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Fatigue in Ansys

Apr 03, 2018



Satheesh Sekar
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  • 7/29/2019 Fatigue in Ansys


    2011 CAE Associates

    Fatigue Analysis in


  • 7/29/2019 Fatigue in Ansys



    Fatigue Analysis in ANSYS

    There are two general categories of fatigue analysis:

    Fatigue based on crack formation.

    Fatigue based on crack growth.

    The choice of analysis type is based on the given application.

    When in the design phase, or for components requiring only a few cycles oflife, crack formation may be sufficient.

    For highly engineered parts, for components that are manufactured in bulk

    such as automotive parts, or for in-service life prediction, crack growth may berequired.

    Crack GrowthCrack Formation

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    Methods of Fatigue/Fracture Analysis

    Fatigue crack formation analysis.

    Cracks/flaws are not explicitly considered.

    Use ANSYS to predict far-field (un-cracked body) conditions. ANSYS results are fed to a fatigue analysis tool.

    Basic approach could be a S-N table look-up, performed by hand or via macros.

    More comprehensive fatigue analysis using nCode.

    To be discussed/demonstrated in this presentation.

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    Methods of Fatigue/Fracture Analysis

    Fatigue crack growth analysis, including the following techniques:

    Crack is not included in ANSYS analysis, but stress field in crack region is fed

    to separate fatigue crack propagation tool, such as nCode. Crack is included in ANSYS model.

    Need to continually update mesh to account for crack growth.

    May or may not know crack path.

    Various methods used to obtain K, which is then used with a crack growth law todetermine remaining life.

    Additional energy approaches include virtual crack closure technique (VCCT) andcohesive zone modeling, typically used in delamination prediction.

    To be discussed/demonstrated after lunch.

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    Methods of Fatigue/Fracture Analysis

    Typical procedures for performing fatiguecrack formation analysis:

    Simple cyclic loading, R=-1 Model minimum and maximum loadings.

    Obtain stress range () at critical location.

    Find cycles to failure using S-N data.

    Simple cyclic loading, R-1

    Model minimum and maximum loadings. Obtain mean stress and stress range at all


    Find cycles to failure by:

    Obtaining test data for varying R.

    Plot mean stress vs. alternating stress inGoodman Diagram.

    Complex loading:

    Perform a comprehensive fatigue analysisusing nCode.

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    Goodman Diagram

    To include the effect of mean stress, approaches have been developed totake the mean stress into account.

    The alternating stress is plotted against the mean stress. The straight line representation is called the Goodman diagram.

    The Goodman diagram is typically preferred in engineering design.

    Actual data can vary around lines by being either concave or convex.

    Points below Goodman line are considered safe, points above line are

    considered failed.






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    Goodman Diagram

    Sample Goodman Diagram application:

    Finite element analysis of stent inserted in artery, minimum and maximum

    cyclic loading due to blood pressure. Mean and alternating stress at every point in the model is found and plotted in

    ANSYS using APDL to create Goodman diagram.

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    Goodman Diagram

    Sample Goodman diagram:

    2D and 3D response, indicating magnitude and location of critical


    Goodman line

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    ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    ANSYS now offers an advanced set of fatigue analysis capabilities built onnCodes DesignLife technology.

    Integrated with the ANSYS Workbench platform. Can run stand-alone using ANSYS RST, DYNA D3PLOT, ABAQUS,

    NASTRAN, etc.

    Provides ease of use and powerful fatigue analysis.

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    nCode DesignLife

    nCode is the leading developer of fatigue analysis software in the world.

    DesignLife is the easiest-to-use, most powerful, and most flexible

    CAE/FEA fatigue and durability software in the industry. nCode provides their DesignLife Material Library for distribution to all


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    nCode Main Features

    Some of the main features of nCode:

    Low cycle and high cycle fatigue analysis.

    General loading capability uses rainflow cycle counting to define fatiguecycles.

    Damage accumulation based on Miners rule to account for different amplitudeloading.

    Plasticity corrections.

    Mean stress corrections. Time-history corrections.

    Multiaxial fatigue.

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    Fatigue Curves

    Stress-life curve:

    Makes no attempt at modeling plasticity.

    Appropriate for high cycle fatigue.

    Strain-life curve:

    Models material yielding and plasticity.

    Appropriate for low cycle fatigue.

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    Fatigue Loading

    Material fatigue curves are created with constant amplitude sinusoidalloading.

    Typically with a zero mean stress, i.e. fully-reversed loading. Real loading can be constant amplitude, blocks of different amplitudes, or

    variable amplitude, and can have non-zero mean stress.

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    Rainflow Cycle Counting

    To account for variable amplitude loading in fatigue calculations, musthave a method to define fatigue cycles in a varying waveform.

    Rainflow cycle counting is a method of finding fatigue cycles in a varyingwaveform.

    Peak valley extraction Reorder to start fromabsolute max

    Imagine the signal isfilled with water

    Drain water starting atlowest valley, measure total& mean depth drained

    Continue by draining nextlowest, etc.

    Range Mean No.

    450 225 1

    50 150 1

    100 300 2

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    Miners Rule of Damage Accumulation

    To include the effect of multiple blocks of different amplitude cyclic loading,Miners rule of damage accumulation is used.

    Calculates partial damage for each amplitude loading. Failure is predicted when the sum of all partial damage equals one.

    Miners rule is very simplistic (for example, the order of loading has no effect),but it is widely used.






    1 =+++= fffi










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    Elastic-Plastic Corrections

    For low-cycle fatigue analyses, where plasticity plays a role, twoapproaches are available:

    Calculate the nonlinear material response and use in fatigue calculations. Use linear material response with a correction to account for material yielding,

    typically used for localized regions of yielding in notches.

    The Neuber approach is an example of a plasticity correction.

    Assumes elastic strain energy = plastic strain energy. Can therefore calculate plastic response directly from elastic solution.


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    Mean Stress Corrections

    Fatigue damage is influenced by themean stress of each cycle.

    Mean stress correction methods allowthe effect of mean stress to be modeledand taken into account.

    Supported methods:





    Goodman Tension Only

    Gerber Tension Only

    ( )( )( )










    Addi i l F i A l i F

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    Additional Fatigue Analysis Features

    Time-history compression.

    Time series analysis can be accelerated with various methods.

    Peak-valley method uses only the load reversals. Limits method uses only the max and min of each load channel.

    Addressing multiaxial fatigue.

    Condense stress tensor down to a single stress, such as a signed Von Misesor absolute maximum principal value.

    Critical plane approach finds plane with the most damage.

    C d A hit t

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    nCode Architecture

    nCode creates an analysis process using glyphs.

    Each glyph represents an engineering function that can be used to graphically

    create an analysis process. Double-click the glyph header bar (or right-click) to access properties.

    Common processes are available for use, can create custom processes.

    Can save the process as a .flo file.

    Workingfolder issearchedandavailable


    C d F ti A l i St

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    nCode Fatigue Analysis Steps

    Drag in results file from list. Can plotoriginal FE model and results here.Also access and create components for

    display or analysis purposes.

    Define cyclic loadingbased oncombination of FEloads and multipliers.

    Define type of fatigue analysis andsettings. Also, perform load andmaterial mapping.

    Display results such as fatigue life

    or damage.

    L d d M t i l M i

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    Load and Material Mapping

    Must define which cyclic loading to associate with which FE load, andwhich fatigue material properties go with which component.

    Set fatigue analysis properties.

    T f F ti L di

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    Types of Fatigue Loading

    Supported cyclic loading in nCode:

    Constant amplitude.

    Apply loading in FE analysis. Loading is scaled assuming sine wave.

    Time series.

    Apply loading in FE analysis.

    Define load time history factors to scale FE loading.

    Time step transient dynamic. Apply transient loading in FE analysis.

    Loading is defined from each time step read in.

    Duty cycle.

    Combination of various loadings.

    Vibration frequency domain.

    Run harmonic FE solution.

    Define PSD loading in nCode.

    C d D t ti

  • 7/29/2019 Fatigue in Ansys



    nCode Demonstration

    Demonstration problem:

    Fatigue analysis of a shaft under combined bending and torsion.