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ttt'i H F: AT Til K S M K i t J t?T A ' t . - ' - t : v -- . n.o, wall Ac Ft FA YE U V II Ui K & ME S $ E Fs , 'Itoiest Destiuctiou, riho Lon.ldi 7' Mall Ca-Zft- te i in earner on a toiit thai concerns us all. t savs: There are very lew Mihjc-ct.- s r,n which jxoplc arc slower lo icarn . ,hy experience than in iliji jnatter vl the destruclica v of forests, . France, Spain and Italy have HiiftVrcd from this interference with the natural tf.zra.gc of rain- fall; whole' ikt pic-f- 'have heen rerulcretl ban-e- wlucli Vc ie for-.mcr- ly fertile, owing to the der suncuonoj ireeH:Jn Jjul.a, as we are finding to our cost, the wdsteAil cuttin- - Jui of tlmkr lias largely cwtAWpd-to those dangerous alterations of' flood' and 'drouth wJsieh 'have, so,' iiiueh to do w ith famines. In' some lo- calities the rain fall ha dee'reius-cdj!- 0 per cent, during the Irst 4 vn1yrVQ. years, 'owing this cau:e. In Australia th.e same are being observed, and . jlhfi.rrfiy of j tblejwido.ti:!) of the-hillsi- tle will be felt more and inoi-e- . In Caiifcrnia and Xeva-d- a J he :iniQ pft ces is . .bijuging altout similar climatic change.-'- . ,Th(r streams w Inch ly Mowed winter and 'summer, now li&YC ,ups; and -- dowTH ?.,vhich are most injurion., and droughts and Jloods have commeiiced in the plains. 1 lie snow, instead of inciting gradually, under , the trees, is exposed to the full heat Hf the sun, and rushes '.down in torrents. All-- over the world the necessity of tree protection has become a serious question, which can only be dealt v ith on a large scale. . ' .;; . ' " The Source of Disease. ' Tho it is done' is the title of an interesting little lxoh 'by Mrs. AVarren, the well known writer f sever il valuable bools on domestic economy. Here is , an extract a hi eh might bo read' with interest by', sufferers frun rheumalism ' I can't get up stairs. I sim S" crippled." MUst try it a stepjat a tunc antl rest. And .what, do you in, sheets or blankets?'., l Sheets, of course; what eise'r I have got blankets over me, and a good, thick eouit?rpane ovci : 1 ' ' that." . "I thought so; put away the sheets and the' counterpane, 'and Morn' in blankets,, under and jo-v- er, and no counterpane at all. The sheets and the 'counterpane do a- - givaf deal of ir.i-ehic- f." "Well, now how can that .le "The cotton 'keeps the sour heat . and "peri-piits- t ion !f i'ni th.e IkhIv v in - tlK- 'bcnl,' nm ' so you breathe t lie poisoned air all nigjit, summer'-'- and winter," ; arid tliat ptilsoned air makes your rheunia-tisn- V ten tinies worse. If you wi ivvin Idankcts thev would not absorb th.e perspiration; it 'Would jiuss tln-oug- h from one to the oth-er,.b- ul in cpttn, if it absorbs it I had heitcr say soaks into it there it remains cold or hot,,4" rhunmy. . ; .., .. . , j'That. 'may, hv. ; light,, .sure - for 1 do pc-fspii- ho' Vith pain, that one might wring the . sheets sometime!?.'' " : T )( mi a ci i n. A cure for n ev.-ralg- k- ttthache. A ( ' e r la a n fihysTcian lvcoinm'ehds powtlercd quinine for neuralgic toothache. The sufferer should 'dip a finger int):ftvsh .wafer and then into tlu quinine "powder, .and rub it tjiVu-oughl- i.n the gum" in the neighborhood of the-- ( p:iiifiil" Uoth. Tlie 'application should be. Vlcated t wo or three times hi r".urvs-iu- n. ;rTl!ebitfer taste cf i he anedicine should be be rive as lf)ng. as possible. Dr. Damans tried this remedy first on him self, and then on numerous other i ier-on- -: among the number were many who had tried other reme- dies invain. It inyansbly pro- duced a raj 'id alleviation of the pain. ' ' 1 ' Iird-ne- st pudding: Take eight or leu gKnl llavoixtl ajiples; pare jtnd-oiV- y leaving "them V.hole; place in a imdtling dish;' fill core witli sugar and a little." grated nutineg. make a custard, aTlowihg 'five-og- g a quart of :uiiV :,llti to taste. ' l)Ur thisovi.r the ajiplos, and pake ibviuMlf an hum-- . . - : r- - Wljat,;oi)Q Dono. $zra K?W ,;.I1UMKS8; CARDS, I JEWELRY. attack cf croup i't night m - W V. ;JW KB AA, 1 ... . I Ti t TSU I w-k- i .thn-- .1 ... r.t a (ii-t::- i!( e. hat is to re ilnne? rI uhl he iimnctliUe-l- y l'nxlres-e- d, and ut in a.XvaSm , 'llu n ivean eiuvlkvet i-j- iel f :',e part of ny wine to two cf ijieeae. . fihe tUVe is a teasptr,r.l til. ' 1 f the sm-tinio- ny is n t at haiuh give was in water, limMam niul w ater, or any v.lhw simple emetic; : dry ti e ehilil, and vryj) it inrciuliy in a warm blanket. . . 2. Hired girl sprains he r t an-k- Te violently. -- 7; ; ..y,, v t rj FhVl bathe iivcoM "water; tlcn p.ii t ; t lie , w 111 te of an . e i n a saucer, stir with n'picce of alnui, the size; of a walnut, until it Ua thick jelly; place a ortion of it QtJ a liicee i;f liiit or .Z'rhfgv cjigh-(- 6 'cover t ire Vprain, changing jt . as often oit feels warm or" dry; Jlc limb is to be w haizontaj portion :bx pkciilMit HP if' j foe'iwn&icllhv vlto: -- f hi vi.V 4 li n t-- t vS stung in the face. , The sting .of a be? is hollow and barbed, and r.sjt contains the poison-th- Mrst thing tobe done : ' IS 10 rCmOTe It... . lilCpait.S.'Stnng .. ; should then be bathed in warm water, " little ammonia Ribs- '' ' - ' ' - "t - bed on them. - - - 4. Some one's nose bleeds, and cannot bc'sibppedV: '".'i; Take a p.lug of lint,':moisicn, dipin equal parts, of .powdered alhni aiKt gum mtbrc,Ttinl 'insert in the nse, ...Bathe the foicher.d in cold water - t. , Child eats a piece of .bread on which arsenic has been placed for killing rat?.. . -' '. Give iilenty of 'vrann water, new ii)ilk----i!- i' lafgc Vpfafltflies, gruel, linseed tea; foment4 the bowels.- - Scrape '.iron ru.t olT anything, mix with warm water and give in.hlrge draughts fre- quent ly . Xeror g i v e large draughts of fiuid until those giv- en before" have been vomited, be- cause the '.st.'niach will- - not con- tract properly if tilled, and the object is to get rid of the poison as quickly as possible. T (5, Young huly sits- - in a draught, and come:-- ? home with a bad or sore throat. . AVrap' flannel aroijud the tin-cat- , keep out of draughts and sudden of atmoshere, and eve ry half hour take a pinch of. chloride 'of 'potash, place ' it on the tongue and ' aIk.V it to dis- solve in t!;c mouth. . 7. Xursq suiilrs from wliitlcw on her finger.. . - Place t,h- - whitlow-- , in yvater as hot" as'cah"ie l)cine, then ""pou- ltice with- linseed meal, taking care 'to mix ti little vith pcailtiee, to prevent it from'gnAV-in- g hard." Jhithe and poultice morning and evening. 8. Child Hills backward against a tidr ofbt-i!mg:, waterj-- ' sptt. If much scaldcch Carefully undress the child, lay it on a bed, on its breast, as the hack; is- - scalded, ibe sure alj draughts are excluded, then dust over the parts scalded bi-earb- on- ate of soda, lay muslin over it, then make a "tent, by placing two boxes with a board., over them in the bed, to prevent the covering from 'press mg" on the scald; cover up vraYmly. - Slower cuts driver's ler as he from seat.;. :, jnVnt a: tight-- ' ha iwliigu'Mna tlier limby above the cait-,Fli- a cork under it, in. the direction of a line drawn f-o- m the irjnifr anoi I'je Mice to a line oursiue of the groin.- - Draw the 'edges of the cut together with sticking plaster"." 10, Child has a bad earache. , I)ip . a plug jof.cpttQii wool -- in olive oil, ' wairn: it; Jiiid place, jn the .car.'..Wrap-iip.UijJicr.- and keep out of . 'dniu'ghis." - -- r - ' ' i T ' - r JT r .A farmer living near Boise City, Idaho, is doing a heavj' business' in;rabbi(sl lie takes aboqt' .400 jhck-rabbi- ts a' day. The rabbits leap; a brush fetKp antl light on-th- e board-coveri- ng of a hole, or hap, which board Htnus uii a irniu iue nap Kts itself, and very often catch ca a half dozen at a time.. , 1 he raootipj uic Ku iu uugn, . acen men are employed on the rab- bit farm'. The cars of the game arc saved as; there is a. bounty of two cents per pair, enough to pay all the expenses of netting the traps. , ,- , . C) ws phould . nut be kept oyer eight vears old, nor, ewes over five. "Xow i the time of. year to determine what disjxsition' is to be made of old tock, whether to.bc.jnvpared for the butcher or eonthmewasjtt present for anoth- er year. .... : . . "T jHfJi iywfcjimuBet Uiu. - -- - ' X Il i " J J pounOitan J i.U ti.e bit mi in a ; J :sm (about I i iatr.e : csulotn ) passes tl.rMVh St I t tmce eecry f hnr h.i.r, t. Cm ai.i-.!ic- i.m.urui-- ;r:mu-J- ft fikcrv.v.i'r'-- it. nalun.l tH wr :ii it ji iv t .j iriilti) frm.i i':io IIikkI lut .r-l ricil tiiroai dMVcinx to sli r .ri if'f.c iywin, H nd i.i to escape thrcuiliaHe f un f t6 'tki-.t- causes it to turn yrllow tr a 4:rty trwtt CoJ !itp-il- , ln.Ucv ioi.eiU'Sti.iatMnj Hvsilr.clff liiii-- ' , ,3 Mi.' mil $o:r St!r.u.U,ai4 jr:i.cnl !.L!.ity . fallow. Miu.i.'s lirrATiNn, irmil cs talj!e . ij;ovi tot tvi)ijny, eaaaut V1'. vr l? riirow io:T Troia 0.1s two tl tile c?.ch time the 4 litood t'uroiith it.M lom; 01 t!ere fa c ex- - li!o: nJ the tfiact of evrn a tew dnscn - upon jxlluwcotii.:;ion or a brown thrty looiung ,U:i,vrl ?.itoiis!i ll who try it they NHn? the liri! syinp'.uui 10 d'mppew. The ctir of all lilU ous and J.iyr coaifl u;.; U majju certain lytal.ins HErATiXitf raceordanceuitliuirrctions, UckUu. f.e i'y cured i i ttvonty mmulcs, .ml no drtfese thnt arises rmi the Urtr can cxUt if a f lir tiiai i r;i 1. SOU) AS X EUBSTITUTE FCR P1L-L- BY ALL URUGGlblb. rics 25 Cents and $1.00 The Citalily of Comimiption or Throat and H Lung Diseases, which saccp IoUjc grare at least tp d cf all dcatii's victtssi, arise front tha p Opium cr Jlui phiue treauatut, which simply ru-- tf pcfics a the work of 0uh goes on. $10,000 will "!bel m cured people who are living to-d-ay with bnt one J tjiranaiuinglun No great wraig ca be done I t? ' tnaa to say tnat CMtsnaipiion is r Cuor.a FtowKK Oot.u S;vr will enrertwhrrt d ail other means have tilled. Also, Colds, Cough, 75 Asthma, bronchitis, and all diseases ol the throat M and lungs. Read the tc?tiaioni;ils of the Hon. CutAlexandc-r- , Cw. Smith ad JutAior. tilrowo ol Ga., lion. Geo. Peabody, wtllM, H 'ihose ef ot ler remarkable cures in our book free f2 to all at the drug stores and be convinced that if H4 you wUh to be cured you caa be by taiins the O Globs Flowi Covcsr Svnrr. , Take no U'roches of LoMaxcs for Sore Throat. M when yon can E'jt Cii-o- e Flower bviUi at amo Q prioe. For sJc ky all Drucgist - ; , jPric3 25 Cent? and $1.00 irv' a t J5 mm Crave misrakes are made Irtthe'freatirien'tTof alt diseases that arise from poisCn in the blood. Not M one case of Scrofula, Syphilis, Mhite Swellin?, 2,1 and Skin Disease.ta a thousand, ttk J is treated without the use of Mercury in some form. " .j Mercury rots the bones, and the diseases it pro- - ' S'duccs pre wyrse than any other kind bf blojdor . rj'skiiiiscase 'canbe. Pm. PeBmTO'STtJ.Ml' ; !cia or DitudHT is the only meoicine ; tS'upcn whv-- i a.hope of recovery from Scrofi:!a, Sy- - . ,!phiiis and Merciirial diseases m ail uges. can be. M reasonably founded, and tliai will cure Cancer, i M eio.o--- o will be paid hy .t proprietors ifIcrcuiy, or any iircurcnt rot purely vegetable and harm H less caivhc fwnnd in it. - m .t'-- t Gloeb Flowek Cough Syrup and Iiloutr'i.i.'rf' HKrATiM k the Liver for sale by all L're- g- . gisa 125 cent and t.eo bottles. !'. . i'v " : 1 A. P. 12EEELL &' CO.rrsprietm,' : ' PHILADELPHIA, PA', dec. 12 ly """"",;.,:, i . GJVENAWAY! A Book to Every Subscriber! Th c Home. Gn i tfe, A Kook by 500 tadics ! ; Is the title . of a volume of 1G0 pages, bound in cloth; contain-ln- gj about'.T,()00 practical re- ceipts a.vl hints, on Cookery, Household, Toilet?" Sick ' Room, etc. It contains more informa- tion than the 1.50 and $2 cook- books, besides- - possessing the important " advantage of being Practical Experiences of Prac- tical i9Jloine' Keepers. These., select,- - .original and practical contributions from' so tnanv ladies have never ' before appeared in book foim. Good judges have predicted its sale to be ' litiudjeds or thousands. Tcii triorisiind copies weic order- ed before one copy came from the bindery. We have exclusive control of iliCb(ib.k in this local-il- y, and if can' be detained only through this ufiice. ' - A 0PV Or TlllS liOOiv J IUilf.N3 Kl r !, If VtliYj ADVA5CE JJATJNrif M'ii-niit'.ir- tut: FAYJ'TTK ViLLK OKSEII VKJt TOKfKK TKAIK' ". ? ' 'This is tlui .'choicest; .pi e.iniuui ever given 4o.; newspaper sub- scribers something of real and practical Viilue;: Theladies wi 1 i. :.r..i;,,i,i,..r ',w ir ;'.,.,,,. t't. lauiiti ii ii mi it. ji j nn neighbor don't lake the Ouseii- - VKit tell him f tliis olfer. f lu'v air Vvaiit the paiier and - book. You rct the old OnsKiiVEH and a capital, practical, useful bool of XjQ 'pages.'! for thtpricct of t he Xow is your opportunity Tii i s ! U n precerleu t ed oiler w'i 1 expire in a feu" Wteks. A Good Fa-ca- r for Nothine ! fcZS 27e Southern Industries bi-wee- third volume, 5 large quarto pages, 4: columns;: to the page, is an excct.eni. paper, uiteu with "truthful descriptions of the Southern country, iis resources, capabilities .society,, etc. It mirrors Ure'truc' sentiments of both th.e .Xorth aiitt 'South. It occupies a field distinct from any other, pnpeiv, ' Wre.hav5 made such arrangements as enable us to offer the OnsEiiVEi: and South frnl Jndu'sMes brJthT one year' for tod dollars',' ciihh Sh ad- vance. Subscriptions 'may be-- gi n nnyw:cidr."tw",ri' t f ANOTHER PAPER GIVDL. AWAYJ TIIK I:VipiliE7EW: The latest 'addition' lb5 tmr ex- change list is jhe Farmers1 Jic-viti- c, Chicago. III., and a most welcome addition it proves. It is as fulfof departments as the government at Washington, and they all bear evidence ot skill and industry in their, man- age me: n f." Il . i5 cm pit at icalJy a model farm and family monthly. It is, withal, tiielnIvAtest and BEST MONTXlLY-b- F T If E KIND THAT WE KNpW. Wc Will fll I'- ll ish the Jllevkv and -- our "own paper, each one year, for, two dollars - in advance. ' GA11DIKG MAC1IIM fob, ssvt-i--:: O A'. SECOND Jiand Cardins; Machine, with t XX. "packer" and "burrer''. aud about 30 feet 6l iron shafting and four juUeys at- tached, which we will sell ; ' '- - or - CIIEAP.rOll CASH, " or on time with nota and good security. at Apply to M. D. HAMPTON or J. W. NEW- MAN. Fayetteville, Tenn. - aug-JS-- tf siciari v arid . Surgeon, ILfj jiractit'e me!i ine ami surgcrj in Ka'ie .inn vie n K5('l!ie at diug storu tf Vininsj & jan, 24 51 gko.;b: vkoyles. ATTORNEY AT LAW, tFxnjcltevVtUi Tennessee. jn:.. : - J. n: ijurxam, -- ATTORN KY AT LAAV: , Fayetteville, TeJinessee.: . J:m. 2Kb, 18.18 - . .Medicine and Dentistry Ir. Joo'Diuwiddic, PracficinrPlij sieiao c Tosr-rtc- proniptlj on reasonable terms. Officii, two doors north of the carriage sbcp tug 20 I A it prepared to do all work in my lice in tlx? laten t stjle. ', Sai!.f:;elia i . ' GUAUAXTEEJP., 1 apnl 1 i " A'.' K1XOSLKT . ' " 11 K.fsr rr x t., . -- ; 7 " KoOTi Cl erry Street, r - tnaich 1, iW. ' ' : ; ' C. A. BIEM13I5',. ' '. .Tennessee. Office Fayettevillei - at Iii$X?sideacc. mailG : :' -- 1 il: 1 ' ,. J- - jug giks;t SMGEOjV- - KEHTIST, Fayettexille, 1 Tennessee.'; TIjh practice jn Lincoln and adjoining coHniie3. Saiisractiongnaranteei both in prices and operations of all kinds.' lffice, opposit8 ' the Oesekvks office. r . . -- ' an'. 12, 1875. W.v C; BltlGHT, M; .!)., .STILIj pt'aetice iledieino and "Surgery ' in Fayettevilla . and yicinity-- ' Officv opposite jOBfiERVEit office, , ,' ' '. 'julj22 E: L. DKAKK, if. 1), (Office over Price'3 Drug Store, West side '.'.."'. : : Squfcre,.) - " OFFERS his professional services to the of F'ayetteTille tnd vicinity.' july 22,1875. J. ; . W. Xcviuan , : . Altornej at Law, : FayettcviUe, Temi. lj7"ILL practice in the various Conrts 'of Lincoln and adjoining counties, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts at Nashville. . OfEco near north-ea- st cornet of the Fublic Square. - - sept7-- tt Allorncj at Law, - ; . Fayetteville, Tennessee. . - JU Collections a specialty. . febl GEO. W. HIGGINS, . " ' Office at his residence near Caraargo, y ILL practice in the various Courts of .Lincoln and adjoining counties. o9 C. C. M'KINNKT. F. P. FCLTON. McKinnc &f , Fullon ATTOKNEYS AT LAW, vrv e ' rrOmpt attention given to buslnoss. Of-:ic- e tn'ar the south-wes- t comer of Square sopt2- IIOOM&IIOLM'A.C Attorneys at Lawi FAY ETTKVILLE, TENN. UACT t Cf2 in: the Conrts" ' of ' Lincoln , coanty. Cases in Eankruptey fompt- - tv attended to. ' . tf 'First Kalionali Bank. S' FayettevilliTenn ' - DIRECTORS. C. T.. McCfUrilE, VJt. r,OXNF.n. .Tr rAS. O. WOODS. W. N. WHIGHT-JN- O. a GOODRICH, GKO. W.MOr:GAX. JAS. 1). TILLMAN.. .. i, J. R.,FECNEV Cashier., J.s G. Wnons,' li4sulcnti i , ') ) Uonser, J n.,i Vice-Preside- ' . aug7-l- y MA ..,, 1' -.- ::';!- r f ! ; j f AV EXTE V IL L E TEN Nr j f.lPIT.lL MK,: 'SliiO;fiOO! Doasfi General Jlttukittg LusiiuSs. "DIRECTORS. ; II. C. WtrVrAKEv '' J. Vv'. Hot'oAr AlF8KliBliAKnKX,-i- D. XV i &ARK,: . .. . . D. 'Wi HOMIAK.'- - ' M. D. HAMPTON, Cashier. - jlyl7 ' D. W. HOLM AN, Pres'f. j R. P. Feeney &v Sons, 'PLASTERERS, RE prepared to fill bivlers any where in "Lincoln county, promptly, in tho be3t style, and at reasonable price, -- tor t Lathing, Piastenng in lime or cement, etc., i in houses or cisterns. Repairing of all kinds done whenever needed, wiliiout delay. l Orders respectfully solicited, and satis- faction guaranteed. march 15- -f n SEAK TOWN SPRING. t D. MEDEARIS announces :to the II. peaplc of Lincoln and adjoining coun ties that ha intends to sell Leather of all kiudsat the lowest cash price?, and .will 1 buy KiJes and pay the highest price in cash for tha me. - nov. 30-- 1 y A Xju.fmj b- - not easily earned ia these times, bnt it I' can mae 10 three months !v any ono I I I of eithttrsex. in any pan of tlie country, w 1k is willinjf- w work- - stewlily at (he cmplovlncut that we fui uish. per week in your onvn toven. Ton ueed notle away from lionie over nijfht. Voo cn give onr vvliwle time to the work only your spare moment. Wo have agents who are rnakinover per day. All who en pae at once ran make money task. At the present June money ennnot be oiwte so easily and rapidly any ether bwiie.. Iccnt onthiajt to tr the bukiness. Terms and 5 Outllt free. Addns at one. II MlALLkTTJt CO., Portlaad, Wajoe. an.e at , . . . . t f JULIUS EfiOR' iKTlCH SFZ IT Vk m mm m m if tl mm mmim m 11 cU73, FaycCex.ille, Tenn., A. D. HUTU. i Late with Jvhii IK Hulk, Shelbyville, WATCR-MAKERjjIN- D JEWELER, I OFFER for sale nothing bat .. ; - .:- , ".-'-- ; First-Clas- s j Jewelry; ; :i;Watches and Clocks; Plain Gold Fdngs a Specialty! ilJ ' '' ., 7.1!.,: i - Also, agcl lor . , . JULIUS KING'S C031B1IVAT10X SPECTACLES! I .V ttrSRop at II. II. ( gilvie & Co'a hardware store.. . . j t nov8 ' . HEYMANN S, HILL WATCHMAKERS ASD DEAI.EKS IS .'- - 'P ' . . .- ; i ". Watches,' il. 1 Jewelry,; , ' -- 1 li ' : Spectacles, &c. Soulh-Ea- sl Corner of the Square, Faj-ettcvill- e, Tenn. All work done promptly and ' '"' 'MWAKRANTED. CASH PAIDFOK OLD GOLD&SILYEI1 : nov. 2- 2- LAM) SALES. CIIAXCEKY SALE i. . ,:'. , , OF VALUABLE HOUSE ASD.LQTI In the town 'of Fayettcville. T the court-hou- se (Lor In Fayctleville,. On Thursday, February Gth,T870, In ohe.'ience to a decree of the Chancery Court at Fayetfovilie, Tennessee, at the Octubcr term, 1878, in the cause of ' Ilunnali 13. Wrilson ts O. P.: - , Ilruce and T. J. Bruce, ' I will nttend at the coju door in F'ayetteville, Tennessee, on Thursday, the Glh day of Feb- - ruaiy, 1870, ,v; y and offer for sale to '.ho hi-he- st bidder, the following described house and lot. Said house and lot, known as lot 8-- in the oii-in- al p'an of tha town of Fayetleville and hounded as follows, to-w- it: On the north by' Washington street, on the east by Hiyh street, on the south by Agnes Kennedy, on the west by lot No. 0 in original plan, and ow'nod by" the hi'irs of Franklin Smith. Terms Ca1-it- . ; ALF. 8. FULTON, Ch-r- and Master and Spe. Comr. jan. 10, 1&79. " .C1IANCEUY.SALE -ii . ..,-- ' . ; of :' "' J VALUABLE LAND ! ' Oh West Mulberry Creek. 'J T 'the court-hous- e door in Fayetteville, On Tliursday, February Gth,1879. In obedience to a decree of the Chancery Ccurt, at FayeVtei!le, Tennessee, at the October term, 1878, in the cause of B J. Tiller and wife, Sarah Tiller, vs. Thomas Grocc. - I will attend at the court-hous- e door in the town of Fayctleville,' Tennessee, on ' ' " Thursday, the Cth day of Feb-- ut :v .riiary, 1879, ' .' . r.;H and olrr ,foy sale to the highest bidder the follow in? described, tract of land, Situated in' civil district (now) No- - 5, Lincoln county, Tennessee, on the waters of West Mulberry Cieok and hounded on the north by Christo- pher C?trrigen, oh the east by John Wag-eon- er an t Ron "Martin, on the south by Po i,l - nA lrn tl l.T T?,l.f F'aulkner and G. M. D. Creason, j ' 1 i 1 a.! 1' ' I'll;' ionraimng uy estimation, .x-- l) , . , , A cres and 110 Foles I : :. be the same more or less. Terms Cash. ' ALF. S. FULTON, Clerk and Master and Special Comm'r, jan. 30, 1879. r? Wtf hm Wtn?7. Itfrnlvm, Vi-- t2.nO. Over tiHi latest Niivritlt-s.- " 'ST.ih OSVa dollar A YEA It. Th;? circulation of thii popular newspaper, has 'lurnifr the past year. Jt ron. coiitinHl in tn OAli.r .1 i I,. .in.-t......- ( 111 UIIIUIIUIVIIK. the- runtiu.N wbws' eiiiblMce s;ic ial dispute-lies I'mui all quaiters of tlicslubo. I Lli-- r ti:e hU'l of - ' AMEftiCAN KEWS :! ' are the Tele,: rapine tha week Iidul all partNUf ilie L'ni m. 1'his toature aluu makei THE WtEKLY HERALD tu must va!;e dironii U in the world, as it is ti3 clieaiieat. Every week is ;riven a faithful 1'OLlTiCAL NtWS eniiirneinff complete and comprehensive despatches from V a.oiintos, iiirluilmir frill reiKirW ot the oi citiiurii. poniH-iaii- s on nie 14 tte&tijnsQi tite bnr IHEFAtiM DEPAhTMfCN T . of tho tt-KL- T lilKALD (rives the latest as well as the most practical suggestions and discoveries to theduties of the lanner.iiiiits for raising ATI LK, l ui uil.tinuu, EOKTABLES, f;e., A.C.. with suggestion for keeping- building aud farming implements In repair. This js sup- plemented by a well-edite- d department, widely THE HOME giving receipts for practical dishes, hints for m k lug eiotbing and for keeping- up with the latest fashions at the lowest price-- , livery itm of cook- ing or eoojiomy sugircsted in this department is practically testod by experts before publication, letter tmmeur J'aris and London correspondents ou the very latest '1 be Home Ucpart. men t of the WtEKLY Herald will save the house- wife A more than one hundred times the pi ice of the Hsucr. The interests of , . SKILLED LABOR ; are looked after, and everytiiinir relatins 10 me chanics ami labor saving is carefully recorded. nei-- is a page uevotei to nil tue latest phases or Six the business markets. Crops, Merchandise, Jtc..c.t vaiuaore tcature is iouu i in tho specially repor- ted, I prices and cond itions of THE PRODUCE MARKET ) SrORTlso News at l.ouie and abroad, together ay Willi a &T0RY every week, a sbiuio bv some emi- nent divine. LlTEKARY. MUSICAL. DUSMATIC.i'KK- - sokil and SEA Sotks. There is no papr in the .vim viiK,n niuisiDi bo muni news mailer every week astlie Weekly iitKitu, which is sent, pos- tage free, Xas OuO liullar. Ion can subscribe at any time. Ti's l?c7?crkI:riH.vec1LVform,C:! 2:11a a Vel. AUaress, '.' - - ; , - NEW YORK HERALD, Uroadnay and Ann Street, ,ew York. Furniture Coffins, i jr. J5 . wils piv, Fayct tcTillc, , -- . ; ' Tcnn. JAS jnst receiei a large stofcls Vf LconsUjinjof ..- , , t r . " : . 1 ! Safes, Wash Stauyl-s,- . Chairs, land ether articles jn that lit which he -- '11 t .t 1 .1 1.. w 111 sen 13 tow as sucatKai tan uu uyiu in this market. Also, always on hand ' y Cases, Caskets, ant Ifonie-niat- le Coffins,' as cheap as can be had in the place. And a good heal so, gentle hemes and careful driver. 7 ... ... , J.B.WILSON. dec. 27 o ' ..;-.- . SlovesandTin-War- c DAI ,i' ro SALE AT '. TIIO jfIcb ARVEY'S, j,jrA.rt.:i:;. v. 2 : HERE you wi l 1mo find a penera! V(V assortmenl 'f ail,Store?i in ; the mailvei,' Wliolcsalc'1 and Jobbing dohe 'satisfactdriTy 6r ' ' ' IVO, 'CHA:ItCiK ELAINE ;;and COAL OIL, also an assortment of family Lamps and KITC1I EN FUKX ITUK E. , Call and examine, next door to Wrij;lit Si Wilson's. ' jan. 3t . Shaving, Ilair-CuKih- s: 3NTotice2 ; Mat,:'HofciiiHOB South side of the Pullia Square, , Fayctteyille,; ., , Tennessee; 1S?nnw nrenared with keen Ba-- - " L zor.", sharp Scissors, . cleanJVpjX uombsana i;rusnes,ani nico low- - - "; els, To shave, cut hair or shampoo ' F1 in the late-r- f stylej and as cheap as any one. Respectful and prompt attention always given to all customers. ' j:sn.7-- t, Como tiuil See, ainii", ;AlIf3;-S MeBssald, HAVE opened a shop on the souih ski Square,! wo doors treat f Dright Halt, and are prepaied with" Clean ' Towels, ' Ivcen' Itazors, Sharp Shears, ; and prompt attention to wait upon cusfom- - i era needing shaving, hair cut ir.g, sham- - prauing, etc. uShep oj e fron C o'clock in the morning until tf at night . - r . juao.29. o LlmtiTiJtJ A- 4C a-- v . Y& ?m ft. AMERICAN and FOREIGN PATENTS. t.,Sncrftor-- ! toC Itapiuan. Itoviurr Ac Co.. Snjii-ito- Prrti-nL- fniinrtii in all io fi:t:s iv tiivitt:. No rharre nnless the pnicut is (tmntoU fw I'ormukiiijr preliaunarv xamiithiM.' No lli-tion- al fees for ohutfnin; and a rehear- ing l!y a r?cen rlccis-io- of tho CoMiinissMiiior A LI. rpjpctol npplicittiuns may be reviveif.-- Spe-riu- l ntleution isivra to Interference tiis-- . hei'ure the l'ttteiit tlii-e- , Kxteimonn before eimgress, fturts in liflVrent State. Hnl all )iti?a-tiot- i ai)crlainin(c to Invrnlions or I'aienU. tfml lHm; tuOlt.ilUiifc A CO., lor pampiilt-- t of sixty page. , . , LANR; CASES, LAKD-WAREAHT- and . .. , -- ' ' CljH Contnpteil rand Case prosccnleil before the VA. Gerrerjil Lacul Office and Depnitnenf. of the Into--rio- 1'rivHtts I.nnU (liiims. ,T1 i u i n g- - anl l"ro-Kmrtl- on Claims, and Ilomeateud Cases nt- - toiiiluil to. I.anii Serin in 10. HO. anil 1HJ acre nie ces forsale. This Scrip is n.ssi;n:tlle, and caa be loiaterl in. tha- - mine of the unrchaker anon, any Government land subject to private entry, at 11.25 per acre, ii is ot eijmii value witn isouniy iann Warrant, fiend stamp tu (iiLMORK Jt CO. for rjuninuict ox iiitructiou ARREARS' OF PAY aM BOUNTY. Officers, Soldier and Sailor of the late var, or their heirs, are in tuanv cases entitled to money irom tne l.orernment or winch tbey. hare no t uowli-dife- . Write full history of service, and state amount of nav end lionntv received., Kn. cw nanip to iii i. juiK ft t,u., ami a mil reply aikvr VAuiumauvii, nut uv yiea juairee u ; PENSIONS. All OfficeT,Soldier. and Sailors weanrle 1 ruptured, or injured in the Into war, however slightly, can ubtuiu a pension by addressing U1L- - U, ,11 L-- IL il . ITI ' 'it IJ L(, T I ' ... ' Cases prosccntcil by niLnoRC Ac CO be- fore the Supreme Court ot the I nked States, tlie com or Claim,- - and the froutbera Claims Cons- ul -s 10 11. Kach department of onr fs condncted in a separata burewi,' undei cfa&rire f tho same ex- - pcrientel-partje- s emplovel by tho old rtrnt.- r rompt sttcnfio,! to alt ImMnesit entmstew to Ol IjItIORK Sc. t'O, is thus see 11 roil. We.lp.jre to wta success ey deserving it. UlLMOttE . 'i, vn r. ."street .washmgton, u. c. teb. 10 A SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANGE. " ' Tha Subscription Book Department of ,Tho;Amricaa Newa Company wish to j "engage the aenrices of active and ener- - getlc business men who can de-rot- a ' ; portion cf their time to Introducing and delivering now and popular Subscrip-- , tlon Books' soon to be issued and which ( promise large and ready sales. Aper-- . aon of responsibility who Is well the in this coanty, can add mate- rially to his Income by securing the po- sition w offered. Address giving age,. . business experience, and references, . an the SUBSCRIPTION BOOS DEPART- MENT, THE AMERICAN - NETWS COI3PAN7, NEW YORK CITY. sept2G-eo6- m , l alter Tick's Floral Guide. beantifal work eflM Tagas, no Colored Flower Plate, and 0 fllastrations, with PemvrintioBS of the best; lowers and Vetretahles. and bow to crow them. Alitor a live CssTSTAXr. Ia tngHsli or German Th r'lowor and Vegetable Clardea, 1T5 Pages, ( oloreil Plates. and many hundred tugravin-s- . A For SO cents in paper covers ; Jl. 00 io clegaut clolU. German or F.nirlishi Virk's Iliuntraled 7Tnthly .lag-a- in Pages, A( oloreil Plate in every number and ma. flue engrav ings. Price $1 .25 a year; Five Copies forsneti: fcpeeinien Numbers sent for 10 cents. neat Tick's Seeds are the be--t hi tha world. Semt Five cnT'ST-AM- r for . Gum, containing List and Prices, and plenty of informAtion.- - Ad- dress, set. ' JAM K3 V lC'K.,ltochestur, S. T at Cards, etc. each. will liRINTED ' WITH NEATNESS and dispatch, at the CBCEEYER OF I- - 1 . FICB, Fajeluvlna, . MM mi 0 WW V( l WV ' . Yt i ' TiftlTfTv? Ttl'PV flft liJ VVXl AiiiJ X VtUi - . ,i - Come ,Tight; loptnd see fr youmUe what do. i ft. joaaa ' i "P11". waiiow-for- k in Mch earr WILSON istu- - LARGE STOCK . :. ' , , -- f Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, j and Notions have been carried oer to this buHdin to lie closed out ai'grt-atl- reduced prices. A larg quantity of onr goods are damaged by fire and we most close sell. them. Oar goods are t ( the best qtxality and style, a U know n to a'.l. We have enough to di- vide with you all, be sure td come to ace 03. Our house- - will be one grand slaughter pen: wbere.Pry God3,.Coot-;- , Shoes, Hals, Clothing will bo dealt out &t a saciiSce. ! WE MEA BUSINESS . from now until January, 1S79. This is no flaming bi'Dibag advertisi mint goltea kj to deceive- - the unsophisticated.- - We ask your DoneBt aWensiorr to these farts, and you wi.l 4 be ed.byi callb g and seeing for your- - ielvei. j SVe. will Clltlio' bjil to th le.lter of tha advertisement. .,Tl e goodi are. hero for you and if you don't get thim don't blame U3. rcv u the.uuio. . - r. , $ tOT Rcmcmbpr our location. I . BRIQIlf 'SiHALLi decTJ rScIiboIs. FEMALE "ACADEMY! -- 55- TTTTi ANNOUNCE to mar former friends i .1 f, I and ps irons .1 h it- the next sesiun of this Institution wiU open the , Firstonday in SEPT. next, and continue forty-o- ne weeks, (including the week" of hotidayjS' from Lhnstinas to New YearJ closing J line, 1878. Terms: 2.C0, 3.C0, 4C0, and 5. CO pe,r month, according to advancpment' '.""ineitlcuttil'fco'l.OO lor : term, of five, months. . I'jab!e in all vuK3 inauvaiicu. Accounts due at the end of every foul weeks. For farther particulars, address, aug. 8 ' ' R. S. BRADSUAWy : - l'rincipal. Bearden ' &' Thomas, ; ; FROPRIETORS CF '.' ;' Fir Llfi. I n HAVING iccet fly purchased th'fo II (long known its' the. Mar-ku- Mill-i- ) we ate noiv ptttting them in first class oilier, and with stiper or luachinety, which is e.ii:tl to any the S. ate, we can . ' . protirso FLOUR, ICEAL, BEAN or olherJlilliiigFroducis, equaljo any Jn quality an-- quantily. Solici.iii? a liberal patronage, wo promise an " V- - untiring etfmt to give .atlfc,.ion. Ta farmers pnd all otherp; we-- olfcr : ' ; ' ' , Every Day ! and ask them to give us'a trial, asarcdj as vj are, that 1 hey will be pleased with our way .of doing business. 13EAI1DEA & THOMAS. P. S 3Iot. Ilcardcn miy always be found at the Mills, and will give orders his personal attention. aug. Ioc-- tf W ' N' ' V' rf.11 'SU . - "3: . '61 M "S--l '63 0 - s 'I w 'ft' S 4 '4 sS M O Of' , o S 0' o )n i iOfi i '1 Vi f- -i i I , ' 5 y V r, Harper's liazar. - ;, ; ' 1879.- '' 1 J LLUSTK ATED. ' . w y3n:s3 cTreit nrsa, - ; Thw dre.s ar.ra-nlin- Ut ll.srper's will fee aim aud ambition of the Wj-ue- u of Auiorica. lUtfton Transcript. Asa faithiul chronicle of fa.blnn, and a news-psji- of domestic and s m i il character, it ranks ilhiMit a rivil. Krool-17- Lii-i- a, This paper has acquired a wide popularity for flreside enjoyment ic affords, and has Ikiiic ercaoiiMieu aumoruy wiln 11MJ ladles. N ' V ' Lvcning Post. - The rolamesof the liuur begin with the rt 5umberof .Jauuary or each tear. When no tiiua is mentioned, it will l nnler-tri- ai that the snbrcri-be- r w i)iej to commence 'with the Number iieit the receipt of his order.- - . . . : HARPER'S ""PERIODICALS. HATtPFR'S MAOAZfXE, ti Year 4 00 JI AKPfcK J W KKKL1, . - ; 4 00 HAKI'Kft'S B.Z Vlt. " 4 on Tne iH.'ritii.iu.rM.. TII UKK publications, one year ' 10 (HI 1M1' Hl subscriptions, one vear 90 i.i . . .. 1- - I .1 V. V.J - - cnu, mf imipv vi u m. inifii.ii.n ml Ppri! teat Ion ' Postage rcc to all subscriber in tju L'aitcd OU.C9WI V .l(,' HA. . Tha Annual Voiume of HarrB' BaA, In cloth binding, will bo sent by exprca. expense (provldeil tho freight does nut tzceed dollar per volnme) lor 7 00 each. A ComTdeie comptisinsr Volumes, sent ori re eeiptof cash at He raw of per volume, freight cxiiense of purchaser. e Cloth camisftMreacb Volume, ml 4 We rbrblndinr be scot by Buiil, post paid, tin receipt of lA - Ksinittanee sbon'd lie wade by Post-Oftc- e, Hone Orduror Draft, to avoid chances of loss. ' r are no to copy tai. advsrtfcni-o- -. b UA, , I h. A . r. 'Am . .nla. nl' if 1 H.v. - I. Address H AltrfcB HROTIXEi;, Xw oil, VA LITAC Ltrx ABJ.ES t2rrvya TTjo, lit Kindof AnimalisgxveTt2nd. C-S- Zd. Description ith. Age- - ith. Poster1 amdth.. T ime and I'lac of irrttt 1th. Valuation, ... . tlJfCO K CoCvtr Heifer, pale- - red, two w Lite gro'a on t?i latt' ltl Jnd ,a!l e, crumplj Lorn, ' I'oot on left hind foot. n,ooih etop oir left, ear and wndtr half rrop fn tin? Igbt, 4 i yem ing m hUe 0Bj;aj ujmit f 1 J 11 SI ofoer. 5ih dis, Sot Z Mtare. oj, in lontiea.1, kfl hind Lot wLitc, right eje on!; II J WtlU, Dec i. BK.uroau votsirr. Jfor$ Unit, dark bj, no irtillcisl marks, 12i band- high, atiout 2 jers4 l; John 11 AJdcrma n.Srd cw.Oct 1 not valued oiles cocsxr. Horse, light colored baj, UJl hind foot t and rijrlt Iront foot while t the awklt, st ir 11 'ortnea.i. oiacK nunanl tail, a little in- - cfined tote backed, about 14 away rears old- - 1 ; . r - 1 . . . . r iiujuuou, rikiun. Aug Zi -- f IJj MACT COOSrT. Two Jfitles one a black hore, letter ' W' on left shoolder, 13 hanU h'gh, 4 yrs. the other a black mare, mealy nossv, K tUt-- r ?V" on left shoulder,' about lljj, hands, high." 4 years old; J W U Thomas, SU dis. De 14. ... , . i KiliWOS COt.'XTr. ; Horse, bar. risht hind foot w hitr. 0 years old; also, a Mare Mule, sorrel, a- - ; bout 13 years old? and one Jforne 3h bay, scar on riht shoulder Apiii 1U. Secrot Orders, " ' - MASONIC. . Jackson Lod;e No. 6S, F.. and A. M Fayelteville, Thos. J. Gray, W. M.; B. M. Hatcher, Sec.iueets 1st Monday night L each montti. ; , Petersharr Na. 123. W. R. Ilanawa XT. M; Wr. E. Smith, Secmeets . 1st Mondar ...T. -- ri r iw . . uio"i vu ur ancr tun inoon vx cacn montli. Boons Hill Na 161, T W Clark, VV il; YV W Wilson, Sec. meet SatunLaj before tha full moon, at 10 a. h. Pleasant Tlains- - No. 50.", J. A. UoIIanJ, W.M.; Jamea P. Byers, Secv meets Fri- day night before eacli full moon. Mt. Hebron 311. Norris Creek, S. C McCoUmn, W. M.; T. L. Williamson, Sec meels Friday night on or before fiill mooa each month. Sulphur Spring No. 400, Oregon, J. J. Cot- ton, W. M.; W. L- -. Parker, Sec ineet Saturday at 2 o'clock ou or before the full ni(Mn in each mouth. Mulberry 4J4, E. T. Tirks, W. M.; W. W. James, Sec meets 1st Tuesday night on or before full moon. Macedonia 43.), near Goshen, TO GilT, W. M.; Wm. A. Gill, jun., Sec meets Fri- day night on or before full moon. - Kelso No. 4yOk J J Coston, W M; Juo T Gordon, Sec raetts Thursday night before each full moon.' . a S. Calliouu Lodg Na 2(5, Jas S Tarthn. N. G.; G. B. Bojles, Bee Sec. meets every Fri- day night. Lincoln No. f, Lynchburg, .1. L. Ash by, N. G.; W Holt, Ree. Secretary meets 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdiy nights. ' Unity No. 84, Pitersburg,, F. B. Terry, N. G; II. II. Toliey, Rec. Secretary met9 every other Thursday night. ' Oak Hill No. 13 J, Norris Creek. W. II. Wright, N. G.; Sam. Uaiuey, Rec. Sec-me- ets every other Saturday night. Mulberry 143, J. A. I). Middleton, N. G.; f. C. Sebastian, Sec meets every other Thursday night. Surprise lo. lo", Flyctville, CC fieree. N. G.; Geo W Counts, Secretary meeU every Thursday night. Chestnut Kuige 157, . I u Foster. NO: V B FVftman, Sec; met ts every Satunlay night. Evening Slar No. 161, Pleasant riains.J Fraukliu Smith, N. ii.;. II. M. I'ealr, Sec. meets 1st and 3rd Saturday nights. KcIjo 172,' . 51. Jenkfits, N. ti : J (3 George, Sccr--Luee- every other Saturday niiit. , Ltvtiiia Lodge No. ,' Daughters of fle- - beccn, Flvnlville, J It C Dull; Jh' G; Mrs Carrio Bet keif, V-- (i U V Counts, Sec'y meets 1st Saturday each niouth at 'Jt o'clock. Sercno, 'o. l'.ii, O'eorge's Store, JJ Gd-de- n, N. G; M A Keeling, Sec. meets every Saturday uiht. HUSRANDUY. C.A.Mtl)ASlKL Fayettevillc, Mitster County Orange II. T. Child,", Fayetteville, See-rtta- ry Ccrrespoiniidg cJuitnitlee: II..T. Child., Fayettcville; W. W. Jauie., Mul- berry; J. C. Hague, Ke!. ' Iuckeye,173 CAMcDa.nieL mailer; Jo- el D. I'arko, sec'y; Fayettcville. Sulphur .Sprtug, 17; T. C. Little, master; U.T. l'hi!!?,sc'y; I'ayetfHviv'. - n's Hill-- " WW VU,-ie- , master; W W Ernin; sec'y; Boon's Hill. bocky 1'oiiit 30j Lbtu Hill, masler; J C Hague, aec'y; Ktd.- - CoM Water :jf7 .f L Stewart, master; J il Miitiit, sec y; coll Water. Swan Creek, 3iKS S. A. Hill, maslcr; XV. T. Mel)ar.ielrScc.t Fayettevitlee. Unify. 341 .1 J Short, master; L L Clark, sec'y; Fayetteville. White Oak, 531 CW (Jill, master; Smith L Walker, sec'y; Lincoln. l", F. WF T. Fa.relfe.ille Council No. 380. F. 'W. Tar- - tor, XV. P.; T J Rruce. Retv KcriU every Tuesday night in K.or II. Hall. . KNIGHTS OF HONOR. Faycf feTilte No. 1S1, F. XV. Carter Dictator, W A Gil!, r, Reporter. .A. O. op U. W'. Trotecfion Lodge No. 8, FaToffeville, F. W.Carter, M XV; II Nassauer, ?:ordcr; meets every Wednesday night. KNIGHTS OF i'YTIIIAS. Chevalier Lodge No. 22, Faretteville, J A Lumpkin, C C; JTOoodricb, K of 11 and S I. 0. G. T. St. John Lodge No. 12!, Fayeftcville, II L Whitaker, WC T; Geo F Smith. Sec-- meets every Wedaes-la- v nt -- lit in n.U. Iowh- - HalL ; Eastern Star Lode No. 111. Dr W .Smith, W C T; J T Holland. Sec. FIRE COMPANY. Fayettcville Fir Company No. 1, WJ Davidson, Fore man; W II McNellcy, Sec. Regular meetings Ut Saturday aight in each month , at the court-hous- e. ARTICLRA. POtTVI3. .' Dried Apples.. ...2d - rap ....... t . . ...2H "Ritriey . ; ';; ... ,'. ....47 Bear.3 ...60 ' Cow Pew ...60 White' Deans i .. ...CO " Castor Beans.-- . .. . . .45 - Buckwheat". '. ... ... Stone . Coal. ... ...K0 o.. ' SIIcd Com... . 5i 'Corn i;i the ear. . ...70 lorn Meal .'. .". ...... ...Ci Plastering Hair ... 3 Unpack pd Lima ...S( ' Barley Malt ' Hye Malt....".' ...34 OaU. . .;..;; . ; ; . 3-- J . Onions. Dried Peaches, anpc'eled c Millet Seed j,, Orchard Grasp Sor"" 1 erd'sGras. Soe-K- . i t 14, " Irish Potatoes. , art weet Potatoes.... 50 ' Pcag. . . ' " 'V " " 'ft .....oi .Ryff.....-.....--...-..'.;.;- ,34 Blue Grass Seed.-...- , """'14 Clover Seed CO Flax Seod 5ft Hemp Seed. :v. ..")"") "44 Timothy Seed. ..; ! i,"!!i45 Hucgarian Seed '..,'.'.'.'.'.'.43 Coarse Salt....:...... 50 Pine Salt..., 55 Turnipa. ' .... . . .r . 58 Wheat.. ..C0 Cotton Seed . . ,.'..'..".. T .. 33 Pcanuta ......... J..,.. 23 - J

Fayetteville observer. (Fayetteville, Tenn.) 1879-01-23 [p ]. · and 'drouth wJsieh 'have,so,' iiiueh to do w ith famines. In'some lo-calities the rain fall ha dee'reius-cdj!-0 per

Jul 28, 2020



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Page 1: Fayetteville observer. (Fayetteville, Tenn.) 1879-01-23 [p ]. · and 'drouth wJsieh 'have,so,' iiiueh to do w ith famines. In'some lo-calities the rain fall ha dee'reius-cdj!-0 per

ttt'i H F: AT Til K S M K i t J t?T A ' t.

- ' - t : v --.

n.o, wall Ac Ft

FA YE U V II Ui K & M E S $ E Fs ,

'Itoiest Destiuctiou,riho Lon.ldi 7' Mall Ca-Zft- te

i in earner on a toiit thaiconcerns us all. t savs:

There are very lew Mihjc-ct.-s r,n

which jxoplc arc slower lo icarn.

,hy experience than in iliji jnattervl the destruclica v of forests,

. France, Spain and Italy haveHiiftVrcd from this interferencewith the natural tf.zra.gc of rain-

fall; whole' ikt pic-f- 'have heenrerulcretl ban-e- wlucli Vc ie for-.mcr- ly

fertile, owing to the dersuncuonoj ireeH:Jn Jjul.a, aswe are finding to our cost, thewdsteAil cuttin- - Jui of tlmkrlias largely cwtAWpd-to thosedangerous alterations of' flood'and 'drouth wJsieh 'have, so,' iiiuehto do w ith famines. In' some lo-

calities the rain fall ha dee'reius-cdj!- 0

per cent, during the Irst4 vn1yrVQ. years, 'owing thiscau:e. In Australia th.e same

are being observed, and. jlhfi.rrfiy of j tblejwido.ti:!) of

the-hillsi- tle will be felt more andinoi-e- . In Caiifcrnia and Xeva-d- a

J he :iniQ pft ces is..bijuging

altout similar climatic change.-'- .,Th(r streams w Inch lyMowed winter and 'summer, nowli&YC ,ups; and -- dowTH ?.,vhich aremost injurion., and droughts andJloods have commeiiced in theplains. 1 lie snow, instead ofinciting gradually, under , thetrees, is exposed to the full heatHf the sun, and rushes '.down in

torrents. All-- over the worldthe necessity of tree protectionhas become a serious question,which can only be dealt v ith ona large scale. .

'.;; .

' "

The Source of Disease.' Tho it is done' is thetitle of an interesting little lxoh'by Mrs. AVarren, the well knownwriter f sever il valuable boolson domestic economy. Here is

, an extract a hi eh might bo read'with interest by', sufferers frunrheumalism' I can't get up stairs. I sim S"crippled."

MUst try it a stepjat a tuncantl rest. And .what, do you

in, sheets or blankets?'., lSheets, of course; what eise'r

I have got blankets over me, anda good, thick eouit?rpane ovci

: 1 ' '

that.". "I thought so; put away thesheets and the' counterpane, 'andMorn' in blankets,, under and jo-v- er,

and no counterpane at all.The sheets and the 'counterpanedo a-- givaf deal of ir.i-ehic- f."

"Well, now how can that .le"The cotton 'keeps the sour

heat . and "peri-piits- t ion !fi'ni th.e

IkhIv v in - tlK- 'bcnl,' nm ' so youbreathe t lie poisoned air all nigjit,

summer'-'- and winter," ; arid tliatptilsoned air makes your rheunia-tisn- V

ten tinies worse. If youwi ivvin Idankcts thev would notabsorb th.e perspiration; it 'Would

jiuss tln-oug- h from one to the oth-er,.b- ul

in cpttn, if it absorbs itI had heitcr say soaks into itthere it remains cold or hot,,4"

rhunmy. . ; .., .. . ,

j'That. 'may, hv. ; light,,.sure -

for 1 do pc-fspii- ho' Vith

pain, that one might wring the. sheets sometime!?.'' "


T )( miaci i n. A cure for n ev.-ralg- k-

ttthache. A ( ' e r la a nfihysTcian lvcoinm'ehds powtlercdquinine for neuralgic toothache.The sufferer should 'dip a fingerint):ftvsh .wafer and then intotlu quinine "powder, .and rub ittjiVu-oughl- i.n the gum" in theneighborhood of the-- ( p:iiifiil"Uoth. Tlie 'application shouldbe. Vlcated t wo or three times hir".urvs-iu- n. ;rTl!ebitfer taste cfi he anedicine should be be rive aslf)ng. as possible. Dr. Damanstried this remedy first on himself, and then on numerous other i

ier-on- -: among the number weremany who had tried other reme-

dies invain. It inyansbly pro-

duced a raj 'id alleviation of thepain. ' ' 1 '

Iird-ne- st pudding: Take eightor leu gKnl llavoixtl ajiples; parejtnd-oiV- y leaving "them V.hole;place in a imdtling dish;' fill corewitli sugar and a little." gratednutineg. make a custard,aTlowihg 'five-og- g a quart of:uiiV :,llti to taste. ' l)Urthisovi.r the ajiplos, and pakeibviuMlf an hum-- .

. - :

r- -

Wljat,;oi)Q Dono. $zra K?W ,;.I1UMKS8; CARDS, I JEWELRY.

attack cf croup i't night m - W V. ;JW KB AA,1 ... . I Ti t TSU I w-k- i .thn-- .1 ...

r.t a (ii-t::- i!( e. hat is to reilnne?

rI uhl he iimnctliUe-l-y

l'nxlres-e- d, and ut in a.XvaSm , 'llu n ivean eiuvlkvet i-j- iel

f :',e part of nywine to two cf ijieeae. . fihetUVe is a teasptr,r.l til. ' 1 f the sm-tinio- ny

is n t at haiuh give was inwater, limMam niul w ater, or anyv.lhw simple emetic;

: dry ti eehilil, and vryj) it inrciuliy in awarm blanket. . .

2. Hired girl sprains he rt

an-k- Te

violently. -- 7; ; ..y,, v t rjFhVl bathe iivcoM "water; tlcnp.ii t ; t lie , w 111 te of an . e i n asaucer, stir with n'picce of alnui,the size; of a walnut, until it U athick jelly; place a ortion of itQtJ a liicee i;f liiit or .Z'rhfgvcjigh-(- 6 'cover t ire Vprain,changing jt . as often oit feelswarm or" dry; Jlc limb is to bew haizontaj portion :bxpkciilMit HP if'

j foe'iwn&icllhvvlto: --

f hivi.V 4 li n t-- t vSstung in the face. ,

The sting .of a be? is hollowand barbed, and r.sjt contains thepoison-th- Mrst thing tobe done: 'IS 10 rCmOTe It....

lilCpait.S.'Stnng.. ;

should then be bathed in warmwater,

"little ammonia Ribs-

'' ' - ' ' - "t -bed on them. - - -

4. Some one's nose bleeds, andcannot bc'sibppedV: '".'i;

Take a p.lug of lint,':moisicn,dipin equal parts, of .powderedalhni aiKt gum mtbrc,Ttinl 'insertin the nse, ...Bathe the foicher.din cold water -

t. , Child eats a piece of .breadon which arsenic has been placedfor killing rat?.. . -' '.

Give iilenty of 'vrann water,new ii)ilk----i!- i' lafgc Vpfafltflies,gruel, linseed tea; foment4 thebowels.- - Scrape '.iron ru.t olT

anything, mix with warm waterand give in.hlrge draughts fre-

quent ly . Xeror g i v e largedraughts of fiuid until those giv-

en before" have been vomited, be-

cause the '.st.'niach will- - not con-

tract properly if tilled, and theobject is to get rid of the poisonas quickly as possible. T

(5, Young huly sits- - in adraught, and come:-- ? home with abad or sore throat. .

AVrap' flannel aroijud the tin-cat- ,

keep out of draughts and suddenof atmoshere, and eve

ry half hour take a pinch of.chloride 'of 'potash, place ' it onthe tongue and ' aIk.V it to dis-

solve in t!;c mouth. .

7. Xursq suiilrs from wliitlcwon her finger.. . -

Place t,h- - whitlow-- , in yvater ashot" as'cah"ie l)cine, then ""pou-

ltice with- linseed meal, takingcare 'to mix ti little vithpcailtiee, to prevent it from'gnAV-in- g

hard." Jhithe and poulticemorning and evening.

8. Child Hills backward againsta tidr ofbt-i!mg:, waterj-- ' sptt. Ifmuch scaldcch

Carefully undress the child,lay it on a bed, on its breast, asthe hack; is- - scalded, ibe sure aljdraughts are excluded, then dustover the parts scalded bi-earb- on-

ate of soda, lay muslin over it,then make a "tent, by placingtwo boxes with a board., overthem in the bed, to prevent thecovering from 'press mg" on thescald; cover up vraYmly. -

Slower cuts driver's ler ashe from seat.;. :,jnVnt a: tight-- ' ha iwliigu'Mnatlier limby above the cait-,Fli- acork under it, in. the directionof a line drawn f-o- m the irjnifr

anoi I'je Mice to a line oursiueof the groin.- - Draw the 'edgesof the cut together with stickingplaster"."

10, Child has a bad earache. ,

I)ip . a plug jof.cpttQii wool -- inolive oil, ' wairn: it; Jiiid place, jnthe .car.'..Wrap-iip.UijJicr.- andkeep out of


- -- r -' 'iT ' - r


.A farmer living near BoiseCity, Idaho, is doing a heavj'business' in;rabbi(sl lie takesaboqt' .400 jhck-rabbi- ts a' day.The rabbits leap; a brush fetKpantl light on-th- e board-coveri- ng

of a hole, or hap, which boardHtnus uii a irniu iue napKts itself, and very often catchca a half dozen at a time.. , 1 heraootipj uic Ku iu uugn, . acenmen are employed on the rab-bit farm'. The cars of the gamearc saved as; there is a. bountyof two cents per pair, enough topay all the expenses of nettingthe traps. , ,- ,. C) ws phould . nut be kept oyereight vears old, nor, ewes overfive. "Xow i the time of. yearto determine what disjxsition' isto be made of old tock, whetherto.bc.jnvpared for the butcher oreonthmewasjtt present for anoth-er year. .... :


"T jHfJi iywfcjimuBet Uiu. - -- -

' X Ili

" JJ pounOitan J i.U ti.e bit mi in a ;

J :sm (about Ii iatr.e: csulotn ) passes tl.rMVh St II t tmce eecry f

hnr h.i.r, t. Cm ai.i-.!ic- i.m.urui--;r:mu-J- ft fikcrv.v.i'r'-- it. nalun.l

tH wr :ii it ji iv t .j iriilti) frm.i i':io IIikkI lut .r-l

ricil tiiroai dMVcinx to sli r .ri if'f.c iywin,H nd i.i to escape thrcuiliaHe f un f t6

'tki-.t- causes it to turn yrllow tr a 4:rty trwttCoJ !itp-il- , ln.Ucv ioi.eiU'Sti.iatMnj Hvsilr.clff liiii-- '

, ,3 Mi.' mil $o:r St!r.u.U,ai4 jr:i.cnl !.L!.ity .

fallow. Miu.i.'s lirrATiNn, irmil cs talj!e

. ij;ovi tot tvi)ijny, eaaaut V1'. vr l? riirowio:T Troia 0.1s two tl tile c?.ch time the

4 litood t'uroiith it.M lom; 01 t!ere fa c ex- -li!o: nJ the tfiact of evrn a tew dnscn -

upon jxlluwcotii.:;ion or a brown thrty looiung,U:i,vrl ?.itoiis!i ll who try it they NHn? theliri! syinp'.uui 10 d'mppew. The ctir of all lilUous and J.iyr coaifl u;.; U majju certainlytal.ins HErATiXitf raceordanceuitliuirrctions,UckUu. f.e i'y cured i i ttvonty mmulcs,.ml no drtfese thnt arises rmi the Urtr can cxUtif a f lir tiiai i r;i 1.



rics 25 Cents and $1.00

The Citalily of Comimiption or Throat andH Lung Diseases, which saccp IoUjc grare at leasttp d cf all dcatii's victtssi, arise front thap Opium cr Jlui phiue treauatut, which simply ru-- tf

pcfics a the work of 0uh goes on. $10,000 will


m cured people who are living to-d-ay with bnt one J

tjiranaiuinglun No great wraig ca be done I

t? ' tnaa to say tnat CMtsnaipiion isr Cuor.a FtowKK Oot.u S;vr will enrertwhrrt

d ail other means have tilled. Also, Colds, Cough,75 Asthma, bronchitis, and all diseases ol the throatM and lungs. Read the tc?tiaioni;ils of the Hon.CutAlexandc-r- , Cw. Smith ad JutAior.

tilrowo ol Ga., lion. Geo. Peabody, wtllM,H 'ihose ef ot ler remarkable cures in our book freef2 to all at the drug stores and be convinced that ifH4 you wUh to be cured you caa be by taiins the

O Globs Flowi Covcsr Svnrr., Take no U'roches of LoMaxcs for Sore Throat.M when yon can E'jt Cii-o- e Flower bviUi at amo

Q prioe. For sJc ky all Drucgist - ; ,

jPric3 25 Cent? and $1.00

irv' a t J5 mmCrave misrakes are made Irtthe'freatirien'tTof alt

diseases that arise from poisCn in the blood. NotM one case of Scrofula, Syphilis, Mhite Swellin?,2,1 and Skin Disease.ta a thousand,

ttkJ is treated without the use of Mercury in some form." .j Mercury rots the bones, and the diseases it pro-- '

S'duccs pre wyrse than any other kind bf blojdor. rj'skiiiiscase 'canbe. Pm. PeBmTO'STtJ.Ml'; !cia or DitudHT is the only meoicine ;

tS'upcn whv--i a.hope of recovery from Scrofi:!a, Sy- - .

,!phiiis and Merciirial diseases m ail uges. can be.

M reasonably founded, and tliai will cure Cancer,

i M eio.o--- o will be paid hy .t proprietors ifIcrcuiy,or any iircurcnt rot purely vegetable and harm

H less caivhc fwnnd in it. - m .t'-- t

Gloeb Flowek Cough Syrup and Iiloutr'i.i.'rf'HKrATiM k the Liver for sale by all L're-g- .

gisa 125 cent and t.eo bottles. !'. . i'v "

: 1

A. P. 12EEELL &' CO.rrsprietm,' :


dec. 12 ly """"",;.,:, i .

GJVENAWAY!A Book to Every Subscriber!

Th c Home. Gn i tfe,A Kook by 500 tadics ! ;

Is the title . of a volume of 1G0

pages, bound in cloth; contain-ln- gj

about'.T,()00 practical re-

ceipts a.vl hints, on Cookery,Household, Toilet?" Sick ' Room,etc. It contains more informa-tion than the 1.50 and $2 cook-books, besides- - possessing theimportant " advantage of beingPractical Experiences of Prac-tical i9Jloine' Keepers.

These., select,-- .original andpractical contributions from' sotnanv ladies have never ' beforeappeared in book foim. Goodjudges have predicted its saleto be ' litiudjeds or thousands.Tcii triorisiind copies weic order-ed before one copy came fromthe bindery. We have exclusivecontrol of iliCb(ib.k in this local-il- y,

and if can' be detained onlythrough this ufiice.


A 0PV Or TlllS liOOiv

J IUilf.N3 Kl r !, If VtliYj ADVA5CE JJATJNrifM'ii-niit'.ir- tut:


'This is tlui .'choicest; .pi e.iniuuiever given 4o.; newspaper sub-scribers something of real andpractical Viilue;: Theladies wi 1

i. :.r..i;,,i,i,..r ',w ir ;'.,.,,,.t't. lauiiti ii ii mi it. ji j nnneighbor don't lake the Ouseii- -

VKit tell him f tliis olfer. f lu'vair Vvaiit the paiier and - book.You rct the old OnsKiiVEH anda capital, practical, useful boolof XjQ 'pages.'! for thtpricct of t he

Xow is your opportunityTii i s !

U n precerleu t ed oiler w'i 1

expire in a feu" Wteks.

A Good Fa-ca- r for Nothine !

fcZS 27e Southern Industriesbi-wee- third volume, 5 largequarto pages, 4: columns;: to thepage, is an excct.eni. paper, uiteuwith "truthful descriptions of theSouthern country, iis resources,capabilities .society,, etc. Itmirrors Ure'truc' sentiments ofboth th.e .Xorth aiitt 'South. Itoccupies a field distinct from anyother, pnpeiv, ' Wre.hav5 madesuch arrangements as enable usto offer the OnsEiiVEi: andSouth frnl Jndu'sMes brJthT oneyear' for tod dollars',' ciihh Sh ad-

vance. Subscriptions 'may be-- gi

n nnyw:cidr."tw",ri' t f


TIIK I:VipiliE7EW:The latest 'addition' lb5 tmr ex-

change list is jhe Farmers1 Jic-viti- c,

Chicago. III., and a mostwelcome addition it proves. Itis as fulfof departments as thegovernment at Washington, andthey all bear evidence ot iiu.usu.alskill and industry in their, man-age me: n f." Il . i5 cm pit at icalJy amodel farm and family monthly.It is, withal, tiielnIvAtest andBEST MONTXlLY-b- F T If E KINDTHAT WE KNpW. Wc Will fll I'-

ll ish the Jllevkv and -- our "ownpaper, each one year, for, twodollars - in advance. '

GA11DIKG MAC1IIMfob, ssvt-i--::

OA'. SECOND Jiand Cardins; Machine, with tXX. "packer" and "burrer''. aud about 30feet 6l iron shafting and four juUeys at-

tached, which we will sell ; ' '- - or- CIIEAP.rOll CASH, "

or on time with nota and good security. atApply to M. D. HAMPTON or J. W. NEW-MAN. Fayetteville, Tenn. - aug-JS-- tf



ILfj jiractit'e me!i ine ami surgcrj inKa'ie .inn vie n

K5('l!ie at diug storu tf Vininsj &

jan, 24

51 gko.;b: vkoyles.ATTORNEY AT LAW,

tFxnjcltevVtUi Tennessee.jn:.. :

- J. n: ijurxam, --

ATTORN KY AT LAAV:, Fayetteville, TeJinessee.:

. J:m. 2Kb, 18.18 - .

.Medicine and Dentistry

Ir. Joo'Diuwiddic,

PracficinrPlij sieiao c

Tosr-rtc- proniptlj on reasonable terms.Officii, two doors north of the carriage sbcp

tug 20

I A it prepared to do all work in my licein tlx? laten t stjle. ', Sai!.f:;elia i .

' GUAUAXTEEJP.,1 apnl 1 i " A'.' K1XOSLKT .

' " 11 K.fsr rr x t., .--

; 7

" KoOTi Cl erry Street,r

- tnaich 1, iW. ' ' :

; ' C. A. BIEM13I5',. ' '.


Fayettevillei -

at Iii$X?sideacc. mailG :

:' -- 1 il: 1 '

,. J- - jug giks;tSMGEOjV- - KEHTIST,

Fayettexille, 1 Tennessee.';TIjh practice jn Lincoln and adjoining

coHniie3. Saiisractiongnaranteei bothin prices and operations of all kinds.'

lffice, opposit8 'the Oesekvks office.r . . -- ' an'. 12, 1875.

W.v C; BltlGHT, M; .!).,.STILIj pt'aetice iledieino and "Surgery

' in Fayettevilla . and yicinity-- ' Officvopposite jOBfiERVEit office, , ,' ' '. 'julj22

E: L. DKAKK, if. 1),(Office over Price'3 Drug Store, West side

'.'.."'. : : Squfcre,.) - "

OFFERS his professional services to theof F'ayetteTille tnd vicinity.'

july 22,1875.

J. ; .W. Xcviuan , : .

Altornej at Law,: FayettcviUe, Temi.

lj7"ILL practice in the various Conrts'of Lincoln and adjoining counties,

and in the Supreme and Federal Courts atNashville. . OfEco near north-ea- st cornetof the Fublic Square. - - sept7-- tt

Allorncj at Law,- ;

. Fayetteville, Tennessee. .

- JU Collections a specialty. . febl


Office at his residence near Caraargo,y ILL practice in the various Courts of.Lincoln and adjoining counties. o9


McKinnc &f , FullonATTOKNEYS AT LAW,


' rrOmpt attention given to buslnoss. Of-:ic- e

tn'ar the south-wes- t comer of Squaresopt2-

IIOOM&IIOLM'A.CAttorneys at Lawi

FAY ETTKVILLE, TENN.UACT t Cf2 in: the Conrts" ' of ' Lincoln

, coanty. Cases in Eankruptey fompt- -

tv attended to. '. tf

'First Kalionali Bank.S' FayettevilliTenn '




J. R.,FECNEV Cashier.,J.s G. Wnons,' li4sulcnti i , ') )

Uonser, J n.,i Vice-Preside-


aug7-l- y

MA..,, 1' -.- ::';!- r f !

; j fA V EXTE V IL L E TEN Nr j

f.lPIT.lL MK,: 'SliiO;fiOO!

Doasfi General Jlttukittg LusiiuSs.


II. C. WtrVrAKEv '' J. Vv'. Hot'oArAlF8KliBliAKnKX,-i- D. XV i &ARK,:

. .. . . D. 'Wi HOMIAK.'- - 'M. D. HAMPTON, Cashier.

- jlyl7 ' D. W. HOLM AN, Pres'f. j

R. P. Feeney &v Sons,'PLASTERERS,RE prepared to fill bivlers any where in"Lincoln county, promptly, in tho be3t

style, and at reasonable price, -- tort

Lathing, Piastenng in lime or

cement, etc.,i

in houses or cisterns.Repairing of all kinds done whenever

needed, wiliiout delay.lOrders respectfully solicited, and satis-

faction guaranteed.march 15- -f n


t D. MEDEARIS announces :to theII. peaplc of Lincoln and adjoining counties that ha intends to sell Leather of allkiudsat the lowest cash price?, and .will


buy KiJes and pay the highest price incash for tha me. - nov. 30-- 1 y A

Xju.fmj b- - not easily earned ia these times, bnt itI' can mae 10 three months !v any ono

I I I of eithttrsex. in any pan of tlie country,w 1k is willinjf- w work- - stewlily at (he

cmplovlncut that we fui uish. per week in youronvn toven. Ton ueed notle away from lionie overnijfht. Voo cn give onr vvliwle time to the work

only your spare moment. Wo have agentswho are rnakinover per day. All who enpae at once ran make money task. At the presentJune money ennnot be oiwte so easily and rapidly

any ether bwiie.. Iccnt onthiajt to tr thebukiness. Terms and 5 Outllt free. Addns atone. II MlALLkTTJt CO., Portlaad, Wajoe.

an.e at , . . . .t f



Vk m mm m m if tl mm mmim m

11 cU73,FaycCex.ille, Tenn., A. D. HUTU.

i Late with Jvhii IK Hulk, Shelbyville,


I OFFER for sale nothing bat.. ; - .:- , ".-'--

; First-Clas-sj

Jewelry;; :i;Watches and Clocks;

Plain Gold Fdngs a Specialty!ilJ ' ''., 7.1!.,: i -

Also, agcl lor . , .



ttrSRop at II. II. ( gilvie & Co'a hardwarestore.. . . j t

nov8 ' .


ASD DEAI.EKS IS .'-- 'P' . . .- ; i ".Watches,'

il. 1

Jewelry,; ,


-- 1 li ' : Spectacles, &c.Soulh-Ea- sl Corner of the Square,

Faj-ettcvill-e, Tenn.

All work done promptly and' '"''MWAKRANTED.


nov. 2- 2-



i. .,:'. , , OF


In the town 'of Fayettcville.

T the court-hou- se (Lor In Fayctleville,.

On Thursday, February Gth,T870,In ohe.'ience to a decree of the ChanceryCourt at Fayetfovilie, Tennessee, at the

Octubcr term, 1878, in the cause of '

Ilunnali 13. Wrilson ts O. P.: -

, Ilruce and T. J. Bruce, '

I will nttend at the coju door inF'ayetteville, Tennessee, on

Thursday, the Glh day of Feb- -

ruaiy, 1870, ,v; yand offer for sale to '.ho hi-he- st bidder,the following described house and lot. Saidhouse and lot, known as lot 8-- in the oii-in- al

p'an of tha town of Fayetleville andhounded as follows, to-w- it: On the northby' Washington street, on the east by Hiyhstreet, on the south by Agnes Kennedy, onthe west by lot No. 0 in original plan,and ow'nod by" the hi'irs of Franklin Smith.Terms Ca1-it- . ; ALF. 8. FULTON,

Ch-r- and Master and Spe. Comr.jan. 10, 1&79. "


. ..,-- ' . ; of :' "' J


' Oh West Mulberry Creek. 'J

T 'the court-hous- e door in Fayetteville,

On Tliursday, February Gth,1879.In obedience to a decree of the ChanceryCcurt, at FayeVtei!le, Tennessee, at theOctober term, 1878, in the cause of

B J. Tiller and wife, SarahTiller, vs. Thomas Grocc. -

I will attend at the court-hous- e door in thetown of Fayctleville,' Tennessee, on ' ' "

Thursday, the Cth day of Feb--ut

:v .riiary, 1879, ' .' .r.;H

and olrr ,foy sale to the highest bidder thefollow in? described, tract of land, Situatedin' civil district (now) No- - 5, Lincoln county,Tennessee, on the waters of West MulberryCieok and hounded on the north by Christo-pher C?trrigen, oh the east by John Wag-eon- er

an t Ron "Martin, on the south byPo i,l - nA lrn tl l.T T?,l.f

F'aulkner and G. M. D. Creason, j

'1 i 1 a.! 1' ' I'll;'ionraimng uy estimation, .x-- l), . , , A cres and 110 Foles I

:: .

be the same more or less. Terms Cash. '

ALF. S. FULTON,Clerk and Master and Special Comm'r,

jan. 30, 1879.

r? Wtf hm Wtn?7. Itfrnlvm,Vi-- t2.nO. Over tiHi latest Niivritlt-s.-"


OSVa dollar A YEA It.Th;? circulation of thii popular newspaper, has

'lurnifr the past year. Jt ron.coiitinHl in tn OAli.r

.1 i I,. .in.-t......-( 111 UIIIUIIUIVIIK.the- runtiu.N wbws'eiiiblMce s;ic ial dispute-lies I'mui all quaiters oftlicslubo. I Lli-- r ti:e hU'l of -

' AMEftiCAN KEWS :! '

are the Tele,: rapine tha weekIidul all partNUf ilie L'ni m. 1'his toature aluumakei THE WtEKLY HERALDtu must va!;e dironii U in the world, as it isti3 clieaiieat. Every week is ;riven a faithful

1'OLlTiCAL NtWSeniiirneinff complete and comprehensive despatchesfrom V a.oiintos, iiirluilmir frill reiKirW ot the

oi citiiurii. poniH-iaii-s on nie 14 tte&tijnsQi

tite bnr IHEFAtiM DEPAhTMfCN T .

of tho tt-KL-T lilKALD (rives the latest as well asthe most practical suggestions and discoveries

to theduties of the lanner.iiiiits for raisingATI LK, l ui uil.tinuu, EOKTABLES,

f;e., A.C.. with suggestion for keeping- buildingaud farming implements In repair. This js sup-plemented by a well-edite- d department, widely

THE HOMEgiving receipts for practical dishes, hints for m klug eiotbing and for keeping- up with the latestfashions at the lowest price-- , livery itm of cook-ing or eoojiomy sugircsted in this department ispractically testod by experts before publication,letter tmmeur J'aris and London correspondentsou the very latest '1 be Home t of the WtEKLY Herald will save the house-wife

Amore than one hundred times the pi ice of the

Hsucr. The interests of ,. SKILLED LABOR ;

are looked after, and everytiiinir relatins 10 mechanics ami labor saving is carefully recorded.

nei-- is a page uevotei to nil tue latest phases or Sixthe business markets. Crops, Merchandise, Jtc..c.tvaiuaore tcature is iouu i in tho specially repor-


prices and cond itions ofTHE PRODUCE MARKET )

SrORTlso News at l.ouie and abroad, together ayWilli a &T0RY every week, a sbiuio bv some emi-nent divine. LlTEKARY. MUSICAL. DUSMATIC.i'KK- -

sokil and SEA Sotks. There is no papr in the.vim viiK,n niuisiDi bo muni news mailer everyweek astlie Weekly iitKitu, which is sent, pos-tage free, Xas OuO liullar. Ion can subscribe atany time.

Ti's l?c7?crkI:riH.vec1LVform,C:! 2:11a a Vel.AUaress, '.' - - ; , -

NEW YORK HERALD,Uroadnay and Ann Street, ,ew York.

Furniture Coffins, i

jr.J5 .wilspiv,Fayct tcTillc, , -- .

; ' Tcnn.

JAS jnst receiei a large stofcls Vf

LconsUjinjof ..- , , t r .


. 1 !

Safes, Wash Stauyl-s,- . Chairs,land ether articles jn that lit which he

--'11 t .t 1 .1 1..w 111 sen 13 tow as sucatKai tan uu uyiuin this market.

Also, always on hand ' y

Cases, Caskets, ant Ifonie-niat- le

Coffins,'as cheap as can be had in the place. Anda good heal so, gentle hemes and carefuldriver. 7 ... ... , J.B.WILSON.

dec. 27 o'

..;-.- .

SlovesandTin-War- c


,i' ro SALE AT '.

TIIO jfIcb ARVEY'S,j,jrA.rt.:i:;. v. 2 :

HERE you wi l 1mo find a penera!V(V assortmenl 'f ail,Store?i in ; the


Wliolcsalc'1 andJobbing dohe 'satisfactdriTy 6r ' ' '

IVO, 'CHA:ItCiKELAINE ;;and COAL OIL,also an assortment of family Lamps and


Call and examine, next door to Wrij;lit Si

Wilson's. ' jan. 3t .

Shaving, Ilair-CuKih- s:

3NTotice2 ;

Mat,:'HofciiiHOBSouth side of the Pullia Square, ,

Fayctteyille,; ., , Tennessee;1S?nnw nrenared with keen Ba--- "L zor.", sharp Scissors, . cleanJVpjXuombsana i;rusnes,ani nico low- - - ";els, To shave, cut hair or shampoo ' F1in the late-r- f stylej and as cheap as any one.Respectful and prompt attention alwaysgiven to all customers. ' j:sn.7-- t,

Como tiuil See,

ainii", ;AlIf3;-S MeBssald,

HAVE opened a shop on the souih skiSquare,! wo doors treat f Dright

Halt, and are prepaied with"Clean ' Towels, ' Ivcen' Itazors,

Sharp Shears, ;

and prompt attention to wait upon cusfom- -

i era needing shaving, hair cut ir.g, sham- -prauing, etc. uShep oj e fron C o'clock inthe morning until tf at night . - r .

juao.29. o


4C a-- v

. Y& ?mft.

AMERICAN and FOREIGN PATENTS.t.,Sncrftor-- ! toC Itapiuan.

Itoviurr Ac Co.. Snjii-ito- Prrti-nL- fniinrtiiin all io fi:t:s iv tiivitt:.No rharre nnless the pnicut is (tmntoU fwI'ormukiiijr preliaunarv xamiithiM.' No lli-tion- al

fees for ohutfnin; and a rehear-ing l!y a r?cen rlccis-io- of tho CoMiinissMiiiorA LI. rpjpctol npplicittiuns may be reviveif.-- Spe-riu- l

ntleution isivra to Interference tiis-- . hei'urethe l'ttteiit tlii-e- , Kxteimonn before eimgress,

fturts in liflVrent State. Hnl all )iti?a-tiot- iai)crlainin(c to Invrnlions or I'aienU. tfml

lHm; tuOlt.ilUiifc A CO., lor pampiilt-- t of sixtypage. , . ,LANR; CASES, LAKD-WAREAHT- and

. .. , -- ' ' CljHContnpteil rand Case prosccnleil before the VA.

Gerrerjil Lacul Office and Depnitnenf. of the Into--rio-

1'rivHtts I.nnU (liiims. ,T1 i u i n g-- anl l"ro-Kmrtl- on

Claims, and Ilomeateud Cases nt--toiiiluil to. I.anii Serin in 10. HO. anil 1HJ acre nieces forsale. This Scrip is n.ssi;n:tlle, and caa beloiaterl in. tha-- mine of the unrchaker anon, anyGovernment land subject to private entry, at 11.25per acre, ii is ot eijmii value witn isouniy iannWarrant, fiend stamp tu (iiLMORK Jt CO. forrjuninuict ox iiitructiouARREARS' OF PAY aM BOUNTY.

Officers, Soldier and Sailor of the latevar, or their heirs, are in tuanv cases entitled to

money irom tne l.orernment or winch tbey. hareno t uowli-dife- . Write full history of service, andstate amount of nav end lionntv received., nanip to iii i. juiK ft t,u., ami a mil replyaikvr VAuiumauvii, nut uv yiea juairee

u ; PENSIONS.All OfficeT,Soldier. and Sailors weanrle 1

ruptured, or injured in the Into war, howeverslightly, can ubtuiu a pension by addressing U1L- -U, ,11 L-- IL il .ITI ' 'it I J L(, T I ' ...

' Cases prosccntcil by niLnoRC Ac CO be-fore the Supreme Court ot the I nked States, tliecom or Claim,-- and the froutbera Claims Cons-ul -s 10 11.

Kach department of onr fs condncted ina separata burewi,' undei cfa&rire f tho same ex- -pcrientel-partje- s emplovel by tho old rtrnt.-r rompt sttcnfio,! to alt ImMnesit entmstew toOl IjItIORK Sc. t'O, is thus see 11 roil. We.lp.jreto wta success ey deserving it. UlLMOttE . 'i,vn r. ."street .washmgton, u. c. teb. 10


" ' Tha Subscription Book Department of,Tho;Amricaa Newa Company wish to j

"engage the aenrices of active and ener- -

getlc business men who can de-rot- a ';

portion cf their time to Introducing anddelivering now and popular Subscrip-- ,

tlon Books' soon to be issued and which( promise large and ready sales. Aper-- .

aon of responsibility who Is well the

in this coanty, can add mate-

rially to his Income by securing the po-


offered. Address giving age, experience, and references, . an



COI3PAN7, NEW YORK CITY.sept2G-eo6- m , l alter

Tick's Floral Guide.beantifal work eflM Tagas, no Colored Flower

Plate, and 0 fllastrations, with PemvrintioBS ofthe best; lowers and Vetretahles. and bow to crowthem. Alitor a live CssTSTAXr. Ia tngHsli orGerman

Th r'lowor and Vegetable Clardea, 1T5 Pages,( oloreil Plates. and many hundred tugravin-s- .

AFor SO cents in paper covers ; Jl.00 io clegaut clolU.

German or F.nirlishiVirk's Iliuntraled 7Tnthly .lag-a- inPages, A( oloreil Plate in every number and ma.flue engrav ings. Price $1 .25 a year; Five Copies

forsneti: fcpeeinien Numbers sent for 10 cents. neatTick's Seeds are the be--t hi tha world. Semt

Five cnT'ST-AM- r for . Gum, containingList and Prices, and plenty of informAtion.- - Ad-dress,

set.' JAM K3 V lC'K.,ltochestur, S. T at

Cards, etc. each.will


and dispatch, at the CBCEEYER OFI--1 .

FICB, Fajeluvlna, .

MMmi 0

WW V( l WV ' .

Yt i ' TiftlTfTv? Ttl'PV flftliJ VVXl AiiiJ X VtUi- . ,i -

Come ,Tight; loptnd see fr youmUewhat do.i ft. joaaa

' i "P11". waiiow-for- k in Mch earr

WILSON istu- -

LARGE STOCK. :. ' , ,


f Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, j

and Notions have been carried oer to thisbuHdin to lie closed out ai'grt-atl- reducedprices. A larg quantity of onr goods aredamaged by fire and we most close sell. them.Oar goods are t ( the best qtxality and style,a U know n to a'.l. We have enough to di-

vide with you all, be sure td come to ace 03.Our house- - will be one grand slaughterpen: wbere.Pry God3,.Coot-;- , Shoes, Hals,

Clothing will bo dealt out &t a saciiSce.



from now until January, 1S79. This is noflaming bi'Dibag advertisi mint goltea kj todeceive-- the unsophisticated.- - We ask yourDoneBt aWensiorr to these farts, and you wi.l

4 be ed.byi callb g and seeing for your--

ielvei. j SVe. will Clltlio' bjil to th le.lter oftha advertisement. .,Tl e goodi are. hero foryou and if you don't get thim don't blameU3. rcv u the.uuio. . -

r. , $ tOT Rcmcmbpr our location. I .




TTTTi ANNOUNCE to mar former friendsi .1 f, I and ps irons .1 h it- the next sesiun ofthis Institution wiU open the ,

Firstonday in SEPT. next,and continue forty-o- ne weeks, (includingthe week" of hotidayjS' from Lhnstinas toNew YearJ closing J line, 1878.

Terms: 2.C0, 3.C0, 4C0, and 5. CO

pe,r month, according to advancpment''.""ineitlcuttil'fco'l.OO

lor : term, of five, months. . I'jab!e in allvuK3 inauvaiicu.

Accounts due at the end of every foulweeks. For farther particulars, address,

aug. 8 ' ' R. S. BRADSUAWy: - l'rincipal.

Bearden ' &' Thomas, ; ;


FirLlfi.I nHAVING iccet fly purchased th'fo

II (long known its' the. Mar-ku-

Mill-i- ) we ate noiv ptttting them in firstclass oilier, and with stiper or luachinety,which is e.ii:tl to any the S. ate, we can


'. protirso

FLOUR, ICEAL, BEANor olherJlilliiigFroducis,equaljo any Jn quality an-- quantily.

Solici.iii? a liberal patronage, wo promise an" V- - untiring etfmt to give .atlfc,.ion.Ta farmers pnd all otherp; we-- olfcr : ' ; ' ' ,

Every Day !

and ask them to give us'a trial, asarcdj asvj are, that 1 hey will be pleased with our

way .of doing business.


P. S 3Iot. Ilcardcn miy always befound at the Mills, and will give orders hispersonal attention. aug. Ioc-- tf

W ' N' 'V'

rf.11 'SU .- "3:.

'61 M "S--l

'63 0 - s'I w'ft' S4 '4 sS


Of', o S0'o

)n i iOfi i'1 Vi

f--i iI ,'

5yV r,

Harper's liazar. -

;, ; ' 1879.- ''1 J LLUSTK ATED. '

. w y3n:s3 cTreit nrsa, - ;

Thw dre.s ar.ra-nlin- Ut ll.srper's will feeaim aud ambition of the Wj-ue- u of Auiorica.lUtfton Transcript.

Asa faithiul chronicle of fa.blnn, and a news-psji-

of domestic and s m i il character, it ranksilhiMit a rivil. Krool-17- Lii-i- a,

This paper has acquired a wide popularity forflreside enjoyment ic affords, and has IkiiicercaoiiMieu aumoruy wiln 11MJ ladles. N ' V 'Lvcning Post. -The rolamesof the liuur begin with the rt5umberof .Jauuary or each tear. When no tiiua is

mentioned, it will l nnler-tri- ai that the snbrcri-be- rw i)iej to commence 'with the Number iieitthe receipt of his order.- - . . .


HATtPFR'S MAOAZfXE, ti Year 4 00JI AKPfcK J W KKKL1, . - ; 4 00HAKI'Kft'S B.Z Vlt. " 4 onTneiH.'ritii.iu.rM..

TII UKK publications, one year' 10 (HI

1M1'Hl subscriptions, one vear 90 i.i. . ..1-- I .1 V. V.J - -cnu, mf imipv vi u m. inifii.ii.n ml Ppri! teat Ion '

Postage rcc to all subscriber in tju L'aitcdOU.C9WI V .l(,' HA. .

Tha Annual Voiume of HarrB' BaA, Incloth binding, will bo sent by exprca.expense (provldeil tho freight does nut tzceeddollar per volnme) lor 7 00 each. A ComTdeie

comptisinsr Volumes, sent ori reeeiptof cash at He raw of per volume, freightcxiiense of purchaser. e

Cloth camisftMreacb Volume, ml 4 We rbrblndinrbe scot by Buiil, post paid, tin receipt of lA


Ksinittanee sbon'd lie wade by Post-Oftc- e, HoneOrduror Draft, to avoid chances of loss. 'r are no to copy tai. advsrtfcni-o- -.

b UA, , I h. A . r. 'Am . .nla. nl' if 1 H.v. - I.Address H AltrfcB HROTIXEi;, Xw oil,


t2rrvya TTjo,lit Kindof AnimalisgxveTt2nd. C-S-

Zd. Description ith. Age- - ith. Poster1amdth.. T ime and I'lac of irrttt

1th. Valuation,

... . tlJfCO K CoCvtrHeifer, pale- - red, two w Lite gro'a on t?i

latt' ltl Jnd ,a!l e, crumplj Lorn,' I'oot on left hind foot. n,ooih etop oirleft, ear and wndtr half rrop fn tin? Igbt, 4

i yem ing m hUe 0Bj;aj ujmit f1 J 11 SI ofoer. 5ih dis, Sot Z

Mtare. oj, in lontiea.1, kfl hind LotwLitc, right eje on!; II J WtlU, Dec i.

BK.uroau votsirr.Jfor$ Unit, dark bj, no irtillcisl

marks, 12i band- high, atiout 2 jers4 l;John 11 AJdcrma n.Srd cw.Oct 1 not valued

oiles cocsxr.Horse, light colored baj, UJl hind foot

tand rijrlt Iront foot while t the awklt, st ir11 'ortnea.i. oiacK nunanl tail, a little in- -cfined tote backed, about 14away rears old- -1 ; . r - 1 . . . . r

iiujuuou, rikiun. Aug Zi --f IJjMACT COOSrT.

Two Jfitles one a black hore, letter'W' on left shoolder, 13 hanU h'gh, 4 yrs.the other a black mare, mealy nossv, K tUt-- r

?V" on left shoulder,' about lljj, hands,high." 4 years old; J W U Thomas, SU dis.De 14. ... ,

. i KiliWOS COt.'XTr. ;Horse, bar. risht hind foot w hitr.

0 years old; also, a Mare Mule, sorrel, a- -; bout 13 years old? and one Jforne 3hbay, scar on riht shoulder Apiii 1U.

Secrot Orders,"' - MASONIC.

. Jackson Lod;e No. 6S, F.. and A. MFayelteville, Thos. J. Gray, W. M.; B. M.Hatcher, Sec.iueets 1st Monday night Leach montti. ; ,

Petersharr Na. 123. W. R. Ilanawa XT.M; Wr. E. Smith, Secmeets. 1st Mondar...T. -- ri r iw . .

uio"i vu ur ancr tun inoon vx cacn montli.Boons Hill Na 161, T W Clark, VV il; YV

W Wilson, Sec. meet SatunLaj before thafull moon, at 10 a. h.

Pleasant Tlains- - No. 50.", J. A. UoIIanJ,W.M.; Jamea P. Byers, Secv meets Fri-day night before eacli full moon.

Mt. Hebron 311. Norris Creek, S. CMcCoUmn, W. M.; T. L. Williamson, Secmeels Friday night on or before fiill mooaeach month.

Sulphur Spring No. 400, Oregon, J. J. Cot-ton, W. M.; W. L- -. Parker, Sec ineetSaturday at 2 o'clock ou or before the fullni(Mn in each mouth.

Mulberry 4J4, E. T. Tirks, W. M.; W.W. James, Sec meets 1st Tuesday nighton or before full moon.

Macedonia 43.), near Goshen, TO GilT,W. M.; Wm. A. Gill, jun., Sec meets Fri-day night on or before full moon. -

Kelso No. 4yOk J J Coston, W M; Juo TGordon, Sec raetts Thursday night beforeeach full moon.' . a


Calliouu Lodg Na 2(5, Jas S Tarthn. N.G.; G. B. Bojles, Bee Sec. meets every Fri-day night.

Lincoln No. f, Lynchburg, .1. L. Ash by,N. G.; W Holt, Ree. Secretary meets 1st,3rd and 5th Saturdiy nights.

' Unity No. 84, Pitersburg,, F. B. Terry,N. G; II. II. Toliey, Rec. Secretary met9every other Thursday night. '

Oak Hill No. 13 J, Norris Creek. W. II.Wright, N. G.; Sam. Uaiuey, Rec. Sec-me- ets

every other Saturday night.Mulberry 143, J. A. I). Middleton, N. G.;

f. C. Sebastian, Sec meets every otherThursday night.

Surprise lo. lo", Flyctville, C C fieree.N. G.; Geo W Counts, Secretary meeUevery Thursday night.

Chestnut Kuige 157, . I u Foster. NO:V B FVftman, Sec; met ts every Satunlay

night.Evening Slar No. 161, Pleasant riains.J

Fraukliu Smith, N. ii.;. II. M. I'ealr,Sec. meets 1st and 3rd Saturday nights.

KcIjo 172,' . 51. Jenkfits, N. ti : J (3

George, Sccr--Luee- every other Saturdayniiit. ,

Ltvtiiia Lodge No. ,' Daughters of fle- -beccn, Flvnlville, J It C Dull; Jh' G; MrsCarrio Bet keif, V-- (i U V Counts, Sec'ymeets 1st Saturday each niouth at 'Jt o'clock.

Sercno, 'o. l'.ii, O'eorge's Store, J J Gd-de- n,

N. G; M A Keeling, Sec. meets everySaturday uiht.

HUSRANDUY.C.A.Mtl)ASlKL Fayettevillc, Mitster County

Orange II. T. Child,", Fayetteville, See-rtta- ry

Ccrrespoiniidg cJuitnitlee: II..T.Child., Fayettcville; W. W. Jauie., Mul-berry; J. C. Hague, Ke!. 'Iuckeye,173 CAMcDa.nieL mailer; Jo-

el D. I'arko, sec'y; Fayettcville.Sulphur .Sprtug, 17; T. C. Little, master;

U.T. l'hi!!?,sc'y; I'ayetfHviv'. -

n's Hill-- " W W VU,-ie- , master; WW Ernin; sec'y; Boon's Hill.

bocky 1'oiiit 30j Lbtu Hill, masler; JC Hague, aec'y; Ktd.- -

CoM Water :jf7 .f L Stewart, master; Jil Miitiit, sec y; coll Water.

Swan Creek, 3iKS S. A. Hill, maslcr;XV. T. Mel)ar.ielrScc.t Fayettevitlee.

Unify. 341 .1 J Short, master; L LClark, sec'y; Fayetteville.

White Oak, 531 CW (Jill, master; SmithL Walker, sec'y; Lincoln.

l", F. WF T.Fa.relfe.ille Council No. 380. F. 'W. Tar--

tor, XV. P.; T J Rruce. Retv KcriUevery Tuesday night in K.or II. Hall.

. KNIGHTS OF HONOR.Faycf feTilte No. 1S1, F. XV. Carter

Dictator, W A Gil!, r, Reporter.

.A. O. op U. W'.Trotecfion Lodge No. 8, FaToffeville, F.

W.Carter, M XV; II Nassauer, ?:ordcr;meets every Wednesday night.

KNIGHTS OF i'YTIIIAS.Chevalier Lodge No. 22, Faretteville, JA Lumpkin, C C; JTOoodricb, K of 11 and S

I. 0. G. T.St. John Lodge No. 12!, Fayeftcville, II

L Whitaker, W C T; Geo F Smith. Sec--meets every Wedaes-la- v nt -- lit in n.U.Iowh- - HalL ;

Eastern Star Lode No. 111.Dr W .Smith, W C T; J T Holland. Sec.

FIRE COMPANY.Fayettcville Fir Company No. 1, WJDavidson, Fore man; W II McNellcy, Sec.Regular meetings Ut Saturday aight ineach month , at the court-hous- e.

ARTICLRA. POtTVI3..' Dried Apples.. ...2d- rap ....... t . . ...2H"Ritriey . ; ';; ... ,'. ....47Bear.3 ...60 '

Cow Pew ...60White' Deans i .. ...CO "Castor Beans.-- . .. . . .45

- Buckwheat". '. ... ...Stone . Coal. ... ...K0o..

' SIIcd Com... . 5i'Corn i;i the ear. . ...70lorn Meal .'. .". ...... ...CiPlastering Hair ... 3Unpack pd Lima ...S( 'Barley Malt

' Hye Malt....".' ...34OaU. . .;..;;. ; ;. 3--

J. Onions.

Dried Peaches, anpc'eledc

Millet Seed j,,Orchard Grasp Sor"" 1

erd'sGras. Soe-K-. i t 14,"Irish Potatoes. , artweet Potatoes.... 50' Pcag. . . ' " 'V " " 'ft.....oi.Ryff.....-.....--...-..'.;.;- ,34Blue Grass Seed.-...- , """'14Clover Seed CO

Flax Seod 5ftHemp Seed. :v. ..")"") "44Timothy Seed. ..; ! i,"!!i45Hucgarian Seed '..,'.'.'.'.'.'.43Coarse Salt....:...... 50Pine Salt..., 55Turnipa. ' .... . . . r . 58Wheat.. ..C0Cotton Seed . . ,.'..'..".. T .. 33Pcanuta ......... J..,.. 23
