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Figley, Mary Lou Farriss, Ann Laing, Sharon Madsen,

Nov 28, 2021



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Page 1: Figley, Mary Lou Farriss, Ann Laing, Sharon Madsen,
Page 2: Figley, Mary Lou Farriss, Ann Laing, Sharon Madsen,

FIRST ROW: Carolyn Hubbard, Dorothy Cole, Evelyn Collins, Mary Richardson, Faith Ann Martin, Carolyn Harvey, Virginia Crookshanks, Partiria Carnohan, Linda Cassel, Barbara Flinn, R. W. Hugoboom.

SECOND ROW: Marjorie Devers, Mary Brumfield, Nancy Blenthen, Angela Moore, Delores Kinder, Bar­bara Keyser, Donita Bentley, Barbara Walden, Barbara Figley, Mary Lou Farriss, Ann Laing, Sharon Madsen, Kay Kincaid.

THIRD ROW: Ronald Ridenour, David Ramsey, Jack Cook, Archie Snyder, Robert Tweel, Harry Peterson.

FOURTH ROW: Richard Hepler, Joe Hickman, Charles Stott, Larry Phillips, Joe Gregory, William Sommerville, Pete Donathan.

choral • un1on The Men's Concert Choir, the Symphonic Choir, and the A Cappella Choir form Choral Union, a fusion of choirs and interested singers which present the Messiah in December, and a spring concert yearly. This year the Symphonic Choir toured Louisiana, while the Men's Concert Choir sang in high schools throughout West Virginia. The

touring choirs are restricted to upperclassmen, but all campus students are eligible to enter A Cappella Choir.

FIRST ROW: Judy Bentley, Anna Peckman, Eleanor Moeser, Elizabeth Blair, Nancy Berry, Helen Tsitouris, Ruth Oshel, Margy Linger, Carolyn Pugh, Joyce Free­man, Rosalie Hudson, Delores Smith, Shirley Mitchell, Virginia Jackson, Henriella Maylar, Peggy Ranson.

SECOND ROW: Delores Blessing, Phyllis Bowman, Mary Waters, Ann Curtis, Claudette Roberts, Janice Hoover, Peggy Fleshman, Carolyn Watkeys, Barbarc Vinson.

THIRD ROW: Judy Burton, Patricia Chchran, B~bar< Price, Ronald Stuphin, Joe Borradaile, Leonard Welch, Ned de Journett, Creighton Stewart, Mike Perry, Gene Stumbo, Richard Sullivan.

FOURTH ROW: Bruce Moss, Jim Byrne, Fred Castle, Scottie Nutter, Charles Amos, John Bressler, Kenneth Erwin.

FIRST ROW: Joe Gregory, Ralph Moeller, Ben Caldwell, Harry Peterson, Norman Blue, Archie Snyder, Richard Stout, Ernest White, Prof. Hugoboom.

SECOND ROW: John Bressler, Gene Stumbo, John Price, Leland Throckmorton, David Ramsey, George Stewart, Francis Foose.

THIRD ROW: Gene Roach, Robert Sims, Dan Head, Richard Helper, Robert Mounts, Ned DeJournett, Bill Sayre, Gene Ramsey.

FOURTH ROW: Paul Burford, Dale Childers, Larry Phillips, Jim Pate, David Sheets, Bill Clark, Dave Humphreys, Paul Williams.

Page 3: Figley, Mary Lou Farriss, Ann Laing, Sharon Madsen,

President Tom Knight, Marjorie Devers, Jenny Matthews, Nyta June Kincaid.

future teachers of america Future Teachers of America, a professional society for students who plan to teach, offers opportunities for its members to participate in social activities, to hear qualified speakers, and to discuss educational topics and problems. The members utilize the learning of the past with their present discoveries that they may become better teachers of to­morrow.

Tom Knight, Mr. Wal­ter Felty, Opal Ann Kitchen, Barbara Tay­lor. SECOND ROW : Roseanna Riffe, Mar­garet Gates, M a r y Anne Hall, Peg g y G r o v e s, D. Banks, W i I b u r n. THIRD ROW: Pat F r a m e, Nancy Marples, Hel­en Locke, Alice Van­ce. FOURTH ROW: Helen Milton, Shirley Huddleston, A n n a Jackson, Phyllis Pee­ry.

Page 4: Figley, Mary Lou Farriss, Ann Laing, Sharon Madsen,

german club

SEATED: Helen Milton, Joan Hyldoft, Sieglinde Werner, Gloria Adkins, Lo­retta lilian, Walter H. Peri , Presi­dent James Woelfel , Julius Lieber­man, Phyllis Jean Dutrow, Ernest Henson, Robert Love, Charles Wilk­inson . SECOND ROW : Bill Seidel , Dick Koehler, Dick Mobayed, Quin­ton Johnson, C. B. Adkins, Charles Van Winkle .

The German Club of Marshall College was founded in 1947 for the purpose of pro­

moting knowledge about the cultural life of the German-speaking countries in Europe:

Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The club meets twice a month, presents new

travel films, and teaches folksongs and folkdances. An annual Christmas party in Ger­man-style is the highlight of the activities.

international relations club The International Relations Club offers students interested in world affairs an oppor­

tunity to further their interest. Its programs, entertaining as well as educational, are

planned to acquaint its members with current world political and economical prob­

lems. It was fortunate this year in having four viewpoints in the discussions, Ameri­can, Korean, Austrian, and Greek.

SEATED : Ralph Rowlette, Conley Dillon, President Hugh Flutz, H e I en Mil­ton Sophia Kourkoubas . STANDING : Doris Lee Con­ner, Jeannine Hensley, Shir­ley Whitt, Lynwood Rowe.

Page 5: Figley, Mary Lou Farriss, Ann Laing, Sharon Madsen,

Mary Elizabeth Reeser, President Marlene Dots o n, Faye Basham. SECOND ROW : Lucille Mullens, Miss Adela Strauss, Mary Elizabeth White.

home economics club The Marshall College Home Economics Club is open to all

Home Economics majors and minors. This organization strives

to create a feeling of friendliness, cooperation, and a better

understanding of living together among its members. Social

activities include an annual Christmas Party and a Spring


Laura Sue Glenn, Carol De­witt, Marilyn Casto, Dianne Parks, Carolyn Molleski, Norma Petty. SEC 0 N D ROW : Eleanor Bias, Jane Faith, Sally Staley, Lillian Haddad . T H I R D R 0 W : Mary Elizabeth White, Lu­cille Mullins, Miss Adela Strouss, Marlene Dotson .

Page 6: Figley, Mary Lou Farriss, Ann Laing, Sharon Madsen,

Ia sociadad hispanica

Carolyn Copen , Sue Ripley, Doris Con n e r, Claudene Rowan . SEC 0 N D ROW : Ronald G. Creamer, Jean­nine Hensley, Marilyn Wick­er, Pri scilla laughlin, Joy Hesson , Joann Price, Wylie Wheeler.

La Sociedad Hispanica provides an opportunity for the student of Spanish to learn of the customs, music, and history of the Spanish-speaking peoples . This year's ac­tivities were highlighted by the annual Christmas party, a spring picnic and an inter­esting and informative Pan-American Week program .

life planning week Life Planning Week, inaugurated seven years ago on the Marshall campus, is a re­ligious emphasis week designed to provide for the spiritual needs of the students . Nationally known speakers, bull sessions at dormitories , sororities, and fraternities, and private conferences highlight the week-long religious observance. Dr. Floyd Faust of Columbus, Ohio was the featured speaker for this year's event.

Maywood Ellifritt, leno Dial, Mary Thornburg, Donald Pollitt, Paul Stewart, Mrs . C. E. Dwight, lander Beal, Donald Martin, Carole All­en, Jacqueline Spaulding , Becky Wooton , Mary Jo Sullivan; Jamie Johnston, Barbara Taylor, Hugh Fultz, Robert Willis, John Barbour, and Mary lee Hansbarger.

Page 7: Figley, Mary Lou Farriss, Ann Laing, Sharon Madsen,

Alma Noble , Eugenia Dam­ron , Bill Brooks, Joanne Jeffries , Mary Pat Tench, Bill Korstanje, Phyllis Hal­derman, Virginia Parrish . SECOND ROW: Jim Davis , Marjalee Brady, S i d n e y Green, Jean Ford, Helen Milton, Loretta· Huber, Jack Faith .

french club All students in the French department are eligible for membership in this group. It

encourages the study of French literature and culture and provides social entertain­

ment through annual Christmas parties and spring picnics.

marshall classical association The Marshall Classical Association exists for the purpose of giving students of the

classics an opportunity to become acquainted with aspects of Greek and Latin with

which they would not otherwise be familiar . Those who wish to "dig" that ancient

culture have conducted a series of lectures covering archeological discoveries in clas­

sical lands.

Roscoe Hale, Advisor, Lydia Whitsel ; Klaris Ann Dress· le r, Helen Milton, Nancy Kellam, Jane Ann Garrett, Nancy Conkwright, Carol Hunt, Jeannine Hensley.

Page 8: Figley, Mary Lou Farriss, Ann Laing, Sharon Madsen,

Henry Hawkins, President Anna Lee Meador, Doris Mclane, Nancy R. Hess, Leno A. Raso.

mars club The Mars Club is open to all students who are enrolled in retailing classes . During the year, movies and speakers are presented to aid the students in the problems that will confront them in their work.

The Annual Fashion Show, the highlight of the year, provides proceeds with which participating students establish a scholarship fund.

Sarah Jane Mandeville, Janis Smith, Sara Boggess, Pat Queen, Betty Lynne Johnson, Judy Kennedy. BACK ROW : P~illip Meador, Don Dooley.

Page 9: Figley, Mary Lou Farriss, Ann Laing, Sharon Madsen,


Angela Moore, Dot Cole, Pat Carna­han, Wilbur Pursley. SECOND ROW : Ruth Oshel, Norma Prinkey, Faith Ann Martin . THIRD ROW: Pete Don­athan , larry Phillips, Bill Miller, Ar­chie Snyder, Bill Ed Clark, AI Sow­ards, Bob Tweel.

music educators Membership in the Music Educators Club, which is the second group of its type in the United States, consists of all music majors in good standing who are interested in music education. The club strives to further professional knowledge in the field of music, while serving the college by calling on its members to act as ushers at all the Artist's Series Programs. They also present the Extravaganza, an annual attraction which this year featured the music of Glenn Miller.

Dolores Kinder, Elsie Hess, Carolyn Hubbard, Barbara Keyser, Evelyn C o I I i n s, Elmer White, Jim Byrne. SECOND ROW: C a r o I y n Harvey, Donita Bent I e y, Mary lou Ferris, Judy Bur­ton, Helen Tsitouris, Janeth Grahan, Ned De Journett, Jim White, Dick Stout, Mel Gillespie, Sam Ridenour, George Bicar, Dr. Kings­bury.

Page 10: Figley, Mary Lou Farriss, Ann Laing, Sharon Madsen,

press club

Bil Keesee, Bob Friedly, Dick Kelly, James Herring, Advisor; Robert Wil­lis, Arthur Ferguson, Bill Chaddock, Steve Posti .

The Press Club is an organization for male journalism students, newly formed on this campus. Its purpose is to coordinate the various campus newspapers and to raise the journalistic standards . Awards will be presented each year to the outstanding male journalism students. This club also indudes West Virginia professional newspapermen in its membership.

pre-law fraternity The Pre-Law Fraternity attempts to give those students interested in law an idea of the functions and professional requirements of our legal system . This purpose is car­ried out through discussion periods held with those already in the profession at the regular meetings of the group.

Charlie Kiser, AI Arnett, Leno Raso, Milton Crews, Fin Gwinn, Harvey White, Paula Ranson .

Page 11: Figley, Mary Lou Farriss, Ann Laing, Sharon Madsen,

Meetings such as this , under the leadership of President Tom Prichett, are informal and open to all.

psi society Psi Society is open to all students who are enrolled in any Psychology class , Students who elect psychology as either a major or minor derive much from the bi-monthly meetings which feature movies, guest speakers, and group discussion .

women's athletic association The Women's Athletic Association fosters a spirit of good sportsmanship, and holds as one of its goals the attempt to spread interest and understanding of the aims of physical education. W.A.A. also has charge of the campus women's intramural pro­gram. Membership is open to all women of Marshall College.

Celia Gonzalez, Marjorie Devers, Ruth Hoff, Presi­dent Nancy Pettry, Louise McDonaugh, Donna Lawson, Betty Jane Plott, Betty Ruth England . SECOND ROW : Sue Young , Nyta June Kin­caid , Margaret Ann Qu in­t ier, Mollie Ann Paroons, Virg inia Pilato, Susan Mer­ritt .

Page 12: Figley, Mary Lou Farriss, Ann Laing, Sharon Madsen,

varsity "m"

Ed Staats, Mr. Josephs, Jerry Snow . SECOND ROW: Dyke Six, Bob Fried­ly, Bill Harris .

The Varsity "M" Club, founded in 1929 and composed of varsity letter winners, is one of the oldest and most respected organizations on. the campus. Its membership, although large, is exclusive. Only men who are varsity letter winners or potential letter winners and who are voted on by the active membership are admitted. The purposes of the club are to give the athletes a "campus voice," to provide social par­ticipation for them, and to give athletes active organizational experience among oth­er men having similar interests. There is variety in the Varsity "M," however. Football, basketball, wrestling, baseball, golf, tennis and track are all represented on the club roster.

Dances, stag affairs, and intramurals dominate the Varsity "M" activity schedule. The club ranks high in all phases of the intramural program .

Members of the Varsity "M."

Page 13: Figley, Mary Lou Farriss, Ann Laing, Sharon Madsen,

Norma Petty, Chris Dingess, Presi ­dent Wally Burgess .

veterans club

The Marshall College Veterans Club, founded on the campus October 22, 1953 , is probably the fastest growing organization at Marshall. Starting with a handful of charter members, the club was 90 strong by the end of the college· year. This year the membership has reached 190 and is expected to go over the 200 mark next year. The club promotes cooperation and friendship among the veterans, and being one of the strongest organizations on the campus, it offers the college a group of

leaders reflecting incentive and interest.

Chris Dingess, Bob Rader , Bert Price, Charles Wargin . SECOND ROW : Wally Bur­gess, Bob Adkins, John George, Don Dearl s, Johr. Parsley. THIRD ROW: Nor­ma Petty, Ronald Cre amer , Carl Riffe, Nathan G . Cant­ley.

Page 14: Figley, Mary Lou Farriss, Ann Laing, Sharon Madsen,

Bob Holliday, Bill Gadd, Menta Sue Alspaugh , Carl Wolfe Janet Murphy, Shirley Witt, lewis Burns .

young republicans The Young Republican Club at Marshall, somewhat inactive for the past twenty years, has taken on added prestige since the inauguration of Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The group discusses cur­rent political problems, participates in campus politics, and helps out with local primary and general election campaigns.

young democrats The Young Democrat Club, dis­heartened by the collapse of their twenty year dynasty, was slight­ly relieved by the mid-term elec­tions which gave their party con­trol of Congress. The Club is active in campus affairs and strives diligently to promote the interests of the Democratic party both at Marshall and on the na­tional scene.

The executive council of the Young Demo· crat Club SEATED LEFT TO RIGHT : Ralph Moeller, lynn Hill , Thomas Jefferson .