Selling is usually one on one process.

    12) The main goal is to find the right

    products for the customers.

    The main goal is to find the right

    customers for the products.

    13) Marketing shows how to reach tothe consumers.

    Selling is the ultimate result ofmarketing.

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    Commercial sources - Advertisements, sales people (in Tims case it was the store

    manager), Packaging of a particular product in many cases prompt individuals to buy the

    same, Displays (Props, Mannequins etc)

    Public sources - Newspaper, Radio, Magazine

    Experiential sources - Individuals own experience, prior handling of a particular

    product (Tim would definitely purchase a Dell laptop again if he had already used one)

    Step 3EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVESThe next step is to evaluate the various alternativesavailable in the market. An

    individual after gathering relevant information tries to choose the best option

    available as per his need, taste and pocket.

    Step 4PURCHASE OF PRODUCT/SERVICEAfter going through all the above stages, customer finally purchases the


    Step 5POST PURCHASE EVALUATIONThe purchase of the product is followed by post purchase evaluation. Post

    purchase evaluation refers to a customers analysis whether the product was

    useful to him or not, whether the product fulfilled his need or not?

    Q3. Factors Affecting Marketing Communication Mix

    The specifc mix of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, event and

    experience public relation and direct selling is called marketing communication mix

    Characteristics of Marketing communication mix Advertising.

    Eg: Print, Broadcast, Outdoor

    Sales promotion.Eg: Premium, Discounts

    Public relations and publicity. Experiences. Eg: Nestomalt Personal selling. Eg: Sales presentation, Trade shows

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    Direct marketing. Eg: Catalogues, telemarketing, Internet

    Communications mix allocations vary between consumer and business

    markets. Consumer marketers tend to spend comparatively more on sales

    promotion and advertising; business marketers tend to spend comparatively

    more on personal selling.

    Communication mix tools vary cost effectiveness at different stages of buyers

    readiness. There are 5 stages in the buyers readiness.

    Awareness Comprehension Conviction Order


    Communication mix tools also vary in cost effectiveness at different stages of

    the product life cycle. There are 4 stages in the product life cycle.

    Introduction stage Growth stage Maturity stage



    Stages of Buyers Readiness


    g &


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    Q5. The Role of Place is Service Sector.


    While place marketing is a relatively new field of academic research, its origins stem

    from social and non-profit marketing (Kotler & Levy, 1969; Kotler & Zaltman, 1971),

    and it has been practiced for many centuries for the development and promotion of

    places, cities, and nations (Kavaratzis & Ashworth, 2008). The field progressed from

    the initial place selling approach to the use of integrated marketing and branding

    techniques as part of a strategic approach focused on the delivery of a places

    amenities to various target markets for future economic growth and image

    improvement, amongst other benefits (Ashworth & Voogd, 1990, 1994; Kotler et al.,

    1993, 1999; van den Berg & Braun, 1999; Rainisto, 2003; Gertner, 2011).

    However, the perplexity of marketing places and the interdisciplinary nature of the

    field have led to confusion among academics and practitioners. The biggest issues

    regarding place marketing is the lack of a robust theory and the confusion that

    academics may cause as a result of their different research backgrounds (Hanna &

    Rowley, 2008; Skinner, 2008). Therefore, interest in why and how place marketing

    might be used for improving the competitive image of deprived places can help to the

    development of an empirical framework, which can make a significant step towards

    theory making (Niedomysl & Jonasson, 2012).


    Due to the interdisciplinary character of place marketing, a number of definitions

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    have been developed over the years. Often, the term is used synonymous with the

    concepts of place promotion and place branding, making the attempt to distinguish

    the concept of place marketing challenging (Berglund & Olsson, 2010).

    Whereas there are plenty definitions of place marketing, few of them are paying

    attention to the marketing side of the concept. Usually place marketing is defined as

    a management process (Kotler et al. 1999; Rainisto, 2003) which encompasses the

    attempts of place differentiation for competitive advantage over other places.

    Differentiation occurs with the collaboration of all actors and the enclosure of local

    activities to meet the demands of targeted consumers (Ashworth & Voogd, 1994).

    However, communication theory seems to help better to the understanding of what

    place marketing is, as it includes image exposure of a places economic, social,

    political, and cultural aspects to certain target groups (Kavaratzis & Ashworth, 2008;

    Kaplan et al., 2010). Niedomysl and Jonasson (2012) incorporated elements of place

    marketing and place branding in their definition, which can be seen as a blend of the

    two concepts, with place branding as a part of the holistic place marketing practice.

    Therefore, place marketing can be defined as the measures taken, by actors

    appointed to govern a place, to improve the competitive image of that place with the

    explicit aim of attracting capital from elsewhere