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Fearnfile FEARNHILL SCHOOL 13th March 2020 Issue 557 FearŶile - out eǀerLJ tǁo ǁeeks! StaLJ Calŵ aŶd Keep LeaƌŶiŶg WelĐoŵe to this ediioŶ of FeaƌŶ- ile. We aƌe iŶ ĐhalleŶgiŶg iŵes ǁith the ĐoƌoŶaǀiƌus outďƌeak aŶd I hope eǀeƌLJ- oŶe is feeliŶg ǁell iŶfoƌŵed aďout the steps ǁe aƌe takiŶg as a sĐhool. Ouƌ keLJ pƌioƌitLJ is to keep eǀeƌLJoŶe iŶ ouƌ sĐhool ĐoŵŵuŶitLJ safe aŶd I aŵ ƌeĐeiǀiŶg dailLJ updates fƌoŵ PuďliĐ Health EŶglaŶd, the DepaƌtŵeŶt foƌ EduĐaioŶ aŶd HCC. As a gƌoup of loĐal headteaĐheƌs, ǁe aƌe staLJ- iŶg iŶ Đlose ĐoŶtaĐt aŶd ǁoƌkiŶg ǀeƌLJ ŵuĐh as a teaŵ. The staf at FeaƌŶhill aƌe also ƌisiŶg to the ĐhalleŶge ǁoŶdeƌfullLJ. StudeŶts haǀe ƌespoŶded ǁith ŵatuƌitLJ aŶd Đalŵ; theLJ aƌe a Đƌedit to theŵselǀes aŶd theiƌ paƌeŶts aŶd Đaƌeƌs. Please ĐheĐk all updates that aƌe seŶt so that LJou aƌe fullLJ iŶfoƌŵed aďout this ƌapidlLJ ĐhaŶgiŶg situaioŶ. As alǁaLJs, theƌe is lots goiŶg oŶ ǁith ouƌ studeŶts leaƌŶiŶg edžpeƌieŶĐes. Although ǁe haǀe postpoŶed tƌips foƌ the iŵe ďeiŶg iŶ liŶe ǁith goǀeƌŶŵeŶt guid- aŶĐe, this has ďeeŶ Woƌk EdžpeƌieŶĐe Week foƌ Yeaƌ ϭϬ aŶd theLJ haǀe had a host of Ŷeǁ adǀeŶtuƌes. I haǀe ďeeŶ foƌ- tuŶate eŶough to ǀisit soŵe of theŵ iŶ theiƌ ǁoƌkplaĐes aŶd heaƌ fƌoŵ eŵploLJ- eƌs just hoǁ iŵpƌessed theLJ aƌe ǁith FeaƌŶhill studeŶts. StudeŶts alǁaLJs Đoŵe ďaĐk fƌoŵ ǁoƌk edžpeƌieŶĐe ĐhaŶged iŶ soŵe ǁaLJ; it is a gƌeat ŵoŵeŶt iŶ theiƌ deǀelopŵeŶt as theLJ ƌealise the ƌealitLJ of adult life, aŶd ŵake the ĐoŶŶeĐioŶ ǁith ǁhat theLJ aƌe ǁoƌkiŶg foƌ iŶ sĐhool eǀe- ƌLJ daLJ. This Yeaƌ ϭϬ gƌoup haǀe ďeeŶ Ŷo edžĐepioŶ. Gƌeat thaŶks ŵust go to the teaŵ of staf ǁho ŵake this happeŶ, es- peĐiallLJ Miss BalĐhiŶ aŶd Miss Chaƌteƌ. BaĐk iŶ sĐhool ǁe Đeleďƌated Woƌld Book Week, ǁith a ǀaƌietLJ of aĐ- iies desigŶed to get studeŶts talkiŶg aďout aŶd edžpeƌieŶĐiŶg gƌeat ďooks. The Maths Feast ǁas also a gƌeat suĐĐess, aloŶg ǁith the Dodgeďall TouƌŶaŵeŶt foƌ Spoƌt Relief. Yeaƌ ϭϭ had a ǁalkiŶg talkiŶg ŵoĐk iŶ EŶglish as a pƌelude to the full set of ŵoĐk edžaŵs that haǀe ƌuŶ this ǁeek. Theiƌ appƌoaĐh has ďeeŶ edž- eŵplaƌLJ aŶd ǁe aƌe ǀeƌLJ pƌoud of theŵ. You ĐaŶ also ƌead Josh KiŶgs aĐĐouŶt of the Sue CƌaĐkŶell SiŶgiŶg CoŵpeiioŶ iŶside. ThaŶk LJou as alǁaLJs foƌ LJouƌ suppoƌt. Liz Ellis HeadteaĐher Headteacher’s Message Please folloǁ us oŶ FaĐeďook oƌ Tǁitteƌ to fiŶd out ǁhat is goiŶg oŶ iŶ sĐhool.

FEARNHILL SCHOOL 13th March 2020 Headteacher’s Message · DeIisioミ Makiミg F ieミdl┞ C eai┗e App eミiIeship Oppo tuミiies Self A┘aeミess Caiミg Coマpassioミ PuミItual

Jul 14, 2020



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Page 1: FEARNHILL SCHOOL 13th March 2020 Headteacher’s Message · DeIisioミ Makiミg F ieミdl┞ C eai┗e App eミiIeship Oppo tuミiies Self A┘aeミess Caiミg Coマpassioミ PuミItual



13th March 2020

Issue 557

Fearミile - out e┗er┞ t┘o ┘eeks!

Sta┞ Calマ aミd

Keep Leaヴミiミg

WelIoマe to this ediioミ of Feaヴミ-ile. We aヴe iミ Ihalleミgiミg iマes ┘ith the Ioヴoミa┗iヴus outHヴeak aミd I hope e┗eヴ┞-oミe is feeliミg ┘ell iミfoヴマed aHout the steps ┘e aヴe takiミg as a sIhool. Ouヴ ke┞ pヴioヴit┞ is to keep e┗eヴ┞oミe iミ ouヴ sIhool Ioママuミit┞ safe aミd I aマ ヴeIei┗iミg dail┞ updates fヴoマ PuHliI Health Eミglaミd, the Depaヴtマeミt foヴ EduIaioミ aミd HCC. As a gヴoup of loIal headteaIheヴs, ┘e aヴe sta┞-iミg iミ Ilose IoミtaIt aミd ┘oヴkiミg ┗eヴ┞ マuIh as a teaマ. The staf at Feaヴミhill aヴe also ヴisiミg to the Ihalleミge ┘oミdeヴfull┞. Studeミts ha┗e ヴespoミded ┘ith マatuヴit┞ aミd Ialマ; the┞ aヴe a Iヴedit to theマsel┗es aミd theiヴ paヴeミts aミd Iaヴeヴs. Please IheIk all updates that aヴe seミt so that ┞ou aヴe full┞ iミfoヴマed aHout this ヴapidl┞ Ihaミgiミg situaioミ.

As al┘a┞s, theヴe is lots goiミg oミ ┘ith ouヴ studeミtsげ leaヴミiミg e┝peヴieミIes. Although ┘e ha┗e postpoミed tヴips foヴ the iマe Heiミg iミ liミe ┘ith go┗eヴミマeミt guid-aミIe, this has Heeミ Woヴk E┝peヴieミIe Week foヴ Yeaヴ ヱヰ aミd the┞ ha┗e had a host of ミe┘ ad┗eミtuヴes. I ha┗e Heeミ foヴ-tuミate eミough to ┗isit soマe of theマ iミ theiヴ ┘oヴkplaIes aミd heaヴ fヴoマ eマplo┞-eヴs just ho┘ iマpヴessed the┞ aヴe ┘ith Feaヴミhill studeミts. Studeミts al┘a┞s Ioマe HaIk fヴoマ ┘oヴk e┝peヴieミIe Ihaミged iミ soマe ┘a┞; it is a gヴeat マoマeミt iミ theiヴ de┗elopマeミt as the┞ ヴealise the ヴealit┞ of

adult life, aミd マake the IoミミeIioミ ┘ith ┘hat the┞ aヴe ┘oヴkiミg foヴ iミ sIhool e┗e-ヴ┞ da┞. This Yeaヴ ヱヰ gヴoup ha┗e Heeミ ミo e┝Iepioミ. Gヴeat thaミks マust go to the teaマ of staf ┘ho マake this happeミ, es-peIiall┞ Miss BalIhiミ aミd Miss Chaヴteヴ.

BaIk iミ sIhool ┘e IeleHヴated Woヴld Book Week, ┘ith a ┗aヴiet┞ of aI-i┗iies desigミed to get studeミts talkiミg aHout aミd e┝peヴieミIiミg gヴeat Hooks. The Maths Feast ┘as also a gヴeat suIIess, aloミg ┘ith the DodgeHall Touヴミaマeミt foヴ Spoヴt Relief. Yeaヴ ヱヱ had a け┘alkiミg talkiミg マoIkげ iミ Eミglish as a pヴelude to the full set of マoIk e┝aマs that ha┗e ヴuミ this ┘eek. Theiヴ appヴoaIh has Heeミ e┝-eマplaヴ┞ aミd ┘e aヴe ┗eヴ┞ pヴoud of theマ. You Iaミ also ヴead Josh Kiミgげs aIIouミt of the けSue CヴaIkミell Siミgiミg Coマpeiioミげ iミside.

Thaミk ┞ou as al┘a┞s foヴ ┞ouヴ suppoヴt.

Liz Ellis HeadteaIher

Headteacher’s Message

Please follo┘ us oミ FaIeHook oヴ T┘itteヴ to fiミd out ┘hat is goiミg oミ iミ sIhool.

Page 2: FEARNHILL SCHOOL 13th March 2020 Headteacher’s Message · DeIisioミ Makiミg F ieミdl┞ C eai┗e App eミiIeship Oppo tuミiies Self A┘aeミess Caiミg Coマpassioミ PuミItual


Careers Corner

Yeaヴ ヱヰ Woヴk E┝peヴieミIe

This ┘eek, Γth – 13th MaヴIh, Yeaヴ ヱヰ studeミts ┗eミtuヴed out iミto the ┘oヴld of ┘oヴk. Ha┗iミg staヴted theiヴ pヴepaヴaioミs HaIk iミ SepteマHeヴ the┞ ┘eヴe ヴead┞ to pヴo┗e to theマsel┗es, aミd otheヴs, ┘hat the┞ aヴe IapaHle of iミ the Hig ┘ide ┘oヴld. This ┘eek ┘ill see theマ de┗elopiミg theiヴ teaマ ┘oヴk aミd iミiiai┗e, pヴoHleマ sol┗iミg, IoママuミiIaioミ aミd gaiミiミg aミ uミdeヴstaミd-iミg of ┘oヴkiミg pヴaIiIes ┘hilst iマpヴo┗iミg theiヴ self-IoミideミIe aミd self-Helief. Studeミts ┘eヴe gi┗eミ a Woヴk E┝peヴieミIe LogHook to keep a dail┞ ヴeIoヴd of theiヴ ┘eek at ┘oヴk aミd, at the eミd of the ┘eek theiヴ eマplo┞eヴ ┘ill ha┗e pヴo┗ided a ┘ヴiteミ assessマeミt of theiヴ o┗eヴall peヴfoヴマaミIe. MeマHeヴs of staf ha┗e sigミed up to ┗isit studeミts duヴiミg theiヴ plaIe-マeミts aミd the feedHaIk so faヴ has Heeミ ミothiミg Hut posii┗e. Staf Ioマiミg HaIk fヴoマ ┗isits ha┗e Heeミ Hヴiママiミg ┘ith pヴide at the feedHaIk the┞ ha┗e ヴeIei┗ed aミd the Huzz aヴouミd the sIhool that Yeaヴ ヱヰ ha┗e Iヴeated has Heeミ palpaHle. Well doミe Yeaヴ ヱヰ - ┘e look foヴ┘aヴd to IeleHヴaiミg ┞ouヴ suIIess upoミ ┞ouヴ ヴetuヴミ.

O┗eヴ the ミe┝t fe┘ ┘eeks studeミts ┘ill He iミ┗ol┗ed iミ Woヴk E┝peヴieミIe De-Bヴief aIi┗iies duヴiミg theiヴ PSHCE lessoミs aミd iミ loミg ヴegistヴaioミ sessioミs iミ oヴdeヴ to ヴe┗ie┘ aミd shaヴe theiヴ e┝peヴieミIes.

WatIh this spaIe… Look out foヴ the ミe┝t ediioミ of Feaヴミile ┘heヴe the Yeaヴ ヱヰ studeミts ha┗e theiヴ sa┞ aミd shaヴe theiヴ stoヴies oミ theiヴ ┘eek iミ the ┘oヴld of ┘oヴk - ┘e Iaミげt ┘ait! Visiiミg Staf, Tutoヴs, theiヴ PSHE TeaIheヴ, Head of Yeaヴ & PCC ha┗e Heeミ asked to ミoマiミate studeミts ┘ho the┞ thought ┘eヴe ┘oヴth┞ of aミ けOutstaミdiミg WEX Studeミtげ IeヴiiIate as a ヴesult of theiヴ pヴogヴess, aitude & o┗eヴall suIIess duヴiミg. Those ミoマiミated to He aミミouミIed...

Ms BalIhiミ & Ms Charter

Work E┝perieミIe Teaマ

Moヴe Useful Caヴeeヴs WeHsites

Coミiミued fヴoマ eaヴlieヴ iミ the ┞eaヴ heヴe aヴe マoヴe details oミ soマe iミteヴesiミg aミd iミfoヴマai┗e sot┘aヴe a┗ailaHle iミ sIhool aミd oミliミe that studeミts マa┞ iミd HeミeiIial ┘heミ deIidiミg theiヴ futuヴe plaミs. Jed - Jed, the JoH E┝ploヴeヴ DataHase, has seaヴIhes, ケuizzes, piItuヴes aミd te┝t to help ┞ou iミd out マoヴe aHout huミdヴeds of joHs. Studeミts Iaミ e┝ploヴe Iaヴeeヴ ideas H┞ goiミg thヴough all the seIioミs. Youミg people Iaミ Ioミsideヴ theiヴ stud┞ aミd tヴaiミiミg opioミs. AIIess ┗ia: htps://Ihas.Iaヴeeヴヴoile.asp┝

AppヴeミiIeships.oヴ – AppヴeミiIeships.oヴ has all ┞ou ミeed to kミo┘ aHout appヴeミiIeships.

AppヴeミiIeships aヴe aミ e┝Ielleミt ┘a┞ of gaiミiミg ケualiiIaioミs aミd ┘oヴkplaIe e┝peヴieミIe. As aミ eマplo┞ee, ┞ou Iaミ eaヴミ as ┞ou leaヴミ aミd ┞ou gaiミ pヴaIiIal skills fヴoマ the ┘oヴkplaIe. ┘┘┘.appヴeミiIeships.oヴ

What aヴe ┞ou ┘aiiミg foヴ? Get suヴiミg!!! Ms BalIhiミ

Head of Careers, Work Related Learミiミg & PSHE

Page 3: FEARNHILL SCHOOL 13th March 2020 Headteacher’s Message · DeIisioミ Makiミg F ieミdl┞ C eai┗e App eミiIeship Oppo tuミiies Self A┘aeミess Caiミg Coマpassioミ PuミItual

Page 3 F EA R NFI LE

Naioミal Caヴeeヴs Week Follo┘ Up

Dヴi┗e Eミthusiasマ





Opeミ Miミded


Coミgヴatulaioミs to Rh┞s Mata ヱヱP foヴ Heiミg the iヴst to IoヴヴeItl┞ aミs┘eヴ the Naioミal Caヴeeヴs Week Quiz ケuesioミs…

ヱ. Who saミg the soミg けTa┝マaミげ? The Beatles

ヲ. Who ┘as a PE teaIheヴ Hefoヴe he HeIaマe oミe of Holl┞┘oodげs Higgest staヴs? Hugh JaIkマaミ

Duヴiミg Naioミal Caヴeeヴs Week staf Hヴaiミstoヴマed to Ioマe up ┘ith ke┞ skills that help e┗eヴ┞da┞ iミ the ┘oヴkplaIe. Belo┘ aヴe soマe of the skills the┞ Iaマe up ┘ith:













Risk Takiミg Kミo┘ledge Williミgミess

PヴoHleマ Sol┗iミg

ReseaヴIh AdaptaHilit┞

Passioミ Teaマ Woヴk


Teaマ Woヴk

Posii┗it┞ Pヴeseミtaioミ





DeIisioミ Makiミg Fヴieミdl┞


AppヴeミiIeship Oppoヴtuミiies

Self A┘aヴeミess


ReliaHle PeヴsisteミIe Coマpassioミ PuミItual

Ms BalIhiミ

Head of Careers, Work Related Learミiミg


Page 4: FEARNHILL SCHOOL 13th March 2020 Headteacher’s Message · DeIisioミ Makiミg F ieミdl┞ C eai┗e App eミiIeship Oppo tuミiies Self A┘aeミess Caiミg Coマpassioミ PuミItual


Performing & Expressive Arts

Studeミts of the Moミth - FeHヴuaヴ┞

Mr Marsh

Head of Perforマiミg & E┝pressi┗e Arts

Ha┗e ┞ou got ┘hat it takes to He Studeミt of the Moミth? Tヴ┞ ┞ouヴ Hest iミ all lessoミs aミd e┝tヴa-IuヴヴiIulaヴ aIi┗iies aミd ┞ou Iould iミd ┞ouヴself ミoマiミated aミd Iヴo┘ミed!

Page 5: FEARNHILL SCHOOL 13th March 2020 Headteacher’s Message · DeIisioミ Makiミg F ieミdl┞ C eai┗e App eミiIeship Oppo tuミiies Self A┘aeミess Caiミg Coマpassioミ PuミItual

Page 5 F EA R NFI LE

Music Department News

Josh Kiミg

Deput┞ Head Bo┞

けSue CヴaIkミell Siミgiミg Coマpeiioミげ I ヴeIeミtl┞ Ioマpeted iミ the Sue CヴaIkミell Siミgiミg Coマpeiioミ oミ the ヲヶth of FeHヴuaヴ┞. It ┘as マ┞ iヴst e┝peヴieミIe of siミgiミg iミ fヴoミt of aミ audieミIe iミ the st┞le of a ヴeIital. Litle to マ┞ kミo┘ledge, it is a Ioマpletel┞ difeヴeミt at-マospheヴe Ioマpaヴed to siミgiミg oミ the stage duヴiミg a pヴoduIioミ. Wheミ I iヴst heaヴd aHout the Ioマpeiioミ, I ┘as sIepiIal to iミ┗ol┗e マ┞self as Iげ┗e oミl┞ just staヴted siミgiミg lessoミs ┘ith a teaIheヴ. Ho┘e┗eヴ ateヴ speakiミg to マ┞ paヴeミts aミd the マusiI depaヴtマeミt, I deIided to appl┞ foヴ a IhaミIe to audiioミ at the Noヴth Heヴts MusiI SIhool. Sooミ ateヴ doiミg so I ヴeIei┗ed aミ eマail askiミg マe to Ioミiヴマ I Iaミ ateミd the audiioミ oミ the ヶth of FeHヴuaヴ┞. I ┘eミt, aミd saミg けOh Faiヴ Eミough Aヴe Sk┞ aミd Plaiミげ H┞ Johミ Moeヴaミ iミ fヴoミt of the fouヴ judges. Theミ ┘e had a lo┗el┞ litle Ihat aHout マ┞ life aミd the thiミgs that ┘eヴe iミ the appliIaioミ.

A fe┘ ┘eeks lateヴ, I got aミ eマail iミ┗iiミg マe to ateミd the iミals of the Ioマpeiioミ. I had to ill a iマe slot of Α マiミutes ┘ith ┘hate┗eヴ ヴepeヴtoiヴe I ┘aミted. M┞ siミgiミg teaIheヴ aミd I deIided that I should leaヴミ a ミe┘ soミg foヴ the Ioマpeiioミ. That seeマed like a sIaヴ┞ idea at iヴst Hut ateヴ listeミiミg to it, aミd ヴeall┞ eミjo┞iミg it, I ┘as aHle to leaヴミ it ケuiIkl┞. The da┞ Iaマe aヴouミd fasteヴ thaミ e┝peIted Hut goiミg iミto the hall, I felt ヴead┞, aミd I ┘as pヴe-paヴed. I ┘eミt last, ha┗iミg to sit thヴough aミd ┘ait foヴ e┗eヴ┞oミe else to ha┗e theiヴ tuヴミ – this ┘as the ┘oヴst Hit! Theミ all of a suddeミ it ┘as the peミuliマate peヴsoミ. I ┘as ミe┝t. Aミ┝iet┞ hit マe, Hut theミ I ヴeマeマHeヴed ┘h┞ I ap-plied. I ミeed the e┝peヴieミIe iミ pヴepaヴaioミ to マ┞ A le┗el ヴeIital. Aミd aloミg ┘ith the faIt that I lo┗e to siミg, itげs aミ esIape. I ┘eミt up aミd saミg けNellげ H┞ Fauヴe, aミd theミ saミg けJohaミミaげ fヴoマ けS┘eeミe┞ Toddげ.

It ┘as of Iouヴse a ミeヴ┗ous staヴt, Hut as I got iミto the lo┘ of the マusiI the eミjo┞マeミt of the マoマeミt took o┗eヴ aミd マ┞ peヴfoヴマaミIe iマpヴo┗ed. Although I didミげt ┘iミ the マaiミ pヴize, I got soマe gヴeat Ioママeミts fヴoマ the judg-es. Siミgiミg to a hall of people has iミIヴeased マ┞ IoミideミIe to the poiミt ┘heヴe I aマ goiミg to siミg けJohaミミaげ iミ Highieldげs spヴiミg IoミIeヴt oミ the ヲヶth of MaヴIh.

We aヴe ヴeall┞ pヴoud of Josh. Not oミl┞ did he get thヴough to the iミals of the Ioマpeiioミ, Hut he ヴeIei┗ed soマe ヴeall┞ posii┗e Ioママeミts aミd has gaiミed soマe IヴuIial audiioミ e┝peヴieミIe to pヴepaヴe hiマ foヴ the futuヴe aミd iミ paヴiIulaヴ his A-le┗el ヴeIital. The judges pヴaised his IhoiIe of pヴogヴaママe aミd that he Ihose to siミg iミ FヴeミIh, ┘hiIh the┞ Ioママeミted is paヴiIulaヴl┞ diiIult! The┞ also said he gヴe┘ iミto the peヴfoヴマaミIe aミd has a lo┗el┞ toミe. Well Doミe Josh!

Mrs Laミdsマaミ

Lead TeaIher MusiI

Please remember to send your son/daughter to

school with a full water bottle.

Page 6: FEARNHILL SCHOOL 13th March 2020 Headteacher’s Message · DeIisioミ Makiミg F ieミdl┞ C eai┗e App eミiIeship Oppo tuミiies Self A┘aeミess Caiミg Coマpassioミ PuミItual


Read to Succeed

Woヴld Book Week

We ┘eヴe thヴilled to ┘elIoマe FoヴHiddeミ Plaミet to the LiHヴaヴ┞ to kiIk of Woヴld Book Week ┘ith a ┘oヴkshop oミ gヴaphiI ミo┗els. Paz ヴaミ aミ eミgag-iミg sessioミ ┘hiIh sa┘ studeミts ha┗e aミ oppoヴtuミit┞ to desigミ theiヴ o┘ミ IhaヴaIteヴ. Yeaヴ ヱヱ Beミ Gal┗iミ desigミed a supeヴ ┗illaiミ fヴoマ aミ ad┗aミIed ish ヴaIe, a マaヴiミe sIieミIe e┝peヴiマeミt goミe ┘ヴoミg.

We also leaヴミt aHout all the difeヴeミt joHs a┗ailaHle iミ this e┝Iiiミg ield.

Liteヴaヴ┞ Paiヴs Challeミge

TeaIhiミg staf also took paヴt iミ a liteヴaヴ┞ paiヴs Ihalleミge. This iミ┗ol┗ed tヴaIkiミg do┘ミ theiヴ さotheヴ halfざ fヴoマ faマous ミo┗els, ┘ith the help fヴoマ studeミts. Readeヴ, I gi┗e ┞ou:

Aミthoミ┞ aミd Cleopatヴa…

Jaミe E┞ヴe aミd Mヴ RoIhesteヴ…

Roマeo aミd Juliet…

…aミd Will aミd L┞ヴa.

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Mrs Huミt Head of LiHrar┞

Eマail us at liHヴaヴ┞@feaヴミhill.heヴ

Follo┘ us oミ T┘iteヴ @FeaヴミhillLiH

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English Department News

ヶth aミd Αth Woヴd Millioミaiヴes of the Yeaヴ

Maミ┞ Ioミgヴatulaioミs to Yeaヴ Γ Maddi ┘ho is ouヴ ヶth ┘oヴd マillioミaiヴe of this sIhool ┞eaヴ.

This is the thiヴd ┞eaヴ ┘hiIh Maddi has aIhie┗ed ┘oヴd マillioミaiヴe status so ┘ell doミe to Maddi foヴ ┘oヴkiミg at heヴ ヴeadiミg so Ioミsisteミtl┞.

Well doミe also to Yeaヴ Α Chiaヴa T ┘ho is also aIhie┗ed the saマe status this ┘eek.

Both studeミts ヴeIei┗e a IeヴiiIate, goldeミ iIket to ouヴ IeleHヴaioミ of ヴeadiミg paヴt┞, マeヴit poiミts, a postIaヴd hoマe, aミd oミe of ouヴ ミe┘ Hadges foヴ ouヴ ヴeadiミg sIholaヴs.

Eミglish Walkiミg Talkiミg MoIk

Ouヴ Yeaヴ ヱヱ studeミts ヴeIeミtl┞ speミt the マoヴミiミg leaヴミiミg fヴoマ aミd ┘oヴkiミg ┘ith Taマsiミ ChuヴIh, Eミglish Ad┗iseヴ fヴoマ Heヴts foヴ Leaヴミ-iミg.

Taマsiミ ┘as heヴe to suppoヴt the studeミts ┘ith theiヴ GCSE Eミglish Laミguage ヴe┗isioミ iミ a pヴaIiIal aミd iミspiヴiミg ┘a┞. She ga┗e theマ lots of useful ips aミd ad┗iIe aミd helped theマ to ┘oヴk thヴough a GCSE papeヴ sho┘iミg theマ soマe saマple aミs┘eヴs.

Hopefull┞, this sessioミ ┘ill ha┗e gi┗eミ the studeミts the IoミideミIe aミd iマpetus to IヴaIk oミ ┘ith theiヴ ヴe┗isioミ aミd pヴaIise foヴ theiヴ Eミglish e┝aマs iミ the suママeヴ.

Mrs Nuミミele┞

Head of Eミglish

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PE Department News

Spoヴt Relief DodgeHall Touヴミaマeミt

Thヴoughout the ┘eek IoママeミIiミg ヲミd MaヴIh, the Si┝th Foヴマ pヴefeIt teaマ ヴaミ a dodgeHall touヴミaマeミt to ヴaise fuミds foヴ Spoヴt Relief. It ┘as aミ aHsolute pleasuヴe eaIh luミIhiマe to ┘elIoマe studeミts ふaミd teaIheヴs!ぶ to Ioマ-pete iミ the seマi-iミals iミ oヴdeヴ to ケualif┞ foヴ the iミals oミ Fヴida┞. The touヴミaマeミt ┘as pla┞ed iミ gヴeat spiヴit aミd it ┘as ヴeall┞ pleasiミg to ヴaise £ヲΒ.Γヰ.

The ┘iミミiミg teaマs ┘eヴe the Dodgeヴs iミ ke┞ stage ン aミd Teaマ DoマiミaミIe foヴ the ke┞ stage ヴ, ヵ aミd teaIheヴsげ Ioマpeiioミ. The losiミg teaマ iミ the seミioヴs iミal, B-Teaマ, just ┘eヴeミげt ケuite good eミough to gヴaH ┗iItoヴ┞ iミ the iミal!

Mr Marsh

Head of Perforマiミg & E┝pressi┗e Arts

Yeaヴ Α NetHall The Yeaヴ Α giヴls pla┞ed iミ theiヴ iヴst e┗eヴ touヴミaマeミt - Lost ヱ,Dヴe┘ ヱ, Woミ ヱ. A gヴeat teaマ spiヴit aミd peヴfoヴマaミIe マakiミg pヴogヴess iミ eaIh gaマe.

Well doミe e┗eヴ┞oミe- ┗eヴ┞ pヴoud of ┞ou. Pla┞eヴ of the マatIh ┘as Isla- sIoヴiミg Α goals.

Ms BalIhiミ

PE Dept

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Maths Department News

Mr Philpot

2ミd iミ MatheマaiIs

Maths Feast

Foヴ the iヴst iマe, Yeaヴ ヱヰ studeミts ヴepヴeseミted the sIhool iミ the aミミual AMSP ふAd┗aミIed MatheマaiIs Suppoヴt Pヴogヴaママeぶ Maths Feast Ioマpei-ioミ. The e┗eミt looks to Ihalleミge studeミts iミ teaマs of fouヴ oミ Ihalleミgiミg Ioミteミt ヴelated to theiヴ Iuヴヴeミt studies aミd He┞oミd. This ┞eaヴ ケuesioミs ヴaミged fヴoマ siマple GCSE pヴoHleマs all the ┘a┞ up to the appeaヴaミIe of Fuヴtheヴ マaths A le┗el Ioミteミt, ┘ith oミe of ouヴ t┘o teaマs geiミg alマost full マaヴks oミ this ヴouミd!

The studeミts iミished ヴespeItaHl┞ aミd although the┞ didミ't ┘iミ, all agヴeed that this ┘as HeミeiIial to theマ iミ teヴマs of iミdiミg out マoヴe aHout theiヴ o┘ミ aHiliies iミ Maths aミd all ┘eヴe suヴpヴised at ho┘ マuIh the┞ Iould do. We hope that this spヴiミgHoaヴds マoヴe iミteヴest iミ takiミg A Le┗el iミ Maths ┘hiIh ヴeマaiミed iミ ヲヰヱΓ the マost populaヴ A le┗el IhoiIe aマoミgst post ヱヶ ┞eaヴ olds. Well doミe to those ┘ho paヴiIipated!

MaIie Maヴiミ Williaマ Mooヴe Kathヴ┞ミ LiミIolミ Ra┞ Del GヴeIo Aマ┞ BヴuIe Ella Coヴミe Keiヴoミ Ree┗e Daミiel LaマHle┞

The gauミtlet has ミo┘ Heeミ thヴo┘ミ do┘ミ to Yeaヴ Γ! Letげs see ho┘ the┞ get oミ ミe┝t ┞eaヴ.

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Sixth Form Department News

Josh Kiミg

Deput┞ Head Bo┞

Si┝th Foヴマeヴs ateミd O┝Hヴidge Talk

Oミ Wedミesda┞, Miss CoヴHishle┞ took a gヴoup of Yeaヴ ヱヲ studeミts to Siマoミ Balle SIhool iミ Heヴfoヴd foヴ a talk gi┗eミ H┞ Balliol College, O┝-foヴd. The pヴeseミtaioミ Io┗eヴed all aspeIts of stud┞iミg at O┝foヴd aミd CaマHヴidge uミi┗eヴsiies, iミIludiミg iミfoヴ-マaioミ aHout the Iollegiate s┞steマ that Hoth uミi┗eヴsiies use, as ┘ell as the adマissioミ aヴヴaミgeマeミts aミd UCAS guidaミIe. The studeミts had the oppoヴtuミit┞ to マeet the ヴepヴeseミtai┗e fヴoマ Balliol ┘ho took iマe to aミs┘eヴ theiヴ ケuesioミs - a ヴeall┞ iミspiヴaioミal e┗eミt foヴ ouヴ si┝th foヴマeヴs.

"I ha┗e gaiミed a lot of iミsight oミ ho┘ O┝Hridge fuミIioミs: froマ e┝aマples of the terマ iマetaHle, to the ┗ast aマouミt of IluHs that are a┗ailaHle there - I also fouミd out ho┘ O┝Hridge slightl┞ difers froマ other uミi┗ersiies. As ┘ell as that, ┘e ┘ere gi┗eミ a fe┘ haミd┞ ips oミ the kiミd of appliIaioミ that appeals to the uミi┗ersiies - ┘hiIh ┘ill deiミitel┞ help us throughout the eミire appliIaioミ proIess!" Isshika Veヴマa, Yeaヴ ヱヲ.

Buildiミg oミ Feaヴミhill's paヴtミeヴship ┘ith O┝foヴd Uミi┗eヴsit┞, thヴee of ouヴ Yeaヴ ヱヲ Cheマistヴ┞ studeミts ┘ill He head-iミg of to Balliol College ミe┝t ┘eek foヴ a Cheマistヴ┞ Tasteヴ da┞ ┘heヴe the┞ ┘ill e┝peヴieミIe leItuヴes aミd a pヴaIiIal sessioミ iミ oミe of O┝foヴd Uミi┗eヴsit┞'s ヴeseaヴIh laHoヴatoヴies, as ┘ell as e┝ploヴiミg the Iit┞ ┘ith aミ uミdeヴgヴaduate guide, iミishiミg the da┞ ┘ith a deマoミstヴaioミ iミteヴ┗ie┘.

We look foヴ┘aヴd to heaヴiミg all aHout it ┘heミ the┞ ヴetuヴミ. Miss CorHishle┞

TeaIher of Eミglisミ

Si┝th Foヴマeヴs Go Gヴeeミ! The Heヴfoヴdshiヴe Gヴeeミ Paヴt┞ ヴepヴeseミtai┗e Tiマ Lee Iaマe iミto the Si┝th Foヴマ to take a PSE sessioミ aミd talk to us aHout ┘hat he does iミ his life Heiミg a poliiIiaミ. The talk staヴted ┘ith soマe ┗isual leaヴミiミg usiミg plasiI aミd ヴeusaHle Hotles to e┝plaiミ ┘hat a poliiIiaミ is aミd ho┘, HeIause ┘e all ha┗e ┗ie┘s aミd opiミioミs iミ suHjeIt マateヴs, ┘e aヴe all poliiIiaミs iミ soマe ┘a┞. This theミ led oミto e┝plaiミiミg ho┘ as iミdi┗iduals, ┘e Iaミ help ┘ith the thiミgs ┘e iミd iマpoヴtaミt. Ateヴ ┘e listed soマe, he opeミed the sessioミ up foヴ ケuesioミiミg oミ these topiIs. He ┘as ┗eヴ┞ opeミ aミd hoミest ┘heミ speakiミg aHout his opiミioミs oミ the マateヴ, aミd ┘hat he thought should He doミe, aミd マost iマpoヴtaミtl┞, ┘hat ┘e Iaミ do. His ad┗iIe to us ┘as just to マake soマe ミoise oミ the topiI if ┘e thought it ┘as iマpoヴtaミt, he said けIf ┞ou doミげt speak, the peヴsoミ speakiミg al┘a┞s ┘iミsげ.

As oミe of the ヴepヴeseミtai┗es foヴ the Gヴeeミ Paヴt┞ duヴiミg the sIhool eleIioミ, it ┘as ┗eヴ┞ iミteヴesiミg to see ho┘ litle the eミ┗iヴoミマeミt ┘as Hヴought up H┞ hiマ iミ ouヴ Ioミ┗eヴsaioミ. I iミd this iミteヴesiミg HeIause ┘heミ ヴeseaヴIh-iミg foヴ the sIhool Iaマpaigミ it looked like e┗eヴ┞thiミg ┘as diヴeIted to┘aヴds the eミ┗iヴoミマeミt. Of Iouヴse, ┘e did ケuesioミ hiマ aHout the eミ┗iヴoミマeミt aミd his ┗ie┘s oミ ┘hat to do, Hut マost of the houヴ ┘as speミt oミ difeヴeミt

topiI. I spoke to hiマ aHout it ateヴ┘aヴds aミd he said that it ┘as HeIause ┘e e┝peIted hiマ to talk aHout the eミ┗iヴoミマeミt Hut, as a peヴsoミ, he is マoヴe passioミate aHout difeヴeミt thiミgs. It ┘as ┗eヴ┞ iミspiヴiミg to see soマe-oミe talk aHout suIh seヴious マateヴs, suIh as ┘elfaヴe aミd マoミe┞, ┘ith suIh a passioミ foヴ Ihaミge. Not oミl┞ did I leaヴミ aHout ┘hat itげs like to He a

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Thought of the Month—March

Fearnhill School, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 4BA

Tel: 01462 621200, E-mail: [email protected], Website:

Headteacher: Ms E Ellis MA

Student of the Week