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Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport Belgian Civil Aviation Authority Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport Belgian Civil Aviation Authority Safety Plan 2010-2014 2011 Update Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport Belgian Civil Aviation Authority Safety Plan 2010-2014 2011 Update

Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport Belgian Civil Aviation Authority … · 2015. 9. 23. · Operational measures (OM) to improve civil aviation safety 10 OM1: ... operations

May 01, 2021



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Page 1: Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport Belgian Civil Aviation Authority … · 2015. 9. 23. · Operational measures (OM) to improve civil aviation safety 10 OM1: ... operations

Federal Public ServiceMobility and TransportBelgian Civil Aviation Authority

Federal Public ServiceMobility and TransportBelgian Civil Aviation Authority

Federal Public Service Mobility and TransportBelgian Civil Aviation AuthoritySafety Plan 2010-2014

2011 Update

Federal Public Service Mobility and TransportBelgian Civil Aviation AuthoritySafety Plan 2010-2014

2011 Update

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Belgian Safety Plan 2010-2014 � 2011 Update

Belgian Safety Plan 2010-2014

2011 Update

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2 Federal Public ServiceMobility and TransportBelgian Civil Aviation Authority

OUTLINEOne of the duties of the Belgian State is to create an environment in which the civil aviation sector performs its activities at thehighest possible safety level. Belgium is required to comply with the Annexes of the United Nations International Civil AviationOrganization (ICAO). Each member state is required to develop, update and maintain a national safety programme, and theimplementation of such a programme has prompted the Belgian Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA) to draft and implement a BelgianSafety Plan. The BCAA Safety Policy also states that aviation safety must remain guaranteed to a high level (see Appendix 2).

The Belgian Safety Plan is based on the following premises:– the policy document of the State Secretary of the Federal Public Service for Mobility and Transport with respect to the

implementation of the Belgian Safety Programme (BSP);– the European Aviation Safety Programme (EASP) and the European Aviation Safety Plan (EASp) 2011 - 2014;– the specific objectives derived from the BCAA risk management system of civil aviation occurrences (see Appendix 1);– safety recommendations and guidelines of the Belgian Accidents and Incidents Investigation Unit.

The General Measures (GM) outlined in the first part of this safety plan are designed to the further development of the BSP. Thisobjective is included both in the policy document of the State Secretary of the Federal Public Service for Mobility and Transport andin the BCAA Director-General Management Plan.

The measures contained in the second part of this plan are Operational Measures (OM) largely derived from the risk managementsystem for civil aviation occurrences. All occurrences must be reported by the service providers to the BCAA. The BCAA analysesthese occurrences and subsequently identifies the main safety risks. A number of risk-mitigation measures are developed inconsultation with the Belgian service providers and incorporated into this safety plan.

The primary focus of this Safety Plan is on commercial air transport operations, especially those carried out by aeroplanes.Additionally an effort has been made to capture actions that also address general aviation. The BCAA for example will takemeasures to improve the general aviation safety level through risk awareness and safety promotion.

The Belgian Safety Plan covers the period 2010-2014 and will be reviewed annually and updated where necessary to ensure thatthe right actions are being taken to mitigate the most important risks.

This document is the first update to the 2010-2014 Belgian Safety Plan. Good progress has been made in most areas. New safetyactions have been added due to the results of the risk analysis 2010 and due to the alignment with the European Aviation SafetyPlan (EASp). The BCAA is also committed to ensuring the further involvement of aviation industry in the process of developingfuture safety plans. To this end, the BCAA is in discussion with the various aviation industry committees and teams for thediscussion of safety concerns.

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Belgian Safety Plan 2010-2014 � 2011 Update


Outline 2

Link between the European Aviation Safety Plan (EASp) and the Belgian Safety Plan 4

General Measures (GM) to further develop the Belgian Safety Programme (BSP) 5

GM1: Establishing a National Safety Library 5

GM2: Developing Safety Performance Indicators (SPI’s) 6

GM3: Developing a strategy with respect to safety training and safety promotion 9

Operational measures (OM) to improve civil aviation safety 10

OM1: Establishing a Belgian Aviation Wildlife Hazard Committee and drafting a national action plan to prevent collisions with animals 10

OM2: Resolving problems related to ground handling in partnership with the market sector 13

OM3: Drafting regulations with respect to unruly passengers 15

OM4: Annual check of the reliability of the flight controls for commercial aircraft in Belgium 16

OM5: Complete the regulation with respect to the “Targeting of Aircraft with Lasers” 17

OM6: Implementation of the European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions (EAPPRI) 18

Appendix 1: Outline of risks in the Belgian civil aviation sector 19

Appendix 2: Belgian Civil Aviation Safety Policy 21

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4 Federal Public ServiceMobility and TransportBelgian Civil Aviation Authority

In the European aviation system rulemaking, oversight and safety promotion activities are shared betweenthe Member States and the European Institutions. The European Aviation Safety Programme (EASP) describesthe roles and responsibilities that each of them have while performing these functions. As certaincompetencies have been transferred from the Member States to the European Union, in order to obtain acomplete picture of safety in any single State, both the EASP and the BSP needs to be considered.

Through this Belgian Safety Plan, the BCAA aims to contribute to the realisation of the European AviationSafety Plan (EASp). The alignment between the EASp and the Belgian Action Plan is shown for the relevantsafety actions.

The BCAA also remains committed to supporting the European Strategic Safety Initiatives (ESSI), andspecifically each of the three pillars: European Commercial Aviation Safety Team (ECAST), EuropeanHelicopter Safety Team (EHEST) and European General Aviation Safety Team (EGAST).


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Belgian Safety Plan 2010-2014 � 2011 Update

The missing elements of the BSP were determinedon the basis of a gap analysis. This analysis wasconducted on the basis of the checklist included inICAO Doc 9859 (Appendix 3 to Chapter 11: Guidanceon the development of a State Safety Programme).

� GM1: Establishing a National SafetyLibrary

a. DescriptionThe BCAA will create a central Safety Library, whichwill consist of the following components:

– the legislative framework for implementing andmaintaining the Belgian Safety Programme;

– the Belgian Civil Aviation Safety Policy;– the processes, procedures, responsibilities and

accountabilities for the correct implementationof the BSP;

– data related to the number of accidents andserious incidents;

– data related to the reported occurrences andaviation risks;

– the results of the annual risk analyses;– the SMS reports provided by the Belgian service

providers;– the safety performance indicators (SPI’s) and

safety performance targets.

Expected Safety Benefit:Improvement of the monitoring of Belgian safetyperformance to enable proportionate and timelycorrective actions to be taken, to continuouslyimprove aviation safety

Safety Performance Indicators:Dynamic Integrated Risk Management (DIRM)used by BCAA

Safety Outcome Owner:– The BCAA Aviation Inspectorate;– The BCAA General Affairs Directorate.

Alignment with EASp:Safety Actions SYS1.1, 3.1

b. Progress on Actions– A Decision of the BCAA Director-General has been

elaborated and implemented in the course ofJanuary 2010.

– The BCAA Safety Policy has been defined andimplemented in the course of January 2010;

– Safety Risk Management Processes andProcedures have been developed in the course of2008-2010. These processes and relatedprocedures define the responsibilities andaccountabilities of all concerned parties. TheSafety Risk Management System is based on theDynamic Integrated Risk Management (DIRM)model. This model is fully described in theprocedures manual “Inspection Manual – Part IIRisk Management Procedures”;

– The yearly risk analyses of civil aviationoccurrences were performed and subsequentlydiscussed at the BCAA Safety Committees.Aviation risks to be handled with priority wereselected and risk-mitigation measures were putin place.

– For SMS reports and development of SPI’s: seeGeneral Measure 2.


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6 Federal Public ServiceMobility and TransportBelgian Civil Aviation Authority

� GM2: Developing SafetyPerformance Indicators (SPI’s)

a. DescriptionThe BCAA has a risk management system in placefor aviation occurrences in order to determine SPI’sfor Belgian civil aviation. The BCAA riskmanagement system represents a structuredprocess to establish a treatment priority foraviation risks. However, the BCAA has not yetreached the SPI’s applicable to the safetymanagement systems (SMS) at the Belgian serviceproviders.

Consequently, the BCAA will take the followingmeasures:

– Contribute to the safety actions of the EASp withregard to the development of SPI’s at the level ofthe European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) andEUROCONTROL;

– Systematically implement SMS at the serviceproviders in accordance with the regulatoryrequirements;

– Determine SPI’s and safety performance targetsin conjunction with the Belgian service providers.

Expected Safety Benefit:– Improvement of the monitoring of Belgian

safety performance to enable proportionate andtimely corrective actions to be taken, tocontinuously improve aviation safety;

– Increase the safety performance of serviceproviders leading to an increase of the overallsafety performance of the Belgian aviationsystem.

Safety Performance Indicators:– SPI’s established for all key safety issues;– Number of Service Providers that have fully

implemented SMS before the final transitionaldates allowed by EASA regulations.

Safety Outcome Owner:– The BCAA Aviation Inspectorate;– The BCAA Operational Directorates.

Alignment with EASp:Safety Actions SYS2.7, 2.9, 2.10, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7

b. Progress on ActionsSystematically implement SMS at the serviceproviders in accordance with the regulatoryrequirements:

Belgium has confirmed his voluntarycommitment to the implementation of the EASp2011-2014. The EASp 2011-2014 deals among otherswith the implementation of SMS in aviationindustry. Belgian service providers will be requiredto start SMS implementation according toEuropean standards as of 2012. The initialrequirements will cover the domains of airoperations and flight crew licensing. Theserequirements will be further extended to otherdomains of aviation. Aerodrome operators andATM will follow in 2012 and airworthiness in 2013.In preparation for the European rules, extensiveguidance material has already been developed bythe different teams of the European StrategicSafety Initiative (ESSI). This guidance materialaddresses SMS principles and implementation incommercial aviation, helicopters and aerodromes.The BCAA continuously encourages theimplementation of this material across theirservice providers.

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Belgian Safety Plan 2010-2014 � 2011 Update

Develop SPI’sThe BCAA has already developed a number ofSPI’s that are in use at national level. Theseindicators are published in this safety plan. TheBCAA organises periodic consultative meetingswith representatives of the Belgian aviationsector (Belgian Flight Safety Committee, LocalRunway Safety Teams, ANSP’s, aviation clubs, etc.)to debate on SPI’s and safety levels in the Belgiancivil aviation sector and to communicate theachievements related to the Belgian Safety Plan.

Determine ANS SPI’s and safety performancetargets in conjunction with the Air NavigationService Providers (ANSP’s)

EUROCONTROL has been delegated parts of theSingle European Sky (SES) by the EuropeanCommission (EC). Moreover, EUROCONTROL hasbeen designated as the Performance Review Body(PRB) by the EC.

The EC has issued a second package of the SingleEuropean Sky (SES) concerned with developingand measuring ANS SPI’s and safety performancetargets, among other things. The EuropeanCommission has asked EUROCONTROL to developa proposal for these issues. The BCAA will activelyparticipate in this project.

The European Commission Regulation (EU) No691/2010 (Performance Regulation) establishedthat for the first reference period (RP1 2012-2014)the following ANS SPI’s shall be established andmonitored:

– Effectiveness of Safety Management as measuredby a methodology based on the ATM SafetyMaturity Framework;

– Application of the severity classification of theRisk Analysis Tool (RAT) to allow harmonizedreporting of severity assessment;

– Reporting of Just Culture.

With the development of Functional AirspaceBlocks (FAB), the decision was taken to have acommon “Performance Plan” for the six Statescomposing the FAB Europe Central (FABEC).

At first the effort will be concentrated on theharmonisation of the Safety Management System,at ANSP’s and States level, and safety occurrenceshandling, followed by setting an emphasis ongetting a mature safety culture.

According Regulation Requirements and Europeanrecommendations the following ANS SPI’s aremonitored:

– Effectiveness of Safety Management: scores obtained by ANSP’s and States foreffectiveness of safety management as measuredby a methodology based on the ATM SafetyMaturity Survey Framework;

– Application of the severity classification of theRAT:� Effective implementation of the RAT;� Application of the RAT and monitoring for:

� Separation Minima Infringement (SMI);� SMI between IFR and ATM Ground

Contribution;� Runway Incursions (RI);� RI and ATM Ground Contribution;� ATM-Specific Technical Event for

Communication Systems;� ATM-Specific Technical Event for Navigation

Systems;� ATM-Specific Technical Event for Surveillance

Systems;� ATM-Specific Technical Event for Data

Processing and Distribution Systems.

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8 Federal Public ServiceMobility and TransportBelgian Civil Aviation Authority

The European Regulation does not require anytargets for safety for the first reference periodnevertheless the following objectives are set:

– Based on the FABEC ATM Safety Maturity Surveyscores from the 7 ANSP’s, a baseline shall bedefined during 2012, and an objective shall be setfor the 2013-2014 period, on the level to beachieved at the end of RP1.

– Based on the FABEC ATM Safety Maturity Surveyscores from the 6 states, a baseline shall bedefined during 2012, and an objective shall be setfor the 2013-2014 period, on the level to beachieved at the end of RP1.

– To allow the harmonization of the reporting ofseverity assessment, FABEC ANSP’s are committedto implement the RAT before the end of RP1.

– FABEC ANSP’s are requested to perform a CostBenefits Analysis and an initial feasibility studyfor the implementation of automated reportingsystems, at least for En-Route traffic. The addedvalue of those automated systems shall beassessed and the objectives of those tools shallbe clearly identified and stated in Just Culturepolicies. The feasibility study shall be completedprior the end of RP1 and based on the results, theimplementation phase should be considered forRP2.

– Harmonization of set of definitions, workingprocesses and historical data shall be completedprior the end of RP1.

For the reporting of “Just Culture (JC)”, themethodology is still under development and RP1will be used for the implementation andmonitoring of the indicator. If possible a baselinewill be defined prior the end of RP1.

The SPI for Just Culture will be assessed throughthree main areas:

– Policy and its implementation - assessing theexistence of JC policy within organizations;

– Legal / Judiciary – assessing whether the nationallegal environment is supportive or not of JC;

– Occurrence Reporting and investigation –assessing policies and practices of occurrencereporting.

The ANS Safety Data related to the requiredindicators will be collected on a yearly basis andwill be monitored by the Belgian SupervisingAuthority for Air Navigation Services (BSA-NSA) andwill be published in reports by the competentauthorities.

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Belgian Safety Plan 2010-2014 � 2011 Update

� GM3: Developing a strategy withrespect to safety training and safetypromotion

a. DescriptionThe BCAA has already taken a number of importantsteps to improve the communication ofinformation related to safety.The operational departments of the BCAA haveaccess to data related to aviation occurrences inthe ECCAIRS database and, based on thisinformation they can launch an investigation orgather additional data.The BCAA and the Accidents and IncidentsInvestigation Unit hold bimonthly meetings todiscuss accidents, incidents and occurrences. Thisprocess is in line with the concept of accidentprevention and helps establish potential causesand formulate any measures to be taken and safetyrecommendations to be made.The reports of all accidents and serious incidentsoccurring in Belgian airspace or involving Belgianaircraft can be consulted on the website of theFederal Public Service for Mobility and Transport.The Belgian Safety Plan is communicated to boththe employees of the BCAA and the Belgianaviation sector.

The BCAA will further develop safety training andsafety promotion through the following measures:

– Providing initial and recurrent training related tothe BSP and SMS as part of the BCAA employeestraining programmes;

– Organising safety seminars in conjunction withthe Belgian commercial and general aviationsector in association with the Accidents andIncidents Investigation Unit.

Expected Safety Benefit:– Employees of the BCAA and the Accidents and

Incidents Investigation Unit are trained andcompetent to perform their BSP duties;

– Safety information is communicated anddisseminated to the Belgian aviation sector.

Safety Performance Indicators:– Proportion of relevant BCAA employees

appropriately trained against their competencerequirements;

– Belgian aviation sector timely informed of newpromotion material developed by the EuropeanCommercial Aviation Safety Team (ECAST), theEuropean Helicopter Safety Team (EHEST) andthe European General Aviation Safety Team(EGAST).

Safety Outcome Owner:– The Belgian Accidents and Incidents

Investigation Unit;– The BCAA Policy Unit;– The BCAA General Affairs Directorate;– The BCAA Licensing Directorate (EHEST


Alignment with EASp:Safety Actions SYS 2.7, HE1.3

b. Progress on Actions� The BCAA will provide initial and recurrent

training related to BSP and SMS as part of theBCAA employees training programmes. All initialBSP training courses will be organised before theend of June 2012.

� The BCAA supports the European Strategic SafetyInitiatives (ESSI), and specifically each of the threepillars: European Commercial Aviation SafetyTeam (ECAST), European Helicopter Safety Team(EHEST) and European General Aviation SafetyTeam (EGAST) by:

� continuously encouraging the implementationof the promotion material developed by ECAST,EHEST and EGAST. The BCAA will continuouslyinform the Belgian aviation industry of theavailability of new promotion material at theEASA website;

� organising in partnership with industryrepresentatives a helicopter safety event beforethe end of June 2012 to address therecommendations proposed by EHEST.

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10 Federal Public ServiceMobility and TransportBelgian Civil Aviation Authority

Operational issues are brought to light by thereporting and analysis of occurrence data. Theprimary focus of this Safety Plan is on commercialair transport operations, especially those carriedout by aeroplanes.

The operational measures are designed to reducethe risks derived from the risk managementsystem for aviation occurrences. The risks to behandled were selected by the BCAA SafetyCommittee and the related corrective measureswere further developed in conjunction with theBelgian aviation sector.

� OM1: Establishing a Belgian AviationWildlife Hazard Committee anddrafting a national action plan toprevent collisions with animals

a. DescriptionThe presence of wildlife (birds and other animals)on and in the vicinity of an aerodrome poses aserious threat to aircraft operational safety. Annex14-certified aerodrome operators are required totake the necessary actions to identify, manage andmitigate the risk to aircraft operations posed bywildlife by adopting measures likely to minimisethe risk of collisions between wildlife and aircraft,to as low as reasonably practicable.The appropriate authorities are required to have inplace procedures for the identification and controlof wildlife hazards on and in the vicinity of anaerodrome, and to ensure that competentpersonnel evaluates the wildlife hazard on acontinuing basis.The majority of collisions occur at low heights, inthe vicinity of an airport during takeoff andlanding, and the Belgian State will move toestablish a Belgian Aviation Wildlife HazardCommittee, which will act as a coordinator in thisarea. This committee will act as a Focal Point for

analysing these problems and as a source ofinformation for the exchange of best practices.The Belgian Aviation Wildlife Hazard Committeewill prepare an action plan in order to reduce riskrelated to collisions with animals.

The BCAA will take the following measures:

– Documenting the possible operation of theBelgian Aviation Wildlife Hazard Committee, forexample by performing benchmark tests;

– Appointing the potential members of this team;– Organising preparatory meetings with the

members in order to establish the Committee’sobjectives and procedures (i.e. Terms ofReference);

– Organising an official appointment meeting forthe Committee;

– Organising meetings (number yet to be specified)which, after approximately one year, will result ina national action plan to prevent collisions withanimals.


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Belgian Safety Plan 2010-2014 � 2011 Update

Subsequently, the Belgian Aviation Wildlife HazardCommittee will hold annual or biannual meetings.These meetings will follow the introduction of thenational action plan, amending the plan wherenecessary and ensuring the exchange ofinformation.

Expected Safety Benefit:Minimise the risk of collisions between wildlife(birds) and aircraft, to as low as reasonablypracticable

Safety Performance Indicators:– Wildlife Strikes at Belgian aerodromes ;– Bird Strikes at Belgian aerodromes.

Safety Outcome Owner:The BCAA Airspace and Airports Directorate

Alignment with EASp:Safety Actions AER1.5

b. Progress on ActionsBased on the guidance in the ICAO Airport ServicesManual Part 3 (Doc 9137) the BCAA established theBelgian Aviation Wildlife Hazard Committee(BAWiHaC) to amongst others share informationand exchange views on the subject of wildlifestrikes.

During the second meeting of the BAWiHaC, themembers of the committee (the airport authoritiesof the certified aerodromes, the Aviation SafetyDepartment of Defence and the BCAA) defined – inaddition to the terms of reference of thecommittee – the top priorities that need attentionto lower the wildlife risk in Belgium.

These top priorities are listed below, together withthe already agreed actions:

– Organisation of courses for Bird Control Unit(CBU) personnelAll airports have different levels of training, andfinding a good course for BCU personnel is noteasy. Moreover, the existing courses are focusingtoo much on lethal methods and are not givingenough attention to for example habitatmanagement.

In 2011-2012 the Aviation Safety Directorate ofDefence (ASD) will organise a course (15 modules)for BCU personnel. Every module will beorganised two times in French and two times inDutch. Within the framework of the BAWiHaCand the collaboration between ASD and BCAA,personnel from all civil airports will participate inthis course.

– Exchange of experienceAirport authorities need a discussion forum toexchange ideas about specific technical issues inthe field of wildlife management. Until now, twospecific topics were mentioned during theBAWiHaC meetings: grass management(especially the long grass policy) and systems andmaterials used for scaring and killing wildlife.

In the Terms of Reference of the BAWiHaC, thisaim is clearly mentioned. Therefore regularmeetings will be organised at least once a year toachieve this goal. The committee meetings will beheld at the different airports in order to combinethem with a visit of the local BCU service. Infuture meetings, the members of the BAWiHaCwill invite other players of the aviationcommunity (pilot associations, air traffic control,airline companies,…) in order to widen the scopeof experience.

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12 Federal Public ServiceMobility and TransportBelgian Civil Aviation Authority

– Improvement of the reporting of wildlifeoccurrencesThe BCAA is keeping statistics on the reportedwildlife incidents, but it is very difficult to drawclear conclusions from these figures. Thestatistics are very basic as the quality of thereports is rather low: The quality of the reportsshould increase in order to obtain more detailedstatistics.


� BCAA receives no reports from foreign airlineoperators;

� The reporting culture is company dependent;� Different occurrence reporting templates are in

use;� No differences are made between confirmed

/unconfirmed wildlife strikes /near misses;� The received occurrence reports are not

detailed enough.

The BAWiHaC will develop uniform reportingpractices (among others a uniform template) andwill encourage the wildlife risk awareness withinthe aviation community and the reporting ofwildlife incidents to the BCAA (campaign).

– Development of Regulatory ActionsAlthough in some other European countries amanual on wildlife management is available, theBCAA is not providing such a manual for themoment. The certified airports request a manualthat determines and explains how to realizewildlife management in Belgium. Especially thelack of land use regulations for the surroundingsof the airports and the unclear division ofresponsibilities in the wildlife risk issue betweenairport authorities, the BCAA and the regionsneed further attention. Next to this, there is theproblem of the restrictions in the regionallegislations for hunting.

The BCAA will therefore start developing awildlife management manual in the course of2011. The members of the BAWiHaC will reviewand comment the manual. Furthermore the BCAAwill continue to support the quest for waivers onthe hunting decree and the species resolution bythe civilian airports. Finally, wildlife managementissues should be introduced in the project“Aeronautical Safeguarding” launched by theBCAA and the regional governments.

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Belgian Safety Plan 2010-2014 � 2011 Update

� OM2: Resolving problems related toground handling in partnership withthe market sector

a. DescriptionThe risk analyses of the reported occurrences havedemonstrated that problems related to groundhandling are common. This represents a broadspectrum of occurrences, e.g. incorrect loadingprocedures and filling up fuel without thenecessary authorizations, near-collisions betweenaircraft and ground vehicles or damage caused toan aircraft by one such ground vehicle, etc.

The Belgian State currently does not havesufficiently detailed national regulations in placewith respect to ground handling.

The BCAA will take the following measures:

– Investigating the handling companies in order togather information on their organisationalstructure, activities, equipment, training coursescompleted, etc.

– Thoroughly inspecting the procedural manuals ofhandling companies and airlines;

– Examining the contracts with the airlines and theinternal and external audit reports;

– Drafting national regulations for groundhandling.

The implementation of the measures listed aboveshould result in lower risk levels as well as in arelative decline in the number of occurrencesrelated to ground handling.

Expected Safety Benefit:Increased internal supervision and auditing tomonitor the handling companies.

Safety Performance Indicators:– Collisions, near-collisions and conflicts involving

vehicles and taxiing aircraft at Belgianaerodromes;

– Collisions involving vehicles and parked aircraftat Belgian aerodromes.

Safety Outcome Owner:The BCAA Airspace and Airports Directorate

Alignment with EASp:Safety Actions AER5.9 and 5.10

b. Progress on ActionsIn collaboration with the Cabinet of the StateSecretary and the Brussels Airport Company, theBCAA has drawn up a new Royal Decree (RD) onaccess to the ground handling market at BrusselsNational Airport. This RD was published on 6November 2010 in the Belgian Bulletin of Acts andDecrees.

The RD makes provision for an active, regulatoryrole for the BCAA, enabling measures to be takenfor a relative decrease in the number of incidentsrelating to ground handling and for a reduction inthe risk level.

The BCAA receives in particular the competence for:

– the accreditation of providers for groundhandling services or self-handlers (after auditsand inspections);

– the establishment of conditions for survey,maintenance and periodic inspection of rollingequipment used for ground handling services;

– the approval of renewal programmes andmaintenance programmes for centralisedinfrastructure facilities (after audits andinspections);

– the approval of maintenance programmes forequipment essential to the provision of groundhandling services (after audits and inspections).

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The BCAA has now elaborated an action plan forputting these measures into practice. By the end of2011 the BCAA will draw up a Ministerial Decree forthe accreditation of ground handlers. Actualaccreditation is foreseen from 2012, once the newlyselected ground handlers have started theiractivities. Regulatory texts will also be drawn up forthe other BCAA ground handling competences.

The BCAA will also formally conclude contracts orMemorandums of Understanding with externalparties for specific inspection tasks (eg. for theinspection of rolling equipment).

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Belgian Safety Plan 2010-2014 � 2011 Update

� OM3: Drafting regulations withrespect to unruly passengers

a. DescriptionWhile security related acts like unruly passengerscan lead to accidents as defined as by ICAO Annex13, they are not considered accidents by someorganizations. Regardless, these events have similarconsequences in that they result in serious injuryor death to person(s) and/or substantial damage tothe aircraft.

A certain number of occurrences are related tounruly passengers. Two-thirds of these casesrepresented occurrences related to smoking in thelavatories of the aircraft, which is strictly prohibiteddue to fire hazard. In addition, air rage incidents areprevalent as well.

The BCAA will take the following measures:

– Instructing all airports and airlines to reportoccurrences related to unruly passengers to theBCAA through ECCAIRS;

– Assessing the current regulations and identifyingany loopholes in the legislation;

– Amending the current regulations if necessaryand drafting procedures with respect to unrulypassengers;

– Systematically investigating the conclusionsregarding ‘Unruly Passengers’ and prosecutingany violations administratively or through thecourts.

Expected Safety Benefit:– Improved investigation and prosecution of

unruly passenger incidents

Safety Performance Indicators:Unruly Passenger Occurrences;

Safety Outcome Owner:The BCAA Aviation Inspectorate

b. Progress on ActionsThe BCAA has sensitized the airports and airlines toreport all incidents regarding unruly passengers.Reporting such an incident however cannot initself lead to a prosecution. This requires a moreformal complaint to be filed.

Article 27 of the Belgian aviation legislation hasprovisions for criminal procedures in case of suchincidents. Article 38(2) of the aviation legislationlists BCAA officials able to determine violations andissue fines as administrative sanctions.

The BCAA has investigated whether such incidentsshould be eligible for immediate recovery under"caught in the act of a crime". Such a system ofimmediate recovery would for example allow toimmediately imposing an administrative fine topassengers in transit before travelling to their finaldestination.

In practice, cabin crew and passengers do not havethe time following a flight to lodge a complaintand be interviewed. Therefore they often prefer tosimply mention the incident so that the airportpolice and the BCAA do not dispose of an officialcomplaint.

In order to improve willingness to lodgecomplaints, the airport police at Brussels NationalAirport have now a form in use that victims ofunruly passengers can fill in. The airport policeconsider such a form as a statement and thisdocument forms together with the interrogationfrom the unruly passenger, the basis of the charge.On this basis the prosecutor may proceed to aprosecution or the BCAA may impose anadministrative sanction. The airport police and theBCAA Aviation Inspectorate investigate all findingsin connection with unruly passengers. Actualoffences are transferred to the competent CrownProsecutor. If the violation is dismissed for reasonsunrelated to the constituent elements of theviolation, the BCAA Aviation Inspectorate willimpose an administrative fine.

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� OM4: Annual check of the reliabilityof the flight controls for commercialaircraft in Belgium

a. DescriptionThe yearly risk analyses have demonstrated thatthere have been technical problems related toflight controls.

The BCAA will take the following measures:

– Perform a detailed annual analysis of alloccurrences related to flight controls forcommercial aircraft in Belgium;

– Setting annual SPI’s and identifying any negativetrends;

– Determining items to be addressed and takingtargeted measures where necessary (thisincludes analysing the reliability programmes ofthe Belgian airlines).

The annual analysis takes into account the numberof flights operated by Belgian airlines, therebycreating a similar frame of reference.

Expected Safety Benefit:Improvement of the flight controls reliability

Safety Performance Indicators:Flight Control Occurrences

Safety Outcome Owner:The BCAA Company Approvals Directorate

b. Progress on ActionsThe detailed analysis of all occurrences related toflight controls for commercial aircraft revealed asignificant decrease in occurrences in 2010.

The decrease might be explained by a number ofreasons:

– several actions and campaigns were initiated bythe BCAA and the Belgian airlines in order toincrease the flight controls reliability and theaircraft safety in general (improved de-icingprocedures, improved greasing procedures/instructions, …);

– some older aircraft types have deregistered fromthe Belgian aviation register (A300, B757);

– …

The detailed analysis further identified somespecific recurring occurrences due to human errorson ground. An investigation was launched by BCAAand resulted in actions that should preventreoccurrence of this problem in the near future.

YEAR Number of Events

2008 51

2009 53

2010 21

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Belgian Safety Plan 2010-2014 � 2011 Update

� OM5: Complete the regulation withrespect to the “Targeting of Aircraftwith Lasers”

a. DescriptionThe last two years have seen a rapid growth in thenumber of reports of Belgian aircraft beingtargeted by hand held lasers. A number of reportswere received from Belgian aircraft when operatingoutside Belgium so the table below has beenbroken down into events within Belgium andevents outside Belgium.

Laser emitters pose a significant threat to aviationsafety and security. The use of hand lasers couldpotentially harm aircraft operations and asks foradequate countermeasures to mitigate this threat.

The BCAA will take the following measures:

– Complete the Aviation Law of 27th June 1937 tomake the (malicious) use of lasers against aircraftand ATS personnel an offence;

– Improve the cooperation between, BCAA –ANSP’s- Federal Police by developing proceduresto follow in the case of laser interference.

Expected Safety Benefit:Minimize the effects of laser attacks during thecritical phases of flight

Safety Performance Indicators:Number of laser occurrences

Safety Outcome Owner:– The BCAA Aviation Inspectorate;– The BCAA Legal Affairs Department.

b. Progress on ActionsNew operational measure due to the results of theBCAA risk analysis 2010

Within Belgium Outside Belgium

Year Number of Events Year Number of Events

2009 5 2009 8

2010 80 2010 27

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� OM6: Implementation of theEuropean Action Plan for thePrevention of Runway Incursions

a. DescriptionThe prevention of runway incursions is a key issuefor airport safety. The European Action Plan for thePrevention of Runway Incursions (EAPPRI) is theresult of the combined efforts of multipleorganisations representing all areas of aerodromeoperations, and its 2nd edition was published in2011. It contains recommendations to all airportstakeholders (including regulators, airportoperators, ATC, airlines…). When implemented, theEAPPRI recommendations will enhance runwaysafety. A major recommendation is theorganisation of Local Runway Safety Teams.At every Belgian airport Local Runway Safety Teamshave been established, which compriserepresentatives from Aircraft Operators/ Airlines,Air Navigation Service Providers, AerodromeOperators and the BCAA.

The BCAA will take the following measures:

– Promoting the recommendations from theEAPPRI to the Belgian aviation industry;

– Verifying the implementation of EAPPRIrecommendations by all stakeholders (includingAircraft Operators, Air Navigation ServiceProviders and Aerodrome Operators).

– Ensuring that Local Runway Safety Teams aredealing with runway safety and runwayincursions based on local risks.

Expected Safety Benefit:Enhanced runway safety

Safety Performance Indicators:– Runway Incursions at Belgian aerodromes;– Proportion of EAPPRI recommendations


Safety Outcome Owner:– The BCAA Company Approvals Directorate;– The BCAA Airspace and Airports Directorate;– The Belgian Supervising Authority for Air

Navigation Services.

Alignment with EASp:Safety Actions AER1.5 and 1.6

b. Progress on ActionsNew operational measure due to the results of theBCAA risk analysis 2010 and the alignment withthe European Aviation Safety Plan (EASp)

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Belgian Safety Plan 2010-2014 � 2011 Update

The risk management performed by the BelgianState relates to any occurrences occurring onBelgian territory and in Belgian airspace. Inaddition, occurrences occurring on foreign territoryand foreign airspace involving Belgian airlines arealso included. The various aspects of aviation areconsidered, including aircraft, companies operatingin the aviation sector, air traffic control services,airports, ground equipment, etc.

Any occurrences reported are entered in theECCAIRS database, which was created by theEuropean Union in 2003 for the implementation ofthe European Directives related to reportingaviation occurrences. The main safety risks can bededuced from the analysis of these occurrences,and the priorities to be set by the management inview of accident prevention can be determined.

The BCAA risk management system for aviationoccurrences is based on the Dynamic IntegratedRisk Management (DIRM) model. The BCAA riskmanagement system is described in the RiskManagement Procedures Manual with referenceBCAA/PM/10/INS Part II. The risk level of a specifictype of occurrence is determined by two factors:probability and impact.

Probability represents the likelihood that anincident will occur. In order to determineprobability, the number of occurrences of a specifictype is considered that occurred within a one-yearperiod. Depending on the number of occurrences,the probability is then assigned a quote on a scalefrom 0 to 5.

The impact of an occurrence takes into account thepossible impact on personnel, operations,equipment, the environment and publicconfidence, along with the media attention that anoccurrence may attract. Depending on the strengthof the impact, it is assigned a quote from 1 to 5.Class 1 means that there are no noteworthy effectswhile class 5 indicates potentially disastrouseffects.

The risk level of a type of incident is established byapplying a combination of probability and impactbased on the formula displayed below.



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The table below shows the types of occurrences with the highest risk levels derived from the risk analysis 2010. The Safety Committee has discussed these types ofoccurrences and subsequently addressed theaviation risks to be handled with priority, selectedby taking into account factors such as the level ofthe risk-mitigation measures already in place.


ACAS/TCAS triggered 4,5Ground Proximity Warning 4,5Communications Pilot / ANS 4,5Near-Collisions - Loss of Separation 4,5Aircraft – Bird Strike 4Turbine - Bird 4Explosions /Fire /Fumes /Smoke 4Systems / Crew Mismatch 4Air Space Infringement 4Deviation /ATC clearance 4Runway Incursions 4Declared Emergency 4Collision Aircraft-Object Ground 4Windshear 4Ground Handling Services 4Aircraft Flight Controls 3,5Landing Gear 3,5Engine Controls 3,5Unstabilized Approach 3,5Flight Preparation 3,5Difficult /Unruly Passenger 3,5Vehicle Equipment Operations 3,5Aircraft Return 3,5Rejected Take-off 3,5Rejected Landing 3,5Missed Approach 3,5Weather Encounters 3,5Interference by Laser / Beamer 3,5Separation Provision 3,5

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Belgian Safety Plan 2010-2014 � 2011 Update

� 1 Introduction

One of the duties of the Belgian State is to createan environment in which the aviation sector canperform its activities at the highest possible safetylevel. The Belgian Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA) isresponsible, on behalf of the Belgian State, fordeveloping and maintaining the Belgian SafetyProgramme (BSP) in accordance with therequirements of the United Nations InternationalCivil Aviation Organization (ICAO).The BSP applies both to the BCAA and to theAccidents and Incidents Investigation Unit and isbased to a large extent on the system of riskmanagement.

The purpose of risk management is to preventaccidents, personal injury and material damage. Aneffective risk management policy ensures thatpotential causes of safety problems can be swiftlydetected and resolved through the optimisation ofregulatory and supervisory measures.

In addition, the BCAA has begun implementing oneof the main elements of the Belgian SafetyProgramme: the implementation of the SafetyManagement Systems (SMS) at the Belgian ServiceProviders.

� 2 General provisions

a. Definitions– Belgian Safety Programme (BSP): a coherent

whole of regulations and activities throughwhich the Belgian State, in its role as a regulator,aims to improve aviation safety;

– Service Providers: air traffic control and airnavigation services (ATC/ANS), airport operators,air operators, flight training organizations, aero-medical centres, production organizations,maintenance organizations and maintenancetraining organizations.

– Safety: a situation in which the risks of physicalinjury and material damage are reduced toacceptable levels through a continuous processthat facilitates risk identification andmanagement;

– Safety Management System (SMS): a systematicapproach to managing safety at Belgian ServiceProviders including the necessary organizationalstructures, accountabilities, policies andprocedures;

– Occurrences: any accidents and incidents arisingin the Belgian civil aviation sector.

b. Purpose of this document– Inciting the Belgian aviation sector and the

relevant BCAA employees to develop andmaintain a culture of safety in civil aviation;

– Providing the BSP with internal managementstructures that ensure its implementation;identifying risks and potential dangers; anddrafting and amending the Belgian Safety Planfor the Improvement of Aviation Safety. Thesestructures have been established through a seriesof processes and procedures.

c. Objective of the BSPThe BSP is developed to improve aviation safety bypromoting close cooperation between the Belgianaviation sector and the BCAA.


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� 3. Strategic orientation

a. BCAA Safety CultureAs safety is of primary importance at the BCAA, thelatter will never yield to economic, commercial andpolitical pressure. The BCAA is committed tointegrating a safety culture into all its activities inorder to ensure that aviation safety is managed aseffectively as possible.

b. Regulatory and Supervisory ActivitiesThe BCAA is dedicated to improving cooperationwith the Belgian aviation sector in order to identifykey safety issues and optimise its regulatory andsupervisory activities.

The BCAA undertakes to modify and optimise itsregulatory and supervisory activities following theintroduction of SMS at the Belgian ServiceProviders.

The BCAA undertakes to perform safetyassessments on foreign airlines in order to ensure astandardised safety level within the context ofEuropean regulations.

c. Belgian Safety Plan for theImprovement of Aviation Safety

The implementation of the BSP has resulted in thedrafting of a Belgian Safety Plan. This plan formspart of the safety policy of the Belgian State andseeks to eliminate potential sources of safetyproblems through the optimisation of regulatoryand supervisory activities.The Safety Plan, which is valid for a period of fiveyears, is based on a) the policy document of theState Secretary of the Federal Public ServiceMobility and Transport with respect to theimplementation of the BSP; and b) the operationalobjectives derived from the risk managementsystem. Recommendations and guidelines of theAccidents and Incidents Investigation Unit are alsoincorporated into the Safety Plan. The operationalobjectives contained in the Safety Plan aredeveloped in consultation with the Belgian ServiceProviders.The Safety Plan is approved by the BCAA Director-General and annually assessed and published.

d. Means and Human ResourcesThe allocation of means is based on theoperational activities that contribute to increasingsafety levels and, by extension, to the realization ofthe Belgian Safety Plan.As part of its training programmes, the BCAA offerstraining related to BSP. This training helps foster aculture of safety and clarifies the roles played byeach of the parties in implementing the plan.

e. Internal quality auditsThe BCAA internal audits are conducted inaccordance with the processes and procedurescontained in the Quality Manual. These complianceaudits serve to establish whether the BCAADepartments respect the regulations and correctlyexecute the applicable processes, procedures andguidelines.

The internal audits are performed on the basis ofan audit programme approved annually by theBCAA Director-General. The audits, which are basedon the PDCA cycle (‘Plan, Do, Check, Act’), contributeto the continuous improvement of the operationalactivities.

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� 4. Organisation of the BSP

a. Scope of the risk managementThe BCAA is responsible for collecting andmanaging the aviation occurrences reported to theBCAA by the service providers. Risk managementrelates both to aviation occurrences occurring onBelgian territory and those occurring in Belgianairspace. In addition, occurrences occurring onforeign territory and foreign airspace involvingBelgian airlines are registered in the riskmanagement system as well.

b. Procedures and processesThe BCAA has a number of processes andprocedures in place designed to effectivelyimplement the BSP. These processes andprocedures are approved by the Director-Generaland subsequently managed by the relevant BCAAdepartments. The processes and procedures of theAccidents and Incidents Investigation Unit areapproved by the Chairman of the Federal PublicService for Mobility and Transport in order toprotect the independence of this unit.

c. Safety CommitteeThe Safety Committee is comprised of the Director-General, the directors of the operationaldepartments, the risk manager and the manager ofthe Accidents and Incidents Investigation Unit. TheSafety Committee, which convenes three times peryear, is responsible for:

– discussing and selecting the aviation risks to behandled with priority;

– taking corrective actions where necessary;– assessing, approving, modifying and following up

these corrective actions;– validating and amending the Belgian Safety Plan ;

d. Risk managerThe risk manager is responsible for:

– collecting data on, and managing, aviationoccurrences;

– participating in bimonthly meetings regardingoccurrences that require immediate action;

– performing the risk analysis (i.e. preparing a listof risks to be handled with priority);

– Drafting the Belgian Safety Plan, including annualchanges and updates.

e. Operational DepartmentsThe operational departments are responsible for:

– performing regulatory and supervisory activities;– proposing, implementing and realising corrective

measures in order to increase aviation safety;– participating in bimonthly meetings regarding

occurrences that require immediate action;– investigating these occurrences if necessary.

g. Involvement of external departmentsThe BCAA has signed a Service Level Agreement(SLA) with the Accidents and IncidentsInvestigation Unit in order to ensure smoothcooperation between these two entities.

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h. Coordination with internationalagencies

The BCAA supports the initiatives to develop andimplement the European Aviation Safety Programmeand Plan at the level of the European Aviation SafetyAgency (EASA) and the initiatives of the regulatorybodies of the European Commission and theEUROCONTROL Safety Regulation Commission.

j. Internal communication of the BelgianSafety Plan

The employees of the BCAA and the Accidents andIncidents Investigation Unit are informed annuallyabout the Belgian Safety Plan and anyamendments to this plan.

The BCAA will introduce a training course on BSPinto its employees training programmes.

i. Consultation with the Belgian aviationsector

The BCAA organises periodic consultative meetingswith representatives of the Belgian aviation sector(e.g. representatives of Belgian service providers,pilots’ associations, aviation clubs, etc.).

These meetings have the following objectives:

– Conducting a debate on safety levels in theBelgian civil aviation sector;

– Communicating achievements related to the BSPto aviation sector representatives;

– Presenting the Belgian Safety Plan to aviationsector representatives, including anymodifications and updates;

– Consulting on the policy objectives of the BelgianSafety Plan (including on the relevance of therisks to be handled with priority).

The Belgian Safety Plan is assessed and publishedannually. The Belgian service providers and aviationassociations receive a copy of the Safety Plan eachyear.

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Belgian Safety Plan 2010-2014 � 2011 Update

Occurence Reportsfrom Industry

Process 1 (SPOC):Data Collection &

Storage in ECCAIRS

Process 3: Yearly Risk Analysis ofOccurences by Risk Manager

Process 2: Bimonthly BCAA meetingsconcerning analysis of individual

occurences requiring immediate action

BCAA SafetyComittee

Prioritize RiskDomains


Risk Mitigation(Actions & Projects)

BCAA Directorates& Aviation Industry

Process 4: Draw-up and realize fizeyearly Belgian Safety Plan

Project / Action closed Project / Action continues


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� Info

Belgian Civil Aviation Authority - HeadquartersCCNVooruitgangstraat / Rue du Progrès 80 B5 – 2nd floor1030 Brussel / Bruxelles

Tel: 32-(0)2-277.43.11Fax: 32-(0)2-277.42.59E-Mail: [email protected]:

Belgian Civil Aviation Authority – Aviation InspectorateRaketstraat 90 / Rue de la Fusée 901130 Brussel / Bruxelles

Tel: 32-(0)2-724.03.07Fax: 32-(0)2-724.03.08E-Mail: [email protected]

� Useful Links

Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport: ICAO: EASA:

� Pictures

The Belgian CAA wants to thank Brussels Airport, Antwerp Airport and Air Service Liège for their contribution.

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� Notes :

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Federal Public Service Mobility and TransportBelgian Civil Aviation AuthoritySafety Plan 2010-2014

2011 Update

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2011 Update

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