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WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, VOL. ???, XXXX, DOI:10.1029/, Feedback loops and temporal misalignment in component-based hydrologic modeling Mostafa Elag 1 , Jonathan L. Goodall 1 , and Anthony M. Castronova 1 Mostafa Elag, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental Engi- neering, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA ([email protected]) Jonathan L. Goodall, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineer- ing, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA ([email protected]) Anthony M. Castronova, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA ([email protected]) 1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, USA. DRAFT October 5, 2011, 11:13am DRAFT

Feedback loops and temporal misalignment in component · Feedback loops and temporal misalignment in component-based hydrologic

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Page 1: Feedback loops and temporal misalignment in component · Feedback loops and temporal misalignment in component-based hydrologic


Feedback loops and temporal misalignment in

component-based hydrologic modeling

Mostafa Elag1, Jonathan L. Goodall

1, and Anthony M. Castronova


Mostafa Elag, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental Engi-

neering, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA ([email protected])

Jonathan L. Goodall, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineer-

ing, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA ([email protected])

Anthony M. Castronova, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental

Engineering, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA ([email protected])

1Department of Civil and Environmental

Engineering, University of South Carolina,

Columbia, South Carolina, USA.

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Text Box
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Water Resources Research in August 2013, available online: DOI: 10.1002/wrcr.20401
Page 2: Feedback loops and temporal misalignment in component · Feedback loops and temporal misalignment in component-based hydrologic


Abstract. In component-based modeling, a complex system is represented

as a series of loosely-integrated components with defined interfaces and data

exchanges that allow the components to be coupled together through shared

boundary conditions. Although the component-based paradigm is commonly

used in software engineering, it has only recently been applied for modeling

hydrologic and earth systems. As a result, research is needed to test and ver-

ify the applicability of the approach for modeling hydrologic systems. The

objective of this work was therefore to investigate two aspects of using a component-10

based software architecture for hydrologic modeling: (1) simulation of feed-

back loops between components that share a boundary condition and (2) data

transfers between temporally misaligned model components. We investigated

these topics using a simple case study where diffusion of mass is modeled across

a water-sediment interface. We simulated the multi-media system using two

model components, one for the water and one for the sediment, coupled us-

ing the Open Modeling Interface (OpenMI) standard. The results were com-

pared with a more conventional numerical approach for solving the system

where the domain is represented by a single multidimensional array. Results

showed that the component-based approach was able to produce the same20

results obtained with the more conventional numerical approach. When the

two components were temporally misaligned, we explored the use of differ-

ent interpolation schemes to minimize mass balance error within the cou-

pled system. The outcome of this work provides evidence that component-

based modeling can be used to simulate complicated feedback loops between

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systems and guidance as to how different interpolation schemes minimize mass

balance error introduced when components are temporally misaligned.

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1. Introduction

Watershed-scale hydrologic models are commonly used tools in water resource man-

agement. They are applied to better understand water quality conditions, surface water

and groundwater allocations, floodplain management, flood warning, and a range of wa-30

ter resource management activities [Wurbs , 1998]. Modeling hydrologic processes at the

watershed-scale is challenging for many reasons including the multidisciplinary nature of

watersheds where human, ecological, hydrological, and economic factors can influence how

water is transported through natural and built systems. Watershed-scale modeling also

introduces significant data collection and management challenges that must be addressed

using sophisticated information systems and data management approaches [Dozier , 1992;

Horsburgh et al., 2008; Goodall and Maidment , 2009]. At an even more fundamental level,

watershed-scale models must simulate hydrologic processes and flow paths that are diffi-

cult to describe and to parameterize within a simulation model (see Beven [2002] for a


Despite these challenges, there are a number of examples of watershed-scale hydrologic

models developed by the scientific and engineering community [Singh, 2006]. Each model

has been designed to address specific requirements, yet these models include significant

overlap in terms of repetitive process representations and duplication of effort. As the

demands and stresses placed on water resources continues to increase, the hydrologic

science community would benefit from consolidating model development effort so that a

community of modelers can work collaboratively to build models capable of addressing a

variety of complex water resource management challenges. We argue, along with others

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[Voinov et al., 2010], that a key step along this path is to understand how software

engineering and information technology can be leveraged in order to allow for multi-50

developer modeling efforts. That is, for future watershed models to be able to keep pace

with policy and decision makers’ needs, there is a need to encourage community-modeling

practices; and to encourage community-modeling practices, there is a need to advance

the architectural approaches that underlie watershed model codes. Therefore, this work

is primarily focused on the challenge of designing watershed-scale hydrologic models from

a software architecture perspective.

Many examples exist of past efforts to infuse information technology into watershed

modeling and management. Most of these efforts, however, have resulted in tools that

target the time-intensive process of creating model input files and analyzing model output

files [Srinivasan and Arnold , 1994], often through the integration of Geographic Informa-60

tion Systems (GIS) with simulation models [Pullar and Springer , 2000; Miller et al.,

2004]. While this work has resulted in important and necessary tools, it does not fully

capture the potential of modern information technologies to advance how we design core

architectures of watershed modeling systems. More recent efforts in the hydrologic and

earth sciences have resulted in promising approaches for integrating both the growing set

of hydrologic data and models [Goodall et al., 2008; Horsburgh et al., 2008; Maidment ,

2008; Voinov et al., 2010]. The focus of this work is on one of the more recent paradigms

for structuring earth system models: component-based software architectures [Armstrong

et al., 2002; Gossler and Sifakis , 2003; Heineman and Councill , 2001].

Component-based software development is a method of software construction whereby70

a system is assembled from a set of prefabricated, reusable, and independently evolving

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units of code [Clements , 1995]. Developing using components allows for the construc-

tion of reconfigurable software systems in a timely and more manageable manner, where

components of the system can be more easily tested and validated in isolation of and in

combination with other system components [Clements , 1995; Garlan et al., 1995; Szyper-

ski , 2002]. When the approach is applied for constructing modeling systems, simulations

of a particular system can be constructed by coupling reusable components into a com-

position tailored for a specific modeling objective [Voinov et al., 2010]. By adhering to

component interface standards, multiple developers can contribute components to the

modeling system that are able to be coupled for the simulation.80

An important distinction of this work compared to previous approaches in watershed-

scale hydrologic modeling frameworks is between modular and component-based ap-

proaches as the underlying architecture (Figure 1). In a purely modular approach, model

integration is achieved by placing restrictions on data structures and conventions used

within modular modeling routines. In contrast, component-based approaches achieve in-

tegration by standardizing the communication interface between modeling components

during a simulation run [Szyperski , 2002]. The result is a more flexible and extensible

system because it is less restrictive on the internal implementation of components. While

there are many examples of technologies that emphasize a modular modeling approach

for water systems (e.g., Rahman [2003] and Leavesley et al. [1996]), there are fewer exam-90

ples that use a component-based approach, primarily because it is a newer approach for

model integration. The Open Modeling Interface (OpenMI) [Tindall , 2005], however, is

one example of this approach developed and used within the water resource community,

and the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) [Syvitski et al., 2011]

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is a second example of this approach developed and used in the Earth surface dynamics

modeling community. Here we focus on the OpenMI because it is meant primarily as a

standard for component-based modeling in the water resources domain.

The Open Modeling interface (OpenMI) is a component interface standard developed

through the European Union Water Framework Directive [Tindall , 2005]. Its primary

purpose is to facilitate interoperability between environmental models [Gregersen et al.,100

2007]. The basic approach used by OpenMI to couple models is to allow access to in-

put and output values of the model directly at run-time. A model that implements an

OpenMI standard interface becomes a linkable component and then can be coupled to

other components through input and output exchange items [Tindall , 2005]. OpenMI

is a pull-based pipe and filter architecture that consists of Linkable components (source

components and target components) which exchange memory-based data in a pre-defined

way and in a pre-defined format. The OpenMI defines the component interfaces as well as

how the data is being exchanged. OpenMI version 1.4 communication protocol consists of

three fundamental concepts: a linkable component, an exchange item, and a link [Sinding

et al., 2005]. A link connects the source and target component, and define the actual110

data exchange quantity between linkable components. Data exchange in an OpenMI 1.4

component composition is initiated by a trigger component that begins the data commu-

nication process. Once the composition has been triggered, components exchange data

autonomously without the need for a controller to supervise the interactions. OpenMI fol-

lows a single-threaded architecture meaning that a component can handle just one request

at a time. Figure 2 illustrates how models can be linked by either a uni-directional or

bi-directional link in an OpenMI component composition. Uni-directional links are used

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to integrate sequential models where model A is dependent on the output from model B,

which itself is dependent on the output from model C. In bi-directional links, two compo-

nents are linked such that each requires input from the other in order to run. This type120

of feedback loop communication is more complicated to implement in component-based

modeling and therefore is a focus of this paper.

OpenMI version 2.0, which was released after the initiation of this study, removes the

concept of a link being a distinct object and instead components directly provide their

output exchange item(s) as input exchange item(s) to one or more components. In both

the 1.4 and 2.0 versions of OpenMI, the target component pulls the data when needed us-

ing the pull-driven mechanism. We used the OpenMI 1.4 since the Software Development

Kit (SDK) for OpenMI 2.0 is still incomplete. Our findings will remain applicable after

migrating to OpenMI 2.0 because the pull mechanism with request and return of values

is unchanged and so there will still be a need to model systems that have feedback loops130

and may require rescaling of temporally or spatially misaligned data transfers.

Past work using OpenMI for hydrologic and water resource modeling has primarily

focused on applying the standard for modeling integrated water resource systems. For

example, OpenMI was used to couple separate models that simulate groundwater hydro-

geology, econometric farm level crop choices, and irrigated water use [Steward et al., 2009;

Bulatewicz et al., 2010]. Steward et al. [2009] emphasized the advantage of component-

based modeling to assembly three different components from three different disciplines. In

a related application, Fotopoulos et al. [2010] used OpenMI to build a flood model finding

that OpenMI eased the integration across various software components and increased the

flexibility and extensibility of the overall modeling system. Ewert et al. [2009] presented140

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integrated assessments for policy support in agriculture that used a modeling framework

built on OpenMI. The authors found that, while OpenMI provided an improved means

for linking models to each other, to a GIS, or to a Decision Support Systems (DSS), the

scientific basis for linking models across disciplinary boundaries and spatiotemporal scales

required additional research. OpenMI has also been applied to urban hydrology to couple

sewer system models with river hydraulic models, illustrating the benefit of component-

based modeling which allows existing models to be coupled through the runtime exchange

of data [Reussner et al., 2009]. These past efforts all point to the benefits of OpenMI and

component-based modeling in general for coupling disparate modeling and information

systems, however, as noted by Ewert et al. [2009], there are important scientific questions150

regarding model coupling that have not been well addressed.

We suggest that two of the most pressing questions in applying component-based mod-

eling concepts to hydrologic systems are (1) how to simulate fully coupled processes with

a shared boundary condition as two distinct components with a bidirectional link and (2)

how to couple two model components that have spatially and/or temporally misaligned

inputs and outputs. This is not to say these are the only two questions raised in regard to

component-based modeling [Voinov and Cerco., 2010], but given that hydrology is com-

plicated with many examples of feedbacks between processes operating within watershed

system, a successful integrated modeling approach must be capable of simulating such

interactions. Likewise, it is well known that hydrologic processes have characteristic time160

or length scales and that these scales can vary for different fluxes within the hydrological

cycle [Bloschl and Sivapalan, 1995]. One of the challenges that component-based modeling

attempts to address is that different components of the system can operate on indepen-

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dent spatial or temporal discretizations. In such cases, data transfers between spatially

and temporally misaligned components are required so that they do not violate basic prin-

ciples of hydrologic modeling (e.g., conservation of mass, energy, momentum). The goal

of this research is therefore to study model coupling for cases where there are feedback

loops between model components and those model components may run of different time

steps requiring temporal interpolation of data exchanges.

To address this research goal, we conducted a hypothetical modeling exercise with the170

objective of estimating pollution concentration in a multimedia water/sediment system.

In the first part of the study we simulated this system using two approaches: the first

was a tightly-coupled numerical model and the second was as two loosely-coupled model

components with one representing the water medium and the other representing the sedi-

ment medium. We used the first modeling approach to provide a point of comparison for

the component-based modeling approach. The two components were coupled so that they

exchanged concentrations across the water/sediment boundary through a bi-directional

link during simulation runtime. In the second part of the study, we made the two compo-

nents run on different time steps in order to study how interpolation schemes can be used

to rescale data transfers between components during simulation runtime. Details of the180

experiments are provided in the following methods section of this paper. Following the

methods section, we present results and discussion of the experiments including details of

how the bidirectional link and data transformations work in OpenMI. Finally, we present

conclusions from our work drawn from the investigation into these two aspects of using

component-based modeling to simulate hydrologic systems.

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2. Methods

2.1. Model Development

To better understand the application of component-based modeling for simulating fully

coupled systems we considered a hypothetical case where water is above a sediment col-

umn, a constant source of a pollutant is injected into the water, and the pollutant is

transported through the system by advection and diffusion. A two dimensional represen-

tation of the system can be described by the advection-diffusion equation


∂t= Dx




∂z2− u


∂x− v



where C is the concentration of the pollutant, u is the velocity in x-direction, v is the

velocity in z-direction, t is time, and Dx and Dz are diffusion coefficients in the x and

z directions, respectively. For simplicity we assumed that advection dominates in the

x-direction of the water domain and that diffusion dominates in the z-direction. With

these simplifications, the governing equation for the system becomes


∂t= Dw,z




∂z2− uw,x



where Dw,z is diffusion coefficient of pollutant in water in z-direction, Ds,z is the diffusion

coefficients of pollutant in sediment in z-direction, and uw,x is the velocity of pollutant in

water in the x-direction.

For the water medium only, because we assume that advection is the dominate transport

mechanism in the x-direction and that diffusion is the dominate transport mechanism in

z-direction, Equation 2 can be simplified to


∂t= Dw,z


∂z2− u



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where Cw is the concentration of the pollutant in the water. In our numerical simulations,

we approximated Equation 3 using a finite difference approach with a backward explicit

scheme as shown in Equation 4.


∆t= Dw,z

C0,j − C1,j

∆z2− u

C0,j − C0,j−1


Transport within the sediment medium was assumed to be due only to diffusion in

the z-direction. Therefore Equation 2 can be simplified for the sediment medium into

two equations: Equation 5 for the sediment top layer and Equation 6 for the remaining

sediment layers. C is used in the top layer to show that the rate of change of the concen-

tration gradient ∂2C/∂z2 is calculated across the boundary. We then use Cs for the other

sediment layers to represent ∂2Cs/∂z2 given that the rate of change of the concentra-

tion gradient is calculated in the sediment domain only. The equations for the sediment

medium therefore are given as


∂t= Ds,z




∂t= Ds,z



where z is now the depth within the sediment and Cs is the concentration of the pollutant

in the sediment. Concentration within the sediment domain was approximated using a190

finite difference leap frog (time marching) scheme as shown in Equation 7.



Ds,zCi+1,j + Ci−1,j + Ci,j+1 + Ci,j−1 − 4Ci, j


This approach was chosen because it has high stability for PDEs with oscillatory solu-

tions [Shampine, 2009]. A leap frog scheme allows the numerical nodes to be linked in

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four directions so that it guarantees interaction with the water component nodes. The

backward scheme is used to represent the diffusion term in water component to ensure

interaction with the sediment domain. It is worth mentioning that components can be

linked regardless of the internal numerical scheme applied in each of the components.

Equations 4 and 7 were solved for a two-dimensional grid in the x–z dimensions as a

discrete representation of the water-sediment domain (Figure 3). We considered a simple

domain consisting of ten rows (indexed by i′s) and ten columns (indexed by j′s) to conduct200

the case study experiment. The water medium was represented by the top row in the

domain (i = 0), while the other nine rows represented the sediment medium. In solving

the advection diffusion equation, we assumed that the diffusion constants were constant

over space and time. It is well known that a space explicit scheme does not oscillate when

the Peclet Number (Pe = v∆x/D) is less than or equal to 2 and the Courant Number

(Cr = v∆t/∆x) is less than or equal to 1. Therefore we selected the values in Table 1

that satisfy these conditions.

2.2. Model Implementation

We solved for concentration within the system using two approaches for structuring

the code. In the first approach, which we will refer to as the conventional approach,

the multimedia system was simulated using a tightly-integrated paradigm. By this we210

mean that the complete system, both the water and sediment medium, was represented

within one code unit using a single multi-dimensional array. The numerical methods

were programmed to operate on that array to solve Equations 4 and 7. The solution

using this approach was implemented in Matlab. In the second approach, which we will

refer to as the component-based approach, the multimedia system was simulated as two

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model components: one representing the water medium and the second representing the

sediment medium. Each component was developed independently without knowledge of

how the other component was implemented so that they remain autonomous units. The

components were then linked together into a composition so that boundary conditions

could be passed between the components during the simulation run. The solution using220

this approach was implemented in C# .Net using the version 1.4 of the OpenMI Software

Development Kit (SDK) and the approach for simplifying the creation of new OpenMI-

compliant models proposed by Castronova and Goodall [2010]. In the following paragraphs

we provide further detail for the component-based modeling approach because it is the

primary focus of this paper.

There were two steps in developing the component-based model: the first involved com-

ponent development and the second involved linking components into a composition in

order to define how the components exchange data during a simulation run. Component-

based software architectures rely on the standardization of component interfaces to provide

the “plug-and-play” functionality where model components can be reused in multiple com-230

positions without the need to change or recompile the model source code. The standard

component interface, acts as a contract between the model component and the controlling

application that runs the composition [Szyperski , 2002]. As stated earlier, we used the

OpenMI as the component standard because it was designed specifically for water resource

modeling. OpenMI provides the technical means for controlling a model component on a

time-step basis. Our aim in this work was not to develop a component standard or com-

position orchestration application, but instead to use the existing tools provided through

the OpenMI to model a hypothetical case study. We therefore built the components used

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in this study using the OpenMI standard in order to understand how this paradigm can

be used to simulate a fully-coupled system.240

To create the OpenMI components for this study, we used an approach for creating

process-level OpenMI components described by Castronova and Goodall [2010] and named

the Simple Model Wrapper (SMW). The approach automates many of the details involved

in implementing the OpenMI standard so that the model developer can more easily and

quickly create basic process-level hydrologic model components that adhere to the OpenMI

standard. Using the SWM approach, the water and sediment components were defined

by a configuration file, a geospatial dataset file, and a model engine file (Figure 4). The

configuration file is an XML file that defines the metadata for each model component (see

Castronova and Goodall [2010] for details). The input geospatial dataset file defines model

elements, system parameters, initial state variables, and other attributes specific for each250

model component. Finally, the model engine is a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file that

defines the behavior of the component and must implement three core methods: Initialize,

PerformTimeStep, and Finish. The Initialize method reads the exchange items from the

configuration file and the input parameters of each component from the geospatial dataset

file and stores these properties in memory. The PerformTimeStep method advances the

model component in time and performs the numerical calculations discussed earlier in the

paper. Finally, the Finish method writes the output data for each component and releases

the memory used by the components. The source codes for both components and tutorials

describing how to create and use the components are available as part of the HydroModeler

plug-in to the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences,260

Inc. (CUAHSI) HydroDesktop software system (

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The water and sediment components were linked into a composition by creating a bi-

directional link between the two components. The bi-directional link specified that the

sediment component required concentration values from the water component, and that

the water component required concentration values for the elements in the top layer of the

sediment component. Because OpenMI 1.4 follows a pull-driven communication paradigm,

both the water and sediment components request values from the other component within

the configuration on each time step. To start the simulation, we linked the sediment

component to a trigger component which initiates component communication, as described

earlier in this paper. When one component requests values from a linked component, that270

component is required to reply with the exact information requested. A request is made

for values associated with a set of elements, a quantity, and a specific time step or time

span. The component to which the request is made must supply values for the requested

elements and at the requested time step. If the requested data is not directly calculated

by the component, as was the case in the second experiment we conducted where one

component operated on a time step greater than the component that it was linked to,

there must be an interpolation process to rescale data transfers.

For both the conventional modeling approach and the two experiments using the

component-based modeling approach, which are described in the following subsections, we

solved for C(t) assuming a constant pollution point-source located in the first three nodes280

of water domain. The parameters for this study are given in Table 1 and the component

configuration file attributes are given in Table 2. A constant velocity in the x-direction, u,

and a constant rate of change with respect to time were given to avoid unsteady transport

in the two-dimensional field. Interaction between the water medium and the sediment

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medium is through diffusive transport across the water/sediment boundary and therefore

requires that the sediment component be able to obtain values calculated by the water

component, and the water component be able to obtain boundary conditions from the

sediment component during the model simulation run-time, as described earlier.

2.3. Experiment 1: Bidirectional Link

In the first experiment we used the component-based modeling approach to simulate

the coupled system with a bi-directional link handling the feedback loop between the two290

components. The goal was to verify that the component-based model correctly simulated

the system and to investigate how components coupled in a bi-directional link communi-

cate with one another. The conventional modeling approach, where the system is solved

for the entire domain with the same boundary and initial conditions, was used as a point

of comparison to the component-based modeling approach. We compared the results of

the models at the first time step to ensure that the models were initialized with correct

initial and boundary conditions, the tenth time step to check that the time marching

computation and data exchange were occurring correctly, the 100th time step to check the

stability of the numerical computations in both components, and the 2000th time step to

judge the stability of the solution after a long time period. This comparison was done for300

time steps of 0.1 second, 0.5 second, 1 second and 10 seconds to ensure that both models

were handling varying time steps correctly.

2.4. Experiment 2: Temporal Rescaling

In the second experiment we modified the component-based solution used in the first ex-

periment so that the two components operated on different time steps. While components

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are required to have the same simulation time period in OpenMI, they are not required

to have the same time step. To explore this feature of coupling temporally misaligned

components, we varied the internal time step for the water component tw from 1, 2, ..., 10

s, while holding the internal time step of sediment component ts constant at one second.

This change was implemented by changing the time step of the components as specified

in the time horizon element of each component’s XML configuration file (Table 3).310

OpenMI compositions that have linked components operating on different space or

time discretizations require interpolation in order to transform data exchanges between

components. It is common for temporal interpolation algorithms to require values from

one or more previous time steps in the simulation. To handle this case, the OpenMI

includes a SmartBuffer class that is used to store values from previous time steps for

a particular link in the computer’s memory so that they can be accessed later when

interpolated values are required (Figure 5). The functionality of a smart buffer is exposed

through three methods: the first is used to fill the buffer with values, the second to empty

values from the buffer, and the third for obtaining interpolated values generated using a

particular interpolation algorithm from the buffer.320

The OpenMI Software Development Kit (SDK) provides a technique to interpolate

between misaligned components that can be described by the following equation

Sr,i =Sn+1b,i − Sn


tn+1b − tnb

(trb − tnb )(1 − α) + (Snb,i) (8)

where tnb is the nth entry in the buffered list, Snb is the nth scalar set in the buffered list, α

is the relaxation factor, and tr is the requested time. If the relaxation factor (α) is zero,

a linear interpolation is preformed. In the case where the relaxation factor is one, the

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return value is the nearest available value. For relaxation factors between one and zero,

a weighted average between these two cases is returned [Sinding et al., 2005].

We extended the OpenMI by introducing two other interpolation techniques and applied

both new implementations to our study of the impact of interpolation on overall system

mass balance. The first interpolation method that we implemented was the quadratic

formula (Equation 9).

Sr,i =

[(trb − tnb )(trb − tn−1b )

(tn+1b − tnb )(tn+1

b − tn−1b )


b,i ) +[(trb − tn+1

b )(trb − tn−1b )

(tnb − tn+1b )(tnb − tn−1b )


b,i) + (9)[(trb − tn+1

b )(trb − tn+1b )

(tn−1b − tnb )(tn−1b − tn+1b )


b,i )

The three Sb,i values in Equation 9 can be applied for either uniform or nonuniform time330

steps. Because the water component was set to have a different time step compared to

the sediment component, the storing capacity of the SmartBuffer was extended in order

to perform this interpolation method.

The second interpolation method implemented was a cubic spline scheme whereby data

exchanges are approximated by a curve in a piecewise manner by a third-order polynomial

over each interval tnb < trb < tn+1b . This is done in such a way that both the first and second

derivatives of the curve at the end of the interval match those of the approximation of

the immediate left at tn and those to the approximation to the right at tn+1 . This can

be expressed as

Sr,i = (trb − tnb )

[Snb,i + Sn+1


(tnb − tn+1b )

− (A+B)(tn+1b − tnb )


C(trb − tnb )3

6(tn+1b − tnb )

+D(trb − tn+1

b )3

6(tn+1b − tnb )


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where A, B, C, and D are given as follows.340

A =(Sn−2

b,i − 2Sn−1b,i + Sn


(tn−2b − tn−1b )2

B =(Sn−1

b,i − 2Snb,i + Sn+1

b,i )

(tn−1b − tnb )2

C =(Sn−1

b,i − 2Snb,i + Sn+1

b,i )

(tn−1b − tnb )2

D =(Sn−2

b,i − 2Sn−1b,i + Sn


(tn−2b − tn−1b )2

We used these two new interpolation methods implemented in OpenMI through this

work (quadratic and cubic spline) along with the linear interpolation method provided

through the OpenMI SDK to rescale data transfers between the sediment and water com-

ponents in the composition. The goal of this second experiment was both to understand

the data rescaling process and how it was handled by OpenMI, and also to quantify the im-

pact of different interpolation routines on minimizing overall system mass balance in this

specific case study for varying time step differences between the two model components.


The two experiments conducted through this research focus on two aspects of

component-based modeling at its application to hydrologic systems. In the first experi-

ment we explored how data is transferred between two model components linked with a350

bi-directional link using OpenMI. Bi-directional component communication represents a

complicated case for component-based modeling, and we were interested in learning how

this case is handled when modeling feedback loops. In the second experiment, we investi-

gated the case where two components are linked but each component runs on a different

time step. The OpenMI includes the concept of data transformations to couple spatially

or temporally misaligned components. Our goal in this second experiment was to under-

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stand how different interpolation algorithms could be inserted into the OpenMI to rescale

data and minimize overall system mass balance. For both experiments, we compared the

component-based model to a second model of the same system that was implemented

using a more conventional numerical scheme. The conventional model was used to ensure360

that the component-based models produced the same results and to quantify mass balance

errors in the temporally misaligned model configuration.

3.1. Results from Experiment 1: Bidirectional Link

Results from the first experiment showed that the component-based model implemen-

tation and the conventional model implementation produced identical results for the sim-

ulation (Figure 6). The results were as expected. In the first time step, the concentration

increased across the water medium due to advective transport. Then, as time progressed,

the mass was transported by diffusion into the sediment due to the concentration gra-

dient across the water/sediment interface. After ten seconds the concentration gradient

was parallel in the water medium and had reached a state where diffusion dominates

the propagation of the pollutant in both media. The mass continued to be transferred370

into the sediment until the sediment reached steady-state so that the entire medium is

saturated with the pollutant. The coupled component simulation was run for four dif-

ferent time steps (0.1, 0.5, 1, and 10 s) to investigate the sensitivity of the solution to

time step size and also to ensure the numerical stability of the schemes used. When we

used a time step that was smaller than one second, we had to change the TimeEpsilon

attribute in the OpenMI Linkable Engine class of each component to be compatible with

the corresponding time step of the model.

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The protocol for communicating data between the two components was closely moni-

tored in the experiment and is summarized in Figure 7. After the two components are

initialized, the data exchange began with the trigger component requesting an exchange380

item from the first component in the chain: the water component in this case (Arrow 1

in Figure 7). The water component then requested concentration values for the boundary

nodes of the sediment component for the initial time step in the simulation (Arrow 2 in

Figure 7). The sediment component required boundary conditions from the water com-

ponent, and therefore requested these values from the water component on the same time

step (Arrow 3 in Figure 7). Time cannot advance until each component’s data request

has been answered, so at this point there was a deadlock where the sediment and water

components were co-dependent on a shared boundary condition. Both of the components

have not received their data requests, so they do not have sufficient information to com-

pute the data requested and are therefore unable to advance in simulation time. This390

is the challenge with a bi-directional link: each component requires data from the other

component in order to step in time.

OpenMI handles deadlocks in bi-directional component linkages like the one described

in the previous paragraph in the following way. First, the OpenMI standard requires that

when a component has an unanswered request for a value, it is not allowed to issue any

additional data requests. Second, OpenMI requires that a component always return values

when a request for data is issued. Therefore in this experiment, when the water component

requested data from the sediment component, the sediment component then requested

data from the water component, and the water component must at that point answer

that data request because it has an outstanding data request. The water component400

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answers the data request issued by the sediment component with its best estimate for

the concentration values at the water/sediment boundary at the current time step. In

this case, the best estimate for values are the concentration values on the previous time

step, as it is assumed that these values will be approximately equal to the concentration

value on the current time step (Arrow 4 in Figure 7). At this point in the model run, the

sediment component can answer the water component (Arrow 5 in Figure 7), and the water

component is able to respond to the request for values issued by the configuration trigger

(Arrow 6 in Figure 7). This concludes the first time step of the model configuration. The

trigger then invokes the water component for the next time step, requesting data for that

time step. The same interaction between the sediment and water component is repeated410

for this time step, and the model continues until all time steps have been completed.

This experiment shows that the OpenMI version 1.4 SDK handles deadlocks in bidi-

rectional links by having the component estimate a value on the current time step based

on the values of that same variable calculated for the previous time step. We were able

to reproduce the component-based model solution using a more conventional numerical

solution by making this same assumption in the conventional numerical algorithm. For

some cases, the assumption that current conditions can be approximated by past condi-

tions may not be sufficient, in which case modification of the OpenMI SDK to produce a

more sophisticated means for handling component bi-directional links may be necessary.

For example, while we used an explicit scheme for the two model components in the ex-420

periment, an alternative approach would have been to implement the components using

an implicit scheme. An implementation using an implicit scheme would have required

iteration within a time step to obtain the correct values for the boundary conditions.

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The OpenMI Technical Association has created a utility package designed to support ad-

vanced data control of model compositions, such as iteration within a time step, that is

available in a prototype form but not as part of the official OpenMI SDK. The utility

package includes three data control options: iteration, calibration, and logic switch. The

iteration controller is a linkable component that acts as a mediator between components

and requests the models to step back one time step to adjust the values in the implicit

scheme. The input exchange item of the receiving component and the output exchange430

item of the providing component should be connected to the same iteration controller

component. Because we choose to use an explicit scheme when implementing the compo-

nents, it was not necessary to use this prototype utility package for advanced control of

OpenMI compositions.

3.2. Results from Experiment 2: Temporal Rescaling

In the second experiment performed as a part of this work, we studied how temporal

misalignments of model components, and more specifically interpolation of component

data transfers, are handled by OpenMI. Introducing different interpolation techniques

to the OpenMI and using existing interpolation techniques provided within the OpenMI

SDK, we were able to quantify the impact of interpolation on system mass balance error.

To explore this topic, we relaxed the assumption used in the first experiment that the440

water and sediment components operate on the same time step. This introduces the need

to rescale data exchanges between the two components using interpolation schemes. In

this second experiment we were interested in better understanding how the case of tem-

poral misaligned of component data exchanges is handled within the OpenMI paradigm.

We were also interested in learned how to include new interpolation algorithms into the

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OpenMI system, and how these different interpolation methods influence the overall mass

balance error within the coupled system of components.

Figure 8 depicts the protocol OpenMI uses to rescale data transfers by demonstrating

the steps involved in one cycle of sediment request for interpolated data from water

component. At the point in time which the figure depicts, both components have been450

initialized and the water component has completed its first time step of the simulation t1w.

First, the sediment component attempts to compute values for the current time step of the

simulation run (ts = ts + ∆ts). In order to do this calculation, the sediment component

requires values from the water component and so it issues a data request to the water

component for ts. The water component is then required to return values of the water

concentration for time equal to t1s. The water component will evaluate if the requested

time is before, after, or equal to its own internal time. The water component determines

in this case that the requested time is less than its internal time (ts < tw), therefore

the water component will request the SmartBuffer to interpolate values at time step ts.

Finally the SmartBuffer returns the data values back to the sediment component. Thus,460

the SmartBuffer object is central in the interpolation process required to couple spatially

or temporally misaligned model components.

As stated earlier, the OpenMI SDK provides an interpolation algorithm that can be used

to implement linear interpolation, nearest neighbor interpolation, or a weighted combi-

nation of these two interpolation algorithms. For some cases, these options may not be

optimal for rescaling data between spatially or temporally misaligned model components.

Many hydrological flux and state variables follow a polynomial behavior, for example, and

therefore it would be necessary to have such interpolation methods available as a part of

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the OpenMI toolkit. OpenMI is developed as an open source project, so we were able

to extend the set of interpolation schemes available through OpenMI to include both the470

quadratic polynomial and cubic spline schemes as described in the Methods section.

After adding these new interpolation algorithms to OpenMI, we applied them to handle

the case where the water and sediment components had different time steps. In linear

interpolation, the SmartBuffer was required to store only two values to perform the in-

terpolation (Figure 8). Therefore, as time advances, the SmartBuffer was updated with

the new value as it became available. This means that the SmartBuffer was acting as a

moving frame only storing two values at any given time. More complicated interpolation

methods require the SmartBuffer to store more than two data values in the buffer at any

given time. This could have performance costs in terms of increased search time on the

smart buffer and increased storage required for the buffer, however this aspect of the work480

was not investigated in detail as part of this study. We did not notice any measurable per-

formance costs in this work, however this was a purposely small modeling case study and

so we cannot rule out the possibility of performance costs for a larger modeling exercise.

To understand the benefit of each interpolation scheme in minimizing the mass balance

error between the temporally misaligned coupled components, the internal time step of

the sediment component (∆ts) was fixed at one second and the water component internal

time step (∆tw) was varied from two through ten seconds with a step of one second. Three

interpolation schemes – linear, quadratic, and natural cubic spline – were used to inter-

polate between the previous stored values and the current value of the water component

value at an intermediate time equal to ts before the values are passed back to the sedi-490

ment component so that it can proceed in its own calculations. Figure 9 represents the

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impact of each interpolation scheme on the computed sediment boundary concentration.

The comparison was done using the concentration values of the sediment boundary layer

calculated when both the water and sediment components were operating on the same

internal time step and the concentration values calculated using interpolation schemes

separately when both components were temporally misaligned. The outputs obtained

from the temporally aligned component configuration are shown on the horizontal axis

and the predicted (interpolated) outputs from the misaligned component configuration are

shown on the vertical axis. The results are presented at three different locations in the

sediment top layer (x = 4, 6, and 10 m), and for three different ∆tw values (2, 4, and 10500

s). The figure shows that the interpolation error increases as the distance from the source

pollution source increases so that the error recorded at point (x = 10 m) is greater than

the error recoded at point (x = 2 m). The cubic spline scheme best matches the actual

values for small differences in time steps between the water and sediment components for

all three locations. As the difference between the operating times steps of the components

increase, the deviation of the interpolated values using the three interpolation schemes

also increases. The linear scheme shows the best results for large differences in temporal

time step sizes between components.

Figure ?? shows the total mass error in the sediment media as the time advances during

the simulation run. Total mass error represents the difference between total mass of the510

sediment media when both components are temporally aligned and the predicted mass

when the components are misaligned with the three differences in time steps (2, 4, and 10

s). The results show that the cubic scheme minimizes the error in mass transfer between

coupled components the best for the first two cases (∆tw = 2 s and ∆tw = 4s), but does

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the worst for the third case (∆tw = 10s). For this third case, a linear interpolation is

best at minimizing mass balance error in the misaligned component configuration. In

general we found that for smaller time steps, linear interpolation has the largest error

while cubic spline interpolation results in the smallest error. We also found that the

opposite is true for larger time steps with spline interpolation producing the largest error

and linear interpolation producing the smallest error. The reason for this finding is that520

an interpolated concentration value is estimated from the previous time step value of the

node, and the previous time step value of the spatially adjacent nodes. For the case of

the linear interpolation scheme, only the previous value is used in the interpolation, while

the quadratic scheme uses the two previous values. The cubic spline interpolation scheme

is more complicated in that it uses a piece-wise interpolation that employs a third order

polynomial between each of the subintervals [ti, .., ti−3] in order to satisfy continuity at

junction points between curve segments and continuity in its first and second derivatives.

This high dependence on neighboring values in space and time explains the difference in

the interpolated values calculated using cubic spline scheme when compared to the values

calculated using linear scheme for large time steps. Furthermore, for the first few time530

steps, the cubic spline interpolation is actually performing a linear interpolation because

there are not a sufficient number of previous values to perform a cubic spline interpolation.

Then, once a sufficient number of previous values are available to perform the cubic spline

interpolation, the interpolation scheme is able to minimize mass balance error between

the two coupled but temporally misaligned model components. This fact explains the

sudden decrease in the mass balance error after the third time step when using the cubic

spline interpolation for (∆tw = 2 s and ∆tw = 4 s).

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While previous work has demonstrated the benefits of using a component-based mod-

eling design for simulating hydrologic systems, there remain important research questions

about the applicability of the approach for modeling complicated system dynamics. This540

work provides a detailed view of two aspects of component-based modeling relevant for

simulating hydrologic systems: feedback loops and misalignment of data exchanges. We

explored these aspects specifically for the OpenMI component-based modeling protocol

because it was designed and development for the water resource modeling community. The

topics were explored through a simplified case study of mass transport within a mixed

media system with water over a sediment column. A component-based implementation

of this system was compared with a more conventional numerical solution to the same

system. This comparison provided a means for understanding how the component-based

composition was solved, and for quantifying mass balance errors in the case where compo-

nent output needs to be temporally rescaled to accommodate the input needs of another550


In the first experiment conducted where we examined how feedback loops (or what

OpenMI terms bi-directional links) between components are handled, we found that

OpenMI handles such cases in the following way. First, when a component has an unan-

swered data request, it is not allowed to issue any additional data requests. Second, a

component is required to always return values when a request for data is issued. These

two requirements result in components having to estimate values based on previous val-

ues calculated by the component when two components are coupled with a bidirectional

link. The design of OpenMI makes it possible to enhance the logic for handling feedback

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loops by adopting a scheme that allows for iteration between components to converge on560

a shared boundary condition. One finding of this research is that such a solution may be

required for cases where model components have large time steps, for example, where it is

insufficient for the component to reply to a request for values on the current time step with

the values from the previously time step as its best estimate. Future research is needed to

more fully explore possibilities for more sophisticated solutions like those available in the

prototype advanced controller utilities package to handle iteration between components

coupled through a bi-directional feedback loop.

In the second experiment where we examined how misaligned component interactions

are handled within OpenMI, we found that the framework provided an open architec-

ture whereby new interpolation algorithms could be easily added in order to diversify the570

schemes available to users for rescaling transfers between components. For the partic-

ular advection-diffusion case study, we found that a cubic spline interpolation was best

suited for minimizing system mass balance error for cases where there is a small time

step difference between model components, whereas a linear interpolation preformed best

for large time step differences between model components. An important point is that

multiple rescaling techniques can be made available through the OpenMI standard and so

the user can select the most appropriate approach for a specific application, or add a new

approach to the system if necessary. An alternative approach if the users cannot define

the appropriate scheme for their application is testing the performance of each scheme

following the methodology in our second experiment. Open source software and open580

modeling architectures also allow modelers to share not only model components, but also

interpolation routines and other useful tools that are necessary to modeling hydrologic

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systems. While this is possible in OpenMI version 1.4, OpenMI version 2.0 provides a

more flexible approach for adapting output data to fit the input requirements of another

model by introducing the AdaptedOutput construct for rescaling data in space or time,

or performing on-the-fly unit conversions between linked models. Users could create a

time interpolation adapted output construct and easily share it with others for reuse in

component-based modeling applications.

In conclusion, component-based modeling, were a complex systems is decomposed into

a set of simpler components that act as separate but linked units, presents many bene-590

fits for modeling hydrologic systems. Each component can be designed, developed, and

maintained by different groups, but still be used by a large community of modelers in

their own simulations. OpenMI provides an implementation of component-based model-

ing specifically for the water resources community. This work provides a detailed look at

how component-based modeling in general and OpenMI in particular handle what we con-

sider to be two of the more complicated challenges in representing hydrologic systems as

coupled components. Feedback loops are handled in a fairly simplistic way in the current

implementation of the OpenMI SDK, although more complicated schemes that allow for

iteration between components that are coupled through a feedback loop dependency. The

OpenMI includes a sophisticated means for handling data transfers between components600

that do not have the same spatial or temporal discreteization. While the framework only

includes a few interpolation methods, it is possible to add new interpolation algorithms,

as we have done in this work, that plug into the system. Nonetheless, users of component-

based architectures must understand potential errors introduced when coupling spatially

or temporally misaligned models. This work is an attempt to quantify such errors for a

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specific case study and to understand how different interpolation routines can be used to

minimize errors.

Acknowledgments. The authors wish to acknowledge the National Science Founda-

tion (NSF) for supporting this research under the award CBET: 08-4244 “CAREER:

Integrated Modeling for Watershed Management.”610


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Figure 1. Contrasting the more common modular approach for structuring model codes

with a component-based approach.

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Figure 2. Data exchange between component models in a uni-directional composition

(top) and a bi-directional composition (bottom) (adapted from [Tindall , 2005])



Figure 3. The grid used for the numerical solution with the conventional approach

(left) and component-based approach (right)

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Figure 4. Details for the implementation of the component-based model approach.

Input Items Water Sediment

Velocity (m s−1) 0.80 0.00Diffusion Factor (cm2 s−1) 0.025 0.025No. of Rows 1 9No. of Columns 10 10


Table 1. Model parameters for water and sediment media

Component Name Exchange Item Type Element Set Name Quantity Name Units

Water ComponentOutput Item ConcentrationBC1 Water Concentration PPMInput Item ConcentrationBC2 Sediment Concentration PPM

Sediment ComponentInput Item ConcentrationBC2 Sediment Concentration PPMOutput Item ConcentrationBC1 Water Concentration PPM


Table 2. Properties included in the XML configuration files for the water and sediment


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Start Date Time: 08/20/2009 00:00:00 AMEnd Date Time: 08/20/2009 01:00:00 AM

Time Steps: 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 10 seconds


Table 3. The time horizon and time steps used in the simulation.

Figure 5. Provided interpolation routine in OpenMI which allows for linear interpo-

lation (when α = 0), nearest neighbor (when α = 1), and a weighted approach between

these two alternatives (when 0 < α <1)

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0.1 0.10.3



t= 1 S for Water Component

0 2 4 6 88




t= 1 S for Sediment Component

0 2 4 6 80





0.1 0.10.3 0.30.5 0.50.7 0.70.9 0.9

t= 10 S for Water Component

0 2 4 6 88






0.1 0.1t= 10 S for Sediment Component

0 2 4 6 8





0.5 0.50.7 0.70.9 0.9

t= 100 S for Water Component

Z [


0 2 4 6 88



1e 015



0.1 0.1t=100 S for Sediment Component

X [m]0 2 4 6 8





0.5 0.50.7 0.70.9 0.9

t= 500 S for Water Component

0 2 4 6 88



0.1 0.10.2 0.20.3 0.30.4 0.40.5 0.5

t= 500 S for Sediment Component

0 2 4 6 8























Figure 6. Results of the coupled water/sediment system for both the conventional and

component-based approach.

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(2) Request

(3) Request

(6) Reply

Set the initial conditions

Set the initialconditions

Perform time step Perform time step

Write outputs and release memory

Write outputs and release memory




Trigger t=0

(1) Request

(4) Reply

(5) Reply

Perform time step Perform time step


Water Component

Water Component Sediment Component

Sediment Component

Sediment ComponentWater Component

Water Component Sediment Component


Figure 7. Communication flow for a bidirectional link within OpenMI between the

water and sediment components (adapted from Sinding et al. [2005]).

Sediment Component∆ts =1s

Water Component∆tw=3 s

a-Linear b-Quadratic

c-Cubic spline

Smart Buffer

(2)Request C_w(t=t_s)

(3) tw=tw+∆tw

(4) Interpolate

(5) Return C_w(t=t_s)

(1) ts=ts+∆ts

Figure 8. Communication flow for rescaling data transfers when components inputs

and outputs are temporally misaligned.

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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0×10−2






1.0×10−2 (i = 4, j = 0)

∆tw = 2s

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0×10−2






1.0×10−2 (i = 6, j = 0)

∆tw = 2s

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0×10−2






1.0×10−2 (i = 10, j = 0)

∆tw = 2s

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0×10−2









∆tw = 4s

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0×10−2







∆tw = 4s

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0×10−2







∆tw = 4s

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0×10−2







∆tw = 10s

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

CActual ×10−2







∆tw = 10s

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0×10−2







∆tw = 10s

Aligned Linear Quadratic Cubic

Figure 9. Results of linear, quadratic, and cubic spline schemes in minimizing the

mass balance error between temporally misaligned coupled components. Comparison is

for three locations in the sediment top layer (x = 4, 6, and 10 m) and for three values of

internal time step differences (2, 4, and 10 s).

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