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Fifa 12 Strategy Guide

Mar 20, 2016



Tom Fifa

A Fifa 12 Ultimate Team Strategy Guide, part of the PRO FIFA Guide, an 'underground' strategy guide to Fifa 12
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Ultimate Team is something that excites many FIFA players, and for good reason, Ultimate team is a great way to build up your team with your favorite players, and basically enter a franchise mode through online play. It’s a pretty cool invention and it allows you to build up your dream team to actually compete against other players. Fifa Ultimate team has become ultra competitive in recent years, and there are even places online where you can trade player cards for real money. Its amazing how wherever there is a demand, a supply and a marketplace will always come. Fifa 12 Ultimate Team is a perfect example of a market. You don’t have to shell out your hard earned cash for great player cards, however, there are a bunch of ways in which you can get all the players you want, without having to work too hard. Here are a few ways you can do that. Intro to team building: The main purpose of Fifa Ultimate team is to amass a team that has great chemistry, skills and is also fun to play with. Also, on a side note, people will pay a great deal of money to obtain highly prized Ultimate team players. I’ve seen Messi go for 250 REAL DOLLARS on ebay. Seriously, you can make money playing fifa! You can shell out some cash to get out good players, or you can take the time to build up your team the right way, by building a deposit of coins and buying and trading players.

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Anyways, if your goal is to build a well rounded team that has good chemistry, you need to plan from the very beginning how you are going to amass this team. First and foremost figure out what formation you are comfortable using. It makes no sense to go after wingers if you aren’t even going to end up with a formation that makes sense using these players. If you don’t know what formation is your favorite, don’t worry, just pratice in the game with different formations until you figure out what works best for you. Once you figure out the formation, look at which players are effective in ths formation and keep this in mind. When I pick out a team, I always write down the players that I want to get for each position on a piece of paper and then figure out who will fit in around them well and be able to create the ultimate team. Players have boosted ratings if they are fit into a team with a formation they like, and play next to players which boost their attributes. This means that if you play a player from the same team or same nationality next to another, they will receive a ratings boost. You have to again, plan ahead slightly to be able to do this in the most effective manner. Players are expensive to buy with coins, and you should never buy packs (find out why later) so you want to have a plan so that your hard earned coins are not wasted. I’ll show you some solid ways to earn coins, but the key is to be a smart buyer. Read on to figure out how to dominate auctions. Intro to auctions: buying players. My favorite part about ultimate team is the live market that is always going on where you can buy and sell players. Really the key to this market is like any market: buying low and selling high. If you are able to buy a players at a bargain price, and then sell them very high (by using reserve or the bid up technique) you can get a great deal and increase your coin amount by a ton, allowing you to build a much better team.

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Don’t bother with bronze players The market rate for bronze players is basically nil. No one wants them, no one cares. Just auto sell them and don’t waste your time. BUT, don’t get rid of all of them (you’ll find out later using the bronze sub trick why you shouldn’t do this) Don’t bother with silver players either. The market rate for silver players isn’t good for selling, but its GREAT for buying. If you need to fill in a position, especially early on when you are building a team, you can pick up a silver player for a great price. Look for no reserve auctions and try to bid on a player that might have slipped through the cracks. You should only buy a silver player if he fits in perfectly to your chemistry and line up. For the most part, you want a starting line up of all gold players, which isn’t hard to do with a little bit of work. Sell the Bonus Cards From time to time you might get some bonus cards, for instance if you bought a pack (which you shouldn’t do) and you might want to sell these in a live market. It helps if you know the going rate for these cards so you don’t get ripped off, and you can set a reserve. However if you sell at a peak hour, the market is fairly efficient and should be able to get a you a decent return on your card. This is less risky then selling a player with no reserve because you aren’t losing a player, just a random bonus or attribute boost or something silly like a stadium change. Some people really value these, I’d personally rather have an awesome team, and I save my coins for that.

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~ADVANCED AUCTION TECHNIQUES~ Dual Account Method This is a pretty cheeky method to getting people to spend a ton of money on your players, giving you a great return. First it helps to watch how this is done. Goto a an auction with a highly ranked player and watch as sellers bid on their own cards in the final seconds of a bid war. What they are trying to do is trick others into paying ridiculous amounts for a card. The seller with the card puts it up for sale for 1 hour at 150c, to get the attention of a lot of bidders, and hopefully, a huge bidding war. The more people that are interested in a card, and have bid, are likely to keep bidding again. This is the psychological tactic of sunk cost. People want what they have worked for a little a lot more once they have tried to get it. Basically this requires the seller to set up a second account, and sends a dummy trade offer, so after the bait is set, [very high bid

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from himself] it can be accepted if the sellers very high "trick bid" doesn’t lure an actual bidder. See how tricky this is? If the trick bid doesn’t work he can just trade to the other account. After he is on the 2nd account, the seller will just sit there and waits for the hour to run close. Almost all of the bids will be in the last minute, and here the bids start coming in fast and often. This is because people are cheap and want to get the lowest price possible for the bid. The seller on the 2nd account, can continually bid up the auction. One tactic is to put in a very high bid, hoping others accidentally bid again, without realizing the ridiculous price put in. Another tactic is to incrementally bid the card up, getting the bidder to keep sinking in money and increase the price. In either event, this gives the seller a great advantage, because he has a great deal of control over the outcome of the auction. If the seller doesn’t get a very high price for the bid and his tactic doesn’t work, then he will just execute a trade at around 2-5second mark, the seller will accept their own trade offer quickly, and not lose any coins, and basically rinse and repeat, until this does work. 59th Minute Method In Fifa 12, this tip is less useful than in previous years, because it sorts they players for you automatically by time expiring. This tip can still be of some relevance, however, and its definitely worth knowing.. Only bidding in the 59th minute is actually a very helpful to way to get good bargains. Besides new players might not have heard of this at all. The most effective way of finding good bargains for resale is the 59th Minute Method, which basically involves going to the search page, and setting your Max Buy Now Price to the amount of money you have currently have. Next, you want to go ahead and select gold players only, moving up the page where the cards are all at around 59 minutes and 30+ seconds remaining, but MAKE SURE ITS less than 60 minutes.

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For example, you want to get as close to the ending time as possible, without going over. In order to do this, you need to keep scrolling back and forth through the pages to in order to keep the pages fresh and always be on the lookout for good bargains. It’s almost impossible to always determine what price to buy which players for, because the prices will always be changing constantly. By just experimenting and seeing what works, you should get a pretty good idea of the market. The reason this is so effective is that 1 hour is the default auction time, so the average player who just wants to offload a player for cheap will select a 1 hour auction, and you're right there to pick it up. Of course there's competition for the best deals, but all it requires is some fast clicking and a bit of luck. The idea is that you don’t get bid up at all, and you snatch the player for a good value right as the auction ends. If you’ve ever used Ebay before, this is pretty much the same deal. Try not to bid up players so you get a higher price and you start a bidding war. In fact you almost never want to bid on a player except within 5-10 seconds of the end time. Your controller will start to vibrate so you’ll know when this is happening. Be Patient with Injured Players I see people online all the time trying to sell off their injured or red-carded players. BIG MISTAKE. The value you will get for these guys is a far lower value than you would if you had waited for a fair market price. Don’t make the error of ditching a great player, just because you are antsy and want to play a quick game. On the other hand, feel free to grab up any injured players you see for a good sale price which you can easily add to your squad. This makes a ton of sense and is obviously a very good idea.

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Sell during peak hours The way to get the most money for your players is to sell them during peak hours, and to not put a minimum bid on them. I see far too many people putting outrageous prices, that will never be met on their players. What works better is inspiring a bidding war, at a peak hour, when not that many good players are available. The peak hours are probably 7-10 EST and on the weekends. Think about it, this is when people are home from work and school, and looking for their Fifa fix. Be smart about it and utilize this to your advantage. You would not want to sell your best player in the dead of night, because you won’t be able to maximize the bids that will come in. Of course, there are many players, playing at many hours all around the world, but there are times which are less crowded than others.

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Contract Card Method There are many ways to achieving Ultimate Team Mastery, another one of which that happens to be a very popular method is to quickly buy and sell contracts. This is especially useful for when you have less than 1000 coins. Just go ahead and search for Gold contract cards, but first figure out the current going price that you can expect to sell back contract cards for. This is very important. You can go for cheap cards, in fact you probably should. Look for as cheap of cards, but understand that you shouldn't expect to profit more than 50 coins. You are trying for quantity, not quality – making a bunch of transactions. Work quickly and make as many transactions as you can. This is really a way to get a small amount of coins quickly. In fact, once you get past around 5,000 coins, it's probably best to start using the 59th Minute Method. This is a good technique for building up a bunch of money rather quickly, and its worth trying out. See for yourself if you can make this effective.

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Bronze Pack Method Go ahead and buy a bronze pack for 400 coins. Open the contents and pay attention to the consumables you receive, for the most part you will want to, and will be able to sell your contracts, healing cards, fitness cards, and team talk cards for decent profit. You need to repeat this many times to see any huge profits, and you can't expect to profit off of every one – but if you post good prices you should be consistently making money. The key to this is to stay persistent, people will always need consumables. Another trick is to play a game while you are selling packs to double your income. Price Fixing This is an almost unfair method, and one you are able to do this you have to have a lot fo money to do it, but it's an extremely effective method that can really only be done when you have a LOT of coins or have found a very good player to do this with. What you do is buy out an entire stock of one player and reselling all of them for the same, higher price. Tricky Tricky. What you are doing is the same as traders in the forex market (foreign exchange market). You are manipulating the volume, and thus effectively changing the market price, because you control the supply. This works FAR better for some players than others. Keep in mind that that you should also have enough after buying the player that if anyone decides to sell your selected player for less, you can buy them out too and add them to your raised price. You have to pay attention and actually control the market. Although only really possible to do this is by becoming an elite, extremely rich players; you can earn a ton of coins in a very short amount of time.

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Packs are a Scam! This tip will save you nearly as much as you'd make with the above methods. Buying a pack almost never works. People will always gamble their coins away with packs, hoping that it will finally be the moment when they'll pull out a Rooney or Ronaldinho and be set. Most of the time though, you get crap players and this is a surefire way to loose coins. Don’t buy packs. This is for suckers and lazy people who waste real money buying packs. Spend your coins on something that will almost definitely be worth it! Buying packs will most likely get you about half of what you spent, which is just insane. Follow these tips, and you will soon have the capabilities to achieve Ultimate Team Mastery! Build up thinking ahead You want to always be thinking ahead with your Fifa 12 ultimate team. By this I mean plan from the beginning how you want to build your lineup for maximum chemistry. Players that play next to each other will receive a higher chemistry ranking if they are from the same league, club, or they are matched to their formation. This stuff is important to note. Perhaps you want an all Spanish squad, or maybe a Real Madrid or Barcelona copy. In any event, you should start filling in players early, and this will help. Don’t buy the silver Upgrade You have the option of receiving a silver upgrade in the beginning of the game in order to boost your team all the way up to silver. I recommend not getting this because its actually not very effective. Think about it, for the amount that you are spending, you could just as easily buy gold players, and have the pieces of a much better

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team already assembled. Sure, it gives you a better baseline to start out but in the end I really don’t feel like this is worth it whatsoever. Bronze Sub tactic The Bronze Substitution Tactic is a great way to get your team to have a lower overall ranking, yet still have great players. Why do this? So that you play lower ranked teams and your overall rating is artificially kept low. What this means is that you don’t keep your back up players on your bench, you keep them in the very background stored in your locker, but not on your actual roster. This allows you to manipulate the overall rating for your team. Another thing you can do is pick out VERY bad bronze players to sit on the bench. Look, you only get 3 subs anyways, and substitutions are not that powerful in Fifa most of the time anyways, especially compared to a real soccer game. This is something that may be changed in upcoming Fifa games, but for now your starting line up is by far the most important part. Trading Players Trading players is a great way to better your team and allow you to boost your teams chemistry or rating. Try to only trade for players which will fit into your team, and not be lured by a seemingly attractive trade for a player which doesn’t fit your squads needs. Unless you are planning to just turn around and sell the player at the auctions, its probably best to save trades for when you really need the other player, and have one that you are willing to give up. Pay attention to the going rate at the auctions for a given player and you will be able to better evaluate if the trade makes sense for you or not. Watch For Scams Almost every website I see online is trying to scam someone out of their pack. NEVER, EVER give away your password FOR ANY REASON. Especially to someone else who promises to give you good

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players. They are just going to steal your players and scam you. Don’t fall for this trick! You have been warned. There are no shortcuts to be had, you have to work to get the team you want. Unless you email EA and tell them your account was hacked and you lost all your players, and this is unwise because they won’t always believe you, but its worth a shot if you want to take a chance. Not something I have ever done, but I’ve heard that it worked for some other players when they didn’t exaggerate to greatly on the players that they had. ---------END FREE COPY----------- Head over to Be Sure to grab your copy of the PRO FIFA GUIDE Today… It includes special strategies, formations, tactical defense strategies You’ll learn -where to shoot and score automatically -exactly how to do controlled shots -how to do scorpion shots -how to do rabonas -tricky passing combinations -amazing set pieces and corners -unbelievably accurate free kicks -what are the best teams -set pieces -every dribbling move -how to do special passes AND SO MUCH MORE! This guide is absolutely packed with content…

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You’ll also get a free month pass to the exclusive membership site at Which has exclusive members only videos, information and team specific guides. AND BEST OF ALL- THE ENTIRE PACKAGE IS ONLY $9 BONUS You also get FIFA PROFIT SECRETS – A 15$ value, yours free at no additional charge. BONUS You also get FREE UPDATES FOR LIFE! The entire package also comes with a full money back guarantee for 30 days. Simply email customer support to get a full refund at any time, for any reason. P.s. This offer won’t be around forever. I will have to take this down soon. P.P.s. You’re Going to Learn how to make money playing Fifa, its completely worth it, this package practically pays for itself.