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! J& tlH . saavw? ja&tW35 sirec- - ' wmm- - "i '' " - y T.'V J r :f -- . jjayjwt""'i''"r'" ''i"wTTtiiiLJwuwwe':aw;ttiiiJsaiiHj'; m .u,imtnarTf,rJj.'a.m-- i jw ).u," aitfj-Mw.jc- aa tffa waag3B5agsM ,V. &&. : , ..! w & a. ' mmtm uimarai 1 "1M Ef- - Vol. XrV. No 2U1. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY S, 1889. GO OENTD GUDOOnlPTION PER MONTH wra uZjr .1 n 1 IV V : S' ry 7v tra. THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed ami published at tho oftlco, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, SO conts per Month. Addross all Communications Daily BUMjKTIN. Advertisements, tc cimiro insertion, should be handed lu bcfoio one o'clock v. y. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor JAS G. CLEVIOR Managor Bulletin Steam Printing OfBco. Newspaper, Hook and Job Printing of all kinds done ou the most favoiablo tcims. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 23 columns of reading matter on local topics, and a complcto resume of Honolulu and Island News. It ib the bust paper Dubllshod in the Kingdom to send to friends abroad. Subscription: Island : : : 4 00 year Foreign : : : 5 00 " Commission Meronants. T XIA-OICUUSL- I & Co., General Commission Agents. (,70 ly Honolulu Q. W. MACFARLANK & Co. 111FOUTEHS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. lJueou miect, - - - 1018 BREWER & OOMPA.NY, LI ', (Iunited) ciKKKHAXi MKUOAMTIIiK AND COMMISSION Agents. LIBT OF orFii'Eiis: V. C. Jonks, Jr. .. .President & Manager . J. O, Oautbu Treasurer & Secretary diiiectous: Uon. O. It. Bishop. S. C. Allen, H. WA'iLBiiouau. JJaly TOHN T. WATERHOUSB, tt linpoiter and Dealer in General Merchandise, Qjieen st., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castle.-- J. B. Athertou-- U. P. Castle St OOOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu I Clu SpreckUB. Wm. Q. Irwin. Irwin & company, Wa. Factnro and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 a Clo., WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Naltb, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and yuecn st:., Honolulu. I GrRINBATJM Si CO., MS. i Importers of General O aiid Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 124 CallfoinU street, Ban Francisco, Cal. . Lowers, Y. J. I.owroy O. M. Cooko. & OOOKE, (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) raporters and DraloiH in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 FRANK J. KRUGEIt, Practical WatchmaLer & Repairer nov 8 GONSALV1DS & CO., Wholesale Grocors & Wine Merchants 0 llonvur llloek, Honolulu. O L.UHO UAWAILANO. persons who want to communl ALL with tho Poituiruese, elthei for business, or for procuring workmen, servauts or any other helps, will find it iho most protltablo way to advcrtlso In tho Ltiso Jlawaiiano, tlio now organ of the Portuguese colony, which is pub. Halicd on fiotul street, and only charges reasonable rates for advertisements Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to one of the Now Stores in the Tho man illoclt, Khiff Street, Threo doora from Castle & Cookea', Where ho is prepared to manufacture all Uluds of Jowolry. CO Professionals. J Alfred maooon, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 MerchnntBtrcet, Honolulu, ly T H. SOPER.M.D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. W. Corner Sixth and Market ttreets, opposite Hawaii Ncl Millinery Dstab-llshmcn- t, Snn Francisco. 23 J. M. MOMSARRAT, Attorney mid ConimcIIor nt Law Notary Public and Commi'-sioiu- of Deeds foi tho States of New York, Cali. fornia and Pennsylvania. Merchant street, "Ga.ctte" lllock, Honolulu,.II. 1. j unci) 88 PIONEER, STEAI CANDY FACTOR! AN1 P. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- JtS" Telephono74 Rflrs. L. G. Pray, Genuine Massages Roman Baths ICO Foit Street. Chinese Church Yaid. dec II. M. BENSON. O. VT. SMITH. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 &, 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Boerickc & Sccchlk's HOMCEPATH1C MEDICINES, Ilickjeckcr's Perfumes and Toilet RequisilLS, 1 2j HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo't Street, William's Block, Hono-21- 0 Honolulu, H. I. WENNER & CO. .Manufacturing Jewellers, NO. 03 FORT 8TK.133ST. Constantly on hind i largo assortmen of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly Sanders' Baggage Express Co. M. N. SANDERS, prODrie,ors F. I. CUTTER, OOlce, 84 King strrct, Telephone No 80. Residence Telephone No. 0.5. GJoii'l ExuressliiKiS: 3rnylnpr Piano and Furniture moving a specialty. Wagons meet all incoming steamers. July 3- -i ! MRS. M. B. CAMPBELL, Drcssmalclnci &:., .to., Has commenced the business of Dress, m.ikinj;, Cutting and Fitting, at her resi- dence, No. 73 Bcrctania street, opposite the Hotel. The patronage of the ladies is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. y Alex, Flohr, Lock & Gunsmith. Bethel st , next to General Post Ulilcc, Honolulu. All kinds of Safes & Scales repaired. AIho, Mowing MacIilneM at renwon-nlil- u raten. Bell Tel. 424. tnct-'J- 88-ly- ) P. O. B. 400. Hustacefe Robertson, DRAYMEK. LL orders for Cartage promptly at. zl tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing &; Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in truautitiea to suit at lowest prices. Oftloo, adjoining E. P. Adorns & Co.'s auction room. O'i'J ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. H. G. CRABBE, DEALER InW and GRAIN, 81 King Street, opposite the Old Station House. IVluliml 'JCeleplioiio No. 4.. 87 tf TF YOU WANT A SERVANT X. advertise in the Daily Bullktw. A! 101 Fort Years Goods Proprietor. Grand Display of Holiday Goods ! WE ARE NOW EXHIBITING A Fine Variety of Plisl Ms ml Fancy Novelties Street, our before CONSISTING OF PLUSH TOILET CASES ! PLUSH JEWEL CASES ! Toilet & Mnnicuro Set, combined; Glovo & Handkerchief Boxes, Collar & Cull' Boxes, Work Boxes, Fancy Metal Whisk Broom IToldevst Iliuid Glasses, Fancy Toilet Mirrors & Fancy Metal Ornaments, Suitable Holiday Gifts. We urn oll'ering this Goods at K EXTREMELY LOW PRICES a And solicit inspection of our Goods and Prices before purchasing elsewhere. PLUSH TABLE SCARES AND TABLE COVERS ! A NEW ASSORTMENT OF .I aeliels, ITaiicy iBpHrsesi ,& Fans ! A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Silk & Linen Handkerchiefs for Ladies & Gents, Fine Embroideicd Handkerchiefs, in white and colored ; Initial Handkerchiefs, put lip in do., in a box. ; Gents' Fino Linen Handkerchiefs, dozou in n box; At Very Low Prices. In fact we will oiler Special inducements for the Holidays A NEW ASSORTMENT OF Pressed & Undressed Kid Cloves, Silk Mitts, Etc., In all shades and colors; New Jerseys, New Sash Ribbons, New Shawls. A FINE ASSORTMENT. OF Infant's Lace & Silk Bonnets, Lace Dresses Rob s. Etc. )Sf""Conic and ccntnino Beaver , Saloon The Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours The Finest Brand of CimH, JE& cco AlwayH oil. Xluml. II. J. NOIrU, Proprietor. House Restaurant King Street Near Alakca. 8gm Board 8-- 50 I'or V.'.'o Hinclo Men! ! OntH Knoll. A first-olus- Cook lias been engaged to succeed the one heretofore employed. Tho Tables aro Marble top and Clean; tho Waiters attentive. 2072 3m Proprietor. UriCA-TVCE-. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Huo doDunkorquo, - - Paris. Executes Indents for every detenption of French, Belgian, Swis, German, ami English Goods, nt tho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices. ComiiiUhlon, Two and-a.IIul- f per cent. All Tiado and Cash Discounts allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded when requested. Itemittances, through a London or Paris Banker, payable on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to tho mnniiger. Tho Agency Represents, Buys, and Sells, for Homo niul Colonial Finns. Piero Goods, Cabhinercs, Cambrics, Silks. Veh etb, Law ns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery. Liieoi, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery, Gold and Silver Lace, Flannels, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, Gluts, and Ohina-waro- , Clocks, Watches, Jowollry, Fancy Goods, Electro-plate- , Muslral Instrument?, Fans, and Optical Goods, Minors, Tojs. Perfumery, Wines, &c., Oilman's Btorth, Hooks Artistic Furniture, Stationery, Chromos, Maclduery, &c., &c. ly 8, ew -- AT TliE- - Goods, compare our Prices, 113 lm Honolulu. for W0 pmclinsing elsewhere.. ATKINSON'S, Just Beceived at Hollister & Co.'s A. assortment of PIRIUMISI PERFUMES! Compiising tho well-know- n brands of COLGATE & CO., LOTDBORGS, LTJBIN'S, JSJ'ox mh-2- ! large EASTjSLvN'S ALOIIA, IIOYT'S COLOGNE .FARINA GERlIAN COLOGNE, &o. ftgjI sxt Heasonable Iiice WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. f87 HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. No. 85 F0ET STREET, HONOLULU. Gciiortil Ajrontw Expert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Fire &. Life Insurance Agents, Custom-Hous- o, Loan and Exchange Brokers, Departments of Business: Books end Accounts accurately kept und properly adjusted. Colletions will receive special attention and returns promptly imulo. Conveyancing a Specialty. Bicords searched and coirect Abstracts of Title furnished. Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and hand somcly engros'ed. Copying and Translating in nil languages in general uto u this Kingdom. Real Estato bouglit and sold, Taxes paid and Pioperty safoly Insured Houses, Cottaijes, aooais, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected, Piroand Lifo lusuranoo etTectod in tlrat-clat- a Insurance Companies. Custom-Hous- o Business transacted with aecuracy and dispatch. Loans negotiated at lavorablo ratei. Advertisements and Subscriptions folicited for Publishers. Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms. .ntor-Ifllan- d Orders will rccclvo particular attention. t3' All Business entrusted to our caro will recelvo prompt and faithful attention at moderate charges. Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-flv- e yearslln Now York City and elsewhere, wo feel competent to attend to all businebs of an Intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, nnd respectfully solicit a trial, Bell Telephone No. 27L Xln-vnila- n UiiNinouw Ajrenoy. jan. 7-- f 8 the "Daii Bulletin Weekly Summary," Will bo Issued on January 8th, i!8 Columns of Interesting News. Tho Best Tapor to Send Abroad. Royal Insurance Company, Accumulation ot Funds, $28,G02,205.00 Fire licks taken at current rates and settlement mnde In Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. jttly 20 88. ly Union Tiro A. Mnrinc Insurance Company of N, Z, Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability. Fire and Marino risks, taken at current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. july20884y Insurance Co. of San Francisco, Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freights and Commissions at current rates. JOHN S. WALKER, Agont. July General Insurance Company. Marine risks oh Hulls, Cargoes, Freight and Commissions nt current rntcs. JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent July A. II. IIASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. 13 Kaahumami street. Up stairs. ocU-88-l- y ri Honolulu iron Works, SdisaiStcam on nines, suuar mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 WALKER & REDWARD, Contractors Vs ISulllorn- - Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es- timates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 7(5 King street. Bell Tele- phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. up LUCAS, Contractor and Builder, dexJ& Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, hspla nadc, Honolulu. Manufactures all hinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll nnd Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly uttunded to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other solicited UTERPRI PLANING MILL. E Alakea, near ncen .St. Telephone (55. Bolster & Rupprecht, House and gUFresco Painters At C'njroul'H Hliorlnc Nhoii. No. 81 s : KING STREET. i:j"5 2w IJ-- - -- u - I Hell Tel. 31. Mutual Tel. 1U P.O. Ilox-115- . Ofilco . . 38 Merchant St., Honolulu General Business Agency. NOTARY PUBLIC. Convoyancing a Specially Mecords tcarch-e- d and abstracts of title furnished on short notice. Copying, Translating, and engrossing In all languages In general use in the King- dom. Custom House brokerage Fire nnd Lifo Insurance rceelvo prompt attention. Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. 3R,etvl EaHtato bought, sold and rented. Scvcial valuable properties In and around iho city now for sale on ersy terms. Convenient Cottages in desirable healthy locations in and near tho city to let or lease at rcasouablu rales. Employment Wanted by pevcml men nnd boys, who willmnUo themselves iibo. ful in performing tlio various olllces and chores required by private fami- lies. Full paitluulars given on application at thoiigeney. Oiders fiom the other Isluudi prompt- ly attended to. tnnttk Kwn4 ' 4Ssl.iiia fe; s!WaaiwW4ilw j !. 4-f- f FIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Firo Insurance) Oo. Assets, $5,288,000 Commercial Insurance Oo. (Fire and Marino) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assuranco Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Firo and Marino Ins. Go Capital $10,000,000 Now York Lifo Insurance Co. Assets, $85,000,000 C.O.BERGEE HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 16S3 ly 3i5QCJXTA.BX,13 Society Or tlio United Wtntco. THE LEADING COMPANY. New Business In 1807 -- Applications $138,023,105 refused for 23,729,317 Total Incomo 23,240,848 Surplus 4 per csnt 10,104,258 Gain in Assets during yoar 8,803,432 Etc., Etc., Etc., In tho above and most important point Die Kuuitablo heads tho list of Life Companies. A. J. CARTWRIGHT, General Accnt for Hawaiian lalandm June CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marino Insur'oc Agents. aobhts you The New Enjiltnd MUTUAl LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. Tho iEtna Firo Insurance Oo, of Hartford, Conn. The Union JPlre and Marine Insurance Co. of Ban Francisco, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Comu'y ESTABLISHED 1846, CP' 8,000,008 Rtlctumatki undersigned, hating boon ap- pointed agent of the above Company for the Hawaiian Iilands. ii nrensrivl m accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings. Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and PayabU Honolulu. H. RIKMENtfOHNKIDEK, jly.87 ly at Wilder & Go's. !S Pioneer Shirt Factory Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emma SL Tho undersigned begs to Inform tho public of these Islands that ho Is making BIilrtM Iy MonNuroraout I Directions for will ho given on application. White Shirts, Oiersliirts & flight Gswds A fit guarantee by making a sample Bhlrt to every order. Island ardtr solicited BeU Telephone 410 e?y 1 n :M A.JM. SUSIJULS. 'Mm

:f · Pressed & Undressed Kid Cloves, Silk Mitts, Etc., In all shades and colors; New Jerseys, New Sash Ribbons, New Shawls. A FINE ASSORTMENT. OF Infant'sLace & Silk Bonnets, Lace

Sep 24, 2020



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Page 1: :f · Pressed & Undressed Kid Cloves, Silk Mitts, Etc., In all shades and colors; New Jerseys, New Sash Ribbons, New Shawls. A FINE ASSORTMENT. OF Infant'sLace & Silk Bonnets, Lace

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n 1



S' ry 7v tra.


Is printed ami published at tho oftlco,

Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., everyafternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, SO conts per Month.

Addross all Communications DailyBUMjKTIN.

Advertisements, tc cimiro insertion,should be handed lu bcfoio one o'clockv. y.WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor


Bulletin Steam Printing OfBco.

Newspaper, Hook and Job Printing ofall kinds done ou the most favoiablotcims.Bell Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. 250


Weekly Summary.An interesting and comprehensive

publication, contains 23 columns ofreading matter on local topics, and acomplcto resume of Honolulu and IslandNews. It ib the bust paper Dubllshodin the Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

Subscription:Island : : : 4 00 yearForeign : : : 5 00 "

Commission Meronants.


General Commission Agents.

(,70 ly Honolulu



Honolulu. H. I.lJueou miect, - - -1018



LIBT OF orFii'Eiis:V. C. Jonks, Jr. . . .President & Manager

. J. O, Oautbu Treasurer & Secretary

diiiectous:Uon. O. It. Bishop. S. C. Allen,

H. WA'iLBiiouau.JJaly

TOHN T. WATERHOUSB,tt linpoiter and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Qjieen st., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castle.-- J. B. Athertou-- U. P. Castle

St OOOKE,CASTLE Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dealers in

General Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu I

Clu SpreckUB. Wm. Q. Irwin.

Irwin & company,Wa. Factnro and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

a Clo.,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Naltb, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and yuecn st:.,Honolulu. I

GrRINBATJM Si CO.,MS.i Importers of General O

aiid Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

124 CallfoinU street,Ban Francisco, Cal.

. Lowers, Y. J. I.owroy O. M. Cooko.

& OOOKE,(successors to Lowers & Dickson,)

raporters and DraloiH in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1


Practical WatchmaLer & Repairernov 8


Wholesale Grocors & Wine Merchants0 llonvur llloek, Honolulu.


persons who want to communlALL with tho Poituiruese, eltheifor business, or for procuring workmen,servauts or any other helps, will find itiho most protltablo way to advcrtlso In

tho Ltiso Jlawaiiano, tlio now organ ofthe Portuguese colony, which is pub.Halicd on fiotul street, and only chargesreasonable rates for advertisements

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to one of the NowStores in the

Tho man illoclt, Khiff Street,Threo doora from Castle & Cookea',

Where ho is prepared to manufactureall Uluds of Jowolry. CO


J Alfred maooon,ATTORNEY AT LAW.

173 42 MerchnntBtrcet, Honolulu, ly


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. W. Corner Sixth and Market ttreets,opposite Hawaii Ncl Millinery Dstab-llshmcn- t,

Snn Francisco. 23

J. M. MOMSARRAT,Attorney mid ConimcIIor nt Law

Notary Public and Commi'-sioiu- ofDeeds foi tho States of New York, Cali.fornia and Pennsylvania. Merchantstreet, "Ga.ctte" lllock, Honolulu,.II. 1.

j unci) 88


AN1P. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. -- JtS" Telephono74

Rflrs. L. G. Pray,

Genuine Massages Roman Baths

ICO Foit Street. Chinese Church Yaid.dec



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 &, 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boerickc & Sccchlk's

HOMCEPATH1C MEDICINES,Ilickjeckcr's Perfumes and Toilet

RequisilLS, 1 2j


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo't Street, William's Block, Hono-21- 0

Honolulu, H. I.

WENNER & CO..Manufacturing Jewellers,

NO. 03 FORT 8TK.133ST.Constantly on hind i largo assortmen

of every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Sanders' Baggage Express Co.

M. N. SANDERS, prODrie,orsF. I. CUTTER,

OOlce, 84 King strrct, Telephone No 80.Residence Telephone No. 0.5.

GJoii'l ExuressliiKiS: 3rnylnprPiano and Furniture moving a specialty.

Wagons meet all incoming steamers.July 3- -i !


Drcssmalclnci &:., .to.,Has commenced the business of Dress,m.ikinj;, Cutting and Fitting, at her resi-dence, No. 73 Bcrctania street, oppositethe Hotel. The patronage of the ladiesis respectfully solicited. Satisfactionguaranteed. y

Alex, Flohr,Lock & Gunsmith.

Bethel st , next to General PostUlilcc, Honolulu.

All kinds of Safes & Scales repaired.AIho, Mowing MacIilneM at renwon-nlil- u

raten.Bell Tel. 424. tnct-'J- 88-ly- ) P. O. B. 400.

Hustacefe Robertson,

DRAYMEK.LL orders for Cartage promptly at.

zl tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing &; Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in truautitiea to suit at lowest prices.

Oftloo, adjoining E. P. Adorns & Co.'sauction room.O'i'J ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.



81 King Street, opposite the Old StationHouse.

IVluliml 'JCeleplioiio No. 4..87 tf

TF YOU WANT A SERVANTX. advertise in the Daily Bullktw.


101 Fort

Years Goods


Grand Display of Holiday Goods !


Fine Variety of Plisl Ms ml Fancy Novelties


our before



Toilet & Mnnicuro Set, combined; Glovo & Handkerchief Boxes,Collar & Cull' Boxes, Work Boxes,

Fancy Metal Whisk Broom IToldevst Iliuid Glasses,

Fancy Toilet Mirrors & Fancy Metal Ornaments,Suitable Holiday Gifts. We urn oll'ering this Goods at

K EXTREMELY LOW PRICES aAnd solicit inspection of our Goods and Prices before purchasing elsewhere.



.I aeliels, ITaiicy iBpHrsesi ,& Fans !


Silk & Linen Handkerchiefs for Ladies & Gents,Fine Embroideicd Handkerchiefs, in white and colored ;

Initial Handkerchiefs, put lip in do., in a box. ;

Gents' Fino Linen Handkerchiefs, dozou in n box;

At Very Low Prices. In fact we will oiler

Special inducements for the HolidaysA NEW ASSORTMENT OF

Pressed & Undressed Kid Cloves, Silk Mitts, Etc.,In all shades and colors;

New Jerseys, New Sash Ribbons, New Shawls.A FINE ASSORTMENT. OF

Infant's Lace & Silk Bonnets, Lace Dresses Rob s. Etc.)Sf""Conic and ccntnino

Beaver , Saloon

The Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours

The Finest Brand of

CimH, JE& cco

AlwayH oil. Xluml.II. J. NOIrU, Proprietor.

House Restaurant

King Street Near Alakca.8gm

Board 8-- 50 I'or V.'.'oHinclo Men! ! OntH Knoll.

A first-olus- Cook lias been engaged tosucceed the one heretofore employed.Tho Tables aro Marble top and Clean;tho Waiters attentive.

2072 3m Proprietor.


Continental and ColonialAGENCY.

36 Huo doDunkorquo, - - Paris.

Executes Indents for every detenptionof French, Belgian,Swis, German, ami English Goods, nttho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

ComiiiUhlon, Two and-a.IIul- f per cent.All Tiado and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Itemittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to thomnniiger.

Tho Agency Represents, Buys, andSells, for Homo niul Colonial Finns.

Piero Goods, Cabhinercs, Cambrics,Silks. Veh etb, Law ns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery. Liieoi, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Gluts, andOhina-waro- , Clocks, Watches,Jowollry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plate- , Muslral Instrument?,Fans, andOptical Goods, Minors, Tojs.Perfumery, Wines, &c.,Oilman's Btorth, Hooks ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chromos, Maclduery, &c., &c.

ly 8,

ew-- AT TliE- -

Goods, compare our Prices,

113 lm




pmclinsing elsewhere..


Just Beceived at Hollister & Co.'sA. assortment of

PIRIUMISI PERFUMES!Compiising tho well-know- n brands of







ftgjI sxt Heasonable IiiceWHOLESALE AND RETAIL. f87


Gciiortil AjrontwExpert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Fire &. Life Insurance

Agents, Custom-Hous- o, Loan and Exchange Brokers,

Departments of Business:Books end Accounts accurately kept und properly adjusted.Colletions will receive special attention and returns promptly imulo.

Conveyancing a Specialty. Bicords searched and coirect Abstracts of Titlefurnished.

Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomcly engros'ed.

Copying and Translating in nil languages in general uto u this Kingdom.Real Estato bouglit and sold, Taxes paid and Pioperty safoly InsuredHouses, Cottaijes, aooais, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected,

Piroand Lifo lusuranoo etTectod in tlrat-clat- a Insurance Companies.Custom-Hous- o Business transacted with aecuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at lavorablo ratei.Advertisements and Subscriptions folicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms..ntor-Ifllan- d Orders will rccclvo particular attention.

t3' All Business entrusted to our caro will recelvo prompt and faithful attention at

moderate charges.

Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-flv- e yearsllnNow York City and elsewhere, wo feel competent to attend to all businebs of an

Intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, nnd respectfullysolicit a trial,

Bell Telephone No. 27L Xln-vnila- n UiiNinouw Ajrenoy.jan. 7--f 8

the "Daii Bulletin Weekly Summary,"Will bo Issued on January 8th,

i!8 Columns of Interesting News. Tho Best Tapor to Send Abroad.

Royal Insurance Company,

Accumulation ot Funds, $28,G02,205.00

Fire licks taken at current rates andsettlement mnde In Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.jttly 20 88. ly

Union Tiro A. Mnrinc

Insurance Company of N, Z,

Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability.

Fire and Marino risks, taken at currentrates and settlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.july20884y

Insurance Co. of San Francisco,

Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freightsand Commissions at current rates.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agont.July

General Insurance Company.

Marine risks oh Hulls, Cargoes, Freightand Commissions nt current rntcs.

JOHN. S. WALKER, AgentJuly

A. II. IIASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. 13 Kaahumami street. Up stairs.ocU-88-l- y

ri Honolulu iron Works,SdisaiStcam on nines, suuar mills, boil

ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1


Contractors Vs ISulllorn- -

Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es-

timates given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. 7(5 King street. Bell Tele-phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. up


and Builder, dexJ&Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, hspla

nadc, Honolulu.Manufactures all hinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll nnd BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly uttunded to and workguaranteed. Orders from the other



Alakea, near ncen .St.Telephone (55.

Bolster & Rupprecht,House and gUFresco Painters

At C'njroul'H Hliorlnc Nhoii.No. 81 s : KING STREET.

i:j"5 2wIJ-- - - - u - I

Hell Tel. 31. Mutual Tel. 1U

P.O. Ilox-115- .

Ofilco . . 38 Merchant St., Honolulu

General Business Agency.


Convoyancing a Specially Mecords tcarch-e- d

and abstracts of title furnished onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing In alllanguages In general use in the King-dom.

Custom House brokerage Fire nnd LifoInsurance rceelvo prompt attention.Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

3R,etvl EaHtatobought, sold and rented.

Scvcial valuable properties In andaround iho city now for sale on ersyterms.

Convenient Cottages in desirable healthylocations in and near tho city to let orlease at rcasouablu rales.

Employment Wanted by pevcml men nndboys, who willmnUo themselves iibo.ful in performing tlio various olllcesand chores required by private fami-lies.

Full paitluulars given on applicationat thoiigeney.

Oiders fiom the other Isluudi prompt-ly attended to.

tnnttk Kwn4 ' 4Ssl.iiia fe; s!WaaiwW4ilwj !. 4-f- f


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Firo Insurance) Oo.

Assets, $5,288,000

Commercial Insurance Oo.

(Fire and Marino)

Assets, $450,000Anglo-Nevad- a Assuranco Corporation

(Fire and Marine)Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Firo and Marino Ins. Go

Capital $10,000,000

Now York Lifo Insurance Co.

Assets, $85,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

16S3 ly



Or tlio United Wtntco.


New Business In 1807 --


$138,023,105refused for 23,729,317

Total Incomo 23,240,848Surplus 4 per csnt 10,104,258

Gain in Assets during yoar 8,803,432Etc., Etc., Etc.,

In tho above and most important pointDie Kuuitablo heads tho list of

Life Companies.

A. J. CARTWRIGHT,General Accnt for Hawaiian



CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire & Marino Insur'oc Agents.

aobhts youThe New Enjiltnd


Tho iEtna Firo Insurance Oo,of Hartford, Conn.

The Union JPlre andMarine Insurance Co.

of Ban Francisco, Cala.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comu'y


CP' 8,000,008 Rtlctumatkiundersigned, hating boon ap-

pointed agent of the above Companyfor the Hawaiian Iilands. ii nrensrivl maccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings.Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and PayabUHonolulu.

H. RIKMENtfOHNKIDEK,jly.87 ly at Wilder & Go's.


Pioneer Shirt FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma SL

Tho undersigned begs to Inform thopublic of these Islands that ho Is makingBIilrtM Iy MonNuroraout I

Directions for willho given on application.

White Shirts, Oiersliirts & flight GswdsA fit guarantee by making a sample

Bhlrt to every order.Island ardtr solicited BeU Telephone 410






Page 2: :f · Pressed & Undressed Kid Cloves, Silk Mitts, Etc., In all shades and colors; New Jerseys, New Sash Ribbons, New Shawls. A FINE ASSORTMENT. OF Infant'sLace & Silk Bonnets, Lace

...lytic -


r- -



i':, &

MM vj jft gwpp. -- n?3.' ;

itDAILY BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. I., JAOTARST 8, 1889.wmnnrtmiwuf m.fw.."nrrtiWiin.iTmiinnmini..n.ii. wttoM.ttg.-icntfam- mrmsaauiB.mM mnwrMm'lMBw,fttiwMeju.M mw ...wi


MwselleOf 1889, tit Paris, will Open on tho

6th Day of May. 1889, midCloso on the 31st Say

of Oct, 1889,

And it being desirable thai this Kingdom Bhould bo fully i cut ctcn toilthereat," 1 1 is "MajeMy's Oovoinincnlrespectfully invito Iho Public gen-orall- y

to cuutiilmtn Specimens of (lieArts, I'loilttcls, Miimifnctuica midnatural Utuiosilies peitaining tothesu Islandti.

Tle following mining others nresuggested us deniable for oxliibi-tio- n


Sugar (Jo Hoc t ions ofColloe FeinsPaddy and ltice Native Jlanuf'dLeather of Knp.i, Mats,Tobacco Huts and otherSalt Hraid woikAnow Hoot Ilawn Jewelry of0.W Flour Kukui Xuts, etcFruits, dried and IJentl and .Seed

picM-m- WorkHawaiian Woods MnjTs and Charts

and nian'f'h ol 15 oo k . Hopoitssame and ewspntiors

Models of inven- - in b'd volumestioiib IMiologinphs

Pulii PaintingsRamie, M.unaki, V o 1 c a n o Speci

Waul.i, OIoiiii menand other iVuuiunl Native

Plants Wl'llpOllb, Im-plement!,Medicinal and use etc.

'ul II il Will ia nHcihs, Iiootrand PlantsAll notice of intention to Exhibit

and all a ions for space shouldbe Hindi) to .Ino. A. Hutsingcr, De-

partment of thi! Intciior, on or bc-fo-

J.iniiiiiy 25th, and all exhibitsmust In- - ileliveicd to him for theGovernmental Aliiolani Hale, andreceipted for cm or befoiu Eobiuiuy0, 1889.

Col. Z. S. Spalding will be thoSpecial Commissioner of tho Hawai-ian Government at l'.uis dining theExposition and will have chaige ofthe Hawaiian Exhibits.

All cshibitois must clcaily anddesciibo their intended ex-

hibits and alto the value of same forpurposes of insurance.

The coat of foi warding and returnof all Exhibits will be defrayed bythe Hawaiian Government.

Exhibitors should state whether theExhibitb aie for bale (and if bo atwhat pliccb), or a loan, to bo re-

turned. Where not to Mated it willbe understood that they aie to bebold. Exhibits for Pale, will be boldnt the close of the Exhibition for thebenciit of Exliiliiluib and loans willbe icturned to the ownois at Hono-lulu. JONA. AUSTIN,

Minibtei of Foieimi uH'uir.".


a? ii 33

gatta jKumtfiBPledged lo neither Sect nor Party,lint established for the benefit of all.

TUESDAY, JAN. 8, 1889.


Two impottant questions of lawwere decided by Judge Bickeitonto-da- y in the action of ejectmentbrought in the Supreme Couit bythe Princeville Plantation Companyvs. Mauliohi and wife. The defend-

ant's motion to place the case on theHawaiian Jury list, on the groundthat the Princeville Plantation Com-

pany is a native Hawaiian, wasgranted, and the plaintiff's motionto place the cause on the list of thomixed jury cases in which at leastone of the parties resides in Hono-

lulu, was denied.The statute say that, "In all

civil cases in which one party is anative Hawaiian and the other a for-

eigner (alien or natuializcd) thejury shall be composed of an equalnumber of natives and foreigners."If all corporations in this country insuits ajjninst foreigners must heie-flft- cr

have n mixed jury, and inBiiils against Hawaiians, n native

.jury, tho probability is that theywill find it for their interest to dis-

incorporate under Hawaiian law assoon as practicable.

In regard to actions of ejectmentbrought by cot porations having, asmost our corpoiatious do have theirprincipal business ollico in Hono-

lulu, tho recent rulo of Court is heldby Judge Bickerton to exclude themfrom being heard in the SupremoCourt until all other cases arc dis-

posed of in which one of the partiesresides in Honolulu.

Tito residence, however, of tho

jwty lYOiild not of itself entitle the

ease to aliening in its order withother Supremo Court cases, fortho rule of Court clearly plnurin tho back ground, all ejectmentcases for land on the other circuitswhether cither patty or both pattiestesidc there or in Honolulu. Theobject of the rule was to give casesarising on Oahu tho precedence ofthose arising on the chciiits wherethey may be hcatd.

We aie not uwute that any ques-

tion the constitutional right ofthe judges ptactically to tlx localvenue of ejectment eases.

With five judges living in Hono-

lulu there ought to he an oppot Util-

ity to have both native and Hawai-

ian jury trials go on at the sametime,and the legislature might easilyhave avoided any doubt of theright of the judges to do this.


The reason assigned for placingthose hydrants near the centre ofthe side-wal- k on Alakea street, is

that they are placed where theyshould be when the street is widen-

ed. This reason might have beenaccepted as sound and satisfactoryif the street was being widened atthe time the hydrants were placedthere, or if the widening was aboutto begin, Hut those menaces to lifeand limb have been where they areseveral months now, and the streetis just whcic it has been for manyyears past, and wlieic it is likely toremain for many years to come, asfar as any contrary indications atpresent appear, hi the meantime,pedestrians continue to tumble overthe hydrants at night time, barkingtheir knees and endangering theirnecks. About a half dozen catas-

trophes per week, on an avciage,are reported to this otllcc, and pro-

bably many otheis occur that we

never hear of. We have come tothe conclusion that it is about limeto remove the hydiants, or to changethe line of street bo as to bring thedangerous obstructions to the outeredge of the side-wal- k. Delay mayresult in a claim for heavy damagesagainst the Government, as compen-

sation for a fractured limb or adislocated neck.


"Equity" wiites a letter tothe"Ad-verli-er- "

of a peculiar natiiie, in rela-

tion to a Hrji.i.riiN article of the 5thinstant. One of its peculiar fea-

tures is, that the writer avers an ab-

sence of desire on his part to stirup feeling against the individual re-

ferred to in our article as indictedfor trial on a charge of conspiracy,and then proceeds to do the vcrj'thing which he declines is absentIrom his wish. The only way wecan leconcile Ids declaration of feel-

ing with his subsequent representation of the conspiracy case, is by as-

suming that the jailer was either in-

voluntary or compulsoiy. Anotherof "Equity's" peculiarities is, thathe holds the shooting of a man to beno more sciious a matter than aconspiracy to defraud the revenue

life is worth no more than lucre.He will find considerable difficultyin imbuing the community with thisview. "Equity" sees in our article"a desire to woik up sympathy"for the person charged with conspi-

racy. His is a keen peiccplion todetect what docs not exist. Wehave no desire and have made no at-

tempt to work up sympathy for anyone in the case. Cur allusion to itwas simply for the sake of compari-

son, ami wenru quite satisfied thatnine-tenth- s of our readeis will agreethat the comparison tends to showwhat our article intimated partial-ity in the administration of lawand "Equity" cannot convince themto the contrary. Wo simply desire tosee the law fairly ami impaitially ad-

ministered toall alike none to escapeits penalties who disregard its man-

dates, and none to buffer its punish-

ment who arc not proven guilty ofinfracting its lcqtiirenicnts.

With regard to the shooting case,"Equity" is either not informed inregatd to its pretent position, or hopurposely attempts to create a falseimpression. We picfer to thinktho former. The facts aie, as weundutstaud tliem, that the ptelimiu-ar- y

heating in tho Police Court wasdefeired, to await the consequenceof the shooting to the wounded man,then under treatment in the Queen'sHospital. Tliu iiiun was discharged,recovered, but minus an arm, fromthat institution some weeks ago, andyet no hearing lias been had in thePolice Court. Why so? That is tliuquestion. As we said before, thoshooting may have been Justifiable,Indeed, we aie freo to confess ,vo

have tho impression that it was.Hut that is a matter to bo decided

by a Court of law, and not privatelyby any Government official. Thelong delay in bringing tho case be-

fore the Court lias created a prettygeneral impression that it was to bequietly "shelved," and wo have

a public duly in bringing itto notice, Had we obeyed the dic-

tates of our private inclinations we

would have remained silent.


Ennoit Hui.i.ktin: Knowing youare always happy to correct crron-iou- s

impressions in the minds ofyour readers, allow ino to testifybriefly concerning tho coming ofwhooping cough to Honolulu. Onthe 19th of June, 1S88, J called onfriends who live on Fort street.There 1 found children sick withwhooping cough.

Expressing Mirpriso at its exist-ence in town, I was told that thechild of a lady who was then visit-ing Unit family, and who had conicfioni San Francisco by the last Hipof the Alameda pi ior to that date,had been exposed to tho cough onthe steamer, two children who werethrough passengers to Australiabeing afllicted with it. The diseasedid not develop in this h'tle childafter its arrival, until all the cliil-dic- n

in the family had been ex-

posed, and at tho time of my callthey wore pronounced cases. Thiswas the 19th of June. The familyaccredited with bringing the coughto Honolulu did not arrive until the8th of July. They are thus neces-sarily released from the "entire"responsibility so frequently flung atthem, of introducing so serious atrouble into our midst.

Mus. B. F. Dii.mnoham.Honolulu, Jan. 8, 1889.


Fifteen years ago a woman inBoston touched her tongue to somelye and burned tho upper side of it.Since that time she lias been troubl-ed with ulcers, and recently it lie-ca-

necessary for the physiciansto cut her tongue out. The opera-tion was successfully performed, andtwo weeks later she was able to talkand make herself easily understood.This goes to show that a woman'stalk cannot be shut off, even with asuigical operation fPcck's Sun.

to cunt horses."Finely hied, i.uelligent horses,

aie very often ucivous. They aiequick to notice, quick to take alarm,quick to do what seems to them, inmoments of sudden tenor, neces-sary to escape lrom possible haimiiom something they do not under-stand. That is what makes themshy, boll, and run away. We can-

not tell what awful suggestionsstrange things offer to their minds.For aught we can tell, a sheet ofwhite paper in the road may seemto the nervous boiac a yawningcham, the open fiont of a baby car-

nage the jaws of a dragon ready todevour him, and a man on a bicyclesome terrifying sort of a flying devilwithout wings. But we find thatthe moment he becomes familiarwith these things or any other thataffright him, and knows what theyare, lie glows indifferent to them.Tlieiefoie when your horse shies atanything, make him acquaintedwith it; let him smell it, touch itwith his sensitive upper lip, andlook closely at it. Bemcmber, too,that you must familial i.o botli sidesof 111 id with the dicaded object. Iflie only examine it with the nearnostiil and eye, lie will be verylikely to scare at it when it appearson his off side. So then rattle yourpaper, beat your bass drum, flutteryour umhtclla, run your baby car-

nage and your bicycle, fiic yourpistol, and clatter your tinvvaic onboth sides of him and all aroundhim until he comes to regard thenoise simply as a nuisance and thematciial objects as only trivialthings liable to get hurt if they arein his way. He may not learn allthat in one lesson, but continue the

and you will cure all hisneivousness." Horseman.

Headquarters, Honolulu Rifles.

Honolulu, Jan. 8, 1680.

rpiu; Line or ccis of the 1st1 Hi. 'I.i n, II V, are hereby

oiden d to uim t at tho Armoryon WEDNESDAY EVENING,Janiiiuy tllh, at 7:10 o'ebd;, inFatigue Unifoiin, for the pur-pun- -

of electing the Fiild andS all' for

Per ordtr.II. F. IIEI11JA1H),

Miijor.Coniinaiuiing.Olio Aici.r.ou,

Captain and Adjutant. 141 It


A IHJNCII ofKeyp. A reward willbe eiven to any luison icturiiinir

same to thU otllcc. 141 tit


ON Satin 'nv iillciiioon iii, nsmull Silver Watch (with

tho letter "A. M. C'engiavedon bade of case), having u small SilverChain and Charm iiltiidiud. Finderwill bn icvvarded on leturaiug same to

e HI at

RANTEDGciinuii Oh wUhei aAVOUNO boiifework.

(lood lefcicxu; if reouired, Apply atNo, O'J, corner of Jlcicfimit and Alakeastreets. in tr

THE OLDEST DAILY In ihoX Kingdom "Tho Daily liullctia."

Auction Sale by James F. Morgan.


By order of .J. V. lliclife'il, Esq , Ad.mlnislrntor of the Etate or Manuel Via.(icnt, Jr., of Malianao, deceased, I willsell at Politic Auction, at my Hnloionm,Queen ln"-i- ,

On THURSDAY, Jan, 10, '89,AV 1 O'CIjOCK A. 31..

An Assoilnunt of


Uompi Ising

White and Brown Cottons !

Velvets', Meiino-- ,

White & Colored Flannels,Assorted Sh ,wle,

Ladies' Drees Goods !Bedspread-- , UlaiiUul",

Hnnrlrt ft"rs J I

Etc., IStc., Etc., Etc.

JAM. 1 JllOKtiAX,141 2t Auctioneer.


1Y uiderol II. I'. Maefaihnie, Enj.,will ell .it Piibli.: AueliMi. lit

my SilcMixiin, (Juien bluet,

On WEDNESDAY, Jan, 16th,


The Lease of that

PiBco or Parcel of Lid !

Occupied by II. It. Mnefarl.ine, its :iporli in of the picmi-i'- -. compris-In- hisrctidem e nt WniUiki, hel under nfioin ukuti 'K d bis heirs, dutod .lu'v IS,1378, rifimhd in Liber GO, on puce's ll-- l

and 115. The u bab a trim ot i

ycats to inn 1 om July IS, 38tH, with aprivilege of iciiewiil lor a furiliei teimof 10 jeais; annual rental 300 andtaxes; Bent paid to January 18, 1SS9.

Ti:it3ip. cas:i.CSDecds "t expense of purdia er.

JAS. F. MORGAN,13-- td Auctioneer.

Hawaiian Islands. In tliu uiailciof A M. HKWETr, of Honolulu, Oahu.a voliintiuy baukiupt.

Creditois ot the bankrupt arclifrebj untitled lo come in ami piovullieii "debts before such .ht-ti- oi theSupreme Court as tlmll be -- itliii!; inCliiinihcis at Aliiolani Hale, Honolulu,mi MONDVY, the 11 h day of Jaliuaiy.1SS1, beiween ibe hiiiii.-- ot ID o' Inelc inthe loii'iioou and in. on ol tliu smi day,and oket one oi ninu iisiij-nee- s of thesaid banl.iupt'h estate,

liy the Couit.I1ENKY SMITH,

Clerk.Honolulu, Jan. S, ISstt. 1 11 at


BY a Ilalf.uliilu I'.uy illinu lo doanvtliiiig. App'viil tin-- i. Ilice.

III!) ill


A DIAMOND and tupli-- Loci elon N( w Ycni'b iJav, on ICiim and

Ileiclnnia siiiet, oi the Jlanoa Itoad. Alevvaid ol 10 vull be paid to the tinderon leliiiuiug the same to1:18 Iw J. M. .MOXSAKRAT.


''piIE lejrular niceiing of the HonoluluJL Yacht & Hon Club will be held at

tlii'il b"ii' lioii'c at 7:''0 o'clock ! m onTUESDAY, the mi hist The dictionof ofllceis lor eiibiiing year will takeplace ami other hu incsK of iinpoitancuwill be brought lafoiu tliu nieeling. Afull iittcudancc is rtqucx'ed.

K. J.,139 3t frcreiiiry.


A QUARTERLY inceting of 0.Urcvvei itt'o. will be held at the

olllee ol tho couip'iny, on Queen itieet,mi the 1Mb itnUm, nt 10 o'clock a. si.

.1. O. CARTER,1110 lw Secretary


A SPECIAL meeting of the slock,holdeis of the Wuiiiliinu Agricul-tu- t

ill i&Oialng Co (I.imiti-dl- , will beheld on WEDNESDAY, the Hh day ofJanuary, at iho i lllcu of C. V. Iuukea,Honolulu, at 10 o'clock a, m.

O. I IAUKEA,128 td bceiotuiy.

SSO Reward.IIFTY dollars rewind will bo paid to

nu giving Infoiiiiiitiou leadingto the comluiiiii of any perpou alteiingthe swltche- - or pla ing obsti uctioiib ontho trauiway,



AT the ri'guliu meeting of the United('him Society held on thellrd

hut , tliu lollowing wore diclared dulyekcted iih ollleers of tliu corporation fortho ciiMiing'year, viz:

I'li'ildcnt A. II. LooNgawk,Yice.l'nbldeui L. Ahlo,bueietiuy Ho Eon,Afeitlant Wa Hin,Trcasui ei Ng Ong,ABsiblantTreaauicr Yen Chin.

HO EON,Sccrptniy U, U. S.

Honolulu, Jan, 7, 1889. i) Ut

Anclion Sales by Lewis J. Levey.

Assignee Sale ofi.i li


I am Instructed by Hie As Ijinvc n of theKslateorW. s. Lure, to sell

ul Public Auctiim ntlnv Fu'e-rnoll- l',

On FRIDAY, January 11, 1889,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

Tin,1 whole- - of Yv S. Luce'sHousehold Furniture & Effects

ComprlMnj; in part as follows:

1 Maplewood Upright Pianoforte

Hy ItmJftll & Cnitc, I.onilon;P. 15. W. Murhlc-to- p Bedroom Sits,1 Ash itciltoom Set,!1 S'niRle B. W. ItcdMciula,1 Child's B. YV. Folding Crib,

Hair, Spring & Wovon Wire MattrasscsB. W. Lxlcnion Dining Table

and Clinir-"- ,

ligaitB.w.SiM,Lotiiifu & Il1 LminKc.Coin, r Hook Cie,Woil.e I Clnin A Oipj Tables,

Ono Motlier-of-Pea- rl

Inlaid Centre TableWillow Parlor FurnitureI ni(;ii & Htniill Hu, M'lU',

Emwiis, oil PaiiitiBo,Ity 'Invernler ,v Strong;

Fi'.uher Pillows, Mosquito Nolo,B in ket!, Limp-- , Uioii.e-- ,(i'a-s- , Cioekuiy & Plated Ware,

Vases, Bric-a-Bra- e, .Nifu iV; Refrigerator,Pallor ltilk,

Kitchen Stove and Utensils,hlc, Kie., Etc.. Etc.

tST"Tliii Fitrnituie will be ready forin 'I coinm mi 'riiu:-ihi- y, .liiuuary lo'ih.

The AiieiioiiL'L'r dejliis to inloiin tholadie-- ' and gtntUoneii of Honolulu thatthe above is ail Furniture, andto those who aie lefiiiiiiihing this willbe a good ojipoilunily as everythingwill be sold without reserve.

XjEWJS J. LEVEY,138 Ot Auctioneer.


iwVjjj i) Jjl. iiiir. i uraisiieu nooms,'js'j.M! rJ it!iiiiie lot i:

ssS&ii'U wile, n single men Applyto No. til Alalua street. 117 lm


jvKM A SIX-KOO- Cottle onIvtiMS l"11"'1 n eei, immi trpiuc Apph t

J. M. VIVAS,ll:t tf 41 .Meiebant street.


A1 piriies iiideblid to W. S. I.uceon the t.Oth (lav of Sentiinber last,

are luimstul lo up llieir accountsat once V. S. LUCE.Uy hii uttoiney in f.iet, J'rank Blown.

112 tr


NOTICE is he-eb- given that Ahof Kallhi Valley, Oahu, has

sold to Mn Ah Lin, fur !!:!0, his un-

divided one-fif- th inteicst in a lease of aceitniu piece of piopeilv In Kallhi Val-ley, dating from l'obiuary t!2, 18!-8- ,

fioin Luna Kelenahe et al.j togetherwith bis iiiulividcil oiie-tlft- h inteicst inbuilding- - iheieon, fuinituie therein,four bor-C'- i, all agi leulttiral inipleinenst,etc., etc.

Signed, LIN AH LIX.Dated, Jan. 1, 1880. 138 2w


WHEREAS, W S. Luce, pf Ilono.UiH'lay made an assign,

nicnt of all bis jiropeity to tliu under.signed, for the benefit ot his ered toic,notice is hereby given t'i all purtiesovvitic s.ild W. S. I.uee to link-- ' iniinodiate pnjment, uml any prisons havingelainib against W. S I.iu e a'e reijuebtulto )ieseiit them at oute al (ho otlleo ofW. S. Luce, Mcicbiint ttieut, Honolulu.


Honnlulu, Dec. 1"), 188. 134 lm


I HAVE this day diepoicd of my en.liic interest in the riray and express

businc-- known as the American ExpressCo. to Mcsris. J. W. HcGuiio and JJleQiiien 'Ihunking my friends andthe public gcneially for past favois, Iwould most respectfully aslc for a con.linuanLO of the same for my successorsAll outstanding accounts to January 1,1881), will bo settled by me.

II. F. UEBRARD.Honolulu, January 1, ISS'J.

now prepared to conduct anextensive draylng and express

business, wc earnestly solicit patronage.Mutual Telephone, fiUS; Hell Telephone,ICO J. V. JIcGUIRE,187 lw J. MCQUEEN.


10 tho Creditors of tho Estate ofLeo Hoop & Co., haukruptP, tako

notice:That tho undoisigiied, Assignee of tho

E.tatu of Leo Hoop it Co., bankiupts,has piepnratory to his Until accountami dividend, subuilttid his accountas nidi Assignee ami tiled tho Famebefore Hon L RIcCully, Justice of theSupremo Court, at his Chambcis, towhom lm will at 10 o'clock a. m. onSATURDAY, tho 12th day of January,1HM), apply for a settlement of faid ac.count and foi a dhcliargo from all lia-bility as such Assignee, und for an orderto uiiike a final dividend.

And that any person interested maythen and there appear and contest thesame. W. 0. PARKE,

Assignee E4ulo of Lee Hoop kj Co,139 4t

THE ONLY LIVEPAPER inX Honolulu "Tho Dully Ruiletih.0 cents per mouth.

&, nsi jC jS7 Kh n Q u

Satin Ware,

Pcachblow Ware




Via5t Our Slovo ami Get Your Holiday PresentGratis !


for 'n'nflYS "9 VfM'WuMiOur Grand Silver Gift Sale

wn i. co.m.mi:nti:

On MONDAY, December 17th, 1888.u

During this Sale every customer puiehiisine; the nmoiint of $2.fi0 worthwill received n huml-oui- o


jmLJfWPCome niid examine our New Gcods, anil you will find them much neweriiiul lower in piicc then elsewhere. It is oiir unalterable detarniiuAlion tolnvvo no recourse to misleading or misrepicsentntion. Our mlvciti&ementtruly iepret,eiits Goods we offer for sale.

Over 120 doz. of Ladies' Fine White TJntrimmed Straw Hats.fP"I..ook at our Hotel Btreot window anil see the fine display of Silver-wai-o

hiiitnble for Holidays.The approach of the Holidays and overstock of Goods make it

that we mako most radical and sweeping changes in our prices,and we feel fully justified in publicly asserting thai in coming week ourpatrons can socuio advantages in


"Which havo never

iAC;fw v Sioslerv 1IVSC7ltl V "i Heaviest in attempted.

pSyWo will make


DAVID KAAIiiUE ltotlc, III ik -- ton.-, Bl u khite and hoil, fm- - ilu

in any quantiiN. Appl. it the 111c ofW. C. Acbi, Ka ah n m a n a street 11!) in

m ealand W lie(Sta- - Rrind )

In 4 doz. Cases of 1 lb. i ins.Fresh Supnllei by inch NewZei- -

land Ste-nne- Pi i Ha'e by

J. E. Brown & G o.,187 Bole A giir-- . I"

mg Goug

Lct any pcMmi !ve

Dr. kier's CIkitj MiniA trial, and the mo-- t violent cold

will, in a ihoit time boremoved.

nri Agents. 2 in

MrSluilcliiier, Tiivijaroi,1-tiiift-

INuti-Alooliol- iu.


J.E. BROWN&OO.,185 28 Merchant Btrcu. LI in

The Best Compainy



Richard A, McCurdy, President.

The Largest Company in tho WorldTho Oldest Company in tho U. S.

It Gives tho Most Liberal Polioies

andPays tho Largest Dividonds.

Claims paid to policy holders in thoHawaiian Islands, during tho

past ten years,

Over : & 1 00,000 OO.

For rutcb, apply to

w. it. koss:.General Agent, Honolulu, Hawaiian

Islands. oct-- 88-l- y





Glass Ware,

Etc., Etc., Etc.



been equaled.

Hosiery I Hosiery !

iiilucticni in all our depaitments.


NOTICE.Thiele will her

1V1 choo at the rooms f rmeily oc- -eupic.l by Mr-- , t'. R. Hebbaid, on

stieet, .Mrs. Uclib.ud having ed

her s.hool to Miss P. Thiele.130 lv


T AV. MoGUIHE heieby notifies they . pniilic that he will, in conjunc- -

ion i h .1. McQueen, cany on the Hag.j.ige Kpirssatiil Dravi ig Riisinessnoweoniliiced by J. Gici'i & Co., commenc-ing on January 1 18-- All kinds ofh'uvngu'-- s and drajing work) ommlj iiitemled to. 182 tf

Italian Tramways Co,



Kins Street Line

FARE, SCENTSFor any IMMance.

The Can will commence running on thofollowing Echedulo time,

Jan. 1st

gj"Tliis Hie Cut Prices over

JTKy P2rr)TtlBLBilllil




Lcavo niflo Range. Lcavo Chinese Thcal.

(1.00 a. si. I (1.30 a. sr.n.tto " 7.0.) "7.00 " 7.30 "7.1)0 " 8.00 '8.30 " 0,00 '0 30 " 10.00 "

io.uo " n.oo "11.110 " 12,00 m.12.00 M. lU.tit) r. m.l'.'.IIO v. jr. LOO "

l.U) " 1.30 "l.iO " 2.00 "2.80 " 3.00 " " 4,ooAAV) " I 30 "10 " fi.OO "n.oo c.30 "r,.30 " n.oo "0.H0 " 7X0 "7 :m n.oo "8.H0 " tl.OO "o.aii " 10.00

HUN,IAY8i8.30 A. M. 0,00 A. M.ll.20 " "11,30 " 10,00 "

10.2) " 11.00 "'lO.'.IO ' 12.10 1- m.

11 30 " 12,20 "l.IIOr. M. 2.00 "2.30 " 3.00 '3.30 " (1.00 "(lfi0 " 7.30 '7.00 " 0.00 "8X0 " U.10 '


Houis inarked () the Oira start fiointhe corner of Ueretinia and Puuahoustreets.

To insuro punctuality, it Is requestedthat passengers will, as far ac possible,Join and leavo the cars at the corners ofiho blocks.

They uro also respectfully cautionedagainst attempting to enter or alightfrom tho ears whilst In motion; to seethat the tieUt handed to them m returnfor their fare is aetually torn from thedriver's stiii lo retain that ticket dur.jug the journey, and to destroy It onleaving the car. Dec.2U 88

I'Mlir'riir i8S.Wt J&vMi.i ufc A1. d(h .v'UiM&fej'i MJuAiiiimkmimummdt, Mm c - u &fc . - wiJ&ifcliHj


Page 3: :f · Pressed & Undressed Kid Cloves, Silk Mitts, Etc., In all shades and colors; New Jerseys, New Sash Ribbons, New Shawls. A FINE ASSORTMENT. OF Infant'sLace & Silk Bonnets, Lace


Hackstand: Merchant and Foristreet. Telephones, 335.


!! n i mm nwwwm uummmtii !

g)aUg guTft-fi- n

TUESDAY, JAN. 8, 1889.


Jan 811

Bk (! O Wldtiiiore from Poit Towns-cu- d

Jan 8

Sluir Mtkabala for Kuual nt 5 p inStmr Wuinlriilo for Kauai at fl p mtf.'hr Wnlclm for Kauai

MARRIED.LYilAX-UAIiroO- K In Honolulu,

January ", 1SS!), at llic residence ofthe Initio's father, by the Jtuv. Dr.UecUwitli, Fiedcrlek ?. Lyman, .If.,and MUs .Mary A. M. Hnbcock,datmbter of Captain Win. liabeoek,allot this city.


Meeting of Honolulu Yacht andBoat Club at 7:30.

Excelsior Lodge No. 1,1. O. F.7:30.

Court Lunalilo No. GG00 A. 0.Foresters at 7:30.

George W. DeLong Post No. Jo,G. A. K., at 7:30.

Meeting Co. 15 Honolulu Riflesat 7:30.

Prayer meeting at the vestry ofCentral Union church at 7:30.

eventFtoSw.Qurtcily meeting of C. Brewer &

Co. at 10 a. in.Special meeting of Waiohinu Ag-

ricultural & Grazing Company, at10 a. m.

Prayer meeting at vestry of Cen-

tral Union Chinch at 11a. in.


Rev. Oliver P. Emerson is expect-ed on the Australia

Tho Board of Education has as-

signed Mr. P. S. Woolscy, who re-

cently arrived from the Coast, tothe Lahainaluua Seminary.

Police Justice Foster is havinghis olllce renovated.

'cohcerTat the hotel.The Band will play at the Ha-

waiian Hotel on Friday evening,when bandmaster Berger will treatthe public to an unusually choiceprogramme. It is to be hoped thatthe Alameda will arrive on time sothat our Australian visitors may en-

joy the music.


Last evening the cook of the barkJames A. King was leaving the ves-

sel, probably for a stroll up town,when he was accosted by PoliceCaptain Hopkins, who asked himwhat he had got in his pockets.Upon examination a tin of opiumwas found, and the cook was takenalong to the Station house andcharged with unlawful possession

InstallationLast evening District Depot

Grand Sire M. 1). Monsarrat, as-

sisted by Past Grands R. II. Gra-ham, E. R. Hendry, J. W. Pratt,Alox. Mackintosh and L. L. La-pier-

installed the following oflicersof Harmony Lodge No. 2, I. O. O.F., for the ensuing year:

F. J. Wilhelm, N. G.W. E. Ilerrick, V. G.W. G. Ashley, Secretary.0. J. Fishel, Treasurer.A. Gilfillan, Warden.F. D. Wicke, Con.J. J. McDonald, I. G.11. II. Graham, R. S. N. G.E. R. Hendry, R. S. V. G.

ttrir" - u J'liU'i1




A meeting ot His Majesty's Min-

isters was held yesterday, when itwas deckled to have Hawaii repre-sented at the Paris Exposition, whichopens May 5th and closes October31st. In our l$y Authority columnsuggestions are made as to whatarticles would bo most desirable toplace on exhibition at the exposition. Iho public generally arccalled upon to contribute specimensof the arts, products, manufacturesand natural curiosities pertaining tothese islands, and it is to be hopedthat thero will bo a very ready re-

sponse.Mr. John A. Hassinger, the inde-

fatigable chief cleik of tho InteriorDepartment, has been given thowork of arranging and preparingtho exhibits for shipment, and itcould not be in belter hands. Col.Z. H. Spalding will bo the specialcommissioner of the Government atParis and will bo on hand to give allnecessary information regarding thoexhibit and tho islands, which he isfully capable of doing.

There is no tlino to be lost, as allnotices of intention to exhibit andall applications for spaco should beinado to Mr. Hassinger on or beforetho 25th of this month, at the Inte-rior Department.

It may ns well be stated in thisconnection that tho publishes of the'Pnradlso of the Pacific" proposeforwurding large special editions ofthat paper for distribution at thoexposition.

DAILY BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H., I., JANUARY 8, 1889.UMKir?tawymiMMtrt Miaaarsgiw: wmjW wr1 itibwwi mi 1 wroMBMoamti tmwtvjsi


A young Gorman gill wants a situ-


Alii. A. M. llowett has gone intobankruptcy.

'I'm: OnveninionlJ'choolsIhif uiornin;;.

Mit. Justice McCully piesmlcs atChanibeis this week.

Mjisbhs. V. A. Scbaefcr ifc Co. haveEnglish ginger alo for sale.

A notici: to the lino oillcurfi of thorat battalion of Hawaiian Volun-

teers nppears elsewhere.

Tin: steamship Australia is duefioin San Fiancisco, with

seventeen days later news.

A copy of Thrum's Hawaiian Al-

manac and Annual has been leceivedami will be noticed later on.

A ruMj icpoit of last evening's en-

tertainment at tho Y. M. C. A. hullis held over until

O.v Thuieday Mr. J.F. Morgan willhold an administrator's tale. Fullparticulars in an advertisement.


Tin: wind was unusually btiungduring tho night. Cool weather atthe piesenl prevails and is very en-joyable.

Tiieri: will bo a meeting of Com-pany 15 Honolulu Ritlcs this eveningat 7 :3(), fnr tbo purpose of electingofftucr.?.

Ti:.ii:hs for punting and binding500 copies of the great icgisier ofvotersof tho Kingdom, should besent into the Interior oltice beforenoon tomorrow.

Thk sidewalk in front of C.Gert.'s stoic on Foit sheet, needslopairing. A lady came pretty nearmeeting with a sevoio accident thereyesterday afternoon.

Tiik subject of the prayer meetingat the vestry of Central UnionChurch this evening will bo, "Seek-ing Chiisl. A service for tho young,"led by Itev. W. 15. Oleson.

Tun legtilar meeting of tho Hono-- 1

ilu Yacht and Boat Club will beheld this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Afull attendance is requested, as theelection of olliceis for the ensuingyear, and business of iinpoitancewill come up.

Tin: local Amateur Opeiu Com-pany are desiious of obtaining addi-tional copies of Gilbert and Sullivanopen tin "Patience," for use at

Any ono having copies,who would be willing to lend or 4sellthem, aio requested to cuuiiminicalcwith J. E. Brown & Co., 28 Men-hun- t



A more careful, painstaking, andsuccessful teacher of children thanMiss Berry is hard to find. Herwork is her best credentials. Itspeaks more plainly and truthfullythan paper or parchment. The ac-

quirements of her pupils testify bet-ter thau any normal school ceitifi- -

cate that she knows how to teach.Miss Berry's school is on Emmastreet, and entered upon a newterm,, after the Christmas holidays,on Monday.


A meeting of the Hawaiian JockeyClub called for last evening did nottake place on account of no quorum.A committee of arrangement fromthe Jockey Club, however, havegiven the Hon. J. A. Cummins theuse of the track at Kapiolani Park,from now until March 17th, St.Patricks day. That date is Mr.Cummins' biilhday anniversary, andlie pioposcs celebrating it by an ex--uiUilioii or stock, a series of racesand a barbecue. Full particularswill appear later.


Tin: AViutAoi: activity puuvaimngL'aUAl, NU.MlSi:n OV 1IAXI1S kiipt


A gust of wind blew a Bulletinrcpiesentative into the olllce of theHonolulu Iron "Works yesterdayafternoon, where ho found ManagerYoung and Secretary Atwater hold-

ing a consultation as to the bestmeans of keeping warm during thiscold spell of weather. Mr, Younginvited the newspaper man to lake ascat, and then asked him his busi-ness.

I. "Well Mr. Young, the wind hasblown me here, and 1 may as wellllsh an item out of you befoie leav-

ing. "What is tho condition of tholion Works at the present time?

Mr. Young: About the averageactivity prevails, and the usual num-

ber of hands are employed.Itcprosentnlive: What work have

you in hand?Mr. Young: A maceration mill

with engine and gearing for the Ha-

waiian Agricultural Company isbeing pushed toward completion.This work is to bo shipped February1st, and will be erected at PahalaPlantation in the near future. Twopair of steel boilers have just beentinished for Waianae Plantation,There is also near completion onepnir of similar boilers being builtfor btock to keep tho incii employedin slack times.

ilcprcscutativc: What have youon hand in the machine shops?

Mr. Young: A seven-foo- t doubleeffect and an eight-fo- ot Vacuumpan, some mud presses and severalother articles are being built forstock in order to keep tho regularstaff, employed sp that break downs

(should they happen) may bo dealtwith expeditiously.

Representative: How about yourmethod of saving heat?

Mr. Young: 1 feel confident thatHie method of saving heat intro-duced by me will soon he adoptedby some' of the planters. This willincrease the work of tho boiler shopsomewhat.

Representative: Any oilier workon hand?

Mr. Young: Yes, by the way weare making n very large roller withsteel shaft for the Hawaiian Com-mercial and Sugar Company, Spreck-elsvilt- c,

Maui.Representative: You cannot com-

plain then of dull times?Mr. Young: No, taking every-

thing into consideration and the rea-son of the year, the Iron Works arefairly well employed.


nr.roiti: uickuutox .i.

Monday, Jan. 7th.The King vs. Keawe. Assault

and battery on a police ollicer onOctober 2d." Appeal from PoliceCourt, Honolulu, whereon Oct. Gth,defendant was lined S.")0 and costs83.70. Tried before a Hawaiianjury, who returned a unanimousverdict of guilty. His Honor sentenced the prisoner to hard laborfor fifteen days and to pay a fine ofSflO. J. L. Kaulukou for defend- -

ant.The King vs. Kahaiola. Larceny,

Jlli degree. Appeal from PoliceCourt, where on October 30lh de-

fendant was sentenced to twentydays' hard labor and SI. 10 costs,for stealing a hitching strap from acarriage. Tried belorc a Hawaiianjury, who returned a verdict ofguilty. The sentence of the lowerCourt is repeated. The prisoner,who was a recent candidate for ad-mission to the bar, conducted hisown defense.

Tuesday, Jan. 8th.35. Deputy Attorney-Gener- al A.

P. Peterson for Crown ; V. V. Ash- -

ford for defendant; defendant inperson. Sentence defeircd yester-day until this a. m. Court passessentence allirining sentence of lowerCourt : IS months' imprisonment athard labor, 5t lino and costs.

51. Both counsels present. De-cision reserved yesterday on plain-tiff's motion to advance cause onCalendar and on defendant's motionto transfer cause to Hawaiian juryCalendar. Plaintiff's motion over-ruled. Defendant's motion allowedso far as to Hawaiian jury Calendarfor causes from other Circuits.Plaintiff excepts to both rulings.

5(5. Cecil Brown only for plaintiffappearing, and no ono for defend-ant. Clerk's certificate of defaultbeing filed the Court makes the or-

der ot default, giving judgment forplaintiff.

1. Ttial of Waialealc is begun.Deputy Attorney-Gener- al A. P. Pe-terson announces that Mr. W. R.Castle will assist the Crown. Mr.Kaulukou announces that Mr. A.Rosa will be associated with hint inthe defense. The following aic thejuiors, viz: John Hale, Thomas P.Spencer, Hyle Kapu, R. N. Moss-nni- n,

Piikoi, Kualaku, Kauuha, Geo.Markham, W. P. Hoop.ii. II. W.Lahilahi, J. Kauhaue, Win. Mc-Gur- n.

Evidence for prosecution be-

ing taken when at 12 in. recess istaken until 1 :15 p. m.


bukoiu: roi.icB rosTiut.

Tur.SDAV, January 8th.Wong Wai alias Awai, was

brought up on remand charged withunlawful possession of opium pr apreparation thereof. Found guiltyand sentenced to be imprisoned athard labor for feix hours and to paya line of $j0.

A nolle pros, was entered againstMrs. Margaret Meine for desertingher husband, and F. Uarringer forbeing a common nuisance.


Opium-eater- s take the drug inevery variety of form, hi the crudestate the gum is eaten or smoked,In the liquid prr parations the tinc-ture is the most popular; but pare-goric is a favorite form, especiallywith women, while thu elixirs aicalso largely used. Morphia holdssway over a large propoitionof con-

sumers either by the stomach orThe amount of the

sulphate of morphia Unit can betolerated by a continued subject isenormous, sometimes reaching ashigh ii3 sixty grains in twenty-fou- r

hours. Every physician lias seen inopium habitues cases illustrating, tou greater or less extent, the stimu-lant action upon the intellectualcenters. Theie are cases of societywomen who, having spent most ofthe day in bed, will Hash most bnl-liunt- ly

in the evening under the in-

fluence of the drug. And the fas-

cination of literary and esthetic con-

versation, so captivating to the ha-

bitues of salons, is not unfrequentlythe inspiration of tho potent stimu-lant. When tho habit is given up,tbo mind usually is restored to itsnormal activity ; but when indulgedin forycaiB, opium may pioduce upermanent enervation of tho mentaland moral faculties, and this dete-rioration is no doubt duo to organicdefeneration of tho cerebral centers.

1 HE DAILY BULLETIN-T- hoinoi poiiiu' paper puuiiiiiRO.

rrHE PEOPLES' PAPER-T- hoX Daily Uullctlu 00 cts per month.



On typhoid fever the rcpoi t of thoPhiladelphia Board of Health says:"Typhoid fever has prevailed to anunusual extent in llto cities of Pitts-burg and Philadelphia. Both out-

breaks were clearly duo to a con-

siderable extent to the character ofthe di inking water used. The Boardurges such Stato legislation as shallensure the puiity of the water sup-plies of cities and towns." "Ex-



One of the New York doctors re-

ports a case of deafness caused bya kiss on the car. Most people aredumb after a kis3, but deafness isa new symptom. There should bea kissing school opened. Most peo-ple no more know how to kiss thanthey know how to lly, There is noreason why a fellow should rupturea young lady's ear drum or explodehimself in such an outrageous man-ner as to prevent her hearing hisprotestations of affection. As toboxing children's ears, that is a bar-

barous habit that ought to bo pre-vented by law. Has not naturecarefully provided beforehand anappiopriale place for the mother'smanual exeicise? Let kissing andspanking bo dono with a sense oflituess. St. Louis Globe Demo-crat.

WIIAT WOMEN TALK ABOUT.What do women talk about?Weather llrst. beyond a doubt:Then their llioughu begin to goOn the topic told below.

Tin: topics.Minietirs: and church affairs;Household worries children's cans;Acbes and pains and pains and aches;New recipes for making c.iki&.

Servant gills with horrid ways.;Latent fashion; tciiipciatiro urnzc;How to save the heathen band;.Jai3 of fruit for winter canned.Bonneu, dresses. ilbbon, gloves;chopping fun; young maidens' loves;Goiip. scandal, juite b.tuusoAnd icllglous arguments.Babies; what to eat and wear;How to hide the silvered hair;How to keep a youthful faceAnd pie-crv- e a form of grace.These anil similar things. io doubt,Do the women talk about;Though tho m"ii suppose, ahem,That they only talk of them.


Xoticc mulcr tils head aic charged If) eenltper lineor the jlrxt insertion, aiul Gc ntsjitrtiiicevery ntldtllonal tnsiitlon.

"ID VAN'S BOAT BTJHjBINGJLV SHOP, ileiir of Lucm-- ' Mill.

6. A, R. Notice.

IlKADQrAKTKKb. GKO. V. DnT.ONC 'J'osr, Xo. ir. Dr.i'T. or Oam- -I'OIINIA, Ci. A. 11. f

Honolulu, January 8, 1SS0. J

rpilEHU will be a regularJL niiTtiujj of this Post

THIS ( Tuesday) EVEN-INO-,in its Hall, Kin),'

stieet, at 7:150 o'clock. In.stiilhuion of Olllccib for theAi j; j car. A full at-tendance is riqucMcd.

J! oiocr.V. ASI1FOHD,

Commander.J. V Koni.i:,

Adjitt'int. Ml It

NOTICE.Jr ipEHSo.Na disposal to en-J-

gfis i" catching aidctjrin Mnnli lSiidsnml Spni-iow- s

it. laigu numbere, wMllnd it piolltnblu to themselves by apply,nijr for a puich it thU otllcu.

141 lw

FiiriiiUive For Sale andCottage To L.ct.

Vi " fj" U UN II U lit: for -- nlc, cheapt'&A - for . in a collap" on

aa2aJ15oic!ui ii'lnt, near I'unMrtLt Tlio sMiio Colt lye lo let at

ftiri per month Aw y ,,k. woiri-nts- ,

H'jvul Motel, corner ul fitiuiiiiu tuitlilcrelnnt htrcrw. Ill !lt


finish Ginger lis.'oit ham: at

i l mmR & CO.'S.HI lw

J lonoOo74 King st. 74 King st.

xmmImpmtrrH of

Rattan & Reott Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMm id Willi Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

C0RNICEP0LES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A bpechiilty.


TBHE DAILY BULLETIN is a liveX eveuluK punur. 00 cents per mouth,

To Stand tliis Season, Jan. 1, '89

AtSInUttlct'i Ntncit I'nvta,Tho Imported Morgan Stallion

'Glory' Glory'

Term! : Hi5 for I'.iu-- Jlnre.

Mir'ibrcd to "GLORY" can lemaliion tup farm nt a pasturage at Oil! perunuuin. Kvtiy core taken but noics-ponsllillil- y

Inclined.not pinvhig in foal nlny bo

returned new seaten free of rlmrgo. If IHill own the Horse. ,S. SA.1T.

2120 UGMiw

Miss S. R. Patch,-- or-

Kawaialiao Fonialo Seminary.

Tear of Voice & Piio,Is picparcd to receive pupils.

Refers, by pel mission to leading pro-fessor. of music in California, and topievious t'Xpeiicnce In teaching in thatStale. Address as nboc. 2w

JUST IrEGEIVEBi:.v 'misMcoKiv


CMLi: U11.1.TJ5 1

Apollinans water,"Tho Queen of Table Waters."


F. 1 SCHAEFER k CM183 lw

HLO. r. StVtKIN,Photographer ,

Hii taken iho Studio formerly occupiedby A. A. Moulano, coiner of King

and Fort stieets, and is prc- -paicd to take


t'rintliic: Sd:c tov Amateur,Cabinets $6 a Doz. Work Guaranteed.

l&y" Entrance on Fort Street. "S3a1'.'2 Lf

KKMINGTONStandard Typewriter,

Tho Fastest Machine in the WorldKOlt

Legal & Commercial WorkResult of Special Contests for 1888:

Cincinnati, July 20th. Remington 07woida per minute.

New Yoiik, August 1st. Itemiiigtonwon ht, -- nil, ilrd and 4th Prize.

TonoxTO, August Kith Kcminutwium (cliuinpimisliip of ihu world) Co d

and Silver Mcutils for it vcirecorded 99 words per minute, c.'Mlud.injr eirors.

LkrGi:oi(oi:,N. Y MeGnuin brokethe lecoril, writing on the Kcminnton103 words per minute, excludingcirors; wiitinj; blindfold 107 words perminute.

IS?" To bu had with or without f'abi-net- s

ofW. 31. CHFFA11D,

Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands.

N. 15. Letteis suidros-Mi- to tin- Ai'i-i- t

o.o v. i. inviu iV; i;o. will navi piom: tntlt'itlion. dec-iOb-

Notice of Special Partnership.

'PHIS is to ceitify tluit the under-J-

tigui'd have formed a special pan.iici-- li : p piirMiani to the btatuto in such

in. iilii ami provided.Tim the niiinc of thu firm under

which such .n i ticrcli t is to be d

ii 'Sine Chong it Co,"'I'luit the general nature of the bus),

ness to be traiibiicted is the laUim;,planting mid uiiltivntiug of rice in theIblaii'l uf O.iliu, the own I n l' and opernt.intr of rice cleaning: mills on Fuidof O.diu, and the biiyiui: and selling ofall kinds of uoodn, wares" mid murchnu-dib- e

in said Island of Ouliu.That thu principal p.lacu of s

of paid tb m is Honolulu, Ishind ol (Jaliu,on MuunaUc.i btreo'.

That thu mimes ol all the general andspecial pnrtiieiB tiro as fiillouw:

A. II. Loo Ngawl;, lIoniiQuon, TonicCSkiiii; Hoy and L. Alai, i,o all lesiiloin Honolulu, Ih'tuul ot O.iliu, mid Linn.Siy Kuu, who reside at Knaiiu-ii- , Districtof Koolitui oko, I land it O.vhu, aic thugcaeriil partner', and Lum Chuiif? Wiiand Tong Ilunj;, ho icuiilo in Hono.lulu, Islnul of Uahu, anil L. Apana,Toni Cln.iig Wip, Ltong Nam and L.Tuck ICon, who nt Kong SheongTil, Dmiu i ul Iloi.n-- Sun, In the Km-lir-

of UhiiM, !ini tie l p.irinurB ;

und tlnil tlie u'd A II. Lm Xeiwk,Iloni; (iuon, 'long Ulmng Soy and L.Alui, liiive eontri l.uii-- the bum ofIhcl ous mil , (8"i,O0O) ; mid thuitalil hum Siy Kuu, has the

ot I'll I ten thouMind dollars tinODD) towanU thu c.ipltul t ck, and thatthu ulil parUK rIiip h to coiiimencu onilio ltt day of .liinuaiy, A. I). ISSU, andto coiitiiiuu and ho in form lor thu termof la j." . tiom bald 1st day of January,A. 1) l!l

Dated Honolulu. Nov. hOth, A.I). U83.A. H LOO NOAWK,110XC QL'ON',TUNO Oil UNO SOY,1. ALAI.TON(i 1IUNO,LUM CHUXa U'AA,LUM .AY KAU,L AI'ANA,

lly hh atl'y in fact A IL Loo NgawkjTUNG UHANQ WAI lw),

lly bur ntt'jr la fact '1'ong Chuni; .Soy;LKOXO NAM.

Hr his att'v la fact A. II. Loo Ngawk;L. TUCK KONU,

Hy his lt'y in fact A. II. Loo Xgawk.

Duly uckaowledj.'ol hoforo Tlios, W.Ilnbion, Notary l'nblic, Uluuil of Oahu,thu 4th day of'Decern her, 1838. r

125 0toaw



Notice of faoval.

Mr. Ehrlieh begs to inform his num

erous patrons and the public in general that

the "Temple of Fashion" is moving to the

Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets, and will

be in order for business on Saturday morn--.

December 29, 1888.Ill o

--S T 31-



Ii 33



Fancy Goods Smtable for tho HoMay Seasonsuch as

Satin Table Scarfs, Shaded Plushes, Velvets, Surahs, CurtuliiH, 'JTldloH, Hlioe linfCH, iDto.

Full Lino of Embroidery Material, Chenille, Arrasene, Tinsel, Pon-Pon- s, Etc.

We call particular attention lo our fine Belcetion in

IttiHiiJlo Glflli Gents, Youths CllrenFurnishing

& Etc.

Immense Assortment Neckwear,If you want


Call on us

E. workSopt -

SUy Pa in Clil ers


In future,

-fintS -A'EW GOODM

something fine in

going elaewlicre.

in Point Laces on exhibition here17 -88

for & !

Goods, Trunks, Valises,llata Caps, Etc., Etc.,

An inLatest Style


CSMro, C.Eowo's beautiful


& Go.'s-- OF-


Toys Xoll,

&L0VE & HANDKERCHIEF BOXESAnd a few Choice Carved Ornaments.



Mrs. 13. Small will bo prepared to doOulMiiK and Fitting.

1751 ly





ware Co., Ld,-- o-

Lino of t&-- BAHUA1NB

xoiri WAUtiaiax, j2oistox-.xji-x-j.

Lamps, Chandeliers & Lanterns,At Lower Prices than over before. New iuTOlce of

smp-HAiw- m PLOWS HEN'LMICHAIISE.Jut--t Uceeived

IS'ovtsItleM uiul iuncy Goodu, Ii Large Variety.aug.'J;88

' i ..., J',, wtfa

.i jAi dS'

Page 4: :f · Pressed & Undressed Kid Cloves, Silk Mitts, Etc., In all shades and colors; New Jerseys, New Sash Ribbons, New Shawls. A FINE ASSORTMENT. OF Infant'sLace & Silk Bonnets, Lace



&- -



ii '


r ' -

$,- .sat"










-- i


iwjiii i mi.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,E- - V CORNER FORT


AND KINONew Goods mi-lve- by every Packet from tho Eastern Sliti fl nnd thiropi

Fresh California Pioduco by eveiy Steamer. All onloi attcmliil tonnd tioixN delivered to nn partciteu. s utstaction guiranieca.

Telephone 240.-

01 tno utv lrtu 01 i unrj,e. island unlcis foil.Post Olllco Box. 145. No. 0.3 I nuv.-- l 81


Frozen Oysters and Trosh California I ruits, Fisli, Games and on ICE by eachsteamer ol Hie 0. S. C. Co. A complcto line ol Crosso & and

J. T. Morton's English Canned Goods always on hand.

IV E3 W GOOD tSUliljie Infmti Fond, Frinoh in gIb-- , In tln, Ornund

I'io-- a, 111 u-- well Fresh Fiuii Jams In ghts Smiled 01les InHlu- -, W.ilnn i, Almoin"-- , Fllbeit, Puacun ifc Brazil Nnl, Foiled

Cal. Mild Croam Cheese. Eastern Chccso, Qrcgun Cream Cheese, Young American Cheese,Swiss Cheese. Edam Chccso, Topo Can Creamery Butler In 3lb tins,

Kegs GumMin Suit Pickles, lYtulunm lable Fruits in gloss jnr, Finest DelicsiTiiilu Hal in- -, rijt il Sao Mackerel in nib tin, Kegs Ameilciu

Saucv, Cape I "ode 2Mi Blocks CodlMi, AmleisoniMIik'u .Meat in Jacob Hold's Unlliilo Hams, liittiikir-- i blur

Ham-- , Old lti It itile Itmn & IS icon, fieh lot of Gulden bLuls, Cicily Lemons,Apiih'N "V tili luinips Now 1'otitoLS it Onions, Cil. Uoll Buttir,nrc, iru, Kfo, civ., etc, ETC., ETC.

ap-l- GJ









SS S3lMushroom (lllinrilclli


Suieikrnut,Crnnberrj Cranbenles Cele-lirtiti- d


Istls&iul Ordei's olioitocl.


JUSTKit Salmon Billies Block Codfish, Smoked Beef, liuffnlo Hani ilIi.iioii. lloxts Siiidkcd Ileitin, Tins Norwegian halt lleiring,Miltl Cal. CIici-l- '. Atniores Mini-- Jleat, Green Tuitlc Soup,Terrapin Soup, buyai Uaibins. Curt ants, Walnuts, Almomls,lried 1'o.ilIios, I'i tines, Dates, Honey, Ceieolinc Flakes,

O.Vl'lO COD OK.VISIJlSlXXillllfeJ,'I'otnato lvelfliup, Cubes Sugar Coin, Cases Sugar Peas, JerseyMine Potatoes, Uutn Hagas Tin nips, Calafornia Onions, Crackers,all Icimls; Cliotee Teas, Fieeli Apples, Saloon Pilot and MediumBread, Wheat, Floui, Butter, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assortment of Cauned Meats, Fruits and Other Groceries.

nh-9- J 8 Leave your otdcrs, or ring up 119. -- a 8G

jiTelephones, No. 175.

J01 IT? J

Granite, lion

A. M.

Civil and

Fort Bluet, ; . Honoluluoct.10


Xmas or Now Year's Presentlb A

Lawn or Set


SportHinci', Aiii'iilli'ii! Wc ha aCom, liite l.inu of

;Zriu 'nil. -- feJU.--

Whlte & Hew Home Sewing Machines,

dec 8 J Fort Street. (1883


-- P. O. Box 207.



"JCor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.

Kaan t.


MANUEL WUNES,o, lt Iliitol Htieet.

itiiitiiVK&. String IiiHtrniiit'iiHOf nil kind M.tdo A, Hepiiittd

Woik, mid Inillfttlri!: InWon,! it ij i c billy 2070 m


XX answci to eiuiuiiies con-eetn- in

Whalo Uoat l'latues, olmp now In cdiino of eoiihtiiietlon,!! Wh.iln l'l.iuicti 74 feet by 112 feetlung. The,o fi.iuirs mo bent in onupktu of o ik. mid held to fclmpc, thusiriiulliiiir liltlu tutt to net tliciii nit andliitild. Tint full fiaiuo for utiuh bouts,including L.intr, 15 M'i'tloiii in iiitinhci,U hold at h-- H with liiiubtonis on keel,and iu.hJj to plinUflU. 'Jhcy aiu notIntended to bo ellukei built, nut as tho

Mi. ill Unpolled whalo boats juopei, butno lulfiiiled foi lough iiki and diiinhl- -lll..t't light with il. foi ilMhing midHailing piiipu.-c.- -. We hum cxpoitcd

' tin.-- i) fi.iiiun and Intend doing so, nndiiuiku thlt- - otfei to atiiiiK iti8 mid oIIim.sdi'Mioin of ti.tlng tiiolr hand, withplcnt of li'Uuio and small easli to makea liii'-luc- Will bend fi.imrs to anyglen inoiioi lion) . to --'ft tons, aipo onhand for h.ilu Htiifuud IMcasino Hoats,Steins, Knees and Tiiuheis. MutualToliphouu No U25.

dowj:k A; son.70 tf Uoat Builders.

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House KeepingPLUMBING, TIE", COPPER AND993 Sheet Iron Work.


Engineer Surveyor.


TbddJs Croanet

Sportman's Outfits.




and Tin Ware

Whale Boats'


Steam Works, Sunny South,

Tele.: Boll 18G, Mutual 245.

Depot, 28 Merchant Street,

Tclo.: Boll 172, Mutual 3G0.



Mucin n .line til ii cry.

rnlent iiltiHs Vnl( Kottlcs


The only KnijINh Apparatus making

High Class

Tahiti Lemonade,

Cream Soda,

Ginger Ale,

Hop Ale,

And Pine, Stiong Effervescing

SODA WATER.BgOrdcis dcliviicd to nil part of

tlw i itv. Island oiikrti bolicitul. 38 If


Direct from New York andChicago.

Made Expressly for the Ha-

waiian Trade.


Just Recived Per "Australia,"A Fine nt of

Hats, Bonnets,Turban, Walking Main,

And all kinds of

CJliildlreii's Jt&ats !


Biin i Hat TruuriiKAND

Sash Ribbons in All Colors & Shades,

Togethei williim Klegimt Assoit-inen- tot

Ornaments, Lace Pins,And all kind of

Fancy Feathers, WingsAnd other Nocltie. never before

teen in llicsc Isl iud.CHEAP TRIMMED HATS !

llclow Cost.

Dcc.13 83.1y

Richard Cayford,VETERINAJIY

70 & HI Hint; hlitet.Shoeing, from Sl.fiO.

Horses and Cuttle Troated foiall Diseases.

Bi'oldince: ( linmberlnlii IIouh1, ntztKdwniiiliiio ( hurcli.

1. O, itOX 4t)N,




PAX PER In tho Kingdom "TheDaily Bulletin." CO cents pur mouth.

M a,L


BE3332SB Itfrmm5


fmmmmiiri s'

2:4S-gS- i'


i j

o4$? 5

ge i


5 o J

t o i



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S'W 5


HSaE3ESm i


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mrtrto4rmW4wmo tit O

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t--i ert-- O' CDp -i.

r c pJ3 02 CD


p aCD V"a

H' 4 M W$


SELLING OUT AT COSTAs they quit business on Jnnuary

1, 1888.


Holiday Goods


AVq lnno

Largest StocK of Hay MsIn Honolulu, and want everybody to

see them beforo purchasing.



Australia! Mail Serfice.

FOlt SAN FltAKCISCO,The new and fine Al steel steimship

"Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, wil

he due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

January 14, '89.And will leave for the above port withmalls and passengers on or about thatdue.

For Irelglit or paubttRe, having It


WE G. IRWIN & CO., Agents

For Sydney and Auckland,

The new and flno Al steel steamshipik Zealandia,"

Of the Oceanic Stuum-hi- Company, willbe due at Honolulu from San

Francisco on or about

January -- -, '89,And will have piompt dhpatch withmalls and passengers for the above porti

For freight or passage, having SUPEIMOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents

J. E. BROWN & CO.,as Merchant Ht., Honolulu, H.I.


Conveyancers & General Agents


Sole Aents for the Burlington llouteArtosi America, and to tho Adores.

Bole AcenU for Pitt & Scntt's ForeignParrels Express & Generul ShippingAgeucy.

Sole Ageuts foi Sunny South AeratedWaters.

Solo Agents for Mnscfleld Bros.' NewZealand Mullet and Canned Goods.

Special Agents for I.endiug New Zea-land and Australian Mercantile Firms.

Special A gents for the (Jilifornla LaudAssociation.

Special Agents lor the Honolulu i'.usi.nes Directory.AIho, Other Special AgciicicM.

jfoflr- - Customs' Knlrles Passed. Pro.ptities Managed. Assignees ami Audi,tois' Work done promptly. HousesLeased and Rents Collected

New Business SolicitedBoll Tclo. No. 172 Mutual Telo. No. 300.Dec-- 5 Foil Orflco Box 400. 88-l- y





74 King st. 74 King st.

Impoitcis of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos &. FurnitureMoved with Cine

Matting and Carpets Laid.

co&rncEPOLES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr 10 88


FOR llu SaleThe Entiie Plant of tho

Star 111 uiiiitf.Iolili:Is offered For Sale. The Machinery

is in perfect working orderand consist ol

One 26x48 Mill with Engine,Trasli-carrlo- r, Etc., complete,1 Pair ol Boilors Cx20,1 Doublo Effect G and 7 feet Pans,1 Vacuum Pan G foet with Blako Pump,3 Weston Centrifugals and Engine,

Together with the usual assortment of

Clarifies Clean'g Pans, Coolers

And other Machinery usually foundin a well appointed mill.

AUo, a number of

la H:i

Cane Cam & Gen'l PlantationImplements.

Delivery will be given after next crophas been harvested, say about July 1,1880.

tSTFor further particulars apply to

JOHN HIND,ManogerStar Mill, Kohalu, Hawaii.


Tho Inter-Islan- d H tea inNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for saleSteam Family and Blacktmitb. Coal

and & general assortment ot415, Bar Iron. u,li I A


Meat Company81 KING STUEBT,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale-- & Retail Butoliora



Choicest Mutton !

Beef, Pork,XTitili, "Voprctu.UleH, &c., &;f

AlwnyB on hnnd at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Win. McCnndlefs),

No. queen Mt.. : : Fish Mnrltot,Honolulu, H. I.

rFmily and Shipping Oidcrscnrc- -f ill ly ntlcnded to. Live Slock furnishedto vessels at bhort notice. my 17-8- 8


Nuuanu Street.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Pork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fresh Bvery Day.

tg"His noted Sausngcs ate made bythe evtrj list machiuei y, nnd all orderscnlriiMul to his care will he deliveitdwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices are as low as anywhere in thecity.

EST Try his Bologna Sausages." 89

or uonnoisseursJust leeched iiMiiall consignment of

Choice French ClaretsrFiom ihi' well-know- firms of Dubos-

l'lcn.". and anusse & Pancol,Boidc.ux, France:

Slcilou 3Ioiioiol,Clitit o:ii Liarohc,Cluvleaii JLicovIllo,Jlaut ISrlon.

Cliitt-oivi- i Ialllc,Alto, from tho cellars of Romans & Co.

London :

Koch Fils Champagne, 1880;(In Quarts & Magnums)

Cliambci'tlii, 1SC4:Olmmliertlu, 1874;

Cliatonu I'Vqucm, 1NSH;liy Curucoq, S "1'enrH Old:diuteuu 31nruux, 1877;Grando Fine Champagne Brandy, 1811.

figgrTlie above einiDrices tho ChoicestBiands of AVims and I Kpiois ever im-ported to this market

von ,asa: iiyMACFARLAME & Go.

nov.10 88



Proof Safes--TX13S-

Safe & Loot Co;Of Canton, Ohio, U.S.A.

Having established an Agency iu thisCity for tho tale of their manu.

facturc, which are

Surpassed by A3 oneIn their line iu the world, nn opportu.nity is ollered to all lequiring protectiim of their Valuables from Firo andThoft to supply lliemfolves on termswhich defy competition.

fS" For particulars inquire at -- a

Culick's Agency,No. 38 Merchant St., Honolulu, H. I.

sept-2- 4 88

Honolulu LibraryAND- -

Readinq Room Association.

Cor. Hold &. Aluhcu StiectM.Open eveiy Day and Evening,

The Llbiary consists at tho presenttliuo of oer Flvu TIiousjiuI Volumes.

Tho Beading Boom Is supplied withabout fifty of tho leading ncwgpnperaand pei iodic lis.

AP.uloi is provided for conversationnd games.Tonus of inemueishlp, fifty cents a

.nontli, payable rjtmrleily in ndvaneo.No fonniillty requited in joining excptsigning tho i oil.

Strangeis from foielgn countries andvisitois fiom tho other islands are wel-come to the looms at all times as guests.

Tills Association inning no legtiiarmeans of sunpoit except tho dues ofiiienibeis, it is expected that residentsof Honolulu who desiro to avail them-selves of its piivlleges, and nil who feelail ititciest Iu maintaining nn Institutionof this kind, will put down their namesnnd becomo lcguhircontilhutors.

A. J. OAKTWBIGHT, Prca.,M. M. SCOUT, Vlco-1'rcsld- en

H. A. PABMFLBK, Secretary,A.L.SMlTH,Tie.isurer,0. T. HODGKBS, M.D.

CUairniRn Hall and. Library Committee,


V- -



