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Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes fail.

Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Dec 18, 2015



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Page 1: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Faults and fault-tolerance

One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the

system will continue to perform even if some components / processes fail.

Page 2: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Cause and effect

• Study what causes what.

• We view the effect of failures at our level of abstraction, and then try to mask it, or recover from it.

• Be familiar with the terms MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) and MTTR (Mean Time To Repair)

Page 3: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Classification of failures

Crash failureOmission failure

Transient failure

Byzantine failure

Software failure

Temporal failure Security failure

Page 4: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Crash failuresCrash failure is irreversible. How can we distinguish between a process that

has crashed and a process that is running very slowly?

In synchronous system, it is easy to detect crash failure (using heartbeat signals and timeout), but in asynchronous systems, it is never accurate.

Some failures may be complex and nasty. Arbitrary deviation from program execution is a form of failure that may not be as “nice” as a crash. Fail-stop failure is an simple abstraction that mimics crash failure when program execution becomes arbitrary. Such implementations help detect which processor has failed. If a system cannot tolerate fail-stop failure, then it cannot tolerate crash.

Page 5: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Omission failures

Message lost in transit. May happen due to various causes, like

– Transmitter malfunction– Buffer overflow– Collisions at the MAC layer– Receiver out of range

Page 6: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Transient failure

(Hardware) Arbitrary perturbation of the global state. May be

induced by power surge, weak batteries, lightning, radio-

frequency interferences etc.

(Software) Heisenbugs, are a class of temporary internal

faults and are intermittent. They are essentially permanent

faults whose conditions of activation occur rarely or are not

easily reproducible, so they are harder to detect during the

testing phase.

Over 99% of bugs in IBM DB2 production code are non-

deterministic and transient

Page 7: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Byzantine failure

Anything goes! Includes every conceivable form of erroneous behavior.

Numerous possible causes. Includes malicious behaviors (like a process executing a different program instead of the specified one) too.

Most difficult kind of failure to deal with.

Page 8: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Software failures

• Coding error or human error

• Design flaws

• Memory leak

• Incomplete specification (example Y2K)

Many failures (like crash, omission etc) can be caused by software bugs too.

Page 9: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Specification of faulty behavior

program example1;define x : boolean (initially x = true);{a, b are messages);

do {S}: x send a {specified action} {F}: true send b {faulty action}od

a a a a b a a a b b a a a a a a a …

Page 10: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Specifying Byzantine Faults

program example2;

define j:integer, flag : boolean ;

{a, b are messages}, x : buffer;

initially j=0, flag = false;

do ~flag message=a x:= a ; flag :=true

(j<N) flag send x to j; j := j+1

j = N j := 0; flag :=false


F : (Byzantine) flag x :=b (b != a)

Page 11: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Specifying Byzantine Faultsprogram example3;

define k:integer, x : boolean

initially k=0, x = true;

S: do k >2 send k; k:= k+1

x (k=2) send k; k:= k+1

k >= 3 k:=0;

F: x x:= false

~x (k=2) send 9; k := k+1


Page 12: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Specifying Temporal Failures

program example4 { for process j};

define f[i]: boolean {initially f[i] = false}

S: do ~f[i] message received from process i skip

F: timeout (i,j) f[i] := true


Page 13: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.


F-intolerant vs F-tolerant systems

Four types of tolerance:

- Masking

- Non-masking

- Fail-safe

- Graceful degradation





A system thattolerates failure

of type F

Page 14: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.


P is the invariant of the

original fault-free system

Q represents the worst

possible behavior of the

system when failures occur.

It is called the fault span.

Q is closed under S or F.



Page 15: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.


Masking tolerance: P = Q

(neither safety nor liveness is violated

Non-masking tolerance: P Q

(safety property may be temporarily

violated, but not liveness). Eventually

safety property is restored



Page 16: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Classifying fault-tolerance

Masking tolerance. Application runs as it is. The failure does not have a visible impact. All properties (both liveness & safety) continue to hold.

Non-masking tolerance. Safety property is temporarily affected, but not liveness.

Example 1. Clocks lose synchronization, but recover soon thereafter.Example 2. Multiple processes temporarily enter their critical sections, but thereafter, the normal behavior is restored.

Backward error-recovery vs. forward error-recovery

Page 17: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Backward vs. forward error recovery

Backward error recoveryWhen safety property is violated, the computation rolls back and resume from a previous correct state.


rollbackForward error recoveryComputation does not care about getting the history right, but moves on, as long as eventually the safety property is restored.True for stabilizing systems.

Page 18: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Classifying fault-tolerance

Fail-safe tolerance Given safety predicate is preserved, but liveness may be affected

Example. Due to failure, no process can enter its critical section for an indefinite period. In a traffic crossing, failure changes the traffic in both directions to red.

Graceful degradation Application continues, but in a “degraded” mode. Much depends on what kind of degradation is acceptable.

Example. Consider message-based mutual exclusion. Processes will enter their critical sections, but not in timestamp order.

Page 19: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Failure detection

The design of fault-tolerant systems will be easier if failures can be detected. Depends on the

1. System model, and 2. the type of failures.

Asynchronous systems are more tricky. We first focus on synchronous systems only.

Page 20: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Detection of crash failures

Failure can be detected using heartbeat messages

(periodic “I am alive” broadcast) and timeout

- if the largest time to execute a step is known

- channel delays have a known upper bound.

Page 21: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Detection of omission failures

For FIFO channels: Use sequence numbers with messages.

Non-FIFO channels and bounded propagation delay - use timeout

What about non-FIFO channels for which the upper bound of thedelay is not known? Use unbounded sequence numbers andacknowledgments. But acknowledgments may be lost too, causingunnecessary re-transmission of messages :- (

Let us look how a real protocol deals with omission ….

Page 22: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Tolerating crash failures

Triple modular redundancy (TMR)

for masking any single failure.

N-modular redundancy masks

up to m failures, when N = 2m +1












Take a vote

What if the voting unit fails?

Page 23: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Tolerating omission failures

Central theme in networking A




Routers may drop messages, butreliable end-to-end transmissionis an important requirement. Thisimplies, the communication musttolerate Loss, Duplication, and

Re-ordering of messages

Page 24: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Stenning’s protocol{program for process S}define ok : boolean; next : integer;initially next = 0, ok = true, both channels are empty;do ok send (m[next], next); ok:= false (ack, next) is received ok:= true; next := next + 1 timeout (r,s) send (m[next], next)od

{program for process R}define r : integer;initially r = 0;do (m[ ], s) is received s = r accept the message;

send (ack, r);r:= r+1

(m[ ], s) is received s≠r (ack, r-1)od

Sender S

Receiver R

m[0], 0


Page 25: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Observations on Stenning’s protocol

Both messages and acks may be lost

Q. Why is the last ack reinforced by R when s≠r?

A. Needed to guarantee progress.

Progress is guaranteed, but the protocol

is inefficient due to low throughput.

Sender S

Receiver R

m[0], 0


Page 26: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Sliding window protocol







last + w


} accepted messages

(s, r)

(r, s)

The sender continues the send action without receiving the acknowledgements of at most w messages (w > 0), w is called the window size.

Page 27: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Sliding window protocol

{program for process S}

define next, last, w : integer;

initially next = 0, last = -1, w > 0

do last+1 ≤ next ≤ last + w

send (m[next], next); next := next + 1

(ack, j) is received

if j > last last := j

j ≤ last skip


timeout (R,S) next := last+1

{retransmission begins}


{program for process R}

define j : integer;

initially j = 0;

do (m[next], next) is received

if j = next accept message;

send (ack, j);

j:= j+1

j ≠ next send (ack, j-1)



Page 28: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Why does it work?

Lemma. Every message is accepted exactly once.

Lemma. m[k] is always accepted before m[k+1].

(Argue that these are true.)

Observation. Uses unbounded sequence number.This is bad. Can we avoid it?

Page 29: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.


If the communication channels are non-FIFO, and the

message propagation delays are arbitrarily large, then

using bounded sequence numbers, it is impossible to

design a window protocol that can withstand the (1)

loss, (2) duplication, and (3) reordering of messages.

Page 30: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Why unbounded sequence no?

(m[k],k)(m’, k)(m’’,k)

Retransmitted version of m

New message using the sameseq number k

We want to accept m” but reject m’. How is that possible?

Page 31: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Alternating Bit Protocol


ABP is a link layer protocol. Works on FIFO channels only.Guarantees reliable message delivery with a 1-bit sequence number (this is the traditional version with window size = 1). Study how this works.


ack, 0


Page 32: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Alternating Bit Protocolprogram ABP;{program for process S}define sent, b : 0 or 1; next : integer;initially next = 0, sent = 1, b = 0, and channels are empty;do sent ≠b send (m[next], b);

next := next+1; sent := b (ack, j) is received if j = b b := 1-b

j ≠ b skip fi

timeout (R,S) send (m[next-1], b)od{program for process R}define j : 0 or 1; {initially j = 0};do (m[ ], b) is received

if j = b accept the message;send (ack, j); j:= 1 - j

j ≠ b send (ack, 1-j)fi









Page 33: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

How TCP works

Supports end-to-end logical connection between any two computers on the Internet. Basic idea is the same as those of sliding window protocols. But TCP uses bounded sequence numbers!

It is safe to re-use a sequence number when it is unique. With a high probability, a random 32 or 64-bit number is unique. Also, current sequence numbers are flushed out of the system after a time = 2d, where d is the round trip delay.

Page 34: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

How TCP works

send (m, y+1)

ACK, ack=y+1

Sender Receiver

ack (y+2)

SYN seq = x

SYN , seq=y, ack = x+1

Page 35: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

How TCP works

• Three-way handshake. Sequence numbers are unique w.h.p.

• Why is the knowledge of roundtrip delay important?

• What if the window is too small / too large?

• What if the timeout period is too small / toolarge?

• Adaptive retransmission: receiver can throttle sender

and control the window size to save its buffer space.

Page 36: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Distributed Consensus

Reaching agreement is a fundamental problem in distributed computing. Some examples are

Leader election / Mutual ExclusionCommit or Abort in distributed transactionsReaching agreement about which process has failedClock phase synchronizationAir traffic control system: all aircrafts must have the same view

If there is no failure, then reaching consensus is trivial. All-to-all broadcastFollowed by a applying a choice function … Consensus in presence of failures can however be complex.

Page 37: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Problem Specification




u0 v




Here, v must be equal to the value at some input line.Also, all outputs must be identical.

input output





Page 38: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Problem Specification

Termination. Every non-faulty process must eventually decide.

Agreement. The final decision of every non-faulty process

must be identical.

Validity. If every non-faulty process begins with the same

initial value v, then their final decision must be v.

Page 39: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Asynchronous Consensus

Seven members of a busy household decided to hire a cook, since they do not have time to prepare their own food. Each member separately interviewed every applicant for the cook’s position. Depending on how it went, each member voted "yes" (means “hire”) or "no" (means “don't hire”).

These members will now have to communicate with one another to reach a

uniform final decision about whether the applicant will be hired. The process will be repeated with the next applicant, until someone is hired.

Consider various modes of communication…

Page 40: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Asynchronous Consensus

Theorem.In a purely asynchronous distributed system, the consensus problem is impossible to solve if even a single process crashes

Famous result due to Fischer, Lynch, Patterson

(commonly known as FLP 85)

Page 41: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.


Bivalent and Univalent states

A decision state is bivalent, if starting from that state, there existtwo distinct executions leading to two distinct decision values 0 or 1.

Otherwise it is univalent.

A univalent state may be either 0-valent or 1-valent.

Page 42: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.


Lemma. No execution can lead from a 0-valent to a 1-valent state or vice versa.

Proof. Follows from the definition of 0-valent and 1-valent states.

Page 43: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.


Lemma. Every consensus protocol must have a bivalent initial state.

Proof by contradiction. Suppose not. Then consider the following scenario:

s[0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 …0 0 0 {0-valent)

0 0 0 0 0 0 …0 0 1 s[j] is 0-valent

0 0 0 0 0 0 …0 1 1 s[j+1] is 1-valent

… … … … (differ in jth position)

s[n-1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 …1 1 1 {1-valent}

What if process (j+1) crashes at the first step?

Page 44: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.


In a consensus protocol,

starting from any initial

bivalent state, there must

exist a reachable bivalent

state T, such that every

action taken by some process

p in state T leads to either a

0-valent or a 1-valent state.



T0 T1R0 R1

action 0 action 0action 1 action 1

o-valent 1-valent o-valent 1-valent



bivalent bivalent bivalent

Actions 0 and 1 from T must be taken by the same process p. Why?

ProofThe adversary tries to prevent

The system from reaching consensus

Page 45: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.


In a consensus protocol, starting

from any initial bivalent state I,

there must exist a reachable

bivalent state T, such that every

action taken by some process p

in state T leads to either a 0-

valent or a 1-valent state.



T0 T1R0 R1

action 0 action 0action 1 action 1

o-valent 1-valent o-valent 1-valent



bivalent bivalent bivalent

Actions 0 and 1 from T must be taken by the same process p. Why?

Proof of FLP (continued)

Page 46: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Proof of FLP (continued)



T1 Decision =1

Decision = 0p reads

q writes



• Starting from T, let e1 be a computation that excludes any step by p.• Let p crash after reading.Then e1 is a valid computation from T0 too.To all non-faulty processes, these two computations are identical, but the outcomes are different! This is not possible!

Case 1. 1-valent


Assume shared memory communication. Also assume that p ≠ q. Various cases are possible

Such a computation must existsince p can crash at any time

Page 47: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Proof (continued)



T1 Decision =1

Decision = 0p writes

q writes



Both write on the same variable, and p writes first.

• From T, let e1 be a computation that excludes any step by p.• Let p crash after writing.Then e1 is a valid computation from T0 too.

To all non-faulty processes, these two computations are identical, but the outcomes are different!

Case 2. 1-valent


Page 48: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Proof (continued)





Decision =1

Decision = 0p writes

q writes

Let both p and q write, but on different variables.

Then regardless of the order of these writes, both computations lead

to the same intermediate global state Z. Is Z 1-valent or 0-valent?

Case 3



p writes

q writes

Page 49: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Proof (continued)

Similar arguments can be made for communication usingthe message passing model too (See Lynch’s book). Theselead to the fact that p, q cannot be distinct processes, and p = q. Call p the decider process.

What if p crashes in state T? No consensus is reached!

Page 50: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.


• In a purely asynchronous system, there is no solution to the consensus problem if a single process crashes..

• Note that this is true for deterministic

algorithms only. Solutions do exist for theconsensus problem using randomized algorithm, or using the synchronous model.

Page 51: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Byzantine Generals Problem

Describes and solves the consensus problem on the synchronous model of communication.

- Processor speeds have lower bounds and communication delays have upper bounds.

- The network is completely connected- Processes undergo byzantine failures, the worst

possible kind of failure

Page 52: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Byzantine Generals Problem

• n generals {0, 1, 2, ..., n-1} decide about whether to "attack" or to "retreat" during a particular phase of a war. The goal is to agree upon the same plan of action.

• Some generals may be "traitors" and therefore send either no

input, or send conflicting inputs to prevent the "loyal" generals from reaching an agreement.

• Devise a strategy, by which every loyal general eventually agrees upon the same plan, regardless of the action of the traitors.

Page 53: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Byzantine Generals




Attack = 1Attack=1

Retreat = 0 Retreat = 0

{1, 1, 0, 0}

{1, 1, 0, 0}

Every general will broadcast his judgment to everyone else.These are inputs to the consensus protocol.

{1, 1, 0, 1}

{1, 1, 0, 0}


The traitormay send out conflicting inputs

Page 54: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Byzantine Generals

We need to devise a protocol so that every peer

(call it a lieutenant) receives the same value from

any given general (call it a commander). Clearly,

the lieutenants will have to use secondary information.

Note that the roles of the commander and the

lieutenants will rotate among the generals.

Page 55: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Interactive consistency specifications

IC1. Every loyal lieutenant receives

the same order from the commander.

IC2. If the commander is loyal, then

every loyal lieutenant receives

the order that the commander




Page 56: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

The Communication Model

Oral Messages

Messages are not corrupted in transit.Messages can be lost, but the absence of message can be detected.When a message is received (or its absence is detected), the receiver

knows the identity of the sender (or the defaulter).

OM(m) represents an interactive consistency protocol in presence of at most m traitors.

Page 57: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

An Impossibility Result

commander 0 commander 0

lieutenent 1 lieutenant 2 lieutenent 1 lieutenant 2

1 1


1 0



(a) (b)

Using oral messages, no solution to the ByzantineGenerals problem exists with three or fewer generals and one traitor. Consider the two cases:

Page 58: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Impossibility result

Using oral messages, no solution to the Byzantine Generals problem exists with 3m or fewer generals and m traitors (m > 0).

Hint. Divide the 3m generals into three groups of m generals

each, such that all the traitors belong to one group. This scenario

is no better than the case of three generals and one traitor.

Page 59: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

The OM(m) algorithmRecursive algorithm





OM(0) = Direct broadcast


Page 60: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

The OM(m) algorithm

1. Commander i sends out a value v (0 or 1)

2. If m > 0, then every lieutenant j ≠ i, afterreceiving v, acts as a commander and initiates OM(m-1) with everyone except i .

3. Every lieutenant, collects (n-1) values: (n-2) values sent by the lieutenants usingOM(m-1), and one direct value from the commander. Then he picks the majority of these values as the order from i

Page 61: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Example of OM(1)

1 1



1 22 3

2 3 3 1 1 2


1 1 1 1 0 0

1 1


1 22 3

2 3 3 1 1 2

1 1 0 0 1 1



commander commander

Page 62: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Example of OM(2)


1 2


3 4 5 6

4 5 6 5 6 2 4 6 2 4 5




v v vvv v

v v v v v v v v v v v v

5 6 2 6 2 5OM(0)

v v vv v v




Page 63: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Proof of OM(m)

Lemma.Let the commander beloyal, and n > 2m + k,where m = maximumnumber of traitors.

Then OM(k) satisfies IC2

m traitors

n-m-1 loyal lieutenants

values received via OM(r)

loyal commander

Page 64: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Proof of OM(m)

ProofIf k=0, then the result trivially holds.

Let it hold for k = r (r > 0) i.e. OM(r)satisfies IC2. We have to show thatit holds for k = r + 1 too.

Since n > 2m + r+1, so n -1 > 2m + rSo OM(r) holds for the lieutenants in the bottom row. Each loyal lieutenant willcollect n-m-1 identical good values andm bad values. So bad values are votedout (n-m-1 > m + r implies n-m-1 > m)

m traitors

n-m-1 loyal lieutenants

values received via OM(r)

loyal commander

Page 65: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

The final theoremTheorem. If n > 3m where m is the maximum number of traitors, then OM(m) satisfies both IC1 and IC2.

Proof. Consider two cases:

Case 1. Commander is loyal. The theorem follows from the previous lemma (substitute k = m).Case 2. Commander is a traitor. We prove it by induction. Base case. m=0 trivial. (Induction hypothesis) Let the theorem hold for m = r. We have to show that it holds for m = r+1 too.

Page 66: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Proof (continued)

There are n > 3(r + 1) generals and r + 1 traitors. Excluding the commander, there are > 3r+2 generals of which there are r traitors. So > 2r+2 lieutenants are loyal. Since 3r+ 2 > 3.r, OM(r) satisfies IC1 and IC2

> 2r+2 r traitors

Page 67: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.

Proof (continued)

In OM(r+1), a loyal lieutenant chooses the

majority from (1) > 2r+1 values obtained

from the loyal lieutenants via OM(r),

(2) the r values from the traitors, and

(3) the value directly from the commander. > 2r+2 r traitors

The values collected in part (1) & (3) are the same for all loyal lieutenants –

it is the same value that these lieutenants received from the commander.

Also, by the induction hypothesis, in part (2) each loyal lieutenant receives

identical values from each traitor. So every loyal lieutenant collects the same set of values.

Page 68: Faults and fault-tolerance One of the selling points of a distributed system is that the system will continue to perform even if some components / processes.


This part relies heavily on Dr. Sukumar Ghosh’s Iowa University Distributed Systems course 22C:166