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FDA approved meat additives

Apr 04, 2018



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  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives





    Revision 10 1/4/12



    This directive provides inspection program personnel (IPP) with an up-to-date list ofsubstances that may be used in the production of meat, poultry, and egg products.FSIS will continue to update this directive quarterly by issuing revisions to this directiveas opposed to issuing amendments to the directive.


    FSIS Directive 7120.1, Safe and Suitable Ingredients Used in The Production of Meat,Poultry, and Egg Products, Revision 9, dated October 21, 2011.


    This revision includes updates to the list of substances added since the October 21,2011 issuance of the directive. These updates are in bold.


    9 CFR Chapter III


    A. The Table of Safe and Suitable Ingredients identifies the food grade substances thathave been approved in 21 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) for use in meat, poultry,and egg products as food additives, generally recognized as safe (GRAS) notices andpre-market notifications, and approved in letters conveying acceptability determinations.Users of this table should be aware that some of the ingredient mixtures listed in thetable may be considered to be proprietary even though the components are eitherapproved food additives or GRAS. This information is also available on the USDA

    websites at:

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    NOTE: This directive does not include the use of substances in On-Line Reprocessing(OLR) and Off-Line Reprocessing (OFLR) operations that operate under anexperimental exemption listed in 9 CFR 381.3. Establishments operating under thisexemption should follow the conditions of use that are specific to their FSIS approvedOLR and OFLR protocol.

    B. The questions and answers that follow the table address the use of antimicrobialagents in the production of meat, poultry, and egg products.

    Assistant AdministratorOffice of Policy and Program Development

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives





    A combination ofsulfuric acid,ammonium sulfate,copper sulfate, andwater

    Used as an acidifier inpoultry processingwater

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Ammonium hydroxide pH control agent inbrine solutions for meatproducts

    Sufficient for purposeto achieve a brinesolution with a pH of11.6


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    An aqueous solution ofacidic calcium sulfate

    pH control agent inwater used in meat and

    poultry processing

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (3)An aqueous solution ofhydrochloric and aceticacid

    pH control agent inwater used in poultryprocessing

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (3)

    An aqueous solution ofcitric and hydrochloricacids

    pH control agent inwater used in poultryprocessing

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    An aqueous solution ofcitric acid, hydrochloricacid, and phosphoricacid

    To adjust the pH inprocessing water inmeat and poultry plants

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    An aqueous solution ofperoxyacetic acid,

    hydrogen peroxide,acetic acid, and 1-hydroxyethylidene-1, 1-diphosphonic acid(HEDP)

    As an acidifier in poultryscald tanks

    The level ofperoxyacetic acid will

    not exceed 220 ppm,hydrogen peroxide willnot exceed 110 ppm,and HEDP will notexceed 13 ppm

    21 CFR173.370

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (3)

    An aqueous solutionof sodium bisulfateand sulfuric acid

    pH control agent inwater used in poultryprocessing

    Sufficient forpurpose


    None under theaccepted

    conditions of us(1)

    Citric acid To adjust pH in eggproducts

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Potassium carbonate orpotassium bicarbonate To adjust pH in eggproducts Sufficient for purpose 21 CFR184.1619 Listed by commonusual name in thingredients

    statement (1)

    Potassium hydroxide pH control agent inwater used in poultryprocessing

    Sufficient for purpose 21CFR184.1631

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Potassium hydroxide To adjust pH in egg Sufficient for purpose Acceptability None under the

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    and sodium hydroxide products determination accepted conditioof use (1)

    Sodium hydroxide pH control agent inwater used in poultryprocessing

    Sufficient for purpose 21 CFR184.1763

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Sodium hydroxide andpotassium hydroxide

    pH control agent inwater used in poultryprocessing

    Sufficient for purpose 21 CFR184.1763;21CFR


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    An aqueous solution ofsulfuric acid, citric acid,and phosphoric acid

    To adjust the pH inpoultry chiller water andthe processing water inmeat and poultry plants

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Sodium bisulfate pH control agent inwater used in meat andpoultry processing

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Sodium bisulfate pH control agent inmeat and poultry soups

    Not to exceed 0.8percent of productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Sodium bisulfate Added to sauces used

    as separablecomponents in theformulation of variousmeat products

    Sufficient for purpose GRAS Notice

    No. 000003

    Listed by common

    usual name in thingredientsstatement (2)

    Sulfuric acid pH control agent inwater used in poultryprocessing

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (3)

    Sulfuric acid,phosphoric acid, citricacid, and hydrochloricacid

    To adjust the pH inpoultry chiller water

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination;21 CFR184.1095; 21CFR 182.1073;21 CFR184.1033; 21CFR 182.1057

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)


    Sequestrant/anti-coagulant for use inrecovered livestockblood which issubsequently used infood products

    Not to exceed 0.5percent of recoveredblood


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    AntimicrobialsAcetic acid Dried and fermented

    sausagesUse of up to 4 percentsolution applied as aspray


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    An aqueous solution ofsodium diacetate (4%),lactic acid (4%), pectin(2%), and acetic acid(0.5%)

    Cooked meat products Not to exceed 0.5percent of finishedproduct formulation.


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    An aqueous solution ofsodium octanoate oroctanoic acid and either

    Various non-standardized RTE meatand poultry products

    Applied to the surfaceof the product at a ratenot to exceed 400


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (3)

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    glycerin and/orpropylene glycol and/ora Polysorbate surfaceactive agent (quantitysufficient to achieve the

    intended technicaleffect of octanoic acidemulsification) adjustedto a final solution pH of1.5 to 4.0 using sodiumhydroxide, potassiumhydroxide, or anacceptable GRAS acid

    and standardized meatand poultry productsthat permit the use ofany safe and suitableantimicrobial agent

    ppm octanoic acid byweight of the finishedfood product

    An aqueous solution ofsodium octanoate,potassium octanoate,or octanoic acid andeither glycerin and/orpropylene glycol and/or

    a Polysorbate surfaceactive agent (quantitysufficient to achieve theintended technicaleffect of octanoic acidemulsification) adjustedto a final solution pH of1.5 to 6.0 using sodiumhydroxide, potassiumhydroxide, or anacceptable GRAS acid

    Fresh meat primals andsubprimals and cuts

    Applied to the surfaceof the product at a ratenot to exceed 400ppm octanoic acid byweight of the finalproduct


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (3)

    A blend of citric acidand sorbic acid in a 2:1


    To reduce the microbialload of purge trapped

    inside soaker pads inpackages of raw wholemuscle cuts of meatand poultry

    Incorporated intosoaker pads at a level

    not to exceed 1 to 3grams per pad


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    A blend of lactic acid(45-60%), citric acid(20-35%), andpotassium hydroxide(>1%)

    Beef, pork, and lambcarcasses, heads, andorgans includingunskinned livers,tongues, tails, primalcuts, sub-primal cuts,cuts, and trimmings

    Applied as a spray ata level not to exceed2.5% solution byweight. Organ meatproducts must bedrained for a minimumof 1-2 minutes afterapplication beforepackaging.


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    A blend of salt, sodiumacetate, lemon extract,and grapefruit extract

    Ground beef, cooked,cured, comminutedsausages (e.g.,bologna), and RTEwhole muscle meatproducts

    Not to exceed 0.5percent of the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement for th

    RTE whole muscmeat products, a

    cooked, cured,comminuted

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    sausages. Groubeef must be

    descriptively labe(4)

    A blend of salt, sodiumacetate, lemon extract,and grapefruit extract

    Beef steaks Steaks that are sliced,scored and dipped in asolution containing 2.5percent of the blend


    Product must bedescriptively labe


    A blend of salt, lemonextract, and grapefruitextract

    Ground beef Not to exceed 0.5percent of the productformulation

    Acceptabilitydetermination Product must bedescriptively labe(4)

    A blend of salt, lacticacid, sodium diacetate,and mono- anddiglycerides

    Various non-standardized RTE meatand poultry productsand standardized meatand poultry productsthat permit the use ofany safe and suitableantimicrobial agent

    Not to exceed 0.2percent of productformulation


    All ingredientsexcept for the mo

    and diglyceridesmust be listed bcommon or usua

    name in theingredients

    statement (4)

    A mixture of hops betaacids, egg white

    lysozyme, and culturedskim milk

    In a salad dressingused in refrigerated

    meat and poultry delisalads

    Not to exceed 1.5percent of the finished



    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    A mixture ofmaltodextrin (DE of 5 orgreater), cultureddextrose, sodiumdiacetate, egg whitelysozyme, and nisinpreparation

    In salads, sauces, anddressings to which fullycooked meat or poultrywill be added

    Not to exceed 1.5percent by weight ofthe finished product


    Listed by commonusual name in th



    Acidified sodiumchlorite

    Poultry carcasses andparts; meat carcasses,parts, and organs;processed,comminuted, or formedmeat food products(including RTE)

    500 to 1200 ppm incombination with anyGRAS acid at a levelsufficient to achieve apH of 2.3 to 2.9 inaccordance with 21CFR 173.325 (Note:The pH depends onthe type of meat orpoultry product.)

    21 CFR173.325

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (3)

    Acidified sodiumchlorite

    Processed,comminuted or formedpoultry products(including RTE)

    500 to 1200 ppm incombination with anyGRAS acid at a levelsufficient to achieve apH of 2.3 to 2.9 inaccordance with 21CFR 173.325 (Note:

    The pH depends onthe type of meat orpoultry product.)


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (3)

    Acidified sodiumchlorite

    Poultry carcasses,parts, trim, andorgans

    Mixing an aqueoussolution of sodiumchlorite with anyGRAS acid toachieve a pH of 2.2

    Food ContactSubstanceNotificationNo. FCN 739

    None under theaccepted

    conditions of us(6)

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    to 3.0 then furtherdiluting this solutionwith a pH elevatingagent (i.e., sodiumbicarbonate, sodium

    carbonate, or an un-acidified sodiumchlorite solution) to afinal pH of 5.0 to 7.5.When used in aspray or dip the finalsodium chloriteconcentration doesnot exceed 1200mg/kg and thechlorine dioxideconcentration doesnot exceed 30 mg/kg.When used in a pre-

    chiller or chillersolution on poultrycarcasses and partsthe additive is usedat a level that resultsin sodium chloriteconcentrationsbetween 50 and 150ppm. Contact timesmay be up to severalminutes attemperaturesbetween 0 and 15

    degrees C.Acidified sodiumchlorite

    Red meat, red meatparts and organs, andon processed,comminuted, formedmeat products(including RTE)

    Applied as a spray ordip, the additive isproduced by mixing anaqueous solution ofsodium chlorite withany GRAS acid toachieve a pH in therange of 2.2 to 3.0,then further dilutingthis solution with a pHelevating agent suchthat the resultant

    sodium chloriteconcentration does notexceed 1200 ppm,and the chlorinedioxide concentrationdoes not exceed 30ppm. The pH of theuse solution is

    Food ContactSubstanceNotification No.FCN 450

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (6)

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    between 5.0 and 7.5

    Ammonium hydroxide Beef carcasses (in hotboxes and holdingcoolers)and boneless

    beef trimmings

    In accordance withcurrent industrystandards of good

    manufacturing practice


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Anhydrous ammonia Lean finely texturedbeef which issubsequently quickchilled to 28 degreesFahrenheit andmechanically "stressed"

    In accordance withcurrent industrystandards of goodmanufacturing practice


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Anhydrous ammonia Ground beef Followed with carbondioxide treatment inaccordance withcurrent industrystandards of good

    manufacturing practice


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Bacteriophagepreparation (Salmonellatargeted)

    On the hides of liveanimals in the holdingpens prior to slaughter

    Applied as a spraymist or wash


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Bacteriophagepreparation (E. coliO157:H7targeted)

    On the hides of liveanimals in the holdingpens prior to slaughter

    Applied as a spraymist or wash


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)


    preparation (Salmonellatargeted)

    On the feathers of live

    poultry prior toslaughter

    Applied as a spray

    mist or wash



    None under the

    accepted conditioof use (1)

    Bacteriophagepreparation (a mixtureof equal proportions ofsix different individuallypurified lytic-typebacteriophages specificagainst Listeriamonocytogenes)

    Various RTE meat andpoultry products

    Applied as a spray ata level not to exceed 1ml of the additive per500 cm


    surface area

    21 CFR172.785

    Listed by commonusual name (i.ebacteriophage

    preparation) in thingredients

    statement of nonstandardized me

    and poultry produand standardize

    meat and poultrproducts that permthe use of any sa

    and suitableantimicrobial ageStandardized me

    and poultry produthat do not perm

    the use of any sa

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    and suitableantimicrobial age

    must be descriptivlabeled. (4)



    Various RTE meat and

    poultry products

    Applied to the surface

    of the product toachieve a level of 1 x10

    7to 1 x 10


    forming units (pfu) pergram of product

    GRAS Notice

    No. 000218

    None under the

    accepted conditioof use (1).Standardized me

    and poultry produthat do not perm

    the use of any saand suitable

    antimicrobial agemust be descriptiv

    labeled. (4)


    Red meat parts andtrim prior to grinding

    Applied as a mixturediluted with water at aratio of 1:10.

    Application rate ofapproximately 2 mldiluted solution per500 cm of surfacearea may be used

    FCN No. 1018 None under theaccepted conditio

    of use. (1)

    Calcium hypochlorite Red meat carcassesdown to a quarter of acarcass

    Applied as a spray ata level not to exceed50 ppm calculated asfree available chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Calcium hypochlorite On whole oreviscerated poultrycarcasses

    Applied as a spray ata level not to exceed50 ppm calculated asfree available chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Calcium hypochlorite In water used in meat


    Not to exceed 5 ppm

    calculated as freeavailable chlorine



    None under the

    accepted conditioof use (1)

    Calcium hypochlorite In water used in poultryprocessing (except forproduct formulation)

    Not to exceed 50 ppmcalculated as freeavailable chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Calcium hypochlorite Poultry chiller water Not to exceed 50 ppmcalculated as freeavailable chlorine(measured in theincoming potablewater)


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Calcium hypochlorite Poultry chiller red water(i.e., poultry chiller

    water re-circulated,usually through heatexchangers, andreused back in thechiller)

    Not to exceed 5 ppmcalculated as free

    available chlorine(measured at influentto chiller)


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Calcium hypochlorite Reprocessingcontaminated poultry

    20 ppm calculated asfree available chlorine

    9 CFR 381.91 None under theaccepted conditio

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    carcasses Note: Agencyguidance has allowedthe use of up to 50ppm calculated as freeavailable chlorine

    of use (1)

    Calcium hypochlorite On giblets (e.g., livers,hearts, gizzards, andnecks) and salvage


    Not to exceed 50 ppmcalculated as freeavailable chlorine in

    the influent to acontainer for chilling.


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Calcium hypochlorite Beef primals 20 ppm calculated asfree available chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)


    Ready-to-eatcomminuted meatproducts (e.g., hotdogs)

    Applied as a spray tomeat products at amaximumconcentration of atinoculation of 1X10


    colony forming unitsper gram (cfu/g)

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000159

    Listed asCarnobacterium


    bacterialculturethe ingredientsstatement (2)


    maltaromaticumstrainCB1 (viable and heat-treated)

    Ready-to-eat meat

    products; meat andpoultry products

    Viable CB1 applied at

    levels up to 1 X 10colony forming units

    per gram (cfu/g). Heat-treated CB1 applied atlevels up to 5000(typically between1000-5000) parts permillion (ppm)

    GRAS Notice

    No. 000305

    Listed as

    Carnobacteriummaltaromaticumbacterial culture

    the ingredientsstatement (2)

    Cetylpyridinium chloride To treat the surface ofraw poultry carcassesor giblets prior toimmersion in a chiller

    Applied as a fine mistspray of an ambienttemperature aqueoussolution. The aqueoussolution shall alsocontain propyleneglycol complying with21 CFR 184.1666 at aconcentration of 1.5times that of thecetylpyridiniumchloride

    21 CFR173.375

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (3)

    Cetylpyridinium chloride To treat the surface ofraw poultry carcassesor giblets either prior toor after chilling

    Not to exceed 5gallons of solution percarcass provided thatthe additive is used insystems that recaptureat least 99 percent ofthe solution that is

    applied to the poultrycarcasses. Theconcentration ofcetylpyridiniumchloride in the solutionapplied to thecarcasses shall notexceed 0.8 percent by

    21 CFR173.375

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (3)

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    weight. Whenapplication of theadditive is not followedby immersion in achiller the treatment

    will be followed by apotable water rinse ofthe carcass

    Chlorine gas Red meat carcassesdown to a quarter of acarcass

    Applied as a spray ata level not to exceed50 ppm calculated asfree available chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Chlorine gas On whole oreviscerated poultrycarcasses

    Applied as a spray ata level not to exceed50 ppm calculated asfree available chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Chlorine gas In water used in meatprocessing

    Not to exceed 5 ppmcalculated as freeavailable chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Chlorine gas In water used in poultryprocessing (except forproduct formulation)

    Not to exceed 50 ppmcalculated as freeavailable chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Chlorine gas Poultry chiller water Not to exceed 50 ppmcalculated as freeavailable chlorine(measured in theincoming potablewater)


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Chlorine gas Poultry chiller red water(i.e., poultry chillerwater re-circulated,usually through heat

    exchangers, andreused back in thechiller)

    Not to exceed 5 ppmcalculated as freeavailable chlorine(measured at influent

    to chiller)


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Chlorine gas Reprocessingcontaminated poultrycarcasses

    20 ppm calculated asfree available chlorineNote: Agencyguidance has allowedthe use of up to 50ppm calculated as freeavailable chlorine

    9 CFR 381.91 None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Chlorine gas On giblets (e.g., livers,hearts, gizzards, andnecks) and salvage


    Not to exceed 50 ppmcalculated as freeavailable chlorine in

    the influent to acontainer for chilling.


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Chlorine gas Beef primals 20 ppm calculated asfree available chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Citric acid Bologna in an ediblecasing

    Up to a 10 percentsolution applied prior


    Listed by commonusual name in th

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    to slicing ingredientsstatement


    Citric acid Bologna in an inediblecasing

    Up to a 10 percentsolution applied priorto slicing


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Citric acid Fully cooked meat andpoultry products in

    impermeable casings.

    Up to a 3 percentsolution is applied to

    the casing just prior toremoval.


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Citric acid Separated beef headsand associated offalproducts (e.g., hearts,livers, tails, tongues)

    A 2.5 percent solutionapplied as a sprayprior to chilling


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Citric acid In brine to cool fully-cooked RTE meatproducts (a) sausagesand similar products innatural casings(including permeablecasings), (b) hams in

    permeablecasings/netting prior tothe removal of thecasing/netting

    Up to 3 percent of thebrine solution


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Chlorine dioxide In water used in poultryprocessing

    Not to exceed 3 ppmresidual chlorinedioxide as determinedby Method 4500-ClO2E in the StandardMethods for theExamination of Waterand Wastewater, 18


    ed., 1992, or anequivalent method

    21 CFR173.300

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (3)

    Chlorine dioxide In water used inpoultry processing

    Not to exceed 3 ppmresidual chlorinedioxide asdetermined byMethod 4500-ClO2-D,modified for use withthe HachSpectrophotometer,or UV absorbance at360 nm. (2) Chlorinedioxide producedthrough theCLOSURE process

    produces aconcentratedsolution thatcontains at least 600ppm chlorinedioxide, and nogreater than 10 ppmchlorite and 90 ppm

    Food ContactSubstanceNotificationNo. FCN 644

    None under theaccepted

    conditions of us(6)

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    chlorateChlorine dioxide In water used in poultry

    processingNot to exceed 3 ppmresidual chlorinedioxide as determinedby Method 4500-ClO2

    E in the StandardMethods for theExamination of Waterand Wastewater, 20


    ed., 1998, or anequivalent method

    Food ContactSubstanceNotification No.FCN 1011

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (6)

    Chlorine dioxide Red meat, red meatparts and organs;processed,comminuted, or formedmeat food products

    Applied as a spray ordip at a level not toexceed 3 ppm residualchlorine dioxide asdetermined by Method4500-ClO2 E in theStandard Methods forthe Examination ofWater andWastewater, 18


    1992, or an equivalentmethod

    Food ContactSubstanceNotification No.FCN 668

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (6)

    Chlorine dioxide Red meat, red meatparts and organs;processed,comminuted, or formedmeat food products

    Applied as a spray ordip at a level not toexceed 3 ppm residualchlorine dioxide asdetermined by Method4500-ClO2 E in theStandard Methods forthe Examination ofWater and

    Wastewater, 20th ed.,1998, or an equivalentmethod

    Food ContactSubstanceNotification No.FCN 1052

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (6)

    Cultured Sugar (derivedfrom corn, cane, orbeets)

    In enhanced meat andpoultry products (e.g.,beef or pork injectedwith a solution) andRTE meat and poultryproducts (e.g., hot dogsand cooked turkeybreast)

    At up to 4.8 percent ofthe product formula

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000240

    Cultured cane anbeet sugar listed common or usua

    name (e.g., cultucane sugar)

    Cultured corn suglisted as culture

    corn sugar orcultured dextros

    Cultured Sugar (derivedfrom corn, cane, orbeets)

    In enhanced meat andpoultry products (e.g.,beef or pork injectedwith a solution) andRTE meat and poultryproducts (e.g., hot dogsand cooked turkeybreast)

    At up to 4.8 percent ofthe product formula


    Cultured cane anbeet sugar listed common or usuaname and vinega

    (e.g., cultured casugar, vinegar ocultured sugar


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    Cultured corn suglisted as culture

    corn sugar, vinegor cultured dextro


    DBDMH (1,3-dibromo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin)

    For use in poultry chillerwater and in water

    applied to poultry via anInside-Outside BirdWasher (IOBW) and inwater used in poultryprocessing for poultrycarcasses, parts, andorgans

    At a level not toexceed that needed to

    provide the equivalentof 100 ppm activebromine

    Food ContactSubstance

    Notification No.FCN 334 andFCN 453

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (6)

    DBDMH (1,3-dibromo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin)

    For use in watersupplied to icemachines to make iceintended for generaluse in poultryprocessing

    At a level not toexceed that needed toprovide the equivalentof 100 ppm ofavailable bromine(corresponding to amaximum level of 90mg DBDMH/kg water)

    Food ContactSubstanceNotification No.FCN 775

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (6)

    DBDMH (1,3-dibromo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin)

    For use in waterapplied to beef hides,carcasses, heads, trim,parts, and organs.

    At a level not toexceed that needed toprovide the equivalentof 300 ppm activebromine.

    Food ContactSubstanceNotification No.FCN 792

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (6)

    DBDMH (1,3-dibromo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin)

    For use in waterapplied to swine,goat, and sheepcarcasses and theirparts and organs

    At a level not toexceed that neededto provide theequivalent of 500ppm of availablebromine

    Food ContactSubstanceNotificationNo. FCN 1102

    None under theaccepted

    conditions of us(6)

    Egg white lysozyme In casings and oncooked (RTE) meat andpoultry products

    2.5 mg per pound inthe finished productwhen used in casings;2.0 mg per pound oncooked meat andpoultry products

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000064

    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Electrolyticallygeneratedhypochlorous acid

    Red meat carcassesdown to a quarter of acarcass

    Applied as a spray ata level not to exceed50 ppm calculated asfree available chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Electrolyticallygeneratedhypochlorous acid

    On whole oreviscerated poultrycarcasses

    Applied as a spray ata level not to exceed50 ppm calculated as

    free available chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Electrolyticallygeneratedhypochlorous acid

    In water used in meatprocessing

    Not to exceed 5 ppmcalculated as freeavailable chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Electrolyticallygeneratedhypochlorous acid

    In water used in poultryprocessing (except forproduct formulation)

    Not to exceed 50 ppmcalculated as freeavailable chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Electrolytically Poultry chiller water Not to exceed 50 ppm Acceptability None under the

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    generatedhypochlorous acid

    calculated as freeavailable chlorine(measured in theincoming potablewater)

    determination accepted conditioof use (1)

    Electrolyticallygeneratedhypochlorous acid

    Poultry chiller red water(i.e., poultry chillerwater re-circulated,usually through heatexchangers, andreused back in thechiller)

    Not to exceed 5 ppmcalculated as freeavailable chlorine(measured at influentto chiller)

    Acceptabilitydetermination None under theaccepted conditioof use (1)

    Electrolyticallygeneratedhypochlorous acid

    Reprocessingcontaminated poultrycarcasses

    20 ppm calculated asfree available chlorineNote: Agencyguidance has allowedthe use of up to 50ppm calculated as freeavailable chlorine

    9 CFR 381.91 None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Electrolyticallygeneratedhypochlorous acid

    On giblets (e.g., livers,hearts, gizzards, andnecks) and salvageparts

    Not to exceed 50 ppmcalculated as freeavailable chlorine inthe influent to acontainer for chilling.


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Electrolyticallygeneratedhypochlorous acid

    Beef primals 20 ppm calculated asfree available chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    An aqueous solution ofcitric and hydrochloricacids adjusted to a pHof 1.0 to 2.0

    Poultry carcasses,parts, trim, and organs

    Applied as a spray ordip with a minimumcontact time of 2 to 5seconds


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    An aqueous solution of

    citric and hydrochloricacids adjusted to a pHof 0.5 to 2.0

    Meat carcasses, parts,

    trim, and organs

    Applied as a spray or

    dip for a contact timeof 2 to 5 seconds



    None under the

    accepted conditioof use (1)

    A blend of citric acid(1.87%), phosphoricacid (1.72%), andhydrochloric acid(0.8%)

    Poultry carcasses Applied as a spraywith a minimumcontact time of 1 to 2seconds and allowedto drip from thecarcasses for 30seconds


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    A blend of citric acid,hydrochloric acid, andphosphoric acid

    To adjust the acidity invarious meat andpoultry products

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    Listed by commonusual name in th


    statement (2)Hops beta acids In casings and on

    cooked (RTE) meat andpoultry products

    2.5 mg per pound inthe finished productwhen used in casings;2.0 mg per pound oncooked meat andpoultry products

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000063

    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    Hypobromous acid In water or ice used forprocessing meat andpoultry products

    Generated on-sitefrom an aqueousmixture of hydrogenbromide and sodium,potassium, or calciumhypochlorite for use ata level not to exceedthat needed to provide

    300 ppm availablebromine (or 133 ppmavailable chlorine*) inwater or ice applied tomeat products, and200 ppm availablebromine (or 89 ppmavailable chlorine*) inwater or ice applied topoultry products.*(NOTE: Becausethere are a limitednumber of commercialtest kits specific forbromine, chlorine kitsmay be used. Theppm levels betweenavailable bromine andchlorine is due to thedifference in theirmolecular weight.)

    Food ContactSubstanceNotification No.FCN 000944

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (6)

    Hypobromous acid In water or ice used forprocessing meatproducts

    Generated on-sitefrom an aqueousmixture of hydrogenbromide and sodium,potassium, or calciumhypochlorite for use at

    a level not to exceedthat needed to provide900 ppm availablebromine (or 400 ppmavailable chlorine*) inwater or ice applied tomeat products.*(NOTE: Becausethere are a limitednumber of commercialtest kits specific forbromine, chlorine kitsmay be used. The

    ppm levels betweenavailable bromine andchlorine is due to thedifference in theirmolecular weight.)

    Food ContactSubstanceNotification No.FCN 0001036

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (6)

    Hypobromous acid In water or ice usedfor processing poultryproducts

    Generated on-sitefrom an aqueousmixture of hydrogenbromide and sodium,

    Food ContactSubstanceNotificationNo. FCN

    None under theaccepted

    conditions of us(6)

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    potassium, orcalcium hypochloritefor use at a level notto exceed thatneeded to provide

    450 ppm availablebromine or 200 ppmavailable chlorine


    Hypobromous acid In water or ice, usedas either a spray or adip, for meat (hideson or off) or poultryprocessing

    Generated on-sitefrom an aqueousmixture of hydrogenbromide and sodium,potassium, orcalcium hypochloritefor use at a level notto exceed thatneeded to provide300 ppm totalbromine (182 ppm

    HOBr) (or 133 ppmtotal chlorine*) inwater or ice appliedto meat products. Ata level not to exceed200 ppm totalbromine (121 ppmHOBr) (or 90 ppmtotal chlorine*) inwater or ice appliedto poultry products.*(NOTE: Becausethere are a limited

    number ofcommercial test kitsspecific for bromine,chlorine kits may beused. The ppm levelsbetween availablebromine and chlorineis due to thedifference in theirmolecular weight.)

    Food ContactSubstanceNotificationNo. FCN0001106

    None under theaccepted

    conditions of us(6)

    Lactic Acid Livestock carcassesprior to fabrication (i.e.,pre- and post-chill),

    offal, and variety meats

    Up to a 5 percentlactic acid solution


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Lactic acid Beef and pork sub-primals and trimmings

    2 percent to 5 percentsolution of lactic acidnot to exceed 55



    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Lactic acid Beef heads andtongues

    A 2.0 to 2.8 percentsolution applied tobrushes in a washercabinet system used


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    to clean beef headsand tongues

    Lactic acid bacteriamixture consisting ofLactobacillusacidophilus(NP35,NP51), Lactobacilluslactis(NP7), and

    Pediococcus acidilactici(NP3)

    RTE cooked sausages(e.g., frankfurters,bologna, etc.) andcooked, cured wholemuscle products (e.g.,ham)

    Applied by dippingproduct into a solutioncontaining 10


    forming unitslactobacilli per ml


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Lactic acid bacteriamixture consisting ofLactobacillusacidophilus(NP35,NP51), Lactobacilluslactis(NP7), andPediococcus acidilactici(NP3)

    Poultry carcasses andfresh whole musclecuts andchopped/ground poultry

    10 to 10 colonyforming units oflactobacilli per gram ofproduct


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement of non

    standardizedproducts. Singl

    ingredient rawproducts must b

    descriptively labe(2)

    Lactic acid bacteriamixture consisting ofLactobacillusacidophilus(NP35,NP51), Lactobacilluslactis(NP7), andPediococcus acidilactici(NP3)

    Non-standardizedcomminuted meatproducts (e.g., beefpatties), ground beef,and raw whole musclebeef cuts

    10 to 10 colonyforming units oflactobacilli per gram ofproduct

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000171

    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement of non

    standardizedcomminuted meproducts. Groun

    beef and raw whomuscle beef cut

    must be descriptivlabeled (2)

    Lactoferrin Beef carcasses andparts

    At up to 2 percent of awater-basedantimicrobial spray

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000067

    Listed by commonusual name in

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Lactoferrin Beef carcasses As part of anantimicrobial spraythat would deliver 1gram of lactoferrin perdressed beef carcass,followed by a washwith tempered waterand rinse with lacticacid

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000130

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Lauramide arginineethyl ester (LAE),silicon dioxide, andrefined sea salt

    Non-standardized RTEcomminuted meatproducts andstandardized RTE

    comminuted meatproducts that permit theuse of any safe andsuitable antimicrobialagent

    Not to exceed 200ppm LAE by weight ofthe finished product


    Listed by commonusual name (i.elauric arginate,

    refined sea salt)

    the ingredientsstatement (2)

    Lauramide arginineethyl ester (LAE),silicon dioxide, and

    Fresh cuts of meat andpoultry; and, non-standardized, non-

    Not to exceed 200ppm LAE, 67 ppmsilicon dioxide, and


    Listed by commonusual name (i.elauric arginate,

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    refined sea salt comminuted RTE meatand poultry productsand standardized, non-comminuted RTE meatand poultry products

    that permit the use ofany safe and suitableantimicrobial agent

    1640 ppm refined seasalt by weight of thefinished product

    silicon dioxide,refined sea salt)

    the ingredientsstatement (2) Wh

    applied to the

    surface of fresh cof meat and poulnone under the

    accepted conditioof use (1)

    Lauramide arginineethyl ester (LAE)dissolved at specifiedconcentrations in eitherpropylene glycol,glycerin, or water towhich may be added aPolysorbate surfaceactive agent (quantity

    sufficient to achieve theintended technicaleffect of LAEemulsification)

    Non-standardized RTEcomminuted meatproducts andstandardized RTEcomminuted meatproducts that permit theuse of any safe andsuitable antimicrobialagent

    Not to exceed 200ppm LAE by weight ofthe finished product


    Listed by commonusual name (i.e

    lauric arginate) in ingredients

    statement (2)

    Lauramide arginineethyl ester (LAE)dissolved at specifiedconcentrations in eitherpropylene glycol,glycerin, or water towhich may be added aPolysorbate surfaceactive agent (quantity

    sufficient to achieve theintended technicaleffect of LAEemulsification)

    Fresh cuts of meat andpoultry and variousnon-standardized RTEmeat and poultryproducts andstandardized RTE meatand poultry productsthat permit the use ofany safe and suitable

    antimicrobial agent

    Applied to the surfaceof the product at a ratenot to exceed 200ppm LAE by weight ofthe finished foodproduct

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000164

    When applied to tsurface of RTE

    products listed bcommon or usuaname (i.e., lauriarginate) in the

    ingredientsstatement (2) Wh

    applied to the

    surface of fresh cof meat and poul

    none under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Lauramide arginineethyl ester (LAE)

    RTE meat and poultryproducts; raw porksausage

    Applied to the inside ofthe package via aprocess known asSprayed Lethality inContainer (SLIC) orsimilar process at upto 44 ppm (with aprocess tolerance of

    20 percent, allowingfor an LAEconcentration not toexceed 53 ppm) byweight of the finishedfood product


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Lauramide arginineethyl ester (LAE)

    Ground poultry Applied in a mixer,blender, or tumbler


    None under theaccepted conditio

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    dissolved at specifiedconcentrations in eitherpropylene glycol,glycerin, or water towhich may be added aPolysorbate surfaceactive agent (quantitysufficient to achieve the

    intended technicaleffect of LAEemulsification)

    designed to mix and/orblend otheringredients intoground poultry at alevel not to exceed200 ppm by weight inthe finished product.The LAE is sprayed

    with a metered doseinto the mixer,blender, or tumbler asthe product is beingmixed, blended, ortumbled

    of use (1)

    Lauramide arginineethyl ester (LAE)

    Ground beef Applied at a level notto exceed 200 ppm byweight in the finishedproduct


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Nisin preparation Cooked, RTE meat andpoultry productscontaining sauces

    Not to exceed 600ppm nisin preparationin the finished product


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Nisin preparation Meat and poultry soups Not to exceed 5 ppmof the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Nisin preparation In casings and oncooked (RTE) meat andpoultry products

    3.15 mg per pound inthe finished productwhen used in casings;2.5 mg per pound oncooked meat andpoultry products

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000065

    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Nisin preparation Egg products Not to exceed 250ppm in formulatedproduct


    Listed by commor usual name ithe ingredients

    statement (2). Lamust read Nis(an antimicrobi


    A blend ofencapsulated nisinpreparation (90.9percent), rosemaryextract (8.2 percent)and salt (0.9 percent)

    Frankfurters and othersimilar cooked meatand poultry sausages

    Not to exceed 550ppm of the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (4)

    A blend of nisinpreparation, rosemaryextract, salt,

    maltodextrin, andcultured dextrose

    Cooked (RTE) meatand poultry sausagesand cured meat


    Not to exceed 0.55percent of productformulation in cooked

    (RTE) meat andpoultry sausages and0.7 percent of productformulation in curedmeat products (wherethe nisin preparationwill not exceed 250ppm)


    Listed by commonusual name in th


    statement (4)

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    A blend of nisinpreparation, rosemaryextract, salt, andsodium diacetate

    Cooked (RTE) meatand poultry sausagesand cured meatproducts

    Not to exceed 0.25percent of productformulation (where thenisin preparation willnot exceed 250 ppm)


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (4)

    Organic Acids (i.e.,lactic, acetic, and citricacid)

    As part of a carcasswash applied pre-chill At up to 2.5 percent ofa solution FSIS Notice 49-94 None under theaccepted conditioof use (1)

    Ozone All meat and poultryproducts

    In accordance withcurrent industrystandards of goodmanufacturing practice

    21 CFR173.368

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (3)

    An aqueous solution ofperoxyacetic acid,hydrogen peroxide,acetic acid, and 1-hydroxyethylidene-1, 1-diphosphonic acid(HEDP)

    In poultry processingwater, scalder, ice,spray applications, andas an acidifier in scaldtanks as a scaldadditive

    The level ofperoxyacetic acid willnot exceed 220 ppm,hydrogen peroxide willnot exceed 110 ppm,and HEDP will notexceed 13 ppm


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (3)

    Peroxyacetic acid,octanoic acid, aceticacid, hydrogenperoxide,peroxyoctanoic acid,and 1-hydroxyethylidene-1, 1-diphosphonic acid(HEDP)

    Meat and poultrycarcasses, parts, trimand organs

    Maximumconcentrations formeat carcasses, parts,and organs:Peroxyacetic acids220 ppm, hydrogenperoxide 75 ppm;Maximumconcentrations forpoultry carcasses,parts, and organs:Peroxyacetic acids220 ppm, hydrogen

    peroxide 110 ppm,HEDP 13 ppm

    21 CFR173.370

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (3)

    A mixture ofperoxyacetic acid,hydrogen peroxide,acetic acid, and 1-hydroxyethylidene-1, 1-diphosphonic acid(HEDP)

    (1) Process water forwashing, rinsing,cooling, or otherwise forprocessing meatcarcasses, parts, trim,and organs; and (2)process water appliedto poultry parts, organs,and carcasses as aspray, wash, rinse, dip,chiller water, or scald


    In either application,the level ofperoxyacetic acid willnot exceed 230 ppm,hydrogen peroxide willnot exceed 165 ppm,and HEDP will notexceed 14 ppm

    Food ContactSubstanceNotification No.FCN 000323

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (6)

    An aqueous mixture ofperoxyacetic acid,hydrogen peroxide,acetic acid, and 1-hydroxyethylidene-1, 1-diphosphonic acid(HEDP)

    Added to process waterapplied to poultry parts,organs, and carcassesas a spray, wash, rinse,dip, chiller water, lowtemperature (e.g., lessthan 40 degrees F)

    At a level not toexceed 2,000 ppmperoxyacetic acid and136 ppm HEDP

    Food ContactSubstanceNotification No.FCN 000880

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (6)

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    immersion baths, orscald water

    An aqueous mixture ofperoxyacetic acid,hydrogen peroxide,acetic acid, and 1-hydroxyethylidene-1, 1-diphosphonic acid

    (HEDP) and optionallysulfuric acid

    (1) Water or ice forwashing, rinsing,cooling, or otherwiseprocessing whole or cutmeat, including parts,trim, and organs; and,

    (2) water or ice appliedto whole or cut poultryincluding parts, trim,and organs as a spray,wash, rinse, dip, chillerwater or scalder water

    In either application,the level ofperoxyacetic acid willnot exceed 220 ppm,hydrogen peroxide willnot exceed 85 ppm,

    and HEDP will notexceed 11 ppm.

    Food ContactSubstanceNotification No.FCN 000887

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (6)

    An aqueous mixture ofperoxyacetic acid,hydrogen peroxide,acetic acid, and 1-hydroxyethylidene-1, 1-diphosphonic acid(HEDP) and sulfuricacid

    Red meat carcasses,parts, and trim

    The level ofperoxyacetic acid willnot exceed 230 ppm,hydrogen peroxide willnot exceed 75 ppm,and HEDP will notexceed 13 ppm.

    Food ContactSubstanceNotification No.FCN 000951

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (6)

    A mixture ofperoxyacetic acid,hydrogen peroxide,acetic acid, and 1-hydroxyethylidene-1, 1-diphosphonic acid(HEDP)

    (1) Water or ice forwashing, rinsing,cooling, or processingwhole or cut meatincluding carcasses,parts, trim, and organs;and (2) water or iceapplied to whole or cutpoultry including parts,trim, and organs as aspray, wash, rinse, dip,chiller water, or scaldwater

    In either application,the level ofperoxyacetic acid willnot exceed 220 ppm,hydrogen peroxide willnot exceed 80 ppm,and HEDP will notexceed 1.5 ppm

    Food ContactSubstanceNotification No.FCN 000993

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (6)

    An aqueous mixture ofperoxyacetic acid,hydrogen peroxide,acetic acid, and 1-hydroxyethylidene-1, 1-diphosphonic acid(HEDP)

    In process water or icefor washing, rinsing,storing, or cooling ofprocessed andpreformed meat andpoultry products

    The level ofperoxyacetic acid willnot exceed 220 ppm,hydrogen peroxide willnot exceed 85 ppm,and HEDP will notexceed 11 ppm.

    Food ContactSubstanceNotification No.FCN 001082

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (6)

    An aqueous mixtureof peroxyacetic acid,hydrogen peroxide,acetic acid, and 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid


    In process water usedfor washing, rinsing,cooling or otherwisefor processing meatcarcasses, parts, trim,and organs; and in

    process water appliedto poultry parts,organs, andcarcasses as a spray,wash, rinse, dip,chiller water, or scaldwater

    The level ofperoxyacetic acidwill not exceed 220ppm, hydrogenperoxide will notexceed 160 ppm, and

    HEDP will not exceed11 ppm.

    Food ContactSubstanceNotificationNo. FCN001089

    None under theaccepted

    conditions of us(6)

    An aqueous mixture In process water or The level of Food Contact None under the

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    of peroxyacetic acid,hydrogen peroxide,1-hydroxyethylidene-1, 1-diphosphonicacid (HEDP), and

    optionally sulfuricacid

    ice used for washing,rinsing, cooling orprocessing whole orcut meat includingparts, trim, and

    organs; and inprocess water or iceapplied to whole orcut poultry includingparts, trim andorgans, andcarcasses as a spray,wash, rinse, dip,chiller water, or scaldwater

    peroxyacetic acidwill not exceed 220ppm, hydrogenperoxide will notexceed 80 ppm, and

    HEDP will not exceed13 ppm.

    SubstanceNotificationNo. FCN001093

    acceptedconditions of us


    An aqueous mixtureof peroxyacetic acid,hydrogen peroxide,acetic acid, 1-

    hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid(HEDP), dipicolinicacid, and sulfuric acid

    Red meat carcasses,parts, trim, andorgans

    The level ofperoxyacetic acidwill not exceed 230ppm, hydrogen

    peroxide will notexceed 75 ppm, andHEDP will not exceed1 ppm, anddipicolinic acid willnot exceed 0.5 ppm.

    Food ContactSubstanceNotificationNo. FCN


    None under theaccepted

    conditions of us(6)

    Potassium diacetate Various meat andpoultry products whichpermit the addition ofantimicrobial agents,e.g., hot dogs

    Not to exceed 0.25percent of the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    A solution of water,lactic acid, propionic

    acid, and acidic calciumsulfate (solution with apH range of 1.0-2.0)*

    Various RTE meatproducts, e.g., hot


    Applied as a spray for20-30 seconds of

    continual applicationjust prior to packaging*Propionic acid maybe removed from thesolution; sodiumphosphate may beadded to the solutionas a buffering agent(the amount of sodiumphosphate on thefinished product mustnot exceed 5000 ppm.


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    A solution of water,

    acidic calcium sulfateand 85-95,000 ppm oflactic acid (solution witha pH range of 0.35 to0.55)

    Raw comminuted beef. To treat raw beef

    during grinding tolower the pH of theproduct.



    Product must be

    descriptively labe(2)

    A solution of water,acidic calcium sulfate,lactic acid, and sodium

    Raw whole muscle beefcuts and cooked roastbeef and similar cooked

    Spray applied for up to30 seconds ofcontinual application


    Listed by commonusual name in th


  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    phosphate (solutionwith a pH range of 1.45to 1.55)

    beef products (e.g.,corned beef, pastrami,etc.).

    *sodium phosphate onthe finished productmust not exceed 5000ppm.

    statement of mulingredient produc

    Single ingredienroast beef produc

    and raw wholemuscle beef cut

    must be descriptivlabeled (2)

    A solution of water,acidic calcium sulfate,lactic acid, and sodiumphosphate (solutionwith a pH of 1.45 to 1.6)

    Cooked poultrycarcasses and parts. Spray applied for 20 to40 seconds ofcontinual application* sodium phosphateon the finished productmust not exceed 5000ppm.

    Acceptabilitydetermination Listed by commonusual name in thingredients

    statement of mulingredient produc

    Single ingredienwhole muscle cuts

    poultry must bedescriptively labe


    A solution of water,acidic calcium sulfate,lactic acid, anddisodium phosphate(solution with a pH of1.0 to 2.0)

    Beef jerky Applied to the surfaceof the product with acontact time not toexceed 30 seconds


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Skim milk or dextrosecultured withpropionibacteriumfreudenreichiisubsp.Shermanii

    Meat and poultrysausages includingthose with standards ofidentity which permitthe use of antimicrobialagents

    Not to exceed 2percent by weight ofthe finished product

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000128

    Listed by commonusual name in th



    Sodium citrate bufferedwith citric acid to a pHof 5.6

    Non-standardized andstandardizedcomminuted meat andpoultry products whichpermit ingredients of

    this type

    Not to exceed 1.3percent of the productformulation inaccordance with 21CFR 184.1751


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Sodium hypochlorite Red meat carcassesdown to a quarter of acarcass

    Applied as a spray ata level not to exceed50 ppm calculated asfree available chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Sodium hypochlorite On whole oreviscerated poultrycarcasses

    Applied as a spray ata level not to exceed50 ppm calculated asfree available chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Sodium hypochlorite In water used in meatprocessing

    Not to exceed 5 ppmcalculated as freeavailable chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Sodium hypochlorite In water used in poultry

    processing (except forproduct formulation)

    Not to exceed 50 ppm

    calculated as freeavailable chlorine



    None under the

    accepted conditioof use (1)

    Sodium hypochlorite Poultry chiller water Not to exceed 50 ppmcalculated as freeavailable chlorine(measured in theincoming potablewater)


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    Sodium hypochlorite Poultry chiller red water(i.e., poultry chillerwater re-circulated,usually through heatexchangers, and

    reused back in thechiller)

    Not to exceed 5 ppmcalculated as freeavailable chlorine(measured at influentto chiller)


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Sodium hypochlorite Reprocessingcontaminated poultrycarcasses

    20 ppm calculated asfree available chlorineNote: Agencyguidance has allowedthe use of up to 50ppm calculated as freeavailable chlorine

    9 CFR 381.91 None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Sodium hypochlorite On giblets (e.g., livers,hearts, gizzards, andnecks) and salvageparts

    Not to exceed 50 ppmcalculated as freeavailable chlorine inthe influent to acontainer for chilling.


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Sodium hypochlorite Beef primals 20 ppm calculated asfree available chlorine


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Sodium metasilicate Component ofmarinades used for rawmeat and poultryproducts

    Not to exceed 2percent by weight ofthe marinade


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Sodium metasilicate Raw beef carcasses,subprimals, andtrimmings

    A 4 percent (plus orminus 2 percent)solution


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Sodium metasilicate RTE meat and poultryproducts

    Up to a 6 percentsolution applied to thesurface of the product

    at a rate not to exceed300 ppm of thefinished product


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Sodium metasilicateand sodium carbonateblend

    RTE poultry products Up to 15 percent of asolution of sodiummetasilicate andsodium carbonate(sodium metasilicatenot to exceed 6percent) applied as asurface application ata rate not to exceed700 ppm by weight of

    the finished poultryproduct


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Trisodium phosphate Raw poultry carcasses,parts, and giblets

    See Q&A #15 forpermitted level uses.


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    AntioxidantsBHA (butylated Brown N Serve 0.02 percent in Acceptability Listed by common

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    hydroxyanisole) sausages combination with otherantioxidants for use inmeat, based on fatcontent

    determination usual name in thingredients

    statement (4)

    BHT (butylatedhydroxytoluene)

    Brown N Servesausages

    0.02 percent incombination with otherantioxidants for use inmeat, based on fat



    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (4)

    A combination ofcanola oil, mono- anddi-glycerides, thenatural spice extractrosemary, and naturalmixed tocopherolsderived from sunflowers

    Dried turkey brothpowder

    At a level not toexceed 0.12 percentduring production ofdried turkey brothpowder


    None under theaccepted conditioof use (1) except

    rosemary extracRosemary extra

    should be identifias rosemary extraflavoring, or natu

    flavoring in theingredientsstatement


    A combination of foodstarch (e.g., modifiedcorn starch) andcarrageenan

    Turkey ham and waterproducts and curedpork products wherebinders are permittedper 9 CFR 319.104

    Combination not toexceed 3 percent ofthe productformulation withcarrageenan not toexceed 1.5 percent (9CFR 424.21(c))


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    A mixture of sodiumalginate, calciumsulfate, glucono delta-lactone, and sodiumpyrophosphate

    Various meat andpoultry products wherebinders are permitted

    Mixture not to exceed1.55 percent ofproduct formulationwith the sodiumalginate not to exceed1 percent of the

    product formulationand the sodiumpyrophosphate not toexceed 0.5 percent ofthe productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (4)

    A mixture ofcarrageenan, wheyprotein concentrate,and xanthan gum

    Sausages wherebinders are permitted;cooked poultryproducts; beef andpoultry patties; modifiedbreakfast sausage,cooked sausages, andfermented sausagescovered by FSIS PolicyMemo 123; andmodified substituteversions of freshsausage, ground beef,or hamburger coveredby FSIS Policy Memo121B.

    Not to exceed 3.5percent by weight ofthe productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th



  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    Beef collagen Various meat andpoultry products wherebinders are permitted

    Not to exceed 3.5percent of productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th



    Beef protein As a coating ormarinade or addition tobeef pattie mix whenthe beef protein is usedas (a) a water bindingagent to retain moistureand/or (b) used to blockfat in cooked product

    Beef protein is onlyused in beef foodproducts wherebinders are permittedand the ingredientBeef Protein isappropriately declaredon the label of rawBeef with BeefProtein product per 9CFR Section317.2(c)(2). Whenused as a marinade orcoating, beef protein

    does not exceed 0.8%by weight of the finalproduct formulation.When used in thebatter only, beefprotein does notexceed 0.14% byweight of the finalproduct formulation.When used as bothcoating and in thebatter, beef proteindoes not to exceed

    0.89% by weight of thefinal productformulation

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000313 Beef Protein uswhen the proteiconcentration is 1

    or less;Concentrated BeProtein used wh

    protein concentratis greater than 18Final determinati

    will be made by FSwhen label issubmitted forapproval (2)

    Binders listed in 9 CFR424.21(c) for use incured pork productsand poultry products

    Turkey ham and waterproducts

    In accordance with 9CFR 319.104(d) and424.21(c)


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Carboxymethylcellulose (cellulosegum)

    Poultry franks Not to exceed 3.5percent of the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (4)


    Cured pork products Not to exceed 3percent of product



    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (4)

    Carrot Fiber Various comminutedmeat and poultryproducts where bindersare permitted

    Not to exceed 3.5percent of the productformulation

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000116

    List as isolatedcarrot product


    Cellulose, powderedconforming to the

    Various comminutedpoultry products where

    Not to exceed 3.5percent of the product


    Listed by commonusual name in th

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    specifications in theFood Chemicals Codex5


    binders are permitted formulation ingredientsstatement (2)

    Guar powder,micronized

    Various meat andpoultry products wherebinders are permitted

    Not to exceed 3.0percent of the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (4)



    Seasoning mixtures

    added to sauces andgravies produced underFDA jurisdiction that willbe used in meat andpoultry products

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptability


    Listed by common

    usual name in thingredientsstatement (2)


    Thickener in meat andpoultry pot pie fillings,sauces, soups, andgravies

    Not to exceed 1percent of the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Inulin Various meat andpoultry products (e.g.,frankfurters, sausage,patties, loaves, pates)

    where binders arepermitted

    2 to 5 percent of theproduct formulation

    Acceptabilitydeterminationand GRASNotice No.


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Konjac flour Meat and poultryproducts in whichstarchy vegetable floursare permitted

    No to exceed 3.5percent of the productformulation individuallyor collectively withother binders


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Methylcellulose Various comminutedmeat and poultryproducts where bindersare permitted

    Not to exceed 3.5percent of the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Methylcellulose Thickener in meat andpoultry pot pie fillings,

    sauces, soups, andgravies; a binder inpoultry patties, loaves,and nuggets; a binderin meat patties, loaves,and nuggets; texturizerin Policy Memo 121Band 123 products.

    Not to exceed 1percent of the product

    formulation as athickener in meat andpoultry pot pie fillings,sauces, soups, andgravies; 1.6 percent asa binder in poultrypatties, loaves, andnuggets; 0.25 percentas a binder in meatpatties, loaves, andnuggets; 0.6 percentas a texturizer inPolicy Memo 121Band 123 products


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    MPEs (Meat ProteinExtracts)(poultryprotein, beef protein,and pork protein).Produced through theuse of Flavourzymeenzyme up to 0.5% byweight of raw meat

    As binding agentsand coatings(flavorings) in meatand poultry productsof the same species

    In nonstandardizedmeat and poultryproducts that permitbinders at levels notto exceed 0.89% byweight and instandardized meatand poultry products


    Listed as partiahydrolyzed (sour

    of protein) in thingredients

    statement (2)

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    and poultry productsor the combination ofFlavourzyme andProtamex enzymes upto 0.5% each by

    weight of raw meatand poultry products

    where standards ofidentity permit atlevels not to exceed0.89% by weight

    Oat Hull Fiber Various non-standardizedcomminuted meatproducts

    Not to exceed 3.5percent of the productformulation

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000261

    Listed as isolateoat product in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Oat Hull Fiber Whole muscle andcomminuted poultryproducts where bindersare permitted

    Not to exceed 3.5percent of the productformulation

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000342

    Listed as isolateoat product in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Oat Fiber Various meat products(e.g., frankfurters,sausage patties,loaves) where bindersare permitted andwhole muscle meatproducts

    Not to exceed 3.5percent of the productformulation


    Listed as isolateoat product ormodified oat

    product in theingredients

    statement. Whomuscle meat

    products must bdescriptively labe


    Orange pulp, dried Non-standardizedwhole muscle meat andpoultry products wherebinders are permittedand standardized wholemuscle meat andpoultry products where

    standards of identitypermit the use ofbinders

    Not to exceed 3.5percent of the productformulation


    List as citrus flouor dried orange

    pulp (2)

    Orange pulp, dried andorange pulp, dried withguar gum

    Various ground meatand poultry productswhere binders arepermitted

    Not to exceed 3.5percent of the productformulation

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000154

    List as citrus flouor dried orange

    pulp (2)

    Partially hydrolyzedproteins

    Various meat andpoultry products wherebinders are permitted.

    Not to exceed 3.5percent of the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Pea fiber Non-standardized meatand poultry products,

    e.g., meat patties andpoultry nuggets

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    Listed as isolatepea product (2

    Pectin Various meat andpoultry products wherebinders are permitted

    Not to exceed 3percent of the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Pork collagen Various meat and Not to exceed 3.5 Acceptability Listed by common

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    poultry food productswhere binders arepermitted

    percent of the productformulation

    determination usual name in thingredients

    statement (2)

    Pork skin proteins Various meat productswhere binders arepermitted

    Not to exceed 1.5percent of productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (4)

    Pork Protein As a coating or

    marinade or addition topork when the porkprotein is used as (a)water binding agent toretain moisture and/or(b) block fat in cookedproduct

    Pork protein is only

    used in pork productswhere binders arepermitted and theingredient PorkProtein isappropriately declaredon the label of rawPork with PorkProtein product per 9CFR Section317.2(c)(2); whenused as marinade orprotein coating not toexceed 0.8% byweight of final productformulation; whenused in batter only notto exceed 0.14% byweight of final productformulation; whenused as both coatingand in batter not toexceed 0.89% byweight of final productformulation

    GRAS Notice

    No. 000314

    Pork Protein us

    when the proteiconcentration is 2or less;

    Concentrated PoProtein used wh

    protein concentratis greater than 21Final determinati

    will be made by FSwhen label issubmitted for

    approval for Powith Pork Protein

    product (2)

    Potato fiber Whole muscle poultryproducts and

    comminuted meat andpoultry products wherebinders are permitted

    Not to exceed 3.5percent of product


    GRAS NoticeNo. 000310

    Listed as isolatepotato product (

    Rice bran Various comminutedmeat and poultryproducts where bindersare permitted (e.g., hotdogs, meatballs, andchicken patties)

    Not to exceed 3.5percent of the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Rice starch Cured pork products Not to exceed 0.8percent of productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (4)

    Sodium alginate Various meat productswhere binders arepermitted

    Not to exceed 1percent of the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Sodium alginate Various poultryproducts where bindersare permitted

    Not to exceed 0.8percent of the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    Soy Fiber (Okara) Sausages as providedfor in 9 CFR Part 319,bockwurst

    Not to exceed 3.5percent of theformulation individuallyor collectively withother binders for use

    in meat


    Listed as IsolateSoy Product in t

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Soy Fiber (Okara) Chili con carne, chilicon carne with beans

    Not to exceed 8percent of theformulation individuallyor collectively withother binders for usein meat


    Listed as IsolateSoy Product in t

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Soy Fiber (Okara) Spaghetti withmeatballs and sauce,spaghetti with meat andsauce and similarproducts

    Not to exceed 12percent of theformulation individuallyor collectively withother binders for usein meat


    Listed as IsolateSoy Product in t

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Soy Fiber (Okara) Various meat andpoultry products (e.g.,patties, loaves, pates)where binders arepermitted

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    Listed as IsolateSoy Product in t

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    (species) protein (e.g.,chicken protein)

    Whole muscle poultryfood products wherebinders are permittedprovided the protein isused in products of thesame kind (e.g.,chicken protein in amarinade injected intowhole muscle chicken

    food products)

    Not to exceed 0.225percent of themarinade solution


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    (species) protein (e.g.,chicken protein,concentrated turkeyprotein)

    Various poultryproducts where theprotein solution is usedin products of the samekind (e.g., chickenprotein in a coating of abreaded chicken fritter)

    As a coating applied tothe product and/or asa portion of the batter.Not to exceed 0.8percent of productformulation whenapplied as a proteincoating only, 0.14percent of productformulation when usedin the batter only, and0.89 percent of

    product formulationwhen used as both acoating and in thebatter

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000168

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)


    Texturizing agent inmeat and poultry foodproducts wheretexturizing agents and

    Not to exceed 65 ppmof the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    binders are permitted


    Cross-linking agent inmodified meat andpoultry productsaddressed in PolicyMemos 121B and 123.

    Not to exceed 65 ppmof the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)


    Binding and cross-linking agent in

    uncooked restructuredchicken breasts

    Not to exceed 100ppm of the product



    Listed by commonusual name in th


    Trehalose Binding and purgecontrol agent in variousmeat and poultryproducts where bindersare permitted

    Not to exceed 2percent of the productformulation

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000045

    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Xanthan gum (purifiedby recovery with ethylalcohol)

    Various meat andpoultry products wherebinders are permitted

    Non-standardizedmeat and poultryproducts and productswith a standard of

    identity which currentlypermit the use ofxanthan gum listed in9 CFR 424.21(c)

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000121

    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (4)

    Coloring AgentsAnnatto powder(annatto extract, water,potassium carbonate,potassium hydroxide)

    To tint sodium nitritecontaining cure meat orpoultry blends forpurposes of visualconfirmation of additionin batching operations(in lieu of FD&C Red#3)

    At less than 1 ppm per1000 pounds of meator poultry blending


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Carmine (cochineal) To color isolated soyprotein for use in drycured acidifiedsausages

    0.2 to 0.4 percent ofthe hydrated proteingel. The protein gelmust not exceed 30percent of the meatfood productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (5);Product name

    requires qualifyinstatement such aArtificially Colore

    Carmine (cochineal) To color non-standardized fullycooked poultry productsand standardized fullycooked poultry products

    that permit the use ofcoloring agents

    Not to exceed 0.0075percent of totalfinished productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (5);Product name

    requires qualifyinstatement such aArtificially Colore

    Citric acid For use as colorstabilizer in eggproducts

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Monopotassiumphosphate or

    For use as colorpreservative in egg

    Not to exceed 0.5percent in liquid whole


    Listed by commonusual name in th

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives




    products egg. If water is usedas a carrier, not toexceed 50% of thesolution mixture byweight

    21 CFR160.110(a)

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Titanium dioxide To color non-standardized RTEpoultry products andstandardized RTEpoultry products thatpermit the use ofcoloring agents

    Not to exceed 0.25percent by weight ofthe food product

    Acceptabilitydetermination;21 CFR 73.575

    Listed by commonusual name in thingredients

    statement (5).Product name

    requires qualifyinstatement

    contiguous toproduct name su

    as ArtificiallyWhitened or


    Curing Accelerators (must be used only in combination with curing agents)Potassium erythorbate Cured pork and beefcuts; cured meat foodproducts; curedcomminuted poultry orpoultry products

    87.5 oz. to 100 gallonsof pickle at 10 percentpump; 7/8 oz. to 100lbs. Of meat, meatbyproduct or poultryproduct; 10 percent tosurfaces of curedmeat cuts or poultryproducts prior topackaging


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Denuding agents (may be used in combination. Must be removed from tripeby rinsing with potable water.)Calcium carbonate Denuding agent for

    washing tripeSufficient for purpose Acceptability

    determinationNone under the

    accepted conditioof use (1)

    Calcium citrate Denuding agent forwashing tripe

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Calcium hydroxide Denuding agent forwashing tripe

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Potassium carbonate Denuding agent forwashing tripe

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)Potassium citrate Denuding agent for

    washing tripeSufficient for purpose Acceptability

    determinationNone under the

    accepted conditioof use (1)

    Potassium hydroxide Denuding agent forwashing tripe

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    Tricalcium phosphate Denuding agent forwashing tripe

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)


    Denuding agent forwashing tripe

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Film Forming AgentsA mixture of water,

    glycerin, carrageenan,and cornstarch

    Used to aid in the

    release of elasticnetting on cooked meatproducts that arecooked in elasticnetting

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptability


    None under the

    accepted conditioof use (1)

    A mixture of water,glycerin, carageenan,cornstarch, andcaramel

    Used to aid in therelease of elasticnetting on cooked meatproducts that arecooked in elasticnetting

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    Caramel Colorlisted as an

    ingredient and asproduct namequalifier (2)

    A mixture of water,glycerin, carageenan,

    cornstarch, and smokeflavoring

    Used to aid in therelease of elastic

    netting on cooked meatproducts that arecooked in elasticnetting

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    Smoke Flavor lisas an ingredient a

    as a product namqualifier (2)

    A solution of sodiumalginate, dextrose,isolated pea protein,sugar, and maltodextrin(DE of 6) used with asolution of calciumchloride, powderedsugar, oleoresin blackpepper, and isolated

    pea protein.

    Used to form a calciumalginate-based casingon pork and poultrysausages.

    Quantity of the casingon the sausageranges from 8 to 15percent of totalproduct formulationand calcium alginatenot to exceed 0.219percent of the finishedproduct formulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (4)

    Gelatin spice sheets To ensure evendistribution ofseasonings on cookedpork products

    Sufficient for purpose Acceptabilitydetermination

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)


    Film-forming agent inglazes for meat andpoultry products

    Not to exceed 4percent of the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Methylcellulose Film-forming agent inglazes for meat andpoultry products

    Not to exceed 3percent of the productformulation for poultryproducts, 3.5 percent

    of the productformulation for meatproducts


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Flavoring AgentsAdenosine 5'-monophosphoric acid(AMP) and itsmonosodium and

    As a flavor enhancer formeat and poultry soupsand soup mixes

    Not to exceed 200ppm of the productformulation

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000144

    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    disodium salts

    Carboxypeptidaseenzyme preparation

    To accelerate thedevelopment of flavorduring the ripeningprocess of fermented


    At levels of 1.2-6.0milligrams TOS/kg offermented meat

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000345

    Listed asCarboxypeptidas(CPG) enzyme oenzyme in the

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Lactic acid As a flavor enhanceradded to pork fattytissue used in theproduction ofdehydrated pork fattytissue

    Not to exceed 0.367percent of the porkfatty tissue, prior todehydration


    Product must bedescriptively labe


    Laminaria japonica(brown algae)

    As a flavor enhancer orflavoring agent inmarinades for meat andpoultry, meat andpoultry soups, gravies,and seasonings

    Not to exceed 0.08percent of the productformulation

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000123

    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Mixture of citrus(orange) extract,oregano extract, androsemary extract

    As a natural flavoring inmeat and poultryproducts including RTE,fresh, cooked andfrozen beef, pork, andpoultry products wherecurrently permitted byFSIS regulations

    Up to 1000 ppm of thefinal productformulation


    Each ingedient lisby common or usname or collectiveas natural flavori


    Potassium acetate Various meat andpoultry products

    No to exceed 1.2percent of the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (4)

    Potassium citrate As a flavor or flavor

    enhancing agent inmeat and poultryproducts

    Not to exceed 2.25%

    of the productformulation



    Listed by common

    usual name in thingredients

    statement (4)

    Sucralose Non-nutritive sweetenerin various non-standardized meat andpoultry products

    Not to exceed 500ppm in the productformulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    Trehalose As a flavor enhancer innon-standardized RTEmeat and poultryproducts

    Not to exceed 2percent by weight ofproduct formulation


    Listed by commonusual name in th

    ingredientsstatement (2)

    MiscellaneousAlkyl polyglycosides Hog scalding Sufficient for purpose

    of increasing thewetting ability of thecaustic solution

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000237

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    Alkyl polyglycosides Wash meat (i.e., beefcarcasses after the hidehas been removed toremove any extraneous

    Used at 2% activesolution level followedby a potable waterrinse

    GRAS NoticeNo. 000237

    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

  • 7/30/2019 FDA approved meat additives



    hair, dirt, etc.) duringbutchering

    Ammonium hydroxide To adjust the pH ofbrine solutions prior toinjection into meat

    Sufficient for purposeto achieve a brinesolution with a pH ofup to 11.6


    None under theaccepted conditio

    of use (1)

    An aqueous solution ofarginine, potassium

    hydroxide, salt, andwater

    pH control agent inbrine solutions for beef

    subprimals or to makebeef patties

    Arginine is added tothe salt and water

    brine solution and thepH is adjusted. Thepotassium hydroxideis then added and thepH is adjusted.


    L-arginine:GRAS NoticeNo. 000290

    Salt and water mube listed by comm

    or usual name on ingredientsstatement

    A 60/40 blend ofsodium bicarbonateand citric acid

    To generate carbondioxide in packages ofraw whole muscle cutsof meat and poultry;raw meat and poultrytrimmings; raw groundmeat and poultry

    Incorporated intosoaker pads at a levelnot to exceed 0.5 to 2grams per pad
