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Fair grounds Wait, there is a plot?! Read and discover how the plot unfolds…
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Fair grounds

Wait, there is a plot?!

Read and discover how the plot unfolds…

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Well, hello there, my readers! It’s you again. I’m happy to see you, really.

First thing: Thank you! Really big Thank you with whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles and a cherry on top! I received so much nice feedback, more than I had expected. And I do also thank those who gave me critique and who corrected me. I mean, it’s

my first “real” legacy (I don’t count the other fruitless attempts), and after all, I can only get better. The same goes for my writing style, my grammar and my vocab, because I’ve never written so much non-educational stuff in english. I’m german, and every correction you have for me will help me further.

So, let’s get to the second thing, shall we?

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We had our founders achieving two lifetimewants, one slacker and one business tycoon, which means that two subneighborhoods have been unlocked. Also, they unlocked two lots in the main hood, but they can still unlock more lots if they are able to “achieve” more LTW’s, even if they roll them or not. Yes, I want the neighborhood to be crowded by the end of this legacy!

But even more important, the three Feylan-siblings grew up and it was YOUR choice to vote for an heir. Let’s recap:

Urmin, sweet but naïve Family-sim

Siza, energetic Popularity-sim

Callum, the nicest bad guy who rolled Knowledge

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And the winner is…Urmin!

He had eleven votes, but to be true, he seemed to be your favorite from the very beginning of the vote.

Siza has been close for a long time, but in the end, she lost with 6 votes and stayed behind Urmin.

And Callum? Well, he doesn’t seem to have many fans around here, because he ended with 2 late votes. But oh well, he will be a nice spare.

Siza and Urmin both managed to maximize another set of skills. Urmin topped his mechanical knowledge, and Siza finished her physical skills that she built up for so long.

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Callum soon followed his siblings on their way of self-education. He liked to use the telescope, during night AND day. After all, the Feylans had been alone in the valley for a long time. Of course, there was the village nearby, the hometown of Michaela, but the villagers seemed to avoid the valley. They called it Fair Grounds, because of it’s newest inhabitants, a family of horned Fair-folk, even though only two of them actually had antlers.

Well, the valley had been deserted until now! Callum couldn’t believe his eyes as he found a new house on the other side of the valley. It’s inhabitant seemed to be a guy in a purple coat…Callum had to giggle as he watched the completely clueless man. That guy surely didn’t know how to cook because Callum could often watch black smoke coming from the kitchen-window, and soon after that, the guy would run out in his undies and panic. Neither Callum nor Siza were mean, but they couldn’t hold of the giggles when they talked about their new neighbor.

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Meanwhile, Lorn and Micha worked on a little tradition they wanted to set up. Every couple that would live in this house should be represented by two portraits. As longs as they were living, the portraits should be in their bedroom, and if they died…Lorn wasn’t happy to think about it, but he knew that his life got shorter every day. And he couldn’t rely on the green potion forever. But at least people would know who rested under that tombstone and the portrait.

The siblings stayed busy, Callum because he aspired to gain knowledge, Siza and Urmin because they were bored and found interest in their activities.

Callum skilled and mastered his charisma while putt-putting on his mother’s mini-golf, Callum learned a whole new set of recipes and Siza experienced the joy of creativity as she cultivated the flowers on her father’s hydroponic garden.

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Callum didn’t take much interest in girls. Most of those he met at school were just plain boring or downright crazy. (It’s true, he had minus-bolts for every girl-visitor we had on the lot. I just forgot to take pictures, bleh!) Secretly, he thought that he might stay alone for ever and he didn’t have a problem with it. But he never expected to be proven wrong.

Her name was Chris Brand, and she was a villager. She had been curious, just like Michaela once had been, and came by to see who these fair-folk people were. She didn’t fear those antlers of Urmin, but she thought that they looked somehow funny.

Callum found her rather attractive, but he couldn’t nail down why he did so. Well, he didn’t feel disgust in her presence, so why not give it a try? But Chris turned down his first attempt of a kiss. She leaned away, giggling. “Not so fast, buddy!” she said. “It’s not like we know a lot about each other!”

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She was incredible. Unbelievable. To good to be real. Callum adored Chris, every little bit about her. She was a clever girl, and she aspired knowledge in the same way as he did. She wasn’t very skilled yet, but she was eager to change that as soon as possible. She even shared Callum’s Dream. She also wanted to become an evil mastermind. She wanted to change the world for the better, but just as Callum, she wanted it quick and effective, not in the goody-two-shoes way, even if some would clearly suffer. The greater good demanded it. Callum spent the whole day with Chris, and when the sun set down, she accepted his kiss.

The rest of the night, they watched the stars, and Callum showed Chris some constellations.

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The other Feylans spent the day a bit different than Callum and his newfound girlfriend. Lorn reached the top of his cooking-abilities. Because of Micha’s new job, he had to cook more often, and the kids were always complaining about burned pancakes. Well, that wouldn’t happen again!

Siza learned everything about mechanics and she was really fascinated, and Urmin became a real sweet-talker.

And Micha finished the portrait-paintings. She knew about Urmin’s thoughts and she shared his thoughts. She was just a bit younger than him, thanks to the green potion, and she wanted to be remembered by her children and grandchildren to come.

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It was long after Chris went home. The Feylans had been sleeping tight…well, not all of them. Siza couldn’t sleep because of the moon. Every time it was full, she had trouble with relaxing. She always felt like she had drunk dozens of coffee, but without the urge to run to the toilet. Suddenly, she heard a noise. Howling? She threw on her outerwear to check it, and found a rather strange looking dog. It’s eyes were glowing like…like… “Gosh, you’re a dog with headlights!” she joked. Without any hesitation or fear, she kneeled down and petted the strange dog. It seemed rather pleased, so she gave him a nice, strong belly rub. “You know what?” she said. “I’ll name you Champ. Are you ok with that, Champ?” He didn’t seem to object.

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“Uhrg! That guy really can’t cook, even if his life depended on it! What a retard!”

(Note the maxed logic)

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The siblings always have been very close. The didn’t have many friends of their own age, but they didn’t mind. They had themselves, and Callum and Urmin had their girlfriends. Everything was fine that way. Today, Siza was teaching Yoga to her brothers.

“Ugh, Siza, how do you do that?” Urmin asked and breathed heavily. “Everything hurts! And I can’t even bend myself half as far as you can! I wish I was as talented as you!”

“Calm down, Bro! You’ll learn that in no time.” Siza comforted him.

“By the way…”Urmin asked, ”I heard you last night. What were you doing?”

“Oh…” Siza hesitated. “I saw a dog…”


“It…had glowing eyes.”

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“Ah dog with glowing eyes?” Callum chuckled between tow deep breaths. “Well, it shouldn’t have any problems with reading in the dark!”

“Oh, stop it.” Siza answered, somewhat annoyed. “I saw it, but you guys were already sleeping and I didn’t want to wake you up!” Callum continued to chuckle. “Oh, by the way…” she smiled knowingly, “Who was that girl you were with that evening, Call? Haven’t seen her before.”

Now Urmin chuckled. “Callum has a girlfriend? Sir I don’t need a girlfriend, Lord of Girls-are-stupid-stan? Is she cute, Siza? Is she even alive or is she some robot-freak?”

Siza joined Urmin's laughter, and Callum sighed heavily.

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“Me and Chris are none of your business! And, just by the way, she is a wonderful, real girl and simlish down to the bones! So cut your robot-jokes, Urmin!”

Siza stopped laughing and smiled. “As long as you’re happy, we’re happy for you too, little Bro!”

Micha had reached the top of Business some time ago. She still went to work and she had fun, but she wanted a challenge. A friend from work suggested trying professional dancing to her. She knew someone in that business and would be happy to introduce him to Micha, so she wouldn’t have to start from the beginning. Micha was happy to say yes.

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When she came home from her first day of work, she was surprised to find her children still practicing outside. They had started when she went.

“What are you doing here?” she asked and shrugged. The night was a bit cold. “Don’t you freeze?”

(By the way, she got promoted!)

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“It’s ok, mom. The yoga keeps us warm.” Urmin answered.

“Have you eaten something?” Micha asked.

“We had some pancakes dad made, just before sundown.” Callum told his mother. “Please, what do you think of us, mother? We are teenagers! You don’t have to worry about everything!”

“I am your mother and I have every right o be worried about you two…” Micha mumbled to herself as she went into the house.

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But she could understand her kids. They were dedicated skillers? Well, she just loved gardening! When she wasn’t at work or with her husband, she could be found in her little garden, cultivating her fruit trees or her planted vegetables and fruit. There could be rain, storm or lightning, she would never leave her little plants alone.

And her new job…well, she liked it. It was a new challenge, it paid nicely and she met new people. Plus, she got promoted very quickly. Maybe not a dream job, but a nice change in life.

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With all the vegetables and fruit around, Callum couldn’t resist the urge to try something of them. But what could he do? He decided to pour himself a nice tomato-juice.

“Mhhm, yummy…” he said, as he took his first sips. But then, he started to feel strange. Heat rushed into his head, his skin felt prickly, his head began to ache…and then the world turned upside down and became black. No one was in the kitchen when he passed out, but the glass fell down with a loud chink.

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Callum was lucky. His father heard the noise and came to check on it. Lorn discovered his son and quickly did first aid. It turned out that Callum had an allergic shock from the tomatoes. Not that it had been critical…well, this time.

The whole family decided to ban tomatoes from the fridge. At least for the time when Callum was still living with them. Nobody liked the thought of a second shock. What if Callum would be alone when it happened?

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The family soon recovered from the shock. In fact, Lorn and Micha soon discovered their absolute love for dancing. Every time they heard music, it was like the fell in trance. They wouldn’t get hungry or tired. Only extreme happiness…

This love only benefited Micha’s career as she received promotion after promotion. She hoped that she would be soon one of the great dancers of Fair Grounds and the surrounding cities.

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For the first time in his life, Urmin didn’t know what to do. All of his skills were far above nice, school didn’t offer any challenges to him, and his girlfriend was too busy to drop by and say hy to her boyfriend. And it didn’t help that his siblings weren’t as far with their skills as Urmin was, but they were approaching him quickly. Both of them spent a lot of their free-time in the new-built library on the second floor, and they read a lot. Siza managed to finish her cleaning and cooking skills, and Callum had his knowledge in mechanics expended and mastered. Plus, he learned to cook really well, but it surely wasn’t his best interest.

Urmin decided to learn something different for now. He found an interesting book about philosophy and got to know a lot about lifelong happiness.

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Micha had mastered gardening some time ago, and soon she could harvest her first batch of eggplants, and Callum was eager to try them. Lorn remembered what happened the last time Callum tried his mother’s vegetables and kept an eye on his son, but everything went better then expected. Instead of suffering from another allergic shock, Callum was feeling more clever, as if the juice would enhance his skills. Both Callum and Siza tried the opportunity and soon were as skilled as their brother Urmin, but they had to visit the bathroom awfully often. Well, knowledge had it’s price!

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And Michaela? Well, she easily reached the top of her career. Again. In comparison with her business-career, she liked this one better. It had the nicer working clothes, even if it paid less. Plus, she never received angry

complaint-mails from over-enthusiastic environmentalists who accused her on “polluting our beautiful mother earth’s face with her plastic-crap!”

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Urmin had been together with his girlfriend, Sophie Miguel, now for quite a time, and still his siblings didn’t know much about her. His siblings were the best and only friends he had, Sophie not counting, and he wanted them to meet. So decided that it might be the best if they all went out together. Maybe they would even become friends. If he just knew…

Siza and Sophie were chatting for a while. Siza couldn’t find any quality in that girl that might explain why Urmin had fallen for her as Sophie suddenly turned and let out a heart filled sigh. And she was clearly NOT looking at her boyfriend, but on his brother. Siza couldn’t believe what she just saw.

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“Wait…did you really just swoon for my brother?! For the wrong brother?!” Siza crossed her arms. “I can’t believe it! I mean, you’re the girlfriend of

Urmin! How could you even think of Callum?!”

Sophie snorted. “I think about anything and anyone I want, ok?”

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“No, it’s not ok! You are playing with my brother and if you are clever, you stop immediately, because I’ll make sure that you won’t get away with it, understood?!”

“No, you are not understanding, Siza!” Sophie looked dead serious. “I am the best that could happen to Urmin. The only one who would happen to him, to be exactly! Do you know how it is for him to be the only one with antlers around? It’s not like any others in our grade really like him. He’s weird, he’s quiet and he sure is not the brightest crayon in the box. If it wasn’t for me, he would still be alone! So you better shut your mouth if you don’t want to see him that way, because that’s what will happen if I leave, understood?!”

Siza was speechless.

“And now,” Sophie said with an evil smile, “I will do what I want! And I will get away with it.”

She went straight up to Callum. “Hey Call, I really like what you’re wearing…you look really handsome!” “Thanks…?” he answered, not sure what just happened.

“Let’s go outside and chat a bit, shall we?” Sophie asked and winked at Siza as she grabbed Callum’s arm.

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Siza followed them, unable to think clearly. Did that girl just threaten her? Did she really say that she was the best that could happen to Urmin? Well, Siza Feylan was not the best person to pick a fight with, and Siza would not let her win! Her heart felt heavy as she faced her older brother and cleared her throat to break the news to him. That was going to hurt him, probably even more than Sophie had said. Urmin wasn’t together with Sophie just to be together with anyone. He really liked her.

“Uhm, Siza? What’s up? Why do you look so…”

“Please, turn around.”

Sophie had stopped the “innocent” talk and tried her flirting abilities with Callum, who still didn’t really know what was going on. But he sensed that this was going to mean trouble.

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“No way…” Urmin’s voice faded as he watched his girlfriend trying to chat up his brother. This couldn’t be true, he must have been dreaming! But why wouldn’t he wake up?!

Slowly, he walked over to them, his face being a mask of anger. “Sophie,” he croaked. “I-I can’t believe what I’m seeing.”

“Oh, hey Urmin…Uhm…I just-”

“You are just flirting with my brother, weren’t you?”

“Oh come on, it’s nothing serious, it’s just-”

“No, it’s not just. Sophie, I think we shouldn’t see each other anymore.”

Callum had remained silent, but suddenly Urmin turned towards him.

“And you”, he said, “you shouldn’t get anywhere near me, brother!” Then Urmin quickly left. He couldn’t stand the situation anymore.

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Siza had watched it. And she felt more than just bad. She just made her big brother break up with his girlfriend…but that hussy deserved it! She wasn’t anywhere near to deserve Urmin! Sadness and empathy for her brother turned into anger, and Siza practically jumped at Sophie.

“NOBODY PLAYS WITH MY BROTHERS,UNDERSTOOD?!” she yelled as she taught Sophie Miguel a valuable lesson.

(I just wanted to say that almost everything happened autonomous. Sadly. Just the break up was commanded, but I couldn’t see anything that made sense in that couple anymore. Too bad, because I really like that Miguel Girl)

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Urmin was depressed. The girl he thought he would be with together…well, they wouldn’t be together again. Never ever! They memory hurt so much.

He decided to try something new. Urmin didn’t knew many girls who were interested in him, in fact, Sophie had been the only one so far. But he felt rebellious! He wasn’t dependant on her! And he heard of a woman who could help him in his situation. She was just know as “The gipsy”, an old woman who possessed, according to his classmates, magic powers. And she used them for match-making! Just sounded perfect, didn’t it?

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Well, the outcome wasn’t as perfect as it should have been in theory. Urmin used her services twice, and none of the girls were possible future-girlfriends. Sure, they were both beautiful. He loved Marla’s brown hair, and Gerda’s brown eyes fascinated him, but Gerda couldn’t cope with his antlers, and Marla didn’t possess a telephone, so the evening he met her was the only one they should spend together. Plus, both of them were from a place called Three Lakes. Urmin didn’t even know that such a place existed!

(Me neither! It isn’t even added yet and still it spawns townie-teenagers -.-)

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The next day, someone visited who shouldn’t have been. Sophie had the nerve to come by and steal the news-papers! As if SHE was the victim!

Callum sneaked up behind her and harrumphed loudly. “Are you sure you want that news-paper?” he asked and his voice was low and angry.

Sophie shrieked and turned around, not realizing that the news-paper had slipped out of her hands. “You! Hey…”

“Don’t play nice, Sophie, do you know what you have done?”

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“Oh, so it’s my fault now?” she snapped back, still holding non-existent news-papers.

“Of course it is! YOU were flirting with me, and YOU were my brother’s girlfriend at that time!”

“Don’t tell me that you didn’t like it, Callum! You Feylans need every little attention you can get, and you are no exception!”

“B*! Do you know that I have a girlfriend, Sophie? I love her, and she is way more worth to me than you could ever be! I thought you just wanted to be nice, but Siza told me about that heart-farting you did! Stop stalking me, leave Urmin alone, and f* leave our lives!”

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“NOBODY TALKS TO ME LIKE THAT!” Sophie yelled and slapped Callum (with the non-existent news-papers!).

Then she stormed of, mumbling to herself.

“Why does that guy have to be so smoking?! Why me, why them, whywhywhywhy?!!”

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Later that evening, Callum looked for his brother. He wanted to make up for what happened between them. Sure, it wasn’t his fault, but he could easily imagine how Urmin must have felt. If he would ever see Chris flirting with Urmin…even she was trying to seduce Urmin and he was fighting her off with a mace, Callum would still have the desire to feel Urmin’s throat between his two hands.

“Hey, what are you doing?” he asked his older brother as he found him in Siza’s room.

“Oh, just getting a job, you know? I like the idea of being a teacher someday…but that isn’t why you came, right?”

“Well, yeah…but please, let’s go somewhere less girly, ok? This isn’t easy for me.”

They went into the bathroom, hoping that they would be left in peace there.

“So, what do you want?” Urmin asked and he didn’t seem so pleased.

“I wanted to apologize, ok?”

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“Apologize for what?” Urmin asked.

“Uh, remember that day at papaya regime? Me, Sophie, her being totally crazy…”

Urmin sighed and looked tired. “Call, I’m the one who should be sorry. It wasn’t your fault that she…well, it wasn’t your fault. I just picked the wrong girl to give my heart to. But hey, that’s supposed to happen sometimes. Let’s not make big deal out of it, ok?”

Callum let out a relieved laughter. “No way…I’ve been worried the whole day if you would rip my head off, and now you’re telling me that you’re sorry. You really are one of a kind, Bro!”

Urmin began to giggle, then joined Callum's laughter. “You shouldn’t think that much, you braniac!” he teased him. “Your head is so swollen that your hair has to cover it up! That’s why it’s so fluffy!”

Callum punched him playfully. “Let’s not go to far, or I’ll be angry with you!”

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Urmin was happy that he sorted out the problem with his brother, but there was still something missing: The girl he could spend his life with. So he called the gypsy again. It wasn’t her fault that his further two dates weren’t exactly successful, but she did pick out nice girls. He wanted to give her another try.

“Hey, Miss Gypsy” he greated her as she came.

“So you want to try again on true love?” she asked and skipped the greetings. Urmin nodded. “How much are you willing to pay, young Feylan?”

“Well,I’ve been saving up some money…I’ve got 5000 §. I hope that will be enough for a decent service.”

“Decent? Boy, you just bought a first class date!”

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Urmin wasn’t sure about that when she fell from the sky. She looked somewhat puzzled.

“That’s not the poolparty…” she mumbled as she tried to swim on the pavement. “And these are not my clothes!”

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“Daria, behave!” the gypsy snapped, and then turned quickly back to Urmin.

“I’m sorry. That’s my niece Daria, I think she should be perfect for you. She’s from nearby, and calling her shouldn’t be a problem. Plus, she comes from a family of gypsies, so she won’t be put off by your antlers, Fair-boy. But if you have any complaints…”

“No, no, no!” Urmin rushed to answer. “I bet she’s allright, don’t worry. Thank you for introducing us…it’s all fine, you can leave now!” He didn’t like the way the gypsy was treating her niece, like she was some sort of goat she had to sell. But that girl seemed nice.

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And, well, her looks didn’t hurt his eyes either.

“So, Daria was it?”

She nodded, still being a bit confused.

“And you are?”

“Oh, I’m Urmin. Urmin Feylan.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Urmin Feylan!” she said and that smile…whoa, Urmin could feel the ground shaking, or were it just his knees?

He never felt that kind of attraction with Sophie.

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“Well…” he coughed and tried to concentrate. Urmin didn’t want to mess this up!

“Daria, what do you like in a guy?”

“Oh, I like skilled ones! And I adore them if they actually do know something about mechanics…you know, nobody at home does, and our stuff is always broken! Plus, a clever guy is always a good one to keep around.”

Callum just stopped by randomly. “Take her,Bro! She’s a keeper!! Low five!!!”

(autonomous…and kinda cute xD)

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(Siza also stopped by and just made a really happy face. I swear, none of my sims have ever been that close as these siblings are! It’s almost scary how they care for each other…)

Daria and Urmin got along swimingly. None of them could deny the chemistry they had, and soon they began to feel the first butterflies down their bellies. If you had tea or coffee, you could just sweeten it by watching them.

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“Urmin, do you have a mirror or a changing-table somewhere? I was just swimming, and actually I’d love to freshen up a bit. I don’t feel like a girl, more like a wet and shaggy cat.”

He laughed. “Daria, you look wonderful to me, but there is a table if you’d still like it.”

“Yes please!!”

She changed her hair in something more suitable for a gypsy, and put on some light make up. It couldn’t hurt her chances with Urmin, could it?

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But at this rate, nothing actually could. He was totally smitten and his siblings seemed to like her. And Urmin was so smitten… they talked until late night, laying by the pond in front of the house and watching the stars. Urmin found out that she was family-orientated too, just like him. She didn’t really care about pets, but she wished for three kids who would get through college. She hasn’t been schooled at all and just wished for her children that they wouldn’t have to spend their lives in small carriages which were always cold in the winter. She wanted to settle down and live a normal life…well, as normal as it could be.

Urmin could understand that wish, easily. His parents loved him, sure, but…he wondered what university would be like. Or private school.

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This would be the last sip that Urmin would take from the potion spender. He was a bit older then Micha, but he didn’t want to age without her. After all, she could easily get another young, good looking guy if he was grey and old, he thought to himself and chuckled.

Well, not in this life!

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Urmin wasn’t able to think about anything else than Daria. When he slept, he dreamt about her smile, when he got up, he imagined that he might meet her at school, and in school, he thought about the afternoons he would spend with her. Well, this time he would spend an entire evening with her!

They had been together for enough time to celebrate it, and Urmin wanted it to be a blast! He invited her out to Lulu-Lounge, a wonderful club in Downtown. He had never been in Downtown yet, and he was just as excited to visit it as he was excited to meet his girlfriend.

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They had a meal and drank soda in champaign-glasses, they danced to the music, they sang karaoke…and by the end of the evening, both of them were sure that they wanted to stay together until they died. If that wasn’t real love, what could ever be?

When Urmin came home, his sibling ran straight up to him.

“How was it?”

“Great!” he answered and smiled widely.

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Micha missed it to be a real mom. Sure, her children loved her, and of course she was related to them! Hence, she had given birth to them what would make her their mother, in every imaginable way. But they were so grown-up, so independent. She missed it to be needed by something cute and small…

Micha decided to adopt a pet. Nobody would object, especially Urmin would be happy for a little fur ball in the family, so she adopted a little kitten. They named it Muir.

(Muir is Gaelic and means Ocean. Plus, it sounds like something a cat would say )

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And Micha was right, nobody did object. In fact, all of them were fascinated by that little bundle of fur, paws and meowing. For that day that she was a kitten, Muir had every attention she could ever imagine or wish for.

When she grew up into a cat, she was still loved by the family, but she was lucky that it was easier now to escape this love struck pack of Sims!

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And what about the rest of the family?

Well, Callum managed to get his first A+ in school. He had always done his homework excellently, he had always been in school and he was always attentive. But the teachers really seemed to hate him! Well, they could bite him now because he had his A+! Even they couldn’t deny his smartness anymore!

And Urmin and Siza did well in their jobs. Siza always wanted to be a journalist, so she picked up a little part time job at a local newspaper. They didn’t just share a carpool, they also had the same working shifts. And after the first day of work, they also had their first promotion.

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Micha soon found out about the effects of eggplant juice. It didn’t take her long to catch up with her skilled children and she mastered all of her skills. Plus the skill to run to a nearby bathroom.

Callum also got something like a job, but he hoped that his parents would never find out what it was about. Somebody in school had offered him an opportunity to earn some money. It wasn’t really illegal, he said. As long as Callum wouldn’t let somebody catch him, he would be all right. Well, Callum was all right, and soon his newfound “friends” offered him a better opportunity to earn even more money.

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To Urmin, it didn’t matter that his sister was more successful than him. She was on the best way to be an over-achiever. Well, Urmin could have easily been, too, but he had started not soon enough. Because today, he would be an adult.

He invited Daria over, because he couldn’t imagine that day without her.

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He grew up well, but the clothes that had been picked for him weren’t that nice. Daria couldn’t help but giggle a bit.

“Nice shirt!” his father joked. Urmin smiled.

“Thank you, old man!” he joked back. They both exchanged a knowing smile.

The situation was disturbed by a friend Callum brought home. He began to be smelly…

Daria had to fight for some attention.

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“Hey, please! I’m growing up here!” she yelled, and then took a spin. Her outfit was more agreeable than Urmin’s shirt and pants, but it didn’t really suit her.

But what did it matter when those two had themselves, right?

“Daria Ruf…”Urmin asked,”would you move in with me? I know, it might be a bit fast, but-”

“Yes!” she cut him off. “Of course I will, Urmin.”

Name: Daria Ruf

Aspiration: Family

Personality: 4/4/4/7/5 – Aquarius

Lifetime-Want: Have 3 kids finishing college

Brings in: 8.0000 simoleons


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Urmin soon changed into something more comfortable. He also changed his hair because it was always getting into his ears. That must be the reason why his father wore a pony-tail, he thought to


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“So…this is your room?” Daria asked curious. The room was pretty large, but somewhat empty. Almost everything was red or reddish.

“No” ,Urmin laughed. “But my room is too small for both of us and I suppose that you don’t want to sleep on the floor or the couch. This is a spare room my parents planned to sleep in when they get grey and old.”

“It’s nice that they let us use it”, Daria said. “So…our first night together…”

But, to be honest, they just cuddled.

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The next day, while Urmin was at work, Daria tried her best to skill a bit. She knew nothing about anything, and that was frustrating in a household of super-smart people, she thought. She did well on the violin, showing some talent, but soon got bored. But, coming from a gypsy family, she knew of the secrets of vegetable and fruit juices. Of course!

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When Siza came home (with another promotion, of course. Little over-achiever!) she was rather surprised. There was a cabin in their garden, a buffet table and a stereo. Of course! It was Lorn’s birthday! Her father wanted to celebrate with a lot of friends, and they didn’t have enough space in the house for a party as large at Lorn wanted it to be.

“If you don’t have space for all of your friends”, he said, “why bother having friends at all?!”

Micha just laughed and helped her beloved husband with the preperations.

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The party had already started when Urmin came home, but he could easily join in the smustle-fun. He didn’t know most of the people his father had invited, but he didn’t care. It was Lorn’s big day, and if he wanted to have them over, then he should.

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Lorn grew up very well. And quite handsome, too.

Sandy Brutty, who was also invited, never lost interest in her “little Lorn” and Lorn himself though that she was some eye-candy. But he loved his wife, and Sandy knew that. Nothing would ever happen.

(Lorn seems to attract a lot of women @@ I mean, everywhere he is, there is ALWAYS someone heartfarting over him!! I know that I created some eye-candy, but I didn’t know that my Sims think the same)

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It was nearly about the end of the party, as Urmin cleared his throat and spoke up.

“Uhm, hello everybody. My name is Urmin, and in case you don’t know, I’m Lorn’s son.” he grabbed Daria’s hand and proceeded. “This is my girlfriend Daria, and we know each other since we were teens. And let me tell you, she’s the best!”

Daria blushed. But then Urmin kneeled down in front of her.

“Daria”, he said, “I have to ask you something very important. Do you want to marry me?”

It was silent. The guests stared at the couple. And then, Daria said: “Yes!”

“Duh, Micha, this is the best birthday ever!” Lorn said. “My son is engaged!”

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Life went on as the Feylans were waiting for the big marriage of Urmin and Daria. Callum got along with his suspicious friends and got another “promotion”, and Urmin did the same in his job. He still was in the educational field and he was doing just fine. His colleagues liked him, his bosses loved his attitude, and the work was fun. None of the kids he was teaching made any silly comments about his antlers or ears, probably because they respected him.

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And Lorn? Lorn retired from his job.

“Yeah, Daggy, you know…I don’t think that someone in my age should be a professional Party Guest anymore. I mean, every time I get up in the morning, my joints do all sorts of funny noises…yes, I will miss you too... And the job... And Martini-Monday, of course…yes, Dagmar, I always made the best martinis, but you could visit me here, y’know?...No, family life won’t be boring! I mean, Grandkids! Imagine! They’re the perfect excuse for everything people say you’re too old for!...Yes, Dagmar. Goodbye, and say hy to the others for me.”

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It was the evening before the wedding, and before Micha’s birthday. They decided to celebrate both on the same day, and no one minded.

Micha and Lorn spent some time together, the last night were one of them was still young.

And on the next morning, Micha grew up to be an elder. She popped into the room of Urmin and Daria and shooed them out.

“Yes, I know that you are getting married today, kids, but Mommy needs her dress. Now! So get out!”

Just because she was not young anymore didn’t mean that she couldn’t be still moody.

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The guests arrived, and between the friends Urmin and Daria had, there were two rather strange people.

“Venesa, “ the guy said, “are you sure that a wedding is the best opportunity to-”

“Oliver, just shut up and join the fun!” the girl called Venesa said. “Smustle a bit, come on!”

“I don’t feel like it, but thanks.”

Meanwhile, in the elders room, Daria prepared herself for the wedding. Micha had helped her with the hair, but now Daria needed some time for herself. She was about to get married, to the man she loved…she was just so nervous!

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“Daria Ruf, I take you to be my lawfully wedded wife.Before these witnesses I vow to love you and care for youas long as we both shall live.I take you, with all your faults and strengths,as I offer myself to youwith all my faults and strengths.I will help you when you need help, andturn to you when I need help.I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life.”

As the vows were exchanged, everyone cheered. What a beautiful ceremony.

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*sniffling noises*

“I love weddings…”

Even the butler changed into something more formal, but couldn’t bring himself up to join the wedding party. Instead, he raked the

leaves and spoke to himself.

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“One for Daria, and one for Siza, and one for Callum…” Daria chuckled as she fed her fully grown husband some of the wedding cake. Urmin didn’t mind at all.

They had a nice talk while they were outside, eating cake, exchanging stories about high school and work. None of Daria’s family was there, but she didn’t mind, they would not fit in.

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Meanwhile, in the house:

“Oliver, I think I spotted one of them alone! I go talk to him, you go somewhere else, ok? I think it will be better if I handle this.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, please! Now get lost, and don’t let anybody see you. We are not supposed to be here!”

Venesa had found Callum, who was filling up Muir’s bowl.

“Hey!” she greeted him and gave him her biggest smile. “You must be Callum Feylan, am I right?”

“Yes…?” he said. What did she do in here? The guests were supposed to be outside…and who was that girl?

“Well, Callum, nice to meet you, I’m Venesa.”

“Venesa who?”

“Venesa99? Like, Simself Venesa?”


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“He, good joke!” She chuckled. “JB must be pretty with you guys…”

“Who is JB?!” Was it her being totally crazy or was it him being just plain stupid, Callum thought.

“Don’t play dumb!” she snapped. “JB, your creator! You know, that being who controls your life! Now stop your playing dumb and tell me where she is, I have to speak with her!”

“Creator? Someone who controls me? Are you out of your mind?! There is nothing such as a creator!”

Ven became angry. What kind of game was that?! She needed to talk to JB!!

“Yes, there is! Now bring me to her, you d* spare, or else!”

“That’s it! I don’t know you, and you are surely not a friend of Daria or Urmin, just a crazy wedding crasher! I don’t know what kind of a lame insult spare is, but I won’t let you ruin the wedding! Get out!!” Callum had enough and pushed Ven outside the house, locking the door behind her.

“And don’t come back!”

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Olliver could hear the argument from the kitchen. Ven should have known better than to make Callum angry, even if he was just a spare. He sighed. That would make the whole operation way more complicated…suddenly a girl spoke to him.

“Hey, I don’t know you. Are you a friend of Urmin or of Daria?” It was Siza Feylan.

“Oh, eh…” Oliver stuttered. Siza was known to be friendly unless someone crossed her or her brothers.

“I’m a friend of Daria!” he answered. Daria was still a stranger to most of the family. That story had to be safe, yes!

“My name’s Oliver, by the way. Oliver Anthos.”

“Nice to meet you, Oliver.” Siza smiled. That guy sure was attractive, only a bit old…

“Well…I just heard my…my…daughter calling!” Oliver said. He needed to get away!

“Your…?Oh…well, I need to get to the rest of the party, anyway. It was nice to meet you, Oliver.” Too bad! Why were all the good guys taken?!

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“That’s fine, Carla…could you please let g of my husbands hair now?”

“Oh, sorry!”

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Little Recap

• Lifetimewants achieved: +5 (7)

(4x 7 skills maxed, 1x Career topped)• Life stages passed: +3(12)• Already used: 2 Non-Legacy lots

3 playables• Still to use: 5 Non-Legacy-Lots

9 playables to add

Heh! I told you, I’d find the drama-tag again! And I pulled it!! (Who gets the web comic- reference, will get a cookie! Promised!)

And look at that bartender! She has the ears! It’s nice that the custom face-types start spreading…that means I can breed the ears in again if they get lost. Way to go, townie!

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Hey, stop! Don’t go!! I have some announcements!!

As you can see, the generation of Urmin and Daria is not finished yet. How could they, they don’t even have children, right? Well, you’ll see their adorable kids in the next episode, another promise!

And you’ll get more of the plot! Why does Venesa need to talk to me? Who is that Oliver and why does he call Ven his daughter? And will the butler get married?

Oh, and another thing:

I am looking for simselves! I need at least 3 more for my plot, and I’d love to populate Fair Grounds with some more people than just Feylan-Spares. Interested? Make a comment! And if you receive a PM from me, don’t get freaked out, I’ll just ask you if I can use your simself.

So, dear Simmers and Boolpropians, live long and prosper!