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Promising and established prac3ces for family caregiver engagement 1 Family Caregiver Community of Interest Webinar Series

Family!Caregiver! Community!of!Interest WebinarSeries ... · Promising)and)established) prac3ces)for)family)caregiver) engagement 1 Family!Caregiver! Community!of!Interest WebinarSeries!

Aug 03, 2020



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Page 1: Family!Caregiver! Community!of!Interest WebinarSeries ... · Promising)and)established) prac3ces)for)family)caregiver) engagement 1 Family!Caregiver! Community!of!Interest WebinarSeries!


Promising  and  established  prac3ces  for  family  caregiver  



Family  Caregiver  Community  of  Interest  

Webinar  Series  

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Breaking  Barriers    St.  Joseph’s  Health  Centre  Family  Naviga3on    

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•  The  audio  is  being  streamed  via  your  computers.  For  op3mal  sound,  please  use  external  speakers  or  earphones.  If  you  are  s3ll  having  trouble  hearing  our  presenters,  you  can  dial  into    1-­‐800-­‐509-­‐6600  Par3cipant  PIN:  67628496#  

•  This  webinar  is  being  recorded  and  will  be  posted  on  

 •  We  would  appreciate  having  your  feedback  on  today’s  

webinar.  A  link  to  an  online  survey  will  be  provided  towards  the  end  of  the  webinar.  Thanks  in  advance  for  the  5  minutes  of  your  3me  to  complete  our  online  feedback  survey.  Some  collected  data  from  the  webinar  might  also  be  used  for  repor3ng  (e.g.  poll  ques3ons).  


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OUR  MANDATE  •  We  are  a  provincial  forum  for  knowledge  exchange  and  collabora3ve  knowledge  crea3on  focused  on  issues  related  to  family  caregivers  of  individuals  with  mental  health  and  addic3ons  issues.  

•  We  convene  a  range  of  stakeholders  from  across  and  beyond  Ontario’s  mental  health  and  addic3ons  system  to  share  and  build  on  exis3ng  forms  of  evidence  to  improve  planning,  prac3ce  and  policy.  

Family  Caregiver  Community  of  Interest  

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Join  our  online  community!      

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This  webinar  is  supported  by  EENet  

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•  PSSP  houses  EENet  •  PSSP  moves  evidence  to  ac3on                                                                                

to  transform  MHA  systems  and                                                                                                                    improve  lives  

•  Supports  Ontario’s  10-­‐year  Mental                                                  Health  and  Addic3ons  Strategy  

•  Capacity  and  exper3se  in  knowledge  exchange,  implementa3on,  equity  &  engagement,  informa3on  management,  evalua3on,  and  coaching  

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Ontario  Family  Caregiver  Advisory  Network  

 in  support  of  Mental  Health  and  Addic3on  


 Lead  Agency  for  the  Family  Caregiver  Community  of  Interest  

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OUR  PURPOSE:  TO  build  a  strong  network  of  family  groups  who  have  the  shared  goal  of  enhancing  mental  health  care  and  addic3on  services;  TO  foster  rela3onships  and  the  exchange  of  informa3on  between  individuals  and  organiza3ons  involved  in  the  provision  of  mental  health  and  addic3on  care;  and  TO  educate  and  encourage  communica3on  and  partnerships  between  family  caregiver  groups.    

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OUR  VISION:  An  Ontario  Mental  Health  and  Addic3ons  healthcare  system  that  values  and  empowers  family  caregivers.  


OUR  MISSION:  To  develop  a  community  of  Ontario  family  caregiver  organiza3ons  in  mental  health  and  addic3ons  through  informa3on  sharing,  suppor3ng  strong  partnerships  and  providing  a  collec3ve  voice.  

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Please  visit  our  website      

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Please  answer  the  following  poll  quesXons  

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IntroducXons  •  Justean  Lebel,  Family  Mental  Health  Recovery  Navigator,  CMHA  Toronto  –  Family  Outreach  and  Response  Program  

•  Elly  Litvak,  Family  Mental  Health  Recovery  Coordinator,  CMHA  Toronto  –  Family  Outreach  and  Response  Program  

•  Rhea,  Family  Member    


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Breaking  Barriers    St.  Joseph’s  Health  Centre  Family  Naviga3on    

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1.   To  provide  an  overview  of  the  St.  Joseph’s  Health  Centre  Family  Naviga3on  Program  

2.  To  encourage  replica3on  of  the  Family  Naviga3on  model  in  your  community.  

3.  To  offer  the  St.  Joseph’s  template  as  a  model  for  ge]ng  started  


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What  is  Family  NavigaXon?  

v  Family  centered  care  in  primary  care  se]ngs  v  “When  one  person  in  the  family  is  struggling  everyone  is”  v  Recovery  educa3on  v  Informa3on  and  support  re:  Mental  Health  Act  v  Support  in  accessing  resources  in  hospital  and  in  the  community  v  Family  Naviga3on  is  in  the  pioneering  stages    

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1.  Grey  Bruce  Health  Services  

2.  Sunnybrook  Health  Sciences  

3.  St.  Joseph’s  Health  Centre    

 ExisXng  Models  

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v Community-­‐Hospital  partnership  

 v   Partnership  between  FOR,  a  program  of  CMHA  Toronto  and  St.  

Joseph’s  Health  Centre  mental  health  services  –  started  in  March  2014  

 v   Family  support  for  clients  of  St.  Joseph’s  mental  health  services    v  Funded  by  the  Toronto  Central  LHIN    


St.  Joseph’s  Health  Centre  

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Program  Development  


Connec3ng  with  St.  Joe’s    &    Charter    Development  

Outreach  &  Promo3on  

Program  Logis3cs  

Advocacy  &  Educa3on  

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1.  To  improve  system  naviga3on  for  families  2.  Reduce  isola3on  and  increase  sense  of  ability  

to  cope  via  family  groups  3.  Reduce  wait  3mes  for  service  4.  Reduce  ED  visits  5.  Promote  self  care  

 Charter  ObjecXves  

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v Mindful  of  hospital  culture    

v Be  aware  of  the  impacts  of  staff  turnover      

v Program  development  requires  skillful  outreach  and  advocacy    

v Reduce  red  tape!  

 Need  to  Know    

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Referrals  and  ConfidenXality    v Face  to  face  contact;  program  card  offered.  You  do  not  need  to  ask  for  pa;ent  consent.    

v   If  no  face  to  face  contact,  seek  paXent  consent  to  either:  

 1.  Provide  the  family  with  Navigator’s  contact  informa3on              OR  

 2.  Ask  family  if  they  want  their  contact  info  given  to  Navigator.  If  yes,  leave  #  on  intake  line.    

v   Use  of  discre3on  when  pa3ent  refuses  consent.          

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 Families  receive:    v   Catchment  area  is  Toronto;  we  serve  families  outside  of  the  GTA  on  a  

short  term  basis  un3l  referrals  can  be  made    v   Info  and  support  naviga3ng  the  hospitaliza3on  &  community  resources  

v   Support  understanding  the  implica3ons  of  the  Mental  Health  Act  (ogen  most  salient  re:  consent  &  confiden3ality)  

 v   Support  in  communica3ng  effec3vely  with  hospital  clinicians    v   1:1  and  group  support  group  support  which  is  trauma  informed  and  

recovery  based.        

 Nuts  and  Bolts:  Services  

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v   10    week  Recovery  Educa3on  support  group    v   A  mix  of  process  oriented  support  and  skills  based  

 v   Goals:  

1.  To  help  families  understand  and  support  their  loved  one’s  mental  health  

2.  To  provide  families  with  skills  necessary  for  their  own  self  care  and  wellbeing  

 Recovery  for  Families  Support  Group  

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What  FOR  Offers    

“When one person in a family is struggling, everyone is”

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Recovery-­‐oriented  mental  health  support  to  family  members    

v   Individual  counselling    

v   Group  support    

v   Dialec3cal  Behavioural  Therapy  Informed  Support    

v   Early  Interven3on    


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Advocacy  Efforts    v   All  staff  have  lived  experience  of  mental  health  or  are  suppor3ng  a  family  member  

v Promo3on  of  recovery  alterna3ves  locally  and  globally  

v Promo3on  of  family  mental  health  services  in  wider  system  


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•  Family  Naviga3on  Program  has  served  379  families  to  date  

•  Average  of  220  families  served/year  •  Program  successfully  reduces  family  wait  Xme  for  service  by  responding  to  clients  within  3  business  days  of  referral  date    


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Referral  Source  

Self  or  Family  Member  

Hospital  staff  

Other  (ex  -­‐  internal  referral,  community  support)  

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 Primary  Mental  Health  Concern  of  RelaXve  









Unknown/Not  Specified  

Mood  Disorder   Psychosis   Anxiety   Substance  Use     Personality  Disorder  

Developmental  Disability  

Demen3a   Ea3ng  Disorder  

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Pilot  Year  Surveys  v  A  75%  reducXon  in  ED  visits  for  the  family  

member’s  struggling  loved  one  v  65%  agreed  or  strongly  agreed  they  felt  beeer  

equipped  to  support  their  rela3ve  and  navigate  the  hospital  system  if  their  rela3ve  entered  ED/hospital  again  

v  78%  of  clients  reported  improved  self  care  v  70%  of  clients  reported  decreased  isolaXon  in  

dealing  with  mental  health  concerns  of  their  loved  one  

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•  Goal  of  the  survey  was  to  evaluate  how  frequently  hospital  staff  are  using  the  program  &  how  they  perceive  the  service  

•  Respondents    –  42%  Social  Work  –  25%  Nurses  –  25%  Physicians  –  8%  Other  

•  Rate  of  referrals  –  25%  refer  a  few  3mes  a  week  –  50%  refer  weekly  –  25%  refer  a  few  3mes  a  year  

St.  Joe’s  staff  survey  (Winter  2017)  

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•  92%  agree/strongly  agree  that  the  program  has  improved  their  ability  to  offer  supports  to  families  

•  75%  agree/strongly  agree  that  the  program  has  improved  their  ability  to  recognize  the  needs  of  families  and  importance  of  family  support  

•  75%  agree/strongly  agree  that  the  program  has  improved  their  ability  to  communicate  &  collaborate  with  families    


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•  Evalua3on  of  family  groups  with  support  of  quan3ta3ve  &  qualita3ve  researchers  

 Key  messages  from  evalua;on:    

•  Shiging  from  a  medical  model  to  recovery-­‐based  approach  gave  family  members  hope  

•  Ability  to  implement  knowledge  &  strategies  learned  in  group  at  home  –  self  care,  communica3on,  recognizing  rela3ve’s  strengths  

•  For  some  families,  group  par3cipa3on  led  to  a  shig  in  their  rela3ve.  Rela3ve  having  hope  that  recovery  is  possible  &  a  closer  connec3on  with  family  (very  exci3ng!)  

Family  Group  Outcomes  

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Unexpected  Outcomes    v   Role  with  pa3ent  rela3ons    v   ED  staff  educa3on  

v   Hospital  focus  group  on  the  family  experience        facilitated  by  lead  psychiatrist  

v   Community  Engagement:  Healing  Happens  Event    

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Next  Steps  

v   Recovery  educa3on  of  hospital  clinicians    v   Educa3ng  ED  staff  on  working  with  families    v   It  is  our  hope  to  develop  peer  support  within  the  hospital  

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Family  Member  Experience  


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Elly  Litvak,  (Pronouns  -­‐  she,  her,  hers)      Ph.D.,  TLE  (The  Lived  Experience)    Family  Mental  Health  Naviga3on  Coordinator  CMHA  Toronto,  Family  Outreach  &  Response  Program  In  partnership  with  St.  Joseph’s  Health  Centre  2333  Dundas  St  W,  Suite  501  Toronto,  ON  M6R  1X6  Phone:  (416)  539-­‐9449  ext  225  [email protected]  

Justean  Lebel  (pronouns  she,  her,  hers)  B.A.,  Hons,  MSW  Candidate    Family  Mental  Health  Recovery  Navigator  CMHA  Toronto,  Family  Outreach  &  Response  Program  In  partnership  with  St.  Joseph's  Health  Centre  2333  Dundas  St.  W.  Suite  501  Toronto,  ON  M6R  1X6  Phone:  (416)  539-­‐9449  ext.  228  [email protected]    


Contact  Us  

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Page 41: Family!Caregiver! Community!of!Interest WebinarSeries ... · Promising)and)established) prac3ces)for)family)caregiver) engagement 1 Family!Caregiver! Community!of!Interest WebinarSeries!


For  more  informa3on  about  this  webinar  series  or  the  Family  Caregiver  CoI,  please  contact  [email protected].  

Page 42: Family!Caregiver! Community!of!Interest WebinarSeries ... · Promising)and)established) prac3ces)for)family)caregiver) engagement 1 Family!Caregiver! Community!of!Interest WebinarSeries!


WEBINAR  2  –  PERSPECTIVES  ON  FAMILY  CAREGIVER  PEER  SUPPORT:  •  Family  Members  and  Supporters  as  Clients  

from  a  Recovery  Perspec3ve  •  Family  Peer  Support  in  a  First  Episode  

Psychosis  Clinic  •  Family  Peer  Support:  A  Rural  Perspec3ve