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Webquest Introduction Congratulations! You’ve just been accepted as a youth intern at the brand new Fictional Heroes and Villains Hall of Fame opening in your town. Eventually, you’ll get to do exciting things like tell stories, set up displays, and guide tours for groups of children visiting the museum. But first, the staff has some decisions to make. What heroes and villains from children’s stories should be featured? Among all of fiction’s “good guys” and “bad guys,” who are the best and worst? Who do we most love, or love to hate? These decisions must be based on solid research. What better place to start than to look at what makes a hero honorable or a villain vile, and which ones are the favorites of kids like you? Your task is to do the research—to learn about literature’s heroes and villains and work with other youth interns to recommend the starting lineup of characters for the museum to spotlight. Task You’ll begin by watching a storyteller share a classic fairy tale with a clear hero and villain. Then you’ll conduct a survey of kids at your school to determine their favorite heroes and villains. You will be part of a team assigned to visit a particular grade and class to collect data. You’ll combine your data with those of your fellow interns, and study it to learn what it has to tell you. You’ll submit your results to your museum staff advisor (your teacher), recommending ten heroes and ten villains to feature in the opening exhibit. Process 1. With your fellow interns, watch storyteller Mrs. P share a classic fairy tale, at Listen carefully as the villain works his evil trickery and the hero saves the day. Share ideas as your museum staff advisor (teacher) leads discussion. (What character is the villain? What makes him a villain? Who is the hero? What qualities make him heroic?) 2. Gather your supplies—paper and pencil for taking notes—and claim a computer workstation. FICTIONAL HEROES & VILLAINS HALLOF FAME Grades 3–4 February 2012 Web Resources LibrarySparks 1 by | Diane Findlay

FICTIONAL HEROES & VILLAINS HALLOF FAME · Webquest Introduction Congratulations! You’ve just been accepted as a youth intern at the brand new Fictional Heroes and Villains Hall

May 10, 2020



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Page 1: FICTIONAL HEROES & VILLAINS HALLOF FAME · Webquest Introduction Congratulations! You’ve just been accepted as a youth intern at the brand new Fictional Heroes and Villains Hall


Congratulations! You’ve just been accepted as a youth intern at the brand new Fictional Heroes and Villains Hall of Fame opening in your town. Eventually, you’ll get to do exciting things like tell stories, set up displays, and guide tours for groups of children visiting the museum. But first, the staff has some decisions to make. What heroes and villains from children’s stories should be featured? Among all of fiction’s “good guys” and “bad guys,” who are the best and worst? Who do we most love, or love to hate? These decisions must be based on solid research. What better place to start than to look at what makes a hero honorable or a villain vile, and which ones are the favorites of kids like you? Your task is to do the research—to learn about literature’s heroes and villains and work with other youth interns to recommend the starting lineup of characters for the museum to spotlight.


You’ll begin by watching a storyteller share a classic fairy tale with a clear hero and villain. Then you’ll conduct a survey of kids at your school to determine their favorite heroes and villains. You will be part of a team assigned to visit a particular grade and class to collect data. You’ll combine your data with those of your fellow interns, and study it to learn what it has to tell you. You’ll submit your results to your museum staff advisor (your teacher), recommending ten heroes and ten villains to feature in the opening exhibit.


1. With your fellow interns, watch storyteller Mrs. P share a classic fairy tale, at Listen carefully as the villain works his evil trickery and the hero saves the day. Share ideas as your museum staff advisor (teacher) leads discussion. (What character is the villain? What makes him a villain? Who is the hero? What qualities make him heroic?)

2. Gather your supplies—paper and pencil for taking notes—and claim a computer workstation.



February 2012 Web Resources • LibrarySparks • 1

by | Diane Findlay

Page 2: FICTIONAL HEROES & VILLAINS HALLOF FAME · Webquest Introduction Congratulations! You’ve just been accepted as a youth intern at the brand new Fictional Heroes and Villains Hall

3 Complete the Heroes & Villains Worksheet Part 1 found on pages 3–4. Not all websites you’ll visit are written for kids, so you might need a dictionary. Print the survey form at the end of this part of the worksheet found on page 9.

4. Collect survey data by completing the form. Start by recording your own personal favorites on your copy of the survey form. Divide up your assigned class with others on your team to be sure every student in that class gets to answer the survey questions one time. Ask students for their opinions and record their answers on the form. Use the back of the form if you have more than five students to survey.

5. Complete the Heroes & Villains Worksheet Part 2 on page 5. Print the data tables at the end of Part II found on pages 10-11.

6. Meet with your grade/class team to enter your combined data on the data tables. Enter each hero or villain’s name only once; tally votes for that character in the second column. When you finish entering data, count the tallies and enter the totals for each hero or villain in the third column. Which character or characters got the fewest votes? Which got the most? If you have more than one team for the same grade level, combine your data with the other teams on fresh copies of the data tables to come up with collective totals for all the students in that grade and enter them in the fourth column of each row for to the appropriate character name.

7. You’re not done yet! There’s more to learn from your data. Take copies of your combined grade level data tables back to your computer workstation and complete the Heroes & Villains Worksheet Part 3 on pages 6–7.

8. Meet with your grade/class team one last time to compare your results from Part III. What sentences did you write? What other conclusions can you draw from your data analysis?

9. Next you’ll meet with all of your fellow interns (classmates). Compare the different grades’ top ten heroes and villains. As a whole group, combine the votes for all grades surveyed into one pair of data tables. Enter totals for each character in the right column. Who are your top ten favorite heroes and villains? Those are the characters you will recommend to feature in the museum’s opening exhibit! Submit the list to your museum staff advisor (teacher).

10. Work with your museum staff advisor (teacher) to further analyze the data. Look for age/grade trends—do younger students favor different heroes or villains than older ones? Does one grade level name more different heroes or villains than another? Plug the data set for all grades combined into one comprehensive graph or table, on the web page, showing just the top ten heroes and top ten villains.


2 • LibrarySparks • February 2012 Web Resources

Page 3: FICTIONAL HEROES & VILLAINS HALLOF FAME · Webquest Introduction Congratulations! You’ve just been accepted as a youth intern at the brand new Fictional Heroes and Villains Hall

Name ______________________________________________________________________

• Whatmakesagoodheroorheroineinchildren’sfiction?Visitthiswebpageandscroll




____________________________________ ___________________________________

____________________________________ ___________________________________

____________________________________ ___________________________________






____________________________________ ___________________________________

____________________________________ ___________________________________

____________________________________ ___________________________________

• Whatotherqualitiesofcharacter,specialtalents,orcircumstancesmakethatcharactera


____________________________________ ___________________________________

____________________________________ ___________________________________

• Visitthissite:




____________________________________ ___________________________________

____________________________________ ___________________________________

____________________________________ ___________________________________

Heroes & Villians Worksheet Part 1

Continue onto the following page.

February 2012 Web Resources • LibrarySparks • 3

Page 4: FICTIONAL HEROES & VILLAINS HALLOF FAME · Webquest Introduction Congratulations! You’ve just been accepted as a youth intern at the brand new Fictional Heroes and Villains Hall

Name ______________________________________________________________________



















• Youwillaskyourquestionsofeverymemberoftheclassyousurvey.

Accordingtothisarticle,isthisacensusora sample survey?


• Printacopyofthesurveyformhere.

Heroes & Villians Worksheet Part 1

Continue with Process Step 4.

February 2012 Web Resources • LibrarySparks • 4

Page 5: FICTIONAL HEROES & VILLAINS HALLOF FAME · Webquest Introduction Congratulations! You’ve just been accepted as a youth intern at the brand new Fictional Heroes and Villains Hall

Name ______________________________________________________________________

• Whatisdata?


Data: ____________________________________________________________________




Qualitative Data: __________________________________________________________




Quantitative Data: __________________________________________________________




• Istheinformationonyoursurveyform qualitativeorquantitative data?


• Toanalyzeyourdata,you’llneedtocombineitwiththedata



Note: Yourdatasetsfortherestofthiswebquestarethe


Heroes & Villians Worksheet Part 2

February 2012 Web Resources • LibrarySparks • 5

Continue with Process Step 6.

Page 6: FICTIONAL HEROES & VILLAINS HALLOF FAME · Webquest Introduction Congratulations! You’ve just been accepted as a youth intern at the brand new Fictional Heroes and Villains Hall

Name ______________________________________________________________________

• Tolearnmorefromtheinformationyoucollected,you’llcalculatesomevaluesbasedon




Range: ___________________________________________________________________


Mean (or Average): _________________________________________________________


Median: __________________________________________________________________


Mode: ____________________________________________________________________


• Figureouteachofthosevaluesforyourgradeleveldatasetsforboth



Range: ___________________________________________________________________

Mean (or Average): ________________________________________________________

Median: __________________________________________________________________

Mode: ____________________________________________________________________


Range: ___________________________________________________________________

Mean (or Average): ________________________________________________________

Median: __________________________________________________________________

Mode: ____________________________________________________________________




2Heroes & Villians Worksheet Part 3

February 2012 Web Resources • LibrarySparks • 6

Continue onto the following page.

Page 7: FICTIONAL HEROES & VILLAINS HALLOF FAME · Webquest Introduction Congratulations! You’ve just been accepted as a youth intern at the brand new Fictional Heroes and Villains Hall

Name ______________________________________________________________________

• Thinkaboutthenumbersyoucalculated.Whatdotheytellyou?Writeasentenceforeach






Conclusion about Favorite Heroes: ________________________________________




Conclusion about Favorite Villians: _________________________________________


















2Heroes & Villians Worksheet Part 3

February 2012 Web Resources • LibrarySparks • 7

Now print your completed worksheets and continue your task with Process Step 8.

Page 8: FICTIONAL HEROES & VILLAINS HALLOF FAME · Webquest Introduction Congratulations! You’ve just been accepted as a youth intern at the brand new Fictional Heroes and Villains Hall

ConclusionThanks to your survey and data analysis skills, the grand opening of the Fictional Heroes & Villains Hall of Fame will be a huge success, featuring just the right mix of characters from children’s stories!

Here are some books about heroes, villains, or analyzing and using information that you might enjoy.


• The Dangerous Alphabet by Neil Gaiman. HarperCollins, 2010.

• The Great Graph Contest by Loreen Leedy. Holiday House, 2006.

• Heroes and Villains by Anthony Horowitz. Kingfisher, 2011.

• How to Save Your Tail: If You Are a Rat Nabbed by Cats Who Really Like Stories about Magic Spoons, Wolves with Snout-warts, Big, Hairy Chimney Trolls—and Cookies Too by Mary Hanson. Yearling, 2008.

• With Love, Little Red Hen by Alma Flor Ada. Atheneum, 2004.


• Charts and Graphs by Heather C. Hudak and James Duplacey. Weigl Publishers, 2007.

• Great Graphs and Sensational Statistics: Games and Activities that Make Math Easy and Fun by Lynette Long. Wiley, 2004.

• The Hero’s Trail by T. A. Barron. Puffin, 2007.

• Heroes and Villains by Peter Gray. Franklin Watts Ltd., 2005.




8 • LibrarySparks • February 2012 Web Resources

Page 9: FICTIONAL HEROES & VILLAINS HALLOF FAME · Webquest Introduction Congratulations! You’ve just been accepted as a youth intern at the brand new Fictional Heroes and Villains Hall

Favorite Heroes & Villians SurveyQuestions:Whoisyourfavoriteherofromchildren’sstoriesandwhy?Whoisyourfavoritevillain?Why?

Name ________________________________________________________________________________


Favorite Fictional Hero Why? Favorite

Fictional Villian Why?

Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

Student 4

Student 5


• LibrarySparks • February 2012 Web Resources

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Typewritten Text
Page 10: FICTIONAL HEROES & VILLAINS HALLOF FAME · Webquest Introduction Congratulations! You’ve just been accepted as a youth intern at the brand new Fictional Heroes and Villains Hall

Hero’s Name Vote Tally Class Total Grade Total

Favorite Heroes Survey: Data Table

• LibrarySparks • February 2012 Web Resources

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Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Page 11: FICTIONAL HEROES & VILLAINS HALLOF FAME · Webquest Introduction Congratulations! You’ve just been accepted as a youth intern at the brand new Fictional Heroes and Villains Hall

Favorite Villians Survey: Data Table

Villian’s Name Vote Tally Class Total Grade Total

• LibrarySparks • February 2012 Web Resources

Typewritten Text