Top Banner
i;: i -- . Vv r 1 ' Kr. O. Wallaee,J CTTwo Doi nrs for onej-eari- f at tun lin.e of- - fculihkr'i tion. -- Two liOllal'S lind Filly Vuls, wjthvt r.t viatjon,. wrer theixpirHUoii ol three tnotilha. '""'- - Ai Bill for Adverti. .dents, 4AVork, or Saerption, cuusidored due when contracted exeej.t nj; litiet those with whom we have rnm'trs; acrniiijfa. . CO"1 Sab.-rribe- rs f.wlir, to rrder d?Son-iiiiuar- io of the Jr., nt the exjvnit ion of the J j;ne for which 'they may hue ftibsoribed. nre :oi'!id red as 'wMii-n In Miitnv; n?id U W ill hi 'oiitiiu?f to them . ; C3 -- ' ppt;r will leent out of . the county rai.i f.r in cuvantre. . '. 0C7 Advi-rrv- . meats ii.s-r-- o.l h Otic Lol-i- ei tqu.nx ti Twelve yr fH- - t.Ln firt ii.erii(u: I'ifiv frills each fjT" .lvertirjig by t!i rear, will li cijAcl ,l'ily S;Uins f.r a v hole c.d ii in ii, 'i'v.'JH Etl:n f.r one-ha- !l 'tvn lr one-'inrt- er. .o drvm- - Hon from theji tcmii un hf any a'rcuii.4jiiies stn..Ou Vm-ir- d thZr iiumfdiait ' 'their wt.s ... dwr- - follnved of Suropter; ... , lisiig rot c"i.Mrpd as iiiclu.iii-mLa- i f i: ii,iiiviii:l mi'tulifrs. i'Zr ATii.onriiiiu. c lii'fc o!-- I wrs, to U' pail fl oJv.mce iu cctry fa?. - 'A.ivi'itiscfiiviiib M't. iii.uueil with tht- - of iiifiuvvs wiion handed io, . lf culinutA u;.tU ordered 01 1, end jn'vind ex- - t s nirtit ii.seiled ciutuitoutly A-- i vi:rtii-- i iii-'ii- t of au abu:v0 nature, will nutle ihstrted td uti'J price. (jT ft ii:esiii, ' All. lints vevVy done n Sew J. w.t ; ica obal it:. Til in .j IV t v i'.llic d:.Kfi. tinned nn;l arienr m.1 i dd . txc(d at the cp t oi. of the l'ld'iJiei-- . "' BEN. McCULLOUGH. This distinguished military chief-- . is a ve'iy" plain somewhat mysterious sort of as will be eec-- n )y the following extract Irom a letter by one of his soldiers: Old Ken is ct prcs cut with us. lie is no ordinary nnan, although very much so in koks. He is quiet, has little to s:iy, and keeps everything to him- - ' self. J le goes about alone and nev- er dressos in military. He was absent some iime o.'jo, and subse- quent accounts reported Lim sea- ling thickens in the enemy's camp in Missouri. He left our camp some time since in . patched-u- p clothes; he' was scon by one walk- ing leisurely along the road, by an-otli- or makinfif tracks through the woc-d- s and, a few days alter, he! rode into camp on a mule and ceutly dressed. i .. " No one can del-stan- d mm, no oDccciu ivji.-.u- - . t?aw, and Abe yill find him hard to deal Antidote for Intermittent Fever - SuhJitide for Quinine. Dr. D. B. Phillips, of the United States 11a v v. now of the Coniederate na-- vy. ays:" junv luiu mw. hi ,L . ?da"o'r a t made cf fpdder intermittent fever. Ihe eliow .nm i's t hp. letter variety, and a made a tablespoonful of the stirred in glass of wa- -' ' ter, and taken frequently, is not only a good a . and refreshing beverage, which v may be in all stages of the the evil cttect. Louisville Hotels. We . from gentlemen who have visited Louisville, that the Gait; . House and Hotels in that city swarm with Lincolnites,: ami proprietors are as the those houses have. been supiortcd ly by Southern our friends remember, to' give them wide berth in the future. llcinj.'his AvakincliC. . " ' The New York Tribune 'says i'the rebel women of Arc said to be busy" in and knitting socks for JelF. Davis soldiery." This is h good onion for Baltimore, fcr when- ever tlie begins to se- cede, the men will follow as cer- tainly night follows day. . ; . ;"5fliw York complain lOTiflyT'iS-ta- obstinacy I tilt masses in to "- - ' ' - r X - ' x. : ...... . '' Vj v" iiii? ' " ' , " . - wr J . r FETTK V! L LB, 1; it B N AFFAIRS IN OLD ABE'S CAPITAL hit. Uenry .aticreony ot Mc - at presided in ; Itr. is "due ''to., humanity "to Washington City for the past two that as a" general "thing, ' our pris-year- p, home a days ; oners ,urc well-txeaicd.- V .Indeed, ago crd made a speech on Satur7 for a time, their confinement, was day, a report of which we find in 'constantly besieged by the citizens the New He 'says.' - - j ot ,'Washingtcnof whom at least and soul with heart He had been in shinqton 8 from the outset of this great Rev,:theSouth-with- .all torts, of ciain-olutio- n. tics luxuries. But this sort He had stood, as it were, .... to the c the. fall and- - ' that ... fiiinii inici!tr ndvi't s e Tei-uesee- . tain and man, i with. late that ; who Las Era. IS I CO ViUlCIiL ilS JliailV CUlfAJDV:. - ; ln 18 banneret of "w. ' is considered kind t J i. t mail. most Who bark,' let tbe trai.grr live, sweet a light, bfe least j ... . , ...,?; Uml they, too, m time shall pale in the very centre of the terrific fanaticism, which i witnessed the .splendid prepara - i tions for the ot the fcouth; had watt hed the gathering ol that 3 4 xi - r.u r, . . . .t i 1 1 n l a wiia cniLusnism ior ine nag anu. -- :'Ue the Union which was to sweep ... ' . 1 b,foro and bad seen .u. :L t 210ns, m almcst march' across the Potomac into to the Old ; Tf vu i mornnfir. nr. i i V p jav4 j . , j ' f . . quest. It Was composed not as , suppos Of City Vagabond - ?. K,w bnfr ..InMrf mon irom , iffltin nnil 1 n am ' let. wlio 1 had - n: aa rt,,l rA Oovcrnnent, a..d Flag." Before iuv irvi,.. r Was truly appalling. .'But a Very , . dillerent picture was, presented af- - tr ... . t:r the great conflict the Ar - j PlaillS Of Manassas. . Tf f,1r thm riv ,1nv tn march ... i out; as many hours were more j j.. ir u.:.,ii,n.hA liWLJl MlUiCiCilt IU Ullil liivrui uuvtv. j Scattered like spray before the! Skill Of TOUT Generals, and the' courage cfour army, they, returned j in dismantled fragments, demoral by defeat, and debauched by stea'd rain had set in at j A :f fl ,;,', I began to across the Long mi 1 . .1 : Bridge xne routnaucoimneiteeu 1 a. .1. ' the before: utu . r 1 . it CI .1 .1 I clay, .Honaaj, me -- mi,; tuey continued to in, some in rags, some in some without coats; - I . - 4-- I - "V VP 1 4" fl .., OV 4 T H ACA,au. . ! I I X. n l A r muu uauuLu aim 1 rr-i(- n liiru-itir- r lniPil fi"W.TVfl VS flllfl f,f i,;a mm-PTHPni- s. Ho is!""" "Jasb" ization disease should io u . ; time pretended to deny ; the or the dis all thcirj ba-j"- c their stores, tlieir artille - rv, everything. , ' and s battery of arms, irom to ten men, i,itn mnnilpea varietv less nut not ies use - ful completed tern- - Die as. uuuuticu . bauds. It was'm.aily a fore the cctld i siimmc 5n ot--ia ag. w and - K-i;i-y iid then did it - 7 had the President, but ! not'lpesi. ? all tboa aim'sf be thy Country's, N Minnville, feW rovalarrar, i tliat. It went out to see about it, but carne back crest, fallen ..'.tod ' '.i .... General Scctt was, of course, not ' n tjie -- ctiorr 1 ' T . ' :. - - There is some misapprehension . ccnceimnprthe . . moviLgwar . pccrs . - the Government 1 Mr. fceward Mr. Chase is tho war on financial and prudential mclives awi j ' ccmpara-BfrJ,M- ,: . of . X McCuliough OL " peace Like dfgS, Then Kate, ' is" TVmlniMi ixi many v,, pour 1 nkdit .1 totter tags, u. - week most They He cannot see, for the life of him, where the money .is to ccme irom. Mr. Bates, the family, and - Mr. are the JNIurats and i . , A . 1 ivw itt tilt; . A lUOlUCIit., - ilU i3 uuv-xi-y iii- - 'capable of taking a real part hi. ,tIie Io .s a rude, coarse and vulgar lean, long. ' rru i :('.., i lank aUU1 lazy, 7"" j dices, Which aS lar as he x (31r. . WatterSOn,). . COUid llldgO, WCre Op - . ; in-th- North, might be !,..,,. , , :wt4Vf V ' f "I knaves, tne tools, ana tne mac - .w r .' I iinen.. . . The knaves Were for the. War, Wcn if vcfl fntfniiio-tlioi- r nwn - , . . , . tj.;. because thev had1. ; - " i got into it know how to t fet Out j ' And tho mad-me- n, who' have i "V.ii'ibno ! TWf Hp " ;DCen smrrins-- , ?aud m e thcre ig stm a Ulliou - , , , , f f d , C . fnHjlientlv askcd o wLon thel J i Iwar 'will end? Not until two; dccideJ First, that! canllot wh; us - I caa wmp them. These COUni ilia 7 c 07. the most mysterious inan'I mrBtnckm esha,aled ;ws.flad .SpabgH Banner," is ;j rri Ol - organ- - but slightest main-- ' say lost . ambulances, usual t , . - . our tLcir. fcujs i , ,! ui5a&u.i, u) .u' , . . When Lincolnites catch .man m ine; .wno money, mm m.:.. ration caU d k ,y-- e cali it rohierv. nrcsume. IL1 4AJLAhJ T .,. '" Th( of-Oh- io recentlv , - T Rtnp. 'Thp. rpnlicd te had none sen 1, him didn't fjr tlie "regi- - ' -- , t ..' : il U U S DA V S rCJSJZ riHST GREY. HAIR. Time's hand is ever there, sweet Kate, let the bign remain; , It give me- no regretful tLrob,' Nor fcloiild it j ield thee pain. 'Tis very white, I grant thee, Kate, Yet jduck it not, I jiray, v . ' Why J hould thy loving heart regret That I urn turning grey? Four lustres, Kae, 1 are ta'cn their flight S.nce you and I first met, : And darkened moons have fped since ther, Aud murky suns have set. Yet lhjht from that heart of thine Has been around my way, And with so dear a guide and friend '. I would again grey. - The wife may view w ith unconcern, Time's s'gnet on the brow, - Who g;ve the wearer's heart ' ' A single throb of woe. ' And if ai'g. lic wrnh, sweet Kate, lligbt keep the court at lay. Time ne'et had placed in triumph there, Beneath the hpcnei'a niArk. .'Ti very white, I g'ant thee, Kate, But pluck it not. I pray, Why ih u!i the lovii g he;irt regret That I am turnirg grev? ,A When tfce lamp , if our des h-- nbineth Ivo lorg.rhi-- b fky, AkI tl.e st.r-wr.ea- th ol Hope that cntwmetn i fortunes, is withered and dry-W- hen the da -- tarof Fate is declining. Like the placet goes down in the sea, In the midst of our heart' lor.ely pining We turn, lovely womr.n, to thee. ' When the da.k wg, of Sorrow .re drooping Above our abode iutbeir gloom, . And the f.rm of Anguish issiooping Like the .pint of cibt o'er a t..,n' nhen thi low wmlof s i broken, And tlie light nas gone out m tire ssy. tnn fi.r u fnA:i - 0 nnA fnlrpn ........ To the btacou that leads U3 on high. Where the sunlight is gilding the fiowen That scatter their sweets on the air, And the Vghtingale in her Ixiwers J6h? 59 ,r . w tno rau.oow encircles tne louniain, And the waterfall sprr:s in ifs glee, n VAU.V ar ov,r ,ue rnountain, Wo End life-ang- el in thee. . When the whirl win 1 and tempest are round us ; our i:fe-b.i- rk is osed in the torm. : Tbere'. a p!l arid a .hat that hath bound us ; To a bosm whose fountain is warm; O'er the desert a lone star is beaming. Like thi bright eye of Q"d 011 the e.a, A d p folkv- - he lielit .f its "learning: T. tb. i.rUir 'if. man w-t- tb I'r- - lWB&bl in AW v wfc fn I 1 ! J. appears io. oe quite a of the average, unless fertile show-- j ers are at an early day, if even thev can recover their! llow far this parching of earth extends we know i not, and . we can but- - that it is it is tear- - there will a ot food a'for infix mau au(i jeast. to what is j . .. above, we have seen to the same point in other journals. ; WhUe the North is suffering in ''than, ever gathered before, audi tTnc rrrmvincr r.f oil if;?c ......,. fcliVOW ltJ U. CoL? Ector Georcia has 450 men in it over 6 feet high, a qumtity fcf and doe tors,, and 14 preachers, . tLe in the realms southern Grnrrfll thj Cod's, and TrnthV two and Ibid more ly on dtstniction. E PT E BE R 1 Maj. Gcb. B. McCMIan. "Wc find the followinsc brief oiit-- ! line the antecedents and characteristics this and suddenly risen military star, m one of exchamres. It. pre sents him as not lein.s a very While we jr.T'' i- - -- i, nouiins ue una uuucj excite dread, we do not think we should set him down too quiet- -' ly as incapable doing anything, We should avoid.fallim? into same error our enemies have, and and depreciate their for we do v,e may d:s cover the error, and regret it when it too late. The Scotch-Iris- h is a cross not to despised, either for intellect or fintufe C O it well to prepare a vigorous and determined which will test our nluck. determination, and' endur ahce. ske aVcxla LU tC written by whese acquaintance was ot limited The wri- - ter saVs "The manner in which Government has at the McClellan straw! exhibit s, even in their ai- - fairs, the hand . . . ! 4 - r i .. . j - ! I ; - . ! well wcik Our Lave tho urn? must go to !ter tLe tLcre change rcasurer' the death. a 1Ui oviinea l hey , by htho-- lruin whose expediency characteristic uuu. ii.we no appeal; was the f; his comes & Lud s appointed civil ISOO. war tax must I know crossed in the steamer when he was en route to with and Dclaheld, to the Crimea. I saw a great deal of in dined at the same .Great Britian Ho- tel or cafe) almost daily other invi not separate us." I have distinct ."recollection the man; compared-wit- h or Beauregard, he comes of a good Scotch-Irish- ," of the know "The animal preponderates over intellectual to detrree as to destroy narmoiuous ac- - of his intellect. He ha light hair with a reddish tuige m it, sandy whiskers, and an intensely nervous organization. I because they indi-- i ; cate the temperament ol tne mn which is an impcriont matter in t 111 a xvicuictian a fc be , t his knowledge ... ?. ! 1. Berlin Vienna, Ger- - man military aflairs his speciality, 1? ever he is dangerous to 'us at; all it will has am-- j Biw; 4.u , pli.oits willle vcro arougnt at us about him. Gently them from to eat- - Ncw Tork "Coomiercial" l!ut do not Wlieve that he "! the the; thoyout to bo i Pte of the garden of n manage a large aney. lie d stance more than J .r - Tr Uhis locality are placed m thjii does not ixjsscss that t mivthey in ! : the Ion drought to which we ' essential to fong-ecntinu- ed strewn, of p. i shows it-- v,-L- ia Almf Effort. forte consists drink meal, a pleasant taken without recent- ly blackest. As.boih customers, a Baltimore very making "crinoline: papers singular of refusing enlist. PA a conquest aurouguout IV KS - XTV VV l' V to 5f c w .v.v , -- c v - , gcen it in tne xt iiris snow- -' the itidum corn -- Austrian m- - in as still is lack to the cred on and hy the of a I. , r n 7 some ot the or our vines 'and his foe so to are mtn W and thW canuot After bo-- i ' lts; and and i obod v could crop ., c ,i, . T ! own V0T m .Q or half : he went tbe via wtui, nobody disaster, excuse - had their feherman Sprague s j battcry of thousand; a of , material, their loss, .ivas vu uii io their bragging, nvMi thev . passed that had "Let (heuds . , - " of againtt condition cf of Welles, tlll boor, Derating t anddon't t . CcorjdIy, - tlie.-St- ar m?t?ll,t growth, lawyers Jgelf mafij .we haveeiythinf? veeeta-ii- n iuuvugu skulking fiddS) excepted, milita-haunt- ed terrible ' German they lately proposed' a8 rachievc .jthe potato familiarity exa-e- rate whV dead, everywhere gunge. Paris, Tlicir Crimea They stands note-worth-y, unprincipled: Congress everything asked, Execufve. to ones, and dision9 and i, , ! 7 ; " and truth.- the htis mey imprison . .'-....r- i-. right? proper highway, however, UUIUm . ' .. v - , tbut to. ' -- enough msris in .ishington.. , . Yet warm turn . never upinthe Oi:r grim - uon our Atid in . . . vouchsafed then calamitous - ' . hope Otherwise ed be scarcity addition' ' ' testimony .l.l-- a AUq) V. s llciiment of - ...eredare impelled M Gforse of general of recently our dangerous opponent. uiai of the underrate leaders; be be against capaign one This one duration. j desperate e drowning Lincohi caught military. omitted, days cemes Furr,ort up-whi-ch political Lincoln, Europe, Mordecaii McClellan Paris. special tations a of and 'Davis MeCJeliau nothing. such a the things, ceinmanaer. of making beaflerhe .,fnpero juijku, establish- - ine'deai of long, enough CaP,tol cf peculiar McClellan of remedy, Louisville clothing, scarcely tactics, cellars, though our uccess' formation in regard of moisture. In localities habits withered leaving o hof perhaps lieve thousands buUying, Manassas. could over-loade- d' ffrwilirT ioiui, we Gorpmnr have-hal- f partial. would th "from well; mention Prussian Germans from West, command- - oy uennan omcers. Mills S'opjxd. The Mer-- rimac company in Lowell, sput uieir cimru i, tv.,. that nearly every corporation in that city has been or The and the emblems of peace are in Hartford, Conn., andi t in wnv tho.m nnd in uthor entirely cicst-a- . now jomr tnev be-'th- at Lincoln to raise his wav) i.e Toi-- a from all nirts of'H remain so a matter of fOO,000,OOQ in this, manner as . r11 larfst h h thai cro s gath-'ccrtai- v;: ' is that he no other . . ; town m - . - ; three . us , : - i . . . friends cf peace that State for the warlib reeentiy so common letter enVelop-s- . 1861. at the have constant- - to 9, f, to if is qauties, iA.ll ieculiar weeks, "breed" penty nis lniktia, to courage, ed he Mass., ion is on oum an enrollea miht!a . Ccanlerfrit Treasury Notes. 1 regret to leam that parties :lUK:u ho - terftitrng lreasurv rsotes ot the Coufedenite Goverment issue. xhe Bank of the city, of Peters- - Va., detected, on the 29 th a ccnnteneit cl me uenommation "v0 lirs- - The Petersburg express says ct uiesnut jous note: ln the counterfeit bill, fol- - iowiug . stipulations arc left out cf the body of the note, but are above and-belo- on the border: ''Keceivablc in payment of du- - except-expor- t duties, and "ci 'Fundable m Confeuerate States StockSj boarics Fr CCKt The counterfeit. has no vignette, vrhile the genuine bill has ! a centre comprised of a fe- - ;iewith'apoleandlib..rty cap;and eagle on the ielt ot the female, and rTl IPO i fit. P'.-- tt ihn i hill o ir of a sailoh Xhe numbering and filling up hi the counterfeit are very mdifierentl The note kulcl be scanned Ufjre re- - :... .i . .i,..,i.ii it. ...l . i. vivv.u, j;a uouuiiusa. me uo;e ci ,.11 . .. . been counterfeited,, and are now in circulation. The countci'feits ' . . . . i j i i i i i x 7 .' ihe ot the hthographer in the counterfeit is decidedly better than that of the genuine, and it is well calculated to circu- - late freely ouisicle banking in- - stitu: ions. ' We are anxious to cau- - tion public in regard to the! recepiicu of issue,' as, under. the present condition cf things, I 9 men. They more stubtcra facts, ruinous few .weeks, .119 nri 1,1 ij";wjxii iue.weaiiny r. - , , ine uenommauons issuea pay me uemauued, and " Confederate GoLvernment but where is ure "cTncd Sunierson, Begis- - business 1 war io1' lQmS and and; is except by VK Kosscr upon ur us. assessor oppcintcd have nam Lincoln, assess- - mouth": :4,!Iut-- u2u- - ew is marked gtcuuio v.T're litLo- - on the United course ol the aphed wig, Mat eclieeter, also the re volutin cf Mr. the McClellan same visit We table (at the for three when did is nothing. cross but I the tlOll these t r is , th and l and had orui. had docked clear I the JiA were the hanJ learn their black upon Blair heels eveu thc suffering the fire tary the Ian- - 19 the I r croPs compan-- , one-thi- rd five' the t i r r to wuiks y. partially Branch. envelopes just intends un-- the 1 sT-.bc- is tho rvorth We 'burg, ult., the ties ;iuteiest." vignette, I tlTro bill of the this : lew by must, to a' n double amount at read .V.I. tvn. .oi'cede theiegular bank- - circulation throughout the Con States. r.OGEES3 cf DisrcusM. Lin- coln has length resorted to the arrests if private peisons, who have large sums of money on their persons,and to the robbery of them. Every day bring additional ae- - counts cf such arrests. The New WHOLE Conaeclicat. acknowledged bemeniadethrcuah- - ork PreH3. openly boasts such'ulla wLere and press were the boasts. geiitkman England, ure that neither 'will s..rvlvr on his v ay. South, was arrested f 'and 40,000 or 200,- - j 000, were taken him. Oiner arrests are of daily Baltimore papers are forbidden to! the Covaxment. The New York Daily .News, and " " Day Book are be suppressed for their denunciations oi Lincoln. Will even the people of the North submit to tueli a despotism! A Lincohi letter writer New lork from St. Louis, makes tie coulessions in regard to' aiissoun: , -- - time organize array oijof tlvp enemv, so jiumerous his uowu KlV8 Olive These, issued" has UnA papers and nere. Mttwsuii ir utt; wait js cu wie Union with its advantages, the utter ruin of its loyal popula- - tion. So rapid are the movements so are the fol- lowers and so desperate their lead- ers, that their of rav- aging the tax our utmost powers drive them back jupon their barren wastes. . Dout icant to Enli.ft. The fol- lowing paragraph is tlie Pitts- burg (Pa.) Dispatch of th 19th: .Both of the Wheeling papers speak of dilatoriness among the union uivu m esiern Virginia in enlisting, and as a to volunteers, that Gov. Pier-poi- nt is determined to call for a .draft, unless the regiments are more rapidly filled of volunteers. We have alomr thought that ' ern Virginia wore tcowiilin us do the fighting for them while they tho talking. now hoinr Rulistituted bv . the'.tlie Un:on men nnrtii n of 'in e HO. 5S8. j v A Voice from - . The Times says; v oi our northern aimy, tbe-trut- h begins bv our ' neighbors, that we can never con- - the outh. r abolition me nas all of over 00,0 00 have : than 1,000,000. musket?, be- - ' sides : powerful artillery equal to : oius, and now they have captured ' five of our best batteries. In the ; lace ol these our war-breed- abohticniits puh us on m , this civil var? ' ' , Within a months, or perhapa we must be subject to the ; tliaft upon the enrollments ; which are now - . mil. tills Tfltn nrrMvlinrv tn .... - T . ivu; can ,1 '. uv tlie at heme: ;wi lie no In - .Abru- - to-ai- to w;er, so;n ! Northern peupb ' Hover Bieh- - by from j . and we . j to tion, from with Ison win Dove this 'limitation that v federate at cf free speech free robberies. Thcckaii- - Oae from tes sterling, from occurrences, j denounce ; the' to to lotlowmir pie to wsi ail and to infatuateti with country, -- will to from suggest, stimu- lant to let do are in VT.kL Hartford ' quer aid to war 'cent act of our leeislcture. ivien must be taken fiom their families ' and their j.erctful occupations to fightfor what? Can .President' man to obtain the ca&h to pay' his Penalty in this, present time of . . . . - - - - z : i oe paid loitiiwith 5403,000 1 the (Sum taxed upon Connecticut for .'the war. . ; Aocut hsve"ralreadv teen borro wed by this State, to pay c 1 equip our live regiments. Our snug State.. fund of near $'00,000 well . invested in bank stocks, has been spent, and more incuired and demanded. Fcr the first time in the of our little State have Connecticut bonds been hawked about the country, and yet the war has just com-inence- d. . t Every pajx?r we get from the North teems with accounts cf per- sons arrested, Louses searched, Toners suppressed. This i tho many. moons. The only hcpelbr the la is that old Abe will break aov,-- u h, the effort to subdue them, His Mm . must be stupendous. Ht. Las to keep an eve on every one' 0 his twenty-- t wo millions subjects. vt a iir.uoft!inn Mnnn tr.,.t i;. - But this is the lot, and richly dc- - served, ot all tyrants. - . The counties included in the new-Stat- e of Kanawha, Virginia, which has been declared to exist bv tho . ueeJng Convention subject to aoteci the people, had a popu- - lation, accordhig to the census of eight and ten thousand. . The whole population cf Virginia ia 1S60 was 1,593,199.; Singular. The City. Council cf Cincinnati has passed a resolution calling upon the Governor of Ohio io' draft 50,000 men to protect Cin- cinnati. This ia a singular pro- ceeding for the commercial empo- rium of a State that boasts of hav- ing sent a larg number of inen to 'defend the Capitol at Washington.' 'Ejfjcta of theB'ochid North. The N. Y. Herald of the 30th says; " Wc understand that in the in terior of the State," farmers find it difficult to dispose of tjieir pro- duce, that potatoes can in many places be had as low as three cents, and corn as low as six cents per bushel." - 11 Tlie stock of salt now on hitd I in Xp.w Orlpana i snfTipipnt t inrfl ( eijltt millions of hop. tk I use of anv more . istU,ot 281,780. The number of hv.n area thousand jujhtivg mm stesis estnnatcd to be between f- - i c,. i i an ad hcrents, method it all history What's

Fayetteville observer. (Fayetteville, Tenn.) 1861-09 …...woc-d-s and, a few days alter, he! rode into camp on a mule and ceutly dressed. i.. " No one can del-stan-d mm, no oDccciu

May 07, 2020



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Page 1: Fayetteville observer. (Fayetteville, Tenn.) 1861-09 …...woc-d-s and, a few days alter, he! rode into camp on a mule and ceutly dressed. i.. " No one can del-stan-d mm, no oDccciu


i -- .




Kr. O. Wallaee,J

CTTwo Doi nrs for onej-eari-f attun lin.e of- - fculihkr'i tion. -- Two liOllal'Slind Filly Vuls, wjthvt r.t viatjon,.wrer theixpirHUoii ol three tnotilha. '""'- -

Ai Bill for Adverti. .dents,4AVork, or Saerption, cuusidored due whencontracted exeej.t nj; litiet those with whomwe have rnm'trs; acrniiijfa.

. CO"1 Sab.-rribe-rs f.wlir, to rrder d?Son-iiiiuar- io

of the Jr., nt the exjvnit ion of theJ j;ne for which 'they may hue ftibsoribed.nre :oi'!id red as 'wMii-n In Miitnv; n?id U

W ill hi 'oiitiiu?f to them .

; C3 -- ' ppt;r will leent out of . thecounty rai.i f.r in cuvantre. . '.

0C7 Advi-rrv- . meats ii.s-r-- o.l h Otic Lol-i- ei

tqu.nx ti Twelveyr fH- - t.Ln firt ii.erii(u: I'ifiv frills eachfjT" .lvertirjig by t!i rear, will

li cijAcl ,l'ily S;Uins f.r a v holec.d ii in ii, 'i'v.'JH Etl:n f.r one-ha- !l

'tvn lr one-'inrt- er. .o drvm- -Hon from theji tcmii un hf any a'rcuii.4jiiies

stn..Ou Vm-ir- d thZr iiumfdiait ' 'their wt.s... dwr- - follnved of Suropter; ... ,

lisiig rot c"i.Mrpd as iiiclu.iii-mLa- i

f i: ii,iiiviii:l mi'tulifrs.i'Zr ATii.onriiiiu. c lii'fc o!-- I

wrs, to U' pail fl oJv.mce iu cctry fa?.- 'A.ivi'itiscfiiviiib M't. iii.uueil with tht--

of iiifiuvvs wiion handed io,. lf culinutA u;.tU ordered 01 1, end jn'vind ex- -

t s nirtit ii.seiled ciutuitoutlyA-- i vi:rtii-- i iii-'ii- t of au abu:v0 nature,

will nutle ihstrted td uti'J price.(jT ft ii:esiii, ' All. lints vevVy

done n Sew J. w.t ; ica obalit:. Til in

.j IV t v i'.llic d:.Kfi. tinned nn;larienr m.1 i dd . txc(d at the cp

t oi. of the l'ld'iJiei-- . "'

BEN. McCULLOUGH.This distinguished military chief--.

is a ve'iy" plain somewhat

mysterious sort of as will be

eec-- n )y the following extract Irom

a letter by one of his soldiers:

Old Ken is ct prcscut with us. lie is no ordinarynnan, although very much so inkoks. He is quiet, has little tos:iy, and keeps everything to him- -

' self. J le goes about alone and nev-

er dressos in military. He wasabsent some iime o.'jo, and subse-

quent accounts reported Lim sea-

ling thickens in the enemy's campin Missouri. He left our campsome time since in . patched-u-p

clothes; he' was scon by one walk-

ing leisurely along the road, by an-otli- or

makinfif tracks through thewoc-d- s and, a few days alter, he!rode into camp on a mule andceutly dressed.

i ..

" No one candel-stan- d mm, no oDccciu ivji.-.u- -


t?aw, and Abe yill find him hardto deal

Antidote for Intermittent Fever- SuhJitide for Quinine. Dr. D. B.

Phillips, of the United States11a v v. now of the Coniederate na--

vy. ays:"junv luiu mw.

hi ,L . ?da"o'r a t made cffpdderintermittent fever. Ihe eliow.nm i's t hp. letter variety, and a

made a tablespoonful ofthe stirred in glass of wa- -'

' ter, and taken frequently, is notonly a good a

. and refreshing beverage, which

v may be in all stages of thethe evil


Louisville Hotels. We. from gentlemen who have

visited Louisville, that the Gait;. House and Hotels in

that city swarm with Lincolnites,:ami proprietors areas the thosehouses have. been supiortcdly by Southern ourfriends remember, to' givethem wide berth in the future.

llcinj.'his AvakincliC.. "


The New York Tribune 'says

i'the rebel women ofArc said to be busy" in

and knitting socks forJelF. Davis soldiery." This is h

good onion for Baltimore, fcr when-

ever tlie begins to se-

cede, the men will follow as cer-

tainly night follows day. . ; .

;"5fliw York complainlOTiflyT'iS-ta- obstinacy I

tilt masses in to

"- - '' - r X - 'x. : ...... .


Vj v"

iiii?' " ' , "

.- wrJ

. r

FETTK V! L LB, 1; it B N


hit. Uenry .aticreony ot Mc-


presided in ; Itr. is "due ''to., humanity "to

Washington City for the past two that as a" general "thing, ' our pris-year- p, home a days ; oners ,urc well-txeaicd.- V .Indeed,

ago crd made a speech on Satur7 for a time, their confinement, was

day, a report of which we find in 'constantly besieged by the citizens

the New He 'says.' - - j ot,'Washingtcnof whom at leastand soul withheartHe had been in shinqton 8

from the outset of this great Rev,:theSouth-with- .all torts, of ciain-olutio- n.

tics luxuries. But this sortHe had stood, as it were,



cthe. fall and- -

' that...fiiinii



s e Tei-uesee- .

tain andman,






who Las


IS I CO ViUlCIiL ilS JliailV CUlfAJDV:.- ; ln18 banneret of "w. '

is considered kind t J

i. t

mail. most Who bark,' let tbe trai.grr live, sweet

a light, bfe least j .... , ...,?; Uml they, too, m time shall pale

in the very centre of the terrificfanaticism, which i

witnessed the .splendid prepara- i

tions for the ot the fcouth;had watt hed the gathering ol that

3 4 xi - r.u r,. . ..t i 1 1 n la wiia cniLusnism ior ine nag anu.

-- :'Uethe Union which was to sweep... '. 1 b,foro and bad seen .u.:L t

210ns, m almcst march'across the Potomac into to the Old ;

Tf vu i mornnfir. nr.i i

V p jav4 j

. , j ' f. .

quest. It Was composed not as,

suppos Of City Vagabond - ?.

K,w bnfr ..InMrf mon

irom,iffltin nnil 1n am' let. wlio1 had -

n: aa rt,,lrA

Oovcrnnent, a..d Flag." Before

iuv irvi,.. rWas truly appalling. .'But a Very ,

.dillerent picture was, presented af--

tr ... .t:r the great conflict the

Ar - jPlaillS Of Manassas. .

Tf f,1r thm riv ,1nv tn march... i

out; as many hours were more j

j.. ir u.:.,ii,n.hAliWLJl MlUiCiCilt IU Ullil liivrui uuvtv. j

Scattered like spray before the!Skill Of TOUT Generals, and the'courage cfour army, they, returned j

in dismantled fragments, demoralby defeat, and debauched by

stea'd rain had set in at j

A :f fl ,;,',I began to across the Long

mi 1 . .1 :Bridge xne routnaucoimneiteeu1 a. .1. '

the before: utu. r 1 . it CI .1 .1 I

clay, .Honaaj, me --mi,; tueycontinued to in, some in rags,some in some without coats;- I . - 4-- I - "V VP 1 4" fl ..,O V 4 T H,au.

.! I I X. n l A rmuu uauuLu aim 1

rr-i(- n liiru-itir- r lniPil fi"W.TVfl VS flllfl

f,f i,;a mm-PTHPni- s. Ho is!"""





io u . ;time pretended to deny ;

the or the disall thcirj

ba-j"- c their stores, tlieir artille-

rv, everything., 'ands battery

ofarms, irom to tenmen, i,itn mnnilpea varietvless nut not ies use-

ful completed tern--

Die as. uuuuticu .

bauds. It was'm.aily afore the cctld

isiimmc 5n ot--ia ag. w

and -

K-i;i-y iid then did it- 7

hadthe President, but

! not'lpesi.

? all tboa aim'sf be thy Country's,





i tliat. It went out to see about it,but carne back crest, fallen..'.tod

' '.i ....General Scctt was, of course, not

'n tjie -- ctiorr

1 '

T . ' :. - -There is some misapprehension


. .moviLgwar


pccrs. -

the Government 1 Mr. fceward

Mr. Chase is tho war on

financial and prudential mclives

awi j'

ccmpara-BfrJ,M- ,:

.of .



OL "peace

Like dfgS, Then Kate,' is"











He cannot see, for the life of him,where the money .is to ccme irom.Mr. Bates, the family, and-Mr. are the JNIurats and i

. , A. 1

ivwitt tilt;.A lUOlUCIit., -

ilU i3 uuv-xi-y iii--

'capable of taking a real part hi.,tIie Io .s a rude,coarse and vulgar lean, long. '

rru i :('.., ilankaUU1

lazy, 7"" j

dices, Which aS lar as he x(31r. .


COUid llldgO, WCre Op-.;in-th- North, might be!,..,,. , ,

:wt4Vf V ' f

"Iknaves, tne tools, ana tne mac- .wr .' I

iinen.. . .

The knaves Were for the. War,

Wcn if vcfl fntfniiio-tlioi- r nwn -

, . . , .

tj.;. because thev had1.; - " i

got into it know how to t

fet Out j


And tho mad-me- n, who' have i

"V.ii'ibno ! TWf Hp ";DCen smrrins--,

?aud m e thcre ig stm a Ulliou- , , , ,

f f d, C . fnHjlientlv askcdo

wLon thelJ i

Iwar 'will end? Not until two;dccideJ First, that!

canllot wh; us- I

caa wmp them. These

COUni ilia 7 c 07.

the most mysterious inan'I mrBtnckm esha,aled ;ws.flad .SpabgH Banner,"






organ- -



main-- '









ourtLcir. fcujs i


,!ui5a&u.i, u) .u' ,



When Lincolnites m ine; .wno

money, mmm.:..

ration caUd k ,y-- e cali it

rohierv. nrcsume.


.,. '"

Th( of-Oh- io recentlv, - T

Rtnp. 'Thp. rpnlicdte had none sen 1, him didn't

fjr tlie "regi--' -- , t ..'

: il U U S D A V S

rCJSJZ riHST GREY. HAIR.Time's hand is ever there, sweet Kate,

let the bign remain;, It give me- no regretful tLrob,'

Nor fcloiild it j ield thee pain.'Tis very white, I grant thee, Kate,

Yet jduck it not, I jiray, v .

' Why J hould thy loving heart regretThat I urn turning grey?

Four lustres, Kae, 1 are ta'cn their flightS.nce you and I first met,

: And darkened moons have fped since ther,Aud murky suns have set.

Yet lhjht from that heart of thineHas been around my way,

And with so dear a guide and friend

'. I would again grey.-

The wife may view w ith unconcern,Time's s'gnet on the brow,

- Who g;ve the wearer's heart' ' A single throb of woe.

' And if ai'g. lic wrnh, sweet Kate,lligbt keep the court at lay.

Time ne'et had placed in triumph there,

Beneath the hpcnei'a niArk.

.'Ti very white, I g'ant thee, Kate,But pluck it not. I pray,

Why ih u!i the lovii g he;irt regretThat I am turnirg grev?


When tfce lamp ,if our des h-- nbinethIvo lorg.rhi-- b fky,

AkI tl.e st.r-wr.ea- th ol Hope that cntwmetn i

fortunes, is withered and dry-W- hen

the da -- tarof Fate is declining.Like the placet goes down in the sea,

In the midst of our heart' lor.ely piningWe turn, lovely womr.n, to thee. '

When the da.k wg, of Sorrow .re droopingAbove our abode iutbeir gloom,

.And the f.rm of Anguish issiooping

Like the .pint of cibt o'er a t..,n'

nhen thi low wmlof s i broken,And tlie light nas gone out m tire ssy.

tnn fi.r u fnA:i- 0 nnA fnlrpn........To the btacou that leads U3 on high.

Where the sunlight is gilding the fiowenThat scatter their sweets on the air,

And the Vghtingale in her Ixiwers

J6h? 59 ,r .w tno rau.oow encircles tne louniain,

And the waterfall sprr:s in ifs glee,n VAU.V ar ov,r ,ue rnountain,

Wo End life-ang- el in thee..

When the whirl win 1 and tempest are round us ;

our i:fe-b.i- rk is osed in the torm. :

Tbere'. a p!l arid a .hat that hath bound us ;

To a bosm whose fountain is warm;O'er the desert a lone star is beaming.

Like thi bright eye of Q"d 011 the e.a,A d p folkv- - he lielit .f its "learning:

T. tb. i.rUir 'if. man w-t- tb

I'r- -

lWB&bl in AW vwfcfn I 1 ! J.appears io. oe quite a

of the average, unless fertile show--jers are at an early day,if even thev can recover their!

llow far thisparching of earth extends we know i

not, and.we can but- - that

it is it is tear--

there will a ot fooda'for infix mau au(i jeast.

to what isj

. ..above, we have seen tothe same point in other journals. ;

WhUe the North is suffering in

''than, ever gathered before, auditTnc rrrmvincr r.f oil if;?c ......,.fcliVOW ltJ U.

CoL? Ector Georciahas 450 men in it over 6 feet high,a qumtity fcf and doe tors,,and 14 preachers, .

tLe in the realms



thj Cod's, and TrnthV

two and Ibid more

ly on dtstniction.

E PT E B E R 1

Maj. Gcb. B. McCMIan.

"Wc find the followinsc brief oiit--!line the antecedents andcharacteristics this andsuddenly risen military star, mone of exchamres. It. presents him as not lein.s a very

While wejr.T'' i-- --i, nouiins ue una uuucj

excite dread, we do not thinkwe should set him down too quiet- -'

ly as incapable doing anything,We should avoid.fallim? intosame error our enemies have, and

and depreciate theirfor we do v,e may d:s

cover the error, and regret it whenit too late. The Scotch-Iris- h is

a cross not to despised, eitherfor intellect or fintufeC O

it well to preparea vigorous and determined

which will test ournluck. determination, and' endurahce. ske aVcxla LU tCwritten by whese acquaintancewas ot limited The wri--

ter saVs

"The manner in whichGovernment

has at the McClellan straw!exhibits, even in their ai--

fairs, the hand

. .

. ! 4


i .. .












Lave tho

urn? must go to!ter tLe tLcre change

rcasurer' the death. a1Ui oviinea l hey , by htho-- lruin whoseexpediency characteristic uuu. ii.we no appeal;

was the f; his comes& Lud s appointed

civil ISOO. war tax mustI know crossedin the steamer when he wasen route to withand Dclaheld, to the Crimea.I saw a great deal ofin dined at the same

.Great Britian Ho-

tel or cafe) almost dailyother invi

not separate us." Ihave distinct ."recollection theman; compared-wit- h

or Beauregard, hecomes of a good

Scotch-Irish- ," of theknow"The animal preponderates over

intellectual to detrreeas to destroy narmoiuous ac--

of his intellect. He ha lighthair with a reddish tuige m it,sandy whiskers, and an intenselynervous organization. I

because they indi-- i ;

cate the temperament ol tne mnwhich is an impcriont matter in

t 111a xvicuictian afc be , t

his knowledge...?. ! 1.

Berlin Vienna, Ger--

man military aflairs his speciality,1? ever he is dangerous to 'us at;all it will has am--j

Biw; 4.u , pli.oits willle vcro arougnt at us about him.Gently them from to eat-- Ncw Tork "Coomiercial" l!ut do not Wlieve that he

"! the the; thoyout to bo i Pte of the garden of n manage a large aney. lied stance more than J .r -

Tr Uhis locality are placed m thjii does not ixjsscss thattmivthey in!

: the Ion drought to which we ' essential to fong-ecntinu-ed

strewn, of p. i shows it-- v,-L- ia Almf Effort. forte consists

drinkmeal, a





blackest. As.boih



Baltimorevery making


paperssingular ofrefusing enlist.





IV KS - XTV V V l' V

to 5f cw .v.v , -- c v - , gcen it in tne xt iiris snow- -' the itidum corn --Austrian m--

in as still is lack to thecred on andhy the of a I. , r n 7 some ot the

or our vines 'and hisfoe so to aremtn W and thW canuot After bo-- i' lts; and andi obod v could crop

., c ,i, .T ! own V0T m .Q or half :

he went tbe viawtui,

nobodydisaster, excuse -


theirfeherman Sprague s j

battcry ofthousand;

a of,

material, theirloss, .ivas vu uii

iotheir bragging,nvMi thev

. passed

that had

"Let (heuds

. ,
















tlie.-St- ar




Jgelf mafij .we haveeiythinf? veeeta-ii- n

iuuvuguskulking fiddS) excepted, milita-haunt-ed

terrible ' Germanthey lately proposed'

a8 rachievc .jthe potato familiarityexa-e- rate

whV dead, everywhere gunge. Paris,Tlicir Crimea





Congress everythingasked,


to ones, anddision9 and

i, ,

! 7



and truth.-


htis mey imprison .

.'-....r- i-.

right? properhighway,however,



.. v

- ,



msris in .ishington.. ,

. Yet













. .






Otherwiseed be scarcity

addition' ' '


.l.l--aAUq) V.

s llciiment






of generalof recently


dangerous opponent.





beagainstcapaign one


duration. j

desperatee drowning Lincohi


omitted,days cemes




Europe, Mordecaii



a ofand 'Davis



such athe






.,fnpero juijku, establish- - ine'deai oflong, enough

CaP,tolcf peculiar






scarcely tactics,cellars, though

our uccess' formation in regardof moisture. In localities habits


ohof perhaps lieve



Manassas. could

over-loade- d'





have-hal- f








Germans from West, command- -

oy uennan omcers.

Mills S'opjxd. The Mer--rimac company in Lowell,

sput uieir cimrui, tv.,.

that nearly every corporationin that city has been or

The and theemblems of peace are

in Hartford, Conn., andi

t in wnv tho.m nnd in uthor entirely cicst-a- . now jomr tnevbe-'th- at Lincoln to raise his wav) i.e Toi-- a from all nirts of'H remain so a matter of

fOO,000,OOQ in this, manner as . r11 larfsth h thai cro s gath-'ccrtai-v;:'is that he no other . . ; town m- . -; three


us ,







friends cf peace that State forthe warlib reeentiy socommon letter enVelop-s- .


at the have constant- -to











penty nis









oum an enrollea miht!a

. Ccanlerfrit Treasury Notes. 1

regret to leam that parties:lUK:u ho -

terftitrng lreasurv rsotes ot theCoufedenite Goverment issue.xhe Bank of the city, of Peters--

Va., detected, on the 29 tha ccnnteneit cl me uenommation

"v0 lirs- - The Petersburgexpress says ct uiesnut jous note:

ln the counterfeit bill, fol--iowiug . stipulations arc left outcf the body of the note, but areabove and-belo- on the border:''Keceivablc in payment of du--

except-expor- t duties, and"ci'Fundable m Confeuerate StatesStockSj boarics Fr CCKt

The counterfeit. has novignette, vrhile the genuine bill has !

a centre comprised of a fe--;iewith'apoleandlib..rty cap;andeagle on the ielt ot the female, andrTl IPO i fit. P'.-- tt ihn ihill o ir

of a sailoh Xhe numberingand filling up hi the counterfeitare very mdifierentl The notekulcl be scanned Ufjre re--

:... .i . .i,..,i.ii it. ...l . i.vivv.u, j;a uouuiiusa. me uo;e ci,.11 . .. .

been counterfeited,, and are nowin circulation. The countci'feits


. . . .i j i i i i i x 7 .'

ihe ot the hthographerin the counterfeit is decidedlybetter than that of the genuine,and it is well calculated to circu--late freely ouisicle banking in- -stitu: ions. ' We are anxious to cau- -tion public in regard to the!recepiicu of issue,' as, under.the present condition cf things, I

9 men. Theymore

stubtcra facts,



.119 nri 1,1ij";wjxii iue.weaiinyr. - , ,ine uenommauons issuea pay me uemauued, and"Confederate GoLvernment but where is

ure "cTncd Sunierson, Begis- - business 1 wario1' lQmS and and; is except by

VK Kosscr uponur us. assessor oppcintcd

have nam Lincoln, assess--

mouth": :4,!Iut-- u2u- - ew ismarked gtcuuio v.T're litLo-- on the United

course ol the aphed wig, Mat eclieeter, alsothe revolutin cf Mr. the



Wetable (at the

for threewhendid

is nothing.cross





t ris

, th




orui.had docked clear Ithe


were the hanJ


their black




eveuthc suffering the

fire tarythe Ian--

19 the IrcroPs compan-- , one-thi-rd


thet i r r




envelopes just

intends un--







'burg, ult.,













must, to a' n double amount at read.V.I.tvn. .oi'cede theiegular bank--

circulation throughout the ConStates.

r.OGEES3 cf DisrcusM. Lin-coln has length resorted to thearrests if private peisons, whohave large sums of money on theirpersons,and to the robbery of them.Every day bring additional ae--

counts cf such arrests. The New





ork PreH3. openly boasts such'ulla wLere andpress were the boasts.

geiitkman England, ure that neither 'will s..rvlvron his v ay. South, was arrested f

'and 40,000 or 200,- - j

000, were taken him. Oinerarrests are of dailyBaltimore papers are forbidden to!

the Covaxment. TheNew York Daily .News, and

" "

Day Book are be suppressed fortheir denunciations oi Lincoln.Will even the people of the Northsubmit to tueli a despotism!

A Lincohi letter writer Newlork from St. Louis, makes tie

coulessions in regard to'aiissoun: ,


time organize array oijof tlvp enemv, so jiumerous his









Mttwsuii ir utt; wait js cu wieUnion with its advantages,

the utter ruin of its loyal popula--

tion. So rapid are the movements

so are the fol-

lowers and so desperate their lead-ers, that their of rav-aging the tax ourutmost powers drive them back

jupon their barren wastes. .

Dout icant to Enli.ft. The fol-

lowing paragraph is tlie Pitts-burg (Pa.) Dispatch of th 19th:

.Both of the Wheeling papersspeak of dilatoriness among theunion uivu m esiern Virginia inenlisting, and as a

to volunteers, that Gov. Pier-poi- nt

is determined to call for a.draft, unless the regiments aremore rapidly filled of volunteers.We have alomr thought that

' ern Virginia wore tcowiilinus do the fighting for them whilethey tho talking.

now hoinr Rulistituted bv . the'.tlie Un:on men nnrtii n of'in


HO. 5S8.

j v A Voice from-

. The Times says;v

oi our northern aimy, tbe-trut- h

begins bv our'

neighbors, that we can never con--the outh. r abolition

me nas


of over 00,0 00 have :

than 1,000,000. musket?, be-- '

sides : powerful artillery equal to:

oius, and now they have captured '

five of our best batteries. In the ;lace ol theseour war-breed- abohticniitspuh us on m , this civilvar? ' '

, Within a months, or perhapawe must be subject to the ;

tliaft upon the enrollments ;which are now - .mil. tills Tfltn nrrMvlinrv tn .... -

T .ivu; can,1 '.uv tlie

at heme: ;wi


In- .Abru- -

to-ai- tow;er, so;n


Northern peupb' Hover Bieh- - by

from j .and










this 'limitation that v



cf free speech freerobberies. Thcckaii- -

Oae from tes


occurrences, j

denounce ;




pie to

wsiail and



withcountry, --will



suggest, stimu-lant

to let


are in VT.kL






'cent act of our leeislcture. ivienmust be taken fiom their families '

and their j.erctful occupations tofightfor what? Can .President'

man to obtain the ca&h to pay' hisPenalty in this, present time of

. . . .- - - - z : i

oe paid loitiiwith 5403,000 1 the(Sum taxed upon Connecticut for.'the war. . ;

Aocut hsve"ralreadvteen borrowed by this State, to payc 1 equip our live regiments.

Our snug State.. fund of near$'00,000 well . invested in bankstocks, has been spent, and more

incuired and demanded. Fcr thefirst time in the of ourlittle State have Connecticut bondsbeen hawked about the country,and yet the war has just com-inence- d.

. t

Every pajx?r we get from theNorth teems with accounts cf per-sons arrested, Louses searched,Toners suppressed. This i tho

many. moons. The only hcpelbrthe la is that old Abe will breakaov,-- u h, the effort to subdue them,His Mm . must be stupendous.Ht. Las to keep an eve on every one'0 his twenty-- t wo millions subjects.vt a iir.uoft!inn Mnnn tr.,.ti;. -But this is the lot, and richly dc--served, ot all tyrants. - .

The counties included in the new-Stat-e

of Kanawha, Virginia, whichhas been declared to exist bv tho

.ueeJng Convention subject toaoteci the people, had a popu--lation, accordhig to the census of

eight and ten thousand. . Thewhole population cf Virginia ia1S60 was 1,593,199.;

Singular. The City. Council cfCincinnati has passed a resolutioncalling upon the Governor of Ohioio'draft 50,000 men to protect Cin-cinnati. This ia a singular pro-ceeding for the commercial empo-rium of a State that boasts of hav-ing sent a larg number of inen to'defend the Capitol at Washington.'

'Ejfjcta of theB'ochid North.The N. Y. Herald of the 30th says;

"Wc understand that in the interior of the State," farmers find itdifficult to dispose of tjieir pro-duce, that potatoes can in manyplaces be had as low as three cents,and corn as low as six cents perbushel." - 11

Tlie stock of salt now on hitdI in Xp.w Orlpana i snfTipipnt t inrfl( eijltt millions of hop. tkI use of anv more

. istU,ot 281,780. The number ofhv.n area thousand jujhtivg mm stesis estnnatcd to be betweenf--

i c,. i i

an adhcrents,



