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---— -.--Mrq^rS^fi) .^iL^ --AftwjTrinj^hfl,? —^ -M iddle-EascidahO ' -^r-^ ^/k^fSJ^mca I _____; feasesys^^ , No firefijghters “T~ ■ . >Hailey- won't . I Memorial Airport; v ■t li^iaig power onEf . portSpard ^ust fm< ^-^■^ttesiiib-hiiwoysi— RaMfnonnn An aica group pJai ____ : sponsor or an organu . -Timefr<NeWs seeks.c . M^ c Vally YFCA ^ Rodeo action €( i - l - :i_Th6JFwHHFflii^Gc , through itg secondJij __ Arts on Ibur « - .. . -L—AltS-OirJOUt-UW r::,\ : 'WjUt lowgr pricj^ ant ... rTTrs;uav=‘r.C'--. 'r.'i,*T’! TT:."! ___ Making movie - ^WhafS“wrong^ ------- r ." new book-“Film-Fit ^ TtinH^ in th>» ____ _• ... -^yfllQ^hbiiclu The!. parties' invo! about tiie reasons, bu —^ -------- The Irfngi^ViUey-isi — fair-sharo-oT-stalo-d - — •-•today-3-editorial says The job was do _____ ___ ' Two years of care =iiho^ln^Ile^ho< _________proposal, the Schoi - , -savs in.a response' . JVirtually,all' serneni ------------- helped conaidei' tho ....... ... • “ opno'ns.— i ^ ___ Cr^g placed 01 ___ _ P<»p t f»rfy Cn**g --------- to iimlce Ull eiwirom ^^-gr»ft6lona g D lrtv.Do: , Easy time for I - , "-nBmgjrcomrol-chii toew he wouldn’t^ht -.".heaiinj^wheh-his.rcc enteringlhe room. ■ ; --------- Soctlon.A------- J _____ weather ...............2 ___ 0 pfrtionv..;.-..10 . - Magic Valley ...6 . Obituaries .........7 • Section B -- — ^ - Sports... ........ T •' "'Please recvde ^~7~7~TT I mhrriing iftSo«icU.lnidn.nnflJhf—^ ds a,Strp,ng^^rnaft^<lc; :r- - rs. ' .. . : _ . provide Friedinan t witH volunteer fire* ftarsgptriis:' Tlie Air- - fm<^ a solution or shut i'"-' ' - )Ians to run the Rim-to- •or.not the event has a _ inizer. Meanwhile. The- _ s.corsponsor^.aiid.the.. CA rays It will'admia- soiigei:iUiwm;^sr^exi^ - icontinues ^ -Gounty RodM b iic k ^ ': - PagitfBI . .. > 77 - inycils, itsjicw-seasoii j; and earlier show times. - L—rr ----- --------------------- T le mistakes "CrtUriRts picture? A . Flubsi’;will'POint out------- ihemoviea, ...; ^ g e ci ilfliiged . " jvolvfd .,m ay]'(iisa^ , but the facu ore.cteon.. - s-drug-fighting-money,--. - ays--■ done right..... went into htfoW3l6tricU6^ildlri'g— - ihooUfloard. chittiHnairr . se'ToTKgenTeaHorials: cntslof fbe community. hn djolricl’a need;.and, - Pagk A10 Ion list igJa-the-thirdJdahoaa_ o n m e n ta l - g r o u p ^s - c o n r------- tmSsi rBeniiett . chiel'-lWjltlsOT'^Bcnheh -- “ t:havea'tou^.timeat.a . . received a cake.before -P»gyA3. , Business ......... A ! Legal i I noUc&3 ..^ ....... 5 _ I . Section C; Features. ..... 1-8 »- " b e a r A5b7-r."-..2— ' Comics.'. .......... 6 - ^ Movies'r.......::r.7— " t— Calendar.. ....... .2 :le this newspaper : K m gbt^tidtoyw i^ Servi :^^ e -wealthy-oil-?kmgdoi piw ct .nAtiony-feritlwii :U cristB. * —:—U:S.-and SaudiTbfRciai an agreement' was. rcach< ■ ■ j'com raitoent ‘ folloWing-a- raid no^CTact dollar flpire “Wehad^^eUngofi hour meeting wi]h the Sat at Salaam Palacie. “W e’re lion .dollar tigures, ’-a sen . ment . oiTicial' 's u d . t —Tmonymltyr^-^------- r;— p. Architects Jay Chr High School sclehi Pro Times-News writer TWIN FALLS-A ^ '--■ would-ease •studenls- rooms and into a — -^Icarnihgtenvirdmincnt, p Desfgn-WesTArchU ' -1 viewed -teachers .-th« r „-Falls^chooUDistrict ideas for. designing a lion middle schbd an ,_1 school auditormm and Nader 1 ^ -^-TligABSocigted PicM ^ year-old federal mininj considered for an o -- -Congress -waj criticize - — as-a-taxpaycr-gi|«w. .: ness.;-.- . ... ...!___ '.'.'I!'! . •. Mining interests d - •‘Tioweve'r. 'as necMsary . ■ ;:;|cove[y ul'iiew iiiliicrjl T” ~T i-!thB~law-is obso ■_ ■ a Hoiis'e subco'mlnitlcc ___ _,:Reptc3CDtiDg.the-jn ■ — L-a^im^Qnald-^c.: way oflife for hiindn . sandsofcitizeiuonda r “’ '.“s e f { d r ~ A m e n c a "WO" stroyed by imprudCTt ( : -P — - / ! ^ nh^ er-i6;ft;pfO emment land.“ : =z .T^:Cy- 'jMni8onr<iiroctoi p l t i ^ p BTvice-;^'r~l'v^:"" "'"."il - :Bnkec U l;iIlini8a a y - “ Hi lollar” pledgrtojm -' •4— eptng^.S.-troops ui''' ' . . 4 his ciais conntnled~that . ., iched .on the Saiidi , ^ ^ee^w^btfijreeh" ure set. of the minds,” a se- .?• Uafter.-Bak«ri6- two--------- ^ Saudi Arabian King I _ 're talking about )>il- Oth senior State Depart- that' i also ^hrlstopherson, right,'an e n c . ^ a c h e r P h il Q e n ’i's mosrefe jfaasizi^ • A new_middle school ' ils-out-rof-thcir-Tiom»— ^ a more mdependent intT^arcT>»t«I&-ra^j::;'— shitects ofBoise inter- throughout ihe Twin = S' rieUthis=-week:-to-get:^dcsi g a proposed .$6 mil- deni and^‘Hjnnillion-|y^;^S; and gymnasium.'‘ '' robi •flays min a- -• 'rior Pepart ninig law being but', said tl 1 overhaul by woriced wc ;ized .Thursday -pre<Uctable jaway-4O-tJUSL-.:-7W0tld!s mo ..... ............. mining indi I _ d e fc n d ^ it, The thrci iary'to' the' dis- * witnesses !Rii resources.— nsoULa bi bsoletg;;.^ Nick^E^j ittce. -‘tU.shows . from-piDsj lyer assets.” He feden>l ■ la uinincr!a_pQiot__F^^JHs. ifc,'a gwlggisLJnt^£:aii idreds of thou- -troducedl) d it national os- . D-Arid, is ] wtraldrberrde- ------ The487i ot ehanges.'* ’■ promoting pf^>cr^LOwnCTj,extra ctfoaTi — ^lead-iiujdK ctor-»f4Ko-lnte-T4nythingA4 r - ' -------- ffili ;......"■ ■:••• -• S o A ia o d ite a p ^ ■' T0PEKA, -Kan—W prts yill'occept Saddam HusbM iis own terms. Busl^’s-.spbk I huTM fly . r The. president' wTIl pflake a )f 8n-interview .wtth.u Iraqi. •“It’sa real opportunity,--E Jaddam's'onfertirietijyis^ rr’s comments. Bu^H's spok he presidCTt had **a very di ithw senior U.S. ofn^ialslai ping U.S. troops ihi.uie Gul md Dave Davlea.di8CUBi Ish:^’, ...... .[ , middle indet>eii ~ Hpw4hey-do-lt • Tlie .Twin-Fails School Bet dg'Oip S ept.-^l^l^ h e t H ^^ tion-io‘put-the issue before rmetime-thisyear.— 7 .' Several teachers offered ad' mts. 306 each in grades 6 tb -Sixth-graders would -hiiy >bm tcacher for math, sclen ling law irtment'S'BureaU'of^d;^- that in .general it *‘h ^ . bvell as an efficient and le-bMls. for one bC_lhe,. | no3tsucce33flil.hardTock_ idustrics.” . . . - , ree men were among 41 I~ p^CTting opinions' •all, PrVV.Va.. that would - ■feies-to th'e go\ crnweHt spixting for minerals oh ■ land and,-, make other js_chflimwru)lthcJW-Ouscij aibcommitteeloinmining^ in more extunsivcfaxHnn*" i l>y-Sen. Dale Bumpers, 1 s pending in ihe Senate. l72rlawr?mnkly-Tiimcd-at7: g mmip^.J .Rovems ^ e tu$-Bold,.fiiivcr.-oonper.— -bil shale ^-justtabout-H" . 11,, ....... ...... iteident BiUIi idybifiiaip im ’snsffer to « xbaqlu^^ KJkMman sairf- course”Jg g "■^jSiTOO 5 a tape inlfcu Mo«youed iqi.TV creW .-TSpokcsmo ^^Bush Said o f - Bushes addi IficUiSTTe^^ niiiratiirlQnj wkesman saia • “We will ' distinct rnes-' said they hope luitions froi Julf region for . ‘^ e ’ Saiii Bfr^cd'by*d<J^tarfliariioiT ~i ^ 7 ' ..'' V . ' iss th||}io6Lpli L^hoijlfs (ind histor>r t-^'AS . ^>tie classn same-physic o pim sreio., il.lqr,to.slu:^. liiott class i< ItaouthB. Seventh i lave h home havejhomt lence,'reading ______ teode; ’iteakiT - —Fair Boar but fewei ByMnkKilia-i"^- T ^ .JiroesjNeOTgplCr,--:: FILER-^'-^^thc i “ ■ ^ThcTTcntTTnnhrlcssTii 77 -^airitdidthe samcnig Hi theirjieads attRirir info . *‘1 could have swoi — -^Ihcie^^fairManagerC L_ • The fair’s profession :____:_WgHjwwinySg'gneral n. —paf^-W itii-last-year'a $ [1% I— ^Rodeb general admis rr “^is-S fH --------------^--------- _! i-diz-z^aSz “ r7;>5/3v_._. . ' Il i-reajrons-for the-masstvemil Hip in lHeTersiaiTG5ff^ ' -^bassador.;-^:;Mobamcd>^ Mid. m-Wadiioalon-llM-^ tgfljjrVwould air Busirs rhe L edit..ialraci we-dio not'«dit.^ jman -Marlia Fitzwater sai iddress-' would be eight to-l I m g r - V " .'---------------- --------- ^ill have a''whole phckagc fi - nPlRafift pftgJ>UfiH/A from Saudi Arabia and othc >autiis have made_a very, very ‘ommirmcnt." one o flh T l]^ ----------- ----------- - --- AMOt A R E H Z ^ TfcntvN. plaris-Wlth QILeary-Junlc >r}r —. . j ubj c c u u l a u gh t - i n- t ssroom— ^ but would-iise-t /sical education.-music and lities as older students. ;ivcs-them-expostire-to-,lh^ n hool." Mid Jay Chrtstbpherst rade would be.located in one nmtg nrcas r.f thr. 9rhnn} fn pT iS identity, Christopherson ^ii h and' eighth graders .woi jme roomrbutihey-would go' Please ^"SCHOOU|< iq areni ird-tries Lu fir jire fans iB l e ri( le look o f the grandstands, a nighrlast7eari—:— 5fa~m rm hr^nH Uari'..«^hJ liformal Thursday noon meeti wore there was. 2,000 [>co( rCihdy;D cm on^saido; “ lional rodeo lost $20.000 last it ndmission take was S1.4901 ;asj-. 8l' 2r ---------- r-— mission Wednesday throug 1 ■Please-seeRODE r; ', - ~~ R efug^ L . cover the costs o f til -------- OSaTKTA^Ia:^! — —<:r,' wiiu-w^MiiCCn '2____ said'; '''"W rndftil- o f .incrci public pressure. 13 '■ ' —m«-ld-s-^vclll^^»cr-!' for pots — one to pif her na- Iordan, remiiin a iM i try sub* llte cutorfoftrudc. 3- <>"■- . PiBi -^t'thPl^airSoiir : : _ .i^ing^urBday,^^-H unnamed county-c ^ . . . j)laincd,about-thei S tM - tjiC'television ■ the'inside'{rfvthc .... ,,1'rr «-could-not-»c®-tt-M ilorii-* d 1»* ----------------------- ' i Gates opm rest. - Cemlvel d^ rson. • . Attemfanco L__ -^ ' - tended Wedna , 12.728)i^o^ne pm. i ■ ' IfntfvSkr. 7Tw aid,__ L _ _l-> of.Wec ould compared wii SCO- - -f-^Today's . 9 a.m.-Paintt i::Lt;entBrinial.fti:e' show’ring. \ Zr§ ;iOa.m.^futur sheep fitting an \ , _ |y s p i a y j ^ s .- W - 1 td 6 p.m. —Fr *7-- --; -Splrit-Sta'ge ani ll'll'' Tom Parits' Pav . ------- 2-p;rnr-Pedal- .................... 2:30p.m.-r-Mk y 1- .-^ - Jw rcQfrqinchip, i 5 p!m. - Polled lie. beef show I cbme^l, sotiM I ------- Ion." ~ — '— a good Spirit Stage; P i Uflan9~^\9sta ty introductions ^U lfW conle: Jting-. • and Twin Falls !^E1L-!2 Rodeo Boart. '_H _:8 p.m. -Prof6j »st year. txiyAssoctatlO >0: com-— - Including t»Friday....... S'pTmr^SocR"' -------- ^ -------Slage::^ ---------- >EQ/Ag-i___ _ _ ■- ee w o e S rr-A S ' i .:: PC is goih« to be a big inter- . To-hclprt^’Unrtcd-'Statis'-^^^ }f this opcmliun.”' ntsi~xropTu7~Pak-' c5raTO3t\L).ijjGiiii.i m ijiiir , .1 jmiXmuiiu Uy PiuMauiii icrcusing congressional and - :• Bush hopes tp. getjhe^ ____ cr-nullonH-to-cliip-into-twO:— ;— pi(y forthe massive- U.S.' ?n in OwvGalC-and lhc-alhc^-,^J^ Divm of'tiic economic boy-' Jc. . . =«leasQ s e e BlLLieM4S/A2 ^Qrdoii^ ritOT---:------ . . .— lcnt_Screani,'' the controver- _____ iiat shows J. retu.s being elm-- has- beenTturried-otT-^t-th e -T -^ nty-^aTrfoiio^lng'&'rcque8t^ -.“-== [nmissionere and-the' Fair. allw Right to Life President calf^ the ixytcst-“censor- ____ iSii steerr-^ te ; ;: r6ard^Hhformii1-nbOT%e^^^ .^hturman:iRny-~Jesspr-<aitd~ ty.-commissioners had com* ‘ ^ :hc::i:ideptapc..and.suggcstcd . i„-'- ion screen be turned toward • j._ he booth so that.passersby tt-withHut«actually-cntering ■'« Please see BOOTH/y?^ . pen; a a./T7. to mWniigW ^ ^ o^ri: rtoifri.tomldnlght= --rrs ncs.- 16l43a.^pleat- iiiekdaY, ,mmpBrBd_^ :^ atleridedon Wedneiday r; . 1with60.430lasty^^ ^ s:lid g h li]^ tS ^ ^ uture "Farmers and '4^H - * 1and showlr^g. sheep _________ 1 l>uiiaings.openf spint .— .- -1 ns^QuttLparfc.flag^rats-i- -il - Free entertainment at arid:M^c;Maglc— :~SV. ^ ~ dal-Puller contest. ~ nlParksPaylllori. -t Miss RodeoJdaho_ ____ -...j liPiTodeo ^ fena ^ ------------ -- ------- lied H.ereford.beef cat- 5W ring; PedaUPulier Jlfi fif Ifim Paries H^vil- 1 -; BP3«naratlnn RnV;-r4,-~ ~ ~ ^ - ~~ 1 ; Pre-rodeo entertain ------- -------- r >~BfefYS^Miss RmJtJu ODSj_rodeqLarena:-Ped-_A; iT Idaho Horae council,— - - ■ alls County Fair and rd JQdQO-acena___i ___ ______: pf6sslonal Rodeo Cow-»^- ; e FllQr:JUri}o^R}d}nQ^^^-^^ idtyiia- ------------ icR'Hop.'Mi]^c'Miglcv?~~ ^ ------ ^ ----- ;— ' ' -.

ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

Mar 04, 2023



Khang Minh
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Page 1: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

- - - — -.--M rq^rS^fi)

.^iL^ - -A ftw jT rin j^h fl,? —^ - M id d le-E asc id a h O '-^ r -^ ^/k^fSJ^mca I _____ ; ■ f e a s e s y s ^ ,

No firefijghters“T ~ ■ . >H ailey - w o n 't .

I M em orial A irport; v ■t ■ l i ^ i a i g pow er onEf

. p o r tS p a rd ^ u s t fm< ^-^■^ttesiiib-hiiwoysi—

R a M f n o n n nA n a ic a g roup pJai

____ : sponsor o r an o rganu. -Timefr<NeWs seeks.c

. M ^ c V a l ly Y FCA

Rodeo action €(i - l - :i_T h6JF w H H F flii^G c

, th rough itg secondJij

_ _ Arts on Ibur «- . . . - L —A ltS-O irJO U t-UW r : : , \ : 'WjUt low gr pric j an t

... rTTrs;uav=‘r.C'--.'r.'i,*T’! TT:."!

___ Making movie - ^ W h a f S“ w r o n g ^-------r . " n e w boo k -“F ilm -F it

TtinH^ in th >»

____ _ • ...- ^ y f l l Q ^ h b i i c l u

T h e !. parties ' invo! about tiie reasons, bu

— -------- T h e Irfngi^V iU ey-isi— fair-sharo-oT-stalo-d

- — •-•today-3-editorial says

The job was do________ ' T w o years o f care

= i i h o ^ l n ^ I l e ^ h o < _________proposal, the Schoi- , -sav s i n . a re sp o n se '

. J V ir tu a lly , a ll ' serneni------------- h elped conaidei' tho.......... • “ opno'ns.— i ^ —


C r^g placed 01____ P<»p t f»rf y Cn**g--------- to iimlce Ull eiw irom

^^-gr»ft6lo na g D l rtv.D o:

, Easy time for I- , " -n B m g jrc o m ro l-c h i i

to e w he w ouldn’t^ht -.".heaiinj^w heh-his.rcc

en te rin g lh e room . ■;

--------- S o c t lo n .A-------J_____ • w e a t h e r ...............2___ 0 pfrtio n v ..;.- ..1 0

. - M ag ic V alley . ..6 . O b i tu a r ie s .........7

• S e c t io n B - -— ^ - S p o r t s . . . ........

T •' " 'P l e a s e r e c v d e




ds a,Strp,ng^^rnaft^<lc;

:r- -

rs. ' .. . : _. prov ide Friedinan

t witH volunteer fire* f t a r s g p t r i i s :' T lie A ir- - fm<^ a so lu tion o r shut

i ' " - ' ' - )Ians to run the R im -to- •o r .n o t th e event h a s a _ in izer. M eanw hile. T h e - _ s .c o rs p o n s o r^ .a iid . th e . . C A ray s It w ill 'ad m ia - s o i ig e i : iU iw m ;^ s r^ e x i^ -

icontinues ^-G ounty R odM b i i c k ^ ' : -


. . . > 7 7 -inycils, its j ic w -se a so ii j ; and earlie r show tim es. -L—r r ----- --------------------- T

le mistakes"C rtU riR ts p icture? A .F lu b s i’;w ill 'P O in t out-------

ih em o v iea ,...; ■ ^ g e ci

ilfliiged . "jvo lv fd . ,m a y ] '( i i s a ^, but th e f a c u ore .c teon .. -

s-drug-figh ting-m oney,--. -a y s - - ■

done right.....ja re fu l.s tudy w ent into htfoW3l6tricU6^ildlri'g— - ihooU flo a rd . chittiH nairr . se'T oTK genTeaH orials: c n ts lo f fbe com m unity. hn d jolricl’a n e e d ;.a n d , -

Pagk A10

I on listig J a - th e - th ird J d a h o a a _ onm enta l-g ro up s -conr-------

tmSsirBeniiett .chiel'-lWjltlsOT'^Bcnheh - - “ t :h a v e a 'to u ^ . t im e a t .a . . received a cake.before

• - P » g y A 3 . ,

Bus in e s s ......... A —! L e g a l iI noUc&3 ..^ ... . . . .5 ■ _

I . S e c tio n C;F e a tu re s ......1-8

»- " b e a r A5b7-r."-..2— 'C om ics.'...........6 -

^ Movies'r.......::r.7— "t— C a le n d a r .. ....... .2

:le th is n ew spaper

: K m g b t^ t id to y w i^ Servi

:^^ e -wealth y -o il-?k m g d o i — p iw c t .nAtiony -fe ritlw ii :U

cristB. *— :—U:S.- and SaudiTbfRciai

an agreem ent' w as. rcach< ■ ■ j'com raitoen t ‘ folloWing-a-

raid no^CTact d o lla r f lp ire “ W e h a d ^ ^ e U n g o f i

hour m eeting w i]h the Sat a t Salaam Palacie. “ W e’re lio n .dollar tig u re s , ’-a sen

. m ent . oiTicial' ' s u d . t —Tmonymltyr^-^------- r ; —

p . Archi tect s J ay Chr High School sclehi


Tim es-N ew s w riter

TW IN F A L L S - A ^ '--■ w ou ld -ease •studenls-

room s and in to a — -^Icarnihgtenvirdmincnt,

“ p Desfgn-W esTArchU ' -1 view ed - teach e rs .-th«

r „ -F a l l s ^ c h o o U D is t r ic t ideas for. d esign ing a lion m idd le s c h b d an

,_1 school a udito rm m a nd

Nader 1

^ -^-TligABSocigted P icM ^

year-old federal mininj considered fo r a n o

- - -Congress -w aj criticize- — a s -a - ta x p a y c r -g i |« w .

. : n e s s . ; - . - . ... ...!___ '.'.'I!'!. •. M in ing in terests d- •‘Tioweve'r. 'a s necM sary

. ■ ;:;|cove[y u l'iiew iiiliicrjl T” ~T i-! t h B ~ la w - is obso

■_ ■ a Hoiis'e subco'mlnitlcc

___ _,:Reptc3CDtiDg.the-jn■ — L - a ^ i m ^ Q n a l d - ^ c . :

w ay o f l i f e fo r hiindn . s a n d s o fc i t iz e iu o n d a

r “ ’'.“s e f {d r~ A m enca "WO" stroyed b y imprudCTt (

: -P — - / ! ^ nh^ er-i6;ft;pfO

em m ent land.“ ■: = z .T ^ :C y -'jM ni8onr<iiroctoi

p l t i ^ p

BTvice-;^'r~l'v^:"" " '" ." i l -

:Bnkec U l;iI l in i8a a y - “ H i lollar” p l e d g r t o j m - ' •4— ep tn g ^ .S .- tro o p s u i''' '

. ■ . 4 hisciais conntn led~ that . .,iched .on the Saiidi , ^ ^ e e ^ w ^ b t f i j r e e h "

ure set. ‘o f th e m inds,” a se - .? •Uafter .-Bak«ri6- two---------^Saudi A rabian K ing I _'re talk ing a bou t )>il- Oth sen io r S tate D epart- that' i


^ h r l s to p h e r s o n , r ig h t , 'a n e n c . ^ a c h e r P h il Q e n ’i's

m osrefejfaasizi^• A new_middle school ' ils-ou t-rof-thcir-T iom »— ^ a m ore m dependent

intT^arcT>»t«I&-ra^j::;'— sh itects o fB o ise inter- th roughout ihe T w in = S' rieU this=-w eek:-to-get:^dcsi g a proposed .$6 m il- deni a n d ^ ‘H jn n i l l i o n - |y ^ ;^ S ;

and g y m n as iu m .'‘ ' ' robi

•flays min ■ •

a - ■ - • ' r i o r P e p a rt

ninig law being but', sa id tl 1 overhaul b y woriced wc ;ized . Thursday -pre<Uctable jaway-4O-tJUSL-.:-7W0tld !s mo

..... .............m in ing indiI _ d e fc n d ^ it, T h e thrci ia ry 'to ' th e ' d is- * w itnesses !Rii resources.— nsoU L a bi b soletg;;.^ N ic k ^ E ^ j

ittce. -‘tU .show s . from -piD sj lyer assets.” H e feden>l ■ la

u in in c r!a _ p Q io t_ _ F ^ ^ JH s . ifc ,'a g w l g g i s L J n t ^ £ :a ii

id reds o f thou- -tro d u ced l) d it national os- . D -A rid, is ]w tra ld rb e rrd e -------T h e4 8 7 io t ehanges.'* ’■ prom oting pf^>cr^LOwnCTj,extra ctfoaTi

— ^lead-iiujdK ctor-»f4Ko-lnte-T4nythingA4

r - '--------

f f i l i;......"■ ■:••• -•

S o A i a o d i t e a p ^ ■' ”

T0PEKA, -Kan—W p r t s y ill 'o ccep t Saddam HusbM

iis ow n term s. Busl^’s-.spbkI huTMfly. r

The. p resident' wTIl pflake a ) f 8n-in te rv iew .w tth .u Iraqi. •“ I t’s a real opportunity,--E

J a d d a m 's 'o n fe r t i r ie t i jy is ^ rr’s com m ents. Bu^H's spok h e presidCTt had **a very di

ithw senior U .S. o fn ^ ia ls la i

ping U.S. troops ihi.uie G ul

m d D a v e D a v le a .d i8 CUBiI s h : ^ ’, ...... .[ ,

m id d leindet>eii~ H pw 4hey-do-lt •

T lie .T w in-Fails School Bet dg'Oip S ep t.- l^l^ h e t H ^ ^ tio n -io ‘pu t-the issue before rm etim e-th isyear.— 7 . ' Several teachers offered ad'

m ts. 3 06 each in g rades 6 t b -S ix th -g rad ers would -hiiy >bm tcacher for m ath, sclen

ling law

ir tm e n t 'S 'B u re a U 'o f^ d ;^ -

tha t in .general it *‘h ^ . bvell a s an efficient and le -b M ls. fo r o n e bC_lh e , . | no3tsucce33flil.hardTo c k _ idustrics.” . . . - ,ree m en w ere am ong 41 I ~ p ^ C T tin g opin ions'

•all, PrVV.Va.. tha t w ould - ■feies-to th'e g o \ crnweHt sp ix tin g fo r m inerals o h ■ land and,-, m ake o ther

js_chflim wru)lthcJW -Ouscija ib co m m ittee lo in m in in g ^

—in m ore extunsivcfaxH nn*" i l> y -S en . Dale B um pers, 1 s pending in ih e Senate. l72rlaw r?m nkly-T iim cd-at7: g mmip^.J .Rovems ^ e

tu $ -B o ld,.fiiivcr.-oonper.— -b il shale ^ -ju s ttab o u t-H "

. 1 1 , , ....... ......

ite iden t BiUIi i d y b i f i i a i p i m ’snsffe r to « x b a q lu ^ ^

KJkMman sairf- course”J g g" ■ ^ j S i T O O

5 a tape in lfc u M o « y o u e d iqi.TV c r e W .- T S p o k c s m o ^^Bush Said o f - B ushes addi I f ic U iS T T e ^ ^ niiiratiirlQnj w kesm an saia • “ W e will ' d istinct rn e s - '

sa id they h ope luitions froi

Ju lf region for . ‘ e ’ Saiii B fr^cd 'by*d< J^ ta rflia riio iT

~i ^ 7 ' ..'' V . '

i s s t h | | m ld d ie .s c } io 6 L p li


(ind h is tor>r t - ^ ' A S . ^> tie c lassn

sam e-physic

o p i m s r e i o . ,

i l . l q r , to .s lu :^ . l i io tt c lass i< I ta o u th B . Seven th i lave h hom e h a v e jh o m t lence,'read ing ______

teo d e ;’ iteakiT- —Fair Boar

■ but fewei“ B y M n k K i l i a - i " ^ - T ^ .J iro e s jN e O T g p lC r ,- - : :

F I L E R - ^ '- ^ ^ t h c i

“ ■ ^ThcTTcntTTnnhrlcssTii 77 - ^ a i r i t d i d t h e sam c n igH i

th e irjieads attR irir info . *‘1 could have swoi

— -^Ih c ie ^^ fa irM a n a g e rC L_ • The fair’s profession:____:_WgHjwwinySg'gneral n.

—paf^-W itii-last-ye a r 'a $ [1% I— ^Rodeb general adm isr r “ is-S fH --------------^---------_!

i-diz-z aSz“ r7 ;> 5 /3 v _ ._ . .

' ‘ Il

i-reajrons-for the-masstvem il Hip in lHeTersiaiTG5ff^ ' -^bassador.;-^ :;M obam cd> ^ M id. m -W a d iio a lo n - l lM -^ tg fljjrV w o u ld a ir B usirs rhe

L ed it..ialraci we-dio n o t'« d it.^ jman -M arlia F itzwater sai iddress-' would be eight to - lI m g r -V " . '---------------- ---------^ill have a ''w hole phckagc fi ■ - nPlRafift pftgJ>UfiH/A

from Saudi Arabia and othc

>autiis have made_a very, very ‘om m irm cnt." one o f l h T l ] ^


----------- - --- AMOt A REH Z^ TfcntvN.

p la r is -W lth Q IL e a ry -Ju n lc

>r}r —. . j ubjc cu u la u gh t - in- t s s ro o m — but w ould-iise-t /sical e ducation .-m usic and lities a s o lder students. ;ivcs-them -expostire-to-,lh^ n hool." M id Jay Chrtstbpherst

rade w ould be.located in one nmtg nrcas r.f thr. 9rhnn} fn pT iS identity , C hristopherson i i h a n d ' eigh th graders .woi jm e ro o m rbu tihey -w ou ld go'

P l e a s e ^ " S C H O O U |<

iq areni

ird-tries Lu fir jire fans iBle ri(

le look o f th e grandstands, a

n ig h rla s t7 e a r i—:— —

5 f a ~ m r m h r ^ n H Uari'..«^hJ liformal Thursday noon meeti wore there w as. 2,000 [>co( r C ih d y ;D c m o n ^ s a id o ; “ lional rodeo lo st $20.000 last it ndm ission take w as S1.4901;asj-.8l'2r ---------- r - —mission W ednesday t h r o u g 1

■ ■ P le a se -se e R O D E

r ; ',

- ~~ R e f u g ^

■ L . cover the costs o f til-------- O S aT K T A ^Ia :^!

— —<:r,' w iiu-w ^M iiCCn

'2____'; ' ' '"W rn d f ti l- o f .incrci

public pressure. 13 '■ ' —m«-ld-s-^vclll^^»cr-!'

for po ts — one to pif

her na- Iordan, remiiin a iMi

try sub* llte cutorfoftrudc. 3- <>"■- . ■ ■ PiBi

- ^ t ' t h P l ^ a i r S o i i r : —: _ .i^ in g ^u rB d ay ,^ ^ -H

unnam ed county-c ^ . . . j) la in cd ,ab o u t-th e i S t M - tjiC 'television

■ the 'inside '{ rfv thc .... ,,1'r r «-could-not-»c®-tt-M

ilo r ii-* —

d 1»* -----------------------' i Gates opm

rest. - — Cemlvel d ^ rson. • . AttemfancoL__- ' - tended Wedna

, 12.728)i^o^ne pm. i ■ ' I f n t f v S k r . 7Twaid,__L _ _ l-> of.Wecould compared wiiSCO- - -f-^Today's

. 9 a .m .-P a in tt — i::Lt;entBrinial.fti:e'

show ’ring.\Zr§ ; iO a .m .^ f u tu r sh e e p fitting an

■ \ , _ | y s p i a y j ^ s . -

W - 1 t d 6 p.m. — Fr * 7 - - --; -Splrit-S ta 'ge ani

l l ' l l ' '’ Tom Parits' Pav

. ------- 2-p ;rn r-P ed a l-

.................... 2:30p.m .-r-M ky 1- . - ^ - J w r c Qfrqin c h ip , i 5 p!m. - Polled

lie. b ee f show Icbm e^l, sotiM I

------- I o n . " ~ — '—

a good Spirit S tage; P i

U f la n 9 ~ ^ \9 s t a ty introductions ^ U l f W conle:

Jting-. • an d Twin Falls !^E1L-!2 Rodeo Boa r t .

'_H _:8 p.m . -P ro f6 j »st year. txiyAssoctatlO >0: com-— - Including

t» Friday....... S'pTmr^SocR"'-------- -------S la g e ::^ ----------

>EQ/Ag-i____ _ ■-

e e w o e S r r - A S ' i . : :

PC is go ih« to be a b ig in te r - . T o -h c lp r t^ ’U nrtcd-'S ta tis '-^^^ }f th is opcm liun.”'

ntsi~xropTu7~Pak-' c5raTO3t\L).ijjGiiii.i m ijiiir ,.1 jm iX m uiiu Uy PiuMauiii

icrcusing congressional and - '»:• Bush hopes tp. g e t j h e ^ ____cr-nullonH-to-cliip-into-twO:— ;—

pi(y f o r th e m a ss iv e -U.S.'?n in O wvGalC-and lh c - a l h c ^ - ,^ J ^

D ivm o f 'tiic econom ic b o y - '

Jc. . . ■=«leasQ s e e B lLLieM 4S/A 2

^ Q rd o ii^

ritOT---:------ . . . —

lcnt_Screani,' ' the con tro v e r-_____iiat show s J. retu.s being e lm -- has- beenTturried-o tT -^ t - t h e - T - ^ nty-^aTrfoiio^lng'&'rcque8t^ -.“-== [nmissionere a n d - th e ' F a ir.

a l lw R ight to Life P residen t c a l f ^ the ix y tc s t-“ c e n s o r - ____

i S i i s t e e r r - ^ t e ; ; :

r6ard^H hform ii1-nbOT%e^^^ .^ h tu rm an:iRny-~Jesspr-<aitd~ ty.-commissioners h ad com* ‘ ^ :hc::i:ideptapc..and.suggcstcd . i „ - '- ion screen be turned tow ard • j._ he booth so th a t.p a sse rsb y tt-w ithH ut«actually-cntering ■'«

P le ase s e e B O O T H /y?^ .

p e n ; a a./T7. to mWniigW ■ ^ ^ o^ri: mldnlght= - - r r s ncs.- 16l43a.^pleat- • iiiekdaY, ,mmpBrBd_ :^ atleridedon Wedneiday r ; .

1with60.430lasty^^^ s : l i d g h l i ] ^ t S ^ ^

uture "Farmers an d '4^H - *1 and showlr^g. s h e e p _________ 1l>uiiaings.openf s p in t .—.- -1 ns^Q uttLparfc.flag^rats-i- — -il

- F ree en tertainm en t a t • a r id :M ^ c ;M a g lc— :~SV.

^ ~ ■ dal-Puller con test. ~ ■ n lParksPaylllori. -tM iss R o d e o J d a h o _ ____ - . . .jl iPiTo d e o ^ fe n a ^ ------------ ---------lied H.ereford.beef ca t-5W ring ; P e d a U P u lie rJlfi fif Ifim Paries H^vil- 1-;

BP3«n a ratlnn RnV;-r4,-~ ~ ~ - ~~1; P re-rodeo en te rtain ---------------r>~BfefYS^Miss RmJtJu

ODSj_rodeqLarena:-Ped-_A; iT

Idaho H orae c o u n c il,— - - ■ alls County Fair an drd J Q d Q O -a c e n a _ _ _ i___ ______:pf6sslonal R odeo Cow-»^- ; •

e FllQr:JUri}o^R}d}nQ^^^-^^id ty iia - ------------icR 'Hop.'M i]^c'M ig lcv?~ ~ ^

■------ ----- ;— ' ' -. —

Page 2: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean


= = " - ^ w m m ' _ ' j a

— ^ --------1 0 y • ? f

— — : £ f f o t i K L ± _

--------- — i x o i g - : . . . ..WABii

: -Prvsauro. (R > O E

_____ HIGH LOW SHi

• F rfd ayj^ tp b^ tr^fe-^ ' At«ai»WeMhei* farow t for

~ [ ^ c 7 g S S ? r ^

“ . QBE. . .

Weath.-^-r ^ '^ |'fic;N atton ^ 'W euilK

• pre^sll^c ovcr.thc ccntnil• 't 1 - Ciirpfi: nf mfncnirf 'i

r~~ - souihcrtj und ccntnil p< w esterly flow runiuincd

^ W idely scuncred th ; southcrtv two-thirds o l l

------7 ^ "-faH-waB-lightrM osthrsnTcnlpcraturcs remain

icm oon readings in ih ~ lm 3u ncm otn rrep ort-v ,'

Lewrston hud rcached 9: — --^ -Jrhc-tt’arm csticm pcn.- - ........ •dcgrccs'ijt Lcw isionrV

i t iicgrccs. .-Elsewhere in the null

r r r " rtw u s i.U6dcurce>m, was 36'ni W isdom . Mor

- ~ ^ S l o r m s d

“ "— ^ “ T t e > \s s o c ia t e d P ress

_____________Minn«auiiu«nd...\V.i>i:Icuving'somc spots und Ihc Midwc5t,,and Soutl

Z : heat andlil6ffltumidit>'i 1 _ _ _ 'niiii^_critorms w w— - ■ -JitriinflrftlnrTn^M.-m>l«! r

\Visconsin.In M inncsoia.'18 incl___ ^ym OIaUuiuulriieywUo

______ ;___ w'ly^wasbjU.'Out.'Wutc!-i-:— • - ton fo u n iy und soniu hi|

Ot.'vvefs :mil thiimlcp — __________________ ~ in -n b n h cm Ohio, souilt'c— - - con<in-iind southern Up__________Texas.CUilf Coast, ilie— — =■ — pumilsUld.— ^

. ^ I , _ » ■

— —

' ' : . - ^ c A i s c

• _ -H ig h e s t ]V

i - i!lin .B B E S aiR I• - tvi654Bire'Liiii

ther" ^

Bp^ S pi

^ W g f l S .

tTof'rfiiydimi condittiliM »nd hl ~~U>npo

^ a w ’- - t o Sufiiy fit Ckxntr

her^summany.-:uihcr Service says llaFo was s ure'6entenon'.ttiibWeitt.C:oiul4ir itniUtuies Thursday, nijvvcrt^dv iag . northeast acn 1 puriipns o f the slutc. while i led over the-north.

thunderstorms developed ov 01 me state iiiursuay aiieniouii Rsunny^jcici cuiicrcti'thcjisnha mined on ihe wann sidc wiih-ni , Ihc 80s Jo lower 90s. Thc i t-was-^4-degrees « McCall,- d 95. ■ . •,pcraiurc in the su te ,Thursday'’ ,-Vellow-Pinc reported thc'col

niiiion Thursday, thc hotlcsc tci > at dorrcgo ip n n g s. u ii i i . * h7 ^lont. . •

drench Miiine:M — --------------- -- , • r

tVifiConsin were drcnchcd>.Th under 18 inches o f water, and c outh baked in.-opprcssivc iripity ............................... ............w ' uctlvc-during.l|w momin

m !nron«^hiindcmorm^,noodc

inchcs of waKr covcred roads i

uler was waist deep on streets i 1} hitthwayno Clouqiict were cl<

SnicnTLowcrMichiaanrnonhei Uppcr-Michitnn, as well ns al<

Ilie Louisiana coast, and thc

'........: v ■ ~

f ^ r * r * n

O u r.W m ra i M ileage-from £

IBETHDHYPEr • I akej^N ratPoieiineRdr

I QOn : •


^ ■ ■ " T c n i p e r a t u n■ H H . 'M axh

■ Albuquorquo : .8 fl ipo»ti»rM • Atlanta . 95

. -&9?tefl/....... ■

■■' Uaitas ^UV' • '_D.onver • SO ■

i ■ D osM olnos 97■ :-T3oIfW — --------- 92^' . Honolulu - 90

H o u sto n ’- 95_______ Indianapolis 92

. ■ ■ i nMs city ■» 1J31

M om p w P * ■ 101■'Mloml-eoach 86

Mllwaukeo • S e

N ow O iiSjns , 93

T ' Oklahoma City 98 Ornaho 98Phoonlx ' 100

- Pittsburgh •. .. 86

2 2 l £ 2 £ L - U - ----------

z i ]Tw in Falls, Burlq

' : i „ l i . : Ffiday.nnd.Satur<J s situated oT'onernoon and cvi LaiuU u|U w >U w s.Edda)Lni«iu.ij

• Friday, icfoss Ih e ' - - CazDU-Pnirie and Ic a drier - Friday and Saturd

. o f thyndcrshow ersj over the H ighs in ih c m id-80‘

itianlc^ ........SunidB:r<hroush'--Tticum ost of- N ilh lovrt in the upp IC coolest Nortbem U tah anc ill ,-w h ilc - U{9h — Friday an

f l w oftcmoo'n 'ond' ly 'w a s9 9 ■■.mountains ..Gusiy_w p i l t e l al . 90; L o w . S « : -

. ______iMcvacla — ■i’a n iytempera- icm oon and cvenin ne lo w e st' cusi. ra ir (-naay nigl

L ow s in the mid 40s

esota, Wisconsiir - Show ers ond ihum

■niurs’daiy, inil Kansas and non id areas in ' and western Ncbrdsk riple-digit M inncsotajnortheost■ -’■ ... _______ lirK an sasn h crh cning. and with humidity levels,

>dcd roads.; Advisories for exc

' w as ftjrccasi from Js in Mor- .Louisiana hod heal ilit C oi^ty.. rgn:e.^.LoQ._____ J J Its in Carl- High lemperulure closcdi-'------K jins^Cj'ty. M tu.wi

along thc J o .M iss .. with 103. b 1C Florich Thursday^s-loW-r. -------- -------- rq: f ^ c c . - Caiif. ^ —

a p r o d u e U o n c i


• t

a r * 7 3 3 - 3 D 3 3 ---------- I -

• -b - •

-^rr^>rt,.jX-;= r-^8r-»~7*r-— ~

— —^DJOOO Wftat

3 ^ d;e— S O R N Y -PT. CLO t/O y^^

89 6 ^ . San Francisco 7: tl ll •■•••"• Saattlo. " r

JUI M .....80 6 0 .1 0 T W i n F a l l s97 74 .... . . •92 65 .ao Yesterday 9i

. L « ty e a r _ _ :6iJ f 11 .... Normal . 8-101 M

S2 72

Idaho -96 89 ........ Ma>Ha M ..... OUIWI------------------993 70 Bui^oy _ . ______0«3-7-1-7T7t:— Hagbrman-------- =j98 73 .... Idaho Falls S98 7 4 .... Lewiston 900 79 ..... ■ McCall 886 67"^1 Pocatello 8. 7r60'-.-;r*-Soim on:------ — 6

m m i i H i i U M

3 3 ' —

-K orecastsirley, R u p ^ T m m e 'a n d Goodlturdny.panly cloudy with a slig evening ihundcrshowcrb. tllgh:

W(^ p{y> V till^y turday partly c loudy with a slig :rs mainlv afterno o n and cvcni •80s. Lows Friday nighi in thc lc ic« U ‘ Southem -ldaho— ^M os Tuesday.-Higtis In-ilio SOs-iind- upper 40s lo mid 50s. - ' and Nevada:

/ and Saturday fair to pahly cloi in d -cvch ing Ihupdershowcrs- i j ^ i n ^ near, shb^cre. Mild. H

rtly. c ioudy.east Friday w i ih .^ rning thunderetorms .extreme, i night. Highs in in tnc'mid-iii)s h 40s 16 m id -50s,''

s i n ; h e a t h o l d s i

lunderetorms w ere scattered in

northwest O klahom a, northtfasi aska, sbuihca.<item South Dakdi •ast California and Oregon. - ;:hcat-indexrcpm bintng-thc-te /cls.^wus forecHist-ai-up-lo .lOS <

excessive heal Were posted ihi

im 105 lo l l 2 degrees, Noi :al indexes ranging fipm 105 I

lire rccords for Thursday’ were ,.w ilb a a dcgrQCTTSurpassinp ihi

icola. Ha?;'Wiih 9 ^ bcatmg'^’a r 3. beating^ 101. '•■w-foV'tlic Lower 48 w a s '38 c

mmc a r InrArtierlca

• .............— — ■

- ^ - - ^ b o o t l y v

"~i I V o lu n te m M

J.!______^ = ^ ^ 5 = ® 5 = 1^ TBlected-noG

X ' . ■ ‘ v ideos and ' a R r — ^ —c la ls r S B o tn

| k \ ' abortioQ.— - r r ^ N o r w c ’1 — —ftil.-respohsc

'.---' ---- —lllllt ~il'v TTT

1:. • 1„. v ju sftR d iig iti Somes

A lso ' a t . I

____________ ,-h a d .hcard i............' - - ^ p la in .ab o u i

tion booths

g a U z ^ a ^ i . . .s o m c p c c

-------H-------------- (M oun ty -fa'b o o th s , W w

“ tibbrtlbn-rig C itizens fo r

G ___5 “ 1 th ink il

i ic r e /^ ^ n c i ■ : ih g informa'

86 '60 .... •ihT w i------ • booth hod c89 61 • • val abortioi

'72 57 ...... ■ m cnte as.m m '..'... in 'su c h gc

---- ' m nui.. lu n r' 1

i . . . T he ani

M 5 0 ..08 42 ■•. show ing fc t 8 4 '4 5 ,;.V ■ Volunliiei

g zp -m -

■ bumpcr^tiCg......... ........— ........ -Scott sa

board o f .d tax Min Pep m ight conte

iisf' K ill80 44 ....

- S : ! ? - ; * — C o n lln u B d . B aker ha

“ — -------------------- ftfrcr-rtic^ said the Sa

up thc tab f ------------------- the'IOO'.OCW

m o riS y W c

light chancc;ning_bours.... .-J l V v V U : lower 40s.

id-lowcr-906—--------- , ----------- ^Last ycat cral adm is:

louilywitha ' courage gr }. along the - fair. T his )

Highs.ncor . _ tty ing to fij■- ------- nttenHccg tr

sMticred af- , Several - • north and thc end iio iowvljs. night to s

' ' ........ c n ish c n arIhc S h ’gcni

I o n . • • •: .

In Wcst-Vir.____________ ____^

LSI Colorado . Allen W :dta. w estcni............... Cirwtali

' ' eciveyouritemperature-;- - ■ Tor yourS d cgrccs-in -............ Jerome^’

• • • -536.253“y y ;

lorthwcslcm 543^464i lo 112 dc- Filer-Ro

326-537rc b re to .j i ; ,1 S . o s Iihcjjrevtous.— •Iwsiii'ig die' . - — — —

J;'and T u pc-,.’ “ Qaik.W If you h

• ~'wcelcday».

i i S i 5 a ^ ® : ' i S H - « b 6 r - -i h , t t . - d f e . a n - d H : l h e :

e It WM, to o T & to ’r w - , S = 6 p o m ? = m $ = 5 i5 B ^ ^ ^ o z p la iE f ta U a ic m lo p n t t i i t i nd- W ght-to-L ife - c o m m c r- . trB B Ji' , _•ici5ald;-3Ae“h a s ^ h c ^ T J o -is a bdu t “ Silent S c r c m ” .or

/ic tu s -oum ed by-® -saH nc •

t ’v e -h a d s o m any-w onder-^ iiso8;’’-shc-said.- ’‘W e a g ree •

gitoeducate pcc^Ie.**" ' • - - p w p le have b r o u ^ t cMl*

it . the noon m eeting, F a iri ^ l v ^ nfl've_WQQd snid he.^. fnir<Tfv»T< 'r n m -

hs a t the* faiK in d u d in g th e ' > tedby .a-groupiav6riog .lc-^ f l t i o n . '^ p i e have suggested tha t -fa tV -« -m ^p lac fr-fo r-su ch - /o o d said. • - Jn co ln . o rg y iz e r o f ^ e r l ^ t s - ^ u p ^ “M ag i(rV a llcy - fcr Choicc, d i s a ^ c d .Ic it’s a s appropriate a s hav-'

And—R epub licans- ncoln said. “ W c’rc .p rov id - Tiation-c'n tha ifirtm lid scvcm l-v isito rs_ lo ..Jie iL d com plained about the ri- io n booth w ith such com - , “ W c 'rc glad Jo u r booth is good taste. Between thc

rrf^hr =rftg tu w g ? it^ =5iBben =

anli-abortion booth - h a s " the conlro iersia l V ideo on

fetal development.(icrs a t tlie C itizens fo r

/riirm ou^IuU i. and . t c H in ^

•said her' orgam zatioh-s • ^ directors will m eet and ntest the Fair B oard 's deci»

lionsad fro m A1 ___ 'haci cstim afcd that it w i l l ;

1-itt- ihe -reg iori 'through thc

ihu niuuiliiii, U.S. ufTiuidlii Saudis had o g reed 'to p ick - b fo r all in-country co sts~ o f 0M ~ yiS7 troops now_ p ro - , tie kingdom ’s boriers.~T his

i-andother-costs, t h c y - s a id ^ d ownplayed his pitch for

5 fore*arriv ing 'iri^audrA fa-

d e a3d;ff0fTVA1- ^ ^ ^ c a r 'tK e ^ a 'r a ' rcauccB"gcn- lission rodeo prices to en- g reater attendance, a t the

s year, board m em bers are figure ou t how lo get m ore 10 pnY.tticirmvn w n y •

ll -board m em bers v isited ;nd o f the^areno W edtiesday_

see flrat-band how gate are avoiding paym ent o f

encral-adm ission by weav=

~ ~ r t n T i 1 a H n nI Wilson, eirculatlon director italion-phdne. lines •■»e open - be-' and 10 a.m. only. Ifyou do nol re-

>ur paper by ■? a.m., call the number' tttur:-------- -J535-------------------- --------^^.j(^»pcri.|'au|.U^HV

4648■RoDCTSon-HoIlistcr5375I Halls and all oihcr areas----------- -1844 _

.........N e w s ..........,c.Wdworth,mana^n8 editor . u have a news tip or wish to talk to e'in'the ediioriat departmenvcallII beiwccn5J0ajn. and 5:30 p.m, ys. .lo repori iale .ncws and iJpWli


f e w. -! w A s h i n u XUW- (. le : - ’A m erican-try ing t o e '

JiQ un.i b u t^ w illir tm " ■ ■■ c u ^ y . - T & t^ r p r o m 4 su jar access a t that

[>- ■ ^

' - '“o i iW ^ o u s behavioT-^ -■

r ® u s ! f =le . ____________ I..,------- -n - ' -n n n d n ije d from A l___a^-:.1C then w e’U have a State c --^ in te fp re te r-w ho-w ill pro • '■ :rtc tt)i«atioirw nje:w ayiV

a t . F itzw ater said, ad d ing t ;h— w illb ^ la ts c d -g c n c ra ll ;

‘ ; O n another topic, !d( , In th is w rf lf rnri’fl stificr

^ - m it. B ush sai’d'He wiU"ti . ing no t on ly to discuss

G u lf w ith Soviist Prcsid tfl-

* quick resolution to str^

i4. ~ B efo re -em b ark m g or i^ .~ p o lit ic a I .trip-iD~.Knnsas~ is . o n Thuraday, B ush spc i]Q phone w ith a n um ber:of

a s They... inc luded . Syriar ,n H afez al-A ssad , -Turkis Its ' - Tufgut-Q aalrf r e n ^ -P rc

.cols M itternm d and W o r C hance llo r H elm ut Kohi;. House said.,, _______

ftliw r-cnllcdrUnji

Cuellar to .th an k .iiim fo cessful try .'at resolving

:i. sis in talks last week In 1 UUi^H-aib!6-mot-4hurw

jjj '~ b ia~ cm phasizing'm ste& (

[.]* iia iiy Hid liimnigitoitui’

,1 , B ul Sm iili A n it in —pro fited from oil prices 1:

Q f '’c n n s — *-iS'tbc-top-poi« :g r~ p n -th e-B u sh -ad m in is tra l is ' list. ’ 7

o r Arabia has reaped a “ w

-ing.thfcirrrway through tt _ -ing 'laby rin th o f catwoli ■” " and pedestrian paths on

cast side. T he board ogr >re "gates should be m oved i

w ays rearranged lo corre

ed V D em oney said thal A

lie that . th e .b o a rd informi o f m ended be stopped , con iv = , Jow .odm ission.pnce.

T-------resultrafter'5r30-and-on*v— -----

'X A d v e r t i s l niber” ' Peicr York, advertising dii....... IFyou wish lo plfce'an"I ------ eall'733-093>r-ClauirK>(lH[-- -0931-Monday dirou^ Frida---------Ufilll 3 p.m. and-8amnfays .fi’

-itiiTuumu. luformatlon_ on ^

SutatciipdontiM - Home delivery:itsny'Bnd

—----- per week; da»ly.‘'Vi.UJ per'i$1,00 per week. % il subi; be paid in acTvaAce an? are

ii w----- aally M d -?i5ig^S10.-4t

IctT- S3U0 for 3 months. $62.40 call' $124.80 per year; daily or >,tn, - .mpnih. $2f05 for-3 months

a a i ^

^ A P ) mnnaaic& fpev ad e c^tuSeT Z fcnce ' o f ‘ Uf iinrfffrf - h v -an- - peop le w h a t

j 5 = d l i w h i M ^ ^ n ^ S c « f l ^ it w ith in 2 4 Iran o n F rid m ain in the ir DeparttnMiju imisa-:u&^con-- -evacuy o r T " I t tim e,” siaid thc l I .S T ra tW nrirfJiltcnr------- iir« !d itk «-tiie Iraq is o f en -and .child

c a p T o u l^ 'e r 'a r ’c ia J s ^ s a id ^^ t 'a D a r tm T O fc ^ th -^ m e d ic

U .ijio n . analc D e^artm enl T he p resi irovide thc-in-— hvo^ieees-k) ■*Vint6HArabic, -the I tha t thic tape A rabia tha t iiH yr— ------------- tribntc-scvcrIdoking ahead cost o f thc I igqww ef .sma i _ b y NRQ N c "use the m eet- - Journal'*shbx ss the Persian voters pollct ildent M ikhail °t>provg<^ o f

itm tcgic a n n s ^ T h c likely m w as given ^

o ^ . w o ^ l d ^ S 5 ; , ' ® ' lja jm d J u a J iB i—S S rT T w rt^

ian P resident “‘“ 'V' d sh President

W est G e r m a n ® ® 5 ^ r ™ T . h l . , h c ^ ^ j . ^ A i q 8 b

fo t_ h is .tm su ci_ iir5 --------- 5?g the g u lf cri-IS!;!;.,,.,Jbcni

• C o n t in u e d 1

_______ ' d incrcn t d o• je c t, he said.

. O th e r fo ad ;h is-diplo-:V school-w bul<

' ' a round’TfQod

! hiked by th a '='“ »> 'im f f lM o n o r — buym g.-m tcm lion^s w ish— ----------------------- rooms-wouli

a .io ih = o m cia l= jH !B !S !io n ^ftV CniiH. J I 'j- i, .. ,U.

______ / bleachere aiw ith m ovea

--------------------- • room would. bleachers.-

----- ^ ______ s-SpedaLth c -b c w ild e r- ,-s till undcr-o

alks, runw ays Tw in Falls c )n the a ren a’s lot program greed that the children are i and thc run- classroom s, rrcct the p rob- w ould probo

' ' 'M u s lc r 4 -H ers w ere d u d e two c

IV -n- prnrtipft i»w>«i-i1 mm;m ally * rocom- o re h c s tra lo onsidering the also have p;

_ • ' j andsto ragc ;

[•weekends, call *55,40 pcr'ijton*------------------ . $J141i'iort)m<

- ••----- dent and servi*

'” g - ■: director •n‘*dVerii»«netil. • .|^ fc -« » ..7 3 ? - - MiU Mwiai iday-f»«n-7.a.m.— ;-TheTimes-h I'liOJii 7'tut^^ UinHl"diiliy^It

_Falls. Idaho. ‘■"Ts'ewsnsramrn

atTwin^allib: city and coun

Id Sunday. S2.40 Section 6C-I08 :r week: Sunday.— ilayrs'herebv i bieriptions must 'week on which ir ava i^ lc only ' "Hshed. ~ 'K8i"H(&inuiiREor tuvuihuiei, ,'40'^cr iS3tli}C^dinj'ftjiili 'tu:' 40 for 6-^monlh Idaho 83303. only, $8.35 per — - -

— — 3 ^ — ---------

h a "

sitoc=ieave=5Kjiwail^a,i^^^•riday o n jv h a t 'th e Stia{i?>r~ ^ m L i i c ^ w ill oe regu la r,>ii flights ~ an an B ed ~ :b y ^

itjofHo^Ameinoaii-woin— • —h itr f r^ w jinrrt'the Iraq is_____ ^e n allow ing to 'l e a v e B la s t m o n in ,-t ; : i iro in > ? - . — i^ e y ^ h ^ > e d -a d u lt-m e n — —

•m inister......

resident rece ived ' a t least' » -k )f‘welcom e-nbw8-during~-'=^ O ilidalrdlsclosed-in-Saudi^^— la t the country w ou ld ,:cbn-

1C U .S . bu ildup. A n d 'a poll,Ncw.5 and the~:WlLlfSttccl____sKbwcd r 76 p c rc d it .■ b C i8 0 0 ~ - }lled in - th e past tw o days I o f Uic bu ildup , bsm pared

y miM:gipi>f e rro r in th e p 'S l ^ ^ n a s 4 -percen tage poin ts ei-

i r H a d i i h i J d i ^ t o £ . g c n c r a [ J _, j :o fo rm a tio n M in is t iy ;^ d ------lad lhat an'Tracii tiilevision ! ready to go to W ashington

ic le v is io n . - ------ :te r said that W ouldn’t bc { — “ weMl produce it our-

ugb w e ' have- n o t heard q directly , w c a c c e p t'th e irrhc.ptw iitlm iL w ill ___ :-to-J h r ' liaq i pe e p r t f l ^ U tc ' ~ '

lo o le d f ro m A 1 '

c lassroom s for cach sub- - aid .

features ‘ o f th e middlc-buld4ncludci----------------------------iB'.ieconoimcs room : ^ ^ i lc :

I '^ lu d c s ^ le s M r^ o^fam jy~~~ " id" developm ent,' co n su m er' in tc rio thdcsign i= foodszand :r= : _H o n fc_ ecm ip m jcs c ] ^ - _o tdd -thcR rfarc .bc .bu iit.w ith__ i)nal a lcoves fo r each sub-

ioafixn«TTf(rByfirwjTOta-bi^— inlo tw o parts: a w ork ing r general sports " ^ t h ' n o — s m uch larg e r gym .vcaSle Bleachers. A lo ck er ......m id be bililt iindem eath the s'. • - ..............^^1 - T h ia tiron ie .....:r-consideration4>ccause.tbe— lls d istrict has Initiated a p i- . ' ram in w hich' special needs are taugh t in th e ir regu la r

ms. T w o ccntral c lassroom s • robably b e b u ilt fo r them .. . lie. Tim i>oliool W6bld i;i-— '0 classroom s: a cho ral and

i ‘lt>om. T he school w oulde. procticc_rQQins_an_oirLce__ig esp acc . . .

iCTviceman rate.-by mail'only: •lonth for daily and Sunday..........*5 of $15 will be levied for.all re.Iks_________________ ______________ J

les-News (UPS 631-080) ts b -

Hi by fhe“-^ ir^ N w s “^ ^ c ia l, . sounty' news^per punuani to

i b y j M S f d as°ihe°dSy?f‘ -------'hieh legql notices .wilj be pub-

. to: P.O.” D*>Ar348, Twill Poll*, " 13. - '

| p r a r o ^ W ^ r u : . J : r z r iZ

• pEALERR'feTArNS rebates' ]_

. . J..' ...

Page 3: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

'"~~T rT m posedni^.-JVA SHlNG TpN .

J Tom e'flrsi^lass'm d

----- _______Telling Ameyif^m-: improved scrvice is

. ., ■ J jibe," K c^ Olcnn S

. '•■: • , ■■som’e overright deli m a irh V s a i< r^ c I

I ■

ills, t e n ^- - WASHINGTON-^

—________ egdan ia iJ lieX o Ioml________ extraamon lo thlTl

”lf thd goVcrnmcr _thcir_own_laws.j»gair —incarccratingihcse.U

. Thornburgh said in a!....................ButThofTjbu^h-w

•. advantage of iKis 0| serve jail sentences.

--------- ^TTest-and extradtlfrIHe

O il industry?^W ASH IN G TO N =

will sp6tid S800 mi.U ------------ -designed-lo-clcaniip,-------- - day; — • ---------:

----- : ~ ~ :T h c ~ c o s t : is U h f^task force which set President John D. C

! ' . job, The

area; Port Everglade ' . - Texas border; Port H

y .S . capital-------- ; WASHINGTON ■

TTnr nnw plnnls nriE

I-— :--------- Analysts-Mid-ihe-(j esrem am jeeryofa

its. Thc'dcDartment! r = = _s52fe ;9-bm ion-forc

consecutive year of ii

- - : ^ - P o I i c e - w a n < :


____ • schoolyards and neaibe enforced. ■' '

. ~ ^^go\3mmcru'^to ^ leg• sdufec,’ Chief fcdwu

------rroinhcrplnnrTheTiiei• _ approved b y jh e je n

for those bringing fir

! - CINCINNATI- directorSrolccobsccr

1. .. .. ' J^applethorpe photo{ . . . . - 7' Coiinty I

' ' Bonie and'tho'Conte misdemeanor charge

---------, — garrig and sail,_on-one.charge.each-«

banese said the tria charges, could losyc

- ^CTolrtStK

maii s i o w d g y ^

IN.— A-Postol--Scrvic«-aeci malt'finhd facc o fa hew rat

ans.thatIoager.deli very-time e is “doublMpeak — it d y L £ngUsbi:Et^klir...sald'lit aiii

3cliveries~will~afrecflesnha lie result w ilfbe a win-wtn si usU>mcr\-ao<l:impfpvrf1 Vfflr

i 5 y e _ b n ~ n e w d r uN - ^ ’The Bilsh administistionmbifln gnVbmmpnt’s nfTgr le<rUriUed' S ta te s l f they suri

nent lind'pcopic of Colombii: 3 a in 5 t.d a is J i^ c k iD & = .p ro ;c.tbugs.;rT^so'lnDch- lhc.'bettu in a statementh-wame<J-that-iJif-4Jw-9^aUe< 5 opportunity to surrender, c es. wc w ill contmue to suppoi •them to m e U nited s ta te s io r

try backs spill cl<ni.Uion o v e r the next five yeai -up.-thc-worst o i i - a p i l ls r i ts ^

^ i m ^ l h o ^ ‘ginaH^ti'mat( set up the'M arine Spill Res . Costello said the increases if'Plans to conBtnict five nffltoi »rg lu uw ur uu3des. Fla., north ofMiami: Li 1 Hurenerhe, Calif., north o f I

tal s p e n ^ g preiN ~ iAfn.«qgi>jU><isinoQ*>cg' P

fie-Gommerce-uepartmcnl'SUi f a' sofiening economy and w nt said the survey found bus! 'r*expansion 'and~m6dernizat' Df increased business ihveslm_______ «nttough-gun lawN — Cleveland's policc chic

leariiy bill a federal .oaiiiaLs

iteguord our children, our na Iwurd P. Rovucic iold'a Hou wegsurcrsimllnnorone-iri-an SehatOrvcails for maximum fi r fifcanris-withittXOOOJectlof

niyp rhargft gnu— A jury must decide whtt'i iccnliyluws by cxffiBitmg f?v< )tographs, a judge ruled Thun ty Municipal'Judge David'J.. intemporary-Arts-€«nteMo-9l rgeeach o f pandering obsceni MilEiy:aI«^dyw.crc-5chcdul< ::b.of.usiDg.children-in-mater trial, which will address th y o d a y s ^ ,


n l i7 M B

i t r e e t , f w in F a lls « 7 3

1 o p p o s e decisiop’torjlow-deliwiy of- - rate increase “is going over"

cnesJoiLsomejnmLtesultsin l(^n*t compute, it doesn’t \ jieanng by ibe-HoOsc Gov->-

I situation — improved mail .

nig p o l i c ytion on Thursday caut>oiisly ">

iurrender'^'dnn confess their

ibia arc now able to enforce proscciiling-convicting. and - ttcr»V.Attomey.Gueral Dick .

lled-extradttables-fhiHcrtakc— '. confess their dimes, and port (^tombia’s

J e a n u p s y s t e m:bgctcedibyrthe~0ri~industrv~ e a ^ n a nationwide system presidcnfannounccd^rhors=^

ialo^r4»^ti^eum'irtdu'stry~ lesponse Coq). Corporation es were necessary lo dp the_' iionnl rrntminnrrii..whrrr . tiie i^uw >ofk-Wew J eraey - luike Charles, La., near the'

)f Los Angeles, and Seattle.

■ e d i c t e d l p w

surv^hows^th3tbuslness5*“I worried about falling pro'f- usinesses nlanninc to spend cation-this-yearr.the-fbtirtii'=7 iment.T '

.w e n a c t e d -----------hief and other supporters of

il said such J law cnuld-nQi—

nation's'mosl valuable re> ouse suDcommiltce neanng ‘'an~omnlbus~crime~packaKC ~~I five-year prison scnten'ccs :6fa-SchQQlyanL~:"

ling to trialitt'her on art^gallery and iis [fve sexually gn l^ 'ic io b cn ,-' lursday. - -J. Albancse ojde'red Dennis ’ ►-stand-trialTSept;-24 on-one-- enity.lulcd-lo-go-on-trial:that-dayr- iterial involving hiidity. Al- the obscenity and nudity

Compiled &^m wire reports

-------•<,-------- ;----^ ----J — ^


----------- - p i i

7 3 3 - 1 5 0 6 » O p e n 1 0 -

i l lL-------JWASfflNGTON-(AE

'W asnheTlpoffihardrug W illiam Bennett was

r__n sc o a a o y rro B E ic q u s\------k^-Demoontio>«malo

_annlveisaiyj)fJhfcwir.o =------^ * I t*s been a yearftnd-]— -m aacZ i^B E rparp roB

Judiciary'CKairihari Jos

ing room.'..... — ........ ..b r — %enrieti-hiwt-no-prob ^ , n.sseMmeat.Tlic,tWQ,aL

I Congre^ must be fiush * ■ ' ihc'Tnoney“ for-thpt*w

. ■■ ftccs other-pTOblcms su ^sn tn^ulf. thd deficit ar

: and loan cnsis. ; ' In'fact, the most sevei:------ Rwwblicatt^imiwttta a

• was Sen. Arlen Specter, . from Pennsylvania.

Like some. House

^ 3 m ig jra E m o E c x ^ i^ B' . enforcement and treatn

cation. The breakdown i 70 'percen tT o rlaw eriF rest for treatment and ed

' President Bush a ■ marked the first annjv

" " S i u i i u a y li i li'il!ing improvement in the

’ The statistics cited------ eniLiguiuy' luuin adiiils

caine and heroin, surv

“ ^o*^mgKnl ‘d ^ ^ n r f a= -H5nc«B ftr-cocBincanfl'di

The wholesale price o

'S3 'ooof0frffmi™irfjto S25.000 last year JT-j

r-------- But—in r4984 j-~ ^d«..wholesale:., price .was! S50.000. I

The .number o f c< ------xmerecncy— room..i-cas

____same tmgrEcnCY..iPQn10.248 cocoine-related c

____.•fluL B idcoJH JcL .Jcto blame Benneu.

--------:*Th-^ra-cFthanKe“ j5Ti” —extremely bad is not*a*------what-Hwiisider-the-exf

job you have been doin^

------- 'Bennett * assured Bicdrug'issues remain.a'to

------Bushrrwho-said-Wcdneissue "remains No. 1" fc

--- -ihe:olher.crise3!thatrse« '• py the-While-House-Jhes

“We’re not saying t is over,” Bennett said, tainly not saying it \

— ——

^ P A V S Christine's -supp orts the- Falls-Gounty-I

t a l i 7 s t o p - b y C h r i s

^ a n e i ' s h o p f o r - a l l V

- f a l h a n d - W l n t g r f a n e e d s - ' - --------5

^ 1

0 - 6 M o n d q y th ru Sc

8 not“ gbing" lo . icstionsi^tenicraz: =W S B Slor-<m-the-fiT5t— ronidnjgs.^L'- d l think-youWe— oBressrr~Seoater ' ‘r B i f l o s^ h R. Biden {iving him the I K S 'Utside the. l ic a r ^ t 5557 ^ ^

>blem=with-that-- ;---------nlcft npregri'thnt~ _ '

shedjo providewar~even-as-jr~ — -------such as the-Per------~and the savintis _ _

/e^critic of the proslij

H7a R'ej^blicair" ~ ln flW n e lu d e s

se*" Democrats,. sh re d i liviriint; ,ft><icral . —s i w bi

tment and edu- l ~ n is now-almost nforccriietit.~th~e' t K L l Z . education., .

and ■ Bennett

he dnjg war. > . id declines in _ gHARP

irveys showing reason to g hostility to on nn' ass

■ a u c re ^ ^ i«dttctiotHn 9up-~— ■ Homicic

were seai : o fa kilo ofco- Galnesvilli

£7ortn;doo—-j \ •• ing suspetlen^-noledp^lhe he’s'being SI $40,000 . to... . Bccausc

I • ■ ‘ bond, Edwcocaine*relaled ' been in 1 rases "dcclinc^gi'nc»-A»g.

r^eTal_Royem- "I h

V m s-h iir i . n n l v R .w ln irV ^ . Icasesin 1985. hearing »1 jook.p«insj3o,t„oljictinijuo ----------:_________ —IzshoviflLZj5T3blfcnrlS-Slil|—Tx-commem-OT—

ng." Biden told

that the top pnOrit} /d r " nesday'that thc for him despite ie m :tb .p rm c i4 - ;r7 ^ ^ ^ ^ |esedays.-' ---------the'(drug) war

d. "We’re ccr- . will be over ^ „ J .

4 w i n .

your ; d s h l d n —

P o i• C snon SI• 180 Fle.i

------------------- -- -iMsim" ^ .. ‘ S 'Und

- f i - —

r a f i ;

Ljr ■ ■

i S i C Se'»wn5.^fm e - |—------------

raturday |

(cWat m an y lii

'lu p in 'll

^ ' '•iy • —

3 1H den t B u sh v is its th e qa dr^rD.C.T to ' K a n s a s f o r a Ies a sh o w e r-e q u ip p e d p >dder a n d a s p a c io u s pri

>d by 'C o n q re s s 'a 'r ^ th~a~I

e u r d t i c v p_ • ._____* 1 1 ' '

jlPES. E;lti,:(AP)- . A juJg>

to uphold‘u SI miflioii bom .vhiirrv fv.r ii yi.miii

Uudcn'ls ii\ biiincsvi'ilc.------c id e ^ s k foii-C'invci tiVjturl earehing file IW-yijar old’: 'ilie upurtniunt and cur foi

ie IS pnlj^onc'ol'lii'ijh]' Icud peels*.* Hiid his brotJier sail ng DViiJc^'seapegont. ise—uf-- ihe-unusuully. higl dwiird Lewis Humphrey hat 1 the Brevard County juil ug^O-un-a-diargc-uLbalUaj 1'jiidiiiulln.i'. -— —

‘ hpfort? m<! M very Hkliirhtyi



8m m .v id e o Camc<M

oint-ahd-Shoot Sinrm suiolocui 8'X 1/1.4 powfr loom lent

______ ___ EVEF

:------ ------------------------TTTU-WDEO

3-Pock------- —3 S _ 2 —T-lSOfleffr- .1— — 'r

V , TAPE&^y

2 5 1 _ M |6 JU ^

..... ^

-------- ul . , / • . FtWay.

gallBv Thurs d a y 'a s a nev i r a - p o i r o t r c a lr a i l^ ln ^ d j d presldo ritia riavato ry . cc p rivate cab in in th e n o se ^ < ;o O noJsj}x t> eo ted 4 o j ie Ro'ag an ad m in is tra tion

p sy e h G tie' l »________ .

idgc as-a—

Id'sfor P V __

. i a ^

■. 'H u rn p f ire y " ^ .....

has ncy Norm Wolfinger, juil- the high bond, sold: ‘

' iTiiiiim lif« ' ic n ciigi------ Qaiiiesvillc murders aihi-H lh;ih*‘

icjil__s i;.t.«_bond_biisc.d_on.8_cnuiii:_liiisiiXbcttn_chargcdJn^ _____iudttc said'he would be



p o rd e r , ___ •

implicity. Limlent wiirt AF micio . .

- - WOW’?

J r * " V e R ’s ’--------

^ r S_CAMi:nAfr= j; I2e:edhtsbi:e:sIt =feGO=eLA¥EBS

n i lA V E . , T W INOS O V E R LA

ay.-:sat>t<fl r7 r i9 9 0 — nwarr

dltiorv to a’s 'e c b n d ^ a ire y co n fe re n c e room , 85'telei e w ith tw o c o u c h e s th a t 1 >-be^eH ve fe d-next-Vear.-^ >n. r e p o r te d l /c o s t ab o u t

. J »

gerpus and Budnick 1 —“a—snvagoiii=dangOF4o=tt

throatened a dicated he

ijulf “John**-----Russodiiand warned: on whether " j 0 h n hearing. H<

. 1 take lor me triono prison- sault charg

• ers.’’-.... — - for OctoberB rc v o r d -—" HUlfnphrc

State Attor- she didn't v “r,. a^u lng for would wei

“The fact rc- into her he

and he kn6ws iniles fro m ' ••‘I wanLJ

(. Kusso oDject- tlna 1-llava ^ J l i t (.uUldU' l ilgla L>u cose Humphrey Humphrey rtJlQWcycr..thc__didn:LJcar. « -doingra_db-..,she had,call unily’-Hf-hcral»—sa id -sh c n o.frce.— : ■ thihg-alid'ut-

nited T im e

! Ill IIUW . . . UKU <iUvdlild( ;>r{co-^and 8pqc}al-9.9% fliv

> itom you w ant Todayl ~

Q T M F T IIU Ig 1

--------- - T .V - S T E IV --:- V- * TAP

------ — ■rr-g'fee: S T E R E O ^ * - B I G - 1 S U ^ _ ______ L E N

ilEH!i_EALLS^ 7; iV N D , B U R U

..■ ■■■— ........

AP Lat*Pplieto I •e s Its w a y from _W ash-_;____I ll e ^ h b B b e l n g 7 4 7 T n ^ --------e l e p h o h e i ; a p a p e r .. l a t c o n v e r t t o tw in j) .! ir .-T h e -tw o i> Ian o o . j j r .; , - — )Ut g Z P P ln H n b r i e a c t i t— ■

i or keeps^ H

icic ruled that Humphrey is 11 . 1 :o=the^cf«ntT«mity=l^iirhfiTF— ^ he would consider-another' |fof buiid riiJucliuii .iiiil'll- <---- j";ainmgdicaLtgsiimQfly.Lnbotit . _ " •tfys nw ntaM w ndinoiii .>-dld not comment alkrvvard •; | mer ne wouluTeek unoihcL. T

He said he was preparing 1 trial on tlie aggrai'flted* as- ! large, lentaiiveiy scheduled ^»ber. ..... - —•— I-:.-;.:'........... ::)hrc7 *s-grandmother tc3 tifit» t= ;= i >'t want lo pross charges and 1 welcome Itumphrey bnck ■•hbmc, where Humphrey’s ' nlsQjlivtw. in Indialantlc. IKO _

A iJyl£Q O gaL^_ilcCm iti^^ lavaty. iier nght cheek and ITy- i fflOty -^ iu U U .rev w atched. She a iid * sh e____■...'car her gmndsQn, uhhough___callcd nolice repeiitcdlv. S h e ‘‘ ’


9 1

« n a n c i n 0 - f o r - u p - t o . Q n e ______

r T f i P |^iY! ^J M P O N i N T S ---------------------f E R E O - S Y S T E M S \ P E J Q E e K S " — I-------

iG r S G R E E N S ------; n s e s _____________

)% Financing u ^ to 'l -y e a 7 ’- 7 ’ Jth m lnlm um -purchasc 61


7 3 4 . 9 0 5 2 . 1 1 ^

LEY: : • ■■...^

Page 4: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

^ ■ ; ; SAUDI ARABIA (/ —— U.Si n?Ultaiy4vas-^uilt-a___ _ed network bf_mcdical;■:. ..; the Saudi desert, ihcludi:

'■ ti>»«%at-o(rK;ial6 fioy-aro •1 lu-;-;-virtually _any- j.-woundi---^ ^

h'tJSjYpilal^iiffiliTde; . ‘ h ip s being d^

along with 13 faci■ '^oiit across the castcrF

'■ the desert- kingdom.- i—t.doc^fs-ai^Titffs^esrwho

■" ' ; uiiyiHing-lruriKiiBQrosun

- . ■ ■ bTOnJlownJtHoxant.for........ ed, 60,000 US. troops

- Dipycd in Operation Dcs 'Wflshington j>ays ihi

' troops are here to dcfcni 'biB-in:€aso-of-an'«>mick-1

^ ^ ■ _ sc o p eytrthennedical:sy . ' shows that bfficials war

pared shoyld war brcak-c - -'»»Ouf ho.spjials arc

; . thing wc Co in llio s Je'rotne"Fatwi, cotHtMat' 44th Mcdical . Brigade.

—------ dflyrHls"brigadc~runs^■ hospitals'in Saudi Arubiii

The U.S. Na\7 is buil bed hosoilnl in the desert

■ ' ]JL>USI'U JJJ BtT", caraipel-tents, which in<


“VVu iiavu II all. VV"

"! cn n a n any ground lagilii

— W hen lu lly stalled. i_____ ^ -h a v g q fs tn fro ro n f).- — .-jncdicaLpcrsonncl_____

At another Iroation, t— bullding-a—bubbic^-iios|

— I •! b c tf^c ilitjr-w ith -a -p litached ./'"

■ If is housed in a strii piller-shapcd'inflatablc r

— AbbuV t iS millibii io>! — — TUcntr^TCin—narcotics—

>dsrwcnr-shippcd-frDTT—'----- States for this hospital—-------- ~—Soldiers^iavec=work(M

night to'sti.up the fucilit;- Ihc'"searing" daytime ti

assigned to it. . ^"~~Unce thV oPiOT.^fi^f

. be. almost, exclusively-------- <ans-Saudi»-may-be-tr---------sionally-al-U:Sr-faeilili

kingdoni has its own mb ofim ^ical caix:.--

~ - ''~ -~ B€5ides=Thg=lioqiitals; . unit, such a.s a Mai

in the descn, Im d--------ppfoinediea-tm tgned-<tr

bat.- their role is to kec soldiers a'live until they c

■ ' to a hospital. '

- r ; .~ ~ S e le m e W S ^

‘fflEE pailino behind T«

r tjg G u i f - : r - ^

“ TT»e~ASS

i V - 1 " '- ! '

v* r» . • TwnBiner(AP) — The ,

l i - a - ^ r t i c a i t— ^ d i n j r C A U flcibilclia_ uding'15 hospi--:- ^ a w ^ u i p p e d - t o - • ype o f combat------ Brady Persian .nomic-4 faciliticsspread • of. “stnt TTI' province ot — "*lautiche< .- Hundreds of- • fiinri.rnl 'hocanperform — -—iKe"«snu

—^ ah7= r-siircrry. hnvr Tho ( •foM hc^im atw i ■; seekiny ips so, for dc- o f kccpi Jcscrt Shield. ■ •u iy .sh i the Amencan ' border, end Saudi Ara- poUo^ ck-by-traq-J^e— — :system:cicarly= “ t i n F ^ ^ a n t to b e p re - mcnt,es ik-out. • as capable, . gui' w -oftkrtng-any— znsf&iEisc: r s to te i?r-C o i^^ not.-”

the----- — Nclt'hlIc, said Thurs- ■ British c ns^the A rm y 'r” amounts ‘bia- : - ' • ' tion- Eu juildmg Tl 500- schedule ‘‘Cft, _ --------o'f.ingrc;

Bir J ■ =include 'Intcn- - ...............-

iperating-wafd.— - _______<-fiiymnit. _ _ _ _ _

lard-Mayn. the ;_______ l i : .r..iaTiis.ts.lncs-— ;________ciiiiy we nao m

d,“ ilie hospital)f). SOQ or them________ ^

1, the Army is ~ B c c a i lospital.-ii 200— - ’D 'C 'P l -p harmacy-at--rr

gettiritnes o f cafcr- *Ic rubber struc- . o ie a K ,anLinotff.tubw—Lnnrt rnnls Uie-- —----------

lo n ' j o f e q u i p ' ' ■

rwrrthcrUnited-----------------^ = ™ la ig i :i1ity bccausc of choo : temperatures. ■ - e ventuaily.- be*' ------------ -

^hospita l w lir^ ly~lbr Amcri- . .; treuted'occa- ; ililiesT-bul-tite-- — -— mbdcm system •

aliij-cuch= m ilh= - i — Viarine brigade • /

doctors and >

keep wounded . 1:y can be taken


ig ,.ii

^ i l M n b i a f l H

d Twin

^ ^ m m F A L L S y ir B

' ;U .' .

tiTtm I ■ .W K Sclit^PrdS-----------

-------------------1 - " - '’ •

irnore o f Uie btirden for 'de-

e-CHi)rimt'--crisi8^has-b^-^^ bverwhilm ingr’- ^-uoklijr ■ ,Sixictary Nicltol&s y';.. is : on ' ah . !8,50j^mile »y~that'hflS\taken-hint'frotn p e^v A sta in scorch ot- eco- c-assistonci; while S e o e ^

hed~his” bw n'M iild le ■

n^a'id-t<«lefr8y-lhe-Jii^-cost eping ajjrot_cct|vc U.S. mili- shield"• on* tHc“ Saudi-Kuwain :r.lowing m eeting in Paris and

sffong’ ATOras^dfveScoOT . especially from Bntlsh Prime iter M ar^ret Thatcher, f while the words have b ^ 3!ci=thg=fluw -ur. money: has

Ither the ^ J t c l i ttor Ui? h com niitt^ to spwific dollar n tsan d ^ ttie ia lso t the 12-na- Europcan“ -Commimity -were uled lo take up the question waftwd-aBWfitancc at a-mccting-

i a u s e w e u s e rO O % ^ ( E E ? ^ ~ b u X j n e ; n u , l : i n g j t h e , v e r y b e s t i

IKS but hamburgers t

nr. Crrtifird Angiit PrimB-Rit TomphrtcrfTPlthThofcHufpot

WE-PROUDiy-SRVE O N tWuse:Menu^arkQi.^r«il^astFJA tw e fhm dady exccpt Sunday, s

z in £ £ mT = c a

- f a m i l y :

1 ^ 1

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~ C ^ ^ ^ t a i a J a m o u s H B i' '■7i|'i-'iiiir flHHPP

-----------------^— '■^— Reg

N O WM e n ’s T a ils R ? g .$ lE

— -------M en 's-S

"4 c o a ts in b ne--w ith J ------------- T W g n

~ m m n.MBa'gLralLs.RRB.,$706.

b o f i t e e i

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lile ' j | K ^ g | | | | ^ ^ |

Fid^ l<ST.g*

u rsT A m bM sador 0 vrith-TraasiUSLS!

Friday. - ■ _jnd. While one oflicial tn

Bradv^a.lha-fligh^n ce:=^ul-said:itiwouIdIHc me ' sonablc for the allies to

entire $1 billion mont ten the U.S. t r ^ buildup tmy—ment-wagjticwedmoce.-------^atlngTJloythan atcasorlj)jP'"tfltion of thcoutcoine. liar For one thing, the Br na. uon faced an, even ha ere •' meetings Friday with S< ion PfSident ‘ Roh Tae

m i n g ; —n T j y ^ X j r i - l -^V -

6 B E E FrCERTinEp-ANi , j v i . g u a r a ) W ^ t - i n - b e e f c - N o t o i u s t o o !

•potattRs r vegetables, and di?

W H E BEST-QUALrry-FOCFl4mcltrDmn<rp^-lt<nc/F^ctty, starting at:$Z.99. Solcd.and


' I D I J V W G ^

i i i i j d a h o Z I Z I ^ T ^

r u - S e p t - 2 2 / w ^ l ]

s " & ' t a d i e s -— - -

yO ^ K R K log .S I A S

S159.50 N O W $ 1 2 9 .1

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R D 4 > A R f eh a zip-out down liner. rSi8T-_ ----------—

^ UMyourftopOf'joi —— CK.TrSftnfii i>vniff>

a e e a i ^ ^

P o n a ld ~ P rG re fl^ left, ^ S e c re ta ry N icholas BradJ : Kliifu.traveling with ' The adm;

to pick up the depend heanthly co st.o f oil. -------ip; that state- * Japsui ha:

-------:------------- calfrtoltaiftBrady delega- The adfiii iKtrdcr sell in what critics South Korean—oiJenly-—- Qc-woo and much more

^G u 's-; : : : I i

B— = = ^r, $.9 .90 ------------ ^

)0D /'--^----------------------rdob-to........ — ------------ndPiet____ _


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l ilopiioft.laoliwJfcr—r S

g e s ttir^ s w hile me^t^r a d y In g e o u l. S , K orea.

iministratibn is turnidg to ffnnnmtg p^weihouses in TnppnrfBtnw»~>wMh~nntrnh'c~leavily 6A M id^e ' Eastern

has -pledged SI billion- to ihy'tn'P F ^ ^ P T b tit^ id ^ i i fu . .” — ^ a p t iw n ainlhistration says priviitely ics in Congress are saying_■ itint Tnpnn should ido .are. given the size o f its .

n n r i f i


=ZiW E:RE:iaCH

= j p w ^

4 S S i - € 0 I ^ R T V4S SW 3W -i Speee-CamiiiBB Control. 178 ctiinnel tuning. Prognminalite channel Man. flaiihlmrk.»pii Walnut col

■ I- •- P - B - - I 'I ........

A t;2767I1^MTS Stereo Kith di uctlu'a.:Aiid{Qjii^lbii^I>Iea ttc8t.0«k:coloe.finbfar-"::i:

v T A n f - o n ™ ^

B i738^14

- t h a t r ^ . b ^

tiiBt '.^ e r ic a ’s huge mil

rc n ii t i i - a iw 6 w h js - i» ^ , vestments “to bob

----------^ Japhi; and other »upt ^out la r^ jn ilita ry obligai

'-WttlcdlltiMdPgJffemTo enormous-investinents i

rComple(e eflectively-in-

S ^ ln * ^ ^ tc h in ^ - B r a d y r :

stoke ih the Persian. G ulf < I. What he feft-unsaid'

>^enca,**!Kobbied oy - a o ^ n o m y and a huge Tn< n debt, can no longer affot

n~ But ofH o^s • travel! Brady insist tlu t the fu

0 effort would niake sense <

-------Th6y-^»©^e-thaf-whef>-y pean Community dismi g economic barriers in 1 f. combined economies o f 5 members will equal Ami

k l l l l t l l l


iiUMi'R«mol«------------------ng. Raliaot chnM.M. »<BU. Cbknncl 1!~lw J!a!«li.______________^ 0 0 :........................

------ ,■ -;■■-------n>b»n-f-“ - -■l^titi>urjiickit..:~ .

- i \ £ \ 0VR'C7S ■ ^ 0 0

. I „ - ~ chaantla----- -w.

L4 2 i ^ m m

■ j ' ■ ■

i = ; = — "G N RjooId wc " - - r - — U n il^ -S la u s .

. '. - decade.,, ■,

‘“ ek t.o f llij j w h ^ c ^ m

H jligy ■ inji with Bmd;

>55r?i® ‘‘' - -Iwvc n riglit.M d o ^ wiirbfl-sl

‘P“ WS wllli- ately." ~ jnlions were jfcspi,e uic .

5 Ih e n llfe lo d o a-lhc jvcald _ f„p.OTe-ihii

5 ‘‘ p e . o r - " In addition, tl la , ,n . tiL-tho-al lles-catin^

brd to go it ?«ons werc^des ' - ■ Ble'enwpaigfw

fund-raising • raising the e 'evcn;ifthe there is a pcrce^ ^ ^ j c d T T T - p n ^ r i l ! ^

mantles its on Brady’s pi 1992,- the background. “

>f its dozen, see that this is merica's 55 couple o f cour

g g f S P J R f f l j

\u a ie ^ A L

P niC E S! -

W ' C D U D R T VJfSE2S09 - Remble.coatroV^ «rnrch, Unifl^ tV/VCR Rem Reg. 699.00 g g

[JiFsiTfjCA^W030 --I- ■ T t

««n wlfl;.| iBg.crMe.-.......... •Tii

2LCCD^kSS«l«iSi: “J lC i i i ^ -2 7 0 ,^ -p tx c l" ■— -Irii ^tuioa

>1 Umer. ' -~ • Aatoiiiiitirclu ioini ctMlrMiU^'tl^inoie eanir


m s m o h ^

mm A m aiE m

g p - c » s i s u l

rady who ^ k e . on con--h^Doi-rSe-^namedAiyR------ -j y ^ r i a . vfe/Amencaiis:.'; ^ It to expect that""the 'bur- "~' >e~sharod morc’appropri-

thc lukewarm public rc- ~n nctng tttTgCt.r ’ .'o th 'c r fo i te ^ iJ ld 'p ro a -------i do m ot^ • - / - •thing.--l9p9n-risks trig- jvakmchc u f icscntntent • a t^ fo rerg ri% B T k ^n lc 6 ^ ^

m , ' t h w l s a twiief that '

given the, threat pok d♦sident Saddam Hussein. __

Bnidy and Baker mis- designed: as highly visi-

irc-a-tm itedforce.-thus— - stokes considerably if

:rccived failure.........................

ill," said another official--------s plane who spoke on - 1. “ We need to let him 5 is hot one country or a ~ lountries,; but il icaliy is ■ : i>f)rid" ___

? U D - T O ^ :

i/ V 4 V I T H ^ = 3 = ^ =


ol,-Auto channel--------------l -tcmotc

5 2 2 - _______ ____

» . .

----------J— rw/casc--------

^ R D E R

»Tii]l'>lia f«r^H for op'to. -160-^nteT«ord!nrllme— rKiu;.:^u, .■ Irifc Ri^. !<)S0.-t)O:— ; - - ,

1 mordiflg u d

fc^^l-K iO Th— -------- •

[ q I ^ _

Page 5: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

— — B E iJIN G ^ T h t wpek by Typhoon i

— V.-•- - { - ------AnothCT 40. peof

• ‘ — ^ ^ i rc io h c m Sok ' ' Shanghai; China's i

____ ' ~ "]^v^:do ‘ d Q iirM

“ n f 3 ^ B B E E S B i 3 i j ' crowded train platfi

7 . V r . :s a id ^ u rsd ^ .V lo l ‘ ~7!CQ>rFran$~Malh

^^Bayanything^’-MnU Earlier, police 'in

— ; - g i ^ - to disperse.! ri;■.rJeaS.OTtpcTCon

i : = P l i j C o r e a i r t ^T—-SCOUL Sumli K

' 1 senior OfTicials pfN ' upbeot note Thursd

• : ■

; rTiigh-ranJcing politic

’ ■ 1"

- i - Z z H i E S i

zMdEm p t ~ i ------ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

J . l F = i i

♦ I ■ \A/PI

— if------ | J — L-AN-Y-H:- i - -



- - S^.T ^ a NV-IT-I


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~ 70 5

^ ^ - I t n B

- - ’ ^m/ ' —=— —

7hc'dc3th~toU~in'twD^co&5ti] 3n Abe h u r»ehed 106, ^ c

eoplc werc mlssIng andTSSC

ibr<roni$-W«k ago R f ^ r I's most populous city, and tl

0 ^p le-w cn J-^ jM d cfb y Jlj

atrormukilling fiv.c.pcoplear ^iokVi£aI£p raritlnued iiTbla falherbe^said the-attackcrs ' i“-nt thtf JCDBe'stattonlnTjoh lalherbe s a i i -^ h e y jusrwnll : 'in the^township o f Soweto Lrival hlnck fnetinngi{n_.;;rgt w ^ stabbedOo dciilh.and 16_

a i k S ; W d ^ t i , o p i i ill K um a — Tliti n r ji ruMTTtn if North Korea and South Ko irsday, with each side hintin,

^hip and family exchanges. LcmggUaS-flnnpunced after oiia-^tw^-Ote-pninemiiM a itical and military delegates.

■ CompUeii 1

■ I I I 111


B m iM


^ ^ ^ N E -G O U P O N -PER-



^ J & 0 = 4

^ S r-owH— O N ^ e o o p p N = p e R =



Ia J m ^£UH r l i W M a

istal'provUiccS-blHcred rwi n officio! report said'Thyrs-

J50-WOT-injiircd iii-the ty— nithea te c oatgihteCTmmap.—

• I ..r-M,*.:.—• r .-i.r.Ih'ZhisjiangjjroyinM.- K hit 1 the nei^boring provinces -

Jloo^ ^ ^ S ^ g -wiiKis^n d a---.

rergunmen opened tire on a ! and wb.undingjnne, poUce blacic towhslu'ps.- • ' '

began shoofiii^“ fdr no'

/alked-up-and-opcneayljro:” ^!to fired tcar gai and shot*' xcet^lashesr^lice-sajd .u t. t6 were injured. - ' ____

E n n i s ^ c - n o t e ; =

Korea ended on a relatively tin^ at compromise in two iditjonaUy-soarcd' relations—


isi iil from wire service reports

ipfemberP, 1990


-0«snotinciu(H tetnc« ,'—ditW-*lc0Wte-e«<(j(eit-r- *■•— Mu»t noi-wcMd prlMol--------- -_ ll«m ^»^ .no i ^yi'O'wd'In " ^ "

coupon. ' ________

■ » » 9 0


!l_ — _ _ - a :

z 5 F " " ~ p-COUPON ■

R -J T E M - - - '- ' - ..poa» ' 1

“ Musi not eieesd price ot ' 'MBy-fioLM-UJKLin:___ __ .

___ l . .ceuoon,


CASH VAIUE t.7tk _

t - C O O P O N : - - i :=l ITEM .

Does nol Includa toDKca - dairy ot Moiwiic-preOucit.—MmLnoi e>egrt onca ot .. . .1 J

iiem. May not tistoln • conjunclion wiin tnoihtr

--CAu&nn ----- ^ i

_______ ’b a m - Z . ICASH VALUE irJOc; _

W i W I M M i M l i l L _

= I

' I r C O U P O ^ ;

Ooe» nol Include toMeea - f l i lO J L ^ M h o U iL I ^ _______ _

* conjunction wMn snoinor

•• . , CASH VAUiE v n t . ■ . ■ _

U M M U M h a ' i J ' '

3 ^ l z :g n f r f w i i J Z


^ " AZRAQ, Jordan'(AF‘ Tnflre^r*Trt'iiUitp.<rstalled-TClieffor70.0(K

zzr **__IHio-rBfugees*—enduf. Umce'wore dangerousi;

-admitted-private^.That— quuie' donpr.~responffi

cast o f Amman, Red worked - three days J. fr J i is t lo cr ^ a lcnl c

__ sands n f Asian.s..awa ^ rhomelT^bWThcyTirvcT

" 'Jordaiiiofl' authorities -woold-lhp*aten-an^und(

-,tcr;sourcft:.for-Am m s ^ - HvcstTOTd-ordcred-that- r : "b c -roQve<< >J miles aw __ ' take four days. —^ _ _ In nn r>t h (^ rn<:>» XV

bldnkets, enough for 5( sit in a New York w

a ®—* S a tis fa c t io n C t

_ W ^ S a le Em

— - r r —rr —: :

; ; P ^

■ -"m. '


i ■

— - { - f r ^


Z w o o i y g o r i i i ^


^P) — A n i^ t- , cause no ji id-com uctfrJuii^Jordan.-a^ OO-Asiadslhmi-SavellieC ipcn a jw n, ftW ‘-""MottiMw ;y— BMgledcSl umnce and pa* and others i l y 4 h i n ; - . ' . r o c k y , • t i.U.K~orfiViil»=aw«ittnff«! iat-slowriMdcy~Jonianr~~'*

c"a rapid em cT'' SHm Im II’^ g g ^ s ie j to t r r d f f ^ p g # ^

aTThis^but^st l i iu j ciipili d Cross leams-.- 20,000‘pcc from-davm. to -I iThc 'Jor city for thou-l_PQOed^t^

fToTttovcliT] 2 invasion es said seqia'gc TjuHhous^t iderground wa- . ■■‘*These-f nan^ . 60 rnilcs_.'.onu-Anuna it- lh rfT O -ten B . n i i a i n M t iwav. '['hat will BnniTfltinn?

that desper

50.000 people, who left S warehouse bc- dcficribedc

B i f eO u a ra n teed •R e p la c e m e n t

M I Sn d s 9-9-90

3 4 9 9

U U N C H E C K P O U C Y - T W

p j n e ^ i l i p a y ^ g e t

lintiii, IJ.OpO dwJpUf&li IcSh-^%diahs,-- S ri"tan lan i sti dunped at Shaalan U on < ■ scoipion-irifested plain

uuids ■■ o f whers "" wercj a' I l '^ d at the Ruwci'shfd ib r

t^hem-aireadv^in-frfcJbtda )i(airEach'day. an estimate! jcopic rcach.the border..,, fordanian • news agency; retoiLffla.tfii.a-tviic'iw? hiivi into-Jwdan-sinco-lraq^SrAugon o f K uw ait.'f^st"h tiw )ef s^ods remairi; " ' • ’ «-pM ple’ - re a d y - to marcl S)an.’l::Mrs.--Saiti^sm^ at ^fW olunta’rv-a~ntl-d1iurob'-of- o nsjoM ^tQ .hcIp^‘JJhcyIn :>eratc.*’ . 'I T jin k n n n rh ig e e in ^ :miyi»i I Shaa(an I gn Wednesday d despair and bedlam.

O L r t h :•n t o r S lo n e y r K e fu n d e d

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■'t s ---------red. 64;sngle-Scope.-#W S39x3:

iw0.4 8 .9 9 . . ~Ida A ngle 7 X 3 5 ----------h6cu!arsr:#223C R Z ::i.

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'win Falis at the------Saturday 9:3(

Sunday Noi

■ f • "

----- - ' ■ ■------ grwny

Djto !■ ..i ? o l '" [ ^ ^ “ ■-

a - ' •a in , ' -


r e - .

It' .'a : ^ y M d p ^ j l

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lay,~A“PaR(stanl womaiv_ .refugee camp as ter


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le Blue Lakes M:30-a;mr'6‘ p;m;-------------4oem>'Sp.m. '

ny-^?ipiKKooi>T-^9y)— Tlf^Ob"

h and Her 2~grandchlldre smperaturo so a rs to.mor

■ V 9 9 S a y e 2 2 L 0 i

■ - . . a im ilA u lu .i


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\ T a ■ C n iia d *, \ * £ K Assorted

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Wall' .1 f ^ . Cl

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------ ■dren slt'InFteiit In ~ — } nore than 100 d e g re e s ..

■ ...—• . t tg . aa.fl9-_i.:B::,. -.;, ..'.-„

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r ^ ” ....... r^7Bg|OT=^ -■■:=—-=r^i s o J d f l i O a T O j r : L>del Pardner, 410* ;

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ted sizes.

3R -nfEQ0RAPHlCAU ERRORS ' --- -----Z.

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Page 6: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

'T m ^ ■' •Mm b MB BBBI: ™ r ^ =

^ 2 ™ J?s ^ n o m e j e we S i m c h t o s

M -^bH: i ^ ‘l e ^ la S t^ t1 5 ® i ^ — .:_ ^ th is .- ^ A g -a t: j to S

___ _ .u rr td c r8j l . .B o & -B a

^ - ' , .jtJBartJctt'ccpresehl

t*^;:' . filed.a $1 mihion-l ' - - leging that she was------

4,-- " Center when ap^dn si . 'tainM 'into her roo:

— : " ’ tfo ’ bariges'thoVlir ',. she was'pul in-B'str

' • nied access to eduM------------ :' Tho claimrm^hich— — a n d T w in -F a llg -co

•■•■: t no rea andJhereby .! tf f i te e .to . t i le a c m i

■• : • T he W d id e ll atto; f ile 'u n til he invest!]

*7 ; - • w ho c a n - ^ h d d Hal tions bepom e “hopel

• nve souihdrrt id&i.»mce loVl'iM l i p a

|ti—- —Clmrgp agalnr g — .. -^ i^p^in^ip

V ■ to assaiilting 'ft »fa f l : . month;

” ^ :T h irw e n U ff l^ ^

n ' ’incourtlHur8day..~ ^ - ^ h s t e a i i - T j f ' t ^

-; •• Twin Falls Gomityi s - . .• :i=AtionityJuUe3t5Sti

to dismiss,.wbich wa trict M&gistrate* Jiid

T '”

lii«ai?eli.aa«thk-pciiiJ____ ; tion y y s . ‘investiga

, ' •culpobiiityorotherp ra-'-. ■ ' -7 ^T w ic j» h 'c fe^e te i■S— ^ —w u!d nblJw rejigh'cd 4L— ------ ;^ e _ in a h - w h o r ^

•Ji------ ^pc5usorsaid.._— -

•r' . -. Secona A .vm ur w<

. . fodnd about 12-hour■ and lying in weeds or

■ ■JOFFotoSKHSs j a n M i y i d u E i i n

r - ^ .--F IL E R .— U llrtlu u :----------:^Force-Bahd concfertr•. - ' • Times-News, at the-

-Fair.was canceled due

'1 ' "?P o li^ iS kass5

: ' T JER0ME.:r^:p6liD r -.— -rrsomcone who' Sttackc

''C h ie f G e o r^ Silver II:____:iLj_A-2l=yeafcoIdlwot

_iJicE_apartmaii_i>aJS ■"■whenanutn'CBteteda

I w d cut her. Silver sail ■:• '-She resisted .Ihe att

= Z^u;jUj>LU^fjW^iuiimt iv« re "cal(cd. . '

. TTie woman, who. I , children,'was.treated

.. i wnnel but n o t '^ e n U

- r r “ j l t l i eLTnnn: cm m fd tlw ■, . -J- -j^poiice haye several '

^th'ree^iuapccts; ■ ■■ -

;— -fTWin-FaBsCouni T"---- iudgels.expecteil

;sion and City Counci■ poss.their budgets for

------— caJ yeartocayr^rr-—£rr; The cp u n y will spci

- . iH^CTThc cominissionT— . ,iiitff..M me p roiSoscd

— ^Nobckiy-camo,.— '- - =r.T=:-------Th<>-^

-“ :proximate'iy—s l4 .y - f f r : io w'cF. Utyi lmt..xcfli.*x: ; " a ' reduction "in ■ transfc

■=— ■ Tilt. upeiaUiigTliudi - — —«pproximotely-SI0.4-r

"ce n t..__ ^ _ _ T h e , council w]ll m«;— •^ •^ ity ^ ffill- to = T « ^= ^

_ cornTttTTi !hthe commission-choml

-'^hpuse. - : -

~ g '° a p j l ^

X . - -

T ^ 'V r T y 'r ^ : \ r

.r;: 'i f

p e y ,-r iS e jW e a C ^ :-^ ^

pgttnimff8n : i U c ^ : r a ^ X te S ou the trirl^o -Y ou th—

■ ,7 i* • I .TBartlett 'anirf But, hi>-

leiits a teenage g i r i^ h o — m-torticlaim Jn June al- vas h i ^ while she was -- -Soiitnem. Idaho^-Voutb - .dnjployee let a m ale.(le--- r y m |unsupervised. S&e.. Iu-ttii-\uu&la[ed-ln6idefi^^ 'straitjacket and was d ^ ' ■UMtioh.- ■ - . ■ ' tieh WM filed in ^ qr t i»6^

lawsuit. ........ •••..“ittoroey ^ d he-will not • u tig a t^ and detennines • liable and :until Aegbtia'- ' tpeless.”

mfe rind is w ^ u lg H M , gtfpt. 30 .. ■ ---------- --

mrf-y/rtnm n •_____••

> i p e b e a t i n g r c a 5 e '^ “

i.WQinan who ennfgwH . ifian-with a pipe

H ^anh Hayes, 27, K 53^

ig an a t^e d ,' however,

^ t^sigtied by Sth Dis- Jiidge Melvin C. j

le, llirllicr'investigationi-’ “

3Cison;.l_iStuf ^ ! a _mo- • _ tigation continues as to _ s r p a ^ ,” ^

led'fbrcoitiinient. ' " ' r 'was'a5saQitedr~Roben ”n ^ r

cverely beaten in, thc

west . home.- He w<ls ■ , ouis loter, unconscious 8 on Rusy t t Street.___

H a ^ n ^ r t 7 ” ^ i t f f r r a l n s t o u u - - zliursday: af\eriioon~Air'' ' brt, s p o n s o r by ih e he-Twin Falls County , due to a rain storm.

isiUaBtW p aan:at:herhDiiie“ “)licer,areljc« _1;ck^_a womajvin H e r^ ^

•MU’saiU™^” ivoman:^was^asleep-in— • LJSouth. Dnvis-Street— — ^ and began to scratch — said. . .attacker,-who ifled af- __

10. l iv n with her two^m bulance per- • n <0 the hospitoL _^._^ j __

al leads and* two or

mty/tTo'r 2

Thfr'Couii'ty^onu h i^ ^ “ incil-are-expected to ' ' torjhe 199(M991 fis- _

pend $9.5 million, up nTnirnfiii, year 's ouo- oiiTheiapuSlic hear- ■Cd budget this wpek. 7~]

tt -ey octt<i-<o -b^atw'.^ = - 7mtHion. -nom inall)^ l.^hJjLldgiit-Wwiuae ot—Z “ I isfcrs frpm ohe city .

mcct_ai i r a . t n . i n ___*^ h e ^ J u d g c t - T h e — — » te e n thc couiuy bud- “

imbers in the'court-. ~~j

- ' i- f

- V.V.- ^ : .i;..g;'.;...j■-.■.n -.T', :-s»

1 2 ~TW IM PAI-T g w A' n>^dI6ajeBo6rcIa”TwIh'::Fal

it; r J - l ^ ’i^tdMticoTpoTatcicla -J ,* .\n tbp ra^caiream ing , a ^ ^ ih g -tn » p W o sed stnictiir J . -:__iJMOt-QmV-lWOUl<^ .. sional p l a n ^ g cepteQ

- courage'cooidinadon'ol

------- fd f D ^ m " W « { ^ h i te!^ . (^hHstopherson and a

r n ^ ’dim

a proposed S6 million m := ^ ^ 3 : . mijUon„tiiRh y l ipo ^ ^;c.gyinnasiumAvilI.take.^.-.

: thetw bproiectiThe a rc b ite ^ w rat'tb

■- - tional and' curriculmn^g adniinistzators-have befo

Christopherson = lumittdy'dBd f ld iim iim

with recent trends in scl

" -»-cmpha»iB-«n-protes8Jona ------tdichere'andusing techhc

■; t o ^ ^ c ^ in and* d

-—-;-Anindustrial sciencetc

: 'r . p n j ^ c d ii^ be based on r. whlch .students identify, t

“ brodU W ^^- Bftglish': less ; .industrial ;wiiting-techniQt

^ u s e d to i n c r ^ A e 1 ^ 1 1

--7 ■.

^ r! E v en ts ill S w

imm —Juacs»Nmwa.wnteiw—

r . ' WASHmOT O N -l< • • SteVe'SyinmsTiM remi

- a tact-rtwding trip to tl , Union and the Middle

vinced that America " _ s n p n a ^ fe t^ ;a 8 ;c y c <

• .“I f there’s ever proo

---w hars^o ing- op-in tli ~ — Union-today-and-whoi

on in the Pcrsiaft Gulf; said. Thursday, during

____ The Rroublican seiial. 'Senate Sfihortty Leadei

' ' countries in 12-days a “ :.~Savi«.PresidchfMikhal— — ^vm m s-fitiid-he-fnim

but a '*forcc to be reckoi..... .H e^ .fo u n d ,_ S o y le i

Soviet system near anar

- € p i i : a r l iTbe*nme»>New8

Itat money to a woman wh

- I Ilie -Twin^FaUs :Livesto ^■■Co. . loaned the .woman : ^ .dfin^arA uto Body loaned- _'^|Ae VTsft^Jhem.on. A ufrJ

police reports. -

been recently killed by.a d Uutt m e Hs a to «-year-old s

' tor. She sobbed that she ne<

y i r i A H r t i

B yB aibN etw ertv ~ Times-News cetrespondent^

- ^ H A lb E V ^ g p c t l ^ - - provtde^-^quidr^iesponse—I

commercitJ airlines usm gj^

— Hailey’s . -v3untctt-:^ircl wonM provide service after i temative anang' e n t s ha

’ -The Blaine County Airpo ■ must rMch a'decistonrwiihtf

Federal Aviation Administrs ^-haU-to-airltnerservicigg gim

’3 6 a id lu t rapnVh-that-its- ■■fighters. iautnb-lo'nger-prov

— ^ —

I* ij l• -■'■‘•I yil

K iK Svoina^ffiaE-iEr: ^ classroom; instivction ir. ~ l g,-an archite<n design-

inservice ■ tnun-~~~ ^

o u ^ l o g c t ^ to T O - ^ 1 rof'cum culum , sa id .. ; l educatjonal' architect ' I iitects o f Boise. ■ ' • J 1 a few other arcK^ “ smng to-Twin Falls . j j

t h ^ b la n what form ' ^ 1 I middle school and'a ' lOol 'auditorium and ^

^ I T e c i a e ' Tiiesday . ^ 3WTtS5Tir5l55injfn!5r” •.

'to learn ^hat.e^uca-' '1' goals teachers and ' efore they begin db- , _

on is hearing from,,,

school c o n ^ c tio n . .. ms^Are placing motie~ w a i ^ w iop»iciif 01 = 1 hnologyin'the'class^........

ial-planning'-center SnwcTBaennsTTO-^ d^iscuss students or. -

e-teacher and a b u s t - - [Ut, niiilJUWiiduuU,'.' ^ lie destgn*of'a'shop • q. on a maricet study in ?■ V. a promising new , . l e ^ n infcbiporating', i " ? ' li^ues could also be v sU im ing^perienc&— d-i —to n'ntipnl mffffiFutHai;::,e sae d cSIGN/AT I -

H S O T n ^o v ie t U n ion , F e rs


0 the S o v i e T | 8 H F j ^ He East c o t ^ - . |R g ^ ■=* Ml needs as n i f f . .j.

roof that-we-. i.K c m /.!.>g ^ v e )« .itS T E a i | ^ m1 the;Soviet, rfiat*s-going- iif,*’ Symms ing 0 Icje.-

mator accomptoicd-a delegai ider Bob Dole on a trip that s and included a 9Q-minute tolt^Sjt56rbocheV==^-------

:koned With.”Ylct.cili2cns-t0-be-“g00d pe narchy.,

l i s t c l i p s ^__ electric---- ...t..-.:. -

M- t ^ l <»pmpftnW.who vanished flfter- Sti*vi» F ■ngWD. • .Shr,istock Commission beenthn %"\7S cash- and------At* tli1 her S30u wnen carriW' &.31, aqcording to ness’ o'

a dnink driver and a none: la son on a respira- paper, t needed cash for an Whci


tiQ ^fynyW c7w ni~ <:onunfi}^ittrf!8hHfig“ fOf""c6VCTed

i r e f i^ t i i^ . ciews erSept. ISand al: S132.00 have Vet to be p a s ^ «

stration iiay~piif a a im r t i

its-voluntecr cnierget irovideJimmcdiato—'-The-.l

rV flth.a Arm g n p o n h l f ThTW aHtritettr.cqntesi

~ 9. year-old LmtingLslnQ: fair’s grand <

B yiai5 irJC iiii~ 3~Tjni»n Mi'm -<tfiiu . . j .-

Fto ^ ^ '-N i i ic -v car-old • Held oil' bigger competitors a«>re.fQQt-Thur6davc.t<Mak4

Siriunental a e e r . , ' . " ': He W p re tty excltea,” h

7 'The only tense moment.c steer. on him - “I di(

i u s l r f• S ia n U u l f a r e p r o

— wi’t t r t [l i___ L .^ s lB - IP a r ty -c n

m m ^ v ie t .

I H b -' continue' — ■ = s c is r= ^ ~ h c o d s :—

M J^'Sov ^ { g B j^ ^ ^ ^ B z ,c b n n c e ^

P ^ jW E M Ih reconomy

ymmsV ~ Sym nu

Insteadjatipn-headed by~bcncflt'fr lat co v e red ie lg h t“ “ If we ;te meetingiwitli:- ovecjhen

fffy-impresslve,’* spend >t« . , ' I - ■ nowbxpc

people ” but-the - In the Per

2 l o e ^ CCrictan to wire" the hduse foi ime brclscJUL’cLtiaye to rc

ff told one business her~hq th ^ m a i l ^

sr'andiharherhusband kne\ owner,'Ryan said.

e wom^^M id

iexistent.local^address.on.j the police rqxm said. ■

len the woman ftlilbd to pa;

port finn » ' to Ihe'a irport {juripg '

tg- and 'uutguiiig~uirliiiu f ed by traned;mTpbiT personi :ite--AiTflii«^imnrrRflafii y proposed tiu t .tour t u u ^ l lfiie fig h te ra -h a -h l^ a t 'j000 annually.'These colts1 w to Horizon Airlinca tun

3<|i5 under me proposalT-

t in order to comply-with F

iencies-for coinmeic ial airlin >-.boardr agreed^-last-iilonth

■■ ' ' ■

» M .t jP g o o £ fa g y j ja iL t6 B8t ' * • r-

Simmeni^odd-a w s i S h i e l — ^

I cham p-1&

d Todd Lanting B | H:rs .an d .^ o o k .o ff£ i^ ^ ® « 5a k f r4 K > m e -g re n d ~ ^ ^ »

;, -Judgc^C ’Vhesaid. , -..said he c it.came‘after his boxyshap didn’t want him He said

■oof space sh ie jd ilcyJre-sitUng-pna-^wdei-ke

Irihe ; Soviet ccbnbmy ’ iri' sfi crackingi'-Symms’. said-the-ife that’g h ^ n li»ft in pjo<-<» iet troops may be young.-wai i^entional combat situation, I ue to-build-missilcrcnpabic

bviet unrest should lead to

irecent refomaj he said ,.. A ssocidt^ Press reported t c w illingjo 6‘ffcr'Gorbachev nyaSring their weekend mcc ims coiild not vote thdt kind

:ad o f American dollars, Syi rfrdm'Amafcan ■Know-how. ve had 5 p m en t o f u's who 2 lerc opdlmri) the country aroii m ff - ^ d -h c T lp e s n ’r i iW j lJ ^ Hwlf.inio tha kihd ofa&)nQi cperiencing - even With the c ’eisian Giilf^- • ; .......

o n ^ a m e ifor her son’s as ' promised reium 4o thT C a reported

•jU ul. O m c m juld p o lic e i

■husbimd"hud TK6 LiVe!- c h e c k e d the

lafctbcip-mail wiia not einp new the busi-.- rcportiaid. _

- ------- ThC'woma


Several ,dU ^ y her lo ^ ;J hit, he said.

[•e prdte?g ..Q f L h o u r a .. w iih -H o r iz o n ^ i^ ^ ^ ^ ^ w o r i< o u t_ a n j

* not .^^owevcr.^y jnn ei:--------------- v isk i AAid' Ho< w < ->> .~.-ir .T j^ w ould-ofefef

i rT c n a -T r lespoHyiiiced

- ;p ro x ^ 'te ly J rpned ■atrth e— Hailey, inc. 1 FAA regu- request -for. i u oute^r less, CQver o f t h ^ ttnd-reseue would be saiia

■lines.-------- .HoUcyCityith - /to -w o r k ; - sn id - ;h |s : is l i'r

A .

M m m

J j ^ u d ^ T o ^ l ^ n t l n g :

a t a l ^ s

- ‘champion“ anim ar "shbWi :Sattg?Khitcrnf-Rngflr?tnn-S L— SiinmcalaUGclbvicfa.^ d in a l 1340 pounds. c= Gary. Bishop, o f Hardin. N 5 chose the smaller, steer , fi lapc and s j ^ e t r i c a l build, aid thc animal was well-mu


^ need ed , h e say-keg^e-w arl-seein»*-Sym i

sliombtes and the,Commuh lie-Soviet-miliiaiy is the-or

war-weary and unable to win fi, but Symms said thc^Sovii iblc o r d eliveri'ng hiiclear wi

to civil war, there’s a go esdn^pTCOuld^-take^over-a!

1 Thursday that President Bu lev financial Itclp for his pUji necting in Helsinki, Finland. nd o f aid.'“Not lo prop up tl

Symms.said-thc.Soviels-couw . ......................................10 spoke Russian, we could j roiind ovcmight,**hc’said;‘ ■ nhc-Ualted-Siat«rcbiild ''ev inoniio collapae the Soviets j IC curim t miliiaty commiimc

1 ._„PIeas0,see.SVMiyiSW

for $67sed, the Livestock Commi! ted thc'thcft^ on Wednesday trttn ii thii iran rrcpalr-sitw

vesiocic Commission Co. he woman’s slory and found

l._... . . p ” . man, who pulled th y ^ a h i Bmoo»-before-aiDnB'W5cken rrom’MDul-ofitov^n and long g

.dUicr businesses were prob

»n-Airlincs arid othcr'camci iD-flgrccment to'tfav for thig ■

t FrtftdnWn 16 provide ihe.qi ceded to satisfy the FAA rcqi

^proposal-^O f^T M h, hre


r four, fuH -tim o-firefi^lcn o u » ^ -» « ^ .^ :« n ic ra ls ^ a r aiisfaetbb’r " ~ ' ' • •• rity Administrator Daryl-Jai Ib h ly iin e 'm p o ra 'fy .i ljr f e



i g ^ e l d . o f t t h o ^ t n p e t ^

iiioibuii]---------n “rthink you cou

voiiKKikacufofm animals, it would,

'tlous,” Bishop said ing's steer as grand

|B H ljT c c rS I^ 2i;Ltwting'wej]L~oi

^ ^ B . : champlon~ Open~ t

^ ^ ■ ~ " f i i« S c c u H ty B a i$ Landng w d Sattf

^ ' “t y the Happy Hbllirtcr -Sritfriv~~~Lan'tiftg:^ld^-^—cross—j,j3.fa„^ily?5.cow*cal

“80-- .......Wont, . He fed the beast and hay, he said,

nusclcd- Lanling-s parents i n c k g r t . ° a sM

S K e t ^^ ^ i s e - a

uhist - ' - •. 'on ly - David R/Langhi

in-in-----victs-.- - - - t o CHUM ^.G. *?£T-.'.. -P ”®.?®9so‘npeople t

- sk ii^ o f iown,-but-: jood dents of Ketchum’ rrond • yard,-you dih havi

i\ish ....-A t-Tubday-nig iling... -membws-'hcard-cort i- namea Canyon Run this altracts_numerou«i

-=7 — t m with large anould----- rXhcrnci^borS"roqii. an - ordinance maldi i go predatoiy birds and j

______ “irhas" ^ d u a l lyever Ic'm,” said William ‘■*® -Ui; Mlii UIC ncignncnt crowded with.-‘crow

foxes.” And he said VA7 bor!“lo6ks— --------with B-lijhter'coloi

I drop p in g . '______

7 ^ the complaint; V / ^ . “Our -dog got spi

' type o f ieediiiK no>y also; Accoruine' lo A

The Canyon .ilun i nn n - hours o f animal coH

___' c o m a oincer hadabably “ lied nine- ' -Ploti

icrs_To^ajniedat'cuttingthe(« WV-, IflgtPiTS.Onflfnr'lh.I -■ l-IIl ^i]J Jlnll .y*'^

3-'they’ FAA doeg'not requi

,quic£~^lic dcSrvcs Rvo'mc Hyir?!-- all Incoming and

___ I^ .T he.cityT s not g^.jjj^g—fiBLSupptessioacoxit

J ^ r a ^ ' i d t l S ' i f a cnot in plaw by Sept,

»«.tO: -tact-the FAA u t ; t

would cause d e ^ s James ■ . ■ • ’' * vev'er, ' ftlease

__ ------------ ’—

. ■r.r-ANDYAm I ;t io n In tftV o p f f n t o " ....... -■•

n ste^ fcould a ssu r^ ihaf tf I___»f niCTt CTit oLfinn n f t h r t r _ iid b ^ e a lih y ' and nutri^” ; raid after .cHobsing Lant- ; and chambiort'junior mar-

t“ o n ~ ti~ w irr tK^^'pind ' ; , n~~Hi~ the^'^^r^^^ .' j '

■nfcl - • ^ I!a tt^ h iteb o ih b e]o n g jo_ ; «CT4^Hcrub.~ r ' ; . .

'•calf herd-several m onths^ p —

»ist M m , beet pulp,, salt ;

etits,. John and Caroiine ; Enter-.. i___^rtrm rrnrpnra tififfi ......■

i u M f e s S i : =

agh O fsf* '^ ''' ■ : ■■ ■ I ' ■ .Te&pondciii , i

-:Get1mg-glf»<i»-to-nahtr -i«i- ------tie build h o u s e s .o h . th e .o u l - .. jut-according tO'SomcTCsi-; ■ •' urn’s Canyon .Ruh H oule-' have too much" o f a good j

night’S'JifectingTT^council I complaints-againstonc^un---r— Ruh resident who allegedly ;

r o i ^ ieqiiMTetf'thc councif p ass 'r '-- ' ' :aking- it"unltiWftil -to fced : md,animals. , *. ;al|y--bMpm,e-a_rcal^rob--j. .. unAlma.'.,bighbor's yard.has become ;-------rowsrmagpieaj-skunk^and-^'— - said that o f his neigh- iks like it’s been ref>ainted : olor” because o f thc bird ;

sprayed by a'Sktmk,’’ he of years, ago, we thought it

Jaid-he-«M>ppo9ed-t<^'th'e^^:::=:: iPAy takingplace... ' ■

A inw ,, tt.e neighbor is mpat scraps, puppy,food ■ '

Run area has.Jcquired 53 . comi^llorricer t i m e ^ i u ^ ' ----- -

s 'o f Thnrsdny, the onlmah--------tad trapped-nriH thgn relQ. : linc^ foxes, nine feral cats jR flftq saa .A N IM A L S /A 7 —

/^iU lccl8-this:w buld hbt-i;-.- - ^Tfifc-fesporae;-thongh-the' - .....iquifc ^ 0 to ctnff- -----

.,m«'.rcady7and-availabic—mdouigoing-flights.----- - ,......- .ot going to turn over firs t '= o p ^ te io r i« ) tH )a g g a ge:T-T:rr= t said aftef th e ' meeting.----------• a contract with the city Is L • • 1 ^ .1 5 , the^city would _

“t . - ^ ^ - 8 d i s contlniiance-:

^itV cabon for ^ e com" ; ~ ~

ase see FRIED W A N /A 7~j~

Page 7: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

• C O IT U S

" 1 7 : ' b j ^ ^ a ^ f l p l ^ g a ^

• ■ j ^.nity'OTtlor^'Vi.. /,._ • X he 'h jid^-is 'dow fa

- creeissthe w l u b t ^ f ^

------------T h e nity\s:itM .ijft.anc' ^ r :fiinifgsKUTcw-^atfee

- . ■ ■watCTjank-itwoyoaiBagb^ - _ L _ ^ W ^ a ^ i a ^

:=±:^iiiuai ' ' ' ~

GOODING-i-fArd«i Good[n8rdied.Wediie» 1990. at his home.

________ He WM bom Feb; 27.___ deti City. Utah, the wn

Ailtc rupu. .Uu yViU luU City;. hJ mairica Sylvo

Z r r .■■LDS.Temple.-He-«>ent ilie os a fucccssmi co!!

. ........... “CbkcvilleTWyQ., where I- -........In.ihc.'Canieraen’s'As!

He hu ' lived in Goodini. -.n.ycarfc-’— L.-------

....... .'.__Pope_vma.lifcliine rr~ LDS Chureh awi sflwgd i

------ - —tiOMrinciudiog; severali _ day School priaidcnt Md

Surviving arc his wife Tour daughters, LaFoi

I Brigham City. Utah, Ali ‘ Gooding, Stfllrlene Holm

_____ .:M^yn.Sondbcrg o f ^

,' ing, Evnn Pope of Goki and Clayton’Pope of W

____ _and_6Q,great-grtmdchild— ,-.p rcadej^nd«t^by ,h ii

____ . ^i.lIhft.fiinemkWiH:b£at_______ urday'fr-the Wendelf I

- ^ i t h arshdp John Infongc


- ^ T o S i i r a y ’s Ooodin

. --H cIeiiiltC SntrpU -fWIN FALLS - f

Kenik. Cantrell, 71, o -.r— ; =Mont;Faiidifomiorly-of- ___ .Idled Wedncsday,;Sept. .5.

- - - - -Patrick^a-Hosptial in-Mi: extended illness. ____

- - She Nvns'bonTApnl'i- Great: Falls,-Mont.;-the.^

. -Nicholas-and Moiy-Kenj:.roiscdjmd.cducatcdand;t

ed from the Ursuline v ____ __Grat Falls in 1937. She

- - —Clyde-d«nlrell-On-MayThey-couple live'd_ in m ritiesi including Twin Fall turning 10 Greot Falls-ih

v r : -rooved-to-Mistoula in-li

= r r S e r v ic <-------------GOODING-The grave

"fori'Mcllnda Dawn T k.........- momh>«ld daughter or-J

■ ' Kcliitty JiKki~FhoiTtp3on '.'Calif., and formerly «f'Gt died .Sunday, will be at 1(

• ot the .Tcrractf .Lawn Me

—ir : ■■ tl^ th e ditCT|ton-of-Ctew

: ■ DECLoC The funeral..........Donold'fDon) Adams, 71,

----------aaie,'>giio d i^ ’ru K % ;;____'ot the' DeclO’______ Center. 213........... JJruce; G .. Bowen ofliciai

.-mav-call' fbm 9:4S to 10: day at thcTchurch. Arranj under the direction of Payi

----- . iiiDmlty. _______:_j

— - i ' ty t’IN rALLO'- 'r t t EC----- -^ c e rf o r Bessie FairbanV----------— iWiti t-olh, who liiisi MM

w * —V

M A e ic v A L iiy R a

.7,~~ I^ .M rs . Kim VpnHOozCT-ai Falls; DffviJ Tracy,of B

Jeromej SalvanaLara of H bfWendcll.___________

Gaiy Milchdi. all of Twin son of Jerome: James Eatc

---------Filwi John Ringtw-oCHai___ _ - Jos^h-W fl^o;j?f Btfhl;^

_____^_Adinightcr>as_bom_to■ ' Wendell. Sons were bom ii

tford C <

m c i t y Coun- '

I p ib lic hearing - City,; ^

le ^ s .c o m m u - th e F a n n a i

^d-vote^o-in-—that.--. I r e n e 's wages. - ,- r^ i tw e h t

Tit-iigt>tinfrcitv~:?'^hliniidV^^ • .--.“T h e ^ l

ago-inve8(m ent . .iu U u ^ „ u d feeoC cxtensive—k ^ - o S r hi

aiiesfe ^;i~uF^aHnunI

SurviTIit Cantrell. o Steve C5ni

'^ugh td -.'S

— Edfflund-lC . two sisters,

Rice, 'both

............a t '10:30 L

• “ * the King O len Popc,-86rof- with the R nesday, SepL 5, celcbnint. (

Sl. M ail's i ?7i )P04. in'Gai-— suggcaicd tliQiLQf.&flval.hwl__bc mnctc tnium;U 111 Garden UlifMiaioul 'Iva Haiiison on or to a ehai

enumuch-of-hia— of-the-L-ivw ticjpncner m....“gniy^runcifre he was ac ivc Association'and J u U a S . I

5‘SnS‘pii- ¥S’'fV

i l m ^ B p i s e a ^ ^

I f LDS^ rh iifp h ' ingcroffidming. church oft!i.m.vSaturday-at.i-ano and'tai

s'"8'ng unti«Jing Chapel;- — -JJ ..■„ „ G ^ . - o f ^

Helen Jenny John Ross o of Missoula, ' brother,“ Wr

=of-Twih ■ Falls,— Dallasf-IO- :..f..l990.-at SL__great-grandc Missoula'of-anT-ed in dealh fe

•'• •• .The mem il 4?, j y iy , in p.m. saturoi he..^ui^tcrlof —Church'.of tt teniK. sne was -R oH UOM« jd; then, gradual- , Grcgoiy_olT e Academy in gcsts that n She worked for tnade .to the

4 ay -l2 r-l 945.—. rangcmentTj1 several M alio~ the RcIycaTFalls, before re- -•in 1963. They V iv ian E .b j ” ^ d . , s h e - —

eS:rr7: :h-rriiv(3tdc service— Purk-in“hvif T^ompson,-(J8 - -Doane ofHci if*-J:'Rick and ' undci'thedirii.-'ufHaywunl,,--jii ra il! Gc^ing.-who-:— '------------

t 10 a.m. today .' HAILEY M ^orial Got for Earl Ric emenb7afe;.unr.^malon..Wiia: at urdukT uiter’— ^ -a f 1 l"

ral for Stewart-, the service. 71, of Spring- 'memorial co

yl ill B c^orrr'‘' cliah{y' ot 'iii :IarDS~Stokc ammgem'ehtj i_wiih~BIihop--of thc”Wdoi iciating. Burial Hailey.,' ,.

.10:45 a JL. to-____JEROMEingcmcnis urc • oecr, ho, ot. ■aync Mortuary day, will bc

_ _ _ — —— Jerome. Buni

■anks. 104. of 9 a.m. lo noc tonqny;;^ l t Kon runcfaimsct'Mcmonal gcsts that m'

feaisR ^Q N A L'M ED IC /^ CENT

T-and Dana Arellanes, both o fl f Burl^; Mrarfeddy McKeiu if Heybum; and M^Loucli-An

rgiiFaroglnw^R ^ iHiw'-biivgt win Falls; Mrs. Michael Reinke iaton of Wendell; Ned LancasK Hngerman; Rue ThnmM r tf Pm : and Bruco PhilHp Ervin nf.r

I to-Mr. arid Mra^Louell 'A n ^ •n 10 Jilir. and'Kirs.BaayWcKea


lers Home^-

< i^ .is Dot looking to.moke ?ir;thl5r^Allrwe::Tant:is .to= r M dgct-•inoney ih e-ciw put intoihB ~ LJjc said .-id-said: tbo 'council~^i]Id '~

iinistration .until reiJring- in' <

are . . two. sons, ooiy I.ioL.Bjnp.ij)gbft©wAJ(»..-Jind__Cantrell of. Lolo, Mont'; one 1r. 'SandraCaHtteU of Stanford, -(Wd-WOlhcrB.":Rajinond-and 1l-lCdiii^both-of'QrraV Falls; ’ os, Leona Kenik and Doloressih' of Great Falls;'and one (u^tCT. She was tweceded in (

S m ^ y aMhc^CWst' \; Catholic Church in Missoula j1 Reyr Jos^h P. Sullivan as “«t. Cremation b'lirial u’ill be al \'•s Cemetery in Missoula. It is . t d that ro'cmnrinl rnntrihminnB.Ifl,Right tn ,IJffi.nfMnntnnn, touu i,ounty Humane Society ' ^:harity o f the donor's choice, tlnaiw.arp wtlcnhcdirwtipn, 3Uvingston-MaHetto-&-Ger------ncral.homejnJdiswula.........

u R o m ' ' ' " '

[ 1 ^ and ■ dIls, died Wednesday. Aug. 29, ji llowing a'lo'ng illness. - ■ . d us- bom-in- Htvpimm Wash^.=it«.m lP;n.lhfi fiiiiQlHrrnriT-iy-----no Shepherd. Sh'e was* raised C • Falls-and-graduatcd' from S Ils High School in 1939. She. w ended the Albion Normal . a: ror two years. Shc married tl K. Pomeroy, and ia t^mamcd V

^ i ^ Fnns!*^Aflcr*moving'io10^7: ctio wnfbrH fnr th,. i.

Idaho-Personhel Commission— D f1ng-in-lhc41970s.-SH8-reod— JT (t~HebriiW^and"SKhi''mBhv P ^ved wim teactiing hngllsh T i^paklflgrimWlgRinls. ' ai

>f the Brethren and played pi-' s|

intil her health 'lorc^hCT to a rVi<Hngntre,::i i ^ f J ^ ^ '6! uhlc-o/-Lo9-Angeles, Jone- -at LMcKinIcyville.-Calif.,-ond— in^oseck of Boise; one son.__ tlis of Paio Robles, Calif.; one' William-Frank Shcphcrd of- '

ndchildren.-She.was.preccdf-_1_!ihbyherhusbandin 1983. emorial scrvicc 'will be at 2 ■'"


olTlciating, The sug*I memorial contributions bc the Church of the Brethren, _ :olc-R oaarB oy^8370iSrA ^; itfarc uniler’lhe dirsctidri o f ^ ^ aFuncral ChnpcI in Boise,,

E. WrightJ=ALLSr-;yivlijn:EIi2at>cth" ■ jn

win'FalIs'wilh'lhcRev:Ray“ ini Ticiating. Arrungemcnts are -_M dinTction of White Moniiaiy ' ' ~

V - Tlic memorial scrvicc . Ci Wchard Kluge, 78, of Dre- M.I'iisL^wiuLdicd.Suoday^wiU__ aLi.iir. iodtky tiriliv' l^wb Fu*. ''

f'ash. Cieiiuitiim willjin;i.uUu' Li; e. ,The fiMtly suggest. that Mi contrifemions be made to a ' mi : mb'(ionor's^ctioice. Loul*' V7 mts'are-under the direction.....>oU'RiwFuncral-€1inpcI-in —

----------------- E»IE--:'-Jhc-ftinOTl for Neva. AI of Jerome, wfto dicil Mon- ST bc at 1 p.m. today nt the W;ie;tsuci--PuncTBraiurK!l un'Sl-^yill-foljow iit-therTwin' Su eteryr PrtenUii ttay^airtroffi— Fn noon today at Hove-Robcn- da; OXfliip5irn»c:fttrnily^ug--^Mi memorial -contribulions bc ' 10

Jcm m 'r;tnfiin^rHww

•con of , CASSIA*Andrus----- ------ --- t ---------- ■ . Denise Coldwcll. Bt

uetBnd— AsherflhKupenTimdiG ike and . jsterof , •Bur!cy;-J — K«r«n-Spraflw;,and b f Cfllll^—Hnhy ,- >ntpl«g-ttfnily 'nn'i

~ L*u«v AiLuiia. Juali mO • ■ Rupert; uixjc Agucrru I

^ 0.f._jy-yjmEvcrjjmd.boby. Cconof Ted Winn, oil of Paul.

t ^ ^ t ^ y ^ I a n d : « w ert^tM ^rta^m ethm gaU ie-w

1- . : on fixed incomes." ■V* ^ i i l to.^ buildinglait year but didi it„pos^oD . tocal.resid

C ^ w f e g i y t r t o j h e j i ^

'Toe city, after spendinc 11 'S17,000-rem odeling-i? g .- in r- r ln w K lL .u u liu Utl ±=^ua0= i£^A S = addQ th^ e maintenaoce Msts' far •< o^WKincomcthe'.buildiiigii A— -Thccouncil-ftskfulthftt B—rectorsT>fThe*Re<rBffim' : gathering placc, in town - d".itsi)rograms lo ihcficntci

died Thursday. Sept. 6. 19< — MBgio-ValkvRCTional Mcsl

ter.- ,•.'■■■ • •____She AprilJS.

Hudson, La., the daughter o - 0?nley and Leola Virginiii R

.w rightoirM sy^erraonfn ,• Surviving are one son. 0l« of Casper. Wyo.; one'daugh Graves of Twin ^ I s : ot

, hnlf-hmthen, T,r,°Irt-k!r, homa City, otid IGlen Lee grandchildren; and one ^ ■chH3rShe was preceded m

, her husband in 1973, four si . two brothers,- ^ -■■No. owvice 13 pIaiiBt:d.-6 —look—placB>,ai_JU2hit&-Cms ' ^Twin Fdls. Arrangements, t

the direction of White Mcr— .Twin.Rflll5 » ' "

Cam eron i>. Lemons ^BURLEY

' died Saturday,'ScptT^lT HW' juries susuined in an alilomol deni.ncar the lntentaie'84 an<

— Mr >vif hnm nrtnhrr Tl. Colorado Springs, Colo, th< Steven ond ChirrylXcmons. H with his family to Laramie.

. an early age and attended there. They moved to, Bov Wyo.; where.he.waa on -th^

—andTratSfTcarnondmnemb“"Mew Hnnm-tiffiriTT'^htfa-^

•He was.also a member of the _leam anJ nf thr nnrinc rhnpt— DeMolay-in Caspcr. Wyo. —mcmbcr-of-thc-Shoq«era^E —ProBTamZiri^Mctoiiic' Bow

■Th^ mov^- tq Winhemucc

High-SchoolrvrtfBnrlirTffan sports. He was a member of tional-Honor Society aiTd'Kiitl' a track scholarship from the

-was.«~ attending CSlr^vhcrclie was~i —inrengineering-and-math-*and _the.lTidQo.r.and.outdo^Orack,l<

He was a Protestant by faith—IS uaivdriB.nre, hit parent^. ~l)rouier. i rampis'LeRoy, Len

orWtnnemuccaThis gnmdpan •and Margaret Powell of h

~Bow.-Wyo.-.-and-^t»*c3nfcci L ai^ ie. Wyo.; and his grea

■ Wyo. He'wasprec^cd'lndcat grandfather and his greal-grah(

The funeral was held Sept :=fiussell>Stiyker-Wellr:runera

lii .LaiamiL. W>u., wlili tli • Mahlon S. Dixon-officiating,

was Ofthe Green •'Hill'Cemi Laramie. ' Local ammgement

. iJ.ndcr.the-direetiOD.DfJ>aync JV in Burley.— . . ,

Tinadrto'lheT UnftydlvfctKcKirsT -Memorial Fund, __ _

— FILER"The-fUnera! for Clyde Donoho, 78, of Filer, w Monday, will be at 10 a.m. S

-iU-ihc-Magi&-Valley-flapt»t{= ■ship. 492- wa5mnfti6o‘Si:~N = P o H 9f^frth )^< y Fred Bart

Memorial Park in-Twin-Fallsr 'mnv call from 4-to 8 n.m. t

^ h i te M ^ i ^ i n Twm Falls.

BURLEY-The funeral for -EgmcsrtBroP-BnrieyTind-fpm Almo. who died-Wednesday. at 11 a.m. iiaiunioy <l (hc Ain Wand ChapcL...wilh_Bisbofv KICKS arriMiillHg. Bunul will b Sunny Ccdnr Rest Ccm’rtery ir

^ y ot Ih^Rayne -T^ortiJary.':

10:45 a.m. SaturAiv at the chur

[ailiw pfT -^ ra ll i t in d .t^ D y


, Benjamin Hanges Md Arthut

Released . ,id hahy nf Hcybum;.K>">»y MrP Anj^Sally H cm aofeaU ^

mi tir iiJuw a'i ^ ^ c . N.C.i'ani iby..Mcrle.All?cfWonj_BcRy,Bni il. ,

ver: fees. and ltb frR ed Bantouncit-dociS— ::The''cl V - ^ w ^ h a v e - a - ^ u i ld l t ig - ^

'i-. c a l c h ^ u r

Idn 't a fte r op - aO; ; - - tiden'ts’> ' ' •• ^ 3 e c a u « .: 'i ‘locjJ-giaijBe - ,ti i B' ilwr f a

ng (hbre'tluin' 'le old btd ld -';

•outweighed ;_ B v _ S iiz ^

i- tp tn m s fe r : voted-Ttiesd ter and there-,-I—----------- 1 d e i j i y e a ^

---------- n city Jim iW r^ 1=.,:-------^ , The , m or


IS T -ig sfTBuHT” ^ ~ s y s t e m " Uiil«3'lenWnght ^.stat^ Healthshter, Doris • ''- After theone sister; oeonle outsii

eckie; four e r^ . The. ci • extensions u:

s i « m ^ 5 e o - o n e ^ lsisters and h o ^ u p to d

w f r linffu I, are under" “ ' : '"V lomiaiy in . .

; Contlnueil-f °l!. E ™ m aiw oskilnm . o f In. — nrdy-Traa mbilcncci- control oflic indUSGin. some sort o f ~ ~— ......... :Uiood;evcry-’

the son of In her II . He movid Kildare soid i ! Wyo., M 0 problem Ihi

? w“bS hoiLbastehiill_ me hoy n b w ^ n h r—

-----S lii^m id^he football *0 many bcci ■ _ccntnmon in'0., and a '___kno.wn_ foj- t=Eduea(ion^----- diilieulUo-tnpw :_ W vq i: :^ ; .K ild a n ;' m i 'cca.- Nov..-- Ihi? point J9

tiuF'tlie he° n £ -° iS i- - a l s o . ^ c s a ‘1>ie College s.cuirentTy ~ " |s jori"!-jjesiind-wBS-oir------

|‘i?:_____ _ Continued fr

emons, all ^ e y - a r e - s t i i arcnts. Ike -Medicine Chnstophcrso

x m o n so f- — Tho-plannir •cat-grand- used for i^rc

;aih by his , crs. mdfathcr. ' "Schools I ’‘• .1 ““ ^ ^ ^thesejpflM sj:

--------Traditibnall“ bu* ! O '! '"

mete'ry in

s„i”.,:F-nej— • Continued fr<

rsTCh-iirch” - '• "lack o f appro]

irDaurice ' mceting a t.5 who died , • Blaine Counij

, Samrday ■ In other airr: on?5ii5w= » A -OtiblifrT ^ .:T ^ n Z 7


_ i — .-(br.Jifforonl 1; srRuthL. lo be illsgal, 0>rmerly of----- few-^regulatiory. will be • -'-for closure aa >lmo LDS

-ciincd to_pav_

'a irp o r t-^ r,g l^--------- ------ towTT^irporr

thr citV.J<f.Si»r ly vcrbally.sai

>aiui Aiel- ^ai«>-billcd^l.............—butlhas-yct-td-i1. llic aii^^rt

dwiicd-p'nmax ■ -th e ■pa«t,'.*-no-

lur Merle charged to the g=>tonTan^ ^m ^esp fT K co

AiwainwK) standard for

eEfllljinrf ChMged

Slcyjm'aL ..■« iU .b ey :quiri: DC required f(

' . ' -I—vice-operBtort;

la R e lB o a rd d e c li i ie d .- ;4 V -also :waht<^- to~ i^ ;^ th tf: lo ^ fT e r-fre e -M o ^ -p te w u r^>re-e^jtoi*P«id:bthcrTnicdi-T^ t^ u t_ ^ c o itl( j j | n l ^ ( g g S -

e‘.!'toIrcbm m uiu^_dQ csnj..

‘ • > 1 *

•'" •' -

1N(3— The City. Council" sday night-to lift a morato- sffect since the-1970s-that S W » -d x tea sT d n 5 -o u U rd e ‘'r z r : - - : r r r = r d . : ~ : ___ :lonnnrium, .jwlU^be. .lifleld- jUiii/fliH oriicmr sp rinB; a f - '

CLCM.IU uic-ctty sewcr-syft- «nling to . Mayo'r-^.Genc

er, he added, pM pIe within iiJiits' whq' h a v t alrdidy in- ' ptic tanks or diy wells will :tiF h w lP T rp -io ih e rse w c r^ niess *reqUirod to 'b y 't h eth Depar^etA. - __b e " moratdniim" is^ lineHT' Ijgdcilhe.cityliiniliijMltly!.^ ply for an extension o f the ritnes to acccsr iheir piup-

city hits delayed outsideI until now because not ev— thin city limits vtas able to.5 the city sewer system.

hiw h<v»n urnrtfin^r .nr> th» sinp(» n new gt»wt»f plnnt


A 6 : ......... '

tiiiare, l^etchum's animal Tlcer, said she has caught o f animal in the ncigh(wr> y- woii<ing-day during the;

II years of im a l controlr- id she has .never dealt with '

lad professional ( ' low Tve had such luck

> g>lf«? .l>t-lt .lllti. Im ■ecause there is such.'a con- ^

in' th t n m rF n u c s nre ILJhvii'.-warines.s and_arc-trap,------------------------------aud..the:niain'.aa'ngcf ai.J. jsjo.-^pcis. .^fjich.. mnke__;i forToxes. _________!heavy fox concentration

a-lhrcat io people.----- -- -

ign ~I from A 6 . *

- - - -------------- .' cstudying-fm d-cducation-^

rson said. • ' tining-cenier-cduld-alio-be^ arcnt-teacher conferences., c

* . ‘Ihave never proyided' c

sJ lC h ris to p h c iso n ja id --^ lallv tiiachere talk to cacHT~ tnllways or a teachers’, c

aimaitfrom A 6 :------------ ............... ^

____________ nQ make'a decision due to >ropriDte information, the - „ unii55iQii.iabtcd.thc issue c c lfup again n ta s p g c ia r ^ 5 p.m. ;ScpL 'H -at the d

n(y Courthouse. blirport business: lie~Manng~*wili bti neld~~‘ inling a proposed.Cijrfcw

ergencies. Previous at- !: been made to« lose the '

Tcgarding dccibcIUimits ■I type3'-oPetfcmft"ttppou^1. officials said,’ This cur- io n - id e n tin e s- th ^ re a so n s- aa-'lhe-mountain teitaih ' .navigattonnr aids at'the

ty o f Ketchum has- de- ay.SlQ.QQQ,a3.reqiir«itrf1 - o f Hailey' for reimburse* ipnct n sw ilfit^ uri»h-thc— g locatcd in the niidst o f .n jrrB oflrd^em bcrs from - >mi^^alle>Lnnri thn.pniig;L said they would not pay-

Drt- IS' situated .on land rorily^by'Hailcyi'atia m io~Tcnt-has- evcf - been'' the Airport Board, busi-

HRlnKitRiRnTinlnlmum- !pr_airport tenanw has ed^goin, this time rais-

erage-lwianisTnust-carTVi— ;

lifed and 'S l million w ill~ fbr larger'planes. Scr—-


v -;The city will p o ^ an c

li- : The*cl^"lheir musFwi

:~ ' thc m !c e n o u ^ time to c j - d t id n s .- ------'• •

^T_lslohs. regardihgi.iwatcr-.

—Iw a s^ m p le ic d in-19827-’ •;T ..shouliTbc completed beforT rm e n sQ W i. . . -----------:il Heller said the city wc 0- how for scwur ucc at city l in w ttii the situation Jc 'e i l h '^ y iinnexing tho pr

-.the city or Ey-introducing

if- , lleUer told the cOLuncil i s- piuvfd llltf linmi>ol[hu n: 6- ■ 'Irsuiids out indicatio ic .has plans for handlihg'o

a posUivc manner,*’ said I- in In other matters,--the c ti- look' intb. a • fund-m'isiiig ill raise an additional S4,0i cr^^dlty pool. - _ •_ : “ ie '!lThc cltyjjas ttitditipnai

■ S2.000 per year to keep th oi open, for the summer si

le for The Deaf and IJIind. ;}- tlUltUl u:le the pool open during th

to. Heller said Ihcre'has bl crabic interest in the cor

IC—kcqiixig-lbe-pooL-epen^: It - thr Vpnr-JnmaoLim&M

........ "Though-wc haven’t ht— probi«pi—tft- ycDnii. fow»m

Ij rabies," Kildare said. these concentrations, acould bc disy tro ^ .:’ .......

____ No:Jinal. decision-was -I Mayor LanyYoung'inMr ^.A ttorney- Eel Lawson' tb c

legality and feasibility o nance to prohibit the fccdii

In other matters. the cou------ »-Jlccclvcd vccy^Ulc: pi_• on. the rgyfsed h m t^ r t" ^;~tiatqn:?^tiefeCTrii>uiic r pT . revenues than the*'b'ude«frproposcd:------------------^ ^' - -The buduet will comc u ,--approvariat-the Scpt.-17 mi. • ............................... . 3 * . ,"-^T^TTVonaJ-JO iccept-a casl — frpm-th'c-owncTSTJprhe-P

, loon in lieu o f reqCiinng- -LparTcing ispnce be-prdwdc

lounge, wherc.discussions .- dents-should ncvef^take

7~z:gontcmporarv-Brchitccts ' technology whcri'dcsi^uif

Jh&r newconiddiejtchoo ; center would include, a TV

iJeachcr could -t'elenhone n the studio, which would b<

- cd to all classrooms via a i JjskJQLa-Ccftain-vide'dJ :•;— Students ~couldralso~tj . equipment to produce t

. . _ million for each scrvice ar

eraio.reprov!dinj5.morcjhai 'vices, SIO millioQ will be mum, . .

I he changes wilf be “ agairT-'with another public I be held at the Oct. 2 board :

~ J S M j & L f i 'T 'B

~ flA M iiV n i

i f e j p


: ^ r h ^ c ^ ^ c i - b y - t t

:DBj»teh>bef-f ta o r o ; i r ^ ^

— Ttaiy^heci I o r^ni^ 'ce aV fees thatjire' tuig Ihe'ci'^’s '; Insilfiicirat f ig ^ r r r ± r ^ ; ;^ '- S l0 5 e m c c wait 60' days , And the cii !itiB<iH nililic -TCTdi; iil.', will fdcntsngainsr-tcr-nnd'sewei I circulate pe^- tive months............... - ■vlQj.haYt:-!

lelom ciaea-... again, those.and-scw cr- pay a'SlO tui

— ----------------payitlg Ihepii

—Vhe-prpjcci—ming-lessona forc.the.suni-: c'xcrcisc class

--------HellcTMidwbt^^decidc generate-enbi cc'css q u ls id c ''an d "^ m ’to 'i on^jrofnptcd,. jric t in_Oood property into ation district n g a ncw-tax- levy could-1

il UVot.hc ap- . Councilma: morutonum. the cbuDcii c ions the city years agb wt expansion in poorclosed\l< IHcllcr.-ccfun,cil will___ 1;Y,ou just.,

ng cn‘ort'"'to. gone,” Musco ,000 for .the-

••.......— — Muscat upptally donated tak&carc ofti -Ihe.cily.pciSL^johtotccrbe season. Tlie •

Idnho-School ,. *'l taka .my d. The addi- who have tt uscdto kcep' Muscat .said: the fall .and done a good j<

been consid- ! Heijcr anni ommuoity in-T:that the Ware ~/''r minFt-o f' bc open by

had a rabies ' restaurant’s pi W rhntr nnd

•‘‘And with design, review 1 break out. nance to clani

ai; SvMI explore the v o f an ordi-

ding. C ontinued frDuncil: But.he add<;public-^i^put^6hould^hBlp•fo iJligh nnlici- ‘•Wfthnvft.t, plUpUllji w \ undJhc-bcrml get-initially ofthis,” Symr

. - -...«2W mucn.; up tor final__Dolc-dcjegatimeet ih g ;^ ;= :^ i s s to n ? — ' ~

: -^ S n n i a ^ashrpajincm------ Whatever'Pioneci^a*—well-wonJrti; g- additional |t - was the' si d e a = fo r-ih e - ro re tp v f ii^ n

ts about stu- term papcrs,.C e placer.he— Just as indm , - - , ;, .. -lech m botics^

:ts'focus;pn~m cnt:to:reduc lig schools, are using videi sol’s cdia~ment-t04issist.< y studio. A : ....’T he eqtii nn aide in schoolg .mnre

be connect- -.phersoh sa id :' 0 cable, and in the library,

" u s ^ v ia c b akes. t h ^ 'sti tneir -own-'lesson; he said

2 0 '

Z P V E Fian.two.serr_; ---------)c the mini-

: published ' b'hearirig'to’ ' ;■ L" d meeting. "' I ' ■ '

W S 7

{ J U A IH>¥i=e«¥~~ "

t h e - P ^ i ; ^ 7 ^ - 6 6 f

TO------- - r r y

ji.iVr . ,

ic c k rlb F ttw e fT rn V ro w e irz T rz H are:returned t6_thc.'.city.&iLL.:z:iH n t ftmds vHll o is t the w riter-''—L/ir» fiv; •‘"'t ‘e city will,shut o ff water to ,

swerbills’f t f l>*S=«nscaPT ''^^^^H h s .. ' ■

5se.resldents'wllTh'avc to ; . ; H e p u ^ * ^ ”0 in^^nddilionjo _ w ^ r M

’__ '•llMOUjDGL"^ J5onsr^sttiior^ctiviticsTind“ f7—- ■ la;^ijs .'^onR oth'er'thihns.. ‘ M

• n p u g h 'i n tw iH i r t f i e ^ ~ r - M to suppbrt a rccrcation dis- ; ■ood in ^o u n Q '.'if-a ircc rc- . 1:rict were in place, a tax ' - H

- JIman Jim Muscat rem m dcd'-~-^~rW :u 01 tne_situalion sevcnn~T~~‘ ~W I when the city’s easTsISeTT"™ "™ :d;down. • .1. .i! . H

ast.don 't. i t ’s . , . 1 iscafsaid. "7-------- ; ' H

upplnudcd Uie;pi?opit-wJiii- o fthe pool year around on i ■ a j ja s is ._ • > - . . . 1

rm y-haL-offstb=U »=peop!e=;;=3Bi taken over the pool.'* ...... - Baidr"*lhese. people have ..- : ■3d job ." i Iinnoimccd to the council ; , ■ /ards Cheese plant should ' . H

will L.mpluy M

s pliiniied expansion. ' ' |~ T r ^ [

(vcd a m e n am cn ts '7 ta !T H c^^^^H 'iew and evaluation'.ord(>^':i- - rn .]f l lanfy language. •: • • [ ■

nms:' —d f r om‘A 6 B added that other countries

rrm unspuylheir iiiirsiiun; . J ., M ymmsMiid. . ! • cost to.send Uie ......... j Hg ^ oD-on-ils J j c t ; f n i d i i i g 4 j - ^ ■

m )he:;tf3pW~cos(;~ir^ a a ' ; ; I f [ rtirhc:sajdif:“I'wonlU iaiy " -i'ijH r single^ .nwst successful rr-T iaye-everB ^ oti?*—

S,.Christophersbn.uid.' idustry i s tum ln A 'to -h i« h r= ^ = ^ M ics“ and computer equip-. d u ce -U b b c .c(}sta ;':sd id d l5 ~ \- :;^ l ideo and computer equip- «st4cachor8 rho^d .-■.'M. ' equipment . ; .w iU 'lljn a k e 2 ^ 2 2 H H nre rTro^uctive.” Christo.'. id: Through Work stations iiy, students can-r^ih ac- r -computer- program ’tliul vI It t .; ■ 1 Step by sl'ep~thrQiigh~^ ■! - 'H tB

2 0 % O P R

S R Y T H lN G "

— jl iSii

B a

tfe f lo ^

-■■■■■ ' ' I I I I I I

Page 8: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

: r

■ w ^ i i F ^ s l d S ^T “ - ~ ~ S c ^ I :2 ( ^ 2 1 f lp

• ■■ T he-U nivcr^ ■ ready is. ROwed^

, . wiUi~£imltiimTfed""■^Kftrfto^^snfB

“ .'■ , , Education oHico , ' : -And thc Vahd •; uhivcfsity’s priv _______'._1cading club, hai

'■ ily Xuri” fc^iival ••• _ Kibble Dome be

Ball gam es..


T ! ^ u r c e

H O JSt (AP) —I the ' Rtfpubticnn v.

^ n p n tn c t t ) r m n o rn n rI . diiis. says the incu

V? ■ —mijmpi'cjunring ..the.* ' hefty campaign fina:I - In a stat'emcrI ' " i-judu id hAia'ATiSi■ ,______ weekend interviewI pcrccnl of*his cam* from Idaho sources

U-’fic t»cg ♦t»nn:

r . ' ly refused (o rcleasi -• . ' pcisonal finances w

^ . 1 havff done for the ' " wijlfully concealing

V administration is lb r

_ newspaper story asi • prrront n f hig fiinH.:

V-...... •, horMidents.- - ••X—=rr:rInrrcsponsc“ toTl

~ '~charBes~Andrus~5a\........... .. percent.ofThc indil _ _______tions he has rcccivci

'— -LaR occt i Sm yser} r l o w ^ o n s *

-^BQISS- fAP)- ■ -!^ ------------ rifiisional candi B ^

—icIaims’his-Rcpublica Sen. Skip Smyser, he

.— — — morcjhsin a -D ’’-grac of education dunng

. •_______staig Legislature. '"! "Skip Smyser has

r9cord of voting agaii— • ■• .- Mhc . j^tcry . QUBht—

- . LaRocco said on Thi ! .. .._re^on^^hc doesn't j— • cause at least he she

- Attendance deserves' But L ^ w c o ’s bla

“ jjibhths ajler'§mysei \\ ager Mike Thiessen s

------commcnOed-ihc siaitsupport o f education

— ------------------------ B ttm crcd-sm ysertK e- , the Idaho Educatior

his last three legislati —.,^ . 1 I During a jnlat app = " - •. c]I on April .4, Thiess

told' tKe audience; both been endorsed b

............ .. c y ion-Association-in“I I of a Commitment to

— ^ * Por h in rto -say -;• against education non

■ Thiessen said. * •

i____ ■ ■

[."iWin Palte;1dah6 Fik%.'Sep

m H o g '^ -iscw tn o ttrr . ppitcy t ^ t y ; : p f ’-Idafi6"Td=TT>hdTiie i d - t o ^ a ; b d o ^ :a t. iJ c o ^

j w ^ ^ e s d j ^ . ' ~an d ^ '.B b o s^ r .th e '. 'w h e n ' invafa'spoiis.'cHc'er* yjslfor has °-P” ~

val adjacent to the • c ia t^: before bbm e'Jbotrl-ahett. _ • \ •' ’P” PO

f f l R T ^ y s -

e of his Ci■— Roger Fairchild;- hp; at

licu 'm bcnt'has bc'ch . *'I hi .the~3Duiuir u f in an ccs .. • ; " commi n e n r W ednesday, isis ar jiL iiUhiillunc^Jlii il 'A tidru ew that he got 91 ' In n :am paign donations ■ drus .< ■ces, bul the actual d o w n ' iaivfi0.pcrccnt. v ■ . ^ ^ tp p a

:ase a rccord o f h is s ta f f si i w h ile in o filce . as tributi( he past iO years, is $190.0 in g 'ih e ' fae t'iha i his~;7 0 ' i ^ fo r sale to th64«fih- •state. bild -declarcd. - ‘

as stiying that 91 ho rcsi

• ■ ' : 'July, 13 -Fairchild^r.latesrr-wcrc-e -Mid Thursday-9l—ceniot tiaiViduai cot tribu-... ■ "Myived 'w ere f ro m Ida- ccalint

c o ^ a y s ~ r - ^

• grades j— schools I -iicanJbppoiicnt, state |, has earned nplhing | ' jrade.for.his:Suppon^|-i^^— ing 10 ^cars in the j ’

IBS a long and sorry Igainst education and 1 ^it_tr. Wnnxv thnr” I -XFhursdav. *The only I - ;t Rc f a n ••F" is be- | —

'cs som e c red it." ...........b la st cam e just five ■ !%. p'ser campaign man- . in said'lhc Democrat ! r- iiaie senator-tor -his -- |" '? r^ Jon — support that | • TK rehddrscriicfifof tion Association in *. lalive campaign.s. -Iippcaranca in Coun— I--------lessen raid LaRocco I: “Skip and I have ..I___ .1'd by the Idaho Edu- --I cdurational pro- | i .

a y .- S k ip -S m y s c r js - l — ^now. conlradictsJiis--1-------, v ^ Q n i h s _ 5 e D ^ L —

r I 3

y i

C o

i V H I H 1

Jeptemb«r7,-■1990 •" ‘— r -^

not a 'd v ^ te a i c y r ^ ; ; ^ w 8 r u o r e s t r i c t e d lnincqntrbUnl;epii9iuhpdoa' of >bo! sit jrivatiEl tailgaie;piuties,

ITiefe :' aiii ' ^many instances a j - '^ e ^ u n i ^ ^ ^ - e i i t e n a ^ foreV «liSnni^ fricnSs and 'i»r6 [h iterticipanta ihal desire the

ed t t h s f ^ a r events -e ls^

pbsal;'-'.; -

campaignand -“I-makc no apologies

Ing -mnnntrd nn prgiciau

I have been fortunate fo ^joy~

imunity, educators, conservatii and thousands oh-individual

i campaign prepared a brci 'n _of in-.state arid out-of-st

f said Atidrus received total c( itions o f $270,000 o f whi 0.000 were from Idaho, just O' >erc‘cnl, and $80,000 from out-^

esidentw the staff th'ik.itnrt rtf lORQltHrou

1990, the Andrus^ contributic c-63-pcrccnanistalcumd:37:p :out-of=smtcrthe-rcpoii-s;Hd~ viyr:opponcntr.isrwi!ifully::cc ing the-fact-that-his administ

“ REC=m mBEAin

111 A u d c ib u i* u x p c i L= ^ uescions. . ...........

■ocatiohs: -Twin Fa 'ome hcimS to tjual

m m.ijWlH-FAU ------ IfflOMr

n ^

The copture-en ^ _ s c a r d L j n u £ h - 2 L i

Wasatch Mountair -O ta h -S ta ^ P n s^ n j;

who escaped Wedn - in an altered m ain ^

^ = 7 —DonGeorge-were;^withnrft tn'uiflcnt

r p y ^ ^ gmbcra r 'ofr!-j--' .- .. sweeping the afea

_Pfovo-Caayon, saic Corrections LI. Rich

••There -was no !g | _ _ aa id -.UXhey- wcr&.b ” .V iiisfas wc .wcrc lircd

J --- ' .;iJcfcd-3ncakci8rdirty . -jeans.-wfrjs-shacHlei

^ ! and driven' from the lol hv cofTcctions ol

. ^ . . . to the prison's.m a

[ ^ " ” sleadyl)irthcirfcctr ^ than 10(5 lawmcr -- pounded cach other ______ gradation.

niisiepre > contribucs for ''tion is for sale to the


oy the in our clcct'ions. y

'ation- gained a dircct line t luals." emor’s ofTlcc. ■■

---------Andrus iigtd. -Thele An- -aspecL-oLmy-oppon break* the hypocrisy they < f-stalc fit to critici7:e out-o

1 con- of-sti^tc dollars ■ tl' which Craig’s. Steve Sy t over Smyscf’s campaigns lut-of- tribiilions to a Demi----------him2i:------------------em~p f ATidraralRo'^aid F

-calls Tor‘ a-ban“on-imuohutions ■ “Ypt. during his II 7-pcf-»~=-scnatophe'3pparenti J; afaH'aboul reccivin; c:con-r-7tion^Ort-Tit^rcast-3( riistra« sions he received sui

a m im m sM L ®----- - A n-A«tJe ri)en* bay

window can add co^ . . . , a n d - v a lue^oCypjjr.hi

81.:..-<^ndersen:m')>t bay_c i^ id e a l- it-c a ii- ta k c -u p 1 ^ as 50" oHwall space; |n ." se c 'o ir r A ndersen w

di.splav. U could gjy beautiful idea.- •

•3---- - Riwrf n« uiT>plieJ hy Aiwtenm -

WTiNDOWi \ 4 h 1 \ ] - T _ 1 _ l —l.l?

Nt)ER,SEN WlNl^ S t e p - b V i ^ t e ^ ^ w sh o w in g v ou h o w to:

*”RFprare windows i

2 ' '♦~femll'Ander^en*j

. . ln?sr?jH '

w ill bu^ ;ii ImliJ lu5 tt;

?:T:rr:~Fimer f30-a Fallst Gooding . lality.-Andersen. -

E Sw r .- —V.diniml; - '

a -

[it R ^ f o r ^ s Sun-

endt^—a—3 0 - ^ u r - ^ ^ S

Ti j!,f<}r_tAC'rt nniAtcs g | dnes^y by hiding ’ . lenMice'-vehicler - . » Earli itjwn -and~TQcfiard ’ Timpa

—SO-ny in - >ine ‘dercdT a-hear the top b f^shots S ud-Department. oC—Shcrin chart Billings’.'.T .... - . One0 irsistancc," he from a ^ o t lu prctty.-tircd.------ ~ ~

le d -h n n d -;a i^^^ t~ r ' : ~ lie d o i t ’s parkingonjc.cirs aodjufecn,. __naximurn'-sccuiiry..............

W tem ggy , and- i i n ^ ^ - f p -

t. A'ncrjwaFd, moro cn laughed nnd , 0 / er’s backs -in con- • ••

- ' '.= = m

;seiits^ — litions ^he highest bidder.” - [nhoan.s.\vouIri.noi— ’ *Uw».y;yini^b-voto------ ;yet Jhesc imports

nnnrtninrcsisTiiivc .. .: to the Idaho g’ov-;

he truly disturbingo h fo i ls u ^ a r^ r is —1 contain, he sees ■ ■ ■ -of-siate conlribu-., .U galbuuyou-don't------ -i—'Ord about Ihc uul-----------Tthat fuel Larry A

Jymms’ or. Skip ^ ns. Is it only con- f l mocrai that bother ^


m-poliiical action

10 year.*: as a Slate i»tly-had-no:qualm * = - : ^ J inftTA’C corilnbu* ■ •3^irferenl-Q cca . . . iuch funds." ■ _F

o tHe charn l.. |

ip as little ■ ■'--------- ^:erCom e . C window ; Y I ^ iv c v n i in ^

_______ ' ^

' A '----------- _ _ 7 —

m S t F a t - i G T ^ ^ : | g

j r ~ ;r ~

* patio - Laccessories__ l_

nswLT I ”— -I -L— -S e : ^ ! — ::


Brow n=‘ =^’ - ; 6 o o r a e

wHcr.3lJuisd8ycaJiosl.atihe pMogos Campground at the \incnc^n~Fori^:Canyuii--itJ

s with' thcmV .said UtaK Co tfie iiunates fired one } a handgun and .the host :

— Bring-your-' eye­wear p resc r ip iip n .

Optic~alr:We s ta r t w o rk in g o n y o u r

'lere.-.Rixht n o w f .■ W e f e a

We kyiow the qua iza.BLUE LARgS Bg

^ ........ g A i I g - .

mF w e P a l l w r V f c \j |n - H e m » S a t U p K

— C i i ^ i k - t h e s

1 ti*—_

D tu -.d^ r E I » / f € E

" 'six from his • revo!

- The tops of_Pr6 a c i H -For}c-canyoas-are 9 H V -rldgt^-ahd-Slindiir U K _the.Provo:CaDyoin

rt>e‘ s a r c b iorigi roB ~ ■'i^AnicoriflnTFotlc-e i ® ,tn ic k > ^ foiind ab the Mt pnnfti»rf-trt Pr^v^ I the top" shots were fired ai

^OTrnhtfTjjported'seeingstni tcg,--o r- —^ ^ r ^ t io n s - ^ D ir !l>ang<a -.LanOjy a t o r . ^ » County charges ahd-possil —r-— 7-4tcm plcd-n\ur^r—a ine shot latter- stemming f st fired several cabins.

_ _ L _ ,___V -,

m y g t a s s e

t . _______

e a t u r e f i n e e y e w e a

la lity is in th e "Bi

F“ ' OW


I j S a t h f a c l l o n o r .

I M o n e y B q c k _

» s e - S o f a - L o v <


■ — Vt.

S ® p a/olveiv-b‘ul“n'oDc.of ' 5rc$I5pph">aiU":Sinwould:

re by a W l troin tt~ i5 ^6 e alcd 'o h •^b i^ lty

w^gfC- thft"-fllld™^^abandoned, then ex- dahce-s L-Canyon;when-thc-.;_Redf •arid a cabin, owner . homc.i [rangers in the area. ‘ThureH: ) i r e c to r^ C ^ ^ D c ? -^ ^ J ^

sibly cbunts' o f at- slaying -and-bm glaiy ,-the - J fi27_ k

from -thens- from . was-sh trial foi

: a r b y A i m j ^ Q A i------------ ------- ---- -------QS3IC

D O ING ", n o t in tf


~ n W r i i f n W a r r a m l « ~ | i on ■varytK tni-W

- ^ 1 1 ;

| b : . '-1 : T ^ . | ; ' g



IZ a

fVe n a v e a r e p u t a t i c ■ f u r n i t u r e p r i c e s

~ W e i i e f M r d - i

M p S u K I p

:orreclioiiS o £ f i (^ , liignway pt 1 troopcra and. Utah and ------

dT haftonnt^ t l iertwo-canyor------l-^emtwraHly ' cvacuatma'- ^ w —— ICC and nearby *»i»tnm<»r hnmes. , LedfocdwW ho^Qwns^a-summt._i- neat. thejcsort,.w as out of stat - . _ ireHay, - s a i d ^ u n d a h c c r ^ e n ^ ^

/ing "of onny, 'Cordovarand-th — -

:.shdt to .death before firown’I for the Cordova killing.

I :Mouhtain:West's ' in-store iSb' makes'

= -il—pusiTlj{ihlz:OVi~~~- -comthitment to-j-. I m f k a S t i t L . : : . -

the ’’WAITING:".— HOURS: --------- "W on.-Fri. 9 :0 0 -6 :0 0 .

]r S!iure1iv^ S ipntotmon t ' ' ' ~

t i o n l o r t h e l o w e s t : e s in - t h e W e s ; t . ...............

r a t e v e i y d a y F ":aPtbmehOftGiaranU}c.lifl'f" t in siwo~

Page 9: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

mi B i l i f i p

Bowen says he d ^ n ’t i

Falls' was to serve underi ; . .ior lour years^iTT'."' •.

. ' •$7.5 million busiding'io■ "grainsrand'thst^includes' ! “M ypdint is...thnt this• • ^ -^ l^ 'n ie s f f le jyaOcsr

-A SH TO N .— The Ida l o ^ n g into the possibili

— twoon-A^lon^nd-Tctor

^~nnslc fnfloi^iiwolveH,'* si

'' tpurist attraciion.-The_ boani has sci. up

r , .Uni6n Pacific Railroac— ——11 yi^>"v.l vn

i Gritics-waht 1— _ . ^ H T Q N = ^ n u h i

— putihc:bnikes.(3— • ■Oppe'Htfnto:of-the-F3if

cast o f Ashton ore asking ... ftcials to take another loc

.“.We belicvfc the i Jata _ John-Ochi. an Idaho Fal

” :-o th e r opponent are .'and fishermen'to gct a ga

N eijg h b o rs resiI — _C lG M O p-O li^ ' 'week. It wfliTihe rugl ilmi

T A-g ro u p -o f-H crp ^ ^ '? ' ' ovmVoHc-Wednesday lo •• .'pasl two months with co_____r i t c i l i s -D nv{fl-B m n< nn-n= —ijni.^uup:jjd-galicj-sevs

_ — harvcstofabout400-acro

U of l aims prMOSCOW ^ -D e m an.

^ zrcspcctattyrti’OTTihe' cxpic

^ ^ o S S S d S c d t h S ^ ^_ AriO the lipiygryt^ nf ” • -focus to acdbiiliHodiiLi Wii ■ and range but also t^eonle

— — rnieTWhoors-initial-«fl• reviewed by the stale'Bi

.'natural.rcsourcc-bascd to

— <!f»lir>»(»' Ri»t»n»?ninn />nH Tn

“ - C d e u r d ’iiaieW~ i ~ ^COEOR.d’ALENH —

; up with more money for I ; “ to; seek; emergency fundi__enrollment. ' .

....“W e’re leaning that.—■ Wednesday of.ihe cmcrgi

,, schoo'i:Eo5ia n ire lin s r ja iUnder State law. the distri

—whether to call for the add

J. „ Sexual abuse.alMAMP/y. ^ I_.Vj;, CPU

he had sexually abused c ~-'moIesianother, Sepulveda

~ ------S^ K x d a rwasrcharpo9 ° “^ ^ magistrate court I h'crhiisband.ortwo-years.

- -'xyar------ ' ..........................

- f : :.,. r ■ F(

- T z W m

7'- Septen ^ ■..... - - t Oit

^ ^Qnc of-th MaBic-VaHcy!$ __I " hand’chrted a

;Pfif hnth (I

• ......... “Trifimantliend'toiiidDonni-Fcnenliufg- 22531 Hishwiyjg

• — -Kimfaetly.-ldiho8i34■ ; - (208|42HI6< -

l l ^ r . ' :v r ■■

, . v:=

~ ~ t~7 ■ . ■ 7"'

r t understand why pec^le.wc

dergraduates. because that ha

* K a s t i 3 P i ^ r c a i i n i a O q Ip consolidate Idaho Falls hi

iw T m d e t^ d n a tjsT jff tn h g l^ this mgha,s_becn (oil) ai. con

i r r h F n t l c r ---------

i ^ M f e n e w u s e fIdaho Foundation o f Parks s ibility o f turning the abandon iloniaHn-easteni-lAihoinio j]

;jt'..lLV,»wn.nomc,wQiK «'•»«' “ said Asht^ ' businessman-E iBlIity o r ro n v c r tfn g the 30

up a six-member corftmitici ovor-the-next-slx-wockfc— — oad, whJch abandoned Iheiir

t h y d r o p r ^ e c t s


UDg^edcral Energy Regulate look at rccrcaiibn.use along 1

iia they were given were v<a Fallsikayaker. Ochi is-a mci nmiLMl I»rni'. fiphtint-lpassing out questionnaires t I gauge on ri^cr use. y


crop— . - • ‘ ...............ecTinti't^faigmonparca'Ilirni / to help-Richrird Paul. who ! complications from an carlii

n nf* Implement in ^!irrn tnrm<»'r»; TnHd(


j r o g r a n T a ^ t s t a t e

lands-on-ldaho^-'natural-Tcsi l^plodmg tounsm indusiiy. ar

;hout th e s ta te '-" :----- ' — .s£Jdzijip2s-Collcgc-oC£6rcsl; iiiJi onTy m cirudiiiunni conci>plc. and lots o f them . • - • isfl'ort i»;locused-on-o-S140i{ iB o a rd J iL E d u sa tjM JJL ilc^ I tourism. Tlie Deparlm cnt i rairca'dy-faccn re iiam edthc-l T ourism .'-.-’ ———— - —

m f h t f p r i e f y i K

— Coeur d’Alene taxpayers ar local schools if officials gc nding'to'compensatc fofhif

a t . way,". Superintendent. .!< urgency levy measure aflcr r olzin'saiU "he ' pf6bat)ly woi J r i dav o'r-Monday to discus istrici has only until 5 p.m. |\ additional fundinK..

a l l e g e d l y ^ p r o m p t i

.pii1vnrf;i nHepmilv tiL>id one o f her children and \ eda’s daughter says. rgcd-wiih-vofunlu^--rmnnslu' rt last week in the Aug. 28 s irs. Ruben Rubio, 51. iri tlici

. C om piled & om w

F o u r t h A n n i i a L z -


i m & e F l ' S I h a n d - i ^

i M f e r v fnes-Must-Be HandUrajcv-sjnost-outsundin^amhmtnint' ed a rtid«o fin tc fest;o mosc'evti

1 t l a y s » f t h e s h o w ,

m sT 6rFcc^^^!00^

jf»- . Pim'35 - ..................Routed1341“ ^----------- ----------"Fitcrrid:t -------------------------- -(208)7.

^ {F m c T m E ^


m s E f it f o r - g r a d s ^ity- Ih « id<nt-.-Richaini------ ^w ercsurpris^.to.hcar^. a tiro i fe iKtyi^dah~6 "

fe^ te d ^ fiu id y -fo r-a - -I higlijj edugaUp_n.p^ '■


r fo r r a il l in e -is and Lands'Board is '• • ^ lone'd railroad s p u r ^ - J" a-jhc.lhird-longest 'ck«____

Irtffm in .* nn«1n-DaTCll-Rcink^-whcrj: 30.8-mile, line into a ' • |

lice to investigate the

iitig.:tU!LcadoKedJhc z S ... ({jO

: S t o p p e d ^ ~ m;lectrIc-project-on-FaU------ 57;;:;myerhmciirrcrilicsiire'*"I ujLi.1 abuul 11 liiiles— — laloiy. Commission of- ig Ihe river. -. . iv<aj' inoccurale,’’ said . A ncmhcr o f Friends_QL

s to-kayakersj rufiers— -- -1 f - • ' . Iior{ ' =ytifie r ’s h a r v e s tic-ss-TsliOT dead. Thi;;-

_______ -I.::__ 1- • • vHsLirmcrs'pui aiidc their ^ ‘T 10 has b ccn 'lirfonhc- stai irlier attack o f appen- mu; n~Nozpcrce-orHani/xd= =Thc —poa •ley.^.------- ------------------- ger*

te’s to u r is m Cresources *and* beauty.* ~ are not only benefit- ~ 7 T C

cstrv is mo'difying.its_______UHIU.irili> o r uecs. wulcr-------tcni-----------•• - idaiIUi<ffOO-propo l-Bein ~*' — leicloiLfljiiQgnmijnl: -II Af Wildland R»;cre- cnric'Dcpartmem i Rct-------— :--------- :----- i.==--------- Sup


;rs will have lo come 0; go ahead with a plan CToi highcr-than-cxpectcd . siU

dist. kcilh Tolzin siiid B:r reviewing firsl-day__ IdalvouliJ call a special “ andqiiS5JliQ«3a!n-ii£m.___I. Monday lo.decidcd

--------- — -■ ------- T O

) ted jn u rd e r ::: : :x :;:

d was threatening 10

slugghler-in-Ganyon------ —!8 shotgun slaying of licirhomenl'arlVuni- ”

a w ire .s ^ e c reports •

= = ^ = = M

Park ■■ajiem ■-] ^mi-showileamtinEn — ^ ivtryonc . / .......•" "

w ~ • - -

________________ _ _

ID— - ....... .. ..... . ^ =-cliccfcyTgyaiitctB ". = =jumiioB finn:-------------- ^imWcbb . . •« -.Box 2326ridiho 83323 ------- .8)73«456:-.^-----------,------------

.--I 1 “— : I -

~f _

'lim a .CotigieMniaarLanyrt ThttfsdaVibecame thfeLtfiiwI' o f the state’s w n g ^ i tm a i tioo to be named, to .the £DirQdQazen^£list?D&the^ ton-based Environmental

^__Tli« ftVf-t(»TTn <v>nprp« niiiig-Dem ocrat-Ron'Twi!e^ ■seatof-retiring-Republican.-l Jametf McClure, received a =tf> eon -l 1-sp ^ fic -v o tM cite

TcntCong^r-H e-W asabscr 12th vole'used by tbe'groiratings.' • ___ • __

“As a . member.: oC!the Committee. Craig[ has been, less .crusader for the .user That, L-xp lo it, tnxp^ivere anc =tnnd3' w^~tifcit'~;ftuielinigr ilH» kiiitt RnytrrA n io n 'Q ire ^ rJ lu th Caplar , &ut Craig spokesnian Da

suggested ij was obvious tha siiions'token by Erivironme lion on some isroes I tfe " ^ !

thbsft held”by the^ majority hoans.while Craig has yptcc tcct water rights, jobs and lai

g i v i n g

W tid ’ ta v c ^o m fp p ttX -b i

“We face a challenge ir

-IDAHO FALLS (AP)— ' lional Marine Fisheries Seiv ili^iiH U fl-oMcpt potilions- ing lhai four-wild stocks o f < ^lilinon- lind = one-slock"-o

lisL.;— ,............. • ~::zTHc.decislbn-Wcdncsday-l

slalus review by the agenQ- must be completed by June ' r hcn=it=wiil=decide-whether f30sc-ii.<vting-thc-6pccics-~as- gered-or-lhreatenedrwith-a.f

Gem high

Idaho Supreme Court is con: Ur>aatc:oCan.l<laho4^>lliUnAi execution for, a -1987—drug crime spree in eastern Idaho!- —In—two—separate—hearin] Suprame-Gburt-list'en^^Thui ?PRca|.sj3y:atlprTfi^£rbr:iEi» Rhoades?*39rfirenr'deai!r*sc it; firsl:dcgrce murder cases..

One member" o f the ,S ^ourt. Justice Lany Boyle, sit on the cases, and was repl Jistrict judges fVom eastern It

Boyle, formerly a district j Idaho Falfs, handled one o f tl ind-semcnced'Rhoaderto“d( d lling-idahcr-Falls-^teacher Wch'clbacher"early in r987.

Seventh -District—J i^ g e . icm don ol Bingham Coun

F o rth o iie V IE —a-nd-=B«ed=tite- = p e o p le - e v e t t^ t i

^ ^ - y i p s e rv

a i f l ^ i ^

a zero .rat - . • Cralfl

lent fo rthe-v iro tuhditlil“ ri -oup in its ratings' his . bp____ ^ fit)ih the IdaWle .,Iaterib'r . '.andlhe Cragw

a relent- tion voters.

anr" , . opfen~mInifed'~h)avid Fish ajl iRterests.’ i hatthe'po-^ really remembnental^c- time^to vote are

t^ o f - I d a i^ ■ “i f Uiey supp :cd_,to pi^ hp’s ,water, r i^ land.'' ' would have so away Ida- lions about thenr-ldahoans------“We face-a-■biffiqu«i3 «Bt~thBt-|s^lfi id. pm tectsjohs nnin Idaho,' he said. “Lany

“ The Na»~ cisiondue byJu rvices has Go,v. C w iI .A

if Chinook . m casuro^to^er

e federal sion'to study li;

- ........— r:wagJibpihBf-begins a --rm -no t-su rp ri ey, which “Now we have : 7 , 1991. scientific data ti lil lu-w u ^ u ttthgE ndggga is-endan—— Pctilion§-sub i-final-de—^rout-and-o lhet

il court pt

;5.ftcrji5z.d led th e ^ h S L

msidering -fiiot .eonvenienc

^ ” id a le d ~ ^ ^ M d e s -als<a .- - .......... sp«nd~the rest (ings,""Ac “ With "lip '.puuibi

scT ^ c es^ ^ ''^ « iie i^ 8torer='5. __Supreme Besides the

:, did not charges, Rhoad placed by tenced Tfar.ljdi Idaho.- - rape,-infainous-i t judge at and using a I 'the cases, felonies in the^l •deaih^ftir— Tlw-prosecQi e r Susan’ the trigls^thtil R

ries o f lb b b c r e —Jiunes ' killings to oblai: jnty han- fiabil.T

it 5;0t) a.uP-s -w h o b e c d n - th i

j! n c w s p a p e r ^ b i

vice ~ ju s t anot

W . .I~an~d tha t is striic- . ct ^ ll l|l II l l l i l l l l l l l ^ M-»^that p ro tects iobs ,wl

o iy q u ^ i y —Wl ^ ^ ^ H .o f l i l e , - he said, in

i 'L a n y :Q nug>a8 '“ ^ the e x i g e n c e lo sit

^ B ^ T w T I T g T S f ^ F ^ f ^H .-how everp-^—said=an

-the^ <^ignation ih

bpponqit has nxeived wlho Cbnsiervatio'n League__ j 9gue of. J a ih o Cbnserva- tfil

ire^ M M is lT O ^ ^ s tu ^ eg

I'he"4s^abbur’balancirrg^ai ’ The"bnly . interests he ini mbers when il comes on ttr^hisow mandjhp ness buddies and high-

ippbrt giving away Ida- the i ^ t s , J . thinft, Jdahoans _wc some pretty big ques- W;

” Figh M id • . tfr

s iH k in g - rn s s isR e n h iii— Wland:ourqualtl\rof-Iifc.»—Ar ry Craig has the experi- Cl;— • -------- J -----

-June o f 1992—-V — :"v:sp< .Andrus juid Thursday' prc

enhance wild'salm on Sni 10; tiut tneicderai deci-' ctu listing forc'es the stnte

|n g -J h c y ^ o u id :B b U :b u t= ^ prised/*'-"Aiidrus''saidr^’tan ve to gct together the ten 1 to keep (Ihe salmon)' subg S f« rS fte d M irtsH '-------iubroiltcd—by-O regon—ran her-environmental-and—sub

•m outlenders j------------ -------------------- jjj-jj,

P n d - s g n i c n c g d _ e r a l

m c c 's to re c lerk S tacy tior jo5Rh ^ m e 4 m re: -_ ' _ J ilso w a s .'o rd e re d t o ' " it oP'R is life in prison, f j s ib ility^ofrp aro le , for~a ‘ I F -thatT)f-N iolatrH adden~ p .atix iJd aK o Ja ltsT cb ii-^ |- Jtfr=T harB ppral'is"beln |r I""ately,..— ----------------- I -e first-degree murder I jades also was , scq.- I Jddnapping.: robbery, is-crime against nature- i firearm 10 conimh - . rMi^helb'achercase. 1 :Q itam lleg«l~ during

Rhoades staged ~a '^ .^r ” >enes and associated tain monev-for a rimy _

^ p j

t i e i r A H c c a i l v 1

b e f o r e m o s t D i

H ' S e r v i g e l " '

^ ^ e a s q n t c s

F h e T i m r a - N l w

^ : • _ _ L (L im lt« 5 D c l

"• P»M»y

n m e n t a r. eiice to strike thal balance." ._Cftpl«ln-als6:cnucizcd-C iwhat-she-said-was an ' fltt

-w c^en-the Endangered Sne in the face o f the spotted ow

“yefsy, enginienng a. s f f ^ sibility of the predator com

-gram-thal-ahe claimed-has- - ^ l y j ncrcased^ “official ex ^r^anjinair*such as mounu =and^yotc»’ and backingrmi in financial suppon for waU


T>een named to the list' tWice, while, in the House and t

,J986_while r^ n in g for r ^ li the Senate. , - ' .

The other Idaho' congressii egation member nam<^ tft t

-PnTgn ligt tun^-_fijrnif r - ^ f

each'- bietjntal general; elcci includes only members o f C on the ballot that fall,-'The']:

_li2LincIuded.only-twoJ3eino< ' Dcmocmiic Sen. H ow ell}

axiaaama:way:u«ron:y:@ m the 19901istrTh-c'olhcrRep

_wcre__Sens..--.Alan— SiiiipWyoming dnd .Milch McCo


'William Uanhemeyer o f Ca

Clyde Holloway o f .Louisiai

spprtsjnen’s groups ask for protection for spring, sumn

Snake River and its iribulai eluding the satmon Ktvcr. 11 rcqucsLjpiDicciiQiuibc-CQho. M ctiieyyro:=^S8efa£=331|man;rdcput tanr'administratpi-forfisherii termined thal 'the petitions substantial scientific informa

ranled.— ogency-offici&ls-sa submission-foi^hc-Federa|-i outlming the decisiqn.

The public and other a have 60'days following'its f liBnJjubdEcdcraLEcgistc&,

.nuring thjM im n-t.riflnli

eral technical issucs.-includir DiTlon 01' the uislinci ^ Im on | tions lhat qualify as a spec

frbm 4:

C d u n f y

: ' ■. .--C

^ - ’

? r e s e n t c n

Departm ent,. t p ^

rtarteU or-thang


W8 '0 ~ ~ " ~

DcllifWyArta) , '

■' ,'yi - r ‘7.

IfWn. - Tlmw Newt;

‘D i r t y I" . Parris o f Virgin-Cnug-iOc.:. Oregon. J a m ^ .j ittempt to -a n d Bill Emersoi

w l coniro— otnw sin g legisli ’n iTgpo n-’" d ffnt P '*”^ nc introl p ro - . production ^>an t s d raiiiati* ■eta •and- fbt^-au execuUonsziIhaLWQuld:, . itain lions. p r o t e c t fed( m a jo r c u ts ^ n e s lb f p o l lu t lo ttter pp llu- • • Continue pi

o til i.aga in in.- . •.Maintain a. election to spillcrs tnust_m

.- -a b le fb r th e fu lU sional del- • Deny the Er ^lhe_D jrty_tioaA pcncycab 5 0 £ —Rep, •— ♦ Rrtnin n-m

:ction and tional Fbrcsl.' Congress • Overturn ariast three that federal wild<locrats. . . specfficrwater-'rif==SI4:k==:==I=^==^inwrdi-on - io r receiving let] epublfcans -ngation water.ipson;—o f----- •^Pfbhibit-the-Connell o f from condcmnin iriichd,4he—ness-arcas-with( nrllttHSis;—sentF ~California. • Cut support>Jinngsntn~TinTi-Pnp>itfitinTi-iana, Slanr' lion. 1.'

> e c ie s ’ st;or fedciar'threshold fbr 'th: nmer and gered species sto»n uptaries, in- decHne ofthe sail I hey also titll Utii^kl!, UX

L ------------- U-i5PSri!-UL-L'feM«ty=assis=th(ragenplesTiml^ iries, de- stood in the way > :s pivsent .Jem will domifiali nation in- “ The problem.

said-in-a—munily-is-outgun I'Registci the ■ record~is~gc

weighted against agencies Tom Geise, ilsl

i publica- ager for the Pacil ! ^ t ie s - C o nfcrcnce-

Htcte -nfrt hjf;n-on'sev-~:thc;rcvicw.1>i}'don ling defi-..' ■■“•What we^d-lit n popula- whole process be Kies, the .ep6e;".$aidjGeisc

1:30 to“7 p.m. fcLIVE

< F airU pda- v f c i e o c aChannel 5 -

n g j u i i - C i i.s t o m e E i

^ g c t ± y : a u i L - s . a b 3 i

a.m. fut oiB y$yg

r a T I M E S ^ ^ N E


D o z e i f c z irginia, Denny Smith ofiM.irniolc.oiluiclalvDma-------—TSonorM issouri._________I tilncgd•nn-thg-list-fiir • •gislotiPiL-urgingi.Hrest;______ Lynegotiatc-a plutonium an treatywith ihe'Soti- • ' 'Supporting' iegistalton'. ' ■

federal facilities . from. . . ;

?"plutonium processing

i b i l i t y . '^ : ' - ' ; :I a, higher , Slatidard-oil •l_m_Mt before being li- * -___ullcosi bf-clcanup.! Environmental Prolec- cabincl siutus. * •. • _____

‘‘Alaska*; Tungu!iS:-N.U ‘ ' .' ' i ' . - I> a court requirement 1 given .. .. j

acreage limils eligihlJ__ ;___1lederuily; 3ubsidi/ed~iK

r. ........ .. " . ' ; -jthe-federal govemmerit---- —nming lands for wilder- ' /ithout-landbwncr-con— . ■■■i;

)ort for^the Unitpd Nn- j 0nzEinidiibjiiSfii-S.uaii^^^^;;;^

•'*'lhreatched or cndiiri-i, -• — | stolus, l/ic role o f ani- | |

jrandlthi-.raiicrs'nftIV ------salmon stocks. { 'uAttudvc diicciyj i’wi _

t, gntri tii» pl.»n.;.vl --I ‘0flu'll but LuiiLL'niiigjU^i

/ay or-solving tne prop- ! ifiate the status review. ' j'

gunned'byHndusiryrsb-----— —

nsl lislipg," he saiid. . ., fish and wildlife man- 'acific Northwcst Uiili- icfe-jcom m iiw ct^ jiich _____

^■rmiii^n^n:i;ui»J’ial-^----Z Idono-righr.-"— -----------------i-likc-to-sec is ihat-tho- - . •.> be bas(;d on good sci-;isc.________ ■ . ______ ^

s a s F ^ il l ^

■for _ fi

z z i

S i i i e r - ’jF — 3

■“ 1., ' ' | . |■•■. • ........________ : : . . .

i f ^ l l

. • ' v;

__________- '• • ' i i

- i j a - ■ ■ fl

■ • - / . .

■ rS p n r iro ^ tl; --------

i per Weelc:

fE W S T T —

_-------------- :----- 11-— J----- —

Page 10: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

. . J S l i l l l J i i t i

^ j d n i g ^

{ tess fcdcral;£moneyI. . . . lot of-othcr ureas .

—nioncy;:--------- ,— KodlenaT-Countj rcccivcd $188,000

_____ L i - d n i g - c i r b r t s . '■

■ : ------ li5;OOOrTCceivcd-:- pcnod

The static Cnmi which divides fcdc

' • money amotiK citici . ho. makes its decisi

- ' law'enforccment agi Honncvillc Couniy nsked for S I34.000

■-L'------— ------------------- -------—Thc-M>i]tr V«nrj

contrast, asked for' ^pprcCTt-of-it.-

. There were prob

for fumiturdland i

' • ' Yourfh and final yc '.‘didn't help the Magi

_j__ I______6iTt tli? fact rem.r Ofthe state's popula

^ g t o in g T im g s ^ ^ • ‘ . Ana iMti'5

■ . ley needs the money;________ '--M em lLK ellcy^p:--------------IV-o fth e-idaho-Sw . - -rcpoas-tfiat--------------hi

------- i----------- Sunhcujlaaaea-' 'Z PiibirshVr •

------------ ■

s s s S A a ®

In your recent editor coming Twin Falls.sch you ask that Ihe schdol

' .swcrs to the tii'strict’s >■ - . ' the school board. I woi

■ • process.. ......... . Hopefully, it-will be. ~ nnt r>»gpntirf.»Ti''lli?c prt?

raised in your editorial-------------- tl will.attcmpt tr^nHr

■ ■_ :.latin8.toJhe.proccss'ut ’ - ..... - current bonB-proposal.

■ are prepared'lo answer • • posed by the district vc

: ings with agricultural. •' ’ ;• rrniips lifi'rpnt^frnrhrr---------the medio-andjopen.pU

ThTiTroposaT that wi carelTuHly considered oi

It is the result o f ea

^ i g t t e i^ T T ’f l k ' f n i o n e y f l

to write otrS7 billio

. — . . -■•lf-thcy-can-forBiv< . they can torgiveme

----------- — ; Itnhink-itViimc-w• on all ofllccs; W4w#n

________ service >11. their retir------- --samoasouT^ocial 51 ■ ■ how it i^out here in

---:• • careful of the taxes 1p ____ : ___ KENACENCIC—r ." ' • ------Tgrn'FaDs

.-^W hcr c d id lo t:- ta rn in full aKreer

Board's need for me- ■ ' e—WOUkHiUWMti^4hH— _______J h/ n filll nml f. , Iation rriust be availi

L -'-ariy mohey-iialloitt: ^ . ' “AtiQTfwrwo^are cr •; ofthe folIowinR. .~ r n J!?'?

__ —iton-bftnd-dcetiottdi

. • .the $70 million pro!

.iiond election wnen , ofmoney,.AttcraIl.

......... ------ - - -

' — f . ■

f g n d s d is tley tb"fi'^"t^'dojp"tfiah a .V as in Idaho - a-lot Icsi

....... iljnty,-population-67i300.—V 00 Ihis year for its' anti*, ai

________ r " _________ Sl

iminai Justice Council.<.l3 ederal drug cnforcerhent oi ities and cou^ics in Ida- cisiohs based upon grant u

aRcneies and task forces.- o niy, population 72,000, u )00 and got every penny tl______ __________ !_____ bUi;yj:)pi|» Task force- by_ ror'$224,000 nnd got 36; - n

roblems with the Magic 1 m. Reallesls forS23.000 tc d a 12-fold increase in y

year o f the grant.cycle' lagie Yalley.'s chanccs o f C

emains that iS.5 percent' tl uTaiion is jeu in g o.z per- iT imi-TnongT,r-mfTiihblg'fi.m i

rquSsfiSfOreTVRiigie^ir^ ncy. • .. g.jpccialagcnLioiJlcgiAh.-*! ;iol« Bure«u-wfN arept|ga.'-f i -his-agency—is _makuig'_a

P h e J i m

6B__ ■aafLW.abYflnh-,.->,.A----------MahaginBcdllor— TT

, The members of the edito of-odiiorialiuiffc-Stcohcn-l ta«

itorials regarding the..up- school bond election, idol district provide an- ‘s voters. Ori behalf o f would liketosiaiLthat------

be reco^ized that I can- °tn <»v(»fy jnn - - • tl

riafs. ' "aadrpsfclhny j.ssiips rr- « s'utilizcd to produce the arH ow cvcrT giC T 5iB ;= =j

ver any anti all'questions t voters. • '

mplishetnjiruuylintci-'i-'- nal. business and civic ,'n

.'pUblicmcctings. ... ,s Will go'on the ballot is n' '-1(

J one. , , ' {!yearly tw^ years o f study n

' f p o u r C o n g re ss n ' i ri Wu^hiRgtetvu-OTh— Ilion for Egypt, then Ict

iive-Egypl-s debt, th e n - -— me the S5.000 1 owe. ic-wcpuraTWD=tcnniimit- ~|> w »>wy-gct-20-yeHrs-oP-----^elirement should be'the al Sccnrliv. Ecl U ie n rm — / ; in the real world without '“

i-oni.s in-oft'icc-win be es Ihcy pass.

o t t i j i y H iuiicy-gu?-xement with the School-' more classrooms.'b'ut I

tw-mHliile.ucli l e’o'ne'ep't.~ ■

.’.Vilabie to the voters before □ttcdJQ4be-board!s.plaiu— ; cntitled'l&Qii cxplanatiiri

tard-ia-pufposing a S9mU«-.. n W d ^ l ^ y ^ b r t h c =

irofit the Lottery has been

ten me Lutiery nas nicntv / ~ nil.,we were told by the'.'

■ f.

> t r i b n t e ^ d ~ f i

^K ause o f the g e o ^ p iiy iraUdahb, many ofthe drugs

-Vallcy-arcjjot-dcistincd-for-tli are^on their way to other- a

_ s t a t c s j _ _ _ _ : _ _ i _ _ _ l---- .Th««-orimft^rttltw-w-T<i.mrP-tcy-arc-amonjifihe-mgncsrir

. .ly-crimo^law cnforccmcnt- and that reflects a se r io u d n

•The probletn is riot going with federal money,' but let*

'*tn&t*30urce'0f'help .Isn t*ifnp o f it goes- for* “buy—mone used to buy dni'^- from dea that, busting dealers is well 1ble. ■ ' __

_ .Mofc importantlv._th6sc_ -moflpower, which is the rea -enforcement;r^Th»-,-Magic—

Task horec.has two tulMir tors, which is two more tha years ago, but that’s not enc 11 S7? «!nitnn milp<

Four agencics represented Criminal Justice Council gc “oftheTOoneywatfaWrttrtoc

' this year. The Magic Valley u rcpriii;crtlilliV<i M Ihc cua

T|j What-mii¥cra-is hat - hi growing drug problem and

-s'hare o f the federal dollars - f i ght-itr^Thafa a nifltter-fct&.'l _an.d.thcJ.egislaturc,to* rectify

l e s j N f e ^^ ta .W ij» o n ........ -Peief-ygrj“Cirfiutnioinnimager—-Advenlslti,

litorinl board and writers a«Hcn-and-ClarkrW alaoah.=

t p E O p m

Steven K.T0I•R eader Comi

with input from virtually eve our community. Specifically,

- tri'ct recognized that.therc'.wc new and cxpanded.faciliiics ieariy 1989. ______

Based on this recogniitoiv< -b o ard appolmed a committee --1989,-t0 5tudv-thcfacility.PK —needs-ofour-distriet(lhe-faci

tec).This committee was compi

members trom thecommunit . . members from the school dis .-■-Th»«om~miue«?mtf I un'n rc •submitteditK rccommcndatio ‘ to the board on p ee . 6.1989. {•pecific recomiricndations fr< mittee was that the board sho

building program would bc - etteianes ot-tftcTorg^proTit

nroenun wt>uld produce._ Majiy o f the Mmc.peopjc

. the same peoble that were^t vthat we ne« l ^ the Lottery scRooTbuiiain^rBoforewi

■ for more money. I expgpt.t< M jottcrypropottents as tu~w1

__money is going and why th— great resource and forget th ' '“■'wireie~3eliij0]-bull'dfnw^w

'Thanks for the opporturiir^opTntOrt:: ....... . ' ,. R-CJBOBiLADAMSOi

__ Pnt.nn cmwrrs, nowlh?>«; tiorrhas released yaiir acrea__ k e u ^ ^ v id u a U y , Lhope yI power'and influence on the . - Irinhn hudget^urolus in the

— .your; po tatorcf op^indtth<^

As a political candidate f '~~on'itie~RcDublicaff^dc.-t w

strong and fair to you. The _____ . ’ ' __________

'■ 'rppspar

f a i r l y - ^ipg-in' th n MnpHT— —w fow7 ^hy o f south ceo- _ P g s in t h c f ^ g ic . . ir-th.Mrea.-They-.T- arcos or other -j

Hiri-thc.ittalc T6i------jfd m tjb .p ldpcp-------openTl:nt-officcrs say,- ^ s c h o d drug problem ... yoiThti ing td bc.-solyed 'ahega let’s not pretend is a m< tmportsntr*Somc= = M e n ^ oney;-or-money-- --pcoplc dMlers. Without =n„igh i„ ,possi.

■— V 11 • ■ —a foott

rcaflccy io jlrug:c-V ttllcy-D f\fe^ -----------kim 'e invcstiga- ' than_it_had_four_ • . enough to cover

Ited 6h the sfa;e ' '. got 37 perecni.

ley doesn't have :uundl, bul llm(------

rh a y e a -'b iy an d ^ nd less than our tars available to !cfj=thc=g?wcmw=s

......................- - • r - Oisltisdirector— —--------

_ , 1 compRi Q l i n S n educati

m m ent . ■ ‘"purievery segment o f -allevial illy, the school dis- were tl; .was a need for.. w /. r ics in late 1988 and session___ J ___, , • • ponnhl3*ot need. the . ne&w F e b 7 l4 . , ' ' ‘Tli«r pro^kms.flpd . , pprtablacilitiescommil------ totaI-«

Themprised o f seven ing curinity and eV>ih------. sludenid istrict.- . ingfhcr r egulur bajij'aiiJ . Uifn.n.i itions-an_d-findin&<5 - AI1< '89.' O ne'ofthc ; open pi i from this com-- • ' -*• Aftei should develop a report i

y that the school------ ~get. tlhI bc one o f the ben- Idaho:otits the Lottery — ----- 1 wa____________ qan’t n

)plc that are now ' ‘ that ifi

re^tclling everyone Held n :ry to p ay fo r ' Ifwi s:wfc are snickered ways a ct.to_hpar.fromJ h s _ x ip e n u rwffcrcT^ -Lxncrv: : ~bcttcn / they don’t tan this - • oroces;II the. bond election— pricc.^

unity t^ c x prcssmy -port-G— -w Rici

;oN •' • •-------S M

' DJTf------ n a glO ta tu -g j l 'a R C r^ ^ y j ie ahnt vour drganiza- loss of rreages to be mar- belief I leyoU jcalizeyour,. sibFy^c the economy o f doesn* ihe last two years The

highrr price of "rgSSCTI Mtoltant-fauiiovct— Z l ilUi ^ . ______________ i'g ute for ju ite auditor 7^fhabi wa'rit t ^ 'VUlo<Htb^ -u iy we

W higher price you to Log


fterteadin^our<diloriaI-S( la r^ bond issue should be n

1 decided tl^ t it was time

rt me b c ^ n by voicing my.o it-yourflist edijorialtbat:wa* nrff tff thff r^ rm t r^n trnet r

le cuAvnt 1990^91 school c< ne o fth e b e s t- if not the bc s that School District 41 l a :"ha'd tHe op^*rtu'nity to worl 1 Twin Falls Education Assc

: .contact and made aii'hone 1 the do6ni 6 f e&mt»liriicalio ^ Iw a ril. But, ppce again,,? hayem w iged J0 :^ind,a/law

monumental leap in the righ iyJong5jaf«yH>urej >Lwofk j ile.werc put forth. How aboi gnizing them by a simple; “( referenoeto the’coacjics wf

pute the number o f 10-'yord. 3tball-field.~ho%vafaout-sendi ‘ a fF ’back lo school to learr


y c a E e i l iirehensive (strategic) plan tc ational needs o f the students for five to ten years into the iring.this same period o f tim uudyin^hor-ftliomatives-t( iatethe facilitics’.ovcrcrow't then experiencing.

pns o f school and the u tiliu hleclns-srooms. •

itTUislriet'uHnTiately purelias ihic cl.nssrQQmsJiar.lliis.schfl cost-of-approxirnatcly-S250, ic board was also studying a urriculun> changes to enhan ml it cddOaiibilul dt t>c>imillll he presentation o f that curric luiU fgimii Jueli a j niiddle-3i M f (his .was done at regular! public meetings o fth e b'oiif

^er receipt o f the fa’cilities C( 1 in December 1989, the boi

tlte-ntofe-tttoney-fii&ys-ef-eor0 and ils people ai pd the ecoi vas a grower foi^O ycars an1 predict anything accurate. I

run cut and everyone could wo think wc have a surplus. 5 an opportunity to kill vines 1 up.caHicr, eliminate heavic

essed nroduct which domant


IXisow missed oh Z

^ ^ ^ e n i f t - t h ^ i t n r A e c ^ of a favorite disc jockey. Ho :fthat only .your opinioncou Lchungc something is-exaptl; in’t.. ■1C dccisioh rtmde, for wl

jiTc^s you co'tildiiay iKat I’m

ogan Tusow and the "Z Mor

o i L S ^ t e•

Brcco'nsid-......... ' 'ne for Ihe J _

n|- g II.'in ^1—,______ '• proofread t

y opidoff _ words, typJ w as^V K ttti^ii^T7^oy^d?^

1 contract is by in th eS ep t b est-c o n - sriro a tc d t employees the school

'ork under, t h e • a scnous O' ssoclation h'as deyclpping rkine-toratse-:—^was-builtr-^

nest ettort l ~ wLciTions with"thc-^:::C«rreniI; ^ ,r^c s-N cw s,.,.‘n c t4 ! ) ar law, a setback, , H ow ^

ght direction. . sw ertothisrkj})bd«difia(«d==ciy«S^bout at least - _ on amicabl ; “Good job!” - problem is wfioran^t .. .fd segments in I wholeh id tne^om eof— involvcmei — tho-piiblic-i

- r r o y

....... .................. , M

lil^LjECoaij1 to meet the ed another < ms in this dis- undertake tl he future.. mendations im e .the board mittee.s-to5ielp-^------ — This-comiw'ding.that.we. tibns to rect

. , district on aichdbls,jplit - pomtc.aJba ization of feet to assis '• . ' 2000. "__ ____________ This is cx


S 0 ,0 0 0 - l_ _ v o te r s ;—ganddevelop-lance every ' . ^_Jhe peppmfci;;inctutl-— ■roinmlnci’ 1rrieulum-in-a------of-thiscom:8 aehoela.'. ■■ v. Thepc. wc larly noticed . school/pare 5i»rd:"'" ^ —— .mlnistraton i comminee’s. “ board repre board appoint- ' - - I t was on

B om e^ck-tp—4-mjo4Ecd-thi conomy. - .ture.ofthe 1 and-l-knowl— ;t3goneri-su; e. 1 do feel -sm tion over iierthatw e and country

lid ben'gfa -__much as thaiJS. there.isal- -mals-on th e ' ies earlier, , tinct] vicr, sell a _ _1 am.nQt c • h e t t e r e n d ^ r t : , ^ ^ g f ^ andfi a better isn 't thc_san:

------<f.oam .*• .J ' •iVe my aup— "M y 'aolutti

_______ 1 know, wasgethcr.

Z 1 0 3 T b e ' l

iuse^f-'th e ^ ^ ^ n 3 S T.T:Td However, thir :ouldnot pos-cUy-Sfhal- . jignamre

number.whatever. __fen«dr-b

'1400 AM-. ----- I’m acreature ‘-F a lls -o ff iacTTarTd ev- ; TwHTTa

lonting Zoo.” •

e n i J i a s ^ j

S t e v e M e l s

r R e a d e f j g s a m B B ^

^ a n articlej)!-check for niisi ypCjsraphictriOTore.and tR ^ ;daiiy_cori'cctiqtiS'thw~77»e'jrY, t so noted for. ‘ * • ■. - I to m y d isntav.:] read^0UFe< ept.'5 paper M lyT^fffia y e ll education. For the past five y K>1 district has realized tluttl; s overoib\^dihg problem'tKat ing: hence, a new elemental^ I t^^m orthat^fi progress—a-

n tls^ c T trp y f to f is ^ ra c f i^ fa re faced with yet apother d frto besiSi’tilize oor euur nt H ;'e this probletp: however, dedrc

iibl'e solution to tlic problem. 1 is not going to be an easy or

leheortcdly agree'that o^n'f< nent-offacultyradministiatoi iic is noodod-in this issvwi-l-aj

iNTWANr mWOF K I E S R u w i K i a o u r

■ ON M6 /.

Lsidieiiecier community/schoo'l commii ;e the .task' o f refining the recc 3ns presented by the facilities

ommitteewas-io recommend xctify.the problems existing: 111 a short^terrn basis and alsoInng-rangg p lnn that-wniilrt-Kssist this district through the )

»exactly what was accomplis mtttee:andlrttic;blisls~bfth'e

cppJe_who_scryed on.theplan TCiigirtTrrcpnsmcdTTriyTtommunity.'' i-.'........were rgpraoiinlQjivco from th arcnt organizations, teachers, tors, business people, farmen prescnutives at this meeting, only a close<l-door meeting t

e 13-year veteran DJ. Now L

/lriT i'4 0 0 and'Hsieft-tff LQ'gt try music.' __•___ - ______

that o n Z I03; and all o f thfc ai he “ Z Morning Zop"^ now

Jl condemning the new DJ; h

mme when you’re used to fre

jitT nVlihVtiiaf f l ^ y l g S p I t vas to switch radio stlilions a1

’ ' Timcs-;News_ welcomts 1

fTTnnkc Kure vour lettcr~ig

h letter should include the wi urc, mailing address d tele| :r. Typewritten letters- arc p4>eoau3^th^*^Hou'*ftSTer

rrs piny.ue Prougnt <u 'nurofltcgMnBilcd*to-=P:0.-B.oxTaIIsr53303rC irScnrB y"'f

that the-cufTent-'c ducted by the bo

' ■yheb^.W Byjoc

usspelled some'good .news 5 all too .;- -patr6ni, opening Times- tion,shedding a;

I merit,'UUULpto

llihothcr--: n iu d jin d fdiiira ! years, to'open thedbon

your influcne<r:to a t was down and brainsi uysch«»l ■ some terms, estal^-step in-^so lu tionrtry t o ft

lol-pi^—- ' “ o r ^ p l ^ ^ 0 ' oucni* .getherin a positi -fecili- .• ..this iiruch needec 'Casy^-_:_whai^thernew-e Ircated td conquer, ig to ling- V T JS n. This. best for the stuHc one to re- . lunity, the chanci

.bctterworid..Lct forums, o f AmcricaTests'

Ujrs and - - ’ .-- ----- Stcyc Abelyli]

. ‘> j ' y

nittee to media. . .com- • There never haescom - orsudden'about t________ We have attem]id solu- discuss the prbbleg in the' .proachcs wc-anUc 50 tncor- ' these problems ar->v»-<n.f>r- . wff g^tnhtUhgd to; year - cess. The input o

lishedby ,........ The board has I

■■ veloping this DTOI..... . .........a,half..and we-be

which to fully infonning__ _e»-oflthe-needs nale behind thu p

ing those needs.

rs. acU____to .ru b ^ s ^ p asrsand ' ' ’ -------;g. - , Sfeven K. Tolr g to the ' chairman ofthe'i

Th'^ lnso rtFn frxt Logon may not matter at a

gnfl----- ^th-aradveftise on Zthere are morejlwyi

ani»- means that .we do n )w ex- thus do not p a t^ f :

’MayBe’y o iic ^ I t ■how-_._..;on.Z.lQ3Jof^ouc 0

Tcsh snend the time'nfTd - ..... ........ -writ r t o,Z103.with-

alto- H U C E Y L .H B Jcroioe

letters Letters consiaer ic intor~ or in bod tojtc wii 3^-l^.b^-mfttcriaIjxprcssigf

. . - we do not puo wnter s a n j generally lephone gious quotations.-


1 '1 win lui^t letters lo'400'

itt-'ciosed-deortneeting-conr.. ■.: board o f education may. not b e ' _ to coiiduct business. Times- -

OKa^p6aitiieJnsjgliLt9_our____ling the d6or^f<wmrounica;-.....-tg a glowing light on ^courage- .phactlce whm w'c prqach and-.......

iirShd blaine. I chal^CTgbyou', borsqfcbnm unication,use ' ^ ! to -d ]^ the.clumnels;.lM’s:sit.:: - linstorm .oyr thou^ts;'define sstablish critcria.for a workable

tr- Kai J.UiaPpfSgKagJWUiUil^y—iccomplish"tf wcull-work'fb* )sitive,.colle^yp effort to pass ■ Mca bond'leyy, ^ 0 E io w s . w ;challen^ 'w e:w i»:beable----- ^

;udents- give “ance, the know how to build a Lct'sinot forget tha t the future »ts' in our children.

I ”


^ E m a o e ^

r has been an^hirig secretiveut this process. ‘ --------------------t.cmpted,”M a boardrtOTJpcnly~—bblerhs we ai« facing,: the a ^ ...tnUcipated resolve—"- ■IS and the committees which i_tQ_help'ta th itiu ^ this pro- ut ofthe public has always . . tfd and even solicited.

las been very deliberate in de-____

;-belicvc-thcrc-is amplfrtime-in-----I inform all ofthe distnct voi­ds o f this disirictand-the-ratio-------

d s . ■ ' ' '

n p a ”h u r^ u p ’!job.

67'T‘H 'm ffl//s/sr/je - - AerwmFfl//s5c/ioo/Boarrf. -

■ 1

few:iistcnera seemingly ___at all as far as gening Lo*

may want to n o ten f ~:han just a tew people like iuilgUl.ll^U!li.lllZ103, duit- !-!io not hear your ads and ' ■__onizg your businesses. __^I3 'h e lp gel Logan;backJt ownjjake.. •_______ __________;^w iih the change, please rTrid the cps> rfT-tom p nkflT"" nth-yourcomplniBt.atZ103, ~

i : :HESS T— ■■

idercd libelous, obscetie •. -w ilW «-rqecteiiro»~'vilt~ — — singjaciali'cthnic ocjcli-*— --------

puolisn verse or poetry, llyrem ove or Jimit reli- ns.--Articles taken from 'inr^lhiotbeTcprintcrf:--------?nacc

ed. The T/mcs-NcH';tre- ■TOTdiratticttcrs. ^

Page 11: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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mmrT n w V o iiiin iittiu iu |iitui n i i a ia 11.7«» APD. «o«iI awntUr p a jM lt u>d J*MO.NaB«lloet>P.ynwn»».»Wd^*i

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Page 13: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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3 *r — ^

: —— -Ameriiiaiil-eai-------------------~CSSB«e,DWoio:fli

___ _ j..CMten4lKN«>Ail(.«. Kin»MCI»itTtaM.jr.}

; 3IationaH ;eani^ * ■ 8t.lOull4. MgMrMl3 '

9«nFiwdMoe.CMMi- > — ■ 0IW 3 . T llU 8 « m i


’ , '.L

: ~~ [gsaasL .^.,,-,--" . - • PRO»TOOTBAa - •

V ' IM O «TWn Fait. 7;3( _ ^ — ,fl»*1«irJlAs*k»»f«l»

J«CBtntM0eedlr«.7:aa -------------------V M ^K P rM nrl

“ HMWIMOManNMW). nmreekai»Ue«nwn.7:

. J«loarylMu>Uugn.7:a

. ■■ ag.?«?pgy!=*e-..". 8h»««tafDMIch.4p.i


_______ i-CTiitunnVMBYimiai~ ~ aoeepa~~'''"

— .'IMnFtMWWoedRivw:

— dS B B-- ------------------ BMt—dwmillC'S■ ■ is;2sia's■ — iiKh.-=Tt^Aig:aM------ -

U o f P s l S

—'■■ - - — <on<' plitn'a-to ret

s- ,Uv^ fic if tom4he■ ■ '**THfV c i tno-up

' ' ofTcfTbut if wasn’ —— — — Shoroiusnd-I-to J i

r-± H g 5 ;» ^ ritiS m g

Comi Gables, Fla.------ ■- ■—eringrthe-M Iam i'^ _ K e U o r , - 5 0 r 8 a i d - h <

lection o f the scho

....M urtaugh fai

---------— "MURtAboH--^____ football~8nmc"sc------------- tonight-hM t o u ^ ^ l l hosrShi

arena fo r con_ V, .SALT-LAKEC

m d a .Jdpwese f

-----------------NBA~ im w m COI-— r -scat-arcna-by the-

•• oflicials said Thur--------------------l e niiii or a a

' Tryst and Banklnj year construction

^ o m i> je iio n ~ p fte

house the Utah ja: en-Eagtes o f the

_ ^ 1-enatic.- ------- -------- -TCompUedt e

------- : — Woaauestl— ' qu iet p la i

------------- — — ' " • a m

= ■..... ' R o n Dari__________ ■ ro p n r fg fh?

fellow pit “ i------' "^androtWlBtQ

- : ■ witfi"tlTo

- 1

iillllii|iiiili ^

“ i I . B u s in e ss •' ~ i . l _ jC M s s if ie a ■

in inn

aagiie ... . - I lL .-OTfllmlriKitti' T'

Drtil ' ' .

£ W . ; ;

,7 3 0 p ^ ■Fj5 j J3 0 jub-------------------------------730pm . . ■____________


-------- :------- ---

4p.w-. ■ •

ttif.T pjn.

u'&airo'^opift ■3. Ooft Q y jc .

t e l l e r t u r n s

rrn tr t fnr hii | 8th ymr,.

thoJJnlversity^f-Miamir^” 4ip-with a veiy-j tttMtive>-r- isn’t attrartive en b u ^ 'fo r ' ' o4eaveJvl6scow,'^KcUec__

new^-by-'M iami-Athleticl^ 7liacTS^ieB^jist’*W(!cirfit‘- 'la ., and has-been consid* ' jn i-job-for-tw o-w eeks:— l-ho-was-a-unanimous-ser • 5hpol’s search committee.

facing Shoshone___i S a w a H p p ^ ■B -= rT hc-liigh Khdbi::

n ctinc?llfd i-lnslpft'ji Mvr* i-' Shoshone o t7 :3 0 io n l^ C ^

onj«iflncing-ngw— om ing season• CITY — The Utah Jazz e fmance.cdnipahy-have I

compleie-BHBw 19,600- he- 1991r9Z season,; team .. Iiiirsday.\ i loiin wim .su>H»6ih6cing.Co. allow for a twp- bn periodT-fcllowcd by a' iTive-ycartermioairupori“

. jazz and Salt' Lake Gold-. the Intemalionai Hockey

r tlo tiH hev illlteass layers, an d w e

nym ore.lL—

1 —

t h a t h f t ," a lo n g w ith pitcher Bob. Ojeda

' 7“ next season;—


n B v V B S a im S r ^ “ -------.limes^News w rito

= = » T W IN - rR U i5 -= - M - z d i s m a s T m a a a a S ^- - - aww ar to .be prgnature. - “ : - ‘ ,bave W hite, p r w i d S - i --ley-R iin-Jlunnei»r«»ou' • bi^brgaoiz^on will

- '.-i tcd>QX Rim' over th e 7.2- — rio-^awards-or'Tishiits-j- ‘‘ ^rwe.- • ■ -

' ■ ~ v ■ ~ Gtjng a lack o f financi

^ _OAclo!»-Bry.Qe O s te r h

— , - T f i ^ S i S a . w rfatfrr - ^

T --o ld so maybe it!s.too ea r,, c,.«

~ - “ By'beating' the-Filer _ tlu-eequarter, t h e - ^ [ r _ —i^fira.C^anyon-'Confercnc

— ^ W e ’ b ^ b e - a b l e I - because we’re going to

------- clo- Goach-JefT-Peaks srcitious question.. Filer Coach Wade Qi

• tied f w illusions that I ■ biiTtough going into the'

11—:|;They_wereran BsLt^ — cvcrybodyback'. They

..... : several individuals that ilot of-things,” Q uw n^

r r —into-that-kind-of-(pa5: voice u iiled off.

— TThe Times-News

“ oraer oi me evening as i 'ins;knockcdofr the Mif

_ 15-10 here Thursday n girls vollcybaU action.

Thc-Bruins were led. _____ ing- o f Ashley Mayes a

Z —

Bruins 15 points.In the, first gam e it '

” — Ujemoftiyfdurpoinls.-':- “We anticipated the b

a = = Tl ft I

~ " - MLbK^=The cow . . . . ------ 'thVb'attle'at Thursdi

“ ~ ^ l y 'a~feW failing to tKeir critters into sub

__________Deb GreenomA--• rode to-a 78-in-the J

• — ^ d 3 l^ o i ig h .L j5 u m _____,__PRCA world. .b a ^

__nursed a sgvere rorH ~ hand.

-31— —jq u ec ze-ic m -g o ^-i-dTaiid~^»fegnnuph.-Ht

I horse halfiviiv thmm . V “ Teird- id tiiric'to .tidcr

Z T Z 4 Z r Z Z £

..' •" chgn

no H

^ t » R i rt-road^rac8-for-f

lentbf^-the-Kta^ Val-.. cow itoufloed-4%uisdaHbat----- ^Q j n ^ a ho-Klls v c r - ' Cou) poupuilaady-host^be qnd 7.2-mile co u j^ wheterTwec ts~are“givcn"after'-the,-^-‘'l


B rhoutb rough .th i

^ I S only two .wgi^k'^iT^gC


iler Wildcats 40-0-in^andlomets collected-their----- Ilcnce v ic to ry -^ -sec— utes

le'(oi)lay-four q u a r te re ^^ ^ . to have to,’-' said De- the J sm'iling-at- the-super- - Ash

Quesnell.said he car- four U Declb was pnyihing sion the' g a m e . ' ALteam;last..year with- mer cy hav'e“thafspeg3‘1h'“ bro» lat allows them to do a 15-j nell said, “ y t i r n c a Hev ghf<nfln--feMtt-gnd- y ---BraipaS8)-cov«tigen:*^his‘-----f»!

. had”

— ^ Lor

aa Ulii TWlIL PUlli. UlU- m il Minico Spartans 1 5 ^ , " ■T y nioht-in high school tom 1. . . gancdJjy.lhe.strong.sery;_ Bru !S and Kristi FlaVel as~ T )L-L&.ollibc-^niins_2.0_a.m

counted-fo T Bix of tj>e C , G

it was the Bruins de* .usei

le ball well,” said Bru- thrc ich-of-hts-teamBplav-^the.

^ b o y s - ^

iowboys got the bwtcHjfcr'" redoyn i^ tV insiaU m cnc:^

g to 'ro ^ , ride or wrest(c'~jft submission. . scyh of F rom b^.-M ont.^-in he-bareback riding-corai—.

urrratly^ . e i ^ i h j i n i i O l ? ^ a^_ack-_suuidings, .waa.- . y^

rone bum on his riding th . — bi

yeciLyaiiJ if you can’t.--di >d-thaju;nakcs it tough,” — gHe-nBgiv=flgw=nCC-4lt8=^rough the cide. but-recoV-___ider out the full e i ^ t secr.'.. .

— .::a> —

eaburg, gener»l director.oftl r. saTd Wedoesday his orgai I longer coordiute the eyeni

r-five^>earB.^Publi8bg-aOTo-l s nayyaper.oeeds to nave-1

Tbiuun-staits;juul-£{usbes-i )untiy Club vrith'a dii^^out ^aJrot.acra8S.tfiej^ernM .; 'een.' ' -.‘Theieal-allure-ofihisraoe 8 a beautiful place to .start i ^■anid it’s-a rd i l ;c b a l la ^

h e Flter-dafBiisaiora:2f|

•' ’T ^ y i ■

but t'eaKs was'senous wE

iuId-wim-l-thoroughl]MMlie id-it.-|.didnU<fccl-we-were. id I told theni (the playert)-tl JLtook-iustnin^secondsun e s - fo r - th o s c -p layerr~to~

.They.drovo.with.the;openii e big gainer a 34-yard pasj shcr-to-Bfyce-Ostcrhout— ffinLQycdipUt going acrosj ur yards and then lacking o on. - ,v '_ • ■ • • •After three punts, Declo p entum BRain when Brandon oKc a"iUiyard run"taihc^ril >.yard - penalty, - Asher- tur ew ^:for:48 .yards.andjhe .

-Midway-througlrthe-secont id to punt ou t o f its own et

Offensively 4he Bruins, wc bri Blackwood. ' ‘ , l irth 'e -J T ^ a t ey ih y -B w iii

The'Bruins'will'play host t

unes getting under way at ruin Gym.The J V ‘games are slated m.,aLOJLcary._____ ____

G le a n jre n y 11, l3---------GLENNS FERRY- The I

9cd a strong transition gam(

The. Pilots JV defeated U iree games with Friday Gu:

;ume eonl1 r U u . C t r 1 x \

^ d s = = ---------------: .■■■.■nctL .'1'^ ■rgTTuOTiafjeT

soon you get m ad and all

: There-was iio pain for I

wm ilinB event,in.4,K ftrtTn hifflj-bnej-tenth^bC-a. sea AVednesdfly!a winnerjfoiilbj >r-lt wais-just a leisurely ni; the 6-1, ?ilO=pfliind Smith, beeline for - the concessic dumping hifsteer. , - - — ** j^t-w as just a real-jgooi

,P lM d e 's ^

fthe:M agic.yal. ‘ -*iWe?U l i g ah u ^ o n - could with no av ent. Tbe ^^mes‘ , Fpr^moi

>ro.Hartgennotod-giBcs.Ate fC- help-from tb e . s p d o s b ^

>ut o f tho canyon—and- free-iVP T>rif<gi» tn h»»~. '♦>»» w e n t ^

ice-is the course. -- Hartgen rt and finish the communit ige,»^Whlte^aMd.r.-: Tin?es>Nc

q H H H

2rpo ln t.conversion .in .T h

T lt-g ■■. - •

Ariien ho said "LwtaKing ovi |)eeJ.,tieve>i>ui Hy _.playt». in

licvcd it when Tj iit*?ppcd-C «-rcady-to-play—-tion.^— ^ i)-that.-.-- V — - Aiwear; under four.m in-^D cclojip . o -prove“ Peaks“ bury scor


from' Travis - down by I------ to-a'=touch'i—ing-i(-34-5pss for lli°.,final ._ D iic |i> i so n lh c c o n v c r- ,

io^Bralkcnbu”' IfilCT^BrAfl^ a—diio^ " i tumed to Alan ■he.sccond.score..:-o-H*^«i

ond*QuarterFiiet endzone, Dftclo «>»«

" ' 1 .

were sparked b y ___G o o ^

iit*rw otra-thrcc^-^G O O D------------------- ^- th o jg p o dst tb 'a 'fbur team lory over

at 11 a.m. am at In the J games to

!d to start at 11 lS-5.

........... .•------- :------Pilcr.l^'v«ii«y

---------:------------------ V A tw: Declb’Homets by Chalti ime to defeat the cats to a

1 the Hornets in volleybal 3um -sM tsliQ gja^ In thb


t y m i d j Jii

Dll' the pain,

r M U c e " ^ t h T o T : ^ ^ |

i£aii'di . T a r ^ ^ ^ ^ B«cond-iihead ~ o f ^ ^ ^ ^ H Jb-C.flyerall

iion s ^ d , after


........ '1 ' • '■... . . _ . ........ . .

Ip ip fc jnkeep-it on the basis of the

I awards.” . - - more than 10 years. Ihe Rim

^fewt-and. tHrM-4ihCT-btaii^ ^ . t b e race. S in ^ 1985; the YFCA has managed _ the. rai

w-advmising-csscntially^'^i al-woiriditricasr break even fii

gen noted that with hew area: mily ' needing donations fh) ■News — Centennial-Park, th

l l r u r s d a y ' s ^ O ^ '^ b ; ; ^

^ J - - . A i \m s 4U-0option.pitch -r=ilDeclo-scarc


earlyi 4ipj?nJhe„ Wildcat_ 10 and E cored from six yards out t\

i-A aher—nailed-the-qulek*t>y intercepting a fiatpass'am 14 y a m . " '■lo-then-lyrned-it-over'to-lho and sophoriiore Corbin" t i up with Kelly Croft for I ! final points.

laei&^o ■' ”■.000-0


Kiing 15,15 ia d I9 .1 2ODING-A-good-tcam cffor »oain8 j.wia>nnf I n T f 1 ‘i ver the Wendell Trojans herfihi---------------i—--------------le JV game the Senators need I to defeat the Trojans, 15-'

i j 5 , i 5 ~ ^

lalti Gartner, sparked the Fii J a 1 5 -l5 r'.13^ y in over ih

ball action.thb JV game the Vikings ata-16-l4r-lii« 13. . ' -

v H d n te n o ta o r ^ ^ u l k lUil^<H»-trnfte-dH 4i5-«»c6(

I Z Z I 'T Z " '

' »■" ■-— •—

im a rn lntie-lcebOT^Fj<lls~tibnuy,’ Bi

available for the n m to Rim “I would like t illly, JM UtllihUA, bill I tnlesses-co— munity=0r=c0rSt: EcI^G gicrsSSD T ris"a prci race. u . a , ask ifit 's ah event

. • . '•'bthcr. sponsors. V eas o f i*c play ihcse kind o rom ThetheT W ln- • , • Plec

M i are-c

TbeA ssbdatt

— - w a s h in gP U P B i viewers orca’t

o f college fo< f w . . " v .a ram ts on c«• - - ' • Trade Conimi

- ' system.The Colleg


fihow-tbcm.^ administrative

tjoamMKinZ '! ‘jWc ' want- o n T B F T ^ - p l » ! ± " d m

_ .__• shown and wldirector of'thi

— :---------^ —W hlclrtheCFfor its 64 -me

"• * schools or tele’,:v • ~ T h e C F A J itnm mree

^ nc?n«n tO' tllC bcncli 'JA . -FKWtth r& M uu I- rcT

- " c o r te l. We 01striding outpi

i b l e . S i t :Brocken- ABC Sport

“ ■publics nteresi k ^ d in g ------ slgncd’ tS ^ f fnd return- _,college.^fOP«bi

possiblciAUxiiho-secqndj::----- qunlityof=^r

Knowles .. will benefit 11 yards college footbt

’ ________ A n . admini_________ _ ITfuIejonlHcolI

ilive practiccs Thc'dccisioi^

...............five FTC c(• - ' miilety In nTiT

i '

BwlCTTisTlX W bodRiverK

brt helped - -BURL[jY--Thi ISf.17 <f» - --^ln>niLagfgmivc ere Thursr as they held ofl___________iUfs 111 win 15-cded three night.)-'l, 9-15, The Bobcats___________games but allow

baclTstrong!. ■'•. . . lU 'a iu J V"i:

'iler W ild-' Jerome 15 14 Uie Valley Kimberly 0 ,) i

confbined, tiT las beat .the ■ piojE

I/Ill :r*r‘r''."'

ondaH n-the b u lk to M ^ n ^

L7 " .

:• C ' C f c ' «• • —■

,• Business-Piiis - — - less was heroce., . • • T ke lo-scc tiic'Rjm-t'o-Rim-run,------r

Orspoiisorttd-event,^H artgcn rrrr- h premier c v « 0 ) ll ic r s neecf to- • ■ : vent,w.oriii sponsoring. ' i ;T)tlwi r wTi&-.ffamcTfOthff1tn^— r; aTis-with-ihisi t n n iaslii e i s c r"?::;:

s. We’re going to continuc to' J id o f roles. We're members of,’ — 1

3 |eose s e e RIM-TO-RIM/B3

"viewers- ^ -cheated ] G^laims— 1JatedPress^ '.ll

'ca’t gelling a full selegtion ' - ' | fo<rtball games due to .re- ■

1 compeiilion. the Federal"” mmission said Tliursday in y 4 i ^ »M >ytnTtinnL-'- t*-

illege.Football Association _ j

-oomnotitioo;-both-amoop— ,-~ ^ l iat want - to market their i-T?r^atibns-tU nii»ianid< ^ - I 'l l '».^ho.FTg-i<t-clmn»it»?-in-fln--------- 4live complaint'. • _________ ______Lant-lo-have_ll.xtt-markel. I— j, mcnuiiic whui guiiius uiu - “ | rwhen.^'said Kevin'Arquit.' ~ : T : P’the FTCUureau ofC om - : . '

the current system, qnder ~ ~ '• CFA'hegbtiaicslTcOTtfoct............-member schools, is not in

t e l c ^ o n networks. iAi-iinmedintci^anirounced " ?

!nefit . o f consumeny" said . : -GPi \ *! r 7l t Wy’? * , . i

e ore not mtere3tcO"m 'TC-T miput.' We are irying to get on TV."ports' issUcd"a~statcment"M:'-----------exclusive arrangement-witlv''entirely lawful and in the_______•ercal.—The-agreanent-is-de----------- i-■erfErri-broaa-seieetibn-of— -r * lotball games-to the .widest

Thf» number nntl-;.'------ -^m es-availab le to-viewers------- ^fit viewers, ndvertis'ers and , otball.” :nimslrotive law judge, will______ :B ailceaiions o f onti-compct- .....ices after a hearing Nov; 13.ioi^can be appeal^ to the_____; coinmissionci^ and ' ulti- ■ . ]itii» U.a. Cuu iiu l^p p e iil.i.' . — H

y r * — *------- ------- -

lir ts ™BT 1 0 ,1 5 .9 .--The Burley Bbbcnts got some w y p ta v ftQm-the!f~b~ick row o ff the Wood River Wolver- I

15-10. 12-15. 15-9Thursdav I

ats sUirted strong in alt three lowed the Wolverines to come

/"m a tch . Uurley . won-.tS-rS. ~

i 14.15

:.a j . . '. . ! r - i . . ;i lp d the Jerome Tigers to-a

fla sg - se e rV O L L e Y B A L U B S ^

[CO I16«6gTbfltV t6r ___ =n ^ v w « : h u i ^ a y j ^ _ ;

Page 14: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

Bwiiftit.iji.:iVii •'i'iVr.?;!i; 'i~*-^.,.. ..'..y"

q rr 'v^.;. -jrr-»r- ; ' : /r*B«Pl**n

••'■»«•»• / ' . Tl. *e -,

M fW ^........o m m . . . .e t-} ! - .i S S i r r : •:■.»*£!■ ' • -•S ^


;.,. • w),53Spm- .-.'» «u.iuMwi?jmfl<mi!n(DMJ

L — _2»W Cft(Otrapn tOrt) «l't»i» ™ ■ ’." _ : :

1 ■ .'ait»««mot.' • ' •eiOKWan

•. _ PBIBUV .• #1 « .'. ■ N»«wi ■ ■ n :» • 'J

UMM 71 as - J.< - . -- .. I.MKH1 .. . . ' w 71".' : - .

.CtnmM ' 7* »^ A w iln Tl « .

.jfef^BOMP ro 87• . . f ^ o v o . a TJ

__ .J . ,. .Huatn- . - --0 -T4^_______ AUfU M 80

r===Tr?G Sttsbnndr=Eiiatesi ; gaifiC 'sweep ■ over- tl

■7— i— nrnilaiBle mree-duy " v.-;~r: " •'UfgT«<atloiTfll~Cea^

Pirnies a f e m 't ';^ d ;

aren’l waving a flog o•■.- .■• ..1;----- Rookie-Randy-Ton". . : Diiditnn'iit Class AA

.. . . . . . , -niajor leaguc'complet' Aw'nrio» -w>nt»n>«flrf-tf>

P - ; - - * '- '—Thc -P irates'- fin « a =L^sweep--ovec-.theTMete

^ “ agn instJefT ^ider st] .;^_llLl_:jihc|f-fonBest-of-ttrc^

t.------ .'. -York n « i week. The.. season with three gi

burgh. ' • • :'■ .... ........~- T K e - ^ ^ h w - ^ c

-.--~^n5 0n-j5 hjjs in 36' . the, losing streak,. Nc

2'6~thls season agniii.....— nnri=haT-tnTt-ylY~^tffl

i-— - L i - j cnipstJelty-starters^

f — ~Agags r„ ■ . mOY(

•: •:n e v 7::x o r k . 4I ■■ nnd flashy and t

_ - max. Andre Agass ofblast-awoy tcni fior * nmtrh np^inf

r— -T im hcl±S rO pm -«

i ' ' , Gran f Cian!“ ' c1!'c-i----------------Atidrci Chl:iicui>b«I ’ • . Thursday night or

' proof’ that he isn^

America’s top j

|T“^— h3'oversized, '^co rackct and l<cpt Q

-■-■... defensive m every" '• • . ~ ~ G h e rl^ o v rw h o

■ Miilhfit*! f 'h n n p in found that there’s

■ than his funky gj -------------- c to tiro B y ^n d r^o ri

------- -^.AgasBi-took-*^*' to charge the net t

^^H onlidn^tjjS liow -* 7' ----------b u f af^er ap rea r-of

—■"■■" ■' U wiis'ncvertrtoi - end o f the Grst i>et

~iiie^s«»rtd?5^aK sj

■ '’: dc^'Tn^^c'coniCT

..............wcfe a rocket.--- , ' Agassi.tO.ok.pur

-in ihutVhol.-gaanj T— “^ i on;!- bd o tte.atMty

..... ..............with nn nccaiilt tHfi

N . i , b o x s t o ]

M .Ml--!” ; : '

' '■ ■jKS'e*" ■."‘t r ^

V l»>—»----> ^ ,-.-..^00 ..(j:a^ S iT ^ '. . x Y iT S

WT , . tolFiaite. ,. • : ' m.’’ m ' '- ’I 1

S l '

~ f i i “ ”* “ TijntU£—. . ' 'tru es ..«2’ 7'^ s s r ,“ j j i s s ■ a « : ; r ; ;o « ^ ' ' oSHJrt M

th ree; ."* : M • 'the New Yoric ' ' ’ eotnpleted a Tc« -1' ,{--

ly tumurouiiU lu . Boott> ^ r r ^ s t r B o r t h c - " '^ tady tp raise a

g T f s u i r c n S • ^f o m l in n W ^ w a s - J S - J l^ !\ A ^ m u ii'th ^o ,

>lete m m e as left-

------— —major-Ufirst -th i^gam o:^^ iy“ ^

’iw?np^8tfeai<7 U - - y ^• stajters, also ties ! sca w r i i '- ' - . “Whei

*he Mets.closc th e . pilch^ag ; games in Pitts- .was.altr

. ' Tomlin,

New York is 21- - 7 ,ia ii iS T e f t-h a h d c i^ ^ ! !^ *

rs. ' Jerome

gfj^bwers /es on tbiL^(AP)1 psyched to (he side, c assi put on-a shoW. UnU 'fln ;cnhis -to-set -up 'a into the ■ina-Bori^ k e r — n-scmiTtnaiS. - ' cervine^ 10 his first-'-love— iheWefe u fHSQvigt-a - ' -U wa sov 0-2, 0*2, 0-3. sccond

and gave further breakin in^ iust the tennis Acasisi

ip player an d -th e’ ■ Agas ifflf nf-vonn'o slug- nnls h&

^ M l lW ! i l t : 5 i l1 l - l .m i - . leon gTMn, power ..advwt] '■Qierkasov bh the' .'cxperie

/ho •beatTbaaelinet- -ohee^bin Ihe t^ird round. miintrT

:’s more to Agaisi , green.and black .

rcvcty-opportum ty.. umpire ct and_kill the ball Anmn

low ^m tw b-jm cs^ ,— o f p u mp ing ' ir o g ; ' ' 3 . b cc

Tlon r so^tliait-a t th'e ■■ G rand- set and througho^

net oh game point Eicdc n S ti5 tfc B K T ^ w fii t= ^ ra “ . Askcparticular.pleasure .Becker un&at it in odmlra— fjjrme;

iHbt had the.So^ai^l niatchc

a 1 j-'o

, , - 0|i<a U4 ~ *

SKi“i g p r'eMnp;. t a t l. .

E —

4abo,ft, • IMW*l;v -JOBO-U

i ' i ^ j ^ ^ r . . . - . v j j o B » 1 »•» ^ • . iw i r : : • lo a iS; 2 : i '4 jBoat u

m w i * o i o •2 S 3 “ - l n ? *■ Hr : * * j g j ? wSTtM y ' r

ii-M -..-‘i -

-in-iwo-runsi-givihg-him^a-ca ligh'lOl-RBIs, and the.Pirate; :ed out rookie starter'Julii a ( I - l ) with five straight hit

rg H e rp i i i i!i>;.iia»tt.pia c O Ttames in the standings in threi

n I in _ (2 - 2 } ^ h o _ h a s _ a ! iS □ n n t i i lc s ib ii i i£ s f3 S 0 5 S 9 • leag u e . stam , Jiejd the s untiCTim J e u i a ’s ODerou e in the fiifUi. JoKnson foi I_ttitlLaJlBLsingler.bul'Jomivp'iiH*j M*{t niiff n^ftf^tiit"stnicIOJii«^jMllLiUns£9IOlSK9K .twice, and walking none. : h'eft’T 'w a s in- the* minors,.

against the Mets . and i ilmbst like I imagined,'’"saii in, who was called up'Aug. 6Wnn'-n TTinf<*h~'irB? *K;?TSg rfj»f frorti GiasrA A A-to-AA. , .:

■ s^ -P h illie s r - -

le Walton ~and 'Mark Graci

^-way tor t

itin f frenetically from.side to d c s ^ ra tely cfiaSng balls

the not;-- -------------* ---------jffCT<—fln<ghi»il lliu Mil w ir tr -ace winner to taR^thTgainc'ot

wus m ofe.of-the oome in 'thb nd set and-tiiira,- ijnetKasov king Agassi a few times but a i coming right back with his

jaMi. s t o p ^ ih .th e . '^ mifi-


intage o f Cherkasov’s'lack'of rrience. ■• ' ' ; ■ ." ic: Soviet .playcd..hcrc_onlii ^^tefore.-rJoainR ~in tlic:-firsi

xker, the. defeadihg-champi- ■tQQk_a_::sk»w/ir_^appriwch^ tirife, ■ awakening-ftpm a '^ ist-

ire, tbeii-rirrbieBkihgrrTdowo m y r ie k < t e in ’9 o n e -d im e n .al' Silsiilfiifi ' ' '

-hniirf^ ofcflnturinB his Hnil r f ^ a m :^ t l^ i8 - y e a i - - w e R tty ■ good." Ddw th a t ' -lyan

rdcer. p r ^ c te d io long match R ^ tf jW sl : _ - - . - i k ^ to 'fbrecast the outcome, ter said, ‘• the .fifUj sci

■i..ini4 __ HR’l?,:have...tQuel:ihcsTrim'd . ' s q u ^ .; througfc

- - - - - - - - - - - - 2 , .

------ J. . - fr^g----- OBB~«~r 1 -» ■' . Mwwp luii ;i c 0 2 - t ^jii»iiw--.-no

e a 0 .a iT ' OMt: -•lo c

..... rij. ^ 1 ........n

j - ^ '* . .eVaen u u . . .(Magct^BTq

a ESi-'.'«.iM» ‘^ati"*^!^ Pn»flnWaki t t n a.....Ui<ihM^ t j w

t . .......... ',T-w.fc^ q i» ■

TWajtflW-.! |y - i ■.■ ■;

S-M K IIIB IO , 5 I S « ' ' - 111

r r i ; . - , - S K : v : i i


i v

S~tvert'=4 c ls " ' . • . \;o ia . I____________ -,T oi: .......... ^° ? ^ ^ ^ e d s '-8 e c o h "d 'b a sB

J__■ eaich drove in..two•s,. r~~CHicago- C ubs toolT

id i t , TBTS.' • • ...'said ;josc'Niiiiez'(2-6)rii i 6, o f the season.with tl ^ i iS ^ 'f S i i^ i t s - a n d - s t r u c I ? . .:. .■:2*3-inningsrMitch-Wi

— — 2^1-3 in n in g foKhisU ' GraccfliitlSinRBi:

- ^ - th i r d ~ a n d ^ the Cyb; race times in the s^xA. Ji

w firm ^3 g m lin: to -them, dnd then later in a l ls 'm ch t'p lay !‘the best tc

— T-kecp-'him-'out.‘there al I T h o n I tliinW V hiiigV w


thb — R>. -fcv»»- ir^ tnppy;Hui SOV set, including-14 unfc

and serves sprayed a njs court, cost • him- aca

stem^s steady, somnoi lifi- stro k e , a;m ------

U ^ e - m a t c i ^ l i t y i n ^ w

f o u ^ game o f that piN

f fm l ' I lo«;t tn y . «^nn<ipi* stiutcd itervihg better. I -jn_jilU hej)pportunityJn.l ;rst--rT ^l •him."! •aian’t;:Ki

ASMChan i ^ n r .-so icn-.. -p^ tnrr "—-----game w hm he had to,

•■s TOng r S ” “ndstrokCT-

Hrst blurftm all.yjm ; 'B w ker: approached

.-■■I '■■'winnv'w<»— o f those i>olno;-=“i tc h ' ■____•'• • —— — T Meck«^ft-*crvCT-al&

'and more accurate. H< --I 48 perccnt-of his fin ...._ -th t.dpehing seL.niiJ;

wnt-“ » n-th8 owond-and-t

u g h .b f e i ^ t accs.w K rtcfe

B » S iiE

; - ■ - - - - :

rVt* •', W M

! *■ *■: S

t a a ’ t t . ' i - . i ^ ) H i a i, a a a r —n w w ^

gg r a s r T s s r ^ a ' '- ^tt a 8 •;■» 0'0-=~a«—W W '».

lae'o ' i«9 M '

BDI ew 881 8 ■ — -------

- .H

14 0 8 8 I 1 \ tdUlU 1

-;,i a a 0 0 '"

w;ra»^»«aBtWn-’ ■•,.•.

X s c o re s *

8 11 mai'-', :»iu t- .-.!!*111 «M(t> laoo

1 :2 Mrtf •4 1,18 • g*S i* > ,

r i i Cmrwarmo ,■ y**. -


3 runs and the (-N1) wai k advantage - of^tw cf outs iJaddphiftrpitehrrrfimhWal

. ruQsingli in his'third stin t— ; Chuck the'Cubs, gave 'a n d walk

i l f ^ u F le V W - i t r f i '^ o ib r e e ^ h •Villiamspitched-;-^— :------rU4th-savei...r..-.. ..G iants.f HZsiaglr-in - t h e - r ^ S A N - F lbs }5cor»?d - four garrclfe ' Jason Grimsley nings ani

mis M— — ----------- --------- . m A a xm the toum af'- ------- ’ ■'tcnh^s.of his, Boiiby

a ll-d a y -lo n g .- -' - .TKcfc’ will g o better s *

jforced errors

— “ 1986:—Iff cnHlrt T n el'I _ - R n r - A

ife wins i

iivbtal’second Joe Woo— :---------— ;---------- ^Fove*o!icc-badly,” he - Schoolb< ;ettine ^ Qhfi-- V l934i—nTidcnce, He r. He gave m e byT>m 1 i.lhe j¥o rld ;to_ _anrt_Rufc hit the :sKofs~~ c t f n g T i r■- ■ W itt S:

» .6 n c n do, •“ C.-JSS!

leln cydlU .•there in! -■■■ , —haw 'fiv<4 the n e t 4 5 , W itt i autu t i iU L ^ is , , ; HabanceTi -n n rt-w nn-^S - i-o essCol«

~ w f i L silso-gotlfftstgr- Jj^iik'ijiB-He made only HangersIrsfscrves in grand sl«LJiad ju s tx n e • ■_ofT Chrii

id hnd n tntnl -* _mueh_nhfetei(»!$1fw’.7i'-' .‘ZMjqrbc-l

■ • ' ■ ' ■ . ! . ■ ■■ [t- '

• V*J • - 4 '4' 1 .4 • '.Jrtrtt : . f - j . .f - t .: .i . , { , ; , - , .W i t , .>1.. [ .8, ,t-.. V

: - iM r v -t - .i r .—,' jS T F '4,a'.p-;^<-.;.a::ia.:;:i.-.-t--— ■OTylli lllMi7 i ,, ;,■ n<*i'’ii<ri« Witwii ' ." ' ' u a .7: ■ ‘~ ' : f y ^ ^ o S &

i~ T B y - ' : ; - - ttMALM

7 T ' I ^ £ S » l r i 5 ! r ^ ? >

■O M ! - * *■ - ^ S i i

in 'n i ls s ^ 'a ~ o ro u n d te > t i f f h u r s d a y . - - — =—

walked the_bues loaded wii uis^in3IUien..waIk6dXNiine I'altonrfollOwedr-with-a^* ig le ., • . -ck Malonc-reiievcd Gnmsk alked Greg Smith and Gnu

t e 5 R e d i ^ H E ± E E :4-FR A N G lSG O (A P)=^cc

dnd" Matt*^Willianw added -i

tfRangerjw ^ e d j ^ ^ - v ....... -..-I

by - - W itt- - chaising. Rog

re‘’8~more~tfiah” ju st” o' ’fii

t-set-ii-dtibnreconi-w ith -h :oasecutive-yictoiv-on-Thur ight,in a 12-1 decision-ov ifiSQs CiQ 'Royals.' . le rftngest winning s t r e ^ by

4 fo r the Boston R ^ ;S o ^

- ^Pr^rt ius in a.row by V ^ t^ Jb h h s i asnmgton m- li/12, SM6K< 'ood o f Boston in 1912, Lef i-of:philadelpbia-in~»3i-ai •Iboy; R o w e - - ^ f ^ I ^ ^ i t ^

n « ^ c g ‘ o 'r n f « i

t ^ i d h e 'is keeping'thougli tching. C lem «is-out._oi r

at guy.(Clemens) puts up tl CTS eVerv year." Wih said .'

in'tiisM iegory.'A inK i^w -iiiv» mofffgaittri**-------t is J5-8 wtth> an outsi< e to wm 2U games il tie ts su.1 in-flll thogei>car q r ~ ~ ~t said:the. only-**^2*' he w

:rs got huti, which included slam hom er by Rtiben Siei

hris C yliroli nind a three»r•*hy tnlfii Vtronr-nwa»'''^rM t'“l6“ g‘e f T i r t ^ W ill toiii. ' I'iaiu iiim iiim

n 'ch tijaft-l!ll"ab. it-^t.tbc-eii.d-of-t Ljuat-dQyt-.»apt4<ygftt-<«aufl

l l I■ i ae S ‘'‘-'MMM

nV -T aa-.-1-o a -o ......■-“ woeaifc

ilr£bV ■';"■■^ F = = = = f

V 1 I . IMM II ■i»;iatlM1l»

i l V ^ ^ k a n n e ^ t f S ;

with his >Jatiohal L e a ^ e ih '^T . toialzwithTi'iwornm::! tw ft- _ PtaneUcQ beaLCincin: - ■ . ~1Tie Reds wpn bnl

islc^ .-games at.Candlestick jrace . son. They entered. tl-------^ >j .giuiiu lead-ov er t

the-N LW est- ; .'::r .~ .7r.'Gin e lts r ( lScott—storts-against-Gincinn t' ln-~'iriclii'din'g''comin:g wit «1 -to a.noi-hittcr. He gave

rs 12-1


■over „j„gs. . , ; J .

b y a An'ffoTct?,■ tS ilb m ia '.s-Uanlc:

«5_12_ tied^h^am e-w tth -

mson '^u'liniaiA -iiin n th . RjR^r=r-BfdiBtte*s=*RiWg Leffy terman (9>5) broke a l-and—A ngbl»-poured-acrc it-^in - nms on a-lmsc»-toade

Scfiu.~tyb-rlm-sing: is 19 Kay w d ':K U i smgi ■Jiiba, White ana Lujst'OlOE

' Thc_nilly_"^”dff*jT ' _____ 8 4 6 0 u w ti-0 ) r * e - iu g h y b i w B ^ "

. .-^SaiiforriiFbimt-a •: t]ie nnil two iiUiings bu

^ ,w| ,tenockcd - ^ t Ntorit

itside~ tmipjres’-calhteversaisuc- ,

i was

Sierra I

...................................."■— j


, 1 I . =JV^V=S-J^ .............1■....... "■'

: - » a .a . i '» » ; ’ ,’ r i S S

:^--c^TDW5IXBialV.-~:--TnWir.!* 7 ' S

iNatiMMe.; . J«*a- .

M /m trn m ' n mSifiHM*'. — Watt

. Cm

•i . 8 8 1 8 18 U '■ ■' - OntM 0 8 8 1.1) 9 ’ ’ CMIJifcw" ’Ca B .r i i t . •• •;-..-.nitt•<-•• •:----- ; ‘-r.-l«n

*. • rmtMtfOee*« FittitflVwttPMMi . ' . : . IMi• - " SS

^ ^ P H I - i S f t e l d fe 105— RBl

m a a p M K ennedv B B H W H S w B .' siogie to n

- S l . LUlT jnV fn rH

iT ' ‘I .:t!ud i.iiii a i LbuiilcLh' ' TiinHXr

S a j r F f a n d a - . M gO ^Thi „ , , ; , . . . . - j— . |b e . th i td .i

b e ^ l^ in g 'R B I 2 ^ . ^ p lo u b lco s irS an rrrT o iacs tinnati. = hit<nly one o f n in e '- j t ir t ir .iCei :k ^ark jh l8 sea- by Gardne the day with a_^^kcn_D$ "li05=Angeles=ln-^rojings-fl:---------------- ---- -gotht8.=24i^ _ 3'.'l^m rfive-:_"JdluiJij ina^'-this-season.' " f ecf l innn /ithm one but o f ' piearance ' /e up e i ^ t hits i-ouis. -

a ^ a y t o

^ o y e r jL eague >>“>1™:

.......L eyntz.------------ -------1— w B g.tnw

gmng w t

6rk*6 iri 11 iil- flreibliM 'i id'6, Detroit .0 in . ' ly 'ft tn to Sl(i in i n H ia tb -

• : ‘ .C ah iy ? n a ? n d :

f ^ i i c o i d S c

» , b S | p ^iglcl-by—loHnny— 3:Maldo'n ig lS -b y ijevon ^ the r a oma. in the ^

) n m r Guiiru m itt. f^ r th rW !

i S’O lead in -T h e-^^^— ^ 3 u i.m e jfanKcea ^; Langston in a i' - - > ■ - ■ , ■ td tied*the gam ^

T~ng faomer by tho • • : ita.

^ * 4 B A D i r |

"ow ^ lV -iaD *a\i;.i.4 iL ;:^ i l

..-. W L W I W « ntm . 1 a :i a M a* ritetirt,-.-'Ta-,-1 e.i»-:i-— • •OgiCM» ^ - 1 a ^

ant - 8 I fl 1.8;»CMC8trfr 8 I 8-1 8 M.

-------- fl-1 .;-tal«MnMI« •. -..1."... ..„

miMftKM* „ , ' • ■■■ ■,' HWlAdCiwCW ••—- ___-

^ W ll Clarie doubled and ^ i t c h e i r \ ^ e d with two-

MwTild tirnfag— tfniin^m^Hfiiihli»H nfF the eenr~^ d fim « liihs' for_^

to make it 3-0. . • ' ■

l ln a lf f^ - ia q w a a .-- ^ ••

It their t o i auniB-miH iftr s t r tcTKelp'Eeat~MontreaL T : ■'Z:.~:: cford!siwafctbcrfirBt:o£hiicca-r

c s t j ^ u i s j c a i 5 r a : S i v j o p ^

rdner’sp itch . . •Dflvlev" r4-2^ woriced 'tHree_

S 'lbn& trw tn and Lee Smith- •f.=24th.:savo“ - : - — -------- —ijudoi'3isb'j^biir?d:t>vo:per£::7 iinngs- for h is■ fir a tT c l i e f ^ — ice 'iti~ l2 6 gam M 'w ith S t -

‘IRj^lSq*.uMuu .rCjjiayB UiUluuitfd iPg— as comfortaBlyTair.., ritz eventually struck out a n d . w s^-o iit^of the gam e fbr ar-‘ with the’ U m pire along with l^ nuiM^et^Stm and -

u u 6 , i ig e r s U

fit l" >

sLirining,.retiring4»ne- ~ .gnmW| whTffh atnrt<«H 07 min-

rtefiwas atw>edMUBfr<ftw4he—1 took th'e field f c llje’top o f •

d o n a d ^ - lf i i t W o'RBIs came - - r e m t o r bases-ioaded waucs fiiBt and.second innings. He

lut-a-throiM un-homer-in-the—

Page 15: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

j j

~ attwopt'in I- } -♦KTPi . f a t - a v d f l Sitnf

. L .y ' t$)'aiidiun8 f y t a t6 t^< "-^■* - ' IiilfrM hrirn nvnn

..^V ibe'theiwinnmgTO;;!:;!.

. . - j _ . y ^ ^ ^ b^ gles.-.All

—J —- „ , . . TaytoMnayLnot-bclh

'• :• w ^ n ^ 'n y :— ll be there forJ-hiladelphi

t ’-“It ' doesn’t'm attcK ' f ' Banks, one o f New Y

;, TheAflsociatedPreM

; -^'. tthbugh-noBcdarcd^dm . No^ 1 M iuni invade:

•■ diiOT for a game with ■ —BY'U'e BSahmiay mghi

r ~ ”But now thot this g we're e x c i ^ to ptay

j.rL ^Iusiik5aijoH ^

■ • chotce-iiwouldjathecJij “ •xmder m y fe lt to woric -->nur=tougs.-=wc^oced-U

- —^T^nfistokM and peryil ties/ ■* ’ The Cougars beat . U

- ’ 'n " Western Athlctic' “ opener last week as

_____passed for 3£7 yardsJcnm nndran l o T i ^ C'Qugars were Whistled

eiiieeptiuilii• »brawl resuhed in a pla^

. ,—. E^tyyyj3-y^n»t oIq) —1—-..-tgiim^B Inek nf dkciplin

. L ^ e s s ^ against Miami.

r"'iyr'ftijjjitr.“ ''''I - . '

^tOaldie^_ _ i-_ O A K L E y ^ T h c -O a :

. t;;.got a strong'offensive ' 'irom '“Ranion~Rodrii|u

~ ■ - o f f the-B uhl Indian* -:r30=l-4iffhIgh-5chttbVf

—-RodeoZguarantees in rbilco, so

..-.; '-co-with-itr^nd-I-gc • to n i^ t." . Smith, currct th e ^ R ^ .fita Q d in g s ,.;

~ ~ yn7m|»’ ct'(^ nn"i

He was rookie o f thc- - - - andj\wi1I-make -his-thir

•"J'inn'tolfic t ^ o n a i Fn-^ L -p is Vegas, Nev. m Dc

.......^-''aKVyfZ^, ~~ ' —

ished'fourth for the c\ Uine-Of 10.-9 ‘ii«H>ndat—

_ . A pair o f Caldwell

• " .r^ n m p lofi "Dgg-pfclccn ^ _ a n d _ his partner- Kicr iL_— .Electra' Tex. posted an

— f ^ P i o k e i t —and—SkdtQ ' staged, however, by ‘K

__ i^ C a ld w e ll-a n d -^ a tt J

- ^• voitey&C o n tin u ed from

,■ over Ihc, tOmbcrly i

___ l^oUq^ball action. .:r ^ .-irT F a lter-Bct-thing»-up- _____ ;- r f o rTnantfc- in-6c« in {

— > u o n tin u e d -rrc m ,B i_

, •' the'cianmunity. We ha STBlce in thg_cnmmupit^

• assess what we’^drn j^

r f ." t;lJ(dWl56,- B.SChcntFUI !-----rVoreed-^c-YFCA -fror

fftm---------------= rr^ =

a ' - ■ ..'-'V

S*». --.Stnraarf

: : r = ^ - L : - = = = : - g i A ^ D-Taylbr blocks^,- ^ i b o v o ^ e u d : S E to iitta

ididbwi;-;: - s h o w ;u p ‘

'i- :fa lcb as"a

All - fotir games ' ,''. . B u t ^

:. , '" '•S liiE B glhis-old-nigged. O r i t n a , !

leK”: Mys Carl , This Is i • YoHt’s officiol- 49ers, 2

8 " . In the 0 ...... * "ami' previ

'f g n '^ tg a i^ “ (6‘~ F r i e i ^ ^

} the spring, al- bowed to 1d m itli. '- .^JBYUiides Cougar Sta- ed team iyith 1.6th-ranked said, ‘n iu

- w e e irb e e a t^ i Among itratr nn T /rFP,; this yrnr.i

> game Is .here.. threw 24- tay ^ e national t ig u r ^ o '


^ out some'b^f '~Waihin«(»nesQta35es.V’. - .- .— - ^ —Montana- .UTEP, opens’its tic". iCbnference • Mexico' tr as Ty Detmer Texas-EI 1

ds and a touch- Mexico Stpnrr. HurffifT' . RfithUi

: l^ 19 times for I heading

alaver.from each bowed to' .. A ik M ii-

plcased-with'his—dropprf 1 iline m thatarea. orado Slal a d s will b'e nec- -S eason-0 ni. which, opens Force, it h

y a r g p s' •. ficrcThur

• , . The H< Oaklcy-Homets—the*first c ive performance Oakl'ey b! iqucz to knock second quIans j-J«V;-';squad----- Rodrigt>Vftl5tbau action' ' the 'iii^ t.'

I— ^ ^so you just have '

in fh r pm m d rn • ^

the year in 1988


rTw in'FolIs'fln- / ‘ 5 . ^ j evening with, a»'— ■ ■' "■ ■■■ Ofliy“t\ ell riaera dueled . ^ o r e jn . i

nMimc N ational .ca)iV ..pos L,formerjflljp/ial n f ihr niRl ecu o f GuldWBll Moms.

.an eight-second

dton. ^ gre 'u iv Thursday |T Mike Beers oi. l i.VS sec t Tyler-. o£. San , Paikcnof

aaUU ^ - Gilbert w

“ '^ u i i a o g s .

; auiidogs here 15- 12. 8^tttgh school girls._________

■ .. B lissI! up-with-8-8Uong— Rkhfia

T7 "Z^ ■ - ■ ■_ ••If-thej- p ------- L—ii^E z^ ah a ia w d> v c o p ^ n a I alwutthc

Dip^~ WcTat^ift-V'':rHc also

Im i^ id s iinT -rii' ' <0 i from the Rifh-to- printcdail

; . , ...T hs-ME

liw era stronfl fitelirig;

tbing. The ivei^ g t to a n o th ^ ;—

a ' ^ b e bly-~beoau9»-Hhgy-i a t '^ e o s e and the .^ g le s >

5 ^7 1 7 -1 0

ipfa"hisnew -be«M ^* where

^ 'b w e to likethem bfib^^

^ ^ d ^ 6 6 ^ ^ 4 K>iitNc>w

i s r ^ l w /i,-24il6: -r-

e only previous meeting, Mi- evalled'-41-17 -in Miami in 'hr‘jtc,firheforc.I)«nal6-:Erickr-IvedThere-Hyhcad-coachrBnritTT K a r ^ 's b T ^ y ^

to BYU 34-22 in 1986.U is to me-the most undenat- n in the country,” Erickson

ng'MiamPs letuniing'playeij

54-TD-passes last season.. He to throw even more this year

_onf,conflmnce game in Ae

jusm.AilU5itfe.c. ___ttef.actiop^Wyoming.playa.aL i«on State^Utah:vlsits~Miii-~ .Colnindo State Plays host to ia-Sta(e,-:rSan—Diego-State- its season at-Oregon, New ' Iravtls'tii Fmfiii Sfilc. ma^ SI Paso is home against New • State. ■ ■•Hflffaii~gnd~AlrForeofg:0^ing’ Into- Saturdayrs. game at

to nationally, ranked, Texas

d Tl 35-33 -decision to-Col- State. Hawaii has not started a -b-2-since>^1985.-For^A ir- it has been even longer, ivoz.n»_mnnngi»H jiitf fr.iir_r»»tushin^on':i:d 'at^ 'pts-ag8insr

lurtday night:— •----------------Hornets and Indians ended It quarter-tied-at-8-^-bef<3re- blew the game open with 22 quarter points'jquez-scored-three times' onK t . ' ,.,.

i. Ttk.. who Kook the oVcraU ir the first gb-around at 7;4s. • ' - ..............yand’PjcketrwDmhcTiationat-)ping-titlc in 1984. '-------bulls-were the only livestock^

ay, os nye of i i ridcre” failed 5. ■ . ' ' •n j ^ CTor Da ^ ^ColoTca ^

us the besl'oflhe flight with a.

ucas’— Marty__Stancart-ioa..

'“twjTOfW TtacnrfW lcd-TO-n^ th e^^d dle ^ ron^

» Btirig-a-7-l- for.tho-bot<-rida»lighL^-------is.~i9. is among the top five n’the tough CahTomia circuiti

r n 'ay night’s barrel race- in


— — ? , . . v ._ ..

. w ho'inade it hard* on thegs.f>-?V-Qinwfl ihft-StHIJoet) won- 8-15,15-9.

115,15 .

hey com ejig wilh a sponsor, iWerdsiyEs^iiEschcnbnrgsaitt: he YFCA remaining involved e race. “r d have tb haye a drf-

Isb noted'that fte event would J iK tJualpoHwl fof,a ’wgete:» , ir , T .ctiirtB,azld rncejvorkers,organizcd._^ MBgio-VaHev-Rim-^imncfs do

-■-r-'CnyJ '■r,.ialii_ i»rM. Si I |i^ le ^ ^ B o < h ; 4 w i | i i s c j l ^ J ; d g ~ tea^-lutve.-ye»tion-ini

By-i=ybteh# t eani . tbit‘ ril j

___ y i q s g s f g '^ j ; : . , ; -

t e vhave'hoiei:«u ov er-ira

he Malkowski. w h a CTded

lit r-

-------- The Dreneea may actnv p r o v ^ A i d this i?n^:___ Bowlm •'--------BRQ N€OSfaV*17rr»

T h 'cT ^tec l^ "'can*t"i ; their pITeiJse m geai

li- A&M.'in ' - “I hope w e're just aw

il ( .^-naVH'm UejjftehbBob^

— a hole to-recover from at- turnover ahd a blocke on they'capitalized.”10 Wagner attributes the

;rS • Pai'Jiiei', ivhich'disruptee ■f- • -^ e v haYdiffic^^^

He run it,” DeBerry said. “J » r dad 242 y&hU UUtlltUil U- . .pqingH»WlirnyB]l~th he •

iii-~s<5^'nrth'e‘F dcb iarw l ■to - replacing Ae deiiartedll ite—quarterback, ran for jw CSU. , nd ' ‘T b rh is f i^ g a m e . 1 SW played well,” DeBerry s

. nervous as a cat befoi •Qj nnd~he I'AH ifie-wronp- at first t> ^ ofTensJve'play

:as .He made ;the-correct re

o l - --' Wyoitiing-lt^ks to'a v l a loss io WMhington St ^ir—after leading t i i ^ ’ougai I2r ’- i 2'wm\ii8ii'ie n : ”i 'uiii»>»t tifnf. m tti» ln<!trut—a '^m e-sup away.’- rWy

f= w m---------The-first-came on a-ed followed by a 30-yard tre—finishing-things-off bj 22 3D-yardpass fromTyle

on -Jnii(ih~AdaiTisT;ol~flic' e r score on a 1 -yard rui

ail fS.Orseconds.---------—M - ■

la^—BgitiianMintf••• ,• ‘ '------- -

<k: --vd.gim Ccrtr. skw^ , w»«h.-

^ 3 IftM bi 8n«h. Mw IC«rt* > l i ,T i , 3ndD*v*Wooiit*rMm«-aeMa . 3nl Ftyik.Thomyoft, Ml»ki, N.Y..


ewTM IMna—___, - 2ndK.w»tKnud«in»ilTW«a>nrt w . JrOKiBJoP«tw-18.01i«»nM


ivellti- -1«»ZK*ChM«*ll-74:- —

2nd Cn«y D«Mr.-70

in Pa^VMB^RKtag;MI^Ro^>21.74Mcen«

JO-J«lBf#ndUlo<S •-22i«wxtt :.

the paced the w ay-fbriR el they knocked- o f f - t l

.on T igi>D I f H .' i r S k i night. _

-,—I,»The,'Sear3^um pcd.'0 . the,' second' game . scoi

^rTT^weredTpointa.ofr-their- ing~~'Loiitrol uf

ipr, not consider thc race

/ed . .Icf- - “ If thcy-actuaHy-mo\1__ :UlicaUy_w<)Uldh:Uiurt'iuid said. “It’s the landmarl =oesshere5=tti5:?J«HmoJ3t^ ids '•■ing -It hn«i. ttir ly s f pri?L— afterward._thc!_^L C-Oi dn wrnThff • " •=

U b ln 8 a-^ d n g -L .^ S E IJ i^

ifm h n ia 3 )e t R E D ^

ieir -UIC

ed his holdout . '

^ C H IC A C H R alto ii--^ — 1 0 , :____ _

n ’tr the' Super -ahapolis-7-— _ _ — ---------- SaiTDic--------------- ■■

r ■ . . 2 ^ ' a n i j ( I

rseem -to-'get” 't a s r S e a iar. W ith, the 151-72-1 (:

a tN o .1• 'Paul R oad

week behind,’! one back ;ii Wagner aaidi ' Utah, aft

asz the rA & M rriiQ O O rpa r^ w T > n ‘b o O i~ l9 ^ r v « ^

n it. He had a , years. Mi ked puntv. and '• opens 199(

......... games at hihe low rushing . CgU .-w

^tim ingr-^*— Earie-Bnic

IJJee-Dowts-a^—.terback.Da CTfeVaRain sT jff lj^

• - tionally m 11 th~5^ahtjrof» _ _ i ^ M

r said. **He was have trade bre the game, last two yc

ays. But as the last yeor, imptomLa:lQtr-Fr«nOi-lh' reads on 25 o f - the Big-W<

avenge B-29-23-UNMrdow StatMast y e ^ 1 9 J 2 ^ ^

Wyoming coach in tlie n 5 ^

a - l ^ B i d - r ^ n ^ - ^ H j ^ B [d TO run and b y " catching' a 'ler Cranriey.-. •

iVHorTfets'bth-\in.- W ' ' 0

••ccndt • “1

^ : zjMBm

S i

' . ■ MoVm

j-BiiM^Bears^as] the -Richfield—liJiii-^ iu rjJa , : @ $ S i


»ring- 6 unan- : t

= 1----------- - ------- . .Htf--------------

-d l®_? SSTjIIS

uk race around

I " - ; ' I ; '


ernew coachittOffiRiOlh^^

»B j^ (p Iu a 6) atPetroia >■

A G ^ ^ i i m 6) 17. Seattle

--------- ;----- : ..... . . '3Tcgb~ (minus'- 3)~ 24, DALt

K ti^ u o I) 3 ii. PIEW.ENG-

ieasbn:“l13=1i'7i4-(Sprcad)j 1 (Straight up) • • '

- - T C - y ir * -

ach soid.'*’W c'd like to steal C;ifwe could.’’- - . - v -

^c5 'bS 'Ibcatu ig utali stuie

feffpl^ '^m e-in^hc.pxy^fi^ Minnesota, 6-5 last year, )90 with four ofits.first'fiyc thom e....which*rallied: (0 ,bcat Aii !liiinltlic 14-uf-l8 imMiinrf

Ticc-caHed-*Thirb}gB?srTlcs :e I’ve been'here.” takes on'a j-blule-leaiii-«uiimiiru!l an emotional win. The Bobcats

l? n ^ -^ ^ r .b o lh j)E c r i their fn u h 'iIl'w IriJiinUQg |lS i:^y 5 b d 5 r:^ ^ S S d 6 8 1 S •*s 8-4 team, including quar-'ckJbdiit> eason aHer~iiiTkintt~imn hii- in ^jaj_p_ffcnse last year. • • 'Mexico ~ and Freanb State ided lopsided victories thu years. Fresno won 68-21 in

r, e n d in g 'i 10^*a'me“ slo3'

W e s l^ t^ n f c ^ c c '^ a r East-

lowned-Ncw-M cxico-State

Llosins.slrenk is Ihr Innjj'rst

p l t e

r iF «eere-L ia¥?^ ~ • ~«i‘hhiTfj nt BSgJgST. »r**ewuati,$nuiBt. JIOBD0 - .7Ttl/Cf

5 ' OVEff to o STOKES TO SI

F l L E R ^ ^ W d i

Tr~- rCver-M isfr-Tecn-R '-rT K u i^y n igh t..'

— ^ - “ Q re c n - ', p p ,,4way,-4lS,y-;r _ : ^

—t r - -^s-p b

~ ~ In .ansh tp

ttie^ g e n 1 c_ _ ..

The 5- ^Lt : model -said~sh«

—apun uCi adsRjind d:

j |~ ' ‘ T h e T im S h N ^ ' T

• 'pR O V p,.U tah ,— S leal sWoopcd from bcljind t

luge of Southern , tiJaht

Gne~~^tatt""Tcxh jnvi^taG ^ Qiy=^oumamBnt^rhiiniUay.'--

—After*-winning—lhc—i jar. I'undlly, CSl bouiiccd 1 [-,yc the second B“n i e - ; ^ <

score again: ‘ y\ir • In 'the third*game “

d “ 2~Brg;-BTT- “ “ .

^ to-be’“ic____ HiBAasociatadPreMg u = = = s = s s s- ■ =

‘“.r* challenge ibr the Bit ^ ~-:enei=feotball~ehaii?

— —flgnjwn—opoir—confc n S i- _ihisavcekend,.bopin8

__— tana.State in gettmg.i, stnrt.__________ -----

Nevada hosts Non •!} and Boise State is at

= W 5 B 5 = S a i^ F f i5 ? “ ?• along with Montana,

[ a t e ...... O i j t i i i i n ^ i n i e ' 'U id l- end. M SU ,-li^ing-

|ggU ;f:g

* Klolnn;iatt..r •


H p im it ■ ■-. — ; - j y j n

imbBMl - ^ ^ s p r : i H ! 5

■ - S i a

: . uS au iai" ''* ■ yiy3»

suiKmNitawineu mtu-

o s im Y buT pp iN w oN ^lit.'

^^.Sapt^6>tfr1&9Q V.-nnxw-N

^ ’y i 'W T K ro m T w \ *

r a i r e Kr ' ' ' '■■■" — iiime Mitar i ■“ " . .jixioui IQ .dtS

— 'me,.the..-firat-- , r.- s he-wB»ip R o d ^ Id a h o - ofthe-Qood

• ■■ ' •• ■■ , .qualify fortlI f f i j f l B M j r iiii iiiiii

^ - - First rUr w r X ' Lynn Paroe■raanvrav - ond mnncr, ', . Williams, l ‘

- ' lljnatch 'j[pbi; — ■■■■ ■Snow, College andml 7*1..

I to defeat Col- teams foiig h o 8-15, 15-8,. .the £agles

in5^ yoUeyball ”1 was vc '■*‘~ -- ," ’” fuimuiico~a


ind then didh'‘t ‘The ^ g l , today, iMdi

“quick score" nation tpurr

3gin leaguea a ' ____,-Jc .^ n f^ &

Hg Sky ^ n fe r;;_ b j» n s EasJe mpton9hip ~thiu ■aen'at'ChCT ifercnco—aclion—its-season-o

g.ol1r.lo.lLquick—Webec37::2---------- -- ' 7 ........ Most-oC.3rthem Arizona played aire ot home against switch in thi 8'’rhomg~~toam!Ti v Montantn la, were the pre- biggest ch ■«»in4M»yaar ;T-rridah<>' 6 ^ h opened-rthe w cck.'V 'igtf Otim uuIm '■ iim midlerthls week— ence ig a p ig-the3ig-Sky—Colorado-S fter a 27-24 de-.. team.", sa» veek, plays COI- soiomonsoi Weatem-Athlet^ftrdrTO!MM

(Sj ■

' UFETI wAntLa ^

W K ^£ l/fls I,' . ' I TWOnriT eiiuMeng.-^^^ ^ ^ . r o »


gjBwrat ||[

9 53HB!|||B

• •.. . 'J

M»N^.,.TWln'FBU«.ldjho'-B.3 ’• '4

w .TC Tn-itoddo .c O W p ^ - 7 ~...'SZ T5iHCT"Hiuies Uurm^tier;™ — ^

Il9^r«;eenl^yH1amed-queer^ oodingCounty^odeo to;;. "T._r; or the competition. • • •" irown-haired, blue-eyed 5 e n r ls n h c rd a D g h tc t : j i f l_ _ z ^ d:;i>iBncy vircenway .01. • , 1lr= -~ :- ' -----------------^tcrests'include, rbdcqm e.. . ~~ i

s, 14, o f Twin Foils.

st M atch ^'boinifs~ari’rawtird^.rottiiM-' ’

ought to a 16*16 lie beibrc . ' .• les hit one out o f bouifd.-, l o ----- ;;

s very unhappy^wilh our pcr- —•

3-g>..Stip.ud. -‘‘\vfe had a*loiig - j

iaglcs will playjfive-matehcs - iadingToward asingle-climi- pum am ^t Saturday.

gj^s^er~~aeifelavs=^OK.this^WCC^^^„^^-^^^^^ .

iastem Washington’s sea-

in-opCTeiuaLhbme ag a in st^ _ _ _ ii.Uiiih.Statc,.whichiost (0 . ^ ^t7.7np<;^ u/, . | . V _________

already will face a big j

B MISSUSchallenge, afler facing >

y o tanH>aB6ing;nttBab -ta s t^ - = = ^

C t!!.H!ln'KUlH!llL'e uillVil« " 1 a passing conference'/but_______ |

n-orientw U aam 'i i ’ '

flfMNTT------ .................. .... ...........

rE H N A TO R S ' ' ' ' v ~

' ' '


>0#lj4cic '"'i» ......................1» rtw ». ftM h*M • _________M>nwcn>sM,M “ , ■ ■


Page 16: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

a broad reircat

£__" " tcnsifiedrecwsion.'wor

?~~arQTO^3l.93 lo 2.59ti— . Declining issues..ou

'~1 ' 1 by7norcihan9-1b-S-in-

; w itjiSll up. 960down __ The prictf o f oil cl

M I Marke; Dfljv-Johes

_ I fJEW,VORK{*PJ Ftn*IOowOof»

-MJHa'2e2J.52 M33.I7-2575___ : _20Tm 8 W « a09 04 U!

IS in isa j« 200.01 tix • osetk 00S4&. 010.03-00:

^ ‘"Tnm~........ ................. .• ^ 09 S*_______ _______ __

“ TI" 'MosfactiveS mm* 15mo»I»el(voN«wVorti: /■ w*».tr«diogn*»nj*yi1mof* i* KSTTM VoJl

■ Mw«»on.......... .......

E««y .__________ 1.78

_____ ^ ■ Pt>nCo»* . 1;ST

• ; \ HwwMt. 1.17

— — S= = fc= B B 5 T = y

( . OtobMorn . . I.&" ■' • ' ----- "

- SPOKANE. W«in(AP)-S*M• - • - Bont on me 3poMn« Sioefc e«c

-------- ” o to -7W ino(o i.- ''" 'Z _ .'3I CMi*n» 10

• JC' OoMCom

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Z Dunkw H« Mng ' 1---------- - MkMnCoA. '______^ (MdPltcf* ^

HaneyLM, -

MvwSwl . . S4. SecufMt .

Sil.SupfUi----------- :------SWMnSng------------------

........ -VWy»ie»ter . ......................

^ "Eocal inter*• ' - ____ ■ '___________ _.C1M

AltMfUont liK_ J L _ 1 _(HuCnp;rtiFr«J _______ o _

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■ ■ • KeyCorp 22N— . • long.Fioef - _ - 101

V MotpnT»eti-.............. «>(% , M-K ” ' ' • <5)1

-Pafttenm ,:_________ 1112r - , Pfomotk ...... .... - . . - ita

■:• ,Stol«lyUSA .10X. • TJIftlemauSnal—

.......... • ■

^ Stock“T iNew York

«tn«i Icr HnVirt Sleek £ureng>

Z H Z Z I Z Z ^. . ••- .AUR , ••.•.—ia»SJ4 U .-•____ .-■ ■:--...f»l .«•

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w n a n d 49J) u n c h a n g e d . ' o i c l in ib c d £ s ’ p c M im is r r i '' Ui

etss . .

• , WetlOnea

■OopwDvQ tofThorwJay. ______

2575 M 259ra-=31.W ------------------005.17 0Q2.» - B.54 '10037 1M.3S -^'0.10 - ^ l O a

• 002,» OM.OO - 7.0010.011.000 Merth Cof

......................z i a s ,w - - o a . - - P v i

30,001.900 a * ^ f*e<

8W-.Wftjrt 8loe* E»ch»nB» to- __ Dec eoknoretntnSI. Bepl. copVetuffl* ' UK CXe. Oct put Z2fl3.W .. Olg —7K -O d^ ^

■ 1.8J L.1W _?T ' . - M " te l g ^ 1.781.W MX - 9 ^ ^ »tt

1,575,W 24X — K Oet tn*

; i i ~i - Beai1.144,000 44K — Hl.iOi,iCO 47K —IX OfeelnonM

------ j_PJuuraos■1.0X,400 ox »K SiTM»>^!

— aW-AMwl prIcaMormi

“ oo_ r e s ■ _ OEN\?R(A 10.28 "10.75 ’ ' ■ -J'^NonhOTW

Grai.35 . » I ____


............. ! ■...........- .-000£N-'

a01 .03 . ... PORTLANC

105 300 ■ S):11PWM— D8" ~n - --------:-------cAtoweu..^.27,75 2<ua_________ lOOUMltf:

.04 [qS \M«yO>^

_ 25___ .39 ' Wtwittpna• :rj a ....M ......... .J iiriBM'OTB

I'OS 1.1S ■ ■ wettomsii■ ■ .12 , .IB--- ---------- byWMtwn

,02 03__________ »»Wl»»rtie»i

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•3S. . AO. . _.. •02 . .04 PORTUAfiC

____48 .-.Op • T . - 'Ttwdayfc

---- 3r — .ley' tndniiMorr»oH'¥i

ifest— SISNo.2b«M

Oow ChQ. __-i_N0.2 !>•#«•32X . -.X. JhirtJted,0____________♦ a ___ lOfiClSfrt33* - . -K iipdpnM

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J ' - : : ^ r-10X -X Sep

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rd«T x" «w * ' -S w l i tlU r «7t Cmul IB 1 712 n t

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. 2 a - X . — ~».t;i2 dut

40M.1VIX, ^ , V0 72WMI

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lo tu - x a iM t iu lauM j:

04J>« . • •. _ « - -£ = £ ^ • •

jn rcad ' about chancca for an bon o f th'e crisis in the Peistiu

=rr?ntrt<%—r t l t= r f l i t i> f ^ f n r - 0 < -jumped S l a barrel,

in- adai(iohT~aitalystr'sal{ . boidins: Jtmck.awaiting.~ihc

are-cxpected to show contlnu ' Uie ecotiomv.'

il'Peod* 30>Tv ^ W<■ 10X • tx

wOeneorp 21 ’- OvntMlantImn

' ■ Cchrard 0- June* « Co.----------------

>sing futuresCemnodHy High L«« Oeee Ctttnot pyigwe - -T/.M - n JB 77.02--*>65

t>e«y<atae W -», • ”

■ s s r - ; a K ' : . soeu .»C70'=afi£BO-m2a-*?,2ccopper 120.70 120.00120.20 * 2,0! pUUmim 403.S0 477.00 48ZaO -ZOI•ugw 11,33 10.7# 1IJ4 ♦ ,47

Virenc n - 'a 70,70 7r'rp*' .0

mideei 3 l to 30 40 31.43 ‘ i.oi -----Q«e(Mlon»h>m&lnci«)ra.Ca ------

a n stl7.$10


ig«i; wet LttBMimw '

« orewex’ iropeundi. U.8, Na.1 bMftt. ho been y_»n«l Uarage ciyyw. OurtM .'

R (AP) — PMof »1ee«y. mo«yT7W re«iir i~wwi»~17,00.>tbupt« WnntneoWUble.-.....

ains----- ----- ------h ^ Af>M W u f »MiBurettf*n>ecTtiouit-

I — WMe wtwH2.79 (MeMy); biiUy 4.70 (w pwteouonno 2.05 (up 7): 11 p»«cf»t wWof

AND - WNte «rtie«l 3,10 (up 2):


pncat are gMn drty by Ritf^an'B. OMr gw

n Swdunan'i. Inc. In MounUki Home, quoiad t«m Swottnerrt, Inc o» OoeOing reponeO v*

...... •|i~liiiiiiliii

•bvwy, Son MWU »«»eel 24S. bert«y 4.05. emX. .................................. .........

>f<b:Ori: (AP)'^U»'«ri2:30p:m:POr“ >y h> gralfw arrived et PofS«nd tor ihlpfneAl t

w>Bhum. per CNl

MmdonewWuM 803>«rMy, unit min* ana borget 4.9S

■? iti* i»vS?t 1 >1 ' -iSS

^ 3J7 eretem ..................................^ 7 -

■mleln ................ 3.52mtein 3.MprotMt ■ 3J4 .

30 (AR)— Puitm on 'CHeiga rfTcaOeTlHirvday: '

Open Hloh U»» Cho.

2.04X 2.00^2.63* 2.00X ♦,03X , 2.02 ZOO 2.03 *.02X

S ...--'.....25,>X EXsM 2 ia.«7W 4 S - ^ X Emm 2 J » 1«1 jw -w tx oca. ' - io( 2

171X-1* ^ 24B ' " n ' l i i J ^ o _4U..«. .m•29 * X - En«sr "1 ■- Tl^-n Elhjl OOi , 14 M 2t

2M. X • - F - f -in » x m e t M » -

^ ^ o p ? j » 10 »t: ^~ ------1 ’3770778=1

^ I fSf!** ” ~ ly* ” ~H -1- rc«W 2tJ47 » •

-ff: ' : -E g V . " i S S tu^.x. . rw w i i.«____ • ■ t« . Sm - x hmC/i m » 2» i t t -

•w ^rx JO n }<e S4X-} tw x W iB 2M 10 I tt 'M —

0 «g»i~ ~ n a — 34 - - a IW 3»-».

Xrt-X Fil*lc1J0i 1I-7JS-SB*-

v :XK-K C3tE( 1i« 12 SM S -

niC T rr-G ssm n^— u iw »=•' - o ^ - j o - '- -

CrMM '3f— 9 4 B* . tM ^X - <W4to244 tU I .B — 1tW3~V%-T K i X — T a rF « -a • te W -3W ». a - x .CPU..too ■......... J «».4(

t-STK-l . (MIQ4 IJO----- 1 2 1 J« * « - -

1 »u-)x '‘ '^oaM io«~ '' }i i«a 101 - « ots) 7»« ■ n *M aIW r , w w -.I f -.■-»■ 7?r ;e - M i-4» CM. 2.U ’. -'t'.TSO W

I IS t-t ' OM ft'm 1} SS7 to t-

4 Tn — 0 ^ 1 4 0 9 M X i-. ' - ' . 7 n>v.w;^-

V 7 ~ V

any eariv resolu- Speci i j r o Gulf. • • Street ti

S?l':43'al»frel. on ' credit pPyrKntigi» .^ ' ‘theecQisaid^bSrera-w cre.- :But-^ h c -LiOW-DWfln - vhiu^

i[nued.w«ikhe8siiL.- In.fa* ~ ' setting

' t a y r z w x ^ o i ' Uwf 3.01X 9.01X 2.0C

■. ......3- •-• open W 03,060. aB ZO

' Oeo 2J7X t37X 2.X - -Mm............ 14SK 240X Z4^

,6S .8 e p --> - - .Z83X 2M — ZS 2ftr--.,.nofi ,M , 2,M »?g3, 2.i ,02 'W e d .'a ^ 3 7 .0 0 r

.OM 8ap- 1,10 1.11K 1.0.03J( Oeo . , 1JOC 1J1X I J•■3J0 -U a t ........ -1J2Ji 1.53 -1.3■ 2,09 u u r i - —— L M u a x 1.:• ZOO Wed.1atfei1.27B,

>44 Jen • t4 2__ 6Jt_fl.3•i.oo ' u « 0.90 osex aa

E i l ’l MNov ■ &20X 0,30X O.S

W ^ ’»iMea28.412.

r . ' .. No.28oft«t>eal

........ No.2,YMwCom

i=^-s^ss:----- --.-......—» WTHlnjr«l«»itorbldt.-----------


ratwi' •.TBit-rtWBrwniunttiilio'.IwnI nor 00lb»;1to2 c«n>di*c«iwl1

ProMn pneei: Ordinary, no qucM(i»____(M K .12M >ten^4X nominal

240X ta2.03X up 3Xl 14 percent

Mo. 1 h y lM o i ^ »wnw 2.70X

•grain dw ge: tarminil MnneepeUe ne i ■eit -----nwiOal no tfianga: NutnMr irM- t i J i f g ag ^ r og O T yiade-efc oiad ‘ Quote DiAiOvDtKW OaoA -eantt; durum 1040 eent*.

Com No. 3 yeoow Z40X Md dwi

- - ..00.«i(*wa8oJ2ajiarttt»<«»» S.end UgNwlOi buyer* vary taiecM of

PI. MeruRobuA 2J9 lo Z (0 ner------ a n n 2.19 to 2.33 nstn

l ^ b arteyMt^eepe^tnequola

•enlby R^N o.1Z30no^rK>cnan(

- SoyeawaNe.-1yeO(AiiO,i8Xbld > .» auiifcjiiiHWIiJrOuluthtBatTtte

1 PotatoesI - .C»C A 00(A «-U 80A -M at

r i;adaneni(z8A;ldanoS.OO«.9 r............ Ruaaeta 80 Ib cattana.W

------ -20 OMa.00: oreoon 10.00------{ Round wtiMiODibweMWiKI Ruaaa(iS0lbearM«*perGMl70I 23.00-24 00: VAnMngunSS.OO-:

®® ' ' i-,--- ~ " ---- ---Sugar•. •..-----i.ofrao’ jroaKjAEfc^tWU NawYMiCoAM. Sugar and m 2X' • . - ^ .

* - X , ,, -H -H .tQx-x mm I a 2191 wx-rB-n»-----IMIU ,JB- ‘- "IJ MB' 11X=• 2K HMV* • ]«• 2U -

Sl>X -IM ai M 17.1374 »K -U - i —IM t 2J1---------UU.JUUa 26X >Miiy « IS tw 3SI.

Mkn tjo 14 «BS 33t- » - I tM te . JO 77 1747 27K-X »ttW27$ tinO I MX- 7~ .♦»— 4 k w iB - a _ _ U L _ u a - t iu 7 g = n r -n t jy - ,5 2 --— — k — ?■ ^ n>X ' Hmn 120 l» s ra « » -

. r r - ' - n . ^■ ffT Cp \a — r tm i iM .-

t t - X - IMW> im I] 2U 24 t4X -* -m m ------------ - 79 MO 1I - X nw .72 14 au 4t - I»~.H

HJnr---tV«WT32- • 11-7>7“ 4JX-1.40 21 111 in^

sn-n m 4»4 li 11470 ta B P T — ffihv 211 ■ n JM e n - a*—X- - M>W- lit -> 2U7. 471- 9-.tX. lpMa.-t«0 ........ -I>m.2

n . X . JO 32 5« 2I«rI —.11— Jetala IJO------2D7SllJMXr:in a ju — W dRj-u*______ 20__ J_.i n . *— 3stei^-J2----- r r ^ » t -• 4o» . .v ._ _ Q i^ l .. J n i l 177 .lUAUft. :71U» • * ' Kmo S»- 4*«

«-;i*r:riccs«. - lai— -»! T » r 5 ~ S lS i j» ~ ~ t r '* iV r 2 S r *

I,«i5y Z » . R « 3 e tir— s r s r s - M t s i - v i IMO 2J2 u » a n >

S ^ i -rVC i 3 ^ ---- -■. C l ' »-iK*-X •♦TV '. ••■ ai< 1J.10-1 ta - t . . . uarw .4t • --11— t-ttli<

^ t i o n h a s .b c g u n T to '^ ' thnt theTlata might encourai

; poUcyJn .a^ ifro rt t o , ^ ;nnofny aiBnK>TbaHkltnirsysi t^W ali-S tree ^ -a re-noyen

fact, some say, ratds cou ld : g i f fears .increased tliat th

!:»i)i-zo4X- ,oix---------------- '.oiLoex 101X *.oax s u o a im w rl904X 3.0SX *.OIX 112A»-Iba40l

• o a 10,2.000, ■ Mir 10. ■:------------ -— M ey-,.^10.

i5irz42*i—.WU---- -.Set----- 4o.L3« Z37X *J>1X . ' 'Wwt-aaale L44X 2.4SX *,01X — Wed.-1operi t.S0X2.52X ‘ .OIX .8UQAR14 LMVZSAX *,0IK . lltOOOfta^a a saxzA S — «.OIK___ Nov______33,2.32X2 55 *o ix Jjm. ^

ii».----------- :----^May----- 23----------- •'•*,........ - • J U - ; - - S 3 .

— -8ep-r~-*221.06X«4,IIW -.02 Mw , 22IJOX’ IJIX '^O IX Jwt1.31X 1,33 -‘■01X—-----W«l.-aatfe1,30 1.30X ♦,02 . Wea.'ioper

' ,. Lives]fl.MX_0 44X_* OS . •____S.&3X 0.50 •,04jj (35ESTOCKAI

0.24 0.37X —,OOX Uaert 70.00-P

VMd. Tua.Z7BX . 17W . JEROM - I ^

...2.43X ,„.e2,40X ,. ,.laiy,iiie'>M4d '2.01 ZS4X __

- .. .J .---------------------- SUitadhebtilf---------------- ----- - -.-.-opantiedirr#

---------------------^n»o>giTh.> m

inUadiXpouod 68 w::i:.JEROMe- .P r eeenx pound 8010 50 tlcnlnJ«n>m«i

ole: 11 percent, nentf uaaaaipw eoni____ bonM-aiOO-Jent. 2.07X t ^ X u p^ p « .w a .3 .1 B X • C w im o r d ^

ox'l w ^ u p '^ ' , yienmet-.lB

SO ilS tt'X to no. -------Hcniiiiiioai*nequate:Duluin3.1S 500lbt.7800- M t« mnna ream top—^te 000 K)f.oo.<

counti,a(nb«r0-10 CneloMett;800tb*.»t.00-

iwn2X. le70OtM.O»(

lofguMty Mi»nB70 R«marki:SlMj nemlntl««akloun- »iock«rfle«dwoMnil no dwno^'NO'?'^........... .........o t r J h ^ l ^ b U up , OES

anBe;Ne.2Z20noml- (FOOOMAHA •ndoflenngir

Wdw>4X. - - i ^ e utt.W9i

......... . te*orong5oSmg^Etumtiedcorr 700Ibcireau

4ifor potato mMtett.., cauotOoam.:

BJO.. .. . - ' . . dwm.eSailiwl; Wb«»nwi.ia:OOL____ >"d.117 ktnc.uo-i7nw .iaiM .— lilauwjuii

S w i i ’o'oa ee«»e» up ,4770^00 count: W>*contM CAUetup.020-2eOOTtiB»33.00> . .07al103.70, •g« i34M ^00 .'-- t Uacttr^ionir

. _______ . . _ iteatfytei.OOlaw buBfarcai

'• • .

- . _ o< tiim (lAxeu

U<l 1.54 31 4S7t. 7U-I

t:l iST " ' ;X-X UdM tJO 2t4«« 2U-

X -k ' IXCa 190 . 17(7 tU - jsrx=r:C B aa=T= 3nsnrnin i a - 1 uP ae to o 7 eo3 » - - t X ; ~ L*«»:JJ0— ~ I-. 2C :M-r._ t(-W > .'' 2 a UCA J8 IS 1X6 4IZ(-l X " ^ :,MDU t*2a tJ taa i» •

M-X Ua«i 1.35 6 is2l lU -

. . . t!S - ”1-A "■ im cni*'. IJ 1U5unJ

• X UtytigJOe IM717 lU -. IU S S S ^ - ’t---------ta - m -- X IkDcrt J4 13 6#M a i -

»-» -l-l4<&iO 2J2 /'!»*?« .y*'

x - w - UM----- 1 - ■ »«« » « -]^>X Ih to 140 - 4 1IW

I 10211 Um9 .97 I IU 7 « -

xi^x....uM iB I . n 0 0 4 . :^ L 2Sf .. IWIC. .*.1.04 . . • 10 _ i? ^ i

%-K *tM 2 90 1 i40l 6tx.XnIX U a n i l « ----- 9 U5S 40>■-7X__ Miri»»tt42 H w .IM.Jl»;.-X------------------------------’-STO-i!

,Uanl4 ,70 16 22CTJ1>i-I

4X> X NCNO' 140' e n a «sc=-r— NCR Mjr— II iwi -w=-CU^_MPSCO»«—-------- • UU * X NLM JO a Itre :K -X ' H*a 14* It I7S SU^

— I k«fnn4} . M4 <3 2n**MM-----------------" “‘ ai' iS'-^-11 JW ..-

. rf€nB02e< ■ ' to. 237 T O -

M gn*T

‘ .' r' . ' '

t' 7 .y '

IrttuTob'WaU,' 'softaung its irage me te a - nun, would' y..atimuiatiy<L^injwuffigi_yiM strains on contend wiib ysteni ' ' Sh»ggi^>i» t» tiw . |y e ^ n . i t i g w a i l i n g bfate9-Vi>dul4-^^«<>-ran-f«cess «^o_such_fl_ :5«co ttttia il

Id rise .in that .Stores « to 2 the Fed w as Stores t o 1

uoanlapwb..-^ss-is-ss-jis-a;-, 10.00-11,0»-10,67—ia M —^ j S ~

"*” ***** . )peoW117J71.efl1A27.

*m 5 b* * 5 .» 22J 3 23.38 - . 08 ‘ 23.10 , 33^10 2302 23.00

n 00 -2 3 .00 -a .0 s-22 .02 -— ,10- -2Z B 9-a ,03 -a09 -:3Z 0»-p -.11—

22.70 2ZB0 22.88 ttOO. - J I 2Z79 • ^ 1

atfe*215..- -.. ............9panmtio.203.upoo. - ^


on Wednetday; UUMy and eemmarMI

0-r7,00; hoUtam tprmgar heOeri Jerome

i»e3.e»70«>rtw vy t»«d««

J 4 iw>nnM>fiw _____.p>od(<erttJvetio««larl>iSnBAat«;ia> MidWMne^^^^S._____ ____


!!^ie70.00; tep io fpnngin: 1 W.W'. lop n- UTOjlfT.twi M MdnOMtLUJaW^^

- Prodweer* OMt^.MarkeU^ At»ecM- irnanyortamelonewinopncoitromlhe

:0 0 J5 .0 (L _ !_____________________ _«and hedcr cat»e»: 8000-12000 haad.

>lutilityawi;S1.00-&9.50.tiartowg47je.aa.oa-:^----------- -— •*i.OSOO-71.80.

10047.00: SOO to 700 Ibe. 73 00-78 OO; 7tM 0000-73 00:000 te 1000M. e0.00>71.00;IM .J.«<t;200lo400R» 10i0O.110X0|400to - 1.00-00 OO; 800 to 000 Ibi, 03,00-08 00; OOO00 00-03.75; 700 to BOO Ibi. B3.00-07,0ft

SliwgmarGOwcneedylowaaic..- . . . )da» came ileedif. .........

JES. Iowa (AP) (USDA> —Central U.S..-.onThufiday;---- - • ; ----AHA OASIS) boxed beef dinwnd medirala01 meetly mederate.SaleeHodClWoe. --I Mg^. round cuti meMly aloady. nb aul*

compoMi CMom value o< Choice 950 eaue* d»*n ,90 at 110.47.700480 b ear- •n.31 al118.lJ, Solaet 1-3 550-70qibear- wn.70atll3.83.70a450eca<caHee 'II 11Z70.botedon2t3load*e(libnc8ted t7toad«o»Wmmlr>o«.■Bra*ratSB3snraiBffwnrarrT5SJeas*eiM.JB H 113..44.700-050 lb ea^. ,47 Bl 111.10. Select 1-3i 850-700 Ibcar- . .02 at 107.80.700-050 Ib caiOMei Oom , .70, U.S. cow and boi can»*i report 12

1.00 tilglw.

nt bonlno uou/400 up Ibe 00.00. cunar 1-2 i.mJ.W- IU4.UU. Lk.Ua ^ IM r f T-.----^nmininsaarDrvoni euli BK itrnasr <«» porK froiH port. Wn* Brm to 3.00 Nab-


«-IX NoM ,10 309 Z (-)DC-'K -* ln « lllll7 « ............ W -M 3 -JS-=U -----I ^ S S i l ! ” . « IM I« - x No*p t a . . . - . . J19 t a » - i iX-IX Howil a - 7 1019 I7X-)I . It -- M r T i i ------- i m s - B P n»-X . - 0 - 0 - . ..

» -* ~ o e * £ d i j r^ T j4 0 i_ t« - )Ok. • 7 220 171* 1

K-H C«£0Kt7« .... IJ AM 1«*DI • > OneCo . to iiU S S ___ QML 120 ' a o a w w t ixi

PIB4 .12 4 40t 7X-I- K PPC -IM

A- k PsCe 182 13 4S1 2IJ*».-*----IikW-IO!-------14 4221 3 « - :« - X Prm 40 a 1470 27X-: ;»»u prapti.BJ 17 48a TSPi:

» - * - -P«0rf>-I7*----------1». 2B»-l#ft-X 501 1K4-K

» -» Ou*sc .w . t y ^ . i ^ 'i Vh-S, OMnt.'K .. 't4,i'w s u t .

!tX> )i . RW«x 2.40 9 H47 SU« 0--X.—RajBo--------------*.-21--

1II-7X' RM) .M 13^3^W|_

w:. * Rs)0 u s i ------- i3 4on-Bn*.p» ).r t o __ i i t a i i n - .

s / 4 i ' s e t a i « ■. . * t o n ' s s t -

» - .)t . .8«il.., J4 ' tJj7M _»W

u - x S d v P i i i t i . : » ! o e t 4».-L^w_iigga^1f<^ - - ^

i t s S tan d a ^ u h s t in f la t io b r T t J d 's ta o d ' to T a V e th e ccritW l n w o rs e D o l ic v -b in d th a n i t 1 n tK f lftW. . •., h ~ A u g O B m le a f ig m e s ' fium lo g ^ T O io iw u es,. m e ^ h i l e ^ l l i

tfliL stiK ^ - ' " ’ 'm itrd-fe lilK .,to .lSX ;„W al \o 27J4; Toys RTJs « to 23«; [o' 1W ,-and XC.ToinfcirTTo’?


Baa 1.004.00 nVMr. demand and « "nwditMe. mcrretMnlinadaraia; U.9

’ can cutout vriua advanced .68 lo rI--------c«iWr»'14:i8niiT3«W729,00.-:J ----- m jo> l4 8 JO r4 M n B id h a t M J 7 f f


C«»M 7.000.,heoi 307.000. aheep':

-. KANSASaTY.Me.(AP] —QuoMc

f f ^ - - r w f f i c w o ^ i b s 3 . o » s 3

10 CHICAOO(AP)-Fimmlfadto9010.......fciirtanBft&rtiaogamnday-- _ .11------------ r~X)peB-HIOh-'U»*-e.M CATTl£<21 .

- -78.00-7 S 4 S '73.48' - - Fib 74,67 74.87 74.47

Apr 78.35 78,97 78.28 , J,w 73.40 73.88 7338.

im- . w "■ M’B ,i - rm n ,.r ia te

r<e - Jan . ^ 8100 . 68 38 04:bS

.w i g ■ £:)3 S:Sg- & ^

.00----- Ucy--------BLfiO_Bl.n_ai.«0_

— S ” J ^ S S ” ! ! S r ^*. Dec 80,30 80.85 80,18

Apr 44.47 44,75 44ZS---------JUB----- --4B.7S-,'49.00-48,70 '

AuQ. 47.78 47,75 47,78 i “”-'~Oa “ ~r“'415Sr~'4i85' "OJH -

■' ••Wid.’a ^ 8 > B l^


M» 81J0 62.02 Sr30

J.4 ' 83,10 83.80 83,10 ...:....Wad.‘aialaaZ19a.. . .;....

■ " WeJ.Y6pen-W8388.~lipSO.--:

1 Hoo»:1.B50,'Barraw*aneoatt&0-7______21S-2M »»■- 8400^.50: US 1-2 «

83.00: US 2-3 3 W y Ibi. 8 2 . ^

tti. 1.00-1.80 to»ir. US 1 -3 3 |» ^

lMJVv; m(B8ya H>(fcflear»^aj(M100,- ;700 CaB>»andCilve*:01,00; • 8 l>w :0------ --- - . ’ ■


—TzrTsterrrz-------------o a 388 30 302 00 3B8 80

Dec 3M.00 39B.70 Sn.BO - Feb • 397.60 401.00 307J0

■rala Apr ' , 403 00 404 00 402 40»......... Jwo.-_- - ...407,30 407J0,400^0uU ' Aug 411.80 411.50 411,50 <

SSi ~~^ i7T O ring9o-< t8io^Fab 420 00 4.2800 42a00 Apr

car- Jun.a r- - E»i,»ai«37,000,Wed.taaier, . , ; ------Wod,'aopenlnll30.St1.DB1.0<•ted SUVCR , , .•

^ o au. -Nov'-. ' " rt ■;-------:MT 0»e 488J 4B9.0 4B5.5 12 ' Janrt_____ Mar _4#8.0...49U_498J.h«I, Uay— 804.8 -:8043--904,0 ol- “ Jui ■ 811,8 '512.0 5105 r1-2 Seo 521.0 521.0 917.5 — r~TJsrTrTmffT33iB-5snr

' ' Jan_______ ■ • ' •

Not>- May 549 9 849 8 849 Sr ' -

r -1 * ‘|— *7Sl-X ■ 9)K0t -20 21 3776 3QX-K

M-K nco 1-S t2 211 27X» - » ' TOW t.n 10 o i . a x - 'x rx -x T>ai> « IXK =nr~T*rT5~— l-'U U-A

. . TWrt . . . . • <2y7 ,l4»-»

I7U % Wtfp*» m * X6 m ~» « .1 » 7 i i n e 4 J . - '• 1«0' 1« ) a , T«ko 320 . 12 2W 57»- X

B^Tt-----T naii'" li "iriiwft f - 1a a r __ IB I«T J2 -:-— a - « 3 « ;^ P «

PK- K . TaiUH 2.10 . 7 472S XU- X a-X -.T«aa». I 7170a 21 »X

I-19X.--... T re»3*i “ --------204_2au.JIl - l « VtMn .« _ II m w

iw'x ,7uciB» m iax-;>MItX UM.CP S ir a fiX-K

u a i 1 11 12 277 text'l at-at— • • ' '■'7g~'»JM* X uso » C2B 21 ifc« ji= :u sx__IJO-,___ U l Mg7, mBR-JS— UeiB- 20B----|»«X -Urftc 237 t ] » 0 72X>)|

s i r iT '^ S w i i 'r ^ • ' i r m '^ f e »in< X-' UnTteft tJO . # tsn StI n ._>M |ii I 11 n il II Il»*X--- IhTilt T(l , im ~WiC~sn tx . unm- i_- 2i4»so-ia— .> n - x , . « « i « ....... ■-■«.,

5 ) t- ic . :u rt:'3o*^j

girr- » .-~ -----" »J n - ll - — :■■ ■ '5X^X. nuM ' .60 11 2IX>.)n w WMU.. ««1»B w . Ijk - x M M ttii . .ia 1445 flixpt)


That^ m ■ Losers--among 1 arbanlc—Boeingrtiow iH if^ t has to ~down4<-at 6 0 ; ^

c JIa I■iljng'of PCTtgntage d w ^

• d o ^ IK^Bt TH.Tb

i ; Petrie • ters, citing excess t r 457r.^ ~ tjo n system for rooi

JAMo.2por1i<w. Wid;'a open Int: a73.99pirei*t.timh0.TtWHrtm . N6WVORK{AP)- ao »»«>j»-ozo(7.., .^Thufwiay.-— —) Atfifnlwm. Tnonnn

ar.oa8lel29.00ft ~ ~ Coppar-$l/i2(^W2Z000. <>»ppar-128J0ee

■ •monO'TJki. , • ^attmlsrThknday; Lead. 8043 e»nti«ybam»>«andon Z)nc*8041.0re^ ><3J0-S^»area,

OOti'naCMcsge Cold • *380.70 per

. ti:7M His Stver-»4.77i;^i

. Ttw. " <«-t77-« '.*>W ;-U arcm y .»2B000^ a 7882 ’JO Platk>«n.*48S,0a7 74.80 *-.20 . PtaOnum-»470Z0 9,78.47 *.18 n.q.-no* quc«edjil *. ?»■*? - ~

UPO.027,0-8700— 0 2- -W> Comex»|h<afc»{ S BA.U8 -*.JU iu.uio, ,

sE i 3 - ^o_ai,8Q „f.a), , -c w jo j^ o ^ ^

' " • - Q ee - •28.38 2 ' 49.39 o.OO-------- Ji?.” T-28?rO-8 80J0 -*.03 . ■ Feb 28.00

8 44.30 —a Apr , 20,700 -4870— —.10-------May------- 2600:* - 4 9 J f t ^ * 0 i ■■ Jun ' 25.709 47.90 Ja 2S:3S' iS -4 3 « - — -------- Aoa------- a.-19;

Sep 39.00JT--------------------------o a ---------2S30-

Nov 34.70 — , Oec 24,70

;0 MSO . ” '” .*»toJl08.l____ • • Wed.'aopeomi

- • HEA-nNOO«L“ .- iZUUUgai;t«<.tat

™ FSpC5TB0r^-----CW — ,

l90o ff»4W ^5O r y 76!m

-----------------:------ luo____JlllQ.. . - ! . ____. . . .Aog......... 74JO.

...^ -----.--Sec ^ ^ O.OO.

.Wed.'ao^anlnl UNLEADED OASC

_______________ -^O O O pafte^t

= = m :n *5M— nJs--------67i90-» 391.70 0 2 0 Oec -8Z 50___J94.00 I »3J0 . Jan 80.50W 390J0' *3.20 • F«0 . '78.30 » 400x0-*3j0--------Mar--------0I-60-10 404.70 *3.20 - Apr 82,79 W 409.10 . *3J0 . .. May - , 62.50 A 413J0 *3.20 • JUN ■ " '—XJ('___ 417J a _ t3 J 0----- •Z7S...........— .50T3rwr-*520— “ AuQ------ -'DO 427140 *3.20. Oct

432 20 .*3.20 .ialea24.490.Wsd 437.20 *320 Wed.'i open Irt

Ier35,300.1.063. • ...........-.NATURALOAS

10,000 nmbrCWi------------- - ■ ,920 •fO,- ■rn .D . «ib-------- H o v -^ -^ fB g

4794 *3.3 , Oed • 2.249------ 483-0“ ‘S.a— ^ JM --------2.400i.S 487.0 *3 3 Feb .2200.

480.4 .3 3 Mar - 1.840 LS_407.4.. -3.4 , Apr . 1,729 1.0'.504.3 O S- •“ ■ May-- - 1,7101.B'511,«' •3.6” -- Jun r.5 5193 *3 7 Jui ).U..UU.U _ •j./'I-H .'A ug.

933.0 ♦3.7 Sep .............------- 94gO -5-7--------- Cit.-»ate«(M6-)5 5i02._*37 _ _.

- X WVnpi B17 1|.37<IJ2

27X. W^«A 120 a 54es 2IX- X -■X min 1-10 10 iw a x- x

=Ti— raanr-------:----- j—t t b t. X W«ei»140 , 17 I4« a x . X ,

“ 8 "• W n it j '. iq " '.........2B "M -^ x:"

-X . . . -JU.Y-2-1U M a 1 7 4«9; 40X- X-X zmm a r w

fe^miericair--^-X XWT0m(A;i)-THni»y4pinnM - »X {na»farArw«<an5MetEBt» t«uw

=Tr;-Mcr.--------------- .7 7X-XIK Mu ' I. 70 Ul. IIX-X - X , nnn .10 . ; 9 4531 I l ' . 'K '

^ ‘- iii- -7 -7 m ; i '


Bmit'a ' ' ' X 7X-X

2X , BJ)44M,rot » • U 14 -X JU . .B*;fi> .40 II I» 23(;-X -1C— B-fl.— 04-- . -Iiao 4X. X---*— 6 ^ - - - ------------- i«e-nx.-?i

X Btwis IW • 3 IM-

= S = g g 5 f c = ? ! ? : ^- t — W ii "- i ' £ £ : '■: ' .j.:.'. c a w r . - v :----------- ;gi» <x--X 'Ccreng.lQ* US UI.-K— & «.— IJ4- .,

W5 671 SA-X- X D*T«| tn

r-tx -'TtfjJr £1 ' ■ IH l ia l» - j |

Ig tlie^-bl t ie -c h i^ ^ c l u ^ -

p r - w te d - t i t o ^ je ^ ig g e s t - - : slineiaihbng 'NYSE i s s m r ~

lo r the Uiffd and lb ltr^ q u ^ - ~ !ss inv im t^es in the distrib^ . room air conditioners. - ' • . '

----------- 688 JT r« tT = ----------- ^1T.OOO.-V»*tBa113t4,—-------------------mM94.1B9,eA668..

AP)-SpotpsntenouamaialpM -

Mot i i g a i r " '

209 0 peunaraardeatftiss:- .......r- ■30 centa per pound. NY Come* ipot

csntiapound.ire^'apeund.dellverad. .

S 'H aiw yiT tfw loiay 'darboy ot.. NY Cemex apot month

79Z0N.Y, Mare tpotptr troy ox. Thu. , «]ji.a.-net«vilable


1 fuels

?!70-2oio ' S » » :» * 1 ^8.00 ,28.70 27.90 38.62—4TJ0

I tO .4S M.U •! .« “flOO-r2«.98-3*.00-rS6BO—*s83--------a.70 2B 50 25.70 30.39. *.85S3S -2e.03-29.89-tS.98- — .76-----------a.19:r29.79 .0 9 -7 29,72— _*:;74r:-^»,00 25.90 25.00 28J1 *,71;5.JU 29J9 24.00 ■ 23,39----rOO-----------!4.70 28.10 24.70 39.23 *.68 !4.70 a w 24M «.11 .*,67 ^

1474 2401- ;|74 24 M .*ia—1-: _.10C.986.Wed.'a»ale»108.066.. ' ■oWI254,B41.up11J37,-------------- _

uim A840 B(S!i 8 68.68 *478 ' »>o-9o«-B63o-89:i5-a7r— -18.60 W.OO •8iS0..88.W‘ *4.40' .• ir*0~84;90“ B3a0~84,0O *3,70-• '

77iy. *Z^ “

r4J0. 74.60_74.BO_74,59_*1,65. ____

>7:80 BB-OO-eTrOfr—«8.66-^ -*»M----- J- —5Z50 ■ 8160 eZKT 84.41 • .3.38' •. ;».50 83.30 80.60 82.<3 ,*3.38 r8.30 61.50 ' 78.30 80.49 *3.18JIJ»-«1.70-81:10-90:79—*3X0----- ; ~12.78 . 84.75 8Z75 84.80 *Z75 a.50 83J0 82^0-83.75 *179 - . - -XX? -XJ(7 :-»XT [

‘ Miariioo :7880 *2.e»t .

.Wad.-iiaieil8.037.>enlRl 58,242. up .1.273. *

AS ----------- • . , ’ '

2.249 - 3.385 3-245 2.250 *i)IO7400- 2.405-a387-Z400-*0*5------ —7200. 2J09 3,11» 1202 *.017 , •1.840 1.640 1,825 1.629- *.00fl 1,725-1,730-1,736-1,7S9-*-0t6...... -

.. ------ ,.710. .008

*n jn l9258^« ._ ;, - _ ' ~

• X fo A . 27' 340 4ZX* X-X r««*r»,07 u i» « -^x IK r y •________ a jw i X

■ x: arv' 3 78 4,‘x-t-'«. - t ; - U J C a i g . r jO v “ - ; - . m -HA* « - -

Hatn JO * 'S' » IWa .10 14 14 BXr X

Kiwrr. tm 1»

--- —*i«0lft40----- - —I - MS, ,.!» t» ««uM J« U '.17 179L r : r . m r ' . r : .■n r'' ~-X Um>l-. .7S»<ltt-X ~-X icn » u. ’K „■■ j . 1^ .'^ - J j l ii -'

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p r ± ___ Holms. Mnnjrj^

L _ i M D H E 88 ; . . l3 2 '3 id i

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■ ■ y ^- 5. (W'OAn ta' '»«.. uw iMtoiwi't p<lon

. . Oil auW'lMi'uin . -|U

! "I! iV.llrl.'mC ..... irii i>nk:: liri i»i r>j>rf

: OB LCV'm-v'*' ‘famS r- - -

Sl ,?S3S;25r.'»- . M lv .1____ gs

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------- ;-------- _ _ 1 ----------^Jaif«;il

— T H O M A S '^ DOWNIE:— " O RA N Tr— ■ ‘

r_ .iDofondant - • THE STATE OF IDAHC


_____■ CPMHi^NT- - • - - 1-- ^ ■• You oroTWmUy. iiulifSji

(llod a g a in s ty b u In Ihi

^ i ! ! ; s £ , a a 5 a i ! i^ a ria you al& n o ra o y m

, / rbcasLBLfilo ® wTTlton on . . . _ 8wor.of writton motion it

____ tn aald Comploin

--------< rom -th8 -taft/iea-W mu: Sum m ons; orrd y o ir^ n

you do so within tho lim«------- f^norSiT^poaiioaftho'PI®^— "i lignlntt y°^°

.: ol.tha daJrr- agolnal you is divorco.

::^r=z:jifl/ITN6^ M y - h a n d - « «u o l of thh,Coort thte-i;

.... \C la fK -._ .^ _________

landt4.19& 0.RESOLUTION ,

— • B ^ 5 w n i c i f iir>il t.toif-ore and Iho Solid Waste

:^ S r & .3 R D _ M 0 N D /


ju o -'-U rsen e ^ a t e r - m~TgRM EQUIPMENT-JERI \DVERTISEMENT.-SEPTEN ^ ^ ^ ^ g U lB lA U C T lO




r - N t t r o Q ' ~

i'aotolioun | i 9 S

i l s , .

. , il? jwSwS . li;^ ' • ’ IS

Iiii-'!!. . *«»»_- --i,«,<.n tu»3<; .MEBS’MARXET M" ^1’’!?,

I S : kT V|U futvukK^i'nucw.• |f5 -

Diroctor r&ali20 that Ind tH :v<dualii tttifig.vohidds 1

iO. " iti r ta n d W tm ry ltn a r in Itw roodways with dobri In violalion ol Poragrap

_ ■ #5 of-County Ordinnnc

JE L o r po rm it a voK|cT usod to haul or trant

irujlf.____ pod_afufi0_io .bo_fi-^^-^o□dod, o r- to bo e

NIE « .su ch consU uction-c >«ndlllon so » to poi

lanf . ' i^gut ony refta ^HO ^ t o JcPP orJoll upon-(

TO . in i^ .'ftlroo t or publi DE“ " T w ^ 7 5 9 — ■ ■ ^uW HEREAS:*™

Iho lalors of Iho above ord

I 0 1- RgaOLVCP. Tlial la-w t Oft- this ailuation of iittoring th

n in ' co u n ty ro a d s o l TwI lain! Falls, the Counry Commii Invg ftionont flfo auttwn^ing th

- a ^ —C ^ t ) | - l a ^ j i l t e - ^ ^ r^w

Umo S10.00 to o ^ u s lh o nomi:lalft— flatB-choro^tef=anyivohlon t d o o n io riag tho londli d .in . oatos that ooos not hav ___ JU. toad-ofT Ph^^

« ?5 ^W fN -F A L 'L 9 C O U N T '•17 -BOARD O F CO.UNT ^"•■TtCOMKTSStONeflSr*^

Ma^in Hofnplomon.— - CbotfmmT-— - - - — -

' Janws F. Fraloy,__Commisslondf

C ^ m is& rto f i■ ATTEST---------------i------

R«hard A. Ponco. Clork .

a " K ? sfg & p £ ss^ . b .,"»■« m iiilirr7nrv t’ < 11W


IJ js f® "™ ,N F A L L S

RS. ■■

:fip^^P-TW IN F^»LLSH

f^D^^^UHL ” ■■ ■

iRVICE - "" “

p u i r n f f iT ^^

002 Lost & Found •.

bik lono-hair pup w/brown..

Aw^W. TF. n/M. Cali 736-

~Found: Gold lomalo tab wiih' _ASialtoQodJnJetLoar..woar-,

=i>ll=m«att^aok-lo-sohoolr .ftOOds.Coll7M-0620.__.........

Lost: Fomolo. W a ^ 'c o i o. -D oo^^-R ^or.4-Eastland.

- le s t ; Gold wedding nn^.sol.

^n d ay wonlno. REWARD!

-aost: Joromo, 610 N 200 E.' YorKshiro Toirlor, has soi-

2urw. nwy ^ ^ n ^ c i ^ o t -


. ' Lostf Small black car, 10- — —malo, woaring.piftk«ollar.

Coll 733-S362 Of 733.7101. Lost: V{ill Iho parly who pictod up my lts^Q.vosl at A ndorson Dam Sunday ploasocQll7.34.7250.Ro-

_ _LMIssingt Wffilo BMX Tonm

------ -003 Spoclal NoUc#»indi- ■■s lo

ibris' m o way to solvo yourraph Enandal probioms. First visit

juso ~ 5 i6 2nd Sl N., Twin Falls& --------- ft800-22»7 i n ------an#- 733-71 BO .I 80 A« »> B.1P.I99Q, I will no 0 o f longor bo rosponsibio lor

fl-6r ^5® A SK R tfPT C Y 'ubiic Slop lorbi^oiunjs. ropos-

. Ms^slon^s. su itsj garnish-

uoOfc ^ n & u lta t io n _ A p p o in u ordi- monls- schodulod in Twin

-Fol^ _____ ______g T T . jty/n « . uuibony

~ I R a ¥ o x i a l ^ win . Rlti», Idaho 83443—

imis-_ 1-300^8-2166S f e ■ ^WallJ Cliiulijfl Uiljiiiirlinh

miti - CbII 733-77SO, msa. ^ohL- =f^nthony-B jiT«8 keyrdo idlill hofoby doclaro tho Pwrino lavo _ 8 ridg'q_ aroa wosi t c «mo

AU-". pw'snouw w a l t i f l-M -IB olJuly.-Awflr«opt that

. . . Iho.pcoplo on Iho silo shouW NT-Y 7 US0 discrolkm-tn-consorva- NTY lioft a adionsBboul God iko ■:t - “ ominynJayTintiiSOlDf' us

who know Josus Christ. PS: ' " " This is loal. I don't 1*0. Lov-___ .ors.shouid ysk God il they

shoutd.m arry on abo'vo

' namo. No coins ploaso. A

rk . . OuoTtors, fticMos, or ponniosI <fo fino, Vw Mn [»kQ om in

Sop- ll want. Uogol outhomy} I is nootftxl lof diooiftQ. ' •


p ^ a l s - ^

’}j_ ............' •- - •^ ■ OM^Happy Ad» - 7 7 ; -

■ - .H A P P Y 1 S T -------A N N IV ERSA RY -, • ......- LoyeY«- '

H IT A N O N Y M O U S “

— ll oot a 'p fob

any dobis othar than mi

^ - . - ^ E R E A T E R S ^ ANONYMOUS .


' F ree pregnancy tostln i —awttabtof-C^tUProynanci

SM wnn a io w 4 ^

S1 « tg < l O f f g r j jm

~ d o 7 ’ JobrotlntB rest------

10 whookK. 13 spd Ro« . Rongor tnxk-drivors lor con hnnwsl. Can 42^4269.

~Aiaop^rfmLm^p£i>^'ta • part-Itrrw-wiuiporeoir-Ap

—pty-Wok-'n QrilH 188‘BkKN L ^ N . and Covntry Caio m iBluoLokosN . • FIsh.halchory workors.fc

.hotchory h Hagorman'aroi ' Apply in porson; 1% mile

— tWW;<aJ73^> 14r—

for soasot>al employmont parting wago ia^$6.73'po

' ' an'd' h a n ^ d ' Bags' J 2i ._ ____J— L

A National Food-Sorvict

— S i£ y ? rw?)°Falte*MO ^ 'w ! offoir d )0M> avoraoTsalary

H -expeftsos-&-bono(rts'. Salas

“ solf-molivatod « toachablo Sand roeumo: Box 5617

,0 (fico.i^_poppipj»Wlls. n>

^ o ^ ’mahagomonl nol nocos

'*•> can Falts. atiof o m b o r 6'AppfontfcffTjlomboiTTnlnl

ts!= rmum=l=yeM-cuffflnt.expeti y ^ y ^ ^ J ^ '- W n y s Plumb

';^ ro w ' Sood Company it “ ■ hirgig soasonal wmrWs-to

' harvoM. Mum DO ao l^ communicato, road and'wTitl

QQi. .irLEDglish^ApplyiAsgtov ‘ 'RftsoaTCfi’C ontorT l'm iJi

^ Eflaof.FllocjnijOT3Q, - . k-a- AJfirm ali«^ion£m ployiw,

Altanllonl'Poopicnoonnj $01 *or parl.|imo work. Wont.ox ^ on- ic a JD o n o ^ a u d u c a lio n j

.ChristmasfWo'ro lo ^ n g fo— -dopondablo~potato graoon r ? and sampiors lo work duiinf

f iH S, (inlorm ounialn Btdg) Hr-;- -Twin Falls. 6tca]|.733:68n.

Eoual Qpooiluniiy.EmpIovot

Company is looking for dio7 '- sol mochantcs ond mountoirtL_ tnu1 crow porsonnol. Stanlnfvho immodlaiolyr wago'iugoliii1 at bh). Conlacl Sun Valloy Co:lay Porsonnol olfico, bolwoorRo- ag o and &Q0 gm. 208-622

J3ST Emptoyor. W fi~ ^^ih, -• AulhorizodDoalorof

' CAAOILL'tHC.Is sooking appllcalioiis lor a • UvestoeX Specialist '

— AgricuIQr* Crop Speclatli cy Positions will dornand t

»ow Tnanretmgr Kw ^ reuf exporiooco in industryand i visit dosiro lo succ«od and serve

tho area's agrkultural pro

n»~_ Jng and s i i ^ . Send r» no Humn to JLS Comoanv Boi lor 1814. Twin Falls. lQ e j3 ( ^

lA utom obUonoc^— Work'In usod car depart Y -- moni; oxpeKonc® ro^uirrt ‘ . nood own loots, good bono

1Hs.Applyint«rsonofjoo( rosumo 10 Sution & Son:

^ Prlcri;- p fo . Box '2T67 -ponoyrTOtWfl3333.Bost-. W ostorn Canyoi

pQ^and iulL-UmOr-Compoll— -tfvo-poy and bonus opportu ___. n> y .;^y ,in_ .)> o^n Mon

i)of "Ei ' 'n.>*wr -eulk-mailTOuto-drhror'tor'Iat.

night/oarly morning shift |-de -PMWimgr^4-66g7rmom»; Ttno' Choppor drtvors noodod dui

‘ ®'' torm caro-lacitity to-invilb ihlbi'ostod nursos aldos I' co m o i join our toarrrfof o

^ Ihojoblfalolnfli-fol^— IKO Hthrnmnag oi CNA 8 "CPI

trainins-w n ^ -aoor Full & paft-Cjfio positions availal>lo-. Ca

-Calhy 8 3 4 ^ 1 . .. —J - _ -

nios Daylifno ro slau ran t hoi n in ' nowod. AodIv in oorson a omyl twap.m .rC anyon i^pring


i i a w ^ r i c l

" Z w 7 - J w r b f Ti'stffB r : ~

d r iv e r s : le e a rd tllV ^ - • 'd t fv m n M d ^ -r.-:--

^ =nES3l7rat4T57QS88CI

_j=- - • DRlVERSh ~

^ -R -sn d -J -lM sir» -^ -P « ^

, 0f :4 a ,;^ M ;:S o lp r ic te

i~to~ -youf choico.—Sdlp'eornpofi1^. ja ib n in n w a .lm ti» !o g

-e o n u .p o r.m u o ju td aasf mv cotnponsatlon iitarts al 2

' floo) manager progamwhW— - a m ^ M to

Ing " ^ n o rn s m d u d e T l^ d ln

■ BJwfktncod aulo'mocbonk : -mufthavohandlools.. ..

I T ' M s S S S m In"» d ExsorkHKod insulatk>n worl om ^ n e e d e d . Sun Valle

"opw}W~ W-W* an' hour an

:nog!llSn.734.S534"]ilQ^ E i i ^ leM ^ lj|ig^ ofvlci

^ ^ ^ ^ c e ^ r u c ^ n «— -¥mniod-lcf-pd(ato-harv9fi

tn tr * C»p >Amvw< tn i^ Hrk/twTS‘com/sllage hawest. DIoso IU NIUWHfl mill IJ ! 4 J ^

r— Experience harvosl truel Ice d n v o r « n o ^ .^ - 5 2 7 0 ^

^ — W F A I R F tE t I h $ $ -

^ sa^ues-iiBftsM ok>)o. ing (Of a.Palrfiold rosldon 17, for early morning dolivof^

Must havo 'doporidab ic nJt-1 ' and economical car.

os; For more Informaiion, -— ^ ..............m ntnrt',...............

?6~ A L LEN W IL SO NIHp . u H ‘ • " "e n - --------J I M ^ A t O S ------

7 a » 0 ^ ______s s s s s ---------

:iand based sau water salmo- '"o nid aqua-cuRuro with 5 facli-

lor. ladlity near P a i ^ , Oro-

fn j’ p o r s o n ^ i lm m in lm ^ ^

for S p ^ Im ily fo^s?ock. cM p r r Doug WilkofSon;707rSB6’ ing 80S0 or sond rosumo lo,inS-St. Avo., Rohnort Park. C/> pK 94928.

jw Hslp^ w s n t^ 'h Kcilchuif

S to r e d Su oIn~ .iVallsy Raad'-lnood.ooattv{ Ino energotic person to assist i Iiii- 'morehanaising-storerCoc SS metic. Hair Caro. Gilt, Phol ,on oxporionco holplul. Vacallor 22- Insuranco Bbnolits.


lilt* -Miring Isndscspt Uborerj j a Hero's your chance to ksar

nro at $7.30 an hour, now I


iVComprt^iw wilaryr' -S rP 6 fd i^ lk )n ? - i--------

3. Bonus program? - .......4. Health & Sle imuranco

...................... .....^ 5. Advancomont

t u ^*oiij:pooUs<»j.«aitii«— immodialoly tor hjol

S b ' Traveler^ EaVltrnofllTo the Hani«n Bridge. '

!?£: - Immedlaf opening for s

n r cook. y

»Ht.' Contor. Gooding. - ■ 2 i i r — IMHEDIATE'OPENINC" J r . - -psrtHiirw LPN_or RN.'eyer

Ibg - -. 886-2228.-^--- »*0 , tUMEDIATE OPENINGS L " HURSEA1DES.1_1

.■StanirigjKaconS4.40.tot iCB. .^nursM akfoi;7nb^ei2po(^

Jail- — eaoon.-JonoirrRN DNS,- = - --------— 8e6 -2gg8 .- - . -

.o 5 h ^ iu I* « p S t^o !% £ ^

olp ' borol ls”'cOTltoa "^hoi 3oa

- - --

■ ' ■ ' 1' ' .

B n r e n t s i S e l

— --C07-Job>e t ltHefMt - ■^-

-57- ~ ^

J S ' UKliIptwmnWx*.-— -

ll 27’ ^ 5 v ^ 5 5 g 1 w ^ ^ M m e ^Um A»«o dlshwashen

dlJI7 " S 5 ^ n c o « S « s S ^ ^P ^ i pollllyfrW.QO* * bonofili ■ea puhWmhiluid 'aiwi. Sor

8 OOBUSTERS PIES. 5M Blue U kes North,

. ___________Twin Falls. '

^Tio^ust-'hovo-ffort-oflic L _ and data entry oxporiono rark- good typing a i^ IC ^yskii illey a must. 2 mnnh t n ^ r ^ p< liato riod. hours 8am, to 5pm: 8 and ter training, hours an) 4p

-who most aB the w w a ew post- mcallons nood u p ly . |^ r

_ _ FuB-timo socretartol posilto vice Computer litefocy end doi pof. cal,sMte Aocossaff. Intti

' Sond resume to Hyniton li

i lor Mmpofry HO.QSol Grocory^olp wyilod h Atoi

s-lij^ -esied^end-fesum ^-refo

Caa~Insuranco'office needs. Off

P O fK ^ Uixx

Sond-ro««ia-io-Box-S97JS___ c/aJlm e& iN aw s,.PO .ao.» 548. Twin Fans. 10 83303 ..

iont*/Ofv Mortgago company sooH

' Individuals w ,^ o d com

^ salary. 1.800-4g1-2765. „ _Job_ in_Kot_chum_orot j r i

prent Icq.H ouslng i-'iivailabli— .a a jy y ss is s fisE sa ^■;-------lWrO<utyProachoo<-fr-D8]

-------- KMB tfl tmODI? aoB AVOI^

~ ^ _ ■■. I CAnni^f^ipR COOK

immodialo tuil-lime pbsUo icif. availoWo at tho CoiGgo<

Southam ktaho---------------

:Hours^4n400am-7':00]prti 3n>- Tuesday-Salurday. Goo

°.^.r O nlyexpoflonce'd careo 3olL "m woffneod^splyrAW ^ B6*_ porson'/botwoon 9:00ani to S:00pm, 2nd Floor.' Tt^lc

uti^_ _BuildingJ5ji*<ilofla“For CA >wd lnlormjak)h"coll 732

9S54.ext26i ' • '■■■ ;

". = itiwj— l r ”"------------- ‘[ • T "

'hole ■dion,. I ’ ' 4 . ' ^

r ^tium, ■I lor- § ............. .......... —

----tH I-----timahwrTomrTSW. - t : -

T iU REPAIR: B ■ - oounloftops, balht

6?. •■ -^ .-sh w w o fiirO ^

p , ■•■■ ; i i ! i B i

^ — i nor disc. Can Don 7

S 3 4 ^ B -------D&UComploto Moba irc -Z -rr-T R g p s r-B rT m S ^

* • * ___brand new m a ti c ~ f — ^bfliau)d'S"<|uwannH verv _ VTS. Senior discount M ■ bcaloslimaiii.?34'


to>—.- -^au t^oo . d a ll Ma g l . '■ Crano4Rlgair>0.73

I a^o'tolixS'to^LM

K 'h i t

7 r ' - -Friday,

-r-------- 0W->k)b9 of!nlefMl-------

^ to H w p S S i f s f f l

-M tff orlai-Hospitalr934

Lo<*^^ 1 ^

^ trainoo poti

i Z r r NKJHIJ!OSinON,.l6 pml. 6 wn, working wrth momaiy

apo- cM dr^'. Wago ^ g o t i ^ Modi<^ & dOTlal a w i^ li

-GoodlrKF * -^~ ^ ‘«- *- " ^ must NO MINIMUMUory FORECLOSURE AUCTIOI

Com- and Oasb Marfcte.ftfiH: Sal. SoptlS. 10 am .Sond' 410CT Souih U yvyoaVS9= ixUlLuKu.^s 7 0iai i -:S48. .Over?) now used fno

SSkT • andcom pO T .4^ tp .5-----------rwwoulboard engines, ep-S, ' prox. 40nowboattraiors, th, boot pans andaocossorioi•___ and moro.

Auetionoor. Tom ^tokm s

office- -Now-hiring-for-part-to-tui onco, -limo posilion. Apply, skills 6 and S pm at Mlnit-Lubi g > ^ S47 Blue Lakes Blvd h n : ^ 734-S666. _4pm tjURSE'S AIDES

£ans. 'NowJinno.focdavTftrcrenfai Gual.- shltis,-4-on-2-ofl-6Ch0dul ^ n d availablo. now, wt»o scah

•__ classo# 10 start 6/24. C«sHkM skjoration oivon lo prior 01


N ^ w a g ^ p a c K a g ^ ^ ro

-1® pakl for 40. Roguta^e*^ day, altornoon and nfgl'

: a b » o r < ^ m g i ^ ^ ^ ^

--------rr'CarB Contor. om- ------------423-5S91.---------

Ollice Clortc wlh seerotarii Ijce. bockground prolprnid^ tots c

nogotiaBIo, irirmodiolo open r“ ®“: •fngf^snd-roBOiTnntrBo

.46S2.^o/ojrhe TimesrNowi

83301_____ ___________

007-^obs Of Interest

^ . H updated Trair

) ] p m = ^ l = ^ - ; ------ •>ood.

uni- - ■---------------C o n f

reof __1243JitM Ll

E C |$ iW $

.^ IF ) IDIill

! m

. I Docfcs, I

. . I Randy Pi

- r r - i g i a l « 6„ ,---------- g------- ---------

. - a ......

kEntrlos.a ih tu b s .i_____ ,r .733-6348.- . ■ Cali u»1i

22G B * - I - —' m i 1 — ■ — ---------- T

iicbitoT £ ~ ; ......." ' ~ ' ' T e oi p o ^ . so- I . doaning ) n ^ a 5 4 2 J _________ d

^cbila.Homo— I S I Z M P S= =— m m M

latal roof ■• ' 'T , |n i.h

S E U bd f iy 0 w a y s :---— " " TT

MSiJiiwdBt .... • —.L“W'>■ 733^1234. I _______

a i M - I ^

Loavomoa- / , .■ • 734-2762. 1 ............-

■ ■ l - T T i f W ' l - f ■

ly^optfifRbor 7 . j

e ris^ ~ ^7 — -jXl7-r>Lolw.of JfttflreJt*.

PfT- NEEDED • fm r a m T |eift-«Mr-lMnk'W e are -a

Noad-<mtnadialo»yt'HY8 TBt- w>P. DRIVER, push-pul s l ^ o e t

WJ^moncBrt3oo^rptIy5lca^ :=_ conditlanrAMRuanKtVa}- )SI- toy Producer 446'-Highw«y ___ 36 East. WnAorlv. ID.

^ rO&7;wtob5 Of tntBim li-:__ ■.

»»®- T T r - i o


5 -------- DUE-TO bUR-CUflflE^X, IMMEDIATE OPENK*>• . , . ■ F loor C J i - ■ K eno Rj— = = = = = = = rf f f le f f le

r ' ■IN. ■ Video T( — - a-O bsefv tJ ’ •_____ ■ G p n p r a l

s t o a ^ S l ________ ■-Fq p d .seJon- H ostessn®S . - B u s Per;prS.



I hr ^ B i u j g B w n w l B

J g f- T liU li 'vuu i uppuiiiJiii ^ =P j>n^tr lhg :dynag^^^^

------ -b e n e{ itaH n d t» d ln th ^-^ n d - p r o f i r s h a r tn g ; -

uial ‘ in c lu d e s ig n if ic a n t

S i J S S i S l S J fSi-

- hours of 9 a.m . af^d 5


j x m a . a u

NEED _:--------- -------------------witlr^rticipatsHn-—— j nd4n aining program s * Majoi


itacrtlCK-VANDElLaJ(» Blvd.,

e m & M

TIA C D O m iD ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ COKTRACTINO ■ Es, addktons a repairs. ■

733-3102. ” I

^ n w ff^ m ra 'S K g ! ■ ■ » Pootor. Romoderng, | Ir

IS. now conslfi ^ i ^ - Fi lM s m a u r 7 » > ^ . • ■-------- ------------------ ;... g ^

■ s;Hor all your~doaSnfl^ ® ' ._V aIlay-aaanlna-I-----■ ------->*rvlo*,-4-«0 0 - » 3 -------5 — .tortded» Inmrad I

ng. roasonU>k> prx». | Call733.|3g4. - p .'

ofuincoa d o ^ ^ __ Bi^ :-T .,, |,.734 -3 i5 .

llW f.-)j.-IH M J M - - j - - - *

M M ■ 1' •' -■ —

AlHTER: Intorior. ex- .HUB m.iiiiiuiub. Call ' ■ '62or 736-1105. . 1 - ^

m~m-m m-wm’-m-mTmim

.• — :............. r — T ~ r

— -QOT otiCTtrnlarest--"- . 'e k N eed: Ofllea help, yard e -a -workafsHumbef-salespe^------- ^

— ^ r^ l im M im * ^ 11;r i7 ^^owoq- *W*u,fop j j i j j ,— — !L« 1 -Naad.(pr0 f e r is b iy - r« ^ t l^ } = -

nK< a ^ ^ K -^ iu U d w iu > ;===== ^oet utilities paldrLooklng for ^ I lca^ Tonwimiu wlio UKbs tu-wuik— 4-r VaJ. w«i-poople.-Coll-734'26S4- - — way kwvemessaooitnoanswoL

: A t .

gaGftM - _~ ■

IflENT-EXPANSIONr WE HAVe' " ''ENINGS AVAILABLE FOR:r C ashiers) R u n n e r/W rite rs -------- -

iers . — ____■s'5 Technician O. - .►fver ............................................—?tal S tore _____ ,^ i^ ish eck e f ........ ‘ =I Servers' ^ _____ess Cashiers ’e rso n s .

luiiiiv ID u'uM j i iu uyuuiiiu--------- -:ic-.Gactgs*Pete’8rteam l:W er —'.. .

j-fwdicat/deniaUfnsuraoce- v - - -n g ;-M a n y ^ p o s ltlo n s-a t5 o :---------- --ant tips and Incentive >e Buses are available from

—d S p .n i . - - ..........................................


|ajorm e ^ ^ irisurancT^'^H'"*

RelirementPlan----- 7— H --------

M I D I l^ z n z

ExceOofll work. 7 3 4 -S ^ . ■

^ B ' '

r r r r r^ ta a s lo f ia l— Leak m partrit^a irrb o f;------■ — 7 -

gravol and meial roof, roeoy- |T oryjodre^Miirs. 733-7221. J

Export alterations, custom . . "* mpwlm PnW TTW. B

3e26,'10loS,Mon-Thurs. -

— — ■ ■;■ - - - - - . ■ ■ ■# —

. , B rW o,7aW )^. 734-4365;___

- i= W dW d-lw 0 lng^^- H

- ' '' H ~^ P a v M j o ^ coaling & cracJt ^

Page 18: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

4=====fS S 5 ^ ^t ^ " - z ;1o; mc^ t f u ^ j ^ equ^

-S -------Shortw i*“ ciotlB8^^ ~ ~ £??!•&— “ TO so-oraM -a'C U TH iq •:— 207 s ; ^ g.-W o«l.-'-:■ jg: .-. .. p a y ^ Souree h M

hkno fcir full antf_T t*---------- Bbt* l)our*ri<>vaf>c«iii6»


7 :~ -i> 4 eed ed" ~ ’~~:!:‘l 'deve iopm entally

1 prom otion. G row w ith o n e c health care facill n e e d e d rO n the

1 P J C i

SECRE« P n m o - n t t h n iw w lllw Wl 4IIU I

_______ . i i n r i o ’r.rt» fflH p

can - and she— - voi

^ d r n i n t s t r a t lfe^--------- ; — oeen -irt-tts r-fi

you are looklh' ;r:v;v advancemien

7~T “ "Casinos today. 1 _ be ' a~ :can(

management ties.

•• conditions-and r z i - . r - " -D T tfn tir i^ tre f i

, . Inform'atlon cal= - " i n 6QQr 4 : «

. - 14RA14,9 nrs ______ ■ with reference!

J B€' H u n ^ n ^ R & s

" _ R O- .T l i ; r —j.J ,a c k p M ~ !5

~ A N E O U A L O P M R T IE• Experience Ir

H automotive p; ■•■■"•■Abletopartl(

: ---------■ — -T jjosT srrran i

: ; c 6 i i p ^

^ ___ - P a ^ r g m g ' j n d f

e x p e r i e n c e n e c ^7 — r ~ l i ib ! . , - I L V i im t i - u

^ jjA lu p p g -M ^ in a !

___ dlscrc^onory bonuses,ftharlqg and (ntufance

_____L ^flt.Cectua^le'»..Uebla■/-- . - ^ _ EQUAL

B jO O J m B g S g t t

I IS! S n B T S i l B S T i ;

“ • f f S S n lS io m iC * *

rFT^ TwrM J*-73*-12i a : ^

ffk:Wilh------- :.: - - :in^^fe.a^^^hildrenr-

e of A m erica's leading du ties. No experience he job-tra in lng—C a// W J i i i k S e m D B '



- s a f f r a t a r i a t ! ^ n L Itvra. a^ l s t antB, Wa - u n a t many oLinBm ihouW b« - promoted 'hnrY -nr-m iipa n « r i a i - you are a.secreiary or^ m.-3sslstantama;Baa;; FTUl-loo-luiiy—undHf^ king for.a career with 9nf~polBntIal7”ytfO“ E a s in s E E m a E B B S D n :: ay. You may very well mdldate for our nt trainee opportunl-

ind benefits, Including afina— E e i= m g fe - call the Cactus Pete’s.

3 2 i3 5 3 .3 j ja ! ! f a H k la i! ; ;

ees to:_______ . •ielfcSilTIS.....e so u rce s-p irec to r JS P e te ’s ,.Inc . —3 JD X .4 3 9 :________^rN e va d a 8 98 2 5


TTiTnTtnfcTt■ i mH ^iEED:e In all areas bf ' ’ ’ '•'^tale painting - with*srticlpKeln— ' -- " "andlirm g ^rag T sm r •.Majc---------------- --------- •'• ' ..... - & Ret_________;___ *Vaca

ntactDICHVANDE^ g r n n Brf M . 'T MinT.Tr

=^T<rOCI^d fulji^tlme e n t r y lev e^SCSiLaiil32SItJa—OA_nc^iilklA 11 rle c e s s a fy . IF y o u 'r e pi

nq« of full-time employees for t

ses, plus addlUonal employee b ncc benefits,.contact thQ (eb0).4;i2:3^3. extenalpn-146


J i iS s i jS s ir: m va«ra. tu r la Immodlatolv.* H houi^ b - KoWw^ — H-cmr^haren

'" T l^ 'JO lfn T H E A tlH jC jiB E

....i la II m«ntallon of patient ear*,

: i• - l l •toratweprogfam r-Lon0-

11 torm care BxpyHanM re-

‘ : Noodod l6 r?ull-llnie'. 3-l'l

fiN n » e d e ^ l« -1 ulMlmo,

i S S f e w a h o j S ^ S»7«rtorft90 pm/^atoy 09»

i9^RiMQ^Cotnpafly:noo .Bj

— paSlan!*2 8 ^ ihifi«------ per week. WIO tfulnrShHts-

wil be mostly 11 pm to

M w r f e w o o l ^ ^' mlnlfflURi'wage/Aj^y.lh

person, 2 to 6 pm d % .. . . Talan»wer<13a 2nd 8 t East


y ex ce^ n ^ tg ^ h B

s = = = = =

/ e l ’f io s ijio n s _ -

p r e s e n t ly m a k in g ing'ti. -- -------^ •

aJfajLTOonthjUunc. . . . - -Qn pur ^

e benefits such as profll'Uin ^

i46/T49.'r..:____ _- . -. -

E O B t e a t --------- . _f£f , ~j_;; ,~j '

■;..........■..iiJ i . i;,.!.

O— -fwwperteneviweaaaafy,-

meL ...............

L ” A P Q o L o t ju ^

2-4 32,1 2nd A v o .^ Twin1 ^ ,

wit: S l ^ ^ a ^ t l T ^ n h d S c

■'dopendabie, enerigotic,

g s g a a g ^ i l j iare. ------ -----------»gu- TOOL SALES

r»> No exper n aceaaary , w>l)n0- trabi, hourly rale pkia commj e . no travel. Nation w & to a ^

a d y a n e e m e n t^ F

fc t h a w ^ pri<lng^ y o wl

itofT T g ^ o ^ i R e g u K ^ ^ ^

me, S j i ^ S S ^ j a A ,tSJroaponsUGty tor fioet of na tioriwlde trucka. Salar] bawri 00 jj>eriencp.;^Sey

S5?* faaufiiir. T.N'.Oif Q20 fineAW NZTw n s m q cm a o i .

■50 Wanted: Oishroom help.___ ■ FulMlmeshifia.-r>p- • " 'a-p CTft-is ftWrw*.....Uon. — SOOBUSTER PiES, .

—69WloH*toHtortitp=xm^ ■- ------ —^ Wamod: Exptfrrfftncod'Iortf

machinery mochanlc. Cal

s n ” on oxporlonco,.Coll7 3 4 ' Bte- 7709>.^lnfl«---------- ^>33.


^ W ant^: Financial plonnm r f r - wll

^ ' WAWTEDF^ - N U R S I N G —

E L . . A S S IS T A N T S .

g ■: : : ■■■ •" " W a n t T o W o r k Ml — 6 - T o - N o 6 n ? —

— ■ “ L o w .ja rassu raw o rk r ' — r-S a Ja w Y « m m te sT q rtT

'• ■ ^ . C ^ u aJ.'dress. ‘

— «xp«rience n e c a ^ a r v r C a ll-7 3 4 -1 7 3 5 .


tract operatlooi la aepepiii^ reaumea for mainl^nanec

^mec)Mnicar4ab-teohr)Mana and partmme utility worken tor t h * Twin-Falla, Idahc

_ j : ^ . indMduala ^ ex< pomnoe In those aroaa~'BW

I - g W . ’«°77®3y.'R’.« :"enc» t 21 oirnwunwrEOE^ “ WOROPraPECT^

■ w m r B M S e S o r ^ ! ^■ Nmra« PO Box 548; Twin m Falls. Idaho 83303. -

to cover m o e ^ local 'qov- —emmem-and-achoolaTand

? '^tfl'wrlts’ tooture'Btortos'in : z j i ^ a t e j n ^ a il^ /S e llB-

vuffTiroa. P lo a a e s e n d non-returnable covor loi­ter, resumo ortd'oxoniploa

-olwritlng'tottiiy to: - - — ' '

■ Tho Timos-Nows

■ TW^ Falls. 10 83303“ '

005 Sale# People •

■W cwillfecfuilscveial

.. vacalion,.^ccll&nl t

5 H A I : ^

\ - 8— r W 4 * - U H € d t» -

_ _ _ ■/■"

^ : m r a d « p ip iii tr—-r: :

I - ^Hi UiUC

2 f^ IhaMiiwtim. - ho Do you h a v e tim e to Of.-, riM ra-between the houn

> - g e t a lo n g w ith ;o |h a rs , have'a ploaaant telephone

T f e n « N * ^ s 2 bcri°tf*®*' 1^1 Fantastic pay & b o r iim

--------- SANOr—wl. 733:0931, EXT 273 fit- -* 11 MAIM A V P W •g r - ( A f f le d w 'U n w B ia d rBor ------------------------- -}(al . . • • • • • . . ' na- •

^ 0” Adult Cara Servlcai'

_ .. . sw v ica t.,. ........


!»" *NaniM_..............467.562;

)4- »KonnowlS!?..S09-73&i073i __; -O lflcecloaningi diseeun

JB l2 lSalL 52S5a_____.014 Chlldcara Seivlcaa'

aoc.— -Clos«^lo.4{armen-^ark^ ^ lunches, snacka, activities

“ Get ready cause horb- » ^ .como^Caport lor Kids te at — = -Reody-lof aolon, 1 ,2 ,3 . art—-

” 'F lie r :.a la r tln a 9/lO,-'m > home. Mon-Fri. 7:30 am X ' 8M pm. kinch and anadi — " -pfovidedrlnfanta-a nd-up

.6 n a training,32M 668.^

Looking lor children li watch, Monday through FH day. 6 a n . to. 7 p.m. L«

r j - -n>»«rCalh7a4-eg9 t. -

^ ^ S B S 5 S ? S SIng- cora ol them. For 2

M - .hour inlarit and toddk)r.cart

S» Wil care tor your child in mex. homo, lots o f love and aRonire ' tionrproschool-aetivitioi Tgr .gqH<S9'f?47i

^ Grandma-type care give wanted to oome to my homi

3 ehlkJren, yr. 2 y

IHi children* you^r ho°uso o — Jtoaaa'caB lor inlor

home. Call (206) 375-283! fg : r« v e e .o r :ie a « ;n a m e -r^


^ 017 Business^ J____Opporlunltlos

__■ ‘ i : eves 3 2 6 - 5 ^ '

008 Sale's People

L W & M E N

[al people io ra prolcssional

II l)eiiell[s, securily, arTd a~“~iHraining proo fam:--------------» T A e t i •— • —

4 ^ 9 0 0 - - — r , -------

■ O IT ^B uiinm • '. •^ QpRMlwia»t==Ff la g -»-MN^NDU8TRY. i40i

[SJ?” ;halr caia experience need -Z i. »d. proven system, a e ^

^ tastie-SHn'a-'^tharorigini

“ ■Mof-26<«i2

s l fT *R M ItW » Contract.-— -


>urs now.CaB734-8i23,^i_^

^ -8 3 0 --H o m M ft> rS a Ia

one 18 mo M . aB elect. Ooctail Cenrs Home, 3 bdrm.•na. batha. AO, Indian TrainW >89.900. 8v acrt T34.4342.

"ttS.OOO. Owner finandno.0 ^ 7 3 3 1 ^ — -

2 bedroom'home'in"Filo ^ -428,500rewnar>

Aancing with amall dowr 3 C a n 5 4 ^ ^ . evenbos. ^ ^ - / i e H E S COUNTRY g L -----ESTATEl ■

. ' s-mostor'slzed bedroomt 4 'A baths, quoon slzo

: k itchen g ra c e d by oa »•

-m ff-eroa; ^ n y spocta !=!L n g O Q iJ ^ ^ e J u a ^ M ^

------ - H u ^ b o n - ^ - ^ r ^ a t i

= ALPINEj j g . "G A fctH FO ttrFR EE-

^ -»6SH >»reaW 9»9e5ft^~ . -AFFORDABLE-

• *28^M . t bdrm home 4 2 5 0 - a ^ t r ^ g - f e m l U

^ ' room , flrop lace. on .6e * ' a« e . j k y j a r ^ ^ a r o a . •


~Su R 0 B E H 'L J U N 1 £ 5 ,p« -' — - t R E A U T Y —^ . , . ^ 7 3 3 ^ 0 4 — 734- '

7 •....1^^71211 -

— ASSUMABIF LOAN^ Fbr_#a|e by_ownor..lhli

^ Ished basemeniTexoellenl ;™y- tocalion in-Twin Falls.-Iir» ^ ^ o e . covered dock wUh hd

*^,P^ w e ra y s tc ^ rr tT O ro T i^----- reduced lo U9.S00.

" 'f c « » W4.8968»ve». •- r r z c A S H i N — p

jI’V on the rer^tal maritou Here

1 lo bedroom home'-with-eco- Frl- nomlcal gas hoat.ln Twir

Low Falla - CaO Rita to soe— 734r7.oa a .: ....

f COLDWtLr »™--------B A N K E R —-— W ESTERN REALTY 1^ 733-2355 Ilea, tndependenlly ow ned i — ■SElBQUSdto —

__IT Beautiful two stoiv 3 bodIvor room. -Z'A bath home oi MHO ono a c re . H uge m aste2 yr bodroom ond orivaie baih

------ -wttr^oponui, iiiuiuju land' • . jc a p ln g _ a n d ^ lo 8 a _ l i or 3 town. Coll Unda L o o ^ ) or 423-5926,.Tier. , .


____ O3O-Home3ForSa]0

n n r i — ■;. ------------Call \


NEW*4tX!0rqomHainiwhome cclltnn, large tlichcn wiin Islanc

— ;-C0UMTRY-*0HE*8E-WT(h-,,• t»dtooms:2b3lt«.wood5toveii

' lew«l.P^.rc..ton. ils;o(itiklet

■ ■ nulute lafi'iLcjpl~ '.Wffta«:waicfhcSerDbnTdpij

scjyios. Canft^anim.iIs.''P ^ h.Vh< ynFr<i)inrrn~'r gln>m'

H TWO'FORliiEPmCEOFbH on ono loi. Etccllcnl fe

-7 34:6 .5" J l . •.ciilTOaFT«££qifTS10f»l

------ lOT gffiBfFigrSalg— ^

1400' honie. 2 fcadrbomi up.'

-«P - « » ^ W ^ 5 ^ . |5 9 .5 0 C

9 ^ - ^gnSttol£ftlMVtandscapo _Jl-.-yaM.-|63.900,&ft4701,.— ; .. . E N JO Y . ^ ^ o h i o o M u u u i y u

- l iv in g t a l l o n

— •SKuSt^NO-GRASSTn ^ rMOWfOolinhtfnljtrftcho

‘"9*' has a cozy sitting roon —• ' The laroo. 2 car garao 5 i5^ naa many ai6rago cue

m eondls^roonditior^

____ PERH:iRs‘ ot Wits RdalljGood 734-4411 Of 733-1874.

Iii.* EVERYTHING YOU 3JSi. EVERW AM fEDIn - a ;' ■ ............ —ig. - 6 bdrma, 2</& baths, on lu

'prpldmatdlF'/racforiWfa;?" -sq-tt-on-main Itoor-plua-. nt-lu lovoly family room wit own fireplace in a aayiT\p1 ; ' basement, (or/nal.dlnini 1^1 room and 4 bdrma-oirRY- -nranrTtcorrrh'Tirbrtc:

on,;.)lzod .

S ^ i m BBAfaTYvate-------- ^gH” o ^ ~FW ~~'"

:Exac-hflme.ln^xcluaiw4 g ^weaj^S^bdm^

E i E S S SjS S loflt tocati6n'.-ieW.er4nodi I Qt Dr. Twin Fab, next to Saw____ ..IW <u.,tWW* ttr\n jsnr— 'S choS lF u lI^dsca^ng

sprinkler-system;-RV-pain 3mo ii^. PriMd Mi900. win cwi

"Sidor"3“bdmT*homo-as"trade .68 Coll 734-6723 alter Spm. y; • Groat e u l ^ w K ^ w . l

^l-jW 3.000, 8 ^ C a ^

HEY. FARMERS!Now-is-tho-timo to-makc

------- thcrmovoBftorharvostrrrr- -Here-te-a-160-acr^larrr

with nowor 4 bodroom 2V . _ bath homo with wood' !I stovo. infiuoos a» mo oci|___ rulpmenltof only S169.900

................... ■"f & ,= .C O L D W E L U S ! - :— B A N K E R —I hot WESTERN REALTY Klf>-. _ 7 3 3 - 2 3 6 5 'nee .Indopondenliy owned S

gpo^tod,. .................------ :M«sttaoBhNico-|gbrick<

bdrm. 2 bath, carpeted, eleo lireptoco. bar. jutlo. utility

lere ele.Avaj now.m silO .=


~ rEnd-vourmntino-probiomi-----TtW fa tVrCASH FLO\'L tool It is easy toot It ii

■ oosy to qol into this nlo ■BRck“ dup^olc^Prfi»d-RIg^

•TY at S51.000, Call TOOAV 16-90. •

ld « .......-----------• ............V --

555T“ " R E A tT Y ~ — > on ■ ■ 734-3373

CALL TOLL FREEL1_ ^ jM M 66S. ext 100


SELL YOUR HOMEb = : s a » 3 S R = = n y ^

tho current iTiarkot valii.TY buyers in all price rangoi ...... .J . Con.todoyl... -,d-&- -H A M tE T T R ^ A L^^

03}-'HomB9 For Sale

omelocaiedTnlfWtafi Itsitt.-Orartaiichigh sland tur. lapilly toom, laroe tKdtooms, ;if:!f!l.VPricBl^a^ wnn-~ v r - -

ly e tfS ly ^ S ^ lT c m T a S s '^kletsysttoiHUHBYOHlY $78.7001ott walli to Motningsitlo schoonYnu snarp j ucuioom nomc wiin txuuiiiiii -

■“ 11* lOOiiy. unkT 553,WMJtFfcm-TOW>Hr-<i01-3Vre5 n^!{p i 'Pup^Otwr dy^^^4 botiloom5,2_

IF'ONE iio.bbb Ouys irto"i^ioOfTi' nl fenia[tii£iory, ana cenainiy j.qooa.

D lW acviuiEt^w cH a-^^^

....» -

■ ^ | - l l3 0 -H o m ia fM S a l« ^

SOUTHERN QSHTSioo- is-vviwT-YduTvmj:^

------- tr a jm ia llW a lk lo f Aiirafor your ahowlrrg. *322*

l , _ '• .'■ .

r r f ^ C L t i HT O ' l ~c S s i S t M E = B E A i a 3 f e

om _ ■

^ ’sw-

— 032 Buhliniar Homes . Lovely custom home-2300

j p g pS T ^ hS ’hoI s s - "^ klmber)y.3 bd^ flikfiflfi.-

sprinkler system, (46,000. 302 Tamarac. 423-46T9.

__ 034 JaiAwaHomas3 bodroom. I'A balh ho(M

” ^ n f a o s o O T ' ^ 2 0 3 g ^ w '

rofT bedrooms, posibiliiv of 4lh col- bodroom in den, 2 baths.

s : ! E i “J 5 K w t e ' ; s j ; -

UK> mariy other fino-fealures,- oo- $89,900. prfyo by 100 E.

can fx your p^ale ahow- I 5 •

^ ^-.G ooding/—•

I jjjui4a-4JctaaflaJni_aalt

Unkiue 1 bdmi home. 4'» ’3 ) ' : . 4 3 Z ^ - H U B - C I T Y - R E A L ^

M T Y T 9 3 4 ; 5 0 7 3 : 9 3 4 a 4 1 3 4 7 ^

— C3e-RaalE*tata Wanted- 'Home in country, rent or

:__■ buy ai'rnnMPY Michello. 6 4 S 4 2 7 6 . eves

Mobile Park/Apt BIdg

& ^ , S . ! S S l e % ’£k

0 3 7 Farma & Rahchat— 1 of the-best 40's on the

tor, beautiful 3 bdmi 2 bath home,-fireplaee. fjsmllV room;

~ :oui.~GSiago3^-^anaiy;^ * ^ D w a I n B ^

W4-5322. .ght- lA SSU M A BtE-tO A N -

Lovoty 4 bdrm, family ------rtibm off kitcheni'flroptace.-^ ^ lly .. VA 8%% Is, Bvail-

— :CaB-Robeft-Joftkift9-to-«ee this homo NOWII25-90..

E i . ^ _00 A l - n i J K i r ^

--------- 734-3373-----

i i i 80 g q w *w'domi»5c wo7^ TWa a. Qfool site for 'dairy: JOS- SWof &hl. C ^ Morto. .

^ ------ Ca»...S43^7l-------

038 Acroaga&LoU' ^■ h - 4 . 0 acros SE ol Jome-rei-

irKWma H6tiso, gafooe, W


1 ■ 2 both remodeled home wllh | . . . 5^ac^*_Qroat |pcalion.— r ,?.'^^n»6tjq<CC.-

- - . - G O O D - - — •- ’ " . ' C.UWMliHLlAI____If Jocation ond bulkfln'g.' Ro-1 • duer>d tn itfiS non111 . HIghwoy through S h ^

-•--;_an<j.ln8ulatod.'-Lo«)=mtty aaatim able-.-Call

|j -v a u Q n , offiau.>.

F T J E T S rUTATE R g A l f Y ~

^ r = lb E A L ^ U i m iN Q ^P g g T E :

wfih'V lew-pf tho v a llev r7

R a n c h e a .In J e ro m e . ' Jj10.0p0. >231-90. ■. ■

^ J = f l p S 5 « ^ S ] 1 E ^


! ! i r COUMERICAL BUSINESSr M - -------- PROPERTY---------------SM- Extra NghtralTKlocatkin. In- '.:

I,__ high proiile building with .double ex tra wlde/hlgh doora. 2S* X 30-9«k»’com. :

— plex, chain link aeourlty ' 300 lonee. H urn on this onel ;

‘Pg®.------- CRAOr"A"OAlRY---------FOR SALE OR LEASE. 480 .;.

!S _ froe stalls, double Honing'. . bono m ilking.barn.w itn . .

_ barn and shopi 10,000.

5 *^ twcossinQ^Hont to proouoe • "" g w •Kraft Brand Parm esan—

t^ Con- -

r. 4 '*040"C am ataiyU U '" ......:

TTmW dry WsrSlinsbt Mo- • morial Park in Valleyvlew'

___asateg,.can.324-ssa5..' ♦

morial Park. $2,400 vakjo, V — - -wi|taket2;000ry34--0737

“i r -044 VaiaUon . .. '• .,_2_ Hr6 |»erty .. ■ .^ ■280“acro Noith^Mackay’ ' " ^ iranchiTl OOOrstplrl^cabin,:?-—

— -S fi>d“ Kelchumr-Conlael^Gary—

045-Moblla HomM— —

5 T 19CT"I2 X 60- BroadmoroTlJ * bdnn, 1 bath, lul a ^ , In- . .- iiAr dudes, compact W/D. newery s t. ea;pei 4 awamp cooler. Call-....~ e v o p m < p r a 3 7 J 4 6 t , - I 1972-mobDe. 14--X 6 4 '-3 > ____ bdims. In Kimberly. $5500 o r '

m H 1972 Tamarac, 12 X 70 mo- «<Ti, bie home, 2 bdrms, 1 bath,Jflh- »i^;^ovo-& -dishW 8Shor,-r-juy:'T ~ & & B ^ o r i j ^ 5 i ^ l - ••

1981 Tamaud( 14x52, new - ,

nlly Vfcie hook-up. 825-5032; > jce r Groat •;■

VWI- 110.300. Call 733-9449. -

IE teunifaikjn. 2 bdra, 1 bath. * >

j.^ c lo |y 1 D ^

......oalHoHlree --------—1»800<>6S.ie2i~-..

)0{> c o in n g s f a |p l l a n w l^ S ~ ”— .n«n/=awr®*r«xceBenlTOO«-===

T— d»Kw. 934-8213 afler 7pm.


~ bsi

- bawtooih Scrwoi DistrKt, dblS L Pl“-°°P -*'!■ 'u m . Dw & fsivoncu ro* '•^ 4 » k a d ^ ^ . ^ 3 < 006. - itbd * bodroom. 2 batha, wnamily -

room; ggtgotn l:MrB^:^ii.z:

tn rw MMeailv. m ».

I TI vice O irectory, dally In . r'—— JONES-W E-HAUL—

»•? Toads toCam 4 Aril.•P------- P R F F F ^ ftTFH 4 ^


Page 19: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

” L R e i i t ^ :

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054 • Unftirpllft^d A p t i . .

— — -4’-be<koom>aMiUHMr^l

i •s : a r ™ « i 6 . - '

—■ - ■— - t ioHiuo m . 7 b e i h . - A5

, lutely i » - P « t * . - L B a w - «lo lom fw nii

--------. t t t a ilep g ^ . 6 b II7 9 >

tm m « e « ta t e 7 b d m , l b a t , a l o lo a r te , f e a s t T o t ^ , r

• ' ! p o t t , W L » q i i t f o d . $ 3* p

I . :■.1' “ •^ .ln '3 * r o m t : '2 b d r h i , l'<

n r . ; s K ! S S i ^

.. ■> . . .< to v o ^ g a r B S O ..i* P ^ * '') 'lo '< ■ ^ - :^ : / t i^ y M 0 . p e f ^ m o n f t ’ . C a l . a 2i

~ SflMof734.7S38;:nw-CKi>

■• i ^ n V j wM ob), in b a c k . W i f s h o w b fHoon 6 > T to d a v .

^ T H E F A L L S ^

1 a 2 s p t s t ro m ' d n n n . f e f i i r f a b h a d

------------- 5g H r a B n w fl8W f ; j a i j / i o n■ _

.............. 73^ 9 0 0 - - - - - -

055 Room im to Wanted

________ tS9SQ a WBftk. mlftfBftetireou)rod.CollM3-g834......

056 R o o m i 'P o r R a n t

Colk)0o b o a f d a r i ( w l ^ . - l j n C M n l^

n o f t- tm o k o r 'b r d f in k 0f..$12 m o . A H of7pm '734 ^ 3 2 9 -—

------------ fl5ftjafl»lU M M M L.HAHUL_________

D a t h l t f R a » l t v -734-2a 22

- = S » S S S i ! 5 i lW E S T E R N P R O P E R T

------- >— M A N A G E M E N T r734- 17S 4r------------ O l l l w - c p a c s r r e a f i o n a b l t f r a

------------ P R I M E T O C A T I O N S------- — L o c a t e d o n - l h e - b u a J e «

navo. o ltico a n d reial-------- •sac '« -«va ll.-kynw oo i

' ^ D 0 )n g C t r " 73^ 2g 92_

— 060-Wan»h6uM-----------t S t d f a q a B a n ta !

~ - t 000 s q . . f t . r O v e ( t w a ( l d o o ' H h a M p o w e r . 1887 Nigh

M A G IC V A L L E Y S T O R A G l- - Jii;^^,Ny-M5.70p-<»»=

o o .W a m a t f t o H a n t .

2^3 b o d re o m . Z i M J h . - 2 -c i . g w a g e . T F o r ru r a l a r e a s 1

— - f f i O s t H t i t i c m i a s c

066 U a b U l H o p t a S p a c *

o r . $80 a m o n th ; 733 ^ 7 .

---------- b u n d l e - b a d - ' d i n -" “ “ i n V r o - o n T r tb lo T K I n 'g - B lz e

w o tb lb o d . m ic ro w a v e toblo . 0(0. S o e a t F a l ls A ve .- E .V .

g i r d M l o o r c a n 324.S 129. w a tU6 a 6» fl :H ~ a g a in l W od, S o p I 12'a n d T h u r s i S ^ 13, 8 a m 16 6 p m . P lo a s o . no

---------- a a t r t * d > l 6 r o i t a e e d o n g ;■ m o stly oW , s o m e n e w . 'F lo l-

to d i Wognoi............t ^ o f s colfectoraLnw^

: b a g e P a t c h a n J 'M l ^ 'd o l i s .

—_____E a t t j ^ e . m l . y x y t J o f n .B i o i* “A s j P o w f l e s e a f c h ^ C o n t o f ^ ^

- Y a rd s a l e ) A nU q u e a.-co llo cti-

n m o iiT H to ttr te rr fltf rH T ffn ro r c o I o r T v , i w i n b o d s . n o w d o u b lo b o d , io v o s o a l , $100 a p l e c o J o r c h o i c e : q u o o n -

r ' ■

“*• - S l c m o S S ^ i S ' ^ " ' *

r = = ■C j i g j a a . M t d . - - • r ? = -2 f - 1( M n o h - K « f t w o 'o d - e a

o v w y w tw e l 733.0626.'

A d n iU a l r e ? ^ g

_ ____ T a p p a n T ^ r n a S b u t m ^w a v e o v o n w /B ro w n in g e k

^ m a t f . 3 m o e d d . $ 250. W

A 4000 » w n 120240 VC b o p o fa to r , 6 h o o m - o 1 U84

------- K e -A p w . $525 o r b o s t oHo

S - ^ - ^ T O ^ t o m p ^ s o r s i i i r ~ 'T N j R T o m w d . --------

. • B u y o r n w i t : — ----------------------- » T ta B u III uJd . ’

■— C A T E T O T O m P M E W T "

I te d A ««Q ftnd^ear-ftiirilft- <9

'” ® r a r r S ^ t o T v t w M i f f r e T w

F IL E R A U C T IO N O A L L ^____ _ ^ _ I J B A D I N G R Q S t —

- C ^ o n M p n .S a t . .10a ,m - .6p n

J S ^ ^ ^ A T I N O j S i o * ^ '— A IR C O N D tT K JN IN Q -•

A n tiq u w *

1>------ • to o l s a « t c .C o n s ig n m o n ts w e lc o m e .

==^ —

- F io a : - O id h o t » o - t o m o v e e t o a r i ^ ^ p l o l o t v .

^ > T w n ^ fram o '. $ 40; oxcoi ^ - d s o b i l a r : $ 4S ^ to a s to r ( ^ D rm u .< 1 5 -0 7 3 3 ^ 6 6 3 -----------

K o f lw o o d r e c o lv o r a t u m l a

»f5§ - c 6w ^ n « h i o f e b " ' 8a t r b il i e a l - f l P o a k a m r C J l 643:6847, - :

" l S « r $ 100" S f e i o ? »; o o d - w ith o u t b r a k e s . 734.8943. - t i — N o w a u s e d c a r au d io . ____ C a l l 734.858a

IW - -M ,S S o lB T ij-''^S J m oT — n e w , .$ 100. T e a c re e H o - te *

t a p o . d ^ v rith t a p e s , $ 25(

z s s s M s

— ------- Save 26% lo 40%-- :L r.on y n i r m D c o r y : b H I .T ^

tt 10 -

T fo k tfo a d m ili. $ 160. & o i ■ c t e l s e b i k e , $ 2 6 . E l o c i r l ^ - f a i> g e ,- $ 150. -1982 S o b a r 2 0 . w n o o n . l o w d o d . e » c o l l o r n FU- $ 2, 598 . L o d g e p o l o s . U a 67. 736-7235.

■ ^ f c b J u i n i f i n T W '^810 S u m i o B lv d . ^ t o l 1alr^ m o n i c e n t e r . 10 s p d b ike.

W : b o t u g r i n o « ^

M ulii-lam ily4n » s u r o . s a t o ; ? i i

y ° ? ~ E ; l n

n S r R o n tn t. $ M a b l e . -733 « 21r :rw c fa . J c f i w j i e l l o g ^ s n t o . j

a n o f ^ r ^ l r * l i n * . T ^ . W o b e r

: ^ @ i ^ l ^ = i i = 5 = = = ^ i s - w a tc h to r s t g n s ^ s p d b ike!

^ tS*

c 2S s e p t 7 a 8 . - » a m . 10 re lo a d -

iSE s y-iig i[■"« iE 'K o lc S K g w Io” ' con* )** !® "-® '

r o d s -

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c H s e ^ i t F a f n i ^

i i i i i i i i ) ...................... I, 'g — ^ F o r s y a -------

w a r t S i ] ^ C b ^ ‘

i v ! s a j r t a T a ^ ^ ^ a . a>-

s i a e l c o n d : ^ a 2-X32* J S n P

p s ^ i i s s s1! ^ - ; | l ^ l ^ 3 0 « h O T K n n e

:— p l a c e d r W e m a k e h o u s e '

a b l e ' -735. 1114“ ^ .I h t t B S , ' ■- . ■ ' ,t t y 068 - f t m y u i w r --------- —

ek H ' IB M c o m p a t l b l i i c o m p u t e r w a w k h h a f d d r iv e . 2 f lo p p ie s ,

■ K b y b o a rd rm o n ito r , m ia o soH -

62. ' S t a r IB M c o m ^ b l o w i d e ' e a i T t t O K n v s n t B r ^ w n r r a u a r

^ l a n t o i v m . & - N L 0 4 a x t r -7 -

g j ^ o r 734,-1635 a s k lo r M ark ,s n - i r r r : --------------------- 7~ ~ ~ t

^ - c a m a w 4 —! c 3 ‘ . . - .< E w I p r o a n C I T . : ; . . . :

r - -O tynB U B 0 M 1 m a n u a T c a m ^ . o r a , 50m m to n s , 80-200m m

l i l l o r . C a l l

6 OTO V ifantfld T a B u y

^ ■ tIrea .C iill 734 .5340, .......^ A s o t o f g r e e n o r ro d g l a s s^ - d i s h e 8 r C a l t J 34. 746g - --------^ 'D i u im a u O a h y e n {aspB n W r t e

E h ow lng .

^ H i 8 p g ^ a ~

C o iO n g ^ a D ^ h t m a c o to r i - - l a n w S w o . C a ll 543-4517. s * - ' G o r b l l / H a m s t e r c a g e w i t hpte— • w a a T B s r w a i o r b o t i t o r C ^ r

733- 4356. •H a y tra U or w lih d o u b id a x to ,

------ H o n d a G o ld w iM 1000 o r

' L o o k in g lo r a fo u r s u o k e - B « ^ ^ c ^ ^ ^ ^ . w a n s _

7^ L obW ng lo r a l a r g o I r a m p o -io 8n e . C a n S 37.6 5 i r ______--------- L o o W n o lo r Q o e a it : -------- —

^ ........

o M 'r i a r k i C ^ 7 g 4'-8677.------

t iS S ff;— N e e d o x y g e n 92 t a n k s a r ^

* 50? ' ! S l k ^ 5 X ^ 32 V fc a v e m e a a a g e o r c o m e t o 110

y n ~ V tow ~.O d v < rir t J w o m ,

^ X JId e r u s o d t o r t tra ito r , '

O L d l a o o .733-16e i . - ^ O ld im on . C a ll 733H 681.

P a y in g fo r n M -w o r k -

jffT c S c t u o r h o is t to r. a b o b ^ boTQ t n i c k ,C a a 536.2636- - •-

U i i r ^ t ^ ^ ^ c o l I o t t * o « . ^ l l

Q M O O sAlo s o o s o n l 6u t~ liKo, w t w o th o y a r il a n d toU A M ry-

■ -

" " ' • y • ■ /

S r s m a n | H‘; ; ' ijij • -

— I— —__ ’ W a n t e d : M i e r o s e o p a , Inl e r o o o d c o r t d H b n .734-9f e 6 . ^ M , W a n te d : o l d o r J D ^ n g t o d is k

I:— ’W a n t o d :m o g u l a t l e n t r s n p o :

W a n io d : S l a g e c o m . S o l ___ - T w i n .F a l s - a r o a . . .R e a d y . t Q— -eheobvSeoH S.-783-3^.-

' can-7« 44i» — Wantod lo buy: Single ahah) sub-soilor wirh a 3 poin

®H hookup: Can 324^279. ' ‘— W anted: Tov Am orlear

Husky or also known------- Sphr.'FffnTBtoruny tu lo r7 ? _CanCTgJ17l]of.§7i8496,_

= c h o s t o l d f a w p r s . 733^ 356 ._

^ j r t h V \M h o y l ho u s . y ' o u r n o r n K nooe i." )w in r a i l s ;

— s n To’.

k x ^ t o o w r r e T B S T ^ g g a B

i(i{ | 072 A n U q u a a

A .1 R o lin lsh in g a n d O u a i i y ■— W o o d A n t i q u e s w o u l d l ik e


Z T ■yoiii'; Wd' iri«(d »irtb"cbma >r ovortoCoonlry Viqw Fterata ------- Inlhe'Falrw ay Shopping

” • fino anljquq ti|mttitrn on <<i<. 0 , . , ~ _ i : t t s _

'W a n lo d t o B uy : C o ll o d i o n s ^ o t R osov ilto , H ull o r W e llo r

.poDOfy.jIta«uapiocii& ^ BOX2460, T w i n F a l l s . 10

IS! -w r'iin ica-iilip iff ian rr

“ ' y B a ld w in F r e n c h P r o v l n e l a t '"® " p t t in o a n d b e n c n , e x o o llo m

condH ten , $2000._73A .7296.' ■ B u n d y : * u t e . - U B o d ^ l - y o a f , -

—-- ■• $200.-C all 734^ 590.---------“ • E v e n - s tu d o n l - c la r tn o t . g o o d — - -< o n d l l{ o fh -$ 2 0 0 ^ C a l l A n n

^ o o n ^ ^ 3 0 a ^ S ^ ^

_ . F o r s a to : 3 y e a r o ld aK o ‘ l o r - - s a x a p h o n e . - g o o d o o n d k im ;>

— t o o k a - n e u / r - p l a y a - f l k e - a _ _ d fo a m . c a l l 734.7661.

Y a n ia T ia s n a r e d r u m w ltH c a a e ,-2 y e a r s o l d . - E x c e l o n t

[ p in o s a n d y e e k o n d s . '

!k — A T T EN TIO N II ~J l y o u w o u k l l ik o t o g e t rfd

!>:- o l y o u r ' l o f t o v e r g a r a g ib o _ i o J o J t o m s . - - — ..................

^ -------- CAtdrHJat-— —..... .........foT.froQ.gtdt-yp^_____

io y <733-3575 .

i g - . a d u i t a , . m a n y . h o u a a h o l d

i ^ r^ n rr^ imn?*T*f?!Ti ^

= - F ir O m I , 7 . '9 a i ii t u S ^ial

p r* G a r a g o S a lo : R . C « > p « . ^

i e - J o f o m o . - F r k t a y 'a n d S a t u r -c k . . .d a v , .8.30 t o S i j Q - ...... . ..« * ■ H lg h la v n i O r . 'S a t , S o p t 8 , 8 __ A n ilq u o s . h jm jtu re , o ld

^ WToe churchiYftULSSIa: rsT "SaiufdoyrSM ftmber eih, ks, 6am lo3. 211 S. Buchan«v s ^ Jofome^^RpJroBhmenta &

— OTR^ g g CTATE-SAte r

■A I ' ■" " _____ '"■ T "

iP T ww wwKTVWTMnFwnny — o w n a n e w a i a i B o . f i w n .—

,1. - : - C a l n ! a . S a c o n d A w a n u a i -

. . C a l n 'a S a c o n J A v a n u a^ ■ • ._ - 7 3 6 . 2 ^ - - - ^ ^

^ m , C c m m u i i t o t t o n 2 ^

^ 736.3951. - - . .......___

g 19 o u f t N ^ s ^ h e u ^

- ' B r a n d . n e w , n e v d r u s e d .

Tn • • BANNER'S. 73»1421 ;' Q E s t o e ^ . f t k l e w ith .w a te r

^ " d b p e n s w . 'k o ^ n a k e , 23.6 c u

r r ra n ty . '« o r ia .p e r< Q c tIy . .B d b ih ” toc k a e w ing rn a cW o e . $ t 50 :

2* N o 'm o re d i s h p a n h a n d s !

h y ^ T -C aln :»^«oor^ Avam>a—

T j j j ---------- = -$1 2 a w o e k r ----------I n t C a l n 'a S e c o n d A v a n u a^ ---------- 736.2S22 • ■••n n R o n t t o o w n a la m f lv ^ U e

l l____738.2622”^

B. “ S e a r s F r r g l d a l r e T e l r lg ^— g ro a n ; w h U e ,G E c o u n te r lo p

3 > - ' •■■ 736-2622.......- V ^

~ 080 Haatl^ &-------^-------- — A lr-C biaU o~i^hfl^~-

— B o m o r e e n e r g y e l l l c i e n l i . F o r s a le -B la z o K n g f iro p ia ra

h s o r t . $ 500. C a i 733^ 7 . iJT *CHTOOBoHiroptacortjrand' lL n o w . u s o d o n ly o n e w in te r , :Sl $ 500. C a l 324-8739 a l t e r 6

^ 2 c a n e b a c k k i t c h o n c h a l r « ,

I™ ^

f - ■734-2070‘cr733-1979.'— —>

r C o o v u t a r d o s k , $ 79.^ C a l n 'a S e c o n d A v a n u a .sr,' ■■'-'- ' -•■73^2622-------- ■'

■ O i s p i a y y o u r 'p r o n i o s w H h a - | M n e w c o m e r o a k c h i n i $ 299. : i n - - - - t re m y C a l n 'a S e c o n d A v a n u a<:■ - m - m i -— D r e s s e r w i t h l a r g e m i r r o r

_ a n d m a tc h in g c h e s t o l d ra w -> • - : e n r d l n l n g 7 o o m -ta b to w t th ^ - ••• -n h itlra , ptii« 9 aadH lonu t

DO le a v e s ; , tan b o o k c a s e , m a - ly.. h ^ ^ ^ s t a i n , m a k e o i l e r .

F to ra l s o l a a m a tc h in g c h a i r .

il;14. F o r s a to : R n e ou a lH v h o u s e - ; r h o l d l u r r u i u r o T U z y J p a r k -

• 59. C a n 733-1669 t e r a p p t .

~ ~ - t~ L o ts .o l :m ls c o B a n o o u s r c h 3d / M a d u lt c to th o s . .F r fc ta y 0 ^ ^ 8 ^ am ._ 1 9 4 C a s w e n W a s t .T ^ .: . . M I s c - h o u s e h o l d a y a r d :

—■ -S-, y??-*>-'Sow nth!

l o V s i g n s / c a f l ^ - I T e ? 5 T h u r s d a y . F r i d a y a S a t u r -

d n v .ef tm to lp ^I d - U o v ln e s a l a :.633 P io r o e S t . w .

w a s H e r . c h n d r o n 'a d o th to g ,

r r 6 ‘ a T s u p p V .* ^ ” ' ^Z M u ll » o m ll a a l e l 40^4 G e m

T YARDW E:‘C w e h . ' d ^ >id. ^ i , t w i n . b e d . , m f c c j » u s f l i

h f Curry H V p ^ Fi^*fc/m d Sat. 10-?. No oaity birds.


T * ’. ' I T . I —

■ i —

jft- ,

c : g n g j ^ ® 6

i2 ra b b ir rM d y to b tr td ^ -

= b fpw nw d maroorti $100^

a l , .laveaeaulike naw. $125.- 1 3 r a . Of 7 3 4 ^ 9 8 ask

)d. torBraa .: - • ;« F ‘CompteteTretorbHdTeTT

“w" WBdtekafaoma. ■733-3681. Rve r>ew M/F spring toadod shMks. $50 each or $200

by^ Fbfd:.pW(up ih t^ luU-slror 50: sUdlrw windows in (ront a— -stoos.-«00tottore37^05r- it Hexlgonalaouarium.2714

^ ctiOoii‘o S ^ o n .% \^ . '0 ^

~ :Hurnidl(ie^>Saars-.consoto,

* A garage sale luti Isn’t a Qtrage talo *(lthoul on od In

e datsiflod. Call u i lirti, 733-? r " w a : — :-----------— ;—

^ _nai_3jriiUu»:AXarpoi5Z


:n Caln'a SoMnd Avanua

_ ' Good use carpot, 36 y w ^— -brow r^tone-h i/low .-juah

^ -Hard to find good usod . po grandlather(loorclock,S199— - —C a ln 'a .S w ^ Avanua__

“f; Matuoss sots starling at $99~A . - - BANNER'a..733-142t__ _

.... .............; --------->0/ New twin mtttress set. $99.— — catn'a-SacorKrAvanua— 736-2622»---------Oak bath « fcinetr»?0:-------------- BAWER’3 .733-1421 • -— J lakxap ta ln siiedJiu ilian -

^ Semi .atoctrto hospital bed,

I g g 'r ^ -

?9r -Ormake anoftor. 324<}8B0~— — Sola bods,-new.-$299.-^

BANNER'S. 733-1421 Wuritaor oak -planor $1100."' 3ptooesiudenrdesk.$50.

= -Oaa733-133SYour choice, Wrawor

' chests in oak or wabuit—— HriSh,$69.— -------■ - ■ Caln’a 'Second 'A vanua• «. , ■.____

I O tt Buo'ding lilitarials

It- io iirc» ^ » m ^ o ly . ar. C a P ^ S 3 6 7 .^

ifri Save Big BockjJurtng ware- )n. house stock invontory- sale.

_Flnandr^ a v ^a^e .^on lp r S2i '^ C«« 377-2357 or write TO ^ _ _ B ^L lli& £aakL idA ltt_

084 Toots ^ ^

225 amp Century wire lood“


_^apd^19H ir/red-lr8m o7

f'e 086 Firewood

, ’10* Craftsman Chjilnsaw.

wood, chain a ^ s 'ell.

u7: TREETOPPtNG.-W4T76-♦tomUnnrf iv nit tw tonMh

5 , - - CBII324.3114.9 MIoT ^ par e o ^

S . ■ OW I ran « Birilan-------I 5 -- ■ •■nB-- «aoa Lawn Master, -S- tp :

sell-prbpellod, liko new. ;; ; t?o o .3 g £ M ^ :-------------- :

^ 6M VariatvFooda

New onanto rod and^whlto z ^ t t tD & M K v B f c C a lh

nd ' ooP'a RIvorvtow Orchard._ PEACHES: En3iR?n®VJSr 1-5 with the finest troe r i ^w: -Tgrnwirrss rP a w c T O f^ ’

* r " P l a n 'd a u T Vr^^^A^Sv— . ptiafs Willi ti)iUuw. Puwws : . r - Orchard, S43-6B60.----- -—

'®^V K i n g - s i z e w a lo r b o d , m i r ro r

1* 1 - f e a r g a - w ^ u f l m - t w n p a r r o t

^ ^ f i a r t in - t o m p o u n ^ b o w , -to ft^ *jmd«frBigw;-qylvef.'e*t«r ^ . a « d . ^ h f ( » _ $ i f c , C a l _ 543L _ L 6838 o v o n in o s . •■ - — w n . N ic e S ’ M e d l ta r r a r w a n s o f a . I S . d a ^ a v o t t d o g r a e n , whlte,-- ^ f.1

> sa-. . P a i r o t s p o k e w h e e ls a U rea.I °» 'i

P ic k - u p l o o l b o x , ( u l l . s i z e , W $65. C a ll 734-9r e 4 a f te r ™ O u o o n s i z e s l e e p e r s o f a ,

p i g j/ flT>o d r o n tf i t lo n ,

^’A c o u o lo . SSO. C a ll 324-7128. ?«,p -Sman-plttfc-tnRnWild-piior

c e s s b ik e ,- e x c o t lo n t c o n d l-

s u r e , o n t l q u S T r a m o ; lo r n - — p o ^ g l a s s , b i lo to d o o r s , t a t r a v e r s e t y p e m e t a l m o s h i In s a to ty s c ro O n . ovoraH w id th 33- 50* .h o l f l h t29 ’/ i * , $ 100. .:------ C U I ----------

iTE iloB O iH oE E fi^ ilZ Z Zs T T H E B E R R Y P A T C H

I g 5 g j i ^ . : b f i i ^ ~ u a a ^

------- oaner«IOrdftilver«d.»M«-j~t te t;Alol«. Rnrfi x c C f l p C e r n o r o n K i m b e r l y

R o a d . caU 5434860 fo r in to , g r n i o i i a s a j i g g g a f v ----------- -

e n , T F . 8 3^8 m t o s ' W e s t . ®® P ic k in g o n 'S o p t 9 , a n d 15

-o n ly , c o m e e a r ty . - -

55: ^ “s r u « S ^ 7 l= - - f fC lM r ta fc e R d .-B uM ; 1-3 m l-

». ” I‘ Mb .Pets a Supplies

VCT^HOePff^^733^1 I — i i n _ J _ Q n J y i _ M a l e _ M l n l a t u r o ia t—~ S c h n a u z e f r ct ia m p io n b to o d «

od. 4 B ritta n y S p a n io f p u p p to s . OCL. A l ^ r e g j ' iW O T ts ^ O T ^

ren= -lefilswwWByoarTtrTiune-

^ - d B ^ S S " m l l K 16a 1^^ m a to e .- C a n 788-9422. ........... ;

A K C D a c h s h u n d p u p s .x r llO Q ia K tb la e k :p u g W r

$ 200j « ^ W a s l ie , $ 25 .

“ A K C O o b o n n a n s , 1 m a to , 1 ___ .fartuitop 2 L ^ o ^ ^ „ ^

“ < 100.C « 1 543 J « 0° ' ' ^ ' A K C r e g i s t e r e d c h o c o l a t e

C aU 678-4532 o v o s . ■— ~ ^ C T e g I s t o r o d ~ G o ; r m a h ~

a w M fro m , O o m ta n lin o s,

K f A K C ' r « . M inuttO ry 'S c h n a u ^ to . z o r p u p p l o 6- C o l l6S5 .4249._

- - - A K O - S h o l t l o s 7" s h o t s 7

$ 2^ S 3’00.''9M -

^ o u o o l o s - C o l l352wt466. u g h B la c k A K C C o c k o r p u p s , 1 _ m a l e . 1 te m o lo .423. g 4g . _ I n o C F A H im a la y a n s o a lp o in t h>-

" i w a c k . 1 coD co, b o l h w ith___ b k jo o v o s . C oll 733-8765.o d ^ _________________

^ ' no— — V ^—

kW,D > bo i l . 7S K a T 0 ^ ^ ^ ^

J g _ .

I__________________ I ”

55?- ........ i ' f l W Cwinf:^ - 1 yr, - I+5=- - 4 y r a l -—IO

i - " S E g t i ^

lT t w i n e SS " — & IIWII^ _ — --------- ^ 935.1

^ • TVHirFallsIan-------------------- .TT NQBTHSIDTo7 Jerome*

■ i ^

1 Can 32^125.----------- ----J 'moo to givo away:. Mother,

or Free lo good home, tomato Q- .Goklen-lJb-X..we-Juiy<L.lo:— TivwyTOrTa i 324.71^. ■

a— P^Sc^^a; whltes^Call-

JfT QUO. Can 3240208.“ . ........IfT Pure.bred. Siamese kiiians' fc jQwale^l2j«3ekt.ey»43ai-----aad>,CalJ3»8474^IW>r-6.-

-Reg. Australian Shepherd •r- :pUppfas.$tS0-734:63g4. .

Sl: to 40%___

• | : 734-0294 • , •" Siamese/Manx X kmon. bluo- ovod.$2S.Cnir837wl40S.

^ 092 Aucttons '

vr‘ ----- Thursday. 5:30 pm ,. ■i r ~Hwrs:10lo6. Mon-Thurs:

“ 7 3 6 ^ 0 8

= lE o t ip g fa -M q fh g f c ^ jS -

ih 096 Farm Seed.

— -Alfalfa-^eed-for-aafo-b?-- 1. j^ ^ ° r , «ato tostod,^Ranger

- -

^ 097 Hay, Grain a Feed

P m ion corn silaoe doUv- ”1. ^ifld^ ^ o u u Z B o p p in g ^

15 CORN a HAY CHOPPlNa. ~ Duano's C ^ lem Farming. _

- Straw for aalol 2’A mifos S.— ofTwlnFatl^34^641flr-----

^ WarnodrSitago-comrstand--fo. ^ ,^ u ^ _ ix _ n i^

i? 0». Pisture«.For'RantM - - W m lm l i - F r t p m l u r . t o r e o iB= -plufrThead.TStockr.cowSeCAlL

-3g4.4066or9g4.Sg76:------- ro .m . ^ '■ ' ' '''

0-. *1t«^ ^ 5 targ^Holstoln'sprlngor s. hoilorB CaB 438.5616.

2 exceltontq^ity Holstein' heltors,4& to460bs.

--------------Crtt-3a4^448-----------^ Holstein dakv herd tor sato.

r . . . P r o d u c e r sLIVESTOCK

s r rr.Ooon dairy holfot^salQ—

1 ^ " n S .T M ‘ ' ~

}S- J E RO HB,---------«. .324-43445...........^ .tJeedxaU penSrSlngtef aJri^

^ 103-.D«lry Equipment - .

Wonted: 2.000 gallon milk ;rt • tank. Call 543.6971, ova._ •EBHgn^m.u,, —

104 Horsaty .

ith' Ing, broke, good paclior. $ ^ . Can 934-4509.

— -ilUPBriTilftiplnmenH-------

= H ilE V E S^ E A N S Ji tf . WITH A NEW.

’’ ^Proven


: 4 % --------- v r sn . 4 % - ^ 5 ^ f f s ;

m i m mm r n m m

^ i i —U IU ^—* M I - I H f c I . K U U i j H I

LLLS TRACTOI IPLEM EN TrK hnliBilf^ltoati^ ^

i> ^ 2 Q 8 ) 3 2 4 ^ ^ 9 Q 4 •

^ . i m - H o h b s . . . . ■:.. . — 1 .

— C n ll324- 2M 8. " " ' 4 _ l D r o u g h t . i o ( i u e t t o f v A ^ : a = = r r r ; = r . :

A p p a l o o s a s . b r o k e a u n .— b r o k e r o o l d l n o s r m a r o s a --------------— h u n iin a rH H sa i. 48 / . ; ^ n . - ---------------M. H o r s e s : B o iM h L s o l d a n d— t r » d »d r C a t f ? 3y 6055.— ------"7 ,P o o to a a h o r s o s o f t h e 4lh - •

lo *

« ; I l f i T I H o t i i ^ q u l p m e h C —30: , - , , . . s .. s .

___ la a S - C i d o J - t w o - t i o r s o - tr a i l — ,______75 .o r , r a r o l y u s o d . e x c e l l e n t .

. F a c to ty - b i i i t . l a n tf o m - a x to 2 - - _ - - ■ h o re o s t a n d a r d wkW WholQht. - = * ~$1100rC a t l 837 653 tT OVO fT"!

- K to lo r b u ik C a B a n d C ifc to - .— J h o r s o a n d s to c k tra ito rs . « - “ “ W o t r a d e , , w e f in a n c e . F a r m - ,• •— e r a E x c h a n g e . T w in F a l l s , ' - -

I d a h o . 7 3 3 . 3 961 . W o r e n t !*' t fa n o fs :------- ' • : . "

. _ . - N o w - a . u t o d s t o e J c a - h o r B e - '. - - — —

^ C o a c h ^ F h a n d n g ! t ? n ( J ^ ” g 'W k d a y s , 678.2286 o r W a d t f - - . , . :

Z o l l in g e r e v o s .438. e i 2S . ? ‘


- T U T h o w T o c K a i i d 6v o r 4U __ ■ ■ "n o w a a d d t o s f r o m C if c /o Y .

- : _ _ F R I SEPT 1 4 T H TPM •l> y - - f > R E V IE W - F R O M 6 <K?-PM — «---------lOr T E R M S : C A S H • - -Z T " N p ^ E R B O N A k 'C H ^ S

A u c tl o n o r V E R N S E A L .:■

^ ^ ^ - = 4B7.262a = ^ = t - - - : r r ^ . ^ T ^ 7 3

“ _106 ^ i r » . ' ......- .u .. " • '

S l ■ C ^ t m y ^ i y a w ^ i ^ * ' ^ ^

7 '106 S h M ^ o a t e - ? '

^ i i ' , ^ m « ( y ^ p i V o y / 5 0 »■ w hH e e w e to m b s . 366-7453. -j

j J - - i w - p o u ' t t r y - i R a b b i U ------- ----------

~8 w w k - j j d j d w a r f - r a f a b h l r

N e w Z e a l a n d - d o e s . a n d— b u c k r a b b i t s , w i r e c a o o s ,_ J : ___^

' i i a n r f l y t K i " - .. ■—_ J f l Q J i n e a - o f , V - . A a M 3 oU d ■ ___ !


________ 543-4777 «.[ r i l ’S o c i a l : 5 -x5* x aB * b o x tu b - T '

• 113 F s h n a R a n ^ ........ I ' "l ilk S u p p f l M '0 - ....... ...

_ M U S T S E U . lm m o i)liilo l» l 2 -^ a r e h « y t o b i ] l l d lf tg « -4y - » A f rfws

O f- W o s i o m F o n c o o l T w V i ^C o ll 734 -992 ^

— I l ’f r n r m l m p l > m f l n l i ' ,

s E m o S b


in ln- This-Afea~ j ■ "MENT 7 - ^CHABGte -■■

r e . - T i ? 4 % ^

Page 20: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

p Farm ers

i-r:.w ^ 4 - f i i m j n ¥ t o a i t t -

I;- i . mrtS^sromgSS■ ••; T486 tnlornallonal Ifsctc

. .eab^ifpwBiflhupywi. -: 1 8 . 4 ^ t b a . *14.500, O

---------- ^836:2352.".------- '— T—tt:;«uii.- «ppn pirms da

- — . . a r r ttw-Anwrici

1-—1t4rF«nT> mp{effi«>la—


" Ii :z r r .% p o « d y tc g a « r ;w /d M < to n L ^ _ ^ - ^ a - . f Q W ^ ro o S4SQ Q . no< ; . ' $4100. • .

'H a rr is to n M id M oun t. 6 -row w jtfvidois, rog $600C

; 1 now J5400 .

1___-'C-f‘5^28. tobb nydKBUItc motor^<

.............■■11-h Sund . loss m o to r '<“ ' * y | ^ 4 0 0 . nov

' S till V av o a v a lla b llly io P i c ^ ^ cuKors

~ ~~T TiVpn.

: J D r o a r b e a n 6 - ro w w- to d o s . $795.

* t75-AulQDealBra

• --<>

• ~ i a |W r ^ T m u u i n n i

[ - ■ 1 - - _1979.VW.RABBIT^4.SU2p.C3U.~~..;;..... ........

_______ -IflBy-TnYOTfl TgRR■lOf.LCMMltCS.SUPCfNiCC.,..

- . •.- - n983QL0SCUTLAS...... ......... -B cjuH lukC ai.D iesol™ —

Auto. CasiciK A1985 MERCURY TO

------------- •C S :5 'S ^ , U s 0---------- -190g WFWPVpy— — — -6-0«-r6<»pw-W<l‘ -----------

’ m r r o Y O T j r c o R iAutofTUltf,AhM=M......... .

^ 9 8 6 DOODE DAVT(SiWJPOitif.

r iS S I TOYOTASUPfl.- Exlremely Well Kept................

___ _ 1 9 8 6 FORD ESCORl

1986 OLDS FIRENZ/5Spe«J,CaiS«le...................i 9 8 7 ^ A R U D L■f Dr.. 5 Speed

— T. :i987TOYOTACOH(l

--,- - ^1089^YOTAJTER£

■ 196SVW.SCIRRQCI--r— — -cr®i7Hed‘4 'S h jtp .............

—— -igSO-SODeE-ARiES......... -4.Q<..5-Sp«o<),snaip,,

1985 BUICK CENTUI 4Dr..Lo«)cd.E<l/iSiuip.......

Looks Brana N<w. low Mllcj...1989 FORD TEMPO

. 4 0>.. A/C. Ciuiu. CsuetiB. Loi— " issmmonrami! • • 4 000f,Au10,Ai»........: .....n .

. 1976 CHEVY CIOSneii.A/C.Siuip;................

1972 CHEVy ELCAhGouaSeaJfta-Onc....... ....

~ >i983C HEVY S»10 4;

. *1982JEEPW AG0Ni

1982 NISSAN K1N6C• SfiK vm«is. Roll Bit. sun Iioo

■ ■ 1 9 ^ GHEyf Cr20 V

■ 1987SU:mKISAMui

1985 DODGE 050 4>. , ___ ............................... !;•_•.__1 - ^ 10'B4 GH'SVY~S-10 B........... Siascul pjml. Well tc-.w-Hl...,

Tuii!:ini Lu«u'y.1986 JEEPCHEROK

= r r r -1986-TOYOTA 4RUN- &St)CK3,.A/C..Ca=lIII!.....'....,

-1989 CHEVY C-10 4.. . Cliwffiw. SS[>»c>l V-8.........


» ■ n j a a " != Wills_BSSSSE ■ ^ 236-Si OS! I0 NC-5TR£[JW

rin-Ffl^- Idaho. .. 'Friday. Saotf

okt& 160 ho IH tnictof, now tinovofhauWroiwwnl eort

» . '= ■ nioSFSISSOOrStroaw Irni actor, loadora. from »7S00; C yoogi ■ ■'-■■ — —=

Can ~ 7 ~ " 'tn x rE ^ .~ o ^ SKIOS, si

.sham. < n ^ - f tg ^ iQ ^

s— r4H14-F8fflrimptomeftte-:

. Pickotl mxit-end w/3 nt - --uflo^ ton -8 -row o«nl

a ML ■ ptfti'fpii — ' s -Trading (or moro daily

‘rtS ' ■ Stop by ond *00.............STrSloetionl

*iL^— g e m ^ q u ip m e n :r S - ~ ^ »ii;: —

or~& . en Kimberfynow______ _ 7 3 3 r7 2 7 2 ___■ , CoBTonFfOO--Mor 1-800-227-1007


------ ■ ■ bag^653^V w/ . Con Toll Froo-

■ 1-60C-e24^9S19 ,


9 g o t o w i l l s .g v B ry h ftily _

'knows they V a,M have th e ,.

iS ^ H rZ c a r s l i i l 'V

I BEUAMT 1-j ggn r . 4 .B 0 0 H _ l ^ $ ^ g g g

i^ " " ^ 2 6 0 0 ' JIS SC IE R A -; $2890 i r a u i s i a u j i i ^ s g g g B

T0PA z.4aR._^329D- p S 4 9 e

i R o i i A - o H r - ^ g g p

IfTOMA- $3990 IPBA ------------ s g g g o

!5L _ ^ S 3 9 9 0T o e s z---- ^ ^ g g

«zA2DaaR $ 4 4 g g

' „ _ ®479PiBOLu S4990^5490*5890

> sg g niTURY uMiTED $ 0 g g g

>7890 -------^490


, *1990

. »2990) 4 X 4 P i c i « i F . j 3 4 g n

INEER «4790 .. .:^ 9 ff

i r ,

2 i “___i5990- iDuztn >6990

OKEE 4 DR. ^0990 U N N E B - r _ j ^ ^ g g Q .

*12790CHyQER4X4 s-|.i gQQ

m S it » TWIN fAliS-a 733-6UYt’.

Vit-L'SAVS.'YOii -y/ONev i ^


f l i ^ ^ T^o-ttftod

• Call' ^row Hotston corn chteoM T600d^«hapcrC a»^4^1

7»M ^ 37$~ganon^gtt t ^ von

!si t t a n d t t 0 0 * ^ « ^ ^ ^ ^ 1^



sn to r—



— -

aa ■•M.TlarlalTiTBri


- » 1llrC onilltlonlm r• Deluxe Argent St

^ S T O n P B E r ig lf ir

— _ _ 0 N— ^ ‘SACE-'PRiCE



• Tilt S teering Whe


--------- JJJ. . ----- ■;'

•' I H I I


’g;.-w n s a ^ -7gM931:------

Mot,' ComUno-pid(Up.''l4‘ Inooi =«edW5men?CBM:32<

• •■ 50»0f733-ftS3&

ToSr ^ r ^ m ^ R g A m.ictio

. r i^ A u lo D ^ o ra '

S j O K I

|90 F0BD1

n • b n Lm*moitnfSwliiB A U *.Jllt^erIng.W beetxA K l iifg-viteBiiilnertiaQtatKnrF t sty led s te e l W heels* SJid ne •A rgen t Rear S tep Bumi


S oS S r EsR C A B L -—

iigjne* Automatic 0 / p ' r

/heel • Rear Seat •A ir Con e a t* AM/FM Electric S tere Indow • Powot-l e o k ^ lHrf


i l t l l l l l t f f c i W t g

J- f<-FamHiTOl«nMte—

— 4H/fcto»- anrf-wrtra- cuMvatO! w T . $2200 or bbst olter.:.C« l5gl^ 3 iA a if i« Q 3 4 ^ it— ^ __ 6 _ r° w J^ ^ h ^ M n culloi

f^ ‘S l- iie 4 ^ - ' I .^A uIoD ^alers -

m s a i y t T

IM/iMEIectronl&StereoC rPKlOfiB • 5«Sb66d1Vlami lidlnq ReatWlndow^* Tach wper • Uflh'^qnwenletice

TEv$'1 ';4aZ'DbWN CASH Ut PLUS-SAtESTAX^2.95%-/s


mdltlonlng recyjtlQok w/Cassette

'o7 a y “o v e r $ 2 ;


^U M lT E D l

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^ 0 1

•O R TH A U t.- — = - 0 1 1 'd-APR. p.A.C.-; -

• # 0 1

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• Power *RearAi

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!T E T T r..;.T ;;;.7 ;:;:~.7~: CL . . . . . „ . . . . . . . „ i i a

v r m F o m1991-EORD


ly a u J W a F E x....• Deluxe iWorlane* Air iL •Luggaaeflack-^XlT^i :^Rear-WlrtdoW:W}p«F/Ws

—--ElectrlcJW /FM^tereaPnwwrlWlnttftMiK • Pnwi

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This-Truek-lsJteitforldl.t.2 .3U FIEnii(n8.t.C I • ro w er s ie e n n g • ii

ci $/17B .POWM frn,g» OR THAI JS SALES TAX. 12.9S% APR, O

IAVt Vut

JghtC onvenlence Group>lii t w n o n r s r f tm i r w f r e ^ *lndo«L*Heayy.Duty.Servlcel ! r r p re 2 ^ I V lS t9 re o * .8 B

i C T j f l j W M i

« i9 ? fOFOR>AEI

: 3 Bench S eat W p - SlBSW'All-8oQ9on T lre o * l sslon • Front lic e n se P la te

5 3 3 i Y O I I

9 5 6 | ^ ^ -

DiEXPtDREm miffiECTTOFWririr Conditioning-^ 4 .0 i

ffashw/Defrort • M 35 AH Trrirlw p T ra t |^ 'm/Cass8tte/Clock-------------jNBLiacksiLMuclLMme____

B ^' ^ l4 ^^Jll all l efnen^l -


U s« FamvTftcKjgJrtfc—~T-

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^^AuloOealefJ— ^

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m 3 m m ^ - LjftRTER^ _


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I I g g A l # l =

V O E A L B R C O S T l

m N a s r -

IER 4 DR= -

pVEB$25,afflE ...-IV6 Engine —

IH T em ln Tires


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Page 22: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

■ ; - J 1 4 Farm Implamohl

-----------------rAAilubllOB7600-n^^^7=^'o00--imi72S)0ar^ ^ - ^ - 4000 Pofd tfactof aftd — i r ~ d ^ n d m o w ^ S r ^

: _ - ! l ; : 11» Fami Work Wm

•• 4489 y TO7-1^- 'AW ty p « «w»#»’1 S A '

CORN'S HAY CHOP! . Ouono'* Clutom Farr


--------------- c a C T ^ M ; - -CUSTOM PLOWINC

__ • • . _ SconBoMoO ^

- - 'I- UiMcHpCIW IIAVM.

• Scott Baowtt. 50-51 CySTOIfcTHflESHW

- a2M994y_m 8pj)to

Cualom ihreihlnff, ma. _______ L.abla fa taa^G fa^^bfl.

LL~. , . .r ■' v5vJiybtg-fn'd'writ'Ufl ...................Emle Bowman. 734-701.

- ' ' - SyHATWO AND PLOW Potato UU, crop a M j

■■■■.: S ™ 5fSg!°?S '’ M 2 j- combine, bail unloader,

ira straw aoroader.■ g- f5y- ;a ,yy ;

- g tm mMtto M l i r r

.......* . . .. =

^ d u «rf« r( bueirwM'_____ :.. ,MMW,a.<»il6iyjo(.Uw.

you neod to get your hi ——— ■ uupaupu." - ■ '■—

- ------- ^ , =s^■ 17^Aulci Dealera......

-S*W Hin

" . , . i ' " ^ T U f f T l l

i ®-• I!

P -

*121.1. Prin «IUM. Mil

_ W E Is mm" r y —



lohtii ' 121 Boats fti l 5 ^ —

4 l » y * t o n o h L ln c d J d a a t w i i o r t f l i r c o v B r » * t ;

Vinlad mlnum i>m ? ^ iiM

O P P W a S M M . ^ a l T m 'a MU r m i h f l , B u f to y . C a B 67S»7473._

• O u r l W l - S e a s w M b eh i n g . 'C B w ith C M C C o b r a m o to rI S ^ b i a t o d i w ith t w o oti(

' T q t n > M a r i r i a * 8 B o rt

L w g '~ ^ jr ' ; ^ J V

g to n i , 5 n a to o w a lla ,^ » n o ta O Q C a n 3g 4 4 M

M tM th ^a u .- g t o M a i .a * ** ‘•nnii t

M. '' TSnii V""./-''* y"°°r__ffig fe . JW m ni j BjllM'


mason- “ 1’.'.*'.®“ -

i g j ^ w ^ c a j K H M o : "

a ' ” - M ^ 5 ^ "

- «lo‘1 0 ;s a t .9 lo ^ s if f

W i n c h e s t e r 7 0 , 3 0 i • a c o p a , d i , e a & b r a s s

----------- 64. ‘W : ’ M o i ^ . 7

. t K ^ u t o l t o l e r a

4T0YQTA4/^T<_ _ _ _ _ S t b c i c # 3 8 2 4 ------^

DODSEIOWERI_____ ___ S B S c k J » 3 S 3 2 _

S Z B < ^•to .1.4 ttMi'.w N> MiHB hr

DODGE W.KO<------— — StockjO^BSO— —

«^F0RD4R0t-----------S to c k # 3 0 7 1 ■

^repOFRIKfl' ■ - s t o c k # 3 7 9 2 - ■•

W ME K D ^i N i N x m i i

9 3 0 Z ql O R M r -

'1 2 4 'Snow VahldM '

' - \ 10S6 Phazer.flew elu -3200 m »ea.-il0Off: 1!


$4600.'Can 78W M f. I Jai Aiifr - ■'

IraW M : 125:^TraVat=Tf^leri = ^

iM ariu.' I I H H I I H H H’3 .» I ^ 4 1**1 ■ rIboata .


S r J I Q T m H O il

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kee'-T/C- ^ TT/>;»~:r‘f / I id a m . - * l i f i F f t ' K

^ » S p ^ n 5 r S r — “ l o i r b l n

I!!!!!; *A LLTR A Ec aiuiM .- .. . ' 'S ^ ^ = W E iS uneto ............... .... ;—

^ ^ - E K 0 r S30/338.iss . call P I

7 ’ mm. ' ^ ; , (a c c rO S 8 I

— —JDoors-

i^A u to P ea le ra

ro M 4«4

riM K . :*.u ro* ».•«

4x4 RUr

m c o q i = = i ^

«—iM. t£di% *f«. iw«i ,

^ I bMki. a m An, Mui bkprtniiMMi

• i a T i O T i l T r a l i w i

c l u t c h , 1971 e ^ . w h e a l t r a n a r . K 1 W :M j j r C T rrta l n a d . ^ l r ^ 3

i | ^ . i ! S S ^ o g a

^ 3 |S ^ ? I S »" . * 5 ^ h e a l , t a r a f r i g , r e a r b d r r

n e w ^ c o r . $ 3 8 5 0 . S I

= = ^ 2S ^ r # w > ^ r B « 9r » = ’

tt R e c r e a l i o n ^ ^ ^

IIV /U U JL jIIC J ••.. ,

r f n f

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PT.AZAi8 from Red Libii)

r s o p ^ V T O O ^ ' ^ '

_________ I T S ^ A u lo D f la lB f s V

8 4 - F O R M M

■■ r t

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^ H E V f i O aL,,,-,-V---SlttcUm5Slii<:

r j ^ y q p


IW ttGH)AK(" " ’ - fb z V D E D . S tock .#34(

■ ' •. ~ ~ S ( o ^ » 3 6 3 ^ o '-^


inatB C Eiira;

. ' . 125- ' T m a ] T r a l l a r a -

T T S i n : : ! C a a a 84i.754S :------

- e x c e l f i ^ 0fm 'd iiId rrF $6


. h i o g l c V a l i o y ' a b e e t a t . R V . p a r t s a n d a u p p l y a l

I f y u j r f r l Q o d & i u ^ lyou.

C o m o a e e f o r y o u r w

- ^ ^ M 4 6 K lt-1 8 2 =

H u ^ r a a ^ ^ t ^ C o n c o rd tra B o r . e x c e l , c $ U 50. C aH 324^ 548. .

SSto in o d , o x c c o n d . $29S b o d o } f a r . Q > t m 7.4 Z2fl

8 u y & T o n s i o n i i n h s .. B E R T -H A R B A U G H

“ . M p T O W S I N C ■ -. W o ^ i . I d a h o ■

^ ■ t 090. X - - C M C h i ^

: ia l , 1S 87 2 5 'W i : d e r n e w n e w r e l i w f ro n t- ja c k .- g sg g § .|j^ ftfl ||2 jy » w

i n ix fo w B , 'iB M w 'b p ^^ C . r e a r b a i h . t w i n b o

n o to r a n d stiH s h a r p p o

2 6 r C a m p .B r » 4 S h o ll s

1971 s e l l - G ^ l n o d . S t r a in o U o ilo r. 19 It. liko (» n g : v . ^ . " x j * - j u j i r

V ‘i T ^ A u t o b e a l a w -

MmwH.'iLMVMKIsUI Stkfflnl

z i S O T ^

K i» « r 4 x r ^

» T « x 4 = ^

AaMUkk tUM-ArCuui -

1 1 ^ sJ i i i« a g iu trw w a ~-fse -S iliL iJ -a i-s r

f ' ~ — -12fr-«« irp«* .S haU i

5 S « P 10- ovarahct eifflper, ak

full/Hall-comained, < bia pro: •cond.-sloripe ^ r c a i t v ersu^ heater. $7200.7111TO6

S .R V -e*eendnt-oondllion.-$-

er,i-64 iaii; g^ ta todf $325ft>ffer.Cal'h3-039l y store. .Comtoitable, roomy.cur n lto id lO 'overahot.raquiroi

ion ptekue.C^ 733^4951

Fua<W .hol. i n mU J. cond. Ford pickup, siding wind

— in front a i ^ . { ^ c ^ C s M £ 3 7 -4 4 0 S .-r=

_____ e ^ d flion, $8C

Ir aW H m S E S


snvor* ' 9 iaM"wiih"drt»r ‘o w T l’,

T j B T - g g ^ - - '- -------------paint. -81 TloGa.26- Ford, I

^Mpa- down. ,84K .mf; ef)Blne

-HB.ownjan.-ra« w av itlii Champion 24' Class A tn =s== :imnu,-mj2.-bi.bU>-mi »roanK -seoondow nerrsloeps'

-♦ -— -tZ iU A uteDflalflra

9»jbP0Bi6EJ, -:-SW ck'»3845'

tIn'tMHb.MlM >4k)«< I* r<<« Mb'&u; m

m fD O D eElO O

m i Mitartr-m-Tiira.trtlwriirTifaMriXglBKiir bi

^ ~ . ' ~ ~ S l M k l 0 8 1 0 '

^ o N f o m- - r '. •= ^ -S to c1 c # 3 ^

9 ; 9 8 $ «

'89iDpDGE1lftM(H" • ------ - ■; Sf6<:Tri3787

tm ?m vstiH em E au ia»#U t‘-W

U ^ 7 g ^ 5 7 7 r

' l 27X l> t o t o r : H o m ^

y # l » 9 » - 1979 2 6 * W l n n e b a o o ^ Q g j t ^ r | w j in e ^ ^ ^ t r a i t y ^

5979-W in n o b a o o . 24'.-

i d , e x c . - • • •- -c a ta J j i i e ' • ....... - • - -596. 12a U B n ty T r a i to f i

i5 t i 5 3 S e 5 5 r i i E

y^V! ' by , . C a n 3g - * 67i

-f® 2 5 S £ -J^ ®*

"*157B--:S«i:il- nU Tffi Do,, taau. 712 Hoin *v w in d o w s - y c a B 7 ^ 4 7 2 1 D O /ofler; 6x 8. « ( K l ^ t o r ^ |

$ 5 :0 0 0 r f l c i t o f n o t t w « _ _ ^

ras.’aoo- - ^ -~----------------------i o r a l r T ■o n o ln o . 132 A u t o P a r t s

$ 8000.’ — = = ' ' - I P y - y S h p - ^ C h ev >

tg ftvd ; ^ so A iiw .'

254. 1 9 7 B H f tn r iA R i v i e : : .4 . a i r s h a p o ; n o m o lo r 4 '2 Hgn

H. to r p a n s . $ 300; 1974 C ---------- - - T t e r P U . i » w - M M . - n w

r . C a l 'A I I > a e a s o n r a d l a l s , i P 2 : ^ 7S H 1S,._$200. C a l

r f l w f f " B o v o T i r H m r C B r v o i t e a n - Q o w ~ ^ r . 198S y d n o w y ,

d T b o d ~ J A P A N E S E E N G IN E S a i r T R A N S M IS S iO N S

i».wmr I nw ml fi mo nnnranti i f c — :- : - S p « M A ^ ^ I n » . ^ m o to r • •■

> p s -10 ' - W a n t a d : .D a l s u n .24ClZ..<f I-'"- ;:f.°^.'"”'-;ffr"'°

Z I Z _17fc>«loJ)ealirs__

jP g S O ftU J j

. Ani. HuP kit I

ARGTA 4 x 4 T

S ^ I'BnoTHMUkS'ixBrxnCwsnr ~»2r;

OH 4x4 ftUT T i

' ~ ' i T y y — .’ ____ IIMM W MMkk IIU» «ri. MM - -Uitf


I * *i*w«e*Wi-rt*i*ncTew- —Mrpi ■ . fcmu.

E\B M t j i a - ' t f i i — -- ^ -

19TTWTIIIQBTHV O U f t W A S M s . ^

----------- I w ^ ’c y e w A - s i i B ^ i s

IO.-440 1974 ,H p r td a 'T T r t 90.59

iIIS l2 !i4 4 S e £ y S 2 u M M ri

-1981- H o t i d a E n d w o J a - t I ' . - n e w -o n ly 4900 m B a a . f lo o d c ei t w i i n

' T 981 S O z u W J Q i l t o o ( $ 1Q00/ m a t o o t t e r . C t f a

■ • • -5 p m . 324^ 85.

Is52l 2£^ES25S

a l n o l e 200 X R H o n d a . 62 orig in

■ r b S f C n i l 7n4^ i 7 a t i e r 6 ^ ® S M S o n s l spOfO no tq u lp m

t o a b s i t s s M r l n c t a s s m e d .

®- 1 9 8 5 F o r d M u a l a n g l---------- T q B t /F M - g g s o n fir 4 - « p >— 7; n o w t i r e s . $ 3500, 436- ^

I M 'P I c l c - U p T n i c k i

- t w r f u u . V* u h i ‘iiaiE ______ n e w t j ro s . 6 < . j y r f y

_ ___ i. J 970_ w W le f t « » I t J o n .

^ — ' 1U / b U ) o « V to r ) p ick -Z S Z O n e 9g n f l r . . M ^ r u T b '

_ C o w - .

C h e y ^ 3 S 0 .^ A T . P B ” w ^ h s h «

. s i z e . 1977 C h a v y 1 t o n , 400 - ^ a i r s p o o d . d u ^ , I I a t b ^ , A C

m n - T --------- ^ f S 3g .g 64a . ----->r , n e w 1 9 ^ F o r d - F 2 5 0 . 3 S .0 '

!_____ ^ O T B itlto 1« n B « n 5i r " t l 5<r a i - . CI173M77a._____ ___S - . * P i '.?*

S S m k ^ L

” 3^iSea!z!!w m r n m

H k ' ■ '

I 9 8 7^P0PGE^

i b 9 f t Sit rM M.IM. «iiu M fflM ul« « ■Ulkir p«rMia RWJ& N> I

r^ is T o i i r iT Si - ----- SUF-EItGAB^t


I^B^DODGrO________________ S Jo c k 4 0 5 3

i 1 9 > t

MrDOPGrRfflK-■'■■ V ' . . • .S to c k # 380

j|y >.f«TwSwuii«'*TTWW

: - . i r Q o 8 i 4 A i f t U . S i i i L

SiSgg g p g p itnev iitc

t^7296. •„ J a ie d -sh e ll^ W ^ e jtlre s .

d c ^ 1986 y« top Chew. pMttij.

OO.GK, «M rPW C 8 1 6 ^ » a i.b K .'. ‘ lal a to - pUr-v4.-AT.^25W 0-mii—

tcijm %>i..>»g2/324-S2S1 '

31.1616 good cond’ w/Sih«r CWeof -. ---------- c tm par.-ae lf-con ttlned ' —

6 --" -~notorcv- «r, 350 FI, aand color,5 ^ malchlrta lilier.ahe I. iokI _____ _ o to .$ 1 7 .^ frm;734;3852

140 H f t^ Trucki/SamU '

b ee t-tru c fo r flas an d “ diesel. 678-1184

iflod. 1970 2T Chevy tfuck. cargo ' t o . ill e .

S r 7 bm A T , i ^ tt>nmrw. tartdem Dr, takee 22/-24*

• ~ ■ t & ^ i ^ f e . 'c o ^ s l o T ’'

I ^ ™ ? 5 ? S p S p ^ K 5 = = = :

After S:30 wkdays 7^.4130'

i s , y o v v * iS r^ ^ ^ '

'8070 b o W e am/aHerffBm— , ^ ■ 7 nucha, an under $13,000

and fktkf roady. 1978 oas

!«««►- diesel'-19M C hS?S*P««— 707- - boet-bed.-1971-I.H..wbMt—

Z Z L j E S p S S Z Z Z ^


E | i l M | i l ^

r C ARAMAtl ^ i I

ku . MflM M —.Um, IX»« ATS.X H. B.IW.. rif^»W W » Im fc- — ---

r5(Dr4»rRur ^ ~^ to c k # 3 8 4 0 ----- ------- - — —

I^ ^ E i =

iW EilW % 4 : e |............ . ' • r — —

D i250P tU H ^|3537-' ! ” ■ -

I « " 4 S s i : i |

i t e i te R G E r tg j^3 8 p o . •• 1— 1 ~ ^ “ -

f t f t = ^

:::: -Stnek»)7ti — - u - L Z A * ___

g - = 7

Page 23: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

^y- '.I ' H i E i f l ^ f !

^ J .g ^ y ; < ^ ::f n a t j )n is ^ ‘-

•'* slam.^ahi»uncfld-&uti"<K»liruTnpB|-I-gft-^'ffn.'^

- irr^ -J tak e th e ap ad e -fln e inyoM-sw

»-. iiiissed?"; - •• - "= " ; Dummy's diamond' ■v ;r ootfwftdr^y the Mwg 'iB

<■;. • trumps. Instead he o •'*;t—club Jack in dummy to;^

.^ - - from dummy woiild ‘ —■-%— slam-would-'havc-ma


•*'•■'. TT two down on a slam - have l)eeh made. '- - J l z - . It-w M H rue th a t dur

' -only- one' diamond - dl :•• South needed two. Nev

— "i;— cardsifcomdiiaio^itluuA f trick 'tw o .'h e o\

:; club jack In’ dymmy a j • 'second h l ^ club, disca . mondr-A-Sird-high-Hu

intgrtTiptg thtngs' -j' No matter.,South.oven

my and leads a fourt --r-^— Thirtim e'East hasnb l ; -• -interrupt-South’s-pIan.

' • U J t H - U l I b U‘1. U u u ■■. South-has his 12 tricks.

and curb sldo door. Call • a 3 T-flaT1.u v u l iiiiH t .7 S a *

f '- 6 6 S 7 .d a y t . '

Folding side M ter 45- tf«iior; t s o p . a * R oper pr.ojuct

- -Trucks 4 tfaBws.■J- i a NYt>efy3^»AUt:—

— r;----------- SUTOMOTIVE

' l l U l V in i ........ ~ i= : =* 1B70 VW camper VSR, relrig,

— slovera lflk .-every lh ltm__.r-^WQtks..run8good,.$.1300,. ■ ■ C«nBflfi.7falS

1987 Oodoe Grand Caravan. --------- excellont shapeT JI itsoo;

«?aB?^W3«nef142 Ij^rt/Sporta Can

■-^973-VWrnew-enoinei C; dutch, braket,p^ ,ln iefior,

^-_g:;;_^&-peftgrmance_leatuwii •Cl -

• $ : 1974 Datsun-zeoz-, nowv^' «<riit«' 1079 nnmiin

. > : 2402 lor p a r ts . Both I6i ' C ; ^2000/oHor.Call 734.SS70.

> . 1974'VWThlngjMroarondI rda'inago from collission ,

^ ~ ^ G a B Jo iin « r Randy,-----------733.S920. ■ ' ■

^•! 10T71A QOi pftryiy.celkMil cooditlonr CaU 532-

^_ : l '‘ 1979-VW-D«»hor diowl sta- — . tion-w ^-in-gooa-coodl-

r l l 1982 Subaru, runs great. T.'> Call 324-S21S. ovoninBS.

1083 Mazda RX7. tew maos; k : o: ^ cood. $ 5 W . 734-9265

1987 Toyota Cdica QT..5

b * ' reepWiSOO; Call 5 4 3 « 4 2 • S : aflofSp.m. - •

condhlon, asking .$9400/ol-


B»c k lo M ll« g » l,C I» » ^

‘Tr-'*We’8'0«,-new whhe-^nt, 56.000 act mi; $4200. 326- 5648 ovos; or 734.9486. Crest fusl'oconomy: 1979

:^T VW Rabbit, tew miloago. tuol in ^ e d , 5 spd. doth Sitorter,

146 SilV a a 4 T V V r . .

■■. T ww m ooctaE D aittta tEf f f b l a ^ r y s l ^

i;« -1 9 4 8 -Jeep.-nw - ^ t y

■ • r i9 6 7 ,Jeopsto{_Commando, v ^ ^ ood•condition, auxiliary

r ^ i ' $15bo/ollor.Can726-S067. '

• >j-i97a:aiazeThEs:RB3i?~ gower. w meow,. a p p fo ir

■ t ; ah'o.CM5.Ciil3ge.lT«l:- -■^197tToyw a Landcrufllon - a , 0Xcoten1-q>ndr4a3-4767-of-

otic r^ ir fcrcitfjo'■~y» W79 Ford 4^4; 'A Wn SVSg;

^ QN BRIEW’rs» ^ 1atiglmM ■ '■ .' — ~

faave-made-the— '■

e anything- Tr— :---------

' qtt^n was;, j • -

lo '^iarthc S | ) a d e ^ ^ - h " W ^ l

Id suffice, the V i v ' pa

latn’tfiat should - . • Openin

dummy n'eea«r " -dl«»rd-w hile- - BID Vevehhpless; >t 1 ' t<i.fii~fn™ftrcT~ "SBiinrtintrtthniid. Lwi.i-------- .•— — —

overtakes his y and cashes a ' iscardine a dia« , pq-dub-^’Mcdrbut— f ^

/e rru lls ; cashes aNSWE^: a spade l ^ U f n enough lo u rth high plub. play for 10lo low trump to — defend-—^^.bnd^n

enwl.:|tS. , . C«p|rtHlll



E il^ Plew—sun-——for ,-S


SaT : '-'


g .

lint. -I- M B i f t l B S i j ^

S 'ife^ g lliMS'S211

to p r -

^ h SS^r :Camei

i ’ ' 23iSSH6SHON

' - - - - v T r — — :

|! 'G ^ S & 8 8 Y --W O lF F r .-

— i T o t r n i ,i'i

. ‘ .>.Q.7_. - - . .-.* A K O in Q_________ ___

V A 28-' -• - - . ♦ K . A 3 2 — ^

♦ .A Q lo V ^ - ; ;____ « .Q ’S 7 5 3 . . 1 . . . : .

.' .:»JA .6 5..-: . --•-

^1w Bftth- •- ' . ,South • . -iih-g!— - ^ : — ------------—Weat ^ .. ■Nflfth E £ i f . - Pass . '3 ' Pass P a s s — 'S . * — : - 'P a s s ‘“ ' 'r —

: singletoh'spade . ' ” ning lead; Diamond jack " - . .

ID WITH.THE ACES . ^---------:

-------» B 7 5 4 2 V— , . . •..V A 2♦ K.V32

- » 6 2 • .

R: Four spades. Should be lo provide a com lorlab’lc "10 tr icks. ■ ___________

:^au»tieRt-S6-Tbc.-Acaj,. Pi). Oax -

ivclopf lor reply,’ruM, mo, Hftll«dT»HMWSr»dic«l«' ~~ ~

VfiTM’j!; ■■■ =— 1985 810 Blazer, air coo(fi-

■1986 V4ton Ford d iesel.

leljL 702-738-5671 of 7344M16.

n « : 3 7 ^ 2 ^ S t o S B 5 ^ood. 1987 custom SUvorado Biaz-.U.>C nr v n PR ftP-ftT ftMfMVI*. *. W, *.W, ,.11 .1 I., t l.liM'r-TW

-aswfieroxcetlofrcondittoir i r r r - Cttll 543-6547. ■ t»r. 1987 Suzuki SomuH for sale.

Can 734-3223 atlor 6 om.

~ ■ 175-Auto PealBra .- . ~

s m t i

i2 i$3St

rsee^nsratiimrshii for these trenu

— f i l l r w n e k

iH ^ E S■ iV iO T O R -C C

' ■■ - i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,

— \46b4x4'a-&,ATV«.. ... I


■ .! SUPER CHARGED :— :ri9 e S C tievyatspalder-ftaw

^ hioh oerlonnance motor ■ g !“ w ^


! i 'y AntiqmAutei.

no r u ? l ? f u ^ , C a ^

5361 days. B >o Som.------ 19ei-Caddy-wAaB-fins.and, •• al. Undot_Z4.000_miS-and

■ i '— 5361 days, a tQ S o t _____— -1989-^ ^ ^ a ^ t.ST car,bxcellentinvestm enl,m 4 i i u f i a a y s ^ f c = = ror 1973 Lincoln Mark IV. books

iiEBEEi:lf( cond-<6.000: S37-4778.RT ^ 9 79 Ford-fcTD~wagon7-— teoks brand new, njns great, lT loo. Boohs for $3500 sol

lorSStaO^CsH 837»4n8.

~ 175-Aulo Dealers ■ ■• '

w MHtLsaaga

'i m m m t i a

mendous- — j ekbuvs!~—- a

< 0 f»1 P i i N Y

LLS ■ 733-BUY1------ > 4 ^

’.I II . —

Y ' Ui.— r - — ■•

K : ^ t a 7 2 ^ B y : W * y . t ^ ^

K :y6ur.«WsJ«*d,;ad:r;... th . :IL rwutttikaa^McnQsr.

k -1 S 8 - Autoa-ChsvTolrt i l -


— 1986 Camaro Iroc Z-28, T- tcp, tune port Itiel ii^edion,

m -low-miteagerlully loaded.T wr Only, $9600. Paul E llis. *•| | j,vonlnflo, :

_ lititecar.Hasairamuch ■more.ONLYI *9300>

„ ■ • C a ll733 .7S 91 .__^

• - -16 Q -A n to » g o Uga V -

— *«(»iiort*cw^ >r d U lo n .g ^ '7^7823.

8* *162' A u to tftfd

i r “ISSI, 1983 Ford Escorl station-

^ -mitos. $1500.726:463c------

I.&* 'd o d ra rA M /F M e a s s o t te T

i superb-condition,. every op­tion, boauiltul black, aavo $8500. Call 324-8959 ovos.

I 175i-A utoD ealers..... ' ■■


^ :i9767ilM ldgo, exoellonl^ : r •condltioi^ood ttros.-AC;-

I* : .1977.:Unoafei ilafk V,reruns

V- :ig77;MercuwC6ugar.XR-7,--

^ W « i a M ^ c ! ' t o ! A M ^ * >P*. caswtte. Ca l 324-8707. .Q|. p.s»K^.i .c,no», Miibo.t. -

afr' ------•- 'in- .'■■ ■-■: .............•

^ e ^ o S r o o tr o r c i j u i j7 r ^ dean & in good cond.' Amo windbws, air. tit. brand

id - now tIrea. $3600.733-f917.

|g; 172 A u u ifo n i ie

-197(r-Pontlae'-Ventuia, 35<F

1 1981 Ponliac Firebird, ioad- . od.-wilh T-lop'and now liros,

" ^323?M ortdaTnfftSD girTn::— Tfar-fl'ft-or9iM»grogrgyp3. • = n984-poniarT ranfiA JT i7-n- >8-

00 -1988 Pontlac S unb triT i-

m- roar defrost, IH whool. Call __ 733-9394 Bhof 6 om ■

:•• t w - A u t o s ^ t f i e r _ L

«in*'t’U ^kicif^’i d ^ a K ^ ’ U 1984 Fort TBfWw^ df. AT— AC.- A M /F M ^asse ito -A '— g u ^ ^ -rnkJ>^_bids. ’6ee at •

lOr * gv*'lffi fl7 B^ W rrnp- vort2>ic„750 Kawasaki. 733-6913 or drivO- by 217il_ ^ ''‘wfShy to viow cars.

~ 175-Auto D ealeta------ .

ieahy3y j B S |^ 'g l i ^ ^ ? g ^ • - s •

M i

■ P in il liT ' 1 1 ^ ' '-

\ ^ T ^ n r n n n —

----- --..■- .


j4|THF|^' USE

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E p-l989^EW

t|_ ’em: :H>| p M f f H i i s s a n

C U r T O ^ : . : : : v : : ; r

-r All powerf.airand cl - I

- e u T T O - . ; .^ ....... ...

^ 1 9 8 7 H o n d ^— LowtteUullKiffilil ::X e t f f -T O T ::r r f .—

i l H

P S ffii~ 70*1 Mflin Ave. E

ppterhber7.-i - -Tlnrws

FM MU'! ■ H v V V p ^ H ^ -

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Z g = ^ a r y ^ r U n U - ~ - ' ^ j

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III* “Tnr


icimBp jp sizp g^ rivo .. ■ ------Aff o

1 0 0 'S 9 S 5

rttanza-------8l UrlW. WAS‘799!l T l

LMarguis :

r:Accdrd-iX--^|jiDped! WASMoTbOO

' j o l i s ; ■, ■ - .g ^ ~ g M W " ~ iK iry iStwHwO- € ^ TwInrEalls^

:Wewy:7yrtff.Fati5rldanb .8-1

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t l r U l a O ~____ 733-77QQ |

Page 24: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

I _

- : M14. FarmimpwmBni■ ~ ■■ " Wantod: okior JD tfaMl■ ;; -------^ ^ ^ o ra ln b o d .-^ l‘32<M»

" - .AA Jubilee. 600 •( . ; • uOO #Wof. 2.000. 3.0

--------- “ :‘4 ,ooo*F6WiraiaerBnc

--------- r -— rtS -ita irW orirW an

M Cuttom H c ^ r■ ing nnn -Hnirft ftliHfj 4«fe9of737.lSB9.

j= = JS S |Duano'* Cuilom Fan

; . •■ y , . Can436-g78S.- — :— — TCiWoitrtooan^ihnwttni 1 ' hnv & irucks. 423-6168


CUSTOM pi.6wiN(. Scon Baggod


— '“ ' ' ,, LUIUIIW KIp-WMU 4ZM094ormobiopho

. C u a U % j £ ! f e a } • ab lV fater Gfalin. ba

I '• [ T « 5 S S 1 S « ^ K. . . '. . . tra .a traw apreador.'

G |y w . 6 row own

'____ ! I—RO^KHltlOHOi

J - ■: .ig Q .A O ik ito n L rrL :

. . : . . . Sm dastinwri buemoM --------- —— »«fvtee-dir^ofy tor th#'

= --~ ; ~ ; :'»hai:wa;w: '■ -----^

~i ' " - Vw R u tg b e a lo n ^

1984_ ______ ' x it r k» u-tM.««

' __ r^HUili lujnnuu


:j ~

i - - \ n f ^

m i m•r ^ -gSrtil.-r"

------------ . . — rcr^STsawTui• BMixtr r«T*MU M

' _ k Mik.

*~ r r ■'■ ' • ' - r

r^T ^d ica s-rtife rr-F rtiiw s

; i o . i i i a i i v p v

__ ...................................’ j;

K S E S -“ ■'■"I*” L l - - — J j g ° f l* g -!£ -? .!g !

g^2^Sf 7 H .W MMI3,000 or 734-y>9S0f734-y66.i

■ancrrpr -BrarHj-new^S-lrCol 2 ^ ^ - S S e ^ g S f t S S S e . . 'N M rrw rO rogbri2’«

w ntig rT n iitn tn rtD a i-wlih i i — — Evlnrudo motor, 6 ^

_ > _ CaB 733-2906. .ilcftopv -NioaM-197e Iff-TahW.j

nooi^'~-BuftflrCalT678.7473 . .

__ ____; Our1991Soa«»lf1boMng, CB with OMC Cobra motor tSsT. birtocfc with 1090 Pffc " • ' '~ r T o m > M i^ 1 8 p w t

...... :t22-Bp0rt6w-G00d«-

ilBK Z - S c S S J S S S

- i2 3 -c u n » » m n « .- -t~«tiKVC'~ J ■■ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 r.il_.

, baant} jV^niiVof 'c h oVoiTPo

| om “

5 : : ^ ^ ^ ^ m l n S m S i

n h ^ . ^ t a r ^ D a y -^ w ^ S

^ ^ O^T-SueS .B uvSan*Tr.da.

P Z v l W lnchoaior 70 .;ao ;

^ ^ Wl’!r4:ifl!B

........... | - I 7 & ^ t o ^ e r a —

— — - s t o c k #3824 ......

m 9 i p


>U *>d dmptraM *IUR>a N* MtM r<r

<. tttM lO N« l«tU«> f«>i

«rFeRD-BRei• - . S lo c k .# 3 6 7 1 -- •. .

»a8o»!ir«fwp^S?iitr>T4a. hTm ^ rT*

’—l y . w i r . w i i - i r f i i i i w i• • S lo c k - # 3 :^ .‘ ’••■

a g g g !■• Ml (174UW. N> l4fw ttiw


7 \ j X • .i .y jL * ^

. 1»e6 PliK»r.Mi»welui

«S0fV0t« Call ClaisKlad, 733-06 ,4 4 5 0 0 -

» i W - T a TraV8lJ«ljB[l_::.yznumoc -------!------------ ' '— <rTO w f ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Il b o ^ ~Xoraar*

______ R y 6

E = jg grpflcoi- ^H aw -i^ -V l^n I

-MoteiSe ^ T-n

s e : d isp o sa : ; z z r - ------ • “Special

* A H T I ^

laa. call ________ p j

■ ' 17S=AutoDoalef8-^—

r n M A r d i o l t iI w i i 1 w

m m u -

^t4m:^88 5 1 j B 9 « # r O #

•wMiw. tita% Ari. iMii »d< r<«» w.iw •

lNCOli- 9MMKk ltal« ATM, Mtl M* rrin H.m. • r.T«»«lk *M *»«■ ♦ U.

I4* *mwm • lu n iiUityny— li

“51,0 2 lld Ave;---- ' V . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4 2 S - 4 i i w l 4 S ^ctuicb, 1S71 a h wtwel traOar, U 1984 M l t^ n t8ined,-alr;:»

K!teMilMr73»«62«.-----* 7 B 9 r o i r w e l l B e J

fra i . • loetrlo frtdge, atovai 5 ^ n 2 s o g j n 5 0 £ C a S ^

---------- new* decor. $3850. sii-0f 2 e. A c w a R V P ^ Joromo

1 7 1 ^ 1 J 2S - ^ ^ ^ l t o r » -

V T j------ ■ ^ h Mi t- K e c r e a t io n < » i i i b (^ U H E R E I p J ^

3 " '“V r rh 5 i5 tP R - V I l lE R D - —

■sal -

ia l - < ^ n = th e ^ S p o t— ’

i iD E S W E L C O M E

<=!TTOP P T N r :O x jr C f JT JT l i l v X

gTAZA-is f r o m R « ( i L i o n j , .

• • ■i75-Ajjlo;pflalBra—

H A - F i a p f t B P ^-Q - f r w KM i. P K l: S t ^ k # 2 8 3 9 - -

ii».ll« w y w mM ^riM w

(^HpFpa■ ' ■ ~ ' " S toVK#3 8 5 i '--="

•■wt-«iinrwB>»tTtrpw-M»naa?Wfiii»wi »iU0rjo. N. t.11^


I DODGEHNU«_ J .O A P E D .:S to .c k # 3 4 )

> ; 9 8 8 «ZVr2

B 'H H H is g ^ u i r ^ i e nF JfW irV fcS lo c k # 3630 ,

s m m

e; S~* T w 5f^


J « > a a > iCTfm TMUiyA N D E R S O N ’S !

~ j . »


V M ^ l^ V ^ y V b e a ^RV parts and supply si

'. If yoOr Wonds haveni

' y®."-Como soe for you i8(

= ------- - »-e4Eiut ie V

:E- Huntara apeclaiI-1967. —:— • Concord traior. excel, c

»13S0. Can 324.4546.

'|! IL ^ ..Layton traDora &.Sth whi V T f 'Stoduns now & usod uni

Buy & consign unHs. BERT HABBAUGH

pm. ■ - ■_ _

wave. 'slorob; slaops'e.

I 2 in Lcy ,: i a 6 7 ^ ^ l ld ^ ^


E * ^ =xSf?r.',Sii!ss;b".'sofa hlda-i^bd. eauall

------- T W bS

' 126 . Campers & Shells

HIFjgFO-j j

(• Milki. l u n Arx. MUI S«U ptlnl

:q«nt»r ! wM Mika, lU n An. HUI u > t. . tw *1. ^ . I.. _ .,amirM,|iii

M M ■‘n n ilOTA 4x4 TW

leiM.iKl'li«« AnCm*l «»r.T»»''».»«t <»»»♦«».


- t ' a u s / f d a i g

- I f e i o w ^ S ^ S=<2500:

g g -i07 fl a V ra p a a nlei

5 r 4 5

s ^ v £ g s r j g b , a s '^ n V excallani condition. $•

! e r. 5 4 ' i i [ { l r ^ ^ - c <

ysto>«- Comtortdble. roomy can mltold 10‘ overshot.reauirei _ tooptetop.Can7:a49a

For sale; 1966 custom

J. cond. 'F o rt pW ujprsM ^

^ .1 2 I-M a Io ..H o m t» ^

7Wr— -tg70-FOIB.-2 0 ‘n;3 0 2 ' -AC.:now-ttro8,_paint «

-■ ■ .axcelfefrreond/ftofLfSC miBtflf. CanS43.404e. oondk ia7& 34' VMUrf-Clibt*

A cJaw nm B . m krowa -e. *ul 4,C00waltBefloralor. Do

°°S-7M6: ■ - .........EU sfe j2b.l6dl.GabahaZaiLlil: a n w . g lw with driver dqor.j*.

avaS-' - rubber. In A-l condabn.-K a p - 8 3 7 « 3 < ; - ---------------paint! '81 T ioga 2 6 ' Ford, t

i s y a - d ^ . ^ ml. engine-

Ills ' Champion 24 'c i m A lit__ _ :homeT-1fi72.-61.S66.miilrcam- second «*f5P»

ft. diuro-J9.lOO._______

6 ;488«^ IMW; »» Ml« wm

i>88J0D6E^ ^ -----------s io e ir# 3 6 io -

7 m mic.*i»;tM. ratt-i»TM-irf35WscuCS Ir p*r**» n tt|,»,«LN» hi


tm m w m........ S !ock .#3409 .

9-988„«k. »>M mHm m fftoe Mlt .m . f r»T»w«. m4 itmmf i wmm II W,4> W >ill

'm m sM m•■• • 'S t o c k # 3 ^ 7

J» 7 » 26 '.w lhi»lugo.

» °S n £ S S i J S l ' ~

catalytic -■596. 128 ' UUDtylnllan

Mmnar Complote Bne ol Uberty

55^{ a •'>«l‘M . »andemor sli35wrdOM x c ^ 7 3 M r e i OO/ottor. Now 6x^(Hrt~t'rtMlor. t

102~V^;- - 3 S 4 « S - ----- '

W;m 6 flcrtowoUwj—^

-35.800- 'to f a l r r ■• ■aiwifw. _i32_JuiQ.Earl»— : _ TJOTsnsz ' Accetiortfft SSOOO. — •


n r " ^ --fOF.pofts-j300U97£X Itw PU. f tw n g B n w

T.'Call "A lt'sea so n rad ia lsri .......... - t^ reR 1 S ,J2 0 0 .-C a{

-Bavirl^'H illirCofvoiil

on. CaH $99 . ^ . 734-4Stf1:or'


- - - - 1 % » 2 _*fT)?_____ pans. Call 3 ^ ^ / .

MB" 155555


l« « !f!fc *, y » « «« ■MMKfc im » Ant i»«.i (•jti


oiiwwF^l o . ________________ : —

^ 1 y 9 w .

UttPORTRVr«l3fE' ^

turn* W — tfcfc- tm * AW. tMri M t m« >ilU.« r«y»^ W» g»» » U.

■ i m H H n n t V ' i l 3 3 1n iN IIV S li " f A t " - | . J37 ■ . ■••■■_ ;: «,

f j tr tU U stt^ iS T ^ "

w g fe i- r i ^ . ^ ifiMi y ^ f l y n e i


^•u— — ■■ "tv avsm uK i q s n w i

|1 6 0 0 ^ e ta ^ w . C«l I

sinale 200 XR Honda. 62 orlglr

tb K r v FbrSalofng74-600YiffiB K iick ; .Cail7rujfii7^ftw-6^>.m,

' Saanhai tponlno equlpm ;)sabeitHDpT.lnctassKled.

= , n 8w |irn ,t?W ,'W ^

^%l-hiri.-VTliiF i g l'yw*Jifes, 6 aaod en«

_ _ _ 1970 vitr^ Foed M ton' wyen- pfctap tfucl<. 3 y»od.-g<

1976 Chevy W ton pick- «y«» One owner, good rubb

4wdae‘ ' ...

rslEB ' l977Ct»vyl.tBn,4OT.

lie car ■ Call W 2 6 4 3 . ~ y,,naw, ■ia7J.Ford.P250,-35,0 ir 734- 4.spd manual, sh

----- - » ^ lont condlttertri4S<ES« Can 733-8778.S 1979 GMC 454, AC, loM

1S79 OMCiteavy half, V

^ f f i l f i S S S S J g S ; :i r r w ToTO «■ tnn 011 C


i - P 8 T P Q P g r- — ............ stfldfcgaa

» ^ 9 8 8jt r^ R«M. » > « • ' u b -■» I

raftfrPOBPi!ii■----- SUP E R -C A B :^

ifiw; <?;«*•. 5hii5n,-F5r»iS5iar=2ri■M»tr r«y-.— «Ni >.M <ii.joTjt. N«

l989D0DerP0W; ' ............ .. S loc lct>355

q ,7 0 V1989 DODGE D— ,- - - ......... Sl6ck#353

1 1 ,9 8 1• •■>.«•■. mM«i u art* Mb *M. hMttMM. aU i.iL3.nJm ntMnM. tu

0 8 0 B f l B B f D U M f

:••. Stock #380


3aSt SBijtiE4 a - w . g i ^

f^sooT i S 'h a t f i p i”

74 V* QMC. P3. ail. 'PB 34-1616 good cond'w/SOver Queer •

eam oar. soU'Cenlalned

i M i<b' HMyyTnjclMgiirti'.5 = ^ a o j u l i e e l - s p u d a n d —

J je o t . t h i c k s ,g a s : a n d ~ , iTipsa: d ie se l. 6 7 8 -1 T 8 4 ' . ■ '»w. ■

=2“ ^ t8hdem OrrtakeB-22-24*— '

uuu o* Tjori.“-^ y ^ " It-^ S5SE~' ' 3406 B-anglno^ 'A 'Ip, 1 ^

ifSTT- . ^ ' Fruehauf belted-apud

W. V-8, b ^ . ' 1075 OlamoaSReo ta ta jfr- die»el.-1973Chovrwtootf * — 70?.— l»c t tad, 1971 1,Hr wfceet—

iE j G A I U I V A I I ^ I - -


P®*’19^ 1:1i T t J g ^ T a L J g ^ . -g I

D - 2 5 0 P .U ^ r r3537-........U -m ■

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Page 25: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

^-“ UXvonlV’ innf~n^tiii^^5 ; ' - -. ' - —■ r^'. jjo ihaiw i

' 8lam,".anpouhccd South . ;— the.lnimps.'.I-go.d6wnc

rrSwnTTDb you . sec ;•-• '" -iflb seoF-T — ■■.........- • , ,Dflmmy»s diamond


•^irr— tn n n p s ra m tc s iT T n rw .-•w club Jack in diimmy to t«

■-/• from 'dum m y would.! > I slam would. have mai

-^ - .-^ad e -J in esse-w o rk cd r = .;;^ a B -f lB iB n g e riPggm w ff:'i

~~'two'down on a slam have been made. . .

- ; - -U WM true that dun , . *' only one' ‘diamond dU

; '■ South needed two. New " w ^ rT ^ t'fo rsoT ith -ton

7 ^ , carHTfrom iils own han----------- l l t - t r r c r tw o7H e:ov

~ r™ clu li"]aclrln ‘dummy~ai

— i .- E a8t=intaEgui»tSi things^ ^ ‘ No matter. South overr Ti -the spade ace. ruffs a sp

— r^r-n>y-att‘* rlea^ :a’ fourll “ This time EasfiiM noli

— fiitefrupt~SoutB 'rplan r -^nK geM n lj^^ ih o -tr-g tr

. . 140 - Hflsyv Trock8/S«mi$ .

'• and burb side door.'C all — ;'T ^ S 3 ^ e g H ^ w ln f l s ,-733--

:X:.. Folding tide Ut fcM- 45' traUoTr -T $S0p.-3;‘,R opef'p roducl'

— 8NYDEH*8PAUL-------- c : _______ aifTPMQTive

. t“ .205WosJ ei5.Paul.lD . C«M 43»5400


...........w n a W H ^ r-----------19&7-Oodo»^and-Carevan.-

1B 73^W , now .eng ine .

> . • 5 B 0 0 ;T f^ woleomo..- •■ >:- 1B74 OalstiR 260Z, n»w

_£^:_tlres..atcuia..1972.D atsun..240Z lo ^ p a m .^ B ^ h b r

damage;1rom colilsfllon.

, •::: ^ j ohnJtJtody, - , j .

r^', • 4254.-«hdfS.-------------- -..^A ..1B79.VW Dasher dkisol sta-.■ ; ;^ - t f a n wawtHrt-ooe^-wfldt-

^^^ fW M S da-R X T rkw -m itosr7^9265^

' tnih^.-^ezcolkHtf condKion. •:<i-r*drfr0.600rC*U-643.«42-5 : PJiPLS-P ? -___________ 2 .

. 1BBB Aceofd m L.

^ * - 1 9 8 9 .Honda Proludo, AM/FM cassotio, sunroot,

~ r?^B aek to :g o llag e rc ia s8 tc^

side S ou. n m whHo paint, 56;000 act ml.i$4200.,326-1

S : - S648 w w . Of 734-9486.r- *v* Gratt-fiMl •eonomy: 1979

- VW RafabK. tow mitoftoe. (uol ' s ! injoctod,6 tpd. doth Morior,'

~ r^ tiroa*CL?73j

~ ____- • 2 - WOWI ‘880odgo-Dafeta LP ~ > -^ -< --4 jU rb Iaa^ ~ ry 3 w p = - ^ - 7 3 4 » 5 » 4 3 ^ r T 3 3 s 9 4 0 4 -

t948 Joep rn o arn w rio p .-

-ii*> : 1967 Jaopaor Commando,

good oondltion. auxiliary

^ ^ 'bQ /o l|» -C an726--SQ 67..:. y v 1975 rio|il;yi.Q«mehnrQOf. 4

■ wrwol dftve, pood conditton.'

197a .B U a« fcE & ^ ac« tL -f-r-powM-wlftdow-aOOWJUi - i t-50JCPUwiCT:on-reb^.cKi:-

< :flino .|2995 .C at^tafr^340-i ' iflJBTayaifffBtracroBBrr3lfl»cn»ont.rr«d^423-4767-0{-

- ^ ^733^)e6Stakter9(ovt». ■

400 CU. 2nd ownorTXLJ. >^AC.. P9.-PS.'ctuise. slider


t i v ^ A u t c m

■M 4 tw iililr tu i ...... ■ ■= =

^tMaughim. • - - •^ , . . . . .

‘ ' V,' ■* '■ yissr . . l u ^ 'iriade■uth. “i n s t o r t - ^ . . m :qulckly..and - 4 - j j r . V n e s ^ , j . g o tw o . - ^ T y j i T Ji e anythihp: i .

id queen :w as ‘ '* . T ' [TaM^ c e . and -• --------

ftW rtofck-lus ;o try the spade TheWddlncamQnd-dlscnrfl.-S4Hiib—Afad. suffice,..the i i f .P a made had the Pn!d r- lt^ o s t7 ^ n d — 5'»~7r~^Pa

am thafshouTd-------! ! ^ upenmi jummy needed • discard ..wKlle ■

Nevertheless, it .........■

tiaiia. ■ ' . '-o v e rtak es-h is ' ' •ra n d 'c a s h c s T i---------scardirig a dla- v.'■.! ’ q'' cliih-lvlrd. bat- f y " ' f "

■crniHs. cashes aNSWFR-.. i s p d o lnclum-,. i„

play:rorno lo low trum p to .in. The dcfend: ~ s ^ ^ J K - q r-gmp-ac«P-anq'k&_________ ^ ^-------------------- : ■ '

t4 M x 4 's t .A TV:». !..

cru ise , low w»iim - shotLexc«ort4fi,5oo,an4-«afl— 1S83 Jeep Wagoooer Lim- lted-Ediiig>.,W>ftlfw tnats, ACrflrulier«xlr«(rqreal

6642;a11gr 6om: '1985 Nissan. r>ew point, now irftorior. now tiros, roll bar. JSbamt 86495 678-2630

po 1. .tTS-AutoDealarsn"f? • r '

oq!,. 2JB||SII 3I

Br«w .

I g j jM"eiT”;32^

Ua . ,


I ■ A L L IOiM■................ •

ion.S42-------- :---------------------------------

L.! ........ : T " - 7 ^tot-- -

i!nfl= ’- ;

sic—BV - MII— K a O t ^ __

F w Ma ^ C o m f f n

on ;_ ____ - ______

a Oooz-t—

? • ’ : • 236SHOSHONIje r .. ' __TBI B ' _______ U-cawKUHii/iini'iiiinnnTra

_ ------------♦ A K Q 1 0 9 '

' EACT------ :— —— 7 5 4'2 '•"-•• •-

,. .. • •._.T.A2. . .

^^ ^ 'S iD T H '. '" ......~ , ' ~ ' ■ 4lAjQ.10t> ........----- V (T8-7.5 3' — -----TT■— ,____

>outh - ^ " ; ,• •

■ S i t ' n ii i t li r m l ~ 'P ass ■ 3 + * | P iss __£ass____ 5A -r~ 'P i> w ' ' /Pass - ■ • 6 T ;:;!- A llpass- ^ ^ b tg - n M e t u a i i j , —


— . ♦ B 7 5 4 2------ ----------- r—.......V A 2 ..___ .♦-K.4-3.2------ -----------------------+ 6 2 ---------- -------------South _ . : - ........!* ♦ ---------- :----------- ----------;— :

B;..Four-spadoBt-Should be . to provide'ji-comfortable-10 t r i c k 5 r r - ^ ~ r ~ ^ ~ “ ^'“ r ^« qunllorii” fo~nie A tn .T .or Hoi ~

iWSiiTTsrftpl/.-^'-------- ■■.'" ■

a ^l985 S10 Blazer, air condh . vn, rnto|itili:AMfFllinM- ^

305 !

w a ^ 'c o o d l^ ^ -

1987 Suiuki Somuri (of sal^[aaaaca i^M g L g m ____

i^TOY^4Mi— S A U W

'- S H U u i l a t o u f - s h o i r f o M h ^ t r e m . tan week

■ ■ ■ 9 ' M O ^ O i R CO


1 ■ .... : ■ ' . . . — .1 . .

---- ■ ■y ^

i"*®- A.ATVV;

jL-tBa7-TqyotaSRS.4x4^««trd• cs6. • AC/^MffM ;eM8«B»; •■

. • - M H w S ^ p a r i t e ^ a i r re8-0990.- >Bt tof Rhorwa._

casMtta^nevTlIres,• yiTSO. 734-4999. • I

with w&eTbood BiM^Wow-

:-----5oS ff7800.-M ual#eeV «arivetpbe8we.-324.S177._J

llfl- arjjjfpft " '

~1953 .C h<^let 2 dw T y - j

• 1961 Ciddy wAtf Hns and — al.-Un«}er-74^.m is-:«nd

pariB o n ^ rn o im e. c a ll ■ 438-5882 O v o n ^ or 438>

:;. .t9 6 9 UuMang Mftch I, 4M ^ -CJ. 90% restored, very nice

l i S i Sfo r.over 9K[wHI se ll >or

r*' -1974 M u s i^ II. Mach 1.g v-b. AU. .HS. PB.- 4- i s r r. 76K ml. N eeds’cosm etle = ^*om^i600lM 7U77a..:—

t,. 1978_ F ord LTD-wagon.- - Hooiu tvandnewrfuns'orefll, r too. Books for S3S00 «nil soi _ tw ^lB Q . Call 637-4778.

_ 175-AuloDealef5

tll? l C BWflT ilL L p .r l l t! ||: |

i i i M M j e i i r i i 'T i i M i i

n e mt o HS — - 1i k l l u y $ L c ^ : s E : m

c o m p a n y ,,

L S V > 3 W I " ;

iS ^ S ^

g ise ' *utoKanvti)iiij. '

ly 'speo'cl.-velour Interior, air

^ a g f l k s j ^ e l U ^ m a ^

0 ^ -«4:000r«a-7«>»atW ^»om - H iflftft Cftinftm Ime 7.9H T.

! top, tune port tuol* k4od)on. >w low tniloaoorfuiiy loaded; or Only. S 9 8 0 0 . Paul Eills. «* 7 3 4 ^ 5 . ' days. 543-5219.

?• —i«90GEOPrtan-4-Oo6rr- — -Toye(aCoroBa'siwin.-OrNt-

Btlo car. Has air & much . --------- moro. ONLYI $93001 - '

--------- C117a3.7M l,-:^-----

P 160 Aubs-Dodge

Id $6000 a-

f 162 Autofrfofd .-1 i;

* ° J BH non

-tw9 •tewsoporrCoupor -

r i i r a s s r a r "$8500. Call,3i>4-8959evo«.

I I^A utoD ealefa j ____ ,


“ I^ A u to * * .- ...... , -r - = ^ m r o w v ^ » Unbolti—

— -*v»^ari nfnflif fynSUar ■ 7 Uuuuli u iwiww ' Oiie. 'M ftO. '

'■ io » « ito S M !S iS !M M £ !=

! - w f e r ^ V. runs

• tg jT M en y x C w W ^

V -«ttseM^<^l 324-8707-^--

i -

’* —o' riHfi Ii -Mti

r " r ^ ' d ^ ”4 ^ g o ^ ^ a * T d r" ^ -AuwT«n80WB7«r.nBrW6Ha- }. -rwwjlrea._$3600_^a3^917.--

V 172 Xuto»4>ontlac

. 1981 Pontiac Firebird, toad- ' od, with T-top and ndw/tiros, _ -groal-condJllon,.CaH-324-_ Mnivtoy-thmiiflh'Fri.

day. 8-5. or9^-5702. ovos.

L -tfln . f?-spf1, An,,\ AM/FM cassotle, 70.000 ml._ . CaU 934.8SS2____*0 1988 Pontiac Sunbird, 2 _ dfff;_wto,-faTfaorACrpowor'

K ^nw ^h;i^ r% w hee>H }ai{ -

t 174 Auto^-Other

V .«:.1974,‘ fafd PM wi'mmiw. shoUi.AT,.a AC....19B5Ni^-

;: san PU 4x4. 5 s(^ w/alr. •

_ - I . . .« 7 » .« J ^ !o rH o £ |^ ‘

'• . au to m o b ilo s^ e .A fM M r' _ custom van. ' ^ yW Jetta. -

-diiac Sovfrio:"ff? BMW c6fT“ f- veitfetei.TSO KawasakirCallr- 0 733-6913 or drive by 217.

Univorsil^lo yiow cars.

„ , t75-^AuloDealef8 ■.

8 ^

fPA N Y^

iv “

• • -./.Tv VWi*i*WSir.i£.

I ’ •'■ . •■> ’ ’

I m m0 = — 1...9c_ '


Z Z jH Z a^ E i ^ K i


a Z

f e s j 9 6 ^ B D ^

f - -‘- W f t a H z i S r l

T W m50= ::-------

t K 1 9 8 1 - F O R O f f i S

3l - - • LTDT Z

]k ; - I

ror- — " B * 1 F W P M P -

== 1983 PlymoBFront~wh] \

^ U U ! I U

1,983J0tfDta-*ti F J o o r -m o u n le d t r a n :

p WSTiWiBiroHr

t :

ib l^sa-Pontiai___P /S , .P /B , a ir .c .o n d ili

^ E U F I U . .......................

= = a ^ n ( t 5 t t U ) n a t l b

iz ^ -pgggggI___ . flit'iha itiviiry^ ppwt

z " '’'ffiw ili

^ : -l98ftMEW

^ T3»THissaifi ' 5 spd;, tront wheel l _ CUT TO -

_ c u t t o L . . . . . . : . .

P o w e r s e a ls , w indo 'i

_ C U T T f l ......:.....;■

1987Hondavl.BWner, fully equip

Z CUT T O .............A.


•Emmett iHanisi

H I © t g s "

I" I7biM ain Avi^-E

~ 1 1



. . ora

L ^ V b -w M B ■ - -<

a 9 7 j a ^ B l t ' “

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.Vlft^5‘2 6 g 5 ^ - : . . : . - A : v

t-Cotolialzilgin s . .W A S‘2 9 9 5

R m s i t l P r i v f l )ii« u ia iiu r n x mi t io n in g .. W A S . '2 9 9 5 J ^ .

J l S b ^ ■ : i / l i• £=Autoratici;

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san's-g c M i m f io c i ^ i y w

Tw in Fallg .

'ee-yau h e r^ - at ttie Fair! \ - T 9 7 ^ B G U R Y j

H m ^ u m e h I ^— ~ :

ft T ^ -- - :•

^ P = 4

182GBAND~~° — i NIARQUIS::r- | - titic^e/S ,sP /B ^U ncaod= d


179 CHEVY ; I ISTOMyAW i _ |

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Page 26: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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Page 27: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

~ i s m d t o b ^ g~ ~~ T W T ~ FA IX S -:■

--' South^ ^

r r ~ — 5ca56a -from.7d 0 t o ^-. - RfwiTTi l? l nfthff'Finp

. . ._ _ Pete C rav^ rd . a neu —"-ii! ” bc^who2iEccntly=itc

. degree in trombone Ihe U niversi^.of Idah

■ school in Moscow, C:----- J------Bchool-band-diroctor-ii

- : -For more informati------------can-733*9554-e*t.~34■ - -5 -p .m .-or 734-3046

™ — group?9*fall-concert wr r r * rT 5 T n T « n rsH r?raa in

___ ' s tree t-dance ~wil^ r r - T T — r w i N - r a t S ^^ ^ ------School-will-sponsor

anarTReUittleBraunI jl.

HaJl, 206 Seve/jlh'A^--------------- An-a»thrntir-M f¥i

...sH V ei ttora 3 w-7-p ■ ' 'p c f i f d u l ta n d S 2 '^ i

_____ ^ The street dance wii

T b3uIuT$3 per child or____ - — a la carte meniu will

the dance.-.

^ ^M agic V a M ^----------- lODlg-fOFVOlrilE•-------------- 1 WIN'hALLS -

Symphony will ac<i6[_____ week fram vouna ai

...w an au d ilio n .l^

Audilions will bc h------- :_2ip4iCOctJ27iiiuEii

____ _.Bt.the .College o f Sov

— 4^4wai^S;Md-the-posn)

' ' ' - Contestants, must ,1__jiiocs-OiLy.Qunge£,aUh. ■ be past or present stu(

z :lc y MhoQl6lGlchn's-t

— - - —The studentis-piec___ jniijniesJoBglHovcj.paniment and be me


Kevip Howard. 912-------- -^Twin-Fall8,-ID,-M30_ _ . t>9r'i» 7??-44.§2^Af ^ ' . retumcd-bySeBi. 14.

___ Id ah o D an c& Al, H ^ hq ld c rea tii

. w inter,,the Idaho Di

introduce creative m------- - -^lassToomsr-^— —'

. TTie sessions will b-------------around-thc-4iate ,-inc' . u^uofdliift “ tu uiujei

Neely ot the lia n c e /^ ___ nf tfptphnfnjfifLLnri

wiJI be among tWirisi

n * 4:30 to 9 p.m. Thursd " a.m. to 6*p.m. Sahird

d a t« arc Oct. 25-27 ( _ bel '~~S^117Mnhn Fnllc hfirf’

. • "■ : + 6 r il0 0 r ii :“schoo!__±_ teachera.- Individuals

■-------: tor a fee ofAlliance members.-^

; ...-regfsterfor-theentire_____ _ ; Activities at the wc

' exploration of mov movement with the

_____ atton iccnniqucs; iSs

= = t a f a .lhe*Tft’Qriahas i t t

"MJnivereityt----------" ~ ^ ' ^ e-ttjdrfalwpii- ayi

” Id^'d~Dc{^rtiifeht~or — ^ ' -tional-DaucerAssocis

Dance Arts Alliance, - -from-the Jdaho-Com

------- “ and tn e 'N a tio n a l 't• ^ Arts. ,

~ w r ite Gale Maxey. Fi StafVDcpartmcnt

— r 7 -G 'alendar--------r r P B a a * b y z 7 T - . M o v ie s

I j ^ p h S i d i p i S j g

.^Cflnccrtffiynwhonic^ IZ* ±=s

o ^0 .p m -Jv Io n ^y :in — ^ m e ,^ B u ild in g . _

lew C S lJ tt^ ty m e m ^ “ = i

ne . performance fro m ___ idaho. Before a t^ 'd ln g . -i , Crawford was.’a high ior-inrSoldom arA laska..:----------nation abbiit'the band, i-3.42 from-8:30 a.m. to ; ....... (M6 after 5 p.m. -The ' . t wilH>e at<3 p.m. »a itonurtt.- :-.— ...

R raim s-^- ^ rS c EdwardV gatholic!^ — sor*a'"Me?cican^dmncr

mTBroth'Ss.The event......■Jt.3t.EUa;inl^ P.iriwlt s : = ATeTE. ' • ■ iMucan-dinner will he ^ 7-p:iic.'m .axu5txi f S3- . -r^ w ch ild 'lZ andunderr- will be frtim 6:30 to

ill be available duritig. -I

S ym phony

Q g T ira s ic ra n r^ li^ I I j- Ihe Magife' Vallgy------^:<i6pt applications next ;t area musicians who __Jto play with the svrn? __|

c held from 10,a,m. to ^ lE ind iA itsiiA tn iiton um — Southem l3ah&JJp to . . |

■ ssib iliQ f-otp oJbn nin g-— _s rS e } ji^ school se- •U htfluditioaanim ust___ _studcn>o{^MagicJrtl~-------is -F c n y j ^ u r l t t L a a d - , ^

iiccc 8-to. 12.. e n svmphonipccoin- memonzed. Fast wm*'* tlfr-on-Ae-samo inttru. —

a y i belbbiaiiicd-Somrr* " 12 Wood Riycr Drive,3301.-Hi&.ph'one-num---------Applications • must be_____14. '

A rts A lliance ;____itivit^sesslons

Dance AiiirAlli'ance ~»ri(9hop94o4ie!|>rteaohrrr'

; m&vcmcnt into their .

llbctau^ 'tiit'fivesiteV ,’it^rliirflng T w in Fi>Hg , J _

;c.A rts A llian ce ; N ce iy ori H ^ d of-Twiii Falls irisirucwfs. ^

rsday and Friday and 9 urday. TKe Twin Falls" t'i or hcb. iS-Marcn 2 . be held in Boise. Cald»fid Pocatefloi' ; ~ 1_

lals may also re g is te r___sr-^xs'ozfocD anceanari ~ -Each participant-musl-^ —ire workshop... . ___ -..workshop will include

hovcmcnt; Integrating' : ;he“ three Rs"; relax- • [c^56ft'pl8nBltjg;iii»i Of “

iv(»r«;itv n r Boise Sln tP ’ _

- afe=|j p 6 n 9 0 r « H ^ h e - ^ o f EducaiionrtheNai— ~

ociation and.theJdaho . ')ce, with grant support ommis8joii.ojUhe_Art3_, _ l 'fcndowmem>tor the - _-

[» to pnrlicinnte sholild

. Fine A m Consultant.. • ~ oElEducatiomZBoisc,..-;.

~ ”7c 2

Z ....7 “ 7 viCT " 7

_ . t o j i t o > » i i d T O Z Z _ Z

g a ^ » M o gmr:'',^ : b f l— Hoir^^A^ynn-Tnnc^ij^MreiC •-hAta-thLo^yeflr in Ml ■B«np(, subscribers.' .

te F ro i i ia w c m u m ^ ro r m in :_~childfen*s presentation. Artf

Aits on Tour also.plans 1

■ 'tamment. budgets^ In pan

;^ 's«55ii tictetjm cM ftavcBS -io S2STor g en m l aSmissic dents pay S18 for the season

For th‘ ftptinnaare'.avMlable for s u b ^ b a

- 'quests for reserved seating,' Elwood; cbordiiiator p f Jhc

for swdents.: - , 1 - _ rTo-^further-sweeteii'the <

— subscriber— -general-adnr tcr^rcd - wHl-nyffivf ffniipni

• - d i t^ ^

subscriber buys dinner at

~ •Finally,--curtain'times'ha' . from r8 .to 7:30 p.m; Seven

•better suit people wBb go totho next day.-------- -------- ---

Ans-on -Tour-begins . it t . t with an appearance by-Wa

—Gotn'tm ^an-nipstate==Nc

-^panning-rtbli^Gemci-gosps styles. Like all Arts on Tou b t in Fine Aiis Auditoriu

■«-^With-^lt-Mlchael. we*re the country-West'em audiei

• tntnlly difTrrrnt thnn

^ B y R y R lc b m o o d —.......——rO rang^ounty jR egiaterrrr

~ .;;.,Thcro.*g:^a-ocw;rplay6c3 moming'network televisioi fall, a rookie with a» the ti this might not be'a can’t-n:

The name is Fox. Ajid it i Hardly looking the part

— neophyte,-the-Fox-Ghildren__ merely sneaking on 0ie pir

tw o.but'Is.instead unveili and six sh o w ’ worth o f ]

_ >*5 freshman season t ^ t ^ f Yes. tEis ap^ars' to-be t

. -the long haul, committing 1


_ I t’s hardly what NBCv = ^ iied ? a t= a^ m e:jy h ea iiS a “ WieWershipTand advertising i ready , on the- decline. Fo;

■ ^{Tdrt^onc■ O f course, Fox doesri^m ~ quite,

“If Wtf'CUJI piut idB"goo< we’ll be a-m'ojopplayer fror


' ' L O S A N G E L E S ^D j : — Take'aifilm .that co^

million to make, get one

~ =====<^IUit^h(«ne^^Si^------- serious scene. in _ ^ .ie

• Hmcc WiHisrthe earoes ~puu> 0 Min in ffli uiipuit]

Z ; -..California te lecom m u^ E x t ^ T h a ^ e film is

' lematiohal A irpbh, Avhi the outskirts o f Washii

-------timer~^T— :—J-------- :llMovic8;arc-<8cncfall^___ so-experlly_cmflcd,IL-Si “Film F ... - g ^ ^ ing' stanifa "out- -

-_-&(SilC493pS.l.W cSt^ slow crawl o f an airpliu

— —ncT“p f th e 'fram e 'tb ’**!

gaffes, as (hey’ro called— —>ryr or< fk>.th>n8-n««| f i

'"dellrt'quchcy is"only.dhc■ ‘ , summer's CTop o f movie

mot to draw-morer

fpBBli' III t r —^rts on Tour’s five '

ITered. . “ -“ J S H OS to tiif ite cap to ven om n M c n i e g g ^ Ut due .to a grant

S r c v i t f i o c r t s i" ^ S Bssidh patrons. -5tu-V' son. . 'nnril:bm^ “VVe h ^ r e Z ^ ^ H ig,” explains Alice j h e j ^ : c , V a I l ^ _ : ^ M


i ^ - d e a l r a l i i r a ^ v v ^ Hidmission-and-re*:—


a t a participating te show, the other ■ _

have' been shifted.- — “ — /enil o f the shows

S it in g t|me -will L _ I ^ itow dricbr^hooU -.-.

U .ie aton’ s i i ll . n T l lB » " Walt Michael and .tried.’’ , ^ew ^0ric«ba8ed= "S ea30

>Bpclran<U>lue^ g 8_evfTu^ four shows, it will Fin?Ari mum on the 'CSI per pen — ..... 'taln'onrj

’re trying to sell to“ --» The iiencc,” s h T s a ^ f w m “T lan anything we’ve to Twi:

W S P Ssion ballgame th is , le tools. And while ■ ' r , t-miss prospect, an '2

I it mcOTS business. art o f the gun-shy:renVNetwork-isn-t--------air-w ithashow or eiling three hours’- ' a r p r e ^ i ^ g i n ««-J

w ’a'hetworkTn fo r ' " ig better than SlOO

i^ym oraingsaiT d~

C, A BC.and.CBS.^ . ' iSat@ ^Im oniing:rEoJCiCI ing revenue are al- garet L

4bino fn n mn^sivr Rfltynla '. .r isk ie r i

’t necessarily see i t ' l y otlbe - M d o a .

{oou'pnrgnunjiiiiig.' i i ic i from day one^says—the edu

^ rv ice — ...... :: ;= ^........- tl

• Details, details:;o ^ ;a-reportetl _$50 . jne tiny thing wrong ‘ I* '

rone '^ 'iir:pas':TlL*s~hT~

■nest t^ n s t-b u s ty v Jit puyphonecleaiii^ .

micatioos company._______n is 8etat.DullM.ln--—— = which' is locatcd on ' g shington. D.C. Thc .

tally)-80-wcll-d0n®rr— y tti’ <!nyg entertninment__the_ai■nSi mngmn Flubs’,“ “that when GafTe ut ' and is'giarihgly tospo

noh'cc. ,<^d—blundi

m a .uhdonc b v 'tK e ^ W h i 3lime across the coK '(the a - ‘The-Two;Jakcs’” ' les, th

machine, 'continuity.' rMpoi led in the film indus- detail ,AnH “h il. Hnr^-3>tfr- _ 2Qt} dnc.bfitiahy, in 'tljiS '' filtnjl vies/' boo. I

mkia. a R u ss ia n folk mue

son-tieket-holdera-are-invi ;m’ tisl^ tiy ^ m . o~to 7~

^ Auditoriurh patio. Cost \ »son. Westem musicians » irjngThfiTllinrer: !

he!Amedcan FestivalBalict ‘‘ThTTJulcnfcTccr” ‘Dcc-.:20:;J vin Falls after a year’s

noga COunfy. Register' ' '

FOX*(prcmicring'5aturday)r “Zazoo U.” atcd;5cnejrot.-;vigneties;ccni hoorstoffed.>y~dancing:cnSy imals and rap sirigcrs._„ 3CQm-JiniUsiiy-:KiclSjl,9tL quel-of sorts that finds the of )itn»nd::}eny^colitinuing-to t-and-mouse game o f hot pui ‘■Bobby’s World,” 0 livc-o ation entry, about 'a 4^Vcar-oli lice o f Howie Mandcl) wh( mmhation runs wild. - “A ttack'iJf the'KillerTomi limptyd tajt^gfTon the 1977 c mnMwofV-^'caturing-tomatoc

ChildmiisrNctwor.ic:eEcsid Loesch; *’and 1 think we li

a id in g .” _day morning mix are “all T thin^ that are onginal and BeatT-lt obviously wouldii:tianother’Beetleiuicc.’ ”j.i-ux duliul .SUlUtUUy 1HH!U[ ducation-miridcd.“Z a ^ U,'

t h e s c e i i e w h e r e i M s s e s . a t o i m B a b n p e r i o d a t t i r e . I nc o m t ^ r f r p f w e y o u

S ilE n fe r ta in m a n tjo u i Bill Givens," spaaSlD g

'IntO lsi

t!s-4he.most-ov^-raovie-iiju frin w . eertainjv/^ ^ s f l^

fe Squad,” a' re ^ la r feature [>otlighting movie foul-\ips, t tdcra..i^;41y-s<MnL

nio’sto'b1anic?Thcfilm ’s'p " a ir^ r t scene was shot ih I thus’the Pacific Bell phone the film’.s continuity direct onsiblc^onitiatcjting the n il o f a movic fmm scene to s a & iC w itU rV - Hictrihnt.i; has t<y comment~oi . Ditto thc fiTm’s dirwtor. R

. ■


lu s lc an d d a n c e co m p an j....... . • Tchaikovsky’s.


stw illbcSS •Im ago will 1 will enter- Jan. 22. In a di—:-------------- jm n rn rtrtc sp

■ m Urinrblcndl Hcrwill-pcri--^— •-1*?lganka, ):;Rctumlng-dancc-companj ’s absence. The uroup’s nt

....................'"b'aclc agalris'ntomato producyY------------ ----- sipig^bur^j

•minded ani- in a lown pope enterea m-a - ra d lo ^ tlo if y

1 ' ’sHow'ofijfiysi an animated taking* place : ofTspringof'house. _ ■toiphiyHhci— N BG -^em i pursuit. "Camp Care-aclion/ani- character crcai -old boy (the actor John Cat vhose active • •. ‘‘Captain N

per Mario 3.”

7 cult horror gomes,______tocft-Ktriking=

sidenT Mar-~--taldc-;‘Tom-ai B have good ^tacK o fihc 'K i___ , ■.-'.lyig^burg Pitn ori'frtA tk;:~Worra''~'ng7!:^ 'alternatives. “FoxJ^n riou indjjxtreme- i*.ox uiso no| ift pay' for us 1- SatiirdayJmbr

< -nf^ffmnon cnrti cup lriumJoi>- t> iiJH;s»rtJy -e U,” the .nos-. charge Fox K.

" ? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ “ lin“ Comered‘ w ^k^gO fhe-

e ' t h e . ' threw lip his h

I n t n e - cndchoosc fk Medich. vPor

. ~ ~ 'izac w e -fw m ^ _ -- • Businc8f.*'-^tai

^ r n s l i s t -----a=»reninanrwii

,® , then back to t

■ - l l . . . ._thc.cour5^oX j-mifitakO'Of-^fresh-and'-Un' yjj ■ Premien»_ih<;n yn^ltfertl

ire dcdicatcd In a restauran s. bleeps and .stars -Richard Lto^b_ea y m n ^ dining,

"lin^wr n v rr. scs 'prbpmalter "ilicn'roaiP’pcai il Los A nge- "the course o f l 3hc)r maybe. The Case c cctor. who’s Wnr Wounds: ; actipn and advcnture-con losccne.- _ -Gibson^d-_R

t-on. the boo- 'onds^at^, Rcnnj^ Har-' strangely woii

any, Is scheduled to a p ^y’syballcris a holiday class lur^ll-ofTer^H-aubscribers reserved sefl' for this shoW t yQ onsaLC-toJlie.PUDlic. will remm to present “Mask” a demonstration performancecsy T n rn srH ig h 'S th e o ir i^

td'o rn iimerdam:cTinid*dramnT <ara“ RQSslanTfolk"music-a lanyris'slatcdtoappearFcbrl

5 t~ r^ ia n h 'a fH g rp f ltiftwgd' iucts. - •rg-Pigs^about-lho-'goingfr^ri;

r House'", a liye-action game lysical (tnBym'ehtal challenges' ce in^de a high-tcch fun

«fflsnn‘g.^a?yrday)!---------Candy." about an-'animatcd rcatcd in the-imagc of cornlc Candy who owns a camp. .N and the Advcnmres of Su- 3.” an adventure hour based rrrfrom the popular Nintendo

......... -plO T ^ T rN E W /e g =

ti-and -J < ^ Kids.-** the-zany ^

: Pigs/- the ofr-ccntcr "Bobb 2QKE2Mffiiscnus—gama-stiiouse.” ' .....— •hopes lo buird”-kcll«li»»Jl« f&r ibming.khcduft:Cand_wqek( :nrtnnn scncs;?cKf.Pon nnd.

: Kids Club that sends memt


is hands'as if,to say, “Mistaki

ley do. “We had a lot-tp-pic fiDm'rccchtly.” says cbliimni

for somc -reas^ .jhcre do scci Qf^nticenble m 'slftkcs in th

■ instance ..<-----------------------fu f l l j c Cun> Cigariittc; In gthea»medte^aki'nft=GarBH ?tar Jim Bofusht is dmmg'wji -wlia.::is _ aboutrt6Elighl_up-. rhe Mmcra Belush to the woman, whose cigarct ing - - burmot-for long; €>y ioXJhe. nexfmirtuieri^!3_SC( •Untouched.-'-then- tamped-.oiertng^gain.-------' --------e:o t-the • Uisappciriflg-.tMiaa rant scene in ’Trctty woman ird Gcrc and Julia Roberts a la s sw iatos^APtt^inngH?!!r .sorTxit"— which' disappcai cafsMhcn diMppcare again o! sbvcral cutraways. c of the Mysteriously Hcah ids: In an action sccne froni <1 comcdy -•*Air- Amcnca.Z, M i^Robcrt-Dovmcy Jr.both Ka

“ thc'cam cra 'zopm s'in — -i /oiind-frce nwgs., .

- .........- - f -------

. ■. v~ •' r ' " ' " T - ' '


j - . . ..

sear Feb. 28.issic. the company places i mHa~gypsyTm»ic;fi:^-thc:!rbg:----- » The MissouTn-<2h

present a.moaem re-ie on G retd" May 4. Earlier

:e iti o f Magic Valley yout

inr~' : 'A r e o nT ourseoson •and • ihrougnTinc .Libi com ir28r~:flcerFdr'moreTlnfbrni ■and or.733-9554ext.270..

) 'a package o f goodici wffll' n< the ,ounfterl

____ Kids., |j« . AirMdv. more inaii

. —‘We plan to'listcn tj ns'pnd'respond'to'thci

. what we program,” L( “ in tnis cLiiD wiii-navFa

-------- OCcourse, Fox isn’t“ veiling a new Saturdaj UL_ f n t l ^ merely the late!

. . . ABC trot 'out’ lhcir T ^b w y -^ ik rF o V —

goes on Sept. 15. " ' - ! f there’s any sort i

Saturday children’s la “■ J -the animated ailyentur;d • Tt'f-.M. tl^ ~s'ciis6h"with'T^BC’s “C

^ 'u iiil‘“Rick-Mornni5-in- ^ r -* ilA 5 C :s : ’Uttie Kose?

pldnmimntedRaseam islicK I^BCwoulff^sb'liK aby’s. emerge — that ofthe

.- Ofthc_nctworks, or

ikdav typical imimated and id tlie-lfare. .O f its Jive Houti

ntwrs --------- -

fofr. :::Th&Case o l t tt t Clay and-^romnntic-acene-from- ik « : ' somniac Demi Moore

■ figure, her hands’Tilthy. >ick --the-boudoir rouses Imbl nist- who then joins Moore i ;em ' Soon.-'his-hands are fi this ’ by their creative vcnti ■-■'-■-m ake love. There ia a — ;--Uie-camera-pana-back-

i^h '“ -Gb'fisino.->P-n . A'ccording_ta..Giycrij ishi.“ o f Continuity calamity ■ctte this month {Citadel. S

icen—P .~ 'W:^Griffith-clas!n out,-4ilm-e^rn^nc>cnt-tmtc ---------- l!Look-vciy-dosely-

an. "’ tire, ' suys vjivcns. ' ii are you can very clearly s

Ihcv rector w eying a suit ar ;artf^A ccord iny rto -G lven n' in are'cajjier to spot in th) .• : -:-girvia£0"(ilie;Tleiall Is' alcd says, or, the frame has t 1 the mistake lost)! . ~ M<;i .tie auus ttiat action lave more .mislakcs,.'on tivi Srr- ri,r. cnmcdics-lBgcauSi -■on ’ iccts involved. Ihcrc'a



rrr’ ••: •.-Pho»«rt«y«iTBBrt«:' ■ .i:

es special emphasis on- ' the:Soviet:Umonr-^•<3hildre irs -THMttttwilH--------e-tenm «or ••Hanserand' ' ~ rlier that week, a number- T rouih and adults will be I- <n to act m the- penoi^" T lifid the scenes______ ■ ' ~ \

b rm ationrcall^34^269 ■ . i 70.. — .• •;

ggtiTOMisEzjidies and* newsletters as :■ fterlv„magazineJT^ l ^ . - T

en to the kids w b a watch - -tKcirlikcrwid-dislikesnn------- r” Loesch says. “The kida vcTiTcal-voicfe'’--^-:-"-^*^- ^sn’t.ihe«nly-networii-un«^-------rday moming season this latest. NBC and top-rated I leir new "and returning '*

^S'atur&yrwhtl&-GBS ' ~

ort o f trend1fbot'onHhe_“_ -- ‘ s landscape,-it would be

,pf red-life stared •_____

s ”Canrp“Candy’'(feaiur---------ikonocB, o f John Cait ^ ----- r r

BamiBBi!irr)r‘ *''” ” - ~ ^ — riiKTtffieieiw^oilienrend— n the successfUl-iiveyactioa____ _

i^ p n ly 'N B ^ a p ^ ^ ^

md.sdmi-animated kiddie* j

- P le ase se 6 FOX/C3

^ay-Free’’-Arti3t/in:;______jre is sculpting a clay : thy. Her absence fi^om ; imbby-Patrick-Swayze,— -~-'-r ire in pottery-playtime.’ •• ' e filthy, too. Aroused—1 'cnture.lHey begin. to ■

^ im r a « .L t t8 !y ^ to d —

vcjts, whose'clironiclftr': —nity is being released ............!l. S6.95), one' o f the •3 ooourredin the^tt>1»;“ “ ■ asaie ‘'Intolcran<Wt*'- a — -

il.y lift the sccne w here., 1 ____;

... In the cort^df fhtl»d 'ly see the assistant di- • - il and tie.'*Ivensr screen'm.istal^es ^ rthcutcra tiian iftey are'I ii» yftcti-iuo Hinall;% e^ — ” las been shrunk and thy ,

ion auvcntures conmm average, Jhan_dram.as_*_

ause_Qf the'special fcfr__ ____fc'are more opportum-: - iseseeD E T A lL S /Q 3 .

,, __________ • ■ *

—z:in 7 JzrW .

Page 28: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

S p i w

outu w bii

=r^TBTOlSYn__xeSi^- (^ 8 i3 0 a m .t o , l2 - J 0 (

OOOOIMO — CamE 2 —__ ; r a T O jA U 5 - s u i------------------ W W to-o^ aW iim —pH

• . _ <kPcr. The nine large a - . . . •■ : .. u«r e -atBimUfce.icenc«

~ - " ••• =|ciKoiaoihlimUaal»e

— v S m 'F A l l f l— 'R, ,(983/103.9 FM) will ai;

■rrrTT—r — pfaily AialhiunrMiuig'fr— « ■ 7' p-.fnTSpectttrSon,

■:■■ p.m.^ F ay innlon Rhythr■ ■■ p.m.. ThiHlcl

8/Satu:~ : ’ BHLLHVUB ---.Roc

will play from 9 p.m. lo

r ~ C ' - ~ ^ m . io i a.m. atDulTy'* „ A . _ . - BURLEY — Leon-an

O eo iw K ‘1. •_ OOODINa — Coim

_ _____ 9-p,m.-K

' 1 Croner Live Family Enlifonn from 6 to 9 p.m:'

'— --------- rnir:---------------- :—- • » / . I .T W IN P A L L S-W il

............from 8\p.m.- to micini]

*' or 324.7366.

' Wn.1.1 rh:

" ^ ^ i 3 i i r p r• ? ': i-M - i NfiFliFS (ft

— p tlualrig um iliii' suliuii

k - w U c i m . ____ ^g ;,The unlikely hil t

.' place for bo th the hoi

t^ons Co. The bittersw------^ g{urdet>.' ’" Tn9n=whos

. ^ viencS to ' save his g Pntrigtf Sw n yyp H gn

■---- ;~^_WJiQppLCjQldherg_lLj^ g ^ m n t i o n s i n p p it^ J » lv 2

« | I

: ^ -D EAR ABB Yi To i {C: ocaliy - ihoi giving t

• beer and-w ineHs^-^cl f tg ^ 'p rep o sfero u sly iiTMpo

- r 'r .s ip o f h i s 'w in e a r tH:----- ^^r^nen-wfrwere-yeiy-sr

Wc-wcre somewhat- bi — iH^llowcdtiny-glBSScs o

.. . , ,

I • I am convinced tbat• --suit ot t»sattitudeand

'*• ■ not one o f us ever abi— — any way —not even '

-V teen-agers' and every o high school .-was rot

! • piaslered on -wecken ■; ’ <»M t h e » e e o l» thtng t t

— ‘-r--bt»er because our-fat

. nU ached^& ^lcQ hQ lirr

-------Wc arc adults-npw.-— ---- alcohoI-as-it-woK-ir

used, in modest amou

• United .States could b “T"’.*' “ as’ wc wcrc."Thcrc!d- -----: ' aleehBlie.v i'm wHiiin

■ y ’bE A R JOSEi»H: In 1-----fipnttn----- ! M nyJ-oddL^'M odcrat:------ : -lo—th«— o

•■- fPmL»n;on>

---- 1:: ---- ;PEAR-ABRY- Hye■ ' ■___ w cddint?s' and ■ anriivt. ^ . family, this question;

. . . . in g up a lo t la tely . We . in g_ .w h n V e ..phraj, ‘p le a s e ” ' m ean s o n : : — ; ~ ~Dc>cs th is m ean b Ivc. i

. . t ;.-' — WALLIl'Jc i

:WALLP^— rni-OTTrgivTniothmg-

graJuISlbfy-CDrtl'wotil a |c .

. : ---------

‘ TI-— = - : ^ ^ N E W Q H

■f r-" ■ . DR. AL : DR. MAR;

P l a i i i i n i e f i

u-to.l a.m. n j,;.fT^

tfi'and Leona will play '

g print* pn.ealiibii f«^ . . : .s ..

::-Radlo lU llon KRIC (90.3 Vh |i air ai J p.m.. A udio-- Fan«)wl:

Sonro^Su»<' ythm: Catalogue Songi; TWIN

...urday ■ ' S iSRoeltiff Country Band

' Ulitc will Play irum v fy’aSwge Lounge, i-andbeona will play al - *

:om.Ur Sun^lnoi».-lo-i.»4n. at-th«-Lin- 3

____Enlertainmcnuwlll per- g y w 24 ,m;'at Cava70» Rcitau- • p.m,'. cHj

Wild Couniry will pl.y iclnighl al Spartbauer's -

■ /■A P\ -'anh'c-B03rofncfer*t5rea-wii inner w Iih T $ tO “ this'stiiii

• •_______ ’ America:it ended in flret about S holiday weekend show. m a . u^uuorJing tu '■—Bi>x=o

irsweel siory o f a Variety ;iosc=^Wt=iraci=r=meiTT055 girlfriend stars percent. IcmLMQQfc^and S2.04biIt hng m n d f tX I2 S __v20release. "Ghos

r& say - uncquiv-Ig a cinid'.sips o f ~ M ^ H•vChtHi—abuse”"' is~sponsibie.~My"fo” "

lO -l^ rjU d n iy 'aT - “thc-dinncr-tablc.- i>-smoHrnnd-when^— DEAB t- bigger, we were your col‘S'gf*^vinc fur otir~ —mcmbfr^

. .J,.....:.-O ld.:ln .yond L

bat il wais as a rc*' weight— and'tcuchljt^'sihat—weighed aEusctTalcohol in exactly ( :n when we were y other kid In o u r . Please routinely getting how.l loi <ends bccause- it ever hen

father had.taught ..jaws wir j 'IjjibiUULii iiijgic—Clkf. (ihn

w,-pnd-wc-allusc^— l-wa.'i- ^ intended-to-be—hian-wh nounts, chicTly to thin and

d "abuseo always r !d-bc-Ti*lor-fcwa— ttvelyra:

_ 77:— B<>ott;PC«

: in the interest of '

iratioh is essential ____

.. . . . . . .1 „ r . i iiiversaries_in._^_________;C)n;has We were wonder- irasc_ j_‘Nb. gifts, , . n : ran _invitation. . ^ » /c.moncy-onlyror~- ------^

jo T u k u . . ixi

LINGFORD:^^ t-a llr-A - con------- —^otili!-lK:”U‘ppf_oprt-"'-------- ‘

zggiKG jg E ac i


VLAN FOX ■ ■;.RSHA'GEHL3 4 -7 0 7 7

M t f K > . ; .} g f g a y ; S g g g m

n t ^ l e i K i

.,will.air.aL4.p4iL, A Pr*irie Homi anionrandat- pm .'DlueaSlagef"—

FALLS — Radio staUon KRIC '103.9 FM) will air at 8 a.m.. Car Talk Lm.. Sound Money; The State-cf U* smyiat 11 a.m.,.ineaayreuui refiivaJ ler .Lobenmn; al 5:05 p.iji. A Pralrli ! Compa^i'and:atxiI^pjiter£oIIlervliitlbfrKAad------ -

lEN -Sawtooth b x p r m .-^ w w ^

m FALLS —. Radio itation KBSl FM In Bolae and 91.7 FM in Twii win ai£tt »Mii?ClevclandOrdie«t«

NewDiraenJion*.’’- ------ -----------— ^ i o uaiion

iring Eniemblc/Londoa, A rrognm 0 ih Muiic; at 4 p,rh..'Plpcdrdunt: Mei ( Meditaiioni; at 3:30 p.m., Muiic an wken Word; and al 6 p:m„ Devotionii vei; MBurincTuflgy^__

r I ( ) / M ( H r d a y - “/IN PALLS ~ Radio itation KRK '103.9. FM) will. ait_al l _p.m„. Th ^ Stieir: Thfe-Dncc g Fulw OBojit; j

243: and H«y«ln: B-flai: a t '

^ ^ 0 :3 ^ 'm .. (lLcc*^rLircJmeP^

"H /I\iesday-----

‘ G h o s t ^n !li»1inh ihr-srntnn ■ams lit- Wlth'^cmal big.tieket bombs.

>lIywood.,history.-wilh North ieari moviegoers spending S I.85 billion at the ptcturc


y said Tuesday that the sum- rD sserrepresennrasc im rbf 9 It. from' last summer's record b jllio^^nd^an |e^al increase

iost".was one o f the few films

^ ^ b i g a i l — I

2 ^ ^ z ^ ^ a n S g i s r t i---------------- I . . — .

i\R-ABBY-t-l-ve-becn-reading :olumn for as long as I can re- « r^ d 4 4 o v e = i t^ m 76 L^cfln; n. response to .!'Looking Be-

Looks” dealing with thc I —problem:—^As-^—bridcr~l cd~105~poundsrNow-l-weigh ytwtce that much!

jse don’t-think I don’t- cat?; look; I'ye bcen on every dict l

iieard about. ‘ I joined Weight jcrs 12 thne?. t v c-naa -my wired shijU-had a

irnriitri-v^onM tr-3^-------—

a.'i-marricd-for-32-ycars-to_a who-mamed-tne whcti -l- was ,nd' loved me when 1 becameiQigm^ M i u u w i a u ^ ^ u i ^


p c r so n .-l-g ct-u p -c v ciy -m o m in j

— ... - ’a n - iu U>ri>riRalion M«-i-tiii;;

'Aii({iisi 111) - 7:110 p .m .K Y B O A H D -ia iY T lI M -SINGIIN(;:;^{1'A 1) 1IN.(h

C a ll-iV<Mv|

i\«ir»i«-<i«- t t 'h iU akvr , \ y v ------

--------- - Ih'M.nI km a,,,,.. ,, . . .

_ . ’ ___: i r: O


nn'b«r.7 ..1W « " - ' ~

a h = := ia a M Q 3 S FM> will airaM■‘■.Vro r i i u i ^ i i ^ ' (JGSi

Twlir-Jin; Stevea tararua.-piano; 1 lome BP. A w w i ^ e y e ^ ^

UUC Concerto; and Beethoven: S Talk; in A .0 p .9 i ■ ,

a . ' " I 2 7 W ^ ej B U R U Y - Dolorta Ro

T ^ . P A L U — Riidi-

BSU and Tehaikoviicy; Symphonj Twln-^T.m.-.-The MctrTlie-LartiO ntraj- - U - Bohon^and-at • 11 -

fS , \ ..... Js/T hurs:.^^=i=BURLBy=r-.-'-7t>e-GIea

Radi.■ (98.3/103.9 FM) will air at :

1 Spotlight: Betlioi: Sympho lonal ^ Angele* PI

clicitTB.- - Ai»ije - Werti«a».--

~ ‘ ;::;t6. Op. 102; andinA m i: Sin E: at 9 p.m^ Alletnaiiv*

(R ir Astronauts; ai.ll);30 p,m..~ Show: The New Season; t

iii,-^RtverwaIlc-Doc-Cheaiman I };i^Tniin.-Ghicflgo 10 N«w-Yotk

S O n g o i i i

TWIN FALLS--OnTH ?• .— .Idaho A ni-.iaiO ...-.. 1950

throuith Oct. 4 at the Hem ---------- A rrG 51Ier^ 6«C «J-d n-


t - ability ttf attract sustni

>fth wrrks. Seven films hai ling tive opening weeks tl ;urc “Total Recah," "Die H

. Tracy,'* ”Back to thc [Miy— H ii^^-^TKwncf-AS-H K: ailv--Thunder--and -Bird on im- In the end, though, b )f 9 - o f —thwe - fillBS— de< ord "Ghost” remained rela iase All the same. “Total

Ims cpnsiderpd hits.

” ] going to bc around fo I— ‘*bccausc~Pm-neededrI — —^ing^or-othei<i ..........


—J-'Tously: ovenvcightrl“ f ling—them-because-ihey-are- re- arc obviously overwci

Be- — e n j o y


ygh-: ------- ”

ict l - .ight V f A jk *T n y T-my .. ____ ^ .;5“z -------- J u u n L d y u iiu i i u u i___ E2=»J«iS«L!!!^^. loi»f • lot toDit Die*. Pominitaft

xuii— r. ■„

-my— ------dc«sncd-io_pcillI,__________ ' I , —f

* C

Kiio ttation -KRIC-^ftwn I tCH4a

O t c b e ^ 'j e ^ i^ T T i e c S ^

: SyinphoW No 7 ed vcsS on tit BOOB —

fram Italy.wil


B oifiA flM u ■ Tl>e Idaho (

Rn.. This « -J a a _ ■ortJ,|ofl-^nclu__________ . . ^gns oi ^

— ~Oofnpetition itsday ■«;W c»t-D i»-w iU -lions were hd

idio station KRIC' heriugeandi U 1 pjn,. aasiical industry. . home. Faniasiiquc; ,.* ,.nic .Boise Philhymoni^ i> - .. j^pitol ^ u l

: Symphohy No. 4 • p.m. ThursUa; ivei: Conceno for lar admisnon ..The Jack Benny and ftill lime ; and at 11 p.m..' and under an ian;''tTumpeti-iazr‘ mote.infafnta: ,,k. - - BOBB - — ■ ' Uiaw iup uy

Hundred Years o f flucnced by 50 _will_ .epminue avsggio; afto OTett Museum anq his wori» are “ Ihc'ColIege'or-tmpiojca'figui MuOTmhouraarc thoMfoui^ic

tained'busincss ures this st

iad more lucra. million ma^ a n ••(jhosf: .coiiapse oHard 2,”-“Uick the litslonhe Future Part carmovici

)n a W ire .j- - - -- roponcd-b bdsiness for all Batch?'

ilativcly steady. “Cadillac I Recall.” “Die "Fire 'B in Tmcv" be hord j-a.rl ______________ "The Two

for a long time D EA R; -I'love-life-and lhat-are-nt — ,— :----------- ers; - r w--------------------- -wpold-go'ilod-and-infUilt«d—thb-timei-i eause-l-’m-obvi— grove.if.ih -feel- sorry for would seere-;the-oneSiWho— ------- ;eight - in their

)Y1NGLIFEIN W /ja fl FLORID A about sex,


u !w rt~ D ti 0^16 i

jctfecl-fundamefllol form-lo-f;

S A C E-STU D IO -O Ftih Av. E. (off Eastfanci) 734-990


4 ^ 0 p ] a ^ i 5 ^ y . -i!riS ^

a ^ i „affl»«i0iy.plliit-iaJdab(L: onecFday» throatfrWoridWafJL:. it' is qxRaoted by graatt &od> t b ^

la m p i n g to l£ b e fiwu— Eternal Metqiben, New Art ^ ^ b ^ r o d ity l^ ito p ^ O c t 2 1_;

w a r S S a » f c S m d in S £ « m - ..eahibit. 'Iinaaea. <krived.Jtwn_

Q beritagejnclude elemeota wtu3i

Museum t h r o u ^ S ^ 16. ' . ho Ccntoinia SilverDesign Cotn- icludCTThr^l/irtiilng^^

in lia if ir S llv e r D e iij^ F e n o w -- ds. open only ta profesaional slj. .

held to cclfbtation-of the statn n f

id importance in the silver mining,

>ise Art Museum is located o(T kjulevard in Julia Davis-Park. Tuadaya.ihrough.F^day»ih>naO..

Ulays are a public free day. Regu- ion is $2 for adult*. $1 for’ienion me college students with ages‘1? ' and museum members free. For 345-8330. - - -

ig ^ tm

by high-Rcnaiisance-artist. Car- iQtf a trip to Italy. The images in are ofltalian filiagers with super- ipH«bc1iina«ch-Kene»lm llario- id in Caravaggio's painting*.

5 season w as-” U a y s o i- in u n »

marki Paramount blamed the roTtlfc Tam Cruise titltron oricali unpopujarity o f race- 'ies.___________________ __

l ! b y ^ ^ r e m l ^ ^ : ^ c ! N e w ••••'^Ghost 'Uad," "

1C Man.” “Air America.'' Jirds," “The Advenmres ol iinanc.., ja.cisy.g.W^.ddinK.1 VO Jakes” and “RoboCop 2.”

R. ABBY: Concerning graves -neglect^-and-void-bPflow- w n d cr - how. ■ many- pcople go'to^heftrouble- and spent ».^nd-monoy to kcep. up .c r.ihcy.wcro-9ure-nobody-cls< :ccit? .; • - -.•


■ recn .agcre need to knon ex, dn iss, 'AIDS, an'd'gcuiri'^

Y -

p-p rofew u oiiak ia iieers.—

w e e ----------::-------------> 9 0 3 ^ 7 3 ^ 5 5


S T h e T i m e ^

- ligrting..I^witiga.«tc-<loiwjr

bo, tDCBtora. • ’ “ r."' »it--------B « S B ; = ^ g u ir t v a - t m *

-.jejably o f pom lta. « g 5 * d

o -._ C . Janu CoUeetlon^of A n »

h e - j Q la f c ^ A ^ u Mtim J<

la ttums iuea.m. to 5 pjn. and weekends fr

TjT-pjiCThut»dlyrife'« public ft* Ic^far'adm luidn i i $2 for adulu, .3 Bfl ■ u a luii uiM ttiiege tnmena yv andTnnfer atid museum memt i | . , mote information, call 345-8331

-------npnntM O — --nn. tJaho-Wo f nf-thg w.-«t it r«miring.BartM >?»^Ooodiag;.in-it».«pedalifalLgro ng the Wilson-Bates Galleiy; The

. picta the beautifijl fall color* of >fT -of Southern Utah. Other artis rk. artwork* are Myrtle Boyd and 10 .-tnd.-bot^oLOogdinfc.Jo«n

y . ■ r—

I U p c o m i n

- -- - BOISE- » The Boise Treasi od'.. w illproaL itijiiB rA n ifla i-^

' • ■ Uoli'dcaim 01 tlie I'Juitiiw

ir- supplies for sale.-Three doll doi in be present for consultation am Cf. will be announced every half h<10------ Theihem e-of the »how:irtl

with dolUtrpiesenting the 100 ■» ■lUI^Mllleh'Sta nniFeiniiBitea

ilil:__ • Finishing byhipd “Gvun- ond|^lild^dV«irUli!L;itX rs o th(» pi-iiTif>.Qtfi|the “Darkman” on a gross

ce- rodm .drama “Presume which made $5.9 millio

lew.^crs’l.finishcd_fourth_w; lick" lion arid Stevc-Mnrtlir riC ~ H g a v c it~ J 5 liilm ed T llU n :a.” S3.2 million. Sixth wa

o f tevcz*s “Mcn at Worl

,vc^’'“ff/oni» with their peers i yifi-^now-iti-Abliyla-ifpdatt »plc bof>kk t . ^ WhM. FxeiyL. crii - Ksiow/' Tp order, send p_n ne^'s.sizc. self-addrcss- else--------- I

n c

Ow 1990-91^ - Ages ■


------- U - 9 - W » W f f

- Buy a 1 _ ite rn x:— ^ \ --------- .4 _ _

tu b , o r ’^ ~ z r y o i ^ o r l

: t S

S ^ y s O ) - ■

- .T ^

tl^'w lO T and *

.under 12. Thc~2

ierican Realism .Square Dance On)

ilCniyrd-I»«.. nn------ . . . ' ^

S g 4 ^ - r - O t l i 5

o f ihTRed Hills pomtihrou^Sepj

■Wi»yoUI« T C _ S i 'i 'ig ,S i iS_ r ! ! z r —

................— c T >our. a bnxhure I■ ^ 6 location*, includirasuiT Dolf Club - Commcrte..Fi

ttthea. twins and enteftaiamait ca. jocton will atso Times-yews. ~Uw and'door prire* • of bnng il to ouri hoMr. must rceeive yoi

rthe'eentennial.— noonto-printirin00 ycMS.of Ida- h-ccJc. The listing

rihost” for s e c - S2.82 m illio ,Por-p u y ~WCT>L- — .J lie &anwr

ss o f $7.9 m i!- •‘Total Reca1 by the eeuft— Hafd-S.- SI- nca Innocent," cy .' i t u j . ? ion.^ Future P ar inllcr-i‘Hathn^_il>ays-o1=Iw t t r S '5 y i f m F~~*V^othT^^^ in ‘s"“ M y i5 lo c "B h d 'o ii a V ro n 're c e lp irD rT u m o in n n D i vas Emilio Es- “A m chnoph )rk” w ith $3.1 “Pretly.-W m eilv "Tiikliik Hull Uuiirrg ifSs. Mventh on spring relea;

• X ~ l

s nnd parents is plus check i ited.-cxpanded _,($^.SOjn_C

id a-hngrbusi-^-M orriSr-JlL ssed envelope, eluded.) .

7 i m i O S B o w l i n g P

7 Dayr^D iatc

j l t i y i a i i B y ^ Sepl.'l

------- ? '. !

f j y t f r T ’j

T O ^ d a y a d j i h o ;

d o p s n ' t . s p l l r w

f l n o t h e r - l A : f l

— F R E E != r e l N v o u r " t e &

n r e T T o t e M a m T T *

w h a t e v e r y o i

d I o n g C T - a i e e d : :

0 -#■ r l ^ s p

^ t b l s S f i t e c _ e ? j


a. ' ' ’___________AnneJhlurray wilt pcrfonii kt 8 iVX-ftaSfrsiate Unlveifity - |!m w SI6 and are avauaoie el«3-»-Seal outlet*. For ticket -, iu385.1766or38Sill00.

iu “Anniver- ■ ■

The Boise Art Museum's jotn »ihe.Park will be from noon toJO a m. 10 8 p.m. Saturdayand ,

ire-informatioii; call the'muscr.30.

valk3/ with-l« showrinSaad-—• — ScpU2i.on di*play include oiU. water- ca, paslel*.- tiles, .photography, clay vessels, There will alto bctntT*p* •■ - - ...... *.*—*• - ■ ~ . 'te.viewing'oflhis self-guidedure U available at all Anwalk ludmg the Sandp)int Cham^ ,

a ^ « 26S^742.. _ _____

I calendar, nuil il to; The'B S ry iSr T win halts. HJJUJ.-----------ouromcc 132 ThirdSt W. We ■ your notice by WediKsday —i r / n t/ie-rndar^pectafA rtftaf-----------ting ia the caletidir is five, bul______

i!!!»lwr’3 lop lU illre “Ghost.” S125.r_niiUion;.~Z,ecal1." $116^7 milhon;^

Part III." $ M .l m illion ;'it' 'I h i in H f r " SRlH i m il lin n; r 4 » H K b ..” i / y . l million; . n rV y ir^ “ -5^(H ntlltcn; “ Pfe~-~— nirocenC*^6??tTnillionrand— ophobia," S48.4 million.. yr-Woman” made $59.5 mil--.— i im ilm •sm iniiei-but-*< s - ' a--‘‘ '» ilcase, opening^utch 2i . ~

l a i e r j i n ^ek or money order for $3.95 ’n__C^add)_tq; Dear Abby, \

J lL ^ 1 0 5 4 ^ (£ o s^ eJ .‘i in-

J P r o g r a m B e g h :

, x f 5 7 ' ' i b : l > 0 a f m . ----------^

iX U M J b y f ”-

l o y y -*— I f - y o u r ^ ~

w e ' l l r u n i t .1

day? ^ =

i e n a g e i ^ s — -

b j l L ° y v g ^ ! > J '* g ,j T I o u h a v e t h a t

w i t h :

: p e c i a ii x p j r e v — -


Page 29: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

; and child caregtvR ■ -;•' - by the Child P evc

• ment at tfte (JQllege - Rq from 5 to 6:30 p ; .ginning next w e ^

] . ! held in Room 201

. ; • - rrum-paCTt^o~ne^

: > • • pnvimnmcnt

loddltfr. and rcfc}'uire can:. ;_v_

1 / !' hor more iniom Anderson at 733-9i

C o n tin u e d from C i “Rick Mdranis

------ ----- Uigh^Ueattiringji---- ; --{IJK'm sririFHTP

: o f Rick Moranis ' high school for mo

. . "Kid.‘NPlay.” a ’ " dv inspired by the'

• — - hirm ovic ^ HoBsyt ■■ ■;_ . _ i ”GHys Next,Do.

____ :----- fmcxnergeticJeeni"Saturday Vide

:------:-i_N igh t Videos” spin------ i— — ABCtpremlijrIni

film documeriting 1

■.--p Lpiy ----- ---

• " 'Cbhtinueg i r o i ^

i____ ~ pmfromaTwo- o f those

■!------------ t««f-Oflented-nit»9»

- the new “Guys N<

„• . • crcasingiy away“ fi K>ward real human

.............- tcr-of-cconomics, c

, cutting edge.-■ Tlifou-v>Miro i>aoi

■ jiiglV inTirat place cr- f*. *• I. ■

J___ I iieramuns.'^'if^S30'millioiiMh p « f

' sire io break up a V______ _43ui_ihing5^4hiwil

-------- .—to second last yeai

= - T - D e t a i r: Continued from C

------ i-I— (ics-for-nub-ups. 1’ iiifs on In a sccnc

• : more olkn than rib •- lion picturc arc she

~ — ErfOTsrea^ily^cCT• tempt to pe^c tly

take withnnothcr”: Surprisingly, the : details often arc ll

— —^^n-g l'u ring screen-;

T P ,W .” fn* GlcnriCloscVsuit

— i— fanryour eyes se>_____ film’s fashion cooi-------—- hnrf the day-olt wl:

■ shot. — —--------: -Ttmn th.Tg^ th

-------— ycnr-^l?orn on tl:------- !— [iiat— many; ■ mu:

: ' ;boT)incrs^oTild-ha hnnd. Tlic- sccnc:

“ -— -T lie ^ b a c k g ^ m l

1971.Among the

------:------l*>jy‘s “G6h"V7i1------ ----- diiccr-David O.- S—T—.-r."T ..miKitbdT u-rbiggic.

__, - _ i

" F " im r r i i i iE

' yjntiini-collt-iTiiwU’r

; ' ■ mciafjei

- -5y^-yn'b:t-;II.Q i- . . CUl.rwnislO! Uii -.Bit

^ — ^Own— — —II™

' ; ' AUCTIONEERS• ^u S S rsro. ' : Mobile 737-1616

, A

i ^ h ysessoE

3— A-orie<redit b - Charii [iunarlior^t«MiMre—Lo-i1k ivm will'be ofBred - « v c lo ^ e n t 'D e p tttf~ p a * ^ eg e o f^ u th O T l^ « lOpjnT Tuesdays be- «® Sr elL , ........ ,I<taho.


uircmcnts for q i^ ijy

drmation, oiU Alice artwoi 5-9554 ext. 400: bu fe :

n C l ■ to 'o z .inis in Gravedale _ *Th

is who tcachei' « a ~ “Lit mon^^crs. ' ' vcntiu .I'.aaammated come— comet the~nip duo 'frbm the' ‘ ' g y p a r ty r ^ ' ' ■ , -CBI

ledv. series fetiniring. nnj|?i

'idcQS,” a “Friday ccnth ipinofT. • “ Bi: rlng^aturdfliy):---------- fureT

ng Dorothy’s journey histor

n C l im n

uns_s------ ^ ^ — -^ .’slippcse NBC shows are • To i t» ie & l-b o m e d k » rth e -< ^ w edbyihtfB eir -miU- comp: Next Door” (which piime

)umpU.premiere A u g _ w ith : 7 p r ^ u

^ ^ m ^ r i r o n s ^ i l d ■ larlifi nans is a simple mat- anyth s, cpuplcd-with a de» -1-ll-b

mam>gOi NDC wftc r iJ f ig — NP :e oi\ Saturday mom-' o f cH;

■cfiU^and^cf^iio^d™" anoih a winning act. Door.wigcd^BC=slippcd_r.cost..i

?ear, but NBC Chair— ing tf

l C l ' . VivicS. There is more go- ‘ land i me .troditionally, and ,._di^I riot, scenes iii ati'ac'- cdndl shot out o f scqucncc. shade jccut^ w h e n ^o u at-*-!-actrcs tly match one action blcs hc r" -------------- --------- -iyprcthe most obvious-of- In

c the ones that result down fn-sHp-ups-lrr-a At or jwdown—in— 1985^»-strcct

fuit chaligcs~cdI6r'bc~ "had y

roordinator obviously and when that scene-was—them; — i— -11^__;-i-::'.._gnd...

n the-Fourth*.o£July” hqs n

•have caught-bcfore^notes nc: a 1960s parade, numb nml:— musia;-^ Uon—is-bci rAmtfriwn Pie'i^-Tho—wlta^ sonR was released in. loBUC

■ . , Some famous flubs? In, Soi With Ihc Wind," pro- were

gic— ln-rronfcirfcenfi.-T::wbo,;

HinKSflUCIS U H D ft¥ rS E P T E W B

trreTOi>iWf mBirfil.4<toho.—

EiT^OPTMr— "~~ FntWITIff

Itio 5!5tira?’--(21 'mctat flroblc beds with t ,000 chairs • (5) dhrwcTchcsl oi dnmerST

dUnngnortiaiiicarapplianas/“ l A W N A H D G /

laf (cficc posts- oatdni hoM • (3) (pttage

M IS C E U L A N Iiici fwriMr^Ty)rs ano psns ■ dishcs-'-t

-.BitiuiKi iiiiJ iii'SEluriCciuj jiiiilt;


^ S t f A L T E R it h is ; Cash or Bankable (


' -Gi)odi^*l<lS«!^

lies oi-.ittenoin...pinnw5>aptlytiV P«irti»r .Thw liinw liirge prii IM aTi/iu^iig ffcBinHPtHMWBHoes that c ^ m g e U e -v tev e ceptionr-TherafibwrnajSrthiou—10^rTfae“g tm porqaU cryri


a^pijcherlon j^ O T ^ ^ U e tional—Champion—College— iUiehi.'Idaho b a s e b a in S tT

1 stnprisid myself whenTvisu d-ln-inv-mUul-wlittl-l wunted' work, ta be, and the p i e w ^ : -exactly-like thai — if-clicke

Dz.‘-The New iGds on the Block,” nw tc^ive-actio'n-series-all-a^

'Little^Ro:^,'’ the a n i^ tc d i itiiRis^bra'10*year-bld vm ion nedian-Roseanne’B a n iF ~ ~ = :

hour o f weekly adven^E^'fait

It heroes on'.the.half-shell.Bill and Ted’s'Excelleht Adv1 s," an aiiimated vOTiOfTbTUfe*

n Brandon Tartikotf' notes t iHietworic^s-^turd^e^prouu^u 5ped:tA$JArnillimAnnua.Hy._i fo disflngiiish itself fit>m the pi -animateo-flhowfl,—Tortikofl^ nBm^ lur otrUie-idM’o f niafc; m e-tiih^tiality ' twn corned ih :larg(f_budfe(^;draN >3uction values. '•

ga'mbler^cknowlcdi rtikott.'"and it's not os it i m ^hing against animated, sho' -blow-whichever way--the w

in viable/' - ; - ”'■iPC hat cftmmittcd a hugif .cht chMge^to * 3 '': 000* '

j lhcr for ‘'Uuys Ntor.” That’s more than cartw jtj.and.the pnly.reaspn.they’re.l »ip is bcc/insr thf nrt^Vork-is-i ' them in-house through its-N

vien Leigh and.'OJivia de Ha' id are hovering over wounded i :rs.jn a hospital,, illuminated id le li^ t. Suddenly, both tf idows lurch forward, though resscs remain still (the-stunt-d ;s hired as shadows were obvioprodded from behind)____ ___In another scene, Leigh is rac wn an 1860s street in axarriti one point; she passes' a flicker


d yet to be invented.-r •; ------lt’8 e asy-to-laugh-aMh»-mi6ta d the people who didn’t ca rmrbut-tiOS-Angeics scrccnwi* d . d irector ' iPouBlas RusW shri ynit wniilfuTt, Riii^kTinrv; mncti^rmlhripri gnntinuity

tesnhat “keeping track-pfa-sc ml«r. the shot ntimbcr, what t hein^ ch n t, how.lnng il runs, i >a^h6p*ho4ft.cowtfr.thp snjij^i ?uc. ancl action is taxing w( melimcs, il's'u'niSllimare. '■* Soine actors, it should be.noi :re obsessed by malletji .if «cr

CTIDH —IBER^t990 -^ ^ i^

;■“ . ■ NoL«

URE[rlaiir,hjj2>:muli UUCT'tBWn~iit^^ Ith tx)» sptings and iiuilitucs -olddio la ssTtow-BoinwsscricsmnrnirTBivstio ^ t«okcasi I «$y chjit • bsttcl clan -./ccJti

GARDEN - •; “uge cans - sieplaiWei - shovels and laVes’-

NEOUS —t-'-C3fptt5weperzlniiLT3ra~*’ hiBtfft IBak

annuittlectiimcdock fleffiiiatoi wndjlum TlT'miBffyijmpt • • potsma para

liGKSKTATE^a Check Day of Sale^ r i Aiictlon S ^ I cq 'b^ u

isImi I ir I I I —. . -

im in .

^. . Cartersays. ^

/isual- Pursuing'his ncw ted -a n -To l l^ - t tnitg 'Bgtsg- came T ine arts program? w

eked,” graduated -w ith-Ba ; • ■ Arts dcgree$ in fine

— — tising-design;;-----r—' " ' ' “1 much prclW fin

k.” ™ T h e a t r e t o ;- a ^ u t - - w-~ - i r -— -

Sn°o'f TWIN-FAL-LS - ■ Little Theatre will, h

- , — , its u^om ing produ

Aiiyomt Iii(dt»>tc( rdv5i-^ T n r n r e d 'o^read; n: iv«-i,»r^tune/-All-are-welco , ! will be Nov- M - Fc

3 that Productions arm. > 4 > a v c 7 = r :t ^ - g a m t i l e r i l S ^ ^_L,L^Tat3tkQff_sayju_fet_ epack One is tfiat shoul 31^twl-iihow.Kit. thr nnrillni lafcing ■portttmttea-flre’Signil nedies — ’i f we can g c t^ b Irawer helps us sell T-shirt

bum,-'iiiayb<: a tuuC I ^ g e s — c h U ^ p :4 n ^ n g ^ m 6 R I nave -ttian wc do from oui ihovirs. lineup," Tartikoff ad

wind------Tartikoff-also poi;- lu .m . lEuj^BLieiiiit^i^^j

with tHe cxplosibh i

Sction iKis"fall^la "ThTDi

Next a unique prospect or irtoons .._ J i could go CTdl rc .ll iV in to scheduling mMig ftp- • gtiniilft «ry--tn-rinftlil

i-NBG—so-all our problem;

Havil- took spccial prccai ed sol- guish her cigarettes led by„.t_CT g tokc. Right, be

their continued with the's gh the rc-lighi the cigare it-dour length-of-thc xmol ivious- when the takes werr—r----- -cri-ii|-waR-vcry-«anracing ' like that,” ^he said jriage. shortly before her ;kcring people notice every

I W n r 1---------- sp -fa ra b o u t'th e - 'lisukes—which .«<h

catch attention,” says Prer iW rtfef==“lf=yDir~thtnlr7 ishkoff — ~ '


I 's c e n e —a U a k e _ _ ^ H _ ^ ^ P I PIS. nnd—Q iZ d ia n Z i^ ^ B ^ B lJ jH Z l

D "

i liarKlle-moctericcJincr


.CS'- lawn



al h ip e r . -----------:---------- :—ihl. Idaho'A3-38SA — i y j - | I

13^9663 — ------ ■'■■■: Ti - '

o x h ib i l i c

IBQ nfllU rv in^ tv rintsnOf" settmg-

w interest, he en^ think- in g-S tag:Pnlversit?=nkgThe where-he recently- — iachelor .o f Fine — lie arts-and advcr-

P -:tne art to commer-

- TWn• a u d i t i o n “ r a

rt-S erv ire ’“ -SS|^• - Mogic Valley •, ..hold.auditionsJbr----- Theduction, “p o th e r—taught i

p.m. Monday ahd W ^ e s eston t^laza;U)>0 .N . : . .recite'ana-cany*a“ cfiiia^ Mme^Show-dates—and-prc For more informa-—rpn1«iti?f


• larfilcolH-worthwhilCrQnc— realistic:ii_wv.c.raLreaspns.___ Whatuld a live-action pldringInfy mnrlrrtiny np- fnrHy rc

breakout star who doesn't irts, or docs an al» ■ tion

adds. / . moniinioints out that with ■■'■Td.l ^ uii:mn;._coui)ma uiUjt t i 1 in origiKal wTefck- ^affordal

Di'sfiey'A'nclTioon’*“ 'ncws*di

dlessiy ostiichlikc original Mtings ar>d say we we do

ms will be over,"-- this to I

:autions to cxtin- someth; es immediately af>..-missud, before thc_dircclor pcriorit B sccii'c,' she woufd “Spb: rette so that the “makes lOke would-match—fomc-ir ere spliced togcth- Acco ircful^lMiiMhings—an u p ^ id in an interview wo'rkihj T death, "bccausc Flubs." y little thing?*- ■statemcntr“We’vc';— “1-gc

•'Dic-Hartl”-gafrc.- what 1 • 4bat-pcoj>l©-d&-pay—favoritt e n iie ^ ’s^Mcdjch.^ thinkiti

m a m F f v, ; From A lbany

p w m n i 1

j-gives-you fit . n ^d<Ha-=aod=cc .V.^ . ' t r o l O V ff.j^


T-Bre'ralwayiB-< s i^ u n B - -— I

' someone else . - ^ e ^hotc

^ ^ B ^ H ^ H ~ ^ i n t e r _ ^

f - w»ys l i l ^ " l • challenRC

C lip flithougr-in terms o f painting^ I rea JW ;im m ediao^fn> hptogi?p l

d Grossto-teach [BmuriityGPk—VtN FALLS - The Sawlcx >ter o f the American Red Cn ofTer^^a Murse in Commun

le eight-hour-course«*will” It in two, four-hour sessions - 6 (u lO-p.ui. Muutky ^


H n m u ^ ^jitifC PR ' fui uJult,”jiifaA n 1 vtcUms.-J ho courso-tec i s ^ pre-FCgistFBtion-is-requiredt- ter o r get more informotii

s o llic e a t / i s Shoshone Sl~I

Kott says, -a u r th n t s no Ion

tot s realistic To Tartikoll^is ' ng new avenues tfiat will, li

n't deny that should his live- experiment Hop. and sho

‘*s= aiiairn*jf^lK nSFi^fit8=^ ^o^shrinkvuficjictwoiiuniAlu :a to g o . out o f the Satun ling ki& business altogether. see the day when'S

nve.lQ tum -thg tim e Pver_tQ i rdcpanm cnrand-do'a 'Satun ay' shrtw ftnd ptnyf>fi<ipadiSJ

h~c7e’r 'a ~ great va lue m flo na! program m ing fdriciasTI don’t deficit-finance fore

nn . ^ m rlo b e a loss leadcr.’- - .

:thing that the ihovicma

mty, o f being hip." potting an error," adds'Oive ices you feel like youtre in >im >i^okc," t ^ ^ :cord|ng to Givens, movicgc ;ojtoohisticalcd_llial_hclsjilffii iihg on iT'sequel . to "F s." ._______.

-go-out-to-cocktail • parties,- ^-.l!at>d—xuhen—pcople>4lttd— t l-write aboutrthey-tcU me tl rite -m ov ie -m istake^hat-t Cl no one else has caught. / y limes, they’re nght.” .


p g f f i C M l p

--------- ---- Ffktf

( ir e a l is f ici ^ a r t —id^as-w ithin-a;«hw t-f Tfi«e-—xipby a lso in jectsjlte . rc tm ^ityr^hkhw resscotial yw r__ :,C arte r*8 w ork pU o

ojmiiiMttmnBpBcrouciart"~ )|CT'iinVrtnnip< iritn~ni

s^you-craU iiig tv in iiricnsicH i-do-.-logical-:iiB leresli--The — fof - ^ ta f6 r the 'l i^ rttt s ls e " , these o b jects ju m p ov lotog- tm e In another w oridf

rggli«tt- „„.)1 ItrimiffpI. bining'- im ages from ‘I ^ ■ tives - iu tp one- phot

s s y s r“ Ify6u-c im -see

J® n Carter’s w ork w as I

* M e r n ^

" ” --"~*n»:AsilMedPreB

w roth T he follow ing are Cross lap videocassettes as ^y^lly^-jtextwcck’sissuc.oftUlCAt----azine.i I . - I .::-----:

■ VIDBOCASSBTri;"Thn.ftttc“W a

Bl^ticBS)--------.......... -...3,^«>nago-M uta»i

S u ^ R o c toepdy"(:

^ 0, :' ^ c H ard" (CB! sd,-To.— - 6;“ Lethal->Vcapoi

I u i!i‘ .......................


‘iscx- “I, he’s - - -=—i p l a g s . ' - ________ ^ ^ __

ve-ac- _ . -

! r w E E i c :

. Please hs in Sal- cash or cl

^ ~Time§:i^ev n ird a y - - - c a m e r r - — "

[sTB'ut -brever . 1rw5h't~ I - _•

:makcrsti- H H I H H I


---------- O h -s l Z J T - I C ,"Film - ------------ ~


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^ g - - * - * 2 5 0 - G l f t

B l A I s o ^ E I

- -^ G o m e sei

, Tha— (Mus

aiiy. Sttptamfef 7.1090 -nme*-

i ) p h o t o j = g

tH>crio Pt>otog- ing-4luwg iCJO^tybfreaLC natibnal^■I t^ m y - w o r f c ■■ - “Photog tCCT simple, ree- says, “but

'otirdoor settings,-11X18 ahd-]»ycbo---'w6ricfiig <he-^botognqriier- only to wi

out from ilw pic- don’t alWidly way._________ you goinglotogtapte ineor-' ,

m . s e v ^ nega- the seconi

«rtbe-MeodingrI ^P*»-^

s r e ^ t l y accept- Wesley entennifl^ienni- ment fror = -^_aallciy .-thc-W 54.:“ !:

M a g l i s t i e s ^----r-^—

8.“Elvire tfte most popu> (B u ^ ,V as they appear in 9 .^ o p o f Billboard jnng-._ lO”Nc------- — — ■■, .^tflngtn^-

, l l “Ba:TB SALES________smaid" (Disney) (Disney)

ant- jnJaJEurtlcs; —J4JJHa •(Family) ^ ' 5 7 ‘S£r . n e a ^ Hammer io.‘'Ba

BS-FoxV— - - -^T7/^P1( w n -2 ”-(Wanicr-— (H B O )- _ ■ 1 If ,“Ac


la v e y o u r \check

^ ~ 7

T ^ - ----------- — ;— 7 ~ J

j-B a B .^ u ,n d » ^

= W f --

zBaff- 0Ql

C H ID O R U & ~ F f

B a n d P i'e a r T im es-N ew s ft e e rtif ic a te t o n

j a y " N a m g TIdentify the-per tne pnoto ana

B & u s J h f h e iM e r c lS I

jst be'18 yrsrorblderlcrpli

nwNaw».TffgrPiSn55» C-3

^ j i

o u g h e ^ d a h ^ ^ n ^ sl wJnWiifcoMin. rtograpfinW- 'iii' rdEarterrr *but it t ^ e s a lol more than

ig"6n” ^ t i r i ^ V . photograph, -i:.:> wondCT-how I could everbe-----

always work out. What k ^ s . oing is the positive feedback :t fwi yum «nwit " k '•Sunspot-GaHeiy-is-kwatod-on-^T— cond Hoor o f the TaylortAd*.'.- -

is-Viewiftg^iours-arfr8-ajn-lo:i;_ii£Mooda^ t tgQ U ^P n3ays Adl--r:;::

y W a ^ a t the CSI Art D e ^ - | from noon to 1 p.m. at 733- cx T ^o ira t-7 3 3 -8 8 6 2 .' - - f

Lselling v i d ^l^c*'-(BucmfVista)Elvis: Vol. I—Center Stages" la Vista). . ••Top Gun” (Panin^ount)“New Kids on the Block*in -^^oo - tve^eti r-....... ..“Bambi” (Disney)•^Hopey, J .S h ru n k .th e . Ki(^’.’. — ey)irTccnage - Mutant Ninja-Tw ------:owabtingo Shnjdhcail’-’ (ly^), v -• ma nr e i Cj MCAl — ^ “S S ^ in g e r ie 11" (HBO> "BShned irt.Uie-U.Su\.“ fAVt?:—


i“ fPrflrn>' —

^ “ ____


:ith !


^ r i z e ^ — ^ws su b sc rip tio p s , - n m a a v / u m a i e

T h n t F g n f » ^ ~

i d w in l

a 5 a r a s : : B p i l d i n g = # l i i = =

V t - °

f p l ^ Spin & Win). V

Page 30: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

' ■" I ______

., v .. . • . • y

—- r ^ LO Sf/gfOELES O T *he did,-ihc-past:107can

li::!: npw ,:’pfeyaied:Jiui..u»: • ovenugRsensatrdh..

oblii?;~ -*~ D aV ihgrth t~ ^^ 'b rbc li

1-------6ihftf'V<»ilis«rsln^rig'then7hi(ed SW

• land; ‘There was eveii I J_ --i,fa^-»«TinieTmd-Tfder*-

-i ’ / Blit then came-a-gecon •_ _ VLoMlon-Wflfsaw.-Mewj

— -frenetio^orld-lour-thai =~vi:L‘'^fetvuninrofeide'.dDwiL:

3—:— PolUK»bbm . pop-singcr, nnme U Basm Tizetrzel

.. .... - wobum c o n f id c d ._ _ ^:And even a rcccnt 1

•J" . viruit .m grn>Tcad h < ^ ‘ shows on her summer L

left' her normally lar s l i^ t ly ttispy couldn't

. ‘ spirits, during a 'recent ivi/»w fm m r h tp n p n


' I “ ' By Glenn Lovdti Knight'Riddcr News Sci

------------33»a6a-60Mtnicti0n. r — outstdeihe major Holly

........... .They’re , trying, to .shore?. vage what’s left o f 199(

“ I j r s t_ y w r- • p ro v ^ unbelievably sha

(most o f ' it SUTTOUI_— • CtTiisc’s " P a y s o f T fi

bojc-dfncis fizzles (" IIRS“ uiiJ ‘‘Rubocmr

.^ tu ^ in its chin, pl^t^its■---- ' senous. j iu t is n too i

-- batTling-hnrk-fmm-n-

T--------coiding-to-V ari«»yr^people went to the me

, the equivalciit period in.

: Z..,..mQntVfi. ^ I L q& c^ E 4 ‘.__itcndcrs,-fof-SUirtfiis_Wj

••Wild at Heart."^ thw enough ’decent Ycmalc"! thK ycar‘to"pad:outrthi

t . j ^ —^categoiy.iA art. hest .act

} possible exception of..j. .son ' Pairic ln~**AftctJi:!,. .Swcc t i^ c a ps,tcLimDd>.■t •

I M oyieiI K id^R idder.N cw sSe

‘To help you, sort thi • availabler-hcre-are.-s

t dandy categories as wc. mate release dales. Soir

-j; , - mentioned-wil!. only_h

• •' _Christmastime.(to!qual consideration) tmd won where uiitll Ju n u u ry '^

---------—.-History— lessons:RdleV (Oct. 19. JV i

------- - "Dai».wi with WoTvc5»~-------- ^on)r^om o^oihc-Pai' ■ cd Christmas. 20th C

______Monkcy!l(OcL_5..Gol- Sheltering Sky*’ (Novci

:— — BfOftr), %Mr.~Johm onl sszrrtiTAVflmJ^ictUW).—— ;

• Inside' jbkra (on“Whitr Hnn.»r RlnrK

_...__._Btos.).rnic.Hord_Wa>— Ilnivc;r5aiv----------

(Sept. 21. Tri-StarJ. “I — da- (Scpt>_21^<aBd ^ H e iB h ts^ (S c p t^ 8 .J

Fox). "Rcvcreal ot I-i 26. Warner Bros.).

— • Couples: "Vincct (Sept. 14. Hemdalc)

.......... • ^ V ’ 'mg^^bTr.-TTni

ftiax)r Prince admirii— ■■niam ii (Oa ■ _ _ B ro s .) .-W ^ y Allen's

bIe 'pjccc“ Airce'.‘*(CI— —.:_on)._^ --------

the t^gc (iiqit. n •Texasvillc” (Scpt.r2) •*Thc • Bonfire- o f -t (Christmas. Warner

------^ I f 6 n s c “-(CHri"stmxrrM- — r-scqugfs: rcmakt

' t'cxas'vTllc"

------ i ^ aT r 7 o i-crTg; "CJ t(__ pcrate (Oci, 1‘— - ‘« h iid ’B-'Pray:^2r'='(Nd _ . _sal> . -Rocky V" (No

UAV "iH cTrince an<

(Nov. 30. 20th Ccntur.............Who’s-T^king-Too” '

. '.Stnr>,~ “Three Men ’U d y ” (bee. 19. Touc Godfather, Part; IH'

«*)^=5^oth!n®^j:r.^-------—aiw,-Bgria:«ay»r- - r - —10 becom&*nn-** '""* •*

'Wigatpo^~auc5^ ~ • befung'cut jln^'* ' r T : ^ - Ji8r-oack«g.=nfrr------ ^Iiig-foi"Topi40— •Suites and-Eng*— • • • • aTher firrt al- • ••,-?, 4-:e/’-that sceiriid ........— f ;t gn re ty o n . a ■: ,

:w jtorK .-anaa -

rzelewska. s a i d ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *Ts bccn.a.800d ______Ba s lrfHjIlientTonng""^ Jyffisi;;— , — -•.........“ I’m enji j ^ u t with a^now ,"-shc

■f U7S. tour and member olanguid voice right. Evei

Vt, dampen her time." • ni phone inter-


---- -------------------- IfThjs-pScrvice _ tmues. Osc

, I jc k o f Ir llywood qtudibs then, for tl b ^ t- fo r , ihcm^ m -irtnp; i Off up .and saJ- • MacL^inc* 990. So far, the the 7th C cw;“dccad^has-com c-chan shaky.'.... • ' -the ■ri^~w

rounding -Toni in the m

C ^ o t h ^ 48 • c h M s c n r

-Ras-ueciaeo-io— L/caperatB

< riai<S tu t;uiiiu iJiiig wftlipgrcgni soft-focus

ice?4n-jmic.fao- . They_wi»r K)-mi»iorUcwcr nnri attrmi movies than in ready shal lin.‘8g.— - - - - -li^-than;

iQ&jQMaLfiQn‘~ ^ H ^ ^ -With-theipd'ssi- ■... HomcjMt nnm nem in- ■ iinAhnmg. ^ haven't been convii^tar lie performances "lrom*h'ell t rthcrbest^ctrcss----- Thc-falnrtfir7-An even traditional

b ntlr’Ctfiihrthr wns riHrir o f long-shot Ja* that wc fter“ D arkr"M y—bast-Emp

bEjoM H ciServjcC-^— ’ _ l_ :.« ..e illldl

(Oct. 5 .- th ro u g h ^ a t’s Down. Ur

t-som e-hand^— VThe Nut well as approxi- ber. Warn* jom eofthejitles. • Crime y_hay.c.Lr5c.ci_ycd_ ..(Sepl^M, leks-bookings-at—(Oct— 12 iualify_for_Osca'r.;;.Hqurs” ..V. von't arrive clw- Pictures),*9h------- y. 20 thC >ns: - “ Memphis -(Christma Wamer Bro^.).'" • J t is t f

Paradisc“-Oimit— L ove^S c I Century Fox), .come H( B t vewal). • (Hrt P , ing&;«i^Thck5ih-;=val{^Ik£0 :;i)lum bia)..^c_A lone".. ( )vcmbcr, Warner Fox). “Al onll-(Dc«mbcr, h.>r, .Pam . _ ' MallU - tfon Hollywood): ’****“* * •

g g g fcl ■.

V.ayl(C!c.ccmbcr.;.S......... I

<ftirTOvr- lviai in «. “Hidden Agen- * mdale). "Pacific J. _ 2 0 th _ C c n n jry _ 4 m [Dn'brtui^e"

iccnt, ’& Tli5l)" J . M is lie). "Henty & * Tni^-fsMr

liring Prince in ' F?.'” "

:n‘s.]atcsLcnscfn^-. _ . C / ” (Christmas. O n-' ' -

"Pnste'arJf^rbin" ' mH. Lolunibm). r = ^

.r2».-Columbm)r^ --------- ^■ -the Vanllies" ncr). -• “Misery" •

akcs;— continual— -----c " ~ (S e p tr7 2 8 r - ~ - | |

iiiiunmia). i'Do -- - ^ “ 1 , 19, MGM-UA); • 1 (NovV--9i-;Uanxfcl_ ' - -'*1Nov, 16. MGM-' _____-andthc-PumHT"-.: rj7-“ Pnnintorr2— ,. ituiy Fox).’“ Look o" (Dec; 14. Tri- !n and ' a- Little ' ouchstone). “ Ihe III"’ (Christmas,

is la T rzetixelew ska • is lc a l p henom erton "cnjoyihg-this tour.jO.-much hc said. “We 'really have a ,

o f Jhe. u p JS exactly verytRTng just clickcd dils

[)pes failr e^ a sed j^ii^o r^w ^lliv^o-hang^u t a —

• IntcrtSl;" Thank coodncss. r the old reliables, such,"A" r<n.iRnhrrtn c Niro. Shirley ia"and McrvJ Sli'ti.ib. L lk r -Cavalry, they’re about to

largingback-to-savc-us-froift:- i~wavevbf*“ Batman”-5aper-.’,:-

months ahead, there.wili oc t movjcs - i fo r a -^ lucSZrtQ 1 hcy ^ ill cnrry such.upbcui

ill not. need we say, \x drip-

js_sgntimehi..jaie_opp_o_s_ilc:.Ill_111"^luw -‘*n‘.'jruui..Muiiu** J • li.* • _.

h ^ y sense of. security. No in' six_«itri.qs'.— including =-Hcigh^.- ♦i-‘!.N i^»t-a f- the^ •BetfiP=^ttt3l{cr~“l^cspetatt!Z and JBlin HuchaT farcical *• Alone" —- will show hearth

r"Mi«^hagr Kouiuii'h iLiium 11‘anaT’IiSbdl-gh z6fhbre> ■; fa ll^ n d wlnter”months-are= lallv a time

; were introduced to "The m p ^ r ’-^and -"Driving-Miss- ~ two brcstiRC productions

lldrcn*Sl.r<;omer;.._lh«llWi>til-~ i.-D isney),— The Rcscuers Under" (Nov. 16', Disney), Jutcracker" prince" (NbVeHP* imcrBros.).me*busters: “Death-Warrant" 14, M aM -U A )/‘Thfe Kray.s"13, Minfmfl«V ".“Dc'sberate.'• “ Run" »>v. 2, Hollywood^ j). ’.'MarkcS'for Death” (Nov. Contnr:' RnoVii’" ’•nasr Warner Brosr).—-------; -;t for laughs: "The Tall Guy"

i ^ ^ 4 ^ P - a ^ m o u nt). "W d^ Home. Roxy Carmichacl"

(O cL-26..C durobia)..^om c .. (Nov.,_.2C.T 2pih \tx*mu^^“Almost an Angel" (Dccem- irrtmnnnt^ Fmm_a■(Dec. 25—limiicd._Touch>. ** * * * * * * * * * tk »** A «'f-|CTil


p r e



*^**w .********A ******vW:c— -----

' I ' • • - ..... r •—

r f c '

=fT?OTl}lng an dvtfnUghrse tu

iS 3 t-sa rt^ 'in -th C ;P o lish —citvyorjawonmo.-where -I ^ ^ i s teiwwg t a iWaitfm ii i ■ le i^ in g -fro m .-C h ariic-

o a ih e .s id e .. .177...

r7gri)iip'~wlule "still .in-lier- -teftM br-4ioiKk»-m-»»4r - serious stab-ataihiM icalj —leaving, she says, allowed■ Ani y f r^m nfnr tt

economic'and'poUtical t'rnimtTymcn wcnt ’ thro'u]

■ | ofng----- '

. “1 left just before mart: introduce,” shc said tn a

' now contains u stront; E ccnl.

a “Before that, my life (

^ jlilMing-in my life. Wc I • to eat. we were, comfo:

parents had their own bu ;j duclng ice crcam .. . .1 h

N d ltp w l

a —thcii^prplagonists-JUid_v :o—scorebig-on-Oscar-night.- s. Which means you had ;• in an extra store ol popco :V pare yourself for longer.

0 seVeral penOTtions o f fric... r. MII, ILUuill^ K*lll U^OIIIIfWW Vr> ’:-these-^'Godfathcr-’-typc -1

w "iiooiium'' '.mid. U f '< lQ~~ctfntjnuinfi~sago of~the’

pniiosophiciil MT ^i=tconcmrErancis£oppohi ^ lion “The Godfather, Pa

Martine: “GoodFellas.’.* co-starrin

il»~'De(ades~of Life in the I Io Bagy Levin.son*s "I Ig Men" prequel, “Avalon,

ul*— And-cbnf1icf?-&cne< th coaster’s worth o f di ps_

.111 CIS Uiumiy. graft, famili war RuHl .and thc likcT^

ire—Will-it-be hot-'and'-heavy ■ It ♦(in "White. ParaaV’- “I er.-panglanO - - amoushCT he £tossing." • •S ^ t- e l iss- Britain’s.JlT hc—Krays" ns Jyanles o f wills ("Siblii

S ^ u f u nTrT3tbncT7’''V aIkcnvam a^ :rs Warner Bros.). "Kindcn y ) , (Christmas. Universal liP Around"^limitcd' Chri:

vtrsal). ■ «»•It" • The horror of it all: '.s" ’(Scpi) -14, Miramax)..‘ ite.~ Pfcace" (Septr2lrE pic)r ^_8 tm ction" (Oct. 26. Orioi >v. .King’s Graveyard Shift il’’**' Pnmmniint^. ‘'Rdward S< — -(Christmas, 20th Ccntui^ fy" ‘ • Suppose they gave jutnind=^TH)body=xamc=r: 1*1. Hfiiiu;." -----\

i t ___ • Oddilies and long-slme sawa’s-Dreams" (Sept. jry_10A). JL ts ten Up:" TK m- Quincy Jones" . (OctT“

n Rms >. _ “ Aw»nlfrnintfs". :h* Columbia}^ _£V* w i-* •* ff * * * * ***** **' RESCHOOL REGISTRAT

TOO. 1»X>1 SehoolVnnr

IVPTIST CHRISTIAN PRESWOAwataenaAratefcfiASt^Sifj 15 Years oi Preschool Exea

■Cl04SO#f0f 3 & '4 y2«OkJa .P '|w rinnFndlii.iriiiua^ —

^J.OrKu' CNmn»UCIUf tUCM. Ocll




a t t : s : ^ 6 - 2 :

n m ° i r t o o ) c - - ^ , I ^ j

sh j m b s t r i a l = : ; b a f o n !^Btwa-grew. -■ j ^ ~ | l

■-Parker- ___l^ i P a r o l C ^ - B a s f t


ll carctfi H.CT^^t^fs heavy S^l^er to ex- ' rS jtto ^ jin d ’ much ofthe b lu es .j: '

. tumioil hcr^j. ^)'ugh . in

irtial law g o t^ ^ M ^ w r e ^ r il v/OlCtf Uiat 1900J, tlu>-4

English ac- to strike out ' — r — wa3n't-eaay<

! (ili Poland)” ~

* had enough tHe song/^ It 'fortable. My, cd. business pso-had my mu- ‘*To shut h


%Mh« lives' oi and wooay v _wcnl_on-lo_icc!l)—oc—iI , ----------(S treep -vs-ad better lay • “Postcards."

r. more com- ' And if thi w ^ lu i n,im. uiiiiiglriendshioahd 'voyage into -tHg^-Amoog ' rctcue thc-pt! - e p i ^

ic-Coriconcsr~Williams-mi ^5~^n~3ili^nE.—Be

»-< « ■ ^ Htrckiiiuirdii ’- n ' and-Winona

” dangerouslyEach has th

g^m m ^f.thr. com m ^^nid

le c ^ a —roller V-„

' A 'io cipc

'■i"8______________Modme (“Nr iT iZ Z Chasifand tl l l l mas release

course. Phi

c r^ c n .C b p " sal). ' ■ “Onceiristmas; Uni* ^

I: “Hardware" .."I Come in ^ f n i )r“Eve-ofDe’ - ^ —ion), "S tepK cV ^— :-------ift,” (Oct. 26. ^ .. . O v Scissorhands" Wjiy Fox)----------W--------- Al/c a c^ld war - ^ -- - n i

-shots: "Kuro-II. 14. M U M - f l g ‘

- '1 2 ,-“Wamcr ® ------------

m o N ? . I

E S C H O O t; ® - A U C

a ; : .,ld3 - *

^ .......

* r

K— ------: -

t ( P o l a n d ) J u s t :! n t d n ^ a l j a i w ~

*,• " 'V '' '•• - • - ■ -1


,vy bn jaz% pop, L a t i i ^

y iftcr her arrival in Lori-' i

Mually brbad. By the mid- h4wo-dectdedJL^M_Iime_^ lUt on their own. But that • i

__ 1 _ . ' ';kept encouraging •me-to j

Visai'* — g<ve_me__;

t him up, I finally just did

ly Alltiii’JS mil release. "Al-s ,

■g Shirley MncLnine in 5," Cher vs. Winona Ryderaidjii!.)2— -------------these standoffs aren’t ih-

ito thi! troubled psyche to ' protag^nt?! f'^p i htms'*lt-'’ hat yj.etnai^vet Tim Rob-

—LuiJderV ' Jiid Roliiu -must-venture-in-^earch-ofr- ‘g ^ t iudtfnt-day-^*i>—Vai<= "AWIkCiilngsiV' , • -

oad with multiple appear* - Clint • Eastwood .—Shirlcy - t.-;rDanny=^^ •an d ^u m S dlccfcrBe-NiroT; >na-Rydcr-w iit-bolh come.-, ;ly .close to overexposure. three vehicles due in the

lln .“ ••fimltv bv Suspi-~

]s,’j ------ IJEdward-— Scis-__

mictiaci.—L - - ■

cpccUvisits frortTScan'Cbh”I Mirh^ll^-.pfriffrr (“The louBo"),. Prinrr ("fimffiti

Albert Finney ("Miller’s

d Dan Aykroyd (the C hnst~ ise "ValkcnVania") and. bf Philadelphia*5- own"RDcfcy- n"R 6cky~V"). _______

S S S S ® S S S S S S

A G K ^ I3 v e r $ 4 0 ;0 0 0 ;0 0 w o r th — (.-irooii.s-a.imps as Ri ALL“NEW-WESTERH£ — L o t s .o t S l l i /S t £ U Q


l!MS: C A ShT tie -m

fXTRFri-------------------------------- ^CriONEER V E ^ SEAI


_ r_ jn ic jib u m _ w n S -iiT ir iw j~ ^ ^ 2 ^ ^ ! E E ^ iE E S j£ 3 2 i'T o o I o M 'o D p iS 'j i c p i r- lease.—ThV • rccord. comi . delighted, but-she was'dlj “ ^ c a u S e ~ s h c - w i 5 - h ^ ^

•rpcftrri rfor 500.000 COpicS r " th e L P i L i c t L d a :se u i

1' million cnMI th e

t ncn cvcryU iIiiyc^plot] • ■ don-W arsaw -N ew -York’' r r ^ l lc tg ith ls^ycagantypon

- -The sifiall club ^ tc s froi » American tour quickly )e< t • concert-hafl events., froilc

concerts in Japan. Then il > :thb-Unitcd .States in-the'ft!: shnw.s. .

_ _ T h ^ m;?7rnPoland’s biggest stars. .

j ' "N ow , w hen I tell m y n

* J wM I rn - I l l l l


s*__ • ~ • - ’ ' ' - ' M -y g

--------- J ---------- fh rto p rad v“I-------- ' i? 1 *? U S pppt

i ^ _ _ W e ' l i show you ^ : .fnl'ftion'poliayJ 'y___________ ___________

OWNERSAPPLErth of ALL-BRAND NEV Rilly Cook. Circle Y. ar tSADDLES-HAVE WRI ^OW-tack.-etoQining-il,


=— — :— —

t q l liuin that th lne ^ shc^sialp _ _ . • . le rv ie w r^ f ih ^

• and 'Tidc;’?--'v*3ul hec nio

3ipany~ Svas- v id eb srS o flierB B p ^ h t i a ^ ^ W ^ c e r t s S i f f

m S ) . ^ b !u '" T h is "is“ soi ;llm 'g,-gbiijg trtUCh uiHiiy-J»i n i im i TiSi* \ mcS'.** B a s i i T s a i

r r r r r r r T T - r ^ H im e f c a d ie a v r :f :. .:.r r -.-~-.-gCl-.30-SeiltimC

cam e out ' • • l in ^ .tlp ^ th c — Jrr: f a c t , j f su

wui-nm li <1 .

>ccame huge , is sciilowm g th is m ost, she sai(»y ~ ; f J ' l ';; '--.hflVinrstat>lg:fMl fcr one thing^But M for more ,hp(. rrcoll■■ J-- , ;. :i'..~.~:~5omCtUlieg-Km

i» n.»r nn i; u f

“ But I 'm s m um som e- open ." shc add

jvls ^ h e n - i l ^ rT ie s- l^o

IU how to m ake a safe slay ;Jn q w ^ B ^e fo re y q ,u £ o 5 ^

K m t m e j i o

rAftENTIC3A TIG TEW TACK a n d SA PD L E a n d T ex a s S a d d le ry C o r R ITTEN -FIV E-Y EA RG Ui t e r n y m d j ^ v e a ^ i u ^ ^

TWIN FtWiNJ FALLS ----------


■ B b

ir-f jifpp^r :..... • ' ■

mother-hasn’t 'se e n -h e r ; . -fivinrof-ihom ands-vet - • i — yf=-bBW»-~het ' daugfliaf >— ■'■■■ fliere will-soon bfra series :

- s o m e th in g '^ t - is -v n y >

returns hbihe seveF" : ^tcaf.-^fWhenTl*nniherdJ— !— ;jmentol-and^M pp_yJ^tX _:i/;

f-succesrhas-« downside - KA«-:v>prh~erir^^sKfflng~'‘'- 'rraij;:--------------------- ^ ^; so m i^ in g -1 'm i5 • t h e " ^ ’"' M id.4^envy people who i” lie fimiily llfcrCaieej’, it’s ; But it’s nothing compared realTy want it badly, Md ;

t the nght p e i^ n yct; I 'm ~ ^ '

n still keeping iny eyes adds.

rQ oing-abroad '' . • - t r u ice e ltim ch u fe ._ _ ^ = =

la y a b r o a d y o u r . - L


E l O N I)LES frorn suchlo fT ip ah ie s ._______ ■ /K-G U A RA N TEE.------- • -using stuff. ' ' ^

; o ; c A D D -J % ~ f ,^

FA:LL^|INE 2 0 8 46 .6 -1342 ^

1 3 n

^ u tra e ,------ T o -h a v e _ —

the lb u c ^ fo r

—^irst-Security------- r . - ■

^ f # r s t ^ . T. =S m c u n t y : ^

Bank-Membet F.D.I C. >

Page 31: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

;.;____ ^bring up.^1 that IcEcnd------ -G alH Sallowavr------ ^

j__ • He ’s not_jn _the_jn(. TTHc’sTbcen' around. -1

■ vears now? Well, iustsi

-r • portanL, What’s tmpoftant ts

- — l lV -w h a t- J ^ s '- th eTwdc^Q"-IcrhR ~6n th<

. away trom hi? , home j _ _ _JElains^NXjmach:Qfai .L— -iii^It^doesn’tno ttc rw ha ■j-rr — in ~ ig ^ ^ r J u y r f in d g

T " ^ u ro 'p ie in the spring. H over the United States

---------- met. ■---------- — — r-”l t doesn ’t mean anyl

it.'s just pah o f the roi =Ioway=saidswhenraske<

___ . ' ioolati^torward totorman9n~9t th.e Moii^

place else this weekend _____Sound hahh? Perhai

'• ■ n il ^ ly U H'li’grnf - 1 = :^bugs-him ‘ lo-a<toi(-itr-TTT- r^lHjy-tfac.-awc-stnJCk J

faces o f the musician glided out on -stage

__ ; —h e a ^ l . just like one (blBCk*and-whi(e film d

- -— ‘ ^ l » 3 0s:-------------- ;— -

} sang “Minnie tHe: Mooi . he held that last note ot

. ''Llnfinnary’l. longer thai-------- b tin 8 ° ligM n'bg»ll°'»

~ hi; ~>wuycu uiid btiUl stage'like 'some nimb

------ Those, moves hnve-s“I since tne~^Os, p~liiflg

"I — Jackson or.M ick-Jagf------ riMmtd. Arid' hKiiyKT: _____ white, and- tiunner-noi' ‘sectloti ihlcKcr and~thn

— handsome face lined ai :: _ lcr_ c ig h t decades of

living. But evwy'Birdf- Still there — and ever


musical legends are.• “Nobody,’* he answei

s— — ^ O p f eoHyi ____ _ “1 don’t know

..... l_docs.Jic.pccK_off_into

ir'-w h n rja a was king— ~of C w is Annstrong. I ton. Dizzy Uillespie,.

: -- __and_othcrSt_He workei_ - i O L _ -------- ■ ■-

____ *nieAssodaiedI*ress------

- The following arc ihc :- hits and leading populai____ f^idM_as-ihey_appear in_n{------ i^ u e o f Billboard magazir

-• H0TSINC5LES , 1.•■Release Me” Wilso

- B oise-s3i' BOISE - Boitf: Art

------ 36th Annual Art fn the Pj_____held today through Siihdi

“! zr"Aits','_.cnjfis~cntertatnn dren*5 activities, food an£

— _froniJioon-io:8;pini.-»j(a:_____tinuing from.lO a.m. ioA-1----- uiid ftum 10 0.111. lu C_____^ y . ■. - “

- . XTvcr SdCTarusfe from thc Northwest will displa;

--------oHmtM twivdiuH^pngg

1 nrntivi unrtcr thc pan

.........— .•ciiic agcni!>' —•Rcsorvalion Agcnl;

— •- -.♦Kiimp-At^miis____....... — -.Flight Attendants

. - I B ' i n 'u S JN-TiiE AHOver 1().0(X) iiiflinecinplii llicir curcm at »tilU lii nl in nirlinc iniininguml

2 z r io W V S iN T W N --------fflEtaiRLINFJAREEt

Tucstioy. Sept. U/ih • ' :— _ :-:-WESTbNPiiii2 ~ ~ -ilrs HI’

_____ , ___ Twin r'al|i..lJiil

;end.stuff._>riihII^ ^ ^ ^ J

^ n i o o d r 'Y c ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | .~:^ow'. many-i g y - ^ - t e u —

ts the’ Snusic. lethe road’

•me in~ W h 1 t e ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ H i£the.y£ar.'.

nil || H ill '111111

iked= iC = h^afl= ^^ ^ M

,1 ml. EYttii if 'i t= ^ ^ ^ B -i(._Ono-«ouid—;k lo o k s ..o r t lh .e :r^ ^ ^ ^ H :ians when ge during, re- le of lho5».;i|d-,_^^ ^ W 1 clips from the

loocher.-^^-whea-ii^^ ^ ^ W e on “St. James than a human' lowed to. when

inble tightrope .

a ^ L into. the .^M y. h<X Uk hiiir. IS ■ n o t e

d and puffy af^ u n d eo f full-throttle |>nrd f his voice is----------- ^vety bit a f 0»i -------------Lmnrie..ihc.lpf,-

wers mrtly. ^_________ tirnimrt In- ii ', h;>~n7,v'' "My tfcM •OfR»rs.~ As~ hc— l-he-mustc- iD to .s p a c c ,y J f i .y ^ ° ^ '^ ^

— ihuati doyp J l ndi cd. C jTDukTElling- p b c t f ^ l

rked- WUh i h ^ —career fori r University

r M e M e a d j

__________ ___2,“Bla2e.otic top record ’ (Mci^ti^) ular compact • , ,

H inc^----------- CMCA)_i _ ^4.:.‘Havc

ilson Phillips Hammer (Ca|

3 6th A rt inrt Mi>»!ciim‘<; scntcd hv ih 5 Park will-bc -Art activities ihday at Julia will ' ^ offei

itnmentr-chlh ^

id.v S o r . ^ f r ^ 7

!firW »na-~r2r;play hundreds-

parachutc will •B B a f c E E r : ■

N E E O r ^ ' R D

~ • •;— ~ : cnis;, * ■

us' - ifc ^

a ir U n e s !; .m lpyccs sTttncd- -


W F A L L S j . — EEilSBlliiAlt. ! -iv tau jjaiiT^3l) p.m. . ' 7 :rfZA—

n i v j . . N . • r A u l o r i

------------ --

P : ; «


l lo w a y ^ jl< a v a s .h a iia -< in iy -_____ I — n

i e a , . m a n . _ i J i e --------*i s l c - l t s « l f . - Y o u ^ . ^ f l e r s t a n d w p a t » I’m s a y i n g ? ’ .

- C a ijJ a l lo w a y — ^

■|l tell you wno my nerocs iiv : finally says, wheeling.

I^i^^-Jntcrviewcr.—SQ roL's arc the'nntcs: mon:"cn

i^ay ^e? IJo v ^ h c ipusic; tc

I. rnllnwav_whn wns bom In

wler.-N;y-»-.-gavc,up a law... m )r "music. His old Lincoln- to tr 'c la s s iiia lc rn iiirr lW d — -

1 of Glory" Jon Bon Jovi mi

M e"' Bell Div Devoc ^•-------(P,

You. Seen Her” iM.C. Capitol) . Se

1 the Park bUlc- BwilK Sociae. so les for children of-all ages—Id ffered from 10 a.m. to 6day.ancL^ungay. ^ __

~~ ~Tfinment-highlights-dunng an end include -N orthwest an •’ Air Forcc;^Band at 5 :3 0 ^ ^ iy~and~l~lT30 a.m. Sunday~av

scnts “Pqp in thc Park” as a t4i30 p.m. Sunday, spon-. Bi

3 P-0 F-T


iperoh;re.coqibifion6A4 te-WQterlevel selechons- *

" " V o i

iy ^ lAwaU u lltUy. iMarsftatl; stayed

'theU.G:Suprumi!CQurli- ■ — I’Y ^T lC fflldw ay says,' u l' thc memory." **I'~went'“ school.with.hitttftodr Hft‘5

'o ld guy.“I was studying law and 1

vnlved in music. .<o 1 put fnr miistgr”___

;— Any recrelfi? ' ■ — •‘Nah. But it wouldn’t

The niusic started in--^Qmetime-in-th<?-^ft>r^hei>nc< tct in the rcyuc ‘‘Plantation

,lf\Wny„',lniiehs when pisa “ more specifics. “I'doii’rw a

member. U’s bccn.too.mat• to want to remcmber.-i^------'— Buflt~w as in 1930. he C(

Fd-hit-siaglS.‘‘Unskinny Bop" Poiso

ma) _ . . . . . . ..o7'Covc“"and Affcctjon”

(DGC)7.'’Thicves in the Temple

-(Paialey-Park) ---------—8."If Wishes Came True

Sensation (Atco)

beginsTtDdlsored by the First-Interstate

-Idaho.----------- —------------Parking for jh e event is 1

“hcaiby u iu ^ . Ficc"shuttlc*t ~tfitvcl'b6twccirmarkcd~park

and 'A itih 'ihc' Piirk'bciwcci and 6 •p.m. Samrday arid ttirJung ano snutuc. duscs


For more information. c< Boise A n Muiscum at 345*8

m e m

1 - -


^ • 'A o S ^ » ^ c u w ^ d , r y c<

• Eno w c y ^ igno r . . : .

• Toogh-pefmo, te;gfetf

§ s iG ^ i^ E Z ;a


^^"ajrbigTiS’a'vrtiali H . -moan-anything.^

? ' But it made h:r r -------r , ile-liu" umt- t>ro

. I that didn’t slo'

hool on^ thc big bands. uiis ^ r on .■ • —

sTlmilihg along.~Cotnedic P to -h i^ j—and-yohn-Belusli

, ' saiz rhjihfn ai d 1 got ih- mimicking the It the law When thev put t

m o v»fl-in .^ l98C I’t maner . with them. He— -------- ^^""WoochcT'^ d 'Stn- earnestlen-he-be "H hink^^loK

nale-<^tinr._ttiHn*t _ r ecngni? n Days.” - Blues Brothers’

csscd fpr ' Now !tint <h wm no ro- ~ oncc~again;~he

p u b l ic -h c T M y s concedes, wani me.”

son (Enig-____;

n” “ N cl»ri ~

pie" Prince •' ' : T

■uc” Sweet

lay "itoBank-of- — -_______ _

} limited in - '.-... —r buseg-wili-------------- -------ukhig ai'cas— — — -i c i m a . m .id Sunday.cs will bc .— ------------ate-Univer------- -- --- ■ -— ^

contacnhc ; ........... .........•833.0.-;

IE : .TO

I— i R t


.&50wto» ■ •


; ." . 1

“ i


— .. |~ I

rf-utHWith^-anothef— — - ra Cotton Club. • ,M *land4ip3hcre3o::L; iThS Ellihxton and they

ssoid. " ne•fgbia~6ia~ni8h tc lu lr - ~ 5^ere-wer&-not-onlv—

> w 8.-H e-al» -fou iid^ - p rMTiedrflud-have-chil-------- prughtCT.r Chris, -is a'pftriarffiedyithher— ~X\ iy e a rs -— ---- : - r e

b^l- ■» r,!,,

feKed-tOikill--daridy.— ping, gyrating bandy yUKi»jj«»»nK1<» vn?r«» ■but such hits as-“The—

tylea Utat nvcfybod)— ~ n

•did ’‘Minnie the '1931. .More than n__^

lUeL.p c w c sin rirall~ ~ :cw-Evcallhpsc_who_,.. _ p jhey^know-irsing-thc^----- Sltf-hi-dc-hi-de-ho-" ^ rc a.Jh_eme .sons' and^l— _ . c’ would be a good - ly.says o f the tunit he - — It lEc ”Jowdown

f him the' king o f “hi- • QrougtTt“ him 3ucccs3“ “ “ ilow imtil thc '50s. ■*lat there were, more __P ^ U t ^ ^ - g r i d — — : -fomsK:rowdQd.asid<^ —

Blues Brcilhrrt m m r Stans Uan Aykroyd ushi-took-to-thostage— —

and blues 'singers, le music, they.loved. jt their act on ihc big . __

)RO.--CallQwny went __lc”sing “M innit the iw lc th « h o w :--------------- ^

>t-of-the^oung-pooplc— — ; «iays-ntiw- ••Thpy jiist _nizc ,mi:.-unU|, -The---------rs* movie." ' . __

<h<?Y. recoRni?c. ,^jm -----------hcV -iff-no-m ood-to--------He’ll nerform for the_____aysr “W li^cvci~thcy—

V----- Mean-— Comeseejus

: '90 &'9

■ . ■• - - . •

• - S t a t e r o o m A *'I O f A L ~ t F F I C

- - • - U t T I M A T €

i p P V Q

8 7 8 -70 5 7 * 6

I 1 6 n te - V K_ _ _—- -' • -j-1^—

t nc Hanford Couruni

; Conf^ e d abou t' the '• pn

So are a lot o f people -in t^ ess . .» ----- - —r -

In tTnuKh^irh 'ereT tH F u iw^qhlOBVctand! ' •----- :

. Mncf »*A*' ninvi>»< (thni

-price^jhe-thinking-isrbuyen • pfiaiarily—VTdco-5tore8rrwfa •ftiake their'moncy renting tl L^At^rnany. storcs.-aflef..Oii -rental-activity-<>iflS^own.-J

— ~ A~ rolntivcly^rgw:.“A" =lhose*^consideT^“ -“ropcata

“collcetible" such as family-dren’s-titica----- aro-broughtaaucb-lnwn-fiBt]re.TiKualt}-S 2 5 t^ T ^ e5 ^ are^ in -th o ^ i

Ihcy will-aiso. ot cours^ i able for rent. . .. • •“B’’‘titlcs —: movies t

IiiiaiaJIclcScd^thM trically -.pric^ ^ n ywhcrc— from _

S'?9:95rThey a r c ^ m o s r ^ rental items.

— -5=Non-Jnotvie-titlc9:-r^{ ” music,- travelogues, exercis<

I ■ j

..................I„ . ; _.V,\ .........■ M e m ^

I A Llttl«I M ed ic in e Sh^c

' ' . . 15. s to p b y tl: . j b h o p p c T c d d

j y o u r n e x t pri I. b e a r Is a lim it

_________ I o fS 1 2 .9 f^ .,

' ! - i j ----------! .434 B

. I-------- (HBXniTAl—L—Dougtefrl

- ' ■ I • i*plrror«/29/i0^

■ iVe ^

:n fair deals & fi 1S & experience '91 H cctwood ?


/VCCOMODATION' ifclENCT^^lRfERlI te- in -L ux u ry • -5

r « i ] «

S L E t ^ R E

S a l e s ^ S e626 0vyitAfiI L m r^ M P M d

itgmftarTfi990 ‘ ’n tnagNcwsn

------------ -ffcH&nrMost'oCt:)ricin8 ot' S14.95' ah'd S2 ~ : -.—Higher-ttit-if^th<

t the busl- packaged opera c---------- «-Movies-onJ:

: unwieldy signiticantlv'low

m t i«i h ig ^ ^ ^ 9 5 .......


, the tapes, oh laser' disc pr ffirnmiiBTrcleli^earaTraattei 7y t eqiK dr :appearancean.ti

r-^^-r-< ;tonc6ffirty :‘' “^ * ^ t l e r^ . ■ . f TK>-orowtv- itablc" or-' pricc-of-a-moyic ily or ehil- lowered dramati ht-out-ai-R—ha&-bcen-on-tholly-^20-tq—AT1-“|A“-Tiilfth>i

be avail- has been cxhaus o fn in e o r lO .m

itfiatw c^c. lew asstx . ,

are-----.‘.'ThiLvjdM H_ .S40_to_ihc.sUlicst^tliing *Xclusivcly=KyirWiigncro‘

Avon, Conn. -self-help,—garbage-cajvcos ise, and so stuff."' ~ •"

ae Shoppe'^ Ma

le More Bearatliop ^ ^sahi^^

n n d recelvc a o lu s h Me Idy B e a r lo r o n ly )re sc r lp tlo 'n . T h is c u d litcd cdlU on w ith at r c ^ l

BIUHLaKusBlva.M"ARV’sriW iirraiisrldal

K)--------------ijHit_ _ ^

■■ <-r'A-

fair-priceslz:— : e our outstandit

- - 'i o V S

f n I e n c e s

JS • - B a s e m e n t S

iIO R “ C O t O R - S E t E <

- S m o o t h S iD E W /

Vtckeri ^

vsTTwlrf inBrtaatio- C-S ' •....-j

■4oi:i»nt:poorryrand-are--' ^ ' =pnfeed'forwit^throaglr------*^|oHhgm.hpyer betweeH-------— J“S29:95rWtisionallsr----------,- thfrTCB3e-of-B-n1c8lyr xa or documentary. • *jnJasendisc. .p r ic e d __jlower_than.'^ci‘r.VHS- -

titles or oldfr

: pr«vi()uisly ' was often itterdfTnom hofter-'iis^rzr::: in.mpe>:.theJwo formato '-

oyio-vidcft-frcqucntly-is------------matically after the title-tho market-for-a-while.---------- r• ih a r ' riflinally'tflld'fff'f

lausted, usually a matter 0 .m on^s. -sometimes as

o^bustness.canlw one of. ■; -imgs'm the world,"..8Bid^:----- ---T=of=Playtlm«^ldeo^in========nn. “Sometimes the cost-more;;than.the good;_- t ; '

. I ■ '•

---------------------1--------------------------------' • • I ....... - -.............

\ ' Ii ! ------------- 1____ :_____ •

^ 1 ■ ~ ~ ^ I ■

l a k e s ! ■

a b l e j ,dpairen ts i

• . ------ --------------M edicine !,.S9 w ith ' ------ ------------luddlv 8" i__________ i_ _ _tall value j ~ ’

- i “ i .

M-- ! ---------------------i l a l i i i ~ ~ i..................... . ~l ;9 2 4 2 = ^ j r — "

____ __

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• St o r a g e r H __ ^LECTION, M —

Page 32: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean


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IS ’ Porscin.19 W urnlng c ly20 C lose co ll ■

__________24_S)r)fl_____ ___25 G ololin20 n o li of_________

patftftment— rr 29 Luclto a n d

•________ ■ BokolUe________

34 l^okca ' 35 — tQ*montlQn

. 37 .R icC -dQ w n___• • . Sff G intt-w uttJul—

40 R e linqu ish.................. - 4 1 H ow tar‘5--------7

■__________ ' c o u s in. . • 4<2. t in p n a t ic

44 Lato i 45 G urshw in

■~........ - -~ o t-a l.“ • " 40 .A t;ifoa3 MIIC3

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Z W oolen caps-- - jw Ia I

9TDba6ftor L t c l10 Work g S11 Hoof-'&n- Ly ^

03 pQvcmoni- pV V sou n d - If Ia I

12 Babbit*..w—- - R h I13 W os o b i lg a lq iT j ^ ^

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.'Pfdv^o'a sloTo 53 A uction w ni>l ___ e, nf.->w

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—H ^ ■ F ^ i

• ■ IF S E P T E ^ E R 7

— }— Ir^tirgjrP . cM, Virgo-'i— I tant roIc-Y in your lire;

■H H ~ a n il.s c ic n c c s . Currchl i -sponsibiliiy. business,

— -— niqnlli. Scplcml>cr, wil ^ Kv-rca-lcU

I Z _ J - - -‘ARIES (M:.rcli 21;. luok to wiiii

tioi ..ily >ull luvc u, SlU/IHU, _^^u-4i aiinicl.pfaisc i

___ iirrjittL-WiiikLEitach,Tl f t l Bl "'Iffn iutinnsr-: y ? B —TAURUS (Aprit^ I A B l ilvpciiJcncc, study A c ]h 3 . for- 'hidinB placcLV- L

. CUU5C3 cinl'iimi55iiicni t | l D _-£ij:ct.Act.nci:Dnlin8lyl E i , ...0E N roJU M fy_2b0 S £ _ jiioH. dare to Jrciiiif,

D -Ijj'tiiiju 'U iL btJu in il?

r r 5 I Ity IU (;am.puwntui a ft" t y iu?'p<\rsons play roles.g j ; g _ ._CAWJ«MJmH»-2»

vi’isjliliiy. unique ta _ on caiccr. DitsincM,.

•lion; added rcsponsibi---- — picture.------ -loy . LEO (July 23-AugTTIT1J5--------- ciiOi. ru m }s\\' or. J______cbriceminp* property,1 wofd .' RooUt-^^^ccpopiioMi

' ' ’ .MKlJj n run

N£^-fr~ -

■‘- r - ^ B p r r - - r - - * »

r r A M B

- T p ^ r a

. - f m• 1 ._ D 3

llsio ' ^ 3

- H ^■ H tTANPann ■.

AMtrfPKB.. * ^i r ~ i ' j v : a v o ^ . _ G _ ^ «

^— X: —

^ e S^ I—

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BBHHMI a.1„ V nfi

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” , f c r ^ E1-7 i

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O N / j _____ P

9-7 _ I

- “ S y i ta B y ^ = Omarp

— A slro lb g feal------~ ~ F n ri= i» ra s ts r---------

7 IS YOUR BIRTH- ore rept ritual, your own moM.

pwfcw}}-- w nic, <; }• penons play impOr- handsr fe: You arc analytical, has wa; ¥h1 k>. ihc-mantict a t u - t io m - : : il cycic emphajlies re ;' cndsl"' SS. challenge, moriml U BI Jiiioit-to-fiuiiilyrT:This ■> domed will‘d memorable and. o f recn cHcr-Java:-9lh. 18th. .panicip

MT^Nprir 19); You «pt^..fam ily, th expectalion that yliu SCO Tt3m c-rd:^,iKori-bul— ben»- ii : for youi;,pc«otiality .. •letinxr :h fiir bcvonS nrcvioui Thcrec— ■^^v.. . - __.unUer«

S S w J m s i S j n l l T ™Aries message, check •

;-LiBht w ifl-b c ^ c d o n „ f ^ ,^ .“

cnt unless you an: dis-i ly . . — , . _ l _ Q u;l_-Jj^(^0): .Ttvst jn itii__gpp Mlfl,'Iiecp Ihc failh. Wishes “ reprCK

F“ >’i_-vjvc^ c ilnlinni rVr'il’inry, nhili Triiir'tr I allies, tnnccr. rtquar- lorious cs. ’ ■ • AQl21-July-3Z>;-l)tversiry(— cmilrf- j-i(iocial-flfTnitrdisph«y—Tyoijfo talents, humor. Focus would

“ Kumuiiurt.-iiiiKiuL- love c, ibility. Sagituirian is in'- relalivj

ug. 22); Tic down legal pre*,jc J{lilllUll win tw WUt^U, where y, automobile, durable p e r m IS open, plans subject to . lectioo


——J-. . .-p p e P A ffe g p '— TC>.MA|^b. / ~ A 0\N 5r^O ^\B , § .

H A < S A P . . . ^ I

M •• . V lir llli liii .

__ ______________ - J


:a m D ir^ - tr iD 5 a p


M‘ 'Ht eATWWiiEVF.a/i&Utt

-eprescnted. •TROO (Aug. 23-Sept, 22): Read

Is. Money being "hanillcil '“by a way of being elusive. Make this a

iI'*Ccmini featured........ '"IBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22); Focu; wsiic odiustmcnt. flawcta. .miuic, ecRiational facUilies. Spoilighi olt icipation in public.afTaira. paitner itar totta^HlgmiB>tfTfinfonin^ily.tncmber.---------u----- .-.^ -CORnO (Oct. 23iNov. 21): Whai »-mi,jptac«i-w*i»-t»-iocateo.-.i.* Wradjust. duties to..realislic.schc rc could be blcssinu in'disauisc. Y ersiand bv toninht.A flrrr> & iur (Nov. ' 22.u«."ick-CanceruiesJagerEnipliiiSirw risibility, intensity, challmge of t

n journey, sex appeal. You'll 1 with oldcrJndividtials.^ - i^PRICORN '(Dcc. 22-Jan.-l9); ^

■esent'fresh siah. Love relatrdnshTi crisis. Focui on.cJurabilitjp.proj

VouMlemerBi ous.r-TT—T . -......................... ..VQUARIUS_Unjil 20-Feb. IH); Id be in cCTtef-of controvergy,- ■r own counsel. kiSi al»vc iKoic ild drag you down to lower level. g could be M Itiiliillll. 3 |iu t-li. iu'c.who would.domitute. *lSraS-(Fcb?-19i-Mareh 20): Firs ssions prove corrixt. Applitfs espo ere ainurii^ U i conetnieu. rm.1 toMl*^sessions, payments and ;iOQS_Cimcer n«ivc help* explort

7* A* W i

S otf f ^

J -

\ ( c H iR . J -l -L

^ 9

■ i w i F *• M THE ONE WHO ' HM) Tti PAH

a , y ^ . RAHSOW.' n t ;

A l l t h e f r e ^ / K ii :u w { a ip 'a n 3 ? re s n ^ P n e v e r

</\ ......

4iA&couPot4ajnR;* ■ ___ :

)y ageiii — 7-

Aiherc-it- -------

isie. iKC ^

tncrship-. . . . ^ .

Cuiiipuki Vhat had eyes, cars, rtose — ca

ichcdulc. .S o p cr fcc ily t h ^ a ne. You’ll averages, Tlicy rccori

- m ctiw 'orbeuuiv conlifc. 21): -the chnnictcristTcn-or-IS on weren't cxtraordinaoo f dead- cnily . nearly average.

*11 work avcnige.thafsbcaOti'l

— A IM ia .r e colJ-M. ^ ..Wrong,-A-Kiurt;->b.a-i

blooded. T lia fs wh.n sharte.3>low;inid,-- ,

ii); You <'muslt-'

lose who - A. It’s short for itii

j :„ ! rPi j ’ ] | w as th'e English^ specially militory gooscsiep.

and c o l - /B RC m lH L ilorc ncw V cm ion l's Richfo:

I ’ .i iirn.lJle thii iiitcn

3M-«¥iAE-TrtM<&-GAUtEP-'.irX LE f ^ s p j ^ p o r s •


VWK, A K lm iH S/^^^

j _ -•-’- - V' - • - jC '

ivecan ) w h u ) w e r lT

I V i J


■‘W iU 4 ^U am {■ '■ •_________ a e;trp»

' IfU .S . lithe back

I -IVt - .liwr inn

Boyd------*.. Grccti

V V h g i w l \ g t 7 ~ : ! g f f

■ . . • ; J n Ln;

Nn..wtre>-v i t i f ' .......each o f your fiicial _ ^ [QQQ52iincni£niD^^ i2rz —25——— an finduucjiaiional oi^eil such m caiufc- ‘HlcKmnsTTOTlcartC____ r ' , ,aimwiw.wom en .My. But w ere, si.ntisti- ' jc. Wifincrs were al- g^ Thtnlewriliul! It i.'i ' mt'l!. J

-------------------- - " r i„ l-blooded.righi? ,a -hjJU L V uan n.'-':-----lal-tho man on Ihc — . in l'f> . .__ ^ wonia

Rslcd teamsters stad, - » h y 7 - ^ --------the French-CanadianIK‘'let’s );o.'’ ----- _ __________

• ' Nllljv<h w ho invented ihc_____[iivcJ ii

■■■ ■ . .."niai;ne

'. . ' once had a broth- crimdii


rg...\ W h o -] ... -T he -:ca l^ d a r j ^ -

s •■ ' - —

.-;v. -----—I--------

f l g i /

tre^ S ? "^ --------------------

.S. lawmen raided, visitors lclTl>y jack douM Canadj. If Caniidiiin^

reelings differ, li's jjcrfuctly.aU ri iht ickjtm rtonguc-m it-when mccling n

1 Lni|lnrid. iiiori: pct'plCTtny bail-__:_ _

u w im » i...,il.4 i i i . , i i : - : . .i..’ .. e recycling.',. iTvincrCalif;-.-- — r - ' *

niL-ckiHiok'TLTctiil cauls and m en- cs arc almost iinkiiy.vnin ilii- Soviet nu_sim--------------------- --------------------------

Pliyllii." i-. Circok I'or yM-m lu n ic li" -

^ R Y '■....[1 l-'rciicli Ciiurt rccord.s is iliii ease o f onian.who (jot a ilivunrc on ilie ---

;;<tfy.»muBli;.bct’ol>.-.klic iMd'linvfcIo .1 tlicin. and wrnic the r);imv« ol'tlic ril«ieit.^H}«-<i'i!e'p;ij:cT----------------- ---

'•uiiKicrs Mgniiy to iiunicii>ii>}tisis. c. for exam ple, iticans ''ynitli" and [iBMCtijm.''

.^r llicft, thai’s ihc la.slcit urowing nd in this country. l.a<:t 1 hcnrd. ii c;u

Page 33: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

1T T o t a l r• THe following are capsu ~ o t movies now snowing, in

ic Valley. Ratings are by L . P im trr Atwr/nnhn o f An

the Los A ngeles-TiifieS: ■ are by-Los-Angeles Timt

^nanty viotcnt.- top-heavy

largc'scsic adAp(ation~oi’ • Dick’s.“ I_Can Remppibcr

" -wh^) freaks out-"after s ' ' tfen9p{ant-and-beoom«fr4ii

— ■ imritFU»'-— in-a .bit tch»— ipan ^ r-it- is-a-standard-iss • • Schwnrzeneager vehicle; |~ ■■ ald~comedy Fs3 hosis7

— tor i'aui vcmocvcn'rpn:^ Fourth Mari.” Which part

•— ^or-dislike.--is- a . matter-oi


tion’irS iE r^ ird tm n ^ i l i War, iVs often intoxicai

___ combinalion o f suneal iuand “N^SH^-styl.c prant

— film i5 .scaled too big'fpr


• • For a movio^hat plans t« jcapotc out ot us. Frunlc'

funny-scarey primal ’scr ___ comedy is a friendly anil,— ty ■ affft^fHe<>hn^caHy^^^»

i It is the dassic form; , i• grander scale: the blobrN

der from far, far away nearly wipes out *flie pert have a very coritcmF

-i_Lmacho snough to yell_t ••Wc need Mom in here ti

___ dcr.::______ -------- --.-V----- DARKMAN (R). It-’s.i

ted,, prcdietablc, garishh ^ ^ IcntrB utiit's-thebcsrofal

';_comicVbook’fh6yics— .only. one. that really cs look, feel and skewed-an comics. Diroctor Sam R

— .. E v il_ D cad -)-an d -h iS -C•prrviipions visual gift! iTJOvic: a simple “origin’

-----“ Count-of-Monle-Gristo-in which~a~homt3iy oistig tist (Liam Neeson), who

. his focc at will, seeks rev rrirn in a lj/c rm m Jin d u d il

I • VICIOUS Lunv urukc) wh His'iii'c. =- FLA TLIN T^- Oi).shouldn’t be crossed; sp moijjian I Dc.waicnca. in<3

= , A 1 I l H l ^=imm— - — Bgwie^rtwofangr;

TIN Ftw.

77 ^ R E . S

r o u n d l a f t c | t r A i t q w g t i - t ^

r e c a l l ’ ^

y the lo t io n _ < ~

icsn3p/iJ/d/is-WhlchHve-p: ■/njcs-revieivr.

..... - lifer-scienul, ____M K h a M e ^

of-Philip-K;—thcmHs-iikc jcr It for Yoti ■ tHrou the \ dull carthlihe thr hiph.icd r a memory anyonC’ risk

le; part, a rib- sipgnn us. MMble rcflart you enjoy, past a eertai r-oC-icmpcraits-scripi-and

----ttMh<qw>ingof its actors

. Roger Spot; crackcd*voic black comcdy Whoopi Gol ■airlift npMa--l.r6lu6tiint gpii thTVietnam cent Schiavc icating m its way-dwcllinj I itinglCTcapcs the best ham anksT t jhc Swayzc ^fprthc tinker- .years.kvncyslur” so lid " jo j\'an

s to'scare the ■ - • »■ igcTtrfrehan*s— krcam of and niccly wit-_________it a-wonaHrZ:--------------i; , done on a brMArtian-spi- /ay that very. wrfccTAmen- —jc-othct:hand._______51:mporary-hcro ■ [g!l _to his icids,•c IO kill a sp i- Ttiiltv*

'volunitry ;-'s thinly ploti-_ program I shly ovCT-vio-ifall-tht!Tcccm'-----Q.-G*n»i- indeed, .thr: ■dmttfd.captures the „

-angle style of

sifts on this _ q_13 ?in’'.tale, with ctuttonic ito'- ovcrtoncs jyldnrc# yjgur scicn- .somtma ho can changc (ntppropi revenge on the

I. - Som& - lines- - -1 somcmovies ^No, that s too •

rKtJM iZ Nt, ^ ADUL-

■n]_ The most wanted mctiina : ■ , „

6B8wT^=^HiOTitTOTWE^mmsmiw. TIN mm.

■ S JU M E - J

HARHISOI — FORDSnmp people wot - kill for Jove.

- ,ncF jaffgBFB&Oh/ n

^ i g 7 o n v ife<

M l u l M E » i e W f b r ^ ^

trv.1 Rrhiimm^her film, m_Gc rphotogenic-mcdTtudtmts—pi :xpcricncc.death and after- Fr ntifically,— is--cminentlyr to . gloriously aflame w i^ ur

t i ^ h c kind^of spirihialtty bi

ike a'littlc'dry pca'raltting ■_.n' c vasl,-cchoing.muscma p£- -

fk d c a S ^ 'p s ^ t h ^ d f l ^ ^ '

•_(PG -I3)»—T Jifc -m o v iE sI! Ii^c licy c .’JjioU n^unrW :___•eiiucst. But even those nappy to compjy must get " tain wooly-mindpdness to ind^-productiop-prettificd— _

irs Demi Moore as the Dicc, desolate lover; / joTdberg' as an extremely / _

w l l i as an in ^ ib le 7 ’ ling ghost — things ^ in ands possible. But-1*atrick is a corporate f^bw York ’

~an'^lh7BllingTdrafnaVpart~ ’ L nan mbrnl.dilemma, per-.

BIT* c a tago ry s y i ta m o f th a iry ftlm-lnduatry r a l l n o - ^ - m la n o w a a fo lfo w a .

nara l-A u d ;an eaa ,a llag aa • ■ _■

aran tal guM anoa ilad : S om a m aU rlal m ay aulUbla^o^chlklraf^.----------

i .P a r t r m t r » «<ronfliy _la d to g h ra a p a e la l .em «or e hiklfafH m d ar-4a.— i m a ia tJ tL m a y b # .. _____ _ oprlata-forch lidran .

I^ dar„17/.aqu^.^^ -

b n V u n d a f im tlm lt to d . - '

HpWINC SUNDAYt i n n h i T n -^ PM Al i

S ONLY $3.501 6TH SMASH WEEK |-D AItY^n)0*^:007- r SUNDAY AT | l !00 ~ 3;OQ^_S.»00.

, « I 7 :0 0 — 9 ;0 0 ------


^ ^ O N DAY1:15 ~

SUNDAY 1:10« ------3;15 - 5:20-—»• B 7:25 ~ 9:30


T ^ w e ^ ^ a u i n g

D A IL Y — 7:00 ~ 9:30

o u ld S U N D A Y :^:U0~ 4 ! 3 i r

: g Z;Qa-■9:30,

" : \ ' .......... . -

BvSfiaw H m terT--- TheBaltimore Sun-

: -GlaM^eved-PjumtS-Hbq

•hUthwfagtfnanitieBTand VgM itie s-o t^ Je ttO B sr.IfiT H S hettfay gvmihe foUcwmg a;

Ijvea Uttie.JtoCvejamcgi- T h e ,1 9 6 7 .D isn Q rJ to i s j•nfftHhf-tOT of thi* PimfY fther'ctasslc'old school or sl

i^ii»lKr transidP it is livdy, wtty, tuneful ai

' is deriveq loosely tron ‘Kipling’s great stoflw 'of'

wilderness of the Indian s -ncnt,-andif-L.were-writin^- ^ ntT>robafal:rbPTniAiny a »

i o l e r a r e rfectly W and p^ontjcd' b

Ford, Botmie Bed^aand P

”plcaswl"'tO“ taiow’tliat sen Frank Pierson and the film tor, Alan-J. Pakularhavc.. uncommonly s^itive

= m .— ^ ^

W m

~ F r i d a v ^ E f i F O Shrimp, Clams, C

■------- Kce7 PotatoesrV« ---------Ausorted'Saladsr

-S atu rd ay -P R IM ].. _____Erune RilvBBQJ

Vegetables and A

- 'J: . ■-------— NC

- : ^ 7 - - - - ; S e p t r ^

" TheBestl'n- - ' — iP

B -THE MUC■ M a w a it e d SEQI

■ CHINATOWi B -------- HERE!-- J Tli.y.»ym«i..yiinlll

^ — - WBllli flO

U ■

m nA iLY Tiob- L H _ SUNDAYI J —^ t3Q-~ 7:00

lo’ve just duction of howoa l baanl»TT-,writefrby=tald nf lovie'l.i«_Bnp 9«sjbni ;a d ^ c e : that i t a m p lay i I f a a d te^—uib a - w i th o u t^ sed to be . -- O f.::roursc .r i nt: "Amusu«rish*f s-oqwhcre_i50sjwll .-c


and com- yet no in pw same"commcn

"pnaject,:.tgrattuerU tlJuitirlvin'coir I Riidytird Epoch's feeble xf 'Mowfeli;----In any event,>es in the G. follows _the subconti* (he looks like

g-ina962 bad colotOM-'a -b ig '-pro-.—j ungte-wb^ft-U-

r s p e c i a l ^i;briIUanUy_ PUMP UP.’ Paul Win- snulent,!! ! !IB will lv»__Shf J«k DInwiwntCT—own-bedfoomi tm’s direc- doing another i c.. maderonzituins—ogives aplation of drama some iti,'' ' ' . piciiilsc.



O O P S u f t e t S t a r t a a O ysters, C rab, and a Si

Vegetablcsrcarad-Baroi—----------- ^ 'flE-RIB Buffet.stoctfl a^ P p p f-P ih q , Q h ip k p n ; Bfl

^ s o r t e d Salads.


- F - 0 - N - — < ^S > -l irrNeveda-StyleEnlei



— T f l i e -^ ' WEEK!

_ i . ^ fo r tl1 T ^

- 9 : 3 0 E ^AT ^

t e f e a m a

I n ' l o w ....;• ; M f .„ ; „ , hotiw once agAinlfie huck- tw<iog.his «uiatesscniiatly-%.wo jtlity;and'*iixing’‘it-so--o'w iy in the American sub- ortiM aoond-tbouftht^^--------- ^’ ~ thtlt’g^n ll phnngftrfr—*wniV iC h ~ d ^ ig % rM 0 8 r= = ?{..cntics.usedloraiss - the -merchant- of. banalities- an< / ioot .imcivandoitzea .Ha comrneroinLnyooses:- the

crebiiucHwJ'OTT that"" rot' lOTial" work scc'ms like Kh ilnccompllsh.mcnt,* par-;/~ Otlipajiwii'touur feeb|c7,Ic cffo,rts; ] , IBnt, “Jungle Book,*’rated’ Kthe Beavrtlike Mowgli Fike Jeny Mathers on a, "PiO.qnJuLasy-outofJhs.. .r

^ i f e e t s ^ lP THE VOLUME (R), S[TliH TTV'""'**Tt*—A-rtT<itin - Aiighrapiraie radio Super" fJ hmnrfcastinj! from his ^

cr of his Jack Nicholson k'cs-Allan-Moyle-'s-leen- itisinuating pizzazz. But

D ice


B a t 5 p .m.TT$ ^ T 9 3 . "'SelecTionofFish, rohof-Beef-and;---------- --

8 at 5.p.,m.... J5.93.:LRflVffH, ■ ■ _

5-1 a . m. — ~ mu CHARGE—----- ^ -

) - R ^ - U - N - E —^ :tertainment93 I

SAT-SU N FROM 2 T O 6 PM ALLJL T S -O N tY ^ 3 t5 p -

I u ii iH |ft~flllB B n(iTIIlUn BiHil IIX A i n ^ ! l ^ 9 : 1 S - .


iiWflP7FHFRBFh7mml 3 » a d ^ = r x K t < f cth e r id e / o u r lile .

-----«----------- e,Mfy_0^p^y

liiaMflfethers~the--yofvc5~ttot-Slierc ther Uyei,"is"bttcIrln',ihtfTiE hoedi»^rh<^dnuMtio^tcnBioo-A tive: Innocent Mowgit can’t i his.ri«ith nntl wnnts tt> Stay.,1 Wolv«^insjst,.that. hc^leave, o'wiFgood—(Actuallyj-the- artists could have done muc witb-tbe-inajfsly and nnhllit: WDhzcspvhojrcinain:iindcvcl( • ^ ^Mbwglt’s cbmpaiuons are t h 'c f ^ rea'd'by Sebasiian'C ond a hjpstcr beof — Hlinis..ln a wonderflil bh of the- great -ironic^^cad and-woi r o i^ f Gcorge-bantJcis'-Tcaa Khan,' and the Disney artis cnomiotis-finr8ettinB;-nuanCP


-M------A U 6 U O T^ . . ,& , S I

i|TJ ha rm o n ies a n d 1 M w ith o v er 20

- -[fi"W W a m fn ^ liT O i

. r l —rA nd.rom om l [ i ] r i b d in n e r s !

- VA ---------- bcstLSlatK lyf i l e y e o f o u r, cl

' ■ffi ^ so ry e d w in ?

-------------------A p p c a r in g i

. M ------- F O I F H E S E n

N »«iUifl«Yo;STj.n»:f‘iM ■ forll®op.m.cocklBl .vaUabloSncocklBlI*}

. Mlnoni muH bo accot


! _ _1DAILY 7:00 - S A T -S U N 2 :0 i

J - ~ — 7 a )o r^ 9 r

i mo ADULTS $ ;


' 'rjr — — . DAILYTt^U L . r:= ^ -A T ~ SUN^1?15

j a P j C j f c MTC -Khan.— Sanders-gfeat.-si nstgKbdf* onto..the tiger's iti

t^ m a ^ e less amuang as v.ific wise- nlBYcd as J^tsroie, 4bc-hisj racial-cnlighteiun B-Disncy-Tnianagc to bwgic uch more cally to the beat oItty n f th» ■ Ihgy tgnrdnwiiLlb

ire'a pjuv "'has'O'very nicc' i -Cabot — . “Thc-Banr-Ncce d by Phil whiskey-riibbcd.

'orid-class—than the pristine i ias“sncrc t ms umvcrscT tisw have less and basicall) nces •from-'jungl^K^60tt-8ul

I B i P T T i l V r e F H d - i

p . i r i r C o c k t a i l S h i

n n r t T rh j-*— : — ' „>v ts still thriJ»nff crow ds with d nostalgic hUs fro m th5!*5r »1 hits, fnctualhgTtfBo’ Hoi S a x . G o p d b y j i . t h e F la m ing!mew-meaningrOort!t4niU:tJ D a n d o n stage in th e Gala Si

n b c c o u i:g r fH lt$ a 8 S ^ g w

ly jo a B te d u n d e r th e w a ti chcf« p r o p e r ly sea so n ed Ih i ts o w n n a tu r a l Ju Ikct.

i;£ o p rcm b o r i 'i-£ 6 : J)av ld

>R V A TIO N 8r€A LIrTO bl — 1-800^1-1103^-_; f(» s m p jn . dinner a h o ^ Sm U ^

I wllh advance rc»ory«llon». ■v«»t)MfrUlvM«HiKKUr)H>Mancot affff xjtnponlM by adull* lo eochtalU

P c iffi

.~ _9:30“ 7 _ DAIU 00 - 4 :3 0 SAT ~ Sl »T3G , --------- 7:

t2 .oo 2*Brejg e - -------------

M p - q ; o

-— THE }

^ 5 P AIll 5 - - 2 : 4 5 — -- n^SAT.*r.S ■.7;15 . . .

a s i i j t o T ^

s ironic mug.'.

p v i j i - -------snmcnt _ugliness__rr- ___6gl>w6dgie:a^xT»«i-..:— - r ja to fthe tonf;toms that •n >hg t«?fnple they have g-n-home^A ndrH nrris----- ^CC fihle humbcr-CBllcd-—r .

«d. smoke-choked hip- =iu-lU i - UIUTU .rcA u iiu u t— r pine imagery. 7l -rsc.'ofcouiSd.-liHltftlUl— ^ a lly unsavage:^t is the , -- ♦-suburbr

3 i

r iT¥?¥T O ^ ____

t a _ - ________


vith theL ?rich W ___

H o n i e ^ d

ta S how room ----- f F

l e e f a t l t s kfiv a tc h fu l ____led a n d f r y

/ IS I d P r o u d ..... r o . ~

aiblipPHER: - - y - —-

:O franal’«nylim o. ' u: • '••....~f? _

ILY 7 :JS : k 5 : 3 0 _ i : 1S U J S J 2 :‘1 5 L tJ ^ Q O . _

7 : t S ^ : 3 0 - ------------


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Page 34: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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Page 36: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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•V i«l^edule^^iSrit^5U ncl(

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•. > '|iic b r o th e r - s . i b r e e ^ ^

, ■ 'g jjf -n e w se r id ^ N B C

: - . ' ^’S S jo r b a d / . f T’M u^. • iM -:-*De8igiiirig-,Wj^ n-------- '- • ] ^ r f o r m e r » i ^ U n c l e - B

' m i^ ts t i^ a ro u n d . - .* '. : : - .....J - ja ^ o S re s tlh f r CBS

S - ^ f c i < aililu!»illO-<iiimCT,o.i

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“ S S ^ S S i s j s i t f e'- ■ ' ■' TtitimiiPirtiauiie.

> VaTyVonm^Nww. T ^ FoB

»/,the»hlt^989g^?^ ^|effl

g S t g :s £ a

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rhe o n e -h o u r - - ^ j - 7. - '*

i-OU t.ot>TaF'^''7^R3*i!I^human speed.—BVritw^ • *‘ * ^^**■71

i l ^ 'f i tq t r t ^ b f - ^ '^ ^ [ r*~~-

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FiJI«.l<l.lio Fri.l.vts«pM nit»

t 'h im je lf jy jlh 'j irc M

T en esT C T m e d y -^ n re ^ € E



; ;i*Ere«hl P rtnce-: o E JB e l

'r t i l jr6 f 'a :P h llaad lp h ia :tcen ' :»MBlanted.U> iftfe M rilB Of :

a n y .u itt» < a y n ^ e A ^ -- r - . r :

•' fiN W B ^ V l i l b M n l•stare^B^h^nlikely>guar4

t h e new comfedy &irs M om•e 9 3 > . ' ' ■'.', ,7.

mmmMC T aar?^

io n .TX

W B .e l^ K if‘'’_ j^ : e tvo f.tho . ' nU ^w it^ m 'lv h o -ia ---

r.v3iX .-^»-.N i'-’

Page 37: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

—: II io il jg « ln . ' o tS iM n - ro i

; „ ,R o b L o « e . •• ‘f"i;.;' ’

.... , . .;..Q;,We.Tmiiw.ll»;m n

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3 ^ B-TMMTVt--------------

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l^ le v is lo n- I

M.Mag^rteWn^Vlri.0.- ' . - ntorbtoefcttaSontynM' . .. |

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WBll—aUIIUHU ^lemorteaof RotiT- ~ = ^

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> .wejwifajty ttietv m (

^ h i r U y V»leaHne=-Col

= r : , - r , P r e ^ 4 e £ C• r Movta.mtns* . '

» .S!SCrt^ ““•; Vwyaood-^------------ -— ,_? Nc<brt-.-.---u..:.~',-.,-~.:~T-.—:

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Page 38: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

. Jo.lieiLilIc^Tiinatkchiid-wilh.« -=l«fcW yriKnff:wlJllCTJiria^ --4,r(jnnnHmnerpoi1^forthr1<

£ c W jab u io f{ » ;;^ iM k 2 2 v ^ '

■ foro3option. The mother anil-« ;3 ,M ^ .i^ i i iLc,i^iini{^dandLo, -. wr}iing~a b6'olc_qt^)it ft '^ j9 iH » iw j» :p u b H 8 h r-H ~ :^

: Whp.sHayedioff'hec eyebro ’ive|l'th8t'they*iiBvcr*grcn^-

«h)p™y7 — W B. •A: Lana Turner was b HoII'

^ a ia ^ lfc i^ n a n iC T S E m ii^ ^ ~'^^?Q->rWffntFcanvasr<^bg^i “ byjniaiccmpTirtistsr'ttrniw- Dayis and Monroe were all at

. Uuing their own make-upTi . c'orficra.) In Lana Turner’s ca-

;tnJ tiiey had to bc drawn in :r-perfclfibrtKc7wf1jfhcn)roftj

• nmj public life.

f ^ l L MAW: t-ormer P/ei _R onald Reaean is being pres

' AijgtfleS. ll seems the ex*'prc• receWc's around 65.000 n»e<

rnafl each week. He compI- rccc^tly to an intervicwcr tiu■ cn n 'l poHsiblv deal wilb n

requests.” •

. by'Oavid.BitowQ..T&ftt'i o T udu^ name, but u it ihe m

T * * l^ ’Mo'fen'tertBin^ou" puo reec^ffly?— ILH.----------

____A* ft i.s. nnd_74.v^nr.Ql<l tT-OTght-toTb-rjriniTspJraitoi^

scriiur (or anyone at. a thDt-matter). In addition to pi ing.‘th'e HBO films hc also hi pli^s running on broadway('j O o ^ Men ancU'Thi") ahd is Ing'dK his'third book. That’:

—hir^>yW-!ahcduk. Tui iilaI y

•' lor;iiisncy.,anO.:aUcrJtnvt. —PUir< K^ to -b e -p roduced-M

I'rench gruu2 .,

• d -riinos.News, Twin Palls. Wol>

Ih.quitc.a- nuy-hoids^- te King'o f"

llll iiiiiiiiiiI ..........

rw--baelc?-^ ^ ^ ^ ^ K ' ^

l o l l y w o o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r .

p for the ■ P"P. case, her book about th e ‘3C

ifter shc------------■ ’icmiiTecr'— Q:1 >m lrFsw oin y/ith a p u b lic ity durin] aftnlona!~*‘Ftiiiny-A trotirt

m ean Bhe stole 1 ^from.fttonymaii <

p /c s id c h t 'D i . ' >: ircssed to - ' A: Seems. i>s thi

president who want to see

nplained room floor. . Her that "we . one arid theiprodw

h nil the not needed for tli movie, w^ich als

~ Lanii and Mary :

OT BBOT^ fumorcJ^nt i^ d ri

■ oot t u fronl the picture. tynepCT- •

nio&sE^' Sbq^ierd was tS ' - - ■-rtlie-m arrU gij-o i

T ^ W W t i U w i l f c 1 - at. all. for , A: Polly Platt, tl > produc- be the real ) hM-two- B ogdanovich, i; ' ("A.Kew._ ("Pretty Baby"), p lisw drk-‘ I' A b ta r is Uo lafs only Endearm ent”) ' ' ctTcarhr-TB rm idcaY t-----{nr.C:d-w ith-a ,lled^ ie

doho Friday. September 7 .1d9(

h Fawcett \Ip. clip•30s. , . , “Young

ncctt tuTB gotT lot or'.'loijiw'ir ing. the m aking o f log any r t :c v e r 'D tre T t if ti— a t M le the picture, aw ay bul Bill] in Gene Wilder? — _rately ai

■ ......... ...... at least,though the publicity -.such oc

:e Fanah in the film Anthonj

er rol.e"v)asn’t a bi^ Murphy duccrs decideci it wa§ - Kid.-B

alsb-stars- QrTstirie . t ^ hiirc y Stuart Master^on^. i-hi Bi,.thfl/.£ ifn ih ’i QlJW 'on'the w t^^d 'noth- -Bromm

-------- Bimbaa: that ry h i l l fhanggj be one w lio 'lm in tq>-/be lost t' -o f-d ir« cto r P eter-duccn .c HffMtevef hunfww^ to him out s i L . Z ■ ~ BiitiMi I, thoughLby many to now p ,1 talen t b e h in d , Warhet . is a screenw riter/ ‘Thund< I, production designer nm oin'S uorn ." " le rm s o t ~nga1n^ )" and producer lintillea — News;” “ S a r ^ h F *^ the tjme o f their sep- DaHo^

ter. I f r wcf& a man. CuUbv ] r.Cybill>too.;i . ..prevjou

3 a te v ^ -w a » ^ re tt ^ K e v i i r ti

;e90 ; ...........______ ^ , ;a ___________ __

- - - - - - - - - - r j ' V - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r - r r ~

EmlHo E steveg W hat's yo iir pick? nag Guns n.*-Hsvea:t a miUii rs pUyed that role and do yi

myofttiitn?-—P.O. .rM uybc iiOt u iiiilliOli vci^iO 3illy has been played both-acc y and wildly unauthentically 1 as t,o' scd re 'b ractors, includii I odd castin g ch o ice s su ch [gE xnibtfC TD B srEnSytoi lony Dexter. E s te v ^ admits :

phy and Roy R ogersaTB illyt: .-.But.-when a s k e d .w hich I ght was the b e s t Emilio adm lijrownversion'was hiS favont


: Brosnan may tihaiiy 'get ll cc to olnv Jame^ Bond. &e ro isi tb-Tlmothy Dalton when pr n.QC.thcJXJcrics_w.ouIdnll out of his contmct to star a .^ islr secTgfa g en t. Diusnan-mi

play Bond in “Atom head," a . sp jn o ff fro ihdertull.** Interestingly enoug ilhy Ualtofi j s

led'film fix>m m original scrii »^o-dlfle7eiiPJarhe5Tona on will have the role in a fil

Ljv Droeculi; h Iiu'Iius Tluire"i lous’James Bond.movies.J:i nan-feature’Wil l -b e - fo rp ^ u c in McCloty, wHd h as 'the ri|li

Uioo . . 'you i •

ions—rzT" iccu- ' • -y .

3adSi:=?^!r s h e ’ ■

ftSc :I he - r _ lmit» .

irco.:—. —id ed r.T -;

rrrT T - m - —role- pro,;^: t let = •rthe :

mic"K'.' rom '

IS-—■nlly----- --

f c -film

ir/fi ■

Page 39: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean


' ^ u S - A ll My CHUdied

- ~ r= tiir4 ie F i» r t« v W th & Woi “ . tai«ionj»L«tobjboa.ahd

an^actress. I alBo.^ng i = fr.-7-rcabatfiLftot^hifil^IrPie;

s S S. Liz^ w bo '1)m Btage>{ o f her life, n u d e her ,p

! oT ^vcf^X w istis. play< beduise tBe s c o n bos'so

----------TRjlH^rSbB wudied,"voi«acting to m ^ y^^oint

djoicc.*’ -r . - - - J i7 f in h h r r ih »aK« ho

■ rw orkedim nany.reg io i____ tionsjocluding a natio

______ coiroany of “Evita." Ho- “ - y o r ^ t8 ^ . t t e_mccco bj

cbtiS 'tti^m lltloirbut d______ Florida itntil nhe.landcd


- divorced, .deoiaedio mS----------wItlrherdBUghtcnnKH

w iA a p re r ti i^ u s manai

sisters, Meg and'Amy, ' ' "stay in Flotida-wfaereiht

~ - —--nonabowAuaiBefliLcnt h' askedif bcr mother* was

. L o u is t M ay A lcoti Women" be<Muse .of

• q u ^ o n a lot lately.- • • L lT f io a ^ ^ ^ V o r lc

positive t h i n g a o d l ^

---------- !i6tt fl>6 4 »"flBnrvleT- — ^ s o me-oQwr-wwp-rtars-q

= V ■■ - —

b/ip laya^T theT S ^ -S ^ T iT T — "T" [ren,** is toTnl.)

Ua point .In her . . -u.—-.- ;

^pjytrni^i ____*. • • ~ -;'Cohi»cntra^ny~ “ ■ — woHcable ccjm^k- ^5 5 3 1 3 ^ ® ^ r TZiTIiZZI^

’ t6 ‘be'6n.tH c.',I great learning:

Ig and have a ■ ^ . a;'PiBri!Qniv^whh=__ • (JBS!

idwfaLwiPsicRl______ediy.” ' ■ ^ B a je>stnick m o st. . m | H T .professional ^ | « | | 9. niaving th e ____

ctlgna-the ro le-L — l^ ^ J ) y - a ^ 1 * . t'so many high jiue, dunuc uiiil | ' int on and htu ' ^

- - the fans a heeh ogl lutJ bBj'qn J hcf ■< jional produc- that withoui itionaljouring_ vccy short-U’ However, New ' lHoolcs m a and Liz oitcn" tl»i mntj-mn:ira ia irT ten v e-----------ded the rote o f CHANNELyChildren.,

rwuw the movri ElHlily,«Handed^ob-*-=^y»-of-G« inagemeht con- to star in t iL'j i wu u lJn “BaywaUh," ny, decided to canceled, B -theyboth-hnve"mov»c3 and*

v88Tbrg"i5nof“ tocom<njni ;otl’s “ Little .years. As fai 'R enam es she

______ November, jbrtis-emiigy n many fans.

llUUlU IIU14U.1H ^ rIew n srB n lita t— P«lm er-ii

<V!Bl>y».Emlly-Ann-SaBo,o necessary evU/Ll t is.wise ful

a -’tuuJu >uis. mia,i<wlizcs C( out fans, a carccr can be Di l-lived. op like Liz Vassey is here for be

un. _ _____ ............ .. . I t


Iny iiig .r ian k ie P iad jT 'oh- Ho'iOt t f I im x ” Ir ft t t i r ghn w M i n the prim e-tim e series crh ,” 'Wfh9n“BaywNm li’> M ha Billy vfos up for parts in Ti

id TV-series but he decided' ab pn^uc«-A-rtGby agTfCT' :Sii

fans of **Days" will rccall, ac for New York to attend '

byflivafiiily.-WafU yqi:A fc= a

T,_wWch.should please h is- R<i ----------------------------------- , ,--------------------- m

•. - ....... f ^

■until shcxonunita a.dread£L_l.

Ffklflv. Sootwmbcf 7. 1091

J ' " - r y —

a onjym_My,Chlldren.!:__"fut fn i» nn^ o » ••Alt ceara iisnes. for a proposi David. Tmvis arranges lo ha appear on television to op bone hiarrow donors. Lan lra^lf'sric~l«{»‘t rcadyfor ^

When Bo-is-hit-^n-thc-hc

‘l‘rChIil^'iu'^arnTrl’0' ^

cr’s letter and learns thal t hn.l an afTaif . .Uli'A ^ 'Dm Tina goes (o. to I about the paternity test. Cai


achieved.- Shane collapses >^hcn t

=aaa<yflata,thai^ iin-j>MU. plane went down-on..;‘.L<

. Rocky.confronts Rio-about-l riage proposal. Shana has < and doesn’t rccogni2e*an>


------ y-

1090 ' TTnia8.Now». Twin Falls. I(

----- 1.,— T

isal froni'i v iaveEriqo„,; oppeal to-.;, I anie tell^M-', ; -nininuuj'.' ^ — ■

hcad^J^ig t- :------ :

I the ■ :

J find .p u l; •' t :arlo tells- • j

I she' afid!^!

L Q .v in iS .U = ,t-fiis marr.;::,s amnesia,.,,.

■ IdahoV’ ,'-.’ '•

Page 40: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

iKbssipfc- .-■Bfaan a ^ f in rin a-movle-i

^ ^ •,:.Q =W tfliar« voice oo

— r^RlwjM-oCgomeone.whfti Iflc r LenrH orae. M T g

, " 1 A check wUh Uie'w

I ' W e^ued.■successfully. 1 Uipfi vulc« from bihngTi

. 't.y commcfciats.. .". *“-The k'cy.~scems to

•• •• isjOKv or if'lhc-prodw i conlmcrcjal are-j rying K

------ publjcr^hich is Viot OK.-.

•w h c n a b e d id -M ^ ^ I S h e r b o o k s . T b ia k s h e ’ll sttotber movie? — R J t.

" A: Eiiriter ihiit year uotil cd her first film in 20 yei

J _ z . ‘!Nifiht..3i{flrriorsJlco-jia handsome son Lorenzo La plays his on-screcn molhcr

, * ly tarnished lody who run side club. ,_j_________

ogy books she's written. Di •'• a cosmctics-mogul-and-l

■ hoppily married for some ) mUch yoCirigcr man, Mark

• • cosmetics marketing cxw.'

------ r-Q rW B ’re-stiil-w aiting

Cbntlnued fpom S is;obout"to tab .N6fnia.*Lati couhroom. Nonna points

Itiily on “ The B old k /w autiful," unaware o f Bill

___ fof Sally and him. Taylor r

; Brooked

with Shawn-Douglas on

— «“ Tim8rNewsn\vtrrFai»riaor

o a a.TV com - . - a :

(TMW d r ^ r -

^ jip w e v e rr '~ h o p C T

' • " mU m cxe f a ie.wbethcftthe- hom e?j:;?4.&

? ^ ra ^ o f* lS c - stj^e g to fool th e -eral years Bgo

— ----------m a r i^ fo rn ih i

B’ll e v e r d o Apparently, o f h is current

>at)l~cdmplet- . <o. Keep eager years <ftilled‘ front door.a tarring-hcr---------- ^ --------Lomas. She ..

her, a slight- te r E va d o ae? • runs a road-^ A : O ne can

. . : , c Me n As s oL t

. D a iilisa lso h e rs e lf in a jr id-hfls-becn—w as-now here- ie years, to a w ho le Z sa Zs: irk Rosen, a slaxnming specl « : V^^ile she m

in g - fo r thQ—n to re -f la m b t^

: .. J«jnnilcr m a y ^ ^— SlVcs.the-n&T:

U lhe l in o ,« ,v i^ o r n lj lo R ic k i n danger.ovi

•?’ ■- F ra n k ie -b ^ ^ g ^ j J « d v B l e 7 - D n

. . Sam out o f the

“ ■■pg i f Kv° “ " ' d i i r

lao rw . ■■Trtda^SopRnibofTrii

iK 7<w ioK -'sw ayzo s in c e .. tioi M a hn ’i tno f i te j t i t i f c te - i j ts jil p o > da n c e f lo o r? —-~ sa r

>lovM ^ n c in g and is M i ^lo theaequel to D .D .-T ^-ihe

•theJSLQHcijight.nojv.that • efs and Sw uy^ luve lilgti----- K

:’: ~ . ’~~Altl

le b6u^t.fh>m'Chei‘ stvi‘~ o f ; igo.for$6;300,000on4he- incl line minima— ;----- --------njo«

udar^-^=r~" 'tly.just the gatp in. front whic =nt house wasn't CTOugh ' hq^ jer fans a w a y fr d m 'h is * " '^

• Z n .G a b o r a o d b e r iis> . keep 9 7 -R .V .- ^ fag?an only the - A:iL thcse two HiinffariBn ‘whft

I jnost refined manner, long( re-tnrsight-duringnhc—Ddlcr Zsa-Beverly Hills cop ing I ■ectacle. . _ ... ceien: may well have offered Tl ^^ h«r cd'sc lyant •sistcT'duiing thosc~Trtiite

yvels ’ J n c k i f i h e Reai fit-answer8.-Refusing-to-Chani or or Roman, Isabella is tence' aver Jencon. Roman ^Doi

i^to.dust ofTDceker and on “S ieneral Hospital." .Kate than a le a r r^ fo r th e attempt* by C. im ofC Q inm afgo-R ^„adm it :-beaten- sound ly .^ ln - the^vl E>rago - takey-DawTi N IV

ra s ? '= R e g tn a ld wants is jeal tie way m the a n |iei<^. out m on his ow n. N ow that Davidm hav«< marfff up p^.__>y.)p_q

rig90~~ ' . . ^

tio i^ .ahe^was-coQ^ictiDiu^:

fo r 2

held a t tb e L o t AiigH^s stable iheysfcy tnhB li^hoi^B ar.B tfl

' .........M O R E o a r b o ~ : ' t h :

Altfaiough G reta Oarbo’a e e s s fu ld a b b lin ^ 'in K h e ^ i^ : m itA ^ « "» qominon>kno«attlitle-wag*kirown~untinrewL'<M tent-and.worth<oPher-art-<

w itii ' mi w i i i i m i ' i ^ i g 'm i )f $20 r t i i n s i i n f i e co n « n c liides m a jo r Inipre'ssibriis o o d em -p a in tin g ra s -w e ll-jf ; uw pi fiw rn fa fe j and i d x Wifu of an. la ivc f e r ^

B ri« s^ h r« e = o |iO B rb o ^ ft« i

'Q : H o w does a ta ccesff til J c b -R » « J IW o rm d * Jo o -B o eep tb e m i a t e ia tw t w m e 1 « together c ^ n t I y ? T ' 0 .1 lA r T h ^ ^ tjng^actfng Bglq

•ngevity o f Jheir tinion to the Jlcrrenejw l b f tfieiiv5owsralfi Ig be tw een C ath o lic and J i a e r o o n i^ —

The m ost recent occasion in j »on ic .3 0 0 guests, an. oressi

SBiMldLEric liai igftcnci iiantal, b u ty i l l he-get a lesseri»ce? ..............................Dott’t t ^ the^iH ing andlco

I “Sante Baiba*a.>^ It will last m a week. Poor Lionel is suck

C.C. over the paintings. Car w itt.oha.d id tt!! tuU'l iti auu < sivhole tru th about the rourdet N ik^i CTn t 'i e t g y o £ V^ictoi

j ^ o i u - o r A s H ^ f s o W t e E

ivia iM iog h it cool. Danny, n e h a rg a tenaidlea

, . > ■' ~

■f _____ I______,

- - - - - - - :

JUVIA?_e ty '.g & i-a l< «stitec=^■ d o e ^ i i . ^

i“ c o l l ^ - . -

l le e tfo h 'iis ta iifd

:« i io w ,= =I 'p ^ W ' •

l i l t e d

'sm .-Io;ghik;;

Jew ish

inciiid- ssed in . ~

|gd up


d u r e d . . ^amen

to r o n • "

i l ^ i t ~


_ __ L,___

Page 41: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

r v v r t w ; , ' : .,_,

: ^ :~ l6 ite ^ ii» ^ U y e ;w ^ fc

. , re lBM,c d .Wcdflfi^ a yi b y .

J Z a h e a i j a U M ^ M ^ e «

'■• E «tn iira tidB »V paraf re

. ___jveekiravbdiiotere8t-in-tIig h O f e g t i a i f l ^ ^ d d S B m a g a z m e ; N6Us-M iniiU unprecedented. back»to-bfl

- ^ u g d a y 's sh o w .co n tt------ up(fate»’on 'ih a :ep r8 ia ipC• M in^iesV .spokesm an Ro;

s a id t^e_d rop :O ^JQ _^ e^ 'c a u ^ ^ ^ y U te r^ Q py travel

■ B nm ett,«aJd. •'■‘People ju s " " W a u ^ televlsion.’’ : : ; : :

'III . ^ e ‘ j a te s t -^ tah d in . M inutM ’-’ plummeted to a


. . S!«(SDO?niiS£nnlwm^f

• | ‘ -»’p»>T*»|»yaw<*V»C8«. u.<

............. -• -

wkcd NbC.'s.-' <asrthe‘top-'—D 8 :itO E d n s im = ri± S ^ ^ H hy the 4 .C .—

s a ^ g g f e ^ •-i r-c nw iS i

> r - 3 . - D e s 1 g n I f r represeriis •; Em pty 'f

r c r e r r w ~ "5*"FOseamhbnck Nd. 1 I 9 , Movia!-..

,ntained no ' ipGutfrVCT rRAttffefrSfi Roy Brunctt

just weren't----------------- UeT6n5UTpla

jin g s, *'60 dy series “ Gnu 0 a two*wBy — NBG's-spin

IKolorKiSt.. T t i m ’OUnuW.

K S 3 S 3 ^ ^ g SSnig^lyyi. ..17^>T>oingi••-.••- " J ' ........ — inlA^MinBen. m eanteLTT^

n ln t f - W o i^ R r : ; •i f Went f R ) _ : ;_ L _ _ L _ Z

iiyHtowir(R)— ■ .. .,»rOiiiii<R)-.--— . ■

i; V. .N'amn h j jW « n (p i:?) (B erent World (R) ^

place ^Ui'NBC’s' conit-' 'Awu imnd.” . , , thcNjinoff-oH bc-A widOTy '

tMg p m t/fsc . i l l . lTair«en « gcBn^a« iOaKgw^tap=====^^

lacewww ,*>»d« ^ ’ ■ ’

■r.^wy.Mys. loa.,. _____ wife

rsivapSoS'CM:**------ -^ S t - jS

. -' - JjjS i '':

= ^ ^ 5 ^ =% !

■■;; 14.6- 24 ' “ ci____ r . i C _ _ N i

—— !4;a - 2 a ~ —Cl 13 ,8 1 3 0 N{

=a&fc= C ^ = :

~ 13 .3 ~~NE


T. • : - 8 . f r

• w H - w T n n i n g T i I m ’ ’ ^ r ^ ^ h ‘e H< '® N i g h t .V g r a b b e d i t s h i g h e s t

Please se e N le lsa

s:g j ^ g a s r s E .y ! = '‘ *'-

1' W .TknCeiwiREunofAnoocfclADe z -w rT n 3 r T w W .* K B c :« r r—

....;r . -m 'N n rA d lu iM .'A S ftftS .— ---------a. ?!*■* *•*■


HDO'- \ ^c e ^ p t 3N s i j l l i ; ]

NBCii L I f lp n - . r . ]

fj f l c U - ' ' !NBC.] " •

L _ ^

•.8-..'.. Li . --.!

Hcaf.of”; ' ‘ i SJ rankt.,.' , I

i e n /4 f ' :

L*. v " . l' * • : I

’ ■'' '"I*

S 4i i ^ % j

i h p . 7 , ,1

Page 42: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

, ' m o b n im g : - ^ — —

. ---- SiOO-B CARTOON « P RI m A O ^ A Y . .V ..>

q = d i ( ^ B g E E T : H p * ™

i j f ROAP-'TpW^

4 ^ -------- ^ ° f c l ! ;R B ^ Q H a a

' r ' .. “ ~ f f l AfcDAY (Mon-Thii)^ _£Q.SAyiN(S-SHOWCA{

i . . . . { 2 CLOTHINO CLEARA

I ' - ■ m i'A w ioN SdU A REf ; • f f lM ^^TCWNCEJWac


I SHOW LAUGHtS (Fri)L _ :::^ ^ ^ P W :a ilC U I£ » lE JM o

(SHOW) JE N 3 P L ^ (1 lsHOW )linVtF|Wnri)--

| | 0S

m ^ C B S N E W S


— — - D (Sflj HESbUNE NEW* Q (11) NEWS

--------- — -rnXvONLEAfThu)-------B l INSPECTOR 0 1 0 0 ?B p o p e y e h o u rEVERYDAY.WORKOUT

. . . i : « H ^ S S A i i e------------BEHAB-W-WEW-YOWC^


i l ------- j i5 0 ^ JM O V IE (^ -T .i6 )r



m ^ D l^ E NTO3

— .... MORNINS’B

---------- OfFBOQ-fFri)---------- —- . : t n CONVERSATION WTT

— ;------ GEDHCEHUHRSTnonr:-------’------ raH E A T H C U F F


■ .DISCUSSION (Fri)8 ' 'Timos-Now«. TWin Fntls,

■■- ^ ;;-------------- - -------


' ■■■■■ s a g a

•. • • 6:30 B C A F

— ; -ffiN B C N lC ^ F r i J -----------kRANCE (Moh. - . : C | g

b r —

■ :. (S ira .p o i

• " Q NEWSYUT fii

' ' : •• ‘— m - ^ R H

rciftu, ^ s \ - ' f e

i i r rT : :rv^:: .

ft • • •• . . P LASSIE

»B<B!BES -SHOWyoV - T, ■ ■ 6HOW4IBH ^ “ . • : SHOWIHNC---------------- --------- CIM«ESS10UrtTH - T r O S a u m—------- ^ ^ ----- ■ PHAIRie' ' . ^MbUfUiili*

K E to '''- COfSENTO

^ ( i w,,i«toh6. jfitfay.Swinmt>w7

■ ■■ —



,1- ■ --------

TERR0CER8-1— , - ' - p “-"' •. :■ jN E w a•co; " r r r . v . . : ~•CBBNEW S".:^"-: ■■I- L-— r— ] >R13CENTER—--.7 :r::r j: 'ENTURES OF (OZIE ANO ;^o t»-T hu) ' • (

rt9K)N-Y-tOSMHOS-4-----------^>VlE(Fri.TliO) • • ;

>0«T!RAIT0FAFAIinLY. .......


iH Q W ^ E A B a - ^ ) . ------


SYIEW’' ' -.

r'HT)TrFfl-BPHn»F Ii r o n ---------- — t :—ErRAmfrA-ROtfctMon)------^E'ANNOUNCED(Tb&rThu)- WtSHOIWIW

a S tA ^ a m w ) ; . . . ^ SCTOSE"" :—^ ~ sw c R a ro rraB isu H --------^oraranrDiscovrayr!---------fc

S r a Y B M Y K N ^ P CUU-------------- -— ------H

— J

m.EHO03EOHTriE,------ --- ' 1

‘ 0

=a=5= = = = = = = = = = = = = i!^ ^ ^

F ^ M gM D > ^ R nInS HKM


SHOW MOVIE (Mon. Thu).• O N MOV»g{Fl1; Ttool -

: 7:45 rm m Aiyj-WEATHERr ■


m FA |yi».Y FEU D (l^^u)P i ^ fflUB ~ '.I I



. r a AUTO R A ^ (Thu).C l O U U B O 'SaR C U S

— M 'T O u !^ ro ^ s^ o u im 5 !- . QI'AMERICAN ALBUM (MonJ :^'-mj»LANEi:FOIUHE3Aku«



^ ^ { M V t N G S SHOWCASE (Th

JA N E W A L L A ^ ; r

8-os o MOVIE < r a K ; . . . " - ' i l lPRAIRIE ( M o tb T h y )_ -^ "


a:M ^D 3W H E ajiq iO R T W g(

—ffil=IGURINO r r 'w T - T ^

. t ilU a rA E A D iN a RAINBOW)* m AUTO RACtNG tFii)*^ r ,


JiVOGHirife iX - ’

u 2 a S l _ _ j»w «a)L .1.W0RU)

•mbj-l.'-------- ■^ “Vr ■ rhu)'^i ' l ~ ■

w s = = = =

5 ^ ( i i » f p s = :

PPFT-------•-■ - .

L'. k i . . . ____ .

S flN E B -" '

Page 43: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

■ - H S o m ^ fftp U T T L E ^

— p i iD » ff rw « M rf—— — f i & b y E ^ ^ 4 K A l H l

* SntoTEU -TiteTm nH . D(13}8liAU;W ONOER


_ B SH A toK LM iJH A II

Ha a DKUOES: rros (Frt



"T ^ ”8 S r o p S S f f p 5 c !{ ffigaCHRONICLE

— r - j B j r e ^ W W - ; r — —


?gU>(Fri) - f i i lS T R A P !

M O|OFOZ @ r . — ^ —

3 mOHT- • ~” ® t!tS ) ^

• _ . _ . . S rem o t& c

» r ^ > — .....

m u F i r a A *HI- (8HO«V)IIOVII^ iTIIC) HOVIE (

' ' ”'■ 10*80 CTMSTRL(FrirWod)*.(Thu). ' lO dO R N A U E lT l E « s r = = = r n n E R ^HteAGO^ . . m m L o v i w

D r a m c t jAN (SYOURCHC


' i - -iV” ] □ M2) oilUG rhuj- ■ (ra o u isT Q

meODYSHAI' .M Ju y E N T U f

—TZZ !Z^3lDUUS3CEIIE3RKUU1'....... TOT BY DAVt L ^ E C ^ IIPO lio W T Fl

10:U n ur)vii; rbN . - — l l i M i i a w f f l

inw) QUWbHfWI


.SilmSiiteiLL(M on).- OGOM QOUr

^ ----------mBVFBVPAVI ^ g PAID PROG

jE. ‘

B E vravO X f

~ ~ ; t ~ : T : : | p g TO


In c e (Thu) m m usical ei1)----- — ------ rfflDONAHUE-

r ^ ^ F r l ^ J . . ^

f m t e i t i '



•tAPlNQ IS rURES OF T H E U m g -.___g•U6W T E8 ------- ... , . ^ . , ~ T ^ 9

/ aN fiSSno«(F(i). _ _ _ _ _ §<gT U M PE R 3(fe- - . ^

— maubjMoo). * *----------mSt^«D #roR A T lN q . Q

ly.Kifn*EN OMiKO ~ - . ' - - 0 W f r m Y - ' - _' ffi

SMd /moo- ^ - - . - I ^ ^EtLTHETHuffl , .

UTAH fnja)-------— | i -^

L^feSrTEB.m 'ii)__ __ . f eIE U H- —Ff«ay.-Sop»fnb«-7rie90-.'n

.......... _ ■ - '*

P j j t g WQitWAV-TOHEAVE^

g P J i l . ? ^ ; ^ F I ^ T T 4 E

8m o n S u S n r a


f f iO O T W ^ E C IA L -n M jr^ ^

m U A ^ U S E O F ,*R E P R B IB ^ A m ^ jV ^ :^ U );-

HBOM O^E(M o^^

HBO w s i d e t o e I S l ^ ) ' . ;SHOWMOVIECMHOVIE(fci)...... - , • v'05 Q MOVIE (Fri TUor-Thu)

■ ■ ■ 'i JP l||QJWlJQT|QMj| I • •pflO O T A iliioN m ^-r-------- tW Q BUMPER STUMPERS (RI

□p BOLD AND THE’BEAUTjf ul: fficvThu) ■ .

55 0S W R «W ^W (W ?-;^ S jNSTHUCTTOWAL I t. l

D S E m S d I ^ A O E OF; W

IB t II) U J . o p e n Tgwwi&ir n rBdli-BOLaAND-THE---- L i alEAIWilMMsn-Thu}-------D JUNGUE BOOK REUNION t9iI j c i w ^ w E r r h u t

3 T O T O vSm FIELD T E S tT ^ a MOVIE (Mon) • - -ig AQUA VIVA ■ : fJ


^■WAIN R iA c ^ ^ ^ M g n -T l^

ip B ^ ^ B i c j S q nLpjiO

awEi'----------- — “'•■nfnoa-NowsrTWtnFafl5rf«Jaho*

M = ir w M

8 T = y


■ f r ------ ^

r f ' - :■

} ' ''' _; 4

jIS '7~” i

K ~ ^ zn im - - \^ J

i c • I

0— 9 -'-------

Page 44: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean


- = = j S S M * m S 2 m f f i

“ ““^ ^ E O S P A ^ FOR MA


— t i S & n x m— T— H * ! { ^ j£ * g £ 5 ! ? r ~

- q S eatj> i ^ ofth

- --------i S ’o R l i r ^ B ^ OFCH

ORLEANS (Thu)_..' ___ i.

.....: - - - ® o 5 S i ! S S Y - ( F r i r V. PARTY'S OVER (Thu) .CT1^C|a^REPARATI


'.- g WPa>UT(Mon-Thu).


^ t o SoWVEflaATHMtWff

----------- O CB »^DUHB NEWg-----------m instructiona l—


~ ■ W b o b n e w ^ r t ^----------- IH nw oinE W O F T O


------------- Eli»A80UAL-E«-KITCHiEXPRESS

-------------HBO A U rm E RIY ^ R

SH O ^M O yiE -(F^-^ )- ........ -4 0 T'mos-'Nowf, Twin FoHs,

^ : laSo m p f lS rouve- — .

' ' g )OOTA>^

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a' a n d lea dsCIN MOVIE (

' ............ 1:05 0 TOM!

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iw j ^ i S l l A a t^ i ^ -------==mK AND TRACTOR P U a IE

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S w ^ ^ W T i ^ r ~ ILulfl 0

' . J,'I VISION SHAHEO:'^^ (8TO WOODY OUTHeiE------ - SOBEUY(Wod) ■ ■ (T

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■SfTTOBEAVER^itehL-'; . B


ECTOR GADGET (Mon)_____ f

v i E w ^ • — bHENRY'S CAT (Mon) ijg ir (F i |r~ _ . — g

R ST W O ftK S 'lT uoiliZ Z Z Z ilR

^th i^ r y a w ptMtKtOftrWod) ■ ■■, U jr7.-l9M ------------- -— ; ------------

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■ f f l t S B i r o c ^ l w o M i ^. WRESTUNG

H yS iR hS m^ ^ • ^


r a COLLECTIBLOjMorj. Thfl^ p »TR k:t{Homi


- liio v S G(Thu) - . r(TMO m ovie (Mon-Thu) •



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S i S o N T u I k u IW i a in spe c to r o adg et ( ^ i

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Page 45: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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' ' . B sh o w b iz t o o a v ' ________ f f la g g S E S A M E O T

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ID M ^ E C T O fiW o E ________ fflllOTHEHWffURE

— . ; ^ B ^ i r f y S w H e


D h a r d c a st lea n dUCCORUICX(Moo.Thu)

H h ard COPY (Fii-Ww ------------B { g r o g y bL-8PE

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sssuL^z^siigKi qDco.>. Q FALL8I

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■AOBaurCMod] ■ >MOVlE(Frt,T\»-Jhu),.. j..

tEVERLV HILL B ltJ JE S fF r i._ -_

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*ECTOh OADOET (Mon) __


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DJUIQAT riVli • ‘

; Fridoy, ttm bof-7,-1990

- ; - 4 s ® r a i ^ W W 4 » « £

B (11) C088YSH0W

-V m p p W ^ B -O A D O C T :: -

^ ® ^ JE W E lR y 8 » 0 W '(F R )^- f f i FASHION PARADE (Mon. ra sA v m o ssH o v i/S tsE c

' " m w ? i ! ^ S ^ ? j L W ^ S 1/2 HOUR COMEDY Hoi



• . S bO VaTTLE: w hen TO tei;^_J:RlB<OXnuj).::__________

SHOW MOVIE (Fri. Wod) . -■ -SHOWKIpS-TV(Mon) -- -SHOW pwSAURtcnJO) . -


8HK Q HAPPY DAYS ''• -ON MOVIE (ThO)------:-------6:19 cm MOVIE (Wod) . . . 6:30 ( S l a (11) EO CBS NE\4


; ii '!g Q D 7 ta c W E v ra ^ ~ ~ ' »" m 'HACTBULkHHbH NOT

B (18) FACTS OF U F g ~ ^ . m MAllUH LBflltUlHfiWH

— [ j T l J S i i T c a E D T r e ^ ^- - (W iQ 9 4 -1 CONTACT-. .•:

— i n g j On LCAQUDDaiCD


■ S o s/pEEOWEEK (Thu)'___ _ID TEEN >VIN, LOSE OR DR. (Moft-Jhu) . . ,i a LOONEY TUNES (Fri. Tun

Q I WORLD MONfTORG S t u r n it u p .

— HflOMOVIR(Eri)----------------H8aaRCUS(Wod)

SOS O j e e f e r s o n s

Mol4irTW*.Nw*, Twin Follsila

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Page 46: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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Page 47: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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Page 48: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

_______thiip b v u k w d ipr wtM': anompttommttweccupar

: i _ _ i V ^itt889 .:O iam a)Jtebr : ~ J!_LM>oy.Anno DQwm. 'niflMi

V ■■ : '^^^oIw tonala« ta» tto» .

•• catofemutlc-vWooMriot..” - : . . ‘VB6o»yncr^.’. ~ ’' “ ~

• dinnorguostwhobolisvosh

■ - 'b ^ hIS Sow®"^'- -

CMttiYwi U r S w tf C71 EV^INO AT POP8W sin^fs Hobort Momll and H

_____ „ Potor«. piontef Anlhony_wPaTqiOfo and nowi^ p o f cp

. D MA-JORLEAOUEBAS------------A«SnCrBf5%»-OlS0npi0QC

(Uwo) ■ . . ....... 1 . . .a,'(12)OEA(SodosPcoml Drama. Chronido ot Iho bat curtcntly boing wagod by ih<

. nl Iho Dfug Enforcotnont ' - »AdminrairniiQn TonKht-w rn

---------- « V | ^ (InSWfOO) Q ~iILMOVtE*'*a'OurUtdo (1935. Dfamo)ShlfloyTorK McCrua.Atroubkicit^ildlfi■!i'i^ : g » ra « 8 ^ w ron«ig■onninn owgy. Cotof ^ |^ vof

• • -Myg - . - •...-* Q]^NlMALAUENSRoro


_______ B ] eL SHOW DE PAUL

------ ;-----fSHOW) TIM ALLEUniEW------ !-----CtCS-Prom-«>o-8tau-Th«att

' Kiiiamazoo^comlc'ninAHof

---------« liu kki u " v ib * * tlr ' bdponutKn?k>*(1&43, Advonturc Hynn.AnnShoridnn.ThoN movomonJ mooU with «lr0O'

_______ mtistanco (fom.thn poopio <-____ «:3P B SWAMP-THI^Gbf.^

a CROOK ANO CHASE ( ------.— Matkj Osmond. (In Storpo)-

hor along on tfw riso b (ho <_______ Gicro^ Q___ _

- a t a a ) NIGHT fcOURT ----------- t;'Bcg>ma Tapqr wntfuttw n

jfimos.NOMft. Twin FnllZj

i f . . : .........- A-V?£R5| ^ K

t ..~ ........... rtiS w ^ iiSo

iW ilfT o w " ’ . f P .® | QD. “xJHobbm?— “ ' ^ S S S T I


i s r o ^ i i p

img c w . (In

WEEK IN PRESENTS --------m ® 1 ! 0 B I

JtlldGirt* IMPROVCon’

S f i i o ^ ^ U

.. •• toOT;flovof1y

S jb th f r w g d -„ . . r - H j n o t io e iL i HBOTAtESI

IEW ARE - rnotrm ntviii«atre-{n--------------- 8HOW-MOVHUlonoxaminos M086, Drama

^ o o T -------- . " wbonocnofuituro)EiTol growfingupdu

— i « ^loofNwwny . (S H Q m iim D f.A fw q-.______^1W9. Dr»mi

’ - -worlwwreogl SEGuost: Jertoypenitoi


I whoS o r ^ * —tho top. (In aBuBor(108'

:__ ________C«rr*cino,.BllJRTChnsAw^------


OAnuilhorMksDon ^r>m»«k7orTBlefab00kh0. SU

■■: 'V r io g g

R w in sw o c in - -

U U X ERJU BiuinLluiuj^^

rSWOAT POPS With' «ora Robert Moiiil and . .. ^ (tore, piaflltts Anihooy and . “ J m w o a n d r ^ R o ^ r

8 . -------- ■ . •_______ Si ^ r S J I f M S ^ ■ K


aEROUWvjfflON:r.: : - - : ^ 3FR0MTOECRYPTA U

s » = = i>nilof tstoroadttdOMmo )durinothtcourM ola ■ ^

g H ^ u o - ~ in^S^<p»tyStMggOi.w^ .g j ir>gftjlly impriMOOd in a Now ^

H n t r a '« « ^ ’v w d o tc ( ln ~ ~ ~ ^ ^


- iw o Ip mo tiroou u iracx^

'■ ;

ix P I j p a u w

« K £ j o f l k t o ^ ^ ^

womart jn tho launcky room. ( ^ (


S gjyq n e w s c e n e ' ■.H o S F s S M T H im if e Ss I riS Jolmny vid Odd are.. tofrortiod by two dorangod brwhi who tr^ t ^ m in,«:hom«o>hQ*p

^ fig h S ig topmiiwvBlho^^

e w t o a v ^ ^ w g ^ j i chD d^

~ ^ ^ & f i t w o r i d . ( R ) . .~

mewon Datot'Cowbey traMn^ '

Featured: cbngraulortal hM u^,

^ ^ ^ r a r ^ ^ T O E A i B w r S S

Drama) Tom Borortglor. BDIy Dm

•GIN M0VlE* * * J T h 6 Abytt‘ ( = S 3 o n » m o n fB ffU n S R ^

EBzabolh Mastrantonto. ‘ . iOtUJ) NIG>fPCOURTLvta'a:r ^raSSibed m<klcatk>n tor a vini< rwulti ihdmngod beKBaof'Jg g

-Kany wh^ muit deal wHh-hw=^ ovorsetfvo Qiido. '.'■


In y o t^ to t ■ rop^b lo tetter he

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Page 49: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

: m U ^nE A .*JS ha 't. Dt-

- ■ H i - ' ^ i f e i iB o iH - f t a--------_W OllEM ftalinKt-R0it.S

“ robifitndtiittiafhooar— -: ■ ■■' ifliig rD tn cw T co u n T A i

-1—— ^jSn3^R3iSVRE% QmE

. ’ Q} EB'NIOHTUNE o ? .

(InStDfM)O 10;M. □ (IlhW ^A^^.Col

Fnil*A»8*HRadiirdbt'f---------- T C ar.W loK om riS lfw

to icemo to hit assiitanco — gM. , • "_ - < « • « W ^M QVt^**-33fi

~ T f ta W tottw .--------- paadteltlfleSrAduU) W

11:00 CS U’S. OPEN.TEr^N H iO ^H T S S am o-day l from Ihft'USTA'NftflofldT

n ^ tu G K a m E o-------------Q < )2 ) PERSONAUnE

D I AUVE FROM OF ^ o e t ot Croeodilot,* pu| animaton ty^tho Bro6ofi

= 1ISh w S S > w h }ht]B f l ^ K a y t t a f t o t o n l

_ _ V p j f q w S r '* » - u S E

c n f>oi t « n n i t a n n i i SElfWPROVElJENT (


I jw ! Homo ' # i £ a

-_P « 8 M 0 t lhationcU atta ii repmontBtivoto Mtt-Atr


--------- ^lalBitM chnjQuetut^ini

ifrir ihtonih,------- !L__ , . -. ftomThgOSt^ldtlrigliS’&w FUiHlrKn

sasv— 'asis i^EttirJOT9rand ^ ' CSSTOIcn

LDrattodtoKli:____O M O R UprPtrtior^. . . • , Q INTOTl

<BlrFOR-~ . - - ~ - t t ct6r:ra p T »Schotdat;., .. . , • .FfatlU»itoc«

amBn mfOOT ~ ^ ohtTim i o d ^ t . . commh.-^ft)-

rcmireR ——§ SooiS-pppwi". ' ^ t ^ c a n

• How Indo^ Cei.'ponor . . .cotnpqnktti

' f lg g i iS ^ io jt j i rw M r^ ______Dmmn) Toffmo doctort tiy iu n ig n . ', ' •

ncowithanow. SHOW LOI " '. ■ — UOOTH TH♦fVnWAWftwH*—--- l 'llllw>mg-l»riipjOiaC h-rfiW,- , onlortiunbtf

Ooorga Burr*EtcapeiTo--T--------HtrS«f»)=t) Natalio Mooro. • 11:35^0) NIOI

•r^NlS . - -higMlghtt tome Union

at Tonnit Centof lokoophlt*

■ ^bU nSdw hUn g s --------------------- ttstus thot}:OFF CENTER AmoricanM

■puppot 'Q]LOVEE)on Ouay. (R) 12:00 Q MO

IHUAUUI S f e ”"

= ^ = = = = = ^ ^ T O t^ i= -7 ? ig ^ ‘tffr^f O 7WCD

PfOTa) Donald • ■ «»WPj5u«jc

S f ^ G t e i y

«T GUIDE ' itcurtodbyIEH.ARE PIGS_____EQ.WOHDu hi Kataiiimgg:------- FwimiuU.Jin o t man't women; Itra

Wh5h~inA?m;*------- y TVHCQIton. Chnrioi SHOW M0>

-Ameriea. v Cheltea Nolt f Fmm.iiino------- portonnJtn.■og)_ J • 1 2 ^ ffHOW9

Alookatttw L aA ^ .M I Itncomoutdr---------- SoMmm^pi

“pEli TENNIS 12:30 g S P O

U8TA NationalTlBffiiiSc^— —

CRAVSttngPVlibllndod- - }

— J


b 1 ^ T E.NIGHT.WITO -1 - . . .!

cndio»TV twit Lmy _ _ j

liEGILU8Dobifr;lt:tonv—-------1 |-

]i»ndont production Io» hovo galnod itrongth sinto i.(

bOLBonmsor. Dtphno - . |


b ^ , Aivon. ^3um t and Wood/ Alton. (R) - ^

BOHTUNEb.....ENTURESOf-OZZiEAND , TRlckf^roBpontlblo'whon , fonoon tnddontt cauMi him ' ^lt dttt<r(Chatv1>(Qlbrioby6m

vhuofn Vietnam lorocovor a-at Jrtbo koylo Jodrthifl------------- ;•riMIAl.JR)EBOAT . . ■ lOVIE * ‘Pick-Up Summor i en>8dy>Mtehael-2etnitoireafl-------

HO ROW VIDEO (H) (In i .i

CO;H36fi5aBI537mofKh5:--------- 1: . ■ ___ 1:;

Ibyanandonttpoll. ,jl^O E-TO pV O RLD -..-- - -- —I

l S S p 5 ^ 5 o r S H a i T ^ ~ ^

IDTCffTHJ------------------------------- 1lOVIE * * » *Lock U(T (1989. i .< 5ylvo»torttalon«rrOonald---------Jr,

W : « w t t ~ ~ HN o M ^ t Next Door will jri

im SHUMAN HEMSLETS ! ^ACKPOT-OomlcffOBt ty " ■ I M k e McDonald and Robert I

>1 poriomi ttand-UD at Ihe IiotouaLa&.voeai_(iiLSiaroo)^_;

p - O m iF R lD A ^ fltG U T ^ jhStoreo) , .

— g ^ M^aiOTgCONTROL-

- -reoie.—------ r ---------

^C lN M O V lF eP T iH inF A ro i 19a7i ttyJO ttoaN atrwidad,-

^ E s S f u c n j ^ ^ ^— Amy Baxtar. £

12S7fflMI0NIGOTH0UR "■

H C n w i^ ° N ^Loput' (1972. Sdonco Fiction} Whitman. JanotLdgh.


■ Joy sliv«DfhoeI». a t Tonto. it ’ intorvkmod lor a job. Guotc & Whilo. •.

— in-SPORTSLOOK------------^ nm nIHPROV Comict:'jot( Miiit. Mi

m CONGRESSIONAL HEAF Featured: congrottlonal haorit pubOe poScy eonforenceoradc


__ 1968 MittAtWrico POflOanti-_1:0« E NEWS (R)J3________

ih S MOVIE*«>’King ol lht Lumboiiackt’ (1940, Adventur Payno. Gloria Oickton. 'H 80 MOVIE ★ * * •Catualtlo

Charfa't Bronton, J3I M ahd.

---- Q-OObLEGEFOOlBAbL-Slat Colorado. From Bouldor. Co

“ R h ALFRED HITa4COCK—PHbaoita ----------------

1:3S QDMOVIE*** 'T hoQarr


:^li60«HOVUIOVl&*:^£6capM _eandsQlX19B5.Adult).Natalio

Atfrod Hurt.2 M O MOVIE** -SoOTt*


Tracy. Fnrd^irialr^>90 Titiwa-Newa. Twill l uilb/toai

)L— '• ■' — aajsittio^______^ipBpor In ofttha^-..___ M

o t r ........■=^d,J?rod. - J

■6Cgb— —, / _ Z J

•• ' - '-] in) Stuart • , ;i

Boiiy-i ■ 1,1

Miko ' ; iSupor________. !

Srinis- - '

id d ro st.-■ ■-■ l ) .^ . .1 .... /

t_ :------ -------:3io "turo) John '

tioi ol ’ IJ. i^o»:" • ' - .....*

'• j

umblon* I


3HT ^Ila l4 • •

ualio.. Ii>' <

Page 50: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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I - S y UHY JONESt { ' ' g E g R ^C y sC ASI' L '

i b .^ " lyiFABWONSQOAW@ HOUSE OEBATEf floor dotwto.t^wdheai

■ ' ■ 5 : M j ; a S m t K ) l i ^-.---- : -----—M.CrHamnwr; ■Groon /■, j ................l^ftVUbort prfd Eva.O

! L - ■ '•■‘pflESEWTS^^valT

1 I ..colpbraUoMinNowOrkr " ~ ........ - - f i n rinrwif/i-pa^Trr— : •■■i v , - rn - . '.s ;aB C T .p fl in p p fv tw a ti



------------- r a NATIONAL VELVE1


----- ;----------ptrfoonnito^tnsSTTnra

— pog-j f a-tiucte i r ttinotf ;------ --------phojojraphod by s CATr — 3l35mmAHUJ{S&Ht;P

6:00 O FINANOAL FREl CPpB^iy^gggM NB

' ' & a 4 B ^ ^ f £ W J U » g^'WNNJETHEJWH

;___________^ o h takr»« e«m n t h k hr

. IQ DISNEY’S UVING 81EPCOTContor. astrenau Carponior, and music (rot a».» j pi., Pp-Yitnnn. Ctr

i________ Jobn-sndOufan-Duran-d

—Hn«f fiimttiof.lotnourt-i

' ^ d tfo s o d n d u i .• gTRAVE^OFJAMIE

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^ P ONMOVt DROW ' ...................


VET7- •» N W O ;S (R r- ~^»7Lo«g:

RuiOwad,--: . - . DooMlhf;

iRLScionlisUand . ;hR(lophorHo«vo - - BHOTHEII urt,^cj(«ling Itw ' Anfanalad-losourr:--------- — ‘TWoogamA T - ^ t o — andviililhi [R)____ ____________

-REEDOU jl^ n g lo rHENSON'S northom pli

UlOVENTUHES W J>i^W pH(Soa»on. •

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58EAS ! rioOlHpIwtoarmtfubit nt----------- B 'B A C tnliw l Scott................. Sdi«idul«d;(rom ^m enLs - '-•unwi>«rtpi

------ _________ - - Baar fmnil7.A D V ^U R E Book'helf^

MIE plfatwlnlh

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iO o S w ilC Procnlore)Sa p < o t^ « — . ' ~ O caii»;Odafto- -fnday. Saplambw:

S a t u r d a y s ^u n . USCMNTlBSNBTrnV-

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•Ahorod Stato*- ■ ' ' Sbioiice Ffction) waKM

PnMnSf®) Dorothy f8tum» to

m CAPTAIN NANO THElEfS 3(Sm«m "Kl-Basedoaihft Nintendo .raj?ss5sr“‘-lor tmalbnoutti bata and iplkoonthoOfwosatchband ■■« » __ ________________________ I

rDOORWRITERSftlnHAI aCCAlB > y.en pt<u-» '__________

AIDPROGRAliaCYARO*AltEHICJr“— ----3---- 'I

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m Dlinay'ii »ThA .litrtglo |olp» an orphan namad Kit ■ . |

> Ihit prerfoSof-Talq Spin.* a |w feESiw uilU ESr^------------!

niFB t.AjlO THE------- ->)8Bmor and friends 6ght i■O---------------- ----- ------------1* r7 .1980 ........- ----------- .- —

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U l.«K V hbkM ioiiM atlic

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lMiT{ ESPNjTBaml-alBiii

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- ^ ^ - S tfly to h w o tia steh y-----&CICNTVICAN0LBI18— m iio u sE R C iS E —

0 m s p e c t o ii o a d o e t___ EB a t M Hft DAMQEROU

Britith and Balaiuin an>loron y f on B(^»nt Island in Ani

isjpROFILra OF NATURE— S s j ^ m i s t i L i a i -

; mMIANWATCH■ fBLAPmNCESACABALi.1.— .saow LEO B iD OF p g c o a

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high tchoolk m onsiors.a - - - - - —- - -•

ZHiJliSSSKEH ? S lP E O T B o lS ir ”B I w n n ijE C H m ii i ia F ! !Slii<tondH oal...B illl.llviaiunit n»tirn m m njo whnwi f«»ptlthrfwo.iW . — • m CONQRBSIONAL-HgAH

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Imtitjr.worU e( an imagit oU boyw hoitihaaltD r^ Hmria MtMM j£ln SuicM

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Si i>a)^TO-7W E ^

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i A r K S r a 3 a » f n e « i ^ l u r ~ '~»igjtji.humdt:(ln S |areo)..........

UMTDUCKUU'T-^':--------- -------.YmYRo>»r lnbtiia»loiv«rift

fQiiTHQUM^/ ^ ^ ~ r XBRITV OUTDOORS", d: mu(ic duo Vicki and Oak) ilaV eU b A la ito S ^fiiS n irrrrzz :

' ■■■■■ ' r "

s USTA National Je ru is :__ - ___ '2.fff^nyM M RggrTTv------- - -

^ O ^ t THElgST ^

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T^HOW (Soason l^m lero) ntuiM o! Bugi.'-1Wooty and

gL^PPATE^I j ; ______

' OF A 8 H ^ J A C K ^ Ailan.F n^thfatm • ---------^rates eotorand perspective. TOW ANO-JERBYI^

'y w m ff ld h o o d -p r in k s : ' itsJe cal and moti«a a n d ih o ir___


>DMORNINb,MiCKEYl O C F j^ j___•rh is W c h o u s o s if e -------- ------^

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■OMLI8ICAWAHDS • . ■ ‘ )

MUNICATlGNaJD^Y----------~ \DESQuestTPIaZadow: c (^ n « g i^ o tte .N eu U tle_____ ..,

l o o v w e e k ' . S WCETWnTDSJP-------

JO E VoQTDALLrnE^ n V ^D Q U Y B N n rrn n n R tj_____ ^


bypafcit)ng applet; <ln - ' C

^TTi roi CDI^g' Kf l » n

. A morleaofth^turoundof C ::i:^Friday;-Soptambor.7,:iaoo -


m IT I aaA M B T a t i n n n t---- m C O U l ^ OAMBIAY^

j H j g i @ « 0 » f8 MOTHEf

.....(THQ MOVIE * * > ^ r n t 'B t___:^ .Q ff!^1 9e6..Cotnedy) Mafl

TTTOranti^AtetoffBrandarJawM io « o B MOVIE * *n>oy s ta c

r ± i B ^y^9K ^M U >dy j3oH m

-----BCOUNTRY-KITCHEN^Kathy and June oi tho Fbrosto

. i ^ p a iw M ^ ip o n a u in i f t

f f i O f f l ^ U T T L E ROSI (Sories Prsmlm) A young Ro Barr offers rUos for furvixing t

— I j f e b A ^ ■■■ ■■^'--1 1 I S CS SATURDAY VIDE (Serios-Pfemloro) Colobrity ho

-m uslcv idoosra - - - m JOY OF FLORAL PAINTII

-rrJoftkins^ieinl* a rose in an ow a (12) PETER PAN & THE

— PIRATE^9eriejLEfOTWTPh»i — JhffTJOyTiStJO rotusos to g ro i^

batdOs the pirate, Captain Hoo . ihroughout Novoftond. (In Stor

-----m .SOUL-nilAINP S RioFSiTBhSntronlx. (R) (In Storoo)

= S t o ^ ^ ^ ^ bi5 e =b;w Iw ^Ita wi^tho <i mpy

° ° B I NATURE O f things ' ^ yertburotOT' mobrsyifofhs;

cwjntt Ilw lop 100 vMoos of all

EB PEUCUlA'DinomluJoo*


"■'(sHoviq M OVIE**s Zoi^ an 0088. Dramo) luboUa RossolU

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Page 52: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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I f' Saturda' , , . "Gljiin Juliii*. .

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: ' . g a cpN ORESSIOM

1 ‘ public MUcy cootofonE /ndM r^Jefforso

;■ ;f - i i0 (p(loy)l«admittMt

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COLtECTORSOrion^*)-'-----wtiblu inciudkig ChinoM loto U ^ |^ h ^ B n d . J a p B n o i o . ..


KUHo'^'ciw bfiftB«'»<Bnfi nt ■ ypirr^ mnn hn qmwtin.

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iten; setting and meawrtng

irtOuaiaumo. . EIREllOOEUNQft O R * rffR fT O !a?T o ifijra |^“

^keU A N A trio ot lunkrobbers«.Luca*4Dtwlp^thenvfob^lhe^^-----iFoflfbitilCr. TT— ------

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BECOND OuMti:E)di»:'F E m n O A . Jr. (In Sl»r»e)

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» O Bev e wLY HtLLBtm es jo liodi a iob a s « g a ib u o coBoctor becauM iMf* wear^fdafing: 0 - M O MURDER, WROTE /


^ ^ is s s a s s ;&»wSiSr"*'’”‘ -;S HOUSE FOR ALL SEASONS S ^ ^ y t e r h ^ irnmodolod:

pro)Qeu!Tgmpa t tw , W » W Wattff

^ S « ’S ! S S 1 ^ » 2 £ ^ Jt

tho corporauiXllloOM.m HIROSHIMA MAIDEN Attor Wi« » ''t«yow'flimt>nnftnBiiwnii4inn-Amnriran-fiii

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ttM Ihe.porfact t f bi'wtiM a V inhaUdafrigl««iTWt»dtefi —

0 BE ANNOUNCED , v i i ;a STAR SEARCH (S««Mn .......• f o |^ n d J ^ t h o oighth

t e O t D t S ^ m S a l ^

S^5toS?o5^5--B C t l E W S : - . - r . MARLES IN CHARGE Sanh m th « t« d a u i^ ^ » i l t e r a to . .

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i a e w W H t f ^ w a a'Aii" ......

Biton otm an'adjffly^SiM ) OMntocnnotogy. iKh:'^.'Vm , , sE H A W C o^etfciyD unh. i: K o n n ^R o i^ : ,C ^ PorUni. \

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» > « • • - . . . . . . . . — a - . . . .

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I horns to BrooMm fftoin ! ) » » ) »

i i l S i i S• Arnbrtea lo find tmkMjtfonts ' d nonnal peeploJ (B)]ln Storoo)

^ ^ F R jn A ji^ f f lH fy n i r s


l(11)dlNEW HARTGo<m I a boani gama lhal bocomos a

g g g C H W a ffS lM y - ^

^bUtebaefcoouhtiy.- - > g j l a TWtN PEAKS Coooof

^jnl U a ^ ^ tail.—^

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^S A T U ^ O A ^ G H T UV — — &AiiERieAMittatniroi

. Grt^ (aA.a^Or. Souis) urn

• "lnW ^W *f.ll.(l§K ^ ?

^ _ . ._ f9 S S . |h 5 ^ b S ro b b O rt:rw pwlblelofthodonm-ol


» - >:0SSHpJgllOW E*»<:-

I. ; - P ^ l e r a ) C o m o d y . - a ^ - u


~ S l E E ^J----- MPA

J m p o n a M ^ f i m . , ' V •• I'bot h toT N ^irt^^

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M a n »

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Page 56: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

— uMiipotibuti. ; ■■= - ■ P CTXTACE Ouait ; BBIy

: : 3 z : : S S s K B o w M ) D ; u i_ T)otiy mtatatonly brino* hoo

1 5 ) □ oo EB ™ n PEAir=^^=^~Audrgy HOTO Boet undw c

i Z i z Z Z p C A Pn'A LQ A N G jl^

HarrU ilng« *Bouk$or to 8ln ik>gOT^toiy^to

r* • ’ ' " n s ) MtSS i i e f l k A PAttE• • ----- S>y Cotlini Johi Mm Am

_____ »uccot»or In tlw 37lh i ^ t u

-"-'-Atlamlc Citjf! N J.Co-hoat I

- T —advlco to Ed on how to got I

..........wjtfwut-ajob------- — —® D I UYSTERYI *lnipoc

tho art curator U tbund doai

______ ::m liS E B X 035H iG B i---------iaON-THE.TElEViS10M,. — ------ Q j C H A L L ^ e A

OR tho cog»t6tAu«tralla. (P


-J--------- MOVIE *» •Stowardoti = E ~ H i m s £ k m ^ ) 3 » f l L C ^

" T

j . . _:--------- g7Uf^V1F**«»Cft;innHi! r Subarlan*. (1 Qdi/antosW

______ Sehwaniofloggof. Jamos B= r T r m F r3gQ R T «E N T E B -=


9 :35 .|n JUNGLE BOOK REL-..... ......M.T5fi .!P<iymtown’ Ju!i»>. r1 "■ ■ . BTan/WtnpTD-thq-Ottnoi

_______ yj3 i2 !n 2 L 5 n x o d 5 i^

?2“ Tim6TN6w«7TwicrFnD8r

rr:7V-— ‘‘-’.': "■NEWSZiTSS

Jp Sommof*

XURdTKlNg— z m D l : ^homotha , Oworwporfori


iT i Qa^rComa<

B l r n i to j l m n - : - E I I I Y T H B S

i6 E « iT fl5 ii ~ ^ i b ^ 'o * A i

i n t ^ ......a t RhylB#... ! . ' . l l l ' - m MOVIE

f c - - S S,!![? .._■ . ..LROTHTocfc ipoctorhtorta : HBO MOVIE rgWJiiwil*^-—— p n>CT) Po«B

* DmmaT Poioi tHT- •■ • • fOT i s r g ^ j A OM._____ ;.,........10:20 l a W Q

- - ^ ^ W I P T RjiyjmmiMi. .

s ) - 0 - u o vam -

rctawSchooT Ho*tfJohnG

__ W OMEN[^

ON MOVIE 1uvj Arnold_______ Horroauui*tsEarlJonos. . BoocrofL

i SSi g K-----------------------10rtS-&NKIHREUNION , | B PELMUl

w rrdoho— Fnaay.-SoptoWborT

J8TJMCITVUyiT»BocR~: . Q rtofm»rOnd*rVbur;Spel---------- ;U

50LF Hafdofl-rciawc.- -------dfctffl^t^O ajnw .-^.;....

'AholipbniW oltrlbaJ -

E*ikV%UigotoThuhdor ' ' ®| 94^oitom } Bany Sullivan. ‘

j 5 THE Ai R WITHDR: ^

flE“ t S j ’3Siki-(1990. , £^ tV im ita to r ,jw l|g r .^ ,., , „

3 V I^R ^b i^D ri'v io '(iwttdrWoDor. Sola Ward.. »JABCNEW Sn” — ^

40VlE:**l*Ni^tflltho. ; . 0 (196a.-HorTor)MtmlK>nkado. "*

Scm CAfi CtADIATOn?' • ?jp R i S ^ M ^ ^ ■ ~ ~ ; ^

Efi S l-SnOVl&jMhyataHSwtyr .

II Goodmarv Mwlcad guo'at;- . : ^

IE V * -Shadowzono' {1989. Ki.toHolch<>f.U&i;ia . -tt

OtfFmAOKB^trvCWeo) E : u u ‘DirMimlta Joo*^f1967;--------^

S l E ♦ njJsttorFroodom’ . * twnturorMotantoColi.r -------

^ ic i^ MUSIC W OP (R) (In -

>f 7.’ l990- .------------------- ----------

~ 0

7 B | OUCE RQOWFORDAbDV"T » w io o M ,ti^ e to ^

"TGBeH"flSfliS9rDt55irtBlSfw Z t a HMEBICACOAa E ro JS M TTimrEveramn Sm n. to htotocy.

i.*o« EDUCVIE-**»*Sluor.8it M ^jD m n w ) DWMum Carrol|.

:l:10OTRAVELGUI0E __ -

- tarrerized by-hw danngod brott _wrt» tnw thomln a hou»e ol hon


f^ “ " 8 R OP THE WORLDS

a s slaro .(R )^SM rM ) ,

EQ HOUSE DEBATE Foaturod floor dobato. taped hoaiing or pi

~ H B O ^ C ^ ^ Y H O U R ^ j^

iftf.'S f n UOVIEilrilr''^io'tOn>(

n iso (SHO^ ^ w g w h riw rT h ffi

' C ham pto^ip FM • -and bull rtdng from Mwqulto. Ti

~ ] a * J E W ^ ^ tC 6 ~ ~ ~ ; ~~


_ ^ A ^ ^ r a O H THE DAm«

E m J^O E O L E A T O N T m E C

m u n v i p **■« ■siivnf Clxr'n 'Aovoniuiui Yvuiiiiu UO uano." '

(1Q7B Ariult) .......... ^


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fourth -

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D ^ t i r i - - ^

f e p e r^ ‘~~^—




- •••nijLji;....

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m : Drone ,To)tt».

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Page 57: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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: r------ SURABAYA'M'aiqpi^. . : / :;:Catt»Dc&hCH6»l: Jii ^

:..i.ra.FEtAOGLEROCK .

-J : - " ’± :T |ajyi6viE3a:?0H -<»


J_______ CTtwi *• 5 :M ,S bJC«TORYTo"

wlih Ocw MHlor, (HI____“ "■ Z .aiR O B EH TStJhJLLi

• ttfaODYSHAPMO— ;— ra ju o a ico u R T ____

m FRAOOLE ROCK-~ : W HOUSE debate r


.. ______ EQ NUESTRA FAUlii«------ ($H<MV)eETWEB4TW

mittio loochor (& bon n -«10s»Mflo».N».tBkKtoni

_ . ■ o ^ f tho tam e ■rtot»f»i

“ §---------SiOa B CARTOOHEXPI

'■j j a a BMiw in ANriiH

" - -

AimitrooaWortd Iriijitr ---------------m CHICAG0r8.VERYj

Hoit%mihor Ldm touri -------------- w>deftiot-ollnda.-0>-

: f f l p q p g ^ ^ R _ _

■• ^DISNEY'Juito M (^an

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-----------«5l0|a^1lJ«EW S<R)—

iskPludy. ’ - ■•.■—K- 11 a j

lY*MUHMOKSE—-— ~:<S>aplaaTJd«P-;

— . MdUUW

rBpnd.DQia..-^__;, .■ 1 2 ^

EjKlFNFShM.----- -------- rwikZ A C m ttT ^-......... ......—1-bohIndtho

Ll£Ha%L;-----------' . . . ^ . fi?!® _ ^ ......

E Fo«lurod; houso 6 p jnloaring or policy , ' '

ILIA ' . ■! ■ I I ■'■ -TWO-LOVES A Br^SmWH in Rood) 8 : M m r o tonUJudopito____

- p E

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lumTUS^OraNTTENNIS'CU! i o ^ ew:YoiiLV •

l a j ig ritw ^ M u iu 'ijljja a g i

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i ^ N F L roOTTB ALL <TN1) &

S " T i rEW H ^ T ^ F =ibO-Bu b Ramwy andauldo ___

■ ! l¥ ? T " .~ ___

WV BROWNES J OURNAL ..........wauMnnAUUKB.----------------------

i0 E T H i% A ^ o S « “ —ATHCUHT^^'------------

I oxpodtion for Count Raggi's« f i i S * S 5 = ^ r e S S U P E ^ W E ^ m — .................

L^OERCnUMBCAKETho00^ of Cognhd hnvo a ---------------

Storoo) .

EXCmNOWORDD'OF SPEED ~ ' EAUTY aturodrhkih-spood

I a ^ is t r a d o n In tho ................hotrChsrIorKuralt-vititrtho------- rIBM w w in i 6h ftff iw»iv.-rr : r53'ElBiTSnrora’profno'orrBoatrieoWo9d,.Q

: Friday. SoptomlMr 7. IBM

'. • -_-3vw ....v.r >—»-

t s J i i g h l j g h f erPW) rVn>. firmift P>i'

y T ) ^ S a g a ' c S ^ . " ~ ' ^

i^Scahawl^ at Bears...........

S y R ic f c g iM g ff i^ -

(U S A ')T (nbcast-ffom -F lust

) J^n y co s a t R aiders-— — -

SPW’t h c Maryiantl Mi»ion.

rdinals a l Cubs.

) Eagles a t G iants.----------------

H-u t t l e C tOWWS OP -PPYTOWN-------- :---------

(3) PAID PROGRAM ’'■ a NEwsviEW" r:


r~~(1948, DramaVSlbwdit Gmngi

— womonUifaDlpop <ti«io«>f oin


----- lawh oditlon of -Tho Groacwion Earth* toaturai d reu t famil

s im u l^ S 5 V m tlm 5 ^ g s r= ^ ^ m a B m c R 8 j ^ K f ^


gM c a u s ^ . pfpbl«?ni (OThoratfNmdothei

-"lBe.ilftfl6mHAi-W»mAd W h<nowapapor’s aovKo coumn.

V ON MOVIE * * *ThbMan Wl 990 Tlmos-Nowt, Twin Falli, idi

TS:sLz^ t f d

•.: A** >»» ’ "■ ~

I s h p.—— ^:— •■;. ■ > , J

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Page 58: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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^ ^ ^ - n Y n I u N i? M K S1 A FLIPPER


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^ — - — S S m s s k s bI] ! - - ......- -

' m yth tw d to e a a b M ^ — ------- t e h l^ a al i » f M tT. rririffiiioviE**3«i

» B lw m tefb iir *ga

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^ S S S S S S S s T B —r 8w t m idioltnNB aDRM h<rboyWandhMi*ig M .-<W)Of f -


i t '« w » nftead taMhiM.

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Page 59: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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r r a n d t : ■ - " - - G U ra}

' ■ e b iH p l^ Z ......................

-Ai^ \ > O l

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s a f e , ] , ------ ‘~ncw c

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w is^ N b w ls t h e f l i n f 't a k e 'a a y a r i t a y -6

. : ......... .. S Z p e ra M tn

t-lveiZ itJiaun salt:iii!rTie6p t tactTof items ipi^te ItsrDrgarage/y* LfbT yo u t ad. ; : ~

— r TtABV•Altliougli it doesn!t o u r M agic Valley, su

v d a te 1 d a y FRfcfci'

i--1 3 2 3 rd street West

rt^Magic'vafiey^witt Me atfin Thr^liwies me-torplan-your sail of our-private part]

J a y s . . . ^ 9 ^iinqtiai Uf^ ..........................

'yard.'galG tipf>vhen~yo^

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id you m ust cancel“yoi] 6*11 t u h your-ad w ith

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Page 60: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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| ^ - 3 ~ p r a d M i ^ a t w S r

- r - » - y_ : _ l : : _ 4 = f l3 ^ B a <ia f * « ' '^

j? : :. Mp. ffdoiMa* - -

T ~ S u n < i^!-------r^peSPBU T&A'giH d

~ ~ ' “ _ »ho.undoflaiS^tin< r r r - r ^ - i adviM'o. .(SHOW}HOVl£.AAi

~ V -^^^Horyiw'riW B^ On . ___ —•;■••-• .-E w ig g f^ M Conn.-.

. W { 1 0 8 4 ,C o ff l^ ) l -* Mchaol Onikoan.

2 lour o( hit lovt>|.hoado ' :3 ' _._ .rolativatttratakortint

......T:---------- flot-rielHjulek sehomo,.., .8. ■—wiTB ^ 1 »»ercnqrryrf- ■" ■ . ry itumdnnuMC duo N ; —---------^SaridorrBiiyol to Alas

— • '■ wS.jfa—^ .B S a E N C e A W P i^

~l C S ^ 1 ^ E O P T H i».......... tourcM and trootmont■' ■ 1______ Iho mant^etufo and a

- r ^ S T M T O i S A i . ‘ . ^ in g u tan Rohobaitati

r — .;::— -—^ yala wbfka tetavi

-------- " in 'D Om C D DUCtCt

;:i • : l g ’g R S g ij^ < n P ‘i

-■ - -DiuomanmiftihoBohi • -------Ea.finHrnFPrioM<

— - — — pubBcpofeyeoniorow ; ' a N MOVIE * *s*C la

— ^— 10:60 O-TOM «>IERR> .......... i i .-o o ,Q 4 i.s .o p ^ .T E

r r r ’' ; __ 26_;-'nmo»-Now*^TWin F

:----- -Ti.s ------------ ~ ■ —

jEWENING- - " i- 7 a i r r g : o o : i : 8 3 r o a

- ___ ■■ | l ^te<i-—


j» * E £ Z -rU iZ 2 5 5

jm ig ir |i6 a * g g g q g ^ » w F .., .. .|ltwte;*i»CKMyihiefcr.(lsei

BrwMnaBw.^—- |lM » ;* * ’T h t^

r . ■

H cauieosTOitoui----------tHvtdotbOTl'Whon r r i i ^ Jtin«»»rhl9h;*^»ol------

odod t r i S a l S S w lIn by a con man's

»mo. •■ : . . - 2 s * ^ ScyouTOOOTO;^laska's-Vtikon------ B

x m m a m a SfVji*,

» j e a iM 0 1 .0 0 V - = r ^ ^ S


IMon Conurol , S fS S•iiMthll- ... .... ..

u b S S ^ S L 'I ^

? g i£ £ S ;! '° " '" - ■ 'jg 'aBuikus nsnos for______ »»■■»«.'....jaSmiisTfn) , u q q ^^mTW Brwg*° c l a i ^


B RY ^FU N H O i»l=^^-?-|^ I.TENNtS Women's- - g^j^rS-

> :0 O ~ l^ :3 O ^ |iO :O O |lo i^

If {la t) - -------[ th t '

f t—

ilwplswThMBt • p iaJS r . fcrtwld

tsuukt-------^ Wm'—, - tffLWexllw

8>—-~ • -: -: W li>CMtBrte»^:is6ai____ _____|y»a»;,T «a>to».S


Ia^ A S T E R S F o a tu ^ : * o "Wi^^ibuIw/BJA'.S.S/PcRtoiiUdi*!' nalCh«nf3oo»Wpat Smith-----------

a m ^ N F tF T O T B iu —-------^3nal covoragorPheenU taritinalt . u h ^ to h Rodtklni-orTamperBay " anoon-ttOotroitiJensorljos- - ■

reireDkY -g ^ W E f K W tT H DAVID .

9 (Z) NFL FOOTBALL Sooltlo awfcs at.Chicaso Bears.

l ^ r o ^ ' l ^ ^ s ^ r n n i , f , ,dtcussos nowf and hlshlights tf» ma/orloomos.,

« at tfarinaHriHTiMIng:^

Hts WEEK IN SPORTS IOVIE***OoiandKoolo* -i.F^g>«y)__________ ■MALLEfTCE n^b i^ fb r trout in ania.(RHPatt2ot2) .. FLFOOTBAU Los Angelos ^ Q w n ^ Pactor».-(Uve) -

OP 1I» O f ALLTIME ~ ~


)\r6viE**»*UHF-(1989,1 ) Al Viinkowc. Midwol

IflUCKMASTERS FeMrMb::------igwhltoiSnxxdilnToxHs. {Ino)-T—mbor.7..1990_____________• '

|^ [ - l i - 0 a h U a 0 |" 1 2 : C <

E aL llitliM kr::; \tkm: ' m sr » ii» rx |C M ih ?^ |teM s» ^

wlcl««a»iq»|{M*fc) • ■ ’. '; r i* ii i 'F a y { i8 7 o i — •

■-r-|ywte;***rGcfcylnay>st(tW y.HMjttShoolfti P jto * 1 l o f t ^

Wsr{lMe}1bmCnite-T-----{PM Ray

~M xusod O l ^ i i ^ ^ r i ^ '^ 9 WORU)

--------laiherefier»horspedia pei~ - b i r t i ^ fliftrtR) (In Storoo) ( (SW ILOM lERiM Aprc^ y " r ; and t t r p r a j ^ depe

-:■ ^ J i S i S l j D

“ " ^ c K a ^ ^ W t ^ S l a ^ r a

r u ^ in R o o t REEL STR--------jS g tS Ton PHflHrTOUtrrb-gi

noflhom piko on tho Oswo{

rrr-E iS lS A T H O N M o aco w -.^nl./TniVKfl

ia_UjS3>E - _

UPDATE Tppk:; wpracond]

•-■ flTPUraOLCQPAMAHL . —Attan»CBnagLtebon£tQn

l l - S s 'H S o t S w E ^ * 'The------- f1979rDrama) St«vo.McQu

k ^ n KafToU.



jS ^ N H O R S E ^ D m ^

' CD R M m tR ^ F I L r a ^

Q------- fB I S HEALTHSHOW "

. t z j A U CREATURES 6RI■■ sUALLJarHiiBitiH k in jtti

-------j<dlboulJtUJaoih»te=“2!meHeo tOHi'rcustsnror;^

bo |-12:3g : -

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rontofiluo :

FREAMSIDEHTSna-------------'ogalchio and


n a o R QirabiiUu) , Groat - . ■

ho Humor*Suoon.-— -




IREATANOfliuu=i- J— i r r : Mid the - rpvBih™—-"- -■

Page 61: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

- fljBHXHOOSE-TWiKM- - ---

^ ■ - iSMK »te«»rccM»»r«j^• •; - fao^ m n

Bton BureJyr

> ■ -

i - G round tram the Oakwc


'c iS S ic S ^ W UPDATE' . .;_-:.eongQAitBlhoartdtoou«aF

’ CtN MOVIE ***C«inibdI

. to f iS o o i^. . . ho and T b l^ w ^on a gov

' ‘ s ^ S s sSpoctacular In Loidnoton. C

- a s i g ’.fflrp^orm.ln.tSeihoatsr. bull

B WORLD REPORT ~ r - r - r - g B ^ E R E LOVE AFTI


'. ' '

1 • _fm *8 f l 'n tS '^ P A I » ^\ m lM and amouni of wato 1 'ihog|dTga~W~ptlntpotunfa


'~~ tho th ^ to I

c p m o c M r l^ r^ lrp e im aTiw:

W T E -T b p fe '= ^ i-^ Q j l lC n c

«yn- ' • * ’ : S m . ,■ u b ‘ . J ■ BOLONOOW IW Oynaway, ; — s^HfUlniSSnr

^KSSjfSS?^cdryjM CW ,v . •.,- )U>ao«>iey t

^ H O P : ■ . HBO S v?e '

...s ;i

ttor^pliyilo S ^ f . r!!S?iv!N.yiuv i5^

Pim*’ - '■ QDMOwl*

Mringhbnwhilo m im ilw f ll' B u a @ ^

fl.O**>-(fn 1 ^ 1 ^ Pag

7”'*' nSwriDramiiFTER-r------ '" fm n tH O ii

• . ' ■■ • , andpEnttng

W M U nw ------------ S^niTTSX

P,__ , ' ibatfloofljow

S i l o

£ S l T ^ - >»FECT10l

BV.UBOATEToplci:' ----- —¥A)O S^tSO (m ~^------

:tfa7»Jraipa).lano -----^ ^

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nsp ^ n ts^ reu in an o v a l ' U

IE *-*» *Tho Darfng * .... M

ROB'SondysJwot'a - . H ’thomistakonlmprauion ^

Ji'FfomtboUSTANatfonal ' {» nmr.ln Fhhhinfl Moarifwi------------

IHOKEW Addmitnorio— sanalcohoUo. - Tuli}-JuMtAndorton,-Heft--------PRC^ff*W'— " — tol o y i E y i P T t i i ^ ' . ~ 7 S

0.W Boiloy. SD NFLFOOTBALL ■ |

dconi.-SanOiogoChamrs £

»a^ * ty D o n w ^ n ! » ta t ' ^

U Clovotond enw nt. (Uvo) | rERVIfnipociocMorMJI* ' 5 iy>^n»'atw w honM f». ' ~ R

miprto founddoW ^B rtZ ol,, |]

^OUEimEiTrooiSia— “ 5■mparinq tha rilB. tdow o • tro6t and shrub*. (Pan 1 ^


S S S ^ r t l Sl'trr ' ' ^c a n t d o t w a t o H IIOM____ - gy O R lE a Ho.t

jw-BritahandlhBContlictJ>t : g


r e p T a - ^ i i i p r m s o T n r — I

io l» D e lA ^ d r a A T E :“ _ i ----------Rlday.-Sbptwi»bof-MP90

JJpda ln ahd.owan tow* e U n l ^


:1S SB WOVlE'«**.3nltadoai>l :M B g ,fv « n T )1 a > -n « ^

a o n n n ^ o O R u b ^ r . '- .—

oUcown ihatxto«»mM><*«M

^ f f l - T W L io H r a ^


■‘ ioncan foobooof Pink Rojrtfrt world tour from Iho Omni In A0«r

• Iho'Palaoo of Vof*yiof ahtffto* x.CoU*eum in Now -Vbrli (RI»n St i-M a SANFORO'AND S m U ^Take* Fred outtof a night orilho

—n j j M ^ E j S n i S ^ C U P ^


full whon ho b-askod to oicort a

^ — =a TWILIOHTZONE Orandma Bayle* tf voi her grandKW BOy i

.. phw>otePigyw**"

S ^ a n i e iootoatthe de«tm

—*»woot.fcl ' ' 'T(BKUNOFUColnotoacho*

—iorgivona»rto an ol^inaaandJ)

^ w S M F S i h tuna nieolto. Foi roitaunnt: Union Square Cafo.'§g»”l — ■ ■ —

= b l Spil M«P>HW^OW^Ora i ^

~ H W r * y ^ ^ p in i r ? t5

-m g v € & a ±nowa fvwm-rv/imi,j»iyuri«w

SHOW'UOVIE * ViT’Hanna'6 1' ■< <QflBn)mmirB»wB»myn;=M Tto>o*»Now»..Twin FallaJJah

s■nh' <! iiaraia.............j

t~—r — ^

10* by a -r

PINAL------ — ---on _______

»toc<mt--------U m ta.____

S ' - - -10 town------------

lan '

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^oatun)d o.(n)(ln •


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a W ;.

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Page 62: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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i-ij : ■ " 'm T O iS lltA C E, , Cdm 10 MSe. FfOf

m oEN N i^TH E ::.- i _ _ ------- p ^ ^ lc h m a k w

~ ' m Q CRUSAOI............................. TTioTS««*iWor


gr / S d roundP----------------------RHEUIIATOLOQU — : — -m O N lV B IO N El

:ii.__ __ . .’.(S H ^M O V IE ^


- I ____. . ._ lS ^ f B « tk x u o lJ ».TT— ;-------- J ' r 7m u t J d « r ^ Iho

“ B r c B D e f e


L-J-------------- ■|BB«SE°«‘-L:a~ LBQM OW E«

. - ............ .

3- a : - _::____— c S r ^ lS K S S

-■ "•, 2S Umos'-NowB, TV

i T k ^ ^ n m ' ” gwEvwhard:------ ~ . 52?ILY W UBim ESM f. ___ B

r-leimlrwly, IB — EB,


i*y j ^ . — S i

jcen a u wpAY— ^ ^

O^W A H O S.^fa«to^===^g“

w^.Modca= " "lAL-OOURMET-----------^noodm. including . B

lCE OF TT5e MONTH ®From Rini, Mich. ^

ISCMENACE Dofinis • ~ IQ ikorwhiH> tiying to »oU----------g >

ADE IN THE PACIFIC Poft•'omortlifVWH.IR)— ----------1™'IRY OFTHE '

OQYMQ4ELDEP0RTE...............^ a i ^ ^ ^ ^ n t o c o f - W v

IE***BrooWn*2 Spq

O T ^ “U .. a

!l!inSo£yjM iL 'itr~—iLttfOEufopoaiu— - ______ ES?' aBriiiih

r S Mirto-* modical 8 fftSyfU 5licft ' jraTOi'abiti.and ojcofdso---------^

^TPB___________________ frOCTE«**Palotnify*(1981. ^ Roynold*. Bovoriy _ ^

m u ^ H A 'i w i n ^Oontian High __ ® .dodsivDnot* coninbulo ^

ptanoi wift a F ^ M o n ” v ;.

( /•nw iF a^ idohq . Friday. Sopi

9BURM RH nuUHHUUIL S UOVlEWi^'* *My FrioiidFiieit*'


M s t i » td voting InMniclkmi. O m BASEBALL foW G H r=r— -

S a OOR CENTURY •Tho Vto-- iha K t iiMWi<ao«-o<-#>» tovMUKon Gohnwiy m B ^ « ( Ow rtftAW UW aW ofeM rmrT— ^ W iu . Bum ucrarANBitAL 3PY8SEY Faatufod: Mvtng FtofTO

^ B m I s S W inical-allercvnvMtiflationi of th m a ilom u a o i. y i M ^ i i t * * V r A X i y h Iha--

^ M«aL - -

NR&V _ .,TMtufttfcToyala Mnaj ChayrotolS-'

n 7nHBn an mithnr Mlti nnn ' - ?Wft6 tounmiMk-JoTO tef a 'bookRo


(twohlvo) lireplacoc: tnstaKing»indow#«nddoori.(B)P _____\a WILD ANO CRAJWXIDS^-----P CONGRESSIONALHEARING

>ubHc policy conlorooce or sddrofs. iW UPDATE Covormchranecrsln- VIDS fosooTd) and cHnlcal caro frorf) ho sixth intomotional Conloronco or m giQ -sattgranflKg. --------

1980, Horror) Jack Nicholun, ShoJ< ^ ^ i . ' " ........ ~ .'•

Spoctocularin Laxlngton, Onor(R) (

LASSIE A n j» iilw « l«

w I ' m !?L!l!u!!un? o


g q a w e w s ___ ^ -----------Z) UTAH FOOTBALL With Ron

g MOWE * * » ter Vbuf Uto

rmv.ynih a bill tor.hii.riwOicai. ^

g jia O T A R J R E K tT H E K ^ -

eS ‘raW A u! »TREET WEEK ?Tho JowFanM arkora---------------------

B «OVIE**»?ytoung Again*— • laflTrFamatvt Robortutich. Undaa ioptombo(7.19S0



" ...... .ffl.lB I»E U IV ;B B O »i

t t n . . I ^ MiMy'ROOTi

lev ---------i3 o o i iw i l * 5 ^ <lOi.” *R<ioatlr<ljM,D™™!.■_■ : KMDU RtfQVB»,_ .....

fTWgfaaavig * wfa n (J^ |P n u p g ).C

S:3o” T H j s ^ ^



‘ n n r ^ l Q ^ ^ mitibnaJ -------5 s « 3 P “ STETorbo

----------^raX O O N EY TU N ESIG f f i NEWSO : ■■

nm C on^footagobfP lno o n ' world tour from tho On

lr>g’ (SHOW)MOVIE**‘ hoDoy Outdoors’ (1968, Com

• ' Ayk^'d. John Candy.

» - ^ o g p Q (tl) r a eo

.r- . - eoh>btitfo««boutkeop<----------- T B ^ 'O D lB LjfeI — --------------------------- r a w s in a.wayw ard 60I foiaiKing the m t tu w

tor Draw. 0 (in Stom

T ro r a n m N o v A T h

rho.- ttw M W d o ^ i.(R )( l -™ - - a (12)iflUECOLOi

----------- Luttui wiiu a mimmii...... - ,...;»hppii«ng:{tr»'Stofoo)'Id»av ■ CSHOVTE.*».-JoBua

WAREMmlrwstho '- —

W G S 'j P o a ^ ' _?S # S ? « H d ?

R M — ------------jOMiN cp - ,,. ■:;= =iM f tU I U I I U I W -T —

T») AtanB«V«. . ^

cag itiB ttK h i^ rS ^ :k ) D w r t o O ^

PoUonoutoMtoh;. . ""

iii^ i QuuUl - ' “

n r w ? ~ ~ ~ nVEEX Ponliac .boTBMBcronlaisi--------^t^eyyndors.

3--------7— ' — ----- - “

ronW JNDEB-----------»lnK F le ^ s rocorit ■ Dm nilnAttan^ —

k *Thtt Groat . s rn ^ )D M ___ly--



»p<ngehadrofl - |


rantpfovosdltfieolt ” roo)0 .

LBiahasU»r.|o — -

|(P « rtlo /,4 1 P ..............O R SEIenand-----------tn Sara roscuos . 1

Page 63: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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* S j r o t K oSrUPOATE Tof

____ 1:90 n w y T O O A Y (R)(lni

-------- 5 « B w i W n W « l : ^--------JH E ia i5 * Comie.Rtek.Mftf»

a S g ! ? i i j i ? y ^_■ td*n««»y»io»ocMen>aaythf<

------- ,m B E iram H ^'§M nanttia-Aratur kNM practfdal iokot. a

------- ev«yon*BtK>r60t~^T^=^______ W iraJlA L MBOJCWE UPC

IbpkKimpalradrMtor.fR). ----- T g 0 l i0 V te « » :" n iu EitJm

. B e o te (1»M: On

7:00 n » « D E WINSTON Cl

--------- 'IC P T O iiya .T iuH D E H ;!


• udtot^ jn g x M ilw J ' ta

iSIWTFnFNfihangni ii j d t toanrd animafs am t ttw.oip

Panama l» iha (H k^fnptlu

a a 2 } M U ^ C 0 L 0 R ._ : . . . - r a n o B b » a id ^ .ww1A»t.«<

.; lnvwflfla» the b tu ^ alnylng

> . .•. .•-•.v .'a^dgntonidard

SESL.-.iSrSSS i2 2 l5 5 — 1 -5 122E S 152

w ty fto fn o T ^ ^

■ p l c : , , ■ hfl^ U n arC en t

pifi4186e7- - mVIDEOMUS

(In Sisrab) OBSTETTUCa/

-cSfT ------ -■tBwnow___;-jiiiad y a n v daiButtiwi da i

y;fwmJNK' ~ ~ w m « u n i t

thrinta- u ^ ! d 5iftot5t

-• ->■'- •----------- ^^fBBTTCStSWJPPATE X»ay.AhlBMdIt . • foccodioukeomorts*:(19e9,----- ceuraa atnptoyiW<rGro*»r":~T—unonhodoimwii k h '2 - ------------ ^ofmIiBl*rfln-StDrama) 7 : 3 Q f ] B l t ^

ICUP D(oooCount/» trancvottito. (R

w rw E — ----------io ;yn iiiA ia<

olwdlntwo ' fO DONNA RI ntothothoft- ■ m m lro m an e .(R)tln . .

__ntooettwfto S u ^

ojO*” ' ’__ AKtleiiindwtwnimlraeod " (wIpharcJoMrt

a g r . , - C g i g


' » . HnOusks cnatb s h e p c h ^ e s l

S n g aa^ * ~Q m n t , ^ S |T';frpuflm;yan<

ylnqotltifoo .

-----— irn— ------------------

^ 0 B . « b 0 x p l . t ! ^ ■

rBAYEvaiyonala" 5 ^

- - iSg?

anSSaS^iSkta^r^B i

|jgf5S!fSffiv7 "CaOYNECOUXSY ' ..-Sout

a^Tom Cnil»B.-.Bfyan,. eont.»q m «« Inoltln^ far rfiicknawritnavotemn oRt^ tha.M anhanan bar ----- upcnn .(Inaoioo) j* ' • : (met |£ * ★ •SumihofSdioor ' HBt

^ » o l fljrm'^Bwaor ® . _ ,S*S8 over a remedial roadhg bud

w»thodrm o a d rh tr cia«8-------Bi»l

W ^ q U T P O O R 3 (R ) ^

t / s control jail: aned o l a ^ (R)^(ln Stereo) atin

A oFA FH IC A B n tfth a f ~ sto;

. REED Jeirs mend (uns . . ^ 1 ^ ino^m S itw yM dom y.. ,- Moi

I ^ ^ E U p M T gTMte-^ B

^ 1 5 ^ t o S i t « « $ t h h e r * ~ ~ § 8mwfldne without a ou i

— !^?on Qraofl».'A young mon’fi • nigt

In a «lilfLfniM tinwnfesforovorwhenhebuysa s :o ^

____ u ii

oroo) • . . . ' Ste >NOW . ■ D.HQVIEAtlrl'A H gh lfe r;::::::^^^

Ml and a cmtody auit ■ ’

Friday, lo m b o f 7 .1 WO T


efaw tlattawtttiiyalhla^aaW n^

a^tajW BBIEPmW ™ ■SfluMEN Paggy iau p c M ra --^

S .I I 0 V IE * G ^ q u Boy* h w ^

}^ulllm ^A A 2'^ar-M 6ey and

kXJthom willor;Willle Morris’. wfeblodro^bNcWrioveL-r-rrrv - [□BEST W-UAIyHUW N t w r

a g 'q 'B h S m F bVhHINU AT Tl

wioeftcUps aro conr^inod In tNsjieHe e lP oi»en.(n)-----------------ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY

S S M c fe k i^ Ip d c ^ h B C K JIi:M9S8. Comody) Jackia Masoa Oy banAOitAwoolthybutcbnox^. twslnotsman toU oulta get overu

EKnliwo^ c l^ C I i ib T C n s i ( « c m u o v iE *■* j r .*soy AnytMng:

(adhg-thtruneertaintim oi iHa— - oourageeusly deddes to iaak out tf a t r a ^ da ta volodictorian. (tn „

!°iri Ruii -iTcna r- _i!f f i W a m K £ p a t Bmtti • Mountain Lako. tm {In Storoo) njO H N A N K b(B ER O . ^

t w l ^ 'S f R O W ^ ^ r E R W L i i ^ j ^ u p ^ r e

S w w i 3 o v m S ^ ^ toutdoors^ioee, -C « n ^ )

r^atiw s'am s FChTearo '

iShlmaro.ilnSloreo) :

m Q M ^ I ^ E C r ^ t t m w



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Page 64: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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T . ■* . - H B U ff- ;- - r - . ! >• • ' a w H Q a m > ~ R t i t u-----------:

i r - EDBCXNCNOTESfH)’i ■ P R K C R I ^ W ^

^ ( M W M N K FLOYD:

~ = ^ S S 5 ^ § .- • r £ « P a h c ,o iM K » t fd o « i


I : , S S I l a £ S J ^ ^

S to n e ) -•>'■' ...................- — 9 : » B r o ueW H* U S A f

r = " “ l33.TH A PPEn JO H N, u .

^ ® S B J ! ® 2 5 S o o t > i w

g o ^ « K o ( t « » . l b r B

f z O ^ T O i w e r w E B ) .

i ? R ? g r : ; r ' ' r e j m

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1 *10000 rranaoo r-------

oo.Irem ........W .

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— ennn_U a«.7 » Difw'[lo«in-t ^ g ^ O T ic n

|dwaf|^-«u7s. - IB _ tti jM<-ItfW lrtt 12 ' (l9TO.~0m n

S a t o m ? '^ ® " m AUERU^ ■ 7 '^ ' ....... .............. SY aTFIW -> INSIDER ’ r a SPORT I A < y R :___ S e L ^

> r n ^ . 1 t:O O Q S O L ( ZS— -------------1— B iN S ID E -!

-------AMu^^vockkW . ( P a n i 0l 2)l^» frM »tfW -.E rtthy rf^ toh ih iir 7,

w i r o H s j m o i i

• j n r o d t e n w - i r i h r b l i n o i P ^ ^ I S l u ^ a b o u t M i l ^ - e a n w i n —

^ ^ A M i k t t e o f S o u f i a f l d .

M ^ t f j o i R v C r i l

c to o 'd W O . Drama) Roy - : ^

r o B i w r — " ■' ■-— "'11< 1 1 )0 8 8 NEWS 0 ~ -------------------O A RTH HA U

I O PAID PROORAUDDEMHeR0E9FAnh.mrfl<w.o w t t f i io f to f ^ m w r G o ^ ^ ^

£ j ^ ^ S 5 L < c ( t « 8 7 . — —u o ) Mog poftor, StovoJCk.-'— - :■ .........

;R ol)oeea snnour)c«*mial - - Im p witf) Sam rteh frean ttju ll—

!* 8 K IP M a ~ :■'. ' ..r a n FiEkOS WBiom ha* a ................* > w a d } ro h f fw ^ o B )W rie w = = ^ Iq ^ o * and his now tomporaiy

g ^ T O I ^ R R O W ^ ^ ^ ^ .^ 7 ~ ~

V lb J “ ^ ® S d G J r t - ')rama) M arda Hcnderaon................. i

s u f lv iy A io F A a u A M !

H OVIgw yfr-ino tia fniiy - : . . . i i jgmB|CMri9,tffBngflfl,TflUy---------1



d o a d lw a c o m p u to r .ls ' s

)U O V IE * * * 1 n v a tio f> n t «


" A ^ a u jL Y T IE S Inaso rio so l |».-lho KoBioin rotafo-s omo-ol------- gc W o r o jc a p ttd o i to e o n r i ' 0 2 ) 0 Ar fr 7," lo g o .- ---------------- -----------------

'" ' K i 'M m T F ^ f t i i i i i i i i T

r T -T -a n tw r if t fw c W a -fB r ’ ^^'^•Ea^TBEASURESOSP A LCK

. . . ^ V A O E T h e raobvory aWp

11 a p « l f f - ' » » £ i > w ^-------a C E L E B R n r O U T D e O R

Foalurod: m uiki due ViekI «n Sondor* tmvol b A laska^ Yu

ffiV O U M U ST B E lY IE H lR------ASos'a old bovliitnd**

Tom took* com pM «nth(p 'tfI D MAKING THE G R A D E '' nnSN A X U ABTER- . '

p isces witntileeK 'W (0l)K00Ri — <toot ef (Jam ea Dre

fo«tmw ln£< ^ F on t« iy .(* laad

^ i i ° i ^ a H m f £ S ? f 8 T O '

11^0^C T OW) 8 W yiT O

^ Josslo N o lioa A honw M a I ^ B voaon thou refaT V T aiteen i 41;<B QD MOVI&*»Jft>rt>Miten-

^ v w S S ^ i S ^ S S S ; #

- R otfcorP toteftrfi


i n r- I f lS P O H T B C E N T E R ^ .-^ - -

I Q BEWITCHED Sam antha's U Arthur io ras praoicol l o t o i ^ . .

I T 'T W " - .-l ^ E E s :

S S ! ^ t f ; . . - > <. .

f e f c ■ g ^ t f j a , .............


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Page 65: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

------ ^ T s w ^ a n d i O B t —

. ■'" HBO OH EM I ON MMInl

— : i 2 ? M l w f ! l o S m S i

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12:38 0 3 ESA R8EN K >(V

. 1 2 U 0 (T y Q M V ie A * I I * O utor8pK d*(1S 53 .8d<

' Rich«dCai1»en.Bartkm----------- > 2 :49 -ra^nU )L B IC A U P^

oifQinSl tn lsn (rom nms

r m S S ^ ^

' ' ■'— Q T i3 r v m :b ,‘W R i> im

- ^ V aaw B g w uovw preioctfw m otftorrel

" < ■. whom h* oon(ron» Hodfl f f l A i i r a c A » 5 5 f Tf f l ra C A R O U N E V C l

1 ^ 1 * n

' coniinuedw piteasi tK Tiraityrgtatts go

------------ ■ d a s w r s o - r a i l ^ l-------------ofChangcrA-M atta

airs F r i^ y at 10 p.i

^ r r ^ - T - - --------C M t lb v ie 'g W ^ I W = : l g W O l W

~ ' I f s S wiRW U M D EH.. 'P i U J g f f i i ik R o y tfs ra eo n t f f i E S S m

t^ O fadeid ia :— :- 1 : « D @ * In ^ M ffc S c o tt . ' 2 : ^ 0 0 . 1r r ... . -r. i . , . . - - ; - - - | a | N v i ^

a b JL n o n - E E

ft.FooTsDay* o n o ^ o W ih Foreman. m t e HC

>H A tCFrom —

5 ? : ? 2 ! 5 ________

a2S¥S£S" K .SiM R u s h . ■ UieindaOhUR^FMturei--------------Q u b o A u :.

f f i j g g gI TH E RICH AND 2:05 HBO H<

------------ _ . & £ s

rWOBl D O F - :----------Q « R 0 3 !

2:408H D W I

t o s ^ a S S ^ i l H c y m lo im eslo rw h iu ------- wMorfflaln

^T ' e B S t ISCOMEDV ip o lw h m

■SKT-^— TB— . - —

^ i p n r r ■ • I

^ n » w i l h ~ t h r ~ ^ b ' «

R o v e m m e n t th a t ta rn tn e ir t -w i t h i n U i i . b o r - H o o t W. i n M D o n . " w in a s n izc»w ini i t t e r o f P ro n u sc s " —in ti tn s T c r ■p .m . M D T /9 :0 0 n a t io n s , I

^ L : L . .... ; -n e * V * i * 9 4 . c h d t o M ^

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f M m p R O O R A U ■

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jg ^ g g g g ^ - — -• • - • • ■ 1

• ( l9 7 » rD o c u m o n tB y ) '~ '-........ - 'Thijg Adwfl ■•

'Is being lured « r a y by '

• ?•

riobson. / .lOATHON :_____ : ----------1IMPROVEMENT G U ID E .:... 1_____I M O V IE ** *Broakln'2

g3st“A;gfff^suI C V IE * '* '! ’TtrtfntulQ'(1955.John A f l« * ;^ M w a 'C o R iB y ~ " ^' M O V l6**»N o M ercy • - •>ranu) Richard (Sere, Kim

THREE 8 0 N 3 KaUe gota a job

w i i o 5 ^ ^ ^ —«Ta ewWtoan M co* OlTairw id -------4-le N e i u a A t o ^ a a lamSy ^ ^ y o < a T V ; r i t i ^


ITER EO WBbur*s In a tough • n Ed w ants a bam hooter »nd » e ^ a i w r a h |y n a o f .

1 • *1ca4dah(>ft iMi&-TeleviBion. a

a js j l» y - S t r u g g l c jo _ r a a iE i - . iC iir identity and sovereignty, t;

/in n in g n |itn^r^ thIS *Tte r lo o k ' at' th ree" ft'd iS T "? I, Uie challenges they fa te v

-’ I S i S S g S R ^ i J


f f i l i T ^

d w ie s . • . t i ’ " ; .•

f f r t y fvJih-* vbtd d ^ j f a i h 4 K . U . U i ^

... an tm ac ionaoO u llo rm oO estt

• O ct j a i g f (1969. C0f ^ ) P c

V m ^ O ' p MD PROGRAM' . ----- a TODAV^mU MARtLVN -— H n e w s b e a t ----------=— ■-

m BODIES IN MOTION' — a IIQVlB.*Qood OW Boy* (1 ___pw na> R icha^ Fam sw enh. N

[ Q L A S a E '@ r a SIGIUTURE tntorview

-„ Jltejfla3M pj!tlfe.John 0 -Conoo«

. S ro U j(M H E U > c c io n < D a4 — p K W H E N R rS p t T A r p i

___ imaflfcMh>mteitXG i i^ a i i a \r i y ^ m .m H l f t S t ^ ^

W hftoW jm i'{t968.H orror}A

B 3 Q A & E PREVIEW T h«u show s on Atts-& E nte i^runen I S N O n aE R O UHlVIStON <

a n d tf>g u n iq tw -fib lu U b n s j^ ■ - f o y n d M T O ^

: ^ O ^ d ^ j i a t iD n . i I e & u j L S ( v ty in s im p le rd ire c t t e r ^ ' * '

; ■ t o r a n a p o n . ar ~ jb r th e m se lv es w h a t th e ir UI w h a t i h e i r l i f e s ^ l e i s g ^ g j

-------L - J ---------- l - i _____ ______

5 f : ; ■

a F - " ^m : W )— ^

ITeBorP e m

( I W . ' .M aureen • .

ow ed;w : - - - : -

a ^ ^ l o s - -' i

A m anda _

rODAY 1 “r B p i r --------- r

) ivcom lno ■■“

t i ^ ; _

s tU B iB g n ^ — r “W hstii ‘ iheabiHtV'r tw m n in e

Page 66: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

j - 'i .

j . ■ .■ i j a y ^ f y ^

4 f ~ i — . , . M pr»(wft>»vt about-v u ' . fi^pl(BBzodrri»hd.,OiS :. : -H a m n » f j |n S lo w o ) l

; : ...{•, Fj2 n n h o e ^ . * ( l B 8- i . D < 1 2 J tw 6 w iN Q F

-' • f ltte involvodwhoh'M

- ■ : • m sairss- — L _ ---------ttDp.lnieRitoy'v.Mw I------ ------------- iMchifWwWch takOB 1. . : - ) •50»«nd,‘6 0 t. --------r - ': ..........■' g w w e ? » t t o - o c

r — — ^ f f l - r a - U P E o N 'E A n: ■ pred a tow and thovog .

l* ,_ ; ...... _ ^ f f i » 5 i j 3 W M a

-“I r.goNewBo'f**” *; -------------m in v -P R W & H M C

: f f l E L E g n o M flo P ^

'I . ~ i j S i S m S i f M— — S l fu tn tn afltttnpts n w

H B O M O V 1E**H T hi-------------------POtTWoSTfSeSTDiifS_ -

- t e n w M A m n k e v jc . I

- W nk 'iI96 t;C om o dy),(

r V - - . i i o .& f f i .S T A O E - G «

nofMB rontonticaBy fnvc R nttfm oslncohb rhusti

- --------------------------- 32"TOf8i;Nffl*nrTV5BrR

S f 3 ^ K a r k * t H r r ” -.:v.“ ™rhPT^ u — :" . i ......... ,M O R


•eoO T - -:•

s M m tH S r S ^ W ^ ^ - T - a a r a l !

W ^ e o b - ^ ' ■ yaHi m -utM titinthhls— ------ -^rifiSJVS«.,G u« tA im and 7:30 8 M 1 0 ) 0 * . Monnoi

lo P A lff i jo s o n ' h^MBw d a lm rh ls— — U S?Z f' « o r d M s n t liko him. . aUE-BASEBAU. - ‘ C h k ^ C u b t . * ’

iw hv e n lio n .a tiin o ~ - :-A n w lS » • thorn booiilo < * w > ~ * * p [fy ^

ro o t> tf fa itn o n f~ ~ —


ftaiMiro-Hbronico I , , , ^ « . h w . , n w,h -

Faam m ri-riobntn . . SHOW , Benaio iw o . - V D H Z T ” ^ m n ^ t o r i c u s l y



“ E i ' ” ”' , . a o i D s i

a i i a J V f ^ i — U iuiliy .'

lyJ.C aiy.Q rw t,--------------

S w i : U e R o y - ' - - - - A H h ^

8 R o l S r f i r S r ' ' . 12.-00 Q l A fnvolvodforthoiu « b o n tf« d o o th .a . . - .............

Idaho, Fnaa ’ ^ tO ( n b <

30. Horror)Somi Fofd 8HOVn-***nio Eyeimf mor- • - •

ror) Bola Lugotl.-HDk>nChandter. -a rw c m w w H U M ic '-' -—n.OabrM.-VD]omin TniHOo. >IflOW * ★ * T h o M uppoSTalio ihooai)* (1084. Comody) Vbicos oi. Honson, Frank Oz. .S i * * » •Poctof x r (1fl38t HoffOfH tHAtwiD. Fay Wray.OW) * • * 'Artists a n d Modols-17,-Musical) Jack Bonny.-^------- — .-C) ‘* * a ‘S L E b h o -sF ro '(1085.M ) Rob Lowo, EmtUo E stovoz.' * * • * ★ T om Jonos* (1963.

lOtfi^lAlbtnlHnnnv------ — • -'BO * * ! ^ t ^ > o Wd. Part

S l6C ( } 6S2J ) n u n t ^ l h A r d . . . Q -A iii.^M ysta(y.oU ho.W ax_— , 9um‘ (19M. Horror) LtenoJAlwiU.. iS * A l ThO 'SuuiiuostM oninVorfcr(197<l, .Com« g .) Kwfl------------iol}.-Joo Rynn.------------ 1----------------->W) '* * * * D o to r t '6 loom *(te86.

^ Guns* (1988.

f» Homo FfomVloinom* (iM T i ^

and M o d o ts" - '.........

i 'S om o U ke'll H o r •

D a y t i m eflNING ..............

18P0RTSCENTEB_______________] HOA UUU- HUreAo's U l a s s e ~ = roCJSSlfiwTi'thoOoIcwooa---------------gf g riaytrrCoatVhiloy.ilt-lft '3A D Y £N T U flEA m orica-i_------

- ............... _ . ._

ERNOpN— 1 ^

3 AOVBinVRE; g r e a t " ' ' |

Tibof7,19f»6 " ‘ '

W W 1N G - ' ^


^ V ^ ^ r j iF T E R N O Q N ^ • '•• - • ;....... ........ -.*,.•— — -r-j^ :^—r

. ^ ( 1 9 6 7 j : c t n w d y ) . & b ^ 3 S H O W .* tk * * O o so rtB o o< Omma)Jon\ito)^t.«>oBftd■■' 2;00 I D ★★ T h e y w an t Tl

CoRway. Chuck McCann.: , f f l ★ **<3«ntD o«)tA f8i

—^ — rDocumonBfy):MyronHaaJ *-*»rAfindOvDi-Murdoi

Susponsp) Deborah Raffln

TM aniionanTiBW rCflW W JIm Honspn. F ^ j O z . . :

~ ~ — C iN -*** i(-^M m br»^ (1fr

t r r

CimcK^} A n ^ McCartf!) ..... : .“.CaBinSi. ____

J im .H o n s o a F r a n k ^ -; -

l e s p o i i s i - ^

'A u m C tM EVEW W Ratti — :• Round upr n a m Sw wnwuw

_ : l _ 1w r e s t u n o — :. 3 :0 0 r a K X D A , . ____j!'~ 3 i a o H SPO flTB’BBPOflTE

■4:30 H S pO T O M O K ^ 6 :O O .m .8 B O f lr8 C S ire R ^ S iSaCU IO T D RW E E K JL U J:


* n f r » n .v ^ •• • •

s a g : : :

5 f e n ; r ^ ..


^ E z

w o t j i e M . . . '

J^ -(1970 .'

w e ^ - . - _

R )?ryotees<3^

' r n ^ S m n z z1067 i- . , ---------

re in B w Ruo '

1 '>tn Plain ________

M a s n ^ ’ ■.w rvsxu . ------------

Page 67: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

: O i H ^ B I M i j - j : : - - .

: ~ iiitmi'llmUOm-. ' . - S h lfcilhrrir.tlw wl*

| ( S W lF w eefc tw F rin

■ — - p - s ^ : s s g ^

.............W “

. • - ~ ‘.g f> IE b P A H P V IP -^ • O ^ m c r s THE BOSS?

; « h o d (* dbyho reonc0rva olrtltfM tft iMCtion whon

‘ : ■■ f iu d d te h i m hokrWMM

- B B K i S i S S fJ............... n B ry f lv M tf* noiw movh

' From th e Edqo':* (In Ston---------:----- r o g ) 1 0 WOHTLV-Bt. ; _______ :n » * O R fS c h e d u lo d ce a

h e i^ U l s i d fAend.'Qiu» -^^^njrH anunor. (In Stereo) O -

i B ( 11) ^ E E L O # F O < T i b NFL MONDAY MCH

: ________ MA.0 A a NE (8Wjiwiif ng MICKEY MOUSE «

« ii^ O n « M O ^ E V * ★ T t MO y/rg w r t o e H * ^

H6 tti:O o rllta M em o o n i

------------- w>6 iirp i 6» a w 'a t t w ^

sa<?4ssfcsi---------------s m u r m w y p ------------

______ t e ^ j i E J e i K . f e t o t t

li«ka<iliM uloiullei . fflBaiilp w rD is t tn S a lu

S V E t j l l g tT ; , ..

H H - 8 :O O tI 8 : 3 r | - 9 ! 0 0 ^

■ ■' *■' ■ ■—w»—K ^ n V S n ttn N n a S ***ti

- |l l » i t i < i e n i i * * T D nm o d

F m d m llm aiN raO riM RsSiinli '

M V I& in fep ^

: r - t [ l M l9w - r |B « b w - - . . - k l ^- - - - | — ^

- - -veeh li, Ho:a s rA n o e ieirvativo . 0 0 2 ) 2 1henT orw nndh is Streoi.oopi

IRENT AFFAIR (S i I B M /U SlT T O raG H T-------- NEW8H0Invio*Po*tcards ' Q IJ E T S I

! S & e « - ______ S S S S Seflmm an ta tef!__ . .

............. .............

.........r o i r r iW E n a iv S r to to

! a I u B ( “ n ~. , EoBtancTt I

- . M


.......X E BUCK 7:30 ( B Qm od /. Kovfc , Pfwraon))

” * ~ ~ “»M< fiw.iatnwtw) n iw i g a n FOOTBALL S « i Comody“ ew O r t o w ^


ill8im l n - » i ;8» - -------- t a r h i * ^W iw ah n d J______ the .JosiM

g :j|9 p irt ic i^ f e f l t h i iii y ig n g ^

- |B

• ' I j t tC y w t '

I y~]MHW . . » | l l f t h ^ ^


BAgic*8pD rtJ,(ll»«ht**«jB w B diw


H on: Mihe FafTOll.-NnfTBtor:-

) 21 JUMP STREET The Jucnpop» po io ais h o m e le u ...... .yno%«Ti'iW f4i(HjToorv'fl8or— -;

M /S ia U L E H R E R - - - - V ; - -:--------------------------------

r SKBNQ Worid Cup; From „ ' . .

l f e ? R O O ™ ^ O O T lN ‘:-------:—)UP Anknatod. Disnoy solutes iw d th e .W ig W a « r« lh ~ a -T :- ■..:

g T h e Lone Chipmunks* and

EEN ACRES Probioms cousedived roads torceU sa a n d — ------olodaettcom trialntw H hthe

cTs historic houses wflh a 'W tP U ilJ I l/? ) . , ' ■ . = s

I \y » . 'W h g y ;h l i a ^

M soxperimontsltKait)

COM PROAESAM UJER Q (11) Q ) LENNY (Serios re) C O T O ^ ^ J ^ y c W e s ^

I m F ^ l T f t U ELLfR’ ~ yTThe yoong mtseWel-makor I Schlaw r) s to m p s to hoop 7 w w w uusilblu. TwiiuliU Fw iis ».

« S t f t ^ « S S r t & e 5 —a ^ o h o w -h o s r^ u tr a n iz in s — ~

EHT O P u i ^ A V " ” • ~ M O V E :** '*-’Hkte In P l a i n - = r : r

to# Department after, the ir.,_ ,. Friday. S op iam ber7. IMO

HSW" • ■ {p>«iminM i> • ■ ■ [1

b » o o t M c & ^ • v .v l l :

5 Pmmr^ j y r a l i T h i t e a h a c J

nti:iM H v«(ry«F«oM N R .m ~ ia

•— J i m i f c t c i i

* w a i9 8 B )____- ~ ~ | i ^ t » u i | . :

“ ’"step lm hor te ttiliodaoainit'tho . - B a so d o n a lfu o s to fy .— -. .

“ “ Stories* (1 W9..Comody:Dr«m : NolJorBasannaArmotte.-Mari

------Seotiott»..l-rancU-Coppola.aflWoody Alien u se Manhattan a

fwrtiti^fl lyiii nun irnr winHm‘ Vtorkors. (tn Storoo)

Jonathan Hoap. A man finds h - constantly ropoatioB the sanra

■ '*' ‘ ' M i o m j B m i l H L M U S S ! !

------While M i^yiin& nos-SteHrocpreparations and fights off the

____f w i i n rv ty hteJB candJbou

.- - jajgl g) M OVIE'Joshutt'i

^ ' q ^ rV^o l ^ ' s p e c ia l q'. ^ ^ v o d : Qovemment I* No

Solution. It is Iho Problem* Wl B u e U o y Jn rC h arf to aH e st^


G lan». (Llve) .

— T o r g o h w b o x rd o B ly tw lh = = B R S 5 iR |f 5 6 * n g B E p 5 iB :

^ ® S . f e T A M B H f - i f i S 8 a

D P O l ^ ^ O O T B A C im

IMO Tlmos-News.TWinFalit..ld<

J f _ '

c i p « ' . :

= ”

^ y =

h o fS c * ? '” ' ~“ 7

OT^JJiCk .- ~ lan ln ----

l a s th orjo».__;______ . iBty Wc tt ' ,.,:.L -:^

uMlifUTE . . ,

i t e r - = iTwhour. -----------J

heoS i& d .1 mioht»„(R) ___

rt'H ogii* .

k a f ta r th ^ ju te l s 'r - ■ ........ :

.DEBATE .........M th *WIW arnF..

t o ™lEBALL

Dibki's u s u -

Id ah o :. 33 : -

Page 68: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

I I f - I ’ B IB E 8T 0F .8A T 1

|l « I ■•

f f ^ l : '^ \ S ia S a o o ! n S m: j j . . 4 . - > _ - . : . ; . . g a r o ^ h ^

j! t :

I ) ;. ---------ST EA U SH O V EtAiI I ■!, ;..— “is?ssirsjfe2s! t : ' ilM Ri •hovel beooffl ^ ^ -----------nwik f ^ ^ y y) MOViff ~ii l / ; . ■

v .r '- 'l : . - tM ro riit»« )iM *on iii

; ' I cousin {• a victim o lc

- *. J - h - . . .— Lr-:-3ItoOTCAKE Straw! [ . >rto« to giHwtttho villt

I ' j

t ■ ' ■f ~ ' ■ U ^ T ^ : WngdQi

U —

aM O N E Y U N E I---------- ---------- o t ia jW A a o iL T W i= r -■ —_ _ ' •. bwOflhlhU brother b *

------- :----------^Nol<he-S(*ilionrft l i nVWBttnF.BueWeyJr..

_ ^ — : .H Q iton.Jeano,K kkptfi r -. 34. ■nmo«.Nt .-Tk<nF

ATOHDAY WIQHT............. .frpni

' , . ■

l i£ * !5 5 6 ? ™ i2 2 r t£ ? L ___

— jS !!u m e d a n a la a a n d . “ T j o m . lo la « m a a N a b c a tk a <

3W H «oj ^ g id . a ^ . . gH py

y i t o r e ) ^ ^ r a ^

y S fnte ^ e tie i

£ K 3 ! 3 ? J f t ' A rab— - g n j S


6 d (K 8vw>. lha t h o r • <BUtin( oldom «»tioviotonco. U y o ^


ry . Bluobenv ■ " % vol] | j g g f “" ? r : r = — - - -

3 A S T T 6 c O A S T Wh0 i« N iaoara FaB^^-.— ........ - Jap an i

i r o o T T " * * * '^ .U L & iO ue»t»*the ____: J Q S Fldom bteln .(H ){ ln

ACE TO FACE . BSCLi4UNO Scheduled: ' M W

O W J a y J H T O y b i u Z j a ^ Joo» q ~ ------- ; : - ,- — -on Hm

I ^ b S I T m i S * 1 ofpowers

T H .W = ..U » S _ , - . , ! l g


SSSir:- -- S{MtricfcandNowt Q nev frl Fafli, Idaho ' Friday. SoptemI

a .B A 3 E B A U .T 0 W G H t ^ v ~ ~ 8iA W M iig a M ^ ta t o h w « e w * ie lc ie a h e h K la f f l a i i^ p ( o p D ^ d - 7 ! pm > HMn.wte tatar.aomea-iB Jo w n -

i^ M lB rbw g^ . O a m i,-

B M W W J ^ O F ^ ^

uhin^iumiianSamrL^?^. -

m O M t t ^ B ^ i ^ a i i p o r -

] O . G Q U E K A G E A R i i ^ : ^ J

g l ^ a i H i g gimpvey. BII ISdeh. Howie Monmz d - fao tDugtibn id Man ^ 'Wa^

j S S i .’A t S t l w i S f l m a n a ^

n iO V IE * * x *ShiiW N^nt{ne*<

fiTii A p a tio m e M maiTwoe and a —

D^ool housewito. who d o d ^ i to ow h e r ipM t by fravaBnfl to Ofoeco.

e Tw STAGE G doitrL oe R oyi— nolL(RWIn Storoo) :3y)0U W -B aM dw caam nt-------- ---

> i« ih lp w ra ^ e H lh o o o a < tQ t ■


S y ^ l r ^ H ^ l n r ^

p a t t y DUKE R o t^ 'ir io iib ii r iy '" " '

C l ^ U T V!ta ANO NIGHTS O F M O U V :^ —

i l r n . ^ ^ ^ T N > [ ^ O T

o;^ ^ y u u i t n w w ^ flWm o t h e r d e o e u o d triends in ao**^

a c f l iu E a r g f tv T O T i io t iW t

NOW H otl Rjriph

(B a o (S la (tl)—im bor? ’ 1990 •

^ ^ ”‘ y ^ l S ! S S « 5 2

W l - - —

tr--"'- " ^ - D r a m ^ iA d r S u jP a ^ . f

S I I E E ^ ^per 10:15(SHOW ) UOVIE*'-* ng____ Boart*j l « B . P t a M ) ^

:tn 1Qr!MCBM»CWT-c6 uinH ^ a ro S i ttaj-. bu t to o n lean

‘■ ^ ■ ^ ^ ^ a f to E tw e w S S ^ S e r > O ia O T T D N I G H T S t CO. i;^ iw i9 B 9 ;ilr> q e f Jutla


l O a S H ) N l ^ COURT n •Tr------Chrt«m «r4n-ftlBlrt!ilB ty

:---------ADVENTURE Chronic

u --------S H O M U E S S ra ^ lS E n-------- MOVIE'M2:O n > M * W ^

r " N o d < | g ( t 1>M »A W A ftB i

1 EXpLOflER Featured: a d • h u n tta n d jx e tec ta h a ry o u

" - - s s is . 's s a s............venomrproWWted fltN ngU

- - . coral r e e f . ^ R > - _ ^ - ^ ^

^ S r e S ^ ^ ^ L - , • ' ■

j ^ ;a a ig 5 i : - " ■ -

C T H g ^ V ^ . _

W oo tfc /B ob^ -

i e r / q ••-->;.■:• S H O W F ftm ;

? H a n v ______

Im owinplyp-^' len money^Jrem-------


Ro* ta c o t -'- ’ . » ty li> tf irm M n ? :r^

nic)a«~aulh6r >'

U ndth iiT iai ------ta m e hour.

ftefa d r t^ o l ' •

id te e ta h o u o g ;^ ? - •

S S S s r ? -? - t t i a r d e ^ » ---------

Page 69: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

3 S i i S ! l u * ? ^

■ .o w d f e j K y M

" T a i S v f i B o S S ^ '^ .11:28 G |K } SH O RT FILM »

____ B W ORUW nDE UPDAT1T = = j ™ i O T » « * i f l H f W n i

: ......- S ^ k E n E ^ M N ^ t

— s a ^ n g s s ^

— S e o ^ i ^ ^ ^ S b t o i i

- S S u A ^ c ^ t e M j d M - n W O E O D gC JO C K E V


“ “ j D 'A O V B I T U r a O ^


- :------ IEndlOM »)M C«vilehenlL.

. __________p i . p i J M ^ i

S j n i S ^ ........

g W iw . ib m hucrtoB ihw r

wVAh J V . ; -

I V r .^ , ' ' - " . . PojQIBWlWffi

1 2 * 6 B lB R iu i

t : 8 d w j ^ '~ ^ ~ i a i i a |g

- . ^ - fT fT A L gkpi

S S S S ^ t ^ S S m I S


S l 'h to N to w nIB D O N N A I

8 ^ R ) (lit!____ .^ - o v o M u i ^ ^

- — . - - h BO TIOV IF

» s w - = a i i ! ? ! ^

? r w n H . wnOcMtbOfy--— 1 ; ^ n ^

^ B 'MQHfm--------

1 ° ^ ' W


3 V ie t» m l O i d ^ j g ^ g ^ dw jk -.;-/ —

ETFOinMETAKIMO J i i n - “a a r w g f i r c S i iB g W - r ~ "p f M p K tie f g m t le - : m

m In M * oW-cw tfd r • f i

tP P O U -L p n a m fg tn e 'V _____n

itote« n « n g ^ e f t o , ; . pfTSCENTER r ■ SE #««:S U >W M .lo-B akar iCO,My«t«y)VB»JulMiwi'i. . . . l a s

lA R E E D D onnalsluriou t; . ^

>Mna) MolGlbwn.DBnn y ^ -1 :4 5

ima)S«mS»>opaid.Klm ; ^

W B O O m u l - . ...........K"p l ^ n e i i p n a T e ... ____ s___O!

s iB iW N E w s " ■ “ i s

T a r r e ^ n - A I I

F o F T H ^

u m B i f a n mr z d F W B S g j W

’ 3 i 6 i 3 0 " 0

—^ymited-to4<ing-Videa-Ca]---------F r td o f r S e p te m b w - ^ e e M

.T H e v p n o v c o ff lin r ts a tM T ii

^ ^ m S S e ^ ^ E F S j i e * !

- i > ^ ■ ww^ i n ^ d t c i t ^ hor unborn b « t ^ «xpotur» ta 7 '

utiwldoAridB to;r t 6 2 ;= ^ '; i= ^ = ' ':

l i i e Q l MQHTWATCH ' > liM B Q PAm P B O O m M -V

H o n ^ k w l ^ ^ p i ^ | W ^

bfOWMlOOO.-■ ■ ■■' - ' w - - : -

- r a B ^ TS * - : :.-r m c ) M O V IE'*-*! *Now \M ( -

. b o i j n ' (1989, ( ^ w w ^ n i m a )

fiAS.a ! ) MOVIE ★ W ’SafW fBB f { D nm «).Fred M K M uiny, Claim- Trovor. - ' .

VVSiMtii. . . ' . ' •1:45 a N EW SnoOM - v ^ - : . - . . . \M B □ PAIO PROGRAM— T B : U flf ly jq HO-OVEFWICHTi - CD -MOVIg n y ^ iCTMyttoilou v :

V a |e n t io ^ M 6, O rin u ) _ W 1 ^

-T jn a -L M iro r - — . ~

5 3 ^ 6 ^ 5 ^C a b l e ^ u b 6 c r i b e r e - e : ^ |

■■7 “ ^


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Page 70: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean


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r t r “ C a iin a ln A Jto ^ ^


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_________ t>m ftintf fnigtrlk>ng o n ii]• •fio rT ho ogo rtln to lroo tt

-----Q ( « ) OROWJNQ PAlf

---------------- iw u g lr to d jlo irw lio irh e

" '■ r - W s s s f a E S S S f• BRODY'SKITCHEHSo;

■ S S fa^ T c w r t ^

i B w d s i n c o r p o b a thomoio*! woman (Ruih I

f " ’ ^com ptoho rakJ" -m DOBtE GILUS Dobl<

----------------Si&fl6nridf« 'tnlf»le-pot

t P y t 2 o f 2 ) —

•w lu rd t: London Bdnco^ Pi^rt«r./.Am«trin

•■-— Owon.------------------------

B EVENT OF THEDA t L A .U W B o c k o rb o a n * o th t t trsnslorm s Abbyli

‘• S S j t a o f younfl JM on

__ ______

'f m C ) MOVIE ------------b «m «> P «fte laC harbo

T T tO S a M O V l i* * * 1ih ^ g ^ d o i^ U a 7 S ^ S u t

■ -36 Tlmo*-Now». Twin F.


evening pr

nvnore— ^'■■ ' ' '

ta findbu rtod : M O FffnW i

**JL J^(R )(<£L . 7 s J m Jb o ^. ______ ■ Ho fw ) ^

CMmbofjainj. .ainU oy;. -

--------- ----,,; T ;y c iN *_j

inj QCh.QlhOf . -A OT8tr e n ^ooblow tlhlho -8 :00- m *Thi-- [ggW N S M & « s — 1 5 ^ ^

Soparatlna locte g.Qo h b q *

a “ga'*” ,J ' 'Scionco Fi<

SATEDW hofitii.^ ...adnjUw—ilh B ^ t j ) •

•-___ Ci'm° ^

_______________ Advonturo.......,.i ■ Jama't

■DAY " I ■■oam tw ith ptidoby Into an ......................................tnomoy.

io n O aos. who ^.39 m s p i . 7 :00 E P C

•cSil Mo* 09B 8,'irbonnoiui, Patti------12:00 rg ).L i___________________12:20 ® Uik 'Throo Days of Monlroal f S u toon to ) fobo rt From Wrk

fT FailirldahoL Ftlday, S w ’w m ^

i r o g r a r n s _■

^ D ^ f i m e T i iING r -^ 1 - ;: - ^ : -^ ^

W * * ’C r o o i« h o w * ( ^ 2 .. .} ^ o n n o BtfH>caurHor^ - - r —

F fa rD o o -A m o c k o W lfo rd -

•Frankonsirui* 'loffof) Boris K8^ r < ^ « ;■— ■••' :-l

a Z l JZi^. Ig'

^iSiD^l^oMCapono* (IDM.. i;i Arifinn Pntdaf. Ally Shoooy.> * * » -Against AH Hno»----- ---

n C H n m 'iatjt:O uL oL thfl.Q afkncs5*_ , )m m o)^aH in SKoon, Hoctot. .

* * * “R u o . ‘2:

, FwBon) Don Amocho. Wdlofd

5^ ' ^ ' I .r » r ,m t n^iif nt 9 8 9 ? D ra m a ) -O o n n lrQ u a ld ;= T i

* A > jZ o (b a .th 9 & M k lQ 0 6 4 ,____An » ony < _ n g

^ ) HnA Ailnwa. fW>oH - ■■— -

* * ■•Avongmo F o rc o '(1986. jfo ) Michaol Diidikott. ? 1QV0

♦ ♦ »nnt finn^ tn Hnllywnndi -U j Fantasy) Volcos ol Robyn I .

^ * 1 i ! l \ a M o-100Q "[ ^ « o a n l-fooman 4

* * V A o a in t l Ail f^Ugc----------------Aayi5-hM»^pforFri?»n.___________

D a y t i m e

g i t j G ----------------- V .L • ---------1-

S P O R T S C E N T E R "" ' “ ' PCA GOLEHiirdoo's Ctassic.- - • lUnd from iho Oakwood Country a

I)-----. ..' ----------------i-.J,C ■ I

i :S l S ? [ |? = * u \ B A S H a A L L ; -tol Expos at Chicago Cubs.WriQtoy Fk>M. (Livo) . ___________

' 1 . '


a f t e r n o o n :z : : z " "

— -------- ------------- :

1-00 s a Q ’Oocamoron t10S3. Drama) Joonl^ontaino.

DnifTia) Sondra L o c k o ^ ^ c f t

~ C I N * * * M e 4 r(1 9 7 9 .C p m ' . John BolusW. Dan Aykroyd. ^2:00 EQ * T h o C o p o r w * { I f i

•^OrB” ) A ^ P « * ^ ^

Paul WInltold. tW ty M ^ ic M (TMC) *»*Campuf_M an*pflCwJnwlv)~JoI'|^^^* Olavo Lyt

3 : 6 0 H 8 0 * * * - M i « F I r p e «

^EH iSS'■ ■ * 'M w « ^ ^ * D o < f A A S 3 «

-------bBroftMUftCMUWlJ' U W i!..eJohnNovHki.Ertoldla._____ :

e sports-1T .30 in -A U T Q W A a riO -M h g-------Soiio».'T*tbnproftffhor^H>——


— s!w m ta p . o --------------------~ 3 i88 m WARWeCS^IACWC-1 ■ 4 |6 6 r a RUNNING AND R A a

~ S ^ m s ” ^ c i w T C R ~ - fcUmCS M A J ORt g A W g O *

ChlciaD Whito Sox t t clavolj

- ' ■ ^ r a UAJORLEAOUE BASE Toamt to Bo Announcod. (U^

■"{lasor:— ~ ~

iNiBhU* . io.Loul>

Somodv- • ••Bft ■ •

imedy). . . . . I


- •# « * ;( te 8 8 .----------

rackor^ K u n lo r.

hor,-------------- ‘i L—_______


:T0R PU U .

f t l b c u ^

, a NG • •

«Iond , . ;

b e b a u T ^

Page 71: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

: I T U E S D A Y F

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K H iBow?

'■ ■ ;P OMi-||iwl»;?Pu^lBBaot

I liw iir iiiir 'T B w

^ R W o t J u o P a u l o ^

( S C ^ B Y SHOW Cl)

------ " .H in C K E Y MOUSE!S u ra o )D

~~~~* '" n ’l ' y t-wnuHEPAUM------------ R^U artiA W IinupiBL

a LOOKING EA ST/ ffiiU ofthe.PhSlpptnar f t j i i a r a , o ■ . .— 1

- -' ' l a S M S v i L L k i i a i

( i ) i a ( i i ) f a R E 3 <eatlon:«P«oplnB Tonto r o tc u th e r s ls w r r c

- - j S l lA m m f S i r a L na ia Q D M A T L O G

. W n t ^ f tn ,n C ,,tO i

^ ^ ::::^ C h ifta .(C * b j8 :P r« m ta

tradora and inistlonai , a 113} HUNTER An

- (h o t E P M A C N B L f l . t

EVENING30 1 8:00 |-g!3Q-| 9:00

i n tO n l i g -------| i i » t i i „ i l j i « M

mrniimMTVir t o o u w rp aa g i - ---------- iTWnngS

i llp¥lt; » * » "TM O n Tfwunwi

ICoidi ~

|FT«d()»|ri< F f o ^

R L S B lancho -» -~ NEWSHO a a U n .« itH -n ■ m H O V I I . . — (I988.f-aPSOT Ar g Blaloil* — J a » w « » voftblng a w a n l O - - intq^jnoi J R R ^ AFFAIR- FiOTcfToi NMENTT0N1GHT vorsonoi toy.iln Storoo^ . ’

-• ^

i Clifl ond Ctoif tako .: ^ f f »>

. »f~ihln wIth'thA Albod Me, . • timo Billi•F FORTUNE O - '


SOBpUUlSU'tllOnt."'" ItawHo d ST A vi»ll to Onutunl ?Jno». '

■____________ Drnm o)!

oriaTonnant, Loui&o '. .autoblog rotations

j,B) » nnrinlni

E S C U E S tlS p o cM . Bilnil«“Tom:*oWwht>'ri<»l (anuuyiIC from « firo. (In rotiroo*; ______ ........................... . . ; in a p p o '

Mninip wiin.«nQom, ^

:U V E - ............. ;.: ..CtttwomX X a<B ooW »volrto - BatmOT tftdotend a

S S u f ^ a lW n * }i?ocapl( m t e r o ) . c w g ^ y . r r “ | ' ; ^ ^

M a ? in ! ( P a f l ^ 4 V C U ^ lA nlnvostioation M a ^ dbofficbrtofqtany_____

lA ^ R E R • - — »cBng I

}QM-9:30 110:00110:3Q I

h w l f r l i l : . jw*— l o i ^ S h n

ib ^ M M iL C U im „ ' , ; , J

t t wkL-' : -r jif fcfcti£inwiLC |i

«M : I m 10 B» tnWMicti .

ncBiwn ...... 'T B i w >:Kiii i t J / r i

im nf(l9B |J»r^C c tort- • l» b y » i* ^

■Jwringi ' iHiwt"

f rf iw * ,.........

;H6UR - • ■ 'aV lE**'»;Pu»8jf»Boot.»- l-antn»yj cnnsiophw wqihuh.

mon who Infl»olifllo8 himsoll wiift___1 artsiooocyjii this musicut •. — n o l Clmtloi Potrau lfi dasstc

lASUucliof) ol a town youUi . ..

g MOVIE T h o mtant^MOBq nomotttf DramaiI Molifw'. Tfoclo Halt, k smuTT----- -—Smith accounLinl ii auJCi;>a obstois who suspoct }«tn Mluging thoU -jJottom vado...-^. »_ an. ............. ‘

t tho heartbool os raquirod. r t r 'S J a * and Simpson* ('990 ,0) SbfQ Gljl»rt. Lou]5 C ^ssott Jr.

snshtp botwoon a young wliilo gift'■ I r , ^ ^ hinri, mnn Ir. fBclnl rurnl ' nl/iriitrifinihnBnrly1B40s,'O COMPRO A ESA M U JlS W HOVlE'* -* -* ’C<ta>uii‘ (lfi05.__ ICO Fiction) Don Amo<i>o. Wiilord ioy.'H'on HowafdiUSMIWIimtuy— sy about o group olFlcyida « • who Iind 010 fountain ol youih wol.raiod with o|io_n pods. _(ln_

r. Riddkir.'Ponguin’ond >omnn loin forcoK to dofoot _ lan and Robin )n this loatuionim ' <1 on Iho c a n ^ TV ■

n p u to raltoN tfourc^ ild> on .{ ln —

S 3 { S o i ^ ' l^ m iw o )^ Iu y Grogor tako* ovor ok iho •_hor ol Iho IHP d o ts whon Mr. - loovftfrtopufiuoTi eafoortn ,g P ...... Okltir. S«K »w U ir.7 .11

PTE^i(BE R ,l l , 1? O l U i O O 1 1 1 : 3 0 1 : 1 2 : 0 0 1

I lh M n . ! lM » «»m (H -- ll

H w faflt •l(« l *h)d a i i i i T i . - . . - | l l W g ^

• . IsptitiCfc |w w « f I

**t1Th»f*»1=oar(tB62> . T nw |*i»sri9Hia • [InH tw f^

= umiiffli |nii;iTmit

-.:... 1.. -,.Tkies!^ _ I3-D O N N A JJE E O JniQ .S»0(

froo-spTrltod vi»ldnn'oy hov« inliuoncoonJotl. .

‘ PntrtclTSwByio.-ACalsWB M-------- r6san. eircu 1963,-iarvin a

badickot) lor th lt ta le pf

' a 700 CLUB . Q J D tS 'E S 'ffO SE A N H I

. *— Ro»oohn« w a n u to bocomb bui con'l And a quiot ploco V | n ^ ^ ^ •• •

• : r s r r ° ! r t f en--------i980s:?Ho*: Hoddng C«iia• B (12) M 9.y!^.**ri?yrjK

■ tQft»»wiih.kKMndanrlawip

' , , g T ^ T O F S A T U ^ Y I

' Q ] PRORLES OF.’NATUn - . . ol tho Rocfcy Mountain goal


......... - iheiooSSw obuim o.losqu#10th contury Engiiihmon Ji

- Mnfriek. and Iho lufooon w


'^r:_H BO .RECO BP.BREAX .E|P SPO RT ^ t n O f f M t t o ^

iS S n i r ^ F M ^ r S ln lo S S

r . i g ^ n .7imf?5 Nmr;-,.Twin-Fajli:

llizao ■ . ;fk m w - ____

q t a a a

E S«ghl' - •- :■ — -

(18B7) - . : :

?daytono tfw tfa 'i v o ' a b o d : - ^ ^


HnanMl a o y y d t t •

INEfib a-wHttrr---------------D.towotK (R)________

SPECIAL L A ^ ( » q - / n . 1?*/




tg lhe lU aoltWly^Bfoffnod

^ o t t o k hbn

DD‘ -------------- .- .---

i j y r n d f a w a ~

Page 72: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

. : . — Dnuwi ) w

;---------- : . w g ^ h h c o m m t ^

I . ' - I . -:- tiaU Jn-U iivA .SISW ■Jl M P aaw cllvow d li

' ;:_w hoM cauttfe viovn I1!2 _L. JT .

~ ' ii!y § ^ T y S v i P o 5 E- • T?oatm<mr(1972;My

----------- ------- V t^ b u fh /JM n iW O Tl'_____________ S ^ ttjo £ io iic .ac o m )i

B d i o c n o o K ^ ^

d ) a c d f s c o «_______ ; C R fW W V oit wookt

V Atlanta Br«vm a t Soi


-----------------------d F - B K m e S- M o d n s^ u ik ii’yoaa

m PAM C T I ^ ^

r r k 'v S r ^ B I M I A lS m C E

■■— ! Q u sarE x sM rR o x ^

— — —

:__________ Ritk*D«bof»hNon<

author Tom Vomon h c b k y d m a e ro t t p o m p o s l o S ^ d

: ^ - - i .

i l ••

*1 . O a Q T O M M Y C _ , _ , . — 'n iiJH o v ( jf lu u a : . " • • : ...... D iS F F o f l r w o is

' i ? ' M f ^ b a i d m o f S

- - t o -

j S o S

3f l j g h ^ o fo llo * ^ .---------

i w u . * c l S s i y _H hadauflhtof or a -, - B r a m g « r « g s = ? ^ ^

imcKWbdrt ‘»ACHWhifilL - - ■

i c u ^ i l s E B A U - ---------[SonF n ind»co traSoo

,O U E M S E B A a a j j

JICEAnlmatocLA________8m r» -a tm « r tf ty a ^ i

. ^ , P Pf

e I* studJod. (R}_____ - f e j

CE C ^ o P i ^ Etr, >w'iili« n >ool«n{

lu gy iiijiww ■■ ;;P^


it« a « w rJ> ar t2 o f 2 ) gJ™?;

>,g - ; -. . g -SS N EW StfPE O A L -------------^p o r t* -T a k in g tho 4o tv l l e p r e v i^ t a look

r j g S t o i f f 0 -----------------

m m E CWwBtaot---------------® t l

E S ^ E L Z Z L : ^ ^ : : S i 2Y CHONOATTHE

^ ! S y --------Bgy.Mahtt)lih.______ „ • . . . ( P ym E S.Exam inoi Iho Q !bfSikipaR,T1niiihand rolat«roBa« tho bombing o l— -tbob-------- ^ ^ ---------------»i . - t ^ Faa«. Idaho Friday. Sop]

-------- 1« J« HOUR < » M ra Y HOUR W P IT O F T H F n iY ---------------------l


l l l % i h H o m l» « id o l iK il» rew i= .

3 u S t a ^ ^ ( i f s « f n j » « o i r

B 'C o n w W l^ W tw S to w r^ d j to — «bI.^A Yrtioo

S ? g ^ l a n n t r : w h o j o c t a g ^

tJn'-relu.( fe fa » feo )^ = T ■ , = □ OH STAGE Foaturod:tt». ono i. (In Stcfoo)8 HO6 UN In roacten to ■ tnogtf« ffM Wre^ l u w ^

Jo«uiu.^v»^o w

lo aorm m onts with Japan , plotiofiJo7iT5ir(Part;*fll«)— - — ;-------

W ?RLD O F IDEAS WITH B IU iY SIS (lnS tonK ))D - MAGWUM:P.i-Riek-irth»tafge<K>l-

oom an '* ia»«»enom « . rPAI]lY DUKC O a% W *

S f f / S i O ? l « t s 1 ) F T I O t t ^ - •»bO Moltv. tfvino to copo with hor . i i in ^ t6 fV fW ,vim »u

[ S S a S ^ L t o f l E E o t t S ^

n o n u b M i^ p o r to rn to rs . ^R)(In 7

^ ^ t B O ia O B I t l ( M ) "

i H B i rarF H F ____

I S n i K K o B r e ^ ”

lu th r lu t ^ y ^

? n S w noctt on hto a< 5oU JW a«“

3 B m jR N ^ O ^ E R L O C K OLMES Hoknof omorgot alior throow y luamy ui Iiitfoitis a a - a n ,;; ■•

3 i« tJH R E E :S O N 9 L B o iiic ta aC ^ udonts tako c»Do le tso n t from Undo

on-TgfV An OMunlnatton ol tho

^ l c l ? ^ ' O F MATURETHo-------slatioftthlpa botwoon tho CN noio anMir natrvo birds and animalt.----------B HCW O O —------------— ----------Iootg m b o r7 .1 0 « ________

' : B HOU8 6 DEBATiE Pt*i

H O O N U Q H I w io A ^ a

■ ' ■■ "fctetzlar."-'.'.;'-

^ w oB U i(Jan l»P«<ga)Mnr«

In m iM lansto

■ noaston w «r» m a l dallv. m i i o v i E * * » n t u « i

« ^ . O n u n a ) S u san H ^

» IQ scora Inspifos him K> t

S fK i* ''M iBni!w Lir r n m

pngram m ad a s M sassk m H O W B lZ TODAY (

^ f e s s i f e

S T y ^ y s i a r n ? ^

' ^ r : ' : S 3 S \ “S M' ~ - - f l l WORLO M ONnOR

g B A R Q A IN S H p P ..

la n d uiillilaod dam ands h a ti

S n ? S a 5 ^ — -

1 a r t s i L r T — : J .

- -

sS o iS iw-

W ^ g t e a n '------ ^n tO .c tM rg ^

.to sa th b n so a

K sln .

m k A F o o r t e y i ^ P e t o r . .

r a u r s o a n k js» tM a th k tk

f s o o r a - - -___

^ t e d ^ p r a ^ .

a y . ^ ^ s a s * . . -

T IE S - • ~

and w l D a lhwf ^ d J a m a s Olmos.


■m > r _ : . J ~omotff=Oiama)-rT—

iS o W D B ------VOOD(R)-utln‘r n a w ---------------» la k aso m a- ■t » r w ) a

Page 73: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

------ W w r(1»e9, pmiTO) W ehM iJ

^ ^ 1 i $ B l r o V l E i t i l r * Z C a s U ;

'^ ’ attofitloo from ■ yoong man. i

^ B y m R U M B P ^ P A T C

d e e s Seh«dul9(t:. :V o o d « lS h o j» rd ;M f.l* w lt

- * S l ^ l l n ^ H A N s I ^

Coneho*(19W ,i5if8ma)'Ft5

f^M O V lE * * » f t o t o ol t f W 9 * 0 f ^ ) Stovo Srodk

r a T O B > ^ i n . L S ^ i c ^

_____ u l in T « L E 3 F R 0 > » 'm 6 Ccomte

I • s q __ ____.

; 1 l g o (SHOW) MOVIE * i l ^


v iD E o i

g w p p R O Q R y i ' ,

cSm plooiW p..F fom Cura

1 • ^n iB ftnT C H E D .A ufltC ti -r--------- holp Dwrtnwtth a pfOjPM

------- ■ .a« tfc innM itf« to utniro i

! m W u E r a l R ) .. H 8 0 MOVIE 'April F<

Botthwn, T exas: m u ^ a r

_ L ^ ? 5 S i S S i f f i S c ^

” t . ’ . . . . _ ___

" ' ]i-M f f P A lb W

m m ~ . — p w n g ? 5 >aftirT ^ O u w trr -— 7 -;M ^ jtt_ h b b o c

■ l io la n i — ^ — e a W B i o ^

’2 5 * = : „ . l _ S ! S 5 S k S ' :

^ W < '" ■ H

S S S S e-------------- S p W T o m li. tn SMUpo) _ •.. Pj«ng 'F rSR 'SH atra. " ' l a 'f lo U S E 0

ollhoVUkon' - *conloronco.

iU R N A L w ilh _ _ _ !a m an Who d l Cstttor in Now

:ei -- • u i s c w M o v i i5IOMTR)” --;;^ i3^ilW .*O rem a

n/iK lorB on) . T:30 O PAIDf

= 2 = = = S ^ m

E S ‘° ! - _ S S.. ’ i i a i » a 3 M0 v n

■ : - - — .ooondHOO

: m c » . . ..------- ri:S ’|ilHuwi°>HookorOool

ro Iho i w ‘» n ^ .^ D f i in l

. . 1 :45C IN E W I ril FooVl Do/* 2:00 Q ALFP ih.Forotnan. . p n |y ,h « J? .t

S B - a 5 = | ^

S i K p - ' t e

lONLYTho ottontionoh

SSfSfiS; ■ W f e■ roollio thor

DUa______ -------------- laCO<^L»».l!l

ATER WITH BO B— . - ■■■ - - ^

M S rln E tM R K S lO E A tU tio t-tD C o n v lM e lilt ............8 E l

» W L W d H i r W . i i l ^ ^jT rn B r:------------ -------------------- Clwi

K f r ' " . . . • ■ HmiP R^ AM ' . 2 - ^ S

U)UMENEW8,..___________ ,,A Itti

E - a ^T O -N ai5h rK rH "7 • ~ i 9 n. ' Pt>oCA2NK3KT- . QoiMMYCHONQATTHE CIomftSilseK-MliyttWTy.--------— n *. Adam Simdlor. Tommy _ Tafr

^ S S ^ a t u r w d :U apodJM «lD fl.or poBcy ^ g ]

DA8ABATER{R) OrtiV lE '** '**G roD tB alIio t . Co

.d lm bodthoW orW Trado 3:90

m a)-M ol-G lb«»vM JchoU tL ^ : B

pyW O OftAM------ -------------------- VePORTT*?” ” *** * ______CO

h ^ m n a w S to o r O M R ) G jd>:m iu < ^ p g t ...... 7: : : ^

rWATCH •■ 7 " J •---------- QWIE « * *M tTor»«-( tft7?;------------ inn^V ^hn- P a tf l^ O M t to

jm lcSlovon Wright in h it M, EJO'«tanjJ-up portormonco......... -jL\

i? )H U W m * 'T ltuT^U —

3VIE ★ ★ * » -Tollt Racto- C ifrfarE flerB o^staf»rA »c------

JB O m T C H C O C K H O U R / f n ,b o lo r*h liw odd in9 .o Au i«^kja riiteaw M Jna t hla . _ . f c

« S i n S s F = f1E *** X an a d u * (1 9 M . Xfa iv ia Nowton-John.-Gono - - -

. a tw r totcuing a boy tw m

E c h o e s OavU and Clarolo lr lo w te ro n c h o th o r : - — - mriko* CaHJoboy. {R> (Part 2 *— ■■; . Fffclny. S ^ lo m b b f / . tfrSO

? j | j w w ^ w g & E S^:

m ^ E O 0 1 3 0 4 0 0 ^ •U HBO JIO V IB * * » -* F o arC l5 r-

SO S M W . U O \nE

W j g M A D G E S PLACE ~~

f t m a X H ^ E H O E f f H S o ^ photograph and ihon do tvoy a Gorman «di*<ontro«od tank.P M 0 V IE * »

lW l*uS»TCT^n Prt bflHftVW> h)» -oftCMlora w ow m aU drthjiw ii._:^ iB .Y O COMPRO A E S A MUJEF

•10 rSHOVIO MO'.*;®. ★ * a Uoooai Ortvo* (1988. C o m o ^ ) Coroy Hoi C o w R r f d n a n . ^

0 ^ , IHofion O ftvtaro;rw

l:” O P A 1 0 P R^ ^ ' -

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M ,9B 7rC om ody"'JohnO ?^ ^v

^ • ^ % D A Y WITH MAHitYH .

A f e ^ — w c a

T r y .o u r s u p p o r t s t o c k in g :

b e l i e f o t ' t i f e d , a c l i l n g ^ f e

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Page 74: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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■• ........7 r ro » h to Mifune) In «n. - .- --W ie n o m iw rB tad tth o

.. , ' Cha>nl)octiiln) ratum*

~ i "

! 2 Z Z - l Z o l f i ’3 R i B i c g

■ ■ ’ r ~ ‘b d ' ^ k w h a D ^HATTERS O F TAST


I Q DOBIE OILM9 K to to A ^ a c h lttip c o nB tp W tf W T O H C

• C ofroaldofandD utd

~ ■ C T nnP A T W A tL -C

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i l :.............

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----- hl8Htnniw n y 81 m at

i S 2 t o d i n “ ®wi!

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_i 1.----------------S i S S r J A C K P O- ; ------------------a d m i n ; Mika Mc[>

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S f e r Sr»irGlwOTCto w -(ln —

M ovor how to . m *

r i *t.oca) More*' Rtnniof gjBTHroS-tfftrBurt -------~?iSiQV

leD TJPRSE'S— ---------

^MWATEORBnoo----------100 thoir English' / g


- ~ t - r » g i n n M ^ ; ■■ .g H g

Iho Rod th^ |} q^

^♦N o v o rS o F o W ■rortl»& irtBuo..^u ; i o S s E


iH u tiM an h a O u ln n .

EEs^ix=IotIsuEjosMs ■___iw lftM tttte wttr M O B

'■CPOTComIc* < ^ fty -------a i § ? 'SteDonaW a n d Rober t— I B

s s a y a . . ’mfc**»*M yFavoriu> AFTI «nedy) P o to rO T ooto. -----------

k* ii* T h o S ac k b tU ' i l - M ^ )T om Soloek .SB m . pNlo<

i n g i > r < ^ ; ^

m i l N G , ---------^ ' . . 1 : Z

^ ■ a rD o fT Jo h f tto n r • iHOW ♦ * » t ic o n to to Drivo .

W «m onontJio.yorgo , Norvoui.8raakdown.U19&B.'...-~-..

T S 8 ‘T * * - n b o Mommy* (19(32.

S *EnMye d » u n a Nocho do . .

” * i S a h t Song* (IM 7. Drama)

—nion* (tBBBjDmmar,..; „ ^ ■ . . . .

W T ***S rn .ovo ond Pain (iiw JW " ole Damn Thing)* (1972. Comodjr)

H ^ l o ^ * * * ^ a » o * ( 1 9 7 B .

SHo W '^ V t 'j Sw U oili' {tSBii.-—ima) Joan HackoB. Joan ColUns.4 « * « *C n;tM *tf998. Drama) a n Quinn. Ado S y O T .

iQ U U ^ ^ ^ - ^ i?rLiV ^

UA rnm odvtJanoW vrnan. i O ★ * * » * P « iw (iooto'{\WA. «nody) Cary Grant, U i i o Caron.

■ . . J ■ ____

. |a « a « o k A » n ^ » K W i •<

TO JE T 8K1IN0 N^rid Tour. From

n p R i Z E c o ^ j R ) i T ^ ^ r r r j '


F T E R N O O N ________________

! @ i u S o H i I a OUE BASEBALLjladetphia PhHlios a t Chicogo Cubs.

■ /

___ . i i a ° a i a w ^ * 4 1 g g ! i i

■ .A F T E R N O O N .IO " . -------- ------------------ --------------

2. ' F i n ^ V I ^ ^ H o ^ f t

-------^ O r a m a ) C ha ito iB «n«on .

I) 1:M H M - S o m b b o a y H a i ----------T sjc B re^ lB W n JW W rW

fto • « '* * :H avlngB i» lein i

zao S H O W * » U (h ln in g I S (a»on’ (l986 , Drama)

3 - i o ^ » » * U > y o rt^ (-

h! 4 :M

________O om ody)Jilarld janhonJS M 8 H 0 W ♦ ♦ 'T h o H o u

Dam o' (1980. Dfwna) Th P o a w d u i. Bany.M onw.

>65,~ ' - 5 ; i 5 q w j r * - ‘ I M R * OW . TWnp* (1989. Fantasy) U

1= — l iS r & x m E A n u iE R K a BASEBALL QUIZ T i ^

"H m " ^ % l L L j ^ R

T - T j ^ oo i g l e b s j o s o F W i

------------—a lso f f l NFL A a r b o o i ; 4K )O B ItN S lD E T H E P O /

■” 4:30 I n 8 P 0H T S L 00K 5KK) I D 8P0RTBCENTEI

f^LL 5:30 IQ MAJOR LEAGUIlbs. • Toam ttoB<tA nnooneod

« A i t* . • ■- ^ ^ n w W M to '' ~

■ > ;

t f » I Ug h ”^

RobattA lda.

i6n‘ { 1 f i 8 ^ '" ’ ' f i : j t i i r ^ d , _ : : _

S ^ S H S o l ' t f i o ^

' '—

iB terty y i a )

n ir-(1B 78.'-------- -itanS iA van . jndf^ofMotrs----------

i n n r t '» - | i a m . . '

ig — -niow w io

^ 1M » ;___________

J S m i S J p p o r

k S S I & —Thbma«»;n r c r s j r a w i r --------iL M ltJourdan .

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Page 75: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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---------- ^ ^ i S w c r a t B « o r i...........hw c o n f f J n w t ^ ^

------— ® m fB N J G K T L ¥ -B U

m CO SBY'SHOW lboo


______ m S S S l B M l i D J l l o a

7 : f f o i ! l O T ? E ‘X ^ t h o

• fWRM»'aiKl»WVlVOflOl! 1«69 quake Ih o iro c k ^

: = = S M E S S l f t

■: ■ —

-------------- B M I A i '^wsOLVbiNeW MgmOTt a «foma■tan»uto«T«fe;^uawni

I H-lin I »;30 I 9 :W I■ L * f t . w * . ■

ly ,. ii :^ ^ > r t . H B » ;iH « l |^

E k i a w - l n . * « i > a i r ^ f

r t « n n « r J i w M i i i f c * * *

mieiiia-iiiite - p ^-**'

> x o ih y - '


E 5 E 5 £ ^ : a K Sr ^ i S S S S i r z L S S I j(5 c w Clo«Q. (In ftw» whnt It i

-B U S IN E S S - = s

S S J o i h o ' ■ • I D l S m E

g g f f l g M ’gFOHTONE^O"-------^ T ^ l t t w f r t l.CLUBItn

. s a p t o . o . ■ m t o M l

} t o & w ^ c ■

^ h w ^ iS ra to d - -

a u j A F E t A ______ - S S S £ 4 JM C R u i i r a a ^ mm M l l t a i r !S3 S 5 i

K K n n i r g i J i fn E E ^ T E K R S -------------Busy UiwuW h fln W n W # ^ - —

yt ihochlfw. • uoomploy

I 9:30110:00 I10:30Tu f t> ■•■ k m .' g ^ w ' . j w f f

~ ~ :.. --': | hw» •

11: ■ -■ iltolc : lR » d « ft^ O te « > iJ M l . . L i . llTA-gH \ m

iiia .i . . ^ i cR i a i r »sme=\m ~ ' - t

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r* * 1 ta P in c iT fip '1 1 « l) ............. 1b »

M a iU M f c f llW I

■ 1“^


Uoyofi* (1990.0 ^ w t a i y } _ - j ; if i tnwftU acfO*» A m « li« , t t r ta |o o r f J » n d .^ d V - , . -

s i 5 S S M r « i & — 1thm oanitol»>ofiv(I^S tproo) {

A e i a c A K o b ^ t o o i ___. ^ t t r o u ntwc^ , ,

S E ” * n h o G n « t U n d o J |1 9 8 7 . F « t f a i y ) t ^ n E ^ . BkHAi.Adworffromn .

^ A C n ra bU w f n>cMnl20» t ng-ofdof catalofl am M dtP ________

IS e O D E M O C B A n ^ -

B U poodyoaau ioddw Ing— ._V a r l t . ................. •'

r r A ^ ' S s a »taloriol tchoolm attor plot his

01 ter ihd young 1 ^ w l » . „ . . .

M L ^ i K ! g 5 S i i i ^ ’ • 'Oramo) C hartosflronion, JD I~L A Socfot Sorvlco e y in t t» kept

ih8ten“p W ^ X i t ‘* o firet------------

K E S a E Z Z Zifi:Amult(mlBibfwlfehln»an jloywl roportor o t n companton

...............Friday, Soptombof 7i -199

n a v C D E R ^ 2 , a ^

^ B w iL j ^ g ^ ^ M t C t w

M t M » ir ~ l (Q p « ir ? ^ i^ r :

Wm . .: |M M rig h l> ^

lto l iV * W T > ll» IH ir( 'W | - j a

■ i io im n f ( i i« |B * " l° « « - . ->i'~ | i a i C T a i j g i a i i . . - | i w i H B « t

— M H ^ n S j n b n m vo l u « a - — mountain* w hen thoy tnhortt a i

W o > ^ soofn to '

su tp o c tt Ih tho b o f in g slw^ou nnirdor ol a sotl>mado tn i l e r a N l «ocond wito.-<lft Bteno)X) Q T D O C L U B i

droom* ihol N»» Or. Fiwwwb Vlimk) it his h o ^ Igor. (In S6

announcos a ichom o to flriaik =^^Hu^ufa ‘s■W8ddh^0 J^^^ff^^;» ----- M ppy j i ^ l i l i u iilMls

~ o T « I “ 0 '" E * * ilW is

____U i lf m - A n n o W tB ia l ia o c i- Christlo'si>ovoJ.AnAaflncar\

vacationing in England motfls okiorty woman who. l i» t W o i bocombw tho victim o l a hH-» d rivof.tJis him sho knows tht S a m u fd a ro f . . . !

-O ocw nontaiyJB O lM ^

j S S r ^ h n N S jiS w d ^ w iS

" ~ B f B E 3 ( r < 5 ^ i j n i J w r i i

. F .K o o n o d /s a s s a s s ln B ^ t

1990 :r im o s .N o w tJ M a £ ii |f .*

cao ■^ = =

dbIM m

i . :

r.’- ~ r ^ ........ ^

O i j g ^

« ! ■ :! : 4

d a y

a U d ■ -

S t o w i r o .

}PUII1"‘ m cs 'y -

on A gatha .1 1 ^ ^ _________►Wan->;

i-and^untho j ^ t y . . _ ,

B lh a :-.} ^


i u r t S i i a — -

T m w f ^ ---------------

Page 76: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

' ' - ♦— ‘ m B f i S M * T > w' - ' - - ■

r r - ^ — -T f iv s -M n n f g ie B tu tw • r * fuEnad w h m a (tran m o v e tin to t tw ra ii^ b o i

____________S to w p y j j^ -—

'1 " : • ' m B I do ra

* '~ ~ ~ c lp t« ^ ^ '5 6 K S P W ^

1 ' ’ jwtrffTDTT**^ •****" * "*

c o d c r a T H s i i ! U ix th U ilv ta im i

= = = t t e & ^ s 7 t E T o » I K.ID D A N O E R B W rA p

“ • . - - ! p ro jo d lt htom iplod bj

- U n i ^ S W ct w tfn u a

> OuM&aetorMlrDetDr.C

_•.)------- — s ^ ^ n s n U J * foow aw' . 'I shootout ■leoo;a bom

in v M lig a t iQ n y l^ a r

= = = = S S ^ @___________ a ^ 'n iA H .M I n o f v a

i _ . . _____ Jo n a s s ta rs a t a man

r a O a m H U H T E R

I tc o l ta ta p ty c h lc ’s in

■ii M c C a l t« >hanBrtvl«

^ m f c S S T J O U R N I| f j - ...... 4 2 . - •Tlm«t‘Nowt.-TVrfn

ir: ■ i ' .

‘i---------- u ld cH u go; O a V " l ^ : '■ _ A r q ^ I


S i r l iE ^ A ' 8 ™ O l l S

l& n n r f tM - .,- - - BdS few ^

S S * R W n

p i : : , s

g> t ho - S r t S a

S E w S s S o o i O b J b o

e 1 fl to r1 a c e s T = = ::^ -= = 5 ^ * g ^ >omblr>g H s S

nfva(2«aZ Mt- »g3>°^ iioU A InoraU pa,----- :------

- j | | S

'sJnformaiion — but h >”J« rtw nh o p ro dtett — ----------Q ) n Ottvle«lm .|R)(ln ' f l:4 5 (T »■ r ^ ^ ' . . •... .:------ — Qatno*RNEYSW rftorand Rnooy. Win raD t, l<taho -F r id a y , Soptotr

S iS S ^ ^ a ...__ ^Inw <0 f ta waning y w o t - - ' — -

PAWfliJiatf:__ E

r i l S E a T a w i x i x n H a - -)V Comics: Qleiwi Hifsch. JohiT


U ^W X IS binU W » o p a r t .-o r» a tto p p rw la )D rt.(R )

g l ^ O A Y - : __________:

iia » IE -C .liii1 n ilJm aeo-(i8<0 .

U J t a h l i n B l o f N t i t e ^ a W . adpfe im B ijccw w J> im _o» __

i l f f i s man ,tvB « M e O o r ^ a n d R obeil.___f t tw r a f » h tt^ « # « « J |F M th a = = ^ ^ « Hotol in l o t V ogu.' (R] (In

V J» o ftny ,B ^ ao iIxP y i1n fl-?« -_ .. -

J' t f a n b ^ a S g


im M tm ontofa10» y o ar-otd

I w l r w O E r tw lr o d : J6 -0

Ti^nwnw . ‘ibtTMfune) In an on^Duntor

!S S 3 5 ^ S fS ! i i» :w i i« » "a(V M w 8hlm ady)begtiy to^ .

>POH l a ^ -------- -----------------------lA G N U M .PX A m anw ant* .nutn't help In tearching for five ♦wriBan by-a tegondary c o u n ^ — 1-

iting th* Morton PA>yof*on’ D h ^ i ^ w . ^ j ^ S t o r p o ) ________

PATIY.DUKE£a!Il?.lTWlk®i a bp i_L l4wf-t8tfw 1Bfratf> i««ir. «>ao.............

Y8 AND N IG H T80F M O aY “ " "

Wt combo a t ihanigfitcloownOT , rarks.N0T1CIER{>UNIV1BK)H(R)------- ^TMC) M O V IE * * s *Tha E n ^ tna* (109O.SutponM ) Albort ______wy. Ooorgo Sogol. A Britlih ttm b o r.7 ._ 1 M 0 .._ . _

-nufsiiia lio rtia iw ftaw

™ v52e£.t £1! iS in ^

— -aretiHBct wlw M da ilg os :--------c apya l a n d Qoidaf tO y P a

ttpU B « • r tO l" !

~ ~ c ^ ' S i ^ ! ^ S ^ i ! S ^ a « t l

^ M t j w j y r t b w t a s fcq i

---------f f l HOUB S OEBATFFftBtl........Boof dabata, taped hoatlnfl;

iT tw otunem ociedlyw U hnii w i m u i ^ a y o w ^ ^ ^ ^

_ ^ f ^ W ^ O r a n > a ^ a » ^ ^

lOrUCDNIQkr COURT Ka> ___bocam osthftW iafltD tldB I

______a . C a E E T O 5 « J a J * ! c ^

; O r a t S T O N I O H T SHC

. bituiMtsd whon ha dltcovai attyalvq asitetsnt is dff g


1 t O B ^ Y B m L D I ^ T ^

f r a m % d w ^ B O K t L ^ j--------- H j M i s i E i i e o e i ri i i u ii

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Q MOVIE *j*'Tt>eYb[iil

lattw iN : ! : . ;• ’ '

^ ; ^ J o a i ^ _

g w ^ W t L : . ! -

D C t O D -


1 S T * " " 'i^ O iraTED

•n to a p p o a r

ConBTKmra:-------- ^t t i r l ^ a m ' ~

l a d i a j . ^ . . • ........

* y W .( R ) . ■

>a.wpo»ty .

I now s that •_______woman.

conson, JitI '

Jany . .

I H n s tM —^.- - —

Kow! -


w n W s "iiy e t h a rtnon

liOyBaby” -FiaM ,T >oogln»----

u n u m a n to l .

" T T "

H E M O E IC -----------■ n d ltiu m o d -----------R lv ■ •' ■ '. iDrtgandtho------- ^

Page 77: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

t f l S f f in i a m f f c o u iT T R M

p w p ttln .C h M . 8w

- M^ r t g w i r t i y j w v y

• - t h » h c ^ . l ^ ^

-------- M B tfrfcraiT M t o ^ fB 'rtrrrr rx B < r^ to i ^ y h » f l » ^

i ^ g s H o w r a S m i t i R

S « 5 r i

— l i l i i f e - B p e S i i i o D m M i m

't t c t e r v E ^ B a ttm an r r r_ f t f ^ i ! t i n s M f w r ; - : r :

" " " I T r t y a y o ^ * * * ^

' PRESENTS A M fto i of r t tw p U f ts o la n n la t ta to ( D « ^ t S c h d a ) w ho inic

----------ht r m «iiam rtyB M n(ra~(

a n u o r a b o R A M

eo n ta tc M S to T M )______ O f f l f f l t A T E W Q H

P A '^ L E T T O I i y i ^

r - -------o S * m l d # r f ! a l « . - ^

R a t h b J S r ' S l ^ S U P E HHSUitw i— :— n o y q p w o H i

^ P h i l p p i M - = n 967. V M »

T M W tB B - ■ HCM trG afga

S f e ' ? . S i i S ^ t l

l i c o c k " . ; " : . r n u o v i E ^.he’t:jHOirod • D rtm a)E len

^ K S kS ! T " ‘ l u ) ^ U gm m u P B j

w e t flflto - .. ■ - ^ REftKTMB

— ^ B - a E <

L(R)-_________ ___ ■ F. Konnody'i

n p a ■■■ — ^W MtOT^Coff ---------------- -------^ 98aC 1N & <

(W nc-=^----------------- s H o v m wnO RH H O rteol--------

u T v 1 2 ^ ' m mMT.GUIOE__________ w m iR IC K>rAb¥*»*-00®0.--------R u i*ellrtt»u r(t.M o iv mvctoryoid:oT"^------ ' 1Z :W B r NEV

n h o H o g a n '

R ^ i • - L oufi^tow

THallAftOor 1 2 - ^ m U O t t a > f a u n Q ^ _ _ _ _ n ^ . Coff

f e i P ^ a S 5 |ta to ag sn t . D C a O ] I iniondt to ood------ -^ T A 8 (Ir , - ^ m o r . ---------a s p o g

< A 8 e iR » ln ---------------H A flfllB^

i . . a S u u n o ?

'«nde «o«myau r . aiafn ^ ’b^ ' mS v K3HT WITH ____ * Iho Pictumi s a i « f c i o a : '^ 'v ' '~ s a i a ^ fn

iiid tour. From QG MUSK_________— ---------------E i s p o n

l ^ o n iA T O R E j ^ ^ • •

' I

«> im )Jiim w aarhaf.-Ja»on ^ Ci

(Sta M u n u u iu iU Bsbbjr. - ' s

p r o g r a m : : . - — • • • ■ " • .11I O V l6 * * * .£ n i e J 3 a d L _ _ — 4i»i r - n w ^v ^ rn) -Jqhn- r ; r v- : r ^

l E * i ' i S « S 5 a a i * ( t e 5 7 .lanaV ofdugo, Edw ard:, . - I

J t l H E W J P W B f ^ r . . J » o){w«a ___ ----------------1MROUOHrCOTJNTOOWH-r------- F

iBAenMAPI P nOURT Ah W in ! thBAvktonee from John * ( S 'S B t ta n r a b o r t VVfllMUl---------*

SSS£S?^SlJ”, 5 i ^le o S d iS E a p te V W u S -im --------J

tO W E -* T r* Q a m e* ^t- • ----------«

i o v ^ ] * * * * y 7 R w ^W^ ^ o d y ) P o io r C T o o t o . |

okfio cootctl. (In Storoo)<EWS{W) 0 ------------------------ :-------JIONIOITHOUR • ' ■■M u p r r p g w n i r ^ g p r t f DH; ■-

• U - . . f " m ° 7 lL r '

yip M in tff HQUa - - •

?Offfadyl.0onrii 0 ‘^ t o . Ann

PA!D PROGRAM : .5HT3---------------------=----------^ ^m LATER WITH BOB

---------liTENTUBES O F O Z a g -A H P t-----TET-O B te«xJ Harriot-lhW i----------->11.11 nh ff rnnll?lf>g thnt David 10 havon-tvl«ltod tnquito lom o 2

ta t e the poriect eoupio'- -2

Huifiu Sliuu l" " ■

" ”bi!!ufiiK u y '


• FrkJay.Soploiybor7,199<

l ; t 0 . t S H b w ) M ^ I E * i L 3 ^ t

i S t i S u K p R O O R A l i ---------• Q AUTO RACtNO NASCAR C

A i f h ix l » TTdi 4 C t e q ^ PHES L N ia : . • ' ' - ' -

— SH M H TW A TC H — :r — ^ . t :a 5 4 S i iQ » £ ib k J lh a .S « c o Q

^ ^ d r m O V I L ■ ■ in o -^ .io a o ;O n m a ):fi!S Q taS b M d A

■ l ^ « B f 8 E W O T O o i i_ _ : Z a THREE STO O gr a ^ ^


• - g - ^ B g jW P T O O B ^ ^ T j t

^ h o a S t a i S d t o u S o S S ^:------ l a MYTHHEE S O N S P ta n f

( IW .C o m p d y )! i § ^ T 4 lnwi-NltiiW. TWVl P t f r U

m ^ -W 1 - ; - ' • ;

i a hauia- '—r ^potcy •.» ••• — •

. ''. " '"'•

H Q cind ' . ■“ "■■ B , a . g ----------- - 1 ^

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m k w r " — " . ■ -


jtoOL'i*.-.- - • ■ ip M U ■-■ ‘-------------iSOff __ , _ _

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Page 78: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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^ t S O ^ a t O O K AND CHa 2

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' ■ ^ ' S 5 K S « aInvMtfoaiiM vMidt ■ mun

M o iM d rabbw .dii.S toT*

~ - ^ ^ S s a ± s

S r o c P H u i f f E B 'n w;-----------“ 5 R ^ | imlfdof*. HUflBI--------'— :-feo« • ra -p iy c h k fr Infom

- u - i h e f r e w hon ho f

| j 42 - . ‘nm w ^iow i.T w loFall

r ^ c a j i , ■■ o M o ^ yw

I” y -> ■.........' , ta Paw

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w t H M S S iW R m » r ( B ) — - g X l %

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FaHt. Idaho Friday, S ^ to m b o r

y M n m t r m b i i w p a n . - i r f l ;

K T S W w i i i A f T > i r : ■

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I BW Molten MByorton-------------------1i^ X ^ . ffn Siefoo) ■ I


A W nM lO H T S ^ M O L L r________ j

r i n t a f t t w i w a n n i B i .......... in u o v i E * * K 'n w £ n ^ t [ 1 9 9 0 ,S u » p ^ ) M U K t ' q oo t8oS o9a1,A B ril U h - ^ — : _ ^ bor7 .1690

-aBWigssa ^

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- 8 H O W M O V ie w ir * A m i^ n W 7. u ram aj voanw* “ w |»«

1 0 3 0 1 S H W H M O W - H * ^

s t n ^ a s t t e t m M j i d g i ^ M

— m S S W t i i L D t t t o S t i e SCftam^ofB. Vtemen*! c o i y o |

^ | Q IUSTe h u i bo;■ ra w n i^

• ..m w L to A d rn M N h n ^MOVIE * * :p h a ,Y b u n g a i

n n u t o '



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Page 79: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

i| i i MirniijiF iH tin .*

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O N 9 0 V I E % * .r T h « Pin — - . - S d M c e f ld iM lB L t i e c d i J


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k '^ ^ '. - . '. '.'' ED PR clnLE8< ^ ( t g g f t z . . i : ^ R w f c y . M e i

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iof'niw of"" B lff*JY 16 * * ‘ t |1 W 7 ;W w » m )

i o « ^ ■

e W t b B R B ^ ^

i l f t ^ t t o n o t , " g j l f f lR E iw

. toad tltaO T tcc3 - ; — • . - - — W moirCiSW rt

. • .-m Jc y iWy c y n o e & c

A b y ^ (1 9 B 9 . - R u t t o l : ^ ^

■ ' -■■ 12io6 H I HESjg I ■ o - n r l T r a iP f f l LSchoduiocJ: . i 2 n o ( S H o m s fTjU Mg ^ i------ -- ■JE K V U .i^

A I S g L ^ - g i i gnoguTi intont-------l

ICOCK - 1 2 « O P A I 0 l„ w - p . w . .

^ Bny t M h r - . unu iu i^ if> u

HT WITH” ' ^ -------- 5 l? Ie f iJ« 'X;chodulod: Sdioldor. Ba

S to re o ) ........... 1 :0 0 1 D PAIDOEIDAMO WORLC

D 'Q H E A t.Toor.From C a u u s iC C

, n i SPORTS

SbF ,H A T U R E A ‘p r ^ - •

» t 8 8 E } )a .T » M ^ iV Y

im y j in m a i n ^ .a ttM < ^ ,' c g B

K j a n M i ^ ^ V - - ^ ■: w E < t * » . y n > e i ^ . :_ - l a o p

« ^ S » S S * S B r . ( i 9 5 r ; ' ' ^ a o i > ^ f l r t g o J d w a a D . ; . , . . . fg

n a c m B \£ bo U B T A n ^ i : y (

y n iM ii lnaaoii ilu ttluu a i ■. ' S<g itcondu tion tfiariBW -W inm ttiK R T W lnm roftttt j io i

ttw-^ tiwnv — ------ ^ « 8

/IE * * ★ * *My-F«vorto • - - . .is4»- ». Conwdy) P o w rO T o o lo .' . g

I Ono Mon N e w s r a d r wnt o w t t y . (In Storoo) Ht

^ f l f f l ! ^ i i ! ! ^ n ......— . He.cUhOLiioypywRpj^^^__________Da

y a a « g . iS> y iE * * *ThoCt o i o r ^


i) LATER WITH BOB Mi[InSloroo) ‘ ------------- MiTSCENTgR

fl v ^ u l a f t o ^ n ^ i o to mn g tE= *.• ’m

<A RECT / y » , ._ _ W

/<E-*Som« Shoot..: ...E l

aDPRfiSRAM Tr* , ., V........... *

i g S - S g J l ^ —1C0FCS0MPA89I0N ? » ;BTSLOOK“ ~ ' ” ' ' ~ “ ------■ - ■ -Ftiam r S E!gfffBBr7.- i9 9 0 -

M Q f l f f lP B O O W U i^ V ; jn g n g w * o M a ^ ^

K S ^ ’O ^ P i u s i n & ^ C r ^

:^ if lW ..D g m ^ iV M te ShteMa.;:!

w m ln g o w R i n S W W W

^ ^ { i ^ t M W c a n J B i r

r a u o v i E * * -mto N uinne*^Comody) Ffiflk M orgw.

*• S S u n S E f c S ^ S X'M ldn>8hrO 9B 8/H arw 0«lM y

O ILOVk t t

~~ W f f l R E ^ i S p S S Sga .W ^ M M m m im i uj i

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Page 80: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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'■ • iindonam d S o n ^ . n l

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- •o t» r C im j lc o n f i* i ln J a

- - • ~ Gp .l M 3 0 P ^ « S ^ UB a

— '; raM PA N Y Into im alO bi " : ------ — S c S tC E ff lE T O O T B J

p ; k i d 8 im c q r p q r a idiscover* a o«nle In a n (

! : ■

■?“ "--------- .' k ia m B iB P u ion n o TtBbi

2 Z Z Z _ _ S & 2 S 5 £ 1 9 5 L 2 ? 2 E !

f N E W S a•MTV PRIME H o st K 8 B M FEO O N B RM

L A .L A W K u * ^ so p p ■ caolM lDurfshm enttoad m w meeuioa o t a vtoier

r o A M A M K g E J I ^

----------:------ fT M C T M O V IE *«;-N I' ' . Q m ^ re o tS rT h o D ro o r— Hunar) Hobart LngioS a

0^15 0 M O V IE -*** *h

6 :3 0 C D O O L D a iQ IR ti ■ : b o y S ^ m a k e s * paw

— ■■" . ■ 4«--7^ 'ii'4 lo w».TW F i

i = ^ = = ~


m y a .fro m a rt .. , Hofrbr)M»

ibiM holp Ehrfn ” SHOW

HiTtili now rnovlo PranaVCIi

( i M R M

P-AHp" -ga s s y XiD b n o r • -

H z r " i j jyJUlO.—----- ( 1 0 8 9 ^ ^

/tetnomu.( P i ^ o f ■ ( t g M ^

a ) Andy Griffith. -

l a d iJ u ( te a iJ f tv W .^ - ^ .~ ^ - :“

W oSSorC to T iw Q J D R e ads him to ho lp v California

?M S h e p h ^ .

K t t m l S S y ( ^ 9 . H B O ^ t

'-■, AFTER!

tH ^ s .-W » ~ -F r id a y .S o p > e m b <

r * * g S t a ^ s t o n M e ^ ia :

m § n ^ S i i 5 5 5 ^ = i 2

^ iW m S S w ^ ^ = = = = = = =» f e * l ? £ i ? ! S 'M o * ( i 9 a 8 .I s a b o t o l^ s ^ lW ; .

s S 5 «

* ^ P » M « r i h S i ^ 3 Z ~D ram «)Rkiw dW klm afk.; •

> ♦***Taa*<1CB 9. Dmma) ^

uy f P ^ S ^ m w k fln n n b a a r a * * * •H oanboar (i«46.

W Ciaudotto'CoBMHt------------------- rO g y . .■ 4

Pff^ffa) Ejteab e lh -t^ W . — 7 -, - a

I D a y W ^MiMG ....- . . . . I . : . . . ; ' . i j

8 P W T8 C P CTER . ---------DRAQRACINONHRA 1■to Nttttonall^ffotn S o n o m a ., .

A W ^ a H O Smoktf>(. -'*

GYMNASTICS IntomaKonoI Palfi-Chttm ptoM hlpJjom ------------ a

S B ID E ^ E HFL (RI tin StoOT

• 8 N 0 0 N * *t / " '~ ' ' r ==Ti

ILEAIMM7.HAN' ’/ . <

. a ft e r n o o n ------------

. s « * r . s s ? f e » u , ,

* * « *Tha W iw iS t B 5 5 ^

b o l n e ^ i n v S t o f c ^ ^ ~ ^ o ' i e w * ♦ ' * i w j >n* n 9 t

(1M 9; Comody) J r t r g ^

- r t H e k a y . ' - '4JO ffl«O W ?

B S R O r t S

B I J « * c 6 U £ O E 9 iTODAY (S eason P m n lam ) r

1 :30 0 PISTOL S H O O T S

-------UilUIIUM. MU. (H) ~ ._ * * 0 f Q PGA GOLF CanadU n ------ Firat found.from OtitviBa. On


“ s a o 8 s p E E w r a c ? ! ^ ^ ’ 1

■• • - I ' .

2B ac8 lo -------

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»d M y - .

BASEBALLaiB > T O l»ir=


L l ___ 'l y u w —

•n o m - ........a n ta i t e c y - - -

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Page 81: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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= i ^ ■ ■j t = | a iy i iM;,{ B B i ^ S n

T ~ - l i a , | ( M C l C> l n i r iB > iifH ta

- - 0 3 |{tiPB)lbil»;‘ftc»lnCrcw>

= ^ -SHOy ||fc<h;.‘Z*yindll>*(HM

nccourtt ot a pi

-----------:u w o w a n a s o n o w tyro tiv tn_ ••■ lrom Bw>toiiiHy‘«Tia i tr(trrSB

0w (umniits M i m m jioUont

I t — s H m ^ ! L c s « t o « i i Eold Ruwia<Kl«w{th flM movi

J I U n W rg f tw . anH faftiik thn 4nM hi]lM tyandridicutoorh.

---------CM HOVIE ★ irC S S tfo l thi

! > $ 2 « v S i S S ! m e S ^Z Z ^ ^ g u A ^ T iE a M a ^ V i~ w honK a'tcoa reod in to itaa l

p d c o l l . . .C M n i » . ! r i t e t e —:---------u u a w u a t u iy o ww irnnpon

1 noo iirn liiw llto^«*« II" »*■ _______C S E l (11) f Q 49 h o u r s

- - j a a n x t s t s ja m t i m n t r y . ' tn d u M

_______ follow u r a h o m o d d a M M a-------------iraekaU brlnL osJk flf lo im .

------------- s i ^ a h i t m an,posing-at-aF----- j-------B!W i«pB7!(rairoV so^^

evE N lU G - :.L.a i M t ; | - 8 ! 3 0 - | - . 9 l 0 5 5 l ^

n « r . : W l l i k m '

. . ; . ' IWfpin J w w K M i^ f c

• j a w t e ^ - ’C r o e o i i r p ^ ^


“ T f e t r s a i ^ . 1

sw te so t -

rSWfoo) (Port Q B M M ACT


IU A a .y « > . g p <na a m e b lo v o s lo lh o T H ^ T E R t J I

$ h 5 T *

i i i s d i i o f r ~ 3 3 5 i i h - . » j ; £

, s - £ s a a

l!T£i a £ .....yiSy rK ? iiroluciiBitty lnv«

a o o s ts r th ® - - = f r f M W I mwdoi rUTSSKl----------------Vicfam'adanMim sT S S a S r— : m v u o w t ^ra) P » ia * o f MOVKfw ver.r: . O T . P ? » y )

d o d :lja rM m s r o K c K i’o rsi

^DOWUMQ «HOW )M OVMKgmuM-------------W s * ( 1 6 8 ei.a prioslftotn-------- JohnP an tow .ittfflntra---------- .■ b ia tn eaflrtrlg

^ SEPTEl; : 9 ! : 3 O ; | - 1 0 i 0 f t | l O i 3 0 | : U H

r - r a a S S E~ r ~ ~ ~

»:Mart*M ii>siM |iw1hNW - t o p

b « ..------- |N M M ^|irA *sn i-]s iB o ii

t i5 5 i i^ .E s i t> lr t i . M ia

.0S-(iBaqPWifU»frw;' \ l M

BtNBtedc ! ^ :* * l I i ^ M ^ |O h « le i

i i » ^ ~

’(igeB) H »«tt:«*i’1lontoy8MnM*|

iH jn ffa ro ^ q - , ,■

COSBY SHOW ^ o o a t k i

is.lnckidlngnoodioswHh LoystBrsauarfRM IfT ................htT

-S|iw n i i U H i«iiip tu ii .r tf l) g


v - * * ’ iiw>L;fAUA tnai— — S ? •W iS H 6 r(1 fl8 5 ;F o rih u y r

B . — jp

t r c H a u liirff i jm u u j i ’~ ™1-dollvocy.lencf-adtfcessod '

M ^ I ^ ^ Y W R K S H T S . • ^ l o t Mo H oar You w i l i ^ 'S ?

stion lab trios lo s o v o a — |_ , B. S tars: Jo a n Staploton :C tonahan. (R ) ' - ^m gO ftOFflaturoditnnMna ^ ■ P laaahum nw jw iiifln , .,.

*x 'S ia rfc : MitTor Imago*

>dtH)m,doUbl6lito. -----------------g{fw w o ‘A hSA w iX itifl------------- !tVIET*:* »VZbBy:«a W l '— r S *

S S Im iort ottonall,______M n m t r j r s t e a kTar=^~ -*■ iflT O ndm 'othor.-- O V |B * * « * M o n k w ,

■ Frittay: 6 «p» m bof 7 .1000 - 3

E M B E R i s ; :IS>9() L l t 0 a | a : m i 2 : 0 Q l l 2 i

r r T : l i f i g c i a g « i _ ; J ^

t » s » — ■ . : , - .H w 8 te n w i . J

S w i S B n B i r n a a ^ l ^

to r lt;* * * ‘0UaH »FBg'^1»tir ‘

h^* (l8T O .~T t e i r ^ • { ^

4 Ww- ( IM^7 " ~ | ««W«» »» ^ ■

iw-noeB)' . |Mwito;*P»i5i«

= ^ = T m if s d i

Its o a n ilg o d a w w . <ln S i c w o l , IM a c a ( I ) D I^ E R E f n WOR

W C I Z ) B A B E S 'fS ^ T P fo m lo n Cwnodv. T he o»oU ts ot throo.. :

Now?,Y»k Cliy-apartmont: (In SW

■jai^ i i r f h o u l S g K S r - ^ ^

C n ^ MOVIE ■ * * * * c a n » i 3 ^

■ s r f c o n s ^ ne!^ ^ w hoS iy report N soom m andlng offiear anc

■tollow soldtors-teN h»f«p»aftdffl ol a Vtotnamoso woman. B ased c troo story. '

0 7 0 0 CLUB O f a I S CQ o A B tn E L 's rif li

-e ram ftrJa m es -E a riJ en e rs ta rra

botonsa 'atiom oy wtio trood hkn. |

^ ^ ^m 'W E C T S T ^ o b i ^ -

l U s M ^ i J r S ^ t i T o B O T d o ^ . B (12)fil:0Ry:D A Y S BulO«l«s endangered during a m urder—.-. Investigation w hen h e loom s tfiat partner he a dmir e r i r o n th e talte S to rp ^

- ^ H r i n a H n a n H tn tt iT tr n F

1 : 3 0 ^ ~

j a c K ,.:

Z Z 3 Z Z



)Sm ' ~

t^Z Z zze ro ) '% '- , .

j B p a ~— .tOfOp)_...,..L_.-----

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afAn- . ' -

ia tttie ’ Jwf(»n— '------------

te - — -j V —

Page 82: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

------- .'rffl 'JE W E tllY S H O V II

’ O D FM IA V FORTWH B O .M O V IE *** ^

_____________ nhm lftt n k * w ^-------------------CW IilO V lETM rr*C»

j;V. ^ --K S S S S h S o iiS *

{IS-SSSO)---------------S« 8 0 CLASH OF TH

XU w n tttsn g tu p o n ta----------------- /F ta h -B n d S u ia n ^ o r io— - ~ - • — So^ gO TanrrfR}—

8 :3 0 a C R O O K A N O l

- — • • • - • • - - - g f j S y j r o ^ . • " f i lS tS r s r w n d B z v o

_ _ y ^ >mh<x.M.F.KJ=ii

r a MARVIN Animale .....................hM dodlw byM arvtnc


:_____- ______m MQTKaERQDMn8 H 0 W M 0 V 1 E * * 1

dM ovorlhatttw D org . In v tttd N m h w ^ lo fC

~ 'w l lh . Ah «x>con onA


' ~ vSS) v u l mcorpontfon 'a monoy,


----------------- I S D (11) BJ MHJ%^(SBa*on Premlaro) 10

S t s r o o ior :------------- CTTA tL-flw EA in>f

- - y i l w ^ t t w - i c o w p r

. r .... H f f la g n x A w r^— — - P r B m B f r6 iw « .C ri

46 TlniC«-Now».TWEi

ym E S K IE S.T he :r

r ^ S o o b o d *

p m w y p t tfy ~ - 1 ^'C recaS fr* O u n d ® » - :H = S t^ ii^ w lH q g n , U ndo .

oaonxom poto to r --------

r a C H ^ E O n

«ed-W4ASU&Ar______ E lw ^ U s

la le d Rotund, ro(}- ^ o n t o f i a b a l y

S'S..,__ _

i'lo* « 'li rg l ^ B

^ " o u ' S T a V ' ■ f eS^THovlco

---------itaf.whila iiT K

ith J»* . unaw are ho - • !®

5 2 l2 5 2 K 5 K £ S E = = = 5 w o aU...MI. pn

C E H E H E S 2 Z I :— S i £rp fo v k w o fth o ----------- r n f T l

■■ '■ ■■& NE-------------------------------------® F R lfr ORDER (Sdrio*-—. Criminal easo s bro contact negation to socrataijght: An

WK Fan»''ldoho Friday. S ^ to m

l a S T A R T R ^ r ^ H E C T r ^

[prtM iifa r.ih a k compotw.-a ite-------

lEW KIOS ON.THE B L O C k : '^ ~ I IN.YOUR HOUSE Tlw NowonBw'H>6dKi«»ITtimofflHwwlU' . totor* an audanco in Now York ( f ^ ia s io f o o ) _ : i : ~ ~ .:.~z:r:.;.

EX Pl^RE Topfci: rollQtoia. pOrttBiln'NooatrtunoTM nto a t •-•T-r iiE vof*«if»ipronnjrBTorB tjgw.-- ■ ■j i o p j o r y R ^ ___________■

»EUCULA •Cronlea'do urv-.-* ufio' DavM Roynoio. Maricruz

-Stoonbufoion.Alathor .


Tibortatn) d tc ow ru ho x trict and -r- I brutal cuttom< govoming hit ion a« hoad ot a hou to ly ld . and imod a samurai (nowcnUbtTAnjlro' a tior saving Tonmaga trom o n . ^ ^ M U .4 ,,U | ■

UA6NUW, P .t Magnum help* a - -j^ l ^ o fm lo ln y h u tb a n d ■■

10 c a r broke down, stk s .to u to

------------------ —

>D-Moly:s.DBea>d.aiucfflfivo job____but I tm iu r e about mo

C) M O V IE * * * ■Great'Bolli of ' r (1 M 9 . Drama) DonntsOuald, — mo.ByskK.AMggtwbXJ%yofly t»vlB,-:tho logondayT O doB enU — who nnlovftd a brkif lu c c o ti in thaIBSOs'unla h ii conirovoiyd^ ---------

a CRIME STORY ToroBo-i ion*hlp-.wbh ln g o r J w a t s 4 i^ J ) i s ^

W k S H V lU ^ O M i^ t s u lh e ___ l

n I w s c e n eFR E S H -nE L D S ^iO om JuM _____» h tim oa^uiting to bo th his now 3ict lonsos and h w now tb m p c k ^ fltary — H«*ter.I I ^ M W H T r a p p o r . coached

lom bof.7.1990

■7 ^ H = O T W ^ f H R E & « d N g y M a nufswy

the U,S.' Marin e s Iq Vletnan

' _ _ _ M9 QNUQHTINQ A Irantfc

" • bnlslsM addio a n d David V. appears that ih o I m returr

' H B 0 1 l0 V lE '* * * '* C a su i------" l V > : n 9 6 9 ; ir rim aT M igg i

SoanPonn .- - . .SHOW.MQVlE,it*J.*Monl

GIN MOVIE * * x *8ofl No 1! ^ ' Comedy) 0

l o S o ^ m ^ S f T COURT AT I— - I m t n M ( V ^ v l S i h l n ^

with p o tio is lo n of sM ch merchandlto, throatons lo 1

6- an l l r e r - ------------------------q < y E g » D i w h ^

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THEATER n ^ Mo H e v Ym

~ ( 1 W ;tDrmnM)kteLupiw. J

............SBFA IIA Y FO RTU N A (R]l l ^ q i f f t S I D E E p m g N _

(SHOW) MOVIE « * i l *UHF C o m ^ ) Al Yankovie,. Mich

.'invofltfgtto raporti o( pation _ . • nhdueiBdiiy R u itla n t. (FO

- r H w O R U )W iD E U P D A ti -■ Q JH ;n> T O E M G Ig .W lin

------------ iH a f f lL A T E N J C H T VO/IVID LgTTEWWAN Mn a

_____ • g ^ iT ) u n v i g .* A » A U Bi - r — flfl9 tL .C fln » A ')J ln iJ te te

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S o o S eS u S hoI ^_ i_ _ C i i a U w o n h to otovaJn attei

Meka him out o f Ste houM .

' “ “ ■ ;r»ict»bCtho'paM OOoef*'o— ------ flight by tho a o w o l t t te .U;£

' Quofdeuner.Pooehaitraln. = = E l : V K » E O DfSCJOOKEY

: ■ • • {i M c rF |H&T w o m ra i ^

^ M e t e e n ^

,- —i n g i v c r . T h e . s t b r y _ o l S o u t h e r n . 'p 6 I i c > . ’ c h i c f

____ O ’C o n n o r) a n d h is new .-b ltiv e '(H b w n n J 'R o Ilm s)"w as


a - 7 . - “ - Q HUNNMOuflN A ^ p = p sT ^ = ^ ig 'A D V B rn j a . TRUCK.1-— i___ tfARBtET-DaW

S w i o H T y ^ f i ^ B S lY ouW hltp sr Q p a U A R U a n d o t r a -

tly m w rw ------------ i^M.iwupnfnrie

! Y : . . - »»«>.<=<■■” <■1 0 tJ<DE"»"-»-=zz-r-7-Mtt^^9tooraM>,,R ,

LJOluUmuU, . __- MWTW) Butwi

LJHF*(1989, - (IM B .D rapw Uchao) , G lo« r.

Itrfcrwerd to ' wuttetyt-'n iw itiontatMing . Storoo)

HSIDEB ( H ) - - 1 W 3 8 (11) k® e u i » = j = p ^ -^. ...: ■'JgjagL*;lATE . COSTAS(in!

I M n gA.» — »hO.«CalTiOO«

« m » _ r«n into.troubiM ^rtuiiiuii a lw iJumwH*

Iw rta itew r--------^ 2 : 9 0 ® NEWSittsfJil« mothoT;. .-1 A > : 8 PA10.I

w ^ a downad ~ W o H M f i U A C o o s t . . . -Q uo< ti:D o(n

g ^ j g L — : - | g ^

ftWfWpWt. m ^ p ^ j w j !

M o r^p n to StonUllmon.

o f a w h i t e F o x B ro a d I c f ( C a r r o i r B art-S im p so n '.-b lack d e tec - ^ n g loss to s s r t i i c T i i o r ^ ^ N T C r — ;

itB r.R « n y to n .T ^B eo

:ROW.WOEO(R)(m. ----------W

BOOHAM ., mNO'ANO RAONQ r..:."— ~ : " ' l t o o m iR E » O fM 3 Z Z IE ^ O ^ —JavkUonviftW ^ f t ^ l = a

S o A K l ^ : L f f ^ A N D i r «

3c-y i c i y ^ H ) H f c f ^ w w ) = ^ c

nedy-Dmma) Stove Martin. . f n

V tE * V r* N Ig Iitfiw o w ~ ‘ ' So

iS iI d i ^ T u a Q Vifn n ''

, (n n )H o (ah » o n .O m n y . ~ F o

[lm o*y-B,Schmlt-(ln_^---------- 4t4S

I) M I 0 N K » < T - H 0 U H - ~ - -" J MU g o s a f f l = = = = W

P.LATER:WfIH.BOS___— f i^ S to r o o ) ' - wt IT8CBN TER-....... .. ...............Pi

P'Jhvivim an'A moricsn lamily' p i

lA flE E O Jo ffan d W it^ iK te § ) t^ .w tw ntf)oychQ O »oon eti

• w s t f t r a ---------- ---------------------:d10 PROGRAM______ ___ :___ — (11L0W1DE u p d a t e Ja

lON^'COMEDY CLASSICS - c< om D elu lse. Joan Embury. . - Ri mo. ______________ ^

en. Tommy Chunn. Suo E

E*~'*»'’S m a r tM o ^ ’ ---------- C

a d c a s t in g C o .* s y o u n g _ n ip h o n 's u fre fe d ano»C T s ta g - 5 m to v e te ra n B ill C o sb y o n ut o

M o n d n y _ l L

______ Erlctay. S ro Je m h a L iL lS W -

:S I.H O U S E UEBATE F^ iU W r. f :tloor d ^ 7 t a p o d haaHriB’y ^

OrfinZI Robert Do Nlro.-Ed H«rti d 4 GDNtOKrWATCH •0 9 a PJUO PROGRAM 4> .

‘ r a n w R o o o H j R ^ S ^ f ’


■oBh.' ' "'■■ r -

= ^ a i e u r a r — -----

i ! o o 8 PAID PROORAW r

- y W r W o a t o m ) W l o HaJo.-Ad

“ Id S m UY HOUSTON OUTOOi -Q .PA TrY .O U K £R ankio:A v8k3

w tw M c a r faroko down, aak i to I . P a t t^ p h o n o .---------. . . : J ;;

n W T b f a m a ) cw vor Hogen.-v PJoT O A um on t-- - - h ’ ’.

(SHOW) HOWE * » » -A ® h S _ on Elm S}reot 4;.'n>e Proam fcto

" c n r M b v i e - * i n t w H onw tshc ~(108»rH orror) L M ta -H w vikm ;

IM 8 H 0W MOVIC- * itii HJH FH Con^ ) Al Y a n k o ^ T M f e ^ •

1:30 B A ^ R E p H F T C H C M ^

| n P A J ^ R O ^ '^ ■ ' m FOKIN’ HOLE

- B MY TH REBSON S Katie pul

u g h r n ia d e “ T h e C o sb y Show » 'm th e N ie lsc tT riiac T n g s .'ln 'l ilo r H iu r s d a y n ig h t t im e .s to t« -■ T he-S H npsons ,” " C o s b y w i11- _____________K>_HmosrNowf.1Vin Falls. Idahi

■77—57— . ' - , .------ ^ ---------

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O O RS»lon,-.irr.T-r-----:BUM

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Page 84: ffili iqareni - DigitalOcean

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