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I Ceremony Will Take Place ut "Silver Brooke," in Augusta County, in November. WELLFOKD-MONTAGUE WEDDING Daughter of Congressman- From This District Weds Well-Known Ricli- iiioikI Man.Dinner f»r Governor S't'iart in DanvUle. Mr. an<l Mrs. J. Frank Clemmcr. of "Silver Brooke." Augusta County, an- riounce the ciiKagement of their daugh- ter, Elizabeth, to Thomas Kyle, of Rogersvllle, Tenn. The wedding will take place in November. Miss Clem- rner Ik a graduate of Stuart Hall In Staunton and made her debut In Rich- moii'l nnd_ Chattanooga two seasons ago. She was Introduced to society here by her aunt. Mrs. John D. Clo¬ thier. of 2313 West Grace Street, and a series of interesting affairs were j given In her honor. Dluiirr for Governor .Stuart. Governor Henry Carter Stuart, who1 is in Danville this week for a brl«-f visit, wan guest of honor last evening at a dinner given by Colonel and Mrs- Hardon llairston at their country home. "Brierdehl." The dinner was a very handsome affair In every de- tail, anrt among the guests Invited to meet Governor Stuart on this occasion were Dr. an<l Mrs. J. Allison Hodges, of this city. l»r. and Mrs. Hodges went to IJ j 11 v 11 i e on Tuesday. I'romlnrnt finentn. Drs and Mrs. Lyon G. Tyler, of Wil¬ liam :in'1 M.iry College. Williamsburg. will b«j the fuests next week of Mr and Mrs. Preston W. Noland for the unveiling <>f the monument to John Ty!«r, former President of 'he United States- Dr. Tvlcr i* a son of president T\ b-i Of Here. Itivltatlons liave been received in, Richmond from Hr. and Mrs. Albert. A Cannaday for the marriage of thHr daughter. Ertna Alaine, to Harry Oli¬ ver Nichols, of Norfolk, on Tuesday »vening. October 12, at 0 o'clock. in Roanoke. A reception will be held lmni"dlate!v after th« ceremony Fol¬ lowing a wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs Nichols -a til be at home at DOf> Raleigh j Avi hup. Norfolk MIbs Cannaday has several times visit#-.I In Richmond as the guest of Mis- Nat'.cy Allen, when «he was much entertained. A number of Richmond mi. * <j will cn to Roanoke n#*xt w*eek 1 to att#*n#l th#* wedding \\ ellford . M#»ntngue. Miss Gay Montague, 'laughter of! Cong ri and Mrs Andrew Jack-! <-on Montague, was married to Landon Car'er Wellford. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hover ley Randolph Wellford. also of *hmond. last evening, the ceremony taking t 7 o'clock at t h * horn ft #.f the bride's parents, 1111 Grove Av.-nuc. Only relatives and a few nd-i #'.!tlon;<l guests were i>res#*nt. iDvitutions Out. Rev. and Mr< George Peyton «'ra'.g-i hill, of Barton Height*, have issued | invitations for the marriage of their) hUter. Miss L-dia Wlt-tar Cralghill. to R.-v William Clarkson Marshall, of Casanova a t-on of Mr. atvl Mrs Wil- llam r' Marshall, of Wtnch?ster The ceremony will take place Wednesday evening. Oct'jber "7, at f. v'cI k'k. in the Church of the Epiphany. Barton Heights, of which the brother of the °(.i ide is rector Th» ceremony will f followed by a small »e.-eptIon m Mr. and Mrs. Craigh'.U's residence. S«'7 Jtarton Avenue, at which only tela- 11 v ^ are to he pr#>s< nf After th'iri wedding trip. Mr Marshall and hi? bride will make th< ;r horn" at Casa-: nova, where rtt> former, who giaduated at the Virginia Theological Seminary. Alexandria. 1 ats>t June, is rector of the' Episcopal Church at that place, and also at Remington Open r;j-miin*lum t'lnssr*. The Voting Women's Christian As- mMatlon will open the pymnaelmn ! . his vear with a big amateur circus on this evening at S o'clock Many irirls have alr#-adv registered for the classes, ami the enrollment bids fair to exceed that of any previous year. Ten Miturdny. j T-,-R-ori1 iw. from 4 *o #". and S to .'(lock at the Restover Home fori Woi king Girls, a musical tea will h«» I held A delightful program hr.s been arranged, and licht refreshments will he served. All who are Interested in this home are cordially invited to at- tend. The women o.' the hoard of managers will be on the receiving) committee, and the tea will be held regardless of the weather. I.inen Hiowr. Mrt. Harry T. ingalls was the host- on-, Wednesday afternoon, from 4 to r, o'clock In her home in Norwood, at. a linen shower, given in honor of Miss Ann'e Irene Dunn, whose marriage to Arthur Chester Arhart will take | place Tuesday. October 1£>. The color, scheme waa white and yellow, and was! carried out in the favors and refresh- mor.ts The euest of honor was «ur- prised by the arrival of a parcel post delivery of many packages containing presents, and Albln Dunn, little brother of the bride. Impersonated the post- j man. The guests Mesdatnes Allan1 * Jervey. C. R. Kuyk, Alice Rullln, T. C. Ruflin, G. P. CraighOl, S. W. Bright, J. R. Arbuckle, Leslie Dunn, Heath j Clarke. Charles Friend. Robert Hud- j gins Collier. Colvin, Lorraine Rullln. Misses Mary Jervey, Mabel Luke, Wis- tar Craighill, Rebecca and "Mildred Clarke. Kcrah Cole. Banks and Flor- ence Lorra'ne. Mrs. Robert Hudgins sang several selections. Interesting llntertnlnmriit. St. Patrick's Benevolent and Social Society's home-coming, held recently, was an interesting event. The fol- lowing program was rendered: an opening address by Rev. H. J. Mc- Keefry, song by Misses# Fagan, solo | by Rev. Father Brennan, two selections by the Arlington Quartet, duet by little Misses Bucker and Bagby, a few j remarks on good of the order by Mrs. W. H. O'Neill, president. By special request of the society. Rev. Father' A Hard was asked to make an address; report of the society by Mrs. John Teefy: distribution of dividends. Re¬ freshments were served. IX AM) OPT OF TOWN. Mrs. Hugh Campbell and Miss Fred- rlcka Campbell, who have heen spend- ing some time in the mountains of Virginia, have returned to their home on West Franklin Street. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Paschall. who' are in Philadelphia and Atlantic City for their honeymoon, will ho at home in Monroe Terrace, after Octobcr 15. Miss Grace Arents, Miss M. O. Smith and little Edward C. Ridout, of this city, have been at White Sulphur Springs for a week, en route for San Antonio, Tex. Miss Margaret Gllkeson, of Parkers- hurg. W. Vii., who has boen a guest of Miss Hester Riddle In Petersburg, loft this week for a visit to relatives in Staunton. Miss Annie Robertson, of Chase City, is the guest of friends in Richmond for a week. Mrs. Thomas Rutherfoord, Mrs. Thomas Boiling and Miss Gwendolyn Rutherfoord, who have been at the White for the past sevoral months, will " remain at their cottage there until November 1. Mies Elsie Edmunds, of Chase City, SKETCHES FROM LIFE By Temple " You Never I'sed to Walk This Way." ban been visiting friends in Richmond 1 for a few <lays. MUs Lucy Catlett, of Staunton. Is the KUCHt of friends and relatives In this city. I Miss Sue Grny Ik visiting Mrs. Mur¬ ray Priest at her humc in Raleigh Avenue, Norfolk. T. Garnett Tabb, who has fce« n trav¬ eling !n the West for some time pa?t, Kpent a Fhort time at the White Sul- phur Springs, en route for his home here, Mrs. J. A. Robertson has returned to Chase City, after spending a few days with Mrs. A. H. Robertson !n ihlsi city. Mrs. Robert Willis Jenkins and Miss Leila Leftwloh. of this city, are quests of Mrs. W. C. Summers in Norfolk. Misses Julia May Ryall and Trances rtrag.* have returned from a visit to Canada and New York City. Mrs. Thomas B. Scott is the puest of her father in Petersburg for a few days, after spending the summer at the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs. Mrs. Vincent Haclgalupo, of Rich¬ mond. is a guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs Charles Alexander, <n Wav- lien l»oro. Mrs. \\ 111 iatn .Alien Cohorts, of Chase City, is visiting Mrs. Thomas Cary .lohnson h'-re this week Miss Ethel Vlers, who has been the truest "f her mother in Pulaski, has returned to Richmond. Mrs. Alfred Henderson McDowell re¬ turned to the city yesterday, after spending the summer ut Huguenot Springs. Miss Linda Jet«»r, who has been a patient In Grace Hospital for several weeks, is now convalescing at h. r home in Falrmount. i \\ n>i i:n's >ii.;kti.v«;s. The Social Service Federation will hold its regular meeting this after- noon at i o'clock at 115 North Fifth Street. All members are iirsrrd to he present. Auxlllnry Mectltij; 1'ontponert. The mooting >>f Junior Auxiliaries of th<' Episcopal Churches of Richmond. which was to have been held this af- I lernoon ai St. John's Church, at which time Rev. Robert A. Goodwin, Jr., mis- plenary to China, was to speak of his work, has been postponed until Friday, October 23. Sennihniigli . Hnrrl*. (SpeoiaJ to The Times-Dispatch.] CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA . October 7..John Sensibaugh. an employee of! the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, and Miss La Hie Harris, of this city, were married last evening at the home of the bride's mother, on Jefferson Street, j R<-v. L. T. Williams, pastor of the First Methodist Church, officiating. Miss Gladys Tyler, of Richmond, was maid 1 of honor, and William E. Stevens, of this city, was best man Misses Violet and Viola Sensibaugh, daughters of the groom, acted as pages. Mr. and Mrs. Sensibaugh left Immediately after the ceremony for Washington, from which point they will go to New York, Niagara Falls and Canada. Moore.Anderson. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA.. October; 7..Thomas J. Moore, of Roanoke, and Miss Carrie K. Anderson, of this city, were married last evening at the homo of tho groom's mother, on Preston Heights, tho ceremony being performed by Dr. Cecil V. Cook, pastor of tho First P.aptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Moore will make their home in Roa¬ noke. i | Perfect Eye Glasses | b Aro those of which tho wearer g S is uhconscious, that fit so well £ji K that thoy aro not noticeable, gg jj and made so they stay right. ^ Galeskl made I KeeLocK Glasses are this kind. They are made without holes and screws through the glass, but mounted by a new method of fitting a key in a slot in the glass nnd filling with a per- mnnent. cement so that they are Mu^ncntly tight. "We will be glad to show you this mounting. Sims mounting. jg I »ts.GALESKh»"^ ^ ^ KODAK' HEADQUARTERS ^ s 55 ^ -Main & 223 E. g* 8th Sts. BroadSt. ^ y otn ai. ^ i WILL INSPECT TRACKS IN EASTERN SECTION Slrrrt Committee to Attempt Solution of Murb-DlNi'iiitiird Itroml Street Hill* Problem. The Council Committee on Streetn will meet at 3:30 o'clock this after- noon t<> make a tour of Inspection over the Church Hill car llnca the Y!r- ginia Railway and Power Company, with the view of determining the feasibility of the several rerouting plans that have he-en suggested to the committee in connection with the at- tempts to icach a solution of the l^ast Broad Street track controversy. Auto- mobiles will take the committee over the route. i After the inspection the* committee will hold a meeting at the City Hall and make an effort to awree on some recommendation to the Council. The City Hall meeting will probably be held at about 5 o'clock. THREE-RING CIRCUS SpectmMilur I'oRcanl to Mark Oprnlnc of \. \V. C. A. (.yrannNlitm To-Mnht. Public ln>lted to Attend. Mirth and merriment will reign su-1 pretne at the Yoiiiie Woman's Christian Association to-night, when the new gymnasium session will l>e inaugurated b> a three-ring circ;s and spectacular |i;ifc;i nt. Si-veral hundred girls will take part in the various features, and r.:any beau¬ tiful and artistic as well as comic cos¬ tumes will he shown. King Solomon in ail his ploiy will be much in evi- nee, and will receive the homage of the Queen of Shcba, with her retinue of slaves and vassals. During this scene a lovely fancy dance and a series of aesthetic post'.ires i>y girls In <»r»ek costume*? will be Introduced. . The program will include regular circus acts.a menagerie, acrobats, tight-rope dancers, contortionist, atrial performers and half a dozen clowns who will make merry. A concert by several of Richmond's favorite mu¬ sicians will close tiie entertainment, to1 which the public is invited. Registration for the several courses if proceeding busily, and regular class! work will be started Monday. Last year more than 500 girls were regis- tered in this department of the associ- ation work and the indications are. that this year will show a substantial in¬ crease in the enrollment. Misses Beatrice Herthold and t'ecile McKay are' in charge of the gymnasium ami swim- niing departments of the association. % o<Ixalfiimar J^rotfwvs | . I | Guaranteed 5' | Raincoats and | | Capes | | For Boys and Girls || ^ ^ « The "Hestyette" Guaranteed R| M Raincapes at $2.08. 91 $ Sizes 4 to 14 years. Shown is .a in navy, brown and rod, with S* plaid lined hood. A rainproof 8? book bag goes with every coat. ^ The Slicker Raincoat, $.*?.08. g! For the boy or girl of 6 to A\ 16. Every Coat guaranteed. & & Shown in tan and navy. j 5 Rain Ilats to mutch for nOc. § ^ The Sou'wester for the boy, ^, and the Tam-o'-Shanter for the IElr1' B. OTIIER OUARANTEED ?J § RAINCOATS, for the college S 6 miss of 15 and 17, at $4.08 and ^ J5 U7.08. g Which Will It Be, Victrola or Edison? DIAMOND DISC. We have them both. Como to! hear them. It's a treat. ' i Lee Fergusson Piano Co. 110 East Broad. TENTH ANNUAL STATE ! FAIR THREE DATS OFF General Mnmi);er Warwick Moves Headquarters to Fair Grounds This Afternoon. EXHIBITS AHIUVK BY I0XPHKSS Hundreds of Packages Received Yes- terday and Will Be Placed To-Day. Hare Horses and Shows Arrive To- .Morrow NI^Iil. With the tenth annual Virginia State Fair only three days off, the headquartera of General Manager War¬ wick and all effects of the Virginia .State Fair Association will bo moved this afternoon to the rooms ujider the south end of the grand stand at tho Fair Grounds. Aty so doing, General Manager Warwick, the members of j the directorate and the clerks in charge | of the work In the various divisions will he able to give their personal attention to the final details in ar- ranging for the opening events on Monday. Yesterday several wngon-loads of ex¬ press packages were received at tha Stat© Fair Headquarters, and clerks were busy until late Into the niuht completing their proper listing. To¬ day all of these articles and hundreds of others which have accumulated dur¬ ing the past several week.-s, will bo moved to the Administration Building and will be distributed to the proper) departments. t The quality of the exhibits this year If above par. The housewives have been successful In sending exceptional exhibits in preserves, jellies, wines, catsup and untold numbers ot fancy articles of every description. Tho pop¬ corn exhibit this year will show some very tine specimens of grain, while there will be quite a number of curios exhibited. j hack itortsF.s auk a it it i v i .\ a koii iik; rvexts To-night, to-morrow and continuing over .Sunday, the race horses which have been entered in the harness events will arrive from the tracks in Virginia. Maryland, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. In event the rain ceases, the horses will be nivon work - outs to-morrow and next day, and bo limbered up for the events of Mon¬ day. The sideshows for the Midway, which will occupy more than a mile of space, will arrive late Saturday night, and all day Sunday will be spent in t- ting the tents up and the equipment in proper places. The il rive ways and walkways have been regravelcd and oiled so that they will be practically free of dust or mud, and the buildings are in first- class condition for the placing of the exhibits. Automobile dealers will have an ex¬ ceptional display of the 1910 mt>deis, all of which will be shown in a grand parade on one afternoon, either Wed¬ nesday or Thursday, and each dealer! is endeavoring to outdo the other in presenting an attractive car. While the free amusements will be featured with the day and r.scht ex- hihitlon of monoplane flying by Art .Smith and Baxter Adams, there will l»e great doings on the two platforms in front of the Brand stand. Acrobatic. aquatic, cquestrain and other feat 3 Will be acted by the most skilled art- ists, while the high diviner of the Quineys. and of a trained horse and doj*. will furnish another diversion. There will bo band concerts, male and female singers rendering popular songs, and one general round of fun from the opening of ?lv» State Fair on Monday morning until its close at midnight Saturday. Save The Baby Use the reliable HORLICK'S ORIGINAL Malted RftiSk Upbuilds every part of the body efficiently. Endorsed by thousands of Physicians, Mothers end Nurses the world over for more than a quarter of a century. Convenient, no cooking nor additional milk required. Simply dissol vein water. Agrees when other foods often fail. Sample free, HORLICK'S, Racine, Wis. (3f-No Substitute is"JustasGood" as HORLICK'S, the Original Front Panel Effect in Two- Toned Frock An imported froeU of pink nIIU by I'nrl.H, Intended for ilio woman of etermil yontli. A eharminu frock of two-tone pink silk has tho front panel hepnrated from those of ih«' sides by a tulle un¬ derskirt and then the ends of the fornjer nr« i-hukIh up ami knotted in kerchief hue nest ion. An odd feature of thft cown is the use of cotton wadding Inserted iti the he in of the drop skirt, after the man- tier of the .hipnntse kimono, to sw'tip the garment clear of the feet. This] "roll" is in lieu of a reed or cord, with which many of the new models are supplied. About the waist there falls a row of pink poppies, which partly strap In' a bib of the pink silk. The poppies I also adorn the shoulders. hanging from strands of rhinestones. and these, by the way. aro all the sleeves ther« are to tho bodice. At the back of the skirt top is drawn beneath the girdle And forms a plait impiecement correspond- | i.'iK with that of the front. This model is <juite different from the usual Worth type, for as is well known, that art'st runs to black nnd white effects with much rhinestone and jet ornamentation. Jt'n'lali Junior* Meet Sunday. The Ilrst m< . titiK of the Council of Jewish .Itiniors will be held in the Sab¬ bath school room of the Temple Beth Ahaba at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. After the general business is trans¬ acted. l>r. K. X. t'alisch will address the meeting. 1'allcn Asher will render sev¬ eral vocal selections, nnd Theo. Nelson, Jr.t will entertain with a "pianologtte." Refreshments will be served by the en¬ tertainment committee. |ru« f1 WEDDINGS \&\ Flowers are or.e of tha VJ' prominent features. ana J the very uest are none too '3 a yood. Hammond designs aro characterized by orig¬ inality an* beauty.mado j up from "flowers of guar- ! anteod fr fshness.". Kstl- 3 i. ties free. 9 I Telephone, Mm!(n«n 6.10. a B ¦ ¦ s Hammond is The Souths Great Florist lOQ E. Broad ^ |;.yjc / !v-^A.'.i6ac*aiBnn!&:&.!autiKK<i As thousands have a pound of Black Tea with a pound of Green Tea and you'll find that you can make double the quantity from India and Ceylon Black Tea.It's fas more delicious and refreshing Send for a sample bag of our famous "Silver Label" Five O'Clock Blend.all ready for your teapot, sufficient for three cups 111-! 13 Hudson St. New York City "SAFE-TEA FIRST" and Alway» Awarded Gc-t. 1 . uUU:. u, W'liolesnlo I>lstrllnitorii nil Wlii>l«'Hfil<* John L. Ratcliffe Florist 209 WEST BROAD ST. Decorators, Designers Originators Now Booking Orders for Fall and Winter Weddings. Phone Randolph 3771 NORTH CAROLINA SOCIETY | MAY ADMIT WOMEN MEMBERS Mrrtluc Will Be Held .\ e \ t Wrdnt-ndny to Arrunicr for "trrlr* of Knlcrlnltimpnli, A meeting of the North Carolina So- clety of Richmond will bo held ikxI Wednesday mgm at tlic Hotel Uich- ' inond. at which time plans will be made for ft series of entertainments during the winter. The executive committee is making arrangements to increase the membership of the organization in Richmond and to make it mure of a factor in the social lift)' of the city Amendments to the by-laws have been suggested. whereby women may be admitted to membership, as well as graduates <if North Carolina universi¬ ties and colleges and thoso who have resided In the t 'Id North State for a period of live years. Secretary Norman II. Johnson is busy gathering a list of North Carolinians now in the city and will seek their co-operation. FEW BABIES ENTER Inclement Weather Check* Kloiv of Applicant* for "Snoukj-OoUiim.i" Prices. Inclement weather Interfered with the enrolling of entrants for the Met¬ ier Hables Contest, which Is to lie a feature of iht» State Kail*. There were ' few additions to the list, mothers bejng unwilling to bring their babies out in the rain. Mrs. tihnmell and her as¬ sistants at the registration bureau in the basement of the Capitol Huibling, however, were not at all discouraged. They look for a rush of entrants to-day ami to-morrow. Many Inquiries have been received hv mail from mothers living in other parts of the State who desire to enter their offspring in the "snooky-ookums" show. Cold and bronze medals and other honors are to be awarded to the win¬ ners in the several contests. Mothers may have their babies registered for the contests by communicating by let¬ ter with Mrs. Gimmelt or Dr. W A. decker, Register of Vital Statistics, of the State Hoard of Health. Aldermen Meet To-Xlislit. The Hoard of Aldermen will meet in special session at S o'clock to-night to concur in a resolution passed by the Common Council, under a suspen¬ sion of the rules, appropriating as the city's dues to the League of Mu¬ nicipalities. and authorizing the Mayor to appoint delegatus from tills city to ttie annual convention of the league, which will be .held in Fredericksburg October 12 and 1M. a ri It Costs You to see our exhibit of popular- price Furniture at the Fair. As a special inducement, we will give away, ABSOLUTELY FREE, $130 WORTH OF FURNITURE For further information call by our store or at our exhibit in the Industrial Hall. " Everything for (lie Home." Central Furniture Co. 7 and J) West Rroad Street. The Kaufmann Store "REDFERN" Guaranteed mm Washable Kid GLOVES "Redfern'' Washable Kid Gloves have not achieved an international f a m e without cause. "Redfern" Washable Kid Gloves are not the choice of the most particular women both in Europe and America by mere ac¬ cident. "Redfern" Washable Kid Gloves are sold under an unqualified guarantee as to their washing quality. The makers or dealers are NEVER called upon to make good this guarantee because "Redferns" never fail; If you have yet to learn the satisfaction that goes witli the BEST Washable Kid Glove. GET A REDFERN TO-DAY. Paris point or stitched backs. P. K. fingers. In Ivory 70c In Wrhite $1.00 Geo. W. Anderson & Sons 215 East Ilroad Street. We have a moat attractive stock of large and small sizo Tapestry, Axminster, Wilton and other Rugs and Carpets which wo offer at unusually low prices. Also, a fine line of Lace Curtains ami Linoleum. Elegant Wedding Gifts | This old established house Is HEAD<t>I3ARTERS FOR WED- £ % DING GIFTS, and they are receiving daily many/uew and exclusive $ ^ designs and patterns of beautiful Sterling Silver, at prices more rea- fa is* sonable than ever before. II The Nowlan Company | .j IJ5ADIXG JEWELERS, v $ $ 021 East Main Street. ^ Fa rniiure Stored, Packed and Shipped to Any Part of the.World Fireproof warehouse; padded vans, and experienced workmen. Our terms are reasonable. Let us estimate on your goods. Phono Madison 508'J. Representative will call. Richmond Terminal Warehouse, Inc. J WATER SET COUPON TIMES-DISPATCH PRESENTED BY THE Finest thin blown glass beautifully docoratoa in Pure Ster¬ ling Silver. r-FREE-n Your initial also in Sterlin Silver on eac piece if desired. October HOW TO GET IT N O N E Tankard SH in. high Six Glasses half-pints i: I Y PSot° id* Daily Coupons and 93d 6 Olztsnca only- One Coupon and B0C Present This Coupon at The Times-Dispatch Office Mail orders not accepted. CROSS-OUT WITVI AN "X" INITIAL DESIRED -n-- I 11 M"'11 ¦' 11 DO. . y rirr-6-rpT-Q R


Apr 05, 2022



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ICeremony Will Take Place ut "Silver

Brooke," in Augusta County,in November.

WELLFOKD-MONTAGUE WEDDINGDaughter of Congressman- From This

District Weds Well-Known Ricli-iiioikI Man.Dinner f»r GovernorS't'iart in DanvUle.

Mr. an<l Mrs. J. Frank Clemmcr. of"Silver Brooke." Augusta County, an-riounce the ciiKagement of their daugh-ter, Elizabeth, to Thomas Kyle, ofRogersvllle, Tenn. The wedding willtake place in November. Miss Clem-rner Ik a graduate of Stuart Hall InStaunton and made her debut In Rich-moii'l nnd_ Chattanooga two seasonsago. She was Introduced to societyhere by her aunt. Mrs. John D. Clo¬thier. of 2313 West Grace Street, anda series of interesting affairs were jgiven In her honor.Dluiirr for Governor .Stuart.Governor Henry Carter Stuart, who1

is in Danville this week for a brl«-fvisit, wan guest of honor last eveningat a dinner given by Colonel and Mrs-Hardon llairston at their countryhome. "Brierdehl." The dinner wasa very handsome affair In every de-tail, anrt among the guests Invited tomeet Governor Stuart on this occasionwere Dr. an<l Mrs. J. Allison Hodges,of this city. l»r. and Mrs. Hodges wentto IJ j 11 v 11 i e on Tuesday.I'romlnrnt finentn.

Drs and Mrs. Lyon G. Tyler, of Wil¬liam :in'1 M.iry College. Williamsburg.will b«j the fuests next week of Mrand Mrs. Preston W. Noland for theunveiling <>f the monument to JohnTy!«r, former President of 'he UnitedStates- Dr. Tvlcr i* a son of presidentT\ b-iOf Here.

Itivltatlons liave been received in,Richmond from Hr. and Mrs. Albert.A Cannaday for the marriage of thHrdaughter. Ertna Alaine, to Harry Oli¬ver Nichols, of Norfolk, on Tuesday»vening. October 12, at 0 o'clock. inRoanoke. A reception will be heldlmni"dlate!v after th« ceremony Fol¬lowing a wedding trip. Mr. and MrsNichols -a til be at home at DOf> Raleigh jAvi hup. Norfolk

MIbs Cannaday has several timesvisit#-.I In Richmond as the guest ofMis- Nat'.cy Allen, when «he was muchentertained. A number of Richmondmi. * <j will cn to Roanoke n#*xt w*eek 1to att#*n#l th#* wedding\\ ellford. M#»ntngue.

Miss Gay Montague, 'laughter of!Cong ri and Mrs Andrew Jack-!<-on Montague, was married to LandonCar'er Wellford. son of Mr. and Mrs.Hover ley Randolph Wellford. also of*hmond. last evening, the ceremonytaking t 7 o'clock at t h * horn ft#.f the bride's parents, 1111 GroveAv.-nuc. Only relatives and a few nd-i#'.!tlon;<l guests were i>res#*nt.iDvitutions Out.

Rev. and Mr< George Peyton «'ra'.g-ihill, of Barton Height*, have issued |invitations for the marriage of their)hUter. Miss L-dia Wlt-tar Cralghill. toR.-v William Clarkson Marshall, ofCasanova a t-on of Mr. atvl Mrs Wil-llam r' Marshall, of Wtnch?ster Theceremony will take place Wednesdayevening. Oct'jber "7, at f. v'cI k'k. in theChurch of the Epiphany. BartonHeights, of which the brother of the°(.i ide is rector Th» ceremony willf followed by a small »e.-eptIon m

Mr. and Mrs. Craigh'.U's residence. S«'7Jtarton Avenue, at which only tela-11 v #¦ ^ are to he pr#>s< nf After th'iriwedding trip. Mr Marshall and hi?bride will make th< ;r horn" at Casa-:nova, where rtt> former, who giaduatedat the Virginia Theological Seminary.Alexandria. 1 ats>t June, is rector of the'Episcopal Church at that place, andalso at RemingtonOpen r;j-miin*lum t'lnssr*.The Voting Women's Christian As-

mMatlon will open the pymnaelmn !. his vear with a big amateur circuson this evening at S o'clock Manyirirls have alr#-adv registered for theclasses, ami the enrollment bids fairto exceed that of any previous year.Ten Miturdny. jT-,-R-ori1 iw. from 4 *o #". and S to.'(lock at the Restover Home foriWoi king Girls, a musical tea will h«» Iheld A delightful program hr.s beenarranged, and licht refreshments willhe served. All who are Interested inthis home are cordially invited to at-tend. The women o.' the hoard ofmanagers will be on the receiving)committee, and the tea will be heldregardless of the weather.I.inen Hiowr.

Mrt. Harry T. ingalls was the host-on-, Wednesday afternoon, from 4 tor, o'clock In her home in Norwood, at.a linen shower, given in honor of MissAnn'e Irene Dunn, whose marriageto Arthur Chester Arhart will take |place Tuesday. October 1£>. The color,scheme waa white and yellow, and was!carried out in the favors and refresh-mor.ts The euest of honor was «ur-prised by the arrival of a parcel postdelivery of many packages containingpresents, and Albln Dunn, little brotherof the bride. Impersonated the post- jman.The guests Mesdatnes Allan1* Jervey. C. R. Kuyk, Alice Rullln, T. C.

Ruflin, G. P. CraighOl, S. W. Bright,J. R. Arbuckle, Leslie Dunn, Heath jClarke. Charles Friend. Robert Hud- jgins Collier. Colvin, Lorraine Rullln.Misses Mary Jervey, Mabel Luke, Wis-tar Craighill, Rebecca and "MildredClarke. Kcrah Cole. Banks and Flor-ence Lorra'ne. Mrs. Robert Hudginssang several selections.Interesting llntertnlnmriit.

St. Patrick's Benevolent and SocialSociety's home-coming, held recently,was an interesting event. The fol-lowing program was rendered: anopening address by Rev. H. J. Mc-Keefry, song by Misses# Fagan, solo |by Rev. Father Brennan, two selectionsby the Arlington Quartet, duet bylittle Misses Bucker and Bagby, a few jremarks on good of the order by Mrs.W. H. O'Neill, president. By specialrequest of the society. Rev. Father'AHard was asked to make an address;report of the society by Mrs. JohnTeefy: distribution of dividends. Re¬freshments were served.


Mrs. Hugh Campbell and Miss Fred-rlcka Campbell, who have heen spend-ing some time in the mountains ofVirginia, have returned to their homeon West Franklin Street.

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Paschall. who'are in Philadelphia and Atlantic Cityfor their honeymoon, will ho at homein Monroe Terrace, after Octobcr 15.Miss Grace Arents, Miss M. O. Smith

and little Edward C. Ridout, of thiscity, have been at White SulphurSprings for a week, en route for SanAntonio, Tex.Miss Margaret Gllkeson, of Parkers-

hurg. W. Vii., who has boen a guestof Miss Hester Riddle In Petersburg,loft this week for a visit to relativesin Staunton.Miss Annie Robertson, of Chase City,

is the guest of friends in Richmondfor a week.Mrs. Thomas Rutherfoord, Mrs.

Thomas Boiling and Miss GwendolynRutherfoord, who have been at theWhite for the past sevoral months, will

" remain at their cottage there untilNovember 1.Mies Elsie Edmunds, of Chase City,


" You Never I'sed to Walk This Way."ban been visiting friends in Richmond 1

for a few <lays.MUs Lucy Catlett, of Staunton. Is

the KUCHt of friends and relatives Inthis city.

IMiss Sue Grny Ik visiting Mrs. Mur¬

ray Priest at her humc in RaleighAvenue, Norfolk.

T. Garnett Tabb, who has fce« n trav¬eling !n the West for some time pa?t,Kpent a Fhort time at the White Sul-phur Springs, en route for his homehere, -«

Mrs. J. A. Robertson has returnedto Chase City, after spending a fewdays with Mrs. A. H. Robertson !n ihlsicity.Mrs. Robert Willis Jenkins and Miss

Leila Leftwloh. of this city, are questsof Mrs. W. C. Summers in Norfolk.Misses Julia May Ryall and Trances

rtrag.* have returned from a visit toCanada and New York City.

Mrs. Thomas B. Scott is the puestof her father in Petersburg for a fewdays, after spending the summer atthe Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs.

Mrs. Vincent Haclgalupo, of Rich¬mond. is a guest of her parents. Mr.and Mrs Charles Alexander, <n Wav-lien l»oro.Mrs. \\ 111 iatn .Alien Cohorts, of

Chase City, is visiting Mrs. ThomasCary .lohnson h'-re this week

Miss Ethel Vlers, who has been thetruest "f her mother in Pulaski, hasreturned to Richmond.Mrs. Alfred Henderson McDowell re¬

turned to the city yesterday, afterspending the summer ut HuguenotSprings.Miss Linda Jet«»r, who has been a

patient In Grace Hospital for severalweeks, is now convalescing at h. rhome in Falrmount. i

\\ n>i i:n's >ii.;kti.v«;s.

The Social Service Federation willhold its regular meeting this after-noon at i o'clock at 115 North FifthStreet. All members are iirsrrd to hepresent.

Auxlllnry Mectltij; 1'ontponert.The mooting >>f Junior Auxiliaries of

th<' Episcopal Churches of Richmond.which was to have been held this af- Ilernoon ai St. John's Church, at whichtime Rev. Robert A. Goodwin, Jr., mis-plenary to China, was to speak of hiswork, has been postponed until Friday,October 23.

Sennihniigli.Hnrrl*.(SpeoiaJ to The Times-Dispatch.]CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA . October

7..John Sensibaugh. an employee of!the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, andMiss La Hie Harris, of this city, weremarried last evening at the home ofthe bride's mother, on Jefferson Street, jR<-v. L. T. Williams, pastor of the FirstMethodist Church, officiating. MissGladys Tyler, of Richmond, was maid 1of honor, and William E. Stevens, ofthis city, was best man Misses Violetand Viola Sensibaugh, daughters of thegroom, acted as pages. Mr. and Mrs.Sensibaugh left Immediately after theceremony for Washington, from whichpoint they will go to New York, NiagaraFalls and Canada.

Moore.Anderson.[Special to The Times-Dispatch.]CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA.. October;

7..Thomas J. Moore, of Roanoke, andMiss Carrie K. Anderson, of this city,were married last evening at the homoof tho groom's mother, on PrestonHeights, tho ceremony being performedby Dr. Cecil V. Cook, pastor of thoFirst P.aptist Church. Mr. and Mrs.Moore will make their home in Roa¬noke. i

| Perfect Eye Glasses |b Aro those of which tho wearer gS is uhconscious, that fit so well £jiK that thoy aro not noticeable, ggjj and made so they stay right.

^ Galeskl made

I KeeLocKGlasses are this kind.

They are made without holesand screws through the glass,but mounted by a new methodof fitting a key in a slot in theglass nnd filling with a per-mnnent. cement so that they are

Mu^ncntly tight."We will be glad to show you

this mounting.Sims mounting. jg

I »ts.GALESKh»"^ ^^ KODAK' HEADQUARTERS ^s 55^ -Main & 223 E. g*

8th Sts. BroadSt. ^y otn ai. ^



Slrrrt Committee to Attempt Solutionof Murb-DlNi'iiitiird Itroml Street

Hill* Problem.The Council Committee on Streetn

will meet at 3:30 o'clock this after-noon t<> make a tour of Inspection overthe Church Hill car llnca o£ the Y!r-ginia Railway and Power Company,with the view of determining thefeasibility of the several reroutingplans that have he-en suggested to thecommittee in connection with the at-tempts to icach a solution of the l^astBroad Street track controversy. Auto-mobiles will take the committee overthe route. i

After the inspection the* committeewill hold a meeting at the City Halland make an effort to awree on somerecommendation to the Council. TheCity Hall meeting will probably beheld at about 5 o'clock.

THREE-RING CIRCUSSpectmMilur I'oRcanl to Mark Oprnlncof \. \V. C. A. (.yrannNlitm To-Mnht.

Public ln>lted to Attend.Mirth and merriment will reign su-1

pretne at the Yoiiiie Woman's ChristianAssociation to-night, when the newgymnasium session will l>e inauguratedb> a three-ring circ;s and spectacular|i;ifc;i nt.

Si-veral hundred girls will take partin the various features, and r.:any beau¬tiful and artistic as well as comic cos¬tumes will he shown. King Solomonin ail his ploiy will be much in evi-d« nee, and will receive the homage ofthe Queen of Shcba, with her retinueof slaves and vassals. During thisscene a lovely fancy dance and a seriesof aesthetic post'.ires i>y girls In <»r»ekcostume*? will be Introduced. .

The program will include regularcircus acts.a menagerie, acrobats,tight-rope dancers, contortionist, atrialperformers and half a dozen clownswho will make merry. A concert byseveral of Richmond's favorite mu¬sicians will close tiie entertainment, to1which the public is invited.Registration for the several courses

if proceeding busily, and regular class!work will be started Monday. Lastyear more than 500 girls were regis-tered in this department of the associ-ation work and the indications are. thatthis year will show a substantial in¬crease in the enrollment. MissesBeatrice Herthold and t'ecile McKay are'in charge of the gymnasium ami swim-niing departments of the association.

% o<IxalfiimarJ^rotfwvs |. I

| Guaranteed 5'

| Raincoats and || Capes || For Boys and Girls ||^ ^« The "Hestyette" Guaranteed R|M Raincapes at $2.08.91$ Sizes 4 to 14 years. Shown is.a in navy, brown and rod, withS* plaid lined hood. A rainproof8? book bag goes with every coat.

^ The Slicker Raincoat, $.*?.08.g! For the boy or girl of 6 to A\

16. Every Coat guaranteed. && Shown in tan and navy. j5 Rain Ilats to mutch for nOc.§̂The Sou'wester for the boy, ^,and the Tam-o'-Shanter for theIElr1' B.OTIIER OUARANTEED ?J§ RAINCOATS, for the college S6 miss of 15 and 17, at $4.08 and ^J5 U7.08. g

Which Will It Be,Victrola or Edison?

DIAMOND DISC.We have them both. Como to!

hear them. It's a treat. 'i

Lee Fergusson Piano Co.110 East Broad.


General Mnmi);er Warwick MovesHeadquarters to Fair Grounds

This Afternoon.


Hundreds of Packages Received Yes-terday and Will Be Placed To-Day.Hare Horses and Shows Arrive To-.Morrow NI^Iil.With the tenth annual Virginia

State Fair only three days off, theheadquartera of General Manager War¬wick and all effects of the Virginia.State Fair Association will bo movedthis afternoon to the rooms ujider thesouth end of the grand stand at thoFair Grounds. Aty so doing, GeneralManager Warwick, the members of jthe directorate and the clerks in charge |of the work In the various divisionswill he able to give their personalattention to the final details in ar-ranging for the opening events onMonday.Yesterday several wngon-loads of ex¬

press packages were received at thaStat© Fair Headquarters, and clerkswere busy until late Into the niuhtcompleting their proper listing. To¬day all of these articles and hundredsof others which have accumulated dur¬ing the past several week.-s, will bomoved to the Administration Buildingand will be distributed to the proper)departments. t

The quality of the exhibits this yearIf above par. The housewives havebeen successful In sending exceptionalexhibits in preserves, jellies, wines,catsup and untold numbers ot fancyarticles of every description. Tho pop¬corn exhibit this year will show somevery tine specimens of grain, whilethere will be quite a number of curiosexhibited. jhack itortsF.s auk

a it it i v i .\a koii iik; rvextsTo-night, to-morrow and continuing

over .Sunday, the race horses whichhave been entered in the harnessevents will arrive from the tracks inVirginia. Maryland, North Carolina andPennsylvania. In event the rainceases, the horses will be nivon work -

outs to-morrow and next day, and bolimbered up for the events of Mon¬day.The sideshows for the Midway, which

will occupy more than a mile of space,will arrive late Saturday night, andall day Sunday will be spent in g« t-ting the tents up and the equipmentin proper places.The il riveways and walkways have

been regravelcd and oiled so that theywill be practically free of dust ormud, and the buildings are in first-class condition for the placing of theexhibits.Automobile dealers will have an ex¬

ceptional display of the 1910 mt>deis,all of which will be shown in a grandparade on one afternoon, either Wed¬nesday or Thursday, and each dealer!is endeavoring to outdo the other inpresenting an attractive car.While the free amusements will be

featured with the day and r.scht ex-hihitlon of monoplane flying by Art.Smith and Baxter Adams, there willl»e great doings on the two platformsin front of the Brand stand. Acrobatic.aquatic, cquestrain and other feat 3Will be acted by the most skilled art-ists, while the high diviner of theQuineys. and of a trained horse anddoj*. will furnish another diversion.There will bo band concerts, male andfemale singers rendering popularsongs, and one general round of funfrom the opening of ?lv» State Fairon Monday morning until its close atmidnight Saturday.

Save The BabyUse the reliable


Malted RftiSkUpbuilds every part of the body efficiently.Endorsed by thousands of Physicians,Mothers end Nurses the world over formore than a quarter of a century.Convenient, no cooking nor additionalmilk required. Simply dissol vein water.Agrees when other foods often fail.

Sample free, HORLICK'S, Racine, Wis.(3f-No Substitute is"JustasGood"

as HORLICK'S, the Original

Front Panel Effect in

Two- Toned Frock

An imported froeU of pink nIIU byI'nrl.H, Intended for ilio woman

of etermil yontli.A eharminu frock of two-tone pink

silk has tho front panel hepnratedfrom those of ih«' sides by a tulle un¬derskirt and then the ends of thefornjer nr« i-hukIh up ami knotted inkerchief hue nest ion.An odd feature of thft cown is the

use of cotton wadding Inserted iti thehe in of the drop skirt, after the man-tier of the .hipnntse kimono, to sw'tipthe garment clear of the feet. This]"roll" is in lieu of a reed or cord, withwhich many of the new models aresupplied.About the waist there falls a row

of pink poppies, which partly strap In'a bib of the pink silk. The poppies Ialso adorn the shoulders. hanging fromstrands of rhinestones. and these, bythe way. aro all the sleeves ther« areto tho bodice. At the back of the skirttop is drawn beneath the girdle Andforms a plait impiecement correspond- |i.'iK with that of the front.This model is <juite different from

the usual Worth type, for as is wellknown, that art'st runs to black nndwhite effects with much rhinestone andjet ornamentation.

Jt'n'lali Junior* Meet Sunday.The Ilrst m< . titiK of the Council of

Jewish .Itiniors will be held in the Sab¬bath school room of the Temple BethAhaba at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon.After the general business is trans¬acted. l>r. K. X. t'alisch will address themeeting. 1'allcn Asher will render sev¬eral vocal selections, nnd Theo. Nelson,Jr.t will entertain with a "pianologtte."Refreshments will be served by the en¬tertainment committee.

|ru«f1 WEDDINGS\&\Flowers are or.e of tha VJ'

prominent features. ana Jthe very uest are none too '3ayood. Hammond designsaro characterized by orig¬inality an* beauty.mado

j up from "flowers of guar-! anteod frfshness.". Kstl-3 i. ties free.9I Telephone, Mm!(n«n 6.10.a


HammondisThe Souths Great Florist

lOQ E.Broad


|;.yjc / !v-^A.'.i6ac*aiBnn!&:&.!autiKK<i

As thousands have a pound of Black Tea with a

pound of Green Tea and you'll find that you can make doublethe quantity from India and Ceylon Black Tea.It's fas more

delicious and refreshingSend for a sample bag of our famous "Silver Label" FiveO'Clock Blend.all ready for your teapot, sufficient for three cups

111-! 13 Hudson St.New York City

"SAFE-TEA FIRST" and Alway»Awarded Gc-t. 1 . uUU:. u,

W'liolesnlo I>lstrllnitorii nil Wlii>l«'Hfil<*

John L. RatcliffeFlorist


Decorators, DesignersOriginators

Now Booking Orders for Fall andWinter Weddings.Phone Randolph 3771


to Arrunicr for "trrlr* ofKnlcrlnltimpnli,

A meeting of the North Carolina So-clety of Richmond will bo held ikxIWednesday mgm at tlic Hotel Uich- '

inond. at which time plans will be madefor ft series of entertainments duringthe winter. The executive committeeis making arrangements to increase themembership of the organization inRichmond and to make it mure of afactor in the social lift)' of the cityAmendments to the by-laws have

been suggested. whereby women maybe admitted to membership, as well asgraduates <if North Carolina universi¬ties and colleges and thoso who haveresided In the t 'Id North State for aperiod of live years. Secretary NormanII. Johnson is busy gathering a list ofNorth Carolinians now in the city andwill seek their co-operation.

FEW BABIES ENTERInclement Weather Check* Kloiv of

Applicant* for "Snoukj-OoUiim.i"Prices.

Inclement weather Interfered withthe enrolling of entrants for the Met¬ier Hables Contest, which Is to lie afeature of iht» State Kail*. There were 'few additions to the list, mothers bejngunwilling to bring their babies out inthe rain. Mrs. tihnmell and her as¬sistants at the registration bureau inthe basement of the Capitol Huibling,however, were not at all discouraged.They look for a rush of entrants to-dayami to-morrow.Many Inquiries have been received hv

mail from mothers living in other partsof the State who desire to enter theiroffspring in the "snooky-ookums" show.Cold and bronze medals and otherhonors are to be awarded to the win¬ners in the several contests. Mothersmay have their babies registered forthe contests by communicating by let¬ter with Mrs. Gimmelt or Dr. W A.decker, Register of Vital Statistics, ofthe State Hoard of Health.

Aldermen Meet To-Xlislit.The Hoard of Aldermen will meet

in special session at S o'clock to-nightto concur in a resolution passed bythe Common Council, under a suspen¬sion of the rules, appropriating asthe city's dues to the League of Mu¬nicipalities. and authorizing the Mayorto appoint delegatus from tills cityto ttie annual convention of the league,which will be .held in FredericksburgOctober 12 and 1M.


It Costs You

to see our exhibit of popular-price Furniture at the Fair. Asa special inducement, we willgive away,

ABSOLUTELY FREE,$130 WORTH OF FURNITUREFor further information call

by our store or at our exhibitin the Industrial Hall." Everything for (lie Home."

Central Furniture Co.7 and J) West Rroad Street.

The Kaufmann Store"REDFERN"Guaranteed

mmWashable Kid

GLOVES"Redfern'' Washable Kid

Gloves have not achievedan international f a m ewithout cause."Redfern" Washable Kid

Gloves are not the choiceof the most particularwomen both in Europeand America by mere ac¬cident."Redfern" Washable Kid

Gloves are sold under anunqualified guarantee asto their washing quality.The makers or dealers

are NEVER called upon tomake good this guaranteebecause "Redferns" neverfail;

If you have yet to learnthe satisfaction that goeswitli the BEST WashableKid Glove.


Paris point or stitchedbacks. P. K. fingers.

In Ivory 70cIn Wrhite $1.00

Geo. W. Anderson& Sons

215 East Ilroad Street.We have a moat attractive stock

of large and small sizo Tapestry,Axminster, Wilton and other

Rugs andCarpetswhich wo offer at unusually lowprices. Also, a fine line of LaceCurtains ami Linoleum.

Elegant Wedding Gifts |This old established house Is HEAD<t>I3ARTERS FOR WED- £% DING GIFTS, and they are receiving daily many/uew and exclusive $^ designs and patterns of beautiful Sterling Silver, at prices more rea- fais* sonable than ever before. II

The Nowlan Company |.j IJ5ADIXG JEWELERS,v

$$ 021 East Main Street. ^

Farniiure Stored, Packed andShipped to Any Part

of the.WorldFireproof warehouse; padded vans, and experienced workmen.Our terms are reasonable. Let us estimate on your goods. PhonoMadison 508'J. Representative will call.

Richmond Terminal Warehouse, Inc.




Finest thinblown glassbeautifullydocoratoain Pure Ster¬ling Silver.

r-FREE-nYour initialalso in SterlinSilver on eac

piece if desired.




TankardSH in. highSix Glasseshalf-pints



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