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Intel Core i5 Processors Architecture A perspective view inside SAU/MSc (CS)
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  • 1. Intel Core i5 Processors ArchitectureA perspective view insideSAU/MSc (CS)

2. Main Topics A brief introduction Intel processor architecture Multi Core architecture Performance evaluation Core I5 specification New features 3. Processor Is the portion of a computer system that carries out theinstructions of a computer program, and is the primary elementcarrying out the computers functions. This term has been in usein the computer industry at least since the early 1960s . The form, design and implementation of CPUs have changeddramatically since the earliest examples, but their fundamentaloperation remains much the same. 4. The Process Process is a program in execution .A process is more than theprogram code which is known sometimes as a text section. It also includes the current activity, as represented by the value ofthe program counter & the contents of the processors registers. Process generally includes the process stack, which containstemporary data (such as method parameters ,return addresses,local variables),and data section, which contains global variables. 5. Intel Processors Roadmap 6. Intel processors architecture In this presentation we focus on four recently releasedmicroprocessors by Intel : NetBurst (microarchitecture) Core (microarchitecture) Nelahem (microarchitecture) Sandy Bridge (microarchitecture) 7. NetBurst (microarchitecture) The NetBurst microarchitecture, called P68 inside Intel, wasthe successor to the P6 microarchitecture in the x86 familyof CPUs made by Intel. The first CPU to use this architecture wasthe Willamette core of the Pentium 4 and the first ofthe Pentium 4 CPUs All subsequent Pentium 4 and Pentium D variants have alsobeen based on NetBurst. 8. NetBurst cont The NetBurst microarchitecture includes features such as : Front-Side Bus Hyper Pipelined Technology This is the name given to the 20-stage instruction pipeline within the Willamette core Rapid Execution Engine With this technology, the two ALUs in the core of the CPU are double-pumped Execution Trace Cache It stores decoded micro-operations, so that when executing a new instruction, instead of fetching and decoding the instruction again, the CPU directly accesses the decoded micro-ops from the trace cache, thereby saving considerable time. 9. Multi-Core (microarchitecture) A multi-core processor is a single computing component with twoor more independent actual central processing units (called"cores"), which are the units that read and execute programinstructions. The instructions are ordinary CPU instructions such as add, movedata, and branch, but the multiple cores can run multipleinstructions at the same time, increasing overall speed forprograms amenable to parallel computing. Manufacturers typically integrate the cores onto asingle integrated circuit die (known as a chip multiprocessor orCMP), or onto multiple dies in a single chip package. 10. Single Core Architecture 11. Multi Core Architecture This talk is about a new trend in computer architecture:Replicate multiple processor cores on a single die. 12. Multi-core CPU chip The cores fit on a single processor socket Also called CMP (Chip Multi-Processor) c c c c o o o o r r r r e e e e 1 2 3 4 13. The cores run in parallel thread 1 thread 2 thread 3 thread 4 cccc oooo rrrr eeee 1234 14. Within each core, threads are time-sliced(just like on a uniprocessor)several several several severalthreads threads threads threadsc c c co o o or r r re e e e1 2 3 4 15. Concept of Core 16. Interaction with the Operating System OS perceives each core as a separate processor OS scheduler maps threads/processesto different cores Most major OS support multi-core today:Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, 17. Why multi-core ? Difficult to make single-core clock frequencies evenhigher Deeply pipelined circuits: heat problems speed of light problems difficult design and verification large design teams necessary server farms need expensive air-conditioning Many new applications are multithreaded General trend in computer architecture (shift towardsmore parallelism) 18. Nehalem (microcomputer) Nehalem is the codename for an Intel processormicroarchitecture, successor to the Core microarchitecture. Nehalem processors use the 45 nm process. The first processor released with the Nehalem architecturewas the desktop Core i7, which was released in November2008. Nehalem, a recycled codename, refers to a completelydifferent architecture from Netburst 19. Nehalem cont Focus on performance Utilize higher clock speeds and are more energy-efficient Hyper-threading reintroduced. 412 MB L3 cache Native (all processor cores on a single die) quad- and octa-coreprocessors Intel QuickPath Interconnect in high-end models replacing thelegacy front side bus Integrated memory controller supporting two or three memorychannels of DDR3 SDRAM 2nd generation Intel Virtualization Technology which introducedExtended Page Table support 20. Sandy Bridge (micro Computer) Sandy Bridge is the codename for a microarchitecture developedby Intel beginning in 2005 for central processing units incomputers to replace the Nehalem microarchitecture. Inteldemonstrated a Sandy Bridge processor in 2009, and releasedfirst products based on the architecture in January 2011 underthe Core brand. 21. Sandy Bridge cont Upgraded features from Nehalem include: Shared L3 cache includes the processor graphics 64-byte cache line size Two load/store operations per CPU cycle for each memory channel Decoded micro-operation cache and enlarged, optimized branch predictor Improved performance for transcendental mathematics, AES encryption (AES instruction set), and SHA-1 hashing 256-bit/cycle ring bus interconnect between cores, graphics, cache and System Agent Domain Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) 256-bit instruction set with wider vectors, new extensible syntax and rich functionality Intel Quick Sync Video, hardware support for video encoding and decoding Up to 8 physical cores or 16 logical cores through Hyper-threading 22. Family of ProcessorsThis new family of processors consists of three classes core i3, core i5 and core i7. The Intel core i3 series has been made to cater to the entry level desktop and laptop computer market. The core i5 series is aimed at the mid level computing segment. The core i7 series is stuffed with high performance processors that can serve the high end market. Every series of processors comes with a lot of variety, in terms of processing speed and features. 23. Our Focus on Core i5 Processors Intel has just announced their latest lineup of Core i5processors. Sandy Bridge, as the new architecture is called by engineersis Intels new microarchitecture, following Nehalem. The new processors are produced on Intels 32 nmproduction process which has reached maturity over the lastfew months. 24. Core i5 Quad-Core Structure 25. Core i5 processor The core i5 line consists of three separate series of processorswithi) DualCore Core i5 Processorsii) QuadCore Core i5 Processors The DualCore Core i5 , as well as quad cores come with 4 threadseach. The clocking frequency ranging from 2.933 GHz to 3.2 GHz 4 MB to 8 MB L3 cache Direct media interface Intel HD graphics Intel smart cache technology Hyper-threading enabled i5 chips are faster than the i3 chips 26. The main key points for corei5 tocomparison Core Confusion Give Me the Cache A Word on Turbo Boost Hyper-Threading Integrated Graphics 27. Core Confusion Get faster CPU performance from Core i7 parts thanCore i5 The majority of desktop Core i7 CPUs are quad-coreprocessors, while many mobile Core i5 processors are dual-core. There are mobile dual-core Core i7 processors, and likewiseseveral desktop quad-core Core i5 processors. Rare six-core Core i7, which are usually found with thedesktop-only Extreme Edition top-of-the-line models. To get better performance in each generation, buy aprocessor with a higher model number 28. Cache Memory In addition to generally faster base clock speeds, Core i5processors have larger cache (on-board memory). help the processor deal with repetitive tasks faster. If youre editing and calculating spreadsheets, your CPUshouldnt have to reload the framework the numbers sit in.This info will sit in the cache so that when you change anumber the calculations are almost instantaneous. Larger cache sizes help with multitasking as well, sincebackground tasks will be ready for when you switch focus toanother window. On currently available desktop processors, i5 CPUs have 3MBto 8MB of L3 cache, while i7 processors have 8MB to 15MB. 29. Turbo Boost feature Turbo Boost refers to Intels "overclocking" featurebuilt into its processors. It allows the processor to run faster than its base clockspeed when only one or two processor cores are needed(like when youre running a single-threaded task that youwant done now). This provides users with the opportunity to turn off a core ifits not being utilized. Both Core i5 and Core i7 processors use Turbo Boost 30. Hyper-Threading Intel Hyper-Threading uses multi-threading technology tomake a processor appear to have more cores than itphysically has to the operating system and applications. Hyper-Threading technology is used to increaseperformance at multi-threaded tasks. The simplest multi-threaded situation is a multi-tasking userrunning several programs simultaneously, but there areother tasks that take advantage of Hyper-Threading For instance multimedia operations (like transcoding,rendering, etc.) and Web surfing (loading different elementslike Flash content and images simultaneously). 31. Hyper-Threading Cont All Core i7 CPUs use Hyper-Threading, A six-core CPU can handle 12 streams Four core handles eight streams, and a dual-core handlesfour streams. Core i5 uses Hyper-Threading to make a dual-core CPU actlike a four-core one, but if you have a Core i5 processor withfour true cores, it wont have Hyper-Threading. For the time being, Core i5 tops out at handling 4 streams,using four real cores or two cores with Hyper-Threading. 32. Hyper-Threading 33. Integrated Graphics Integrated graphics built into the processor core itself. Previous Intel integrated graphics were built onto themotherboard chipsets, rather than on the processor. Intel HD Graphics 2000/3000 in currently shipping SandyBridge processors. Integrated graphics saves power, since there wont be anextra graphics chip on your laptop or desktops motherboardusing power. 34. Conclusion Multi-core chips an important new trend in computerarchitecture Several new multi-core chips in design phases Parallel programming techniques likely to gain importance Turbo boost feature is implemented after Core i5 design. Soit is main feature of corei5. Core i5 has Dual and Quad Core Both. Core i5 is made for mainstream users who care aboutperformance and core i7 is made for enthusiasts and high-endusers.