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FEECE-MUET e-Newsletter In This Issue: 15 TH ANNUAL CONVOCA- TION OF MUET Faculty Orientation session at Telecom Department UNFORGETTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS OF MUE- TIANS IN 28TH IEEEP ALL PAKISTAN STUDENTS SEMINAR 1 st installation ceremony of JCI Rainbow NATIONAL BREAST CAN- CER AWARENESS DRIVE- OCTOBER 2012 MUET GRADUATE SE- LECTED AS STUDENT RE- SEARCH PARTNER (SRP) FOR IEEE RESEARCH DE- VELOPMENT IEEE-CS WEB- DEVELOPERS’ DAY World Space Week Lab book on FOCS Winter internship Program IEEE-MUET STUDENT BRANCH CLINCHES 2 AWARDS AT 2 ND KSSGWC’12 15 TH ANNUAL CONVOCATION OF MUET By Moiz Rehman Memon The 15 th Annual Convocation of Mehran University of Engineering and Techology (MUET), Jamshoro was held on 21 st January, 2013 at the University Auditorium to award degrees to the candidates who have passed degree courses of Ph.D./ M. Phil./M.E., B.E./ B. CRP (08-Batch), B. Arch (07-Batch) and B. Design/ B. Arch of CEAD and also MS & BS (Information Technology), B. Tech. (Pass)/ B. Tech. (Hons) Examinations of the Affiliated Colleges/ Institutes. Speaking at the 15th convocation of MUET on Monday, Chairman of Higher Edu- cation Commission (HEC) Dr Javed R. Laghariwho was also the Chief Guest, said the university was also coordinating in the Thar coal project along with other institutions. He further said that Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET) is playing its role in the country’s economic development, indicated by the establishment of a biogas plant in Sanghar sugar mills with the help of the varsi- ty.Congratulating students on the successful completion of their professional edu- cation, he said it must be a moment of great excitement for them.He said the MUET ranked second in Pakistan and first in Sindh on the basis of its national and international merit in the field of engineering. Volume:2 Issue:12 April 2013 PATRONS: DR. B.S CHOWDARY; DR. AFTAB A MEMON; DR. MUKHTIAR A UNAR Members: Dr. Fahim Umrani, Engr. Saadullah Kalwar, Ms. Faryal Zaidi, Mr. Adil Agha, Mr. Moiz Rahman Memon
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Page 1: FEECE Vol2 Issue12

FEECE-MUET e-Newsletter

In This Issue:



Faculty Orientation session

at Telecom Department






1st installation ceremony of

JCI Rainbow











World Space Week

Lab book on FOCS

Winter internship Program







By Moiz Rehman Memon

The 15th Annual Convocation of Mehran University of Engineering and Techology

(MUET), Jamshoro was held on 21st January, 2013 at the University Auditorium to

award degrees to the candidates who have passed degree courses of Ph.D./ M.

Phil./M.E., B.E./ B. CRP (08-Batch), B. Arch (07-Batch) and B. Design/ B. Arch

of CEAD and also MS & BS (Information Technology), B. Tech. (Pass)/ B.

Tech. (Hons) Examinations of the Affiliated Colleges/ Institutes.

Speaking at the 15th convocation of MUET on Monday, Chairman of Higher Edu-

cation Commission (HEC) Dr Javed R. Laghariwho was also the Chief Guest,

said the university was also coordinating in the Thar coal project along with other

institutions. He further said that Mehran University of Engineering and Technology

(MUET) is playing its role in the country’s economic development, indicated by the

establishment of a biogas plant in Sanghar sugar mills with the help of the varsi-

ty.Congratulating students on the successful completion of their professional edu-

cation, he said it must be a moment of great excitement for them.He said the

MUET ranked second in Pakistan and first in Sindh on the basis of its national and

international merit in the field of engineering.

Volume:2 Issue:12 April 2013


Members: Dr. Fahim Umrani, Engr. Saadullah Kalwar, Ms. Faryal Zaidi, Mr. Adil Agha, Mr. Moiz Rahman Memon

Page 2: FEECE Vol2 Issue12

He said that it was counted among the 400 best engineering universities and it was pro-

ducing a greater number of PhDs, which would help other public sector engineering

universities.He said the university had once again been granted ISO certification apart

from its 22 international linkages and 15 Australian scholarships. He said that a beauti-

ful campus building, increasing number of under- and post-graduates, establishment of

water centre and presence of 100 faculty members and a modernised library spoke

volumes for its standard of education.He expressed the hope that the MUET would be

included in 100 top-ranking universities of the world in the next couple of years.

MUET Vice-Chancellor

MUET Vice-Chancellor Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan Rajput emphasized on the continuous

growth in quality of higher education while mentioning the university’s position among

Pakistani and other educational institutions.He said the MUET had been approached by

the world’s top universities for collaborative research.He urged graduates to get recog-

nition for their university by proving their skills and knowledge.

Seven PhDs were among the students receiving degrees and diplomas on the occa-


Three students who were awarded gold medals for the best performance in their re-

spective faculties included Sanjay Kumar of Architecture and Civil Engineering,

Anam Ali of Engineering, Sara Qadeer of Electrical, Electronics and Computer


Mohammad Asif, Ali Raza, Anam Areesha, Anam Ali, Abdul Raheem and Sabir

Ahmed Khan were awarded gold medals for being the best graduates.

Faculty Orientation session at Telecom


By Engr. Saadullah Kalwar

A faculty orientation session was or-

ganized at Telecommunication de-

partment on 4th March 2013. The ob-

jective of session was to introduce

faculty members with various official

matters, rules and regulations of uni-

versity. Dr. AftabMemon and Dr. Fahi-

mUmrani were the speakers.

Dr. Fahim started the lecture by dis-

cussing brief history of MUET and

organizational characteristics. Then

campuses resources such as Library,

MIS, ICPC, hostel and transport were

discussed. Teachers were also in-

formed about various loans and allow-

ances they can get from university.

Then the presentation shifted to tele-

communication department, discuss-

ing organizational chart and courses

available in the particular institute.

Achievements of telecom department

were discussed such as various na-

tional and international events which

were organized and which are in pipe-

line. It also included discussion about

final year project committees, Com-

munication research group, course

development committee etc.

Then Dr. Aftab took over the lecture

and explained different teaching traits

and requirements. Most of university

rules have been changed with intro-

duction of semester system, all these

rules were explained in detail and all

the confusions were removed. To

make the session even more interest-

ing, attendees were served with re-

freshment from the chairman side.

Award cermony

Page 3: FEECE Vol2 Issue12

Semester System Started From 13Batch

Semester System

has been started in

Mehran UET in order

to enhance education

system. Some of the

points are:

GPA System


Less-Theory and

more emphasis on




The 28th IEEEP All Pakistan Student Seminar was held on 18th March, 2013,

organized by IEEEP in collaboration with Bahria University, Karachi emerged

to be the event of novelty and thoughts in the field of Engineering. Cluster of

Talented Students came from different Universities across Pakistan and pre-

sented their research papers and also remained the source of inspiration for

other students to portray their aptitude and intellectuals.

Continuing the practice of uphill struggle and passion to win, students of

MUET again succeeded in showing their devotion towards Research in Engi-

neering and Science. They recognized themselves by winning all Top three

Positions in the competition of IEEEP Students’ Seminar.

The author and participant students from ES and TL department of MUET

attended the seminar. Technical papers were received from different universi-

ties like MUET, Punjab University Lahore, SSUET, Hamdard University, Us-

man Institute of Technology, Pakistan Navy Engineering College and many


At Bahria university

Page 4: FEECE Vol2 Issue12

IEEEP announced results

After meticulous scrutiny, Seminar Authorities short listed only 13

research papers from all over Pakistan, among which MUET stu-

dents avowed four research papers.

Two papers were presented by undergraduate students of Elec-

tronic Engineering Department, one from Telecommunication De-

partment and fourth paper was presented by postgraduate stu-

dents of Electronic System Engineering. At the end of seminar,

IEEEP announced results and honored 6 POSITIONS among

these13 papers.It is an immense pleasure and matter of great

Pride and happiness that Mehran University got all top three Po-

sitions and achieved all the Gold Medals and ultimately got the

IEEE winning Trophy as well. It has never happened in history of

this competition that all Gold Medals and all top three positions are

achieved by only one university

Competitions at Bahria

Page 5: FEECE Vol2 Issue12

Mehranians getting certificates


POSITION, Gold Medals, 8,000 /Rs cash prize and certificates were won by Muhammad Zakir

Shaikh (09ES17), Madiha Shah(09ES32) and Usama Zaid (09ES17) from the Department of Elec-

tronics Engineering .Their paper was entitled as “Design and Implementation of Cost Effective In-

telligent Energy Efficient Industrial Process Control” under the supervision and guidance of Dr.

Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry( Dean Faculty of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineer-

ing), Engr. Yasmeen Naz and Engr. Irfan Ahmed Halepoto.


POSITION, Gold Medals, 8000 Rs/cash prize and certificates were won by Pooja Rajput

(09ES55), Kiran Rajput (09ES41) and Muhammad Zakir Shaikh(09ES17) from the Department of

Electronics Engineering. Their paper was entitled as “WSN based energy management in

Smart Grids” under the supervision and guidance of Dr.Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry (Dean

Faculty of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering), Engr. Amir and Engr. Abdul

Rasheed Shaikh.


POSITION, Gold Medals, 8000 Rs/cash prize and certificates were won by Sarang Shaikh

(09TL24), Sara Abbasi(09TL23) and Shaikh Asad(09TL71) from the Department of Telecommu-

nication Department. Their paper was entitled as “Wireless LAN Security Survey 2013 of Hyder-

abad” under the supervision and guidance of Dr Faisal Kareem Shaikh and Engr. Mehran Ma-


Muhammad Zakir Shaikh (09ES17) got two Gold Medals, One for 1st

position and another one

for 2nd

Position as he was the author of two research papers.

Page 6: FEECE Vol2 Issue12

The Result of the top 6 Research Papers The Result (Percentage marks) of the top 6 Research Papers who got Gold Medals and Silver Medals are as


Position, Name and Authors of the Paper Percentage Marks


Position and 1st

Gold Medals

“Design and Implementation of Cost Effective Intelligent Energy Efficient Industrial Process Control System”

By: Zakir Shaikh, Madiha Shah, Usama Zaid

Mehran UET,Jamshoro

90 %


Position and 2nd

Gold Medals

“WSN Based Energy management in Smart Grids” By: Pooja Rajput,Kiran Rajput, M.Zakir Shaikh

Mehran UET, Jamshoro

76 %


Position and 3rd

Gold Medals

“Wireless LAN Security Survey 2013 of Hyderabad” By: Sarang Shaikh, Sara Abbasi, Shaikh Asad

Mehran UET,Jamshoro

67 %


Position and 1st

Silver Medals

“Low Cost GPS aided Inertial Navigation Systems” By: Syed Talha Tariq, Khurram Mushtaq

Bahria University,Karachi Campus



Position and 2nd

Silver Medals

“Implementing OpenCV and MATLAB codes of Face Recognition on an Android platform”

By: Hafsa Talat, Afaq Ahmed Shaikh,Muhammad Ali Khurram

Sir Syed UET,Karachi



Position and 3rd

Silver Medals

“Artificial Neural Network based Electrocardiography Analyzer” By: Bushra Mehdi Sir Syed UET,Karachi


Position holders

Page 7: FEECE Vol2 Issue12

1st installation ceremony of JCI Rainbow

“Societies need leaders

that can improve the com-


“JCI is bringing about pos-

itive change in society”

“JCI gives you a sense of

reasonability as a citizen”

The above said words

have now become the

quotations of the people

who are committed to an

international chamber of

juniors which owns the

passion of “lead to


JCI shortened as Junior

Chamber International

forms a vibrant interna-

tional network with

200,000 members in more

than 115 countries of the

world. Link of that network

in Pakistan is christened

as JCI Pakistan which is

working since 1978 with

the motive to serve the

youth by empowering

them in several fields of

the society.

One of the branches of

JCI Pakistan is JCI Rain-

bow which has just come

into existence. The first

installation ceremony typi-

cally the inauguration cer-

emony of JCI Rainbow

took place at MD Ma-

khdoom Hall in Mehran

University on February

28, 2013.

The event was eagerly covered by local and national print/electronic media

such as the Engineering Review Magazine, the Business Recorders, the Media

partners, Radio partners, the Nation & PC world as technical media partners.

The Session Chairs of Seminar, Prof. Dr Altaf Mukati(Dean Faculty of Engi-

neering Sciences at Bahria University Karachi) and Dr Abdul Rahman Memon

(Dean at Hamdard University, Karachi) distributed the appreciation certificates

among the participants of the seminar

The winning participants along with their supervisors were invited to attend

IEEEP Multi topic Symposium held on 20th and 21st March, 2012 at PC Hotel in

Karachi, where they were awarded Cash prizes, Gold and silver medals,

shields and certificates from the chief guest Prof. Engr. Dr. M. Altaf Mukati

(Dean Engineering, Bahria University) along with Engr. Obaid-ur-Rehman Khan

(Chair IEEEP Karachi Center). All Gold Medal Recipients were also honored

to present their research paper at 28th IEEEP Multi-topic International Symposi-

um held at Pearl Continental Hotel Karachi. The Winning Participants of MUET

were accompanied by the Dean FEECE Dr Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry and

faculty members of Electronic Engineering Department including Madam

Yasmeen Naz Panhwar, Madam Saba Baloch and Madam Sanober Farheen.

Participatants from muet

Page 8: FEECE Vol2 Issue12

Ceremony started with vo-

calof national anthem fol-

lowing the recitation of Holy

Quran. The most important

part of this event was the

Oath taking ceremony of

Executive board of JCI

Rainbow in its professional

manner and finally the event

ended with closing remarks

of Project Director of JCI

Rainbow for this event, who

was one of the students of

telecommunication engi-

neering department.

Chief Guest of the day, Dr.

Khadija Qureshi, Chairperson

Chemical Engineering Dept. in

her speech shared the views

by expressing that there seems

a lack of such interactive and

students supportive activities in

Mehran University which can

enhance the hidden skills of

students. She also appreciated

the efforts of team JCI Rain-

bow in bringing out an event in

such insecure and violent con-

ditions of Hyderabad and its


A renowned personality, a

poet and an educationist

Prof. Inayat Ali Khan also

participated in this event as

a guest. While addressing

he recognized the struggles

of young office bearers of

JCI Rainbow for their aims,

objectives and future plans

and wished a good and

bright future for JCI Rain-

bow. Presiding guest of the

event was Mr. RizwanJaffar,

Chairman Youth Parliament.

The other participants of the

event include faculty mem-

bers and students of

Mehran University and

members of JCI Rainbow.



October is internationally known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In this month

breast cancer is recognized by survivors, family and friends along with the victims. Pink

Ribbon is worn by all to show solidarity against the disease and to honor survivors and

remember those who lost their lives in this disease.

In Pakistan Pink Ribbon Month is celebrated with zeal and vigor by Pink Ribbon Nation-

al Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign.

Fact about Breast Cancer in Pakistan:

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1 out of 9 women in Pakistan are at the risk of Breast Cancer.

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Page 9: FEECE Vol2 Issue12

He served as Chair, IEEE-MUET Student Branch for the session He has also served as the Secretary, IEEE-MUET Student

Branch for the session 2010-2011. He is a member of M.U.S.T-MUET and currently serving as Chair, M.U.S.T. He is previously headed the Junior TL Section, Blood Bank(BB), Sports Committee and volunteered for the Committee on Profes-sional Skills Development (CPSD) and Committee on Women Affairs (CWA), M.U.S.T for the sessions 2009-2010 and 2010-2011. He has organized & attended conferences/workshops/seminars/trainings related to EDA Tools (FPGA Advantage),

IT, WSN, Sun Solaris v 5.10, Career Advancement, Entrepre-neurship, Verbal Communication, Youth and various other is-sues




By: Moiz RahmanMemon

IEEE RDP Pakistan is an initiative of GOLD Affinity Group collaborating with Student Members in IEEE to promote R & D in Paki-stan among undergrad students providing them platform to do research through IEEE.


Promoting Research at undergraduate level under the mentoring of Graduate and Senior Researchers around the world.


The concept of research has evolved ever since the evolution of mankind. People from all races have strived to find the purpose of their existence and that, obviously, led them to discover the idea of research as a vital part of the process of understanding any subject. Over the course of time, many or-ganizations were established and IEEE is one of the top organizations that are serving humanity w ith advancement in technology. We all know that IEEE has many functional units at re-

gional, country, section and branch level and IEEE GOLD and student members from Pa-kistan are really working hard in a spirit of

spreading the positive aspects of technolo-gy; they have initiated a platform in this re-gard named as IEEE Research Develop-

ment Program Pakistan

SRP’s Profile MoizRahmanMemon did his B.E in Telecom-munication Engineering from Mehran Univer-sity of Engineering and Technology, Jams-horo. He is a News Reporter in FEECE MUET E-Newsletter. He is also the Publisher of Writers-Hub Blog. He is a memberof IEEE Inc. USA. He is currently serving as Student Research Partner of the IEEE Research De-velopment Project of Pakistan. 2011-2012.

Page 10: FEECE Vol2 Issue12

Opening ceremony

12 FEB 2013, the day we all waited for, the

day we dreamt for. Yes it was the day of inau-

guration of IEEE Computer Society, Mehran

UET Student Branch Chapter. This was the

day when we made ourselves and our univer-

sity proud as it’s the second student branch

chapter in Karachi section and all over Paki-


The event started with the recitation of Holy Quran. Chairman of Department of Software Engineering Sir Tehseen Hafiz was the chief guest. He was invited to address and say some words of gratitude. After the motivation-al speech by Sir Tehseen Hafiz, he along with the faculty members of software engineering department proceeded towards the ribbon cutting ceremony and inaugurated IEEE Computer Society Mehran University of Engi-neering and Technology Student Branch Chapter

The students felt quite overwhelmed and be-

came more enthusiastic towards the next

speaker. Then came the Chair of IEEE-MUET

Student Branch,Mr. Sarang Shaikh, who filled

up the students with each and every infor-

mation about IEEE. Initially, he started about

how to build a good career andcounseled the

students in many ways. He told the history of

IEEE, itsbackground,vision, mission and bene-

fits. In addition, he told how IEEE became a

part of our lives in the most inspiring way. He

said:"IEEE, not only served as a stair towards

the enhancement of our knowledge, but it is an

elevator who has directly shifted us to the top-

most level of divine guidance in our engineer-

ing future". On hearing this, the students were

really moved and showed up their eagerness

in learning more and more about IEEE.


Page 11: FEECE Vol2 Issue12

. Sarang Shaikh explained each objective of IEEE in a

very efficient way. He told about Ask IEEE, IEEE poten-

tials, MyIEEE, webinars and etc. Besides, the students

were told that an IEEE member can get the utmost

benefits and latest updates about his engineering field

within seconds just by writing the topic name and click-

ing on the search button. He interacted with the stu-

dents in the most comfortable way and the students rel-

ished his session very much.

After such an informative mentoring session over IEEE,

the students wanted to learn more and more about

IEEE and IEEE Computer Society. Thus, there came

the Chair of IEEE-Computer Society Student Branch

Chapter MUET, Mr. Hassam Mughal, who delivered fur-

ther oration on IEEE Computer Society. He proceeded

with IEEE-CS by telling the students about how IEEE-

CSenriches the minds of the students and make them

career oriented in field of software engineering in infi-

nite ways. After telling the process of registration, he

told them that each student would be given a separate

membership number and an e-mail after the registra-

tion. By logging in through that e-mail id and password,

the students can easily access their accounts, digital

library and much more that is present on the IEEE and

IEEE-CS web- portal and will also get the latest up-

dates right away in their inbox. He infused a new spirit

among the students and thus the students were really

excited to join IEEE-CS and travel in the world of sci-

ence and technology.

Page 12: FEECE Vol2 Issue12

Top left Engr. Ja-vaidAbbasigeting shield from Dr. Imran Ali Jokhio

Top Right: Engr. Moiz-RahmanMemongiving souvenir to Dr. Imran Ali Jokhio,

Bottom Right: Dr. Imran Ali Jokhio giving certifi-cate to Mr. Hassam Mughal,Left: Dr. Imran giving gift to Mr. Sa-rangShaikh.

Members certificates

These two persons, undoubtedly, convinced the audience for being a part of IEEE-CSas soon as they

can. Following them, came up Engr. Jawed Abbasi who has become favorites of many in a very short

span of time due to his profound professional skill.

This PHP developer has vast amount of knowledge and experience in the field of PHP language. He

seemed very determined while teaching every possible technique to the participants in two-hour work-

shop on PHP. With the provided handouts, it became easier for participants to get firm grip on the ba-

sics of PHP.

He guided the participants so well that they were able to write the PHP instructions on their individual

systems by themselves.

Participants seemed more focused in FAQ’s session. Their response for joining and to get indulge with

IEEE-CS was worth seeing through which they will get a new dimension for their careers.

Throughout the event, Dr. Imran AliJokhio the Vice Chairman of Department of Software Engineering

MUET and the IEEE-CS MUET Student BranchChapter Advisor remained helping; mentoring and guid-

ing guiding them all the way. His presence was building confidence among the event organizers. Prof.

Dr.Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry, DEAN of FEECE, MUET thoroughly supported the foundation and

launching of IEEE- CS. He remained a helping hand throughout the event. He infused us with the new

spirit for moving forward and achieving our aims.

Page 13: FEECE Vol2 Issue12

World Space Week

The inauguration ceremony

of world space week (wsw)

organized by the depart-

ment of telecommunication

engineering held on 9th

– 1o

october is an inter-

national celebration of sci-

ence and technology .the

united nation general as-

sembly declared in 1999

that wsw will e held each

year from october 4 -

10.suparco was firstly lim-

ited to the cities of pakistan

such as peshawar kara-

chi,lahore but before a year

they had spread the idea

that the hyderabad and

jamshoro also could take

part in the the celebration of

wsw.this event orgainized

first time in MUET we are

very thankfull to our depart-

ment it gave chance to par-

ticipat in this event.

Guest of Honour

Prof. Dr. A. Q. K. Rajput

Vice Chancellor, MUET,

Jamshoro was the Chief


Mr. Shafiq Ahmed.


Prof. Dr. Aftab Ahmed


Chairman department of

Telecommunication Engi-

neering, MUET, Prof. Dr.

Tauha Hussain Ali.

Prof.Dr. Faisal Kareem


We are thrilled to announce the launch of the lab book on Fiber Optic

Communication Systems written by Engr. Hyder B. Mangrio and Dr.

Fahim A. Umrani and edited by Prof. Dr. Aftab A. Memon and Prof.

Dr. Abdul Waheed Umrani. This lab book is divided into three sec-

tions, namely, tutorials, labs and projects. The first section contains

six tutorials aiming to impart an introductory and background

knowledge, skills and concepts required to fully exploit the potentials

of this effort and make it self-sufficient. At MUET, we have dedicated

optical communication laboratory with variety of tools and devices

available and we believe

that it is the most developed

laboratory for Optical Com-

munication Systems in Paki-

stan. Utilizing such useful

resource the second section

of this lab book is prepared

keeping fourteen different

experimental handouts. In

the last sections students

are proposed three ad-

vanced labs that they might

be interested on to work as

their projects.

Mr. Basheer A. Bhutto Di-

rector (R), PTCL, Pakistan

have following to say about

the book “The Lab Book,

written by Mr. HyderBux-

Mangrio and Dr. Fahim Aziz

Umrani and edited by Prof.

Dr. Aftab A. Memon and

Prof. Dr. Abdul Waheed Umrani on Optic Communication Systems, is

sincere and timely effort as the book covers all the aspects of Fiber

Optic Communication Systems. This Lab book through concise and

well written Tutorials on various topics of subject if taught properly in

MUE&T, Jamshoro, will surely help students to gain hands on practi-

cal knowledge in this fast growing technology”.

This book is primarily designed for the students taking the courses of Fiber Optic Communication Systems and Laser & Fiber Optics but we believe that this can be useful to any student who wants to advance his or her level of skills in the very interesting field of optical communi-cation

Lab book on FOCS

Cover page

Page 14: FEECE Vol2 Issue12

The celebration of wsw by

Mehran uet was held on on

9_10 oct of 2012.before

starting the ceremony v had

showed the video of wsw

with the collobration of SU-

PARCO.this ceremony had

accompained by our guest

of honour they are Prof. Dr.

Abdul Qadeer Khan Raj-

put,Prof. Dr. Aftab Ahmed

Memon, Mr. Shafiq Ah-

med , Prof. Dr. Tauha

Hussain Ali etc

The inauguration ceremony

started with recitation of

beautiful holy verses from

Quran by the Registrar,

MUET, Jamshoro, Prof. Dr.

Tauha Hussain Ali.vice

chancellor had highlighted

the importance of using

world space inventions/

technologies for human

safety and security. The

great personality Prof Dr

Aftab Memon the chairman

also amounged us and fol-

lowed the words of Prof. Dr.

Abdul Qadeer Rajput and

had made this event suc-

cessful .he was thankful to

suparco team that they had

joined their hands with the

department of telecommuni-

cation engineering of

mehran UET.

We are also thankful for the

remarkable words of

Mr .Shafiq Ahmed about the

event and hightlighted the

theme of”space for

human safety

and security”.

Winter Internship Program

The closing ceremony for award and certificate distribution of Winter internship Pro-

gram took place on 20th February2013 at MD Hall MUET Jamshoro. On this occa-

sion, Vice Chancellor Prof.Dr Abdul Qadir Khan Rajput and Pro Vice Chancellor

Prof.Dr MuhammadAslamUqaili were the Chief guests and MrElieAbou Nasr, Dis-

trict Sales Manager at National Instruments Eastern GCC and Pakistan was the

guest of Honor.

LEADERS (Leading Electronics Application & Design Researchers Setup) research

group of Department of Electronics Mehran UET Jamshoro organized 3 weeks

Winter Internship program 2012-2013 during winter vacations from 17th December

to 6th January 2013 in the fields of Digital Electronics, MicroProcessors and Micro-

controllers, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Field programmable Gate Array

(FPGA), Control Engineering & Robotics and Problem/project Based learning.

Press ReleaseApril 13, 2013

Page 15: FEECE Vol2 Issue12

This whole event was based on the

two competitions regarding wsw

1)The declamation competition

2) water rocket competition

3)Exibition of moving Planetarium

The declamation competition was

held on 9_ oct_2012 at main audito-

rium hall of mehran uet .The topic of

declamation was also based on

space technologies.many students

repersenting their schools had par-

ticipated in this event.the speeches

delievered by the students hightlight-

ed also the space technologies.there

are many more competitions such

as making models , space Movie

Theater, moving planetarium, space

related book fair, telescope for

space observations, kids’ arena,

display of TELECOM departments

projects, etc.

Water rocket compe-

tition was held on 10_oct_2o12 at

the sports ground of Mehran

UET.the students have made their

rockets by themselves with the

cheap material which we can easily

get from our daily equipments. The

event which was in a continuity by

our commandable words of our

guest and declamation competition

which we had said earlier that it was

held at the auditorium hall was host-

ed by the student of telecommunica-

tion volunteers

were there and perfoming their du-

ties sincerely .

On the day of closing ceremony

there was an announcement of the

winners .the winners of declamation

remark by the prizes.and the winner

of water rocket competition(WRC)

was baesd on the idea that how

close the rocket had fallen from the

given target after its lauching.the

Mehran uet also rewarded them with

certificates and prize distribution.

Prof. Dr.BS Chowdhry was the Chief Coordinator of this Internship Pro-gram. The ceremony started with the recitation from Holy Quran.EngrAttiyaBaqai, the Internship Program Coordinator,then deliv-ered the presentation about the aims and objectives of the internship. She said that this internship was just an initial effort to establish a healthy research environment in the Department of Electronics.For any research, equipment and tools are the basiccomponents that’s why LEADERS team decided to offer such a Mega internship program. Through this in-ternship a large number of new equipment that has recently arrived at the department was instantly utilized without waiting for any special training. The teachers and students worked together to explore and learned from each other by sharing their skills and knowledge. Besides other objec-tives of the internship one of the objectives was to update the syllabus of practical subjects in the offered fields in accordance with the equipment available in the department. She told that the internship took place in 10 labs of Department of Electronics and IIT building in parallel in which more than 160 new trainers, equipments and tools were explored by the students, teachers and lab assistants. The equipment and tools were mostly from Digilent, ElettronicaVeneta, National Instruments and Math-works. The students and faculty from Electronics, Telecommunication and Computer Systems Engineering participated in this internship pro-gram. The internship was supervised by LEADERS team coordinators

EngrAttiyaBaqai EngrKhuhedMemon EngrAzamRafiqMemon

EngrMehnazer Syed, EngrMansoor , EngrShoaibKhaskheli and DrImta-izKalwar.

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300 applications were received for this intern-ship out of which 131 internees were selected according to eligibility criteria and 83 students were declared to be successful candidates after a tough evaluation based upon attendance and performance. There were various categories in which the students were also given award cer-tificates like perfect attendance, all rounder, leadership award and bright idea award.AVR USB programmers were also awarded to the hard working and deserving candidates.

After the briefing, the Vice Chancellor Prof. DrAbdul Qadeer Rajput highly appreciated the efforts of the LEADERS team and Prof Dr BS Chowdhry for organizing such a Mega Intern-ship program at Department of Electron-ics.Heemphasized that such trainings should take place and the students should take maxi-mum benefit from these kinds of trainings and also practice to share with their fellows whatev-er they learn. He was pleased that such expen-sive and sophisticated equipment was utilized and handled carefully and successfully. He fur-ther said that university will provide all the sup-port for such internship programs in future.

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Prof. Dr BS Chowdhry, Dean FEECE and the Chief Co-ordinator of the internship program elaborated the needs of such trainings and internships for the students, which are very useful in their practical life. He always takes in-terest and encourages students and his faculty to take part and organize such events; he fully supported the LEADERS team in every possible aspect wherever need-ed. It was his confidence in the team and support that led the successful completion of this internship.

In the end shields were presented to the Chief Guests.Certificates were awarded by the Vice Chancellor Prof.Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan Rajput, Prof DR BS Chow-dhry andDrWajiha Shah Chair person Department of Electronics to all the participants, lab assistants and staff who really worked hard to make this internship success-ful.

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By: Moiz Rahman Memon (08TL06)

IEEE Karachi Section Student/ GOLD/ WIE Congress (KSSGWC) is a single-day event in which all the IEEE

Student Branches/GOLD/WIE Affinity Groups of IEEE Karachi Section are invited to participate.

This year, KSSGWC was held at PNEC-NUST on 4th October, 2012.

(Left): Ms. Dania Khan, Mr. Bilal Ahmed Shaikh, Mr. Agha Sarfaraz.

(Right): Mr. Moiz Rahman Memon.

Following is the detail of the Awards:



Name Roll No. Position

Mr. Bilal Ahmed Shaikh Ms. Dania Khan

Mr. Agha Sarfaraz

09ES110 12ES38 09ES50


Name Designation

Mr. Moiz Rahman Memon SRP, IEEE RDPP, MUET