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Final Diploma Project Presentation

Apr 03, 2018



Suguna Dewan
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  • 7/29/2019 Final Diploma Project Presentation


    Final Diploma Project2009

    Project by

    Suguna DewanUser Experience Design

    Industry Guide

    Shrikant EkboteTech Mahindra Limited

    A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery

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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | process

    Phase 1 - Exploration Phase: Primary explorationFinalization of research topic

    Research objectivesStudy of literature initial research

    Observations of research

    Phase 2 - Study of existing systems and User study

    Phase 3 - Data collection, Processing

    Phase 4 - Mind Mapping, Information Flows

    Phase 5 - Generation of Design Opportunities, Personas, Scenarios

    Phase 6 - Design Phase : Navigation Design

    Paper PrototypingFinal Prototyping

    Working Application

    Phase 7 - Conclusion, Acknowledgement, Scope of Improvement

    Overview of the process

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    Phase One

    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase one

    Initial Idea

    Initial Research



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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase one

    Initial Idea:

    An Online interactive virtual exhibition space for artists, sculptors and designers where

    they can exhibit their art works and interact with fellow artists, get recognition in the

    art world.

    Adding on:

    Providing a real life exhibition experience to viewers/visitors in an art exhibition

    on the internet for users who cannot be physically present in the exhibition.

    Witnessing a virtual experience of the exhibition while sitting at home was the mainidea.

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    Literature Study : Research

    The initial research mainly included internet based research and general

    brainstorming of the idea/topic.

    The research covered the following topics:




    Collecting Art

    Art Business


    I came across many interesting facts about the art world in general which

    gave me a detailed insight about what art is all about.

    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase one

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    What is Art:The term Art refers to a diverse range of human activities and

    artifacts, and may be used to cover all or any of the arts,

    including music, literature and other forms. It is most often used

    to refer specifically to the visual arts, including mediums such as

    painting, sculpture, and printmaking.

    It has been defined as the vehicle of the expression ofcommunications of emotions and ideas.

    Artist:Anyone associated with the various forms of art is called an artist.

    A normal human being can also be called an artist in a certain

    perspective.person who expresses through a medium.


    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase one

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    Auctions:An auction is a process of buying and selling goods or

    services by offering them up for bid, taking bids, andthen selling the item to the winning bidder. English

    auction, also known as an open ascending price

    auction. Participants bid openly against one another,

    with each subsequent bid higher than the previous


    Collecting ArtAnyone can buy and collect art intelligently. No previous knowledge of the art

    business, experience collecting art, or degrees in art history are necessary. Four

    questions essential for buying art:

    1. Who is the artist?

    2. How important is the art?

    3. What is its provenance, history, and documentation (where has the art been and

    whos owned it)?

    4. Is the asking price fair?

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    Art BusinessAppreciation of art prices:Extraordinary profits

    have been reaped as sellers have entered the

    marketplace with artworks that have greatly

    appreciated in value.

    Similar to investing in shares: More and morepeople are investing in art just like real estate

    and shares due to the great results after some

    years.Not expensive: Possessing a work of art is not as

    expensive as purchasing a piece of land.

    Good knowledge: One has to have an eye for goodart and an understanding about the art work he/ she is

    going to invest in. So to have these qualities one must

    spend time referring to the various resources available

    regarding the particular art work.

    Online presence:Online art business is not a newconcept but it still has to evolve in front of live buying

    and selling and live auctions.

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    Art exhibitions are traditionally the space inwhich art objects meet an audience.

    Every artist, especially an upcoming artist wants

    to display his/her work in a physical gallery to

    gain recognition in the vast art world.

    Nowadays all physical art galleries have online

    spaces where the artist can display art works,the viewers and art buyers can have a good

    look at the work displayed without having to

    visit the physical gallery.

    But of course the online display has its own

    constraints small display screens do not

    provide a real experience to the viewer. The more the no of exhibitions an artist has

    displayed his work in, the more famous will he


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    Phase Two

    Study of Existing System

    User Study

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    Existing Websites / Portals

    The web presence of physical art galleries is quite

    common presently. These websites cater to a large

    audience varying from casual viewers to professionalart collectors to national galleries.

    A few of these websites are interactive and lets the

    user make some kind of a contact with the artist

    and vice versa.

    A user (viewer) can also order paintings online and

    get them delivered.


    There is no one wonder website in which all these

    features are present.

    All the online exhibitions are shown in the format of

    still images of the paintings, for which the experienceIs nowhere near to a real life exhibition.


    No such website is available in India designed

    specifically for Indian artists or buyers.

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    User Study

    Number of artists interviewed: 14

    Fine artists: 11

    Sculptors: 2

    Collage Artist: 1

    The interviews were done face to face withthe artists and were recorded in a voice

    recorder portable device.

    Every interview lasted for an average of one

    hour duration.

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    The user interviews were done asking a set of questions :

    Technology related questions:1. Do you have an individual website?

    2. How friendly or comfortable are you using the internet?

    3. Which other technology devices do you use?

    4. Have you joined any online interactive galleries?

    Interaction related questions:1. How do you usually interact with other fellow artists?

    2. Do you interact with other people on the internet?

    If yes, then how?

    3. How do you interact with art buyers?

    Business related questions:

    1. How does the selling process happen usually?

    2. Have you ever sold your paintings through the internet?

    3. How does transaction of money and art works happen?

    4. Who usually buys your art work?

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    Questions related to galleries:

    1. Have you showcased your work in any galleries? If yes, then how many times?

    2. How does the transaction and dealing with the gallery take place?

    3. Have you ever showcased your work in any online galleries?

    4. How frequently does your work gets sold through galleries?

    Apart from these questions,

    The artists interestingly opened up and discussed about various

    different topics related or not related.

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    Observations of the user interviews

    Technological and Internet related observations:

    General view:

    Internet has made the world a small place.

    Most of the older artists are not that friendly with using the internet, so they dont use it and say

    that it will waste their time.

    Internet is a necessary evil as quoted by one artist.

    Artists who have websites: Most artists have their own websites, which are restricted to content based information.

    Websites include their work in the form of still pictures and profile of the artist, his thoughts

    and brief descriptions of the art works.

    Most of them say that they are recognised more if they have a website or if they have their work

    displayed on the net. It is a bigger platform for any artist.

    Most websites are of young and upcoming artists as they are more comfortable in using the internet.

    Galleries which have websites:

    Most artists, even if they have their own individual website, they have displayed their works on

    common gallery websites also.

    Most galleries approach the artists and ask them to display their works. Then they charge some

    amount from the artist if the work is sold.

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    Technological and Internet related observations:


    A few of them are also active on blogs.

    For them their individual websites dont work that well as blogs do. Blogs have become more interesting nowadays as they are more interactive and provide instant

    feedback to the writer.


    M.F. Husain gave a statement about a gallery which was closed down after five years of its

    opening: the gallery is dead because art has gone online. The gallery has lost its relevance because art had moved online. Internet has become so

    popular that the original physical gallery has lost its presence.


    Make people see art.

    Appreciate art.

    Buying will happen automatically, if people start appreciating it.

    Community websites:

    For many, any community sites are a waste of time as they dont cater to their specific needs.

    Artists want to interact with other like minded people. In community sites there are infinite number

    of people who can contact them and waste their time.

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    Technological and Internet related observations:

    Most of them want to escape from these websites.

    Everybody and anybody can upload their work on them, then it becomes a rush.

    No body will notice an artist who is not that famous on such a site. They have such a big database.If an artist is popular, only then people will recognise.

    So categorisation of special fields or works or styles is important.

    No recognition for upcoming artists

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    Buying and Selling:

    The usual practice:

    The buying happens by contacting the artist directly through phone or e-mail.

    Also contacting the galleries which showcase a certain artists work.

    All these galleries are physical as well as have a website for international buyers.

    Some years ago, people only bought works of famous artists. But now upcoming artists are also

    encouraged. Even auctions take place for them.

    Every artist has his/her brochure printed, available with them as well as the galleries, for a

    broader insight about the artist.

    Other art buyers:

    Except for art collectors, common people also buy art works, not for investment intentions.

    For them the price can be negotiated accordingly, as they buy only one or two pieces.


    Artists are nowadays contacted on a contract basis. They are told to make a certain number of

    paintings for a particular place or organisation or institute.

    An amount is decided and the work is delivered.

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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase three

    Analysis of the user interviews

    Recognition is a big issue for young artists as they feel left out amongalready established artists.

    Even in artists community websites, they feel unrecognized due to the

    rush of all artists in the website.

    Upcoming artists want to generate more business from their work.

    On the contrary, already established artists believe in working andcreating for their own satisfaction.

    Many of the established artists do not feel the need to use technology

    such as internet. They believe it would waste their precious time.

    Due to art reaching to the masses through the internet, the artists are

    quite satisfied with their global presence, especially upcoming artists.

    No websites available dedicated to Indian artists.

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    Phase Four

    Mind Mapping

    Information Flows

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    Mind Maps

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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase four

    Information Flow Charts

    Offline Information Flow - How an art exhibition takes place

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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase four

    Information Flow Charts

    Flow of how a painting is bought in an on going exhibition and after the exhibition

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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase five

    Phase Five

    Generation of solution statements

    and design opportunities



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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase five

    Solution Statement 1 :

    Showcasing work for recognition

    Providing a web based solution for artists and sculptors to showcase their work online, mainly

    for upcoming artists so as to get them some kind ofrecognition in the society for their work.

    This will enhance their confidence and give them a better opportunity to sell their work.

    The portal could be dedicated only to new emerging artists.

    Initial problem statements

    Solution Statement 2 :Online Exhibitions close to real life exhibitions

    Providing a web based solution for a close to a real life exhibition for viewers, art enthusiasts

    and buyers who cannot be physically present for exhibitions.

    Providing a better view and feel of an actual exhibition on the internet for buyers and art

    collectors, easy transactions through the internet.

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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase five

    Solution Statement 3 :Better platform for Indian artists through interaction

    Providing a better means of interaction and exchange of thoughts and ideas for artists all overthe world. But, because such websites are not available in India particularly for Indian artists, it

    will give a chance to appreciate and criticise art among artists as well as other people.

    Interaction among artists will improve their style of work and provide them better solutions

    for their problems. It will give an opportunity to artists to interact with like minded people and

    share ideas which will result in better work and it will open new dimensions for them to get


    Solution Statement 4 :Portal for Buying of art

    For buying of art, a website which provides a good and efficient platform for buyers and art

    collectors.For buyers outside the country, this website will help them choose art pieces, giving them

    detailed description and a closer look of the art work.

    Providing art collectors information and tips about how to collect art and invest in art. Blogs

    and forums for art buyers will also increase interaction between them and the art business

    consequently will enhance.

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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase five

    Solution Statement 1Appreciation of art:

    Art appreciation is a very important aspect of art. Common people are usually not able to interpret

    art in the way it is supposed to be.

    To make people sensitive towards art, there should be a good platform so that they can

    understand and interpret art in the correct manner.

    Sensitivity towards art will encourage appreciation and in turn generate business for artists.They will get some recognition and will be encouraged to create more.

    Knowledge about history of art and various styles and eras of art will also contribute in enhanced

    understanding among common people.

    An interactive platform, where in people can discuss and ask questions and interact with people

    associated with art (artists, art critics, buyers, etc)

    Revised Solution Statements

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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase five

    Solution Statement 2A personal space for artists:

    A personal space for artists can be provided on the internet, where they write about their

    thoughts, present state of mind, etc.

    Artists, being sensitive and moody need such kind of personal space which expresses their

    thoughts. Different genres of music and varied colours could lighten their mood.

    It will also help buyers as it is very important to know for them that how an artist thinks and

    works, what goes behind in making a painting.

    They want to know small personal things about the artist, before buying a work of art.

    This will also enhance business for the artist.

    Solution Statement 3Collaborative buying of art:

    Art is usually bought by art buyers and collectors who can afford such high prices of the original

    art pieces from famous artists. An art buying portal for people who can purchase an art piece collaboratively with other people

    interested in the same art work.

    They can buy the art work as a collective investment and then if the prices go high, can also

    sell them. It is kind of investment similar to real estate investment.

    They can keep it under their possession until they want to sell it off.

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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase five

    Final Concepts as Solutions (in detail)

    Collaborative buying and selling of art:Web portal of an art gallery which encourages common people to buy art eventually investing in art,

    collaboratively with other people.

    People interested in a particular art piece can show interest and buy it. The art works are in the

    possession of the gallery.

    Once a person decides to buy the art work, he decides his share depending on what is the price

    and posts it on the portal, showing his interest, according to first come first serve basis. The portal

    will show him people already interested (if any) and their desired share.

    It will also show brief profiles of the other buyers interested in it. If still interested, the personcan continue.

    Once the required no. of people interested, the art work is ready to be sold to them.

    The art work is possessed virtually by the investors and cannot be physically taken by any one

    of them.

    - If an option of physical possession comes in, there can

    be a conflict between members regarding possession incase two or more members have the same share.

    The painting can be sold when the price reaches high.

    All the group members must agree to sell it at the same time. If they do not come to a mutual

    agreement to sell it, the group members who want, can sell it to some other person who wants

    to have a share and then consequently can join the group.

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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase five

    When the members decide to sell the art work, it is posted on the portal and the same procedure


    When sold, the share will be calculated and will be given to each member accordingly. Another option can be if a group member wants to possess it solely, he can interact with others

    and pay the remaining amount to them, accordingly.

    Another feature can be in which a company or an organisation invests in art.

    It tells its employees to buy the art works on their names, like investing in the company shares.

    The company will also have a share in it.

    Eventually the company will possess the painting as an investment. When sold, everyone will get their share including the company.

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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase five

    Interactive informational kiosks in Art GalleriesAn interactive kiosk in art galleries mainly informational oriented imparting knowledge about art

    in general, artists, past exhibitions, etc. giving an overall experience to the user about the art world.

    Past Exhibitions

    -Artists who have exhibited in the gallery

    -Highest price of a painting or highest bid

    -List of renowned artists who have exhibited

    -Media coverage

    -Overview of the gallery-Details of past exhibitions; milestones achieved, prominent people who have visited the

    gallery, awards and recognition, etc.

    Artists associated with the gallery

    -Browsing through a list of artists

    -Information/ profile of a particular artist

    -His/her style of work

    -Information about his/her exhibitions

    -Videos, photographs associated with the artist showing his/her working space, his

    perceptions, interviews, etc.

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    General overview about the Art world

    -History of art: various eras, periods, how art came into being, how did people perceive

    art, auctions, etc.-Artists in history: various renowned artists, their styles, highlights and achievements

    -How art is practiced in different countries, their styles, evolution of art in different parts

    of the world, influence of art

    -Modern art, Contemporary art, how is art perceived in present.

    -Some guidelines about how to look for good art, how to place a bid in an auction,

    appreciation of art, etc.

    -Videos made on art in general-Art directory: list of museums, art schools, private and national galleries around the

    world, glossary, etc.

    -Tutorials about some art techniques in the form of interesting videos.

    -Some general interesting videos about art, giving the user a total experience.

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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase five


    Name: Mr. Rakesh Oberoi

    Age: 61 yearsMr. Oberoi is a businessman and owns a company by the name of Oberoi Chemicals.

    He is also a professional art collector and buyer. He has developed a great deal of knowledge about

    art and artists. He is a frequent visitor to all the art exhibitions happening in Mumbai and often flies

    to Delhi and other places to attend exhibitions.

    His company is run by his two sons now and he has almost retired from work and is concentrating

    and spending more time in the process of being a successful art collector. He has a big flat in Marine

    Lines in Mumbai and owns four cars, a laptop and a mobile phone. His wife is a social worker with

    a NGO which helps orphaned children in Mumbai.

    He thinks art is a very good investment in these times of recession. At present prices for art workshave reduced to a good extent and one can easily invest in good and famous art works easily to yield

    the results after some years. At the same time, he believes young, struggling and emerging artists

    should also be given a chance to display their work should get recognition for their efforts. So not

    only famous artists, he also visits exhibitions put up by good upcoming artists.

    Art is also an asset to him as he thinks possessing art increases his status in the society to a great

    extent and his friends and acquaintances look upon him as a respected man who has an eye for good


    He is reasonably comfortable using the computer and the internet. He was taught all this by his own

    twelve year old grandson.

    Thanks to all this learning, he also browses through the various online art gallery websites. In the

    past he has also bought some art works showcased on these sites from all over the world.

    As now he has become a professional art collector and buyer, he spends a lot of time on the internet.

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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase five


    The gallery has recently purchased no of paintings from different places and countries varying in

    size, style, artist, etc.

    Gallerys website ( and browse through the new collection. Interested

    buyers can also come down at the physical gallery to have a personalised experience of the paintings.

    Going through the website:

    The main highlight of the site is the new collection they want to show.

    He likes two of the paintings in the collection by a particular artist from London.

    As a good and experienced art collector, he has always felt the need to understand and analyse

    the painting and the artist as a person and as a professional. He wants to have insights about these

    important things before investing in any art work.

    He is prompted by the site, suggesting two features which will effect his decision of buying the

    art works.

    First is telling him about the big screen experience and second is the face to face interaction with the

    artist himself for better insights.

    By their own mechanism will contact the artist to be present for the interaction with the buyer.

    And also saves his liking and preference.

    A reminder is set by the user and he is reminded by the gallery on his mobile phone through a text


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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase five

    Heads for the gallery A representative of the gallery is present to receive him at the entrance.

    The setup and ambience is very nice and sophisticated. He goes and sits on the big cushioned

    couch in front of the screen.

    The representative introduces him to the screen and the small touch screen pad in front of the

    couch, near his legs, through which he has to operate and navigate.

    He is greeted on the screen showing the selected works and the talk button.

    He clicks on the talk button and it takes him to the video conferencing page.

    While talking to the artist, he starts exploring the application by first going to his chosen

    preference and browsing through the artists other works, relating himself to what the artist

    is saying about his work.

    He also checks the various videos, photographs, interviews, printed material related to the artist,

    as he always does before investing in a piece of art.

    He reads how the painting came into being or the making of the painting.

    He goes back to see the buyers list and gallerys selling history. Not many galleries show these

    records to other buyers very easily.Next he goes on to see the rest of the new collection which the gallery has recently possessed.

    He also changes the music time to time.

    He gets up and leaves to pay for the paintings he chose and to sign any legal documents related.

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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase six

    Phase Six

    Design phase

    - Navigation flow

    - Paper Prototypes

    - Final Prototyping

    - Working Application

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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase six

    Navigation Flow

    Primary Navigation


    Chosen Artist Gallery Links



    Talk Profile Works Coverage Buyers










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    Paper Prototypes

    Exhibition in highlightNew upcoming artists

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    Revised paper prototypes

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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase six

    How to Use the Application

    The user will be given a small touch screen infront of him.

    Screen Size: Diagonal 8"

    Supported Resolution: 640 x 480 | 1280 x 800

    A projection of what is shown on the touch

    screen will be shown on the big screen.

    Fi l P t t

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    Final Prototypes

    Home page

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    Full Screen Preview

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    All works

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    Phase Seven


    Scope of Improvement


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    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase seven


    The application, is targeted towards the more serious buyers rather than

    the casual ones. Professional Art Collectors, Art Critics and other artenthusiasts will get a near to real experience using the application.

    The criteria of judging and buying a work of art is very interesting and

    needs a lot of understanding about the art work history of the art work,

    - about the artist

    - his views- his reputation in the art world

    - details about the seller

    These are some of the things which the application will cover, which are essential

    for any dealings in art business.

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    Scope of Improvement

    Final Diploma Project 2009 A Total Art Experience in a Physical Art Gallery | phase seven

    The navigation of the application could have been more accurate and user friendly.

    Interviewing real users for this application would have been more beneficial in terms

    of the features provided.

    More features for the user can be provided such as a search option

    gallerys past exhibitions

    ongoing current exhibition

    Future Scope

    Studying exactly the minds of buyers and professional art collectors.

    As this application is not available with any gallery, can be pitched to them.

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    Final Diploma Project


    Thank You