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Waiting to blossom A 1979 song called “The Rose” (written by Amanda McBroom and made popular by Bette Midler) encourages listeners to keep the faith, even when the source of our hope isn’t visible. In the depths of winter, we especially need the reminder that beneath mounds of snow lie seeds already being prepared to burst forth “with the sun’s love” into springtime flowers. When you’re in the cold depths of despair, grief, illness or other struggles, remember the deeply buried seed. Beyond your view, God’s love is already tending that seed, readying it to blossom into healing, new friendship, joy and life. ========================== 2013 Contribution Statements are available in the back of the sanctuary. Reminder: The first envelope in the offering packet marked “Initial” goes toward the cost of the offering envelope packet. Council Leadership for 2014 elected at the Annual Meeting/ Celebration of Ministry held on January 19, 2014: President – Linda Adams Vice President – Clair Nassen Secretary – Jean Dikken Treasurer – Bonnie Gartzke Financial Sec’y – Jerry Sonich Deacons: Dave Pirsig, Ann Ekse, Jody Omland, Julie Goodrich, Tasha Cartwright, Karl Kampf, Rachel Kienitz, Jean Redman and Rhona Ruud Trustees: Dale Meckes, Geary Wells, Ray Holland, Ryan Northwick, Craig Johnson and Wade Barslou The TLCW receives income from Circle meetings, their monthly meetings and the Trinity Fair Stand, etc. They disbursed their funds from 2013 to the following: St Luke’s Foundation - $1000 Mankato Campus Ministry - $500 Lutheran World Relief - $500 Bible Camperships - $400 King’s Aide - $200 SE MN Synod Mission - $200 Christ Through Hands Ministry of Faribault - $500 Blue Earth Area Mentors - $500 Faribault Co. Food Shelf - $1500 St Luke’s Rock King Chair - $1500 Uganda Mission Trip - $500 Mortgage reduction - $4000 Trinity Line of Credit - $10,000 April 8, 2014 Mark your calendar for this ‘summer feast’ during the winter -- served in the Gathering Place at Trinity Lutheran Church. Take-outs will be available. Quilting – Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. If you want to be part of the ‘hands-on’ ministry of the Trinity Lutheran Church Women and Lutheran World Relief, come to the Gathering Place (basement level) on Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. to help tie quilts. If you have any questions about this project of the Trinity Lutheran Women, contact Julie Rhoda (526-3503). BAKING PANS: There is a collection of pans in the kitchen near the microwave. Please take your pan home. The Trumpet February, 2014 Trinity Lutheran Church, ELCA 235 East 7 th Street, Blue Earth, MN The mission of Trinity Lutheran Church, as God’s chosen and baptized people, nurtured by word and sacrament, is to live for others boldly sharing the good news of Christ; using all the gifts we have been given.

Feb 2014 Trumpet - Clover, Kaye Klinksiek, Clair Nassen 19 – Sue Frederickson, Joni Klinder, David Olson

Jul 25, 2020



Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: Feb 2014 Trumpet - Clover, Kaye Klinksiek, Clair Nassen 19 – Sue Frederickson, Joni Klinder, David Olson

Waiting to blossom A 1979 song called “The Rose” (written by Amanda McBroom and made popular by Bette Midler) encourages listeners to keep the faith, even when the source of our hope isn’t visible. In the depths of winter, we especially need the reminder that beneath mounds of snow lie seeds already being prepared to burst forth “with the sun’s love” into springtime flowers. When you’re in the cold depths of despair, grief, illness or other struggles, remember the deeply buried seed. Beyond your view, God’s love is already tending that seed, readying it to blossom into healing, new friendship, joy and life.





are available in the back of the sanctuary. Reminder:

The first envelope in the offering packet marked “Initial” goes toward the cost of the offering envelope packet.

Council Leadership for 2014 elected at the Annual Meeting/ Celebration of Ministry held on January 19, 2014: President – Linda Adams Vice President – Clair Nassen Secretary – Jean Dikken Treasurer – Bonnie Gartzke Financial Sec’y – Jerry Sonich Deacons: Dave Pirsig, Ann Ekse, Jody Omland, Julie Goodrich, Tasha Cartwright, Karl Kampf, Rachel Kienitz, Jean Redman and Rhona Ruud Trustees: Dale Meckes, Geary Wells, Ray Holland, Ryan Northwick, Craig Johnson and Wade Barslou

The TLCW receives income from Circle meetings, their monthly meetings and the Trinity Fair Stand, etc. They disbursed their funds from 2013 to the following: St Luke’s Foundation - $1000 Mankato Campus Ministry - $500 Lutheran World Relief - $500 Bible Camperships - $400 King’s Aide - $200 SE MN Synod Mission - $200

Christ Through Hands Ministry of Faribault - $500 Blue Earth Area Mentors - $500 Faribault Co. Food Shelf - $1500 St Luke’s Rock King Chair - $1500 Uganda Mission Trip - $500 Mortgage reduction - $4000 Trinity Line of Credit - $10,000

April 8, 2014

Mark your calendar for this ‘summer feast’ during the winter -- served in

the Gathering Place at Trinity Lutheran Church. Take-outs will be available.

Quilting – Thursdays at 1:00 p.m.

If you want to be part of the ‘hands-on’ ministry of the Trinity Lutheran Church Women and Lutheran World Relief, come to the Gathering Place (basement level) on Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. to help tie quilts. If you have any questions about this project of the Trinity Lutheran Women, contact Julie Rhoda (526-3503).

BAKING PANS: There is a collection of pans in the kitchen near

the microwave. Please take your pan home.

The Trumpet February, 2014 Trinity Lutheran Church, ELCA 235 East 7th Street, Blue Earth, MN The mission of Trinity Lutheran Church, as God’s chosen and baptized people, nurtured by word and sacrament, is to live for others boldly sharing the good news of Christ; using all the gifts we have been given.

Page 2: Feb 2014 Trumpet - Clover, Kaye Klinksiek, Clair Nassen 19 – Sue Frederickson, Joni Klinder, David Olson

A Word or Two…

By Pastor Mark

TRUST – we have to live with it every day. I trust that when I sit in a chair, it won’t collapse (although that actually did happen when I unknowingly sat on a rickety seat at a church gathering one time). We trust that our food won’t poison us, that we can walk down the street and not be mugged, that our cars will start. But there are always those disturbing moments when we find out we can’t totally trust anything in this world, not even ourselves. A couple that glowed at a wedding service now scowls at the lawyer’s office working out the divorce papers, a body we thought was pretty healthy and bullet-proof produces a tumor out of the blue and life is changed. There are no guarantees when it comes to this earthly walk, in small things and large. No guarantees, except this: the everlasting righteousness and grace of our holy God. Righteousness because God will always hate sin – He has given us clear guidance for living lives that glorify Him and are good for us, but when we stubbornly ignore those teachings He pronounces us guilty, and the sentence is eternal separation from Him. Grace because instead of rejecting us as He could have, He freely chose to love us enough to become a human and die for us. The resurrection shows that He is Lord even over the grimmest guarantee of all, that all must die an earthly death. God calls us to trust in this gospel of His love (not just believe that it exists), and when we respond through the power of the Holy Spirit we are on a journey to everlasting life, with a much more meaningful life here to boot.

Thank God that we can go through life trusting that the universe isn’t wired by some great celestial practical joker. Most things go right, once in a while we have to deal with things that don’t. But those in Christ need not worry that somehow all that trust will be in vain. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection wasn’t, and He holds that out to you as really the only thing that can be fully, one hundred percent, no strings attached trusted for all time.

Happy Birthday to Faith and Life Bible Study once again! Our midweek get-togethers started the first week of February 2009, so that means Faith and Life is five years old. During that time we have gone through most of the Bible and will be finishing it up within the next few months. Then, on to the history of the Christian church in Bible study form, along with special topics chosen by the participants. Faith and Life meets Tuesday evenings 6:30-8:00 and Wednesday mornings 9:45-11:15 (same content at both) downstairs in the Gathering Place. It’s a no-threat Bible study: you can come and just listen or share your thoughts, you can read a chapter in rotation with others or pass. You can come every week or

once in a while. You can have trouble remembering if there’s one Testament or two, or you can be fully versed in the scriptures. In other words, it’s one size fits all, and everybody’s welcome. And most important of all, there are treats and coffee every week. See? You have no excuse not to try Faith and Life Bible study. You will be glad you did!

Church Contacts

[email protected]

Donna Perryman, Office Admin.

Rev. Dr.Rev. Dr.Rev. Dr.Rev. Dr. MarkMarkMarkMark F.F.F.F. WilmsWilmsWilmsWilms [email protected]

Lynn Wilms, MusicLynn Wilms, MusicLynn Wilms, MusicLynn Wilms, Music And Worship DeveloperAnd Worship DeveloperAnd Worship DeveloperAnd Worship Developer [email protected]

Cindy Bly, Education DirectorCindy Bly, Education DirectorCindy Bly, Education DirectorCindy Bly, Education Director [email protected]

Kim Jacobson, Youth DirectorKim Jacobson, Youth DirectorKim Jacobson, Youth DirectorKim Jacobson, Youth Director [email protected]

If you would like to receive your Trumpet newsletter electronically,

just send Donna an email at [email protected]



Sunday – 8:30 Butch Erichsrud, Mark Mensing

Brad Huse Dennis Siegling

Sunday – 10:45

Bruce Stensland, Kevin Benson, Chuck Hunt

Page 3: Feb 2014 Trumpet - Clover, Kaye Klinksiek, Clair Nassen 19 – Sue Frederickson, Joni Klinder, David Olson

One Year in the Life of a Music and Worship Developer

Getting up in the morning and going to a job that you love. Working with people that you respect, trust, and have fun with. Finding creative, musical and liturgical ways that help facilitate the worship of our Lord. Watching a child or an adult mastering a piano piece that once was so difficult and now can play it. The joy of a child singing a solo that has been practiced so many times and now gets to share it with the world. Children who find a home away from home in our church because they feel a part of something important like after school choir or release time. Adults who can share their musical gifts in senior choir, bell choir, worship band, and adult contemporary worship. Youth who share their artistic gifts and musical gifts for services and contemporary worship. A live band for a children’s Christmas worship! What a gift for our children. Children at their Christmas worship singing and playing their best for Him! Practice times that are like exercising to lose weight. That’s just what you do for the Lord. Sharing in the Lord’s Supper together. The anticipation of a baby welcomed into God’s family. Being on holy ground at a time of loss. Writing music for family day and special occasions like weddings. The establishment of an audio and visual fund and people giving to make that happen. Playing piano, organ, singing and accompanying. Still growing and learning. Encouragement from others. A music and arts committee that relates to my work. Rejoicing in traditional music and exploring the contemporary. Thanking God for His gift of music and having the opportunity to share my gifts with others. To work with a great partner in ministry. Creating memories, like having your accompanist fall asleep on you at a Christmas Eve service. What a celebration!!!

Worship Services at Trinity

Sunday, February 2nd Worship with Communion, Special Music, Senior Choir Sunday, February 9th Worship, Special Music, Bell Choir Sunday, February 16th Worship Sunday, February 23rd Youth led Contemporary Worship with Communion

Lynn Wilms, Music and Worship Developer

Page 4: Feb 2014 Trumpet - Clover, Kaye Klinksiek, Clair Nassen 19 – Sue Frederickson, Joni Klinder, David Olson

Council Meeting January 8, 2014

Trinity Lutheran Church Council met January 8, 2014. Trustees discussed an additional payment of $2500 to reduce the Line of Credit (to $6515). Balance in the General Fund checking on Dec. 31 = $1748.38. Agreed to continue to pay $4700 per month against the mortgage loan. Mortgage balance Jan 7 = $61,086.48. Working on wi-fi upgrade. The Audit Committee will meet with Donna on Jan 15. Deacons have updated the Trinity brochure that is available at the Chamber of Commerce, area motels and in the church office. Lenten theme will be based on the Book of Job. The Trinity Constitution has been submitted to the SE MN Synod for their review. After a few minor changes, it should be able to be ratified in connection with our 125th anniversary celebration in 2016. Those whose Council term has ended were recognized for their contributions. Election of new members will take place during the Annual Meeting on Jan 19. Complete copy of minutes is available on

the display rack outside the office.

Listed below are birthdays of members in the church active data base. If there is an addition or correction, please call the church office (526-3463). February 1 – Bohn Oelke Dwight Olson 3 – Benjamin Backstrom, Kevin Skaare 4 – Greta Dahlberg 5 – Randy Anderson, Sophia Rotterman, Michele Stindtman 6 – Kory Dikken, Merideth Hagedorn 7 – Raina Juba 8 – David Beattie, Cindy Lein Audrey McDonald 9 – Rick Dickman, Mae Ellestad 10 – Wiletha Eckhardt, Don Mensing, Josh Nuessmeier 11 – Frankie Bly, Karré Skaare 12 – Dar Holmseth, Matthew Hotzler, Mike Johnson, Suzie Olsen, Elaine Olson, Sherry Stevermer, Karleigh Wolff 13 – Marshal Bartels 14 – Brian Kokos, Joe Strukel 15 – Sydney Blagg 16 – Jim Brooks, Colan Surratt 17 – Beth Engeseth 18 – Steve Frederickson, Kaitlin Johnson, Kaye Klinksiek, Clair Nassen 19 – Sue Frederickson, Joni Klinder, David Olson 20 – Tyler Eckhardt, 21 – Rhonda Keister, Julie Krosch, Brett Loge 22 – Justin Skaden 23 – Ryan Berndt, Chad Blagg Kelly Hulke, Michelle Meyers 24 – Pat McCabe, Betty Ann Ogburn, Jean Redman, Jody

Wirtjes 25 – Randy Kuechenmeister 26 – Jeff Hougen, Millie Nesbit Dennis Ruser 27 – Julie Blagg, Marion Eastvold, Tyler Stindtman 28 – Lillian Bassett, Randy Frandle, Jolane Levenhagen Gabriela Weerts 29 – Jim Erdahl, Hudson Zierke

Feb. 24th

On Monday, February 24, 2014, Canadian Pianist/Singer and Entertainer Michael Kaeshammer will be giving a concert through the Blue Earth Valley Concert Association. Because of another scheduled event at the Blue Earth High School, Mr. Kaeshammer’s concert will be held in the sanctuary at Trinity Lutheran Church. This concert is for members of the Blue Earth Valley Concert Association.

March 5 – Ash Wednesday Worship at 7:00 p.m. April 8 – Fair Stand Supper served In the Gathering Place April 13 – Palm Sunday April 20 – Easter Day June 9-13 – Whitewater Youth Camping Event July 14-17 – Day Camp for K-4th Grade students

Page 5: Feb 2014 Trumpet - Clover, Kaye Klinksiek, Clair Nassen 19 – Sue Frederickson, Joni Klinder, David Olson

Second Term Sunday School begins on Feb. 2 and goes through May 11. The only Sunday there will not be regular Sunday School classes is April 20 – Easter Sunday! Thank you to our teachers and staff who faithfully teach each week. YOU do make a difference in the lives of your students. Christian Education isn’t about the best program, the newest curriculum, or the latest trend – it is simply telling the story of Jesus, our Lord and Savior! “We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious

deeds of the Lord, about His power and His mighty works.” Psalms 78:4

May God Bless your faithfulness!

So many times after the Christmas season our attendance drops. The Education Committee has struggled with this and is promoting good attendance with a Sunday School challenge.

Each week a student attends Sunday School they will be given an “attendance voucher”. At the end of each month classes will draw a name/names from the vouchers turned in for a special award! Blue Earth businesses have generously offered special certificates and prizes to be given to students!

Steawardship Update: Second term offerings will continue to be divided between Trinity’s budget and the two orphanages in Uganda!

Green Lake is NOT offering Day Camps this summer and we are excited to try a new program! Registrations will be available soon! Our hope is to have the Okoboji Director of Camp programs spend a Wednesday in February with our students introducing them to the camp

Students will also be receiving information on attending Bible camp this summer as soon as we receive the brochures. You can also go online and register at the camp of your choice: Ingham and Okoboji : Green Lake/Shores of St. Andrew: Good Earth Village:

Cindy Bly, Education Coordinator [email protected] 507-526-3463


LOOKING AHEAD: As families begin making summer plans keep in mind that Trinity will be offering Day Camp for students in grades K – 4. Mark your calendars for July 14 – 17. We have contracted with Lake

Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp for camp this year.

Page 6: Feb 2014 Trumpet - Clover, Kaye Klinksiek, Clair Nassen 19 – Sue Frederickson, Joni Klinder, David Olson

February Youth News

The Greatest of these is Love…

Have you ever read a devotion or heard a sermon and you are certain that it was

written for you and you alone? I have! It’s amazing how God uses things like that to

get our attention and teach us. The devotion I read recently lead me to start thinking

that I wished I would of read this years ago. But when I read it, it was just what I

needed to hear that day as well. It’s also interesting how we as humans need to be

continually reminded of some of His promises and truths again and again. And I think

about this in relation to kids that I talk to about the truths in the Bible. Some of them

think that the Bible is not relatable to their lives but if they really dig into it, take

things apart and examine it, they would find it to be more relevant and true than they

realize. Unfortunately, some of the truth they have come to believe is the lies that

Satan implants in their heads. We’ve all been there! So what does this have to do with

the scripture above? Well, let me explain after I share the devotion…….

We need to refrain from comparing ourselves to anyone else because God doesn't want

us to be frustrated and feel unworthy of the blessings He desires to give us. Comparing

our lives with other people’s lives is unfair, to them and to us. It’s unfair to them because

if we become jealous of what they have, what they know, how they look etc.., we start to

resent them. Then we can no longer appreciate them as the wonderful person God made

them to be. It’s unfair to us because it limits God’s plan in our lives. Comparison says to

God….I want to limit Your work in my life to this and nothing else. I just want to be like

this other person. But God has an individual plan for each of us. His plan for you is

greater than you could possibly imagine. Stop looking at His plans for others so you can

walk in the plans He has for you and receive the blessings they bring.

The reason I started to think about this devotion in reference to the word Love is that

it made me wonder… What if we LOVED ourselves like GOD LOVES US? What if we

saw in ourselves what He sees? What if we really recognized His plan for our lives

instead of worrying about other people’s? How much more blessed would we feel?

And how much more LOVE would we have for ourselves and others? God does not

compare. He creates! He creates us just the way we are, in His image. So, love what

you are created to be!!! LOVE AND BE LOVED….


Youth dates

7up at 9:40 a.m.: February 2nd, 9th,


No 7up on the 16th

due to the Winter


SALSA SALSA SALSA SALSA Feb 5th, 19th, 26th

at 4:00 p.m.

SWAP SWAP SWAP SWAP Feb 5th, 19th and

26th at 7:00 p.m.



Feb 15-17th Ironwood

Christian Ranch,


Tubing, games,

worship food,

friends and fun!!