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Final film screenplay

Feb 23, 2017



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Page 1: Final film screenplay
Page 2: Final film screenplay

Potential Storyline Potential Storyline OptionsOptions

Guests never arrive

Guests cancel one by one

Dinner to impress goes terribly wrong

All the guests get diarrhea one after another

He welcomes imaginary friends to a dinner

Anniversary or marriage proposal candle light dinner with imaginary girlfriend

Food fight breaks out during dinner conversation

One of the guests have allergic reaction

During preparation main dish burns and instead of guests coming for dinner fire fighters come to a rescue

Family member reunion goes terribly wrong

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Final Storyline OptionsFinal Storyline Options Dinner for imaginary friends

Anniversary or marriage proposal candle light dinner for imaginary girlfriend/wife Dinner in honor of deceased wife

Redemption dinner for wife and friends who tragically died in a traffic accident Split personality person prepares dinner for alter ego Dinner for a women of his dream who he never dares to invite

21st century anniversary dinner via Skype

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Lonely DinnerLonely DinnerScreenplay 1Screenplay 1Outer Motivation

Well groomed and mannered middle aged man aims to prepare exquisite dinner in order to mark very special occasion. Determined to prepare tasty dinner and pleasurable evening he returns to his neat and tidy home with hands full of necessary groceries and specially picked delicacies. Soon the kitchen is overwhelmed and flooded with aromatic and enticing smells of food that is prepared with outmost expertise and tender loving care. In order to satisfy everybody’s taste buds every course on the menu is prepared with fine and delicate attention to details. During the preparation of food, every stage is well planed and any free time is used to set and arrange the table according to his prior well planed design. Cutlery, table wear, crystal wine glasses used only for special occasions with obligatory candles are as well placed with outmost concern to details and visual appeal. As the food and dinning table were prepared and set to his high culinary standards and satisfaction and right on his schedule he has decided to award his efforts with glass wine while waiting for his guests to arrive. Following his military timing and with only few minutes to spare he checked his immaculate appearance while glancing again over perfectly set table. Being fully satisfied and as he was fixing his tie the door bell rang. "They arrived on time" – with an approving smile he told to himself. With a broad and welcoming smile, he opens the door greeting his friends and escorts them with gentlemanly manners to their predetermined seats. However, we as the audience, can not see them.

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Lonely DinnerLonely DinnerScreenplay 1Screenplay 1

ConflictAt the first glance the beginning of the film depicts perfect picture of a personal micro world that is invented and created in the mind of lead character. Guided by a guilty conscience, this individual as fully functional social being has invented and recreated this event almost as a religious custom in order to commemorate and pay tribute to his deceased wife and friends. Aware that they will never turn up for dinner again and being deeply moved by the fact that it he was indirectly to be blamed for their tragedy, in this way he attempts to find redemption and peace of mind, unaware that this customary act prolongs his agony and sadness in a never ending quest for forgiveness. His inner turmoil and troubled soul is portrayed and reflected in characters eyes, although his spoken words to his wife and friends are full with love and care. His gestures, body language and facial mimics paint the deeply troubled person who seeks forgiveness of his indirect sins.

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Lonely DinnerLonely DinnerScreenplay 1Screenplay 1

Inner MotivationFew years ago, the main character was praised and respected as the most successful businessman in the area. At the peak of his career he was fully focused on his job and due to his professional commitments his private life including wife and friends took second place. One night, after long hours at work, while getting ready for bed his wife reminds him on his promise to her and their friends about celebratory dinner that he was supposed to prepare the following day in order to mark their marriage anniversary. As he had fully scheduled day in the office he suggested that it would be more convenient to meet his wife and friends at her favorite restaurant. On the way to restaurant his wife and friends had a fatal traffic accident. Since then every year on the same day he goes trough same dinner preparation as the day of loss and nostalgic remembrance. The main purpose of this film is to depict human tragedy and loss as well as the longing for deceased people that we love and miss. This is universal story that reminds us that loved ones are to be treasured and are more important than financial gain, social statues and career.

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Lonely DinnerLonely DinnerScreenplay 2Screenplay 2

Outer MotivationWell groomed and mannered middle aged man aims to prepare exquisite dinner in order to mark very special occasion. Determined to prepare tasty dinner and pleasurable evening he returns to his neat and tidy home with hands full of necessary groceries and specially picked delicacies. Soon the kitchen is overwhelmed and flooded with aromatic and enticing smells of food that is prepared with outmost expertise and tender loving care. In order to satisfy his wife's taste buds every course on the menu is prepared with fine and delicate attention to details. During the preparation of food, every stage is well planed and any free time is used to set and arrange the table according to his prior well planed design. Cutlery, table wear, crystal wine glasses used only for special occasions with obligatory candles are as well placed with outmost concern to details and visual appeal. As the food and dinning table were prepared and set to his high culinary standards and satisfaction and right on his schedule he has decided to award his efforts with glass wine while waiting for his guests to arrive. Following his military timing and with only few minutes to spare he checked his immaculate appearance while glancing again over perfectly set table. Being fully satisfied and as he was fixing his tie the door bell rang. “She arrived on time" – with an approving smile he told to himself. With a broad and welcoming smile, he opens the door greeting his wife and escorts her with gentlemanly manners to her predetermined seats. From this point we see the rest of the film from wife's point of view.

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Lonely DinnerLonely DinnerScreenplay 2Screenplay 2

ConflictAt the first glance the beginning of the film depicts perfect picture of a personal micro world that is invented and created in the mind of lead character. Guided by a guilty conscience, this individual as fully functional social being has invented and recreated this event almost as a religious custom in order to commemorate and pay tribute to his deceased wife. Aware that she will never turn up for dinner again and being deeply moved by the fact that it he was indirectly to be blamed for her tragedy, in this way he attempts to find redemption and peace of mind, unaware that this customary act prolongs his agony and sadness in a never ending quest for forgiveness. His inner turmoil and troubled soul is portrayed and reflected in characters eyes, although his spoken words to his wife are full with love and care. His gestures, body language and facial mimics paint the deeply troubled person who seeks forgiveness of his indirect sins.

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Lonely DinnerLonely DinnerScreenplay 2Screenplay 2

Inner MotivationFew years ago, the main character was praised and respected as the most successful businessman in the area. At the peak of his career he was fully focused on his job and due to his professional commitments his private life including wife took second place. One night, after long hours at work, while getting ready for bed his wife reminds him on his promise to her about traditional dinner that he was supposed to prepare the following day in order to mark their marriage anniversary. As he had fully scheduled day in the office he suggested that it would be more convenient to meet his wife at her favorite restaurant. On the way to restaurant his wife had a fatal traffic accident. Since then every year on the same day he goes trough same dinner preparation as the day of loss and nostalgic remembrance. The main purpose of this film is to depict human tragedy and loss as well as the longing for deceased people that we love and miss. This is universal story that reminds us that loved ones are to be treasured and are more important than financial gain, social statues and career.

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Character ProfileCharacter Profile

David Blair is the main character in ‘Lonely Dinner’ short film monodrama. He is a handsome middle aged well groomed and mannered man, with profound features and of a slender statue. Being of a middle class background he is an intellectual with a respectable business career.

At first glance due to his immaculate appearance, neat and tidy home he comes across as a stable and fully functional individual. However, in this film same as in the real life first impressions can be deceiving.

Under his social facade he is very troubled and unhappy individual that is thorn apart with guilt. His misfortune led him to invent and create micro world where he is surrounded with people that he greatly misses.

Every year on the day of his marriage anniversary and the death of his loved ones he prepares a culinary, feast he failed to prepare on the same night of their death.